October 2014 - the Seend Website
October 2014 - the Seend Website
SPOTLIGHT Seend & Bulkington October 2014 DIARY DATES FOR LATE SEPTEMBER 24th Nosh and Natter Lunch Club, Community Centre, 12 for 12.30pm 24th Brewery Inn Quiz, 8pm 26th Macmillan Coffee Morning, Community Centre, 10am-12 noon 26th Macmillan Coffee Morning, 14 Bulkington, 10.30am-12.30pm 26th Macmillan Coffee Morning, Brewery Inn from 10.30am DIARY DATES FOR OCTOBER 1st Shuttle Shopping Trip to Salisbury – call 828118 by Monday 29th to book st 1 Seend Acoustic Club – Chris Weston – upstairs in C Centre, 7.45 for 8pm 1st Buzzzzz Group, 4 Northfields, Bulkington, 7.30pm rd 3 Playgroup coffee morning, Pavilion, 10.30am 4th Royal British Legion lecture & supper – WW1 – Community Centre 7pm th 5 Car Boot Sale, Brewery Inn, 10.30am 6th Mobile Library: 9.35 am Seend The Lye; 10 am Seend Cleeve phone box; 10.55 am Well Inn Car Park, Bulkington 6th WEA autumn course begins – European Cinema – Community Centre 7.15pm 11th Quiz Night, Pavilion, 7.30pm 13th WI 95th birthday celebration, Pavilion, 7.30pm 15th Melksham Area Board (health fair theme) Melksham Assembly Hall 4.30-8.30pm 15th Seend Acoustic Club – My Sweet Patootie – upstairs in C Centre 7.45 for 8pm 16th Bulkington Tea, Chat & Craft Group’s Hand-Made stall in the Brittox, 9am-1pm 18th N&W Wilts NT Assoc Winter Lecture – Fovant Badges – Community Centre 2.15pm 18th Grand Autumn Quiz – Seend Community Centre, 7.45pm 18th LAST DAY FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO NOVEMBER SPOTLIGHT 20th Mobile Library: 9.35 am Seend The Lye; 10 am Seend Cleeve phone box; 10.55 am Well Inn Car Park, Bulkington nd 22 Community Centre Annual Meeting – upstairs Village Room, 7.30pm 23rd Seend WI craft and produce stall, The Brittox, Devizes, 9.30am-12 noon 24th ‘Wear it Pink’ for Breast Cancer Research, Brewery Inn, 7pm 26th Pumpkin Day at the Brewery Inn, lunchtime 28th Wessex Fuchsia Group AGM, Pavilion, 7.45pm 28th Seend Parish Council, upstairs in Seend Community Centre, 7.30pm 29th Nosh & Natter Lunch Club, Community Centre 12 for 12.30pm 29th Brewery Inn Monthly Quiz, 8pm 30th Royal British Legion AGM, Community Centre, Kennet Room, 7.30pm DIARY DATES FOR NOVEMBER 1st Fireworks, Bulkington Playing Field from 6pm 3rd Mobile Library: 9.35 am Seend The Lye; 10 am Seend Cleeve phone box; 10.55 am Well Inn Car Park, Bulkington 5th Shuttle Shopping Trip to Salisbury – call 828118 by Monday 3rd to book th 5 Seend Acoustic Club – Thornbridge – upstairs in C Centre 7.45 for 8pm 9th Remembrance Sunday – various Church services th 15 Organ recital at Holy Cross – details tba 19th Seend Acoustic Club – Mike Scott - upstairs in C Centre 7.45 for 8pm 28th Rapunzel, Rural Arts, Seend School, 6pm See individual organisations’ entries in Spotlight for details of monthly meetings Newcomer to Seend? Call in at the shop/PO and ask for your copy of the Welcome booklet, which tells you all you need to know about the village. And visit www.seend.org.uk for past editions of Spotlight & Happenings!, local history, ‘What’s On’, links to other village sites etc. 2 Welcome to October Spotlight Spotlight now has a Facebook page. We can be found at https://www.facebook.com/seendspotlight If you wish to include photographs to accompany small ads, Birth announcements etc, please include them and you can have a FB entry as well as the actual magazine one. Don‟t forget to visit and „like‟ us, please. +++++++++++++ Apart from a wet and cool spell in August, it‟s really been a pretty good summer and we hope you were all able to make the most of it. The Fete and Flower Show, the Saturday breakfasts, the excitement of the Tour of Britain all helped to make it an enjoyable season. One of the most dramatic thunderstorms for years brought summer to a memorable close! Now autumn is well and truly here, with dark evenings and misty, moisty mornings and we can look forward to battening down the hatches and enjoying events based indoors. If you read this in time you can still support Macmillan‟s „World‟s Biggest Coffee Morning‟ in Seend, Seend Cleeve or Bulkington on Friday 26th September. We have two quiz nights – one for Christchurch Bulkington on 11th October and one in the Community Centre on 18th. Even on Pumpkin Day at the Brewery Inn you can stay inside the pub most of the time! Acoustic Club nights upstairs in the Community Centre get pretty warm (and the more punters the warmer it gets) so you‟ll be OK there. And things seem to go quite cerebral in the autumn, with the start of the WEA course, and British Legion and National Trust lectures! THE SPOTLIGHT CONTACTS Contributions for the November issue (copy deadline 18th October) can be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to Seend Post Office. Editors: Tessa Doe (01380 828617) and Sue Isaac (828461). Joanna Goddard (828488) organises volunteers on printing Mondays (do contact her if you can help). Juli Wilfort types up the items left at Seend PO. Fiona Johnson is the contact for delivery (828401) and Chris Brooker (828047) for advertising. Lost emails: Emails to Spotlight sometimes go astray for no obvious reason. If email correspondents don‟t receive an acknowledgement by the end of the Monday after the Spotlight deadline, please ring Tessa or Sue (see above) to check if all is well. And please read the following: When sending emails to [email protected] please include the word SPOTLIGHT in uppercase as the first word of the Subject. This will help the editorial team sifting through all the messages stopped by the SPAM filter, which sometimes include genuine messages for SPOTLIGHT PDFs: We cannot normally use PDF files of posters etc as they require a specific shape and space. Word documents give us the flexibility to adapt your wording and pictures to fit the space available. Thanks. Village events in October and beyond (see pages 7-9 for Bulkington events) Nosh and Natter Lunch Club Wednesday 29th October 12 for 12.30pm in Seend Community Centre Only £5 for two courses! All welcome, but please call 01380 828638 to book your place in advance. ________________________________________________________________________ Seend Acoustic Club Seend Community Centre - 7.45 for 8pm in the upstairs Village Room. Only £4 entry. All welcome! st 1 October – ‘amazing young talent’ Chris Weston + bluesman Kevin Brown th 15 October – acoustic roots group from Ontarion ‘My Sweet Patootie’ + Graham Ball Plus floor spots, free chocolates and famous (or infamous) raffle. ______________________________________________ Brewery Inn Car Boot Sale Sunday 5 October at 10.30am for Wiltshire Air Ambulance. £2 to sell. „Wear it Pink‟ for Breast Cancer Research Friday 24th October from 7pm Pumpkin Day Sunday 26th October. Judging commences at 2pm; all entries to The Brewery Inn by 1:30pm. Monthly Fun Quiz Wednesday 29th October - 8pm start, £2 per person. Fancy dress at the ready, after all it is nearly Halloween!! th ________________________________________________________ Join in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning! and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 26 September. You‟ve got a choice of three that we know of: in Seend Community Centre from 10am-noon; at the Brewery Inn from 10.30am and at 14 Bulkington from 10.30am th 2 Grand Autumn Quiz Night! Saturday 18th October at 7.45pm in Seend Community Centre Quizmasters Graham Hickman & Tony Daly Entry £2 per head - Teams of up to four First prize CASH! plus runners up prizes and special prize for the best team name Interval snacks available - Licensed bar Book your table in advance by phoning 01380 828617 and get extra table nibbles! _____________________________________________________________________________ Organ Recital in Holy Cross Church There will be an organ recital at Holy Cross Church on 15th November, featuring Gary Cook and other organists. There will be music to suit many tastes. Further details will follow next month, but please make a note of the date now! _______________________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please let us know of any births, marriages, deaths, special birthdays, thanks etc that you would like to see included here.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bob Smith Betty and family would like to thank everyone in Seend for all the cards and letters we received remembering Bob and offering condolences. We were very touched and despite the sadness, pleased to hear from our lovely friends. Very best wishes to you all. ______________________________ Charlie Sherman To all our friends in Seend, We would like to thank all of Charlie's and our wonderful friends in Seend for coming to the Funeral to celebrate his life on 1st August at St Matthews church in Rowde. We were so proud to see just how many people really cared for Charlie and to see how much he meant to everyone and over 350 attended the service. We were overwhelmed by the number of mourners and how far so many had come to be with us all and we found it impossible to talk to everyone on the day. So we are writing in Spotlight to pass on our sincere thanks to everyone that came and to all those that have been in touch with us- thank you so much it has meant a great deal to us as a family. We were stunned when Charlie's Manager announced during the service that BMW have taken the decision to engrave a tribute to Charlie on the gearbox mount that he has designed for the new BMW series which will be in production in 2017, we will need to start saving now! 3 Rory was inundated with requests so has now recorded "Charlie's Song" the flute and piano piece that he wrote and played for Charlie with his best friend Marcus in the Service. If anyone would like a CD or download please get in touch. Donations for a copy of Charlie's Song can be made to us for Charlie's Memorial Fund. We are still coming to terms with his loss so it will take a while to decide on the Memorial for Charlie but will share the news once a decision has been made. Our very best wishes, Anna, Nick and Rory Sherman _______________________________ Joyce Burbidge Jackie, Graham, Josh, Nathan and Molly Hamblin would like to say how grateful they were to all their friends and neighbours following their recent loss. Their love and support has been wonderful and Joyce will be sadly missed by them all. ____________________________________ Betty Brett 1915-2014 Much was said at Betty‟s funeral about the importance of Seend Poetry Group in her latter years, when this talented and creative lady could no longer enjoy the visual arts due to failing sight. A suitable memorial to her would, therefore, be to include in Spotlight one of the poems she wrote recently for the group when our chosen topic was „Performance‟: Performance, by Betty Brett When Pavlova danced the Dying Swan It was a performance, a beautiful performance. When they moved me into my new home It was a performance A big performance With a large van And a large man. It was a performance A very large performance. When I die it will be another performance. My last performance. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Community Centre Breakfasts - Summer 2014 It has been another successful year for the 'breakfasts' with a significant number of 'regulars' but also a number of visitors, who used to attend the WI's breakfasts decades ago. Almost three hundred people attended during the four sessions and although the breakfasts are not a significant money-maker compared with other functions, most people we talk to believe the 'community aspect' of the breakfasts is important. Thank you to all of you who attended. We hope you enjoyed your breakfasts! Our thanks go to the breakfast team leaders and their dedicated and hardworking teams: Ric Ellinger and Jan Crabtree, Hilary Hutchings and Carole and Tim Vince. 4 We also want to thank Mel and Richard, in the shop, for providing us with many of our provisions, to Sandra and John Padfield for providing the sausages and bacon and the Lye Field Committee for allowing us to display our breakfast signs. Over forty people were involved in cooking and serving the breakfasts and it was very encouraging that a number of new team members came forward to help. A special thanks to them for embracing the challenges that cooking and serving the breakfasts present! We are going to arrange a meeting in November, details will be in the next Spotlight, for those who have offered to organise and to be a team member for next year. Pauline Robertson and Tony Murch ________________________________________________________________________ WW II Memories Funded by a generous grant from the Veterans Return Scheme, Leo Coley was able to visit Carinthia Province in Austria in May. He had spent four months there in 1945 as a soldier in the British Army of occupation. This was immediately after V.E. day at the end of World War II. He will be happy to talk to anyone who is interested in that period. Tel 828189. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ CHURCH AND CHAPEL NEWS CHURCH SERVICES IN OCTOBER Sunday 5th October 8.00 am Holy Communion at Seend 9.30 am Morning Praise at Bulkington 11.15 am Morning Praise at Seend 6.00 pm Parish Communion at Poulshot (Harvest Festival) Sunday 12th October 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Matins 11.15 am Family Communion 6.00 pm Evensong at Seend at Poulshot at Seend at Bulkington Sunday 19th October 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Communion 11.15 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Evensong at Seend at Bulkington at Seend at Poulshot Sunday 26th October 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion 11.15 am Family Communion 6.00 pm Parish Communion at Seend at Poulshot at Seend at Bulkington 5 Sunday 2nd November 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Morning Praise 11.15 am Morning Praise 3.00 pm All Souls‟ Service 6.00 pm Parish Communion at Seend at Bulkington at Seend at Seend at Poulshot From the Registers: Marriages: Julian Taylor and Catherine Riley at Holy Cross on 25th July Antony Allender and Hannah Dainty at Holy Cross on 1 st August Christopher Dodge and Nicola Lincke at Holy Cross on 16th August Luke Mortimer and Chloe A‟Bear at Holy Cross on 30th August Daniel Parkyn and Yvonne Cox at Christ Church on 6th September Funeral: Betty Brett at Holy Cross on 5th September __________________________________________________________ Vicar’s Letter: There is only one way to get through the bad times of our lives, and that‟s day by day. Recovery programs, like those offered by Alcoholics Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous, all emphasize that recovery is a day-by-day, sometimes even an “hourby-hour,” journey. That‟s why alcoholics and addicts are always “recovering,” never fully “cured.” They know that every single day is a chance to move forward and resist temptation. The same might be said for those suffering from serious illness (or those caring for them), depression and bereavement – they just have to find a way to help them cope day by day – or hour by hour. But every day is also a day where weakness or despair might lead to a slip up, a stumble, or a bad choice. We‟ve been subjected to some horrific news stories recently – but then, truth to tell, they have always been around in one form or another. When we are faced directly with the horror of something affecting our lives all we can do is attempt to make a “day-by-day” journey of recovery. Recovery from horror - from hatred (both the hatred of our enemies and of our own bitterness or disappointments), recovery from accepting that the world doesn‟t love us or owe us a living, that happiness isn‟t guaranteed, recovery from a fear of the future - from vengeance or from grief and despair. But let‟s never lose hope. After all ... “God hath not promised skies ever blue, Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God hath not promised skies without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, Rest for the labour, light for the way, Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love.” (Annie-Johnson Flint) 6 ... so, if you‟re in a dark place at the moment, hold on tight, knowing you are loved and cherished and remember, your village church is here for you. Last month I wrote about giving, and commitment. I‟m delighted to share with you the news that Tina Yockney is to be commissioned as a Pastoral Assistant next week (17th September - actually only formalising what she does already). It‟s so heartwarming to see the Lord “adding to our number” and I thank her, and all other members of our ministry team for everything they do throughout our parishes. We are blessed indeed – but there is still room for more! Wishing you peace and everything good, Renée Seend Bell Ringers WW1 Remembrance Seend Bell Ringers will ring quarterly through until early 2019, to commemorate those who fell during WW1 from within the benefice of Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot. A list is on display at the entrance to the vestry in the Church of the Holy Cross in Seend showing all 67 names, military service detail, cemetery and where possible, information on local family connections. SEEND METHODIST CHAPEL From Roy My dear friends at Seend. This is a brief message of farewell. First of all can I say a big thank you to everyone for their best wishes and prayers as Christine and I prepare to move on at the end of September. Thank you too for the gifts received from my friends in the Church of England and from the people of the Chapel. It was very generous and kind. It has been a pleasure to be a small part of the life of the village and I take away many good memories. Best wishes to you all. God bless, Seend Methodist Chapel Services for October 2014 Sunday 5th October Sunday 12th October Sunday 19th October Sunday 26th October - No service 10am – with Douglas Colborne 10.30am at Chittoe Chapel – Villages together 10am – Rev Tom MacMeekin – Holy Communion All welcome. Ann Salter ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BULKINGTON NEWS BULKINGTON 100+ CLUB The next draw will take place in October. David Whiteley, Bulkington 100+ Club 7 BUZZZZ Group will meet on Wednesday 1st October 2014 at 7.30pm at 4 Northfields, Bulkington, led by Maureen Allchin This group, for all in Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot, meets to discuss various issues of Christian thought. At this meeting we will continue discussing the Ten Commandments. Everyone is welcome to this informal and pleasant evening. The Mobile Library will visit The Well, Bulkington from 10:55-11:25am on 6th and 20th October. Please support this important facility. THE BULKINGTON TEA, CHAT AND CRAFT SOCIAL GROUP (Contact Anne Saywell on 828931 for further details) will meet on the Monday, 6th October (4 Northfields) from 2-4pm. Bring your own craft item or leave it at home and just come and chat! This group is organising a HAND-MADE STALL in The Brittox on Thursday, 16th October from 9.00am-1.00pm (Market day). We will be selling cakes, jams, knitted and sewn items, greetings cards, notelets, paintings, etc. Can you contribute an item to this stall??? Please contact Liz Futter (828485) or Anne Saywell (828931) Please make a note to visit the stall on that day and give your support. Thanks The church hosted Bulkington Lunch takes place on Wednesday, 1st October at 12.15pm at The Well. It is a great village plus friends occasion with a good value two course meal for £12.00 a head. Contact Jane Coles in advance for the menu 828145). New people are always welcome to join us. Fun Quiz Night 11th Saturday, October at 7.30pm in Seend Pavilion. This is another of Michael Gamble‟s brilliant themed and visual quizzes for all the family. It will be a great evening, as always, especially if lots of people bring a team(s) with a maximum of six people. Tickets, to include light refreshments, are £5.00 per. adult (£3 under 16) or £25 for table of 6 (a 6 for 5 offer!!) There will be a Bar and a raffle. As it is such a popular evening you will need to buy your tickets SOON as numbers will be limited. They are available from Maureen Allchin (828931) and Seend P.O. This is an evening organised by the Friends of Christ Church, Bulkington The Friends is a very successful group in Bulkington Village with over 70 people supporting it either through membership of the Friends and/or through the 100 Club. If you would like to join either of these – please contact Maureen (details above). 8 Bulkington Remembers 1914-1918 The REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE on Sunday, 9th November at 10.50am will place particular emphasis on the 1st World War and will include the dedication of a Memorial Bench. To find our more information of commemorative events in Wiltshire see www.bulkington.org.uk _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BULKINGTON VILLAGE HALL August Bank Holiday and the weather was not at all clement. In fact, it could have been a total washout, but for the valiant efforts of the Great Bulkington Railway crew from the West Wiltshire Society of Model Engineers. Even the Fat Controller's hat was seen to wilt under the constant downpour from leaden skies! The few brave passengers, suitably sou'westered and welly-booted, enjoyed the rides and waved to the singers in Thelma and Nev's conservatory. The Bulkington One Voice Choir, supported by singers from North Bradley, drowned out the clatter of the rain, and delighted the small, damp audience inside, together with those gathered in the Hall or under umbrellas on the patio. Then there was tea and cake - superb home-made delights provided by Friends of Christchurch. Refreshed, the Choir completed their repertoire, and for a brief spell, the sun shone! A word about the Choir: we continue to enjoy our weekly sessions in Bulkington Village Hall on Tuesdays with some of us joining North Bradley on Fridays at 1.30pm and now there is a new Choir starting in Rode on Monday evenings. For anyone who likes to sing, please contact me for details, on 828925. Angela Read,Chairman. BULKINGTON BONFIRE AND FIREWORKS The Bulkington annual bonfire and fireworks event will be held on the playing field on Saturday 1st November. The gates will open at 6pm, and the bonfire will be lit at 6:30pm. A BBQ and refreshments will be available. Entry is by donation on the gate, or the Committee will do a „door knock‟ around Bulkington a week or so before the event, for which you will be given a ticket for entry on the night. Proceeds will be used to pay for the fireworks and for upkeep of the Playing Field. It‟s your generosity that makes it a great night, so please dig deep as ever. We are looking for additional volunteers to help with the event as safety marshalls, guides or for the barbecue so if you‟d like to volunteer to help on the night, please contact Jamie Streeter on 01380 827835 or email him at [email protected] – your extra hands make a huge difference! We look forward to seeing you there on the night. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 SEEND CLUBS AND ORGANISATIONS SEEND COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS STOP PRESS: The Committee has just decided to offer Seend Club members aged 16 and over FREE SNOOKER on Monday evenings. ANNUAL MEETING: All users or potential users of the Community Centre facilities are invited to the Annual Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday October 22nd in the upstairs Village Room, with free nibbles in the Lounge Bar afterwards. Come and hear what the Committee has been up to, and put forward any ideas of your own. Update: We‟ve had a busy couple of months, with the Flower Show, breakfasts, an end-of summer BBQ, bacon butties for the Tour of Britain spectators, Wine Circle, some great Acoustic Club nights and more. Now for October, we have the start of the autumn WEA course, the RBL lecture and a Quiz Night – as well as all the regular activities - skittles, short-mat bowls seend singers and zumba/body conditioning. There have been private parties and wedding receptions too –the hall makes an ideal venue. Early opening at 6pm on Fridays continues to be popular (not just because of the nibbles on the bar, surely?!) and, of course, the bar is open every other evening from 7.30pm with snooker and darts available. Come and visit. Christmas Quiz: Please note this will not take place on 20th December as previously publicised. It may be on Friday 19th or Saturday 13th – watch out for definite news. You can keep up with our activities at www.seendcommunitycentre.com or on our facebook page. SEEND SHUTTLE COMMUNITY BUS First Wednesday Shopping Trip: Please call Stephen on 828118 by Monday 29th September to book your place on the trip to Salisbury on Wednesday 1st October. Shuttle drivers still needed: We are still seeking volunteer drivers to join the school run team. There will be only three of them come October which is asking an awful lot of a few. You would only be committing yourself to a short time early morning for one week in four during term time or one week in five if we can find two of you. If you are under 75, have D1 on your driving licence and are interested in joining this friendly team driving a minibus full of lovely, well behaved children to Seend school, please contact Pete Wallis on 01380 726560 or 07734303919 or e-mail [email protected]. Their parents and the other drivers would be extremely grateful. SEEND LINK The Link Scheme needs some fresh blood on the Committee. If you can help, please call the Link Co-ordinator on 07532055560 or Joan Savage on 01380 828108. 10 WESSEX FUCHSIA GROUP 7.45pm October 28th in the Pavilion- Annual General Meeting, followed by an American supper. ________________________________________________________________ THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION In Memoriam It is our intention to commemorate those from our three villages who gave their lives during the First World War, by listing them in the edition of Spotlight for the 100th anniversary of the month and the year they were killed. In the months that no-one lost his life, we will publish a series of sixteen poems, produced by the children in Sycamore Class in the Village School, on the subject of “Going Over The Top.” This month we remember: Francis Herbert Marks Albert Trimnel 2nd Bn Wiltshire Regt 1st Bn Wiltshire Regt 24th October 1914 26th October 1914 They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Dates to Note The Annual Lecture will be held in the Community Centre, Rusty Lane, Seend, on Saturday 4th October 2014 at 7.00 - 7.30 pm. The subject is “Life in World War 1 Trenches” and it will be given by Mr Steve Williams from Trowbridge. Mr Williams is a World War 1 fanatic who brings with him a replica trench, dresses up in World War 1 uniform and gives displays. Tickets are £10.00 (to include a light supper) and are available from Seend Post Office, Robin Heatley (01380 828491) or Marion Whitehead (01380 828612 ). THE LECTURE IS OPEN TO ALL. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION TO ATTEND. NB. Tickets must be bought in advance and will NOT be available on the door. The Area Standard Bearers Competition will be held in the Michael Herbert Hall in Wilton during the morning of Saturday 4th October 2014. Kevin Toft, our Standard Bearer, will be entering again this year and has a very good chance of winning. Please put this in your diary and do your best to attend to give him the support he deserves. Annual General Meeting: 30th October, 19.30 hours in the Kennet room in Seend Community Centre, immediately followed by a Committee meeting. Lt Col Coutts Britton will give the following WW1 talk at All Saints Westbury commencing at 1930 hrs on 5th December: „The Christmas Truce‟. Tickets (£8.00) can be obtained from 01373 859450, 01373 625784 or on the door. Remembrance Time 2014 – The Poppy Appeal Dedicated collectors from the Royal British Legion will be conducting house to house collections between 25th October and 8th November. 11 Gift Aid envelopes have been included in the October edition and collected during these dates. It's likely to be cold and wet at this time of year so if possible have your envelope and your donation ready please. Remembering to fill out the reverse of the envelope please (name, address, postcode and date). By doing this your donation could be worth an extra 30% in addition to your donation depending on what rate of tax you pay. If for some reason you miss your collector‟s call, you may leave your envelope in Seend Shop/PO. Many thanks in advance, Kevin Toft, Poppy Appeal Organiser, RBL Seend Branch _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEEND & DISTRICT RAMBLERS On Sunday 17th August eight walkers met at Amesbury for a 6½ mile walk round the Woodford Valley. Although wet when leaving Seend, the weather cleared and we had a fine, warm day. Passing through Normanton, we experienced a short shower. We stopped for lunch overlooking Lake House, then on through Great Durnford and Ham Wood. Retracing our footsteps, we returned to Amesbury, where we all had a very welcome ice-cream. Thanks to Terry and Sheila for planning such an excellent route. Sunday 14th September: 11 walkers set off from Selwyn Hall, Box, for a five-mile walk, taking in marvellous views covering the Bybrook Valley, Rudloe, Boxwood, Washwell and Henley and back to Box Common. With just one steep section, the terrain was varied. Thanks to Bob and Brenda for organising such a cracker! Our annual getaway will take place from 3rd to 5th October. 31 members will stay at the Pilgrim Hotel, Much Birch, close to the town of Hereford. Commencing from the hotel, two highly interesting routes have been selected; one of rolling countryside and the other in woodland. If the weather is good some superb views will be experienced. Lin Salter 01225 706451 W.E.A. AUTUMN COURSE – Starting 6th OCTOBER 2014 Dr Tim Hammond will be running a course on"European Cinema" in the Community Centre, starting at 7.15pm on 6th October. It will be an introduction to the 'language of film' in the context of a survey of European Cinema from its origins to the present. No prior knowledge is needed. There will be six sessions (omitting half-term on the 27th October) of nearly two and a half hours each, and the cost is £59. As usual, there's no charge for anyone on benefits, or if someone changes their mind about coming after the first session. For more info or to book your place, please call Pam Church on 828597 or look at www.wea.org.uk/courses. Please note the earlier start time. 12 SEEND FLOWER SHOW 9th AUGUST 2014 Wow, what a show! A great success. Thank you to Mr William Lack of Altfield for sponsoring the show and donating and presenting two new trophies: the Altfield Cup for Most Points in Home Produce, won by Janet Giles, and the Altfield Bowl for Best in Show won by Andie Elliott for a brilliant floral display titled „Remembrance‟. See the show web site at www.seend.org.uk/fshow for a list of all the prize-winners and images of the show. Thank you to the exhibitors who brought along their goodies so that we all could see how much effort they put in to support the show. There were more exhibits (entries) this year than in 2013 and they provided a lot of pleasure for the spectators who are essential to the success of the show. It was heartening to see a lot of new exhibitors – more than half of the total of 105, but the total was down on last year. If only the 62 exhibitors who came in 2013 but didn‟t appear this year had managed to return we would have had a very full house; a problem with which the committee would have been delighted to be presented! As I said during the presentation of awards on show day it was disappointing to have so few entries from the older age group of children,9-12yrs. Come on parents, get them inspired for next year! Historically most of the show classes are competitive and it is possible that many of you think that you couldn‟t possibly compete with - well, what and who? You would be wrong because there were quite a few classes which had only one entry so if you had entered an exhibit you would have at least won second prize! There were a similar number of classes which had only two entries and so you will see that a decent third prize would have been yours for the taking, and who knows it might have been better still. Yet easier still there were 15 classes which had NO entries – you would have had a walk-over! Look at the show website, www.seend.org.uk/fshow, for a list of classes in the 2014 show and the number of entries in each. There might be a few changes in the 2015 show schedule and there will be notice in Spotlight when it becomes available on the web site. I am sure that any effort that you make would be worthwhile. If you think that you or a small group have something worth showing but not for competition‟s sake we would like to hear from you with a view to putting on such a display. How about different types of bread, textile work, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, or – well what is your idea? Whether you were an exhibitor or a spectator if you have a suggestion as to how the show could be improved by adding, changing, or deleting a schedule class or other amendment please let us know. Contact me at 01380 827137. Brian Jaques SEEND WI Our speaker in September was June May who gave us a fascinating introduction into Hypnotherapy. All the ladies present came away from the meeting in a very relaxed frame of mind! Our next meeting is on Wednesday 13th October when we will be celebrating our 95th Birthday. Do come and join us! This year instead of a Christmas Bazaar we are having a Craft and Produce Stall in the Brittox Devizes on Thursday 23rd October from 9.30am until 12noon. This is our 13 main fundraising event for 2014. Please do put the date in your diaries and come and support us. Our meetings take place in the Pavilion, Rusty Lane, Seend at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month unless otherwise notified. For more information please contact Gill Acornley on 01225 707218 or check the website www.seendwi.weebly.com _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100+ CLUB DRAW The Lye Field 100+ Club draw for July took place on the 1st August. The results are as follows:£35.00 £30.00 £25.00 £20.00 £15.00 £10.00 No. 105 No. 62 No. 120 No. 156 No. 194 No. 112 Mrs A Hutchinson Sir Mathew Thorpe Mr M D Park Mr C Hawkins Mr P Wood Mr R Howe The draw for August took place on the 13th September. The results are as follows:£35.00 £30.00 £25.00 £20.00 £15.00 £10.00 No. 19 No. 137 No.69 No. 64 No. 141 No. 120 A Dearling Mr R Whitehead Mrs P Symington Mr T James Mrs R Fisher Mr M D Park Congratulations to all the winners. Remember, you have to be in it to win it! Karen Cubberley, Seend Lye Field Committee _______________________________________________________________ SEEND AND DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB Well, if it‟s September it must be Autumn, even if the weather doesn‟t think so – but it does mean that the Gardening Club year has started again and we had an extremely interesting and inspiring talk from Richard Cripps, former lecturer at Lackham College, on Gardening for Wildlife – creating a wildlife-friendly environment in our outside space. Some of us (me) don‟t need much prompting to mow the grass a bit less frequently and allow less tidy, wilder areas to develop, for the benefit of our little creatures, most of whom are helpful to us in our horticultural endeavours. The competition – „Wildlife in Your Garden‟ – was won by Pauline Shea-Symonds. Next month‟s meeting – Tuesday, 14th October, 7.30pm, as usual – has Charles Dowling talking to us on „No Digging Vegetable Growing‟ and the competition is „An Unusual Vegetable‟. Do come along – you‟ll be very welcome! Tim 14 Seend Fete We welcome all ideas and offers of any kind of help so if you‟d like to have a chat about how to get involved, or if you‟d like to just offer some feedback then please give me a call on 07866 516020. Have a great autumn! Jo McManus on behalf of Seend Fete Committee _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEEND SCHOOL NEWS We are delighted to welcome 17 reception children to Holly Class, as well as four new children to years 1 & 2 They all look like they are very settled already and I hope the new families quickly feel just as welcome. The total number at the school is now 109 so almost at capacity with just a few spaces available in year 4 and 6! As part of Sycamore Class‟ study into who were the first people to live in Britain, Louise, an archaeologist led an investigation to try and discover how „Tollund Man‟ died 2,500 years ago. They worked in teams to look at evidence, study samples, excavate artefacts, analyse other archaeologists‟ reports and findings and look at fingerprints. At the end of the day, the children got together and compared their theories. Rather unsurprisingly, lots of theories were given about how he might have died. One thing they did all agree on was that he did not die of natural causes – he had definitely been killed. Why he was killed still remains a mystery… Don‟t forget we have a printer cartridge recycling facility in school. The bags are available in the main entrance and the school gets between 50p-£1 for each cartridge recycled. We now have a permanent textiles recycling bin in the car park so you can bag up any unwanted clothes and pop it in the chute. Finally, any unwanted DVDs, cds and Wii games can be sent in too as we can recycle these for a small profit. Our Harvest service will take place in church on Thursday 16th October at 10am. Please come along and listen to some of our harvest songs and prayers. Some of you may remember last year we hosted a production of Alice in Wonderland. This year, the same company is going to put on Rapunzel on Friday 28th November at 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be available from school nearer the time so keep the date free as it promises to be a fun evening for the whole family. Jackie Chalk , Head Teacher Seend Playgroup News This term we have welcomed nine new children to our playgroup. They are all settling well. We are now taking children from age two so this is a new challenge for us! By the time you read this we will have explored the hedgerows for blackberries and made some delicious blackberry and apple crumbles. We are enjoying raspberries from Nicky‟s garden and tomatoes and cucumber from the greenhouse. In the week beginning 22nd September we will be having a Harvest display, learning where some of our food comes from. 15 The week beginning 29th September is our Grandparents‟ Week when we invite grandparents to come in and join our play. We will be learning about relationships within our family. The week will end with a Coffee Morning on Friday 3rd October at 10.30 am. On Tuesday 7th October we will be going on a Conker Walk to Love Lane, making wraps before we go to enjoy on our picnic. We will be collecting interesting leaves for art work and conkers for counting. The half term holiday starts on 23rd October. Liz Futter 828485 (Playleader) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEEND PARISH COUNCIL N.B. These notes are from the draft minutes of Parish Council meetings, and may not yet have been ratified. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 29th July 2014, at Seend Community Centre. Present: Mrs G A‟Bear, Mr T James, Mr P Manning, Mr T Murch, Mr J Padfield (Chairman), Mr K Rigg, Mrs J Savage, Mr C Waylen and Mr M Wiltshire. Also present Cllr J Seed Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Mrs T Carr. Police and Local Councillor‟s Matters Cllr Seed advised that the application for the Sandridge Solar Farm has now gone to appeal, and his statement to the Appeal team had been circulated to all Councillors. The Clerk to forward the PC‟s comments to The Planning Inspectorate in Bristol, and Ms Alison Humphries at Wiltshire Council by 7th August. Cllr Seed said that he is pursuing the matter of the damaged railings outside Wesley Cottage, High Street. Cllr Seed explained the reorganisation of the Youth Service, and said that rural areas previously had little support. The new service will have funding and an Area Facilitator, whose job will be to get youth activity going, especially in villages. Meetings will be co-ordinated, and there will be better allocation of resources. Correspondence had been received from Wiltshire Council on draft proposals for amending existing „settlement boundaries‟. In order to give Councillors the opportunity to study these in detail, the Clerk to copy and circulate to all Councillors before the next meeting. It was noted that there is a mobile home sited at Loiterton Farm. The Clerk to write and request an explanation of use. Items for discussion from members of the Parish None received. 16 Matters arising Rew Farm solar application - The application for a solar installation at land owned by Rew Farm is still live. Peter Horton, Senior Planning Officer, advises that he awaits comments from the Landscape Officer, which will be key. He has requested the submission of additional information from the applicant; until that is received he will not be in a position to let Mr Horton have his views. Cllr Seed has called the application to committee, should officers be minded to recommend approval. If officers recommend refusal, the decision will be issued under delegated powers. White lines, Spout Lane – Email sent to Stuart Renfrew, awaiting response. Clerk to follow up. Spout Lane “Access Only” –The CATG discussed this matter at their meeting on 14th July. Their response is that it would be impossible to police, would need a traffic regulation order, and isn‟t supported by Cllr Seed. The decision was taken by the CATG to close the issue. Community Speedwatch – an email had been sent to the Co-ordinator, Brian Crisp. He advises that at present there are two approved sites where the CS volunteers can work. One is opposite the Lye Field, in the opening to Garden Cottage, and the other is near the bus stop on the north side of the High Street, opposite The Bell. This is for health and safety reasons. He asks the PC to advise which areas they would like to add, and he will pass it on to the correct authorities. CS are still short of volunteers. Allotments – Jamie Hiscocks has now fixed the fencing by the path, and he advises that the paths don‟t need strimming at present. Footpath SEEN6 and SEEN55 – requests have been passed to the Footpaths Warden; nothing has happened to date. Clerk will follow up with Alison Stewart. Inmarsh, dead elms – Jack Churchill advises that he has tidied up the dead elms, and for the PC to advise him if it hasn‟t resolved the issue. Metro speed checks – A request was sent via the Area Board. The response stated that a road speed review is not planned in the near future as it has only recently been undertaken. Councillors were unhappy with this response, as traffic speeds in some areas of the village are causing concern. Electricity outages – no response yet received to email sent to Southern Electricity. Wiltshire House – The Enforcement Officer advises that he needs specific complaints if he is to investigate. The Clerk to try and ascertain the concerns with the renovations taking place. Gypsy/Traveller Survey – responses to the various questions were formulated, the Clerk to complete and return the survey. It was noted that a local Parish Council has had correspondence with the Prime Minister‟s office in relation to traveller sites. The Clerk to ask Cllr Seed if he has knowledge of this. Planter opposite The Bell – This has now been planted up. A receipt has been received from Jenny Phillips for bedding plants for the two planters at the entrance to 17 Dial Close. It was agreed that a better solution would be to group the four planters around the seat at the entrance to Dial Close. Spiderweb Paddock, Summerhouse – The Enforcement Officer has been advised. Youth Council – The report from Seend Youth Council to the Seend Lye Field Committee concerning the proposal to create a skate park in the Lye Field for the use of young people had now been completed, and circulated to all Parish Councillors. Neighbourhood Plan – Mrs A‟Bear is aware of 3 volunteers, and Mr Rigg 3 volunteers, this gives 10 members including Councillors. It was agreed this now needs to get underway, and a meeting will be arranged and advertised in Spotlight. Mrs A‟Bear to set a date and arrange speakers. Seend Shuttle – Mr Murch reported that a new bus has been ordered, and should arrive in 14 to 18 weeks. Planning Matters 14/07275/FUL 2 Bell Hill, Seend New two storey side extension. New single storey infill extension. New external porch and oak balcony. Following discussion, a vote was taken with 8 in favour and 1 abstention. 14/07384/TCA Manor Fields, High Street Works to trees in a conservation area Following discussion, a vote was taken will all in favour. Correspondence Letter received from “Splash”, thanking the Parish Council for their donation, and advising that they are hosting a celebration evening on Friday 10 th October in Marlborough Town Hall, tickets £30. Email from Kevin Gale, referring to a request by Wiltshire Council to apply to the magistrates court for an order stopping up a section of highway at 19 Seend Cleeve. Councillors had considered this at their meeting on 27th May, and had no objections. The Clerk to advise Wiltshire Council Legal Services accordingly. Email received from Tessa Doe, concerning notice boards around the village and, in particular, Seend Cleeve. The Clerk had advised that a new notice board was now in situ in Sells Green (in the new bus shelter). However, Councillors were not in favour of replacing the notice board in Seend Cleeve by the telephone box. The notice board outside Rew Farm had been moved from the wall of the house while re-pointing was taking place and has been re-sited to the right of the post box; this is a much more convenient spot for placing notices. Financial Matters There were three cheques for signature: Grant Thornton £120.00 Wiltshire Wildlife Trust £36.00 Mrs J Phillips £10.00 External auditor fee Membership Renewal Plants 18 On a proposal by Mr Manning, seconded by Mr Wiltshire, which was unanimously approved, the cheques were duly signed. A bank reconciliation to the end of June had been circulated to all Councillors, this showed the current bank balance standing at £15,300.52. Any other business Telephone pole outside Glenmore House, Bell Hill – this appears to have sustained damage from a collision. Seend Shuttle – it was reported that Les Warren has now retired as a driver on the Shuttle school run after many years of service. Liaison with Wiltshire Council Highways - Paul Manning agreed to take this on. Salt spreading machine – an order for a ton of salt was placed with Wiltshire Council in May, it was agreed that it would be useful if someone from the Weather & Drainage Team come and see the PC to discuss provision of a salt spreading machine. Hedges - Mr & Mrs Jolly to be asked to trim the hedge at 10 Dial Close. Mr & Mrs McCullough to be asked to trim the hedge bordering their field with Bollands Hill, as it is causing a blind spot when driving up the hill. Mrs Daly to be asked to trim back the hedge around her field at the junction of Seend Cleeve with Station Road. Date of next meeting The dates of the next meetings are Tuesdays 26th August , 30th September and 28th October 2014, at Seend Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. Mrs Rosemary Fisher, Clerk Copies of Parish Council minutes can be found on www.seendparishcouncil.co.uk ________________________________________________________________________________________ Wiltshire Council News from Jonathon Seed As the leaves fall the pace of council business picks up with memories of holidays for those that could take a break becoming just that. I was not able to go away this summer and was quite busy in County Hall but I did get out and about locally. One event I attended on a lovely early September Saturday was the Melksham River Festival - a superb event where the Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal Trust gave a great showcase of the opportunities that are on offer for the town of Melksham and all our surrounding villages when the canal extensions and the river eventually join in this exciting project. I fully support this project and will do all that I can to help it along. As the council becomes leaner and strives to be more efficient there are more and more examples of where communities need to be encouraged to help themselves. An example of this is with our Rights of Way Department. Wiltshire has a great network of rights of way but central government cuts of 30% to council funding has affected the maintenance of our rights of way. Coincidentally the new My Wiltshire app has given residents an opportunity to report problems with roads, waste, environment and, of course, rights of way (and if you have not downloaded the application have a go!). However the law of unintended consequences has come into play and the new 19 app has increased reporting of rights of way issues by 25% . Reconciling the two clearly presents a management challenge to council officers. The result of doing more with less is that communities also need to accept that some things which we have expected the council to do may no longer be possible as the council concentrates on its statutory requirements. One way to get more done is to encourage the formation of local interest groups to help with path clearance. This is proving highly effective in many parishes - or possibly doing things for ourselves and doing (as I do) the mowing the roadside grass verge outside our own houses. Jonathon Seed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mystery Camping Equipment??? In the Irene Usher Hall, (the Pavilion), there is a great deal of camping equipment stored, taking up valuable space, and, during an inspection by the Fire Brigade, has been deemed to be a fire risk. The Committee need to have this gear removed. The last known owners were the Seend Guide unit. The purpose of this entry is to ascertain if anyone local has any claim on this, or who may know someone who does. Several enquiries have been made through Girl Guide HQ, and locally in Melksham, to no avail. Any information would be appreciated. Please contact me on 828583. D Sawyer, Hon. Sec. Seend Lye Recreation Field Committee. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEEND SPORTS RESULTS AND FIXTURES Short Mat Bowls: Second minister: Colin McWaldeck By the time we go to print Colin should be back from his month north of the border where he played a pivotal, albeit disastrous, role in the debate which concluded with 55% saying "No" Short Mat Bowls is not an Olympic sport. Speaking to me on a poor line from his sleeper compartment on the overnight express from Tannochbrae, Dr Colin, as his temporary housekeeper Janet calls him, having reversed charges, could barely hold back the tears as he repeatedly muttered "infamy, infamy...they've all got it in for me." I tried to explain to him that I had heard that old one before, but he was having none of it, and as the phone was cutting out all I could hear was a fading echo of "..never! .. never!...never!..." Accordingly the lads will still be playing in the local league that will continue to include teams from north of the M4 corridor and we wish them well. If anyone is interested in recent results Colin says that they can consult the oracle before 3.15. Cricket: Club Captain John Wiltshire. The village cricket team have had another excellent season having played some 15 Sunday matches from May until the end of September. The club awards night is on 4th October so we will bring you the details of all the winners together with this season‟s statistics in next month's Spotlight. Football: sadly still nothing to report. 20 Tennis: Chair : Elaine Davis. The league season ended in early August . Seend has fielded four teams, one men's, one women's and two mixed . The results have not been as good as other years but there was much promise and new talent coming to the fore. The mixed A played 12, won 2, drew 2 and lost 8. The mixed B played 12 winning 3 drawing 1 and losing 8. The ladies managed 2 wins from their 12 matches, losing 9 and drawing 1. The men's had a poor first half of the season only to be unbeaten for the second half winning 6, drawing 1, losing 4 and having to default on one match for getting the fixture date wrong ! The men's new captain, Tom Jackson,has already started to organise practice matches for the squad, determined to achieve promotion next season. As always if any player would like to join up please do not hesitate in contacting the club's chair Elaine Davis. Seend B Skittles Team could do with more players. Please contact Nick Easton if you are interested – email [email protected]. Please send any sports news to the information kiosk by October 15th. Frankie Goddard - 828488 __________________________________________________________________________ „The Badgers‟ Worton and Cheverell F.C. http://www.wortonandcheverellfc.co.uk/ Season is now in full swing again, with age groups from reception year (age 5) to Adult level. As ever new players welcome to join – see contact team details on website. Steve Dagnall, 01380-727976 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL ADS (Small personal ads - not from businesses - can be left at the Post Office or delivered to Tessa Doe at 6 New Buildings with payment of £2 please.) BITS AND BOBS o o o o An appeal for information or stories from Wiltshire People 1st Do you have any memories of the old hospital at St George‟s Road in Semington? Do you have a learning difficulty or have you lived or worked with people with learning difficulties? Do you have any old photographs, historical records or local knowledge of Semington and surrounding areas? Are you interested in history and do you have time to help us look through archives, speak to people or help out at events? 21 Our Lives, Our History is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It aims to record the lives of people with learning difficulties, their families and carers. The project will explore the hidden history of people with learning difficulties over the last century and will look at the Semington workhouse. Contributors can tell of their experiences and how changes in care provision have helped people to achieve more independence. The outcome of the project will see: o The material collected made available to the public with a written record o A public exhibition o A DVD of people‟s experiences We want lots of people to hear about what we are doing and to get involved – either by sharing their stories or offering their services as volunteers. If you have said YES to any of these questions we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on 01380 871900 or email [email protected] Gilbert & Sullivan Gala Concert White Horse Opera present a Gilbert & Sullivan Gala Concert which will showcase highlights of the ever popular G&S favourites such as Iolanthe and The Gondoliers. Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October at St Mary's Church Devizes at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 are on sale now at Devizes Books and on-line at whitehorseopera.ticketsource.co.uk THE SEEND FUND Remember the Seend Fund is your local charity. Anyone living in or closely associated with the Seend parish can apply to the trustees by e-mailing their secretary ([email protected]) or writing to her at 34 Seend Cleeve, Melksham SN12 6PY. If you find yourself in financial difficulties we might be able to help with anything from school uniforms to heating bills. Don't hesitate to send us your details, how much you need, what it is for and when you need it by. Even if we have helped you before we will consider your request. Although the charity is intended to help individuals, if there are any organisations or groups who need funds to help include someone with special needs in an educational activity or who know of members who are struggling financially we may be able to help. In aid of the RNLI A debut session in Devizes by South West covers band ‘A Frayed Knot’ Saturday 22nd November Doors open at 8pm; Band plays 9 – 11pm The Conservative Club, Long Street, Devizes Tickets £10 from Devizes Books or £12 on the door 22 Coordinator Lise Griffiths – 07541 353430 Email: [email protected] Wiltshire Good Neighbours is a free and confidential service which puts older residents in our villages in touch with the services and people that can help them to live more independent lives. As your Good Neighbour Co-ordinator Lise Griffiths can provide information on a wide range of topics of importance to older people, including Benefits, healthcare, transport, befriending services and social activities. We can make home visits or take queries via telephone or email. No question is too big or too small! If you think you or a friend or relative might benefit from our service please call Lise in confidence on 07541 353430 or email [email protected] Wiltshire Good Neighbours is funded by Wiltshire Council and provided by Community First in partnership with Age UK Wiltshire and Age UK Salisbury. North and West Wilts National Trust Association Winter Lecture Series Saturday 18th October at 2.15pm in Seend Community Centre The Fovant Badges Admission £3 or £2 to Association members Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group is led by local GPs. We plan and pay for the majority of NHS services that you use across the county. Over the next five years, we know that demand for NHS services in Wiltshire will continue to increase but the money we have available to spend on these services will not increase at the same rate. Modern advances in healthcare are helping people to live for longer than ever before which is a cause for celebration. However, this does mean that the demand for NHS services from the over-65s is expected to increase significantly over the coming years. As a result, the CCG needs to adapt the way we provide NHS services so that they better meet the needs of our ageing population. The CCG has developed a Five Year Plan setting out how we can continue to provide high quality but affordable health services in Wiltshire. Our key partners like Wiltshire Council, GP surgeries, local hospitals and other NHS providers are vital to the success of the plan. Health and social care services should support and sustain independent living. As the organisation responsible for designing and commissioning those services, we are keen to make them both affordable and the best possible for local people. Our model for the future of health care in Wiltshire is based on three key principles: 1. Encourage and support Wiltshire residents to take on more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing 2. Provide fair access to a high quality and affordable system of care 3. Provide less care in hospitals and more care at home or in the community To achieve these aims we will need to change the way in which we spend our budget. We will: Spend more money on health education and prevention to help people take more personal responsibility for their health and wellbeing 23 Spend more money to improve community care and increase the range of services provided in a local setting As a result, we would need to spend proportionately less money on providing bed-based care in hospital We will split Wiltshire up into 20 clusters of approx. 20,000 people. Each with an integrated team of GP surgeries, community nurses and therapists and social worker support to ensure that we have a more joined-up system of health and social care. How can you get more involved? The CCG has already been carrying out a wide-ranging consultation about our Five Year Plan across the county. Over the next few months the CCG will be giving presentations at the 18 Area Boards across the county. Each Area Board is planning a health fair with different stalls followed by presentations from the CCG and Wiltshire Council about our plans. To find out the date of the Health Fair in your area please visit www.wiltshire.gov.uk/council/areaboards/healthfairs (See Diary dates. Ed.) You can find out more about the CCG‟s plans at www.wiltshireccg.nhs.uk If you‟d like to talk to someone at the CCG then you can email [email protected] or call 01380 728899 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are many different ways you can get involved, from becoming a befriender to conservation tasks, from driving to IT support. Get in touch with us and we can help find the best role for you. Visit our website: www.volunteercentrewiltshire.org.uk or speak to one of our Volunteering Advisers on 0845 521 6224. ____________________________________________________________ Dating Clues in Period Houses Some very old Houses in Wiltshire: Discoveries from Tree-Ring Dating Pam Slocombe (FSA, Author: Wiltshire Farmhouses & Cottages) 1-3 Bridge St, Bideford – a 450 year old Mystery David Carter (Freelance Local Historian) Dating Houses in Somerset at Market Lavington Community Hall, St Mary’s Rd, Market Lavington, Devizes, SN10 4DG Saturday 8th November 10.30 am – 4.30 pm (10 am coffee) Book early to avoid disappointment £15.00; Members, Students, Senior Citizens £12.50 Tel. 01249 705508 e-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And finally ….. A couple of chess moves: „I had lunch with a chess champion. I knew he was a chess champion because he took 20 minutes to pass the salt.‟ Eric Sykes „I failed to make the chess team because of my height.‟ Woody Allen 24 USEFUL CONTACTS: (Please tell Spotlight if your group’s contact details change) CHURCH: Vicar: Rev Renée Coulson 01380 827285. Asst. Priest: Revd Maureen Allchin 01380 828931. Benefice Administrator: Mrs Sue Taylor 01225 709360. Churchwardens: Holy Cross Seend: Mrs Anne Ewing, 01380 828557, Mr Steve Taylor 01225 709360; Christ Church Bulkington: Mrs Liz Futter 828485, Mrs Anne Saywell 828931; LPAs: Mrs Jane Goman 827121,Mrs Liz Futter 828485 and Mrs Tina Yockney 827139. Bell Ringers: L Murray 828513 Irene Usher Memorial Hall (The Pavilion) Bookings - Richard Walker on 828250 Bulkington Village Hall - Nev Boulton 828101 or Roger Futter 828485 Seend Community Centre/Club - 828796 (7.30-11pm only). Bookings: 07703 814111. Website: www.seendcommunitycentre.com and find us on facebook Seend Shuttle: Bookings and drivers: Alison Cobbing 07951030491 or 01225 635463 Seend Parish Council Clerk - Rosemary Fisher 828281 www.seendparishcouncil.co.uk Seend‟s Wiltshire Councillor - Jonathon Seed 01380 850695 [email protected] Seend Website: www.seend.org.uk - Neil Yockney 827139. Seend School - 828334 Bulkington Website: www.bulkington.org.uk Rights of Way Warden - Mrs Esther Daly 01225 713000 Connect 2 (transport to RUH; book at least one day ahead) - 08456 525255 Community Beat Manager for Seend PC Emily Thomas. Tel: 101, or e-mail [email protected]. Seend Fund (village charity): 01380 828757 MP Claire Perry, 01380 729358 (M-F 9.30am-1pm) [email protected] MEP - Graham Watson 01458 252265. Melksham Area Board – 07917 721371. 100+Club Draw – Karen & Steve Cubberley – [email protected] Acoustic Club - Malcolm Shipp 07702 967150 - www.seendacoustic.org Book Clubs - the original: Sylvia Ewin 828325 - the other: Frank Teasdale 828617 Bouncy Club - Paulette Pardoe 07944 300350 Brownies - Helen Hook 828477 Community Speedwatch - Brian Crisp 01380 828910 Cricket Club - John Wiltshire 07791 144248 Fawlty Players Panto Group - Tessa Doe 828617& find Seend Village Pantomime on facebook Fete - Jo McManus 828870 (www.seendfete.co.uk) Flower Show – Brian Jaques 827137 Football Club - Dave Beaumont 01225 785067 Gardening Club - Carole Vince 01380 871259 Historic Houses Club - Tony Ewin 828325 LINK Scheme - 075320 55560 Lye Field Committee - Dave Sawyer 828583 Neighbourhood Watch - Brian Hunt (Seend) 828581; Cavan Moroney (Sells Green) 828606; Owen Burton (Seend Cleeve) 828820; John Scott (Bulkington) 828026. Preschool - Liz Futter 828485 Poetry Group - Tessa Doe 828617 Ramblers - Gerald Salter 01225 706451 Royal British Legion - Roger Brind 828830 Seend Singers - Bob McCulloch 828508 Short Mat Bowls Club - Colin Waldeck 828946 Tennis Club - Ric Ellinger 828687 Theatre Club - Sylvia Ewin 828325; Marion Whitehead 828612 WEA - Pam Church - 828597 WI - Fiona Johnson on 828401 and Gill Acornley 01225 707218 Wine Circle – Steve Parsons 07974 347487 or Simon McManus 01380 828870 25 Seend Post Office & Village Store 01380 828250 NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES WINES BEERS & SPIRITS GROCERIES THE HEALTH LOTTERY POSTCARDS & STATIONERY Village Store Post Office Mon 9.00 - 5.30 9.00 - 5.30 Tues 9.00 - 5.30 9.00 - 5.30 Wed 9.00 - 5.30 9.00 - 4.30* Thurs 9.00 - 1.00 9.00 - 1.00 Fri 9.00 - 5.30 9.00 - 5.30 Sat 8.30 - 1.00 9.00 - 1.00 Sun 9.00 - 10.30 Closed Bank Holidays 9.00 - 10.30 Closed * note early closing 26