planning commission 12/10/2015 pd zoning use amendment
planning commission 12/10/2015 pd zoning use amendment
PLANNING COMMISSION 12/10/2015 P.D. ZONING USE AMENDMENT REQUEST-FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FIRST SECURITY BANK -APPROX. 1755 MALVERN AVENUE - AGENDA City of Hot Springs, Arkansas PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, December 10, 2015 6:00 P.M. - CITY OF HOT SPRINGS BOARD CHAMBERS 133 CONVENTION BOULEVARD COMMISSION BUSINESS SECTION Invoc ation Pledge o f Allegian ce Ca ll to Order Roll Call o f P lan nin g C om miss io n Mem be rs Co n sid er Previo us Min ute s Co n sid er App ro val o f th e Agen da CONSENT AGENDA 1 Planned Development (PD-15-0288) - First Security Bank - Planned Development use amendment request to add "financial institutes" as a permitted use in this existing Planned Development. - 0 Approx 1755 Malvern Ave Part of lot 72 - First Security Bank ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT 2. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT PLANNING COMMISSION \\impact2k8r2\impact\Reports\Projects\PC Agenda.rpt 1 Thursday, December 10, 2015 CITY OF HOT SPRINGS PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Invocation – Those in attendance were invited to participate in the invocation led by Commissioner Charles Smith. Pledge of Allegiance – Those in attendance were led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Wayne Thomason. Call to Order – Chairman Richard McGrew welcomed guests and called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll Call of the Planning Commission MembersPresent: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner Charles Smith, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Harold Koppel, Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott and Commissioner Wayne Thomason. Not Present: Commissioner Helen Oliver Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: There were no amendments to the previous meeting minutes of the Planning Commission. Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a motion and second for the approval of the October 8, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting minutes. A motion was made by Commissioner Koppel and seconded by Commissioner Thomason to approve the October 8, 2015 minutes. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith, Commissioner Harold Koppel, Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver Nayes: None. Approval of Agenda – Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a roll call on the approval of the October 8, 2015 Planning Commission Agenda. Commissioner Thomason made a motion to remove Item #2 from the Consent Agenda and place it on the New Business Agenda, which was seconded by Commissioner Smith and Commissioner White. A motion was made to approve the agenda as amended by Commissioner John Mark Lewis, and seconded by Commissioner Brian White. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith, Commissioner Harold Koppel, Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver Nayes: None. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Conditional Use Request (CU-15-0233) – Roanoke Baptist Church New Facility – Conditional use request to construct and operate a 350 seat sanctuary church located in a C-TR zone. 236 Whittington Avenue A motion was made by Commissioner Thomason and seconded by Commissioner Koppel to bring Item #1 of the Consent Agenda to the floor for discussion. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to present Item #1 of the Consent Agenda to the Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that Item #1 was a conditional use request by Twin Rivers Architecture to construct and operate a new church facility at 236 Whittington Avenue, which is located in a C-TR zone. Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation to approve the item with the following conditions, because with said conditions the project would comply with all restrictions and requirements set forth in Hot Springs Code: 1. All construction and construction activity is to be accomplished in strict accordance with Development Plan and all approval conditions and with the minimum standards, codes, rules, regulations and policies as may now or hereafter be required or enacted by the City of Hot Springs, the State of Arkansas, and/or the United States of America, including the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, whether or not submitted for staff review or Planning Commission approval; and 2. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall submit a full set of professional engineered stamped drawings for review and approval by the Hot Springs Engineering Department. 3. The applicant has an affirmative responsibility to demonstrate on-going compliance with the site plan and with the conditions of this approval. The violation of any of these conditions so imposed shall constitute grounds for revocation or modification of this conditional use permit by the Planning Commission per H.S.C § 162-79. 4. Site plans for all exterior lighting shall be submitted prior to development at the subject property, according to the following standards: a. Lighting plans shall be prepared by a certified member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). b. Proposed lighting shall not impair the vision of drivers or interfere with safe driving. c. All light sources shall have shields to prevent it from producing glare into the eyes of drivers in affected driving areas; including, but not limited to streets, driveways, parking lots and other off-site vehicle use areas. d. Point sources of lighting shall not be visible from beyond the property on which the lighting source is located. e. All proposed lighting shall not create an artificial atmospheric glow nor spill into the yards, homes, and streets of adjacent residential properties and communities trying to preserve the residential character of the development. f. Outdoor lighting (except for security lighting) shall be extinguished at close of activity hours and shall not be turned on until one hour before event operations resume. A motion was made by Commissioner Thomason and seconded by Commissioner White to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: None. NEW BUSINESS 2. Site Plan Approval Request (SPA-15-0147) – Home 2 Suites by Hilton – Article II Large Scale Development Site Plan Review – 106 Catalina Circle – C-2 Zone District Chairman McGrew asked for a motion and second to bring the item to the floor for discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner White and seconded by Commissioner Koppel. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to introduce the item. Mr. Stauder stated that this request was for site plan approval of a new Home-2-Suites by Hilton Hotel that would be located at 106 Catalina Circle off of Route 7 South. Mr. Stauder stated that the applicants had previously received a variance from the Board of Zoning Adjustment to build at a floor-area-ratio that was higher than what was typically permitted by the C-2 Zone District (67% vs. 60% restriction). Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation to the Planning Commission to approve the item with the following conditions, because with said conditions the application meets all of the minimum requirements set forth in Hot Springs Code: 1.) The development site shall be constructed/developed in strict accordance with the approved site and development plan, including, but not limited to, location of buildings, drives, parking, landscaping and utilities; and 2.) All construction and construction activity are to be accomplished in strict accordance with all applicable approval conditions and with the minimum standards, codes, rules and regulations and policies as may now or hereafter be required or enacted by the City of Hot Springs, the State of Arkansas, and/or the United States of America, including the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, whether or not submitted for staff review or Planning Commission approval; and 3.) Separate permit applications shall be made by applicant to Hot Springs Engineering Department and permits shall be in-hand for stormwater, drainage, and sidewalks, as may be required, prior to any work beginning. 4.) Applicant shall obtain written verification from RJN and Crist Engineers that there is adequate water and wastewater capacity for the proposed development and if there is not adequate capacity in pressure, agree to make any improvements to the water or wastewater system that may be required. 5.) Obtain approval from the City and the Arkansas Health Department for the design of the water and wastewater mains and the duplex wastewater pumping station and agree that the pump station will be designed and built to city standards. 6.) No construction shall begin on the project until all the above issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the City of Hot Springs. Applicant Parth Patel, representing VIPA Hotels, Inc. was present at the hearing with Project Engineer Aaron Burroughs of AB Engineering, Inc. to answer any questions from the Commissioners. Mr. Patel stated that he was excited to bring a hotel to Hot Springs and that he understood and would comply with the six conditions set forth by staff. Eddy Strawn, of 123 Butler Lane, stated that he owns adjacent property to the subject property and has been parking on Mr. Patel’s land for several years. Mr. Strawn stated that he had offered to purchase from Mr. Patel the strip of land that he parks on and Mr. Patel refused to sell and if the Commission could do anything about that. Chairman McGrew stated that that was a civil matter and if Mr. Patel did not wish to sell the property, he was not forced to do so; and that the Commission could not get involved in such matters. With no further discussion from the Commissioners, a motion was made by Commissioner White and seconded by Commissioner Koppel to approve the item along with staff findings and recommendations. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: None. 3. Re-Zoning (RZ-15-0214) – 251 Hobson Ave Re-Zone – Zoning change request from R-4 to C-TR on approximately 0.1 acre tract – 251 Hobson Ave Chairman McGrew asked for a motion and second to bring the item to the floor for discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner John Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Thomason. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to introduce the item to the Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that this was a rezone request for an approximately 0.1 acre tract at the south east corner of Hobson Avenue and Linwood Avenue. Mr. Stauder stated that the property was currently zoned residentially despite several businesses having been located there over the last 100 years. Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the future land use map designation for the subject property from Residential Medium/High to Commercial Enclave, and that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the zoning map designating the subject property C-TR Commercial Transitional instead of R-4 Medium/High Density Residential due to the fact that the requested change demonstrates compatibility with surrounding development and zoning and responds to a significant change in the surrounding physical and land use conditions of the area. Karolyn Fankhauser, representing the property owner, was present at the hearing to answer any questions from the Commissioners. Ms. Fankhauser stated that the property was currently boarded up and secured, but vacant. No one was signed up to speak in favor or against this item. The public hearing portion of the item was closed and the floor was opened up for Commissioners to discuss. Commissioner Thomason stated that he was in favor of finding a tenant for the building, taking off the boards and getting it occupied. A roll call on the motion to approve the item was conducted by Ms. Wise. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: None. 4. Re-Zoning (RZ-15-0265) – Burrough & Horn Re-Zone – Zoning change request from R-2 to C-3 for the two properties – 211 & 215 Carpenter Dam Rd. Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a motion to approve the item with staff findings in order to bring it to the floor for discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner Koppel and seconded by Commissioner White to bring the item to the floor. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to introduce the item to the Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that this was a rezone request for an approximately 3 acre tract across from Alliance Rubber Company on Carpenter Dam Road. Mr. Stauder stated that the property was currently zoned residentially despite the Future Land Use Map showing the area becoming a commercial corridor, and the presence of several commercial enterprises in the vicinity of the subject property. Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the zoning map designating the subject property C-3 Office/Neighborhood Commercial instead of R-2 Suburban Residential due to the fact that the requested change demonstrates compatibility with surrounding development and zoning and that the proposed change is consistent with the objectives of the zoning code. Applicant Brian Gehrki, of Gehrki Real Estate, was present at the hearing to represent the property owners. There were no questions from the Commissioners regarding this request. No one was signed up to speak in favor or against this item. With no other discussion from the Commissioners, Chairman McGrew asked for a roll call on the motion to approve the item with staff findings and conditions. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: None. 5. Re-Zoning (RZ-15-0237) – Tankesly Re-Zone – Zoning change request for split zoned property from R-2 & R-1 to C-3 – 523 Carpenter Dam Rd. Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a motion to approve the item with staff findings in order to bring it to the floor for discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner Dzianott and seconded by Commissioner Thomason to bring the item to the floor. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to introduce the item to the Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that this was a rezone request for an approximately 3.5 acre tract located just south of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Expressway on Carpenter Dam Rd. Mr. Stauder stated that there was currently commercial development to the south and southwest, and to the north. Mr. Stauder stated that the future land use designations of the subject property, which are Residential Low and Residential Suburban, are not supportive of the requested zone change. Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the zoning map to designate the property C-3 Office/Neighborhood Commercial due to the fact that the Planning Commission has made a specific finding that the proposed zoning change demonstrates compatibility with surrounding development and zoning and that the change is consistent with the objectives of the zoning code. Mr. Stauder stated that it was also staff’s recommendation to the Planning Commission to make a recommendation that the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the future land use designation of the subject property to one that would be compatible with the requested zone change: Convenience Commercial. Applicant Vicki Tankesly was present at the hearing to answer any questions from the Commissioners. Dwight Bowlin, of 1039 Shady Grove Rd., was present to speak against the item due to the fact that there was a residential neighborhood in close proximity with the subject property. With no other discussion from the Commissioners, Chairman McGrew asked for a roll call on the motion to approve the item with staff findings and conditions. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, Commissioner Wayne Thomason, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: None. 6. Re-Zoning (RZ-15-0270) – Stover Street Re-Zone – Zoning change request from R-4 to C-TR for Lot 14 of L.A. McClard Subdivision – 512 Stover Street Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a motion to approve the item with staff findings in order to bring it to the floor for discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner John Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Dzianott to bring the item to the floor. Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to introduce the item to the Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that this request was to rezone an approximately 0.5 acre tract of land at 512 Stover Street, being Lot 14 of L.A. McClard Subdivision. Mr. Stauder stated that the intent of this requested rezone was to enable the property owner to apply for conditional use to the Planning Commission in order to operate a small-scale automotive repair shop at the subject property. Mr. Stauder stated that the land was currently improved by an automotive garage building which had been used previously for automotive repair. Mr. Stauder stated that it was staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission make a recommendation that the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the future land use map designation of the subject property (currently Residential Medium/High) to Commercial Enclave, which would be supportive of the requested zoning change to C- TR Commercial Transitional. Mr. Stauder stated that it was also staff’s recommendation that the Planning Commission recommend the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance amending the zoning map designating the subject property C-TR Commercial Transitional Zoning because the Planning Commission is able to make a finding that the requested change is consistent with the objectives of the Hot Springs Zoning Code. Timothy Jeffcoat, the applicant, was present at the hearing to answer any questions from Commissioners. Commissioner Koppel asked if he had looked at any property elsewhere in the city that could accomplish this project. The applicant stated that he had but could not afford to move there at this time. The applicant stated that the subject property was “Ernie’s Wrecker Service” long ago. Commissioner Dzianott asked if the applicant could clean up the property better. The applicant stated that he would be willing to erect a privacy fence and also clean up more of the property around the area. Debbie Johns of 12400 Hunters Grand Rd. stated that there were drugs that were sold out of there and convicts living there for several years and that she was happy to see Mr. Jeffcoat move in there. With no further questions from the Commissioners and no one else signed up to speak on this item, Chairman McGrew closed the public hearing portion of the item and opened the floor for Commissioners to discuss. Hearing no further discussion from the Commissioners, Chairman McGrew asked for a roll call on the motion to approve the item with staff findings and conditions. Roll Call on Motion to Approve; APPROVED: Ayes: Chairman Richard McGrew, Commissioner Brian White, Commissioner John Mark Lewis, and Commissioner Charles Smith. Absent: Commissioner Helen Oliver, Commissioner Harold Koppel, and Commissioner Hilarie Dzianott; Nayes: Commissioner Wayne Thomason DIRECTORS REPORT With no new business to discuss, Chairman McGrew asked Mr. Stauder to present the Director’s Report to the Planning Commission. Mr. Stauder stated that there was nothing to present at this time. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the commission Chairman Richard McGrew asked for a motion and second to adjourn the November 12th, 2015 Planning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner White and seconded by Commissioner Smith. With a unanimous verbal vote to adjourn, Chairman McGrew adjourned the meeting at 7:17 pm. These minutes approved by Planning Commission at their December 10, 2015 meeting. ________________________________________________________ Richard McGrew, Chairman of the Planning Commission 12/1/2015 PROJECT BRIEF First Security Bank Planned Development Agenda Item 1 Application Date: November 03, 2015 46054 Parcel ID: Case #: PD-15-0288 Project Description: Planned Development use amendment request to add "financial institutes" as a permitted use in this existing Planned Development. Project Location: Approx 1755 Malvern Ave Part of lot 72 Current Zoning: PD Proposed Zoning: Comp Plan Class: Business Commercial Center District: Applicant: District 6 Owner: Sawtooth Oak Properties, LLC 135 Mall Dr #D Hot Springs, AR 71913 Phone: 501-525-1600 Agent: Total Project Fees: Amount Paid: Engineer/Architect: $375.00 Case Manager Name: Rick Stauder $375.00 Amount Waived: $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Meeting Date: \\impact2k8r2\impact\Reports\Projects\PC Project Brief.rpt 12/10/2015 1 500 500 1 44 1 43 1 42 1 41 1 38 500 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 27 1 26 1 25 1 24 1 23 1 1 22 1 21 1 3 1 2 INDIANDALE 1 4 4 1 IPP INDIANDALE 2 4 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 14 1 15 500 1 18 1 17 1 16 1 73 1 19 1 72 1 MEADOW WOOD 37 500 C3 500 500 500 500 500 HOLLYWOOD AVE 500 500 500 1 36 1 70 1 69 1 68 1 67 1 66 1 65 1 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 1 43 1 44 1 71 1 38 1 35 MELWOOD S 1 29 1 30 1 33 1 32 500 1 31 RN 500 1 4 500 500 V ³ A K R PA C E D A R FO V ON A AV SP V CT A PE N D OS T AI N PR UN E GO LF LI NK S R D KI NG E X WY AL A V 7TH 3RD CE NTR DA M E NT ER CA RP H IG DO N FE RR RD Y CE NTR AL A V RD RD VE RE DR AV EM O RY LA K ES HO RO YG AI RP O RT AD RD E RN RT SELECTED PARCEL 500 BELLA PLACE 1 5 500 500 1 6 1 47 1 24 1 23 1 3 1 4 DEWEY COOK 1 18 1 1 1 2 R3 1 46 1 17 500 1 7 500 500 1 8 500 PD 500 CITY OF HOT SPRINGS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT G RID GE WA Y SH O OA K LA WN P A RK GRE E NW OO D AV LV RP IN CONE S RD E B E LDI NG MA AI R G W GRA ND A V HOB S O N A V IK E RD AL B ER T P 1 2 1 62 A TT I NGT 1 1 1 63 R WHI C3 500 1 45 1 25 1 3 E ST 1 64 1 26 500 500 E AV 500 PARCEL LOCATION 1 27 1 90 NINA PL C3 500 E LV MA C3 1 28 500 500 RI DG T JAMES ST 500 1 80 1 89 PARK 1 34 PD 1 79 1 78 1 77 1 76 1 75 1 74 OAKTREE PARK 500 0 R2 1 1 C3 4 5 4 13 4 12 4 11 4 10 4 9 500 MEDICAL PARK PL 1 5 4 6 0 4 8 4 7 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 T 1 6 1 INDIANDALE 3 8 1 7 E ST 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 5 4 4 E SHAWN 2 5 INDIANDALE 4 2 4 1 9 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 2 1 9 500 AC EW T CTR 1 7 1 8 1 6 2 3 1 6 EC 3 1 1 8 500 CH AG 500 500 1 19 1 5 OS 1 1 1 20 1 9 1 7 2 4 T 500 1 10 500 1 37 PD 301 311 321 331 341 351 36 AUTUMNRIDGE CIR 500 500 1 39 HE S 1 1 28 29 AUTUM RIDGE 1 40 MOHAWK ST 1 45 APAC HUNTLEIGH WOODS HPR P.D. USE AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTES FIRST SECURITY BANK APPROX. 1755 MALVERN AVENUE PLANNING COMMISSION 12/10/2015 City of Hot Springs STAFF REPORT First Security Bank Planned Development Agenda Item: Case Number: PD-15-0288 1 PROJECT SUMMARY & STAFF RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION: Applicant First Security Bank, representing property owner Sawtooth Oak Properties, LLC, seeks Planned Development Text Amendment approval to allow "Financial Institution" as one of the permitted uses to the A.M.I (now National Park Medical Center) Planned Development. The subject property, consisting of approximately 1.3 acres of the ~35 acre planned development, is located at the northeast corner of Malvern Avenue and Parkridge Street (Garland County Tax I.D. #46054), has a future land use map designation of Business Commercial Center and is located in Board of Directors District #6. DISCUSSION: The National Park Medical Center Planned Development is located between the 1700 block and 1900 block of Malvern Avenue. Research through existing planning files on this development failed to show a list of preapproved uses for this property. This development is approximately 80% built out in a variety of medical and commercial uses that include pharmacies, doctor clinics and satellite medical offices. This Planned Development Amendment request seeks to add "Financial Institution" as a permitted use in this planned development. The applicants have submitted a conceptual site plan for a proposed development on the subject property, which includes a single structure, associated parking and landscaping, proposed driveway access from both Malvern Avenue and Parkridge Dr., and a proposed location for a monument-style sign. The site plan is not proposed for approval at this time, it is simply illustrative. In order for the applicant to accomplish the proposed project, the first step is to add "Financial Institution" as one of the permitted uses in this planned development. The next step would be to make complete application to the Planning Commission amending the previously approved site plan for this planned development to include the proposed development for the bank. The final step will be to obtain all the necessary permits and approvals from the City of Hot Springs, State of Arkansas, and any other applicable jurisdiction for the proposed site prior to the issuance of a City of Hot Springs building permit. Hot Springs Code H.S.C § 16-2-47(g) sets out a list of minor revisions to PD site plans that may be administratively approved. A proposed change in use for a Planned Development District or portion thereof does not constitute a minor revision and thus must be submitted to Planning Commission for review. FINDINGS: Applicant successfully demonstrates that the standards for favorable consideration have been met. The proposed Planned Development Use Amendment will have no negative impact on surrounding uses or the general character of the planned development. Traffic impact, hours of operation, and number of employees is expected to be similar to already approved uses within this planned development. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the findings of the Staff report and approve the proposed Planned Development Use Amendment to allow "Financial Institution" as an approved use within the National Park Medical Center Planned Development at the subject property. Planning Commission Staff Report - PD-15-0288 \\impact2k8r2\impact\Reports\Projects\PC Staff Report.rpt Meeting Date: December 10, 2015 1 P.O.Box2604 Conway,AR72033 5015042455 Fax5015042457 October29,2015 Ms.KathySellman,Director HotSpringsPlanning&Development 133ConventionBlvd. HotSprings,AR71901 Re: ProposedPDAmendment FirstSecurityBank MalvernAvenue/ParkridgeStreet DearMs.Sellman: First Security Bank is in the process of purchasing the property located on the NE Corner of Malvern Avenue and Parkridge Street in Hot Springs (Parcel ID # 46054) for the purpose of constructing a new bank branch location. This property is currently zoned as a Planned Development for the purposes of medical or related type facilities. However, the sell of this propertyiscontingentonbeingabletogetthePDdesignationamendedtoallowforfinancial institutions. OnthebehalfofFirstSecurityBank,pleasefindenclosedthePlannedDevelopmentSitePlan AmendmentApplicationandrequiredsubmissionrequirements. If you haveany questions or require additional information, please contact us atthe number shownabove. Sincerely, CivilEngineeringAssociates,LLC TreyFoster,P.E. ProjectManager Enclosure(s) c. ScottDews,FirstSecurityBank FredMoseley,SCMArchitects CONWAYŶJONESBOROŶPOPLARBLUFF PROPOSEDFIRSTSECURITYBANKBRANCH MALVERNAVENUE/PARKRIDGESTREET HOTSPRINGS,ARKANSAS PLANNEDDEVELOPMENTSITEPLANAMENDMENTAPPLICATIONDATA ProjectNarrative: First Security Bank (FSB) has entered into an agreement to purchase the property located on the NE Corner of Malvern Avenue and Parkridge Street (Parcel ID # 46054) in Hot Springs, Arkansas from a willingsellercontingentontheapprovalofthecurrentPlannedDevelopmentZoningbeingamendedto allowfortheconstructionofafinancialinstitution. It is the intention of FSB to purchase the property for future development of a new bank branch location, including drivethru and ATM services. This development is proposed to be completed in phaseswiththeconstructionofastandaloneATMfacilitybeingconstructedfirstfollowedbythebank branchstructureatadatetobedetermined. FSBhasretainedtheservicesofSCMArchitects,PLLCofLittleRock,ARandCivilEngineeringAssociates, LLCofJonesboro,ARforallarchitecturalandcivildesign,includingconstructionmanagement.Dueto theoutstandingdeterminationastowhetherthepropertywillbeamended,FSBhasoptedtosubmitfor approvaltotheCityofHotSpringsPlanningandDevelopmentCommissionintwoparts,(1)thePlanned Development Site Plan Amendment Application and (2) Planned Development Site Plan and Zoning Application. This submittal process is being completed in an effort to minimize the upfront cost of architecturalandengineeringcoststoFSBshouldthePlannedDevelopmentAmendmentApplicationbe denied. ZoningClassificationsofAdjoiningProperty: x ParcelID#46055(EastofProjectSite)ZonedR2 x ParcelID#84090(NEofProjectSite)ZonedR2 x ParcelID#51785(NorthofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical x ParcelID#106286(WestofProjectSite)ZonedC3 x ParcelID#51795(SWofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical x ParcelID110452(SWofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical x ParcelID#89168(SouthofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical x ParcelID#87478(SouthofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical x ParcelID#88828(SouthofProjectSite)ZonedPD,Medical ProposedDevelopmentDensity: x ProposedLandUseCategoryPD,Financial x DevelopmentDensity o ProjectSite1.42ac+/or61,855SF o Heated/CooledAreaofBuilding2,760SF o BuildingwithCanopiesandOverhangs4,619SF o AreaofATMBuilding182SF x DensitywithImprovements0.08 CivilEngineeringAssociates,LLC 1 October29,2015 PROPOSEDFIRSTSECURITYBANKBRANCH MALVERNAVENUE/PARKRIDGESTREET HOTSPRINGS,ARKANSAS PLANNEDDEVELOPMENTSITEPLANAMENDMENTAPPLICATIONDATA TrafficImpactAnalysis: x MalvernAvenue(Hwy270)2013ADTof16,500VPD x LandUseCategoryDriveInBank(ITECode912) x TrafficGeneratorUnitofMeasure#ofServiceWindows(4forproposedproject) x PassbyReductionFactor0.6(Allowableforsmalldevelopmentslessthan50,000SF) x TrafficGeneratedusingITE8thEditionTrafficGenerator o DailyTrips223 o PeakPMTrips44(21Incomingand22Outgoing) x DailyTripsasaPercentofADT1.3% x OpinionofTrafficImpact o Duetothemajorityofthelanduseadjacenttotheproposedprojectsitebeingmedicalfacilities whichgenerateacomparableamountofin/outtrafficonadailybasis,itistheopinionofCivil Engineering Associates,thatthe1.3%ofADTgeneratedby the implementationofthisproject willhaveanegligibleeffecttoexistingandfuturetrafficinandaroundtheprojectsite. CivilEngineeringAssociates,LLC 2 October29,2015 Map Title Subtitle December 1, 2015 <all other values> COUNTY 1:2,958 US_GOVT 0 0 0.0375 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.15 ft 0.2 m HSV_POA HS_CITY HWY_DEPT STATE City of Hot Springs GIS Copyright 2014, City of Hot Springs Map Title Subtitle December 1, 2015 1:2,958 <all other values> (A) AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION FORESTRY (M2) HEAVY MANUFACTURING DISTRICT 0 COUNTY (C1) CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (PD) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 0 HSV_POA (C2) GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (R1) RURAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HS_CITY (C3) OFF ICE / NEIG HBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DIST RICT (R2) SUBURBAN RESIDENT IAL DISTRICT HWY_DEPT (C4) REG IONAL COMMERCIAL / OPEN DISPLAY DISTRICT (R3) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT STATE (CTR) COMMERCIAL TRANSITIONAL DISTRICT (R4) MEDIUM / HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT US_GOVT (M1) LIGHT MANUFACTURING DIST RICT (RL) LAKE AREA RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 0.0375 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.15 ft 0.2 m City of Hot Springs GIS Copyright 2014, City of Hot Springs