2008 Auction Catalog


2008 Auction Catalog
March 2 , 200 8
Burning Tree Elementary School
7900 Beech Tree Road
Bethesda, Maryland, 20817
There are many people who have worked very hard to make this event
possible. Full credits will be listed along with the Auction Supplement that you
will receive the day of the auction in order to include all those involved. Do
please note the wonderfully designed cover for this catalog was done by Joyce
Ellen Weinstein. Those of you seeing it in full color will especially appreciate
how attractive it is.
An apology: A number of items donated by Beth Chai members did not make
it into the catalog due to the crush of work in meeting the deadline for making
it available in your mailbox at home. They will be in the catalog supplement.
Please note that we have a category that was initiated just last year, Needs.
People determine something with which they wish assistance and establish a
price that they are willing to pay for it. The first person to sign up agrees to
provide that assistance. The money is a donation to Beth Chai. Additional
ones will appear in the catalog supplement
Auction Co-Chairs:
Ron Leve and Julie Zalkind
Page #
1. Beth Chai Gatherings
2. Special Events
3. Vacations
4. Services
5. Computer Services
6. Class Baskets
7. Food and Drink
8. Special Places/Membership
9. Childcare
10. Lessons
11. Sports and Fitness
12. Art/Decorative Art
13. Wines
14. Dog Biscuits
15. Lectures
16. Needs
17. Musical Performances
18. Theater Performances/Film
19. Dance
20. DVDs
21. CDs
22. Videos
23. Books
24. Jewelry/Wearable Art
25. Childrens
Canaanite Bronze Dagger - Third Millennium BCE
Can you imagine having a tangible link to the lives of our earliest ancestors in your very own
home? Astonishing as it may seem, you won't need to imagine if yours is the winning bid on this
rare - and enchanting - Canaanite bronze dagger. Dating from the late Third Millennium B.C.E,
this custom-mounted, 7½ inch-high historic and aesthetic marvel has been present through the
entire history of the Jewish people. Its donor, Sue McGovern-Huffman of Georgetown's Sands of
Time Antiquities, is taking the Beth Chai Auction on a journey back in time for the third straight
year, and each year we've gone further back: Two years ago, it was to the Roman Empire of the
First Century C.E. thanks to a Roman glass object, and last year to the period of the First Temple
with a Judaean juglet. More information on the dagger, which was acquired from a private
collection in Jerusalem in 1974 and carries a certificate of authenticity, is available at the Sands
of Time website (www.dcancientart.com/proddetail.asp?=WD707).
Donor: Sands of Time Antiquities, Georgetown
Minimum Bid: $300.00
Design your own crocheted afghan. . .and then have someone else make it!
Can't find the perfect throw or afghan? Then this is your opportunity to not only select the style,
but choose the colors and yarn textures as well.
First, look through the afghan patterns in the book provided and pick your favorite. There are a
variety of styles to choose from. . .granny squares, a lacy trellis, a thick and warm fireside throw,
and many more. Next, either pick the color scheme, or if you're so inclined, go on a yarn
shopping excursion with Beth Chai member Julie Vigdor to pick the exact yarns you want.
Once you've selected the pattern and yarn, you're done! Julie will crochet and deliver your
creation in time for next fall's cool weather.
Donor: Julie Vigdor
Minimum Bid: $120.00
Jewish Music Collection
Get your groove on with this collection of Jewish music. This jewsical basket includes five CDs
with recordings of some of Beth Chai's family favorites. Sing along with the kids to Hinei
Rikevet, the Tree of Life, and Aleph Bet Boogie. As a special treat, the basket features the music
of Rabbi David Shneyer, Rock Creek's own rabbi, signed and donated by the guitar playing rabbi
Donor: Downey/Svetlik Family
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $30.00
House painter
Is it time to touch up your This Old House and turn it into House Beautiful? Sue Silverstein is a
professional house painting contractor. You choose the colors and pick the rooms. She'll lovingly
paint two bedrooms, a family room or a living room or the equivalent.
Donor: Sue Silverstein & Patrick Gates
Minimum Bid: TBD
Redskins - Two Tickets
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote: "There are no second acts in American lives." Earth to Scott: Are you
ready for some football? Then continue to follow the second act in the storied football life of
Head Coach Joe Gibbs, and with this item you’ll have the clearest view available of how it’s
going: from the best seats in FedEx Field! These excellent tickets—for the aficionados among
you, they’re a few steps from Gate A in Section 203—are available for the home game of your
choice if you’re the winning bidder.
Make arrangements with Beth Chai member David Elfin at 301 320 5646 by the first of July.
Donor: Mel Elfin
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Greenberg/Welsh Selections: Lot #2
When Scott and Cindy select wine, simply the names of the wines are sufficient to communicate
the fine choices - no extra description needed.
2004 Willamette Valley Vineyards Pinot Noir, Oregon
2005 Willamette Valley Vineyards Pinot Noir Estate Vineyard, Oregon
2006 Willamette Valley Vineyards "Whole Cluster Fermented" Pinot Noir, Oregon
Donor: Scott Greenburg & Cindy Welsh
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Theater J - Two Season Tickets
With these"Flex Tix" subscriptions for the 2008-2009 season, you'll have tickets to each of the
productions by the DCJCC's Theater J on any weeknight of your choosing. Although no
productions have been announced yet: Theater J has mounted plays from the pens of Jules
Feiffer, Joyce Carol Oates and Wendy Wasserstein. Theater J, which has committed itself to
reclaiming the distinctive urban voice and social vision marking the Jewish cultural legacy, is
noted for ambitious programming and the bold, imaginative approach of its playwrights,
directors, designers, and actors.
The Certificate has not arrived yet, so terms of price and availability of seats is tentative.
Donor: Theater J.
Minimum Bid: $150.00
One-week vacation on Vermont's Lake Champlain
Spend an idyllic week in a two-bedroom cabin (sleeps 6) on a beautiful island in Vermont's Lake
Champlain. Great bike trails, gorgeous scenery and sunsets over the Adirondack Mountains;
canoeing and kayaking available. Deck, screened porch, barbecue. Equipped with fireplace,
telephone, wireless internet, and microwave. And for your pleasure, a local winery and the town
swimming beach are just two miles away. An unbeatable summer getaway. For additional
information, contact [email protected]
Donor: Tom Israel & Leigh Dingerson
Minimum Bid: $400.00
Mark and Orlando's Tops the Taste in Dupont Circle
Let's start with this quote from the Washingtonian as it perfectly captures this restaurant on P
Street just west of Dupont Circle: "It's a lucky neighborhood that has a neighborhood restaurant
of such quality." And that's just the point to this restaurant co-owned by chef Orlando Hitzig and
the man at the front, Mark Medley. You get quality food and preparation in an atmosphere that
enables folks on their big night out to mix with those in the neighborhood and all blend in nicely.
One of the house favorites by Hitzig is a terrific pork chop, stuffed with apple, pancetta, and bleu
cheese and served on a rosemary-flavored bed of spinach and pearl onions. You can top that off
with some of the more unusual flavored ice creams, made on location: lemon verbena,
watermelon, ancho chili, curry and basil to name some.
Finally, you should know that these two men are active in their neighborhood. Orlando recently
was named top chef at a benefit with many other neighborhood chefs, and Mark is a most active
member of the local business and civic associations. And finally, when they remodeled the
townhouse that they purchased for the restaurant, among other chores, Mark refinished the floors
and Orlando did most of the rewiring.
Unlike most certificates limited by a dollar amount, this is an actual full dinner of appetizer,
main course, dessert and wine for two.
Donor: Mark and Orlando's
Minimum Bid: $50.00
1. Beth Chai Gatherings
Party fun
Three syllables, sounds like ... lots of fun. Join the family of Education Director Rain Zohav,
Walter Scott and Mariyama Scott for an evening of parlor games. From Charades to Celebrity.
Beth Chai
Good times, good laughs and some light refreshments, too. At Rain and Walter's house in
Rockville, Saturday, June 14, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Top 10 individual bidders
Donor: Rain Zohav & Walter Scott
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Dinner Party with Art & Jim
Back by popular demand! Join Art and Jim for an evening of fine food and conversation,
Saturday, March 29, 7:00 pm. The menu includes: Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, Caribbean
Chicken Coconut Soup with Riesling, Cucumber Salad, Ground sirloin stuffed with wild
mushrooms, Forbidden Rice, Roasted Tomatoes with Montepulciano D'Abruzzo, and Fresh Ice
Cream in a Chocolate Cup.
The first eight bidders will be selected.
Donor: Art Blecher & Jim Clay
Minimum Bid: $24.00
Cheese tasting
Back by popular demand! Rachel Silber will host a cheese tasting for 8 people in her home in
Potomac Md on Saturday, May 3rd at 8pm. This year, she will be sampling yummy goats' milk
Bid is Person. Top 8 Individual Bidders.
Donor: Rachel Silber & Daniel Korn
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Square Foot Gardening
Tales of the amazing bounty that Rachel Silber grows from her garden, with minimal weeding
and NO chemicals have spread far & wide amongst the Beth Chai community. Rachel will open
her modest garden to up to 10 people to tour her garden on Saturday July 26th at 3pm. Come
learn about the "Square Foot Gardening Method" and how to adapt the method to the
eccentricities of the Washington DC area climate/soil. Samples of some of her herbs and
produce will also be enjoyed by attendees!
Top 10 Individual Bidders.
Donor: Rachel Silber & Daniel Korn
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Pentagon Tour
Tom Edwards, a new Beth Chai member and Pentagon "macher," is happy to give a private tour
to a group of up to 10 people. He'll show you where the Russians had their missiles aimed
during the cold war, where the news briefings take place, where the plane hit the Pentagon on
9/11 and so much more. There's a lot to see and you know you've always wanted to see it. Wear
your walking shoes; it's a very big place. This very special private tour can be arranged for any
Saturday, Sunday or Federal holiday. The tour must take place by the end of June 2008.
Top 12 individual bidders
Donor: Tom Edwards
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a Boiled Lobster Dinner with the Spain/Finkelstein
Donation to Beth Chai is for each lobster-eating person (up to 6), while any additional
accompanying persons (non-lobster eaters) can enjoy hot-dogs or Boca burgers, salads,
watermelon, and dessert for free! Bring your bathing suit and make like a lobster yourself, by
taking a soak in our new hot tub. DATE Saturday evening, June 21, 2008.
Bid once for each lobster eater.
Donor: Lisa Spain & Bob Finkelstein
Minimum Bid: $20.00
An Electrical Safety Survey for Laypersons.
Yes! What you don't know CAN hurt you: You don't have to be an electrician, or a do-ityourselfer, or even particularly handy to make your home quite a bit safer with respect to the risk
of electrocution, shock, and fire. Between 2 and 4 PM on the afternoon of March 30, a group of
eight to twelve people will learn how to look--and even feel and sniff--for the most common,
basic violations of rules for living with electricity. These are electrical safety rules that many
people don't know or at least don't think about. There will be ample time for questions, and if
time allows, we also may talk about and even look at how to avoid some of the unrecognized
complications associated with "no-brainer" electrical changes often performed by handypersons.
David Shapiro is the author of Your Old Wiring and of Old Electrical Wiring, the long-time
residential wiring columnist for Electrical Contractor magazine, and the author of hundreds of
articles on electrical topics. A contractor, consultant and inspector, he has given talks to
laypersons, electricians, and home inspectors.
Bid once per individual attending.
Donor: David Shapiro
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Ladies Night Out and Spa
You are invited for a Ladies Night Out at Sandi Shapiro's house in N. Potomac. Come enjoy a
relaxing evening of manicures, hot tubbing, drinks, a movie, and of course, lots of girl talk. Set
aside April 12th at 8:00 p.m.
Beth Chai
Top 7 bidders
Donor: Sandi Shapiro
Minimum Bid: $10.00
108,111 Pictionary Party
Do you doodle while you work? If so, please join Deborah and Mark Balaschak & Sons for a
Pictionary and Pasta party! They're planning a zany night for up to 12 adults and as many
children as come with them. Depending on the number of partygoers and who's interested in
what, they envision a Pictionary party in their living room while other games -- Monopoly,
Sorry, Candyland, etc.-- go on in the family room downstairs.
Games will be selected as needed to reflect the ages and interests of the participants. A pasta
meal will also be included!
When? From 6-9 PM on a Saturday night June 24 Bid for the adult places. All accompanying
children are $5 each. (Bid separately for children in Item #111.)
Donor: Deborah Signer-Balaschak & Mark Balaschak
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Play Reading, Dinner and Conversation
Rachel and Celia Feldman offer a play reading event including munching, dinner, and
socializing. New Jerusalem by David Ives is a new play staged once in January this year in a
widely reviewed off Broadway production at the Classic Stage Company. Ives' play presents
Spinoza's ideas in a highly accessible form and surface current themes that echo our own Beth
Chai "big tent" version of a Jewish community and broader themes of silence, protest, and
independent thinking that affect all of our lives every day. (Appropriate for mature teens)
We will gather at 6pm to enjoy hors d'oeuvres. Seating for the first act will be at about 6:30.
Intermission will include dinner. We will read the second act and then have dessert and
coffee/tea and discussion as long as the players care to hang out. The play has seven speaking
parts (some of which may be split to give everyone a chance to read). Both players and audience
are welcome. We can seat up to 14 guests. Saturday 4/5/08 at 6 pm, at 10112 Garrett St.,
Vienna, VA 22181 .
Bid is per person. Top 14 individual bidders
Donor: Rachel Feldman
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Passover First Seder with the Hermans and Zalkinds
Your family can join the Herman and Zalkind families for their annual Passover Seder. Our
family Seder is a great occasion with the cooking Hermans and Julie Zalkind's Matzoh ball soup.
Over the years we have written our own Hagaddah in the Humanistic spirit. Plenty of music-
after all, these are the families that spawned former Cantors Rob and Rebecca. The Seder will be
led by sometime humorist, David Zalkind or sometime philosopher Mike Herman.
Open to the highest bidding family. The Seder will be held on the 1st night of Passover Saturday
April 19.
Donor: Hermans and Zalkinds
Minimum Bid: $30.00
French Dinner chez Jacobson/Petrisko
O la la! A multi-course French meal prepared by master chef Mary Ellen Petrisko and sous-chef
and sommelier Ken Jacobson (or, as he was once called when he lived in France, "Jacques
Hobson.") Please help these two foodies get the most out of their many cookbooks and give
them an excuse for buying more French wine. Up to four people will be welcomed at 7:00 pm
on Saturday, May 3 at Ken and Mary Ellen's home in Silver Spring, Maryland. A good time for
all is promised, possibly to include a rousing game of the French game "Le Millionaire de
Mitzvot," a game teaching Jewish values in which the winner is the person who gives the most
money away!
Donor: Mary Ellen Petrisko & Ken Jacobson
Minimum Bid: $24.00
Family/Children's Swimming Party
Join Sara Duke, Matthew Schneer and family in the summer for a children's swimming party and
barbeque. Cool off in the heat of summer in Sylvia's above ground pool - 3 1/2 feet deep and 18
feet around - big enough for both children and adults. Then warm back up with cooked meat or
fish under the shade of large Takoma Park trees. Sasha insists that everyone top off the event
with his favorite summer dessert, s'mores. Join Matt, Sara, Sylvia and Sasha in Takoma Park and
find out why Syl's nickname is "Pool Fool." Obviously, this event is only available when it's
warm enough to splash and play. Saturday August 3, 4-8 PM.
Bid is per family. The three highest bidders will attend at a time to be arranged to suit all
Donor: Sara Duke & Matthew Schneer
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Post-Passover Dinner/Bread Feast
"Toast" the end of Passover with a complete bread feast at the home of Jill and Frank McCowan,
Saturday, April 14th, 2007. This will be a full dinner for 8 guests. We look forward to breaking
bread with you!
Donor: Jill Newberger
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Sing-a-Long Blowout*
Do you sing in the shower? In the car? When's the last time you sat around the campfire and
belted out some good tunes? If you like to sing (whether it's pleasing to the ear or not), then this
is the gathering for you! Relive the singing around the campfire experience in the convenience
of the inner suburbs - only minutes from Burning Tree Elementary School. Reed and Betsy
Dewey, Beth Chai members, are hosting a singalong in their Chevy Chase home. Reed plays
guitar and has led hundreds of singalongs. Chances are, if you name it, he can play it! This event
will take place following Beth Chai Sunday school on May 4. In addition to a light lunch, some
simple percussion instruments and songbooks (enough to share) will be provided. If you play an
instrument, please bring it -- the more, the merrier! No experience necessary.
Each adult should sign up. Kids accompanied by adults are free.
Donor: Reed Dewey & Betsy Reinstein
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Walking Tour of Lesser Known Historical Sites
Mark Shmueli will take you on a half-day walking tour of some of DC's less-known but
intriguing historical sites on May 3. Treat DC visitors or explore yourselves. Get some exercise
and share local haunts with Mark. Stop for lunch along the way.
Top eight bidders.
Donor: Mark Shmueli
Minimum Bid: $20.00
2. Special Events
Shabbat Dinner
Shabbat dinner at our house next to downtown Bethesda on a mutually agreeable Friday night.
Mike Gravitz and Tracey Marks will make their Friday night favorites (or maybe yours
depending!) for another family of up to 4-6 to join them in good food, wine, candles, blessings,
and after dinner games.
We have 6 and 9 year old girls (Ella and Lily).
Donor: Tracey Marks & Michael Gravitz
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Professional Singer for Your Next Event
Soprano Leah Edwards received her Bachelor of Music from The Eastman School of Music and
her Master of Music in vocal arts from the Juilliard School. Most recently she has performed
with the Santa Fe Opera, the Gotham Chamber Opera and in recital with The Tucker Foundation
in New York City. Ms. Edwards is the daughter of new members Tom Edwards and Susan
Ms. Edwards will be delighted to entertain your guests at your next party. She's happy to sing
anything from your favorite opera arias to the sultry sounds of Gershwin. Date, repertoire and
other details will be arranged between Ms. Edwards and the winning bidder.
Donor: Leah Edwards
Minimum Bid: $100.00
A Quartet for Your Occasion
New Beth Chai member Earle Silver is a member of a quartet of talented amateur musicians who
are available to play for your pleasure. The group is made up of two flutists, a cello and bass
viol player who play chamber music written for string quartets in which the flutes substitute for
The group has prepared a program of Mozart and Hayden quartets and offers itself to the highest
bidder for a concert sometime at the end of spring or early summer. Looks like they'd also be
great conversation partners as amongst these retired gentlemen there's a psychiatrist,
neonatologist, pediatrician and State Department Officer
Donor: Earle Silber
Minimum Bid: $100.00
An Evening of Music with Hurricane Howie
Whether it’s rhythm & blues, rock and roll, zydeco, cajun, blues, or jazz, Hurricane Howie plays
it, and he’ll provide an evening’s worth for a private party to the winning bidder. The Hurricane,
as Beth Chai member Howard Feinstein is known professionally, has put his piano and accordion
playing and his vocals on display at such DC-area venues as the Birchmere, Strathmore Hall, the
Phillips Collection, the 9:30 Club, the National Geographic Society, and the U.S. Capitol.
Despite the force his nickname implies, Howie is willing to play in the background for a cocktail
party if that’s what’s desired; just don’t ask him to play classical. He’ll provide three sets of
about an hour each, with breaks on the hour.
Donor: Howie Feinstein
Minimum Bid: $50.00
An Evening of Jazz
Imagine having two hours of live jazz (performed by a duo or trio) for your next party! Alan
Feldenkris, who enlivened the Beth Chai book sale and the new member event with his
mellifluous saxophone – which produced versions of “Green Dolphin Street” and other swinging
standards that, according to one long-time jazz fan, couldn’t be beat – will bring a combo into
your home or wherever you’re entertaining. All you have to do is work out the date and other
arrangements with Alan assuming, that is, you’re the winning bidder.
Donor: Alan Feldenkris
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Elegant Classical Cello
Class up a party. Lift the spirits of a family member in assisted living, nursing home or hospital.
Add a romantic touch to a special dinner. A great gift for an anniversary or special birthday.
Celia Feldman will perform 1 hour of classical cello music for your event. Celia has been
playing since she was 6 years old and now performs with a local chamber orchestra as well as for
parties and special events. Her repertoire includes selections from the Bach Suites as well as
familiar favorites such as The Swan and Vocalise and selections by a range of baroque and more
recent composers. Schedule 3-4 weeks before the event. Good until Celia starts college in
August or September.
Donor: Celia Feldman
Minimum Bid: $50.00
3. Vacations
Bethany Beach Weekend - Tennis Heaven
Get Away for a Weekend at the Beach and brush up your game! Play tennis, get coaching, swim,
wander the beaches and relax. Take advantage of an off-season weekend at Sea Colony Tennis
Villa, Bethany Beach Delaware. Three blocks to the beach. The condo sleeps 6-8. Indoor and
outdoor pools. Indoor and outdoor tennis courts (30). Two fitness centers. This is a full tennis
resort with pros, clinics, and great facilities. Tennis magazine this month rated Sea Colony as one
of the 5 best resorts in the country for a beginner to learn to play tennis. Available March-May,
September-November on a mutually agreeable weekend. Possibly available in season if an
agreeable weekend is available.
Donor: Craig Pernick
Minimum Bid: $150.00
Vacation Home in the Mountains
Up to a week (seven nights) at a four-bedroom house in Canaan Valley, W.Va., located adjacent
to the Timberline ski area, approximately four hours from DC and an easy drive to Canaan
Valley ski area. At about 3,300 feet of elevation, the temperatures rarely exceed 85 degrees in
the summer; for a winter visit, 4WD or AWD is strongly recommended, as the house is on a
significant hill. With a cathedral ceiling living room and a large window wall overlooking
Yokum Run and the surrounding woods, this lovely house comfortably sleeps 10, with its two
queen beds, two twin beds, two bunk beds, and fold-out sofabed in the living room. Besides
skiing, nearby attractions include hiking, swimming, golf, and blueberry picking in season. Bring
your own food and drink--otherwise, the house is fully equipped. We ask that you restore the
house to the condition that you find it. Cleaning, if necessary, runs $75. It is available in any
season at our mutual convenience. (Availability is unlikely Christmas week, MLK weekend, or
President's Day weekend)
Donor: Michael Herman & Phyllis Herman
Minimum Bid: $350.00
Bethany Beach House
Located at Bethany Beach, DE, in the community of Bethany West, this house is within walking
distance of the beach, about one-half mile away. It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, an
enclosed rear porch or "Florida room," a front deck-plus fireplace, washer/dryer, dishwasher, AC
and heat. With the sleep sofa in its living room, it sleeps up to 10. Bethany West has two
swimming pools, six tennis courts, and a pool that may be open if you go in September.
Available on a mutually convenient fall weekend.
Donor: Nancy Lopez
Minimum Bid: $150.00
4. Services
Literacy Tutoring
Tracey Marks, PhD in literacy, teacher of 3rd and 4th grade languague arts (for those of you old
enough to remember, it used to be called reading and
writing) and former Lower School Head of the Green Acres School in Rockville, MD will
assess, tutor and/or enrich your child for 2 hours at a mutually agreeable time.Tracey is certified
to teach from kindergartenthrough middle school and is a beloved teacher there.
Donor: Tracey Marks & Michael Gravitz
Minimum Bid: $75.00
Management Consulting
Mark R. Haas, Certified Management Consultant, and President, Research and Organization
Management, Inc.
Mark provides general business advice for managers of companies,
nonprofits, schools, organizations, and associations. His clients range from small nonprofits,
schools, oil companies, the US military, and the DC school system. Mark will offer a two hour
session of management consulting, organizational assessment, performance improvement,
strategy and leadership development for small and mid-sized public, private and institutional
Phone: (301) 320-5889
Donor: Mark Haas
Minimum Bid: $150.00
Management Consulting - The Whole Megillah
Mark Haas is offering a full day with the leadership team or board to facilitate a strategic plan,
conduct internal culture assessment, organizational assessment, performance improvement,
strategy and leadership development for small and mid-sized public, private and institutional
Beth Chai
This bargain offer can help set the direction of your organization for years to come.
Mark R. Haas, Certified Management Consultant, and President, Research and Organization
Management, Inc.
Mark provides general business advice for managers of companies,
nonprofits, schools, organizations, and associations. His clients range from small nonprofits,
schools, oil companies, the US military, and the DC school system.
Donor: Mark Haas
Minimum Bid: $500.00
Session with Professional Life Coach Phyllis Levinson
LOOK FORWARD .... MOVE AHEAD: Nu, what are you waiting for? Phyllis Levinson,
Professional Life Coach, will devote two hours to you - to help you in the process of setting and
achieving your personal goals. Phyllis has a variety of experience in the private and non-profit
worlds. She is the exclusive coach to the women lawyers selected for the Rising Star program at
the law firm of Holland & Knight. If these questions are relevant for you, make an investment
in your future:
-Are you living with choices you once made that are no longer bringing you joy and fulfillment?
-Are parts of your life going well, but other parts could use some tweaking?
-Are you living in the "some day" future or the "good old days" past more than in the present?
Donor: Phyllis Levinson
Minimum Bid: $50.00
2 Hours of Financial Planning
Two hours of financial planning by a Certified Financial Planner and Registered Investment
Advisor. This financial "tune up" is best used to review college education or retirement planning
objectives, current status and recommendations for achieving long term goals. Hali Browne
London is a CFP who has been providing "fee-only" (meaning no selling of any products) to
clients since 1993.
Donor: Hali and Eric London
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Handyman Services
Three hours of handyman services will be provided by Beth Chai member Joe Okon's company,
Perspective Renovations, with the services being performed by Joe himself. If that "honey do"
list is growing longer than your domestic peace can tolerate, this is definitely something you'll
want to bid on. Good help is hard to find, but not if you are the winner of this highly desirable
Donor: Perspective Renovations
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Residential Architectural Consultation
Have you been thinking about renovating your kitchen or bathroom? putting an addition onto
your home? building a new house from the ground up? Whether you’re thinking interior or
exterior, large scale or small, you can benefit from the advice of a pro. If you’re the winning
bidder, Beth Chai member Rob Weinstein, a staff architect with the leading DC residential firm
Manion and Associates, will visit your property, then sit down with you and talk over potential
strategies for any type of home construction project.
Donor: Robert Weinstein
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Smoking Cessation Program
Health is life's most precious gift, and this is the auction's most significant gift item: help for you
or someone you care about to stop smoking (and can be done remotely-no geographic barriers!).
Beth Chai member Joe Gitchell, who has worked in the treatment of tobacco dependence for
fifteen years, is offering a series of consultations and a course of over-the-counter stop-smoking
aids designed to allow the winning bidder or a loved one kick the nicotine habit. Benefit from
Joe's experience working with world-leading researchers and policy makers in this field, as well
as helping family members and friends quit smoking, as he guides a cessation program that
-Up to two 30-minute "pre-quit" telephone consultations, to gauge interest and readiness to
quit as well as to review the evidence on methods to support quitting;
-Up to three 30-minute "in the quit" consultations over 12 weeks; and
-The first two weeks of over-the-counter stop-smoking aids
Donor: Joe Gitchell
Minimum Bid: $75.00
Special Ed Consult
Parents with concerns about a child with a disability, or a child they suspect may have a
disability can consult with an educational professional, with both professional and personal
experience. The consultation can include research and advice on steps to be taken, special ed
law and regulations, working with your child’s school, and pursuing grievances as a last resort.
Donor: Matthew Schneer
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Investment Consultation
Retirement??? College??? Wondering How to Manage Your Money in this Crazy Economy?Not
sure whether you need help? Or even how to ask for it? Where to get started? Here is your
chance. One half-hour consultation with Craig Pernick, Registered Investment Advisor. Craig is
Vice President of Asset Management, Inc., a privately owned, fee-based investment management
firm with over one billion dollars in assets under management.
Donor: Craig Pernick
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $30.00
An Artist's Eye and Advice
Tired of the aesthetics of your home or office? Wondering if there is an easy way to brighten or
otherwise enhance the spaces you spend so much time in. Ever wondered whether your
paintings/prints are hung to their best advantage? your colors coordinated? Ever think about
how much the aesthetics of your space enhance your mood? help you relax? make people feel
Rachel Feldman will spend 1-2 hours with you in your home or office: helping hang pictures;
advising on placement of decorative objects and furniture; advising on colors, use of space,
framing, and ways to enhance the aesthetics of your space. She will try to see things from
behind your eyes and help you see your surroundings from the perspective of others.
Donor: Rachel Feldman
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Professional Help With Editing and Writing.
Bob Rosenblatt, now a free-lance writer and editor, spent 25 years as a Washington
correspondent for the Los Angeles Times. He will look at your manuscript and provide
suggestions on making it more inviting, entertaining and appealing.
Two-hour session
Donor: Bob Rosenblatt
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Shampoo/Cut & Blow Dry or Men's Haircut
Nello's has been in business in on Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown for 18 years. A quaint little
shop where you can expect special treatment and quality service.
Nello is a native of the Washington area, and it you're lucky, when you walk into the shop, he
might be practicing his Rock and Roll Guitar. So, dance right in!!!
Donor: Nello's Hair Saloon
Minimum Bid: $25.00
5. Computer Services
Solving the Mysteries of Microsoft Office
Is your frustration up and your productivity down? Do you always seem to be hitting the wrong
key? Does hearing the name Bill Gates make you snort? Chances are that no one has ever taken
the time to give you a few pointers or been able to explain them clearly. Now help is available
from a professional technology trainer at the areas largest law firm, former Beth Chai Secretary
Diane Sonnenberg, who will spend 90 minutes with you on the Microsoft Office product of your
choice: Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. She’ll help you write a resume, set up a budget, or make a
presentation snazzier—and leave you with the know-how to do it yourself the next time
Donor: Diane Sonnenberg
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Computer Assistance with Josh Lubbell
The head bone's connected to the neck bone, the neck bone's connected to the shoulder bone…
Wouldn't it be nice if figuring out how to put together the pieces of a computer system were this
easy? If you are the English or History type and need assistance with things technical, you can
get help setting up your new PC (plus monitor, printer, scanner, modem, cable/DSL connection,
etc.); installing a new hard drive (or CD-ROM drive, CD burner, DVD-ROM drive, DVD
burner, or other external peripheral); setting up a router/firewall or other wireless network; or
updating your system drivers and installing virus protection and firewall software. Read a novel
while a genuine techie solves your problems. Assistance available prior to visit to help you
choose system components that you will be purchasing to make sure your checklist is complete.
Expires 12/31/07
Donor: Joshua Lubell
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Computer Assistance with Jeff Gerber
Don't look now, but someone may be spying on you. In fact, you are probably being spied on
more than you might think, with that innocent-looking computer sitting off in the corner. Thank
goodness there is help available! Think of all you could do with three hours of technical
assistance in such areas as detecting spyware and viruses; configuring an operating system
(Windows or Linux) and/or browser; setting up email and spam filtering; installing software or
peripheral devices; or handling security issues. Oh, and you can also get help blocking those
irritating popup ads. Available in AUgust or later
Donor: Jeff Gerber
Minimum Bid: $30.00
6. Class Baskets
The K/1 basket is filled with inspiration for family gardening from "seed sprouting" to making a
butterfly garden. Spend time in the soil with tools for youngsters and adults and the supplies you
need to create a beautiful outdoor space. A selection of books continues the fun and may open
your eyes to the world of fairies in the garden. A $60 gift certificate to American Plant Food will
allow you to fill in any missing pieces
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School
Grade 2:
Minimum Bid: $75.00
Spring Break Travel Kit
Whether you're travelling by train, plane, or automobile, this collection of goodies is sure to keep
the kids busy and happy. Includes an assortment of fun travel games and playing cards, an
Beth Chai
electronic 20 Questions, Mad Libs and other cool activity books, no-mess arts & crafts, kidpleasing healthy snacks, and more--all packed up and ready to go in a backpack. Maybe, just
maybe, it'll keep the "When are we going to be there?"s to a minimum!
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School
Minimum Bid: $70.00
Pre-K: Art Supplies
This basket includes glue pens, colored pencils, watercolors, markers, paint, fingerpaint, paint
brushes, foam stickers, coloring books, constructions paper, sketch pad, watercolor pad, and
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School
Grade 4:
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Let's Go to the Movies
Includes gift cards for AMC theatres, Regal theatres, and Blockbuster as well as an assortment of
candies and other movie goodies all in an attractive basket.
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School
Minimum Bid: $65.00
Great Films
The Post Mitzvah Film basket will have "About 7 Great DVD's !"
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Book Nook Laughter and Fun
Elementary school readers will enjoy favorite authors such as Dan Gutman, The Boy Who Ran
for President, Louis Sachar, Sixth Grade Secrets and Wayside School, John Scieszka, The Time
Warp Trio, and wonderful comics such as Snoopy and the Far Side and much more.
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School.
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Sixth Grade Class Basket, Summer Fun
This "basket" is ready to go to the pool, beach, or simply to the sprinkler in the backyard! Grab
the colorful handles of our summer fun bag and enjoy toys, towels, lotions, potions, and other
assorted items to guarantee fun in the sun!!
Donor: Beth Chai Sunday School, Grade 6
Minimum Bid: $60.00
7. Food and Dining
Café Trope DC, French Caribbean Cuisine
The newly opened Cafe Trope in Dupont Circle is a "French Caribbean" themed restaurant
headed by Chef Howsoon Cham, formerly of Georgia Brown's and Red Ginger. This is a
restaurant with a vision - it knows exactly what it wants to be and has gone after that with vigor.
First, it's French Caribbean, and there are no dishes that seem out of place, or like afterthoughts.
It all fits. Second, they're serious about their 'medium plates' concept: "bigger than tapas, smaller
than most entrees". This means normal, healthy amounts of food, assembled expertly from
outstanding ingredients. The menu is divided into categories: salads, vegetarian dishes, poultry,
meat and seafood. Each category contains both starters and main courses. The wine list is a good
mix of international wines at reasonable prices. The artwork by local French-African artist Jojo
Fekwa is cheerful. So, good food, good wine, good ambiance and good prices. Don't you think
you should take a friend or two out to dinner? Exact value of certificate at auction.
Cafe Trope, 2100 P St. NW. Serves lunch and dinner daily (closed Mondays) including Sunday
Donor: Café Trope
Minimum Bid: TBD
Tabard Inn: Saturday Brunch for Four
One might say that this 70-year-old hostelry boasts the most charming ambience of any spot in
Downtown D.C. Except that "boasts" would probably be the wrong word, because what makes
the place so appealing is its quiet congeniality, its lack of pretension. As well as its relaxed
beauty. Its restaurant, long a proving ground for chefs who later jumped to the competitive world
of trendy restauration, prides itself on a long tradition of using the freshest local ingredients As
Tom Sietsema said last Fall in one of his greater than two star ranking reviews, "Like an old
friend, I can always rely on the Tabard to be there for me". And for you, it's brunch of which the
winning bidder and three lucky guests, will be partaking. Gift certificate does not cover alcohol
or tip. Valid through 15 January 2009.
Donor: Tabard Inn
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Dinner for Four at Bacchus Restaurant in Bethesda
If you've been introduced to Bethesda's wonderful Middle Eastern restaurant, Bacchus, through a
Beth Chai Shabbat supper, you know the level of virtuosity at which its kitchen performs. And if
you haven't, you'll never find a better opportunity to discover the magic with which Bacchus's
many and varied dishes combine flavors that are at once subtle and vigorous. With this
certificate, covering a dinner for four of up to $120 in value, you'll also have a chance to see the
newly redecorated interior of the restaurant. While it's always been a charming place-offering
incomparably softer lighting and more refined service than, for instance, the Fireside Room or
Library at RRUUC. The dinner is offered any evening at the certificate holder's discretion.
Beth Chai
7945 Norfolk Ave. (near Cordell)
Bethesda, MD
Donor: Bacchus of Lebanon
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Lemon Poppyseed Poundcake
Need a little extra something for your Sunday brunch? I will provide one homemade (and
delicious!) lemon poppyseed poundcake loaf, to be delivered fresh at Beth Chai on a mutually
agreed upon Sunday some time before the end of 2008.
Donor: Andrew W. Cohen & Nicola O. Goren
Minimum Bid: $5.00
Aioli Meditalian Gourmet, $25 Dinner Certificate
Cute, warm, and delicious, that's what it's like at the newly opened café, Aioli Meditalian
Gourmet, 2153 P St. NW in DC. Family owned and operated this establishments mission is to
serve the best home cooking, made from scratch, using the freshest, highest quality ingredients
while charging moderate prices. The Aioli Meditalian Gourmet family has been in the restaurant
and catering business for over twenty years. And it shows!
Donor: Aioli Meditalian Gourmet
Minimum Bid: $13.00
Matzoh Ball Soup for You!
We could all use a little TLC sometimes. And wouldn't homemade Matzoh Ball Soup delivered
to your door just hit the spot? If you are in Montgomery County this could be yours. If you live
outside Montgomery County contact the donor to arrange pick-up.
Donor: Laurie Hulcher
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Sweet Potato Soup by Souperman!
From the kitchen of Ron Leve (you've tasted his soups at many Beth Chai events), who carries
the nom d'cuisine of Souperman, an offer of Sweet Potato soup with Cashews for a dozen (about
3 quarts). "This recipe comes from the kitchen of a New York City restaurateur (Al Yeganeh's
Soup Kitchen International) who is notorious locally for his excellent soup and eccentric
behavior, and who gained a national reputation when a character parodying him was featured on
the popular television show 'Seinfeld.' Negotiate delivery time and place with Ron.
Donor: Souperman Inc.
Minimum Bid: $25.00
8. Special Places/Membership
800-801 The Kreeger Museum--Four tickets for a 90-minute Docent Guided Tour
If you haven't been, check this out. Take the whole family or out-of-town guests. Schedule in
advance. The Kreeger Museum is a private, non-profit art museum located in the former
residence of David and Carmen Kreeger. Designed by renowned architect Philip Johnson, it
showcases the Kreeger's permanent collection of 19th and 20th century paintings and sculptures.
Highlights of the collection include works by Monet, Rodin, Picasso, Miro, Moore, Kandinsky,
Stella and Washington artists Sam Gilliam, Thomas Downing and Gene Davis-as well as
traditional African Art. Especially not to be missed is the Monet Room, a light-filled space of
magnificent works by the master. 2401 Foxhall Rd., in DC.
Donor: Kreeger Museum
Minimum Bid: $16.00
Hillwood Museum and Gardens - Tour for four
Experience the world of Russian imperial and French decorative arts displayed in the grand
setting conceived by Hillwood's founder, Marjorie Merriweather Post. Surrounded by
woodlands in the heart of Washington, the 25 acre estate boasts a variety of pleasurable gardens.
Don't miss the recently completed renovation of the Japanese Gardens - a joy to behold. And
lunch at the Cafe is a pleasure, an especial one if it's warm and you can sit outdoors.
Donor: Hillwood Museum and Gardens
Minimum Bid: $24.00
Family Membership National Building Museum
Long one of the lesser known gems of Washington, the Building Museum is housed in a
gorgeous historic building. Your membership entitles you to discounts in the Museum store,
long rated one of the best in Washington. You also pay reduced rates for some of the most
informative talks that you'll ever hear by those who are leading participants in the built
environment. A special feature available to members only are the Construction Walks, a true
hard-hat environment where you tour sites under construction with the architect or builder in
charge. There are also special children and family seminars. The member only receptions
provide an enjoyable evening with food, drink and interesting company
Donor: National Building Museum
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Jewish Study Center Membership
Now you can continue your Jewish Education week day evenings at a number of locations in
Washington and Maryland. Classes are offered and of interest to Jews and non-Jews alike. Most
of the classes are held on the same night over several weeks; new one night high-interest sessions
have been added recently. www.jewishstudycenter.org.
Beth Chai
A sampling from the upcoming session: The Women of Purim and their Lots in Life, "Old" and
"New" Israeli Historians and "Post Zionists", Jewish Farmers in America, The Trials and
Tribulations of Job, Ethics of Ritual, The Golem: Jewish Legend in Literature and Film and the
list goes on and on.
The membership entitles you to reduced rates for classes as well as helping to support its
Donor: Jewish Study Center
Minimum Bid: $18.00
Jewish Study Center Class
"The Fightin' Jews - Popular culture presents us with a pigeonholed view of Jews as passive and
meek. Let us examine the roots of this stereotype and contrast it with the long Biblical and
historical record of "Fightin' Jews," who duked it out with the world for faith, fame, family, and
freedom. Topics range from the aversion to athletic competition in the Hellenic Era to Victorian
boxing champions, resistance fighters, and American war heroes. As a corollary theme, we will
look at the ethics of violence, from self-defense to just war.
Tom Diaz, a lawyer, is a student of violence. He has published books on the firearms industry
and on the terrorist organization, Hezbollah. His third book, on Latino street gangs, will appear
in 2008. He is a member of the D.C. Minyan and also attends services at The Shul (Chabad).
March 3 -24, 4 Sessions 7:00 - 8:15 PM, Members: $50, non-members: $60
Donor: Jewish Study Center
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Family Membership to Corcoran Museum of Art
Downtown across from the White House and Old Executive Office Building is one of
Washington DC's treasures, the Corcoran Museum and School of Art. If you haven't explored
this wonderful place, or if you are hooked on it, this family membership is for you. You get free
admission (yes this isn't part of the Smithsonian system so they charge admission like museum
all over the US and other countries….we are spoiled here in DC). You also get discounts at the
museum shop, the Cafe, and free registration at continuing education classes. The Corcoran
runs a complete art school (college) level with adult education programs and a great summer
camp for kids. Additional benefits are the waiver of registration fees for Camp Creativity and
for Corcoran education classes. Bring your out-of-town guests with you and use the 2 guest
passes that come with this great deal.
Donor: Corcoran Gallery of Art
Minimum Bid: $43.00
9. Childcare
Babysitting and Cooking Lesson
Sunday school sixth-grade teacher and teen advisor Lonny Moses is man of many talents--and an
avid cook, too. (He works for the Maryland food collaborative.) In this value-added offer, he'll
babysit your kids and give them a cooking lesson at the same time. He'll give the family an
option of dishes, then have the kids help prepare the meal (and show them how to do it safely).
There will be leftovers. He'll pick safer dishes for younger kids. Suggested for ages 8 and up.
Donor: Lonny Moses
Minimum Bid: $18.00
Remember what it was like to go out and have a good time before the two of you became the
three or more of you? No? It's time to make those dinner and/or theater reservations for you and
your sweetheart without worrying about the little ones. Former Beth Chai Hebrew teacher
Rebecca Rydel will take care of your small progeny (up to two children two years old and up) for
four hours in Rockville, Potomac or Bethesda. Win this one and use the evening for an evening
of entertainment procured at the Beth Chai auction!.
Donor: Rebecca Rydel
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Mariyama Scott, age 15 will babysit for up to to 4 hours. You provide transportation from her
home near I70 in Rockville.
Donor: Mariyama Scott
Minimum Bid: $30.00
10. Lessons
Paris, Django and Jazz: Guitar Instruction
For guitarists who would like to improve their playing, can handle some chording and reading
and have a feeling for jazz, Beth Chai member Ivy Brown's mother, Mildred Brown, is offering
six hours of instruction, for one or two students, in her Cleveland Park home. Mildred
participated for many years in the Paris Django scene and has taught GWU students in this area.
If you would just like to learn some chords and improve your playing, you, too, may be
interested in this item. We can always use more musicians at Beth Chai!
Donor: Mildred Brown
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $120.00
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop Gift Certificate
Fantasizing about a photography class, painting lessons, or even Tap Dancing tutelage? Since
1972, the Capital Hill Arts Workshop has shared artistic expertise through their non-profit
community center at the corner of G & 7th Streets NE. Classes are available for the early
childhood set, youths and adults! This $250 gift certificate for classes is valid through March
Donor: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Public Speaking Lessons
At one time, the need for public speaking skills was mostly limited to the professional world.
But today, many of us are involved in whole spectrum of both professional and private activities
that call upon us to be able to present our ideas in a clear and disciplined manner.
This item should help anyone who has such a need. Two hours of coaching in public speaking,
speech preparation and delivery, or any other public speaking opportunity by a professional
voice and speech coach.
You might ask last year's winner, Evan Foster, for his evaluation of this offer.
Donor: Public Communication Skills
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Math Tutoring
The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek, and for many people, it might as well be Greek.
If it's all Greek to you or to your child, Wendy Williams stands ready to help with two hours of
tutoring. An experienced tutor who has worked in Montgomery County for over twenty years,
Wendy can tutor math for the ACTs and SATs, but she can also tutor students ranging from 5th
grade to high school levels (no calculus). For Greek tutoring you'll need to find another auction;
for math tutoring, we can help! Two hours.
Donor: Wendy Williams
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Tennis Lessons
Get off the couch, put down the remote and pick up your racket! Two hours of indoor tennis
court time and instruction this winter with Beth Chai tennis enthusiast, Eron Sodie. Great for
beginning, intermediate or advanced player. Never played? Pick up a great hobby. Equipment
provided if needed.
Donor: Eron Sodie
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Dance Institute of Washington - Set of 8 Lessons
Now you can indulge yourself in a full set of eight dance lessons from the Dance Institute of
Washington. Take a break from the stress of home and/or work and (re)discover the pleasure of
allowing your body to express itself. Various levels of ballet and modern dance are available
along with these great ones: , Beginner Belly Dance Technique and Stylization, Flamenco
Technique for Tribal Belly Dance, , and Afro Cuban. The DIW is located two blocks north of
the Columbia Heights metro station, at 3400 14th St NW, Washington DC. These lessons will
expire one year after the auction. List of classes at the auction or on the web at
Donor: Dance Institute of Washington
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Knitting Lessons
Ever experience the sensual relaxation of busy fingers knitting luscious yarn into a beautiful soft
scarf? Scarves are in these days - walk the halls of any high school and see them in stripes.
Learn to knit simple items and to follow simple patterns. Make a comfy afghan, baby blanket,
sweater, shawl….the possibilities are unlimited. Shy guys need an ice-breaker, break out your
knitting in any situation where women are present! Bring your own yarn and needles after
consulting with Ela. You need to learn where to get the stuff you will use, once you have this
skill. Pick something that feels really good. Two lessons offered, one to get you started, and a
second to help you work out the kinks. It's really easy and can transform time in boring meetings
or in front of the TV into something productive.
Donor: Ela Koniuszkow
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Hebrew Tutoring
Brush up your Hebrew or expand your skills. Work on your pronunciation with a native speaker.
Help with grammar, reading, liturgy or conversation. Increase your confidence next time you
use Hebrew. Two sessions of one and one half hours each. Time and place to be arranged by
mutual agreement.
Donor: Mike Wexler
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Learn to Make Whole Wheat Challah
Bring your family for a playdate or come alone to learn to mix, knead, bread, brush and braid
challah using a Joan Nathan recipe. Take home a loaf or two for supper or French Toast. The
entire process takes 3.5 hours, providing intermittent breaks for tea, outside play, or a walk
around the block.
Donor: Joe Gitchell
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $20.00
If you are looking for a comfortable, convivial setting to work on an ongoing needlework
project, or if you would like to embark on a new project or skill, let's get together as a group!
We'll get some work done, enjoy some treats, and get to know each other better. Bid on one,
two, or three evenings at $20 per meeting. The initial gathering will be scheduled to meet
bidders' convenience, with additional evenings scheduled as back-up or continuation.
*If you are new to needlework, we can guide you in advance on purchases for a basic
needlepoint, embroidery, knitting, or crochet project. We'll get you started during our evening.
And you'll know you can get help on a Sunday morning if things get sticky!
Donor: Elizabeth Mumford & Julie Vigdor
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Math Insurance, Tutoring
Taking a Math Class?? Need Help Preparing for that Final Exam? The dreaded SATs, GREs, AP
exams, etc.?? Two hours of math or statistics tutoring from the Doctors Zalkind (applied math
PhD's.). David Zalkind, GWU professor of Quantitative Methods, and Julie Zalkind, longtime
former co-president of Beth Chai -- between them can tutor math and statistics from calculus
through many college courses and some graduate courses. They'll help children or adults,
providing preparation for exams or enrichment. Check with either Zalkind in advance to fit the
tutoring to your own needs. Two one-hour sessions.
Donor: Julie Zalkind & David Zalkind
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Make Cream(y) Soups Without the Cream
Yeah, sure you say and we'll also have really tasty non-fat ice cream. Well, in your own kitchen,
you can learn how to do just what is promised. You provide the materials and space and you will
have a treasured technique that you can pass on to the generations. You even get pretty much
your own choice of soup on which to practice. Last year's winner was able to capitalize on this
lesson by taking advantage of her neighbor's garden to make an amazing variety of soups. Time
and date will be worked out for mutual convenience
Donor: Souperman Inc.
Minimum Bid: $20.00
11. Sports and Fitness
Nationals Tickets!
Peanuts, popcorn, baseball and a brand spanking new stadium? Enjoy these four tickets to see the
Washington Nationals. The donors do not yet know which game it will be, but info on game
date & arena ticket area should be available soon!
Donor: Hali and Eric London
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Functional Golf Evaluation
Whether you're just starting, a duffer or carry a low handicap, this offer is for you. You want to
understand how your physique may be limiting your game. This offer includes an anatomical
analysis to address flexibility, strength and body mechanics related to golf, address limitations
and restrictions, guidelines and suggestions to address any findings, questions or concerns
regarding golf fitness and guidelines for injury prevention.
Let the certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist at Sports
Therapy and Rehabilitation on 16th Street downtown help you improve your running. While
there, you can see all the autographed photos of Redskins, Wizards and Caps thanking STAR for
its help.
Donor: Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (STAR) Clinic
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Runner's Gait Evaluation
As the weather improves, lots of folks will be resuming their outdoor running. Here's the chance
for you, as well as those who've kept at it over the winter, to check out both the mechanics of the
physical process as well making improvements. The consultation includes a lower extremity
joint flexibility assessment, muscle strength testing, foot structural examination, shoe evaluation
and recommendations for addressing problems.
Let the certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist at Sports
Therapy and Rehabilitation on 16th Street downtown help you improve your running. While
there, you can see all the autographed photos of Redskins, Wizards and Caps thanking STAR for
its help.
Donor: Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (STAR) Clinic
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Feldenkrais Lesson
A Feldenkrais Functional Integration lesson offered by a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, who
will work with the recipient using awareness, movement, and touch to bring greater ease to any
life activity, encourage all parts of the self to work cooperatively, and remove blocks preventing
her or him from doing what s/he wants.
Donor: Phyllis Herman
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Cosper Scafidi, past chairman of the board of the Rolf Institute and acclaimed as one of the finest
body workers in the DC metro area, is offering one session of Rolfing structural integration. A
method of manipulating the body's myofascial system, Rolfing creates a more efficient use of the
muscles resulting in more economical and refined patterns of movement. By allowing the body
Beth Chai
to conserve energy, Rolfing can reduce chronic stress significantly while dramatically improving
posture and body structure.
Donor: Cosper Scafidi
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Chiropractic or Massage
Are your shoulders up around your ears from working on the computer? Did that fender bender
bend more than your fender? Is the stress of the impending IRS deadline taking its toll on your
upper or lower back? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or would just like to spend
an hour and a half being taken care of in body, mind and spirit, Dr. Paul Caffrey, who is both a
chiropractor and massage therapist, recommended by Beth Chai member Julie Zalkind, is
standing ready to help (and standing straight and tall, no doubt!). The winner of this item can
contact Dr. Caffrey, who practices in VA, for an appointment.
Donor: Dr. Paul Caffrey
Minimum Bid: $65.00
12. Art/Decorative Art
Cobalt Blue Decorative Bowl
This beautiful 20" blue, glass, free form platter was made (and signed) by our own Art Blecher.
It is kiln-formed art glass with flame-work.
Donor: Art Blecher
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Set of Three Handmade Nested Ceramic Bowls
Lovely set of nested ceramic bowls (small, medium-small, medium) for your kitchen or serving.
Donor: Studio Gallery
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Two Sets of Notecards and Calendar
Produced by local photographer Miriam Rosenthal, here's some nice additions for your desk.
One set of note cards has photos of six local scenes on the cover. The other set, Icons of
Patriotism, has two each of four scenes featuring the American flag.
The calendar consists of twelve 5"x7" mini-posters, printed on semi-gloss cardstock weight
Donor: Third Eye Photography
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Toasting Goblets: The Millenium Collection Waterford Crystal
A wonderful gift for yourself or someone celebrating a significant event.
Donor: Lora Berg & Karim Chaibi
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Fused Glass Bowl
Wonderful oblong very pale green fused chunky glass bowl by one of Washington's leading
glass artists, Erwin Timmers of Washington Glass Studio in near-by Mount Ranier. Studio
formerly was where the baseball stadium is now located.
Donor: Washington Glass Studio
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Hand Carved Zimbabwean Statue
Purchased in Zimbabwe, this piece is a bust of a local tribesperson carved into an unfinished
branch of a tree and finished to an ebony-like color; about 13 inches tall.
Donor: Harriet Hirsch
Minimum Bid: $60.00
1206-07 Handmade Art Glass Bud Vase
Handmade art glass bud vases by Stephen Schlanser, well known glass artist. The vase is signed
and made of ultra clear greenish glass, about 4 high.
Donor: Rachel Feldman
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Handmade Etched Art Glass Bud Vase
Handmade etched art glass bud vase by Stephen Schlanser, well known glass artist. The vase is
signed and made of ultra clear greenish glass with the pattern of a maple leaf etched, about 5-6
inches high.
Donor: Rachel Feldman
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Marrakesh Center Piece Bowl
Glass, hand painted copper color, 15" diameter, food safe, hand washable. A wonderful center
piece for your table!
Donor: Nancy Scherer
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $20.00
1210-13 Pen and Ink Drawing
A figure drawings (nude study) done in pen and brush on gesso by Herbert A. Buxbaum, father
of Beth Chai member Jim Buxbaum. All work is in 11' x 14" black metal frames.
Donor: James Buxbaum
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Silver & Gold Bracelet
Jan Maddox is a fine local jewelry maker who lives in Bethesda and is represented by the
Waverly Street Gallery (formerly Creative Partners) in Bethesda. She is active in the James
Renwick Alliance as a former Board member.
You may have seen an adjustable sterling silver and 18K gold bracelet quite like the one that Jan
is donating on the wrist of Ron Leve. He can tell you that people even stop him on the street
admiring and asking about it. It incorporates an ingenious method for expanding so that it can
move over the hand as it is moved down to the wrist.
Donor: Jan Maddox
Minimum Bid: $55.00
13. Wines
Greenberg/Welsh Selections: Lot #1
When Scott and Cindy select wine, simply the names of the wines are sufficient to communicate
the fine choices - no extra description needed.
2 Bottles of Willamette Valley Vineyards Estate Vineyard Pinot Noir, 2004 and 2005
Donor: Scott Greenberg & Cindy Welsh
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Greenberg/Welsh Selections Lot #3
When Scott and Cindy select wine, simply the names of the wines are sufficient to communicate
the fine choices - no extra description needed.
Miscellaneous Summer Whites 2006 Lagaria Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie, Italy
2005 Twotone Farm Chardonnay, California
2005 Pieropan Soave Classic Calvarino, Italy
2005 Lockwood Vineyard chardonnay Monterey, California
2005 Avery Lane Riesling Columbia Valley, Washington
2006 Sawyer Cellars Sauvignon Blanc Rutherford, Napa Valley, California
Donor: Scott Greenberg & Cindy Welsh
Minimum Bid: $80.00
Wines of the Seven Continents
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler have chosen three very interesting themes around which to build
baskets of wine for the Beth Chai auction.
Each of the wines in this grouping in some way represents its continent of origin. These may not
be the finest the continent has to offer but each gives a sense of what's different and fun! about
each continent. Of course, you knew that Africa would be represented by a 2006 Goats Do
Roam, so it won't surprise you to find a Tengo, Malbec 2007 from Argentina. For the others,
including Antarctica, you'll have to check the full list near the wines at the auction itself.
Donor: Peggy Robin & Bill Adler
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Animal Wines
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler have chosen three very interesting themes around which to build
baskets of wine for the Beth Chai auction.
Winemakers have discovered that consumers like cute or exotic animals on their wine labels
Somehow the most ordinary bottle becomes intriguing with the suggestion of something animal
in its nature. Maybe it's just good marketing, or maybe there's really something wild going on.
We've got Mad Dogs and Englishmen for one and Cat Amongst the Pigeons for another. Check
the listing near the wines at the auction to see the remaining four.
Donor: Peggy Robin & Bill Adler
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Wines with Bad Names
Peggy Robin and Bill Adler have chosen three very interesting themes around which to build
baskets of wine for the Beth Chai auction.
Something about a bad name on a wine makes you want to see if it tastes good. Here are 5 wines
with nasty-sounding labels. And since we know that you can't wait for the auction, we're going
to tell you the names of all five right here: Il Bastardo, Pinot Evil, Evil Pure Evil, Devil's Lair
Fifth Leg and of course, Suxx.
Donor: Peggy Robin & Bill Adler
Minimum Bid: $35.00
14. Dog Biscuits
Homemade Dog Biscuits
Dog lovers!! Stop feeding your beloved Fido those store-bought cardboard treats, filled with red
dye number 4 and mysterious ingredients that can only be pronounced by chemistry professors.
Beth Chai
Your four-legged companion should be munching on healthful, nutritious, baked-not-fried treats,
and you can find them at the Beth Chai auction.
Your doggie will love you for it!
Donor: Fred Mittelman & Diane Page
Minimum Bid: $10.00
15. Lectures
Gift Certicate for National Geographic Live!
Step into a world of entertaining presentations by today's leading explorers, scientists,
photographers, and performing artists. From lively concerts to thought-provoking presentations,
captivating films, and engaging family events, National Geographic Live! brings you the world
and all that's in it!
Take a virtual trip to Austria, Russia, Israel or Kazakhstan. Walk the Gobi, take a high-climbing
adventure or learn more about the human footprint. Maybe you prefer Junoon in Concert
Opening Act: Falu or Carmen Consoli in Concert. It's all at National Geographic Live! this
Events vary in price but most are in the $15 range. This $50 certificate will allow you to enjoy
several events in the 2008-09 season.
Location for all events is Grosvenor Auditorium at the National Geographic Society,
Washington, D.C.
Donor: National Geographic Live!
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Sixth and I Historic Synagogue - Two tickets for "The Gospel According to The Simpsons"
The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue provides a Jewish presence and meeting place in the center of
the Nation's capital. Its programming is sometimes traditional and sometimes off-beat. The talk
by Mark I. Pinsky, author of "The Gospel According to The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the
World's Most Animated Family" is clearly off-beat. Religion journalist Pinsky (who is Jewish)
offers a thoughtful and genuinely entertaining review of faith and morality as reflected through
the irreverently sweet comedy of The Simpsons, drawing on a wide if not encyclopedic
knowledge of key episodes and interviews with the series' creators. The animated series is unique
in many ways, including its longevity and creative freshness, but no less remarkable is the show's
attention to religious themes especially considering the prevalent invisibility or irrelevance of
religion on TV. Reviewers call his book "laugh out loud funny" yet on target in its caricatures of
everyday American churchgoing people.
Donor: Sixth and I Historic Synagogue
Minimum Bid: $10.00
16. Needs
House organization
Rob Rosenberg would like your help to organize his clutter. Rob will pay $20 per hour for as
many hours as a Beth Chai member will provide. If you also have decorating talents and can
help with interior decorating on a tight budget, so much the better!
Donor: Rob Rosenberg
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Style consultant
Are you a dress for success specialist? Rob Rosenberg requests your help as a style consultant.
Spend a session with him to select clothes and perhaps review his current wardrobe.
Donor: Rob Rosenberg
Minimum Bid: $75.00
17. Musical Performances
Eastern Shore Chamber Music Festival
Start off your weekend to the shore with a fantastic chamber music concert! This certificate for
two for the opening night of the Music Festival on June 6th starting at 8pm in Easton Maryland.
Enjoy the sounds of Mozart, Zemlinsky and a TBA performance by the Chesapeake Chamber
Competition winners!
Donor: Eastern Shore Chamber Music Festival
Minimum Bid: $25.00
1701-02 Gay Men's Chorus tickets - Two Tickets to "That 80's Show"
It will be totally awesome dude! Accompanied by an ’80s inspired soundtrack and video, the
Gay Men's Chorus of Washington sings and dances its way through the music that opened the
door for many of today’s out and proud pop singers. A pair tickets to "That 80's Show" is
available on Friday 15 March at 8 PM at Lisner auditorium in DC.
Donor: Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Levine Presents Concert
The Levine School of Music provides music instruction in MD, VA and DC -- including an
extensive scholarship program for over 700 children to receive free music instruction. The
school has offered 2 tickets to any Levine Presents Concert! Many times, dates are available
Beth Chai
with a variety of musical styles & instruments. Please see www.levineschool.org for details on
this incredible opportunity.
Donor: Levine School of Music
Minimum Bid: $25.00
21st Century Consort Season Tickets
The 21st Century Consort is the resident ensemble for contemporary music at the Smithsonian
Institution’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. This auction item includes 2 season
tickets for 2008-09 season! Using this year's season as a model, you can expect approximately 4
concerts (1 hour discussion with composers & musicians prior to the show, as well as a postconcert reception!)
Donor: 21st Century Consort
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Two Tickets for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) is internationally recognized as having achieved a
preeminent place among the world's most important orchestras. Acclaimed for its
uncompromising pursuit of artistic excellence, the Baltimore Symphony has attracted a devoted
national and international following. The BSO made musical history at the start of the 20072008 season, with Maestra Marin Alsop leading her inaugural concerts as the Orchestra's 12th
music director, making her the first woman to head a major American orchestra.
The high bidder will choose two tickets to one of three concerts: Sunday, April 6, 3pm, The
British Isles; Friday, April 11, 8pm, The Four Freshmen or Saturday, April 26, 8pm, Symphonie
Fantastique. All performances are in Meyerhoff Hall in Baltimore, Maryland.
Donor: Baltimore Symphony
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Two Tickets for the Music Center at Strathmore
High quality arts programming, designed for audiences of many tastes, served with the
hospitality and warmth of a family enterprise, are the hallmarks of Strathmore. Seasonal outdoor
events seek to be inclusive in their programming appeal, reaching out to people of all ages,
interests and cultural heritage. Artistic offerings presented by Strathmore in the Music Center
include world-class performances by major national artists of folk, blues, pop, jazz, show tunes,
and classical music. The Mansion at Strathmore is home to more intimate artistic programs
presented by Strathmore in the warm and acoustically superb 100-seat Dorothy M. and Maurice
C. Shapiro Music Room, the Gudelsky Gallery Suite exhibition spaces, the outdoor Gudelsky
Concert Pavilion, and outdoor Sculpture Gardens.
Being offered are two tickets which can be used for virtually any Strathmore Presents or Music
in the Mansion through March 3, 2009. (These tickets cannot be used for Baltimore Symphony,
National Philharmonic, WPAS or Mandy Patinkin.)
Donor: Music Center Strathmore
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Two Tickets for the National Philharmonic
Led by dynamic Music Director and Conductor Piotr Gajewski, the National Philharmonic is
known for performances that are "powerful," "impeccable," and "thrilling." (The Washington
Post) As a resident artistic partner of the Music Center at Strathmore, the National Philharmonic
showcases world-renowned guest artists in time-honored symphonic masterpieces conducted by
Maestro Gajewski and monumental choral masterworks under National Philharmonic Chorale
Artistic Director Stan Engebretson.
Provided here are two tickets for Strathmore promenade seating to one concert from the
following dates: Saturday, April 5, 8pm (HAYDN Symphony No. 85, "The Queen", HAYDN
Cello Concerto in D major, SCHUBERT Symphony No. 5); Saturday, May 10, 8pm (MOZART
Symphony No. 35, "Haffner", MOZART Piano Concerto No. 23, K.48, BIZET Symphony No.
1); Sunday, June 1, 3pm, Symphonic Blockbusters: Greats of the Romantic Era (Mendelssohn's
Hebrides Overture, Brahms' Violin Concerto, Dvorak's Symphony No. 8); Saturday, June 7,
8pm, Choral Masterworks: Britten's War Requiem.
Donor: National Philharmonic
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Two tickets for the Master Chorale of Washington's "Let My People Go!"
The joy of discovery awaits you as the Master Chorale of Washington creates a vibrant choral
music experience. Blending brilliant professional singers with an exceptional volunteer base, this
is the only symphonic chorus in the Washington, DC metropolitan area that adheres to the
standard of the world's premier choruses.
Join the Master Chorale on a journey of determination and hope. Let My People Go! explores the
underground railroad experience through arrangements of spirituals interwoven with dramatic
readings that reveal the freedom codes embedded in the tunes. Music by Donald McCullough,
script by Denny Clark. The Master Chorale will be joined by the Morgan State University Choir
for this production.
These are two prime orchestra tickets at Kennedy Center Concert Hall on Sunday, April 20, 3pm.
Donor: Master Chorale of Washington
Minimum Bid: $55.00
Two Box Seat Subscriptions to the 2008-2009 Season at Schlesinger Concert Hall
The Metropolitan Chorus celebrates singing with a strong emphasis on American composers, and
you will also celebrate, with these two box seat subscriptions to the 2008-2009 season! These
tickets would cost up to $60 per performance if purchased separately, so this is a great deal for
the choral music lover. The Washington Post has described the Chorus’s performances as
possessing: "powerful immediacy" and "utter sincerity and spirit." While we don’t know what
music will be offered next year, this year the season included a Season’s Greeting Concert, Our
Beth Chai
African-American Heritage, Hailstork:Earthrise, and "Gabrieli: A Venetian Coronation 1595".
Venues change from concert to concert but are located mainly in Arlington, VA.
Donor: The Metropolitan Chorus
Minimum Bid: $85.00
Two Tickets for Sat, 29 March, 8 PM, Westmoreland Cong Church
The International Conservatory of Music and Washington's guitar community have chosen to
commemorate the outstanding musician and teacher John Marlow, with an annual living
memorial--The John E. Marlow Guitar Series. The Beth Chai Auction is proud to offer for your
bidding pleasure 2 tickets to the Saturday, March 29th guitar performance by ELEFTHERIA
KOTZIA. The performance will be held at the Westmoreland Church in Bethesda which is a
great venue offering an intimate setting, wonderful acoustics, door prizes and more. AS
soloist and with orchestras at many of the great international festivals throughout the world. W.
Yeoman of Gramaphone Magazine (April, 2007) had this to say of Eleftheria, "Kotzia reminds
you of the magic of the guitar….neatly tying together the lyrical and the fiery."
Donor: The John E. Marlow Guitar Series
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Vocal Arts Society Tickets
The Vocal Arts Society, founded in 1990 by Dr. Gerald Perman, presents accomplished singers,
often in the early stages of their careers, in a full range of repertoire. Since its first season, Vocal
Arts Society has become a vital and proven force in the cultural life of the Washington
metropolitan area. The Society has donated two tickets for a recital on Wednesday May 7 at
7:30PM at the Embassy of Austria with Dame Felicity Hall and Graham Johnson. Dame Hall’s
operatic repertoire ranges from Handel to Stravinsky, but she has above all built up her
formidable international reputation as an interpreter of the great roles of Mozart and Strauss.
Graham Johnson is recognised as one of the world’s leading vocal accompanists.
Donor: Vocal Arts Society
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Candlelight Concerts Tickets
Candlelight Concerts presents artists of national and international reputation - established artists
and ensembles such as: Yo-Yo Ma, Marilyn Horne, Guarneri String Quartet and more! All in
beautiful Howard County Maryland. Two tickets to the Pavel Haas String Quartet chamber
music concert on Saturday, April 26, 2008, at 7:30 pm. The concert will be held at the Wilde
Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia, MD, 21044. Since winning the
Paolo Borciani competition in Italy in Spring 2005, the Pavel Haas Quartet have quickly become
known to audiences, critics and promoters around the world as one of today’s most exciting
young string quartets. Most recently the Quartet was awarded the 2007 Gramophone Award for
chamber music with their debut CD of works by Janacek and Haas.
Donor: Candlelight Concert Society, Inc.
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Opera Theater of Northern Virginia Tickets
The Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia is a professional company dedicated to innovative
performances. They are the second-oldest continuously operating opera company in the greater
D.C. metropolitan area. Tomorrow's singers at leading opera houses need a more intimate stage
on which to launch their careers, and Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia provides such a venue.
Jennifer Larmore, Alessandra Marc, Thomas Moser, and Fabiana Bravo are some of the singers
who starred in their productions. Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia is pleased to donate 2
tickets to one of the performances of a double-bill of Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial By Jury and
Ralph Vaughan Williams' Riders to the Sea, to be presented on April 4 and 6 at the Thomas
Jefferson Theatre in Arlington.
Donor: Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Transforming the City Through Song! - The Thomas Circle Singers
The Thomas Circle Singers (TCS) has been hailed by The Washington Post for its "glowing
performance" and for being "on pitch, well focused, fluent and singing expressively." TCS
presents acclaimed performances of diverse choral literature spanning the Renaissance to
contemporary repertoires. For over three decades, TCS concerts have raised funds and
awareness for organizations serving the homeless and hungry, children and families at risk, the
sick, and victims of violence in Washington, DC. The only local choral organization to donate
all concert ticket proceeds to nonprofit organizations every year, TCS has raised $100,000 for
causes in the last six years.
For auction are two season tickets for the 2008-09 season.
Donor: Thomas Circle Singers
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Washington Bach Consort Performance - Two Tickets for The Many Moods of Bach
Founded in 1977, the Washington Bach Consort is a professional chorus and orchestra noted for
its performance of 18th century music on period instruments. It has appeared at numerous
festivals and has made three critically acclaimed European tours. Recordings include Bach's
complete motets, the Magnificats of both J.S. and C.P.E. Bach, and the first American recording
of the F Major and G minor Masses, and three solo soprano cantatas featuring opera superstar
Elizabeth Futral. In reviewing the recently performed Christmas Oratorio, the Washington Post
wrote, "Heartfelt" does not begin to describe the performance -- the Washington Bach Consort
proclaims this music with both heart and soul."
Beth Chai
For auction is a pair of tickets to for : Many Moods of Bach on March 30 at 3 PM at the Harmon
Donor: Washington Bach Consort
Minimum Bid: $55.00
Armonia Nova Ensemble Performance
The Washington Post wrote in a review... "as the the Armonia Nova ensemble showed Friday
night, 14th-century love songs can burn with as much Passion as anything from later, louder
eras." Armonia Nova is an ensemble of instruments and voices based in the Washington, DC
area. Its members perform medieval and Renaissance music of Europe on instruments that are
re-creations of historical instruments, applying scholarship and informed historical performance
practice. Members of Armonia Nova strive to achieve an historically authentic performance with
the desire for the listener to hear this remote yet remarkably beautiful music as it might have
sounded when it was newly created.
For auction are two tickets to the Armonia Nova Ensemble's performance of "A World Lit by
Fire: The Visionary Music of Hildegard von Bingen," at 8:00 pm on June 21, 2008, as part of
the Washington Early Music Festival. The performance is at Christ Church Washington Parish
on Capitol Hill, 620 G Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.
Donor: Washington Early Music Festival
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Washington Men's Camerata
Two tickets to a concert on Sunday April 6th at 3pm. The Washington Men's Camerata honors
the tradition of men's choral music by providing beautiful performances promoting the choral
arts. This performance will be presented at the Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW, DC.
Donor: Washington Men's Camerata
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Bach Sinfonia - Two Tickets to This or Next Season
The Bach Sinfonia is a Maryland-based non-profit arts organization dedicated to excellence in
performance and education regarding early music. Currently in its thirteenth season, Sinfonia
presents a series of unique concerts, open dress rehearsals, educational programs, and listening
lectures regarding music from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Sinfonia strives to create
productions that differ from the standard classical music concert by providing performances that
are not just listening entertainment but also learning experiences.
The Bach Sinfonia's concert performances take place at Woodside United Methodist Church in
downtown Silver Spring, Maryland
Donor: Bach Sinfonia
Minimum Bid: $28.00
Childrens' Chorus of Washington - Two Tickets for "Italia" and a CD
The Children's Chorus of Washington is a wonderful children's choral ensemble recognized for
its excellence. The Chorus comprises three performing ensembles and its 170 performers
represent over 100 schools in the Washington DC area. The Chorus is donating two tickets to
the spring concert on May 11, 2008, 4:00 pm, "Viva Italia!" at the National Presbyterian Church.
In addition, the winning bidder will receive a CD, "Sing Joyfully." The total value of this
donation is $55.00.
Donor: Childrens Chorus
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington, Two Tickets to "All About Love"
The Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington DC is a 35-voice community chorus. The LGCW
presents two major concerts annually and also appears in numerous community events. The
LGCW is donating two tickets to June 22, 2008 concert to the Beth Chai auction.
Donor: Lesbian & Gay Chorus of Washington, DC.
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Choralis - Two Tickets for The German Romantics
Choralis is an auditioned, 100-person, mixed voice chorus with a paid professional core. Our
tickets are for The German Romantics - The acclaimed voices of Choralis sing gems of vocal
music from masters of the German 19th century. Voices a cappella and with keyboard
accompaniment present exquisite works by Mendelssohn, Brahms, Rheinberger (Cantus Missae
for double choir), and Beethoven (Choral Fantasy). This event takes place on Friday, 11 April,
at 8 PM at The Falls Church, 115 East Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA
Donor: Choralis Foundation
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Cathedral Choral Society - Two Tickets for Performance of Elijah
Glory in the fabulous atmosphere of the Washington National Cathedral while listening to the
beloved dramatic oratorio Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn, recounting the life of the prophet
revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. A tribute to Mendelssohn's Baroque predecessors
Bach and Handel, Elijah marks his emergence as one of the great Romantic composers.
Enjoy a Pre-concert discussion at 2:30 PM, Sunday May 18. The concert begins at 4:00 PM.
Donor: Cathedral Choral Society
Minimum Bid: $82.00
Opera Lafayette - Two Tickets for Any Event at 2008-9 Season
Opera Lafayette is an American period instrument ensemble dedicated to performances of 17thand 18th-century operas, particularly the French repertoire. Opera Lafayette has garnered critical
Beth Chai
acclaim and a loyal following for its concert and staged opera productions with well-known
American and international artists. Its collaborations with The New York Baroque Dance
Company, the leading baroque dance group in this country, have produced world premiere
musical and dance performances. This is a package deal, including your selection of any two
Opera Lafayette CDs from the Naxos catalog
Donor: Opera Lafayette
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Washington Bach Consort Performance - Two Tickets for St Mathew's Passion
Founded in 1977, the Washington Bach Consort is a professional chorus and orchestra noted for
its performance of 18th century music on period instruments. It has appeared at numerous
festivals and has made three critically acclaimed European tours. Recordings include Bach's
complete motets, the Magnificats of both J.S. and C.P.E. Bach, and the first American recording
of the F Major and G minor Masses, and three solo soprano cantatas featuring opera superstar
Elizabeth Futral. In reviewing the recently performed Christmas Oratorio, the Washington Post
wrote, "Heartfelt" does not begin to describe the performance -- the Washington Bach Consort
proclaims this music with both heart and soul."
For auction is a pair of tickets to St. Matthews Passion on May 11 at 3 PM at Strathmore Music
Donor: Washington Bach Consort
Minimum Bid: $55.00
18. Theater Performances/Film
1800-01 Madwoman of Chaillot #1
Greed, corruption, fraud, crime and eccentricity?! What could be a better way to spend your
evening than exploring these themes? Although written in the 1940's by Jean Giradoux, this play
is considered to be before its time. A pair of tickets is available. You can chose your
performance time for "The Madwoman of Chaillot" at either 7:30pm on April 24th, 25th, or
26th; or at 2pm on April 26th or 27th.
Donor: Catholic University of America
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Two Season Tickets to The Quotidian Theatre
The Quotidian Theatre Company's mission is to present plays in what is known as the natural,
realistic, or, more accurately, impressionistic style. By providing realistic situations and
dialogue, the company wants to give the audience the impression that they are witnessing events
over a backyard fence or through an open window, thus transporting them from detached viewers
to involved witnesses.
Being auctioned are two season tickets for the 2008-09 season. The season includes three plays.
All performances are at The Writer's Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
Donor: Quotidian Theatre Company
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Two Tickets to Any Performance at MetroStage
MetroStage is a professional not-for-profit theater dedicated to producing plays by established
and emerging playwrights, which are chosen for their social, political, literary and entertainment
value. Located in Old Town Alexandria, MetroStage presents challenging contemporary
American plays and musicals and premieres new works by Washington area and regional
playwrights. Always current, MetroStage's work speaks to the concerns and passions of our time
by showcasing the dynamic writing and performances of the best contemporary local and
regional artists.
You are bidding on two tickets to any performance in the 2008 season.
Donor: MetroStage
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Washington Savoyards - Two 2008-09 Season Tickets
The Washington Savoyards is the light opera company of Washington. It performs comic and
light opera, operetta, and musical theatre. The Savoyards seeks to make opera theatre accessible
and enjoyable to all in the Washington metropolitan area. Remembering its roots as a Gilbert
and Sullivan company, it mounts at least one of their popular light operas each season. This
season the Company will perform Gilbert and Sullivan's endearing fairy story Iolanthe. Also in
production this season will be Music Man and Babes in Toyland. The Washington Savoyards
celebrates this, its 36th season, by performing the Company's first full season in their new home,
the beautiful Atlas Performing Arts Center. The tunes from these shows are the very ones you'll
be singing in the shower all year long. Now that's got to be worth a bundle to you.
You are bidding on 2 season tickets for 2008-09. Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H Street,
NE, Washington, DC
Donor: The Washington Savoyards
Minimum Bid: $135.00
Little Theatre of Alexandria
The Underpants, written in 1919 by Sternheim and adapted for today's audiences by comedian
Steve Martin. Steve Martin saw something timeless in German satirist Carl Sternheim's 1910
comedy Die Hose (The Underpants). Polite society's standards of decency may have mellowed,
and our tolerance of exposed skin has unquestionably increased. But nearly a century after
Sternheim's work was first staged, a particular line is still drawn: It's just bad taste to let one's
knickers fall down in public. The story may not be a Martin original, but his comedic presence,
his ever-present physical comedy is not to be missed.
Beth Chai
Keep your shorts on while I explain exactly what you're bidding on: 2 tickets for the Friday, 13
June, 8 PM production of Underpants. Little Theatre Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street, Alexandria,
Donor: Little Theatre Alexandria
Minimum Bid: $17.00
Two Pair Tickets for Teatro de la Luna's "Volvio una Noche/She Returned One Night,"
May 8-31
The Beth Chai Auction Proudly Presents Theater with a Latin American Flavor in Arlington,
VA! Teatro de la Luna was founded in 1991 with the intent of providing the Washington capital
area with permanent access to theater from a Latin American perspective. We have 2 tickets for
the Teatro’s spring production entitled: “Volvió una Noche (She Returned One Night) by
Eduardo Rovner, directed by Mario Marcel, May 8 - 31, 2008 at Gunston Arts Center, Theatre 2,
Ages: 13+, Performances are held at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang Street, Arlington,
VA., in Spanish, with English surtitles.
Donor: Teatro de la Luna
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Two Tickets for Any Performance of Remaining 2007-08 Season
Rep Stage, the only professional theatre in Howard County, Maryland, bridges the gap between
the Baltimore/Washington, D.C. communities and produces work that transports, transforms and
inspires audiences and artists by using a variety of voices in an intimate environment. The Beth
Chai Auction presents 2 tickets for any performance this season. Here’s what’s on offer: “Thom
Pain (Based on nothing)” by Will Eno, directed by Lee Mikeska Gardner, Mar 26-April 12.
What are the defining moments that changed your life? In this quirky existential riff, the play
displays an ordinary man- just like you, but worse. “In the Heart of America” by Naomi
Wallace, directed by Kasi Campbell. May 28-June 29. How do the politics of war change an
individual’s history? A poetic anti-war love story written in reaction to the Gulf War of 1991.
Donor: Rep Stage
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Roundhouse Theater Tickets
Choose your own Round House Play staged in Bethesda by bidding on these two tickets valued
at up to $60 each: Lord of the Flies, Adapted for the stage by Nigel Williams, From the novel by
William Golding, April 2 - 27, 2008 , OR Nixon's Nixon, By Russell Lees, Directed by, Jerry
Whiddon, May 28 - June 22, 2008. Round House Theatre has been recognized nationally as a
center for the development of literary works for the stage. Their critically-acclaimed Literary
Works Project features new adaptations of contemporary and classical novels, re-interpreted
through a theatrical prism for today's audiences. They give these stories a fresh voice, a bold
visual presence, and a new relevance in our ever-changing society. The project has garnered 10
Helen Hayes Award nominations and strong notices in the regional and national press.
Donor: Richard and Pam Feinstein
Minimum Bid: $60.00
Olney Theatre Tickets
Finally, a history lesson you won’t sleep through! 1776 is a light-hearted look at John Adams,
Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson as they grapple with the Continental Congress and
independence from Britain. Inspired by the words of our founding fathers, this critically
acclaimed musical comedy is filled with lively songs, witty dialogue, and true American spirit.
Winner of the Tony award for Best Musical. Located just north of Washington, D.C. in artsrich Montgomery County, Maryland, Olney Theatre Center 2001 Sandy Spring Rd in Olney, MD
offers a diverse array of professional productions year-round that enrich, nurture and challenge a
broad range of artists, audiences and students.
The Certificate has not arrived yet providing possible limitations on day of use of these tickets,
but will be at the auction
Donor: Olney Theatre
Minimum Bid: $43.00
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Tickets
The Woolly Mammoth Theater Company has been called "the most daring theater company in
D.C." The idea was simple - pull together a group of exceptionally talented actors, mold them
into a company, seek innovative scripts with something challenging to say, and find fresh
approaches to acting, directing, and design. Above all, don't be afraid to take risks. But you
won’t be taking a risk if you bid on these two tickets for the 2008-09 season.
Mammoth Theater Company is a Beth Chai Favorite! Here are a few past shows greatly enjoyed
by Beth Chai members: In the Continuum - Danai Gurira & Nikkole Salter; Martha, Josie & the
Chinese Elvis - Charlotte Jones; Dead Man’s Cell Phone - Sarah Ruhl; Lenny & Lou - Ian
Cohen; Our Lady of 121st Street — Stephen Adly Guirgis; The Clean House - Sarah Ruhl
Donor: Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
Minimum Bid: $50.00
The Camus Project/The Plague at Warehouse Theater
Renowned Scena theatre company, performing at the Warehouse Theatre! "An avant-garde
Kennedy Center." (Washington Post) Scena Theatre (with the possible exception of the
Kennedy Center) is Washington's premier institution bringing the best in international theatre to
Washington, DC and stimulating cultural exchange between local and international theatre
artists. Founded in 1987 under the leadership of Artistic Director Robert McNamara and
Managing Director Amy Schmidt, Scena produces an annual season of plays, a Workshop Series
aimed at developing new work from around the world, special events, and the Washington
International Theatre Festival, staged each year at venues throughout the city. Beginning in
1987-1988, Scena has produced Classic works of the contemporary European theatre as well as
new plays by emerging playwrights from around the world.
Beth Chai
For auction are two tickets to the Camus Project/The Plague, by Albert Camus, running April 11
through May 18, 2008. The Warehouse Theatre is located at 1021 7th Street, NW, Washington,
Donor: Warehouse Theatre
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Dinner and a Live Show at Toby's Dinner Theater!
38 Helen Hayes Awards Nominations! Voted Best of Baltimore - Baltimore Magazine.
Toby's, celebrating its 28th year, has its own history and style. The theatre is one of the few
regional dinner theatres that maintains a live orchestra. Performances in-the-round provide the
patron with a dynamic interactive experience and a fine seat, with none more than 30 feet from
the stage. Toby's has been nominated 48 times for Helen Hayes awards. Toby's won the 2003
Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Director of a Resident Musical, and resident choreographer,
Illona Kessel, won the 2002 and 2004 Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Choregraphy.
For auction is one ticket for a show and dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, expiring
September 11, 2008. Toby's is located at 5900 Symphony Woods Road in Columbia, MD
Donor: Toby's Dinner Theatre
Minimum Bid: $23.00
Honk at F Scott Fitzgerald Theater
Honk if you like "Honk!" The Musical Theater Center in Rockville brings you Honk, featuring
performers in grades 3-12. The Musical Theater Center (MTC) has its roots in a performing
ensemble of eight young artists called "Young Americans of Washington" who performed at the
historic National Theater in Washington, DC in 1984. The group incorporated in 1988 and
received 501(c)(3) status in 1990. In 1995, the organization's name changed to better reflect the
mission and wide range of performing arts activities offered. Today, MTC is one of the leading
performing arts education organizations for young people in the metropolitan Washington area
and is dedicated to providing school age students the highest quality performing arts education
with a focus on training in the musical theater disciplines of voice, dance, and acting.
For auction are two tickets for "Honk" at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater in Rockville, August 15
through 18, 2008.
Donor: The Musical Theater Center
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Theater Alliance @ H Street Playhouse - Two Tickets
Theater Alliance is producing a revival of Michael Tolaydo in ST. MARK’S GOSPEL. Michael
was originally chosen by Alec McCowen, three-time Tony nominee, including Best Actor for his
brilliant turn in this one-man play, from over 200 other actors to take over the role. After
spending four months preparing for the role and two weeks in London rehearsing with
McCowen, Michael performed the piece in Africa and Germany, as well as throughout the
United States, from 1979 to 1981. One review of this tour-de-force one-man show stated,
Regardless of one’s personal predilections or feelings about the gospels or the Bible itself, St.
Mark’s Gospel is an experience that should not be missed. Performances will run from June 12
- July 6, on Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:00 PM, and Sundays at 5:00 PM (no performance
on July 4th).
Donor: Theater Alliance at the H Street Playhouse
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Opening Night and Reception at Washington Jewish Film Festival, Two Tickets
The Washington Jewish Film Festival, presented by the Washington DCJCC's Morris Cafritz
Center for the Arts, seeks to create multiple dialogues about a variety of issues intersecting the
Jewish experience through filmic representations created by Jews and non-Jews with a particular
emphasis on debunking stereotypes and seeking unexpected stories. Many of the films screened
only have a life on the Festival circuit and in specialty DVD-release. The WJFF has been at the
forefront of presenting films that reconsider the place of women and homosexuals in the Jewish
tradition; that provide a constructive critique of Jewish identity and reconsider major cultural
guideposts such as Zionism, the Holocaust and assimilation. The Washington Jewish Film
Festival is scheduled for December. 4 - 14, 2008. More information about the Festival is
available at www.wjff.org. Upcoming Screening Room films are on 3, 17 and 31 March.
Donor: Washington Jewish Film Festival
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Studio Theatre, Two Tickets for "The History Boys"
If you haven't been in the 14th Street/Logan Circle neighborhood in a while, have dinner at one
of the many restaurants that have opened and then see "The History Boys", the Tony Award
Winner for Best Play by Alan Bennett, directed by Studio founder Joy Zinoman. Newsday
called it "ebullient, crackling, miraculous theatre-as moving as it is intellectually extravagant."
The 2006 Tony Award winner for Best Play! Alan Bennett's sharply funny and touching comedy
goes inside the world of a British boys school, where two teachers become rivals for the minds
and hearts of eight unruly students. Founding Artistic Director Joy Zinoman re-imagines this
warm, brilliant and epic play, which features a cast of 12.
In the Methany Theater from 26 March to 4 May, on space available basis for Wed, Thursday or
Sunday evenings, Saturday/Sunday Matinee, or any extension date.
Donor: Studio Theatre
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Shakespeare Theatre - Two Tickets to "Julius Caesar?
Take the time to have dinner or something after the show in the burgeoning Penn Quarter.
You're in for a treat with this masterpiece at the brand-spanking new Harman Center. Julius
Caesar: As swift and enthralling as a political thriller, Julius Caesar portrays the life-and-death
Beth Chai
struggle for power in Rome. Fearing that Caesar’s growing strength and constitutional ambitions
threaten the Republic, a faction of politicians plots to assassinate him. But when Caesar is killed,
chaos engulfs Rome. Alive with stunning rhetoric, Julius Caesar investigates the intoxicating
effects of power and the dangers of idealism. In Caesar, Brutus and the young Marc Antony,
Shakespeare created three fascinating, dynamic characters.
Harmon Hall, 27 April - 6 July, except opening and no Friday or Saturday evening.
Donor: Shakespeare Theater Company
Minimum Bid: $65.00
1818-21 Zoon Vader Productions @ The Atlas Theater, two tickets for "The Fantastiks
The newly formed Zoon Vader Productions, operating in partnership with the Atlas Performing
Arts Center, is donating tickets to "The Fantasticks." The Fantasticks is the world's longest
running musical and show in American theater history. It has won and Obie Award and a Tony
Award, in addition Tom Jones (book and lyrics) and Harvey Schmidt (music) are recipients of
the ASCAP-Richard Rogers award. Zoon Vader Productions' mission is to promote and develop
the artistic growth of aspiring actors, designers, and technicians throughout the area. This
performance, at the Atlas Performing Arts Center, will run from October 31 through November
15, 2008.
Donor: Zoon Vader Productions
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Arena Stage - Two Tickets for A View from the Bridge
Arena Stage produces American plays, classics as well as new plays, that reveal the passion of
the American spirit. A View from the Bridge, a play by Arthur Miller, is a passionate story of
American immigrant life in the 1950's. This play also examines the promise and the failure of
the American Dream. Arena Stage is donating two tickets for this performance, offered March
21 - May 17, 2008 in Crystal City. The tickets are for the Sunday - Thursday evening
performances only.
Donor: Arena Stage
Minimum Bid: $56.00
Wayside Theater - Two Tickets for 2008-2009 Performance
You'll enjoy two tickets to the Wayside Theatre, in Middletown, Virginia, a professional theatre
company that hosts artists from all over the East Coast. While next season's schedule hasn't been
published yet, this year Wayside is producing . Tuesdays with Morrie, Driving Miss Daisy and
It's A Wonderful LIfe. Middletown is only 1 hour west of Washington off of I-66. You can
drive out for the evening or stay overnight and enjoy the sights around Middletown and
Winchester. The tickets are good for aThursday evening or weekend matinee performance in
2008-09 season, between 6/7/2008 - 4/25/09, excluding the Christmas production
Donor: Wayside Theater
Minimum Bid: $23.00
1824-25 Gala Hispanic Theater, Two Tickets for "for Boleros & Blues - The Legacy of Lara"
An original musical on the life and songs of Agustín Lara, Mexico's legendary composer-poet
who played the world's heartstrings with his classic romantic melodies and boleros. A renowned
Don Juan and habitué of the nightclub scene, Lara's marriage to Mexican screen goddess Maria
Felix left an indelible mark. Live music with pianist Mari Paz. Show dates June, 5-29, show
times, Thurs-Sat @8PM, Sun@3PM
Donor: Gala Hispanic Theater
Minimum Bid: $34.00
The American Century Theater, Two Season Tickets
High quality theater for all, The American Century Theater strives to create theatrical
experiences that entire families can watch, enjoy and discuss long afterward. This unique
company produces interesting, appropriate and thought provoking theater-going experiences for
the entire family. America's finest theatrical works -- written for a broad audience -- contain
significant themes and ideas which are the mainstay of this important theatrical venue. The
current season has included works by Eugene O'Neil, Tennessee Williams, Kurt Vonnegut and
others. The 2008-09 season will be announced in late Spring. Performances are held at Gunston
Theatre Two, Arlington, Va.
Donor: The American Century Theater
Minimum Bid: $80.00
Theater J - Two Tickets for either The Price or David in Shadow and Light
Your choice of tickets, and what a choice! Either The Price, a scorching, three-time Tony Award
nominee for drama in which Gregory Solomon is hired to assess a family's possessions in the
wake of a father's death. Two brothers' long-repressed dreams, desires and resentments bubble to
the surface as The Price explores the legacy of choices that have made for a terrible injustice. Or,
David In Shadow and Light an epic musical retelling of King David's astonishing trajectory from
boy shepherd, to superstar ruler, to aging king as he wrestles with the lowest and purest of
human impulses. This visually stunning production incorporates thrilling dance sequences and a
post-modern frame through which we can identify with the triumphs and travails of one of the
most complex and charismatic figures in biblical history.
The Price: Sat 3/8/08 thru Fri 4/18/08, David In Shadow and Light: Thu 5/8/08 thru Sun 6/22/08
Donor: Theater J.
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Signature Theater - Two Tickets for the Remainder of This Season or Next
Signature Theatre broadens and brightens the region's cultural landscape with its bold
productions of challenging new and established works. Musical Theater is Signature's
"signature," and the Theatre is renowned for its definitive Sondheim productions, inventive
adaptations of overlooked or forgotten works, and investment in fresh new projects. Housed in a
brand new dramatic building, Signature Theater is minutes off highway #395, in beautiful
Beth Chai
downtown Shirlington, a high spot in N. VA, well known for it's many diverse restaurants, just a
stones throw from the theater.
Donor: Signature Theater
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Two Season Tickets to Forum Theater and Dance
Challenging convention and redefining possibilities with non traditional storytelling and an
emphasis on the visceral, Forum Theatre celebrates with unorthodox storytelling by fusing
different forms of expression into captivating performances. Forum is dedicated to producing
new and existing works through the collaboration of artists of various genres, exploring the
possibilities of artistic production of any type, and serving the community with arts education
and unique production offerings.
This company is focused on the collaboration of artists from theatre, dance, visual arts, and
music. Forum Theater creates unique, multi-genre productions. Forum looks to the future with a
mission--nothing short of a revolution--changing the way we see and define theatre, dance, and
the arts.
Donor: Forum Theater and Dance
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Two Seasons Tickets for Quotidian Theatre
The Quotidian Theatre Company's mission is to present plays in what is known as the natural,
realistic, or, more accurately, impressionistic style. By providing realistic situations and
dialogue, the company wants to give the audience the impression that they are witnessing events
over a backyard fence or through an open window, thus transporting them from detached viewers
to involved witnesses.
Being auctioned are two season tickets for the 2008-09 season. The season includes three plays.
All performances are at The Writer's Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
Donor: Quotidian Theatre Company
Minimum Bid: $45.00
Two Pair Tickets for Teatro de la Luna's "Volvio una Noche/She Returned One Night,"
May 8-31
The Beth Chai Auction Proudly Presents Theater with a Latin American Flavor in Arlington,
VA! Teatro de la Luna was founded in 1991 with the intent of providing the Washington capital
area with permanent access to theater from a Latin American perspective. We have 2 tickets for
the Teatro’s spring production entitled: “Volvió una Noche (She Returned One Night) “ by
Eduardo Rovner, directed by Mario Marcel, May 8 - 31, 2008 at Gunston Arts Center, Theatre 2,
Ages: 13+, Performances are held at the Gunston Arts Center, 2700 S. Lang Street, Arlington,
VA., in Spanish, with English surtitles.
Donor: Teatro de la Luna
Minimum Bid: $30.00
19. Dance
Shakespeare's Sonnets
The immortal words of Shakespeare’s treasured, yet rarely heard, Sonnets come alive in
CityDance’s spirited interpretation of transcendent literature and universal meaning. The world
premiere combines original choreography and music with the ageless poems of Shakespeare.
You chose the date that is best for you: the 7th or 8th of March at 8pm or March 9th at 7pm at
Lansburgh theater / Harmon Center in Washington DC.
Donor: CityDance Center at Strathmore
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Dance Place Tickets
Modern dance enthusiasts! This pair of tickets allows your choice for any regular performance
at the Dance Place Theater (Washington DC). These tickets expire January 2009.
Donor: Deborah Riley Dance Projects
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Edgeworks Dance Theater Tickets
This is DC's first all-male, contemporary ensemble of predominantly African American men.
The EDT aims to break down stereotypes through the art of dance. Two tickets for the 20082009 season can be yours if you bid! This past season included several performances throughout
the Washington DC metro area. Please see http://hjwedgeworks.org to get a better sampling of
this fantastic opportunity!
Donor: Edgeworks Dance Theater
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Two Tickets to Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company
Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company is a young dance company that performs and
presents Indian forms, such as Bharata Natyam, and Modern dance, mirroring the multiple
identities of second generation South Asians. The company combines the arts with social justice
issues both by incorporating the themes into our work and via partnerships with local community
centers and schools.
To be held at the wonderfully renovated Lincoln Theater, these tickets are for a concert that will
be part of the 5th Annual Fall Festival of Indian arts hosted by Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh
& Dance Company and featuring guest artists from India.
Friday evening, 24 October 2008
Donor: Dakshina
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Jane Franklin Dance Company Tickets
The Arlington Va - based Jane Franklin Dance company, now in it's tenth year, is known for its
lively mix of dance, theater and humor and the for the ability to engage and inspire community
populations of all ages. Based in Northern Virginia since 1997, Jane Franklin Dance presents
polished, nuanced works that have been presented on many stages in the D.C. metropolitan
region. The company is offering 2 tickets to the June 9th performance at the Woolly Mammoth
stage at 7th and D in D.C.’s Penn Quarter. Details of the performance are unavailable at Auction
Catalog press time, but here’s what Nick Green from Washington’s CityPaper said about a recent
project: "Jane Franklin’s choreography is full of arresting visual pictures, including a repeated
motif of the trio holding their arms toward the ceiling in exaltation—representing vividly
Temporal Interference’s gentle tugging at the fabric of space and time."
Donor: Jane Franklin Dance
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company, Two Dance Tickets for Indian Arts Festival
Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh & Company is a young dance company that performs and
presents Indian forms, such as Bharata Natyam, and Modern dance, mirroring the multiple
identities of second generation South Asians. The company combines the arts with social justice
issues both by incorporating the themes into our work and via partnerships with local community
centers and schools.
To be held at the wonderfully renovated Lincoln Theater, these tickets are for a concert that will
be part of the 5th Annual Fall Festival of Indian arts hosted by Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh
& Dance company and featuring guest artists from India.
Friday evening, 24 October 2008
Donor: Dakshina
Minimum Bid: $50.00
20. DVDs
National Geographic's Wild Chronicles Season I
Dozens of the best episodes from the popular and award winning National Geographic series,
now in its third season on PBS -- connects viewers to the pulse of the planet by providing rare
access to the natural world and thrilling adventures in exploration. Join host Boyd Matson for
stories of danger, survival and curiosity as we explore our planet with those who have traversed
its passageways, probed its scientific mysteries and advocated for its protection.
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $23.00
National Geographic's Nature's Fury
Nature's Fury includes the riveting one-hour program, in Dolby Surround Sound 5.1, on the
destructive forces of Mother Nature; plus two additional action-packed never-before-released 20minute films, Tornado Hunters and Lightning Strikes; an assortment of photographs in the Photo
Gallery; an interactive map of U.S. natural disasters; an interactive trivia quiz; and trailers of
other related National Geographic programs.
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $10.00
National Geographic's The Photographers
The Photographers includes a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of National Geographic
photographers and how they get the shot presented in a compelling one-hour program; plus the
bonus half-hour film on wildlife filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert entitled A Passion for
Africa; an assortment of photographs in the Photo Gallery; biographies and photos of the
photographers; an interactive trivia quiz; and trailers of other related National Geographic
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $10.00
National Geographic's Super Croc
In the parched Sahara desert, Dr. Paul Sereno uncovers the skull of a ten-ton giant SuperCroc,
the size of a school bus and one of the largest crocs to have lived. Sereno joins forces with reptile
expert Dr. Brady Barr for an around-the-globe adventure-packed quest to flesh out this ancient
40-foot croc. Computer animation takes viewers back in time to see how SuperCroc might have
lived and battled for its food.
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $10.00
21. CDs
Gay Men's Chorus CDs
Bummed out because you can't make it to the "That 80's Show" featured in auction items #1701
& 1702? Well, dry away those tears, because you can get three CDs (Songs of My Family,
Songs of Sondheim and Hammerstein and Changing Hearts)! You can listen anytime you want
in your car or at home!
Donor: Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC,
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Dizzy Gillespie - Dizzy's Big 4
1974 Session with Dizzy, Joe Pass, Ray Brown and Mickey Roker. 20 bit Remastered
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Chet Baker in Milan
1959 Session with Chet, Glauco Masetti, Renato Sellini, Franco Serri, Gene Victory; 20 bit
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Dave Brubeck - Love Song
Mid-50's to mid-60's recordings from the Great American Songbook most with Dave, Paul
Desmond, Eugene Wright and Joe Morello
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
The Best of Tuck & Patti
Windham Hills, 1994
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Dave Brubeck Quarter - Jazz Red Hot and Cool
This re-issued 1955 album dedicated to Duke Ellington has two previously unreleased tracks
along with original liner notes and supplemented with Brubeck's recollections of the sessions
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Eric Dolphy at the Five Spot
1961 session with Eric, Booker Little, Mel Waldron, Richard Davis, Eddie Blackwell. 20 bit
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Byrd and Guests at the Village Gate
1963 session with Charlie, Keter Betts, Bill Reichenbach with guests Chuck Terry and Seldon
Powell. 20 bit remastered
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Otis Redding - The Definitive Collection
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Forest Gump - The Soundtrack
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $20.00
BB King - King of The Blues - 1989
With guests Steve Cropper, Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Bonnie Raitt, Tom Scott
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Bill Withers -Lovely Days
Donor: Out of Print Music - Andrew Panken
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Liberian Folk Tales
Stories Under the Table, Liberian folk tales told by
Vera Oye Yaa-Anna.
Donor: Harriet Hirsch
Minimum Bid: $8.00
The Songs of Sondheim and Hammerstein
With special guest, two-time Tony Award Nominee Laura Benanti.
Donor: Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC,
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Minimum Bid: $8.00
Changing Hearts - The Silver Anniversary Album
"In life, some things never change
... Luckily hearts do"
Includes Oseh Shalom
Donor: Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC,
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $8.00
This House Shall Stand- Songs of My Family
Donor: Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC,
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Minimum Bid: $8.00
22. Videos
Video Basket
Here's a way to make a fun and simple movie night with the kids. Just pick from the videos put
together by Education Director (and movie talent scout) Rain Zohav. And since you can't have
movie night without something to nibble on, this basket includes goodies to munch on.
Donor: Rain Zohav & Walter Scott
Minimum Bid: $12.00
He (or she) who laughs, lasts! Education Director and movie lover Rain Zohav has chosen a
basket full of comedies. They'll keep you, your family and friends laughing. And she's included
some night-at-the-movies goodies, too.
Donor: Rain Zohav & Walter Scott
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Lights, camera and a basket full of action! Education Director and movie maven Rain Zohav has
put together a basket of drama and action videos. Here's a surefire way to pick a good movie.
Video basket comes with movie goodies, too.
Donor: Rain Zohav & Walter Scott
Minimum Bid: $12.00
23. Books
NO PITY: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement
Beth Chai member Joe Shapiro is the author of NO PITY: People with Disabilities Forging a
New Civil Rights Movement. This pioneering book helped popularize the idea that people with
disabilities have their own civil rights heroes and their own movement, modeled after the civil
rights struggles of African-Americans, women and other minority groups. NO PITY is a wellread and well-loved book among people with disabilities, their friends and families. It's
considered a "classic" in the growing field of disability studies. Joe--who you hear on National
Public Radio--will sign the book.
Donor: Joe Shapiro & Suzanne Greenfield
Minimum Bid: $8.00
Basket of Books
Curl up and read a book, or two or three or more. A grab bag of a baker's dozen recent books:
fiction, non-fiction, science, history and more. There's plenty here to keep you turning the pages.
Donor: Joe Shapiro & Suzanne Greenfield
Minimum Bid: $20.00
Signed Books by Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Speaker Daryl Davis
Own your own signed copy of the inspirational book of the 2008 Beth Chai Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day speaker, Daryl Davis. Mr. Davis -- author, activist, and Grammy winning pianist recounts his unique relationships with Ku Klux Klan members in Klan-Destine Relationships: A
Black Man's Odyssey in the Ku Klux Klan. Two (2) copies available to the top two bidders
Donor: Karen and Howie Feinstein
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Second Story Books - $25 Certificate
YOU NEED MORE BOOKS! Oh, yes, you do…don’t try to hide your obsession, we know, and
we understand. That’s why we are making it easier on you by offering a $25 gift certificate from
Second Story Books, specializing in out-of-print, used, rare, and antiquarian books. Yes, now
you can feed the monkey on your back, PLUS contribute to the good cause that is Beth Chai, and
you don’t have to wait for the next Beth Chai Book Sale! Second Story Books has two locations
in the Washington metropolitan area, ( 2000 P St., NW, Wash., DC 20036, (on the corner of 20th
and P Sts.) Tel. (202) 659-8884 or 12160 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20852-1708, Tel. (301)
770-0477). Both stores are conveniently on the Metro Red Line, with over a million books in all
categories as well as manuscripts, maps, ephemera, prints, paintings and vintage posters.
Donor: Second Story Books
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Art Catalog for Andrew Wyeth's Helga Pictures
This catalogue features 70 works from the Helga suite including finished paintings in tempera
and drybrush as well as works in watercolor and quick pencil studies. Having debuted in 1987 at
the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. the first time the museum featured a living artist
the exhibition has traveled to major institutions in the United States and Japan. Andrew Wyeth is
perhaps the most celebrated American realist painter. Born in 1917, youngest of five children
and son of noted artist and illustrator N.C. Wyeth, he works primarily in watercolor and egg
tempera. From 1971 until 1985, Wyeth undertook a long, intensive study of one model, Helga
Testorf. Helga was one of the artist’s neighbors in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and Wyeth’s
Beth Chai
private project for some 14 years. He created approximately 240 works—the volume of work is
characteristic in many ways of his approach toward a subject of special interest repeated,
investigatory and diverse. The way it was created was perhaps less typical. The series was done
in near-complete privacy, without revealing to anyone the existence of the series, the identity of
the model or the extent of the project.
Donor: International Arts and Artist
Minimum Bid: $15.00
National Geographic In Focus
Through the years, National Geographic magazine's staff photographers have often elevated
stock depictions of "exotic" cultures into haunting glimpses of other lives. In Focus: National
Geographic Greatest Portraits presents a century of captivating images of ordinary people from
around the world--280 photographs of pleasure, grief, stoicism, shyness and sheer endurance.
In Focus draws upon the magazine's complete archives to raise intriguing questions about how
editorial choices help define our understanding of the world. The gallery of portraits in this
splendid book includes many memorable faces, from the unnerving grin of the Wodaabe
tribesman in Niger to the sunny self-possession of a child in Murmansk. Beautiful women
abound--they have helped sell the magazine from its earliest days. As the decades go by, people
everywhere seem more at ease being photographed. But they remain as fascinating as ever,
perhaps because we'll never know what they were thinking when the shutter clicked.
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $15.00
National Geographic On Assignment USA
On Assignment focuses its cameras only on the United States, and provides a new adventure
with every turn of the page. From Alaska to Florida, the stunning photographs provide a portrait
in time of a USA undergoing tremendous change. The publisher uses the talents of its incredible
staff to celebrate the broad diversity that makes America so great. From Hurricane Andrew to
weekly baseball games, this masterpiece of photojournalism chronicles the sorrows and joys of
living in this country. Opening its pages will allow readers to explore the Okefenokee Swamp,
dance with "Comanche John," climb Mount Hayes, or take hundreds of other adventures. The
accompanying essays will provide young adults not only with a source of entertainment, but also
a very rich educational experience.
Donor: Karen Martin & Mark Bauman
Minimum Bid: $15.00
"Always an Olivia," by Beth Chai Speaker Carolivia Herron
When Carolivia visits her great-grandmother, she discovers the roots of her African American
heritage and hears about the many adventures of her Jewish ancestors.
Donor: Julie Zalkind & David Zalkind
Minimum Bid: $10.00
"Nappy Hair," by Beth Chai Speaker Carolivia Herron
"It ain't easy to come by that kind of hair. No it ain't." After Uncle Mordecai says this line about
Brenda's hair, her family joins in with their reactions - a heritage tale told in call and response
Donor: Julie Zalkind & David Zalkind
Minimum Bid: $4.00
24. Jewelry/Wearable Art
Hand-Crocheted Creamy Snowflake Scarf
Wrap this 100% wool, hand-crocheted scarf around your neck and you'll feel like snowflakes are
gently drifting down around you
Donor: Julie Vigdor
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Hand-Crocheted Furry Granny-Squares
A combination of wool and synthetic yarns were used to construct this narrow string of starmotif granny squares in cream and shades of orange.
Donor: Julie Vigdor
Minimum Bid: $15.00
Hand Woven Silk Scarf
Hand woven 100% silk scarves from Cambodia. Woven by landmine victims. The project was
started by Vietnam Vets. The design and quality control by a world renowned weaver Carol
Cassidy from Laos. Size: 58" x10", plus fringes; color deep purple
Donor: Bega Toolanen & Doris
Minimum Bid: $40.00
Handmade Earrings
Unique earrings crafted by Beth Chai post Mitzvah artist, Emma Israel.
Donor: Emma Israel
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Handmade Earrings
Unique earrings crafted by Beth Chai post Mitzvah artist, Emma Israel.
Donor: Emma Israel
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Handmade Earrings
Unique earrings crafted by Beth Chai post Mitzvah artist, Emma Israel.
Donor: Emma Israel
Minimum Bid: $10.00
Handmade Earrings
Made by Beth Chai member Pat Lovenhart.
Donor: Pat Lovenhart
Minimum Bid: $16.00
Colorful and Sparkly Earrings
From the hands of the beaded flower lady (Rachel Feldman) come these simple and pretty
beaded earrings--all for pierced ears. Several designs and lots of colors to choose from.
Donor: Rachel Feldman
Minimum Bid: $5.00
25. Childrens
Take your baby out in style. This Peg Perego Venezia stroller (original cost $350) is gently used
but clean and undamaged.
Donor: Yevgeniya Nusinovich & Aaron Ucko
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Children's CDs
Here are music CDs that will get kids and grown-ups singing. (Yes, even kids' music that adults
will enjoy). A baker's dozen music CDs from Tom Chapin, Brady Rymer, Cathy Fink & Marcy
Marxer, Marlo Thomas, the Wizard of Oz and more.
Donor: Joe Shapiro & Suzanne Greenfield
Minimum Bid: $12.00
Classika Family Show
Introducing your children to the world of live theater? The Classika-Synetic Theatre, known for
their artistically dazzling prodcutions, specializes in performances geared towards the age 3 and
up crowd. This certificate for four, must be used by August 17th. The hard part will be deciding
which production to attend: The Brememn Musicans, The Story of the Lost Sock, Mamotoro, or
the Lion and the Mouse. The theatre is conveniently located in Arlington Va, and all shows are
at either the small-child-friendly times of 12:30pm or 3:30pm (depending on the show).
Donor: Classika-Synetic Theater
Minimum Bid: $20.00
ASO Summer Childrens Festival
It's more than just a show! It's also an "instrument petting zoo", interactive art station, and
student art show -- all in 1! Aimed at ages 5-11, the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra's Summer
Children's Festival features the music of the Pirates of the Carribean! This auction item includes
4 tickets for June 8th at 2 PM at Schlesinger Concert Hall (3001 Beauregard St, Alexandria, Va).
Donor: Alexandria Symphony
Beth Chai
Minimum Bid: $8.00