References - University of Moratuwa
References - University of Moratuwa
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In this research, I investigate all the multilingual web sites listed in Government Web portal, The results of this study would help Government, Ministries to have a successful web site for their own Ministry and also this would help Web Designing Companies to have a proper plan when they deal with their clients. For this purpose, I look forward to your assistance and would be grateful if you could kindly complete the attached questionnaire. Thank you for your willingness to participate in the study. Research project for : MBA in IT, University of Moratuwa Researcher : Jayani Warnakulasooriya Confidentiality I assure you that the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. There is nothing on the form that will allow us to identify you and there is no mandatory requirement to identify your self by name or address. 54 Part 01 - General Information 1.1 Gender Male Female 1.2 Age below 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 above 50 1.3 Language Sinhala English Tamil Fluent Fluent Fluent Good Good Good Weak Weak Weak 1.4 Job Status Top Management Middle Management Supervisor Non Managerial Part 02 – Web usage 2.1 Do you frequently surf Sinhala/Tamil web sites? Yes No 2.2 If Yes, a) Do you use Sinhala sites, or Tamil ones? ................................................................................... b) Did you find required up to date information? .................................................................................. c) Did you check the same page with English version also? .................................................................................. d) Are you satisfied with the content in Sinhala/Tamil sites? ................................................................................... 55 e) What is your idea on having multilingual sites? Do not you think that English version only is enough for the use? ............................................................................................................... 2.3 If No, a) Why? .............................................................................................................. Part 3.0 – Feedback on given three (3) web sites Site 1 3.1.1 Did you find the relevant information you are looking for? Was it easy or difficult for you to find them? ......................................................................................................................... 3.1.2 Are the text on this site is readable? ..................................................................................................................... 3.1.3 Are the text on this site is easy to understand? ....................................................................................................................... 3.1.4 What is your idea about navigation/menu style? Do you like it or do you have any other suggestions. ....................................................................................................................... 3.1.5 Do you check the “Last updated date” of those sites when you visit to the site? Why did you looking for that? ....................................................................................................................... 3.1.6 What is your idea about Search Function on finding relevant information? ...................................................................................................................... 3.1.7 Do you find the site attractive? ..................................................................................................................... 3.1.8 Did you use the feedback forms on the site? Did you have any problems in doing so? ..................................................................................................................... 56 Site 2 3.2.1 Did you find the relevant information you are looking for? Was it easy or difficult for you to find them? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.2 Are the text on this site is readable? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.3 Are the text on this site is easy to understand? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.4 What is your idea about navigation/menu style? Do you like it or do you have any other suggestions. ............................................................................................................... 3.2.5 Do you check the “Last updated date” of those sites when you visit to the site? Why did you looking for that? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.6 What is your idea about Search Function on finding relevant information? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.7 Do you find the site attractive? ............................................................................................................... 3.2.8 Did you use the feedback forms on the site? Did you have any problems in doing so? ............................................................................................................... Site 3 3.3.1 Did you find the relevant information you are looking for? Was it easy or difficult for you to find them? ............................................................................................................... 3.3.2 Are the text on this site is readable? ............................................................................................................... 57 3.3.3 Are the text on this site is easy to understand? ............................................................................................................... 3.3.4 What is your idea about navigation/menu style? Do you like it or do you have any other suggestions. ............................................................................................................... 3.3.5 Do you check the “Last updated date” of those sites when you visit to the site? Why did you looking for that? ............................................................................................................... 3.3.6 What is your idea about Search Function on finding relevant information? ............................................................................................................... 3.3.7 Do you find the site attractive? ............................................................................................................... 3.3.8 Did you use the feedback forms on the site? Did you have any problems in doing so? ............................................................................................................... Part 4.0 – Overall Feedback 4.1 What is your general idea on these 3 sites? ............................................................................................................... 4.2 What are the recommendations that you can give about those sites? ............................................................................................................... 4.3 Are you satisfied with the Sinhala/Tamil font installation process? ............................................................................................................... 58 Annexure IV - Site owner Survey Questionnaire RESEARCH: CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF MULTILINGUAL SRI LANKAN GOVERNMENT WEB SITES I am a MBA student at the University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka and am currently conducting a research project to analyze the technical and non-technical characteristics that influence the effectiveness of multilingual web sites. In this research, I investigate all the multilingual web sites listed in Government Web portal, The results of this study would help Government, Ministries to have a successful web site for their own Ministry and also this would help Web Designing Companies to have a proper plan when they deal with their clients. For this purpose, I look forward to your assistance and would be grateful if you could kindly complete the attached questionnaire. Thank you for your willingness to participate in the study. Research project for : MBA in IT, University of Moratuwa Researcher : Jayani Warnakulasooriya Confidentiality I assure you that the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. There is nothing on the form that will allow us to identify you and there is no mandatory requirement to identify your self by name or address. 59 Section A: General Information regarding your Organization 1. Your Position MD/President Chief Officer Executive Manager Other, Specify Section B: Information about your multilingual web site 1. What are the main objectives of your Ministry's web site? ............................................................................................... 2. Why did you decide to set up a tri-lingual website? ............................................................................................... 3. Who translated the content? A third party or internal staff? ............................................................................................... 4. Who checked the translations into (a) Sinhala and (b) Tamil? ............................................................................................... 5. Is all the content on the English site available in the Sinhala and Tamil versions? If not, what are the reasons for limiting the Sinhala/Tamil content? ............................................................................................... 6. Were all the pages of the site reviewed before launching? ............................................................................................... 7. Are facilities provided to type in in Sinhala or Tamil in Search boxes or other forms? ............................................................................................... 8. Do you receive mail through the feedback form? ............................................................................................... 9. What is the average time to respond to these queries? ............................................................................................... 10. Why do you select the Sinhala and Tamil fonts used? ............................................................................................... 11. Are you happy with the appearance and size of the fonts? ............................................................................................... 60 12. How is your website updated? a. by your internal staff or by the designing company? ............................................................................................... 13. How frequently is your English website updated? ............................................................................................... 14. How frequently are your Sinhala and Tamil sites updated? ............................................................................................. 15. How much delay is there between updating the English and Sinhala/Tamil sites? .............................................................................................. 16. Is your higher management happy with the site? b. If no, why? ............................................................................................... c. What are the remedies that you are going to undertake to overcome those issues? ............................................................................................... 17. Would you like to make any other comments or observations regarding your website? .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. 61