Board of Directors
Board of Directors
IASBO Board of Directors Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Board Room, Gateway Hotel, Ames Convene 3:00 P.M. President – Doug Nefzger President Elect – Melissa Fettkether Past President – Michelle Wearmouth Secretary –– Craig Mobley 2014-2016 Treasurer –– Kim Sheets 2015 - 2017 Director Dist 1 – Kevin Kelleher 2015 -2017 Director Dist 2 – Lora Appenzeller-Miller 2014-2016 The MISSION of the Iowa Association of School Business Officials is to provide programs and services that promote the highest standards of school business management practices and professional growth. The goal is to continually support Iowa ASBO members to be THE BEST Professional School Business Officials and Leaders in the country. Strategic Plan 1. Provide the highest quality professional development for our members 2. Strengthen relationships with other member organizations 3. Promote our organization and members to others 4. Professional networking and celebration of member’s accomplishments 5. Provide services and endorsements that benefit our members and districts JRS time guesstimates: + = 1-2 min ++ = 5-10 min +++ = more time Agenda: Call to order – President Nefzger 1 +++Determine fall 2016 conference topics and possible presenters a. General and breakout session topics and presenters b. Social / networking event c. Standards and session topic Board member assignments Finance/Accounting - Kevin Kelleher, Tim Bloom, Claudia Wood, Scott Larsen Legal Regulatory - Kim Sheets, Chad Vink, Mary Beth Fast, Brandon Hansel Technology - Craig Mobley, Sherry Luskey, Nick Lenhardt Personal Growth - Michelle Wearmouth, Helen Burrington, Denelle Gonnerman Social Networking - Melissa Fettkether, Laura Morine, Kris Smith Doug and Lora - HR topics 2. +Review prior minutes for correction and approval – Feb 5, Mar 7, Annual Mar 30 3. +Review Treasurer’s reports for Jan,Feb,Mar 2016 4. +Executive Director reports a. Forecast 5 Proposal b. Spring conference preliminary financial report (refer to attached) c. Atty tracking of hours for determination of continuing retainer or convert to billing per hour for services needed (update from summer discussion) 5. Review and approve 2015-16 pcard rebate distribution (details provided at board meeting) 6. ++ Finalize summer leadership agenda and PD topic Prairie Meadows – Prairie Rose room overlooking the track July 7th 10 a.m. - noon – Orientation for new board members - Doug, Melissa, Kevin, Mary Beth, Denelle (other bd members who want to attend) Mission - Strategic plan Policy manual - Bylaws Committees – Regions – Board structure Budget – Annual Audit Past successes Non-dues resources, proceeds, purposes, projects Campaign history – future Culture of how decisions are made Expectations / duties list Collaboration DE – Assoc - ASBO Intl - Corporate Briefly Summarize past 2 years minutes Website Agreements / contracts Summer Leadership Session 1:30 - gather 2:00 – 3:30 update strategic plan - Melissa, Doug, Kevin 3:30 - 5:00 showcase of best practices by past pres (5 min on something to share from their district) break to check in 6:00 - reception (beer & wine with cash bar) - invite titanium corp partners 7:00 – dinner – (possible education on odds, betting, etc.) July 8th 8:30 - breakfast 9:00 - 11:30 - PD TBD Zimmerman Brave Questions Books DISC training by VOYA Tech by Atlantic CSD trainer Business Writing Other?_____ 11:30 dismiss 7. ++Review other state visitation reports for items to possibly incorporate / modify at IASBO conf (refer to items previously sent to board) a. General i. Begin first day with breakout session(s) to allow distant attendees more drive time ii. Application process for board V-P and ASBO Intl candidate iii. Recognition of current board members with pics and past pres and most recent past pres pen at noon lunch OR first gen session opening b. Fall Conf i. Student entertainment during lunch (space and time considerations) ii. Luncheon for past pres (currently have pre-social reception for past pres, board and guests) c. Spring Conf i. Provide hour of dedicated vendor time at annual show – offer early bird and post conf PD session for those who need credit – have them be repeat of another session ii. Invite Prof Leader Recipient superintendents to presentation session iii. Re-institute Exec. Dir. annual report (discontinued when began time crunch for SBO renewal sessions) 8. +Approve 2015-16 SBO credit renewal payments (Detail at end of packet) total contact hours offered since summer 2012 = 566 contact hours offered 2015-16 = 223 total renewal hours recorded since 2012 = 51,080 (through spring conf) a. Blow credit recording - $7,200 = 72 @ $100 / class b. Scharff application review and approval to BOEE – $6,000 = 60 @ $100 / class 9. + Discuss / approve proposed use of campaign $$ for inclusion in Board Manual of Operations Addendum E (attached) {as requested from earlier Bd mtg} "Appropriate" expenses would include: - candidate travel - registration/air/mileage/rental/lodging/meals - candidate promotional materials - candidate hosted campaign dinners / receptions for potential voters - candidate may select up to two IASBO members per fiscal year to accompany to affiliate visitations / functions and pay for reasonable costs (transportation, lodging, etc) These two opportunities are in addition to up to four affiliate visitations with the IASBO President, President Elect, Executive Director and Assistant Director to be paid by IASBO. -The campaign funds are to support the individual’s candidacy, not other's travel, lodging, food / beverage, entertainment, etc., in addition to those mentioned above. 10. Succession/Transition plan 11. other Future meeting dates / locations for IASBO conferences June 28, 2016 (T) October 26, 2016 October 27-28 2016 (Th-F) March 29-30, 2017 (W-Th) October 31 – Nov. 1, 2017 (T-W) IASBO Bootcamp IASBO Orientation for new SBO IASBO Fall 2016 – Meadows Conf. Center IASBO Spring 2017 Scheman IASBO Fall Conference 2017 – Meadows ASBO Intl Annual Meetings September 23–26, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona September 22–25, 2017 Denver, Colorado October 25–28, 2019 National Harbor, Maryland October 2–5, 2020 Nashville, Tennessee September 21–24, 2018 Kissimmee, Florida IASBO BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 5, 2016 11:30 a.m. – Waukee Community School District Admin. Center Waukee, Iowa The Board of Directors of the Iowa Association of School Business Officials met on Friday, February 5, 2016, at the Waukee Community School District Administration Center, Waukee, IA. Members in attendance were Michelle Wearmouth, Executive Director Jim Scharff, Assistant Executive Director Nancy Blow, Craig Mobley, Lora Appenzeller-Miller, Doug Nefzger (via electronically), Melissa Fettkether (via electronically), Kim Sheets (via electronically), and Danielle Haindfeld. Call to Order President Nefzger called the meeting to order at 11:56 p.m. Review of Minutes Motion by Appenzeller-Miller, seconded by Appenzeller-Miller to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2015 minutes as presented. Motion carried by all voting aye. Review Treasurer’s Report Motion by Fettkether seconded by Wearmouth to approve the October, November, and December 2015 Treasurer’s reports as presented. Motion carried by all voting aye. Executive Director Report a) Disclaimer language for conference presenters and attendees Jim Scharff presented guidelines and disclaimer language developed for presenters and attendees at IASBO meetings and conferences. The language regarding socio-economic status was removed. b) Consideration of limiting number of corporate partners at each level The recommendation is to consider removing the bronze level of corporate partners due to the fact that currently there is only one bronze level corporate partner. A formal decision on this topic will be made at the April 2016 board meeting. c) Fall Student Activity Conference Financial Report Jim Scharff informed the board that IASBO’s share of profit of the student activity conference was $8,957.52. d) Strategic Plan status report Jim Scharff reviewed the 2015-16 IASBO strategic plan and noted items that IASBO has done over the past year to comply or meet the standards of the current strategic plan. One additional idea for 2016-17 recognition of the profession is to develop and hand out 10 and 25 year pins to members. e) pCard Update Jim Scharff gave the board an update on the current state of the pCard program in regards to the “push vs. pull” issue. Lora, Melissa and Jim will be attending a meeting in the next week with the State Auditor’s office to further discuss this topic. f) Vendor Show Update All but one booth will be occupied at the vendor show for the Spring conference as of the time of this board meeting. Twelve firms have made application for the Corporate Learning Lab. g) Professional Leadership Update The two recipients of the professional leadership award have been identified. Would the board like to have the recipients make their own comments at the Spring conference? It was decided to not change the process as we have done it in the past. h) Segregation of Duties Presentation at Minnesota ASBO Minnesota ASBO has asked to have the segregation of duties presentation at their May conference. Patti Schroeder and Nancy Blow will be the IASBO representatives. i) Update on Special Report Request to Ahlers The board made the decision to have the special report developed by Ahlers in regards to ACA rules and regulations mainly regarding “cash in lieu” issues to be sent out to all members. A meeting will be scheduled with interested representatives from IASBO, ISEA, IASB and SAI to review the document for common understanding. j) Related Special Items from AEDG Meeting Notes Jim Sharff reviewed topic from the AEDG meeting. One item of interest would be creating a “procedure manual” in order to make sure Jim knows how to accomplish what Nancy does and vice versa in case of an emergency situation. Other topics of interest from the AEDG meeting were discussed. k) Crowd Mics Jim Scharff discussed the used of “Crowd Mics” at IASBO conferences. The discussion focused on the idea that “Crowd Mics” will work better if used only for specific presentations. IASBO will take a break from using “Crowd Mics” especially with trying the new attendance software program for the Spring conference. Annual Review of IASBO Board Manual of Operations Document & Ethics Reminder The board reviewed section 3 of the IASBO Board Manual of Operations. The only items that needed to be updated were in regards to the internal cash management process and the mileage reimbursement form. The other discussion focused on item 3.6 – Advocacy Support and who would determine what would be a reasonable and approved expense. The board will revisit item 3.6 of the manual of operations to add clarifying language. Appenzeller-Miller made a motion to approve the recommended changes to section 3 of the IASBO Board Manual of Operations, seconded by Sheets. Motion carried unanimously. Nomination Report a. President-elect – Kevin Kelleher b. Secretary – Mary Beth Fast c. Director District One – To be determined by regional directors d. Director District Two – To be determined by regional directors e. Professional Growth – Jackie Wells & Greg Reynolds President Nefzger Updates: a. Succession Planning Process A rough draft of the succession plan was provided to the board. The board will take formal action on this topic at a future board meeting. b. Fund Balance reduction via ASBO Intl. Membership Proposal A rough draft of the fund balance reduction plan was presented. The board will take formal action on this topic at a future board meeting. President Nefzger and Executive Director Scharff will prepare draft specifics to provide additional clarity and direction to the concept. Confirm IASBO Board Meeting Dates for 2015-2016 a. Spring Wednesday April 27 3 p.m. – Ames - Plan fall conference sessions Confirm Spring Conference Topics and Presenters a. Handout books – continue to print? – failed to address this topic b. General and Breakout Session Topics and Presenters – schedule included c. Social/Networking Event in – Game night at ISU Alumni Center d. Guests – Colorado, Wisconsin, and Chuck Peterson from ASBO Intl. Summer Session Dates a. Bootcamp – June 28 b. Leadership – July 7-8 or 14-15 – Study topic / Horsager Daily Edge – Zimmerman book – Brave Questions – Others? Possibly the new John Gordon book Other as Previously Submitted by Board Members None Future meeting dates / locations for IASBO conferences March 30-31, 2016 (W-Th) IASBO Spring 2016 Scheman June 28, 2016 (T) IASBO Bootcamp October 26, 2016 IASBO Orientation for new SBO October 27-28 2016 (Th-F) IASBO Fall 2016 – Meadows Conf. Center March 29-30, 2017 (W-Th) IASBO Spring 2017 Scheman October 31 – Nov. 1, 2017 (T-W) IASBO Fall Conference 2017 – Meadows ASBO Intl Annual Meetings September 23–26, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona September 22–25, 2017 Denver, Colorado October 25–28, 2019 National Harbor, Maryland October 2–5, 2020 Nashville, Tennessee September 21–24, 2018 Kissimmee, Florida With no further business before the board, it was motioned by Appenzeller-Miller, seconded by Wearmouth to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Craig Mobley IASBO Secretary IASBO BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 7, 2016 2:00 p.m. Meeting via webinar The Board of Directors of the Iowa Association of School Business Officials met on Tuesday, March 7, 2016 via webinar. Members in attendance were Michelle Wearmouth, , Lora Appenzeller-Miller, Doug Nefzger, Melissa Fettkether, Kim Sheets in addition to Executive Director Jim Scharff and Assistant Executive Director Nancy Blow Call to Order President Nefzger called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Scharff reviewed the following proposal: Iowa ASBO Professional Enhancement Scholarships Purpose: Direct excess association fund balance to promote member professionalism Proposed for current 2015-16 year with announcement at spring conference 50-fifty – Aspiring SBO Scholarships (impact on balance = 50 x $125 x 2 yrs = $12,500) “Aspiring SBO scholarship” to waive Iowa ASBO basic dues of $125 per year for two years for those who join ASBO Intl for the first time Criteria: a. Annually reviewed by board for continuation, modification or termination b. Commitment expected of recipients – 2 yrs c. Minimum eligibility requirement – 2 yrs experience as SBO and member of IASBO 2 yrs d. Applicants provide notice of interest by the annual spring conference e. Recipients determined by the annual spring conference f. ASBO Intl membership completed by July 31 for each of the next two years (to ensure ability to vote in upcoming ASBO elections) g. Recipients complete annual report of the value of exposure to ASBO Intl opportunities, information, publications, etc. h. Recipients may receive the scholarship one time 2-two – Veteran SBO Scholarships (impact on balance 2 x $2,000 = $4,000) “Veteran SBO scholarships” to receive reimbursement up to $2,000 for registration, transportation, lodging to attend ASBO Intl major event within one year of the scholarship award. Criteria: a. Annually reviewed by board for continuation, modification or termination b. Commitment expected of recipients – attend one major ASBO Intl event within one calendar year of the award (ELF, Eagle, Annual Fall ASBO Intl Conf) c. Minimum eligibility requirement – Iowa ASBO member 5 years and ASBO Intl member 3 yrs. d. Applicants provide notice of interest at annual spring conference e. Recipients determined by drawing at annual spring conference f. Recipients may apply every 5 yrs g. Recipient expectations – submit an article for distribution to IASBO members on an element of professional learning at the event. h. Actively assist in the promotion of an Iowa candidate for ASBO Intl office if attending the Fall ASBO Intl Conf Motion by Keheler seconded by Wearmouth to approve the proposal Motion carried by all voting aye. President Nefzger reported on the billing for the Special Report regarding employee compensation in lieu of insurance recently provided by Ahlers Law. The initial goal was to keep the cost in the $6,000.00 range with the final bill being received for $7405.50 as the project was a bit more involved than originally imagined. The document has been very well received by the membership. In addition Iowa ASBO has enhanced relations with ISEA, IASB, and SAI in taking the initiative on the issues. Hearing no questions or concerns the obligation will be paid. The meeting was adjourned at 2:18 p.m. on motion by Keleher, second by Sheets. Iowa ASBO Annual Meeting Wednesday, March 30, 2016 The annual meeting was called to order by President Nefzger at 8:35 a.m. There were 396 total registered for the conference with a quorum required of at least 50% attendance. With 487 active members there was 81% in attendance with an official meeting declared. There were no proposals for bylaws changes: Past President Wearmouth presented nominations for IASBO Board positions for the 2016 election. President –Elect (advance to President in 2017-18): Kevin Kelleher – Dubuque Schools Secretary (first 2 yr term): Mary Beth Fast – Atlantic Schools Director, District One to complete Kevin Kelleher’s remaining one year term: (Regions 1,5,6,7,10 ) Denelle Gonnerman – Cedar Falls Schools Director, District Two (second 2 yr term): (Regions 2,3,4,8,9): Lora Appenzeller-Miller – Waukee Schools A motion was made by Angie Morrison and seconded by Jan Miller-Hook for approval of nominations. A member expressed concern that there were two members of the board from the same district. It was explained that the regional directors determine the district director and there were no other regional directors willing to take on the assignment. There were no nominations from the floor and a voice vote for approved the list of nominations to the various positions. The voice vote was approved with two dissenting votes. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned by President Nefzger at 8:45. Secretary Craig Mobley Iowa ASBO Special Board Meeting Thursday, March 31, 2016 Minutes to be coming from Sect Mobley March Treas report to be coming from Treas. Sheets April 25 balance = $460,887 Scheman March 29-31, 2016 registrations tax Tues pCArd session Wed food Exh space room / equipt 1,567.00 serv 289.11 tax 11,511.52 4,940.00 3,075.00 total 1,856.11 serv total 2,123.88 13,635.40 911.43 5,851.43 567.34 3,642.34 32,450 vendors 23,129.16 tax Thurs food room / equipt 8,995.30 2,907.82 - serv total 1,659.63 10,654.93 536.49 3,444.31 59,478 Reg. fees Event total (excluding pcard meeting) Acad transfer ___@$5 14,099.25 37,228.41 - Credit tracker Trade show manager Print & supplies Drawing two $100 Speaker Expenses ASBO Intl guests fun run Presenter Expenses for SBO credit sesions Wed social At alumni center 1,800.00 5,400.00 2350.74 200.00 10,383.24 1,551.95 254.32 600.00 606.00 Net Proceeds / profit 91,928.00 31,553.34 2015-16 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/28/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 9/29/2015 10/7/2015 12/2/2015 2/3/2016 2/3/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 Detailed Dive into SES 1 Student Activities - Public Purpose and Related Topics 1 Best Practices in Employee Handbooks 1 Employer Unforced Errors of Employment Decision Making 1 Best Practices in Hiring 1 Positive Pay - Processes to Stop Bank Fraud 1 Best Practices in Procurement 1 Compliance 101 1 GASB 68 1 Overcoming Life's Goliaths 1 I'm Spread So Thin You Can See Through Me 2 How to Utilize the District Webpage 1 How to Monitor Your Special Ed Deficit 1 Figure Out This Tuition 1 Appropriate and Inappropriate Uses of Funds 1 DE Update 2 ACA 1 Communication and Interpersonal Skills 2 Technology in Education 1 Google 2 Prezi 1 Risk Management Best Practices 1 Safe School Training 1 Student Activity Funds: Public Purpose/Public Benefit 3 ACA, DOL, DAS 403b 2 FY 2016 Certified Budget – Changes & Reminders 1 Status Update—DOL’s Proposed White Collar Exemption Rule Changes 1 and ACA / IRS implications for negotiations Solar/Wind Power 1 How to Have Crucial Conversations at work 1 403b Best Practices for SBO 1 ACA Cadillac Tax Stragegies 1 Exchange Insurance Purchasing 1 OSHA Requirements 1 Public Use of School Facilities 1 Safety in Schools 1 Take This Job and Love It 1 Personal and Professional Integrity 1 Retirement Planning 1 Transforming Tech in Euc 1 GASB and you 1 GASB 68 1 How to Prepare for Audit 1 Communicating Financial Realities 1 Internal Controls 1 Accounting for Construction Projects 1 Personnel Matters & Iowa's Sunshine Law 1 DE Update 1 IA Pupil Transp Bid Program 1 How to Promote the SBO Position 1 Ethics in the Workplace 1 Creating Financial Dashboards 1 How do you Fund Technology 1 Moody's Rating 1 Network Security, Cloud, 365 1 A Department look at Why Districts Go Negative and 2 Public Records Law and Legal/Case Law Update – Danielle Haindfield 2 Honing Your Presentation Skills 2 80 Degrees and Sunny – R. Hoffman 2 Integrated Presentation Techniques: “How to Share More Information 2 with More People” – Suzanne Clayton, Risk Management for Public Schools – Robert Jester 2 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 2/17/2016 2/17/2016 2/17/2016 4/29/2016 4/29/2016 ISFLC Financial Health Analysis Fundamentals of Finance for Special Populations Fundamentals of School Finance Improving Internal Controls and Deterring Fraud Preparation for Labor Negotiations School Finance: Projections, Decision-Making and Reductions Understand & Administer Employment Law - I Develop a Working Line Item Budget Preparation and Presentation of Certified Budget Understand and Administer Employment Law - II Acad Level III Acad Level IV 60 72 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 18 259 New sessions - JRS Sessions entered - NJB * Acad Level I and II may be added later as SBO renewl is inconsistent Board Manual of Operations Addendum E – IASBO support of candidates for ASBO Intl Board positions IASBO support will be provided in the amount of $5,000 per year for up to six years and approved annually based on proposed budget and campaign activities. Additional IASBO support will be available on a dollar for dollar matching basis up to an additional $5,000 per year. Considerations are as follows: (1) limit IASBO money obligation to predetermined amount, (2) IASBO potential financial campaign support known by candidate, (3) investment of fund raising activity for candidate or committee will depend on planned activities, (4) acknowledges efforts by candidate to continue local job responsibilities while meeting campaign schedule/efforts. Jan Miller-Hook made a motion to include this proposal into section 3.6 of the board manual of operations. Kevin Kelleher seconded the motion. Motion carried by all voting aye. (Iowa ASBO Board minutes October 24, 2012) Supporting rationale: As Iowa ASBO membership in ASBO Intl consistently ranks in the top 10% of total ASBO Intl membership by affiliate it is incumbent on Iowa ASBO to offer to participate in the leadership and development of this professional association. To that end the Iowa ASBO Board of Directors will authorize financial support from Iowa ASBO non-dues revenue sources in support of candidate efforts as indicated above.