10/06/2015 Minutes - The City of McCall


10/06/2015 Minutes - The City of McCall
Minutes October 6, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. McCall City Hall - Lower Level 216 East Park Street, McCall, 1083638 COMMISSION MEETING - Began at 5:30 p.m.
Commissioner Williamson, Commissioner Calla n, Commissioner Farnsworth, Commissioner Tunnell, and
Commissioner Thompson were present. City Planner Delta James, City Engineer Nathan Stewart, and
Permit Technician Morgan Bessaw were also present.
Commissioner Tunnell made a motion to approve the September 1, 2015 minutes. Commissioner
Callan seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Pre-application (CUP, SUB) 400 N. 3,d St. 1-3, 402 N. 3,d St. Epikos Design representing David Christenson: Conditional Use Permit, and Subdivision pre­
applications to redevelop the site into a mixed use residential condo, hotel, restaurant, and retail center. The project will be completed in two phases; this submittal is for Phase 1 development on a distinct parcel. The property is zoned CC - Community Commercial, and is more particularly described as: Lot 1, Block 2, Geelan Addition to McCall, situate in Section 9, T.18 N., R.3 E., B.M., City of
McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
Dave Peugh and Wayne Ruemmele of Epikos Design spoke representing Silver Sky Partners out of
Salt Lake City on behalf of Silver Tree Lodge, located on 3,d st. and Colorado St. in McCall, ID. The
pre-application is for a mixed use development including condos, a hotel, dining, and limited retail.
In 2006 a CUP approval was issued for a for 95 unit condo/hotel with restaurant and limited retail
space, and three levels of underground parking at the same location. Silver Sky Partners asked to
revive the entitlements, however, they had expired. They then asked Epikos to look at the lot
design and revise it for a new application. A suggestion that it is not economical to have the three
levels of underground parking was the primary change to the application. Would like to break
ground in the spring of 2016.
Project will be broken into two phases on two parcels. Phase one will be a CUP only, not a PUD.
They will be applying for a CUP and SUB, SR, & DR. Have already started meeting with city staff and
engineering. Working on coming up with a stormwater plan. City Engineer Stewart spoke to the
stormwater problem around stibnite. Want to force the water into the public right of way to
address the problem. Water and sewer main in Colorado, which will likely need upgrading. Will be
working with Parks Dept. to design a street scape to add vertical elements.
Wayne: Phase one will be where the current barber shop and old huckleberry restaurant are
located. The south end where the Rustic Lodge is will continue to operate while phase one is
McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission
September 1, 2015 Agenda
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implemented. Will be a four star project and looking to provide nice amenities. Will ask for outdoor
dining approval. Will have roughly 38-44 hotel rooms that are created from approximately thirty
1100 sq. ft. "lock off' condos, and a roof top terrace on the corner for condo owners. Keeping
within the 35 feet height requirement. Client wanted a more modern look, which works for an
urban core. Tried to break up the surfaces so there was texture and space for plantings. Will install
sidewalk and curb, etc. around the entire property.
Will address all stormwater issues with north side of project during phase one because it is a
permanent structure. Have had several conversations with traffic engineers, none have brought up
any concerns yet about traffic issues. Some street parking is in the plan for retail. Planning on doing
a development agreement with the City. That is the greatest factor affecting time because it has to
go through P&Z as well as City Council with public hearings. Will need to have all infrastructure
plans in place. Hopefully applying in January.
Commissioners: Would like to see more of the scope of phase two when approving phase one to
get a better idea of how Phase I integrates with Phase II.
Lick Creek Meadows Lot 34
Better Buy Design: Scenic Route application to construct a 1,592 sq. ft. single family residence with
attached garage and associated landscaping. The property is located within a subdivision that has a
City of McCall approved design review process and the proposed design has been approved by the
subdivision architectural review committee.
Lot 34, Block 2, Lick Creek Meadows Phase I, located in the S.E. X of Section 3, T. 18 N., R.3E.,
BM, City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
2051 Plymouth Court
McCall Design and Planning representing Charlie and Jennifer Schmoeger: Design Review six month
approval extension request. Original approval date was October 7,2014 for a new 3250 square foot
Single-family residence with attached garage. The requested new Design Review expiration date is
April 7, 2015 . The property is zoned R4 - Low Density Residential, is within the Shoreline and River
Environs zone, and is more particularly described as:
Lot 5, Block 7, Cove Replat, State Subdivision, situate in Section 3, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley
County, Idaho.
Commissioner Tunnell mode 0 motion to approve the consent agenda items SR-15-06 and DR-14-39
with Conditions of Approval as presented. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. All
commissioners voted aye and the motion passes.
City Planner James gave an update on the Stone Ln. code enforcement, which will be heard by the
Board of County Commissioners on October 12, 2015.
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September 1, 2015 Agenda
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• Review of upcoming draft code amendments
o Tree removal and timber harvest:
Recommendations of Tree Committee, input from Fish and Game, and the Fire
Department: Fire mitigation standards still needs some review. Fire Chief
uncomfortable with some issues in existing code, which requires him to declare if a
property is within a Fire Hazard area and is not the current practice. He wants to
take our code to the County Fire Mitigation Group before we move forward . Will
come back to it in a few months.
o Residential garage standards exemption for lot width:
One of proposed code amendments from a code discussion a year ago. This is to
address some incongruences that are currently in the code . Minimum street
frontage for R4 is 75 feet . Special standards for garage currently prohibit "snout
houses" with the garage up front. Current exemptions are for houses with 90 of
street frontage, where R4 only requires 75 ft. The code amendment proposes to
reduce the exemption from 90 to 75 feet.
o Outdoor lighting removal of exemptions for bulb wattage:
Proposing to remove the exemption for unshielded fixtures. People are switching
out the low watt bulbs for higher watt bulbs after approval. New code would allow
only downcast fixtures.
The Commission asked if this going to increase the number of lights that people
have to maintain the same light coverage. Regulations do allow for sensor lights,
this would also remove the exemption for timed lights. Could make it zoning specific
relative to densities; brighter lights where they won't affect neighbors could be
allowed. Could meet in the middle and eliminate the clear fixtures, maintain the
frosted fixtures.
Dave Peugh commenting from the public: would hate to have responsible
landowners suffer because of others who don't comply. Shielded lights make an
attractive entrance .
• Signs approved administratively
o Reviewed the sign for Erekson Law Office
o Robnett properties will be moving and moving their signs as well
• 2016 meeting schedule and application deadlines
o Will set all dates for the first Tuesday as usual, and when the time is closer we will
do a quorum poll for the meetings following holiday weekends.
• New members for Commission: no one has expressed an interest. If no one applies by
January staff will send out a notice in the PLWS district flier advertising for new council
• Review of Scenic tour: Not all scenic areas on route appear "scenic" such as by Dienhard Ln.
Also, staff need to continue to pursue enforcement action for home on Lake St.
Commissioner Farnsworth mode 0 motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55pm, Commissioner Tunnell
seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion carried.
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September 1, 2015 Agenda
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Signed: November 3, 2015
City Planner
M cCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission
September 1, 2015 Agenda
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