Ki Young Choi
Ki Young Choi
Early Universe and Dark Matter Ki Young Choi Ki Young Choi Sobaeksan on 11th November, 2014 1 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Contents • The early Universe • Inflation, reheating • Baryogenesis • What is Dark Matter? • Candidates of Dark Matter • Formation, evolution and identification of Dark Matter • Astrophysical phenomena • Cosmic ray, radio, X-ray, gamma-ray, neutrino, etc 2 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Satu rday , Ju ne 8 , 13 Interactions , Ju ne 8 , 13 Sa tu rd ay ,J un e 8, 13 Satu rday e 8, 13 Expanding Universe 3 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Fundamental particles Standard Model Higgs 4 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Standard Model + Dark Matter + Inflaton + ................ 5 Tuesday, November 11, 14 + modified gravity • Inflation The problems in the standard cosmology - the horizon problem - the flatness problem - the structure formation problem Inflationary models: old, new, Starobinsky, chaotic, hybrid, natural, Higgs brane-inflation, ..... - Power spectrum, spectral index, running, ... - Tensor spectrum, tensor-to-scalar ratio, spectral index,... - Non-gaussianity: bi-spectrum, tri-spectrum, ... - isocurvature perturbation, Problems: no known realistic model, flat potential, eta-problem, transPlanckian problem, ... 6 Tuesday, November 11, 14 • Inflation Inflation explains why our Universe is so flat and homogeneous and also how the small cosmological fluctuations formed in the early Universe. During reheating process, all the particles in the plasma are produced and make the Universe hot and dense. After reheating, the standard big bang cosmology begins with these initial conditions: Primordial power spectrum of the relativistic plasma. 7 Tuesday, November 11, 14 • Baryogenesis In the period of thermal equilibrium with B-violating operators, the asymmetry between baryons and anti-baryons disappear. In our Universe, only baryons dominate with negligible antibayons. For this, we believe that there was some mechanism to make the asymmetry: baryogenesis with Sakharov condition. Heavy particle decay, leptogenesis, electroweak baryogenesis, Sphaleron, ..... 8 Tuesday, November 11, 14 atom, molecule • Evolution of states in the Universe Very Cold neucleus Structure formation electron Recombination, photon decoupling : CMB Galaxy Gas Matter-dom. Very Hot Radiation-dom. photons, Quarks, gluons, electrons.. protons, neutrons, electrons, photons thermal equilibrium BBN Quark-hadron transition 9 Tuesday, November 11, 14 photons, electrons, light nuclei directions in the Universe. The neutral atoms curve ofcorresponding spiral galaxy • Rotation equality to 10 such to 12assec or the1 finally forms the structures galaxy, cluse The radiation and relativistic particles in decreases as T to the 4, however non-relativistic at some point matter dominates the Universe v ⇠ const. equality corresponding to 10 to 12 sec or the1 • Dark Matter: why do we need them? z+1= R(t0 ) R(t) - Galactic rotational curve v = const. - Cluster scale • Bullet cluster - CMB 1Mpc 1 v/p R f M= Z r 0 GM m mv ⇢ /2 const. = [Clowe, v/ Two colliding clusters of galaxies r2 r 30 Tuesday, August 20, 13 ⇠ 220 km/ sec (1E 0657-558) The bulletvcluster Optical X-ray Gas Dark Matter - LSS 2 ⇢(r0 )r0 dr v ⇠ ⇢ / T3 f (~v ) = fgal (~v + ~v + - Gravitational lensing ⇤CDM ⇢ / T4 ⇢ ⇢ = 2.57 ⇥ 10 log10 h vith Planck Collaboration: The Planck mission Gravitational potential is located in a Dark Matter (blue) other than the ordinary matter (red) 1 36 Tuesday, August 20, 13 Fig. 14. The SMICA CMB map (with 3 % of the sky replaced by a constrained Gaussian realization). 10 Tuesday, November 11, 14 G 1 1.29 ⇥ 10 7 GeV ' 100 GeV Gravitational lensing Fig. 15. Spatial distribution of the noise RMS on a color scale of 25 µK for the SMICA CMB map. It has been estimated from the noise map 9 1. Dark matter and baryons energy begins to dominate the Universe from the cosmic log ρ age around log t 1012 sec . dp (t) = 2t Tuesday, November 11, 14 dp (t) = 3t (1) (2) (Ω0 = 1) (3) l(l + 1)Cl /2π (µK 2 ) (4) m(z) ≡ −2.5 log10 F = 5 log10 (1 + z) + 5 log10 r1 (z) + const. (5) F= L 2 2 11 2 dL = R0 r1 (1 + z) (6) as T to the 4, however non-relativistic matter as T to the tter. Short introduction on the needs of dark matter in directions in the Universe. The of neutral atoms collapse due to t the present universe. What is the candidates dark point matter dominates the Universe, it is called Radia Dark Matter dominated Universe • signaturesforms of them with recent anomalous such observations. finally the structures asthe1 galaxy, clusters of galaxies orresponding to 10 to 12 sec or eV of temperature. mental particles at low energy in the standard model, Matter-dominated Theall andUniverse, relativistic particles in(1) thermalVacuumequilib log ρ radiation s. They existed Radiation-dominated in the early at that time dominated : relativistic particles : non-relativistic ot. All the particles were in the plasma and interacts decreases as T to the 4, however non-relativistic matter as T to in the thermal equilibrium with a given temperature. Baryons + DM it is called R at some point matter dominates the Universe, 4 3 e is expanding and the density and temperature of the p e phase transition happens. At 100 the 12 quarkequality corresponding to MeV 10 to sec or the1 eV of temperat and 1 MeV neutrinos decouples and electron-positron and neutron combine to make light nuclei. At 1 MeV, 4 0 r the photons decouple tron to make neutral atom and ecoupled photon is the from all4 3 3 2 CMB we observe now ⇢ / R ⇢ / R m e. The neutral atoms collapse due to gravitation and l res such as galaxy, clusters of galaxies etc. 4 lativistic particles in thermal equilibrium the density ⇢ ⇠ E(t) n(t) / R(t) r however 10 non-relativistic matter10as T1 to the 3. There27 3 3 r dominates the Universe, it is called Radiation-Matter ⇢ ⇠ M n(t) / R(t) m o 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV of temperature. (z = 0) 2t d (t) = 3t ⇢ / R (Ω = 1) 1)C /2π (µK ) ⇢/R ⇢ ⇠ E(t) n(t) / R(t) ⇢ ⇠ M n(t) / R(t) (2) (3) (4) og (1 + z) + 5 log r (z) + const. (5) ⇢ / hconst. vi ' 10 cm /s log ρ log t 12 (z ≃ 0.4) (1) log ρ log t 10 sec Redshift 1 (z ≃ 5000) 2 (z = 0) 27 3 (1) T ∼ 1 eV T ∼ 1 MeV dL = z + (1d −R(t q0 )z + · · · z ≃ 3200 eq ) 0 = R r (1 + z) d (t) = 2t d (t) h vi ' 10 cm /s (6) p p L 0 1 2 present z + 1 = (1) dp (t) = 2t dp (t) = 3t (2) (z ≃ 0.4) + z)2 R(t) Matter-Radiation Equality ! % 17 T # $ ! " −1−3ω −1 log ρ log t 10 sec 5 (r , 0, 0) (r , 0, θ) 0 " 12 1 1 R (z ≃ 5000) R ρ 0.26 ⇠ 10 2 2 2 M (Ω = 1) (3) 0 ṘTuesday, Ωi0 −3 (Ω0 − 1) =H (2) 0 = (Ω0−5= 1) = 1 ≃ 5000 = November 0 R011, 14 2. Dark matter density and its perturbation affected the CMB temperature anisotropies. 13 Tuesday, November 11, 14 equality corresponding to 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV of temperature. • Dark Matter in the CMB temperature perturbation ( ⇤CDM + power law spectrum) The positions of the peaks depends⇢m,0 on the expansion 3 ⇠ 2 ⇥ 10 history after last scattering ⇢ ,0 Energy density of Matter, DE 2.7 34 3 nv ⇠ E T = 2.7 K ⇢ = 4.8 ⇥ 10 gram cm The gravitational potential is dominated by DM ,0at the last scattering moment 0 since it⇢ism,0 the⇠matter-dominated 10 30 gram cm 3epoch. The amplitude is strongly depends on the density perturbation of Dark Matter. ✓ ◆ ⇢ of Density perturbation baryon es in the Cosmic Microwave Background 21 DM, radiation, 3 1 GeV v ⇠ 100 km/ sec n= ⇠ 0.3 cm ⇠ 10 40 cm 2 m m ⇢DM (Sun) ⇠ 0.3 ± 0.2 GeV/ cm3 ⇠ 5 ⇥ 10 ⇢air ⇠ 10 3 gram/ cm3 gram/ cm3 ↵2 h ann vi ⇠ ⇠ 10 2 (300 GeV) 14 Tuesday, November 11, 14 25 9 GeV 2 3. Dark matter density perturbation seeded the structure formation of the large scale structures such as galaxies, clusters of galaxies, etc from the age of Universe at 10^6 secs. 15 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Universe is expanding and the density and temperature of the es. So the phase transition happens. At 100 MeV the quark3 25 Dark Matter for the Large scale structure formation • (Sun) ⇠ 0.3 ±decouples 0.2 GeV/and cm electron-positron ⇠ 5 ⇥ 10 gram/ on occurs, and ⇢1DM MeV neutrinos 3 3 e proton and neutron combine to make light nuclei. At 1 MeV, ⇢air ⇠ 10 gram/ cm with electron to make neutral atom and the photons decouple 2 observe now from all a. The decoupled photon is the CMB we ↵ 2 9 h vi ⇠ ⇠ 10 GeV ann e Universe. The neutral atoms collapse due 2to gravitation and (300 GeV) e structures such as galaxy, clusters of galaxies etc. n and relativistic particles in thermal equilibrium the density 10 27 3 1 2.5 ⇥ 10 GeV 3 ⇥ 10 cm sec o the 4, however non-relativistic matter as T to the 3. Therefore ' ' h ann vi h ann vi Early Universe Present Universe matter dominates the Universe, it is called Radiation-Matter onding to 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV of temperature. Homogeneous, isotropic Inhomogeneous, anisotropic ⇢ ⇠ 10 ⇢ Tuesday, November 11, 14 ⇢/R 4 5 ⇢ ⇢ By gravitational 1⇠ 10 ⇢ ⇢ attraction 3 ⇢ / R 16 ⇢ &1 ⇢ 5 (1) 2 (2) - Linear growth of the perturbation The growth of the primordial density perturbation in the expanding universe depends on the scale, type of matter and background matter. ⇧ ⇧ log a t Outside horizon : density⌃ perturbation is constant with adiabatic condition p = p(⌅) 2/3 1 2 2 1 2 2 V = M ⌃ + m ⌥ 2 2 ⌃ ⌥ H⇥ 2⇤ P⇤ = Inside horizon :1density perturbation grows (1) (2) ⇥2 (1) H0 dL = z + (1 − q0 )z 2 + ⇧· · · 3H 2zeq ≃ 3200 2 (3) ⇥= ⇧⌅c = ⇧ (t , x) + ⌅ (t , x) = ⌅ (t r D ⇤ D tot D ) ⇧c 8⌅G ⌃ log a t2/3 ⌃ ! (1) % Matter dom. # $ Radiation dom. ⇧ −1−3ω " ⇤ R T2(⇤, 2⌃) T0 2 l 2⇥ = a Y (⇤, ⌃) C = ⌥|a | Ṙ Ω R − (Ω − 1) = H lm l lm i0 0 m (4)(2) ensemble 0 0T 1 2 2 1 2 2 ⇧ (2) = M ⌃ + m ⌥ ⌃ 0 ⌥i l,m R0 2/3 2/3 2 2 Non-Rel. matter ⌃ log a ⌃ log⌃t log aa ⌃ ta ⌃ t ⌃ 1 & d(H '2 /a) ⇧ ⇧ ⇤ ⇥ (5) ⇤ <0⇧ ä > 0 2 2 " Ṙ R 8πG dt 0 H0 2 2 2 2 (3) k = (Ω0 − ρi − (Ω0 − 1) = ⇧ 1)R0 H03H H = 2 (3) ⇥= ⇧c =matter R 3 R 1 1 Rel. oscillating oscillating 2 i2 1 2 2 1 ⇧ 8⌅G 2 ⇥⌥ 2=⇥ 2⌃ 2 ⌥ V = M ⌃ + m ⌃ ⇤ V = M ⌃ + m ⌥ ⌅ r ä > 0 ⇧ ⇧ + 3p < 0 (6) 2 2 2 2 c = ⇤ ⇧ ⌃ ⇧ alm Yml (⇤, ⌃)8πGCl = ⌥|alm |2 ensemble k 1 ˙2 2 ⌃ + V (⌃) H ≃ ρ Ω ⇧−=1 = l,m 3 2 ⇥n d(H 1 /a) <P0⇥ (k) ⇧ ä=>P⇥0(k0 ) k Tuesday, November dt 11, 14 k 1 (4)1 1 2 ⇥2 2 p = ⌃˙∝ V (⌃)R H ∝ R k H 2 R2 ρR2 P ⌅ (k) = 17 PT (k)⇥=(5) PT = ⇧ (k ) 0 k k ⇥nT 1 2⇤3H 2 ⇧c ⇧= = (7)(4) 1 3H 2 (8) ⌃ ⌥ oupled photon is the CMB we observe now from all The neutral atoms collapse due to gravitation and v such + ~v as+galaxy, ~v ) clusters of galaxies etc. (40) tivistic particles in thermal equilibrium the density owever non-relativistic matter as T to the 3. Theredominates the Universe, it is called Radiation-Matter 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV of temperature. ⇢ ⇢ Dark Matter Baryon 10 2 ⇥ 10 ⇢ (41) 4 (1) 3 (42) dR < 34 3 dQ ⇥ 10 gram cm ,0 = 4.8obs.limit dR 0 Tuesday, November 11, 14 0 18 2 (2) Log10(scale factor) (43) 4. Dark matter density is small locally but exists in the large scales. Thus they dominate the matter density in the Universe and the cumulative gravitational attraction affects the dynamics of the galaxy. 19 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Dark Matter in the present Universe • Rotation curve of spiral galaxies • Gravitational lensing • Velocity dispersions of galaxies in the cluster • Bullet cluster 20 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Hubble's map: Dark matter may be invisible but it accounts for most of the Universe's mass. Its gravitational attraction acts as a template, pulling normal matter - the stars in their galaxy groupings into the large-scale structures we can21see through telescopes. Tuesday, November 11, 14 Mattertrue around Milkydistribution Way mass of galaxie • Image of DarkThe The visible portion of a galaxy lies de in the heart o large halo of dark matter. The total mas dark matter is about 10x m than in visible material (e.g. stars!!) 22 Tuesday, November 11, 14 1991MNRAS.249..523B 1991MNRA (Lower luminosity galaxies) DM visible gas [Begeman, Broeils,Sanders, 1990] 23 Tuesday, November 11, 14 • each other toThe make them thermal equilibrium with from the palsma. decoupled photon is the CMB obs We knowinthe fundamental particles ata annihilates. The proton and neutron combine tothe make light nuclei. At 1we MeV, However the Universe expanding the density and directions the Universe. Theisatom neutral atoms collapse due t quarks, leptons andand Higgs. They all existed nuclei combine with in electron to make neutral theand photons decouple Dark Matter around Sun in the Milky Way plasma decreases. So the transition happens. At the structures such as galaxy, clusters offrom galaxie from the finally palsma.forms The decoupled photon is dense thephase CMB wehot. observe now all 1 it was very and All the particl hadron transition occurs, and 1 MeV neutrinos decouples a directions in The the Universe. The neutral atoms collapse due to gravitation and radiation and relativistic particles in thermal equilib each other to make them in the thermal eq Large uncertainty in the inner annihilates. The proton and neutron combine to makeasligh finally forms the structures such as galaxy, clusters of galaxies etc. decreases as T to the However 4, however non-relativistic matter T the Universe is expanding and The radiationnuclei and relativistic particles inofthermal equilibrium density combine with electron to make neutral the atom and th part galaxies. fore at some point matter dominates the Universe, it is called plasma decreases. So the phase transition decreases as T to the however non-relativistic matterphoton as T to is thethe 3. CMB Therefore from4, the palsma. The decoupled we o corresponding to Universe, 10 to 12 itsec or the1 eV1 of temperat hadron transition occurs, and MeV neutr at some equality point matter dominates the is called Radiation-Matter directions in the Universe. The neutral atoms collapse du Around Sun equality corresponding 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV of temperature. annihilates. The proton and clusters neutronofcomb finallytoforms the structures such as galaxy, galax 3 ⇢ ' 0.3 ± 0.1 GeV cm nuclei and combine with particles electron intothermal make neut The radiation relativistic equ from the palsma. The photon is decreases as T to the 4, non-relativistic matter as 3 however 25 decoupled 3 (1) ⇢DM (Sun) ⇠ 0.3 ± 0.2 GeV/ cm ⇠ 5 ⇥ 10 gram/ cm v ⇠ const. fore at somedirections point matter the Universe, it is calle in dominates the Universe. The neutral at Important for direct and indirect equality corresponding to 10 to 12 sec or the1 eV ofgalaxy, tempe ↵2R(t finally forms the structures such as ) 2 9 0 (2) h ann viz⇠+ 1 = detection ⇠ 10 GeV 1Mpc ⇠ 1Mp 2 f f (300 GeV) The radiation and relativistic particles R(t) decreases as TNumber to thedensity 4, however non-relativ ✓ ◆ 10 27 3 1 some 3point matter the Univ 2.5 ⇥ 10 at GeV ⇥ 10 Z cm 0.3 1 GeV ⇢ secdominates r (3) ' ' n= ⇠ 02 3 0 vi equality corresponding tocm 10 or th dr to /M r12 / vh =annconst. M =h ann ⇢(r )r Mvi dm dmsec⇢(r) 0 r F = nv 3 2 ⇢ ⇢ GM m mv GM 5 ⇢ (Sun) ⇠ 0.3 ± 0.2 GeV/ cm Air density DM 16 at 2sea level 1 (4) ⇠ 10 1 ⇠ 10 (m sec sr GeV) = v / ⇢ 2 ⇢ r Tuesday, November 11, 14 ⇢air ⇠ r10 3 gram/ cm3r v ⇠ 100 km/ sec v 24 ⇠ 220 km/ sec v ⇠ 30 km/ sec 2 ↵ 4 3 3 5. Dark matter show their existence in the cluster scales by gravitational interaction. 25 Tuesday, November 11, 14 Under supposition that the Coma systemcan has reached, mechanivariation of2000 velocities the following considerations be made: at least 1.1500 tothe km/sec. In the context of this enormous II. the EVIDENCES OFComa DARK MATTER 1. Under supposition that the system has reached, mechanically, a stationary state, the Virial Theorem implies velocities the following considerations can be made: cally, a stationary state, the Virial Theorem implies • DM in the cluster 1 r the supposition that the Coma has reached, mechaniϵk = −system ϵ, (4) 2 p1 First hints of dark matter from the dispersion of galaxies in the ϵk =velocity − 2 ϵpmatter , The local dark density is (4) determined ionary state, the Virial Theorem implies 222 Coma where cluster. ϵ and ϵ [Zwicky, denote average 1933] kinetic and potential energies, e.g. of the k p 3 potential energies, e.g. of the where ϵk 0.43(0.11)(0.10) and222 ϵp denote average kinetic and GeV/ cm unit of mass in the system. For the purpose. of estimation we assume that unit of mass in the system.1 For the purpose of estimation we assume that Virial Theorem ϵ = − ϵ , (4) the222 matter in the cluster is distributed uniformly in space. The cluster has a F. Zwicky k p 2 Virial Theorem the matter in the cluster is distributed uniformly in24space. The cluster has a This implies the total potential ener cm) and contains 800 radiusradius R of about one million light-years (equal to 10 24for This implies for the total potential energy Ω: contains 800 R of about one million light-years (equal to 10 cm) and 99 nebulae with a mass of each corresponding toto 10 solar masses. individual nebulae with a mass of each corresponding 10 solar masses. ϵp individual denote average kinetic and potential energies, e.g. of the 1 This implies for the total potential energy Ω: 2 The mass M ofMthe system is therefore 3 k iM= 3 The mass of whole the whole system is therefore hE hU i d Ω = we − Γassume s in the system. For the purpose of estimation that 2 Ω = − 2 F. Zwicky 5 R 9 9 33 333 M 4545 × 2 × 10 = 1.6 × 10 g.g. cluster has (5) a M ∼ 800 × 10 × 2 × 10 = 1.6 × 10 (5) M ∼ 800 × 10 Ω=− Γ (6) 5 n the cluster is distributed uniformly in5 space. The R Gravitational constant Γ24= implies one for the total potential energy (equal Ω: 800 about million light-years to 10 cm) and contains Gravitatio Γ= Γ = Gravitational constant9 nebulae with a massorof each to 10 solar masses. 2 3 Mcorresponding 12 ( cm2 s−2 Ω = − Γ (6) ε = Ω/M ∼ −64 × 10 or p R = 10 24) cm or M of the whole system is therefore 5 R 12 2 −2 ε = Ω/M ∼ −64 × 10 cm s εp = Ω/M ∼(7) −64 and thenp constant Γ = Gravitational 12 2 −2 9 33 2 /2 45 ε = v ∼ −ε /2 = 32 × 10 cm s k × 10 p 1.6 g. (5) M and ∼ 800 then× 10 × 2 × 10 =and then then 12 2 −2 ! " 1/2 εk = v 2 /212∼ −ε /2 = 32 × 10 cm s 2 p−2 2 ε(7) = v 2 /2 ∼ −εp /2 = v = 80 εp = Ω/M ∼ −64 × 10 ! cm" s kkm/s. 1/2 2 ⌧ 1000 123 km/ sec ! " v = 80 km/s. (8) eff 1/2 In order to obtain the observed value of an average Doppler 123v 2 =ha8 ∼km/s −εp /2or=more, 32 × 10 cm s the average density in the Coma system would Therefore thetoaverage density should be of at an least 100 times larger than that In order obtain the observed value average Doppler effect of 1000 ! least "1/2 400 times larger than that derived on the grounds of obse or more,v 2the average density in the Coma system(8) would have to be at fromkm/s the observations of luminous matter. = 80 km/s. 26 In order to obtain the 8 OF DARK MATTER observed value III. PROPERTIES εk = v 2 /2 12 2 −2 If this would begrounds confirmed we would getof the luminous matter. least 400 times larger than that derived on the of observations Tuesday, November 11, 14 • Gravitational lensing Gravitational lensing Einstein: All forms of matter and energy cause gravity, and are affected by gravity. By observing how light is deflected, we can detect gravitational fields, and the distribution of matters. The difference between the mass from the gravitational lensing and the luminous matter gives the dark matter distribution. 27 Tuesday, November 11, 14 • Bullet cluster Two colliding clusters of galaxies The bullet cluster [Clowe, 2006] (1E 0657-558) Optical X-ray Gas Dark Matter Gravitational potential is located in a Dark Matter (blue) other than the ordinary matter (red) 28 Tuesday, November 11, 14 The Merging clusters give upper bound on the self interaction of dark matter itself. Merging Clusters Maruša Bradač Challenge hen how about the interaction is much weaker? They decouple earlier he abundance increases. However after inflation epoch there is a highest erature, reheating temperature, and the decoupling temperature is higher TR, they cannot be in the thermal equilibrium, which means that Y is much er than that in TE. However they can give correct Y for dark matter. That 2g−1 2g−1 2g−1 σ/m < 3 cm σ/m < 0.7 cm σ/m < 4 cm WIMP for dark matter, and the Y depends on the Tr after inflation. Even Bradač al. 2008 et al. 2011 Randall etisal.extremely 2008 h interaction weak,etstill they can beMerten dark matter without any em. σ/m < 7 cm2g−1 σ/m < 3 cm2g−1 he popular example of E-WIMP is gravitino and Dawson et al. axino. 2012 Clowe et al. 2012 Will we ever do better? m≫T σ/m ! 10−24 cm2 / GeV (1) σ/m < 0.05 cm2g−1 will be effectively the same as CDM in terms 29 Tuesday, Novemberof 11, 14observables of structure (halo profiles, shapes, substructure about the interaction is much weaker? They decouple earlier dance increases. However after inflation epoch there is a highest reheating temperature, the decoupling Dark Matter as aand particle must (be) temperature is higher y cannot be in the thermal equilibrium, which means that Y is much hat in1.TE. However give correct up Y for dark matter. That have existed they fromcan early Universe to now or darkand matter, and the Ygalaxies, dependsclusters on the Tr after inflation. Even located around ction is extremely weak, still they can be dark matter without any stable or lifetime longer than the age of universe ar example of E-WIMP is gravitino and axino. 2. neutral : NO electromagnetic interaction 11 Wednesday, June 5, 13 Only upper bounds on the self interaction m≫T σ/m ! 10−24 cm2 / GeV from bullet cluster(1) No lower bound down to gravity! In fact all the evidences are gravitational. −2 −10 −38 2 (2) h2W IMP =≃ ⟨σ ⟩ ≃ 10 GeV ≃ 10 cm ann 3. 25% of the present energy density of the universe ! "# $ the structure formation 4. cold (or warm) : non-relativistic to seed Y m 2 Ωh = m n ≃ 0.28 (3) −11 10 100 GeV 30 Tuesday, November 11, 14 where ρ0 and the radius(1) Rs vary f τ ∼ 1 sec −10 sec X matter consists of particles which are relativistic at the parameters α, dark β and γ vary slight regions above the free-streaming scale. This hot where ρ me of structure formation and therefore lead to large 0 m ã other. The four most popular ones 2 2 matter consists ofΩparticles which ΩX h are relativistic at the (2) ã h = paramet amping scales (Bond and Szalay, 1983). Dark matter candidate in the Standard Model? m X timeare of the structure therefore lead to large The SM neutrinos simplestformation examples and of hot other. T • Navarro, Frenk and W 10 ! decoupled damping scales (Bond Szalay, 1983). (3) G ! a fa ∼ 10 GeV U (1)Yuniverse SUthey (2)Lcanand ark matter. In the early be file (Navarro et al., 1997), The only EM neutral and stable particles, neutrino, was a candidate The SM neutrinos are the simplest examples of hot om a relativistic bath at T ∼ 1 MeV, leading to a relic 3, γ = 1, and Rs = 20 Kpc. • Na for hot dark matter. bundance todaydark that matter. depends on the sum of the flavor In the early universe they can be decoupled file masses: from a relativistic bath at20T−∼251 MeV, leading to a relic x ∼ (4) et 3, f • Moore profile (Moore al.γ ! Neutrinos decouple from a relativistic thermal bath at T~ 1 MeV in the abundance today that depends on the sum1.5, of the flavor 2 i mνi β = 3, γ = 1.5, and Rs . (188) Ω h = ν early Universe relic density today as masses:with 90aeV ! • Mo • Kra profile (Kravtsov et al. 1.5 #5 (188) 2, β = 3, γ = 0.4, and Rs = arious observational constraints combining Ly-α mforνi 2 i " leads. Ων h =data st, CMB, SuperNovae and Galaxy Clusters !90 eV 64π fa 40 (5) τa ∼et al., sec ≃ 10 o (Fogli et al., 2008; Seljak 2006): mν10 < 2 3 gaγγ m 10 to GeV a • Kr .17 eV (95 % CL). Similar limits can be applied Various observational constraints combining Ly-α for• Modified Isothermal profi With observational constraints $ ny generic hot est, darkCMB, matterSuperNovae candidate, such as ax- Clusters 2, 1998), where α = 2, β = and Galaxy data leads ! mhot eV neutri(95% CL) (6) It is too small! ν < 1.3 ons (Hannestad to et al., 2010) or to sterile 3.5 Kpc. (Fogli et al., 2008; Seljak et al., 2006): mν < os (Dodelson et al., 2006; Kusenko, 2009). The free- et al., 2011] [Komatsu ρDM −29 −3limits can be 2 (95 2 0.17 eV % CL). Similar applied • Mo ρc =for 3H0neutrinos MP = 1.88is ×(Kolb 10 and g cmTurner, ΩDM = ∼ 0.22 to (7) treaming length Amongst the four profiles, th ρc all any generic hot dark matter candidate, such as ax199 988): The fluctuations are damped smaller than the neutrino free streaming scale(the inn tions are most pronounced ions (Hannestad sterile neutri3.5 " # et al., 2010) or to hot also the most compromised by nu 30 eV nos (Dodelson et al., 2006; Kusenko, 2009). The free18 + λFτS ∼ 20 Mpc. (189) power-law index value, γ, in th It10is26too hot! ZThe top-down structure formation τDM > ∼ 10 sec τ > sec e , p̄, γ, . . . (8) age DM 2 streaming mlength for neutrinos is (Kolb Turner, uncertainties ν part of and the numerical Amon 1988): as all four simulations provide di tions are or instance, the universe dominated by the eV neutri(3)C × SUformation (2)L × U (1) (9) Y The standard theory SU of structure prefers to cold dark matter. simulations hint towards aalso cuspy pr # os would lead to suppressed structures at 600 " Mpc scale, the 31 30 eV −3inner regions becomes large, w the oughly the size of supercluster. Furthermore, hot dark (T ≫ m) (T ≪ m) n ∝ a λ ∼ 20 Mpc. (189) (10) The pow FS Tuesday, November 11, 14 • Candidates of dark matter : Motivated from beyond Standard Model Strong CP problem : axion Neutrino sector : sterile neutrino, RH neutrino, Majoron Technicolor : Techni-baryon, Techni-dilaton Supersymmetry : neutralino, gravitino, axino, scalar neurino Extra dimension : Kaluza-Klein particle and WIMPzillas, Balck-Holes, light volume moduli, dilaton and more .... 32 Tuesday, November 11, 14 axino TP axino a Y log10(σint / pb) could draw the isplot of Y and the mass. For light ass range. That called warm Y is• constant changes forStandard the mass Candidates ofand dark matter beyond Model above MeV and 0 0 10 rtional to cubic thegood mass. The line of relic density keV mass can beofthe can-1 10 neutrino ν it is overproduced and ruled out. For heavy-2 -5 heAbove free-streaming, cosmological 10 WIMP -3 must besignificantly larger -10 than suppressed. around 2 GeV, and this is called ring is 10 neutralino χ -4 10 GeV particles with weak interaction, the relic density -5 -15 10 Interaction or $ dark matter, it is the WIMP. Yes there is another 10-6 -20 40 -7 s with around keV mass range. That is called warm 10 10 (1) ~ axion a -25 Sterile neutrino N 10 -8 -9 r sterile neutrinos with keV mass can be the good can--10 -30 10 13 100 GeV eV ∼the 100free-streaming, GeV 10 GeV at scales smaller than cosmological -11 10 gravitino g -35 -12 and gravitational clustering is(2) significantly suppressed. 10 10 3/2 -40 −9 ! µeV keV GeV -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 log10(mDM / GeV) # $ (3) ≃ 10 m " 106.75 2 40 Mass 3310 ≃ 1 keV g∗ Tuesday, November 11, 14 MGUT 10 -13 10-14 10 -15 (1) 10 • Astrophysical phenomena Cosmic rays: charged heavy particles X-ray, gamma ray, radio ... Neutrinos • What are the sources of these signatures? Supernovae, Gamma-ray burst, AGN, pulsar, DM, ..... 34 Tuesday, November 11, 14 E2dN/dE (GeV cm-2sr-1s-1) Cosmic rays -Astrophysical primary positron sources (ie. pulsars) CAPRICE -Dark matter annihilations/decays AMS 0 BESS98 protons only 10 Ryan et al. Grigorov JACEE Akeno Tien Shan all-particle MSU 10-2 electrons KASCADE CASA-BLANCA DICE HEGRA positrons CasaMia Tibet -4 Fly Eye 10 Haverah Yakutsk AGASA HiRes 10-6 Cosmic ray Aguilar et al., positron access PRL ’13 AMS-02 + (e ) / ( -Reacceleration of secondary Most importantly, several independent analyses were performed on the same data sample by different study groups. Results these analysesremnants are consistent with those positrons near of supernova presented in Fig. 5 and in Table I (see also [13]). Positron fraction Proposed solutions include: 0 PAMELA Fermi 0 -1 10 Secondary Background 1 10 102 (Torsten Bringmann) antiprotons FIG. 5 (color). The positron fraction compared with the most recent measurements from PAMELA [22] and Fermi-LAT [23]. The comparatively small error bars for AMS are the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties (see Table I and [13]), and the horizontal positions are the centers of each bin. 10-8 14110 10-10 0 10 102 104 106 108 1010 Ekin (GeV / particle) 35 Tuesday, November 11, 14 PRELIMINARY Super−K t en nv co −3 IceCube µ unfolding forward folding µ l na io 10−4 l na io 10 e −5 10 This Work µ Fr ejus µ Fr ejus e AMANDA µ unfolding forward folding 10−2 t en E2 10−1 nv co [GeV cm−2 s−1sr−1] Atmospheric Spectrum e −6 10 10−7 −8 10 −9 10 −1 prom Honda Bartol Honda 0 pt µ µ, e e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 log (E [GeV]) 10 PRL 110 (2013) 151105 N. Whitehorn, UW Madison Tuesday, November 11, 14 36 IPA 2013 - 8 E2ν dNν /dEν [GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1] Interesting Neutrinos above 1 TeV 10-2 Honda 2006 Atmos. ν µ 10-3 Sarcevic Prompt Atmos. ν µ -4 Waxman Bahcall 1998 × 3/2 10 GZK Neutrinos IC40 Atmos. ν µ Unfolding 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 Eν [GeV] I ⇡/K Atmospheric Neutrinos (dominant < 100 TeV) I Charm Atmospheric Neutrinos (“prompt”, ⇠ 100 TeV) I Astrophysical Neutrinos (maybe dominant > 100 TeV) I Cosmogenic Neutrinos (> 106 TeV) N. Whitehorn, UW Madison 37 Tuesday, November 11, 14 IPA 2013 - 2 Gamma rays Dan Hooper – Indirect Searches For Dark Matter The Backgrounds Astrophysical sources of gamma rays consist of: 1) Pion production (cosmic ray protons/nuclei colliding with gas) 2) Inverse Compton Scattering (cosmic ray electrons up-scattering starlight/CMB) 3) Bremsstrahlung (cosmic ray electron interactions with nuclei) 4) Point sources (supernova remnants, pulsars, blazars, etc.) GALPROP defaults, inner galaxy 13 FIG. 9: The predicted spectral shapes of gamma rays from pion decay, inverse Compton scattering, and Bremsstrahlung in the region around the Galactic Center, as generated using the publicly available code GALPROP [16]. 38 Tuesday, November 11, 14