Fall 2014 - St. Andrew`s Senior Solutions


Fall 2014 - St. Andrew`s Senior Solutions
Fall 2014
Worry Less Times
Welcoming St. Andrew’s at Francis Place to the Family
esidents of Eureka, Missouri, have been abuzz ever
since St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System,
in partnership with the Ursuline Sisters, took over
sponsorship of the Price Memorial retirement community
and renamed it St. Andrew’s at Francis Place.
“St. Andrew’s has such a great reputation,” said a local civic
booster. “We’re very excited about the role they will play
in continuing the great care here and bringing the
community into the future.”
St. Andrew’s at Francis Place provides short-term
Medicare rehab, Medicaid, and skilled nursing in a
dramatic hilltop setting overlooking wooded hills and
valleys. Spacious lawns, gardens, and a large patio allow
residents to feel at ease in their surroundings.
More than the natural settings, residents are enthused
about the changes in the way the community will be
operated. “I’m already impressed with the openness and
St. Andrew’s at Francis Place features a large sunny courtyard for residents and families to enjoy.
communication from staff through the changes in
management,” said resident LuLu Sparling. “I really enjoy
their open-door policy and having access to administration
and free in-room satellite TV featuring daily mass, a brand new rehab
and all of the new support staff.” Another resident, Betty Haley,
gym, and the installation of an electronic medical records system.
added “I’m very excited to see such a wide variety of activities being
planned on the calendar each month!”
Even more important than all the new amenities, the community will
adhere to St. Andrew’s values and mission, which is all about
The community is also undergoing a $4.3 million renovation,
honoring our seniors and making sure they receive the best care
including replacing the large cafeteria-style dining room with four
available. “It’s so wonderful that seniors in southwest St. Louis
separate intimate dining areas, allowing residents and families to eat
County will be able to come home to the St. Andrew’s family,” said
in a cozy, homelike setting. Additional improvements include new
Mary Alice Ryan, St. Andrew’s CEO. “This is going to be a great
carpeting, new lighting, new on-site laundry facility, wireless internet
benefit both for our residents and for the St. Andrew’s organization as
a whole.”
A Reflection of How You Live
By Mary Alice Ryan, CEO
ith a name like Ryan, people often
kid me about having an Irish wake
when I go. I admit, the thought does
have some appeal, as I’d rather have my friends
and family celebrate my life than simply mourn
my passing.
How do you want people to remember you? It’s a
question all of us should ponder as we get older.
Yet, too often, we fail to write down our
thoughts and wishes, leaving it for others to deal
with during a very stressful time.
I recently discovered a new website,
www.mywonderfullife.com, that makes the
process a lot easier. Created by two women who
dealt with the loss of a spouse, the site provides
a wealth of useful tips and information on
everything from music and readings at the
funeral to examples of non-traditional
ceremonies and even where to find “green”
cemeteries. By creating a free account, you can
describe exactly how you want to go out, and
provide detailed instructions and final private
thoughts and messages to loved ones.
There’s also a
Survivor Checklist
that enumerates the
myriad things your
family needs to do,
the people they need
to notify, the
documents they’ll
need, and many other
items they might
otherwise overlook.
In This Issue...
A Collaborative Impact............Pg. 2
Charitable Foundation
Highlights....................................Pg. 2
Adopt A Senior Holiday
Program.....................................Pg. 2
Mary Alice Ryan
Mark Twain wrote that death and taxes are
inevitable. We probably can’t do much about
the first, but a site like this makes it possible for
anyone to plan ahead for that inevitable day
when you’d like people to remember you the
way you really are.
Upcoming Events......................Pg. 2
2014 Ageless Remarkable
St. Louisans..................................Pg. 3
Harris Frank:
A Generous Life.......................Pg. 4
It’s All About Attitude .............Pg. 4
Memorials & Tributes..............Pg. 5
Fun and Fit...................................Pg. 5
Partnership Benefits
Residents & Community...........Pg. 6
St. Andrew'S reSourceS
for SeniorS SyStem
St. Andrew’s Vision is a society
where all older adults are respected,
productive, secure, and fulfilled.
Among the tools we use in making
that vision a reality are our
specialized divisions, programs,
and services.
BoArd of directorS
Ralph H. Thaman, Jr., Chair
Rev. Richard Ellerbrake, Vice Chair
Lisa Bernstein, Secretary
William Broderick, Treasurer
Mary Alice Ryan, President & CEO
Board Members
Rev. Richard Brandon
Donna Dollgener
Robert P. Elsperman
Rev. Kevin Gregory
Rev. Dr. Anita Hendrix
Robert Hill, M.D.
Jefferson Miller, Jr.
Rev. Cedric Portis
Rev. Homer Schmitz, Ph.D.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. George Wayne Smith
Mary Tillman, M.D.
Velma Wacher
Harry Wilson
Emeritus Board Member
Marvin Wool
Honorary Board Members
Mary Ann Lee
Blanche M. Touhill, Ph.D.
Douglas H. Wilton
chAritABle foundAtion BoArd
Ken Kranzberg, Chair
Harris Frank, Vice Chair
Hon. Steve Limbaugh, Secretary
Douglas H. Wilton, Treasurer
Joseph Birk
Alan Brainerd
Terry Coleman
Anna Harris
Pris McDonnell
Mary McFarland, Ph.D.
Norma Stern
Blanche Touhill, Ph.D.
friendS BoArd
Terry Coleman, Chair
Michael & Rosemary Wick and
Virginia Trent, Emeritus Chairs
Board Members
Bob Bess
Fanny Bohlen
Lynette Broeg
Millie Cain
Carlene Davis
Lionelle Elsesser
D'Arcy Elsperman
Karen Gosser
Anna Harris
Anna Lea Kerckhoff
Nan Klassen
Rev. W. Clarence Koon, Jr.
Margaret Rambo
Darlene Roland
Jeanie Stewart
Peggy Symes
Phyllis Tirmenstein
Carol Marie Will
Sharon Wilson
A Collaborative Impact for Seniors in Need
enior Solutions serves more than 3,500
seniors and their family caregivers
annually. With the help of the Lutheran
Foundation, a contract through the St. Louis
Area Agency on Aging, Medicaid, and additional
support from generous donors and foundations,
we provide in-home charitable care to many
low-income St. Louis seniors.
“These older adults have worked their entire life
and contributed to society. Now, in their later
years, they find that they need assistance and
support to continue living independently in a
safe and secure environment,” explained Jolie
Tatum, a Senior Solutions RN. Senior Solutions
helps older adults stay in their home rather than
moving prematurely into a facility. Staying in
their homes is much less expensive, and most
seniors want to live in the place they feel most
comfortable — their own home.
Living at home provides older adults with many
benefits, including familiarity with their
neighborhood, their furnishings, and their
memories. Furthermore, maintaining the older
person in their home rather than placing them
into a Medicaid nursing home costs significantly
less. In addition to offering seniors an option to
live in their own home, in-home care drastically
reduces the cost of their care. Consequently,
in-home care saves society's already limited resources.
“Our charitable in-home care program is
drastically increasing the quality of life for these
seniors in need. It is incredible to see how the
generosity of our donors and foundations makes an
extraordinary and collaborative impact,” said Jolie.
Upcoming Events:
December 31, 2014
Don’t forget to make your year-end
contribution to help seniors in need.
May 3, 2015
Save the Date for our fabulous Derby Brunch
at World’s Fair Pavillion in Forest Park.
For more information, please contact Ashley at
or [email protected].
St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation Highlights:
t. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation is excited to share the following news about several
exciting developments over the past few months that will help to support our work with
seniors and bring added exposure to our work.
$50,000 from Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis to help low-income seniors
It is with tremendous gratitude and excitement that we announce that the Lutheran Foundation has
provided a $50,000 grant, which will enable Senior Solutions to serve an additional 25 low-income
seniors with in-home care. The grant will drastically increase the quality of life for St. Louis seniors
by providing medication management, meal preparation, baths, and light cleaning. Perhaps even
more important, this care will allow these seniors to remain in their own homes.
Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credits
We are thrilled to report that we have received Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credits
through the Missouri Department of Economic Development. These tax credits will be instrumental
in purchasing a new bus for our low-income communities to replace one that is ready to be retired
after providing nearly a decade of
service. The bus provides
transportation to more than 600
residents of our low-income
he Friends of St. Andrew’s served more than 600 seniors
communities. Most of our seniors
last year through the Adopt A Senior program, providing
do not have cars and are too frail to
individualized gifts, gift cards, and fun holiday parties to
take public transportation,
our low income residents and at-home clients. This year, we
especially in the winter. The bus
hope to brighten the holidays of even more seniors.
provides safe and convenient
transportation for our seniors to go
to the grocery store, pharmacy, and Adopt A Senior helps individuals like
Etta, who lives at one of our lowother essential locations. If you are
income senior communities. You
interested or would like to learn
would never guess that Etta is 103 years
more about how these tax credits
old. She is filled with energy and a zest
can benefit you, please call Yvette
for life that is truly inspiring. On a fixed
at 314-802-1940.
income, Etta has a tough time affording
even the essentials for living, so last
Congratulations Harris
Christmas she said she would really
Our dear friend, supporter, and
Chair of the Ageless Society, Harris appreciate a new dress for church. Not
only did Etta get a new dress, but some A happy holiday for Etta.
Frank, received the “Spirit of
dish towels and a few other things too.
Philanthropy Award” from the
Etta was thrilled, “Oh, I’m going to look good this Sunday! This is
Association of Fundraising
just so nice! Thank you so much!”
Adopt a Senior Program
Can you help? If you would like to touch the lives of many
during this special time of year, please contact Ashley
@ 314-678-1245 or [email protected].
2014 Ageless Remarkable Saint Louisans
t. Andrew’s recognized another amazing group of active and
their communities, this year’s class of
engaged seniors at its 12 annual Ageless-Remarkable
Ageless Remarkable St. Louisans continues to
St. Louisans Gala. On Sunday, November 9 ,
reshape the face of aging in
at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, the gala
our region and provide a fresh
and Harlene Wool for again
paid tribute to 19 older adults, aged 75+, who are
perspective on what it means
living proof that retirement doesn’t have to be
to grow older. This year’s
synonymous with slowing down. From traveling
Gala Chairmen were Alan E.
the world and embarking on new careers, to
Brainerd and Rich & Nan
generated over $325,000
offering their time and talents to their favorite
for seniors in need.
charitable organizations, and lending a hand in
Donald Beimdiek
Pat Britt
Mattie Davis
Elsie Freeman
Paul Greenlaw
Anna Harris
Harry Hope
Larry Lemke
Cynthia Frohlichstein
Joan Quicksilver
Ann Bannes
Judith G. Garfinkel
Darlene Roland
The Wisdom of the Ageless
Our 2014 Ageless-Remarkable honorees share their secrets to a productive and fulfilling life.
“No matter what the job is, you always can find a way
to contribute something.” -- Ann Bannes
“When you retire, don’t just give up something. Look
for some other opportunity.” -- Don Beimdiek
Mendel Rosenberg
“The worst thing you can do is become a couch potato.
My goal is to be the first guy to walk, run, crawl or
whatever I have to do to cross a marathon finish line
at age 100.” -- Pat Britt
“My heart is in this wonderful community.”
-- Joan Quicksilver
Betty Suggs
“Life has its ups and downs. You grow from that.”
-- Darlene Roland
“Always have a mind to do the work that God would
have you do.” -- Mattie Davis:
“I pray that something like the Holocaust will never
happen again.” -- Mendel Rosenberg
“I never let a day go by without praising the Lord.”
-- Elsie Freeman
“We want our clients to like us better after the project
is over than when they selected us in the first place.”
-- Joe Shaughnessy
“I owe it! If you’re lucky enough to be alive, you have
to help other people.” -- Cynthia Frohlichstein
Joe Shaughnessy
“The key for me has been my faith and commitment to
staying active by spending the rest of my life focused
on religious, humanitarian, and social issues.”
-- Larry Lemke
“I’ve never really thought about growing old. I just
focus on getting better.” -- Judith G. Garfinkel
“I’m proud to be one of many volunteers planting
flowers, which add a splash of color to beautify our
region and make it a better place to visit, work
and live.” -- Anita Siegmund
“I’m like the mailman. Snow, wind, dark of night…
I’ll be here unless something happens.”
-- Paul Greenlaw
“Regardless of the source, a lie written and spoken for
so long becomes the truth for most, but not all.”
-- Betty Suggs
“I was raised to give back.” -- Anna Harris
“Never sacrifice your values.” -- Jane Towater
“It gives me great satisfaction to help my fellow
veterans.” -- Harry Hope
“It’s a great thing to use the gifts God has given us to
help others.” -- Sr. M. Cordula Wekenborg, SSND
Jane Towater
Sr. M. Cordula Wekenborg, SSND
Anita Siegmund
2 0 14 A g e l e ss - Rem a rk a b l e S a i nt L oui s a ns Sp ons or s
Presenting Sponsors
World Wide Technology and the Steward Family Foundation
Platinum Sponsors
Cape Albeon
Wells Fargo Advisors
Diamond Sponsor,
Honoree Luncheon Sponsor
Roland Quest Memorial Fund,
Phyllis Tirmenstein
Emerald Sponsor,
Honoree Video Sponsor
BSI Constructors
Pearl Sponsor
Edward Jones
Ageless Society
Cocktail Party Sponsor:
Norma Stern
Production Sponsor
Ruby Sponsors
BKD Foundation
Centene Corporation
Crane Insurance
Duke Manufacturing
First Bank Wealth Management
Harris Frank
Mary Alice & John Ryan
Stifel Nicolaus & Co.
Harris Frank: A Generous Life
inston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we
get. We make a life by what we give.” If that is the case,
then Harris Frank has an extraordinarily blessed life.
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Harris made his living in
commercial real estate. In the 90 years he has graced this world with
his enthusiasm and charm, he has generously given his wisdom,
affluence, and experience to bless the lives of others. His generosity
spans far beyond monetary giving. When Harris gets involved in an
organization in which he is passionate, he gives of himself fully. He
has dedicated his time and talents to the City Academy, Danforth
Plant Science Center and Memory Care Home Solutions. Harris is
responsible for conceiving the idea for the Senior Olympics, a
movement that now spans all 50 states and boasts 350,000
participants nationwide. Furthermore, Harris was instrumental in
the growth of Memory Care Home Solutions, a 12-year-old nonprofit
that trains families and other caregivers to take care of people with
Alzheimer’s and keep them in their homes longer. With Harris’ help,
they have grown from serving 125 families annually to over 3,000.
Harris first became involved with St. Andrew’s three years ago when he
was honored as an Ageless Remarkable Saint Louisan. “I was so thrilled
with the Ageless program, I wondered why I hadn’t heard about
St. Andrew’s and what they were doing for seniors before. I wanted to
help spread the word,” he explained. Of course, as with most of his
work, Harris has done much more than spread the word. Since he first
started working with St. Andrew’s, the Foundation has grown its
charitable gifts by 46%, and much of that is due to Harris’ involvement.
He serves a vital role in connecting St. Andrew’s with other influential
and affluent Saint Louisans. He, along with Blanche Touhill, recruited
the first St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation’s Board, independent of
the St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System board.
He is also the Ageless Society Chair, inspiring more than 250
individuals to remain active and relevant in St. Louis through
continued career, education, volunteerism, and/or philanthropy.
Past Ageless honorees have always been members of the
Ageless Society, but
there was no
cultivation of this
group other than
listing them in the
program at the Ageless
Remarkable Saint
Louisans Gala. Now,
with Harris as the
Ageless Society Chair,
we have a free speaker
series, sponsored by
Emerson, along with
other activities and
opportunities. The
speaker series
provides an
opportunity for
St. Andrew’s to get in
front of the St. Louis
community, as well as
potential donors and
Harris Frank
clients, while providing
additional educational opportunities to seniors.
Harris’ dedication has certainly blessed the lives of the 8,700 seniors
that St. Andrew’s serves. “Everyone should make a difference if they
can,” he said. “I spend a great deal of time with charity. It keeps me
sharp and it means a lot to me that I can continue to make a
difference. I feel very lucky to have been around this long. I feel that if
you’re getting dividends out of life, you ought pay them back.”
Fortunately for St. Andrew’s, Harris’ dividends have created a
windfall of generosity and inspiration for our seniors and the
St. Louis community.
“It’s All About Attitude.”
om Brozka spends a good deal of his time searching for a
certain type of person to be a home health caregiver… and
that’s good news for Senior Solutions’ clients.
“We work very hard to find quality caregivers, those with the right
attitude toward service and caring,” explained the new Executive
Director of Senior Solutions, the home health partnership between
St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s Hospital. “I can teach skills, but our team
needs to be innately personable and service-oriented to give our
clients the quality care they deserve. I make finding those people my
first priority.”
Tom joined Senior Solutions this past Spring, following the
retirement of longtime Vice President Ann Bannes. An experienced
healthcare professional, he has led several residential and home
health organizations in the area for the past 20 years. “I wanted to
come to Senior Solutions and St. Andrew’s because of their
outstanding reputation and because I believe in the nonprofit
mission here,” he said.
One of Tom’s immediate goals is to increase participation among area
employers in the organization’s innovative Caring Workplace
program. The program was created to provide information and
support services to employees of participating companies to help
them balance their job requirements and the demands of caring for
an older loved one. Fourteen companies currently offer the program,
and Tom hopes to grow that number. “It’s estimated that employee
caregiving responsibilities cost companies $33 billion a year in lost
time and
he noted. “This is a
challenge that is
only going to get
bigger in the
years ahead.”
When not
focusing on
Senior Solutions’
programs, and
pushing for
continuous quality
Tom Brozka
improvement, Tom
spends his time
playing ice hockey in a
seniors’ league and dabbling in home projects as an amateur woodworker. He and his wife of 25 years have two daughters in college.
Senior Solutions serves more than
900 seniors living independently.
Memorials & Tributes
Fun and Fit
t. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation is grateful to the following
donors who have made gifts to honor friends and loved ones.
If you would like to make a memorial or tribute gift, please
contact the Foundation office at 314-726-1843.
Ms. ann Bannes
n Tuesday, September 9th, a team of volunteers from
HealthLink treated St. Andrew’s residents to a day of
fun and fitness! Held in Tower Grove Park, the event
was filled with games to stimulate both the mental and physical,
free health screenings, lunch and prizes for all. The seniors had a
wonderful time getting out and active!
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Darlene Roland
Mr. larry lemke
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein
Mr. John & Mrs. Mary alice ryan
Ms. Toni Anderson
Ms. Janet Roper
Mr. James & Mrs. Kathleen Ruggeri
Mr. Terry & Mrs. Patricia Weber
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Patricia Yates
Mr. Seymour Bailis
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker
Mr. Don & Mrs. Doris Svoboda
Mr. J. Stewart Bakula
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Ms. lucille Bommarito
Ms. Catherine Moore
Mr. orville Bryan
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker
Mr. Don & Mrs. Doris Svoboda
Mr. robert Harmon
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker
Mr. Jack Jennings
Ms. Lily Duggan
Ms. Virginia Freers
Ms. Michiko Jennings
Mr. Richard Jennings
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Eleanor Jennings
Ms. Kathleen Martin
Dr. Mary McFarland
Mr. Dale Meyer
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Lona Nonni
Mrs. William R. Orthwein, Jr.
Mr. evah Johnson
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker
Mr. Don & Mrs. Doris Svoboda
Mr. ralph l. Koelemay
Mrs. Ann W. Koelemay
Ms. elaine Tusman
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Sarah
Mr. Murray Weidenbaum
Mrs. Sue Bahle
Mr. Christopher Wiltse
Mr. Roger T. Byrne
Ms. Karen Carter
Ms. Denise Clemonds
Mr. Craig & Mrs. Gail Conta
Ms. Marsha Cope
Mr. Peter Czajkowski
Ms. Joan Devine
Ms. Catherine Dulle
Ms. Marcia Egilsrud
Food Service Consultants, Inc.
Ms. Mary Jane Harris
Ms. Yvette Hartsfield
Ms. Patricia Hubbs
Rev. John Kotovsky
LeadingAge Missouri
Lutheran Senior Services
Mr. Terry & Mrs. Diane
Mr. Tim & Mrs. Amy McFarlin
Mr. Richard Money
Mr. Dan Rosenthal
Mr. C. Michael & Mrs. Debra
Mr. Raymond & Mrs. Margaret
Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan
Mrs. Dawn Sargent
Mr. James & Mrs. Karen
Ms. Virginia Spallek
St. Mary's Institute of O'Fallon
Mr. richard Pier
Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan
Mr. Dan Thies
Ms. Beverly Wheeler
Senior Solutions
A service of St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s Hospital™
How We Can Help
Support and personal services for seniors who wish to
remain independent in their own homes
Helping you cope with the challenges of caring for a
family member, friend or loved one
An a la carte program designed to offer residents easy
access to a little extra help
Mr. William Trent
Mr. Jack Bodine
Cost-effective resources for companies and working
caregivers to help reduce stress and maintain
productivity on the job
For more information,
please call 314-726-5766 / 888-388-1930
or visit us at www.seniorsolutions-stl.com
St. Louis, MO
Permit No. 1829
6633 Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63130
Partnership Benefits Residents & Community
hen Cape Albeon became an official partner of
St. Andrew's Resources for Seniors System earlier this
year, residents gained access to skilled nursing, something they've never had before.
“For 14 years, I’ve been hoping for extended care to arrive here,” said
Lolly Wehrli, 87, who moved into Cape Albeon in 2000 and now has
access to skilled nursing at Brooking Park, another St. Andrew's
community. “It’s important for a lot of people, and I was overjoyed to
hear about the partnership.”
Increased access to skilled nursing is just one of many benefits
resulting from the closer association of the two organizations, which
already share a rich history. St. Andrew's, which provides housing
and health care to 8,000 seniors annually, has managed the 200resident Cape Albeon community since it opened in 2000. Before
relocating to Valley Park, Cape Albeon had been on the banks of the
Mississippi and was known as Good Samaritan Home for 100 years.
Nurse Ministries, for instance, and he hopes the partnership with
St. Andrew's will inspire such organizations to tap into each other’s
strengths to advance their missions.
“We are already working closely with a physicians' group, and if this
succeeds, perhaps we can export this concept around the country,”
he said. “I think many organizations can improve quality of life and
save money by working together.”
Meatheany says board members and residents are getting to know
each other. Cape Albeon residents have already toured some
St. Andrew’s communities, and board members and their families are
planning dinners and other events.
“This has been so satisfying because it’s a winning situation for
everyone,” she concluded. “We can do more as one.”
Diane Meatheany, St. Andrew’s Chief Operating Officer, said the
move was the next logical step in their relationship. “We’re both
well-respected organizations in the same market, and we are
mission-driven to serve seniors,” she added.
The two nonprofits now share resources and do more as one, she
noted. Outreach to churches, hospitals, the UCC, and Episcopalian
and Presbyterian memberships in Greater St. Louis will be easier
because the organizations are branded together and have a larger
referral base. Cape Albeon will also be able to serve more lowincome seniors through the charitable foundation of St. Andrew's.
“A couple of hospitals have said it’s easier to understand one system
instead of individual retirement communities,” Meatheany says.
Rev. Richard Ellerbrake, Cape Albeon's board president, hopes the
move will enhance relationships among other nonprofits. Cape
Albeon has a close relationship with Deaconess Faith Community
Mike Enloe,
coordinator at
Brooking Park,
speaks with Mary
Decker, a resident
of Cape Albeon.
The St. Andrew’s Family
Almira Manor, Greenville, IL
Brooking Park, Chesterfield
Cape Albeon, St. Louis
Friendly Village I & II, St. Louis
Gillespie Village, St. Louis
Latter Glory Manor, St. Louis
Mercy Seat Apartments, St. Louis
St. Andrew’s Assisted Living of Bridgeton
Rush Senior Gardens, East St. Louis
St. Andrew's Apartments, Kirksville
St. Andrew's at Francis Place, Eureka
St. Andrew's of Jennings I & II, Jennings
The Willows at Brooking Park, Chesterfield
Tower Grove Manor, St. Louis
Zion Corner Apartments &
Sammie E. Jones Residence, St. Louis
In-Home & Caregiver Services
Caring Workplace
St. Andrew's & Bethesda Home Health
Senior Solutions, a service of St. Andrew's and St. Luke's Hospital
St. Andrew's Charitable Foundation
St. Andrew’s Management Services
Main Telephone: 314-726-0111