mass flow assessment
mass flow assessment
MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT (MFA) AND ASSESSMENT OF RECYCLING STRATEGIES FOR CATHODE RAY TUBES (CRTS) FOR THE CAPE METROPOLITAN AREA (CMA), SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICAN PROJECT “KNOWLEDGE PARTNERSHIPS IN E-WASTE RECYCLING” Diploma Student: Dominik Zumbuehl Supervision: Prof. Susanne Kytzia, ETH Regional Resource Management, Zurich / Switzerland Dr. Mathias Schluep, Empa Technology and Society Lab, St.Gallen / Switzerland October 2006 With the support of KFPE Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. Special thanks belong to: … Prof. Susanne Kytzia and Dr. Mathias Schluep for the supervising and guiding during this thesis. … Susan and Mark Dittke, the most generous hosts in Cape Town, for the unforgettable stay in Zeekoevlei. … Miriam Keller and Ronny Haase for their company and IT support during the thesis. … Dr. Harro von Blottnitz, Christian Nissing and Carol Carr from the University of Cape Town Chemical Engineering Department for their precious support. … Gerry Newson for his efforts and the information provided for this study. … Roland Hischier for the substantial support of the environmental impact assessment. … Rolf Widmer and Martin Streicher-Porte. Their inputs were always highly appreciated. … Urs Gerig, Jochen Apfel, Dudley Bradford, Juan Nomdo, Bred Scholz and Rob Packham for the informative site visits. … Daniel Gsponer for his maritime knowledge. … Samsung Corning Germany. … Peter Bornard for his precious experience. … Paul Rooney for the proofreading of this document. … Ray Lombard and Alan Finlay for the time spent in Johannesburg. Moreover, to all of which contributed to this study with any information: Alison, Inca Cape, Andrew Craig, Dirk Goris, Anthony Gracie, Tom Gloster, Saliem Haider, Jack Heyns, Sophie Heyns, David Hula, Trevor Karshagen, Kuehne & Nagel, Marina Lancaster, John Mensing, Peter Novella and Michael Tatana. Finally yet importantly, I would like to thank my friends and family for their patience and Franziska for her Love. ABSTRACT Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) are a major problem for further recycling in South Africa. At this stage, an economically feasible and environmentally sound recycling process is not available. CRTs are currently dumped or landfilled. The aim of this study is to provide background information for the future management of CRT screens in South Africa. Thus, a mass flow assessment (MFA) of cathode ray tube computer monitors and TVs for the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA) based on the year 2005 was carried out. In addition, time series were calculated to forecast future figures of obsolete CRT devices. In a second step, local and best available recycling alternatives for the recycling of CRT glass were specified and assessed towards their sustainability using the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) methodology. The results of the MFA showed a significant consumer stock growth of both CRT monitors and TVs. Only little CRT devices are disposed of at landfill sites. The obsolescence will increase until 2020 for CRT computer monitors and for CRT TVs until 2020 to 2030. It is expected that in the year 2007 some 400 tons of CRT monitors and 600 tons of CRT TVs will become obsolete. The dismantling of CRT monitors and TVs is already established and economically feasible. Only the CRT cannot be recycled at this stage and is therefore landfilled. For the future recycling, local brick manufactures and the building industry is able to use the CRT glass in their processes. Neither the assessed, local metal smelters nor glass manufacturers were prepared to use CRT glass in their processes. From the best available technologies, the use of CRT glass in the production of new CRTs and the use of CRT glass in the copper/lead smelting process were included in recycling scenarios. Together with the local option, eight scenarios were assessed using the MAUT methodology. A set of attributes was defined to evaluate the scenarios including economical, environmental and social attributes. The study shows that the manufacturing of new CRTs from recycled CRT glass is the best option in terms of sustainability. As second best option the lead recovery from CRT glass was identified. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 10 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 What is e-waste?................................................................................................................ 10 Global e-waste development ............................................................................................. 11 E-waste management and regulation ................................................................................ 12 Management of e-waste in South Africa ............................................................................ 13 Objective of this study........................................................................................................ 14 2 METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 16 2.1 Mass Flow Assessment ..................................................................................................... 16 2.1.1 Mass flows of CRT monitors and TVs in the studied region.................................. 16 2.1.2 Time series of CRT computer monitors................................................................. 16 2.1.3 Time series of TV sets in the studied region ......................................................... 17 2.2 Scenario analysis ............................................................................................................... 18 2.3 Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) ................................................................................. 19 2.3.1 Attributes used in the MAUT assessment ............................................................. 19 2.3.2 Normalisation of attributes ..................................................................................... 23 2.3.3 Weighting of attributes ........................................................................................... 23 2.4 Robustness Analysis.......................................................................................................... 24 2.4.1 Error analysis and error propagation ..................................................................... 24 2.4.2 Determination of the upper and lower bounds of the MAUT utilities ..................... 25 3 MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 27 3.1 System Definition ............................................................................................................... 27 3.1.1 Selection of case study region............................................................................... 27 3.1.2 Players in the case study region............................................................................ 28 3.1.3 Manufacturers, Distributors and Import Statistics.................................................. 28 3.1.4 Second hand suppliers .......................................................................................... 29 3.1.5 Consumer .............................................................................................................. 30 3.1.6 TV refurbishers ...................................................................................................... 30 3.1.7 Collectors............................................................................................................... 30 3.1.8 Recyclers ............................................................................................................... 31 3.1.9 Landfilling............................................................................................................... 32 3.2 CRT computer monitor and TV composition...................................................................... 34 3.3 Mass flows of CRT computer monitors in the CMA in the year 2005 ................................ 35 3.4 Time series of CRT computer monitors ............................................................................. 37 3.5 Mass flows of CRT TVs in the CMA in the year 2005........................................................ 39 3.6 Time series of CRT TVs..................................................................................................... 40 4 SCENARIO ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 43 4.1 CRT Recycling technologies .............................................................................................. 43 4.1.1 Pre-processing – stripping of CRT monitors and TVs ........................................... 44 4.1.2 Crushing and sorting techniques ........................................................................... 45 4.1.3 Separating techniques ........................................................................................... 47 4.1.4 CRT glass in new CRTs ........................................................................................ 50 4.1.5 CRT glass in smelting processes .......................................................................... 50 4.1.6 CRT glass in bricks ................................................................................................ 53 4.1.7 CRT glass in concrete rubble ................................................................................ 53 4.1.8 CRT glass in foam glass........................................................................................ 54 4.1.9 CRT glass in container glass ................................................................................. 54 4.1.10 CRT glass in flat glass ........................................................................................... 54 4.2 Definition of the CRT recycling scenarios .......................................................................... 55 4.3 Application of the MAUT .................................................................................................... 57 4.3.1 Adjustment of the attributes ................................................................................... 57 4.3.2 Scenario 0 – Landfill .............................................................................................. 58 4.3.3 Scenario 1 - Lead mine.......................................................................................... 60 4.3.4 Scenario 2 - Concrete Rubble ............................................................................... 62 4.3.5 Scenario 3 - Recycled crushed aggregate (RCA) bricks ....................................... 64 4.3.6 Scenario 3a - Concrete bricks ............................................................................... 66 4.3.7 Scenario 3b - Andela CRT crushing device........................................................... 67 4.3.8 Scenario 4 - CRT manufacturing ........................................................................... 68 4.3.9 Scenario 5 - Lead recovery.................................................................................... 71 4.4 Summary of results and discussion ................................................................................... 74 4.4.1 Comparison of the unweighted and weighted utilities ........................................... 74 4.4.2 Weighted utilities.................................................................................................... 75 4.4.3 Comparison of the attributes.................................................................................. 76 4.4.4 Recycling fees........................................................................................................ 79 5 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................... 81 6 OUTLOOK.................................................................................................................................. 83 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 84 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................. 92 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Top scoring countries in PC growth rates and penetration rate .................. 12 Figure 2: Example of two processes involved in the processing of CRT screens...... 22 Figure 3: General procedure for the calculation of Eco-indicators.. ........................... 22 Figure 6: System picture with the players involved..................................................... 28 Figure 7: Smart City refurbishment centre in Cape Town. ......................................... 30 Figure 8: Worker is dismantling a computer at Footprints. ......................................... 31 Figure 9: The first container designed to dispose of e-waste in the CMA at the Wynberg Drop-off Centre............................................................................. 31 Figure 10: CRT monitor stockpiles and stripping at Desco Electronic Recyclers......... 32 Figure 11: Impressions from the Coastal Park municipal solid waste landfill site and from the Athlone refuse transfer station ...................................................... 33 Figure 13: Mass flows of computer monitors in the CMA, 2005 ................................... 35 Figure 14: Time series of CRT monitors in the CMA. ................................................... 38 Figure 15: Mass flow assessment of CRT TV sets in the CMA, 2005.......................... 39 Figure 16: Yearly inputs of colour TVs into the CMA.................................................... 40 Figure 17: Time series of the input function of CRT TVs and their obsolescence ....... 41 Figure 18: Possible pathways for the recycling of CRT appliances.............................. 43 Figure 19: Impressions from the CRT glass recycling at SwissGlas. ........................... 46 Figure 20: Process illustration at RUAG Component Inc.............................................. 47 Figure 23: Lining of the Vissershok landfill site in the year 2000.................................. 58 Figure 24: Current baseline recycling scenario of TVs and computer Monitors........... 59 Figure 25: Scenario 0: landfilling of CRTs at Vissershok landfill site............................ 59 Figure 26: Scenario 1: Storage of CRTs in the Black Mountain lead mine .................. 61 Figure 27: Scenario 2: Use of CRTs in concrete rubble manufacturing ....................... 63 Figure 28: Scenario 3: Use of CRT glass in the manufacturing of recycled crushed aggregate (RCA) bricks ............................................................................... 65 Figure 29: Scenario 4: CRT manufacturing in Germany .............................................. 69 Figure 30: Scenario 5: lead recovery at Metallo-Chimique........................................... 71 Figure 31: Unweighted MAUT results and the results with the stakeholders’ weight... 74 Figure 32: Comparison of the weighted and unweighted MAUT utilities. ..................... 75 Figure 33: Impact 2002+. .............................................................................................. 78 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Attributes applied in the MAUT assessment................................................ 20 Table 2: Transfer scale for the weighting in the MAUT assessment ......................... 24 Table 3: Allocation of relative error to the input parameters used for the MAUT assessment.................................................................................................. 24 Table 4: Composition of a CRT computer monitor according to literature data ........ 34 Table 5: Comparison of several separation technologies towards costs, capacity and quality.................................................................................................... 49 Table 6: Technical and economical feasibility of the CRT recycling technologies .... 55 Table 7: Overview of all scenarios described in this section and used for the MAUT assessment....................................................................................... 56 Table 8: Adjustment of the set of attributes ............................................................... 57 Table 9: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 0 ........................................... 60 Table 10 Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 1 ........................................... 62 Table 11: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 2 ........................................... 64 Table 12: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 3 ........................................... 66 Table 13: Results of the environmental assessment of scenario 3a ........................... 66 Table 14: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 3b ......................................... 68 Table 15: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 4 ........................................... 71 Table 16: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 5 ........................................... 73 Table 17: Derivation of the weight percentage of the luminescent screen coating used in CRTs ............................................................................................... 100 Table 18: Average composition of a CRT.................................................................... 101 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Glossary ............................................................................................................ 92 Appendix 2: Definitions of e-waste........................................................................................ 93 Appendix 3: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs’ global e-waste program ............ 94 Appendix 4: Import statistics from DTI and SARS ................................................................ 95 Appendix 5: MFA computer monitors: specifications of the flows......................................... 96 Appendix 6: Questionnaire sent to the distributors of CRT monitors and TVs in the CMA... 97 Appendix 7: Penetrations rates of TVs and personal computers in South Africa ................. 98 Appendix 8: Detailed listing of WDI and SARS figures ......................................................... 98 Appendix 9: Relationship of weight, diameter and volume of currently (2006) sold TVs...... 99 Appendix 10: Toxicity and legislation of hazardous components in the CRT ....................... 100 Appendix 11: Furnace batch composition and material savings........................................... 108 Appendix 12: Constants used for the MAUT assessment of the recycling scenarios........... 109 Appendix 13: Supporting calculations use din the MAUT assessment................................. 110 Appendix 14: Environmental gain and loss assessment of all scenarios; ............................ 115 Appendix 15: MAUT; questionnaire for the weighting of attributes ....................................... 116 Appendix 16: Results of the weighting of the attributes ........................................................ 117 Appendix 17: Offer for the shipping of a 40 feet container from Kuehne + Nagel ................ 118 Appendix 18: MAUT attribute vs. scenario matrix. ................................................................ 119 Appendix 19: MAUT values unweighted and weighted used in Figure 32............................ 120 INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) has commissioned the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) to conduct a study. The main objective of the study was to propose a global program to improve existing e-waste management systems. This led to seco's global e-waste program "Knowledge Partnerships in e-Waste Recycling" which is described in a more detailed manner in Appendix 3. In the context of the "Knowledge Partnerships in e-Waste Recycling" program EMPA commissioned two studies carried out at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) which address two different aspects of the broad issue of e-waste in two different countries. One study conducted in India addresses the informal precious metal recovery process from e-waste. This study focuses on a particular issue of the management e-waste in South Africa. The main objectives of the study are listed in section 1.5. In the following sections, the e-waste issue is introduced. The meaning of e-waste as well as an explanation of its global relevance is explained. 1.1 What is e-waste? In common speech in industrialized countries, “e-waste” is regarded as being an electrical or electronic device, which has no further (economic) value to the user. However when an electrical or electronic device becomes useless for the primary user it can still have a value for the next holders. The owner can sell it and then it follows a chain where it is reused, recovered or finally disposed of. Consequently, “e-waste” is a very difficult term to define. At this stage there is no generally accepted definition for the term “e-waste (Widmer et al., 2005). Attempts to define the term have been performed by several authorities and authors. A selection of definitions and the different categories of e-waste is defined by the EU WEEE Directive (The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2003) and are listed in Appendix 2. In this study e-waste is referred to as "Any appliance using an electric power supply that has reached its end-of-life” as it is defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD (2001). E-waste is a controversial issue discussed on a global scale and features several risks and opportunities. One opportunity of e-waste is that the appropriate recycling is “…clearly advantageous from an environmental perspective.” as proved in a study conducted by Hischier, et. al (2006). The authors compared the environmental impacts of a scenario of e-waste recycling to the baseline scenario of incineration of all e-waste and primary production of raw materials. Another prospect of e-waste is its content of valuable raw materials (also strategic materials 1) including many rare metals. They can be recovered with different existing techniques. Thus e-waste recycling has becomes a lucrative business. The risky part of e-waste is that it contains over 1’000 different substances and metals. Many of these substances and metals are toxic. According to Widmer et al. (2005) hazards such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, selenium, hexavalent chromium and flame retardants in casings and circuit boards are present. The printed circuit boards (PCB) (= printed wiring boards, PWB) contain polychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls that create dioxin-like emissions when burned. All these hazardous substances can threaten human health and the environment unless they are dis- 1 Material for which the quantity required for essential civilian and military uses exceeds the reasonably secure domestic and foreign supplies and for which acceptable substitutes are not available within a reasonable period of time (American Metal Market, 1985) Dominik Zumbuehl 10 October 2006 INTRODUCTION posed of properly (Li et al., 2006). Corresponding to (Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC), 2002) “About 70% of heavy metals (including mercury and cadmium) found in landfills come from electronic discards”. According to a report of the European Commission 40 percent of the lead found in landfills derives from consumer electronics (Commission of the European Communities, 2000). Thus e-waste is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, valuable materials can be recovered economically whilst natural resources can be saved. On the other hand, the risks of hazardous substances being released in the environment when not processed properly can cause serious damage to the human health and the environment. 1.2 Global e-waste development Because of rapid technological progress and the decreasing lifespan of the single electronic devices, e-waste is growing rapidly. In 2004, more than 180 million personal computers (PCs) were sold worldwide. In the same year, an estimated 100 million obsolete PCs entered waste streams (Widmer et al., 2005). Worldwide e-waste growth can only be estimated and is in the range of 20 to 50 million tons per year. The main volume is produced in North America followed from Europe and Asia (Siemers and Vest, 1999). According to “The Economist” (Berlin Economist Office, 2005) ewaste is one of the fastest growing waste fractions. It accounts for some 8% of all municipal waste in Europe. At present e-waste is mainly generated by industrialised countries, which already have a high amount of electrical and electronic equipment. It is assumed that some of the e-waste generated in industrialised countries ends up in developing countries such as India or Africa. The British Protection Agency released a report in May 2005 admitting that a large amount of e-waste had been exported illegally from the UK (Agarwal, 2005). In Lagos (Nigeria), 400’000 used computers arrive at the port each month. 25 % - 75% of them are out of order and have to be disposed (Puckett et al., 2002). According to Iles (2004) the US exported up to 10.2 millions obsolete computers (or around 50-80% of all PCs sent for recycling in the US) to Asia in 2002. The reason for these exports might be the less strict environmental standards in developing countries and lower disposal costs. For example disposing a computer in the US can cost up to $ 20, while an Indian trader pays between $ 10 and $ 15 for the disused computer (Agarwal, 2005). In the future, however a large quantity of e-waste will be produced by the developing countries themselves. Figure 1 shows the growth of personal computers in the different countries. It reveals the enormous PC growth per capita in developing countries. Due to the above developments, countries like India, China and Africa will face an increasing amount of e-waste originating from inland and through illegal exports in the future. To deal with the fast-growing, valuable and hazardous waste load, this waste stream has to be managed properly and has to be controlled by putting up guidelines and regulations. Dominik Zumbuehl 11 October 2006 INTRODUCTION Figure 1: Top scoring countries in PC growth rates (left) and penetration rate (right) (Schwarzer et al., 2005) 1.3 E-waste management and regulation E-waste management The idea of an e-waste management is to set up a local or nationwide system where e-waste finds the way back within the country of origin from the consumer to the recycling facility rather than to the municipal solid waste stream or to the landfill. Several organisations, i.e. the “Secretariat of Basel convention” or the “StEP-initiative” try to develop global standards of such management systems. A central goal of the Basel convention is environmentally sound management (ESM). “ESM means taking all practical steps to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes and strictly controlling its storage, transport, treatment, reuse, recycling, recovery and final disposal, the purpose of which is to protect human health and the environment” (Secretariat of the Basel Convention, 2006). One of the five major tasks of StEP is to enhance infrastructures, systems and technologies to realize sustainable e-waste recycling (StEP, 2005). Different possibilities to finance recycling are available, i.e. introducing an Advanced Recycling Fee (ARF) or a payment at the time of the disposal. In Switzerland, a properly functioning e-waste management has been realized. It is the first country who has established a nation-wide take-back system with state of the art recycling technologies, financed by an ARF. This system was established in the early 90s based on the initiative of the electronic industry itself. The current system is now controlled by two producer responsibility organisations (P.R.O): SWICO Recycling Guarantee and SENS. SWICO comprises more than 400 providers in the ICT/CE segment and has become one of the most important industry associations in Switzerland. Even if a country or region organises its e-waste management system within the industry, legislations have to be set up to define the general framework. From the economical point of view the valuable parts of e-waste, i.e. precious metals are from particular interest. Therefore these parts will be recovered steered by the market demand. To prevent that recyclers take only these parts (“cherry-picking”) and dump the invaluable and often toxic parts, regulations have to be implemented. Legislations therefore generally focus on the decontamination of e-waste. Dominik Zumbuehl 12 October 2006 INTRODUCTION European e-waste legislation In 2003 the European Community introduced WEEE (Waste Electrical or Electronic Equipment) Directive 2002/96/EC (The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2003). This regulation is currently being transposed in the EU member states. Main objectives and regulations are the prevention of WEEE, reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery. The reduction of the disposal of WEEE as unsorted municipal waste is also an objective. Most of the costs for the current disposal and the environmental sound recycling of e-waste are generated due to its hazardous substances. To reduce the hazardous content of future e-waste the RoHS (Restrictions of Hazardous Substances) directive (The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2003) bans several hazardous substances in the manufacturing of EEE. Materials like lead, mercury or polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) have to be substituted by safer materials if technologically and economically feasible. The appendix of the RoHS directive specifies some exceptions for the use of mercury mainly in fluorescent lamps, lead in CRTs or solder, cadmium and hexavalent chromium and lead containing devices are defined. The regulation has become effective by July 2006. International legislation Despite of the implementation of the above-mentioned legislations there are still concerns about the treatment of e-waste in non EC- or OECD countries. As mentioned before the driving forces for the recyclers to send e-waste to developing regions are low labour costs and partly the absence of environmental regulations. This makes it economically interesting to send e-waste to non OECDcountries such as China, India or Nigeria. To prevent the developed world to use the developing world as a dumping ground a multilateral environmental agreement known as the Basel Convention was implemented and entered into force in 1992. Basel Convention is an UN convention and its principle idea is to set up a framework for controlling the “transboundary” movements of hazardous wastes. In 1995, the “Ban Amendment” which is incorporated in the Basel Convention had been introduced. “The Amendment calls for prohibiting exports of hazardous wastes (for any purpose) from countries listed in a proposed new annex to the Convention (Annex VII - Parties that are members of the EU, OECD and Liechtenstein) to all other Parties to the Convention.” The Amendment has not yet entered into force (Secretariat of the Basel Convention, 2006). The implementation of the BC and related agreements are coordinated by the “Secretariat of the Basel Convention”, located in Geneva, Switzerland and administered by UNEP. It also provides assistance and guidelines on legal and technical issues, gathers statistical data and conducts training on the proper management of hazardous waste (Secretariat of the Basel Convention, 2006). 1.4 Management of e-waste in South Africa This section’s content is partly retrieved from the “eWaste Guide” (EMPA, 2004). This website serves as a knowledge base on e-waste recycling with a focus on the needs of developing or transition countries. It says that: “South Africa consists of a middle-income emerging market with an abundant supply of natural resources, well-developed financial, legal, communications, energy, and transport sectors; a stock exchange that ranks among the 10 largest in the world and a modern infrastructure supporting an efficient distribution of goods to major urban centres throughout the region. However, growth has not been strong enough to lower South Africa's high unemployment rate. Daunting economic problems remain from the apartheid era, especially poverty and lack of economic empowerment among Dominik Zumbuehl 13 October 2006 INTRODUCTION the disadvantaged groups. High crime and HIV/AIDS infection rates also deter investment. South African economic policy is fiscally conservative, but pragmatic, focusing on targeting inflation and liberalizing trade as means to increase job growth and household income.” and: “The rate in which e-waste is generated is rapidly increasing. There is well-established waste legislation and municipal waste management systems in place, as well as a strong recycling industry. 63% of cans, 51.9% of paper, 25.5% of metal and 28% of paper is currently recovered” (Ray Lombard, National Recycling Forum, 2002). Very little is known about the e-waste generated and imported to South Africa. It was estimated that 1.2 to 1.5 million computers enter the South African market each year. About 70% of the country’s e-waste is thought to be in storage – most of this held by the government. This percentage represents about 10 - 20 thousand tons of e-waste, which is expected to double in 10 years time to 30 - 40 thousand tons (Lombard et al., 2004). Policies and Strategies: South Africa has signed and ratified the Basel Convention. The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, 1998) is intended to provide the principal framework for integrating good environmental management into all development activities. NEMA makes provision for waste management through the principles that refer to avoidance or minimisation and remediation of pollution, including waste reduction, re-use, recycling and proper waste disposal. The “White Paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management for South Africa” intends to encourage the waste management department to change towards recycling, reuse or total reduction of waste (DEAT, 1998). In 2001, the government at national, provincial and local level met at the first National Waste Summit in Pietersburg. They adopted “The Polokwane Declaration on Waste Management” (Government of South Africa, 2001). It was recognized that: “… waste management is a priority for all South Africans, and the need for urgent action to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste in order to protect the environment.” The ambitious goal of the declaration is to reduce waste generation and disposal by 50% and 25% respectively by 2012 plus develop a plan for “zero waste” by 2022. The Hazardous Substances Act (PRepublic of South Africa, 1973) provides the regulations to control the management of hazardous substances and the disposal of hazardous waste. These policies, strategies and legislations should boost the future waste management and particularly the management of e-waste in South Africa. However, at present in South Africa there is no specific legislation regarding the handling or recycling of e-waste. The recycling of e-waste is currently carried out by recycling companies and scrap dealers and thus in absence of a regulatory framework only the valuable parts are currently recovered. 1.5 Objective of this study The "Green e-Waste Channel" was established in Cape Town in 2005 by the scientific partnership e-Waste Recycling Switzerland - South Africa. The "Green e-Waste Channel" is presenting a replicable concept that is equally appealing for suppliers, consumers, recyclers, governmental agencies and public interest groups. The goal is to establish a secure disposal system for e-waste with drop-off points, take-back centres and pick-up services. Manufacturer and recycling branches should work together so that the benefit is optimised, hence avoiding the need for waste fees as much as possible. Dominik Zumbuehl 14 October 2006 INTRODUCTION Experience with the first service providers unveiled that cathode ray tube (CRT) screens are a major problem for further recycling. Due to their lead content existing glass recyclers cannot include CRT screens in their process and an environmental sound and financial feasible recycling process is not available in South Africa so far. Thus, CRT screens becoming obsolete have to be disposed of in landfill sites. Due to limited landfill volumes, high disposal costs, environmental concerns as well as economic losses due to a high content of valuable materials such as iron, copper, lead, plastics and PWBs (printed wiring boards) in CRT devices, brings around a high interest in alternative disposal methods focusing on more sustainable reuse and recycling scenarios for CRT screens. Aims of this study: a) Carrying out a Mass Flow Assessment (MFA) of CRT computer monitors and TVs within the studied region. b) The investigation of possible future recycling scenarios considering the existing recycling practice and the Best Available Technology (BAT). c) The assessment of these recycling scenarios towards their sustainability. This study will be carried out in the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA) that is described in section 3.1.1. Dominik Zumbuehl 15 October 2006 METHODS 2 METHODS In this section, the methods used in this study are described. First, a dynamic mass flow assessment (MFA) of the selected region was applied to derive the mass flows and the time series of obsolete CRT monitors and TVs. In a second step, a scenario analysis was carried out. This comprises the analysis of the current CRT recycling scenario (baseline scenario) within the studied region and the analysis of different recycling alternatives including local and South African industry as well as best available technology overseas. The methodology of this assessment is described in section 2.2. Once the scenarios were defined, they were assessed towards their sustainability using the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) described in section 2.3. This resulted in a ranking of the utilities of each scenario included in this assessment. The ranking was further assessed towards its robustness including error analysis and error propagation described in 2.4. 2.1 Mass Flow Assessment Mass flow assessment (MFA) or material flow analysis is a systematic assessment of the flows and stocks of materials within a system defined in space and time. It connects the sources, the pathways, and the intermediate and final sinks of a material. Because of the law on “conservation of matter”, the results of an MFA can be controlled by a simple material balance comparing all inputs, stocks, and outputs of a process. It is this distinct characteristic of MFA that makes such method attractive as a decision-support tool in resource management, waste management, and environmental management (Brunner et al., 2004). MFA determines, describes and analyzes the metabolism of industries, regions, or materials. In MFA, the metabolism of a system stands for the transfer, storage, and transformation of materials within the system and the exchange of materials within its environment (Brunner and Rechberger, 2004). The methodology for the MFA was originally developed for industrialized countries, and was recently applied in developing countries by Binder (Binder et al., 2001; Streicher-Porte, 2006) for the early recognition of the environmental impacts from human activities. 2.1.1 Mass flows of CRT monitors and TVs in the studied region The system boundary for the MFA in this study is the area of the Cape Metropolitan Area shown in Figure 5 (section 3.1.1). The material studied in the MFA comprises CRT computer monitors and CRT TVs within the CMA. A stakeholder analysis was first carried out to define the processes and direction of the flows of the materials. The processes considered in the MFA consist of import, distribution and consumption as well as the collecting, recycling and disposal processes. The system picture with the actors involved in the MFA and the system borders (= system boundaries) is presented in section 3.1.2. All figures for the flows of computer monitors and TVs were assessed by interviewing the involved players and by questionnaires as well as by site visits. Since most of the data were based on estimates (except sales figures) an upper and a lower limit was calculated for most of the flows. 2.1.2 Time series of CRT computer monitors MFA is usually carried out on a yearly base and therefore it is not possible to show the development of stock changes or obsolescence of items over time. To assess the future obsolescence of CRT monitors and TVs in the CMA, a time series was calculated using sales figures, import statistics and penetrations rates for computer monitors from the World Bank’s World Development Indicator (WDI, 2003). In addition, forecasts of sales figures for CRT computer monitors were included Dominik Zumbuehl 16 October 2006 METHODS in the model. According to (Streicher-Porte, 2006) the following formula was used to calculate the obsolete CRT screens at a certain point in time: O(t x ) = Stot (t x −L ) (1) Whereas O(tx) = obsolete items at time x (in tons) Stot = sales (in tons) L = average lifespan of an item In the case of the computer monitors time series, overall sales figures from the distributors would have been necessary. Since not all the distributors provided sales figures, the sales figures of the distributors were multiplied by the reciprocal value of the corresponding market share to derive the total sales figures mathematically demonstrated in the following equation: Stot = Si × 1 mi (2) Stot = total sales Si = sales figures market player i mi = market share of player 2.1.3 Time series of TV sets in the studied region A different approach was used to carry out the time series for TVs in the MFA. Penetration rates from the year 1975 to 2001 (SABC’s first broadcasting was in 1976) and custom statistics from 1992 up to 2005 were available (see Appendix 7 and Appendix 8). These figures were used to derive the overall input of TVs in the CMA. For the years 1975 to 1991 data from the World Bank World Development Indicator (WDI, 2003) was taken to calculate iWDI(t) = fCMA × ( P(t) × pSA(t) - P(t-1) × pSA(t-1) 1000 ) (3) And from 1992 up to 2005 the custom statistics were used to calculate: iC(t) = fCMA × C(t) (4) Then the overall input was calculated using: Itot = 1991 ∑ iWDI(t) + t=1975 2005 ∑ ic(t) (5) t=1992 Whereas iWDI = Input per year (derived from the World Bank World Development Indicator) fCMA = Transfer factor from national to CMA figures (see section 3.1.3) P(t) = Penetration rate TVs in use per 1000 capita (WDI) p(t) = South African population (WDI) Itot = Overall input of TVs into CMA from 1975 to 2005 Dominik Zumbuehl 17 October 2006 METHODS C(t) = Custom statistics (=import figures) Due to very unsteady yearly inputs, (see Figure 16) the figures were transformed into a triangular slope starting in 1975 with an input of 0 and peaking in 2005. The area under this slope has to be the same as Itot. The peak input in 2005 was calculated using: ip = 2 ×Itot Δt ip = Peak input in the year 2005 Itot = Overall input of TVs into CMA from 1975 to 2005 Δt = Time span from 1975 to 2005 With ip the time series for the input function was calculated and is shown in Figure 17. With this transformed, linear function the obsolete series was computed. According to (Streicher-Porte, 2006) the time series for the obsolete items were calculated using: O(t x ) = i(t x -L ) 2.2 O = Obsolete items [tons] I = Input per year [tons] L = Average lifespan of an item [years] (6) Scenario analysis This section describes the procedures how the CRT recycling scenarios were defined, described and assessed. In a first step, the status quo CRT recycling scenario in the studied region was investigated by visiting and interviewing the recycling companies assessed in the MFA phase. This allows for the investigation of the current possibilities and problems in the recycling of CRT devices and thus for the definition of the starting point of each of the recycling scenarios. To define alternatives to the baseline scenarios first the existing best available technologies (BATs) for the recycling of CRTs were investigated by field studies and interviews as well as literature study and visits at European CRT recycling facilities. The aim was to receive a general overview over the current best available technology (BAT) and best practice (BEP) of recycling technologies for CRT screens. Keeping these BATs in mind, the industry in the studied region as well as other South African companies, which may have the technology to reuse or recycle CRT glass, were interviewed by phone calls and questionnaires to investigate their ability to handle the CRT glass. This led to an overview of the current best available technology overseas and possible pathways in the studied region and in South Africa to recycle CRT glass. Based on this overview the recycling scenarios for the CRTs in the CMA were specified. The recycling scenarios include pre-processing steps (such as separating or crushing) and the main recycling process also. In addition, transportation processes for the CRTs and the products were included in the evaluation process. Once the scenarios were defined, they were assessed towards sustainability using the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) described in section 2.3. With the MAUT results the scenarios were Dominik Zumbuehl 18 October 2006 METHODS compared to each other and proved on their robustness using a robustness analysis considering error analysis and error propagation described in section 2.4 2.3 Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) The methodology of the MAUT is retrieved from the book “Embedded Case Study Methods” (Scholz et al., 2002). Multi-Attribute Utility Theory is a label for a family of methods. These case evaluation methods are used for analyzing, evaluating and comparing different alternatives. “The objective of the MAUT is to obtain a conjoint measure of the attractiveness (utility) of each outcome of a set of alternatives” (=scenarios). The outcome (=utility) of each scenario can then be compared among all scenarios. Within the MAUT the overall attractiveness of an alternative is decomposes into a number of attributes. Attributes are preference-related dimensions of a system and can be system variables, but can also measure quality or aesthetics. Once all alternatives have been rated according to all attributes, MAUT composes the ratings and organizes a synthesis resulting in a one-dimensional utility measure. The multi-attribute decomposition obeys the following definitions: • The set of scenarios (recycling-alternatives) S = (S1,S2 , Si , ... ,Sm ) • The set of attributes a = (a1,a2 , a j , ... ,am ) • The scenario vs. attributes matrix Mi,j = a j (Si ) ) • The set of utility functions U = (u1,u2 ,u j ,..,um ), u j = f(a j (Si )) • The set of importance weights W = (w1,w 2 ,w j ,..,w m ) The composition rule is the weighted sum of the utilities. m m j=1 j=1 U(Si ) = ∑ w ju j (a j (Si )) = ∑ w ju j (Mi,j ) (7) As indicated above a set of scenarios has to be defined. The scenarios evaluated in this study are described within the MAUT assessment (see section 4.2) and are not discussed any further in this section. The process of the definition of a set of attributes intends to cover all aspects of the evaluation of the scenarios. The definition process can be carried out for instance by a study team or a group of stakeholders. In this study the attributes were defined by the author and reviewed by a group of ewaste professionals. The attributes represent economic, environmental and social criteria. They are specified in section 2.3.1. Before the composition of the values from each attribute to the overall utility of a scenario, the attributes have to be weighted by the corresponding group of decision makers or stakeholders involved in the scenarios evaluated. The process of the weighting of the attributes is defined in section 2.3.3. 2.3.1 Attributes used in the MAUT assessment In this study the overall aspect of the recycling scenario evaluation is defined by the term “sustainability”. The 1995 World Summit on Social Development (United Nations, 1995) defined this term as "... the framework for our efforts to achieve a higher quality of life for all people …" in which "… Dominik Zumbuehl 19 October 2006 METHODS economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components". There was no set of attributes found which could be adopted for this study to evaluate the recycling of e-waste in developing countries towards sustainability. An attempt to define attributes for the assessment of e-waste management systems was carried out in a study by Widmer et al., (2005). Among others they defined criterions and attributes for e-waste recycling systems including the assessment of material flows, technologies and financial flows. In addition, attributes for the evaluation of impacts on the environment and the human health were defined. Corresponding to the above definition of “sustainability” in this study each scenario will be evaluated using a self-defined set of attributes defined by the author and a core group of e-waste professionals consisting of both Swiss and South African members. Note: a set of attributes should consider all aspects of sustainability and objectiveness of the team that defines the attributes is required. However, the definition of a set of attributes always undergoes subjectiveness. In addition, the more attributes allocated to a certain aspect of a problem the higher is the contributon of this aspect to the overall utility of a certain scenario. Table 1 shows the attributes and the scale / unit used for the MAUT assessment. For some of the attributes data were measured or calculated and for others only semi-quantitative analysis based on estimates was carried out. Keeping those attributes in mind the following set of attributes was defined for the assessment of CRT recycling scenarios. Attributes Scale / unit Indicators involved Low net costs $ / kg CRT Costs for transport, processing and labour vs. revenues Low capital costs $ / kg CRT Investment costs for additional plants and technologies used in a scenario Increased potential for local economic growth 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 Additional industries and services involved by implementing a scenario Economic attributes Environmental attributes Low use of electricity Low fuel use for transport Low use of freshwater Normalized Ecoindicator 99 points (= sum of environmental losses and environmental benefits) Savings of electricity but also energy in general by implementing a scenario Fuel used by shipping and road transport Freshwater consumption of a recycling scenario Caused vs. prevented emissions according to the savings of raw materials calculated with eco-indicator ‘99 Remaining waste of a scenario which has to be landfilled in the CMA Little (toxic) emissions Minimum of waste volume to landkg / kg CRT fill Social attributes Creation of jobs for the previously unemployed in the CMA Creation of highly skilled jobs in the CMA Working hours / kg CRT Working hours / kg CRT Working hours for low-skilled and semi-skilled workers generated in the CMA Working hours for highly skilled workers generated in the CMA Creation of jobs outside SA Working hours / kg CRT Working hours generated outside South Africa Low health & safety impacts 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 Impacts of a scenario on health and safety of the employees engaged in a scenario. Table 1: The attributes applied in the MAUT assessment Following the attributes presented in Table 1 are described in depth. Dominik Zumbuehl 20 October 2006 METHODS Economic attributes Low net costs: This attribute represents the overall costs for a recycling system in this scenario. It includes the costs for the transportation, labour, the pre-processing or the final disposal of the CRT glass as well as the revenues for products sold to the industry. The net costs are defined differently in every scenario. Low net costs mean a high utility. Low capital costs: This attribute includes the investment costs needed if a new plant or technology is used in a certain scenario to process the CRT glass. Same here, low capital costs leads to a high utility. Increased potential for local economic growth: The values for this attribute were assessed only qualitatively. It was assessed considering industries involved by a certain scenario. For instance if long transport distances are required and new plants are established using local technology and is operated and maintained locally then the potential for local economic growth is increased. An increased potential for local economic growth implicates a high utility. Environmental attributes As indicated in Table 1 the environmental utility was intended to be assessed by the evaluation of the attributes: “Low use of electricity”, “Low Fuel use for transport”, “Low freshwater use” and “Little toxic emissions”. However for the assessment of the environmental attributes the Eco-indicator 99 (Goedkoop et al., 2000) was applied. The Eco-indicator 99 (EI ‘99) is a more powerful tool when it comes to the assessment of environmental impacts than the measurement of only four attributes because the Eco-indicator 99 is able to assess the complex coherences between technology and environment. The EI ‘99 is a damage to human health, ecosystem quality and damage to resources oriented method and provides a aggregated and weighted indicator (see Figure 3 for a general derivation of environmental impact indicators). The inventory data were collected from the ecoinvent 2000 database (ecoinvent Centre, 2005). This database contains Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based inventory data mostly for European settings (electricity mix, technologies, etc.). Also for the recycling processes designed to be processed in South Africa also these inventory data were applied. EI ‘99 is a LCA-based indicator in terms of a cradle to grave evaluation of goods and processes. As in this study, the assessed scenarios were not described by a cradle to grave approach a different method was developed to include the EI ‘99 indicators in the MAUT assessment that is specified in the following. In accordance to the QWERTY/EE concept developed by Jaco Huisman (2003) the environmental assessment was carried out by adding the environmental impacts (losses) of the recycling scenario with the environmental benefits (gains). Environmental gains occur when a recycling process leads to for instance to a replacement of raw materials or to energy savings by using CRT glass instead of the conventional input. Contrary environmental loss occurs when for instance more waste is produced by using CRT glass instead of the conventional input in a process. Figure 2 indicates the principle of the environmental gains and losses by using CRT glass in a process. With this approach the overall EI ‘99 was calculated by adding the several environmental gains and losses of the processing of CRT. Positive values for environmental losses and negative values for environmental gains were allocated to derive the overall EI ‘99 score. n m i=1 j=1 EI' 99 = ∑ EGi + ∑ EL j (8) With EI’ 99 = Aggregated environmental indicator for a scenario EGi = Environmental gain Dominik Zumbuehl 21 October 2006 METHODS ELj = Environmental loss Systemborder Raw Materials SAVINGS 1 kg CRT ADDITIONAL Energy used Water SAVINGS Process 1 Process 2 ADDITIONAL Emissions ADDITIONAL Waste good Figure 2: Example of two processes involved in the processing of CRT screens. Additions of energy or emissions lead to an environmental loss and savings in raw materials or water lead to an environmental gain In addition the results from the Eco-indicator 99 were compared with the Impact 2002+ methodology (Jolliet et al., 2003) which is also a life cycle based method for the assessment of environmental impacts. This method aggregates the impacts on climate change, aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial acidification and nutrification, terrestrial ecotoxicity and human toxicity. The intention was to compare the outcome of the environmental impact assessment of the evaluation of the recycling scenarios with a different method. Figure 3: General procedure for the calculation of Eco-indicators. The light coloured boxes refer to procedures, the dark coloured boxes refer to intermediate results. Source: (Goedkoop et al., 2000). As declared in the Polokwane Declaration (Government of South Africa, 2001) the minimization of waste in general and even the “zero waste” strategy is strived. In addition the fact that most of landfills are nearly full (Essop, 2005) led to the attribute “Minimization of waste volume to landfill”. This attribute was added to the environmental attributes and was not assessed within the Eco-indicator 99. A low volume of remaining waste to landfill means a high utility. Social attributes Dominik Zumbuehl 22 October 2006 METHODS Creation of jobs for the previously unemployed in the CMA: In South Africa the unemployment rate is high (see section 3.1.1). Therefore, the creation of jobs for the previously unemployed is important when establishing a certain recycling scenario in the CMA. Creation of highly skilled jobs in the CMA: In addition to the job creation potential for the previously unemployed, the job creation potential for highly skilled is also included in the assessment. Creation of jobs outside SA: Some of the alternatives also create jobs outside South Africa. Those jobs are also included in the MAUT assessment. For all these social attributes, a high value means a high utility. Low health & safety impacts: The CRT glass contains hazardous substances (see Appendix 10). Thus it is important that the scenarios are assessed towards the health and safety impacts on employees carrying out the work in a certain scenario. Like the attribute “Increased potential for local economic growth”, this attribute is not measurable directly and thus was assessed semiquantitative using the scale shown in Table 1. A high score here entails a low utility. 2.3.2 Normalisation of attributes One disadvantage of the MAUT is that a utility of one attribute is per se not comparable with a utility of a different attribute due to different units and scales. Thus to make the attributes comparable they have to be transferred into the same scale. This was achieved by normalizing the values of an attribute over all scenarios. For all the attributes for which its value is proportional to its utility (e.g. “creation of highly skilled jobs in CTN”) it follows: an = ai - amin amax - amin (9) And if the value from an attribute is reciprocally proportional to its utility (e.g. “net costs”) than an = 1an ai amax amin ai - amin amax - amin (10) = Normalized value of an attribute of a certain scenario = Value of an attribute of a certain scenario = Maximal value of an attribute over all scenarios = Minimal value of an attribute over all scenarios The resulting range for the values of an is between 0 and 1 whereas the normalized lowest attribute value becomes 0 and the highest 1 respectively. Hajkowicz (2006 ) also used this approach for the linearization of attributes for the MAUT assessment. 2.3.3 Weighting of attributes The weighting of the attributes was carried out subsequent to presentations and the discussion of the CRT screen recycling problematic and the recycling alternatives at a Workshop at the University of Cape Town. Participants were local professionals and stakeholders involved in the CRT recycling issue. This group consisted of: consulting engineers, scientists, waste managers, a supplier of IT equipment, technicians and engineers involved in a computer refurbishment project (not locals), government representatives and representatives from an environmental NGO. A representative of a lead smelter (industry) also participated but he did not participate in the workshop. The questionnaire and the results of the weighting are listed in Appendix 15 and Appendix 16 respectively. Table 2 shows the transfer scale from the audiences’ weights into the MAUT assessment. Dominik Zumbuehl 23 October 2006 METHODS Audience’s weight allocated to the attributes No importance Little importance Medium importance High importance Very high importance Values used in the MAUT assessment 0 1 2 3 4 Table 2: Transfer scale for the weighting in the MAUT assessment Note: The overall weight for the weighting of the Eco-indicator 99 results was derived from the weights given to the corresponding environmental attributes (see Table 1) by adding those weights. The reason was that in the aggregated value of the Eco-indicator 99 all these attributes are represented. 2.4 Robustness Analysis In order to prove the utilities of different scenarios on their robustness an error analysis as well as an error propagation was carried out. Thus it is possible to calculate upper and lower boundaries of the MAUT utilities to compare the variations of the alternatives and thus their robustness. The steps in the analysis of the robustness include error analysis and error propagation. 2.4.1 Error analysis and error propagation The MAUT assessment depends on a big set of input data. Input is generally subject to sources of uncertainty including errors of measurement, absence of information and poor or partial understanding of the driving forces and mechanisms. Thus, the analysis of the error of input data and particularly the promulgation of the errors within a calculation of a specific value for an attribute is essential. In this study, the errors for all input parameters were specified using a semi-quantitative scale defined in Table 3. For measured or estimated input parameters, a relative error was allocated according to the reliability of the data source and due to natural variability in the several parameters. 10% error was allocated when the data for the input parameter was reliable and the variations are low (e.g. transport distances). 25% error was allocated if the parameter either was slightly variable or stems from good estimates (e.g. all Eco-indicator 99 values). 50% was allocated to parameters, which were estimated roughly or can vary widely (e.g. some transport cost parameter). 100% were allocated when the figures were estimated without any informative basis and / or the parameter was supposed to vary widely. Semi-qualitative attributes (e.g. increased potential for local economic growth) were varied by +/0.1 points and for parameters where the value is by definition 0 (e.g. for the parameter which contribute to the attribute “Creation of jobs outside SA” in a South African scenarios) no error was allocated. The allocation of the errors for all input parameters is shown in Appendix 12. Level of reliability of input parameters Reliable Reliable Quite reliable Not very reliable For semi-quantitative values (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) variability Low Middle Middle Middle to high Relative error allocated [%] 10 25 50 100 +/- 0.1 points Table 3: Allocation of relative error to the input parameters used for the MAUT assessment Once the allocation of relative errors to the input parameters was carried out the error propagation was completed in order to assess the overall error generated by the calculation of a value for a Dominik Zumbuehl 24 October 2006 METHODS specific attribute. The error propagation was carried out according to an online tutorial for students (Windischbauer, 2005) and a web page by the Rochester Institute of Technology (Lindberg, 2000) and was adopted accordingly in this study. Since in this study additions and subtractions as well as multiplications and divisions were used to calculate the values for the MAUT attributes, the following basic rules were applied: For additions and subtractions, z = a + b - c the absolute errors are summed up: Δz = Δa + Δb + Δc (11) to then calculate the relative error using: Δa + Δb + Δc Δz = z a+b−c (12) Whereas Δ z = absolute error Δz = relative error [%] z For multiplications and divisions z = a × b , all the relative errors are added to derive the relative c error in the result that is Δz Δa Δb Δc + + = z a b c (13) Whereas Δz = relative error z Δa Δb Δc , , = relative errors of the factors a, b and c [%] a b c 2.4.2 Determination of the upper and lower bounds of the MAUT utilities With these basic rules of error propagation, upper and lower limits of the values for the attributes for each alternative can be calculated using: amax = a × (1 + Δz Δz ) and amin = a × (1 ) z×2 z×2 (14) Whereas a = calculated value of a utility limit of an attribute amax = upper limit of an attribute amin = lower limit of an attribute The upper and lower limits for the attributes were then included in the MAUT assessment to derive the boundaries of each utility of the assessed scenarios. The limits were again normalized and weighted to make them comparable with the MAUT results. Note: the upper and lower values were Dominik Zumbuehl 25 October 2006 METHODS normalized using the existing maxima and minima from the corresponding attributes to achieve a ceteris paribus situation according to the theory described in section 2.3. Dominik Zumbuehl 26 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT 3 MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT This section presents the results from the mass flow assessment. In section 3.1 the system is defined by a description of the case study region within the MFA was carried out (see section 3.1.1). Then the players involved in the MFA are specified and described from section 3.1.3 until section 3.1.9. Subsequently a short description of the composition of CRT devices such as monitors and TVs is shown. Finally, the mass flows and the corresponding time series for both CRT monitors and CRT TVs are presented in section 3.3 until section 3.6. 3.1 System Definition 3.1.1 Selection of case study region In this section, the case study region is described geographically but also a brief economic and social overview is given. The information presented in this section are mainly retrieved from the Official Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of the Western Cape (WESGRO, 2005) as well as from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (Essop, 2005). South Africa CMA Western Cape Figure 4: South Africa (grey), Western Cape (dark The Western Cape Province contributes with grey) and Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA) in the very nearly 15% of the South African national output south-western tip of South Africa) source: (GDP) and attracts over 16% of foreign direct investment. The strength of the Western Cape lies within its people, diversified economy, modern infrastructure and the ability to compete in the international arena. The Western Cape Province is located in the south west of South Africa, boasting one of the most diverse, dynamic and innovative economies in Africa. Since the late 1990s, South Africa has been experiencing an historic economic upswing. The economic growth of the Western Cape was projected to be 4% in 2005. Despite the outstanding economic characteristics, 28% of the Western Capes population still lives in poverty. White highly skilled individuals are the highest earners with inequalities between racial groups getting worse. 90% of the population within is urbanised. The urban areas of the Western Cape are dominated by the Cape 20km Metropolitan Area (CMA) with its capital Cape Town. The CMA lies in the very southwestern end of the Western Cape. It comprises of 3.3 million inhabitants (est. in the year 2005) which are 64.0% of Figure 5: Cape Metropolitan Area, source: Dominik Zumbuehl 27 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT the Western Cape’s Population. 4.3 million people are expected to live in the CMA by the year 2031 assuming an average growth rate of some 1.00% (Dorrington, 2000). From the total of 800’000 households within the CMA 18% are informal dwellings (townships) using either paraffin candles or electricity for lighting. In 2004, the unemployment rate was 29% with a labour force of 1.4 million people out of 2.1 million adults (15-64 years). The CMA comprises a socio-economic region that is highly aggregated. It links the economic structures of the City of Cape Town with the surrounding municipalities of the CMA. It includes the municipalities of the City of Cape Town, Blauwberg, Tygerberg, Oostenberg, South Peninsula and Heidelberg shown in Figure 5. The CMA contributes with 76% to the Western Cape’s GDP. Despite a high unemployment rate as well as a high level of informal dwelling, the CMA is the second largest economic centre in South Africa after the Gauteng Province. 3.1.2 Players in the case study region Following the players involved in the CRT flows within the CMA are shown in Figure 6. Since there is no CRT manufacturer in South Africa, all CRTs either from computer monitors or TVs are imported to South Africa (Coetzee, 2006). Manufacturer Distributor TVs Consumers Desco PHILIPS SAMSUNG SONY Corporate Distributor Monitors Private AXIZ PANASONIC LG MECER DEAWOO EIZO MAG PROLINE Gigabyte IBM Footprints Recycling IT Government MUSTEK Sahara SINOTEC Collectors Drop Off MSW Drive Control Refurbisher of TVs Incredible Pinnacle ? Tarsus Recoverers / recyclers Annex SA Metal Equity Desco Rectron Salvagers MICO Second hand suppliers Landfills FreeCom Vissershok Smart City Coastal Park Device SA Bellville Recycling IT Faure System border Figure 6: System picture with the players involved and their relationship to each other in the mass flows of computer monitor s and TVs CMA. 3.1.3 Manufacturers, Distributors and Import Statistics The major brands manufacturing CRT devices that are distributed to the CMA customer base are shown in Figure 6. The names of the major brands were evaluated by visiting retailers and private households and according to an interview with an IT professional (Newson, 2006). To both manu- Dominik Zumbuehl 28 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT facturers and distributors of CRT monitors questionnaires (see Appendix 6) had been sent to find out the current and past sales figures, market shares, the average CRT size/weight and future sales trends. Assuming that the sales figures of the CMA’s manufacturers are equal to the sales figures of the distributors there were two opportunities to assess the figures of CRTs entering the CMA. None of the manufacturers was willing or prepared to share any of the information based on the questionnaire. Only four of the 11 CRT monitor distributors were willing to share sales figures based on the questionnaire and e-mail correspondence. With the available data and the market shares of two of the main players in the CMA a quite reliable estimate of the current (2005) sales figures was carried out. For the assessment of the TVs entering the CMA, import statistics from 1992 to 2005 were used. They were provided by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI, 2006) and by the South African Revenue Service (2006). As those import figures only contain aggregated values from the entire South African market a factor to estimate the CMA based figures had to be determined. This factor was derived from the fact that the Western Cape contributes with 15% to the national GDP and the CMA wit 76% to the Western Cape’s GDP (WESGRO, 2005). Thus, the factor to derive the CMA’s TV import figures was calculated as follows: fCMA = GDPWC × GDPCMA = 0.15 × 0.76 = 0.114 (15) fCMA = factor to derive CMA figures from national import figures GDPWC = share of the Western Cape’s Gross Demand Product in the national Gross Demand product GDPCMA = share of the CMA’s Gross Demand Product in the Western Cape’s Gross Demand product Only overall CRT import figures were available as well as the import figures for CRT video monitors. Thus, the numbers of CRT video monitors had to be discounted to derive the number of CRT TVs. Although there were many monochrome (black and white) sets imported, only the colour TV sets were used in the MFA. Appendix 4 shows the import figures from 1992 to 2005. The export figures had been discounted from the import figures to reach the overall numbers of CRTs sold to the CMA customer base. 3.1.4 Second hand suppliers In the CMA there are a few second hand suppliers who take back obsolete computers and refurbish them for the secondary market or donate these computers to some institutions. FreeCom is the largest computer refurbisher in the CMA. They possess a market share of almost 100% (Scholz, 2006). FreeCom imports used computers mainly from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. They receive about 500 monitors on a monthly base. Some 100 new CRT monitors from suppliers like Gigabyte and Proline have to be purchased every month additionally. They sell around 600 CRTs per month since the year 2000 to their CMA based customers. Device SA imports obsolete computers from Europe. They sell their refurbished computers and monitors mainly in the Gauteng Province. Only between 0 and 50 monitors are sold in the CMA per month (Mensing, 2006). Recycling IT is an initiative, which assists equipment users with specific queries or problems related to e-Waste. The aim of Recycling IT is “… to develop Cape Town as a blue print model for the entire Western and Northern Cape. A collection and disposal infrastructure is currently being developed by Recycling IT, in partnership with the current Green e-Waste Channel facilitator, private Dominik Zumbuehl 29 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT business (such as retailers) and the local authorities. Recycling IT is already involved in testing any e-waste received either at Footprints, (a community based recycling centre), through municipal and retailer collection points or by pre-arranged collection from private customers. Where computer equipment is involved, Recycling IT ensures that all client data is fully removed during the testing process prior to it being passed on for commercial retrofit, donation or resale to various e-waste entrepreneurship and charity programmes, who utilise it either as is, repair, rebuild, strip components or make products from e-waste which can be sold.” (Dittke et al., 2006). Recycling IT passes on some working monitors for second hand usage, but most are currently stockpiled whilst they continue to search for a satisfactory solution to the CRT waste disposal problem. Smart City is a governmental refurbishment organization, which collects the obsolete computers from all the seven administrations of the City of Cape Town. They refurbish some 250 computers per month and donate some of them to libraries, schools and community centres. Many of the CRT monitors and computers are stockpiled in Cape Town and in Ndabeni (Tatana, 2006). No figures of stockpiled monitors in Ndabeni were available. Computers being set up for reuse Employee at work setting up a PC CRT monitor Stockpile at Smart City Figure 7: Smart City refurbishment centre in Cape Town, refurbishing activities and stockpiles of CRT monitors. 3.1.5 Consumer The consumer based CRT flows and the consumer stock growth of TVs and computer monitors were calculated based on the information collected from the suppliers, the recycling companies and the landfill figures. No consumer-based survey was carried out to assess the flows from and to the consumers. 3.1.6 TV refurbishers According to Desco Electronic Recyclers, many TV refurbishers in the CMA collecting broken or obsolete TVs and repair them. However the flows to and from these refurbisher were not investigated in this study due to time restrictions. 3.1.7 Collectors Four major collectors of the municipal solid waste (MSW) are currently present in the CMA. EnviroServ (Pty) Ltd, Inter-Waste (Pty) Ltd, Wasteman and Waste Control. Only Wasteman was prepared to share any numbers or estimates of e-waste collected within the municipal solid waste (specified in section 3.1.9). The e-waste picked up by MSW-collection is disposed of in the four remaining landfill sites in the CMA (Coastal Park, Bellville, Faure and Vissershok). They do not separate any e-waste or assess the e-waste content. According to an interview with Saliem Haider Dominik Zumbuehl 30 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT from the City of Cape Town Waste Department (Haider, 2006) and all of the major waste managers (Kriek, 2006; Novella, 2006; Willcocks, 2006) there are currently no figures of e-waste in the MSW stream. With the recently established drop-off container for electronic waste (see Figure 9) in the Wynberg drop-off centre e-waste can now be disposed of. It is planned to establish eight more of these containers in several Cape Town based drop-off sites by 2008. Footprints in Wynberg runs a “waste-to-art” community centre and acts thereby as a collection centre for e-waste. Footprints does also collect container glass and metals for the further recycling. They dismantle some of the received computers to produce art of the several components (see Figure 8) and some are refurbished at recycling IT. Both the Wynberg drop-off site and Footprints received together in the first 3 month from January to March 2006 around two tons of e-waste. 40% were processing units (computers) 40% monitors (800 kg) and 20% others e-waste. From April to June 2006 four tons of e-waste with a composition of 30% processing units, 50% monitors (2000 kg) and 20 % miscellaneous e-waste (Newson, 2006). 2800 kg monitors with an average weight of 14.7kg (see Table 4) results in approx 200 monitors collected in 6 months. No televisions sets were collected. The public launch of the drop-off site in Wynberg was on 14 June 2006. A newspaper article on 15 June was published which led to a bunch of e-waste dropped off in the following weeks. Manual dismantling of a PC at Footprints Clocks made of hard disks and printed wiring boards (PWBs) Worker is producing earrings. Figure 8: Worker is dismantling a computer at Footprints. Clocks and earrings are some products of the recycling activities. Wynberg Drop-off Centre, 20 feet Container for e-waste Mostly Monitors and personal computers are disposed of Launch e-waste container: donator (l.) with the initiator (r.) Figure 9: The first container designed to dispose of e-waste in the CMA at the Wynberg Drop-off Centre. 3.1.8 Recyclers Desco Electronic Recyclers, a Recycling company with head office in Johannesburg, is the only professional e-waste recycler in the CMA who collects and processes CRT screens. Desco is in Dominik Zumbuehl 31 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT business since 2001 and runs a stripping facility in Kraaifontein near Cape Town (see Figure 10). Currently they strip 300 to 500 obsolete CRT units per month. Only some 10 TV sets are collected monthly. 90% of the CRTs are collected from private households and industry. 10% stem from distributors and a local second hand supplier. They sell the products partly to their head office in Johannesburg and partly to local scrap dealers. There is no market for the stripped CRT tubes. They used to send them from Cape Town to Johannesburg assuming that there will be a market for the tubes in the near future. But since there is no market for the tubes, they just landfill it locally. To send a “super link” truck up to Johannesburg they pay about R12’000. This lorry can transport some 50 tons, which is roughly estimated similar to some 5’000 tubes (assuming an average weight of 14.7 kg per monitor and a glass content of 60%). Today Desco transports about 150 CRTs per load on a trailer to the local landfill site. The disposal costs for the stripped CRTs are around R200 per ton of CRT at Vissershok landfill site (Novella, 2006) transportation and labour costs not included. There is a market for the plastics from the CRT housings, the copper, ferrous metals and for the printed wiring boards (PWBs). The metals are sold to a local metal scrap dealer, the plastics and the PWBs are sold to Desco Johannesburg. Local TV repairers collect the TVs at Desco and fix them to put them back on the second-hand market. Thus from Desco no TV tubes are disposed of at the landfill site. Monitor stock pile at Desco in Kraaifontein near Paarl Collected printed wiring boards (PWBs) for the further recycling Another monitor stockpile Manual dismantling of a Monitor Monitor casings stockpiled at Desco Trailer for the transport to the landfill site Figure 10: CRT monitor stockpiles and stripping at Desco Electronic Recyclers in Kraaifontein near Paarl. 3.1.9 Landfilling Solid waste outputs in Cape Town are increasing at 1.8% per annum (Essop, 2005). Four of the former seven landfill sites are still in operation (Coastal Park, Bellville, Faure and Vissershok) (IWMP, 2004) and are located in the Cape Flats. A valuable groundwater layer underlies this zone (Essop, 2005). As most of these landfills are nearly full the potential of this layer to be polluted by hazardous waste becomes more and more a serious threat. Dominik Zumbuehl 32 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT Only the Vissershok hazardous landfill site is allowed to manage hazardous waste. Wasteman that possess a 50% share of this landfill site was able to share any numbers of e-waste collected and disposed. They estimate to collect and dispose of some 200 to 300 CRT units per month (Novella, 2006). All other waste managers do not collect any e-waste and were not able to estimate any figures of e-waste dumped within the municipal solid waste stream. The amount of e-waste collected by the municipal solid waste collection, by e-waste recyclers or private and corporate customers has not been reported yet. According to the landfill managers of the four mentioned landfill sites there is almost no e-waste disposed of but they all were not able to even roughly estimate the amounts. According to the landfill manager at Coastal Park landfill site, there is “next to nothing” ewaste dropped off at that landfill site (Nomdo, 2006). A short interview with a “salvager” on the Coastal Park landfill site (see Figure 11 upper pictures) brought some additional information. They collect about 50 monitors and TVs in a year mostly monitors. They strip them and sell the metals to scrap dealers. The CRTs, the casings and the PWBs remain on the landfill site. A visit at the Athlone Refuse Transfer Station in Bellville (see Figure 11 lower pictures) unveiled that there is not much of e-waste disposed of. They assume that during the night time when the site is unsupervised some e-waste is disposed to avoid being charged for the disposal of hazardous waste. Thus, a quite large number of unreported e-waste is supposed to be disposed of. However, they were not able to estimate the amount of e-waste disposed of at the transfer station. During the visit at the Athlone Transfer Station, no e-waste was detected but a single monitor casing. Hence, it can be said that the streams of CRT monitors and TVs to the landfill sites in the year 2005 are very low. They consist of the 3600 to 6000 CRT monitor tubes from Desco, the 2400 to 3600 monitors collected by Wasteman and some 150 CRTs recovered by the salvagers on the Coastal Park, Bellville and Faure municipal solid waste landfill sites. This results in an average disposal rate of CRTs of about 7950 per year mainly CRTs from monitors. Municipal solid waste at Coastal Park landfill site. Salvagers at work. No electronic equipment was detected Municipal solid waste at Athlone Refuse Transfer station. Train with compacted waste for the transport to the Vissershok landfill site Figure 11: Impressions from the Coastal Park municipal solid waste landfill site and from the Athlone refuse transfer station Dominik Zumbuehl 33 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT 3.2 CRT computer monitor and TV composition To carry out a mass flow assessment one needs to know the composition of computer monitors and TVs. Table 4 shows the composition of a typical CRT computer monitor and CRT TV. Many data from literature are available which contain information about the content of plastics, metals, PWBs as well as the chemical composition of the glass and the coatings within a Cathode Ray Tube (i.e. panel glass, funnel glass and the neck glass) (see also Figure Figure 12: A CRT comprises the face plate (= front glass 12). Due to the variety in the size and comwith 2/3 of the tube’s weight), the funnel glass and the position of computer monitors and TVs, it is neck. The solder glass (=frit) connects the neck and face difficult to specify exact figures for each of glass to the funnel glass the components. In this study the average of the highest and lowest values found in literature was taken to calculate the amounts of the various components in the MFA (Monchamp et al., 2001; ICER, 2003; JRC, 2003; Huisman et al., 2004; ICER, 2004; Andreola et al., 2005; Kang et al., 2005). weight of fractions in a CRT computer monitor [g] min. max. Components average # values literature literature 2 Plastics 2’599 2’607 2’603 2 Copper 892 892 892 1 Ferro 1’324 1’324 1’324 2 Aluminium 49 238 144 2 PWBs 385 1’385 885 1 Gun 28 28 28 3 CRT 8’428 9’392 8’910 4 Front glass 5’619 6’261 5’940 4 Funnel glass 2’809 3’131 2’970 1 Neck glass 45 45 45 1 Frit (solder) 45 45 45 1) 13’705 15’866 14’786 Total weight 2) 14’649 Weight 1 1) weight added up from the values in this table 2) average weight from literature. eight of fractions in a CRT TV g] min. max. average # values literature literature 4 4’851 5’940 5’396 2 1’155 1’353 1’254 2 1’221 1’353 1’287 2 99 264 181.5 1 1’848 1’848 1’848 0 ? ? ? 7 19’570 23’760 21’665 2 13’275 16’155 14’715 2 6’120 7’605 6’863 1 90 90 90 90 1 90 90 34’518 28’744 31’631 33’000 1 Table 4: Composition of a CRT computer monitor according to literature data In this study for any weight based calculation a weight of 14.7 kg for CRT monitors and 33 kg for TVs was applied respectively. For the weight of the CRTs 8.9 kg for monitors and 21.7 kg for TVs was used. Dominik Zumbuehl 34 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT 3.3 Mass flows of CRT computer monitors in the CMA in the year 2005 Figure 13 shows the result of the MFA for CRT computer monitors in the Year 2005 in the CMA. Due to uncertainties in the quantification of the flows, upper and lower limits were defined. The figures represents computer monitor flows indicated in metric tons using 14.7 kg as the average weight of a monitor and 8.9 kg for the stripped CRT respectively (see Table 4). A detailed table of all monitor flows within the MFA can be found in Appendix 5. 1’466 to 1’723 t entered the CMA in the Year 2005. 106 t were imported to the second hand supply market. 1’359 to 1’617 t of new monitors were sold to the consumers as 109 to 125 tons of second hand monitors were sold. 46 to 50 tons are estimated to reach the second hand supply from the consumption at consumer level. 53 to 89 t go to the recycling. From there 3 to 5 tons of copper, 5 to 8 t of ferrous metals and 1 t of aluminium are sold to the scrap metal market. 9 to 16 t of plastics and 3 to 5 t of PWBs and cables are shipped from the recycling out of the CMA. In 2005, the consumer stock growth amounted to 1’333 to 1’550 t and the stock growth at the second hand suppliers adds up to 31 to 43 tons. The landfilling from the consumption at customer level amounts to 35 to 53 tons and from the recyclers 53 to 89 tons respectively. 0 to 1 ton is salvaged on the landfill sites. The landfill stock grew with some 67 to 105 tons in the year 2005. 106 106 Second hand supply 43 31 stock 125 109 1723 1466 Distribution (new & used) 1617 1359 xyz process yyy upper limit [tons] xxx lower limit [tons] 50 46 Consumption at consumer level 1333 / 1550 stock Copper 3/5 Ferro 5/8 Aluminium 1/1 89 53 Recycling & Salvaging 1 0 53 35 Plastics 9 / 16 PWBs & Cables 3 / 5 53 32 CRTs only Landfil 106 66 systemborder stock all units are specified in metric tons Figure 13: Mass flows of computer monitors in the CMA, 2005; [metric tons] Dominik Zumbuehl 35 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT Discussion For the computer monitors relatively unreliable sales figures for the years 2005, 2004 and 2003 were available. Neither sales data from the manufacturers nor custom statistics for CRT monitors were available. Sales figures were assessed by sending the questionnaire presented in Appendix 6. Only 4 of 11 distributors were prepared to share any sales figures and only 2 of those 4 were willing to provide any market share data. Thus, it was only possible to assess the overall input of CRT monitors by using the sales figures and the corresponding market share data (see section 2.1.2 for the methodology). The total sales figures in the CMA were different when applied on the two players providing sales figures and market shares. This led to an upper and a lower total sales (1’466 and 1’723 tons respectively). In addition to this error, it is likely that the distributors also sell the monitors to other distributors and not only to retailers. This could lead to an over estimation of the input figures in the MFA. Thus to derive more precise data all sales figures from distributors and those from the retailers should be obtained. The flow from distribution to second hand supply is based on the figures of FreeCom, which possess a 100% market share in the CMA. Presumably, there are some other second hand dealers in the CMA but none was found during this study. The flow from the consumption at consumer level to the second hand supply is mainly generated because of the refurbishment activities at Smart City from the governmental monitor stock. The stock growth in the second hand supply process is also assessed from figures provided by Smart City. Flows from the consumers to the recycling stems from the monitors collected by Desco Recyclers. As they collect 300 to 500 units per month, the flow ranges between 53 and 89 tons. The flows of copper, ferrous metals and aluminium as well as the flows of plastics and PWBs are derived from the composition given in Table 4. It is likely that there are additional small flows from other recyclers to the landfill but according to Desco Electronic Recyclers, they are the only professionals who collect and process e-waste in the CMA. Thus, additional flows from recyclers to the landfill are expected to be very low. Flows form the consumer to the landfill was calculated using the figures from the municipal waste stream reported by Wasteman (Novella, 2006). As only one waste manager was able to estimate the e-waste collected it is likely that this stream to the hazardous landfill site is larger than 35 to 53 tons. However, it is not expected that the stream to the municipal landfill sites is much higher since the landfill mangers at Bellville and Coastal Park as well as the salvagers all agree that only a few CRTs enter the municipal landfill sites. This MFA clearly shows that though uncertainties in the flows from the consumption process to the landfill there was a huge stock growth of computer monitors in the year 2005 in the CMA. Dominik Zumbuehl 36 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT 3.4 Time series of CRT computer monitors The modelling of the obsolescence of computer monitors was computed using the formula presented in section 2.1.2. As a basing point for the modelling the total sales of CRT monitors (Stot described in the previous section) was used. From there the time series were calculated assuming the following: • The World Development Indicator (WDI) starts with the listing of penetration rates for personal computers in 1988. Thus the year 1988 is considered as a starting point for the sales of computer monitors to South Africa. • A linear development of sales figures for CRT monitors from 1988 to 2005 was assumed. • Until 2005 there was always an increase in CRT monitor sales (Humphreys-Davies, 2006; Lancaster, 2006; Nel, 2006). • CRT monitor shipping will drop rapidly after the price for LCD monitors is <130% of CRTs, which will be reached by 2007. The logic being that markets in the east will flog the last of their production to the developing world once the Western developed markets no longer demand CRTs – this will happen when economies of scale result in LCD’s being produced at approximately 130% of the cost of CRT (Craig, 2006). Additional investigations revealed that the price for CRT monitors compared to that of LCD monitors is with some 138% still slightly above the trigger price of 130% according to the analysis of the world market price for CRT and LCD monitors (Windowsmarketplace, 2006). • From 2005 to 2006 the sales figures are constant. • From 2000 to 2005 also the second hand market (FreeCom) started to sell computer monitors, assuming not to affect the sales figures from the rest of the market. • Leading manufacturers for the European market have indicated that recycling directives, limitations of physical size, handling weight and energy efficiency imperatives will terminate volume CRT based display production for European markets by about 2010 (JRC, 2003). • South Africa is one year behind the market development in Europe. Thus the South African CRT monitor market will cease in 2011 (Craig, 2006). • From the year 2008 to 2011 sales will drop linearly to zero although after 2011, still a small fraction will be sold (special applications like graphics arts industry). • A lifespan for a computer monitors of 15 years was applied to derive the obsolete computer monitors (Scholz, 2006). The above assumptions and estimates lead to the time series shown in Figure 14 for CRT computer monitors. Dominik Zumbuehl 37 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT Estimated sales figures CRT monitors Yearly obsolete CRT monitors (life span =15 years) 2'000 sales figures 1'800 1'400 1'200 1'000 800 600 CRT monitors [tons] 1'600 400 200 0 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 Figure 14: Time series of CRT monitors in the CMA. Estimated yearly obsolete CRT monitors (right) based on the estimated sales figures and a lifespan of 15 years. Discussion According to Figure 14 some 250 tons of monitors should have become obsolete in 2005 but only some 120 tons in average entered the recycling or landfill pathway (see Figure 13). 120 tons would have been expected to become obsolete in the year 2003. This difference can have the following causes: • The lifespan of 15 years for a CRT computer monitor is too short. If the lifespan had been chosen only two years longer the time series would have fit perfectly with the MFA model. This leads to the conclusion that a CRT computer monitor in the CMA has a lifespan of about 17 years • Not all the disposal routes had been investigated in the MFA sufficiently. Thus, the flow of CRT monitors to landfill was assessed incompletely. For example, it is very likely that more CRT screens enter the landfill sites via the municipal solid waste stream or via the Athlone Refuse Transfer Station during the nighttime rather than via the official disposing at Vissershok hazardous landfill site. According to interviews with recyclers, e-waste experts and literature research, the lifespan of CRT devices had been estimated. For CRT monitors, the lifespan is between 5 years (ICER, 2004) and 15 years (Apfel, 2006; Bradford, 2006; Gerig, 2006; Scholz, 2006). However looking at the results of the MFA and the time series it seems that 5 years lifespan is clearly underestimated. In this study, lifespan is defined as the period of time the CRT monitors is in use plus the time in storage after the use-phase. The distinction between the use-phase and the storage-phase was not completed in this study. For the assessment of the obsolete consumer stock, it would be therefore important to investigate the proportion of the CRT monitors at consumer level in use compared to the proportion in storage respectively. This would allow predicting more precisely the future obsolete consumer stock in order to be prepared when new recycling scenarios will be in place. According to Lombard (2004) most of the obsolete computers (in South Africa) are in storage after the use-phase. The above MFA indicates that this is also the case for CRT monitors at least in the CMA. It is assumed that many of the monitors in storage would be disposed rapidly once a public recycling system is set in place. This assumption was recently confirmed as the drop-off site in Wynberg was launched. This led to a significant increase in CRT monitors disposed of by the pub- Dominik Zumbuehl 38 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT lic and corporate (see section 3.1.7). Anyway it is likely that the yearly obsolete CRT monitors in the CMA will increase dramatically until the year 2022 and will then drop rapidly. 3.5 Mass flows of CRT TVs in the CMA in the year 2005 Figure 15 shows the result of the MFA for CRT TVs in the year 2005 in the CMA. For the calculation of the weight-based flows, an average weight of 33kg for a TV was assumed (see Table 4). 2’607 tons of TVs entered the CMA in the year 2005, exported TVs excluded. It is assumed that all the imported CRT TVs end up at consumption at consumer level. The second hand suppliers for TVs in the CMA were not investigated thus it is not possible to say anything about flows of TVs from or to second hand suppliers. According to Desco Electronic Recyclers, there are many TV refurbishers in the CMA which repair used TVs. Only some 0 to 5 tons of TVs reached the landfill sites from the consumer level via the municipal solid waste stream. This finding is derived from the salvager’s recovery rates, which is some 0 to 50 TVs a year on the Coastal Park landfill site. As there are three remaining landfill sites for municipal solid waste this amount was multiplied by 3 resulting in 0 to 150 TVs (0 to 5 tons) entering those landfill sites per year. The salvagers strip the monitors and TVs up front and sell the ferrous metals, copper and the aluminium to local scrap dealers. The PWBs, plastic casings, plastics (and wood) and the CRTs remain on the landfill site. Desco collects some 10 TVs per month. As Desco passes those devices to TV refurbishers, 120 TVs (4 tons) are estimated to reach the second hand market (reuse) from the recycler yearly. Desco does not landfill any TV tubes. xyz Second hand supply yyy upper limit [tons] xxx lower limit [tons] x x+4 2607 process Consumption at consumer level 2607 Import - Export 2602 / 2607 stock 4 Copper 0 / 0.28 Ferro 0 / 0.19 Aluminium 0 / 0.03 4 Recycling & Salvaging 5 0 0.55 0 0 Landfil 4.45 0 systemborder stock all units are specified in metric tons Figure 15: Mass flow assessment of CRT TV sets in the CMA, 2005. All units are specified in metric tons. Discussion Dominik Zumbuehl 39 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT The average weight of a TV was investigated by analyzing 250’000 collected TVs in Belgium in the year 2003. The result was a weight of 33kg representing the average Belgian TV weight of obsolete TVs in the year 2003 (Huisman, 2005). For South Africa, no such average figures were available. However, the average weight for distributed and collected TVs in South Africa was set equal to the European average of 33kg. In fact, the weights of TVs strongly depend on the screen diameters and vary from 10 kg up to some 90 kg (see Appendix 9). 33 kg corresponds to a screen size of some 66 cm to 72 cm that is a very common screen size. Neither sales figures from manufacturers nor from distributors were available. Thus import statistics (custom statistics) from the South African Revenue Service SARS (Heyns, 2006) were used to derive the amount of TVs entering the CMA. Those national figures were again multiplied by fCMA = 0.114 (see section 3.1.3) to derive the CMA based import figures as presented in. The export figures of TVs had been considered and were discounted from the import figures. In general the export figures were very low compared to the import figures. Again, a striking consumer stock growth was determined since only a very small amount of TVs was disposed at landfill sites around the CMA in the year 2005. 3.6 Time series of CRT TVs Penetration rates from the year 1975 to 2001 (SABC’s first broadcasting was in 1976) and custom statistics from 1992 up to 2005 were available (see Appendix 7 and Appendix 8). These figures were used to derive the inputs of TVs in the CMA according to the methods described in section 2.1.3. 100'000 90'000 80'000 70'000 60'000 50'000 40'000 30'000 20'000 10'000 0 overall input 1'400'000 Data from WDI 1'200'000 Data from custom stats 1'000'000 800'000 600'000 400'000 200'000 overall input [units] input per year [units] input per year 0 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 Figure 16: Yearly inputs of colour TVs into the CMA based on World Development Indicators (WDI) and custom statistics. Due to very unsteady yearly inputs (see Figure 16), the figures were transformed into a triangular slope starting in 1975 with an input of 0 and peaking in 2005 with the methods described in section 2.1.3. The time series for the input function was calculated. It is shown in Figure 17. With this transformed, linear function the obsolete series was computed according to 2.1.3. An average lifespan of 15 years and 25 years respectively for TVs in South Africa was applied. Dominik Zumbuehl 40 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT input per year obsolete TVs (L = 15 y) obsolete TVs (L = 25 y) 3'000 CRT TVs [tons] 2'500 ? ? ? 2'000 1'500 1'000 500 0 2035 2032 2029 2026 2023 2020 2017 2014 2011 2008 2005 2002 1999 1996 1993 1990 1987 1984 1981 1978 1975 Figure 17: Time series of the input function of CRT TVs and their obsolescence using lifespans of 15 years and 25 years respectively TV sales forecasts Since the market forecasts for CRT computer monitors are unambiguous, the forecasts for CRT TVs differ much depending on the position of the forecasting person in the CRT market and the region. For example the European Display industry Association says: “…the game is far from being over for CRT makers! CRT remains the dominant technology used in TV Sets and represents today (2004) 91%* of worldwide TV sales. Forecasts plan it to be still around 80% (isupply) in 2007 volume wise …”. And: “... CRT makers are putting strong efforts in new product development. Further to True Flat, which has become the major CRT technology, CRT manufacturers are developing HDTV products on a worldwide basis to fulfil digital broadcast requirements. Thanks to their cost advantages, CRT will have the right tools to fight against Plasma and LCD …”(Trutt, 2005). Other sources say that “… the demand for CRT glass used in personal computers and televisions is projected to decline to about 220 million units for the fiscal year ending December 2005, from around 272 million units in fiscal 2004, due to a rapid shift towards TFT LCDs ...”(Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., 2005) Thus at this stage it is not reasonable to forecast CRT TV trends because of the current discontinuous world market. Additionally as South Africa is a developing country adopting conclusions from market forecasts in the developed world wouldn’t be reasonable. Hence the author resigns to forecast the CRT TV inputs in the CMA. Discussion The input data from the World Bank World Development Indicator were available from 1975 up to 2001. However, from 1992 until 2005 the import statistics were used for the assessment of the CMA input. It is assumed that the custom stats together with the transformation factor fCMA lead to a much more reliable yearly input than the WDI data due to it’s unknown how the WDI data were assessed. Using the import stats lead to a higher yearly input than the derivation from the penetration rate. For example using the penetration rates in the year 2001 some 750’000 TVs were cumulated in the CMA whereas the deriving from the import statistics adds up to some 930’000 in the same year (see Appendix 8). Dominik Zumbuehl 41 October 2006 RESULTS - MASS FLOW ASSESSMENT According to Figure 17, some 1’400 tons of TVs should have become obsolete in 2005 assuming an average lifespan of 15 years but almost no TVs entered the recycling or landfill pathway. Also for an assumed lifespan of 25 years, still 400 tons of TVs would have become obsolete theoretically. The average lifespan of TVs was investigated by interviewing recyclers in Switzerland and South Africa. Both South African respondent estimated an average lifespan of 15 years (Bradford, 2006; Scholz, 2006) whereas the Swiss recyclers estimated 10 (Gerig, 2006) and 25 years (Apfel, 2006) respectively as the average lifespan of a TV. According to the ICER report (2004) the lifespan of TVs range from 8.5 years up to 20 years. In this study, two time series were computed using 15 and 25 years as lifespans. Again as discussed within the comparison of the CRT monitor flows with the corresponding time series, there are the following reasons for that difference: • The lifespan of 15 and 25 years for a CRT TV is too short. If the lifespan would have been chosen 30 years (TVs before 1975!) the time series would have fit with the MFA model. • Rather than a 30 years lifetime presumably not all the disposal routes had been investigated in the MFA. Thus, the flow of CRT TVs to landfill or to uncontrolled dumps was assessed incompletely. For example, it is very likely that more TVs enter the landfill sites via the municipal solid waste stream or via the Athlone Refuse Transfer Station during the night (see section 3.1.9) rather than via the official disposing at Vissershok hazardous landfill site. • The lifespan of TVs could be higher than 15 to 25 years because people in the CMA don’t know where to dispose of the old CRT devices. Maybe they public awareness that e-waste is hazardous is already existing and thus they know that the municipal solid waste is not the right channel for their end-of-life equipment. • It is also possible that obsolete and broken TVs end up on illegal dumps in areas where the municipal solid waste is not regularly collected and thus the control by the government is absent (e.g. in the townships like Kayalitsha or Guguletu). The penetration rate of TVs even in the townships areas is quite high whereas almost no computers are present. According to Bred Scholz from FreeCom (2006) per 10 capita one TV is present in Kayalitsha roughly estimated. Hence, it is likely that second or even third-hand TVs enter the townships and are disposed of locally. From the total of 803’110 households in 2004 in Cape Town some 150’000 were informal dwellings such as shacks in townships or in backyards (WESGRO, 2005). However, it is not known how many people live in the townships of the CMA. Thus at this stage it is not possible to estimate the TVs in storage in Kayalitsha and Guguletu. Even though at this stage not many obsolete TVs are collected by the recyclers in the CMA or disposed of at landfill sites it is likely that the yearly obsolete CRT TVs in the CMA will increase dramatically in the near future at least until 2020 or 2030. Dominik Zumbuehl 42 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS 4 SCENARIO ANALYSIS In section 4.1 the existing best available recycling technologies for the recycling of CRT glass are presented. Also the local and South African industry was asked to use CRT glass in their processes. These results are also listed in section 4.1. With this knowledge, several recycling scenarios were defined some within the CMA some including best available technologies overseas. Once the scenarios had been described, they were assessed towards their sustainability using the MAUT methodology. 4.1 CRT Recycling technologies In this section, the current best available technologies (BATs) for the pre-processing and the intrinsic recycling process for CRT glass in Europe are presented as well as the results from the assessment of those companies who were asked if they were able to recycle CRT glass in the CMA and in South Africa. The CRT recycling process can principally be divided in the stages shown in Figure 18: Stripping of TVs and monitors Plastic casings PWBs Aluminium CRT Copper Ferrous metals Disposal Electronic recycling Separating & coating removal Scrap metal processing Crushing Disposal Ferrous Metals Removal of the coatings & sorting Panel glass Funnel glass Mixed glass Use in second application Figure 18: Possible pathways for the recycling of CRT appliances like monitors and TVs. Coloured boxes indicate products, white represent are process steps in the CRT recycling. 1. The pre-processing, which includes the stripping (dismantling) of the CRT, screens. The resulting materials are mainly plastics, printed wiring boards (PWBs), metals and the remaining CRT. The plastics are either disposed of or recycled. Aluminium, copper and ferrous metals are recovered and can be sold to the local scrap dealers to be recycled again. PWBs can be recycled to recover precious metals like gold, silver, palladium, platinum as well as base metals such as cop- Dominik Zumbuehl 43 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS per, lead, nickel and zinc, bismuth, antimony, etc. Umicore, a state of the art precious metal smelter in Belgium recovers 17 metals from PWBs (Kerckhoven, 2006). 2. Currently, in South Africa the remaining CRTs are disposed of at (hazardous) landfill sites as discussed in section 3.1.8. Alternatively, the CRT can either be separated into funnel and screen glass or they can be crushed depending on the buyer’s requirements. When separating the CRTs only the screen coating is removed whereas sophisticated crushing devices are able to remove both the screen and the funnel coating. The crushed cullets can then be sorted to derive panel, funnel and mixed glass. Some applications also allow mixed, crushed glass that is not sorted. Ferrous metals are also recovered after crushing or separating CRTs (e.g. the rimband and the shadow mask). Detailed descriptions of the separating and crushing techniques as well as the several applications where the recycled CRT glass can be used are specified in the following section. The Industry Council for Electronic Equipment Recycling (ICER, 2004) has carried out a project which was examining potential markets for waste CRT glass in the EU member states. Five potential applications had been investigated, three for screen glass which does not contain any lead and two for lead-containing funnel glass or mixed glass. The following descriptions of the best available technologies for the recycling of CRTs correspond partly to the findings in the ICER report and also to own investigations carried out by literature studies. 4.1.1 Pre-processing – stripping of CRT monitors and TVs The stripping of monitors and TV sets was studied at a RUAG Components & Immark AG both Swiss CRT dismantling facilities as well as at Desco Electronic Recyclers in Cape Town. Both the Swiss and the South African facility use low-tech, manual dismantling techniques using electrical screwdrivers, grippers and a hammer for the dismantling of the CRT screens. First, the plastic casing is removed by unscrewing it. To avoid an electric shock, a short circuit of the anode voltage supply terminal of anode cap attached to cathode ray tube (CRT) should be performed using an appropriate tool. Without this tool one can just connect a wire to the outer body of the CRT to then push it under the anode cap and make a good short-circuit (Goldwasser, 2006). After having removed the casing, the main cord, the cables, the printed wiring boards (PWBs) and metals such as the ferrous metals, aluminium and the copper coil on the yoke are manually removed and stored in separate units. The remaining part is the CRT with some stickers on it. The vacuum is being released by breaking the neck glass. The neck glass with the electron gun is stored and disposed of separately. Two workers at RUAG can dismantle 50’000 to 80’000 CRTs per year, which results in some 70 to 120 CRTs per day per worker (assuming 350 workdays a year). The employee at Desco can strip about 75 (average of 50 to 100) monitors per day. Huisman et al. (2004) calculated the time used to completely dismantle a CRT screen to around 285 seconds which results in 100 CRTs a day (assuming an 8 hour work day).This value corresponds very well to the values retrieved from RUAG (70 to 100 CRT devices per day). Ferrous metals, copper, aluminium and the PWBs are then removed and can be easily recycled as it is usually economically feasible to process these materials. The plastic casings of TVs and monitors containing flame-retardants must be disposed of in incineration plants. Some old types of flame-retardants are carcinogenic. Those halogenated flame retardants form polychlorinated and polybrominated dioxins and furans when burned (Siemers et al., 1999). Although thermoplasts can be recycled, the recycling of the most of the plastics is difficult because of the many types it occurs and the separation is economically and technically not feasible. Plastics are usually down cycled or thermal recycled to extract at least the energy (Siemers and Vest, 1999). Dominik Zumbuehl 44 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS Cables are generally freed by mechanical means of their casings (usually PVC or PE). Only the copper and other metals contained in cables have prospective uses. Particularly old TV sets contain wooden pressboards as a casing. It is coated with paints and embedded in plastics and can therefore not be recycled. 4.1.2 Crushing and sorting techniques For some applications the CRT screens have to be either crushed and / or separated leading to different products. The crushing of CRTs is carried out by crushing systems which produce cullets in different sizes and separate the metals and the coatings of the CRT glass. There are several crushing systems in place and also a mobile solution is available. In this study the sophisticated crushing system of a Swiss CRT recycler was investigated and a mobile crushing solution which is provided by a US company. SwissGlas, Switzerland SwissGlas a division of Immark AG operates a sophisticated crushing, washing and sorting device for CRT glass in Switzerland. The site was visited by the author in August 2006. They produce front, funnel and mixed CRT glass cullets. The products are sold to a European manufacturer for CRT television glass. There is a growing demand for those high quality recycling cullets (Apfel, 2006). Process description: the stripped CRT tubes are first crushed, sieved and partly separated into coarse and fine glass cullets, then the ferrous metals are separated from the glass fraction. The fluorescent layer on the screen glass as well as the iron oxide coating from the funnel glass have to be removed because of the manufacturers terms to include recycled CRT glass in their smelting process. These coatings are mechanically removed by tumbling (German: “trobalisieren”) the cullets. After washing off the dust, containing the removed coatings and some glass dust, the cullets are dried using electricity. Then the separation step using a detection system to specify the density of each cullet takes place (funnel glass is denser than front glass due to its lead content). On a conveyor belt the cullets arrive at detection unit. After blowing out the denser cullets with air jets a fraction of funnel glass as well as the remaining front and mixed glass is produced. Then the remaining mixed glass is manually separated into pure front glass and mixed glass. The mixed glass consists of cullets of front glass frit- and funnel glass (see cullet in Figure 19 in the below, middle picture). Dominik Zumbuehl 45 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS CRT Stock feed Ferrous metals Front glass cullets Funnel glass cullets Mixed glass: left: front glass, middle: frit, right: funnel glass. Waste (glass dust and coatings) Figure 19: Impressions from the CRT glass recycling at SwissGlas, Switzerland. Only 0.5% of waste is produced. It contains the fluorescent coating as well as the iron oxide coating and glass dust. This fraction has to be disposed of in an incineration plant. Water is kept in a closed loop cycle thus no wastewater is produced. Only losses due to evaporation during the drying process occur. This is estimated to be some 100 litres per ton glass produced. The feedstock is sprinkled to reduce dust emissions outside the plan. The plant uses some 20 to 30 kWh of electricity per ton of glass produced mainly for the drying process. SwissGlas produces currently approx. 5 tons of CRT cullets per hour. Currently 50% TV and 50% monitor glass is delivered from Swiss collection and recycling sites. They intend to increase the production to 7 to 8 tons per hour by the next year with the same facility. Front glass, funnel glass and mixed glass is produced in the same quantities. The costs for the processing of a ton of glass are approx. € 220. Around € 100 from the Swiss e-waste management system (SWICO SENS, see section 1.3) based on the Advanced Recycling Fee (ARF) helps to cover the costs. They employ currently 11 workers. Eight of them consist of low and semi-skilled workers whereas 3 highly skilled worker are busy with administrative work. In addition SwissGlas technology sells their system to other recyclers. The price for the whole system including the intermediation of customers and provider of raw materials is about € 2 Mio. The separation, washing and sorting unit can be procured for approx € 1Mio, the main expense being for the separator unit. Without the X-ray device the separation plant can be procured for some € 500’000. This option requires more manual work. Mobile or Stationary CRT Recycling System A CRT Processing unit provided by Andela Products Ldt (Hula, 2006) is installed inside a 20 ft. shipping container and can be used as a mobile CRT processing solution or as a stand alone system. This system comprised with an in-feed conveyor, a CRT breaker, a custom glass conveyor followed by a cross-belt magnet and custom installed dust collection system. Stripped CRTs can be fed into the system. A variable speed controller allows the system operator to modify the impactor processing speeds to produce a larger or smaller glass size distribution depending on the local glass market specifications. The crushed CRT glass and the metal frames or screens (rimband and Dominik Zumbuehl 46 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS shadow-mask) are separated. The dust collection system includes a high efficiency cartridge dust collector installed as a stand-alone unit near the CRT recycling container. A negative air pressure within the container keeps the leaded glass fines or coating flakes that become airborne during the crushing process. Up to 600 CRTs per hour can be processed by the Andela CRT Recycling system. The costs for the Andela Stationary Recycling System would amount to around USD 300’000 transport and installation up front included. Around USD 150’000 have to be added to turn this system into a mobile CRT processing system. One semi-skilled and two lower-skilled workers could operate the system. The system runs with a maximal performance of less than 100 horsepower that is less than 74.57 kW. To compute the energy used for the processing of one CRT unit the energy use for one hour (74.57kWh) is divided by the maximum capacity, which is 600 CRTs. This results in an energy consumption of some 0.124 kWh/CRT. The crushing process is a dry one. Thus, no water is used. 4.1.3 Separating techniques Besides the crushing of CRT glass one can also separate the glass without crushing it first. The advantage is that one does not have to separate cullets but the whole front and funnel glass respectively. Depending on the manufacturers requirements some times it makes more sense to use separated glass instead of crushed. However when the glass is being prepared for smelting or use in other products like bricks or foam glass, it usually must be crushed. In this section, the current separation techniques are described. Most of the techniques are specified in the ICER report (ICER, 2004). Some of them are marketed and process the glass for CRT manufacturers. In this report the focus is on the technologies already in use and marketed. Hot wire technique A B C D E F Figure 20: Process illustration at RUAG Component Inc., Switzerland This technology was studied at a Swiss CRT recycling facility (RUAG Components). Since 2001 they run a stripping facility and separate the glass using a semi-automatic hot wire device. After the dismantling of the monitor or TV the stripped CRT is being installed on a workbench manually. The Dominik Zumbuehl 47 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS following steps are also illustrated in Figure 20. First, the ferrous rim band (implosion protection) is manually removed A). Then the CRT is scored automatically by scratching with a diamond B). In the next step a NiChrome ribbon is wrapped around the chink and is then electrically heated C). The heating takes about a minute and the resulting thermal stress cracks the glass entirely. Then the cone glass with the frit is manually removed and stored separately D). The remaining front glass is then freed from its coating by suction cleaning it E). Figure 20 F shows the physical process more schematically. For the process, three workers are mandatory. RUAG has two separation units in place one for large and one for small sized screens. The system has a throughput of some 70 CRTs per hour. The quality of the separated glass is high. According to RUAG (Gerig, 2006) a hot wire system can be set up by investing some € 300.000. There are second hand systems available for approximately € 150.000 depending on the equipment that comes with the system. The ICER report (2004) mentions several problems that can occur using the hot wire technology. One problem is the difficulty to accomplish a clean separation of panel and funnel glass if the wire is incorrectly placed. Another problem with this approach is that the glass does not always break along the wire line. This is particularly so when dealing with CRTs of different sizes since larger TVs have thicker glass. An advantage is that it is a dry process and thus no wastewater is generated. Dust is not produced and the suction removal of the luminescent coating does not allow it to get airborne. The system does not need much electricity either. The variable costs are relatively high due to much manual work has to be done using this system. However, in places where labour costs are low the system could be very cost efficient. Laser Cutting This method was investigated by using details of a laser cutting device manufactured by (Proventia Automation Oy, 2006), Finland. They provide an automatic handling and cutting line for CRTs. A carbon dioxide laser beam cuts the CRT below the frit and separates the CRT into the funnel glass with the frit and the remaining front glass. In addition to the high quality separation and high capacity, the laser technology also has superior health and environmental performance. This device can separate up to 75 CRTs per hour. Additionally a cleaning and crushing device is available. Potential problems with the laser approach include reforming of the glass after the laser Figure 21: Laser cutting process. Source: beam has passed through, difficulty in cutting thick glass, and sharp edges on the separated fractions. It also uses more power than other cutting techniques and requires significant capital investment (ICER, 2004). Advantages: high capacity, high quality, low cost / CRT, dry process Disadvantages: high investment costs , high energy use (Proventia, 2006) Diamond cutting separation This uses a wire that is provided with industrial diamonds. The wire diameter is usually very small. A continuous loop of wire cuts into the glass as the CRT is passed through the cutting plane. The main problem with this approach is that it is very slow. It also generates dust that needs to be controlled. This research has not identified any companies which are currently using this technique or Dominik Zumbuehl 48 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS thinking of using it (ICER, 2004). This technology is marketed and provided for instance by MRT System AB, Sweden. A semi-automatic system provided by MRT System AB, Sweden can process up to 45 CRTs per hour. It is capable to handle CRTs from 14 to 32 inches and is equipped with glass dust collection and a cyclone for the rare earth metals. The power consumption is around 10 kW. No economic data are available at this stage. The CRTs are positioned automatically or manually before cutting depending on the equipment of the machine. After setting the index point for the correct longitudinal position, Figure 22: CRT is cut by a diamond cutting device. the screen is placed into the cutting station Source: automatically and front and panel glass are then separated. The station is enclosed to reduce noise and is ventilated to remove dust. The products are automatically transported for further processing. Dust and rare earth powders are collected by a powder cyclone and dust filter. No economic data of this system were available in for this study. Water Jet This technology is commonly used in cutting many different types of material, particularly metal. It uses a high-pressure spray of water containing abrasive, directed at the surface to be cut. The water is focused through a single or double nozzle-spraying configuration set at a specific distance (ICER, 2004). It takes some 30 seconds to separate a CRT. This technology is also marketed and for instance being transferred to China (Brown, 2006). Comparison of the above separation techniques Table 5 shows an overview over the current major CRT separation technologies. As one can see there is no technology with outstanding properties. They all provide a separation that leads to high quality of the product and fulfils the requirements of the customers. Most of the devices can be purchased in different modules making the system more cost effective or dependent of more manual work. In this study no recommendation for a certain technology is given. The market is developing fast and the techniques are getting more and more cost effective. The future costs for e-waste recycling will decrease as the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) (Europäischer Wirtschaftsdienst (EUWID), 2006) forecasts. CRT separating methods Invest. costs Variable costs Capacity Quality of glass Wet process hot wire Low Low ca. 50 High No laser cutting High Low ca. 75 High No diamond cutting High High ca. 45 High No water jet High High High High Yes Table 5: Comparison of several separation technologies towards costs, capacity and quality. Data collected from (Proventia, 2006) (Gerig, 2006) and (MRT, 2006) Dominik Zumbuehl 49 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS 4.1.4 CRT glass in new CRTs As there is no CRT manufacturer in South Africa this section is mainly consisting information from Samsung Corning located in Brandenburg, Germany, which is producing TV CRT glass. All information and numbers are according to an Interview with the technical manager of Samsung Corning. The European market for the recycling of CRT glass in the manufacturing process of new CRT glass is currently consolidating. At this stage only Samsung Corning in Germany and ThomsonPolcolor in Poland are processing and manufacturing CRT glass both using significant amounts of recycled CRT glass. Thomson-Polcolor recently invested in the plant and they will produce at least 10 more years (Apfel, 2006). Also Samsung Corning intends to refurbish their smelting device by 2007 and thus will go on producing CRT glass in Germany for at least 10 more years. Former big players like SCHOTT, NEC and Philips have ceased to produce CRT glass in Europe. The shift is towards the production in Asian countries as today 90% of the worldwide CRT production is already located in China (Widmer et al., 2005). There are still some more CRT manufacturers located in Russia and Belarus. The following company description is according to Samsung Corning, Germany. They currently produce some 16 Mio. cone and screen glasses per year with a daily output of 260 tons of screen glass and 160 tons of cone glass. Samsung Corning is engaging 420 employees. They provide their glasses to customers in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Brazil. Energy and raw materials savings are achieved by using recycled CRT glass. Thus several emissions are reduced. Currently they process up to 40 % recycling CRT glass. With the input of 1 ton of recycling glass they can save 1.1 tons of raw materials in average. The use of CRT cullets also reduces dust production but to a less significant part. The losses due to evaporation are not affected by using recycling glass. Incidental dust of 300 tons per year contains large amounts of lead and can be recycled to a content of 90% internally. Only 10% of the dust has to be disposed of by selling it to a lead smelter where the lead is being recovered. Thereby the revenues for the dust cover round about the transport costs. Samsung Corning mainly takes glass from TV sets and to a lesser extent from computer monitors. The screen glass of monitors must not be leaded which is the case for the most of the CRTs manufactured after 1990. The company was not prepared to share the prizes of the raw materials. Thus, it is not possible to assess the economic benefit of Samsung Corning by using CRT cullets. The costs to produce a ton of glass include € 240 for the production of cone glass and € 280 for front glass respectively. The additional costs for Energy and wages are € 40 for screen glass and € 35 for Cone glass. Overall costs for screen glass are therefore € 320 per ton and € 315 for cone glass respectively. 4.1.5 CRT glass in smelting processes The following introduction is part from the ICER report (2004) and is not written by the author of this study: “Smelting is a high temperature process in which molten metal is separated from the impurities in metal-bearing material and recovered. Primary smelting extracts metal from ores or concentrates and secondary smelting recovers metal from scrap material. Most smelting operations use a fluxing material to fuse with impurities and form a liquid slag. This helps in the extraction of the metal. In smelting operations which use sand as flux there could be potential to substitute CRT glass for all or some of the required sand, provided that the metals contained in CRT glass, particularly Dominik Zumbuehl 50 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS lead, are compatible with the process and can be recovered. When considering the use of CRT glass in smelting it is also essential to ensure that the chemical composition of the resulting slag (which is where the bulk of the CRT glass will end up) is such that it can be used in new applications, e.g. construction aggregate. The weight-based recycling targets for equipment containing CRTs set by the WEEE Directive will only be met if the slag and therefore the glass itself can be recycled for use in other applications. Metals can be considered in three broad groups — ferrous metals (iron and steel), non-ferrous metals (such as copper, lead, zinc) and precious metals (such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium). “ Ferrous metal smelting: No sand is used as a flux. Sand is a contaminant in the steel and iron production. Thus ferrous metal smelting is not suitable for the processing of CRT glass (ICER, 2004). Primary Lead smelting: Boliden SA in Sweden operates a primary lead smelting facility. Technically, there would be in principle no problem to use the CRT glass in the smelting process. Problems could occur if there is too much of aluminium oxide (Al2O3), chromium would increase the smelting point (energy use), quicksilver increases the costs for flue gas treatment, antimony increases the costs for refining and silver, antimony, bismuth and tin require refining capacities. Too much zinc can cause troubles with the slag or the furnace. Since the lead content in CRT glass (5%) is too low to use it economically in their smelting process, they even should be paid for taking CRT glass. The economic feasibility depends on the market price of lead, of the raw materials and the composition of the glass. At this stage, they needed at least 30% lead in the CRT glass to run the process economically. Including CRT glass would substantially increase the amount of the silica-slag which leads to extra losses (Swartling, 2006). Zinc smelting: Modern furnaces do not require silica to control slag chemistry and viscosity. Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF): The metal content of slag is too high to be used in secondary application such as construction aggregate. ISF are not competitive with modern furnaces and are under the thread of closure. Thus the Zinc Smelting is not applicable for the processing of CRT glass (ICER, 2004). Precious metals smelting: Umicore, Belgium: Visits at Umicore in Belgium unveiled that they cannot include CRT glass in their precious metal recovery plant economically. Although they do lead recovery, the lead content in CRT glass with an overall content of 5% lead oxide, is not sufficient to run the lead refining economically. Their processes are optimized for precious metal refining. They are rather interested in the supply of materials containing precious metals than in CRT glass. There is no precious metal smelter which is smelting lead in Europe at this stage (Kerckhoven, 2006). Rand Refinery, South Africa is a precious metal smelter operating in the Gauteng Province. They use lead as a redox additive in the precious metal smelting process that is oxidized to reduce the precious metals to be reduced again by carbon. Thus, the lead is not used in bulk. Additionally they use only galena (lead sulphide, PbS) and would not be prepared to use lead oxide. There would be no economic benefit in using CRT glass. Rand Refinery is only interested in materials containing a certain amount of precious metals (Gloster, 2006). Secondary copper / lead smelting process: Fry’s Metal: In South Africa there is currently one secondary lead smelter based in Germiston near Johannesburg. They process some 60’000 tons of lead scrap per year and use mainly lead from batteries. Fry’s Metal can only economically use leaded scrap that has a lead content above some 60%. Approximately one third of the furnace load ends up in the slag which has to be land filled at the Holfontein H:H landfill site. The costs for the final disposal on that landfill site are some R500 per ton. A sodium-sulphide slag rather than a Dominik Zumbuehl 51 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS ferro-silicate slag is used in their process thus, there would be no benefit from the silica in the CRT glass. Latter slag is not leachable but needs more energy in the smelting process. The industry in South Africa is allowed to dispose of leachable slag whereas in Europe and the US only nonleachable slag can be disposed of at landfill sites. It is economically more feasible to use sodiumsulphide slag and have more disposal costs than changing to the ferro-silicate slag. However, they are by far not able to use the CRT glass economically due to a) The use of a sodium-sulphide slag rather than a silica slag b) Low lead content of CRT glass c) The increase in slag volume and therefore increasing disposal costs. NFA: A copper smelter in Cape Town called NFA was not fond of the idea of taking CRTs for the copper smelting process. The company’s statement was: "Our Processes cannot handle the leaded glass as our units are not designed for this." Boliden AB in Sweden operates a secondary copper / lead smelting plant. According to (Swartling, 2006) technically there shouldn’t be any barriers in using leaded glass as a flux in the smelting process. If more glass (silica) is added to the process, iron oxide and calcium oxide (CaO) have to be added as well to keep the proportion at a constant level. This generates additional costs. The furnace has currently no lack of silica and does therefore not rely on more glass input. The lead extraction of the CRT glass with an average content of some 5% is economically not feasible due to a relatively high lead content in the slag and mat that have a lead content of some 1-3 % and 68% respectively. A 5% leaded glass would only generate more slag, which has to be disposed of. If one would only use the funnel glass which has an average lead content of some 22% then it would eventually be economical feasible to include the glass in the smelting process. However, at this stage this is not calculated yet. According to the ICER report (ICER, 2004) most of the secondary copper / lead smelters in Europe which were asked were not prepared to use the CRT glass in their operation due to mainly the following reasons: • A 5% lead content is to low compared to the lead amount in the remaining slag. The use of CRT glass would only increase the slag production without substantially extracting the lead from the glass. If the lead content was substantially higher, many of the smelters say that it would become eventually economic. • The remaining lead concentration in the slag is too high to be reused in a secondary application. Thus, it must be disposed of in hazardous landfill sites. The further processing to lower the heavy metal content is too expensive. • Most of the copper / lead smelters would be mainly interested in the copper from the yoke. But in most cases the copper has been removed before due to its value by the recycler. Although many copper / lead smelters stated not to be able to use CRT, glass there is currently one European company which is already using CRT glass in their smelting process. Metallo-Chimique in Belgium is currently processing CRT glass in their copper / lead furnace. They can recover the lead in an economically feasible way. The main advantage is that they recover the lead almost entirely and the resulting slag is almost free from heavy metals. Hence, it can therefore be used as a raw material and is marketed as “Metamix”. This process was studied in depth by Jaco Huisman (2004) and is also described carefully in the ICER report (ICER, 2004). Huisman assessed the process towards its eco-efficiency using the self developed QWERTY/EE (Huisman, 2003) concept. Dominik Zumbuehl 52 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS The use of CRT glass in a secondary lead smelting processes only make sense economically and ecologically, if the lead recovery rate is high enough that the slag can be used (sold) again rather than to be landfilled. From the assessed companies only Metallo-Chimique can provide such a technology. 4.1.6 CRT glass in bricks Use of CRT glass in concrete bricks: South Africa has many concrete brick manufacturers and in the Western Cape, brick manufacturing is a very wide spread industry. Two manufacturers within the CMA were asked to use the CRT glass in the brick manufacturing process. Cape Brick: Located in Salt River, Cape Town which is almost in the heart of the CMA Cape Brick is one of the first masonry manufacturers which has a crushing facility to reduce construction and demolition waste (C&DW), consisting of mainly reinforced concrete, to recycled crushed aggregate (RCA). The RCA is used as the main ingredient in all the company's products. 42’000 tons of RCA are worked up in recycled bricks every year. According to (Gracie, 2006) Cape Brick could also use the CRT glass in the recycled products. The glass cullets should be supplied in sizes lower than 100 mm in order to be used for the crushing device. It is not known yet if therefore a crushing device would be required. It is namely possible that due to the transportation the glass is crashed to cullets with sizes below 100mm anyway. Inca Cape: Located near Somerset West that is in the very eastern end of the CMA, Inca Cape produces some 25’000 tons of bricks per month. They could avail the CRT glass in the manufacturing of new bricks. They also do not have a crushing facility and should get the cullets in sizes below 7mm. This requires a crushing device, which must be installed separately. They will not be able to pay for the CRT glass unless it will be delivered in the right amounts and at constant rates. However, it seems that there are many brick manufacturers who are willing and able to include the CRT glass in the manufacturing processes. By any means it must be proven that the concentrations of any hazardous substances within the produced bricks are below the regulatory limits and leaching tests must be carried out to make sure that the environment is protected from hazardous substances. Also one has to comply with the corresponding occupational health and safety regulations when the CRT glass is crushed. Use of CRT glass in clay bricks: According to the ICER report, there is substantial volume that could be used in the manufacturing of clay bricks. This application has particularly good potential to use large volumes of waste CRT but only panel glass. This shows even greater potential than waste container glass for reducing the firing temperature and may prove a better fluxing agent because of its higher alkali content and lower melting temperature. One barrier to using CRT glass in flux in the near term is getting a reliable supply of CRT glass. In order for the brick industry to consider switching to CRT glass, manufacturers need to be assured of a constant supply processed to the required quality standards. However, in this study the use of CRT glass for clay bricks in South Africa was not studied. 4.1.7 CRT glass in concrete rubble Malans Quarries is a company, which produces over 300.000 tons of concrete rubble on a yearly base. They crush reinforced concrete, concrete bricks and general rubble to produce concrete rubble for road filling purposes. Malans Quarries operates several mobile crushing systems located at different places in the CMA. This would be an option where the glass and the hazardous substances like lead, barium, cadmium and zinc would be diluted in a way that the resulting concentrations would be far below any regulatory limits. Additionally there are major concerns in terms of Dominik Zumbuehl 53 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS airborne dust while mixing and crushing the CRT glass on site. Hence, this scenario has to be at least in accordance with the: Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, GN R 1179 of 25 August 1995 Lead Regulations, GN R 236 of 28 February 2002. This option clearly designs to release hazardous substances in the environment. The South African National Roads Agency regulates the properties for road building materials within the Guideline for Road Building Materials, Draft TRH14 (1987). By any means, the blending of CRT glass with concrete rubble has to be in accordance with this regulation. 4.1.8 CRT glass in foam glass This option was not investigated in this study. But according to the ICER report there is good potential for using CRT panel glass in foam glass. This recycling option has not yet been marketed (ICER, 2004). It was not investigated if there are any foam glass manufacturers within the CMA. 4.1.9 CRT glass in container glass Consol Glass is a major player in the world of international glass packaging. It has operations located at Clayville (Midrand), Wadeville (Germiston), Bellville (Cape Town) and Pretoria. Consol Glass produces container and beverage glass. They were asked to assess the option to include CRT glass in the manufacturing process. According to Consol Glass’ John Polasek the statements to this question was as follows: For the panel glass: “This has a much higher total alkali proportion than our manufactured glass – a difference of about 11%. Two of the alkali elements in the panel glass are absent from our glasses – barium oxide and strontium oxide, which together are at a very high level of some 20%. “ For the Funnel (and Neck) glass: “This is lead oxide (PbO) rich. Our furnaces employ electric boosting for which molybdenum metal conductors are used. Lead readily destroys this metal and hence leaded glasses can never be used in our glass melting operations. We also employ platinum coated devices that are immersed in the glass to measure temperature – platinum is also readily destroyed by lead. We have several times examined the feasibility of using CRT glasses but must come reluctantly to the same conclusion each time” (Polasek, 2006) . The main problem with any recycled glass (cullet) that varies grossly from Consol’s standard glass composition is that they have no facility to intimately mix the cullet with the batch materials. Hence, the lack of mixing promotes an inhomogeneous final glass and erratic bottle production. If the differences between glass are also gross, as for the panel glass compared to theirs, the cullet would have to be crushed very finely, in addition to intimate mixing. Even with plate (window) recycled glass, which is close to their container glass composition, they have to restrict the amount that can be tolerated to a few percent at most of the total batch weight. 4.1.10 CRT glass in flat glass Pilkingtons, a South African flat glass manufacturer was asked to assess the use of CRT glass in the manufacturing process of flat glass. According to Pilkington’s Alex Howitt (2006) the CRT glass is “so far from the required compositions.” Thus, the flat glass manufacturing seems not to be an option for the recycling of CRT glass. Dominik Zumbuehl 54 October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS 4.2 Definition of the CRT recycling scenarios The investigations of the CRT recycling technologies in section 4.1 unveil that the recycling of CRT glass can be carried out in many ways. The technologies for the pre-processing are sophisticated and can be adjusted according to the needs of the customers. Looking at the further processing of the pre-processed CRT glass only a few applications seem to be feasible at this stage. The following table gives an overview over the assessed applications. Application for CRT glass technically feasible CRT glass manufacturing Secondary copper / lead smelters Brick manufacturing Concrete rubbel manufacturing Precious metals smelting Primary lead smelting CRT glass in foam glass Ferrous metal smelting Zinc smelting CRT in container glass CRT in flat glass Europe Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Yes No No No ? South Africa No Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? No No No No economically feasible Europe Yes Yes ? ? No No ? ? South Africa No ? ? No ? - Table 6: Technical and economical feasibility of the CRT recycling technologies assessed in this study According to Table 6 the following applications for the recycling of CRT glass were included in the scenarios that were further assessed in the MAUT assessment presented in section 4.2. • CRT to CRT glass manufacturing at Samsung Corning in Germany • Secondary copper / lead smelting at Metallo-Chimique, Belgium • Use of CRT glass in concrete Bricks at Cape Brick, Cape Town • Use of CRT glass in concrete rubble manufacturing at Malans Quarries, Cape Town Eight scenarios have been defined (see Table 7) according to the above conclusions. Note: Scenario 2 (Lead mine) was not investigated in the previous chapter. This scearnio was added due to an idea of a local IT professional. The landfilling of the stripped CRT screen as it is currently practiced in the CMA was taken as the baseline scenario to compare it with recycling scenarios which are combinations of the current best available technology (BAT) in Europe as well as of local solutions within the industry or alternative storage options for the CRTs. As the stripping of the monitors and TVs already occurs in the CMA, the starting point for any of the scenarios is the stripped CRT. The scenarios are described qualitatively and assessed quantitatively in the MAUT assessment presented in section 4.3. No. Name Key steps, description Locality 0 Landfill Transport to Vissershok landfill site from Desco Electronic Recyclers in Paarl CMA 1 Lead mine Transport to the “Black Mountain” lead mine in Agganeys, Northern Cape. Indefinite storage in the mine, no processing 2 Concrete rubble Transport within Cape Town, use in concrete rubble production as raw material, chemical analysis of product Dominik Zumbuehl 55 Agganey, Northern Cape CMA October 2006 RESULTS – SCENARIO ANALYSIS 3 RCA brick Transport within Cape Town, use in RCA brick production as raw material, chemical analysis of product CMA 3a Concrete brick Transport within Cape Town, use in concrete brick production as raw material, chemical analysis of product CMA 3b RCA brick with Andela CRT processing system Transport within Cape Town, crushing in mobile crushing unit, use cullets in RCA brick production as raw material, chemical analysis of product CMA 4 CRT manufacturing Crushing, washing and separating in Cape Town using SwissGlas technology, transport to CRT manufacturer, use as raw material CMA, Germany 5 Lead recovery Transport to Metallo-Chimique, use as flux in copper / lead smelting 2 process and for lead recovery, slag used in “Metamix ” for building materials Belgium 1 1) RCA 2) Metamix Recycled Crushed Aggregate Byproduct of smelting process at Metallo-Chimique, sold to the building industry Table 7: Overview of all scenarios described in this section and used for the MAUT assessment Dominik Zumbuehl 56 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT 4.3 Application of the MAUT In this section, the eight scenarios specified in the previous chapter will be assessed towards their sustainability using the MAUT. First, some adjustments of the attributes defined in section 2.3.1 have to be carried out due to several reasons explained in the following. 4.3.1 Adjustment of the attributes In Appendix 16 the results of the stakeholders’ weights are shown. 18 persons filled in the questionnaire (see Appendix 15) for the weighting of the attributes. The group consisted of 4 consulting engineers and scientists, 4 waste managers, a supplier of IT equipment, 3 technicians and engineers involved in a computer refurbishment project (not locals), 5 governmental representatives and 3 representatives from an environmental NGO. A lead smelter (industry) also filled in the questionnaire but did not participate in the workshop. The weighting procedure at the workshop was carried out before the completion of the MAUT assessment. It was recognized that some of the attributes, weighted during the workshop, were not measurable or were redundant. Thus, some adjustments to derive the final attribute set for the MAUT assessment had to be carried out. Table 8 shows the corresponding adjustments as well as the stakeholders’ weights and the weights used in the MAUT assessment (see also Table 2 for the scale of the weights). Attributes defined for the stakeholders’ weighting stakeholders’ weight Attribute applied in the MAUT Weight used in MAUT Economic Scael: 0..4 High profit 2.06 redundant ( considered in the Net costs) Low operational costs for processing 2.94 Net costs 2.94 Low capital costs 2.47 Low capital costs 2.47 3.00 Increased potential for local economic growth 3.00 Eco-indicator 99 points 12.72 3.47 Increased potential for local economic growth Scael: 0..4 - Environmental Low use of electricity 3.06 Low fuel use for transport 3.24 Low use of freshwater 3.18 Little toxic emissions 3.25 Minimum of waste volume to landfill 3.47 Minimum of waste volume to landfill 3.47 redundant Æ considered in Eco-Indicator 99 value Low toxicity of waste to landfill - Social Working hours for low-skilled/semi-skilled in the CMA Working hours for highly skilled in the CMA Creation of jobs for the previously unemployed in Cape Town 3.22 Creation of highly skilled jobs in Cape Town 2.22 Creation of jobs outside SA 1.50 Working hours outside South Africa 1.50 3.22 Low health and safety impacts 3.22 Low health & safety impacts 3.22 2.22 Table 8: Adjustment of the set of attributes presented at the regional workshop to derive the final set of attributes for the MAUT assessment. The “High profit” attribute was not considered in the MAUT as it is already considered in the “Net costs” which are calculated from the overall costs and the revenues of a scenario and thus are equal to the operational costs. The most striking adjustment is the aggregation of the environmental attributes such as “Low use of electricity”, “Low fuel use for transport”, “Low use of freshwa- Dominik Zumbuehl 57 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT ter”, “Little toxic emissions”. The reason for the aggregation is the use of the Eco-indicator 99 as the environmental Impact assessment rather than the above attributes. As the attributes are aggregated but not considered redundant, the stakeholders’ values were added to derive the weight used for the weighing of the Eco-indicator 99 value. “Low toxicity of waste to landfill” is redundant and is represented in the Eco-indicator 99. All social attributes were used in the MAUT assessment. Only the names were changed slightly but still meaning the same. Note: The supporting calculations for all scenarios are specified in Appendix 13. All input data and the corresponding sources as well as the corresponding relative errors used in the calculations are listed in Appendix 12. Particularly currency exchange rates, fuel prices, fuel use of vehicles, wages of workers and freight considerations with all type of considered vehicles can be found. These figures were used to derive the values in the following scenario assessments. In addition, Appendix 14 shows the detailed figures of the environmental impact assessment i.e. the list of the Ecoindicator 99 and Impact 2002+ values. 4.3.2 Scenario 0 – Landfill The current practice in the CMA to recycle CRT TVs and computer monitors is to strip them and sell the valuable parts either to the scrap metal market or to the electronic recycler that processes the material or sells it to the next customer. Most of the CRTs are brought to the hazardous landfill site in Vissershok. An unknown amount is disposed of at the non-hazardous landfill sites within the municipal solid waste stream (MSW). The only landfill site in the CMA which can handle hazardous waste and therefore CRTs is the Vissershok H:H landfill site located some 30 km in the north of Cape Town’s City centre. The Vissershok landfill site is protected using a geocomposite liner where an HDPE (high density polyethylene) geomembrane is used in conjunction with clay layers (Entech, 2006) is shown in Figure 23. For this scenario only the landfilling in the hazardous landfill site was considered rather than the disposal in the municipal solid waste landfills as this is the formal way of disposing CRTs at this stage. This leads to an underestimation of the environmental impacts of the current practice where CRTs also are disposed of at municipal solid waste landfill sites. Lining of the Vissershok H:H landfill site Figure 23: Lining of the Vissershok landfill site in the year 2000. source: (Entech, 2006) Dominik Zumbuehl 58 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Ferrous metals Scrap metal market Aluminium Computer monitors & TV sets Copper PWBs 1 Electronic scrap recycler Plastic casings Landfill CRT 1) PWBs: Printed wiring boards Figure 24: Current baseline recycling scenario of TVs and computer Monitors carried out by an electronic recycler in the CMA. Today the CRTs are stripped at Desco Electronic Recyclers near Paarl that is some 50 km outside the CMA. The transport distance to the Vissershok landfill site is estimated to be some 60 km (round trip). Usually a trailer with a capacity of 1000 kg is loaded with CRTs and transported to the Vissershok landfill site. Figure 25 shows schematically the parameters investigated for the assessment in the MAUT. All values used for the assessment are listed in Table 9. energy costs work 1 kg CRT costs work Hazardous Landfill Transportation emissions emissions Figure 25: Scenario 0: landfilling of CRTs at Vissershok landfill site Economics: The costs for the 60 km round trip from Kraaifontein to the Vissershok landfill site amount to $ 0.0083 /kg CRT. Labour costs including the time use for loading of the trailer and driving to the landfill site amounts to $ 0.0083 $/kg CRT. The disposal fee for a ton of e-waste is ZAR 200 (Novella, 2006) per ton which is $ 0.0278 $/kg CRT. The net costs for scenario 0 add up to $ 0.044 $/kg CRT. No investment costs are required for the landfilling scenario and no increased potential for local economic growth is expected since no other industry is engaged by this scenario (value = 0). Environment: The environmental impact of scenario 0 comprises the transport and the long-term effects of the landfilling. For the calculation of the Eco-indicator 99 points, a module for a VAN (< 3.5 tons) from the ecoinvent database was taken. A new dataset for the composition of CRTs (see Table 18) was generated in ecoinvent in order to model the long-term impacts of such waste in hazardous landfill sites. The eco-indicator for the landfilling process amounts to 0.0064. Waste volume to landfill of remaining waste is maximal (1kg/kg CRT). Social: For the loading and unloading and the round trip to the landfill site in Vissershok it takes 3 hours of semi-skilled work including the loading/unloading and driving to the landfill site. This results in 0.003 hours/kg CRT glass. No additional jobs for highly skilled employees are created. No Dominik Zumbuehl 59 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT additional jobs outside South Africa are created. A low health and safety impact is expected due to the breaking of the glass during loading, unloading and the transport to the landfill site. By breaking the tubes the coatings from the front glass could get airborne. Economics Transport costs Fuel use Distance (round trip) Fuel price Load trailer Labour costs Time used Wage semi-skilled worker Load trailer Disposal costs Disposal fee Load trailer Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, VAN 3.5t, CH Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Work for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used (loading & driving) Load trailer Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Working hours outside South Africa Low health and safety impacts Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT l/100km km $/l kg $/kg CRT h $/h kg $/kg CRT $ / ton kg CRT $/kg CRT $ - 0.0083 15 60 0.92 1'000 0.0083 2 4.17 1'000 0.0278 27.8 1'000 0.0444 0 0 70% 25% 10% 10% 25% 125% 50% 50% 25% 50% 25% 25% 68% +/- 0.1 0.0111 0.0054 0.0136 0.0031 0.0347 0.0208 0.0594 0 0.1 0.0293 0 -0.1 EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT 0.0064 0.0051 0.0013 1 25% 25% 25% - 0.0072 0.0056 1 1 h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT h/kg CRT - 0.003 3 1'000 0 0 0.5 60% 50% 25% +/- 0.1 0.0039 0.0021 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.4 Table 9: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 0 4.3.3 Scenario 1 - Lead mine The Black Mountain lead mine is located 10 km west of Aggeneys, Namaqualand District, Northern Cape Province that is some 560 km outside the CMA. It is the only lead mine in South Africa with copper, silver and zinc also mined there (Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), 2006). It is owned and operated by Anglo American. To get rid of the CRT glass without wasting landfill volume and to save the disposal costs for the landfilling, one could store the CRT glass in the Black Mountain lead mine. The high-grade ore body from Broken Hill has been exploited and a new lower grade ore body (Swartberg) is being exploited now. Copper, lead and zinc metal occur as sulphides in the ore. In addition, ore from stopes in the upper levels of the Broken Hill ore body is considerably tarnished (oxidized). Besides those elements, also bismuth, cadmium and cobalt can be found in the ore. (Williams et al., 2001). The fact that some ore bodies are no longer in use and that lead sulphide, lead oxide and even cadmium is present, the disposal of CRT glass in that mine seems to be environmentally safe although not proven yet. In this study, it is assumed that the lead mine is not connected to any groundwater flows and that therefore possible leaching from metals of the CRT glass is not supposed to cause any problems. Legislation: In South Africa, annual Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) performance reports have to be submitted to the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) by the mine operators. The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No. 28 of 2002 (DME, Dominik Zumbuehl 60 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT 2002) defines the managing of mining waste, residues, stockpiles, dams etc. After the closure of a mine comprehensive rehabilitation has to be carried out and the monitoring of disposal sites and dams has to be warranted. The mining operator is responsible for any damage to the environment during and after the mining operation. The disposal of waste not produced within the mine is not regulated within this legislation. Such an application must be allowed by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) in cooperation with the DME (Dittke, 2006). Figure 26 shows schematically the parameters investigated for the assessment in the MAUT. All values used for the assessment are listed in Table 10. energy costs work 1 kg CRT costs Transportation work Storage in lead mine emissions emissions Figure 26: Scenario 1: Storage of CRTs in the Black Mountain lead mine Economics: The roundtrip to the Black Mountain lead mine in Agganeys takes some 15 hours for a “super-link” truck. The fix costs for the truck are derived from the costs from Cape Town to Johannesburg. They add up to ZAR 6100. This amounts to $ 0.0170 /kg CRT wage for the driver included. Loading and unloading takes 2 low-skilled workers 3 hours (own estimation). This results in $ 0.0003 /kg CRT. The net costs amount to $ 0.0173 /kg CRT. No investing costs are required for the lead mine scenario. Little potential for local economic growth is expected as only the transport industry can profit from this scenario (value = 0.25). Environment: The Eco-indicator 99 considering the transport and the definite storage of CRT glass in the mine amounts to 0.0184. Basically the CRT glass is disposed of safe in a lead and cadmium environment and therefore no additional short term impacts from the disposal in the lead mine can be expected. Nevertheless, the long-term impact of the landfilling was added considering the worst case scenario. There is no waste volume to landfill. Social: For the transportation and the storage in the lead mine, some additional jobs can be created. Assuming that for the loading and unloading of a 50 tons-truck 2 workers are engaged for 3 hours each and a driver needs some 15 hours (1120 km) for the round trip. This results in a job creation for the previously unemployed and semi-skilled potential of 0.0004 jobs /kg CRT. No jobs for the highly skilled will be created. No jobs are created outside South Africa. A medium health and safety impact is expected due to the breaking of the glass during loading, unloading and the long transport to the lead mine. By breaking the tubes the coatings from the front glass could get airborne. Economics Transport costs Price for "Super-Link" truck Load “Super-Link” truck Labour costs (loading and unloading and storage only) Time used Wage of low-skilled worker Dominik Zumbuehl Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h 0.0170 848 50'000 0.0003 6 2.08 75% 50% 25% 100% 50% 25% 0.0233 0.0106 0.0004 0.0001 61 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Load “Super-Link” truck Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 40t, CH Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used (loading & driving) Load “Super-Link” truck Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Working hours outside South Africa Low health and safety impacts kg CRT $/kg CRT $ - 50'000 0.0173 0 0.25 25% 75% +/- 0.1 EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT 0.0184 0.0171 0.0013 0 h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT h/kg CRT - 0.00042 21 50'000 0 0 0.5 0.0237 0 0.35 0.0107 0 0.15 25% 25% 25% - 0.0207 0.0161 0 0 75% 50% 25% +/- 0.1 0.00058 0.00026 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.4 Table 10:Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 1 4.3.4 Scenario 2 - Concrete Rubble In this sceanario the CRTs are collected from a central dismantling site which is located at one of the drop-off sites in the CMA. A 40 feet shipping container would be transported to the Malans Quarries that would result in a transport distance of some 30 km both ways. Malans Quarries is a company which produces over 300’000 tons of concrete rubble on a yearly base. They are located in Bellville, which is within the CMA and some 15 km outside Cape Town city centre. They crush reinforced concrete, concrete bricks and general rubble to produce concrete rubble for road filling purposes. Malans Quarries operates several mobile crushing systems located at different places in the CMA. This scenario envisages that the CRTs are mixed with the raw material and are then crushed to use them in the road foundation. This would be an option where the glass and the hazardous substances like lead, barium, cadmium and zinc would be diluted in a way that the resulting concentrations would be far below any regulatory limits. Additionally there are major concerns in terms of airborne dust while mixing and crushing the CRT glass on site. Hence, this scenario has to be at least in accordance with the: Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, GN R 1179 of 25 August 1995 Lead Regulations, GN R 236 of 28 February 2002. These regulations determine the prescriptive limits for hazardous substances (e.g. lead, zinc, cadmium (sulphide), yttrium, etc.). This option clearly designs to release hazardous substances in the environment. The South African National Roads Agency regulates the properties for road building materials within the Guideline for Road Building Materials, Draft TRH14 (1987). By any means, the blending of CRT glass with concrete rubble has to be in accordance with this regulation. Figure 27 shows schematically the parameters investigated for the assessment in the MAUT. All values used for the assessment are listed in Table 11. Dominik Zumbuehl 62 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT energy 1 kg CRT costs work Transportation raw material savings costs work Crushing and use in concrete rubble emissions emissions Road filling emissions Figure 27: Scenario 2: Use of CRTs in concrete rubble manufacturing Economics: A 40 feet container transport within CMA costs ZAR 1260 (Faragher, 2006). Thus, transport costs amount to $ 0.0075 /kg CRT for the cartage within Cape Town. Additional cost would arise from the loading and unloading of the shipping container as well as from the controlled mixing of the CRTs into the raw material. The loading of a container engages a worker for 3 hours. One worker is engaged for 2 hours to allocate the CRT glass to achieve the corresponding dilution. The labour costs amount to $ 0.0013 /kg CRT. The product would have to be proven on the chemical composition regularly. Per container load, one series of chemical analysis of the product and the supervising of the occupational exposure limits during the crushing of the CRT glass have to be carried out to be sure to adhere the regulatory limits. These additional costs are roughly estimated to be some $642 per container load assuming five chemical samplings, which leads to $ 0.0273/kg CRT. The net costs add up to $ 0.0362 /kg CRT. At this stage, Malans Quarries is not prepared to pay anything for the CRT glass. Thus, no revenues for the providing of CRT glass can be expected. No investing is required for the concrete rubble scenario (value = 0). Using CRT glass in new products could lead to a stimulation of the recycling industry to include more recyclable materials in the manufacturing of their products. Using the CRT glass in the concrete rubble manufacturing requires the transport- and building industry and stimulates the use of recycling materials in the production rather then raw materials. Hence a medium potential for local economic growth is expected (value = 0.5). Environment: The Eco-indicator 99 value is -0.0035 taking into account both the impacts (losses) of the transport and the benefits (gains) from the raw material savings. The CRT glass replaces a mixture of bricks, concrete and reinforced concrete. It is assumed that the hazardous waste is released into the environment when leaching from the concrete rubble when used in road foundation. The hazardous substances are not enclosed in a solid product. They are rather present in small particles with a large surface making them able to react with the environment. Since at this stage no data is available from the ecoinvent database (version 1.2.) for the impact of this material it was assumed that this impact equals at least the impact of the landfilling of a CRT in a hazardous landfill site. Waste volume to landfill of remaining waste is supposed to be 0. Social: The loading of a container engages a worker for 3 hours and a driver for 1 hour for the round trip. 1 worker is engaged for 2 hours to distribute the CRT glass on site to achieve the corresponding dilution. A highly skilled employee would be busy with the chemical analysis of the produced concrete rubble for 2 hours per container load. This results in a job creation potential of 0.00026 hours/kg CRT for low-skilled/semi-skilled and 0.00009 hours/kg CRT for highly skilled respectively. No jobs will be created outside South Africa. Health and safety impacts are consid- Dominik Zumbuehl 63 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT ered to be high due to the ability of the coatings from the front glass to get airborne while loading, unloading and distributing as well as when crushed to be mixed into the concrete rubble. Economics Transport costs Transportation costs within CMA Load container Labour costs low-skilled Time used for low-skilled worker (loading, mixing) Wage of low-skilled worker Load container Labour costs highly skilled Time used for highly skilled work (chemical tests) Wage of highly skilled worker Additional costs Chemical anlysis Load container Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 32t, CH building, brick, to sorting plant building, concrete, not reinforced, to sorting plant building, reinforced concrete, to sorting plant Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used Load container Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Time used Load container Working hours outside South Africa Low health and safety impacts Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT $ - 0.0075 175 23'500 0.0004 5 2.08 23500 0.0009 2 11.12 0.0273 642 23500 0.0362 0 0.5 20% 10% 10% 85% 50% 25% 10% 75% 25% 50% 35% 25% 10% 34% 0.0082 0.0067 0.0006 0.0003 0.0013 0.0006 0.0321 0.0226 0.0422 0.0301 +/- 0.1 0.6 0.4 -0.0035 0.0007 -0.0016 -0.0016 -0.0022 0.0013 0 figures 53% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% - -0.0045 -0.0026 EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT unit 0 0 h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT - 0.00026 6 23'500 0.00009 2 23'500 0 0.75 60% 50% 10% 35% 25% 10% +/- 0.1 0.00033 0.00018 0.00010 0.00007 0 0.85 0 0.65 Table 11: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 2 4.3.5 Scenario 3 - Recycled crushed aggregate (RCA) bricks This scenario foresees that the CRTs would be collected from a central dismantling site, which would be located at one of the drop-off sites in the CMA. A 40 feet shipping container would be transported to the Cape Brick located in Salt River which would result in a transport distance of some 30 km both ways. Cape Brick is one of the first masonry manufacturers which has a crushing facility installed to reduce construction and demolition waste (C&DW), consisting of mainly reinforced concrete, to recycled crushed aggregate (RCA). The RCA is used as the main ingredient in all the company's products. 42’000 tons of RCA are used in recycled bricks every year. Cape Brick could use the CRT glass in the recycled products. The glass would have to be delivered in cullets below 100 mm size, which eventually requires a crushing facility or manual crushing. Note: In this scenario, the pre-crushing was not included. It is included in scenario 3b. The raw material input apparently passes through four different reduction processes before being finally reused. The primary crusher is outside and reduces the building rubble to some 200 mm fragments. Using a normal front loader, the material is then moved inside and passed through two Dominik Zumbuehl 64 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT more crushers, before being finally sized and shaped for their manufacturing process (Newson, 2006). The internal operations produce a lot of dust. Air samples are regularly taken and analyzed to confirm air quality and levels of airborne hazards. Again as in scenario 2, it must be proven that the concentrations of any hazardous substances within the produced bricks are below the regulatory limits and that leaching tests have to be carried out to make sure that the environment is protected from hazardous substances. In addition, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 with the corresponding regulations have to be considered due to the exposure of the workers to airborne hazardous particles during the crushing process. Figure 28 shows schematically the parameters investigated for the assessment in the MAUT. All values used for the assessment are listed in Table 12. energy 1 kg CRT costs work Raw material Energy savings savings work Transportation Crushing & manufacturing bricks emissions emissions Brick use emissions Figure 28: Scenario 3: Use of CRT glass in the manufacturing of recycled crushed aggregate (RCA) bricks Economics: A 40 feet container transport within the CMA costs ZAR 1260 (Kühne & Nagel, Cape Town). Thus the transport costs amount to $ 0.0075 /kg CRT for the cartage within Cape Town. Additional cost would arise from the loading and unloading of the shipping container as well as from the controlled mixing of the CRTs into the raw material. The loading of a container engages a worker for 3 hours. One worker is engaged for 2 hours to allocate the CRT glass to achieve the corresponding dilution. The labour costs amount to $ 0.0013 /kg CRT. The product would have to be proven on the chemical composition regularly. Per container load, one series of chemical analysis of the product and the supervising of the occupational exposure limits during the crushing of the CRT glass, have to be carried out to be sure to adhere the regulatory limits. These additional costs are roughly estimated to be some $642 per container load assuming five chemical samplings of the bricks produced of which leads to $ 0.0273 /kg CRT. The net costs add up to $ 0.0362 /kg CRT. Cape Brick would not be prepared to pay anything for the CRT glass. No investing is required for this scenario (value = 0). Only little increased potential for local economic growth is expected due to the same reasons as described in scenario 2. Environment: The Eco-indicator 99 value is -0.005, which includes both the impacts of the transport and the benefits from the raw material savings. The CRT glass replaces recycled, reinforced concrete. It is assumed that the hazardous waste is released into the environment when leaching from the bricks in the remote future but in a highly diluted way. This impact is set equal to the impact of the landfilling of a CRT in a hazardous landfill site. Waste volume to landfill of remaining waste is supposed to be 0. Social: Through the transportation process, some additional jobs can be created. The loading of a container takes one worker engaged for 3 hours and a driver for 1 hour from the site where the Dominik Zumbuehl 65 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT CRTs are dismantled to Salt River and back. One worker is engaged for 2 hours for unloading and distributing the CRT glass for the corresponding dilution. Then someone will be busy with the chemical analysis of the product. This results in a job creation potential of 0.00026 for low skilled and 0.00009 hours/kg CRT for highly skilled respectively. No additional jobs will be created outside South Africa. Health and safety impacts are considered to be high due to the same reasons explained in Scenario 2 (value = 0.75). Economics Transport costs Transportation costs within CMA Load container Labour costs Time used for low-skilled worker (loading, mixing) Wage of low-skilled worker Load container Labour costs highly skilled Time used for highly skilled work (chemical tests) Wage of highly skilled worker Additional costs Chemical anlysis Load container Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 32t, CH building, reinforced concrete, to sorting plant, CH Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used Load container Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Time used Load container Working hours outside South Africa Low health and safety impacts Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 20% 10% 10% 60% 25% 25% 10% 75% 25% 50% 35% 25% 10% 33% 0.0082 0.0067 0.0006 0.0003 0.0013 0.0006 0.0321 0.0226 0.0422 0.0302 $ - 0.0075 175 23'500 0.0004 5 2.08 23'500 0.0009 2 11.12 0.0273 642 23'500 0.0362 0 0.5 +/- 0.1 0.6 0.4 EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT -0.0049 0.0005 -0.0054 0 30% 25% 25% - -0.0056 -0.0041 0 0 h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT - 0.00026 6 23'500 0.00009 2 23500 0 0.75 35% 25% 10% 35% 25% 10% +/- 0.1 0.00030 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0 0.85 0 0.65 Table 12: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 3 4.3.6 Scenario 3a - Concrete bricks This scenario comprises the use of CRT glass in conventional concrete bricks rather than in the RCA bricks described in section 0. This scenario is almost equal to scenario 3. The net costs and the social figures are equal to those in scenario 3. Only the environmental attributes differ as instead of recycled material sand and gravel are replaced by the CRT glass. Unit Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 32t, CH Savings of sand, at mine, CH Savings of gravel, crushed, at mine, CH Minimum of waste volume to landfill EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value 0.0003 0.0005 -0.0001 -0.0001 0 65% 25% 25% 25% - 0.0004 0.0006 -0.0001 -0.0001 0 0.0002 0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0001 0 Table 13: Results of the environmental assessment of scenario 3a Dominik Zumbuehl 66 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT 4.3.7 Scenario 3b - Andela CRT processing system In S3 and S3a, the use of a pre-crushing device to size the glass cullets according to the needs of the concrete rubble and brick manufacturers is uncertain. Nevertheless, it was assessed in this study. It is intended to use the Andela CRT recycling unit specified in section 4.1.2. All figures used in the following calculations are according to the specifications provided by Andela Products, Ltd. (Hula, 2006). Economics: In addition to the net costs of S3, the operating costs for the crushing device have to be added. Three low-skilled workers are supposed to be used for the operation of the crusher. The maximum capacity of the crushing device is applied and for the weight of CRTs, the average of the monitor and TV CRTs weight was calculated. This adds up to slightly higher net costs of 0.0.0369 $/kg CRT compared to 0.0362 $/kg CRT in scenario 3. A mobile version of the Andela CRT recycling system costs around USD 450’000 including the shipping and installation up front (Hula, 2006). Since the crushing device would be purchased as a complete system, the local industry would not benefit by producing components for the system. Contrary the system would be operated and maintained locally. Thus a quite high potential for local economic growth is expected (value = 0.75) but less than in S4. Environment: In addition to the Eco-indicator 99 of S3 the impacts from the crushing device has to be added. Since the crushing device only uses electricity this impacts was added. The crusher runs with a maximal performance of less than 100 horsepower, which is less than 74.57 kW. The energy used for the processing of 1 kg CRT is 0.008 kWh. The eco-indicator 99 is therefore 0.0000359 points higher which is -0.00484 compared to -0.00487. This difference is negligible. Minimum of waste volume to landfill is not altered by the use of the crusher (value = 0). Social: Low-skilled and semi-skilled jobs in the CMA: In addition to the 0.00026h/kg CRT used in S3 0.00033 h/kg CRT are generated using the CRT crushing device. Adding up the resulting working hours lead to a total working hour of 0.00059 h/kg CRT. Note: A throughput of 600 CRTs per hour seems to be very high and could be substantially lower in practice. Highly skilled jobs in the CMA and jobs outside South Africa: Neither additional working hours for the highly skilled within the CMA nor any jobs outside South Africa are generated using a crushing device. Low health and safety impacts: Health and safety impacts will increase from 0.75 to 1 since the crushing of CRT glass is assumed to release dust from the screen coatings and the CRT glass though a dust collection system is installed (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.). Economics Transport costs Transportation costs within the CMA Load container Labour costs Time used for low-skilled worker (loading, mixing) Wage of low-skilled worker Load container Labour costs highly skilled Time used for highly skilled work (chemical tests) Wage of highly skilled worker Additional costs Chemical analysis Load container Cost for the crushing of CRT glass Number of employees Wage of low-skilled worker Capacity of crusher Average weight of CRT Dominik Zumbuehl Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h kg CRT $/kg CRT h $/h $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $/kg CRT $/h CRTs/h kg 0.0075 175 23'500 0.0004 5 2.08 23'500 0.0009 2 11.12 0.0273 642 23'500 0.0007 3 2.08 600 15.3 20% 10% 10% 60% 25% 25% 10% 75% 25% 50% 35% 25% 10% 95% 25% 25% 25% 20% 0.0082 0.0067 0.0006 0.0003 0.0013 0.0006 0.0321 0.0226 0.0010 0.0004 67 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 32t Electricity, medium voltage, at grid reinforced concrete, to sorting plant Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Working hours for loading and transport Time used Load container Working hours for CRT crushing Number of employees Capacity of crusher Average weight of CRT Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Time used Load container Working hours outside South Africa Low health and safety impacts $/kgCRT $ - 0.0369 450’000 0.75 35% 25% +/- 0.1 0.0432 506250 0.85 0.0305 393750 0.65 EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT -0.0048 0.0005 0.0000 -0.0054 0 30% 25% 25% 25% - -0.0056 -0.0041 0 0 h/kg CRT h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT CRTs/h kg h/kg CRT h kg h/kg CRT - 0.00058 0.00026 6 23'500 0.00033 3 600 15.3 0.00009 2 23'500 0 1 69% 35% 25% 10% 95% 50% 25% 20% 35% 25% 10% +/- 0.1 0.00078 0.00030 0.00038 0.00021 0.00048 0.00017 0.00010 0.00007 0 1.1 0 0.9 Table 14: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 3b with the Andela CRT crushing device 4.3.8 Scenario 4 - CRT manufacturing At this stage no CRT glass manufacturer is present in South Africa (Coetzee, 2006). The option to pre-process the CRTs in South Africa and send the glass cullets to Germany for CRT manufacturing was investigated. The CRTs need to be separated into panel and front glass to fulfil the requirements of the CRT manufacturers. This scenario envisage to install a pre-processing facility in the CMA for the crushing, removal of the screen and funnel coating, washing and separation of the CRT glass. Subsequently the glass cullets will be shipped it in a 40 feet container to Hamburg where it will be unloaded and transported to the Siemens Corning CRT manufacturing plant in Brandenburg. Figure 29 indicates the involved processes parameters. Siemens Corning processes recycling CRT glass for the production of front and funnel glass for the manufacturing of TV tubes. They also take CRT glass from computer monitors but the front glass must not be contaminated with lead oxide. Note: At this stage, Siemens Corning does not accept mixed waste glass. Nevertheless, for the calculations in this scenario the mixed waste glass is included in the manufacturing process. Dominik Zumbuehl 68 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT energy costs work energy costs work water energy costs SG: 0,295 kg 1 kg CRT Crushing, cleaning & separating Transportation revenues emissions CG: 0,295 kg MG: 0,295 kg Material Savings work Energy savings SG: 0.295 kg Transportation to CRT manufacturer CG: 0.295 kg MG: 0.295 kg CRT manufacturing Ferrous Metals emissions emissions revenues waste Lead dust SG = Screen Glass Hazardous landfill Metal scrap dealer FG = Funnel Glass To lead smelter MG = Mixed Glass Figure 29: Scenario : CRT manufacturing in Germany Economics: The net costs were calculated taking into account the costs for transportation and preprocessing, minus the market price paid from the CRT manufacturers for the CRT glass cullets. This includes also the revenues of the ferrous metals of the CRTs sold to the scrap dealers. These costs would arise in the South African recycling system. The total transportation costs were provided by an offer from a transportation company Kühne & Nagel (see Appendix 17). They and add up to $ 0.2125 /kg CRT. The costs for the pre-processing plant were calculated using data provided by SwissGlas (Apfel, 2006). SwissGlas operates a crushing, coating removal and separating plant in Switzerland. The costs for the pre-processing amount to $ 0.128 /kg CRT (including the treatment of 0.5 w% slag at an incineration plant). The same facility operated in CMA was estimated could be run for only $ 0.058 /kg CRT as the labour costs are approximately nine times lower. The revenues by selling the glass cullets to the German CRT glass manufacturer are $ -0.136 /kg CRT (average revenues from Samsung Corning and Thomson in Poland). The net costs amount to $ 0.1341 /kg CRT. The investment costs for such a plant would be some $ 1.28 Mio but could be lower considering more manual work and less sophisticated technology. There is a significant potential for local economic growth considering the operation and maintenance of the separation plant. The construction of the plant’s components would also be partly carried out in the CMA (value = 1). Environment: CRT glass separation uses some 0.025 kWh of electricity per kg CRT glass. Freshwater consumption is considered to be around 0.1 l/ kg CRT and is kept in a closed loop cycle. Only evaporation due to the drying process of the cullets occurs. No wastewater is produced. 0.5% of the processed material (coatings and glass dust) is disposed of at an incineration plant. In South Africa the produced waste is supposed to be disposed of at a hazardous landfill site. CRT manufacturing: using 1 kg CRT glass as a stock feed in the CRT manufacturing saves 1.14 kg of raw materials listed in Appendix 11. Additionally about 0.006 m3/kg CRT of natural gas and 0.014 m3/kg CRT of oxygen can be saved using recycled CRT glass. No electricity can be saved. The overall Eco-indicator 99 is -0.042. 0.5% waste is generated resulting in 0.005kg/kgCRT waste volume to landfill. Social: The transport and pre-processing operations create jobs inside and outside South Africa. For the loading and transporting of a 40 feet container to the pre-processing plant some 4 hours are estimated. The recycling plant runs with eight low-skilled employees and 3 highly skilled. 5 tons of CRT glass is produced per hour. This results in 0.0018 h/kg CRT for low skilled and 0.0006 h/kg CRT for highly skilled in CMA. From the pre-processing plant, the container has to be transported to the harbour, which takes 1 hour and the processing of one container at the harbour in Cape Town again 0.1 hour. The shipping crew consists of 6 low skilled workers and 6 highly skilled offi- Dominik Zumbuehl 69 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT cers (Gsponer, 2006). The freighter carries 2’500 40 feet containers and it takes 283 hours from Cape Town to Hamburg. In Hamburg only 0.1 hours is used for the unloading of one container. Then it takes some 5 hours to transport the container to Samsung Corning in Brandenburg. This results in working hours of 0.00027h/kg CRT outside South Africa. Medium health and safety impacts are expected in this scenario due to a sophisticated handling of the glass at the separation plant including sprinklers for dust reduction at the crusher. Only the loading transportation process to the separation plant can lead to airborne particles from the screen coatings (value = 0.5). Unit Economics Transport costs Transportation costs within the CMA Container to Hamburg Container to Samsung Corning Load container Crushing and separating costs Net processing costs Net labour costs Number of employees Wage of semi-skilled worker Production volume Revenue from CRT manufacturer Average revenue at Thomson Average revenue at Samsung Corning Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, to separation plant Electricity, medium voltage, at grid Water hazardous waste, to underground deposit Transport to port CH Transport, transoceanic freight ship Transport, to Samsung Corning Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kw Oxygen, liquid, at plant Silica sand, at plant Feldspar, at plant Soda, powder, at plant Potassiumloride, as k2o, at regional storehouse Lead, at regional storage Dolomite, at plant Potassium nitrate, as n, at regional storehouse Sodium antimonate Barium carbonate Strontium carbonate Limestone, milled, loose, at plant Zirconium silicate Titanium dioxide, production mix, at plant Ceroxide Zinc for coating, at regional storage Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used for pre-processing Time used for loading and transport Time used for shipping Production volume Load container Dominik Zumbuehl Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ $ $ kg CRT $/kg CRT $/h $/h $/h kg/h $/kg CRT $/kg CRT $/kg CRT $/kg CRT $ - 0.2125 175 3'712 1'107 23'500 0.0575 642 401 11 4.17 5'000 -0.136 -0.137 -0.135 0.1341 1'284'700 1 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 37% 10% 10% 25% 50% 10% 20% 10% 10% 68% 25% +/- 0.1 0.2338 0.1913 0.0682 0.0469 -0.1496 -0.1224 0.1796 1'445'288 1.1 0.0886 1'124'113 0.9 EI ‘99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points EI' 99 points kg/ kg CRT -0.042 0.00049 0.00011 0.00000 0.00029 0.00033 0.01520 0.00978 -0.00056 -0.00017 -0.00039 -0.00018 -0.00158 -0.00157 -0.05450 -0.00302 -0.00592 ? ? ? -0.00001 ? -0.00042 ? -0.00027 0.005 56% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 50% -0.0542 0.0006 0.0001 0.0000 0.0003 0.0004 0.0171 0.0110 -0.0006 -0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0002 -0.0018 -0.0018 -0.0613 -0.0034 -0.0067 0 0 0 0.0000 0 -0.0005 0 -0.0003 0.0063 -0.0306 0.0004 0.0001 0.0000 0.0003 0.0003 0.0133 0.0086 -0.0005 -0.0001 -0.0003 -0.0002 -0.0014 -0.0014 -0.0477 -0.0026 -0.0052 0 0 0 0.0000 0 -0.0004 0 -0.0002 0.0038 0.0018 8 4 0.1 5'000 23'500 38% 25% 25% 100% 25% 10% 0.0021 0.0014 h/kg CRT h h h kg CRT kg 70 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Time used for pre-processing Production volume Working hours outside South Africa Distance Cape Town - Hamburg Ships complement (crew) Speed of freighter Number of 40 feet containers on board Time used from Hamburg to Samsung Corning Load container Low health and safety impacts h/kg CRT h kg CRT h/kg CRT km km/h h kg CRT - 0.0006 3 5000 0.00027 11882 12 42 2'500 5 23'500 0.5 50% 25% 25% 55% 10% 25% 10% 10% 50% 10% +/- 0.1 0.0008 0.0005 0.0003 0.0002 0.6 0.4 Table 15: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 4 4.3.9 Scenario 5 - Lead recovery As in section 4.1.5 described there is no secondary copper / lead smelter within South Africa who is capable to process the CRT glass. Thus, scenario 5 comprises the trans-oceanic freighting of the stripped CRTs from a collection point in the CMA to Beerse in Belgium to Metallo-Chimique. Figure 30 indicates the transport and the lead recovery process as well as the use of the remaining slag. energy 1 kg CRT costs work raw material energy costs savings savings Lead recovery at Metallo Transportation emissions emissions Lead “Metamix” in building industry emissions Figure 30: Scenario 5: lead recovery at Metallo-Chimique Economics: Transport costs are estimated to be some $ 0.180 /kg CRT for the cartage to the port of Cape Town and the freighting costs as well as the unloading and handling costs (customs, port costs etc., see Appendix 17) for a 40 feet container calculated by Kuehne+Nagel (Faragher, 2006). Metallo-Chimique charges € 40 for a ton of stripped CRTs (€ 140 for whole monitors and TVs) which contributes with $ 0.0514 /kg CRT. Thus, the net costs for the scenario 5 consist of the total transport costs and the charges at Metallo-Chimique. This adds up to net costs of $ 0.232 /kg CRT. No additional investing is required as Metallo-Chimique already uses CRT glass in their smelting processes. No additional technology or industry is involved in this scenario thus no increased potential for local economic growth is expected. Environment: Estimates of Jaco Huisman (2005) unveiled that 1kg of CRT glass can save some 0.5 kg of silica in the lead smelting process. Metallo-Chimique agreed to use this rough estimation for the assessment of the environmental impact though they were not prepared to name any exact figures. The main environmental benefit results from the lead extraction. The CRT glass replaces lead scrap and not primary lead. Anyway, lead is recovered and replaces a certain amount of primary lead on the market. This amount of lead does not have to be produced from raw material anymore. Thus, the recovering lead from CRT glass was considered in this study. No other raw material than sand and lead can be saved using CRT glass. Additionally energy can be saved by using CRT glass but again no figures were available. As the use of glass instead of sand lowers Dominik Zumbuehl 71 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT the melting temperature in any silica-based smelting operation it was roughly assumed that the amounts of energy savings are as much as in scenario 4. However, the impacts from the energysavings compared to the impact of the lead recovery are almost negligible. The main environmental gain (which is 75 times higher than the effect of the assumed energy savings) results form the extraction of the lead. Lead is almost completely recovered. The remaining slag is marketed as “Metamix”. It contains the remaining hazardous substances from the CRT glass but in very low concentrations. The “Metamix” is sold to the building industry. In this study, the remaining Metamix is considered to have at least the environmental impacts of the landfilling process of CRT glass without the lead. Thus, a dataset for the disposal of CRT glass without the lead was generated in the ecoinvent database. The overall Eco-indicator 99 is -0.038. The Waste volume to landfill is 0. Social: The loading of the container takes 3 hours. Transportation to the Cape Town port takes 1 hour and the processing of one container at the harbour in Cape Town again 0.1 hour. The shipping crew consists of six low-skilled workers and 6 highly skilled officers. The freighter carries 2500 40 feet containers and it takes the freighter 272 hours from Cape Town to Antwerp. In Antwerp only 0.1 hours is used for the unloading of one container (Gsponer, 2006). Then it takes 1 hour to transport the container to Metallo-Chimique. The working hours for low-skilled ad semi-skilled workers in the CMA amounts to 0.00017 h/kg CRT. No highly skilled work is carried out within South Africa. The working hours outside South Africa amount to 0.00004 h/kg CRT. Minimal health and safety impacts are expected in this scenario due to a sophisticated handling of the glass at the lead recovery plant. Only the loading and unloading process of the container can lead to airborne hazardous particles (value = 0.25). Economics Transport costs Transportation costs within the CMA Container to Antwerp Container to Metallo-Chimique Load container Additional Charges at Metallo-Chimique Net costs Investment costs Increased potential for local economic growth Environment Total Eco-indicator 99 points Transport, lorry 32t Transoceanic freight ship, Cape Town to Antwerp Transport, lorry 32t, Antwerp to Metallo-Chimique Silica Sand, at plant Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kw Oxygen, liquid, at plant Lead recovery Disposal, Pb-free CRT slag, to residual material landfill Minimum of waste volume to landfill Social Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Time used (loading and transport) Time used (shipping) Load container Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Working hours outside South Africa Working hours outside South Africa freighting Distance Cape Town - Antwerp Ships complement (crew) Speed of freighter Number of 40 feet containers on board Working hours outside South Africa in Belgium Dominik Zumbuehl Unit Value Rel. error Max. value Min. value $/kg CRT $ $ $ kg CRT $/kg CRT $/kg CRT $ - 0.1802 175 3712 347 23'500 0.0514 0.2315 0 0 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 17% 0.1982 0.1621 0.0527 0.2508 0.0501 0.2122 +/- 0.1 0.1 -0.1 EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points EI ‘99 points kg/ kg CRT unit h/kg CRT h h kg h/kg CRT h/kg CRT h/kg CRT km km/h - -0.0381 0.0005 0.0146 0.0016 -0.0007 -0.0006 -0.0002 -0.0545 0.0011 0 figures 0.00017 4 0.1 23'500 0 0.00010 0.00006 11423 12 42 2'500 0.00004 48% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% - -0.0473 -0.0289 0 0 36% 25% 50% 10% 93% 80% 10% 25% 10% 25% 110% 0.0002 0.0001 0 0.00014 0 0.00005 0.00007 0.00002 72 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Time used from Antwerp to Metallo-Chimique Load container Low health and safety impacts h kg CRT - 1 23'500 0.25 100% 10% +/- 0.1 0.35 0.15 Table 16: Overview of the MAUT results from scenario 5 Dominik Zumbuehl 73 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT 4.4 Summary of results and discussion This section presents the aggregated utilities from the above MAUT assessment. Following the results from the weighted and unweighted utilities of the recycling scenarios are presented and compared to each other. Subsequently the utilities and the values of the several attributes are discussed in a more detailed way. 4.4.1 Comparison of the unweighted and weighted utilities Figure 31 shows the normalized results from the MAUT assessment for the scenarios described in the previous section. Both the utilities containing the stakeholders’ weights as well as the unweighted utilities are indicated. The black lines represent the error bars derived from the error propagation. The CRT manufacturing scenario (S4) achieves the highest utility in both the stakeholder weighted as well as in the unweighted case. The second best scenario is the lead recovery scenario (S5) at least in the weighted case. The scenarios S2, S3, S3a and S3b reach almost the same utilities as the landfilling and the lead mine scenarios (S0 and S1) reach the lowest ranking. Looking at the unweighted case S4 clearly ranks out all other scenarios. The utility from the lead recovery scenario (S5) is almost as low as the utility from the landfilling and lead mine scenario. Considering the variance derived from the error propagation, S4 is significantly above all other scenarios though for the unweighted case only. In the weighted case, the utility of S4 is not significantly higher than of S5. However, it is significantly higher (and therefore robust) compared to the scenarios S0, S1, S2, S3, 3a and S3b. On the other hand, the lead mine-scenario (S1) scores significantly below all other scenarios but scenario 0 in the weighted case. In the unweighted case no other scenario than S4 is robust compared to any of the scenarios. Total utility unweighted, normalized Total utility weighted, normalized 1.200 1.000 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 S0 Landfill S1 Lead mine S2 Concrete Rubble S3 RCA brick S3a Concrete brick S3b Brick with crusher S4 CRT manuf. S5 Lead recovery Figure 31: Unweighted MAUT results and the results with the stakeholders’ weight. The black lines indicate the total errors of the utilities. Figure 32 shows the MAUT utility of every single attribute assessed for both the weighted and the unweighted utilities. The following comparison intends to show the differences in the relative contributions of an attribute’s utility to the aggregated utility of a specific scenario. Note: The scales of the two diagrams are different but that does not affect the comparison since the relative contributions are compared rather than the absolute values. In this comparison, the stakeholders’ weighting Dominik Zumbuehl 74 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT is used for the explanation of the differences of the unweighted and the weighted utilities. The stakeholders’ weights are shown in Appendix 16. In addition, the MAUT values used in Figure 32 are shown in Appendix 20. In general the environmental utility contributes much less to the overall utility in the unweighted case than it does in the weighted case. This is mainly due to the fact that the Eco-indicator 99 weight consists of the sum of all the weights from the attributes “Low use of electricity”, “Low fuel use for transport”, “Low use of freshwater” and “Little toxic emissions” as explained in section 0. Thus, the weighted Eco-indicator 99 contributes much more to the overall utility than it does in the unweighted case. The attributes “Working hours for highly skilled in the CMA” and “Working hours outside South Africa” reach also a smaller relative utility in the weighted case than in the unweighted. These two attributes were weighted significantly lower compared to the other attributes. The utilities from the rest of the attributes show a similar pattern of the distribution in the unweighted and the weighted case respectively as the weighting of these attributes do not differ much from each other. MAUT utility unweightedsfdf 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 MAUT utility weightedsadf 0.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 S0 Landfill S1 Lead mine S2 Concrete Rubble S3 RCA brick S3a Concrete brick S3b Brick with crusher S4 CRT manuf. S5 Lead recovery Low health and safety impacts Working hours outside South Africa Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Working hours for low-skilled / semi-skilled in the CMA Minimum of waste volume to landfill High eco-indicator 99 Increased potential for local economic growth Investment costs Low net costs Figure 32: Comparison of the weighted and unweighted MAUT utilities. Note the scale of the diagrams is different. 4.4.2 Weighted utilities Following the weighted utilities are discussed in a more detailed way. The discussion refers to the weighted utilities shown in Figure 32. First, the outcome of each scenario is discussed briefly to locate the main contributors to the utility of a scenario. Subsequently the attributes are discussed in depth. Dominik Zumbuehl 75 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT S0: the main contribution to the landfilling scenario (S0) stems from the large social utility. This is due to the transportation to the landfill site, which is carried out with only a 1000kg trailer whereas for all other scenarios, transport weights form 23.5 tons and 50 tons respectively were chosen. Thus, the working hours per kg CRT are quite high in the landfilling scenario. The utility of the “Minimum of waste volume to landfill” attribute is zero. Thus, the environmental utility is very low compared to the other scenarios. S1: Though it is a relatively cost effective option, it ranks as worst solution mainly due to a bad environmental score. The low environmental score stems mainly from the long transport distance with the lorry to the lead mine. The utilities from the social attributes are relatively low, compared to S0 and S4. S2, S3 and S3a: These scenarios achieve almost equal utilities due to the same results in the economic and social assessment. The main contribution to the net costs is the chemical analysis of the product, which accounts for almost 80% of the total costs. They only differ slightly in the environmental score as each of the scenarios saves different raw materials. The social utility is the lowest due to a very short transport distance and because of low working hours generated. In addition, the health and safety impacts are estimated to be high because of the exposure of the workers to airborne hazards during the mixing and crushing process. Thus, the utility from the “Low health and safety” attribute is low. S3b: In this scenario, the crusher has to be purchased and thus the utility for the “Low investment costs” is lower than in S3. On the other hand, the “Increased potential for local economic growth” utility is higher also because of the crusher. S4 with high investment costs and increased potential for local economic growth shows the same pattern. The net costs are not significantly higher due to low costs for the operation of the crusher. Again, the main cost driver is the chemical test of the product. A few more working hours for the low skilled are generated in S3b. The health and safety utility is the lowest of all scenarios because hazardous dust can get airborne during two crushing processes (Andela crusher and brick manufacturing). S4: The CRT manufacturing scenario comes off as winner in this study. The main contribution stems from the environmental utility although the long transport distance from Cape Town to Germany. The main contributor to the environmental utility is the recovery of the lead. Without the lead recovery, the environmental utility would be even lower than the in the landfilling scenario (S0). In addition, the social utility is maximal due to the working hours for low skilled and highly skilled in the CMA by the operation of the CRT-separation plant as well as the working hours generated by the transoceanic transport. This scenario leads to high operational and investment costs. Thus, the economic utility is low. S5: As second best solution ranks the lead recovery scenario at Metallo-Chimique. As in S4, this ranking is mainly due to the environmental gain due to the lead recovery. Social utility is higher than S2, S3, S3a and S3b. That is because of the working hours caused by the shipping of the CRT glass to Europe. The economic utility is the lowest due to the highest net costs and due to no potential for local economic growth. 4.4.3 Comparison of the attributes Following the results from the several attributes will be discussed in depth. Net costs: The landfilling scenario shows a high net cost utility with net costs of $ 0.044 /kg CRT. This is slightly higher than the net cost from the scenarios S2, S3, S3a and S3b. Very high net costs result in S4 and S5 that are three times and five times higher respectively than the landfilling net costs. S5 has no utility due to the maximum net costs with $ 0.232 /kg CRT. Dominik Zumbuehl 76 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT Low capital costs: Only S4 and S3b require any investment. Thus, this utility is 0 and 0.054 respectively. All other scenarios reach utilities, which are almost equal. Again as explained in section 4.1.2, in S4 the investment costs could be halved by omitting the X-ray separation device whilst more manual work is needed. Thus, in addition to the lowered investing costs more working hours for the low skilled could be generated. However, this would raise the net costs on the other hand. Increased potential for local economic growth: This attribute was the most difficult and uncertain in the MAUT assessment. Nevertheless, it was assessed considering additional industries involved in a certain scenario. The highest potential for local economic growth was allocated to the S4 scenario because a new recycling plant would be installed in the CMA and that the plant would be constructed, operated and maintained by local companies. In addition, S3b reaches a high utility due to the operation and maintenance of the Andela CRT processing system. A middle potential is allocated to the scenarios S2, S3 and S3a. It is assumed that the local recycling industry could be stimulated because of using recyclables in their processes and new processes could be established. Only little potential for local economic growth was allocated to S1, which includes long transport distances. This could contribute to the local transport industry. No local economic growth is expected for the landfilling and the lead recovery scenario since they do not stimulate the local industry. Eco-indicator 99: The environmental inventory was assessed by using inventory data from the ecoinvent database (ecoinvent Centre, 2005). Additionally to the existing modules for transport, energy use, raw materials etc., a landfilling module for CRT glass was generated to assess the impacts of CRT glass disposed of on landfill sites. This was completed by modifying an existing hazardous landfill module including the chemical composition of a CRT (see Table 18). A second, similar module was generated using the same chemical composition but the lead (only for the impacts of the “Metamix” in scenario 5). Naturally, the landfilling module was used for the landfilling scenario. Although the CRT glass is diluted, it has at least the long-term impact of the landfilling. Thus for all the scenarios where CRT glass is intended to be released in the environment the landfilling module was included. The landfill module was applied in Scenario 0, 1, 2 and 5. Note: It must be clearly indicated that for scenarios 3, 3a and 3b no landfilling impact was added assuming that the CRT glass is inertly bound in the brick matrix. Hence, no release of any hazardous substances in the environment is expected. In this scenario, the fate of the brick and therefore the impacts of the bricks after their end of life are not included. However, the impact of the landfilling of CRT glass is 0.0013. The landfilling of CRT glass without lead (see Metamix in S5) reaches 0.0011 EI ‘99 points. This is only a small difference. Appendix 14 shows that in general the impact of long transportation processes is very high (0.0171 EI ‘99 points for the lead mine scenario) compared to the majority of other impacts. Contrary the environmental gain of processes, including lead recovery (S4 and S5) is even higher. In fact, the lead recovery in S4 and S5 leads to an almost four times higher environmental gain (-0.054 EI ‘99 points) than the corresponding impact of the long transport distances. In general, this results in a good environmental utility of scenarios either showing short transport distances or a lead recovery process involved. Accordingly it is clear that the lead mine scenario with a) a long transport distance and b) no lead recovery, has no environmental utility. Even the landfilling scenario has a higher utility than the lead mine scenario due to a much shorter transport distance. The Eco-indicator 99 score was also compared with the results form the impact 2002+ assessment shown in Figure 33. Looking at the left diagram, the impact on the human toxicity is very large compared to all the other impacts. This is mainly due to the landfilling module present in S0, S1, S2 and S5. The main contribution to the human toxicity of the CRT glass compounds is the antimony (SbO3). It contributes with almost 100% to the human toxicity (Hischier, 2006). As the human toxic- Dominik Zumbuehl 77 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT ity outnumbers all other effects in the Impact 2002+ assessment, the effect of the human toxicity was excluded for the comparison of the Impact 2002+ with the Eco-indicator 99 results. The effects without the human toxicity are shown in Figure 33 on the right hand side. The resulting impacts and benefits follow the same pattern as calculated with Eco-indicator 99. S4 and S5 reach the highest environmental gains as S1 and S0 clearly have the highest environmental losses. Thus from an environmental point of view all the options including the release of CRT glass in the environment (S0, S1, S2 and S5) are clearly not environmental sound and should therefore not be taken into account. climate change terrestrial acid. & nutr. human toxicity climate change terrestrial acid. & nutr. aquatic ecotoxicity terrestrial ecotoxicity aquatic ecotoxicity terrestrial ecotoxicity 4.E-05 3.E-05 3.E-04 Impact 2002+ Impact 2002+ 2.E-05 2.E-04 1.E-04 1.E-05 0.E+00 -1.E-05 S0 S1 S2 S3 S3a S3b S4 S5 -2.E-05 4.E-05 -3.E-05 -6.E-05 S0 S1 S2 S3 S3a S3b S4 S5 -4.E-05 Figure 33: Impact 2002+; left: with human toxicity impact, right without human toxicity impact Minimum of waste volume to landfill: This attribute was assessed separately because it was chosen because of the Polokwane Declaration on Waste Management (Government of South Africa, 2001) and the fact that the landfills in the CMA are about to be full in the next few years (Essop, 2005). S0 and to a minor degree also S4 (only 0.5 w%) intend to landfill any waste. Hence, the utility is zero for S0 where the whole CRT is disposed of on the landfill site. In all other scenarios, the utility is equal to each other. Social attributes – general considerations: The social indicators are mainly based upon working hours generated in a certain scenario. Thus, it was essential to include every single job step in a scenario. The steps included in the scenarios were loading and unloading of the CRT glass, transportation and in some cases the pre-processing of the CRT glass. Most of the working hours are based on estimates. Reliable data were available only for already existing processes such as the time used for the landfilling scenario (S0), the working hours in the separation plant (S4) and the trans-oceanic shipping (S4 and S5). Additionally the distinction between the working hours generated for low- and semi-skilled workers and those for the highly skilled workers had to be carried out. It was assumed that in general the loading of CRT glass, the transportation is being carried out by low-and semi-skilled workers. Jobs such as the chemical analysis in S2, S3, S3a and S3b and partly the CRT separation in S4 are supposed to be carried out by highly skilled workers. Low-skilled and semi-skilled jobs in the CMA: S0 reaches the highest score since the transport process is carried out with only a 1000 kg trailer rather than a shipping container or a 50 t lorry. This leads to 0.003 h / kg CRT. In addition, a high score achieves S4, which includes the operation Dominik Zumbuehl 78 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT of the CRT separation plant in the CMA. In the separation plant, eight low-skilled and semi-skilled workers are engaged. Note: these figures are valid for the separation plant currently installed in Switzerland were labour costs are much higher than in South Africa. Thus, it is likely that the operation in SA requires more manual work rather than the use of all the sophisticated technology currently installed. All other scenarios only reach relatively low scores due to mainly short transport distances or the lack of any pre-processing steps for the CRT glass. Highly skilled jobs in the CMA: The majority of the highly skilled jobs are generated due to the operation of the CRT separation plant in S4, which engages three highly skilled workers. The working hours calculated for the separation plant are based on the current production volume of 5 tons per hour. As the recycling plant intends to extend the production up to 8 tons per hour presumably, the working hours per kg CRT will decrease slightly. It is not known if proportionally more workers will be engaged by increasing the production. Also in S2, S3, S3a and S3b some working hours for highly skilled in the CMA are needed due to the chemical analysis of the products. Jobs outside South Africa: Only S4 and S5 generate jobs outside South Africa. The transoceanic transport contributes with 0.00006 h/kg CRT for both S4 and S5. The transportation from the port in Hamburg to Samsung Corning in S4 was estimated to take 5 hours, which leads to 0.00021 h/kg CRT that amounts to more than three times the fraction of the trans-oceanic transport. In S5, only 1 hour is used for the transportation from the port in Antwerp to Metallo-Chimique. Thus, S4 reach the highest utility. Low health and safety impacts: This attribute was estimated semi-quantitatively only. A scenario was supposed to have health and safety impacts when dust from the CRT glass or the screen glass coating gets airborne. This depends mainly on the kind of the transportation and on the processing of the glass. A small utility is reached by S2, S3 and S3a, the smallest by S3b. These scenarios include the crushing of the CRTs with the crushing devices already installed, where lots of dust gets airborne and thus the workers are exposed to hazardous substances. In addition, S3b includes the crushing using the Andela CRT processing system, which leads to more airborne dust. S0 has also a small utility due to the use of an open trailer that also leads to airborne particles. S1 too reaches only a small utility due to the loading of the “super-link” truck which can cause much more breaking of the glass and thus more dusts from the coating could get airborne during the loading and unloading of the truck compared to a shipping container. A middle score reaches S4 due to the secure handling at the separation plant using sprinklers at the crushing device to reduce airborne particles. Additionally after the removing of the screen coating, no hazards can get airborne while sending the CRT glass to Europe. S5 reach the highest score due to the glass is enclosed in the shipping container from the CMA until Metallo-Chimique where protective measures for the workers and sprinkling systems are set in place to reduce airborne hazards. The CRT manufacturing scenario (S4) clearly dominates the ranking in this assessment whereas the lead recovery scenario (S5) is second best but not robust compared to S2, S3, S3a and S3b. The landfilling scenario (S0) is second last and the lead mine scenario (S1) clearly is last and robust. 4.4.4 Recycling fees Though S4 is considered the best solution for the recycling of CRT glass in the CMA, it has a bad economic utility. Following the economics of S4 are compared with the costs of a similar European CRT recycling alternative. The net costs for S4 amount to $ 0.134 /kg CRT. Huisman (Huisman, 2003) (see p. 176) calculated the integral costs (= net costs) for the recycling of a 17” CRT monitor in Belgium. Taking only the costs for the transport, the costs for the shredding and separation and Dominik Zumbuehl 79 October 2006 RESULTS – APPLICATION OF THE MAUT the costs for the glass furnace (to make it comparable with S4) this results in € 0.81 + € 0.27 + € 0.48 = € 1.56 per CRT monitor. With the weight of 14.7 kg per monitor, this results in € 0.106 /kg CRT that is $ 0.134 /kg CRT. Coincidentally the costs for the CRT to CRT recycling from the stripped monitor is exact the amount of the net costs calculated in S4. However, this comparison did not intend to show that the costs of S4 are equal to the costs calculated by Huisman. The intention was to show that the costs for the recycling with S4 are in the same order of magnitude as they are in Europe. Using $ 0.134 /kg CRT as the net costs for S4 this adds up to $ 1.19 for a monitor CRT and $ 2.9 $ per TV CRT (see Table 4 for the weights of CRTs). Note: The costs for the dismantling at Desco Electronic Recyclers are not included. As they are already dismantling the monitors at Desco economically, it is assumed that no additional costs will arise. Thus, it is estimated that the ARF for a CRT monitor is around $ 1.2 and $ 3 for a CRT TV respectively. These costs could be paid either by an ARF or at the time of disposal. Dominik Zumbuehl 80 October 2006 CONCLUSIONS 5 CONCLUSIONS MFA and time series The mass flow assessment of CRT screens unveiled that there is still a growing stockpile of computer monitors and TVs in the CMA mainly at consumption level. Though the sales figures of CRT computer monitors will decrease dramatically within the next 3 years, there will be an increasing amount of obsolete CRT monitors at least until the year 2020. The lifetime of a CRT computer monitor in the CMA is according to the comparison of the MFA with the corresponding time series 17 years. For CRT TVs no sales forecast was carried out due to a very unstable market and diverging statements of the market leaders to the fate of CRT TVs. Taking into account that at this stage only a very small amount of TVs enter the recycling chain, it is likely that i) the lifetime of a TV is longer than the assumed 15 to 25 years in South Africa, ii) the MFA did not assess the disposal pathways sufficiently or iii) a substantial amount of TVs enter the areas of informal settlements like Kayalitsha and Guguletu and are disposed of locally on illegal dumps. However, the time series carried out in this study shows that the number of obsolete CRT TVs in the CMA will increase at least until 2020 to 2030. It is expected that in the year 2007 some 400 tons of CRT monitors and 600 tons of TVs respectively will become obsolete in the CMA. In the year 2020, some 1600 tons of CRT monitors and between 2000 and 2500 tons of CRT TVs are expected to become obsolete. Scenario analysis The assessment of CRT recycling alternatives shows that in the CMA there is already an efficient system in place for the recycling of CRT devices but for the recycling of the CRT itself. At this stage, stripped CRTs are landfilled either on the municipal solid waste landfill site or on the Vissershok hazardous landfill site. Locally there are only brick manufacturers and the building industry able to include the CRT glass in their recycling process. However, these options clearly intend to release CRT glass into the environment. At this stage, the assessed copper, lead and precious metal smelters, as well as container glass producer in South Africa are not able to use CRT glass in their process for technical and/or economical reasons. From the best available technologies for the processing of CRT glass the CRT manufacturing and copper / lead smelting are the current state of the art processes for the recycling of CRT glass. Primary lead smelting as well as iron and zinc smelting is not suitable for the processing of CRT glass. Other technologies such as CRT glass for the production of foam glass or clay bricks were not assessed for South Africa in this study. Multi Attribute Utility Theory The Multi Attribute Utility Theory for the assessment of eight recycling scenarios for CRT screens was carried out. The results unveil that the scenario where the CRT glass is pre-processed in the CMA and then sent to a CRT manufacturer in Germany reaches the highest utility. The advantage of this option is i) an increased potential for local economic growth, ii) a high environmental benefit mainly due to the lead recovery and iii) a high social utility due to the creation of low-skilled and highly skilled jobs locally. The disadvantages are a) relatively high net and investment costs compared to other scenarios. The robustness analysis showed that the CRT manufacturing option is robust compared to the other scenarios. The second best scenario is the lead recovery scenario. This option intends to ship the CRTs to Europe to be included in the copper / lead smelting process. The advantages are a high recovery rate for lead and that the remaining slag can be use in the building industry resulting in a high envi- Dominik Zumbuehl 81 October 2006 CONCLUSIONS ronmental utility. The disadvantages are high net costs, no increased potential for local economic growth and a low social utility. The scenarios where the CRT glass is used in concrete rubble or in the manufacturing of bricks reach almost the same utility that is below the utility of the CRT manufacturing scenario and the lead recovery scenario. According to the robustness analysis, there is no significant difference between these and the lead recovery scenario. Thus, a ranking for these scenarios is not applicable. The baseline scenario where the CRTs are landfilled and the scenario where the CRTs are transported to the lead mine for the infinite storage reach the lowest utility. Thus, it is recommended to establish a recycling scenario similar to the CRT manufacturing scenario in the CMA. The recycling costs per CRT monitor would add up to some $1.2 and to around $3 for a TV respectively. These costs could be covered by a fee at the time of disposal or with the establishing of an e-waste recycling system, including an advanced recycling fee (ARF) paid at the time of purchasing. Dominik Zumbuehl 82 October 2006 OUTLOOK 6 OUTLOOK MFA It is important to increase the accuracy of the MFA with the investigation of more sales figures from the manufacturers and the distributors because only a few reliable sales figures were available in this study. In addition, sales figures from the retailers should also be assessed which was not the case in this study. Consumer based survey should be carried out rather than only the investigation of sales and import figures. This would allow specifying the consumer stock changes, the disposal routes and the lifetimes of CRT monitors and TVs could be investigated. Furthermore, the use-phase and storage phase of CRT devices at consumer levels should be investigated. According to Desco Electronic Recyclers, there are many TV refurbishers in the CMA. For a more reliable mass flow assessment of TVs, the flows from consumer to second hand use and from there to the landfill or dumps should be investigated. Additionally the CRT flows into the informal settlements (e.g. Kayalitsha and Guguletu) should be investigated in the future. The Cape Town Waste Management Department intends the future monitoring of the collected ewaste within the municipal solid waste stream. Hence, these figures should be included in the MFA. Scenario analysis In this study, only a few South African players from the industry were asked to use CRT glass in their processes. Thus it is important to systematically investigate the South African industry (e.g. the smelting, glass and building industry) to either make sure that there is no feasible application for the CRT processing or to find out new ways for the processing of CRT glass. For instance, the Palabora Mining Company another copper smelter in South Africa was suggested to be evaluated for the use of CRT glass by Boliden SA. MAUT The weighting of the attributes in the MAUT assessment was carried out at the regional workshop. Only one representative of the industry and only one representative of the suppliers has participated the weighting. As these groups belong to the main drivers for a future recycling system for CRT glass more representatives should be asked for the weighting of the attributes. In addition, it would be important to weight the attributes hierarchically, which was not the case in this study. Also the attribute set has to be proven if it covers all relevant aspects of the CRT recycling process. For the environmental impact assessment, only data from Swiss or European processes were available from the ecoinvent centre. Thus, it is important to generate life cycle inventory data for processes in developing and industrialising countries such as South Africa to improve the quality of the eco-indicator 99 values generated in this study. 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Retrieved from:, July 2006 Dominik Zumbuehl 91 October 2006 APPENDICES APPENDICES Appendix 1: Glossary ARF BAN BAT BC BEP CE CMA CRT EC EC50, EC20 EEE EIC50 EI ‘99 EMPA ESM EU EUR, € GNP ICER LCD LC50 LOEC HDTV MAUT MFA NGO NOEC OECD PC PWB Recycling RoHS seco SENS StEP SWICO TCLP TFT UNEP USD, $ WDI WEEE ZAR Dominik Zumbuehl Advanced Recycling Fee Basel Convention Network Best Available Technology Basel Convention Best Practice Communication Executive Cape Metropolitan Area Cathode Ray Tube European Community Effect Concentration (for 50% and 20% of the tested subjecs) Electronic and Electrical Equipment Effective Inhibitory Concentration Eco-Indicator 99 Eidgenössische Materalprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Environmental Sound Management European Union Euro Gross National Product Industry Council For Electronic Equipment Recycling Liquid Crystal Display Median lethal concentration; it defines the concentration of a toxic substance or radiation is the dose required to kill half of the members of a tested population. Lowest Observable Effect Concetration High Definition TV. Multi Attribute Utility Theory Mass Flow Assessment Non Governmental Organization No Observable Effect Concentration Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Personal Computer Printed Wiring Board Extraction of materials from a product in order to reuse them (UNEP, 2006). Restrictions of Hazardous Substances Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz – Foundation for disposal Switzerland Solving the e-Waste Problem Swiss Association for Information, Communication and Organisation TechnolToxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (US EPA Method) Thin-Film Transistor, a field effect transistor United Nations Environment Programme US Dollar World Bank World Development Indicator Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment South African rand 92 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 2: Definitions of e-waste Reference Definition EU WEEE Directive (EU, 2002) “Electrical or electronic equipment 2 which is waste 3… including all components, subassemblies and consumables, which are part of the product at the time of discarding”. Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (January 2003), defines ten categories (see below). Basel Action Network (Pucket et "E-waste encompasses a broad and growing range of electronic devices ranging from al., 2002) large household devices such as refrigerators, air conditioners, cell phones, personal stereos, and consumer electronics to computers which have been discarded by their users." OECD (2001) "Any appliance using an electric power supply that has reached its end-of-life." SINHA (2004) "An electrically powered appliance that no longer satisfies the current owner for its original purpose." StEP (2005) E-Waste refers to "…the reverse supply chain which collects products no longer desired by a given consumer and refurbishes for other consumers, recycles, or otherwise processes wastes." Categories of e-waste defined by the EU WEEE Directive (EU, 2002): 1. Large household appliances 2. Small household appliances 3. IT and telecommunications equipment 4. Consumer equipment 5. Lighting equipment 6. Electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools) 7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment 8. Medical devices (with the exception of all implanted and infected products) 9. Monitoring and control instruments 10. Automatic dispensers 2 “electrical and electronic equipment” is defined as equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents. 3 “waste” is defined as any substance or object which the holder disposes of or is required to dispose of pursuant to the provisions of national law in force. Dominik Zumbuehl 93 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 3: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs’ global e-waste program Facing up to the controversial issues of e-waste disposal the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) has commissioned the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) to conduct a study. The main objective of the study was to propose a global program to improve existing e-waste management systems. This led to seco's global e-waste program "Knowledge Partnerships in e-Waste Recycling" to be structured in three phases: Phase 1: Assessment of existing e-waste management systems (2003 – 2004) Phase 2: Planning of improvements (2004 – 2005) Phase 3: Implementing pilot projects (2005 – 2008) The program's focus lays on 'capacity building' and 'knowledge management' and intents to mitigate negative externalities of information and communication technologies. It therefore contributes to the sustainability of these new and promising technologies without dismissing industry from its extended producer responsibilities. The assessments during Phase I1were limited to case studies carried out in the capitals of the three pre-selected countries China, South Africa and India. As a reference the Swiss e-waste management system was used. The results were published on a website ( as the “eWaste Guide” (Electronic Waste Guide, 2006) which serves as a knowledge base on e-waste recycling. Among other things it highlights potential environmental hazards when dealing with ewaste and raises the awareness of the problem. The case studies revealed specific needs for improvements in each of the three assessed countries. These specific needs led to different foci for the program implementation: support for policy and legislation in China, technology & skills in India, and business and financing in South Africa. During Phase 2 knowledge partnerships involving the different stakeholders had been established. Following improvements to the current e-waste management systems were planned in a body. The outcomes were agreed goals and strategies which are… a) …at a local level the testing of practical improvements. b) …at a national level the formulation of e-waste strategies. The aim is to reduce safety and environmental hazards without reducing the attractiveness of the business. The ongoing Phase 3 focuses on implementing the planned activities in the three countries. The program mainly provides technical assistance and advisory services to build capacity for a sustainable and effective e-waste management system. Also the knowledge sharing of the various stakeholders by integrating them in the global community of practice is supported. Dominik Zumbuehl 94 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 4: Import statistics from DTI and SARS; the TVs were derived from the total import figures minus the Video figures Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Tot colour CRTs 540'335 360'191 475'799 514'083 374'677 412'592 404'675 482'171 416'710 431'168 468'955 534'977 705'418 693'064 Dominik Zumbuehl Colour CRTs Video CRTs Tot TV 2'501 537'834 3'876 356'315 4'155 471'644 12'433 501'650 3'393 371'284 1'867 410'725 681 403'994 150 482'021 1'327 415'383 728 430'440 753 468'202 786 534'191 808 704'610 88 692'976 Monochrome CRTs TV in CMA 61'313 40'620 53'767 57'188 42'326 46'823 46'055 54'950 47'354 49'070 53'375 60'898 80'326 78'999 95 Total import 156'074 106'732 163'918 175'743 145'022 185'511 140'549 117'500 106'072 112'112 78'889 16'928 35'693 41 Video 9'129 2 10'867 0 24 5'849 25 172 590 14 16 65 5 4 TVs 146'945 106'730 153'051 175'743 144'998 179'662 140'524 117'328 105'482 112'098 78'873 16'863 35'688 37 TVs CMA 16755 12170 17452 20039 16533 20486 16023 13378 12028 12782 8994 1923 4069 4 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 5: MFA computer monitors: specifications of the flows from import to distributor to second hand supplier FreeCom import FreeCom from distribution to consumer * AXIZ MUSTEK (MECER) Sahara Computers Drive Control Incredible Connection MICO Pinnacle Micro rectron Annex Tarsus Equity from consumption to second hand supplier Smart City Device SA Recycling IT to recycling to landfill Wasteman Enviro Serve Waste Control Inter-Waste from second hand supply to consumer FreeCom Device SA Recycling IT Smart City Stock at Smart City from recycling to recycler plastics copper ferro aluminium PWBs & wires gun to landfill tubes landfill to recycling Stock calculations consumer stock change * derived from market shares Dominik Zumbuehl min 1466 1359 106 18 89 monitor flows metric tons max average 1723 1594 1617 1488 106 106 18 18 89 89 1359 163 291 0 177 - 1617 163 291 9 177 - 1488 163 291 46 44 0 2 53 35 35 0 0 0 50 44 0 5 89 53 53 0 0 0 48 44 0 4 71 44 44 0 0 0 109 106 0 0 2 44 125 106 9 0 9 31 117 106 5 0 5 0 53 9 3 5 1 3 0 89 16 5 8 1 5 0 71 12 4 6 1 4 0 32 53 43 0 1 1 1333 1550 1441 96 5 177 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 6: Questionnaire sent to the distributors of CRT monitors and TVs in the CMA QUESTIONNAIRE SALES FIGURES Please use a fax machine to return the questionnaire (021 706 6622). Thank you. name: ___________________________ position: _____________________ date: _____________________ phone: ________________ 1. Email: _________________________________ What are your company’s functions in South Africa? manufacturer 2. mobile phone: ______________ importer distributor retailer Which of the following CRT-devices have you been providing to your Cape Town customer base? TV sets computer monitors 3. Which are your distributors in / for Cape Town?1 _________________________________________________ 4. How many units had been sold in the past few years to your Cape Town customer base? (If no specific sales figures for Cape Town are available, you can provide data from Western Cape or even national sales figures). The below sales figures include numbers for: Year Cape Tow CRT – TV sets average screen units sold 2 size or weight Western Cape South Africa CRT - computer monitors average screen units sold 2 size or weight 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Any statistics available prior to the year 2000 5. Which market share in % do you currently possess from the total market in Cape Town approximately for CRTTV sets and CRT-computer monitors respectively? (If no data of the CRT market share is available, you can provide overall TV and monitor market shares from the total South African market.) TV sets: ________ % 6. computer monitors: ________ % Does your company also provide lead-free TV sets or computer monitors based on CRT technology? If you do so, what is the current percentage of the units you currently provide and since when do you provide your customers with a lead-free CRT technology? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Considering the phasing-out of the CRT-technology due to increasing replacements through plasma and LCD technology: Can you give an estimate for the future sales figures of leaded TV sets and computer monitors? CRT – TV sets Year units sold CRT - computer monitors average size or 1 weight Units sold average size or weight1 2006 2010 2020 1 2 If yourself are not a distributor specify weight without packaging Dominik Zumbuehl 97 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 7: Penetrations rates of TVs and personal computers in South Africa penetration rates of TVs and computers 160 50 South African population, total television sets (per 1,000 people) personal computers (per 1,000 people) 40 140 120 35 100 30 80 25 20 60 15 TVs / computers South African population [milions] 45 40 10 20 5 0 0 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 1968 1966 1964 1962 1960 Year Appendix 8: Detailed listing of WDI and SARS figures for the derivation of yearly and cumulated inputs of TVs into the CMA Source Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TV penetration rate [units /1000 capita] 3.87 26.93 31.35 39.27 68.34 68.07 69.28 70.71 72.04 82.43 89.29 89.99 90.62 91.20 94.42 104.30 104.98 105.43 105.81 126.25 132.33 128.92 130.96 129.36 127.75 145.33 152.38 Dominik Zumbuehl (WDI, 2003) South African Population 24'728'000 25'268'090 25'805'580 26'355'320 26'940'790 27'576'000 28'254'650 28'971'840 29'724'000 30'505'360 31'307'880 32'121'290 32'933'080 33'728'500 34'490'550 35'200'000 35'933'110 36'690'740 37'473'800 38'283'220 39'120'000 39'912'000 40'670'330 41'402'390 42'106'230 42'800'990 43'240'000 CMA TV stock [units] 10'909 77'574 92'229 117'996 209'905 213'985 223'144 233'540 244'100 286'643 318'698 329'521 340'224 350'661 371'256 418'531 430'019 440'982 452'039 550'980 590'149 586'578 607'180 610'563 613'193 709'128 751'133 98 (Heyns, 2006) Import figures to CMA [units] 61'313 40'620 53'767 57'188 42'326 46'823 46'055 54'950 47'354 49'070 53'375 60'898 80'326 78'999 Cumulated Input 10'909 77'574 92'229 117'996 209'905 213'985 223'144 233'540 244'100 286'643 318'698 329'521 340'224 350'661 371'256 418'531 430'019 491'332 531'952 585'720 642'908 685'234 732'057 778'112 833'062 880'416 929'486 982'861 1'043'759 1'124'085 1'203'084 Input per Year [units] 10'909 66'666 14'655 25'767 91'908 4'081 9'159 10'396 10'560 42'542 32'055 10'823 10'703 10'437 20'596 47'275 11'488 61'313 40'620 53'767 57'188 42'326 46'823 46'055 54'950 47'354 49'070 53'375 60'898 80'326 78'999 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 9: Relationship of weight, diameter and volume of currently (2006) sold TVs Relationship Diameter, Weight and Volume of CRT TVs 100 0.50 90 80 0.40 2 weight [kg] 60 0.30 50 40 0.20 volume [m3] R = 0.871 70 30 2 R = 0.9177 20 0.10 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 0.00 100 diameter [cm] Dominik Zumbuehl w eight to diameter volume to diameter Exponentiell (w eight to diameter) Exponentiell (volume to diameter) 99 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 10: Toxicity and legislation of hazardous components in the CRT In this Appendix the basic composition of the CRT glass is and the scree anf funnel glass coating is calculated. In addition the toxic compoiunds of the glass and coatings are discussed. Human and ecotoxicity is discussed as well as the regulatory limits for South Africa compared with international standards and regulations. There is much data from literature available which provide such figures. Due to a large variety in the size and composition of computer monitors and TVs it is difficult to specify exact figures of the several components. In this study the arithmetic average of the data found in literature (EMERG, 1996; ICER, 2004) was taken to derive the average content of every element in the CRT glass which is shown in Table 18. The data from EMERG were taken for the composition of older CRT glass where the ICER report represents rather newer CRT glass. The composition of the funnel coating was derived from (Kemco International Associates, 2006). The front glass is coated with a thin layer of fluorescent materials. These substances contained in the screen are generally phosphides or sulphides of zinc, europium, yttrium and cadmium (5-10 grams per screen). In older model tubes (manufactured before 1990), the fluorescent coating contains mainly cadmium and zinc sulphide while the newer models contain 94% zinc sulphide and rare-earth metals (Vieto et al., 1999). No exact composition of the screen coating was found. Nevertheless the composition was derived from the specifications from the study of Vieto and Pratt (1999). It was further assumed that the proportion of older and newer CRTs is 1:1 and that in the older CRTs cadmium and zinc was used in the same quantities in connection with sulphides or phosphides. old coating = 0.5 Cd X + 0.5 Zn X (16) X is a substitute for sulfide (S) or phosphide (P) respectively The newer models were assumed to consist of 94% zinc sulphide (or phosphide) and to 3% of Yttrium and to 3% of Europium respectively again in connection with the sulphides or phosphides. new coating = 0.94 ZnX + 0.03 YX + 0.03 EuX (17) This leads to the following average stoichiometry for the mixing of old and new CRTs: average coating = 1S +1P + 0.72 Zn + 0.25 Cd + 0.015 Y + 0.015 Eu note: it was assumed that CRTs with new screen coating and such with old screen coating are mixed evenly to derive the average composition. With the molecular weights (m) and the use of the average stoichiometry the weight percentage (w%) specified in Table 17 was calculated using: w% = ni × mi 6 ∑ ni × mi × 100 (18) i =1 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 element P S Zn Cd Y Eu m [g/mol] 31.0 32.1 65.4 112.4 88.9 152.0 n [mol] 1 1 0.72 0.25 0.015 0.015 weight percent [w%] 21.8 22.6 33.2 19.8 0.9 1.6 Table 17: Derivation of the weight percentage of the luminescent screen coating used in CRTs Dominik Zumbuehl 100 October 2006 APPENDICES The resulting chemical composition of the average CRT glass is shown in Table 18. The elements of concern from a toxicological point of view are lead oxide, barium oxide, antimony, cadmium and zinc (sulphides or phosphides). All other elements will be neglected in this section. Oxides in CRT glass [wt%] SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O CaO MgO BaO ZnO PbO B2O3 SrO Fe2O3 CoO TiO2 CeO2 ZrO2 Sb2O3 Total oxides in glass [kg / kg CRT] 0.545 0.023 0.075 0.069 0.017 0.008 0.079 0 0.048 0 0.015 0.001 0 0 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.887 wt% in fraction 61.38 2.57 8.43 7.72 1.90 0.92 8.88 0 5.44 0 1.67 0.15 0 0 0.16 0.43 0.33 100.00 Standard deviation [%] 0.81 0.47 0.51 0.23 1.06 0.67 1.82 Fe 0.1100 11.00 shadow mask and rimband 1 funnel coating C FeO Na2SiO3 H 2O 0.0019 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0.0012 screen coating (luminescent layer)2 P S Cd Y Eu Zn 0.0008 0.00018 0.00019 0.00017 0.00001 0.00001 0.00028 0.35 0.80 Graphite Iron Oxide Sodium Silicate Solids Water 100 22 23 20 1 2 33 Phosphor Sulfide Cadmium Yttrium Europium Zinc 1) 0.022 to 0.028mm coating on 0.5m2 for 1 CRT with a density of 1380kg / m3 and CRT weight of 8.91 kg; source: Kemco International Associates, 2006 2) 5-10g / CRT Table 18: Average composition of CRT glass, the ferrous metals and the coatings within the CRT Lead Occurrence: Since metallic lead and common lead minerals such as sulphides, sulphates, oxides, carbonates, and hydroxides are hardly soluble levels of dissolved lead in aquatic ecosystems are generally low. The solubility in water for lead oxide is 1.7 mg/l (Stuff, 2005). The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR (1992) reported 1mg/l respectively. Most of the lead entering aquatic ecosystems is associated with suspended sediments, while lead in the dissolved phase is usually complexed by organic ligands (DWAF, 1996). The ratio of lead in suspended solids to lead in dissolved form has been found to vary from 4:1 in rural streams to 27:1 in urban streams (EPA, 1986). The dissolved lead also undergoes hydrolysis. The hydrolysis constants pKi for lead are 7.7, 9.4 and 11 respectively indicating that dissolved lead occurs mainly as Pb2+ up to pH 7.7 and Pb(OH)- from pH 7.7 to pH 9.4. Lead Oxide also called Litharge is amphoteric thus it reacts with either acids to form Pb2+ which is shown in equation (19). PbO (s) + 2 H+ (aq) Æ Pb2+ (aq) + H2O (l) (19) or with bases to form lead(IV) hydroxide plumbic hydroxide shown in equation (20). PbO (s) + H2O (l) + 2 OH- (aq) Æ Pb(OH)4 2- (s) (20) Hence decreasing pH increases the bioavailability of Pb2+. Human Toxicity: Dominik Zumbuehl 101 October 2006 APPENDICES “Short-term exposure to high levels of lead can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, coma or even death. Other symptoms are appetite loss, abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability and headache. Continued excessive exposure, as in an industrial setting, can affect the kidneys. It is particularly dangerous for young children because it can damage nervous connections and cause blood and brain disorders.” (EMPA, 2004) Eco-toxicity: Both aquatic and terrestrial organisms are affected by lead. Lead is cancer-causing, and adversely effects reproduction, liver and thyroid function, and disease resistance (Eisler, 1988). Lead oxide has caused mutagenic effects in experimental animals (Dierks, 1995). The toxicity of lead to terrestrial organisms ranges from 40 mg Pb/kg d.w. (stadard soil) for Crustaceans to 1100 mg Pb/kg d.w. for Insects (Tukker et al., 2001). Toxicity tests with freshwater invertebrates such as Brachionus calyciflorus, Chironomus tentans, and Lymnaea stagnalis were performed in artificial freshwaters (Grosell et al., 2006). They measured no-observable-effect concentration (NOEC), lowest-observable-effect concentration (LOEC), and calculated 20% effect concentration (EC20) for each of the three species. The EC20 for the rotifer B. calyciflorus were 0.125 mg dissolved Pb/L, respectively. The midge C. tentans was less sensitive, with NOEC of 0.109 mg dissolved Pb/L, respectively, and the snail L.stagnalis exhibited extreme sensitivity, evident by EC20 of 0.004 mg dissolved Pb/L, respectively (Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN), 2006). Aisemberg et al. (2005) performed the determinations of ALA-D (enzyme) activity in the whole body soft tissues of pigmented and non-pigmented gastropods B. glabrata and in the oligochaete L. variegatus. The organisms were exposed to varying concentrations of Pb for 48 h. The values of Pb concentration that produce 50% of inhibition on the enzyme activity (EIC50) were 0.023 and 0.029 mg Pb/L for pigmented and non-pigmented B. glabrata, respectively. A much higher value was found for L. variegatus (0.703 mg Pb/L). The non-observed effect concentration (NOEC) on enzyme activity for the oligochaetes was 0.05 mg Pb/L, about twice the EIC50 calculated for the gastropods. Bioconcentration factors of four species of invertebrates and two species of fish ranged from 42 to 1700 (DWAF, 1996). Lead can be bioconcentrated from water, but does not bio accumulate and tends to decrease with increasing trophic levels in freshwater habitats (Eisler, 1988). Regulatory limits: Although lead oxide has a low solubility, the above results indicate that the (aquatic) environment is highly affected by lead. Considering the very low level of 0.004mg/l, which affects L.stagnalisand and the finding that the ratio of lead in suspended solids to lead in dissolved form can be as little as 4:1 in rural streams, one has to conclude that 20% of the total Pb of a certain probe could theoretically be dissolved and therefore be toxic. This indicates that the maximal dissolved lead concentration in freshwater systems mustn’t exceed 0.02 mg/l (0.004mg/l times 5). Legislation on lead effluent in South Africa and Switzerland: The regulatory limits for lead containing effluents in South African freshwater systems are regulated in the provincial legislation. For the Western Cape Province the limit for dissolved lead is 0.01 mg/l (Cape Metropolitan Council, 2000). According to the Swiss “Gewässerschutzverordnung” (GSchV, 1998), the lead content of industrial effluents in freshwater systems must not exceed a total lead amount of 0.01 mg/l and the dissolved fraction has to be below 0.001 mg/l Pb. Looking at the limits for potable water according to the European Community Directive 83/98 (CELEX Nr: 398L0083) the lead content in drinking water must not exceed 0.01mg/l. According to the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (2006) the limit for bottled water in South Africa is 0.01mg/l as well. The occupational exposure limit (OEL) for lead compounds other than tetra-ethyl lead is according to the South African Lead Regulations, GN R 236 (28 February 2002) 0.15 mg / m3 air measured in accordance with health and safety standards. Leachability of lead from the lead oxide of CRTs: Leachates of landfill sites or run offs from illegal dumps can vary widely in pH due to the large content of organic acids. Although lead oxide Dominik Zumbuehl 102 October 2006 APPENDICES (PbO) has a very low solubility in water (see above) and is inert under standard conditions (20°C and pH of 7) the deposition of CRT glass has to fulfil the environmental regulations and has therefore to be proven in terms of its chemical behaviour and the variations in pH and redox-conditions. According to a leachability study by Musson et al. (2000) using the EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) the lead leached from the CRT samples at an average concentration of 18.5 mg/L. This exceeded the regulatory limit of both the EPA and the South African legislation by far. The most significant quantities of lead were obtained from the funnel portion of the CRTs at an average lead concentration of 75.3 mg/L. Samples containing the frit seal had lead leaching levels nearly 50 times those without. Samples comprised of smaller particle sizes exposed a greater surface area resulting in higher lead leaching levels. Musson et al. (2000) tested 30 colour CRTs and 21 exceeded regulatory lead limits, none of the six monochrome CRTs did. A different study using also TCLP with the leachates from several MSW landfill sites was conducted by Jang (2003). Lead concentrations ranged from 1.7 to 6.0 mg/L, with an average of 4.1 mg/L. Background levels of lead in the landfill leachates ranged from less than detection limit (0.04 mg/L) to 0.07 mg/L. Although the average lead contents unveiled by Jang are slightly below the EPA regulatory limit there is evidence that the lead oxide in CRT tubes is leachable and thus the CRTs have to be disposed of on hazardous landfill sites rather than on municipal landfill sites or dumps. Alternatively the CRT cullets can be diluted in a way that the maximal leachable dissolved lead is below the limits for freshwater or bottled water concentration. Barium Occurrence: The following information were derived from the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2005). Barium oxide is quite soluble in water. The solubility in water is 34.8 g/L (at 20 °C). Barium oxide reacts rapidly with carbon dioxide in water to form barium hydroxide and barium carbonate. The barium in these compounds that is dissolved in water quickly combines with sulphate or carbonate that are naturally found in water and become the longer lasting forms (barium sulphate and barium carbonate). Barium sulphate and barium carbonate are not very toxic compounds. Airborne barium oxide, which can react to barium hydroxide but not to barium sulphate and barium carbonate, can cause severe effects on human health and safety. Humant toxicity: There are many effects of barium described in the toxicological profile for barium and barium compounds provided by. However, for barium oxide no toxicological information were available in this study. Nevertheless, for barium hydroxide and other soluble compounds, it says: “Barium compounds such as barium acetate, barium chloride, barium hydroxide, barium nitrate, and barium sulfide that dissolve in water can cause harmful health effects. Most of what we know comes from studies in which a small number of individuals were exposed to fairly large amounts of barium for short periods. Eating or drinking very large amounts of barium compounds that dissolve in water causes changes in heart rhythm or paralysis.” (ATSDR, 2005) And: “No studies were located regarding cancer in animals after dermal exposure to barium. However, results of one skin-painting study with mice suggest that barium hydroxide extract derived from tobacco leaf may act as a tumor-promoting agent.” (ATSDR, 2005) Ecotoxicity: Acute toxicity levels of barium for aquatic biota was found to be 68 mg/l for Daphnia magna (LeBlanc, 1980). For Lemna minor (a duck weed) affection of growth was observed at a level of 26mg/l (Wang, 1986). Dominik Zumbuehl 103 October 2006 APPENDICES Regulatory limits: The regulatory limits for barium in bottled water is 0.7mg/l (Department of Health / Departement van Gesondheid, 2006). The US EPA set a limit of 2.0 mg barium per liter of drinking water (2.0 mg/L). The South African Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 (1993) regulates airborne soluble barium compounds to a total OEL of 0.5 mg/m3. The same limit is regulated by the U.S. Department of Labour Occupational Safety & Health Administration OSHA, (2006). Discussion: No studies on the leachability of barium oxide from CRT glass were found. However, if the CRT glass is broken into cullets or ground to dust particles, barium could easily leach on the landfill sites, as it is quite soluble in water. It is likely that barium forms sulphates and carbonates which are both not very toxic compounds. The eco-toxicity of barium is also not considered to by a very severe problem, as the effect concentrations are quite high. However, groundwater contamination should be avoided. Severe threads can be expected by airborne barium that is inhaled during the transport and processing of CRT glass. Both barium oxide and barium hydroxide can harm the health of workers exposed to CRT glass dust. Antimony Antimony trioxide is used in the glass industry as a refining agent and colorant. In an exposure assessment in the German glass industry, TWA antimony levels were as high as 0.351 mg/m3 (ATSDR, 1992). Occurrence: Sodium antimony is used as a melting agent in CRT glass. It provides necessary optical properties. The percent of sodium antimony in a CRT is 0.2% in the funnel and 0.24% in the panel. Sodium antimony has replaced arsenic, which was originally used in CRT glass. Sodium antimony is used because it is much less hazardous than arsenic (Monchamp, 2000). The antimony in the CRT glass occurs as antimony trioxide (Sb2O3). It is used as a fining agent to remove bubbles from the molten glass melt. (ICER, 2004). Antimony trioxide can be reduced to antimony according to (21) and can also be oxidized to Sb2 O5 (Qivx Inc, 2006). Sb2 O3 + 6 H+ + 6 e- ↔ 2 Sb + 3 H2O E0 = 0.152 (21) Human toxicity: According to the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage, (2006) “… antimony compounds show toxic properties similar to those of arsenic. This depends on how much antimony a person has been exposed to, for how long, and current state of health. Exposure to high levels of antimony can result in a variety of adverse health effects. Breathing high levels for a long time can irritate eyes and lungs and can cause heart and lung problems, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, and stomach ulcers. Ingesting large doses of antimony can cause vomiting. Antimony can irritate the skin on prolonged contact.” Effects of antimony trioxide (Sb2O3): Health effects have been observed in humans and animals following inhalation exposure to antimony trioxide as shown in the list below. Note: all data were retrieved from the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 1992). Note: The literature entries according to the citations in the following list are not listed in the references of this study: • Guinea pigs exposed to approximately 37.9 mg antimony/m3 as antimony trioxide dust for 52-125 days (Dernehl et al. 1945) or guinea pigs died. • Occupational exposure to antimony trioxide and/or pentoxide dust (8.87 mg antimony/ m3 or greater) resulted in antimony pneumoconiosis (inflammation of the lungs due to the irritation caused by the inhalation of dust) (Cooper et al. 1968; Potkonjak and Pavlovich 1983; Dominik Zumbuehl 104 October 2006 APPENDICES Renes 1953) Chronic interstitial inflammation was also observed in rats exposed to 0.07 mg antimony/ m3 for 1 year with a 1 year recovery. • Alopecia was noted in rats exposed to 0.92 mg antimony/ m3 or greater as antimony trioxide for 13 weeks (Bio/dynamics 1985). • Hyperplasia of the reticuloendothelial cells in the peribronchiolar lymph nodes was observed in rats exposed to 0.07 mg antimony/m3 antimony trioxide for 1 year with a 1 year recovery period (Bio/dynamic 1990). • Alopecia was noted in rats exposed to 0.92 mg antimony/m3 or greater as antimony trioxide for 13 weeks (Bio/dynamics 1985). • Fibrosis and lipoid pneumonia have been reported in rats chronically exposed to 1.6 mg antimony/m3 or higher as antimony trioxide or to 17.48 mg antimony/m3 as antimony trisulfide (Bio/dynamics 1990; Gross et al. 1952; Groth et al. 1986; Watt et al. 1980,1983; Wong et al. 1979). • Factory workers exposed to antimony trioxide (0.042-0.70 mg antimonym3) had elevated urine and blood antimony levels (Ludersdorf et al. 1987). The above effects are not explained any further in this section. The intention is only to show the variety of effects, mostly long term effects at low doses of antimony trioxide. The atmospheric halflife for antimony trioxide is estimated to 3.2 days (Mueller, 1985). Ecotoxicity: For the Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-Mouthed Toad) the LC50 is 50ug/l. The LC50 for rainbow trouts Oncorhynchus mykiss was detected at 170ug/l. The LC50 for Americamysis bahia (opossum shrimp) is 4150 ug/l (Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN), 2006) Regulatory limits: For drinking water the level of antimony is regulated to 5 ug/l according to the South African Regulations Relating To All Bottled Waters (Foodstuffs Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 2006). The U.S. and Canadian drinking water standards allow a maximum concentration of 6 ug/l (Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN), 2006). The South African Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 (1993) regulates airborne antimony compounds to a total OEL of 0.5 mg/m3. Discussion The antimony trioxide present in CRTs seems to be hazardous when employees are exposed to airborne particles for a long period of time or in high doses. Animal test show that long-term effects occur at concentrations below 1mg/m3. No information of the faith of antimony trioxide in water was found. Cadmium Occurrence: The cadmium in CRTs occurs as cadmium sulphide (CdS) in the screen coating and can easily get airborne once the CRT is crashed. The following properties and toxicological information of cadmium sulphide were retrieved from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 1999). Behaviour of cadmium and cadmium sulphide in water: Under reducing conditions (which as are present in leachates of landfill sites) cadmium can be reduced to form cadmium sulphide. Cadmium sulphide, cadmium carbonate, and cadmium oxide, are practically insoluble in water. An aqueous suspension of cadmium sulphide can gradually photo oxidize to soluble cadmium. Cadmium sulphide can also get soluble under acid conditions. The soluble Cadmium is the most toxic compound. Dominik Zumbuehl 105 October 2006 APPENDICES Behaviour of cadmium and cadmium sulphide in air: cadmium sulphide may photzolyse to cadmium sulphate in aqueous aerosols. Toxicity to animals: In general for both the acute and chronic toxicity the more soluble cadmium compounds such as cadmium oxide and cadmium chlorite seem to be more toxic. Accordingly cadmium sulphate and cadmium sulphide are the least toxic compounds (Klimisch, 1993). A reason for this difference in toxicity is the higher lung absorption and retention times for the more soluble compounds (Rusch et al., 1986). A long-term effect study of the exposure of rats to cadmium sulphide dust unveiled that: “0.090 mg Cd/m3 was not lethal during the exposure period but was lethal to more than 75% of the males and females by 12 months postexposure. In these chronic studies, cadmium’s lethal effects differed among the chemical forms in the following order from most to least toxic: CdCl2>CdSO4 ≈ CdO dust>CdS, but lethality still occurred from all forms of cadmium.” (Oldiges et al., 1986). Oldiges (1989) also experienced increased tumors in male and female rats exposed to cadmium oxide and cadmium sulphide dust at 30 μg/m3 and 90 μg/m3 respectively. Human toxicity: “The primary health risks of long term exposure are lung cancer and kidney damage. Due to the long half-life in the body, cadmium can easily be accumulated in amounts that cause symptoms of poisoning.” (EMPA, 2004). Ecotoxicity: Cadmium is very highly toxic to aquatic organism. The toxicity for the most affected organisms is for Daphnia magna (Water flea) 33.6 ug/l, Ischnochiton hakodadensis (Chiton) 20.0 ug/l, Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) 13.9 ug/l and for Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) 97.4 ug /l respectively. These figures are summaries from several studies carried out for each of the aquatic organism. All data were collected from (Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN), 2006) Regulatory limits: For industrial effluents the concentration of cadmium is limited to 5 mg/l (Province of Western Cape, 2006). The regulatory limit for cadmium in bottled water in South Africa is 3 ug/l (Foodstuffs Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 2006). The US fresh water quality attributes for continuous exposure to cadmium is 2.2 ug /l (Pesticide Action Network North America (PAN), 2006). The Swiss law for the effluent in freshwater systems sets the limit for industrial effluents in freshwater systems to 100 ug /l. The concentration in freshwater systems shall not exceed 0.2 ug/l whereas the dissolved partition must be below 0.05 ug/l (GSchV, 1998). The South African Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 (1993) regulates airborne cadmium compounds to a total OEL of 0.05 mg/m3 and for cadmium sulphides (which is actually present in CRTs) 0.04 mg/m3 respectively. Discussion: Cadmium sulphide is the least toxic compound from the discussed in this section. However it can be transformed to more soluble compounds such as Cd2+ by photo oxidation or under acid conditions. On the other side under reducing conditions Cd2+ can be transformed to cadmium sulphide again. Thus in aqueous solutions many reactions can occur and form insoluble and soluble compounds depending much on the prevailing conditions. Cadmium is highly toxic to aquatic organisms and should therefore not be released in the environment. Long term effects of airborne cadmium sulphide unveiled that mammals are affected even by the least toxic cadmium sulphide. The post exposure lethal dose was 0.090 mg Cd/m3. Thus airborne cadmium sulphide can harm the health of workers exposed to. The OEL for cadmium sulphide is 0.04mg/m3 Zinc Zinc is also present in the luminescent coating of the screen glass. It occurs as either zinc sulphide or zinc phosphate. Like cadmium the zinc compounds are able to get airborne and into the soil or Dominik Zumbuehl 106 October 2006 APPENDICES water. Zinc phosphate is non toxic. The solubility of zinc sulphide is 6.5 to 6.9 mg/L at 18°C (ATSDR, 2005). Thus Zn2+ can be formed from zinc sulphide in aqueous solutions. For zinc sulphide no legal or toxicological data were available. Thus in this section the toxicity and the legal regulations for zinc is discussed. Environmental toxicity: Eastern Narrow-Mouthed Toad Gastrophryne carolinensis Fleshy prawn Penaeus chinensis Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Chiton Ischnochiton hakodadensis Water flea Daphnia magna Scud Hyalella azteca 10 ug/l 412.5 ug/l 960.0 ug/l 75.0 ug/l 20.0 ug/l 742.7 ug/l 73.0 ug/l Regulatory limits: For industrial effluents the concentration of zinc is limited to 30 mg/l. (Province of Western Cape, 2006). The Swiss law for the effluent in freshwater systems sets the limit for industrial effluents in freshwater systems to 2 mg/l. The concentration of zinc in freshwater systems shall not exceed 0.02 mg/l whereas the dissolved partition must be below 0.005 mg/l (Der Schweizerische Bundesrat, 1998). The South African Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 (1993) regulates airborne zinc oxide to a total OEL of 5 mg/m3. Discussion Zinc phosphate is not toxic. For zinc sulphide no toxicological data nor regulatory limits were available. Aquatic biota is highly affected to Zn2+. Discussion For all of the investigated hazardous compounds occurrence and toxic concentrations differ much and the effects on human health and the environment as well. However it is important to make sure that the CRT glass which is released in the environment or is used in secondary applications has to be diluted in a way that the resulting concentrations of hazardous substances is below any regulatory limit. The transport and the recycling of CRT glass can lead to airborne hazards mainly from the screen coatings. Thus the work steps must be designed in a way that the airborne hazards are minimized and that the remaining concentrations in the environment adhere to the regulatory limits particularly the occupational exposure limits (OEL) have to be monitored. Dominik Zumbuehl 107 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 11: Furnace batch composition and material savings; Samsung Corning CRT manufacturing plant Material svaings per 1000kg recycling CRT glass at Samsung Corning, Germany cone glass Screen glass compound chemical formula kg % kg % SiO2 451.4 40.90 523.4 44.69 Sand (Ba,Ca,Na,K,NH4)(Al 112.8 10.22 107.5 9.18 Feldspar Na2CO3 Soda Ash 113.2 10.26 129.3 11.04 K2CO3 64.6 5.85 62.6 5.34 Potash Leadoxide PbO 189.4 17.16 0 0.00 CaMg(CO3)2 100.9 9.14 17.4 1.49 Dolomite KNO3 Potassium Nitrate 11.8 1.07 26 2.22 Sodium Antimonate NaSbO3 2.1 0.19 4.7 0.40 BaCO3 28.4 2.57 129.4 11.05 Barium Carbonate Strontium Carbonate SrCO3 29.1 2.64 121.4 10.36 CaCO3 0 0.00 17.7 1.51 Calcite ZrSiO4 Zirconium Silicate 0 0.00 24.5 2.09 TiO2 0 0.00 3.6 0.31 Titanoxide CeO2 0 0.00 2.7 0.23 Ceroxide Zinc Oxide ZnO 0 0.00 1.1 0.09 Rohstoffe gesamt 100.00 100.00 1103.7 1171.3 Dominik Zumbuehl 108 screen & cone glass kg % 487.4 42.79 110.15 9.70 121.25 10.65 63.6 5.60 94.7 8.58 59.15 5.31 18.9 1.64 3.4 0.30 78.9 6.81 75.25 6.50 8.85 0.76 12.25 1.05 1.8 0.15 1.35 0.12 0.55 0.05 100.00 1137.5 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 12: Constants used for the MAUT assessment of the recycling scenarios Input parameter Shipping of a 40 feet container Factor for nautical mile to km 20 feet containers (FEU) per freighter 40 feet containers (FEU) per freighter Speed: 23 kn Max load container Transport of container within CMA Transport of container within CMA Costs Cape Town to Hamburg Costs Hamburg to Samsung Corning Costs Cape Town to Antwerp Costs Antwerp to Metallo-Chimique Ships complement Low-skilled employees Highly skilled employees "super-link" truck Max. weight Costs from Cape Town to Johannesburg Costs from Cape Town to Agganey Costs from Cape Town to Agganey Desco trailer max. weight Fuel use Transport with car and trailer Container tranport on road "Superlink" transport (50 tons) on road Wages Low-skilled worker Semi-skilled Highly skilled Crushing and sorting plant Investment costs for separation plant Production volume Net costs Net labour costs Employees Revenues for CRT glass cullets Thomson Screen glass Funnel glass Mixed glass Average revenue at Thomson Samsung Corning Screen glass Funnel glass Mixed glass average revenue at Samsung Corning Fuel prices South Africa Petrol unleaded (for car) Diesel 0.05% (for lorries) Diesel 0.005% (for lorries) Heavy Fuel Oil (for shipping) Wages South Africa Low-skilled worker Semi-skilled Highly skilled Currency exchange rates € --> $ $ --> ZAR € --> ZAR Dominik Zumbuehl pc pl pl ps wu ws wh Value Unit Rel. error Sources 1.852 5'000 2'500 42 23'500 1'260 175 3'712 1'107 3'712 347 12 6 6 km/h kg ZAR $ $ $ $ $ - psl 50'000 12'000 6'000 834 kg ZAR ZAR $ 50% LT 1000 kg 25% Authors estimation accord- ft fc fs l/100km l/100km l/100km $/h 2.08 4.17 11.12 25% 10% 10% Authors estimation (Balzer, 2006) calculated wu ws wh 15 32 40 ZAR/ h 15 30 80 25% 50% 50% Experienced in SA Authors estimation Authors estimation vp Cn Cnl e $ 5'000 642 401 11 1'284'700 kg/h $/h $/h - 25% 25% 10% 10% 25% SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) rsg rfg rmg rT $/kg $/kg $/kg $/kg -0.154 -0.154 -0.103 -0.137 rsg rfg rmg rS $/kg $/kg $/kg -0.122 -0.148 -0.135 TEU FEU vs Lc CCMA CCH CHS CCA CAM sc ue he LSL ZAR/l 6.6 6.3 6.3 EUR/l $/l 0.71 0.92 0.68 0.88 0.68 0.88 0.44 0.34 ZAR/ h $/h 15 2.08 25% 30 4.17 50% 80 11.12 50% Exchange rate 0.778 0.139 0.108 109 10% 10% 25% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 25% (Gsponer, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) (Faragher, 2006) (Faragher, 2006) (Faragher, 2006) (Pulko, 2006) (Faragher, 2006) (Heyns, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) (Gsponer, 2006) 50% (Bradford, 2006) Authors estimation SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) SwissGlas, (Apfel, 2006) 25% Samsung Corning Samsung Corning Samsung Corning 25%, 01.09.2006, 01.09.2006, 01.09.2006 (Gsponer, 2006) Experienced in SA Authors estimation Authors estimation Source 1.285 7.195 9.243 Date 24.08.2006 01.09.2006 01.09.2006 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 13: Supporting calculations use din the MAUT assessment Scenario 0 Economics Transport costs: ft × d × pc tc = L t × 100 Labour costs: lc = t × ws Lt Disposal costs: lfc dc = Lt Social Working hours: Ws = t Lt Abbr. Description Unit Value Rel. error [%] tc ft d pc LT Transport costs Fuel use van with trailer Distance Fuel price car Load trailer $/kg CRT l/100 km km $/litre kg CRT 0.0083 15 60 0.92 1’000 70 50 10 10 10 lc t ws Lt Labour costs Time used for transport Wage of semi-skilled worker Load trailer $/kg CRT h $/h kg CRT 0.0083 2 4.17 1’000 125 50 50 25 dc lfc Lt Disposal costs Landfilling costs Load trailer $/kg CRT $/ton kg 0.0278 27.8 1’000 50 25 25 Ws t Lt Work for semi-skilled worker Time used Load trailer h/kg CRT h kg 0.003 3 1’000 60 50 25 Abbr. Description Unit Value Rel. error [%] tc psl LSL Transport costs Price for “super-link” to lead mine Load “super-link” Labour costs Time used for load/unload, storage Wage of low-skilled worker Load “super-link” $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 0.0170 848 50’000 75 50 25 $/kg CRT h $/h kg CRT 0.0003 6 2.08 50’000 100 50 25 25 Work for semi-skilled worker Time used (loading & driving) Load “super-link” h/kg CRT h kg 0.00042 21 50’000 75 50 25 Scenario 1 Economics Transport costs: p tc = SL L SL Labour costs: lc = t × ws L SL Social Working hours: Ws = t L SL Dominik Zumbuehl lc t ws LSL Ws t LSL 110 October 2006 APPENDICES Scenario 2, 3, 3a Economics Transport costs: tc = c CMA LC Labour costs lowskilled: lc = tL × w L LC Labour costs highly skilled: lc = th × w h LC Additional costs: ac = ca LC Abbr. Description Unit Value Rel. error [%] tc pCMA LC Transport costs Price for container within CMA Load container $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 0.0075 175 23’500 20 10 10 lc tL wL LC Labour costs Time used for low-skilled worker Wage of low-skilled worker Load container $/kg CRT kg CRT h $/h 0.0004 5 2.08 23’500 85 50 25 10 lc LSL th wh Labour costs Load container Time used for highly skilled work Wage of highly skilled worker $/kg CRT kg CRT h $/h 0.0009 23’500 2 11.12 75 10 25 50 ac ca LC Additional costs Costs for chemical analysis Load container $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 0.0273 642 23’500 35 25 10 Wu t Lt Work for low-skilled workers Time used Load container h/kg CRT h kg 0.00026 6 23’500 60 50 10 Ws t Lt Work for highly skilled worker Time used Load container h/kg CRT h kg 0.00009 2 23’500 35 25 10 Social Working hours: Wu = t Lc Working hours: t Wh = Lc Dominik Zumbuehl 111 October 2006 APPENDICES Scenario 3b Economics Transport costs: tc = c CMA LC Labour costs lowskilled: lc = tL × w L LC Labour costs highly skilled: lc = th × w h LC Additional costs: ac = ca LC Crushing costs cc = e × wu C × WCRT Average weight of CRT WCRT = w mon × w TV 2 Abbr. Description Unit Value Rel. error [%] tc pCMA LC Transport costs Price for container within CMA Load container $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 0.0075 175 23’500 20 10 10 lc tL wL LC Labour costs Time used for low-skilled worker Wage of low-skilled worker Load container $/kg CRT h $/h kg 0.0004 5 2.08 23’500 60 25 25 10 lc LSL th wh Labour costs Load container Time used for highly skilled work Wage of highly skilled worker $/kg CRT kg CRT h $/h 0.0009 23’500 2 11.12 75 10 25 50 ac ca LC Additional costs Costs for chemical analysis Load container $/kg CRT $ kg CRT 0.0273 642 23’500 35 25 10 cc C WCRT e wu Crushing operating costs Capacity of crusher Average weight of CRT Number of employees Wage for semi-skilled worker $/kg CRT units/h kg $/h 0.0007 600 15.3 3 2.08 95 25 25 25 25 WCRT Wmon WTV Average weight of CRT Average weight monitor CRT Average weight monitor CRT kg kg kg 15.3 11.12 21.7 10 10 20 WE Pcrusher C WCRT Work crusher Power consumption crusher Capacity of crusher Average weight of CRT kWh/kg CRT kW units / hour kg 0.008 74.57 600 15.3 70 10 50 10 Wu t Lt Work for low-skilled workers Time used Load container h/kg CRT h kg 0.00026 6 23’500 60 50 10 Wu e C WCRT Working generated from crusher Number of employees Capacity of crusher Average weight of CRT h/kg CRT units / h kg 0.00033 3 600 15.3 35 25 10 Ws t Lt Work for highly skilled worker Time used Load container h/kg CRT h kg 0.00009 2 23’500 35 25 10 Environment Work of crusher: W = E P crusher C × w CRT Social Working hours: t Wu = Lc Working hours: e wu = C × w CRT Working hours: t Wh = Lc Dominik Zumbuehl 112 October 2006 APPENDICES Scenario 4 Economics Transport costs: tc = CCMA + CCH + CHS LC Costs for pre-processing: lc = (c n − c nl + e × w s ) Vp Revenues for glass cullets: r= (rT + rS ) 2 Abbr. Description Unit Value Rel. error [%] tc psl Ls CCH CHS Transport costs Costs for container within CMA Load container Costs CMA - Hamburg Costs Hamburg - Samsung Corning $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $ $ 0.2125 175 23’500 3’712 1’107 20 10 10 10 10 lc cn cnl e ws Vp Labour costs Net costs Net labour costs Number of employees Wage of semi-skilled worker Production volume $/kg CRT $/h $/h $/h kg/h 0.058 642 401 11 4.17 5’000 37 10 10 25 50 10 r rT rS Revenue from CRT manufacturer Average revenue at Thomson Average revenue at Samsung Corning $/kg CRT $/kg CRT $/kg CRT 0.136 0.137 0.135 20 10 10 wu tup tt tp Vp LC Working hours for low-skilled workers Time used for pre-processing Time used for loading and transport Time used at port Production volume Load container h/kg CRT h h h kg CRT kg 0.0018 8 4 0.1 5’000 23’500 38 25 25 100 25 10 wu thp VP Working hours for highly skilled Time used for pre-processing Production volume h/kg CRT h kg CRT 0.00026 5’000 5000 50 25 25 woSA dCH sc vs FEU tHS LC Working hours outside South Afirca Distance Cape Town - Hamburg Ships complement (crew) Speed of freighter Number of 40 feet containers on board Time used from Hamburg to Samsung Load container h/kg CRT km km/h h kg 0.00027 11882 12 42 2'500 5 23'500 55 10 25 10 10 50 10 Social Working hours low-skilled and semi-skilled: wu = t up VP × t t + tp LC Working hours highly skilled: wh = thp Vp Working hours outside South Africa: w oSA = dCH × sc t + HS v s × FEU × LC LC Dominik Zumbuehl 113 October 2006 APPENDICES Scenario 5 Unit Value Rel. error [%] Transport costs Costs for container within CMA Load container Shipping costs to Antwerp Shipping to Metallo-Chimique $/kg CRT $ kg CRT $ $ 0.1802 175 3712 347 23'500 20 10 10 10 10 wu tt tp Lc Working hours for low-skilled workers Time used for loading and transport Time used at port Load container h/kg CRT h h kg 0.00017 4 0.1 23’500 36 25 50 10 woSA dCA sc vs FEU tHS Working hours outside South Afirca Distance Cape Town - Antwerp Ships complement (crew) Speed of freighter Number of 40 feet containers on board Time used from Antwerp to MetalloChimique Load container h/kg CRT km km/h h 0.00010 11423 12 42 2'500 1 kg 23'500 93 80 10 25 10 25 110 10 Abbr. Description tc psl Ls CCA CHS Economics Transport costs: tc = CCMA + CCA + CAM Lc Social Working hours low-skilled and semi skilled: wu = t t + tp Lc Working hours outside South Africa: w oSA = dCA × sc t + AM v s × FEU × LC L C Lc Dominik Zumbuehl 114 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 14: Environmental gain and loss assessment of all scenarios; EI ‘99 and Impact 2002+ IMPACT 2002+ EI'99 (H,A) Env. loss Env. gain total Unit [Units / kg CRT] Points Transport, van <3.5t tkm 0.06 5.08E-03 6.84E-06 2.03E-08 1.01E-07 1.73E-06 2.22E-07 Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site kg 1 1.30E-03 2.99E-07 6.66E-06 1.27E-08 1.71E-08 2.77E-04 6.38E-03 7.14E-06 6.68E-06 1.14E-07 1.75E-06 2.77E-04 Scenario and processes climate change aquatic ecotoxicity terrestrial acid. & nutr. terrestrial ecotoxicity human toxicity Points Szenario 0 - Landfill TOTAL Szenario 1 - Lead Mine Transport, lorry 40t tkm 1.12 1.71E-02 1.83E-05 6.62E-08 6.08E-07 5.60E-06 6.78E-07 Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site kg 1 1.30E-03 2.99E-07 6.66E-06 1.27E-08 1.71E-08 2.77E-04 1.84E-02 1.86E-05 6.73E-06 6.21E-07 5.62E-06 2.78E-04 TOTAL Szenario 2 - Concrete rubble Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.04 6.52E-04 6.56E-07 2.66E-09 2.31E-08 2.62E-07 2.67E-08 Disposal, building, brick, to sorting plant kg -0.3 -1.63E-03 -4.17E-07 -1.38E-09 -1.63E-08 -7.95E-08 -1.22E-08 Disposal, building, concrete, not reinforced, to sorting plant kg -0.3 -1.64E-03 -4.35E-07 -1.41E-09 -1.72E-08 -8.07E-08 -1.25E-08 Disposal, building, reinforced concrete, to sorting plant kg -0.4 -2.22E-03 -6.36E-07 -1.99E-09 -2.59E-08 -1.10E-07 -1.73E-08 Landfilling CRT glass on hazardous landfill site kg 1 1.30E-03 2.99E-07 6.66E-06 1.27E-08 1.71E-08 2.77E-04 -3.54E-03 -5.33E-07 6.66E-06 -2.36E-08 8.90E-09 2.77E-04 TOTAL Szenario 3 - Concrete Bricks of RCA Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.03 4.89E-04 4.92E-07 1.99E-09 1.73E-08 1.97E-07 2.00E-08 Disposal, building, reinforced concrete, to sorting plant kg -0.965 -5.36E-03 -1.53E-06 -4.81E-09 -6.25E-08 -2.65E-07 -4.18E-08 -4.87E-03 -1.04E-06 -2.82E-09 -4.52E-08 -6.80E-08 -2.18E-08 TOTAL Szenario 3a - Concrete Bricks Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.03 4.89E-04 4.92E-07 1.99E-09 1.73E-08 1.97E-07 2.00E-08 Sand, at mine kg -0.47 -9.45E-05 -1.11E-07 -5.73E-10 -4.04E-09 -1.16E-08 -4.98E-09 kg -0.47 -1.24E-04 2.71E-04 -1.97E-07 1.84E-07 -1.27E-09 1.47E-10 -5.64E-09 7.62E-09 -2.74E-08 1.58E-07 -1.25E-08 2.52E-09 2.00E-08 Gravel, crushed, at mine TOTAL Szenario 3b - like S3 with Andela crushing device Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.03 4.89E-04 4.92E-07 1.99E-09 1.73E-08 1.97E-07 Electricity, medium voltage, at grid kWh 0.008 3.59E-05 9.84E-08 5.59E-10 7.22E-10 1.02E-08 3.14E-09 Disposal, building, reinforced concrete, to sorting plant kg -0.965 -5.36E-03 -1.53E-06 -4.81E-09 -6.25E-08 -2.65E-07 -4.18E-08 -4.84E-03 -9.40E-07 -2.26E-09 -4.45E-08 -5.78E-08 -1.87E-08 2.00E-08 TOTAL Szenario 4 - CRT to CRT, EU Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.03 4.89E-04 4.92E-07 1.99E-09 1.73E-08 1.97E-07 Electricity, medium voltage, at grid kWh 0.025 1.12E-04 3.08E-07 1.75E-09 2.26E-09 3.18E-08 9.80E-09 Water kg 0.1 1.01E-06 1.54E-09 1.72E-09 1.83E-11 1.61E-10 1.69E-10 Hazardous waste to hazardous waste incineration kg 0.005 2.91E-04 9.25E-07 1.19E-08 4.24E-09 3.42E-08 5.55E-08 Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.02 3.26E-04 3.28E-07 1.33E-09 1.15E-08 1.31E-07 1.34E-08 Transport, transoceanic freight ship tkm 11.882 1.52E-02 1.25E-05 2.38E-08 8.46E-07 8.75E-07 2.67E-07 Transport, lorry 32t tkm 0.6 9.78E-03 9.84E-06 3.98E-08 3.46E-07 3.94E-06 4.01E-07 Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW MJ -0.129 -5.59E-04 -8.49E-07 -3.70E-10 -2.53E-09 -1.11E-08 -1.91E-09 Oxygen, liquid, at plant kg -0.011 -1.67E-04 -4.04E-07 -7.78E-10 -4.15E-09 -2.12E-08 -8.77E-09 Silica sand, at plant kg -0.288 -3.89E-04 -5.99E-07 -1.50E-09 -5.79E-09 -8.35E-08 -7.78E-09 Feldspar, at plant kg -0.065 -1.76E-04 -2.26E-07 -4.69E-10 -3.79E-09 -3.04E-08 -4.48E-09 Soda, powder, at plant kg -0.072 -1.58E-03 -3.02E-06 -1.71E-08 -9.79E-08 -5.57E-07 -2.82E-07 Potassium chloride, as K2O, at regional storehouse kg -0.038 -1.57E-03 -1.76E-06 -4.79E-09 -2.79E-08 -2.16E-07 -6.42E-08 Lead, at regional storage kg -0.056 -5.45E-02 -8.34E-06 -5.05E-07 -5.60E-07 -3.79E-05 -3.10E-06 Dolomite, at plant kg -0.035 -3.02E-03 -9.14E-08 -2.26E-10 -1.06E-09 -8.30E-09 -2.04E-09 Potassium nitrate, as N, at regional storehouse kg -0.011 -5.92E-03 -1.16E-05 -9.32E-09 -2.72E-07 -4.15E-07 -2.10E-07 Sodium Antimonate kg -0.002 ? ? ? ? ? ? Barium Carbonate kg -0.047 ? ? ? ? ? ? Strontium Carbonate kg -0.044 ? ? ? ? ? ? Limestone, milled, loose, at plant kg -0.0052 -8.32E-06 -6.66E-09 -1.33E-10 -1.66E-10 -5.30E-09 -1.68E-10 Zirconium Silicate kg -0.0072 ? ? ? ? ? ? Titanium dioxide, production mix, at plant kg -0.0011 -4.16E-04 -4.69E-07 -8.66E-10 -8.04E-09 -3.09E-08 -1.36E-08 Ceroxide kg -0.0008 ? ? ? ? ? ? Zinc for coating, at regional storage kg -0.00032 -2.70E-04 -7.68E-08 -2.60E-09 -2.98E-09 -3.42E-07 -3.20E-08 -4.24E-02 -3.05E-06 -4.61E-07 2.41E-07 -3.44E-05 -2.96E-06 TOTAL Szenario 5 - lead recovery Transport, lorry 32t, Cape Town to harbour tkm 0.03 4.89E-04 4.92E-07 1.99E-09 1.73E-08 1.97E-07 2.00E-08 Transport, transoceanic freight ship, Cape Town to Antwerp tkm 11.423 1.46E-02 1.20E-05 2.28E-08 8.13E-07 8.41E-07 2.57E-07 Transport, lorry 32t, Antwerp to Metallo tkm 0.1 1.63E-03 1.64E-06 6.64E-09 5.77E-08 6.56E-07 6.68E-08 Silica sand, at plant kg -0.5 -6.75E-04 -1.04E-06 -2.61E-09 -1.01E-08 -1.45E-07 -1.35E-08 Natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW MJ -0.129 -5.59E-04 -8.49E-07 -3.70E-10 -2.53E-09 -1.11E-08 -1.91E-09 Oxygen, liquid, at plant kg -0.011 -1.67E-04 -4.04E-07 -7.78E-10 -4.15E-09 -2.12E-08 -8.77E-09 Lead, at regional storage kg -0.056 -5.45E-02 -8.34E-06 -5.05E-07 -5.60E-07 -3.79E-05 -3.10E-06 Disposal, Pb-free CRT slag, to residual material landfill kg 0.95174 1.11E-03 2.85E-07 6.34E-06 1.21E-08 1.63E-08 2.64E-04 -3.81E-02 3.78E-06 5.86E-06 3.23E-07 -3.64E-05 2.61E-04 TOTAL Dominik Zumbuehl 115 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 15: MAUT; questionnaire for the weighting of attributes carried out at the regional workshop at UCT in July 2006 WEIGHING OF CRITERIA Imagine a new process for the recycling of Cape Town’s CRT screens would become available. Several technologies and processes could be considered for the preferred and most viable recycling process. Below are the main criteria listed which would have to be considered for the evaluation process in order to assess the suitability and sustainability of any proposed recycling method. How important are for you the consideration of: weights criteria no importance little importance medium importance high importance very high importance Economic criteria high profit low operating costs low capital costs increased potential for local economic growth Environmental criteria low use of process energy (electricity, fuel, gas, ect.) low fuel use for transportation low use of freshwater little emissions minimum of waste volume to landfill low toxicity of remaining waste Social criteria creation of highly skilled jobs in CTN creation of jobs for the previously unemployed in CTN creation of jobs outside SA low health & safety impacts To which group of stakeholders does your company/organization belong to? Supplier of IT equipment Government Environmental NGO Consumer Refurbisher Scientists / consultants Smelters / Refiners / Industry Other group: _______________________ Date: _____________ Name: ___________________________ Email: _____________________ Phone: __________________ Dominik Zumbuehl 116 Position: _________________________ Mobile phone: ___________________ October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 16: Results of the weighting of the attributes carried out at the regional e-waste workshop at UCT in July 2006 System Specialist Holland ICT Engineer Holland Low operational costs for processing 2.94 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 4 3 3 3 2 Low capital costs 2.47 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 4 3 3 2 2 Increased potential for local economic growth 3.00 4 3 4 2 4 4 3 3 4 1 0 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 1 1 4 2 0 3 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 Government 3 4 Government Low use of electricity 2 2 Government 3.40 Environmental 2 Smelter 4 Environmental NGO 2 Environmental NGO 4 3 Environmental NGO 4 4 technician Holland 3 2 Supplier 3 2 Waste Managment 3 2.06 Waste Management 3 High profit Waste Management 2.71 Waste Management Economic Scientist Consulting Engineer Average Scientist Consultant Attributes 1 2 2 4 3 3.06 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 Low fuel use for transport 3.24 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 Low use of freshwater 3.18 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Little toxic emissions 3.25 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 Minimum of waste volume to landfill 3.47 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 2 4 Low toxicity of waste to landfill 3.47 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3.30 Social 3 2 4 3 Creation of highly skilled jobs in Cape Town 2.22 3 3 3 1 3 4 2 4 1 3 3 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 Creation of jobs for the previously unemployed in Cape Town 3.22 4 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 0 4 4 3 4 3 3 Creation of jobs outside SA 1.50 1 2 2 1 0 4 1 3 2 2 2 3 0 0 1 1 1 1 Low health & safety impacts 3.22 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 4 1 4 4 3 4 4 3 Dominik Zumbuehl 117 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 17: Offer for the shipping of a 40 feet container from Kuehne + Nagel, Cape Town. P.O. BOX 4119, CAPE TOWN, 8000 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 21 386 2677 Fax: +27 21 386 2765 Date 11/09/06 Validity 30 Days Prime 11.5 Quotation References QKF-609.012 FCL EXPORT COST ESTIMATE TO: FROM: ORIGIN: COMMODITY: NO. OF PKGS: WEIGHT: Tons CUBES SHIPPING MODE ROUTING Karen Faragher Exw Wynberg Glass Cullets 40'GP 23.500 kg Seafreight Cartage from Wynberg to Cape Town Port Carrier Merchant Haulage Fee Terminal Handling Charge Cargo Dues Bill of Lading Courier Fees (per mailbag) CTO Fee Oceanfreight Cape Town to Antwerp BAF ATTENTION: DATE: Dominik Zumbuhl 11/09/2006 DESTINATION: RATE OF EXCHANGE : USD RATE OF EXCHANGE : VALUE : $ VALUE : ZAR MEASUREMENT TARIFF HEADING CFR Antwerp ( = Hamburg) 7.61 R50 000 Unknown EXPORT CHARGES 1'260.00 1.00 1.00 407.00 1.00 1.00 1'109.00 1.00 1.00 1'599.39 1.00 1.00 185.00 1.00 1.00 350.00 1.00 1.00 110.00 1.00 1.00 2'300.00 7.61 1.00 402.00 7.61 1.00 CAPE TOWN (SUB-TOTAL) 1'260.00 407.00 1'109.00 1'599.39 185.00 350.00 110.00 17'503.00 3'059.22 25'582.61 DESTINATION CHARGES Documentation Communication Agency Fee-4% (Min: R 750-00) Facility Fee (Prime + 3%) Insurance: Not Quoted DESTINATION CHARGES (SUB TOTAL) 400.00 1.00 75.00 1.00 0.04 25'582.61 1.00 14.50 25'582.61 1.00 25'582.61 400.00 75.00 750.00 463.68 DELIVERED TOTAL 27'271.29 Account facility is available if required, additional finance fee will be charged on 30 days Payment can be affected on call, weekly or fortnightly if you wish to reduce finance charge. Estimates are based on specifications, dates and values etc., as submitted by clients and are calculated using current tariffs and charges as per third party's notification.. Fees are based on the official tariff. We shall be entitled to revise the Estimate should changes occur in specifications, rates, values, current exchange rates, sub-contractors and third party charges or any other charges applicable to the handling of goods at time of shipment , with or without prior notice. All Estimates submitted are subject to our Standard Trading Conditions, a copy of which is available on application. Please confirm rates prior to shipment, estimate valid for 30 days only. If you are shipping any goods based on this estimate, please forward a copy of this estimate with your shipping instructions. Thank you for your attention. KUEHNE & NAGEL (PTY) LTD Karen Faragher Cpt VMS Sales Assistant Transport costs for a 40 feet container Kuehne & Nagel Switzerland Hamburg to Samsung Corning € transport 700 MAUT (german road levy) 92 custom 70 total 862 Dominik Zumbuehl US $ 899.29 118.19 89.92 1107 118 Metallo-Chimique Antwerp to Metallo-Chimique € US $ total 270 346 October 2006 APPENDICES Appendix 18: MAUT attribute vs. scenario matrix. The weights, the scales, the values of the attributes and the normalized and weighted utilities Scenario 0 weighing landfilling with trailer in the CMA utility normalized 0.077 0.0369 0.91 0.077 0.1341 0.45 utility weighted value 0.91 utility normalized utility weighted 0.0362 lead recovery in Belgium value utility normalized 0.077 Sceanrio 5 utility weighted value 0.91 utility weighted 0.0362 utility normalized 0.077 Scenario Scenario 4 g g 3b with crusher p p use in recycling concrete CPT, CRT manufacturing in bricks with previous crushing of Germany value 0.91 Scenario 3a blending with raw materials to use in concrete bricks utility weighted 0.0362 utility normalized 0.084 value 1.00 Scenario g 3 use in recycling (RCA) concrete bricks utility weighted 0.0172 utility normalized 0.074 value 0.87 utility weighted 0.0444 utility normalized $ / kg CRT value 0.08 utility weighted 2.94 utility normalized Scale / unit value weight normalized Low net costs weight stakeholders Criteria Scenario 1 Scenario g 2 storage in the "Black Mountain" use in concrete rubble lead mine in the Northern Cape production in CMA 0.038 0.2315 0.00 0.000 0.071 Investment costs 2.47 0.07 $ 0 1.00 0.071 0 1.00 0.071 0 1.00 0.071 0 1.00 0.071 0 1.00 0.071 450000 0.65 0.046 1284700 0.00 0.000 0 1.00 Increased potential for local economic growth 3.00 0.09 0, 0.25 0.5 , 0.75, 1 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.25 0.25 0.022 0.50 0.50 0.043 0.50 0.50 0.043 0.50 0.50 0.043 0.75 0.75 0.065 1.00 1.00 0.086 0.00 0.00 0.000 8.41 0.24 1.87 0.145 2.25 0.177 2.41 0.191 2.41 0.191 2.41 0.191 2.31 0.188 1.45 0.125 1.00 0.071 3.06 0.09 0.20 0.072 0.0184 0.00 0.000 -0.0035 0.36 0.132 -0.0049 0.38 0.140 0.0003 0.30 0.109 -0.0048 0.38 0.140 -0.0424 1.00 0.366 -0.0381 0.93 0.340 0 0 0 0 0 0.005 0.995 0.099 0 2.00 0.465 Economic utility Low use of electricity Low fuel use for transport 3.24 0.09 Low use of freshwater 3.18 0.09 eco - indicator 99 0.0064 kg/ kg CRT 1 Little toxic emissions 3.25 0.09 Minimum of waste volume to landfill 3.47 0.10 16.19 0.47 3.22 0.09 hours / kg CRT 2.22 0.06 hours / kg CRT 1.50 0.04 Environmental utility Working hours for low-skilled / semiskilled in the CMA Working hours for hihgly skilled in the CMA Working hours outside South Africa 3.22 0.09 Social utility Low health and safety impacts 10.17 0.29 TOTAL weights 34.77 1.00 0 0.000 0.20 0.072 1 0.100 1.00 0.100 0.0030 1.00 0.093 0.0000 0.00 0.000 hours / kg CRT 0.0000 0.00 0, 0.25 0.5 , 0.75, 1 0.50 1 0.100 1.36 0.232 0.0004 0.09 0.008 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.50 0.046 0.50 1.50 0.139 1 0.100 1.38 0.240 0.0003 0.03 0.003 0.0001 0.14 0.009 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.50 0.046 0.75 0.59 0.054 1 0.100 1.30 0.209 0.0003 0.03 0.003 0.0001 0.14 0.009 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.25 0.023 0.75 0.42 0.035 1 0.100 1.38 0.240 0.0003 0.03 0.003 0.0001 0.14 0.009 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.25 0.023 0.75 0.42 0.035 1 0.100 1.93 0.440 0.0006 0.14 0.013 0.0018 0.57 0.052 0.0001 0.14 0.009 0.0006 1.00 0.064 0.0002 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0003 1.00 0.000 0.043 0.0001 0.36 0.016 0.25 0.023 1.00 0.00 0.000 0.50 0.50 0.046 0.25 0.75 0.070 0.42 0.035 0.29 0.022 3.07 0.206 1.11 0.085 Total utility unweighed 3.570 3.837 4.192 4.215 4.130 3.977 6.516 4.042 Total utility unweighed, normalized 0.548 0.589 0.643 0.647 0.634 0.610 1.000 0.620 Total utility weighed 0.36 0.33 0.46 0.47 0.43 0.45 0.80 0.60 upper and lower error Total utility weighed & normalized Total utility unweighted 0.45 3.57 0.42 3.84 0.58 4.19 Upper and lower error unweighted Dominik Zumbuehl 119 0.59 4.21 October 2006 0.55 4.13 0.57 3.98 1.00 6.52 0.75 4.04 APPENDICES Appendix 19: MAUT values unweighted and weighted used in Figure 32. Also the lower and upper error margin used for the error bars are shown S0 Landfill S1 Lead m ine S2 C oncrete R ubble Low net costs 0.873 1.000 0.911 0.911 0.911 Investm ent costs 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.873 0.197 0.000 0.197 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 1.500 3.570 0.548 0.705 0.535 0.250 2.250 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.087 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.587 3.837 0.589 0.386 0.192 0.500 2.411 0.360 1.000 1.360 0.029 0.142 0.000 0.250 0.420 4.192 0.643 0.266 0.089 0.500 2.411 0.383 1.000 1.383 0.029 0.142 0.000 0.250 0.420 4.215 0.647 0.417 0.240 0.074 0.071 0.000 0.145 0.072 0.000 0.072 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.046 0.139 0.356 0.447 0.057 0.043 0.084 0.071 0.022 0.177 0.000 0.100 0.100 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.046 0.054 0.331 0.416 0.034 0.018 0.077 0.071 0.043 0.191 0.132 0.100 0.232 0.003 0.009 0.000 0.023 0.035 0.458 0.575 0.067 0.052 Increased potential for local econom ic growth econo m ic utility H igh eco-indicator 99 M inim um of waste volum e to landfill E n viro nm ental u tility W orking hours for low-skilled / sem i-skilled in the C M A W orking hours for hihgly skilled in the C M A W orking hours outside S outh A frica Low health and safety im pacts S o cial u tility T otal utility unweighted T otal utility unweighted, norm alized unweighted error, upper error unweighted error, lower error Low net costs Investm ent costs Increased potential for local econom ic growth econo m ic utility H igh eco-indicator 99 M inim um of waste volum e to landfill E n viro nm ental u tility W orking hours for low-skilled / sem i-skilled in the C M A W orking hours for hihgly skilled in the C M A W orking hours outside S outh A frica Low health and safety im pacts S o cial u tility T otal utility weighted T otal utility weighted, norm alized weighted error upper error weighted error lower error Dominik Zumbuehl 120 S 3b S3 S 3a B rick with R C A brick C oncrete brick crusher M A U T values norm alized and unw eigh ted M A U T values norm alized 0.077 0.071 0.043 0.191 0.140 0.100 0.240 0.003 0.009 0.000 0.023 0.035 0.466 0.586 0.052 0.037 October 2006 S4 C R T m anuf. S5 Lead recovery 0.908 0.455 0.000 0.650 0.000 1.000 0.500 2.411 0.298 1.000 1.298 0.029 0.142 0.000 0.250 0.420 4.130 0.634 0.457 0.280 0.750 2.308 0.382 1.000 1.382 0.145 0.142 0.000 0.000 0.286 3.977 0.610 0.621 0.211 1.000 1.455 1.000 0.995 1.995 0.566 1.000 1.000 0.500 3.066 6.516 1.000 1.527 1.439 0.000 1.000 0.929 1.000 1.929 0.000 0.000 0.363 0.750 1.113 4.042 0.620 0.703 0.703 and w eighted 0.077 0.071 0.043 0.191 0.109 0.100 0.209 0.003 0.009 0.000 0.023 0.035 0.435 0.547 0.067 0.052 0.077 0.046 0.065 0.188 0.140 0.100 0.240 0.013 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.450 0.565 0.068 0.037 0.038 0.000 0.086 0.125 0.366 0.099 0.465 0.052 0.064 0.043 0.046 0.206 0.796 1.000 0.173 0.166 0.000 0.071 0.000 0.071 0.340 0.100 0.440 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.070 0.085 0.596 0.749 0.117 0.117