REGULAR MEETING USD # 26 1 BOARD ROOM - CENTRAL OFFICE 1745 W.GRAND AVE, HAYSVLLE, KANSAS SEPTEMBER 18,2006 - 7:00 P.M. MEETING OPENING 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Call to Order (Fenster) Flag Salute President's Announcements Approve 1 Amend Agenda DISTRICT PATRONIPERSONNEL TIME Hearing of Scheduled District PatronsIDistrict Personnel 2.1 2.2 Remarks/Comments from District Visitors CONSENT AGENDA 3.1 Previous Minutes 3.2 Treasurer's Report 1Bills 3.3 Routine Personnel ACTION ITEMS 4.1 Financial Donation for Science Proposal (Herbert) FIRST READINGS Transition Committee Guidelines -Naming Schools 5.1 REPORTS - Focus on Learning 6.1 Capital Outlay Summer School - Middle School 6.2 SUPEmTENDENT'S REPORT DISCUSSIONIREPORT ITEMS 8.1 Future Agenda Items 8.2 New and Good EXECUTIVE SESSION - if needed ADJOURNMENT 1.0 MEETING OPENING No Supporting Documentation End of Section 1.1 Call to Order No Supporting Documentation End of Section 1.2 Flag Salute No Supporting Documentation Fnd of Section 1.3 President's Announcements No Supporting Documentation End of Section 1.4 Approve / Amend Agenda No Supporting Documentation End of Section 2.0 DISTRICT PATRON /PERSONNEL T W No Supporting Documentation End of Section , Hearing of Scheduled District Patrons/District Personnel 2.1 No Supporting Documentation End of Section 2.2 Remarks 1 Comments from District Visitors No supporting documentation. End of Section 3.0 CONSENT AGENDA No Supporting Documentation End of Section SPECIAL MEETING U.S.D. # 261 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE CONFERENCE ROOM - CENTRAL OFFICE - 1745 WEST GRAND HAYSVILLE, KANSAS 5:30 p.m. September 5,2006 Subject to Board Approval The Special Meeting of the Board of Education of Haysville School District # 261, Haysville, Kansas was called to order in the Conference Room, 1745 W. Grand, Haysville, Kansas, at 5:30 p.m., by Board president, Greg Fenster. Six Board members were present. MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Fenster Phil Harris Susan Walston Mike Alexander Seth Konkel Glenn Crum OTHERS PRESENT Dr. John Burke, Superintendent of Schools Debbie Coleman, BOE Clerk Dr. Perry McCabe, Assistant Superintendent of Business Bruce Sanderson, Director of Maintenance Mike Elder, Project Manager for USD 261 Ken Helmer, Howard and Helmer Architect Firm Ray Penner, Coonrod and Associates 1.0 MEETING OPENING 1.1 Call to Order Greg Fenster opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. with six members present. 2.0 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE Ken Helmer, Ray Penner, and Mike Elder presented information to the Board regarding a change order and budget review concerning Campus High School. The budget review consisted of Coonrod and Associates budget estimates, and potential scope reductions. Mr. Fenster asked the Board to review the information and bring questions or concerns to the September 1 3 ' ~Construction meeting. Action will be taken on the agreement at the September meeting. Mike Elder presented the Board with a construction status packet. 3.0 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Debra M. Coleman, Board of Education Clerk Greg W. Fenster, Board of Education President REGULAR MEETING U.S.D. # 261 BOARD ROOM - CENTRAL OFFICE - 1745 WEST GRAND HAYSVILLE, KANSAS September 5,2006 -7:OO P.M. Subject to Board Approval The meeting of the Board of Education of Haysville School District # 26 1, Haysville, Kansas was called to order in the Board Room, 1745 W. Grand, Haysville, Kansas, at 7:00 p.m., by Board President, Greg Fenster. Six Board members were present. MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Fenster Phil Harris Seth Konkel Mike Alexander Glenn Cmm Susan Walston OTHERS PRESENT Dr. John Burke, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Perry McCabe, Assistant Supt. of Finance Debbie Coleman, Clerk of the Board Diane Gross, Assistant Supt. of Curriculum Bruce Petersen, Director of Personnel Sandy Bradshaw, Coordinator of Community Relations Becky Cezar, Director of Special Services Penny Hobkirk, Director of the Professional Development Center Dr. Mike Maurer, Haysville Middle School Principal Phil Bressler, Assistant Principal of Campus High School Dr. Missy Hollenbeck, Ruth Clark Elementary School Principal Mike Mitchener, Nelson Elementary School 1.0 MEETING OPENING 1.1 Call to Order Greg Fenster called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. with six members present. 1.2 Flag Salute 1.3 President's Announcements None 14 Approve 1 Amend Agenda MOTION to approve the agenda as amended by adding High School Summer School to 6.3. (Konkel I Alexander) Motion carried 6-0. 2.0 DISTRICT PATRONIPERSONNEL TIME Hearing of Scheduled District PatronsIDistrict Personnel 2.1 2.1.1 CHS Band Trip (Hughes) Ms. Becky Hughes presented information to the Board regarding the CHS Band Trip to Orlando, Florida, March 17 - 24,2007. MOTION to approve the Campus High School Band Trip to Orlando, Florida as presented. (Konkel 1 Harris) Motion carried 6-0. Remarks/Comments from District Visitors 2.2 District patron Patrick Falley addressed the Board regarding the Bond Issue. 3.0 CONSENT AGENDA. 3.1 Previous Minutes 3.2 Treasurer's Report / Bills 3.3 Routine Personnel MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Konkel / Alexander) Motion carried 6-0. 4.0 ACTION ITEMS 4.1 Board Policies Board Policies IDCE, JBE, and JQ were reviewed by the Board. MOTION to approve policies IDCE, and JBE as presented. (Konkel / Harris) Motion carried 6-0. 4.2 Easement Contracts for temporary and permanent sanitary sewage easements were presented to the Board. MOTION to approve the contracts for sanitary sewage easements as presented, with the contingency that all other parties of interest are also in agreement with the easement. (Konkel / Walston) Motion carried 6-0. 5.0 FIRST READINGS 5.1 Transition Committee Guidelines Sandy Bradshaw presented information to the Board regarding the Transition Committee Guidelines. Dr. Burke, Dr. McCabe, and Sandy Bradshaw will work on guidelines for naming the schools and bring the information back to the Board at the next Board meeting as a first reading. This was a first reading with no action requested from the Board. 6.0 REPORTS Initiatives - District Leadership Team 6.1 Diane Gross presented information to the Board regarding DLT. 6.2 Paperless Board Meeting David Herbert presented information to the Board regarding Paperless Board Meetings. Mike Alexander requested information on how much the district has saved by going to paperless meetings. 6.3 Summer School Brad Farrell presented information to the Board regarding elementary summer school. Phil Bressler presented information to the Board regarding the high school summer school. 6.4 Learning Center Bruce Sanderson presented information to the Board regarding an update on the remodeling status of the Learning Center. Mr. Sanderson will adjust the plans and bring the changes back to the Board at a later date. 7.0 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Enrollment numbers appear to be even with last year. The elementary schools have been working on equalizing the numbers to stay in line with the district guidelines for class sizes. The district has begun an induction program for new administrators. 9.0 DISCUSSION/REPORT ITEMS 9.1 Future Agenda Items Transition Committee - Naming Guidelines Initiatives Drug Testing Learning Center Report 9.2 New and Good Dr. Burke: The USD #261 Leadership Academy met and had an additional four staff members from the Renwick district in attendance. The Middle School survey regarding the response to the ACT Prep course indicated that parents would be interested in their children taking additional prep courses. BREAK - The Board took a 5-minute break, from 8:45 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. before entering into executive session. 10.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION to go into Executive Session to discuss Non-Elected Personnel at 8 5 0 p.m., for 10-minutes,to return at 9:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing Non-Elected Personnel. (Konkel 1 Harris) Motion carried 6-0. Bruce Petersen and Bruce Sanderson were requested to join the Board in executive session at 8 5 0 p.m. Mr. Petersen and Mr. Sanderson returned to the Boardroom at 9:00 p.m. The Board reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with six members present. 11.0 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Debra M. Coleman, Board of Education Clerk Greg W. Fenster, Board of Education President HAYSVILLE USD #261 911812006 DATED: AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AS FOLLOWS: PAYROLL DATE: 9/12/2006 DIRECTDEPOSIT 60824-61481 WITHHOLDING 1,351,133.27 985,487.78 cK# 15124-15304 74033-74078 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE: 9/7/2006 911812006 74025-74032 CKS 74079-74304 71,159.53 2,283,228.10 Manual cks. Void Cks TOTAL REGISTER: SUBMITTED BY: 4,691,008.68 I TREASURER APPROVED BY: BOARD PRESIDENT ATTESTED BY: BOARD CLERK Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074025 09/07/2006 American Messaging PAGER SERVICE 11.65 00074025 09/07/2006 American Messaging PAGER SERVICE 11.65 00074025 09/07/2006 American Messaging PAGER SERVICE 11.65 00074025 09/07/2006 American Messaging PAGER SERVICE 11.65 00074026 09/07/2006 AT&T PHONE SERVICE 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20654 OFFICE EQUIP 308.00 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20654 OFFICE EQUIP 252.14 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20640 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 234.28 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20604 INSERVICE & BLDG S E-Req:20640 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 3,451.74 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20602 AVCTL MEETING 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20604 INSERVICE & BLDG S 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20594 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 350.58 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20594 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 1,036.00 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20594 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 89.21 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20594 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 2,112.58 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20607 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 828.30 00074027 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20601 WORKGROUP SHARE PR 495.00 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20607 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 E-Req:20607 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 42.09 5.78 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20640 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 46.96 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20581 GARAGE & VEHICLE S 42.00 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20650 POSTAGE 32.92 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20745 POSTAGE 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20772 INSTRUCTIONAL & OF 485.86 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20618 SPECIAL ED MATERIA 113.00 Amount 84.86 17.34 40.71 11.99 14.40 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20618 SPECIAL ED MATERIA 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20705 BOOKS FOR TEACHERS 219.95 15.97 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20618 SPECIAL ED MATERIA 706.65 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20772 INSTRUCTIONAL & OF E-Req:20649 LODGING 377.36 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 00074027 09/07/2006 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20694 SAFETY 8 TRAINING 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20581 GARAGE & VEHICLE S 54.00 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20581 GARAGE 8 VEHICLE S 14.96 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 00074027 E-Req:20581 GARAGE 8 VEHICLE S E-Req:20721 BLDG MAlNT 74.80 39.08 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center lntrust Card Center E-Req:20582 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 183.35 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20315 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 17.04 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20314 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 82.54 00074027 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20314 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 42.47 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20316 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20328 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 9.94 62.41 lntrust Card Center lntrust Card Center E-Req:20582 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20328 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 20.33 53.02 29.99 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20648 SUPPLIES E-Req:20721 BLDG MAlNT lntrust Card Center E-Req:20721 BLDG MAlNT 245.01 16.06 1,372.03 84.97 00074027 09/07/2006 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20328 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 3.88 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20314 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 8.08 Haysville Unified School District #261 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20314 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center lntrust Card Center E-Req:20771 KAGAN, PBIS, & INS 224.51 09/07/2006 1,378.90 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20771 KAGAN, PBIS. & INS E-Req:20771 KAGAN, PBIS, & INS 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20670 TRAVEL EXPENSES 38.72 00074027 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20874 MEETING SUPPLIES 31.63 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:18029 TONER 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20298 SUPPLIES 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:19946 TREATS FOR SECRETA 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20330 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 3.43 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20330 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 73.05 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20330 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 32.38 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20550 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 69.41 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20330 DISTRICT HEALTH SU lntrust Card Center E-Req:20614 SUPPLIES 3.47 415.00 00074027 00074027 Amount 35.34 113.62 323.75 414.37 43.93 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20550 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 105.55 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20550 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 51.70 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20580 MAlNT SUPPLIES 34.47 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20550 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 96.90 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 36.62 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20550 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE E-Req:20614 SUPPLIES 00074027 09/07/2006 00074027 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center lntrust Card Center 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center lntrust Card Center E-Req:18929 ADMlN MATERIALS lntrust Card Center E-Req:20557 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074027 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20614 SUPPLIES 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20584 SUPPLIES & OFFICE 99.00 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20584 SUPPLIES & OFFICE 494.27 00074027 09/07/2006 lntrust Card Center E-Req:20584 SUPPLIES & OFFICE 96.07 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 1.19 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 4.73 00074029 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 0.26 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 1.49 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074027 00074027 00074027 E-Req:20614 SUPPLIES E-Req:20614 SUPPLIES E-Req:20330 DISTRICT HEALTH SU E-Req:20585 LUNCH FOR MEETING 21.06 343.06 231.52 6.73 49.95 22.05 379.10 87.46 220.85 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 69.79 0.31 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 9.50 00074029 09/07/2006 0.91 09/07/2006 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:19968 PAINT FOR P.A.T. 7.88 243.94 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 0.01 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 4.41 3.51 13.95 00074029 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 00074029 09/07/2006 Haysville Unified School District #261 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20371 MAlNT SUPPLIES E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 0.76 29.23 55.52 Page 2 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20416 MAlNT SUPPLIES E-Req:20416 MAlNT SUPPLIES 14.64 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20531 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 46.03 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20531 BLDG MAINT & SUPPL 23.64 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20800 HMS BLDG MAlNT 79.86 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20445 SHOP SUPPLIES 35.98 Amount 2.64 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20457 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 48.66 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20507 BLDG MAINT & SUPPL 113.82 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:20457 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 12.47 Lowe's E-Req:20323 P.A.T. REMODEL 11.61 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20323 P.A.T. REMODEL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20507 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20507 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 Low's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20037 REPAIR PARTS 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:19934 CHS BLDG MAINT E-Req:20037 REPAIR PARTS 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:19675 BLDG & MAlNT SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:19675 BLDG & MAlNT SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req: 19675 BLDG & MAlNT SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:19675 BLDG 8 MAlNT SUPPL 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 00074029 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:19675 BLDG & MAINT SUPPL E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 Lowe's 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 Haysville Unified School District #261 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 Page 3 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 09/07/2006 Lowe's 00074029 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 1.95 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 2.35 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 186.08 00074029 09/07/2006 0.01 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 12.20 00074029 09/07/2006 E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 46.79 00074029 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 10.12 00074029 Lowe's E-Req:20239 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20663 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 137.57 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20179 INSERVICE SUPPLIES 184.61 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:19920 COMPUTER DISKS 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20663 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 200.00 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:19860 OFFICE SUPPLIES 696.64 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20666 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 93.83 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20664 MEMBERSHIP FEES 15.00 00074030 09/07/2006 Sam's Club Direct E-Req:20664 MEMBERSHIP FEES 00074031 00074032 09/07/2006 Thomas Shields E-Req:20942 RElMB FOR DOUBLE M 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 00074032 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 4,854.91 521.33 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRlClTY SERVICE 781.95 392.02 00074029 Amount 214.89 58.80 0.62 19.78 15.00 100.00 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 1,638.00 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 1,883.64 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 48.90 00074032 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 2,396.70 Westar Energy Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 00074032 09/07/2006 09/07/2006 5,383.59 291.55 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE 10,277.16 00074032 00074032 09/07/2006 Westar Energy ELECTRICITY SERVICE 13,488.87 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 211.12 Report Total: Haysville Unified School District #261 09/07/2006 10:10:2 1 AM Page 4 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check 00074079 00074080 00074081 00074082 00074082 Check Date 0911812006 0911812006 0911812006 Payable To Description Abilitations E-Req:20094 SPECIAL ED EQUIP AdRem Software Inc. E-Req:20740 TECHNOLOGY EQUIP Advertising Specialists E-Req:20006 PENS WITH LOGO Arranged by: Check Number Amount 45.87 1,450.00 803.26 0911812006 0911812006 Alcon & Associates, LLC E-Req:19663 REX CONSTRUCTION 233,831.88 Alcon & Associates, LLC E-Req:19661 OATVILLE CONSTRUCT 309,454.35 341,504.58 299,257.83 00074082 00074082 0911812006 Alcon & Associates, LLC E-Req:19662 FREEMAN CONSTRUCT1 0911812006 Alcon & Associates, LLC E-Req:19660 NELSON ELEMENTARY 00074083 0911812006 Allpak Battery E-Req:20716 HMS BLDG MAlNT 00074084 0911812006 American Pool Co. E-Req:20680 RECOAT DECK AND LE 88.50 8.691.25 00074084 0911812006 American Pool Co. E-Req:20680 RECOAT DECK AND LE 3,177.74 00074085 E-Req:20906 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 26.20 00074085 0911812006 09/18/2006 E-Req:20906 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 00074085 0911812006 E-Req:20906 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 29.37 242.90 00074086 00074087 00074087 0911812006 0911812006 Apple Graphix Aramark Uniform Services Inc 0911812006 00074087 E-Req:20896 BLDG MAlNT 45.00 MOP SERVICE MOP SERVICE 85.59 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 0911812006 Aramark Uniform Services Inc MOP SERVICE 5.61 00074087 0911812006 Aramark Uniform Services Inc MOP SERVICE 85.59 00074087 0911812006 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 00074088 0911812006 Artwaxer MOP SERVICE E-Req:20392 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074089 0911812006 0911812006 AT&T PHONE SERVICE PHONE SERVICE E-Req:20911 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 178.20 5.69 85.59 213.36 70.90 77.08 00074091 0911812006 AT&T Austin Distributing 00074091 00074091 0911812006 Austin Distributing E-Req:20911 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 114.79 0911812006 Austin Distributing E-Req:20895 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 114.36 00074091 0911812006 Austin Distributing E-Req:20797 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 118.10 00074090 29.26 00074092 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 00074092 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 29.26 00074092 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 21.94 00074092 00074092 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 98.76 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 36.57 62.18 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 00074092 0911812006 0911812006 Awards Factory Inc E-Req:20810 NAME BADGES 00074093 0911812006 E-Req:20861 CHS N C REPAIR E-Req:20818 MILEAGE RElMB 1,648.40 E-Req:20825 BOOKS FOR CHS & LE 4,383.1 1 00074092 00074092 00074092 00074094 0911812006 B & B Electric Motor Co Kristina Barker 00074095 0911812006 Barnes 8 Noble Inc 3.66 7.31 7.31 46.44 00074095 0911812006 Barnes & Noble Inc E-Req:20620 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE 00074095 0911812006 Barnes & Noble Inc E-Req:20620 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE 60.1 1 00074095 0911812006 E-Req:20825 BOOKS FOR CHS & LE 179.70 00074095 0911812006 Barnes 8 Noble Inc Barnes & Noble Inc E-Req:20620 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE 1,035.04 00074095 00074095 0911812006 Barnes & Noble Inc E-Req:20620 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE 691.30 0911812006 0911812006 Barnes & Noble Inc E-Req:20620 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 37.16 232.32 00074096 Ben E Keith Foods 21.80 Ben E Keith Foods Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 33.55 E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 746.36 00074096 0911812006 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 959.46 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 239.22 00074096 00074096 0911812006 Haysville Unified School District #261 0911312006 08:32:46 AM Page 1 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Arranged by: Check Number Direct Dep. Check 00074096 Check Date Payable To Ben E Keith Foods Description E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE Amount 163.71 00074096 0911812006 0911812006 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 00074096 E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 800.61 17.93 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 5,060.68 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 68.55 754.99 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE -128.41 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE -528.36 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 363.90 E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 4,694.14 E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 342.91 E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 900.16 00074096 Ben E Keith Foods 00074096 0911812006 0911812006 00074096 0911812006 00074096 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods Ben E Keith Foods 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 33.75 448.96 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 645.02 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 59.57 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 962.52 00074096 09/18/2006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 1,003.92 0911812006 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods 255.14 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 00074096 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 88.44 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 1,388.33 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 282.33 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 119.61 00074096 00074096 Ben E Keith Foods 653.80 255.14 129.74 00074096 0911812006 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 88.93 00074096 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 1,603.34 00074096 00074097 0911812006 Ben E Keith Foods E-Req:20839 FOOD SERVICE 0911812006 Mandi Bennett E-Req:20748 MILEAGE RElMB 22.61 25.80 00074098 0911812006 Black and Decker, USPTG E-Req:20860 GENERAL MAlNT SUPP 10.98 E-Req:20805 ENROLLMENT REFUND E-Req:20488 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 25.00 00074099 0911812006 Cynthia Bledsoe 00074100 0911812006 0911812006 Nancy Bohler A Box4 U 00074101 E-Req:20588 STORAGE UNlTS AT B 00074101 0911812006 ABox4U E-Req:20588 STORAGE UNlTS AT B 00074101 0911812006 A Box4 U E-Req:20588 STORAGE UNlTS AT B E-Req:20588 STORAGE UNlTS AT B E-Reqi20588 STORAGE UNlTS AT B 58.20 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 00074101 0911812006 ABox4U 00074101 0911812006 00074102 00074103 0911812006 ABox4U Broadway Home Medical E-Req:20405 CHS HEALTH EQUIP 173.38 0911812006 Roxanne Brotsky E-Req:20954 P.A.T. FAMILY OUT1 200.00 00074104 00074105 0911812006 0911812006 Crystal Camarata Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20764 EXPENSE RElMB E-Req:20801 ENROLLMENT FEES 00074105 00074105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:21011 ENROLLMENT FEES 576.00 20.00 0911812006 E-Req:20952 DRIVER ED PERMITS 230.00 00074 105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund Campus Activity Fund 374.40 00074105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20741 FUND RElMB E-Req:20840 ENROLLMENT FEES 00074105 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20828 ENROLLMENT FEES 416.00 00074105 0911812006 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund 00074105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20836 ENROLLMENT FEES E-Req:21075 ENROLLMENT FEES 30.00 55.00 Haysville Unified School District #261 210.00 20.50 85.00 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Arranged by: Check Number Direct Dep. Check Date Payable To Description 00074105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20808 ENROLLMENT FEES 00074105 0911812006 Campus Activity Fund E-Req:20741 FUND RElMB 00074106 0911812006 Caro Construction Company, Inc. E-Req:17664 NEW ELEMENTARY CON 00074107 0911812006 CCM Countertop & Cabinet Mfg E-Req:20628 P.A.T. BLDG REMODE 666,556.87 56.30 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20574 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 168.47 00074 108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20513 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 20.88 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20513 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 104.39 00074108 0911812006 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20652 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 912.66 00074 108 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20733 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 7,850.00 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20651 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 178.23 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20573 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 1,168.00 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20573 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 292.00 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20736 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 507.33 00074108 0911812006 CDW Government, Inc E-Req:20736 TECHNOLOGY EQUlP 1,014.67 00074109 0911812006 00074110 0911812006 Center for Education & Employment Law Centar Industries Inc E-Req:20715 PARTITION DOOR 154.95 251.85 150.72 Check E-Req:20442 AMERICAN SCHOOL LA Amount 575.00 20.00 00074111 0911812006 Central Key 8, Safe E-Req:20794 MAlNT SUPPLIES 00074111 0911812006 Central Key & Safe E-Req:20917 MAlNT SUPPLIES 7.80 00074111 0911812006 Central Key & Safe E-Req:20794 MAlNT SUPPLIES 124.95 00074112 00074113 0911812006 Central Power Systems 8 Services E-Req:20867 LUBRICANTS & ADDIT 355.20 0911812006 Chamber Theatre Productions, Inc. E-Req:20879 THEATRE PRODUCTION 118.00 00074 114 0911812006 Cintas E-Req:20536 AED TRAINING 499.95 00074115 0911812006 Cintas Document Management E-Req:21004 SHREDDING SERVICE 148.50 00074116 0911812006 City Blue Print, Inc. E-Req:20951 SEPTEMBER NEWSLET 525.00 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville WATER ISEWER SERVICE 30.74 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville WATER ISEWER SERVICE 45.09 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville 76.18 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville WATER ISEWER SERVICE WATER ISEWER SERVICE 173.73 00074 117 0911812006 City of Haysville 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville WATER / SEWER SERVICE WATER ISEWER SERVICE 196.62 157.31 00074117 0911812006 City of Haysville WATER ISEWER SERVICE 00074118 0911812006 Classroom Direct Closing the Gap Closing the Gap E-Req:18967 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP E-Req:20567 CONFERENCE REGlSTR 420.00 E-Req:20567 CONFERENCE REGlSTR 420.00 265.00 387.50 00074119 0911812006 00074119 00074119 0911812006 0911812006 00074120 00074120 0911812006 00074120 37.44 297.47 Closing the Gap E-Req:20567 CONFERENCE REGISTR E-Req:20817 FOOD SERVICE 0911812006 Coca-Cola Btlg Of Mid-America Coca-Cola Btlg Of Mid-America E-Req:20817 FOOD SERVICE 155.00 0911812006 Coca-Cola Btlg Of Mid-America E-Req:20817 FOOD SERVICE 310.00 00074121 0911812006 Collegiate Pacific E-Req:20406 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 00074122 0911812006 Communities in Schools E-Req:21006 I S T QTR SITE COORD 00074123 00074124 0911812006 The Consortium Inc E-Req:20976 DRUT TESTING 373.00 0911812006 00074125 E-Req:20747 REFUND OF SNACK FE E-Req:20742 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 137.50 00074126 0911812006 0911812006 Lee Crawford Creative Mathematics CSS - Graphics E-Req:20475 HALL BANNERS 267.76 00074127 0911812006 Curtis Audio-Visual Comp 00074128 0911812006 Darling International Inc. E-Req:20308 PROJECTION SCREENS E-Req:20322 RUTH CLARK CONTRAC 210.95 8,750.00 20.00 714.00 00074129 0911812006 Dolese Bros. Co. E-Req:20592 GROUNDS MATERIAL 312.00 544.27 00074129 0911812006 Dolese Bros. Co. E-Req:20592 GROUNDS MATERIAL 213.31 00074130 0911812006 Donovan Truck and Auto Center E-Req:20532 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 106.41 Haysville Unified School District #261 09/13/2006 08:32:46 AM Page 3 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074131 0911812006 Duracable Manufacturing E-Req:20589 MAlNT EQUIPMENT 00074132 00074133 0911812006 Dynamic Control Systems Inc Ebsco Subscription Services E-Req:20864 CHS BLDG MAlNT 0911812006 00074134 0911812006 Ecowater Systems E-Req:20770 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW DRINKING WATER 00074134 0911812006 Ecowater Systems DRINKING WATER 14.85 00074 134 0911812006 Ecowater Systems 23.85 00074135 0911812006 Education Logistics, Inc. DRINKING WATER E-Req:20946 OPERATIONS EXPENSE 00074136 0911812006 Educational Record Center Inc E-Req:20558 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 89.50 00074137 00074138 0911812006 Emporia State University E-Req:20520 WORKSHOP REGISTRAT 50.00 0911812006 Emporia State University E-Req:21019 CAREER FAIR REGIST 75.00 00074139 0911812006 ESU ConferencelSchedule Ctr E-Req:20706 CONFERENCE REGISTR 40.00 00074140 0911812006 Brad Farrell E-Req:20725 EXPENSE RElMB 00074141 0911812006 FedEx Kinko's E-Req:20090 WEB RESOURCES FOR 1,790.88 00074142 0911812006 E-Req:20968 ASPHALT REPAIRS AT 4,469.50 00074143 0911812006 Ferguson Paving Inc. Ferguson Enterprises Inc. #216 E-Req:20686 BLDG REMODEL & PLU 45.81 00074143 0911812006 Ferguson Enterprises Inc. #216 E-Req:20686 BLDG REMODEL & PLU 175.06 00074144 0911812006 First Wireless E-Req:20535 EQUIPMENT INSTALLA 00074144 0911812006 First Wireless E-Req:20535 EQUIPMENT INSTALLA 75.00 115.00 60.00 Amount 36.62 98.64 455.43 24.80 50.00 5.68 00074144 0911812006 First Wireless E-Req:20535 EQUIPMENT INSTALLA 00074144 0911812006 First Wireless E-Req:20535 EQUIPMENT INSTALLA 00074145 0911812006 Fisher Scientific E-Req:18972 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 178.67 00074146 00074147 0911812006 Fitness Finders E-Req:20524 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 0911812006 Foley Equipment Co E-Req:20799 CONTRACT LABOR 373.20 749.63 00074147 0911812006 Foley Equipment Co 00074147 Foley Equipment Co E-Req:20912 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20534 CONTRACT LABOR 668.52 00074147 0911812006 0911812006 Foley Equipment Co E-Req:20685 CONTRACT LABOR 514.79 00074148 0911812006 Follett Educational Services E-Req:20340 CHS TEXTBOOKS 166.95 00074149 0911812006 Follett Library Resources E-Req:20157 LIBRARY BOOKS & AR 646.41 00074149 0911812006 Follett Library Resources E-Req:20157 LIBRARY BOOKS & AR 3,628.12 75.00 33.81 00074150 0911812006 44.97 0911812006 Kim Forgey Gateway Wireless Services E-Req:20849 EXPENSE RElMB 00074151 E-Req:20587 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 24.00 00074151 0911812006 Gateway Wireless Services E-Req:20587 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 00074152 0911812006 General Parts Inc 71.OO 63.57 00074153 00074154 0911812006 0911812006 Gibbons Refrigeration Goldstar Learning, Inc. E-Req:20909 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE E-Req:20200 ICE MACHINE LEASE 00074155 0911812006 Graybar Electric Company, Inc E-Req:20913 TECHNOLOGY EQUIP 5.40 00074155 00074156 0911812006 Graybar Electric Company, Inc E-Req:20913 TECHNOLOGY EQUIP 86.42 0911812006 Carol Grissom E-Req:20753 SOFTWARE FOR SPEC1 00074157 0911812006 Haddock Computer Centers E-Req:19734 PROMETHEAN BOARD 00074158 0911812006 Hajoca Corporation E-Req:20967 CHS BLDG MAlNT 90.90 00074158 0911812006 00074159 0911812006 Hajoca Corporation Hampel Oil Distributors, Inc E-Req:20591 PLUMBING SUPPLIES E-Req:20637 MOTOR FUEL & GARAG 90.90 83.00 00074159 00074 159 0911812006 Harnpel Oil Distributors, Inc E-Req:20637 MOTOR FUEL & GARAG 8,212.12 09/18/2006 Hampel Oil Distributors, Inc 00074159 09/18/2006 0911812006 Hampel Oil Distributors, Inc E-Req:20759 MOTOR FUEL & GARAG E-Req:20759 MOTOR FUEL & GARAG 7,507.60 3,877.50 E-Req:20759 MOTOR FUEL & GARAG 50.00 5,536.54 00074161 0911812006 0911812006 Hampel Oil Distributors. Inc Harcourt Inc Gena Harris 00074162 0911812006 Harriet Harris E-Req:20540 EXPENSE REIMB E-Req:20838 COOKIES FOR OPEN H 00074159 00074160 Haysville Unified School District #261 E-Req:20905 ANNUAL SUBSCRlPTlO E-Req:19710 OATVILLE MATH TEXT 60.60 1,284.00 300.00 4,385.00 29.00 45.00 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Arranged by: Check Number Direct Dep. Check 00074163 Check Date 0911812006 Haysville Middle School E-Req:20844 ENROLLMENT FEES 15.00 00074163 0911812006 E-Req:20830 ENROLLMENT FEES 115.00 00074163 0911812006 Haysville Middle School Haysville Middle School E-Req:20802 ENROLLMENT FEES 00074163 0911812006 Haysville Middle School E-Req:20786 CLASP ENVELOPES 8,580.00 17.72 00074163 0911812006 Haysville Middle School 00074163 0911812006 Haysville Middle School E-Req:20809 ENROLLMENT FEES E-Req:20811 ENROLLMENT FEES 00074164 0911812006 Haysville True Value E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 00074164 09/18/2006 Haysville True Value E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 14.99 00074164 0911812006 09/18/2006 Haysville True Value E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 318.09 Haysville True Value E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 259.79 00074164 00074164 0911812006 Haysville True Value E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 0911812006 00074165 0911812006 Haysville True Value Highsmith Inc E-Req:20943 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL E-Req:20793 LIBRARY MATERIALS 00074 166 0911St2006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074 166 09118t2006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 185.47 52.16 232.91 277.02 60.56 5.52 3.62 8.55 39.74 78.95 93.84 95.68 68.18 8.72 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 53.22 00074166 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 4.85 0911812006 E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 12.93 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company Hiland Dairy Company 4.85 141.85 53.22 00074164 Payable To Description Amount 320.00 40.00 19.62 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 00074166 0911812006 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 8.53 00074166 Hiland Dairy Company 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 93.62 10.30 6.22 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 25.26 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 112.99 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 134.14 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 12.23 00074166 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 414.38 00074166 0911812006 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 37.78 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074 166 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE Hiland Dairy Company Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 0911812006 89.61 147.82 8.17 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 101.47 00074166 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 4.16 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 4.13 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 45.59 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 13.48 Haysville Unified School District #261 9.25 Page 5 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Arranged by: Check Number Direct Dep. Check Check Date Payable To Description 00074166 0911812006 E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 45.30 45.77 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 7.20 00074166 0911812006 Hiland Dairy Company E-Req:20813 FOOD SERVICE 4.18 00074167 0911812006 M.Christine Holt E-Req:20578 MILEAGE RElMB 55.04 3.23 Amount 00074168 0911812006 0911812006 Homeland Grocery Homeland Grocery E-Req:20815 FOOD SERVICE 00074168 00074168 00074168 0911812006 0911812006 Homeland Grocery Homeland Grocery E-Req:20709 SUPPLIES FOR FOODS 0911812006 Homeland Grocery E-Req:20665 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES E-Req:20665 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 112.90 00074168 00074168 0911812006 Homeland Grocery E-Req:20665 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 17.84 00074168 0911812006 Homeland Grocery E-Req:20665 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 00074169 0911812006 Hopper's Glass Inc E-Req:20583 NEW WINDOWS AT P.A 00074170 00074170 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 3,143.43 00074170 00074170 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 21,988.29 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 3,257.46 00074170 00074 170 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 6,586.89 00074170 0911812006 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 2,106.04 00074 170 Howard & Helmer Architects PA E-Req:21069 ARCHITECT FEES 00074171 0911812006 0911812006 Kathy Hubbard E-Req:20713 EXPENSE RElMB 125,620.94 19.32 00074172 09118/2006 Huber lnc E-Req:20868 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 154.06 00074172 0911812006 Huber lnc E-Req:20868 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 219.80 00074172 0911812006 Huber lnc 445.82 00074172 0911812006 Huber lnc E-Req:20868 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES E-Req:20897 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 00074172 0911812006 E-Req:20717 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 64.20 00074172 09/18/2006 Huber lnc Huber lnc E-Req:20897 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 820.40 E-Req:20665 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 10.89 27.85 2.77 70.49 4,796.00 4,671.52 2,252.41 77.18 00074173 0911812006 Hayley Hummel E-Req:20707 MILEAGE RElMB 00074174 0911812006 Hupp True Value Hardware E-Req:20634 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 159.92 00074174 0911812006 Hupp True Value Hardware E-Req:20634 BLDG MAlNT 8 SUPPL 33.59 00074174 0911812006 Hupp True Value Hardware E-Req:20634 BLDG MAlNT 8 SUPPL 31.30 00074174 0911812006 Hupp True Value Hardware E-Req:20634 BLDG MAlNT 8 SUPPL 41.94 00074175 0911812006 236.20 0911812006 Inland Truck Parls Co. Insurance Center Inc E-Req:20765 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 00074176 E-Req:21007 ADDITION OF VEHICL 00074177 0911812006 E-Req:20729 LUNCH FOR SUPER. C 38.00 43.00 00074177 00074177 0911812006 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of W K S Jasons Deli-Deli Club of TWKS E-Req:20824 DIBELS TESTING & T 160.00 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of W K S 00074177 0911812006 0911812006 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of W K S E-Req:20692 LUNCH FOR MEETING E-Req:20647 ASST. SUPER. MEET1 207.50 00074177 0911812006 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of TWKS E-Req:20216 BOE MEETING 00074177 0911812006 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of TWKS E-Req:20394 LUNCH FOR P.A.T. M 09/18/2006 0911812006 Jasons Deli-Deli Club of W K S Jasons Deli-Deli Club of W K S E-Req30191 FACULTY BREAKFAST E-Req:20824 DIBELS TESTING & T 118.00 0911812006 Johnny L. Mishler DBA J.D. Graphics E-Req:20605 NEGOTIATED AGREEME 510.00 405.00 00074177 00074177 00074178 38.70 148.00 87.23 48.00 147.97 00074178 00074178 0911812006 Johnny L. Mishler DBA J.D. Graphics E-Req:20744 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 09/18/2006 Johnny L. Mishler DBA J.D. Graphics E-Req:20691 OPERATIONS EXPENSE 34.00 00074179 0911812006 0911812006 0911812006 Jim's Builders Hardware Inc. E-Req:20682 CHS BLDG MAlNT E-Req:20856 MAINT TOOLS 34.1 1 23.27 00074180 00074180 Haysville Unified School District #261 J M Oconnor Inc J M Oconnor Inc E-Req:20899 BLDG MAlNT & TOOLS 223.30 Page 6 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check 00074180 Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 09/18/2006 J M Oconnor Inc E-Req:20899 BLDG MAlNT & TOOLS Joe Wisner Piano Tuning Joe Wisner Piano Tuning E-Req:18494 PIANO TUNING & CHO 85.88 E-Req:18494 PIANO TUNING & CHO 60.12 Amount 227.54 00074181 00074181 0911812006 00074182 0911812006 0911812006 Johnstone Supply Of Wichita E-Req:20900 BLDG MAINT 00074182 Johnstone Supply Of Wichita 00074182 0911812006 Johnstone Supply Of Wichita E-Req:20687 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 E-Req:20687 BLDG REMODEL 8 MA1 169.84 264.23 00074 182 0911812006 Johnstone Supply Of Wichita E-Req:20687 BLDG REMODEL & MA1 114.56 0911812006 75.53 44.10 00074182 0911812006 Johnstone Supply Of Wichita E-Req:20900 BLDG MAlNT 00074183 0911812006 Stacy Kahmann E-Req:20891 SCIENCE MATERIALS 130.14 00074184 0911812006 Kansas Gas Service GAS SERVICE 203.11 00074185 0911812006 Kansas Trane Service Company Inc E-Req:20719 HMS CONTRACTED REP 88.00 00074 185 0911812006 E-Req:20719 HMS CONTRACTED REP 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Trane Service Company Inc Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20763 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 197.00 2.88 00074186 09f 1812006 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20763 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 117.29 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc 143.46 00074186 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc -65.74 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20763 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 219.76 00074186 107.46 67.36 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 686.96 00074186 0911812006 Kansas Truck Equipment Co Inc E-Req:20593 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 613.28 383.00 00074187 0911812006 Kan-Tech, Inc. E-Req:20880 WATER BOILER TREAT 00074188 00074188 0911812006 Gina Keirns E-Req:20678 GATOR TROPHY 36.31 0911812006 Gina Keirns E-Req:20807 MILEAGE RElMB 22.36 00074189 0911812006 00074190 Kansas Assoc for the Gifted, Talented, The Kiplinger Letter E-Req:21030 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW 89.00 00074191 0911812006 0911812006 B. J. Knudson E-Req:20410 EXPENSE RElMB 00074192 0911812006 KSDC E-Req:20306 AGENCY MEMBERSHIP 79.90 40.00 00074193 00074194 09/18/2006 KSDC E-Req:20823 CONFERENCE REGISTR 200.00 0911812006 KSDE Fall Assessment Conference E-Req:20886 CONFERENCE REGISTR 00074195 0911812006 Lesco Inc Revolving Credit E-Req:20918 GROUNDS MATERIAL 150.00 425.88 00074196 0911812006 Suzan Lightbody E-Req:20699 MILEAGE RElMB 00074197 0911812006 Live Wire Media E-Req: 19101 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074 198 0911812006 Christy Long 00074199 00074200 0911812006 Cindy Long E-Req:20827 MILEAGE RElMB E-Req:20625 EXPENSE RElMB 0911812006 0911812006 Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita E-Req:20950 BASKETBALL UNIFORM 00074200 E-Req:20852 CONVENTION FEE E-Req:20612 ATHLETIC EQUIP 00074200 0911812006 Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita E-Req:20131 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 00074200 0911812006 Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita E-Req:20875 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 00074200 00074200 0911812006 Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita E-Req:20341 ATHLETIC EQUIP 0911812006 Lou's Sporting Goods Wichita E-Req:20702 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 00074201 0911812006 00074202 0911812006 Loving Guidance The Master Teacher E-Req:20599 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW 00074203 09/18/2006 0911812006 09118t2006 00074204 0911812006 0911812006 Medical Products Laboratories Inc Medical Products Laboratories Inc 00074205 0911812006 Midland Insurance Group, Inc 00074204 00074204 00074204 Haysville Unified School District #261 Greg McGlynn E-Req:20509 INSTRUCTIONAL MATE 150.00 76.54 755.89 87.29 13.90 2.308.50 124.00 383.60 85.65 699.85 54.00 280.55 25,OO Medical Products Laboratories Inc E-Req:20784 EXPENSE RElMB E-Req:20277 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 376.20 19.53 Medical Products Laboratories Inc E-Req:20277 DISTRICT HEALTH SU E-Req:20277 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 19.53 19.53 E-Req:20277 DISTRICT HEALTH SU E-Req:20774 NOTARY INSURANCE 50.00 19.53 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074206 0911812006 Midwest Sporting Goods E-Req:20708 SOCCER JERSEYS 555.14 00074207 0911812006 Modern School Supplies, Inc. E-Req:20130 SHOP MATERIALS 00074208 0911812006 Teresa Moritz E-Req:20041 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 368.73 49.85 00074209 0911812006 Mr Goodcents E-Req:20570 FOOD FOR MEETING Amount 41.91 274.00 00074210 0911812006 Music Alive! Magazine E-Req:20143 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW 00074211 0911812006 Music First Express E-Req:20728 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 138.95 00074212 0911812006 Musician's Friend, Inc E-Req:20346 MUSIC EQUlP 199.99 00074212 0911812006 Musician's Friend, Inc E-Req:20346 MUSIC EQUlP 12.95 00074213 00074214 09118/2006 National Forensic League E-Req:20949 NATIONAL DUES 99.00 0911812006 National Geographic Society 19.00 00074215 0911812006 National Screening Bureau E-Req:20019 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW E-Req:20947 BACKGROUND CHECKS 00074216 00074217 0911812006 ECC SUPPLIES & MATERIALS E-Req:20804 ENROLLMENT REFUND 769.78 0911812006 NCS Pearson. Inc Shannon Needham 00074218 0911812006 Chelie Nelson E-Req:20862 AEPS TRAINING W l E 800.00 00074219 0911812006 Gayle Nelson E-Req:20755 EXPENSE RElMB 55.27 110.00 141.50 25.00 00074221 00074222 0911812006 0911812006 Barney Nichols NIMCO, Inc. E-Req:20788 REFUND ENROLLMENT 0911812006 North Mountain Publishing Company E-Req:20769 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP 199.99 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP 439.98 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan 349.97 00074223 Office Depot Credit Plan 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP 59.99 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20549 OFFICE SUPPLIES 35.90 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20549 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20.56 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20549 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.61 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 44.94 00074220 E-Req:20812 SUPPLIES 62.97 55.77 2,332.80 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20826 OFFICE SUPPLIES 52.96 00074223 09118/2006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20549 OFFICE SUPPLIES 51.83 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19958 DATA PROCESSING SU 107.88 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20408 TEACHER DESK 292.49 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP 379.99 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20676 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 00074223 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20397 DATA PROCESSING SU 00074223 0911812006 E-Req:20676 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan Office Depot Credit Plan 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19573 P.A.T. EQUlP E-Req:20127 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19727 OFFICE FURNITURE 439.96 Office Depot Credit Plan 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20478 OFFICE SUPPLIES E-Req:20424 DATA PROCESSING SU 211.86 00074223 E-Req:20424 DATA PROCESSING SU E-Req:19984 DESKS AND OFFICE S 2,917.23 87.44 -299.99 1,937.78 69.14 -439.98 143.93 21.98 159.98 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan Office Depot Credit Plan 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19984 DESKS AND OFFICE S 00074223 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19858 OFFICE CHAIRS AND E-Req:19984 DESKS AND OFFICE S 249.99 Office Depot Credit Plan 00074223 09118/2006 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19858 OFFICE CHAIRS AND 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20013 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239.97 84.12 00074223 00074223 Haysville Unified School District #261 222.80 473.10 159.99 Page 8 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20013 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.85 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20013 OFFICE SUPPLIES 109.82 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20079 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 332.70 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20384 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan Office Depot Credl Plan E-Req:20079 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP Office Depot Credit Plan 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 E-Req:20079 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP E-Req:20079 INSTRUCTIONALSUPP Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20013 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19735 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 12.96 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20338 SUPPLIES FOR LEADE 136.72 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.36 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES 26.04 00074223 09118/2006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.66 17.54 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 38.52 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.71 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20493 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIE 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES E-Req:19989 TEACHER DESK 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.01 00074223 09118/2006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.03 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.40 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.74 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.31 00074223 00074223 0911812006 E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.89 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES 33.84 -5.75 00074223 00074223 Amount 19.95 14.78 1,418.80 16.85 3.73 26.28 1.24 229.99 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan 00074223 00074223 0911812006 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES E-Req:20402 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.74 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 294.79 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 516.70 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19727 OFFICE FURNITURE 296.99 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:19912 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074223 0911812006 Office Depot Credit Plan E-Req:20643 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 00074225 0911812006 Papa Johns Wichita, LLC E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE 240.00 00074225 00074225 0911812006 0911812006 Papa Johns Wichita, LLC E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE Papa Johns Wichita, LLC E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE 180.00 240.00 00074225 Papa Johns Wichita, LLC Papa Johns Wichita. LLC E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE 240.00 00074225 0911812006 09/18/2006 E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE 240.00 00074225 0911812006 Papa Johns Wichita, LLC E-Req:20822 FOOD SERVICE 252.00 00074226 09118/2006 P B Hoidale Co Inc 00074226 00074227 0911812006 P B Hoidale Co Inc E-Req:20766 CONTRACT LABOR E-Req:20683 CONTRACT LABOR 135.50 0911812006 0911812006 Peoples Education E-Req:20329 CHS TEXTBOOKS PESl LLC E-Req:20854 CONFERENCE REGISTR 00074228 00074229 00074230 00074231 00074232 Barbara Petersen E-Req:20414 EXPENSE RElMB E-Req:20657 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 0911812006 Nelson Elementary School Piping 8 Equipment Co Inc 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. 0911812006 0911812006 Haysville Unified School District #261 E-Req:20908 REPLACE CHILL WATE E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR -6.35 45.59 30.75 29.09 135.50 4,324.01 169.00 27.50 13.00 5,691.85 14.40 Page 9 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Check Date Payable To Description Arranged by: Check Number Amount 00074232 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20632 CHS BLDG MAlNT 20.97 00074232 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 00074232 00074232 0911812006 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 10.26 1.14 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 27.55 00074232 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 00074232 0911812006 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 60.63 6.02 00074232 0911812006 16.88 0911812006 Poorman's Auto Supply Inc. Popplers Music Inc E-Req:20762 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 00074233 E-Req:20559 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 103.85 102.00 00074234 0911812006 Power Drive Inc E-Req:20945 REPAIR PARTS 00074235 0911812006 E-Req:20653 TECHNOLOGY EQUIP 00074236 0911812006 Powergistic Systems, Inc. L J Pracht Company E-Req:20164 ART SUPPLIES 630.80 Prirnaty Focus E-Req:20885 ASSEMBLY E-Req:20845 ASSEMBLY 600.00 Primary Focus E-Req:20833 ASSEMBLY E-Req:20350 SPECIAL ED MATERIA 600.00 4,301.60 00074237 0911812006 0911812006 00074237 0911812006 00074238 00074239 09/18/2006 Primary Focus Pro-ed 0911812006 Proquest Information and Learning E-Req:18942 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 00074240 0911812006 Quill Corporation E-Req:20487 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.89 00074240 0911812006 Quill Corporation E-Req:20487 OFFICE SUPPLIES 00074240 09118/2006 Quill Corporation E-Req:20173 CLASSROOM EQUIP 186.87 418.15 00074241 0911812006 R & B Supply Co. Inc. E-Req:20586 GARAGE SUPPLIES 00074242 0911812006 Ragan Communications E-Req:21009 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW 00074243 0911812006 Jill Rausch E-Req:20679 EXPENSE RElMB 00074244 0911812006 00074244 00074245 0911812006 Read Naturally Read Naturally E-Req:20073 SOFTWARE & LlCENSl E-Req:19997 READING PROGRAM FO 0911812006 Really Good Stuff Inc E-Req:18465 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074246 0911812006 Julia Reisch E-Req:20820 MILEAGE RElMB 00074247 0911812006 Renaissance Learning Inc E-Req:20205 ANNUAL SUPPORT REN 00074247 0911812006 Renaissance Learning Inc E+Req:20204ANNUAL SUPPORT REN 00074248 0911812006 Rick's Appliance Service, Inc E-Req:20796 CHS BLDG MAlNT 00074249 0911812006 Tammy Ricke E-Req:20579 MILEAGE RElMB 00074250 0911812006 Roberts Truck Center E-Req:20760 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR 126.90 00074250 0911812006 00074251 0911812006 Roberts Truck Center Roof Mechanics, Inc. E-Req:20533 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20629 REMOVE SKYLIGHTS 4,528.00 00074252 00074252 0911812006 0911812006 Roto-Rooter Plumbers E-Req:20631 CONTRACTED REPAIRS E-Req:20631 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 150.00 E-Req:20966 CHS CONTRACTED REP E-Req:19449 2007 FORD TAURUS 13,156.95 00074237 Roto-Rooter Plumbers 600.00 120.75 2,385.00 100.00 129.00 27.00 3,347.50 3.289.00 282.80 11.61 338.00 139.00 55.48 50.74 348.36 184.00 00074252 0911812006 Roto-Rooter Plumbers 00074253 0911812006 00074254 09118/2006 Rusty Eck Ford SASED 00074255 0911812006 Scholastic Classroom Magazines E-Req:20080 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 1,192.59 00074256 0911812006 School Link Techologies Inc E-Req:20738 YEARLY SUPPORT & M 4,900.00 00074257 0911812006 Scholastic Inc E-Req:19007 MAGAZINES 00074257 00074258 0911812006 Scholastic Inc E-Req:19007 MAGAZINES 0911812006 E-Req:19257 SUPPLIESIT-SHIRTS 00074259 0911812006 0911812006 Schooltec Inc. School Speciality Inc. 00074259 00074259 00074259 0911812006 0911812006 E-Req:20819 REGISTRATION FEE 97.00 250.00 142.20 12.80 848.00 599.41 School Speciality Inc. E-Req:19451 MARKER BOARD E-Req:19451 MARKER BOARD School Speciality Inc. E-Req:19451 MARKER BOARD 8.57 E-Req:19451 MARKER BOARD 89.59 E-Req:20450 CONCERT MUSIC E-Req:20782 MUSIC MATERIALS 318.95 185.10 00074260 0911812006 School Speciality Inc. Senseney Music 00074260 09/18/2006 Senseney Music 57.31 -- Haysville Unified School District #261 09/13/2006 08:32:46 AM Page 10 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074260 00074261 0911812006 0911812006 Senseney Music JoAnn Shipman E-Req:20450 CONCERT MUSIC E-Req:20803 MILEAGE RElMB 00074262 0911812006 Susan Shipman E-Req:20698 EXPENSE RElMB 13.72 140.54 383.61 Amount 121.80 29.58 00074262 0911812006 Susan Shipman E-Req:20698 EXPENSE RElMB 00074263 00074263 0911812006 0911812006 Shirts Plus Shirts Plus E-Req:20357 SCHOOL T-SHIRTS & E-Req:20357 SCHOOL T-SHIRTS & 00074263 09/18/2006 Shirts Plus E-Req:20357 SCHOOL T-SHIRTS & 162.00 00074264 00074264 0911812006 0911812006 Simplex Grinnell LP E-Req:20907 REPAIR INTERCOM SY Simplex Grinnell LP E-Req:20858 CHS CONTRACTED REP 258.00 258.00 00074265 0911812006 Southern Kansas Telephone E-Req:20916 SERVICE AT NELSON 00074265 00074265 0911812006 Southern Kansas Telephone E-Req:20737 LABOR & SERVICE 331.35 135.00 0911812006 Southern Kansas Telephone E-Req:20919 SERVICE AT HMS 144.60 00074265 0911812006 Southern Kansas Telephone E-Req:20737 LABOR & SERVICE 105.00 00074265 0911812006 Southern Kansas Telephone E-Req:20737 LABOR & SERVICE 135.00 00074266 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20638 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 58.28 00074266 00074266 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20638 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 485.00 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 276.86 00074266 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 539.90 00074266 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 00074266 09/18/2006 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 302.63 757.50 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 283.90 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company E-Req:20638 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 84.66 0911812006 Southwest Paper Company 418.09 00074267 09/18/2006 SSI Sprinkler System Inc. E-Req:20902 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES E-Req:20630 REPAIR SPRINKLERS 00074268 0911812006 Star Electric Supply Inc. E-Req:20695 BLDG MAlNT & ELECT 2,013.69 718.67 00074268 0911812006 Star Electric Supply Inc. E-Req:20695 BLDG MAlNT 8 ELECT 148.50 00074268 0911812006 Star Electric Supply Inc. E-Req:20695 BLDG MAlNT & ELECT 00074268 09118/2006 Star Electric Supply Inc. E-Req:20695 BLDG MAlNT & ELECT 359.80 1,034.17 00074266 00074266 00074266 120.00 00074268 0911812006 Star Electric Supply Inc. E-Req:20590 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 110.77 00074269 0911812006 The State Chemical Mfg Co 957.21 00074269 0911812006 The State Chemical Mfg Co E-Req:20910 MAlNT & CUSTODIAL E-Req:20910 MAlNT & CUSTODIAL 276.48 00074270 00074270 0911812006 Storer Sign Co, Inc E-Req:20869 BLDG MAlNT 100.00 0911812006 Storer Sign Co, Inc E-Req:20869 BLDG MAlNT 20.00 00074270 0911812006 Storer Sign Co, Inc E-Req:20869 BLDG MAlNT 40.00 00074271 0911812006 Suburban Equipment Inc. E-Req:20689 REPAIR PARTS 00074272 0911812006 Superior School Supplies, Inc E-Req:20642 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 00074272 0911812006 Superior School Supplies, Inc 00074272 0911812006 Superior School Supplies, Inc E-Req:20887 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES E-Req:20754 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074272 00074272 0911812006 0911812006 Superior School Supplies, Inc Superior School Supplies, Inc E-Req:20832 CLASS RECORD BOOKS 00074273 09118/2006 TAMS-Witmark Music Library E-Req:20785 ROYALTlESlSCRlPTS 2,019.75 00074274 00074274 0911812006 0911812006 Tap Of Kansas Inc. Tap Of Kansas Inc. E-Req:20857 CHS BLDG MAlNT E-Req:20639 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 13.50 149.64 00074274 0911812006 E-Req:20639 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 188.54 00074275 0911812006 Tap Of Kansas Inc. TelCove E-Req:20914 ISP SERVICE 650.00 163.40 E-Req:20754 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 192.60 42.49 21.24 9.97 26.32 62.40 00074276 0911812006 Thomson Gale E-Req:17349 BOOKS 00074277 0911812006 Abby Thrash 37.25 00074278 00074279 0911812006 0911812006 TIME Tire Centers, LLC E-Req:20693 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES E-Req:20020 SUBSCRIPTION RENEW E-Req:20798 CONTRACT LABOR 45.50 Haysville Unified School District #261 16.22 Page 11 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 00074280 0911812006 Total Electric, Inc. E-Req:20866 P.A.T. BLDG REMODE 668.75 00074280 09/18/2006 Total Electric, Inc. E-Req:20600 WIRING IN CHS LAB 814.85 00074281 0911812006 Triarco Arts and Crafts E-Req:20182 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 00074282 0911812006 LanaTucker E-Req:20684 EXPENSE RElMB 00074283 0911812006 Unity School Bus Parts 350.07 00074284 University Career Center 00074285 0911812006 0911812006 E-Req:20508 VEHICLE REPAIR PAR E-Req:20726 REGISTRATION FOR E Upstart E-Req:20551 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 00074285 0911812006 E-Req:20551 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPP 15.60 113.10 00074286 0911812006 E-Req:20881 CONFERENCE REGISTR 00074287 0911812006 Upstart USBC Coaching US Foodservice 00074288 0911812006 Verizon Wireless CELL PHONE SERVICE 57.98 20.00 E-Req:20572 STUDENT SNACKS Amount 24.55 5.19 75.00 550.00 519.96 00074289 0911812006 Ramon Villa E-Req:20787 REFUND ENROLLMENT 00074290 0911812006 Jenny VonFeldt E-Req:20746 EXPENSE RElMB 00074291 0911812006 Perry Warden E-Req:20777 MATERIALS FOR SClE 16.96 00074292 0911812006 Washer Specialties Co E-Req:20901 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 00074292 0911812006 Washer Specialties Co E-Req:20901 BLDG MAlNT & SUPPL 45.12 250.80 7.98 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE TRASH SERVICE 1,071.39 00074293 00074293 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 325.78 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 109.31 672.58 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 241.18 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 144.57 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 140.79 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc TRASH SERVICE 325.78 TRASH SERVICE TRASH SERVICE 220.51 00074293 0911812006 Waste Connections Inc 00074293 Waste Connections Inc 00074294 0911812006 0911812006 00074294 0911812006 00074295 0911812006 00074296 0911812006 00074296 0911812006 00074297 0911812006 211.13 87.77 Desiree Waterman Desiree Waterrnan E-Req:20641 EXPENSE RElMB 10.00 E-Req:20309 EXPENSE RElMB 15.80 Wenger Corporation Wheatland Medical E-Req:20546 INSTRUMENTS & EQUl Wheatland Medical Wichita Eagle E-Req:20865 SAFETY ITRAINING E-Req:20626 PHYSICAL E-Req:20552 PUBLISH BUDGET 1,084.00 50.00 50.00 00074298 0911812006 Wichita Employee's Association E-Req:20925 RENTAL FEE FOR CRO 546.00 20.00 00074299 091I812006 Wichita WaterlSewer Dept WATER ISEWER SERVICE 286.52 00074299 0911812006 Wichita WaterlSewer Dept WATER ISEWER SERVICE 970.41 00074299 0911812006 WATER ISEWER SERVICE 00074300 00074300 0911812006 Wichita WaterlSewer Dept William V Macgill & Co 162.80 29.91 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co 00074300 William V Macgill & Co 00074300 00074300 0911812006 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 7.29 00074300 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 20.43 00074300 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 21.90 44.27 E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 9.48 24.84 32.58 00074300 0911812006 William V Macgill & Co E-Req:20221 DISTRICT HEALTH SU 00074301 00074301 0911812006 0911812006 WonderlHostess E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE 96.50 32.81 00074301 09/18/2006 WonderlHostess WonderlHostess 00074301 0911812006 WonderIHostess E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE 43.69 Haysville Unified School District #261 0911312006 08:32:46 AM 86.85 Page 12 Checks for Payment Listing ALL Data Direct Dep. Check 00074301 Arranged by: Check Number Check Date Payable To Description 0911812006 WonderlHostess E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE 82.99 WonderlHostess E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE 39.21 WonderlHostess E-Req:20816 FOOD SERVICE World Future Society W W Grainger Inc E-Req:20752 SPECIAL ED MATERIA 124.00 E-Req:20635 GARAGE SUPPLIES E-Req:20688 CHS BLDG MAlNT 41.55 115.37 W W Grainger Inc W W Grainger Inc W W Grainger Inc W W Grainger Inc Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Amount E-Req:20724 MAlNT SUPPLIES 26.73 E-Req:20724 MAlNT SUPPLIES 133.65 E-Req:20696 LADDER 742.50 COPIER LEASE & MAINT 621.90 COPIER LEASE & MAlNT 15.00 COPIER LEASE & MAlNT 605.82 Report Total: Haysville Unified School District #261 15.00 09/13/2006 08:32:46 AM 2,283,228.1 0 Page 13 TO: Board of Education FROM: Bruce Petersen Director of Personnel DATE: September 18,2006 RE: Supplemental Contracts The following supplemental contracts for 2006-2007 are recommended for your approval. Sandra Beck Nicole Eitzmann Jeromy Swearingen Lisa Shaw Jim Stenholm Middle School Scholars Bowl Plan Period Assignment Plan Period Assignment Plan Period Assignment Plan Period Assignment Middle School Campus Campus Campus Campus TO: Board of Education FROM: Bruce Petersen Director of Personnel DATE: September 18,2006 RE: Classified Personnel The fallowing classified personnel are presented for your approval. Special Education Para Heather Edmondson (replacement) Campus $9.3O/hr 4.0 ACTION ITEMS No supporting documentation. End of Section 31 6-554-2203 Fax # 316-554-2230 1745 West Grand David Herbert Director of Information Services Email: dherbert@usd261 .corn Haysville, Kansas 67060 To: Rebecca Vinduska From: David Herbert Date: July 11th, 2006 RE: Science Proposal Mrs. Rebecca Vinduska, Thank you for taking time to visit with me during the last month. Enclosed you will find a proposal that Mike1 Tinich, Campus High School science teacher, has written. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. David Herbert Director of Information Services Haysville Public Schools 1745 West Grand Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: (3 16) 554-2203 Fax: (316) 554-2230 Cell: (3 16) 76 1-8476 Email: dherbei-tOusd26 1.corn In the Haysville School District, we are in need of laboratory materials to continue our work toward a complete hands on approach to teaching science to students. This approach has proven to be the best method for student understanding and retention of material, and it has also proved to be the best way to get student and keep student interest in the area of science. Laser Pointers The sixth grade science teachers would like the laser pointers to enhance their unit on light and the movement of light. The students understand that light moves from place to place, but the use of the laser pointers can be used to allow the students to explore angles of incidence and reflection of light and how these are related to one another. Hot Plates and Magnetic Stirrers Middle school students enjoy anything that has to deal with food. The sixth grade teachers are in the process of expanding the chemistry unit to include more food science. The classrooms that these teachers are currently assigned do not allow fpr the use of actual stoves, so the hot plates and magnetic stirrers would b z - u d f in allowing the students and the teachers to cook their way through the basic chemistry that is taught in sixth grade. Magnets Neodymium Magnets can be used throughout all departments in high school science. The freshmen Lab Studies class can use them to discover the basics of magnetism. The Chemistry class can use them to discover the physical properties of various materials. Finally, the Physics department can use the magnets in the building of electromagnetic motors and more advanced magnetic experiments. Variable Power Supplies The new AP Physics class will be in need of variable power supplies. These power supplies will be used to complete a large number of the required lab activities for the advanced placement program. Scales The digital scales will be used across the curriculum. All subject areas will be able to utilize these basic scientific instruments in order to complete a wide variety of hands-on activities. Microscopes The Biology department, which includes biology, microbiology, zoology, field biology, botany, environmental biology, and anatomy, are in great need of more microscopes. They will use these microscopes to analyze a wide variety of samples. Item ~ e o d ~ r n i ~r na ~ n e t s Neodymium Magnets Quad Power Supply Ohaus Digital Scale - 6009 accurate to O.lg Swift Microscope Laser Pointers Magnetic Mini Stirrer Single Burner Hot Plate Total 1 81 10 5 4 4 24 3 9 3.75 6.7 99.95 150.95 229 15.95 75 27.95 2975.9, Nasco - SB38465M Nasco - SB31326M Nasco - SB27464M www.discountscales.corn - SP601 Nebraska Scientific - W-M2251B Flinn Scientific - AP8934 Nasco - SB25139M Fisher - AJS50408 I 5.0 FIRST READINGS No supporting documentation. End of Section 5.1 Transition Committee Guidelines - Naming Schools No supporting documentation. End of Section 6.0 REPORTS - Focus on Learning No supporting documentation. End of Section Haysville USD 261 Capital Outlay 2006-2007 District Priority List (Tracking List) Priority # Schoollltem Complete' Campus Hiclh School 1 Ventilations for Varsity Locker Rooms 2 PugMill 3 Addt. Elec. Comp. Wiring for Room E26 2 5 Alternative Hiqh School Fence in NE Corner of Parking LoffBB Goals Build Storage ArealCloset for Technology 1 2 Haysville Middle School Table Replacement in Commons North Nevco Scoreboards -- Main Gym Quantity Per Item Cost Total Est. Cost Actual Cost Difference Date Done 1 1 1 $10,000 $2.888 $5,000 $10,000 $2.888 $5,000 $3,178 $2,888 $815 $6,822 $0 $4,185 7/1/2006 1 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $3,500 $10,000 $1,500 Did not do Done $50 $3,500 $7,500 $3,500 $6,002 $3,500 $1,498 $0 7/1/2006 1 $20,000 $12,500 $20,000 $12,500 $17,520 $7,186 $2,480 $5,314 Done Done 1 Done 5 Freeman Elementary Lightweight Stackable Chairs Falcon TV Setup 2 3 Nelson Elementary Acoustic Ceiling Baffles in Gym Remodel Teacher Work Room 1 4 5 Oatville Elementary Accelerated Math Sets Computer System for ONN wll9"Monitor Replace Rear Curtains for Stage 3 1 1 $1.800 $1,500 $5,000 $5,400 $1,500 $5,000 $3,600 $1,300 $3,274 Rex Elementary Elmo EV-2000AF Visual Presenters Math ManipulativesICarts(K-2) Math ManipulativesICarts(3-5) 6 3 3 $1,520 $1,000 $1,900 $9,120 $3,000 $5,700 $8,700 $2,667 $6,145 $420 $333 ($445) Done Done Done 4 Ruth Clark Elementaw S~dewalkfrom lunchroom to playground Sidewalk from east of blda. - to aate Elmos 1 1 6 $2,475 $1.050 $750 $2,475 $1.050 $4,500 $2,475 $765 $4,210 $0 $285 $290 5/23/2006 5/23/2006 7/1/2006 I 4 5 Earlv Childhood Center Rock Blocks Cl~mblngTunnel for Playground Hexagonal Workstation and Stand Group Time Carpets 1 1 2 $2,255 $483 $279 $2,255 $483 $558 $2,255 $483 $558 $0 $0 $0 Maintenance and Grounds CHSGym Roof CHS pool Repair District Playgrounds (Fall Protection) HMS Carpet -- 1990 Addition 1 1 1 1 $125,000 $25,000 $25,000 $47,000 $125,000 $25,000 $25.000 $47,000 $82,859 $6,667 $13,624 $49,756 $42,141 Done Done $30,065 $1 1,376 In Progress Done ($2,756) 2 1 2 3 1 2 I 3 4 5 150 1 1 Done $1,800 In Progress $200 In Progress $1,726 5/23/2006 Done Done Done Food Service Requests will come from Food Service Equipment Line in Food Service Fund I 2 3 Tri-Citv Dav School Student Desks for HS Classroom New Student Chairs for ClassroomlKitchen Carpet for Classrooms and Hallway 12 60 1 $8,000 $8,000 $9,306 ($1,306) 611512006 3 4 5 Saecial Education Projectors for SPED Teachers wlo any Misc. Assistive Tech Equipment FM System for HI Program 26 1 1 $1,000 $5,000 $2,314 $26,000 $5,000 $2,314 $5,000 $2,314 $26,000 $0 $0 1 $2,500 $2,500 1 $200,000 $200,000 2 1 PAT Concrete Pad for Tricycles on Playground PAT Remodel District Administration Renovate Dollar General for Prof Dev Ctr TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $616,187 $2,375 $50,676 $125 5/23/2006 ($50,676) Done $200,000 $341,831 In Progress Done Done $286,087 In Progress 6.2 Middle School Summer School See Supporting Documentation in PDF End of Section 7.0 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT No supporting documentation. End of Section 8.0 DISCUSSION I REPORT ITEMS No supporting documentation. End of Section 8.1 Future Agenda Items No supporting documentation. End of Section 8.2 New and Good No supporting documentation. End of Section 9.0 EXECUTlVE SESSION No Supporting Documentation End of Section 10.0 ADJOURNMENT No supporting documentation. End of Section