Village Voice May 2011 - Christian Village Retirement Community


Village Voice May 2011 - Christian Village Retirement Community
Village Care Of King Rehab & Nursing Center
Employee Of The Month
Kathie Everhart CNA
9TH– Wild West Party @2:30 PM
10TH- Facility Pig Pickin
 Annual
Blood Drive & Live broadcast
with WBFJ 89.3 FM
 Guest appearance by Jake Thorne
aka John Wayne
*Western day—Staff dress in
“Western Attire” ** Staff , visitors & family members who
wish to donate blood may contact ~Angie Patton @ 983-4900
for more information. We are encouraging appointments but walkins are welcome as well!
12TH–Petting Zoo @ 2PM! Rabbits,
Hedghogs, Miniature Donkeys, and
many more.
We would like to congratulate Kathie
Everhart ; Village Care’s April
Employee Of The Month! She is a
proud Mother and Grandmother. We
are happy to have her on first shift
with us after being such a leader on
second for the past several years.
We appreciate your dedication to the
residents of Village Care Of King!
May we have your attention please!
You may have noticed our Veteran’s Memorial Shadowbox in the
front lobby. We would love to include all of our Veterans but we
need your help. Family members please bring a photo of your resident in
uniform and give to either Dena Gambs or Angie Patton. We will scan the
photo and return it to you. We will need some information regarding the
branch of service and rank, tour of duty and any other information you
wish to share about your time in the service. We will make 2 copies one
for the shadowbox and one for the family. More copies can be made on request. We would love to honor all of our residents in this way. Staff members and visitors are very interested in reading the memorials in our
shadowbox. We promise we will take very good care of your pictures and
get them back to you promptly. Check out the new memorials we have
added to the shadowbox.
5 / 12
5 / 19
5 /26
Ranzie Knight
James Long
Hallie Adkins
Ethel Smith
Manuel Puckett
Martha Fain
Betty Godwin
Roy Odum
Posey Bailey
Evelyn Serber
Granvil Nance
Lina Ashby
Jacqueline Worley
Jane Puckett
Robert jones
Mary Warner
Ila Chilton
Sarah Joyce
Jean Upchurch
Bonnie Utt
Carol Ange
Harvey Tedder
Betty Hicks
Mary Vernon
Annie Collins
Betty Denny
Evelyn Johns
Grant Smith
Alvin Sloop
Attention Family Members—Please contact the Care Plan Coordinator to schedule
an appointment for Care Plan. Please check the monthly newsletter for our schedule . Thank You From The Care Plan Team
Administrator………………….………….…..……Mike Weaver
Director Of Nursing……………..….....Amy Smith RN,BSN
A.D.O.N. /Infection Control / QA ….…Susan Chilton RN
Staff Development Coordinator……......Robin Poteat RN
MDS/ Care Plan Coordinator. …….......Suzie Gerald RN
Assistant MDS Coordinator…….......Bridget Holder RN
PTA/ Rehab Director…….…………...……..…....John Elkins
Social Services Director……….………....…….Debbie Sheek
Admissions Coordinator……..………....…….Dena Gambs
Dietary Manager……………..…….….Effie Lawrence CDM
Activity Director………………………..…..…..Susan Tillman
Chester McAlpine—1
Clatis Hunsucker—3
Jean Upchurch—8
James Long—17
Jane Ayers—25
Verlie Ketner—26
Jane Puckett—29
Evelyn “Louise Johns”-31
Assistant Activity Director…….….….…...Cindy Stanberry
Medical Records Director……….…..….Donna Gearheart
Medical Records Assistant………….…………..Jo Ann Pyles
Accounts Receivable Manager….……...…......Nancy Hyler
Accounts Receivable Assistant…........…Jeanette Goins
Office Manager…………………..….....Margaret Schlotfeldt
Administrative Assistant……….....….Dianna Westerberg
Environmental Services Director……....Barry Gearheart
Housekeeping & Laundry Director…..Angie Patton CEH
*Please contact us personally with any compliments or
Tim Moser—1
Chelsea Nichols—1
Patricia Stark—3
Beth Carter—10 Years
Darrell Leonard—5 Years
Brittany Gwyn—3 Years
Jilissa Williams—2 Years
Maegon Rash CNA
Eddie Devins—4
Pint Stupakewicz , Dietary
Pam Hendrix—5
Latanya Boyd, LPN
Cindy Jackson—8
Melissa Arbgast—10
Gerri Savage—10
Celia Holt, Housekeeping
Jessica Stockton—11
Eddie Steinmeyer, Floor
Amanda Rutledge—16
Darrell Leonard—16
Cindy Wright—17
Levi Poindexter—18
Angela Morton—26
Michelle Burkhart—28
Lorie Culler– 28
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Safety Committee News
I love this time of year!
Everything has come back to life and
the flowers are blooming . We
truly enjoy the beautiful flowers and plants
that are brought in but please be sure flowers are all
that you are bringing in with you. Last year we had
several occasions where potted plants and cut flowers were harboring lots and lots of ants. We would
prefer the ants stay outside. Please help us with this
by carefully checking plants and flowers.
Congratulations to JoAnn Sexton
and Crystal Johnson; winners of
our monthly safety drawing. We
reached our goal of 2 years with no
lost time on December 24th, 2010.
Please remember to keep resident snacks in an airtight container so as not to draw ants. Our pest
control company comes twice a month and they do a
thorough job. However, if we continue to leave
sweets, snacks and drinks out for them, they will
continue to come to our facility.
Every month we get new items that come through
laundry without a name in it. We hold unmarked
clothing for 30 days and then we donate it. As a free
service to our residents, we label their personal
clothing, blankets, etc. with an iron on label printed
with permanent ink. Please report missing clothing
promptly to our Laundry Department. It is a good
idea to check our unclaimed clothing
We provide clothes hangers for all residents. It is
much less confusing if you take any personal ones
home with you and that you leave ours in the wardrobes when your resident leaves our facility.
We welcome any concerns or compliments you may
have. We are here to serve you!
We would like to make Eddie Steinmeyer III; Floor
Tech and Celia Holt; Houskeeping Asst. to our Team!
Angie Patton C.E.H.;
Housekeeping & Laundry Director
This goal was not reached by luck!
It takes each of us committing to
our safety and that of others.
Certain work areas such as Dietary , Laundry & the Tub Rooms
are prone to wet floors. Use of non
slip footwear, non-slip matting or
drying the floor (use of a squeegee)
will help prevent accidents. Remember to take the time to work
VCK Safety Committee
 The odds are stacked against us.
 Reinvigorate
 Step on it.
 Batten down the hatches
 Pie eye’d
 Stuck on you
 Iron stomach
 They went down to defeat
 Crack a joke
Long goodbye
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Goodbye girl
9:45 Sunday School
3:00 Pinnacle Church
of God
Monday Morning Coffee
3:00 Sittercise
3:45 Book Club
7:00 Lighthouse Baptist
9:45 Sunday School
2:30 Western Party with
3:00 Victory Baptist Ch. Best Cowboy Boots & Hat
10:30 Cosy Corner
7:00 Bannertown
10:30 Chape
3:00 Sitterc
7:00 Young
10:30 Cosy Corner
Pig Pickin @ Lunch!
11:00-4:30 Blood Drive &
10:30 Chape
2:30 Birthd
WBFJ Live Broadcast 12-2
3:00 Steve Tucker
7:00 Baux Mtn.
Mother’s Day
9:45 Sunday School
3:00 Pinnacle Church of
Monday Morning Coffee
In Room Pampering
3:00 Bowling
10:30 Cosy Corner
2:30 Bible Study –Betty
7:00 Bannertown
Full Moon
10:30 Chape
3:00 Sitterci
7:00 Old Or
9:45 Sunday School
3:00 Faith Times Three
Monday Morning Coffee
3:00 Sittercise
3:45 Book Club
10:30 Cosy Corner
10:30 Chape
3:00 Sitterci
9:45 Sunday School
3:00 Tony Tucker
Monday Morning Coffee
3:00 Sittercise
3:45 Book Club
10:30 Cosy Corner
2:30 Resident Council
Memorial Day
el Mt. Olive
el Poplar
day Party
el King 1st
rchard Prim
el Lamar
10:30 Sing Along with
Robbie Vance
3:00 Scrap booking
10:30 BINGO
3:00 Sittercise
10:30 Old Time Bapt.
10:30 Sing Along with
Ray Lloyd
2:00 Petting Zoo
7:00 Hand Bells /
10:30 BINGO
3:00 Style Show
3:00 Harvest Temple
7:00 Faith x Three
10:30 Sing Along with
Lisa Woods
3:00 Crafts
10:30 BINGO
3:00 Sittercise
10:30 Old Time Bapt.
7:00 Friendship Bapt.
Full Moon
10:30 Sing Along –
Reflections Choir 1st
2:30 Movie
10:30 BINGO
3:00 Sittercise
4:00 Tony Tucker
Good Friday
10:30 Woodland Bapt.
3:00 Myers Tilley
In Loving
Mildred Stevens
Page 8
The Purpose of Activities
“Activities purpose is not to kill time, But to make
time live,
Not to keep a person occupied, But to keep him /
her refreshed,
Not to offer an escape from life, But to provide
a discovery of life.”
As I learned of the 2011 Theme for National Nursing Home Week—
“Fulfilling the Promise” I thought how
appropriate for Village Care of King.
Fulfilling the Promise for twenty years
now-with the first resident coming to
live with us on July 5, 1991 and to date
over 1,900 residents have called
Village Care home, making many
memories and friends. I personally have
been here as the Activity Director since
June 17, 1991. It has been my honor and
pleasure to serve during these years.
Your face is going to freeze that way.
If___jumped off a cliff, would you do it?
It at once you don’t succeed, try , try again.
If at first you see a frown, do not let it stay.
Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown
You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached.
Do you think we live in a barn?
The starving children in ___would love to have
your food (which was usually followed by the
child saying, “Well they can have it.”)
If it doesn't kill you , it will make you stronger.
Susan Tillman ADC
I went through___hours of labor for you.
Activity Director
If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
When a child threatens to run away...Do you
want me to help you pack?
Pun on clean underwear in case you’re in an accident.
May 8-14, 2011
“Fulfilling the Promise”
The sponsor of National Nursing Home week is
the American Health Care Association
(ACHCA). The week was created in 1967 and
always begins on Mother’s Day.
Page 10
Gifts from the Garden Month
Skin Cancer Prevention Month
National Good Car –keeping Month
National hamburger Month
National Stroke Awareness Month
1—40th Anniversary of the beginning of Amtrak
Service (1971)
1—May Day
1—Mother Goose Day
1—7 National Hug Holiday Week
1—7 National Pet Week
3—National Teacher Day
5—Nationa Day Of Prayer
5—National Hoagie Day
6—Military Spouse Appreciation Day
6—12 National Nurses Week
8—Mother’s day
8—14 National Nursing Home Week
13— The only Friday the 13th in 2011
13—National Apple Pie Day
17—Full Moon
18—Visit Your Relatives Day
21—Armed Forces Day
24—Brother’s Day
25-National Missing Children’s Day
26—National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
29—100th Anniversary of the Indy 500
30—Anniversary of the Compact Disc (1981)
30 Memorial Day
Headache: Spread the area above your eyebrows with crushed onions. Squeeze some fresh
lemon juice in hot water and drink. Make a paste
out of cinnamon and water and spread across the
forehead. God to bed with a pair of scissors under your pillow.
Hiccups: Eat a teaspoon of peanut butter.
Drink water while standing on you head. While
panting like a dog, hold your arms up above your
head. Hold your breath. Eat a tablespoon of
sugar. Laugh out loud. Drink a glass of water
holding your nose.
Earache: Have someone blow smoke into your
ear. Roast cabbage stalks and squeeze the juice
into your ear. Apply heat. Chew gum
Insomnia: Drink a glass of warm milk. Combine one cup of water with 2 teaspoons of honey
and drink. Count sheep.
Toothache: Put a few drops of pure vanilla on
the tooth. Put wood ashes on a damp cloth and
hold on the tooth. Apply clove oil directly to the
Burn: Place the scrapings of a raw, white potato
on the burn area. After washing the area, apply
honey. Break the leaf of an aloe vera plant and
put the gel directly on the burn.
Cold: After eating an onion sandwich, wash your
hair, Boil pine needles in water and drink as a
tea. By the tablespoon, combine honey and vinegar and drink. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass
of lime juiced and water and drink.
Colic: Dissolve a pinch of baking soda in a
spoon of water and give to the baby. In a closed
room, have the father smoke a pipe or cigar.
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Village Care Of King
440 Ingram Rd.
King, NC 27021