Agenda Packet
Agenda Packet
BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICEtt Nassau County, New York • Agenda. fot the Regular Meeting of March 11, 1971 - 8:1S P. M. 1. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM AND CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February II f 1971 Special Meeting of February 17, 1971 111. COMMUNlCA TIONS tV. BOARD COMMtTTEE REPORTS A. Personnel and Facilities Committee Benjamin A. Demos. Chairman 1. B. • c. • D. Personnel Actions Report • AcHon Required Finance Committee Herman E. J ohnlon, Chairman or 1. Approval Bids - Action Rcquired 2. Approval of Schedules of Bills., Action Required 3. Approval of Treasurer's Report .. Action Required Planning and Policy Committee Robert H. Bell. Chairman 1. Approval of policies .. Action Required z. Table of Organization Revision'" Action Required 3. Board of Ethics .. Action Required 4. Revision of Code of Ethics .. Action Required s. Board/Staff Workshop - Action Required 6. Informational Report of the Chairman Special Committee Reports 1. Legislative Committee Richard L. Ornauer, Chairman t' ...... .. z .. Agenda • • v. A. State-wide BOCES Meeting ... Action Required B. Calendar of Events C. Master Calendar D. Adult Education Center E. Computer Program Project lor the Blind F. Coordination with State Univers ity Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale G. Extended School Year H. Symposium on Race Relations I. New York State Association Cor School Business OCncials J. District Superintendent's Vacation K. Educational Program VII. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS VIII. OLD BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS X. ADJOURNMENT WTC:l'b 3/5/71 • March 11, 1971 SUPERINTENDENTiS INFORMATION ltEPOR'I' VI. REPORT OF COUNSEL ~ 0<, .•1. • BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau C~untYJ New York SUPEBINTENDENT'S NOTES .. Regular Meeting, March 11. 1'971 Item IV ... BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS A. ~ersort~eland 1. Facilities CQ~ittee 'pe..rsonnel Actions Rep(jt~ .. Action Required Presented in this report are the usual personnel actions of resignations, terminations, appointments, tenure appOintments. administrative appointments, appointments of consultants, leaves, internship, salary adjustments, and change of titles. a. • Page No. 4 - Modderno Tenure \Ve are pleased to recommend the tenure appointment of Mr. Modderno to the position of Supervisor ot Occupational Education. The delay in appOintment was due to a consideration of tenure date being one year later due to a one year temporary reassignment to another job responsibility in the Division of Occupational Education. We find that a decision on tenure should be made now. b. Page No.4 .. Teacher-1n-Charge Adult Education The Adult Education Program is housed in all our Centers and has grown rapidly in volume of courses in a short period of time. Consequently, there is a noed to extend the number of hours and increase the number of people to supervise the staf! and programs. c. • (1) We are as king for authorization to extend the number or hours Mr. Mullen. our current "teacher- in- charge". is to work. (Z) We are also asking Cor authorization to create another part-time teacher-in-charge position so that the super .. vision oC the five centers could be shared between Mr. Mullen and the new person. Pase No •. 4 ... Paul C iCaldi Mr. CiCaldi is needed to fill a void in the Division of General Services. He will coordinate work between BOCES and selected districts (Hempstead). He will also work on Special NYSEIS projects. Page 2 • Item tV ... BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Personnel and Facilities- Committee -" - - - - --- . . --" - - - 1.PE!rsonnel A~tions RepoJ:"~ " (Continued) Pas~ No.7" -lntE!rnship .. Ml"s.Ell~abethBuI"ckle,I d. We have an excellent opportunity to obtain the research and c:urriculwn development services of a staff member. Mrs. Elizabeth Burckley. She is one ot two O. E. people in the country to be selected to obtain a doctorate under it special federal grant. The grant pays part of her costs and tuition Cor her attendance at the University of Connecticut. The program is ordinarily completed in three years. However, Mrs. Burckley will complete the program in two years through {ull time work on campus and on BOCES internship work. The combination of opportunity and Ii tine honor should be recogni~ed. e. Page No. 8 - Sabbatical The additional sabbatical to be granted wUl now c.omplete our quota obI igation. • f. Pale No. 11 .. Reorganization \Ve are asking the Board to implement another resolution pertaining to our reorganization plan. All our reorganization is scheduled Cor an eUective date of July 1. 1971. We will continue to present names to the Board as each phasc of the reorganization plan is reached. B. Finance Committee 1. Approva.l of Bids .. Action Required A Bid Resume Report is attached and is recommended for awa rd by the Board of Education. Z. Approval of Schedules of Bills.. .. Action Required The various Schedules of Bills are attached and are recommended for Board approval. • 3. Approval of Treasurer's Report - Action Required The Treasurer's Report for the month of February 1971 is attached and is recommended for Board approval. Page 3 Item IV - BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS • c. (Continued) p'lanning and Policy COmmittee 1. !'pproval of Policies - Action Required a. .. Job Des or ipti on • The Planning and Policy Committee recommends that the Board adopt the policy pertaining to the job description for the Director of lnformation, Article 11, Section A, Paragraph 206. 1 J copy attached. b. State and Local Regutrements. ~nd School Rel!!lations The Planning and Policy Committee recommends that the Board adopt the policy on State and Local Requirements, Article 111. Section At Paragraphs 300 through 308. 1 and on School Regulations, Article 111, Section Sf Paragraphs 309 through 312, copy attached. 2. Table of Orsani~aUon Revis ion· Action Required It is the recommendation of the Planning and Policy Committee that the Table of Organization be changed to show that the Director of information reports to the District Superintendent or Schools. copy attached. • 3. Board or Ethics - Action Required Upon the recommendation of tho District Superintendent. the Planning and Policy Committee recommends that the Board of Ethics be composed as follows: Chait'man of the Planning and Policy Committee Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services Representative of the Nassau County Attorney's orfice Representative from the Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association Representative from the New York State Teachers Association Sections 2. through 6 of Article X spell out the terms and conditions under whieh the Board of Ethics operates. 4. • Revision of Code of Ethics - Action Required .. . = The Pla.nning and Policy Committee recommends that the Code of Ethics be revised as follows: Article 1. Section 1 .. Delete ll the words "or advisory board • The Planning and Policy Committee requests that the administration prepare a set of rules governing advisory boards to insure proper conduct. Page 4 Item IV - BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS • C.Planning and Policy Cornntittee 5. (Continued) Board/Staff \Vorkshop .. Action Required The Planning and Policy Committee recommends that the Board ~approve attendance, at district expense, at the Board/Staff \Vorkshop to be held at Gurney's Inn, Montauk Point, New York~ on April 23, 24, and 25, 1971, for the wlembers of the Board. the District Superintendent and other appropriate administrators, the Counsel to the Board, and the Executive Secretary. A Proposed Agenda is attached. D. Special Committee Reports 1. Legislative Committee Mr. Ornauer will make an oral presentation bast:td on the legislative report attached. Item V - SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMA TION REPORT • *' A. State-wide BOCES Mc:eting .. Action Rcquired The fifteenth State-wide! meeting of BOCES Boards of Education is scheduled (or the Country House in Syracuse, New York, on March 28/29. 1971. The theme is BOCES and Regionalism and 1 ,un delighted to an· nounce that the progranl is larguly dominated by BOCES Board and staff members from the 9th and 10th Judicial Districts. Our President, ~1r. Colangelo, has been asked to chair a panel and we are delighted with this invitation which came directly from Commissioner Soucy. The Board ought to take action to authorize attendant e at this meeting with all ex .. penscs paid for Members of the Board. the District Superintendent, selected stafe members. and the Executive Secretary. B. Calendar of Events The Calendar of Events is attached for your information. C. • Master Calendar Attached is the first issue of a Master Calendar which has been pre· pared as far in advance as is poss ible to alert Board Members and staff of those dates which are of importance to BOCES. Please be assured that this calendar will be updated from time to time and, hopefully, well enough in advance to allow members of the BOCES family a maximwn opportunity to plan for participation in BOCES·related " affairs. ,. Item V - SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMATION REPORT • D. (Continued) Adult Education Center We are delighted to announce that the United States Office of Education has indicated our eligibility for participation in two programs, namely, The Guaranteed Student Loan Program and The College Work study Program. Both o{ these eligibilities should make it possible for somt of our present and future adult education students to continue their studies when financial considerations might otherwise make this cont lnuous progress diflicult or impossible. Mr. Carter and Mr. 'VoHf are to be congratulated for continuing to seek every avenue of financial support for all the people of Nassau County. E. • Page 5 Computer P!.o.8!.!m Project Cor the Blind A uac:hed for the information of the Board is a memorandum from Mr. Mupo indicating t.hat one of our students, Phillip Seniuk, who is legally blind. has obtained the highest mid·semester grade of anyone in the Computer Programming Course at the Northeast Center (93%). Mr. Mupo, who takes particular pride in this project, and rightly SOt indi· cates that we are looking {or greater potential involvem~nt ot blind students in the years ahead. My congratulations to Mr. ~lupot Mrs. Robinson, and 01yn Evans, Principal of the NortheAst Center. F. Coordination \Vith State University Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale Attached is a memorandum from Mr. WoUf to the District Superintendent which describes the gro\ving coordination cHorls between BOCES and the Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale.. As a first step. members of our guidance staff participated in registration (or spring courses at Farmingdale and worked with those who for one reason or another were not able to register with the college. During three days in January our counselors at Farmingdale spoke with two hundred potential enrollees and referred them to day or evening adult education programs conducted by BOCES. Many of these people followed up and enrolled with us but what is most important is that we are begin· ning to synchroni~e programs for our County citizens and we are making it more difficult for any person to "fall into the cracks"" A copy of ~tr. Wolff's memorandum and supporting documentation is attached for your information. G. • Extended School Year Attached is a memorandum from Mr. Wolf! to members of his division setting up a Task Force to study the possibilities of an extended school year--a concept which. while not meeting with widespread acclaim. offers tremendous economic leverage to school districts and availability of year-round programs to our citi~ens. r, t"l : '1 bu' Page 6 Item V _ SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMATION REPORT G. ~xtended School Year (Continued) You. will be hearing more about this from us in the months ahead. We are determined to make 1000/0 USe of our intellectual and material resources. A nine to three, five day, forty week school year can no longer be defended. Perhaps our activities in this area wilt serve to overcome the present inertia in most other quarters. H. Slmposium on Race Rela.tio~1!.. Appended to this report is a memorandum. from Dr. Colella to all members of the professional staff in special education describing an in-service program we have developed to expose and sensitize our starr to the needs, problems, strengths. and culture of the black youngster in our schools. In additlon this program seeks to promote a dialogue which in itself may bring about greater understanding and a lessening of man's inhumanity to man. j 1. New York State Association for School Business OCficia!.! I am delighted to announce that Dominick J. Mupo, Assistant Superintendent ror General Services, has been asked to serve as a panel member at the annual conference or the New York Statl~ Association for School Business Orficials. Mr. Mupo \vilt be the only local school district administrator participating with several Slate Education Department Commissioners and Directors in a presentation covering the New York State Educational Information System of which Nassau BOCES is a key installation. J. District Superintendent' s Vacation If the Board has no objections t the District Superintendent would like to take his family to Daytona Beach {or the period April 3rd through April 16th. 1<. Educational Program Dr. George Ruby. Principal of the Career Development Center, will introduce several youngsters at.tending that school who will describe the various programs. There will also be a brief slide presentation. WTC::rb 3/5/71 , .A. . perIOD1le1-"TeaCldftl udAw@itr&Uve 1. Reail!!!tion8: ~ Effective . ReUOittor· LeIlgth N~e Due Bernet!. Tenure A881pmat Jamea 2/28/'11 1 11'.2 mo. No Marjorie Jenaen 4/18/71 8 yr8. a. Yea TermlDaUoD8: lteslpaUoD Coordlnator Another Project WIN poaltlO1l Teacher TMR Marriage AdmiDi8- Effective LeDItb Name Date Service Tenure ErmeJJncla Luff a/l/'ll Smos. No trative Aaatpment Action School Nurse S«tl'vicea no St. Barnaba8 longer required (Mrs. Fur returned from aab.baUca1 839 • I.~ch.tcat1cmal :Matters (continued) A. ··persODrle1"' .. TeachiD, and Admtaiatrative' (cODtttitted) 8. AppolntD1ents--TeaCher!: Salary, Education Name Effective Date AsaiemeDt and !!perience Kenneth WiIlatoD a/S/'11 Teacher-TMR Spec1al Services Step 1-BA -$a,126 No experienoe Holstra U. School-replac~1 James Fogarty • James Foprty 2/8/'11 Curriculum teacher Step 4-BA+16 +300. TMR-Special Sar- $11,812.4 yra. up. vices School-new State U. Stol11brook Mary Grennen a/8/'11 Step 4. BA-ts, 606 School Nurse teacher-Greentree 3 yrs. experience Fairleigh Dlc1dnsOD untU 6/S0/'Il University Renee l\Urman 2/a/'Il Itinerant teacher Visually Impaired Dew Anthony Mazza Michael Servedio 2/18/'11 2/22/'11 Step 1, SA -$a, 125 no experience Brooklyn Colle,e Teacher-CDC BulldlDg Trades new-untU 6/30/ '11 Step 13. BA-$13, 824- Teacher-Air conditioning & refrigeration AM at SE Center PM at NW Center Step 'I. BA-.l1.012. 29 yrs, related experience 6 )'ra. experience Dew • .3/a/'11 ~ . .' Tea~~er-Le~mu, J)j.sM1l1tj.e~,.ne" S1~p9,BA+'O, .~~_~ ',5,2 ""~~"""" ,. experlence;;Hot8~" '(1. ,. S}l/'ll Step 3. BA~Ulf:., .' to replaceWiUlam annUal 8&1ar1,$4,569.; Woehler-untU 6/30/'11 -u. Teaciler, pit-CDC .UO • -Name Harriet .FIelalle!- Ettective -8/1/71 Date Sal.17. Education ~.81IDJneDt_ !Del .!!periance. Teacher-Vi8U8lly Impafred~rePl8c. LflUan Fais Wltil 8/30/71 m, BoseUe Lesser • Step 1,J3A+15, $a, 653. No up. UDiverSity ot COIUl. 3/1/71 CurricUlum teacher Step 10 -BA,.la,418 Greentree (Malverne +$800-.12,718 AlUla)- Dew 10 yr8. experience J eft Dunayer .. H8Ilr)t SlD1th 8/1/71 2/15/71 Hofstra tTDiverLflty Teacher-Oreen _ tree, replacmg Bruce Fenger until 8/30/71 Step 1, BA+30,$8, 908. No experience University ot Bridgeport Halt-time teacher .FOOd Services Southwest Center new-until 8/80/71 Step 9, BA-halt 8DDual salary ot .11.949-$6,974.60 20 yr8. related experience 8/1/'11 Teacher-Greentree Step I-BA-$8.12S. new-until 8/80/71 No experience JUcI1tb Addia 3/1/71 Hunter CoUege Teacher-BI Step 1,BA+16"S56a. replac1Dg AlexaQdria Britt No experience C. W.,post C.olle,e \tDUt· 8/30/'11 ·.I"~,r·qr.!,.~. Step4,MA.-$10, '~i;l~W -lipm. '"', .&t',1a;~,C:lf .' "... Cblc~t1,;·~). - ":;- ~ . "_-:,"~ -, ';: ,w ;::,~ _~'~:, ,__ '-,.t ':, L " -; "'_ · .. 8'·",1 f. .:&lcJucitiortal.Mafters (colltfmled) .A. .pel's.el..."-Teaq!!i!laDdAdmlalatrative(c:ODtbNe4).,: . . 4. ApP2fDtments--Tenure: Effective Date Name Alezander Modderuo s. SuperVisor, Occupational Education 2/1/'11 AppomtDlents--Adm!nlstrative: Effective Date Name • Aa.1EeDt James Mullen *Sa1ary PoattiOll $10.00 hr. max.,180. Teacher in Char,e Adult FAlucatlon 2/1/'11 per week *!ncreased hours of employment reflecting increase in salary 8. ApPOlntments--Consultanta: Name Paul C1ta1di Effective Date Location or SUbject S/l/'ll &/SO/'ll Field Representative $3. 000 per month General Services West Hempstead Scbool District 'I. Leaves: (w1tho~t . Name· . pay) Dates ~~81_ent ~ "",__ ""~ • '" ,,_ 4 ~ ~ , _~.l .... ; . aI32/'11 3/19/'1-1 S~opl Nurse \NW Center" 1/15/7'~, 8/90/'11 *:ExtensiQJl of leave ::IiusbaDd' a UlDe,,,i.:'".' . :. tf~', '.'-;;!::~~:" .. '/;~ '~'/." ,. ,. ·./;:;<J~:·q~:·\;;'~li}::Ji:.' . ·:.j"·';~;(·:~·.··TeaCber ..~cial·;:~,·, ;:~IIlIJ';I~';·:~ ,. ·.'~/{i;:~/svVices:ScbQ(!it,::X· ,;~ :'. ~ .. 8~2 • TENUItE RECOMMENDATION FOR MR. ALExANDER MODDiRN6 cStJPERVtSOROF OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION' DlJE'FEBRUAKt'l, 19'1" t am pleased to recommend the aPPointment ot Mr. Modderno to tenure based on the following statement made by Mr. Woltt: I' Mr. Modderno has provided signllicant service to the Division ot Occupational Education since ita organization on August 1.1988. During much or that time Mr. Moddernots prime responaibUlty ,has been in the planning function of this Division. Mr. ModderDo has provided stron,leadership in this effort. He played a major role in the development of the plans which led to the opening of four area occupational education centers and the conversion ot the unit at Westbury to a 'county center". • In addition, during the period July I, 1989 to August 15, 19'10, Mr. Modderno served as the person on the Division staff charged with the development and management of adult education programs. Rls major accomplishments In this role included the planning for. the development 01 and the early management 01 the successful WIN programs. In addition. Mr. Modderno conceived ot the idea which led to the development of the adult education center. His involvement included the drafting of the project proposal. the explanation ot it to the State Education Department personnel and the early stages ot the development and opening of this vital program. Mr. Modderno brings to this Division a keen knowledge of the Nassau County community and the conomic, social and political forces which affect it. He has a special feeling for the needs of the socio-econoPlically disadvantaged. He is also cognizant of the needs to keep various divergent community groups and key individuals informed of !lOCES developments, plans and problems. His relationship with a wide spectrum ot individuals outside of BOCES ~d witb supervisors, ~er8 and subordinates within BOCES ~e . wAolesome. Mr. Modderno bas the abUity to prO<i\lce effectj,y,ly aIl4.. ... ;c,pable of sound·8elf~d1rectton.· . ..,.. . . "',' , '8~ IIltemallip Name El1dbeth . ...... Burck1 ... ey Dates A.slement T...~~ . . . Bi81t1f sernet.· §!t!rr. wdi··be •. 19'11-'12 DW1u8 . tt, sao (adio1iit;ti( paDtr . • • • . Page 80f 16 , BOA1\]) OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONALSDVlC§' ,'.' Bi.eau' eoiJnty' , 'PeraODlle1ActiODs March 11, 1911 L JdUoational Matters (coatlDued) • A. Personnel- -Teachers and Acbxdnlstratlve (coDtiDUed) 9. Leaves - Sabbatical - l~~lr,.e *Bestrice Friedman Doro!hy Oakes Procram ReasOD Teacher-Beechwood Mandated Rest Curriculum Teacher Research Greentree Teacher-Itinerant VI 'h~'* Gladys Ereakstone LeDath Mandated Rest Teacher-Beechwood Travel 6. Reat Service Current Salary Dates 10 )Ts. $15.698 2/1/'12-8/30/'12 8 yrs. 14, '110 9/1/'11-1/31/72 7 1/3 yrs. 14,644 9/1/71-8/30/73 '1 yrs. 13,08'1 8/1/71-6}30/72 • • • Page 9 0116 BCARDCF CCOPERATlV al SDUCATICNAL S3RVIC:3:S Nassau County PeraoDal Actions March II, 1871 I. Educational Matters (continued) A. Personnel--TeacbiD' and Administrative (continued) 10. Salary Adjustments: position Name Nelson, Joanne Althoff. Charles Gangemi. John Donath, Peter Schaufeld, Judith Steward, Herbert Teanher - alD II It " Heckler. Dana Mary BW'!K3 •.. "............ , P.o . salle ·<.t"·,· .•... BI BI NE II DHH II ED II y"ung. Jane S~~macca. Current Salary II II ED Bl current a:duc.& §xp. Adjusted Salary Date AeaaOD .affective BA+15 -5 11130 }l,.S. 2/1/71 BA+30 .. 4 IV•• s. n 10309 10661 8841 BA+30 -3 10193 }I.. 13131 BA+30 -10 18473 BA-I4& 9021 BA+15 -2 9'124 11180 BA.... 5 -5 11481 9372 BA+30 -2 8'124 "N.A. 10308 BA+30 -4 10681 M.A. 14282 BA'*60 -11 14644 BA~6 ·1546.' BA+aO~15 10427 A. !I.A BA-t60 It n II " II n It • • • Page 10 of 16 BoARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nalsau County PitrsooelActioDs March 11. 19'11· I. EdueltioDal Matters (continued) A. Personnel--TaachiD, and Administrative (continued) 10. Salary Adjustments: (contlDued) Current Salary Name Position Feniger. Thomas Supervisor - Sp. Ed. Kaplan, nene GllUgan, Judith Heller. Marc Levering, Helen Mirabile. Joseph Teacher It BA+90 -13 23789 Ph.D. a/1/'I1 10661 M.S. - ED 9958 BA+15 -4 BI 9608 BA -4 9950 BA+15 10193 BA+45 .. .. ED 9841 BA+30 -4 " " BI 10309 BA+30 -4 10661 M.S. .. .. NE 13589 BA+30 -11 13941 BA+45 " 9490 BA+15 It 11012 MS+15 It 9490 BA+15 II If Schaefer. Warren II Moy~;rqwitz •. ~cl;r~ Beason Date Effective It D' Addario, Elizabeth Do1S9ff. Robert 22'183 Adjusted Salary Current Educ." elxe. Bl ED EP 9138 10330 Q140 BA -3 BA+30 -4 BA -3 8·':.£ 8 f • ItES()LVEDthatthe fonoWing named Indivi.dU.:18 be a~iDted ~tH ...... . . lntltle. as'.indicated· below.;witltno ~anle inm~ cur~en\ ,ellure or: batlonarY8tatus. Eftective date - July 1. 10" 1 .. . .... ·1·. ." '... MI·· Name Current Title New.Tlt1. Kay Sctalla School Lunch coordinator Manager Food Services Donald OttomllDo Accountant Staff Assistant lor Busmes8 and- . Management Services • • Thomas Gilmore SUpervisor of Tran8portation Manager of Transportation George Kelty Supervisor of Accounting Services Manager ot Accounting Services llaurice Gimbel Supervisor of Cost Control Manager of Cost Control Kenneth Hartlage SUpervisor or Technical Support Services Manager of Technical SUpport Services Rosalie Cohen Coordinator of Health Services Health Services Administrator Lillian Smirlock SUpervisor - Data Proce88iD, Manager General Services Lawrence Clancy Accountant Staff Assistant tor Business and M~alemeut Services Ir:·-N6tt;TeacMftlf:.Pi~smme1: ltl . E'ersbtitte1-~C1erlw. C1iStOc1lI.l dd'- Te"'cat:· 1. Resigna.tions: Name Effective Length Date Service Ralph Castaldo 2/15/'11 2 moat Aa8lpment p/'t cleaner Reason for Tenure Rea1p!tloD No Peracmal No MoviDg No Peracmal Beechwood Marie Centofrmte 3/1/'11 1 yr.2moa. Teacher Aide Beechwood Oeorg. S. Vincent 2/26/71 5 mos. PiT Custodian Driver • 2. Terminations: Effective Length • ReasOD for Tenure Termmation Name Date Service Asstement Spencer 'lbomas 2/19/71 4 mos. Night cleaner NW Center No Excessive absences Napoleon Dukes 2/9/'11 3 weeks Nipt cleaner No Did not show up for work CO • 'A. 3. personnel... -Clerical. 'CuStodialand;Tec1mic-.:, ' Appointments:, PQsition and Initial Assignment Lucille Nicolls 1/15/71 Cook Manager School Lunch Program Wantqh - replaciDg Margaret O'Donnell 3 yrs. Mary LaBarbera 1/15/71 Cook - School Lunch Program - Wantagh replacin, Lucille Nicolls 1 yr. Helen Luntz 2/8/71 Pit Clerk Typist SW Center - replacinl Janet Drahos 8 moli. Beth Jacobson 2/8/71 Teacher Aide Greentree (Malverne Annex) new - until June 30. 1971 None 4.800. Dolores Trayer 3/10/71 Food Service Helper School Lunch prosr aDl formerly pit - new 8 yrs. 2.540. Wendy Gross 2/8/71 Teacher Aide Greentree (Malverne Annex) - new until June 30, 1971 3t yrs. 5,100. Name • E'reWlWl Starting Experience Salary , Bffective Date Teacher Aide Greentree (Malverne '. ~ex)Jlew :. t1Jltil' _...... _ 30,~'19'llc . S,40lh $2. fOp.b. • n:;Ncsfi-if~c!#S,per861mei: CA. "persOnilel;".Cleri'cati 3. Appointments: (contlnued) • Previous StartiDl; Etfeetive Date Position and Initial Assignment Marlba Foster 2/22/71 PersoDDel Clerk Personnel Dep't. replaeiDe Rita Dolce 3 )'ra. 5,5S7 Muriel Perry 3/22/71 Monitor - Greentree None 1. SSp.b. Margaret Murray 2/22/71 Monitor - Greentree new - until 6/30/71 None 1. 8Sp. h. Patricia Hughes 2/22/71 Monitor - Greentree new - until 6/30/71 None 1. 8Sp. h. Marion DeFilippis 2/22/'11 Monitor - Greentree new - until 6/30/71 None 1. 85p_ h. Selma Ravit 2/23/'11 Monitor - Greentree new - until 6/30/71 None 1. 8Sp_ 11. Esther FiDk 2/28/71 Monitor - Greentree new .. until 6/30/71 None 1. 85p. h. Lenore Poster 2/23/71 Monitor - Greentree None 1. 8Sp- h. Gloria Anderson 2/22/ '11 None 1.85p.h. Name • CtuJtodii1'_Tehftf.catf~' !!perlance SalarY new - untO 6/30/71 new - until 6/30/71 Monitor - Greentree new - until 6/30/'11 832 • tt~,nN,ofi~Tia:6~s~.rsOrme~! . . . ·A.· !'erIJOftbel.-Clmea1, Cultodlal aDd: Teclmlo&1t· 3. Appoir1tments: (continued) Name Mildred Rental Position and PreVious StartiDg Effective Date IDltlal A88ilJU!lent 2/22/71 Teacher Aide DutcbBroadway None Food Service Helper replacing Mary 3,rs. 2.540. Jtxperience SalarY·. *5.000•... . Deat· lie - untO. June 30, 19'11 JacqueUne Scandura 3/1/'11 LaBarbera • Florence Plattner 2/16/'11 Food Service Helper Dew - formerly pit 1 yr. 1.85 pith. William C. SUvie 2/22/71 Cleaner - Business Manalement Services 8 yrs. 5.900. . Name - Bftectt:,. Pre.8Ilt Date S!1aq . 911/'10 .7900 sal. PrOposed $81S0 ~;:;,. ---. "-.- ,LComityCeJile c .: _~' ,~_{.~Oi· __ (Temporary) . 6. Appolntmeota--T8D1U'e: • Effective Name Date A.8Ip!,!!eAt Sophia Trotta Mary Mule' 4/12/'11 4/12/'11 E1ly Dubel Ann Fortganl 4/12/'11 5/S/71 Marie O'NeUl 5/10/'11 Clerk Typist-Cerebral Palay Account Clerk-Business. MaDalement St8l1opapher-General Services Telephone Operator-Busineaa Is Management Clerk Typist-Special Services School Clerk'l)plst-Beechwood Clerk Typist-Beechwood Stenop-apber-Cbild DeveloPIDeta' Dorothy HuSb.s Irene BasUe Sally Greger 5/101'11 5/10/.,1 5/3/'11 c_ttr , r "". . O~' ':r • ···BeAim OP COOPbA11VB BDUcAT~SBItvteBS . NaaIl.UColU1t1. New York . . Cut and FlU and Mud Dike COll8trtlctl- TITLE: (70/71-122) DATE: Janur113, 1971 - 2 P. M. GENERAL STATBlV.tBNT: To excavate 8ite tor the Gr••ntree School to be located at Baldwin Harbour. Kamber of vendore to whom apeoWoatl0D8 were aubmitted: 14 Number of vendor8 who 8ubmitted Bida: 10 AMOWJT NDDEB • Aca Hoeffner Contracting Co., IDe. B 8& B Contract1D1 Co• Capp,-Slmone Ino. Davia Construction Corp. Fantozzi • Salle•• Coaatl'UctiOD Corp_ Lt.... industries, Inc. PaUlelo Brothers, Inc. J. D. Po.Ullco, Inc. Pra" " Pratt, Inc. SoDtb Shore ComractlD. Co. RECOMMENDATION: It 18 recommeDCIed that award be made to Fantozzi and Sage" COOstrUCUOD Corporation in the amount of t83, '184.00 a8 the lowe at re.ponelble bidder. • Anticipated Date of Awud: Marcb 11, 1971 Fund: General ,ProvlaloD 1D the 19'10·'11 bud...: Yes Account lobe chal'led: 350-400,U BOAllJ) OF COOPERATiVE EDUCATIONAL SJilRVlCES Na•• au ecn.mtY. New 'Yolk stateme. of lDtemat Aucllt CedUlcat!em . . .. MIlUlee S. Qlmbel. . . lIItemal Auditor for the Board 01 Coaperatlft JNI1catlGUl Semcee. N..'au Couaty, New yOlk, lD accordaDce 'With the . .oktIOil actoptec\ Suly 9. 1970 at a l\egullll' Mee_ of .aiel aou4, ad Sa ac. . . with IOCES Policy 1401 (It). . . hereby cerlU1 that the ce eIl.1IIIH....... UatH OIl the SeMMe. of . " . Uatecl below ad attached . .reto lor .th. pmocl Furuary 1971 to the beet Gf my kIlOW1ecl&' .te for vaIld o1f.!ma. char.e.. dem_de ad accOQllb on the Aid aoarel ~ Cooperatin BducatiOll81 Semc" and a - olaima han belll dial, audited by me uul al'O eupportacl with dGcumlllltuY evidence that lDIBcate. tbat all polley, law., l'II1e. aftd rep1aticme .prdiJII the eapeaIIltWL'e of mOlle,. ban beID cOlllPllecl with in order to juetUr the paym- 01 .UGh claiJnl -, the Boar4 of eooperatl.e EclIlcational SeniGe•• i,Cbeclu1. ~ awl, February 1-28,1971 a •••al Tna' aDd AlfIIlCY IBM Title D1 (Seo.B) 1'e4en1 schoOl lAaDcll Total Dl.lN~....•• $ 5.0;..036.87· 1.326.030 .78 582.48 146,232.28 10.672.50 $ 6.577,554.71 = Date :February 28.1971 • GENERAL FUND. WARRANt No. '3 February 1971 oescrlptl.,... Ck.NO. !'togr.. S69S8 970 971 972 973 974 Oonald E. Axlnn CO. Donald E. Axlnn to. Frankl In National Bank LIncoln Center Perf.Arts Occhestra 08 Camera Part Foundation S.Lloyds Afro-Amer.£nsemble Inc. Village of Mineola cc Herbert Zupnlck Will Ie Partee CC CC Alfred Schaw cc Elizabeth Burckley Rach.,11e Carra DP Arthur Side CC Dr.W. T. Call ahen AO Various Virginia Colgan V.rlous SecurIty National Bank 975 Verlous Secur Jty Mat Ion. 1 Bank 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 • Pg. 1 of 31 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES .... Nissautounty, New York 976 977 978 979 980 gal 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 "I993992 994 995 996 997 998 999 .~ 002 TR NW NW DP IBM Corp. General Welding SuPpJy Oxygen Acetylene Cyllnclers SnapttOn Too Is State Linen Service Auto Mechanic ConsoJ Idated Laundry LILCO LILCO Pine Hill Crystal Wholesa Ie DI strlbutors Inc. Andover Protective Service 3" Co. HeG raw Hill Pub II sh I n9 Lumlnos Joe Beck Inc. Service-Dec. Gas Service-Now Gas " Electric Servlce.Sept.-NoY. Drinking Water-Dec. OXVgt!l Acetylene Cylinder V.Frank Blaslo Hempstead Jaycee. UFI Dult Control System NY Telephone Co. VOID CC,NW VOID IN IN VOID tAl N\4 NW CC CC cc cc CC CC CC CC NW NW CC C~ CC . Allaunt $ Rent-Feb. TV Antenna 25.00 Rent-Feb. 125 Jericho Tpke. 18,6ft1.33 Rent-Feb. 393 JerIcho Tpke. Hlneo.,O.Sn.92 Oct.' Nov. Performances 1,025.00 Oct.-Dec. Performances 17,760.00 Nov. Performances 3.400.00 Nov, Perfof"Nnce 250,00 Water Service-Jan. 50.40 AVA Conf. 12/4-9. Hew Orl,,1 368.50 AVA Conf. 12/4-9. Net Orleanl 368.50 AVA Conf. ,2/4-9. New Or'eanl 375.50 AVA Conf. 12/4-9. Hew Orleans 335.90 Clerical Services-Jan. 101t.OO Relmb.Petty Ca.h 97.51 Re 1mb. Expenses-Jan. 47. 25 Ralmb.Petty Cash .89.60 Interest due-Revenue AnticipatIon 10,081.76 Not•• 2/1/7' Revenue AnticipatIon Notes-2/1/7 • 800,000.00 58.27 "1mb. Petty Cash 372.00 Transportatlon-Oct.lO, Field Trip 2l.00 Wiping Cloths 2,16S.65 Service' Installation-Jan. 45.75 Office Machine Serviced, Repaired TV Various NV PA PA PA PA NW $V I· t Ditto Dlv./BMI 'Hawell Henry Kayser " Fils 310.83 33.00 SupplIes Serv I co-Nov. Ity Guard Services-Dec. Transparencies ARCH ITECTUM... RECORD Connercla) Art Supplies Industr1al Shelves Office Machines Serviced" SoCU! Co!~tol09Y Suppll ... Absc:o Mach I no Shop Equ l.,.-nt Royal Typewriter Co. Two Electric Typewriters Ccalgate Professlonl' Sorv. Stereo Viewer Sln~r· 79.65 Sewing Machines Serviced . Carrted Forwerd Re,.....d 16.59 151.56 2.513.29 7.80 18.00 3.504.00 106.38 6.60 322.50 90.95 30.10 1.854.30 589.80 417.30 4.00 86.00 ,. ' - "f (") BeARD OF·COOi'eRAfrYeEbUCATtbNAtrstn,.CB • t:ew York Nassau ~ty. tlENERAt. FUND Ck.No. 57003 CO!; 005 006 007 ons oog 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 .~ Descr!etlon . Program 151~~d r."t::tl ('. !..~-:"'~:- C~. CC CC CC llO't·~: '!al1~': .lz:;:.- tfl'). Fac!-::y ~. YOI·d S~:r;ly C.>. I. Ed'::ard g'-U~"'I Ine. cc cc cc CC CC CC CC Sco~s R~buck ~ C~. Goo~hea:-t \Ii l1c-:.!~: Co. NIl Applta;o\:c Values Inc.. nefrlserator CC VOID CC Wm.C.8ro~ PublIshers Ac~ National Solos Co. DP Hoore Bus I noss Fo"", Inc. U.S. Po~:lI\3stcr Ho\*lord Linen S~rvl co VIctoria Flynn R. Deutsch CC Varioul ES HS Ch:trlc~ HcCrcry-a~Lc: Ion U.S. P~stNst"3r 027 HS K. Greenfeld 028 029 HS ES Busy Bee 0)0 031 032 ES PS OE ES 269.10 l3li.SO 26S.33 20S.00 FS Various Corp. Kcrll~ 15k 1 Nn$sc~ T~ ~~~n.lnc. UF5D 1I~~.,t'~'.·'i(\,tt Soc";<>lty f~ ·~;~.,ol ~~O~~ Ted o " Ii f"J~o f;o>%·t:~ Cr~I" 036 031 0)8 039 $\I U'" Tc h:. phur.o Co. Ro~e1'n4lry p,. ' .• ;l i $ NY l'Co i o phr: iif! Co. SW Cunnlnsham $V stl E , D 5·nlte~ion vtr.c:n~ CO~: . St;hH:",.an Bros.ln~, Consolidated L6undries queens Fanns ~alry SW Antho!\y Sciuto Sl:I LILCO AdtJt3nce Pro(:4JS$ Su" 1y P. Waring SE $V. 0"' tth.40 33.01 380.6' 13.SO 18.05 4.00 111.00 DENTAL SCIEHCE LAB GUIDE 4.25 ~.g4 Refrigeration Supplies 524.82 Stock Paper 96.00 Stamps Servleo-Dec. Aa t m'l. of EXI*'se.-fIoY. Hl1~~ge-Cct •• Jln. r.el~~,~tty Cash Hc~' J Ec.on_lcs Supplies S.~mps 32.25 10. 00 23.28 24.01 24. IS 6,00 ni1~a~e.s.,t.-J.n. C. Courtnoy L.:~cr 56.00 25.44 Kllel)~.Oct.-Jan. HE ME HE HE ME 046 'ffl:'1A at, E!;JOY YOUR LO HOaE AND FAMILY SERIES 023 024 025 c26 ~S ~96 , $ Elect-.:.l Suppll •• Pub H c:. Affal IS Co:.•• : ·~tll" 'UchlgnnStato Unlvers:.:y HS C· Sh~etrock " Plywaoc1 Repairs e.l Jaep Cu:;todtel Supplies CUl todl.l SuppUel custodIal Supp'I,. CC 022 040 041 042 BroUtiht Forwa~d In~trtctlonal suppl'e, ,·;\JDERN CARPENTRY TEXTS Aotna ElectrIc Dlst. IS 034 035 . AmoUnt 1 Elalno rr:.duets C'I. East Hea:.fc;II L\.~!)f!- , :; .,ip1y Ply~ Coll;::tJla fJon::of~ ..'ll t;';:'i' Denta' Aost. SuppUet 021 033 -- ItO. 13 WARr."~iT Rouf Shingles Rolle.a.Petty 'ash Chest X.r.y~ Relmb.UFSD 1I14(SJcIt.5 Ground Services) Cr-)" purchase .gmt.3 J/ItS_turlng- Fe:.ruary 26,1911 Ae:to Body Shop $uppl'e. R~bblsh Remova,-DeC. 26.04 1.68 s. 76 Service-Jan. 158.40 .:.:itru~tlonal supplies 152.36 ElectrIc Service-Nov. . ~rcial Art Supplies" Eqpt. :n lea~-()oc. Cerried Forward 500,000.00 50.00 Service-Jan. tU leage..Jen.. GO$ , 56.00 352.34 Ulloags-Dee. Linen Servtc:e-Sept.-NoY. Instructional Supplies AVA Conf. -12/4.." New Or 10..' 20.16 208.00 48.74 36~.OO "".00 66.61 197 •22 1,042.51 6.789.70 ,.08 $ 1,409.080.46 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau COUntY, New York • GENERAL FUND WARRANT February 1971 I 57gij HE L.M.T.Steel 849 HE 050 OSI 052 053 054 05S 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 .~ N~ • SW SE SW VOID NE SW SE HE HE SW SW SW HE $V HE P~ucts Dykes Lumber Co. Art OJ reet Ion Nassau ElectrIcal Supply Langels Hardware.lne. Spl ratonehlnc. E'ar Lumber Co. .. . AmoUnt $ , .409,080.1f6 Processtng EqulpMnt Sheetrock, moulding, nails Institutional SubscriptIon RefriGeration' AI r Cond. supplies Snow tbrowe• r Commercial Art Supplies Sheetrock Data Frank LaGrega Rubbish Removal-Jan. Auto Meehan I CI Supp I , •• united ArtIst Supply Co. Computer World Andover Protective ServIce Consolidated Laundries Beauty World Inc. Industr r81 Service " Repa I r Rock1yn Surgical Supply Colvin Motor Parts A V Communications. Inc. Commercial Art Supplle. Institutional SubscriptIon Security Guard Service-Dec. Linen Servlce-Hov. ,Dec. MILLION DOLLAR HAIRCUT Heat Ing System Repel red ftedlcel Assistant Supplies Auto Shop Parts Audiovisual Supplies Snow Removal-Jan. Absco No. 13 . 3,060.00 387.17 17.00 99.14 340.45 2.20 42.39 35.00 72.90 488.26 9.00 1.501.50 27.50 4.95 61.75 S'I4.20 184.03 1,122.90 190.00 149. II CC 067 CC VOID Duffy Equipment Corp. Colvin Hotor P~rts 069 CC NW Lumber" Nalls 452.00 Horthvl I Ie Industries Fuel Oil 409.83 Rachel'e Carra Clerical Servlces-I/2S-29 132.00 O. Woldner Co. Office Furnl ture 412.36 8alnbrldge,Klmpton,Hau,. Stationery Supplle. 129.65 C. V.11osby Co. LEARNING MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY,TEXTS 154.62 Farm Safety. NY Farm Bureau Safety S19ns 6.35 IBH Corp. Hachlne Conversion Parts 13.09 Nebraska Psychiatric Inst. Pilm 4.00 Jersey Tab Co. Report Cards 1I .00 Control Data Rental-Jan. Disk Packs 102.00 rial Equipment Corp. Rental-Dee. Data Processing Eqpt. 338.51 univac Rental-DeC. Data Processing Eqpt. 600.00 KoI.on Hardware Paint" Paint Supplies 119.56 Orange Front Paint Supply Paint 14.80 Kilnet Realty Corp. Floor Installed In Haln Lobby 915.00 Women. Wear Oally Institutional Subscription 16.6' Dur"A-Line Products Custodial Supplies 111.60 IBM Corp. Ribbons 40,14 Olivetti Corp. Office Machine Ropelred 17.50 RIchard Kinney NYSEIS Conf.-12/1G 47.07 I.Janvey 'Sons Custodial Supplies 1.128.60 Howa rd Linen So rv Ico Serv Ico-Dec. 43. 00 Kearney Business Machines Office Machine RePilred 9.00 Chadick Inc. Classroom Furniture &. 8Qokcasea 4J~.Zl Carried Fo~rd $ 1,423,'51.93 068 070 071 012 073 014 075 DP OP DP NW CC 076 071 078 019 CC 081 082 083 084 CC oeo 08S • SE Description Brought Forward Pay!! Ck.No.Program . P9- 3 of·,1 . 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 DP OP OP OP OP CC NW CC CC CC CC DP CC,NW CC CC CC 80ro Hall Lumber Co. Auto Shop Parts Pg. 4 of 31 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Hlssau County. New York • February 1971 Ck.No. J 51094 09S 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 • 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 .16 I 17 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 • ffe. 13 GENERAL FUND . WARRANT 137 138 139 Payee Program ce·- O£ NW NW cc Various VarIous VarIous Various Various VarIous Various Various Various VarIous Varioul Various Various V.rlous Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various PS Various Various Various Various Various Various VarioUI t Crown Chem i ca 1 NY Telephone Co. Helen Hoesten G. i-laystr' k Herbert A. Post Inc. UFSD #1 Hempstead UFSD #2 uniondale UFSD #3 East Meadow UFSD #4 N.Bel1more UFSD lIS LevIttown UFSD #6 Seaford UFSD #7 Be'lmore UFSD #8 Roosevelt UFSD #9 Freeport UFSD #10 Baldwin UFSD #11 OceansIde UFSD 612 nalverne UFSD #13 Valley Stream UFSD #14 Hewlett UFSD 615 Cedarhurst UFSD #16 Elmont UFSD 1117 Franlcl In Square UFSD #18 Garden City UFSD '19 E.Rockaway UFSD #20 Lynbrook UFSD #21 RockvIlle Centre UFSD N22 Floral Park UFSD ~3 Wantagh UFSD 024 Valley Stream UFSD #25 lierrt ck UPSD #26 levittown UFSD 1127 \~.Hempstead Long Beach CSD UFSD 129 N.r~rrlck UFSD #30 Valley St~ UFSD #31 Island Park National Schoolboard Assn. UFSD #1 Westbury UFSD 112 E.WI1It ston UFSD #3 Soslyn UFSD #4 Port Washington UFSD lIS New Hyde Park UFSD #6 Manhasset UFSD #7 Great Neck $ 1,if!3. 151.93 Brought Forward Boller ChemIcals Service-Jan. AVA Conf. 12-4-9. New Orleanl Rehnb. Petty Cash nlmeo Paper Refund ..Actua 1 VI Est. 69/70 ealts II II II It II •• It II .. " ..". II It II It .... . It II II II II . . .. . II .. ." It It It II It It II II II II . ... II tI It It II It It It It It It It II II " II .. .. .. It It II It II It II II II II II It " " II It .. It u 1I II It It It .. . It It . . II •D • at II . II II It II II II ... II II II It It II II II II II II II II II U It It II 1I II II .. .... If .. .. It II II .... II .. II ... .. ... ... 517.19 7.857.69 2,394.00 4,039.97 621.18 433.15 1,195.91 2.00 8,488.89 II II 1,257.50 1,616.02 2,815.68 tI II 94.43 II II It II II II II II It 11 II It Carried Forward 5.583.12 1,820.83 818.18 7,063.35 1,566.73 3,7 t8.25 '73.12 POLICIES THAT SUPPORT TEACHERS Refund-Ac~ual V5 Est. 69/70 Costs II 1,858.~6 3.653.43 13.692.84 6,739.79 7.502.01 4.598.55 259.95 4,284.08 16,751.24 257.90 81.23 702.06 859.19 949.31 3.451.92 54.05 II II II 330.70 40.98 338.90 97.47 119.60 1.098.33 II II It II II It II II .. II II VOID Various UFSD #9 New Hyde Park Amount. DescrIptIon. • 2.711.88 2,073.63 4. 21 5. 86 $. 1,552,493.1£ P9. 5 of 31 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, NeW York • Ho. 13 GENERAL FUND WARRANT February 1971 Ck.No. Progr• . DescrIption Payee Brought Forward 57140 141 142 143 1~ 145 146 147 1'*8 149 150 lSI 152 153 154 • 155 156 151 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 161 168 169 110 171 172 CC Ba,YR 173 174 175 CC CC 176 177 178 • Various UFSD #10 Mineola VarIous UFSD #11 Carle Place Various CSD III Sea Cliff VOID VarIous CSO 112 Syosset VarIous CSO 113 Locust Valley Various CSD #4 Plainview VOID VarIous CSO lIS Glen Cove V.rlous CSO 116 Oys ter Bay Various UFSD N15 JerI cho Various UFSD 1117 Hicksville Various UFSD H16 Plalpe4ge Various UFSD lIZl Bethpage VOID VOID Various UFSD #22 Fannfngdale Various UFSD 1123 Hassapequa Various CHSD 111 Valley Stream Various CHSD 112 Flora 1 Park Various CHSD 113 :'''' 1Ir.sore Dale Bass Aealty Inc. :·NE Arland-Freeport Corp. SW Newbrldg8 Development Corp. SE Newbrldge Developmeat Corp, SE Newbrldge Development Corp. SE Newbrldge Development Corp. SE Hl1ler,Grenadfer,Grange CC Grand nachlnery Exchange CC Franklin National Bank ES Monday Tuesday Corp. CC CC AC Bl EE BI 179 180 S\~ 181 182 SW AO 183 184 185 186 AC SE SE FP $ l,SS2,493.lt8 Refund-Actual vs Est. 69/70 Costs 3.549.45 " .." It .. .. "II .. It "II It .. It . " It .. II " It " 2.e34J29 II 3.951.38 II It It II 3,823.99 tI It .. It 3.716.36 It 1.854.72 38.909.34 II II It II II It It II II It It It It It It II ...... II " II " " II II II II It II n "It II II .. It 2.368.31 .. If It It 2,208.68 2.089.37 .. 4.919.41 6,108.81 4.143.18 11,422.72 IS. 16ft. 52 746.52 3.535.45 12.755.00 .... II II It Rent-Feb. Cold Spring Rd. Syosset 8.166.67 Rent-Jan. 10 Conm'1 St. Freeport 533.33 Rent-Feb. Auto Sch.Ext. Chas.Ct. 100.00 Rent-Feb. Heater, Auto Sch. Chas.Ct. 1.916.67 Rent-Feb. 2475 Chas.Ct. Bellmor. Rant-Feb. 2475 Chas.Ct. Renovations 1,972.38 I,08S.87 Rent-Feb. 50 Sylvester,Westbury , ,650.00 Rent-Feb. 36 Sylvester,Westbury 6,566.66 Rent-Feb. i.ple Pl. Syosset 1,125.00 Rent-Feb. 110 NY Ave.Westbury 1,200.00 Koy Grinding Corp. Rent-Feb. 99 Bklyn Ave.Westbury 32,000.00 County of Nassau Rent-Feb. 2850 N.J·slm Rd.Wantagh 2.500.00 Fanmlngdale Co. Reot-Feb. Hangar Ill, Fannlngdale 3,783.00 Hetromedla Ine. Rent-Feb. 1196 Prospect E. Westbury 16. ig8.00 Hetromedla Inc. Rent-Feb. 1196 Prospect W. Westbury 1.797.60 UFSD #16, Elmont Rent-Feb. Elmont Rd. School 1.185.00 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Rent-Rent Island Rd. Wantagh 4,685.21 Balatem Corp. Rent-Rent 280 Duffy Av. Hicksville Church of The Redeemer Rent-Rent 70 S. Herrick Ave.Herrlck 2,660.00 6,000.00 UFSO #9. Freeport Rent-Rent Cleveland Ave. Freeport 3,272.70 UFSD NI5, Cedarhurst Rent-Rent Reilly Rd. Cedarhurst 416.61 Seymour H.Kl1g1er, Esq. Legal Services-Jan • 240.00 UFSD iI8. New Hyde Park Rent-Feb. Herrlcks ~S Newbrldge Developnent Corp. Rent-Jan. 2480 Newbrldge Rd.8ellmore 5.166.67 Nowbfldge Development Corp. Town Tax 1/71-6/30/71 Lynbrook Floor Covering Floor Tiles Carried Forward 2,633.73 }8.45 BOARD OF COOPERAT.IVE EOUCAT!CNAl SERVICES Nassau County, • Ck.No. t~ Yo~k oSlERAL Mb WARRANT February 1971 . Oescrtptlon ptog.... 8rou~~' t Forward 57187 188 189 190 19' 192 193 81 FP FP PS 00 00 FP 200 201 OE OE OE OE OE OE OE OE 202 VC 194 195 196 197 198 ' 199 203 SW 204 TR f, 81 81 OE 208 VOID 209 210 BI 211 212 213 214 215 216 2'7: 218 219 220 221 222 OE OE 81 BI 00 DO DO OE NW CC DP SE OE 223 81,TR OE 22" FP 225 FP 226 OE 227 228 OE,PS 229 PS 230 -~ Pg. \i of 31 ES Varioul OE Lange's Hardware, Inc. S.w. Casbarra Dykes Lumbe r Co. Equity Advertising Agency Edgemont Schools Abington School Dist. Color Hart, Inc. Balnbtl dge ,KImpton ,Haupt MY Telophone Co.· Village Discount Center Cclrr,.~ntry Supplies ~I!~age~v. rpent ry Supp 11 es Classified Ads OUtdoor Ed. Supplies Curriculum Guide Paint Stationery Supplies $ 1.7&1.0l;t;.65 47.50 26.64 56.29 ServIce-Doc. Hnrctware Supplies D. Waldner OffIce Furniture National League Hurslng Inc. InstItutIonal Subscription J.G. Ferguson Publishing UpJohn Inltl t.Res.arch NY Telephone Co. Elizabeth Mallett UFSD NI5 Cedarhurst NY Te1ephone AMritan Vocational ASln. Keemey Business i_chines Webster Paper' Supply CAREER OPPOilTlIUTIES.etc. PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ServIce-Dec. Rel_. Expenses Rent- 9/70-1/7'.Law~ce HS Service-Jan. Jou -:"lsl Adding ,1achlne Cord Arts' Crofts supp11es f Hetlonal Study Sch.Evoluatton Inst1tutional Subscr1ptlon Eastun Camera Natl.Ed.Assn. of tho u.s. Bames '" Noble Inc. Boll ." HOfte18II Allyn & 8acon OUvett I Corp. Balnbrl dge,Kimpton ,Haupt Hofstra University Mllnot Realty Corp. Ml1ler,Grenadler ,Grango Piper Tempo Personnel Newbrldge Development Corp. J.Fer9"son Publishing Baln IndustrIal ServIce IBH Corp. Aetna ElectrIc Dist. Robert J. Warren Unlforce Temporaries IBM Corp. Career Temps,lnc. Hendy Andy Labor of LI Tempo Services Center for Voc.&Tech. Ed. *fx.,.I.S enewnbered prior to 111171 Projector Repel red • 00 SOnETHING MEDICAL DICTIONARY Oup II co ;.: •n9 Paper EUOT' JHALLY DISTRIaUTED CHILO Adc!: n9 11ochlno Sf .tlonery Supplies ;J~. of Facllitios GuldlnQa Conf.12/4 T~ 'rax 1/1/71-6/30/70 Water Servlce-l/1/71-6/30/7' SecretarIal Service-Jan. Rent-DeC. 2480 Chal.Ct. N.lel1.,,. AGRICUt.TUPAL TECHNICIANS 011 Burne.· Serviced Typawrlters , Supplle. Electrical SupplIes Mileage " Expenses - Dec. Clerical Servlces ..Oet. Typewrlte~s Repaired Clerical Services-Jan. Custodial Services-Dec. & Jan. Clol"lcal Services-Jan. LEADERSHIP TRAINING Can'lod torwerd 575.92 14S.00 4.00 44.40 32.66 14.57 1S'f.62 1.352.2.9 3.00 3S.aS 7.95 20.20 5.00 16.363.50 8.68 1).28 3.50 135.90* 7.50 SO.OO 21.12 21.30. 22.34 13.66 264.32 82.77 532.23 7,018.62 100.00 114.25 S.I66.67 8.45 900.00 936.43 89.19 42.32 270.00 66.66 49.00 196.88 734.74 ',59 " ... • GENERAL MD,yABftANT February 1971 Ck. No. DIIscrljltOft- , Progrtm OE 57233 ~c 234 235 AO 236 237 18H Corp. H' J Je, ,,::-ottacHer ,Grange Soy.~~r 8S TR,81 238 239 iA PS SE 21&0 241 AO RD VOID 242 243 244 245 VarIous Va r t ous Various Various Various Varlou, VarJotl!l 2it6 247 21f8 249 250 H. Kllg1er.Esq. E. L 1r:yd ibg'l rti Vll1aso Discount Center tiY To Je$\hone Hof~tra university Club V~rlous '.~rlccn .!~loos Syl',le i1eyn \'orlo\l5 E. !:cnf:ovll1e 4., Vorlou$ Various Vcrlous Vtlrtous VarIous Various Varlou:J 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 21i6 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 215 276 ~ 279 " . ' •• Ut:~ol~ I\r~r.rtr r:~IlQll C. Uich')le:ln It. Folb I't'lboa"t r:t h·~ E.FDs,bnrg Adelo1do Finlay \'artclas Vlo :ct rord \'arIous ;~rtc:~.,CI ... Varlcmtl He lc..!1 Fi~t"pane Vorlous ;:lor.:r.:) Frank VarIous D. Glb~o~ Varlou~ SabIn'} Goodmen VarJou: tI .. ;;lj:),~rJch l,. vo:a Vnrlcus Various Various Various Various VarJous Various Various VarIous . Locncr~ ~orc Merllyn nraf A. Gra~l o. Gr~cnspc~ E. Guttman A. tlagncy J. Ilrncon J. ltordtng I~rl Henderson Va r Ious "tac!( Ho ll1ns ' t 1.822t91h;~' 649.75 15,085.58 950.00 20.28 LUIIlber Servlc-l-Jen. 111.18 Admlntstratlve workl~'O/~IO It It ti II II •• . It II II . II .. . It 34.79 II II •• II It .. It II II II II II at II It II It II II II II II It II It II II It II a It II .. It II It It It It ... II It It II .11 .... .. II Carried Fonerd 9.28 30.59 30.~~ 34.79 IS .. lt8 30.59 18.ltS 30.59 u It II 30.59 II It It "'.79 10.56 It II It 1&.'. II It .. 30.59 30.59 " II . .. •• 13.11 4.37 .. tt II II '30.59 30.59 It It II 34.79 II It II 6.30 34.79 II at . 15.15 ~Ct·3,980.10 177.48 Heal th 1Mur.nee Refdnd :-. r.'~tronardl Ar::-mr I~Cnuley $ Legal Fees-VariouS Legll Services Iftsuran~e Consultant-7/1169-6/30/70 Gorogo ibget nI c:'u:!11 iianc I n I F'""="COG ;;anna Charlos Hennlno rhyilis ~sl , T.xes-1/1-6/,0I71 Expan...-Dlc. PRE-ADOLISCEHTS 254 ---6 257 Id~lt'onal Express Mentnl Health Association VarlouG LInda Hiles, 2S5 II Brought Forward Ty~rlter Ribbons ~~ttdOG Oe~el~nt Corp. Gen.T~-lst half 1/70 170 Various 01go 4i • 7 of 31 Pg. ~::I-.r(f) OF ~QOPERATIVE EDUCAlltHAL SERVICES Nassau County, NeW York )4.79 !t8.S6 .. 34.79 30.59 34.79 34.79 34.79 30.59 30.59 lOnS9 30.59 It II II 34.79 ·34.79 II ".. ... ' lJa l1-.:. ,: . P ~. $ 1.8Jt1t.9S7. 15 rag; 8 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIOUAL SERVICES Nassau County. New York of ~ .11 .. 863 ~EHEML,FUNDJU\RIWlt • February 1971 .- 17280' 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 2S5 296 297 • 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 30S 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 • Various G. Iannotti Various James Jenkins Various Mary Jann I ngs Varloas Hurlel Karol Various Helen KIrsch Various L.Kleger Various J. Levlnels Various P. Leinweber V.rlous H. Levinson Various H. lewis VarIous Henry Lutz Various Agnes Lyman V.rlous Har,a COllIn; Various CatherIne Cowles Various R. Crider Various Christopher Crowley Various U. CraS 9 Varioul Lillian Curry Various Farrell Decker Varioul K. Demarinis V.rlous Joseph Didio Various Andrew Doyle Various Pearl Ducker VarIous T. Easchenko Various Hery Bowen Various ttade II no Buckley Various E. Burch Various L. Burgazoll Various P. Blancu111 V.rlous I. Campagna Various S. Campanaro Varioul Frank Cannata Various L. Cant row I tz Various C. Challenger Various J. Farollawskl Various H. Lieberman Various Bemlce Llbow VarIous Beatrice Hanell. VOID Various Joan Piazza Various l4a ry Roge rs Various A. Seemann VarIous F. Sc:haefer .. ~arlou$o E. sou.rey 323 32" :~.rlou~ Ellen Ab tanl5 32S '''arl~\ L~I,s~I\J~hpff Brought Forward ....lth Insurance Ra.dnd .. II II .. II It .. It " It U 34.79 26~22 It II II n It It II II II II It II II II 84.98 II It II II II II II .. II II II It II . It 30.59 36.42 34.79 7.92 34.79 30.59 30.59 lO~5G 8.74 34.79 30.59 15.0t II .. It II II If .... . . .. II II II II II It II U II 34.79 1'.11 30.59 8.74 II It It II II 1,.11 34.79 •• .. ••II at II II It II .. II II It II II II .. It .. II II . .. at II II II . II 30.59 34.79 34.79 U II .. 36.42 II .. .. 30.59 36.42 It II $ 1 ,SIf4, 957. t 5 It It U II It n 30.59 )4.79 34.79 30.59 34.79 30.59 30.02 30.59 .' II .. ... 14.91 II II II 34.79 .. 84.98 19.88 30.59 It It 30.59 17.1f8 II It .11 II It II II II II II ;;1),. 21.85 10.56 _~O," ::$'l •8f1>~·3(lO~· 22 , :' '<" .. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau COUnty, Hew York BOARD OF COOPERATIVE , - • 57326 VarIous 327' Various ':1. VarIous 3 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 W. 34S )lt6 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 '54 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 .363 364 365 366 367 368 36, 310 .311 372 Various Various VarIous VarIous VarIous VarIous VarIous VarIous Various V.rlous Varioul Various VarIous Various VarIous VarIous Various Various Various Various Various VarIous Various Various VarIous Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various VarIous Vii rl O,US Various . ---' <ce 1' ".~'. p~ wt 111am Ash ... Shirley Atlas Har.lyn Avtdon OIitans Bailey J. Botsakos Thelma OrensteIn John Pierce Fred Plttorman John Place Julia Nedbal1 s. Postek «4. Q.ulgley K. Raynor A. Reisch RObert Rlchar. M. Richman N. Rlna1dl H. Sanders I. Saphra H. Satterlee K. Sclan. J. Schneider J. Serrano S. Schreibman J. Sean H. Silverman A. Sloane RObert Slater H. Smith A. Soifer Joseph spoto Donald Stange I .. Stern w. Taylor J. Teller L. Trost E. Tyson w. Weber L. Weiss R. Wellons J. White N. Wlenslaw H. Wolfson J. Young E~ Yuraslts J.zahcn D. ~skoarko ~ 1911 . OeSK1,ti,'·. , .. .. " . it ..u II It II It . II .. II It It It it It II . II It II It It $ 1,8Ia6'.300~22 30.59 30;59 19.88 24.85 It II It II It II II at It II •• It II It "II It II It II It II . tI .. II It II II It II II . It It at II at .. It II II II II " It II It II . II II II . .... II II II II II II II It II .. .. II . .. II II 30.59 .. II at 34.79 34.79 30.59 3ft.7S 34.79 .. .. " II 30~59 30.59 30.02 30.59 30.59 8.74 II It ... 30.59 30.59 30.59 9.94 30.59 30.59 30.59 30.59 30.59 ,0.59 30.59 30.59 I, II II 8.74 .t u II 30.59 It II .. ~.79 II II u 30.59 .. tI II 30~S9 II II II 30.59 u II t. 34.79 30.59 34.79 ... It It c.""t.t . Brought Forward Health Insurance Refund It It " NO. 13 .. , '~ " bv~ GEHERALL NlD. VA.' - .,.Y'" ,--'~.- ',' ~ ~_.' February Ck.No. PrOst. • P9- 9 of 31 "" n 34.79 19.88 34~79 17.lIS 34;79 13.11 3/+.79 8.74 34.79 .. It II It II," ! " "..,';, .26,32 ~,: :<'~ 639'. . ~..46~.. \<~ '$'~£~'l"l' ,,~Jl'<"":'"';w ,'; ~', '"'~ " , ' , ' , ". P9. 10 of 31 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE £IiUCAT~~hAl SERVICES ,--, ... ~ ().j .; Nassau County, New York NO. 13 §.ENEMb F'JJjD WA~fWtt 1 e. February 1971 $ 1,847.639. 46 Brought Forward 57373 374 • 375 376 VarIous Albert \-Iete, Pa!.l 1 Spector HarJorfe Sml th Various M. Various Various 311 Various 379 \,=iJ VOIO 378. 330 391 382 38S 304 ;85 386 387 388 ;89 3S0 391 ~92 M. DoSantls Varloul ['! . N·' EE EE EE EE EE EE VOID Vcrlous 93 VOID 3!>S $\I 394 HE 396 SE HE 399 VOID 397 398 400 ltOI 402 403 ,,04 5\1 SE HE SE HE VOID 405 HE 406 NE 407 tl08 409 410 411 412 413 "E,SW SW SW HE SW SE SE ME 414 415 Various .17 416 Zambont E. Sinton Various Va r'lous EE $V ME ... . Health Insurance Refund Il V. Gru1er R. Ha.~ll ton Telephone Co. G~eral Electric Co. FIeld Educational Publ. ChadIck Office 8arnell Loft, Ltd. Lan9~'s Hardware Henry E. ~.rtram ~ Son 3M nus. Prod. Sales It . " II II It II It . " II .. II It It It tt Se.... tce·Jan • ttamecuklng Equlpnent WILDLIFE ADVENTURE SERIES Trust "Agency File CabInets Visual Aid Supplies" Books Lock '" Clasp FI re Extinguisher Serviced Dup11catlng Supplies Transfer from Gene' a I Fund to Trult and Agencv (Oenta' Inl.7/70-./71) :it1uge-Jan. Ellen Daly Supplies' Labor Ludemann E1ectrlc,lnc. Hussloln Auto Body Supply AutomotIve supplies Nurses $u9pllos Trl-Hed. SurgIcal i'lloage-Oec. Anthony ScIuto G~n~rcl Woldlng Supply Co. C~pttol Stationery Corp. Nu-H4lrtt ElectrIcal Supply LNt Olstrlbutlng Co. OXygen & Acetylene CylInders Stationery Supplies Electrical Supplies Electronie Suppllos 9:94 S.ltS 19.88 17.Jt8 ,0.59 8.7~ )0.59 ~O.Sg 10.42 92.00 9.24 114,60 ',365.56 2.42 4.00 91.16 1,651.86 5.76 1,064.68 103.35 ·30.00 66. '2 gO.OO 53.50 38.63 218.14 362.70 L1thography Supplies Zimmer PrInters Supply 519.11 Lithography Supp t I •• Pol'/chrcmo Corp. .. Rental-Oct •• Jan. Data p~'5.Eqpt. 2.S598.2!) 3~' I!us 1noss .\ach Ines So.Nassau Communities Hosp.Fllm 377.10 Projectors , Screens Sonocraft Corp. 51.2) Refrigerator ,Air Cond.Supplle. Nassau Electric Supply 275.17 Commercial Art Supplies Arthur Brown , 8ro. 77.50 Auto Body Supplies Eastorn Safety Equipment 13.65 Stetionery Supplies Patchogue Stationery Co. 97.50 Towel Dispensers 36.00 I • Janvey " Sons Institutional Subscription Electronic TechnIcian 21.95 u.s. Govt. Printing OffIce OCCUPA,'tONAL TITLES »~Z,i5 _ LIthography SupplIes . Ven Son Holland Ink $ 1,8$1 ,420.87 Carried forward ·,t BOARD OF COOPERATIVE tOU:ATIONAl SER'ICES Nassau County, New York GENERAL FUND WARRANT • Pg. 11 of 31 tM.13 February 1911 Ck.N". Prog,. Brought Forward 57418 HE $1.8S7,1i20.87 Anvil Door "Hardware tnc. Ocor lock 1S.00 57.60 76.00 SE 419 Sll 420 421 SW.NE 422 HE.SW 423 Various Para Laboratories A. Siegel "CO. Cosmetology· Supplies Carpentry Supplies 424 VarIous Trust" Agency Fund (wlthholdlngs) Transfer fran General Fund to T & A Fu~d (wlthho1dlngs) ending 1/29/71 VOID 425 TV 426 427 BI.TR 428 PI OE 429 430 431 431 ES AC 43~ EE VC VC 43. 435 436 • 437 438 439 440 it41 EE At 443 ft44 VC EE EE EE At CP CP '-42 EE "5 446 VI VI 447 ¥t8 1649 VI LD CP It50 Jt5t VC EE CP CP CP CP 452 "53 454 455 456 CP CP At 457 458 459 460 • VC RD 2 ,23S.80 Snap on Tools ToolS 3M Business Products Sales StatIonery Supplies" COp'.' Repelre" '755.22 80CES-Payrol1 Acct. Transfer from General Fund to Net Pay" 545.96 Net Payroll roll ending 1/29/71. supplemental 226.01 30.00 Chester Electronic Lab. TV Equipment 956.27 Northville Industrle. Corp.Fuel Oil-Nov. 21.75 P.I Service for Tempo Clerical Servlces-t2/6 ItO. as Tlfflny Coffee Co. Instructional Supplies 137.69 Wm. Kraemer So Son. Horticulture Suppt Ie. 18.40 Achievement Aldl FI'mstrl~ & Record 195.00 Kearney Buslnesl Machines Typewrl\ers 18.03 Capital Stationery Supp!y Stationery Supplies 29.95 Village Discount Center Plywood 57.10 Campus Sporting Goods Phy,lcal Ed. Equlptllftt 22.60 Venaont Printing Co. NEW LANGUAGE. 18rle. \3.08 Research Preis KE1BOARD TOWN STORY 40.62 A-V Communications Inc. AudIovisual Eqpt. 6.24 Pearl F~kln MII ••ge-12/8-1/19/7 1 382.72 David G. Rosen Inc. Student Furniture 51.59 Dr.Eml' Lombardi Relmb.Petty Cash 293.33 J.S. McHugh Storag- cabinets 3.22* Holt,Rlnehart,Winston Inc. ~:GHALION IN THE CLASSROOM 280.72 NY Telephone Co. Service-Jan. 61.22 Z. Auerback "'lIeage-Jan. 94.34 H. Schwartz rill.age-DeO. 88.06 A. Hollenberg MIleage-Dec. 102.60 R. ChaikIn M'Ioage-Jan. 165.37 Developmental Learning Toys' Charts 128.00 National Protape Institute LOVEJOY'S COLLEGE ENTRANCE COURSE 197.30 J. L. Hanrnett Co. Toys £, Game, 26.15 Educational psych.Research P~ych.Te5tln9 3.84 Field EducatIonal PUbl. ARITHHETIC FOUNDATION 43." Lear Siegler Inc. YOU" YOUR WORLD, series 7.50 Pre-School Haterlals PICTUR£ PLAYBOOK 64.95 Lafayette Commercial Sales MusIcal Equipment 392.63 L.L.Weans Co. Office Furniture 26.00 A-V Canlnunlc:atlons Inc. AudiovIsual Eqpt. Repaired 74.80 L.L.Weans Co. Books. J'. Arts " Crafts ·,.42 National Educ.atlon Assn. SURVEY OF JR. cot.L£GES ""JAt :l',,·865.412.28 Ca rl" 1cd Forward ' *ExpenSCls,IQ.,red ~rl()r to 1/1/71 .... '-'::'.1._'-.;;'- ,.. "'" • '. Ck~Mo, SJI461 it62 1t63 lf64 lt6S 466 RD AD 1t67 It68 TV PI &t69 AD 410 411 412 473 "74 ''5 '476 477 i .. DP PO AD RD FS TV TV SV HE HE 481 SV 482 483 $V 484 ltS5 486 ItS 7 Jt88 fe89 490 . 49' 492 . 493 4g4 $£ SE.NE HE $V SE SE SE $\I HE 5W SW,SE 498 5E SE $V SE HE SOO SW SOl SW C. 506 VOID 495 496 49' 499 ME 501 HE 503 5E' SE IV '•• 11 wAlUWtI February 1971 ""... PG VOID RI RI 'It PI- 12 of J1 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE E!JUCATlottAL SERVICES County, New YOrk GENERAL MD Of ~ tJ :>v' rayee 'M Drought ';rward n~tal-tO/70-1/71. Pitney-BoWes Inc. Donald J:. Barry Leon Gnbla F.H.lehnan " .. $ 1,865,412.28 Postage Mltlr 45.00 150.00 Work~hop InstItute-Dec. 200.00 ,Ito. 00 Workshop 'n.tltut.~DIc., Consultl r.t .. Dec. Carolyn San%cne Sonoer.,ft Corp. HicksvIlle Flre,tone Store 3M BusIness P~.Sol.s 18K Corp'. Consultant-OeD. TV S'!pplle. il rC1 A C Auto Gla.1 Co. VehIcle Wlnshtel' Capita' StatIonery Corp. fkIrlyn Ed. Prod. Corp. Haem.11an Co. Sonoc:raft Corp. Varian As.oclates Young' s Fidelity p~t. co. Stationery Suppll .. Caslattes BEMAVIORAl. OBJECTS FOil Eh.::tronl~ SuPP"" Cor-1 Machines ItSQ.OO 25.25 '11,16 Ma,56 561,118 128.50 52438 268.80 1.-. RlPlaead Re!ocatlo:l of Data ' , . . .•• 1.47 7.00 50.64 106.65 ".18 TV Equlpr'*'t Repaired P1otfona TNCk Jean OdGrwald Ellen Daly LNL Distributing Corp. Colvin .,..,tor Parts Inc. IBM CorD. Custodial SupplIes 'illoDg,-J&n. Auto Shop Suppll .. Data procell.Equip.Tnt ""I~ Queens FelTftS Del ry Inc. lnstructlonal Supp' Se r/l ce-Jan. 1M Corp. Tracy Babylon lncs 1,508 65 'n .....93 11.116 1Il1.50 Dz:ta PrOceIs.Equl...,t ..,.Iract Tax DeductIon Charts Absco NY Te'ephone Co. service-Jan. Jamal ea Food Co. 42.30 Gr~ ~ EI.ctrlc-l1/ZS-12/21170 Instructlon~' Supplies Auto Parts (lueens Farms O"lry Inc. 169.73 ,67.97 257.54 Ele~tronlc Suppl ••' Wlrlm.a T.... t. HY \la te r So rv Ice S.or. "'lc~ga-Jen. UFI Oust Control System LILCO 13.68 35.00 69.95 71,8ft 16.25 Instruct tonal Suppll •• 172.60 I" 820.00 Burroughs Corp. Rent~i-B~kkeeplng nechlnet,Sept.eNoV. 289. LIL(O Se!~lco-Gas & ElectrIc 1'110-1/71 )116.50 Honeywell Inc. Rental-Dote Proce.slng Eqpt.~. .2SS.1tO Sargent-WeIGh ScientIfic Practical Nursing Supplies .4.00 National League Nursing Inc.Achlevement Tests 38.08 .. 8ehrer-Nason Co. Freeport Lock .. Key Modorn School Supplies P K Supply Co. Cameo Supply Co. Kearney Business ••chlnes Jllllaica Food CO. Custodial Suppll .. Lock Set Stationery SUpp' , •• Ccanerclal Art Suppl ••• Cosmetologv $vpp'l- 27.50 257.16 77.50 SO. 02 Rentlll-offlce Hac:hlne ••,.W 15.00 InstrJCtlona1 SuppU.. . 162,10 carried for.ret ~.1',81,.,76'. 19 BOARD OF COOPE~~TIVE E~UCATIONAL SERVICES Pg. 13 of 31 Nassau County, New York No. 13 GENERAL FUND WARRANT - • February 1971 Ck.No. Progt_ .. S\f 57507 508 510 SW SV SW 512 DP ,509 511 513 514 SI5 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 • * 528 529 530 531 532 '-* $\I CP EE VI VI VI VI PG VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI 533 VI VI VI S44 NW ep 534 EE 535 536 ttI.CC CC 537 DP 538 N\I 539 $40 CC OE 541 PS 542 CC 543 545 546 547 : .Slt8 549 5S0 551 .S52 AE CC CC CC HW CC CC CC Peser1pth", l?ayee. fa 1.814,763.19 Brought Forward 52.10 FInk BakIng Corp. InstructIonal Supplies 60).10 Balnbrldge,Klmpton,Haupt Stationery S~pplles lS.90 Lafayette Commercial Sales El.ct~lc Supplies 85.26 P K Supply Co. ConIMrclal J\rt Supplies 58.11 Patterson Bros. Auto Body Shop Suppllo 439.55 J.L.Hammett Co. Stationery Supplies 65.82 Holt Rinehart&' WInston HAPPY WAY TO NUftJERS, Hath Texts 11.88 Robert Slater lilleage-Jan. 103.87 Hlrlam Schwartz "I'eage-Jan. Elsa Proud G. Arfa H. Lobell Hal Koster Esther Hirschhorn E. Sachs I. Feldhe.m tn '.age-Jan. 68.28 Mll.age-Jan. 59.16 19.68 83.64 62.16 , 15.92 Hlleage-Jan. HII ••ge-Jan. MI1 ••ge-l0/22-1/21 E. Permut H. carter B. Baff H. Rapport C. Holkln ,<t.leage-Jan. Mileage-Jan. Mileage-Jan. Mileage-Jan. ilileage-Jan. Mileage-Jan. Hlleago-Jan. V. Katz Hlleage-Jan. E. Sabin Hileage-Jan. H. Grover Hll eage-Jan. C. Chorllan Hlleage-Jan. Hlleage-Jan. H'Ieuge-Dec. 62.47 99.12 81.00 81.36 97.04 66.41 87.24 51.80 ltS.12 ltlt.68 130.80 K. Nathan 54.64 C. Chorllan Harcourt Brace So Horld Inc. I WJRK BY MYSELF, Social StudioS Texts 741.04 392.00 Dick Blick Arts .. Crafts 1,203.50 Trl-Had Surgical Co. Health Supplies" Equipment 169.56 Pro PlastIcs Sheets of PllltlG 310.47 Kimball Systems Data P~sslng Supplies 190.58 Rocklyn Surgical Supply Co.Nurslng Supplies 32.35 Hertz RenLiA Truck Truck Rentol-12/16/70 7.50 American Forestry Assn. Institutional Subscription 88.00 Helen Houston Air Fare Expenles-(Recrult) 8.66 Brodhead Garrett Co. FORGING' WELDING 60.00 Heado\4:)rook Paper Co. Custodial Supplies 137.21 Goodheart-~Ii J Icox Co. MODERN REFRIGERATION' AIR COND. Texts 35.40 Industrial Service Co. Refrigerator Repaired 45.38 Conservation Gas Co. Propane Gas for Hanger Nl 9.50 Conde Nast PublicatIon Institutional Subscription 265.00 Harry Fischer Plumbing Repairs 213.00 3" Co. Data Processing Sjppll.s lS.80 ,r,aybar Electric Co. G.E. Lamps 572 .§6 Snap-on Tools Corp. Tools Carried Forward BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, New York No. 13 GENERAL. FUNDWARMNT • February Ck.No • . Program SSS CC CC CC CC CC 5Se NW 57553 SS4 5S6 557 SSg $60 561 562 563 56ft 565 S66 567 S68 569 570 571 CC CC CC NW .., cc cc 85 AO OE OE OE OE 572 Various PS .573 DO 574 TR 575 TR 576 Tft 577 DO 578 S79 DO DO 581 TR.BI 580 582 583 584 585 S86 587 S88 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 S96 591 .598 PS PO CC EE OE CC IA OE OE OE BI cc V. .lous TR VarIous BI.TR Various pj.~ ,4 of 31 1971 Payee AmoUnt Descrletlon Brought Forward $ 1.882,011.31 McKnight" McKnight PHOTO OFFSET ~DAMENTALS. TEXTS 427.50 Modem School SupplIes Stationery Supplies 97.95 Lafayette Commercial Sales E'ect~lc Supplies 22.25 Creco Company Inc. Custodial Supplies 163.60 Nassau Electrical Supply Electrical Supplies 183.25 114.59 School Health Supply First Aid Supplies Modern School Supplies Water Color Sets Sonocraft Corp. Photography EquIpment Glendale Optical Co. Safety Glasses Acme Datagraphlc Systems Data Processing Supplies Interstate Drug Exchange Nursing Supplies Hebard Metro Dental Co. Dental Assistant Suppll •• , Eqpt. Tralnex Practical Nursing Suppl'e. News day LCJ~l Ads Nassau Community Press Co. Institutional Subscription Piper Temporary Persl. Clerical Services-Jan. Conde Nast Publishing JOBS IN ECOLOGY Gastetner Corp. DuplIcating Supplies Robert J. Brady Co. Pine Hili Crystal Water Lawyers Co-operatfve Educational Performance 2.70 67.50 1,037.00 281.70 6.25 352.65 225.00 18.05 3.00 115.38 .35 75.30 \lARD CLERK Drinking Water-Dec. NY CONSOLIDATED LAWS Psych. Kit Journal for Special Ed. Institutional Subscription Institutional Subscription Supt. of Documents Children's House Hagazlne Institutional Subscription Willow House Publisher TEACHER SPANKS JOHNNY. Reading TMtl Syracuse Un 1va rs I ty Press TEACH ING HETHOD fOR BI Grune "Stratton Inc. BRAIH INJURED CHILO NY "ater Service Dlv. Service-Dec. American f1anagement Assn. STATISTICS fOR HAHAGERS 18H Corp. Grand Hachlnery Exchange South Shore Dredging Co. A. Hodderno State U.-Plantlng Fields Stevenson Pr+ntlng Co. Nell Lash Fred Gramet N. Johannessen Returned Bid Deposit 70/71-122 Hll_go " Expenses-Jan. Rent-O/l/70-7/31/71 StatIonery Supplies ;11 leage-Jan. 7.40 8.56 90.10 42.05 14.52 33.55 200.00 1,261.93 45.00 8,721.00 SerlI ce-Dec. " Jan. Fo~ard 65.62 19.08 35.04 ,..Ileage-Jan. Carried 7.00 4.00 67.50 .\lleage-Jan. Clerlc:.1 ServIces-Jan. 10.50 5.40 5.00 200.00 25.00 134.76 1,000.00 Electrical Supplies Sprinkler System-I/I-12/31111 American Express Expenses-Jan. 3M Business Prod. Sales Rental-Oup\lcatlng ~chlne-Jan. BOCES-3rd Supervisory Dlst.Servlces-Sopt.-Nov. 1970 Tempo ServIces Ltd. 22.15 51.99 Typewrl ter Repal red SprlnWer System-I/I .. 12/3"71 Aetna Electric Dlst.Corp. Westbury Water District NY Telephone Co. 9.60 'c 1.190.08 106 • 34 $ 1,898,855.10 99, 15 Bo.o.RO C~ COOi'EAAT i VE ~!'!l'.;,\T ImlA~. 5~RV ICES Nassau Coun.ty, Hew York • No. 13 GEN£,RAL rm:D. W.'\RRI\JIT • february 1971 Ck.No. Disc:r Iptl an program . $ 1,898,855. 10 Brought Forward tt 57599 Va"'rlous BOCES-Fnyrol1 Net Ace!. 600 Various Trust & Ag9ncy Fund 601 602 603 6fl1t 60S 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 • of 3~ 614 611 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 ES ES 00 ES ES ES ES ES ES ES RO EE ES ES ES ES ES ES ES FG 625 RD PG PG SR SR 627 628 SR FS 623 624 626 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 .641 640 FG FG VOID FS RD CP VC EE EE EE VC VC VC EE T'.~nsfer from Genera1 Fund to Pay- lt66,0114.77 roll Net Acct. endIng 2/15/71 Transfer from General Fund to Trust 163,535.51 and Agancy Fund (wlthholdlngs) ending 2/1S/71 Oup11~~r.'n9 Machines 999.00 (wtt~holdtnss) Boll &. HO\-I411 L.l.\loans Co. \. *' _ ... ~ .... r ~,..... •• .»"" . .. -", .. " t .-<; • • ., ~ ~ .... ,~ Superior Rc3taurant Eqpt. G. Sm'th 5- Sons Otto Schml dt 6- Son AI Saffer £. Co. Royal Typawrlter Co. St~"~ie,:\ory Supplies ~~;r.l Supplies 673.26 8.80 Kitc;,cn EquIpment A~!t~ Supplies Stnt lonery Supplle. IfB.OO 20.85 22.62 HortIculture SupplIes 13"-50' TYilo~<lr i to r Rape I red ti~r~:::F.. ,.,.J.ITl,..'ETIC, Textbooks Ir.~tt~;utlonal Subscription F~E. Richards Publishing Popular S:lcnce Peak Trn~cl Servlco pr:; Industdas NY T!m~s Co. 13 •00 252.46 4."0 At ,. Fure-Hr. Tanzman. OetroltIC1 • •1ond· 162.00 P~!.lt " su:,!pl1es 21.04 2 •95 tU.Hl\NI\C ~"';1h P.'!gl star Repal red 97.00 National C~!lh Raglstoli;:p8S 15.60 Hurlyn Ed. Prod.Co,~. nISTO~'( O~ THE WORLD, Soc.Studles Books 65.7" HeGr.r.·, Hill Book Co. DES 'G"S IU FICTIONt,etc. lJJ.1f(J Hac.1lI11 en Co. oupll cotlr.g Supplies 15.00 Keenl(!Y nu:;tncss Hach'ne i~stltutlon.l Subscription 5.95 Johnson ~~ilshlng Co. r. ilm LlbrDry Relocated 1,602.00 George's K.lS:iengar Hoving n.leago-Jcn. ".56 Thcmr.!l Hulc~hQy til lc3ge-Jan. 8.64 Joen 8ar:~'lr T~chnlcal Service-Jan. 9.25 D. \111 kl nee.r Conr.ulten~-J8n. 100.00 John To r:{{';) Consultant-Jan. 100.00 Film Scp~1ics 54.00 Hur~yn Ed .. :~rod.Corp. Cons 100.00 t tl tant ...Jen. "I d\t alD. 9 rC'lIno ProjQct~.1 Repaired 25.00 Slns~r Grnf'l~~Jlne. ',!... ~:t,;'~ Serviced 60.80 Gcot:ycor Se:-vlce Stores North Arn~rl~~~ Fhllt ..s Avis CCt, Ft 1n13 ; nc. ~..'ne r I enn ro~ md. -8 I 'nd Co. H.S.Scott Inc. Li1ng~' 5 Har~'1are &. Pa Int Richerd Mott Perceptual R;!medJatlon Ea.Pu~lishln9 Co. MSS Sci ence KJ t t 'nc. Amerlcon Plych.Assn. *Expenses encumbored prior to 7/1/70 E'~~~~i~~l ~upplles .... , · . .·~oJ -I"'r • '" T"n-n Ii" . ._ , r.....···~-'4 .... ,wi .. 5.68 Albuquorqlvw f\':~~ 10'; 1!'Jl\ 1 SUDpllos \'!!{I',T 00 YO'J DO AI'::5 Co Crafts I:nrct.·!t~ro Supplies Inter ".gency Council "resting Supplies Carried ron..-"rd 32.35 6.00 205.70* 27.63 for Handlcap.-l/21 5.00 100.55 2.62 100.38 14.40 VIS~'LLV LIMITED CHJLD Sctence Equipment Pr.ych.Tcstlng 16.61 ;: ., $2.533.754.16 P9. 16 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE ECU·:ATIONAL SERV ICES Nassau County. NeW York f'" !"'. ~. OiL No. 13 GENERAL FUND WARPANT. • of 31 February 191' Ck.No. 576'f2 643 6lt4 6ftS 646 61+7 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 -~ 664 66S 666 661 668 669 670 611 672 673 674 675 676 617 678 619 680 681 682 683 68t. 685 686 ,;J P!!Sr. EE EE CP VC AC YC VC EE EE EE VC OE ES DO ES DO 00 ES ES OE,DO HS HS ES E8 ES ES ES ES VOID ES ES ES ES OE ES ES HS,ES HS ES ES OE ES OE ES ES ES CC Payee LILCO Town of Oyster Bay CCH, Cambosco Inc. Scope-Suffolk Ed.Center J.L. Hammett Co. Benefic Press Acropo tis Books Lafayette Commercial sales UFI Dust ContrGl System R. DollOff Industr.a' Home for Blind Gray Electric Inc. Hllbro Inc. Hertz Corp. IBM Corp. HIcks Nurserlos Inc. Jamaica Foods Co. Adam Hatal Supply Aetna Electric Dlst. A",.y Inc. Alann Device Amer.Sch.Health Assn. Ar~ Electronics Arrow .e1dlng Supply Co. Baldwin Paper Co. Hurary Bert ram , Son Chantr.11 Electric Supply Council for Ex.Chlldren Descrh?ttan Brou9l't Forward Gas' ElectrIc-DeC. Bubb Is" Remova 1-Nov • #: ~Ht r , ... t - AIIOtInt J ,;533,75'*. 16 1,104. '8 Science EttUlpaent SENSORY MOTOR PERCEPTION StatIonery SupplIes HOW WE GET OUR HAIL, series HOW TO LIVE wlm YOUR SPECIAL CHILD Electronic Supplies Service-Sept. Inter Agency Councl' for Handicap. 1/21 Visual AId Supp11es Electrical Work Waxer Repa • red Truck Rantal-June , July Ribbons Horticulture Supplies Instructlona1 Supplies "'ata I Shop Supp' 'e. ElectrIcal Supplies Horticulture SupplIes Alarm System InstItutional Subscription Electronic Supplies Oxygen , Acetylene Tanks Duplicating Paper Fire Extinguisher Recharged Projection Lamps Institutional Subscription 64.65 17.04 5.00 21,4.36 18.68 1.95 13.59 18.68 5.00 10.50 245.00 21.15 695.13 49.19 505.00 583.30 111.95 534.69 SIt. 60 140.60 15.00 89.42 3.00 390.04 12.75 59.60 5.00 99.03 Auto Supplies Durham Co. 33.60 Lumbor Dykes Lumber Co. 182.52 Auto Body Supplies Eutect Ic Corp. 151.55 Floor Covorlng Tiles Fashion Floors Inc. 15.78 Instructional Supplies Fink Baking Corp. 89.50 Follett Library Book Co. Ell HKITNEY. Social Studl .. Teats 86.00 Custodial SupplIes Freeport I ron Horks 260.20 Health Supplies Trl-Ked Surgical Co. 19.32 Health Supplies School Health Supply 1.423.50 Audiovisual Supplies' Equipment A-V Communications 845.75 DINING OUT SKILL. Texts Special Service Supply 320.18 Instructional Supplies Cunningham Bros. 4,107.75 Andover Protective Service Security Servlces-Sept.-Oec. 1910 127.03 Instructional Supplies Hid Island Whlse Fruit 60.95 Ditto Dlvlslon/Be11 & Howell Dupllcetlng '-tachlne Repaired 1,13' .30 custodial Supplies I. Janvey " Sons 65.61 Service-Dec. UFI Dust Control System ~116 Relmb.Potty cash Arthur Side $ 2,540,167.59 Carried forward . t"": .~. - ' .... U • 8MRD OF COOPERATIVE EOUC.\TIONAL SERVICES Nassau County. • • ek.No,. OE 69'+ 695 6g6 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 7f'J4 10S 706 C709 710 711 lIZ 8S VarIous FP Various as " .,. fG JI8 71' RO 726 727 na 729 710 731 .~ 734 Davis El.ct~lC6 Corp. Ste, •• GraphlG AD RD 722 723 724 725 . fIG PI nl A. rort_gang Webt r "D.Kaya Inc. Joe Beck Inc. Mlntol- Lithographer. 116 720 IBM Corp. Plpc., Temporary Persl. IS FI fIG fA 717 RI dward Ornaue, NYS School Board Assn. S.S.Pennock Co. Newt day 8$ S'ncter IBM Corp. 85 Paul Neff TV Dalton Levy PI ....,; Travel Service RO hlewln Paper Co. PO Arh.nd p,tnt In9 Co. PG Dort et Ccmpos ttl oft PG PG . Sehlk GraphIcs pc; Oor$et eo.putype Hodt'rn Leamlng Aids RD 7'3 7.4 715 Oeser I et Jon 'to9'''' 691 693 110. 13 February 1971 AO 692 Pg. 17 of 31 York GENEPAL FUND. WARRANt 57689 690 New t.,J rowe r. CheIDco Inc. Atl.ntlc Towel ServIce H. (onstantlne MeG,-., 1411' Book Co. Cent,al Photo career Temp. T. iulcahey Ed. Cohen NY Co. Unlforca Tempor.rle. RO SOrT leo Ltbaw TV PV John Guthrie Hlrt In Llebenun TV Joseph SellOn III RD PG H " F Taxi Inc. HE OoIlnlck Hupo Glyr Evans H. Hoffman IS,PG DP AO 8S $ 2.SIaS.167.S9 Brought Forward 200.00 Advence-AASA Canf. 2120-23.12 EOUCATION LAW 118.75 Flora' Supplies 38.17 TypewrIters Repatred 124.25 Secretarial ServIces-Jan. 21.64 Add I t Ion. 1 tfeal th Insurance Refund Legal Ads J. 81ue Gastetner Corp. 3" Euslne.s Prod.Salo, F,,,,ces Soslk 33.25 Add' n9 HaCh Ine ..,.; reel 22.85 RIbbons bpenses-Jan. lS.2S Hl1eage S. E"pens•• -Jan. AI t fa ... ·ltt • KM:ter.Conlu'tant Lithography Supp".' Course Cards 8ROCttURES-OFFICE OF PERSONNEL PrInting Eqpt. repel red SIX1lI ANMU\L STAfF HEETI ... IROCHUIES Visual Aid Supplies Elect~lc Supplle, Audiovisual Supplle. Office Furniture PARENTS DID YOU KNCII Bu,lnell Cards Lithography Suppll •• Towel S.rvlce-Oct.-o.c. Rolmb.bpenses Rent-to ..... FI1m Photography Supplies Clerical Services-Dec. Mileage-Oct.-Jan. Hl1 '" Jan. Sea.ons Country Club All Instltute-2/1-,. Fac)Iltl., RO PV AD FOUl • Servlco-Jan. Clerical Services-Nov. HII.age-Nov. , Dec. HIleago-Hov. '" Oec:. "Ilcage-Dec. " An. Mlleage·Jan. In-Service Instltute-Expen5es-Fo~~ Transportation 5ervIClI-K.Kock 12." 187.82 54.00 1,801.8' 1,186.00 64.00 17.20 32.00 20.00 75.63 5.itO 471.50 7S1t.OO 26.20 299.02 60.00 9.75 82S.00 396.25 192.50 25.68 62.68 1.885.00 9.1". 1t4.85 11.52 38.76 16.32 2.40 15.00 20.00 Relmb.Expenses-JZI3-2/6 111.00 112.7" 230.16 Klleage " Expens.s-DeC. It Jln. ServIces-Office of Info....tlon·..,. lt4C).OO DuplicatIng Supplies Lf thographv Suppl'OI lilleago-Jan. Carried Forward 53.60 Bz6l r Pg. IS of 31 0' ~ BOARD OF COOPEPATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, Hew York • February 1971 ... Ck.Mo. . Program 57735 736 737 730 739 740 741 CP VC EE EE EE CP Ee 742 VC "'3 744 EE 745 7't6 747 7JMJ 749 750 751 • E£ VI CP CP VI ES ES ES 152 ES 754 ES 753 ES 755 ES ES 756 757 758 ES ES ES 759 760 ES 761 ES ES ES ES 762 763 764 76S 766 ES ES 769 ES ES 767 768 ES 770 771 772 773 ES ES ES ES "4 775 ES ES ES 776 777 778 779 • Ho. t3 GENERAL FUHD.WAIUWtI . !-<4 ;"' 780 ES ES OE Va,lou$ *EKpenses Adirondack Chair Co. H.W. \llIson CO. Claire Schlf~n Robert Slater Scott Foresman & Co. Roosevelt Hardware Scholastic Hagazlnes Inc. Alsn.Ed.Vlsually Handlcap. Herbert FeIngold NY Telephone Co. E. Hal lett ~ilelge-Jan. Balnbrldge,Kimpton.Haupt Corinne norris Pater SmIth H. Levine NY Telephone Co. Cunningham Bt<OS. Kraft Foods 8roadhol1ow Farm Products T~I-i~d Surgical Co. iilnn. Levine Postmaster IDrdoc~'s Wurzbacher Assn. Inc. i-tlneol. Plumbing Supply Schultz Novolty 'Sporting Dur-A P~ucts Fred Schilling" Son Orange Front Paint Supply NY Telephone Co. I.Edward Brown. Inc. Factory "Yard tnc. Eelmer Sanl tary Supply Co. NY Telephone Co. T. Kowa 1ski Halbro Inc. Stanley Home Prod. Inc. Groller Ed.Corp. Gener~ 1 "aiding Corp. LILCO H.U. \1l1son Co. NY Telephone Co. Kearney Buslness Hachlnes Clarence Boeker WE Transport en~red $ 2.5S8.se3.75 61.90 5.00 SOUNDS I t.1\H HEAR, English Textl Portable Fan Reading Kits InstItutional Subscription Ralmb.Petty Cash ServIce-Jan. til leage-Jan. 123.74 4.68 141. 72* 29.95 287.00* 6.00 93.22 63.88 82.41 Perfo~ce-Noy. 15.00 920.64 111 '.age-Jan. Mlleage-Nov.-Jan. 59.22 i41Ieage-Dec. Servlce .. Jan. 26.28 Stationery SupplIes 1'.20 501.83 Instructional Supplies 376.81 Instructional Supplies 32.49 Instructional Supplies 55.lt8 Health Supplies 13.50 MENTAL HEALnt ASSN.COHF.I/18 6.50 Stamp. 60.00 Application FOnDS 7.13 Woodshop Supplies 107.00 Ph'!Dlng Supplies 9S.70 Gym Supplies 28.80 Custodl~1 SuPPlies 33.99 Hardware Supplies 102.93 Paint 50.73 Service-Jan. 8.96 Custodial Supplies S.12 Custodl at Supplies 56.00 Custodial Supplies 81.40 Servl ce .. Jan. 9.01 Relmb. Potty Cash 34. 10 Custodial Supplies 56.25 Custodial Supplies 27.24 READING ATTAIH.WtT SYSTEMS 76.25 Oxygen & Acetylene Tanks 41.20 Gas" Electrle Serftcc-Nov. 2,351.10 Institutional Subscription 12.00 Service-Jan. l' .42 Stotlonery Supplies C. Offtce Hech. 150.00 ACLD Conf.-3/18-20, Rele,.,.&Reglstratlon 41.00 00 Transportation-Jan. Carried Fo~ard prior to 7/1/70 lilt Brought Forward Office Furniture Library Cards Conf. Expenses-2/1-4. 8uffalo JFK Ctr.,Perfonhfng Arts u.s. Description 1.399. $ 2.566.319.99 ( ..·\ ....t It. ;# U • BOARD OF COOPE~,\T'VE EDUCATIONAL SEllVICES Nassau County, New York • Ck.No. 57781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 791 793 794 795 796 797 798 199 800 aOl 802 803 804 80& 808 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 • Pg. 19 of 31 _ . ' February 1971 • • " No. 13 GENERAL FUND WARRANT - t 4 825 826 Program Payee Description Mount $ 2,566,319.99 Brought Forward 37,528.50 Transpoetation-Jan. 1,080.00 VariouS we Transport Inc. Transportation-Jan. Syosset Transportation 828.00 Various Transportation-Jan. R D Transportation Corp. 11,1165. 00 Various Transportation-Jan. Jay Dee Transportat Ion 3,600.00 OE Transportation-Jan. Jay Dee TransportatIon 9,421.40 Various Transportation-Jan. Jay Dee Transportation 367.20 Various Transportation-Jan. Jay Dee Transportat t on 21,360.60 V•• tOUI Transportation-Jan. Tonfor T:-eftsportatlon 3.75 VariOus · Institutional SubscrIptIon Supt. of Documents 15.00 TR Hlla8gG-Jan. Simon Laskowltz 63.25 81 offtce Supp 11 as Otto Schml dt " Son 147.33 BI Secretarial Servlce~ .. Jan. Piper Tempo Pers 1. 84.60 OE,FP Hileage-Aug. "Sept. C1 arenee Becker 56.16 OE i",lleage-Jan. Ph 111 P Forg8sh 16.00 FP n' Haterlals 1/25 Workshop-Instructlon R. Welnroth 24.57 OE ;.u lGage " Expenses-Jan. E. Hd\anuS 11.16 DO Ul1eage-Jan. A. Raisch 60.lt8 OE Re 1mb. Expenses-Oec. Jerry Loe~r 20.00 tA Football OfflGlal Bruce Bardes 64.36 fA ,tl 'eage-Jan • iii rl am Holden 36.68 LI Relab.Expenses-Jan. Henry Plcar.111 DO 31.9' Carpentry Supplies Dykes Lunaer Co. 101.03 FP Stationery Supplies Capital Stationery Corp. 10.00 fA Instltutlona' ilemborshlp Council Practical Nurse 3.00 DE InstItutional SubscrIptIon Long Is'and Independent 33.36 AO i1lIeage-Jan. Edwa rd \4h I to 406.25 OE Carpentry Supplies Boro Hall Lumber Co. 225.72 TR,BI Cle rl ca' Sorv Ices-Jan. Tempo ServIces Ltd. ':85.06 ES Custodial Servlcos-Jan. Handy Andy Labor 63.00 ES Clerl~l Services-Jan. Unlforce TemporarIes 55.00 tM Audiovisual Eqpt. A-V Communications Inc. 38.9S AO OffIce Furnishings Sears RoebuGk " Co. 12.12 AO ioU leage-Jan. Robo rt \'Ia rron 18.60 FP i-tl leage-Jan. Jack Ho 111 ns 99.28 FP RoI... Petty Cash Arthur Side CC 483.01 VOID Rental-Feb. Data Procoss.Eqpt. Mal Equipment Corp. 250.00 DP Rental-Sept.-Nov. Data process.Eqpt. Vernltron DP 399. 48 Animal Ca~ Supplies AfJllay Inc. 57.90 CC Data Processing Eqpt.Repalred Inc. Heidelberg Eastern 104.00 CC Clerical Servlces-2/8-11 Roche11e Carra 26.64 DP in leage-Jan. F. Hastronardl 23.76 CC Mlleege-Jan. J. Fields 1,050.00 cc Rental-Feb. Data Process.Eqpt. Univac 126.00 DP Rental-Jan. Data Process.Eqpt. 88.00 IBH Corp • CC 011 Bumer serviced &. repal red empire Industrial Service CC $ 2,656,366.10 carried forward r· BOARD Of' COOPERl\TIVE Eot;(;:\ilONAl SERVICES Nassau County, New York r-' No. 13 GENERAL FUHDWARRANt • 1IoA.f Pg. 20 of 31 ol~ February 1971 Ck.No. 57827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 Pros"', DP CC,OP CC tM ec OP DP CC DP ttl W ec DP 839 840 CC 841 Various 842 CC VOID 843 844 Various CC,DP 845 CC 846 DP • 84 7 BItS DP CC 849 CC 850 DP 851 DP 052 CC 853 CC 854 CC 85S CC 856 DP 857 SW 858 HE 859 S\I 860 SU 861 862 HE SW 863 SE 864 5\01 865 SW 866 SW 867 868 SW SlI 869 SE 870 5W 871 5\01 .72 Payee DUcrletlon Amount $ 2.656,366.10 Brought Forward 38.88 TypewrIter RIbbons IBM Corp. 762.41 Servi ce-Jan. NY Telephone Co. 379.40 Custodial SupplIes I • Janvey ~ Sons 418.64 StatIonery" Duplicating Supplies Otto Schml dt &. Son 41.00 Name PIns uniform Fashion Center 372.it8 Stock Ti;) Paper Moore Bus t ness Forms 70.80 Acme Datagraphlc Systems Stoci, Tab Paper 51.75 Rented Heater for Hangar III A to Z Rental Center 266.60 Stock Tab Paper Hoore Bust ness Forms 167.91 Stationary Supplies L.L.Heans Co. 47.10 Impress Ion Roller Replaced D. \laldnar 15.00 Typewriter Repal red Royal Typewr. ter Co. 66.26 Hlleage-Nov."Jan. :41 chao I A. Dunnagan 116.02 Babylon i'btor Truck Corp. Dleset Supplle. 3,791.61 Northville Industries Co. Fue' 01' -Dec. 20.00 Rubbish Removal-Jan. AtomIc CartIng Co. VI rg'nla Colgan ISH Corp. NY Telephone Co • Berkshire Business Fonns Roberts PrInting Co. LI Bottle Gas Pine Hill Crystal Water Optical Scanning Leasing RJ chard KI nnay Bell" Howett Continental Coffoo Co. At RI chter. Inc. Olivetti Corp. Rache lie Carra Frank 818110 Glyn Evans VI'1age of Freeport Oak Point Creamerlos Absco Cunningham Bros. State Linen Service A. Sciuto Dr. J. Mulskl B '" B Food Service Prod. LI Rubbish Removal Corp. NY Telephone Co. NY Water Service Colvin Hotor Parts Nucleonic Corp. 179.47 Relmb.Petty Cash Re"tal-Jan. Data P~••• Eqpt. Service-Jan. Payroll Forms Payroll Checks Bottled Gos Drinking Water Rental-Feb. Data Procels.Eqpt. NVSEIS Conf.-l/25 01 tto Hechtn. Ropal red Instructional Supplies InstructlonD1 Supplies Calc;ulator Tape Clerical Servlces-2/1-5 Ream,Petty Cash Re IRIb • Pet ty Cash El.ctrl~ ServIce-Dec. Instructional Supplies Auto Body Shop Supplies Instructional Supplies Servi ce-Oct. £. Nov. Hileage-Jan. Relmb. Petty Cash KI tc.hen Eqpt. Rubbish ~val-Jan. Service-Jan. Serv ice-Jan. Auto Body Shop SuppJ les X-r:,y Film tarrIed forward 508.00 9.38 395.04 2it4.20 23.76 18.00 888.00 31.51 30.10 24.56 166.94 15.75 130.00 111.33 g1.58 527.24 44.78 110.69 131.53 224.20 95.35 79.61 30.00 50.00 308.72 21.04 1.060.32 U· 25 ; $ 2.668.572.77 ,... 1-... Pg. 21 of 31 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EOUCAT I()N,\L S£RV ICES Nassau County, New York February '971 Ck.No. . . . .r .. 57873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 8g0 891 892 893 • 894 895 896 897 898 898 VOID SW SE SE SE SE $\I ME SW SE $V NE,SE SW ME AO AO DO 901 FG 902 ES £5 904 ES ES 906 ES AO PO 90S 907 908 ~~909 SW 910 911 912 SR 913 914 91S 916 917 918 Payee. Descrlet Ion .. Amount $ 2.668.572.77 Brought Forward 250.93 Various Educational Resources Inc. Tapes 3.50 SE East Meadow Levlt.,lne. Cesspool Cover 235.90 SE Kennedy Floort"9 Co. Floor TIles 15.95 SE Cameo Supply Co. Cosmetology Supplies 50.00 HE E , 0 Sanitation RubbIsh Removal-Jan. 223.98 SW Hebard Metro Dental Co. Dental AssIstant SupplIes 91.60 HE Nassau Electric Supply Electrical SupplIes 99.00 SW Rocklyn SurgIcal Supply Folding Screen 61.50 HE Star Uniform Rental Wiping Towe's 50.12 SW Consolidated Laundries LInen Rental-Jan. (PractIcal NursIng) 20.10 SV Village of Freeport· Water-Oet.-Dec. 900 903 e u.n No. 13 GENERAL FUND: WARRANT • .r~-" PV 85 AO TR 00 DO PS PS Consolidated Laundries Linen Rental-Jan. (Cosmetology) Claire Hoade Mlleage-Sept.-Feb. Glenn Hltchell Uanuels Inc.lnstltutlona' Subscription George We J Is , Edward S Inmons Hlleage".-oy. -Jan. Joan Grimaldi "Ileage-Nov.-Feb. Rosemary Pronnls Hileage-Jan. Morris aangel "'leage-Sept.-Jan. Yohn OUfify Hlleage-Dec. So Jan. Freeport Lock' Key Locks Repal red State Linen Service Linen Rental-Jan. Metropolitan linen Service linen Rental-Jan. Trl-Had Surgical Co. Nursing Supplies John J. Gonnley Hileage & E~pensel-J.". Betty Weiland Ralmb. of Expenses-Feb. J.l.Hammett Co. RollOut Files Jay Louis 8-0 Office SupplyStatlonery Supplies Duffy Equipment Snow Removal-Jan. LI Locksmith, Supply Co. Lock' Keys Janowski's Hamburgers Instructional Supplies I.Janvey , Sons Custodial Supplies Ben Goldin Inc. Plumbing Supplies Myron E. Hoffman Services-Office of 'n'o. 2/1 .. 10 Frank Cannata UFSO H9 Freeport Purchase from Freeport-Inventory Music In Variety ADrfo~r5PerfonDInces- Floral Park I...nkuta Bros. Rubber Stamp5 capl ta 1 Stat ionery Stat lonery Supplies Roye 1 TypewrJ ter Co. Typewrl ter Brodhead Garrett Co. Carpentry Supplies Consultant-Jan. Or.Fred Hess Or. Henry Colella tilleage-Jan. Tempo Servlcos C1erical Services-Jan. Equity Advertising Ageoey Classified Ads Carried Forward *Expensel encumbered prior to 7/1/70 52.40 '0.08 60.00 106.00 38.16 )6.00 7.20 91.24 )8.32 21.00 112.70 96.95 '7.10 26.78 18.48 219.12* 44.91 165.00 180.00 103.20 449.67 150.43 320.00 1fS.12 14,561.65 200.00 14.10 609.43 208.65 54.15 75.00 19.92 128.33 88~.78 BOARD OF COOPE~~TIVE lDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, New York No. 13 GENERAL .FUND \-IAARAHT • Feb ruaty 1971 DescrIptIon Payee • Brought Forward Robert Bent ''lY Inc. 57919 920 AC gil AO 922 AO 00 S2] 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 S31 938 939 940 941 • gl.2 943 9.r.4 945 946 DO BS AO FP 8S OE DO CD DE OE QE OE :\0 ES 00 TR DO AO AO AO AO AO AO AD 949 OE DE AO ES S53 BI,TR 00 555 Various 956 Various 957 81 958 959 960 961 962 963 • 964 Teacher servIces-Sept.-Dec, Instltutlona' subscrIption InstItutIonal Subscription NatIonal Ed.Assn. RECREATION FOR 11IE MENTA\. RETARDED Seymour tI. KlIgler,Esq. II TR 954 5.18 821.86 OR.HCI4TESSORI HANDBOOK UFSO '16, Elmont oceanside Beacon Fannlngdale Post Servlee-Jan. InstItutIonal subscrIption Carpentry Supplies News day Lega' Ads D. 51 'bersteln Hlleage-Jan. Henry PI care 'II nl teage-Jan. AmerIcan Guidance ServlC' Psych Test Kit Supt. of Documents Instltutlona' SubscriptIon Buteau of Labor Statistics PUBLICATIOH FIlm a Month Filmstrip L.L. \Ieans Co. VInyl 81nders Bt 1R VC EE VC CP CP Ann Ganley BehavIor Today Co'wnb 18 RIbbon "Carbon Developmental LearnIng Scope Hew York Times Bethpage TrIbune 1Bil Corp. Great Neck NOWI Nassau Star Garden City Ne~ AmerIcan Psych.Assn, 8est-Rl te Pen Corp. Piper Tempo Porsl. Frederick tn I lor The Observer Inc. Handy-Andy Labor ealn Industrial Servlco Council for Ex.Chlldren D.Waldner East Isle Printing 3.50 4.00 2.25 15.98 3.50 36.25 49.40 Arts" Crafts supplies DIRECTORY 'nstltutlona' Subscription Inltltutlonal subscription Ribbons Instltutlona' Subscrlpt10n Institutional Subscription Institutional SubscrIptIon Instltutlona' subscrIption Component Pen Parts Secretarial Services-Jan. Consultant-Oct.-Dec. Instltutlona ' subscrIption Custodial Services -Jan. OIl Burner Serviced Institutional Subscription Office Furniture Stationery Supplies Harper & Row Pub 11shlns WORDS FOR A DEAF DAUGHTER Sign Craft Engraving Co. Gestetner Corp. lear Siegler T.S. Denison & Co. '8" Corp", L.L.Weans Co. Harcourt,Brace So Uorld Desk Sign Stencils GETTING A JOB.etc, LIBRARY BULLETIN GUIDE Stationery Supplies Stationery Supplies *Expense. e~red prior ARllHHETIC TEXTS" Carried Forward tc) 7/1/70 4..20 37.20 24.69 5.50 8.40 65.00 38.30 Legal Servlces-re:Balclwln tlarbOr PIc. switchboard ServIces-Jan. Institutional Subscrlptton OJ tto ;,tasters AAlD\Int . $ 2,68&.856.02 NY Telephone Co. Hlneola American Giant Supply Corp. 947 948 950 951 952 .c 8,000. 00 19.20 10.00 87.42 241.95* 2.50 31.00 4.00 ga.91 3.50 3.00 5.00 10.00 450.00 44.38 150.00 10.00 140.18 20.82 5.00 1.488.56 ,,4.61 3.69 3.50 166.00 27,38 8.22 123.12 38.02 12~·9° $ 2,701."421.09 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCAl IONAL SERVICES Pg. 23 of 31 Nassau County t New York No. 13 GENERAL FUHO WARRANT • February 1971 Ck.No. Program Brought forward 51965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 915 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 .984 985 986 EE At EE EE VOID VOID VC AC E£ E£ EE EE EE EE EE At AC AC EE CP EE EE 987 EE AE 98g SW 988 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 SE,SW HE SE SW HE HE CC,SW SV 998 HE SE SE 001 SW 999 S8000 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 oog .010 *Expenses NE SE SE SW CC NW N\~ CC CC .~t DescrIption - 1 '$ 2.101.'-2.1.09 2.15 A-V Communications J.P. Driscoll Inc. AddIson-Wesley PublishIng Electronic City Audiovisual Eqpt. Repaired Oup 11 cat I n9 Mach ane Rape I red ELEMENTARY ARI11IHETIC TEXT8001CS Rhotography Supp 1t es 71.40 Random House. Inc. CRISIS IN THE CLASSROOM Cedco DistrIbuting Scott Foresman " Co. School Health Supply Grune ~ Stratton Inc. Sonocraft Allyn" 8acon National Georgraphlc ;~dla ~ Methods Toys 10.29 64.50 Gestetner Corp. Stan ley Bownar Co. Rand l1cNa 11 y , Co. Esther Dever Harcourt Brace ~World Alosa Plumbing" Heating Educational Activities 123.66 OUR COMMUNITY, Soclat Studle. T_t. 8.06 40.00 124.56 SERIES TEXTS Medical Assistant Equip. DISADVANTAGED CHILD AudIovisual Equipment Institutional Subscription Instltutlona' Subscription Dupllca"or Repaired Toyt: :, Ghmas Maps FREE' INEXJl£HSIVE ED.MTERIALS ADVENTURES FOR TODAY,Textbooks Heating System RepaIred Physical Ed. Supplies Uoodshop Supplies HAND800K OF FUHDNtEMTALS Continuous Forms Dykes Lumber Co. Jersey Tab Card PI",tIQOd C«.!putcr Tapes 3M Prod.Sales CO?y Hasklng Tape Standard Beauticians SupplyCosmetology Supplies Eastern Camera Commercial Art supplle. Paper Institutional Subscription Stationery Supplies aenlcure Sets ~~Jnt S~w Institutional SUbscription Paints " Supplies Paints Instructional SubscriptIon Transparencies VOCATIONAL' TECHNICAL ~PHLETS D. Waldner Stationery SuppJles ImperIal Electrical Supply Electrical Supplies Meadowbrook Paper Co. George Sad th " Sons enc~ered prior to 7/1/70 142.98 HEALTH B~head Garrett Co. Ashra. Inc. F.G.Adams Co. Advance Process Supply Dental Assistant Beckley cardy Co. Standard Beauticians Mahler. Paints Lango's Hardware CCH Professional r~9azfne Solgreen Paint , Paper Orange Front Paint Supply National Beauty Service 3" Co. Supt. of Documents 17.00 Custodial Supplies Sma 11 Eng i ne 'arts carried Forward 80.00 7.50 5.00 41.00 241.01 '18.22* 5.30* 24.35 90.00 9.50 31.48 12.00 347.20 58.11 887.30 183.40 115.20 145.00 43.36 20.00 58.24 57.60 50.00 28.H 5.50 57.40 103.80 55.95 3".25 12.65 54.05 39.46 566.00 1,1·75 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, New York • P9. 24 of 31 57!) No. 13 GEHERAL.FUtlD WARRANT February 1971 Ck.No. Prosr•. L .... Pm! Oescrlptlon ....nt $ 2.106,074.26 Brought Forward 123.72 iiach Ine Shop Supp118s Woods Mach Ine Shop CC 57011 5.00 PlAY AS LEARN ING Cornell University CC 012 110.87 Sheet 'tatal S1;op SupplIes Patterson Bros. CC 013 61.92 Ant i-Freeze Ash1and Chemical Co. 014 FP 500.00 Outdoor Ed. E~penses Edgemont Schools 00 015 in leage-Nov. -Feb. R. Dierker 016 00 169.00 HORle OF \fORK,etc. New Readers Press OE 017 16.21 Syracuse university Press TEACHING mE 81 CHILD 00 018 1,200.00 Post.go for Heter 019 Various u.s. Postmaster 20.40 ;u.todl~l Eq~lpment Re,.'red I • Janvey , Sons 020 81 S.67 StatIonery Supplle. Standard Stamp Co. OE 021 2S.00 Technology Ccnnunlcatlon InstitutIonal Subscription 00 022 81.79* AFRICA PAST' PRlSENT,Soc.Stu.8eoks Bro Dart Inc. 81 OIJ.~ 2.12 VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTIONAL Lear Sf egler OE 024 3.50 LABOR STATISTICS U.S. Dept. of Labor OE 025 9.75 Misc. Publications U.S. Goyt. PrIntIng OE 026 995.25 Record Sa'e . Diebold Inc. AO 027 21.72 ED. ~ TRAINING OF RACIAL MINORI'IES Un Iyen I ty of \11 scons In 028 OE 4.97 Hea 1th Insurance Refund 029 Varioul A. Ambrosino lZ.91 Serflce-Jan. NY Telephone Co. BS .0]0 5.00 Instltutlona' SubscriptIon Merrick Life AO 031 16.53 Card Holder. 'axton/Patterson 032 BI 4.18 Educators Pub.Servlce Inc. Language DisabIlity Tests DO 033 20.00 Nassau County Publlsh.lnc. Institutional SubscriptIon AO 03'+ 5.00 Westbury Time" LI Forum Institutional Sublcrlptlon AO 035 18.24 CHANGING BEHAVIOR Research Press 036 DO 2.50 Institutional Subscription Helm-Independent RevIew AO 037 322.08 Transpa rene Ie. Educational Projections 038 TR 6.00 InstItutional Subscription Oys to r Bay Pub 1. Co. Inc. AO 039 2,821.78 Gas " Electric Servlce-Nov. &Dec. LaLCO Tft 040 5.00 Institutional S~scrlptlon Long Island Catholic AO 041 350.00 Olctftt'~9 ~'ch'ne PS IB" Corp. 042 15.74 CONTROLtlNG THl COMPUTER American Hanagemont Assn." OP 043 3.70 OBSERVATION SYSTEMS Educational Innovators 044 PS 160.20 MachIne Shop SupplIes Brodhead Garrett Co. 81 045 5.00 Institutional Subscription Hassapequa Pos t AO 046 144.90 Balnbrldge,Klmpton,Haupt Stationery Supplies OE 047 1.75 STATE ADVISORY COUNCILS ON VOC.ED. Ohio State University OE 048 53.84 Driver-Jan. Staff Bulleter, FP ot.9 56.43 Typewriter Ribbons IBH Corp. DO 050 948.80* Cedco Distributing Corp. Arts " Crafts Tft 051 19.70 Educational Tech. Pub. Inc. HGI TO WRITE A PROGAAH 052 00 14.00 LI locksmith" Alarm Co. Locks Rekeyed 053 81 6.55* Lafayette Commercial Sales ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTS 084 BI 125.75 TODAY •S BAS lese IENCE Textbooks EE He rpe r " Row Pub 11 sh In9 055 15J.S§ SEEING niROUGH ARITHMETIC,Texts EE Scott Foresman " Co. .056 Carried forward $ 2.7 14• 817.17 *Expenses enQlllbered prior to 7/1170 ".1tS BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Pg. 25 of 31 E~t) Nassau County, New York No. 13 GENERAL FUND. WARPANT • February 1911 oeser. pt Ion Ck.No. .. progn. Brought Forward 58017 088 089 *062 061 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 EE VC £E EE EE E£ EE HI SR RI PO Rt SR RI RI PG VOID RO,RI AD 076 e0 77 RD 078 RO RD 079 RD oeo OS', RD RD 082 PC 083 084 08S 086 oat 088 088 eel» RD RI.RD RD RI,RO AO FS 00 091 092 FS FS FG 093 00 094 095 096 097 098 099 .02 100 101 03 DO FG AO SA PV PV PV TV TV AD $ 2.714,b17. 11 69.31 Tawn of Oyster Say Rubbl.h Removal Cedco Distributing Corp. Arts. Crafts InitIal Teach.Alphabet Pub.MY ALAPHABET BOOK, Textbooks Empl re Industrial Burner 01 I Burner RepaJ red NY Telephone Co. Service-Feb. Lange's Hardware Hardware Supplies Bro-Oart Inc. ON CITY STREETS, Reading Textbooks ElaIne Kallman MII.age-Jan. Or. Frederick Hess Consultant-Jan. Dr. Rita Stafford Dunn Alleage-Jan. Shl rley At las bpenses-Jan. Dr. Aaron Lipton "'Jeage-Oct.-Dec. Eseza Makumbl Consultant-Jan. , HIleage James G. Womack eonsult.nt-Oct.-Dec. Or. Rita Stafford Dunn Consultant-Jan. , Feb. Joseph Schneider Exper1Ses-Jen. A. Nick Treglia Consultant-Fob. Frederick LehMen Lilly Cohen Consultant-Jan. Editorial Work Or. A. Lurie Consultant-Jan. Con.ultant-Jan. Dr. Dorothy Cohen Or. Albert Beckmann Consultant-Jan. James Womack Consul tant-Jan. Or. David Shepherd Consultant-Jan. Frank Cannata Hileage-Jan. " Feb. Carolyn Sanzone Consultant-Jan. , Feb. Or. Hamilton Blum Consul tant-Sept. Jan. Sadie Hofsteln Consultant-Jan. Leon Gable Con.ultant-Jan. Georg".s Messenger Servl~ Relocation of Research Library Sony Corp. Electronic Supplies £haco Industries 1.ltereture Rack Vlewlex Inc. Electronic Suppllos A-V Communications Audiovisual Equipment Manhasset Ford Vehicle Repaired Syracuse University Press 14lSFITS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL Educational Testing Servlcelnstutlonal Subscription Churchill Films films XII Arches Conf.Expenses-1/27,Deloware Supt. Howard Johnson Expenses-E.i4akumb t. 1'18-21 Scope DIRECTORY J.P.Drlscoll Inc. Printing Press Serviced-Nov. Riker Infor.Systems Audiovisual Equipment Murtyn Ed. Ptoducts Cassettes Chester Electronic Television Equipment American Sch. Health Assn. PUBLICATION *Expenses enQlnbered prior to 7/1111 Carried Forward 124.23 349.00* 269.66 9.55 16.20 112.28* 28.30 100.00 16.68 8.50 108.00 408.. 15 1,000.00 500.00 68.00 100.00 190.00 35.00 75.00 125.00 100.00 130.00 100.00 72.36 800.00 3.000.00 375.00 100.00 252.00 11.94 48.86 32.51 23.00 44.60 16.21 3.00 585.00 115.80 76.00 2.50 3.00 96.57 515.00 555.00 4,00 $ 2,725.598.]8 BOARD OF COOPEMTIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES P9. ~6 of 31 ,.. ,...'" .. .. . ,-'...I Ct Nassau County, New York No. 13' GENERAL FUND WARRANT • February 1971 Ck.Ho. Prgg,. 58104 105 106 107 108 109 PA PC PV OE OE 110 SW 112 113 SE,NW ME SE 111 114 115 116 117 118 119 '20 121 III 123 • PC '24 '25 126 127 128 129 SW ME SV SE ME SE NE SW NE HE HE SE SE $\I HE VOID NE SE,NE 13' SE,SH 132 133 Various 130 134 135 '3' 137 '38 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 .148 sw SE $W,NE VOID SE Of' OE CC cc cc cc DP CC CC Yarlous Pave! . AnpyDt DescrIptIOn· .- $ 2'~':rs.38 Brought Forward . 5.00 SCHOOL COST STUD" BOOKLETS Arland PrintIng Co. 1,400.00 Performances-Oceanside, Sept •. Part FoundatIon 611.27 StatIonery Supplies 8aldwln Paper Co. 161.04 iV supplies' Equipment Gordon Serv Ice 100.00 Use of Factlltles-June Town of Hempstead 112.00 Auto Serv.lnd.Assn.Conf.-3/I',12 Fred Gramet 30.24 Photogra~y supplies A.B.Olck Co. 83.42 Uniforms Unlfonns by Gi 1son 40.00 Office itachlne Repaired Olivetti Corp. SS.65 Comnercle' Art Supplies o.uicks Photo Servl c:e 81.60 Coanercl.l Art Suppl-,., P K Supply Co. 18.20 commercial Art Supplies Charles Bruning 15.00 Typewriter Serviced Royal Typewriter Co. 108.12 Commercial Art SupplIes Modem School Supplies 14.95 , . t ntenence KIt \1m. Kroemer .. Sons 45.00 CLA IROL ENCYCLOPED lAS Clal ro1 6.25 Interstate Drug Exchange Gauze 8and.lges 107.30 Office tablnets L.L.\leans 36.30 projector Lamps Quicks Photo Service 129.44 Custodial Supplies General Electric Co • 1.960.00 Electrical Work In Auto Shop Inter-County Lighting 210.31 Duplicating Supplies 8a 1elwln Paper Co. 20.00 Gloves' Aprons 8rodhead Garrett Co. 16.94 AURJ REPAIR MANUAL Hearst Haglzlne 77.38 Ph..,lng Tools AIbert Bros. 50.40 Tax Deduction Charts Tracy Babylon Inc. 425.~ Atr CondItioning Supplies Abco Refrigeration 239.50 Hardware Supplies Elite Sales Corp. Transfer From General Fund to Trust 28.l23.if8 Trust" Agency and Agency Health InsuranCi 420.06 Panelling. Sheetrock, etc. Meacblb rook LunOor 974.19 Commercial Art Supplies Arthur Brown " 8ro. 98.10 Service on Data prccess.Bqpt. 18H Corp. ( ~ ~l~ctrlc Service-DeC. , ~on. • 1,094.06 LILC-:> 504.00 H.G.Rose Hoving " Storage S\ipplles moved fran 12S Jericho to CC 6.48 Film Ribbon IBM Corp. 34.68 Educators Progress Service GUIDE TO FREE FIUGTRIPS 123.63 Expenses-Seminar 2/1-4 F. HeEl roy z.6.87 Health Supplies Sears Roebuck " Co. 234.00 ~ker Parts J.S. KcHugh Inc. 4.452.59 Report In9 Forms Optical Scanning Corp. 95.40 Ceraera Supp 11 es Negri Camera Shop Inc. 660.56 Thenaofax 3rl Bus.Prod. Sales iOO·QOo.oo Repurchase .tute 3/1/71 Franklin Hatlonal Bank $ 3.670,19 1.39 Carried Forward .. (. . so.'\no • _Ck.No s Pg. 27 of 31 OF COOPEIl/\TIVE EOUC.~TIONAl SERVICES Nassau County, ttew Yotk .... 13 GENERAL FUND WARm I February 1971 I .. oescr Ies-Ion ". Payee progr.. • $ Brought 'OnMrd 5B14S 150 1St lSI 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 ~17069 171 172 173 171t '75 176 In 170 115 180 18, 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 • r~ f) vv·.../ > VOID VOID VOID VarIous V.rloaa" Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various VarIous Various VarIous VarIous V.rlous V.rlous Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various V.,lous Various Various VOID VarIous Various Various Various Various Various Var10us VOID Various Various Various UFSD UFSD UFSD UFSD UFSD UFSD UFSD 111 112 N3 #4 Hempstead Uniondale East Meadow tlorth 8e 1hnore US Levittown 116 Seaford 117 Bellmore UFSD 110 Rooseve 1t UFSO lIS. Freeport UFSD 1110 De hlwl n UFSD 1#1 I Oc.eons I de UFSD #12 :~'verne UFSD 1113 Valley Stream UFSD 1114 Hewlett UFSD DIS Cedarhurst UFSO Hl6 Elmont UFSD H17 Franklin Square UFSO NIS Garden City UFSD DI9 East Rockaway UFSD H20 Lynbrook UFSD 121 Rockvlllo Centre UFSO 122 Floral Park UFSD 1123 "an tagh UFSD 112'} Va Iley St ream UFSD 125 Merrick UFSD #26 Island Trees UFSO 1121 \lest Hempstead Long Beach CSD UFSD #129 North '''''rrick UFSD 630 Volley Stream UFSD #31 Island Park UFSD #1 Westbury UFSD #2 E.Williston UFSD #3 Roslyn UFSD #4 Port WashIngton UFSD lIS Mew Hyde Pa rk UFSD M6 Hanhaisot UFSD 117 Great Neck UFSO ~ Herrlcks .. State Aid 69/70, 8 11" EstImate If . It II It II II at II II n u It It It II 16,069.95 19,168.64 39.$4.11 1.)50.3:} •• U t. tI II It II It ..•• It It " II II It 1~".OS2.2Q II It 11,962.38 6.845.94 4.107.56 II II II 3.670.191.39 II .. .. ... . .. .. It II n AmoUnt It 35,887.14 7,4gr•• SO 4,323.75 9.296.07 29,257.39 II II It II It It It II II II Ii it II It 6,lt8S.63 .. It 22.051.14 II 5.905.13 It II II II II II It .. .. ., II It It II II It II .. It II II II tI It . .. It II It It II II II It n .. II If It . It II .. II . 2,810.414 4,251.6$ .. It.611.00 " II 13.691.88 II 1.008.38 11,674.)3 1,297.13 4.119.63 II II II It at It It II II 6.557.6S 12.027.13 8,287.19 II It II II II II II It It It " II II II II 1t,756.13 II It II II 2.370.06 " II . .. Ii II u II It . II II II It tI II .... II It .. II at " . " W" . It II . carried FaneI'd . .. II 22,771.76 II 3.963.44 . II II II .. Ii II 3.81~.31 It II It 9.728."'· .. 5.765.00 6,629.75 3.675.19 II = 7,062.13 10,881.44 8.647. 50 t4t011tl~'.84 Pg. 28 of 31,.. . ISO/.RO Or COOPERrTIVE EOUt.ATIOIAL SERVICES NaSS8U< Coun~ I . . . , York ,~" EO. '-. I..J <.< -.1 No. 13 • Feb rua ryJ911 ..... :k.No. P"sr- . Paxee 8rought Forward ;8193 19" 195 196 191 196 199 200 201 202 20] 204 205 206 201 208 209 210 211 .~ 21" 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 Various UFSO Ntl Carlo Place C50 "~ Sea Cliff Various Various CSO 112 Syos,et CSD #3 Locust Valley Various CSD III, Plainview Various Varl6uI CSD 115 City of Glen Cove CSD 66 Oyster Bay VarIous V.rlous UFSD /lIS Jericho V.rloul UFSD H17 Hlcksvillo Various UFSD '18 Platnedge Various UFSD H21 UFSD '22 Fa~ln9dale Var.loul UFSO N23 Massapequa Various CHSO HI Valley StreaM Varioul CHSD 12 Floral Park Varioul Varioul CHSD 113 Bellmore AO FP DE OE as 8S as DO TR CC CC CC OE HE VOID Varioul EE OP AE 2]0 231 232 Various 234 SE 235 S£ 233 236 ';31 State Aid 69/70, UFSO H10 MIneola Various flj 5\1 5\" ,Sf 5\1 01 SW Ruth K_ll ton Dr. Wm. Callahan NY Telephond Co. NY Telapt10ne Co. NY TelePhone Co. II " $ 4,071,723. 84 &1131 Estl..te 8,3S9.25 " II .t n I' It II :. tI .. II .. .t ., " II II U II !t II II n u It .. It 5,&,16-7S 5.476.7S to,M5.26 6.701.82 24,140.95 U.'S9.2S 1.350.3tJ " .. II '1 II II II II .. It " It '. u" It II It -I H .. .. It II at .. It II II It II It II II ,• .• •• .. .• 21 • g07 •0, II •• 1t II 77. 106.92 I' . .. 4,035.50 32.1bL. 1:5 12,971.26 17.5bl.26 IU.bOO.32 14,62&.10 42,759.8: 76.94 197.45 11.36 11.21 e,.. z/2o-23nl R.' .. ,....,t of ' e b. Serv Ice-Jan. .. II .. II " MSA Conf. !xpenl••• : Burroughs corp. Chadick Office Furnlturo Joe Beck Hary Craig Carpet Co. Key Grinding Corp. Monday Tuesday Corp. Grand "echlnery Exchange Comfort Control Corp. Dalebal. Realty, InG. Headowb~k Tempo Services Ltd. Larry's Hobby Supplies Educ. Time Sharing System Dennis J. Johnson Frank Blaslo IBH Corp. Nu-Herlt Electrical Supply Brodhoad Garrett CI~i Af!,?unt Descrtptlon rol Inc. LILCO Statewide Lift Service Consolidated Laundries Service-Jan. Service-Jan. P.ayrol I Panel FI1. I.'not 'lie COb1net 12a63 904.00 107. 30 ~.90 COnsultant-~ug. Installed Carpeting FI nt Half Towlft T8X-99 8klyn AtIO. First Half Town TaK-I10 ".V.Ave. Water charges-]6 Sylv.. t.r St. Repaired Air COnditioning , First Half Gen.Tax-Cold Spring Rd. Clorlc~l S.rvlc.,-Jaq. Art & cr.ft Suppllel computer Service-Jan. 200.00 95.00 62 1.399. 897.7" 21.30 117.95 357.56 2U5.92 337.43 4,020.70 1fO.00 of Registration 44.66 Reimbursement of Petty Cash 768.80 Rent.' of Oeta 'roc. Klchlnes-an. 91.57 Elactronlc Supplle. 197.87 Harlne Maintenance SuppII .. 119.98 C~tDl09Y Suppl' •• 930.52 Gal " ,i.trl c: Service-OK. " Jan. 00 1,535. Auto Lift Installed 10.50 Refund Nursing Supp"" Carried Forward . . ' $ 4,"93.107.42 t-. ~ ~-. . ~. /. U_;'Y Po. 29 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EOUCA11aw. SERVICES Nassau County, . . , York • GEMERAL FUMO February A.llR. stt: ME HE .", ME lItO tIE 142 $V 2.., W. 245 21f6 247 21t8 2.., 250 251 252 IS' lS't 2S5 • 256 2.57 258 IV ~ CatherIne cawles J. Jankowski John Hawnl NY Telephone Co. A ~ P Electronics Corp. "I 1Gage-Dec • '" Jan. SeNt ee .. Install.tlon-'",. £lect·*anlc suppll" Otto SchMIdt ~ Son VI.ual Graphics Corp. CleluJ I.....,r'.' Leasing SW Reliable Dult Control Rache11. Carra • Ire Industr1a' Bumer DP CC VOID CC HW OE tfJ CC CC CC CC DiIA£IRfil. Brought For..,"!rd Mlleage-Ik,.,.·,..,. SV IE 1971 .. eavee ~~_CII •. " )JAM!. LILCO MY Telephone Co. LILCO ttetro Kall - t1M111 • $ ......".107.42 12.35 so. 04 "I1e3ge-Jan. , Feb. 69.24 2,663. 08 3.63 ItO. 22 St8tiOlW!ry Suppltu ~~rcl.' Art SUpplies 9. 00 180.00 g.80 Rent-July-!)ec. DI.k PIck Service-Jan, Cl.rleal Service.·. . . 011 Burner Serviced' RIpI, ....... 78.00 1.:n, .45 60.00 99.39 Norttwl 'Ie Industrle. Corp. 0; I lomer Servlced-...,. Gerald Maystrlk NY Te '_phone Co. Gerald Haystrlk of }I Re , . . I't!tW Cash 15.70 38.26 1.225.56 43.51 157.34 Service-feb. Expenses-Jan. G•• Servlco-Dec. Sarv1.-Feb • Electric Service-Jan. 0., .. 11ectrlc-Ncw... Dec .... Mlac. !IN.l,160.62 EI.atrlc Service-Dec. , Jan. . 2.526.78 ,.883.14 2S9 CC ES ES LILCO LILCO 26' ES 011 Burner SeNlced-Jift. 48.00 Service-Jan. UFt '''st Control Andover Port.ctlve Service Security Servlcos-Jln. Auto Supp 11 el Duthlla Co. Hocae Ec:ononalc.s suppll.' Singor HI tal Sh~p Suppll . . David Smith Steel Co. ~ th suppl1 as Fulton Surgical Health Supr-110s Dickinson' Co. Hortl:ulturc suppl'es 5,5. Pennock Electr. Cr.ft Queens corp. Horticulture Suppll.s Hortlcu~ture supplies Patchogue Flor.1 Dlst. '.351.50 260 262 263 2611 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 IS ES £S £s ES £5 IS IS ES ES £S Ga. & E1ectrlc Servlce-NOV.-JlB. Q.ueens F. . . 0.1 tV £llpl", Industria' aurner "'0 South~.tern Publishing 273 IS Wurzbacher Assn. £S Syosset Rent .. 275 Terry's ES ·0 < LI Rubbish Removal Herman Star Bakery Corp. £5 Raader's Digest ES Orange Front Paint Supply ES Vocot lone 1 founcllt lonal £S 01 lv_ttl Unden.ood Corp. ES .. .A.Schwager' ES VO,ID lotto Bros. is 274 276 277 278 270 tao .28' 2.82 183 1ar. Instruct 10na1 Suppl'. A' I Dell of Syosset ".Co. AOVr:n"rtSING .. OISMY TOTS Art~ ~ Crafts Supp".' Heator I\cntel-2116 <1 HonIt EconomJes Suppl os Rubbish RoQoVa l-Jln. Instructional SUpplies . 347.82 88.14 70.21 142.49 82.57 34.00 < • 517.10 10.10 263,00 .256.10 99.20 6.00 56.66 200.00 29.42 3.23 AUWlAC Paint Sl':>plles 'nat Jana 1 SUbscrl ptlon 49.91 2.00 SIt. 00 Stat IClftCry Suppl I•• 12.00 Office Machine Repa1re4 Plumbing Suppllos .' ,,. Ca"I.~ FONltd - 561.1~ . t 1l.1G' .671. " • BOARD OF COOPEPATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, New York P9. 30 c,f 31 Mo. 13 GENERAL FUND WARMNT February 1971 oelct'l!tlen. Payee Brought Forward t 58285 286 187 288 289 290 291 age ES Or. Ge~ Ruby ES OE ES Dykes Lumber Co. Joseph Spoto E.Parker Vutler Inc. Frank Richards Publishing ES vat 0 320 CP CP CP CP CP VC 322 AC 323 324 325 VC AC VI World Traveler Hacmlllan Co. L. Fals 327 328 329 CC 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 30S 306 307 308 309 310 311 311 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 321 326 • Ben GoldIn Inc. Balnbrldge,Klmpton,Haupt S.W. Anderson Sales Corp. I • Janvey , Sons ....dowbrook Paper Co. Hicksville Firestone Fulton Surgical Alcoast Paper Products Halbro Inc. Hask6 Utilities to. Coret :-Ius Ic Co. Scholastic Magazines Inc. Sunray Supply Corp. Roy fax Cunningham Bros.lnc. Iilldred Hurphy E. Luff H. Kochendorfer Ebony AmerIcan Library A•• n. U.S. News "World Report Hacalaster ScientIfic Co. Hlcksville-Rohback Glals IBU Corp. CClt Films Inc. Jay House of Values Roosevelt TV Sonocraft Corp. Johnson Home Appliance Exceptional AmerIcan Foundation Creative Playthings 293 • ES ES 330 ES ES ES ES ES OE ES ES ES ES ES ES ES HS HS HS ES ES ES ES ES CP VC as $V NW AD George Kelty Hetromedla Co. Ar1an Heat In9 "AI r Cond. Hilton Burton Rudy's $ ".Id,,67'. 662.20 Plumbing Supplies StatIonery SupplIes ReIMb.Petty Cash Lumber Supplies ,Shetteetk.Panel1Ing Relmb.Expenses-Jan. Gym Gulpment allY'N, POWER, ARITHMETIC TEXTS 16 429.90 99.26 1,225.07 33.34 795.30 1,335.~ Hardward 46.91 Custodla1 Supplies 587.75 Custodial Supplies 554.00 Tractor TI re RepaIred 66.48 Health SupplIes 82.20 Cartons for MovIng 175.65 Custodial Supplies 9.35 Electrical Supplies 37.50 Music Equipment 1,296.00 30.00 Instructional Hagazln.. Pl ..191 ass Installed 74.24 Rent.l-Nov.-Jln. Copy Klehlne 106.60 Instructional Supplle. 401.66 "Ileage-Nov.-Jan. 19.63 Mlleage-Nov.-Jan. 7.00 .111 ••ge-Nov. -Feb. IS. 30 In.tltutlona' SubscriptIon 16.00 Institutional subscription 12.00 Institutional Subscription 12.00 Science Equipment 29.90 Glass Replaced" Installed 212.74 Typewriter Repal red 44.67 A~Mlovlsuel Eqpt. 29.85 Home Economics EqufpalOnt 114.00 Antenna 24.95 Audiovisual Equipment Repaired 176.40 Stove Repel red 19.50 Institutional subscription 6.00 READING I'\t\TERIAL FOR VISUAL.HANDICAP. 1.00 Phys.Ed. Supplies 253.66 Institutional Subscription 2.50 WORLD TRAVELER JU leago-Jan. Re 1mb. Expenses-feb. School Tax 1st Half-70-71 Returned aid Deposit 70/71-112 32.64 231.29 33.10 29.320.09 25.00 Hlleage-Oee.-Feb. 63.48 Conf.Exp. Soc.St.lnst.Pr."rr Materials 22.00. $ 4,460,445.24 . carried Forward • BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau Coun~Y. New York P9. 31 of 31 ..' S~!ti~ GENERAL .FUND WARRANT • Ck.No. Sl33' 332 333 334 335 3" 337 .. VOID Various Qraphlcopy 80CES-Net Payrol1 Various TrUst" Agency Fund VOID VOID 1& 3" 339 AO DE 340 DO ,DE - Howard Johnson Co. Transf.r fr. Geft.FuncI to Nat Pay- 468.266.g6 rol' endIng 2126/7' Transfer from General Fttnd to ~ 159.631.41 TIA Fund ~lthhold'ngt)endln9 2126/71 Conf. Exp. -HalslChvsettl ,M, .Vatson, Mr.W.kefleld.Hr.Cl. .rman -Nov. .-2120 • .$ Raglltrantl&Expen•••'10.00 Herbert 5chl nner Walt Whitman Travel Agency AI r F....·Mr. La.h. 2/28-3/2, Purdue U. 152.00 MSA S.S. Pennock Con' Flor.l Su~p11.1 TOTAL • • 60.00 ).076. 20 S 5.0I4.036·IZ BO!'RD )F • Page 1 of 1 r. J l?ERtTI vE EOUC.T I ;l.i.f.. SEltVI CES Nassau County, New York '~.. ~ .,) '" FU~D tRUST , fGENey -. $."'-'--' VARRANT February 1911 .nt. ek. NO, l126 012t) 013~ 0131 0132 1)133 "134 ()'35 Ol3.i ?137 1)1l1 I)' J'J • '1I't3 0,44 0145 0146 01'·7 01148 0149 0150 0'51 0152. (97360) FederD' IncOMe T~x New York St~te Income TeJ( etty of Now York Natlon~l l;fe Ins. Co. ~ew T.,)(e5 ~i thhe 1c:~"'~'erlod 1/1b-31/71 Taxes Uithhuld·Period 1!1,·,1111 T~xus Withheld-Pertod l't-31/71 T~~ Sholtered AnnuIty J~nu~ry 1971 It It tt n . .. . .. .. . 'ftc. VoIded by Dot' Processing 0913~3) Val" I cus aOCES 0931347) Employoos 2/tS/7· Checks Prepnred on CompUter 20963) VarIous 80C£5 Employees Hilt p~yro112/1S/7l Ch~ck$ Pr~pared Konuel1y 100332) 21000) . 21013) It York Lif& Ins. Co. Equ i tab1e I.: fa 1,5sur. Ii It U II II Society of tho U. S. Homo Llf~ Ins. Co. Hew England Kutun.l II It It II Life Inlurnncu Co. " MeslnchusGtts Hutu~1 It It It " II Lifo Insur~nco Co. It It Aetn~ Lifo Ins. Co, " II aiet ropo 1i t."'n Lifo It It II U Insur'\!nca Co. Equitebje Lifu Assur. 1971 t:.fOU, Dent" 1 Ins. - SU?t. , l7 )-J"n. Society of the U,S. Control Council of Duos - J~n. lfl71 Teach.,.s E~'oyeo Du~~-J~". 1~71 C. S. E. ~ •• 1971 Kompton Hlcks-Harsh"1) 5~'~ry Oed~ctlon-J~nuAry (·rnlshuc--Jnnu~ry 1971 5herJff-K~Ss~u tOUftty S~'nry O~ductlon-J'"~~ry 1971 Family Court Division NVS Tc~cher' Retirement Loon, ... J.,nul\ry 1971 System MYS Employcus Employ~~ Conti buttons J~nunry 197' Retirement Systum Tnxus Uithh~'d-~rlod 2/1-15/7' Fodcr~1 Income T~x t~_ York Stl)t~ Income T"')(\.:5 Hlthhotd-Perlod 2/1-15/71 Tax ttYS Htlolth Insur~nco H~{ Ith In.ur~nce F~b,u~ry 191' PendIng Account T~x~s ~Ithhold-Purlod 1/1~-20/71 Foderol Income Tox • .... York St~te Incon", T!'xes Wlthhold-Putiod 1/1~-2.8/71 Tax Tt')(QS Hlthheld-P\lriod 1./1/-28/71 City of t'ow York 097362) C~) $ 92 t 901. H4 V:lr tous 8XES Employees Vnr ious DotES Employees ~et p~yroll Net Pt'yrol1 2/2,;->/71 C~eck$ Prepored on Computor Net Payroll 2/28/71 Chucks ?rep~red Hnnuclly 'JptLIII .. - 21 •7'i t • '1 :.n·) •.,4 \55.:)0 115.~ 234.5, I ,~j7'l.9~ , 1t)."" 220.00 2.72'••1)0 a,'!77,):) J ,51 ~1.11 15.i )O 173.->0 137. 43 , l'J.g4 IOO.on t.Ol a•flO , ,1t4ti 91,173. 33 11,221.57 a~ t~' 1(),13 3O.SU3. 07 10. :J5d .56. 922.7b 888 February 1971 , I 654 6SS 656 657 6S8 '59 640 66' hi. . .•• Dr. . . . GIl., Nat . . .1 !due. ~'IOC. A:' COMUftlcatlOftl A. R. . . . .r Co. tI. Y. Te1ephone CO. IIDnroe - Litton ....s Sylt... Syracuse AltpOrt , .... 662 Horizon Hotel I... 66,. R. R. . . . ., Co. 66,. • Peak Travel Service Wcrl'''''; ". Stationer, Suppll •• ~~deal. Con' •. £)cp. C....thl ProJect10ft., lamPS FIIMltrl,. Sef!\·lce j{p(\;pi>hC>'ty,'r"L"-m 1zn·,nO Inn1 ItO.' " 96.11t 12." 5S.SO '2~OO 10.81 c.-c., Ne_"'eon,.. ..,81ted C.l.1.tor I\8glOMI $ . ,'~. 12/1~1517D 10.17 EJcp. 12n·9nO SIt.i. D.50 L,nk'Trainlftg Cent.r Conf. '1lMltr'ps Rellonal Cent.r 9/11-16 TOTAL Con'.... 1",911 : ,.I 582.Ja8 BOARD OF COOPEAATIVE EDUt.'\TIOHAL SERVICES Pg. 1 of 4 Nassau County, New York No. 12 FEDERAL FUND \JARRANT • February 1971 Ck.Ho. 32]9 3240 3241 3242 3243 32"" 3245 3246 )247 3248 • Zltg 3250 3251 3252 • Proiect 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 payee 71-8-104 Pfanntng Grant Joanne Harper 71-1-104 Planning Grant Patrl cIa Harper 70~(3)323 Hemp.AE VOID Sears Roebuck & Co. Dtsc;rlptlm . t Amuntn Student Clerk 1/16-21 $ Student Clerk 1'16-21 aU tchen Equ Ipment Eqpt. Ro located 41.00 41.00 385.7/ 80.27 108.85 168.00 70-1-552 til Eqpt. 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 71-'fA(3)92 AE 70-1~781 CC Eqpt. 70-1-554 SE Eqpt. 70-1-551 SW Eqpt. 18H Corp. Novo Ed. Toy • Eqpt. VOID 116.00 InstructIonal SupplIes 886.50 Brodhead Garrett Co. Electrlca1 Supplies 49.00 Rock1yn Surgical Supply Mattress & Pillows 1,130.00 Automated Toachlng Student Lab Kits 144.24 US Hospital Supply Health Supplies 23.84 Harry Alter Co. Rofrlg. "AI r Cond.Sp1s. 609.20 ConmIrclal Art Equipment Charrette 7.820.00 F.W. Huber Machinery Bakery Equipment 275.00 George's ,twlng Serv. Food Serv.Eqpt.Relocated Grant EquIpment Auto Body Shop Supplies 4.956.02 70-1-551 SW Eqpt. 10-1-554 SE Eqpt. 70-1-554 SE Eqpt~ 70-1-554 SE Eqpt. 70-1-548 HE Eqpt. 70-1-548 ME Eqpt. 3253 3254 3255 3256 70-1-~O ME Eqpt. 3257 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 3258 70~(3)323 Hemp.AE 3259 70-1-554 SE Eqpt. 3260 (70-1-551 SW Eqpt • (90-1-554 SE Eqpt. (70-1-548 ME Eqpt. 326. VOID 3262 70-1-554 SE Eqpt. 3263 3264 3265 3266 • t Anthony Cimino Russe 11 Newhoff Cenco Instruments Saap-on Tool • VOID 70-1-548 ME E~pt. 70.. 1~S48' .NE ~Eqpt. 70-1-551 SW Eqpt. 70-1-552 NW Eqpt. 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 70-1-552 ttl Eqpt. ,70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 70-1-868 CC Eqpt. 70-1-781 CC Eqpt. 70-48-571 81 Eqpt. \rIlN ?Itle VI Pre-School Title VI Pre-School WIN WIN 300.00 326.45 1,170.19 B & B Food Service Tektronix. Inc. Oscilloscopes 2,700.96 BOCES-Genoral Fund Transfor from Federal Fund to Gen. (Rentals of IB~. Eqpt. Clerical Services Electronic Suppllos 2,358.00 AI~ Cond. " Ref. Suppllel 6,691.90 7'-'-104 Planning Grant '.ureen licKenna 70-1-551 SW Eqpt. Records , PhonOgraph Instructor Animal Care Suppl res Electronic SupplIes Auto Shop Supplies National Euphonlcs Abco Refrigeration Adems OffIce Eqpt. 22.00 1.383.10 Rental-11/23-2/23. MCR 1,035.00 machines Kitchen Eqpt. 113.00 8 & 8 Food Servt co Purchased Data Proc.Eqpt.1S,390. 00 IBr·, Corp. Refrf gcrator-Part. Pymt. 1,000.00 Hart Sales Trans. Fed. Fund to General 65.15 8GeES Diesel Engines 240.00 8rodhead Garrett Co. Animal Care Spls.~ Eqpt. 2,831.02 Wahmann Hfg. Co. KI tchea Eqpt. 1,032.05 Empl ro Food Service Ultrasonic Cleaner 74.95 Lafayette Commercial AN I HAL r-tANUAlS 128.52 Chas.&.~S Publish. 595.00 Carpentry Tools A.C. Colby l-tachinery Servl ce-Oec. " Jan. 167.25 NY Telephone Co. 3.729.60 Jay Oee Transportation Transportation-Jan. Service 56.49 NY Telephone Co. 100 Post cards 5.00 US Postmaster Rent-Feb. Hemp.Bus, Tenn. 81883.~~ H.F .Jahr Rea) ty Corp. Carried Forward··· $ 67.133. 15 ; BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Nassau County, New York No. 12 FEDERAL FUND WARRANT • February 1971 3283 3iCJ4 3285 70-4A(3)323 Hemp.AE Fred Unser Jr. 71-8-104 PlannIng Grant PatricIa Sperber 70-1-551 SW Eqpt. UFSO N9 F~port 3286 WIN 70-1-,s1 CC Eqpt. 3294 3295 3!'~ 3297 3298 3299 3JOO 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 TI tIe III (REAP) VOID TI tIe II (REAP) Tltte II (REAP) TI t Ie I LIbrary Title II (REAP) Tltl. I Library TItle I Library 11 tIe II \~~') Title I Library Title II (REAP) Title II (REAP) TI t.e II (REAP) TI t Ie II (REAP) Title II (REAP) TI t Ie I Library 10-41-571 BI Eqpt. WIN VOID WIN 70-48-571 Ne Eqpt. Traffic Safety 81 Title III (REAP) Title VI Pre-School 3318 3321 3322 WIN 70-48-571 81 Eqpt. 70-1-548 HE Eqpt. 3323 3124 Jm 3326 3327 3328 IBH Corp. Capt tal Stat lonery Fo~ BI Eqpt. BI Eqpt. 70-48-571 61 Eqpt. Title III (REAP) VOID VOID WIN WIH 70~(3)323 Electrical Work 1,173.72 Student Clerk )4.00 Purchased Eqpt.lndntory 21,987.00 from Freeport "S. 23.90 BODY STRUCTURE 1,532.82 Electric typewriters 95.49 StatIonery Supplies Hlsc. Publications MEA Educat I one 1 Had' a FI1_ Encyclopedia Brltannl. SAFETY STORIES thas". t. tbrr 111 Pub. ~L~ • TEACHING Filmstrips Doubleday" Co. INO IANS OF CANADA Viking Pross Inc. Sadie Hofsteln Gall Schecter Green Bros. NY Telephone Co. Consul tant-Jan. Clerical Services-Jan. Stationery Supplle. Service-Dec. Society for VIsual Ed. Vllual Aids calculator Singer-Fridan Flllutrip HcGraw-Htl1 Book Co. A.E. Macadam Co. Brodhead Garrett Co. Art Steel Co. Unlforce Temporaries Schoo 1 Lunch Program Pax toni Pat terson Alamode Kitchen Center Reiner liachlnery Corp. Rosamond Javorsky Hadern School Supplies Tektronix Inc. Warren Schloat Prod. Trl County loc~lth 3.95 12.SO 1.64 ".7S 319.00 173.20 )30.'" 343.25 6.63 150.00 39.00 19.17 6.03 127.41 496.38 7.10 32.50 carpentry EqulpMnt 660.70 File Cabinet 62.30 Copy Paper 108.40 Consul tant-Jan. 25.00 Student Clerk-Jan. 36.00 Custodial Suppllos 223.50 Filmstrips 54.54 Clerical Servlces-Nov.-Jan. 136.50 food )0.75 Electronic Supplies 3.297.05 Kitchen Counters Instal1odl.S7S.00 Carpentry Supplies 23.80 Consultant-Jan. 25.00 Drafting Supplies 36.35 Electronic Supplies 16.75 U4iUGRATION 94.55 Paper Hand TO\tIell Un I fonn Fish Ion Center Nurses Un I forms Trl l1ed Surgical Co. Health Supplies Hemp.AE $ .....61, 1.3.;.15 Anti-Defamation League POll CIES OF UNREASGN Scholastic Book Serv. POEMS CHILDREN SIT FOR Office of PublicatIons Mlsc.Pubilcatlons 3M Bus. Prod.Sa'e. WIN Boger O. Russo I , WIN E 71-8-104 Planning Grant 11 en Reyno Ids I.Janvey " Sons 10-48-571 BI Eqpt. Society For Visual Ed. Ne Traffic Safety 70~-S71 70~-571 3319 3320 Womrath BcJc* Shop Puerto Rican Amm t .Qescc1at Ion Payee. Brought Forward I" • ProJect Ck.No. 3281 3288 ,289 3290 3291 3292 3293 • Pg. 2 of 4 Locks earrled Forward 1,300.16 81.00 '21,00 $ 107,804.58 , BO;\RO OF COOFi:RAT IVE ECUC. TlOfiAL S,ERV i CE~ Nassau County: New York I I• .;, No. 12 February 1971 Ck.No •.. ~ 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3331 3338 3339 3340 334. 3342 3343 33it4 3345 3346 33"7 33lt8 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 336. 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 33]1 3372 3373 3374 • ,.. 3375 . ·Pcolect 70-4A-(1)323 Hcmp.AE 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-40-558 HE Eqpt. 70-~-(3)323 Hemp.AE TItle VJ Pre-School 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE VOID 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-40-558 HE Eqpt. 70-""-(3)323 Hemp.AE \llt~ 70-4A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-41-(3)323 Hemp.AE 7.-ltA-(3)92 AE Title VI Pro-Schoo' 70-48-570 TR Eqpt. TItle VI Pre-School NC Traffic Safety 70-40-571 81 Eqpt. Surnmor Institute II TI t Ie I" (REAP) WIN \-IIN WIN 70-l:A-(3)323 Hemp.AE 70-1-552 M'I Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. VOID 70-48·558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 NE Eqpt. 70-49-558 HE Eqpt. 70-48-558 HE Eqpt. ,0-48-558 HE Eqpt. pescrl pt Ion Su~t. of (\ocuments Sellstrc:l1 Hfg. Co. Brought Forward HW TO BUY FOOD Protecto Shields AmUDt 2':.'5 37.22 Sna~Non Tools Corp. Auto Supplies 110.02 Smf th Corona ltirchant Photo Copy Suppl ies 12.60 School Lunch Progr_ Cookles-Cet.-Dec. 85.15 Victor C~mpeome'.r C~Jculators 1.340.13 Roya' Typc~/ri tel' Co. ..•.y~: ;riters 5.542.50 He tropo If tan Linen Scrv.Servl co .. Jan. 59.30 F. Jacobs Kf tch~n SUr'~J Hes lt6.10 IBH Corp. Data Process.Suppl fes 198.17 IBiI Corp. R'lntal-Dec.DP Eqpt. 160.0J Ecton All£n Corp. Ditto Supplies 39 .. 1.0 S • B Food Serlfce Krtchan Supplies & Eqpt. 60C .. 03 Ed-Nard Don , Coopon" kltcht. ... Spls. , Eqpt. 342.l!} Cooper's Comrnl.St~tion. S!Qtlonery Supplies Robert .J. Bredy Hus s 1e i n Auto e~ I • Jcnvcy , Sons Roc!(lyn SurgIcal Sply. Con:o J~strtmvnts Co. Su~rfor .art Ro:;! .Eqpt. Corp. Anthony Cimino Lafayette Co,71nIrciai J.S.HcJfugh Inc. GO!ll KJ fppor Anthony crmr~o P-,;cton/Pl:ttcrson r . . Corp. Capitn' Stationery mlRS If,G TEXTBOOKS r ~to Sl'i'P II as Cu. toe: I a 1 SI!PP If 8. 23 .. 35 103.1 '. 26l1. ~ ') 500.27 l~lt,,!:~ Plastic Shee:s 256.r.o Kitchen SupplIes 146.90 Data Process. Eqpt •• nstalled 6', .. 73 Instructor 120.CO Clssette, 24.S~~~ Hoodworklng Eqpt.lSpls. 1.252.00 Hoalth Suppl tes E:~pcnses Reina. Exponsc~-Jan. Cerpc:ltry Supplies ,,\ C.~s £ S'iUO'( St~tf~nery SupplIes Affl Jlated Hedlca' Book ;1t!DtCAt BeOK 46.24 '95.20 129. 1H J2 • 9S 42.30 8.73 C~~tral Blo Anl'lytfcal Tosts 49.50 Affllate:J Medical :'ook GERIATRIC NURSING TEXTS 175~SO Ie:; Corp. ;~~nt- :!OV. 142.00 Tn~ Prod. Co. Rcloc~tfng OP Eqpt. 70.~J E~s t~ rn Camera rroJe;;:.: ~, 1,9]6.00 Equipment 2,162.C~ Horticulture Supplies 640.90 i\-V Conp,unicatlons Slater Supply Cl ar' dge Prc:!uc:ts Brodhead Garrett Co. Blacl(.,'}oards "'onar~ch Harking System Reiner l-tcchlnery Corp. r~rklng Machines Ar~ow EJectronl~ Hicks Nurs~ries B &. B Food Service *Expenses encumbered prIor to 7/1/71 Audlo·.#!sual -" O~j FEDERAL FUND WARRANT J . • • P9. ..j o.t: ...I. ElectronIc Supplies Elect~'c Supplies Electronic SupplIes 75.30 2,614.01 585.40 201.72 88.68 Hortrcul ture· Supplies 304.90 KI tchen Equ JPIII8n_t,_ _ _ _1_2_6.jQ, Carried Forward 8.10 OFCOOPEMT'VE EOUtAT1 cltAL, selvrces <?,.~,~'I~ ~~,N.Y6~ °, c -, ». .--?o" ~>~'- <_t->-"\j;~·~-~~~{,o~!~.:.<.;:, ,}.\~ . >:"~",:"~,~_:,:,->~,- FEDEML. fUM WARMHf February 1971 A. t. Colby ilIdilMty $ 128,901.08 Blc1g°.rtecftanlc supplIes 670.00 Photography suppl tel 111.60 Creative Plaything. Sears Roebuck , Co. BOCES-GeM'.' Fund Safety Signs 102.00 Canar•• " Film 160.60 RelraD.General Fund for 1",000.00 ot.t.Ed.ProJ .NasIIV ec.n- Brought Forward 3376 33n 3318 3379 3380 70-48-558 NE Eqpt. Ne Traffic Safety Ne Traffic Safety Ne Tr.ffl c Safety 70-,-865 Nee Dlst.Ed. .. Hudson Photographic manlty College.Transporta· tlon for ""Iy , Aug.Credlt ,sa, 3382 WIN 70-'-5" liE Eqpt. RoHmOndJaVOrsky 8OCES-Genera' Funcl OE Acet • Consultant-Jan. Transfer f~ Fed.Fund e· 2.255.00 toGen ~18H rental-July-Dec.) TOTAL • 2$.00 $ • 1't6.232.28 833 8O~RO • ·689 690 69' 692 693 • .' ,.bruary 1911 LII. Co. KI te.1an Supp lie. IU tchen Equ ''''''C Repa ired DIshwllhlng Supplle. Sclill. 698 702 703 7O't 70S 706 707 • 71O 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 72) ,2" 725 726 EcoftOlllCI Laboratory Inc. Goodyear Service Sto .... Cookies Unlt.lted J_Ic. Food. Co. Louis Ender Inc. J. A. Hennella Foods Corp. Granclvlew Dal ry Inc. Regent S 19n5 H....n·. S tar Bakery Corp. Engelhard Bag " Paper Co. Cavalier Ch.-Ical Co. SchNab-Gou. d St.n Hurray CD, Suffolk Provision. Roy type 'eter J. Cutrone HId-Island Whole.ale Fruit LI •• Co. John J. Sml th Prov's'.' J.~!c.I· s lIacnburgers I. Janvey " Son. Ol .... r. Farms Engelhard 8ag .. Paper Co. 01 Carlo Dlltrlbutona Inc. Cookl •• ACM Amari can Repe.,. J_lca Foods Co. Charles Frev " Sons Cavall.r Chemicil Co. Hal Sal •• Kltc~Gn S~ppll.1 HVS Sch. food s.rv. 106.55 tonf. 1/23n1 ~.60 .00 .68.10 8.10 PaparProduccl 265.2$ 451.45 Grocerl .. Grocer I•• Groc.rl •• Milk for Dec. Printing on Door. 807.00 2.&09.11 55.00 858.72 Groceries Kitchen Sup~II •• 374.16 95.00 2"7.50 1"".00 Kitchen Suppll., Grocerl •• Groc.r'.' 158.'-0 Groc.rl •• ).30 387.76 Ribbon. Grocorl •• Groc.r'es Groceries 151.00 '.90 1 230.90 Grocorl.s 514.80 Groceries Custodlol $uppl°I •• Grocorl .. IO.itO 62. ItO 60.30 Paper Products Githwl~h.r 1.z6 336.77 Grecer'es Grocerl . . Grocerle. Gro,.rle. 58.00 Snow TI .... )Olf.75 186.08 70.80 Repalr.d 273.3~ Greearl •• 822.55 95.00 Grocerle. CU4todJal Supplies In:stallatlon of now St. . .r TOTAL • 103.25 '''I'd Oon 5 Co. K.~rtn. 5'.20 $ Grocer Ie. Custedla. SupplIes S. Schaff.r Grocery COrp. Inga lhard Bag .. Pape, Co. '00 701 'r I. Janvey s. Sons A. I. Macadam' Co. Acme AMerican Repair 699 ilO. 11 SCI100LLUNCH .FUND' \!AIW.MT 694 695 696 697 '1_ I of I OF COOPERltTIVE EDUCATIONAL SEAVICES MellAU County, New York • 21t.74 $ 10,672.30 au , '" 894 • • .; .•. . ;;{':~}~~f~¥)'&;1~~;;::'M)~~ .: _, -.~" _.~~, _~- c ·. x.~~#i"t~~~~';CV~;;""~'''fif~:f0';(.lf?~£;~1i;~ig~~,,,~~~4i·J;;;~ • - --.! ... ·ilIDltESUMBBBPOlt1.. Television to be metalled in School Bua ('10/'l1-t3U Pebruary 1', 19'11'" 2:00 P. M. DATE: Television to be used ill school bu. to entertain chJldren wbile ricUn' til the bU. Number of vendors to whom specifications were lSlued: Number of vendors who submltted bids: ·1· • • 13 BlDDBB AMOUNT ItIurlyD Educational Products Corp. $1,190.00 That the bid be awarded to Murlyn Educational Products. Corp. In the amOUllt of $1, lS0. 00 as the only responsible bidder, as per attached memo from Mr. Paul Nell. AnUcipated Date of Award: March 4, 1971 Fund: General provision in the 19'10- '11 budpt: Y,. A~ount to be Qbarpd: 250-290 DO • c: {t,; :- s~.:;.~;\ ~i-"i"'~:~:::'.L;':" -.~ -r,~-,: ~~- .-:0=>" _.~ . ~,~'-~_ -:,.~_~~::~~ ,.;:-_ ~ , _:',~ : , ~,~;, .~.: :,-,2', ._,; - ,,_, 'C. ~-~- :;.; ,-:';-·"-;~5 "~-. :-~"~-.: _-,:~'_ft~?;~~:":i~t~~r}~:-;':~' .'.>_,: ~~'-r,'~.<~~~;?\~~::~,-';-~:-'- :t'-~·:~<_~'=tX.':-'\_~,-u:::'~ :~ -_-}:;:~~~,-;.,~"';J:: ~"~1-~L ::~~-:,~:,~ ~~~:~ :?'~?~:2.<' .":->.-:: -.\ _', ,.'., -,., -, .,,,"-'. :.-:.:- ~ ':-' ;_"':" .-:'.- ~"_-':-.~: ._-.;~- .~ ;,~-.',-~,:-~.-_' "~.:' -:"_ :-. ~', .:' .- :"-=' -:. -." - -.:-. -_~- ~-.,- ~- ~ -~,- -.~:'-. :_ :- :~- -:- .: _- :'_ ~' -"_- ~ ,:. .. ... •• .• .•.'-__ .' ,,- <:' -:-:~.·~::::~:;~<~~~7'_.. : ~» :': -': -<. ~ "- .,' -~ -~.~: ...... -"::_."---.:"":'-'..-. • ._'.. .. •-. _.--.. ..-:'--: .. _--,.'_...:-.:'-.-•. ...-'.. .. .• .:'::,-,. ' '._' ·':;~~.i~-~".i\.;0F:-"~tlVE E1)UCATIEJRWf,SDVIGES·'··-··', li5Jefldtb Turnpike. Jencllo, New York 11158 , . - .. - Pebruarr 1Tt 19't1 . Ottic. of BuaiDea' aernc•• Att: • Olp McLees I'1lOM: Paul SUBJBC'!: B14 tor '1'.V. IDatall&t10D on Busea Q. lett Althouab the Murlrn bid is the 0011 acceptable bid respon8e tor installation ot w:r. V. in a BOCES bus t the bid does represent .. reaacmable coat factor tor IIlltloS this installation baaed on the 8peciticatlona that ve advertised. It should be notect that there vere three other "no bid" &u\JD1tt.c1. Tile "1\0 bid" aubmiGllODI were direct results ot ~. nature ot this in8tallatlon. Tbi.'ia 1D tact, a pilot prop-am that JIID1 vendora are not w:illlD& or able to atad behind. However, in WI opinion, Murlyn Corp. baa demonstrated a capability to both luat&llloS and ma1ntalniDI the equipment tor tbia proJect • • • • :~. • ... .'.'C~"C"'·'0\W'aI.'~"a&OWIt~····"";"'£DUCi:'" . . .iif{~_ . N'uaU~eot1DlYi New York BID RESUME REPORT TITLEs Electronic 'il ork Statton ('tol'll~ 119' DATE: February II, 1971 - 3:00 P. M. GENERAL STATEMENT: Equipment to be used In tnstructinl &tudenta attending the Exemplar1 ElectroDlc. Courae ot the Occupational Education Prop'am. Number of vendors to whom apecUlcatioDS were 18.uedl-- 4 NUIIlber 01 vendors who submitted bids: 2 AMOUNT BIPDEB • • (" '".'~''' ,104. O~,J Buck BftIlDeel'iDg CompaD)'. Inc. RECOMMENDATION: ., $15.840.00 Bl'odbead-Garrett Co. That the bid be awarded to Buck EJlliDeel'iDI Company, Inc. In the amount of $1'1, 104. 00 because Brodbead-Garrett Co. did Dot meet specificatlons a. per attached memo. Antlcipated date of award: March ll" 19'11 Fund: Federal Provllion in 19'10-'11 bud••t: Yes Account to be charged: 300-200 CC .. 89'7 • rNTEROFF1CE MEMO lllan:/J J 0, .1.97J. Sat BJd 170/7l - 12' .Ileatron1a M>rk StlJfJou I LJDtI the .B.l'odluMd-a.rrett Mel to be r_*'M: • _ptqz. Lor the t'olJCltlr.lag J) Zt_ (o) o~ the llpecJ.L1C4t:.ion O4lls for an Pft-VO/I JaOduJ. • bav.tng a.,.bjJ.1tg Lor -ur-.nQ 01' voltage 4lJCf C'UJlftlJt: (AC and DC), Ru1at:ance and c:a.PIc:1t:uce. rile to be 1IIJ1'l'l1ed cannot: --.are ourrent: or c:apu:1 t:cJc:e IUJtI 40a not: -ve t:he SlHlO1LJ.1Id low r . . . . Lor YOltttge ....ur..."u. wt: o~ the IIJlflQUJ.c:atJ.on c:aJJs Lor t1IJ AudJo s1ne/Bguuo Mlve generator c,,;.tblo td eJeotroA1c: _va Lor. over 4 broad rlUJg. cd LrfItJUttDe1.. ",,1 th a I:J1gh degree oL acc:u.rac:g and 1nc:orl'Orat:bJg the lat•• t fH'JUJ,.."t I'rOtec:t:Jon tlevJeea. !'be wt to be B~l'l.1ed do•• not: cover the .I1«1U1ed rug. td ~ret!JuencJ. .. , do. not: hive the ac:c:uraQ31 and .1nc:Jutl•• noaa ~ tho SJrot:ect:1QD LNtar". speaJ.L1t!Jd. 2) I t . (P) 3) Zu. (D and II) wer. Bl*1UJ.od .s ."parat. IQIer sUNllJ. •• 80 tAlt: I.n the eVent oL bg eitbar .u~pJ.II' the IIJOrk ·t.t:jon M:lUld at:J.ll be UMble lM'Jd1ng rell4i.ra. rhe BrodheadGlrr.t:t: bJ.d CO.aa.bJ.n&9 tI.w•• bo .~,pJJ.fIII aad t:berebsl eJ.1l1Jnat.. tNt ,...Jb1lJ.ty of student: u.. oL t:bct work statJ.on 1N! In, I LJ.ncI tlMt Buok llngJ,neering dON _ t t:he el*1JLJa4t:.i.on anti do not beJ.i.eve t:hIt " ZebJ.d hOuld ~uce " lower grjce. • t:. ,-; F. I.t.l «,,,I"· .,,~.'\~~;'\'~~ ~ . - - '" , " '·.AilJj"8.·~cHIUfMEtiiJ&fioN~LaR' • ",Nii.a, county, New York . DID RESUME REPORT G1a88 PeeDiDg Maobme. (10/71-133) DATE: March 4, 1971 - 2:00 P. M. GBNERAL STATElV..ENT: Equipment to be ueed in tutructiDI 8tUdetIt8 In the Die ••1 EnliJle coune of the Occupa- tional Education • Proaram. Number of veDdora to wbom apeoUlcatiou were iasued: 4 Humber 01 vendors who 8ubmitted bide: 8 BWDEB • , PreI.ute'tYPe AMOUNT FiDe Indumlll Supply CMIlpaD1 Joeeph G. Pollard Co., IDc. United Flalahtna Service Corp. RECOMMENDATION: That the bid be awarded to Joseph Q. PeUud Inc. in 111. IUIU!M.Iftt .If $1.l5O. 00 •• the loweR Hapon.e1ble bldder. Antiolpated date of award: Marcb 11, 1971 Funcl: Federal Prov1s1oD bl 19'10-11 bud..t: Yes AccOWlt to be charsed: 300-200 CC C"., . • . 'GAID OF COOPERATIVE .EDUCATIONAL SERV~'CIS' County j Hew York .'IRIASUREB •5" REPORT February J 1971 Trust and Agency Fund GlDlr,' Fund Cash Balance per Books 1131/71 , Add: $ • . $ 83.678.16 $ 51,914.03 139,155.64 9,154.49 - $ 1,693,154.73 $ 31,149.79 $ 222,833.80 $ 61,068.52 5,094.036.87 1,326,030.78 582.ltB 146,232.28 10,672.30 367,123.95 $ 30,567.31 $ 76,601.52 $ 50,396.22 335.271.85* $ *General Fund Cash Balance per Books at 2/28111 uf $335.271.85 Is on a "cash" (versus "accrua.") basts. When major Items of~recolvablos andlor payables as Indicated below are cons I dored , balance on an accrual basis becomes $(164.728.15) 8S follows: Add: Accounts Receivable $ 5,000,000.00 Investment for Component Districts lt8It.~2. 92 900,000.00 Investments-Repurchase Agreements Less: LIability due Employees (2,700,000.00) Retirement Systems, etG. (3'~C)fOOO.OO) '9.rr~fn9s ,'. ' .(lf84' 482 ' ) Stete AId" Interest due Districts ,_.".1.".92. ""JJlsf~r Eq~J_t,et~.· .. ( . $ 31,149.79 $ 5,429.308.72 $ Net~ccr~als lt05,122.71 School Lunch Fund 1,288,032.02 Less: Disbursements Cash Balance per Books 2/28/71 $ Federal Fund 4,158.162.83 Receipts Total 1,271,14s.89 ESM Title III (SCORI) FUnd $~·;l5~O.000.OO) , . Hele<- c. dowling TR~~~~R , , ··:'~,~~~Jr\~l~~~!"·', .,·.~;'~t·.~~~~l(.,. ".;,:~ :}:g<*i-j,~·r:t~:~1!1~§rl~l· . .':·:l?t;>~"·b~;;it;itt'~:::?~:A8.·;, ",." ': . . • .. •• , '>'~_bcOFeCONRXT'IVE EDUCATIONkt Slly.tES'·· Nassau County. Hew York BEcaiPTS February, 1911 .·.n.r'fFund " "1:1In91 toD',trlct. Redeemed Repurchase Agreements .ntarest • Rede.ed Repurchase Agre.ents State Aid due Districts .' Inter-fund Trans'ers Distributive Education PrpJect Adult Education All Other Total • Tru'l. Atlncv $ 4,158,162.83 Fund Tran,'er. from Oeneral Fund: Payroll Board Share Imployee Heelth In.uranc. nil.. Oenta 1 Insurance Total • $ ·Zt~?7.77Z.5S 1,000,000.00 1,895.83 618.899·10 4,678.15 14,000.00 10.641.00 10,276.20 $ 1.258,250.68 28,123.41 1,657.86 $ 1,288,032.02 • ~ ... 9fl • ·····8MRD .oFCooPlMTIVE EDUcATIOMt SEAVlces Nassau CountY, New York RECEIPTS February, 1971 Project '71-160 Pre-School - "~J. VI It '70-t-S52 VEA Nort,...t Center - Equipment II 'C70-'A(3)323 Adu,t "~ur.t"pp It 'C70"'BS70-Spec 'al .e. tchoo I S.'~rl 'qulpment ,. at . $ .rv,•• , 23.121.00 22,080.00 'C70-48S71-Beechwoqd Sc~J ·~h,rh.1 , ~IINlpment 15.598.00 .. N262-GEO-\lIN High SCIJoqJ JCJUlvalency 5unmer Instl tute /12 Project ,262-EO - Education ~"'4 orl""etlon • 26.336.00 11.946.00 5.000.00 4.996.00 ",992.00 -- '70-1-Slt8-VEA North~"., '.n~'r Equipment II . '70-I-sS4-VEA Sout~... ~ e.,,~.r Equipment 3,014.00 Training Teachers of· the Dr.adv.n.~~.4 ',919.64 Project '70-48-558 Equipment - C".~r D.velopment Center ',823.00 II To~,' $ 139.155.64 School Lunch Fund School Lunch Receipts Stete Reimbursement .. 8reakfast All Oth.r Proqrem , 202.70 . Total --,!. 8,879.15 72.64 $ 9.154.49