Puerto Plata - Maritima Dominicana, SA
Puerto Plata - Maritima Dominicana, SA
M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook Puerto Plata Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) Name: Lt. Commander José Manuel Díaz M.de G. Office+Fax:(809) 261-2930 Cel.: (809) 910-6127 Email.: [email protected] Maritima Domicana S.A.S. Branch Oscar P. Pineda Pozo Antigua Vía Ferrea Office: +1 809 586 6643 Fax +1 809 586 8566 Mob +1 809 980 6643 Email.: [email protected] Puerto Plata Lat.: 19º48.210´N; Long.: 070º41.920´W DR Chart 008 DMA Chart 25803 B.A. Chart: 463 UN / Locode: DO POP The port of Puerto Plata is the main commercial port on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, and is the only one in this area receiving grain in bulk, general break bulk cargoes, cargo containers and liquid fuel for two power plants-CEPP and GSF. In total 227 ships calls during 2012: 145 containers / 46 grain carriers / 16 tankers /12 wood & paper / 1 cement / 1 Cruise Ship, etc. Tributaries rivers keep port subjected to continuous silting and therefore stated depths are only indications. We suggest you always double check with us before you make any commitments that require a draft near the upper limit. Controlling depts. At entrance is 10,5 m. Latest official soundings-see bathymetry chart dd......... 2013-04-05 Latest general port dredging……………………………………….. 2013-04-18 Latest CBM Generadora San Felipe sounding………….. 2013-06-05 Name / Number Pier length Pier width Height above MLLW New Finger Pier 300 m. 44 m. 3,0 m, East Side, #1 300 m. 44 m. 3,0 m, Min. or Range of Depths 9,70 m UKC 40mcms for tankers Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 1 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook West Side, #2 300 m. Finger Tip,#3 44,0 m. 44 m. 3,0 m, 9,40 m --- 3,0 m. 8,80 m This Multi Buoy System was originally designed for a BARGE with maximal dimensions 122 m. x 25 m. CBM “Generadora San Felipe” Maximal dimensions Tankers vessels LOA 122 m. Breadth – Min. or Range of Depths 22,86 m. -- 8,00 m maximum permitted draft. For detailed information please view or download Ports Handbook pdf document on the Port of Puerto Plata. Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 2 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 3 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook 70°42.5' W 70°42' W N 100 250 meter Pipeline s it -d re dg ed ar e 19°48.5' N m ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? Punta Cafemba ? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? a Port of PUERTO PLATA Dominican Republic Li 0 ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? Punta Fortaleza ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? 19°48' N Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 4 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 5 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 6 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 7 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook PUERTO PLATA Lat.: 19º48.210´N; Long.: 070º41.920´W DR Chart 008 D.M.A. Chart 25803 B.A. Chart: 463 Admiralty Sailing Directions West Indies Pilot Vol. 1 (NP 70) Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals Volume J (NP 82) Time Zone GMT - 4 UN / Locode: DO POP Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 8 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook PUERTO PLATA The port of Puerto Plata is the main commercial port on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, and is the only one in this area receiving grain in bulk, general break bulk cargo, cargo containers and liquid fuel for two power plants-CEPP and GSF. Despite these port functions, the “Old Pier”, placed at Harbour Eastern Part, is now out of commercial service due to lack of needed repairs. Puerto Plata, has been in recent past, a favourite place for Cruise Ships. Anchorage: Outer anchorage: Deep water anchorage is available. Six cables N. of Punta Fortaleza, with the Main Light House bearing 180°and Owen Rock bearing 281°, depth 24,0 m, good holding ground. In rough weather this anchorage is frequently dangerous therefore its use is discouraged. Inner anchorage: May be obtained abreast Punta Fortaleza, but it is not recommended to vessels more than 90 m in length; 10,8 m depth good holding ground. but an uneasy swell. CBM for tankers: Up to 145 m. length, depth 7,0 m Basin originally prepared for a barge 130 m. x 25 m. Pilotage: It is compulsory and available 24 hrs. Pilot and Harbour Master can be contacted by radio on VHF Channel 16. The pilot boarding place is about 4 cables NNE of Punta Fortaleza, close to sea buoy. Tidal range and flow: Current velocity at berth usually less than 0,3 knots according flood or ebb. Winds: During winter months, the wind blows strongly from NE, from early morning until late afternoon, when it changes to a gentle land breeze. Strong winds also blows from N. Swell from N to NE, height 1,2 to 5,5 m. was reported (1969) to be frequent from October to May. Restrictions: Only to tanker vessels; restricted to maneuverings at day light. Density of water: Salt water; 1,025. Maximum size of vessel: Outer Anchorage “Mangas” IMO # 9587570 GT 89985 LOA 289,0 m (947 ft); DWT 173918 t; 2012-0608 Pier nr.1 Bulker “ER BERGAMO”IMO #9483188; GT 32613; LOA 187,8 m (616 ft.); DWT 55783 t; 2006-08-10, Cruise Ship”THE WORLD” IMO #9219331; GT 43524; LOA 196,4m (644ft.): 2012-12-13. Tugs: The use is compulsory for vessels of more than 500 GRT. At least one tugboat 3500 BHP and one tugboat 2150 BHP are usually available. Medical attention: Full medical attention is available in Puerto Plata, and further complete facilities available in Santiago and Santo Domingo. Consular offices: All consular affairs for this port are generally handled in Santo Domingo; 215 km away. Repairs: Shore facilities for minor repairs only. Further repair shops available in Santo Domingo. Dry docking facilities until 173 x 33 x 6 m available at Las Calderas. Airport/Repatriation:La Unión International Airport is located about 20 kilometers East of Puerto Plata and has daily flights to/from San Juan, Miami and New York. Las Americas International Airport, at Santo Domingo is 260 km away, Mean spring range 0,50 m. Mean neap range 0.40 m. Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 9 of 10 M MA AR RIIT TIIM MA AD DO OM MIIN NIIC CA AN NA A,, S S..A A..S S.. Ports Handbook New Finger Pier It is the only pier in the port, actually in service. Pier built in the 1970’s, and which is 300m (984 ft) long and 44 m(144 ft) wide. The pier is aprox. 3 m(10ft.) above water level. East Side, #1: 9,7 m(31,8 ft) side depth; further 0,4 m UKC for tankers. West Side, #2: 9,4m(28,7ft.) side depth. Finger Tip, #3: 8,8 m.(26,8 ft) depth. Equipment available: Fork lifts of various capacities are available for the handling of general cargoes. For the handling of bulk cargoes, there are hoppers, grab buckets and pay loaders, and the ship’s gear has to be used always. Bunkers: Fuel and Diesel Oil are available by tank truck only. Arrangements to be made in advance trough Marítima Dominicana S.A.S. Trucks carry up 37,8 m3 (10 000 US gallons.) Fresh water: Supplied by tank truck through Maritima Dominicana S.A.S. . Generadora San Felipe MBS: At the western side of the bay there is a three buoy mooring facility for reception of Diesel and Fuel oil to the G.S.F. Power Plant. The multi-buoy Mooring System was designed for a virtual barge with max. dimensions 122m (400ft) x 25m (82ft). Two hoses, 12'' for Diesel Oil and 16'' reduced to 12'' for Fuel Oil, on pick-up buoys, are connected to submarine pipelines about 400m from the storage tanks on shore. Presently Minimum Depth: 9.50 m (31ft) S.W. These depths are limited to least depths in this area and paying attention to the fact that only Tankers enjoy this facility and the existing winter months swell a generous UKC is advised. Therefore 8,0 m (26ft) is the maximum permitted draft at this berth. Port State Control Inspection: Since 2010, the implementation of the Port State Control to all ships in territorial waters is carried out according to the Viña del Mar Agreement Working hours: Around the clock Section 16 / Rev. 6.2 2013-08-31 Page 10 of 10
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