COBB TUNING TM Calibration Notes for 2006 Subaru WRX MT AccessPORT Calibration FP18G 93 MTv101 Compatible with Original AccessPORT Calibration Name: FP18G 93 MTv101 Latest Calibration Rev: 1.01 Calibration and Map Notes Updated: 6/10/06 Description: FP18G 93 MTv101 for vehicles using only the Forced Performance TD05H-18G (605 cfm) turbo specifically, STi or equivalent TMIC, stock intake system, & turbo-back exhaust system. 49 state 93 or 94 octane fuel. Hardware Requirements: Otherwise stock vehicle with a FP TD05H-18G turbo, STi or equivalent TMIC, turbo-back exhaust, and a STOCK INTAKE SYSTEM ONLY. Fuel Requirement: 49 state 93 or 94 octane fuel. If you live in Arizona, California, or Nevada, we have a specific calibration for the 91 octane fuel in your state, this calibration is called the FP18G ACN91 MTv101. If detonation is present, you should switch to a calibration developed for a lesser quality fuel, FP18G ACN91 MTv101. Power Output: 365 HP (+59%) / 322 lb-ft (+37%). Results may vary. Boost Targets: ~16.8psi +/- 0.7psi peak boost pressure tapering down to ~14psi, depending on vehicle and conditions. If your vehicle is not achieving or exceeding the boost targets, you may need to mechanically adjust your boost control system, please refer to this document “How Subaru’s Factory Boost Control System Works v1.X” for instructions. <<<<<CRITICAL INFORMATION!!! CRITICAL INFORMATION!!! CRITICAL INFORMATION!!!>>>>> The vacuum lines for the factory boost control system contain a small brass restrictor pill located in the short vacuum line coming off the turbo compressor housing. The middle of this restrictor has a lengthwise hole precisely machined to a certain specification so that it works with the factory wastegate actuator and the wastegate duty cycle settings in the stock ECU. Since this map has been calibrated for the 2006 WRX MT and a Forced Performance TD05H-18G (605 cfm) turbo, we are going to specify that the hole in the restrictor pill now measures at .052” +/- .001” (a #55 drill bit). If a restrictor pill with a smaller hole than .052” is used then the Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. turbo will over boost which can cause severe engine damage. If a restrictor pill with a larger hole than .052” is used then the vehicle may not be able to hit its boost targets. Please verify that the vacuum line coming off the turbo compressor housing (prior to the T-fitting) contains a restrictor pill with a hole, measuring .052” +/.001”, machined in the center of pill. Please go to the bottom of this document for further instructions and boost control system component and vacuum line plumbing diagrams. <<<<<CRITICAL INFORMATION!!! CRITICAL INFORMATION!!! CRITICAL INFORMATION!!!>>>>> Our declaration of the obvious, we too have noticed that the power numbers we have recorded on our chassis dyno are higher than the factory has rated for this vehicle. We have also noticed that comparing these dyno graphs to other dyno graphs that we have recorded on the same chassis dyno is difficult to do. Several factors must be taken into account including gearing (both the ratio of the gear these tests were performed in and the final drive ratio), aerodynamics, testing conditions, parasitic drivetrain losses, etc. We have published these graphs because we want to do what we can to educate our end users. Several qualitative improvements have been made to the calibration for this vehicle which cannot be graphically represented. Please take these dyno graphs for what they are, a graphical representation of measured torque and calculated horsepower across the below RPM range during a wide open throttle pull in 3rd gear. We hope that you enjoy the improvements we have made to the calibration for this vehicle. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dyno Graph = FP18G 93 MTv100 vs. VF39 93 MTv100 on 2006 WRX MT* As measured on COBB Tuning’s in-house Mustang AWD Dyno (All power figures are measured at the wheels, NOT corrected for drivetrain losses) CAUTION!!! DO NOT RUN ANY Stage1 CALIBRATIONS WITH ANY TYPE OF HIGHER FLOWING DOWNPIPE OR TURBO-BACK EXHAUST ON YOUR 2006 WRX. THE Stage1 CALIBRATIONPING HAS VERY HIGH WASTEGATE DUTY CYCLES SETTINGS TO TRY AND BRING BOOST ON AT LOWER RPMS. THESE SETTINGS WILL INDUCE SEVERE BOOST SPIKING AND WILL OVERSHOOT THE TARGETS CAUSING BOOST SEARCHING. THESE SPIKES CAN CAUSE ENGINE DAMAGE. IF YOU HAVE A HIGHER FLOWING DOWNPIPE OR TURBO-BACK EXHAUST SYSTEM ON YOUR 2006 WRX, PLEASE USE THE APPROPRIATE Stage2, VF39, or FP TD05H-18G CALIBRATIONS. Revision Notes: 1.01 – Revised Primary Fuel & Ignition tables to better suite aggressive driving & road racing conditions. Revised Boost Targets, Wastegate Duty Cycles & Turbo Dynamics Tables to better suite the FP TD05H-18G turbo configuration and to help protect against boost creep. Boost cut at sea level is increased to 19.14psi. This calibration has been updated to latest AccessTUNERTM file format, v1.01. 1.00 - Original Calibration. Tuned AVCS, Boost, Fuel, Ignition, closed loop control, Dynamic Advance, Throttle Duty Cycles, and base programming logic to improve drivability. Revised Closed Loop management (BASE MAP CHANGE). Revised Boost Control parameters. Smoothed out boost related values, improved boost response at lower RPMs. Revised AVCS Mapping. Altered intake cam timing parameters in an effort to improve low and mid-range torque and boost response. Modified Primary Fuel & Primary Ignition tables to account for the effects of AVCS tuning. Further tuned Dynamic Advance table to promote smooth transitional (low RPM to high RPM) acceleration. Raised speed limiter. Moved Speed Limits to 186 mph. Increased boost cut to 18.85psi at sea level. Defeated MIL codes; see below. This calibration has been updated to latest AccessTUNERTM file format, v1.00. Base Map vs. Real Time Map Differences - The base mapping contains some additional logic for improved performance and is HIGHLY recommended to be used if you plan on operating at a Stage1 level. Here is a list of tables (parameters) that may change when you select a Realtime map with your AccessPORT: AVCS Intake Cam Advance Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Boost Limits Boost Targets Turbo Dynamics (i.e.: turbo "gain") Wastegate Duty Cycles (Low & High) Fuel Injector Parameters (size and latency) Intake Calibration (MAF Sensor) Primary Fuel Tip-in Enrichment Dynamic Advance (the ignition self-tuning table or what is sometimes referred to as a Knock Correction table) Primary Ignition Rev Limiter Throttle Duty Cycles Features such as defeated CELs and Closed Loop tables are not changed with Realtime. This is why we highly recommend you running the Stage Base Map that best matches your car's modification. Running the Stock Mode Base Map with a Stage Realtime map over it will get you some of the improvements but no where NEAR what you would get if you were to run the proper Stage Base map. Revised Electronic Throttle Mapping. We did this to improve the throttle response. We changed the delays in how the throttle actually reacted to your right foot in an effort to reduce some of the "drive by wire" feel. Again, you should have no reason why you will want to run the Stock Base map, unless of course you're the type that doesn't like extracting the full potential of your vehicle. Additional Notes: For use with a 2006 WRX MT running only the Forced Performance TD05H-18G turbo, STi or equivalent TMIC, and turbo-back exhaust system. Additional modifications such as an underdrive pulley, or panel filter are still within the acceptable parameters of this calibration. MUST USE FACTORY INTAKE SYSTEM ONLY, NO OTHER AFTERMARKET INTAKES ARE CERTIFIED COMPATIBLE WITH THIS CALIBRATION. Best if used with 49 state 93 and 94 octane. If any knock is present even when using 49 state 93 or 94 octane, try using octane booster or using the FP18G 91 MTv101 or FP18G ACN91 MTv101 calibration. Keep in mind Subaru recommends 93 octane fuel for even a STOCK STi. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The above dyno graph* demonstrates the fuel curve that should be measured from the exhaust stream. The RPM reference can be found on the X-axis in pink numbers; the A/F Ratio reference can be found on the Y-axis in black numbers. If your fuel curve is not within +/- .4 A/F from this calibration, while running the FP18G 93 MTv101 mapping on your 2006 WRX MT, then you may need to have the vehicle analyzed by a professional tuning facility. Hardware such as intakes can skew the MAF sensor signal and create a dangerously lean fuel curve. This calibration has been established to run with the stock intake system only. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The above dyno graph* demonstrates the relative pressure (boost) curve that should be measured from the intake manifold. The RPM reference can be found on the X-axis in pink numbers; the Relative Pressure (Boost) reference can be found on the Y-axis in green numbers. If your boost fuel curve is not within +/- .7 psi from this calibration, while running the FP18G 93 MTv101 mapping on your 2006 WRX MT, then you may need to have the vehicle analyzed by a professional tuning facility. Target peak boost pressure is ~16.8psi +/- 0.7psi depending on vehicle and conditions. Boost will likely taper to ~14psi by redline to increase reliability. Boost cut at sea level is increased to 19.14psi. CEL Codes Defeated [WHEN USING AS BASE MAP] (** means new to latest revision): P0137 - Rear O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage ** P0138 - Rear O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage ** P0139 - Rear O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response ** P0140 – O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 2) ** P0420 - Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold ** P2096 – Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Lean Bank 1 ** P2097 - Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Too Rich Bank 1 ** Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mechanical Tuning of the Subaru Boost Control System Changing the size of the hole in the restrictor pill; the vacuum lines for the factory boost control system contain a small brass restrictor pill located in the short vacuum line coming off the turbo compressor housing. The middle of this restrictor pill has a lengthwise hole precisely machined to a certain specification so that it works with the factory wastegate actuator and the wastegate duty cycle settings in the stock ECU. The size of this center hole can be changed in order to mechanically assist boost control. The smaller diameter hole in the center of the brass restrictor pill; the tendency to boost spike will be higher and the less wastegate duty cycle you will need to run higher boost. The larger diameter hole in the center of the restrictor pill; the boost control system will have less of a tendency to boost spike and the greater wastegate duty cycle you will need to run higher boost. If you have a stock turbo and are running an AccessPORT map you have no reason to modify your restrictor pill. If you have installed a new turbocharger and you are using the stock boost control Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. system to tune boost, please verify that the vacuum line coming off the turbo compressor housing (prior to the T-fitting) contains a restrictor pill with a hole machined in the center of pill. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The center hole of this restrictor pill must measure .052” +/- .001” (a #55 drill bit) in order to allow the calibrations of the FP TD05H-18G 93 MTv101 calibration to work with the factory boost control system on the 2006 WRX MT. NOTE: The hole in the restrictor pill can always be machined to a larger diameter. Be sure to make very small increases in the diameter of the hole. If the center hole is machined too large you will not be able to hit your boost targets…even with 100% wastegate duty cycle. Pre-loading the wastegate actuator arm; adjustment of the wastegate actuator rod (if the rod length is not fixed and adjustments can be made) will allow proper calibration and some additional tuning as well. All IHI turbochargers have a fixed wastegate actuator rod that cannot be adjusted; all MHI & Forced Performance turbochargers have an adjustable wastegate actuator rod. If the rod coming out of the wastegate actuator is shortened it will pre-load the spring inside the wastegate actuator increasing the pressure level at which the actuator will allow the wastegate valve to open and the total boost pressure that turbo can generate will increase (as long as the turbo is still within its efficiency range). This pre-load will also limit how far the wastegate valve can open. Pre-loading (shortening) the wastegate actuator rod too much CAN POTENTIALLY CREATE A MECHANICAL BOOST CREEP ISSUE THAT CANNOT BE TUNED OUT! If the wastegate actuator rod is lengthened the actuator will decrease the load on the spring and decrease the pressure level at which the actuator will open and total boost pressure the turbo can generate will decrease. If the wastegate actuator rod does not put enough pre-load on the wastegate valve then you could see boost fluctuations of + or – 2psi even when the wastegate solenoid duty cycles are constant. If you have a Forced Performance TD05H-18GH turbocharger then you should not have to adjust the wastegate rod length. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: The larger diameter wastegate valve a turbo has the more difficult it is to stabilize boost pressure as the valve initially opens. This is also true for greater exhaust gas back pressures created by a smaller A/R on the turbine housing. 2006 Subaru WRX Forced Performance TD05H-18G Actuator Measurements This article is intended to demonstrate how a Forced Performance TD05H-18G wastegate actuator should be operating in order to properly work with our FP TD05H-18G specific calibrations which we developed for the 2006 WRX MT. These maps are to be flashed as a base map to your vehicle using the Cobb Tuning AccessPORT map transportation device. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the performance of these maps is consistent and optimal. Please verify that the turbo you are running on your vehicle actuates very similar to how this particular demonstration shows. Your WG actuator arm may need to be adjusted in order to achieve similar wastegate actuator movement. These measurements are all static measurements which do not take into account the effects that exhaust gas back pressure prior to the turbo (temperature, exhaust restrictions, etc.) will have on the movement of the wastegate valve. All measurements should be read with a tolerance of +/- .008”. The wastegate actuator pictured is the bronze item with the “W” stamped on it. While the turbo is off the vehicle we suggest you securely clamp the turbo into a secure vise. Be sure to expose the wastegate actuator rod so you can easily align the dial indicator. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use the magnetic base on the dial indicator to align the dial indicator so it is collinear with the wastegate actuator rod. This cannot be perfectly aligned for the wastegate valve arm is on a pivot point, set it us as best you can. A standard Mityvac™ vacuum/pressure pump can be used. Plumb the vacuum line so it goes directly from the pump nozzle to the wastegate actuator nipple. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Be sure to set the pump so it is in pressure mode. Put slight tension on the dial indicator, then zero out the dial indicator before you proceed. @ 3psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.001”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 4psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.0013”. @ 5psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.0018”. @ 6psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.002”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 7psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.0026”. @ 8psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.0028”. @ 9psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.0031”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 10psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.042”. The wastegate actuator starts to more quickly react from this point forward. @ 11psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.106”. @ 12psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.175”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 13psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.235”. @ 14psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.298”. @ 15psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.360”. From this point on to 20psi, you will notice that wastegate actuator movement is nominal. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 16psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.365”. @ 17psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.367”. @ 18psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.369”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @ 19psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.3693”. @ 20psi wastegate actuator rod movement is ~.3706”. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FP18G Wastegate Actuator Movement 0.6000 0.5000 06 37 0. 93 36 0. 0 9 36 0. 0 7 36 0. 0 5 36 0. 0 0 36 0. 50 50 10 0. 0.2000 80 23 0. 0.3000 17 0. Inches 29 0. 0.4000 60 20 04 0. 31 00 0. 8 2 00 0. 5 2 00 0. 0 2 00 0. 8 1 00 0. 3 1 00 0. 0 1 00 0. 0 0 00 0. 0.1000 0.0000 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Relative Pressure Applied to FP18G Wastegate Actuator Diaphragm, Psi * Graphs may not be those of the 93 octane maps. Generally speaking, the FP18G 93 MTv101 map has a more aggressive timing curve and a slightly leaner fuel curve which allow the vehicle to take advantage of the improved fuel qualities inherent to the 93 or 94 octane fuels. Copyright © 2007 Cobb Tuning, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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