2004_ Januar
2004_ Januar
Flying Dutchman Bulletin January 2004, Nr. 150 New Logo Report European Championship 2003 Report World Championship 2003 Dawes World Cup 2002 Europe Cup 2003 .. 11 .n. ,," -, * A+H.J '=c Bootswerft Leonhard Mader GmbH 83329 Y{agi!l9 am See Fischmg Tel. 08681/373 Fax 4246 [email protected] WNW,Boolswerft-Mader.de FLYING DUTCHMAN BULLETIN .. Periodical .. of the International Flying Dutchman Class Editorial Office: Bergsepad 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Phone: +31-(0)35-6563195 Fax: +31-(0)35-6564004 Issue 150 Email: [email protected] January 2004 PRESIDENT'S LETTER CLASS NEWS FROM EVERVWHERE AUSTRALIA Nommn Rydge/Richard SClirr und Douglns Parker with an itaJian crew kcpllhc flug nying ut the Open Europcan Championship in Italy. Norm/Rkhurd wilh a 6th und a second (oul 01' 40) also did weil ut Kiel Weck. In" McCrossin hus shippcd his AUS-359. the ex F198 (1992 Olympics) 01' Thierry Berger, which hc kepl in Europe, back Lo Australia. Good news. Doug Rawson-Harris is back in the FD, albcit with a pigs valve in his aorta und a pace muker. In Victoriu they are very busy working on thc Worlds 2003. AUSTRIA The Austrian FD Class hus a very nicc logo wh ich lhey gruciously allowcd thc IFDCO 10 lISC us thc basis ror thc new rFDCO logo. AlIslria is offering u Worlds ut Neusiedl in :W05 or 2006. 5 Teums were present at the Ellropeans. Arecord since a number since years. An FD Skiing championship is being organised for 13 March 2004 ut Hinterslader a bit south of Linz. Various age groups: 1944 to 1997 ! Detailed info from Heinz Wiirder, Zandergusse 9, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria Fux:++43-(O) 1-40440 [email protected] CANADA In the Vancouver areu u group 01' 7 FDs hus been gathering around the Cunadian FD seer Greg Johnson. Il was same time aga that FDs could be seen at a regutta in Cunadu. End of August the North American Championship was sailcd allhe CORK regattn. All USA boats plus one UK boat (resident in USA). With 14 ruces it was worlh the travel. One crew cume over from Hollund ! DENMARK The Bojsen-Mpllers did it again: Europeun Champions at Dervio. ENGLAND Julian Bridges has taken over us editor of the "FD GBR" newsleuer. The dass was represented atlhe 'Dinghy Show' in March wilh "Biggles". Il resulted in a greut number 01' conlncL'l. There was a good contingent 01' 6 GBR teams at the EC. Vicky PalT)' helming far Steve Parry found the conditions often u bittoo Illuch for her und Steves weight, Several sorties have been made by Tony Lyall/CoJin Bums, John BelT)'/Andrew EdwunJs und TonyDale/JumesCook 10 Europeun Continental events. Early Oelober there will be n new event : Symelrie Classes Grand Prix at Datchet Wuter. A combined event where asymetric spinnakers ure banned. GERMANY A nice and regulartly updated website (www.suil!ü.de) is being muintuined. The Germun FD Class is pleased timt they have been grunted the World:;; 2004 Lo bc held uL Warnemünde near Rostock. It is supposed to be the si te if Germany is allocuted the Olympics in the near future. Tbc new-building project by a Czech builder is muking slow progress. The prototype is now a1 Berlin in tbc Steingross's workshop where Uwc is trying to finish it so as to be uble to take it to Mclboume. HOLLAND APOLOGIES This bulletin should have been mailed monlhs ago but I have Imd 10 change over from cut und puste sheets ror the printer to CD. A bit of a struggle and problems with my computer and printer did not help either. And of course there is the eternal problem of obtaining data, not many sailors or ol'ficials forward something on their own initiative. The results of the Dawcs World Cup 2002 und the Europe Cup 2003 have not been linalised yet either due to problems with finding out who are IFDCO memhers. and who are nol. Il now being December we will postpone u bit more and try to get Worlds Melbourne included Good reading and good suiling. The Editor In February the Dutch FD neel suiTered a severe loss when "Kreun", onieiully known us Edward v1l11 Kreuningen died. His ne ver flagging enthusiasme has been inspiring the dass for years. For every event he used to phone und presented you with a severe gllih-feeling when you did not corne. For 25 years he sut on the Committee, most time as treusurer Tbc noticuble enthusiasm of last year has been carried over and this year again there is u neet 01' 15 or 18 boats regulurly tuking part in regattas. Some 01' them new faces and some furniliar ones. Reeently 3 boats have been added Lo the fleet. After having uttended career and families Hans van der Pol und Rob Huisman have bouglll FDs uguin ufter u long sabbaticaJ. In March a "hobby" Dear Club, deur IFDCO general Commiuee and Nutional Secretaries. dear sailors, It was wonderful and exciting to see 72 FD's compeling at Dervio in the Europeun Championship. I wish to lhank the Centro Vela Dervio, thc President Sterano Vigano und ull the starf engaged in the Orgunizing Commiuee; their kind hospitality, efforts und availabiJity, the good weather conditions, the buckground 01' the Lake 01' Corno and the high level of the compelilors contributed to u successful event and cheered up our meeting. Moreover, I wus very glad hosting so muny FD suilors with their families in Dervio and I Lhank ull of them. Let 's me thunk ulso ull the IFDCO ankers und members everytime involved in the Measurement Committee and in the organizution 01' the Championship. As IFDCa President and rnember 01' lhe Centro Vela Dcrvio, I was delighted by the atmosphere 01' rriendship und brotherhood between thc FD sailors and the Club. I hope thut allihe FD sailors enjoyed their stay to our area and that Club will remember our Class as best. Finnlly, I thank the Jury, the Ruce Commiuee and the sponsors for their engagement to support the event. I hope timt the agreement und the feeling between the IFDCO und the Ccntro Vela Dervio will go on in the future: the FD "Cape Horn Trophy", organized by the Club since many yeurs, in spring, may be u good chance 10 fellowship. WeH the season in the Northen Hemisphere is drawing Lo a elose and I wish all of you a beautiful 2004 sailing seuson and good sing holiday. Cheers,Albcrto sec page 4 3 weckend wus organised. A dozen bauts turned up Centro Velu Dervio mllnuged to pull 01" a succesful and a lot 01' layouLs and littings were brought up to event. Enjoyed by ull competitors und attached standard. And the dass spirit rnised as weil ! persons. It wus hol tl1ough. The FD wus present ugain aL the demonstrution The Italian FD has arganizcd a container weckend for dingi es in June. . foMelbourne with 3 Ituliun und 2 Spunish boals A big contingent went to the Europeans in Italy. 12 MEXICO leams who enjoyed themselves and built niee Same rumblings about activily. Several bouts are internationul conlucLs. being reslOred. There is even tulk 01" purchasing Frank Nooijen has been busy argunizing container some new boals. trunsport for Melbourne. 4 containers wilh bouls NEWZEALAND I"rom Austriu (I), Britain (2), Germany (8), The NZFDA have got 6 boals in the container I"ar Holland (10), J-Iungary (I) and Switzerland (I). the Worlds 2003 in Australia. AmI some ure young HUNGARY people ! In 1986 we Imd the Worlds at ßalalonföldvlir. The POLAND Club enjoyed it so much that they are offering to Hulfway through thc seuson a NoR reached us far organize uguin u WarldClmmpionship in 2005 or .he ODYNIA SAILINO DAYS. A 5-day cvcn. ror 2006 ! Olympic Chisses but the PD was invited too ! ITALY Unrortunately most PD sailms had already organiThree new Maders huve joined the Italiun lleet: sed thcir holiduys. Muy be it cun be organised for Robert Cipriani, Prancesco Biasi and 2004 Pierfrancesco Eustachi. After 1I sabbutical SPAIN Francesco ßiasi has rejoined the FD Class. Gilles Romero htls beeil working hard and the lleet The Europeun Chumpionship ut Dervio wus a keeps growingSpain hus now a very great success. It is only u very small club but the dear and nice website (www.l"desp.org) TWD bouts will go in thc hulian container ror Melbourne. USA Jonathan Clapp keeps coming out regularly with "Trapeze" - Lhe US newsleUer - withgood informative urticles. Next 10 lhe IFDCAUS websitc hLlp:/lsailfd.org/USA- region I now has IIsuilfd.arg/USAlregion/i run by Anna Gorbald and region X has IIsailfd.mg/USAlregion/x run by Wally Ealon. A great number of very interesting urticles on the past ure shown on a special website: IIsailfd.org/USAltrapeze/olympics. There seems Lo bc un increase in nctivity und interest in FO sailing und a number of peoplc ure reno~ vating old FOs. A ncw FO l1eet has been started at San Franciscll wilh Nationuls in the future? Tim Sayles. who kept his bout in Europe after Tavira last year. came over ror Kiel Weck und the EC at Oervio this year. Tim had some problems getling arganised ror Me\boume so his bout remained in Holland. CARBON SPARS For some years the debate about allowing carbon-libre span; has been raging. As in principle the FO has been u development dass, orten leading, muny think carboll spurs should be allowed. The main argument againsl is the cast which muy mean u number 01' sailors could be leaving the Cluss. Last year it was dccided to have u survey of the wishes of the members 01' the Clusson on this problem. A questionaire was put on the website und mailed around. Questions A 00 you want u carbon mast allowed '! B 00 you want a transition rule - mainly ror the weight ? C 00 you want loose-footed mains allowed ? Thc unswers had to be in by 19-8-2003. This proved tao shmt a time for ull countnes to distribute the questionnaire in the respective lunguuges. The date was extended to October. The results were as below. Number 01' respondenls 104 (out 01' total membership !) • Votes were receivcd from AUS, AUT, ESP, FRA, GBR, GER. HUN, ITA, NEO, NZL, SWE, USA. (Albeit some ony I votc) Yes No Question A 66 38 Question B 46 48 Question C 55 46 It hus been decided now timt the change of rule nllowing clirbon in masts will be put forward to the ISAF to be erfective per 1-3~2005. A transition rllle, to bc elTective till March 2008, will prevent weight advuntage on bouts with carbon spurs. Curbon spars are upprox 3 kg lighter. The compensation weight would huve to be curried on deck, visible to everybody, so one cun casily change masts WitilOlit having to udjust Mellsurement Fonns. COMPETITORS MEETING EC 2003 at Dervio, 15 July 2003, 44 Competitars attended Curbon Masts Much interest of course for carbon masts. Peter Hinrichsen explained the present situation. There are several makers in the UK, though some sections produced in AUS und NZ are used. Carbon masl'i I"rom AUS and NZ are cheaper. Advantage ofCarbon span;: ar(Cr capsize casier und pro~ bably beUer suited for Iighter and female crews. The cast of truck on booms is upprox 25% wh ich leads to suggestion of loose rooted mains. ButlSAF hus no definition for loose fooled ! Peter Hinnchsen pointed out we should get away froI11 ithe fixed perception 01" 'FO is an expensive boat'. Compared to Finn, 470 and many olhers it certainly is not. The questionnare ror the survey on curbon masts is on its way and everybody should return it as iL would help immensely the General commiuee 10 reach u decision. EUROCUP Steve Purry pointed out timt it seems Lo huve been weil received. Results ure on the websile. To vury suggestions were lIsked ror possible venues. Suggested: NEO Dutch Nutionals, Easler Egg, Gülcher Event AUT Austriun Nationals ESP Altea or an Enster Event ITA Torbole GER Kiel weck, TravemUnde, German Nationals 4 Future Championships Worlds 2003 is lixed as Mclbourne (AUS) 2004 is lixed as Wamemunde (GER) 2005 is set rür Athens (GRE) Some would Imve prerered 2004 but Steve Parry explained there were problems with 2004 but there was assurance timt support and funding from the Greek govemment was uvailable I"or 2005 It was C]ueslioned how many Germans would go to Greece. Orfers Imve been rcccived I"rom Hungury and Austriu. USA ure considering St Petersburg and San Oiego. Cnmmunications Between sailars and the General Committee were not always as required and desired. Frank Havik (NEO) suggested more use 01" email should be mude. Dnwcs Cup Runking List Thc Dawes cup 2002 was presented to : 1 GER-87 Hans-Petcr Schwarz - Roland Kirst 2 GER-206 Uwe Ludtke - Stefun Schwanke 3 NEO-12 Klans Tilstra - Adriann Schmul Under 25 GER-113 Kiliun König - Alex Gary NATIONAL SECRETARIES MEETING EC 2003 Dcrvio, 16 July 2003 Attc/ldcl/lce: Nat, Secretarics Manfred Zeis:;el AUT Bcrnd Schreiber OER Norman Rydge AUS Tony Lyall OBR Dcnmnrk DEN Fulvio Colleui GCllcral eOll/mitte/! Dcnnis van Icrsel NED Tim Sayles USA ITA Associate Membership IFDCO Tbc Clnss hus changed iL'l Championship Rules so lhul hath helmsman und crew must be mcmbers or IFDCO. Thc helmsman must bc a rull mcmber und Alberto Barcnghi Peler Doran Peter Hinrichsen President Ch! leltes Hon.Seer Gen Secr. Adriaan Schmal Hon.Treas. Ch Tech Cuee Bernd Schreiber EURO Cup This hns been weil received. There were queries over the volue and number of prizes. thc crew full or ussociatc mcmbcr. II wu!'! pointed out thut lhe numbers by nation are importunl far ISAF um] aur ability to reLuqin aur International staLus. Thcrc was some discussion abaut thc need tu have two cutugorics and should \Ve mobe to onc catugory. lf thc ussociatcs werc ta mise their ducs Lo full membership \vc could rcducc the fces to ull full members. Adriaan S stuted timt there were approx 800 members worldwide but could not givc the spUt betwcen full and associate. Thc issue of those helmsman who had a variety 01' crews needed uddressing, AS stuted Ihut he u proposul für the AOCM. Future Championships Same countries thoughttlmt the proposed event in Grcccc in 2005 was not a good iden. It was thought timt all facilities would not have been ready in 2004. AUT suggesled an ISAF combined event thatlhey were keen 10 run a championship in 2006 or 2007 ut NcusiedJ in 2006. NEO staled that they were keen to run u championship in 2006 or 2nD7. USA werc considering St Petersburg or San Diego for aWorlds und asked for views on whieh loeation 10 choose. There were no parlieular prc[erellees for either loeation. Carbon Survey Peter H pointed out timt Jucob Sojsen-M had agreed 10 triallhe Carbon Mast from John Best. He suggesled thaI Ihere was some feeling that we should deluy for anlher year. It was eommented tImt this would leud to onother year 01' uncertuinly. The supply of M5 tubes hos run oul und our delay eould euuse u problem. AUS saw no reason for delay, while lucob SM lhought we could al'ford the delay. Adriaun Schmal requesled the National Secr 10 ensure timt their members received the survey und that Ihey respondeJ. GER was concemed about the additional cmls of the postuge. E-mail communicution NEO put forward the need of the dass to communicate diligenlly with the Natioal Secretaries and timt Email shouldbetlleprel.eredway.Peler Dornn slated timt has rccently sent out lwo communicalions to lhose Nat Secretanes who had a known email address but had only rc-ceived 0 few responses. LOGO The status 01' lhe dass .. 1I is still under under diseussion Many designs had been reviewed. It wus importunt to hav~ a design that was acceptable on stationary, Ilugs, clothing, eIe. A suggestion 01' a dass survey 01' suggested designs was maJe. DI!IIni,\' '·(IIIIt'r.l'1!! (Sccr NEDJ. Tim Saylc.I' (prt!.I'idc/II USAJ Membership Lists. Adriaan S stuted tlml he had requeslcd all Nut Seretanes to send hirn 0 copy or their membership list. Only 40% of the NS had completed this lask. Entry Fees at Championships Some countnes feit timt 300 for the Oervio cvent was high. GER agreed, as did AUT. AUS staled timt they did not Ihink it (00 high. lacob Boysen-M statcd timt it was abollt the sume priee us aSOS evenl. There werc some commcnts about the laek 01' promised racnlities eg n pastu party und young peoplelo help with launching trolleys. Class structure Arequest was made to expluin how the dass was structured and how requests were made to ron a championship. FeIer Domn refelTed the meeting to tbc blue pages at the buck 01' the dass handbook. Peter Ooran stuted that a new version of the elass handbook was in progress and is likely 10 be completed at the end 01' 20D3. Pcter Hinrichsen' stulcd timt the Class Rules were being updatcd anJ would be mude nvoiloble on the website. He inlemled 10 change same mies 10 lil in wilh the JSAF publishcd Equipmcnt Rules 01' Sail CERS). Pt'ft'r Dorllll (IFDCO Gt'1! &crJ. 7im)' Lyall (&cr UK). jl/m!frcc/ Zei.l'.I'd (SeaAU7) 5 Annual General Council Meeting 2003 held Ul Dcrvio 15 und 21 July PrCScllt: President General Secretary (-Ion Sccrelary Hün Trcasurcr V-P Championships V-P Tech und Chief Melis. v-p Spcciuls Comm. NW Eumpe Comm. Baslern Europe Councillor nf Honour Albcrto Burenghi Pctcr Doran AB PD eie eHJ Stephen Pafry Pctcr Hinrichscn AS SI' PFH BS Jettes Adriann Schmal ßemd Schreiber Enna Krnmer Andnis Domolms Richard Phillips EI( AD RP (only 5-7) Business out 01 Minutes 01 AGCM 2-9 at the Worlds 2002 Class Mcmbcrship The dccision Lo cnsurc thut every boat at World und Contincntal Championships must be crcwcd by utlcust one Full Mcmbcr und one Associatc Member needs inscrling in thc Class und Championships rules. sr Class hool{ Duc 10 computer problems has not complctcd il yet. PD rcportcd thatthe CD "Best 01' the Bulletins" is not completed yet either. They will be, tagether wit Class Rules in POF (Acrobat) [onnut. SP will muintuin Muster Copy. Puper copies 01' Chlss Book and Class rules will be produced for promotional und other purposes. ~ Subscription Rates to he unultered ~ ISAF Contruct The rSAF threuthens to cancell the contracts with lnlernationul Classes und issue new ones.The Cluss will conlinue to confer with the other dasses. Finances Report The duss has udequute current and reserve accounts with sm all surplus of income over expendilure but some countries remit very lute. rt makes bookkeeping und budgeUing very difficull. - 50th Annivcrsury delieit The Loosdrecht event was a suceess amI generated good publicily. NFOO however occurred a lurge delicil (mainly due to entcred pnrticipants not tuming up) und 2500 will be funded by IFOCO. This will be u once event. - Funding of measurers Dervio showcd timt the Cluss must provide suilable meusurers ut Championships. Travel cosls far Melbollrne are high. 660 for up 10 3 measurers will be supplied. Presidents report - Promotion Travel sponsoring will be the most usefuJ. Not urrunged yet. Suggestions uppreciuted. - Logo Muny ideus huve been suggestcd. - Email The General Cuee virtuully only meets onee u year. To urrive al adecision in between un Emuil communicution and voting system has bee urrunged. including ISAF ERS [armut. This mjeans different way of measuring spinnakers. Thc changes will huve to go far ISAF upprovul and wau!<.! come inlo force 1 March 2005. Carbon Mais The survey is still in progress but in same countries members have not been reacheu and the submission dale has becn extended to 3110-2003. Website Conlents will be restricted to ilems relevant for FO sailors Progrnmming will bc simple lechnology so visitors havc easy access Pages will have maximum width 620 pixels The CI ass will develop style sheels wilh [onl, sizes, colours unu olher details to be made availuble 10 all Nal.Class Assocs for their wcbsites. - All nations will be encourugcd to lIse www.sailfd.org to publish their Imme page. Registration 6 New boats were regislcred in 20D2. Muny boals ure chunging owners and counlries withot regislering. This is bad for the Class llS ISAF infoms regularly as 10 numbers of boals worldwide. FD BULLETINS Only No 148 in 2002 + No 149 in January 2003. Very 1iule copy comes in by itselL Appointments CHJ was reappointed as Hon Secrelary and PFH as V-Pres Tech und Chief Meusurer for u furlher 3 yenrs. Commodore NW Europe: Enno Kramer reuppointcd Commodore Mediterranean: Juan Frcnichc can not uccept so another sailor must be faund Rcport Commodore Eastern Europe Czech Rep: About 10 bonts. Chumpionsltip 2004 is bcing organized Poland: 6 boats are sailing few regauas. Nationals ure being orgunizcd Hungury: 12uctive boals and participalion has increased from 4-5 to 6-7 this year. BUI young pcoplc seem only intercsted in 01ympic CIU5se5 even if thcy can hardly sail. No suiling activilies in Romunia, Bulgaria, Russia. Report Commodore South Pacilic Austrnliu: Numbers stuy fairly stuble wilh new members joining und older ones dropping oul. An incrcuse is expcctcd with the Worlds looming. The 2002 Nationals l1l Brisbane had, with 18 bOalS, the best attendance far year5. Rubin Haselgrove stoppl!U building FOs but the mOLild (SoLith Alistraliun FO property) has gone 10 Tuny Burrelt wlto intcnds 10 continue with the help 01' Robin Huselgrove New Zealand: Regullir uClivity by a small dedieuted group. ISAF Annnal Confercnce Bl1rceIonu November 2003 AB, SP and PFH will auend. Truvcl und accommodation IFDCO funded. Next meeting At end 01' Worlds 2003. - Ludy Cup Following the decision al Tavira a design in ceramic und gluss has veen reaehed und will be mude uvuilable. Gll/riOIl.I· .mifillg Championships - Euro series The [onnut und eompetition is purtly ils lirst yeur and weil reeeived. Worlds 2003 Weil on its way - WorIds 2(1)4 Set by Wurnemünde and Berlin Yncht Clubs Worlds 200S Communicutions with Greece are u bit problematie und there are some more doubts. 11' not arranged by end 01' September unother venue will be sougltt. - Future WorIds Or[ers of hosling huve been reeeived from Hungary amI Austria. Logo A good dozen designs were proposed. After shifting and selccting the design based on the Austriun FO Class logo was chosen. The old one was remain in use 100. TechnicaJ and measurement - 6 Cluss Rules update PHI hu.s updated the Cluss Rules in POF fonnat NEW LOGO!! Ycs it is truc, there is n new logo. Snme yeurs ugo Ihere were muuerings by sonle lllodemislS timt the logo, based on thc saga 01' a 17th ccntury ship, was ald fnshiol1cd und was not thc Flying Dutchman rcprescntutive for aur FD. It WOg bascd on thc saga aboul a DUlch ship which could nol gel mund thc Cape or Oood Hope, thc captuin swore al God und lhe devil alTered help under the condilion thut thc ship would huve Lo sail thc sens forever. Occasionully slte is sighted still. Thc saga was made famous by thc opera "Der Fliegende Holländer" by Wagner. In lhe early 50's thc KLM Imd a Flying Dutchman logo designcd for their aircraft. The KLM granted us the use or this logo far the IFDCO. During thc past few years efforls were made Lo urrivc al a more modern logo. A lot 01' proposals were made und after reviewing them 1It the Dervio Committee meeting the choke fell on the modi lied Austrian FD logo. It is simplc und in u fcw Hnes il shows the essence 01' thc FD. Tl can be used equal~ ly weil for publkations, t~sbirlS, other sailing weur und other mcrchandisc equally weil. ::5 The ncw logo can bc udaptcd by National FD Class Associatiolls with uddi- !.:: tion of thc name 01' their country. Also in olle colour it looks good. We huve to thunk the Austrian Clnss timt they ullow us 10 use this modilicd version of theirs. or Logo prC.I'elltat;oll (/f I/Je old Schiplwl Ai/71Ort 1I0LL\ND \1"';01/,\' pmpo,I'III,\' Referellee 10 ,he vld {(I#V 7ilke ycmr pick Logo ji,r //le Nmiolllli ,\.I'sodmirm.\' DM logo MIIII/rell Zdssel Origillal Alls/rirm elass logo 7 FD World Cup Points List 2002 Due to computer problems thc 2002 list was only uvuilublc November 2003. It is almosllime Lo publish thc 2003 list so If somebody likcs Lo have the complctc 2002 rcsults please conlact the editor. Quality ponts list tor 2003 PIllec Name HclmsnulU Total Points Huns-Pctcr Schwarl 345.06 344.93 2 Uwe Lüdtkc 325.85 3 Klaus TI Islru 32\.60 4 Sterun Seichel 320.10 5 Enno Krul11cr 314.79 6 Bus van der Pol 314.73 7 Robert de Lange 313.23 8 Kilian König 310.84 9 Bernd Schreiber 307.58 \0 Bob Smalders 307.23 11 Helmut Löther 299.47 12 Hurald Wijgers 294.05 13 JUrgen Gross 293.28 14 Uwe Steingross 288.77 15 Roll' Albert 283.11 16 Kurt MUlier 278.80 17 Fred Schaaf Q Points fur 2003 50 0 49 0 48 N 47 0 46 N 45 N 44 N 0 43 42 0 41 N 40 0 39 N 38 0 37 0 36 35 0 34 N Pluee Nume Helrnsman Totul 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Friedl Buhl Points :n7.84 276.46 270.84 265.00 264.77 Piet Stalli Arie Jan Doets Schappi König Olaf Ballerstein Rulph Bundel Thijs Rutten Andrem. Kunze Jörg Wille Kurt Prenzler Gines Romero Brigitte Wilkens 264.65 264.40 260.73 25\.96 248.15 244.12 242.53 238.78 238.30 237.20 232.11 Pranz Mcnzcr Roberto Cipriani Ocorg Vogler Hans Genthe Q Points l'or 211113 33 0 32 I 31 OE 0 30 0 29 28 N 27 N 26 0 25 0 24 0 23 N 22 0 21 0 20 0 19 E 18 0 WI! omilthc full 2002 results. Pluee Name Helmsman Tutnl Points 230.80 34 Frank Nooijcn 229.20 35 Ulrich SchUfen; 225.53 36 Wicnkc Bodewes 223.06 37 Gunter Schrcl11 38 J~1rgcn Bojscn M011er 221.64 220.44 39 Marco Lieberth 40 Francisco Martinez 219.43 216.96 41 Fmnco Tognocchi 214.55 42 Jan Lechler 43 Tony Lyall 213.98 213.97 44 Jose Sunches 45 SznbolcsMajlhcnyi 213.85 46 I-Iurlmut WesemUlIer 213.70 47 Wolfgang Dietrich 212.54 209.94 48 Peler KIelTe 208.94 49 Robert Ness 207.01 50 Jöm Borowski Q Points fur 2IJ03 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 N 0 N 0 0 0 E9 I 0 OB E H 0 0 0 0 0 FD EUROCUP The tOllowing events Event EasterEgg Regatta Austrian Champ. Kiel Week European Champ. Marina Trophy Total 126 Putricipunts Results I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2003 OER-113 NED-6 HUN-70 NED-12 AUT-4 OBR-385 OER-13 NEO-26 OER-40 NEO-5 have made Vcnuc Loosdrecht Neusiedl Schilksee Dervio Torbole Total 33 340 458 585 659 689 727 734 782 . 825 930 up the EUROCUP 2003 Country Date # Raccs Holland 19-21 April 5 mces Austria 9-11 May 6 racews Germany 21-24 7 races June Italy 9 ruces 13-20 July Ilaly August 6 ruces 28-30 races Killian König - Christiun Ochs/Henry Kramer/Johannes Brach Frank Havik - Willem Barens Wijsmuller/Guido AIl,emade Szabolcs Mujthcnyi - Andrus Domokos Klaus Tilstm - Adriaan Schmal Manfred Zeissel - Klaus Schober Tony Lyall - Colin Bums Schappi König - Tom Grelen Enno Krumer - Ard Geelkerken Bems Schreiber - Jaeob Carstenl Martin Romberg Fred Schaaf - Paul vd Poil Pieler ZandslrulBas Wulffers Rules The even'ts ure govemed by the Notices 01' Race und Sailing instructions for each event. Scoring There are 33 races scheduled in the 5 evenls above The aetual points awarded far each race are carried forward 10 the end 01' the series, a DSNS, RTD, DSQ, DCS and DNF scores one more point thun thc number 01' boats that have registered for an event. A baal timt is not registercd ror an event will score one point more tlmn the number 01' boats timt huve entereu the series (RRS A9) Ties are broken in accordanee withh RRS A 8.1 7 discards pennissible Ir 37-33 rnees are compleled 5 discards permissible 20-26 3 discards permissible 13-19 no discards l2 or less Provisional Dates for 2004 Date 19-31 May 19-22 June 27-3 August 26-28 August 9-10 OClober 8 Evcnt Vuil!ant Cup Kielweck Worlds Marina Trophy GUlcher Event Venuc Ballatan Schiksee Wumemünde Torbole Lomödrecht Country HUN OER OER ITA NEO # Raccs 5 mces 7 mces 9 races 6 mces 4 races EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 Wilh 72 competitors from 11 nations il was a nie!! und good Championship. A plcasanl circumstancc was a camping nexl dOOf Lo thc club with cven u special connecting gute. Weil und then the wemher was good, sunny und very hot, tao hOL rar some. The CN Dervio is ooly a smnll club but lhey puJled out aJI plugs und crcated a vcry niec, fricndly and relaxed championship. At luunching time lhe lukcside roadwuy was taken up wilh FDs ! 03.07.04 dub groumJs. Measurcmcnt went Sl1100thly apart from the fact that lhe FIV (Italian Yucht Federulion) paruchuted a 4 person team with a Chief measurer on tbc club complete wilh a stifT invoicc which 01' course was not in the budget. They had no FD Class Rules nor measuremcnt equipment, were no ISAF International Mcasurers and spoke nminly Italian. The Chief measurer, an old acquaintance 01' previous occasiosn, hus no International status und does not speak english. But he was head of thc measurement with a loud voice. Therc werc some funny decisions. Pe/er HillricluCII, ollr Chief A!e(l.l"/Irur, ,1]Jecinlisl /111 cllecking ji/J!airleu(/.\". Sailing eonditions werc niec generully. Enough wiml, wann water and hot lemperatures. And the views were orten superb. If rlwfl.' i.r /wt ellough /lIom jll.rl rwrk I/li! /mlm' Oll tllC I(/keside IYwd. Goly thing in the Clubhouse really was the Regatta Office. For Mcasuremenl und sodal gnlherings Ihere was a big mnrqucc just oUL<;ide the n/l! //II/It/UCI! Jor 1I11!1I.ruf'l!lllt:m tlllIl ,md/li Cl!lI1re Swrr 9 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 Robbl Magl/ire lI'eiglling NED-31 / nl/hkr. See/lu' Allwr/o 8arcllghi, fFDCO Prl!.I'itlelll, at ~d.l' 10 /(J II'dC/lnle 'Jt! dos/!. S:II!J10C.l' (HUN-70) lI'orking .\peech will! Sle.f1ll1/J Vigmw 0/1 M.I' 03.07.04 /'lu/der TI//! kid.\"jmmd !lreny .l"IIlIIrt{y ,he OptHmr. EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 03.07.04 11 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 Thc Championship WilS closed off with 11 Iively Prizc Giving. Euopenn Champions: J~rgen und Jucob Bojscn-Möller Golden FD Trophy : Hans Peter Schwarz - Roland Kirsl J00+ Trophy : Carlo Brunclli - Luciano Mercanti Pink Trophy : Birgittc S\21gurd - CarsteModcl co ßnrlebo 03.07.04 11w Golt/en FD for Hr/ll,\'·Pewr Sc/mllr;: 1111tl No/mul Kirort Cur/o IJrunclli lI/will!: W{}/! lire /00+ Tm[Jhr. J~jm Boj.w/I.AlrWer rlumkilljJ Ilte OINlllli.wtirm 12 Pre.wlIllltirm (if tlw rlul/lk-yoll I/Ir/(}e1 Jor l!Je eil/lI EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 03.07.04 Cllr{JrJ/ll/llUllri/i1 or There was course much fervent discussion on curbon masts. At the end there was a comparative test bctwccn GBR-382. with carbon spar, und HUN-70 wilh their alu mast. But there was not much wind. A cupsize lest was not very cnlighting cithcr. Pe/er Hi/ldcJu/!/I, 1:1'11.',\', Tcclllliml illllcricm 13 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Dervio - Italia, 13-26 July 2003 72 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.525 x 1.1 03.07.04 Q Pos Sail Nr Pts Helmsman Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 1B 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4B 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5B 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6B 69 70 71 72 14 DEN-21 GER-87 HUN-70 GBR-382 ITA-10 AUS-37 NED-12 ESP-66 NED-5 NED-26 GER-91 ESP-71 ESP-B1 NED-312 DEN-33 ITA-36 NED-350 GER-51 GER-1B71 GER-266 GER-40 ITA-45 NED-325 NED-327 GER-13 AUT-39 POL-B ITA-7 GER-213 GER-11 NED-69 ITA-1 GER-161 ITA-22 . GER-94 GER-1762 ITA-B AUT-17 GER-113 GBR-377 ITA-115 USA-251 AUT-20 ITA-19 GBR-342 AUT-40 GER-66 AUS-123 NED-31 GBR-3B4 GER-16 ESP-65 ITA-109 GER-115 GER-130 NED-334 AUT-4 ESP-BO GER-133 GER-76 GER-34 GER-41 NED-311 GER-139 GER-224 ITA-71 GBR-373 GER-1665 ITA-23 GBR-3BO GER-97 GBR-3B3 14 50 7 0 32 0 4B 19 34 46 40 B 12 2B 0 0 0 22 0 0 42 0 39 17 26 0 0 0 36 33 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 43 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jorgen Ba/sen-Molter Hans-Pater Schwarz Szabolcs Majthenyi Toby Dale Roberto Clpflanl Norman Aydge Klaas TIlstra Glnes Romero Fred Schaaf Enno Kramer Helmut Löther Jase Sanchez Franclsco Martinez Pleter Staal Blrgltt Segard Fablo Paoll Fank Havlk Andreas Kunze Walter Volkmann Bernd Szyperrek Bernd Schreiber Francesco Vespaslanl Harald Wljgers Frank Nooljen Schappi König Ghristoph Zingerle Henrylt Blaszl(a Alberta Barenghl Roll Albert Franz Menzer Wlm Langeslag Carlo Brunelli Hubert Walbel Alberto Patrone Ralf Wilkendorf Friedl Bühl Leopoldo Blasl Gerhard Prol(sch Kilian König Peter Doran Franco Tognocchl TIm Sayles Chris Holzinger Fulvlo CoHettl John Berry Axel Schmid-Slegel Kurt Prenzler Oouglas Parl(er Dennis van lersel Tony Lyall Karsten Keil Elena Raga Lulgi PelUgrinl Christian Ochs Chrlstlan von Mulert Sjars Riemslag Manfred Zelssel Raberta Sevila Ellsa König Leander Welntz Kurt Hergenröther Edwin Neue Louk Nellssen Jup Wanders Wolfgang Dietrich Luclano Mlcali Rosle pye Detlef Kreidel Enzo Motta Julian Bridges Walter Groß Victorla ParI)' 3 1 2 7 James Cole 9 Stefano Marelli 3 Rlchard Se8rf 4 Aderiaan Schmal B Juan Sanchez-Herrero 5 Pleter Zandstra 12 Ard Geelkerken 20 Michael Klawitter 6 Javier Cayuela 10 Garcla Arturo Manchado 11 Arnout WIJs 36 Cersten Barlebo 3B Marco Pogglantl 23 Jacob Ba/sen-Moller Roland Kirst Andras Domolms Willem Bafend Wijsmuller 13 Bernd Keller 16 Alexander Krohmer 1B Giemens Binder 46 Martln Romberg 17 15 Francesco Gerunzl Marianne.Lubbers 35 Sander Klein Obbink 22 21 Tom Greten Phillpp Zingerie 37 Tomasz Kledzlk 14 42 Matteo Gosta Lutz Albert 26 Ernst Hlegele 39 Robert de Lange 24 Luciano Mercantl 27 Bene Wledemann 32 Davlde Loleo 45 Stephan LObbe 43 Adalbert Netzer 44 Francesco Blasl 19 Günter Grigar 50 Henry Kramer 25 Rlehard Phlillps Corrado Guareschi Pavel Ruzlcka Stefan Schmitz Corrado Cattabrlga Jamle Whltaker Wolfgang Skoda Helnz Bollweg Nlco Capppelluti Joost van lersel Colln Burns Frank Descher Alvaro Moreno Andrea Mllesl Johannes Brack Andreas Matt Klaas v.d.Spek Stephan Buchleitner Vicente Guljarra TImo Sandrock Karl Lösch Walfgang Staud Kai Führer Hugo Nellssen Tan]a Hel]lnk Gudrun Dietrich Pletra Falavlgna NeU pye Hermann Sons Paolo Fergnanl Cathy Bridges Egbert Feldner Stephen ParI)' 29 30 34 28 41 51 49 33 31 40 52 53 55 61 54 59 4B 56 65 nl 60 5B 57 62 63 64 6B 67 nl ne 66 47 nl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 1 2 4 5 3 2B 19 6 10 23 11 26 12 31 1B B 29 7 59 17 nl 16 27 46 33 9 35 21 14 50 40 52 42 30 51 41 4B 32 44 15 20 nl 3B 34 13 25 55 24 53 37 39 22 36 47 56 49 57 5B 45 54 43 64 nl 63 66 67 62 61 ne 60 65 6B 3 2 4 1 5 B 6 14 27 13 10 9 15 1B 12 23 es 7 19 20 16 29 26 41 21 51 17 32 34 33 25 37 11 22 24 nl 40 31 es 2B 4B nf 35 43 47 49 45 39 36 50 3B 61 42 55 nl 54 46 52 44 56 53 30 59 60 57 62 nl 5B ne nl nl nl 1 21 5 2 20 3 7 6 27 4 B 10 12 13 9 17 25 29 22 11 19 14 24 32 36 1B 2B 15 35 30 nl 23 41 26 16 33 4B dq 49 37 40 31 43 46 44 34 45 42 38 51 50 nl 61 57 47 55 63 59 52 53 5B nl 60 56 66 67 39 nl 65 54 62 64 1 3 17 4 2 nl 9 B 14 5 24 7 13 10 29 40 6 32 20 43 30 1B 27 16 12 11 25 26 31 21 35 23 4B 2B 34 19 15 22 36 37 50 41 3B 47 45 33 52 39 46 44 59 nl 49 53 42 56 nl 62 54 5B 60 nl 55 64 nl 57 65 61 63 nl nl 51 3 1 2 6 5 4 31 16 7 9 11 B 2B 1B 29 25 36 35 19 24 14 40 10 1 4 2 6 5 7 3 12 1B 10 15 11 B 21 9 17 25 14 2B 16 19 23 40 24 26 22 30 37 31 34 20 43 41 nl 33 13 35 39 27 49 63 50 44 29 51 47 32 52 3B 46 5B 45 53 36 4B nl 65 42 es 55 56 54 60 61 57 64 nl 59 62 nl nl nl nl 1 10 11 8 6 17 7 2 20 nl 46 14 3 23 9 13 24 4 22 33 18 5 12 32 15 nl 27 nl 42 26 19 2B 29 31 44 36 16 3B 51 25 21 nl 41 30 34 nl nl 43 39 37 35 49 40 52 45 53 4B 50 nl nl 55 47 nl nl 56 nl nl 54 nl nl nl 3 4 5 7 9 1 17 6 10 1B 24 12 29 13 21 16 30 33 20 15 dq 27 25 26 nl 19 2B 11 B 40 45 14 22 23 3B 39 32 31 34 46 35 43 37 48 dq 42 47 36 53 51 44 55 60 52 49 41 54 nl 56 nl 57 nl 61 50 62 59 nl ne 5B nl nl 17 13 4B 27 23 32 15 12 21 30 dq 46 20 33 nl 26 52 37 34 3B 39 41 47 22 es 51 43 50 57 42 es 56 55 45 49 54 44 59 nl 61 53 60 63 nl 5B 62 nl nl nl Total 10 14 28 29 30 41 51 5B 69 71 79 79 B2 112 113 11 B 127 127 130 130 133 146 14B 151 160 160 160 172 179 1BO 1B2 193 197 202 204 208 217 222 227 229 246 246 263 264 26B 269 271 274 277 310 318 319 326 342 353 355 361 362 372 376 3B7 390 404 417 420 431 43B 443 452 457 466 475 WRL 83,9 82,73 81,55 80,39 79,22 7B,06 76,89 75,73 74,56 73,4 72,23 71,07 69 6B,74 67,57 66,41 65,24 64,OB 62,91 61,75 60,58 59,42 5B,25 57,09 55,92 54,76 53,59 52,43 51,26 50,1 4B,93 47,77 46,6 45,44 44,27 43,11 41,94 40,7B 39,61 38,45 37,2B 36,12 34,95 33,79 32,62 31,46 30,29 29,13 27,96 26,B 25,63 24,47 23,3 22,14 20,97 19,B1 1B,64 17,4B 16,31 15,15 13,9B 12,B2 11,65 10,49 9,32 B,16 6,99 5,83 4,66 3,5 2,33 1,165 EQUIPMENT used at EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2003 HELMSMAN Sall 11 AUS*123 AUS-337 AUT-17 AUT-20 AUT-39 AUT-4 AUT-40 DEN-21 DEN-33 ESP-6 ESP-7 ESP-8 ESP-BO ESP-81 GBR-373 GBR-377 GBR-378 G8R-380 GBR-382 GBR-3S3 GBR-38S GER-11 GER-113 GER-115 GER-13 GER-130 GER-133 GER-139 GER-16 GER-161 GER-166S GER-1762 GER-1871 GER-213 GER-224 GER-34 GER-40 GER-41 GER-Si GER-66 GER-76 GER-87 GER-91 GER-94 GER-97 HUN-70 ITA-l ITA-10 ITA-l09 ITA-115 ITA-19 ITA-22 ITA-23 ITA-36 ITA-45 ITA-7 ITA-71 fTA-8 NED-12 NED-2S NEO-26 NED-311 NED-312 NEO-318 NED-327 NEO-334 NED-5 NEO-6 NED-59 POL-8 USA-2S1 Parker-Cappellutl Rydge-Scarr Prol~sch-Grigar Holzlnger-Schmitz Zlngerle-Zlngerle Zelssel-Buchleitner Schmld Siegel-Skod Bojsen-M-Bojsen-M Sogaard-Barlebo Aomero-Sanchez Sanchez-Cayuela B5 91 7B 72 BO 90 BO 6B 62 B3 75 65 90 B3 SB 72 66 65 75 53 B6 93 75 92 B7 92 62 7B 103 70 72 B3 100 100 72 B2 B7 65 BO 91 90 75 75 71 B5 B9 7B 6B BO B3 73 B1 BO Raga-Moreno Sevila-Guljarro Martlnez-Manchado pye-Pye Doran-PhllUps 8erry-Whltalter Bridges-8ridges Oale-Cole Parry-Parry Lyall-Burns Menzer-Hlegele Könlg-I<ramer Ochs-Braclt Könl9-Greten Mulert-Matt Könlg,E-Sandrocl( Wanders-Heljlnk Kell-Descher Walbel-Wiedemann Kreldel-Sons Buhl-Netzer Volltmann-Krohmer Albert-Albert Dietrich-Dietrich Szyperrek-8lnder Hergenrother-Slaud Schrelber-Romberg Neue-FlJhrer Kunze-Keller Prenzler-Bollweg Welntz-Lösch Schwarz-Klrst Lother-Klawitter Wllkendorf-Luebbe Groß-Feldner Majthenyl-Domolms BrunellJ-MercantJ Clprlanl-Morelll Pellegrinl-Milesl Tognochl-Guareschl Collettl-Cattabrlga Patrone-Loleo Motta-Pergnanl 1 PaoU-Pogglanti 75 Vespasanl-Gerunzl B6 Barenghl-Cosla 66 Mlcal1-Falavlgna 7B Blasi-Blasl BO Tllstra-Schmal 74 Wijgers-Lubbers 77 Kramer-Geelkerken 77 Nelissen-NeHssen 75 Staal-Wljs B9 v lersel-v lersel B5 Nool/en-Klein Obblnk 105 Riemslag-vd Spelt 77 Schaaf-Zandslra B5 Havlk-Wijsmuller B5 Langeslag-de Lange B4 Blaszka-KJedzik 95 Sayles-Ruzlclta B6 LEGEND Amateur A P.AI Peter Allam Alx Alxander Salls Apco Applied Composile .B8 Bruce Banlts Sails Beth Bethwaite 8M BoJsen Moller Salls 8are 8arclay Yard Botterill Yard 80' 80y Boyee Spars 8re Rob Brewer Salls Care Carbon Composlte cREW BOAT k9 m yard date 1<9 1,6B 95 1,B B7 1,82 102 1,83 72 1,86 79 1.85 90 1,74 B2 1,75 B7 1,78 112 1,74 B6 1,72 95 1,65 90 1,B B5 1,78 79 1,6 B9 1,6S 95 1,B 9B 1,73 BO 1,B 102 1,S8 BO 1,79 95 1,76 74 1,7B 7B 1,88 BB 1,B5 91 1,B BO 1,72 9B 1,76 BO 1,85 BO 1,76 10B 1,B BO 1,78 97 1,83 90 1,86 B5 1,83 63 1,76 95 1,81 B4 B5 1,7 1,82 106 1,B B5 1,78 B2 1,73 BO 1,77 9B 1,76 94 1,87 92 1,B 93 1,B 91 1,68 B9 1,75 100 1,82 95 1,73 B3 1,77 95 1,7S 90 1,B 1,B5 1,91 87-1 1,B 1,93 1,76 1,97 1,85 1,B5 1,83 1,85 1,9 1,7 2,1 1,68 1,79 1,74 1,98 1,89 1,88 1,B 1,92 1,78 1,77 1,B 1,B 1,92 1,93 1,86 1,7 1,81 1,78 1,9B 1,9 1,9 1,83 1,72 1,9 1,B6 1,9 1,74 1,88 1,75 1,B 2,05 1,B7 1,B 1,75 LM Has LM HM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM Lln LM LM LM LM Hoa LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM 135 130 12B 129 130 133 130 132 131 130 131 130 129 131 130 132 131 13B 130 130 130 131 130 130 130 132 134 131 135 132 130 139 133 131 130 131 131 130 134 131 130 131 130 131 131 130 130 131 130 139 130 131 131 1 1 m 1<9 1 1,73 BB 1,92 B3 1,68 100 1,7 B4 1,86 B2 1,82 94 1,82 90 1,B B7 1,76 B5 1,78 105 1,75 73 1,96 90 1,78 B2 1,78 B3 2 95 1,85 B5 1,B 90 1,83 90 Clo Comp CoSp Dan Dela Dia Dlx dOu Dre dVr EI] Eil FES 1,85 1,94 1,85 1,76 1,79 1,85 1,87 1,9 1,B 1,B3 1,9 1,73 1,94 1,B4 1,9 1,B 1,83 1,82 1,9 l,9S 1,88 1,B 1,BB 02-9 90-12 85-5 87-B 92-3 95-9 92-3 99-3 01-6 90-7 B7-7 87-10 00-6 90-5 91-12 90-6 78-3 97-11 98-0S 02-5 OO-S 9S-8 89-7 02-6 91-5 00-7 99-4 9S-6 89-3 80-8 84-7 84-4 97-3 93-4 BB-7 91-6 9B-4 8S-2 92-1 02-5 BB-4 91-11 92-5 91-4 93-3 98-1 01-5 02-3 88-2 89-4 90-2 92-3 1 1 LM 00-3 LM 88-7 LM 02-4 LM 86-2 LM 03-1 LM 86-8 LM 90-2 Vel 92-1 B5Lin KDV 86-7 KDV 87-3 KDV 88-7 KDV 90-8 FES 91-3 LM 88-S LM 91-1 LM 90-10 LM 90-7 Clown Sails Composites Composite Spars Dan Salls Delange DIamond Sallsden Dixon Spars den Ouden Dreule de Vries Salls Eljk Jachtbouw Elite Salls FES Yard 1 SPARS FellS CB Rudder LM 8eth LM HM HM LM LM A LM LM LM LM Lin LM LM LM LM Tur LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM Klw LM LM 1 LM LM Boom Splpole Goi Goi HA HA HA Prgam Pr SuS-M5 Sus SuS-M5 Goi SuS MS SuS MS Goi SuS-M5 Pr-E SuS SuS MS Pr-Gam SuS MS SuS MS SuS M5 Sus M5 Pr SuS SuS M5 SuS MS SuS SuS Pr eps SuS Pr E SuS SuS MS SuS Pr Pr Goi SuS SuS Goi SuS M8 SuS M5 Pr Nlm SuS Pr Nlm Goi Pr Goi SuS Pr SuS-M5 1 Goi Pr Gare SuS Pr SuS Pr Pr SuS car SuS SuS car SuS car SuS SuS SuS car SuS SuS SuS 80y Pr SuS car Pr Car Pr Pr Pr SuS SuS Pr SuS Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr SuS Pr Pr Pr SuS Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr carbon Pr SuS car Pr Pr Pr Pr SuS Gare SuS SuS SuS Pr Pr SuS car SuS SuS car SuS car SuS SuS SuS SuS SuS SuS Pr SuS car Pr car Pr car carbon LM A LM HM HM LM LM Wal LM LM LM LM Lin LM LM LM LM Home LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM LM Dre LM LM 1 1 1 1 1 130 LM 130 1 132 LM 136 1 130 LM 134 horne 130 Vef 135 Vel 130 Teb 134 Vel 132 1 133 Vel 132 1 134 FES 130 1 131 LM 132 LM LM 130 LM Goi Pr Goi SuS Goi SuS M5 SuS Goi SuS M5 Pr gam Pr E Pr-Gam SuS M5 SuS M5 Pr E Goi SuS SuS M8 Pr SuS SuS Pr SuS Pr Pr carbon SuS Pr SuS Pr Pr SuS SuS car Pr SuS Pr 1: LM 1 LM LM LM Vel Lin Vel 1 Vel 1 FES 1 LM LM LM Fun Fun Salls Goi Gold Spars H Hyde Sails HA Holt Allen Spars Had HadJer Hag Hagoort Salls Hals Halsey Salls Has Haslegrove HM Hans Mader Hoa Bob Hoare Yard HomeHome-Amateur Irw Irwin Sails Jago Jago Yaehts Ka KDV Klw Lin LM N NaG Pau PoE Point Pol Pr Qua STATISTICS EC 2003 Helmsman Crew Comblned (H + C) Oldest 77 (GER-1665) 60 (GER-97] 133 (GER-1665] Youngest 20 (G8R-3B3] 17 (G8R-37B] 42 (GER-115] Averages Helmsman Crew SAILS Mast k9 81.00 88.57 11 Pr SuS SuS Pr SuS carbon SuS Pr Pr SuS 1 1 carbon 1 SuS Pr SuS Pr Pr Pr Pr SuS Home carbon Pr Pr car Pr Pr 1 1 1 Maln Irw X3 BM 4 N LI N mu9 N Ltlmed VM med VM med Hals Hals N mu9 SM LVm SM-M1 BM LVM SM M1 8M AP BM med BM med BM med BM Lt 8M BM hea U9 N med N 8M med BM hea BB med BB med Dia MU9 88 LVme Dia 2-8 Dia MU9 8B AP B8 Hea 88 8B med 8B LVme BB med BM Ml1 8M M1 VM 4.1 BM med VM 3.7 VM L2 VM VM LVM BM med VM LVM 8M M1 N 1-6 8m M1 BM AP Hals 4.7 VM Ll/me Fun Fun med VM med VM med Clo Clo med VM Lt VM LVme BM med BM U BM m2 Sef hea Sef med Sef hea VM M/H N 1-6 BB med 88 UM N mull Dan X3 N mu9 Qua M/H H med H med 8M med VM L1 BB hea Dia 2.B 8M M1 8M Ll VM 4.5 VM LVme Qua med DIa 2.8 H med H med 8M BM Lt Hals med Hals med Hals 4.5 Hals rco BM med BM Lt 8M Ml VM med VM med Hals med VM med VM M/H hw AP BM N LVM 1 Pr Hals SuS 8M M1 SuS VM LVM Pr VM med Pr Hals 1 8B med Quamed 1 carbon Hag med SuS Hag med SuS Hag med SuS VM med SuS VM med Pr H med SuS VM 4.1 1 Dia U9 Hag Lt Pr SuS BM med Pr BM med Ka Salls KDV Yard Kiwi L1ndsay Yard LMader North Sails Nalder Gould Salls Pauger Power edge Sails Point Sails Palger Proetor Spars Quantum Sails f!N '02, (7B.5 (BB.2 '01] BO.2) BB.5] Genaa Genaa Spl Dia 1-6 Irw BM 1 BM N N Ly/M SM Lt BM VM He/rn Hals BM Hals N Dia med SM M1 8M 8M AP 8M SM Ltlm 8M N 8M AP Eil med 8M Eil N hea BM med 8M 2-B88 Dia Lt 88 88 med Dan hea 8M B8 88 BB LVme BB Lt/me BB Lt 88 BM Lt VM Lt VM N hea VM VM N Med SM med VM N N 2-B VM M 8M H H hea Fun 3-7 Fun VM H Dia m/hea VM med VM BM LtBM Lt SeI Sef Lt SeI Sef med Dia 2-8 8M VM L2 VM H Dan X3 B8 N N VM med Dia med VM 88 BB 11m 8M Mi BM VM VM med Qua Lt BM VM 88 med 8M med BM Hals Hals hea Hals rc2 Hals 00 Dan med VM LVM BM VM Lt Hals HaiS 1 1 1 Hals Lt Hals Med Hals 8M LI 8M med 8M VM AP 8M hea VM Point 1 H Hals Lt Hals med Hals BM med M8 m2 8M Qua med 1 BM med Hag M/H Hag LtHag Lt Hag med Dia med Ha9 VM Ha9 VM Hals med Hals hea BM Lt Hag medVM Lt dVr med Dia 2.B 8M VM med VM med VM 88 VM LVM VM LUM Hag med Hag Lt Ha9 8M L1 8M LI Dia 8M BM med 8M Lt Scof SeI SpCr Teb Tur Spw Vel VM ,VI Wal WII YSer Z Scoffin Segelform Sparcraft Tebbertman Turner Speedwave VeJs Yard Vogel&Meler vVllet Salls Waterat Tlm Willets SaU Yacht Services Z-spar m f!N '02, 1.784 1.848 (1.BB (1.B6 '01) 1.BO) 1.B5) 15 STATISTICS Mast Goldspar Holt-Allen Baat FES Haslegrove H.Mader Haare KDV Llndsay LMader Proclor 1 4 2 60 Superspar 14 3 18 36 111 Boom Splpole Boyes Carboncomposlle Proctor Superspar Gold Spar Proctor Superspar Horne 111 Garbon boom 40 27 3 3 111 Carbon poles 24 31 1 15 5 Vels 111 Malnsall Bajsen Maller 8ruce Banks Clown Dlamand Genaa 21 6 1 3 Fun Hagoort Halsey Hyde 111 40 11 Dan 4 11 DIamond 4 6 3 irwln North Quantum Segelform Vogel Meier Bojsen Maller Bruce Banlts Clown 6 2 2 15 1 dVr Fun Hagoort Halsey Hyde Irwln North Offshore Point Salls Quantum SegeJrorm Vogel Meier 111 2 7 12 2 1 11 2 2 3 2 25 3 Spinnaker BoJssn Maller Bruce Banlts Olamand Elite 111 Bethwaite 9 FES 1 H.Mader Kiwi Llndsay L.Mader Tebbertman Turner Vels Fun Hagoort Halsey Hyde Irwln North Dns Off Segelrorm Vogel Meier Rudder Dreule Centreboard 20 3 8 4 1 5 Horne 111 FES 2 1 50 1 4 2 8 H.Mader Llndsay L.Mader Waterat Vers Horne 111 2 14 2 The fastest FD sails in the world Bojsen-M01ler Sails Mesterlodden 36 2820 Gentodte Tlf: +45-3966 3322 www.bmsails.dk email:[email protected] 16 2 2 53 1 3 2 7 INTERNATIONAL FLYING DUTCHMAN CLASS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2004 27 July 2004 / 3 August 2004 - Warnemünde - Germany PROVISIONAL NOTICE OF RACE Thc Verein Seglerhaus um Wunn:'icc, thc Rostocker YachlcJub und IFDCO have the pleasure inviling all FD suilors La purticipule in thc World Championship 2004 or lhe INTERNATIONAL FLYlNG DUTCHMAN CLASS wh ich will be held at Warnemünde from 17th July 2004 Lo 3rd Augusl2004. Mcusurement: 27-28 July 2004 Rucing: 29 July -3 August 2004 Entry fee: 300.- Euro Enlry addrcss: Verein ScglcrlUlLIs am Wannsee Am Grossen Wannsee 22-26 14109 ßeriin Phone: ++49-(0)30-805 2006 Fax: ++49-(0)30-805 1156 or Camping: Limited, direct ullhe marinll Truvcl: Lubcck 120 km Hamburg 180 km Berlin 250 km General: Wurncmündc an thc ßaltic. I() km from Rostock. Lively yachting und fishing ccntrc. Altrnctive beuch und a villuge cenlre with plenty burs and restaurants. Email: [email protected] ACCOMMODATION For lravel und ucconunodation: Tourist - Information Warnemünde Am Strom 59 18119 ROSlock Phone: ++49-(0)38 I -548 000 Fax: ++49-(0)381-548.0030 Email: [email protected] Web: www.wamemuende.de FURTHER INFORMATION For further infonnation please conlacl Verein Seglerhaus am Wannsee Am Grossen Wannsee 22-26 14109 Berlin Phone: ++49-(0)30-805 2006 Fux: ++49-(0)30-805 1156 Email: [email protected] 17 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2003 - Sandringham, Vic - Australia, 27-7 January 2004 03.12.04 55 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.344 x 1.0 Kay Uwe Luedtkcl Kai Schaefers, and NED-6 who Imd led for thc lirst triungle. AUS-365 was fourth und thc Spanish ESP-66, Gines ROlllero/Javier Cuyuela, liflh. Ruce 6 With thc weuthcr forecast predicting strong winds for the final day two ruces were schcduled for Januury. However a fickle northerly,5 to 8 knots, refuscd to settle until late in the ufternoon so only one race wus possible and thc course Imd to be shortened before the wind died complctcly! The fHliians ITA-IO, Roberto CipriunilStefuno Morelli. showed their abilities wilh u c1everly sailed rnce to luke secolld pluce behind AUS-37 who won thcir sccond race. NEO 12, Klaas Tilstu/Auriaan Schmul) were thinJ with GER -7 fourth. Wednesduy 7th Jalluary. The weather forecust was right!! It blew! Rudng was cllncclIed! Containers were loaded! Thc Hungariuns aguin showed tlUlt pruclicc and consistency paid ofT with I, 3, 4, 1, 6 uml DSQ were winners by 3 points und worthy World Champions for 2003. Congmtulations to them. The Worlds was prec.:eded by the Australiun Open Championship where quile 11 few overSCllS competitors participatcd for same pruclice und finding oul thc condinions. Rcgislr<nion llml Measuremenl went smoothly wilh John Best led all the way with the HUN-70 and GER-87 second and lhird respeclively. AUS-33, the three limes World Champions lan McCrossinllames Cook, came up from 10th to be fourth with GBR382, Toby Dalellumes Cole lifth. (Acting Chief Measurer) working \Vith a wellprucliccd team including Puul Hemker und Robin Magill. 11 was unfortunlllc timt Pctcr Hinrichsen could not altend the Championship for pcnional rcaspOSt but \Ve were very pleused to kllow that \Ve could huve acccss 10 ballt him und Cle for advice if needed. II was the first Championship timt Cle had not attemled in living memory I belicvc, but \vc look forward 10 seeing hirn ugain in WarnemUnde. Conditiol1s in Melbourne were not easy for either the Race Oflicer or the competitors, wind conditions varied from Oat culm to 35+ knots, and it could all happen wilhin minutes! For severul years in succession we lost the last mce to the weather, this time too much wind! Rnce 1 Beginning in 7 - 10 knots of breeze wilh the wind from 160", there was a clean start at the first attempl. There was u course change to 175" for the third beat. Sailed round the long Course 2 (triangle, sausagc, lriunglc - finish) AUS-338, Gavin Dagleyl lohn Dryden, led for most of the way unti! their spinnaker got tom ullowing HUN70, Szabolcs MajthenyilAndnis Domokos, lind GER-87, Hans Peter SchwartzlPeter van Koppen, past on the final reaches, but they held on for a deserved lhird pi ace. AUS-37, Norman Rydge/Richard Scarr were fourth. Rucc 2 Bft4-5 from 190" greeted the teams for lhis rnce. AUS-365, Brett Beyerl Roddy Johnson, 18 Rnce 3 After a long deluy rncing was linally started lute in the duy. Two races were scheduled but only Race 3 wus sailed in a building breeze from the southwest wh ich rose to 25+ knots far the linaltwo legs providing same exciting conditions far both suilors and spectators! After a General Recull the ßlack flag was used to gain some discipline! AUS-33 led from AUS-338 und GBR382 for the lirst two rounds with HUN-70 und OER-33, Hans Genthe/Huuke Dregenberg, in fourth and lifth places. By the linish GBR-382 took the gun with AUS -33 in second pluce und AUS-338 third und HUN- 70 fourth. Rncc 4 Two rnces were sailed on January 4th to keep the Chumpionship on schedule. The first race of the day, Race 4 (shart course), wus started be fore 1 JOOhrs in a light northerly. AUS-37 and AUS-365 duclIed for first position around the shorter Course I (triangle, sausllgc, linish) but allowed the Hungarians und the Dutch teum NED-6, Frunk Havik/Guido Alkemade, to get past. GBR-382 c1imbed from 10th to lUke fourth place. Race 5 After n brellk for some lunch Ruce 5 (short course) was sailed in a building sea breeze, Bft 4-5, from a southerly direction_ There were two Geneml Recalls und the Black Flag uppeared again. AUS-37 wns 6th after the first lriangle but cume through to take the gun from GER-206, SocialSide The Sandringhum Yacht Club BBQ was uscd to good effect twice supplying competitors with a selection 01' meul.. and sulads. The prizc giving meul (A$SO) wus exceiient lind there were same who musl have been plcused to huve packed their boats away the previous duy. The Prizewinners took away some superb glusswure. For the lirsttime the Ludy's Prizc wus prescnled . by Alberto and Linda Bercnghi to Muriunne Lubers. The Mexicun Sombrero went to Hans Peter Schwllrtz und Petcr van Koppen for the best score WitllOut discurd. The 100+ went to Iun McCrossing und Jumes Cook, 6th ovcmlJ. Far the The Pizzorno Trophy llgain went to Killiun Konig who was 20th overall. Thc Sponsors, SaH Mclboume and Sandringhum Ylicht Club put on a superb event und everyone wus very helpful. Muny thanks to them all. Stephen Purry VP Championships. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Sandringharn - Australia, 27 Dec.-7Jan. 2003 55 Competitors - 11 Nations - WCF 1.344 x 1.0 03.12.04 Q Pos 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Sail Nr Pis HUN-70 7 AUS-37 0 GER-87 50 AUS-365 ITA-10 32 AUS-33 0 AUS-338 0 GBR-382 0 NEO-26 46 GER-206 49 NZL-111 0 NEO-12 GER-33 NEO-32 NEO-6 ESP-66 AUS-337 NZL-110 AUS-21 48 30 0 0 19 GER-113 NZL-103 GER-99 AUS-35 GER-13 NEO-69 AUT-4 43 0 37 0 26 0 0 AUS-123 AUS-35B NEO-312 AUS-342 AUS-32 AUS-327 AUS-339 0 0 2B 0 0 0 0 AUS-361 NEO-327 GBR-377 NEO-315 GER-1777 0 0 17 0 0 6 ITA-19 ITA-7 AUS-321 SUI-6 0 0 0 NZL-107 GER-1B9 NEO-77 AUS-001 USA-167 0 0 0 0 0 NEO-330 AUS-322 NZL-106 AUS-335 ESP-10 0 0 0 0 NZL-112 AUS-303 AUS-357 0 0 0 Helmsman Crew 2 4-5 3 7 2 Szabolcs Majth8nyi Wind 8ft 3 Andras Domolms 1 Norman Rydge Richard Scarr Hans-Peter Schwarz Peter van Koppen Brett Beyer Aoherto Ciprian! lan McCrossin Gavln Dagley Toby Dale Roddy Johnson 15 Stefano Morelli 10 23 1 13 4 3 13 7 6 8 dq 5 8 23 11 ns James Cook John Dryden James Cole Enno Kramer Ard GeeIlteriten Kay-Uwe Lüdtke Kai Schäfers Andrew McKee Klaas Tilstra Adrlaan Schmal Matthew BIsmark 4 2 Hans Genthe Albert van Vianen Fank Havlk Hauke Drengenberg Glnes Romera Javier Cayuela Douglas Rawson-Harris 19 9 nf 14 5 30 Robert Chubb 26 Darren Hocking 11 Johannes Bracl< Cameron Hooper Hideo Tayama Peter Barteis Marlt van der Pol Guldo Alltemade Uwe Stelngross Harald Schaale 34 28 20 Peter Hlgglns Chris Warmer 22 Schappl König Wlm Langeslag Klaus Schober Dougl85 Parker Tom Greten 12 16 lan Dixon Jordan Spenler Pleter Staal Arnout WiJs Cralg Ginnivan Mari< Teasdale Davld Harn Peter Woolman Andrew Petch Kilian König Daryl Way Dave Hisiop Theo Rutten Manfred Zelssel Vlktor Budantjev Phll Scapens Peter Jones 17 18 21 25 24 29 27 33 35 31 39 Gary Cameron lan Auff Angus Read Frank Nooljen Geert RolHngswier Peter Daran Richard Phlllips Clavis SulJs Hartmut Wesemüller Fulvl0 Colletll Nikolaus Hartmann Alberte Barenghi Francesco Bias! Andy Alisep Christoph Baumann Allsdalr Daines Georg Altenhain Niels Kamphuls John Cash Marianne Schmal 40 32 36 43 38 47 37 41 Allster McCowan Andrew McCowan 50 Paul Hemlter John Shallvey Tanja Heljink NeWe v d Valk Colln McLeod Lachlan Payne 44 42 46 Danlei Manderson Scott Francls nf Andrew Belrord Kym McNamara Jorge Comln Bernardo Penalva Ray Dyson Adrian Lawrence John Ford Webster Manzy 48 45 49 52 Bill Fenelon Maireen Fenelon nf MarJeen van Ballegooljen 51 Corrado Cattabriga Michael Koller David Glbb Bernd Mende 3 6 4 3 5 4-5 6 5 7 3 1 8 4 7 13 9 20 4 14 6 11 7 2 3 1 13 B 8 6 13 4 14 dq 25 12 10 2 24 14 Total WRL 4 15 18 21 5 2 10 9 25 24 34 35 37 43 67,20 65,98 64,77 63,53 6 44 46 63 66 70 70 71 78 78 92 92 95 97 97 97 6 2 dq 7 11 6 18 22 14 12 19 9 18 5 15 30 24 10 22 30 27 17 10 31 9 21 21 19 32 20 38 9 16 20 21 23 25 2B 39 15 dq 33 12 8 29 13 19 16 20 24 15 17 23 41 25 17 16 25 30 26 26 33 27 28 12 19 23 11 28 26 31 19 27 16 36 29 31 24 17 20 23 45 18 18 37 35 nf 29 24 22 43 45 30 27 28 21 32 27 28 36 16 43 29 31 34 26 15 32 35 18 39 22 41 34 33 38 35 nf 37 42 ns 35 15 21 47 32 44 43 26 14 44 32 36 39 46 40 38 34 33 36 46 40 nf nf 39 50 51 42 41 56 44 ns bs 48 49 52 ns nf dq 39 nf 37 29 45 42 43 44 40 nf nf 46 nf nf nf 45 nf 10 2 11 12 3 5 17 nf 34 51 41 38 42 33 30 44 40 46 48 53 49 37 3 22 35 31 34 50 36 42 40 51 37 38 45 47 43 50 52 46 47 49 41 48 52 54 ns 7 8 9 62,31 61,09 59,87 58,65 57,43 56,20 54,98 53,76 52,54 51,32 50,09 48,87 47,65 46,43 99 45,21 43,99 42,76 41,54 40,32 39,10 104 108 116 117 121 124 37,88 36,65 35,43 34,21 32,99 31,77 127 128 129 148 155 169 30,55 29,32 28,10 26,88 25,66 24,44 172 173 177 179 180 23,21 22,00 20,77 19,55 18,33 188 191 201 204 205 17,11 15,88 14,66 13,44 218 221 223 223 225 12,22 11,00 9,77 8,55 7,33 6,11 233 240 254 278 4,89 3,67 2,44 1,22 19 EQUIPMENT USED AT WC 2003 COMPETITORS MeCowan-MeCowan Parl<er-Budantsev Bartels-Hoeltlng Ham-Peleh AlIsep-Cash MeLeod-Payne Woolman-Webb Belford-MeNamara MeCrossln-Coolt Ford-Marzy AUS-337 Hooper-Rawson H AUS-338 Oagley-Oryden AUS-339 Cameron-Jones AUS-342 Glnnlvan-Teasdale Hlgglns-Warmer AUS-35 AUS-357 Fenelon-Fenelon AUS-358 Olxon-Speneer AUS-36i Ruft-Reid AUS-365 Beyer-Johnson AUS-37 Rydge-Searr AUT-4 Sehober-Zelssel Comln-Guljarro ESP-l0 ESP-7 Romero-Cayuela G8R-377 Ooran-Phllllps G8R-382 Oale-Cole GER-13 Könlg-Grelen GER-i13 Könlg-Braelt GER-1777 Weseml.iller-Hartmann GER-189 Altenhaln-Mende GER-206 LOdtJ<e-Sehäfers GER-33 Genthe-Orengenberg GER-87 Sehwarz-van Koppen GER-99 Stelngross-Sehaale HUN-70 Majthenyl-Oomo!ms ITA-l0 Clprlanl-Morelll ITA-l 9 Colletti-Catlabriga ITA-7 Barenghl-8lasl NEO-12 Tilstra-Sehmal NEO-26 Kramer-Geeillerilen NEO-312 Staal-Wljs NEO-315 Buijs-8allegooljen NEO-32 vVlanen - vd Pol NEO-327 Nooljen-Rollingswler NEO-33 HelJlnlt-vdValk NEO-348 Langeslag-Rutlen NEO-6 Havllt-AlI<emade NEO-77 Kamphuls-Lubbers NZL-l Way-Hlsiop NZL-l06 Manderson-Francls NZL-l07 Oaines-Gibb NZL-ll0 Tayama-Chubb NZL-ll1 MeKee-Blsmarlt Oyson-Lawrenee 8aumann-Koller USA-167 Hemlter-Shallvey AUS-i AUS-i23 AUS-21 AUS-32 AUS-321 AUS-322 AUS-327 AUS-329 AUS-33 AUS-330 Helmsman k9 m 75 81 89 95 71 82 75 67 85 95 65 81 72 90 1,92 1,68 1,85 1,78 1,7 1,82 1,8 1,73 1,8 1,78 1,78 1,91 1,73 1,78 96 1,87 80 2 85 1,78 1,75 1,86 73 85 85 78 87 85 72 74 87 76 78 82 78 91 73 86 80 85 81 67 77 81 92 84 82 105 77 82 84 88 75 77 75 77 76 70 90 75 1,8 1,73 1,84 1,72 1,7 1,8 1,82 1,78 1,82 1,75 1,76 1,94 1,76 1,72 1,8 1,75 1,77 1,68 1,85 1,8 1,78 1,85 1,82 1,96 1,8 1,84 2 1,9 1,72 1,8 1,76 1,76 1,8 1,65 1,86 1,75 Crew kg m 95 95 115 121 92 90 97 90 102 92 96 106 95 90 100 ? 95 115 90 90 96 97 95 98 109 94 87 97 85 89 93 91 82 90 98 95 82 98 87 107 65 87 110 92 108 86 92 98 96 94 104 97 92 100 107 Yard BOAT Date kg 1,98 1,92 1,96 2 1,77 1,85 1,82 Has Has 1,8 1,93 1,9 LM LM 81-10 Bot Bot 82-10 83-11 83-8 80-1 85-10 85-4 1,79 LM LM LM Bot Bot 1,7 1,9 1,85 Lln 1,87 Jago ? 1,9 LM BC LM 1,98 Has Has 1,87 LM 1,78 Has 1,86 LM LM LM LM LM LM LM HM LM LM 1,86 1,8 1,85 2,1 1,89 1,94 1,95 1,8 1,83 1,96 1,91 1,84 1,88 1,8 1,82 1,84 1,9 1,94 1,85 1,7 1,88 1,95 1,73 1,83 1,96 1,74 1,83 1,91 1,8 1,78 1,92 1,9 1,84 1,82 I(DV LM LM LM LM LM LM LM Vel KDV KDV LM KDV KDV Eyll LM LM LM 99-9 99-3 84-6 88-7 79-9 8488-3 77-1 93-7 97-9 89-12 02-9 92-3 96-4 90-7 91-12 97-11 02-6 95-B 84-2 89-3 99·9 90-3 91-11 00-10 98-1 03-2 90-2 02-4 86-8 92-1 86-7 86,5 90-4 8B-7 90-1 98-7 8B-5 80-12 83-8 87 Cltsn Seof 87-11 Home 91-10 87-8 McK Home 88-2 B7-11 LM 98-3 Has 131 134 133 127 126 140 141 136 130 133 130 132 129 135 128 143 139 134 130 131 136 130 132 131 130 130 132 134 132 129 130 130 127 128 130 132 131 133 136 136 130 130 132 141 136 128 130 135 133 133 132 132 132 132 135 FOILS CB Rudder SPARS Mast Boom Splpole ? ? Pr gam Pr Pr Has Goi Goi Goi LM LM Goi ApCo ApCo LM LM Goi ComSp ComSp LM LM Goi Goi Goi Bot 801 Z RoJe ? ? ? Goi Spun Goi LM Has Goi Goi Goi LM LM Goi YSer YSer 801 Goi SuS SuS Bot ? ? Goi Goi Goi ApCo ? Home Home SuS-M8 ? Oela Pr eps Pr ? LM Goi Comp Camp LM LM Goi Spun Pr LM LM ZOix earOlx ear LM Has Goi Pr Pr Has Has Goi Camp Has ?? Has LM SuS home home LM 8eth Goi ComSp ComSp Beth LM LM Goi ComSp ComSp LM Goi SuS SuS LM LM LM Goi SuS Car SuS Car LM LM Pr-E SuS SuS LM Pr-Gam Pr Pr P.AI LM SuS M5 SuS Pr LM LM SuS M5 Pr Pr LM LM Goi Pr Pr LM LM SuS-M5 Pr SuS LM LM LM SUS-M5 Pr ? Wat Wal SuS SuS SuS Teb LM SuS M5 Pau Pr LM SuS M5 Pr ComSp Teb LM Goi Pau Pau LM LM LM Goi SuS SuS LM LM SuS-M5 Pr SuS LM SuS SuS SuS LM Home LM SuS Pr ? Has Vel Vel Vel Vel Vel Vel LM LM Vel ? Vel ? Eylt LM LM LM ? SuS Pr Pr Pr Pr SuS-M5 SuS Pr Pr SpCr ? Pr SuS Goi Goi Goi Goi Goi 1<lw ? Horne I<ee Kee home home LM LM Has Has SuS SuS ? SuS SuS Goi ? LM ? ? Kee ? Goi Pr garn SuS-M5 SuS-M5 Pr Gam Pr Pr nlm Goi Pr ? SuS Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr ? WII Wil Kee I<ee ear Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Maln SAILS Genea Genoa Alx Alx med hw hea Irw UB Irw X3 Dia hea Irw Irw 11 Irw me Irw hea Irw hea Irw me [rw me Irw IIlme Irw me Irw Irw me Hoo 11 Alx Alx me Alx me Irw Irw med Irw hea 8M8M Ulme BM LI Irw Irw me/he Irw Irw Irw X3 IRW 2-8 Irw me Irw li/me Irw hea Irw H Ii Irw me Irw 8M 11 Irw me/he I<a Alx me AI, 00 Dan hea H 11 Irw BM 11 SM me Irw Irw 11 Irw hea 8m hea 8M me BM 11 [rw 8M 11 bO me BM BM 11 8m hea N me N hea N 11 8M 8M L1 BM M1 8B BB AP 88 methe 88 B8 me B8 II/me 8M N 2-8 VM 11-2 VM VM Ii VM me Qua 8M 11 8M me BM Dan X3 SM Ll 88 88 hea Dan II/me 8M 8M U BM me 8M 8M Ii 8M melll SegF BM li/me 8M 8M 11 BM me Hals Hals 11 Hals he VM VM II/me Hals he VM 8M me VM LI BB BM me BM 11 Hag Hag li/me Hag me/he Hag Hag Dia 2-8 8B VM he VM L9 88 Hag me VM he VM Hag BM vVl Hag he Hag GM2 VM VM H A3 88 VM 11 Dia me ? 8M me VM 11 Doy Dia me dOu me Doy Page me NaG 2 N N he N Ii BMme N II/me VM li/me SM he BMme BM 1i Ooy Da 11 Doy he VM V 11 VM he BM N 2.8 SM li/me Spl AI, Irw Irw Irw Irw Irw AI, Irw BM Irw Irw Irw Irw AI, Bre BM Irw N Irw Halz BM N BB BB VM VM BM BM BB BM BM BM BM Dia Hals VM BM Hag Hag BM VM VM vVI BM VM ? Doy N N BM BM Doy VM LEGEND A Amateur P.AI Peter Allam AI, Alxander Salls Apeo Applled Composite Bruee 8anks Salls .BB B&C Blanehl&Cecehl 8ethwalle 8elh BM Bolsen Moller Salls 8arclay Yard Bare Bot Botterill Yard Boyce Spars Boy Bre Rob Brewer Salls CarC Carbon Composlte Clo Clown Salls Composltes Comp Cksn CoSp Dan Dela Dia 01, dou ooy Dre dVr Eil Eil FES Fun Goi Cooltson Yard Composlle Spars Dan SaUs Oelange DIamond Sailsden Dixon Spars den Ouden Doyle Oreule de Vries Salls EJjk Jaehtbouw , Elite Sails FES Yard Fun Sails Gold Spars H Hyde Salls HA Holt Allen Spars Had Hadler Hag Hagoort Salls Hals Halsey Salls Has Haslegrove HM Hans Mader Hoa 80b Hoare Yard HomeHome-Amateur Hoo Hooper Sails Irw Irwln Sails Jago Jago Yaehls I<a Ka Salls KOV KDV Yard Kee MeKee Kiw Lin LM N NaG oD Page Pau PoE Point Pr Qua Roje Seof Ser KiwI Undsay Yard LMader North Salls Nalder Gould Salls One Design Page Salls Pauger Power edge Salls Point Sails Proetor Spars Quantum Sails Round Jewel Scoffin Segelform SpCr Spw Spun SuS Teb Tur Vel VM vVI Wat Wil YSer Z Sparcraft Speedwave Spun Spars Super Spar Tebbertman Turner Vels Yard Vogel&Meler vVUet Salls Walerat Tim Willets Sall Yacht Services Z-spar STATISTICS WC 2003 Helmsman Crew Comblned (H + Cl 20 Oldest Youngest 62 (USA-167) 59 (AUS-331) 109 (GER-1777) 22 (AUS-1,GER-113) 16 (NZL-112) 41 (NZL-106) Averages Helmsman Crew k9 80.9B 95.63 (E '03, W'02) (81.0 78.5) (88.6 88.2) m 1.80 1.87 (E '03, W'02) (1.78 1.88) (1.85 1.86) N Boat B&C BaUeril! Cool<son van Ei/I' Haslegrove H.Mader Jago KDV Llndsay LMader McKee Scoffin Vels Amateur/Home 4 Mast Goldspar Proctar Superspar Z-Spar 28 10 15 2 6 1 5 1 29 2 Boom Applied Comp. Campasile Spars Dlxon Goldspar McKee Pauger Proctor Round Jewel Spun Spars Spar Gran Superspar WHlet Yacht SeNlee Home Garbon boom Malnsall Alexander Sails Bojsen Moller Bruce Banks Doyle Salls Hagoart Halsey Irwin KA salls Narth One DesIgn Quantum Segelform Vogel Meier v Vl1et 111 2 10 7 3 2 1 14 2 1 7 2 Genoa Alexander Salls Bo/sen Moller Bruce Banl<s Dan Dlamand Doyle Hagoort Halsey Hooper Salls Hyde Irwin North Nalder Gould den Ouden Page Vogel Meier 5 31 5 3 4 2 7 3 1 3 21 7 Spinnaker Alexander Salls Ba/sen Moller Brewer Bruee Banl,s Diamond Doyle Hagoort Halsey Irwln North Vogel Meier van Vllet 111 2 5 4 2 22 2 1 11 Splpole Appl1ed Gamp. Gomposite Spars Dlxon Gold Spar McKee Pauger ProcLor Superspar Willet Yacht SeNice Home 5 1 5 14 14 111 10 Garbon poles 13 12 3 14 3 2 2 2 12 5 7 1 2 Centreboard Allam Bethwaile Botterlll v EI/I' Haslegrove MeKee LMader Tebbertman Turner Vels Waterat Home 2 4 26 2 1 4 111 Rudder Bethwalte 80tterlll Delange Haslegrove 1<lwl LMader MeKee Vels Waterat Home 111 2 1 5 29 2 4 3 6 3 9 14 111 INTERNATIONAL FLYING DUTCHMAN CLASS FD SKI CHAMPIONSHIP 2004 13 FEBRUARY 2004, HINTERSTODER- AUSTRIA NOTICE OF RACE Thc Austrian FD Class Organization in conjunction with thc Sliing School Stodertal have the pleasure or inviting all FD sailors and families to participaLe in the IsL International FD Skiing Championship for all age groups at Hinterstoder in Austria. Thc Championships will be conductcd on Lhe slopes 01' the Stodertal I ELIGIBILITY 1.1 The Championships is open to all FD sailors who arc fully paid up mCITIbers 01' IFDCO, their crews and their wives and chihJren. 1.2 In the GuesL Class all Sailors 01' other Boat Classes can participate. 2ENTRY Entry fonn to be senL Lo DI Heinz Wuerder (AUT-9) or 10 Fux ++43-(0)1-40440/4201 Zandcrgasse 9 Email: [email protected] 2380 Pcrchtoldsdorf Austria. No entries will be uccepted after Wedncsday 25 Fcbrunry 14.00 hrs. 3ENTRYFEE Children, Pupils, Youth Class 5 All othcr Classes 10 Duy passes: aL reduced pric:es at thc ticket counter 01' the Hinterstoder Bergbahnen AG only wilh n signed enLry fonn. The entry fee per FD family has to be deposited before 25 February 2004 under the name 01' DI I-Ieinz Waerder, FD Ski rennen 2004. Please supply name, saH number and elass with year 01' birth. Account Konto Nr: 281-275/00 Bank routing Nr 20111 Erste Bank For transfer from abroad: IBAN: AT 142011128127827500 SIC: GIBAATWW 4 COURSE Greal slalom. 1 Heat 5 START 13 March, 11.00 hrs 6 STARTNUMßERS Draw: Wednesduy 25 Fcbruuary 2004, 18.00 hrs, Austrian FD C.O. Distribution: Snturday, 13 Mnrch 2004, 09.00-10.00 hrs, Restaurant Biircnhütle, at the Middle Station 7 AGE CATAGORIES 12 Mulc and female age catagories plus Family Tenm Classificution 8 AWARDS CEREMONY SaLurday 13 March 2004, 20.00 hrs, Dorfalm Valuable stock pizes und material prizes will de ral'l1ed Prizcs will be awarded only Lo purticipanls who attend the Awards Cercmony. 9 DlSCLAl~IER The organiscr rcruscs any linbility for nccidents involving participants and lhird parties. 21 FD Fixtures Race Nr WCl Date 2004 Newl Change More inrormaLion or Enlry Forms cun be obtained from thc rcspectivc clubs, thc Nutional Sccrctarics or lhe FD BULLETIN. Thc column with lust year's number 01' pnrticipants + Q Factor is only an indicution. Figures may be low or high rar same reason . • Menns a change sinee prcvious FD BULLETIN (Junuury 2003) last years Nr Races Event Starters+QF Place C'try Region Authority 7 WORLD CHAMPION. 2003 Chris!mas Trophy Mldwinters 49 -1.364 11 -1.034 Melbaume AUS ESP USA SE SE SE Sall Melbaume Benldorm (Alicante) St Petersburg,FL Open AJiea TIger Trophy NEW ZEALAND CHAMPIONSHIP 10 - 1.024 Allea (Allcante) Rulland Port Nicholsan, Nelson, SI ESP SE GRB NZL N January 03.12.04 04.01.01 27-7/1 24-25 • 04.01.02 30-1/2 • 5 -1.000 February 7-8 • 04.02.02 7-8 04.02.01 • 04.02.03 20-22 • 6 10 - 1.000 C R.P.N.Y.C. March 04.03.01 13 • 04.03.02 19-21 • • 04.03.03 27-28 04.03.04 27-28 04.04.01 April 8-10 04.04.02 04.04.03 10-12 17-18 04.04.04 17-18 04.04.05 17-18 04.04.06 24-25 04.04.07 24-25 04.04.08 24-25 04.04.09 29-2/5 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.05. 04.06. 04.06. 04,06. 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. Ma. 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 8-9 8-9 8-9 14-16 15-16 15-16 20-22 • • 6 5 • • 4 4 • • • • • • 3 • • 3 • • • • • • • • 29-30 • 29-31 • • 11-13 12-13 12-13 12-13 17-20 19-20 19-20 5 • 24-26 1-5 5-6 5 4 4 • • 29-31 29-30 June 4 • 24-25 29-31 FD Ski Championship Sidyachting 4 6 4 5 6 FD Cup FD Even! SPANISH CHAMPIONSHIP Valencia Championship Alta Adrlatlco Slelnberger Krug Leinweber Pokal Sandler Pokal FD Cup Silberreiher Regatta Balatan Cup Vaor-Braassem Sld-Tennls FD Cup Mürltz-Cup FD Event • • 23 -1.143 15 -1.152 6 - 1.007 13-1.140 55 -1.424 21-1.250 20 - 1.034 BISS Silver FD SoutHern Area ChampIonship 34 -1.227 Kleler Woche Cannonball 41-1.326 10 - 1.000 • • 7 26-27 July • 04.07. 2-4 3-4 3-4 • 9 -1.007 Intervela 5 3 Balalonfüred Braassemermeer Hintersloder Ammersee, DIessen FD Spanish Cup FD Event I<uhschelle Medemblll~ Neubäu Chlemsee 5 19-22 26-27 Cervla Stelnberger See Dümmersee Elxendori Stausee LoheIde Neusledl Imperla (Llgure) Aitmühlsee/Brombach 7 - 1.024 W.Pasqulnl Gdynla Cyp 04.06. 04.06. 04.06. • Denla - Allcante 11 -1.034 5 4 • Westeinder Lalle Denla - Allcanle 13-1.025 24-1.155 ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP • • 6 -1.007 6 - 0.000 11-1.037 15-1.116 14-1.049 FD Cup OpenDUTCH CHAMPIONSHIP Bayerwald Polml Fraueninsel 3 46 - 1.387 Varazze Loosdrecht Steinhude Balatonfüred Bodensee Dervlo, Lal~e Corno Slaffeisee Witsun Regatta 9 6 14-1.034 21 - 1.239 Schevenlngen Steinhude 3 • 13 -1.034 Moraira Dulsburg 13 - 1.032 Vailant Cup CN Embalsa GabrJet y Galan UK Nationals North Sea Regatta • • • • 9 -1.024 MOritz Rutland Water Balatonföldfar Plasencia Whitstable 4 • 22 Criterium dl Pasqua Easter Egg Regatta Trapeze Regatta Spring Champ Konstanzer Auftakt Cape Horn Trophy • 19-20 04.07. 04.07. Trofeo CN Morarla Dulsburg Spring Hlnterstrode PirklCarisfeld Forte dei Marml Gdynia Braclana Tegernsee Lee/Solen! Schliitsee Canandaigua, NY Rlva deI Garda AJiea-Alicante Workurn 45 -1.221 Alpsee AUT GER ESP GER ITA NEO GER HUN GER ITA GER NEO ESP ESP ITA GER GER GER GER AUT HUN NEO AUT GER GER GBR HUN ESP GBR NEO GER ITA GER NEO GER GER ITA POL ITA GER GBR GER USA ITA ESP NEO GER C E SSVEP SE NW CN Moralra NW CV Varazze C C KWVL SLSV SW Hun.YA OSC S N S SCSTS C SE SE NE SE COVC SYC W SE NYCE W E UYCNS SW NW NFOO C OEFDCO S N SCAM C SW Hun.YA SE W C NW S NW SE S N N S S S N SCNS YCaT LOSSC KYC NE N SE N S SCAI FD Fixtures Race Nr WCL Date 2004 Newl Change Nr Races Event Last years Starters+QF Place C1try Region Authorlty 4 Saxonian Championship 25-1.133 Talsperre Pöhl SSVEP 102 - 0.000 10 -1.000 Rutland Balatonföldvär 17 -1.000 Simssee Porto S.Glorglo GER GBR HUN GER ITA NEO GER USA GER E Symetrical GP Open HUNGARIAN CHAMP. 04.07. 10~11 • 04.07. 10-11 • 04.07. 10-14 • 6 04.07. 17-18 • 3 04.07. • • 5 04.07. 17-18 17-18 SImssee Pokal Porto San Glorglo FD Cup 04.07. 23-26 • 6 Loosdrecht Weelt Travemünder Woche 04.07. 24-25 • 04.07. 27-3/8 • 04,08. 7-8 • 13-15 • MUes River Cup Kovary Memorial Cup 3 - 0.000 04.08. 04.08. 14-15 • Benelux Championship 16 -1.154 04.08. 04.08. 14-15 21-22 • • Semana de la Vela Gremlin Regatta 04.08. 26-28 • 04.08. 26-29 • 04.08. 04.08. 28-29 • 28-29 • 04.08. 28-29 • Cuspldor Regatta 9 15 - 1.070 9-1.000 Loosdrecht Travemünde Casanovla, NY WARNEMUNOE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP C SW S CE C SVE SCS CVPSG KWVL N NE WBYC N August 6 Marina Trophy CORI< Prince Berhard Trophy 4 Aulumn Races SI Mlchaels MD Balatonfüred 6-1.000 30 -1.333 7 -1.000 12-1.114 8-1.020 FD Event ScharendlJke Javea (Alicante) Monomonac Torbole 5 Garda KIngston Mulden Slelnhude Saundersfool, Pemb. USA HUN NEO ESP USA ITA CAN NEO GER GBR E SW SW SE NE BKV N S CVT C KNRZV SKM C W September 04,09. 1-5 • OPEN GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIP 04.09. 3-5 • 04.09. 4-5 • 5 Canderel Cup SVE City Trophy 04.09. 10-12 • 8 04.09. 11-12 • 04.09. 04.09. 04.09. 11-12 • 4 4 Na Braassem 11-12 • 18-19 • 4 Mldland Champ Kehraus 04.09. 18-19 25-26 • • 5 Int.Garda Trophy 25-26 25-26 • • 04.09. 04.09. 04.09. Open POLISH CHAMPIONSHIP Goldener FD Joaquln Bueno Trophy Haringvllet Event 27 - 1.281 Tutzing GER HUN ITA POL GER NEO GBR GER ITA ESP NEO GER Echlng Mügelsee, Berlln GER GER Alpsee Balalonföldvär Plomblno 5 15-1.064 8 -1.000 33-1.199 Zegraze Pöhl Braasserner Lake Rutland Water Steinhude Brenzone, Lalte Garda TorreveJa (Allcante) 11 - 1.079 Silberne Kanne Hellevoetsluls S SCAI SW SVE W C SE SCHP C WSVB C C WVStM N SE SW S OTYC S ESC October 04.10. .2-3 • FD Cup 04.10. 04.10. 2-3 Nebelpolml 9-10 • • 04.10. 9-10 04.10. 04.10. 18-19 04.10. 23-24 16-17 04.10. 30-31 04.10. 30-31 • • • • 4 4 4 5 • • 17 - 1.151 C Loosdrecht NEO C KWVL Balatonfüred Slaffeisee HUN GER SW Hun.YA SCSts Berlin, Wannsee GER C Xanlen GER W FD Finale Murcla Cospudener See, Leipzig ESP GER E Boterletter RoUerdam NEO W Alicante Sall Weelt Allcanle Tegernsee ESP GER SE Gülcher Regalta End of Season 26 -1.620 Ganshaut Regatta J.Hunger Gedächlnlsprels "Nord See" Regatta Princess Christlna Trophy 15 -1.115 S PVC GLYC SE November • 04.11. 4 RZV December 04.12. 04.12. 4-6 5 • • 4 Nikolaus Regatta S YCaT 23 NZL NATIONALS - Wellington - NI New Zealand, 17-20 January 2003 10 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 03.01.03 Q Pos Sail Nr NZL-111 NZL-103 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NZL-10 NZL-107 NZL-100 NZL-101 NZL-31 10 NZL-112 NZL-7. NZL-110 • Pis 0 0 0 0 0 0 Helmsman Andrew McCI~ee Daryl Way Hldeo Tayama Ralph Urwln Allsdalr Dalnes Greg Buchanan Tom Hasltell Petsr BaUey Peter Knlght Kalie Brannan 2 3 4 5 6 Wind Bft 3 3-4 2 4-5 5 5 Malhew BIsmark Davld Hyslop Jason Brownlie Rabert Chubb 2 1 3 4 5 6 ? 7 ? ? 1 2 3 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? ? 1 2 3 6 4 5 ? ? 7 ? 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 ? ? ? 2 4 3 5 ? 6 ? ? ? 1 3 2 4 5 ? ? ? ? ? Crew Davld Gibb Martln Buchanan SeaU Francis Joseph Ba!1ey Joseph Llndsay Mika Visser 7 8 • Pis Helmsman 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ESP-66 ESp-B1 ESP-71 ESP-78 21 16 10 0 ESP-20 ESP-82 ESP-68 ESP-80 0 0 0 ESP-65 ESP-76 ESP-77 0 0 2 Crew Wind 8ft Glnes Romero Juan Sanchez-Herrero Franclsco Martinez F.Manresa Jass Sanchez Javler Cayuela Angel Perez Plm Brunet Manual Monterde M.Arribas Dolores Sanchez-Herrero Juan torrlJo Juim Frenlche Juan Frenlche jr Roberto SevIla Vicenle GulJarro Elena Raga Federice Ferrer Marlno Gi! Alvaro Arroyo Ignacl0 lIurrioz Alvaro Moreno 3 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 8 9 nf nf 3 4 5 6 7 8 • nf nf nf nf nf nf Pis Helmsman Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 ESP-71 ESP-66 ESP-77 ESP-78 ESP-BO ESP-68 GER-20 ESp·10 ESP-B2 ESP-65 10 21 0 0 0 0 Jose Sanc:hez JavJer Gayue!n Alvara Arroyo 2 2 5 4 3 6 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 9 7 6 B 1 2 3 5 6 B 6 3 5 4 5 4 "'7 "' "' "'7 "' "' 9 0' "' "' HAM CUP- Sorrento, Vic -Australia, 22-23 February 2003 10 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.0 x 0.0 0 0 Total WRP 03.02.01 Q " 28,7 4 4 8 8 11 17 19 20 21 24 24 3 2 4 5 Sall Nr Jase Rulz Angel Perez Pltu Brunst Aoberlo SevUa Vicenle Ferrer Juim Frenlche Junn Frenlche Jr Egberto Felsl18 Jorg Fmnk Jorge Comln 8emmtlo PenalvD Ooleres Snnchez-Herrero Junn TotriJo Elena Raga Federlco Ferrer 29,4 6 Pos Ignoclo Ilurrioz 35 34,3 33,6 32,9 32,2 31,5 30,8 30,1 03.01.04 OPEN ALTEA - Altea - Spain, 7-8 February 2003 10 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.024 x 0.7 Glnss Romero 6 10 12 ,. Q Sall Nr WRL 24 33 46 46 51 55 NAVIDADES NAUTICAS - Benidorm - Spain, 18-19 January 2003 11 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.034x 0.0 Pos Total "'7 "'B 7 • Total WRL 2 1 3 5 9 18 35,85 35,13 4 7 19 21 B 5 32 40 44 45 50 33,7 32,98 32,27 31,55 30,B3 30,11 8 "'6 9 34,42 29,4 03.02.02 Run by SorrcnloSuiling club und Couta Boul Club. No wind no racing on thc sccond day though compensuted by a BBQ wwith fish caught off the club. Il wus nicc Lo see some ex. und new FD suilors. Q Pos SaH Nr Pis Helmsman Crew Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 AUS-33 AUS-33B AUS-342 AUS-32 AUS-322 AUS-313 AUS-356 AUS-193 AUS-335 AUS-321 0 0 0 fan McCrossln James Masklefl Chris Byrnes Davld Ham Colin Mcleod Alnn Carson Petet Walson Jnmes Byrne Andrew Bellorel Peler Bnrtels James Cook John Dryden Cralg Glnnlvan Jono NeWe L.echlan Payne Trevor Bulcher Dean Stevens Bill Brown Andrew McCownn Darren Hockln9 2 2 2-3 1 3 3 1 2 6 3 B 6 " 5 "'9 3 4 5 6 7 B • Total WRL 3 5 7 7 4 5 7 "' "'6 13 13 15 16 19 p' 22 MIDWINTERS - St Petersburg - USA, 22-23 March 2003 5 Competitors - 1 Nation ~ WCF 1.0 x 0.0 03.03.04 a p" 1 2 3 4 5 24 Sall Nt USA-251 USA-219 USA-176 USA-7 USA-1406 Pis 0 0 0 0 Helmsman TIm Sayles Cris Russicll Caryl Barrel! Jonathan Clapp Davld ?tage 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wind 8ft 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 Pnvel Ruzlclm Sinn Hynll Bruce Barrelt Dnn Vita Klrk Singe 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 "'4 1 5 2 3 1 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 2 4 2 1 3 Crew 1 5 3 " 4 2 " 3 5 B 9 Total WRL 03.03.05 CAPa HORN - Dervio - Italia, 29-30 March 2003 11 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.037 x 0.7 Q Pos Sall Nr Pis He[msman Crew 1 2 ITA-10 fTA-7 lTA-22 lTA-115 35 0 0 1" 0 0 0 0 Rcberto Clprlanl Siernno Morelll Adtinnn Schmal Dnvlde La LeD 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 lTA-1 ITA-50 ITA-19 GER-19681B6 GEA-2B4 IlA·8 Alberto Bnrenghl Alberto Patrone FrancD Tognol:chl Carlo Brunelll Lulgl 811 ...151rlnl 2 3 , 1 2 , " " " rt "'"' "' "' "'6 1 2 Corrndo Guareschi Luclano Mercantl Wind 8ft , , , , Fulvlo Colleltl Fram:esco Cluccarelll Corrado Callabrlgn loblos Fmnl\ S!er,m Rledl/Aedl Simone Frnnl\ Gunther Rehfeld leopoldo 81os1 FmncescD Blasl Pletro Fnlnvlgna 5 "'6 6 5 7 , 1 2 5 , 4 5 2 1 1 2 , 4 5 7 6 " "B , , 6 7 B 9 " "4 Luclano Mlcall "rt WRL 4 7 12 16 36,3 35,57 34,85 34,12 33,4 32,67 31,94 31,22 30,49 29,77 29,04 21 35 35 35 5 " " " " 37 44 4B "'" "' " "' "' DUISBURG CUP - Duisburg - Germany, 29-30 March 2003 13 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.1 x 0.0 0 USA-153 Total 03.03.07 Q Pos Sall Nr Pis Helmsman 2 Crew 3 4 Wind 8ft 1 2 , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GER-10 GER-111 GER-35 GER-19D GER-181 GER-163 NEO-348 GER-139 GER-153 GER-41 GER-1976 GER-l0l GER-122 0 19 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 Ernst Pilgram Ulrich Schäfers ChristlLln Kung Wolf W. JLlnuschecl( Slöm Althaus Frünz J I(ampschulte Thljs Rutten Jup Wnnders Joachlm Selzepfandl Edwln Neue Peter Saxmann Michael I<ramer Harald Semlng Uwe PlIgrnm Kai Schäfers Thomas Grothe Jllrgen Schwnrz Lutz Althaus Mlreen Carp Theo Rutten Waller Scherb Sebastlan Jacl( Marl\ Surbach Gorden FIscher Andreas Heelter Arthur Schedllnskl 5 6 7 B 9 Total WRL 1-2 2 5 1 1 4 5 , , 7 12 8 6 6 10 9 11 2 8 7 os 9 11 10 4 5 1 6 , cl, 4 7 12 9 2 10 8 11 os os 2 1 5 , 6 4 8 7 "' 11 10 9 , B 11 9 1 12 16 22 23 7 11 5 2 4 25 26 32 33 35 "' 6 10 8 '8 46 "' "' CRITERIUM 01 PASQUA Varazze Italia, 17-19 April 2003 14 Competitors - 3 Nations - WCF 1.034 x 0.7 03.04.03 Q Pos SaH Nr Pis Helmsman Crew 2 3 6 4 2 5 1 7 4 5 6 7 B 9 Total WRL "5 36,18 35,48 3'1,75 3'1,03 33,3 32,58 31,86 31,13 30,41 29,68 26,96 26,24 27,51 26,79 Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 G14 15 16 17 18 ITA-l0 ITA-'15 ITA-22 ITA-ll5 ITA·9 ITA-19 GER-86 ITA·25 GER·3D GER-13D ITA-111 DEN-33 ITA-23 GER-14D ITA-1789 ITA-36 ITA-69 ITA-8 32 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rebene Clprianl Fmncesco Vespaslanl Albeno Patrone Fronco Tognecchl Nleelo Oe Castro Fulvle Celletll Toblos Front{ Claudlo Perlna Wolfgang Wellner Chrisllan ven Mulen Mareo Benedell1nl Sirgitl Sogard Enze Mella Mlchae! Sprünger Renale Rotunne Fable PaeH PIerlulgl Feltrl Leopoldo Slasl EASTER EGG Loosdrecht 21 Competitors - 3 Nations Q Pos SaH Nr Pis Helmsman Stefane Merel1l Francesce GerunzJ Oavlde Lelee Cerrade Gunreschi Paelo Besca Cerrade Catlabrlga Simene Franl\ Glergle Chlgne!a Helnz Bellweg Andreas Malt Oanlla Benedelllni Garsten Sarlebe Paele Fergnan! Jens HIegele Obala Relunne Mareo Pegglantl trarla Becco Francesco Blasl 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 NED-26 NED·5 NED·12 NED-312 NED-32 GER-35 GER·139 GER-1l NEO-325 NEO-9 NEONEO-348 GER-944 GSR-382 NEO-318 NEO-334 NED-35D NED·3D4 GSR-364 NED-315 NED·311 46 36 "8 31 '15 0 0 0 40 6 0 24 13 0 0 0 0 0 11 5 0 Enno I(ramer Fred Schaal 1(laas Tilslra Pleler Slaal Sas v.d.Pel Christlan Jung Jup Wanders Frünz Menzer HLiraid WIJgers Pau! de Schlpper Tem Weller Thljs Rutten GOnter Schram Teby Oale Wynke Bedewes 5jers Riemslag FLlnl{ Havik Jehan van Wer\theven Teny Lyall Clevis Sulls Louk Nelissen 8 1 2 3 5 9 7 6 1" 8 12 12 14 11 13 13 9 10 11 4 6 10 7 5 , 4 12 11 8 3 10 9 1 2 , 8 15 5 6 4 B 7 16 16 19 21 24 26 26 9 11 12 10 30 13 36 "'" "' "' "'" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' os "' "' "' Holland, 19-21 April 2003 WCF 1.239 x 0.8 39 Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 Ard Geelltetken Paul van der Pol Adriaan Schmal Arneul Wijs Mare v.d.Pol Themas Grothe Peler van Koppen Ernst Hlegele Nlels Kamphuls Sander KleIn Obblnk Jeroen van Veen Theo Rutten Tan]a He!jink James Cele Marlan Lubbers SJers Rlemslag Willem SLirand WiJsmulier Bas Wulffers Celln Sums Marteen van Ba1!egeeljen Huge Nellssen 5-8 1 3 "4 "7 5 9 2 " 10 "B " " "6 " "'" " 13 2 ,-4 ,-, 3 5 1 7 2 6 8 3 2 1 9 5 12 10 4 11 9 3 12 7 4 6 10 4 ,-, 03.04.04 5 6 7 B 9 Total WRL 11 49,55 48,56 47,57 46,58 45,59 44,6 43,6 42,61 41,62 40,63 39,64 38,65 37,66 35,66 36,67 34,69 33,69 32,7 31,71 30,72 29,73 0-1 , 13 1 5 2 6 25 25 31 31 13 33 d, 35 40 44 4 10 8 13 12 46 50 54 59 61 70 72 72 74 17 8 14 14 16 13 16 17 16 11 15 7 9 14 "' "' 17 "' 16 79 "' B1 " "' 15 19 18 11 15 19 " 25 TRAPEZE WETTFAHRT - Steinhude - Germany, 12-13 April 2003 46 Competitors - 6 Nations - WCF 1.387 x 1.0 03.04.02 Thc regatta ulways starts with Frcibeer on thc Friday nighL Again a niee lield with 46 competitors. Including lhe ßojsens, 1 UK, I hish, I Polish und 6 DUlch teams. Sulurday starts wilh 00 wind und postponement but evenlually start with vcry variable wind. but sunny. Second raec was abundoned when wind died. Sunday u bit heUer winds, still shifty. So often thc 'cowboys' did weIl. a Po, Süll Nr DEN~21 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 2. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3. '10 '11 42 43 ," '15 '16 GEA·202 GEA·210 GER·99 NED-32 GER-113 NEO-5 NEO-12 NEO-325 GER-40 GER-11 GER-2G6 GER-i3 NEO-350 POLoS GER-151 GER-191 GER-33 NEO-3'19 tRL-13 GER-66 GER-240 GER-37 GER-1665 GER-17 GBR-3B4 GER-944 GER-19D GER-98 GER-1976 GER-111 GER-63 GER-i777 GER-i89 GER-41 GER-139 GER-153 GER-70 NEO-31 GER-136 GER-192 NEO-334 GER-235 GER-79 GER-1734173 GER-105 Pt. 17 0 3 39 45 43 " 4B 40 42 0 0 2B 0 0 0 0 33 24 0 22 0 18 0 0 11 13 1. 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Helmsman Crew Wind Bit Jacob Bojsen-Moller Jargen Bojssn-Moller/Jorgen Schönherr Jörn 8orowskl Boda Borowsld Jörg Wille Steren Mlldlc!\8 Uwe Stelngross Sven Hermenau 8as v.d.Pol Mare v.d.Pol 1<lIlan König Johllnnes Bracll Fred Schllaf Paul van der Pol Kinns TIlstm Adriaan SchmIlI Hamld Wijgers Nlels Kamphuls Bernd Schreiber Martin Romberg Fmnz Menzer Ernst Hiegele Bernd Szyperrek Giemens Binder Schnppi König Tom Grelen Fnnk Hllvlk Willem Bllrend Wijsmuller Henryk Blnszkll Tomnsz Kledzllt 1<lnus Gnede Aeisso I<ern BJam AlIhnus Lutz Althnus Hans Genlhe Hnulle Drengenberg Thljs Rullen Theo Rullen Tom Glancy Jnmes Sainsbury I<urt Prenzler Heinz Bollweg Peler 1<leffe Sebnslian Heller BrlglUe Wilcltens Marthlas 1<lIngbell Oelief Kreldel Marius MOller-Seegers Uwe Seehausen Bemd Elend Tony Lyall Golln Bums Günter Schrern Jörg Fmnll Wolf W. Januschec11 Jorgen Schwarz Shmuel Marltholf Jens-Uwe l(rOger Peler Ball.mann Gordon Fischer Ulrlch Schäfers Kai Schäfers Norbert Un!te Mareus Fleischer Hartrnut Wesemüller Hannes Wesemüller Georg A!tenhaln Bernd Mende Edwln Neue Mark Burbach Jup Wanders Mnreo Stelnem Janchlm Setzepfandl UI1I Keim Addy La Gmauw Sven La Gmnuw Oennls van lersel Joost van lersel Horst Schäler Thorsten Gambisch Michael Haupt Wollgang Höft SJors Rlemslag Klaas v.d.Spell Feillt Holz Fellx Wrlggers Jochen Spaan UJr!ch Spann WolFgang Ghrlst Wollgang Remy Susanne Freidei JUrgen Hobeln 1 3 1 " 13 3 12 10 5 7 15 20 8 23 11 18 9 14 17 2 24 32 6 1. 16 31 ," 21 25 2. 26 36 22 33 2B 35 27 " 2 2 1 6 3 4 7 12 17 14 11 5 9 2 23 13 29 26 16 " 19 10 27 33 B 18 24 35 31 34 15 25 21 22 32 30 36 20 3 2 1 2 51 52 53 61 64 67 6B 70 72 75 76 7. B4 O' 10 23 2B 24 B7 dq B9 90 .,., ., 29 O' 36 31 30 33 32 15 34 3. 40 41 38 40 .5 96 100 101 105 106 113 114 118 "' 27 37 ". 124 133 141 n, n, SPRING CUP - Balatonfüred - Hungary, 19-20 April 2003 6 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.007 x 0.0 a Po, SaH Nr Pt. Helmsrnlln Cr!!w Wind Bit 1 2 3 " 5 6 HUN-70 HUN-4 HUN-11 HUN-12 HUN-8 HUN-1 9 Szabolcs Majlhenyl Janos Ziegier Gabor Gabot/anl Peter Gaal Tarnas Kelemen Bela Argay Andrils Dorno!lOs Gilbor Hajlo György Galantha Balitzs I(all Gsabn Pol gar Peter Nlnausz Tolal WAL 3 12 20 21 22 2B 29 29 31 34 39 42 50 50 26 42 38 39 n, 9 10 " 45 8 13 12 20 11 21 25 35 18 2B O' 7 3 6 7 B 5 9 22 17 16 37 37 8 '" 30 3. 40 41 43 5 " 38 34 " 4 69,35 67,96 66,5B 65,19 63,8 62,'12 61,03 59,64 59,25 56,97 55,49 54,09 52,71 51,32 '19,93 '19,55 47,16 45,77 44,38 43 41,61 40,22 38,B4 37,45 36,06 34,68 33,29 31,9 30,51 29,132 27,7'1 26,35 2'1,97 23,58 22,19 20,B1 19,42 1B,03 16,64 15,26 13,B7 12,4B 11,1 9,71 8,32 6,94 03.04.05 1 1-2 2 1-2 3 1-2 2 1 3 6 4 5 1 2 3 6 4 5 n, n, n, n, n, 4 1-2 5 8 7 B • Total WRL O' O' 2 n, O' NSW CHAMPIONSHIP - Bateman's Bay - Australia, 26-27 April 2003 10 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 03.04.07 3 Boals came up from Vicloria and I from lhe ACT. After lbe warsl drooght in 100 years on lhe NSW South coasl with no ruin for 6 months and tcmperulures 01' 49" the rain poured down for daysjust before the regatta and no wind cancelled the 3rd and 4th face! A new face was Gavin Daglcy who found he could quickly pick up again his New Zealand FD experience. It was inspiring 10 see Dougie Rawson-Hanis back sailing "Whoosh" complele with a pig valve in his aorta and pacemaker. a Po, Sall Nr Pt. Helmsman Crew Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a • 10 26 AUS-33 0 AUS·338 AUS·32 0 AUS-36S AUS-342 AUS-321 AUS-337 AUS-361 AUS-33S0 AUS-3 0 lun McGrossin Gavln Dagley Davld Harn Breit Beyer Gmlg Ginnlvan Peter Bnrtels Michael Qulrk Inn Ruff Andrew Belferd John Fert! . James Geoll John Dryden Andrew Pelch Roddy Johnson Mark Teasdale Darren Hocking Deug Rawsen-Hnrris Angus Reid ??? Marty Websler 2-3 3 5 4 3 B 10 5 9 9 2 2-3 1 2 3 5 "5 4 7 •• 3 0 4 0 5 6 7 B • Tolal WRL 0 8,7 15,7 19,7 20 35 34,3 33,6 32,9 32,2 24 31,5 30,8 24 24,7 30,1 27 29,4 30 28,7 COPA OE ESPANA - Oenia - Spain, 2-4 May 2003 15 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.031 x 0.7 03.05.01 a Po, Sall Nr Pm Helmsman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Juan Sanchez-Herrero 1 Javler Cayuela 2 Jase Rodenas ns Jase Aulz 4 Vlcente Ferrer 3 Alvaro Moreno 6 J.Ortega/Juan Frenlche Jr10 Juan MolI/Juan Torrijo 11 Siman Cardona 5 1 5 3 12 8 9 7 1 3 2 4 6 9 13 5 7 10 12 14 8 11 1 2 3 4 9 7 8 6 5 10 1 3 2 4 6 8 10 7 5 9 1 2 3 5 7 4 6 8 1 2 3 5 9 8 4 7 1 1 2 5 7 6 4 8 nl nl ns ns nl ns nl nl nl nl mnl nl ns ns Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ESP-66 ESP-71 ESp-81 ESP-61 ESP-BO ESP-65 ESP-6B ESP-B2 ESP-76 19 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 ESP-20 ESP-10 ESP-65 0 ESP-78 ESP-67 ESP-73 Glnes Romero Jose Sfmchez Francisco Martlnez Jase Anlonlo Anion Raberto SevJla Elena Raga Juim Frenlche Dolores Sanchez-Herrero Marlno Gil Egberto Felsl{8 Jorge Comln Manual Gonzales Angel Perez Jase Maria Casta Enrique Egea ns 4 5 11 Bernardo Penalva 8 9 Alejandro Aigado ns ns Cuco Juan Casla Vielor Slman 7 12 13 10 12 13 12 ns 11 11 9 10 6 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns , 7 15 18 31 46 48 49 52 58 69 79 87 89 94 60 9 ns ns ns ALTO AORIATICO - Cervia - Italia, 3-4 May 2003 11 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.034 x 0.7 a Po, SaH Nr Pis Helmsman Telal WRL 36,29 35,56 34,84 34,11 33,39 32,66 31,94 31,21 30,48 29,76 29,03 28,31 27,58 26,85 26,13 03.05.14 Crew 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 rt ns ns ns 6 7 5 ns ns ns 2 1 3 4 5 7 6 ns ns ns ns ns 6 7 B , Total WRL Wind 8ft ITA~10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITA-7 ITA-22 ITA-115 ITA-1 fTA-50 ITA-19 GER-iSS GER-204 (TA-S [TA-7i 32 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roberto Clpflanl Alberto 8arenghl Alberto Patrone Franeo Tognocchl Gaffo BrunelU Lulg1 SlIvlslrinl Fulvlo Collettl Tablas Frank Stefan Redl Leopoldo Blasl Luclano Mlcall Siefano Morelli Adriaan Schmal Davide Laleo Corrado Guareschi Luclano Mercanti Francesco Cluccarelli Corrado Cattabrlga Simone Frank Günter Rehfeld Francesco Blas! Pletfo Falavigna nl rt 6 nl nl 8 nnl 4 7 12 16 21 35 35 35 37 44 48 nl nl 4 5 nl nl nl nl FO CUP - Loheide - Germany, 3-4 May 2003 15 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.152 x 0.7 a Sall Nr p" Pm Helmsrnlln Crew Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 'NED-12 NED-26 NED-5 NED-325 NED-3i GER-35 NED-348 GER-i53 GER-i22 GER-i39 GER-41 NED-334 GER-163 GER-1976 GER-101 48 46 34 39 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Klaas Tilstra Enno Kramer Fred Schaaf Harald WIJgers Dennls van lersel Christian Jung Thljs Rutten Joachim Setzepfandt Harald 8erning Jup Wanders Edwln Neue Sjars Rlemslag Jupp Kampschulte Gardon Fischer Michael Kramer Adriaan Schmal Ard Geellmrken Sas Wulffers Nlels Kamphuls Joost van lersel Thomas Grothe Theo Rutten um Keim Artur Schedllnsld TanJa HelJlnk Marlt 8urbach Klaas v.d.Spek Mlrcea Carp Peter Saxmann Domlnlk Schmitz a SaU Nr Pm Helmsman 33,3 32.58 31,86 31,13 30,41 29.68 28,96 03.05.04 1 6 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8 9 10 nl nl ns nl nl 2 3 6 1 2 3 7 4 6 3-4 2 3 1 4 6 7 9 5 10 8 11 14 13 12 15 bs 5 9 8 ns ne ns ns ns 4 5 6 7 B , 3-4 3-4 3 es 2 1 4 3 1 ns 9 2 6 5 7 4 8 ns 5 7 6 12 10 8 11 es 13 ns ns ns Crew Tolal WRL 7 7 10 16 18 24 25 26 30 32 45 57 58 60 53 ns ns AUSTRIAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Neusiedl - Austria, 10-11 May 2003 25 Competitors - 4 Nations - WCF 1.1 x 0.8 Po. 36.2 35,48 34,75 34,03 40,3 39.49 38,69 37,8B 37,08 36,27 35,46 34,65 33,85 33,05 32,24 31,43 30,643 29,82 29,02 03.05.05 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 4 3 7 8 1 2 8 5 12 6 3 15 4 15 14 11 10 1 2 3 5 6 10 12 14 4 7 9 16 8 13 21 1 3 4 7 9 2 14 6 12 5 10 8 18 13 11 1 3 2 4 7 9 5 7 B , Total WRL Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HUN-70 HUN-11 NED-26 AUT-15 GER-103 GER-i3 HUN-1 AUT-40 GER-11 AUT-1 AUT-17 GER-113 AUT-20 AUT-4 GER-16 AUT-8 AUT-39 AUT-3 GER-944 AUT-6 GER-2i AUT-66 AUT-9 AIT-373 AUT-324 7 0 46 0 35 26 0 0 33 31 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 Szabolcs Majthenyl Gabor Gaborjanl Enno Kramer Gerhard Ulrich Kurt Müller Schappl König Sela Argay Axel Schmid-Siegel Franz Menzer Georg Vogler Gerhard Proltsch Killen König Chns Holzinger Manfrad Zelsset Karsten Keil Helmut Böhm Chnstoph Zingerle Angelika Jäger-Stark Günter Schram Werner Rosinak Peter Stanner Rainer Kornfeld Helnz Waerder Martin Domlniltus Werner Kurz Andras Domo!ms Andras Pfenlngberger Ard Geelkerken Andreas IUner Ralph Alcher Tom Greten 8alazs Czeizel Wolfgang Skoda Ernst Hlegele Flanen Abele Günter Grigar Christian Ochs Stephan Schmitz Klaus Schober Franlt Deseher Günter Bähm Andreas Grubinger Christof Jäger Erich Schober Johann Rby Chrlstian Heimüller Fred Zorn Thomas Kalnz A[var Contreras Jan Huber 2 ns 1 3 4 18 9 7 12 8 16 14 6 5 11 17 20 ns 15 13 10 19 22 21 23 nl 9 15 13 5 10 12 11 18 6 16 14 17 19 20 22 21 nl nl 17 9 7 21 19 22 13 20 18 24 23 nl nl ns 11 20 18 15 19 19 20 15 23 21 17 17 23 22 24 16 22 24 rdg 14 13 10 8 17 16 18 12 11 6 15 dq 20 19 22 21 ns 6 11 14 20 33 35 43 45 46 46 48 51 53 58 67 68 47,4 46,45 45,5 44,56 43,61 42,66 41,71 40,76 39,82 38,87 37,92 36,97 36,02 35,08 34,13 33,18 77 32,23 79 31,28 80 30,34 83 29,39 89 28,44 90 27,49 104 26,54 109 25,6 123 24,65 27 BALATON CUP - Balatonfüred - Hungary, 16-18 May 2003 6 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.007 x 0.0 Po. a sall Nr P" Helmsmnn Crew 2 03.05.07 3 4 5 1 3 6 2 5 4 1 2 6 3 5 4 1 2 5 4 6 3 6 7 B 9 Total WRL Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 HUN~70 7 HUN-11 HUN-762 HUN-1 HUN-19 HUN-4 Szabotcs Majlhenyi Gäbor Gäborjänl Laszl6 Klss Bela Argay Tamils Parfy Jänos Ziegier Andres Domolms Andnis Pfenlngberger Hunor rntze Balasz Gzelsel Norbert Kalocsal Gäbor Hajle 2 ns ns 2 2 ns ns 3 3 ns ns 4 14 15 16 16 18 FD CUP- Staffel see - Germany, 17-18 May 2003 15 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.116 x 0.8 Po. 1 GE2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 G12 13 14 15 16 03.05.09 a Sall Nr GER-187 GER-51 GER-119 GER-1762 GEA-103 GER-1942 GER-1871 GER-1987 GER-161 P" 47 22 0 29 35 0 0 0 GEA~31 0 GER-1B40 0 GER~944 15 GER~21 0 GER~17B 0 GER~151 GER~1062 Helmsman Sieran BelchI Andreas Kunze Hans I<ohl Friedl Bühl Kurt Müller Bernd Zimmer Waller Volkmann Jürgen Grohmann Dleler Holzberger Rudolf Dinltelmaler Thlemo Standfest Günter Schrem Peler Stanner Ralf Vogel Jochen Förster Amo Mehl Crew 1 2 Wind 8ft 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 2-3 2 1 4 3 5 7 6 Thomas Mayer Chrlstlne Kunze Wolrgang Jopplch Adalbert Netzer Ralph Alcher Hubert Hayelt wlln Hlllenmeyer Annalena Maler Bene Wledemann JOrgen Schulz Vilttor Lozer Bernhard Dlschewsld Norbert Dom SIefan Burger Simone Förster Karsten Krass ns nf 9 8 13 10 11 14 12 15 11 9 10 8 dq 12 nf nf 3 3 1 7 3 9 6 4 11 2 5 8 12 14 10 13 16 15 4 5 6 7 B 9 2-4 1 4 2 5 6 11 8 3 9 10 7 14 12 13 16 15 3 7 8 12 16 18 20 22 23 25 29 32 33 38 44 45 VOOR-BRAASSEM - Braassemermeer - Holland, 17-19 May 2003 13 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.140 x 0.7 Po. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a San Nr NEO-5 NED-312 NED-3i NED-26 GER-35 NEO-334 NED-350 NED~34B GER-122 NEO-330 NED-12 GER-153 NED-321 Pis 34 28 0 46 0 0 0 23 0 0 48 0 0 Helmsman Fred Schaaf Pleler Slaal Dennls van lersel Enno Kramer Chrlstlan Jung Sjors Rlemslag Fank Havlk Thl/s Rutten Harald Bemlng Tanja HeljlnJt Klaas Tllslra Joachlm Setzepfandt Rogler Groeneveld Crnw 1 2 Wind 8ft 2-3 1 6 4 2 7 12 5 3 9 10 2-1 1 5 Bas Wulffers Arnout Wljs Marlanne Lubbers Ard Geelkerken Thomas Grothe Klaas v.d.Spelt Dennls van Werkhoven Theo Rutten Arthur Schedllnsld Marjan Lubbers Adriaan Schmal UIiKelm Tom van Ettlnger dq 8 11 6 2 dq 10 4 8 11 9 3 7 12 3 6 2 1 nf nf 4 6 7 B 9 a Sall Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GER-9i 40 GER-1762 29 28 GER-11 GER-78 Pis 33 38 GER-1924 0 GER-211 13 GER-1B6 0 GER-15 0 GEA-213 36 GER-241 0 GBR-342 GER-21 GER-1B07 GER-34 GER-97 GER-140 GER-5B GER-76 GER-1994 GER-1907 GBR-3B4 SUI-410 GER-89 GER-1672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Helmsmnn Crew Wind 8ft ns ns ns Helmut Löther Frledl Bühl Franz Menzer Jürgen Gross Mille Langefeld Marco Lieberth Toblas Franlt Karsten Keil Rolf Albert Silke Kaiser John Berry Peter Slanner Dleler Schindler Kurt Hergenröl~er Walter Groß Michael Spranger DUollar Klein Leander Welntz Helge Lehner Wolfgang Beler Tony Lyall Erlc Gastel Lothar Dumlle Dieler Mader Michael KlawiUer Adalbert Netzer Ernst Hlegele Phllipp Schay Jörg Meyer-Kossert BJörn Fischer Simone Frank Frank Descher Lutz Albert Andreas Kaiser Andrew Edwards Chrlslian Helmüller Phlllpp Kyewsli Wolfgang Slaud Egbert Feldner Helmu Krieg Marcus .Mattls Karl Lösch! Claudla Lehner Jürgen Wagner Calln Bums Berno Ullings Helmut Auerochs Gerhard Emillusl 1 2 7 5 6 12 8 3 4 9 13 17 10 14 15 11 19 nf 16 20 21 18 23 22 3 1 2 4 7 6 3 9 8 5 18 13 11 17 10 22 19 12 14 20 16 15 21 24 23 1 3 2 5 6 4 13 21 nf 7 11 10 12 15 8 14 16 9 17 18 19 20 22 ns 35,93 35,15 34,36 33.58 32,B 32,02 31,24 30,46 29,6B 2B,9 28,12 27,34 Total WRL 39,91 21,7 39,1 45,4 3B,3 46 37,51 ns ns ns 2 36'71 6 48.7 36.71 52 35,91 58 35,11 59,7 34,31 60 33,52 62,7 32,72 65,7 31,92 67 31,12 6 ns ns ns 75 FD CUP - Altmühl-Brombach - Germany, 24-25 May 2003 24 Competitors - 3 Nations - WCF 1.155 x 0.8 Po, 37,49 03.05.08 2 1 3 5 4 4 5 39.05 38,27 6 3 5 nf ns nf ns Totnl WRL 30.32 03.05.10 4 5 6 7 B 9 Total WAL 3 7 13 17 18 19 3D 32 34 34 37 38 39 39 44 45 47 48 53 54 55 59 69 70 45,2 45,28 44,35 43,43 42,5 41,5B 40,66 39,73 3B,B1 37,BB 36,96 36,04 35,11 34,19 33.26 32,34 31,42 30,49 29.57 2B,54 27,72 26,B 25.87 24,95 03.05.13 ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Trieste - Italia, 21-24 May 2003 13 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.025 x 0.7 a Po. Sall Nr Pu. Helmsmlln Crow 2 , 4 5 10 3 1 2 4 8 6 5 11 7 9 12 nf 3 2 4 1 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 ns 1 1 bdf 7 3 2 2 dq 6 3 4 5 5 6 bdf 4 7 9 8 8 9 11 10 10 ns ns 6 7 8 9 Total WRL Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ITA-36 ITA-l0 ITA-22 ITA-1145 ITA-6 ITA-8 ITA-SO ITA-l1 ITA-25 ITA-1125 ITA-23 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLO-49 lTA-94 Fable Paoll Roberto Glpflani Alberte Patrone Francesco Vespasianl Francesco Ravaslnl Leopoldo Blasl Lulgl Slivlstrlnl Andrea Antonelll Claudlo Perlna Glanfranco Plerl Enzo MoUa Staka Pferfr. Euslachi Marco Poggianti Stefano Morelli Davlde Laleo Francesco Gerunzl Glovannl Bornn! Francesco Blasl Francesco CiuccareUI Nlco Capellutl Glarglo Chlgnola Leonardo Varotla Paalo Fergnani Andrijasevlc Emanuele Gregorl 2 3 6 1 8 4 5 9 10 7 11 13 12 3 1 2 dq 4 11 5 7 6 9 10 12 8 3 2 8 1 6 4 10 7 5 9 11 12 ns 13 18 18 21 28 31 35 39 46 48 61 68 76 FD CUP - Diessen - Germany, 29-31 May 2003 55 Competitors - 5 Nations - WCF 1.424 x 0.0 a Po, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 SaH Nr GER-202 GER-113 GER-51 GER-66 GER-11 GER-91 GER-21D GER-4D ITA-19 GER-78 GER-1987 GER-20B GER-1843 GER-187 GER-1942 GER-13 GER-Bl GER-33 GER-193 GER-l03 AUT-l GER-1777 ITA-7 SUI-409 GER-1BB5 GER-BB AUT-170 GER-97 GER-235 GER-944 GER-75 SUI-6 0 GBR-3B4 GER-41 AUT-4 GER-SB GER-1B71 GER-204 GBR-342 GER-163 AUT-4DD GER-17B GER-22 GER-1BD7 GER-175D GER-19B9 GER-1727 GER-1762 GER-133 GER-3D GER-184D AUT-300 GER-76 GER-13l GER-1B27 Pt. 2 43 22 20 33 40 21 42 0 38 0 49 0 47 0 26 0 30 0 35 31 6 0 0 0 0 15 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 Hc[msman Crow Wind Bft Jörn Borowskl KUlan I<önlg Andreas Kunze Kurt Prenzler Franz Menzer Helmut Löther Jörg Witte Bemd Schreiber Fulvlo Collettl Jürgen Grass Jürgen Grahmann Kay-Uwe Lüd!lte Rolf Ortmann Stefan BeIchi Bernd Zimmer Schappl König Bernhard Keller Hans Genthe Eckart Walz Kurt Müller Georg Vogler Hartmut Wesemüller Alberto Barenghl Uell Messllmmmer DeUef Kreldel Toblas Frank Gerhard Proksch Waller Graß Fellx Holz Günler Schrern Chrlstlan Zbll Chrlsloph Baumann Tony Lyall Edwln Neue Manfred Zelssel Robert Ness Walter Volkmann Stefan Redl John Bell)' Jupp Kampschulte Axel Schmid-Siegel Ralf Vogel Florian Böhm Dleler Schlndler Alols Mögele Matthlas Meler-Stuckenberger Leo Ueret FriedlBühl Ellsa König Wolfgang Wellner Thlemo Standfest Hans-V Bacher Leander Welntz Gunlher Hauer Florian Halble Andreas Ber11n Alex Gary Josef Seebauer Helnz Bollweg Ernst Hlegele MIchael Klawltter SIefan Mädlcke Martln Romberg Gorrado Gattabriga Philipp Schey Sebaslian Graba Karsten Klenlte Frank Ristau Thomas Mayar Hubert von Hayek Tom Greten Bernd Fischer Hauke Drengenberg Thomas Scharnhorst Aalph Aicher Sieran Vogler Hannes Wesemüller Bene Wiedemann Jeanette Messlkommer Clemens Kreldel Simone Franlt Günter Grigar Egbert Feldner Michael Carp Phlllpp Kyewskl Rolf Pieper Michael Koller Golin Bums Andreas Hölter Klaus Schober Thomas Knab Franz-J Schild Marius Bez Andrew Edwards Jürgan Hobeln Wolfgang Skoda Stefan Burger Axel Zamzow Sirnon HIrscher MIchael Kutter Matthlas Schock Chrlstlan Schäfer Adalbert Netzer Timo Sandrock Christlan Baur Viktor Lozer Erlch Schober Karl Lösch Carl-Ferdlnand Hauer Werner Halble 35,88 35,16 34,44 33,72 33,01 32,29 31,57 30,95 30,14 29,442 28,7 27,98 27,27 03.05.15 2 1 6 4 7 8 13 2 10 14 20 24 21 27 16 3 9 11 26 17 35 22 5 30 23 12 15 25 37 33 39 28 32 47 19 29 18 42 45 38 31 44 34 36 46 43 40 49 41 50 48 53 51 52 ns ns 1 2 5 4 6 3 18 12 11 9 10 13 8 19 33 29 28 15 24 7 20 38 14 22 39 37 27 16 26 21 34 30 17 45 36 49 25 23 31 41 32 43 42 35 40 46 44 es 48 51 47 52 53 50 54 , 4 5 , 7 8 9 Tolnl WRL 2 8 9 11 14 16 20 22 25 29 34 34 35 35 36 38 39 41 41 42 42 43 44 45 51 52 52 53 59 60 62 62 64 64 65 67 67 68 69 72 76 77 78 81 83 86 93 98 98 99 100 103 105 107 111 YOU HAVE BOUGHT A SECOND HAND FD ?? Congrutulations und we hope you will huve much fun und success with her. REMEMBER however, tImt tIlc CERTIFICATE must be put in your nume. So send the present certificatc, wilh all details of the new owner fillcd in on the back, und the Measurement Form 10 the Registrution Office. We will make you u new valid ccrtilicutc ut no costs. RegistmtionOfficc: Bcrgscpad 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Tel +1-31-(0)35-6563195 Fx +1-31-(0)35-6564004 Emuil [email protected] 29 SPRING SERIES - Medemblik - Holland, 31-1 June 2003 19 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.220 x 0.8 03.05.11 a Po, Soll Nr Pis Helmsmlln Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NED-12 NED-26 NED-32 NED-5 NED-S9 NED-348 NEO-350 NED-31 NED-325 NED-312 GER-iS3 NED-317 NED-327 GER-197S NED-334 GER-73 NED~33 NED~3ll GER-122 48 46 45 34 0 23 0 0 39 28 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Klaas Tilstra Enno Kramer Sas v.d.Pol Fred Schaaf Wlm Langeslag Th1Js Rutten Fank Havllt Dennls van Jersel Harald W1Jgers Pleler Staal Joachim Setzepfandt Wynke Bodewes Franlt NoolJen Gardon FIscher 8]ors Rlemslag Welfgang Christ Tanja Heijinlt Leult Nelissen Harald 8ernlng Adriaan Schmal Ard Geelkerken Mare v.d.Pol Sas Wullfers Rohert da Lange Theo Rutten WJllem Barend Wijsmuller Joost van lersel Sander Klein Obblnk Arnout WiJs un Keim Marlan Lubbers Pleter da Gooyer Chrlstof MOlier Laas vanb der Spelt Wilfgang Remy Harry van Ressum Hugo Nellssen 8emd Drescher 1 2 3 4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-3 2 3 1 6 4 7 8 5 9 11 10 ns 13 14 12 16 15 17 18 1 5 4 3 10 2 7 12 6 8 16 11 9 15 14 18 17 16 19 2 4 3 6 7 nf ns 8 5 9 10 ns 11 ns 12 ns ns ns 5 6 7 B • 5 1 2 3 4 9 7 6 10 11 8 13 15 12 14 18 17 16 19 4 6 7 9 14 16 22 23 23 24 27 34 37 37 40 46 49 49 56 WHITSUN REGATTA- Steinhude -Germany, 7-8 June 2003 14 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.1 x 0.0 Sa1l Nr Pis Helmsman Crew Wind 8ft GER-113 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GER~266 GER~66 GER-52 GER-190 GER-193 GER-63 GER-17 GER-73 GER-235 43 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 GER-79 GER-70 GER-133 GER-12 0 0 0 K1I1an KönIg Bernd Szyperrelt Kurt Prenzler Martln Krings Welf W. Januscheck Eckart Walz Norbert Unlte Uwe Seehausen Welfgang Christ Fellx Holz Jochen Spaan Addy La Graauw Elisa König Ernst Greten Alex Gary Clemens BInder Helnz Bollweg Udo Schürmann Jürgen Schwarz Thomas Scharnhorst Marltus FleIscher Bemd Elend Helner Schneider Jörg Franck Ulrich Spaan Sven La Graauw TIme Sandreck Aolf Siecher 1 2 3 2-3 3 2 2 9 5 10 3 8 4 7 12 6 11 13 ns 3 1 2 5 4 nf 6 7 12 8 11 10 9 ns 2 3 1 5 6 4 10 ns 8 9 13 11 12 7 4 5 B 7 B , Pis Helmsman Crew 45,87 44,9 43,92 42,94 41,97 40,99 40,02 39,04 38,06 37.-9 36,11 35,53 34,16 33,18 32,21 31,23 Total WRL 03.06.02 a SaU Nr 47,82 46,85 6 6 12 15 20 23 24 27 27 29 30 32 34 39 TROFEO W.PASQUINI - Forte d Marmi- Italia, 7-8 June 2003 20 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.034 x 0.8 Pos 48,8 03.06.01 a Po, Total WRL 2 3 4 5 2 10 7 3 12 1 9 5 11 1 4 9 2 10 5 3 8 12 7 13 11 6 15 17 14 16 20 18 20 1 4 2 13 3 7 10 5 6 11 8 12 17 9 14 16 19 15 20 18 ?? 2 1 3 5 10 4 8 6 12 7 ?? 14 13 15 9 17 11 18 16 6 7 B 9 Total WRL Wind 8ft 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 ITA-36 ITA-l0 ITA-22 ITA-115 ITA-lll 0 32 0 11 0 ITA-94 ITA-13 ITA-ll25 ITA-9 ITA-1 ITA-??? ITA-25 0 0 0 0 ITA-105 ITA-6 ITA-23 ITA-57 ITA-87 ITA-116 ITA-101 ITA-10D2 0 Fablo PaoH Aeberto Clprlanl Alberto Patrone Franeo Tognocchi Marco Benedettlnl Pierfrancesco Eustachl Carle de Luea Gianfranco Pieri Nlcola Oe Castro Carle Brunelli ??? Ferragamo Cfaudio Perina Oucclo Testini Franceseo Aavaslnl Enzo Motta Roberto Treml ??? Tontanl ??? Spane ??? de Conca ??? Blgllazzi Mamo Pogglanli Stefane Morelli ??? Patrone Corrado Guareschi DanIla Benedetlinl Emanuele Gregori Maurizio Fraschetti Leonarde Varotto ?? Badettl Luclano Mercanli ??? Pattlson ??? Colettl Glan Paol0 Ferranlo Glovannl Borrinl Paolo Fergnanl M.Cerrina ??? Pesto ??? Coppede ??? de Conea ??? BIgliazzl 4 1 2 6 3 8 11 15 5 12 9 10 13 20 16 14 7 18 17 20 4 20 6 13 14 8 16 18 17 15 20 8 11 12 14 21 21 26 26 28 34 37 39 46 51 53 53 58 61 68 74 41,35 40,52 39,7 38.87 38,04 37,22 36,39 35,56 34,73 33,91 33,08 32,25 31,43 30,6 29,77 28,95 28,12 27,29 26,46 25,67 SOUTHERN AREA CHAMP. - Lee/Solent - UK, 7-8 June 2003 9 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.007 x 0.0 Conditions were slightly unusllal on thc Saturday with very little tide und marginal trapczing during lhe sceonu ruee. Same cxpccling a [anger first beat with udvcrsc tide hcaued up thc share. In canse-quenee Rosie & Neil faund thcmsclves lcurling at the first mark. Thcn punk, lhe lecwurd mark having be!!n rcmoved, the commillcc bOUI only just munagcd 10 position lhemselves 03.06.11 avcrstaod on thc first leg hud to duw up to the top uguin. The second face suw Petcr Doran/Richurd Phillips gel uwuy after u good start und remuin in thc lcud. Sunday RUW u signilicunt incrcusc in wind speed from Bft 5 ta 7 gusting 10 8 contrary Lo thc forccasL Rncing was abandoned wi1h rapid asing incre~ hcigh1s making muking recovery of eapsized baats dirlicull. WUV!! in thc lecwurd position berore thc lenden; rounding thern. BaaL" wh ich had Po. a Sall Nr Pu. Helmsmlln Crnw WInd 8ft GBR~382 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GBR-377 GBR-383 GBR-350 IRL-13 GBR-373 GBR-384 GBR-380 GBR-290 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 Toby Oale Peter Doran Vicloria Parry Peter Weells Tom Clancy Rosle pye Tony Lyall Jullan Bridges Richard AusUn 1 1 2 3 4 8 1 5 3 2 6 4 8 7 9 " 6-7 2 1 3 6 4 8 5 7 9 James Cole Richard PhilHps Peter Frith Andrew Weeks Rob Borland Nell Pye CoHn Burns Bethan Peler Hadfield 5 6 7 • • 3 6 6 8 10 12 13 14 18 03.06.04 U-2003 - Alkmaardermeer - Holland, 7-9 June 2003 17 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.207 x 0.8 In thc course 01' time the evenl has grown 10 12 c1asses but the FD is stilI the biggest. Some more clmnges 1hough since early days: tbe beer price hus been upped by 3flO% amI the harbour master has decided tImt the dinghy park is not for trailers but for the bicyles 01' the restaurant goers. It gives him a proper morning conslilutional- moving 17 trailers 150m every morning! Conditions from nothing to ßn 4+ wilh pretty heavy gusts outside the races. Sunday moming sturt disbanded with a storm developing. Some of the towsins were very sIow in collecting as a number of baals had to unrig a 5mm eunningham Hne for towing. Notthe FOs, lhey nll had proper towing lines ! 4 bullets wenl to 5 different boats making the racing interesting and the overall winner showed n very eanstnnt performance combined with winning u protest uguinst the race commiUce. The observation by starling vesse1 und rin-end boat wns discarded by the jury ns a competitor wilness c1uimed "no CCS". A pretty unique verdicL Next ycur no "AII\.maar" us the FO is going 10 take part in the Northsea Regatta at Scheveningen which is unforlunately at the same time. Mare van der Pol NEO-32 ces a Po, Pu. SIlH Nr Helmsmlln Crew WInd Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NEO-26 NEO-12 NEO-5 NEO-32 NEO-9 NED-348 NED-312 GER-122 NEO-350 GER-35 NED-334 NED-325 NEO-321 NEO-315 GER-139 NED-311 NEO-317 46 48 34 45 1 23 28 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 Enno Kramer Klaas 11lstra Fred Sehaaf Bas v.d.Pol Paul de Schlpper Thljs Rutten Pleter Slaal Harald Bernlng Fan!t HavJ]t Chrislfan Jung Sjors Rlemslag Harald Wijgers Tom van Ettlnger Clovis Buijs Jup Wanders Lou!t Nelissen Wynke Bodewes TCltal WRL Ard Geellterken Adrlaan Schmal Bas Wulffers Marlt v.d.Pol Sander Klein Obblnk Theo Rutten Arnout Wljs Arthur SchedlinsltJ Rob Taal Thomas Grothe 1<laas v.d.Spek Nlels KamphuJs Rogler Groeneveld Marleen van Ballegooljen Waller Seherb Hugo Nelissen Marianne Lubbers 1 2-3 2 3 1 5 6 11 9 13 7 8 2 3 4 S 3-4 5 4-5 4-5 7 1 3 4 2 6 5 11 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 12 9 10 9 2 es 3 3 7 4 1 9 6 5 10 8 es 4 7 8 5 2 6 9 11 4 12 10 8 ns n, ns ns ns ns ns 13 11 11 12 10 10 14 12 13 14 ns ns ns es nf ns ns ns ns n, ns ns 6 7 • 9 Telal WRL 7 8 10 17 18 20 26 27 27 36 39 48 54 57 59 64 66 48,3 47,33 46,37 45,38 44,42 43,46 42,49 41,52 40,56 39,59 38,62 37,66 36,69 35,72 34,76 33,8 32,83 31 KIEL WEEK - Schilksee - Germany, 21-24 June 2003 41 Competitors - 7 Nations - WCF 1.326 x 0.9 Kielweck used Lo be quite an event wilh opera, concerts. exhibilions, fain; und what not wilh the Kaiser, Ministers, Navy's, Ambassadors lind cverybo- vuliant elTort by H-12, Klaus Tilslra/Murc vu Pol with a porttuck slart which mislires und in full view 01' the jury they perform 720 0 • At thc 5minutc gun course 1 (trianglc) was changed 10 course 3 (sausngc) und about 20 baals maue far thc wrang mark after thc windwunl. 1-1-12 manuged to gel weil bUl.!k inta the compelition und finishcd 3rd. Seeami met! was in similar condilions. Mnnday. Weatherl'orecust: wind increasing to ßft 5. So teums decide on nut dy WhD lhoughl lhcy wem importunl puUing in an nppcaruncc. No more but it is still a greal happening. Thc FD is one 01' lhe seleCI clalliiCS WilD take part in lhe 'pre-olumpic weck wilh 4 regultu duys. As lang us we huve ut least 30 pnrticipants we muy stuy in this. Apart from the gigantic brutwurst it is n real internationul event, 7 countries from 3 continents. Tim Sayles~USA-251, sailed with event crew ROl1uld Slullman from Holland. Snturday started with a proper ßn 7 und then ruce onicer, usually not warried aboUl much wind kept bouls in the hnrl10ur and eventulllly cancelling for the day. Thal is apart for 180 (1) 420s to saU 2 races with ßft 6. Sunday light winds with u 45 minute suil ta the cour1ie Charlie. First 1itart Po, Sail Nr 0 Pt. 03.06.06 genoas but with light wind and a chop this is not satisfuctory. Two afternoon ruces with a slight chop, medium wind und sun ure tops. Thesday. 8ft 6 und only aboul20 FDs stnrting. Without any daubtthis is the duy 01' AUS-37, Norm Rydgc/Ridmrd Scurr, with a Ist und 2nd in these 2 speclacular races. And the ßojsen~M011er brothers collected the overulllitie agnin. Detail:: first time in ten years 110 German team in the top 10. 1 2-3 Jargen Bajsen-Maller/Jorgen Schönherr Jacab Bojsen-Maller 1 Norman Rydge Rlchard Scarr 5 Klaas Tilstra Mare van der Pol 3 Stefan Beichi Thamas Mayer 4 Hans Genthe Haulte Drengenberg 8 KJlian König Alex Gary 9 Jan Lechler 2 Jens Salaw Sieffen Grönlng es Ghristlan Allenhain Lorenz Hansen Nlcolal Hansen 40 Uwe Slelngross Sven Hermenau 14 Bernd Schreiber Jacob Karslen 16 6 Martln Krings Udo Schürmann Ernst PlIgram Uwe PIlgram 7 Ulrich Schäfers Kai Schäfers 17 Hartmut Wesemüller Halger Wesemüller 19 8ernd Szyperrelt Giemens Binder 15 Fank Havik Willem Barend Wijsmuller 11 ThiJs Rutten Theo Rutten 20 Kurt Prenzler Helnz Bollweg 10 Björn Althaus Lutz Althaus 18 Ralf WiI!{endorf Stephan LObbe 26 Hans~George Helnze Manfred Panuschlla 12 Ralf Albert 25 Lutz Albert Martln Krumhaar Steran Schwanlle 27 Tony Lyall Golln Bums 21 Schappl König Tom Grelen 13 Joachlm Setzepfandt um Keim 24 Karsten Keil Mario Götz 32 Harald 8ernlng Arthur Schedllnsld 30 Michael Haupt Wolfgang Höft 23 Horst Schäfer Ralf Pletsch 29 Ellsa König Timo Sandrock 28 36 Matthlas Himmel Sven La Grauw Manfred Zelssel Klaush Schober 31 Tim Sayles Ronald Siallman 39 Ghrlslian Ochs Johannes Brack 22 Georg Altenhain Bernd Mende 33 Garl Rlchers Giemens Kreldel 38 Peter Baxmann Gordon Fischer 34 Silke Kaiser 37 Andreas Kaiser Herbert Hartwlgger Timo Wassner 35 Helmsman Crew 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 DEN-21 AUS-37 NED~12 GER-187 GER-33 GER~113 GER-l00 GER-1940 GER-1989 GER-99 GER-40 GER-52 GER-l0 GER-l11 GER-1777 GER-266 NED-350 NED-348 GER-66 GER-181 GER-94 GER-1754 GER-213 GER-123 GBR~384 GER-13 GER-153 GER-16 GER-122 GER-182 GER-136 GER-133 GER-70 AUT-4 USA-251 GER-115 GER-189 GER-1665 14 0 48 47 30 43 10 0 37 42 0 0 16 6 0 0 23 29 0 0 0 36 0 9 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GER~1976 GER-241 GER-1772 , 2 2-3 1 7 3 4 12 6 20 9 19 14 5 28 2 11 31 15 16 22 8 21 10 17 27 18 25 23 30 36 26 37 34 32 40 29 35 38 33 41 24 13 39 Wind 8ft 2-3 1 10 4 2 8 5 19 13 17, 7 3 9 25 6 27 15 12 33 24 34 14 38 21 11 29 18 22 20 30 28 16 36 23 35 32 37 31 26 4 5 2-3 1 3 4 2 12 13 6 10 8 7 15 14 24 9 23 5 2-3 2 1 3 9 4 10 16 17 6 8 14 5 12 ns 15 11 24 9 bfcl nf ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns bfcl 13 23 21 19 bfcl 18 27 7 26 29 28 es es 21 27 29 26 28 30 25 31 33 36 35 32 ns 25 22 33 20 30 32 31 bfcl ns ns ns 39 37 B 7 ns ns nf ns ns ns 16 18 20 34 19 17 11 22 es ns 6 6-7 6-7 1 nf 2 1 4 4 7 5 3 2 5 3 6 6 8 8 10 7 • 7 19 21 24 37 38 55 65 67 94 97 106 114 131 133 138 142 146 148 150 151 151 153 155 159 169 171 179 186 189 193 193 195 197 201 204 209 215 222 226 238 ns ns ns ns ns nf ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns CANNON BALL - Canandaigua,NY- USA, 28-29 June 2003 10 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 10 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 It was Chuck Linn with Kcvin Roland who won thi1i 44th Cannon Bull Po. SaU Nr 0 PI, Helmsman 32 USA-1360 GBR-367 0 USA~301 0 USA-7 0 USA-1435 0 USA-1486 0 USA-1474 0 USA-1426 USA-l02 USA-595 Ghuck Unn Jon Gorbald Jeff Wrenn Jonathan Glapp PeterWells John Sayles 8111 Hamllton Steve Helnzelman Roy Stone D~clt Raymond Crew Kevln Roland Anna Gorbald Nigel Gorbald Pavel Ruzlcka 8arbarn Wells Drew Flnn Janel Hamilton Wendi Helnzelman Michael Barllck Sue Raymond 59,7 58,51 57,31 56,12 54,92 53,73 52,54 51,34 50,14 48,95 47,76 46,57 45,37 44,18 42,98 41,79 40,6 39,4 38,21 37,01 35,82 34,63 33,43 32,24 31,04 29,85 28,66 27,46 26,27 25,07 23,B8 22,69 21,49 20,3 19,1 17,91 16,72 15,52 14,33 13,13 11,94 03.06.07 Regatta. Mild conditions. It wa1i a elose contest with ChucklKevin on equal points with Jon/Anna Gorbold. Il was a very enjoyable weekend sailing. WInd 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tolal WRL 1 2 2 , 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 5 3 7 6 9 8 10 4 2 1 6 5 3 7 9 10 8 2 5 6 7 4 3 8 9 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 8 9 1 2 4 6 3 7 5 8 9 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 8 9 4 1 2 3 6 5 7 8 9 ns ns ns ns ns B 9 Total WRL 10 10 19 26 28 31 34 49 53 58 35 34,3 33,6 32,9 32,2 31,5 30,8 30,1 29,4 28,7 SCHWERPUKT - Attersee - Austria, 28-29 June 2003 11 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.024 x 0.7 Po, 03.06.08 a Sall Nr pu; Helmsman 2 Crew , 4 5 Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AUT-20 AUT-15 AUT-40 AUT-S AUT-1 AUT-6 AUT-4 AUT-9 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 AUT-66 AUT-386 AUT-373 Chris Halzinger Gerhard Ulrich Axel Schmld-Slegel Helmut Böhm Georg Vogler Werner Rosinal< Manfred Zelssel Helnz Waerder Fred Zorn 0 FeUx Rlttlnger Martin Domln!lws Stefan Schmilz Andreas Itlner Wolfgang Skoda Lultas Holzinger Florian Abele willr Sedlak 1<laus Schober Thomas Kalnz Erich Schober Pater Rittinger Nilmlaus Domlnlkus 3 7 2 4 6 8 5 10 11 9 3 2 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 • 7 B 9 3 8 14 15 17 2 5 9 7 6 4 8 3 10 17 19 21 23 30 32 nf KUHSCHELLEN REGATTA - Alpsee - Germany, 5-6 July 2003 45 Competitors -4 Nations - WCF 1.221 x 0.9 PM a sall Nr Pm Helmsman Crew WInd 8ft GER-gi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 GER-51 GER-87 ITA-10 ITA-22 GER-1705 GER-1871 GER-11 GER-61 GER-1924 40 22 50 32 0 0 0 33 0 0 GER-14 GER-1762 GER-161 GER-98 GER-78 GER-1D3 ITA-B GER-19DD ITA-19 SUI-6 GER-1843 GER-181 GER-97 GER-1807 ITA-7 GER-204 GER-6B GER-2031 AUS-123 GER-58 GER-130 GER-2063 SUI-7 GER-163 GER-34 GER-192 SUI-410 GER-1649 GER-39 GER-69 GER-1750 GER-3D GER-1911 GER-178 SUI-406 29 0 38 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Helmut Löther Andreas Kunze Hans-Pater Schwarz Roberto Clprlanl Alberto Patrone Thomas Sellmann Waller Voillmann Franz Menzer Bernhard Keller Mllte Langefeld Michel Schinels Friedl Bühl Hubert Walbel Shmuel Markhoff Jürgen Grass Kurt Müller Leopoldo Blasl Helmut Steiner Fulvio Collettl Chrisloph Baumann Ralf Ortmann Hermann Sellmann Waller Groß Dieler Schlndler Alberto Barenghl Stefan Redl OUolm( Klein Heinrich Wlggenhauser Douglas Par[ler Robert Ness Chrlstlan von Mulert Karl Riedesser Jean Pierre Weber Jupp Kampschulte I<urt Hergenrölher Lolhar Simon Eric Gasle! FeUx Reischi Artur Haf Wolfgang Sellmann Alols Mögele Wolfgang Wellner Simon HIrscher Ralf Vogel Danlei Züllig Michael Klawitter Jasef See bauer Roland Klrst Stefano MoreJU Davlde Loleo Sigl Lang Alexander Krahmer Ernst Hlegele Dieter Holzberger Peter WUbert Johannes Burghold Adalbert Netzer Bene Wiedemann Jens-Uwe Krüger PhlUpp Schay Ralph Aicher Francesco Bias! Franz Josef SchJld Corrado Cattabriga Michael Koller Franil Risiau SIefan Burghold Egbert Feldner PhHipp Buhl Malleo Costa Marlus Berz Tanja Roller M.Carp Nlco Capppellutl Thomas Knab Isabell Maurer Werner Alchele Alols Fuchs Jürgen Hobeln Christfan Scharpf Fablan Simon Berno Ullings Alexander Nagel lrene Haf Ulf Kliem Michael Kutter Christlan Winl<ler Phlllpp Kyewsld Herke Wild Stephan Rohner 1 2-4 1 4 3 2 7 6 10 11 5 18 8 9 17 13 12 20 24 16 19 21 15 14 25 22 nl 23 35 26 36 34 33 31 28 29 37 27 nf 32 38 30 39 41 40 42 43 2 3-4 1 3 2 4 5 18 11 12 7 14 19 16 6 24 20 10 13 17 15 9 22 27 21 26 8 28 23 25 29 31 30 34 35 32 33 38 37 39 36 nl nf nf 41 42 40 , 1-3 1 3 6 8 2 7 10 9 22 4 12 14 17 5 13 16 11 20 21 29 26 24 19 18 15 28 23 35 27 30 34 33 36 38 37 43 25 39 42 40 32 31 41 44 ns Total WRL 35,85 35.13 34,42 33,7 32,98 32,27 31,55 30,B3 30,11 29,4 28,6B 03.07.01 4 5 • 7 B 9 Total WRL 3 10 11 14 14 31 31 32 34 36 39 39 40 42 45 46 48 53 55 59 63 65 65 66 71 79 81 86 92 95 97 98 99 99 107 108 110 110 116 118 119 120 122 128 131 55 53,9 52,8 51,7 50,6 49,5 48,4 47,3 46,2 45,1 44 42,9 41,8 40,7 39,6 38,5 37,4 36,3 35,2 34,1 33 31,9 30,8 29,7 28,6 27,5 26.4 25,3 24,2 23,1 22 20,9 19,8 18,7 17,6 16,5 15,4 14,3 13,2 12,1 11 10,9 9,8 8,7 6,6 33 SAXONIAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Pöhl -Germany, 12-13 July 2003 25 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.133 x 0.8 03.07.03 Same number ur parlicipliots us lust ycar but with thc addition or a forcign team, DEN-33, Brigilt Syjguurd/Carsten Burlebo, who were on their way to thc Europerms in Ituly. Thc rucing is held on a reservoir but or a good size und with good acccssibility 01' wind. Thc first 3 places wefC for thc RostacklBcrlin contingenl. Q Po, Sall Nr P" Helmsman Crew Wind 8ft 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 37 GER-100 49 GER-211 13 GER-213 36 0 GER-241 GER-259 24 GER-240 4 GER~120 0 GER-225 0 GER-16 0 GER-25B 0 5 GER-224 DEN-33 0 GER-1854 0 GER-202 GER-99 GER-276 GER-134 GER-55 GER-79 GER-1B9 0 0 0 GER-77 GER-34 GER-l001 GER-21B 0 GER-246 Jörn 8orowsld Uwe Slelngross Kay-Uwe LüdUts Marco Lieberth Rolf Albert Silke Kaiser Ralf Bundel Pater Kleffe Karl-H Wolf Thomas Lleberth Karslen Keil Mario Dletzel Wolfgang Dlelrich 81rgltt Sogard Alexander Nordalm Michael Perthes Robln Melchner Leo Linke Jochen Spaan Georg Altenhain Andreas Zilker Lothar Hubatschek Jens Fuchs Petra Schengber Harald Karl Andreas Berlln Sven Hermenau Jens Salow BJörn Fischer Lutz Albert Andreas I<alser Svend VIehweg Sebastlan Heller Robert Plechutla sterten Märsch Franl~ Descher Andl Adler Gudrun Dlelrich Garsten 8arlebo Franl~ Kanlg Holger Lauschke Robln Gätz Andl Bahr Maclel~ Mucha Bernd Mendel Joachlm Llebl Sablne Slöcld Thomas Wieduwild Thomas Krüger Karl-H Knorr 1 2 2-3 2 14 15 21 11 1B 19 20 22 23 24 2-3 1 3 2 5 11 6 7 4 10 13 9 B 12 24 14 15 16 22 17 19 1B 20 21 23 ns ns B 1 16 5 3 7 12 9 13 6 10 4 17 3 4 2 2 1 4 3 11 7 5 B 6 9 21 16 2 2 1 5 4 6 9 7 15 20 3 11 12 16 10 B 1B 17 22 14 21 19 13 25 23 24 17 13 10 12 14 15 22 19 1B 24 20 25 23 5 6 7 B 9 2-3 1 2 4 B 3 10 11 6 7 9 14 12 13 5 15 1B 16 19 22 17 20 Total WRL 6 7 11 20 25 25 26 30 32 34 40 42 45 45 46 60 63 67 71 74 75 79 B7 94 97 dq 23 24 21 FD CUP - Simssee - Germany,19- 20 July 2003 17 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.8 45.35 44,44 43,54 42,53 41,72 40,82 39,91 39 3B,09 37,19 36,28 35,37 34,47 33,56 32,65 31,75 30,94 29,93 29,02 28,12 27,21 26.3 25,4 24,49 23,56 03.07.05 Glariaus suiling conditions. 8ft 3-4 with sun und wurmth. Not tuking uny risks teh Suturday was used for 3 rnces. JUSl as weil rar Sunday there was no wind so no 4th ruce. Q Po, Sall Nr pt, Helmsman Crow Wind 8ft 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 GER-1B03 0 GER-BO 0 GER-1900 0 GER-194 0 GER-54 0 GER-1B07 0 GER-1B67 GER-56 AUT-9 0 GER-156 GER-1430 GER-55 0 GER-1799 GER-1893 GER-1748 0 GER-15BB GER-l 55 Hans Lohner Rlchard Bucheclter Helmut Sieiner Georg Knlcl~ Andreas Linke Dleler Schlndler Berni Schmits Jürgen Pöllath Helnz Waerder Tommy DannInger Norbert Weidlich Leo Linke Gerhard Wachter Lultas Schlmke Sebastlan Pöllmann Peter Dudek Rudolf Hohenlanner Michael Lohner Glaudla Düll-Bucheclter Franz Schild SIefan Seidenschnur Klaus Aman Slmon Hirscher Michael Schmlls Marltus Pöllalh Thomas Kalnz Benny Monse Andreas Neumayr Guntram Bucher! Andreas Wachter Dleler Schlmlte Peler Ehlers Georg Dudel~ Kurt Lamm 1 2 3 1 3 2 6 9 4 B 7 5 10 11 2-3 1 4 3 2 5 9 6 B 13 11 10 7 12 14 15 16 17 nf 12 13 15 14 nf 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 3 2 1 3 5 4 7 6 B 12 9 11 10 13 14 15 Total WAL 4 B B 13 1B 20 20 23 30 30 32 37 37 41 45 50 53 ns 16 TRAVEMUNDER WOCHE - Travemünde - Germany, 18-27 July 2003 15 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.07 x 0.7 40 39.2 3B,4 37,6 36.B 36 35,2 34,4 33,6 32,B 32 31,2 30,4 29,6 2B.B 2B 27,2 03.07.06 Q Po. Sall Nr P" Helmsman Crew 2 3 4 5 2 1 9 3 B 6 7 12 11 10 13 14 4 6 3 2 10 9 1 7 13 15 4 11 12 B 5 14 5 6 7 B 9 Total WAL Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 34 GER-1924 GER-113 GER-66 GER-13 GER-1940 GER-1794 GER-196B GER-1B9 GER~182 GER-140 GER-1750 GER-136 GER-235 GER-123 GER-70 0 43 20 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mlke Langefeld Kllian KönIg Kurt Prenzler Schappl König Ghristian Allenhain Gerd Waller Toblas Frank Georg Altenhain Michael Haupt Michael Spranger Alols Mögele Horst Schäfer Fellx Holz Martln I<rumhaar Matthlas Himmel Peter Wilbertl Johannes Brack Helnz Bollweg Tom Grelen Steffen Grönlng Jens Walter Simone Frank Bernd Mende Wolfgang Höft Fred Damss Michael Kutter Marion Zander Jurgen Hobeln Stefan Schwanke Sven La Grauw 2 3 4 1 nf 5 7 6 9 4 5 2 3 dq 12 10 11 9 6 7 B 10 12 11 nf ns dq ns B ns 3 1 2 7 4 5 6 9 10 12 es 11 13 B 14 2 3 4 7 B 5 13 6 10 9 14 11 3 2 5 4 1 6 B 11 10 13 7 12 2 4 3 6 5 B 9 10 es 11 7 nf nf ns ns ns 12 9 12 11 12 16 21 24 30 39 4B 52 53 SB 64 6B 71 79 37,45 36,7 35.95 35,2 34,45 33.71 32,97 32,21 31,46 30,71 29,96 29,21 28,46 27,71 26,96 CUSPIDOR CUP - Casanovia, NY - USA, 26-27 July 2003 9 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 Po. a Süll Nr Pm Helmsmlln GBR-367 0 0 0 USA-175 0 USA-1435 0 USA-B61 0 USA-1474 0 USA-189 USA-1486 USA-1426 USA-13B9 0 Jan Gorbald Carl Boiler John Sayles CharIes Llnn Peter Walls Peter Bushnell Bill Hamillon Sieve Helnzelman Barry Dorn 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 1 3 4 2 7 6 5 8 9 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 8 9 1 2 6 5 4 3 7 8 1 2 4 3 Crnw WInd Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 03.07.08 Anna Gorbold Jeff Barberc Dan Vito Kevin Roland Barbara Wells Bill Walter Jane! Hamillon Wendl Heinzelman 8111 Whalen n, nf 5 7 6 n, , • 4 4 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 5 1 4 3 2 7 6 8 n, 7 • , Pm Helmsmün Crnw Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 GER-a7 GER-91 GER-51 GER-1941 50 40 22 AUT-1 31 GER-187 47 GER-45 0 GER-l03 35 GER-19B7 0 GER-7B 38 GER-119 0 GER-1900 0 GER-1B71 0 GER-1B43 0 GER-1942 0 GER-86 0 GER-58 3 GER-lOS 0 GER-204 GER-l1B 0 GBR-3B4 9 GER-163 0 GER-1B07 0 GER-944 15 GER-55 0 AUT-66 GER-21 0 GER-1907 SUI-410 0 GER-47 0 GER-1727 GER-1727 0 GER-131 0 GER-1675 Hans-Peler Schwarz Helmut Lölher Andreas Kunze Maxlmllian Kalb Georg Vogler Stefan Beichi Michael Dorrer Kurt Müller Jürgen Grahmann Jürgen Grass Hans Kohl Helmut Stelner Walter VolI~mann Ralf Ortmann Bernd Zimmer Toblas Frank Robert Ness Egberto Felsl~e SIefan Redl Dleler Sialb Tony Lyall Jupp Kampschulte Dleter Schlndler Günter Schrem Leo Linke Fred Zorn Peter Slanner Wolfgang Beler Erlc Gastel Hans Glell Chrisllan Schäfer Leo Lieret Gunlher Hauer Martin Lauer Roland Kirst Michael Klawitter Josef See bauer Pau! Sichler Florian Abele Thomas Mayer Stefan Fränl~el Ralph Alcher Sebastian Graber Phlllpp Schay Wolrgang Joppich Marlws 80llinger Alexander Steger Franl~ Risiau Norbert Dom Simone Franl~ Thomas Knab Jürgen Hobeln Marlus Serz Franz-J Schild Col1n Burns Mlrcea Carp Phllipp Kyewsll SIefan Siriegel Guntram Suchert Erich Schober Christfan Helmüller Jürgen Wagner Serno UJllngs Hans Glell Peler Schönlger Gernat Herboldshelmer Hauer Jun Erik Lauer 3 1 2 3 5 6 7 33 11 4 8 9 10 13 15 14 12 21 18 nf 16 24 17 28 23 20 19 22 25 27 26 30 29 32 31 n, 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 7 6 4 3 8 5 1 2 1 3 1 4 6 3 9 2 5 21 8 7 10 11 16 14 15 19 13 17 20 23 12 22 18 24 25 26 27 9 12 17 10 13 16 21 15 19 14 11 18 22 20 28 33 32 30 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 n, 17 4 5 6 8 13 14 12 11 9 7 10 15 16 24 21 25 32 27 19 18 20 23 26 22 29 31 28 30 33 n, , • 7 • , nf 28 30 29 31 32 n, Pm Hclmsmnn Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NEo-32 NED-5 NEo-312 NED-325 NEo-69 NEo-350 NED-31 GER-35 NED-348 GER-190 NEo-334 NED-33 NEO-304 GER-41 NED-341 GER-101 45 34 28 39 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 27 Sas v.d.Pol Fred Schaaf Pleter Staal Harald Wijgers Wlm Langeslag Fank Havlk Dennls van lersel Chrisllan Jung ThlJs Rutten Wolf W. Januscheclt SJors Rlemslag TanJa HeiJlnk Johan van Werkhoven Edwin Neue Arie J ooets Michael Kramer Marlt v.d.Pol Bas Wulffers ArnoutWljs Niels Kamphuis Robert de Lange WJllem Barend Wljsmuller Marianne Lubbers Thomas Grolhe Theo Rutten Jürgen Schwarz Klaas v.d.Spel~ Netty van der Valk Dennls van Werlthoven Mark Surbach Mark ooets M,Melssner 1-2 6 3 1 4 n, 5 2 9 8 n, rt n, 7 nf n, n, 33,6 32,9 32,2 34.3 31.5 30,8 30,1 29,4 Total WAL 55,24 54,13 53,03 51,92 50,82 49.71 4B,61 47,5 46,4 45.29 44.19 43,OB 41,9B 40.87 39,77 38,66 37,56 36,46 35.35 34,25 33,14 32,04 30.93 29,B3 28,72 27,62 26,51 25,41 24,3 23,2 22,09 20.99 19,88 18,78 03.08.02 a SaU Nr 17 4 7 12 12 13 14 16 20 21 27 31 31 35 36 39 42 48 49 52 57 58 59 65 65 65 68 71 71 80 82 84 88 95 107 BENELUX- SCharendijke - Holland, 9-10 August 2003 16 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.154 x 0.8 Po, 35 03.08.01 a Süll Nr 6 9 18 21 27 31 38 48 SILVER FD - Tegernsee - Germany, 2-3 August 2003 34 Competitors - 4 Nations - WCF 1.227 x 0.9 Po. Total WRL 2 1-2 3 1-2 4 1-2 2 4 6 3 1 9 7 8 5 14 11 10 12 15 13 16 1 2 4 6 3 15 12 7 9 5 8 10 14 13 11 16 1 4 2 6 10 5 11 3 7 8 13 12 15 9 14 16 , • 1-2 1 2 9 4 8 3 5 11 ns 6 7 10 n, 12 n, 13 7 • , Total WRL 5 11 13 17 22 22 25 27 29 33 39 42 48 49 56 61 46.15 45,23 44,3 43,38 42,46 41.54 40.61 39,69 38,77 37,84 36,92 36 35.07 34,15 33,23 32,31 YOU HAVE BOUGHT A SECOND HAND FD ?? Congratulations and we hope you will have much fun and success with her. REMEMBER however. that the CERTIFICATE must be put in your name. So send the present certificate. with all details 01 the new owner filled in on the back, and the Measurement Form to the Registration Office. We will make you a new valid certificate at no costs. ReglstrationOffice: Bergsepad 4. 1244 PS Ankeveen. Holland Tel ++31-(0)35-6563195 Fx ++31-(0)35-6564004 Email [email protected] 35 GREMLIN - Monomonack, NH - USA, 9-10 August 2003 6 Competitors - 1 Nation- WCF 1.0 x 0.0 Saturday morning lhe baals went on thc \Vater though thc cnlirc Northcust wns in u stugnant pcriod with grny skies, showcrs umllhunder. After u whilc lunch seemed to be a heUer bel and boUls rClired. During lunch wind uppeared. And a sturt was mude. Some were confuscd abaut thc course. The Wclls's. thc only Olles, went 10 thc COlTect Ist mark und when fOundillg the 2nd murk munugcd 10 inform thc othcrs. Same retrieved thcir mistukc. ROll Evans, the mee orriccr, shortcncd thc course in disgusl. 4 more, mund onee, 03.08.03 mees wert! held so cvcrything was set for thc Sunday, 00 malter what weulher. Thc cvcning cookout was the normal huge suceess with umple sumpling or wine from lhe Flying Dutehmun Winery in Oregon. Sunduy wilh u lovely south breeze 8ft 3-4 two "Monomonack Olympic" courses were sailed. Roy Stone/Miclmel 8arlick managed to christen top 01' Roy's new muinsail in the mud. Prizes were reul "Flying Outclunun" huts from the winery. , ,• , ,-. Q Po, Sall Nr Pt.; Crew Helmsman Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 USA-1435 USA-1474 USA-7 USA-1486 USA-102 USA-251 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peter Wells Bill Ham1llen Jonathan Clapp John Sayles Roy Sione Ted Caslner '-2 Barbara Wells Janet Hamillen Pavel Ruzic!m Drew Flnn Mlke Barllck Emlly Caslner 2 '-2 '-2 2 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 3 2 4 ret 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 3-4 4 1 3 2 5 6 2 4 1 3 5 3 4 1 2 5 nf a Tolol WAL 9 10 14 14 17 29 37 ns N.AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Kingston - Canada, 21-24 August 2003 7 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 meel al Kingston. It wus great sailing ! So next yeur we could weil see u greuter participation. Only 7 competilors for a N.American Championship. The present generation 01' FD sailors obviously does not know whut greul suiling conditions one cun , , ,, •• , , • •a , , • • • • 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Q Po, SaH Nr Pt.; Helmsman Crew 2 Wind Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 USA-251 GBR-367 USA-301 USA-7 USA-176 USA-1427 USA-1406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIm Sayles Jon Gorbold Jett Wrenn Jonalhan Clapp Caryl BarreIt John Mlddleton Davld Slage 03.08.05 WlIlem B. Wljsmuller Anna Gorbold Chrls Wrenn Danlei Vito Bruce BarreIt David Mlddlelon Sarah Thomas 1 2 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 6 5 7 2 1 3 nf nf ns 5 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 7 3 2 6 5 4 7 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 7 6 3 2 4 5 6 7 9 19 11 '2 13 2 4 3 5 6 7 4 2 3 6 7 5 2 1 4 ns 1 3 5 4 ns 5 ns 2 3 ns 4 ns UK CHAMPIONSHIP - Saundersfoot - Wales, 22-25 August 2003 13 Competitors - 3 Nations - WCF 1.032 x 0.7 5 Races with one discllrd, barbcque, EGCM, compcUors hearing, dinner, sun, sand, wind (most or the time), grcat sailing, close racing, varied courses,3 women helmsmen, carbon mast, top wouden boat 3rd overall. ßuddy system hmnched sllccessfully. A fantastic event with more overseas competitors promised for next yeur Suturduy 2 ruces but the second was culled off llS the wind decreuseu ullthe time so people retired to beach for u greut barbeque. Sunday, despite many prayers, aguin light brceze bUl sunny, just one race Sall Nr Pt.; Helmsman Crew Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GBR-3B2 0 GER-13 26 GER-i777 6 GBR-380 0 0 GBR-377 GBR-383 GBR-378 GBR-384 9 GBR-350 0 GBR-363 IRL-13 0 GBR-373 0 0 GBR-318 Toby Dale Schappl König Har!mut WesemülJer Jullan Bridges Peter Doran Victorla Parry Dawn Barnsley Tony Lyall Peler Weel~s Kelth Martln Tom Clancy Rosie Pye Jamle Whltaker James Cole Lars Zapke Hannes WesemOlier Calhy Bridges Richard Phllllps Peler Frith John Berry Colln Burns Andrew Weeks John Lansley Rob Borland NeU Pye Peter Hadfield '-2 1 2 4 5 6 10 8 7 3 11 9 rt rt , 2 3 3-4 2 11 1 4 6 8 3 9 10 12 7 5 13 1 4 5 9 2 3 11 6 •, 5 2-' 2 1 4 3 5 10 9 7 11 6 8 ns 9 10 rt 12 12 rt B 7 10 Q San Nr Pt.; Helmsmon Crnw Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 NED-32 NED-69 NED-312 NED-12 NED-9 NED-334 NED-70 NED-3 NED-25 NEO-31O NED-304 NED-348 45 0 28 48 1 0 0 0 39 0 0 23 Bas v.d.Pol Wlm Langeslag Pleter Slaal Klaas TIlstra Paul de Schlpper Sjors Riemslag Ruud Journee Albert van Vianen Hara!d Wijgers Andre Verlmoljen Johan van Werlthoven T~IJs Rutten ns ns 6 6 15 24 27 49 59 64 75 35 34,3 33,6 32,9 32,2 31,5 30,8 3.08.07 6 7 B , 4 1 5 6 8 2 3 7 Marl~ v.d.Pol Rober! de Lange Arnoul Wljs Adriaan Schmal Sander Klein Obblnl~ Klaas v.d.Spel~ Joost Mekking Rob Taal Nlels Kamphuls Sicco Hoogerbeels Dennis van Werlthoven Theo Rutten 3-' 7 5 2 1 3 8 nf 6 2 3-4 3 3-4 rt ns 2 5 4 1 3 6 9 7 2 1 4 3 ns ns 4 9 B nf nf ns nf 5 6 ns ns nf ns ns • 5 5 5 1 4 2 2 1 3 nf 3 7 5 8 6 ns ns ns ns ns 4 6 ns 5 ns ns ns Totol WRL 6 8 14 18 19 23 23 27 32 33 34 47 51 PRINCE BERNHARD TROPHY - Muiden - Holland, 30-31 August 2003 12 Competitors - 1 Nation- WCF 1.144 x 0.7 Po, 3 2 5 4 with the championship Oeet joining the club Round Culdey IsIand Race. HurtmutJHunnes WesemUller Imd a superb start. established a huge lead und were first, as weil on corrected time for the Club Race. Mondny finally same wind with 3 ruces to be sailed. The final race suw the dosest racing or the weck with many pluce chunges. GER-13 Shappy/Lars emerged u1 1he frontu1the right moment 10 take the gun. Very pleasingly lhere was an excellent altandance 01' ladies and younger suilors. Q Po, 14 Totol WRL 6 36,15 35,43 34,7 33,9B 33,26 32,54 31,81 31,09 30,37 29,64 28,92 28,2 27,47 3.08.10 7 B , Total WRL 7 11 11 18 22 22 26 34 37 38 48 52 40,05 39,25 3B,45 37,65 36,85 36,05 35,24 34,44 33,64 32,84 32,4 31,24 MARINA TROPHY - Torbole - Italia, 28-30 August 2003 30 Competitors - 6 Nations - WCF 1.333 x 0.8 Po, a Sall Nr Pis Helmsman GER-87 ITA-l0 50 32 7 22 NEO-5 34 GER-33 30 GER-18? 47 NED-35Q 0 GER-113 43 GER-56 20 GER-139 0 GER-40 42 ITA-11S 11 GEA-194 0 AUT-1 31 GER-1762 29 AUT-4 0 AUT-6 0 AUT-40 0 GER-80 0 GBR-385 9 ITA-1125 0 ITA-8 0 GER-204 0 NEO-330 0 GER-58 3 AUT-9 0 ITA-25 0 AUT-66 0 GER-944 15 HUN-70 GER-51 Hans-Peter Schwarz Roberto Ciprianl Szabolcs Majlhimyl Andreas Kunze Fred Schaaf Hans Genlhe Steren Beichi Fank Havl!t Killan König Kurt Prenzler Jup Wanders Bernd Schreiber Franeo Tognocchl Georg Knlclt Georg Vogler Frledl Bühl Manfred Zeissel Werner Rosinalt Axel Schmld-Slegel Rlchard Buchecker Tony Lyall Glanfranco Pleri Leopoldo Blasl SIefan Redl Tanja Hei/ink Robert Ness Helm: Waerder Claudlo Perlna Erich Schober Günter Schrem 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 1 23 2 5 7 3 4 13 6 10 8 12 22 8 1 3 9 7 2 4 5 10 11 14 6 1 3 2 4 5 18 6 7 9 16 12 8 dq 17 C5 22 10 9 17 11 nf nf 23 16 15 19 13 17 24 12 20 18 25 21 11 19 13 14 21 20 24 15 22 25 26 23 1 2 5 6 3 16 11 -4 8 7 14 20 10 15 9 13 nf nf nf nf nf nf Crew WInd Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 03.08.08 Aoland Kirs! Sierano Morall! Andras Domokos Jasef Seebauer Sas Wulffers Haulte Drengenberg '77 Guldo Alltemade Johannes Braclt Tom Graten Peler van Koppen Jacob Carsten Corrado Guareschi Steran Seidenschnur Florian Abele Adalbert Netzer Siephan Buchleitner Willl Sedlak '" Norbert Weidlich Colln Bums Leonardo Varatto Francesco Blasl Marlus Berz Nettle v d Vallt Thomas Knab Thomas Kalnz Glorglo Chlgnola Fred Zorn Günter Saltrem 4 1 3 2 5 10 4 17 12 6 14 11 25 7 9 8 1B 16 19 20 13 21 15 22 27 26 28 23 nf 14 21 15 18 cs 16 nf 19 nf nf nf nf 20 24 nf 4 • 7 a , 4 9 9 20 22 25 25 2B 29 42 45 46 56 56 5B 59 60 65 67 68 71 78 B1 85 92 96 96 10B 112 113 17 1B 22 24 19 21 nf 27 23 26 29 12 28 25 7 SCHWABEN - Alpsee - Germany, 30-31 August 2003 23 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.065 x 0.8 23 Participants still a nice regatta. Rainy and coldish. The 7th time i in successian GER-gi, Helmul LÖlhcr/Michucl Kluwiuer won, notwithstanding a DNF in the second rucc with a broken mainshect block. GER-161, Herbie SaU Nr Pis Helmsman GER-91 40 GER-1705 0 GER-161 GER-61 0 GER-69 0 GER-98 GER-78 38 GER-1744 GER-130 GER-1750 GER-1968 GER-181 GER-1931 GER-224 GER-14 GER-2063 GER-97 GER-1649 GER-2031 GER-1364 GER-1911 GER-178 GER-131 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Helmut Löther Thomas Sellmann Herbert Zink Bernhard Keller Wolfgang Sellmann Shmuel Marlthoff Jürgen Grass Palrizla Fischer Chrislian van Mulert Alals Mögele Tablas Frank Hermann Sellmann Thamas Laschütza Wolfgang DIetrIch MIchel Schlneis Karl Riedesser Walter Groß Sebastlan Reischi HeInrich Wiggenhauser Georg Kirsch Simon Hirscher Ralf Vogel Gunlher Hauer Crew Michael Klawltter Sigl Lang Dleter Holzberger Florian Jola Chrlstlan Swalosch Jens-Uwe Krüger PhUlpp Schay Peler Muelhauser Palrllt Schädle Michael Kutter Simone Franlt SIefan Burghold Relnhard Adam Robln Götz Johannes Burghold Werner Alchele Egbert Feldner Alexander Nagel Mariin Sloll Chrlslian Scharpf Phillpp Kyewskl Helke Wild Carl-Ferdinand Hauer 2-4 1 3 2 4 B 5 7 6 9 13 16 12 17 14 10 11 15 20 19 1B 21 nf 22 2 2-5 3 1-3 4 3-4 nf 1 2 3 10 4 6 7 5 B 14 11 16 13 15 19 12 9 1B 17 20 21 22 1 6 3 5 11 4 2 7 13 9 B 12 15 14 ns nf 2 4 3 1 8 13 7 5 6 10 9 11 12 14 ns nf nf 16 15 17 nf n5 5 a 7 a 9 n5 20 ns 10 16 18 17 18 Pis Helmsman Crew Wind Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 GER-213 GER-241 36 0 GER-217 GER-259 24 GER-16 0 GER-47 0 GER-2ll 13 GER-224 5 GER-1854 0 GER-240 4 GER-258 0 GER-134 0 GER-55 GER-276 GER-218 Ralf Albert Silke Kaiser Jörg Wohl Ralf Bundel Karsten Keil Hans Giet] Marco Ueberth Wolfgang DIetrich Alexander Nordalm Peter Kleffe Maria Dietzel Rabln Melchner Theo LInke Michael Perthes Petra Schengber Lutz Albert Andreas Kaiser Peter Rast Svend VIehweg Frank Descher Josef See bauer BJörn Fischer Rabln Gätz Franlt König Sebaslian Heller Gerd Weigel Mario Götz Thomas Knüpfer Halger Lauschke Thomas Kröger 42,68 41,61 40,55 39,48 38,41 37,35 36,28 35,21 34,14 33,08 32,01 30,94 29,88 28,91 27,74 26,68 25,61 24,54 23,47 22,41 2-3 2 1 5 3 7 8 6 10 9 4 n5 11 13 12 14 42,6 41,75 40,9 40,04 39,19 38,34 37,49 36,64 35,78 34,93 34,08 33,23 32,3B 31,52 30,67 29,82 28,97 28,12 27,26 26,41 25,56 24,71 23,86 03.09.02 a SaU Nr 43,75 Total WRL 3 7 8 12 13 15 16 18 22 2B 29 33 39 40 43 43 4B 4B 49 51 55 65 70 GOLDENER FD - Pöhl - Germany, 6-7 September 2003 15 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.064 x 0.7 Po, 51,22 50,15 49,OB 48,02 47,27 45,88 44,81 Zink/Dieter Holzberger leuding lost the oppertunily or creating same suspensc when their ruddcr came undonc. 1,2 und 3 overall were SeAl teams. Wind Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 53,35 52,28 03.08.09 a Po, Tolal WRL 2 2-3 3 2-3 2-' 2 4 1 3 7 5 6 11 10 12 9 13 8 14 15 5 2 6 3 1 7 11 4 10 13 B 9 12 14 15 3 15 14 9 1 5 4 2 8 10 6 11 12 7 13 4 5 2-3 ns 6 2 5 B 1 9 10 3 4 7 12 n5 13 11 • 7 a 9 Total WAL 12 13 14 14 16 18 25 26 30 30 30 43 45 46 53 37,25 36,51 35,76 35,02 34,27 33,53 32,78 32,04 31,29 30,55 29,8 29,06 28,31 27,57 26,82 37 DUTCH CHAMPIONSHIP - Workum - Netherlands, 6-7 September 2003 21 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.25 x 0.8 03.09.01 An unfamiliur sill! up Ihere in thc Norlh far aur usual FD crowd. Curs und lents wer!! almosl non top or thc boats so or course il faund favour with all thc teams. Again an inlercsling number or compelitors rar u nutional championship. a Po. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Stili Nr NED~12 NED~350 NED-32 NED-26 NED-312 NED-25 NEO-5 NEO-3 NED-9 NED-348 GER-113 NED~69 NED~327 PI, 48 0 45 46 28 39 34 0 1 23 43 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NED~330 GERNED~304 NED~70 GER-122 NED-31 NEO-315 NED-334 Helmsman Klaas Tilstra Fank Havlk Sas v.d.Pol Enno Kramer Pleter Slaal Harald Wljgers Fred Schaaf Albert van Vianen Paul da Schlpper Thljs Rutten Klllan König Wlm Langeslag Frank Nooljen Tanja Heljlnlt MlI~e Langefeld Johan van Werlthoven Ruud Journee Harald Bernlng Dennis van lersel Clovls Buljs SJers Rlemslag Wind 8ft , Ard Geell<erlmn AmDut Wljs Nlels Kamphuls Sas Wulffers Rob Taal Sander 1<leln Obblnlt Theo Rutten Johannes Bracl~ Robert de Lange Pleler de Gooyer Nettl v d Vallt Thomas WJ1bert Dennls van Werkhoven Marianne Journee Thomas Grothe Joost van lersel Marleen van Ballegooljenl Klaas v.d.Spelt 7 6 es 1 4 5 2 8 3 9 10 12 13 14 ns 15 16 ns 11 ns ns Crow Adrfaan Schmal Guido Alkemade Marl~ v.d.Pol , ,-4, 2 1 2 3 7 4 5 8 6 10 11 14 9 12 15 ns 16 17 ns 13 ns ns 1 2 4 10 3 5 6 9 17 11 13 8 12 14 7 15 18 16 ns ns nl 4 5 ,-4 1 3 2 4 7 5 6 10 12 8 13 9 14 18 11 ,-4 1 10 3 2 4 5 17 19 16 ns ns 15 es 9 8 7 11 13 6 14 es 16 ns 12 ns 15 nl 6 1-2 7 8 • 8 1 3 4 10 6 5 11 13 14 2 12 11 14 15 18 22 25 27 42 46 46 49 50 57 66 73 79 85 88 96 103 106 17 9 7 20 15 18 ns 16 19 SEGLERHAUS PREIS - Berlin -Germany, 13-14 September 2003 19 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.246 x 0.8 2 , 4 1 5 3 4 2 9 7 11 6 10 16 8 15 13 12 17 14 19 18 5 '2 6 4 11 1 9 7 3 10 8 14 16 12 13 15 18 17 19 2 3 4 5 11 16 10 1 14 6 7 9 8 11 13 15 17 18 19 a Po. San Nr Pm Helmsman Crow Total WRL 50,15 49,15 48,14 47,14 46,14 45,14 44,13 43,13 42,13 41,12 40,12 39,12 38,11 37,11 36,11 35,11 34,1 33,1 32,1 31,1 30,09 03.09.06 5 8 7 B 9 Total WRL Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 GER~206 GER~91 GER-40 GER-1Oo GER-99 GER-5 GER-217 GER-215 GER-BB 49 43 47 27 48 0 0 21 GER-113 30 GER-123 26 GEA-13 23 GER-53 0 GER-240 0 GER-151 0 GER-1854 0 GER-1BB5 0 GER-189 0 G8R-384 0 Kay-Uwe Lüdtlte Helmut Löther Bernd Schreiber Jan Lechler Uwe SIeingross Bernd Szyperrek Hans-Jörg Wohl Marlte Müller Kurt Prenzler Killan KönIg Martln Krumhaar Schappl König Andreas Klalt Peter Kleffe Klaus Gaede Alexander Nordalm Detlef Kreidel Georg Altenhain Tony Lyall 1 9 6 14 3 8 2 12 10 4 5 7 11 13 16 18 Karsten Klenlte Michael KlawiUer Martin Aomberg Jens Salow Sven Hermenau Johannes Brack Peler Rost utz. Müller Tom Greten Alex Gary SIefan Schwanke Manfred König Ralf Borchart Sebasllan Heller Aeisso Kern Frank KAnig Fellx Kreldel 8ernd Mende Colln Burns 17 15 19 4 10 13 13 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 24 34 36 38 47 48 50 56 GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Berlin - Germany, 14-17 September 2003 27 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.281 x 0.8 2 , 5 3 es 14 7 1 es 10 2 13 8 4 6 18 11 9 19 15 12 16 1 10 7 4 9 2 8 6 18 16 11 3 24 14 13 5 22 12 15 20 a Po, SaH Nr Pm Helmsman Crew 4 5 1 5 13 es 2 10 7 6 10 9 14 es 8 4 12 15 3 16 21 25 20 17 19 18 24 23 22 1 3 2 4 6 13 7 6 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 03.09.04 7 8 , Total WRL Wind Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 GER-91 40 49 37 GER-99 GER-194o 0 GER-66 20 0 GER-266 GER-40 42 GER-215 0 GER-l00 10 GER-51 22 GER-21O 21 GER-113 43 GER-240 4 GER-1D3 35 GER-206 GER-217 GER-13 GER-241 GER-53 26 0 0 GER-123 0 GER-189 0 GER-1854 0 G8R-385 9 GER-1665 0 GER-79 GER-3D GER-41 GER-18 0 0 0 Helmut Löther Kay-Uwe Lüdtke Uwe Steingross Chrlslian Altenhain Kurt Prenzler Bernd Szyperrek Bernd Schreiber Marlte Müller Jan Lechier Andreas Kunze Jörg WIUe Klllan König Peter Kleffe Kurt Müller Jörg Wohl Schappl König Sillte Kaiser Andreas KlaU Martln Krumhaar Georg Altenhain Alexander Nordalm Tony Lyall DeUef Kreldel Jochen Spaan Wolfgang Wellner Edwln Neue Matthias Grothues-Spo Michael Klawitter Karsten Klenke Sven Hermenau Steffen Grönlng Tom Greten Johannes Brack Martln Romberg Utz. Müller Jens Salow ChrJstoph von Sonnenburg Stefan Mädlclte Alex Gary Sebasllan Heller Ralph Alcher Peler Rost Manfred König Andreas Kaiser Ralf Borchart Stefan Schwanlte 8ernd Mende Franlt l<anl9 Colin 8urns Clemens Kreidel Maclei Mucha Mario Goetz. Jurgen Hobein Henfi Kramer 7 3 1 2 17 13 5 10 11 12 6 19 18 8 9 16 15 14 4 20 21 23 22 25 24 26 ns 17 20 es 22 21 23 ns 17 23 19 25 21 26 ns 17 9 5 15 14 8 16 12 nl 11 10 23 18 22 19 20 24 26 25 21 8 14 23 24 24 26 27 32 32 39 39 40 40 42 44 45 48 51 52 74 75 79 80 89 90 97 99 51,24 50,22 49,19 48,17 47,14 46,12 45,09 44,07 43,04 42,02 40,99 39,97 38,94 37,92 36,89 35,87 34,84 33,82 32,79 31,77 30,74 29,72 28,69 27,67 25,62 26,64 24,3 LANDES MEISTER - Wallersee- Austria, 13-14 September 2003 12 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.024 x 0.7 Po, a Soll Nr Pis Hlllmsman Crew 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 B 9 4 nl 7 10 2 1 5 6 3 B 4 10 7 9 11 11 ns ns 1 2 3 9 6 4 5 7 B 10 12 11 Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 AUT-15 0 AUT-386-0 Gerhard Ulrich FeUx Rilllnger Jr ehrls Hafzinger Warner Roslnak Georg Vogler Fred Zorn Axel Schmld-Slegel Helnz Waerder Manfred Zelssel Fellx RltUnger sr Gernat Fleischmann AUT-242 Anion Wutschi OE-1 AUT-20 AUT-6 AUT-1 AUT-66 AUT-4o AUT-9 AUT-4 AUT-386 0 0 31 0 0 0 1 5 3 4 7 2 6 9 B 10 Andreas lttner Max Ritllnger Stephan Schmilz Willi Sedlalt Stefan Vogler Erlch Schober ????? Thomas Kalnz Klaus Schober Peter Rltllnger Thomas Oswald ?? Schrems ns 03.09.08 • 6 7 , 9 4 B B 11 12 14 15 20 23 26 33 37 KEHRAUS REGATTA - Steinhude - Germany, 20-21 September 2003 33 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.199 x 0.9 Po, Pis Hlllmsmlln Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 GER-33 NED-26 GER-13 GER-266 GER-52 GER-28 NED-348 NED-330 GER-98 GER-19O GER-66. GER-la1 GER-78 GER-1777 GER-1794 GER-182 GER-151 GER-944 GER-1976 GER-235 GER-122 GER-l11 GBR-385 GER-17 GER-70 GER-63 GER-136 GER-193 GER-41 GER-35 GER-46 GER-163 GER-73 30 46 26 0 0 25 23 0 20 0 3B 6 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hans Genlhe Haulte Drengenberg Enno Kramer Schappl König Bernd Szyperrek Martln Krings Olaf Ballerstein ThlJs Rutten TanJa Heijlnlt Shmuel Marlthoff Wolf W. Januscheclt Kurt Prenzler BJörn Althaus J ürgen Grass Hartmut Wesemüller Gerd Walter Michael Haupt Klaus Gaede Günter Schrem Gordon Fischer Fellx Holz Harald Berning Ulrlch Schäfers Tony Lyall Uwe Seehausen Matthlas Himmel Narbert Linlte Harst Schäfer Eckart Walz Edwln Neue Christlan Jung Tablas StOppardt Jupp Kampschulte Wolfgang Christ Are! Geelkerken Tom Greten Giemens Binder Percy Brodda Jabst WeIlensielt Theo Rutten Nettle v d Vall</M ??? Helner Schneider Helnz Bollweg Lutz Althaus Philipp Schay Hannes Wesemüller Jens Walter ??? Aelsso Kern Jörg Franclt Ghrlstaf Müller Mlrcea Sharp Arthur Schedlinsld Kai Schäfers Galln Burns Bernd Elend Sven La Grauw Marlms Fleischer Lars Ullrich Thamas Scharnhorst Marlt Burbach Thomas Grothe Gerhard Stüppardt Jürgen Hobeln Walfgang Remy 1 2 1 16 2 6 4 B 23 21 3 10 9 14 20 7 12 19 5 22 2B 13 15 27 1B 29 4-5 1 3 5 6 2 4 7 12 ns 31 24 ns 1 25 11 26 17 30 nl 10 16 B nl 19 14 1B 13 17 20 22 9 25 15 11 24 23 21 3 4 1 5 2 6 4 7 3 11 B 26 9 12 10 15 13 24 14 20 27 17 1B 16 19 21 23 22 25 4 4-'4 6 7 , 9 ns 20 27 24 nl nl ns 2B 25 ns ns 29 2B ns nw ns ns FD CUP - Eching -Germany, 3-5 October 2003 17 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.151 x 0.8 Süll Nr Pis Helmsman Crew 2 3 4 1 7 3 5 4 2 B 6 1 2 3 4 6 B 5 7 11 13 10 9 12 14 15 4 1 2 3 Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 50 35 GER-1924 0 GER-l1 33 GER-1762 29 GER-186 0 GER-1843 0 GER-113 43 GER-1942 0 17 GER-131 GER-87 GER-1D3 GER-68 GER-58 GER-1750 GER-178 GER-1915 GER-1911 GER-1969 3 0 0 0 Hans-Peter Schwarz Kurt Müller Mlke Langefe!d Franz Menzer Frledl Bühl Toblas Frank Ralf Ortmann Kllian I<önig Bernd Zimmer Jörg RaUer Robert Ness Alals Mögele Ralf Vogel Roland Jörg Simon Hlrscher Matthias Meler-Stucltenberger Gunther Hauer Roland Klrst Ralph Aicher Peter Wilbert Ernst Hlegele Phlllpp Bühl Simane Frank Frank Risiau Schappl König Hubert von Hayek Tanja Roller Peter Hebel Kurt Seemüller Stefan Burger Bernhard Kögel Ph1lipp Kyewskl Wolfram Meier Carl-Ferclinand Hauer 29,4 28,68 27,96 53,95 52,87 51,79 50,71 49,63 48,56 47,48 46,4 45,32 44,24 43,16 42.9B 41 39,92 38,84 37,77 36,69 35,61 34,53 33,454 32.37 31,29 30,21 29,13 28,05 26,98 25,9 24,82 23,74 22,66 21.5B 20,5 19,42 03.10.05 a Po, 30,14 Tolal WRL 6 B 9 11 12 16 21 24 26 2B 30 34 40 40 42 44 44 49 49 50 53 53 56 67 67 69 70 71 76 B1 B3 B7 100 3 2 1 6 5 11 10 B 9 7 14 23 13 15 21 17 12 16 1B 26 19 22 26 ns ns nl nl s 35,85 35,13 34,42 33,7 32,98 32,27 31,55 30,83 03.09.05 a 51111 Nr Total WRL 1 4 2 3 5 6 9 B 7 12 10 13 14 11 15 16 9 12 10 11 14 15 13 nl ns nl 17 16 6 B 5 7 9 10 11 bld 12 ns 13 ns ns • , 7 , 9 Tolal WRL 3 7 7 10 15 16 1B 20 27 31 31 32 35 39 43 46 56 46,04 45,13 44.21 43,29 42,37 41,45 40,52 39.6 38,68 37,76 36,84 35,92 35 34,08 33,16 32,24 31,31 YOU HAVE SOLD YOUR FD ?? Please inform the Registration Office with the name and address of the new owner and advise him to send the Certificate with Measurement Form to the Registration Office. Registration Office: Bergsepad 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Tel ++31-(0)35-6563195 Fx ++31-(0)35-6564004 Email [email protected] 39 SILBERNE KANNE - Tutzing - Germany, 27-28 September 2003 14 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.125 x 0.0 03.09.09 a Po, Sail Nr Pu. Helmsman 2 Crew 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 Total WAL WInd Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GER-91 GER-78 GER-87 40 38 50 GGER-33 GER-BB GER-97 GER-1gB? GER-1B03 GER-1762 GER-130 0 0 0 0 29 0 GER-1279 GER-1900 GER-58 0 3 GER-1446 Helmut Löther JUryen Grass Hans-Peler Schwarz Franlt Weigelt Toblas Franlt Walter Groß JUrgen Grohmann Hans Lohner Frledl BOhl Chrisllan von Mutert Phll1pp Gerslng Helmut Stelner Robert Nass Erik Lauer Michael Klawitter Phlllpp Schay Nicole Kettenus Thomas ThaIImair Simone Franlt Egbert Feldner Sebastlan Graber MIchael Lohner Angela BOhl Palrlk Schadle Christoph Gerslng Franz Jasef Schild Manual Puit! Andreas RaDs 2 1 4 3 5 9 8 6 7 11 13 10 12 14 1 4 2 3 7 5 6 9 8 10 11 3 5 6 6 12 14 14 15 15 21 24 25 27 29 nl nl nl HARINGVLlET EVENT - Hellevoetsluis - Holland, 27-28 September 2003 11 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.079 x 0.7 03.09.07 a Po, Sall Nr Pis Helmsman 2 Crew 4 5 8 7 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 B nl hl n5 1 3 2 6 5 4 7 9 B 3 1 5 2 6 4 B 7 9 5 4 5 1 3 6 2 7 B n5 9 nl 3 8 9 Total WRL Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NED-32 NED-5 NED-25 NED-69 NED-312 NEO-3i GER-i39 NEO-3iS NEO-330 NED-304 NED-334 0 34 39 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 Albert van Vlanen Fred Sehaaf Harald WIJgers Wlm Langeslag Pletsr Staal Dennis van lersel Jup Wanders Clavis BUijs Tanja HelJlnk Johan van Werkhoven SJors Aiemslag Mare van der Pol Sas Wulffers Niels Kamphuis Rabatt da Lange3 Arnout Wljs Theo Rutten Harold Bernlng Matleen van 8alle90011en NeWs V d Vall~ Dennls van Werkhoven Klaas v.d.Spel< 1 4 2 3 nl n5 nl nl n5 nl n5 1 2 4 6 3 n5 9 nl n5 7 12 13 19 26 29 45 4B 56 62 73 nl nl 7 nl n5 39,4 38,61 37,82 37.04 36,25 35,46 34,67 33.88 33.1 32,31 31,52 SYMMETRICAL GRAND PRIX - Datchet Water - England, 5-6 October 2003 99 Competitors - Assorted Classes A ncw special evenl for dinghies with symmetriea! spinnakers. There was greal enthusiasm for lhis ncw event organiscd by thc Fireball CI ass. 101 Baals enlered. 35 Fircballs, 6 FDs, 14 505s, 2470s, 15 Horncts, 12 Javclins, 14 Ospreys und I 18' took purt. For the FD Toby Dale/Jallles eDle (382), Julian Bridges/Cerin Westerley (380), Peter Doran/Riclmrd Phillips (377), Jamcs Whiltaker/Peter Hadrord (38), Tony Lyull/ColinBurns (385), Rosie/Neil Pyc (373) put in an appcarance. With 102 Dinghies on a half elllpty reservoir one will have a lot 01' shouting und hiuing olhers. Rosie Pye,showcd the good sense 10 be expectcd of a womun creature und would huve notlling 10 da with it after thc first sturt. Indecd iL was more like a pub brawl than a sailboat race at limes, u chuir leg or an empty bottle would have bcen more usc lImn a new set or suils most or the time. The 5055 were preuy awesollle in their elTort to slow dccline in numbers with spinnakers increascd in sizc, from top of mast wilh skirl dragging the water in quiet bit<;. However it was a great success und most will be repeated in 2004 GULCHER REGATTA- Loosdrecht - Holland, 11-12 October 2003 26 Competitors - 4 Nations - WCF 1.162 x 0.8 03.10.03 a Po. Sall Nr Pu. Helmsman 1 Crew Wind 8ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 40 NED-26 NED-35o NED-32 NED-312 NED-9 NED-34B NED-12 NED-69 NED-5 GBR-377 GER-139 GER-35 NED-327 GBR-382 NED-3 GER-122 NED-334 SWE-1oB GBR-385 GER-153 NEO-33o NEO-7o SWE-11o 46 0 0 28 1 23 48 0 34 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 NED-311 0 SWE-115 NED-325 0 Enne Kramer Fank Havik Albert van Vianen Pieter Slaal Paul de Schlpper Bas van der Pol Klaas Tilslra Wim Langeslag Fred Schaaf Peler Doran Jup Wanders Christlan Jung Frank Nool/en Toby Dale Rob Hulsman Harald Bernlng SJors Riemslag Beng! Herrlin ' Tony Lyall Jeachlm Setzepfandt Tanja Heljin1( Ruud Joumee Andreas Risne Loult Nellssen Fredrlk Rublns!eln Hans van der Pol Ard Geelkerken Guldo Alkemade Rob Taal/Mark van der Pol Amout Wijs Sander Klein Obblnl( Theo Rutten Adrlaan Schmal Robert de Lange Bas Wulffers Rlchard Phillips Peter van Koppen Thomas Grolhe Geert Rollingswler James Cole Rob Taal Arthur Schedllnsld Klaas v.d.Spek Kenneth Anderssan Celln Bums Siephan Handlck Nettle v d Valk Jeos! Meld(ing Llnus Risne Hugo Nel1ssen Palrick Hammar Jelle de Waard 2-3 1 2 4 2 2-3 1 3 2 nl 4 5 7 3 6 8 13 16 10 9 12 11 18 14 20 15 19 21 17 22 23 25 24 7 C5 nl 11 12 5 6 10 8 14 15 13 9 C5 16 nl 17 lB 21 lB 20 NF 3 4 5 2-3 6 3 1 7 8 2 4 12 5 14 9 10 13 11 19 21 17 16 22 lB 20 15 1-2 2 B 3 1 6 10 4 12 11 14 9 16 13 7 5 22 18 19 23 15 20 24 17 21 25 26 1 2 1 2 10 5 13 12 6 4 11 7 8 3 23 9 20 14 17 16 15 22 19 24 21 18 25 26 n5 rt 23 NF • 1-2 10 1 15 9 3 2 16 5 6 4 13 18 7 11 14 8 17 12 19 20 21 nl 23 n5 24 22 7 8 9 Tolal WRL 11 11 20 26 29 33 33 3B 41 43 45 49 50 50 64 74 74 83 87 94 97 9B 104 lOB 117 125 46,5 45.57 44.64 43.71 42,7B 41,B5 40,92 39,99 39,06 3B,13 37,2 36,27 35,34 34.41 33,48 32,55 31,62 30,69 29,76 28.83 27,9 26,97 26,04 25,11 24.19 23,26 US NATIONALS- S.Diego - USA, 17-19 October 2003 14 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.0 x 0.7 03.10.04 a Po, Soll Nr Pm Helmsman Crew Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 USA-1458 USA-167 USA-251 USA-84 0 0 0 USA-iS3 USA-B7 USA-30l 0 0 0 USA-80S USA-? 0 Doug Dommermuth Jlm Aigert Jeff Wrenn Semardo Martlnez Jonathan Clapp 0 WaUy Eaton Greg Whlffen Paul Scoffin Paul Hemker Tim Sayles Willem van Waay USA-45 USA-19S USA-46 USA-777 USA-1449 Simon Garland Jason Breeden Duane Ehleringer Sieve Olsen Bill David Arala Peter Henck 3 4 5 6 7 B 2 2 1 3 2 6 4 9 7 5 10 8 11 13 12 1 3 2 5 7 6 4 8 11 10 12 9 13 1 3 5 6 1 11 2 4 7 8 12 10 9 13 1 1 5 4 2 6 3 8 7 9 10 11 13 12 2 1 2 4 8 10 5 3 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 1 5 7 4 2 3 9 6 13 1 12 8 10 11 3 7 nf nf n5 ns ns ns 8 9 1 5 7 3 11 6 10 13 12 14 Dan Formica Andy Sibley Justin Blngham Chrls Wrenn Mare McCaffertu Don Melrzesld Zhenya KiruBshldn-S Jean Jinenez 2 2 2 Pavel Ruzlcka Guy Nlcllerson 1 3 4 Tolal WAL 9 1 5 4 6 2 nf 8 10 12 9 11 12 35 25 34,3 26 30 33 33,6 32,9 32,2 33 31,5 38 49 30,8 30,1 54 65 29,4 28,7 73 28 75 27,3 84 26,6 103 25,9 MIDLAND AREA CHAMPIONSHIP - Rutland - Holland, 25-26 October 2003 8 Competitors - 2 Nations - WCF 1.0 x 0.0 03.10.10 a Po, Sharp gusts in thc lirst racc cuuscd problems for some reducing the l1eetto 4. David Wilkins/James Cole David Wilkins/James took the lead and sailed into the distunce. Amistake by Peter Dorun/Riclmrd Phillips let WhiUakerll-ladlield through to 3rd_ Second ruce Whittaker/Hadlicld eapsized und retired leaving just 3 bouts. Sunday brought 7 boats olltlo pluy with Toby Dale taking over from Duvid Wilkins. With the lighter windsthere was eloser rncing . The 4th race Dule/Cole made a port lack flyer crossing all bar one linishing in a clear 1st. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sall Nr Pis Helmsman GBR~382 o GBR~385 9 GBR-377 o GBR-363 GBR-38 o [RL-13 o o GBR-373 GBR-3BO Crew Toby Dale/Davld Wllkins James Cole Tany Lyall Colln Burns Rlchard Phllilps Peter Doran Keith Marlln John Lansley Jamle Whitaller Peter Hadfield Tom Glancy Hugo de Jange Rosle Pye NeU Pye Jullan Bridges Gathy Bridges NORDSEE CUP - Xanten- Germany, 25-26 October 2003 15 Competitors - 3 Nations - WCF 1.115 x 0.8. 03.10.07 a Po, Sall Nr PI, Helmsman C"'W 2 3 4 2 3 1 4 6 7 11 5 8 10 12 9 13 14 15 2 1 3 4 6 9 12 7 8 5 10 11 ? 13 ? 1 2 7 8 3 6 4 9 5 ? 10 12 11 14 13 5 6 7 B Wind Bft 45 34 NEO-3 0 NED-25 39 NED-312 28 GER~139 0 GER-35/22 0 NEO-9 1 NEO-32 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NED-5 GER-122 GER-153 GER-1976 0 0 0 0 NED-334 NEO-304 GER-79 GER~41 0 Sas v.d.Pol Fred Schaaf Henry Koning Harald Wljgers Pieter Staal Jup Wanders Ghristfan Jung Paul de Schlpper Wllhelm Hedfel! Joachlm Setzepfandt Gordon Ascher Eva R/Sjors Rlemsfag Johan van Werkhoven Jochen Spaan Edwln Neue Mare v.d.Pol Sas Wulffers Rab Taal Nlels Kamphuis Arnout Wljs Peter van Koppen Thomas Grothe Sander Klein Obbink Harry Bernlng Thorsten Wenten Ghrlstof Müller Klaas v.d.Spek Oennls van Wertlhoven Ulrlch Spaan Michael Kramer 1 3 2 5 7 4 6 ? 9 11 8 10 13 12 14 • 4 6 6 13 15 BOTERLETTER EVENT - Rotterdam - Holland, 29-30 November 2003 8 Competitors - 1 Nation - WCF 1.093 x 0.0 Sall Nr PI, Hl!lmsmlln C"'W Wind Bft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NED-5 NED~25 GER-122 NED-318 NED-15 NED-330 NEO-l0 NED-334 34 39 46 0 0 0 0 0 Fred Schaaf Harald Wljgers Enno Kramer Dennls van lersel Albert van Vianen Tanja Heljlnk Louis de Rulter Sjors Riemsfag Mare van der Pol Niels Kamphuls Harold Berning Joost van tersel Sas Wulffers NeWe v d Valk Goralle von Schmldt Klaas v.d.Spek 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 5 3 4 7 6 3 1 1-2 3 2 1 4 5 7 6 8 1-2 ns ns 2 3 4 6 7 5 5 6 17 44,61 43,71 42,82 41,92 41,03 40,14 21 39,25 21 21 26 28 3D 37 38,36 37,46 36,578 35,68 34,91 33,9 39 33 42 32,11 03.11.02 a PM Tolal WRL 7 B • Total WRL es 5 5 6 8 13 4 5 17 17 nf 22 es 1 3 2 YOU HAVE BOUGHT A SECOND HAND FD ?? Congratulations and we hope YOli will huve much fun and success with her. REMEMBER however, timt the CERTIFICATE must be pUL in your nume. So send the present certiJicate, with all details or the new owner lilled in on the back. und the Measurement Fonn to the Registrlltion Office. We will make you 11 new valid ccrtilicule at no cosls. RegistrutionOffice: Bergsepad 4,1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Tel ++31-(0)35~6563195 Fx ++31-(0)35-6564004 Emuil [email protected] 41 Open AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP - Sandringharn - Australia, 27-31 December 2003 44 Competitors - 9 Nations - WCF 1.267 x 0.9 03.12.03 a Po, Sall Nr Pm Helmsmrln Crnw 2 3 1 3 2 5 19 4 13 7 9 20 16 14 6 27 22 15 11 12 23 24 es 1 2 7 5 4 9 es 10 3 14 12 8 19 6 15 11 20 30 24 13 18 23 22 21 4 5 6 7 8 Tolal WRL 9 Wind 8ft GER~B7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 HUN-70 AUS-37 AUS-33 GER-20B AUS-33ß GBA-3B2 AUS-3SS AUS-337 NZL-111 GER-33 NED-32 AUS-32 AUS-3SS NZL-103 AUS-35 GER-13 AUS-21 AUS-342 AUS-327 SUI-6 GBR-377 NED-12 NED-327 NED-312 AUS-123 50 7 0 0 49 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 48 17 28 0 AUS-361 GER-1777 AUS-335 NZL-106 AUS-OOl NZL-110 NZL-107 GER-113 AUT-4 NZL-112 NEO-35O GER-99 NED-77 NED-330 6 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 37 0 0 AUS-322 NED-315 USA-167 AUS-30O 0 0 0 Hans-Peter Schwarz Szabolcs Majthimyl Norman Rydge lan McCrossln I<ay-Uwe LüdUte Gav!n Dagley Toby Oale Brett Bayer Cameron Hooper Andrew McKee Hans Genlhe Albert van Vianen Davld Harn lan Dixon Daryl Way Peter HIgglns Schappi KönIg Peter Baltels Cralg Glnnlvan Peter Woolman Christoph Baumann Peter Doran Klaas T1lstra Franlt NoolJen Pleter Staal Douglas Parlter lan Ruft Hartmut Wesemüller Andrew Belford Danlei Manderson Allster McCowan Hldeo Tayama Allsdair Dalnes Kllian König Klaus Schober Ray Dyson Fank Havlk Uwe Stelngross Nlels Kamphuls Tanja Hel/1nk Colln McLeod Clovis Buljs Paul Hemker Sieve Lee Peter van Koppen Andras Domokos Rlchard Scarr James Coolt KaI Schäfers John Dryden James Cole Roddy Johnson Douglas Aawson-Harris Mathew BIsmark Haulte Drengenberg Mari< van der Pol Andrew Pelch Jordan Spenler David Hisiop Chris Warmer Tom Greten Darren Hocking Marlt Teasdale PhI! Scapens Michael Koller Rlchard Phlilips Adrlaan Schmal Geert RolIJngswier Arnout Wljs Viktor Budanljev Angus Read Nlltolaus Hartmann Kym McNamara Scott Francls Andrew McCowan Robert Chubb Davld Glbb Johannes Braclt Manfred Zelssel Adrlan Lawrence Guldo Alllemade Harald Schaale Marlanne Schmal NeWe v d Valk Lachlan Payne Marleen van Ballegoaljen John Shallvey Colin Rooney 5 2 3 4 28 12 1 9 14 13 7 11 6 15 16 22 19 17 23 ns 24 26 8 21 ns 18 20 29 31 30 27 nl ns 10 25 ns ns ns ns nl ns n, ns nl 17 8 25 ns ns 26 ns 31 28 30 10 32 rar ns 33 21 18 ns es ns 34 29 ns 17 ns 26 27 25 28 31 nl 34 16 33 36 rar ns 29 32 35 ral ns ns es es 3 12 2 es 6 23 es 4 5 7 26 10 17 18 29 14 15 24 19 20 es 34 11 16 25 21 28 28 35 9 32 es es 27 8 es 13 33 36 22 31 37 es 4 2 3 10 5 7 6 dq 14 15 25 8 17 12 22 9 11 20 26 ns 23 16 13 27 21 33 29 28 ns 24 ns 19 31 ns 18 ns 32 30 ns ral 34 Comillued!rom page 43 Simssee 07.05 TruvemUnder W 07.06 Cuspidor 07.08 Silver FD 08.01 Benelux 08.n:! Gremlin 08.03 N.Americall Champ08.05 UK Nationals . 08.07 Manna Cup 08.08 7 Schwaben 08.09 Pr.Bernhurd Trophy 08.1 0 DUlch Champ 09.01 Golden FD 09.03 Landes Meister 09.08 Seglerhaus 09.06 German Champ 09.04 Kehraus 09.05 Silberne Kanne 09.09 Hanngvliel . 09.01 Symelrical Grant Prix Eching Cup 10.05 GUlcher Regatta 111.03 USA Nationals 10.04 Midland Champ 10.08 Xanlen 10.07 Boterlcttcr 11.0 I GER GER USA GER NEO USA CAN GBR ITA GER NEO NEO GER AUT GER GER GER GER NEO GBR GER NEO USA GBR GER NEO AUS Champ 2003 12.03 AUS Worlds 2003 12.04 AUS Advertisers Index i::"- NED-6, Fmllk HIlI'ikJlI'il/t!/11l1l1flmd ll'ij.l'llmllerar DeM'ill. Frallk Ü llw I'el)' keell Dllleh Pl1!side/ll fllIShill1{ Tlw DII/eh C/II.1'.1' 11/0111{. 42 8 8 15 18 27 28 30 31 33 37 40 40 46 56 56 61 62 65 70 L.Mllder Bootswerft Bojsen M~111er Sails 72 81 86 88 90 93 97 97 98 115 115 116 118 122 126 127 127 128 135 141 146 150 155 159 170 July July July July July 03 03 03 03 03 34 34 35 35 35 Aug03 36 Aug03 36 Aug 03 36 Aug 03 37 Aug 03 37 Aug 03 36 Sep 03 38 Sep 03 37 Sep 03 39 Sep 03 38 Sep 03 38 Sep 03 39 Sep 03 40 Sep 03 41 Dei 03 40 Dei 03 39 Dei 03 40 Oct03 41 Dei 03 41 Dei 03 41 Nov 03 41 Oee 03 42 Oee 18-21 2 16 57,05 55,91 54.77 53,63 52,49 51,35 50,2 49,06 47,92 46.78 45.64 44,5 43,36 42,22 41,09 39,94 38.79 37,65 36,51 35,37 34,23 33,09 31,95 30.81 29,67 29,53 27,39 26.24 25,1 23,96 22,92 21.68 20,54 19,4 18.26 17,12 15,07 14,93 13.69 12,55 11,41 10,27 9.13 7,99 FD SHOP CONTENTS Obtuinuble from IFDCO (C.H.Jcltcs, Bergsepud 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Fax +31-(0)35-6564004 Email: [email protected] Prom Prices include mailing Picturc in isue FDTie FD Senrf FD Badge (Goly via your NU1.Secr.) FD Table nagt iod Jlagstuff. 30 cm FD Cluss bonk (1992) FD Sailplun prinl (A3) FD Plans und Rulcs FD High Tech PillOs und Spccificution Mylur plan (non shrink) wilh tempIUles,CB&Rudder,fulJ size Cur window (inside) sticker. "Sec me, fee! met Hy me" Promotion video "Cudiz" video 12,00 8,00 7.00 7.00 3.50 3.50 20.00 45.00 45.00 2.50 12.00 12.00 12.00 IFOCO fFDCO fFDCO fFDCO fFDCO fFOCO fFDCO IFDCO IFDCO NFDO IFDCO fFOCO NFDO 106 106 135 135 liD 114 133 WC 1998 Video Paymenl by International Pastal Money Order or account C.H.Jeltes IBAN NL28AßNA0550348956, Kortcnhoef, Holland DUES ANNUAL CONTRIBUTfON Full membcr, via NuLSccr (Whco paid berore JsI April) Associute membcr Lire member, under 40 ycnfs 32.25.- 16.620.450.255.- 40-49 years 50 + over The FD BULLETIN is included. Receipt for the contribution is a coloured year sticker which is to be upplied to the member-ship card. Racing without thc current year-stickcr is not penniued ADVERTfSfNG RATES For one issue 1/1 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Puge 1/4 Puge One supporting colour extra Rearcover outside extra Frontcover inside extra BankFrontcover inside extra 4 Consecutive adverL'> 180.iOO. free SAILBUTTONS Euro 18.- each from IFDCO via sailmaker or thc National Secretary. All sails made after 1-9-84 must have u suillmttoo. PAYMENTS TO: Iotemalional FD Class Association Accounl nr 60 79 71 169, ABN-AMRO Bunk, Zeist. Holland. Swift: ABNANL 2A Smull amounts by International Pastal Maneyordcr or add 12.- for bank chargcs INTERNATIONAL CLASS PLAQUE Far each new boat an ISAF (Royalty) PlnqueCosl f 10 J.60 must be obtuined from ISAF Holding LId, Town Quay, Southampton, SO 14 2AQ England Fux +44-(0) 1703-635789 Email: [email protected] Remitments 10: Nnt WestBank, Isle 01' Man Sort code: 600703 Account number: 71243461 Meusurement Certificates are only issued for baals with this Fee Plaque WRL OFFICE ANO SAfLNUMBER ANO CERTIFICATE REGISTRATION c/o Bcrgscpad, 1244 PS Ankcveen,Holland. Phone ++31-(0)35-6563195 Fux ++31-(0)35-6564004 Email: chjl'd@liscalLnl IFDCO Websitc: www.sailfd.org! Email: [email protected] Rcsults Wcbsite: www.sailingsource.cam!sllilfdlresults!results.html President's Letter News [rom Everywhere Carbon Spars Competilor's Hearing at EC 2003 Secrctaries Meeting at ECF 2003 AnnuuJ General CommiUee Meeting New Logo Notice of Race WC 2004 (Provisional) Fixtures 50 Top for QF 01' Dawcs cup 2003 EURO Cup European Championship 2003 Equipment uscd EC 2003 World Championship 2003 Equipment used WC2003 NoR Ski Championship Shop Ducs Addresses Subcommittees Addresses General CommiUee Addresses National Secretnries Contents RACES NZ Championship NuviLlades Alteu Event Harn Cup Midwinter Cabo Horn Dervio Duisburg Cup Easler Crilcrium Easler Egg Tmpeze Spring Cup N.South Wales Ch. Capu Espana Alto Adriutico Loheide Austriun Chnmp Balatan Cup PD Slarrcisee Voor Brnassern Hulinn Chump AltmUhl Cup FD Cup Diesscn Spring Series Whilsun Steinhude Trofeo Pusquini U evcnt Saulh Area Churnp Kiel Week Cannonball Schwerpunkt Kuhschelle Saxonian Champ. 01.03 NZL 01.04 ESP O:!.O'1 ESP 02.0:! AUS 03.04 USA 03.05 ITA 03,07 GER 04.03 ITA 04.04 NEO 04.02 GER 04.05 HUN 04.07 AUS 05.01 ESP 05.14 ITA 05.04 GER 05.05 AUT 05.07 HUN 05.09 GER 05.0S NEO 05.13 ITA 05.10 GER 05.15 GER 05.11 NEO 06.01 GER 06.02 ITA 06.04 NEO 06.11 GBR 06.06 GER 06.07 USA 06.08 AUT 07.01 GER 07.03 GER Page 3 3-4 4 4 5 6 7 17 22-23 8 8 9-16 14-15 18-19 20-21 21 43 43 43 44 44 42-43 Jan 03 Jan 03 Feb 03 Feb 03 Mar03 Mar03 Mar03 Apr03 Apr03 Apr03 Apr03 Apr03 Muy 03 May 03 Muy03 May03 May03 May03 May03 Muy 03 Muy 03 May03 May03 Junc 03 June 03 June 03 June 03 June 03 June 03 June 03 July 03 Jaly 03 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 CO/ltimwd page 42 SUB COMMITTEES Technlcal Peter Hlnrlchsen eIe Jenes Marlln Krings Davld Par 11 Willewbroek Avenue BergsepEId 4 Heldheffweg 15 16 UIJswaler Drive Canada HoUand Germany England 1-514-695.3836 31-(0)35-656.3195 49-10!4O-497.996 44- 0 1189-424.861 1-51'1-343.6215 31-(0)35-656.4004 Hinric:[email protected]:a c:[email protected] [email protected] daveparr@nelsc:apeonline.eo.uk ChampIonshIp Stephen Parry John Truell Helmullöther "Ty Comel", 40 Manorway Lee-an-Solen! P013 9JQ England England "The Hermllage", Bes! Beeeh Wadhursl. TN5 6PP Germany Haus 31 87509 Immensladt 44-(0)2392-552.809 44-(0)1892-782.453 49-(0)8323-8227 44-(0)2392-552.825 44-(0)1892-782.453 49-(0)8323-986.248 100344.1723 flylngdulc:[email protected] [email protected] F1nnnce Albert Barenghl Adrlaan Schmal via Cavour 52fc: • Overscheensew9 7 23900 Lec:c:e 1412AA Naarden lIaUa Holland 39-0341-733.651 31-(0)35-6321339 39-0341-285.268 -(0)35-6321331 [email protected] a.schma[@12meve.nl Transport Albert Barenghl Jlm Algert Bruce Hlgglns via Cavour 52/c 23 Catspaw Cpe 12 Carlton Tce 23900 Leeee Coronado, CA 92118 Marino, SA 5049 !lalla AustraJia 39-0341-733.651 1-619-423.8088 61-(0)8-8377.0025 39-0341-285.268 1-619-423.8088 61-(0)8-B362.8300 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rlc:hard Phllilps Radoslaw Cec:howlcz 9 Admirals Courl, Quay Ad Lyminglon S041 3ET Results England Poland 44-(0)1590·670.962 '14·(0)1590-670.962 1004,16.2371@c:ompuserve.com [email protected] WEBs[le Beacensfield H9W 3PB 1244 PS Ankeveen 22589 Hamburg Aendlng AG31 6AS USA 43 GENERAL COMMITTEE Functlon Town F.. Counlry Telephone via Cavour 52/c 23900 Lecco 4 Weslrup Close Oxford OX3 OHZ Bergsepad 4 1244 PS Ankeveen • Ollcrsc:hcensewg 7 1412 AA Naarden 'Ty Camel', 40 Manorway Lee-cn·Solen! POi3 gJQ 11 WlUowbrookAvenue Beaconsfield H9W 3PS Durlacherstr 11a 10715 Betlln ltaUa England Holland Holhmd England Canada Genmmy 39-0341-733.651 39·0341-285.268 44-(0)1865-726.331 31-(0)35-656.3195 31-(0)35-656.4004 31-(0)35-6321339 (0)35-6321331 44-(0)2392-552.809 44-(0)2392-552.825 1-514-695.3836 1-514-343.6215 49-(0)30-S57.7250 W 49-(0)30-857.72523 ld,[email protected] ldsec@sal1fd,org [email protected] [email protected] 100344.1723 [email protected] Enno I<ramer Toblas Frani! Andrns Domokos loenhorsl7 Pfalzgraf-DUo Sir 10 Csomoly U113-15 2402 LV Alphen a/d RI)n 74621 Mosbach 1121 Budapest Holland Germany Hungary 31-(0)172-436.356 49-(0)6261-12051 36-(06)1-200,3484 31-(0)172-436.356 49-(0)6261-15405 36-(06)1-200.3484 [email protected] T.Frank@gm)(.de [email protected] Jlm Algert Bruce Hlgglns 23 Catspaw Cpe 12 Carnon Tco Coronado, CA 92118 Marino, SA 5049 USA Australla 1-619-423.8088 61-(0)8-8377.0025 1-619-423.8088 81-(0)8-8362.8300 [email protected] [email protected] Name Address Alberte Barenghl Paler Dornn eIe JeUes Adrlaan Schmal 51ephen Parry Patsr HInrichsen Bernd Schreiber E-mail EXECUTIVES Prllsldenl General Seer. Hon Seer Hon.Traasurer Championship Technlclll Specials COMMODORES Europe Central Europe Easlern Europe Mediterranean N & SAmerlca South Paclfic NATIONAL SECRETARIES Functlon Name Address Town Telephone F.. E-mail Croydan Park NSW 2133 Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Brlsbane, alD 4029 Brlghton South SA 5048 Gien Iris Vic Cannlngbridge WA8153 1040 Wien 010 Sao Paulo CEP 04790 Vencouver BC V61< 1X2 Santlago 51000 RIJeka lemeea 14200 Praha 4 2800 lyngby Welwyn Garden Clly. Al7 2QG 02940 Espoo 94 75016 Paris 10715 Berlln 14129 Berlln 30'155 Hannover 22609 Hamburg 08468 Rotschau 87509 Buehl-Alpsee 61-(0)2-97470229 61-(0)2-6977 8507 (W) 61-(0)7-32538261 W 61-(0)8-82984806 61-(0)3 9500 8289 61-(0)9-3641866 43-(0)1-5867527W 55-(0)11-5666 6390 1-604-731 5925 56-(0)2-)2043415 385-(0)51-424620 61-(0)2-97470297 [email protected] [email protected] Australla NSW Queensland S.Auslralia Vlctorla W.Australia Austria Brazll Canada Chile Croalla Cyprus Czech Republlc Danmark England Flnland France Germany Berlln North West North East South East South South Wesl West Greece Holland Hongkong Hungtlly Ireland Israel l1aly Japan Andraw Bellort! Andrew Pelch Robert McCross!n Peter Hlgglns John Dryden lan Anderson Manfred Zelssel Roberto Alvcs de Urna M. Grag Johnson Salvador Donghl Anion Grego da Ernlilos Economldes Tomas Novolny Jorgan Boison Moller Tony Lyall MatU Penttl Yann+Yannlck GonUer Bemd Schreiber Georg Altenhain Jürgen Hobeln Hans Genlhe Roll Albert Hermann Sellmann PO Bo)( 397 3 Rawson str PO Bo)( 420 4 Neath Ave 25 Viva Street 886 Cannlng Highway • Margarelcnstr 28N Av.Sllvlo Sclumbata 644 2837 Wes16th Avenue Jullo Prado 1010 Providecla Ratka Pelrovlea 6 Larnaca Y C, PO Bo)( 383 V Stlhlach 1315 Nybrovej 230 19 Mendlesharn Jänlksentle 1 133 r.Mlchel Ange Durlachersir lla Potsdamer Chaussee 25a Kamerunweg 16 Nlenstedtener Sir 5 Relchenbacherstr 5 Seeslrasse 18 Jupp Kampschu!te Aposlolos Pappas Dennls van lersel Warwlck Downes Zsofia Csanda Devld Wllklns GIIIAmlr DanUa BenedetUnl Ichlro Tanede Zur Bochumerllnde 20 Akal!lon 68 Glldenlaan 8 19 H. Hol, Kung Court Kondorkort 10 HIghfleId Farm,Ashwell Rd Korea Luxembourg Mexlco New Zealand Norway Poland Jong Won lee Rene Beissei Farnando Aabago Dava Hislop Erlk Bjorkum • AndlLaKruszczynskl Portugal Rumanla Russla San Marino Siovenla Soulh Alrlca Spaln Jose Massaplna, Mlrcea Mugescu All Russla Yachllng Fed. Aoberto Terenzl lul!a Tornorl Dlrk von der Fechl Glnes Romaro BernabEiu Sweden 40489 mjsseldorf 15125 Merousl, Alhens 3233 DA Qostvoorne 268 Gloucester Road,Causeway B 1025 Budapest LEIS 7EW Whlssendlne 38805 Klbulz Sdot Yam Via H.Preve 21/1 10136 Genova 594 Horiuchl, Hayama-Machl Mluta-Gun, Kanagawa-ken, 240·01 Korean Y.A.,2116 Daewoo Bldg, Seoul 47 Rue des Glacis 1110 Lu~embourg, P.VlIIasenor 25b,Sec Hidalgo 44650 Guadalalara 376 Maln Road Sioke Nelson Gullbakkvelen 3 b 1363 Hovlk ul.Krnzlcklego 40/12 81377 Gdynla AV.Dr.M.Tel~eJra 420-(0)777722166 45-4587 6'103 44-(0)1707-321 633 358-9-547 4294 33-1-'16511530 49-(0)30-857 7250 W 49-(0)30-801 6017 49-(0)511-<196193 49-(0)40-823 307 49-(0)3765-12866 49-(0)8323-6293 49-(0)211-403795 30-(0)1-66107998 31-(0)181-481513 852-2366 6866 (W) 36-(0)1-2001 092 4'1-(0)1664-474773 972-(0)6-364 444 39- 010-219 055 81-(0)468-752464 82-(0)2-7771510 352- 226 212 52-(0)36-153458 64-(0)3-5471222 47-(0)67530057 48-(0)60377017 61-(0)7-22537215 61-(0)8-83628300 61-(0)9-3161292 43-(0)1-5867528 55-(0)11-3872 0387 1-604-7393355 56-(0)2-695 4540 385-(0)51-286922 '120-(0)777473020 45-'15931711 44-(0)1707-357587 '19-(0)40·86600910 49-(0)3765-12800 49-(0)8323-7715 49-(0)211-8371509 30-(0)1-9838'144 852-2723 3335 36-(0)1-2001 102 44-(0)1664-474379 972-(0)6-364 455 39- 010-219 021 81-(0)468-752464 48-(0)58 6200469 Bengt HerrJln 26083 Vejbyslrand 46-(0)431-453250 46-(0)431-415.001 Swijzerland Trinldad Turkey USA RagIon 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4,7 Region 5,6 Region 10 Barno UlIIngs John Bennell Mustafa Umur Aydlnglu John Sayles Anna Gorbold John Sayles • DavJd SIage Paul Hemker Garry Schwantz Douglas Dommermulh Waldaustr 31 21 New Bury Hili 1379 Sk 21.5 291 Cromwell Lane 3 S.PiUslord HlIIs 291 Cromwell Lane 405 Audubon Cr 8207 Stale Route 121 2518 Spruee Plne 5166 Ro)(bury Road 8606 41-(0)1-941 5700 41-(0)1-941 5700 90-(0)232-421 3851 1-610-4299765 • 1-7165865096 1-6104299765 • 1-8506683404 1-937-4377261W 1-281-3607580 .1-619291"5228 90-(0)232-463 '1478 1-610-4294247 Venezuela • Henry Eganez Av.Boyarn Ed1. Fund.La Salle 1010A Carncas Apt1930 44 Nünlkon Glencoe,P.o.S. 35220 Izmlr West Chesler PA 19380 PlIIslord NY 14534 West Chester PA 19380 Tallahassee FL 32312 New Paris OH 45347 Klngswood TX 77345 San O/ego CA 92116 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] cosmlc-soluUons.eo.uk [email protected] 82-(0)2-7564390 352-472147 52-(0)36-153073 8800 70164 119270 16156 1210 9460 46010 351-(0)81-23489 40-(0)1- 559 6544 7-(0)95-201 1086 39-(0)10-8658832 386-11-<1396785 27-(0)57-3526335 34-(9)6-361 9985 • [email protected] [email protected] gwJohnson@le[us.net [email protected] 49.(0)30-857 72523 49-(0)30'802 6046 de Azvedo 76 Bd.Magheru 27a,apt 37,s8cll Luzhetskaya nad 8 Via E.Selgari 13a Prusnll!ova 54 Bo)( 664 PI. d I legion Espaiiola 10, 8~, P 24 Plillinksvagen 1 Tavlra BucursU Moscow Genova Pegll Ljubljana-Sentvld Welkom Valencia [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] andlLaJ.kruszczynskl@ !lss.ecrn.pl 40-(0)1- 659 6544 7-(0)95-2480814 386-1-4396785 27-(0)57-3522254 1-6104294247 1-937-4376629 1-713-6561399 1-858-8266592 luka.lomorl@lomori·arh.sl gvdfechl@lnteme)(l.co.za glnes.romero-barnabeu@ egey.com bengU18rrUn@ angelholm.mall.lella.com [email protected] • jmsayJes@comcaslnel [email protected] [email protected] • dslage@comc:asLnet [email protected] Glschwantz@AOLeom douglas.dommennuth@ cox.net [email protected]:om
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