Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York
Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York
Industry Guide 7 Report Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Prepared for: Star Mountain Resources Inc. 605 Knox Road, Suite 202, Tempe, Arizona 85284 Mark Odell, P.E. Laura Symmes, SME Sarah Bull, P.E. Prepared by: Practical Mining LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 Effective Date: November 2, 2015 Page ii Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. This page intentionally left blank. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page iii Date and Signature Page The undersigned prepared this Industry Guide 7 Report (IG7 Report), titled: “Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York,” dated the 30th day of January, 2016, with an effective date of November 2, 2015, in support of the public disclosure of mineral reserve estimates for the Balmat Mine. The content of the IG7 Report have been prepared in accordance with Industry Guide 7 of The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Dated January 30, 2016 Signed “Mark Odell” Mark Odell, P.E. Practical Mining LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89815, USA (775) 345-3718 Email: [email protected] No. 13708, Nevada SME No. 2402150 (Sealed) Signed “Laura Symmes” Laura Symmes Practical Mining LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89815, USA (775) 345-3718 Email: [email protected] SME No. 4196936 (Sealed) Signed “Sarah Bull” Sarah Bull, P.E. Practical Mining LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89815, USA 775-304-5836 Email: [email protected] No. 22797, Nevada (Sealed) Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page iv Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table of Contents Date and Signature Page ................................................................................................................ iii Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... xii List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... xiv 1. Summary ............................................................................................................................... 15 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 15 Property Description ...................................................................................................... 15 History ............................................................................................................................ 16 Project Status .................................................................................................................. 16 Mineral Reserve Estimate .............................................................................................. 16 Cash Flow and Economic Analysis ................................................................................ 18 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 19 2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 20 Terms of Reference and Purpose of this Report ............................................................ 20 Qualification of the Authors ........................................................................................... 20 Sources of Information ................................................................................................... 20 Units of Measure ............................................................................................................ 20 Coordinate Datum .......................................................................................................... 21 3. Property Description and Location ....................................................................................... 22 Property Description ...................................................................................................... 22 Property Location ........................................................................................................... 22 Status of Mineral Titles .................................................................................................. 24 Royalties ......................................................................................................................... 28 Environmental Liabilities ............................................................................................... 28 Permits............................................................................................................................ 28 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 4. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page v Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography ......................... 30 Access to the Balmat Mine............................................................................................. 30 Climate ........................................................................................................................... 30 Vegetation and Wildlife ................................................................................................. 30 Physiography .................................................................................................................. 30 Local Resources and Infrastructure ................................................................................ 31 5. History................................................................................................................................... 32 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 32 Production History ......................................................................................................... 32 Historical Mineral Reserve Estimates ............................................................................ 33 6. Geological Setting and Mineralization ................................................................................. 35 Regional, Local and Property Geology .......................................................................... 35 Mineralization ................................................................................................................ 43 7. Deposit Types ....................................................................................................................... 47 Sedex-type Deposits ....................................................................................................... 47 7.1.1. Sedimentary basin: carbonate platform and brine generation................................. 47 7.1.2. Sedimentary basin: rift-fill clastics and supply of metals ....................................... 48 7.1.3. Tectonic and Sedimentary Structure ....................................................................... 49 7.1.4. Deposition of Sulfides............................................................................................. 49 8. Exploration............................................................................................................................ 51 9. Drilling and Sampling Methodology .................................................................................... 53 10. Sample Preparation, Analysis and Security ....................................................................... 57 Core Sample Preparation ............................................................................................ 57 11. Data Verification ................................................................................................................ 58 Data Validation Procedures ........................................................................................ 58 Datasets Submitted for Evaluation ............................................................................. 58 12. Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing .................................................................. 61 Locked Cycle Testing ................................................................................................. 61 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page vi Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Test work Conclusions ............................................................................................... 63 13. Mineralization Model......................................................................................................... 64 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 64 Wireframe Models ...................................................................................................... 64 Assays ......................................................................................................................... 64 Compositing................................................................................................................ 65 Density ........................................................................................................................ 65 Grade Capping ............................................................................................................ 66 Variography ................................................................................................................ 66 Block Modelling ......................................................................................................... 69 Mineral Inventory Classification ................................................................................ 70 14. Mineral Reserves ............................................................................................................... 72 15. Mining Methods ................................................................................................................. 75 Shaft Access ............................................................................................................... 75 Mine Development ..................................................................................................... 76 Ventilation .................................................................................................................. 78 Mining Methods ......................................................................................................... 79 15.4.1. Long Hole Open Stope ........................................................................................ 79 15.4.2. Drift and Fill ........................................................................................................ 81 15.4.3. Room and Pillar................................................................................................... 82 Labor Requirements ................................................................................................... 83 Underground Equipment ............................................................................................ 83 Electrical Distribution................................................................................................. 84 16. Recovery Methods ............................................................................................................. 85 Crushing Circuit ......................................................................................................... 85 Fine Ore Bins .............................................................................................................. 86 Grinding Circuit .......................................................................................................... 86 Lead and Talc Flotation Circuit .................................................................................. 87 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page vii Zinc Flotation Circuit ................................................................................................. 87 Lead Dewatering Circuit ............................................................................................ 89 Zinc Dewatering Circuit ............................................................................................. 90 Ancillary Equipment................................................................................................... 91 Metallurgical Balance ................................................................................................. 94 Process Labor ............................................................................................................. 95 17. Project Infrastructure ......................................................................................................... 96 Buildings ..................................................................................................................... 96 Electrical ..................................................................................................................... 98 Tailings Disposal ........................................................................................................ 99 18. Market Studies and Contracts .......................................................................................... 100 Market Price and Supply History ............................................................................. 100 Smelter Schedule ...................................................................................................... 101 Transportation ........................................................................................................... 102 Smelting and Refining .............................................................................................. 102 19. Permitting, Reclamation and Closure .............................................................................. 104 Permitting ................................................................................................................. 104 Reclamation and Closure .......................................................................................... 105 20. Capital and Operating Cost Estimates ............................................................................. 108 Capital Costs ............................................................................................................. 108 Operating Costs ........................................................................................................ 109 21. Economic Analysis .......................................................................................................... 111 Sensitivity Analysis .................................................................................................. 111 22. Adjacent Properties .......................................................................................................... 114 23. Other Relevant Data and Information .............................................................................. 115 Mine production and Reserve Additions .................................................................. 115 24. Interpretation and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 117 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 117 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page viii Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Project Risks ............................................................................................................. 117 25. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 119 26. Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 120 27. Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 124 Appendix A: Practical Mining LLC Reserves Mine Plan Maps................................................. 127 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page ix List of Tables Table 1-1 Balmat Mine Chronology of Ownership ...................................................................... 16 Table 1-2 Balmat Mineral Reserve Estimate as of December 1, 2015 ......................................... 17 Table 1-3 Key Operating and After Tax Financial Statistics ........................................................ 18 Table 2-1 Units of Measure. ......................................................................................................... 21 Table 3-1 Summary of Fee Ownership ........................................................................................ 26 Table 5-1 Balmat Edwards District Ownership History ............................................................... 32 Table 5-2 Balmat Mine Historical Production, ............................................................................ 33 Table 5-3 Balmat Historic Mineral Reserves................................................................................ 34 Table 11-1 Data Verification Summary........................................................................................ 60 Table 12-1 Mud Pond Flotation Kinetics...................................................................................... 62 Table 12-2 Mahler Flotation Kinetics ........................................................................................... 62 Table 12-3 Reagent Dosage .......................................................................................................... 62 Table 12-4 Locked Cycle Test Results ......................................................................................... 63 Table 13-1 Assay Statistics ........................................................................................................... 65 Table 13-2 Composite Statistics ................................................................................................... 65 Table 13-3 Grade Capping Strategy ............................................................................................. 66 Table 13-4 Variogram Parameters ................................................................................................ 66 Table 13-5 Search Ellipsoid Parameters ....................................................................................... 70 Table 13-6 Reserve Classification Criteria ................................................................................... 71 Table 14-1 Mineral Reserves Cut Off Grade Calculation ............................................................ 72 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page x Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 14-2 Balmat Mineral Reserves as of December 1, 2015 .................................................... 74 Table 15-1 Mine Development Plan ............................................................................................. 78 Table 15-2 Production Plan .......................................................................................................... 82 Table 15-3 Mine Labor Requirements .......................................................................................... 83 Table 15-4 Mobile Equipment Fleet ............................................................................................. 83 Table 16-1 Balmat Crushing Circuit ............................................................................................. 86 Table 16-2 Balmat Grinding Circuit ............................................................................................. 87 Table 16-3 Balmat Zinc Flotation Circuit ..................................................................................... 88 Table 16-4 Flotation Circuit Mass Balance .................................................................................. 94 Table 16-5 Concentrator Mass Balance ........................................................................................ 94 Table 16-6 Mill Labor Requirements ........................................................................................... 95 Table 17-1 Building Summary Number 4 Mine and Concentrator .............................................. 96 Table 17-2 Building Summary Number 2 Mine ........................................................................... 98 Table 18-1 North American Zinc Smelters ................................................................................. 103 Table 19-1 Permit Status ............................................................................................................. 104 Table 19-2 Reclamation and Closure Cost Estimate .................................................................. 107 Table 20-1 Infrastructure, Holding and Startup Capital ............................................................. 108 Table 20-2 Capital Development Requirements ......................................................................... 109 Table 20-3 Unit Operating Costs ................................................................................................ 109 Table 21-1 Cash Flow Summary and Financial Indicators ......................................................... 111 Table 23-1 Significant Events in Reserve Additions and Depletions ......................................... 116 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page xi Table 24-1 Potential Project Risks .............................................................................................. 117 Table 25-1 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 119 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page xii Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. List of Figures Figure 3-1 Balmat Mine Location Map ........................................................................................ 23 Figure 3-2 SLZ Land Position ...................................................................................................... 25 Figure 6-1 USGS Bedrock Map of North America ..................................................................... 37 Figure 6-2 Balmat Stratigraphic Section....................................................................................... 40 Figure 6-3 Geologic Map of the Balmat Area , ............................................................................ 42 Figure 6-4 Section Through Balmat Mine Area ........................................................................... 43 Figure 6-5 Locations of Zinc Bodies Included in the Current Investigation ................................ 45 Figure 7-1 Illustration of the Process of Formation of Sedex Deposits ........................................ 50 Figure 8-1 Geophysical Survey Area ............................................................................................ 52 Figure 9-1 Plan View of Drilling in the Current Project Area ...................................................... 54 Figure 9-2 Representative Drill Section A-A’ .............................................................................. 55 Figure 9-3 Representative Drill Section B-B’ .............................................................................. 55 Figure 9-4 Representative Drill Section C-C’ .............................................................................. 56 Figure 13-1 Mahler Main, White Dolomite and Quartz Diopside Correlogram .......................... 67 Figure 13-2 Mud Pond Main and Upper Main Correlogram ........................................................ 68 Figure 13-3 Mud Pond Apron and Quartz Dipside Correlogram ................................................. 69 Figure 14-1 Cut Off Sensitivity to Zinc Price ............................................................................... 73 Figure 15-1 Plan View of the Balmat Mine Showing the Location of Reserves Relative to the Historic Workings ......................................................................................................................... 76 Figure 15-2 Long Section View of the Lower Mud Pond Ore Body............................................ 77 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Page xiii Figure 15-3 Long Section View of the Mahler Ore Body ............................................................ 77 Figure 15-4 Long Section View of the Newfold Ore Body .......................................................... 78 Figure 15-5 Typical Level Development Plan in the Mahler Zone .............................................. 80 Figure 15-6 Cross Section Through Maler Showing Long Hole Stope Development Drifts ....... 81 Figure 15-7 Secion Through Cut and Fill Stope ........................................................................... 82 Figure 16-1 Crushing and Grinding Circuit Flow Sheet ............................................................... 92 Figure 16-2 Zinc Flotation and Tailings Flow Sheet ................................................................... 93 Figure 17-1 Site Map .................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 18-1 LME Monthly Average Zinc Cash Price and 3 Month Trailing Average .............. 100 Figure 18-2 Total Global Zinc Inventories ............................................................................... 101 Figure 21-1 NPV Sensitivity....................................................................................................... 112 Figure 21-2 Profitability Index Sensitivity ................................................................................. 112 Figure 21-3 IRR Sensitivity ........................................................................................................ 113 Figure 23-1 Annual Production and Reserves 1930 - 2008 ........................................................ 116 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page xiv Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. List of Abbreviations A AA A/m2 AGP Ag ANFO ANP Au AuEq btu Ampere atomic absorption amperes per square meter Acid Generation Potential Silver ammonium nitrate fuel oil Acid Neutralization Potential Gold gold equivalent British Thermal Unit kA kCFM Kg km km2 kWh/t LOI LoM m °C CCD CIL CoG cm degrees Centigrade counter-current decantation carbon-in-leach cut-off grade centimeter m3 masl mg/L mm 2 square centimeter cubic millimeter 3 Ft2 cubic centimeter cubic feet per minute confidence code core recovery closed-side setting calculated true width degree (degrees) diameter Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Management Plan fire assay Foot Square foot mm3 MME Moz Mt MTW MW m.y. NGO NI 43-101 oz opt % PLC PLS Ft3 g g/L g-mol g/t ha HDPE HTW ICP ID2 ID3 ILS Cubic foot Gram gram per liter gram-mole grams per tonne hectares Height Density Polyethylene horizontal true width induced couple plasma inverse-distance squared inverse-distance cubed Intermediate Leach Solution PMF POO ppb ppm QAQC RC ROM RQD SEC Sec SG SPT probable maximum flood Plan of Operations parts per billion parts per million Quality Assurance/Quality Control reverse circulation drilling Run-of-Mine Rock Quality Description U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission second specific gravity Standard penetration test cm cm cfm ConfC CRec CSS CTW ° dia. EIS EMP FA Ft Practical Mining LLC m2 mm2 kiloamperes thousand cubic feet per minute Kilograms kilometer square kilometer kilowatt-hour per ton Loss On Ignition Life-of-Mine meter square meter cubic meter meters above sea level milligrams/liter millimeter square millimeter Mine & Mill Engineering million troy ounces million tonnes measured true width million watts million years non-governmental organization Canadian National Instrument 43-101 Troy Ounce Troy Ounce per short ton percent Programmable Logic Controller Pregnant Leach Solution January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Summary Page 15 1. Summary Introduction On November 2, 2015 Star Mountain Resources, Inc. ("Star Mountain") (the "Company") entered into three-way definitive agreements with Northern Zinc, LLC ("Northern Zinc") and HudBay Minerals, Inc. ("Hudbay") that will result in Star Mountain acquiring Balmat Holding Corporation ("Balmat"), including St. Lawrence Zinc Company, LLC (SLZC) and its mining operations in the Balmat mining district of St. Lawrence County, New York. This report supports Star Mountain’s initial reserve estimate since acquiring the property and has been prepared following the standards of the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s Industry Guide 7 for Issuers Engaged or To Be Engaged in Significant Mining Operations (IG7). Property Description The Balmat Mine is located approximately 1.3 miles southwest of Fowler, New York, in St. Lawrence County. SLZC owns a total of 2,699 acres of fee simple surface and mineral rights in three towns in St. Lawrence County. The majority of the property consists of the 1,754 acres in the town of Fowler where the Balmat Mine, mill and tailings disposal facility are located. Nine parcels totaling 703 acres are owned in the town of Edwards which includes the Edwards mine. The balance of the fee ownership covers the Pierrepont mine which is located on four owned parcels totaling 242 acres. Mineral rights owned by SLZC total 51,428 acres in St Lawrence and Franklin Counties. An additional 2,274 acres of mineral rights are leased and optioned in portions of the Balmat, Hyatt and Pierrepont mine areas as well as two prospective exploration areas. Additionally, approximately 2,500 acres of mineral rights are controlled under a reciprocal lease agreement with Gouverneur Talc Company.1 1 OntZinc Corporation, “Annual Information Form For the year ended December 31, 2003, September 29, 2004. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 16 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. History The Balmat-Edwards District consists of four mines. Edwards produced from 1915 to 1980, Balmat from 1930 to 2008, Pierrepont from 1982 to 2001 and Hyatt from 1974 to 1998 on an intermittent basis.2 The Balmat Mine operated continuously from 1930 – 2001 when production ceased due to depressed zinc metal prices. Production resumed in 2006 until the mine was placed on care and maintenance in the fall of 2008. The Balmat mine has produced a total of 30.7 M tons grading 8.6% zinc. A history of Balmat ownership is in listed Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Balmat Mine Chronology of Ownership3 Date Company 1930 - 1987 1987 - 2001 St. Joe Minerals Zinc Corporation of America Sep. 2003 – Oct 2015 OntZinc (renamed HudBay Minerals in December 2004) Oct. 2015 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Project Status HudBay Minerals placed the Balmat Mine on care and maintenance in the third quarter of 2008 in response to depressed metal prices. Since that time all infrastructure maintenance tasks required have been performed. The mine remains pumped out and is readily accessible and the mill is in good condition. Mineral Reserve Estimate Excavation designs for stopes, stope development drifting, and access development were created using Vulcan Software. Design constraints included a 10-foot minimum mining width for long-hole stopes with development drifts spaced at 50-foot vertical intervals. Stope development drift dimensions maintained a constant height of 15-feet and a minimum width of 15-feet. Room and pillar minimum dimensions are 15-feet high by 15-feet wide. Bleiwas, Doanald I. and DiFrancesco, Carl, “Historical Zinc Smelting in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington D.C., with Estimates of Atmospheric Zinc Emissions and Other Materials”, Open File Report 2010-1131, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 2010, page 99. 3 OntZinc Corporation, “Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2003, September 29, 2004. 2 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Summary Page 17 Balmat Mineral Reserves are presented in Table 1-2 and are categorized by Proven and Probable Reserves. In addition to Production Mining Reserves, Development Mining required to access the Production Reserves has been included. Development mining includes Proven and Probable Reserves which have grades less than the “all in” cutoff grade of 6.1% zinc (required for Production Reserves) but have zinc grades greater than the incremental cutoff grade of 2.3% zinc. Development reserves are sourced from excavations that must be mined in order to extract higher grade reserves and processing this material results in increased cash flow. Production reserves include all excavations not classified as development reserves. Table 1-2 Balmat Mineral Reserve Estimate as of December 1, 2015 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold Subtotal Production Mining 20 7 53 16 55 151 8.1% 12.4% 6.8% 10.6% 10.8% 9.1% 1.6 0.9 3.7 1.7 6.0 13.8 Probable Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) Production Mining 169 9.5% 16.1 6 10.9% 0.6 89 11.4% 10.2 98 10.5% 10.3 363 10.2% 37.2 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold Subtotal Development Mining 0.2 0.4 0.6 4.3% 4.0% 4.1% 0.01 0.02 0.0 Development Mining 40 4.2% 1.7 26 3.7% 1.0 6 3.5% 0.2 71 4.0% 2.8 Source and Zone Proven Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) Proven + Probable Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) 189 13 53 105 154 514 9.3% 11.7% 6.8% 11.3% 10.6% 9.9% 17.7 1.5 3.7 11.9 16.3 50.9 40 0.2 26 6 71 4.2% 4.3% 3.7% 3.5% 4.0% 1.7 -0.01 1.0 0.2 2.8 8.3% 11.7% 6.8% 9.8% 10.3% 19.5 1.5 3.7 12.8 16.5 9.2% 53.8 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold 26 7 54 16 56 6.5% 12.4% 6.8% 10.6% 10.8% Production and Development Mining 1.7 209 8.5% 17.7 235 0.9 6 10.9% 0.6 13 3.7 54 1.7 115 9.7% 11.1 131 6.0 10 10.1% 10.5 160 Total Production and Development Mining 152 9.0% 13.8 Notes: 1. 2. 434 9.2% 40.0 585 Mineral Reserves have been estimated at a zinc price of $0.92/pound. Metallurgical recovery for zinc is 96%. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 18 3. 4. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mine losses of 5% and unplanned mining dilution of 10% have been applied to the designed mine excavations. Zinc grades and contained zinc metal are run-of-mine estimates before applying metallurgical recoveries. Cash Flow and Economic Analysis The reserves mine plan was evaluated using constant dollar cash flow analysis, and the results are summarized in Table 1-3. The schedule assumes a project start date of mid 2016 followed by one year of pre-production activities and then 1-1/2 years of production for a total project duration of 2-1/2 years. Discounted payout occurs in the last year of production. The low capital requirement results in a 25% IRR, 5% discounted cash flow of $3.2M and a profitability index of 1.2. Table 1-3 Key Operating and After Tax Financial Statistics Ore Mined for Processing Zinc Grade Contained Zinc Capital Development Mill Recovery Zinc Recovered in Concentrate Zinc Price Smelter Deduction Smelter Treatment Charges Transportation Charges Penalty Charges Revenue Operating Costs (Includes 15% Contingency Smelter Charges Royalty 0.3% EBITA Capital Income Tax Net Income Discounted Cash Flow @ 5% Payback Period Profitability Index Internal Rate of Return Notes: 1. 585 9.2% 53.8 9,067 96% 51.7 $0.92 15% $187.51 $21.51 $20.00 $80,788 ($39,533) ($21,313) ($178) $19,764 ($14,745) ($590) $4,427 $3,165 2.5 1.2 25% Kt kt feet kt /pound /ton concentrate /ton concentrate /ton concentrate (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) years Profitability index (PI) is the ratio of payoff to investment of a proposed project. It is useful for ranking projects as a measure of the amount of value created per unit of investment. A PI of 1 indicates break even. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Summary Page 19 Conclusions 1. The Balmat Mine and mill is in good condition and can be placed into production with minimal expense and time. 2. The mill is capable of producing high grade zinc concentrate suitable for sale to smelters worldwide. 3. The mine is well situated being close to tide water and well connected by road and rail service. 4. The mine is a low cost fully mechanized operation. 5. Mine equipment fleet has been carefully stored and is capable of exceeding the planned production rate. 6. Upgrades to the mine ventilation system and modifications to the diesel equipment fleet will be required to meet more stringent Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) regulation adopted since the mine was placed on care and maintenance. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 20 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. 2. Introduction Terms of Reference and Purpose of this Report This Report was prepared in accordance with the standards for disclosure of Industry Guide 7 of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in support the disclosure by Star Mountain Resources Inc. of its mineral reserve estimate at the Balmat Mine dated January 30, 2016. This Technical Report documents the status of the Balmat Mine and related infrastructure and includes an estimate of mineral reserves based on drilling and sampling completed by the St. Lawrence Zinc Company. Qualification of the Authors This report presents summaries based on a technical evaluation by three professionals. The professionals are specialists in the fields of geology, exploration and mining data management, mineral reserve estimation, and mine engineering. None of the authors has any beneficial interest in Star Mountain or any of its subsidiaries or in the assets of Star Mountain or any of its subsidiaries. The professionals will be paid a fee for this work in accordance with normal professional consulting practice. Sources of Information The sources of information used for the preparation of this report include data and reports supplied by Star Mountain staff. In addition, some information was included in the report which was based on discussions with Star Mountain staff as related to their field of expertise. Units of Measure The units of measure used in this report are shown in Table 2-1 below. United States (US) Imperial units of measure are used throughout this document unless otherwise noted. The glossary of geological and mining related terms is also provided in Section 27 of this report. Currency is expressed in United States dollars ($) unless stated otherwise. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Introduction Page 21 Table 2-1 Units of Measure. US Imperial to Metric conversions Linear Measure 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 yard = 0.9144 m 1 mile = 1.6 km Area Measure 1 acre = 0.4047 ha 1 square mile = 640 acres = 259 ha Weight 1 short ton (st) = 2,000 lbs = 0.9071 metric tons (t) 1 lb = 0.454 kg = 14.5833 troy oz Assay Values 1 oz per short ton = 34.2857 g/t 1 troy oz = 31.1036 g 1 part per billion = 0.0000292 oz/ton 1 part per million = 0.0292 oz/ton = 1g/t Coordinate Datum Historic Balmat Mine data was recorded in a local mine grid. Surface and mineral rights have been converted to NAD83 UTM Zone 18N US survey feet. Mine geology and engineering have not yet converted and this data remains in the local mine grid. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 22 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. 3. Property Description and Location Property Description The Balmat mine is in the historic Balmat-Edwards zinc district in St. Lawrence County, New York. The Balmat-Edwards Zinc District has been active since the early 1900’s. Zinc is mined from underground, and the historical workings are quite extensive. Surface facilities are situated on property owned by SLZC in the town of Fowler. The company owns about 2,699 acres of fee simple land in various locations within the Balmat-Edwards district, and holds mineral rights to approximately 56,000 acres. The mineralization style is sediment-hosted lead-zinc. The BalmatEdward district mineralization is characterized by unique and favorable properties, including unusually high zinc grades and low lead content. The Project is located towards the western end of the district, which lies along the hinge line of the southwest northeast trending Sylvia Lake Syncline. Property Location The Balmat Mine is located in St. Lawrence County in north-central New York. The mine and mill complex is seven miles southeast of Gouverneur, New York at 44° 14’ 51” North latitude, 75° 23’ 50” West longitude. The 2,699 acres of surface rights owned by SLZC are divided among the Fowler, Edwards and Pierrepont townships, containing, respectively 1,754, 703 and 242 acres. The 51,428-acres of mineral rights are located in St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties and are comprised of multiple individual parcels in selected areas in and around the mines. The acquisition also includes transference of 4,774-acres of leased and optioned mineral rights in portions of the Balmat, Hyatt and Pierrepont mine areas as well as in two areas of interest for exploration purposes. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Property Description and Location Page 23 Figure 3-1 Balmat Mine Location Map Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 24 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Status of Mineral Titles Leases have an initial 20-year term, renewable for an additional 20 years and are subject to a 4% net smelter return royalty. One primary lease holding and five smaller leases are included in the Balmat mine land package that covers 20% of the mineral rights of a major area of the Mahler ore body. Four leases are held in the area around the Hyatt mine and 10 leases are held in the Pierrepont mine area, covering 615 and 985 acres respectively. Leases comprising 300 acres are also held in the Emeryville and Talcville exploration areas. Optioned mineral rights have a renewable 5-year initial term. Option payments amount to $4/acre per annum. Land surface rights for the purpose of construction of buildings and for other purposes are purchased from landowners, and SLZC owns the surface rights to lands where the surface facilities of the Balmat mine, concentrator and tailings impoundment are located. In New York State, mineral rights were part of the surface right title granted to the original owner and are deeded in real property transactions. Mineral rights may be reserved during property transactions or they may be transferred (severed) at the time of a real property transfer. Such reservations often date back to the early 1800’s. Mineral rights may or may not be subject to property taxes depending on the town taxing authority. The interest in mineral rights for a particular parcel is commonly divided. For example, in the Town of Fowler, it is common to have one party own 4/5 (80%) of the mineral rights, and have a second party own the remaining 1/5 (20%) interest.4 Mineral rights may be acquired from the owner by lease, or option or purchase. Leases may be renewable and also may be subject to the payment of royalties to the land owner. Average royalties for Balmat mineral reserves are estimated to average 0.3% over the life of the reserves. 4 HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2008, March 30, 2009. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Property Description and Location Page 25 Figure 3-2 SLZ Land Position Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 26 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 3-1 Summary of Fee Ownership 5 APN 119.001-1-8 119.001-1-10 119.001-1-11 119.001-1-12 119.001-1-18./1 174.004-3-2 174.004-4-2 174.004-4-1 175.003-3-1.1 175.003-3-19.1 175.002-1-5.1 175.002-1-33 175.002-1-34.1 175.002-1-32.1 175.002-1-34./1 1.044-18 175.002-1-25./1 175.001-1-4./1 175.002-1-5./1 175.003-1-1./2 175.003-1-1./4 175.003-3-1.1/1 175.003-3-1.1/4 175.003-3-10./1 175.003-3-13./2 175.004-1-3./1 175.004-1-6./1 175.004-1-7./1 175.004-1-11./1 175.004-1-14./2 187.002-2-1./1 187.002-2-1./2 188.001-1-15./2 188.001-1-15./3 188.001-1-17./1 188.001-1-27./1 5 Town Pierrepont Pierrepont Pierrepont Pierrepont Pierrepont Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Surface (acres) Mineral (acres) Structure Class 2014 Taxes 322 330 720 720 720 314 720 314 720 720 323 323 330 330 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 $816.57 $1,036.82 $3.39 $703.90 $84.71 $64.01 $265.19 $115.82 $822.96 $158.49 $3,553.96 $1,648.97 $829.04 $277.37 $216.41 $213.36 $201.17 $216.41 $798.56 $201.17 $201.17 $630.94 $1,767.83 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $323.08 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 $201.17 80.40 102.10 0.52 59.30 1.4 0.85 10.37 1.35 71.60 3.40 370.20 161.70 72.20 11.70 74.0 100.0 92.2 165.0 1044.0 72.0 18.8 70.0 Electrical? 115.0 53.1 58.0 20.0 63.8 97.4 62.0 30.0 80.9 25.0 169.1 65.6 73.8 St. Lawerence County Government, https://www.co.st-lawrence.ny.us/Departments/RealProperty/.. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Property Description and Location APN 188.002-1-2./1 174.004-1-18 187.001-1-5 187.001-1-21.2 186.004-1-44 186.004-1-33.11 186.004-1-31 187.003-1-2 187.003-1-1 187.069-1-38 187.003-1-4.11 187.003-1-4.121 187.003-2-1.1 199.001-2-52 186.002-1-14.11/3 186.002-1-14.11/4 187.003-1-3./1 187.003-1-4.11/2 187.003-1-4.11/3 187.003-1-4.11/5 187.003-1-4.11/7 187.003-1-4.11/9 187.003-1-4.11/10 187.003-1-4.11/11 187.003-1-4.11/12 187.003-1-4.11/13 187.003-1-4.11/14 187.003-1-4.11/15 187.003-1-4.11/17 187.003-1-4.11/18 187.003-1-4.11/20 187.003-1-4.11/21 199.001-2-43.1/2 Owned Fee Parcels Town Edwards Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Practical Mining LLC Surface (acres) 89.30 2.50 44.49 705.30 86.50 61.60 82.30 1.60 0.70 63.80 124.70 45.20 445.00 Mineral (acres) Structure 36.0 89.3 146.6 144.0 0.01 shaft 4 0.01 shop electric bldgs werehse paint, oil timber stor srv hoist lg hoist hoist house railroad #4 mill storage bldgs storage pipe shop 2 2698.68 2966.9 Page 27 Class 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 322 314 720 720 720 311 w 323 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 2014 Taxes $201.17 $679.92 $194.73 $403.10 $2,266.39 $2,298.79 $2,096.43 $389.46 $7,822.09 $2,932.26 $3,049.43 $681.58 $389.46 $2,266.39 $19.46 $19.46 $194.73 $93,829.03 $19,547.72 $7,819.09 $39,095.43 $73,812.17 $117,286.28 $4,378.68 $4,691.45 $39,095.43 $54,733.62 $46,445.36 $11,728.62 $82,768.05 $15,638.19 $19,547.72 $537.48 $674,424.51 January 30, 2016 Page 28 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Royalties Royalties vary from 0% to 4% of net smelter return (NSR) among the Balmat mineral holdings. Hudbay estimated an average royalty rate on future production of 0.3%.6 Environmental Liabilities The risk of long-term environmental liability at Balmat due to water discharge is reduced by the alkaline, acid-consuming nature of the host rock surrounding mineralization and tailings. Minor, historic incursions above compliance levels have been corrected and mitigated by additions of sodium sulfate to sources upstream from the water holding ponds. Water quality sampling data from the Balmat No. 3 mine indicates that as the mine floods oxygen deficiency in the mine water will reduce its ability to react with host rock mineralization and discharge should not require further treatment.7 Reclamation has been completed to the satisfaction of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for the Edwards mine site and mine tailings, some minor routine monitoring may be required. The NYSDEC has reviewed the reclamation at the Hyatt mine tailings and mine sites and the Pierrepont mine site and has released the reclamation bonds posted for these areas. No further work is required. The Balmat No. 2 tailings facility reclamation has been completed. The Balmat No. 2 mine site has been partially reclaimed. The Balmat No. 2 shaft serves as secondary access to the underground operations at the Balmat No. 4 mine and will be included in the final reclamation of the Balmat No. 4 mine and concentrator complex. The Balmat No. 4 mine and mine tailings reclamation is assured with a $1.8 million certificate of deposit. The closure and reclamation plan in place will require the removal of mining specific infrastructure and conversion of the mine site itself to a moderate to heavy industry zoned site. Permits According to the HMB AIF 2008, the extraction of minerals in New York State is governed by the New York State Mined Land Reclamation Law and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder. A Mined Land Reclamation Permit must be obtained from the Division of Mineral 6 7 Carter, Rob, “Balmat Mine Re-Opening Plan”, May 2010, HudBay Minerals internal company report. Personal communication with Mr. Ryan Schermerhorn, Site Manager SLZC, December 3, 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Property Description and Location Page 29 Resources of the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in order to extract minerals from lands within the state. Such permits are issued for annual terms of up to five years and may be renewed upon application. Permit holders must submit annually to the DEC a fee based upon the total acreage covered by the permit, up to a maximum of $8,000 per year.8 To the extent known, all permits required to operate the Balmat mine are active and in place. Additionally, there are not any other significant factors or risks that may affect access, title or the right or ability to perform work on the Balmat properties. 8 HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2008, March 17, 2009. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 30 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. 4. Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography Access to the Balmat Mine The property is reached by traveling southeast from Gouverneur, NY for 7.9 miles along NY-812 S, through the town of Fowler, to the mine offices on Sylvia Lake Road. The site lies 38 miles south of Ogdensburg, NY via NY-812 S. The nearest population center is Gouverneur with an estimated population of 6,000. The outlying rural areas have a population of approximately 35,000. All modern services, including hospital, hotel, and freight railway are present at Gouverneur. Syracuse, NY lies 100 miles to the southwest. Ottawa, Ontario lies 90 miles to the north. Climate The area has typical mid-continental climate with moderate summers and cold winters, moderated by the nearby Great Lakes. Average annual temperatures are 53° to 38°F. Summer highs may reach 85°F. Winter lows may reach -20°F. Annual average frost free days are 115. Annual average precipitation is approximately 40-inches, 70% occurs as snow. The mine and process facility operate year-round. Weather does not frequently or significantly affect operations. Vegetation and Wildlife The Balmat area is classified as hardiness zone 3b by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Tree species include hardwoods like sugar maple, black cherry, paper birch and American Beech. Common softwoods include white pine, red pine, scotch pine, and eastern hemlock. Ground cover consist primarily of saplings, various grasses and forbs. Animal species include whitetail deer, eastern gray squirrels and many varieties of songbirds, fish and waterfowl. Physiography Balmat is situated on the northwest flank of the Adirondack Mountains. The Balmat mine site lies within heavily forested bedrock ridges and interspersed low-lying marsh areas. Elevation at the mine site is 710-feet MSL. Relief throughout the area ranges from 384 to 1,106 feet MSL. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography Page 31 Various classes of streams drain to St Lawrence River. The area contains numerous ponds and lakes. Soils vary from loamy sand soil to exposed bedrock Local Resources and Infrastructure The Balmat mine is a well-established facility with extensive underground workings and proven processing facility. Significant upgrades were performed during the most recent operating phase. Electrical power is supplied by the New York Power Authority (NYPA). NYPA has allocated 4 MW of power from the statutorily authorized Preservation Power Program to SLZC. State law allocates power to Northern New York businesses in St. Lawrence, Jefferson and Franklin Counties at rates approximately 40% less than the wholesale market.9 The majority of the workforce will be recruited and trained from the local population. Many of the previous employees of the Balmat Mine are still in the area. Local suppliers will provide most of the mine consumable needs. Kelly, Brian, “NYPA power allocation could help create $33m investment, create 100 jobs at Gouverneur zinc mine”, Watertown Daily Times, December 18, 2014. 9 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 32 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. 5. History Introduction Since 1915, six zinc mines have operated in the Balmat-Edwards district. Zinc was first produced from the Edwards Mine in 1915 and from the Balmat No. 2 Mine in 1930. The other mines in the district are the Balmat No. 3, Balmat No. 4, Hyatt, and Pierrepont. Table 5-1 Balmat Edwards District Ownership History Date Company Activity 1915 - 1987 St. Joe Minerals & Predecessors 1987 - 2001 Zinc Corporation of America Sep. 2003 – Oct 2015 OntZinc (renamed HudBay Minerals in December 2004) Star Mountain Resources Inc. Production from Edwards Mine in 1915 and Balmat in 1930 Purchased from St. Joe and operated through 2001 Purchased ZCA and operated Balmat from 2005 to 2008 Purchased St. Lawrence Zinc from HudBay Nov. 2015 The existing Balmat mill was constructed in 1971 by St. Joe Minerals and has a nameplate capacity of 5,000 tpd. The mill has processed ore from the Hyatt, Pierrepont and Balmat Mines. The Balmat No. 4 shaft is adjacent to the mill and accessed zinc mineralization from the 1300, 1700, 2100, 2500 and 3100 levels. All remaining reserves will be hoisted from the 3100 level. Production History The Balmat area has had a long history of active mining. Mines were operated in the district by St. Joe Minerals and its predecessors from 1930 to 1987. Zinc Corporation of America purchased the mines in 1987 and operated them until 2001, shutting down the Balmat operations when high grade feed from the Pierrepont mine was exhausted. OntZinc, renamed HudBay Minerals Inc. in December 2004, purchased the idle Balmat assets in September 2003. The Balmat #4 mine reopened in 2006 and operated into 2008. The mine was placed on care and maintenance in August 2008. The Balmat #2, #3 and #4 mines, collectively known as the Balmat mine has produced 33.8 million tons of 8.6% Zn since operations began in 1930. The greater Balmat-Edwards-Pierrepont district has produced in excess of 43 million tons of 9.4% Zinc during the 76 years of operation by St. Joe Minerals and its predecessor companies. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. History Page 33 HudBay re-opened the Balmat #4 mine based on an October 2005 feasibility study. The mine was closed in 2008 in response to declining prices and grade control difficulties. Table 5-2 shows recent production for the Balmat and Pierrepont Mines. From 2006 – 2008 Balmat mined 855,000 tons of mineralization grading 7% zinc from the Davis, Mud Pond, Mahler, Fowler, Upper Fowler and Newfold zones. During this time HudBay invested $45M in capital improvements and mine development. Table 5-2 Balmat Mine Historical Production10, 11 Year 1998 1999 2000 2006 Ownership ZCA ZCA ZCA HudBay 2007 2008 Total HudBay HudBay Balmat No. 4 Mine kt Zn% 579 6.7% 627 6.5% 581 6.1% 178 6.1% 367 310 2,642 7.0% 8.0% 6.7% Pierrepont Mine kt Zn% 166 12.8% 106 13.5% 134 12.1% 406 12.8% Concentrate Produced kt Zn% 102 55.5% 93 55.4% 88 55.0% No Commercial Production 38.6 57.2% 37.3 57.3% 359 56.1% Historical Mineral Reserve Estimates Hudbays’s historic mineral reserves are presented in Table 5-3. Star Mountain is not treating these historic estimates as a current mineral reserves. The authors are unaware of methods, parameters or assumptions used to generate these historic estimates and cannot comment to their accuracy. 10 HudBay Minerals Inc., Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Reopening Feasibility Study, Internal Company Report, October 2005. 11 Carter, Rob, P. Eng, “Balmat Re-Opening Plan”, HudBay Minerals, May 2010 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 34 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 5-3 Balmat Historic Mineral Reserves Year 2005 12 2006 13 2007 14 2008 15 Proven Mass (000’s Zn Grade metric tonnes) 686 10.6% 912 10.1% 1,000 9.5% 0 0 Probable Mass (000’s Zn Grade metric tonnes) 1,023 11.4% 1,163 11.4% 890 10.8% 0 0 Proven and Probable Mass (000’s Zn Grade metric tonnes) 1,709 11.0% 2,075 10.8% 1,891 10.2% 0 0 12 HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2005, March 21, 2006. HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2006, March 29, 2007. 14 HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2007, March 17, 2008. 15 HudBay Minerals Inc, Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2008, March 17, 2009. 13 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 35 6. Geological Setting and Mineralization Regional, Local and Property Geology The Balmat mine is located in a region with a very long and complex geological history. The host rocks were deposited during the mid-Proterozoic era between roughly 1300 to 1000 Ma (megaannum, millions of years before present), near the edge of the North American craton. Due to their position near the margin of this tectonic domain, they were subject to tectonic forces that, over billions of years, assembled and broke up two supercontinents- Rodinia in the late Proterozoic, and Pangaea in the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic. Zinc deposition is interpreted to have occurred contemporaneously with deposition of the rock units, which indicates that the originally tabular zinc bodies were intensely deformed and metamorphosed along with their host rocks through eons of varying tectonic forces. The Balmat mine is located near the eastern edge of the Canadian Shield, a vast expanse of very old exposed bedrock which can be described as the core of the North American continent. The Canadian Shield was assembled in an ancient zone of prolonged tectonic convergence. During the Archean and Proterozoic eons, tectonic forces were focused toward the region that is now the Canadian Shield. As tectonic plates moved toward this zone they collided with each other, resulting in compressive forces that caused extensive uplift of continental crust high above sea level. The forces were active for a very long time, and material from advancing plates was gradually added to the crustal core. The added material is known as accreted terranes. The Canadian Shield was built as terranes agglomerated over time.16 In Figure 6-1, the Canadian Shield can be seen as the red and orange band encircling Hudson Bay. One of the final, major series of tectonic events that occurred before tectonic forces shifted away from the Canadian Shield is known collectively as the Grenville Orogeny. The Grenville Orogeny includes a series of exceptionally intense accretionary events which occurred during the Mesoproterozoic era, as assembly of the supercontinent Rodinia neared completion. The scale of the orogeny is analogous to the present day Himalaya.17 The series of terranes that were accreted 16 Marshak, Stephen, Essentials of Geology (Third Edition), 2009. Tollo, Richard P.; Louise Corriveau; James McLelland; Mervin J. Bartholomew (2004). "Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America: An introduction". In Tollo, Richard P.; Corriveau, Louise; McLelland, James; et al. Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America. Geological Society of America Memoir 197. Boulder, CO. pp. 1–18. 17 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 36 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. during the Grenville orogeny are collectively known as the Grenville Province. The Adirondack Mountains, which contain the Balmat mineralization, are part of the Grenville Province. In Figure 6-1 the Grenville Province, shown in light orange, is circled. Following the Grenville events, tectonic forces shifted away from the Canadian Shield and rifting commenced. Mountain ranges underwent collapse.18 Erosion outpaced uplift. Over billions of years of passive tectonism, the Canadian Shield was eroded to low relief. The area outboard from the Grenville province, including the area that is now the Adirondacks, subsided below sea level and eventually accumulated a cover of Paleozoic sediment. Paleozoic sedimentary deposition began with the late Cambrian to early Ordovician Potsdam Sandstone, followed by a limestonedolostone sequence.19 Potsdam sandstone can be identified in the project area. Magmatism accompanied both orogenesis and rifting, and as a result the Grenville Province contains many igneous intrusions of various ages, which have been metamorphosed at varying intensities. These are not involved in mineral deposition at Balmat. Following the late Precambrian to early Cambrian era of passive tectonism and the late Cambrian to early Ordovician period of deposition, a new series of tectonic events began that would build the Appalachian Mountains. These events are called the Taconic, Acadian and Alleghenian orogenies. During the middle Ordovician Taconic and the mid to late Devonian Acadian orogenies, the area that would become the Adirondacks was buried, followed by uplift and exhumation during the late Pennsylvanian to Permian Alleghenian orogeny.20 By the end of the Alleghenian orogeny, the Appalachains had reached heights comparable to the current Rocky Mountains.21 The Adirondacks had not yet been uplifted. 18 Tollo, Richard P.; Louise Corriveau; James McLelland; Mervin J. Bartholomew (2004). "Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America: An introduction". In Tollo, Richard P.; Corriveau, Louise; McLelland, James; et al. Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America. Geological Society of America Memoir 197. Boulder, CO. pp. 1–18. 19 Derby, James; Fritz, Richard; Longacre, Susan; Morgan, William; Sternbach, Charles (2013-01-20). The Great American Carbonate Bank: The Geology and Economic Resources of the Cambrian-Ordovician Sauk Megasequence of Laurentia, AAPG Memoir 98. 20 Share, Jack. (2012, December 8). The Adirondack Mountains of New York State: Part II- What do we know about their geological evolution? Retrieved from http://written-in-stone-seen-through-my-lens.blogspot.com/2012/12/theadirondack-mountains-of-new-york.html. 21 Hatcher, R. D. Jr., W. A. Thomas & G. W. Viele, eds. The Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States. Boulder: Geological Society of America, 1989. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 37 Uplift of the Adirondack Dome is generally attributed to the passage of the North American plate over the Great Meteor Hotspot in the early Cretaceous. The theory lacks consensus because the Adirondack dome lies somewhat south of the apparent track of the Great Meteor Hotspot, and because of a lack of direct evidence such as volcanic rock deposition attributable to hotspot volcanism. Taylor and Fitzgerald suggest the Adirondacks were formed through dissection of a plateau. In Figure 6-1, an arrow points to the Adirondack Mountains.22 Figure 6-1 USGS Bedrock Map of North America 23 22 Taylor, Joshua P. and Fitzgerald, Paul G., 2011, Low-temperature thermal history and landscape development of the eastern Adirondack Mountains, New York: Constraints from apatite fission-track thermochronology and apatite (U-Th)/He dating, GSA Bulletin, March/April 2011; v. 123; no. ¾; p. 412-426. 23 Barton, Kate E., Howell, David G., Vigil, Jose F., Reed, John C., and Wheeler, John O., 2003.USGS Geologic Investigations Series I-2781, Version 1.0. The North America Tapestry of Time and Terrain. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 38 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. In Figure 6-1, the Canadian Shield can be seen as the red and orange band encircling Hudson Bay, the Grenville Province is the light orange area inside the ellipse, and the arrow points to the Adirondack Mountains. The Adirondacks are considered an outlier of the Grenville Province since they are nearly surrounded by Proterozoic sediments. The Adirondack Dome may have been forced upwards through the Proterozoic sediments by the Great Meteor Hotspot. A narrow strip of Mesoproterozoic bedrock called the Frontenac Axis connects a section of the northwestern flank of the Adirondacks to the rest of the Grenville Province. The Adirondacks are lithologically and topographically divided into two main zones, the Highlands and Lowlands. The Lowlands comprise the relatively small northwestern portion of the Adirondacks, and the Highlands make up the main body of the Adirondack dome. The Highlands and Lowlands are divided by the Carthage-Colton shear zone.24 The Lowlands have been metamorphosed to amphibolite grade, the Highlands to higher granulite grade.25 Balmat is located in the Adirondack Lowlands. The rocks of the Adirondack Lowlands are part of the Grenville Supergroup. The Grenville Supergroup is a group of metamorphosed sedimentary terranes that compose a section of the Grenville Province known as the “Central Metasedimentary Belt”.26 The rocks of the Adirondack Lowlands were deposited in the Trans-Adirondack back-arc basin prior to final accretion of the Grenville Province.27. The Adirondack Lowlands have been divided into three stratigraphic formations: the Upper Marble Formation, the Popple Hill Gneiss, and the Lower Marble Formation. The zinc mineralization at Balmat is contained in the Upper Marble Formation. The Upper Marble Formation is a sequence of shallow water carbonates consisting of multiple series of dolomitized marbles and quartz diopsides with occasional schists and periodic occurrences of anhydrite. It is divided into 16 units. Geologists working in the Balmat-Edwards 24 Mezger, K., van der Pluijm, B. A., Essene, E. J., Halliday, A.N., 1992. The Carthage-Colton mylonite zone (Adirondack Mountains, New York); the site of a cryptic suture in the Grenville Orogen? Journal of Geology 100, 630-638. 25 McLelland, James M., Selleck, Bruce W., and Bickford, M.E., 2010, Review of the Proterozoic evolution of the Grenville Province, its Adirondack outlier, and the Mesoproterozoic inliers of the Appalachians, in Tollo, R.P., Bartholomew, M.J., Hibbard, J.P., and Karabinos, P.M., eds., From Rodinia to Pangea: The Lithotectonic Record of the Appalachian Region: Geological Society of America Memoir 206, p. 1-29, doi: 10.1130/2010.1206(02). 26 Davidson, A., An Overview of Grenville Province Geology, Canadian Shield, in Lucas, S.B. and St-Onge, M.R., 1998, Geology of the Precambrian Superior and Grenville Provinces and Precambrian Fossils in North America, Geology of Canada, no. 7, p. 205-270. 27 Chiarenzelli, Jeff, Kratzmann, David, Selleck,Bruce, deLorraine, William, 2015. Age and provenance of Grenville supergroup rocks, Trans-Adirondack Basin, constrained by detrital zircons Geology, February 2015, v. 43, p. 183186. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 39 zinc district have recognized distinct marker horizons within the marble which allow them to identify favorable locations for zinc mineralization. The marker horizons include a pyritic schist, a dark gray dolomitic marble, a tremolite schist and the periodic anhydrite beds. The anhydrites are of particular importance because zinc deposition appears to have followed anhydrite deposition. Units 6, 11 and 14 contain massive stratiform sphalerite bodies occurring soon after anhydrite beds in the lithologic sequence. Units 6-10 locally host semi-massive crosscutting sphalerite bodies where structures intersect sphalerite deposits contained in unit 6, 11 or 14. Figure 6-2 shows the Balmat stratigraphic section. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 40 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 6-2 Balmat Stratigraphic Section Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 41 As a result of the intense tectonism in the Balmat region’s geologic history, the Upper Marble is extensively deformed. The predominant structure is the Sylvia Lake Syncline, a major southwest to northeast trending fold lying between Balmat and Edwards. Aerial exposure of the Upper Marble formation is limited, and the exposure generally trends along the axis of the syncline. Sphalerite (zinc sulfide) tends to occur within axial regions and limbs of local scale folds and faults associated with the Sylvia Lake Syncline. In Figure 6-3, the mapped surface expression of the Upper Marble Formation (hashed area) is shown superimposed on a geologic map of the Adirondack Lowlands. The locations of the zinc mines mark the axial trace of the Sylvia Lake Syncline. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 42 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 6-3 Geologic Map of the Balmat Area 28,29 The zinc deposits at Balmat are thought to have been syn-depositional, meaning they were deposited in sequence with the marbles that host them. Their original geometries would have been tabular as a result of being deposited on relatively flat areas of a sedimentary basin. Their current morphologies and positions are a response to ductile-brittle kinematic stresses. Extreme contrasts in ductility exist in the Upper Marble Formation, ranging from very ductile anhydrite and sulfide (sphalerite) beds to moderately ductile dolomitic, calcitic and serpentinous marbles to brittle Rivard, David, Stephens, Mathiew, “Balmat Reserves and Exploration Potential”, Beaufield Resources Internal Company Report, February 3, 2013. 29 Catalano, Joseph, Hollocher, Kurt, “Geology of the Adirondack Lowlands”, Colgate University, http://www.colgate.edu/facultysearch/FacultyDirectory/wpeck/adirondacklowlands. 28 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 43 siliceous interlayered quartzite and diopside. Anhydrite and sufide beds are relatively thin, and sulfide beds are spatially restricted, but their tendency to occur together consolidates ductile zones. When exposed to stress, the brittle rocks fractured, and the structures evolved into thrust faults in the ductile rocks. The thrust faults served to propagate folds. The tendency of folds to form in the most ductile regions caused the sphalerite to be concentrated in the noses of folds. Balmat geologists have also suggested that sphalerite may have been remobilized towards the noses of folds during multiple episodes of metamorphism. Figure 6-4 is a cross section through the Balmat mine area which illustrates the extent of deformation of the Upper Marble Formation. Figure 6-4 Section Through Balmat Mine Area Mineralization Massive and semi-massive sphalerite bearing orebodies occur in siliceous dolomitic and evaporitebearing marbles of the Upper Marble formation of the Balmat-Edwards marble belt. These zincsulfide orebodies lie in the core of the Sylvia Lake syncline, a major poly-deformed fold lying between Balmat and Edwards. Zinc mineralization tends to follow evaporate deposition in the stratigraphic sequence. The region has experienced multiple metamorphic and intrusive events and large-scale ductile structures are common. The Balmat property contains 14 known zones of zinc mineralization. The deposits tend to occur in clusters. Three clusters have been defined consisting of three to five orebodies each. Geometry of mineralization varies, ranging from tabular to podiform, shallow to steeply dipping. Areas defined to date contain tonnages ranging from roughly 0.5 million tons to over 10 million tons. Typical thickness ranges from two feet to 12 feet thick. Mineralization tends to be very continuous Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 44 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. along strike, ranging from 50 feet to 800 feet. Plunge-lengths may exceed 6000 feet. Figure 6-5 shows the locations of zinc orebodies currently being considered for further production. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Geological Setting and Mineralization Page 45 Figure 6-5 Locations of Zinc Bodies Included in the Current Investigation Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 46 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Massive orebodies are stratiform, and semi-massive orebodies are crosscutting and stratabound. Balmat geologists conceptualize a parent-daughter relationship, where the stratiform ore body is the parent and the crosscutting ore body is the daughter. The parent-daughter model suggests that daughters are formed from sphalerite remobilized from parents in unit six during metamorphism. The sphalerite migrates along fault surfaces up and down dip from the parents, potentially as far as the Unit 10 anhydrite. It is thought that ductile flow of Unit 10 anhydrite closes fault surfaces and halts migration of remobilized sphalerite. Daughter orebodies share similar trace element geochemical signatures with their parent orebodies. They often contain significant quantities of occluded wall rock material. Balmat geologists have experienced exploration success using the parent-daughter model, defining four new orebodies in the 1990’s. The mineralization at Balmat has been classified as Sed-Ex in origin. The composition of the mineralization is unique, composed of primarily massive sphalerite and only minor galena and pyrite. The zinc-lead ratio is approximately 35:1. Balmat has higher-than-average grade for a sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposit. Typical grades of sediment hosted lead-zinc deposits may average 7.9% Pb and Zn combined.30 The average grade mined at Balmat is 8.6% Zn, while the average for the greater Balmat-Edwards zinc district is even higher at 9.4% Zn. Some Balmat geologists have theorized that intense metamorphism may have concentrated the sphalerite, perhaps fractionating zinc sulfide (sphalerite) from lead and silver sulfide (galena) and remobilizing them to different locations leading to the high zinc grades observed at Balmat. 30 Leach, D.L., Taylor, R.D., Fey, D.L., Diehl, S.F., and Saltus, R.W., 2010, A deposit model for Mississippi ValleyType lead-zinc ores, chap. A of Mineral deposit models for resource assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5070-A, 52p. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Deposit Types Page 47 7. Deposit Types The Balmat orebodies are broadly classified as Sedex in origin, forming initially in a marine sequence of carbonates and evaporates. They were deeply buried, metamorphosed to amphibolite grade and strongly deformed during the late Precambrian Grenville Orogen. Sedex-type Deposits The term sedex is derived from the words sedimentary and exhalative to denote sedimentary exhalative processes. Multiple theories have been suggested for the process of formation of sedex deposits. In a 2009 USGS open–file report, Emsbo set forth a set of criteria for the assessment of sedimentary exhalative deposits based on available work. Characteristics of sedex deposits were summarized based on empirical, physiochemical, geologic, and mass balance data. In brief summary, Emsbo’s synthesis of sedex deposit data indicates that the deposits are formed by the following processes: Sedex deposits are formed in saltwater sedimentary basins within extensional tectonic domains. Large volumes of brine must migrate through the basin to generate sedex deposits. The brines are generated by extensive and rapid seawater evaporation on large evaporative carbonate platforms. The brine is denser than sea water, so it sinks. It may infiltrate porous terrigenous basin fill sedimentary layers. As it migrates through the terrigenous sediments towards the lowest parts of the basin it leaches metals. Temperature increases as basin depth increases, so the brines heat up. When the brine encounters extensional fault surfaces it may migrate up the faults to the basin floor. Once exhaled into the basin, brines interact with the distal basin facies rocks, which are amenable to H2S generation, which precipitates the metals as zinc and lead sulfide. These processes as they relate to Balmat will be discussed below. 7.1.1. Sedimentary basin: carbonate platform and brine generation Sedex deposits are formed from brines generated by extensive and rapid seawater evaporation. Large evaporative carbonate platform areas are needed to produce the volumes of brine required to form sedex deposits. Evaporation is rapid in low latitudes and brines are concentrated best in Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 48 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. confined basins with restricted flow to the open ocean.31 These evaporative conditions are well recorded in the sedimentary record at Balmat. The periodic anhydrite beds at Balmat, as well as the dolomitization of the Upper Marble are indicative of evaporative conditions. A paleolatitude reconstruction by Cocks and Torsvik, places the Balmat area at a latitude conducive to rapid evaporation during the time of deposition.32 The rocks were deposited in the Trans-Adirondack back arc basin, an extensional environment with restricted flow to the open ocean. The carbonate platform represents the sedimentary basin’s proximal facies.33 7.1.2. Sedimentary basin: rift-fill clastics and supply of metals As brines are generated on the evaporative carbonate platform, they begin to sink due to their increased density. Sedimentary basins that host sedex deposits characteristically have a thick layer of coarse clastic syn-rift oxidized terrigenous sediments underlying the evaporites in the sedimentary sequence. When the dense brines encounter this layer, the coarse permeable terrigenous sediments provide the fluid pathway for the dense brines to migrate laterally towards the lowest regions of the basin. The oxidized terrigenous sediments also provide the metal source for brines that form sedex deposits. As the brines migrate, metals are scavenged and transported in the brine as chloride complexes. Oxidized syn-rift sediments buffer ore fluids to compositions amenable to metal scavenging because they are low in organic carbon and high in reactive iron.34 Mass balance studies indicate that large volumes (thousands of km3) of clastic sediments are required to generate enough metals to form a sedex deposit. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that sedex deposits are formed from brines with temperatures between 100-200°C. Metals are most soluble in this temperature range. Brines increase in temperature as they migrate because basin temperature increases with depth. Sedimentary fill in the basin must reach at least 3 km depth to generate the required temperatures.35 At Balmat, the clastic sequence may be represented in the Popple Hill Gneiss, which underlies the Upper Marble Formation. The Lower Marble Formation, which underlies the Popple Hill Gneiss, also includes some clastic members. The original extent 31 Emsbo, Poul, 2009, Geologic criteria for the assessment of sedimentary exhalative (sedex) Zn-Pb-Ag deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1209, 21p. 32 Cocks, L. Robin M. and and Torsvik, Trond H., 2005. Baltica from the late Precambrian to mid-Palaeozoic times: The gain and loss of a terrane’s identity: Elsevier Earth-Science Reviews 72 (2005) p 39-66. 33 Chiarenzelli, Jeff, Kratzmann, David, Selleck,Bruce, deLorraine, William, 2015. Age and provenance of Grenville supergroup rocks, Trans-Adirondack Basin, constrained by detrital zircons Geology, February 2015, v. 43, p. 183186. 34 Emsbo, Poul, 2009. 35 Ibid Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Deposit Types Page 49 and thickness of the clastics is difficult to determine because the Grenville Supergroup is allocthonous; the rocks have been thrust out of depositional position and extensively deformed. 7.1.3. Tectonic and Sedimentary Structure Warm, metal-laden migrating brines may eventually encounter extensional fault surfaces and migrate up the faults to the basin floor. Workers describing sedimentary basins have divided the basins into three orders of scale. First-order sedimentary basins which host sedex deposits are greater than 100 km in length. Within the basin, second-order basins occur on the scale of tens of kilometers. Second-order basins are controlled by extensional faults forming half grabens in the basin. The sedex model suggests that brines migrate up these faults. Some indicators of secondorder basin bounding faults include syn-sedimentary faulting (evidenced as abrupt platform-slope facies transition) and intraformational breccias. Faults that were fluid conduits may be identified by Fe and Mn alteration and/or silicification, and sometimes tourmalinization. Third-order basins, on the scale of a few kilometers, represent bathymetric lows. Sedex deposits typically occur in third-order basinal areas within a few to tens of kilometers of second-order faults. Some indicators of bathymetric lows, where metals are likely to be deposited, include increasing debris flow thickness and increasing organic matter and pyrite concentrations in reduced sediments representing distal basin facies. At Balmat, intense metamorphism has obliterated the more subtle sedimentary features that characterize sedex deposits, and post-depositional deformation has overprinted tectonic features. 7.1.4. Deposition of Sulfides Dense brines exhaled onto the basin floor tend to pool in bathymetric lows. These lows occur in deeper distal basin facies, which tend to be anoxic. The distal facies is typically represented by fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks like shale. Sedex-hosting shales are unusually high in organic matter. The reducing conditions of third order basins preserve organic matter. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is generated in this depositional environment by bacterial sulfate reduction. Bacteria living in the highly carbonaceous distal sediments or thermal vents oxidize the organic compounds in the shale while reducing sulfate (SO42-) from sea water to generate H2S. The H2S reacts with the pooled brines and precipitates the contained metals as zinc sulfide (sphalerite, (Zn,Fe)S))and lead sulfide (galena, (PbS)). Another possible mode of generation of H2S is by thermogenic reduction of organic matter. The Balmat deposits occur in proximal facies rocks as opposed to third-order basin distal facies rocks, which is at variance with the sedex model. The Upper Marble does contain a pyritic schist unit underlying the marble units that contain zinc deposits. Fluid inclusion Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 50 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. studies indicate that sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits, both sedex and MVT (Mississippi Valleytype), originate from similar brines. Sedex deposit formation may be limited to Proterozoic and Phanerozoic time since marine sulfate (SO42-) likely did not exist prior to the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere. Balmat was deposited within this timeframe. Sedex deposits may correspond with regional and global anoxic events, which would have helped preserve higher concentrations of organic carbon during transport to anoxic distal basin facies. Figure 7-1 Illustration of the Process of Formation of Sedex Deposits36 36 Emsbo, Poul, 2009, Geologic criteria for the assessment of sedimentary exhalative (sedex) ZnPb-Ag deposits, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1209, 21p. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Exploration Page 51 8. Exploration Star Mountain Resources has not conducted any exploration work on the property. The property is at an advanced stage of development with a calculated Mineral Reserve supported by a mine plan. Balmat geologists plan to resume exploration activities based on available geologic data once production has been reestablished. An overview of recent exploration completed by previous operators is summarized below. Geotech Ltd of Aurora, Ontario flew a helicopter borne VTEM (versatile time domain electromagnetic) geophysical survey over the Adirondack lowlands of northern New York on behalf of HudBay Minerals. The geophysical contractor flew 8,100 line miles and provided gridded magnetic and electromagnetic data to HudBay Minerals geophysical department for processing and modeling. The survey area covered a nominally rectangular area of 47- by 22miles, including the greater Balmat mining district. Flight lines were flown on 650 foot line spacing. The geophysical database was forwarded to the geological department at Balmat for interpretation and anomaly ranking based on correlation of observed physical parameters and deposit characteristics. The interpretative team determined that linear anomalies parallel regional structural fabrics and trends, known pyrite-rich stratigraphic units were readily detected and that anomalies in massive carbonate sequences are, at best, weakly responsive. The interpretative team also defined the basic ranking criteria to be based on anomalies of “ore body” sized lengths over 2 or 3 parallel flight lines. The anomalies themselves should reflect known geological characteristics, meaning those in areas of carbonate and calc-silicate host rocks should not be as responsive as those in pyrite bearing or graphitic sequences. Ten high quality exploration areas were identified outside the Balmat mining district. Two areas are present within the Balmat district but outside of the existing mine footprint and eight areas lie within the existing mine footprint. Figure 8-1 shows the area covered by the geophysical survey and areas where low resistivity was recorded.37 VTEM is a type of induced polarization (IP) which uses an in-loop transmitter receiver configuration. The apparatus is maneuvered by helicopter. Induced Polarization is an exploration technique used to delineate sulfide concentrations. The technique measures the effects of an applied electrical field on lithologic units. The chargeability of a lithologic unit depends on its physical and chemical properties, including sulfide content (sulfides generally tend to be conductive). A current is applied to the ground 37 Rivard, David and Stephens, Mathieu, Beaufield Resources, 2013. Balmat Reserves and Exploration Potential, Balmat internal document, 25p. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 52 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. and measurements are recorded by synchronized apparatus attached to a dipole-dipole electrode array. Charge is constantly measured at the dipoles as the current is turned on and off. Multiple runs are completed to check for data consistency. Apparent resistivity and chargeability data are then interpreted to identify anomalies. IP can measure from the surface to significant depths. Figure 8-1 Geophysical Survey Area A few anomalies were sampled with negative results. Because Sphalerite is not a particularly good conductor, and the Balmat-Edwards district mineralization contains very little pyrite and galena (which are relatively conductive), geophysical surveys of this type are of limited use for Balmattype zinc exploration. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Drilling and Sampling Methodology Page 53 9. Drilling and Sampling Methodology Drilling at Balmat is exclusively core drilling. The mine owns a Diamec 262 underground drill using AW-34 size core. Three contract Longyear underground drills that use BQ size core were utilized during the period after 2005. The drillhole database contains 3,582 drill holes completed at various times in the project’s history within the Balmat and Edwards areas. Many of the holes are peripheral to the current project area. The mineral inventory estimate was calculated using assay values from 524 holes. According to Balmat geologists, core was handled in the following manner by the Balmat mine geology department during the most recent phase of production. Core was removed from the drill string by the driller and placed in a wooden core box. Wooden blocks were used to mark the ends of individual core runs. The geologist then logged the core and selected and marked the intervals to be prepared for assay samples. The core was then transported to the surface where the marked assay samples were split. One half split was returned to the core box, the other half split was sent to the assay laboratory. The geology logs of the drill holes and the assay results are archived as hard copy and entered into a digital database. Drilling conditions in the Upper Marble Formation are generally very good, and core recovery is typically excellent. Zinc mineralization is visible, and sample intervals are chosen by trained geological staff. Samples are analyzed by a reputable independent assay laboratory. The authors know of no issues that would negatively impact the accuracy and reliability of drill sample results at Balmat. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 54 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 9-1 Plan View of Drilling in the Current Project Area Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Drilling and Sampling Methodology Page 55 Figure 9-2 Representative Drill Section A-A’ Figure 9-3 Representative Drill Section B-B’ Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 56 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 9-4 Representative Drill Section C-C’ No drilling has been conducted by or on behalf of Star Mountain Resources. When the mine was shut down in 2008 due to low zinc prices, significant mineralization had been defined by HudBay. A current mine plan has been prepared for the next phase of mining based on existing drill data. Delineation and exploration drilling should resume from underground drill platforms after the mine resumes production. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 10. Sample Preparation, Analysis and Security Page 57 Sample Preparation, Analysis and Security Core Sample Preparation Prior to the 2003 acquisition of the Balmat mine by HudBay Minerals, all assaying was performed at the Balmat mine assay laboratory. Fine pulps from the core drilled between the years 1995 and 2000 were stored at the Balmat #2 core facility. Pulps were marked with drill hole identification and assay interval. Assays from these years were not supported by a defined quality assurance/quality control protocol. HudBay Minerals selected 86 fine pulps from this population, representing six Balmat orebodies to test for analytical integrity for the 1995 to 2000 drilling. The pulps were packaged inside 5-gallon buckets along with four certified reference standard samples and shipped to HudBay’s Flin Flon, Manitoba assay laboratory for check analyses. The Flin Flon laboratory visually inspected each pulp to assess oxidation and preparation effectiveness with particular attention paid to sample size grading. Zinc assays were completed for each sample. The Flin Flon laboratory reported consistently higher results than those obtained by the Balmat lab. The certified reference standards were all within acceptable limits. HudBay’s practice at Balmat is fully compliant with modern quality assurance, quality control protocols and uses the preparation and analytical services of certificated commercial laboratories. The insertion of blanks and standards are as follows: Blank samples are inserted into the assay sample stream at intervals of 50 samples. One of four commercially available certified reference standards is inserted at intervals of 20 samples. And finally, the analytical laboratory prepares a duplicate pulp for each 20th sample and returns it to the Balmat geology department. The duplicate pulp is then sent to the Flin Flon assay laboratory for a check against the original, commercial laboratory analyses. The certified reference standards were obtained from Ore Research and Exploration PTY Ltd. ALS Chemex was the commercial laboratory used for the 2005 drilling campaign and the 2006 to August 2008 operations period. It is the authors’ opinion that these protocols and practices are adequate to ensure the integrity of the assay database. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 58 11. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Data Verification Data Validation Procedures The authors of this report have partially reviewed the drill hole data set used for the current Mineral Reserve estimate. Data was provided for 420 holes drilled since the 2006 mine re-opening. 270 of those holes contributed to the current estimate, along with 254 holes drilled prior to 2006 for a total of 524 holes used. Source data was not available for holes drilled prior to 2006. The authors reviewed assay data for 27 holes, representing about 5% of the data. Assay values from the database were verified by correlation with original assay certificates and by review of QA/QC procedures and results. Datasets Submitted for Evaluation Star Mountain Resources personnel provided the authors with the Balmat database and some of the corresponding raw data files (source data) for the validation. The authors analyzed a semirandom population of data representing five percent of the relevant drill samples. The data subset used for the verification process was selected in an attempt to represent the data spatially and temporally. Because source data was not available for holes drilled prior to 2006, the verification was temporally skewed with newer holes. Values were compared for direct correlation, record-by-record, between the original source data and the database. The intent of the data validation is to demonstrate a positive correlation between source data and the database covering 5% of the data, which establishes reasonable confidence in the data for use in the Mineral Reserve estimate. Data categories reviewed include: Collar locations: raw collar survey reports were unavailable. Collar survey data was manually recorded on geology logs for most of the holes, and that data was compared to the collar file in the database. The data recorded on the geology logs appears to be approximate location, not surveyed location, as most are recorded as whole numbers. Three of the holes had discrepancies in the easting, northing or elevation fields of one or two feet. One hole, 1988-F, was observed to have a significant error in the elevation value. Downhole surveys: raw downhole survey reports were unavailable. Survey data was manually recorded on geology logs under the header “Tro-Pari survey.” The Tro-Pari records were compared to the survey file in the database. These tended to match, but the authors observed occasional Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Data Verification Page 59 instances of rounding the depth record to the nearest 5 feet or dropping a decimal from the dip or azimuth record. Lithology: scanned paper geological logs were provided, however the database used for the reserve estimate did not include a geology field, so a review was not performed. Sample intervals: sample intervals were written on sample bags and recorded by the assay laboratory as part of the sample ID. The intervals on the assay certificates were compared to intervals in the assay field of the database. Three mismatches were identified. These were compared to the geology logs, and it was determined that the assay laboratory made a recording error and the database value was correct. Assays: original ALS Chemex assay result certificates in PDF format for five percent of the drill holes used in the mineral inventory estimate were compared with the database. Significant mismatches were noted, particularly in holes drilled later in the 2006-2008 mine operation. It appears that significant errors were made during the final database updates prior to or following mine closure. The authors compared assay values in the database to composited assay data used in the reserve estimation. It appears that the modeler corrected the database errors before calculating the estimation. The authors also noticed that some holes used in the resource estimation were missing from the database provided for the data verification. In summary, the authors were unable to demonstrate a sufficient correlation in only 5% of the drill data used in the mineral invntory estimation and its source data. The authors suspect that Robert Carter, P. Eng., HudBay’s Project Manager, corrected the assay data before calculating the mineral inventory estimate, but the corrected version of the database was unavailable to the authors. The mineral inventory estimate does appear to produce values for tons and grade that correlate well with historic mine reconciliation values. The authors anticipate that a positive validation can be completed when the version of the database used for the mineral inventory estimate is recovered. The authors stipulate that data verification remains in progress. Table 11-1 summarizes the number of records and percent of drill samples reviewed for this report. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 60 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 11-1 Data Verification Summary Dataset Drilled Samples Percent of Population Reviewed Total Samples Utilized Reserve Estimate 2,178 Collar XYZ, Az., Dip, TD Records Reviewed 23 4% Downhole Survey Records Reviewed 23 4% Sample Lithology Records Reviewed 0 0% Sample Intervals Reviewed 95 4% Sample Assay Certificates Reviewed 95 4% Tetra Tech was retained by Northern Zinc, LLC to provide a fatal flaw review of the Balmat mine in 2014 and provided a report, effective 31 October 2014. Tetra Tech examined drilling procedures, including logging practices, assay sample preparation, quality assurance and quality control protocols. They reviewed mineral inventory modeling and classification, mining design, geotechnical considerations, production capital and operating estimates, metallurgical processing, environmental and permitting status and reviewed the pro forma cash flow calculation. No potentially fatal issues were identified in any of these areas. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 12. Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing Page 61 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing Locked Cycle Testing HudBay completed bench scale locked cycle metallurgical tests on Balmat Type I ores using core from Mahler and Mud Pond in October 2005. This work was done under the direction of Fred Vargas, the metallurgical consultant who developed the pHLOTEC flotation process and Mike Ounpuu of Lakefield Research who insured the program fulfilled the requirements of a bankable feasibility study. Flotation test conditions (fineness of grind, reagent regime, and flowsheet) were based on the established operating practices of the Balmat Concentrator, optimized as necessary for the particular requirements of the ore zones being tested. The existing plant flotation circuit consists of a lead flotation circuit followed by zinc flotation. Lead ore grades for the ore zones to be mined are only 0.02%, and as such, the lead circuit was not included in the test work. The zinc flotation circuit consists of rougher flotation followed by scavenger flotation. The scavenger concentrate returns to the head of the rougher circuit. Rougher concentrate undergoes two stages of cleaner flotation. Cleaner tailings are returned to the previous stage of flotation in the traditional manner. Kinetic test work indicated that the scavenger concentrate could be combined with the rougher concentrate and sent to the cleaner circuit, in an open circuit manner, with no detrimental impact on grade or recovery. This open circuit roughing approach was used in the locked cycle flotation work. Tests conducted on Type 1 ores concentrated on two variables; mine dilution and grind size. Dilution was selected as a test variable as it was seen as a potential risk given the nature of the ore body and the mining method. High dilution typically results in reduced recovery performance of milling circuits. Mining dilution cases were selected to provide for the projected standard dilution, high dilution, and low dilution. Grind was selected as a test variable to ensure that historical concentrator grind was applicable to the new ore zones. Tests on differing grinds were conducted on the standard dilution case only. Target grinds were selected as standard, coarse, and fine. Standard grind was selected at the historical plant value of 85% passing 210 μm. Coarse grind was selected at 75% passing 210 μm. Fine grind was selected at 95% passing 210 μm. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 62 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Flotation ore charges were blended from samples of ore and waste rock at the mass ratio predicted by the geology department. These charges were subsequently assayed for zinc content. The samples were blended a second time if required with waste rock or ore to obtain target zinc grades. Batch flotation tests were conducted to provide kinetic information on each ore zone at the specified dilution and grind. Rougher flotation kinetics, first stage cleaner kinetics, and second stage cleaner kinetics were performed. This kinetic information was used to determine the flotation conditions for locked cycle test work.38 Table 12-1 Mud Pond Flotation Kinetics Rougher Kinetics Dilution Case Standard Standard Standard High Low Grind Case Standard Fine Coarse Standard Standard 1st Cleaner Kinetics 2nd Cleaner Kinetics Grade %Zn Recovery % Grade %Zn Recovery % Grade %Zn Recovery % 28.0 23.1 25.2 21.0 31.5 98.7 99.3 99.2 99.0 99.6 47.9 43.4 57.1 39.5 48.5 94.1 97.1 97.6 96.0 97.9 54.4 51.9 52.5 47.6 55.4 94.6 94.8 96.7 96.1 96.5 Table 12-2 Mahler Flotation Kinetics Rougher Kinetics Dilution Case Standard Standard Standard High Low Grind Case Standard Fine Coarse Standard Standard 1st Cleaner Kinetics 2nd Cleaner Kinetics Grade %Zn Recovery % Grade %Zn Recovery % Grade %Zn Recovery % 31.3 31.4 38.7 27.2 38.6 99.2 98.7 98.0 98.4 97.1 44.4 47.6 48.9 46.3 49.5 97.4 91.8 96.4 94.8 97.3 59.3 55.1 54.5 60.2 52.3 93.2 85.3 94.5 93.8 95.8 Table 12-3 Reagent Dosage Reagent NaCN Na2S CuSO4 PAX 3477 Dosage (g/ton) 48.6 97.2 316 8.7 – 9.7 3.9 HudBay Minerals Inc., “Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Reopening Feasibility Study”, Internal company report, October, 2005. 38 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Reagent Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing Page 63 Dosage (g/ton) 17.5 MIBC Table 12-4 Locked Cycle Test Results Head Assay Conc Assay Tail Assay Conc Rec Zn Fe Pb Mg Ca Hg Zn Fe Pb Mg Ca Hg Zn Fe Pb Mg Ca Hg Zn Fe Pb Mg Ca Hg % % % % % ppm % % % % % ppm % % % % % ppm % % % % % ppm LC-1 9.70 0.80 0.051 6.90 16.40 59.90 3.20 0.235 0.48 0.43 0.31 0.35 0.017 8.06 19.33 97.30 67.70 72.70 1.09 0.41 - Mud Pond LC-2 Avg 9.60 9.65 0.80 0.80 0.495 0.273 6.80 6.85 15.40 15.90 178 178 61.00 60.45 2.90 3.05 0.170 0.203 0.33 0.41 0.26 0.35 1150 1150 0.48 0.40 0.41 0.38 0.028 0.022 7.89 7.98 18.07 18.70 6.73 6.73 95.80 96.55 56.20 59.45 51.60 62.15 0.73 0.91 0.25 0.33 96.86 96.86 LC-1 10.70 0.90 0.005 8.70 15.30 137 58.70 3.50 0.010 0.74 0.67 751 0.27 0.30 0.044 10.40 18.48 3.85 97.90 71.80 33.10 1.52 0.78 97.70 Mahler LC-2 10.70 1.00 0.005 9.00 13.70 142 60.80 3.00 0.009 0.53 0.25 762 0.25 0.60 0.042 10.74 16.46 13.30 98.00 51.10 30.70 1.02 0.32 92.41 Avg 10.70 0.95 0.005 8.85 14.50 140 59.75 3.25 0.010 0.64 0.46 757 0.26 0.45 0.043 10.57 17.47 8.58 97.95 61.45 31.90 1.27 0.55 95.06 Wt Avg Total* 10.00 0.88 0.184 7.52 15.43 165 60.22 3.12 0.138 0.48 0.38 1019 0.35 0.40 0.029 8.84 18.29 7.35 97.02 60.12 52.07 1.03 0.40 96.26 Test work Conclusions 1. The pHLOTEC process can be used to process the Balmat ores. 2. The sphalerite in Balmat Type I ores exhibits fast flotation kinetics at a course grind. 3. Lock cycle tests in Type I ores produced an average zinc recovery of 97% to concentrate grading 60% zinc. 4. A zinc concentrate grade of 55.5% and zinc recovery of 96% are achievable in the Balmat Mill based on the results of this test work. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 64 13. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineralization Model Introduction The Balmat mineralization models were constructed by Robert Carter, P. Eng. Technical Services Manager of HudBay Minerals. The work was completed in 2009 and was used to support the 2010 re-opening plan developed by HudBay for the Balmat operation. The following discussion details the key assumptions, parameters and methods used by Mr. Carter to create the Balmat mineralization model. 39 Mr. Carter used MineSight 4.6-01 modeling software to build and populate a block model from which the mineral inventory estimate was reported. The block model was constrained by interpreted 3-D wireframe solids that enclose the zinc rich mineralized zones. Practical Mining has reviewed the HudBay mineralization models and methods used in their construction and found them to be in accordance with accepted industry standards. Only the economic portions if the measured and indicated mineralization identified in the HudBay model are included in the Proven and Probable Reserves stated in Section 14. Wireframe Models Wireframes were constructed by tying adjacent, vertical 2-D cross-section polygons into 3-D solids. The 2-D polygons were drawn by the Balmat geology department around mineralization on 25, 50 or 100-foot spacing. Mineralization was projected either less than ½ the drill hole spacing or halfway to low grade or un-mineralized drill holes. Wireframe solids were clipped to eliminate volumes extracted by previous mining activity. Assays The block model grade estimation was made using 2,178 mineralized composites from 524 drill holes, selected to define the zinc mineralization. Samples were grouped into seven discrete zones, interpreted to represent individual lenses and bodies of zinc mineralization. Assay statistics by zone are presented in Table 13-1. 39 Carter, Rob, P. Eng., “Balmat Re-Opening Plan”, Hudbay Minerals internal company report, May 2010. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineralization Model Page 65 Table 13-1 Assay Statistics Zone Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Apron Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler Main Mahler White Dolomite Mahler Quartz Diopside Newfold Assays 490 309 213 725 217 116 108 Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum 57.83 52.74 46.67 54.5 54.6 35.78 54.45 Mean 10.17 10.64 8.03 14.35 20.62 10.29 15.45 Standard Deviation 9.31 11.15 10.03 14.01 16.91 10.28 14.06 Compositing The assay intervals were grouped into single, full length composite assays that span the entire mineralized interval, weighted by specific gravity, lying wholly within a particular wireframe solid volume. Composite statistics are presented in Table 13-2. Table 13-2 Composite Statistics Zone Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Apron Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler Main Mahler White Dolomite Mahler Quartz Diopside Newfold Composites 200 79 31 235 65 36 28 Minimum 1.75 2.21 1.2 0.5 2.87 1.91 4.51 Maximum 57.83 34.56 34.78 54 51.2 31.81 44.5 Mean 12.44 12.44 8.88 18.97 25.34 13.22 14.82 Standard Deviation 7.89 7 7.57 12.43 10.93 8.79 7.56 Density Densities were measured for a number of mineralized samples by Balmat geologists and an empirical formula developed to assign specific gravities to assay intervals based on zinc grade. For all assays greater than 0.01% zinc: 𝑆𝐺 = ((𝑍𝑛% 𝑥 0.01) + 1.3255)/0.47154 All assay intervals with zinc grade of less than 0.01% zinc were assigned a specific gravity value of 2.8. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 66 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Grade Capping Certain high grade composites were spatially discontinuous from the remaining composites and their respective spatial influences were restricted as shown in Table 13-3. Table 13-3 Grade Capping Strategy Restricted Value (Zn%) Search Radius (ft) 25 80 Mud Pond Apron 25 50 Mud Pond Quartz Diopside 25 20 Mahler Main 41 50 Mahler White Dolomite 38 40 Mahler Quartz Diopside 22 40 Newfold 22 50 Zone Mud Pond Main Variography Correlograms were constructed to determine the orientation and spatial dependency of the composited mineralization intervals. The resulting variogram parameters are shown in the Table 13-4. Table 13-4 Variogram Parameters Zone Mud Pond Main Nugget 0.58 Sill 0.4 Range (ft) 300 Mud Pond Apron 0.29 0.87 394 Mud Pond Quartz Diopside 0.29 0.87 394 Mahler Main 0.45 0.48 200 Mahler White Dolomite 0.45 0.48 200 Mahler Quartz Diopside 0.45 0.48 200 Newfold 0.86 0.34 210 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineralization Model Page 67 Figure 13-1 Mahler Main, White Dolomite and Quartz Diopside Correlogram Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 68 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 13-2 Mud Pond Main and Upper Main Correlogram Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineralization Model Page 69 Figure 13-3 Mud Pond Apron and Quartz Dipside Correlogram Block Modelling Blocks were restricted to maximum dimensions of 15 feet on a side. In order to reduce grade smearing outside the mineralized wireframes, sub blocks with minimum dimensions of 5 feet on a side where created as part of this reserve estimation by PM. Block models for each zone are oriented roughly parallel to the average strike of the mineralization. Ordinary kriging was used to interpolate values into the block model using search ellipsoids that follow the regional orientation of the zinc rich horizons and multiple passes. Search parameters are listed in Table 13-5. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 70 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 13-5 Search Ellipsoid Parameters Rotation Angles (LRL Rule) Zone Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Apron Major 900 Minor 750 400 300 200 3 6 1 250 200 150 3 6 1 4 200 150 100 3 6 1 1 300 150 100 3 5 1 200 100 80 3 6 1 100 80 50 3 6 1 300 150 100 3 5 1 200 100 50 3 6 1 3 100 50 40 3 6 1 1 6000 6000 6000 1 2 1 600 300 200 3 7 1 400 200 150 5 7 1 4 300 150 100 5 7 1 5 200 100 80 5 7 1 700 350 200 1 3 1 300 150 100 3 5 1 3 150 80 40 3 5 1 1 300 150 100 2 3 1 200 100 80 3 5 1 100 80 50 3 5 1 1000 1000 1000 1 1 1 200 100 50 3 5 1 Pass 1 2 3 2 ROT DIPN DIPE 35 -23 -15 77 -15 -5 1 2 100 5 -10 2 Mahler Main Mahler White Dolomite Mahler Quartz Diopside Newfold No. of Composites max/ drill Min. Max. hole 2 4 1 Vertical 500 3 Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Search Ellipsoid Distances (ft) 3 60 -20 -10 1 2 2 60 60 -20 -20 -10 -10 3 1 2 58 5 55 Mineral Inventory Classification Reserve classifications were assigned each block based on the distance along the plunge direction from the nearest underground excavation. The quantity or distance from drill composites had no bearing on classification adding a degree of conservatism to the estimates. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineralization Model Page 71 Table 13-6 Reserve Classification Criteria Zone Mud Pond Main Proven 100 Probable 200 Mud Pond Apron 100 200 Mud Pond Quartz Diopside 100 200 Mahler Main 70 140 Mahler White Dolomite 70 140 Mahler Quartz Diopside 70 140 Newfold 50 130 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 72 14. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves Excavation designs for stopes, stope development drifting and access development were created using Vulcan Software. Design constraints included ten foot minimum width for long hole stopes with development drifts spaced at approximately 50 foot vertical intervals. Stope development drift dimensions maintained a constant height of 15 feet and a minimum width of 15 feet. Room and pillar excavations are 15 feet high and have a minimum width of 15 feet. Mining and backfill tasks were created from all designed excavations. These tasks were assigned costs and productivities specific to the excavation or backfill task type. Additionally, the undiscounted cash flow for each task was calculated. All tasks were then ordered in the correct sequence for mining and backfilling. Any sequence or subsequence that did not achieve a positive cumulative undiscounted cash flow was removed from consideration for mineral reserves. Stope development necessary to reach reserve excavations and exceeding the incremental cut-off grade shown in Table 14-1 is also included in mineral reserves. Table 14-1 Mineral Reserves Cut Off Grade Calculation NSR Royalty Concentrate Grade Smelter Treatment Charges Transportation Charge Smelter Penalty Total Smelter Charges Smelting and Refining Cost Smelter Payment Metallurgical Recovery Direct Processing Ore Haulage/Hoisting Crushing Administration and Overhead 15% Contingency Total Processing Cost Unplanned Mining Dilution Direct Ore Mining Cost All in Cost Unplanned Dilution Zinc Price Development Mining Production Mining Production Mining Design Limit Practical Mining LLC 0.3% 55.5% Zn $187.51 $/Ton $21.51 $/Ton $20.00 $/Ton $229.02 $/Ton $ 0.21 $/lb. 85% 96.0% $9.05 $/Ton $4.15 $/Ton $3.72 $/Ton $8.69 $/Ton $25.61 $/Ton 10.0% $41.83 $/Ton $67.44 $/Ton 10% Cut Off Grades Zn% $/lb. $0.70 $0…80 3.2% 2.7% 8.5% 7.2% 9.3% 7.9% $0.92 2.3% 6.1% 6.7% $1.00 2.12% 5.5% 6.1% $1.10 1.9% 4.9% 5.4% January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mineral Reserves Page 73 Figure 14-1 Cut Off Sensitivity to Zinc Price Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 74 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 14-2 Balmat Mineral Reserves as of December 1, 2015 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold Subtotal Production Mining 20 7 53 16 55 151 8.1% 12.4% 6.8% 10.6% 10.8% 9.1% 1.6 0.9 3.7 1.7 6.0 13.8 Probable Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) Production Mining 169 9.5% 16.1 6 10.9% 0.6 89 11.4% 10.2 98 10.5% 10.3 363 10.2% 37.2 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold Subtotal Development Mining 0.2 0.4 0.6 4.3% 4.0% 4.1% 0.01 0.02 0.0 Development Mining 40 4.2% 1.7 26 3.7% 1.0 6 3.5% 0.2 71 4.0% 2.8 Source and Zone Proven Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) Proven + Probable Reserves Mass (kt) Zn % Zn (kt) 189 13 53 105 154 514 9.3% 11.7% 6.8% 11.3% 10.6% 9.9% 17.7 1.5 3.7 11.9 16.3 50.9 40 0.2 26 6 71 4.2% 4.3% 3.7% 3.5% 4.0% 1.7 -0.01 1.0 0.2 2.8 8.3% 11.7% 6.8% 9.8% 10.3% 19.5 1.5 3.7 12.8 16.5 9.2% 53.8 Mahler Main Mud Pond Main Mud Pond Quartz Diopside Mahler White Dolomite Newfold 26 7 54 16 56 6.5% 12.4% 6.8% 10.6% 10.8% Production and Development Mining 1.7 209 8.5% 17.7 235 0.9 6 10.9% 0.6 13 3.7 54 1.7 115 9.7% 11.1 131 6.0 10 10.1% 10.5 160 Total Production and Development Mining 152 9.0% 13.8 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 434 9.2% 40.0 585 Mineral Reserves have been estimated using a zinc price of $0.92/pound. Balmat mill recovery for zinc is 96%. Mine losses of 5% and unplanned mining dilution of 10% have been applied to the designed mine excavations. Zinc grades and contained zinc metal are run-of-mine estimates before applying metallurgical recoveries. Balmat mineral reserves could be materially affected by economic, geotechnical, permitting, metallurgical or other relevant factors. Mining and processing costs are sensitive to production rates. A decline in the production rate can cause an increase in costs and cutoff grades resulting in a reduction in mineral reserves. Geotechnical conditions requiring additional ground support or more expensive mining methods will also result in higher cutoff grades and reduced mineral reserves. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 15. Mining Methods Page 75 Mining Methods Shaft Access The Number 4 Shaft is an 18-foot diameter 3,225-foot-deep concrete lined five compartment shaft. Two compartments are for the skips and one each for the service cage, counterweight and manway. The 11 ton capacity skips and counterweight ride on 90 lb/ft rail and the service cage rides on 45/8 x 6-5/8 wood guides. The shaft has a 140-foot-tall galvanized structural steel headframe supporting the head sheaves. The production hoist is a Nordberg double drum double clutched mine hoist. The hoist drums are 15 feet in diameter and eight feet wide with the capacity to hold 3,300 feet of 2-1/4-inch rope. The hoist is powered by two 1,250 hp 500 rpm DC motors capable of hoisting at 1,750 feet per minute resulting in a 200 ton per hour hoisting rate. Allowing for routine shaft and hoist maintenance the daily production capacity equates to 3,800 tons. Power is provided by a 2,240 hp synchronous motor and two 1,000 kW DC generators. Hoist controls are 1970 vintage. Field excitation uses thyristor power conversion and magnetic amplifiers for control. The hoist is automated using a General Electric mechanical/electrical program switch to set the speed reference pattern. Safety devices are single governor Model C Lilly controllers. Skip loading pockets are located on the 2180 and 3180 levels although the 2180 pocket is no longer in use. The service hoist is a Nordberg double drum single clutch mine hoist. Drum dimensions are 12 feet in diameter and 91 inches wide each holding 3,300 feet of 1-3/4-inch rope. The hoist is driven by a single 900 hp 400 rpm DC motor. The maximum hoisting speed is 1,190 feet per minute. When lowering equipment, the maximum load is 13 tons. The hoist controls were updated to solid state electronics in 2005. Secondary egress is provided through the Number 2 shaft. The headframe is a brick and steel structure which supports the head sheaves. The head frame steel is in poor condition but is capable of providing emergency egress until repairs can be completed. The Number 2 Shaft hoist is an Ottumwa Iron Works double drum double clutch host equipped with 7-foot diameter by 76-inch-wide drums each holding 3,300 feet of 1-1/4-inch hoist rope. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 76 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Power is supplied by a single 700 hp 514 rpm wound rotor induction motor. Lilly Model D controllers provide over speed protection.40 Mine Development The Balmat No. 4 Mine has significant development infrastructure in place. (Figure 15-1) Development accesses are driven 15-ft wide x 15-ft high at grades up to +/- 15%. These accesses are of sufficient size to allow passage of 40-ton trucks and 7-yd3 LHDs. Figure 15-1 Plan View of the Balmat Mine Showing the Location of Reserves Relative to the Historic Workings Remaining development for extraction of the reserves includes extension of the Mud Pond Ramp to the known lower extent of the deposit, extension of the Mahler ramp to the upper and lower extents of the deposit, completion of the Newfold Ramp and approximately 700 feet of drifting to connect the Newfold and Mahler ventilation and secondary egress development. Figure 15-3 and Figure 15-4 are long sections through Lower Mud Pond, Mahler and Newfold showing the existing development in yellow and planned development in black. The planned development work is summarized in Table 15-1. “Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Re-Opening Feasibility Study”, HudBay Minerals Inc. internal company report, October 2005. 40 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mining Methods Page 77 Figure 15-2 Long Section View of the Lower Mud Pond Ore Body Figure 15-3 Long Section View of the Mahler Ore Body Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 78 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 15-4 Long Section View of the Newfold Ore Body Secondary egress to the number 2 shaft is provided via the 2100 level and the Mud Pond and Mahler ramp development. Table 15-1 Mine Development Plan Category Primary Capital Drifting (ft) Secondary Capital Drifting (ft) Raising (ft) Total Development (ft) Development Waste (kt) Year 0 0 0 0 Year 1 7,267 1,535 265 Year 2 0 0 0 Year 3 0 0 0 Total 7,267 1,535 265 0 0 9,067 162 0 0 0 0 9,067 162 Note: Secondary Capital Development includes sumps, muck bays, ventilation cross cuts etc. excavated in support of primary development. Secondary development does not require the installation of mine water, dewatering infrastructure, compressed air or ventilation utilities. Ventilation Intake air is downcast through the Number 2 Mine. The No. 4 Shaft and raise bore serve as exhaust. Prior to shut down in 2008 the mine airflow totaled approximately 250,000 CFM with 190,000 in the number 4 shaft and 60,000 in the number 4 raise bore. The US Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) began the implementation of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) regulations during the period 2005 to 2008 in Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mining Methods Page 79 phases. The initial threshold limit value (TLV) was set at 400 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) with an intermediate TLV of 350 μg/m3 and ultimately reaching 160 μg/m3 by year end 2008. Prior to Balmat being placed on care and maintenance in 2008 the intermediate TLV was being enforced. On several inspections truck drivers and LHD operators exceeded the TLV resulting in citations being issued. During the last inspection on April 28, 2008, ten personal samples averaged 862 μg/m3, or over five times the current TLV.41 Methods of DPM control include engine tuning, fuel additives, engine exhaust treatment, repowering with cleaner engines and ventilation. Balmat will need to use all of these methods to bring the mine into compliance once production starts. Mine engineers have proposed a series of ventilation upgrades including installation of controls, installation of a 1,000 hp booster fan on the 3,100 level and relocating two of the other booster fans. The estimated cost of the ventilation upgrades is $1.4M.42 Mining Methods Ore zones at Balmat vary in thickness, from a few feet to up to 20 feet or more with an overall plunge of around 15-30 degrees. However, the ore bodies have been folded multiple times in all directions causing local dips to range from flat to vertical. Historically, room-and-pillar has been the preferred mining method, with horizontal drifts positioned within the ore and ranging in width from ten to over 30 feet and from 12 to nearly 20 feet high. Occasionally, long hole stopes were mined where appropriate. 15.4.1. Long Hole Open Stope Long hole stopes can be used where the overall dip of the ore body is 50 degrees or greater over a vertical distance of at least 30 feet. The minimum mining width for long hole stoping of Balmat reserves has been assumed to equal 10-feet, however this could be reduced to 6 feet with careful blasting practices. This mining method also requires a competent hanging wall able to stand unsupported over the entire stope span. “MSHA M/NM Personal Health Sampling”, Mine Safety and Health Administration, http://www.msha.gov/drs/ASP/MineAction.asp, accessed November 20, 2015. 42 Carter, Rob, “Balmat Re-Opening Plan”, HudBay Minerals Inc. internal company report, May 2010. 41 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 80 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Long hole stopes are initiated by excavation of top and bottom accesses along the strike of the stope. These accesses are typically 15-feet high x 15-feet wide and with a minimum back to sill vertical separation of 30-feet. This distance can be extended to 100-feet, depending on the regularity of the ore and the blast hole deviation experienced. The dimensions of the top and bottom accesses could also be reduced and are determined by the room requirements of the production drill and the size of LHD to be used for mucking. After both access drifts reach the furthest extent of the stope a slot raise is excavated using vertical crater retreat methods thereby connecting the drifts and providing a free face to blast to. Production blast holes are drilled as nearly parallel as is practical in rows starting at the slot raise and continuing to the end of the stope. Three to six rows of blast holes can be detonated in each blast. After blasting, a remote control LHD will remove the broken ore from the lower stope access drift. Once the stope is complete it can be backfilled with waste rock if another stope is to be mined immediately above or left open if no further mining is planned. Figure 15-5 Typical Level Development Plan in the Mahler Zone Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mining Methods Page 81 Figure 15-6 Cross Section Through Maler Showing Long Hole Stope Development Drifts 15.4.2. Drift and Fill Drift and fill mining starts with the excavation of waste cross cuts on 45 to 60-feet vertical intervals. At a predetermined set back distance from the ore the crosscut is driven down at a 15% grade to achieve the desired sill elevation for the first initial drift. This drift is excavated in ore at a gradient of 0 to +2% to the limits of the ore body. Following completion, the drift is completely filled with waste rock. The next and all succeeding cuts are initiated by breasting down the crosscut back and ramping in the backfilled waste to achieve elevation of the next drift (Figure 15-7). The drift dimensions used in estimating Balmat reserves are 15-feet high and 15-feet wide but these could be reduced to 13 x 13 with careful blasting practices. A further reduction to as little as 8 x 8 feet could be achieved if the mechanized mining were to be replaced with manual methods. This last reduction would come at a higher average unit cost per ton mined. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 82 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 15-7 Secion Through Cut and Fill Stope Table 15-2 Production Plan Category Proven Ore Mined (kt) Zn% Probable Ore Mined (kt) Zn% Total Ore Mined (kt) Zn % Contained Zinc (kt) Expensed Waste (kt) 15.4.3. Year 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 Year 1 23.2 11.0% 82.7 9.2% 105.9 9.6% 10.2 16.1 Year 2 128.5 8.8% 351.0 9.2% 479.2 9.1% 43.6 9.1 Year 3 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 Total 151.4 9.1% 433.7 9.2% 585.1 9.2% 53.8 25.2 Room and Pillar Room and Pillar mining as practiced at Balmat starts by driving sub parallel drifts across the ore with 20-feet of rib to rib separation. The intervening pillar is extracted by drilling with the development jumbo and blasting the ore into the lower drift were it can be recovered with remotely operated LHDs. Some ore losses occur when pillar blasting does not clean the footwall and this ore cannot be recovered by the LHD. A 15 to 25-foot pillar is left above and below this excavation before starting the succeeding drift. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Mining Methods Page 83 Labor Requirements The Balmat mine is planned to operate on two 10-hour shifts per day with a three crew rotation. Each crew will work an average of 48-hours per week and 20% overtime has been included in the wage calculations. Salaried and hourly labor requirements are detailed in Table 15-3. Table 15-3 Mine Labor Requirements Classification Mine Operations Mine Development Crushing and Hoisting Maintenance Total Hourly Operations Shift Supervisors Mine Superintendent Geology and Ore Control Engineering and Surveying Maintenance General Forman Maintenance Planner Total Salaried No. Required 45 9 9 16 79 3 1 4 2 1 1 12 Underground Equipment The underground equipment fleet is quite extensive and is capable of producing well in excess of the 1,200 tpd planned rate. When the mine was placed on care and maintenance in 2008 all of the equipment was carefully stored in dry areas of the mine. Prior to the resumption of mining operations each unit will require complete fluid and filter replacement and new batteries. Some units will require tires and replacement of hydraulic hoses. Table 15-4 Mobile Equipment Fleet Description Roofbolter Roofbolter Jumbo Drill Jumbo Drill Jumbo Drill Practical Mining LLC Manufacturer Secoma Pluton 17 Secoma Pluton 26 MTI VR II 2 Boom GD MK 65 GD MK 35 Quantity 4 2 2 1 4 January 30, 2016 Page 84 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Description Jumbo Drill Jumbo Drill Long hole Drill Long hole Drill LHD LHD LHD LHD LHD LHD LHD Haul Truck Haul Truck Haul Truck Haul Truck Haul Truck Lift Truck Explosives Loader Scaler Manufacturer GD MK 21 H 2 Boom GD MK 35 H Cubex 6200 D BLY Stope Mate MTI LT-270 (2.5-yd) Wagner ST-3.5 (3.5-yd) MTI 650 (4-yd) Wagner ST-6C (6-yd) Atlas Copco ST (6-yd) Eimco EJC-210 (7-yd) Wagner ST-7.5z (7.5-yd) Wagner MT416 (16-T) Wagner MT426 (26-T) Wagner MT439 (39-T) Tamrock 40D (40-T) Wagner MT444 (44-T) Getman A64 John Deere Getman Star Mountain Resources Inc. Quantity 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 3 3 1 1 3 4 1 3 2 5 5 2 Electrical Distribution The mine is supplied by three main electrical feeders. Two are located in the number 4 shaft and one in a drill hole from surface that intersects the Newfold secondary egress drift. One of the shaft feeders supplies 4160-volt power but the conductor is rated at 13.8 kv should an upgrade be warranted. The other feeders are supplying 13.8 kv power which is distributed to transformers throughout the mine before being stepped down to 480 v. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 16. Recovery Methods Page 85 Recovery Methods Crushing Circuit Primary crushing of ore is either done underground by a 36-inch by 48-inch jaw crusher, or on the surface by a 30-inch by 42-inch jaw crusher for ore from other sources. Coarse ore from the surface crusher or the shaft hoist is conveyed to the secondary crusher by a 36-inch conveyor equipped with an electromagnet for tramp metal removal. A Corrigan metal detector is situated near the top end of the conveyor. There is a picking station at the top of the conveyor for observation and removal of scrap by an operator. Coarse ore from the above conveyor is discharged into the feed chute of a 6-foot by 14-foot Tyler Tyrock Screen, Model F-900. Screen undersize reports to #2 conveyor. Screen oversize reports to the crusher. Records indicate that the screen deck opening size is 40mm. The crusher is an Allis Chalmers Hydrocone, Model 1084 EHD (84-inch diameter, extra heavy duty) equipped with a 300 HP motor. The crusher operates in open circuit, discharging to #2 conveyor to be combined with the screen undersize. In a Hydrocone crusher with an intermediate chamber, the close-side setting can be set between ½ inch and 2 inch with corresponding capacities in the order of 275 – 400-tons per hour. The total circuit capacity will be greater than this by an amount equal to the fines in the feed that are screened out before the crusher. Conveyor #2 is equipped with a four-idler Merrick weightometer, and discharges via a transfer chute to #3 conveyor that runs to the top of the fine ore bins. An automatic ore sampler is installed on this belt. Discharge from #3 conveyor is distributed between the two fine ore bins by a shuttle conveyor. Each fine ore bin has a rated capacity of 2,000-tons. Historic production records show that the operating hours on the crushing plant were approximately the same as that of the grinding circuit, i.e., crusher throughputs were the same as mill throughputs. Undoubtedly the actual capacity of the crusher would be higher than indicated by the records, and in any case should be more than adequate for future requirements. The crusher may have been operated at low capacity (with a tight gap setting) by choice, given that the crusher operates in open circuit and the product size from the crusher will have a direct impact on feed size to the rod mill and on the final grind size. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 86 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 16-1 Balmat Crushing Circuit Design Criteria Crushing Circuit Operating Time Crushing Circuit Operating Time Design Throughput Ore Feed Size to Secondary Crusher, 80% Passing (estimated) Type of Screen Aperture Size Screen Dimensions Installed Motor on Screen Type of Secondary Crusher Secondary Crusher Bowl Diameter Installed Motor on Secondary Crusher Secondary Crusher Discharge Size, 80% Passing (estimated) Units h/d d/wk t/h in Value 10-12 4-5 220 4 Vibrating Single Deck in 1.5 ft 6 x 14 HP 30 Cone ft 7.0 HP 300 in 1.0 Fine Ore Bins There are two bins with a nominal capacity of 2,000-tons each. It was not possible to see inside the bins during the site visit. The condition of liners and the live capacity of the bins could not be estimated, but there were no indications of any particular problems. Each bin is fitted with three slot feeders and DC variable speed drive conveyors. The DC drives have been left energized and this will likely have kept the motors dry and in good condition. Grinding Circuit Fine crushed ore is conveyed to the rod mill on a 36 inch conveyor equipped with a Four-Idler Merrick weightometer. The rod mill is an 11.5-foot by 16-foot Allis Chalmers mill with a 1,000 HP Allis Chalmers synchronous motor. The mill operates in open circuit, and was charged with 4" diameter rods. The ball mill is a 12.5-foot by 14-foot Allis Chalmers mill with a 1,000 HP motor (identical to the rod mill motor). The mill was charged with 2 inch diameter balls, and operated in closed circuit with two Warman 26-inch cyclones. Typical mill feed rates were in the range of 200 to 220 tons per hour. The final grind size was normally 85% passing 65 mesh. The existing grinding circuit will be adequate for future requirements. Previous laboratory test work on the proposed ores has indicated that there is no benefit in grinding any finer than was Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Recovery Methods Page 87 done in the past. If future plant test work does show that finer grinding improves metallurgical performance, this could be accomplished simply by reducing throughputs and increasing operating time. Table 16-2 Balmat Grinding Circuit Design Criteria Grinding Circuit Operating Time Grinding Circuit Operating Time Design Throughput Balmat Ore Work Index Rod Mill Diameter Rod Mill Length Installed Motor on Rod Mill Required Power on Rod Mill Grinding Rod Size Estimated Charge Volume Rod Mill Feed Size, P 80 Rod Mill Discharge P 80 Ball Mill Diameter Ball Mill Length Installed Motor on Ball Mill Required Power on Ball Mill Grinding Ball Size Estimated Charge Volume Ball Mill Feed Size, P 80 Cyclone Diameter Number of Operating Cyclones Cyclone O/F, P80 Units h/d d/wk t/h kWh/t ft ft HP HP in % µm µm ft ft HP HP in % µm in µm Value 10-12 4-5 200 8.3 11.5 16.0 1000 1000 4 35 25,000 650 12.5 14.0 1000 1000 2 34 1000 26 2 150 Lead and Talc Flotation Circuit Cyclone overflow reports by gravity to the head end of the lead circuit. The lead rougher circuit consists of a single bank of eight Wemco 300-ft3 cells. Reagents added to this circuit include Sodium ethylene xanthate as a lead collector, and cyanide, used as a sphalerite depressant. In addition, a light alcohol frother is added to float the talc from the ore. There is one stages of lead cleaning with Denver 24-ft3 cells followed by spiral seperation. Zinc Flotation Circuit The zinc rougher circuit consists of two parallel banks of Wemco 300-ft3 cells. There are seven cells in the east bank and six cells in the west bank. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 88 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Tailings from the lead rougher are pumped into a wig-wag slurry distributor installed above the head of the parallel roughers.Reagents added to this circuit include copper solution to activate sphalerite, sodium ethyl xanthate (a collector), and frother to float zinc minerals. At the end of the west rougher bank is a tails box equipped with a vertical sump pump that pumps tailings from both rougher banks to the scavenger bank. The scavenger circuit consists of a single bank of seven Wemco 300-ft3 cells. The zinc cleaner circuit consists of four Denver 300-ft3 cells as first cleaners and three Denver 300-ft3 cells as second cleaners. Design criteria for the flotation circuit are shown in Table 16-3. The lead circuit was not included, at this point it is assumed that the lead circuit will be used as a talc pre-float circuit. The retention times in roughing and scavenging stages are 15 minutes and 8 minutes respectively. The retention times in the first and second cleaner stages are 9 and 11 minutes. Normal design practice would be to provide approximately the same retention times in cleaning as in roughing. Given the fast kinetics of Balmat ore, this may not be an issue. However, if it becomes evident in operation (from high circulating loads) that the cleaner capacity is too low, the mill feed rate could be lowered as necessary to reduce the load on the cleaners. Table 16-3 Balmat Zinc Flotation Circuit Design Criteria – Zinc Roughers Solids Feed Rate into Zinc Circuit Zinc 1st Cleaner Tails to Zinc Roughers Feed Pulp Density Feed Volume into Zinc Circuit Existing Zinc Rougher Cells: - type (Wemco self aspirated) - individual cell size - number of cells - installed motor size in each cell Total Zinc Rougher Retention Time Zinc Rougher Concentrate - grade - zinc recovery - solids flowrate zinc rougher concentrate - % solids - volume Existing Zinc Scavenger Cells - type (Wemco self-aspirated) Practical Mining LLC Units t/h t/h % w/w gpm HP min Value 200 53 39 1,940 300 13 300 13 30 15 % Zn % t/h % w/w gpm 28 112 94 35 640 ft3 January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Recovery Methods Page 89 Design Criteria – Zinc Roughers - individual cell size - number of cells - installed motor size in each cell Total Zinc Scavenger Retention Time Units ft3 HP min Value 300 7 30 8 Design Criteria – Zinc First Cleaners Solids Feed Rate into Zinc First Cleaners Feed Pulp Density Feed Volume into Zinc First Cleaners Existing Zinc First Cleaners Cells: - type (Denver) - individual cell size - number of cells - installed motor size in each cell Total Zinc First Cleaner Retention Time Zinc First Cleaner Concentrate - grade - zinc recovery - solids flow rate zinc cleaner concentrate - % solids - volume Units t/h % w/w gpm Value 102 31 1008 ft3 HP min 300 4.0 30 9 % Zn % t/h % w/w gpm 49.0 103 49 25 640 Design Criteria – Zinc Second Cleaners Solids Feed Rate into Zinc First Cleaners Feed Pulp Density Feed Volume into Zinc Second Cleaners Existing Zinc Second Cleaners Cells: - type (Denver) - individual cell size - number of cells - installed motor size in each cell Total Zinc Second Cleaner Retention Time Zinc Second Cleaner Concentrate - grade - zinc recovery - solids flow rate zinc second cleaner concentrate - % solids - volume Units t/h % w/w gpm Value 49 25 640 ft3 HP min 300 3 30 11 % Zn % t/h % w/w gpm 55.5 96 41 36 326 Lead Dewatering Circuit The lead thickener is 40-feet in diameter. There are no rakes, and there is no underflow pump operators explained that the unit thickened by gravity only (without flocculent). A submersible pump may have been used to extract solids from the bottom of the thickener and pump directly to the vacuum filter. The lead filter is an 8-foot 10-inch Eimco unit with four of the five possible rows of filters installed. The filter appears to be in good condition. Filtered lead concentrate is Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 90 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. conveyed to the concentrate loadout. The concentrate conveyor is equipped with a Four-Idler Merrick weightometer. None of the equipment in the lead dewatering circuit will be required unless high lead ores are discovered and mined in future years. Zinc Dewatering Circuit The zinc thickener is a 50-foot diameter Eimco. Thickener underflow is pumped directly to the vacuum filter. The zinc vacuum disc filter is an 8-foot10-inch Eimco with seven of eight possible rows installed. The vacuum pumps were not seen on the site visit. An equipment list indicates that there are two Nash pumps, one is100 HP and the other is 125 HP. Zinc concentrate is conveyed to a 90-inch diameter by 45-foot Koppers oil-fired dryer. It is also possible (with a reversible conveyor) to bypass the dryer. There are reports in the files indicating that the oil burner was not reliable. Mechanically, the dryer appears to be in reasonable condition. The inside of the dryer could not be seen to determine if it was cleaned out on shutdown. Dried zinc concentrate is conveyed to the loadout. The belt is equipped with a Four-Idler Merrick weightometer. The conventional thickener sizing rule of thumb is to provide 3 to 7-ft2 of surface area per ton of concentrate per day. At future production rates, the thickener will actually provide only 2 ft2/ton/day. However, this does not seem to have been a problem in the past with even higher production rates, probably because a flocculent was used. The estimated capacity of the zinc filter is approximately 27-tons per hour, based on operating data from December 1999 to September 2001. This is a reasonable number, based on comparison with Flin Flon zinc filter capacity of 22 tons per hour on the same type of filter (Flin Flon concentrate is finer grained and more difficult to filter than Balmat concentrate will be). At design, concentrator throughput of 200-tons per hour and mill head grades of 11.7% Zinc, the production rate of Zn concentrate will exceed Zn filter capacity by as much as 14 tons per hour. In practice, this means that an inventory of concentrate would build up in the thickener during the day, and during the 2006-2008 operation, the filter needed to be operated for a few hours each night after the grinding section is shut down to catch up. This subsequently increased labor cost as well. However, an alternative option is to use the Pb filter for the excess requirements and allow Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Recovery Methods Page 91 the filtering to be completed during the day operations instead. A capacity review should be conducted to confirm whether this option is feasible. At a throughput of 27-tons per hour, the dryer will have a retention time of 28 minutes at 10% volumetric loading. This is within the normal design range for rotary dryers. Operating records indicate that the dryer produced concentrate moistures in the 6% range. Ancillary Equipment Reagent Distribution – There are mixing tanks on the upper floor of the concentrator for copper sulfate, sodium cyanide, sodium sulfide and xanthate as well as storage tanks for the neat reagents (e.g., Cytec 3477, 3418, and frothers). There are two 12-foot diameter copper sulfate storage tanks on the bottom floor of the mill. Eco-Gearchem pumps (variable speed) with Krone magnetic flowmeters are used for reagent distribution. Lime Mixing – the design capacity of the lime silo is 150-tons. A drag chain conveyor delivers lime from the silo to a 4-foot by 3-foot Denver ball mill for slaking. The insides of the ball mill and the storage tanks were not seen during the site visit. Lime is being used for water treatment at present. Process Water Pumps – There are three water pumps installed on the process water lagoon inside the mill.43 HudBay Minerals Inc., “Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Reopening Feasibility Study”, Internal company report, October, 2005. 43 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 92 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc.. Figure 16-1 Crushing and Grinding Circuit Flow Sheet Lead Recovery Spiral Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Recovery Methods Page 93 Figure 16-2 Zinc Flotation and Tailings Flow Sheet Zinc Recovery Tank Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 94 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Metallurgical Balance The flotation circuit balance in Table 16-4 shows estimated stage recoveries and zinc grades based on the locked cycle test results, and extrapolated to the estimated average zinc head of 11.7% for the life of mine. The overall concentrator mass balance provides flowrate data based on the flotation balance and on normal assumptions for slurry densities in the grinding, flotation, and dewatering circuits. Table 16-4 Flotation Circuit Mass Balance Stream Heads Zn Rougher Feed Conc Tails Zn 1st Cleaner Feed Conc Tails Zn 2 nd Cleaner Feed Conc Tails Wt % 100 Rate t/h 200 Zn % 11.7 Zn Rec % 100 126.6 46.8 79.7 253.2 93.7 159.5 10.7 28.0 0.51 115.5 112.0 3.5 51.2 24.6 26.6 102.4 49.2 53.2 27.2 49.0 7.0 119.0 103.0 16.0 24.6 20.3 4.4 49.2 40.5 8.7 49.0 55.5 18.8 103.0 96.0 7.0 Table 16-5 Concentrator Mass Balance Stream Sol’n t/h 2 44 244 Solids %w/w 99 82 45 Solid sg 3.00 3.00 3.00 Sol’n gpm Slurry sg Slurry gpm Rod Mill Feed Rod Mill Disch Cyclone O/F Solid t/h 200.0 200.0 200.0 8 176 977 2.94 2.21 1.43 275 442 1,244 Zn Rougher Feed Zn Rougher Conc Zn Rougher Tail 253.2 93.7 159.5 404 174 310 38.5 35 34 3.00 3.60 3.00 1,615 696 1,238 1.35 1.30 1.29 1,9411 821 1,450 Zn 1st Clnr Feed Zn 1st Clnr Conc Zn Circuit Final Tail 102.4 49.2 8.7 223 148 49 31.4 25 15 3.60 4.00 4.00 893 590 197 1.29 1.23 1.13 1,008 639 206 Zn Thickener U/F 40.5 22 65 4.20 87 1.98 126 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Page 95 Process Labor The Balmat mill has capacity four times the planned mining rate. During the previous operating campaign from 2006 to 2008 the plant demonstrated the ability to shut down and restart with little loss in efficiency. The mill has approximately 4,000 tons of fine ore storage capacity and 45,000tons capacity in the outside stockpile area. Utilization of this will allow the mill to campaign production for several days and shut down with the mill workforce being used to supplement the mine.44 Table 16-6 Mill Labor Requirements Classification Mill Operations Reclaim Crusher Laboratory Mill Wright Electrical and Instrumentation Mill Superintendent Metallurgist 44 No. Required per Crew 5 2 1 1 1 1 Contracted Personal communication with Mr. Ryan Schermerhorn, Site Manager SLZC, December 3, 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 96 17. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Project Infrastructure Buildings The Balmat No. 4 Mine surface infrastructure includes 15 buildings, most of which were constructed in 1969 - 1970. Figure 17-1 shows the general site layout and construction details are given in Table 17-1. Details for the Balmat No. 2 Mine buildings are listed in Table 17-2. 45 Figure 17-1 Site Map Table 17-1 Building Summary Number 4 Mine and Concentrator Building Name Dimensions Office Complex 64 x 103 Two Store 125 x 273 Maintenance and Warehouse Area (ft2) 13,184 34,125 Construction Type Year Built Steel Frame Concrete Block 2ith brick face. Built up roof on conc. Plank w/ steel joists Steel Frame, galbestos insulation panel, Built up roof on conc. Plank w/ steel joists 1970 HudBay Minerals Inc., “Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Reopening Feasibility Study”, Internal company report, October, 2005. 45 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Building Name Project Infrastructure Dimensions Area (ft2) 16,380 Construction Type 3,362 Steel frame, galbestos insulation panel & galbestos sheet, membrane on conc. Plank upper roof, galbestos sheet lower roofs. Steel frame, conc. Block lower, galbestos insulated panel lower, insulation on membrane Roof on conc. Plank W3 steel joists Steel Frame, Conc. Block Lower, Galbestos Insulation panel lower, membrane roof on conc.W3 steel joists 1969 Steel Frame, Conc. Block, Built-up roof on conc. Plank W3 steel joist Steel Frame, Steel sheet w/fiberglass sheet Steel Sheet roof on steel purlins Steel Sheet roof on steel purlins 1970 Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel frame, conc.block lower, galbestos on upper, galbestos roof on steel joists Steel Frame, Steel sheet on steel girts, Steel sheet roof on steel purlins Steel Frame, Steel sheet on steel girts, Steel sheet roof on steel purlins Steel Frame, Steel sheet on steel girts, Steel sheet roof on steel purlins Conc. Block, built-up roof on conc. Plank 1970 Wood frame, vinyl siding, asphalt shingle roof 1985 Maint Vehicle Storage , Boiler Room, Change Room Headframe 60 x273 Partial Lower 26 x 51 8 x70 Hoist House 135 x 138 18,630 Concentrator 4A 4B 4C 4 Stories – (all heated) Maintenance Shop 2 story (heated) Storage Concentrate Storage Concentrate Storage 2 story- (unheated) Timber Storage Building (unheated) Elec. And Tire Storage (heated) Pine Oil Storage (heated) 133 x 267 46 x 80 67 x 97 35,511 3,680 6,499 36 x 104 3,672 70 x 140 60 x 98 94 x 161 9,800 5,880 15,134 29 x 118 3,422 24 x 40 960 22 x 32 704 25 x 33 825 20 x 22 440 10 x 10 100 70 x 120 8,400 60 x 100 6,000 30 x 60 1,800 14 x 20 280 8x8 64 Booster Pumphouse (heated) Lake Pumphouse (heated) Fuel Oil Pumphouse (heated) Warehouse Storage (unheated) Electrical Storage (unheated) Oil Storage (heated) Mine Lagoon Pumphouse (heated) Security Gatehouse (heated) Practical Mining LLC Page 97 Year Built Steel Frame, Conc. block 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1976 1976 1970 1970 January 30, 2016 Page 98 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Table 17-2 Building Summary Number 2 Mine Building Name Dimensions Mine Office Complex, Maintenance Office, Change Room (all unheated) Switch Gear (unheated) No. 2 shaft warehouse (unheated) Electrical substation (unheated) Construction Type 142 x 60 80x 47 Area (ft2) 8,520 3,760 Year Built Steel fra,e, Steel sheet on gorts, steel sheet roof, roof trusses 1929 62, 47 25 x 19 28 x 100 2,604 475 2,800 1929 25 x 58 1,450 Steel frame, steel sheet on girts, steel sheet roof, roof trusses Steel frame, steel sheet on girts, steel sheet on purlins Concrete block, built up roof on concrete, plant on trusses 1929 1929 Electrical The primary feed for the No. 4 Mine is 115kV originating from Niagara Mohawk’s substation at Battle Hill-Balmat #5 circuit. Downstream from the main power supply are two (2) 7500 kVA General Electric transformers that feed the No. 4 Plant. Secondary voltage of 13,800 and 4,160 volts feeds sub-feeders to mill, mine, No. 4 ventilation fan, lake pumps and booster pumps. At the No. 4 main ventilation fan location there is a 1,000 kVA 4,160 volt to 480 volt step-down transformer substation. The substation switchgear is General Electric Magne Blast. The primary feed for the No. 2 hoist fan unit is the Niagara Mohawk 23 kV Balmat-Emeryville circuit #24. Downstream from the main power supply are two (2) 3750 kVA General Electric transformers (23000-2200 V) feeding the surface plant with secondary voltage of 2300 V for subfeeders. SLZ owns two portable generators for emergency use. One is a 125 kVA portable used for general 480 V / 220 V / 110 V applications. The other is a 100 kVA portable generator which will run the No. 2 emergency egress hoist.46 HudBay Minerals Inc., “Balmat No. 4 Zinc Mine Reopening Feasibility Study”, Internal company report, October, 2005. 46 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Project Infrastructure Page 99 Tailings Disposal The tailings disposal facility covers 200 acres approximately 4,000 feet north of the mill. Water from tailings flows through a series of retention ponds before discharge into Turnpike Creek. Discharge is regulated by NYSPDES under permit NY0001791. Tailings capacity remaining is estimated to be 9,000,000 tons or 20 to 25 years of production.47 47 Personal communication with Mr. Ryan Schermerhorn, Site Manager SLZC, December 3, 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 100 18. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Market Studies and Contracts Market Price and Supply History Zinc is openly traded on the world’s major metal markets. Prices paid for zinc metal in concentrates is typically referenced to one of these markets. Since January 2010 zinc has ranged from a low of $0.78 / lb. to a high of $1.12 / lb. and averaged $0.94 / lb. The 36 month trailing average price as of October 2015 was $0.92 / pound (Figure 18-1). Figure 18-1 LME Monthly Average Zinc Cash Price and 3 Month Trailing Average 48 Global warehouse inventories of zinc metal have decreased 35% from a high of 1.55 M metric tonnes in January 2013 to just over 0.82 M metric tonnes at the end of October 2015 (Figure 18-2). 48 London Metal Exchange, http://www.lme.com/metals/reports/averages/, Accessed on November 23, 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Market Studies and Contracts Figure 18-2 Total Global Zinc Inventories Page 101 49 Smelter Schedule Zinc smelter schedules typically pay 85% of the market value of contained zinc metal in concentrates. If the concentrate grade is less than 53.33% zinc a minimum deduction of 8 units applies. Additional byproduct elements paid for include gold and silver, and cadmium during periods of high prices.50 Treatment charges in 2014 varied from $221 – $223 per metric tonne with a basis price of $0.91 per pound of Zn. Up and down escalators tied to the zinc price are applied to treatment charges and these can vary from -3% to +6%. Zinc refining charges are rarely assessed and are generally included in the treatment charges. Precious metal refining charges can vary up to $10.00 and $1.50 per payable ounce for gold and silver respectively. 49 50 Annett, Jerrold, Moenting, Grant, “Scotia Daily Mining Scoop”, Scotia Bank Mining Sales, November 23, 2015. Infomine USA Inc, Mining Cost Service, October 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 102 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Terms available from recent zinc smelter negotiations include treatment charges of $175 per metric tonne based on a zinc price of $1,500 per metric tonne or $0.68 per pound. Applying these criteria and the escalators to a zinc price of $0.92 per pound yields a treatment charge of $187.51 per ton.51 Penalties may be assessed to concentrates containing arsenic, antimony, iron, lead, manganese, cobalt, bismuth, nickel, copper, alumina, germanium, selenium, tellurium and mercury above threshold values. Balmat concentrates have historically contained 840 to 850 ppm mercury. Provisions from previous smelter contracts incurred a $20 per ton penalty for mercury concentrations at this level. Transportation Balmat is located 39 miles south of the port of Ogdensburg, New York. Ogdensburg is the only US port on the St. Lawrence Seaway and can accommodate ships with a draft of 27 feet. The port features a 1,250 foot dock with a live load capacity of 1,000 pounds per square foot. Marine terminal services include bulk, breakbulk, general cargo and heavy lift cargoes.52 Trucking and rail transportation are also available options to move concentrate. Rail load out facilities are also available adjacent to the Balmat mill and several trucking companies could be retained. Rates for over the road trucking in the US averaged $0.17 per ton-mile during 2015. Allowing an additional 15% for the international component of trucking Balmat Concentrates to Valleyfield, Quebec, Canada, the transportation cost per ton of concentrate is estimated at $21.51. Smelting and Refining There are four operating zinc concentrate smelters in North America. These are listed in Table 18-1. Balmat concentrates meet the minimum requirements of any of these plants and all would impose penalties for mercury at levels contained in Balmat concentrates. Annett, Jerrold, Moenting, Grant, “Scotia Daily Mining Scoop”, Scotia Bank Mining Sales, January 21, 2016. Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority, http://www.ogdensport.com/obpa_facilities/port_of_ogdensburg/, accessed November 23, 2015. 51 52 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Market Studies and Contracts Page 103 Table 18-1 North American Zinc Smelters53 Company Canadian Electrolytic Zinc (Glencore) Nyrstar HudBay Minerals Teck Metals Ltd. 53 Plant Name Valleyfield Location Valleyfield, Quebec, Canada Clarksville Zinc Refinery Flin Flon Zinc Plant Trail Zinc Plant Clarksville, Tennessee, USA Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada Trail, British Columbia, Canada Highway distance from Balmat (mi) 110 962 1.886 2,652 Infomine USA Inc, Mining Cost Service, October 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 104 19. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Permitting, Reclamation and Closure Permitting Tetra Tech’s fatal flaw review concluded that there are no identified permitting or regulatory concerns that would prevent the operation of the Balmat Mine and Mill. Furthermore the project has maintained all permits required for operations (Table 19-1). They noted that the permit for Water Withdrawal and the Mine Permit were approaching renewal and that the net present value for mine closure was approximately $10 M in 2010 discounted at 3.91%. 54 Both permits were renewed in 2015. Table 19-1 Permit Status Agency/Permit New Yok State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water SPDES Permit # NY-0001781 Description Date SPDES – State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System References NYDEC correspondence of 12/13/11, stating that based upon the comprehensive inspection of the facility, the facility is “in substantial compliance with the conditions and limits of its SPDES permit.” Expires 05/31/19 (A1 – A4) New York State has changed the permit program. Due to design pumping capacity being less than 10 MGD, the initial permit was issued 7/06/2015. Annual reporting of water withdrawal is required. Expires 05/31/2019 (B, C & D) DEC ID 6-4038-00024 NYDEC Bureau of Water Resource Management Division of Water Great Lakes Water Withdrawal Certificate Replaced by the Water Withdrawal Permit. NYGL #7714 NYDEC Division of Environmental Permits Mine Permit #6-4038-00024/00006 Authorizes mining zinc ore (sphalerite) from underground and surface workings on 1,661 acres of land (Balmat #2 and #4 mines). Allows for 800 ac of surface land to be affected; of which 459 acres is reclaimed. Expires 08/01/2020 (E&F) NYDEC Division of Air Resources Air Facility Registration ID 6-4034-00006 & 6-4038-00024 Originally issued (as ID #6-4038-00024) in 1998 with no expiration date. Rec’d correspondence from NYSDEC requiring submission of updated permit application by 11 September 2014. Expires 09/03/2024 (G, H & I) New York State Department of Health (NYDOH) Bureau of Water Supply Protection Public Water Supply ID# NY4430004 The facility is considered a non-transient non-community public water supply. The system is inactive due to employment level at under 25 personnel. It is intended that the system and permit will be reinstated at such time the number of personnel increases. Inactive (J, K, & L) Elson, Geoff, Sheridan, James, Kuestermeyer, Alva, Scharnhorst, Vicki, “Fatal Flaw Review of the Balmat Zinc Mine, New York”, Northern Zinc internal company report prepared by Tetra Tech, October 31, 2014. 54 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Permitting, Reclamation and Closure Agency/Permit NYDEC Division of Water Bureau of Flood Protection & Dam Safety Dam ID# 110-3905 Page 105 Description Date St. Joseph’s Tailing Systems Dams A & B were reclassified as “Class D - No Hazard”. As such, these structures are no longer considered dams as defined by the State, but the structures are still regulated by a Departmental Mined Land Reclamation Permit. Not Required (M) NYDEC Chemical Bulk Storage Certificate CBS No. 6-000122 Expires 10/01/2017 (N) NYDEC Petroleum Bulk Storage Certificate PBS 6-451770 Expires 09/26/2018 (O) NYDOH Radiation Installation Certificate No. 44023174 Expires 09/15/2016 (P) U.S. DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 060215 552 062X DOT Hazardous Material Registration 060215 552 062X Expires 09/30/2016 (Q) New York Department of Labor As reported by HudBay: By Person (R) Explosive License Own and Possess Baderman R - expires 01 December 2016 Blasters Certificate of Competence Baderman R – expires 01 Jul 2016, Hence J – expires 01March 2017 Reclamation and Closure The Balmat Mine Closure Plan and Cost Estimate was updated in 2010 by SRK. The study is a prefeasibility level plan and is shown in Table 19-2. The total estimated cost to close the Balmat Mine is $9,985,000 expressed in 2014 dollars. The cost includes surface activities, shaft capping and post closure monitoring.55 The Balmat No. 4 mine and mine tailings reclamation is assured with a $1.8 million certificate of deposit. The closure and reclamation plan in place will require the removal of mining specific infrastructure and conversion of the mine site itself to a moderate to heavy industry zoned site. Salvage of the mine and mill equipment is anticipated to cover the additional costs identified in the closure plan. Elson, Geoff, Sheridan, James, Kuestermeyer, Alva, Scharnhorst, Vicki, “Fatal Flaw Review of the Balmat Zinc Mine, New York”, Northern Zinc internal company report prepared by Tetra Tech, October 31, 2014 55 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 106 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Tailings effluent is continuously monitored in accordance with the SPDES permit with a continuous record of flow rate and temperature. A monthly composite sample is collected for compliance and reporting purposes. Periodic elevation of zinc and iron in solution has been controlled to the satisfaction of the NYSDEC with the addition of sodium sulfate to sources upstream from the water holding ponds. The risk of long-term environmental liability at Balmat due to water discharge is reduced by the alkaline, acid-consuming nature of the host rock surrounding mineralization. Water quality sampling data from the Balmat No. 3 mine indicates that as the mine floods, oxygen deficiency in the mine water will reduce its ability to react with host rock mineralization and discharge should not require further treatment.56 56 Personal communication with Mr. Ryan Schermerhorn, Site Manager SLZC, December 3, 2015. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Permitting, Reclamation and Closure Page 107 Table 19-2 Reclamation and Closure Cost Estimate Component Demolition and Miscellaneous Infrastructure Tailings Surface Water Diversions Contaminated Soils Landfills Closure Project Management Project Administration and Environmental Management Costs 2014 NPV 2015 $3,297,276 $3,426,199 $4,255,039 $900,640 $108,761 $63,271 $603,691 $457,639 $935,855 $113,014 $33,503 $319,662 $4,118,755 $5,285,873 $4,471,920 $0 $0 Subtotal $9,228,678 Post Closure Costs Earthworks Inspection and $214,089 Maintenance Environmental Management $542,0125 2016 2017-2019 2020-2024 2025-2029 2030 2031-2039 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $5,000 $0 $99,617 $38,862 $19,580 $18,095 $18,095 Perpetual $33,503 $319,662 $5,000 $0 Subtotal $756,214 $0 $0 $114,617 $53,862 $34,580 $33,095 $23,095 $5,000 Total $9,984,892 $5,285,873 $8,485,768 $114,617 $53,862 $34,580 $33,095 $23,095 $5,000 Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 108 20. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Capital and Operating Cost Estimates Capital Costs Project capital including capital development totals $14.75 M or $0.14/lb of zinc in concentrates over the life of the reserve (Table 20-1 and Table 20-2). Ventilation system upgrades consist of several bulkheads and doors, installation of 3 primary intake fans between the No. 2 and No. 4 mines, drawing air through the No. 2 mine and purchase and installation of a 1,000 HP booster fan and variable speed drive to be installed on the 3100 level below the raises from Upper Fowler. 57 Equipment repairs include servicing, tuning, replacing batteries, hydraulic hoses and nonserviceable tires. Some units will also require DPM filters or engine upgrades to reduce DPM emissions to acceptable levels. The current equipment fleet’s capacity exceeds the anticipated production levels and only the lower cost units will be placed back into service. Successful reductions in DPM emissions can reduce the requirements for additional ventilation fans. Mine rehabilitation includes re-bolting and screening costs for approximately 5,000 feet of drift. The Newfold area exhibits the greatest amount of bolt corrosion and would require between 1,000 and 1,500 feet of rehabilitation work. Other areas of the mine are in better condition and will be evaluated on a drift by drift basis. Pre-production carrying costs include taxes, insurance, and salaries for care and maintenance employees and utilities. Startup costs include additional labor, utilities and supplies for approximately three months. Table 20-1 Infrastructure, Holding and Startup Capital Item Description Ventilation System Upgrades Equipment Repairs Mine Rehabilitation Preproduction Carrying Costs Startup Costs 15% Contingency Total 57 Amount ($000’s) $1,431 $500 $1,000 $1,250 $775 $743.4 $5,699.4 Carter, Rob, “Balmat Mine Re-Opening Plan”, May 2010, HudBay Minerals internal company report. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Capital and Operating Cost Estimates Page 109 Capital development will be completed concurrent with production and includes access to the lower Mud Pond, upper and lower Mahler zones and continuation of the Newfold ramp to the top of the mineralization. Also included in development is approximately 700 feet of drifting to complete the secondary egress and ventilation drift to complete the connection between Mahler and Newfold. Table 20-2 Capital Development Requirements Item Description Primary Capital Drifting Secondary Capital Drifting Capital Raising Total Quantity (ft) 7,296 1,535 265 Unit Cost ($/ft) $1,000 $900 $1,500 9,096 Extension ($000’s) $7,296 $1,383 $398 $9,046 Operating Costs Detailed operating costs are shown in Table 20-3. Mining costs were estimated by Practical Mining using local labor and commodity prices. Historical mobile equipment maintenance costs from 2008, escalated by 15%, were also included. Updated milling cost estimates total $9.05 per ton, including labor at $2.14 per ton, power at $1.85 per ton, maintenance at $1.71 per ton and reagents and consumables at $3.36 per ton. Concentrate transportation and treatment charge estimates were provided by SLZC. Unit operating costs per pound of zinc in concentrates are anticipated to average $0.59 per pound zinc. Table 20-3 Unit Operating Costs Item Description Room and Pillar Mining Stope Development Drifting Long Hole Stope Mining Waste Backfill Expensed Waste Primary Crushing and Hoisting Milling Site Administration 15% Contingency Concentrate Transportation Smelter Treatment Charge Smelter Penalty Practical Mining LLC Units Ore ton Ore ton Ore ton Backfill ton Waste ton Ore ton Ore Ton Ore ton Ore ton Concentrate ton Concentrate ton Concentrate ton Unit Cost $47.64 $47.64 $27.36 $9.49 $29.68 $4.15 $9.05 $3.72 $8.69 $21.51 $187.51 $20.00 January 30, 2016 Page 110 Item Description 0.3% Average Royalty Total Cash Cost Practical Mining LLC Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Units Ore ton Ore ton Zn lb Star Mountain Resources Inc. Unit Cost 0.30 $104.03 $0.59 January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 21. Economic Analysis Page 111 Economic Analysis The results of constant dollar cash flow analysis are presented in Table 21-1. At a $0.92 per pound zinc price the Balmat reserves will generate a 25% IRR and $3.2M NPV at 5%. Table 21-1 Cash Flow Summary and Financial Indicators Ore Mined for Processing Zinc Grade Contained Zinc Capital Development Mill Recovery Zinc Recovered in Concentrate Zinc Price Smelter Deduction Smelter Treatment Charges Transportation Charges Penalty Charges Revenue Operating Costs (Includes 15% Contingency Smelter Charges Royalty 0.3% EBITA Capital Income Tax Net Income Discounted Cash Flow @ 5% Payback Period Profitability Index Internal Rate of Return 585 9.2% 53.8 9,067 96% 51.7 $0.92 15% $187.51 $21.51 $20.00 $80,788 ($39,533) ($21,313) ($178) $19,764 ($14,745) ($590) $4,427 $3,165 2.5 1.2 25% Kt kt feet kt /pound /ton concentrate /ton concentrate /ton concentrate (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) (000’s) years Sensitivity Analysis Project sensitivities to changes in zinc price, operating costs and capital costs were calculated by varying each from -20% to +20%. The impact on NPV, profitability index and IRR are shown in Figure 21-1 through Figure 21-3. Zinc pricing imparts the greatest degree of sensitivity with a 10% improvement in price increasing the project 5% NPV to $8.5M and the IRR to 63%. Operating costs would need to have a negative variance of 14% to reduce the project NPV to zero. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 112 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 21-1 NPV Sensitivity Figure 21-2 Profitability Index Sensitivity Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Economic Analysis Page 113 Figure 21-3 IRR Sensitivity Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 114 22. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Adjacent Properties SLZC properties include the past producing Edwards, Peirrepont and Hyatt Mines. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 23. Other Relevant Data and Information Page 115 Other Relevant Data and Information Mine production and Reserve Additions The results reported herein are based on the 2-1/2-year, Proven and Probable Reserve mine plan, itself part of a larger, 8-1/2-year mine plan which includes mineralized material not currently classified as reserves. This situation bears on items that are critical to underground mining operations. The upgrade of possible mineralization to Proven and Probable Reserves requires new underground excavations for drill stations and other openings immediately incurring capitalized development costs. All underground mining companies are reticent to spend these additional funds until the resource is actually needed for a short range mine plan, normally six months to one year out. Underground mines with a long history of operations, like Balmat, very quickly settle on the proportionate share of possible to Proven and Probable Reserves that works to continually replace mine production. Mining operations essentially treat the two to three year reserve as a renewable resource, in other words sustaining capital expenditures aim to replace ton for ton mined ore with Proven and Probable Reserves, upgraded from possible mineralization. In effect, underground mines generally retain a three year running reserve over many consecutive years of production. The orebodies mined at Balmat form long, continuous bodies with the length dimension many times longer than the width and thickness dimensions. This geometry gives great confidence to the strategy of exploring directly outward from known mineral resources. Over the life of the mine, additions come in increments, more or less equal to the mined depletions on a year-by-year basis. Certain portions of the possible mineralization are reclassified to Proven and Probable Reserves as development and production headings are excavated. In fact, the distinction between possible mineralization and Proven and Probable Reserves at Balmat is dependent upon the distance to a mine excavation driven in ore and mineralization cannot be classified to Proven and Probable Rserves until mining approaches to within the predefined distance. On a district wide basis, larger step-function additions from the discovery of new ore bodies come every 16 to 18 years or so. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 116 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Figure 23-1 Annual Production and Reserves 1930 - 2008 Table 23-1 Significant Events in Reserve Additions and Depletions 1942 1951 1962 1964 1966 1971-72 1974 1976 1980 1985 1997 2005 2006 WWII 3.2 million tons added 1.2 million tons added 1.2 million tons added 1.5 million tons added Fowler orebody discovery 7 million tons added Recalculated reserve to include projected reserves, 7.5 million tons added Reclassified reserves to remove projected reserves, 1 million tons deleted 1.4 million tons added 3.1 million tons deleted Low grade reserve removed, 5 million tons deleted Mud Pond re-interpreted, 3.5 million tons added HudBay feasibility report 1.9 million tons HudBay reserves after 1 year of production 3.5 million tons Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 24. Interpretation and Conclusions Page 117 Interpretation and Conclusions Conclusions The Balmat No. 4 Mine has been well maintained since being placed on a care and maintenance status in 2008. The mine and mill are past producers with demonstrated production rates and recoveries well within the planned restart parameters. The mine and mill could resume production with only minor capital expenditure. There is sufficient reserve for 18 months production and the potential to increase reserves through additional exploration. Like most underground mines, the reserve life is limited by development and as additional development work is completed the reserves grow accordingly. Under favorable market conditions the development rate could be increased, thereby increasing the reserve growth rate and supporting a higher daily rate of production without the need for infrastructure expansion. The Balmat Mine operated continuously from 1930 to 2001 and has produced over 33.8 million tons of 8.6% zinc ore. During this time period the exploration successfully replaced the reserves that had been mined expanding upon known areas of mineralization and discovering new ones. Adjacent to the current reserves is additional mineralized material defined by drilling and of similar grade to the reserves that in all likelihood will be reclassified to reserve status as the mine progresses. Beyond this are additional exploration targets waiting to be tested. Project Risks Depressed zinc prices below $0.92 per pound represent the most significant risk to the profitable re-start of mining operations at Balmat. Other risks include lower than planned mine grade and operating cost over runs. These risks along with potential mitigating measures are presented in Table 24-1. Table 24-1 Potential Project Risks Risk Zinc Price Continued High DPM Concentration Potential Impact Reduced Project Profitability Failure to Meet Production Goals Mitigating Measures Implement Cost Reduction Strategies Diesel Equipment Modifications and Ventilation System Upgrades Run of Mine Grade Less than Planned Reduced Project Profitability Reduce Dilution Practical Mining LLC Opportunities Improved Operating Margins Lower than Planned Cost to Achieve DPM Standards Improved Operating Margins January 30, 2016 Page 118 Mine Costs Higher than Planned Practical Mining LLC Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Reduced Project Profitability Alternative Mining Adjust Cut Off Grade Methods, Star Mountain Resources Inc. Improved Operating Margins January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. 25. Recommendations Page 119 Recommendations Opportunities to improve the mine and mill performance or reduce costs are listed in Table 25-1. These are nearly equally divided between the mine and mill and each could contribute to improved operating margins. The greatest impact would likely come from optimizing mine geometries and implementation of cemented backfill techniques to allow recovery of mineralization left in pillars during the 85 year history of the Balmat Mines. Table 25-1 Recommendations Recommendation Optimize Mining and Ore Geometries and Planned Dilution Ventilation System and DPM Concentration Modeling Dense Media Separation Test Work Pillar Recovery with Cemented Backfill Concentrate Grade Optimization Test Work Test Work to Improve Zinc Recovery through Regrind of Scavenger Concentrates and Cleaner Tailings Practical Mining LLC Estimated Cost (000’s) $20k $30k $50k $40k $20k $20k January 30, 2016 Page 120 26. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. 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Tollo, Richard P.; Louise Corriveau; James McLelland; Mervin J. Bartholomew (2004). "Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America: An introduction". In Tollo, Richard P.; Corriveau, Louise; McLelland, James; et al. Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Bibliography Page 123 the Grenville orogen in North America. Geological Society of America Memoir 197. Boulder, CO. pp. 1–18. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 124 27. Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Glossary Assay: The chemical analysis of mineral samples to determine the metal content. Asbuilt: a field survey, construction drawing, 3D model, or other descriptive representation of an engineered design for underground workings. Composite: distance. Combining more than one sample result to give an average result over a larger Concentrate: A metal-rich product resulting from a mineral enrichment process such as gravity concentration or flotation, in which most of the desired mineral has been separated from the waste material in the ore. Crushing: processing. Initial process of reducing material size to render it more amenable for further Cut-off Grade (CoG): The grade of mineralized rock, which determines as to whether or not it is economic to recover its gold content by further concentration. Dilution: Dip: Waste, which is unavoidably mined with ore. Angle of inclination of a geological feature/rock from the horizontal. Fault: The surface of a fracture along which movement has occurred. Footwall: The underlying side of a mineralized body or stope. Gangue: Non-valuable components of the ore. Grade:The measure of concentration of valuable minerals within mineralized rock. Hanging wall:The overlying side of a mineralized body or stope. Haulage: A horizontal underground excavation which is used to transport mined rock. Igneous: Primary crystalline rock formed by the solidification of magma. Kriging: A weighted, moving average interpolation method in which the set of weights assigned to samples minimizes the estimation variance. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Glossary Page 125 Level: A main underground roadway or passage driven along a level course to afford access to stopes or workings and to provide ventilation and a haulage way for the removal of broken rock. Lithological: Geological description pertaining to different rock types. Milling: A general term used to describe the process in which the ore is crushed, ground and subjected to physical or chemical treatment to extract the valuable minerals in a concentrate or finished product. Mineral/Mining Lease: Mining Assets: A lease area for which mineral rights are held. The Material Properties and Significant Exploration Properties. Sedimentary: Pertaining to rocks formed by the accumulation of sediments, formed by the erosion of other rocks. Sill1: A thin, tabular, horizontal to sub-horizontal body of igneous rock formed by the injection of magma into planar zones of weakness. Sill2: The floor of a mine passage way. Stope: An underground excavation from which ore has been removed. Stratigraphy: The study of stratified rocks in terms of time and space. Strike: Direction of line formed by the intersection of strata surfaces with the horizontal plane, always perpendicular to the dip direction. Sulfide: A sulfur bearing mineral. Tailings: extracted. Finely ground waste rock from which valuable minerals or metals have been Thickening: The process of concentrating solid particles in suspension. Total Expenditure: All expenditures including those of an operating and capital nature. Variogram: A plot of the variance of paired sample measurements as a function of distance and/or direction. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Page 126 Mineral Reserves at the Balmat Mine, St. Lawrence County, New York Star Mountain Resources Inc. Reserve: That part of a mineral deposit which could be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. Reserves are customarily stated in terms of "ore" when dealing with metalliferous minerals; when other materials such as coal, oil, shale, tar, sands, limestone, etc. are involved, an appropriate term such as "recoverable coal" may be substituted. Proven (Measured) Reserves: Reserves for which (a) quantity is computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, workings or drill holes; grade and/or quality are computed from the results of detailed sampling and (b) the sites for inspection, sampling and measurement are spaced so closely and the geologic character is so well defined that size, shape, depth and mineral content of reserves are well-established. Probable (Indicated) Reserves: Reserves for which quantity and grade and/or quality are computed form information similar to that used for proven (measure) reserves, but the sites for inspection, sampling, and measurement are farther apart or are otherwise less adequately spaced. The degree of assurance, although lower than that for proven (measured) reserves, is high enough to assume continuity between points of observation. Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 Star Mountain Resources Inc. Appendix A: Practical Mining LLC Reserves Mine Plan Maps Page 127 Appendix A: Practical Mining LLC Reserves Mine Plan Maps Practical Mining LLC January 30, 2016 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17000 17000 NEWS 2 1 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 NE W 07 NEWS 16800 16800 8 0 NEW Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND P CA NW 16600 16600 ES 1 FS Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 16400 16400 BALMAT New Fold -3327 Level 16200 16200 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals NE W 05 NEW01 16800 16800 NEW 02 NEW 04 17000 17000 NEW03 6 0 NEW 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet FA X LEGEND NW FS 1 16600 16600 NW Scale 1"=100' Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 16400 16400 BALMAT New Fold -3267 Level 16200 16200 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 17000 17000 16800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 16800 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16600 16600 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 16400 16400 Q2 2017 BALMAT New Fold -3217 Level NWFS1 16200 16200 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 20400 Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 20400 17000 17000 16800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 16800 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16600 16600 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 XC NW 3 16400 1 16400 4 2 XC NW XC NW XC NW Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT New Fold -3207 Level 16200 16200 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 20400 Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 17000 17000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16800 16800 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' 16600 16600 LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 16400 Q4 2016 N1 16400 F NW Q1 2017 Q2 2017 FS1 NW BALMAT New Fold -3147 Level 16200 16200 19400 19600 19800 20000 20200 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 1 MW DN MW D 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet 17000 17000 100 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND AX Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 1 DS MW Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler White Dolomite -3298 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 DN 1 M W MW D MW DS 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet 17000 17000 100 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND AX Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 1 Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler White Dolomite -3268 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17000 17000 MW D N1 17200 17200 100 0 50 AX MWD 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' W M LEGEND 1 DS 16800 16800 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 16600 16600 BALMAT Mahler White Dolomite -3238 Level 16400 16400 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 0 2 W DN 50 100 150 200 250 Feet 17000 17000 100 Scale 1"=100' Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 M W DS 1 MWDAX MW D N1 M LEGEND Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler White Dolomite -3208 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 17200 17200 17000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 17000 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet M W DN 2 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MW DN 1 16800 16800 Q1 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 16600 16600 Q2 2017 BALMAT Mahler White Dolomite -3154 Level 16400 16400 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18800 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17600 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 17000 17000 16800 Mineral Resource Professionals 16800 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' M W DN 2 LEGEND Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MW DN 1 Q1 2016 16600 16600 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 16400 16400 BALMAT Mahler White Dolomite -3086 Level 16200 16200 17600 17800 18000 18200 18400 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18600 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17600 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 17000 17000 16800 Mineral Resource Professionals 16800 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MW DN 1 LEGEND 16600 16600 MW DS 1 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 16400 16400 BALMAT Mahler White Dolomite -3061 Level 16200 16200 17600 17800 18000 18200 18400 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18600 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 18000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16200 16200 MW D S1 16400 16400 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16000 16000 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15800 15800 Mahler White Dolomite -2771 Level 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 18000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 16200 MW DN 1 16400 16400 16200 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16000 16000 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15800 15800 Mahler White Dolomite -2733 Level 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 18000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals MW DN 1 16400 16400 16200 16200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16000 16000 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15800 15800 Mahler White Dolomite -2676 Level 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 14000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals NS T0 7 14000 14000 NS T0 8 14200 14200 NST10 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 13800 13800 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 13600 13600 BALMAT Mud Pond QD -2007 Level 13400 13400 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 14000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 14000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 14200 14200 NST01 NST02 NST03 NST04 NST05 NS T0 7 NST06 NS T0 8 01 14000 NST10 NST09 14000 WST 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 13800 13800 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 13600 13600 BALMAT Mud Pond QD -1980 Level 13400 13400 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 14000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 14000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals NST03 NST05 NST06 NS T0 7 14000 14000 NST04 14200 14200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 13800 13800 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 13600 13600 BALMAT Mud Pond QD -1950 Level 13400 13400 13000 13200 13400 13600 13800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 14000 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 15000 16200 16200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16000 16000 MN MP 1 100 100 150 200 250 Scale 1"=100' 15800 C0 2 MP MS 1 M PM ES MB AX 50 Feet MPM 15800 0 LEGEND 1 C0 ES M PM Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 09 Q1 2016 MPM08 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 15600 15600 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15400 15400 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 15000 Mud Pond Main -3105 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 15000 16200 16200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals MPM M B 16000 16000 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' 15800 15800 MP MS 1 LEGEND X MA MP Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 15600 15600 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15400 15400 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 15000 Mud Pond Main -3080 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 15000 16200 16200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16000 16000 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' 15800 15800 N1 PM M MPM E Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 S1 MPM AX M PM LEGEND MB Q3 2016 AP SC 15600 M 15600 Q4 2016 PM 07 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 M BALMAT PM 05 MPM 06 15400 15400 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 15000 Mud Pond Main -3055 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 15000 16200 16200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16000 16000 MP M S1 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' 15800 15800 MP MS 2 LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 15600 15600 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15400 15400 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 15000 Mud Pond Main -3030 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 16000 16000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 15800 15800 MPMN 1 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet AX PM M MB 15600 S1 MPM 15600 MPM Scale 1"=100' LEGEND M PM Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 ESCA P 04 Q1 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 15400 15400 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15200 15200 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Mud Pond Main -2990 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 Mineral Resource Professionals MPMN2 16000 16000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 MPMN1 15800 15800 100 MPMN3 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet AX C0 2 ES M 1 1 C0 ES PM MB MP MS 15600 MPM 15600 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 MPM01 Q4 2016 MPM03 02 15400 15400 MPM Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15200 15200 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Mud Pond Main -2956 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 MPMN2 15800 15800 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet 15600 15600 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND MPMN3 ES C AP MPMN1 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 PM M S1 Q3 2016 15400 15400 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15200 15200 14000 14200 14400 14600 14800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Mud Pond Main -2898 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 19200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 17400 17400 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 X MA MA 6 M0 MA P CA ES MA MAMS1 MA MM B 100 7 MN MA 7 MS M MA MS6 5 MA AMN 5 M MS MA N4 M MA 50 100 150 200 250 Feet M MA S4 M MA N3 Scale 1"=100' S3 M MA 2 MN 1 A M MN MA LEGEND S2 17000 AM M 17000 0 N6 MA 3 MS Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 M S4 AM Q4 2016 Q1 2017 16800 16800 Q2 2017 BALMAT Mahler Main -3343 Level 16600 16600 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19200 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 5 M0 MA P CA ES X MA MA MAMS1 17000 17000 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' LEGEND 16800 16800 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 Mahler Main -3313 Level 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 17200 17200 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17000 17000 S1 MAM 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet 16800 16800 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 16600 16600 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16400 16400 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18800 Mahler Main -3163 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 16800 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 16000 16000 MA MN 4 16200 16200 MA MN 3 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet N2 MAM Scale 1"=100' Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MA MN 1 LEGEND 15800 15800 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 MA Q1 2017 MM B MAM Q2 2017 15600 03 15600 AX MAM BALMAT ESCA P Mahler Main -2566 Level 15400 15400 16800 17000 17200 17400 17600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 17800 Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 16800 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 16000 MA MN 3 16200 16200 16000 Mineral Resource Professionals 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet Scale 1"=100' N1 15800 15800 LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MA M Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 15600 15600 MAMAX MAM MB MAM04 BALMAT ESCAP Mahler Main -2516 Level 15400 15400 16800 17000 17200 17400 17600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 17800 Drawn By: SB Date: 13-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals MA M 04 17200 17200 MAMA 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 X M AM S1 3 MS MA S4 M MA 2 MS A M 5 MS MA Feet 17000 MW DN 1 P CA Scale 1"=100' LEGEND MW DAX Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 M W DS 1 MB MAM 17000 ES Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler Main and White Dolomite -3283 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 3 M0 MA 100 1 P MW DN ESCA 17000 AX AM 2 M ESCP 0 50 100 150 200 250 B Feet 17000 MAMM MAM S1 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND AX MWD M Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 1 DS W Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler Main and White Dolomite -3253 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 19000 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals 17200 17200 MA M0 2 M 0 2 DN W 50 100 150 200 250 Feet AX MAM 17000 17000 100 Scale 1"=100' LEGEND MWDN MAMS1 1 MB MAM Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 MWDAX W M 1 DS Q3 2016 16800 16800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 16600 16600 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19000 Mahler Main and White Dolomite -3223 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 18800 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 17200 17200 Mineral Resource Professionals 17000 17000 MAM 01 ESCAP M W DN 2 MAMAX B MAMM 100 0 50 150 200 250 MW DN Scale 1"=100' LEGEND AX MW DS 1 16800 16800 MW D 100 Feet 1 MAMS1 Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 16600 16600 Q2 2017 BALMAT Mahler Main and White Dolomite -3193 Level 16400 16400 17800 18000 18200 18400 18600 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 18800 Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 16400 16400 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 MW DN 2 Mineral Resource Professionals 16200 16200 MW DN1 M MA E4 0 2 ME A M 50 100 150 200 250 Feet AX Scale 1"=100' LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 M AM E1 D MW 16000 MAM N1 100 16000 M AM E3 2 MN MA E5 AM M Q3 2016 15800 15800 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 BALMAT 15600 15600 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Mahler Main and White Dolomite -2634 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 16400 16400 PRACTICAL MINING LLC 495 Idaho Street, Suite 205 Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 345-3718 Mineral Resource Professionals MW DN 1 M AM N4 16200 16200 M AM N4 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feet DAX MW 3 MAM MAM N2 N2 AM M Scale 1"=100' 16000 MA MN 16000 100 LEGEND Q1 2016 Q3 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2017 N1 15800 MAMN1 15800 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 MAM 01 Q2 2017 2 M0 MA BALMAT 15600 15600 17000 17200 17400 17600 17800 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Mahler Main and White Dolomite -2596 Level Drawn By: SB Date: 14-Oct-15 Checked: Date: Drawing No: Revision History