Prodomax Automation 2 MANUFACTURING Prodomax Automation Prodomax Automation 002 APRIL 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 3 Automated manufacturing solutions 4 MANUFACTURING Prodomax Automation Located in Barrie, Ontario, Prodomax Automation specialises in all areas of automated manufacturing solutions. Every part of the process—design, assembly, welding, machining, materials handling, and laser cutting—is handled in-house by Prodomax’s highly skilled technicians and engineers. While Prodomax has built a solid reputation servicing the automotive industry, the company is also capable and experienced in producing a wide variety of manufacturing systems for other industries, such as telecommunications, agriculture, electronics, solar energy, mining and consumer products. It is this diversity that really sets Prodomax Automation apart from its competition. APRIL 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 5 6 MANUFACTURING Prodomax Automation Becoming Prodomax ness. Now, we have established our niche. There Prodomax Automation began in 1971, at a time are a lot of competitors who build custom ma- when there were only a few manufacturing com- chinery in North America, but we’re one of the panies in the Barrie area—Northern Telecom few who call ourselves an under-body specialist. (Nortel) and West Bend. “There was a need for a This also distinguishes us.” small, special purpose machinery builder to ser- Before 1995, Prodomax Automation was vice mechanic needs of local companies,” says doing well, but sales were certainly below $10 Don Leslie, Director of Sales & Marketing. million. Only eight years after new ownership, the Prodomax was founded by a former Nortel company was seeing numbers increase by nearly employee who was also a tool and die maker. He ten-fold. How has Prodomax grown so significant- saw an opportunity for a niche in the market and ly? Besides offering a range of capabilities and went for it. In the beginning, the company was expertise, Leslie says success has come through made up of only three people and won Nortel as word of mouth. its base customer. The company went on for sev- “We don’t do a lot of marketing,” he boasts. eral years, slowly building a name for itself and “All of our business has come from our reputa- experiencing moderate success. But it wasn’t tion. We work with our customers that we con- until 1995 that Prodomax really took off. tinue to service with warranties and spare parts “In 1995, new owners arrived,” recalls Leslie. and training. Most of our projects are from repeat “One owner was from the automotive industry customers. We do have a business development and the other came from the public accounting side where we look to break into new markets sector. It was a good complement to the busi- and get new customers, but it’s not a primary ness. They immediately restructured the com- focus, because 90 per cent of our business is pany by adding a lot of highly skilled people, repeat business.” including designers, project managers, and sales and applications engineers. At that time, the Turn-key solutions company rebranded itself from a small, special Since expanding its offerings, Prodomax is machine builder to what we now call a ‘vehicle among a small group of manufacturing compa- under-body specialist’—that branding has been nies that can provide a range of full in-house the substantial factor in the growth of the busi- capabilities. “We provide our customers with APRIL 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 7 turn-key manufacturing solutions,” beams Leslie. important is that Prodomax can and does process “Customers come and say ‘here is our product,’ its customers’ requests from beginning to end. and we go from a blank sheet of paper and come Leslie explains that right up-front, Prodomax up with what is the most efficient and cost-effec- has a team of engineers with extensive process- tive manufacturing solution.” ing and manufacturing expertise who look after “We have competitors that do the same type sales and applications. When a new opportunity of work, but with cost pressures, a lot of competi- comes in, those engineers assist customers in tors will outsource to design houses,” he contin- defining their needs and sorting through a num- ues. “Our engineers are in-house, so our custom- ber of options that could work. Once the team ers benefit from the depth of resources.” To be books a job, the company leverages its 40 en- clear, it’s not that Prodomax never outsources, but gineers, fabrication shop and machine shop to it only happens as a last resort, when the team get the job done, and that includes onsite instal- has reached maximum capacity and needs to lation. “We’re there from the idea to full produc- service its customers in a timely manner. What is tion,” says Leslie. 8 MANUFACTURING Prodomax Automation Surviving turbulent times “The OEM part of our business is with the auto For a business that deals mainly in the automo- manufacturers, and we started seeing projects tive sector, Prodomax was certainly affected by the get pushed back. It challenged us to look at our recession. Fortunately, the company predicted the internal processes to try and identify inefficien- tough times ahead and was able to act proactively. cies. Activities that once were in series had to be “Five years ago, we started seeing the pressure to reduce costs and schedules,” says Leslie. in parallel, so we had to move things around. We also had to create standardised products—we APRIL 2010 The Canadian Business Journal still customise but we have various modules that affect the company. People with money tied up we use and reuse, particularly on the electrical or in those companies stopped spending and the control side of the equipment.” industry took a hiatus. “We went through a pe- As for the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies, riod where things weren’t really happening,” says Prodomax also saw those coming and started Leslie, “which forced us not to rely so heavily on making relationships with new domestics, such the auto market.” as Nissan, Toyota and Honda. “It used to be that 9 After weathering the economic storm, the 80 per cent of our business was with ‘the Big company has amped up its pursuit of non-auto- Three,’ but now GM and Chrysler represent about motive businesses, such as solar energy, agri- 10 per cent and Ford has 20 per cent,” Leslie culture and mining. Today Prodomax Automation explains. “The rest are new domestics.” remains in good standing for success. CB Even though Prodomax was able to escape the bankruptcy fallout, its customers still had a lot of business with GM and Chrysler, so it did AS SEEN IN THE APRIL 2010 ISSUE OF THE CANADIAN BUSINESS JOURNAL