September 18, 2016 - Catholic Church of St. James
September 18, 2016 - Catholic Church of St. James
1071 Academy Drive Conway, SC 29526 Website: Saturday Sunday October 23, 2016 4:30pm & 6:00pm 8:00am & 9:30am 12:00pm Español St. James Mission Statement St. James is a Catholic Community of disciples of Jesus Christ that: • is centered in the Eucharist and nourished by Scripture and Tradition • invites and welcomes all • grows in unity, knowledge and faith • serves God and all people Phone: (843) 347-5168 Fax: (843) 347-1212 [email protected] Reconciliation Saturdays at 3:15pm-4:15pm Tuesdays at 7:00pm-7:45pm or on request anytime Misión de St. James St. James es una comunidad Católica de discipulos de Jesucristo que: • está centrada en la eucaristia y alimentada por la Escritura y Tradición • invita y da bienvenida a todos • crece en unidad, conocimiento y fé • sirve a Dios y todo el mundo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastoral Staff Pastor ........................................ Father Tim Lijewski, ext. 222 Official Business Email: [email protected] Forwards Email: [email protected] Parochial Vicar…………………………Father Timothy Akanson Medical Emergency Number—when you need a priest: ………………………………………………………….843-219-0125 Deacon.………………………………………………..Jeff Mevissen Executive Assistant............................... ...Paula Loehr, ext. 221 Pastoral Associate/Coordinator of Religious Education .... .......................................................Paulette Flench, ext. 234 Hispanic Pastoral Associates…Conchita Antunez, ext. 229 and ………………………………………….Amalia García ext. 230 Youth Minister…………………………..Sarah Taylor, ext. 235 Secretary…………………………….…...Kathy Caughey, ext. 224 Catechumenate Director……………... Eleanor Fisher, ext. 223 Bulletin Articles: Items of communal inter est must be at par ish office no Maintenance Director……………….……..Earl Videan, ext. 232 later than 12:00pm Monday. Director of Music….. ....................................... ....Peggy Kamp Parish Nurse ................................ ...Jean Witt, (843) 347-5118 Organists................................Wendy Shelley, Bradley Hardee To email staff members, use first initial, last [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm Religious Education/Catecismo: Call office Infant Baptism: The Sacr ament is nor mally celebr ated dur ing a weekend Liturgy. Please call the office to register for the preparation process. Marriage: By ar r angement at least six months befor e the pr oposed wedding. Ministry to the Sick: Call to r equest visitation. Please let us know when loved ones are in the hospital. Columbarium: Available to all r egister ed Catholics of the Diocese. Call the church office for more information OCTOBER 23, 2016 WELCOME Father ’Rick LaBrecque, who is here this weekend speaking about his ministry, UNBOUND. He will have a table in the gathering space with more information and to answer any questions. CHILDREN’S LITURGY—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of some volunteers to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 9:30AM Mass. We present the reading and the Gospel to the children and then discuss it with them. Our children love to participate in the discussions. Please contact Joan Gorney at 843-347-5168. Anyone interested in the ministry also needs to see Paulette Flench for Safe Environment certification, including a background screening at 843-347-5168. Annual Rummage Sale --Sponsored by St. James Ladies Guild Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5 from 7:00AM-4:00PM in the Founders Center Donations will be accepted from Monday, October 31 through Thursday, November 3. For more info, contact Sandy at 843-347-5655. Trunk or treat! What: Decorate your trunk for Halloween in our trick or treating event! When: Saturday, October 29 12:00 Noon-3:00PM Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival 7-9pm-Haunted House/ Spooky Movie Under the Stars! Where: St. James Catholic Church 1071 Academy Drive, Conway, SC 29526 FALL FESTIVAL: Pumpkin Carving Competitions, Candy and Costume Competitions, Haunted House, Food and Snacks for sale, Trick or Treating, Car Decorating Competition, Games for adults. ALL AGES EVENT! CARNIVAL, HAUNTED HOUSE, MOVIE UNDER THE STARS! TICKETS: $3 GENERAL ADMISSION GAMES $1 FOR 10 TICKETS FAMILY RATES AVAILABLE FORMS AVAILABLE IN GATHERING SPACE RENT OUT SPACE FOR $10 AND DECORATE YOUR CAR CRAZY FOR THE KIDS! BENEFITING MISSION ST. JAMES HONDURAS 2017 CONTACTSarah Taylor staylor@stjamesconway. org or Taylor Monahan [email protected]. edu THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES SUNDAY Attraction Book Sales after all the Masses $20 per book. Help raise funds for the youth. Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Bible Study 9:00AM-10:30AM, #7 Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Religious Education Classes 10:45AM-12:00 Noon Virtus Session 1:00PM-4:00PM, #7 You must pre-register for the class MONDAY Eucharistic Adoration 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel KofC 4th Degree Meeting 7:00PM, Founders Center TUESDAY Bible Study 10:00AM-11:30AM, #7 Bible Study 2:00PM-3:30PM, #7 Eucharistic Adoration 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel Middle School Youth Group 6:30PM-8:00PM, #11 Confessions 7:00PM Confessions (English) 7:30PM Confessions (Spanish) Spanish Mass 8:00PM, Church Top of the Hill Gang Eucharistic Adoration Bible Study WEDNESDAY 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel 6:00PM-7:30PM, #3 THURSDAY Eucharistic Adoration 8:30AM-2:30PM, Chapel RCIA for Children 6:15PM-7:30PM 1st Reconciliation Family Class Grades 3-7 6:15PM RCIA for Adults 7:00PM, Conference Room Adult Choir Practice 7:00PM, #15 Eucharistic Adoration FRIDAY 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel NEXT SATURDAY Trunk or Treat from 12:00 Noon to 3:00PM, Church parking lot. Haunted House/Spooky Movie under the Stars, 7:00PM-9:00PM. See the article in today’s bulletin for complete details. Lectors Retreat 2:00PM-4:00PM, Church and Parish Hall Life Teen Mass 6:00PM, Church Life Teen Meeting 7:00PM, Youth Room #11 NEXT SUNDAY Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Bible Study 9:00AM-10:30AM, #7 Youth Mass 9:30AM, Church Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Religious Education Classes 10:45AM-12:00 Noon 1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting Grade 2 11:00AM, Founders Center COMING EVENTS Rummage Sale November 4 & 5, 7:00AM, Founders Center Lectors Retreat Makeup Session Friday, November 4, 6:00PM-8:00PM Confirmation Mass Monday, November 28, 7:00PM, Church PANCAKE SUPPER TO BENEFIT CAP AT EGGS UP GRILL 2676 Church Street (across from Walmart) 4:30PM-7:30PM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 TICKETS ARE $8 EACH THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Sat. Sat. WORSHIP THIS WEEK October 22-30 3:15pm-4:15pm Confession 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass + Michael Halyard, +Roland Laird, Sr. and +Roland Laird, Jr. 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Frank Richardelli Sun. 8:00am Mass + Domenick Massarella 9:30am Mass + Rocco Riccio Spanish 12:00pm Spanish Mass For the Parish Mon. 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass + John Millus Tue. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 Noon Mass + Kathryn Gerstemeier 7:00pm Confessions (English) 7:30pm Confessions (Spanish) Spanish 8:00pm Spanish Mass No Intention Wed. 4:00pm Mass at Brookdale “The Place” + Joan Loftus Thu. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Leo Castillo Fri. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Edward Koziol Sat. 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass No Intention 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Ann Florenz Sun. 8:00am Mass + Matthew Shemo 9:30am Mass + KofC Memorial Mass for deceased members Spanish 12:00pm Mass For the Parish + symbol for deceased MASS AT COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY today at 5:30PM in the Lackey Chapel. Everyone welcome. OFFERTORY: We thank everyone who gives so generously to our weekly collection. 2016 1230 Month: (3 Sundays) Year to Date: Offertory $19,610.50 Actuals Budget Variance +$6,814.75 Budget $12,795.75 $31,722.25 $40,991.50 Variance -$9,269.25 $197,075.42 $214,076.50 -$17,001.08 Amount needed to meet Budget for October Offertory: $66,571.00. Note: Missing Sunday, October 9-due to hurricane. OUR TITHE this week totals $1,176.63. We are giving $300 to Mission St. James, $300 to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic High School, $300 to Catholic Charities and the balance of $276.63 to Shepherd’s Table. SECOND COLLECTION TODAY IS FOR MISSION SUNDAY (PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH). This will be a second basket collection today. Extra envelopes in the gathering space. Please be generous. CHURCHES ASSISTING PEOPLE (CAP) will be held next weekend, October 29 and 30. Please mark your check or envelope specifically for this collection and place it in the first basket along with your regular Sunday offertory. Please be generous. **SPECIAL SECOND COLLECTION** FOR HURRICANE MATTHEW RELIEF FUND--OCTOBER 29 AND 30. Please place your donation in the second basket next weekend. Please be generous. Funds will be distributed by the Diocese of Charleston. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Chapel Mondays, 9:00AM-Midnight Tuesdays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight Wednesdays, 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight Thursdays, 8:30AM-2:30PM Fridays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight NOTE: If you are coming to adoration in the evening when the building is closed, please call Lanny at 843-246-2522 to get the code to the door. ALL SAINTS-NOVEMBER 1, HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: We will have holy day Masses on Tuesday, November 1, at 9:00AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:30PM. The Spanish Mass will be held at 8:00PM. REMEMBERING OUR DECEASED—ALL SOULS ENVELOPES: The names of our beloved dead will be on the altar and remembered at the Mass of Remembrance on November 2 at 5:00PM English and at the 8:00PM Spanish Mass. Place your envelope in the offertory basket by Sunday, October 30. CONGRATULATIONS to Jocelyn Angela Cotter and Thomas William Barr, who were married at St. James this weekend. YOUTH MINISTRY RECAP– What a great week! We are looking forward to our Retreat for all high school students on November 11th! THIS WEEKEND ATTRACTIONS BOOKS ON SALE AFTER MASSES IN THE GATHERING SPACE! $20 THIS WEEK–EDGE NIGHT–10/25–MIDDLE SCHOOL: Come celebrate our Halloween Party! Come dressed in your costume, bring some candy, and be prepared for some fun games! Tuesday- 6:30-8:00PM in youth room. HIGH SCHOOL–10/29: This week we are VOLUNTEERING with the Mission Honduras Team! We will help with the TRUNK OR TREAT and Games from 12:00 Noon –3:00PM! We will run a HAUNTED HOUSE from 7:00PM-9:00PM for the parish. VOLUNTEER HOURS and FUN!? Saturday MASS– 6:00-7:00PM, Program 7:00-9:00PM in Lifeteen Room! Coming up: Saturday 10/29–Trunk or Treat and HAUNTED HOUSE!! 11/11– Retreat! Every Wednesday 6-7:30– Life teen Choir in Church! Sundays Games in Youth Room 1:00-4:00! Sundays 4-5pm-Upperclassman Faith-Sharing at CCU Starbucks! Check out all upcoming events on our new website! LIFETEEN PENNY DRIVE: Please drop your pennies or any loose change in the jars in the gathering space near the church entrance. We appreciate your support of our youth. Fax (843)347-1212 Website: Please help us keep this updated. Thank you. THE PRAYER LIST: Please pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of parishioners and friends who are ill: Emily Hart, Richard Duffany, Moe and Loretta Labrecque, Jennifer Kobata, Ed Harrison, Vergil Lester, Alfred Linen, Jenny Askew, Gloria Hansberger, Tina Smith, Jessica Sudell, Fred King, Leslie Schmidt, Joshua Thomas, Tim Hernandez, Polly Say, Reba Anderson, Terry O’Keefe, Jim Wigel, Jimmy Wigel, Sonia Hayes, Cory Boettger, Barbara Conrad, Ann Ward, Chris Debus, Alfred Guff, Connie Sims, Marion Fallone, Stephen Lambert, Patrick Budzisz, Cary Ballo, Betsy RuizBarraza, Irma Madrid, Tim Barry, Edward Zamonski, Kyle Zuczek, Kim Davies, David Hope, Shawn Murray Love, Michael Murray, JoAnn Miles, Bill Haug, Nancy Schwindinger, Linnea Parker, Vincent Piazzola, Betsy Wigel, Marjorie Mallory, Richard Willoughby, Elizabeth Staudinger, Frances Whittington, Sue Wagner, Lisa Loy, Heather Nardolillo, Bob McNeil, Ed Miles, Agnes Black, Frank and Lorraine Lospalluto, Ronald Vaccarello, Donald Ward, Barbara Hartmann, Marilyn Mucha, Beryl Barletta, Dawn Mallory, Nancy Wells, Patricia Scerba, Brynn Florczyk, Doug Stroud, Wendy Marcinkiewicz, Judy Abbruzzese, and Adam Mathias. WHEN YOU OR A LOVED ONE ARE IN THE HOSPITAL: Would you like an Extraordinary Minister to bring Communion? Would you like a priest to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? Please call the office and let us know. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS NEEDED for the 8:00AM and 9:30AM Masses on Sunday. If you are interested in becoming an extraordinary minister for one of these Masses or any Mass, please contact the church office. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE On All Souls Day, Wednesday, November 2, at the 5:00PM Mass, we will remember the beloved deceased members of our parish community and members of the local nursing homes that our pastoral team visited, who have died since November, 2015. John "Jack" Dolan William Daugherty Francis Badaczewski Margaret Bouthillier Chris Contino Sam DeLitta Patricia Maher Philip Sapienza Arthur Haupert Theresa Fuller Joseph Rando Barbara Zimmerman Michael Chafin Kathryn Gerstemeier Edward Koziol Wayne Hanson Mary Garigen Patrick Creedon Walter Zometsky Rocco Riccio Bill Roche Ann Keller Gerald Gallagher Marie Bousquet Mary Drake Mary Hartofil Kay Parnell Frances Kohn Victor Gordyk Victoria Fauci John Tuite Timothy Ley Theresa Oliva Maureen Thomas Anne Gambuzza Doris Strosnider Margaret Hunt Patrick Sherry John Borzacchini E-Mail: [email protected] Become a Member of St. James Parish! It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. We invite all newcomers and those who attend Mass at St. James on a regular basis to become registered members as soon as possible. You can register in a few different ways: By picking up a registration form in the Literature Rack in the gathering space. By stopping by the office during business hours, Monday -Friday, 9:30AM to 3:30PM. By calling the office at 347-5168 during business hours to request a registration form be mailed to you. Visit our website and download the form. If you are moving or returning, please let us know so we can maintain accurate records. NO FLU SHOTS AT ST. JAMES THIS YEAR. If you have any questions, call Jean Witt at 843-347-5118 Diocesan Stewardship Conference The Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement is hosting the first Diocesan Stewardship Conference on Wednesday, November 9, from 8:30AM–4:00PM at the Diocese of Charleston Pastoral Center in Charleston. This free event, featuring renowned guest speakers, will focus on all aspects of true stewardship. Join us to learn more about developing proven stewardship practices in your parish. Space is limited. Registration forms may be found at office-stewardship-and-mission-advancement or call (843) 261-0438.” THANK YOU to all the volunteers who came out and helped Earl with clean up after Hurricane Matthew...tithe thank you’s from The Shepherd’s Table and Food for the Poor. TRAVELING CHALICE--Sign-ups for the 4:30PM Mass for the Month of November. The Traveling Chalice is received by our parishioners each week. Married couples, families, and singles take it into their homes and keep it in a place of honor to help them pray for religious vocations. Having the chalice come home with you is very special. If you attend the 4:30PM Mass on a regular basis, a sign-up sheet is in the gathering space to receive the chalice in your home for a week during the month of November. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with some light house cleaning in the church. If you would like to volunteer once a month to help keep the church looking clean and tidy, please contact Cathy Dooly at 864538-9302 or [email protected]. CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION invites everyone to a movie on Election Day, November 8, 2016 at 2:00PM in St. Andrew CLC. The movie – GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 – is a powerful call to action that asks the question “where will you stand when your freedom of religion is denied including your right of conscience?” This is the perfect topic since it is clear that our country is at a crossroad and the outcome of this election will determine which path we follow in preserving our First Amendment Rights. For information contact Carol Jean Walters at 843236-0162 or 631-926-0995 or by email at [email protected] PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB 28TH ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFT FESTIVAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 9:00AM-5:00PM AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 9:00AM-4:00PM RAIN OR SHINE 1633 WAVERLY ROAD, PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC PARISH LIFE CENTER 60+ ARTS & CRAFTS VENDORS, BAKED GOODS, USED BOOKS SALE, AND LOTS OF FOOD. CRAFTING BY THE SEA Annual Craft Fair in the Banquet Hall at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Hwy. 17 and 8th Avenue N, North Myrtle Beach Friday, November 4 from 9:00AM-5:00PM Saturday, November 5 from 9:00AM-5:00PM Sunday, November 6 from 9:00AM-12:00 Noon Free Admission….Everyone Welcome!!! Handmade Quilts, Christmas Décor, Baby blankets and sweaters, Hostess gifts, Home Accents, Kitchen linens and aprons, Books (gently used), Past Treasures, Fashion, Garden items, and much, much more!!!! The Treasure Chest: We found a Pirate’s booty and offer a huge selection of jewelry! Café by the Sea: Eat In or Take Out your homemade favorites! Pierogies, cabbage rolls, mac & cheese, ham and bean soup, eggplant parmesan, chili, hamburgers and hot dogs. Beach Buns Bakers: A great selection of homemade treats! Cakes, pies, breads, muffins, and cookies! WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS: “The one who serves God willingly is heard; his petition reaches the heavens.” Let us serve God willingly by strengthening, renewing, and rekindling our marriages. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: November 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC and February 3-5, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 803-810-9602. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS support individuals in managing unresolved issues that they struggle with after abortion. The retreat can also bring spiritual healing and strengthening of faith and help the person receive the forgiveness that Jesus extends to all of us. The next retreat is in Greenville, November 4-6, 2016. Please contact Christy 803-554-6088 or [email protected] for more information. Thanks. * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * COLLECTA: Damos gracias a todos los que aportan generosamente en nuestra colecta semanal. 2016 1230 Month: (3 Sundays) Year to Date: Offertory $19,610.50 Actuals Budget Variance +$6,814.75 Budget $12,795.75 $31,722.25 $40,991.50 Variance -$9,269.25 $197,075.42 $214,076.50 -$17,001.08 ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto en la capilla Virgen de Guadalupe Lunes de 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Martes de 6:00PM– 12 de la media noche Miércoles 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Jueves 8:30AM-2:30PM Viernes 6:00PM–12:00 de la media noche Amount needed to meet Budget for October Offertory: $66,571.00. Note: Missing Sunday, October 9-due to hurricane. Ven y pasa un tiempo de adoración con Jesús Sacramentado ¡Te está esperando! LA SEGUNDA COLECTA ESTE DOMINGO SERÁ PARA EL DOMINGO DE LAS MISIONES. Por favor prepare su cheque o sobre específicamente para esta colecta y póngalo en la canasta de la segunda. Por favor, sean generosos. Si quiere comprometerse con una hora de adoración comuníquese con Amalia García o Conchita Antúnez o llene una de las hojas de inscripción que se encuentran en el pasillo afuera de la iglesia o en la capilla de adoración. SEGUNDA COLECTA ESPECIAL PARA VÍCTIMAS DE LAS INUNDACIONES EN CAROLINA DEL SUROCTUBRE 30. Por favor, coloque su donación en la segunda cesta de la próxima semana. Por favor, sean generosos. ROSARIO EN FAMILIA DURANTE TODO EL AÑO: Si le gustaría recibir la visita de la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar y rezar el rosario en familia, puede inscribirse con Bernardino Reyes y Gelacia Zacarías coordinadores del rosario en familia. Los domingos y martes media hora antes de la Misa rezamos el Santo Rosario en comunidad. LA FAMILIA QUE REZA UNIDA PERMANECE UNIDA. RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de preparación, conversión y crecimiento en la fe, para los adultos mayores de 18 años, que no han celebrado sus sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación o que solo han sido Bautizados y no han completado su iniciación cristiana. Los adultos que quieran prepararse para celebrar estos sacramentos, por favor inscríbanse al terminar la Misa con los catequistas o llame a la oficina del ministerio hispano (843) 347-5168. También damos una calurosa bienvenida a los que desean profesar la fe católica, a los padrinos de los candidatos y a todos los adultos que quieran conocer más sobre su fe católica. Los esperamos los domingos de 10:00AM-11:45AM en la capilla. LECTURAS PARA ESTA SEMANA XXX Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario Domingo: Sir 35, 15-17, 20-22; Sal 33; 2 Tim 4, 6-8, 16-18; Lc 18, 9-14 El Señor no está legos de sus fieles Lunes: Is 61, 1-3; Sal 22; Jn 10, 11-16 El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará Martes: Ef 5, 21-33; Ssal 127; Lc 13, 18-21 Dichoso el que teme al Señor Miércoles: Ef 6, 1-9; Sal 144; Lc 13, 22-30 El Señor es fiel a sus palabras Jueves: Ef 6, 10-20; Sal 143; Lc 13, 31-35 Bendito sea el Señor, mi fortaleza Viernes: Ef 2, 19-22; Sal 18; Lc 6, 12-19 El mensaje del Señor resuena en toda la tierra Sábado: Flp 1, 18-26; Sal 41; Lc 14, 1, 7-11 Mi alma te busca a ti, Dios mío Próximo Domingo: Sab 11, 22-12, 2; Sal 144; 2 Tes 1, 11 -2, 2; Lc 19, 1-10 Bendeciré al Señor eternamente MISA, CONFESIONES Y ORACIÓN DEL ROSARIO MARTES 7:00PM Servicio de confesión 7:30PM Oración del Rosario en comunidad 8:00PM Celebración de la Misa DOMINGO 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM Celebración de la Misa BAUTISMO: Las próximas fechas de preparación para el sacramento del bautismo de los niños serán el sábado 5, 12, y 19 de Noviembre a las 6:00PM. Se les pide a los padres de los niños, que antes de asistir a la preparación se registren en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano con Conchita Antúnez, traer el acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a), buscar padrinos casados por la iglesia o solteros que hayan celebrado sus sacramentos y que ayuden a sus hijos a vivir su nueva vida cristiana. ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS: Las personas que estén interesados en comprar alguno de los artículos religiosos que se encuentran en las vitrinas afuera de la iglesia, pueden hacerlo con Federico Martínez. Si necesitan velas para Bautismo, Primera Comunión o artículos para la celebración de otros sacramentos, están a la venta sólo por pedidos. Si alguien quiere hacer algún pedido comuníquese con Conchita o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. PREPARACIÓN PARA EL SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todas las parejas que desean celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Se requiere que inicien su proceso de preparación 6 meses antes de la fecha del matrimonio, para más información comuníquense con Conchita Antúnez o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (843) 347- 5168 Ext. 229. TODOS LOS SANTOS-NOVIEMBRE 1, SANTA DÍA DE OBLIGACIÓN: Tendremos misa día santo el martes 1 de noviembre a las 8:00PM en Español. Misas en inglés se llevará a cabo el 1 de noviembre a las 9:00AM, 12:00 del mediodía y las 6:30PM. RECORDANDO A NUESTROS DIFUNTOS Y A TODAS LAS ALMAS DEL PURGATORIO: Los nombres de nuestros queridos difuntos estará en el altar y serán recordados en la Misa Memorial el 2 de noviembre a las 8:00PM. Coloque el sobre con los nombres de sus difuntos en la canasta de las ofrendas el domingo 30 de octubre. Puede obtener un sobre en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * RETIRO FAMILIAR DE SANACION PARA TODA LA COMUNIDAD “Vengan a mi ustedes que estan cansados de sus trabajos y cargas” —Mt 11, 28 SABADO 12 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:00AM-6:00PM, CENTRO FUNDADORES PREDICADOR: Juan Alberto y Sonia Echeverry De la Diocesis de Girardot, Colombia DONACION: $15.00 por persona, se servira desayuno y comida Los esperamos ¡Jesus quiere Sanar tu Corazón! FORMACIÓN ANUAL MANDATORIO Para todos los servidores de los diferentes ministerios y las Pequeñas Comunidades De Fe MIÉRCOLES 9, JUEVES 10, Y VIERNES 11 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 7:00PM A 10:0 0PM EN LA IGLESIA PREDICADOR: Juan Alberto y Sonia Echeverry De la Diócesis de Girardot, Colombia. DIOS BENDICE AL QUE DA CON ALEGRÍA ROSARIO EN FAMILIA CON LA VIRGEN PEREGRINA Como preparación para la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, del 1 de Octubre al 2 de Diciembre, la Virgen Peregrina estará visitando una familia por día. Si les gustaría recibirla, por favor inscríbanse con los coordinadores del Rosario en Familia, Bernardino y Gelacia Reyes. Oremos por la paz y la unidad de nuestras familias. ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES ESTE DOMINGO 9:30AM – 11:30AM Reunión del Comité Guadalupano - CF 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida. 10:00AM – 11:45AM Catequesis de RICA y sacramento de adultos – Capilla 10:45AM – 12:00PM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 11:30AM Oración del Rosario en comunidad. 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa. ESTE LUNES 9:00AM–12:00 de la medianoche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 7:00PM–9:00PM Escuela de la Fe “Cristo Maestro” en St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach. ESTE MARTES 6:00PM–12:00 De la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 6:30PM Clase de inglés. 7:00PM Confesiones. 7:30PM Rosario en Comunidad. 8:00PM Misa en español. ESTE MIÉRCOLES 9:00AM–12:00 de la medianoche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. 8:00PM Ensayo del Ministerio de Música. ESTE JUEVES 6:15PM Catequesis suplementaria 7:00PM– 9:00PM RICA de Adultos en inglés ESTE VIERNES 6:00PM – 12:00 De la media noche. Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. ESTE SÁBADO 10:00AM–1:00PM Reunión de la Vicaría del Ministerio Hispano en St. Louis, Dillon. PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida. 10:00AM–11:45AM Catequesis, RICA y sacramento de adultos 10:45AM – 12:00PM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 11:30AM Oración del Rosario en comunidad. 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa. NO HABRÁ VACUNAS CONTRA LA GRIPE en St. James este ano. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, llame a Jean Witt al 843-347-51184 VENTA ANUAL DE ARTÍCULOS USADOS Patrocinado por las Ladies Guild de St. James El Viernes, 4 Noviembre y Sábado, 5 de Noviembre de 7:00AM-4:00PM en el Centro de Fundadores Las donaciones serán aceptadas del Lunes, 31 de octubre hasta el jueves, 3 de Noviembre. Para obtener más información, 843-347-5168.