3 March 2009 HINDMARSH WARD 3.12* 18 FORSTER
3 March 2009 HINDMARSH WARD 3.12* 18 FORSTER
City of Charles Sturt 20. TO: Development Assessment Panel FROM: Team Leader Major Planning Assessment DATE: 3 March 2009 DAP Report 3/03/09 HINDMARSH WARD 3.12* 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Application No 252/2380/08 Proposal Variation to hours of operation to allow the following: 6:30am to 9:30pm Monday to Friday (deliveries between 6:30am and 6:00pm), 7:00am to 5:30pm Saturday and Closed on Sunday Owner of land LNE Properties Pty Ltd Zone Industry Zone (Interface Policy Area 57) Form of assessment Merit Public notification category Category 2 Representations 1 The persons listed wish to be heard: 1.* E & A Lenart, 17 Forster Street, Ridleyton Agency consultations N/A Author Philip Smith Attachments a. b. Recommendation Approval with Conditions Application documents Representations/Applicants response City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 21. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIPLEYTON DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Report Background Approval was granted for the use of the premises as a food packaging and distribution centre in 1994. One letter of complaint was submitted to Council in 2008 relating to commercial noise from the site in the early hours of the morning. The occupier of the site was made aware of this issue and took the necessary steps to rectify the situation. The current hours of operation are 6:30am to 2:00pm for food preparation and 8:30am to 5:00pm for office activity. Deliveries commence at 7:00am. Proposal The applicant proposes to vary the hours of operation of Lite N' Easy Quality Foods Pty Ltd to allow the following: Monday to Friday (Deliveries) Saturday Sunday - 6:30am to 9:30pm - 6:30am to 6:00pm - 7:00am to 5.30pm - Closed Site/Locality The subject land is one of a number of commercial premises located on the southern side of Forster Street. The site itself is approximately 495m^ in area and has car parking provision for approximately 4 vehicles within the front setback. The building has a frontage setback of approximately 12 metres which is consistent along the south side of the street and its loading area is adjacent to the car parking area. The south side of Forster Street has a number of trees planted along the property frontages and some trees have been planted between the parking areas of the subject land and 16 Forster Street. There are parking restrictions on the south side of the street (the industrial side). No vehicles may park on the south side on Monday to Friday at any time of the day. To the east and west of the subject land, similar buildings have been constructed, all boundary to boundary, and of the same approximate height and setback and all for commercial uses. These uses include a motor repairs shop, a timber joinery, a steel fabrication workshop, and a warehouse distribution centre for furniture and other goods. The north side of Forster Street consists of single storey dwellings that appear to be recently constructed. Front setbacks of the dwellings are consistently shallow on this side of the street and the street trees are not as"established as the trees on the opposite side of the road. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 23. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Summary of Representations and Applicants Response Representations The proposal underwent the Category 2 Public Notification process from which the following representations were received: 1.* E & A Lenart, 17 Forster Street, Ridleyton The representor/s marked with an * wish to be heard in support of their representation. Note that as the proposal is Category 2, representors do not have a right of appeal in relation to the decision of the Planning Authority. Copies of the representations and the applicant's response are attached (refer Appendix B). City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 24. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Representors issue Applicant's response Noise - The business often operates at 4am, with vans and trucks engines idling and loading is done outside in the car parking area Lite n' Easy (the trading name for Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd) has operated from these premises on Forster Street for some 13 years since being approved by Council in 1994 without significant complaint from residential properties opposite. While there has been one complaint more recently in respect to hours of operation resulting from a garage collection vehicle, the contractor responsible has been instructed not to collect prior to 7:00am (it is understood there has been no complaint since). Lite N' Easy conduct their business in a low key manner that does not result in appreciable off site impacts in terms of noise, smell, odour, etc. All activities are conducted within the building, with the only appreciable effect of the business being the movement of vehicles. In a comparative sense, the use of these premises has less potential for impact than other s in this group which include a motor vehicle repair workshop, a timber joinery, steel fabrication workshop, warehouse distribution centre for furniture and other goods. The extent of hours until 9:30pm Monday to Friday is considered reasonable in this context notwithstanding that there are residential properties opposite. The Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 defines 'daytime' as being between 7am and 10pm. Noise occurring within the site is not anticipated to be beyond background noise such as traffic and would not occur within the critical sleep period over night. The residences also share in the responsibility that the uses in the locality do not affect their amenity by installing noise protection measures, which do not appear to have been implemented. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 25. DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Representors issue Applicant's response Traffic/Parking - the allocated car space doubles as the loading area, thus staff park their vehicles in Forster Street in front of homes. With the extended hours it is assumed there will be more staff In terms of parking, there would be no greater demand than that which currently is generated by the current use of the land, with employees of Lite N' Easy instructed not to park on the northern side of Forster Street notwithstanding their lawful ability to do so. An extension until 9:30pm would provide the necessary flexibility to respond to large orders on an as required basis at peak times. Accordingly, there may be no increase in the number of employees, but rather an ability to offer overtime to the existing staff. Traffic associated with this use is limited to 10 times per week at present, and dispatch or delivery vehicles making 1 return trip per day. No heavy vehicles are used in conjunction with this activity, being predominantly commercial vans and refrigerated trucks not exceeding 6 tonnes. Schedule 22 - This development includes activities listed in Schedule 22 of the Development Regulations 1993 and is inappropriate for an Interface Policy Area The use of the land does not include activities identified in Schedule 22 of the Development Regulations 2008 and has previously been considered by Council as being an appropriate activity within the Policy Area. Lite N' Easy involves no heavy mechanical or industrial processes, no intensive cooking or processing, but rather the assembly and packing of meals using component ingredients that are either fresh or frozen Agencv Consultation Agency Response N/A N/A Internal Consultation Department/Staff N/A Response N/A City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 26. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Development Assessment The proposal is neither a complying nor non-complying form of development and must be considered on its merits against the relevant provisions of the Development Plan. The Development Act 1993 provides that a Planning Authority is to have regard to the relevant provisions of the Development Plan in assessing development proposals. Land Use INDUSTRY ZONE Activity Interfaces with Adjoining Areas Principle of Development Control 8 - Development abutting or immediately opposite a boundary of the Industry Zone with another Zone should: (a) be designed and sited to enhance the amenity of the adjacent zone; (b) provide a buffer in the form of landscaping, attractive fencing, built form or other similar means between any car parking, service area, outdoor storage area or any other unattractive area and the adjacent zone; (c) provide an acoustic buffer between any excessive noise generating part of the development and the adjacent zone to satisfy noise Principle 49; (d) provide service or delivery vehicle access points to and from the site which minimises the impact of industrial vehicles on the amenity of residential or similar environmentally sensitive zones. Principle of Development Control 11 - Where industry and residential zones or other environmentally sensitive uses are in proximity to boundary of the Industry Zone with another Zone, development within a reasonable distance from the Zone boundary should have regard to its impact on the locality. Although future planning and development control aims to achieve the desired future character of each Zone and Policy Area, decisions should enable reasonable graduations between industrial to residential or other sensitive land uses. Industry Zone (Interface Policy Area 57) Use of Land Principle of Development Control 2 - Land uses which demonstrate minimal off-site impacts, such as noise, air, water and waste emissions, traffic generation and movement or minimal detrimental impacts on the amenity of properties in residential or similar environmentally sensitive zones, are appropriate. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 27. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIPLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) The provisions require that a premises in the industrial zone adjacent to more sensitive use type zones, such as residential, have regard to these sensitive uses when carrying out their activities, however residential areas should also take measures to ensure their own amenity. The activity occurring on the land is a low impact operation (the packaging and distribution of meals), which generates very little noise and has minimal numbers of vehicles coming onto and leaving the site and negligible loading and unloading impacts to nearby residences. It is noted that the representor's dwelling is some 50 metres from the subject land. It is also noted that the dwellings were developed in the early 2OOO's, while the industrial use has been in existence since the early 199O's. The most important aspect of this application is that the extension of hours relates primarily to food preparation activities that take place within the premises, and thus, additional noise emanating from the site should be negligible. On this basis, it is considered that development satisfies the relevant principles, thus is acceptable. Visual Appearance/Built Form/Landscaping This topic is not impacted by this development. Overshadowing This topic is not impacted by this development. Overlooking This topic is not impacted by this development. Amenity/Hours of Operation Industry Zone (Interface Policy Area 57) The area accommodates variety in use, built form, appearance and amenity. Uses comprise warehousing and distribution, industrial, commercial, retail, manufacturing, engineering, automotive service, offices, storage and a number of depots. A number of activities are of small or medium scale operation whilst there are a number of large industrial premises. Parts of the Policy Area provide a transition between the Core Policy Area and adjoining residential areas. Areas in proximity to the Adelaide CBD are valuable for activities which require an inner city location. A number of areas have intermingled residential uses, which exp'erience industrial impacts in terms of visual amenity, noise and traffic. In Athol Park, remaining residential uses represent an impediment to efficient industrial activity. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 28. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Much of the Policy Area has residential interface, with a number of areas having interface with the River Torrens. Impact on residential amenity is often not significant due to the low impact nature of many of the activities. In some locations, the impact of larger structures is reduced by significant tree planting, landscaped buffers and separation from other uses by, for example, major roads. However, a number of residential areas do experience impact from some activities in terms of visual appearance, building bulk, minimal landscaping, noise, air quality, overshadowing, 24 hour operation, industrial traffic and on-street carparking. Hazard risk is associated with a small number of premises. Proximity to residential areas also acts as a constraint on industrial operations. Built form is variable, comprising modern, well designed and well landscaped premises, large modern premises, older sawtooth roof factory buildings and smaller, lower scale premises. A number of historic buildings are located throughout the Policy Area. Whilst a number of areas have a modern, well landscaped appearance, a number of areas have a low standard of amenity, poor landscaping and streetscapes and a poor environmental quality. Many areas have frontages to main roads, some of lesser amenity. DESIRED FUTURE CHARACTER The area should accommodate a wide range of industrial and service activities which protect the amenity and safety of adjoining residential areas. The area should accommodate activities that do not create any appreciable nuisance, that have minimal off-site impacts, such as noise, air, water and waste emissions, traffic generation and movement and which do not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of properties in residential or similar environmentally sensitive zones. Appropriate activities include service, light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution and commercial premises. Activities which are potentially hazardous or produce negative off-site impacts should not locate in this Policy Area. This area should be protected from the encroachment of houses which will reduce the land resource for industry. Dwellings retained for residential use should recognise the industrial location and implement sound attenuation, screening and other measures to protect their own residential amenity. In Beverley north of BASA Stadium, conflicts between intermingled housing and industry are recognised and should be minimised. In Welland, the phasing out of the refuse depot is desirable. The relevant provisions require that any conflict between competing uses such as industrial and residential seek a suitable balance. Industrial uses should seek to minimise adverse impacts to residential areas wherever possible while it is reasonable for landowners in residential areas to expect some impact on their amenity as a result of their location in proximity to industrial zoned areas. Lite n' Easy (the trading name for Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd) has operated from these premises on Forster Street for approximately 13 years since being approved by Council in 1994 with no history of complaints other than a complaint lodged in 2008 relating to noise. The contractor responsible has been instructed not to collect refuse prior to 7:00am and it is understood there has been no complaint since. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 29. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) The applicant states that Lite N' Easy conduct their business in a low key manner that does not result in appreciable off site impacts in terms of noise, smell, odour, etc. All activities are conducted within the building, with the only noticeable external aspect of the business being the delivery vehicles and loading/unloading. As stated earlier in the report, other premises nearby, which include a motor vehicle repair workshop, a timber joinery, steel fabrication workshop, warehouse distribution centre for furniture and other goods, are considered to be of a more intensive industrial nature, and therefore are likely to have greater impacts. The extent of hours until 9:30pm Monday to Friday is considered reasonable in this context as there are no deliveries after 6pm. Noise occurring within the site is not anticipated to be beyond background noise such as traffic and would not occur while most people are sleeping. The provisions also state that residential areas in proximity to industrial areas share the responsibility for ensuring their amenity is not adversely affected by industrial noise by carrying out measures such as installing double glazed windows for example. In other words, the onus for amenity loss in residential areas does not rest solely with industrial premises. A condition could be imposed to ensure doors/windows are kept closed prior to 7:00am. On this basis, it is considered that the applicant has satisfied the relevant provisions relating to amenity/hours of operation and the proposed extended hours are appropriate for the locality. It is recommended that a note be placed on the approval reminding the applicant that all activities occurring within the subject land through this use of the site must be in accordance with EPA Regulations at all times. Significant Trees This topic is not impacted by this development. Heritage This topic is not impacted by this development. Environmentally Sensitive Design This topic is not Impacted by this development. Stormwater Management This topic is not impacted by this development. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 30. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd Traffic ManaRement and Parking Transportation (Movement of People and Goods) Council Wide Objective 29: A road system which separates industrial traffic from predominantly residential areas. Council Wide Objective 30: A compatible arrangement between land uses and the transport system which will: (a) (b) (c) (d) ensure minimal noise and air pollution; protect amenity of existing and future land uses; provide adequate access; and ensure maximum safety. The relevant provisions require that the transportation system be appropriate for the industrial land while taking into account any adjacent sensitive uses and protecting the amenity of those uses wherever possible. In terms of this application, it is noted that Forster Street forms the boundary between the Industry Zone and the Residential Zone. Furthermore, it is also noted that the use of the site has been previously approved by Council and that it has been operating at this site since 1994. Car parking provisions and traffic management within the site would have been considered under this approval. The applicant has stated that there will be no additional staff required as a result of the extended hours of operation, thus there should be no impact to on street parking in Forster Street. Between 6:00pm and 9:30pm there would be no deliveries, thus there would only be staff on site. It is considered that the traffic generated from the 4-5 staff members would be minimal and fits within usual sound of normal traffic on this public road. On this basis, it is considered that the application does not raise any additional matters to take into account relating to traffic management or car parking provision. Crime Prevention This topic is not impacted by this development. Waste Management This topic is not impacted by this development, however it is considered reasonable that waste removal may not occur prior to 7:00am Monday to Friday therefore this will be made a condition of the approval. Site Contamination This topic is not impacted by this development. City of Charles StuIt 3.12* 31. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Conclusion This application has been assessed against the Charles Sturt Development Plan dated 4 September 2008. The proposed development suitably addresses possible external noise impacts associated with extended operating hours by ensuring that delivery/loading times do not occur after 6pm and that food preparation activities are restricted to 9:30pm and contained within the building to safeguard the amenity of residences across the street. The south side of the Forster Street comprises a mix of uses, most of which would likely have a greater impact on the amenity of the residences on the north side of the street than the use associated with this application. On street car parking should not be impacted as there is no increase in staff numbers. On this basis, the proposal is considered to be an appropriate form of development within the Industry Zone Interface Policy Area 57 and warrants support. Recommendation A. That pursuant to Section 35 (2) of the Development Act, 1993, the proposal is not seriously at variance with the relevant provisions of the Charles Sturt (City) Development Plan consolidated 4 September 2008. B. That pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act, 1993, Development Application Number 252/2380/08 be GRANTED Development Plan Consent subject to the following conditions: 1. Develop in accordance with the approved plans That the proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and approved plans stamped by Council except where varied by the conditions herein and shall be completed prior to occupation of the proposed development. Reason: 2. To ensure the development proceeds in an orderly manner. Hours of Operation A The hours of operation of the premises shall not exceed the times: 6:30am to 9:30pm Monday to Friday 7:00am to 5:30pm Satur'day Closed Sunday. Reason: To preserve the amenity of the locality. City of Charles StuIt 3.12* 32. 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd 3. DAP Report 3/03/09 (Continued) Hours of Operation for Commercial Vehicles That all commercial/delivery vehicles to and from the site be restricted to the following hours: Monday to Friday - 6:30am and 6:00pm. Waste Removal - Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 6:00pm. Reason: 4. To preserve the amenity of the locality. Doors and Windows Be Kept Closed That the doors and windows be kept closed at all times whilst machinery is in operation. Reason: To preserve the amenity of the locality. Notes You are advised that the proposed activity must comply with the requirements of the Environment Protection Act and Regulations at all times. City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 33. DAP Report 3/03/09 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd APPENDIX A [Appendix A consists of 38 pages] CivkCcntn IS5 Si> Donald eiairnsn Drive Hillon. SA S033 Td 08 84166333 Oty of MMSt i a m « » r « 08 8443 5709 EmaU Development Application Development Act 1993 Development number: 211/ Previous development number: 1. Application type (please tick one box only) Planning consent only *^\ Building rules consent only D Full Development Approval 2. Location of proposed development: Unit No: House no: \%t a p Street: ffcfZSsr^ Volume: ^ | ^2- Folio: ^ ^^ P/code: Suburb: Pft^t-e^-ftD^^ 3. Details of parties Applicant: 1 P/code: S^PDO Address: ^ Phone: ' Mobile: 0*fo7 D(*f 7 ^ 6 £>Z3/ ^ 5 0 O Emaii:<fjUf( ^LyBi\t{l\HofO*\r<'i^4- ' \ (J P/code: ifobt> Address: C^ t f e V ^ / t/>iTDb1^i/<t4& ^ ^ 5nAT\o*sl S K 2 € K ^ , hs/DOOCcCPi U L f Owner: {,|L. Phone: Builder: Mobile: ' Email: U Address: P/Code: Phone: Mobile: Principal contact: Applicant j Email: | Builder Owner 4. Description of proposed development Description of proposed development - (eg: dwelling, shop, industry, significant tree): -to Developnnent costs: (does not include any fit out costs):$ Note: Council may require written justification to verify costs. Floor area: 5. Declarations a. Building rules: - Classification sought: Present Class: b. If class 5,6,7,8 or 9 is sought state the proposed number of employees: Male Female CD c. If class 9a classification is sought, state the numt)er of persons for whom accommodation is provided: d. If class 9b classification is sought, state the proposed number of occupants of the various spaces at the premises: e. Does either Schedule 21 or 22 of the Development Regulations 1993 apply? Yes No f. Has the 'Construction Industry Training Fund Act levy been paid? Yes No 6. Acknowledgment / Authorisation I acknowledge that copies of this applicatbn and support documentatio persons in accordance with the Development Act and Regulations 19 ' Name: HtTfrtt^VtS QJMJIX*^ Owner / Applicant / Builder Forni: Development application ided to interested Trac^'PTy crt>.Signature: (Delete whichever does not apply) Page 1 of 1 Date: Date last modiTied 25/07/2008 RECEIVED - 2 SEP 2008 CITY OF CHARLES STURT Development application fee guide CivkCentre 165 S I Donald Bradmai Drive Hilton. SAS033 l U 08 8416 6333 CHy of W K t l a m i H F M OS 8443 5709 Email citymgrOwtcc-sa.gov.av v»vvw.wtcc.sa.gov.au Schedule 6 of the Development Regulations Fee values as at 1 July 2008 Lodgement Fee rate Development cost up to $5,000 $48.50 Development cost more than $5,000 $103.50 Additional lodgement for non-complying $77.50 Additional lodgement for separate consents $48.50 Building Rules Consent only from Council $51.50 Development Plan Consent Fee rate Consent Development cost up to $10,000 $30.25 Development cost $10,000 to $100,000 $83.00 Development cost more than $100,000 0.125% of cost Non complying Administration fee $98.50 Development cost up to $10,000 $41.50 Development cost $10,000 to $100,000 $98.50 Development cost more than $100,000 Public notification 0.125% of cost Category 2 / 2A / 3 $83.00 Advertisement fee $450.00 Referral Development cost up to $1,000,000 $173.00 Development cost more than $1,000,000 $288.00 Building Rules Consent Fee rate Minimum fee $51.50 Class 1,2,4 Dwelling additions Class 3,5,6 Fee rate Demolition Building m^ X $0.45 m^x$2.28 Offices and shops m^x$0.61 m^x$3.03 Class 7,8 Warehouses and factories m='x$0.40 m^x$2.01 Class 9a and 9c Health and aged care m^x$0.69 m^x$3.44 Class 9b Assembly buildings m^x$0.63 m^x$3.13 Outbuildings m^x$0.14 m^x$0.68 Class 10 $34.75 Certificate of occupancy $75.00 Essential safety provision Fee rate Other CITB levy if development costs are more than $15,000 0.25% Copy of Certificate of Title $20.00 Extended approval period $77.50 Note: Other fees may be applicable, depending on the nature of the development. These will be determined as part of the initial assessment. Applicants will be advised if additional fees are required. Form: Development application Page 4 of4 PDIO Date last modified 18/06/2008 76-7S DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 1993 t6S Sir Oonald SrMman Ome Hilton. $A 5033 Form of Declaration (Schedule 5 clause 2A) Tel OS £416 6333 F « 08 8443 S7O9 CmaU citynigrO>fl«icC-Sa.gov.au Website www.wtcc.s3. Date of Application: I I f I Given Name: Applicant Family Name: Lot No: Address House Street: ^Suburb: P/Code: rfVolume: Foiio: Nature of proposed development: _being theappiicant/a personjtctinq on tiehalf of the applicant (delete the inapplicable statement) for the development described above declare that the proposed development will involve the construction of a building which would, if constructed in accordance with the plans submitted, not be contrary to the regulations prescribed for the purposes of section 86 of the Electricity Act 1996. \ make this deciaration under clause 2A(1) of Schedule 5 of the Development Regulations 1993. Note1 This declaration is only relevant to those development applications seeking authorisation for a form of development that involves the construction of a building (there is a definition of 'building' contained in section 4(1) of the Development Act 1993, other than where the development is limited to a) b) an internal alteration of a building; or an alteration to the walls of a building but not so as to alter the shape of the building. Note 2 The requirements of section 86 of the Electricity Act 1996 do not apply in relation to: a) b) a fence that is less than 2.0 m in height; or a service line installed specifically to supply electricity to the building or structure by the operator of the transmission or distribution network from which the electricity is being supplied. Note 3 Section 86 of the BectricityAct 1996 refers to the erection of buildings in proximity to powerlines. The regulations under this Act prescribe minimum safe clearance distances that must be complied with. Note 4 The majority of applications will not have any powerlines issues, as normal residential setbacks often cause the building to comply with the prescribed powerline clearance distances. Buildings/renovations located far away from powerlines, for example towards the back of properties, will usually also comply. Particular care needs to be taken where high voltage powerlines exist; where the development: • • • is on a major road; commercial / industrial in nature; or built to the property boundary. Note 5. Information brochures 'Poweriine Clearance Declaration Guide" and 'Building Safely Near Powerlines' have been prepared by the Technical Regulator to assist applicants and other interested persons. Copies of these brochures area available from council and the Office of the Technical Regulator. The brochures and other relevant information can also be found at www, technicalrequiator. sa. qov. au Note 6 In cases where applicants have obtained a written approval from the Technical Regulator to build the development specified above in its current form within the prescribed clearance distances, the applicant is able to sign the form. PLN/06/0024 Ridleyton 0356 002 1 September 2008 Town Planning Development Advice Strategic Management Mr Adam Mrotek Manager Development Assessment City of Charles Sturt PO Box 1 WOODVILLE SA 5011 Dear Adam DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - VARIATION TO HOURS OF OPERATION Further to discussions and conrespondence with Ms Merryn Walton, Compliance Officer with Council, and as foreshadowed, please find enclosed a completed Development Application Form that seeks planning consent to vary the hours of operation associated with the existing use of the premises located at 18 to 20 Forster Street, Ridleyton. Background Council previously granted planning consent to use these premises for the preparation and distribution of food. The businesses that has taken the benefit of this consent and has been trading from these premises for some 13 years, is known as Lite n' Easy and is involved in the preparation and distribution of nutritional meals. Further infomiation regarding Light n' Easy in terms of the nature of the meals prepared and distributed can be found at www,LltenEasv.com.au Lite n' Easy is an Australian owned company that is focused towards and assist in weight loss programs with pre prepared meals for Client that are tailored to their specific dietary needs Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd is the entity that holds the lease over these premises and is responsible for pursuing this application for variation to the hours of operation. I have been engaged by Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd to present their application and provide an assessment against the relevant provisions of the Charles Sturt (City) Development Plan. Previous Consent The previous consent for use of these premises was issued by Council in November 1994. This consent was subject to one condition which refers to documentation provided by the Applicant in support for the proposal, being a letter from Mr Neville Presnell of Lite n' Easy dated 12 October 1994. A copy of these documents is enclosed. This letter to the then City of Hindmarsh and Woodville (now the City of Charles Sturt) provided an indication as to the intended hours of operation being from 6.30 AM to 2.00 PM for food preparation, and 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM for the office activity. Deliveries were to commence from 7.00 AM. Phillip Brunning & Associates 25 Norm Slreei ffiaide SA 5000 iBOS 823t S300 Hif) 0407 0*9 M « pbo It is interesting to note the exact wording of this condition: "1. That pursuanttoSection 83 of the Development Act 1993, provisional planning consent be granted to Development Application Number 251/ in accordance with the plans and detail accompanying that application." The reference to and reliance on Section 83 of the Act in respect to the imposition of a condition is incorrect. Putting to one side this technical deficiency, Section 42 of the Act does provide for the relevant authority should it see fit the power to infipose a condition on development in respect to the use of land. The test for validity of any condition of approval to be imposed is for what planning purpose? The planning purpose of this condition was not articulated by Council at the time, but rather a global reference relied upon in respect to the letter from the Applicant which was provided in general support of the proposal. I am advised by my Client that the stated hours were not intended as being definitive or limiting, but rather as an indication of that which may reasonably be anticipated based on the nature of the business at the time. Some 13 plus years have now passed and it is necessary to review these hours and response to the contemporary needs of the business. The Applicant therefore respectfully advises that they seek to reserve their right to apply to the Court if necessary, in order to preserve their position should this application for a variation to the hours of operation is not successful, on the basis that the original condition imposed by the Council is vague, flawed, and unreasonable in its extent. Proposal Prior to setting out the intended hours of operation sought by this Development Application, it is important to note that these business premises on Forster Street have been in existence for many years now, prior to the development of the land on the northern side of Forster Street for residential housing. Whilst I do not seek to unduly assert the primacy argument in temis of land use, we do think it necessary to approach the assessment of this proposal with some equity and fairness in mind, in so far as while residents opposite have a fair and reasonable expectation to amenity, such should not be at the disproportionate expense of these long standing businesses. The Applicant therefore seeks planning consent (on a without prejudice basis) to operate the approved use of land within the following hours so as to realise its economic potential and best satisfy the needs of its customers. I note that the cun-ent approved hours do not preclude operation on Saturday or Sunday. • • • 6.30 A^A till 9.30 PM Monday to Friday (deliveries between 6.30 AM and 6.00 PM) 7.00 AM till 5.30 Saturdays Closed on Sunday Other than for the hours of operation, the existing use would continue to be conducted in the current manner which is contained with the buildings, involves no heavy mechanical or industrial processes, no intensive cooking or processing, but rather the assembly and packaging of meals using component ingredients that are either fresh or frozen. pbo I am led to believe that the basis for the complaint on which Council's compliance officer acted, was due to the early morning attendance of a waste removal vehicle. The noise generated by this vehicle collecting bins has apparently disturbed a resident/s during the eahy moming period. Appropriate steps have been taken by the Applicant to instruct the waste contractor not to attend before 7.00 AM and that this direction has been observed, with no repeat performance of the previous incident. I note that there has been no ongoing complaint either directly to Lite n' Easy or the Council. Development Plan The subject land is located witfiin the Industry Zone of the Charles Sturt (City) Development Plan and more particularly within the Industry Zone (Interface Policy Area 57) as depicted on Maps 16 and 38. The land to the northern side of Forster Street is located within the Residential Zone and the Residential Zone (Inner Suburban Policy Area 1) The narrative for the Interface Policy Area 57 includes the following (mv emphasis): The area aaxnvnodates variety in use, built form, appearance and amenity. Uses comprise warehousing and distribution, industrial, comrrteroial, retail, manufacturing, engineering, automotive service, offices, storage and a number of depots. A number of activities are of small or medium scale operation whilst there are a number of large industrial premises. Parts of the Policy Area provide a transition between the Core Policv Area and adioinina residential areas. Areas in proximity to the Adelaide CBD are valuable for activities which require an inner citv location. A number of areas have intermingled residential uses, which experience industrial impacts in terms of visual amenity, noise and traffic. In Mhol Park remaining residential uses represent an impediment to efficient industrial activity. Much of the Policy Area has residential interface, with a number of areas having interface with the River Torrens. Impact on residential amenity is often not significant due to the low impact nature of many of the activities. In some locations, the impact of larger structures is reduced by significant tree planting, landscaped buffers and separation from other uses by, for example, major roads. However, a number of residential areas do experience impact from some activities in temis of visual appearance, building bulk, minimal landscaping, noise, air quality, overshadowing, 24 hour operation, industriai traffic and on-stteet carparking. Hazardriskis associated with a small number of premises. Proximity to re^dential areas also acts as a constraint on industrial operations. Moreover, the Desired Future Character Statement for the Interface Policy Area 57 articulates the following The area should accommodate a wide range of industriai and service activities which protect the amenity and safety ofadioining residential areas. The area should accommodate activities that do not create any appreciable nuisance, that have minimal off-site impacts, such as noise, air, water and waste emissions, traffic generation and movement and which do not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of properties in residential or similar environmentallv sensitive zones. Appropriate activities include service, light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution and commercial premises. Activities which are potentially hazardous or produce negative off-site impacts shouid not locate in this Policy Area. This area should be protected from the encroachment of houses which wiii reduce the land resource for industry. Dwellings retaihed for residential use should recognise the industrial location and implement sound attenuation, screening and other measures to protect their own residential amenity. In Beveriey north ofBASA Stadium, confiicts between intermingled housing and industry are recognised and should be minimised. In Welland, the ptiasing out of the refuse depot is desirabie. This area should devekip as a high quality industrial and warehousing area with good quality built form and landscaping. Development should achieve a high standard of appearance and design and, where sought. pbo should incorporate extensive landscaping to enhance visual amenity. Well landscaped streetfivntagesare sought in many areas whilst a more intimate character is sought in a number of locations with well designed buildings located virith minimal or no sett)ack, reflective of the established character of these locations. Larger scale structures are appropriate within the centre of areas. The area shmjidbe enhanced through the incorporation of landscaping, particularly along residential interfaces. The Desired Future Character is reinforced in terms of land use by Principle 2. 2 Land uses which demonstrate minimal off-sffe impacts, such as noise, air, water and waste emissions, traffic generation and movement or minimal detrimental impacts on the amenity of properties in residential or similar environmentally sensitive zones, are appropriate. The key message from these provisions is: • • • • this is a valuable location for smail to medium sized business; the policy area is at the interface with residential areas; the proximity to residential areas is a constraint on industrial activities; and industrial and commercial uses should not result in appreciable off site impacts The Applicant is fully aware of the context in which they operate and conduct their business in a low key manner that does not result in appreciable off site impacts in temis of noise, smell, odour, etc. All activities are conducted within the building, with the only appreciable effect of the business being the movement of vehicles. Traffic associated with this use is low with delivery vehicles limited to 10 times per week at present, and dispatch or delivery vehicles making 1 return trip per day. No heavy vehicles are used in conjunction with this activity, being predominantly commercial vans and refrigerated trucks not exceeding 6 tonnes. In a comparative sense, the use of this premises has less potential for impact than others in this group which include a motor vehicle repair workshops, a timber joinery and steel fabncation workshop, warehouse distribution centre for furniture and other goods. The Applicant does not anticipate any concern being expressed from residents opposite the site in respect to noise nuisance due to the low key nature of the use, the minimal use of machinery, and that it is fully contained within the building and not audible from outside the premises. The extent of hours until 9.30 PM Monday to Friday is considered reasonable in this context notwithstanding that there are residential properties on the other side of Forster Street. I note the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 defines day time as being between 7.00 AM and 10.00 PM. To the extent that noise may occur, such is not anticipated to beyond background noise including that resulting from traffic, and would not occur within the critical sleep period over night. If necessary, the Applicant may engage the services of an acoustic engineer in order to confirm this expectation. In so far as industry has an obligation to ensure that noise generated by activities on site does not impact on the amenity of nearby residential properties, residential development has a shared responsibility to take reasonable precautions and measures to limit the potential distribution that noise may cause. pbo I draw your attention to Objective 5 for the Residential Zone that seeks: Objective 5: Development on major roads, adjoining industrial, centre and mixed use zones and near railway lines or airport flight-paths designed to minimise the impact ofndse and to not unduly restrict ndse generating activities. In approving these residential dwelling opposite, Council would appear not to have required noise protection measures or if such were required, they do not appear to have t}een implemented. Ultimately however, an additional level of protection need not be provided given the low key nature of the uses opposite. Public Consultation We note that this application is likely to be assigned Category 2 for the propose of public notification procedures under Section 38 of the Development Act, 1993 which would provide the owners and occupiers of land adjacent to make representation in respect to this proposal for a variation to the hours of operation. We welcome the feedback of the residents in respect to the past performance of this existing use and their views in respect to the proposed extended hours of operation. As necessary, we will respond in detail to any questions or concerns that may arise from this consultation process. Once again in respect to early morning disturbance from waste collection vehicles, I reaffirm that the Applicant has issued strict instructions to the contractor not to pick prior to 7.00 AM and that to their knowledge this time limit is being observed and that no complaint has been received by Council in recent months. We look forward to your reply and decision in respect to this application. Yours faithfully PHILLIP BRUNNING & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD PHILLIP BRUNNING MPIA Certified Practising Planner Subject Land 18 & 20 Foreler Street, Rtdleyton Locality Plan FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:100 ADJOININaPREMISea r—ti PROPOSED NEW FREEZER 13000 CVQt C(l5t1N0 OftTAL m n O l T D EW CERS 1 EPORT ND» tman MOWP f U8MT rmiHB 740 DOORS TO BE CONFlRMEir STORE AREA NEWBKr EUEMIMCY tMERoiNor uoHT rmmo FLOOR PUN coomooM StWT ROOM SCALE 1:100 ROOR PUN SCALE 1:100 Title Register Search LANDS TITLES OFFICE, ADELAIDE For a Certificate of Trtle issued pursuant to the Real Property Act 1886 REGISTER SEARCH OF CERTXFIC&TE OF TITLE COST : $17.40 (GST exenpt ) REGION : EMAIL AGENT : PUSH BOX NO : 000 SE2VRCHED ON : 01/09/2008 AT : 13:04:52 CLIENT REF 0356 * VOLUME 5152 FOLIO 79 PAKEHT TITLE AUTHORITY DATE OF ISSUE EDITION : : : : CT 5134/479 T 7558030 29/10/1993 5 REGISTERED PROPRIETOR IN FEE SIMPLE LNE PROPERTIES PTZ. LTD. OF C/- LEVEL 2 LANTOS PLACE 49 STATION STREET INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 DESCRIPTION OF LAND ALLOTMENT 10 FILED PLAN 5743 IN THE AREA NAMED RIDLEYTON ' HUNDRED OF YATALA EASEMENTS SUBJECT TO PARTY HALL RIGHTS OVER THE LAND MARKED B AND C (T 4942097 AND T 7558030 RESPECTIVELY) TOGETHER WITH PARTY VKLL RIGHTS OVER THE LAND MARKED A Am) D (T 4942097 AND T 7558030 REPECTIVELY) SCHEDULE OF ENDORSEMENTS NIL NOTATIONS DOCUMENTS AFFECTING THIS TITLE NIL REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S NOTES NIL END OF TEXT. Page 1 of 2 The Registrar-General certifies that this Title Register Search displays the records maintained in the Register Book and other notations at the time of searching. LANDS TITLES OFFICE ADELAIDE SOUTH AUSTRALIA DIAGRAM FOR CERTIFICATE OF TITLE VOLUME 5152 FOLIO 79 SEARCH DATE: 01/09/2008 TIME: 13:04:52 FORSTER STREET 11-43 19-88 o vo 010 0-10 0-10 0-10 10 UJ 0-10 0-10 11 12 D B Si Q O O LR IT) rM h rn CM 0-10 • t—10-10) (0-X))^ fl 11-26 !\ DP. -0-10 f 11-25 j\ 881 0 3 6 9 I I I I Page 2 of 12 Metres I 2 Title Register Search LANDS TITLES OFFICE, ADELAIDE For a Certificate of Title issued pursuant to the Real Property Act 1886 REGISTER SEARCH OF CERTIFICATE OF TITI.E COST : $17.40 (GST exempt ) REGION : EMAIL AGENT : PUSH BOX NO : 000 SEARCHED ON : 01/09/2008 AT : 13:07:35 CLIENT REF 0356 * VOLI]ME 5152 FOLIO 80 PARENT TITIJE AUTHORITY DATE OF ISSUE EDITION : : : : CT 5134/479 T 7558030 29/10/1993 4 REGISTERED PROPRIETOR IN FEE SIMPLE ALLTRACK AUTOMOTIVE PTY. LTD. OF 194 MAGILL ROAD NORNOOD SA 5067 DESCRIPTI(»T OF LAND ALLOTMENT 11 FILED PL2UT 5743 IN THE AREA NAMED RIDLEYTON HUNDRED OF YATALA EASEMENTS SUBJECT TO PARTY HALL RIGHTS OVER THE LAND MARKED E AND D (T 4600518 AND T 7558030 RESPECTIVELY) TOGETHER WITH PARTY KALL RIGHTS OVER THE LAND MARKED F KHID C (T 4600518 AND T 7558030 REPECTIVELY) SCHEDULE OF ENDORSEMENTS 9718651 10289194 MORTGAGE TO PERMANENT TRUSTEE AUSTRALIA LTD. TRANSFER OF MORTGAGE 9718651 TO PERPETUAL TRUSTEE CO. LTD. NOTATIONS DOCUMENTS AFFECTING THIS TITLE NIL REGISTRAR-GSaiERAL' S NOTES NIL END OF TEXT. Page 1 of 2 The Registrar-Generai certifies that this Titie Register Search displays the records maintained in the Register Book and other notafions at the time of searching. LANDS TITLES OFFICE ADELAIDE SOUTH AUSTRALIA DIAGRAM FOR CERTIFICATE OF TITLE VOLUME 5152 FOLIO 80 SEARCH DATE: 01/09/2008 TIME: 13:07:35 FORSTER STREET LU <: Q O O DP. 0 881 3 6 9 Page 2 of 2 12 Metres City of Charles Sturt 3.12* 34. DAP Report 3/03/09 18 FORSTER STREET. RIDLEYTON Applicant: Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd APPENDIX B [Appendix B consists of 7 pages] t jiisiiiiiiiilili Statement of Representation Pi/rswanftoSecf/on 38 of f/)e Development Act 1993 Under tiie Developnient M. 1993, any person who desires to do so may, in accordance with the reguiafioris, make a representation in writing to the relevant authority in relation to the granting or refusal of consent ibr a Category 2 or Category 3 development application. To submit a statement of representation, this form must be completed. 1. Development Number 2. Person(s) making representation: Uam: (iMArs/Ms) M Street Address: /? fnni/&^ 6keet . HidlMf^r.n SA Postal Address fif differenttoabove): _ L Email: tdla,-nf^rjflfajjneJ. ccm au Phone: %^AOAZ(£, Mobile: Fax: Nature of interest in development (eg adjoining r>5sident, owner of land in vidnity or on behalf of organisation or company): /c nHock/rf Issues that I/we would like to raise: These issues wgiM be overcome by (state action sought): k> 3. Please indicate whether you wish to personally present your statement to the Development Assessment Panel. Your written ^^emerrt vvi be provided to the D&/^opm&\t Msessment Pan^ and to ttie e^lkxint, ancT w i be (xmsidered m me^ng an approval dedsion. You may choose to present your statement verbeUy. D I do not wish to make a verbal presentation. IS} I will appear personally to make a verbal presentation. D ' authorise ' ,^ /j_ to make the verbal r^wesentafion on my behalf. Date: C I T Y 72 Woodville Road, Woodville SA 5011 Ph 08 84081111 Fax 08 84081122 Web www.chariessturt.sa.gov.au o r CHARLES STURT Representations Representations (communicating a point of view seeking change or refusal) may be made to d e v ^ m e h t apf^ications classed as Categoiy 2 or 3. Representations are not restricted to adjoining |»t>perties, and may be made t y any person who wishes to do so. Representations must be made in writing, and a Statement of Representation fomi must be completed and supplied. Forms are avated)te at the City of Charles Sturt Civic Centre and webate. The Statement of Representation form requires persons making a representafon to d^cHbe the reasons for their representation and how the issues would be overcome. The written statement is more likely to be effective if it refers to the provi^ns of the Development Plan. The Charles Sturt Development Plan can be accessed at the City of Charles Sturt website, www.charlessturLsa.gov.aui Cofm of representations areforwardedtothe applicant, and the appiicsnt is given the opportunity to respond in wr^ng to the representation. It is not necessary to attend a Development Assessment Pjtfiel meeting, but you may chose to do so to make a verbal presented of your written s^tement Please note that the presentation shouki be M e d to the content of the Witt statement • For Category 2 devekipment, the council may detemiine to aBow a representor to appear before council to present ttieir representation. For Category 3 devek)pment. Council must albw a representor to &ppe&[tomake theirrepreserrtations.The applicant is also aik>wedfo appear in order to re^}ond to any representatk)ns. Coundl advises representors with notice of its dedsbn. In the case of a Category 3 devekjpment, representors have the right to kxige an appeal against the deciston with the Environmental Resource and Developntent Court. 4 Statement of Representation - P ^ 2 of 2 Edward and Alana Lenart 17 Forster Street Ridleyton SA 5008 Wednesday November 19,2008 To Whom It May Concern: We write in response to the Development Application by Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd numbered 252^380/08 for extension to operating hours at 18 and 20 Forster Street, Ridleyton. We strongly object to this proposed development and would like to raise the following issues: a) Noise. The impact of noise to residents with the proposed extended hours is of concern. Their current operating hours has caused us to contact the City of Charles Sturt in the recent past (please see attached letter). Of particular concern is the loading of refrigerated vans and trucks as early as 5am. It is quite common for these vans/trucks to arrive as early as 4am and park on Forster Street with the engines idling waiting for Mitchells Quality Foods to commence operations. To have the business operating through to 930pm is very inconsiderate and would without question negatively impact on residents qudityofUfe. b) Parking. Due to the fact that Iheir allocated car park space is used as a loading dock causes their employees to park on Forster Street. The south side of Forster Street is a No Parking Zone Monday through Friday, therefore all the parks along the north side of Forster Street, in front of our homes, are occupied by employees. We assume with such a dramatic extension of operating hourstiierewill betiierequirement for more employees, therefore exacerbating an already existent problem. c) Schedule 22. This development includes activities listed in Schedule 22 of the Development Regulations 1993 and is in^propriate for an Interface Policy Area. As per The City of Charles Sturt Development Plan due consideration needs to be given where industry and residential zones are in proximity to each other. Development within a reasonable distance from the zone boundary should have regard to its impact on the locality. In addition to both the Noise and Parking issues the impact of the operation to residents is amplified by the fact that the car park area is used as workspace. The loading of vehicles is carried out in the car park and not inside the premises. Taking this into consideration there is no barrier to minimise the impact to residents that live only meters away. In conclusion we strongly believe the proposed extension to the operating hours of Mitchells Quality Foods Pty Ltd shows total disregard for the Residents of Forster Street and Wood Avenue and is not in keeping with the Desired Future Character guidelines as outlined in the City of Charles Sturt Development Plan and we quote; The area should accommodate activities that do not create any appreciable nuisance, that have minimal off-site impacts, such as noise, air, water and waste emissions, traffic generation and movement and which do not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of properties in residential or similar environmentally sensitive zones. We strongly believe that this development would have a further negative impact on what is already a strained interface zone and we hope to see that the council will refuse their application. Sincerely, Edward and Alana Lenart 4r Bill StefanoDoutos 'imunnq ana ueveiopmeni Itty of Charles Sturt 72 Woodville Rd WoodvilleSA501< Edward and Alana Lenart i / Forster Street Ridleyton SA 5008 Tuesday May 20,2008 Dear Mr Stefanopouios. are writing to you to express concems we have regarding me operation of businesses on Forster Street. Ridleyton. The main concems are regardina the hours of ooeration and also ttie fevef of noise emitted from the business^ in oarticuiar. Light n Easy at 18 Forster Street and Sunshine Sprouts at 4 forster Street commencing wori^ as eariy as 4 am six days a w e ^ . We are woKen most nights by the sound of employees ani^nng to start work and the loading of boxes and the constant bee^Mr^ of forklifts. Also fiMracik Automotive at 20 Foister Stoeet will quite tinequentiy work through to 8 or 9pm on cars wth the constant revving of engines. This noise is dearty audible ki every room of our home. We have been made aware by the EPA that the North side of Forster Street has been zoned Residential and the South sk]e zoned Industnaf. Thud ttie noise ievei mat the businesses emit during meir daiiy operaoon is. questionably, 'legal*. Howe\^r being a resident on the street and Bvii^ wittt the constant background noise, not only during business hours but also early in the monilngs and into the evening, is becoming unbearable. We did inquire with the council prior to purchasing the land and buildino home and we were assured that the businesses were orriy permittea to operate within business hours. Businesses such as L^ht n Easy and Orana have dramaticallv increased their ooeraticms in the 4 vears since vi^ built the house, it aoDears that there are no ongoing checks by the axjndl as to whether this is suitable. Our question to you is two fold; firsfiy, are ttiese busin^ses permitted to commence their operation at 4 or 5am in the moming? Secondly, if tnese businesses are in breach of council regulations what will be dor^ about rt? We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you or t i ^ appropriate person to discuss this matter. We can be contacted on 0412 578 737 or 0400 524 994 Yours sincerely, Edward and /Mana Lenart Ridleyton 0356 003 3 December 2008 Town Mr Phil Smitti Development Officer Planning City of Charles Sturt POBoxi WOODVILLE SA 5011 Dear Phil Development Apptication No. 252/2380/08 - Response to Repra^entation I refer to your tetter dated 27 November 2008 in which you advise that one representations has been r^ejved in respect to the above mentioned development application that seeks consent to vary hours of operation for an existing premises located at 18 to 20 Forster Street, Ridieyton. In response to the matters raised by Mr Edward and Mrs Alana Lenart of 17 Forster StrBet. Rrdleyton, I provide ttie following for your consideration when assessing this prop<»af and presentation to the Development Assessment Panel for a decision: 1. Lite n' Easy (the trading name for Mitchells Quality Foods Pty LW) has operatedfrc«T»t h e ^ premises on Forster Street for some 13 years ^nce being approved by Council in 1994 without significant complaint from residential properties opposite. 2. While there has been one complaint more recently in respect to hours of operation resulting from a garage collection vehicle, the contractor responsible has been instructed not to collect prror to 7.00 am (it is understood that there has been no complaint since) 3. The hours of operation initially specified by the Applicant (6.30 am till 2.00 pm for food preparation and 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM for ihe office activity) are now too constraining on the business which needs to respond to increased demand from customers. 4. An extension till 9.30 pm would provide the necessary flexibility to respond to large orders on an as required basis at peak times. Accordingly, Miere may be no increase in ttie number of employees, but rather an ability to offer over time to the existing steiff. 5. In terms of parking, there would be no greater demand for pariting than that which currently g e n e r a l by the current use of the land, with employees of Lite n' ^ s y insbucted not to park on the norttiern side of Forster Street notwithstanding their lawful ability to do so. 6. Lite n' Easy value this near City and central location for the distribution of their product to customers, and do not see rebcation as a viable option given the disturbance that such would have on their business. 7. Lite n" Easy involves no heavy mechanical or industtial processes, no intensive cooking or processing, but rather the assembly and packaging of meals using component ingredients that are either fresh or frozen. 8. Lite n' Easy conduct their business in a low key manner that does not result in apprecfetble off site impacts in terms of noise, smell, odour, etc. All activities are conducted within the building, with the only appreciable effect of the business being the movement of vehicles. 9. The use of land does M include activities identified in Schedule 22 of the Development Regulations, 2008 and has previously been ainsidered by Council as being an appropriate activity within the Policy Area. 10. Traffic associated with this use is limited to 10 times per week at present, and dispatoh or delivery vehicles making 1 return trip per day. No heavy vehicles are used in conjunction with this activity, being predominantly commercial vans and refrigerated trucks not exceeding 6 tonnes. 11. In a comparative sense, the use of this premises has less potential for impact than others in this group vi^ich include a motor vehicle repair workshops, a timber joinery and steel fabrication workshop, warehouse distribution centre forfumiture and other goods. 12. The extent of hours until 9.30 PM Monday to Friday is considered reasonable in this context notwithstanding that there are residential properties opposite. I note the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 defines 'day time" as being between 7.00 AM and 10.00 PM. 13. To the extent that noise may occur arising from this use, such is not anticipatKl to beyond background noise including that resulting from traffic, and would not oaair within the critical sleep period over night. 14. In so far as industry has an obligation to ensure that noise does not impact on the amenity of nearby residential properties, residential development has a shared responsibility to take reasonable precautions and measures to limit tfie potential distribution that noise may cause. 15. In approving these residential dwelling opposite since 1994, Council would appear not to have required noise protection measures or if such were required, they do not appear to have been implemented. } have previously provided an analysis of the proposal having regard to r^evant provisions of the Development Plan, and continue to be of the view that the proposal is an acceptable form of deveiopnrient that warrants consent. As the representor has requested the opportunity to addresstiheDevelopment assessment Panel ftjrther to their submission, the Applicant (or their representative) would appreciate the nght of reply. Couid you please confirm the date and time of the mating at which it Is to be presented? Yours faithfully PHILLIP BRUNNING & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD PHILLIP BRUNNING MPIA Certified Practising Planner