Narwhal (corpse whale) by M ara Alden 2012 body features a fluke is a narwhals tail a narwhal shape is round like a sausage a male narwhal can weight can be 3,500 pounds a narwhals young a brown narwhal color are light on the bottom and dark colors on the top narwhals have a ridge on spine fun fact narwhals live in groups of 20-4 what do they eat narwhals hunt in bays baby narwhals drink milk a narwhals sucking up there food narwhals eat arctic cod squid and shrimp fun fact narwhal dive 1,200 feet where do they live .narwhals live in ice cold water .narwhals are frown in green iceland or Canada .baby narwhals are born by bays Fun fact in spring they move in deeper water what are enemy .killer whales and polar bears are enemy of a narwhal .narwhals stay in group form enemy .native people are big enemies to narwhals fun facts narwhals might be extinct tusks A narwhal has a tusk. It is used for fighting with other narwhals.A narwhals can feel temperature with there tusk how cool is that.Sometimes when there fighting clack! Now lets talk about a narwhals appearance. Did you now that narwhals tusk can grow for life! A narwhals tusk grows count clock wise like a candy cane.A narwhal tusk can grow up to 9 feet! A the sound you’ ll her is narwhals tusk grows through its mouth too. most people just think a narwhals tusk is a feature. sources narwhal up close by jody Sullivan rak save the whales office of protected resources enchanted learning American cetacean society p US:official&channel=np&biw=1299&bih=639&tbm=isch&tbnid=o2Z8GX4r6UZJEM:&imgrefurl= narwhal/&docid=bEAm-UmY_7v9mM&imgurl= 79&ty=73&sig=116294794459009178731&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=101&tbnw=172&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:92 glossary .narwhals a whale .Arctic a place that is very cold . greenland a place in the world . canada a place in the world . appearance how they look . predator an animal that eat a other animal . tusk a tooth