phylogenetic diversity of trentepohlialean algae associated
phylogenetic diversity of trentepohlialean algae associated
J. Phycol. 47, 282–290 (2011) 2011 Phycological Society of America DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2011.00962.x PHYLOGENETIC DIVERSITY OF TRENTEPOHLIALEAN ALGAE ASSOCIATED WITH LICHEN-FORMING FUNGI 1 Matthew P. Nelsen2 Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago, 1025 E. 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA Eimy Rivas Plata Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois-Chicago, 845 West Taylor Street (MC 066), Chicago, Illinois 60607, USA Carrie J. Andrew Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA Department of Biology, Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 North St. Louis Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60625, USA Robert Lücking and H. Thorsten Lumbsch Department of Botany, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA of known species within the family vary from 70 (López-Bautista et al. 2007) to 100 (Guiry and Guiry 2010), but the genetic diversity within currently accepted taxa (Rindi et al. 2009) and studies in underexplored tropical regions (Rindi and LópezBautista 2007, 2008) suggest a much greater number. All Trentepohliaceae have filamentous growth forms and often contain large amounts of carotenoid pigments (ß-carotene and hematochrome), causing the algae to appear yellow orange in color (Thompson and Wujek 1997, López-Bautista et al. 2002). With the exception of an early study by Zechman et al. (1990), the phylogenetic diversity of trentepohlialean algae has only recently begun to be explored (López-Bautista et al. 2002, 2003, 2006, López-Bautista and Chapman 2003, Rindi et al. 2009, Suutari et al. 2010). These studies and others (Lewis and McCourt 2004, Pröschold and Leliaert 2007) have confirmed their placement in Ulvophyceae and revealed them to be closely related to Bryopsidales, Cladophorales, and Dasycladales, with this clade (Trentepohliales ⁄ Cladophorales ⁄ Bryopsidales ⁄ Dasycladales) sister to a group of more basal lineages such as Ulvales and Ulotrichales. The phylogenetic placement of Trentepohliales among numerous groups of primarily marine algae suggests that Trentepohliales have transitioned from aquatic to terrestrial environments (López-Bautista et al. 2002, López-Bautista and Chapman 2003). Additionally, the work of Rindi et al. (2009) demonstrated that traditional generic delimitations, based on morphological, cellular, and reproductive features, as well as ecological characters, are in need of revision. Trentepohlialean algae occur free living as well as in association with lichen-forming fungi. Ahmadjian (1993) estimated that 31% of lichen-forming fungal Nearly one-fourth of the lichen-forming fungi associate with trentepohlialean algae, yet their genetic diversity remains unknown. Recent work focusing on free-living trentepohlialean algae has provided a phylogenetic context within which questions regarding the lichenization of these algae can be asked. Here, we concentrated our sampling on trentepohlialean algae from lichens producing a diversity of growth forms (fruticose and crustose) over a broad geographic substratum, ecological, and phylogenetic range. We have demonstrated that there is no evidence for a single clade of strictly lichenized algae; rather, a wide range demonstrated the ability to associate with lichenized fungi. Variation was also observed among trentepohlialean algae in lichens from a single geographic area and tree, suggesting that fungi in close proximity can associate with different trentepohlialean algae, consistent with the findings of trebouxiophycean algae and cyanobacteria. Key index words: lichen; phylogeny; rbcL; symbiosis; Trentepohliales; Ulvophyceae Abbreviation: rbcL, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase Trentepohlialean algae are subaerial green algae in the order Trentepohliales (class Ulvophyceae), represented by the single family Trentepohliaceae, which contains five genera: Trentepohlia Martius, Printzina R. H. Thompson et Wujek, Phycopeltis Millardet, Cephaleuros Kunze ex E. M. Fries, and Stomatochroon Palm (López-Bautista et al. 2002). Estimates 1 Received 3 March 2010. Accepted 13 September 2010. Author for correspondence: e-mail [email protected]. 2 282 TRENTEPOHLIALEAN ALGAE IN LICHENS species associate with trentepohlialean algae. However, we estimate that a slightly lower proportion of lichen-forming fungal species associate with these algae ( 23%; to obtain our coarse approximation, we summed the estimated number of described species in Ostropales [1,700], Arthoniomycetes [1,500], Trypetheliales [200], Pyrenulales [200], Strigulaceae [100], Arthopyreniaceae [100], and Monoblastiaceae [200], all lineages that primarily associate with Trentepohliales algae, and divided by an estimated 17,500 described species of lichen-forming fungi). These algae are more diverse and abundant in tropical ⁄ subtropical regions (Chapman 1984, Thompson and Wujek 1997, Chapman and Waters 2002, LópezBautista et al. 2002, 2007, Rindi et al. 2010), a trend reflected in their associations with chiefly tropical lichen-forming fungi. For instance, Tucker et al. (1991) estimated that 38% of the lichen-forming fungal species in subtropical Louisiana (USA) associate with trentepohlialean algae. Similarly, Ahmadjian (1967) suggested that 45% of the lichen-forming fungal species in the tropics associate with trentepohlialean algae. In contrast, the proportion of lichens containing trentepohlialean species drops dramatically in temperate areas, where 9% of the lichenforming fungal species are thought to associate with trentepohlialean algae (Santesson 1952, Ahmadjian 1967). In extreme habitats, this number decreases even further. For example, in Antarctica only a single species having a trentepohlialean photobiont is known (Øvstedal and Smith 2001). Interestingly, some have also suggested that lichens with trentepohlialean photobionts are increasing in temperate regions due to climate change; for instance, increases in a number of lichens with trentepohlialean algae have been attributed to increasing temperatures (Aptroot and van Herk 2007) and ⁄ or increasing precipitation (van Herk 2009). Fungi associating with trentepohlialean algae are not monophyletic and instead occur in four classes within Ascomycota (Lumbsch and Huhndorf 2007): Arthoniomycetes, Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes, and Lecanoromycetes, plus the isolated Eremithallales (Lücking et al. 2008). These algae are especially frequent as photobionts in foliicolous lichens: 40% of the foliicolous species associate with trentepohlialean algae (Santesson 1952, Lücking 2008). Thalli produced by lichens in association with these algae are typically crustose, although fruticose thalli are formed in genera such as Roccella and Dendrographa and filamentous thalli in Coenogonium, Cystocoleus, and Racodium and occur on a variety of substrata, such as leaves, tree bark, and rock. Sipman and Harris (1989) suggested that fungal associations with Trentepohlia photobionts are adaptations to moist, shaded tropical conditions, and indeed, a number of studies have demonstrated the abundance of lichens with trentepohlialean algae under these conditions. For instance, Wolseley and Aguirre-Hudson (1997) reported that in one of their 283 plots in an undisturbed evergreen forest in northern Thailand, the frequency of lichen thalli with trentepohlialean photobionts reached 53%, and that lichens containing trentepohlialean algae were more frequent in evergreen forests than deciduous forests or disturbed evergreen forests. Similarly, Rivas Plata et al. (2008) demonstrated that several families and genera of lichenized fungi associating with trentepohlialean algae preferred undisturbed primary and old-growth secondary forest, fully shaded or semiexposed microhabitats, and the bark of mature tree trunks. Cáceres et al. (2008) observed a high proportion of lichens containing trentepohlialean algae in a coastal Atlantic rainforest in Brazil (Mata Atlântica). Taken together, these studies suggest that lichens with trentepohlialean algae are most abundant in humid, shaded undisturbed tropical forests. When investigating the community composition of free-living trentepohlialean algae, Rindi and López-Bautista (2008) demonstrated that some trentepohlialean taxa were restricted to shady and humid conditions in rainforests where they occurred primarily on bark and leaves, whereas other species occurred primarily in dry, high-light conditions, and frequently on artificial substrata. Interestingly, some trentepohlialean taxa have even been reported from sloth hair (Suutari et al. 2010). In addition, Rindi and Guiry (2002) determined that some trentepohlialean algae in Ireland showed a preference for certain substrata (Trentepohlia aurea and T. iolithus: cement; T. abietina: bark; T. cf. umbrina: limestone), while others (Printzina lagenifera) were generalists. Therefore, it will be of interest for future studies to determine whether these algal species maintain their environmental and substratum preferences when lichenized and if understory lichen-forming fungi are capable of occurring in exposed situations if in association with an algal partner that typically occurs in exposed environments. Nearly all efforts to molecularly characterize lichen photobionts have focused on cyanobacterial symbionts (e.g., Miao et al. 1997, Paulsrud and Lindblad 1998, Fewer et al. 2002, Lücking et al. 2009) or on eukaryotic trebouxiophycean algae (e.g., Beck et al. 1998, Kroken and Taylor 2000, PierceyNormore and DePriest 2001, Lohtander et al. 2003, Zoller and Lutzoni 2003, Nyati et al. 2007, Nelsen and Gargas 2008, Škaloud and Peksa 2010). The exceptions to this generalization come from Friedl and Bhattacharya (2002) and Friedl and Büdel (2008), who reported 18S sequences from ulvophycean algae (Dilabifilum arthopyreniae and Trentepohlia sp.) in association with lichen-forming fungi, and a small number of studies that examined one trentepohlialean isolate from the lichen Pyrenula sp. (López-Bautista and Chapman 2003) and one from the lichen Racodium rupestre (López-Bautista et al. 2006, Rindi et al. 2009). In addition, E. Baloch and M. Grube (unpublished) have also begun to explore the diversity of lichen-associated trentepohlialean 284 MA T T H E W P . N E L S E N E T A L . algae. Herein, we take a step toward elucidating the phylogenetic position and breadth of trentepohlialean algae found in association with lichenized fungi by presenting the first major effort to employ molecular markers to characterize the diversity of these lichen-forming algae. MATERIALS AND METHODS Taxon selection. A broad range of lichens were selected (33 collections from 28 species), representing a variety of growth forms, geographic locations, substrata, and phylogenetic range of fungi. The majority of the algae sequenced were found in association with lichen-forming fungi from the families Trypetheliaceae (Trypetheliales: Dothideomycetes) and Graphidaceae (Ostropales: Lecanoromycetes), though algae associating with other fungal lineages were also included, which adds to the breadth of substrata, growth forms, and geographic regions studied. We also included six samples of closely related fungi (Trypetheliaceae) from a single tree in Madre de Dios, Peru, to assess algal variation at a small spatial scale. Molecular methods. The Sigma REDExtract-N-Amp Plant PCR Kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) was used to isolate DNA from small thallus fragments (1–4 mm2). No attempt was made to separate the algae from the fungi. The DNA isolations followed the manufacturer’s instructions, except only 10 lL of extraction buffer and 10 lL dilution buffers were used, following Avis et al. (2003). Dilutions of these extractions were found to perform well for PCR amplifications, and a 20· DNA dilution was then used in subsequent PCR reactions. A portion of the algal rbcL gene was sequenced, using the newly designed primers a-chrbcL-203-5¢-MPN: GAA TCW TCW ACW GGW ACT TGG ACW AC and a-ch-rbcL-991-3¢-MPN: CCT TCT ART TTA CCW ACA AC. Primers were designed by aligning rbcL sequences of selected trentepohlialean and trebouxiophycean algae and selecting conserved regions 835 bp apart. The primer nomenclature is based on that of Gargas and DePriest (1996), where the organismal group (a = algae) is followed by the location of the gene (ch = chloroplast), the gene name (rbcL), the beginning position of the primer, the direction of the primer, and the initials of the designer. The 10 lL PCR reactions consisted of 5 lM of each PCR primer, 3 mM of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 2 lL of 10 mgÆmL)1 100· BSA, 1.5 lL 10· PCR buffer, 0.5 lL Taq, 2 lL diluted DNA, and 2 lL water. The PCR cycling conditions were as follows: 95C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95C for 1 min, 50C for 1 min, and 72C for 1 min, followed by a single 72C final extension for 7 min. Samples were visualized on a 1% ethidium-bromidestained agarose gel under UV light, and bands were gel extracted, heated at 70C for 5 min, cooled to 45C for 10 min, treated with 1 lL GELase (Epicentre Biotechnologies, Madison, WI, USA), and incubated at 45C for at least 24 h. The 10 lL cycle sequencing reactions consisted of 1–1.5 lL of Big Dye version 3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), 2.5–3 lL of Big Dye buffer, 6 lM primer, 0.75–2 lL Gelased PCR product, and water. Samples were sequenced with PCR primers and occasionally with two newly designed internal primers a-ch-rbcL-494-5¢-MPN: CGT GAY AAA HTD AAC AAA TA and a-ch-rbcL-706-3¢-MPN: TTT ARR TAR TGN CCT TT. The cycle sequencing conditions were as follows: 96C for 1 min, followed by 25 cycles of 96C for 10 s, 50C for 5 s, and 60C for 4 min. Samples were precipitated and sequenced in an Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzer, sequences assembled in Sequencher 4.9 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA), and sequences submitted to GenBank (Table S1, see supplementary material). Phylogenetic analyses. Available Trentepohliales algae (including one sequence from the lichen Racodium rupestre) and a range of outgroup rbcL sequences (which were part of Ulvophyceae, but outside Trentepohliales) were downloaded from GenBank and aligned with sequences generated in the current study. GenBank accession numbers for taxa included, as well as specimen information for newly reported sequences can be found in Table S1. Sequences were manually aligned in Se-Al v.2.0a11 (Rambaut 1996). The alignment was partitioned by codon position and a partitioned maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis was performed in RAxML 7.0.4 (Stamatakis 2006), using the general time reversible (GTR)+I+C (GTRGAMMAI) model with four rate parameter categories (default) for each partition. In addition, support was estimated by performing 1,000 bootstrap (Felsenstein 1985) replicates. A partitioned Bayesian (BI) analysis was also performed in MrBayes 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). The model for each partition was selected by first estimating the likelihood of the data in PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) under 24 substitution models (with a fixed topology) and then calculating Akaike information criterion (AIC) scores for each model in MrModeltest 2.2 (Nylander 2004). The model with the best AIC score was selected for each partition and used in the Bayesian analysis. Two parallel analyses were run for 10,000,000 generations, using the GTR+I+C substitution model for each codon position, at a temperature of 0.0245 using four chains and sampling every 100th tree. The average standard deviation of split frequencies lower than 0.01 was used to suggest convergence between parallel runs (Ronquist et al. 2005). The initial 25,001 trees (25%) were discarded for burn-in, and posterior probabilities were estimated by constructing a 50% majorityrule consensus tree of all sampled post burn-in trees. RESULTS The final alignment of 81 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was 712 bases long. Topologies obtained with ML and BI did not show any strongly supported conflicts (ML bootstrap ‡70% and BI posterior probability ‡0.95), and the topology from the ML analysis is shown in Figure 1. Support values for the ML tree can be found in Figure S1 (see the supplementary material), and the topology obtained from the Bayesian analysis (with posterior probabilities) can be found in Figure S2 (see the supplementary material). We recovered the three major clades identified in Rindi et al. (2009) and designated an additional lineage as clade 4 (Fig. 1). Clade 4 is recovered as sister to clades 2+3, and unpublished 18S data (M. P. Nelsen, C. J. Andrew, and R. Lücking) suggest these algae may form a clade with the Trentepohlia annulata F. Brand 18S sequence (SAG 20.94; GenBank accession number DQ399588) from Rindi et al. (2009). In addition, many unique shallow clades were recovered, which were fairly divergent from previously published sequences. Algae associating with lichenized fungi did not form a monophyletic group; they were instead scattered across the tree. Algae from clade 1 occurred on a variety of substrata, including bark, concrete, metal, stone, and leaves. Rindi et al. (2009) cautiously noted that most clade 1 strains were temperate but that exceptions existed and more sampling was needed before drawing generalizations. Our findings have added a large number of genetically divergent algae from the tropics to this clade (Fig. 1). Geographically, this TRENTEPOHLIALEAN ALGAE IN LICHENS 285 Fig. 1. Maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogeny of Trentepohliales algae based on rbcL sequence data. Acetabularia acetabulum and Bornetella sphaerica were used to root the tree. Black asterisks above or below branches indicate strong support (ML bootstrap ‡70 and BI posterior probability ‡0.95) for that clade. Nonlichenized haplotypes are listed in black, while lichenized haplotypes are in gray. Gray asterisks following GenBank accession numbers refer to algal haplotypes from the same tree in Madre de Dios, Peru. Lichen growth form, substratum, and geographic information are indicated for Trentepohliales algae. Clade names refer to those from Rindi et al. (2009) and the present article. 286 MA T T H E W P . N E L S E N E T A L . clade was recovered from North America, Central America, and South America, as well as Europe, Fiji, and the Azores. At present, this clade is found to associate with lichen-forming fungi from Arthoniomycetes (Dendrographa and Dichosporidium) and Lecanoromycetes (Porina) and was distributed in crustose (Porina), byssoid (Dichosporidium), and fruticose (Dendrographa) lichen thalli. In addition, two algae (with an identical rbcL haplotype) associated with Porina formed a lineage sister to the majority of clade 1. At present, it is unclear if this represents an extension of clade 1 or distinct lineage sister to clade 1; here, we tentatively include it in the clade 1. A number of Trentepohlia and Printzina species occurred in clade 2, along with several haplotypes or clades that were fairly divergent from those previously published. Additionally, clade 2 also occurred on a wide range of substrata including asbestos, bark, concrete, wood, and leaves. This clade was recovered from North America, Central America, and South America, Europe, Africa, Hawaii, Fiji, Thailand, and the Philippines. The algae in this clade associate with Dothideomycetes (Astrothelium, Cryptothelium, Laurera, Trypethelium, and Racodium), Arthoniomycetes (Cryptothecia), and Lecanoromycetes (Acanthotrema, Graphis, Thalloloma, Thelotrema, and Coenogonium) and occurred in filamentous (Coenogonium linkii and Racodium rupestre) and crustose (all remaining taxa) lichens. Interestingly, identical rbcL sequences were recovered from algae distributed in lichens in Florida, USA (Astrothelium cf. diplocarpum [134], A. galbineum [131], and Laurera megasperma [138]) and Peru (Trypethelium aeneum [61C] and T. cf. aeneum [45]), illustrating that some rbcL haplotypes are widespread. However, more variable loci must be screened to determine if these individuals have identical genotypes. Nevertheless, similar algal individuals were recovered from geographically disparate areas. In contrast to clades 1, 2, and 4, no lichen symbionts were recovered from clade 3 in the present study, although Strigula species are believed to associate with Cephaleuros (see Discussion). Clade 3 appeared to be primarily epiphyllous and composed of the genus Cephaleuros, a well-known plant pathogen. These algae were recovered from Africa, Asia, and North America. Finally, clade 4 contained algae found in association with Dothideomycetes (Trypethelium), Eurotiomycetes (Anthracothecium), and Lecanoromycetes (Myriotrema). These algae all occurred in crustose lichens growing on bark in India, Thailand, and North America, though unpublished results including 18S data suggest this clade also contains free-living Trentepohlia annulata from the Czech Republic (SAG 20.94; GenBank accession number DQ399588). DISCUSSION Recent work on cyanobacterial symbionts of lichens has identified a clade of Scytonema-like cyano- bacteria occurring solely in the lichenized state (Lücking et al. 2009). In contrast to this, our data suggest that there is not a single lichenized clade of Trentepohliales algae. Instead, several lineages associate with lichen-forming fungi, which is consistent with the findings of other lichen-forming eukaryotic algae or cyanobacteria that frequently occur free living or in symbiosis with other organisms. For instance, Nostoc associates with lichen-forming fungi (Paulsrud and Lindblad 1998, Paulsrud et al. 1998, 2000, 2001, Rikkinen et al. 2002, Summerfield et al. 2002, Lohtander et al. 2003, Wirtz et al. 2003, O’Brien et al. 2005, Stenroos et al. 2006, Myllys et al. 2007, Elvebakk et al. 2008), but also with cycads (Vagnoli et al. 1992), the angiosperm Gunnera (Nilsson et al. 2000, Svenning et al. 2005), the liverworts Blasia and Cavicularia (Rikkinen and Virtanen 2008), and the hornwort Anthoceros (Vagnoli et al. 1992), among other organisms. Phylogenetic studies of Nostoc have revealed that isolates associating with lichens do not form a monophyletic group; instead, free-living isolates and plant symbionts are intermixed with lichen symbionts (O’Brien et al. 2005, Rikkinen 2009). The present study also illustrates that very divergent fungi (from different classes) associate with closely related algae. For instance, the alga associated with Thalloloma hypoleptum (Lecanoromycetes) is closely related to the algae from various Trypetheliaceae species (Dothideomycetes). A similar situation is seen in the ‘‘Rhizonema’’ clade of Scytonema cyanobacteria, which were found to associate with a very wide range of lichenized fungi from Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, suggesting that these distant lineages of fungi associate with closely related cyanobacteria, representing a remarkable case of convergence (Lücking et al. 2009). The same is also true for trebouxioid algae, which are known to associate with fungi from many lineages in Lecanoromycetidae and also Gomphillaceae in Ostropomycetidae (Lücking 2008). Many previous studies have identified the photobionts associated with different fungal species on the basis of morphological characters (see references in Tschermak-Woess 1988, for instance). These fungal species were from the same genera we investigated but were often different species from those studied here. Nevertheless, the present study confirms earlier morphological observations at a coarse taxonomic scale, by demonstrating that various fungal species from Anthracothecium (Singh 1982), Coenogonium (Uyenco 1965, Meier and Chapman 1983, Davis and Rands 1993, Lakatos et al. 2004), Cryptothecia (Thor 1997, Jagadeesh Ram et al. 2009), Dendrographa (Sundin and Tehler 1996), Dichosporidium (Thor 1990), Graphidaceae (Herisset 1946, Verseghy 1961, Nakano 1988, Matthews et al. 1989, Tucker et al. 1991), Porina (Santesson 1952, Harris 1975, Sérusiaux 1979, Matthews et al. 1989, Tucker et al. 1991, McCarthy 2001, Baloch and TRENTEPOHLIALEAN ALGAE IN LICHENS Grube 2006), Racodium (Koch 1962, Davis and Rands 1993), and Trypethelium (Harris 1975, Lambright and Tucker 1980, Matthews et al. 1989, Tucker et al. 1991) associate with trentepohlialean algae. Remarkably, in several species of Coenogonium (Uyenco 1965, Rivas Plata et al. 2006), Cystocoleus, and Racodium (Muggia et al. 2008), the trentepohlialean algal partner determines the structure of the resulting thalli. Morphological identification of algal symbionts associated with Graphis scripta (Trentepohlia umbrina: Herisset 1946; T. annulata: Verseghy 1961; T. lagenifera [Printzina lagenifera]: Nakano 1988; Phycopeltis sp.: Matthews et al. 1989, Tucker et al. 1991) and Coenogonium interplexum [Trentepohlia abietina, T. arborum (C. Agardh) Hariot, T. aurea, and T. elongata (Zeller) De Toni: Uyenco 1965,] suggest that the same fungal species can associate with multiple trentepohlialean species, though, as stated earlier, taxonomic delimitations of many Trentepohliales are in need of revision (Rindi et al. 2009). The pattern of a single fungal species associating with multiple photobiont species or clades is also found among associations with cyanobacteria (Rikkinen et al. 2002, Wirtz et al. 2003, O’Brien et al. 2005, Lücking et al. 2009) and trebouxiophycean algae (Yahr et al. 2004, Blaha et al. 2006, Guzow-Krzeminska 2006, Ohmura et al. 2006, Nelsen and Gargas 2009, Wornik and Grube 2010), and we expect that future molecular data will confirm this trend in lichen associations with trentepohlialean algae. In the present study, we did find evidence that L. megasperma associated with multiple algal haplotypes, while algae from two Porina tetracerae thalli from a single site had identical rbcL sequences. Two important additional observations were made. First, several species of lichen-forming Trypetheliaceae were collected from a single tree in the Peruvian Amazon, and the associated algae sequenced. Algae from this tree are shown with an asterisk in Figure 1 and demonstrate that several haplotypes were recovered, illustrating that fungal species living in close proximity do not all associate with the same trentepohlialean haplotype. This is consistent with the findings of lichen-forming fungi associating with cyanobacteria (Paulsrud et al. 2000, Myllys et al. 2007) and trebouxiophycean algae (Beck 1999, Beck et al. 2002, Zoller and Lutzoni 2003, Guzow-Krzeminska 2006, Ohmura et al. 2006, Piercey-Normore 2006, Doering and PierceyNormore 2009, Nelsen and Gargas 2009) and demonstrates genetic variation in trentepohlialean algal communities. Second, we found that closely related algal haplotypes were found in lichens occurring on both leaves (Porina imitatrix, P. nucula, and P. distans) and bark (P. dolichophora, P. aff. farinosa, and P. aff. dolichophora), suggesting that closely related algae (possibly the same species) can occur on different substrata and that leaf and bark-dwelling lichenized 287 fungi may associate with closely related algae (or possibly the same species). In this particular case, the associated lichen fungi belong to groups of Porina that are known to be able to switch between substrata. The present study has added several potentially new lineages to the existing data of Rindi et al. (2009). This was expected, as the study by Rindi et al. (2009) was not intended to be an exhaustive survey of the phylogenetic diversity of Trentepohliales. Nevertheless, the present study suggests that there is more phylogenetic diversity to be discovered within the Trentepohliales. Additionally, future work may recover lichen symbionts from clade 3 as Cephaleuros has been identified as the photobiont of a number of lichens (Santesson 1952, Harris 1975, Chapman 1976, Chapman and Good 1983, Matthews et al. 1989, Lücking 2008, Suto and Ohtani 2009). Future studies should also include data from more loci and a greater sample size to verify the findings reported herein. The present study represents the first step toward understanding the range of trentepohlialean algae involved in lichen symbiosis and placing them in a phylogenetic framework. K. Feldheim is thanked for discussion, and three anonymous reviewers are thanked for improving the manuscript. This research was possible thanks to the following grants to the Field Museum: ‘‘Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Ostropalean Fungi, with Emphasis on the Lichen-forming Thelotremataceae,’’ PI Thorsten Lumbsch (DEB 0516116); ‘‘Neotropical Epiphytic Microlichens – An Innovative Inventory of a Highly Diverse yet Little Known Group of Symbiotic Organisms,’’ PI Robert Lücking (DEB 0715660); and ‘‘Systematics of the Dothideomycetes,’’ PI Conrad Schoch, Co-PIs Thorsten Lumbsch and Joseph Spatafora (DEB 0717476). In addition, the Caterpillar company provided funds to study lichens and their photobionts from Panama. 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Nonlichenized haplotypes are listed in black while lichenized haplotypes are in gray. Gray asterisks following GenBank accession numbers refer to algal haplotypes from the same tree in Madre de Dios, Peru. Table S1. Collection information for samples used in this study. All lichens are deposited in (F), except Racodium rupestre. This material is available as part of the online article. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.