Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User


Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User
Data Center Real User Monitoring
Web Application Monitoring
User Guide
Release 12.3
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Who Should Read This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization of the Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customer Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reporting a Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documentation Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuration Process Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding an AMD to Devices List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding a CAS to Devices List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding ADS to Devices List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sniffing Point Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sniffing Point Diagnostics Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Network Interface General Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Network and Transport Protocol Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Services Detected in the Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Session-Related Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SSL Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using RUM Console to Identify Problems Related to Network Hardware Operation . . .
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring General Data Collector Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Operation-Related Global Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Operation Time in Web Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic . . . . . . . . . .
Defining Software Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Capturing Traffic Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manual Upload of Traffic Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Traffic Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Undecrypted SSL Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting Services for Software Service Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring URLs for a Software Service Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Wildcards in URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Name Recognition Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of User Name Recognition Configuration in HTTP Mode . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choosing Search Scope for User Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choosing Method of Searching for User Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of User Name Recognition Configuration in HTTP Legacy Mode . . . . . .
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP POST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP GET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Session Cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Methods of Configuring User Name Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Regular Expressions to Extract User Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reviewing and Publishing a Software Service Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing Software Service Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining Software Services Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Devices in RUM Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing Device Connection Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting a Device from the Devices List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Integrating DC RUM with Dynatrace Application Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Dynatrace Application Monitoring to Receive Performance Data from DC
RUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring the DPN Connection in RUM Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
URL Auto-Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring URL Auto-Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details of the URL Auto-Learning Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
URL Auto-Learning Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dimensions, Metrics and Attributes in HTTP Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excluding Elements from Orphaned Redirects Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synthetic Agent and Browser Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Synthetic Agents, Browsers, Operating System and Hardware
Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synthetic Agent Recognition Based on Contents of HTTP Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synthetic Agent Recognition Based on User Name or IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
End-of-Page Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic Page Name Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reporting of URLs with Redirects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content Type URL Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Logging Transactions, ADS Data and ADS Header Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Masking of Sensitive HTTP Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Character Encoding Support for HTTP Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rule-based Character Encoding for HTTP Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assigning HTTP Error Codes to Error Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing SSL Alert Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining SSL Error Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excluding IP Ranges from AMD Client Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Importing and Managing User ID Mapping Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Configuration Options for HTTP-Related Analyzers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choosing HTTP Analyzer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Global Settings for Recognition and Parsing of URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Global Settings for Page and Session Recognition Based on Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . .
Global Settings for Client IP Address Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assembling Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multi-Frame Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculating Server Time for Multi-Frame Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculating Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring HTTP Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HTTP Configuration Options for Selected User-Defined Software Services . . . . . . . . .
Additional Configuration Options for HTTP and SSL Software Services . . . . . . . . . . .
HTTP Express Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Configuration Options for HTTP Express Software Services . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring HTTP Express Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring User-Defined Software Services Based on HTTP Express Analyzer . . .
Configuring URL Monitoring for HTTP Express Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Monitoring of URL Parameters for HTTP Express Analyzer . . . . . .
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring the AMD to Monitor HTTP-Based Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding Transactions for a Range of AMDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Filters and Transaction Inspector for HTTP Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying, Deleting, and Cloning Transactions for a Single AMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Correlation ID to Monitor Asynchronous HTTP Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 8 ∙ Web Tiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 9 ∙ Web Application Traffic on CAS Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guided Configuration Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting SSL Monitoring Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Report-Related Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying Connection Settings for Guided Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connection Settings for CBA and CBA Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connection Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SSL Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server Connection . . . . . . . . . .
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Testing Regular Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Best Practices for Regular Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix C ∙ Classification of Aborts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Who Should Read This Guide
This manual is intended for users of DC RUM who want to configure monitoring of their
web-based applications.
Organization of the Guide
This guide is organized as follows:
Configuration Process Overview [p. 11]
Guides you through the process of configuring monitoring of web-based applications,
explains how to view monitoring results on the reports and how to troubleshoot issues
related to HTTP or HTTPS monitoring.
Adding Basic DC RUM Devices [p. 17]
Describes how to add a monitoring device and a report server using RUM Console.
Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality [p. 23]
Describes how to verify sniffing points traffic detection quality before the actual monitoring
Basic Monitoring Configuration [p. 35]
Describes general settings related to the AMD, like the monitoring interval or the operation
time. These settings apply to all the analyzers.
Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic [p. 45]
Explains how to work with the Guided Configuration perspective in the RUM Console,
how to record a traffic trace and how to define a new software service.
Configuration Fine-Tuning [p. 79]
Describes additional aspects of HTTP or HTTPS monitoring, for example URL
auto-learning, synthetic agent recognition, operation attributes, custom metrics or SSL
Monitoring Sequence Transactions [p. 169]
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Explains how to configure monitoring of sequence transactions.
Web Tiers [p. 181]
Lists the tiers showing the HTTP and HTTP traffic data.
Web Application Traffic on CAS Reports [p. 183]
Lists the DC RUM reports that show HTTP and HTTP traffic data.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting [p. 185]
Lists most common configuration or reporting problems related to HTTP and HTTPS.
Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209]
Provides an overview of how to use regular expressions.
Classification of Aborts [p. 215]
Describes the 4 main categories of the transactions for which there was no HTTP server
response detected or which were aborted after the HTTP server responded with an HTTP
Related Publications
Documentation for your product is distributed on the product media. For Data Center RUM, it
is located in the \Documentation directory. It can also be accessed from the Media Browser.
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questions and get answers on user forums (requires subscription). The first time you access
FrontLine, you are required to register and obtain a password. Registration is free.
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Customer Support Information
Dynatrace Community
For product information, go to and click Support.
You can review frequently asked questions, access the training resources in the APM University,
and post a question or comment to the product forums.
You must register and log in to access the Community.
Corporate Website
To access the corporate website, go to The Dynatrace site provides
a variety of product and support information.
Reporting a Problem
Use these guidelines when contacting APM Customer Support.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
When submitting a problem, log on to the Dynatrace Support Portal at, click the Open Ticket button and select Data Center
Real User Monitoring from the Product list.
Refer to the DC RUM FAQ article at
to learn know how to provide accurate diagnostics data for your DC RUM components. Most
of the required data can be retrieved using RUM Console.
Documentation Conventions
The following font conventions are used throughout documentation:
This font
Terms, commands, and references to names of screen controls and user
interface elements.
Emphasized text, inline citations, titles of external books or articles.
Conventions [p. 9]
Links to Internet resources and linked references to titles in documentation.
Fixed width
Cited contents of text files, inline examples of code, command line inputs or
system outputs. Also file and path names.
Fixed width bold
User input in console commands.
Fixed width italic
Place holders for values of strings, for example as in the command:
cd directory_name
Menu ➤ Item
Menu items.
Text screen shots.
Code block
Blocks of code or fragments of text files.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Web Application Monitoring
Data Center Real User Monitoring enables you to monitor the performance of your web
applications. It can be configured to monitor specific URLs or ranges of URLs, or to
automatically recognize and analyze the URLs that appear most frequently. You can also
configure many other aspects of web application monitoring such as user recognition, HTTP
and SSL error groups, object and frame recognition, and synthetic agent recognition.
After you install DC RUM, use the RUM Console to determine a configuration that best addresses
your monitoring needs. There are two versions of the HTTP analyzer for monitoring traffic:
HTTP Analyzer
This is the standard version. It is capable of in-depth performance analysis and is
recommended for monitoring application performance.
HTTP Express
This is a light version. With it, you can create a simple software service used to monitor
URLs. It provides only basic HTTP analysis limited to hit identification and per-URL
monitoring, making it suitable for traffic categorization. It is not recommended for
application performance monitoring.
Configuration Process Overview
Before monitoring web applications, you must configure devices, and create and modify
monitoring rules.
Before You Begin
You should be familiar with DC RUM components and basic monitoring concepts. Refer
to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Getting Started.
You need to identify your monitoring goals.
For more information, see Define and Prioritize Goals, Objectives, and Requirements in
the Data Center Real User Monitoring Getting Started.
You need to install the following DC RUM components:
The latest version of AMD
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Agentless Monitoring Device
Installation Guide.
The latest version of RUM Console
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring RUM Console Installation Guide.
The latest version of CAS
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Central Analysis Server Installation
Optionally: The latest version of ADS
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Advanced Diagnostics Server
Installation Guide.
Make sure that default ports are available for communications between the individual DC
RUM components. For more information, see Network Ports Opened for DC RUM in the
Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
If you plan to monitor SSL traffic, first you need to configure SSL decryption. Refer to the
Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
The following steps must be executed in order to begin monitoring the traffic using the DC
RUM suite:
Configuring Devices
Adding an AMD
AMD is the main data source (Data Collector) for DC RUM; it collects and presents the
monitored data to DC RUM report servers for analysis and reporting. You need to add at
least one AMD to the list of devices in the RUM Console. For more information, see Adding
an AMD to Devices List [p. 17].
Adding a CAS
The CAS is the main report server for DC RUM. It uses the data provided by the AMD
and its monitoring and alerting mechanisms identify, track, and report on issues affecting
the security, performance, and reliability of your services. Add at least one CAS to the
device list and configure its connection with the AMD. Adding a report server to a list of
devices is similar to adding an AMD. For more information, see Adding a CAS to Devices
List [p. 19].
Verify the traffic monitoring quality and completeness
You can verify traffic quality and completeness before the actual monitoring begins. Sniffing
point diagnostics allows you to perform pre-monitoring tasks without the need of accessing
the AMD console and executing a series of Linux commands which usually serve the
purpose of validating AMD physical installation and connection.
For more information, see Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality [p. 23].
Configuring Basic Monitoring
Configure general settings for your AMD
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring
Before you proceed to detailed monitoring rules, you need to define the global settings that
are applied to all software services monitored by a given AMD. These global settings
include a monitoring interval and thresholds for the basic metrics. These settings can be
overridden at a later time with more specific monitoring rules that you can define.
For more information, see Configuring General Data Collector Settings [p. 35] and
Configuring Operation-Related Global Settings [p. 39].
Configure support for WAN optimization
All AMDs that monitor network traffic using WAN optimization must be configured before
DC RUM can automatically recognize the optimized WAN traffic. Otherwise, the
measurements collected from such an environment will be incorrect. Refer to the Data
Center Real User Monitoring WAN Optimization Getting Started.
Customizing monitoring rules
Recording a traffic trace
The RUM Console enables you to capture traffic and use the saved traffic data to search
for servers, URLs, and users. For more information, see Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48].
Defining a new software service
You can define a new software service using the application traffic statistics as filters, or
define it manually, providing all the required values yourself. For more information, see
Defining Software Services [p. 45] and Defining Software Services Manually [p. 77].
Displaying the reports to review statistics for monitored traffic.
Determining the best possible configuration for your needs may be an iterative process,
where you adjust the configuration incrementally after viewing your report results.
Fine-Tuning the Monitoring Configuration
You can further fine-tune the monitoring configuration by specifying additional conditions or
setting up specialized tools for analyzing and differentiating the traffic. For HTTP traffic, for
example, you can limit monitoring to specific URLs or you can select URLs based on the
frequency with which they appear in the monitored traffic.
Adding more Data Collectors in your configuration or editing the configuration of the
existing ones
In addition to the AMD, there are other Data Collectors that can be employed to gather
information about the HTTP traffic: Real-User Monitoring – First Mile, Enterprise Synthetic,
and other CAS instances. Depending on the Data Collector type, the monitoring scope may
be different. For more information, see Managing Devices [p. 79].
10. Configuring a DPN connection in the RUM Console
This step is required if you plan to have integrated monitoring of your web applications
traffic with DC RUM and DPN. For more information, see Configuring the DPN Connection
in RUM Console [p. 85].
11. Configuring additional aspects of HTTP monitoring
URL auto-learning
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring
URL auto-learning enables you to define a set of URLs appearing in per-URL reporting
statistics, without the need to manually define each URL. Frequently found URLs are
learned and reported. For more information, see URL Auto-Learning [p. 86].
Custom metrics and operation attributes
You can define up to five custom metrics to cover certain types of measurable data
that are specific to your network environment or software. Use this mechanism if you
want to obtain non-standard measurements extracted from HTTP traffic. The AMD
analyzes and categorizes the operation attributes that are text entities retrieved from
both requests and responses of a web application operation, enabling DC RUM to
diagnose and report on specific events or errors caused by end-user actions. For more
information, see Dimensions, Metrics and Attributes in HTTP Monitoring [p. 91].
Excluding elements from orphaned redirects reporting
Configure this functionality if you need to prevent some elements from being reported
as orphaned redirects. For more information, see Excluding Elements from Orphaned
Redirects Reporting [p. 97].
Synthetic agent and browser recognition
A synthetic agent is a simulator of user traffic to a given website, and synthetic agent
traffic is recognized and treated differently than real user traffic. For more information,
see Synthetic Agent and Browser Recognition [p. 98].
Character encoding support
Enabling internationalization for HTTP services makes it possible to recognize the
character encoding of HTTP content. For more information, see Character Encoding
Support for HTTP Services [p. 120].
End-of-page components
For each software service, URL, or URL with parameters, you can define an end-of-page
component identified by a URL, the loading of which indicates that the page is complete
and no further elements are taken into account when calculating metrics for the
operation. For more information, see End-of-Page Components [p. 102].
Automatic page name recognition
URL strings appearing on reports can be very long and difficult to read. You can specify
URL names to use instead. You can either add a static page name or configure the
AMD to retrieve the page name automatically from the HTML body of the HTTP
response page. For more information, see Automatic Page Name Recognition [p. 104].
Content type URL monitoring
When defining URL monitoring, some definition criteria may cover content that is not
interesting to you (for example, the binary content). To exclude it from URL-based
software service monitoring, you can narrow the monitoring to selected content types
only (for example, text/html or text/xml). For more information, see Content Type
URL Monitoring [p. 113].
Monitoring of non-HTML objects based on content type
AMD can be configured to treat types of objects as HTML pages to be monitored (for
example, images, Flash objects, or objects that require third-party plug-ins to render).
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring
For more information, see Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content Type
[p. 114].
Assigning HTTP error codes to error categories
You can configure the contents of the HTTP error categories on the AMDs that will
feed your report server. The settings are global, which means that they apply to all
analyzers reporting information on HTTP errors: HTTP, Oracle Forms, XML, and
SOAP. For more information, see Assigning HTTP Error Codes to Error Categories
[p. 122].
Data generation for transactions, ADS data and ADS header data
If you are interested only in obtaining information based on aggregated monitoring
data on your reports, and not in per-URL data, you can globally disable data generation
for transactions and ADS data and ADS header data in the RUM Console. For more
information, see Logging Transactions, ADS Data and ADS Header Data [p. 116].
Monitoring HTTP Multi-Frame Pages
It is possible to recognize framesets as single pages. The association between frames
and their contents can be performed dynamically, by analyzing the HTML tags, or
statically, by explicitly defining the framesets. For more information, see Multi-Frame
Pages [p. 141].
HTTP general configuration options
Global settings are settings that affect monitoring of all of the services based on the
HTTP or HTTPS analyzer for a given Data Collector. The default values provided
should be sufficient for most purposes, so it may not be necessary to change them for
your initial monitoring activities. You can review and modify them at this stage, or
you can leave the default values and then adjust them after you have generated some
reports and have identified the areas to be changed. For more information, see General
Configuration Options for HTTP-Related Analyzers [p. 131], Global Settings for Page
and Session Recognition Based on Cookies [p. 136], and Global Settings for Recognition
and Parsing of URLs [p. 135].
Page assembly options
Page assembly options relate to the methods of assigning individual hits to pages
(assembling pages from a number hits).
For more information, see Assembling Pages [p. 138].
Additional HTTP and SSL configuration options
For more information, see Additional Configuration Options for HTTP and SSL
Software Services [p. 152].
Fine-Tuning Reporting Configuration
12. Configure the sites, areas, and regions
A site is a term for a group of users that are located in the same IP network or group of
networks sharing similar routing properties. Sites can be grouped together into areas, which,
in turn, can be grouped together into regions. The hierarchy of sites, areas, and regions
provides an organized view of the monitored network on the reports.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 1 ∙ Web Application Monitoring
For more information, see Configuring Sites, Areas, and Regions in the Data Center Real
User Monitoring Administration Guide.
13. Configure the transactions, applications, and reporting groups
Transactions are sequences of information exchange that represent particular actions or
functions performed by a human user or a client program. They are viewed as higher-level
units of self-contained functionality and are tied to applications. For example, they may
represent the procedure for an online purchase or ticket booking. AMD monitors traffic
data and prepares it for transaction monitoring by an ADS and CAS. Some of the relevant
configuration and processing is performed on the actual RUM Console and some is
performed on the AMD.
For more information, see Managing Business Units in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring Administration Guide.
14. Configure the monitoring of sequence transactions
DC RUM enables you to define and monitor transactions that are sequences of steps. For
example, adding a product to a cart or selecting payment method could be one of the steps
in the purchase transaction.
For more information, see Monitoring Sequence Transactions [p. 169].
15. Configuring tiers
A tier is a point where DC RUM collects performance data. It is a logical application layer,
a representation of a fragment of your monitored environment. For more information, see
Web Tiers [p. 181].
16. Troubleshoot problems
You can review the answers to the most common questions and troubleshoot your setup
and report configurations.
For more information, see Diagnostics and Troubleshooting [p. 185].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
In a DC RUM configuration, there are two device types: data collectors and report servers. To
start using the product, add and configure at least one AMD data collector and one CAS report
You manage these devices using a configuration tool called the RUM Console.
Adding an AMD to Devices List
Before you can monitor traffic with DC RUM, you have to use the RUM Console to add and
configure an AMD.
Adding an AMD
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Add device from the top menu.
The Add Device pop-up window appears.
From the Device type list, select AMD.
In the Description box, type a description of the device.
It is recommended that you include the parent device name in the description of each device
you add and to add these names consistently. This enables you to easily find your device
in the list.
Specifying the Connection Information
In the Device IP address box, type the device IP address.
In the Port number box, type the port number for communication with this device.
The default port number for the communication with the AMD is 443.
Select Use secure connection if communication with this device should occur via a secure
HTTP protocol.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
Providing the Authentication Details
Type the user name and password of the account to be used for managing this device.
By default, the AMD user is set to compuware and the password is set to vantage.
The credentials you enter here are used by the RUM Console to communicate with the
device and are also passed to report servers so they can collect monitoring data for
processing. The values used here for authentication are not equal to the values you use for
logging in to the device via SSH or local console.
Configuring Advanced Settings
9. Select the Advanced options tab.
10. Optional: Under Secondary device connection, provide an alternative IP address for this
11. Optional: Enable SNMP connection.
Optionally, you can define the SNMP connection parameters so that you can obtain more
detailed health information about the device. To define SNMP connection parameters:
a. Select SNMP Connection check box.
b. Type the read community name and port number.
12. Enable Guided Configuration.
By default, the Guided Configuration connection is enabled when you add an AMD.
However, for performance reasons, the number of AMDs with enabled Guided Configuration
is limited to 50. Any additional AMDs do not feed data to the Guided Configuration
perspective. This means that the monitoring data from the additional AMDs is not available
for generating the web traffic statistics or defining the web software services with a wizard.
By default, the port number for communication between the Console Basic Analyzer Agent
and the RUM Console Server is set to 9094 and the secure connection is enabled. In most
cases, it is not necessary to modify this setting. If the default port number is already in use
by other services, however, type the new port number in the Port number box. In this case,
you also have to manually change the port number setting on the Console Basic Analyzer
Agent side. For more information, see Modifying Connection Settings for Guided
Configuration [p. 204].
13. Click Next to test your connection parameters.
If your configuration fails the test, you can go back and adjust your settings. Note that if
the device fails to respond correctly, it may take several seconds before the test times out.
14. Click Finish to save the configuration.
As a result, your device appears on the Devices list. To view the list, go to Devices and
Connections ➤ Manage Devices in the top menu of the RUM Console.
The Devices screen presents a comprehensive view of all the devices that you add, including
their IP Address, Port, Description, Type, Version, Connection, Hardware Health, and
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
Adding a CAS to Devices List
To view reports based on the data from the AMD, use the RUM Console to add and configure
a CAS report server.
Adding a CAS
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Add device from the top menu.
The Add Device pop-up window appears.
From the Device type menu, select CAS.
In the Description box, type a description of the device.
It is recommended that you include the parent device name in the description of each device
you add and to add these names consistently. This enables you to easily find your device
in the list.
Specifying the Connection Details
In the Device IP address box, type the device IP address.
In the Port box, type the port number for communicating with this device.
The standard port number used by the CAS when communicating over HTTP is 80.
Select Use secure connection if you want to use HTTPS (secure HTTP) for communication
between the console and the device you are adding.
Providing the Authentication Details
Choose whether authentication should occur via CSS.
Type the user name and password of the account that will be used for managing this device.
Configuring the Advanced Settings
10. Select the Advanced options tab.
11. Optional: Under Secondary device connection, provide an alternative IP address for this
12. Click Next to test your connection parameters.
If your configuration fails the test, you can go back and adjust your settings. Note that if
the device fails to respond correctly, it may take several seconds before the test times out.
13. Click Finish to save the configuration.
Configuring the CAS-AMD Connection
14. Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
15. Select a report server from the list of devices.
Click the server once to display the detailed information for the device.
16. Select the Data Sources tab.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
17. Click Add Data Source.
18. Select your AMD from the list and then click the
19. Click Finish to save the configuration.
As a result, your device appears on the Devices list. To view the list, go to Devices and
Connections ➤ Manage Devices in the top menu of the RUM Console.
The Devices screen presents a comprehensive view of all the devices that you add, including
their IP Address, Port, Description, Type, Version, Connection, Hardware Health, and
What to Do Next
It is important to keep the devices synchronized to avoid improper data interpretation. For more
information, see Synchronizing Time Using the NTP Server in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide and Time Synchronization Between AMD and
Server in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Adding ADS to Devices List
To view reports based on data from the AMD, use the RUM Console to add and configure at
least one CAS report server. In addition, you can add one or more ADS report servers in a farm
Adding an ADS
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Add device from the top menu.
The Add Device pop-up window appears.
From the Device type menu, select ADS.
In the Description box, type a description of the device.
It is recommended that you include the parent device name in the description of each device
you add and to add these names consistently. This enables you to easily find your device
in the list.
Specifying the Connection Details
In the Device IP address box, type the device IP address.
In the Port number box, type the port number for communication with this device.
The standard port number used by ADS when communicating over HTTP is 80.
Optional: Select Use secure connection if you want to use HTTPS (secure HTTP) for
communication between the console and the device you are adding.
Providing the Authentication Details
Choose whether authentication should occur via CSS.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
Type the user name and password of the account that will be used for managing this device.
Configuring the Advanced Settings
10. Select the Advanced options tab.
11. Optional: Under Secondary device connection, provide an alternative IP address for this
12. Click Next to test your connection parameters.
If your configuration fails the test, you can go back and adjust your settings. Note that if
the device fails to respond correctly, it may take several seconds before the test times out.
13. Click Finish to save the configuration.
Configuring the ADS-AMD Connection
14. Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
15. Select the ADS from the list of devices.
Click in the row corresponding with your server to display details for the device.
16. Switch to the Data Sources tab.
17. Click Add Data Source.
18. Select your AMD from the list and then click the
19. Click Finish to save the configuration.
20. Configure the ADS and CAS to work together.
As a result, your device appears on the Devices list. To view the list, go to Devices and
Connections ➤ Manage Devices in the top menu of the RUM Console.
The Devices screen presents a comprehensive view of all the devices that you add, including
their IP Address, Port, Description, Type, Version, Connection, Hardware Health, and
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 2 ∙ Adding Basic DC RUM Devices
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Use the RUM Console to verify the traffic monitoring quality using two tightly connected
solutions: Sniffing Point Diagnostics and Application Overview. We highly recommend that
you perform this step at the beginning of your DC RUM deployment to verify that your hardware
is working properly and that the applications you intend to monitor are detected.
You can verify the test results and repeat them as needed at any time and for any network
All verification is based on a traffic recording, either manual or automatic. The outcome
may not be representative if the target traffic is low at the time of recording or if you are
unable to capture a satisfactory number of complete sessions.
Choose automatic or manual traffic recording to capture unfiltered or filtered traffic. Enable
automatic recording only during the configuration process and then disable it. It can
negatively affect the performance of the AMD during normal operations, especially if you
are running a 32-bit AMD in a high-traffic environment or a 64-bit AMD with the native
For the most complete and reliable statistics, use the 64-bit customized driver on the AMD.
The verification of traffic monitoring quality is possible only for AMD 11.7 or later.
Sniffing Point Diagnostics
Sniffing Point Diagnostics is a type of hardware state analysis that enables you to perform
pre-monitoring tasks without the need to access the AMD terminal. You can use it to validate
the operation of the sniffing points, instead of using a series of UNIX or rcon commands. This
step can be performed at the DC RUM deployment stage or at any other time to determine if
the AMD performance is affected by malfunctioning hardware or external networking conditions.
The Sniffing Point Diagnostics analysis can detect issues, such as:
No traffic detected on sniffing interfaces.
Interface or link overload.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Poor quality of traffic due to mirrored ports on switching hardware configuration.
Dropped packets (indicates AMD overload).
Network conditions when unidirectional traffic prevails.
Rejected packets, invalid packets, wrong check sums for packets.
Missing packets (either lost or dropped).
Missing bytes (how much traffic is lost in general).
Conditions affecting AMD calculations, such as:
Duplicate traffic that cannot be handled by the AMD.
Incorrect choice of packet deduplication method.
Incorrect settings for packet deduplication buffer.
Incorrect settings for maximum packet size or huge packet size.
Conditions affecting AMD performance, such as:
Duplicate traffic handled by the AMD.
Large percentage of non-IP traffic (noise).
Large percentage of non-TCP or non-UDP traffic (noise).
Reordered sessions.
Miscellaneous SSL problems:
Unsuccessful decryption (in general).
Uninitialized SSL cards unable to decrypt traffic.
The ratio of encrypted and successfully decrypted traffic to encrypted and non-decrypted
Incorrect or missing private keys.
No match between the key and server certificate.
Dropped or corrupted packets preventing decryption.
Unsupported cipher methods (for example, Diffie-Hellman–based key infrastructure).
Unsupported SSL versions or features.
Prerequisites and Best Practices
To diagnose application detection problems and sniffing point connection problems, ensure
All cables are connected correctly.
The AMD is properly installed and configured. This includes the post-installation steps,
such as interface identification and network configuration.
Traffic recording lasts long enough to capture a reasonable amount of traffic volume, for
example, 20 to 30 minutes of traffic.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Do not use specific capture profiles when recording traffic. Always use the All available option
for capture profiles when you do manual recording.
When you need to diagnose traffic or capture port problems, enable automatic trace recording.
Trace recording provides access to regular and fresh snapshots of the traffic that is traveling on
your network.
Sniffing Point Diagnostics Reports
Sniffing Point Diagnostics reports are organized into several sections, each representing a
separate set of metrics related to either hardware or network traffic. This topic provides directions
for viewing the reports, but you can follow each step or skip steps to view the only the
information important to you.
Start either by looking at device health or from the reports section directly.
If you enabled automatic trace recording, you can monitor the device state on the
Device Status tab of the Devices screen. A separate set of statistics is provided for
each AMD added to the console. If there are any alarm messages, go to Devices and
Connections ➤ Verify quality of monitored traffic.
Inspect network interfaces in detail for a selected AMD. Open the Overview report to
verify that the proper type of network driver is being used (custom or native) and that
traffic has been detected, and check the number of dropped packets and other
performance related issues. You can also verify that the NIC drivers are operational.
For more information, see Network Interface General Statistics [p. 25].
Switch to the Protocols section to inspect protocols. See whether network protocols are
detected (IPv4 or IPv6) and verify detection of transport protocols (TCP or UDP).
For more information, see Network and Transport Protocol Information [p. 28].
Switch to the Services section to see the most active services.
For more information, see Services Detected in the Traffic [p. 28].
Depending on your goals, switch to the Sessions section either by selecting a particular
service on the Services report to see session details or by choosing the Sessions section to
see general statistics for all sessions.
For more information, see Session-Related Statistics [p. 28].
If you use SSL decryption, you can inspect whether there are problems detected for the
currently used SSL engine or keys.
For more information, see SSL Diagnostics [p. 30].
Network Interface General Statistics
The Overview section of the Sniffing Points Diagnostics reports enables you to verify the
general state of capture ports on a selected AMD. The information in the Overview section is
gathered directly from the NIC driver operating on the AMD. For the most reliable results, use
the 64-bit customized drivers.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Calculation of Analyzed Traffic
The calculation of analyzed traffic is performed in several stages, gradually excluding the
irrelevant statistics:
The overruns are excluded first. When the received packets are counted, the overruns are
The calculation of the received packets depends on the subtraction of errors and filtered-out
The dropped packets are counted after the filtered packets are disregarded.
The number of analyzed packets is the count of packets remaining after all of the previous
categories are subtracted.
In default AMD installations, non-TCP/UDP packets are not part of this process and are never
counted when the number of analyzed packets is given. Non-TCP/UDP traffic increases the
amount of analyzed traffic only if you enable the monitoring of the default software services.
Figure 1. Graphical Explanation of Analyzed Traffic Calculation for an AMD with 64-bit Customized
Network Interface Driver
All network packets
Packets not received
Received packets
Errors and non-conditional filtering
Errors: length or bad checksum; filtered out: non-IP
Load balancing
If active, fraction of the traffic
Configuration filtering
Based on defined software services
Sampling and dropped packets
Packets not analyzed due to performance issues
Non-TCP, non-UDP
If default software services enabled
Analyzed packets
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Interface Operation-Related Metrics
The statistics presented on this screen include:
Overruns may indicate a link overload. The overload is typically caused by an exceptionally
high traffic volume. This value may also indicate that the network interface or network
interface driver cannot manage the amount of traffic received. Other hardware-related
issues may also cause overruns. If a high overrun occurs, limit the traffic volume received
by the card.
Errors (length)
Packets of erroneous length are reported when they are too big (such as jumbo frames) or
are bigger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU). To avoid such problems, you can
increase Maximum packet size in the Entire Configuration perspective. For more
information, see Configuring General Data Collector Settings [p. 35].
Errors (bad checksum)
Checksum-related errors are typically caused by insufficient signal strength on an optical
link. In other cases, checksum errors may indicate Ethernet distortion, such as duplex
problems, where the checksum errors may result, for example, when the duplex
auto-negotiation process fails. Check the host switch and AMD duplex settings.
Filtered out (non-IP)
Non-IP packets, such as ARP traffic. Even large numbers of such packets are generally
considered harmless. They are not analyzed by the AMD software and are regarded as
noise. Preventing such traffic from reaching the AMD may reduce the possibility of
performance degradation.
Filtered out (load balancing)
This setting is only applicable in deployments with multiple AMDs where each device
only analyzes a certain part of the same traffic.
Filtered out (configuration)
Provides additional filtering based on software service definitions. In default installations,
where monitoring of the default software services is turned off, the driver limits the number
of processed packets to only those that are relevant to the IP addresses included in
user-defined software service definitions.
Dropped (sampling)
Sampling here means dropping packets when the driver performance is degraded. Packets
are dropped in a controlled manner, and always with care, to preserve complete and
consistent sessions. The packet drops almost always mean that traffic is too heavy for a
complete analysis and that, with packet drops, the precision of CAS reports is diminished.
Sampling is only active with the customized 64-bit driver and diagnostics always use this
sampling mechanism regardless of the settings used in the general AMD configuration.
Dropped (driver performance)
Drops are always a symptom of problems, especially when SSL analysis is deployed.
Drops occur when AMD software is unable to analyze all of the packets it receives from
the driver. If you use 32-bit or native drivers, you may experience uncontrolled packet
dropping. If you use the 64-bit customized driver, packet dropping may occur, but in a
software-controlled manner with care for monitored data contingency.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
To avoid packet dropping, decrease the traffic volume that your AMD analyzes or reduce
the number of monitored software services.
Whether these statistics are classified as analyzed or not depends on the default software
service monitoring. The numbers in this section are mostly relevant if you enabled
monitoring of default software services. In this case, ICMP traffic is also analyzed.
If monitoring of the default software services is disabled and you still see a large percentage
of non-TCP and non-UDP traffic, it is possible that AMD performance will be affected.
Network and Transport Protocol Information
Use the Protocols report to check the ratio of supported transport or network protocols. Only
supported protocols are shown.
In general, this report enables you to check whether traffic that makes sense (from the DC RUM
perspective) is present and is heavy enough to give meaningful results for report servers.
To obtain the most reliable results, use 64-bit customized drivers. The limited approximation
algorithms used by native and 32-bit customized network interface drivers may lead to differences
between the packet count in this and the Overview sections.
Problem Detection
Low traffic for the IPv4 or IPv6 network protocols may indicate further monitoring problems.
The presence solely of multicast or broadcast traffic is an indication that port mirroring is not
enabled or inactive.
Services Detected in the Traffic
This overview report enables you to identify the most active services on your network.
You can see what their load is and what protocols they use, and filter the results to display all
data, monitored services, or unmonitored services. You can also use filters to display statistics
for all, monitored, or unmonitored services with additional protocol filtering. For each service,
you can open the Sessions report to verify session-level statistics.
To obtain the most reliable results, use 64-bit customized drivers. The limited approximation
algorithms used by native and 32-bit customized network interface drivers may lead to differences
between the packet count in this and the Overview sections.
Session-Related Statistics
The Sessions section enables you to view detailed information about traffic quality.
The statistics presented on this screen include:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Duplicates, Unhandled duplicates
The value presented on the Sessions screen depends on the currently selected deduplication
method in your AMD configuration.
Packet duplicates may indicate incorrect configuration of mirroring ports. While this may
be a sign of a problem, values of 10 to 20 percent typically are no reason for concern. The
AMD is capable of packet deduplication. Higher numbers of duplicate packets will degrade
the AMD performance and may negatively influence the monitoring results.
The diagnostics mechanism for duplicate detection and counting for this report works
with different settings than the network monitoring processes on the AMD. Duplicate
detection is performed using both methods of duplicate detection and with different settings
(buffer and delay detection size). Based on these settings and calculations, Sniffing Point
Diagnostics provides suggestions concerning duplicate handling, such as increasing buffer
size or changing the deduplication mechanism. You should check whether there are
unhandled duplicates detected, in which case it is suggested that you switch the detection
method in the AMD general settings. For more information, see Configuring General Data
Collector Settings [p. 35].
Unidirectional TCP sessions and UDP streams
This may indicate a problem related to incorrectly configured mirroring ports. If the value
of unidirectional traffic exceeds 90 percent, the RUM Console always marks it as an error.
The numbers on the Sessions screen are the sums of many measurements; you are able to
go deeper and analyze details for each server and check whether this is a problem related
to a significant service or protocol. Insignificant traffic may be recorded and included in
the general analysis, so always check the detailed reports when you see alarming numbers
on the Sessions report.
TCP sessions with missing packets
Missing packets may result from interface or driver packet drops. If a session with missing
packets is shown, the percentage value is counted with regard to all sessions. For example,
if two percent of sessions have missing packets reported, this means that two out of a
hundred sessions have missing packets.
TCP sessions with missing packets and TCP bytes lost in missed packets may provide
valuable insight into SSL decryption problems, especially in the case of long SSL sessions.
TCP bytes lost in missing packets
This is a complementary value to the TCP sessions with missing packets. Verify the
number of lost bytes with regard to missing packets to see whether the problem is serious
(if there are large sums of missing bytes). This is useful additional information in the case
of long TCP sessions; because one lost packet is enough to classify a session as having
missing packets, the number here gives insight into the actual loss rate.
TCP sessions with reordered packets
Reordered packets are typically found when there is a WAN link enabled. Devices
transferring WAN packets may affect the packet order. The existence of reordered packets
is not a problem in itself, because the AMD software can restore original packet order,
but an excessive number of such packets may cause performance degradation.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
To obtain the most reliable results, use 64-bit customized drivers. The limited approximation
algorithms used by native and 32-bit customized network interface drivers may lead to differences
between the packet count in this and the Overview sections.
SSL Diagnostics
The traffic for this report is dependent on capturing complete sessions. Incomplete sessions,
missing packets, or missed handshakes cause a large number of errors and a large number of
errors results in unreliable reports. Always be sure to record enough traffic for an adequate
length of time to allow you to capture complete sessions.
The Statistics for encrypted traffic, SSL card and keys report is only available after the traffic
trace recording is finished. Partial statistics for SSL are not provided for unfinished sessions.
General Statistics for Encrypted Traffic
For a given time range, defined by the scope of the recorded traffic traces, you can see the
recognized SSL engine (for example, OpenSSL or nCipher) and the number of keys exchanged
in the traffic. The remaining sections of this diagnostic report show the detailed information
about the keys, the overall summary of the captured SSL traffic, and whether there are errors.
The servers section shows information for all SSL traffic captured during the traffic trace
recording. All of the detected encrypted protocols are listed together with their matching keys,
if they are seen in the traffic. You can see whether the key exchange was successful; the matched
keys are indicated by the icon. Key and certificate matching enables you to verify that
certificates were found and were valid. No matching may indicate that the certificates are out
of date.
SSL Server Status
The Status column shows whether there are errors or whether erroneous sessions prevail.
A traffic capture sometimes does not contain session beginnings, or it contains incomplete
handshakes, or it has no master session; these sessions are marked as ignored, as indicated by
the gray ( ) color bar.
The sessions with errors are marked by a red ( ) color bar. The main causes of errors are missing
packets or missing keys. Other causes of errors are listed in detail on the Detailed SSL Statistics
for servers report.
Detailed SSL Statistics for Servers
Detailed SSL statistics for servers are accessed from the Server or Status columns.
This report shows:
The percentage of the sessions without error, with errors, or ignored.
The counts of each problem, in detail, for the error or ignored sessions.
The number of decrypted sessions if there are no problems.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
You can filter the results.
Use Sessions finished to display the data for completed sessions.
Use Sessions in progress to display the sessions that are still in progress (sessions that did
not end before the traffic capture stopped; to see those session statistics).
Figure 2. Example of Detailed SSL Statistics for Server, Errors Detected Due to Private Key Mismatch
SSL Keys
Because invalid or outdated keys are usually not removed from SSL cards, the list of keys for
which an error status is indicated may be considerably long. In such cases, sort by the Status
column to see keys correctly matched. Note that it may be necessary to format the SSL card
storage area to refresh the key list.
Application Overview
The Application Overview screen enables you to answer several questions about your
applications at the onset of your monitoring configuration.
Are all my applications or servers detected?
What applications or servers are detected?
Can the detected applications or servers be successfully monitored?
How heavy is the traffic for each application or server?
What services are detected on each server?
How heavy is the traffic for each detected service?
Note that incomplete sessions are not analyzed. If no beginning is recorded for a session, that
session is not analyzed.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
The Application Overview screen is an optional step towards defining new software services.
To access it, select Software Services ➤ Add Software Service in the console top menu, then
select By traffic lookup.
Figure 3. Example of the Application Overview Screen Showing Detected Applications
From this screen, you can configure software services either manually or by using the wizard.
If it is possible to go through a step-by-step configuration, a wizard icon ( ) is displayed for
the given protocol or service.
Application Detection Mechanism
Application detection is a three-stage process:
To provide the most accurate results, packet analysis for SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, and
related protocols is performed as a first step toward application type detection.
Application recognition is based on the first matching pattern found. This means that some
services may not be properly classified if multiple protocols are used in one session. For
example, if your application uses HTTP and SOAP over HTTP protocols, and plain HTTP
communication opens a session, the application is classified as HTTP.
Applications are also detected based on discovery of well-known ports. The default protocol
definitions are stored on the AMD and can be exported from the RUM Console. For more
information, see Exporting the AMD Configuration in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Administration Guide.
At times applications may use ports commonly used for other purposes. The AMD is
unaware of these circumstances and will report well-known protocol names. For example,
if one of your web applications uses port 8080 and uses HTTP for communication, the
AMD reports this as an HTTP proxy.
If none of the selected conditions matches, the application is labeled as Unknown TCP or
Unknown UDP.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
Server recognition in application detection is based on heuristic session analysis; results may
vary depending on the type of network interface driver used.
Using RUM Console to Identify Problems Related to
Network Hardware Operation
Typical configuration errors related to port mirroring can, at times, severely affect the AMD
software traffic analysis capabilities. Faulty hardware configuration may result in no data seen
by the AMD, a large number of duplicate packets reaching the AMD, or only a limited portion
of traffic visible to the monitoring software.
Use the Application Overview and Sniffing Point Diagnostics sections as tools to solve issues
related to the switching hardware configuration. The following list describes several common
problems and some possible causes and solutions.
No data seen by the AMD
• The cable is connected to the wrong physical port on the destination switch. This can
be checked by physically tracing the cable directly to the switch and confirming the
port ID.
The port mirroring configuration (for example, SPAN on Cisco hardware) has been
set or changed to mirror incorrect ports or an incorrect destination. This can be resolved
by logging on to the source switch and checking the mirroring ports configuration
relevant to the requirements (see the vendor-specific documentation for details).
No data seen on Application Overview but non-TCP/UDP traffic seen in interface statistics
The port mirroring configuration (for example, SPAN on Cisco hardware) has been set
or changed to mirror incorrect ports or an incorrect destination. This can be resolved by
logging on to the source switch and checking the mirroring ports configuration relevant
to the requirements (see the vendor-specific documentation for details).
Application Overview does not show all expected data
• The port mirroring destination may be oversubscribed or dropping packets. Check
this by logging on to the switch and checking the SPAN or mirror destination interface.
If it is recording many drops, review the configuration of source ports to understand
the ratio of source interface bandwidth to destination interface bandwidth. If the ratio
is excessive (for example, greater than 4:1), consider reducing the number of source
interfaces. If applicable, consider using device-specific filtering to reduce the load
on the destination interface (for example, VACL, Rx-only, or Tx-only sources).
By design, port mirroring does not forward faulty frames. Check the source device
interface statistics to ascertain the nature of the drops (see the vendor-specific
documentation for details).
Check the interface-related metrics. If there is a high rate of Errors (bad checksum),
consider hard-configuring one end of the AMD–SPAN connection to prevent auto
Session-related report shows a high rate of packet duplicates
A SPAN or mirror operates by copying frames from source interfaces and directing them
to the destination interface. In effect, configurations often result in two copies of a packet.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 3 ∙ Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality
For example, if the source of a SPAN or mirror is set as a VLAN, any traffic that goes
from one switch port to another switch port within the VLAN appears twice on the mirrored
port. If the number of duplicates starts to affect AMD performance, consider reducing the
number of source interfaces. If applicable, consider using a device-specific filtering control
to reduce packet duplication (for example, VACL, receive-only, or transmit-only sources)
or consider using tap technology as opposed to port mirroring to collect the data.
Only unidirectional streams are seen on session-related overview
If the AMD is connected via a SPAN or mirror, the configuration has been set incorrectly
to send only one side of a receive or transmit stream to the destination. Log on to the local
source switch to check the configuration (see the vendor-specific documentation for
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Basic Monitoring Configuration
You can define many configuration settings globally for all software services for a given protocol
and Data Collector, or locally for specific user-defined software services. If you specify both
types of settings, the settings for a user-defined software service take precedence over the
corresponding global settings.
Use the RUM Console to perform basic monitoring configuration, including the global settings
for Data Collectors, operations, and the analyzer, as well as configuring Dynatrace to recognize
WAN-optimized traffic. Configuration and recognition of optimized WAN traffic in Dynatrace
is optional and depends on whether WAN optimization is used in your network. Refer to the
Data Center Real User Monitoring WAN Optimization Getting Started.
If you make any significant changes in the configuration, such as removing defined software
services or operations, your are advised to restart the AMD. This is to prevent persistent TCP
sessions from blocking your changes.
Configuring General Data Collector Settings
For any given data collector device such as the AMD, you can set a variety of options, such as
time thresholds. The general settings affect the monitoring of default and user-defined software
services. Some of these settings can then be overridden by settings for a particular analyzer,
software service, or URL.
To define the general settings for an AMD:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Select Configuration ➤ Global ➤ General to access the list of general configuration
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
While some of the options control only general AMD behavior, some options in the
Advanced group affect more specific configurations in application monitoring. For example,
if Inherit from global settings is selected in your other configurations while configuring
user-defined software services, the global setting takes precedence over the specific
monitoring configuration.
Configuration options include:
Monitoring interval
The monitoring interval in minutes. Increasing this value reduces the number of
chunks of data that need to be transferred and processed.
Default: 5 minutes.
Verify that the monitoring interval is synchronized between the data collectors.
Operation time threshold
The number of seconds after which an operation is considered to be “slow”. The
global threshold value depends on the analyzer.
This threshold is used by the following analyzers:
Cerner over MQ
Generic with transactions
MS Exchange over HTTP
MS Exchange over HTTPS
Oracle Applications over HTTP
Oracle Applications over HTTPS
SSL Decrypted
Server time threshold
The Server time threshold relates to the server time portion of an overall operation
time. Server times above the threshold limit are considered to be slow due to poor
datacenter performance.
This threshold is used by the following analyzers:
IP address of the server authorized to set AMD time
The IP address of the report server that has the authority to synchronize the time with
this AMD.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
In an environment with a number of servers sharing the same AMD, it is good practice
to designate only one of these servers as a time synchronization server to make changes
to AMD settings. Otherwise, the server used for time synchronization will change
inadvertently every time you save an AMD configuration.
Default analyzer
The default setting for the TCP analyzer is Generic (with transactions). To change
it, select another analyzer from the list.
Client RST packet timeout to mark session as CLOSED
If the time between the last ACK for data sent by the server and an RST packet sent
by the client is greater than this value, the session is treated as closed instead of
Huge packet size
The upper size limit, in bytes, of an HTTP request to be processed successfully by
the AMD.
Maximum packet size
The AMD is capable of processing packets of up to 16128 bytes, besides the Ethernet
standard MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of 1536 bytes.
Choose one of the predefined values (2048, 4096, 8192, or 16132 bytes) to enable
the AMD to process non-standard MTU packets. When you have chosen the
Maximum packet size value, make sure that you also set the Huge packet size to
an applicable value.
Enabling theAMD to process nonstandard MTU packets without extending RAM on
the machine and leaving Packet buffer size (64-bit AMDs only) and Data
memory limit unchanged can cause an excessive packet loss. To avoid this, extend
RAM and configure its usage as recommended in the tables below. For more
information, see Setting Packet Buffer Size in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Agentless Monitoring Device Installation Guide and Setting Data Memory Limit in
the Data Center Real User Monitoring Agentless Monitoring Device Installation
Do not enable the processing of large packets for a Small AMD. These devices are
not designed to process larger packets. For more information, see Small AMD in the
Data Center Real User Monitoring Agentless Monitoring Device Installation Guide.
Table 1. Recommended RAM Configuration for Maximum Packet Size Values for AMDs
Maximum packet size
Recommended RAM size for 64-bit
8192 B or less
64 GB
8192 B
96 GB
16132 B
128 GB
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
Sampling enabled
Supported in 64-bit customized AMD drivers and all- native drivers. The sampling
mechanism is beneficial when heavy traffic may negatively affect AMD performance
and there is a risk of losing IP session consistency. When this option is enabled, the
AMD tries to analyze the greatest possible portion of traffic. It drops packets in a
controlled manner that preserves complete and consistent sessions. Note that statistics
for dropped packets are not shown on the report server.
If packets are dropped because of sampling, the CAS shows notification messages.
For percentages between 75 and 99, a warning icon is displayed; for values below
75, the report server issues error messages.
When this option is disabled and the network interface driver performance is degraded,
random packets are dropped.
Default: enabled.
For more information, see Using Network Interfaces with Native Drivers in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring Agentless Monitoring Device Installation Guide and
Driver, Network, and Interface Configuration in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Agentless Monitoring Device Installation Guide.
When capturing packets on an AMD with sampling disabled, if the AMD experiences
packet drop due to high traffic volume, the packet capture is not automatically
canceled. If this occurs, select Tools ➤ Packet Data Mining Tasks on the CAS, find
the task that was using the AMD in question, and click
to cancel that task.
Deduplication method
You can choose one of four methods for eliminating duplicate packets:
Based on TCP checksum and IP ID – Using this method, duplicate packets are
detected based on their TCP checksum and IP ID.
Based on TCP checksum and IP ID (excluded SEQ and ACK numbers) –
Using this more complex, two-stage method, duplicate packets are detected based
on a modified packet KCP checksum (SEQ and ACK numbers are excluded) and
IP ID. This method is useful if the AMD captures packets on various interfaces
of the router, rewriting SEQ and ACK numbers.
A packet is considered a duplicate when the modified checksum, IP ID, and SEQ
and ACK numbers are identical.
First, a packet checksum with SEQ and ACK numbers is created and compared
to the packets stored in the detection buffer. If the comparison indicates that the
packet is not a duplicate, it is checked to determine whether it matches the current
session. A packet matches the current session when its SEQ and ACK numbers
are different from processed and cached numbers by the value defined in TCP
duplicate window. If the difference exceeds the defined value, the AMD assumes
the ACK and SEQ numbers were rewritten by the router and the packet is
considered a duplicate.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
TCP checksum, IP ID and MAC address (excluded SEQ and ACK) – Using
this method, the deduplication process is similar to the one based on TCP
checksum and IP ID (excluded SEQ and ACK numbers), but in addition to
TCP checksum and IP ID, the source/destination MAC addresses are also taken
into account for the calculation.
TCP checksum, IP ID and MAC address – Using this method, duplicate packets
are identified based on their TCP checksum, IP ID and source/destination MAC
TCP duplicate window
This setting is useful only if Deduplication method is set to Based on TCP checksum
with excluded SEQ and ACK numbers. It is used for determining whether a packet,
based on its SEQ and ACK numbers, belongs in the session. If a packet's SEQ and
ACK numbers differ from the current session's SEQ and ACK numbers by a value
larger than TCP duplicate window, the packet is considered a duplicate.
Default: 65536.
Packet buffer size
The number of packets to keep in the buffer for use as a basis for comparison in
duplicate packet detection. Newly captured packets are sequentially compared to the
packets in the buffer. A newly captured non-duplicate packet (all packets in the buffer
are unique) is placed on the top of the stack and the oldest is removed.
Range: 6 to 24 packets.
Default: 16.
Reset duplicate detection time threshold
Time of inactivity (in seconds) after which the duplicate packets elimination
mechanism is reset. If Deduplication method is set to Based on TCP checksum
with excluded SEQ and ACK numbers or TCP checksum, IP ID and MAC
address (excluded SEQ and ACK) , and the Reset duplicate detection time
threshold should be greater than every response generation time (server time).
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Close the AMD Configuration window.
Configuring Operation-Related Global Settings
The operation-related global settings enable you to define options that apply to all monitored
operations. These settings take precedence over the options defined for individual operations.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
Select Configuration ➤ Global ➤ Operations to display the general configuration settings.
The options are:
Operation load time threshold
The number of seconds after which an operation is considered “slow”. You can set
this value with a precision of one ten-thousandth of a second.
Default: 0.5000 seconds.
The threshold is used by following analyzers:
IBM over MQ
MS Exchange
Oracle Forms over HTTP
Oracle Forms over HTTPS
Oracle Forms over SSL
Oracle Forms over TCP
XML over MQ
XML over SSL
Max. operation duration
The maximum number of seconds an operation can take. You can set this value with
a precision of one ten-thousandth of a second.
Default: 3600 seconds (1 hour).
User abort threshold
The minimum number of seconds between the beginning of a hit and TCP reset to
count it as a user abort.
Default: 1.6000 seconds. (You can set this value with a precision of one ten-thousandth
of a second.)
ADS data generation settings
The options in the ADS data generation settings section can be used to handle
various types of standalone hits, which are hits that cannot be automatically assigned
to operations because the reference information, such as correlating response, defined
or auto-learned URL, no authorization, or orphaned redirects, is missing. By default,
most standalone hits are not taken into account when generating operations data.
Report data without monitored URL
Select this option to report data for hits without a URL that has been explicitly
defined in user-defined services or recorded through auto-learning.
Report standalone hits without monitored URL
Select this option to report data for standalone hits that at the same time do not
refer to a monitored URL, as in Report data without monitored URL.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
Standalone hits are hits without a response header, unauthorized hits, orphaned
redirects, or other hits missing the reference context.
Report hits without response header
Select this option to report data for discarded hits (hits without a correlating
response header).
Report hits not added to any operation
Select this option to report data for other standalone hits caused by factors not
covered by other options of this section.
Report unauthorized hits
Select this option to report data for hits with rejected authentication.
Report orphaned redirects
Select this option to report data for redirects to sites that are not being monitored
or are not visible and therefore appear as orphaned redirects.
Report filtered data
This is a diagnostics option. When configuring content type monitoring, you
can filter out pages based on the content of the URL. For more information, see
Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content Type [p. 114]. If you select
this option, the filtered out pages are not reported, but are saved in the AMD
data files.
Ignored clients
A list of clients for which TCP setup time are ignored and all operations start from
the request packet. Right-click the list to open a menu of command options: Add,
Edit, or Delete.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Close the AMD Configuration window.
Operation Time in Web Monitoring
In the case of web (HTTP) analysis, operation time may be referred to as page load time. The
ADS reports operation time details on reports based on the Operation data data view.
Operation Time is a compound metric whose value is based on an analysis of the operation
being measured. The operation process consists of establishing an HTTP session with the web
server and loading the page from the web server.
A typical web page is composed of multiple objects, each of which is retrieved from the server
through a single HTTP-level operation (a hit). The duration of each hit is of less importance
than the complete operation time. To determine page load time, it is necessary to watch all
individual HTTP operations (hits) that belong to the page.
A redirect is when the server gets a request from the browser and it decides to redirect
that browser to another server or another URL. For example, when the user types the URL, the server may instruct the browser to fetch
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration instead. A redirect operation is optional; it may
or may not happen and may be more complex than described here. For example, the
browser may be redirected to another server and another DNS Lookup and TCP Connection
Setup may be required during that process. The time required to complete that whole
process is represented by the Redirect bar on the page load diagram.
Base page request
After the TCP and optional SSL connections are in place, and after the optional redirect
operation has completed, the browser requests the base page (an HTML document). Before
the server responds, the HTTP stack has to process the request. That time is marked as
HTTP Server Time on the diagram.
Preparation of base page response
In many cases, the page content will be dynamically created based on user visit history
and preferences, or on some other criteria. This requires the HTTP server to involve a
higher-level application to produce customized content, perhaps through a CGI script or
perhaps through a separate application server or database server. The dynamic nature of
some web pages is determined by the AMD looking at the server behavior when it sends
the response to the client. If the AMD detects that the server is delaying response delivery
despite the fact that client acknowledged the reception of all packets, the AMD marks this
event as Server Think Time.
Response download
Now the content is transferred to the browser. After having parsed the document content
(or during this process), the browser opens additional TCP connections to the target server.
For example, the base page page.html on the page load diagram contains three objects,
img1.jpg, img2.jpg, and img3.jpg. To load these objects, the browser opened one additional
TCP connection. The number of these additional connections depends on the browser type
and the number of embedded objects. The efficiency of HTTP depends on the ability to
load page elements on concurrent, parallel connections, in which case, when the site is
busy servicing a request for one object, the transfer of another object can use the available
bandwidth between the browser and the web server. This transfer time is called Network
Time (part 1).
Preparation and download of content elements
In some cases, the elements embedded in the base page are produced dynamically or are
delivered from dedicated cache servers (in many cases, placed behind content switches).
It therefore makes sense to measure the time spent in the data center to produce such
content. The total time is represented by Image Server Response Time.
After the page has been loaded, the AMD stores the complete Operation Time and associated
metrics for further aggregation and analysis.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
DNS lookup
R e sp
ku p
o n se
ha nd
1/2 Server
sh ak
pa ge
.h tm
di re
P re
pa ge
.h tm
im ag
HTTP server
e1 .jp
e3 .jp
Image server
response time (3)
im ag
e3 .jp
Page load
Image server
response time (1)
im ag
im ag
Server think
(part 1)
G E T ge .h tm
1/2 Client
setup time
e1 .jp
im ag
(part 2)
e2 .jp
Image server
response time (2)
im ag
e2 .jp
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 4 ∙ Basic Monitoring Configuration
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS
For a detailed analysis of web application traffic, you need to define software services to be
monitored on specific IP addresses and ports: specify the service name and analyzer, designate
the AMDs to monitor the service, define the software service rules, and check whether your
configuration matches the existing traffic.
To define one new software service:
Choose the traffic statistics to filter services available for the definition.
For more information, see Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48], Application Traffic Categories
[p. 49], and Defining Software Services [p. 45].
Select the services (server:IP address combinations) to monitor.
For more information, see Selecting Services for Software Service Definition [p. 50].
Configure URL monitoring.
For more information, see Configuring URLs for a Software Service Definition [p. 52].
Configure user identification.
For more information, see User Name Recognition Configuration [p. 63].
Verify and publish the configuration.
For more information, see Reviewing and Publishing a Software Service Definition [p. 75].
Defining Software Services
New DC RUM users can use the configuration wizard to define web software services and then
use the traffic information to narrow the number of servers available for those software service
definitions. Using the information from reports based on the recorded traffic, you can find and
select the information related to your applications and use it as a starting point for your monitoring
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the AMD added and configured in the RUM
Console. For more information, see Adding an AMD to the Devices List in the Data Center
Real User Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide.
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the CAS added and configured in the RUM
Console and connected to your AMD. For more information, see Adding a CAS to Devices
List [p. 19].
To use parameters from recorded traffic to configure application monitoring:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
In the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Add Software Service.
The Add Software Service pop-up window appears, listing all ways of adding a new
Select By traffic lookup as a method of adding a new software service definition.
It opens the Application Traffic Categories [p. 49] report that is based on a selected traffic
trace. In case no traffic has been captured yet, you can record it using controls available on
the report screen. For information on how to do it and how to manage traffic traces, go to
Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48].
On the Application Traffic Overview, select a traffic trace from the list of traces.
For more information, see Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48].
Display the statistics for HTTP or HTTPS traffic.
Specify the part of the traffic that you want to browse by clicking the HTTP or HTTPS
You can also view basic statistics for undecrypted SSL by clicking SSL, but they cannot
be used to define software services. For more information, see Undecrypted SSL Traffic
[p. 50].
Choose the report listing the most frequently occurring parameters that you want to use for
filtering servers.
The preview tables list the top five parameters of one type. The detected parameter types
Server IP address
Client IP address
POST parameter
URL parameter
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
The parameters selected from the top application statistics do not become a part of the
software service definition you create. They are used only as filters.
Note that server filtering is possible on just one parameter type at a time, which means you
can, for example, search servers based on either URLs or client IP addresses, but not on
If you want to search the servers based on a single parameter such as URL, click this
parameter in the table listing top URLs. The Web/XML Software Services screen
To use more than one parameter for filtering:
Click More at the bottom of a table to view the top 100 parameters of a given
This extended list enables you to also see the top parameter values by hovering
the mouse pointer over the icon in the row corresponding to a specific parameter.
To switch to another parameter type, use the View table by list, which enables
you to select different parameter types without going back to the Home screen.
b. Use the check boxes to select parameters you want to filter on. You can also leave
all parameters unselected, in which case no pre-filtering is applied to the list of
Click Next.
For example, if you want to use several URLs as filters:
In the top URLs preview table, click More results. A pop-up window lists the
top 100 URLs observed in the traffic.
b. Using the check boxes, select URLs that you want to add to the filter.
Click Create software service.
Specify the software service name.
When the configuration procedure is complete, you can find the new software service under
this name on the list of software service definitions.
In the Rule description, provide a name that identifies this set of monitoring instructions.
Choose the AMDs to monitor the new software service.
By default, the new definition is published on all available AMDs that are listed in the
AMDs selected for software service pane. If you do not want a certain AMD to monitor
a certain software service, clear the check box in the row corresponding to that device.
10. Proceed to the selection of monitored server and ports.
At this stage of the configuration task, the new software service definition cannot yet be
saved. To save it, you need to specify the IP addresses and ports of servers that you plan
to monitor with DC RUM. For more information, see Selecting Services for Software
Service Definition [p. 50].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Capturing Traffic Traces
You can use the RUM Console to capture and save the data need to specify the traffic preview
settings for the top web application statistics or, to search for servers, URLs, and users in the
application monitoring wizard.
The recording tool is available on traffic and application diagnostic reports:
Sniffing Port Diagnostics
In the console main menu, select Devices and Connections ➤ Verify quality of
monitored traffic.
Application Overview, Application Traffic Categories
Select Software Services ➤ Add Software Service and select the By traffic lookup
option. Application diagnostic reports are the first step in defining software services.
Choose automatic or manual traffic recording to capture unfiltered or filtered traffic. Enable
automatic recording only during the configuration process and then disable it. It can negatively
affect the performance of the AMD during normal operations, especially if you are running a
32-bit AMD in a high-traffic environment or a 64-bit AMD with the native driver.
There are four recording options under Traffic Recording:
Record New Trace
Use this option to record filtered traffic and perform the following tasks:
Specify the total capture time
Select one of the predefined traffic profiles
Use a list of the available filtering criteria to specify on which entity you want to filter
Define one or more filter values for each capture definition in the Value column
You can close the recording window and browse the reports while the trace recording is
in progress. This does not interfere with the capture process. However, the recording will
stop if you edit software services using the software service definition wizard.
Manage Recorded Traffic
Lists all manually and automatically recorded traffic traces. You can use this screen to
browse the filter settings for each manually recorded trace or to delete the existing traces.
To see the filter settings, click a specific trace. To remove a trace, select the check box
next for the trace and click Delete.
Use the links embedded in the list to re-record a manually-recorded trace with identical
settings, or to reset a trace. If you re-record a trace, the new trace overwrites the older
Toggle Automatic Recording
Turns on or off automatic unfiltered traffic.
Automatic Recording Settings
Enable this option to automatically record traffic and define the trace length.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Enable automatic recording only during the configuration process, then disable it. Automatic
recording can negatively impact the performance of the AMD.
Manual Upload of Traffic Traces
To upload a previously captured trace to the Guided Configuration recording tool instead of
recording new traffic, first copy the trace file to the AMD.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the AMD added and configured in the
RUM Console. For more information, see Adding an AMD to the Devices List in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide.
The traffic trace that you want to upload must be a tcpdump file and have the .cap extension.
Other file formats and extensions are not recognized by the AMD.
A user must have a System Administrator's role to log into the RUM Console.
Use an SFTP client, such as WinSCP, to log in to the AMD as the root user.
Copy the trace file to the /var/spool/adlex/cba directory on the AMD.
Change the ownership of the copied file to user compuware in a group compuware.
At the command prompt execute the following command:
chown compuware.compuware [filename]
Where [filename] is the copied traffic trace file.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
On a screen equipped with a recording utility, choose one of the following:
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Verify quality of monitored traffic to access
the traffic diagnostic report.
Select Software Services ➤ Add software service and choose By traffic lookup.
The Application Traffic Overview window appears.
Select the uploaded trace from the Traffic Trace list.
Click Reset to view the statistics based on the uploaded traffic trace.
Application Traffic Categories
The Application Traffic Categories report shows the most frequently occurring parameters in
the monitored web and middleware application traffic. You can select the top parameters and
use them to streamline the software service configuration process. For example, you can select
a number of URLs from the list of the most frequently occurring URLs and then use the selected
URLs to filter available servers.
Use the Application Traffic Categories screen to define new software services. Select Software
Services ➤ Add Software Service from the console top menu and then select By traffic lookup.
This report shows the statistics from an unfiltered traffic trace that is automatically recorded
when the connection to the AMD is configured and active. You can also select other traces,
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
including filtered traffic traces, from the Traffic trace list at the top of the statistics table. After
you select a trace, the top application traffic statistics reload to reflect the new setting.
For top statistics based on an automatically recorded trace, the database is cleaned every
seven days.
If the top statistics are based on an automatically recorded trace, and if the configuration
of separators between URLs and their parameters changes on an AMD, click Reset to clean
the database and start collecting the data that matches the updated separator configuration.
If you are using a manually recorded trace and the separator configuration changes, reset
the top statistics so that the trace can be re-read by the Guided Configuration and the new
separator setting can be reflected in the top statistics. For more information, see Global
Settings for Recognition and Parsing of URLs [p. 135].
For manually recorded traffic, click Reset to generate the top statistics based on a trace
that has been captured with the tcpdump command on an AMD and placed in the
/var/spool/adlex/cba directory.
Undecrypted SSL Traffic
The Application Traffic Categories report in the RUM Console shows a limited set of SSL
traffic statistics even if the SSL traffic cannot be decrypted, a situation that may be caused by
a lack of the SSL keys required for decryption. In these situations, you can see only the basic
statistics: server and client IP addresses.
To view the Application Traffic Categories report, define a new software service with the wizard
by selecting the By traffic lookup option. For more information, see Defining Software Services
[p. 45].
The preview of non-decrypted SSL statistics is only for diagnostic purposes. Unlike the HTTP
or decrypted SSL traffic, you cannot use the undecrypted SSL parameters to create new software
services with Guided Configuration.
Selecting Services for Software Service Definition
At this stage of the software service definition, you have to select the servers and the ports that
you plan to monitor. This step is required before the software service definition can be saved.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the AMD added and configured in the
RUM Console. For more information, see Adding an AMD to the Devices List in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide.
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the CAS added and configured in the RUM
Console and connected to your AMD. For more information, see Adding a CAS to Devices
List [p. 19].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
The wizard screen for selecting services consists of the following:
Basic information identifying the edited software service: the service name, rule name,
analyzer, and the monitoring devices. At this stage, you can still edit all this information.
The List of services table, showing the services to be monitored after the definition is
saved. For each monitored server, this table shows the IP address and port number and
indicates the server's status and whether it appeared in the top statistics and was observed
in the traffic.
If you have used top application traffic statistics to select parameters to filter the servers
to be monitored by the software service, the matching servers are already listed in the List
of services table; otherwise, the table is empty.
A movable side bar with a preview of traffic statistics that vary, depending on the selected
traffic trace and filters selected on the Home page of the Guided Configuration. The sidebar
consists of four sections:
Web application traffic
Shows which trace is currently selected and enables you to select another one from
the list.
Parameter breakdown
Lists the parameters of a given type together with the servers on which they were
seen, based on the selected trace. It also enables you to search for a specific parameter
in the captured traffic or change the parameter type. If you have selected parameters
from the most active application traffic to filter servers, the chosen parameter type is
already filled in and the section title is updated accordingly. Without parameter
preselection, this section, by default, lists URLs.
Service breakdown
Lists the servers and ports on which parameters of a given type were observed in the
selected trace.
Traffic profiles
Enables you to choose which part of the traffic observed by the AMDs is taken into
account for configuration. Usually, the traffic is assigned to one profile at a time, but
in some cases, you may want to add more profiles. For example, to have SOAP over
HTTP traffic monitored with the HTTP analyzer, you need to select the SOAP profile
in addition to the default HTTP profile.
To manage the list of monitored services:
Find services based on the parameter preview.
For each parameter in the Parameter breakdown (by default, URL breakdown) section,
you can click the number of servers at which a given parameter was seen to view the server
list and to add any of the servers to the monitoring list. You can add one by one or in groups.
(If the check box for a specific server is disabled, this server cannot be monitored by your
new software service because it is already in use by another service definition.) Similarly,
you can select parameters observed at specific servers, which results in the servers being
added to the monitored server list.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
To change the preview settings, change the parameter type from the Category list. The
section contents are updated accordingly.
To search for a server where a specific parameter of a given type appeared, type the
parameter name in the Filter box. To clear the filter settings, click .
Browse the services (server IP address and port number pairs) observed in the traffic.
In the Service breakdown section, you can view the detected services together with the
parameters of a given type and add the services to the monitoring list. When you see a
server that you want to monitor, select the check box to add it to the List of services. You
can add singly or in groups. If the check box for a specific server is disabled, this server
cannot be monitored by your new software service because it is already in use by another
service definition.
To change the preview settings, change the parameter type using the Category list. The
section contents are updated accordingly. Note that it also affects the preview setting in the
Parameter breakdown section.
To search for a specific service, type the server IP address and port number in the Service
filter. To clear the filter settings, click .
Proceed to configuring the specific URLs or finish the software service configuration at
this stage.
To configure the URLs and, optionally, the pages under specific URLs, click Next.
To finish creating the software service definition at this stage, click Finish. When the
Review summary screen opens, verify the software service definition. For more
information, see Reviewing and Publishing a Software Service Definition [p. 75].
What to Do Next
You can also add a new server manually: type the server IP address and port number in the New
service box at the bottom of the List of services and click Add.
To delete a server from the list of servers included in the software service definition, click in
the row corresponding to the server's IP address.
Configuring URLs for a Software Service Definition
After you have selected servers for a software service definition, you can define the URLs and,
optionally, the parameter groups for the specific URLs. This task may be already partly done:
if you have selected servers based on the most active URLs in the web application traffic, the
filtering criteria has been copied to the URL configuration screen.
The URL configuration screen consists of the following parts:
Basic information identifying the edited software service: the service name and the analyzer.
This information, as well as the name of the software service rule and the list of devices
selected for monitoring the service, cannot be edited now.
A list of URLs that will be monitored after the definition is saved. For each monitored
URL, the table shows the URL type, the page name (if assigned), and URL parameters.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
A movable side bar with the preview of traffic statistics that vary depending on the selected
traffic trace and the filters selected on the Home page of the Guided Configuration. The
sidebar has the following sections:
Web application traffic
Shows which trace is currently selected and enables you to select another one from
the list. If you configure the software service in a sequence of steps, the setting in this
section is the same as in the previous (server selection) wizard step. If you access the
service configuration at a later time to edit it, this setting will be the one that was
selected in the Guided Configuration when you last accessed the perspective. At any
time, the setting can be changed.
Hits against URLs
This section is available only on the URL configuration screen. It lists the URLs
detected in traffic, based on the selected trace, together with the number of hits for
each listed URL.
Available only on the URL parameter group configuration screen. It shows the
parameters observed in the selected traffic trace.
Available only on the URL parameter group configuration screen.
To configure URL monitoring in the Guided Configuration perspective, perform the following
Configuring URL Monitoring
On the URL definition screen, specify URLs to monitor.
To manually add a URL to the list of monitored URLs, type it in the New URL field
and click Add.
To select a URL from the traffic, select the check box next to the URL in Hits against
URL(s) section of a sidebar.
To search for a specific URL, type it in the Filter box. To clear the filter settings, click
Specify the URL type.
In the table listing URLs, click in the last table column to activate a specific table row.
Then select one of the three available types from the URL type list.
Virtual HTTP Server
This option refers to monitoring a host where many websites reside under a single IP
address. Using a virtual HTTP server causes all of the reported pages that have no
separate definitions to be aggregated into one record and reported together. This does
not apply to those pages from the IP address that are defined separately in a monitoring
configuration. Such individual definitions do not require that you select this option.
For example, a valid virtual HTTP server address is,
without a trailing slash.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Static URL Part
A fully qualified URL, containing the protocol to be used, the server to be contacted,
and the file to be requested, such as
This URL is added to the list of monitored URLs regardless of the limit of monitored
URL as Regular Expression
An extended POSIX regular expression describing a set of URLs. For more
information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209].
The syntax allows you to use parentheses “()” to select one or more sub-expressions
(specific portions of the results). If this mechanism is used, only the specified portions
are reported; if more than one portion is specified, the portions are concatenated.
When using a regular expression to specify a set of URLs to monitor, you must:
Explicitly include the string “http://” or “https://” in the expression. Thus,
for example, you should not start the expression with “.*” and expect that the
“http://” or “https://” strings will be assumed or resolved as a part of the
regular expression.
The parentheses you use to select the part of the URL to be extracted must include
the above strings “http://” or “https://” and they must also include the name
of the host. However, the name of the host does not have to be provided explicitly,
but can be resolved by the regular expression. Thus, for example,
“(” is correct, and so is
The regular expression must be constructed such that, after extracting the portions
delimited by parentheses, the resulting string does not end with a slash character
(“/”). This rule applies to all URLs except home pages (URLs consisting only of
a protocol specification and a host name). Such URL specifications should end
with a slash.
For example ( is
legal, but ( is not
legal. Note also that a specification ending with (myreport/*) is not valid
because it can be matched by a string ending with a slash, as the asterisk can
match an empty string.
You can test the patterns that will be used by the AMD using the Regular Expressions
Test tool, which is activated after you click Test located next to the regular expression
pattern field. For more information, see Testing Regular Expressions [p. 211].
Example 1. Example of Using a Regular Expression to Specify Monitored URLs
The use of parentheses in a regular expression is demonstrated in the following
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
The above expression matches URLs such as:,11111,11111,22222,22222,33333,33333
but only the bracketed portion (“”) will be
Example 2. Complex Example of Using a Regular Expression to Specify Monitored URLs
The following is a more complex example that demonstrates concatenation of
bracketed portions:
A site contains URLs of the form:!ut/p/kcxml/
where only the part after “...wcm/connect/”, in this case My Aide, is relevant for differentiating this page from other
pages of this site, the rest being session ID and various parameters.
If you use the following regular expression to define monitored URLs:
the reported URL for this page is: Aide
A large number of URLs defined by using regular expressions can have an adverse
effect on the performance of the AMD, because resolving regular expressions is
For the URLs selected from the most active web application traffic and used for filtering
servers, the type is selected automatically for you. For more information, see Defining
Software Services [p. 45].
Optional: Provide a name for the URL.
In the active table row, provide the name for the added URL in the Page name column.
Using a descriptive name makes it easier for you to identify the page on the CAS reports.
If you do not specify it, the reports display the URL itself.
Configuring URL Parameter Monitoring
Optional: Define one or more parameter groups for a specific URL.
In the Parameters column, click .
On the screen that appears, define the parameter groups for the URL you have selected.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
b. Select the Report only URL part when parameters do not match check box.
As a result, all of the pages that do not meet the constraints are reported under the main
URL. If the check box is not selected, these URLs are not reported at all.
In the Group name box, type the name under which you want the parameters that
match the definition to appear on CAS reports. Note that this name is applied to all
URLs matching the criteria.
d. Using the list in the Search scope column, select where you want to look for the URL
In an HTTP header
In a request URL
In the POST body
Using a combination of these check boxes, you can, for example, search for parameters
in HTTP header, request URL, and POST body at the same time.
In the Parameter column, specify the parameter constraints for a page.
The constraint defines which pages are reported under a given URL. You can define
up to four constraints per parameter group. Similarly to adding URLs, you can type
the parameters or you can use the parameters listed in the traffic preview.
Use the Match list to specify the parameter matching method.
The following matching methods are supported:
Report the specified parameter or the parameter and value.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are
searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until
the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header
by searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the
analysis of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match
is attempted for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted
in the string. So, the wildcard character “*” is taken literally.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
You can specify 'john', to match, though
note that in this case will not be
reported because the parameter value '=123' was not explicitly specified.
To match it, you would need to specify 'john=123'.
Report parameters that begin with a specified string; report only the matched
pattern, truncate any remainder of the parameter.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the
form 'name=' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are
searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until
the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header
by searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the
analysis of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match
is attempted for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted
in the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
'fred=5' will match but it will
be reported as The value 'fred' will
match as well as and it will be reported as
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Start (expand)
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; report the entire parameter,
not only the matched pattern.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the
form 'name=' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the
selected parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order
specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header
by searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the
analysis of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match
is attempted for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted
in the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
'fred=5' will match and it will
be reported as The value 'fred'
will match as well as and it will be reported as and
Report parameters which end with a specified string; report the entire parameter,
not only the matched pattern.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any final part of it this string, including string of the
form '=value' or just 'value'.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header. Note that
more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for
HTTP analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header
by searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the
analysis of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match
is attempted for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted
in the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
For' to be matched, you can specify
the following ends: '0', '00', '100', '=100', 'n=100' and so on, up to
'john=100'. Thus is reported.
Value RegEx
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; optionally attempt to
match the remainder of the parameter with a regular expression; report the start
string and selected portions of the regular expression, if any.
Usage syntax
Parameter is entered as name=value or any initial part of it this string
including string of the form name= or just name. A regular expression
(regex) is entered as an extended POSIX regular expression.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the
selected parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order
specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header
by searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
analysis of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match
is attempted for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed on the Parameter part; the regex part
is matched as a case-sensitive POSIX regular expression.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
parameter specification fred= and a regular expression AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as because the AB portion of the regular
expression was not included in round braces.
Custom RegEx
Report parameters that match the given regular expression; report those portions
that have been selected within the regular expression.
Usage syntax
Enter an extended POSIX regular expression to match the desired string.
Mark portions to be reported by using round braces “(” and “)”.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the
selected parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order
specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
The request URL, POST body, or HTTP header are not split into parameters
prior to pattern matching. Instead, they are treated as single units of data
and the regular expression is applied to their entire contents. Only the path
part of the request URL is excluded from the matching process.
The regular expression is entered according to POSIX syntax.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match
to be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
matches are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all
the matched parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from
different portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP
header, and combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
Regular expression fred=AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as
Regular expression (.*=)AB(C?E) will match as well as and it will be reported as and as respectively.
The important thing to note is that you can choose between two different match method
selection modes:
Report parameter
Report parameter with all values
To switch between the modes, use the
control in the Parameters pane.
The Test matching button enables you to check whether any pages match the regular
expressions you typed.
Optional: Click Add group to define and monitor another group of parameters if required.
Optional: Proceed to configuring user recognition or finish the software service configuration
at this stage.
To define use recognition methods, click Next.
To finish creating the software service definition at this stage, click Finish. When the
Review summary screen opens, verify the software service definition. For more
information, see Reviewing and Publishing a Software Service Definition [p. 75].
What to Do Next
To delete a URL from the list of added parameters, use the icon in the table row corresponding
to a given URL.
Using Wildcards in URLs
You can use wildcards or regular expressions when defining URL patterns.
The use of the wildcard character “*” in a URL is governed by the following rules:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Placed it at any position within a URL string, “*” stands for any string of zero or more
A standalone wildcard character stands for any URL.
An occurrence of a URL for which we allow repetitions does not increment the counter for
transaction steps.
An occurrence of a URL that is matched by a wildcard alone and for which we allow
repetitions does not increment the counters for transaction steps or pages.
Allowing repetitions usually requires that the URL has to appear at least once. However,
in the case of a URL defined with a wildcard, it can repeat zero or more times.
URL Pattern Exceptions
When defining a URL pattern containing a character listed in the left column, change it to the
corresponding phrase in the right column.
Table 2. Transaction URL Pattern Exceptions
Target URL Phrase
Transaction Definition URL Phrase
%xx (hexadecimally encoded character)
Decoded character
Using Regular Expressions in URLs
A full regular expression can be specified for a URL definition. This is referred to as the “regex”
mode and is configured by putting the string “regex:” in front of the URL definition you are
creating. In this mode the space character is entered as “%20” and the ampersand character is
entered as “&&” (a double ampersand).
Example 3. Using Regular Expressions in URLs
For example, if you want to match the following pages:
use the syntax:
To match:
http://abc?a=1&x y z
http://abc?a=2&x y z
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
http://abc?a=3&x y z
User Name Recognition Configuration
The methods of user name recognition vary depending on the HTTP analyzer mode and the
version of AMD.
You can use a new, enhanced mechanism of user name recognition only on AMDs of the release
12.0 and later, set to work in the HTTP mode of the HTTP analyzer. AMDs of releases prior
to 12.0, and AMDs of release 12.0 and later set to work in the legacy mode of the HTTP
analyzer, use an old method of extracting user names. Note that this introduces a restriction
when copying a new enhanced configuration to AMDs of releases prior to 12.0 or devices set
to work in the legacy mode. In such cases, a new user name recognition configuration is removed.
When monitoring web applications in a Citrix environment, HTTP and Citrix users are
discovered, but, because HTTP has higher priority, HTTP users are reported if both are available
at the same time.
Overview of User Name Recognition Configuration in HTTP Mode
When creating a new software service, you can specify one of two ways in which users are
monitored by the software service: either select the patterns automatically recognized in the
traffic or specify the patterns of your choice based on the traffic preview.
The user name recognition screen consists of the following parts:
A list of user name recognition policies. The policies are extraction rules defining which
users will be monitored after the software service definition is saved.
A movable side bar with the preview of traffic statistics that vary depending on the selected
traffic trace. The sidebar consists of the following sections:
Web application traffic
Shows which trace is currently selected and enables you to select another one from
the list. If you configure the software service in a sequence of steps, the setting in this
section is the same as in the previous wizard step: server selection. If you access the
service configuration at a later time to edit it, the setting will be the one selected in
the Guided Configuration when you last accessed the perspective. At any time, the
setting can be changed.
Lists statistics (based on the selected trace) that can be used to extract user
identification information.
Enables you to look for a specific string in the recorded traffic and copy the discovered
parameters to the user name extraction rules.
When adding detection rules to identify user names, follow one these user name recognition
scenarios applies:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
User name recognition is performed individually per hit, so each hit must contain a user
name. You only need to add user name rules.
User session context
User name recognition is performed in the context of a particular user session. All
monitored hits must contain the session ID, but only a single login hit contains the user
name. Besides user detection rules, you need to define session ID rules as well.
User session context, acknowledge URL
User name recognition is performed in the context of a particular user session and a login
is validated by redirection to a special acknowledge URL. All monitored hits must contain
the session ID, but the ACK hit is the first one to contain the user name. Besides user and
session ID rules, you need to provide the acknowledge URL.
Configure a user recognition method.
If you know which request part contains user login information, use the movable sidebar
to filter or search the traffic for a specific POST/GET parameter, a cookie name, or a
whole HTTP header. Use the provided controls to copy the selected entities to the user
name rule. The new user recognition policy with a user name rule is created for you
automatically. The controls are:
Enables you to extract the user ID from the selected string.
Enables you to specify a user login URL.
If you know what a user login is, search for a specific string in the recorded traffic
using the Search collapsible pane and copy the found parameters to the user name
extraction rules.
Type the searched phrase in the Find box. The search is case sensitive.
Use the In list to specify where you want to search for the string, select the Follow
user IP address check box if you want to see all requests for a given user IP address
in the search results (not only requests matching the search criteria), and then click
Search results are grouped into several categories, depending on the specified search
criteria. For each result, you can display the request details and copy the parameters
to the user name extraction rules using the provided controls. The new user recognition
policy is created for you automatically.
Choose a location from the list to start creating a new rule. The new recognition policy
with a user name rule that is set to the appropriate search scope is created for you
Adjust the user name rules.
When in the user recognition policy window, click Add new rule in the User name rules
Choose a search scope.
You can retrieve the user names and session identifiers from a number of entities,
referred to as search scopes. For more information, see Choosing Search Scope for
User Identification [p. 66].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
b. Choose a search method and create a search definition.
Choose one of the available search methods to detect the user names in the selected
search scope. For more information, see Choosing Method of Searching for User
Identification [p. 66].
When using the Basic method, you can either type the parameter in or click the
to select the one of your choice.
Optional: Filter traffic.
Enter the following to filter the traffic used for user name recognition.
Server host name.
The leading part of a URL, usually a user login URL. Only hits beginning with
this string are matched.. You can either type the URL path in or click the icon
to select the URL of your choice.
If it is not specified, the path is assumed to be “/*” and it matches any requested
d. Optional: Transform search results.
It is sometimes difficult to perform a successful match resulting in a legible string in
one pass. In such situations, you can perform further transformations to your initial
search result.
Click Add transformations and select whether you want to decode the search result
or extract parts of it.
If your results are compressed or encoded (also URL encoded in the case of URL
parameters), you can make the search results readable by using one of available
decoders: url encoding, base64, base64 + gzip, or gzip.
You can also extract parts of your initial search results by using the Text search or
Regular expression search method. Choosing Method of Searching for User
Identification [p. 66]
Optional: Test the rule.
Click Test to roughly verify the defined rule. All tests are taken against data from the
statistics, search, and user input. It simulates AMD functionality and can help to perform
an initial verification of the rule accuracy. Be aware that the results returned by the
AMD may be different, because the test feature relates on a limited traffic trace that
does not reflect the complexity of full traffic observed by AMD.
Click OK to save the user rule.
Optional: Add session identifier rules.
Session ID rules are optional but you need to define user name detection rules first.
Session ID rules may be needed to help track users on servers where the user name is not
passed with every request.
Adding session ID rules is in most aspects identical to adding user name rules. The only
exception is the events that are necessary for the AMD to recognize session termination.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
These are provided as a list of cookie values indicating user logoff. Additionally, you cannot
search for a session ID in the response body.
Optional: Add acknowledge URL rules.
Acknowledge URL rules are optional but you also need to define user name and session
ID detection rules first. Some web servers use special URLs to which the user is redirected
after a successful login. The user recognition mechanism needs this information to
successfully discover a user session. The Host field is optional. The Path field is a relative
path of the acknowledge URL that you can type in or select using the icon.
Click Next to proceed to the software service definition summary.
Choosing Search Scope for User Identification
You can retrieve the user names and session identifiers from a number of entities, referred to
as search scopes.
When you create a user name or session ID rule definition, you have to apply it to only one
search scope, which you have to choose as a first step in creating the definition. Identify the
entities containing user or session identification, consider applicable scenarios, then choose one
of the following scopes:
Request or Response Headers
Request or Response Body
Request parameter
Note that available search methods depend on the selected search scope. For more information,
see Choosing Method of Searching for User Identification [p. 66].
When you create a number of definitions for one policy, the definitions are applied in the order
in which they were entered in the rules table. The first successful match is used.
Choosing Method of Searching for User Identification
Choose one of the available search methods to detect the user names in the selected search
Depending on the selected search scope, choose one the methods of extracting user names. Each
search method requires you to specify a different set of extraction rules.
Add prefix
Use this method if you expect the value to always be preceded by a specific prefix. To
extract the value, provide the prefix expected to precede the value.
Cookie name search
Specify the cookie from which to extract the value. Provide the value of a specific cookie
name confirming a successful login. The session ID, for mapping to the value, is extracted
from this cookie. Successful logins are normally recognized by a SET COOKIE operation
for the named cookie
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by a specific parameter. To
extract the value, provide the name of the parameter. Depending on the selected search
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
scope, the term parameter refers to a specific entity, such as a cookie name when the
search scope is set to cookie, or a header field when the search scope is set to request or
response header. Enter the parameter name without delimiters. The search is not case
sensitive and no wildcard characters are permitted in the string unless the wildcard character
“*” is to be used literally. This search method is not available for the response body search
Decode / decompress
If you expect to perform a search on a compressed or encoded data, or URL encoded in
case of URL parameters, you can bring the search results to a human readable form by
using one of available decoders, Base64, Base64 + Gzip, Gzip or URL encoding.
You can also extract parts of your initial search results by using Text search or Regular
expression search methods. Choosing Method of Searching for User Identification [p. 66]
Mime encoded list filter
Use this method if you expect to find a value in an MIME format. Including text in character
sets other than ASCII, message bodies with multiple parts and in header information
encoded in non-ASCII character sets.
NTLM search
Use this method to search for a value in an NTLM authentication request header. Depending
on your choice, the value can be composed of the following fields: workstation, domain,
or user. Select the fields that compose an identified value and, if necessary, change the
default character used to separate the selected components in the resulting value.
Parameter name and value search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by the specific parameter.
To extract the value, provide the parameter name. Depending on the selected search scope,
the term parameter may refer to a specific entity, such as a cookie name (when the search
scope is set to cookie), or a header field (when the search scope is set to request or response
Parameter name prefix search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by a specific parameter with
a specific prefix. To extract the value, provide the parameter name prefix and indicate
what data should be reported. The results of the search can be presented as a parameter
name and the value, just the parameter value or just a parameter prefix.
Parameter value suffix search
Use this method if you expect the user name to always be carried by the specific value of
a parameter with a specific suffix. To extract the user name, provide the value for the
Regex search
You construct a regular expression that, when applied to a selected search scope, returns
the value. The regular expression must contain at least one group enclosed in parentheses.
If the regular expression returns a number of search groups, you can define the custom
group order by entering a comma-separated list in the order of your choice (for example,
2,1,3). This method is not available for the cookie and response body search scopes. For
more information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
You can test the patterns that will be used by the AMD using the Regular Expressions
Test tool, which is activated after you click Test located next to the regular expression
pattern field. For more information, see Testing Regular Expressions [p. 211].
Example 4.
The following is an example of extracting the value of REMOTE_ADDR field from the HTTP
An HTTP header might contain the following information:
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: FPB=061j8hura11q56cv; CRZY9=t=1;
The following regular expression extracts the address from the REMOTE_ADDR
REMOTE_ADDR: ([.0-9]*)
Text phrase search
Use this method if you expect the user name to always be found in the text . The provided
value for the search parameter will be used to match the text phrases in the analyzed traffic.
Text search
Use this method if you expect to find a user name between the first occurrences of strings
defined by Match start and Match end. Because it is not always possible to extract the
user names directly, you can use this method as a first step in preparing content for search
result transformations. You can set a Search limit in bytes to avoid lengthy search results.
This method is not available for the cookie search scope.
Overview of User Name Recognition Configuration in HTTP Legacy
When creating a new software service, you can specify one of two ways in which users are
monitored by the software service: either select the patterns automatically recognized in the
traffic or specify the patterns of your choice based on the traffic preview.
The user name recognition screen consists of the following parts:
Basic information identifying the edited software service: the service name and the analyzer.
This information, as well as the name of the software service rule and the list of devices
selected for monitoring of the service, cannot be edited any more.
A list of user name recognition policies. The policies are extraction rules defining which
users will be monitored after the software service definition is saved.
A movable side bar with the preview of traffic statistics that vary depending on the selected
traffic trace. The sidebar consists of the following sections:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Web application traffic
Shows which trace is currently selected and enables you to select another one from
the list. If you configure the software service in a sequence of steps, the setting in this
section is the same as in the previous wizard step: server selection. If you access the
service configuration at a later time to edit it, the setting will be the one selected in
the Guided Configuration when you last accessed the perspective. At any time, the
setting can be changed.
Lists statistics (based on the selected trace) that can be used to extract user
identification information.
Enables you to look for a specific string in the recorded traffic and copy the discovered
parameters to the user name extraction rules.
The automatic user name recognition method is based on a list of patterns often observed in
traffic. If such a pattern is detected in the traffic sample that you selected for configuring a
software service, it is listed and available for selection. Currently, there is one user identification
pattern that DC RUM can automatically recognize:
POST Identification Pattern for SiteMinder Users
SiteMinder users are identified with the following set of parameters:
USER parameter found in POST body
If no patterns have been found, or, if you prefer to configure user recognition manually, proceed
as follows:
Specify where to search for the user identification.
Perform this step only if you know where to search for the user identification. Use the
Policy list to select one of following sources:
Session cookie
HTTP authorization tags
Request header
If you do not know the source for the user identification information, go directly to Step 2
[p. 69].
Configure a user recognition method.
Each user name recognition method requires that you specify a different set of extraction
rules. Specify these rules in several ways:
Type the required information in the boxes.
Filter and copy the traffic data from the Statistics collapsible pane to the user name
extraction rule, using the provided controls.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Extract the user ID from the selected string.
Extract an element (usually a cookie) that identifies the session.
Specify a user login URL.
Search for a specific string in the recorded traffic using the Search collapsible pane
and copy the found parameters to the user name extraction rules.
Type the search phrase in the Find box. The search is case sensitive.
Use the In list to specify where you want to search for the string, select the Follow
user IP address check box if you want to see all requests for a given user IP address
in the search results (not only requests matching the search criteria), and then click
The search results are grouped into several categories, depending on the specified
search criteria. For each result, you can display the request details and copy the
parameters to the user name extraction rules using provided controls.
At any time, you can click the Reset button to clear the form, or click Add policy to define
more user name extraction rules.
See the following topics for a detailed description of parameters required for each user
name recognition method:
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP POST [p. 70]
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP GET [p. 71]
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Cookie [p. 72]
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Session Cookie [p. 72]
Other Methods of Configuring User Name Recognition [p. 73]
Click Next to proceed to the software service definition summary.
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP POST
To configure user recognition based on HTTP POST, you need to at least specify the parameter
from which you want to extract the user ID and the parameter from which you want to extract
the session ID.
Specify the parameter from which you want to extract the user ID.
Provide the value of a specific POST parameter in the Extract user ID from field, or click
next to a POST parameter in the Statistics collapsible pane to select it for user ID
Specify the parameter from which you want to extract the session ID.
In the provided box, specify the cookie from which you want to retrieve the session ID, or
click next to a specific cookie in the Statistics collapsible pane to use it as a source for
session ID extraction.
Optional: Provide the Login URL.
This is a relative URL login path that is taken relative to the URL path specified in the Path
field, in the Advanced section. Both strings, if concatenated, should give the full path to
the login page.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Specify the URL manually or click
pane to use it as a login URL.
next to a specific URL in the Statistics collapsible
Optional: Specify the acknowledgment URL (ACK URL).
This entry gives the relative path to the URL confirming a successful login, if such a URL
is used. Successful logins are normally recognized by a SET COOKIE operation for the
named cookie, though sometimes a confirmation login is used instead, and a cookie of the
given name is sent at the same time.
Optional: Specify the host server name.
Optional: Provide the path information.
A path is the leading part of a URL. It is used for recognizing the login URL and for
matching the subsequent hits with the user ID. Hits with the same session ID but different
paths are not matched with the user. If the path is not specified, the path is assumed to be
“/” and it matches any requested URL.
For example, if Path is specified as /a and Login URL is given as /login, the login hit
is for “/a/login” and subsequently all hits beginning with “/a” are assigned to this user,
provided they match the session ID. However, hits beginning with, for example, “/b”, are
not assigned to the same user, even if the session ID matches. In this example, for such hits
to be matched, you need to specify Path as / and Login URL as a/login.
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on HTTP GET
Specify the parameter from which to extract the user ID.
Provide the value of a specific GET parameter in the Extract user ID from field, or click
next to a GET parameter in the Statistics collapsible pane to select it for user ID
Specify the parameter from which you want to extract the session ID.
In the provided box, specify the cookie from which you want to retrieve the session ID, or
click next to a specific cookie in the Statistics collapsible pane to use it as a source for
session ID extraction.
Optional: Provide the Login URL.
This is a relative URL login path that is taken relative to the URL path specified in the Path
field, in the Advanced section. Both strings, if concatenated, should give the full path to
the login page.
Specify the URL manually or click
pane to use it as a login URL.
next to a specific URL in the Statistics collapsible
Optional: Specify a host server name.
Optional: Provide the path information.
A path is the leading part of a URL. It is used for recognizing the login URL and for
matching the subsequent hits with the user ID. Hits with the same session ID but different
paths are not matched with the user. If the path is not specified, the path is assumed to be
“/” and it matches any requested URL.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
For example, if Path is specified as /a and Login URL is given as /login, the login hit
is for “/a/login” and subsequently all hits beginning with “/a” are assigned to this user,
provided they match the session ID. However, hits beginning with, for example, “/b”, are
not assigned to the same user, even if the session ID matches. In this example, for such hits
to be matched, you need to specify Path as / and Login URL as a/login.
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Cookie
Specify the cookie from which to extract the user ID.
Provide the value of a specific cookie in the Extract user ID from field, or click
a cookie in the Statistics collapsible pane to select it for user ID extraction.
Optional: Specify the host server name.
Optional: Provide the path information.
A path is the leading part of a URL. It is used for recognizing the login URL and for
matching the subsequent hits with the user ID. Hits with the same session ID but different
paths are not matched with the user. If the path is not specified, the path is assumed to be
“/” and it matches any requested URL.
For example, if Path is specified as /a and Login URL is given as /login, the login hit
is for “/a/login” and subsequently all hits beginning with “/a” are assigned to this user,
provided they match the session ID. However, hits beginning with, for example, “/b”, are
not assigned to the same user, even if the session ID matches. In this example, for such hits
to be matched, you need to specify Path as / and Login URL as a/login.
Optional: Use regular expressions to extract the user names.
The regular expression is applied to the cookie values that are found in the traffic trace. If
a regular expression is not specified, the whole cookie value is used as the user name. For
more information, see Using Regular Expressions to Extract User Identification [p. 73].
To test regular expression patterns, click Test. For more information, see Regular Expression
Fundamentals [p. 209].
Configuring User Recognition Method Based on Session Cookie
Specify the session cookie from which to extract the user ID
Provide the value of a specific cookie in the Extract user ID from box, or click next to
a specific cookie in the Statistics collapsible pane to select it for user ID extraction.
Specify a regular expression to extract the user name from the HTTP header.
This expression is applied to the entire header and therefore can, for example, combine the
values extracted from a number of cookies or parameters. These are then combined according
to the bracketing you specify in the regular expression.
Optional: Specify grouping order for the regular expression.
In addition to the straightforward combination of bracketed portions of the regular
expression, you can specify a different order in which the indicated portions of the regular
expression should be combined.
Optional: Specify the host server name.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Optional: Provide the path information.
A path is the leading part of a URL. It is used for recognizing the login URL and for
matching the subsequent hits with the user ID. Hits with the same session ID but different
paths are not matched with the user. If the path is not specified, the path is assumed to be
“/” and it matches any requested URL.
For example, if Path is specified as /a and Login URL is given as /login, the login hit
is for “/a/login” and subsequently all hits beginning with “/a” are assigned to this user,
provided they match the session ID. However, hits beginning with, for example, “/b”, are
not assigned to the same user, even if the session ID matches. In this example, for such hits
to be matched, you need to specify Path as / and Login URL as a/login.
Other Methods of Configuring User Name Recognition
In addition to the user name recognition methods based on POST, GET, cookie, and session
cookie, you can also extract user names from request headers or HTTP Authorization tags.
To monitor users based on the HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme, select the HTTP
Authentication policy. This user recognition method does not require additional configuration
tasks. If the “Authorization” HTTP header field is not found among the most common HTTP
header fields in the selected traffic trace, you can try looking for this field in the whole traffic
trace using the search tool.
To configure user recognition based on a request header:
Type a regular expression to extract a user name from the request header.
Click in the Statistics section to select the header field from which to extract a user
Using Regular Expressions to Extract User Identification
When simple extraction of the cookie values or parameter values is not sufficient for configuration
purposes, you can search the value for a sub-pattern that you define as a regular expression.
The regular expressions used here conform to the Basic POSIX syntax. A full description of
the syntax is widely available in numerous online and printed publications. The example below
demonstrates a simple use of such a regular expression to extract a substring from a cookie
value. For more information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209].
Regular expressions are symbolic patterns with which you can specify a range of text patterns.
A single regular expression can match a wide range of very different text strings. For example,
the expression “.” is a wildcard that matches any single character and the expression “.*” is a
wildcard that matches any number of occurrences of any character (in effect, it matches anything).
Regular expressions can be used for finding particular text strings and then extracting certain
parts of those text strings: the parts that match a sub-expression. The sub-expression is surrounded
by parentheses ( ). For example, the expression “a(b.)” finds all strings composed of three
characters, of which the first one is “a”, the second one is “b”, and the third one is any character.
It will then extract the second and third character. Note, however, that the match has to be based
on the regular expression part outside the parentheses and the part inside the parentheses. In
other words, the character “a” has to be found in the string, even though it is not extracted.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Some of the more common regular expression symbols:
period .
Matches any character.
asterisk *
Matches repetition of the previous character zero or more times.
plus sign +
Matches repetition of the previous character one or more times.
In basic regular expressions, the plus sign must be preceded by a backslash to prevent it
from being considered a normal character to match.
caret symbol ^
This symbol has a number of meanings, depending on the context. If it appears at the
beginning of the expression, it means the beginning of the line or search string. If it appears
as the first character in square brackets (see below), it means a negation. For example,
“[^@]” means any character that is NOT "@". In other cases, this character is considered
a normal character and matches itself.
dollar sign $
Matches the end of the line or search string.
square brackets [...]
Group together symbols denoting a class of characters that is symbols that are to match a
single character. For example, [a-z] stands for any lowercase alphabetical character and
[^@] means a character that is not the @ symbol.
hyphen Combined with square brackets (see above), a hyphen is used to specify ranges of
Select that part of the parsed string that we want to extract. Note: In basic regular
expressions, parentheses must be preceded by backslashes to prevent them from being
considered normal characters to match.
Example 5. Walk-Through Example of How to Read and Interpret a Regular Expression
If a cookie name is defined as “Pag” and the cookie header line is as follows:
Cookie: Pag=cf68603b@[email protected]@D1R1wLLsMrjhw;
the cookie value is:
cf68603b@[email protected]@D1R1wLLsMrjhw
Assuming that the substring to extract is positioned between the first and second “@” character
in the cookie value string, it is:
The regular expression for extracting that substring can then be defined as:
In this particular case, the above regular expression can be understood as follows:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
^ means to find the beginning of the line.
[^@]* means to skip zero or more occurrences of any character that is not “@”.
\( means that the string to extract is described by that part of the expression that is contained
within parentheses.
[^@] means that the first character (after the “@” we found above) must not be “@”.
\+ means that we want to extract this character and any other characters that follow it and
that are also not “@”.
\) marks the end of the expression describing the string we want to extract.
@ means that the string to be extracted has to be terminated by “@”, but we do not include
the terminating “@” character in the extracted string, because it is outside of the parentheses.
If the regular expression compilation fails, the following message is written to
ERROR: user name cookie regular expression is invalid: error
where error is replaced by a specific error from the regular expression library function.
Reviewing and Publishing a Software Service Definition
Before a new software service definition is saved, verify that there is traffic observed that
matches the configuration.
Verify the information listed on the Review summary screen.
The screen shows the following information:
The list of the selected servers with their IP addresses and port numbers.
The defined user name recognition methods.
The list of configured URLs.
For servers and URLs, the list shows the traffic [hits/s] for each configuration; for each
defined user name recognition method, you can see the number of occurrences in the traffic.
To modify the software service definition, click Previous to return to a previous step in
the wizard and make the changes.
Click Apply to save the new configuration.
In the Save configuration pop-up window, choose one of the following options:
Save the configuration without publishing it on the devices.
Immediately publish the configuration on monitoring devices and report servers.
To publish the saved draft configuration at a later time:
On the Guided Configuration Home page, click the link in the Configuration status
The Web/XML Software Services screen appears.
b. Click Publish Configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
What to Do Next
After publishing the software service definition, if you notice new services in the traffic and
want to monitor those services, update the configuration by editing the existing definitions. For
more information, see Managing Software Service Definitions [p. 76].
Managing Software Service Definitions
Use the Software services screen in the RUM Console to view and edit the software service
definitions and software service rules.
These directions apply to all of the software services, whether they were created with the wizard
or created manually in the RUM Console. Note, however, that you must manually change
settings such as URL auto-learning, custom metrics, and character encoding.
Editing a Software Service Definition
To edit a software service definition:
Select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services from the console top menu. It
opens the list of all defined software services.
To provide a new name for a software service, select Actions ➤ Rename in the row
corresponding to the selected software service.
To monitor a software service with another device, on the Deployment tab, select the
service with a single mouse click and click Change assignment.
Editing a Software Service Rule
To edit a software service rule:
Select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services from the console top menu. It
opens the list of all defined software services.
Select a software service definition by clicking it once. The software service rules being
appear on the Configuration tab.
To modify the configuration of service, URL, and user monitoring, on the Configuration
tab, select Actions ➤ Edit with wizard or Actions ➤ Edit manually (depending on your
Adding a Rule to Existing Software Service
To add another rule to the existing software service:
Select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services from the console top menu. It
opens the list of all defined software services.
Select a software service definition by clicking it once. The software service rules being
appear on the Configuration tab.
To add another rule for the existing software service, on the Configuration tab, click Add
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Defining Software Services Manually
If you are familiar with your network and monitoring environment, you can define a new software
service manually.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the AMD added and configured in the
RUM Console. For more information, see Adding an AMD to the Devices List in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide.
It is assumed that you have the latest version of the CAS added and configured in the RUM
Console and connected to your AMD. For more information, see Adding a CAS to Devices
List [p. 19].
To create a new software service definition without using application traffic statistics, perform
the following steps:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Click Add Software Service.
The Add Software Service pop-up window appears.
Choose Manually from the list of options.
It opens the Add Software Service pop-up window.
Specify the software service name.
When the configuration procedure is complete, you can find the new software service under
this name on the list of software service definitions.
Right-click anywhere in the Rules table and select Add from the context menu.
The Rule Configuration pop-up window opens.
In the Rule description, provide a name that identifies this set of monitoring instructions.
Choose the AMDs to monitor the new software service.
By default, the new definition is published on all available AMDs that are listed in the
AMDs selected for software service pane. If you do not want a certain AMD to monitor
a certain software service, clear the check box in the row corresponding to that device.
Proceed to the selection of monitored server and ports.
At this stage of the configuration task, the new software service definition cannot yet be
saved. To save it, you need to specify the IP addresses and ports of servers that you plan
to monitor with DC RUM. For more information, see Selecting Services for Software
Service Definition [p. 50].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 5 ∙ Configuring AMD to Monitor HTTP and HTTPS Traffic
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Configuration Fine-Tuning
Managing Devices
DC RUM has two device types: Report servers and data collectors. The RUM Console provides
full configuration capabilities for the CAS and ADS report servers and the AMD data collector.
RUM Console support for the configuration of other devices may be limited.
Devices can be software or hardware. The main data source type for DC RUM is the AMD.
However, as a reporting engine, the CAS accepts data from Enterprise Synthetic, other CAS
instances, and other sources that provide data in applicable formats.
Use the RUM Console to assign data sources to a CAS.
The Devices screen in the RUM Console displays all of the devices and the IP Address, Port,
Description, Type, Version, Connection, Hardware Health, and Configuration.
It is important to keep the devices synchronized for proper data interpretation. For more
information, see Synchronizing Time Using the NTP Server in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring Smart Packet Capture User Guide and Time Synchronization Between AMD and
Server in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Adding Devices in RUM Console
Use the RUM Console to add and configure the data sources and report servers before you
monitor traffic with DC RUM.
Adding a Device
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Click Add Device.
From the Device type list, select the device type that you are adding.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
In the Description box, type a description of the device.
It is recommended that you include the parent device name in the description of each device
you add and to add these names consistently. This enables you to easily find your device
in the list.
Specifying the Connection Details
In the Device IP address box, type the device IP address.
When you add a CAS or ADS installed on the same machine as the RUM Console Server,
provide the device network address and not the localhost address, such as (IPv4)
or ::1 (IPv6).
In the Port number box, type the port number for communication with this device.
The standard port numbers used by servers and data collectors when communicating
over HTTP are:
Advanced Diagnostics Server or Central Analysis Server. Note
that you must not add or edit the slave members working in the
server clusters.
LAN or WAN Probe
Flow Collector
Enterprise Synthetic Agent Manager
BSM, the Connection Manager for Business Service Management
Dynatrace Application Monitoring Server
The standard port numbers used by servers and data collectors when communicating
over HTTPS (secure HTTP) are:
EndaceProbe and AMD
Dynatrace Application Monitoring Server
Select Use secure connection if you want to use HTTPS (secure HTTP) for communication
between the console and the device you are adding.
Providing the Authentication Details
9. For ADS or CAS devices only: Choose whether to authenticate using the CSS.
10. Type the user name and password of the account used to manage the device.
By default, the AMD user is set to compuware and the password is set to vantage.
The credentials you enter for an AMD are used by the RUM Console to communicate with
the device. They are also passed to report servers to collect monitoring data for processing.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The authentication values are not equal to the values you use for logging in to the device
via SSH or local console.
Configuring the Advanced Settings
11. Select the Advanced options tab.
12. Optional: Under Secondary device connection, provide an alternative IP address for this
13. Enable an SNMP connection.
Optional. If you are adding an AMD, defining the SNMP connection parameters enable
you to obtain more detailed health information about this device.
If you are adding another device type, the SNMP connection screen is not available.
To define SNMP connection parameters:
a. Select the SNMP Connection check box.
b. Type the read community name and port number.
14. Enable Guided Configuration (AMD only).
These settings apply only to the AMD. If you are configuring another device type, proceed
to the next step.
By default, the Guided Configuration connection is enabled when you add an AMD. For
performance reasons, the number of AMD instances with Guided Configuration enabled
is limited to 50. Any additional AMD will not feed data to the Guided Configuration
perspective. Therefore, you cannot monitor data from the additional AMDs to generate
Web traffic statistics or to define Web software services with a wizard.
By default, the port number for communication between the CBA Agent and the RUM
Console Server is set to 9094 and a secure connection is enabled. Generally, you will not
need to modify this setting. If other services are using the default port number, you must
type your new port number in the Port number box. Additionally, you have to manually
change the port number setting on the CBA Agent side. For more information, see Modifying
Connection Settings for Guided Configuration [p. 204].
15. Click Next to test your connection parameters.
If your configuration fails the test, you can go back and adjust your settings. If the device
fails to respond correctly, it may take several seconds before the test times out.
16. Click Finish to save the configuration.
Editing Device Connection Parameters
You can edit the connection parameters of devices listed in the Devices table in the RUM
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Edit Connection from the context menu for the device.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Edit the connection parameters. For more information, see Adding Devices in RUM Console
[p. 79].
Click Finish to update the connection settings.
Changes to the connection settings require an update to all of the references to this device.
If a message informing you about the impending reference update is displayed, click OK
to update all of the references to this device or click Cancel to apply the changes only to
the connection that you are currently editing.
Deleting a Device from the Devices List
You can delete a device from the Devices list using the right-click context menu.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Delete Device from the context menu for the device to be deleted.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Changes to the connection settings require an update to all of the references to this device.
If a message informing you about the impending reference update is displayed, click OK
to update all of the references to this device or click Cancel to apply the changes only to
the connection that you are currently editing.
Integrating DC RUM with Dynatrace Application
Integrate DC RUM with Dynatrace Application Monitoring by adding and assigning devices
and enabling the integration on the Dynatrace Application Monitoring Client.
Before You Begin
You should be familiar with DC RUM components and basic monitoring concepts. Refer
to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Getting Started.
You need to identify your monitoring goals.
For more information, see Define and Prioritize Goals, Objectives, and Requirements in
the Data Center Real User Monitoring Getting Started.
The integration requires the following working components:
The latest version of AMD
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Agentless Monitoring Device
Installation Guide.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The latest version of RUM Console
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring RUM Console Installation Guide.
The latest version of CAS
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Central Analysis Server Installation
The latest version of ADS
Refer to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Advanced Diagnostics Server
Installation Guide.
Dynatrace Application Monitoring Server and the access to Dynatrace Application
Monitoring client.
Make sure that default ports are available for communications between the individual DC
RUM components. For more information, see Network Ports Opened for DC RUM in the
Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
If you plan to monitor SSL traffic, first, configure SSL decryption. Refer to the Data Center
Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
the DC RUM and Dynatrace Application Monitoring integration requires a typical DC RUM
web application monitoring setup with the latest versions of the AMD, CAS, and ADS as
required components.
Configuring the Devices
Adding an AMD
The AMD is the main data source (Data Collector) for DC RUM; it collects and presents
the monitored data to DC RUM report servers for analysis and reporting. At least one AMD
must be added to the list of devices in the RUM Console. For more information, see Adding
an AMD to Devices List [p. 17].
Adding a CAS
The CAS is the main report server for DC RUM. The CAS the data provided by the AMD
and its monitoring and alerting mechanisms identify, track, and report on issues affecting
the security, performance, and reliability of your services. Add at least one CAS to the
device list and configure its connection with the AMD. Adding a report server to a list of
devices is similar to adding an AMD. For more information, see Adding a CAS to Devices
List [p. 19].
Adding an ADS
The ADS analyzes key transactional application protocols and delivers definite answers to
individual user problems regarding the performance and errors of business-critical front-end
and back-end applications. Add an ADS to the device list and configure its connection
with the AMD. Adding a report server to a list of devices is similar to adding the AMD.
For more information, see Adding ADS to Devices List [p. 20].
Adding an ADS to the CAS workflow
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
You can access ADS reports seamlessly from the CAS, provided that the servers work in
a farm. An ADS can exist with a CAS only in a server farm in which the CAS is the master
server and all ADS servers are slaves. Click Add ADS to CAS reporting flow and use the
Guided Configuration dialog or perform the configuration on the master CAS.
Assigning an AMD to a CAS and ADS
Click Assign AMD to CAS and ADS to set the AMD as a data source for the report servers.
Adding the Dynatrace Application Monitoring server
Click Add Dynatrace Application Monitoring Server to add it to the devices list. The
default port for the Dynatrace Application Monitoring server is 8020 when communicating
over HTTP or 8021 when communicating over HTTPS.
Assigning Dynatrace Application Monitoring to a CAS
Set Dynatrace Application Monitoring Server as one of the data sources for the CAS. Click
Assign Dynatrace Application Monitoring to CAS and follow the Guided Configuration
provided dialog.
Enabling integration in Dynatrace Application Monitoring Client
Log on to the Dynatrace Application Monitoring Client and enable integration on the
Dynatrace Application Monitoring side. For more information, see Configuring Dynatrace
Application Monitoring to Receive Performance Data from DC RUM [p. 84].
Verify the traffic monitoring quality and completeness
You can verify traffic quality and completeness before the actual monitoring begins. Sniffing
point diagnostics allows you to perform pre-monitoring tasks without the need of accessing
the AMD console and executing a series of Linux commands which usually serve the
purpose of validating AMD physical installation and connection.
For more information, see Verification of Traffic Monitoring Quality [p. 23].
Configuring Dynatrace Application Monitoring to Receive
Performance Data from DC RUM
To integrate Dynatrace Application Monitoring and DC RUM, you must configure your
Dynatrace Application Monitoring installation to receive performance data from DC RUM.
Open the Dynatrace Application Monitoring Client.
Open the sliding panel on the left side of the screen and expand the System Profiles list.
Right-click the system profile for which to enable integration with DC RUM and select
Edit System Profile from the context menu.
In the system profile panel, click Integration.
a. Select the Enable DC-RUM check box.
b. In the URL box, type the IP address of your AMD.
c. In the User and Password boxes, provide user credentials.
d. Optional: Click Test connection to see whether your configuration is successful.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Figure 9. Enabling the Integration on the Dynatrace Application Monitoring Client
Confirm the changes.
Select Settings ➤ dynaTrace Client.
Select Services.
Enable (if disabled) non-secure connections on port 8030.
Optional: Configure the Dynatrace Application Monitoring User Experience Management
if you intend to use the UEM data.
See the APM Community article for more information.
Configuring the DPN Connection in RUM Console
To import Dynatrace Performance Network tests to DC RUM, use the RUM Console to configure
the connection with the DPN service.
Before You Begin
DC RUM and DPN integration requires a typical Web Application Monitoring setup with the
following DC RUM components installed and running:
RUM Console.
Optional: ADS.
To add the DPN connection to CAS:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Adding the DPN Account
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ DPN Accounts from the top menu.
The DPN accounts screen appears.
Click Proxy Settings to specify the proxy if connecting to the Internet from behind the
Click Add.
Specify the user authentication information (name and password) for your connection.
The credentials you enter here will be used by the RUM Console to communicate with the
DPN and will also be passed to report servers so that they can collect monitoring data for
Click Next to test your connection parameters.
If your configuration fails the test, you can go back and adjust your settings.
Click Finish.
Assigning DPN to CAS
Enable the DPN data feed for selected CASes.
After you add the DPN account, the CAS Assignments table appears in the bottom of the
screen. The table lists all the CASes managed by your RUM Console. Select the box in the
Data feed column to assign the selected DPN account to the CASes of your choice.
Publish configuration
Click Publish configuration to complete the assignment. You can verify the assignment
by checking the Data feed status column.
After you add the DPN account to the CAS, you will see the Synthetic Overview item in the
CAS reports menu and the Synthetic Backbone tan in the Synthetic Overview report. For
more information, see Synthetic Backbone Overview in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Central Analysis Server User Guide.
URL Auto-Learning
URL auto-learning enables you to define the set of URLs appearing in per-URL reporting
statistics without the need to manually define each URL. URLs that are found frequently are
learned and reported.
Configuring URL Auto-Learning
URL auto-learning can be configured globally for all HTTP software services or configured for
an individual user-defined software service. You can also have a separate global configuration
for default HTTP and HTTP Express analyzer based software services.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
Configure Global Settings
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Select Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ URL Auto-Learning or
to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP Express ➤ URL Auto-Learning,
depending on the analyzer you use to monitor the HTTP services.
Select the Enable URL auto-learning check box to enable auto-learning for all services
based on this protocol.
Define the size of reported URLs pool.
If necessary, you can change the default size of reported URLs pool. The pool is shared
among all monitored servers. The auto-learning algorithm aggregates the loads of all URLs
for all servers - the server IP, port or any other attribute of the server is not taken into
account by the auto-learning algorithm. Any member of the pool will be reported for all
servers, regardless the activity on individual servers.
Adjust the auto-learning algorithm.
Click Advanced settings to show the properties so you can adjust the behavior of the
auto-learning algorithm. For more information, see Details of the URL Auto-Learning
Algorithm [p. 88].
Specify whether URL auto-learning is to be limited to synthetic agents.
Because the HTTP Express analyzer does not support synthetic agent recognition, this
option is not available for HTTP Express.
10. Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Optional: Configure the Settings at the Software Service Level
11. From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
12. Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
13. On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
14. Click the URL Auto-Learning tab.
15. Enable or disable URL auto-learning.
A user-defined software service has the following options:
To turn URL-auto learning off for this service.
Global Settings
To use global settings for all services based on this protocol.
Custom Settings
To specify custom values for URL auto-learning settings for this software service.
To monitor all URLs for this software service. The option is not supported by the
HTTP Express analyzer.
16. Optional: Adjust the auto-learning algorithm.
This is only possible if you select Custom Settings in Step 15 [p. 88].
Click Advanced settings to show the properties so you can adjust the behavior of the
auto-learning algorithm.
17. Click OK to save the configuration.
Details of the URL Auto-Learning Algorithm
The AMD uses a URL auto-learning algorithm to choose and report the most popular URLs
observer in monitored traffic.
The AMD uses a pool of auto discovered URLs. It consists of members and candidates. The
auto-learning algorithm aggregates the loads of all URLs for all monitored servers. The server
IP address, port or any other attribute of the server is not used by the auto-learning algorithm.
If a URL becomes the member of the pool, it is reported for all servers, regardless the activity
on individual servers.
URLs are inserted into the list of candidates and the list of members and moved between the
lists according to the configuration parameters set in the Advanced setting section of the URL
Auto-learning screens in the RUM Console.
The AMD removes the URLs from the member list every specified interval, as controlled by
the Cleanup interval property.
Use the Percentage of new URLs property to control the portion of the members pool to be
freed at the beginning of each interval and reserved for new highly active URLs. A candidate
URL becomes a pool member if it is more popular than the portion of members defined by the
Page loads threshold property.
If you want to report URLs from all servers in the farm, regardless of the individual host name,
you can deselect Use host name to exclude host names from the URL auto-learning algorithm.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Enable the Slow page weight property to ensure that slow operation URLs with high volume
loads are included in the auto-learning algorithm.
To avoid a situation when no URLs are reported for software services with very little traffic,
you can set the rules at the any software service level. In this way, you create a software service
level pool with lower limits, making sure its URLs are reported. You can create separate pools
within a single software service based on a number of servers. This way, you ensure the URLs
monitored on a server with a lower traffic do not have to compete with URLs from a much
larger server in terms of volume. You achieve this by assigning servers to groups within a single
software service which translates to separate pools. Use the Group name option in the Service
Details dialog. For more information, see Configuring Rules for User-Defined Software Services
in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Citrix/Windows Terminal Services Monitoring User
You can also create separate monitoring pools for default software services based on HTTP and
HTTP express analyzers, both globally, and the software service level, by enabling URL
auto-learning for default software services.
URL Auto-Learning Diagnostics
To monitor the performance of the URL auto-learning engine, log on to the AMD using an SSH
connection and input the rcon command.
To assess how many URLs are monitored, counters are maintained and can be displayed with
the rcon command:
show status
The following is an example of the relevant portion of the output produced by this command.
URI discovery status:
Global Http Pool:
monitored=6/600 candidates=0/2400 candidatesPromoted=0 candidatesRemoved=0
contenders=0 contendersAdded=0 contendersRemoved=0 contendersPromoted=0
Default Apps Http Pool:
monitored=0/700 candidates=0/2800 candidatesPromoted=0 candidatesRemoved=0
contenders=0 contendersAdded=0 contendersRemoved=0 contendersPromoted=0
Express Http Pool:
monitored=0/500 candidates=0/2000 candidatesPromoted=0 candidatesRemoved=0
contenders=0 contendersAdded=0 contendersRemoved=0 contendersPromoted=0
Application pools: 1
monitored=6 monitoredMax=500 candidates=0 candidatesMax=2000 candidatesPromoted=0
candidatesRemoved=0 contenders=0 contendersAdded=0 contendersRemoved=0
The reported counters are displayed in the table below:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 3. Status Counters
The number of monitored URLs in pool and a maximum allowed value
as set in Number of reported URLs.
The number of additionally tracked URLs, candidates to become monitored
URLs and the limit as set in Size of candidates pool.
The number of URLs promoted to being monitored.
The number of candidate URLs that were tracked by the AMD, but were
removed due to URL auto-learning advanced configuration.
The number of URLs, neither monitored, nor tracked, seen by AMD in
current short interval.
The total number of contenders added.
The total number of idle contenders removed.
The total number of contenders promoted to the pool of tracked URLs.
To see the details of the current URL auto-learning pool, use the command show urls from
the AMD console. The command can be executed without parameters, and it displays all of the
information for all of the URLs.
When the command is executed with parameters, use the following syntax:
show urls [all] <”group name”> <”software service name”> <”url pattern”>
When specified, the output contains a list of contenders URLs.
group name
Quoted string, only the specified group is included in the result.
application name
Quoted string, only the matching software service will be included in the result.
url pattern
Quoted string, only URLs that match specified pattern are in the output. It is a simple
substring match, for example
Not all of the parameters have to be specified. The valid shorter versions of the command are:
urls [all] “group”
urls [all] “group” “application”
urls [all] “group” “application” “pattern”
If you do not want to specify a certain parameter, but it is required by the syntax, the value any
can be used. For example, to display URLs for Example Software Service software service, you
can use the following command:
show urls “any” “Example Software Service”
There are predefined values for the software service name parameter that can used to display
the URLs monitored as a result of URL auto-learning configuration for default software services
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
set for HTTP and HTTP Express analyzers at the general and software service level.
Dimensions, Metrics and Attributes in HTTP Monitoring
You can define custom metrics to monitor certain types of measurable data that is specific to
your network environment or software. You can analyze and categorize operation attributes
(text entities retrieved from requests and responses of a web application operation) . You can
extract miscellaneous parameters from the request or response body. You can also define
grouping attributes by specifying the rules to be applied to the request URL or response body.
A custom metric is a non-standard metric you can use to count values specific to your web
application. Custom metrics can be, for example, the number of items sold or the total value of
a transaction. The values are reported as user-defined metrics on the report server.
Extracting an operation attribute, which is a text entity retrieved from the requests and responses
of a web application operation, can help to diagnose and report specific events or errors caused
by end-user actions.
Miscellaneous parameters are text strings available in the URL request or response body. You
need to define recognizable text patterns conveying the miscellaneous parameters that then can
be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and enable additional ways of grouping data under
specific categories of your interest. Miscellaneous parameters, unlike parameters extracted for
URLs with parameters, are not defined together with an accompanying URL. When extracting
Miscellaneous parameters, only the initial hit triggering the web page load is taken into account.
The extracted Miscellaneous parameters must not be longer than 1030 bytes.
Grouping attributes are text strings available in the URL request or response body that uniquely
identify clients. You need to define recognizable text patterns conveying the grouping attributes
that then can be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and enable additional ways of grouping
data under specific categories of your interest.
In order to define dimensions, metrics or attributes that you wish to extract and monitor, follow
these configuration steps:
Open the Dimensions, Metrics, Attributes tab for the service.
Add or open a definition to be monitored and reported in a specific way.
In the Dimensions, Metrics, Attributes table, right-click and choose Add to create a new
definition, or Open to open an existing definition. The Dimensions, Metrics, Attributes
window will open.
Choose how the value should be reported
Custom metric
You can define up to five custom metrics to monitor certain types of measurable data
that is specific to your network environment or software. Use this mechanism if you
want to obtain non-standard measurements extracted from the HTTP, XML, or SOAP
A custom metric is a non-standard metric you can use to count values specific to your
web application. Custom metrics can be, for example, the number of items sold or
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
the total value of a transaction. The values are reported as user-defined metrics on
the report server.
Custom metrics can be defined on the level of:
software service
URL parameters
The number of metrics for each level is globally limited to five.
Choose the custom metric level that matches the characteristics of the traffic to
monitor. For example, to monitor an HTTP software services in which URL monitoring
is not deployed, define the custom metric for the software service custom metric level.
However, to define URLs and URL parameters, use the appropriate custom metric
levels for each. The level you choose should directly relate to where the information
to monitor can be found
Also consider performance issues when choosing a custom metric level. For example,
if you define custom metrics for a software service globally, the rule will be applied
to all URLs that the analyzer processes, and could possibly negatively impact the
performance of the AMD. This may be unnecessary if you only want to extract this
type of data only from two types of URLs, in which case you can define the rule at
the URL or even URL parameter level.
The custom metric values are collected during traffic monitoring and can be configured
in the RUM Console for the HTTP and transactional software services (SOAP and
XML). By default, the new metric names are derived from the field name in an HTTP
or XML request. These names can be changed later on the report server for easier
identification. The custom metric values are presented by the report server in dedicated
columns that show the number of occurrences and the sum and average values.
Grouping attribute
Grouping attributes are text strings available in the URL request or response body
that uniquely identify clients. You need to define recognizable text patterns conveying
the grouping attributes that then can be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and
enable additional ways of grouping data under specific categories of your interest.
Note that the rules defined for URL or URL with parameters have a higher priority
than those defined at the software service level.
Miscellaneous parameter
Miscellaneous parameters are text strings available in the URL request or response
body. You need to define recognizable text patterns conveying the miscellaneous
parameters that then can be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and enable
additional ways of grouping data under specific categories of your interest.
Miscellaneous parameters, unlike parameters extracted for URLs with parameters,
are not defined together with an accompanying URL. When extracting Miscellaneous
parameters, only the initial hit triggering the web page load is taken into account. The
extracted Miscellaneous parameters must not be longer than 1030 bytes.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
When defining the rule, you can use one of six methods to search for the parameters
in the request URL or you can also use one additional method to search for the
dimension in the response body.
Note that the rules defined for URL or URL with parameters have a higher priority
than those defined at the software service level.
Operation attribute
Configuring extraction of request operation attributes is almost identical to the process
for custom metrics, the main difference being that the custom metrics functionality
is used to extract and report numeric values, while the request operation attributes
relate to textual data.
Choose where the value should be reported
The options available for this step depend on the selection made in the Choose how the
value should be reported option.
Custom metric (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Select a metric category from 1 through 5, where each number corresponds to one of
five custom metric categories. The values extracted will be reported by CAS in the
same custom metrics category.
Grouping attribute (1, 2, 3)
You can define up to three grouping attributes. Each matching rule in each of the set
of rules is taken into account regardless of its order, but the rules applied to the HTTP
requests always takes precedence over the response rules and it is not advised to use
both of them to extract one attribute. The extracted Grouping attributes should not be
longer than 255 bytes. The order of entries is irrelevant because each matching hit is
used to extract the grouping attributes.
Miscellaneous parameter (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, page name)
You can define up to six parameters. The number of available Miscellaneous parameters,
however, is limited by the number of defined URL with parameter definitions at the
URL level. For example, if you use up all four parameter definitions available for a
particular URL, you can define only two more Miscellaneous parameters.
Operation attribute (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Select a category from 1 through 5, where the selection from the dropdown list
corresponds to one of five operation attribute categories. Values extracted will be
reported by the CAS in the same category.
Choose where to search for the value
You can retrieve the values from a number of entities:
Request or Response Headers
Request or Response Body
Request parameter
Apply additional search and transformation rules.
Choose one of the available search methods to detect the values:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Add prefix
Use this method if you expect the value to always be preceded by a specific prefix.
To extract the value, provide the prefix expected to precede the value.
Cookie name search
Specify the cookie from which to extract the value. Provide the value of a specific
cookie name confirming a successful login. The session ID, for mapping to the value,
is extracted from this cookie. Successful logins are normally recognized by a SET
COOKIE operation for the named cookie
Decode / decompress
If you expect to perform a search on a compressed or encoded data, or URL encoded
in case of URL parameters, you can bring the search results to a human readable form
by using one of available decoders, Base64, Base64 + Gzip, Gzip or URL encoding.
You can also extract parts of your initial search results by using Text search or
Regular expression search methods.
Mime encoded list filter
Use this method if you expect to find a value in an MIME format. Including text in
character sets other than ASCII, message bodies with multiple parts and in header
information encoded in non-ASCII character sets.
NTLM search
Use this method to search for a value in an NTLM authentication request header.
Depending on your choice, the value can be composed of the following fields:
workstation, domain, or user. Select the fields that compose an identified value and,
if necessary, change the default character used to separate the selected components
in the resulting value.
Parameter name and value search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by the specific parameter.
To extract the value, provide the parameter name. Depending on the selected search
scope, the term parameter may refer to a specific entity, such as a cookie name (when
the search scope is set to cookie), or a header field (when the search scope is set to
request or response header).
Parameter name prefix search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by a specific parameter
with a specific prefix. To extract the value, provide the parameter name prefix and
indicate what data should be reported. The results of the search can be presented as
a parameter name and the value, just the parameter value or just a parameter prefix.
Parameter value suffix search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be carried by the specific value of
a parameter with a specific suffix. To extract the value, provide the value for the
Regex search
You construct a regular expression that, when applied to a selected search scope,
returns the value. The regular expression must contain at least one group enclosed in
parentheses. If the regular expression returns a number of search groups, you can
define the custom group order by entering a comma-separated list in the order of your
choice (for example, 2,1,3). This method is not available for the cookie and response
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
body search scopes. For more information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals
[p. 209].
You can test the patterns that will be used by the AMD using the Regular Expressions
Test tool, which is activated after you click Test located next to the regular expression
pattern field. For more information, see Testing Regular Expressions [p. 211].
Example 6.
The following is an example of extracting the value of REMOTE_ADDR field from the
HTTP header.
An HTTP header might contain the following information:
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: FPB=061j8hura11q56cv; CRZY9=t=1;
The following regular expression extracts the address from the REMOTE_ADDR
REMOTE_ADDR: ([.0-9]*)
Text phrase search
Use this method if you expect the value to always be found in the text . The provided
value for the search parameter will be used to match the text phrases in the analyzed
Text search
Use this method if you expect to find a value between the first occurrences of strings
defined by Match start and Match end. Because it is not always possible to extract
the value directly, you can use this method as a first step in preparing content for
search result transformations. You can set a Search limit in bytes to avoid lengthy
search results. This method is not available for the cookie search scope.
Advanced settings
Define the matching based on pattern or absence of a pattern.
Select a condition
Pattern presence
The response for a defined category is reported if a given pattern was detected, which
is the default setting.
Pattern absence
The response for a defined category is reported if a given pattern was not detected.
b. Enter a Host Pattern.
Enter the pattern to match in the host field in HTTP requests. The pattern should
consist of a case-sensitive string that is expected to be found in the host name and may
also contain an optional wild-card character “*” to signify any number of any characters.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
If spaces are included in the pattern, the pattern must be enclosed in a pair of double
or single quotation marks. Otherwise, quoting the pattern is optional.
The eligible hosts are selected by limiting the size of the host group to the one defined
by the narrowest condition.
In other words, for a particular sample of monitored traffic data, if one host pattern
defines a set of hosts that is included in the set of hosts defined by another pattern, a
match will be attempted on the smaller group first. If the monitored traffic data does
match the application response definition for the smaller group of hosts, there is no
attempt to match the same traffic data to the application response definition for the
larger set.
For example, the pattern *.abc defines a larger set of hosts than the pattern
* In this case, for any given sample of monitored traffic data, first, an
attempt to match it to the response definition for * and, if successful,
there is no attempt to match it to the response definition for *.abc.
Within a given host group, all path patterns that match are taken into consideration
while searching for responses.
To ensure meaningful results, no two different patterns defining host names should be
matched by a single host, except for the pattern “*”. This means that the same patterns
can repeat in the configuration file, but for any two different patterns, the search will
not find a host that matches both of them.
For example, if there are two patterns such as “*t*” and “*u*”, the host names Jupiter
and Saturn both match both of the patterns because both of the names contain the letters
“u” and “t”. So, if you are monitoring two such hosts, modify your pattern so that no
host matches both of them. However, if there are no such hosts in the monitored data,
the above pattern will cause no problems.
Similar requirements apply to the patterns for paths and response pattern text.
Enter a Path Pattern.
Enter a pattern to match the path field in HTTP requests, after removing from it the
leading portion, up to and including the host name. The pattern should consist of a
case-sensitive string that is expected to be found in the path and it may also contain
optional wild-card characters “*”, to signify any number of any characters. Note that
if spaces are included in the pattern, the pattern must be enclosed in double or single
quotation marks. Otherwise, quoting the pattern is optional.
For example, if the path in the HTTP request is,
enter /sales/eg/index.jhtml.
d. Match only when response has one of the following HTTP status code
Match only when response has one of the indicated HTTP status codes. The HTTP
status codes can be defined by providing the HTTP status code range. Use the official
HTTP status codes to narrow down qualifying responses.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
1xx - Informational
2xx - Successful
3xx - Redirection
4xx - Client error
5xx - Server error
Excluding Elements from Orphaned Redirects
For each software service, you can define elements to exclude from reporting as an orphaned
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
If you do not want particular redirects to be reported as orphaned, exclude them from orphaned
redirects reporting by defining strings describing these elements. You can define the elements
to be extracted from the Location field of the HTTP header or the request URL.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Navigate to the Orphaned redirects tab.
Add or edit the elements to be extracted from the Location field of the HTTP header or
the request URL.
Right-click a row in the Location suffixes or Request URL tables and choose Add to
create a new definition, or choose Open to open an existing definition.
You can create a list of elements or you can also construct a regular expression to be applied
to the URL to extract the element. Because the regular expression must return a value, make
sure that it contains parentheses.
When supplying elements to the Location suffixes or Request URL tables, you must
provide the last URL element defining the file. For example, if an element that you want
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
to exclude from reporting as an orphaned redirect is identified by the, you need to add the footer.gif
Click OK to save the configuration.
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Synthetic Agent and Browser Recognition
A synthetic agent is a simulator of user traffic to a given web site. Synthetic agents are usually
distributed over a number of different geographical site and are designed to measure website
availability and performance. Synthetic agent traffic is recognized and treated differently than
real user browser traffic.
Recognition of the following synthetic agents and browsers is supported:
Internet Explorer
Configuring Synthetic Agents, Browsers, Operating System and
Hardware Recognition
In addition to the pre-configured agents, browsers, and operating system, you can define further
recognition based on the strings extracted from the User-Agent field of the HTTP request-header.
To manage the list of supported synthetic agents, browsers, operating systems, and hardware:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Browser Recognition
to manage the list of browsers and synthetic agents.
Right-click in the Browser Rules table and select:
Add Browser to define a new synthetic agent or browser.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Add Pattern to Browser to add an additional pattern to match an agent or browser.
Open to modify an existing agent definition or browser.
Delete to delete an existing agent definition.
Add or edit an agent or browser definition pattern.
Right-click the Browser Recognition table. The Edit Browser dialog appears.
Choose a user agent type.
If you are adding a new user agent, select whether it is a browser or synthetic agent.
b. Provide a user agent name to be used in the reports in case of a successful match.
If you edit a synthetic agent, you have to provide its predefined identity (in the 50 to
150 range).
Specify Hit Session Timeout.
For each user agent on the list, you can specify a separate value for Hit Session
Timeout, overriding the value configured globally for all software services.
Maximum time delay allowing a hit to be linked to a page. The value is specified in
seconds, with a resolution of one-tenth of a second, and is configured globally for all
software services.
Synthetic agents might require a higher Hit Session Timeout value because, unlike
real users, they always load the full page contents and all of its elements. Real users,
especially if they access frequently visited page, load many page items from the browser
cache instead.
d. Define the search pattern.
In HTTP communication, the User-Agent request-header field contains information
about the user agent originating the request. You can use either a simple pattern or a
regular expression search. If you use a simple pattern, the string you enter is compared
to the User-Agent field found in the HTTP header. A match occurs when the whole
defined string has been found anywhere in the field. Because the User-Agent field may
contain a longer string, you can choose to use a regular expression constructed to match
a variety of strings falling into a category of your interest.
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ HTTP ➤ Operating System Recognition
to manage the list of operating systems.
Add or edit an operating system definition pattern.
Right-click the Operating System Recognition table to open the Operating System Rule
dialog. In the Name field, provide an operating system name to be used in the reports in
case of a successful match. When defining the search pattern, you can use either a simple
pattern or a regular expression search.
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ HTTP ➤ Hardware Recognition to
manage the list of hardware.
10. Add or edit a hardware definition pattern.
Right-click the Hardware Recognition table to open the Hardware Rule dialog. In the
Name field, provide a hardware name to be used in reports when there is a successful match.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
When defining the search pattern, you can use either a simple pattern or a regular expression
11. Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
What to Do Next
To disable synthetic agent and browser recognition, navigate to Global ➤ Front-End
Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Browser Recognition and deselect Enable User Agents
Detections. Save and publish the changes.
Synthetic Agent Recognition Based on Contents of HTTP Header
For a new agent to be recognized automatically based on the contents of the HTTP header,
configuration is necessary both on the AMD device that collects traffic data and on the report
server. For more information, see Configuring Synthetic Agents, Browsers, Operating System
and Hardware Recognition [p. 98].
New agent definitions on the report server are added in the Protocols/User Agents screen of
the Diagnostic Console invoked by the following address :
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Figure 11. Example Protocols/User Agents Screen
To define a new agent, fill the input fields in the bottom portion of the screen and click Add.
You need to enter the following information:
The agent ID number as defined on the AMD, but preceded with the minus sign. All
synthetic agent IDs are entered as negative numbers.
User Agent Name
The name of your choice. This is the name under which the agent will appear on reports.
This should always be TCP.
This should always be Synthetic.
Synthetic Agent Recognition Based on User Name or IP Address
Recognition of synthetic agents can also be performed based on the IP address or user name.
This may be used if no relevant information can be extracted from the HTTP header. To configure
this type of synthetic agent recognition, select the menu item Settings ➤ Report Settings ➤
User-Protocol Mapping.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
This configuration screen enables you to set the PROTOCOL_MAPPING configuration property,
which specifies mappings of user names or client IP addresses to special protocol IDs of synthetic
The syntax of the property value field is:
userName1=procotolID_1; userName2=protocolID_2;...;
ip:ipAddress1=procotolID_11; ip:ipAddress2=procotolID_12
The prefix "ip:" indicates that the client IP address is being mapped; otherwise, the user name
is assumed. The wildcard character “*” can be used in user names or IP addresses. protocolID
can be a number or a name of an agent. Names are not case sensitive.
The screen lists pre-defined agent names and numbers.
Example 7. Specifying synthetic agent mapping to user name or IP address
topaz = -52 ; abcdef* = -53 ; ip: = Gomez ; ip:23.234.43.* = Keynote
Every protocol ID used in User-Protocol Mapping should also be defined in the Protocols ➤
User Agents configuration screen, or protocol IDs may be reported incorrectly.
End-of-Page Components
For each HTTP (HTTPS) software service, URL, or URL with parameters, you can define an
end-of-page component identified by its URL. Loading this component indicates that the page
is complete; no further elements are taken into account when calculating metrics for the page.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
You can define the end-of-page components at the level of software service, URL and URL
with parameters. If you decide to define the end-of-page components at more than one level,
the definitions are complementary to one another and not overriding definitions at other levels.
For each level, you can either provide a single regular expression that will match the URL of a
component or provide a static list of components.
To define end-of-page components:
Configure settings at the software service level
The definitions at the software service level are complementary to the definitions at other levels
and do not override them.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Switch to the End of Page Components tab.
Define end-of-page components.
This can be done in two ways:
Provide an Element regular expression to match the end-of-page component.
You can define a single regular expression that will match the end-of-page component.
For example, the expression
will match all the footer.png files downloaded from any of the section of the website,
for example:
Provide Static page components definitions.
You can also add a number of static definitions, listing all the necessary end-of-page
components across the monitored operations. To add the end-of-page components,
right-click a line in the Component column and choose Add. You must enter a fully
qualified URL of the component starting from the http:// or https:// strings.
Click OK to save the configuration.
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Configure settings at the URL level
The definitions at the URL level are complementary to the definitions at other levels and do not
override them.
9. From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
10. Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
11. On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
12. Switch to the URL Monitoring tab.
13. In the URL definitions table, right-click a specific URL and select Open from the context
menu to open Monitored URL window.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
To quickly navigate to an entry in the URL definitions table, click in the table and
then type some or all of the IP definition.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press [Ctrl+F] to open a search box to limit the
table view to only those rows that contain a match (in any column) to the search string.
14. Repeat Step 5 [p. 103] and Step 6 [p. 103].
15. Click OK to save the configuration.
16. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Configure settings at the URL parameters level
The definitions at the URL parameters level are complementary to the definitions at other levels
and do not override them.
17. From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
18. Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
19. On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
20. Switch to the URL Monitoring tab.
21. In the URL parameter group table, right-click a specific parameter group and select Open
from the context menu.
This will open the URL Parameter Group window.
22. Repeat Step 5 [p. 103] and Step 6 [p. 103].
23. Click OK to save the configuration.
24. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Automatic Page Name Recognition
URL strings appearing on reports can be very long and difficult to read, but you can specify
URL names to use instead. You can either add a static page name, or you can configure the
AMD to retrieve the page name automatically from the HTML body of the HTTP response page
or from the request URL.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
Automatic page name recognition can be configured at the software service level, at the URL
level, or for a URL with parameters. However, this configuration will work only for URLs and
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
parameter groups if explicitly assigned page names, as described in Configuring URLs for a
Software Service Definition [p. 52], have not been set to have a higher priority.
If a URL matches the criteria you have specified in the page name extraction definition and an
assigned static page name is not set to have a higher priority, the AMD will attempt to retrieve
the page name automatically from the HTML body of the HTTP response or the request URL.
Because the same URL or URL with parameters may return various web page content, various
page names may be assigned to one URL or URL with parameters as a result of automatic page
name retrieval.
Configure Settings at the Software Service Level
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Switch to the Page Name Recognition tab.
Choose the page name recognition priority.
You can decide whether to give priority to static names or to names retrieved automatically
using the response rules. Select Use static page names if defined if a static page name
should always be used (if defined) or Use automatically retrieved page names from the
HTML body of the response over static names if automatic page name recognition based
on response rules should take precedence.
Add or edit a response recognition rule.
Right-click the Response rules table and choose Add or Open.
For software services based on SAP GUI over HTTP and SAP GUI over HTTPS analyzers,
the table already contains a default definition enabling you to automatically extract the
page name in SAP GUI over HTTP and SAP GUI over HTTPS environments.
Specify the strings to extract as the page name.
The text between the first occurrences of strings defined by Begin tag and End tag found
in the response body are reported as the page name.
For example, suppose you want the web page title to be reported as the page name. The
title is defined by the title element in the head section of the web page, like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="pl">
<title>Page title</title>
To extract the Page title string as your page name, type <title> in the Begin tag field
and </title> in the End tag field.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Note that the definition is case sensitive.
Apply a regular expression to the extracted text.
To trim the page name of redundant elements, you can add a regular expression in the
Regex field to apply to the text extracted with Begin tag and End tag.
10. Decide whether you want to apply the definition immediately.
Clear Disable this definition if you want to apply the definition immediately when
you publish the configuration.
Select Disable this definition if you want save the definition, but you do not want to
use it now.
11. Add or edit a request recognition rule.
Right-click the Request rules table and choose Add or Open.
12. Select a parameter matching method from the Parameter match list.
The following matching methods are supported:
Report the specified parameter or the parameter and value.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are searched
for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match
is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string. So, the wildcard character “*” is taken literally.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
You can specify 'john', to match, though
note that in this case will not be reported
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
because the parameter value '=123' was not explicitly specified. To match it,
you would need to specify 'john=123'.
Report parameters that begin with a specified string; report only the matched pattern,
truncate any remainder of the parameter.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the form
'name=' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are searched
for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match
is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
'fred=5' will match but it will be
reported as The value 'fred' will match as well as and it will be reported as
Start (expand)
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; report the entire parameter,
not only the matched pattern.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the form
'name=' or just 'name'.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
'fred=5' will match and it will be
reported as The value 'fred' will
match as well as and it will be reported as and
Report parameters which end with a specified string; report the entire parameter, not
only the matched pattern.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any final part of it this string, including string of the form
'=value' or just 'value'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header. Note that more
than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected parameter
sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis,
until the first match is found.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
For' to be matched, you can specify the
following ends: '0', '00', '100', '=100', 'n=100' and so on, up to
'john=100'. Thus is reported.
Value RegEx
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; optionally attempt to match
the remainder of the parameter with a regular expression; report the start string and
selected portions of the regular expression, if any.
Usage syntax
Parameter is entered as name=value or any initial part of it this string including
string of the form name= or just name. A regular expression (regex) is entered
as an extended POSIX regular expression.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed on the Parameter part; the regex part is
matched as a case-sensitive POSIX regular expression.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
parameter specification fred= and a regular expression AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as because the AB portion of the regular
expression was not included in round braces.
Custom RegEx
Report parameters that match the given regular expression; report those portions that
have been selected within the regular expression.
Usage syntax
Enter an extended POSIX regular expression to match the desired string. Mark
portions to be reported by using round braces “(” and “)”.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
The request URL, POST body, or HTTP header are not split into parameters
prior to pattern matching. Instead, they are treated as single units of data and
the regular expression is applied to their entire contents. Only the path part of
the request URL is excluded from the matching process.
The regular expression is entered according to POSIX syntax.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
Regular expression fred=AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as
Regular expression (.*=)AB(C?E) will match as well as and it will be reported as and as
13. Set the slow page thresholds for the particular page name string.
You can set the page load time/operation time and server time thresholds for a particular
page name string, either the name string set as a static page name, or the name string you
expect to retrieve using automatic recognition rules.
Right-click the Page name thresholds table and choose Add or Open. Type the page
name, clear Inherit from rule setting, and set the value of your choice. If the page name
string matches the name string reported, the thresholds you set take precedence over the
thresholds set at other levels.
14. Click OK to save the configuration.
15. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Configure Settings at the URL Level
Settings at the URL level take precedence over settings for a software service.
16. Repeat Step 1 [p. 105] through Step 4 [p. 105].
17. Switch to the URL Monitoring tab.
18. In the URL definitions table, right-click a specific URL and select Open from the context
menu to open Monitored URL window.
To quickly navigate to an entry in the URL definitions table, click in the table and
then type some or all of the IP definition.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press [Ctrl+F] to open a search box to limit the
table view to only those rows that contain a match (in any column) to the search string.
19. Switch to the Page Name tab.
20. Decide whether to add a static page name for the monitored URL.
To define a static page name for all the URLs matching the definition criteria, you can type
the preferred name in the Static name field. You can decide whether to give priority to
static names or to the names retrieved automatically from response rules. You can use the
priority defined at the software service level or you can clear Inherit setting from the rule
and choose whether a static page name should always be used when available or whether
automatic page name recognition based on response rules should take precedence.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
21. Repeat Step 7 [p. 105] through Step 15 [p. 111].
Configure Settings at the URL Parameters Level
Settings at the URL parameters level take precedence over settings for a URL and software
22. Repeat Step 1 [p. 105] through Step 4 [p. 105].
23. Switch to the URL Monitoring tab.
24. In the URL parameter groups table, right-click a specific parameter group and select
Open from the context menu.
The URL Parameter Group window appears.
25. Switch to the Page Name tab.
26. Decide whether to add a static page name for the monitored URL with parameters.
To define a static page name for all the URLs with parameters matching the definition
criteria, you can type the preferred name in the Static name field. You can decide whether
to give priority to static names or to the names retrieved automatically from response rules.
You can use the priority defined at the URL level or you can clear Inherit setting from
the URL and choose whether a static page name should always be used when available or
whether automatic page name recognition based on response rules should take precedence.
27. Repeat Step 7 [p. 105] through Step 15 [p. 111].
Reporting of URLs with Redirects
Several configuration settings have an effect on which URL and page name are reported if one
or more redirects have been observed in traffic.
Assume that you have created a software service definition and defined a URL that you want
to monitor, and that a URL with a series of redirects was observed in the traffic. In this case,
the AMD will only check whether the first redirect or the base URL (the last address after
redirection) matches the configuration. It will skip the remaining redirects.
Depending on the configuration, there are 3 basic scenarios:
If either the first redirect or the base URL matches the configuration, the matching URL is
reported; if you have defined a static page name for the URL in the configuration, the
matching URL is reported under this name.
If neither the first redirect nor the base URLs matches the configuration, the URLs detected
in the traffic may only be reported as a result of auto-learning. For more information, see
URL Auto-Learning [p. 86].
Which URL is added to auto-learning depends on the Report URL after redirect setting
for the software service. By default, this setting matches the global setting. For more
information, see General Configuration Options for HTTP-Related Analyzers [p. 131].
With reporting of a URL after redirect enabled, the learned URL is the base URL.
With reporting of a URL after redirect disabled, the first redirect observed in the traffic
is automatically learned by the AMD.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Page names are reported according to the page name recognition settings defined for your
software service. For more information, see Automatic Page Name Recognition [p. 104].
If both the first redirect and the base URL match the configuration, the Report URL after
redirect setting for the software service determines which of the detected URLs is reported.
By default, this setting matches the global setting. For more information, see General
Configuration Options for HTTP-Related Analyzers [p. 131].
With reporting of a URL after redirect enabled, the reported URL will be the base
URL. The page name reported will also be the one for the base URL (provided you
defined a static name in the software service rule).
With reporting of a URL after redirect disabled, the first redirect observed in the traffic
will be reported. Also, the page name (if defined) will be the one of the reported redirect.
If you do not define any static page names for the URL, page name reporting will always be
based on page name recognition settings for the base URL.
Content Type URL Monitoring
When defining URL monitoring, some definition criteria may cover content that is not of your
interest (such as the binary content). To exclude it from URL-based software service monitoring,
you can narrow monitoring to selected content types such as text/html or text/xml.
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Switch to the URL Monitoring tab.
In the URL definitions table, right-click a specific URL and select Open from the context
menu to open Monitored URL window.
To quickly navigate to an entry in the URL definitions table, click in the table and
then type some or all of the IP definition.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press [Ctrl+F] to open a search box to limit the
table view to only those rows that contain a match (in any column) to the search string.
Switch to the Content Types tab.
Choose the scope of content type monitoring.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
When defining content type URL monitoring, you can choose one of three options:
Use active content types
The default setting. If content type monitoring at the software service level is set to
use the global values, the global settings for all software service are applied. Otherwise,
the settings at the software service level will be used. For more information, see
Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content Type [p. 114].
This option is unavailable for AMDs prior to the 12.3 release. If you are defining
software services for multiple AMDs and at least one is older than the 12.3 release,
the Use global values option is unavailable.
Report all content types
If a URL matches the definition, it is always reported regardless of its content type.
Report selected content types
If you want to narrow URL monitoring to selected types, choose Report selected
content types and select one or more of the preconfigured content types. You can
also add other content types to appear in the table. When adding new content types,
make sure you type them exactly as they appear in the Content-Type field of the
HTTP header. If you select none of the content types from the list, the result is the
same as if you set the Report all content types option.
This setting overrides global content type configuration.
Click OK to save the new configuration and to go back to the main screen of the All
Monitoring perspective.
10. Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content
By default, an AMD recognizes only HTML objects as pages, but it can be configured to treat
other types of objects as HTML pages to be monitored. Such objects may include, for example,
images, embedded objects such as Flash objects, and objects that require third-party plug-ins
to render.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Content Type
Add a content type to the table listing objects recognized as monitored pages.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
To have the AMD treat a certain content type as a monitored page, right-click the Objects
recognized as pages table and select Add from the context menu (or click the icon) to
add a new entry.
For each entry, you can set the following options:
Auto-Learning Enabled
Enable URL auto-learning mechanism for pages of the selected content-type. For
more information, see Details of the URL Auto-Learning Algorithm [p. 88].
Treat as HTML
For asynchronous web applications, partial page updates are not declared as
text/html, so the AMD does not handle such events using HTML-based monitoring
features. Select Treat as HTML for update information content types (typically
text/xml) to be able to recognize partial page updates as pages, report page elements,
enable frame recognition, recognize the page name, apply response based rules, and
report metrics and attributes. Otherwise, you will only be able to calculate basic
performance metrics for partial page updates.
The text/html content type is the default for pages and it cannot be removed from the
list. Accordingly, the text/html pages are always treated as HTML and Treat as HTML
is always set to true and cannot be modified.
These entries must be compatible with those of the Content type field in the HTTP header.
Many instances of the parameters are allowed, one for each content type to be recognized
as a page. For example, image/jpg and image/gif are valid entries for an Objects
recognized as pages table.
Configure page filtering based on the content of the URL.
Filtering is governed by a configuration property defined in the Filtering out pages list.
URLs to which the filtering criteria in the list apply are not reported in the performance
data files.
This can be useful if, for example, a client requests a page composed of HTML content
and a number of images, but some of the requested images are missing. The web server
would respond with an HTTP error code, but if it responds with an HTML page stating
that an element is missing, this would be recorded as a legitimate page load and would
misleadingly raise page volume reports and should be filtered out. In such cases, you could
use the Filtering out pages list to prevent such pages from being recorded.
The default list contains the following entries:
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
What to Do Next
In addition to monitoring based on content type derived from the HTTP header, you can specify
objects to be included in auto-learning as described in URL Auto-Learning [p. 86]. Note that
this feature refers to the content of a field in the HTTP header, and not to a string contained in
a URL being loaded.
Logging Transactions, ADS Data and ADS Header Data
If you are interested in obtaining information based only on aggregated monitoring data on your
reports, and not in per-URL data, you can globally disable data generation for transactions and
ADS data and ADS header data in the RUM Console.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
Configuration options for logging of transactions and ADS data and ADS header data are defined
globally for all services, though logging can then be disabled for individual user-defined services.
To configure logging of transactions, ADS data and ADS header data on a specific AMD:
Configure global settings
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Sequenced
Transactions and Header Data ➤ General.
Select to generate or not to generate monitoring data.
Select or clear the option entitled Generate transactions and ADS data and ADS header
This global option affects data generation for all HTTP-based services and takes precedence
over them. Clearing this option here will cause no such data generated for any HTTP
services, even if data generation is enabled for an individual user-defined service.
If you do not require this type of data to be generated and have cleared the option, proceed
to Step 14 [p. 118]. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Optional: Configure data generation for explicitly defined URLs only.
If you require data to be generated only for URLs that have been explicitly defined in
user-defined services or recorded through auto-learning, select the Generate data only for
explicitly defined URLs check box. Monitoring this data for default services will then be
turned off.
Optional: Select content type information to be saved.
Select or clear the option entitled Save all content type in addition to HTTP hits to log
or not to log hits other than HTTP.
Optional: Configure masking of sensitive information.
Provide masks to avoid explicit logging of sensitive data. The masks should be specified
by clicking the context menu in the Parameter masks section of the configuration screen.
For more information, see Masking of Sensitive HTTP Information [p. 119].
10. Optional: Specify the maximum size of POST data saved.
Specify the number of bytes in the edit box of this name.
11. Optional: Specify the maximum size of cookie data saved.
Specify the number of bytes in the edit box of this name.
12. Optional: Specify custom tags to be extracted.
The custom tags functionality allows you to select a whole field in the HTTP header to
write to the vdata files.
Right-click the table entitled Custom tags and select Add from the pop-up menu. In the
Custom Tags pop-up window, specify the following information:
The name of the field to report in the vdata file.
Syntax: letters, numbers, hyphens, and brackets are acceptable; other characters,
including spaces, are forbidden.
The field name to extract from the HTTP header.
Syntax: the whole field name with the colon. For example: Cookie:, Host: or
Extract from
Defines the source of data: HTTP request, HTTP response, or HTTP request and
response. Choosing None will result in no tags being extracted.
Click OK to confirm the configuration.
13. Optional: Specify data filters.
Data filters enable you to filter information by a client IP address or by a user name. The
filtered data is reported by the ADS. To define data filters:
Open the Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Transactions and
Header Data ➤ Data Filters screen.
b. Enable filtering using the provided check box.
c. Specify the conditions required for the data to be logged.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Decide whether both IP address and user name have to be satisfied for information to
be logged, or whether information should be logged even if only one filtering condition
is defined.
d. Define new data filters.
To add filtering conditions, right-click the appropriate filter table and select Add from
the context menu.
To define a client IP address filter in the Client IP addresses table, choose one of the
following options:
A simple IP address
A range of IP addresses
An IP address with a mask
To define a user name filter in the User names table, provide a simple user name or
specify a regular expression to match a set of user names.
You can test the patterns that will be used by the AMD using the Regular Expressions
Test tool, which is activated after you click Test located next to the regular expression
pattern field. For more information, see Testing Regular Expressions [p. 211].
14. Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Optional: Disable logging transactions, ADS data, and ADS header data for
individual services
If, in Step 6 [p. 116], you disabled data generation, you cannot enable it for an individual software
service. If data generation is enabled in the global level, however, you can still disable it for a
selected service.
15. From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
16. Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
17. On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
18. Click the HTTP Options tab.
19. In the Data Generation section, clear the check boxes labeled Transactions and ADS
Data or ADS Header Data as needed.
By default, generation of transactions and ADS data is enabled.
20. Click OK to save the configuration.
21. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Masking of Sensitive HTTP Information
Sensitive information can be masked out before HTTP monitoring data is stored in log files.
The vdata and headerdata files on the AMD contain logs of transactions and ADS data and
logs for ADS header data. These logs may contain sensitive information such as passwords
embedded in parameter values, URLs, or cookies. To prevent such information from being
logged, you can configure your AMD to mask specific portions of certain parameters. Masking
is then performed using the asterisk character “*”.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Transactions and
Header Data ➤ General.
To add a new mask, right-click the Parameter Masks table and select Add.
For example, the URL:
would appear in the log files as:***********&p3=12332aasd
For vdata files, the parameters are masked out in the following HTTP fields:
For headerdata files, the parameters are masked out in the following HTTP fields:
The parameter fragments to be masked out must be specified in the mask field. You indicate
a particular parameter fragment to be masked out by specifying a string of characters either
immediately following or immediately preceding the fragment. The search string is then
left unchanged, while the adjacent fragment is masked out. Parameter boundaries are
identified based on parameter separator characters.
The following examples demonstrate masking out a parameter fragment both following
and preceding a search string:
The mask defined as region=* transforms the URL
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The mask defined as *=FORD transforms the URL
region= LOSANGELES7A&****=FORD&model=ESCORT&type=used&start_year=1981&end_year=2006&
Multiple mask patterns can be defined by defining many mask entries.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Character Encoding Support for HTTP Services
Enabling the internationalization option for HTTP services makes it possible to recognize the
character encoding of HTTP content.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created one or more user-defined software services for this
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Go to Configuration ➤ Global ➤ Front-End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Character
Encoding Support.
Enable character encoding support by selecting the Support Internationalization check
By default, this option is disabled.
Select the required encoding from the Force a default encoding list.
This makes it possible to apply a specific encoding regardless of the automatically detected
Select the Auto-Detection Algorithm to automatically detect monitored content encoding.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
This makes it possible to narrow down the choices of encoding where the algorithm is not
able to identify a specific language.
For Chinese encodings, there is no auto-detection; all encodings must always be specified
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Rule-based Character Encoding for HTTP Services
Global support for character encoding for monitoring HTTP-based traffic can be customized
per software service.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created one or more user-defined software services for this
You can define different character encoding for each of the HTTP components:
URI encoding
Parameter encoding (request)
Header encoding (request)
Response header encoding
Response body encoding
To customize character encoding:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
Select the Character Encoding tab.
Right-click the Encodings table and then select Add to create a new setting, or select Open
to modify an existing record.
Type the settings for a specified host.
Note that if you leave the Host box empty, the settings will be applied to all entities that
comply with the rule. Not all encoding settings have to be configured. The per-rule settings
take precedence over global or implied settings.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Assigning HTTP Error Codes to Error Categories
You can configure the contents of HTTP error categories on AMDs that will feed your report
server. The settings are global, which means that they apply to all analyzers reporting information
on HTTP errors: HTTP, Oracle Forms, XML, and SOAP.
The AMD is able to deliver information on seven HTTP error groups (“categories”), five of
which have configurable contents:
HTTP Authentication errors (default: 401 and 407)
HTTP Not Found errors (default: 404)
HTTP Custom Client errors 1 (4xx)
HTTP Custom Server errors 1 (5xx)
HTTP Custom Server errors 2 (5xx).
The two remaining groups contain HTTP errors that do not fall into any of the above categories:
HTTP Other Client errors (4xx) and HTTP Other Server errors (5xx).
As the result of the assignment, the CAS reports the HTTP errors using the following metrics:
HTTP errors
The number of observed HTTP client errors (4xx) and server errors (5xx).
HTTP client errors (4xx)
The sum of all HTTP client errors (4xx).
This includes 4 categories of errors (4xx), by default HTTP Unauthorized (401, 407)
errors, HTTP Not Found (404) errors, custom client (4xx) errors and Other HTTP (4xx)
errors. The contents of the first 3 categories can be configured by users.
However, there are two types of the 4XX errors that are of particular importance: errors
401 related to server-level authentication, and errors 404 indicating requests for non-existent
content. These two error types are reported separately, by specific metrics.
401 Unauthorized - Server reports this error when user's credentials supplied with
request do not satisfy page access restrictions. The HTTP server layer, not the
application layer, reports 401 errors. The AMD will report on "Unauthorized" errors
only if server-level authentication has been configured. This is common practice for
sites that are comfortable with very basic user access policies. Most commercial-grade
applications do not rely on server-level authentication (e.g. most of online banking
applications or online shopping), but rather authenticate users on the application layer.
In such a case, even if authentication fails, the server will typically send 200 OK
responses and authentication error information will be explained in page content. So
this kind of error is not very common in commercial sites.
404 Not Found - Server reports "Not Found" errors when it cannot fulfill client request
for a resource. Usually it happens due to malformed URL, which directs to a
non-existing page or image. Such a URL request may result from a user, who
misspelled the URL, trying to access a URL that the user stored in his "Favorites"
folder a long time ago, or some other mistake. Malformed URLs may also exist in
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
invalid or incorrectly designed Web pages so the error will be reported by browsers
trying to load such a page. Significant and constant number of these errors usually
indicates that some pages on the server have design-related or link validation issues.
In some cases, 404 errors result from the server overload. It is good practice to check
whether the percentage of errors is load-related.
HTTP unauthorized errors 401, 407 (default name)
The number of observed custom HTTP authentication related errors.
These include "HTTP 401 Unauthorized" and "HTTP 407 Proxy authentication required"
HTTP servers generate errors "401 Unauthorized" in cases, when anonymous clients are
not authorized to view the requested content and must provide authentication information
in the WWW-Authenticate request header. The 401 errors are similar to "403 Forbidden"
errors, however used when authentication is possible but it has failed or not yet been
provided. The 407 error is basically similar to 401, but it indicates that the client should
first authenticate with a proxy server.
The AMD will report these errors only if the server-level authentication has been
configured. Simple and basic user access policies are common in Web sites that do not
store user-sensitive and/or business critical information.
Most commercial-grade applications, based on HTTP, such as home banking applications
or online shopping sites, rely on the application-level authentication rather than the
server-level authentication. Such applications are designed in the way that even if the user
authentication fails, the HTTP server usually sends the 200 OK response code and the
authentication error message in the page content. Therefore, the 401 Unauthorized and
407 Proxy authentication required error codes are quite rare in commercial environments.
HTTP not found errors 404 (default name)
The number. These include the observed custom HTTP 404 Not found errors.
HTTP client errors - category 3 (default name)
The number of HTTP custom client errors (4xx). By default, there is no specific error type
assigned here.
HTTP other client errors (4xx)
The number of HTTP other client errors (4xx).
There are four categories of HTTP client errors (4xx), of which three can be configured
by users. By default, the first category includes HTTP Unauthorized (401, 407) errors,
the second category - HTTP Not Found (404) errors. The third category contains no default
error types assigned, and can be configured by a user. Finally, a group of HTTP Other
(4xx) errors contains all errors that do not fall into any other client errors category.
The number is calculated based on the formula: [HTTP errors 4xx] - [HTTP Not Found
errors 404] - [HTTP Not Authorized (401+ 407)] - [HTTP errors configured by user].
HTTP server errors (5xx)
The number of observed HTTP server errors (5xx).
The response status codes 5xx indicate cases, in which the Web server is aware that there
was a server error or it is incapable of performing the request. Such error presence usually
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
means that the Web server does not function as intended. The following 5xx errors are
defined by the HTTP protocol standards:
500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected condition, which
prevented it from fulfilling the request.
501 Not Implemented - The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill
the request.
502 Bad Gateway - The server received an invalid response from a back-end
application server.
503 Service Unavailable - The server is currently unable to handle the request due to
a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
504 Gateway Timeout - The server did not receive response from a back-end
application server.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported - The server does not support the HTTP protocol
version that was used in the request message.
HTTP server errors – category 1 (default name)
The number of custom HTTP server errors (5xx), category 1. By default, there are no
specific error types assigned to this category.
HTTP server errors – category 2 (default name)
The number of custom HTTP server errors (5xx), category 2. By default, there are no
specific error types assigned to this category.
HTTP other server errors (5xx)
The number of HTTP server errors (5xx) that do not fall into categories 1 or 2 of custom
HTTP server errors (5xx).
Categories with no status codes assigned cannot have their names edited by a user of a report
All AMDs connected to one CAS must have identical configurations for HTTP errors. If you
have already configured HTTP errors on one of your AMDs, you can import or copy the
configuration settings from this device to the other devices. The configuration is stored in the
applications.xml file. For information on how to import the settings, see Importing the AMD
Configuration in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide. To learn how
to copy the settings, see Propagating the AMD Configuration Using RUM Console in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
To configure HTTP errors:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Global ➤ Front End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ Errors.
Modify, add, or delete the HTTP status codes.
To add a new error code, right-click the table corresponding to the error group to
modify and select Add. This will automatically add a 400 or 500 code to the group of
client or server errors, depending on which group you are editing. To modify the default
status code number, click it to make the text editable, and then type the replacement
To modify an error code, click the code number to make the text editable and type a
new code.
To delete an existing error code, right-click a code number and select Delete from the
context menu.
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Managing SSL Alert Codes
You can define new alert codes using the RUM Console, change predefined common SSL alert
codes and decide which alert codes should be taken into account when calculating the failures
(transport) metric..
By default, the most commonly used alert codes are already defined and divided into three
SSL Alerts A
10, 20, 21, 22, 30, 40, 49, 50, 51, 60, 70, 71, 110
This group is shown on Data Center Real User Monitoring reports as SSL Error 1, named
SSL session fatal error by default..
SSL Alerts B
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 111, 112. 113. 114. 115
This group is shown on Data Center Real User Monitoring reports as SSL Error 2., named
SSL handshake fatal error by default.
SSL Alerts N
All alerts not mentioned above. This group is shown on Data Center Real User Monitoring
reports as Other SSL Errors, named SSL warnings by default.
The following table lists all SSL alerts that AMD can recognize:
Table 4. SSL alert codes
SSL alert name
SSL alert code
Notifies the recipient that the sender will not
send any more messages on this connection.
Received an inappropriate message This alert
should never be observed in communication
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 4. SSL alert codes (continued)
SSL alert name
SSL alert code
between proper implementations. This
message is always fatal.
Received a record with an incorrect MAC.
This message is always fatal.
Decryption of a TLSCiphertext record is
decrypted in an invalid way: either it was
not an even multiple of the block length or
its padding values, when checked, were not
correct. This message is always fatal.
Received a TLSCiphertext record which had
a length more than 2^14+2048 bytes, or a
record decrypted to a TLSCompressed
record with more than 2^14+1024 bytes.
This message is always fatal.
Received improper input, such as data that
would expand to excessive length, from the
decompression function. This message is
always fatal.
Indicates that the sender was unable to
negotiate an acceptable set of security
parameters given the options available. This
is a fatal error.
no_certificate_RESERVED 41
Send by a client to indicate that he does not
have a proper certificate to fulfill a certificate
request from the server. This alert
description is no more used by TLS (now a
client sets an empty certificate message if
he does not have a proper certificate).
There is a problem with the certificate, for
example, a certificate is corrupt, or a
certificate contains signatures that cannot be
Received an unsupported certificate type.
Received a certificate that was revoked by
its signer.
Received a certificate has expired or is not
currently valid.
An unspecified issue took place while
processing the certificate that made it
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 4. SSL alert codes (continued)
SSL alert name
SSL alert code
Violated security parameters, such as a field
in the handshake was out of range or
inconsistent with other fields. This is always
Received a valid certificate chain or partial
chain, but the certificate was not accepted
because the CA certificate could not be
located or could not be matched with a
known, trusted CA. This message is always
Received a valid certificate, but when access
control was applied, the sender did not
proceed with negotiation. This message is
always fatal.
A message could not be decoded because
some field was out of the specified range or
the length of the message was incorrect. This
message is always fatal.
Failed handshake cryptographic operation,
including being unable to correctly verify a
signature, decrypt a key exchange, or
validate a finished message.
Detected a negotiation that was not in
compliance with export restrictions; for
example, attempting to transfer a 1024 bit
ephemeral RSA key for the
RSA_EXPORThandshake method. This
message is always fatal.
The protocol version the client attempted to
negotiate is recognized, but not supported.
For example, old protocol versions might be
avoided for security reasons. This message
is always fatal.
Failed negotiation specifically because the
server requires ciphers more secure than
those supported by the client. Returned
instead of handshake_failure. This message
is always fatal.
An internal error unrelated to the peer or the
correctness of the protocol makes it
impossible to continue, such as a memory
allocation failure. The error is not related to
protocol. This message is always fatal.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 4. SSL alert codes (continued)
SSL alert name
SSL alert code
Cancelled handshake for a reason that is
unrelated to a protocol failure. If the user
cancels an operation after the handshake is
complete, just closing the connection by
sending a close_notify is more appropriate.
This alert should be followed by a
close_notify. This message is generally a
Sent by the client in response to a hello
request or sent by the server in response to
a client hello after initial handshaking. Either
of these would normally lead to
renegotiation; when that is not appropriate,
the recipient should respond with this alert;
at that point, the original requester can
decide whether to proceed with the
connection. One case where this would be
appropriate would be where a server has
spawned a process to satisfy a request; the
process might receive security parameters
(key length, authentication, and so on) at
start-up and it might be difficult to
communicate changes to these parameters
after that point. This message is always a
Sent by the client if the ServerHello does
contain an extension that the client did not
requested in his ClientHello, fatal
Sent by the server to indicate that he cannot
obtain a certificate from the URL the client
has sent within a ClientCertificateURL
extension, maybe fatal
Sent by the server if he does not recognize
a server name included in the
ServerNameList extension received from the
client, maybe fatal
bad_certificate_status_response 113
Sent by the client if he gets an invalid
certificate status response after having sent
a CertificateStatusRequest extension, fatal.
bad_certificate_hash_value 114
Sent by the server if a certificate hash value
does not match to the corresponding value
received within a ClientCertificateURL
extension message, Fatal
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 4. SSL alert codes (continued)
SSL alert name
SSL alert code
Indicates that the server does not recognize
the PSK identify sent by the client. Fatal
By default, the most commonly used alert codes are already defined, including the alert source:
server, client or both.
Use the SSL Alerts table to to indicate the codes that should be reported as failures (transport).
For more information, see Calculating Availability [p. 144]..
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate the Configuration tree to Global ➤ Advanced ➤ SSL Options.
Select the Report server name from SSL certificate check box to enable the AMD to
extract the names from SSL certificates.
These names are included with the monitored data along with the SSL setup time, protocol,
and cipher.
Right-click and select Add or Delete to add or delete the SSL alert codes in the SSL Failures
You can also choose the source of alert code to trigger an SSL failure: server, client or
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
What to Do Next
If the AMD is connected to CAS, SSL errors can be given customized names on the report
server side. For more information, see Defining SSL Error Names [p. 129].
Defining SSL Error Names
SSL connection setup errors are aggregated into groups by the AMD according to the AMD
configuration. The aggregated errors appear on reports as “SSL error 1”, “SSL error 2”, and
“Other SSL errors”.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Before You Begin
Administrative privileges are required to access the Advanced Properties Editor.
Under normal circumstances, use the Customized names configuration tool to configure the
SSL error names, but if that is not possible, use the Advanced Properties Editor on the report
server instead.
To customize these default names, change the report server configuration in the Advanced
Properties Editor in Diagnostic Console:
Open and log on to the report server.
Open the Diagnostic Console.
In your web browser address field, enter:
In the Diagnostic Console, select Advanced Properties Editor.
Click the right arrow to page to the SSL error names section.
Type the new error names.
Other SSL Errors name (SSL_ERR.3)
SSL Error level 1 name (SSL_ERR.1)
SSL Error level 2 name (SSL_ERR.2)
Click Save to save your changes.
Excluding IP Ranges from AMD Client Analysis
You can exclude particular client IP address ranges from AMD analysis.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Select Global ➤ Advanced ➤ Excluded Client ranges.
Provide the start and end IP addresses for each range to exclude from AMD analysis.
Be sure not to filter everything out or there will be no data in your reports.
On the Devices screen, click Publish Configuration.
Importing and Managing User ID Mapping Information
Additional mappings of user IDs to session IDs can be preloaded from an external configuration
file. The file should be named usermap.config and should reside in usr/adlex/config.
Importing mapping information from a file facilitates recognition of those users who may have
already logged into or registered at a particular web service. The external configuration file is
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
read by the AMD on startup, the information is imported and stored internally in the AMD
configuration, and the file is renamed to prevent it from being imported again.
The file contains text lines, with each line consisting of a cookie value, a semicolon, and then
a user ID. Whenever one of the listed cookie values appears in the monitored traffic, the
corresponding user ID is used for user identification.
Example 8. An example of the usermap.config file content
# mapping session IDs to user IDs
[email protected]
[email protected]
Note that the hash character can be used to denote comment lines.
Related console commands
The following AMD console commands are provided for managing user ID mappings:
General Configuration Options for HTTP-Related
HTTP general configuration options are options related to a variety of settings such as timeout
values, redirection handling, session recognition, multi-frame page handling, and cookie handling.
They can be set globally for the AMD or individually for particular software services.
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created one or more user-defined software
services for this protocol and know how to access and modify global settings for an AMD and
settings for a specific service.
To configure general options for monitoring this protocol:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ General.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Configuration options related to general settings for an AMD for this protocol analyzer are
also under the HTTP Options tab for individual user-defined services.
Configure options available in the General section.
The list of configuration options includes:
Redirect timeout
This timeout period, expressed in seconds, is configured globally for all software
HTTP redirects are stored until either a matching target URL is seen or a timeout
expires. If the redirect target page has not been seen by the time the redirect timeout
expires, the AMD reports the URL with all transactional metrics equal to zero and
the redirect is referred to as an orphaned redirect. The URL reported is taken from
the orphaned redirect.
Cascaded unauthorized hits timeout
Cascaded unauthorized hits older or equal to this timeout (in seconds) are treated as
unauthorized. In case of a mixed cascade, redirects and unauthorized hits, the head
of cascade determines which timeout should be used, Redirect timeout or Cascaded
unauthorized hits timeout.
Last packet HTTP session timeout
If the time since the last packet for an HTTP session is longer than this value (in
seconds), the hit is considered finished and closed. This timeout period is configured
globally for all software services.
Hit session timeout
Maximum time delay allowing a hit to be linked to a page. The value is specified in
seconds, with a resolution of one-tenth of a second, and is configured globally for all
software services.
User agent timeout
Time in minutes after which a user agent will be erased from the cache. The value is
configured globally for all software services.
Maximum header length
Maximum size in bytes of the buffer that the HTTP header can be assembled into
before considering it incomplete and proceeding with its processing. This option is
available only in HTTP mode of the HTTP analyzer. The value is configured globally
for all software services.
Maximum request body length
Maximum size in bytes of the buffer that HTTP request body can be assembled into
before considering it incomplete and proceeding with its processing. This option is
available only in HTTP mode of the HTTP analyzer. The value is configured globally
for all software services.
Report URL after redirect
This option causes addresses after the last redirection to be reported for redirected
pages. By default, redirections are reported as addresses of the originating page, before
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
redirection takes place. The final target page will be reported regardless of how many
redirects are detected in between.
The option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific
user-defined software service. Specific settings take precedence over global settings.
It is not supported by HTTP Express analyzer.
Report URL prefixed with analyzed HTTP method
If this option is selected, the string “POST” or “GET” is prefixed to the reported URL.
This option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific
user-defined software service. Specific settings take precedence over global settings.
The All methods option allows for processing all detected HTTP methods including
the WebDAV HTTP extesion. The extended WebDAV methods automatically
identified include:
Retrieves properties and a directory hierarchy of a remote system.
Changes and deletes multiple properties is a single operation.
Creates directories or collections.
Copies a resource from one URI to another.
Moves a resource from one URI to another.
Puts a lock on a resource.
Removes a lock from a resource.
Monitoring WebDAV software services requires a specific configuration options. In
order to properly report a hit as a separate operation, you must define a URL with
regex matching all URLs (http://.*) and content types.
Treat a client RST packet sent by the session as closing session
If this option is selected, the protocol analyzer will treat a client RST packet sent by
the session as closing the session instead of aborting it if there was no content length
header. It is configured globally for all software services.
Configure page and session recognition based on cookies
You can use cookies to distinguish between separate HTTP pages and sessions. This is
useful when, for example, a number of distinct users are hidden behind a shared load
balancer or a proxy server.For more information, see Global Settings for Page and Session
Recognition Based on Cookies [p. 136].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Select client IP address extraction method.
To turn off automatic client IP address extraction, select Off.
To extract the client IP address from a header tag, select Header tag and type the name
of the HTTP header field containing the real client IP information.
The string extracted by the regular expression becomes the real client IP address
reported to the report server.
Example 9.
The following is an example of extracting the value of REMOTE_ADDR field from the
HTTP header.
An HTTP header might contain the following information:
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: FPB=061j8hura11q56cv; CRZY9=t=1;
The following regular expression extracts the address from the REMOTE_ADDR
REMOTE_ADDR: ([.0-9]*)
For details on how expressions are used, see Using Regular Expressions to Extract
User Identification [p. 73].
To use the real client IP address as both the user ID and the user IP address, select Try
to convert user name to IP address.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Choosing HTTP Analyzer Mode
You can choose between two HTTP analyzer modes: HTTP and HTTP legacy.
The HTTP legacy mode is similar to the analyzer available in previous releases. If you want
to take advantage of the new, enhanced features of the HTTP analyzer, you should use the
default enabled HTTP mode. The following features are supported only by the HTTP analyzer:
Miscellaneous parameters
Miscellaneous parameters are text strings available in the URL request or response body.
You need to define recognizable text patterns conveying the miscellaneous parameters
that then can be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and enable additional ways of
grouping data under specific categories of your interest. Miscellaneous parameters, unlike
parameters extracted for URLs with parameters, are not defined together with an
accompanying URL. When extracting Miscellaneous parameters, only the initial hit
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
triggering the web page load is taken into account. The extracted Miscellaneous parameters
must not be longer than 1030 bytes.
For more information, see Extracting Miscellaneous Parameters in the Data Center Real
User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
Grouping attributes
Grouping attributes are text strings available in the URL request or response body that
uniquely identify clients. You need to define recognizable text patterns conveying the
grouping attributes that then can be used in DC RUM reports as dimensions and enable
additional ways of grouping data under specific categories of your interest.
For more information, see Extracting Grouping Attributes in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
Excluding Elements from Orphaned Redirects Reporting
If you do not want particular redirects to be reported as orphaned, exclude them from
orphaned redirects reporting by defining strings describing these elements. You can define
the elements to be extracted from the Location field of the HTTP header or the request
For more information, see Excluding Elements from Orphaned Redirects Reporting [p. 97].
Extracting page names from the HTTP requests
For more information, see Automatic Page Name Recognition [p. 104].
Advanced user recognition
For more information, see Overview of User Name Recognition Configuration in HTTP
Mode [p. 63].
When choosing the HTTP mode, ensure your system satisfies the enhanced requirements. For
more information, see General Hardware Requirements in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Hardware Recommendations.
Global Settings for Recognition and Parsing of URLs
The global configuration settings for recognition and parsing of URLs are inherited by all
user-defined software services for HTTP. Global settings can be overridden by specific settings
for a particular user-defined software service.
The default values for these settings should be sufficient for most purposes and care should be
taken when modifying them.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Open the global settings section for recognition and parsing of URLs.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Navigate to Global ➤ Front End Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ Recognition and Parsing of
Select the method of truncating URLs.
In the field Method of Truncating URLs, select the method of truncating URLs when
monitoring HTML page loads:
No cut
URLs are not truncated.
Cut after last slash
URLs are truncated after the last slash (“/”) character.
Cut after first separator
URLs are truncated after the first separator (see below for separator definitions). If
cutting according to separators is selected and if the set of defined separators is empty,
the URL is not cut, which is equivalent to specifying No cut.
Specify characters to be recognized as separators.
a. In the First parameter separators field, type characters to be recognized as separators
between URLs and their parameters.
b. In the Parameter Separators in URL field, type characters to be recognized as
separators between consecutive parameters in URL and POST body.
c. In the Parameter Separators in HTTP Header field, enter characters to be recognized
as separators between consecutive parameters in the HTTP header.
If monitored pages may include the question mark (“?”) character as the value of a parameter,
it is necessary to remove it from the list of previously defined separators.
Define the order of searching for parameters.
When defining a specific user-defined service to be monitored, you can indicate whether
you want parameters extracted from the URL or from the URL request, or from any
combination of these.For more information, see Configuring Monitoring of URL Parameters
in the RUM Console Online Help.
However, the order in which these components of the HTTP packet are searched is
determined here for all HTTP services, and the first parameter that matches the search
criteria is accepted. In the Search for Parameters First section, select In POST Body to
cause the POST body to be searched before the URL. Selecting In URL Request will cause
the URL to be searched before the POST body. The HTTP header is always searched last.
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Global Settings for Page and Session Recognition Based on
You can use cookies to distinguish between separate HTTP pages and sessions. This is useful
when, for example, a number of distinct users are hidden behind a shared load balancer or a
proxy server.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created one or more user-defined software services for this
To configure page or session recognition using cookies:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Select Configuration ➤ Global ➤ Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ General.
Select or clear the check box to specify whether to use cookies to distinguish separate
sessions and pages.
Optional: Enter the cookie name.
If you provide a cookie name, only cookies with the specified name will be used for session
and page recognition. If no cookie name is specified, all cookies are used. Thus, if a name
is entered, hits with this particular cookie name will be linked, provided the cookie value
is the same for all the hits. If no name is entered, all cookies in a hit are looked at and their
value is extracted. Matching hits must have the same cookie names and cookie values.
Specify the cookie time-to-live resolution.
If a given cookie or cookie set with particular cookie values does not appear in the analyzed
traffic for this length of time, the cookie or cookie set is discarded and the corresponding
session is considered closed. Future occurrences of this set will be treated as belonging to
a new session. The value is specified in seconds.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Global Settings for Client IP Address Extraction
You can choose from three methods to extract the real client IP address from the HTTP header.
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created one or more user-defined software
services for this protocol, and that you know how to access and modify global settings for an
AMD and settings for a specific service.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Configuration options related to general settings for an AMD for this protocol analyzer are
found under Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ General for Global settings, and
also under the HTTP Options tab for individual user-defined services.
To configure general options for client IP address extraction, modify the following settings in
either global or service-specific settings, as applicable:
Specify one of the following settings for extracting the client IP address.
To turn off automatic client IP address extraction, select Off.
To extract the client IP address from a header tag, select Header Tag and type the
name of the HTTP header field containing the real client IP information.
To extract the client IP address by applying a regex to the HTTP header, select Header
Regex and type a regular expression matching the real client IP information in the
HTTP header.
The string extracted by the regular expression becomes the real client IP address
reported to the report server.
Example 10.
The following is an example of extracting the value of REMOTE_ADDR field from the
HTTP header.
An HTTP header might contain the following information:
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: FPB=061j8hura11q56cv; CRZY9=t=1;
The following regular expression extracts the address from the REMOTE_ADDR
REMOTE_ADDR: ([.0-9]*)
For details on how expressions are used, see Using Regular Expressions to Extract
User Identification [p. 73].
To use the real client IP address as both the user ID and the user IP address, select Try
to Convert User Name to IP address.
Save or publish your changes.
For more information, see Configuring General Data Collector Settings [p. 35].
Assembling Pages
Page assembly options concern the methods of assigning individual hits to pages (assembling
pages from a number hits).
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created one or more user-defined software
services for this protocol, and that you know how to access and modify global settings for an
AMD and settings for a specific service.
To configure general options for monitoring this protocol:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Page Assembly.
Regular hits
Configure options available in the Regular hits section. The options relate to various flavors
of cross-site hit assignment (assembling pages from hits requested or loaded from a number of
Decide whether to enable cross-site hit assignment.
Select Enable cross-site hit assignment to enable page components loaded from different
hosts to be recognized as belonging to the same page loaded as a result of a single
Decide whether to enable multi-client cross-site hit assignment.
Select Enable multi-client cross-site hit assignment to enable HTML page components
that belong to one page, but that are requested by a number of parallel proxy servers on
behalf of a single client, to be recognized as belonging to the same page loaded as a result
of a single transaction. Such a situation may occur if client traffic is directed through a
number of proxy servers for each TCP/IP session.
Decide whether to enable multi-client real IP cross-site hits assignment.
Select Enable multi-client real IP cross-site hit assignment in deployments with the
AMD monitoring traffic from a number of load balancers. This way, the cross-site hit
assignment is based on the real IP address of the client extracted from the X-forwarded-for
HTTP header field.
Decide whether to enable hit assignment for different combinations of operating systems,
browsers, and hardware.
Select Enable hit assignment for different OS/Browser/Hardware combinations to
enable HTML page components that belong to one page, but that are requested by hosts
with a different operating system, browser, and hardware combination than the one detected
in the first hit, to be recognized as belonging to the same page loaded as a result of a single
10. Decide whether to assign a hit to a page when no referrer is found.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Select Assign hit to page when no referer found to assign a hit to a single page load if
the analyzer has only one page load in progress and a new hit occurs that has no Referer
This option is configured globally for all software services for this protocol.
Configure options available in the Redirects section. These options control the way pages are
assembled in the case of redirects.
11. Choose keys used to assemble pages in the case of redirects.
You can enable redirects identified by the same client IP, real client IP, user name, software
service name, or OS/browser/hardware combination to be recognized as belonging to the
same page loaded as a result of a single transaction. The real client IP is useful when
monitoring the traffic from a number of load balancers. This way, you can use the real IP
address of the client extracted from the X-forwarded-for HTTP header field as a key for
12. Decide whether to report redirections from HTTPS to HTTP.
In the redirect from HTTPS to HTTP, the referrer is not set. Select Report redirections
from HTTPS to HTTP to report this kind of redirect.
13. Decide whether to report a redirect as a page.
You can configure page redirects as single regular pages and report them separately. This
makes it possible to combine the redirects with the originating or target page (depending
on the setting in Report URL after redirect). In this way, redirects can become operations
and you can create transactions consisting of more than one step.
Redirects are commonly used with login procedures. For example, if your web service
requires login and four redirects occur, you can select Report redirect as page for the
second URL and obtain a two-step transaction. This makes it possible to observe in greater
detail where the problem occurs after it has been reported.
Reporting of redirects as pages can be configured per server, per URL, and per URL
parameter. If you do not select this option per URL, it inherits the value from the related
per-server configuration.
Default: not selected.
Multi-frame pages
It is possible to recognize framesets as single pages. This can be performed dynamically, by
analyzing HTML tags, or statically, by explicitly defining framesets. For more information, see
Multi-Frame Pages [p. 141].
14. Decide whether to enable multi-frame page recognition.
Select Enable multi-frame page recognition to enable the entire mechanism of frame
recognition—automatic frame recognition and static frame recognition—at all levels: global,
service, and URL.
15. Decide whether to enable automatic multi-frame page recognition.
Select Enable automatic multi-frame page recognition to enable frame recognition based
on analyzing HTML FRAMESET and IFRAME tags.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
16. Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Multi-Frame Pages
It is possible to recognize framesets as single pages. This can be performed dynamically, by
analyzing HTML tags, or statically, by explicitly defining framesets.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
Configure global settings
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤ Page Assembly.
In the Multi-frame pages section, enable multi-frame page recognition.
Here you enable or disable the entire mechanism of frame recognition—automatic frame
recognition and static frame recognition—at all levels: global, service, and URL.
You must turn this option on, if you want to monitor frame sets at all: Even if you define
static frames to monitor on per-service level, the mechanism will not function, unless this
global option here is turned on. Note also that this feature is not supported by HTTP Express
Optional: Enable or disable automatic multi-frame page recognition.
Automatic frame recognition is based on analyzing the HTML FRAMESET and IFRAME tags.
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Optional: Configure settings related to individual software-services
Service-specific settings take precedence over global settings. At this level, you can only
configure automatic multi-frame page monitoring.
9. From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
10. Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
11. On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
12. Click the HTTP Options tab.
13. Modify options related to automatic multi-frame page monitoring.
By default, the configuration is inherited from global settings, which you can change using
the provided check-boxes: Inherit from global setting and Enable automatic multi-frame
page monitoring.
14. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Optional: Configure settings related to individual URLs
URL settings take precedence over service rule settings and global settings.
15. Repeat Step 9 [p. 142] through Step 11 [p. 142].
16. Click the URL Monitoring tab.
This will open the Edit Rule pop-up window.
17. In the URL definitions table, right-click a URL for which you want to modify the
configuration and select Open from the context menu.
The Configure Monitored URL pop-up window will appear.
18. On the URL tab, in the Options section, modify settings related to automatic multi-frame
page monitoring.
By default, the configuration is inherited from global settings, which you can change using
the provided check-boxes: Inherit from global setting and Enable automatic multi-frame
page monitoring.
19. Define subframe URI matching patterns for static frame recognition.
Subframe URI strict matching patterns
For the static frame recognition method, this option enables you to define subframe
URIs. For a subframe to be recognized, you need to enter the entire URI. If you have
set URL cut method to nocut in global HTTP settings, you also need to specify the
parameters to match. Otherwise, enter the URI up to the cut point. For information
on setting the cut method, see Global Settings for Recognition and Parsing of URLs
[p. 135].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Subframe URI regex patterns
For the static frame recognition method, this option enables you to define subframe
URIs as regular expressions. This method of defining URIs is very powerful and
flexible, but it consumes more processing power than subframe URI strict matching.
Also note that the cut method specified in global HTTP settings does not apply here,
so the regular expression you enter should take into account any URI parameters
expected in the URI you want to match. For more information, see Regular Expression
Fundamentals [p. 209].
20. Click OK to save the configuration.
21. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
What to Do Next
For individual user-defined software services for which multi-frame pages can occur, you can
configure the method of calculating server time for such pages. For more information, see
Calculating Server Time for Multi-Frame Pages [p. 143].
Calculating Server Time for Multi-Frame Pages
You can configure how to calculate server time for HTTP-based protocols for which multi-frame
pages can occur. This configuration is performed for individual user-defined software services.
Before You Begin
It is assumed that you have already created a user-defined software service for this protocol and
have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the IP address
and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have created one
or more URL definitions for your rules.
This configuration option is provided because for multi-frame pages the server time for the first
HTTP object can be insignificant compared to the server times of subsequent objects. You can
therefore specify a method of calculating the server time based on either the server time for the
first object or based on a formula incorporating the server times of the subsequent objects.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
In the Rules table, right-click a rule for which you want to configure calculating server
time for multi-frame pages and select Open from the context menu.
The Rule Configuration pop-up window is displayed.
Click the HTTP Options tab.
Choose one of the following options for Server time method for multi-frame pages:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Server time for the first HTML object
Use the server time for the frame holder (for example, an HTML frameset document
or a document with an iframe tag).
The longest server time of all HTML objects
Use the single longest server time of all HTML objects in the page.
Total server time for all HTML objects
Use the sum of all server times for all HTML objects in the page.
This is the default value.
The longest server time of all objects
Use the single longest server time of all server time calculations for all page objects
(HTML objects or other objects).
Click OK to save the configuration.
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Calculating Availability
Availability is measured and presented as the percentage of successful attempts (operations)
compared to all attempts.
The availability metric is calculated as the percentage of successful attempts that is:
Availability = 100% * (All Attempts – All failures) / All Attempts
All attempts = all failures + all successful operations + all standalone hits not classified as
a failure + all aborts not classified as a failure
All failures = all failures (transport) + all failures (TCP) + all failures (application)
Each attempt is classified as one of: operation, standalone hit, abort, failure (TCP), failure
(transport) or failure (application) and the classification depends on the configuration.
An attempt may fall to a number of categories, for example encounter both the TCP and
application failure, however it is classified in only one category using the following priority: 1
- Failure (TCP), 2 - Failure (transport), 3 - Failure (application), 4 - Abort, 5 - Operation.
Availability is calculated for all the analyzers capable of reporting operations, see the list below.
Refer to the configuration documentation for the scope of failure reporting for each analyzer.
HTTP Express
Jolt (Tuxedo)
Oracle Forms
MS Exchange
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Database analyzers
Simple Parser
RMI Analyzers
Starting with release 12.2, an operation counts only if it is a successful operation. The operation
count does not include failures, aborts and standalone hits.
An operation manually aborted by a user, for example by clicking the browser's Stop button.
For more information, see Classification of Aborts [p. 215]. Note that you may classify an abort
as a failure (transport) using the availability configuration. In such case, it is longer part of the
Aborts count.
Standalone hit
An incomplete response, a hit that is not included in any reported operation. Note that an
incomplete response classified as a failure (transport) is not included in the standalone hits
Failures (TCP)
An operation that failed due to one the TCP errors. . Failures (TCP) have the highest priority.
Failures (transport)
The failures (transport) relate to problems occurring in the transport layer of a protocol monitored
by the AMD:
the errors in the transport layer,
SSL alerts classified as a failure,
abort classified as a failure in the configuration,
incomplete response classified as a failure in the configuration
SSL errors are also treated as transport failures. You can specify which SSL alert codes should
be classified as availability problems, separately per alerts sent by server and client. For more
information, see Managing SSL Alert Codes [p. 125].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The priority of transport failures is lower then TCP failures, which means that the failures
(transport) metric will not take into account any operation which was reported as transport
failure even if an error in transport occurred.
The configuration enables you to decide which type of error, incomplete response or abort
should be taken into account when calculating availability. Additionally, you can limit the failure
reporting to specific conditions. The set of error types available for failure reporting depends
on an analyzer.
Failures (application)
The failures (application) relate to problems occurring in the application layer. Using the
configuration, you can select which operation attributes should be included as an application
The priority of application failures is lower then transport failures, which means that the failures
(application) metric will not take into account any operation which was reported as application
failure even if the application error occurred. Some analyzers are preconfigured to detect typical
application problems.
The Failures (application) are available only for analyzers capable of detecting operation
Reporting availability
The key Availability metric is used both on the Data Center Analysis Reports, EUE Overview
and Software Services reports. It is accompanied by a breakdown into transport, TCP and
application context.
Note that introduction of the new availability affects most data reported by the CAS and ADS.
Unlike in previous releases, the operations count does include failures. Consequently, all the
metrics calculated using the operations counter may report different values. This includes
Operation Time, as failures are not included in this calculation. Operation time in environments
recording many failures may increase after upgrade.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Errors metric is replaced by "Application Responses" and on reports Failures metric is used
instead to show only these errors that are critical. For further analysis of a failure reason and
related errors or responses, drill down to the detailed error reports, including the new Application
Responses report, either directly from Failures (total) column or the drill down menu .
The availability is reported by means of the following metrics available in the DMI Data Views.
Availability (total)
The percentage of successful attempts, calculated using the following formula:
Availability (total) = 100% * (All Attempts – All failures) / All Attempts
All attempts = all failures + all successful operations + all standalone hits not classified
as a failure + all aborts not classified as a failure
All failures = all failures (transport) + all failures (TCP) + all failures (application).
Availability (application)
Availability limited to the application context, calculated using the following formula:
Availability (application) = 100% * (All Attempts – Failures (Application) / All Attempts
All attempts = all failures + all successful operations + all standalone hits not classified
as a failure + all aborts not classified as a failure.
Availability (TCP)
Availability limited to the network context, calculated using the following formula:
Availability (application) = 100% * (All Attempts – Failures (TCP) / All Attempts
All attempts = all failures + all successful operations + all standalone hits not classified
as a failure + all aborts not classified as a failure.
Availability (transport)
Availability limited to the transport context, calculated using the following formula:
Availability (application) = 100% * (All Attempts – Failures (Transport) / All Attempts
All attempts = all failures + all successful operations + all standalone hits not classified
as a failure + all aborts not classified as a failure.
Failures (total)
The total number of failures, that is all Failures (transport) + all Failures (TCP) + all
Failures (application)
Failures (application)
The number of operation attributes of all types set to be reported as an application failure.
Failures (TCP)
The total number of operations that failed due to Connection refused or Connection
establishment timeout errors.
Failures (transport)
The number of operations that failed due to the problems in the transport layer. These
include protocol errors, SSL alerts classified as a failure, incomplete responses selected
be classified as failures.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Health Index
Metric that includes aspects of performance and availability. Calculated as percentage of
fast (and successful) operations to all attempts.
Configuring HTTP Availability
You can configure HTTP availability globally or at the software service level, user-defined
URL level and at the URL with parameters level. overriding the global settings.
For global configuration, open the AMD configuration and go to Global ➤ Web ➤ HTTP ➤
Availability. For the software service level, select the Availability tab in the Edit Rule window.
For the URL level, select the availability tab in the URL Monitoring screen and for the URL
with parameters select the Availability tab in the Parameters Monitoring screen.
In HTTP availability reporting, for each failure category, you can control the error classification
by using following options available in the list next to each of the available transport and
application errors:
Any component
Error is classified as failure if occurred in any component (hit) of the operation.
Error is classified as a failure only if occurred in components (hits) matching the regular
expression provided in the accompanying field.
Base component
Error is classified as a failure only if it occurred in the base component (main hit) of the
Any component (monitored URL)
Similar to Any component, but failure reporting is narrowed to monitored URLs, that is
user defined URLs and reported auto-learned URLs.
Subset (monitored URL)
Similar to Subset, but failure reporting is narrowed to monitored URLs, that is user defined
URLs and reported auto-learned URLs.
Base component (monitored URL)
Similar to Base component, but failure reporting is narrowed to monitored URLs, that is
user defined URLs and reported auto-learned URLs.
Error is not classified as a failure.
Failures (transport)
Incomplete responses
You can determine whether the following types of incomplete responses should be classified
as failures (transport). For more information, see Classification of Aborts [p. 215].
Partial response (standalone hit)
An incomplete response observed for a hit without an operation context, classified
as a Dead hit. This pertains to situations when server started the response but never
finished due to a timeout or other problems.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Aborted response (standalone hit)
An incomplete response observed for a hit without an operation context, classified
as a Break. This pertains to situations when server started the response but aborted
it before completion with TCP reset.
No response
A request hit with no response from a server. This pertains to situations when server
did not respond at all or responded in unrecognizable way.
Partial response
An incomplete response with a Dead hit status. This pertains to situations when
server started the response but never finished due to a timeout or other problems.
Aborted response
An incomplete response with a Break status. This pertains to situations when server
started the response but aborted it before completion with the TCP reset.
HTTP errors
The AMD is able to deliver information on seven HTTP error groups (“categories”).
HTTP client errors (4xx)
HTTP server errors (5xx)
HTTP unauthorized errors
HTTP Not Found errors
HTTP client errors (category 3)
HTTP server errors (category 1)
HTTP server errors (category 2)
You can decide whether each of these should be taken into account when calculating
(failures transport). Note that HTTP client errors (4xx), HTTP server errors (5xx), HTTP
unauthorized errors, HTTP Not Found errors, and HTTP server errors (category 1) have
configurable contents. For more information, see Assigning HTTP Error Codes to Error
Categories [p. 122].
Failures (application)
You can decide whether each of five operation attributes should be reported as failures
(application). For more information, see Operation Attributes in HTTP Monitoring in the RUM
Console Online Help.
HTTP Configuration Options for Selected User-Defined
Software Services
HTTP options for software services are options related to a variety of settings such as redirection
handling, session recognition, multi-frame page handling, and client IP address extraction. They
can be set globally for the AMD or individually for particular software services.
To modify the configuration options related to service-specific settings for an individual HTTP
software service:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Switch to the HTTP Options tab.
In the Multi-frame pages section, enable multi-frame page recognition.
Here you enable or disable the entire mechanism of frame recognition—automatic frame
recognition and static frame recognition—at all levels: global, service, and URL.
You must turn this option on, if you want to monitor frame sets at all: Even if you define
static frames to monitor on per-service level, the mechanism will not function, unless this
global option here is turned on. Note also that this feature is not supported by HTTP Express
Configure report URL after redirect.
This option causes addresses after the last redirection to be reported for redirected pages.
By default, redirections are reported as addresses of the originating page, before redirection
takes place. The final target page will be reported regardless of how many redirects are
detected in between.
The option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific
user-defined software service. Specific settings take precedence over global settings. It is
not supported by HTTP Express analyzer.
Configure report URL prefixed with analyzed HTTP method.
If this option is selected, the string “POST” or “GET” is prefixed to the reported URL. This
option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific user-defined
software service. Specific settings take precedence over global settings.
Configure the methods of assembling pages.
For more information, see Assembling Pages [p. 138].
10. Decide whether the port number should be ignored in the HTTP host field.
To overcome inconsistency in adding the port number to the host field by a browser, you
can configure the HTTP analyzer to ignore the port in the HTTP host field.
11. Select client IP address extraction method.
To turn off automatic client IP address extraction, select Off.
To extract the client IP address from a header tag, select Header tag and type the name
of the HTTP header field containing the real client IP information.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The string extracted by the regular expression becomes the real client IP address
reported to the report server.
Example 11.
The following is an example of extracting the value of REMOTE_ADDR field from the
HTTP header.
An HTTP header might contain the following information:
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: FPB=061j8hura11q56cv; CRZY9=t=1;
The following regular expression extracts the address from the REMOTE_ADDR
REMOTE_ADDR: ([.0-9]*)
For details on how expressions are used, see Using Regular Expressions to Extract
User Identification [p. 73].
To use the real client IP address as both the user ID and the user IP address, select Try
to convert user name to IP address.
12. Select analyzed HTTP methods.
Choose between Only POST and GET and All Methods.
This option is configured individually for user-defined software services.
13. Specify data generation options.
This controls the scope of data generated by the AMD that is used in CAS and ADS
CAS Data
If you select Disabled, the AMD will stop saving data used in most CAS reports. In
normal circumstances, you should not disable CAS data generation.
ADS Data
When controlling ADS data generation, you can either disable it completely or decide
on the depth of available data.
ADS data only
The AMD will generate data enabling you to access essential operation-level
ADS data and hit details
The AMD will generate data enabling you to access a deep drilldown report
that represents an HTTP page hit broken down into specific HTTP elements.
ADS data, hit and header details
The AMD will generate data enabling you to access even deeper drilldown
information retrieved from related request and response headers for the hit.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
14. Click OK to save the configuration.
15. On the Software Services screen, click Publish Configuration.
Additional Configuration Options for HTTP and SSL
Software Services
For each user-defined software service based on HTTP or SSL, you can define additional
configuration options.
To modify the configuration for an individual software service rule:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Switch to the Options tab.
Modify the configuration settings.
Enable monitoring of persistent TCP sessions
When this is selected, TCP sessions that do not start with SYN packets are monitored.
By default, this is selected.
Persistent TCP sessions are TCP sessions for which the start was not recorded. They
are also referred to as non-SYN sessions. These sessions can be included in the TCP
statistics, based on the configuration properties you enable in RUM Console. The
inclusion of these sessions may render the statistics somewhat inaccurate and must
be undertaken with care.
Page load time threshold
An operation that takes more than this many seconds is considered slow. When Inherit
from global setting is selected, the global setting is used. To edit the global setting,
open the AMD configuration, go to Global ➤ General and set the Operation time
Server time threshold
Server time threshold relates to the server time portion of an overall operation time.
Server times above the threshold limit are considered to be slow due to the poor
datacenter performance.
Click OK to save the configuration.
On the Software Services screen, click Publish Configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
HTTP Express Analyzer
The HTTP Express analyzer is a simplified version of the HTTP analyzer. Use this analyzer for
network performance monitoring when you know that HTTP traffic is present and you require
basic HTTP information about servers and URLs but not in-depth transactional or payload
The HTTP Express analyzer supports the basic HTTP monitoring features, enabling you to
create a simple software service used to monitor URLs. It provides basic HTTP analysis limited
to the hit identification and per-URL monitoring.
Table 5. Comparison of the HTTP and HTTP Express Analyzers
URL and URL with parameters monitoring.
Yes, with
For more information, see Configuring URL Monitoring in the Data Center
Real User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide and
Configuring URL Monitoring for HTTP Express Analyzer [p. 157].
URL auto-learning.
For more information, see URL Auto-Learning [p. 86].
Recognition and parsing of URLs.
For more information, see Global Settings for Recognition and Parsing
of URLs [p. 135].
Character encoding support.
For more information, see Character Encoding Support for HTTP Services
[p. 120].
Content type monitoring.
For more information, see Content Type URL Monitoring [p. 113] and
Monitoring of Non-HTML Objects Based on Content Type [p. 114].
Extracting additional dimensions.
For more information, see Extracting Grouping Attributes in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide
and Extracting Miscellaneous Parameters in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
Operation attributes reporting.
Yes, in HTTP No
For more information, see Operation Attributes in HTTP Monitoring in
the RUM Console Online Help.
Custom metrics reporting.
For more information, see Custom Metrics in HTTP Monitoring in the
RUM Console Online Help.
Many of the DC RUM monitoring features are available at the level of a software service, URL, and URL with
parameters. All monitoring features not supported by the HTTP Express analyzer are naturally not available for URL
and URL with parameters monitoring.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Table 5. Comparison of the HTTP and HTTP Express Analyzers (continued)
Page name recognition.
Yes. From
For more information, see Automatic Page Name Recognition [p. 104]. responses in
HTTP and
HTTP legacy
mode. From
requests only
Defining end-of-page components.
For more information, see End-of-Page Components [p. 102].
Excluding elements from orphaned redirect reporting.
Yes, in HTTP No
For more information, see Excluding Elements from Orphaned Redirects mode.
Reporting [p. 97].
User identification.
For more information, see User Name Recognition Configuration [p. 63].
Transaction reporting, including asynchronous HTTP transactions.
For more information, see Logging Transactions, ADS Data and ADS
Header Data [p. 116] and Using Correlation ID to Monitor Asynchronous
HTTP Transactions [p. 178].
Browser, operating system, and hardware recognition.
For more information, see Configuring Synthetic Agents, Browsers,
Operating System and Hardware Recognition [p. 98].
Assembling pages.
Assembling Pages [p. 138]
Multi-frame pages reporting.
For more information, see Multi-Frame Pages [p. 141].
SSL monitoring.
Within the features supported, the HTTP Express analyzer configuration are similar to the
standard HTTP analyzer.
General Configuration Options for HTTP Express Software
HTTP general configuration options for the HTTP Express analyzer are limited to the options
related to the HTTP sessions and session timeouts. They can be set globally for the AMD or
individually for particular software services.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created one or more user-defined software
services for this protocol and that you know how to access and modify global settings for an
AMD and settings for a service.
Start and log on to RUM Console.
Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices from the top menu, to display the
current device list.
Select Open Configuration from the context menu for an AMD.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Click Edit as Draft to set your configuration to draft mode (if you are not in draft mode
Navigate to Front-End-Monitoring ➤ Web ➤ HTTP Express ➤ General.
Configuration options related to general settings for an AMD for this protocol analyzer are
also under the HTTP Options tab for individual user-defined services.
Configure options available in the General section.
The list of configuration options includes:
Last packet HTTP session timeout
If the time since the last packet for an HTTP session is longer than this value (in
seconds), the hit is considered finished and closed. This timeout period is configured
globally for all software services.
Report URL prefixed with analyzed HTTP method
If this option is selected, the string “POST” or “GET” is prefixed to the reported URL.
This option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific
user-defined software service. Service-specific settings take precedence over global
Treat a client RST packet sent by the session as closing session
If this option is selected, the protocol analyzer treats a client RST packet sent by the
session as closing the session instead of aborting it if there was no content length
header. It is configured globally for all software services.
Optional: Configure URL Auto-Learning.
For more information, see Configuring URL Auto-Learning [p. 86].
Optional: Configure Character Encoding Support.
For more information, see Character Encoding Support for HTTP Services [p. 120].
Save or publish the configuration.
Click Save to save your changes and continue with configuration.
Click Save and Publish to immediately update the devices configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Configuring HTTP Express Availability
By configuring the availability, you can determine which attempt failures are included in the
availability metric calculation.
You can configure HTTP Express availability globally or at the software service level.
For global configuration, open the AMD configuration and go to Global ➤ Web ➤ HTTP
Express ➤ Availability. For the software service level, select the Availability tab in the Edit
Rule window.
For HTTP Express, you can determine whether the following HTTP errors, all disabled by
default, should be included in the calculation of Failures (transport) metric.
HTTP client errors (4xx)
HTTP server errors (5xx)
HTTP unauthorized errors
HTTP not found errors
For more information, see Assigning HTTP Error Codes to Error Categories [p. 122].
Configuring User-Defined Software Services Based on HTTP
Express Analyzer
HTTP options for software services based on the HTTP Express analyzer can be set globally
for the AMD or individually for particular software services.
To modify the configuration options related to service specific settings for an individual HTTP
software service based on the HTTP Express analyzer:
Start and log on to RUM Console.
From the top menu, select Software Services ➤ Manage Software Services.
Select a software service from the list.
Click in the row corresponding with your service to display a set of rules for this service
on the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, select Edit manually from the Actions context menu for a
selected rule.
The Edit Rule pop-up window appears. In this window you can edit and delete the existing
rules, or add new rules.
Configure URL monitoring.
For more information, see Configuring URL Monitoring for HTTP Express Analyzer
[p. 157].
Optional: Configure URL parameters monitoring.
For more information, see Configuring Monitoring of URL Parameters for HTTP Express
Analyzer [p. 161].
Optional: Configure URL Auto-Learning.
For more information, see Configuring URL Auto-Learning [p. 86].
Optional: Configure Character Encoding Support.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
For more information, see Rule-based Character Encoding for HTTP Services [p. 121].
9. Optional: Switch to the HTTP Options tab.
10. Configure report URL prefixed with analyzed HTTP method.
If this option is selected, the string “POST” or “GET” is prefixed to the reported URL. This
option can be set globally for all software services or configured for a specific user-defined
software service. Specific settings take precedence over global settings.
11. Optional: Select analyzed HTTP methods.
Choose between Only POST and GET and All Methods.
This option is configured individually for user-defined software services.
12. Optional: Switch to the Options tab.
If you select Enable monitoring of persistent TCP sessions, TCP sessions not starting
with SYN packets are monitored.
13. Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Configuring URL Monitoring for HTTP Express Analyzer
You can create named URL definitions to monitor specific URLs and you can specify URLs to
be excluded from monitoring. You can also specify a virtual HTTP server to handle scenarios
in which many web sites reside under a single IP address.
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created a user-defined software service for this
protocol and have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the
IP address and port of the software service to be monitored. For more information, see
Configuring User-Defined Software Services Based on HTTP Express Analyzer [p. 156].
To specify definitions for the monitoring of URLs for a user-defined HTTP software service,
create or edit one or more URL definitions:
Open the URL Monitoring screen for the service.
In the Rules table for the service, select the URL Monitoring tab.
Add or open a definition for a URL to be monitored or to be excluded from monitoring.
In the URL Definitions table, right-click and choose Add Monitored URL to create a
new definition for monitoring URLs, Add Excluded URL to create a new definition for
URLs excluded from monitoring, or Open to open an existing definition. The Configure
Monitored URL or Configure Excluded URL window will open.
The order in which you arrange URLs is important. When adding several URLs of the same
type, make sure that you arrange the definitions from the most specific to the most general,
because the URLs are processed from top to bottom. In particular, if you add a specific
excluded URL, make sure that you place it before a more general monitored URL, or the
exclusion will be ignored.
Select a URL type.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
The option you select here determines the type of URL information that you will need to
enter further down in the URL Definition section:
Virtual HTTP Server
Static URL Part
URL as Regular Expression.
Enter a URL definition string.
The information you enter here depends on the URL Type selection you made in the
previous step.
Virtual HTTP Server
This option refers to monitoring a host where many web sites reside under a single
IP address. Using a virtual HTTP server causes all reported pages that have no separate
definitions to be aggregated to one record and reported together. This does not apply
to those pages from the IP address that are defined separately in a monitoring
configuration. Such individual definitions do not require that you select this option.
A valid virtual HTTP server address to enter would be, for example,, without a trailing slash.
Static URL Part
A fully qualified URL (one containing the protocol to be used, the server to be
contacted, and the file to be requested) such as
This URL will be added to the list of monitored URLs regardless of the limit of
monitored URLs.
URL as Regular Expression
An extended POSIX regular expression describing a set of URLs. For more
information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209].
The syntax allows you to use parentheses “()” to select one or more sub-expressions
(specific portions of the results). If this mechanism is used, only the specified portions
are reported; if more than one portion is specified, the portions are concatenated.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
When using a regular expression to specify a set of URLs to monitor:
Explicitly include the string “http://” in the expression. You can not, for
example, start the expression with “.*” and expect that the “http://” string
will be assumed or resolved as a part of the regular expression.
The parentheses you use to select the part of the URL to be extracted must include
“http://” and the name of the host. However, the name of the host does not
have to be provided explicitly, but can be resolved by the regular expression.
Thus, for example, “(”
is correct, and so is “(http://.*/)report/(myreport)”.
The regular expression must be constructed such that, after extracting the portions
delimited by parentheses, the resulting string does not end with a slash character
(“/”). This rule applies to all URLs except home pages (URLs consisting only of
a protocol specification and a host name). Such URL specifications should end
with a slash.
For example ( is
valid, but ( is not
valid. Note also that a specification ending with (myreport/*) is not valid
because it can be matched by a string ending with a slash, as the asterisk can
match an empty string.
You can click the Test button located beside the regular expression pattern field to
use the Regular Expressions Test tool to test patterns that will be used by the AMD.
For more information, see Testing Regular Expressions [p. 211].
Example 12. A simple example of using a regular expression to specify monitored URLs
The use of parentheses in a regular expression is demonstrated in the following
The above expression will match URLs such as,11111,11111,22222,22222,33333,33333
but only the bracketed portion (“”) will be
Example 13. A more complex example of using a regular expression to specify monitored
The following is a more complex example that demonstrates concatenation of
bracketed portions:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
A site contains URLs of the form:!ut/p/kcxml/
where only the part coming after “...wcm/connect/”, in this case My Aide, is relevant for differentiating this page from other
pages of this site, the rest being session ID and various parameters.
If you use
to define monitored URLs, the reported URL for this page will be: Aide
Because resolving regular expressions is processor-intensive, defining a large number
of URLs with regular expressions can have an adverse effect on the performance of
the AMD.
If you are configuring excluded URLs, this step completes this particular definition. If you
are defining monitored URLs, proceed to the next step.
Optional: Select additional options.
In the Options section, select or clear the desired options as required:
Report URL Prefixed with Analyzed HTTP Method
All methods of passing HTTP parameters can be distinguished if this option is selected.
To use the value defined for the entire monitoring rule, ensure that the Inherit Setting
from Rule check box is selected.
The All methods option allows for processing all detected HTTP methods including
the WebDAV HTTP extesion. The extended WebDAV methods automatically
identified include:
Retrieves properties and a directory hierarchy of a remote system.
Changes and deletes multiple properties is a single operation.
Creates directories or collections.
Copies a resource from one URI to another.
Moves a resource from one URI to another.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Puts a lock on a resource.
Removes a lock from a resource.
Monitoring WebDAV software services requires a specific configuration options. In
order to properly report a hit as a separate operation, you must define a URL with
regex matching all URLs (http://.*) and content types.
Report long pages, incoming over many monitoring intervals
This option allows for reporting so-called long pages (pages that load continually).
This type of page is used, for example, to provide constantly updated information
such as stock market reports. There are a number of different techniques for providing
this functionality, such as by using streaming objects or server PUSH. All pages to
be treated as long pages must be specified explicitly.
Long pages are reported on reports, but no transaction-related information is included
in reports. The only information collected for such pages are network metrics.
Report Only URL Part When Parameters Do Not Match
Select this option to cause this URL to be reported even if none of the parameter sets
specified for the URL has been matched with the actual parameters seen in the
monitored traffic. Parameters are defined in a separate configuration window. For
more information, see Configuring Monitoring of URL Parameters for HTTP Express
Analyzer [p. 161].
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
What to Do Next
If you require URL recognition that includes parameter matching, you need to define parameter
information for this URL definition. For more information, see Configuring Monitoring of URL
Parameters for HTTP Express Analyzer [p. 161].
Configuring Monitoring of URL Parameters for HTTP Express Analyzer
You can specify up to four parameters for a given URL definition using, among other ways,
regular expressions. Pages with particular sets of parameters can be reported as separate pages
in DC RUM reports.
Before You Begin
It is assumed for this task that you have already created a user-defined software service for this
protocol and have specified one or more rules containing the essential components such as the
IP address and port of the software service to be monitored. It is also assumed that you have
created one or more URL definitions for your rules. For more information, see Configuring
User-Defined Software Services Based on HTTP Express Analyzer [p. 156].Configuring URL
Monitoring for HTTP Express Analyzer [p. 157]
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
To specify parameter definitions for a URL definition, create or edit one or more parameter
definitions as follows:
Open the Rules Configuration window for the service.
Click the URL Monitoring tab.
In the URL Definitions section, select the desired URL definition.
To quickly navigate to an entry in the URL definitions table, click in the table and
then type some or all of the IP definition.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press [Ctrl+F] to open a search box to limit the
table view to only those rows that contain a match (in any column) to the search string.
In the URL Parameters table, right-click and choose Add to create a new parameter
definition, or choose Open to open an existing definition.
The URL Parameters window will open.
Select a parameter matching method from the Parameter Match list and specify details
for up to four parameters.
The following matching methods are supported:
Report the specified parameter or the parameter and value.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are searched
for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match
is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string. So, the wildcard character “*” is taken literally.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
You can specify 'john', to match, though
note that in this case will not be reported
because the parameter value '=123' was not explicitly specified. To match it,
you would need to specify 'john=123'.
Report parameters that begin with a specified string; report only the matched pattern,
truncate any remainder of the parameter.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the form
'name=' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
If more than one option is selected, the selected parameter sources are searched
for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis, until the first match
is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
'fred=5' will match but it will be
reported as The value 'fred' will match as well as and it will be reported as
Start (expand)
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; report the entire parameter,
not only the matched pattern.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any initial part of it this string, including string of the form
'name=' or just 'name'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
'fred=5' will match and it will be
reported as The value 'fred' will
match as well as and it will be reported as and
Report parameters which end with a specified string; report the entire parameter, not
only the matched pattern.
Usage syntax
'name=value' or any final part of it this string, including string of the form
'=value' or just 'value'.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header. Note that more
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected parameter
sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP analysis,
until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
A case-insensitive match is performed; no wildcard characters are permitted in
the string.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
For' to be matched, you can specify the
following ends: '0', '00', '100', '=100', 'n=100' and so on, up to
'john=100'. Thus is reported.
Value RegEx
Report parameters which begin with a specified string; optionally attempt to match
the remainder of the parameter with a regular expression; report the start string and
selected portions of the regular expression, if any.
Usage syntax
Parameter is entered as name=value or any initial part of it this string including
string of the form name= or just name. A regular expression (regex) is entered
as an extended POSIX regular expression.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
Parameters are identified in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header by
searching for the appropriate separator characters, as defined for the analysis
of HTTP. After individual parameters have been identified a match is attempted
for each parameter.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
A case-insensitive match is performed on the Parameter part; the regex part is
matched as a case-sensitive POSIX regular expression.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
parameter specification fred= and a regular expression AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as because the AB portion of the regular
expression was not included in round braces.
Custom RegEx
Report parameters that match the given regular expression; report those portions that
have been selected within the regular expression.
Usage syntax
Enter an extended POSIX regular expression to match the desired string. Mark
portions to be reported by using round braces “(” and “)”.
By selecting the appropriate check box, you can cause the parameter to be
searched for in the request URL, POST body, or HTTP header.
Note that more than one option can be selected, and in such a case, the selected
parameter sources are searched for in sequence, in the order specified for HTTP
analysis, until the first match is found.
Method of matching parameters
The request URL, POST body, or HTTP header are not split into parameters
prior to pattern matching. Instead, they are treated as single units of data and
the regular expression is applied to their entire contents. Only the path part of
the request URL is excluded from the matching process.
The regular expression is entered according to POSIX syntax.
Combining parameters
If you have defined more than one parameter for a given URL, for a match to
be successful all specified parameters have to be matched. When all matches
are found, the reported string then contains a concatenation of all the matched
parameters, separated by the ampersand “&” character.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Note that for a single URL, different parameters can be extracted from different
portion of the HTTP packet, request URL, POST body, or HTTP header, and
combined into a single match.
Decoding and decompression
The string to match the regular expression is first optionally decoded and
decompressed, if the appropriate encoding and compression is selected.
Regular expression fred=AB(C?E) will match but it will be reported as
Regular expression (.*=)AB(C?E) will match as well as and it will be reported as and as
Publish the draft configuration on the monitoring device.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 6 ∙ Configuration Fine-Tuning
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Monitoring Sequence Transactions
You can manage the sequence transactions (operation sequences) that are defined on an individual
AMD or manage each transaction that is monitored by a group of AMDs.
Viewing All Defined Sequence Transactions
To view all transactions, select Reporting Configuration ➤ Sequence Transactions from the
console top menu.
Click in the Sequenced Transactions list and then type the first letters of a sequenced
transaction name to find a sequenced transaction whose name matches what you have typed.
Click the magnifying glass icon or press [Ctrl+F] to open a search box to limit the table
view to only those rows that contain a match (in any column) to the search string.
For each transaction, the following information is shown:
Sequence Transaction Name
The name of a transaction.
The application that includes the listed transaction.
The protocol used to define the listed transaction: ASYNC-HTTP, CERNER, CERNER-RTMS,
Packaged Applications
Whether the listed transaction is a packaged application whose transactions are recognized
by the report server automatically.
When you select a transaction by clicking it once, you can see the list of AMDs that monitor
this transaction.
Viewing Sequence Transactions Defined on an Individual AMD
To view the defined transactions monitored by a single AMD, select Devices and Connections ➤
Manage Devices from the console top menu. Next, select Open configuration from the context
menu for the AMD to access the AMD Configuration screen. Finally, select Configuration ➤
Sequence Transactions.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
The main Sequence Transactions table lists all of the currently defined transactions and their
Sequence Transaction Name
The name of a transaction.
Application Name
The application that includes the listed transaction.
The protocol used to define the listed transaction.
The number of individual operations involved in the listed transaction.
The priority of the transaction. Possible values are 1 (highest priority), 2, and 3.
The maximum time for the transaction to complete.
Packaged Applications
Identifies whether the listed transaction is a packaged application whose transactions are
recognized by the report server automatically.
Viewing Sequence Transaction Details
On the Sequence Transactions screen, select Edit from the Actions menu for a given transaction
to open the Edit Transaction window and examine the steps that make up the transaction. The
listed details are as follow:
Name, Application, Description:
Timeout [s], Slow after [ms], Priority
URL, Timeout, Repetition.
Managing Existing Sequence Transactions
To manage all of the defined transactions, use the Sequence Transactions screen.
To create new transactions, click Add Sequence Transaction. The Create Sequence
Transaction screen appears, where you can select the AMD devices that will monitor this
new transaction.
To delete a transaction, select the check box for the transaction and click Delete.
If the transaction you are deleting is monitored by more than one AMD, a new draft
configuration must be published to all of the affected AMDs.
To edit a transaction, from the Actions context menu for the transaction, select Edit.
To copy a transaction to another device, from the Actions context menu for the transaction,
select Copy.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
Configuring the AMD to Monitor HTTP-Based
The following configuration properties affect the monitoring of HTTP-based transactions. These
properties reside in the /usr/adlex/config/ configuration file.
This property determines whether the HTTP-based transaction information is to be
processed on this AMD.
Note that while this configuration property does not affect the processing of XML-based
transactions directly, it does influence processing performance, since, if set to true, the
AMD will also have to process HTTP-based transactions. Therefore, if it is not required
that HTTP-based transactions are to be processed in addition to XML-based ones, this
property should be set to false.
Default value: true.
This determines whether XML-based transaction information is to be processed on this
Note that while this configuration property does not affect the processing of HTTP-based
transactions directly, it does influence processing performance, since, if set to true, the
AMD will also have to process XML-based transactions. Therefore, if it is not required
that XML-based transactions are to be processed in addition to HTTP-based ones, this
property should be set to false.
For more information, see Configuring the AMD to Monitor XML-Based Transactions in
the RUM Console Online Help.
Default value: true.
Adding Transactions
You can add a transaction to either an individual AMD or a range of AMDs using the RUM
To define a new transaction:
In the RUM Console, select Reporting Configuration ➤ Sequence Transactions.
Click Add Sequence Transaction.
The Create Sequence Transaction pop-up window appears.
Enter the application and transaction names and a description.
If you have configured the Dynatrace connection, click Browse to select a predefined
application and a specific transaction within this application. For more information, see
Configuring the BSM Connection in RUM Console in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Administration Guide.
Select the devices that will monitor the transaction.
When you publish the new configuration, it is only applied to these devices.
Click OK.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
On the screen, specify the configuration details for the transaction.
Provide the timing and priority values:
Timeout [s]
The maximum time for the transaction to complete. Transactions must complete in
this time to be logged as successful transactions.
Slow after [ms]
If the transaction execution time exceeds this value, the transaction is classified as
Specify this threshold in seconds, for example: 500.
Determines which transaction is recorded if two or more transaction definitions match
the transaction detected in the monitored traffic. The valid priority values are 1 (highest
priority), 2, and 3.
A multiple transaction match can happen if, for example, you first create a generic
transaction definition that can match a number of more specific transactions and then
you create another transaction definition that matches a particular sub-type of that
generic transaction type. If an observed transaction is found to match the latter
definition, it also matches the first (more generic) definition, and the system will need
to determine under which transaction name to record the observed transaction instance.
By increasing the priority of the second, more specific definition, you can count the
occurrences of this particular transaction sub-type, which are then not counted in the
statistics for the generic transaction type.
So you can use this feature to increase the priority of specific customized transaction
definitions that should take precedence over more generic transaction templates.
Specify the operations that comprise the transaction steps.
Depending on the transaction type, enter the following items to define the transaction steps:
HTTP Transaction
The URL can contain a contain optional wild-card character “*” or a regular
XML Transaction
XML Action
The XML action can contain a can contain a contain optional wild-card character “*”.
SAP GUI transaction
SAP GUI operation
Cerner RTMS Transaction
Cerner operation
The Cerner operation can contain an optional wildcard character “*”.
Oracle Forms Transaction
Oracle Forms operation
The Oracle Forms operation can contain an optional wildcard character “*”.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
SQL Transaction (timer)
SQL operation (command) and query type.
Both SQL operation and query type can contain an optional wild-card character “*”
to signify any number of any characters or a regular expression. You can use either
of the two methods in one line. For example, you can use the regular expression
based pattern for the query type, regex:rp[abc]$ and simple search pattern for the
SQL operation, set*.
For more information, see Reported Database Operation Types in the Data Center
Real User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
To maintain the sequence of these operations, use the navigation buttons on the right.
When using the regular expression in defining the HTTP, Oracle Forms and SQL transaction
steps, you have to start the search string with the phrase regex: and follow it a valid regular
expression which is applied to the URL, Oracle Forms, SQL operation or query type, for
regex:http://monitored.server.corp:5000/of_html/abc?a=[123]&&a%20b. For
more information, see Using Regular Expressions in URLs [p. 62].
Using the wildcard character “*”, you can signify any number of any characters. For more
information, see Using Wildcards in URLs [p. 61].
You can Add, Delete, Move Up, Move Down, or Copy the defined steps by selecting the
step and clicking one of these actions.
You can also make changes in the table itself: click in any of the column cells to edit the
values. Using the table, you can determine whether the selected operation was a request
or a response and whether this particular operation may be repeated within this transaction.
Click OK to add your transaction definition to a draft configuration.
On the Sequence Transactions screen, click Publish Configuration.
What to Do Next
You can also add a transaction using the Sequence Transaction Inspector. For more
information, see Monitoring Sequence Transactions [p. 169].
Adding Transactions for a Range of AMDs
Transactions can be added to a number of AMDs at the same time.
To add a transaction to several AMDs:
In the RUM Console, select Reporting Configuration ➤ Sequence Transactions.
Click Add Sequence Transaction.
The Create Sequence Transaction pop-up window appears.
Enter the transaction and application names.
From the Type list, select the analyzer type for the transaction.
Select the AMDs to monitor this transaction by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
To use a transaction inspector, select Open with Sequence Transaction Inspector and,
from the drop-down list, select the device providing the XML data to the transaction
inspector in the transaction editor.
Click OK to proceed to the transaction editor.
You can change the transaction and application names, or you can accept the current names
and proceed to the next step.
Provide the timing and priority values:
Timeout [s]
The maximum time for the transaction to complete. Transactions must complete in
this time to be logged as successful transactions.
Slow after [ms]
If the transaction execution time exceeds this value, the transaction is classified as
Specify this threshold in seconds, for example: 500.
Determines which transaction is recorded if two or more transaction definitions match
the transaction detected in the monitored traffic. The valid priority values are 1 (highest
priority), 2, and 3.
A multiple transaction match can happen if, for example, you first create a generic
transaction definition that can match a number of more specific transactions and then
you create another transaction definition that matches a particular sub-type of that
generic transaction type. If an observed transaction is found to match the latter
definition, it also matches the first (more generic) definition, and the system will need
to determine under which transaction name to record the observed transaction instance.
By increasing the priority of the second, more specific definition, you can count the
occurrences of this particular transaction sub-type, which are then not counted in the
statistics for the generic transaction type.
So you can use this feature to increase the priority of specific customized transaction
definitions that should take precedence over more generic transaction templates.
10. Specify the operations that comprise the transaction steps.
Depending on the transaction type, enter the following items to define the transaction steps:
HTTP Transaction
The URL can contain a contain optional wild-card character “*” or a regular
XML Transaction
XML Action
The XML action can contain a can contain a contain optional wild-card character “*”.
SAP GUI transaction
SAP GUI operation
Cerner RTMS Transaction
Cerner operation
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
The Cerner operation can contain an optional wildcard character “*”.
Oracle Forms Transaction
Oracle Forms operation
The Oracle Forms operation can contain an optional wildcard character “*”.
SQL Transaction (timer)
SQL operation (command) and query type.
Both SQL operation and query type can contain an optional wild-card character “*”
to signify any number of any characters or a regular expression. You can use either
of the two methods in one line. For example, you can use the regular expression
based pattern for the query type, regex:rp[abc]$ and simple search pattern for the
SQL operation, set*.
For more information, see Reported Database Operation Types in the Data Center
Real User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
To maintain the sequence of these operations, use the navigation buttons on the right.
When using the regular expression in defining the HTTP, Oracle Forms and SQL transaction
steps, you have to start the search string with the phrase regex: and follow it a valid regular
expression which is applied to the URL, Oracle Forms, SQL operation or query type, for
regex:http://monitored.server.corp:5000/of_html/abc?a=[123]&&a%20b. For
more information, see Using Regular Expressions in URLs [p. 62].
Using the wildcard character “*”, you can signify any number of any characters. For more
information, see Using Wildcards in URLs [p. 61].
You can Add, Delete, Move Up, Move Down, or Copy the defined steps by selecting the
step and clicking one of these actions.
You can also make changes in the table itself: click in any of the column cells to edit the
values. Using the table, you can determine whether the selected operation was a request
or a response and whether this particular operation may be repeated within this transaction.
11. Click OK to add your transaction definition to a draft configuration.
12. Return to the Sequence Transactions screen and click Publish Configuration.
The configuration is sent to all of the selected devices.
Filters and Transaction Inspector for HTTP Transactions
The Transaction Inspector enables you to select individual steps and construct your own
transactions from live traffic or historical data.
The Transaction Inspector consists of two main areas: the Filters and the Transaction Inspector
The search strings and transaction step definitions use regular expression (regex) format. For
more information, see Regular Expression Fundamentals [p. 209] and Using Wildcards in URLs
[p. 61].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
Transactions can be defined manually by entering each step, however the Filters area enables
you to examine the Current Stream or Recent Data and select the detected steps to build a
transaction. The transaction filter consists of two tabs:
Data Filter
The Data Filter tab enables you to define your filter by selecting the source and range of
data to be filtered.
From the list, you can select the report server and create a user filter. Select User Name
or User IP Address and either enter the data manually or click Browse to open the Select
User window, where you can select the user identified in transaction traffic by the report
server. You can highlight or search for the specific user or user IP address and filter the
search query based on any of the columns in the transactions table.
After the user or user IP address is selected, you can choose to either extract transactions
from a Current Stream that is being monitored, or from Recent Data stored on the report
The Recent Data option requires you to provide a Begin and End date for the time range
to be processed.
In the case of HTTP asynchronous transactions, you can only extract transactions from
Recent Data and you cannot apply the user filters.
Result Filter
The Result Filter tab consists of a find field, a transaction detail field, and an interactive
legend to filter transactions that have been classified as:
Table 6. Result Filter Color Guide
The transaction
was recognized
and matched with
the transaction
currently being
One or more steps
in the transaction
currently being
defined were not
One or more steps
in the transactions
for which an error
A Step or a URL
was recognized as
an already defined
and saved
Excluded URLs or
steps which did
not match any
By selecting and clearing the corresponding check boxes, you can filter the URLs from
the data source. The color coding of the steps is based on your current transaction definition
in the Transaction Definition area.
To view the results and enable the filter to receive data, click , located on the right side
of the Filters area.
While viewing the data in Transaction Inspector, at any time you can force the data to
be recalculated using your current transaction definition by clicking or, you can stop
the filter by clicking , located on the right side of the Filters area.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
Transaction Inspector
Transaction Inspector consists of two tables that display the URLs and Sequenced
Transactions detected in the data source that is defined in the Filters section.
The Transaction Inspector enables you to select one or a number of detected steps and add
them to your transaction definition. Select the check box corresponding to the URL that you
want to add and then click located above the table.
You can add the steps from both the URLs table and from the Transactions table.
After the URL is moved to the Transaction Definition table, you can modify it, position it
within a sequence of other steps, clone it as another step, or delete it using the operation buttons
to the right of the Transaction Definition table.
Modifying, Deleting, and Cloning Transactions for a
Single AMD
Modifying a Sequence Transaction
To modify the definition of an existing transaction:
Open AMD configuration and click Edit as Draft to switch to draft mode.
In the Configuration tree, select Sequence Transactions.
This opens the Sequence Transactions table, listing all of the defined transactions for this
Right-click the transaction to manage and select Open from the context menu.
You can modify any of transaction details. For more information, see Adding Transactions
[p. 171].
Deleting a Sequence Transaction
To delete selected transactions:
Open AMD configuration and click Edit as Draft to switch to draft mode.
In the Configuration tree, select Sequence Transactions.
Click the transaction that you want to delete.
To delete multiple transactions with one step, hold the [Ctrl] key as you click additional
Right-click and select Delete to remove the selected transactions from the list.
Cloning a sequence transaction
To clone selected transactions:
Open AMD configuration and click Edit as Draft to switch to draft mode.
In the Configuration tree, select Sequence Transactions.
Click the transaction that you want to clone.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
To clone multiple transactions with one step, hold the [Ctrl] key as you click additional
Right-click and select Clone to duplicate the selected transactions.
A cloned transaction is indicated by the original transaction name with “(Clone)” appended
to it.
There are differences between cloning and copying. For more information, see Monitoring
Sequence Transactions [p. 169].
Using Correlation ID to Monitor Asynchronous HTTP
In an asynchronous HTTP transaction, unlike in an ordinary HTTP transaction, the role of the
client and the server is not persistently fixed, so the IP addresses of the client and server may
differ between TCP sessions. The only parameter that associates the exchanged data is the
correlation identifier, which is found in the HTTP header or body of the message. You can
extract the correlation ID from the transaction response and request, making it possible to identify
and report on a complete asynchronous transaction.
To define an asynchronous HTTP transaction, first configure the AMD to extract a correlation
identifier and then define the transaction itself, maintaining the sequence of the operations.
Determine the correlation identifier.
Asynchronous data exchange consists of two or more independent HTTP/HTTPS operations.
The correlation identifier is the information that associates one session with another and is
passed in the HTTP/HTTPS header. The example transaction consists of two operations
triggered by the following URLs:
As shown in the example, the correlation identifier is passed by the id and originalid
Define monitoring of the operation URLs.
Define the monitoring of each URL. For more information, see Configuring URLs for a
Software Service Definition [p. 52].
Configure extraction of the correlation identifier.
When configuring the URL monitoring, both Configure Monitored URL and URL
Parameters windows contain the Correlation ID tab which you use to extract the
correlation ID from the URL.
To extract the correlation ID from the example URLs in Step 1 [p. 178], the Simple Value
search method is the most convenient. It matches the parameter that begins with a string
defined in the phrase and reports only the value of parameter, not the prefix.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
For the request URL, add a simple id= phrase and originalid= for the response. Both
search phrases match the parameter that carries the jgk9ky19z8c5 string which is the
example correlation identifier. For more information, see Metric Value Extraction Methods
in the RUM Console Online Help. Click OK to save your changes.
Add the asynchronous HTTP transaction.
For more information, see Adding Transactions [p. 171] and Adding Transactions for a
Range of AMDs [p. 173].
When choosing the transaction type, select Asynchronous HTTP Transaction from the
list. You must define the steps that comprise the full definition of the transaction. You must
set the direction of the second step of the definition to response.
In the example,* is added as a first
transaction step and its direction is set to request and* is set as a second transaction step and its direction
is set to response.
Click OK to add the transaction definition to a draft configuration.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 7 ∙ Monitoring Sequence Transactions
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Web Tiers
A tier is a specific point where DC RUM collects performance data. It is a logical application
layer, a representation of a fragment of your monitored environment.
There is one tier on the CAS that reports HTTP or SSL (decrypted) data: the Website tier. If
your CAS is configured to report on web application traffic and receives web application data,
the Website tier will automatically be displayed on the Tiers report.
For more information, see Application and Transaction Management in the Data Center Real
User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 8 ∙ Web Tiers
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Web Application Traffic on CAS Reports
The HTTP and SSL (decrypted) traffic statistics will appear on CAS software service, transaction
and application, or tier reports, depending on how you have configured your monitoring rules.
For detailed description of the reports and explanation of dimension and metric definitions refer
to the Data Center Real User Monitoring Central Analysis Server User Guide or CAS online
Reports menu
From the Reports menu, view the following reports:
Applications: see the performance of applications for which data was detected on front-end
tiers, if you have defined web applications and transactions on CAS. For more information,
see Application and Transaction Management in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Administration Guide.
Tiers: analyze statistics for the website tier.
Sites: analyze statistics for specific sites.
Top N View: view the most problematic software services, operations and sites.
Software Services: analyze statistics for HTTP and SSL software services.
Network Landing Page: analyze your network performance.
User Activity: analyze traffic statistics for particular users.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Chapter 9 ∙ Web Application Traffic on CAS Reports
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Guided Configuration Issues
After I upgraded to Data Center Real User Monitoring 11.5, why doesn't Guided
Configuration work?
On upgrade, the Guided Configuration connection is, by default, disabled on the AMDs.
Enable the Guided Configuration connection on an AMD, see Step 14 [p. 81]. Note that
if you add an AMD after you upgrade to DC RUM 11.5, the connection will be enabled
for you on the new device.
Another reason that it does not work is that the number of AMDs in your network exceeds
the maximum number (15) of devices with a Guided Configuration connection enabled.
Also note that automatic trace recording is, by default, disabled in all installations, so to
see data on the Guided Configuration perspective, either enable automatic trace recording
or record a trace manually. For more information, see Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48].
The Guided Configuration is incorrectly displayed after a period of user inactivity.
The watchdog mechanism for RUM Console Server frequently polls the server process
for its activity. If no activity is detected after a certain timeout (default is 30 seconds), the
RUM Console Server process is restarted. This restart causes a connection break between
the active RUM Console and the RUM Console Server. The connection is automatically
reestablished after RUM Console restart, but the Guided Configuration process may have
to be restarted. The JVM restart will result in an entry in log file platform-system.log
(located in the ..\ProgramData\Application Data\Compuware\Vantage Agentless
EUE Configuration\workspace\log\kernel\) similar to this:
ERROR | wrapper
signal from JVM.
STATUS | wrapper
ERROR | wrapper
STATUS | wrapper
| 2010/06/29 17:13:14 | JVM appears hung: Timed out waiting for
| 2010/06/29 17:13:14 | Dumping JVM state.
| 2010/06/29 17:13:19 | JVM did not exit on request, terminated
| 2010/06/29 17:13:24 | Launching a JVM...
This usually happens on overloaded systems when another process is using 100% of the
CPU, caused by low system memory and high disc swapping. In this situation, it is
recommended that RAM be increased on the machine.
Why can't I record a new traffic trace?
You can diagnose and solve the problem in several ways:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Read the message in the recording pop-up window. It may contain information about
connection problems, the AMD receiving no traffic, or the Guided Configuration
waiting for the top statistics data from the device.
Check the connection status for the selected AMDs in the Device Status section on
the Devices screen. You cannot record new traces if the monitoring device experiences
connection problems.
Issue the ndstat command on your AMD to check whether the CBA and the CBA
Agent are working. The log should contain the following lines:
=== CBA watchdog process:
2018 ?
0:00 /bin/sh /usr/adlex/cba/bin/
=== CBA module: 1 processes(threads)
20430 ?
0:08 /usr/adlex/cba/bin/cba
=== CBA-Agent watchdog process:
2069 ?
0:00 /bin/sh /usr/adlex/cba-agent/bin/
=== CBA-Agent process:
2073 ?
0:00 /bin/bash /usr/adlex/cba-agent/bin/cba-agent
Using the ls -l /var/spool/adlex/cba command, check whether a trace file
with a given name exists and, if it does, check its size.
To determine whether an interface is configured and functioning, issue the ifconfig
command two or more times and observe the number of packets. If there is traffic on
the interface, this number should be non-zero and increasing from observation to
observation. For example:
[root@vantageamd ~]# ifconfig
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:7B:32:70
RX packets:32692 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:16767433 (15.9 MiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Base address:0x1070 Memory:ec820000-ec840000
[root@vantageamd ~]# ifconfig
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:7B:32:70
RX packets:48991 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:20138709 (19.2 MiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Base address:0x1070 Memory:ec820000-ec840000
You can also use the rcon tcdump command to check whether you can intercept any
packets received through the traffic on the sniffing interfaces.
Disable and then enable the Guided Configuration connection in the monitoring device
settings. For more information, see Adding an AMD to Devices List [p. 17].
Restart the CBA Agent with the service cba-agent restart Linux command.
You can also search for exceptions and error information in the available logs:
cva\log\server.log in the RUM Console installation directory
/var/log/adlex/cba-agent.log in the AMD installation directory
/var/log/adlex/cba.log in the AMD installation directory
This, however, requires advanced product knowledge.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Why does the Guided Configuration experience connection problems?
To diagnose this problem:
Check whether the default connection port (9094) is open on the firewall; this is
required for the Guided Configuration to work.
You can change the default port number if it is already used by another application
or service. For more information, see Connection Settings for the CBA Agent and
RUM Console Server [p. 206].
Using the command netstat -nat | grep LISTEN | grep -v to
list the open external ports on the AMD. In the following screen output example, port
9094 is open:
[root@vantageamd ~]# netstat -nat | grep LISTEN | grep -v
Why can't I find a certain URL, parameter, or cookie in the traffic? (I am sure it is there).
Most likely the searched element did not make it to the top statistics that are displayed on
the Application Traffic Categories screen. To find a specific element, consider using a
filtered traffic trace.
You may also increase the number of items in each processed wizard request:
Open the cva\config\amd\cba-config.xml file in the RUM Console installation
In the file, search for the <numberOfResults> element.
The default setting is:
Change the default number to a new value.
Restart the CBA with the service cba restart Linux command.
Increasing the number of items in each processed wizard request may negatively affect
the overall system performance.
Why can't I see the decrypted SSL traffic?
First check whether there is any SSL (undecrypted) traffic detected. Select Devices and
Connections ➤ Verify quality of monitored traffic, and select the Application Traffic
Categories tab. If there are no results under SSL for a selected trace, it may indicate one
of the following:
There are no SSL data in the recorded traffic trace, which may be due to insufficient
trace length. For the SSL data to appear in the Guided Configuration perspective, the
trace must contain the session beginning together with the SSL key handshake.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Your SSL port number is something other than 443, so change the configuration
settings for Guided Configuration. For more information, see SSL Settings for the
CBA Agent and RUM Console Server Connection [p. 207].
Your SSL key configuration is invalid.
Why is integration with Dynatrace Synthetic Monitoring not working?
First, verify whether the Dynatrace connection settings are correct. For more information,
see Configuring the DPN Connection in RUM Console [p. 85].
Remember that the only Dynatrace tests that are imported to DC RUM are active backbone
tests. If your test definitions are of a different type, they will not be downloaded to DC
Also note that to integrate Dynatrace and DC RUM performance measurements, you must
have traffic traces with data corresponding to Dynatrace test definitions. If, after importing
Dynatrace test definitions to DC RUM, no matching URLs are found, it may mean that
the trace is too short and does not contain the matching data.
The RUM Console uses too much memory. How can I solve the problem?
You can control the amount of used memory in several ways:
Disable the automatic trace recording. For more information, see Capturing Traffic
Traces [p. 48].
Disable the Guided Configuration connection on some of your AMDs. For more
information, see Adding an AMD to Devices List [p. 17].
Reset the automatically recorded trace. Use this option carefully, because resetting
the trace will cause all of the previously gathered statistics to be lost. For more
information, see Capturing Traffic Traces [p. 48].
Restart the Dynatrace RUM Console service using the Windows services.msc
Select Start ➤ Run.
Type the services.msc utility name in the Open box.
Click OK.
On the list of the running services, right-click the Dynatrace RUM Console
service and select Restart from the context menu.
Why only one out of, for example two, web monitoring enabled AMDs are collecting the
monitoring data?
This issue appears when Linux is not configured properly. Specifically, the hostname
configuration. The hostname of the machine must be mapped to either the localhost or
to the machine's public IP address. To map the hostname perform the following steps:
Edit /etc/hosts file and make sure it looks similarly to this:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost servername someothernames
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network and change the value there:
Restart the network:
/etc/init.d/network restart
For these changes to take effect, either restart the machine or use the following
echo servername >/proc/sys/kernel/hostname
echo >/proc/sys/kernel/domainname
This command automatically loads the new hostname into memory.
Troubleshooting SSL Monitoring Issues
The AMD provides a wide range of diagnostic information and tools that can help you resolve
issues with SSL monitoring.
Before trying to find an answer to a specific question regarding SSL-related issues, you can use
the built-in system diagnostics of Data Center Real User Monitoring. Inspect the AMD log files,
especially rtm_perf_curr.log and check the system health reports. For more information,
see Diagnostic Tools in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide and
Interpreting a System Problem in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Why, even though the Agentless Monitoring Device has an SSL accelerator card, and the
SSL card has been initialized, SSL is not being decrypted.
The SSL card needs to operate in the Logged on mode. For security reasons, after each
machine reboot, the card reverts back to the Initialized mode. To re-activate the card, log
in to the card using the user login and password.
How can I check whether SSL decryption is functioning properly?
• To see full status information about the current SSL operation, execute the SHOW
SSLDECR STATUS rcon command. For more information, see SHOW SSLDECR
STATUS in the Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration
To see historical information about SSL decryption, open the
/var/log/adlex/rtm_perf.log file. Output from the SHOW SSLDECR STATUS
command is written there every monitoring interval (default: 5 minutes).
When viewing CAS reports, note the number of SSL errors reported. In particular, if
the error breakdown information shows a large number of “Other SSL errors”, this
indicates that SSL decryption errors are a problem.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
What should I do if the SHOW SSLDECR STATUS command does not return engine status
as OK or if the incorrect engine is used?
To operate correctly, the engine and accelerator card should match. For example, when
using a NITROX accelerator card, use the nitroxfips engine. If the engine status is not
OK or an incorrect engine is listed as being in use, check the following:
Installation: perhaps the wrong upgrade file has been installed. For more information,
see Installing the AMD Software in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Agentless
Monitoring Device Installation Guide.
Engine configuration. For more information, see Selecting and Configuring SSL
Engine in the Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration
Authentication: some cards require that you perform a login action before they can
operate. Refer to the configuration instructions for the card.
My SSL engine status is OK, but SSL decryption fails entirely, with no keys recognized.
What is the likely cause?
The AMD requires that the SSL card be in an authenticated mode. This allows the AMD
to gain access to RSA private keys stored in the card. One common problem is that when
an AMD is restarted, the user forgets to log in to the AMD and launch the SSL card
configuration utility to authenticate user access (unlock access to RSA keys). The engine
status will be given as OK, meaning that the card itself is functioning correctly and the
correct system driver is loaded, but the number of keys recognized will be 0 because the
AMD is not able to retrieve key information from the card.
CONFIGURATION: Engine:openssl(thread) status:OK
Keys: recognized=0 not recognized=18
To avoid this problem, remember to log in to the AMD and launch the SSL card
configuration utility to authenticate user access (unlock access to RSA keys) after you
restart the AMD.
What should I do if the SHOW SSLDECR STATUS command reports that some keys were not
This can happen if RSA private keys stored in .pem files or on the accelerator card do not
match the keys used by the SSL servers being monitored. Private keys used by servers
can change. Investigate the problem further by executing the SHOW SSLDECR KEYS
command in rcon and check which keys have an error status. For example:
>$ show ssldecr keys
Configuration of SSL private keys:
<key: s1.key, status: error (reading failed)>
<key: strange.key, type: file, size: 1024, status: OK (matched)>
Keys total: 2, ok: 1, failed: 1, matched: 1
If there are errors, check the following:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Is the keylist file in the correct format? If not, correct the entries. For more
information, see Management of RSA Private Keys on AMD in the Data Center Real
User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
If .pem files are to be used, are there the correct .pem files in
/usr/adlex/config/keys? If not, supply the missing files.
If .pem files are to be used, are there any typos in the file names in the keylist file?
Correct the file names or paths as needed.
Are the .pem files encrypted? Open a key file and see whether the word ENCRYPTED
appears near the top of the file.
The keys stored on the disk may be in encrypted form. In this case, to make the keys
available the administrator has to arrange for the keys to be decrypted before they
can be read by the AMD process. This requires a password (one per key file) and is
accomplished using the kpadmin utility and the KPA daemon. For more information,
see Using KPA to Make Keys Available to the AMD Process in the Data Center Real
User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide.
If keys from the accelerator card are used, are the key IDs and names given in the
proper format in keylist? For more information, see Management of RSA Private
Keys on AMD in the Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring
Administration Guide.
If only keys from the accelerator are to be used, consider not using the keylist file
at all by setting the ssl.import.all.keys.from.token configuration property to
true. This ensures that all the keys on the card will be seen correctly regardless of
any entries you might make in the keylist file. For more information, see
Management of RSA Private Keys on AMD in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
What should I do if the SHOW SSLDECR STATUS command reports no sessions?
If the number of sessions is reported as 0, check the following:
Does your AMD installation have a license for SSL decryption? If not, you need to
obtain one. For more information, see Licensing Data Center Real User Monitoring
Components in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Are there any SSL services defined? Remember that you need to define a service
before you can monitor it. You can execute the SHOW SSLDECR SERVERS command
in rcon to list all the servers for which SSL decryption is active. The analyzer for the
software service must specify “SSL with decryption”. For more information, see
SHOW SSLDECR SERVERS in the Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring
Administration Guide and Configuring User-Defined Software Services in the RUM
Console Online Help.
Is there any actual traffic for the servers for which SSL decryption is active? To find
out, use the tcpdump command on the AMD. For example:
tcpdump 1000 "/ssl.tcp" "host and port 443"
tcpdump 1000 "/ssl.tcp" "vlan and host and port 443"
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
and check whether there is any traffic captured in the /ssl.tcp file.
If SHOW SSLDECR STATUS reports decryption errors, what do they mean and what can I
do to fix the problem?
The following decryption errors can be reported:
packet lost during payload data exchange
Your network may be losing packets; check mirrored ports.
corrupted payload data packet
Some of the traffic is corrupted and may be incorrectly received by the AMD,
potentially because of network problems.
decryption failed during payload data exchange
The symmetric decryption failed.
no private key found
You do not have a private key for this session or you have not listed it correctly in
the keylist file.
packet lost during handshake
It may mean that your network is losing packets; check mirrored ports.
corrupted handshake packet or incorrect handshake sequence
Some of the traffic is corrupted and may be incorrectly received by the AMD.
decryption broken during handshake
The symmetric decryption failed.
unsupported SSL version
Traffic encrypted with SSL 2.0 has been encountered. These protocol versions are
not supported by the AMD.
unsupported SSL feature
An unsupported SSL feature has been encountered. The area the feature relates to
and the count of occurrences is in brackets: unsupported cipher, compression, server
key exchange.
re-used sessions with no matching master session seen before
A so-called “short handshake” (a session with re-used ID) was observed, but the
AMD has no record of the original session (“long handshake”) that established the
security credentials. Note that some such errors are normal if you restart the AMD,
which may cause some traffic not to be observed by the AMD.
incomplete SSL handshake
A TCP session was observed to terminate before a complete SSL handshake was
seen. The server can refuse a connection and close the TCP session for various reasons.
For example, this can occur if the client requested a particular version of SSL but the
server requires a different version.
terminated by alert
A fatal SSL alert arrived. Technically, this is alert detection and not an error.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
session not seen from the beginning
May be related to monitoring of sessions with missing start of session. Change your
settings if required. For more information, see Monitoring of Persistent TCP Sessions
in the RUM Console Online Help.
I suspect that I do not have all the private keys necessary for decryption (for example, I
observe sessions “with no private key found”). How can I ensure that all the servers have
their matching keys?
Execute the SHOW SSLDECR SERVERS command in rcon to list the decryption information
for each server. For example:
Configuration for SSL servers:
<server:, certs seen: 1, keys used: 1, status: key(s) found>
<cert: [/C=PL/ST=woj
pomorskie/L=TRICIT,//OU=LAB/CN=sdfds/[email protected]], sent: 4,
key: strange.key>
Servers total: 1, keys required: 1, keys found: 1, keys missing: 0
For all servers, ensure that their key status is found. Also note the last summary line of
the output, which states how many keys were required and how many keys were found
or were missing. For more information, see SHOW SSLDECR SERVERS in the Data
Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
There appear to be missing keys, but I know that I have provided all the necessary keys.
How can I verify that the keys I have are correct.
A monitored server may change its private key, making the key used by the AMD obsolete.
To prove that a key is correct, perform a test encryption/decryption using that key:
Use the SSLDECR CERTS rcon command to extract the public keys from the traffic
being seen by the AMD For more information, see SHOW SSLDECR CERTS in the
Data Center Real User Monitoring SSL Monitoring Administration Guide.
Perform a test encryption of a short text string, such as today's date, using extracted
certificates. Use OpenSSL to encrypt the string. For example:
# date > txt
# cat txt
Wed Feb 3 16:13:01 CET 2010
# openssl rsautl -inkey /cert_192.168.207.162\:443_1.der -keyform der -certin
-in txt -encrypt -out txt.enc
where /cert_192.168.207.162\:443_1.der is the file saved by the SSLDECR
CERTS command used earlier.
Decrypt the encrypted file using the private key you want to test.
For example, using OpenSSL:
openssl rsautl -inkey /usr/adlex/config/keys/
-decrypt -out txt.decr -in txt.enc
If the key is correct, there should be no difference between the files txt and txt.decr.
You can also use the key stored on the card to decrypt the test file. To do that, use the
rsautil utility residing in /usr/adlex/rtm/bin/. (For full usage syntax of the utility,
type rsautil -?)
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
In the following example, the first decryption succeeds and the second one fails. Note the
last line with decrypt simple failed:
[root@hsekilx030 bin]# cd /usr/adlex/rtm/bin/
[root@hsekilx030 bin]# ./rsautil -e nitroxfips -t token -k 7 -f
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:13.270 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:320 RSA engine mode auto set
to native
L2 2010-06-02 09:33:13.270 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:80 Openssl version: OpenSSL
0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008,
L2 2010-06-02 09:33:13.270 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:84 Initializing OpenSSL in
thread safe mode with 41 locks
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:13.271 0@./ssldecr/sslnitroxfips.h:29 NitroxFips: blocking
mode: 0
L1 2010-06-02 09:33:13.271 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:322 OK
L1 2010-06-02 09:33:13.271 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:347 SSL RSA handler
nitroxfips(native) created
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:13.282 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:394 key ok: 7
L1 2010-06-02 09:33:13.291 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:67 30 (0x1e) bytes at
0000 4d 6f 6e 20 4d 61 79 20 33 31 20 31 33 3a 33 32 Mon May 31 13:32
0010 3a 30 39 20 43 45 53 54 20 32 30 31 30 0a
:09 CEST 2010.
[root@hsekilx030 bin]# ./rsautil -e nitroxfips -t token -k 8 -f
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:320 RSA engine mode auto set
to native
L2 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:80 Openssl version: OpenSSL
0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008,
L2 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@ssldecr/rsaeng.cpp:84 Initializing OpenSSL in
thread safe mode with 41 locks
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@./ssldecr/sslnitroxfips.h:29 NitroxFips: blocking
mode: 0
L1 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:322 OK
L1 2010-06-02 09:33:20.125 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:347 SSL RSA handler
nitroxfips(native) created
L3 2010-06-02 09:33:20.137 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:394 key ok: 8
L2 2010-06-02 09:33:20.152 0@ssldecr/rsautil.cpp:147 decrypt simple failed
For more information on loaded keys, execute the SHOW SSLDECR KEYS command in
Report-Related Issues
Central Analysis Server automatically detects a range of exceptions (anomalies) and notifies
the report users. Exception notifications are displayed as yellow (warning) or red (error) triangle
icons in the upper-left corner of the report window. To see the notification message, position
the cursor over the triangle icon.
The Slow Operation Load Sequence report is empty for an operation which is part of an
XML transaction. Why and how do I fix this?
For XML and SOAP, Operation Elements data is identical to Operation Analysis data,
so, to avoid unnecessarily keeping the duplicates in the database, a
VDATA_FILTER_XMLSOAP filter is set to true by default. Keeping this filter set to true
saves disk space but, because the XML and SOAP entries are filtered out, it makes reporting
on the Operation Elements level (elements or headers) impossible.
To change the value of VDATA_FILTER_XMLSOAP property in userpropertiesadmin,
type http://ADS_server/userpropertiesadmin in the Web browser's Address bar
and press [Enter], change the filter's property value, and click Set value to accept the
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
change. To access this screen, you need to have administrative privileges for the report
The yellow triangle displays “AMDs produce no performance data.” What do I do?
The message “AMDs produce no performance data” means that AMDs connected to the
report server do not produce any new data. To resolve this issue, you have to investigate
the configuration of the AMDs and determine why they do not produce the performance
The yellow triangle displays “An AMD produces data stamped with a time from the
future.” What do I do?
The report server has a built-in protection from simple configuration mistakes. One of the
related problems is when data is incorrectly time stamped by AMD. This happens when
the AMD is running with the system clock incorrectly set and is not being synchronized
with the report server. If you see this notification, check the system time on the report
server and on the AMD. Ensure the time synchronization option is turned on.
To check the time synchronization:
Launch the RUM Console.
Select the AMD, right-click it and choose Open Configuration.
The AMD Configuration window appears.
Select Global ➤ General.
Check the IP address of the server authorized to set the AMD time. Make sure it is
the same as the report server IP address.
Check the report server time setting.
Do this by reading the time that is displayed at the bottom of the reports. Ensure the
report server has the time zone set correctly.
Figure 19. Example of the Report Time Stamp
The yellow triangle displays “A daily maintenance task is in progress. Data processing
suspended.” What do I do?
Once a day the report server has to perform a database maintenance and memory cleanup.
During that time, the data processing has to be suspended and you will see delayed data
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
on reports. The daily maintenance is usually performed as the first task after midnight and
it takes up to half an hour in installations with a large database.
It is normal and expected to see this warning just after midnight. But if you see the message
during the day, it can be a symptom of incorrect system configuration (check the time
settings on the server) or of system overload.
The yellow triangle displays “No contact with the primary AMD.” What do I do?
This message indicates that the report server has lost contact with at least one primary
AMD. If an AMD is marked as primary and the report server cannot communicate with
this AMD, even if the performance data can be downloaded from the other AMDs, the
system will wait until the communication with the primary AMD is restored.
The yellow triangle displays “No contact with any of the AMDs.” What do I do?
This message indicates that the communication link cannot be established with any of the
attached AMDs. Check the network settings on the report server or the configuration of
The yellow triangle displays “Delay in data processing.” What do I do?
If the last processed data is significantly behind the current time due to slow data processing
or idle periods that occurred in the past, the report server displays the triangle icon with
the message “Delay in data processing”. If the server had a delay, but now it is catching
up, this message will not appear anymore. To confirm that delay is decreasing, inspect
server.log and search for messages similar to this:
06-02-21 15:10:33.268
zdata_43f47e58_5_t is being processed. Sample
begin ts = 06-02-16 14:25. Sample delay 17 min.
If the delay becomes smaller, the server is catching up. If the delay values are growing,
it can indicate a system overload.
The yellow triangle displays “The AMD has not yet generated performance data.” What
do I do?
This message indicates that some data files have already been generated on some AMDs,
but not on the others. This may not be an indication of a problem and, when you refresh
the reports after 30 to 60 seconds, this message may disappear. If necessary, verify the
time synchronization among all the AMDs. See The yellow triangle displays “Delay in
data processing.” What do I do? [p. 196].
The yellow triangle displays “Data processing is being performed in the debug mode.”
What do I do?
Data processing can be manually suspended and controlled by so-called debug mode,
which can be enabled using Control Panel.
Open Control Panel by typing:
in the Address field of the web browser and clicking Go, then select Controlled data
processing from the Configuration Management section.
The red exclamation mark displays “Data loading is in progress. Reports may be
incomplete.” What do I do?
This message indicates that the report server is currently starting up. Because of this the
information presented on reports may be incomplete. Depending on the database size, the
startup process may take up to several minutes. If the server restart was not done manually
or was not planned, inspect server.log or contact Customer Support.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
The red exclamation mark displays “Low memory. The real-time cache will only be
updated.” What do I do?
This message indicates that the report server has no free memory to process new entities
such as software services, servers, and URLs. This message will be cleared when some
resources are freed, this usually happens at midnight during the scheduled database
maintenance (see The yellow triangle displays “A daily maintenance task is in progress.
Data processing suspended.” What do I do? [p. 195]). All the metric values presented on
reports (except user/client counters) will show correct values. However, the predefined
tabular reports may not show all the entities they are intended to show. All the charts and
DMI reports show correct data.
The mechanism of updating the real-time cache, as described above, is a protection that
allows the report server to continue the operation instead of closing down due to lack of
memory resources.
The red exclamation mark displays “The number of servers has reached the defined limit.”
What do I do?
The report server has a built-in limit of the number of monitored servers. If the number
of observed servers reaches a defined limit, the report server will not accept any new
servers and will drop the collected data for those servers.
The predefined value of the limit can be customized. However, the report server can
automatically adjust the limit in low-resources situations.
The red exclamation mark displays “The number of clients has reached the defined limit.”
What do I do?
The report server has a built-in limit of the number of monitored clients. If the number of
registered clients (which also includes aggregated virtual clients such as “Client from...”)
reaches a defined limit, the report server will not accept any new clients and will drop the
collected data for those clients.
The predefined value of the limit can be customized. However, the report server can
automatically adjust the limit in low-resources situations.
The red exclamation mark displays “The number of sites has reached the defined limit.”
What do I do?
The report server has a built-in limit of the number of automatically created sites. If the
number of observed automatic sites reaches a defined limit, the report server will not
create any new automatic sites and such traffic will be allocated to All Other.
The predefined value of the limit can be customized. However, the report server can
automatically adjust the limit in low-resources situations.
The Sites report for a selected application is empty. Why?
If the Sites report for a selected application is filtered for a client tier, such as Synthetic
or RUM sequence transactions, it will not show any data. To see statistics for sites, drill
down from the Applications report as follows:
Click the application name on the Applications report.
Click the client tier name on the Tiers report for a selected application.
For the Synthetic tier, you will see the Overview Application Status report; for the
RUM sequence transactions tier, the Sequence Transactions Log report.
Depending on the type of report, click the Overview Site Status or the Sites tab.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
I see gaps on the chart reports. Why are the charts incomplete?
Gaps in reports mean that the report server missed some data and was not able to get it
into the database on time. Your reports may resemble the example below.
Figure 20. Gaps in a Graphical Report
There are several reasons why the graphical reports may have incomplete data:
The AMD was not able to detect any traffic from the monitored network, so it was
not able to produce any valid data for the report server. To confirm that this was the
reason, connect to the AMD using an SSH client and check whether the files named
zdata_xxxxx_x_x are located in the /var/spool/adlex/rtm directory.
Similar symptoms can be observed if the AMD has been down for some time and
data files were not produced for that time.
If data files are present and the viewed chart displays only a fragment of the monitored
traffic, for example, for a specific server or site, it may indicate that a part of traffic,
which was indented to be monitored, is missing. In this situation, the data files are
much smaller than usual for the corresponding period of the day. Similar situations,
that is, gaps only on some reports, may occur in a multi-AMD installation when some
AMD s were down or disconnected from the network.
In the case when only one AMD is connected to the report server, communication
problems do not cause data gaps. If the report server cannot communicate with the
AMD, it will wait until the communication is restored and then will process all the
data from the past.
When there are multiple AMDs connected to the report server and there is a break in
communication with only some of them, the report server processes the data from the
available AMDs, so in this case, gaps can appear on some reports.
If it is a critical issue and your network (or its parts) require continuous monitoring
and you cannot miss the data from some AMDs, you have to mark the AMDs as
primary. In this case, the report server will wait until the communication with primary
AMDs is restored, even if other AMDs are available.
Gaps in charts on some reports in multi-AMD installations may be caused by
unsynchronized AMDs. The reason for that may be that if the report server sees a
data file for a specific time period on one of the AMDs, it will wait only 30 seconds
for data files covering the same period of time from other AMDs. The 30 seconds are
the server's tolerance for time synchronization issues. To verify that this situation
occurred, compare the clock readings from AMDs and then check the time
synchronization settings (see The yellow triangle displays “An AMD produces data
stamped with a time from the future.” What do I do? [p. 195]).
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
It may happen that a part of data will be missing. This will result in a significant decrease
of the aggregated data, used to render the chart bars.
Note that this effect relates to metrics that are calculated as sums, for example, number
of operations, number of errors, number of users, or bandwidth utilization. Charts showing
the averages (RTT, loss rate, operation time) will not be affected.
I see gaps on the log-term data chart reports. Why are the charts incomplete?
The report server aggregates the data collected during the day into daily (and monthly)
rollups. This is a scheduled process. If this process is not triggered, you will see gaps in
the daily rollups.
The most frequent reasons for missing rollups are:
The report server was down in the night; report data generation starts at 12:10 AM
local time and if the report server was down at that time, no aggregate data for
long-term reports will be generated.
The report server was overloaded and it took too much time for other crucial tasks;
report data generation for long-term reports was canceled.
You can always re-generate data for long-term reports. Open Control Panel by typing:
in the Address field of the web browser and click Go, then select Regenerate Reports
from the System Management section.
I created a report that consists of several charts but it loads very slowly. How can I improve
its performance?
If you are using exactly the same set of dimensions and filters for every chart but would
like to show different metrics on separate charts, there are two ways of improving such a
In this example, it is assumed that you want a report that shows Client bytes, Server
bytes, and Total bytes on separate charts for the HTTP analyzer.
First, the simplest and recommended method, is to define one section that contains all
these three metrics.
Figure 21. Creating One Section with Three Metrics
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Open the Chart settings panel and from the single chart per list select Metric. If you
are using metrics with different units, you can select the Metric unit option instead. For
more information, see Displaying Multiple Charts in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Data Mining Interface (DMI) User Guide.
The second method requires changes on the Subject Data and Result Display tabs.
For each report section (chart), create the same set of metrics.
To do this, for each chart add metrics that are displayed on the other charts. Note that
the order of metrics must be the same in every section. For example, each section
must contain the Client bytes, Server bytes, and Total bytes metrics listed
exactly in the same order.
Disable showing unnecessary metrics for each chart.
Go to the Result Display tab and disable showing the redundant metrics. For example,
for chart that is going to show only the Client bytes metric, disable showing the
Server bytes and Total bytes metrics.
Figure 22. Selecting Metrics to Display on a Chart
Application performance and availability data is missing from the tabular reports. How
can I fix this?
The missing data manifests itself as zero or a hyphen.
The most frequent reason for this situation is the incorrect setting of business hours and
holidays. Inspect the business hours and holiday settings by choosing Settings ➤ Report
Settings ➤ Business Hours. The following configuration screen shows the current settings.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Figure 23. Business Hours Configuration Screen
To collect performance data seven days per week, including non-business days and
holidays, clear the Holidays check box and select the check boxes for weekend days. In
addition, you can collect performance data in 24/7 mode, but be aware that this results in
a higher database growth rate and a larger database. To enable collecting data all the time,
open the Control Panel by opening the following page:
In the Control Panel, click Advanced Properties Editor from the Configuration
Management section. Set ONLY_BUSS_HOUR_REPORTING to OFF.
To see whether your holiday definition is correct, click View Holidays.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Figure 24. Defined Holidays Screen
The list of holidays is hard-coded and the default set is for the USA. To select a set, click
the Choose holiday definition list. To see the content of the selected set, click Preview.
To store the newly selected set, click Save.
Why are SQL queries in reports truncated even though full query logging is set on the
By default, only the first 1024 bytes of a query are logged. This is sufficient in most cases
to log full queries. However, if you deploy queries that are longer than 1024 characters,
change the sql.query.length parameter in the rtm.config file. To edit this file:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Log on to the AMD as user root.
Go to /usr/adlex/config.
Open the file rtm.config in a text editor.
Append a new line with the query length property and its value. For example:
To avoid AMD performance degradation, do not use an unnecessarily large value.
Why do mail subjects for emailed reports contain bad characters?
Occasionally you may see erroneous national characters in emails when they are sent by
the report server. Microsoft email readers Outlook and Outlook Express older than release
2007 misinterpret the encoding that the report server uses when sending emails. As a
result, you may see malformed characters in the subject field of the email containing the
report. To resolve this problem, upgrade the Microsoft software or use another email
Although I am using a Client-Group dimension in my custom reports, the users are shown
as belonging to a Default group. Why?
To see user-to-group associations in the reports, you must activate the mappings in an
external file that the report server will read. Follow these steps to enable the mappings:
Create an empty text file named, in the config directory
of your CAS installation.
Provided your CAS was installed in the default location, the full path to this file is:
Add client-group assignments in the file.
The format for assignments is:
Save the file and restart CAS so that the associations will take effect.
Why is my report showing different values for the same metrics after I have added a WAN
optimization metric?
Adding any WAN Optimization metric or Link-related dimension to the Software service,
operation, and site data data view will change the perspective of that report.
This action will automatically disable deduplication for the report, altering the values of
certain metrics, and, as a result, the report will display the WAN Optimization metrics
combined with values observed locally. For example, a report displaying Total bytes
for a specific software service will display a different value for the same Total bytes
metric if that report contains metrics associated with an optimized WAN or a dimension
associated with a Link.
For more information, see Altered Perspective Reports in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring WAN Optimization Getting Started.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
I see a warning message: “Cannot get data from CAS version_number slave,
localhost. There are no aggregated measurements for the given combination
of dimensions or metrics.” What do I do?
By default, trends are calculated only for specific dimension aggregates. To display data
for your combination of dimensions and metrics:
Add the CV_LOC_SERVER_CACHE property in the Advanced Properties Editor
available in the Control Panel.
Using the Patch Assistant:
Open the report server Diagnostic Console by typing diagconsole in the
browser's Address field:
b. Click Patch assistant.
Click Upload file.
d. Select the patch file and click Open.
Click Apply patches and restart server now to apply the patches and restart
the report server.
In the Control Panel, click Advanced Properties Editor from the Configuration
Management section.
Scroll down to find an empty input field and type CV_LOC_SERVER_CACHE there.
Set property value to 1.
Click Add to add the property to the server.
Restart CAS so that the change will take effect.
I see an error message: “Unable to perform data aggregation from remote
server(s): Incompatible configuration settings or release versions.”
This error message may appear in the following situations:
The configuration settings of the user aggregation differs between servers – you have
to set the same user aggregation method for all remote data sources (servers) from
which you intend to aggregate data.
The release version numbers are not the same for all data sources from which you
intend to aggregate data in a single report – you have to ensure all remote servers
have the same version number. It is advised that you synchronize remote servers'
version to the version number of the CAS used to create reports with aggregated data.
Modifying Connection Settings for Guided
If Guided Configuration is enabled on an AMD, the monitoring data coming from this device
is available for traffic trace capturing, and can be used for generating top application statistics
and defining software services with a wizard.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
The Guided Configuration connection is automatically enabled for all the newly added devices,
provided the total number of data sources does not exceed 15. Guided Configuration is disabled
for any data source above that limit, but you can change this manually in the device settings.
By default, CBA Agent and RUM Console Server communicate using a secure connection.
Communication port
Default number
Secure connection
CBA and CBA Agent
Does not apply
CBA Agent and RUM Console Server
In your network configuration, if any of these ports is already used by other services, you can
modify the default settings. For more information, see Connection Settings for CBA and CBA
Agent [p. 205] and Connection Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server [p. 206].
You can disable the secure connection between the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server. For
more information, see SSL Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server Connection
[p. 207].
Connection Settings for CBA and CBA Agent
To manually change the port number setting for the CBA and CBA Agent, modify the connection
settings on the CBA side, then on the CBA Agent side, and then restart the CBA and CBA
Before You Begin
Administrative rights are required to perform the following steps. As root, log into the AMD
where the CBA and CBA Agent are run.
Modify the connection settings on the CBA side.
a. In the /usr/adlex/config/ directory, open the cba.config.xml file.
b. In the file, search for <agentPort> in the <config> element.
The default setting is:
Type the new port number.
For example:
d. Save the cba.config.xml file.
Modify the connection settings on the CBA Agent side.
a. In the /usr/adlex/config/ directory and open the
b. Search for the jms.internal.tcp.port property.
The default value is:
jms.internal.tcp.port = 9093
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Set the port number to match what you just used in the CBA setting.
To be consistent with the example change made in Step 1 [p. 205], use:
jms.internal.tcp.port = 9092
Restart the CBA and CBA Agent.
To restart the CBA, use the Linux command service cba restart.
To restart the CBA Agent, use the Linux command service cba-agent restart.
Connection Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server
To manually change the port number setting for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server,
modify the connection settings on the CBA Agent side and in the RUM Console.
Before You Begin
Administrative rights are required to perform the following steps. As root, log into the AMD
where the CBA and CBA Agent are run.
Modify the connection settings on the CBA Agent side.
a. In the /usr/adlex/config/ directory, open the file.
b. Search for the jms.external.port property.
The default value is:
jms.external.port = 9094
Type the new port number.
For example:
jms.external.port = 9095
d. Save the file.
e. Restart the CBA Agent by issuing the service cba-agent restart command on
the Linux command line prompt.
Modify the connection settings in the RUM Console.
a. Start and log on to the RUM Console.
b. Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices in the top menu to display the
current device list.
c. Select Edit connection from the context menu for the AMD for which to modify the
Guided Configuration connection settings.
The Edit Device window appears.
d. Select the Advanced options tab.
e. In the Guided Configuration settings section, change the port number to match the
setting on the CBA Agent.
f. Click Next.
g. Click Finish.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
SSL Settings for the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server
If the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server are not required use a secure connection, modify
the connection settings on the CBA Agent side and then in the RUM Console.
Before You Begin
Administrative rights are required to modify the connection settings on the CBA Agent. As
root, log into the AMD where the CBA is run.
Modify the connection settings on the CBA Agent side.
a. In the /usr/adlex/config/ directory, open the file.
b. Search for the jms.external.protocol property.
The default value is:
jms.external.protocol = ssl
Change the default property value to tcp.
jms.external.protocol = tcp
d. Save the file.
e. Restart the CBA Agent by issuing the service cba-agent restart command on
the Linux command line prompt.
Modify the connection settings in the RUM Console.
a. Start and log on to the RUM Console.
b. Select Devices and Connections ➤ Manage Devices in the top menu to display the
current device list.
c. Select Edit connection from the context menu for the AMD for which to modify the
Guided Configuration connection settings.
The Edit Device window appears.
d. In the Connection details section, select No for the Use secure connection option to
abandon the use of SSL protocol.
e. Select the Advanced options tab.
f. Click Next.
g. Click Finish.
What to Do Next
Unless you have a strong reason for changing the SSL settings, such as for diagnostic purposes
or to resolve performance issues, we recommend that you retain the default SSL settings for
the CBA Agent and RUM Console Server.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix A ∙ Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Regular Expression Fundamentals
Regular expressions (regex) are logical formulas used for string pattern-matching in Data Center
Real User Monitoring configuration tasks. The syntax of regular expressions is described.
Regular expressions are used in a number of Data Center Real User Monitoring configuration
tasks and therefore basic understanding of the concept is required before configuring certain
features. This section attempts to explain the basic concept of regular expressions. For more
exhaustive explanations, please refer to any of the numerous online or hard-copy publications
available on the subject.
Note that there are various flavors or standards of regular expressions. Data Center Real User
Monitoring uses two of the standards: Basic POSIX and Extended POSIX. The basic difference
between these is also explained below.
The Concept of Regular Expressions
A regular expression is a logical formula enabling you to specify (match) a set of character
strings and optionally extract sub-strings out of the found strings. It is usually used in the context
of a larger set of character strings, out of which only certain ones fit (match) the specified regular
expression or contain a substring that matches the expressions. Thus, for example, in a text file,
a regular expression search enables you to find all the occurrences of a particular text pattern
or all of the lines containing that pattern.
Simple Example of a Regular Expression
A single regular expression can match a wide range of very different text strings. For example,
the expression “.” matches any single character and the expression “.*” matches any number
of occurrences of any character, that is, in effect, it matches anything.
Regular expressions can be used for finding particular text strings and then extracting certain
parts of those text strings: the parts that match a sub-expression. The sub-expression is surrounded
by round brackets ( ). For example, the expression “a(b.)”, in the extended POSIX syntax,
will find all strings composed of three characters, out of which the first one is “a”, the second
one is “b” and the third one is any character. It will then extract the second and third character.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals
Note, however, that the match has to be based on both the regular expression part outside the
round brackets and also that inside the round brackets, that is the character “a” has to be in the
found string, even though it is not extracted.
Note that the same expression in the basic POSIX syntax would be written as “a\(b.\)”, since
the syntax requires special characters, such as round brackets, to be escaped using the backslash
Most Common Regular Expression Symbols
Some of the more common regular expression symbols:
period .
Matches any character.
asterisk *
Matches repetition of the previous character zero or more times.
plus sign +
Matches repetition of the previous character one or more times.
Note: In basic regular expressions, it needs to be preceded by a backslash, to prevent it
from being considered a normal character to match.
caret symbol ^
This symbol can have a number of meanings, depending on the context: If it appears at
the beginning of the expression, it means the beginning of the line or search string. If it
appears as the first character in square brackets (see below), it means a negation. For
example, “[^@]” means any character that is not “@”. In other cases this character is
considered a normal character and matches itself.
the dollar sign $
Matches the end of the line or search string.
square brackets [...]
Group together symbols denoting a class of characters that is symbols that are to match a
single character, for example, [a-z] stands for any lower case alphabetical character,
[^@] means a character that is not the @ symbol.
hyphen Is used to specify ranges of characters; see [ ] above.
round brackets (...), escaped with backslashes in the basic syntax: \(...\)
Select that part of the parsed string which we want to extract. Note: In basic regular
expressions, round brackets need to be preceded by backslashes, to prevent them from
being considered normal characters to match.
vertical bar or pipe |
Is used as a regular expression delimiter that informs the regex engine to match either
everything to the left of the vertical bar, or everything to the right of the vertical bar. You
can use this character to match a single regular expression out of several possible regular
Comparison of Basic and Extended POSIX Syntax
In basic regular expressions, special characters also referred to as meta-characters, such as `?',
`+', `{', `|', `(', and `)', lose their special meaning. To achieve equivalent functionality,
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals
you need to precede (escape) these characters using the backslash character: `\?', `\+', `\{',
`\|', `\(', and `\)'.
Walk-Through Example of a Basic POSIX Regular Expression
For example, if an HTTP cookie name is defined as Pag and the cookie header line is as follows:
Cookie: Pag=cf68603b@[email protected]@D1R1wLLsMrjhw;
the cookie value is:
cf68603b@[email protected]@D1R1wLLsMrjhw
Assuming that the actual substring that we want to extract is positioned between the first and
second @ character in the cookie value string, it is:
The Basic POSIX regular expression can then be defined as:
In this particular case, the above regular expression can be understood as follows:
^ means find the beginning of the line.
[^@]* means skip zero or more occurrences of any character that is not @.
\( means the string to extract is described by that part of the expression that is contained
within round brackets.
[^@] means that the first character (after @ we found above) must not be “@”.
\+ means that we want to extract this character and any other characters that follow it and
that are also not “@”.
\) marks the end of the expression describing the string we want to extract.
@ means that the string to be extracted has to be terminated by “@”, but we do not include
the terminating “@” character in the extracted string because it is outside of the round
Testing Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions Test is a tool you can use to verify basic or extended regular expression
output according to the rules that the AMD will apply to the data it processes. The tool is
available for monitored URL configuration and several other configuration parameters.
Before You Begin
We highly recommend that you make yourself familiar with Basic POSIX and Extended POSIX
regular expression standards and with the rules for string pattern-matching in Data Center Real
User Monitoring.
Remember that when using a regular expression to specify a set of URLs to monitor, you must
follow rules to enable the AMD to properly process those strings. Although this is not necessary
for testing purposes, you are encouraged to learn these rules as described in Configuring URL
Monitoring in the Data Center Real User Monitoring SAP Application Monitoring User Guide
and to test realistic examples, not just portions of data.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals
A Test button is available for settings that are regular expression patterns; click Test to start
the tool. Note that when you test a configuration environment, the extended or basic rules will
already be selected depending on the AMD analyzer structure.
Using Regular Expressions Test, you can check match patterns on the fly on any string of
your choice. The window consists of the following fields:
Use this field to enter the regular expression. Apply all necessary rules (such as grouping).
When building a regular expression, click the ? button to list metacharacters that you can
Text to process
Use this field to enter a portion of text that the regular expression processor will parse and
search for excerpts matching the rules defined in the Pattern field. Click the icon above
the text field to wrap long lines. Note that the test will be performed on a single line; if
you paste a block of text that contains line ends, the test results will not be meaningful.
If you created one or more subexpressions in the Pattern, the tool will automatically show
numbers for each bracket pair. Click the group number in this field to highlight the matched
fragment of the processed text.
AMD output
This field presents the transformed text after regex rules were applied. If the pattern does
not match any portion of the processed string, the Nothing matched message is displayed.
To test regular expression matching:
Enter a pattern - a regular expression.
When you click the Test button next to the field where you enter a regular expression, the
testing utility opens with the Pattern field filled with the string you entered when creating
the configuration. You can edit the Pattern field and verify the output immediately. This
can be done safely because none of the values is transferred to configuration file until you
confirm the changes.
An example of a pattern:
Optional: Verify grouping by clicking numbers in the Groups field.
Each group will be highlighted after you click its number.
Enter text to process, such as a URL in the Text to process field.
An example URL to which the matching rules will be applied:
Click Match to verify the output.
The matched string will be displayed in the AMD output field.
In this example, this will be:
If the regular expression rule does not match any part of the processed text, the Nothing
matched message is displayed.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals
Click Save to transfer the expression to the configuration field.
Best Practices for Regular Expressions
Use of regular expressions significantly increases the computing load on the AMD and may
significantly affect performance, so unnecessary use of regular expressions or use of overly
complicated regular expressions should be avoided.
In particular, the following points should be considered when designing a regular expression:
Do not use the match anything expression (a period followed by an asterisk “.*”) unless
necessary. This is sometimes used to skip a portion of an irrelevant pattern. When possible,
use an alternative construction.
For example, assume you have a URL of the form:
To remove the session ID, you could write:
But you would significantly reduce the processing load if you instead wrote:
Use Unicode notation not only for URLs but for the entire HTTP header.
For example, do not use spaces, but use %20 instead. This ensures that if a number of
processing layers are involved, the special characters will be preserved intact through all
interprocess conversions.
Do not assume that the input stream ends with the end-of-line character. Take care of the
end of line explicitly by closing patterns with “%0d%0a”.
Example 14. An example of a well-designed regular expression
Assume we have the following string contained in the HTTP header:
content type
To extract the address, use the regular expression:
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix B ∙ Regular Expression Fundamentals
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Classification of Aborts
HTML operations that did not load properly or operation load processes that did not complete
generate events that are called aborts. Such events are then associated with the operation for
which the event has been detected.
Two general categories of aborts are based on the transaction status:
No Server Response – Transactions for which there was no HTTP server response detected
Transaction Abort – Transactions aborted after the HTTP server responded with an HTTP
Each of these types of aborts may occur in different circumstances, identified as Break, Client
abort, Dead hit or Error. In addition, each hit for which an abort was detected may be either a
regular hit or a standalone hit (with no HTML operation context). Each of the categories is
divided further into those two subcategories.
The following table summarizes conditions when particular aborts are encountered.
Table 7. Classification of Aborts
No Server Response
The server sends a packet with the TCP RST
flag to a client, instead of sending a
response. The most probable cause is one of
the following:
Transaction Abort
First a server sends some response data.
Then it sends a packet with TCP RST flag
to the client. The most probable cause is that
the server application has found reasons to
The server application has found that immediately close the transaction or the TCP
the client has been idle for too long (not session has been idle for too long.
finishing the request despite the server
acknowledgment to all client packets)
and the transaction should be closed.
The TCP session has been idle for too
long. Timeout is 5 minutes by default.
However, this condition is checked only
during sample generation on the AMD,
so actual dead time may vary from 5 to
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Appendix C ∙ Classification of Aborts
Table 7. Classification of Aborts (continued)
No Server Response
Transaction Abort
10 minutes if samples are generated
every 5 minutes.
Client Abort A client sent a TCP RST packet to the server A client sent a TCP RST packet to the server
before the server responded to the request. after receiving some data from the server.
The TCP session was closed.
Perhaps it has already received what it was
waiting for and does not need the rest of the
A gap of 45 seconds or more occurred
between packets, either server packets or
client packets.
The same as Dead, No Server Response, but
a response header was detected.
A 45-second timeout is applied only during
sample generation. This means that the
timeout may vary from 45 seconds to 5
minutes if samples are generated every 5
Note that this condition is checked for HTTP
hits, while “Break” is checked for the TCP
The cause is one of the following:
There was a server response, but
without an HTTP header and the
response occurred 60 or more seconds
after receiving request or client sent
new request before consuming the
The transaction was idle for too long.
The client was sending the request too
slowly (there was a gap of more than
10 seconds between consecutive TCP
The same as Error, No Server Response, but
a response header was detected.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
The following glossary contains definitions of terms used across the DC RUM documentation.
For definitions of metrics provided by DC RUM in DMI data views, see Central Analysis Server
Data Views in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Central Analysis Server User Guide.
An event notification generated by the report server when certain predefined events occur or
when selected parameters related to user sessions, applications, and server activity reach
predefined threshold levels.
All other
The object classification assigned to all clients who have not been assigned to an explicit site.
Software component provided by Dynatrace to perform monitoring and traffic analysis. The
report server uses analyzers to monitor operations for specific software services based on popular
protocols, such as HTTP, provided that the underlying transport protocol is TCP, or UDP only
in case of DNS-based software services. The report server can also analyze and report statistical
information on non-transactional UDP-based or IP-based protocols.
For more information, see Concept of Protocol Analyzers in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring Administration Guide.
Synonyms: decode
In DC RUM reports, a universal container that can accommodate transactions. Each application
can contain one or more transactions.
For more information, see Managing Business Units in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Administration Guide.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
In the context of the DC RUM report server, a collection of sites. An area has the same properties
as a site, but refers to a larger entity.
Areas cannot overlap. Any given site can belong to one and only one area.
See also site and region.
bandwidth usage
A measurement calculated as the number of bits transferred during a specific time interval
divided by the time interval. This measurement does not take into account factors such as inactive
periods when the application was not attempting to transfer data, or transmission loss rate.
baseline data
Data from the last several days (usually nine days) aggregated into one “average” or “typical”
day. Baselines are necessary for considering the variations in traffic on different days of the
week, random anomalies in traffic load, or to compare traffic with a known baseline from a
specific point in time. Baseline data is generated once a day after the arrival of data from the
first monitoring interval after 00:10 am (in the background). Baseline data is not averaged over
the day within each day and therefore may vary rapidly depending on the time of day – just as
monitored data would. Each monitoring interval is assigned the value averaged over the nine-day
period for this specific monitoring interval.
Baseline data is generated once a day after the arrival of data from the first monitoring interval
after 00:10 am (in the background). Baseline data is not averaged over the day within each day
and therefore may vary rapidly depending on the time of day – just as monitored data would.
Each monitoring interval is assigned the value averaged over the nine-day period for this specific
monitoring interval. Requesting baseline data for Yesterday will yield the same results as
requesting baseline data for Today, because baseline data for yesterday will still be calculated
over the last nine days counting from today.
Class of Service (CoS)
The name identifying a Type of Service value. The mapping of Class of Service names to different
values of Type of Service is defined in the report server configuration.
See also Type of Service.
In the context of the DC RUM report server, the IP address of a user. Users can be identified
by their IP addresses or in a number of other ways, such as by HTTP cookie contents or VPN
login names.
client internal IP address
Term used by the report server in relation to virtual private networks where external users of
the network appear inside the network under different (internal) IP addresses.
custom metric
A user-defined metric that extracts values from HTTP or XML requests (for example, HTML
pages or SOAP messages).
Each custom metric can be displayed as a sum of values or as their average. The sum metrics
can be used to trace users or resources that use the most or least resources (for example, clients
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
who make the largest money transfers in a bank or purchase large quantities of items from an
online bookstore). The average metrics can help in observing trends.
For information on defining custom metrics, refer to the RUM Console Online Help.
custom tier
A tier that can be modified by a user. See also tier.
A synonym for analyzer.
Default Data Center site
The classification for any server that has not been assigned to an explicit site.
In the context of the report server, the direction of traffic to a given region, area, site, or host.
front-end tier
In a user-defined configuration, the system architecture layer that is closest to the end user.
See also tier.
A system component that participates in data exchange. A host can be either a server or a client
machine, depending on the context and the direction of the monitored traffic.
The specified site for which the report server is displaying data.
Local and remote are defined in the context of a particular site, area or region. When displaying
data about a specified site, area or region, the report server refers to the site as local and to other
sites as remote. If a report contains sections that focus on data from different sites, each site in
turn will be designated as local.
monitoring interval
In the context of Global Configuration of the report server, the length of the shortest individual
traffic-monitoring period. This period is usually a short interval of a few minutes. The latest
values in a report are from the last closed monitoring interval, that is, from the last
traffic-monitoring period.
The monitoring interval is not the total time interval covered by the report.
monitored session
The session identified by application, server IP address, client IP address, and operation.
normal value
A baseline value collected based on the last several days (usually nine) and aggregated to
calculate a typical value of a measure.
For more information, see baseline data [p. 218].
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
network ID
The unique identifier assigned to a user for logging in to the network. Depending on the report
server configuration, the network ID may be an IP address, HTTP authorization ID, HTTP
cookie-based ID, a VPN ID, or static user name mapping.
network performance
The percentage of total traffic that did not experience network-related problems (traffic in which
the values of loss rate and RTT did not exceed configured thresholds).
For more information, see Network Performance Calculations in the Data Center Real User
Monitoring Central Analysis Server User Guide.
not monitored TCP
TCP traffic that is not associated with a monitored application. This term is related to smart
application monitoring. If smart application monitoring is enabled, application session information
captured and reported by the AMD is not stored immediately in the report server database; it
has to meet smart application monitoring thresholds before it is stored.
not monitored UDP
UDP traffic that is not associated with a monitored application. This term is related to smart
application monitoring. If smart application monitoring is enabled, application session information
captured and reported by the AMD is not stored immediately in the report server database; it
has to meet smart application monitoring thresholds before it is stored.
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)
Base64 encoded DER certificate, enclosed between “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----” and
In the context of the report server, layer 4 protocols according to the OSI model. The report
server recognizes UDP and TCP-based protocols.
realized bandwidth
The actual transfer rate of application data when the transfer attempt occurred. This measurement
takes into account factors such as loss rate and retransmission. The realized bandwidth is
calculated as the size of the actual transfer divided by the transfer time.
This metric reflects transient conditions on the network during the times when the transfer
occurred. When the metric is averaged over a longer time interval, the average value is calculated
only for those time sub-intervals for which actual data transfers attempts took place.
In the context of the report server, a collection of areas. A region has the same properties as an
area, but refers to a larger entity.
Regions cannot overlap. Any given area can belong to one and only one region.
See also area and site.
A site other than the specified site for which the report server is displaying data.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Local and remote are defined in the context of a particular site, area or region. When displaying
data about a specified site, area or region, the report server refers to the site as local and to other
sites as remote. If a report contains sections that focus on data from different sites, each site in
turn will be designated as local.
report server
A common name for Central Analysis Server (CAS) or Advanced Diagnostics Server (ADS).
The report server is the part of the Data Center Real User Monitoring responsible for
measurement data processing, storage, and report generation. It connects to one or more AMDs
and processes the measurement data into a relational database of measurements. The database
is then used to serve interactive reports to the Data Center Real User Monitoring system user.
reporting group
A universal container that can accommodate software services, servers, operations, or any
combination of these. Reporting groups can contain software services of every type but they
were designed especially for HTTP-based services.
Riverbed Steelhead
A third-party appliance based on technology that optimizes the performance of TCP applications
operating in a WAN environment. Steelhead combines data streamlining, transport streamlining,
and application streamlining to improve WAN traffic performance. The software that runs a
Steelhead appliance is called the Riverbed Optimization System (RiOS). Steelhead is generally
deployed as a physical or virtual appliance. Mobile and software versions are also available.
In the context of the report server, the recipient of a TCP session or request (SYN packet), TCP,
or UDP. Servers listen in on specified TCP/UDP ports, accept incoming requests, and reply to
Usually, but not always, a server is a computer running software that offers a service or a number
of services on one or more of the computer's ports. Servers are said to host software services.
A server is identified by a unique IP address. This IP address appears on reports, unless the
server's name can be resolved by means of a Domain Name Server (DNS), in which case the
server's name is used instead.
server from site
The category assigned to application session information that does not meet smart application
monitoring thresholds.
If smart application monitoring is enabled, application session information captured and reported
by AMD is not stored immediately in the report server database. It has to meet smart application
monitoring thresholds. Sessions that meet the thresholds are stored under their server IP addresses,
while those that do not, are stored as server from site.
Network scanning by a workstation infected by a virus. Such a workstation will scan a large
number of IP addresses. These addresses will not be reported individually, but on per-site basis.
An IP network from which users log in to a monitored network.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
A site can be a range of IP addresses set manually, referred to as a class-C IP network; an
automatically set class-B network; a range of addresses defined by a customized network mask;
or a set of IP networks that is based on the BGP routing table analysis. Sites can be grouped
together into areas, which in turn can be grouped together into regions. See also area, region,
and All other.
site realized bandwidth
A weighted average of the software service realized bandwidth values for all services accessed
from a particular site, weighted by the number of operations.
software service
A service, implemented by a specific piece of software, offered on a TCP or UDP port of one
or more servers and identified by a particular TCP port number. Software services are identified
on reports by either port numbers or assigned names.
It is possible to configure the report server to define software services as services on particular
ports of particular servers. In this case, a software service is identified by a combination of port
number and server IP address.
synthetic agent
A simulator of user traffic to a given web site. Synthetic agents are designed to measure web
site availability and performance. They are usually distributed over a number of different
geographical locations. The report server is able to distinguish synthetic traffic from real user
TCP availability
The percentage of successfully completed connection attempts from the region, area, or site.
By default, the measurement algorithm for this metric is based only on traffic that is generated
by recognized applications or scanning attempts, which means that “not monitored” or “unknown”
traffic is not taken into account.
TCP session
A collection of TCP packets exchanged between a given pair of client and server addresses,
using a specific server port and client ports.
A specific point where DC RUM collects performance data.
For more information, see Multi-Tier Reporting in the Data Center Real User Monitoring
Central Analysis Server User Guide.
The report server uses a granular concept of time, where events are recorded as having occurred
at the beginning of their monitoring intervals: that is, all events that have occurred during a
monitoring interval are time-stamped with the time corresponding to the beginning of that
monitoring interval.
If you need to specify time in a report server input field, you should do so according to the
format defined in the operating system settings on the report server computer.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Any of the following:
A single operation, such as a web page load.
A sequence of operations – DC RUM monitors sequences of web page loads and sequences
of XML calls, and it reports both on these sequences as transactions and on individual
operations within the transactions.
Defined collections of non-sequenced operations.
A transaction defines a logical business goal, such as registration in an online store. One or
more transactions together constitute an application. A transaction can have only one parent
Data for a transaction can come from a Enterprise Synthetic agent or an AMD.
The same transaction can contain data from different data sources at the same time. However,
metrics for each of the data sources are aggregated separately. For more information, see
Managing Business Units in the Data Center Real User Monitoring Administration Guide.
Type of Service (ToS)
A traffic identifier contained in an 8-bit field in the IP packet header (comprising a 6-bit
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field and a 2-bit Explicit Congestion Notification
(ECN) field). The contents of this field can be detected by the report server and displayed in
reports. The use of this field is application-specific: it is used by applications to denote special
types of traffic.
See also Class of Service.
unknown TCP proto
TCP traffic that has not been recognized as belonging to a particular application. This situation
can occur if the traffic is not defined in the Monitoring Configuration as belonging to a
particular application, and the traffic has not been classified automatically by the autodiscovery
unknown UDP proto
UDP traffic that has not been recognized as belonging to a particular application. This situation
can occur if the traffic is not defined in the Monitoring Configuration as belonging to a
particular application, and the traffic has not been classified automatically by the autodiscovery
In the context of the report server, the direction of traffic from a given region, area, site or host.
Uniform Resource Identifier.
A URI provides a way to identify abstract or physical resources on the World Wide Web. It is
a syntax for encoding the names and addresses of objects. The URI is a general form for creating
some kind of address. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a specific address used with some
protocol such as HTTP or FTP that follows the general URI format. See also URL.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
Uniform Resource Locator.
The URL provides a standard way of specifying the location of a resource on the Internet: it is
an Internet address. Resources are often web pages (HTML documents), but they can also be
text or PDF documents, images, downloadable files, services, electronic mailboxes, or many
other objects. URLs make resources available under a variety of naming schemes and access
methods (such as HTTP, FTP, and e-mail) addressable by one simple, uniform method.
Users can be identified by their IP addresses or in a number of other ways, such as by HTTP
cookie contents or VPN login names.
The term client in the context of report server refers to the IP address of a user. See also client.
user session
A collection of transactions identified by specific cookie value. A new cookie value sent by the
client starts a new user session. A new cookie value issued by the server does not signify the
start of a new session.
The report server distinguishes between different user sessions by analyzing HTTP cookie
information, that is, the contents of a particular named cookie or — depending on the report
server configuration — the contents of all the cookies in HTTP transactions. For example, a
user sends requests with cookie ABCD=1234. In one of the responses, the server changes the
value to ABCD=5678. The report server recognizes subsequent requests with cookie value
ABCD=5678 as a continuation of the session: no session count is increased.
virtual IP address (VIP)
A network interface that enables users to use IP addresses not directly related to the actual
physical hardware. In systems that do not use virtual IP addresses, if an interface fails, any
connections to that interface are lost. With virtual IP addressing on the system and routing
protocols within the network providing automatic reroute, recovery from failures occurs without
disruption to the existing user connections that are using the virtual interface, as long as packets
can arrive through another physical interface.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The provision of private voice and data networking from the public switched network through
advanced public switches. The network connection appears to the user as an end-to-end circuit,
without actually involving a permanent physical connection as in the case of a leased line. VPNs
retain the advantages of private networks but add benefits like capacity on demand.
The report server can monitor multiple VPNs. There is no fixed limit to the number of monitored
VPNs and remote users; however, the capacity of the monitoring software depends on the overall
system performance and on the VPN traffic.
WAN Optimization
A Wide Area Network deployment in which software and network services are optimized
through at least two or more WAN Optimization Controllers (WOCs).
The goal of WAN optimization is to improve application response time and reduce the required
bandwidth over a WAN connection by using a WAN controller on each end of the WAN link.
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
A WAN Optimizer is deployed on either end of a WAN connection to optimize the traffic sent
over the WAN. The WAN Optimizer classifies, prioritizes, and compresses network data, caches
network traffic, and streamlines protocols to maximize the performance of a service delivered
over distributed network.
The most common optimization techniques involve:
Transport (TCP) optimization
TCP flow-control round trips are reduced by:
Fast error recovery
Mitigated slow-start
Window scaling
Pre-established TCP connection pools between the WAN-optimizing appliances
Payload Optimization
The TCP payload is indexed and stored on disk on each side of the WAN:
Data segments (blocks) are replaced with references to this data
Byte-level indexing is independent of the application or file
Application Acceleration
Application-specific acceleration is used to reduce application traffic.
In Common Internet File System (CIFS) SMB emulation is used:
By spoofing the CIFS protocol
By reading ahead and writing behind
Specific modules can be made available from individual vendors for a specific application
Using a combination of these techniques and setting up the acceleration appliances to act as
proxy servers can accelerate end-user experience significantly.
WAN Optimization Controller (WOC)
WAN optimization controllers (WOCs) are physical devices that transparently intercept local
network traffic, optimize it, and send the optimized traffic over the WAN link to the receiving
controller. On the other side of the WAN, the receiving WOC transparently converts the
optimized traffic from the WAN link into normal network traffic.
The typical WAN optimization scenario involves at least two WOCs located between the data
center (or a server) and a branch office (or a client).
Wide Area Application Engine (WAE)
A Cisco platform that consists of a portfolio of network appliances that host Cisco WAN
optimization and application acceleration solutions that enable branch-office server consolidation
and performance improvements for centralized applications and content across the WAN.
Wide Area Application Services (WAAS)
A Cisco technology that optimizes the performance of TCP-based applications operating in a
WAN environment. WAAS combines WAN optimization, optimization of the Transport Control
Protocol (TCP), Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE, also known as de-duplication) and
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
application protocol acceleration in a single appliance or blade. It runs on Wide Area Application
Engine (WAE) hardware platforms, including stand-alone appliances and network modules
(NME) for the Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISRs).
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
20, 41
adding to RUM Console 20
operation time 41
page load time 41
17, 35, 39, 173
adding to RUM Console 17
configuration 35
default analyzer 35
monitoring interval 35
operation 39
packet deduplication 35
packet size 35
sequence transactions 173
time synchronization 35
91, 98, 104, 114, 148, 156–157, 161
HTTP 91, 98, 104, 114
HTTP Express 157, 161
SAP GUI 148, 156
detection 31
application monitoring wizard
selecting servers 50
86, 88–89
URL 86, 88–89
customizing metric definition 144
adding to RUM Console 19
connection settings 204–205
CBA Agent
connection settings 205–206
SSL settings 207
character encoding
HTTP traffic 121
client IP address extraction 137
client ranges 130
AMD 35
editing 81
connection settings
CBA 204–205
CBA Agent 205–206
Guided Configuration 204, 206
device management 81–82
contact information 8
content type monitoring 114
cookie sessions 136
Customer Support 8
recognition 98
17, 79, 81–82
adding to RUM Console 79
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
device (continued)
deleting 82
editing 81
managing with RUM Console 17, 79
25, 28, 30
NIC driver 25
NIC status 25
protocols 28
services 28
sessions 28
SSL 30
DPN Account
adding to RUM Console 85
Dynatrace Application Monitoring
integration with DC RUM 84
encrypted SSL 50
end-of-page components 102
HTTP 122
excluding IP ranges 130
extracting user identification
search methods 66
search scope 66
customizing metric definition 144
frameset contents 157
Guided Configuration
connection settings 204–206
SSL settings 207
HTTP (continued)
content type monitoring 114
cookie sessions 136
dimensions 91
detection configuration 122
extracting user identification 73, 130
frameset contents 157
general settings 131, 149, 154
116, 119
masking of sensitive data 119
metrics 91
11, 91, 113, 157, 161
parameters 161
URL 91, 113, 157
multi-frame pages 141
orphaned redirect 97
page assembly 138
reporting 183
synthetic agent recognition 98
transactions 171
URL monitoring
113, 157, 161
URL parameters 161
HTTP Express
153, 156
general settings 156
11, 183
configuration overview 11
monitoring 11
reporting 183
Dynatrace Application Monitoring with CAS 84
character encoding 120
HTTP traffic 120
11, 48–49, 73, 91, 97–98, 113–114, 116, 119, 121–
122, 130–131, 134, 136–138, 141, 149, 152, 154,
157, 161, 171, 183
additional options 152
attributes 91
browser agent recognition 98
character encoding 121
client IP address extraction 137
configuration overview 11
configuration settings 48–49, 91, 157
content type 113
operation time 41
page load time 41
transaction on AMD 177
monitoring diagnostics 23, 25, 31, 33
monitoring interval 35
most active applications traffic 50
most active web applications traffic 45
multi-frame pages 141
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
name setting
SSL errors 129
online support site 8
operation time threshold 152
page name
104, 112
page name recognition
software service level 104
URL level 104
URL parameters level 104
reporting 112
persistent TCP sessions 152
pre-monitoring 23, 25, 31, 33
redirects 112
regular expression
73, 209, 211, 213
best practices 213
design 213
testing 211
user identification 73
HTTP 183
RUM Console
17, 19–20, 45, 48–50, 52, 63, 68, 75, 77, 79, 81–82,
adding ADS 20
adding AMD 17
adding CAS 19
adding device 79
adding DPN Account 85
application monitoring wizard 50
deleting device 82
editing device connection 81
most active application traffic 50
web application monitoring wizard 45, 48–49, 52, 63, 68,
75, 77
148, 156
availability 148, 156
SAP monitoring
148, 156
SAP GUI 148, 156
sequence transactions
169, 173, 177
adding for a range of AMDs 173
cloning on AMD 177
deleting from AMD 177
modifying on AMD 177
monitoring 169
server time
method 143
server time threshold 152
sniffing point
23, 25
reports 25
software service
45, 48–50, 52, 63, 68, 75–77, 143, 148, 156
configuring 48–50, 52, 63, 68, 75–77
creating 45
defining 76
definition wizard 48–50, 52, 63, 68, 75
HTTP options 143
rules 45
SAP GUI 148, 156
selecting AMDs 77
30, 50, 125, 129, 152, 189, 207
additional options 152
alert codes 125
CBA Agent settings 207
defining error labels 129
diagnostics 30
encrypted 50
changing default names 129
Guided Configuration 207
troubleshooting 189
AMD time 35
synthetic agent
98, 100–101
98, 100–101
based on HTTP header 100
based on IP address 101
based on user name 101
Website 181
traffic quality 23, 25, 28, 30, 33
traffic traces upload 49
61, 171, 175, 178
adding 178
adding to AMD 171
HTTP 171, 175
inspector 175
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide
transaction (continued)
player 175
URL pattern exceptions 61
URL regular expressions 61
wildcards in URLs 61
185, 194
report-related issues 194
86, 88–89, 112, 135, 157, 161, 211
as regular expression 157
86, 88–89
configuration 86
diagnostics 89
matching test 211
parameters 161
parsing 135
recognition 135
reporting 112
user identification
73, 130
extracting from HTTP GET 130
extracting from HTTP POST 130
regular expression 73
user name recognition methods
Cookie 72
HTTP Authentication 73
HTTP header 73
session cookie 72
web application monitoring wizard
48–49, 52, 63, 68, 70–73, 75, 77
capturing traffic traces 48
publishing definitions 75
selecting AMDs 77
URL and pages configuration 52
user name recognition methods 63, 68, 70–73
Website tier 181
Data Center Real User Monitoring Web Application Monitoring User Guide