Nanotek and Expo


Nanotek and Expo
Anatomy and Physiology 2016
13th International Conference on
Nanotek and Expo
Phoenix, USA December 05-07, 2016
Theme: Nanotechnology for better world
250+ Participation (70 Industry: 30 Academia) includes
In Collaboration With
Conference Secretariat
2360 Corporate Circle, Suite 400 Henderson, NV 89074-7722, USA
Tel: +1-888-843-8169, Fax: +1-650-618-1417, Ph: +1-702-508-5200, Toll free: +1-800-216-6499
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Nanotek 2016
Anatomy and Physiology 2016
Nanotek 2016 Organizing Committee welcomes you to attend the 13th
International Conference on Nanotek and Expo during December
05-07, 2016 Phoenix, USA. We cordially invite all the participants
who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in
the arena of Nanotechnology. 13th International Conference
on Nanotek and Expo anticipates more than 250 participants
around the globe with thought provoking Keynote
lectures, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations. The
attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of
related Conference Series LLC Journals. This is an excellent
opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes
to interact with the world class Scientists. The intending
participants can confirm their participation by registering for the
conference along with your colleagues. Avail the delegate early bird
offer.The main theme of the conference is “Nanotechnology for better world”
Nanotek 2016 Organizing Committee
About us
OMICS International Journals
Key features
• User friendly/feasible website translation of your
paper to 50 world’s leading languages
• Enhanced feature: Audio version of published paper
• Digital articles to share and explore
• Sharing option: Social networking enabled
• Authors, reviewers and editors are provided with
scientific credits
• Scholarly Journals Index- PubMed, ISI, Scopus,
Chemical Abstracts Service, ProQuest, Gale
Conference Series LLC Conferences
Key features
• Presentation by renowned speakers from all over the
• Poster presentations and world class exhibits
• Interactive Sessions
• Live Streaming Conferences and Meetings
• Platform for global networking
• Connecting scientific community
• 700 Open Access Journals
• Scholarly Journals Index- PubMed, ISI, Scopus,
Chemical Abstracts Service, ProQuest, Gale EBSCO
• 21 Day rapid review process
• 70000 Editorial Team
• 15 Million readers and high visibility
• Publication immediately after acceptance
• Quality and quick editorial, review processing
• 3000+ Global Events with over 600+ Conferences,
1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops
• 25 Million unique visitors/year (36 million page
• Well organized scientific program
• Renowned speakers and scientists across the globe
• Poster presentations and world class exhibits
• Panel discussions and interactive sessions
• B2B meetings
• Perfect platform for Global Networking
Organizing Committee Members
Mary Mehrnoosh EshaghianWilner
Professor of Engineering Practice
The University of Southern
California, USA
Ram V. Mohan
Professor of
North Carolina A&T State
University, USA
Research Associate
Northwestern University
KarSeng (Vincent) Teng
Head of Nanoelectronics
Research Group
Swansea University, UK
S. Joseph Antony
Associate Professor
University of Leeds
Senior Research Officer
National Institute of
Nanotechnology, Canada
11:45- 13:00
Tentative Agenda
Anatomy and Physiology 2016
December 05, 2016 Monday
Registrations Open
Keynote Forum
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 1: Recent Trends in Nanotechnology
Track 2: Nanomaterials
Panel Discussion
Lunch Break*
Track 3: Nanostructures
Track 4: Nanoparticles
Track 5: Nanomedicine
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 6 : Nanoelectronics
Track 7 : Nanodevices and Nanosensors
B2B Meetings
Day Concludes
December 06, 2016 Tuesday
Keynote Forum
Video Presentation Sessions
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 8 : Materials science and Engineering
Track 9 : Energy Systems
Lunch Break*
Track 10 : Environment, Health and Safety Issues
Track 11 : Applications of Nanotechnology
Track 12 : Biomedical Engineering and Applications
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 13 : Bionanotechnology
Young Researcher Forum
Poster Presentations
Day Concludes
December 07, 2016 Wednesday
Special Session
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 14 : Nanometrology
Track 15 : Nanorobotics
Lunch Break*
Track 16: Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapy
Track 17: Nano Chemistry
Track 18: Nanotechnology for Security and defense
Networking & Refreshments Break*
Track 19: Spintronics
Track 20: Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries
Awards Ceremony
Conference Concludes
* Exclusive Exhibitor Event
** Networking Event
Note: Conference schedule is subject to change.
Note: Workshops and Symposia slots are available. To book slot for Workshop and Symposium send us the proposal.
Anatomy and Physiology 2016
Nanotek 2016
The field of nanotechnology have not only helped the development in different fields in science and
technology but also contributed towards the improvement of the quality of human life to a great extent.
All this has become possible with the different discoveries and inventions leading to the development
of various applications. The core aim of Nanotek 2016 conference is to provide an opportunity for the
delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of Nanotechnology.
Nanotek 2016
• Opportunity to attend the presentations delivered by eminent scientists from all over the world
• Selected contributions will be published in following Conference Series LLC Journals
• Journal of Nanomedicine& Nanotechnology
• Journal of Nanomedicine&Biotherapeutic Discovery
• Journal of Nanomaterials& Molecular Nanotechnology
• Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Mining
• Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering
• Participation in sessions on specific topics on which the conference is expected to achieve progress
• Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas
• Conference brings together Academic & Industry experets, Scientific Researchers, Students and
Conference Highlights
• Recent Trends in Nanotechnology
• Applications of Nanotechnology
• Nanomaterials
• Biomedical Engineering and Applications
• Nanostructures
• Bionanotechnology
• Nanoparticles
• Nanometrology
• Nanomedicine
• Nanorobotics
• Nanoelectronics
• Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapy
• Nanodevices and Nanosensors
• Nano Chemistry
• Materials science and Engineering
• Nanotechnology for Security and defense
• Energy Systems
• Spintronics
• Environment, Health and Safety Issues
• Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries
Nanotek 2016
Why to attend???
Nanotek Conference and Expo paves a platform to globalize the research by installing a dialogue between
industries and academic organizations and knowledge transfer from research to industry. Nanotek 2016
aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from
research areas of Nanotechnology and Materials Science to share their research experiences and indulge in
interactive discussions and special sessions at the event.
Target Audience:
Nanotechnology Students, Scientists
Nanotechnology Researchers
Nanotechnology Faculty
Engineering and Technical Colleges
Nanotechnology Associations and Societies
Business Entrepreneurs
Training Institutes
Manufacturing Nano Devices Companies
Ergonomics related Companies
Companies associated with Nanotechnology or Material Science Teaching
Submit your abstract @
Register @
Avail unique opportunity for exhibition, advertisement and sponsorship @ Nanotek 2016
Special Issues
All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series LLC Journals
Each abstract will be provided with digital Object Identifier by
Nanotek 2016
Keynote Speaker
Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner
Professor of Engineering Practice
The University of Southern California, USA
Sponsor Opportunities
Elite Sponsor
• Two Corporate Sponsored Workshop slots (must honor deadlines and audio visual
• Two complimentary exhibit booths, with priority to purchase exhibition space and choose
booth location (3X3 Sqm each booth size)
• Four (total) complimentary registrations
• Logo recognition on congress website front page with link and logo recognition on
congress sponsorship page, logo recognition on corresponding Conference Series LLC
journal home page
• One A4 color advertisement in the congress Program or Book of Abstracts (excluding
cover pages)
• Three inserts provided by the sponsor in the congress delegate bags
• One post congress Email message to consented congress registrants up to 60 days
after the congress (content to be provided by the sponsor approved and distributed by
corresponding Journal)
• 10% off the cost of two additional purchased sponsorship items
• Priority to purchase additional sponsorship items
Gold Sponsor
• One Corporate Sponsored Workshop slot (must honor deadlines, catering and audio
visual included)
• One complimentary exhibit booth, with priority to purchase exhibition space and choose
booth location (Booth size 3X3 Sqm)
• Three complimentary congress registrations
• Logo recognition on congress website front page with link and logo recognition on
congress sponsorship page
• One A4 color advertisement in the congress Program or Book of Abstracts (excluding
cover pages)
• Two inserts provided by the sponsor in the congress delegate bags
• 10% off the cost of two additional purchased sponsorship items
• Priority to purchase additional sponsorship items
Silver Sponsor
• Two complimentary congress registrations
• One complimentary exhibit booth with priority to purchase exhibition space and choose
booth location (Booth size 3X3 Sqm)
• Logo recognition on congress website sponsorship page
• One A4 color advertisement in the congress Program or Book of Abstracts (excluding
cover pages)
• One insert provided by the sponsor in the congress delegate bags
• Priority to purchase additional sponsorship items
• One complimentary congress registration
• One exhibit booth (Size 3X3 Sqm)
• Logo recognition on congress website sponsorship page
• One insert provided by the exhibitor in the congress delegate bags
Nanotek 2016 welcomes sponsors
and exhibitors from across the globe
to be a part of this revered event.
Sponsorship Packages
Price (USD)
Coffee Break
Conference Delegate Bag
Bag Insert
Advertisement Offers
Online Advertisement
Outside Back Cover (color)
Inside Front Cover (color)
Inside Back Cover (color)
Per Page
Delegate Bag/Satchel
Each registered participant will receive a satchel Cost: TBD
containing the Congress material.
The sponsor logo will be included on the bag. Opportunities Avlble: 1
Delegate Gifts/Pens/Posters/Awards/Speaker/Sponsor
Sponsors will be recognized for Each support.
Cost: TBD
These are a selection of sponsorship opportunities. Should you have additional ideas,
please contact the organisers for further discussion.
Avail the Opportunity!!!
Exhibition Details:
Exhibition Dates
Dates of Exhibit: December 05-07, 2016
Date of Booth Set-up: December 04, 2016 Sunday (Evening)
Payment: After receipt of the completed contract, the total amount will be invoiced.
When will I receive my conference material?
Conference participants will receive a comprehensive conference
kit at the registration desk by 8 AM. These materials are intended
to provide the participants with an excellent reference source after
the conference.
When should I pay for the conference?
We recommend registering as per the deadlines given in the
particular conference site to avail the early bird discounts.
How can I pay for the conference?
Payment can be made online through credit card. For more
payment options, contact the conference manager.
Are meals included?
Yes, all refreshments and conference lunches have been
carefully selected to offer you the best in banqueting except
for the participants registered under “Without Lunch/ Coffee
Can I purchase additional copies of the conferencematerials?
You can purchase additional copies of the conference kit, by
requesting 10 days prior to the conference.
How many attendees can I expect at my conference?
This varies for each conference. Please do ask at our registration
desk, if you would like us to assist in facilitating meetings with any
particular person present to ensure you receive maximum benefit
from the day.
How can I get to the conference venue?
The hotel phone number is listed within the conference
information.Onceregistered,youwillreceiveaHotel&the Conference
Venue Location Map. Details are also available on the Venue &
Accommodation page. Please contactus if your equire any further
information or assistance.
What about travel and accommodation?
Participants registered under package A/B will be provided with
hotel accommodation and travel is not included in the registration
fee. Details of the accommodation options are also included with
in the conference information.
Is there any dress code for the conference?
The dress code for the conference is business casuals. The speakers
usually come in business attire.
Can we expect any special needs?
If you have any special needs, disabilities, and/or any additional
pre requisite that we may address to make your participation
at our events more enjoyable, please do let us know while
registering.All the presentations will be allocated after 1 week
of the conference to respective speakers only. If you are not
interested in this, please write a request to the contact E-mailid, so
that your presentation will not be recorded.
Do I get the Certification?
Each speaker will be felicitated with a certificate (Signed and
Approved by International Organizing Committee)by the session
chair at the end of the session and panel discussion. Each
participant will be felicitated with a certificate on the last day of
the conference.
Best Poster Certificates will be announced after the completion of
the session.
Check the preliminary schedule for more information.
Can I promote my University/College/Company at this
• Yes, we have several categories of Advertisement/ promotion.
• A4 Advertisement in Conference Souvenir
• Advertisement in Conference website
• Advertisement during the opening Ceremony of the
• Advertisement in Conference Main Banner
• Promotional video in theconference
• University courses / training programs Promotion in the
• Promotional Flyers Distribution to all the attendees
• Advertisements about recruitment
If my plans change and I am unable to attend, may I transfer my
registration to someone else?
Yes, you can transfer your registration, or you can attend any one
of your interested conference organized by us in 2016/2017.
I’m a graduate student, Can i get discount?
We offers a reduced registration rate for graduate students.
Contact us for more information.
Is there free Wi-Fi anywhere?
Yes,wireless internet access is complimentary in lobbies and in
the conference hall. Participants can get the credentials at the
registration desk
Can you sendmean invitationletterformy visaapplication? Yes, we
can send you a letter for your visa application. Please note that no
visa letters can be issued before being accepted to the meeting
(meetings with an acceptance selection process)and payment of
the registration fee.
Why Phoenix, USA
Phoenix is the capital and largest city of the state of Arizona. Phoenix is the 6th most populous city
in the United States with a population of 1,445,632, making it the most populous state capital in United
States. Phoenix is the county seat of Maricopa County and is one of the largest cities in the United States
by land area. Phoenix has a hot desert climate typical of the Sonoran Desert in which it lies. Phoenix has
long, very hot summers and short, mild winters.
Phoenix is the anchor of the Phoenix metropolitan area, (or the Valley of the Sun), also known as
the Valley of the Sun, which in turn is a part of the Salt River Valley. The city is the 13th largest metro
area by population in the United States, approximately 4.33 million people in 2013. Phoenix is likely to
become an important player in nanoscience in the near future, with increasing advances in research and
Conference Venue:
Phoenix Airport Marriott
1101 North 44th Street
Phoenix, Arizona
85008 USA
Our Previous Highlights
5th International Conference on
Nanotek and Expo
November 16-18, 2015 San Antonio, USA
Pardon Nyamukamba
University of Fort Hare
South Africa
Aruna Sharma
Uppsala University
Soon Yee Liew
University of Nottingham
Contact Us
Anatomy and Physiology 2016
Important Dates
Contact Selena Gracy
Abstract Submission Opens: December 27, 2015
Registration Opens: December 27, 2015
Early bird Registration: June 15, 2016
On spot Registration: December 05, 2016
2360 Corporate Circle,
Suite 400 Henderson, NV 89074-7722, USA
Tel: +1-888-843-8169, Fax: +1-650-618-1417
Ph: +1-650-268-9744, Toll free: +1-800-216-6499
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]