The T^l^l, -■"" Herald. SOUTE^ AND W {Published every Tuesday and Friday) b- Vol. VJ.—:No. 520. "'«■"■■■" fe HOTELS &c, Bruce ■-■.' -c-^T" ' /HOTELS, *c. ; - " : ::!Vi> ; j { BUSINESS NOTXgEiS^ -j rj Isth,:ts73. '■ NOTICES ' , U1 is.> mR&VELLERS to and fromDunedin will mHOMSON AND -*"■ CRITERION -HOTEL, MILTON. always jfindRegdy a}|;the White H<uße " Hotel,jTaieri-Village,a goodCup of Tef or ; , ' &ECO^DE^ !| I(Single Copy^ price 6d; Quarterly, 8s; do. withpostage, 95.) U--./. BTTSINEBB NOTICES. T*|-ACDONALD j: OH TV , T BAR N BUSINESS NOTICES. I ME! T IME! T IMB, Carpenter GENERAL MERCHANTS, f ': BALCLUTHA. Agents : Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. . WM. M. WHITE, And /"_ ;■ > ; fl O-T E^L Coftee.; Wheelwright, Contractor, Milton, -' ,^,-v'j ; . Balciutha,»' >a, ■: ?■?. "WinißS, and Ales unrivalled. Spirits, HA.j Agent for Mcdre's Superior WaiholaLime. BALCLUTa Hasnow opeued the above Establishment, WNSEND, aEORGE ;Proprietor,, :i^r : _ AMOS M'KEGG, Proprietor. /TO Business, to BuildingMaterials andFurnishings. and hop by^.aj^ic^at^ntipn Fresh supplyalways on hand. S\N SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED patronage whichhas ot TT.OTSL, a share that mAiIERI to merit TpAST MURRAY, to the increase— of Trade, the Wholesale and Retail: TO BORROWERS; hitherto been bo amply bestowed uponhim. ..-. , :, Z.above pld-established Hbtel has just (10 Miles from Dunedin) ;/ f Z^IOSTNELL AND MOODIE are prepared / FinestiN^ewSJason')|,Teas, chests,halves, ■, The House, which has just been erected^ ,undergonea thbrdughr'overhaul.' It'hasbedn ' .* j^M-AND CLOTHIER, > m i,,East Taieri, to advance any sum of money from ,with conevery replete re-papered,re;paint§dand.dwprated^j|seyeral Travellers wijy^id boxes"; Best Tellpw and "W^it* upwards LIOO on approvedfreehold security been, made lor the conveni- JWm. KNOTT Proprietor. . . renience. '-:^-'l"jl-Jf-. U'"Mf. U-. .'?■!¥/''" alterations have MILTON. at Crystal Sugars,; Duncan's finest the lowest current rate of interest. very has public ence of the ;aneitensiv© addition Inspection ia injotedjtp *X\, as tteduejf security If ; declined, ia no charge made. erected, apart alsobeen which has been set Flour j M'Gilfs and Doull's Oat- T> W. C A P S T I C X, Titles brought "tudy of the Proprietor in,Uie den'gitof the entirely fdr Stabling S^* Good and Paddock Acsomunder Transfer Act if Families, .IX Auctioneer, "4 BuUd^has-ltoen^to^m^etM^^y^^??*! "Commercial the use. of&c.Private modation. meal ;Wines, Spirits, Ale, andPordesired. Travellers^ >i of all clashes of the community. AND OF THE WEST HOTEL, apartments havebeen so arranged a ter Cornsacks, Seaming Twine, 1Z AITANGATA COAL COMPANY G OARRICKTOWN, -*^* GENERAL AGENT. to suit the convenience of a.ll classes of the ; (Kegistered), j Kerosene Clover andother Seeds Proprietor. Thos. Horrigan... travellingcommunityindividually. Brands TOKOMAIRIRO. wiil be' ofthe Spirits : CLmE-STREET, BALCLUTHA, The Wines.and Offices Excellent Accommodation for Travellers and Fencing Wire, Roofing Iron, Zinc, SampleRooms for Commercial Travellers. Boarders. uSnw^Tcept^v&& Are prepared to receive orders for Coal at Best Stable (built of stone) in theDistrict Nails, Rope, Bluestone; CoLza, Tables onthe One of Alcock's best Billiard of & outside their Mine, Kaitangata. Grain, &c, #QV ££*> "premises.; Cromwell. &c. Storage for ME ,.-. . .* ■"""* / /;■/_. '■ .. ■- "■;';;';;./ ■" Price on and after sth February, 12s 6d ; Linseed, and Castor Oils Tar H,O TE L , WAR A U ton cash. All drays must pay cash on per reputation only kept. BAKER of the Liquers ; G, . best C L E G S. BHEAD^JbNP Cromwell, delivery. White Lead,Paints,Paperhangings, ExtensivePaddock Accommodation. R. GRIGOR, MAra.SOjnCHiBOADjjMp^TOir, :..--.. AND U ARNESS 11/f AKER GEO. M. STARKEY, Proprietor. Scrim, Chairs, Reapers, Ploughs, Secretary SouthernLineand Yeend's Cobb's Coaohes !MTOKOMATERIRO.;;ii G.|M. S. respectfully begs to inform the daily. arriveand leave I Chaff, Bran, travellingpublic thathe has taken the above Chaffcutters, Oats, A ML AR E N AND CO., Near the Athensaum, Inthanl^jthe^^abitants,of Tpkomairjro wellknown hotel, and willendeavor to mainthe supfor liberal districta surrpunding and Pollard, Barley Dust, CheapFlour tainandincrease its former reputation. Milton. Wholesale, Retailand Family Butchers, LITtERY AND BAIT STABLES, fiim for , fctabling, &c, as usual. port whiciThas iafecorded^tbnumerous All Work entrusted to Ironmpngery, S. C. will receive -G; Crockery,Stationery, beg good kept. grooms T.....respectfully 3to iiifprm his None but Milton,Tokomairiro. many yearspast, begsto informhis prompt attention, andthebest workmanship : Friends and Old Patrons that he has Wines and spirits guaranteed of the first has generally £riendi^^ie'^ublro that^he Oilmen's Stores. taken possession of the Stabling in connec- quality.guaranteed. N.B. Families in and around Milton made a largeaddition to his premises,andis tion with his' Hotel, and assures them that accommp- nonebut trustworthy and attentive grooms CROWN HOTEL, RaTTRAY STREET. ; GOW, giYo:mHch:greater & mutsford STEWART rr\ preparedit© now Established 1860. waited on daily for orders. than,hereto- willbe kept. . datiofi to hoarders.and travellers Saddle Horses andBuggies always ready Balclutha. WATUHMAKER AND JEWELLER, ' for hire at lowest rates. CAMPBELL begs to inform his Prices Strictly Moderate. fore. t^;,o;;J-, " :..:" i;-*. i- : Up-country friends and the public, tlia Milton. Horses carefullybroken to saddleandhar- he has resumed business in the above JOHN M'NEIL, HORSE HOTEL, Agents for Balciutha Messrs Stewart and &c.^ kade^to order. ness. favorite establishment, where visitors to Milton, Gow. town will find everything fitted up for their BUTOHEB, Contracts taken:for supplyingiSoirees, &c. Balciutha, 2nd January, 1873. comfortand convenience. L E Proprietor. BEDEL, Every accomodation for Wedding Parties, F. BASTINGS CLYDE- BTEEET, nrriTß bkpbooms job families. MURRAY'S &c, &c. Accomodation forBoarders. BALOLUTHA. Tailor and Clothier, T> ACI FI O HOTEL, HOTEL, PRIVATE Meals at_;'all hours. R OXBURGH. Respectfully begs to inform the A L E (Cornerof GreatKing.mdSt.Andrew-steets), F.B. g in :oja Travelling bi> 3 stabl Public that he has takenpossesY-STREET, i RATTKA comm T. BUNTING, Proprietor. LIFE, AND -,*, T £%!i&* J OR^E^l^S GE ■i ak O W-N i ■ : — OIWING JAMES ; ■ ... ... n ■" " r STAR r fi JA ■■■-■" ... ... IS^rietor^^ ■ ■■ KA ; — JAMES ■ — WHITE JIAMILY 7^ jlrjfiSjfS . JAMES (^OiJALL, DVITEIHS. Proprietor. -'.■■ VS LE S LIE fllE MPERAN 3 E ' gOTK L Rates. thoroughly renovated throughout and can safely recommend the White Horse to be on Wines and Spirits of theFinest Brands. Visiting Dunedin will find,at this Hotel, every requisite to rendei GLENLADY homecomfortable. PARTIES Ihe Bed Rooms AND ABE Maik South Boad,:Tokomaibibo. AIBT, WELL FINISHED, AND VENTILATED. -F! R A N E- Q sion of the above Hotel, which he has SuperiorAccommodation an equalfooting with auy other Hotelin the STEAM SAW AND Province fur the comfort andconvenienceof PLANING MILLS AND TOKOeach and every class of the community, as the wants and requirements of his patrons MAIRIRO TIMBER YARD: will be the Proprietor's sole study. J.HOLLIOK, Proprietor. Baths for the use of Guests. R AN. T, The Stabling will be found to retain its former reputation. A LARGEStock of BuildingMaterials of -£*- every description, at the lowestrates. None but thebest of Liqueurs will be COBDIAL MANVFAOTUBEB, Feather-edged kept. inch dressed Weatherboards 7 6do £ inch } Tonguedand groovedLining Balls > to Beg resiwctraUy toiinform;,the Lihabitants ■, N.B. Wedding Parties; Soirees,notice, and Flooring N.B Cobb's line of Coaches arrive and &c, &c, suppliedupon the shortest inch (Own Manufacture) ) 6do If of with the Choicest Confection &c, &c, of depart as usual. that, on the Period. Of Red Pine, a very superior article,audwell * pBORGB"Y" 0 U N G df jErated'ahcl R.K. MURRAY, seasoned. MANUFACTURES, CQRDIAL Practical Proprietor. He has,> at a.large .expenditure of capital, AND AND JEWELLER, YRIE> WATCHMAKER ' erected machinery with the latest and best HOTEL, BRIDGE AND ; IyrATAURA PRIVATE ENTRANCE, RATTRAY-STREET.DUNEDIN. — Milton^a^i^lSunpp^i^K^istnc^. .— the*l^lM%ii^iMiwi^consumerß , "' improvements|- ;and'..he wm^ntly trus* rvtupiaattia,_ the that, Miriu£t mostexactingdemands of consumers willbe " amply and ga&^c|p^;siippiied: '^M^eii £cm.--'^'= li£Vr : -. : i MATATJBA, GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, WM. LAURIE, Proprietor. L C L-U TH A TTO TEL, BA trEORGE SUTHERLAND C°- M. R W. L. begs to inform his friends "and the Drapers akd Provision Merchants, publicgenerallythat hehas leased the above Hotel, where, by strict attentionto the whole Superior'Accommodatiou for Travellers; ': routineof business, he trusts to merit a reBALCLUTJIA. GOOD STABLINa.. newaland continuance of past favors, and,in .always sale. Oats, C3w,ftV^and Bran '""''" "'■' *' ';on '' '"' " ' '" " ; NORTH & SCOULLAR .' *-■'j t.-i Vk il jL_ '-^ '" '."-: order to secure the same, no effort willbe wantingon hispart to make the ' Have onview a Large Assortment of additionsrecently W >p^ej^ T7IURNISHINGS, TT OCJSEHOLD effectedi'-'.;"t. for ;accommodation MATAURA BRIDGE Good ''"Families. Private v Traveliers^ai^ . Comprising— one of the most comfortableHotels for TraStabling./^Paddock'Accommodation. FLOORCLOTHS, NAIRN'S 20 CASES vellersandBoarders out of Dunedin. NEW PATTERNS, Ex Euterpe, Oberon, and Araby Maid, Spirits, Wines, and Ales of the BeatBrands- 3ft, 4ft 6in, 6ft, 9ft, 12ft,15ft, and18ft wide, , at from2s 6d to 5s per yard, First-class Stabling, under the supervisionof CARPETS— ROYAL _MAID_ HQTEL, STORE, an attentiveand trustworthygroom. In 5-ply Brussels *) "..,- ': ■.- N.B.— Saddle Hacks forhirealwaysready. 4-ply do .if | - Mmß^mima^ ' do 3-ply I200 PTECES in the Best Tapestries 1 NEWEST and MOST H 0 T EL, 22 miles from 3aklu'thaj; ■",,28 miles from COMMEECI A,L 2-ply Scotch ("CHOICE DESIGNS ~ , Pbei-Sxreet, Lawrence. . an^-halting Kidder (all wool) | from 2s to 7s 6d: do (union) | «and .% place of./ ARMSTRONG, Stair and Felt J lnyercargill Coaches. :/,; THE BEST SELECTION IN OTAGO. Proprietor. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES— o x NewestDesigns, Unsurpassed Accommodation for Travel- In Brocatell from (Formerly of Cpbb and Co.) £30. Silk Rep Proprietprr :. lers, Boarders, and Private Families. ...£3MSO. Spotted do £28. " Plain do £26. -begs- Apprise ithe: '""[ J. '<& ALCOCk?S;BILLIARD TABLE. SUITES— taken DINING-ROOM having ., Travelling &. Jti* InOak and Mahogany possesaion of the> Royal Mail Hotel and "■;,, Green Morocco ; Large Assembly:Hall in connection with Stablesi?j^bth;^of^ which 'he^- intends *to Brown Hair-cloth thoroughly renovate £nd .-keep^ under his the Hotel, suitable for Concerts and Public 100 PIER GLASSES— 1from past .";.-; while, Entertainments. ; j personal saperviaibn own Gilt and..Walnut Frame Mirrors, various experiieiice/h'e anticipatesestablishingfor the Wines, and Spiiits of most Celebrated designs, from 24in x 14into 50in x 43in. 5 ' unknp^ a Iname above Brands. Pbopbietob. . ■ v.r „ „ „ „ ■ ALEXR. J%^S^\^ki^£^ rlspllbfuliy \ Pu^: Hot^ "'. hither^ COI^O^L-ATOi^ CLEANLINESS, . ;.■., motto aimed ai;.,.,, „„ „ r TraveiieM may tely' on beinjgj ca^ed^in [ iimifor theCoaches. „„ „„ „ ... ....... I >T>RINCEpf;WalesHptel,Dee-street,Inver- IVTORTH AND . IMPORTER OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. AND JEWELLERY, PaiNOES-STRKET, DUNEDIN, Exhibition, 1865. — GEORGE YOUNG, — "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE. CAPITAL: £2,200,000. Agent for BALCLUTHA, NEW VOLUMES ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS, 1872; KOBERT GRIGOR, Surveyor andLand Agent. AND A. J. B"" C°" WAREHOUSE, Stafford-street, Dunedin, — Stock, 8 Sunday Magazine MOSGIEL Good Words Cottager andArtisan and Making Having in Plain Tweeds TwistTweeds VVhite (Serge (plaiding)Colored(Serge (plaiding) Shepherd TartanShepherd Jb'iaida Shawls British Workman Sunday at Homo Tartan RibbedPants PlainPants Ladies'Drawers Ladies' Stockings Boys' Socks Girls' Stockings Men's Sock Men's Stocking 3 Men's Uiidereiurts Tweed Shirts Serge Drawers Serge IShirte Fingering Yarn Chatterbox these Gooda. Kind Words Family Friend A.J.BURNS & CO. R S Band ©f Hope Children'sFriend S TEADM. AN 'S LINES OF COACHES Sunshine — ** Waikaka STORE, Thomas Hunter - Diggings. - Children's Prize Child's Companion Infant's Magazint DUNEDIN to WEST TAIERI Daily, at 8.30 a.m., returning from the Buck-Eye Proprietor. NEW ANNUAL VOLUMES ! Orders can now be received for any of Princes-street. From Dunedin to East and West Taieri Opposite Bank of NewSouth Wales. Leave as follows, viz. : TTT AIKAKA CHILDREN'S MAGAZINES AND PEIUODICALS. Good Words for the 1 uung IV/T Note the Address S AT THE GENERAL INSURANCE CO. (Opposite Bank of NewSouth Wales.) N.B.—Awarded FIRST PRIZE for CLOCKS and WATGHES, New Zealand TIMBER i TIMBER! TIMBER! Hotel, West Taieri, at 4 p.m., arriving CASTLEMAINE STEAM SAW MILL, TAPANUI. .An extensive andvariedstock of Groceries Drapery, Wines, and Spirits always onhand. in Town at 7 p.m. Produce and,other stores atDunedinprices EAST TAIERI to DUNEDIN.—Leave with cartage added. Goodsdeliveredfree to all his customers the WhiteHouse Hotel,Otakia, at 6.30 am., in the District. arriving at the Junction Hotel at 8.30 a.m., Good stabling, and every attention paid andDunedin at 10 o'clock. to horses. rjIHE undersignedhavingerected theabove -■- Mills,isnowpreparedto supplyBuilding,Mining,and Bridge Timber, White and Black Pine and Bitch, in any quantityat lowestremunerative prices. Carriage supplied to any part of the dis- Daily. JENNINGS, Leave DUNEDIN at 4.30 p.m. EDWIN Taxidermist, George-street,(belowEuSALE, /~\ N ropean Hotel), .Dunedin. Birds and all kinds of Animals preserved, stuffed, and set:up to order. All kinds of New; Zealand Birdskins on hand. Birds and Animals " Skins bought and sold. TOHNSTONE AND WILSON' Millwrights, Engineers, and €l IMPLEMENT MAKERS, Milton,. Tokomaisibo. All Orders entrusted boy them- will be treated with the utmost care, attention,and punctuality. trict, if required. JOHN PERRY, Proprietor.. " HOGGj AT E. MAEEIATT'S Milton Store— TTTATCH & — BALCLUTHA. MONEY TO LEND. Just arrived in Prime Condition WHITE CLOVER SEED £fi OOO COW GRASS ~~lnSums of not less than £100, -onFreehold Security, at current rates of interest. ALSYKE TOOTHY pLOCK IyAKER, (Next JRyrie'a Store), QCOULLAR A LBION LIVERY & BAIT STABLES,, cargiil, \K.' Poweil/Proprietor. Superior^.accommodatibn' for Travellers CABINETMAKERS and.IMPORTERS, Xjl Dee-street,JnvercargilL JohnM*Ken zie Proprietor; Excellent Stabling, under and Private" Families!' lSample^ Rooms RATTRAY-STREET, inspection of Proprietor. Loose boxes for Private Sitjfcj B^omj,^Batib.3oom,,,BU^ Entires, -BuggiesandSaddle-horaeg onhire. JOTI ; VICTORIA O~^ FIRE, - ' * ' EDMUND SMITHS Princeg.street,Dunedui. t%^lllthH- » 2 ■ y t: MLSCELLAJSEOVa. I . ;VAi liypa?sT $m " Bookseller, Ar. Si MEW ' . g -* \ ADVERTISEMENT} f ElemenJ^| iflL THE NATIONAL BANK OF ZEALAND (Limited). ' . CHARLES i - always be, the smallest profits and quick Seed Oats. returns. Wellington, 20th June,1873. Seed Barley White Clover. Cow Grass. Trefoil. Cocksfoot. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited). Timothy. BURNS' POEMS, Illustrated, 2s Gd each. Mixed Lawn Grasses. Bennet'sPrinciples andPractice ofMedicine. Macaulay'sHistory of England, 8 vols. cloth Carlyle's Essays, Letters, Pamphlets, 6 vols. cloth. Macaulay'sEssays complete. Forster's Statesmen of the Commonwealth, 5 vols. Humboldt's Cosmos, 5 vols. Campbell's Livesof the Chancellors, 9 vols Adam Smith'3Wealthof Nations. Eev. C. H. Spurgeon's Morningby Morning Eveningby Evening. Do. do. , A Large Assortment of FEESH GARDEN SEEDS. pOW, BALCLtJTHA, And Aleiandeb M'Duf*, Tapanui. ■ FOR A Thorn Quicks, Shrubs, &c., &c. New Seedsfor Fieldand Garden, of extra fine quality,now arriving. TWO MILLIONS STERLING. BRANCH of this BANK will be WM.. MAESHALL, Nurseryman and Seedsman, opened.inßALCLUTHA.for General Business, under the management of T. T. Ritchie, Esq oh Tuesday,th«» Jst prox.,in , the premiseslatelyoccupiedby the BanV of Otago. MILTON. 'f\ N SALE. ADAM BURNES, Inspector andGeneral Manager. SALE! 500,000 SAWN TOTAEA SHINGLES. I Tweed Top Coats.Inverness Capes, Waterproof Coats, all sizes, Alloa Socks, Knitted Drawers,MosgielPantß and Shirts,Flannel Under Shirts, an Extra Cheap Lot of Crimean Shirts, Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars, Braces Belts, and numerous other Sundries and Small Wares OFFICE. Italian Eyegrass. " Capital: j - ' ON SALE AT 'BRUCE HARALD Byegrass. QJTEWAET A fine stock of Truit Tree3perfectlyclean one to four years old, consisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Peaches Plums, &c, MENS' CLOTHING, AC. Eed Clover. AND Other Eorest Trees inVariety. Brandy, Whisky, Wines, Ale, Porter, Cordials, &c. T) 0 B E R T T\ 0 U L L, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Oatmeal, Rice, Barley, CLUTHA STEAM FLOUR Wellington, 20th June, 1873. and Oilmen's Goods of every description. AND OATMEAL MILLS, Drapery, Bootsand Shoes, Fancy Goods and THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW Ironmongery. Balclutha. Men' Tweed Suits, Black Cloth Suits, Boys and Youth's Tweed Suits, Mens' ZEALAND (Limited). Tobacco and Cigars,CrockeryandGlassware. Oatmeal givenin Exchange for Oats. Mosgiel Tweed Suits. A Cheap Lot of Mens' Tweed Vests, Trousers OATS, CHAFF, and BRAN. and Coats, to Clear, Bedford Cjrd, Cotton Cord, and Capital: Trousers, OPECM 1 L XT7" O R K S quality, Coats, Mole best Pilot Cornsacks, SeamingTwine,Bluestone, TWO Seed Potatoes. ; Untrimmed Hatg, Ribbon Laces, Flowers, Gloves Trimmings, &c, &c, &c. S«JOTS — ADAM BURNES, Inspector and General Manager. TAPANI. — Knitted Jackets, Felerene Sets, Trimmed Hats, . Otago. 11 _ Screw .Bteamship LADY OF THE rpHE -"^ \ BILCLUTHA , , A:i .LAKE willplyregular between'Dunedin, Port Molyneux, Kaitangata, &c, TWO MILLIONS STEELIN&. carrying cargo r.i rates. For Frc.ght andpassage ,: co the Master on Board, BRANCH of this^ BANK will be or Measr. J. v dD. Findlay,Dunedin. ~~~ openedin TAIERI.for General BusiWANTED KNOWN. ness, under the management of Thomas Ker, Esq., on Tuesday, the Ist prox.,in the FIRS 18 to 21 inches high- a premises latoly occupied by the Bank of largelot Uheap. -- anjlvSnpesya^ NB^ Capital: Alrf -JUI.T, 1873. ill FIVE _ "-MISCELLANEOUS- MISCELLANEOUS. v mail;■■coaches/-wisj&§? Lyell'sStudent's ofGeology; -, Page'sChips and Chapters for Geologists TANGATA. Page's Past andPresentLife of the Globe Bakewell's Manual of Electricity IT is hereby notified that from this date Moore's 3|^|J|||-jH1 Ist^/uly, to jlst- September, tixp Carpenter's Animal Physiology above Coach will leave Balclutha for Kai" WaMontfi«Tater6scope tangata oii MONDAYS ONLY, in place of Purchases of Mens' pfer cent, discount allowed cm ; Lardner's AnimalPhysiology -: ttiree times a week as before; i' v ' ; Jpl^^^fe..' %^ery. „„„ Tweeds, Winceys, Blimkets, Ilannels, DeLolme'on the Constitution of England v.... It:;BiwSlAM^i';jg Calicoes, Boots ; Darwin'sDescent1 of Man t Proprietor. .. ; Miller's Millwright and Engineer's Guide / : Lockyer's Lessoh#in Astronomy IS AT AN ENp. Oliver'sElementaryBotany Randall'sPracticalShepherd Youatt's Complete Grazier H IGG IN S Collier's History >f English Literature STOREKEEPER, AND GENERAL AND Page's Geology.for GeneralReaders " BREAD AND "BISCUIT BAKER, Lardner'a PopularPhysics _ Hfll'lO W ffl Pll MxH w, T vr "Tit *»!« KAITANGATA, Humboldt'sDescription of the Heavens T^ cfiA Ir# cACA 15i» c7\ Wf «Tir If 15 15 Tib ct* 6& d><h cbX JUD JcK. cAbfc cblds <kJ> *irT \J Jb <* V NewBooks constantly beingadded to stoc Begs respectfully to inform his numerous University and SchoolClass Books friendsandthe publicingeneral,that he has A. R. LIVINGSTON now opened hisNew and Commodious Pre- WE beg to direct attention to the Following List of Superior Goods newly added DUNEDIJSV to our Stock : mises; and inreturning thanks for the large ABERDEEN WINCEYS— A Splendid Assortment,at all prices, from 7d upwards, Dress Serges,Eeps, Russell Cords, Merinos, Ginghams, Lustres, Mohairs, r\ B" SALE by the Undersigned:- amount of patronagehe has alreadyreceived, Striped Skirtings, Wincey Skirts, Waterproof Tvreeds, Mantles, Jackets, Costumes, Woollen Scarfs, Wrappers, Collarets, begs to assure them that his motto will Seed Wheat. DURIM MAY, JUNE Friday, 13th August, l«7d. A IMPOSTANT INEOpMATION! Etipenta - b-P o;a h a.a, a& jj MILLIONS STERLING. Castor, Colza andLinseed Oils (inbulk.) A BRANCH of this BANK will be Highestmarketprices givenfor alldeacrip* tiona of FarmProduce. openedin TOKOMAIRIRO for General Grain Stored and forwarded at lowest Business, under the of Albert management Larnach, Esq., on Tuesday, the Ist prox.,in TWEEDS, BLANKETS, &C, the premiseslatelyoccupiedjfby the Bank of A Large Stock of English, Scotch and Mosgiel Tweeds, Cheap Tweeds for Boy's Otago. Clothing, All Wool Tweeds for Crimean Shirts, White, Blue and Scarlet ADAM BURNES, Blankets, all sizes and qualities,prices very reasoaabe, Carpet andDicedBed Covers, Inspector and GeneralManager. White Counterpanes, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, Linen Ticking, Hessian Ticking, double width, Brown Holland, Lining Selisias, White Calico, Wellington, 20th June, 1873. Grey Calicoes, single and double width, White andScarlet Flannels,Bath Coating, \Vhite Plaiding, Mosgiel ditto. Alloaand Mosgiel Yarns, Fingering Yarns, mHE NA.TIONAL BANK Berlin Wool, all colors, Carpet Druggetings, Damasks, Cocoa Matting, OP Floor Cloths, Hearth Rugs. NEW (LIMITED). BOOT DEPARTMENT. Cruden's Concordance. ZEALAND Home on the Psalms. LADIES E.8. BOOTS Rev. A. A. Hodge's Outlineof Theology. LADIES' LACE-UP BOOTS LADIES' HOUSE SHOES , Bos well'sLife of Johnson, illustrated. LADIES' SLIPPERS, Leather and Carpet Enquire Within upon Everything. GIRL'S E. S. AND LACE UP BOOTS BOY'S COPPER TOE BOOTS Glenny'sFloriculture. MEN'S WATERTIGHT BOOTS Waverly Novels, Is per volume. MEN'S ELASTIC BOOTS Elegantly bound editions of the modern MEN'S BLUTCHEB BOOTSI DIGGER'S GUM BOOTS poets, cloth, gilt edges. MEN'S WELLINGTON BOOTS CAPITAL: TWO MILLIONS, MARRYATT AND MOORE, Clarkesville Post Office, Tuapekaand Clutha Junction, MAIN SOUTH ROAD. ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS IN CHEST AND DISTRESSING PAIN COUGH.— 4IDale-street,Hulme, — Sept.—25, 1871. Messrs Allcock and Co. Gentlemen, I have for some considerable time been suffering from a pain in my chest, accompaniedwith a distressing cough, andhave repeatedlytriedmany ofthe advertisedremediesin vain, until atlength Mr Darlington, Stretford-road,"Manchester, persuaded me to apply one of Allcock's Porous Plasters," the effectof which was reallysurprising. Before Ihad worn it a day the pain was greatly relieved,andbaa " nowentirely " gone j and, through continuing the plasters my cough is considerably better. Feeling grateful for his advice,and wishing to benefit others similarly afflicted, Ideremain, gentle* sire you to publish my case. I men, yours respectfully, FRANCIS TIMPERLEY. (Signed) .Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, AND CO., -Wholesale Dbuggists, AucklandandDunedin,New Zealand. — In 200,000Shares, of LlO Each. " " current rates. Directors: Chairman :Charles Magniac, Esq., M.P., of Messrs Matheson and Co., 3 Lombard street, E.C. Deputy-Chairman : Dudley Robert Smith, , Esq., of Messrs Samuel Smith, Bros and Co., Bankers, Hull. MEN'S LEATHER LEGGINGS , Colonel Sir Thomas Gore Brovn, K..C.M.G., Chambers' Information half bound. formerlyGovernor of New Zealand. MANNING, POTTER & Co. Sir Charles Clifford, formerlySpeaker of the Papers for the People do, House of .Representatives of New ZeaMiscellany do. land. Kaitangata. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA A New and Complete Stock of Stationery, Paper, Envelopes, Alexander Grant Dallas,Esq., late Governor Is the great remedy for Land, Rupert's Bibles, — of and late Directorof ; and General Literature Account Books, SHAMROCK HOTEL. HughMiller's Works. Complete edition. Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, ' the Hudson's Bay Company. Also, an Assortment of Toys of Indigestion, Sour Eructations and Bilious RATTRAY-STREET, WilliamSmellieGrahame,Esq., lateof Auck- Affections: Dr Hanna's every Description. land, New Zealand. " DUNEDIN, IT IS THE PHYSIOAN'S CURE FOR Dr Hamilton's ] EdwardBrodie Hoare, Esq., of Messrs BarGOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, GRAVEL, Hoares, Banburys, and Lloyd, 62 AND ALL OTHEB COJCPLADTTS OJf THK BLADDSB. netts, HEIR-AT-LAW WANTED. Lombard street, E.C., Bankers. And as a safe and gentle .medicine for Infants, Proprietor. T. HETHERINGTON, Delicate Females, and for the sickness Remember, five per cent, discount for all pur- * John Morrison, Esq., late Colonial Agent Children, ofPregnancy, Dinneford's Magnesia is indispensthe Governmentof for New Zeaiand. TF SARAH REYNOLDS, fromEngland, chases in the above Goods,:,over £2, During May, able. William Whitbrea3, Esq., of Messrs Whit "]* /TR HETBERLNGTONbegs to announce -*- who marriedWilliamMinter (a Scotch- June and July, 1873* Sold by allDruggists andStorekeepers. "Jj-S- to his friends, travellers, and the breadand Co., Chiswell.street,EC. Ask for DIPNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, N.B. man), in Melbourne, about10 years ago, and and use DINNEFORD'S Friction Gloves »nd purchased the generally, that he has public Belts. has residedin New Zealand for some years, NOTICE. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, AND CO., above well-knownhotel from Messrs Murphy will communicate with the Proprietor of this Dunedin, This Bank will beOPENED for the conand Co., and is now prepared to offer the Newspaper, she will hear of something to Wholesale Agents. luctof General BankingBusiness inDunedin BALOLUTHA, New best accomodation that can be had in TUESDAY, the Ist JULY proximo, her advantage. >n Zealand. AND \ inder the Management of W. J. M. LAR HOMOEOPATHIC COCOA, Clockmaker, ST AC«, Esq. This original preUnder his supervision, the Shamrock has "TAMES YOUNG, Watchand paration,has attained ADAM BURNES, been entirelyre-fitted and renovated. (next to H. and D. Moyes, Bootmakers). a world-wide reputation, Inspector and General Manager. and is manufactured by Repairsthoroughly done at Lowes Prices Taylor Brothers, under the Wellington, June,1873. SUITE OF BOOMS FOB PBIVATE ablestHOMOSOPATHICadvice FAMILIES. MAIN SOUTH ROAD, MILTON. TAPA N U I aided by theskill and experience DHE NATIONAL BANK of the inventors, and will be found LARGE COMMERCIAL AND SAMPLE OP to combinein an eminentdegree tho a llan r^\ /Campbell, ROOMS. NEW ZEALAND purity, fine aroma, andnutritious proAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND perty of theFresh Nut. " (LIMITED). TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, THE SHAMROCK LIVERY AND BAIT SOLUBLE BALULDTHA. ,.^=t : STABLES. Capital: TWO MILLIONS STERLING. MADE IN ONE MINUTE WITHOUT Mr GeorgeDodson having taken the above BOILING in In thanking my numerous customers the Conduct "PHIS Bank will Commence The Above Articles are " of Mr Hetherington,is now ■*" of prepared exclusively by the lt Clutha Districts for past favors, since General BankingBusiness on Tuos Taylor Brothers, the largest preparedto let out commencing business on my own account, I lay, theFirst July proximo, at the undernianfacturers in- Europe, and aentionedplaces, viz :— sold in tin-lined packets only, by SADDLE HORDES AND BUGGIES begto draw their attention to my present Storekeepersand othersallover tho largeand well-selected slock ofBlueandBlack Under the manageworld. Steam Mills, Brick Lane, ~YOUNG LADIES' DAY SCHOOL Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Scotch and- English London. ment of Expo- t Chicor?Mills,Brtjgtss, Bklcuuwc Tweeds, comprising—Silk Mixtures, Bless', nvercargill ~;gW John Dalgleish, Esq. _ Galasheilds, Bannockburn, Sydney, Mosgiel ; , I 1 . : IIII Wood, Esq. 'ort 'J. ' . Chalmers H. TtTRS has now opened W J[fl Ait A VILLA COCO T.T. Eitchie, Esq. Jlutha Ferry LONGBUSH A*-*- SCHOOLoppositeithe EnglishChurch andBluePilotCloth. COALSI COALS! COALS! J- T. Goodsir, Esq. The "Globe" says, Hats, Caps, Necktie3, Scarfs Collars, Dress )amaru TaylorBrothers'Ma Wm. Christie,Esq. " Shirts, Underclothing, ILLS, Crimean CIAW day and x tiverton QTEAM Tl/T AJReduction inMusic and Singing to James Cook, Esq. ravilla Cocoa has achiJjfJL UNITED NO. 1 KAITANGATA O D TIHE W. H. Davidson, Esq. : eved a thorough success., Mole Trousers, all of the S Iwitzers Pupils. " Sx'^'-id :■■■:'_. '■■■ Sji -*- COAL PITS are now open, and 'aieri,East and West Thomas Ker,Esq. and supersedes every other I Woodlands. best Material'and H. H. HHartet Esq. in the market. Entire 'almerston Cocoa * supplying alongside Termson Application. *c coals the river, Make. Proprietorß> 5 'okomairiro STRAtfG &ca : solubility,adelicate aroma, and ft Albert Larnach,Esq. vessels, board at 12s put >r on 6dper ton Bremner, T. S. Esq. rare concentration of the,puresfcel©?';, * \ ?inton. Several Pieces of Sydney Tweeds, Suitable F IE *E W O* O D All descriptions of Colonial Timber at the 3 ASH. C !ardrona W. C. M'Dbuall, Esq. men.tß of. nutrition, disiinguiaK^ " ':. ■ EforBoys' ware, Cheap. Maravilla Cocoaabove a^'btßersv For jjurrent rates. . invalids and*Dyspeptics, weeouldnot re' Patterns cut Free to Buyers. IyTIXED FIREWOOD for Sale, by the WJf Large supplies always on hand. commend a more)'ftg**6^^ ,?* vahiable ADAMBUBNJESi , b Average." Cord or Load. MOSGIEL TWEED SUITS,£5 6s. . : S. CAPVSTICXf Tongued and groovedFlooring, Lining, <fee. opinionsr vide JQHN further favorable For Manager. Inspector and Genera^ ( Standard,' HENDERSON, J. A. Morning Post,' 'British AJedical Agent for H. Knot|, Hat and:Cap Manufac'' " ' ' Dressed We%tfc«bowdi. v Milton, Pujiediji, JowwaV &c, &" -;^- ::-. Mw^er^pn^grpmni, WeUwgfc»,Jta^rJß7& Chamber's Encyclopedia. APPLY — — „ MENS LEATHER AND CARPET SLIPPERS 1 — STATIONERY. - .... ... - STEWART AND GOW, | . iLEXANDEE M'DUFF, . CHOCOLATE. ___ — SOONER — £ .. .. . . . *° ............ _ ...... ... ... ... ... ... £ " - .- ' ture^ .1 . "* ' 7: . .' ' "i~Ht.itoiißit*--tiM Mkii is?3. ___ .. . 3 B iL:___L_:..._ W^3svrh&M&K I ( ' u 1 deciding against the motion whichI have here a' 'reporV'froin them, showing; :?&&' fronf:^lie liunstaiLlssociation wai b arid Miners' Associations were, deluded MarewhenuaLandSale. Ishal 1 shall shew, there is a principle involved nave might placed them, before whatever their views their, belief.that opposition; It ? . the agricultural i terms still readi stronger. ip,to " in ,ißJh^;» otipn"iaa9i4;mpAPtJ»Rt.) as anjr t\rt\^ that the application included cannot successful"if they were persistent in of party questions may be. I to^MHWKerrbw'e> thus:— IJunstan MiueVs' Assbciatior i be" was ever brought before the Gouicil.— land-.' grounds for understand the hon. member at.the head THe^ollowmg-'is the debate eh the (Hear, hear.) INpw, Sir, what aire the report;it was the only,land fit^cfr settle^ \ stro.3gly / condßmnSissle,.vMarjßWihaiiua, am i urging it, ;and showed good --'>"> I of the Government;,doing this. If the it: v t-' cDis> that Jij/brfion of ; recommenc][^ev.ersjeffo^^ emphatic resolui Marewhenua Land Sale, L> which comr ..tacta^fionuerping^jihis^sal^f tt£bg' papers ment in I^orW^^of Council had passed ""We an auriferous, 'ag&'/jft was believed -"1 trict petition if necessary." And that fron 1" Mr Ileid-7-Hear,.hear. . ; repudiate menced inthe Previncial Cpuncil dnvthe cim^ecljed/w.itb. it-have be,en ;placjd in the land was this transaying tion, : :— tliere was gold in ifcl'* Tinder the circum- the "Arrow tion -as 'follows Mr Stout— Andif the Go vernmen t;and ti*ndV of' non members';' jherefoj-e, it (stances, entirely-I—we1 we decide that there saction -^ ;J. ;.;_. "ft'not 7tli Julyi-i objectgrant,,. a,drewi i ih.e. to I;I^;ve sell, telegrap.h.ed^toj]\|apa Boatd declined & fl i to. ') ithe \ >WasteiLandslBoard -.were bounds necessary nba^l'Wb'uld-Vake shall fee no;sale.ofthisland ;" there might 0T * %'naeba^bfefs in- application. -On-the— Bth--May,j they,-1 Wby ,die% dQt .the JExecutive come::down to have been,some reason" for the hon.mem'i^'fe itheii 'tiroes of «fcorierable 1 g'jth^ffijillpYßLing") hon member for ber voting for the sale ; but the -Council " motion] jstanjJing ip" my m»kir>g , anys:.deyjtthe^ed,i j;"SP.IwIj^B f iabffolutely'.Tefusea .the'sareljand **«* position the miners have taken up, a suai the Council when the name :— That fcn{g Council is of ojpinion .fiiit with 'the' .'view of 4.p^ taw reejtain^ithey^^augQt the' sale and[ show that it is a m^st^rapurlin t matt^U ]- ;V^aihola his motion,.and say? did not only not, repudiate the that the Executive is deserving ofathft ! the application would have been hdar^ofii t|]iem,ia.ud this GouflCil7a;nd.tH( 3,.",H0,n members may pass,what resolutions liability," but desireid that further'enquiry my"Ye«a'^s^ a^a cjt th* no however,' that Province are indebted to,.jhe* miners fti v may^m'sntion, &'■graVest'ceriMrei for not oflitfiftTly tran'smjij;-. ? more. I is in,,duty and a l- report should b& 'made^f f But in :HintHbdJt6?<allcuce, "tb^y like^; bii£ the' Government £ijpp6rtiug HrguW^tsfcl li: ting to the J^aste Lands Board tpe re- ijj wiH^per;haps/; what mayJjß termed thenonipoliti- these associations for the' stand theyimadt 2 b'ouncl to sell we' cannot .asking it..was and' laiid, » ye gi ; \ ibe FM? JPI that the consideration ofrjjfche sale ks&h%n thej} in>reference'to-the sale of'auriferous lands solutipnoffthe.Copncil recommendingtnr- brief .«ynops-i.s of.rhp^sal^jpyh^ li* !calpemen-tf-in:ihe Board that refused take cognizance of any resolutions' the? be 'postponed, the' Cbiihcii did :hot ask .-Mnd terworth, Strode, But and In one way4t does not much matter tc \ jS£se. Messrs postponement of the^ consideration*- the M«rewhenua district "Fir'sf,' yxame to.',' If;thes had donethat that -the salebe refused, but.merely that Council .mahave in.-cons^ii Clark, were the members who: gave^a b fife 'mine'rs'ihltheJDunstan and Arrqw'dis."' jt'weuTr^ noißalei ofilarid in the been .manly and straight-' its consideration be postponed ; and I :'Gf<whVt'wa^terraed a deficiency in say ■while;/ ! Thorn stuii Meji^rsjrglrnieAand re|ußalv 10,000 by/the^H^dn^Ebb'er^Ganipbe^l, or acres of tricts, urged as that any Board or Executive would be fdr that 5000 have been fofViirdjf^nd'it mighV was) Province, <>f it asked )tb«jrevenue the 1 " j f n61i utgiri^ana'3 adviS^ son acquiesced in the sale. Well»i f$$3s? s- rferou^'iatid 'should €e^sord-ih' the jMare- som¥6 lx'cu£e < f6r their strange conduct on bound to accede to it. What possible 1871r,hat,cmainjblo(jk> /iagLwas during session,of 14th May,;and 1 whenua,;iCjis trict, ü b,ecausef^ they . ?are noIjthis occasion. But not one word was said ; reason can v Kftthe. Jeadeii' fof *he Executive", iwho is a of iandthe should be' sold^whic^_wa9 Agreed certainlygfianted^nathe the Executive therefore give do not understand how it was1"' directly.4nteres,ted ;. but they;Came fbrwarc ?- not-only did they not oppose tbe resolu- for not. acceding ;ffntember:}?>imdf representative;;:) }Of the motion this waS}a like resolu(tojjn^ ]There division. r readily graftt&L ,Baid: was so -9 Bpar!^, ; itljat^rephearing the _tion"passed"inlß72, ; b'ofdly, because 'they desired' to see th< tion, butlitliey actually consented to 'the reasonable request/toforthis ojiExecuti^e,}iiat* "inquiry blocks of "further certain that some com- publfc estate conserved, and t6 conserve 3 .postponement * ,pf ?,,., the■, scpneideration Standing Orders, and and some delay ? Isit not a fact that the .of.the ghould'he sola for. revenue jmrjposes t surmise that there had been suspension land (m^unjeation between the Secretary ;foT thatV^yT^ll j49,,ja}i7Sey ca.l?) pnotwith." the as recommenqedr,bT iof the said Bale, was passed without tbe sale ofland had been pending for a whole ; but'it'will alsb';Jbf£ seenr [(hat^atf|he sartfe4 Lands, thehead .'lprooeed' to ;time of the Government;:iaiidI'v standing, tfieaction: of '""ijii^gpunai:" But befbre any ExeciftiveKthai t! slightest delay. Then, if the Government year ? and can it be said that the delay ' ,'foßthi resolutions .;was by. at set .the i 0 Campb.ell, andithatfi'he. //warsr askecb to nVay'be'iri po^ver:1 Sir,T don't think v 1 wasbound to sell, how does ithappenthat termed £Ke fsicß passed yem^^^at^ay'b^ ' I iniere'sts'6f rMr of a week or a month could have, in any by^th^Qouncit,,that: v 0 ;before theBoard and ask? for; a.reTOa:ke':acome as iajprovince >! ;u"jJ to the present time not one single word way injured the Hon. Mr Campbell, the in this '/involved -m^ibn^l'^ißh''tb "■'"" t wquldube 'creditablerito us. theProvince were to beconserved,..andrthav <y '■'i[ j left, tp the Miners'.As. "; ofe^explanation has;been vouchsafed to this Province, or anyone? Why,' then, did hearing.-'^l'^ OVi.iF'fKKX^T pe^onM-explariiatibn'ih^efererice somgj W'atfrjtfeWus*^ be that it should ;; n : explana'Cisrißmarkß : ith'at : fellfroni"the honimemjjerfpr an ' May Tolmie— I make lfbcia'ioii fo se'e t'bfat Vte true interests os ',' /House by.the gentlemen on the Treasury not the Executive venture to lay the Mr 1J fruly<kletteEwass>ntby tion? Imerely wish to 5 "state tHat the '; rthe. Province;.are (conserved;; J (Mr Batbgate),■;on the^.'laiit day; 'seqiience.otfthVSth -and: >to Took z Benches?" If the werebound matter before a select Committee ? Isit CampbelklsJaunguh.isiwSUinff* > the;Council imet,land on; whicb ojecasionIthe Hon.' R. 1 as the of Ssauntptioii member the public 3_ IP.sell, .^hy did they not. come to the not because they know this sale is totally jto ofrthe'?lion. after the due admin.istration : r allow, run to be 1 0,000 acres of his ,to. ne,ss j,#^iftblient.l^ IWhen moTJng that ocfertain 2Jo;bert Campbell is quite unfounded. estate. But Iwill n6w deaV 'with" tht i House af; r [the sa.le, on Thursday, and indispensible ? But I have nothing to do '"^n^feViiiiyiftftevWofoertaiinrtotionsjijf, Hpn. wiiSTiot in the Colony at the time. ; excuses -that,mayjlje^put forward to justify 7 say;'" We i-Wgrbt we c6uld not carry out with the policy or impolicy of the sale. He ,thej<Waste;~L.nnd3 Act; The first proposallbe ;hardly;'"i£ point of of this land. First, it will perhaps 3 rhe resolution of the Council, on Wednesasked^ ", utrrThat^is submitted,seems to .have -been-declined,; ~7,MrVSt6 The sale may have been a good one, or a r but) l oVder'j you thanii 'fbr Ibr now I,be.> saidy, f'.Qh, ther, Government pi day; the fact was we-were bound to sell, bad to one; but that is not the question. because Ee^mcludea' lan«J''cdnsidered .printed y held, in ,tniß matter might not be say that Mr Campbell's agent rdusfhave ', .bound .to sell, the applicationl. to the '■. and! therefore we did sell, and we are The question for the Council to consider Bte ],em njb-:^nd|frpnti g8ett],emenjb-:^nd|frpnting jbe suitable for the 'Jotter pSers^CHpri[hear^): imagined he.had very easy work. Are- Waste Lands Board being a binding: very sorry that, we had to do so." is this.: Is an Executive sitting on those serye, the "Vv^ataki'Ei^er^is'^ell'^al'gqigg-iupto ;::'knb^'^aritf^wduMl \ iiUf do..^oB 0 hparjng.was,granted, a,t anyjrate ; Jtjut the arrangement. The iapplication;" as I But instead 'of coming down with benches to assent to aresolution one day, '" the the Kufpwv At' any rate^in'consequencej „ "'"any 'goftcl :i purppse^ 'to] 'bringf iloarcl stated that they, wished:?to have have stated, is in these terms : To the '5 an explanation the Government actually and the nextday go and do the very opfirst, ; of- Mr M^Kerrbw's'report,- in that. 10 matter5 'under ; 'in! conBoatd for the Province conai^OTatib'ii Isome report frdrn the Government as to- Waste Lands ' oi ' refused to answer the questions of the hon. posite ? Is the Council going to sanction — was not entertained;) and <■*"n^ctipii^srith^ 'i' inotiSn x>f tlii&:tiha, but proposal itremark thai; fchte' before they srinetioneclA-it: And Qtagp.— In accordance with the Otagc and gallant member for the.*Jlutba, except that? Ifso, they may as wellabolishthe ' ' it strange" seems s her^e1 witbT tlie motion mf,jviery hereby give J they appeared on the Order Paper. Tba? Couueil altogether. Instead, Isay, of bißfore T proceed tb'ded,! I wish hon. members ;to specially notice LandslAct 1866,' I ;; ;i this level land,"the saleof which was ,this ■< ,ili^ came tea yoli notice that I wi 8h■"? to<">■ state h6w T caine -to be cqnthe Board that . am of Purchas- ' is the vay the Executive treats this Council. having the Council as a mere registering .before desirous -July, 1872, is included in t;he iii.'cerned in the; matteryand^secpndljr, why ■refusedin on this mutter it will be conclusion ing the Lands described in the Schedule J Another excuse may be, that even, though machine, it may as well be abolished sold on Thursday last! 'Well, 'final' I- Issptit: -this :.mpti6n"pnithe; "n6tice paper., application they Executive minutes by seen, the ; hereunto annexed, the purchase money tbere may not have been a bindiug arrange- altogether. — (Hear, hear.) That is the ; ib?Weijßee,sfrom ithe^papefs jandTepprt on' this nrßt application was refused. Then sent,Mr M'Kerrow to reportupon it,and for whichI hereby engage to pay on yout ment, the Government would be breaking exact position the Government have : c.rftheLitablej.jbhat Ij.was .emplpyed by Mr a second proposal was put in, and on- he,brought down his report. ; But before approval of this Application. Dunedin. » faith with Mr. Campbell if they had not taken up. It is true that since the bethat a report is made. The reportistates s vjTajlor, pf{Qamaru 10/.opppse,'in the first -T-"iThe ;area enclosed within jithje.:!ta!c l {this;matter,came on for consideration by the 10th day, of July, 1872.— Signature sold. How is it, then, that up to the pre- ginning of the session there was hardly — * inß^ance,rthe,applicatipn that .came before the Board again— in fact, during thelast in full, .Residence, and Occupation " ; t , . 1 — ;r l^^ - T t — " 7 1 L '■ > ' j; ■ f 1 ■ ( i 1 f 1 - t — ( swhenua,;5 ( i; T . ;i ; ) i ! 1 ] . ■ t " ,! „ t f — 1 ( - } T — ; 1 " ( 1 1 i ; — ■ ■ ■ . time the Council has not heard a single a question that came before the House, word about that? Why was not the but no sooner did the Government Council told it before the horn member for see that the majority were in favor of the Wai'aki proposed ; bis motion on the it than they got up and assented to ask, does that ; day after or on the night, of the sale ? If ifc. Indeed, I very sale, and that it be,postponed until I have already read, and I believe they could have '&& Eiver; The due consideration could be' given. On look like a binding agreement? Ifthere J hon. members are going to judge this been got to assent to anything. I ; J l 5 Marewhenua ing, ■iVi .into the afferwards; w^en I brougnt'; tKe matter the first day, of,the session the hon. mem- is oneacre auriferous the Province is not' question from a moral point of view— if reallybelieve they would have even gone ; 11 too. /rugged: and ber Veinginstructed country is altogether settlement, Before'the' Waitaki gave notice of a motion, only not bound to sell, but the applicant ' the morality of the transaction is to be con- the length of reconstructing themselves. but is and for broken for agricultural "byv'Mif G Taylor;9aß''I f -6X1)18111601- to the rwell''adapted on the second day of the session that had fully acknowledged what the Pro- sidered— then Iwould like to know if.tbe There was no getting the Government to for pastoral occupation." I requested by a was carried as follows :— Ist. vince could do. Where, then, is there''■ miners of the Marewhenua district, and dissent from anything. Let members resolution ' >deputation- of miners in;thejMarewbenua: will not be denied that that : That an address be presented to hisHonor any binding agreement shown in these did amount any not contain the Province, are not to be considered also ? ask for endowments, tramways, railways, o^dißtrict -to; appear- for themj incase this second block the Superintendent,requesting that there papers that the Province was bound to1 The land, that it agricultural of but was. miners have just as good a claim to or anything else, and the assent of the rio'matter'should ragainricome/before the upon the table of the Council the sell ? I be laid the Gold Fields [ say, tbat under block, and therefore in purely pastoral a the consideration of the Government as the Government was immediately given. ■f LBoard^l jlicould^noj; pro- that fespect, report ofMessrs Shepherd andM'Kerrow or Waste Lands Act of 1866, I do not; hon.Ropert Campbell, although he happens Never was there a Government on those " proposal when this was re J-r,eeeived.instructions from r; .[jceed as to land applied for by theHon.Robert care which, the land need not have beei. resolution1 of 'the Provincial Campbell, lessee. If the Govern ment benches so pliant and so ready to do rj-flneipj: liithen: wrote. to?Marewhenua for ceived, the in the Marewhenua district. sold ;and is it not ;the fact,thatunder the1 to be a pastoralbound Then, with. was.being complied to sell* they were at everything that everybody and anybody Council were in honor , definite .[instructions r frpm^ the .Miners' That if the said report be laid upon new Land Act the Superintendent has 1 the 2nd. blocks honor way accordance with the other time in bound to see that wished. That is a reason why the same ' j proceed: in l '" ;niAssociation as^tp how. .should it was the table, it be printed and bound up reserved land,and that theBoard agreed tiie interests of tbe Marewhenua .district Council should insist upon the motion Province,; sold in this' have been j letters from hose Asso'cia-1 arranged,-according; with the Votes and.' Proceedings of this even if the1 to theletters between Council. 3rd. That the consideration of with that resolution. But were not sacrificed, and that no auriferous being carried; the Council should let the .a.repprt.Bu'bmitted.ywbicb,j ; tionß,,.a81 not think was Government did there !^^ Campbell and the the sale of land in the Marewhenua dis! [and should be sold. Ileaveit to the Go- Executive know that ifc will not do for an not I^|B -Hon. member for Diin- the Hon. : Uobert ample power under the new Act, the Act vernraent and to the Council to say which Executive to agree to anything they are 'c edin'|[Mr 'SatKgate) peruse; but anyother Government qt the day, that he should trict, applied for ,by the Hon. Robert of 1866 gives tbeBoard power to refuse day, and the next day do the 1 s' to read apply for this 10,000 acres, arid that no Campbell, be postponed and referred to a to grant an application, if it should be is the more binding. Had there been a asked one di>n't wish I !f!fion 'member, very opposite. That is a kind of action ' ; f be allowed to j applicant agreement, should Council would binding other the. ' '■"■.flSme* cif 'tbe documenta because^ compete with him in the purchase. Select Committee." And, Sir, not one "prejudicial to the publicinterests Buthave[ upheld it without hesitation. which the Council,if it has any sense of little praise '""tbey° prkise^nyßel^ although single wordof opposition did the Govern- there not been applications under the A.ct ' doubtlesshave in reference to leases its own dignity, cannot consent to. I happened 0 ih&t. That appears to have been the method ment offer to this motion. On the con- of For what dwe>?'pj bnt^^E- may ' 1872 refused, by givingtbe Superinten- granted by tbe Corpora'ion sale;of to large in the all adopted respect of Tua- simply condemn the Executive for not 1 -^therti-'thftre is a ;letter tbankmotion came on for dent the power to reserve the land, and one, by two or trary: when another only by not but found that sooner carrying out the resolution of this Counblocks— not in,, tryinf peka. Was it .1; hrtdrd^ne fi? "injfnmeafor^wha.t^ consideration immediately afterwar s the B^ard agreeing to that resolution ? ; viz., the runholder three Executives— that ever a Cor- cil, to which the Executive themselves hon. member This was the course adoptedin regard to than it should be said motion of the namely, o :tp dppoße;ithe. sale, of this -,)».n.d, and aU-> the opened — run, on his a contract in assented, by obtaining the postponement allows a block to be for the Taieri (Mr Shand) the hon. the application of Messrs Smith add poration that had madecarry the consideration, of the sale by means understanding tha he but with the it out, a of ,;but appe>rrfor^the;mipers and Heiend thei' member at the head of the Government Gellibrand ; and that Was a small matter good faith had failed to ; of their representative at the Waste >o£ purchase, the'first choice ,s sard he wished the hon. member for the compaired with the sale now under the majority of this Council upheld the con- Lands Board, instead of actually denriv./T.bat, is fhe^way Icame; to be shouldhave ! competition be no there should of the Corporation and.that credit ? consequpncTaieri had framed his resolution in .lan-, consideration of theHouse. But- no one" tract and the ' * cbncerne^rin this ing the Council of the opportunity of nirriv :But so as to comply fully guage as candid as that in which the can say after reading the 46th, section of Andno doubt had it been found that * offtliaacupn of the Goyernmfint on'Weil against even considering the sale whether good when Council, of the with the resolution with theMareinconnection arrangement the TfuVsaajy" last^ I'pfepared resolution of the hon. member for the the Otago Waste Lands Act, 1866, that or bad. IfI desired to attack the policy this; proviso received, was ; application something binding, :;mot|oii 'w^fifdii'appears on the" order 1papery the Waitaki had been framed. Well, the the Province was, in the slightest de- [ whenua land sale was impolicy of the sale, there are abunor in the! 'a ; was on therecords Waste the placed J i: last to this Council would have been at 'lBad' the right to attack any to enable gree, bound to sell any land, whoever daut materials in the papers before the Agreed that the; Standing Orders weresuspended ; ■'■' -Go^ethmirix^nb" matter what position ILands Board Office— to' be; passed ; the applicant, or whatever the applica- Have said tbat this or any other such House to enable me to do so. Besides, I Sumpter's Mr resolution registered, and be received Province application Jby undertaken. the agreement ■'■-' held, iM'thought thpj were' treating tbis| hold in my hand the reports of practical made, by the applicant, the resolution was passed unanimously, tion ; might be. That clause read with^disre^pect, or riot carryino:i the survey to be Is and theGovernment offered no obiection. as follows ; Notwithstendiqg that the should not be fairly and honorably ful- miners who have gone to the trouble and to approved. Eight : inout-the-jwigheßvofjithe Council in any de- the Surveyor to be Therefore.l say the Council had aright Board may have received such application "filled.—(Hear, bear.) It may be said expense of prospecting this very land as may be found to be reserve such lands WasteLands Ob, the of the been constitution I, ; expect bad to that these hon. members who gree^Hear,-«hear) /and -0 and have decided to *But what do we find Mr M'Kerauriferous or necessary for public pur- voted for that motion they had a right for unsurveyed land, is to blame, and therefore the sold.stating? sy-jSriefeddaftitheLhon^member for-Dunedin poses have the survey made, and have required Board Practical miners may say row : the .Chje.f Commissioner to expect help retained could not the sale." It tbat theExecutive which sanc- to have the survey made at the applicant's Government has stated, Ifail to see how that circum- not voting." You will see, therefore, ; it is a person, however impossible that not necessary to go into this question -Btance,wopld interlere wittimy position, that it was the intention, of. the Waste tioned tbat resolution on the Wednesday expense, it shall be lawful for the Board if ? is be, can prospect 10,000 may talented he of the Board. There reso- it shall, by the Board, be seemed pre- of the constitution jfiii? CbunciU— (Hear,hear). Lands Board that auriferous land should did not intend to disregard the same eleven hours. Still that are some members the hon member, for acres in about noon, by :t'ndn;;rmember; on at following,, day to say that lution the judicial to public in'erest to errant the appli- instance, proved, even with imperfect .'ineanß^ such, gentleman as sale, as well as " reserved from who verybe OamaruTown are for ra! lawyer comeß into this Council, sanctioning the sale of thisland. (Hear, cationeither as to the whole,or as to part of \ : gold «vas scattered over might be necessary for public^ purposes. in favor of a non-political Board. prospecting, that "^'wKen^ and except ne be not briefed, he can have After this application was received and hear.) However, that is the position in the land, and to refuse to grant the applica- much the land. He states that there are 1000 to that was tribunal thought proper He the which this matter has been placed. Then, tion either as to wholp, or as to part of the say that how- registered, 'esao opinionsof his ownj I the miners in the Marewhenua on of the waste lands acres which is probably payably aurifer: the Thursday,when the Boardmet, the land, and. to return the moneys deposited look after the disposal -1 e«er^ rthat- may suit some gen tlemen I also tells the Board this in the Oamaru disdistrict, arid others laughter— and there are ous, andhe they of the Crown— matter came on for consideration and for survey and on account of the purchase ;take itato-myself;and he will find that unless reserve the whole block, deputations protesting against flori't hold perhaps sent what There is no communica- money or suchpart thereof as has bepn dp- other hon. members who happens ? 1"; that Jjara,(just?;aSofree:to giye;;a sound trict impossible it will be for these 1000 acres the sale as proposed by the Hon. Mr of the hon. membetween the Government and the posited on account of the portion of land similar views to those ; and therefore he properly to worked a.idecisionvon .any :;matter, even though ICampbell. When these deputations tion be I Town; this say but ber for Oamaru application advises should be , ;should,not hojdtwp bfficesj or be Minister came down, the Superintendent and the WasteLands Board. The Government applied for, and the application] for which that the the non political element of the granted !",,of justice and Provincial Solicitor at the Executive were at Wellington, but in did not 'even send to tbe Waste Lands shall not be granted, and if the survey about or not at all. And, Sir, I intact gentlemen are in whom they Board, that Board a copy of the resolution passed by .Bam.eJimeVi:;. ..„;■ <..,-..* their absence the Government here agreed the Council on the day previous. Not shall have been made at the expense of the the Majority of this Council have every say that upon the face of that report,in gallery. in the to of auriferous ,r{ i, frq strangers' such AppJause applicant, the Board shall repay to postpone the sale; at any rate, it was members at first the face of this 1000 acres of Spealter warned the public decided that the application should be only is that the case, but we find the applicant the expenses of the survey of the , confidence. sell,Those concluding laud, uop^tiie and in the face this ',' /"Ifhjß political memand if the : : refused to that t¥ere must be,no expression of opinion, held over for the report of Messrs head of the Government, theleader of the land, or such part of the whole expense of bers of the Board, the leader of the Exe- portion of Mr M'Kerrow's report, that ! Executive,and a member of the Waste must be conducted Shepherd and M'Kerrow, the Commis- Lands Board voting for the sale, and by the survey as the quantity of land applied cutive, and the Chief Commissioner had the application should be granted intact closed dborsl The Government was witn ; sioners sent to report on the character of his votegaining that of the Chief Com- for and not granted, is proportionate to the1 voted against the sale,it would again have or not all. h ;tM?"Stbut— that thehonmemsay I bound in honor to the Province to surveyed." I don't think report Sir/ isbeforehon. of land quantity right wehave no ; this application. That I! should members missioner for it is well known that the that ampler power could have been given bben refused. Therefore carry out that memorandum anber?ibr ©onedin printed papers, non-political these and in on the : to throw the blame in !; liave l>eeii;thelast gentleman in this House it is not necessary for me to refer to Chief Commissioner?, has° always given than is extended to the Board by this Act element of theBoard. Still it must not nexed to the condition when the aphead of the Government may of said 'anything- whatever on thjs them further than to say that the Com- to what the 1866, to refuse to grant an application be supposed that the Council are to blame plication was first put in, namely, thatno Now,Sir, this is a short outline i >f]and:questionv Why,Bir; is it notia fact missioners by their cursory examination desire. it be prejudicial to the public in- because there is a non-political element auriferous land should be sold. And should these papers,and■ then what is said about the agricultural i^that-beTwas'one of the leading members fourid that one-half of the" land; was 6? the facts disclosed in terest. But Imay mention, [for the inthe Board, for it was the Legislative land inthis Province ? I don't intend to thathe said went in for the auriferous, and ought to' be reserved the other documents in the possession of formation of hon members, that the Act in provision as inserted this Council that facts, ifI ; and I Council think these ? the opubtrj the the whole of the but listen , quote report of the 'in 1 people settlement other which this half oflß72isDot the Act under V: from sale; but!.' that the to the non-political element. Another to the concludingparagraph : '■ This land, tp!opar^phrase the positionbf was neither agricultural . land, ( nor, were not to utter a single sentence more, application was made, and the only clause 1 l ; the Council probably be that excuse will shouldi be sufficient to make the Council in this Act referring to it is section 19,1 has tha|fparty--7were L-tPfrepeat the f wpr;oV as : far as they; .knew, auriferous. pass no power over the leader of the with its natural suitability for occupation, But there may this resolution. " ÜBe|l^bjvSir!;oayin! Ruffy, of Melbpiirne^in/ applications re- Executive,as he attends the Board simply and settlement." In the face of that reall the' application came before be declares that When which excuses offered on behalf of the ceived under a prior Act shall be decided as a member, or merely as represent- port,I would like to know if this is the Iri; another \>a>ty in ', tlie:Victorian the -Waste Lands Board, they at Executive,; and I . intend to deal according to the Act under which the ap- ing the Executive at the Board. only areasnitable for settlement coming jshould say-— ;. ,'\.i = >.. .-.■, once agreed that $ey;could not sell the with ' excuses which Ihave heard plication is made. So that this is a comentirely under this clause of the minute of the ,■';'-,. - !' ,i:Hans. Sreightmann.r had,a partyi land applied for, and consequently the offeredthose some hon. members. I intend pleteanswer any reference that may be 1 But that defence has been by ■ ; ? isnow j ; Where sent in was refused. :Before of the hon. WasteLands Board, found tobe auriferous thatp^r^ pplication ! a to the action away by taken / 5 to deal "with them singly. But before or necessary for public purposes. Howhpn that; far, then, on consideration as the evening, true came : for that Act. So the other Council, "Is the! an(^ the matter member in the to refer to the made to ought I think I doing so, ever, on the face of that report of Mr Executive, there was a changeinjthe Lands Boardand the Government when he stated that it was theintention genijlepo*»n i oPpc. ,-^®?!' r^ ? again,;thei .position the Miners' Associa'ion appear to Waste M'Kerrow, even if the Government had the ! before the on on businothing matter then came? there is to: the concerned, carry arid \3 of the Government Ihave are no application from the miners ; even i£ eighteen present Evecutive, with the exception of have taken up. Imay say that mining papers showing that the Province was ness of the country that he only held "Andialit notalsb time thatHfter telegrams received from certain Miners' Association had not gone to and, the " it! was ; long '■■'- months' this in the Marewbenua so as he geitlenmn' sudiderily difr>r ;pne member^ to sell land' Land Board ' ' (.jVEriTurnb.ull) his seat in the a telegram bound thetrouble and expense I have stated, it > "co^erebV-^bipnhefrad ugotall Ww<mted ultimately agreed that the Hon. Mr associations, iv consequence ofmay dp see that any hon mem- was Secretary for Lands— that when he district ; nor I and so .that it be seen them, duty I sent to the the Government to have } was of - T: >J his the Govern ceased to be the one he ceased to be the party; were incapa^e^bf ad- Campbelli^hall be ?allowed'ito will read ber can get up and say that to bear I brought pressure postponment I no obtain the of endeavored to include, But, as assuming absolutely application/ so that he icould1 other,,and that thereforeit was had ment were bound to sell. further, the Vfei^gra'm. I'may also say that I before I proceed the sale. But (or h^nl'MembWswilbsee1by" map, to^figlit the that vik sell-— I will a seat there grant ithe" iotbem^el were bound to thathe should have they necessary, patty Jiilie left with that Imay remark that the land now sold, people on/the land, flat portion of Jand fronting the Waitaki previously been in communication the hon member opposite that point— l inorder that the Province might be pro- is not the i^lbesettlement of 'he Sir, The telegram associations. many of these land which Mr Campbell ap, anpther -portion So that .Laving deposed ,Jiiver,. and including 1--A (Applavse;):* Now^ '' July will grant that the Waste"Lands Board perly represented at theBoard.concerned, t.^—'^Dunedili, plied -Fsentreads' as follows for inthe first instance, nor was ifc Now this bring to Otakaik Eiver. bound to proposed towards 'tne/ s and tbe Government were; both so far as the hon. member was first matter,^ alhr Mining the second application, but 4th, Secretary, 1873. To included in to Qampbell conduct, member, i? he wasnotthere as anon-political say that their notice ?of>ihfl;Honse^and:>l^am wasv simplyivrallownngj* M!r agricultural ation. Notwithstanding protest of Pro- do so and still I to by present application agreed the , of, that the application Government, censure, because include in his as dft^py they, abpuld haye^had-tQ deserving jhe if gravest of but as aMmember ;-(obancily- ele'ven?'itlioiisand acres Li iorrjr li 1872, I ; On the 28th Executive December/ de p0 ,"n Ivunderstenjdo^hei hon.fmejnbec for7 n- iaAd'-'-'^icH^i"'^^^^^^^^^'^^ partly auriferous land, Marewhenua ilDis- had not been bound to sell— and for these! supppsed to ;carry ouV the will of the had althoughthey surely must have i Council. OBut and ;After:gia^t^,matter i|ecture4 hon^infembers on| .the, clinei^sellhim,. ;I>9 reasons : Let hon members look at the G-overnment anbi of the' J"" edin before trtfcft'^^'^Go^ernra^n^^a^eifting. report this ofMr.M'Kerrow ..them 'ip'' abeyande intimating wed!" for was"illo remain""^ ■positibViD which the Council was)placed. what did he do ? Instead of asule ;all '" J necessity of the country, they alBpard jou pr-t-st?" And Iam glad to sayjtnat of the aa to the plan piece, all'party, considers tion^tp Bomeltime, untiKit camebefore the; -'coxifiißeratibns, First, if the Government or Waste Lands to, the Board what the request, is not a Assciation : lowed this flat of \land' to be insingle there jMiiii,Qg a when asking and v c td; application; sell, 'tK&Boa^d cluded liafctiet,, to^,yoid -anything like on this amended I..want/to.know Council' was-^insteadof Board were bound 'the "forward", :^&m J not the But there are application; J that did come aenounce in the b(e Bioard^gain, JU I fendeayor to prbceedjwith it^Hid-^me fbre'"»tke* why they tookjthe trouble, and incurred to defer -consideration of the question--, strongly showing 10,000. acres, fpr discussion; cpmpallying, tracing^^^ ! ine^'^aste','1 Lands ;tp Maerewhenua " pisfcrict, consists of a declined; on piece of mountainous' country,intersected Epbt ;';?'ta'ccede /to^th^applic^ ; 4 : lt ''report of by tbe gorge of the Otakaik 'River, and oif the Campneliirin?cpnßequence 1M'ferro^vj: and1 the head waters of several streams flowSfiephera i '\ ; .^he^Boai^l J Sheep ' sessibn of the Council— the hon. member Robert Campbell, of Otakaik, for -Waitaki tabled, a resolution asking Farmer." The minute of the Waste 5 that aninquiry should be made into this ' Lands Boardin receiving this application1 Board^arid'nbt " sent " ■ f . 'i£ I'^ow?hold — r "^.is^safeV-andJh " iFeelin^tn —" .: — .. — — '^~i^tße - .. — — , . — . . ... . — ' ""' — 1 . '^ ifc^iwt *%s&ss? . ..\\ 1 . 1 ' — Wftidii' , "- >as — : — .Jerfeonal "wra^l^'aDdtd ?^Kbusin^B^thVc])untry.' : ( the Sir'rliayingf, iS^^'ttj^l'qoul^^Qtjjp^qe^jTSglhmy salevlan3iop;r.ot^st most telegram against it. the'expensef o'f^ sending Messrs Shepherd he*Masla&tuaily fciund voting in favor of other reasons I 1 following The is the the'miners sufficient,' heard -frbni.' received untilI ! upon the l^nd. the s^le. That, in itself is diejibsed^ibte^first'questiohVl will ppppsitipn Ida Assojiatiod:— ; and M/Kerrow . jtisjgtgap^tbe lknQWwhy the hon,members pausebefore (CQnti?we3(fflfas§-7r);n::i§ <i|in&J to wake Se^ly7^wSEt*tb fail tbfiieircefye'btw fKi^a^tiob at tiMracewhenua,oiwh^^^ un^etf addibat I Aiwwatioq protest," thftfc applipatjgn to be pppoued, B^t I Mpunt ! " tiiFWSw? . of THE Bftl7 GJB r-rtt'K- ItqAri J> ... " ," ;T^EW;:: new; :; i ;";.. advertisements. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J ' 1 ' AUCTION SALES. A^EimsEKNTS.rT"f y-\': ; E^,; — ; XTJ^ANTED, V situation as General Serr v:N\ ;,:-- -s a :; :l ICHARD XTTESTELL /^APSTICK /CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CAPSTICK VV KJ ■■" ' ' :r ■ piftjfo lj^Aygsisfolß73, fr^ r 4 : ; ■ : ;:vl iGLENLEDI;■ROAD f; ; : Mill Stories, MillBills, Swiss Silk Cornsacks, Woolsacks, Sheep-nets, Twine ! Steam Engines, 4, 8, and12 H.P. yant. Country preferred. BOARD.: ! LIMITS ANTS- DESCRIPTION : .■■■■■;;.'■ :.%! '■,";■;; , OF THE . A- 'above Board's Accounts made ■up to EVERY SATUEDAy. ' inspectionby ; l for [is open June, 1873, 30th Beucr Heraid Office. LINE OP RAILWAY EROM. TOKOPartnership Mr John Duthie (late ol he Murray's Double-furrow Ploughs, to arrive. Advan madeonthe" IncomingClip of wool can be seen at the Board's and Ratepayers^ George son, ; Teas in half chests and boxes also Sugar TXTANTED, Two Good Farm -Servants MAIRIRO TO LAWRENCE. Bank of Otago, Milton),and his for 83 'e here, or for shipment to London. I ** office, 14 days fromthis date. / (small bags). (single men) wellused to horses. Gapstick (who has been in his Dmploymort The Annual Meeting of the above;Board DUTHIE & CAPSTICK Whiskies and Brandies,' Port and Sherry James Fergusson, Governor. since commencing business), and that, on '' '" '''"' ' be held at Mr Frederick Waynes' Rooms, ' ; will Will offer for sale, at their ; ":■■■.,,:, .'" "."Wines. . .House, Akatore, on Wednesday the 20th '/.;;.,' '.:\';;.'^;' ; and afterMonday next, the llth inst., the Milton,on Wednesday, 20th August, at 12 \ ' A PROCLAMATION. - BLAcK',! ; Pipes> &c;j ;&c^ Stores, Tobacco Oilman's , ''" August inst., at noon. \ " "■:"-■"■!"""*:-,":"■ ';V/' ■'■"■ business formerly conducted by him as o'clock -s : by The "Immigration and /Milburn.' \:.{\.,U THOMAS BROOKES.' ~\ i 63, Block VII., Mr Jame3 Act, 1870/' it is enacted Section Public Works , AUCTIONEER, LAND, ESTATE and " ■■''■' ■ A,;W TTIR S■■'■■ WAN TED. . ""( Clerk to ßqard. that the;railways to be constructed under tho Q Smith's Sub-division of Milton, ' : N.B.— -Indents j execxited for : Thrashing COMMISSION AGENT, will be carried on said Act shall be only sueh>■.railways as shall one rood(more or less.) ist August, 1873. .;' . ;' \ '.. ;■ Apply, JOHN ALLAN, Machines, Agricultural Implements, and from time to time be determined by the 13 a. vnder the style of ROAD BOARD. BALMOBAL machinery, from the best known General Assembly : And "it is also thereby general Crown Hotel, Capstick. enacted that, subject to the provisions conCapstick,Duthie & SEED WHEAT. makers. Sheet, the for tained therein, the Governor may construct, Balance and Accounts Balclutha. R. W. Capstick takes this opportunity of undersigned by public will sell ' above Board, for the year ending30th or cause to be constructed, any linesof railauction, on August 15th, at Barr's XTTANTED One to Two Hundred Acres by the General thankinghis many Friendsand Constituents pUPSTICK, DUTHIE & CAPSTICK June,1873, will be opeil for the inspection way which shallbe prescribed ' under Assembly railways to be constructed as patronage upon previously bestowed for the very liberal Have for Sale— Velvet-ear, and Tuscan seed Yardsi to defray expenses,unless PLOUGHING done. Level Land. of Ratepayers, for fourteen, days fromthis said Act, or any'partpr parts thereof, and the date, at the office of the Clerk, Council acquire the necessary engine's, plant, and ' him since commencing business as Auc- wheat. Bulk of each descriptioncan be seen claimed, 1Bay Marb, branded like CL or , Applyto Wool and Capstick's Capstick, Duthie & Chambers, Milton. GL, left at Crown Stables, on or about 12th machinery for working and using the same, tioneer, &g.j and ifusts that the same favors at M'KENZIE, CAPT. Milton. Stores, Grain or any of them: And it is also thereby enJ. A, HENDERSON, December, 1872. willbe extended to.the new firm. , . Tapanui. acted that, whenever the Governorshall deNear Clerk to the Board. SALE. FARMS FOR ANDREW CHAPMAN. notice, CAPSTICK. termine to construct any such railway,or any Referringto theabove AND LAWRENCE TOKOMAIRIRO Milton, Ist August, 1873. fbrjhim, by part thereof, it shall be lawful 'New; 'DUTHIE & CAPSTICK begrespectfully to SALE.— OnePair Prize Clydesdale TT^OR in the Zealand published Tokomairiro, RAILWAY. Proclamation FOR SALE in J- MARES, young and thoroughly Annual Meeting of the Balmoral Gazette,' to declare and define tlielimitsand 'j assure yke former patrons of Mr R..W. Akatore, Puerua, arid' Waiwera DisRoad Board will be held at Greenfield description and line thereof, and the lands '■-' - Capstick, that no effort on their part willbe tricts of 100, 114, 156, 315, and 1003 acres staunch, bothin foal ; mENDERS WANTED for Post and Rail Station, on Wednesday, 20th August,,at the proposed to be taken.for thepurposeof such, ■*Fencing for Contract No. 1. Particu; also, 509 acres in Southland. respectively to the provisions ,rf any Act Also, ] railway, subject hour of noon. Spared to merita continuance of thebusiness For particulars apply to limitsand descriptions, and any lars to be obtained on application to Mr J. such defining J. A. HENDERSON, The Heavy Draught Clydesdale Entire, A. Henderson, Accountant. : fa^oi* bestowedupon.their Predecessor;and CAPSTICK,DUTHIE & CAPSTICK, such Proclamation may refer to maps, plans, "MAJOR," to the Board. quiet and staunch in harness, Clerk or drawings to be deposited in the.offica of CAMPBELL AND CO. Tokomairiro. as each member of the firm will undertake the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the and up to any weight. "I) mor no " the several departments connect^- V for the erection KAITANGATA ROAD BOAED Court inthe Province in which such Supreme TENDERS ' CO., AND STEWART Miss Davidson of for Apply, railway part thereof is proposed to be conSchool-honse or Clutha Branch. business, the utmost attention and despatca X_J in Milfcon. Plans and specifications to be and structed, any maps, plans; drawings, so at Barr's Monthly Sale, Will hold theirusual seen at the Office of MessrsCapstick, Duthie, ;= Accounts and BalanceSheet for the >in the execution of Auction and General Yards, Balclutha, on Friday, 15th August, to be deemed to form part of WILLIAM BLACK, shall referred will be received Capstick, wheretenders and ending30th Board, for the year above ;the provisions and reguProclamation August Monday, 18th. such till8 p.m., of dpmniission Agency maybe reliedupon. 1873, when they willoffer— inspection of Rate- lations contained in the Seventh Partof the for the open last, is Milburn. June necessarily tender not acLowest or any ' Soliciting the favor of a continuance and cepted. IQA tore neeP payers,at my ofiice, Coombe Hay House, at said Act shall be applicable to the railway, ISALE. EOE whichplace the Annual General Meetingof and to the lands to which the Proclamation increase of public patronage. C\ A A Half Bred Ewes, in lamb f nENDERS WANTED for a Sod Fence the Board will beheld on Wednesday the shallrelate : And it is also thereby enacted We are, &c, that it shall be lawful for the Governor to A FARMin the Manuka Creek District, (legal)88 Chains (mora or less). The fence 20th August inst., atnoon. ry HeadPrime Fat Cattle. CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CAPSTICK. make, construct, and maintain any suchrail* with a right to run 500 sheep on the when finished to pass inspection. WM. S. CHAPMAN, way as aforesaid, with proper works, ap"■-■■' Milton, 4bh August, 1873. Begs respectfully to informhis Friends and Hold Sales of Sheep Skins, Tallow &c, thePublic generally, that'he. has takeD into ; .. 3.8., ■ ■■■ HpHE Balance Sheet and Statements;of the ■. i : : . :; : 1 — ! > . CaPSTfCK, : -Apply, iv :il ; wi^tAM. ; v ■ : ■■ i ■ : WHEREAS ;!; . ' THE. THE ■ . EARMS THE j . WANTED . THE Apply to Goldfields. Thereis a Five-roomedDwelling Clerk to the Board, proaches, and conveniences connected thereSettlers are requestedto bringforward any with, commencing at the place delineated on, BROWN. J. Hay House, Coombe House, and Stable on the Stock-yard, preextending along the lines set forth inf have for sale. and they tock may TuapekaMouth. August, 1873. terminating at apoint described in the and — Easy. STEWART AND CO, mises. Allnew. Terms N.B. The ground throughoutis first-class proclaiming and defining " Act or Proclamation BOAED. EOAD POMAHAKA Duff, Esq., to sell by auction, on an ear"/ (Clutha Branch) For Particulars, apply to for the purpose. such railway,or shownin the maps, plans, or Havereceived instructions fromMr William drawings referred to in such Act or ProclaTHOS. CRAWFORD, date, the whole of his ValuableFreeuo' Young, to sellby public auction, at his resiit is also thereby enactedthat KAITANGATA COAL! on the Premises. rnHE Balance Sheet and Statements ofthe mation : Andmay direct Estate, situatein the WaiholaandClarendon dence, Spring Side, Warepa, onFriday. 29th that any part of such Governor the -*above Board's Accounts, made up to KAITANGATA COAL! at 11o'clock sharp FOR SALE. may be constructed on and August, railway line of inspection by ' Districts, viz. 30th June, 1873, are open for along any part of any public highway, and A A Head Mixed Store Cattle ° £ can be seen at my house forj Ratepayers, and g that any part of any suchlineof railwaymay ' SMALL FARM in TuakitotoDistiicfc. WANTED KNOWN. §>"§ & \ , this date. Riding days and fourteen from Harness Useful be constructed on or through any public re5 o o o d '■§ » Horses above Board Meeting of the The Annual j Apply 13 to serves: And it is also thereby enacted that, 9 *c 13 -5 «T g o Wednesday, A Bushels Prime Wheat 20th Clifton, subject -.■■-.S . o « at on will be held to the provisions of that Partof the appointed been Undersigned has QA rnHAT the J. A. HENDERSON, 1 saidAct and of the Acts incorporated there JL Tokomairiro Agent forNo. Kaitan- August, at noon. ;p5« g .©■... S S O g i Ton first-cla3sFlour Coal gata Company. with, the Governor may exercise all or any o* Milton. War. DALLAS, "CO M<N <M O O | | on the Shortest Notice. Delivered the powers by that?Partofthe said Act or the Coals :- '" «tf +3 § Teas in half Chestand Boxes, Avery's weigh LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. theBoard -.K. *- O O O Clerk to Depot, Coal andFirewood said incorporated Acts conferred upon him js | . ..-^8 8 J2 8 J9 S ing Machine and Counter do. Drapery the construction of any such railMain South Road. sth August, 1873. \ for Ironmongery,Crockery, and alarge way, and may enter upon, and cause ' ! W. M. WHITE, quantity of MiscellaneousStores. fco be entered upon, all lands within MATAU EOAD BOAED. HEREBY GIVEN that the IS Contractor, Milton. w &. .a the Colony for the purpose of making such 6 Driver, Stewart, and Co., several parcels of Land hereinafter S may be necessary, and may take surveys |£ 5 ANNUAL MEETING of the .above and holdasall the lands required for the rail° brought providescribed will be under the WESLEYAN CHURCH. ** (Clutha Branch.) S 'S Board willbe held at the House of Mr * '8 nj >a n) sions of "The Land Transfer Act, 1870, way alonglhe line set forth and describedas "5 ts have much pleasure in intimating unless caveat be lodgedforbidding the same pEV,F. W. ISITT will preach at Mil- Peter Smith, NorthMolyneux, on Wednes- aforesaid, or within the limits of deviation day, 20th August, at thehour of NOON. that we have established a on or before the 23rd day of September, ton, on Sabbath first, described in the Proclamation relating there* Station, and BREWER, to, and may temporarily occupy and use Stock, of our General Branch C. V. 1873 :— MORNING and EVENING. lands as may be necessary on either Clerk. such Agency Basiness at 6 6 o 6 X., 4 Block Waihola 5, Sections and side of the railway,during the construction NOTICE. BALOL U T RA BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS !BILLIARDS ! thereof : distriot. Jame3 Forrester, of Dunby The Railways Act, Under the Managementof The Green Mantle of the Standing And whereas " edin, settler applicant1149. Railways JAct, 1872," it is held at 1871," will be and The PUBLIC MEETING CO ME ROBERT GRIGOR. oo g ©f S Pool." (Shakespeare.) '& 13 may, under the that the at 7 o'clock enacted Governor Hotel,Puerua, « Whytock's jt^T cC « cf . Thi3 Branch will be prepared to supply the White Horse Hotel, provisions of the hereinbefore firstly recited Partof Sections 4 and 5,Block XXXV., in. Bth September, to consider as to TT7ST arrived at i-f co C* H 5 § £ on p settlers withGeneral Stores, make advances Vet and ofthe now reciting Acts, construct William Bafctrick, the advisability of having a sale by auction Clutha district. Flax, Wool, Grain, andother Pro and maintain, or cause to be constructed and on Stock, one of ALCOCK'S best after 3 o'clock on tho marketdays. maintained, the severallines of railway speci* Battrick, Terms, and to conduct and Charles BatGeorge BILLIARD TABLES!!! THUESDAY, llth SEPTEMBEE, duce, upon Liberal Shares in fied therein : And it is also thereby enacted price to the of Also, determine Auction Salesof Stock, Land, and General settlers, and trick, Balclutha, all of give o'clock. to it a At 2 that the <line of railways thereby authorized the proposed Thrashing Mill. Billiard Players are requested Produce. be constructed shall be fixedby the Go. to Charlotte M'Ewan (formerly BatTrial. rHAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CAPSTICK and shallcommence and terminate at vernor, LargeStorage Accommodation willbe proD. WHYTOCK. VJ Have been favored with instructions vided, where produce of every description to be fixed by the Governor : And points trick), wife of John M'Ewan, of ENTERTAINMENT — whereas by "The Immigration and Public from WilliamDuff, Esq., to sell by auction, willbe receivedand forwardedfor a merely INAID OF Balclutha aforesaid, hotelkeeper Works Act, 1872." it is exacted that as to at their Rooms, Tokomairiro, on Thursday, nominal charge. THE TOKOMAIRIRO railway which the Governor has been any applicants,1169. the llth Suptamber, at 2 o'clock— LIBRARY!!! DRIVER, STEWART and Co ATHEX/EU.n authorised to contract, and to fix the com* NOTICE. The whole of his Valuable Freehold Sectious 1and 2, Block X-,4, 6, 9, 11, mencing and termination points and line TO BE HELD IN Dunedin. Estate, situate in the Waihola thereof, it competent for him, if he HALL, MILTON, 10, Block ST. GEOBGE'S 20, Block 111., and1 of andClarendonDistricts, contain- mOLet on the District Summoned for Wairuna, thinks fit, instead of fixingand proclaiming Lease for 10 years, at ON JURORS ingbyadmeasurement 1200 Acres 11-, Glenomaru district. George points and the wholeline at one time, to such Court, Tokomairiro, for Tuesday the WEDNESDAY FIRST (20th August.) Sections 37 and 38, Block IX,Poma(more or less), together with all proclaim portions of such line from fix and Hay, of Hilly Park, South MolyBuildings and other Improve- haka District, with house and 20 acres in AITKKN, assisted by Mr Winter time to time, and the commencing and ter19th inst., are informed that their services (Tenor Singer), having kindly con- minationpoints of an/ such portion or porneux, farmer— applicant,1171. ments thereon, consisting of 10will notbe Required. to to give a Farewell Entertainmentin tions, and the apply particulars For sented and description of any slate Cultivation. Roonibd Stone House with above Library, the Committeehope aid of the portions, and the lands pro* such portion or (1). Part of Sectiou 4, Black XXXV., roof, Stable, Barn, Stockyard, PETER FARRELL, that every one will make an effort to be pre- posed DRIVER, STEWART & Co., be taken the purpose of any to for sent, as every pound realised by the instituShed, Stackyard", and about l£ Clerk of the Court. ;tion, from portions,and to construct any Clutha district, allotments 21 and subscription, portion is subsidised such or public Clutha Branch, Baiclutha. acres garden, beautifully Jaid out Distriot Court, portion or portions so fixed, and to take the to an equalamount by the Government. 22, Block VII.,township of Milton. variety of with every , replete : and Circle August, 14th Dress and lands for the same ;.and any such portion so Tokomairiro, 1873. of Admission AN, Prices ACLE TO H N ~ fruit Trees. . There isalso a flax Front Seats, 3s ;Body of Hall, 2s. proclaimed shallbe deemed to be a railway William James Mudie Larnacb, NOTICE. millonthe property,in full workDoors open at 7.30; Performance to com- within the meaning of the said Act, and the STOCK, STATION, AND GENERAL bank manager, as attorney for the mence at 8. ing order. said amending Act, "and this Act : COMMISSION AGENT. And whereas by The Immigration and Bank of Otago ("limited)— applicant, Nearly the wholeEstate is fenced in with NDEEW running on A great, small and Cattle, A LL Public Works Act,1872," it is enacted that, sheep proof fence ; 200 acres, in two padSheep, Cattle, and Horse Salesman. 1181, 1184. at time after the expiration, of 'twenty <one any docks, are laid down with cocksfoot and my Property, on and after this date, will ( GINGER-BEEB, LEMONADE, SODA publicationin the New Zeadays from the to timothy grasses, and, by estimation; 750 Gazette,' and in a newspaper,ordinarily Section 6, £ of 5, \ of 7, Block VIII., be impounded. land WATER, AND CORDIAL MANU800 acres more is first-class Agricultural NOTICE. circulatingin the district, of a Proclamation IX., of 6, 5 Block also Section and £ ; LAND, and 9 Acw» of Bush there is FACTURER, TOKOMAIRIRO. THOS. CRAWFORD. under the thirteenth section of the said Act, . an Stone Quarry on the property, whetherof the whole or a portionor portions August 13th, 1873. Coast District. William Smail, of 50, 51,52, and 53, Block VI. - of excellent to either air or imperious of a line of railway, the Governor, on behalf a nature Tokomairiro, for sale by Road Inspector— appli- npRY the following well-known Medicines, N.B.—Having taken the whole manage- of Her Majesty, mayenterupon, take possesDunedin, Lewisyille, to the Waihola damp, easly accessible to_be entered J-. ■. auction about August 27th (unless previously ment of the above business into his own sion of, use and Hold, or cause cant, 1203. Lake. The above property is within a dispossession and held, so ofj but taken used^ lot; in one up upon, disposed put of) will be Road, ]hands, respectfully solicits a continuance of tance of 3 miles frqrn'the Main South PBTTIT'S CHILBLAIN LINIMENT. in such this office. much of the lands defined Proclamainspected made, be it at Diagrams will be may ' crossing the.fcake, about1{miles. The should no satisfagtory offer proposed{to/.beltaken" as shallbe reso'many tion as' hasbeen for which accorded support 2 to 20 acres PILLS. i PETTIiyS in from ANTI-BILIOUS House faces the^Lake, with full view of the be put up allotments of quired to be taken, purchased, or permanently " DatedthisIst day of August, 1873, at the each. to Inverfrom Dunedin pears to HewsonandNephew,;and afterwards |used fpr the; purposes! tifsuclirailway,notpassing whole traffic : an'agreement'shali nbthave < cargUl, Tuafieka,Clyde, &c., &c. Prep^rtdonly by Particulars in Bruce Hjsrald of 22nd Land Registry Office, Dunedin. bo Hewsonand;Marshall. ,Every attention, withstanding that aboveis one of themost retired August, been come to or an award .made for the pur. ; :: B. PETTIT, ' ■', . :.-. , j^y-:t'ai^L!^';&vdrß;'_rathi^d^*i; jchase pr compensation money to be paid in, - (combining picturesqueness), acceßsibfe V,/E!. MAIN,,- ;;■_"; - D. M'CALLUM, kin* executed: at tJw,!hQrtest noiioe o ;: :n |respectclBucUJajKU-; \ ;..- i. >'i;;.J tnd-vatoabfe properties between Dunedin. /CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CAPSTICK havereceivedinstructions from Williair DRIVER, . — — ■ "* 6 ■ .". , ■ 4.4 4 4 4 ■■■ irfh" ii " t IS* J I-s NOTICE ~ lii WE |I°^ 1B 1 , — * oil lia a a THE " A " — , tgj MISS — I\/r jyTAESHALL, SECTIONS ■ , .. \"\ .- ppd InverrtrgUl. ' KU m./ j Otwirim. ,i^-'be RJfeJ^ltf3' - : TAJL&B.tLO^ _ 5 ~ "^W6^r.'^^r"hWe^il6- adviceS' froni^B c" 'stsn^inglJf;~Scrlj^ i~ "The survey of "the Orepuki tramway is London 'market since the date of ourlasl t. teaching. The hitherto silence of the con- progressing favorably, inspite of the exceed' ' ' inglybad weatherwhichhas oflate prevailed, 0 T.rji 'And-whbrea's by the said last-mentioned '"''"'['' .[' ':{ -."v Table Hiit District. "' We offered about 30 balesfellmongers' wool *. stitntedi authorities of the several churchec 3 and the intricate network of bush lawyers, : ?,Aist it is'alsoenacted that inany caseinWliich ■"■ l to-day. demand, at auction The. however > (, the aijsence which, all familiar with JS ew Zealandforest Reperve Sections.Nos; 44, -46, |24, ;; ";.,x v;,' '#ig'^;stbeet,^-;;V ;'■;;':■i way. proposal ! ! : Rail of ie 5 any slight, and no sales !'""""■" '' a roadoVri^ht ofroad has beenor hereafter tracks will retain an .acute recollection of. ' and in 23, 40, 25, 26^39/ 45j 41, 32, 53, 51, Rail" effect in,their standards the alteration-which1 There - was " .. -. grant, are no engineering difficultiesin the maj'be reservedin jahj Crown— 'Sheepskins.-— Our usual weekly. sale wa ,■.' : ' . ."■ .■ ; \~"./. ' Tpko' Reserve, ' ' Mining Gold way of; -: ; recognition; marriages, rThe"Native Lands Reserves^ the I such would which, way,andthe case in under beingsurveyedin almost 'any goodattendanc , day.,. There was a " ' mairiro Rivera ahdf '■main road, Block III;, "/i,;,':':V,.JBBJIiIN-,^Wp6li; ;',..;, '.-,;,. ":-.. .: ! I heldthis Aeii, ,or anyJaw for the timebeing vvere,fulh y clearlyimplythat, as yet; they have seen nc j a straight line. Splendid timber has been prices and the of realised buyer?, ;i ; BRUSHWARE found by the surveyor^, which, when.the and all intervening roads, streamsj 'water- v : ->' , in .force relating^-tothe sale of waste lands -;;;''"■-'■'■ ';'[']■' ■'■'■"'' '"'']' ': :/: j ; ;:; '■■■■ ii',n;V,:- .".■:■; . eqaal to those of last week, butchers' greei ;i cause to seek a change 'that they combine\ train wayis opened,willdoubtless berendered courses, &c. ■' ■ " ' ■ . > i ' merino skins:having brought .frbnv 3slod t< o to regard such marriages to be unauthorised I useful and profitable to sawmillers, the f ;f ;of theKCrown, or any,law:whatever, there is a » 'CABINETWARE 7 :''■>.■■ ■"■■■■■■ Waitahd'na East District. '; " tramway, and the Province. The work of :; ; <ji.()cks'' "'!:f; ;-;' : ; ii right t»; take;apublic road through anylands, 3s lid,and cross- bred do (4s 9d to'4s lid ', :by,;and contrary to, the teachingof Scrip- surveying -. '"'-■\ will, in all likelihood, be com;. it shallhe lawful;after such. road shall have Sections Nos. 17, 12ti6r 5, 4, 14, 15,% 7> only afew dry skins wereofferedj-whichsol< *-. tiire. We cannot see, therefore, that the* pletedin a month. The lengthof the present 1 :?been; surveyed, i. construct under the said .6, Block IV,, Sections Nos. 50, 28, road, to at Is 9d to 2s 7d each. minister of any church, though the Billbe-.- track fromRiverton to Orepuki is 25 miles, ELECTRbTpLATED WARE ,' ■:■ i- Acts anyrailway orany part of any railway' 49, 27, 26, 25, 66, 47, 60, roads; 24, 55, Hidesand Tallow.— None offered. but by the tramway'the distance will be only comelaw, can either celebratesuchmarriage?, 1 ." .-■;.■! !-.--r ,::. on theroad so surreyedjnotwithstandingthat road, 23, 22, 20, 55, 53, 29, 30,-31,16,|14, ;: 5 miles. Already the diggersare traversing Hemp —We have no im New Zealand J^BWELLERY; n-n\ ;-.:-v^; '': \ b'<\ such rbadinayribthave been made : -s or count those who contract such marriagesi the survey track from Lake George, which i 13; 64^ 12, 9,31, 21, 15; 3^ 33, 61\ .J34; ■i--'K--> for, demand oi r ; ' ;'a- prpvement to: report in the t r saves them onehour's hard travelling. TakArid whereas theGovernor has determined 35, 13> mainroad, Block V., Towriship of r [ "■'"\^LEATHERWARE/';';""■-''-- ' ;; _ The bulk of the product 3 morethan as Hyingin incest. To this thty ing intoconsiderationthenaturaldifficulties, ' price of, 'this fibre'!' ' ; 5 i]j; ■sunn :a :; ' clearly are shut ; ; tb;;bbn|tfdct krid maintain a railway from "Havelocki Sections Nos.' (10^:iCeTrietery for with them it cannot up MUSI^AMNSTRTJMMTa; the route is well chosen, and the work of '' coming ..: forward, is/ consequently being 'y 1 'Tokoinairirbtb Lawrence in the Prbvinbe bf Reserve),; 8, .7,![6, 51 ill 2» '*&1f 1i % :i/';^'opricit g6ods;:' ig ' " shipped on dressers' account. ;Tow has beer be what thelaw of man, but what the lawof : surveying beingpushed forward energeti'& railwaytauthorizied" to BlPck XXVllt'^Sectibhs 'NbsJ (^ '."'; . ';'.' :. p^^^MEpfci^s;;.!:; '[ ['.'■. : inbetter; request, and is freely saleable'"■ ai t God, counts incest: Clearly the present cally, and reflects much credit on the sur* !O*tkgb,Ibeing .= s^cjied hy)"..T^l^ailway^ arid^ 7, 8, 9; lorßlbck XXIX. Sections 'Nos.; Jt,' ; l-...; iDB,TJGGIST;SVSUNDRIES , ..' , : .',! 5 - ' standards ofthe several churches count such veyor. perton. "-..-" 10s to L6 ■. , . 273, :BlbckXXV/ SectionNbrl^ Block;X._ '■-■-'■■, "PERFUMERY- ; ".'.,'■"■."' ': \ ,'\- L h;^ W$ " rt is'hereinafter #**?s ' Grain.^— Wheat is without materialaltera- marriagesto be 'incestuous intercourse, and BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. ' , r \.. Sections Nbs.;6, 5, i, 3, 8, 2,1, BlbcV XJV described 0 -■''"" c way. 'SADDLERY ' tion. Prime samples of Northern growthare ) that because they so understandthe Word of ' ,Waitahuha ' River. DuNEDiN, August 14, 422 ?/ kiJFfiw theretorPi I*,the Right Honorable Sir Gold. Mining Reserve, STATIONERY ""*"■ < . in fair request,1 at 5s 3d to 5s 6d; Foi : God to declare them. Though the civilJaw - :y;t:James; "FergußSonyJßaronet, (Governor of the Section I<Fo. 13, IBlock. XII. .Sections Nbs.. TOBACCONISTS' SUNDRIES ordinary samples of Southern there is less ! authorise such marriages, that cannot, in the The second reading of the Tariff Bill last ; >NeWiZealand,in .exercise andpur- 374v>, 6, 7, 8, 1,42,^13,:14,^ Blbck' t s >c^Coioriy of TOBACCO AND CIGARS at 5s to 5s 3d. Barley may be' demand, night was carriedwithout division. ' eyes of any church authori'y, take them out iK guan'ceof the powersand authorities conferred ,X^f.^/Sectionavisioß".!;4 -6 -. 6,;7, 8,.5, 10, VESTAS :BELIi ANDBLACK'S quoted at 7s "per bushel. Oats are more 'Evening Star's' special telegrams The incest, "oriime'-by-thehereinbefore in part recited;Acts; 1iIV12,.13,,14^,15..16,M,18,19^20^21, 22, 'category of the of and the parties -WATCHESr&e. forj from4s fredy enquired at to 4s 3d to-day, r say the Reporting Debates Comt^lndin exerciseof (Sv'erjr other power enabling -23, :24, 36, 34,n32, 30, .31v>33V t3sjrBlock for 'feed, and 4s 4d to 4s 6d for milling contracting themmust be ;ield and must be Zealand Agentsin Sole New for A. Harrold's do herebyproclaim;declare. XXXIII.. :Sections Nos.^ I^2, 3y 4, 5, 6, 37, dealt with incestuous persom, if church mitteeintendbringing before the House the . s limits,'descriptiph, -and-line of 36,r Block r XXXCly and" all''intervening PHILADELPHIA LIME JUICE AND samples. authorities v ould not act . .consistently with Speaker's suppressingin the House, a portion rroads,';.streams K lands; watercourses, &c. ■:>CIWi& ffii^w^^b^posV^f the GLYCERINE FOR THE HAIR. what, by tLeir standards, they declare the of letter from the editor of Wellington 4 X.,;Sec;^and;'that lands' Road, Sections-Nos. 9^, 10, /^wd^l^reip "Pf ' ' bl BpeCTfiedand described iii tKeV Secbnct Sche- tions Nos 25, 38,2 6, 27,; 28, mind ofGod to be as unde !;ood andbelieved 'Post' to him. Albo,Sole Agents for the 3/ 29, Block In Upper House fto-day, a question was by them. Such marria; ;, therefore, can s ,dule hei^to are,prpposed tp. be tak^nrfpr the VII., and all intervening roads, streams, CELEBRATED NUTRITIVE POMADE. to considerhow Stevenson could be mooted ; and tnat the watercburpes, fee. have but a civil sanction, *nd be celebrated .^!.,tpurposes^pf the^sajdrrailway "Nemo me impune lacessit." punished SHIPMENTS EVERY for threatening the editor of REGULAR BY bya civil officer ; and can have nothing of shallbe those, set forth in. ,,« limits of ' Star,' if heReed, Tuapeka East District. , FROM the Auckland DIRECT EUROPE. failed to support VESSEL TOKOMAIRIRO, AUGUST 15, 1873. n,-!.> therJ'irst^ §ch.edulejheretp ;^and inpursuance the sacredness thrown around them which Improvement Auckland Bill. authorities Road, SectionsNos. 41, road, 26, Railway n:, Md^exercisejjpf;all BEAVER BROTHERS, The Wellington telegramshaveinformedour the service of religion'accords to other mar- The Goldfields Bill was considered by the y, J<oonferredlpii;naeinihat behalf,;ldo;hereby Reserve, 44, road, 38, 11, Railway Reserve, riages. A lineof demarcation is drawn beHigh-Stebet, readers that the Bill to legalise marriage fix the pointof commencement of ': the' said 27i 42, 22, 21, 17, 16,,12, 10, 35, 29, Block civil and ecclesiastical law, where no Goldfields Committee on clause 30, re two 184, Dunedin. ]85, ,181, 172,46, -.■ ::ifttftlway'to>be?ata point on theDuriedin arid V.,; Road Sections with a deceased wife's sister has been again tween such dividinglinehas existed. The harmony heads of water being 'allowed to run down s'n-J Clutha^RailwayinSectibri 195jBlock XXiy,. 41, 36, 35, 30, 29, 28, 69, 68, 71, 72, 50, 51, introduced into the House of Representa' !! ! BOOKS! BOOKS !! BOOKS hitherto prevailing between Church and the creek for generalpurposes. The division ''Surrey District, about six 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 53, 64, 65, 66, 67, " tives. We have not learned by whom the State, 45, 47, 34, 37,40, 42, in a matter of such importance as law- was : Ayes— Stewart, Macandrew, Brown, 48, 182, ■">'<■ ichaiflsle'astw'ard'from the Tuapeka Road, in 21, 22, 31, Ex Cospatrick." Bill has been broughtin. Fromtheabsence ful marriage, " T fi the'-Provinceof ;Otago"; arid the point 11., 19, Railway Reserve, 21, Block Sections of is broken and to what pur- White, Bradshaw, and Mervyn. Noes JUST ARRIVED. AT n rtb Hei at a point in Block XIX.,and allinterveninglands,roads, of any demand on the part of the public for Shepherd, Tribe, O'Neill, O'Connor, Bradthereof -'a/ termination^ T>EITH AND WILKIE'S, such a change in our marriage law, it is pro- pose? not to meet some pressing emer- shaw, (?) and Shepherd. The parties nearly of Lawrence,^^ about streams, watercourses, Sic. : ?: 0 gency not to answer some general public chain eastward" from the Athenteuin bable that the author of the Bill is an in- demand— but merely to gratify some indi- came to blows on the question, as Alexandra, Township op Lawbencb. Jowett's Plato,4 vols,,half calf, £5, '- 'oti^ .th(3 :Proyince of ()tagp. BuUding, in 6d; Economy, T Political halfcalf 16s. terested party, wishing himself to contract vidualhere and there, who assumes to set Dunstan, and Arrow papers were not preFawcett's 1, Lanark Street, SectionNo. Block LX., -~-;\iH ?■>■ -"'-. >.;j ■-,'.■"" ;;;;;" " ■■■ ;" -"..-"■■ ' ''■<■'' ■, ■ 1 T ■ . - ■" - ; "; --- ■ "■; ''' — ■ ; ■ '■ - 1 1 ')::' ■ : 7 if; : - j f -fefe?^'-i^^ %iv ftß^^f . f ; - ; . ; ■ - - ,' . I 1 ; 5 i!( I^^!^. ■ 1 ; |! f f t *° de^ne'-i^e' . I sini The Bruce Herald. r ... f — — —— -■ J o:^FmST SCHEDULE. .../"Liirnti, Jbesirxpiioyx, Jjine, andLimits of Lk- ?nj--\ the Railivay from Tokomairiro o '■>"■ Ho Lawreiice:in, tlieProvince of Otago. *' \Commencing "at a point bii the Dimedin v "and Railway'in Section 195, Block XXIV., Tokomairiro Survey District on the Dunedm and^Ciutha Railwaj, about six chains eastward1 from the TuapekaRoad, and passing' in, through, or into the following districts,.viz.;— Tok,pmairirq.SurveyDistrict, Table Hill Survey District, HillEnd Survey iDistrict[ Table Hill Survey District, Waita, hijna Tuapeka East NSuryey .; Survey District, and terminating at a point ■. in tßlock X. in;the Townof Lawrence, about ;,v6nej.chain ; eastward from the Athenasum Building,|as the limits, description, andline '■■ thereof are set forth on the plan, and de: scribed in the book of reference referred to on the face of the said plan, and "which plan ' arid*book are authenticated for the purposes L of this Proclamation by the signature of the EdwardRichardson, Minister for Honorable 1 Works,' to be Jdeposited^in the ofiice Public ! of" the Registrar of the Supreme Court at Dunedin, or,,within the limits of deviation '. set forth in the said planby dottedred lines, \beingnpt more than one hundred and ten yards.on either side of the said line, and >':■,[ passing^through;or, over the several sections ;^ki£-Grown,and. other landsi sections, reserves, toads; streams, watercourses^ and rivers, as enumerated in the Second Schedule hereto. ■'*.:h[oviatuhv.of 1'}■"? . ,, :j '" " SECOND SCHEDULE. ' *$jandspi'opr&ed to be taken for the purposes of ' 1 ! tM Bailicays between Tokomairiro and ' > Xawrewce. : ; ,Sp muchof the landsandroads hereinafter ; '■:"[■mentioned asare required forthe said railway a! alongithe'line of,the said-rail wayhereinbefore or within the :limits of deviation ; -jafbresaid, as the lands are described and -''defined in the plan and book of reference ■'" aforesaid. ; , 1 . r Tokomaibiro District. Sections Nos. 195, 196, 197,Block XXIV., -rbadj SectionsNos. 198,:199, road, 200, 201, Block XXV. 202y road, 203, 204, road, Block 206, 205, Nbs. Rmdi^SectiorisSectibiis,' v, jXXVTJ'■; Nos. 219^ 220. 221. :;: 222,' 22^1, Tokbiniiiriro River, road, Block "i:iI XXWL, Se:ctiorisNosr3^4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 14, 15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, ' 11 V13,, :il 2f,roads, 5, (5, 7, 8, 0,10, 11, 2$ 24, roadj; 29,30, 31, 32. 33, 34. 35. Vi &;37;&, 39,40, road,.16,17, 18^ 19, 20, 2\, 22,23,.24, 25< 26, ,2,7, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33*34.?5, 36,';37- 38,39, 40* 41, 42, 43,:44^ 49,50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, -nii5,(46,47,]48, ' r 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, (> .69, 70,71, 72, 73,74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, road, Tokomairiro \ River, SectionsNos.-66, 65, 64, 63, 62,road, "61, 60,-59, 58, 57, 56, road, Sections 55, 54, road^ tßoadV ■■ cloth, 12s. 6d. Pladda Street. Sections Nos. 7, 6, 5,.4, 3, Thompson's Depths of the Sea;an Wy ville 2, 1, Block XLV. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Account of the General Results of the 78, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14,15, 16. 17, 4«, 19, Dredging Cruises of HM.S.'s Porcupine and 20, Blcck XXVII. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Lightning,Bvo., cloth,extra gilt, 375. 6d. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Stoney (Burdon). The Theory of Strains in Girders, &c. New edition, enlarged, ■21. Block XXVI Sections Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, royal Bvo. pp. 648, 425. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 18, 17,16, J5, 54, 13, 12, 11, StanleyJevons on Coal, 13s. Block IV. Sections Nos. 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, Fairlie's Battle of the Gauges, 3s 6d. (WaterworksReserve)Block LIV. Sections Bull's Hints to Mothers, 6s. 6d. Nos. 12, 13, in Block TIL Sections 18, 19, Life of Dr Marsh, 4s 6d. the Mormons, Is. 6d. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Block XLH. Athen- Life Among Atmosphere. Translated from the The Reserve, Play seum Ground, Wetherstone's French of CamilleFlammarion, Edited Creek, and all intervening lands, roads, by James Glaishier, F.R.S., with 10 chromo lithographs and 81 woodcuts, streams, and watercourses. 375. 6d. Given under the hand of His Excel- GettingOn in the World, or Hints on Suclency the Right Honorable Sir cess in Life, by William Matthews, L.L. D., small post Bvo., cloth, extra, 7s. 6d. James Fergnsson. Baronet, a Mayo, small postßvo., Member of Her Majesty's Most Never Again,by Dr 7s. 6d. Honorable Privy Council Gover- Plimsolls Our Seamen, 4s. 6d. nor and Commander-in-Chief in Memoir of a Brother, by T. Hughes, M.P,, 6s: 6d. and over Her Majesty's Colony for Lent and Thoughts for Advent, of New Zealand and its Depen- Thoughts by Bishop Oxedon of Montreal, 2s. 6d. dencies, and Vice-Admiralof the each. same ; andissuedunder the Seal Thornton on Labor. New edition, 16s. ofthe saidColony, at Wellington, Youatt on the sheep, 10s. Cattle, 10s. this sixteenth day of July,in the Stonhenge on the Horse, 15s. The following " books have also " second hand year of our Lord one thousand arrived ex Cospatrick : eight hundred and seventy-three. More's (H.) TheologicalWorks, best edition, thick folio, calf. Edward Bichabdsob. Conybeare and Howson'sLife and epistles of God save the Queen ! St. Paul,best edition ;engravings, 4t0., half morocco, 60s. Ben:Franklin's Complete Works ;portraits Helensbrook, and vignettes,3 vols.,Bvo., half calf. August Uth, 1873. Moore's (Thos.) Poetical Works complete ; portrait and vignettes,10 vols., fs. cap, the undersigned, John Lawson and Bvo., cloth. Edwin Newman Legge, lately carry- Morton's Cyclopedia of Agriculture ; 51 plates and 72 wood cuts, 4 013., half ing on business inco-partnership, as Flourcalf, gilt, 60s. millers, herebygive notice that we have, this Nicholson's Treatise on the FiveOrders of uay,dissolvedthe saidpartnershipby mutual Architecture; 4t0., plates,rough calf, 12s 6d. consent, and from and after this ,date the Sydney Smith's Complete Works,15s, said business will be carried on by the said Volney's Travels in Syria— Ruins, ReEdwinNewman Legge alone. searches ; 4 " calf, 22s 6d. *" vols., Bvo., half ex Araby Maid All debts due fromthe said late firm will be paidby the saidEdwin Newman Legge ; Life of Bishop Patteson, 4s 6d. Dr Davidson'sLectures. andall debts due to the said firm will be Dawson's Theory of Earth and Man received by him, and hisreceipt for the same Cuyler's HeartCulture Modern Scepticism shallbo a sufficient d.'scha.'ge. Christian Evidence Society's Lectures JOHN LAWSON, Lecky's Leaders EDWINNEWMAN LEGGE, Beale'sProtoplasm, DiseaseGerms, Mystery of life Witness : Tyndall on Heat, Found, Faraday, Fragments of Science Walter Taylor, Help's Thoughts on Government Solicitor, Tokomairiro. Darwin'BDescent of Man WE, v the undersigned,JOSEPH HEW. WE,SON and ANDREW MARSHALL, ( - i± - . a :>« <". - , v jini, End Sections 3 ana 4, zviimuffiwmt road»> District. X., and all inierwatercourse*) &c, , .. v — .1 "..'*' — — carrying on business at Tokomairiro as Ginger Beer, Soda Water, Lemonade, and Cordial Manufacturers, have this day DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP by mutual consent. All'Deb'tSj due and all Debts owing by the latefirm will be received and paid by the said Andrew Marshall, who carries on the business inhis ownname from this date. Dated at Tokomairiro this Thirteenth day of. August,-1873. 53, 52, 51,. 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, JOSEPH REWSON. ' 41, Townshipof Glenore, lying withinBlocks ANDREW MARSHALL. and XLIX.; Sections Nos.1, 2, 3 ' 'S'XLVIII: 4,'s^road,and reservefor gold mining pur- Witness : Peter Cunninghame. poses, Block XLVIII., Road, SectionsNos. w>l I,'roadj 2,' road, 3, 4, 5, road, Tokomairiro R. W. Capstick. '"River,' Sections Nob. 6, road,7, road, and 1 " 'GoUTMining Reierve, Block XLIX. Road OELENSBROOK T?LOUR "I/TILLS. Jj IVX 1, and Tuapeka main road, ' Section No.' 'BlockLI.,andallinterveningroads, streams, watercourses, Ac. 1 MrLegge begs to inform his customers , ., ,Table Hill Distbict. }1 that, for convenience, he has openedaFlour Sections !36,'37, and gold miningreserve, ' 1 Block Til., and allinterveningroads streams, Depot in Milton,at 'watercourses, &c. R. W. CAPSTICK'S'STORES, ' t such a marriage, or desirous to open the up his personal predilections in opposition sented to the Committee untilafter the Bill doorfor such a marriage on the part of some j to the general mind of the community, the was agreed upon. The Bill will be reported of his friends. It is well known that those general sense of the Christian Church, and this day, with more alterations than are in Britain who have been so persistent in the generalunderstandingof what the Word generally thought for. Rumor says that negoeiations have taken year after year bringing in such a Bill into of God prohibits. That such marriages are place, between the Canterbury and Otago the House of Commons, have been actingin prohibitedby Scripture has been, and is still, members, as to aseveranceof the two islands the name, and on behalf, of certain parties as we have already said, the acknowledged and removal of the seat of Government. in the uppercircles of society whohave con- view of the ChristianChurch generally. We 7.50 p.m. tracted such marriages, and are desirous to had intended to show, from an aralysb of Stafford contradicts the rumor, Mr which chapter Leviticus, of the recognised have them legalised. It is quite possible the 18th days has been circulated for a few past, Scripture that regulates the restricthat the like influence may be at work in part of he is candidate for the Agent-General tions as that marriage, to that the standards of New Zealand, snd that the like object is ship. really what is sought by the proposed Bill. the several churches, in condemning such marrriages, authority have the of Scripture ; We haven)t seen the Bill,aud therefore are but our spaceis exhausted. We shall, how- THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY not in position to say whether such a proviever, return to it, in the view of showing WELLINGTON, AllgUSt 11th. sionis contained init, or whether the Billis thai, this if Bill now before the House of Mr Rolleston moved a resolution, with merely prospectivein its operation. If retro- Representatives becomes law, we shall be reference to the tariff, to the followingeffect : spective, this would explainat once the real placbd in the unfortunate position having That manyof the duties proposed would of motive of its introduction. But whetherit a law onour statute book that is contrary to heavily and unjustly tax the necessaries of be so or not, we have the most decided ob- thelaw of God, on a matter whichtheCreator the working classess, and articles required jection to the Billas unwarrantablyaltering has expressed ifc to be His Sovreignright to for local industries;therefore the proposed revised, so as to admit jsuch the present marriagelaw withoutany general declare what shall be— a positionin which, it scale should be articles free or at lowerduties. demandon the part of the public,and simply is to be fondly hoped, the legislature will Mr Fitzherbert is expected to-night to to gratifythe wishesof afew who eitherhave neither be so foolishnor so wickedas toplace attack the proposed Provincial borrowing acted contrary to the existing law, or who us as a community. scheme. It is beliovedthat Mr Vogel's pro_ -.. I posals for Provincial borrowing are condiwish to act a part that is at variance with the Law business would appear to at a low tionalnpon the Provinces being rediieed to generalsense of the community. To pass ebb just /now, and long may it continue so. the status of municipal corporations, and such a Bill in reference to marriage, must The district Court will not iold a sitting this empowered to borrow for specific works, necessarilybecome a precedent that willbe month. He a30ns : no business. but only upon specific security, such as Ys^'erday (Thursday) nornivg the iherfollowedin other matters ;personalpredilec- moineter, inside a dwelliiv house in Milton, rates, tells, or rentals of land to be approtions, and not public requirements,becoming stood at 28 dtgs., thus im citing 4 degs. of priated for thepurpose ; the creditor to have — frost, while outside at 8 .m., it at no power to seize lands,butmerelyto receive the rule of our legislation a rule if acted 22 degs indicating10 deg of frost.stood theincome. upon that would destroy the realcharacter of Mr Macandrew has presenteda petition We hear that RHsb i> ken (Mrs J. L. our legislature aa the representative of the Bunten) intends giving ai -vening's reading from residents at Dunedin, drawing attenfor the benefit of our locu Athensoum ; the tion to the want of communication between Colony as a whole. date has been fixed for Wednesday next, the East and West Coasts of the Middle Marriage has been universallyin Christian 20th inst. This needs but to be generally Island also from the Dunedin hat manufac« times associated with religious rites, and known to secure a full house. turers against the tariff onhats. A vrry large area of ground will be laid the ministers of religionhave been regarded in wheat in the Winton district mxt Wednesday, August 13th. by all Christian individuals andcommunities down season. Last season's crop turned out excelIn the House last night,\Mv Fitzherbert prices first-rate were obtained. as the proper parties to perform the marri- lently, and spoke for four hours on the Financial StateThe Primitive Methodists are increasing ageservice. Not only so, but in the formulas number, wealth, and influence in Inver- ment. in and standards of the several Christian cargill, under the pastorate of the Rev. Mr The Premier replied. churches, the degrees within which marriage Westbrook. They purpose erecting a chapel Mr Pearce a^ked whether the was Don-street, near the Temperance Hall, to Tinderstand that the Government would maybe contractedhave all been laiddownas in a accomodating congregation capable of of in accordance with Scripture. To act in 200. Judging from the plans, the edifice not consider the questionof a reduction of cent, on certain articles. a handsome one, and will embellish duty to 5 per accordance with these standards, every will be ThePremier said thathe wouldnot sayhe the portion of the town in which it is to be minister is bound, when taking office erected. would n«t oonsidwu the proposaj, but he Tylor's Primitive Culture Operations on No. 1section of the Winton thought the tariff should be uniform. in the Church to which, he belongs. Either, &3., &c, &c. therefore, the churches must alter their and Kingston railway were commenced a Mr Murray objected to ten per cent duties, few days ago by the contractors, Messrs standards, bringing them into har- Watsonand Co. The line,as our readers are and advocated the raising of extra revenue Commercial. by other means- He had received telegrams mony with the proposed Bill, or their already aware,presents no engineering diffistating that seven per cent, would yield a splendid agricultural penetrates and culties, art, and Co Driver, report Messrs Stkw ministers cannot celebratesuch marriages as land, the greater part of which, however, is large extra revenue. for the week ending August 13th : the Bill proposes without a violationof their unfortunately held inlarge blocks by specuMr M'Gillivray advocated a land tax. Fat Cattle. Again the yards were this ordination vows, and exposing themselves lators, Work has" been started at the Mr Johnstone compared the different northern end of the section, where several week fully supplied with cattle, medium We need hardly cubt;ngs have to be made. It is antici- tariff's, showing an increase under the new to ecclesiastical censure. quality, about75 head being yarded, all of no church could rightly alterits stan- pated that the contract will be finished tariff. He challenged the Oomnissioner of: which were sold to the trade. We are un- say that or ten months. Only a few men are Cusfonis tojproduce statistics. dards, held to be basedon Scripture, on the iv nine able to report any advance upon last week's at present employed, and there is room for a Mr Johnstone saidhe would consider the qnotations. By auction and privately we ground that civil authority had chosen to largenumber of hands. It was, we believe,, tariffitem by item in Committee. The Goat one lime contemplatedto change thevoute, have sold35 head at current rates. enact laws contrarytorecogniseddecreemain- but as this wouldnecessitate theoonatruotion vernment evidently wanted the House to — Fat Sheep. Only about 250 were penned. tained by the Church. No church, so far as of an expensive bridge ovor the Oreti, the vote increased taxation. The consumer really paid the customs duties. He quoted Of these, 186 cross-bred wethersbrought 17s weknow, has, as yet. by itsproper authority intentionhas beenabandoned. quality to 9d 18s 6d each. A. few fair The establishmentof a new industry in proofs of an increase under the new tariff. brought a wife's sifter within the degrees of merinos brought 13s 6d. We have sold 500 marriage as proposed in the Billnow before Southland, is reported. An eccentricmdi» He did not believe the statement that the vidual who, for some years p^st, has been proposedduties w,ould notincrease the tariff merinos and cross-breds at quotations. We course, it is open to any dwelling as an amateqr permit on the flax beyond ten or twelve thousand pounds. quote primehalf-breds at 4d per lb, ditto the legislature. Of church to reconsiderthis matter, and if satis- fringed margin of "the OretiRiver, subsisting Mr Shepherd said there was distinct inmerinos, 3|d to 3|d. chiefly on rabbits whilepondering one day StoreCattle. There still exists a fair de- fied that ife has hitherto misinterpreted in.- his solitude, was struck with the idea that formation before the House in support of mand' for good, -well-bred bullocks, from Scripture in prohibiting marriage with a thaskins of the animals, whioh formed his the alteration. The increased dutiesmight might 1-e turned to pro^ decrease the. consumption of certaingoods. thiree to five years old. Mixed herds are, deceased wife's sister, to authorise its minis*, staple article of food, He entered into negotia- Fraud couldbe stopped by heavypenalties* however,' difficult of saie, andean only fee ters to celebrate such marriages; but any iitableacccourit. tions with several tradesmen, andfinally ©ori- A new"tariff was not needed. mbved at tempting prices to the buyer. We cliurch taking thia step hot before, but after, He wouldnot a bargin with one more enterprising cluded oppose the Bill, but desired more informahayeifold, during the week, t#6 herds, con' whereby he fellows, his" is receiver of than marriages, the civil authorisation of -such: from2d to 83 eaoh for all the skins he can tion. sisting of 600 head in all, of mixed cattlo. .lays" itself 'open to the suspicion of squaring supply. He has embarked on a vigorous Mr Reynolds saidhe would takeupon tha quiries :, Stove Sjieep,— We have a few en crusade against the rabbits in the Riverfcon Government the responsibilityofthepresent fo?, merino wethers, delivered in the wool its interpretation of Scripture, in reference? Bushy and expects to receive handsome proenactment, merely io this with civil matter, during;;the mpnthsof September-and October, fits. The purchaser of the skins intends to, tariff. The present was not theproper stag* : saniliave-plaeed^OOOunder offer- We hear and. making the opinion of men who have, ship;them to England, where, no douht, they to discussitems in the tariif. He hopedthe " it way be, little regard to, andlittle under* Wpto4 rea^y;B^leVatgqo4prices, : Uouse wouldpass tiiejftjl, v of ftoaboolutti trapeactiona toreport, lit t - * ■ NextNational Bank of New Zealand, where orders pan be supplied same as at the jnjUst — — — r .. "■.;■ ■ fV.;;. ;"■".■; ■ '"■■ .;-■■■■ "■■-y :■> '■■■:_■_■<■ -;-; -^ . _ _ '^^ .____^_.^B^ 6 am charged with to building, aud I should not be at all surthatis pronunced worthy of the pumshinqnt extension .of the W ai;hoia;.pisxric|;,iil>ra'ry. Tuapeka Hotel, a distance ofabout a:mile. how is'tUe Bmaunt i Dunn's Coal Pit.of last, prised>i£ there one,prr;twp more as I said 'be 1,5^ $p,y.ernra^ see nothing, to .prevent a. situilar^epter-P', $her coll^ed^iA^ain excommunication fey the 9th canonpf his I ; % — . ' any subscrip- week, if any of the; supporters of the new,; "y,e,t, ,The,atory of »., fight jfor,';tji& hall JFerry, as have promised stp.Bubsidise s The assumeii claim to apostqlio taiament'^gipfc lip .at :the : 'br lio^; is,,.thus, told in the >,!Evening' sjStar^': raiseo!, moneys" ordßr lpf thlrigsliwill: tel\ w-'hfere"sufficient of,'acbomatlation kii'd^Tbelieve 'in- respe.ct f "y "'These pitsi as you are^already aware,lispe succession of the Jl6man Chiircfr is-'never I'h'ey'are^wel.rpff i! 1 1 is. sonie getting, at the work' -weiftre* to Me -66mpensHted fdt tha?! lar^e .''^Tbere, of 'ldeal 1 ieee will be subscribed to carry the j ana in"point lafienib/ ? ; ! f '■'('. been, closed for' aboutsix weeks, on account" disputed by;high-churchmen. Canon'Liddon tion rjea) Chamber's/; r facts connectecl.with the 'storming of Gdm; additional; 7 m'ati;er,i revenue ithe> through. a^mos't""nfec6ssary This is q6thing' to" prev'eht'^ th"eih 'cpm|)'etiin'g sucff that.ojir fejtders ijvv.of. , MrDunn..;being, engaged-sinking*a-new distinctly;speaksof the Roman, Greekj'taind^ !cel^lio<wittf%ei^!fWailiM;a^ one that haMoffgWeen.^rteeded ; 4nd Imi'tte e!shbw-iwei*willb!baye''t6;lpayrioni jib^; the hall ;;[ 6ii^ in iorder and rK "' branches;of: 'may' ; ;to b|' f'liappy r ? able' stnke'thle ;<;":-shaft! >Mis chief-reasdh for closing the old; Anglican;Churches as f completed/) p'rov, /arricles.irenumeratedrjhyr/fchfni.lfevlJr.y.bpdy, 'Willf'formi a fine n(d aritl (even-' takiofo; the4wi oat'vof th;eir when 'We giW' tKe-'a'ccount^^of 'each "!;<:; Bishop ''medium/ apyrt' been of the information town) 1 '^^'■iMify **)& <>i ;nj.j lt> ade between the and Chinese glad ;^e-^dslaft^aVing thftt ■men will be workings ''ijrasi ; ■sailsV-^^ I Camp, <fee, and/W/Ulynosfe^speciallyibe tbe^M^^f&^^o^^ihjsi-fIwa« diS-j:' party:"' The;Masons"say that"theifr bailiff, ' > ' ' sermoas "., on "&e '■ i-I<am-happy to ptnte; that the services.of ;coal,. the, explicit_in \Ms .published, ' ' .sunk ron' the e# ge'■of .-ihje,'.crop,jpf feeling' -thirsty ■■;' betook ? himself -h'toi the * of thY Church." ; f.heißevJMrJAradt.bav-e beeai secured; jfor appreciated by the j()ung ffolks, who at posed to take some consolation and hpnp ;,'.' workings w ere on;ajvery??limitedscale, -there 'drit;erioni Hotel^td.,".liquor :'Up7>-?hicvh)g :: I—to^1 to^ -frpmiine n tfie V^e^af; ,°. alongLa perfect Ueemed dissent— error to travel kea meeiifrs: j b©; , ; b~n;jFriday i formers ' front have Jniners; present to ,:this;dispict;?ifbr:some,itime!!at;4eaßt.f,, 'ihe *!<only'beingrooni-for two or < '■ pre'vioiisly lockediup the('buiddingi-jdthat of: aduty— a^cbn^ictibn which we non- reverend gentlern,\n> ;,.>vj,l),con(|uctid,iyine of mud. Wetherstones -"people are d,isb ? iof<b"ur»Provin'£iH]^Tre^^ r '!/iW6rkl^j?a.iitime. Thejf we^ alW'[sb'Tery sin/bvtt r rl pian to menxl' th^ 40'or'50 pertceHV cb">»r^e'd on- teaHriii* «MEc Hudeon^sMmen^.whoi'iweEe;?os!\ the ";' i&allovir tSuii'vtse |op ground^ \y^as'.falling^in conformists'of' to-day iriostT earnestlyshare. worship.on ,alter,nat.e..S.ttndaj^.atJibe»wni!!ed !setting ou^foW a'similar' fofo^the)oppor''slibrtly and commence .a| stfga't^fe'ecessaries pfoIffa—^ while ,ftrftpferv' !wafch^ availed ways, will yijild, charges.of V^uihq]'s,..and,.Otak^i a,.:apd the their ,''.'-';.at various places. j.The seam Jon the /upper For example^l< am told;that Imust tunity [afforded by,; th.c ".Al).B^3Q.Co^'Qf(. the eastern;; cent?;that:ipilace7:td. Qfl&wiith'onjyrS.or.-a the and per footpath from let proy*a\s or be the; Anglican ■)' Sierlleach.,, ji^:/^'^^ Church: \u side jof the level wa3 rising at an anglefof allegianceto y^hejn;these two works, f^jsp;ftom; statemenjts, pffrp^he.r?,.^boc.tpld. :e,neiny,- to;pick . the :,lpc.kiv,and {e.njier the of nounced a schismatic.UIIf,;inobedience >tp the . ,1dijew attention spttie.tiiiie ago in your end Lawrence.i ;K^e.yf left <■ six inches'to "They able Hihe^oot^ .was tp /"building,in ppssess,ioa oi wbr^'ixot .thatotfoe du;y on^these; articles .admission;Jnto the cplumns to the existence of ah evil— Tcan are accompjishecj, there \vilLbe an uninterr, ,one of t^eir.;number. ;; thatfehe miles py-er, ,ba rupted ; to^ke'any coal out of the lower 91'dip side assertion,! were to seek outocy.v^hicb three «tbe gravelled^ re^ucedyj^n^ wallc of that^all t else-^z^'^he'' waggon her clergy, to what;must .1,submit? call ~it' ftptliiiig tarjfj had. hearing of this, coiip, demain mustered in Slfdads:oii'Sunday " ■Th6r;Pro- in length. ;Th"erc is, however^ one matjter had rbeep-raised ja'^jiinstjfhe .'h of the.level at:r all.;: -The chief reason wiry ranks^of traffic 6n the an answer' for turn tp the ordination service r -the, connectidn; ! witH fqotpaths Been, ironmongers;' .:;;;'the.coal was so inferiorwas on account ofthe I in these whic^i and. j force, gained an entrancebjsmashing ina yhjr over,' and therefore it is ; kneel vincial' Councilis througKwhiphi 'they fej'edte'd: the that.the shall humbly viz';^4;he andread priest pu6 practicjj bjadjn who, should'be a^stdpl'to,' "drapers, tb'ej>ast. be.<?n reaping 'representative old level being within about six or- seven i f 'of the 80-called' purchaser, latter; 'ljtypg useless to dream of Jany Redress of the by butcher boys'," 'arid- other possessed large/ profits from "Hie bishop; the while before' advantageJthey this .the' yards,froj^i 'a dike, or,bed of clay;and sand ] the'in3eiveß; rff evil'beingi obtained from^ that quarter ' sjris pb^eß^ion retainfld The whose and say head, shall sense, travelling low rate of upon his" /on horseback' qb'tain.ed, "oil account session at.least. ;.;Perhaps,,(after all, it is of as little wnich had been_ thrown up through the his handsforgive is, other that ofMrHudson's account two, course;' dndwtipse;' paths. ; they on of I was "dull are'forgvMij 'paid. tiwudost the "I confess too .'tlifelj duty which, the Council would: refuse a matter > regular: strata., ,It; was, thisrrcircumstahce eaHy■:yesterdostretain they,are retained.- 'it is :deal with,as.instead pf legislation, such malpractices!,can ibe< {punished, but ''f tfce :'istacfc"~&s '''\ve say' north of the 'employes went'to 'the "HallTrhich caused the coals at so.oie places to Ibe sinstlwu 1 ;day morning, finding and the door open, judge;mothers who can either it 'might .simply be one of tbpse. cases outside ]O.nly,mqral/persuasion;can be used, -to< see hpw the low duties' had slightly mixed with sand, and through this not for me to Theyimmediately: entered. aentifoc Mr , withjbutißmallr ;.I effect. ! : ; , advantage and fear to the 'ironb'een^'a"specialalso, the'coal got'a bad came, altho.ugh in ut^er or ,silently,acquiesce in these.words \vhere" the. law 'requires to .be. enforced Hudson,;whq, after iplacing new bars on to than 'their' monger's'arid drapers, a church' rather infringem(3nt. separation from fci: ' with a heavy penalty for f its "'the-maintheywere pretty clear of it. The' but, fpr mynelf, if the door, left:in possession; two of hisjmen, ; hpw prefer,the .1 sKpuld like to knpw /vesry customers ,who consumed tbeir goods, or .them be schupi,. I Switzers. *ii:.;new shafWs^riow beingopened on theopposite that authorises 7 ,hpwr4-if the" duty was raised— it wpuld who remained;there tillbetween four,and of the law' stands in the matter." It seems '.»if; sidebftheßivers'dale;Rbad,-theplatform-will, commission of that sin to the greater guilt when..a .body of to, diminish;the .profits of the_importer, rather " fiye in the. countenancing what' I cannot but believe to that the waggons are neither allowed ; .belieye, edge ppblic I be on the of the road. j ; than increase- the- cost? $0 the consumer:; iyCasons, numbering nearly .thirty, armed i "" and (From Correspqndent.^ Sunday,^ Duuediti-on v>] oui?. _; '. '■ witli crpwbars,^^marciied up.;totKe4po*and . ,v,Mr;Dunn has at,.present reached the depth be blasphemy. nevertheless .1 took" hearty graces and, attempted is yet &s soon as they are beyond the prePresbyterianism suggests Mr that Coffey : to burstit open. Being iiiiable fortnight past The weatheir here for the. .were, when of forty feet. The sinkers hurried a larg-e.igrpcer ,to,inquire/i cincti of Ahe city,they arerat liberty;to do so, they brokein one eftlie windows, stopped by the water, on thelayer or bed gradually veering towards Episcopalianism, as they please. If such unlawful; traffic is has beep' very cihangeable. We had last what reduction,the new tariffwas to make to 'do r Presbyterians managed,to get in^Bo !tKe' build:1 which still lies in the duty on sugar and tea, as I overlies the coal in this and asks inproof,"Howmany was led and th'us as a desecration of the Lord's %eek a heavy fall of enow : recognised '"'\" which'immediately " irig. discussing Without The rpsty weather by Mr Turnbull to believe it would effect -men inside, :however' deterlaw, why deep on. the ranges'. Dry f district! He^had a whip power erected, so believe in Calviuism?" as as a breach of the Day, well we ought to a considerable' saving on- these necessaries mined not to be put out, and offered reri of the doubt,, or of theinference not put it down throughout the length, has' again set in, for whicH "ii^tb.'draw tHe'water: and dirt but of the the. validity ; grateful; there on the whole I can say of life. Guess,il you can, my disappoint- sistance ; but theMasons soon' 'got the I ask-r-Are be and therefrom, drawn would. the law ißhaft;' but'"this powef^b'eing'onlya"single and breadth of the land where' most past in believe the winter has been the favor- ment when he; told me the new tariff did. best of it, for after a struggle of close on Episcopalians Milton who do not intend to go into the extends. I power, was foot sufficiently able to take the three locality. have seen in this ' " 1 :in ;ejecting thep.e,articles " they were paying half-an-honr they 1succeeded that Mr Coffey, ot the Bishop himself, has merits or demerits of the case in this able I no^.touc.h ■;i?j vrater;out ofthe Mi* Hudson's men. spirifcuoug liquors shaft^ so as to allow of the power selling A case of doctrine of Xj9 8d,, to forgive sins ? Or is the thes— 6s 1think it was—^on sugar, certainly think if such traffic letter, but I ■: .;j miners, or. sinkers workinghalf time.: ThereThere have been some■}eitraordmary the without a license, by a resident at Gows: and 6d a pound on tea, as before, and that proceedings .,..,,. for,e.he to'gp.totheexpenseandtroubleof the Baptismal liegeneration of Infant's— as on Sunday is considered an outrageto the last;;meetingMof[■ the hearing, was for before Mr Creek down Dunedin, menin the duties on liquors and tobacco remained Waste Landsat Board..; -What;,the /nature .* erecting anew w.him,thedrumJof which is taught by the Prayer-book— accepted by feeling,of right-thinking irisfc.;' 4th but consequence, Hood on the in be equally offensive unchanged. I supposed he must be wrong, of the events, or, are, concerned in indiameter, wherewith,he will be manymore? If not, are we to assume that must not such scenes being "ten feet Police unable to who Sergeant of the of country. There and that the reason the same duties are them, Ido not know exactly,, as I 1' Episcopalianismis on the decline1 Let me to their neighbors in the keep io ahead of the probability^ subpoena^ al>le,'in all' he wished to find the witnesses - - water, so as toallowthesinkers1 work allday. not be understood to condemn the Book might have been some excuse for such charged as before is, that the alteration has told the press here were served with am incase wtis postponed until 15th inst. the Province, " the early days of the not yet become law, consequently no junctionsforbidding them publishi on the hospital meeting Wednesday ■har-5he stfata in tlris^shaf t^arelying more regu- of CommonFrayer as a ;thing in itself neces traffic in to At the when there were few rpads, and men were reduced duties are taken, but after the ■r\ larlyithantheydidin theoldone. Ifthatisthe sarily evil. On the contrary; claiming obliged to travel a long distance before evening, a sub-committee was appointed change is legalised, those having paid proceedings ; but,' from' the foilowing suppose we I . -,; icase; a newr.pitcanbeopenedup, if a good liberty to omit all that my conscience disap- meeting with properaccommodation. Such to act in concert with a sub-committee excessive duties will have a drawback. In extract from the Star,someday; shall know all about it The Oddfellows, the object being to occasionallyuse and always admire a plee, however, of the brought .seam is found, where-sa number of miners proves, I be hurripd' Athenseum, off to our cannot now this hope I Saturday evening 'Star 'of last ' says: to obtain a I use their best endeavors* " liturgies id contains. But , , -..,-.enjoy .. can work more comfortably. aud the forward, as from thenumber of accommoup a file of the Times,' ro see We understand that the outcome of the man for the, district?; the neces- and looked neither bow to the authority of a church dationhouses alongthe road, the men can medical if there was any allusion to tea and sugar proceedings at Wednesday's meeting of !-._.j.: .The;;peoplein Tokoinairiro , and. the snrvery from the sudden o> ath of sity arises nor do to, easily, if they choose, reach most of them the resolutions of the Assembly relating the Waste Lands Board, to which rerpundhigneighborhood,will,T am sure> join that teaches the doctrinesreferred Dr. M. Crystal, which leaves us a popu- in church truly apostolic in its on Saturday without requiring to travel ilation, consider that to the tariff; but there was nothiig th«re. ference was made in our leading columns I wishingMr me in Dunn success every Hood, with according to Mr Warden strong simply requires no room It the Sunday. turned, public services on I as a forlorn hope, tP the state- yesterday, is that Mr Eliott lias been in whose people, entirely without medical inhis energetic attempt to opeb anew and character arm of the law to step in and put a stop of 1000 that wells ment of the Colonial Treasurer, to see if served, at the instance of Mr John Douspontaneous prayer left for the is believe it isintended that there, payable seam of coal. If he shoiildbe so assistance. I with all its system pernicious to such was of the suhjsct glas, with a writ for libel. Very heavy ' any. HolySpirit. the fay as to strike oh a good seam, it from the heartinfluenced of each association shall wait ihere ; but, lo ! mention Otago may boast of her a member evils. attendant there was noneI and I damages are claimed." thing itself, succession as a apostolic ruuholder3, :a great "'.'' . and ascertain what came the would do deal of good to this dis- For University her religious and benevolent on the Provincial pur to conclusion that bishop's imposition contribute, of a the will so that upon they amount each dependant trict, as wellas to hitnselfi MrDunn merits institutions but there are elements at the have a profound contempt, believ- work in her midst, which, unless speedily the Hospital CD.mmi.ttee may be placed Treasurer knew a deal more about the'support of the public inhis endeavor to h nds, I Oamaru. anything matter than I could learn from sufficient; guarantee ing that no authorityin the universe can checked, must act as a blight on her pros- in a position to offer a .:: keep the:price otcoal lowerthanit wouldbe, the public; er that them was, asyetbelore an for to a to cast his lot good surgeon man "ambassador perity. It is true the law cannot compel if it had.all tp be transported from Loveil's constitute that no intention on the part of the Govern(From our own correspindent;) has not en- men to be religious ; it can, however, amongst usJ Only about six months since, Flat or Kaitangata, the cartage from these Christ," whom Christ himself ment to reduce the duties on either our Hospital Comfive runholders offered the to to be with "beseech men power dued with a decent observcomply make them places being so high, makes the price conBut even Mr Turnf*uli has August 11, 1873. mittee a of L3O from each tea or suffer. conclupion ance of that which -every right-thinking station, guarantee siderably grerterthan, fromMr Dunn's pit, reconciled to God." come to the that the taxation |The v/eather here Oddfellows ; or Ll5O in all the since my lasthas been deem man should hold dear as his birthright ihe.distance being only rather.more than a As to the unitybythat Episcopaliansof and Hospital could have easily added under the new tariff will be excessive, as variable, and as an American would Sabbath that has all the Christian which de" ingatliering effected the rate of staring shall be he a motion char a proposed more, making L3OO a year ; but by -niilei' -I wonderhow it is that the enterprisit, the backbone of winter is ,been the glory of Scotland, amidst all the Ll5O cent, would produce as much reve- scribe per proposed other, or the 6^ ing and speculative men of Tokomairiro do bodies within her ownpale,Ifail to see, that changes mischance broken, but it still wags its tail - occaof empires and republics. Proud some end could ever be accomplished by this trust nue as the present me* hod of collecting the sionally " arrangement fell to the ground. I ; . >"."":" :: "" not form a company to thoroughly pospect the of her theatres and France could boast Presbyproposal Unity does, is effected when Customs' the. means. dunes whereas on will more they this occasion be successthe hills in this .neighborhood, as Ihave 0a Saturday there was a heavy swell Baptists, and other places of amusement on Suuday, but ful, as it is something fearful to contein ofIhe Colonial Treasurer is to charge 10, everyreason to believe, fromthe opinion of terians, Congregationalists, condition, and what on ihb sea, and tbe four, vessels in the bay present what is her as the Dunedin ministers plate so manj people congregated to- 12|, arid 15 percent. The result of the had to wj-i^h anchor, and clear out of have Wesleyans meet, Borne practical miners with whom I did her in the impiety such open avail gether no medical assistance nearer meeting of the Chamber of Commerce whs dany-Hr. Tbe sea every, now and again do, monthly(they are never joined by the conversed on the subject, thattherecould be Episcopalions), furnace of affliction she had to pass than 30and. : of their in mile?. forgetfillness '*the passing of the followingresolution* over the breakwater, but without through in the late war ; aud is not the found, in allprobability, a payable seam of Orago broke That the Chamber invi'e the desirefor the held their Mining differences and common The Association minor , . . coal as goodas Kaitangata, or nearly. Why one great end of theirlabor. But it would case of France, but one of the numerous monthly meeting on Saturday 2nd inst. members of the Assembly to take doing any damage. The heavy opposition in the butchering instances in the history of the world, cannot coalbe iound on this side of Mount unity were we all to associate our- where the righteous retribution of Pro- The sub-committee brought up their steps to secure this session a more business, coupled with other caus s, has Misery as well as on the other side, the for- not be tariff, professed brotherhood with so- vidence will as surely overtake thatnation amendments on the new G-oldfields Bill, equitable adjustment of the whole one firm to grief, with liabilities, mationbeingjtheverysame ? Therehave been selves iv a without increasing the taxation of the brought of Christ, manyof whom I which sets Hiß moral law at defiance, as which were unanimously adopted by the Colony"—" am told; to the amount of LI7OO, while calledministers I times, pieces various and found,at different committee, and ordered to be transmitted That this Chamber is ot eminently sach, but night succeeds day. "opinion that in adjusting the rates of per- his assers are almost nil. The slippery patches in the gullies, andalso on the ridges rejoice to believe are our representative at Wellington. to men jade, Rumor, ha 3it- that a tenant of a who, whoalso number in their ranks An amateur dramatic performance will centages to be imposed under the proposed large landed proprietor here on this side of the Miserable Mount. It is doctrine has bolted, preach species of Lawrence. every Voysey, as be held on the sth prox.^ in aid of the ad valorem duties, they should be fixed, only the other day since a lump of coal was as " leaving? his creditors' lamenting bvedhis Master's and honor, to our who derogatory practicable, at a uniform ra?e If unfulfilled engagements to a very regret to far as funds of the Hospital, which I found -on the top of one of the ridges,it considersay, are in an unsatisfactory condition. such principles a* these guide the As- able amount, A few days will believe, like the Coal have innumbers, far exceeding the evangeli(From our own correspondent.) was bright and hard, I decide personal men that teach Christ's soon play sembly, portion, on this Icare not how the ad whether it the The dramatis persona, who Gully formation. These pieces and patches cal .; is case. . August 11, 1873. who shall have occasion have previously acquitted them- valorem duties are levied, but I are merely detachmentsfromthemaiu seam, presence in a morsel of bread men The monotony in this townis to be reno comfort in knowing the duties »re , which would;in alllikelihood,be foundin the wage fierce war as to the shape and color of The municipal elections over,all excite- selves satisfactorily before a Switzers lieved in a few days by ap amateurconcert at the same time audience ; and I trust on this occasion raised on,silk, unless I the garments in which His priests shall on behalf of the Organ Fund of the Church unbroken strata of the Mils. ment in our settlement has subsided for theywill meet with abumper house. or cotton, they know are lowered on that dress ; men who discuss solemnly the England. From the entire wantoftany am to have my lollipops cheaper, if the of The other- day -while walking over the efficacy of a certain number of lighted a while. The new Council met last MonI amusement, for a long time, it seems profixing day, and the usual routine of <; ridgeson this side Mount Misery, viewing price my difference is to be put on the ot candles upon the altar ;men who deemsalbable that it will be a most successful andannual rate was gone through ; Dunedin. boots. I presume it must have been the the landscape,it bnnight to my recollection, vation to consist in a trick of hand by which salaries at in affair. Ihe Committee of the Mechanics' the was fixed Is the £. I latter contemporary Irishman once sent to hi new funny'sub-editor your description an of the 3 a cross is marked, or who bow the head and believe that the members of the Council ' ' Institute are also proposing to have a the Guardian who the other day gave similar -:■'friend at home; when asked by him for a burn incense in place of offering earnest entertainment in order toassist the ; and the (From our own correspondent.) harmoniously together will work on us, as the increase compensation for — Zealand. Well, said he, descriptionofNew funds of the Institute, which Iam: in" prayer men, in short, who demean them- committees as formed, are all thoroughly We have not yet recovered our equa- many items of the tariff, the assurance that j formed are not in a very flourishing■; state. inhis letter, Where there^is nota hillthere selves generally, as becomes the myrmidons up to the various duties entrusted to new ! arrangement, produced by be, there will under the nimity after the consternation By the way, I haye had an opportunity of is a hollow." Very true ;but it is these very of an infatuatedand infalliblepope. their charge. the announcement of the proposed new- a reduction on ladies' hair-pads, ladies' knowing where features of acountry to which wemay ascribe has the reserveis situated that lately web, been rather The weather tariff. On Friday the Committee of the scarfs and clouds, and fancy soap ; that has been set aside I entirely. am, &c, whole, its mineral wealth almost as an endowment for it, on the the season has been a but ' Chamber of Commerce reported to the children's toys will cpme in cheaper, as ' F. W. Isitt. mild one, and the frosts have not been adjourned meeting of the Chamber the well as paper collars. Gratitude is an and am gratifiedthat a block of such land When our Creator has so formed the sufficiently severe to deter the ploughing result of the investigations of the Commit- excellent virtue, and grows by exercise, in the Wyndham district can be depended surface of the earth, so as to bring the Balclutha, August 13, 1873. operations of the farmers, who have con- tee in a statement bearing out to the full and if we can only inanaga to feel becom- on, for -without some such extraneous miuerals whichifc contains within our reach, sequently availedjthemselves of thechance the anticipations already formed as to the ing gratitude ior the very 'small mercies source of revenue the Institute wonld be advantage not take the of why should Ye " here do sadly crippled. Our wealthy and will be early with their seed this Taieri Ferry. indicated by the Guardian as flowing to not exhibit much liberality inmen " supportingseason, which is no doubt a great advan- effect of the new tariff on the Customs' revenue. The report tells us that there us from the provision of the Colonial i the Institute, which is to be regretted, as tage with farms on the high, ground. will be a large increase of revenue under Treasurer in the new tariff, we may, II own (From Correspondent.) high prices, place great reliance on its. beneficial except our Produce naintains think, pn Original Correspondence. headings adopted by congratulate having the Customs ourselves aU the effects, in raising the inclinations of the offering which are as low as 50s potatoes, department, with the single exception of developed the grateful emotipns to a very community. The weather lately has been all that per ton. I hear some producers com-, .. . desired,and, with the exception oi plaining that they cannot get good prices confectionery, the reduotion under that satisfactory degree. The poet tells us could be a,lecture Bildwin is to deliver Captain (To the Editor ofihe Bruce Herald.) one or two very frosty mornings, the tem- for wheat in proportion to that paid for head being rather less than 12 per cent." that "Eternal Hope" will "light her on Government Life Assurance to-night, are pile." The actual increase of duties leviable torch at Nature's funeral We suppose themill-owner should under the new arrangement,calculated on not yet in quite such .desperate circum- in the Ma«onic Hail, when doubtless there withMr Coffey aB to perature of the atmosphere has more oats ; but I ":> '.:■.':Sib,— Fullyagreeing can to give, know best what he afford will be a good attendance. the. importance of -the subject recently, resembled that of summer than that of and as your local manufacturer is always the transactions of 18?1, would be as the stances, and therefora-will not, despair.. As I sated in nay last, the principle of broughtforward by Bishop Nevill, and dis- winter. The most, of the ploughing is ready,to supply this market with flour. differencebetween L115,275 andL231,681." The Assembly has not yet passed the new the new tariff is approved of by our merthink,' reasonably Iexpect It would no.t pay to risk arise in wheat As the Customs revenue for the past and tariff, and we may, I chants, but after full consideration they cussed iii your issue of the sfch, Iwould ask now over io this district and so without such a considerably liope current are in excess of that it will not do years mill. sowingby wili commence our local now think the rates are too high, and I operations of a few farmers , your permission for the insertion Tija- that for. 1871, the advance wijl be propor- modification of the rates as will secure us presume this will be the general feeling from, of hear, I can wheat tie petition From what A disclaim at once. residents scarcely friends, uqd.ue tionably larger. The pressure of taxation. need of progress from an lines. Indoing so, I throughout the Colony. extensively cultivated this peka to the Superintendent has beeu and the Colonial Treasurer still teli us that Masonic Hall is at present the Our any desire'to' assume an attitude of hostility will be more that a board we are constantly telling The construction of the railway from unanimously signed, praying of, public season, interest. arid of the number of centre considerable would wish year compared with last appointed for regulating items on here to Moeraki does not make.much protoward Mr Coffey; with him, I of. wardens be which there will be an increase Tour readers arealready aware that the' gress,. cerfcjjnly some of the land in the vicinity the depasturing of great and small cattle notice it that. Mr T. Ei, "that,.the,VcGUttesy of tanguage alway3 obnothing oirevenue^ but saying of those on Hall was sold- to Hudsonand Co. The j-Jardy \and Ferry is vtry on the commonages. I believe the prayer which another have taken, ja large :;-■..-. served by Bishop Nevili,.was:as, invariably of-Waihiila-aad the Taieri there will be a reduction, and reason of the sale was :the fact of the sub.pontract it,and as spring ;advances will be granted, and the next local elec- charge well adapted for its 'growth. malcontents with acting un- Hall Co. allowing the interest ou the there, will beonan effort to energeticallj Jtho iisedby thbsewho dispute his opinions ; but wijl be of these wardens. tion that mildeiy the jVTow, that the Reason is fairly in the matter. I;for one, certainly mortgage,and, ot^er charges on the Hall since the position ass'umsd by%c episeopar .-^ , -. The Wetherstones and V/aipori people,desire to treat th.isnjauer,unfairly to fall in arrears There has been some proceed wiili the works. ; works in connection with; the railway the ' ' proved, the Government ..,. glad, could was to note that the Provery genepaily tli^fc,;if petitioning have been I fians is^oiie I have no interest in nor have I yet any sort of misunderstanding between the are agajn in julj. forking order, and the large into a area to encourage commonage declare have resolved > all who dis. to or Counail upon Mortgagee sbhisna decided or Directors the his vincial very agent^ guiiifc opinion advantages the of the and piints on the Hver iab jjep^giojngcon- of country,between the two places) and !»Hdvantage s;of an on valorem v. :sl mea- , and the;former haying, ifajjp.d,.; t.Q project the pjanting of. tr«es, and J do,,tmst ;thai *..-L, fastenftentlfrom:her doctrines aad practice, it be- stautlywith timber from the ,bush jequipe'd being on thg runs of Messrs Sutherland^ ,4 suremen,t tariff. .-.>VV.hat ,opinion I.have qn their- hall \yhpe:|he.y had the opp6_rtunityy ma,ny of. our^setti&rs' wjillset abou^thi* ; '".;; lioves ilisl to enquire;! whether this pos^fc^ \yxirk,] for it is.; certainly a great fqp theline. It seemp,'hovveveri that- the P6ls6h, and others ") but ft?6ta'"lyb'aETea^n the .sul)jec|s is rather in favor of jibe are now in a great way because it has 1 will succeed for a while. '-■ iyaat over the "greater part"of this district. gather they lr? Todiscuss thi§ their Hands. I that .engagecl passed at than the but an in out of hear ; presents punts : in latter I have interest humber o£ ' ' cakbe^aintaittedi ''': and Tuaj e'ca water-racev' and a somewhat strong opinion on the the,amount of the mortgage:w.^h, aTeerued In connecnon wirh,thi?^ it does surprise The cpn^ the above tra§c, is to< meet fully within i\is 'limits of a newspaper 1 n:otsu^cien't ' ' ' . and willishortly; be me that the growth and Culture of fruit J is progressing, ; amount of" taxation ram called 'onjp/ * 1 : laiipoasibie,. I will- ths a'emanti fbr^pbsts, ahtf a large3'ne; i^ ' pay interest was ,t^nd^d,iu gold tp. the iZ^oversy^,-WOuH/;lie .to > ,The clito,'#h)3£e ;payabjp;ground, :, worked. as Custoißs'.,' 'dutie^' ,Qnd j have Very Mortgagee after it wasout of his power, rtree^areinotnapre attended : onlyglanceat one or two points^ \i(i<U . ..,. ,no'w; being,«cons,trucie^close to the ;.,i)ridge I has been .;pushe.4 for decided bUjtfctiqii tq''any increasiß,i^in the compauy the r hear 1 Baato and ;Spil are;udmirajbjs suited^ fpr-mosfc having said,'-'" to accept it he *' altfd'tKEtti ike kinds of fruirs. Thejf^ikrecn^OjjapDles^ave : want of the necessary remittances' from ambuQt bf'th"es.e..i -It is'no"answer 'what'.; .-i'Mr'GofFeyispeats -of'the gloriausJreform-- op the right bank of (he river. xH 1 ampunt}■iaLV^pK'::ini^;.tllQoSup*Qn^e Court 'Grovefh'meni-, account 6f the pro-on ever tom c? to say that'tbis system is more pending result alaw suit imported one^ to be had. nere now, and Ks >ationjH andinsb^dping presumably^ustifies' "', ■inat|Wißu^iaiftj^gE^s :;ab£'u|, ;;?;td bY the >it:; .-i<i,>;n --v'r :■"::. tht .of V--''"c : the price accordingly high. :'jpisedvstibßidy-J^ uther; he; ■inan'taa">j if?unde'r t[ii3Vßyste4i :J.. equitable q Will kindly given at Waiholayini^e^ ■;"; " . theetekid t^ken;byvL * to be raised,it is said, for the purpese^ of>. n ls'scarceTy 'iahy'^aitdratioD^in the 5 than havp tp'-'nay x n IJ of m veiore ita'ses" inhab|ta^ts Ttjte liy. whatfcmirse of argumentihe would: ■■\ i& j\}6' c<Ms£ bfMWv Week^ vJh"e '-bfestirreii themselves-; ssettingithe ; sal©: there aside;|iK-Mei\Qwhil^j a at. l ifrom;the?aame |^am.?4*Ue.rjesifid;(in j^bu%^if aip^iLi^^toteiw :sqi i? is' af :lksi> iiayie j t h h<^ uestibn-* exonerate the greatclleforniQr' arising''&W&ss/'?'$)&?&. W^^ far: ; fvoia, ~hpw $&' mqgb; have to the i? dency fopowefwiw ggb^ upward, saad© J ?■ not--? of J;awreftce church, tQ got pa^r W Qsfi t j)9 footpath ope, vi^, jjjji of separation from an apostolic as the same otj- eot \Ue lm^> ' ' X>wn church? t ■ k ; ; - 1 : T 1 t .. — '^^r^Re^ 1 ." !l ;!i ■ : l > : ( ; t ■■■ * ■ . '\ ' ; ; f J ; Isjris1 ; ; ; J ; { r ; 1 ; - . (; . ; ; r 1 - ■■"" } - J '- : 7 I { ; -tr, — ( ■ ; —— <'j' :■ ; — : t — ; ■'■ — 1 — ;": ; .. - ; — — — —— '"' ' . ? 1 -— ; ; ■ ,, 1: : : ! '- needed former ; an^' %; ; t ".;■!; J — ; ; : ':" ■'} '. '. ■''.'.. ■■ ■■.■.■"■■■■.'■' .'[: '. ... f ? 1 '. :■■ ( 1 < i ■ -..;" .-■.■.■" .'■"■'. ■ - .- ■"'";'.'":.;■: ' ■ "" " " ; : " . . "' ' . ■ '" ■#."■. ■ f ■ ' .■ 7 ■ THE BBaXTtGIB WERAL T> il — was, and that the Province was hot committed to tbe Tolmie wag about to ettend the meeting of the country. lam aware tiqn moved bymyself and passed by the ■.pp,sesjM "my interpretation j>f if.Campbell's Marewhenua Land Sale. fcbe.-business sale of agricultural or auriferous lands. of the Waste Lands Board. made in Mr that ßOinejmembers.-are^iipw:-place<l.on.the JsEaste Lands Board, and to which Mr the "Ob;" The Hon. Major Bicbardson : Sir, I say. I hear an hon member (Oh.) it' to Toads that letter; any v.v- m x~T T "??;;." i 5 shows be— (a Campbell consenting 'party, was shews .-// Morris; of a aileffima) d terge o| * hoped that while there -was all this has had if such lands have been sold it necessary. "requited-; be land but (Continued''from pdg&QJ found carefully guarded 'ourselves chi^ht ] members have Seen returned pledged to that ;we going the body of the disagreement not because already been shewn thatit was an understanding; -and ?Mr for the eoristructioii of water-races, or for Council, we would at least have found the sale, for not only is the land aurifer- oppose-the sale of land in large blocks. against such Government, which thejaction of of the of engaged of those 'who might that, in residences be presume they will vote with Campbell as clearly understood ous and fit for agricultural settlement, Of course, I wa.3 a member. I have only to say that the members on the sub-benches inuniproved to be in mining; That was the opinion Iex- I but actually within a few jmilesfof: this me>;but therje are / others pledged to the ev^ent of thisland being ; / am not aware whatthe merits son. (Hear, hear, and laughter.) "We personally I " to the. Board at* . the The pressed time. for public pur-' land thereis to be a railway constructed carry but puoJlc works at whatever cost, auriferous, or ifRequired' are, > in so far as its remember the Provincial Secretarysaying at the-head of the Govern- of tbisj block- bf land to see that the poses,! that it would-be imperative on the hbrii member to Awamoka. It was also proposed that a while others are pledged -1 snd* that ..a valid but I concerned; nature is do he was not aware that any communication auriferous had been riot, application — in contract swallowed _up by ■Government to refuse the railway should run right through it, and agricultural land/is was" sent to the Superintendent concur in the resolution that that I Campbell say Land made between Mr and the late difficulty terms* of the 46th 'section of the There, some capiialiits.*,may be which, it was said,* could be made at a begpardon. I saidI was Mr Tolmie :I , Act, J.866. The resolution arrived at Government*; but when we asked him for ha% ;been placedupon the paper, in so far perfectly saall cost in consequence "of the in the future in attempting to conserve aware that I was not in unison of the upon censure the members the- reasons on he founded: that as it. is a as follows — /P;- itat&ment, level nature of the country; so that bhe publiclands, and, at the same time, to the course " andas"Yes.") we haVe nothing but his mere Government for their action not only on with my colleagues not only is a portion oof this land carrying out public works. -If' the land 'sent-^Messrs Thomson,Reidatid Hughes. adopted.— (" My colNo on others. The occasion, many but was, the .case.;a Ithis Robert assertion rthatysucK^ suitable for settlement, and aur- be sacrificed, of course, .public works can The application of the Honorable advised thatI should take a stand leagues of the Governiferous, but the railway in the im- be carried on; bub look at what the co~st Campbell to purchase' 10,000 acres of sita'te distinctly' ithat there was no:con- hon. members at the head own mind that at the Waste Lands Board, and urge the us he felt in his l.wa,s 28, and the ment told .liiid .befor^ 'the tract 'bet wMn^VM^^ t and. mediate neighborhood would make itiiaelli- wrilljlikely-be in^ithe -future. There will Runs) ItAgreecL; reserred to; him any this salemust be agreed to, yet he never- postponement of the matter. I that! ,,tHe application,be, late or L4 per acre; out, be no settlement, and though the Pro- Board.^. not at Ll,.but at L 3 own opinion and acted upon my own my carrying assented to this Council 'that,survey land, theless registered;; might to be in be area : that of that matter the hon. member for Wni- vince may*experience an ephemeral pros- receiv.edvand madeiby the applicant, theSurveyor to be found to be auriferous^ or that,might be the resolutions of the honmember for Wai- judgment. Major Bicbardson I taki (s[y, Sumptfif) can give a J>ejbrer perity aprosperity for some years ; the The Hon. : made reserve for public taki (Mr Sumpter), andhis colleagues were opinion than myself,- though Imay say result will be calamity in the future. In approved/ Right to reserve such lands found' necessary to a mental note of what note I mean a When the resoluparties. consenting is, have not made, as may be found to be auriferous or purposes. There anqther observation: I have been ihfoTrmedtffat'land in s-tbe conclusion,!;may say? thatI think that as my lion, friend said, and I at " do hon. member the passed, the public purposes fp,r retained: the honi member for the Lake tions are necessary made^by have were, I nearly possible Kauroo Hundreds has been sold; at the % personal attack on any one. I as his words r sets at Government them not voting." Wakatipi district (Mr Clarke). Thathon. Head of the ; rate oFLo per acre by the Government. 1 Qot attacked ttie'Head tif the Executive the Chief not think the question came before the and defiance, and' does not even forward them Executive have not Mr Campbell Wasi present at the meeting members takes this correspondence, " repeat^that if sthis^motionjbejin.ot passed, svho may be;most to hlame; I Council." (Hear, hear.) Of consider} That, I , agreed proper quarter. to -sell to their not only this ii'stiriguished himfrom theother members of the Board when that resolution was says- he finds the words not wish my hon. friend to we may as well abolish, course I do have the land." ...But I take it up and fail to is sufficient to condemn the Government. understand that I Council,but alMornis of 'respdnsibie Go- o£ the:Executive,because the Council has adopted, and he could not possibly doubt the gathered papers it, to be from regard corresponwith as he find those words. I read the So far as can vernmi-PT ", say tbar\ it is infinitely better Qd right te single but any one member of been 'mistaken Mr Tolmie : I believe the hon.member table, Then, Sir, how dence:—" Sir, -The Government having laid on the those hon. members are perfectly anent, to Im* 'ruled by snai- d^pof, wh^pvpr h<* the Executives; because the Executive "quite concurred with it. but the distinction is is matter, position of this was for the bargain agreed mwda to your" offer to allow the sale*of blameable does it follow that a - uvtHf bt», :That the matter was discussed by :$ must act as a whole or not at all and I bH.w^ this of youY ßuns 17 and 28, on as had the first agreement of the "Waste that this motion repeat that if the Council choose to disre- between two men that the applicant should 10,000 acres was in theroom. If I)'* been £»id Executivebefore I > that compensation at the rate of Lands Board with Mr " Campbell been the - all. r s 'afldiCpi'irfjnst*'si: «ant ot. gard the principle]involvedin this motion, be the purchaser: or, as the hon. member condition ig..^o $11 only I remained there for about aminute, been no out, there would have disregard their own at the head of the Government has put it 2s per acre':be paid for the land actually carried confidence .motion.^ I^dj^n,'!; care, wither tbipy may as well and did not sit at the table. lands, '— portion A of these complaint. two elected to for salo dignity, sold, haying. open bargain was udade between and and and allow the'busi- -tb'wt a Major Richardson Iwill it results in the retii>:m»»rit ol the ExHcritiiN'" functions on, not men that an application should be made, the area on tracing herewith, it will now proved to be non-auriferous, would have notThe Hon. of not* £ say thiSiGjQuncil:*houl.dhot look Qeßs of the Province to be carried up the time ot the Council by take the auriferous ; Campbell over to Mr suspend your should be to lease been sold Council, may applying necessary but |as any Executive be and that the person at it wholly fro to that point of vjtuv, but as the with this branch of the argu" have to request that you portion would have been available to the proceeding ; the.: purchaser, ,I'hen the hon. member the area; and I ,1 bad rpire- desire. :(Applause.) considfeiySf x*t is do say it is a most melancholy ment,but I the term of the lease miners, 16th section of the and when by will, another asin terms of the statement " cedent it will form in the,-future. not The hon Dr . Menzies seconded the follows up that groundless. of the administration of this Proinstance at an earlier date if found 1866,' good enough expired, had or It was stated Gold Fields Act be sertion equally carried whafmay not%n* Executive <io? motion. the chief of the Executive vince when portion &c, another could have have, necessary, l your of the Board Messrs tointimate concurrence.— meeting If an Executive canrule one day one w.ay Mr ;Eeid-r-Iexpected, from, the state- that at the been devoted to agricultural settlement. considers it right that he should not put the Commissioner were D. Reid, Provincial Secretary" and I andanother day another, what guarantee ments that fell from the hon. member Hughes, Reid, and himself into communication with the (near, hear.) and that at that meeting the land ask him if that iswhathe calls theengagehas this Council, that when not in'session. apposite on Thursday, that some evidence present, Waste Lands Board on account of some I Major Government The Hon Richardson said to sell was sold; but when Iasked the hon. ment compelling the want of courtesy. Are we to allow these the Executive that may be in power will would be brought before the Council to mpmber example. lam going good was an on to set a this land. There offer made am the resolution on which to read do the very opposite to what has been proveconclusively that owing to certain acts of courtesy I am not blaming little speech. Nothing to make a short Campbell, by going part of Mr which he baped his statement, the hon. member the the Superintendent, done by the Council.— -Hear, hear.) Ir is irregularities, or administrative incapacity he his Honor but the in pleased me more this debate than agreed to suspend his lease over a portion has had been com- quotes the resolution Ihave read, and runs 17 and 28, in terms of the 16th the extremely conciliating attitude of the administration of the Province— are we to all verj^ weils<to!say;"Oh, this action was on my part, the Province " he sees that it does not support the interfere not. meant to be atiyisiur.uppn:.the Coun- mitted, to the sale of ablock,of auriferous when was agreed upon, section of the GoldFields Act ;" and in hon gentleman opposite. For instance, allow these little incidents to " presume we have heard a contention that the sale full, free, and perfect administracil," but if this resolutionshe affirmed, we land: arid as I with the the for a there was hon friend member my acknowledging receipt of letter from Applicant declared he goes on and says shall bave a precedent 'laid down, of the full statement of the case which was to purchaser." commenced tion of the Province ? There is no quesI wish here to make an the Government, requesting his consent Dunedin, MrBathgate, whonecessity And but, very I now confess I rise then the Counbe made kind, most detrimental for mere allusions to the for tion aboutit, to any impartial mind, that Mr with suspension lease, Campto the of the " in regard to this point. I tomahawk, cil would have simply endorsed the con,- considerably relieved to place the Coun- explanation the land now sold to the Hon. Mr Campand he iinme hereby give buryir.gthe my consent to an article in the morning paper, bell says : I duct of theGovernment in acting in direct cil in possession of the facts connected have seenan bell is of an auriferous nature, and that it with both hands and proposal diately that is not a to seized it the same." But — attempt is first made to shew am in which opposite to-th¥ ;G6uricil.— -(fHeaiy hear.) It with the matter so far, at least,as I merely requires to have brought into it a fLaughter.) whirled it over his head. position of the case, but the sell. We agreed that if the land were to some on this side of the cognisant of them. The *hon. member at the true may be said good specimen quantity of water to make it Irish considerable all, to I think that wasa of Campsold at it should be sold Mr " writer unfortunately has got himself into a bell,*but speak House Did not you sell a big block of the head of the G-overninent, wb.en he considerable now to about auriferous. And if, by Executive payably conciliation. I have expressly stipulated it was that mess ; and if, when reading; action or inaction, a valuable tract ol laxid reply that that shows the great rose to address the House on this occaland?" I l the opposite— forget place honfriend my we not bound to sell if it was found were heard of the matter for the said danger of having such precedents placed sion, told us that he felt he was being this article, I made away to one person, I be inclined to think that land was auriferous, or that the he represents who said that hon mem- can besecurity I should first time say^ Sir, I must if placed upon his trial. hereafter, so whenever House are deter- what we over the landed record, on that bers on of tbe have public sale to the this side injurious would be that the Board had declared the applicant wae say that I occasion require.^ theymay be referred to; bhatwas really the case, thehon.member was not involved mined to vote in one way, whatever may estate ? None whatever ; I the purchaser. I will now shew how interest. The Province before, but I am still more hopeless therefore, Isay* to those hon. members managed very cleverly to shift his grouud lo bemistake say adduced. I can I almost degree arguments in the to sellland to Mr be the slightest occurred, which the hon. to do tha am not one of those. I havenot brought hopeless now. (A laugh.) Referring to who may never intend to support the in as few words as it was possiblehimself at the head of the Government Campbell that might be found to be member and endeavored to exonerate 30, that notice, on Executive, may happen investigation it a mind to the of this this Waste Lands Board, I legal present or for of necessary purposes auriferous hold in my hand a (Hear, has also fallen into. I not blessed looking over the proceedings, this extrasubject, providence another Executive occupies the Treasury and place me upon my trial.— If there because has community. any the has been lam blank application form for the purchase of blunder in connection with the sale, Ime with such an unfortunate thing. ordinaay note occurring three or four Benches and does not agree with them, aear; and laughter.) Well, Sir,charges to the waste lands of the Crown the same as juite prepared meet all that brought, so far times: "The Chief Commissioner not I have though they carry a resolution that (Laughter.) the whole But my washed hands of transac" which the hon. member has thought was filled up on the occasion that Mr tion when I office ;if any mistake has as Iam capable of bringing, that common voting." What can that mean ? Thatan Executive may turn round and say, You proper to bring against me. I find the Campbell's application was made. In been made left have been endowed, important member the most important cannot[object to Jus doing so and so, beoccurred since that sense with which I it has form, with the usual there is irst statement is that he had been accordance made " on a way prea similar as as some little observation and ex- member ot that Board^ when imTherefore, weil cause you acted in Appli- time. concerned,so far as any action of arged by his colleagues to agree to a printed at the bottom the words the in which legislative portant questions of this character entirely perience way is I feel free I of vious occasion." That then, Isay is the postponement mine of this salein order to com- cant declared purchaser," and a blank is great danger of forming a precedent of ply with the resolution of this Council, left for filling in the date, and for the heard it industriously circulated that and administrative matters have been comes before the Board, remains silent Government, hitherto conducted in this Province and and does not vote, what good is it that this character. This question is the test and under- my actionhad implicated the in order that further inquiry might signature of the Commissioner, " felt bound elsewhere. Sir, what do we ask ? (The he should bein the Waste Lands Board? question in the resolution,because, if this mdmade, they consequently and that but that he would not agree to neath is printed the words Chief Com- to take the course which they hadadopted. hon. gentleman then referred to the Here is another point— and now I am principle be disregarded, hon. members 3e think it is missioner." But does this follow that But some of the colleagues of the hon. powers of the Waste Lands Board, to going to pitch into my hon. friend on the course being adopted. I will simply be helping to do away with that ! y he didnot, 24hours previously, because an application has been received gentleman at thehead of theGovernment withdraw and reserve lands from sale.) right (Mr Beid). Ido not see why, if a with executive action altogether. If this igreatpithis Council and his colleagues, and registered that the applicant h.n been did not share that opinion ;they did not |Well, the Waste Lands Board of itself, block of land is taken out of a run, the inform result the carried, be in may resolution it he would not agree to the postpone declared the purchaser ? The blank space feel they were committed to the sale,but asabundantly evidenced by the documents only person who shouW be allowed to bhat though I resignation of the Executive ; alsoought to have informed might be filled in months after the appli- thought there ought to be some further before us, had no means of ascertainining avail himself of that land is therunholder of this sale.He seeing much, koow if that matters don't bhe Council of the Btand he intended to cation has been received, and in this case inquiry. (Hear, hear.) But, Sir, there the character of the land— the sale of himself. I Executive, say that that is a most obthat they are only a temporary Board. It was has not been filled yet ; bus owing- to the is another view of this question that is which would be prejudicial. The Super- jectionable principle— (hear, hear) and bake as a member of the stated having the head of the Executive a great pity that instead of being a conthat this printed document contains worthy of some consideration. We have intendent, as part of the Executive and one against which Ialways voted, and that he only-intended to hold office ten senting party to the resolution of the fact the words "Applicant declared purchaser," been told by the members of this Go Legislative Government of this Province, will vote. If land is taken out for sale, days. J know that in moving this motion member for Waitaki (Mr Sumpter), it has been thought by some, including- vernment, that they are opposed to the puts these questions before the Council it ought to be for sale to all comers ; and Ilay roysolf open to being accused of hon. recommending that the matter be postthe hon. member at the head sale of large blocks of lands,and attribute for decision. This Council passed a re- whoever would pay the best price for it aspiring "to be 'the leader of a party; but poned, he did not get up in his place as a apparently Government, understand, was unani- ought to be the possessor. What I the that tbe land was sold their action in this matter to the conduct solution which, I of find brought this resolutionI will^state thatI of the Government, and inform at the time the application was received of predecessors;but, if ao, how was mously asserted to by the House, recoin- fault with the Government for is that their forward,- without reference to party at all. member the Council that he felt the Province was registered. Thst is a great fallacy, 'a certain course. We expect they did not insist upon the resolution I consider it is a resolntion that any hon in honor committed to the completion of and Iask hon. members to endeavor to it that when part of the ground applied mendiug Sir, and that in fulfillingyour duty, would passed by the Provincial Council being you, application Campbell's in Mr may views he for party whatever n member, no remove the false impression from their and that he be transaction, this could transmitted, and placed before the Waste Lands Board, auriferons, not see thatthe resolutionis they rewas found to be did hold, should su|>port, becausH if it be party to apostponement. It appears to me minds as soon as possible viz., that the carry out the resolutions as passed by we look upon it as the bouuden duty of and that is the reason why I shall vote legislative to action aln end ;it;p^uts jected that the explanation made by him to-day sale was effected at the time the application the Waste Lands Board ? Sir, these the gentlemen opposite to see that their against them. I think the whole thing is , altogether high a second thought. The was received and registered. This appli- gentlemenby their actions belie the pro- advocacy is urgently pressed upon his on a false issue. (Hear.) I would not An bon. member No. " No," isandaltogether independent feelings which operate cation was for unsurveyed land, and in fessions they made in regard to this mat- Honor the Superintendent, as his ad- have taken "up the battle gage on this Mr Stout— The hon. member says upon his mind, and which Ifully the case of unsurveyed land the sale ter. If their desire had been strictly to visers, to fulfil the obligations of the question. It might be a good question, ' of course be is entitled to his opinion, and appreciate, ought to have been fully cannot take place until the survey carry out the resolution of the Waste resolution which they themselves have but there is a better. It is the disposal hope he will explained, lam entitled to mine; bu» I the mged why as a reason and has been made and approved, which board they had the opportunity of adopted,or, at least, not dissented from. of the land for the settlement of the shew how the business of the Council can resolution should not be carried,and then in this as in other cases takes a consider- Lands put all those blessed law books people. I to don't care what you do with a refusing land that was auriferous, Sir, I assents to be carried if an Executive who Council the able period. Now, Sir, we have had and thus togrant would have saved the he on one side. Ilook upon tbat as the solitary block, because we are doing give agreement effect to the -a resolution one day is to be Hllowed to do trouble of passing the resolution, which placed expected those nothing to people the desert with men before us a statement made by the with Mr Campbell, and in order to do common sense of it, and I tbe very opposite the next. That is a was passed only to be ignored. But he applicant for this land (Mr Campbell), and this Superintendent, gentlemen go grant a block would to the necessary it was not to who will earn an honest livelihood. peculiar way of doing business with which did the very opposite ; hegave the House I it is a very unusual thing, of agricultural land to Mr Campbell. and say, i: Sir, this subject is coming must that say that in (To be continued?) confess I am not acquainted;; but I to understand that he was a consenting indeed, the course taken by the hon. mem- This Government however, while express- under the consideration of the Council. A moving this want of confidence motion J party to" its resolution, agreed to the say Standing Orders beingsuspended to allow ber at the head of -he Government, and ing its abhorrence of the sale of land in resolution has been carried by the Council, The residents of do come under some criticism ;but I Limestone plains are against which Ishall decidedly raise large blocks, absolutely travels out of its and we press it upon you, that you will simply bring forward this motion as that it might be passed without delay as one voice. that I have had placed before us way to grant to Mr Campbell a block of make an immediate communication to the treated badly in postal matters. For the We my to is be member, and whether it a private four years the settlers have had to conmatter of urgency,' and immediately opinions of the gentleman who made agricultural land which had previously Waste Lands Board, saying that the last vey theirlettersfromFlint's Bush,a distance carried or not will be for the Council to he takes his seat . at the "Waste the came, the anxious, and it with all I would not to the matter application, him, put this been refused to and which Council are of seven miles themselves, an arrangement don't wish to press my services even Lands ;Bpard in another capacity, influnce, say I not only ot the person who made have agreed to sell under any circum- aside altogether,but to deUy for a short which it will readily be inferred, causes disshould there be a new Executive. Iam where he feels he must act with that high the application, but also with that of the not be- satisfaction, inconvenience, and unnecessary may be told that ''this Council time its further consideration." Sir, I stance. I not so desirous of office as some hon. mem- independence of which he has spoken, to land not loss of tim<s and expense. Petitions have resolution, Government. Ifhe wished That did my proposed by opposite head of the lieve hon. friends independent bers may think.0 Famquite as where he takes what he conceives to be a to exculpate himself, or implicate others, should be sold in blocks of not less than been forwarded to' the postal auihorities, state that the Bastings— may Mr l of office as when asked by a former Execu- more proper course than he pursues in he ought to have done so from documents 10,000 acres, but it was intended, there- Government but althoughpromises have been made, they the matter before bring did ,,Butfl don't knaw; this Council he then, I say, altogether in his possession, and not from documents fore, we should travel beyond that resolu- his Honor the Superintendent, and it is have never been redeemed. The cost ef tive to tafc£,pffice. ; sending the mail to Limestone plains would .much more, I ignores the resolution of the Council,and pjepared is necessary for me to by one' who bad an interest in the tion, and make up the areaby giving land my intention during course of my remark!?, than is incurred repeat tha>excepfc the Council affirm this agrees to the application of Mr Campbell, decision whiph might be come to by the that was for agricultural settlement, and to state what the Superintendentsaidon the be slight ; in fact, far less in servicesto many less important localities. resolution, we may talk . gbout our natural that the sale should be completed.— and who might therefore be it was an evasion of the spirits of tbe matter, which Ihive bis permission to do. We commend to the favorable notice of the resources, our progress,; and obstruc- (Hear, hear.) Now, there were some Council The reply, The Hon. Major Eicharclson sajd he Postmaster- General this really hard and de« is an unsual and improper pro- resolution to do so. biassed. It -have statements made by the hon. memtionßf'a9'rwe -please:;-but unless -we be that it was with the view of coin- thought it would be well if thehqn. mem- serving case. ceeding ought one that not to and an Bx«^iiitiye" that will barry out the ber, which'l think require refutation. The (Hear,hear.) It appeared to me plying with the resolution of the Coun- ber would make tie statement now. A little Kansas girl who built a firs in resoliiuoni^gfY tKe Council, it .cannot be. hon. member stated m the course of his repeated. hqn. member was reading- that cil, will not meet that objection.." when the Mr Bastings With the permission of her fathers barn, and found it getting besaid that we"are either progressive, or that remarks, "that a bargin had been entered ag Mr Ido not know that it is neoess.-Try '0 say the House,I may state that on the morn- yond her control, hastened that be was here more weare doing/ thatiwhich?:w;ill, tend to de- into between two men; that an applica- statement from a desire to much more on this question. Every hon ing this resolution was passed, ameeting she had done by covering to hide what advocate than Campbell's land, and ifc with boards. velope therespureesi of the Province pjafeed, tion should be made for the state the case from the official and impartial member no doubt kuows the reasons that of the Executive Council was held, and Tho motive was pardonable, perhaps, but ti s highly that the hon, Mr Campbell should be the records in our cnarge.^(Hear, r;) I land, led the sale of block of hrg* ' to this had of of the Government. I asked His if he received a the officers Honor the result was not satisfactory. say that such a necessary that the Legislaiure and the purchaser.1 But I consider it and also tbat Inever had any desire f>r message from the Speaker, of the Provin- ; " " [In proceeding; to show him, I 1 Campbut Mr that,^-vk, hartnony; work in that bargin as Execntive^should Who made you ? "was asked of a most improper thing,that this letter the sale of large blocks, and that it was cial Council. He informed me that he was a circumstance, is what wfll be the result ifahisimotion bell should, under every been read.] J may say there not our intention to j^aye brought fp.rwa.rd had, but that he did not know what to say small girl. She replied, God mada me say thatr those nnsmbers ol become the purchaser ofJ this block should have negatived ??i I only to which Iintend to any proposal for the sale of a large block or do with it. Tor the information of that length," indicating with her"hands points of the of lApd— was not entered into between i are two the CounciUwJio;arer.epresentajives Mr Campbell's letter of land until tbe action of the Provincial hon. members of this Council,Iwill read the length of a new born infant, andI exception. take Sir, ,.choge I have nto vote Mr Campbell and. myself. iniiiing communityi.'ifc they: was that be Council in the face of my earneft remon- the clause in this resolution referring to growed the rest myself." understanding the states againsfc^ jlJtiA? Resolution,.will,vsimplv^ say. not risen to.relate anything more or less should be purchaser at 20s per acre. Now strance, forced on the Supplementary Esti- the. sending of this resolution to the Mr than that which took place between thatnhe^Gp^nment,may sell .aunjerpus Steangekspaying a visit to Dunedin are often have already explained tbat ]\|r Campbell mates votes which X said we had no means "Waste Lands Board. Itis as follows : ,:aijd, Campbell and myself. ! T don't feel that I : titbey felt, when I land^ffiiiere^ana' wfeen of meeting. I held a position reason to believe that in tbe That the consideration of the sale of at a loss to know whatis the best establishment every had ,. calls the sale I whether4hkGouncjlbjerin am .placed, in a. position, which event of the land being- sold he would be in the Executive, tbat we could not agree land in the Marewhenua district, applied tQ visit for the purchase of drapery and clothing, I shall efept as and myself, they will in me to defend say upon t^at Haynes,and Co. offer specialadvantages or not: and the purchaser; he might have entertained to resolutions and thenrefuse or neglect to for by the Hon. Robert Cauapbell, be Herbert, 'confine myself strictly to what took place one to the publio that can-be met with nowhere else pastoral. them and when carry eff-ctj postponed, into even and to ' compared"with might andI have entertained Select Oom.opinion, (be referred city. Theykeep at all timesthelargest and miners arje.aii; important ;l|Sdy^iJ,^onJ! betyveeji Mr pampbell and myself when another; but Inever entertained any carried against the Government we felt we m^ee." this, resolution never in best assorted stock olasa of goods, imwish to appeal tfttbb mining membersis" iegotiatipg jn regard -to-bis application. other opinion thHn that Mr Campbell were bound to take legitimate paeans to te.lls \V& Superintendent to send it to ported direct from theofevery leading manufacturers and conjßenarate^fonii this Council, because I $t home, which being bought en« jn the evpnt of gjye effect to the resolu,tio.n.s w^iph t|je the Wasle Lands Board, butrefers to a of land, in should be the purchaser, > tirely terms, they are enabled to offe* ceiv^jt toffee the^dutf ofevery member to and implied that if the^asblock or adopted, Superintendent event Council the Select Committee. The the sold but in the of leave Government being land of such sterling value as cannot be equalled application, shown on the conßioljllitlie^y^onjiipt as pffecringm&tif iiis!original benches; and, seeing therefore that the said he would send no moreresolution^ tft goods by any cfcherhouse in the trade. Every article hp)4^iii~myi harid^lwas Bold at all, any of those contingencies which Ihave determined, one inleres^|»«^^> ap>lyiDg,j° ?|JjPn apian I it was clearly understood that Council were the works enu- the Waste Lands Board^. Efe bacl sent in stook is marked at % fixed price for ready agricultural, or he ehouldb^ thppgrpbaser,; itwas clearly nanW, Mr merated should be constructed, we agreed several, an^had be^n insulted andsnubbed money, from which no abatement is ever made, other Campbell any person * tereeted, whethei/miniDg, represeirting' nor neither should Wotfce^erfspn /understood that the^nembers pastoral, for tjie pje osf by the Board, who said that he had no so thatthe mostinexperiencedbuy their goodi at should bp ajlgwed to purchase, In regard to bring: down a proposal ' samqprices as thebest judges. Their term* (he -mmmg communines to-iWP.eider-l.b.e be allowed to interfere wi|h.his leasehold 8Q,060 land, acres S|r Hughes of BEkedjby wfoen That resolution was right to dictate or send messagesto them. the " are-— net cash, withoutdiscount or reduction o* thelanar But it did not to the question result*bktheir conduct in supporting jifhis. >ian4 purchase Superintendent,! cajried As as he was he Council, long and whatever hand by the ;foHo»r words, and for other moved that the any kind. A fuller description of their stock will " should -tbat under every circuni- I said, there, was. be found motiobi shouldsit«beicarri6dj becauseJwho-; rtherefore be added, in an advertisement) on Another page of a3 to I dr. those associated with me— had in would send,no more. BJe. public purposes to bp allowed *' Mr" Campbell should «ver|«* iit^Sm W^at-]yasme»nt by tfce terp pubiiopur. giving effect to it? we acted, io such a way no Qccpiojo, tp aeod jnessages, as M? thi^ pftgej-.-!-4^Y% — } ; — t re- 1 — : — — { — v ; — J 1 i *i — "— , — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — v y < — ; > 1 — — ; i 1 ; — 1 . 1 1 ; — " 8 THK TT AYST E S AN p ("V O. v OF THE SEASON 1873. B^'CLOSE SuperWinceys, Is 2d. Wide Winceys, Is 9d.; Steamed Steamed Steamed Steamed Z ■ .- - — ' , : Winceys} 6*d. Winceys, 7sd. . Winceys, lUid.■""." Winceys, ll|d. . - ' " DUNEDIN ADVERTISEMENTS. -DUft&PIS ADVERTISEMENTS. £3 ,^ : :~ ":-; BENEPICIENT AND ADVANTAGEOUS 00MSlERCfAL MEASURES"" NiITR NE W GOO D S FOR W I EXTENDED TO NEW ZEALAND. NEW MAREETS REAGHED. BRITISH AND FOKE[GN COMMODITIES Supplied to the Public without the THROWN,' TIIWIN6 ANi> pO. EXPENSIVE AND UNNECESSARY INTERVENING PROFITS OF AGEISTS AND WAREHOUSEMEN/ AT TH-fl WELLShipments for the 3«>Asi~m, »kiu^ a toial, up to this time, of orer llav< op n.-'l up "'ieir KNOWN FIRM OF 300 CASES. > t^at they are showing ona of tho Largest T^IRKPATRIOK,. A LBNDINING AND /^O, Vhev wouldreapect-fulty inform the R-sidente of»'*'»■OTAG-: » in.- m '"=»"' 0 "!<> .y. tf*ving been purchased by and of N< ta id Slocks, SAvct M-isl i Who have done away with the OLD SYSTEM OF IMPORTING, one of »h- BY». m i.h-» 8.-st Vla-k-es. »' -r NiCIT .'.VS.i <Vy -.n. vein vi-y confidence, invite WHICH IS UNSOUND AND EXTRAVAGANTLY EXPENSIVE, | i t»pi-ction anil ("uiiip:tr-^o:'. KAW ApVDBTISEMENTS. TX E R BERT BKUfffl *® BJMD ._■ ■ , *" . i; "T Super Wiuceys, Is 3d. Wide Winceys, Is 10^d. Winceys, 2s 4d. ; Super Winceys, Is 6d. Wide Super Winceys, la Bd Wide Winceys, 2s 6d. Dresaes, 22s 6d Dresses,Ms 6d Dresseß, 7s lid Presses, 16s 9d Dresses, 8a 9d Dresses, 12s 6d Dresses,- 17s 6d Dresses 25s ; Dresses, 27s 6d Dresses, 93 7d " Dresses,. 18s 6d Dresses, 13s 9d And have adopted aNEW ONE, pregnant of I ' J Dresses, 30s Dressea,.10s 6d v Dresßes, 15s Dresses, 21s ' THEIR CUSTOMERS, BENEFITS.TO THEMSELVES AND "■'"'"'"'■' ;^!' Dress Materialsmaybe had in allLengths as required. As tho following true comparison will show, viz : The lowest prices Goods can be Dresa Goods, 91d, lOAd, Hid, Is 3d, Is 4id, Issid,Is 6d, IsBd, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 6d per yard bought at tinder the usualand ordinarymethod are, at an average, 5 per cent, above the PATTERNS SENT FREE ON REQUEST : : JJ^T :CLOSE OF SKASON 1873.; marketprice of the artiole whenobtained by Direct Importation. This astoundingfactis ■...,.,,". Black Dresses 17s 6d BlackDresses11s 8d Black Dresses 8s 9d strengthened and confirmed by every successive shipment, and acknowledgedby the direct Black Dresses 10s Black Dresses14s « Black Dresses.2os testimony of;the numerous Patrons of their Establishmentin Town and Country. ». d. . s. d. s. d. „ Black Dresses 24s Black presses 12s 6d BlackDresses 16s As they are nqw in possession of SeveralHundred CaHes, SeveralHundred Bales, and Repps, 'Oloths, Materials Wool Cords, Dress as now worn— Persian T hibet ■'■ {Diagonals,.' , Black Boxes of. SeveralHundred $ 1 6 Ladiea*WoolShawls from 12 Fancy Dresses from i.. 711 CrimeanShirtingsfrom Russell Cord3,rSatin Cloths,Barathea's, French Merino's, Pure Alpaca's Grape Cloths, Wool Poplins. There needs nomore b& said than that they hold the Largest and Best Stock..the Public BrocadedRipp,do *, 1 6 WatarproofMantles 8 « 9 9 WhiteFlannels ;:; PATTERNS FREE BY POST. order to increase their business and haveyet"had the opportunity of/inspecting. Andin ;; « Fancy 6d Skirts 13s 6d Fancy 5s 6d Skirts 7s being W*terpr<w&,, Sliirts. Quilted maintain the reputation of 14 Childrena' 1« ; 16 6 WelshFlannels Heavy Diagonal,do,, " Fancy Sldrts-7s'9d Quilted Skirts 10s 6d " Fancy Skirts 15s 6d THE BEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE, . , Fancy Skirts 18s 6d -Fancy Skirts 9s 6d Quilted Skirts 12s 6d 0 9 ScarletFlannels 1 2 Ladies' Cloth Jacket* 4 6 They will continue to sell; as heretofore, every description of goodsin any length or quan- Super Wincies ; .-..,. CLOSE OF THE- SEASON, 1873. tity at Wholesale'lmporters' Prices. ■& Ladies' Jackets 40s Ladies vJackets 7s 6d Ladies'-.Jackets.l7s 6d 1 6 Grey Calico 4V Fur Trimmed Jackets „18 6 The limitedspace at command willonly allow them to remarkbriefly on the merits of Aberdeen Wincies Ladies' Jackets 42s ; Ladies' JacketdBs. 6d . Ladies' Jackets 20s the variousDepartments. First, the . . Ladies' Jackets 22s Gd Jackets 4os Black Alpaca 10 White Calico 4J Silk Velret Jaeketa „68 0 Ladies' Jackets 93 6d ; Ladies' UNDERCLOTHING DEPARTMENT■.,;:'; ■■■.■■■;., .Herbert, hatnes & co. /;; :v Goods, the and connection Their, knowledge a Great intimate of Has become Success. 1 3 Russel Cords,, 1 6 Brown Holland 7 AmericanCloada . "Ttoung-Lajiies' Jackets' sa 6d, 7s Gd Infants'Jackets 4s 9d, 5s 6d ■withthe.BestHouses in Glasgowand London,enable them to jsupply every Young Ladies' JacketsG3 Gd, bs Gd Infants'Jackets 5s 9d, 6s Gd Infants',Girls', Underclothing, and Ladies' description of 1 9 Wool Cross-orew 1» 1 3 Scotch Plaiding SkirtingDraggetß n Young Ladies' jackets 9s Gd, 10s Gd Misses' Jackets Bs.6d, 103 6d at Less Price thanthe materialscould be " CLOSE SEASON,^S.\ . OF "WINTER procured at inDunedin. 27 0 Children**Polkas 2 0 Wincey Skirts 311 Real Scotch Blankets Waterproof Coshimea \Ss Gel, 21s, 22s Gd, 25a toung.Ladies'-Gtostutries 15s .123 6d MILLINERY. " 2(Ja 27si5d, 803,^ 35s 253, Young Ladies' Costumes WinceyCostuGies . Full-sizedEnglish do. 16 6 RealRonum Scarf* This worthy the attentionof Ladios, because webelieve there cannotbe The"Batewing w IS - ; Costumes andPolonaises Completefor linniediate Wear. found such a Collection of Fashionable, Beautiful, and Inexpensive Millinery iii the Coyers Woollen Ties " Woolen Bod 7 9 Shepherd Shawls, Long Shawls, Wrop Shawis,Rob.Roy and PaisleyShawls. Skirt 10 6 Q ..; Province. Shawls!12a Gd, 14s 6d, 15s Gd, 17a Gd, -20s. 22s Gd, 255, 27s 6d, 30s, 355, 40s, 50a, 60s. Just Opened,: A case of French Millinery Bonnets, from 12a 6d ; one case Velvet ...10 0 -■, --gp711 White BedQuilts CLOSE OF WllN Ttill SEASON, 1873. and Straw Trimmed Hats, from 3s 6d ; 6 cases Beaver Felt, trimmed and antrimmed, Quilted Skirts Black Silks £2 r os Od Black hUks £2 17s Od Black Silks £3 9s 0d Black Silks i 64 ,4s Od equallycheap. Above 5,000 UntrimmedStraw Hats from Is, and 500 Velvet do., from 2s ,..2 6 Table Cloths Black Silks £2 7s 6d Black Silks £3 0s 0d Black Silks £3 12s Od Black Silks£4 10s Od 6d upwards all worthdouble the money. " Silks 6s Od 14s 0d Silks 18s Od Black £6 Black Silks Od Black Silks £3 6s Black £3 SILKS. £2 BLACK " ' : ColoredSilks, ReversibleSilks, Marriage Silks, BridalSilks. This Departmenthas beenbrought to great perfection,and is worthy the serious conWelsh FlannelsIs 2d, Is 4d, la Gd, Is 6^d, Anti-rheumaticFlannels Is lOd, 2a 3d, 2s 6d sideration or all who wish to obtaindurableand inexpensiveSilk Dresses, as they import yard Lancashire FlannelsIs 6Jd to 2s 6d per Scarlet Flannels Is 4|d, Is 6|d, onlySoper's English and Bonnet's Frenchmakes— warranted to wear. This fact explains, ALarge andMagnificent Variety ofBlackandColored Silks,'BlackDress Materials, Furs,Millinflry - 2s, Scotch PlaidingIsBd, Is yd, 2s, 2s 6dperyard in some measure, the extraordinarytrade they do in Black Silks. Winter Hosiery, Ribbons,Laces, Gloves, Crochet Work, Napery, Sheetings, and Grey Plaiding 2s 9dper yard HouseholdFurnishings of every description',Carpets," Mattings,Rugs, . CLOSE OF WINTER SEASON, 1873. AND FANCY SILKS. COLORED Crumb Cloths, Door Mats, FloorCloths (from 27in to 181t Witney Blankets18a 6d, 225, 255, per pair Witney Blanket313 s Gd, 153, per pair, They holdthe Largest and Cheapest Stock inthe Colony this Season, havingbeenable wide) Cretonnes, Chintzes, Damasks, Curtains, Extra Qualities and Sizes in Blankets37s Gd, 40a, 455, 55s per pair. to purchase largelyat a great discount, owing to the great Silk Failures at Home. Mangle Cloths, Dusters &c, &c, &o, pair Odper Gd, Gd, Gd, 20s, pair 15s 26s Gd Scarlet itlankets17s 22s 333 per Blankets Blue IRISH POPLINS. Grey Blankets 18s Gd per pair ScotchBlankets 17s 6d, 21s, 25s Gd, per pair As this very beautiful and everlastingDress is increasingin popularity, they have LinenTicks Is 6d, Is 9d., 2s, 2s 3d per yard CottmiTicks 6£d, 7£d, B£d, dhd per yard importedthe Largest Stock everseen in thisIsland. 6|d, yard 6d, Bd, per 4id,SM, yard s£d, "White Calico Grey Calicoes per 7d JgT LADIES' AND GHILDRENS' UNDERCLOTHING IN GREAT TARIETr. 9£d. JACKETS AND MANTLES. Home-spunTable Linen Is 6d, 2s, per yardBrown Hollands 7£d, Sid, 9^d, 10^d, per yard Departmentis the Largest in the Province, and is alwayskept furnished with the This SEASON, 1873. :%&- CLOSE OF WINTER most elegant and distingue shapes from the most Fashionable London "and Paris Houses. MuslinCurtains7s 6d,10s 9d, Lace Curtains 6s 6d, 12s 6d,18s 6d per pair Just received, another case of the very Elegant Dolmans and Goubmands the Latest Od, 6d, pair 6^d, 7^d, yard 6d Window Netts 8d GENTLEMENS' DEPARTMENT. per Gd, 12s 13s 14s 18s per Novelties from 255. One Case eachof Silk Velvet Jackets, Fur-trimmed Beavers, Pilots* Toilet Quilts 8s 9d Toilet Quilts 9s 6d, 14s Gd, 18s 6d, 19s Gd, 20a Toilet Quilts 193 6d, Sotarras, and Diagonals, from 5s ; Waterproof Mantles, Polonaises, and Costumes for 245, 25s 6d, 335. White TwilledSheetings Is 9|d, 3 s 10£ d, 2s 3dper yard,2 yds wide. Men's Witney, Bearerand MeltonOvercoats from 27b 6d Infants, Girls, and Ladies, from 2s upwards. Men'B Heary Blue LinedWaterproof Tweeds 60s Od , HERBERT, HA^NES $ CO. NEW FURS. , 45s Od Men's Irish Frieze Travelling Coats Gentlemen's Winter Clothing. Outfits for Boys and Youths. Muffs and Collarettes in Sable, Beaver, Ermine, Miniver, Kolinsky, Lynx, Fox, Black" Mackintosh Coats 12s 6d " Tweed Trousers 9s 6d Overcoats303 MoleTrousers 6s 9d Monkey, Grebe, andMusquash, at the most reasonable prices. The Emperor Blue Waterproof Coat,in all eizes NelsonTweedTrousers16s 6d AlbertSac Suits 35s Trousersand Vest17s 6d 1HE DRESS DEPARTMENT ISs 6d Boys' and Youths' Overcoats Silk Mixed Sac Coats 25s . Duke of Edinburgh Jackets20s Is replenishedwith a Fresh Stock of Novelties, in Scotch, English, and French Fabrics, Pilot Jackets, 16s 6d Boys' an'lYouths'Inverness Capes f 12s 6d - Overcoats Capes 32s 6d 12s Gd Mackintosh Coats & Boys' a;id Youths'Mackintoshes comprising all the new tints and colorings in 12s 6d Ribbed PilotSac Coats 16s Gd. Heavy Twe.ed due Suits SERGES, COUDS, REPPS, Men's 37s 6d TWILLS, CLOTHS, BALERNOS, SATIN AND Boys' Overcoats 17s Gd Knickerbocker Suits 10s Gd Boys'Inverness Capes 12s Gd Men's Ribbed and Plain 69s Heavy Suits 6d FRENCH MERINOES. Boys' BeaverJackets 10s 6d Boys1 Dark Tweed Suits, Youths' Sac Suits 30s 60s Od Men's Duke of Edinburgh Suits Black Goods in every now maka. Aberdeenand Perth Winceys in great variety. Cord and Mole Trousers, 22s 6d Men's Tweed Boys' Double-breasted Jackets, Colonial Suits 50s Od Blankets English, Scotch, and Ayrshire Blankets, bought from themakers under 5s Gd Boys' DurableTweedKnickerbockers Sailor Suits 13s 6d,15s lls Od 17s 6d the most Favorable Circumstances, willbe found to be by far the best value in theCity. Tweed Suits, Youths' Colonial our own make 45s Od WINTER UNDERCLOTHING. Large and continued supplies of Welsh, Saxony, and Lancashire Flannels, Plaidings Meiva Mosgiel Tweed Trousers, our own make, 19s 6dand 23s 6d Mens' Crimean Shirts 4s lid,5s 6d, 5s 9d, 6s Gd HeavyTweedShirts 8s 6d 9s Gd, 10s Quilts, CounCalicoes, Crimean TwilledSheetings, Shirtings,Plainand Hollands, „ Linens, 30s Od and 37s 6d Trousers and Vests, Mens' PlaidingDrawers os, 5s 6d, 6s Lambs Wool Shirts 5s Gd, 6s 6d, 7s Gd terpanes, Table Clotha, Table Covers, Towelling, &c. A Large Stock uf JSew Woollen Cardigan Jackets 9a Gd, lOs 6d, 12s Gd Hosiery, Mens' UnderFlannels 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 53, 5s 6d Clouds, Scarves, Sashes, Pelerines, Capes, Shawis, Coverlets, Vests, Roman «fee. *g- CLOSE O¥ THE WINTER SEASON, 1873. New Cakpkts LatestDesigns in Brussels, Tapestry, 2 and 3 ply Kidderminster, and of Prices, Felt, AllGoods Marked at Nett Cash withoutDiscount or Beduction any kind. Stair Carpets, Carpet Bordering, Woollen and Linen Crumb Cloths. Door Mats <>f In our Manufacturing Department., wo produce garment* of every class, and for every age allkinds. which, for style, fit and fiuish, will compare with bespoke goods, at a littla overthe price of TAILORING DEPARTMENT. HERBERT, NE S & 00. English-madeClothing. The great increase in tlm Branch of their business is owing to goodmanagement. Fashionably cut Garments, excellent fit, perfect work, and good material at priceslow«r MEN'S B d. BOYS' AND YOUTHS'. than everbefore obtained at. 4 6 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. CrimeanShirts from b. d* This Department is always stocked with the verybeat Keady-Made Clothing in the Heavy Tweed Shirts 8 6 CrimeanShirts from 3 61 3 6 Fancy CottonShirta Fancy Cotton Shirts market, and is well-known to be the Cheapestin Town. 2 6 " Fancy Joan Shirts 3 0 LambswoolUndershirts 3 9 KIRKPATRICK, GLKNDIJSING, AND CO., receive regularShipments of HARDWARE GOODS direct from Manufacturers 4 6 FiannelUndershirts LambswoolDrawers 5 6 of Birmingham, Sheffield, "Wolverhampton, Glasgow,and also from America. 4 6 Socks LambswoolPants Knitted Wool 10 COACHES! COACHES!! PartiesrequiringIRONMONGERY GOODS woulddo well to see our Stock and Prices Drawers 5 0 Plaiding Strong WorstedSocks 010 TOKOMAIRIRO FELMONGERr. Mosgiel Drawers before going elsewhere to buy. 7 6 French PeakCaps 16 prices by 13 Feltand Tweedflats any fTHHE undersigned is a buyer of Wool, We can supply the followingfirst-class as can be done AUoa Half-hose 2 6 — Goods at as low 1 6 Fancy Wool Scarfs TweedandCloth Caps other Establishment in theProvince : 1 0 -*- Sheepskins, Hides, and Tallow. TravellingPortmanteaus 14 0 Silk Neckties , Tinnedand Enamelled Hollo- DoorMats AmericanChurns 0 6 4 6 Braces andBelts Carpet Bags 0 9 Hails,Locks, Hinges ware Milk Dishes THOS. HOLT. Brass Goods Spades and Shovels Table andPocket Cutlery variety of Umbrellas, Shirt Studs and Sleeve Links, Satin Hats,Courier Bags,Hand* A Magnificent Digging and Manure Forks Best Electro-plated Goods in Sash Weights YEEND'S SOUTHERN LINE kerchiefs, Toilet Cases, Clothes Brushes, Combs,Scarfs, Ties, Collars, Shirt Fronts, Bneef Milton. Spoons, Forks, Cake Matheson's and Sorby's Car- HayRakes and Scythes Belt*, Cardigans, Military Trimmings ofevery description, &0., <fee Leaving Empire Hotel, the High-street, Baskets. Cruet Stands, Te.v perter's TOOI3 Garton and King's Ranges STEWART, TTT M and Cofl'ee Sets I'aiuts and Oils AmericanCookingStoves Dunedin on MONDAYS, WEDNESSpoons FencingStaples Hickc-1 Silver and wire and ColonialOvens Jobbing Smith, DAYS, andFRIDAYS, at 0 Machine and General Blasting ar,d Sporting Pow- Gratingsfor Ovens Furies TAILOmmiX>E2ARTM.ENT. tier, fchub, and Caps, Rock Dining-room, Drawing-room, B.M. Tea and Coffue Pot? o'clock a.m.,returningfrom BALCLUTHA. " l-eiKier, and Fuse. Bed-room, and Office Dish Oovei'rf-;.iHi Te;i Trays We have just opened our season's shipments of Tweeds and Black Crown Hotel, Balclutha, Baths tind Watiii^Ca 13 . Ab.mtoen and- American Regisier Stoves bright Cleths, Beavera, Witneys, Pilots (for Overcoats) ;Fancy Coatings, fccythe Handles Tuesdays, Thursdays, ToibiSuis Trousers, and Vestings; also a Splendid Variety of Stoat Cloths and and Black Ash- Pans to Ropas and Twines Brooiiis Mid Brashes Tweeds,specially adaptedfor Boys' Clothing. match N.B Sewing MachinoH NeaHy Repaired and Saturdaysat 8.35, Tubs aiid Uuckets Aiiit.rican Axes Fenders and FireIrons The ♥'Home Washer" and from Tokomairiro at 11.30. IronBedsteads CoalDepots and Scuttles tgjT A Plate of fashions,illustrating21 styles of Suits, with tho latest improved Chart lot VULCAJN FOUNDRY, Wringing Machines LeamingtonRanges Fire Guards I~Nreturning thanks to the travellingpublic" Self-measurement, andPatternsof Cloth supplied free on application. -" *GREAT KING STREET, DUNEDIN. for the liberaland enthusiastic support a' warded me, I most heartily congratnlate OROWN, TjIWING, AND /""iO., Wholesale and Retail tl fieni upon wise precaution against thisparT&jO3STM:C)2FrGtttJSJ3 -^IsTID IZMIIPOIR/TIEiIEtS, M'QUEEN & CO., Boiler- icular line being monopolisedby any one WholesaleandRetailDrapers and Clothiers, makers, Engineers, Millwrights, PEIjNt OEB-STEEET, D-FNEDIN. PRINCES STREET AND MANSE STREET DUNEDIN. Founders, Blacksmiths, &c. All kindp of C lompany such as now endeavors to runme , BEAUTIFUL HAIR can only be obtained Castings in Brass and Iron ; Steam Engines ff. lamalso proud to know that the ma'^-SWsb-^ TIT R H ROGERS by the use of Rowland's Macassar Oil. It andBoilers made and Repaired; Overshot, -'-L Breast, and Turbine Water Wheels ; Quartz jc >rity of people southofDuuedin arestaunch i (Late Goldfielda Warden.) ' stnngfchens weak hair, causes it to grow on Crushing Machinery ;Pumping and Winding Sl jpporters of the good old motto fesp^i^*^ fob 3874. Accountant and 'Mining Agent. Gear; Cast-Iron Sluice and Ripple Plates; Hoj>per andSluice punched Sheet Iron Plates "LIVE AN® LET LIVE." Or (lITH PUBLICATIOIT.) YEAR to four small, and 21s per bottle. to any size of holeGold Dredging Spoons, Office afc Mr Leslie's Private Hotel, .JfflSNffittsmM , <^&BiilS^S equal IMPORTANT CAUTION.— Ask for Row- etc. ;Flour MillMachinery, and all kinds of Support myline of coaches and secure safe CONTAIN, in addition to former Tokomairiro. " lands' Macassar Oil, and avoidall other cheap Reaping, Threshing, and Horse power a]ttd comfortable travelling, and a riddance of articles under the same or similar names as Machines made and repaired. Improved and statistics brought information spurious imitations. Each bottle has'a Glass ReapingMachines. SuperiorFlax Dressing npleasantcompanions. THE "BEUCE HEEALD" is published >up to date1 every Tuesday and Friday, at the Office, Machines, capable of Dressing from 25 to 30 YEEND, HENRY with Ihe Cork are Spurious Imitations. This cwt. fibre per week. All Machines tried EntirelyNew Farming Calendar ;Milton, Tokomairiro; and Branch Offices Bal ■' < clutha and Lawrence. Entirely New GardeningCalendar. noticeis deemednecessary, as the Proprietors havereceived intimation that a large quantity of beforeleaving the Works. Purchasers can Proprietor. . Counterfeit, of the most pernicious quality, has lately been sent from Franco and Germany to India see the Msichines working on Fencing New Ordinance premises. our No SUBSCRIPTION, two-and-sixpenny charges N.B. for TERMS OF Sbath Americaand the Colonies under theix1names. New Road Board Ordinance (AmendA BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION is obtainedby the use of Rowland's Kalydor, which allays all nail parcels by this line. 16s per half-year, payable in advance. Ordinance, ment 1872) WANTED KNOWN. irritationand- tenderness of the skin, removescutaneous disfigurements, frecklesand (an,and imparts New ImpoundingOrdinance. Deliveredin and aroundMilton. a healthy and blooming appearanceto the complexion andskin. During the heat anddust of ~n ][ L. L R S 7 Summer especially, andin cases ofSunburn andStings ofInsectsitis of ths utmost use. Price 4s 6d hen forwaxded by Post, 2s per half-year,or 4m And a. vast amount of new information and 8s 6dper; b'ol'tlo. Ask'for; "Rowlands' Kalydor," and see that their signature is inred ink on REDUCED Singer's New per year additional. every,bottle,as theirs is the only genuine. . . Family ISuiseless Lock-stitch Sewing (Late of the Waverley BoardingHouse), suitablefor Farmers, Miners, Business Men, Notice of discontinuancesmustbe in writingand "WHITE AND SOUND TJEBTH are indispensable to personal attraction, and to health and Machines. M. A. ALDRICH, Agent, and, in fact, every member of the commulongevityby the proper mastication of food, Rowlands' Odonto, or PearlDentißrice, preserves Princes-street, Dunedin. . To meet the re- g posted to the office direct. This rule will to egs ' inform incipient tartar and of her Friends and the pearl-like teeth, spots decay, ■:.;■.-. imparts and a whiteness to the eradicates nity. Public quirements Customers who inho case be departed from. of find a diffithe gum, and giVew a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 2s ,9d per box^ Ask for culty in paying "strengthens once, the full amount at °V( enerally,that shehas removedto The Publisher,in thanking the public of J A.dvertiseDaents^— Siret insertion, 3b per incb ■ Rowlands' Odonto," and see hat their name is on the GovernmentStamp ofevery box. BOWLANDS' ESSENCE OP TYRE never fails to produce immediately a perfect change in Bed Mrs Aldrick has adopted a method of time second insertion, 2s^per inch. Standing adrer* to suit them. Otago for their continued and increasing : tisements by arrangement. or Grey Hair,Whiskers, Eyebrows, &c, to a beautiful glossy and permanentBrown or Black which payment — Ali,eral discount ' — j 1; , [R _. .: remains so Price 3M S Od, 4s, color 7b and durable thatneither washing or perspiration canremove it. CUTHBER TSO N S yearlysupport, canj. with greater confidence allowed ou Advertisementsinserted for afized " , ; 10s 6dper bottle. All these articles have been used and justly appreciated by ailthe Sovereigns period; .". : ; Agents andCourts ofEurope, the Pope ofBorne, and the aristocracy of the world,during thea last seventy than ever, recommend the. new issue to. for .the receipt of Subscriptions and yea £ being of-inestimablevalue to those whohave once used them. They are sold by all Chemists, ROYAL GEORGE HOTEL, c;ollection of Advertißernents :— public attention.■'"'; ' i Clutlia Ferry Branch Office W. Ralston. . Perfumers'and India, the Colonies and South America. (LateCutter toD. Sampson.) - " ,*- Bazaars throughout ' ..; A. Braudigan -A. ROWLAND AND SONS, 10 HattouGarden London,ProprietorTap-invi :/;.;v' ; FIRST-CLASS ;. '-■ "'.-.:■:>: i :.,.■: BiT. Wheeler, George-street, ADVERTISEMENTS now beingreceived ;: -.;-.,,/ /v. . ..Stafford-st, and ESTABLISHTAILORING ' " JiOOK OUT FOR THE ._'_.'.'. J,,8. M*Cullpch bythaProprietor, Dunedin ' ' /, :■;.; : :"' '.' 'ment^ ._ . , , . : [Exchangei Chambers ' DtJNEDIN. . ~~ ;.; George Street, 63 JOSEPH MACKAY> 'England ' }-iri ,;-;i 1 " ,-h .-;.; ,[Cornhill;'E.C.iljondon. ;!i;„...; SEED BAKLEY. 'Gentlemen's Hats, Shirts, Scarfe, Tie3, ,; Bbucb Herald Office. q PrayellingiAgent.;■"" =.;. = i r ;P.^B. Canning. , Collars,' Studs, Braces, Underclothing, . ; — ; . . : -- .. - .. .. „.. „.. „.. ... .. „ ... . ■ . . ... „ . ■ „ ... „ .. „ ... „ „ ...... ... „ ... ... ..... „ ... „ .. — „ „ „ „ „ „ ; ■ — — .. ... ... ... — „ — „ „ ..... . . ... . .. .. „„ „„ „ „„ „„ „„ „ WTy FURNISHING, BUILDER'S AND „ „„ „„„ „„ „„ „ GENERAL IRONMONGERY! WE „„ „„ „„ „ „„„ ........ ......... ...... ... ... . _^ 1 . ........ ...... ........ ..... ... — : — ■ ' GUNN AND ROSS, . KINCAID, | Mackay's Otago Almanac, fc^* i^^^^L I WILL — ________ _ 8^ tyF T| PRICES — -__- _ I, M A BT IN,- ... . -" "-- ' ON THE , ' MA:REWHEN-FA I^AND SALE-MI Adclresa-— .. CRITERION BUILDINGS, Prihcea-Stre^ii J ; SEED'BARLEY on Sale T-m NUW Z^lALiifp i^StJWWSRY 00/ . '" .".'' ' "" ... ... ! ' ' TBRira';' '■''.'._ : ''' ; ' r ':':" r ... ... . . .. ... . ' ! Pjriiited -and'Published by ''the: "Proprietor 153. i; :j rosEPH MAOEAYi reaiding opposit*Ihis , J^^uri Bo*d, ■b«v-;-'-'.. -i :.;,>:...- ];;,«."-' 245.y ...&preidSt^niPrinting Qffice,* Main tfilion, Coupty..>f Bruce, iß^the^PrbTinoi «f V C Alwauao) „. in 40». !Page : v..,. r .. : ■