N RA JA LA BE EM SA TP PU H NA TA UL LS TA GI DI R NU HI RA H ZA LP 13 FST 52002 1100024581 A study seahorse diel feeding rate and feeding behaviour of spotted (Hippocampus kuda) / Liew Boon Ket. on PERPUST KOLEJ UNIVERSITI SAINS & TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA 2_1_030KUALA TERENGG�A�N�U __________ NU R ZA HI RA H � KOLEJ UNIVERSITI SAINS & , RA LA BE EM SA TP 9 -\)-04\<la� J!, .0"" an JA aktu Pemulan N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H TEKNOLOc;;,1 MALAY,SIA CI n \ \ \.t t (KUSTEM) f� \ eM PU ----_ Nombor I Ahli � UK �1 E)(O v�ll)iJf6 JSI o 2. Tanda C tux . -,- , " • " • , A STUDY ON DIEL FEEDING RATE AND FEEDING BEHAVIOUR OF SPOTTED SEAHORSE Hippocampus kuda requirements EM the LA JA RA in fulfilment of submitted is partial report project BE This N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H LIEW BOON KET for the Degree Science (Biology) PU SA TP Bachelor of Educational of KOLE] and of Science Technology Faculty OLOGI RSITI SAINS DAN TE ERSITI PU AYSIA 2002 A YSIA . I. - " , " I .', . • , PU SA TP EM BE LA JA RA N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H . This report should be cited as: Liew, B.K. 2002. A Study on Diel , Feeding Rate and Feeding Behaviour of Spotted Seahorse (Hippocampus kuda). Undergraduate thesis, Bachelor of Educational Science (Biology), Faculty of Science and Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Terengganu. 63p. No part of th is project may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, 01' electronic process, or in the form of'phonographic recording, nor may it be stored ill a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copiedfor public or private use, without written permission from the author and the supervisor of the project. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to thank Mr. Liew Hock Chark and Dr. Siti Aishah Abdullah for their guidance senior to to C. K. Cll00 as my advice in my marine project. throughout this project. and support help me in my field work hatchery by helping project. Many me to set up my Most Weng Lok, importantly, me a lot of Kok course advice and their opinions in mate and KUSTEM friends Chai, Lok Ping, Pek Yoon and Ah Yong. 1 would like to thank my family Dad, for caring and supporting me for supporting during good me. Thank and bad times in R ZA you to my Mom and gave I would also like to thank Dr. good me thanks to my housemate, Chin Soon, sampling and equipments. HI RA H especially forgetting thanks Also thanks to En. Yakob and all the workers in KUSTEM Abol, Dr Annuar and Dr. Paymount in giving my Not NU • to all whom cope with UL least, bless you. DI god SA TP EM BE LA JA RA N thank you very much and PU project, GI TA LS Last but not TA NA H my project. • • 11 me in completing this final year APPROVAL ANI) CERTIFICATION FO I certify that the report of this final year Rate and project entitled Feeding Behaviour of The Spotted BOON KET metric recommended by no. Seahorse 'A Study on The Diel (Hipocampus kuda)' by been accepted Bachelor Educational Science (Biology) fulfilment of the as and Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia ZA Department requirement Faculty of Science in for degree of of Technology, Kolej .. Mr. Liew Hock Chark HI RA H Universiti Sains Dan LIEW UK3655 have been read and all the alteration and correction Examiners have been done. This thesis submitted to Biological Science, have Feeding Supervisor Faculty of Science and � .. .. �'l.- TA \"7 UL ... SA TP EM BE LA JA RA N DI GI TA LS Date: NA H NU R Technology Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia Terengganu PU Dr. Siti Aishah Abdullah Supervisor Faculty of Science and Technology Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia Terengganu • Prof. Date . Madya Dr. Sayed Zain S. Hassan Head of Department Of Biological Science Faculty of Science and Technology Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Putra MalaysiaTerengganu • •• III ABSTRACT kuda from tile family Syngnathidae is seahorse, Hippocampus spotted The highly valued research in species Malaysia in traditional chinese medicine and is still very new; it is therefore urgent to destruction of its natural habitat and The seahorse, by days. Their feeding rate where individual seahorses consumed 4-6 grass revealed that this study species is peaked feeding patterns at 0700 in the morning slrrimps iMacrobrachtum lanchesterii. diurnal and visual a study them owing to the for their investigated were trade. Seahorse activities. fishing over Hippocampus kuda from 0700-1800 for five The aquarium a predator. They actively to seahorse's body weight ZA proportion show larger male and female NA H shrimps compared to smaller male and female seahorses. behavior of Hippocampus kuda can be divided into three phases: DI GI TA feeding LS TIle UL TA seahorses consumed less NU R consumed in HI RA H capture their prey under bright conditions. The percentage of shrimp's weight was a period of in which the seahorse appears to BE scan the habitat for potential prey items second phase of was foraging both eyes which oriented introduced to the seahorse, successful search led to the PU with its eyes. When prey SA TP EM searching LA JA RA N search, preparatory, and expansive phases. During search phase, there in which the seahorse independently visually towards the prey. located the prey Hippocampus by using kuda slowly - approached the prey within the expansive phase, During of the head and expansion striking distance and prey capture is of the buccal slowly flexing accomplished by its head ventrally. simultaneous elevation cavity. . The Seahorse feeding pattern slowly maneuvers of Hippocampus kuda was classified into three types. toward the prey at the bottom in the type A pattern. In type B pattern, the seahorse capture its prey • lV at the water column while in type C pattern, it swims pattern vertically downward appear most capture activity. frequent Their always performed type while type B pattern feeding patterns A and C bottom. It showed type B were role to determine their bottom. Type the least time was A feeding during prey related to prey behavior. This seahorse foraging pattern when Feeding competition at tIle foraging patterns when prey COll1111n. However, their natural habitat important get the prey to swim down prey swims or complexity (seagrass bed) stays or stay at the at the water may also play an feeding behavior and foraging pattern. appeared for behavior all categories of group pairs (male-male, male-female and female-female) in Hippocampus kuda. Results suggest pair is more EM BE LA JA RA N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H in male-male group SA TP feeding competition PU that v frequent and aggressive. ABSTRAK laut, Hippocampus kuda (family Syngnathidae) merupakan Kuda species ikan yang luas ubat tradisional di digunakan sebagai masyarakat cina. Selain itu, kuda laut ini juga dijual sebagai ikan hiasan. Kajian saintifik tentang kuda laut di g diketahui kerana tiada Malaysia masih ikan ini. Hippocampus kuda dipilih sebagai spesies untuk kajian kali habitat semulajadinya Kadar kajian spesifik dijalankan bagi jenis semakin diancarn akibat aktiviti perikanan. pemakanan bagi sebelas kuda laut, Hippocampus dikaji. Didapati kadar pemakanan Hippocampus kuda waktu 0700 Ia makan pagi. 4 sebanyak memuncak hingga 6 kuda telah (kadar maksimum) ekor udang kantung HI RA H pada ini kerana NU R ZA (Macrobrachtum lanchestertt pada waktu ini. Kajian ini mendapati kuda laut adalah H dan pemangsa 'visual'. Kuda laut ini NA siang biasanya memburu man gsa yang terang. Menurut nisbah berat yang dimakan makan lebih banyak udang LS udang TA cahaya N didapati RA bel at badan kuda laut, kuda laut jantan LA JA kepada DI GI dibawah keadaan UL TA ikan waktu SA TP EM BE dari pada kuda laut betina. PU Perangai pemakanan pencarian, fasa persediaan, mencari mangsa di kuda laut kepala ke dan fasa H. kudo pengembangan. Dalam fasa persekitaran dengan penglihatan bergerak dengan berenang depan dibahagi kepada tiga fasa mendekati secara laut meninggikan kepala berserentak dengan pcmbukaan corak memakan 'buccal man gsa dalam ruangan air V1 mangsa dengan cavity'. Terdapat tiga A dan C, kuda laut mangsa manakala kuda laut makan pada jenis B. Faktor perangai • pula, kemudian membawa pemakanan kuda laut, iaitu jenis A, B dan C. Dalam jenis berenang ke bawah akuarium untuk mendapatkan kuda laut Dalam fasa kedua perlahan-Iahan Kuda man gsa. mata. pencarian, iaitu fasa man gsa dan keadaan habitat ikan ini mcmainkan peranan dalam menentukan semulajadi (habitat rumpai laut) corak-corak pemakanan ikan ini. Persaingan untuk mendapatkan makanan muncul dalam kumpulan kuda laut yang terdiri daripada jantan dengan jantan, jantan dengan betina pasangan dan betina dengan betina. Keputusan menunjukkan melakukan persaingan yang lebih hebat dan agresif PU SA TP EM BE LA JA RA N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H pasangan lain. • • Vl1 pasangan di jantan dengan jantan banding dengan kedua-dua
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