No L\ C_AIf\LO~
No L\ C_AIf\LO~
XV L\ No. ~ No C_AIf\LO~ I\!\\::,S\NG, Western Maryland College Bulletin Vol. XV Westminster, Md., January, 1934 No.1 "Thy honor ours shall be......... ours to maintain" 1\l.ARYI.u\ND COLLEGE BULLE'l'lN WES'I'EHN Western Maryland Bulletin Plll.l)i~hctl Quarterly 'I'ut: WEf;'nll,\'s'J'£n, I,:ntered a" 1~25, the un,ler Ih,' Rcl for !nnilinl!::<I ro" '" "eet,on n' College by is the buxiness theoffiee and even hard-boned eashier all have 'l'hesc-thcselllolle-al'cthccapitlll C01,I.~G"; \iD" Hlusions. Lucky where rho boss and the night watclunan ,)AXUAIIY, 1934 .'co",1 cla.$ no"Itcr, May 19, PQ'toflic" M Westminster, Md_, of AUj;u", 24, H),l~, Accept"nc" 'poci,1I "'HeM pO.tfl;;e provided IIO~, "01 of Octoher :1, 19.17 of 11 conlpally-the lI~SCt.~ institution the of a mall. God pitv the bu~iness where dreams nrc dcndaud men deal only in realities. ' j,QUIl:iA' 'J'hir·teen years ago, Albeit NOI'mall WHrd, D,D., LfJ.D., becarne Pre,~ident Western l\[iU'Yland College, lIe was a drcumcr. '22 COI'EII, '10 It Is Well To Jt was Alma pci-iment. Remember lives Hutunnity disappearin fillilllC{' buildingskyscruper-s, his drcaur boy waging .')olclicl's on \VOC to the drelllning', ca~tlcs-in by its illusions. When it will a gr-im battle Kith hi~ uedroolll Illan wllo 111I~stopped st.opped building hi" Spili)]. Ru"iness i~ Heillity, True! It is clolla\',~ ;md merchandise, plnnts nncl equipment, bnnl, balilJJces and debts. Hcalil ie~-inc~ei}pllble-like dent'll. gl·cai.el' But thCl'C e\'(:11 th,}I) somelhing i,~H mHn al1(l lIis o\\'n in!illlHi'e, fol' acliievemont. Don't is silent, ~omcthillg Thi!; clreflms, Itungcr look fOl' it in the invcnYOll won't, find it there. Tile WOll't lend you H dollnl' on it. But it i.~ biggel' tl11ln inventories, nnd bnllket's, too. ilfcll and theil' illusions, -:'Ifen find their hopes. 1\ipn ;lnd theil' ehenms, 1\len and theil' them~elves, faith in their in the other "'ol'k, in men who arc fighting alongside of them This is the .~pllrk which ignites all 1IIIIllilJl efron. 1"01' t.his, mell sun'er lind hleecl, 1I'01'k ~Incl fight, stl'llg-gle lind eRI'!'}' on, long after the ship lins been given np, the batlIe lost, the ei}U~e euCled, Mater's greatest per veer- fmm friends the wor-k and lendel' in the made because of this field. haH his sphcl'e of usefulness ~el'\'ice been eon fined to 'I'be two hund rad and fnty, elll'ollmellt_ summer find extension classes-ex_ coeds hundred nud firty students. faculty is mOI'e thHn double in s:~e that of even tell real's HgO. The clil'l'iculnm has been so l'Cvised, l'emade nnel cnblrgec1 as to be sCfll'{;cl,r e\'e11 to the students of more than a deeIide ago; and the College hns been pl<lced upon the ap]JJ"ovec1 list (Group A-I) by the 1\Iidclle lbsociation or Colleges alT Schools. The el)til'e Stilte8 lind Seeond- administration of Lhe cUlTieululll has been I'corganized with a number of dcnns 11110 n compl'ehensi\'e system. faculty-stlldent In the sumo pel'Iod adl'isol'Y stn!Cttu'es ha\'e i11- tel'cel, cnlill"ged ilnd bellulified, the cost of: llllo!hel' $100,000.00. Iidclit.ion *GOO,OOO.OO hns bren at Tn ael- decl to the Endo\nncnt Pnnd,-Cl gl'alld total of $1,300,000.00 inel·ease of the physic1il He wae the orguuizer 111I.~ been a force Liuenll .l.\lts of lind in the definillg et'!II Arts College to cause ilsscts of the of eduelltion in this country, to ils:;ist 11'orthy inatitutinus to Ineet the nttendanr All in thil'leen Hopcr,; tJ'anslatediJlt.o J))"(!nms made 1.0 live IlIld breathe. An(l in it, fill, he kept the simple faith of Ilis fnt.liers and of the fOlillders,_it has I'em a i ned 11 Christian coUege. His cl!'cillns as to the futUre of his College nre no less beautiful, and al"e easier of nchie\·ement. 'l'hey el~ 110t il1Volve gl'eat eOllquest$ ovel' \\'lcletenitOl'ies. rl'heYIJl'cuutthc perfecting 0,[ the scheme-Ilo\\' [Rl' acl-vlll1eed_that Olll' chilcll'cn <ll1d theil' eltildl'ell lind wisdom in will embrace 01l"n eJ'eation, the of our has been built II Science I lull co,~tillg *200,000.00, u dormitory co:-;ting *250,000,00, 1I1lcl Iln athletic field eo.~tiJ]g *50,000.00, I~abo\'atol'}' R n cl 0 t 11e r cql!ipment costing '*100,000.00 has heen ,ldcJc(l; ilnd i'lle and cxisiiug .llill. ex- At the time, the total elll'oliment of' the College and of the JO)',)' School (since nggl'Cgilte fll' OJ" or at YCllI'S, NOI' ~y. H. FISJlBll, n.n.rn 11. in tliil'teel1 of *]00,000.00 othol' hllndreds of thoudollln's IH·e to come to }fRrylall(l through be- sands Westen- and l';{lil~<1 rate them ]I, is 'Well to 1'ellwmber til is most pI'ecious of OUL' assets_th;:; mun ilnd his dreams, WES'l'EHN :\[AH'{fJAND COT..LEGE BULLETIN would cunble us tho of t.he Admillistl'.1old Mniu Bulldiug, tloe buildlng first built II'I,en thc Collcge was fOllnilcd,-nnd, na suggested, would en6. When President Lowell retired from the presidency of Harvard rrniversity recently, he was exeoued for the enormous additions that had been made to the pllysical properties and endowment. of the University through 11i8 efforts. oniv a. small fraction of the many millions of dollars that had been given to the university during his period of leadership had been rEceived by virtue of any organized or intensive campaign conducted among the alumni and friends of the institution. Practically all of the money was contributed or bequeathed to the univeratty after president Lowell had shown the magnificent opportunity for service in the m;a.king of such gifts for the furtherance of higher to Tlli~ move t.on uhle to tile Yhe to education. The action of Ha.rva.rd UniveIl!ity in dividing its college into what, effect, ia a group of smaller colleges, following somewh&t the plan long adopted by CambrJdge and Oxford, in EllglarJd, is adequate connrmation of ~he true value of the amen college in the furtherance of Chctstian euuce.e'cn. Only those closest to our beloved president can fully appreciate the wisdom attEnding his idealism and guidJng his hand in the making of Western Mary\.a.nd a truly great small college. To one who understands his bigness of purpose, his plea for tiiS relatively small amount of }lhysical eqnfpmerrt is a mighty conservative one. in ago Naturally the Board of 'rrustees of the College realizes all this, and, accordingly, has autj)orized Dr. Ward to follow anyone or all of a number of plans that lead to the securing of this necessary equipment. The method or methods that will be followed have not been determined. No intensive campaign will be conducted. Alumni and friends of the College may be afforded the opportunity to playa part, little or big,-as they may wishill this great work, but there wiil be no orga.nizing of committees.c-cio organ. ized pressure. The 'rruetees authoI1zed a designated committee to select the site for a new dormitory, costing in the netghbcrhood of $150,000. Plans are now being drawn and estimates made by two competent architects. The additional revenue permitted by such a donuitory enables the enterprise to be setr-suetanuug and to amortize the cost of the construction. Tllero are a number of Wfl,YS of financing such an under-taking other than by outrtgjrt gift on the one hand, or by bonding the College at the other extreme. The most popular and probably soundest of the ways used in many places is the life-annuity plan. Under tllis pIan SUlllS in excess of One Hundred Dollars are given with the that five per cent interest shall be paM on same for a }leriod of ten years, and at tile end of that time the gift to the college becomes unqua.lifted and complete. In l.o'lrger sums where the donor is fifty years old, or more, frequently the pay· ment of the annuity is made for life, with the gift becoming: complete at the death of tile one making the gift. l.J\ C'Very case the greatest compensation from tIle gift is the consciousness of the contribution made to a cause that ailall endure long after many of our governmental and social institutions shall have been in rcpniring old lIew buildings. OUI' present high academic (!ud otherwise, it will he uccusaary to reduce our enroll. ment 11' provide one 0" t.wo dormitories 10 make for 500 boarding stu" dents. hn vc a dining r00111 that can easily taku enre of 500 boarding stu· dents. The first unit in eollege ad ministrntiou i~ ~.'50 students. 'rhe provid_ ing for an ndditiounl 1~5 bourdiug st,,· dents nlmost 'IS large 11. fueulty for flll ailditionnl standing, 9. Witlo doruutrn-ics OUI" t\,p overerowdo<l of l'tfeD.1niel forgotten. Excerpts from President's Report to Trustees Thecro\\"rl~d dormitorics and Io(jH~ing of Olll" iU8uflillient for UW:l.r witlo All in the occupied. llIen'~ the dormitory )l1'O]>O' The cles worc Hot illteuded to Hellt nUll I.hey ought ished. a"e ovcr· nlso ~tudcnt a to cubi· pennabo the abol· cuhi· rioc room~ at all fit arc l1]\OU it, slry H~lll fOf 0111' ltI,jle studcnts. illg of God in my judgmeHt, ,mil tila approvul the bless· of people. \VES'l'ERN I\fARYT;AND COLT;EGE BULT;E'l'IN The Campus Beautiful On till' fiel(l WilS miuw:IY (lOllstrud,ed between group pln tho C. C, C. CHnL])~, private by estublialunent of c~tnblishillg its College Avenue 0'1'11 camp, men ilof had been worked eleven Ftcld, were olenred of srouc, intO'II)caut.iJuirollingc:lrll]lns, :~\7iC;;'i[~II; [ltl~~C f'~~II:~i:1r~r~;Yf was donc, muscle cl'cakoo longer Ellll$. of been These r1l'ivcways bnY()lld Hoff" l<'icld for InlJldn,;d vurds new mill olevCll circling [LcrCH sever'll ill'011l1d of tho cnmpus, rond of IT offu acrce, no of out in ildl'uliCO so thnt there 11':.19plenty work £01" willillg ]O:lnilsto do. The n e(] h~I\'c "ontinu{) ~"til'\; linalh' re- WlI'lt beautl- A 1)i'ogr,ll11 Hill fying 11 row its made lr:~e;~~le this )IOt nceustomud 1.0 it WhOll bent, and tile Illcntul'neutotliCJllOl'cscrious\1'orkut hand, New Tennis courts IlJaBsivo fences, ~I'~tl~~ the SCHt No more found Garden. Oil Hil] Carroll 10~~11~;~;' 011 both is bnilt LellUtiful Collcgo entrnueea with Ilunk stone rucc. into a spot is to be Robinson Unlll Here the etdee. New Base Ball Field wish bode ect for, posuu Practdce Football So that Field Hoffa Eleld might cared for, nnd to allow participate in sports, be bef.ter more stndents to nuothcr Iootbnll President tn the largelu.wlIop W:lrd's homo, out 'rhe story of the SUIllIlier Campl\'ould be fllr from if I'efercuce to the most logo were 0Illitt~~,be;';~~2'j:; Back work. Inn :o~- 1.0 the boys II'ho did t.ile The '1'110 winga of McDnulcl Hall Robinson Garden covers shelter tile n sent ivy whieh havlng classes. whh scrvin)! of of women Den» Hnll built. 'It Robiueon tlmc the Sho couecivcd chnil'S nocse, vnrious umbrella tho A ICIlIIi~ the gl'neel'lll This 1-L i\l'lI'gnrot ten. the by ~Il COUl'ts, its Miss of planted wont.her covered tcollis is pad. been Tn c ond~ tcreae wilh erod \\'[\S (llinlbillg :lu(] courts ill a at.cue town. wall, cov- rose .•. l\[~D;llli<l1 the Idcn and of t.IIO re13()illg WO"", II of th(' cxanlpl() hi.c:he~t I.YpC, slle precept to make n nd the ~:!.red YUMS since- it. This for sho left, summer others have while mnk- more Stone wnlks lind Wisteria doors. door plantec1.'1ndc:\l'cd Thrcu J;:\·crgrcclIs for it. teJ"l'aces f'orm and flowers Tho decorated Stone 1110 the second living hcnchos, trails terrace I·OOUl, with steps is over the an out- grass uud alu-ubs. flowers vases, nn) tho furnishings. and a bird-bath An ivy canopy fUting \.f are tlllill Til the gnrden n! u benutiful u.e be will of to honor named nt u.e in her her Western wilen Mlss guest metuor-inl sorvtca that wha t thoscllllllcrhcrcnre. illg a 511'01'1,1 of twenty Mru-ylnud garden? flowers illvito(l dedication bloom to be the of the honor. BLANCHE M. WARD. Carroll (Side Inn Entnlnee) Carroll Inn .Mrs. }:dwin M . .1I[ollor, ]n(:l"en~iJtg lLlllllbcrs Jr. of nlumui nrc Lak of out tile!" «W'ly and their more Inn C~llegeJ minster have ilinner Carroll the to is and hOltleior and more College Hill. their pnl'ties oWllod soon great "ilomey" :lila from luncheons, teas, lit Cal'roll Lnn. operated by westit and will whn be the n ru finding to return tc "\VES'fERN :M.ARYLA1\iDCOLLEGE BULLE'frN The Coffee Shop to be room that clnsarcom before the Lewis Recitation Hall, which t.lw same room th,n was used Intel' as the College Tea Room and still later as club room of tho Alplla Pi Alph:t Club. joining procure kltcheu lllHkes i1; possible 1.0 hot cooked food and homo The Management House tlcntswho Thl) homo apartmCllt ('~(,uolTlics is lnnnagc11lciit tho third yG:JI '1 hOIHO :111(1 in cnt.ertnlnlug. Whethel' cook, 01' maid, each gid docs her Hharo towards making life ilL tho apuru.ncut both efficient and del'glll.f'.11. 1'00111, Six girls are living jn the Hlilnagekltohun, t.wo bed, Illcut house nt the present time. Mi.~s rooms, Such itertlS as a new Gcnerul Bcr+lm Stockm-d of the home economics Electric ;l1ld" mdic fncilidt-pnrtmcut llves with them (Lna supertef.u t.hc und f' cujovmeut vteos theil' netivlt.ios. A new of ~:x studC-lLts \\';]1 enter as soon as rue tho Christmas hnlidnys. cnllud,s(lon Aftn the seuiur IIOlllC economies students who llvu there for six \\"cck~ of thulr last for the US!! ycru ru western ~\l"''.I'h,"d. The It nf the gue'sts 01' Onrrotl TilII. mcut l,onse will bo rcsunled in the year. 011part-time basis. The (III lI'ock dnva fro III 7::10 10 T'. 1'IL It is a de,,"(1 its petrouuge shows the studcuts' response to it. A, \\'01"k COLLEGE HOST FOR "Y" Un;!}]1 Fnl"~'s _'\, lICIL~OIl. nascu Dea" The Sunday Vesper Service bool(, wus "The s.:lettc(\ Plain by Mall Seeks tile tbe who by alumui :;'Cfil' . for ]30011 nsonCofthclllost und is ~~,,~:~'l~~lt 1~1;'O;:'a~~::~eOre~~~e. a ~et~o~,:~:~,~ books .IIlr. 11:rs Irnvoled Henson is nil of ecollomist. llluch. ::Il(] fr{lltlallol'cri\larylandandlhcadjOin' lng states. Speeialllliisic ice is _fuJ'nislied o rchcetrn, led by a for this by tho impressive 25-piece old 'Me lind sen', college crgunizution, by 11 vested The W. G. Baker Sunday School Class nHlre clo. ~olllet.iulc3 ·Wur(lto](jtliostu(1unt. ::~~;JL::~~.)l;II:~3 \~~0~~~:.11:1 ~11:~1 o~)feJ;;~I',,~:~~,~j~ [lIEI't of nnd the campus nO'll'by now \I'll! being COllstrw.:". 110 two opon-nil', lYords-colild -+-SENIOR CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES St.Oll;) to tho ~olllf'ort and st.udeut ill all tllc,YeILI's. "\nd llieclllss<locsilotstopat.jllst nttendiug tho ser viee Oil Sunday nuu l~tcl' in tbe mom- ,-,t Were lIIClllber~ of lbe J llnior lliornillg IJreakfilst einss. by they the The Total Enrollment 1933 - 34 tiLe H.I ecuoots n,e:J~I1"e. ~I'II !I!:lIT1:1l1d firly uicsc, nsuufly .qtpliod determining cn-oun.cut, ill bfl~ OVCI' eight at.udunts foUl' for the hundred two nud Jil~;)·H4. Of eight.y-six i,"d mulriculated Appr(\"illtHl~l,I to west- hundred aturton Is hundred :I,'I! ill and t.he sixty of The Student Loan Fund tillllC their the ortue vttou. One hundred find sixteen aturtcnts wore liL'1l I,]an. \Vcs~erll nave bcen be IOIlIl~d :Illy student in [lny OJlO ~·cnr. 'l'helol{usarcal'ailableonlyWstlidents of resident seven veurs hon, the \i,nll of the initial loti" the oIJli,ziltion, with interest, is pnid batk. ter A line of eOllllllcut:U'y ....meri~:l'~ 'y()lltll 011 tho is sholl'lI chl1.rnc tile gumc was count of the ever, gi"ing game. a play-by-play AIUnlni far ae- subscriptions beyond the giv a "li.ft" ill this work. It gh'cs fil'st-hnndinfornHttionaboutsubjectsof luterest at tile time of the events themselves ill H wily that can beet be nppreciatcd only by receiving t.ho pnpe" itself. 10 WES'l'ERN l\lARYLAND COIJLEGE BULLETIN The New Unnamed Park If Admnnnd n 20th or hogs for it of hnd ]lark S(Jt out out of to mnkn t.lre Gnrdou lmplcment.s at their would lI:lve been a dr-ove of "all couunnud ;Jlg Eve CClltury Edell, tile rootiug 1)"jll"s, up t,I,O S1.UlI'PS weeds, :llId a her(l of clcphnnts to )lush down and !lnl/; all'fly trees that weru not needed. HoI\' times 11:11'0chuugcd! Those Atullini who h:lve 0,.,11 ),0'11'8 enu still n clenr will b~<'i, cousctcnee a vivid to und lrill those and with love,' \\0 -ccouecuo» of SUMMER numcr- CONFERENCES ON THE HILL sev- A~ ill b,o :lll outdoor '.If i)1l('k nlflcont and thi.~ will be el'el·green. TlCHll.'tn used his ous 1!!l1ltitudes, SQ will the b" hill, ilal'C surv-ived On Collegc nnd to a Wcetc-o u ~\ll't:till As the terraces lllag uncicut G"('ck to seat the our-YOUR_hill~ little- bter you will the whi(:l, uuun! Ir,,'y, be of ill IItnlyi:1l111 refigtous ",,,,,e 10 the U(!lIl'CI·ClltC.~. cii"illg As campus US''',], e.lass room, those who alld II'ithllsthis\\'ollderful the host 811"1111('.1' IllQlltll~ "cd.iolls t1 :) numhcr were of for dcrml- auditor· pluecd caine for make 'lew \·iew~. nddltiouut attractive 11 WESTERN 1\fAHYLAI\D COLLEGE BULLE'I'IN Do you A Balanced Menu Behind or t.h:lt tho eculca wcud uhow aceues of this college liJ'c student, fncult.I' and Mlmin· the f01" ~oo buuhcls of n.p diot. h a snunon lop of tllis bcnut.if'ul hill, m(ll'e bcnutil'ul unch day; come \.0 drink of the foun· t"i" ut wisdcm, dr+uk too from tho fouuI"i" of 'rile eombIna tlon ofn sound ill a sound body is the greatest gi~t \\"0 cnu off'et- to our students. Sitting T. K. H., '01. MID·WINTER SOCIAL EVENTS events eenedu letl fOI the 90"9011, the .t'O!!O\\·;llg will be 0" gene!":!! interest : Jununry J~, Scnlor Speech Recital. ~he nlHn.\' Pcbruury ~, Junior Play. 5·10, Eltzubettr McDoliald oeborne-c-Lect.ures to Women. 1;\,I1,."",.y 16, Beulor apceeu Rnei tul. Februm-y I>I:lrrh 0, Junior PIny. Apri! 13, SClllOI'Speech Recital. Dofillitc dates nave ll(lt been set fur rho inter-cclleginte dcbu tce by both ".JOIl)o/ Does" Did .10iLn gi1lgCl"b1'Cll(l, 01" Mory IIICH:tlltlwomell Ie-II buns and ill uddij.ion autl you pies of the frOlll our 10 the ",,,nina loaf DEBATING (;0000 cgg~ f rcm cur 011'11 heuueties lHake an ourelut thnt would 11111'0taxed of old cukes our SOCIETY CHOOSES TOPIO Recently ~lI11sag() ---- buked the Debuting Society of the selected :lsiheeubjeet for till': the. t\ll'rent season: "He· csaeutial recucue of the 0,,'11 killing :111(1llJ:lking, ex teud tho he]t li1lo of 0\11'.Iohu Docs .md Hal'Y Itoos. (lcblllesbot.hto of tcmns und to give the enndtdatee needed Prospective women debntors in. Lucillo Boric, 'I'helma Chell, Jose· D:twson, Eleanor Lines, S. Price, hl~e "Rile)',S. Smith, K:l.therine Tim.· monsHlld MnryParks. number of candi· "1>[.1111' William IlIClI'S She shoul<1 not! ule of this winter. B. JOlleB, mannger of tile is making:l schedteams to be met Western Maryland Varsity Squad, 1933 First Row-Len to right-.Lllea~,PcrguSOI\, B. Knpln», CRlllpOl'roda, Mc NnIly, Uucupurin Blleaman, Shepherd, Shilllug. Second Row-c-Romlto, HY!I(}uvngo, Otah, Hurley, Gorski, ~Villis, i\l:'rkH, Thin] Row-Roberts, Fleagle, Keyser, Berger, Comerforcl, Seh\\·l'lk,>,·, Mcllvecn. DUIIIL,C(Jo'~:lr ..tnin ~:ldunsk.r, Vl'sky, ~~l';~IR~~:_1\r~!;'t~:'"\\~~:~]~;ll!j~;~~~(g~r';l' .\~~~I~C~':~I:~~:e:\:~~~~~I~'l ~i ~:::\~~r~'OO~II~ ic;;.t.:~;~~':':;g~~~:lcb ;11 The "The finest defensive line we faced aU year was the line of Western Maryland College, which team was, ill addition to being a great fighting team, the cleanest team we have ever played against." Buch were fho words of Elmer Lnv dell, now head eonelL of Notrethat were cnn+ed 1.0 given in qucsne'amost It is natural contribution to oxpoct :,,' hiaf.ory lho bO_rH lIight, did H(lt :It 10 Western lIfaryt!tlld f"olll 8111"1,n tuml1, und dleappoiut us. ],," Football Season Dr"]ln, :11"1011",11"lId i-ontce.uvo, CO>l,·I, "u{l thu T'err ors lit- h.v It ill GeORGETOWN thc fuo tbllls of wostcn 1"'0'" ~ ".0:0,,10'for whum it ls ouey to do 01lC'~ IICHt. It was a t eam that drove over others who out-mnuncd and outweighed them, but who novo,' cutf'ought. thcm. 14 WES'rEUN l\fAI~YLi.\ND COLLBGE BUf.J[.JE'rIN 8I1b.-811111\1(:1 18;;, Fleagle, Right End-James Shilling, 154. Sub.-And!"{l\\, 172, Prospects 'I'hcrc\\"illbcn une otrc- I,]U(·.UllLClltgto JalHCs 17G. meet vpponcnta \J1l fall. Prcstunnn 'rIm light, a r-hulleugu difli<:ult schedule 01' ncxu "';1S small, II lid The All-Boys tlIOTe 1'081. one of tllll fiucat frOll! j\faiuil to the Golden Gnte, und from j,he Great Lakes to Gnlvestou. As did Duquesne and Boston. him 0)1 tlLe;r An.opponcne end Blissmuu chnrtlcter boy in Cllr his nct.ivit.ics, hard-working, eouacleutious, able. plHyorij have been grown, but not a finer boy than Shepherd's great ability Of 1927, when in tWO Ch1!1llber~pluyerl clId, lialfback:lndgwlI"il. '\Itd ule 1I]l01l th", following is tltiH emutt sqn'''l to try to wiij: Ihat the 1[134 sehed' will ue ::!7-SL. 'fhUUll'sat Scruuton, "·QI·. :l-Cnt.holic lIlli"Ct'sity at D. C. ]55. Left T::tcklo-Alfl'cd ]!)5. Sub.s--Louia Knplnu, 185. Left Cunrd-c-Bernnrd Kaplan, 182. Sub.-Nicholas Caillpofrcda, If!5. Center-Edward Hurley, 158. Snb.--.Josoph Lipsky, }64. night Guard-George Jones, 164. Sub.-Paul Berger, 162. Right Tackle-Webster Lucus, 185. L.8.-,Vilkinson-Bu<:knell hT.-Ralnlll(!;j~_St. 'l'ILolllas. L.G.-JlIl1I()~-Blicknoll. C()nt.()r-CictOllo-Duqucsnc. R.G.-Sinlp~oll_Uni,·. of 1~.1'.-Ollrenherger-Bostoll R.l~.-To8i-Boston Q.B.-}'reita~-Bo~ton L.H.-Bradley-G()orgctown. c:dlc(i Pn. wnsb- Boxing Lust the former RoalLd it is ocrtnin will have to \)0 What a Record! eight JClevCIIS RC\'CHtY'OIIC games. Of that vcars t.nvc 'I'errcrs lightillg is Ililiube, Most low as C. people in the history anywhere. given. (DICK) think having been "Dick" cessfully after; one Louch·doll'll. ber, 1928 through Fl'Olil 1929 llnd 19:10 the -+--TEAM ALUMNI AND BANQUETED BY FRIENDS the lIiglit of DeccmbcrTlth, cVfn'y "l"ailable spot in all dining rooms at u.e Wes+minater Hotel were uroec p:.lying inbutc to Dick 011 .J. Fruneis Reese acted as toast-mas. achieved in class, suc- having view tho of College hundred ana fifteen pound is wide open and be, boys, with Bennett time. In the huudrud therefurther of the great records of Colgate teams during hi,s five years as their Head done kins, out of six times. Tt has been the UIldisputed State ChUlllpion for four of Ihe past fll'c years. its having recognition Coach; FOOTBALL coached as nauonat Har- All-American t.ackle at Penn Sate; as lhnll III tho HARLOW of an Iiue.up: "\VciJht, lUi, Brinsfield; 125, Mathias ; 135, Browll; 145, Calvert, Olsh; 155, KC,vscrj 165, Gorsky; 175, B. Kaplan; HIy,lI',Y, Poutecnrvo. weeRlCHARD year's and at because westeru of what he has MaxylAnd. Many do not realille tlmt Dick is ana of the country's leading crnithojogfsts, that his collection of bird oggs, worth thousands of dollars, is one of tile largest ill America; and tllat he can talk about birds with the aame enthusiasm, thoroughness and expertness that he can discuss any and all phnsas of football. Dick has contributed much to the new order 011 The Hill, and he uae tile respect and love of the school and of the eonununity for many miles around it. box in Lhe uniimitcd class. His teams win most of their games, but if there be a place where the lesson of how to be a good loser has been taught well to pmyers, students, alumni and friends, it is here,-----and the teacher 1s Dick, He is a part of this community not because his teams win, but because of these teachings of tne mree th.a.t make for success in life in every field of endeavor . the '34 Boxing Schedule .I:lLl. ZO-Univ. P'Il'k Dick was presented with n lnmdsouro chair, and his speech of appreciation was worth coming fur to hear. Among tho guests prcseut werc Dr.,T. L. Borman, GraiJuato Manager of Ath· of Maryland at Coii(lgo or Wcstmiuatcr. lIIinste,·. }'l>ll. lO-POlili Btat.c "t Btutc College. Feb. 17-Sym(lu8c !,t I·'ob. 2-l-Bueknell :,t 1\1: j.r. 3-Wcst Point at. \Ve~t Point, 1'I11).r.IO-Catholic Ulliw"'sity at Washingtou. Mill·.17-TnteI"Mtlcginlcs (place undo. aided. B. Kaplan. [litel'col1('giate Ught-heav}'wcight Champion WES'l'EHN MARytJAND COLLEGE BULTJE'l'IN 16 J. N. (NEIL) fin years. STAHLEY fi1l Neil came to wes, tern Maryl.a.nd as As. sistant Football and Head Basketball Coach in 1930. the 1:,\' Of the sixteen games listed Terrors only four will be 'l'hu complete restor of plnyers team. He iR ~IH 1'(\110'1'3: He was a star end on Penn State's football team and a luminary on its basketball played atlLollin. has jones, done D,'tlpOf, graduate work in Physical Education at at the COlumbia present University, time is 'rue and .Tnllo U, .1fill. 12-Buekncll at 13-St. Thomas ,Tall. 16-~W""hi"gto" .l'au. ,"-~""""""o" Juu. Numerous new baskets anu backboards and OV1I1.011floor l1lfllle the old gym scrvleenblc for prnctice SCSSiOllS. The- Basketball 8ehedule: .Jltn. teaching the College's School of PhyBoical Edllcatioll in coujunctacn with his coaching work on The Hill. He's a hard worker and is growing fast :in usefulness and in effectiveness. He in echcdute which hus as its a. ren Lewleburg lit, Scrnntou. Jan .Iun Jau. quite high_ with Fnb. l"eb. l"cb. l<'cb Pcb "'ffll". 'l l.[:n. The Development of the Department Physical Education of Health and lies accor(iing to the tlesiro of the ~I,\ldcllt an(111lOre lime is uvaitnb!c £01' the:lctU:tI of tile games. under the mont nnd habits. druuenlal ski!! :Iud such gallJes as hand- tennis which will hnve n \',due when college enrrj"-QI'cr Tl use of lalsurc ~li~;;': ~~euOC~~(;l~I~~"~~ime to len,~,~rW~~~u;~ '1:~cWhile the~~I~~::~Ue~le~~\~~.f()I(l. }'il'st, ~;~:~j: s:':~\i;;:~:::';}/:ii:;j~:~J\(:"'" ;~~:l )bl~~:m~~r~~,:~el'n~;:tc~rc~~o;[i~ Roselda Todd. proper idcals 'l'hcspm·ts to WEtl'['EH..\f l\IAHYLANJ) Intramural It is tiLo ""II of 111,1 ,],·P;I,·tlllelllof ill' Athletics wllh thrvc cnch 11·'"l1l1J'al:lthlcli(·gt'OJ'III(·"lolllakclhC ("liLlcl','~ for :1.11'lIwnll,"gful illtN~.~t, nud 17 BllljT,E'l'1N COLLEGE (Men) cuthualnam season. Sen!or no . 1"l'cshu'PIi. 100 75 rind 53 f"nL:ClheI'C:\I'CIHllnyl'nlll' trophj- ,"11';1"'\1".11 Toll' nll-ven r compefi- ]!I'C'spnt is us follows: Club League : L 'Banley" has spont half of his tllirly·two years around College Hill. Graduating in Hl22, he has served successively as instructor in science and mathematics in o Blnck and White. Gnuunn Beta Bachelors Delhl1'i Class League: 1000 500 250 250 Sophomores 1000 Ptcehmau Y. "1. 666 C. /I .... ,. 1 333 00 'fhc lbc spredll:tlt. r"tt:'l'01wh·f()othall. W'JlIl'r: .l3;1~ki'lh~lt, g.'·I,,";1stks, h:ll,dIJnll, Spring: norsesuoes. wrestliuu, Hlld B,,~~J,ull, ICH"ls, Ir:wk, nnrl basketball team; for two years, he coached the varsity baseball team, and foL'severer years, the Fresnmau football team. He organized the Department of Phy~ical Education for men, and the di,vision of Intramural Athletics, and at the present time is directing tlLis work, He had graduate training in Education at Johns Hopkins Univer&ty and in Physical Education at cotumutc trruverscw, leading to the Master of arts Degree. "Barney" has made mauy friendS in his long and loyal service at western Mal'ylaud, and it is a matter of deligllt that his resignation as Grad_ nate ManAger of Athletics will not cause Ium to leave The Hill, but raUlcr will enable him to perfonn even more effective service in the PILYS!.cal Education Department. His Bla('l, :111<1 Whito ('Iub.. G:IIl\Il,n Beta 'l'hi~ t.I'PCof organi effect for the pnst Cluh Ofub Dett;] Pi Cilib Bachelors Soplio!l1!)l'es. . 2(;5 ~G.1 2·!3 239 123 winners ill each league meet for chnlllpiOllship. handball and gymnastics tile program lust year lind :"'ollscd gl'eal, interest. 'I'he wreetung meet was conducted on the lourunment b:lsi~ find the indio vidual winners, a totnl of petitors : 112 lb. (.I:1S8 ]15 lb. elas~ l~:l lb. eiaBS ] 5i, lb. class lG;j Ill. ct:Jss . Iiii I];,.eluss . Ilnllmlfcd . co-us . ....... Kleinman .Cnmpofrcda, msterinl will be from this source thnt will wnrrnnt the resumptiou of trnek !)nil field ns lJ. regular pnrt of the at.hletic program. WES'l'EHN l\[ARYLA0rD COLLBGE BULLETIN 18 Intramural A built (Women) new lust adequate hal'eall aunuuer, for lI"ili wll;('h our athletic field 1)0 entirely I'·ork. We now tnvor field abl,Y to that of IIn~' lion Athletics of the sec '1]\(1 it country, most used field of ::tn.r ill will be 111() this aecf.ion. '1'ho: additiol1:1itclllliscourtslllatliiLI'ciJecn in SpOI·t. will n. I,"'ge mcnsnrc take of the CI'8 IIn,1 n"lllag<Jl'~. TI'I'se sturlenta hal'e Miss Todd is from Sal'sbIlIY. wuile at western Mar y land, she taught in Baltimore County and City gchocjs, and was State Supervisor for Physical Educattcn for girls under the Playground Athletic League for fOUTyears, coming to Western Mary-lit-nd in 1929. assisted in the r'cpartmcnt of Physical Education, a n d was a dn-ectcr of the sports program at Camp Davenport on tile Chesapeake. Later- she studied Physic.1,1Education at Columbia and alao at Ponzer College of Physical Ednc.a.tion and Hygiene, East Orange, New Jersey, doing clinic work there under the di.rection of the Newark Board of Education. She came to The Hill in 1930. 19 Our Guidance Program ~~~The American Council on Education Plan Personality Rating Sheet SAMUEL BIGGS SCHOFIELD, A.M. After g r a d uattng from western Maryland ill 1919, Schofield Cornell Dean attended and Princeton Universities, receiv- his A. M. degree from Princeton in ing qntrementa for the Ph.D. degree at Princet.on in 1928. He then wax made Dean of the College. The Guidance Program outlined hue, is administered in eojjahorattcn by wit.h the the deans faeluty stu- dent advisers. tire group. dOWIL together. The Comprehensive 'rile tlre Achievement second test, ll<:lIiel'cmclll. test, Test cOIII)lrchcIISi"c close o( of the student-s resi- second junr 'l'hls eXlimination d('II~e. the comes lit the i~ intended to studied by the place it will hnvc a more Important our guidance program. 2() The Extension of the College Function (·O!l!'lllflf'illh:ltfllll1irnitfulc:lllscof.thc MllilOls urore wcn thnu to.tav, He Jmd fhe mnturc to uo. IIII:IIII~ 10 pursue Ii bern l CUltlll'C w:.~ I,],e i rs col- I"gl' nnd universlt y haunts. 'I'herl\pid ofenltcgc('III'olllllclit yellrS !iRS ln~lCI'i"II.l' Professor Isanog le'a life Juts been devoted to educatfon. He ia a g r a d ua t a of St. John's College, later recervmg a Master's degree from JOhns Hopkins University, Sociology, and of the Association of History Teachers of the Middle and MarYland. He is the author of the State Bulletin on the Teaching of History in Maryland High &110013, and of "Orientation Courses for College Fresl,. men." States For some years he has been director of the Extension Work of the College and is director of its aummaseS51011.S. He is recognized nationally as an expert in the field of educa.tion, and t.he thought advanceu in this article Is but an indication of tile SCopeof his work in placing Western Mary land in the very fOregTolUldin this impoltant department. W.ES'J'EHN ::\[AHYIJAND (;OLLBG~ 21 BU.LrJI~'I'rN The Extension of the College Function (Continued) will students tltcliftli)'ellJ it will I he ~"llCl'i(>I" s,>()H "Mllt! I i"l:ll('8 in II11ents he millie ~f the rd' 1',,~·sf·l"\·i(·r jt·l[(·hi"g. sf vulue educnttou tOlllP:lT"i~OIl~ of l.,.ppnr~liOIl not fOI' 11111; .111t1 C~ prriod tlm fOI' school ~our~e .·llId('~ i nst ruutiou Design, 'I'h(' to give :1 ~h"'H'e ti"ul:II' Few alumni realize t.ha,t colleges, like tne rest of the world, do not stand still. Moat of them are pro-ne to think of tl,eir college as they knew it. With this in mind, some of the progress made in the departments of the COllege will be noted from time to time. Obviously, space prevents more titan (I, supernctat treatment of the subject,-----a.nd then, only of several of the departments in anyone issue of the Bulletin. Attempts will be made to COV1lT all departments in the next few issues, for the purpose of helping our atumnt to realize that their College ta in the very vanguard in the cause of Christian educeeron. li~lrl nnd in c()tll'st! 1\I:lIlnefi f'JH'~ Ul in Stag{"'raH Home Deeomtion. Design Advnuecd the student with is expert to UL --+-- Art lloou):fht. Department tl," ,,,,(I .jn(lglll('llt atvc them 1'0,- cronf ve :lMI lo 11~('e~~'Ir.r :,,,,1 thi\Lking French Made Interesting The oped Preneh very Willi hll9 renewed '111(1 intomat.icnnl l.lca! devol- ruuch f.he value of in relations, travel tile .French pr:lc, has be- edl'e:lt.ol·~ JESSIE BIRD DAY thuh l'ariOllsph'lsesofart, After 1'10" eliie!' velop of !Lim of this nu service whatever lllilJ fin(1 himself' d"nt In using dCiLt.~ are the the ts of Thiuking, sense to de Sketch t,he stu- thluk the hUllInn the work stu a. experience. and true of to develop C.~- upprcthe de ,111(1 taste, the atudenta but an also The develop Independence of ;n three art Loullge able ~he ulgly there the less is art course popular. than every will for and in was the laFOl- became Institute Maryland of and she years, spring view was Graphic Institute. e'Xhibit last in Goucher the graduation, InstnlCtor of at Maryland her period and to tIle art ill Philadelphia, came to wesrem struetorinAl."t. course npprcuin- amll'ai.<sethestan(1ur(lsordiserimi· uattou within at an it ill term-c-as inforlllntioll nl l necessn ry to ter from studied Club lOwing t.he to ot graduating Mi~'1 Day il,l:lIGI']il'c. enriching fcclillg, nrc and situation t.(ll'", encouraged ol'{lauest menus work of:ntt.hrltwillhc ill a. 1932 as all ill- McDaniel truly lem~rk. fact that tue one year ola, i1ldicatlvll become for that increas. In h. the begimlcn' cineses it is aimed ]'('uding 11.11(1 wil.h WESTERN French Made Interesting (Continued) I1:lAJ::tYLld\,D flu ....r of Lewis tIL" fiool Class disrussions in 1'1'611,,11nrc ducted nn tha u.uthors, thcil riorIs of 111\(1 stunututos CUll- corJT.~OB BIJL1~ErrlN [n t1i~ 1':,11' "'a." "lOwed HOW S"iclico.> til lfl:!D the where tal' it, ~.LOYD MILLARD BERTHOLl' Professor of Biology IIUS:Jbolltl.hl'!:utilllfrS:IS pesot1'0,,1 Ii~CII a valuable aid in gumcs, cte., in take Uercle Fruneais lias ,,,,,deancfTortloproduc()ntlcastone each year. The presentation of Bourgeois GentUhomme was receivcd with high eouunendnf.ion. Last vear three originnl plHYs were g+ve» by tl;ese!liorclassincollnbol'ation with the Ci\'ili~ntion course, Biology ---1924 !lall. Wisconsin, lte came to the Depart;.. ment of Biology on The Hill in 1927. He is a. member of the American Natura Aseoctatron, Beta. Beta Beta, American ASSGcia.tion of University Professors, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and American Museum of National His- to 1934 In r,ollsidcring the mnrkud progress or tho DepnrtmclIt of Biology during tile hl~t ten years, one is struck first of ;:dl by the impruvemeut in material- rc sour-ces. Tell years ago tue department was housed in two r-ooms on the top tory, tho fuculf.j-. 24 to tho cud of the 'l'hellllllLbOl'o["tll(lentsciect eOUI·~e" oxtunding iUI- SCII' IlieSCr.;ulil·s.:ha811ou!)l()o.lillthcl'lsi out. r-om tue doilillranl!lt· where two ure rir~t two yc" "8 they ror g(nn"I, Wiih the er lJl"llld,,~~ (Jut '"atil'3,'!u(i puhlic thcothcl" sj!~ak;lIg speech Juuior into year into ill its work in 0110 tcneh. a "Ours" ill dra. \'al"ioll~ a r.;OUI·se ill [01"l1lS, both RUTH SOUTHWICK MAXl'IELD ASsistant, Speech Department ESTHER Following two years of teaching at Adrian College, Miss Leese came to Western Maryland as an instructor in 1904, .and has remained here stnce tha.t time. She is the author of "A Brief Course in !"locution". SMITH Mrs. Maxfieldis from Boston, After After gradnating from the Bard Avon School of Expression, Miss Smith attended Columbia University and the Amertcan Academy of Dramatirc Art. She came to Western Maryla.nd in 1026 and is tile tremondOUaly able director of the students' sredne. tdous, and their dramatic Work. graduating from Bm- erscn COllege of Oratory, she taught Dramatics and Public Speaking in Minneso, ta, PennsylvaniBo, Oklahoma ann New York, coming to The Hill ill 1932. Altuuni have mallY happy memories of the deliglltfu1 readings given on The Hill by Mrs. Maxfield's fa.ther, then Dean Southwick, efEmerson. 25 COLLEGE PLAYERS PRESENT Dr. Little nate and received a degree from the upon nas He him gree of He ,..1 .'\SSO(""t.;"u, :111,1 I"()lig ;llliloli Leadership Education; national land 11".:11 ,IS jn nddit.ion n(,til'itic~, t ;un to these n School of cxtnl,(,ul'I"icll!aI' Helig:ious lhu W:lS of at Union; interests in Oil t.iLe c'uupue l"'ogr:'lll, wefl-rcnudcd eoursc nnd 1931, tile Yale, Society western to he of Mary- instructed at in Duko PlIilosophy Reli- University of Education --.-- while Educn seeaiuu C01UPI"C' Reli- ElldeavoreIll, LEWIS into" 01' member, Assoctattou: memo asscciauc», Education in of InterPields Educati.oll coming pUl')Jescuf il,tegl'>ltilig-tlwl'cligiou3!1clil'ilies:llld J.(·lIsil'c Advi!;ing counsel International gious and Vaca- Besecttou Endeavor Educatioll National Daily member, member, Christian Before n~ ccunser of Inter- Trustee, Training Dhr iatia.n 1:,il1istJ'Y, de- Executive Advising Section, Trustee, '·'.\·I.:,,(]crsili for tile of Schools; Professional gious University International Religious ber, of con- College. of thn Educatdon ; secretaries' full!;o' at Yale ASSQcution Bible and 1\riH,~h'l Adrian requirements Committee, national search 1930 Dr. Ph,D. Religions tile of was by is a member tion Duke In degree completed his restdence Col. Master's Divinity ferred grad· thereafter trntverettv. The School of Religious Education a. is of Davidson lege ~t'lldyil\g HENRY there. A BRUMBAUGH student ostubltshed, Associate Professor of Religious la provided foreourcreueu, " stndel11.snlld of Professor baugh of is Yalo and University He tional of Biblical He 1926. the EdUcation aociatton ASI;ociation of of lcua University the and of is a NaAs. of the Teachers of Maryland in Literature. came to Western members 01' . graduate Chicago. member National g r nm a IH(JI":o1 and nO:lsill!! Illude Religious usc uy of IlJinistcrsof tile llie stnff l~duCJltioH of on tile \';11"' probloms.ll\_ of allldcn!~. scn'i"o i$ hciHg \vESTli~RN 26 l\f_AH,YLAND A Tie ure ']'],e,'c "IUll,,,i to , imu ]'1bcr a in who give I hci I' coucrrc: f{,l't.u,,,·~ rovu: of ""d ljut, of f.heir of t.huir COLLEGE That 13ULLETIN Binds 1111} 1lI0~t. ],lcWillianls-sis .\1,tWilli:,",ij !I!"Willi'lllll; DUlin, Richter, Wulter Klee Grumbine-c-brotbc! CI''''(I EntlHII'I1\e Grumbine, '29. Churfcs R.end-brother ClIth"rille 11,,11,':'10 . Wintrcd Hoberte-vson of of 01' Jlf.- of Ibt of the relatives or NOll:! lLed.Jert Wood Heed Ste';ells-s(1)~ Parks I~Hl'lmr" Tsobcl Gurdon BClilltltt, '~2, '26. ,"1(} of D. B. Seutt Beu- "rn~, VidOt' 13. Howunl Sumuo: Putmcr, ,KOlllpl{"lhliulI-ijOII I:'. E.!~:ltli hUll, of Ruth of Thomas, LiI'?Il:1r Benson of Benson-brother \'illgling, '2Ii, and Wel!lOll Benson, cs-st. Chi,Irks SUI'!.. 'Winfield 1111Belle C",ylol' '05 . .Tlll," drcd Pnhucr-c-brnthur '3Z. Tholl",s-sollof l"'alleLS II'. }'ranl, Ah-in Edgll" Stevens "nd xrnueen or S. Her-bert Stc· 'OG. Uai-llsle-c-sun Unrllale, of Au ex_'OIi. Sueichur-c-lu-ot.hcr Fowble, '::\3. AuguMIa l\[al'th1t bcf.h und Harrlac» Hnrrlson-c-daughtere '1'. J\. l;::liz:lb('th (If Dr. G. J. Eliznof '01. Lee Humphreys, Elizubetb '02. 1I1atller-dnughter of cx.'OO. Caldwell-dauglitcr Caldwell, Lee of '00. Il'win-d'lughtcl' of '05. uud Henrietta ''"Jihtcr~ of Hcunetta 'I',,-igg, '13, ~nd HOllier Lee 'rwigg, ll'win; Twigg of Hilda '32. Han-ev vey Filltc-r, of Jano Moore Wine, ;33. Addison Dexter Bcauc-c-son of l\ddisoll J. Beane, '06. RobLlJ't W. Cairues-c-sou of Ha.ttie Ward ex.'OI, nnd brother of '31. Robart. Wood Coo, Jr.-son of Rev. R. 11'. ex.'09, and Ellcn Jackson Coo, '11; of A. B. ooe, '09, '11[. Walker Ooc, ex·'16, Samuel Coe, c-x_'07, and Grace Cue Stoll, ']1. Wino_sister '24. ]\[rs. IlOlll' of1flll'Y '['est Buckingham Kimmey, '~O. 27 Introducing Our Alumni of Conuucrce. 1:II·gel.\' has lH gov- Hen-cd ~ne- as~isli("t in atIJl(li'J!I_ Stutes Cil';1 SHvice Ccuuuiasiou, "Gcltiefel,cllIiBtillb""llc1']abol'n.tOl'ios of tile Status United WILLIAM G. BAKER, JR, 1894 A~ long the llHH10 ns nlly of of "Baker" eintcd with Weateru finest nnrt of life. Of them its alL us call lias remcmber, been lIlnl'yl:lll(] rcligioue no no :.1830- nutl and tiLe social has shown u g"CHt(,',· ROGER J. When there evcnt WHITEFORD, 1906 is a 'Western :M~ITland uf is there. when Hoger ie there. Aml when work to do-important work to llDk there too, ready to do his part, more. (Continued on Page 28) "\VES'l'ERN J\I.l.\.RYLAND COLLEGE BULLETIN 28 ROGER J. WHITEFORD, '06 Alumni Organizations he has achieved through College P.fkrward he amateur and era of the end wide as for won distinction was a Mildred Wheeler. at League, fOI" leadand years tot:tl old and Maryland of tile gil:!. class one child, 2008 Harlem have orgnniz- medal West.ern an base- the is thirty·six I've years as County a gold m.alTicd They of Frederick received f.nd several one Ing me League .n Chat'lie reputation a speaker. and semi-professional pl.a yer', ball a Maryland At of '21- Charles, Jr., Avenue, Bal. timore. He rna a member of tile Kappa Gamma rraterruttes, a is Eta prectdent Club, of recters of or the of Loyal Maryland Alumni He law Association hn vc 0110 8011, Joseph For ael'cral Charlie to 1017, lie Law of Ac· salt Moylan of The institution love:; him. The He worked his cojjeg e by selling at.ed as ing the the the of Rcpkins, has work Al'llOUgh the POlitical Johns SOil of at the in 1924. He coached de. ~J:llool deaf athletic parents, Stonewall He vlow fOI" the cur l·cIIL.rCI1I·, Cltapter "11 ~qll:t I til thnt SILr'.L~c ~i 7.0 in ot' the '['],e of the a member tile Caln- and the Clubs. at Bnlt.lmore the lip, American is serving judge of the recently the Institute of Visitors S.chool for roctoeu his hobbies and reading, all these is the He teen says black smoking cigars as term Tax apPOinted of State second Appeal was Board land his Court, a of the are but of a and memhnr oi' the M,try' Deaf. haseba.ll, ahead of about. fif- daily. Message C;"lcha.slJcen be Alu'HlLi 111:11'.\'1",,(1 ~lIil Allin",; spirit «t Coniine". u II.\' college rou" 1":1i~;ngof lege StUtlClIt L01lll 2. nemccreuc and Jefferson Banking. ~houl(1 of uu of of Concord, law & vsce.presidene Democratic teaches the law People's the Thomas of McKeldin h,,~ two deli. !\8~ocinl.ion ill & a substantial of Baltimore, the The President's 'l'ho ..\lll"",i nito,nHj<l" and l. O. Moose, member is United, met, He in law and and of the Naval He Young League received at graduated English teams t'he Dur- t.he in of Maryland, taught bating he at Economics and Universi.ty class. senior enjoys prectaco. stu. gradn. of Moylan and love through Waghington. post.graduara and The and War, aviation Seattle, the earth. alumni his of World Science of way books, leader in in part him. love tum. tc,ok number. a Maryland's dents School Ho ;~" is Western training ':Irgll" is finn Smith, Silver. nnd esscciaucn, Bar Order Di· Club, City and Is a mason. O. F., Western of ty Baltimore State the Board Rec.prbci the Sig. past r.toos Baltimore of the member Maryland to}'fnl·yF.dn:l the a member t ry • fOI' tht! Cel- will nle,,~ I he so tltnt no County l.o\' COlllllICIICC, Cluhs "r'c esseillinl to dCI'elopIlH~nt of lIll aetiv(', clIthll' be without time. 11 Club 811elo WES'l'BRN 1\I.ARYT.JAl'\l]) COLLEGE BUT.JT.JE'rIN Alumni 29 Organizations (Continnc(l) Si'lst'(l Alumni LJUl'uing Assoe.lnt.lon f'or our 1.<1 rlnw 1.10<.) College Student Lonu tlnlt and nlrccdy been linn) 1.\\'0 01' uu-co men!lwrs to T, E. 1'11<!;r or ~ft()r I'hls LwO Hur+iaou, Buileti'l ",,(,h en· A IUIII h","e Soc. \\'est1lLinstcl', fru- t hn r \\. i I-It i" re:l~he~ the cur :-, wee 1< nt ,\"011, lenst will ()folll''''cIl,he,'s 1-0 Sccrctnrv *1,00 borne Exccuttve l'ollldl)ul';ons IhOUS/ln(} ,,-ai'll nUl' T t rust rC~1t ycnr. Iwon utteroe+od g('norall," to Exeeutivu Dlsurict vlce-Preeldcnta: I,h~ c"p\'ns{'~ hut progrum by h,,~ nmhltious nae ~(,t up "lOci ""do, r,lectl'c1 Fund An progr:llli ni, n tiulgi- rntsc *5000 to 11COIIslow, 1I"0rll"l"Ilile of ani! Ahunnl on :It Hllrr:!lGll, rorWQHlerl- Mrs, C.I', erml.rihuflou Ourroll COHnt,.I' Rlchnrdson, State of lILnrybnd 'J', rr. Leg-g, JO~, \\'oll1cn- Mrs, George W, Dexter, Vi~itor3 itiH to the Board 'rnree-year """1', tho national us to sl,01Y thnt Alumni ditions A lmn und No\\"--il, \\"0 IorH'o Assoeintlou expanding is up of '07 'rrustees-; Prcsidcut \\,1,() utteudod 10001'IlMarylnud Dr, Wcs- Ward was a term to livc·\\"il'() ;l of the tra prog"",I'H of our \\'01'111,1' '16, i\L'ln- DI'. on 'Z:!, Tengl1e, R,,,,"kin lenst !I~ Kern", uud '28, Mr, "nd mnc Stntc Executive ~t<llcr, oomnnttee 8111\110 Xlra. College, C, P. Anson of ~11' ",,11 !Ill'S, Po to,\ rt.luu' of Cltn~, F:, tlicl'o:ll'ctllosc thls so"timcnt 'DO, do ,VOIl1'P>JI't in OUl' present AII1I'lJlI; Iln,.,.i3011, proginm. ex-ofllcio. OHAS, K MOrLAN, AllEGANY COUNTY ('''''II,,'I'1'UIl1, to <lrJ'.'""iw CLUB ORGAN, togetllcr ill April. ANNE \'iC",')'I'('s;dCllt,-Jrlll K SI,il'z''''~, ARUNDEL CLUB '3:3, ill tILe A1IAnnnpo+ls of Cumberland. tire or_ WES'1'ERN 30 Alumni BALTIMORE Members euch l\IAHYT.JAhl]) ALUMNI COJ.JT.JEGE BULLE'rlN 1H.glc,: Organizations T.J.Bl'omwell, '24, Madison. A CLUB HI1PpCl' ill served Wi'S the n(lMr. find Mts. T. K.ll:trriso!l the high of tho Otuu lunclr week nt,the 011 19 E. J":LyeUc '93. F'rustdaut-c-Chur+ea 'r. ueu, '25. (Ihnirmnn :;.[CII'9 GroupJ. I,!)stCt wcihrnuch, '25. Bccrctary-Trcasurer, Meu's GroupWilli'l",Wcecli, HARFORD Eiu-l the '2(;. mnn 'VOll'CIl'S Group'Mrs. Murlau Gross Schroedl, '16, Seeruturv-c-Mrs. J. ""IV.xruee, ']9. 'l'roasurer-c-Mrs. EJIII~'l'ull Turner, '12. (Ihrtir CALVERT COUNTY COUNTY Jnnc '33, \ViIlC, CLUB is cuatnnan of MONTGOMERY COUNTY CLUB CLUB OAROLINE !lTL~B COUNTY T. Iluwkius, ol'g'.Ini~!ltion CLUB is cliai,.,lllln of the orgunizattou of t,he County Club. The dnt.e o.!' the mecr.iug hns not yet the ccuunittce [or '08 . bN)llSelcetcd CARROLL 'J'lLiselub COUNTY .A reunion and entortainment pl'lnllotlfOl"thcnClIl'futn,·o. CLUB SUb-division iathe Officers of the Alu"",i as follows: T. '16, of yea]' will be uunl b.ruquet dining room The Club craocin.l '2-1,. had I.(} 011 fOI' U1S0 is of thoj'oaf. the largely DIl his tern. Job carries its domain, to ground iM tOll1'nil_ being COUNTY CLUB November On 1lond".I' tho Club was fullowiug oflicera: lind elected ~Olll, tho Preaidcnt-r'25, jsusc» John Wright, Cambridge. 24, Cambridge. the large E, COUNTY CLUB QUillll, '28, Cl"isfieltl, is e!mi,·_ tho ol'gHlli:tatiOll eOlllluittee. cs, him is to finally lives for every because it's COUNTY CLUB he wes, that corner his of haJ.lowed Secretary the of naturally tlla,t county fact alumni It and glad TALBOT and was WASHINGTON COUNTY CLUB him. he the re, and associations are ShOwing poten, has been a "long puu", but completed "T.R.'~·' ward. DORCHESTER He and Association, sectional (lx·'21, is Railways Hill, The Executive Alumni CLUB Miss Kat.lun-Iuc ebairmuu of the SOMERSET as any heart. still his place. Maryland, jotces in COUNTY of United Company As SCl'crnloth- functtous CHARLES '01 man, When he was Assistant Purchasing Electric found thc ensuing fit t,lie timc of tho anbe held ill the College 23, next. "meers busy Manager" undertaking. Agent 'I'rensurer-eMrs. Ellxnbeth Ilchr Burns, Seerc!n,·y-H. Rulp1, Cover, '10. HARRISON, ill a "T.R." "Business Prcaldent-c-J. Prnncis Elecbion K. an) faith and is achjeving its rc, WICOMlCO COUNTY CLUB WRS'[''EHN l\LARYTJAND COLLEGE BULI1E'l'IN Alumni Organizations Vice·]"'CSi(lellt:i'IIrs. Murlct Banquet Time ANNUAL tu Veasey Sugo, '02 W'lrficld dc Bouttutcc, '25. A. Darby, '2:::;. 'I"'l~lslll'el'-Albcl'l WESTERN MARYLAND CLUB OF MID-WINTER BANQUET The Annual Alumui Mid-Winter nanwill be hold at the Bmerson Hotel, Baltimore, on Friday evening, February 2, at seven o'clock. James Richards, tenor, a sophomore In the College, will sing, nccompnnted by Miss Martha Harrison. "AI" Hoke's Melodeers also will turnfah music for the occasion. will cost R(ServH,tiens may be Iilltde through the banquet treasurer, William A. Weech, 227 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, not later than Monday, Ja.lluary 29tll. I'cllt County Viee'Pl'c~;l1cl1tTo bu eleetcd. Sussex Countv Vicc.Prusdcnt-cTo be elected. Soerctnrv-c-Edith '28. 'i'rcnsurcr-c-Elwood '03. D. $1.75 each. 'Iud f ricnda of the Col- couuuitt.cca IInving ctmrge of 'tho event. l"l\'e Hot yet been .mnoueeod, but it i~ sugg('8ted that l'c8eI'VatiOlls be ""HIe at 011\:"either llll'ough the College orllcc or through nnj' o.r the orticers of tho Club. --+----THE CARROLL COUNTY --+-- CLUB BANQUET pmLADELPHlA CLUB BANQUET Westel'" :ldelpliill will hold a The C. ALUMNI ,J(1l1l1ary2u,HJ:l4, o'clock. dnv s0cinl ill t.ho Irvin Building, nt 401 Walnut Street. A$ K. '1'111;nlumni quet The tickets WASHINGTON, 31 hour ill j\[cl)alLiel II'. This custom has becu followed r-on- fur '~-l, is thOU:1lL(juot\\·illl>oapoplllnr· e\'ont, ]ll'oi)nbly not excecdlug I alx ty C~l1t8. Alumni Pcunsylvnutu. News the The publication of alumni news dE'pends almost entirely up~n cooperation of the ajumni themselves. Western Maryland's fan~y .is growing; as is the interest of the im!.ividllal mem~ers of the fauuly ~ each other. Therefore, it is hoped that the ajunuu will_se.nd M tJle edjtora personal itelllS about themselves or other w~stern Maryu:nders- ;::t:e~:.n;:s e~~~:!r::s, 0::' b~~::=::,!,l'O=:~~s,c~~::~o:. ap· All western Murylnndees will note II'iU, deep rcgl'et ihe death of J'ohu H. 1902,onJr,"uary:!nd.At death h~ wus the head of Shipping Depc rtment of I!,e Bethlehem Steel Ccrpcrut.ion's Bnl. tlmore plant. TIe was fl. 1'01lno1"rand PC1'H1HllOllj, director of the Eastern 8hore Society of )Ial'ylantl, alltl later its president. He was n writer for the K. ShannahllJ," the 1.11110 of lila 1110 01'[1e1'3 find ':~;n~:.~~ ~~,l,:i';:~~~i~u;;~~;:,,~uf:rU ~kl:~~;l'~~ of t.he l'omantic aspcets of the Bay Country, which were nsse1l1\llco1in two books, "StO[llnbeut'n' Days" and "Tales or Old 11Ilrylallil"·. He wus a former president of Wcstern Maryland's Alum. ni Association, alld sevenll yeurs ago the degree of Muster of Al'ts was eonferred upon h1m by the College. He is survived by his widow, Beulah Day Shannahan, '01, :lnd by four children. Alumni News TriE "STR1KJo;" 01' 18[);} Alumni News Hal"old ing, '33. one son, Agnes Reese still llvea ()!l the hon](l fan!) with her sister ncar WestJlllns~c~. 1n ~[iss Reese-a letter slle tens of 3 VISIt of the former Miss' Alberta A.IlL'lteil d :~!l~~v~~t/~:~~s :~o,:~~c~~,;~;~7~~j~e Koppe, cs-aa, to June Cool. 36 Strap and Luby Poots nc~ bom-thnt's the II·O\,\)le. l,ilu i" " o"~'\\"n)" street. cll,"ing\)ack. He' "M)'treaSllrel" Sho:"III)' treasury I" a,,,j j'O" nre not Western Maryland WESTMINSTER, February 1, 1934 June Bulletin Vol. .An n oten ce m ent SUMMER College MARYLAND SESSION 19 - August 28 First Term, June 19 . July 24 Second Term, July 25 . August 28 1934 xv . No.2 We.tem Ma..-yland College, WestminstH, Maryland. February I, 1934. The Summer Session nr Western Ma..-yland is an integml parr of ,he college yeat'. The ten-week session, equivalent to tWO thirds of ane semester, is divided into tWo five_week termS:~ First Term, Seco,~d Term, June July 19 to July 25 '0 24. August 28 Regis(Tation muSt be completed for the first term before 4 p. m., Tuesday, June 19; for second term, July 24. Clanes will meet promptly On June 20 and on July 25, beginning the firS! und the second terms respectively. In case the schools in certain counties do n()t close before June 19, special arnmgemencs will be made for ,heir .tl1denls to carry the work. These should report on Saturday, June 23, for registration and dass attendance Regularly camlogued cour,e. carrying full college credit nre given in the summer session. A three semester.hour course meeting three hour. a week for ~~m::eeer:s n~~;ih~u~~e n r:~~k~i~s~:n: a::to:ei:~l;~ hour periods~for five weeks. A student in regular session carries five or six such courses; in the Summer Session he cerries but two such courses co earn six semester hours of credit e;!.ch term C()l1ege graduates wi,h satisfactory records may pur."e dudng the Summer Session advanced cour",," leading ,0 the degree of Milner of Arts. (See catalogue for Summer Scssi()n, 1934). The Summer Session at Western Maryland College achieves cm'min definite objective. among which are the foll()wing:~ Ir en"bles college studen" fa continue rheir srudy during the summer lind graduale in three years; i. e., by I'liminaling the long summer vacatiam, students mny secure in three years the eight SemeSters of college work usually required for grad ..mtion. They may then secure positions, go to graduate schools, or continue for n year of advanced study at Western Mary· bnd. A student entering as a freshman in June 1934 and continuing through three year·session. will grad. unre in June 1937; rhose entering in September for ,he regular sessions only will graduate in 1938. It enables our students, transfers, and others who for one c."luse Or another are OUt of regular class rank, to adjust their credits and improve their standing in the colleg .. It enables those who hllv(' begun freshman work in extension to continue college work. It enabless teachus and others to work for self improvement and advanced credits during the VaCa· don period. It enables mini.ters and others interested in relig· ious work [0 pursue courses in Religious Educarion and o.her .ubjec" during the summu period. Courses in the following Summer Session, 1934. English Language Literature Children'. Literature French Larin History American European Economies Geography Government Mathematics field. are offered in the Biology Chemis.ry Physics Chantct"r Education Religious Education Secondary Education Elementary Education Music Education Piano Voice Public School Music; Physicul and Health Education EXPENSES Registration Fee, one or both terms Tuition, each term Room nnd Board, two in a room, each term Room and Board, one in a room, each term Expenses, not including books and laboratory fees, one term, $70.00i both terms, $135.00. If you wish to receive the catalogue of Summer Seuion, eerurn the attached card. THE REGISTRAR, W IIsrem Maryland College, Wc",mins<er, Md. [he $ '.00 30.00 35.00 45.00 1934 Westminster ;s connected by good more, Washingt.m, Gettysburg, and historical, academic, and professional roq.ds with Balti· other points of intHeSt. Western Maryland College, healthfully located, topping one of the foothills of ehe Piedmont. i. an ideal place for summer work and play. The location of a college is impormnt. In selecting " college for summer study, climate is especially important. A place high, dry, with good Water and pure air, ten to twenty degrees cooler than rhe surrounding country, that is Wutern Maryland. Comformble !lre provided living and boarding on the campus accommodatioN 1934 Please send me a SUMMER SESSION Catalog I am especially interested in the following courses: I. 3. 2. 4. Name: Address: The following Name 2. 3. 4. 5. persons might like to have the Summer Session Catalog: Address POST CARD THE REGISTRAR WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE WESTMINSTER MARYLAND Western Maryland College Bulletin Vol. XV Westminster, "TllOU gayest, Md., May, 1934 free in giving, The courage born of truth; Tholl gayest strength for livil\gTholl guardian of our youth." No.5 The Front Page Baker of Gol'I, the the life Chnpul-c-crcctand ill gnlte. JIICI"{:y that nbcloveu8on"-hn.s that period, """"""II,[,,,,",,t no lms body of The grcnr one trudlt.ion nnd bceu born 01 h," the nulhorizn aheatl , its Iuftucuees upon the student Western Mnryl.uul College. Wit.hin eettld ]1 BO:\l'd t.iou to building 'r'rust ccs. cons! "IU,lioll Mc Dauiet or odvunture of begin th:lt of Jhe Cotlcgo'a wns the bcginuing Hall tUl'lwd finest to is 51:111(1111'<19 urcre is ot whose none h"a lIot c,~ccdCll the WU8 a f.hcsu most wilo IltilLty eanguiuc originally it. out to be invcatrucuts. of of a nlOI"l~ bcnuhi, fill C:IIll]lUS. It was mote pride-c-It waa our possible 'l'he measure itfnil Ttisilll' effects of 1,110 vnlllcofthis"pUcofstonC"OlltlJOstll' dent body uud the CCOIIOIll" 110",. our the College rteetr. I'c~l, tbut it should gl'OW ""-sit also grows, tho grows. In" ist.ho\·or.\"COI'110I'stoueofouc WestDreams ~ill of ages. men cOlJslruetcd nnd IIln(lhincry bccnusc Leon crewned hus hccn thc 1I"fl..I' Tho Enormous filled wit,h lifc,-i.o picture above LJllildillg,-:t Iltalling of ill well. been with fl·uition. In [11:1118 Orueu :lil eases, (1I-oam,10 is it it is IJUil(1. th:lt for the some othcrwlac. of flnaneed bccu fattOl"ics or n women, willell wns now Hot to a nd a t.lle views dir- me hn ve b001] a pro f tn b 10 (he Colloge growlh and 011 Hound cf nnd the J ndcod tlou o~ :hcil' livcu "In kes its its titcirli'· one d cvclopmont elcvn of benuty of onviroument inileliblc imprcssion upon whnn WES'I'EHN MAHYIjAND COLI_jEGE BULI_jg'j'lN You Are Invited 1'0 1116 1J1'c.')ide111 of a eoueqe COIllC.')no 'We/(;o))l,i'llg "home" hi.') greal faln!ly At b1Wcl(ms give of tue veal' himself stit'ution seem to roll 10 fellowship e1llirely at/.;Il!j, with pri'lii/ege more anel he JOYal/sly Iii.') jJ'iel1ds-t!w,wJ blessed. uian tnue, 1'01il11Ie11Cc/Jte"llt tlwt ceres the 11'lIcllighl-llCadedl!/ who hold of asul can deal" this in- . .Ii1nl so, (IS JMHj Mid llli.') comwencenien! Sf'(JS01! draw near, Illy heal'l1lJanils tile thought of yolt who urili come bllck 10 "the hili". YOI~ will come to 'renew oseociauovs, to relive for f1 shod while a 'vitol pad of YOlO' life, (l1/(llo i'aI"I"y away a 11ew /JO"Hceplion of and an i?lcrco,sed loyall!) to yonI' Alma Mater. at your th'l"01tgh yonI' And, ttus college, who daily com'i'Hg, work 1vilh will yO1/. il (I (Jive 10 'IlS who lid f01" if, 118W are an 'i11leoral courage, new failh. pot! a'lId of 11/3'11) i11spimtion. So, come! /,)"iends of former Y01t 1vill find the President, Ute faC!i~I.!J, days-all here to ex'ten,d the to y01.t a sincere SI1irlM!i welcome. body, YOU)' Sixty ...fourth Commencement Reunions Commencement June 1 to 4 GENERAL PROGRAM OF 1901 EXERCISES '1'11(' elass Friday, 8:00 P. M. l·act Play, "Opera 3·act Play, "The June 2:00 P.M. Baseball, P.M. Annual 6:00 P.M. Dedication 6:30 P.M. Annual "S. Alumni of the A.M. Baccalaureate 7:00 P.M. Evening A. M. Commencement. on will ahuunl the meet iuformul- dinner on gntur- ~~~~n:~: Union Streets diamond. of the Alumni Association_Smith 1909 Hall. Back Garden. Association--Co!lege June Dining will Hall. by .l- Rev. W. Hawley, D. The Hill the of Lhi8 1he couuncncemcut of InCIHbcl'S to eelcbrut.e \'~rs,lI'y D. the el"S~ tweutv.flrfh their - of nnlli. AIr. Obcr S. Hcn, Po. Pittsburgh, exercises. Step singing and other Junior CIa ss in charge. to COllie 1909 3 Service-Sermon campus. ofHHH bcfQre ~li:;'l~:~':~;~~: ~~\~~~l':~O~~i',:"~~:~ 2 Varsity-New of Alumni the Department of Speech June Robinson Sunday, 10:30 The Pigeon" busine •• meeting dinner Iy Matinee" S"tu~day, 4:15 I The Monday,june4 10:00 Conferring Addres. of degrees. by Dr. J. M. H. of Rowland, Dean Medicine, University the School of of Maryland. present. 1914 June will Dnrroll Inn luceensc AluJll1ll OVCI' tllc wlu!e. be fit. con be will of campus will be appreeiutioll A lICW lunch. restful; of all{l this wor- lilyeut.erprisc TIle twcntiDlh bnaebnf Alunml tellm l ~hould with 11':':,~l~l~e.:J.t t und IlLC clnaa ~\:::~Lll~, ill Street, Tile business The Opera Reese, to of be un t.lte Assoc- unusuulty in. one, ure Fnllowiug Ma.tinee llleeting expected teresting J11!!JilJ~01l dedicnt.ion Gnl'dull, will I)e held and wlll the in the be in all of of new tile allillini will ~\~~::~~ 80 that C:~:lln~:I~~:~:YWi~;:el~~r~: tables Bal. may be reserved. 1919 has been sent by S. B. Selloiic\t1 to tho meJllbcl's of the el.tss of ]919 to return for COlli' A turion is who £0]" to ,ToilullY Culvc-t South he will .Tohnny Clayton, those dosiring eapLainetl "c'lll to tlle colors" IllCIICClllentthis itsfift.eenth in celebl."tiollof diuJiCI' College chnrgc the or Assoeialion. During Danlet Hall [,t open. I'cgister, Jt is 1t is with themselves (':j will the alumni weicollle Lounge thnt hoped Me- be ~1'O is they ahnll that the cxpccted hold will when lcuve is Commencement ,\1umni rdl about It the LOUllgO bcndquru-tera. there will nCII'S urged friends. that apec;at a number reunions of ClAsa. Com. monccmcut time. Reservntions should be Ill:Ldo for class reunions in nd. vance thl'ough 'I'. 1;;:. lInl'l'isoll, Ex. m-utive Beei-otnry, nt tho College. noom~ will be provided for those dcsrriJlg privat.e places in which to meet, R S. :\lulhews, to in 1.5 touch with St., Plliln· Pa. delphia, 1929 Members l\'I'ite land, ill one Roy of tho class C. Chnlllbers, tbelr the tCI·thealulllllidinncr. l'OOII'S of 1929 Dundalk, l'euilion ill S",icnee to will be liull nf- WES'l'ERN 1\fARYT_jAND The Investiture The or imprcasi tlrc auulor ve invcsf.ilurn !l1:IB~ ,,':IS held !'.('l'c.nIOIlY ill he cnn COLT_jEGE BULLETIN be one of rour concerns. Because you are Service Cinn a living uud spend his lei Ualwl' Clmpcl 011 Api-il llth, we aou-e ought: to the rcsnlt of and 110t the result 8I1"e]ltr.fl',\'ourfcct, lake yom' thillking Some fuuity of U~ of who have lI'(ll,illg had \\'11ioll c-rrt\·c, tmve become ~"" earuing n li\'ing, csta nud we ure not j.cwts ' how nnr-row stn yed bceillJ$C ot you home inert u.c Iclsurc uro yOIl perfew inter· "Dodsworth" wus bualueas tures need I10t f.!'s:;j'lIi being oppor· the " own of nud esenpc of see thissu(l' d.ismnl pic' if we leaI'll how to Il~C 1111111, '1'11080 timo h:1VC 110 puy you This hopeful there is 110 n picture. sorry phases way to Ollt~ change tile 1\1'0 there nO situntion7 Is The social trends that lI'C are li" th~ngcs but thn t illcrensing, In the "McllIbol'sof a tho these urcas eo tliilt they bC<:Ollle:II' ',vOli you need will '1111,\"", itlllny bCBnidthntfllilnrcsofcoordill:ttiollin IIlOt1Cl'lllifcci\nLellttributcdin 1l0sllInil part. HOt. seek ulwavs of _VOII, 'l'hcn good fortullo because possess it,' como what Western Maryland Bulletin Published Eight Time!> 'rue E'I~h Yen- By 1ll1lsir:11 G. President Felix u popcrarono. 011 The Suuduv 1~:~I":n~/ ~~'~I~i::~~'~~ ;~O~I~'a!~:I~p~'1l :I'JI~C t Paul. III nddltton members I;on, of the the the Sf, loist. tho to of up students, locnl ehonls. cluaa Florence ]021 of know nlld from Following his tion in the by I[;dl alnmni mnuy the of Einlllley, wus and filled friClli!S lmd whom rendition of cupncity the t rnvcled t.his of to College, far bcu.utiful to THE 'rhe ANNUAL unnua l heloJ wna umdc stlo\\'illg IIOt lIul rue to (III the tloc student a of jtU:lt of upon Art the the D. was eOITEen-cd in 1!l:{2. Collel!~ CUl"roli [J""SCIlL wltf bill fricnds c\"(llIillg lJ:tn(jud " the "'llR large first hu1(1 in gflthcring marr-ied Mnxwell f:.mily moat the Juckson is ill 192!). clnuming in one 'VLui- u.e 1923, ulld of Westmin_ J'craey. 'rite beloved. held 01" on Commonceincnt l'uosd:lY tho Exercises evening. wus giveu D. D., )1. K The by were address thc Rev. the pnetor of. Church ill 8:11 Dc· nsu run. exhibit D. .IH l.he nnIT\I:.,1 nlUlI111i oratorio. l\I~Daninl r,.iilny acutut.lvc the ~t.ud~nt.~ lhe EXIDBIT of ill :tlld Confer. ---+--- ART oxhihit W:lS on Protestnut years. hear ---+--- tliatlne, with serving »cvcmt years as As. Proressor of Blblicnl Lallgunges became Professor Holloway atar'a 19l8. SClllin:lry the Seminlll"Y, 110 Biblical Languages fl-ed who him, in paetoratea eight "Fred" neeompunlsts. those love College gr:ldmlliOll of Aner at in loy fhcl'cforc the Methodist for aistnnt Alumni for D. D. Drew f"oul cuee or the as is called him, The tnt and Mrs. Mury IlS he gT/Hluntcd UpOIi hilll i~t} served filled D". SelHill~l")" i"1021,hcsel"\"cuIn us of of the .John- ,dUlll" lilt of "Fre;:l", the at HOLLOWAY, selection ~hoil's ,,":.IS eontralt~ u l~o J~::trl stnllcnt was collcgcclooi,·, Mcndclssohu, made Chupel nctlvltlea under the directioll of Mias Uuth Shcr-mnu .Toucs, rendered the oratorio "Bnint by Saint Pvrto ruiauce. PAUL" FRED the Scminary ""~h '10 "SAINT to the 'floc 'Z2 COVER, ORATORIO thcj-enr, of COMMENCEMENT COLLE(;E H . .RALPH u climax SEMINARY EXERCISES Edi(ed bit B. FISHEll, LOUISE,' As College At· reproDepartment, best but work. gl'owth of ill the The snug A fenturc wa~ tile numbers. :l cnpclla of l'Cudit.ioli at thci,' of WES'I'EHN 1\IAHyrJAND COLLEGE BULL"E'l'IN Norment Speech Contest Th~ rot' q)U\.CSblits u.c j\'Q1"lucnt ('Olllcat,\obohcldun]'l'itiay, ill AlulIllli 1'ld~ 'Helland t.nrec ,'llll basis !.ion a"d vill"icty of P~I,t:jtip"" of ecnduct, College Orchestra lnembCl'shipJ women trcshtuun puhlic sprillg wus 'iI,d AlulIliJillnl1 recitnl given oj' before 011 tho the nil :Ipp,-eeiative (llli ercwd !light of or- above h,\· in "F'ri(la_r, )11>.1",\111 The progn'llI POI'I iO"$, p<:rcusaioll, muaicu :.tlld l ullit rcucrused gave un was {)f 1\S ,I ~p('('i:ll f"H,nt', 1" Western World, P"Ill'"k, was ~yl"phOlli,' played ]11'<1' t he Sin' l'cntur'e titlrrl 1"'OIlI ill thu its en- til'ct.y, "nnual May Day uxcreiscs was II Hoffa \III ]'cplien l\1".I' or Hobin fOl'lIlNI Ftcld tile c(lriicst und Hood «emcrct ilis'ndi(Jlllllrough out the exer-cises, the rose or (lie rormera hcillg tI"l(litio",d rosuvc li~h !" Ita I':lctcr~, Mlss Dri~('oll, Est clle Willi,II11S Dororhy of tIle Twigg, rmil nllnll:.1 out-o SCllior Parvis Hol)illson, r-dcors tho a cnmpua supper. scenery tile .Ar'L Dcpartmcut. wo,'1t nnd dircClion masl,s of the meutioued ~nphollJOrc ,,)'0 cboscli ill uc.uleru!c muc'!"IIO "ll]lI)~1 lilis \llnsso~ i"$11"\]l1I0JLtn· in lions, weekl,Y lhei,. uud bot I. the 1','on, groups, Oil I be clusses, The Summer Session nccommodntiona and the as homelike :J.$ group liv_ nud you find opportunity ping one of the mont, good wutcr and temperature jrom ton ooolCl'thnl1 umt or combine Hlllan place for as pure air, a rneanc to twenty degrees the surrounding to mnke Ooucgc summer work and play. TILe summer week schedule is ueoessary of six days in order to make However, three this recitn tiou juteueivc hours a 110a- aibte tnc securing of the full credit aix semester hours in cnen term. of well na intellectual The thlrd euuuuer session atWestcrn ~J:~r.\'l:lnd opens on Juno .1!l ncxt. Tho ton-week soaston, divided into two fiveweek terms. h:ls become an integral p,-u-t of the college year. ,A. postenrll will bring, to 1I1I."onc interested, the summer school catalogue, College grnduates records mn.v pursue wilh satisfactory pl'ognl.ln- d:).jJy--still allows tune for esscnt.inl recreation. Numer oua t(}nnis courts and three athletic flelds :Lrc :lvailable for sports. 'rho hills and offer oPJlortHllitr alia picl,ics. utrcnms uround for The 'Westminster beautiful extensive walks campus outdoor study nnd discussion, the wide vlstn of town nnd country from almost nny point :1)1 openness and II freedom that much to the pleasure and erfectivcness of a summor on the Hill. Add to this thc comfortable, uncrowdwith Ita ~()ol, shady nooka for t.heirstud,l'duringthesUllllllerulid grudu-ne in tln-ce YCfLrSji.e., eliminating the loug summer stutlnuu ,VESTRRN l\IAH.l'"LAl'lD COLLEGE BULLE'l'lN The Summer Session Summer Conferences (Continued) dents eight mily secure semesters in three venrs the of To d,1t.e will held its sessions for a period of one wC{!k. 'J'l1i8 school has as its Dean Rev. ttve mugod to enjoy required for then Qbtrlin estnnt Church, mcets for t.lic first tjmc at rue A nn\l1l1 Confercncc '0' Miss D01'Othy rnd erdlce, her work at the Selllin:\ry alld in the eoml111111ity,will gil'e" COlll'SC in "Dramnttcs and PagefOl' Dhildruu." A group of local uish udequnte Spl.1CCfor ~onlnlitl.ce meetmge. of Cambr-idge, Yd. and of the church scrv!lustcuchers. formed aud regular school supplemenled by lectures in iug "lld fill organized recrcutlonal prog..,.ul ill the afternoons (~oll.!ltitllteljthe program. AIJOllL two huud red :lud fifty people probably will attend. Durlug the Labor D~y wed-end, Beptcmhcr j·3, the Organized Bible Class Assoclntlou of the Di~trict of Columbia will hold its nunuat summer meet'I'hesc meetings nrc also under the of ~!l·. Page ·McK. Etchison. About, \11"0hundred dclegutes will attend. This phll~O of educution has become extremely ro all teachers, Bctcuce (not chciniatry und youth tile phenOlJlClia of life and nature and the IllCCh(lllicai processes Iuvclvcd in li,·iug ,,·ill be two COlll'SOS, :Iud Living Things" nnd ")latter and Energy". Tho first course will \)0 taught Dr. Bertholf who ll!ude the work eotouco udueurtou. Thc ctemuntary tcacher must ljenr iu ll!iUlltlJntcOlll'seMforcrcditillad,-ance The usual college courses, of course, aro open to those who fire workillg to ward the Bachelor of Arts dogreo, SCIENCE lliLL WES'l'ERN ]0 MARYLAl\D COLLEGE BULTJE'l'l)J The Relation of the College to the Community No Western 11101"0 shouts, 1\T'lrylnnd ls true on l.hut i~ wl'at 8(')'001 u w:w College HOI\' passing which ~ion uud lIill through followed Jllu~ic us !rnllslon\'e [Ina with th:lt tile As the college those with;" the s.nne This Thoy exercise these years, Westminster has 11 hamlet to :t good alxcd Jt has overflowed ih bounds and today extends out int.o Can'oll County Oll "II sides. Cnl'l'oll County has a populu tion of stable citi7.cns--ill· dustrtoue, jricndlv, people they nrc, wbo 101'0 tor which frOlll stores. thotll'Q keel' nlauy of called its for cOlllmoditiQs, from tho nf its recruited rrom W(,\l"C shadow g,'owth of como ('Qunty In with filled 01';11.0]'.", gl'OW, ever growing staff grown been their a "Ollllllllllccmont ns Iuturcsriug us our OWlt, :IlIJ lhcn tU1'l1 a rouud and fill OUI' clusarootns the plek of their graduatus. Civil the our thch grnce inctensod many fnrms but wHlls. of of CUn'oII to nea of \V catini ustet's Witli" pbut li(H'Criug nround l1IilliolllH(!I'k,thcc!lI'C:ln(] up. or Iurvc the shel been nn CVCI' 1I10Ulltiug item. town. ":II';OllS whut Once College it through on its wuv llursed antl started mn te it purpose Pirsf-, has the itv thun is a ilnu o nc Chlll'chcB flnds ill to ill most ill first, west- our a member AI· college. ],nhOfersofall offcl· COlllC assembly nud, WhCll to h;llls, 'III i~ enorl1l01lS all ml1"rgcd g(.'quencc, of IHIS bQCll ,1u(1 iug t,;""illOd in eol tl';~II:~~~::~~ ~,~I~~1:11::::~:':';':lhl;~~I~;~~i~ :full The there the college has its :l1ldillll\:I".Y schools lIill 0111' of n C:lrroll WClcOlllC callipus hns lLa8 County {iud on tha~ is gCIl:]. rUllg to lilCll' honest for jllnnt n is hody h"s found Tra ve where studclit e~t"blished, st.lld~llts movcmcnt, College kiuds College n place might \.le exchanged out· we ,Aluml,i leg(.' count,y and not COllIIJlUIl' l\ lind a !loe· ! c rcntcd thehnnd tho~e 11'1,0 have for bCl"6 tho ;lltO the pl:H;eH. i~ ;1 Christinn illO, n fon\l £lL]''';$h go tie t.etweeu C"I"I'oll Coun- closer IIl1sbc(.'1I Ir ill to its it was I.'or \\"hi"l0 there homes ty tea1llS H is illll'O~sihlc comillunity which tho athlclic of'I'ccl'catilllLthr!lnglL<llltlhO,I'Onl" ovel'it. bccn t.he work lil'ing "·ago. lho I'c~nlt :Ind,:la" lIl] or COlL' CVCI' in Aluuun roll. sue Ii :~ close whell they or GloBC it Whnt nl'e:lS relutivu wonder ti 0 ex i sts bet wecu lllucha Oil tl'C11 our that t. lie t. 11'0, oft.he ('ellcgc:.:ethc In 11Li~ til ore WEs'rEl~N c. W. tile finishing yet unuamed. tile earth inches t011I'lIe8 to or new a~ fiUeen However, of when inspection af Connuencemcnt see park, because was more, (01)1' will our Work iH n"Hie she A. on the Hill actunlly render's 11 MAl{Y'IJAND COLLEGE BUfJLETIN tile tile The time, open nil' Hilt he stage or com plated, Banked \\"ilh and junipers, pluea fnocsa slope, it tutes. \\"ithin:lnollteryenrtllcl'ewili he seuta on wllieh ruay of Speeeh the Two t.lle be of beech of elms, more scores of The Disposal Weatminst ha~ been which young trees tlln left a A, for nnd 10111), with modern Sewerage ~hly be~n will 'With tmmiucnce Coucgc's C, aud the for tho Stutc. tlr~t IJllii unif dll~iglleil of Carroll Inn Activities ;l11(1 HY6' Carroll Veda road}" lustulled-c-all men College Lhn cheeked \VIIS oppor- recognize should applio.:;)tiVll Suhneff'cr whieh th~ hrN illl' snch;Ill it wna A, \V_ for Professor by of in Weatminstcr the tcm witbtlmti nf, CMtIIOLI, prob- 1)<) tho tune that the IN alrondy cOllll"ll.o.:ls provomont;nl 'I'm; Tr:A noou cit,y. bidH have in System n P. W, conEtrud. for three just. voted has grunted to l3ysl.em er trees, n score of nrbor vttce, and thn n hemiocks,.jllnipers.1nd literally f'ruru thc rtment. scores eccrea gl"iISS,\" enjoyed Dopu a syS. tunny ter I",d JIIIl aoulul the ~', Nelli Ihe Oity Here,too, that tIm HCCllO of during r':ll"kn Judges installation into hcuu fUilcti"IlH lite will!l. r nl 10 h,,~ thc nrcurbers The :lr,,1 of .i\lvtIH,'r~' Green 1J;l1" ,d. thc ~f Clul, As enh'r'l:ti1lod \\'e~llilinstol' only "nd diuncr. lll"ddilion,"ll\llnbel'of ,'IIC'lIlAanddirllierslnll'oilecn nnd Iho.!JlnhYllloIlll)crsot"th(l t.he witll nrnple before i~ ready to lirlle left ill Wosj,minstol' IUIlCheoll '\"l,t; IIrcrllb~I'~ or MiniRlerial SIll"V(l, T, K, H., '01. SOHnI nt UIC Ill", \Jllillil of Trustees, SU1'rOlllldillg'Sllni! at Ul(l Crll'l'oll ""d the [heir hOllor tl':i.Ci. walls. lHoro ami fino theTHlllll"CSlll'ot.oat lIIQ1'Q ,lillllllli \\"ithLn its WESTERN 12 MARYLAND COTJLEGE BULLETIN The Lady in White lIs cue ])"n;ol thc enters 11:011, I.he I.r;I~~ 1;lh[et, top ofJ'tc· to" ROOl' lH dirurt.ed 0,\'0 cuutuining lhi~ ill~~I'il" 1;011' h"1" work [,I 'fhi~ \\'II~ t." furnished 1',niLa Roop of of st ,r 1I111-Hillg thw fond \\'ol1d\\', tile !lb,'ll.a 111 ofllllrlllitol'.I' .1. Woodwsrd "'g: ~qllipped n\lr~f!'s livillg qmll'te'·s. it ~ culled r- n~ 1", nnd atudonfs the bera this of the is college year II held tho faculty formed the to tho fill fnc111t,v ill dinner ;" «chednlcd with connection of the metn- a'id Iho plnna II) of which:lll members rtI~et,- "ro heill)! the the l'oming veur. UI, those then nrc '"tirllwl"_v-lilld sofl I_" ..rfll'cl AVII"c,-s, sick ,,[ter" ere- ed pu pers will hu pub mingJo In he more gOorllonk" 1l1cnt:11 10011 thaI] Ililruttil"efor lhc ennf'orenee gr"\lI)~ I"io\\'s,shc,'h,',-keri nud ill n.oment. .l.n Inter iurlividnnl open t.o join, free ill formally T. M. DopnrtUlellt" of Whitfield, j~ chairman I.ho "r ~'I';:~ I", ~i 'I~:~'III I~~~cl~:(tl following by ~ubjectH of m<lmbers llI(;etiJlg,~ hold been pre- lj~,"e the aI, faculty dill-iug and "The by 1I1anehuriu_n F, Departmont. B. Hart, the ycr.r: tho ~p"-e 11,(' '''''"Y <~I' \\"ul"eu I~~'il:,~:'I r lI:i,,:'IO .. C ililo 1,1I1,lillg' I ho I lint Oli,: 1',""cliCl) ha(1 hecil holh "I'iWfll-"",'e ~I'J(lcII18 ~hc g:l\'e fvur rmltlLing an(] lectures l111il ~Ollferellces cvory girl in }'olll,wi'lg -;\Ii~s Eco_ tho thaL the Icclurell girlll' slLu manner ~tl'c~sud of the thinking, :111(1 fact ex· O~loonj!l her SUIIIC uf cVlltad lectul"ed IIiO::II il] a llllllllJcr die west. ill pCI'~ulli,lit.\". The W<JIII~" t.hCII'8Ch-CH 1'0..1\l11f110 cVlIsit!CI',,(! ill 1I''''ilig It""-nct! Iun~ le~son8. held ilillil'iduHI pl'autiMlIy Situation", of t 01 the "Some Aspects of tho New Defll", by Profe~aor E_ l{_ Schempp, of the Eco· nomies Department; "Tile New Ger 1H:'llY", l)y Pl'Of<lssor J. C. Willen, of t.he Language Department, lind Professor L_ i\I_ Bertholf, of the Biology Depart· Ilomics '"CI]I<Hi,,1 il"p ure rim-in)! "t' Some meetinga orgllnilmtion. the \\'I,at Iho.',- 1)1l 11111'1',1' I-efreshmcnts, cnjoy Pl'ofeB~Ol' 1'ho 10 th;k 1I'1I('n I\'(>uld genewl by ~ellted 11\11,1' wonder own Hill ho InRt Personali ty Clinic alld l,:,,-1I lm- --+----- History I h~'r :::~u there lished luter. 'l'ho lrecu ten/ll,('rs. one infil'nllll''y, acholaatic in I'fll'l, "I· 1111 is''''uglo ,,1,,1 '-c"d disCllllKion a who to (.'011"1;:(1 "isit, 'lIl:.omill The Faculty Club During ~I'{,I"I P:11,C'"ts inn t he of /II i~s i",s, :1" with I,,,t, hfl~1 the visiting tn i)CH8 "hilrgo known On f,'-li"il "" Oroco Jaanogle, a gradollS, ~.rnlpnthd eo II'\'SII 1,,111(0 j"lo, -~llId_r_ heds, it-,versatilc,COlllpctonl. and is dur, COnf~r()II"eS, "_"eilr'l-ouIHI" kltchon J !l:2:l, in been liDS SUIII'"el' 111I'~1. :,I!lo this ward, ('ight wi!], "(lIllplotely )1; 11'-'" 11'111'," t';lIgl:lr iHOI:Jtiolt provided i~ " ;1]1'1 t.he F. 10 ,ut additicu I lwlil, :lIId sue rd Price and 71Lr~. Theodore ;liI;rl11:11','- ~ick 1 hen], I.\la~s or JB!'l4 by ~h~. f~,. ,JS " IILcHo i"Il!"r' willi at oj' colleges The WeUCHle)' ill the ILilJ, ant! IHid. WES'TE'R,N MARYLAND thiR Biology Conference nrc COLLEGE was LIm first I his ~t:~le, kind sllllllar COl] 13 BULf.JE'TIN meeting o[ terences :dlirnllllil'o Chell, etdc were: (I uti Misace willi "I iss Sue negutivu IHII'ebeellil]progrcssitlot.herarensfor severnl ril'ell yours. f.r(1I1i l\1uch such ~III good ~"n aasoclatiou. wostoru Mu '1'11(1 O'UlilpOHCil of Ro,diz 'l'l nuuous, lI'illi acting tcruutc. 13011l,a 'I'ho be :Hld do' !irst Misses team Lille~, /lliss ~:llly 01ll'uull1cl' was I'111'kH nnc1 Pr-ice was:o dllnl :I~ :11· debate under III\)II1o(\)iolul(.\'. An,ollg 1':11""" were .11'1111 l\lr. the ~l'eakcrs DrH, S. P"PCllfUSB Vuul Drs, COI'(',\' Ilr", ].rillcipill tho ('UlIferCllull Conger, H. V. 0, tho tcnchcra. and Curueg!o In' of [lnd 'l',.nitl E, afflrmativc N, 1111':1(:11 of Univerxlty H_~:, \'1l'["lIrl of M:U!t J011I1~ U<'>J!' of ca~elI'ull til" tlebat.e. \\'illi:1111 and --+-- e~,,('''li~1 1'ILo ]!1'ogI'IJnl,ill "d\':']I"~'!II"llt ",IIich '":Hle the 01' ('<lI",i,lc],,,ti(,,, i)iologicHI tcu science ~·"'"·S. ~cllicre" :L;;" t;f:ile~ The 11.':1 ,"~ Lllll~h \\'''~ Hcnl"\l 1'l')'U,,.Il\)IlL "I' I,y f Ii,' ..\,tlCI';"':I." 1"~n]Il('I'H \\,(>I'~ I,ol",y vi' ,\I ('X"".'_ I,) Ihcold I he II]C]I'B 11,>lrlt']' dol>,,1 i II! '"Id 'l-'lcl'" we-e lInd h:I1'" H"'1L(11iulediscUHsion, r(>11 Lilli IRVING·WEBSTER SOCIETY REORGANIZED 1)0 the nus the "rJeg:tI('~ dooe sccteuee d:l,rHllte I','tllrr Ihe ot' nllll'h I'xl ra ~1I,.1'i1·"t"" While If} '» 1I11 men, the within student work. wilh rnumberehip key tlIOH~ 10 whom ",cril scclnl Iho liternr-y lI1~ritoriollH ill Clr :11 1~,30 of "I' life it Ihe rnny be is nwurded is worn [or institution, IICgrcotheorganizatioohaabG' ('.,1110 cmy 'I'!t\) 8.0U r. linal uf tlloe()UI'clition was lJ,r Dr. William Il. Longley, of iu nleD:lIliel Hall Lounge at tue subject was "Mere Nat IIr;.lllistory", nu honorary one, but tho society SOPH COMPREHENSIVES COMPLETED FINALLY THIS AFTERNOON the Gold Bug Celebrates Tenth Anniversary So closely has connected wilh the Gold life 01\ Bug comprehenslvc in become the culture. exnlllin,ltiollS The with long, marathon to thn t hill general edge race of a a nl(lonotonollS knowt but iJefore steadied grind ;:~~~I:'\::~~II~;,(1 become just the cue Sopho' quesfinu u t.ion, yen priOI' I'!'! known ly. it, In as tile w.1R more of there '1'113 :1 C ...llcge "Month· n. lilonlr~' pubfi- cutio n :llId sinr-e it W(I~ published but once n. month, wns not. suited for news :111(1 uunounceuients. 'I'ho 'J\1'olllhly, howUI'CI', cont.inued Gold Bug in c;<iHLeneo illghi.'! dOUSlllllllbcr 11111;1 the wef l established WIlS lJefore its ;11 It WURnot lwry lhnt ou Hsbed ill until 'yellrs HgO in .)(111' ten the liP'Ht unwapapcr the hill. n true ~CJl~C, nnd White }~\'CI1 a school was this P:Ij)(lI', indcpendently 'l'hofirst us it issue eallod W:lS 22,1\)24. Ihan W~~ Sterling A Gold ~lightl.v Bug. Eilwnrds, of nud the tho fi,'st glimpso tlti~ the plnna Hull, a girls' urlturies, and gives tho life eaued fOI' a two gymnlll:iinm, new I~~ ;~' ~:~~:~:, were SOme r,omfol'l continued except for but finnlly students of With Science first of tiLe »ov the all Our Literature students which the t eu yew Aluuiul "S ~(;O should in first subscr-ibe with we ilia" »ocda time lllany II that But lests oe created a blissful thestudenls; ti,e of afternoon the stndents were stretching the colleges believing ' to ill continlled i~ dor- t.110 weroto'bolhesub· of the lll'ings <Ill here boys' two were ;~J::~ w~~~ ho~:do to beresu111ed l'IlHhions BU$illCa~ Issues int.o dor1llit.ory, II lmu Editor at thut Doctor wurd was niug thocailipaign to rnlsc the Ol~ a 1111,100,000 endowment g oul. the Jcdso[the:lftc),llOollquHieo, 011 amaflor 'I'he exmuination 1,lIldcurrcnlC\'ents E, Dish, Charles survey CI!:i')~V:e the While umde its ~ppellnlllCO Tt wua u three-eel- prC~01't .i\lnn~gcr, :,nil Tile it for by thctests pupcr, fhc not. Clul). of Ih(lBI:lek utnu, pub W:'5 he~rd, ~or (h,e ciltire morning, fL,l'e mInute rest period~; !.i,me lillJit expired and dismieeed. poalticu. their lid wull ·~"' \lul)li"'It.ion, uow t.1,) the E"ening Clune, about tho CIlDIpns Sophomores strolled for re!lreatioll, Bull \\fl~STi~nN i'dARyLAND COLLEGE BULLE'rIN 15 SOPH COMPREHENSIVES ACKNOWLEDGM:ENT (COlltillued) the inning !I of guests, tho usual laiesleep!'rslll.furleil sheets thnt JIlorlling in n had of to hull SOllie their hcnrt l)eoJltilileforlhe the tests, 'I'lm Bulletin utso til 111<)l,hol."gl','pIIM 'l'he the in t.he afternoon, Sophomores encountered Further stllllllll· iug blocks ill the scientific field. Cbemlsand genel'ul seicnce each conahure to the Impatience ot the test,·tak~rs, Wilen the final stop stgot'the the of Gold Ie, t hu :Lltlluu; Bulletin, ,lIde I hc -tho So, Lienee class will petHe\'~rallueJ hold will attend a Billl Parlor t hu a 1:1~~ieM. 'l'hp, dance; gu]a Sophomore the event. '['he ill celeliration where I'II)'lI\thlni" the mental wiz:"'d~ the Beall Bruuunela lads McDaniel LILeywill cavort with souls will will play will make tn,'C, ""ii''.\' ""lOng IH!Cll gi\'~u svn ccutd \\'[,Cl'l' the studeut of' ele~1 jug nne sCI'c,'al, iU"~IIJ"ch not lHl 110 :IS il I'll;" .""ac, IiL,lll ")llil\l,{ h,,(1 of ling "()IIIP"";' lillt, fl'ieuds Ih .. n!Joul through Bulletin u nd uuvoue to much pnsaed u sunol I traction thi~ ~tafl' «ssct ruruishes I,hat. is (·oHt.:dtlPd ill ~t! ILUI\'~papcl', lutlrlling Hilil uowever, 10 puhlisl' news news <:"p,.csa I hi~ i~~u(}. is a ,aluallhl l)eCilLl~C it. eruupus to "Aloha" "OJ,t l1ill,'<1 ill Bug Bulletin the \\'i~t.,,~ the Oil t.he i~ of c.tit,· The Boxing Season oftcllcl'eepintnthedeof athletic teams ulld their the All (,f IIIClILht'I'S Cnpruln "'"1'1. hili 'i\r~'<'r~ I'('turn 111(' ~l·h~dllic 1,10,,1, Ih,·y ve(ll", will h:o ve to Il'ill I" ~l'ns"" ~\J h, body i.~ enrolled on the squad to get. the g,'cat bellelits to the individual fro II! this und competition. Nnturally the st.1I"tcd off slow- <'I,nn'l'io" \\' h ,"lit \\"ill ~.\"I·:Lell~l· Ie"'" h.' ,·"u,e 10 W,'~t.I"iIIHt.l"I". \V(,~t Vi'Xi"" ~::nil~nte~e~~~~~"i::~t:~~;s c~~;:S! ~1~',~:~~;' Olle~ in the minus of the great wC'jOl'ity of the spectators), the team cam" through, holding West Point to n tie (the first time in nrree yeor.~ that Army hnd not. WOH!l nome meet}, uud defeating Bu(\kuell, St. John'>!, uud a fine Catholic University tCi1.1l1 Lefcre three thOUSUlld enthusiastic apeetll.tOts. In the finest luter.eollcgiatea in tile history of Longue, held at Syracuse, Western Mnrylaud arose to the heights. liul'vurJ und entered wit.h ,·x- bcxiug t.euru "11"",1'[""" lit(" (~lIl"b''''I:lIIfI; "lit! (h'~pil(' 1>O:>:i"l;( rrom hi~ Pt.'II" t:ltalc opponent, bnl; ill t.lw scml-flnuls to WO}I"t.heiIllH, the Syracuse ChlllUpioH. And finally "Hill_ uver nr, 10,,11' it home, hut. I,hr 'I"'I""-"'~ sped-e·lh.1' 1l1lO.J II'loell nrouud, \\"ill "I""" fuurth win IL:~';, ';, '; I hI' ''''1\' I"~I"~ "I' \\'r~1 II'-(·~I.rl'" i" :1"- of ~::.I;::~',\, ~I::'~:I: ':::I~ "~',~~':.~::LI L~~ [II ,·()t~ti"g of r, iH:l be I"d, by ("'''~('('lIli,'(' t cruu nwel~ ih Sat'(, will f"iellt!H "nIL hup" away III from 1,10,,1 he :llId rrj'()e~ hef'orc t.he next ilotcr-collegi:!I,e.~ roll 11 COLrJEGJ~ BULLE'I'IN \V'Esrl'l~H,~ TlfAHYLAND Basketball State Championship "f:;I{'IJ" l'o,,~h hutiO!! to St.nhley's West,'rll {,,,,II "p,.[, " ,,011[,.;, WIlssllift.,d h wil \\'10",.,·),(, ?>IIII'.I'IIllld'~ athletic Next l.ogu:lrll Hur+cy "~;(j" I.mskt·t is felt It ti,._~t 'l'{,l'I"or~ ;11 'n,n ami members uf ()f \I'1\S which very L(':Igue, tilt) Oollege, couegua wiilL ),oyol:1 1l.1·~CllI'age, Neil up Iho tonk rcins:Is bas- who ,1'II.'k ta kos "P;Il" took 'l'tru IIJldi'l' "f tin" (J(OHt.diecoumgiug ,),)", hO,I'H were 1;0111- \\,H~ achedule: '1~-n~(lrgclo\\'Il-!I\\'ny ~hit'teoJ Fill'\I':II'iinlld hi8h\l"- thi.-t,"·r",c 1"1111(\\'I'~ 10 Val', i)ec"lIliJet': .Iuuuurv: played" 1:':-W1IshilLgtotl )"l"'red IICI'Cr has when IlLeaHUl'C up tloe~lI't 10 1.0 wnter-, nl"hr",,'.1' '0 :1u(l l'il'tUn,st:"I("'s, it of weste-u t e.r-inl ~rt. are. Hopk'Il~, W,,~hillg't"l1 Moreover, sct.lve the olh, 1':l1. Whcll beat plny- Marvfaud St. the the III tt,e fnl'Il1nlioll ('r 'H schedule that IIIl' \.,,""', wester» ball lIlIJHI,tlillitultillthohist.ol'y It noor ii~ lil,e work "lId it~ l ti-c-Pnnu College-e-awuy I'lt;ite-nll'ny ~ld(,,,di<1 lJos~illg gUlIlC, hllnlc "litl lL",l tc Lillk "Htl~l'i"l Illll'le," complotcd was nvnilnble hut. ::la- "In,tt,el'edte:llllu"dlitilelllrll"rifll, ol,ISII,I', 1t'lltli:'ong)Ir:linoI'Hno\\'. ,.'I nOI 'HI n fit'st. th~ ;,ull D. t'I"'" Chest er Btnte 'l'cachel's (pending)-uwa;.- 'J'hare til'" scnoci \\'UH I I.., weak- "Fl'lL uk" IJOlh in ;H1-Wc~t hal';l ('oll"ge, Cmuberlu fl'OIIi ad und Washington, ut' !J-Ulli\,l:l'~ity naltil!lore-all':lY l~-Lori'),l-hollle C'" probably l'\)siliohH light ill (,,'ntH l'ld,e Drnper, will M;lllon"y wutk rl'<'~I'lJlc" i OJ ~·c'Ll·H. "dim" IIIId Ih~il· will hy euced IIlalyltlnd I\'ill I,e probably Lusk et IUOI'e up, wide tile 1,:<11 open most mn teriul but for t,he till! inexpertut ally j(;-Gcurge ::!O-!llt" Washington-away SI,1IIary'lI-nway ::3-}[opkills-holile ~G wuahlugf ou College-hollle College. ~rurch' G-St. .lohu's-c-uwuj- The 1935 Boxing Schedule ,r""UUI',": 19-Ulli\'€I'sit,I' of M;Jr~'IJllld-a\\'ay 26-NuI',,'-away Fr-bruurv: 2-Al'my-uwll) 9-S,\,ntcuse-holilc 16-Cutholie U,,',· .. -sjt v-c-nwnv 2:,-WeSL :'Tarch: State-Ow!!\' ~-PCllll 9-81" .Toltll'H-hollLe lo.]6-111t.creollcgiate at .Penll 01 Brtltimore (prollllbly Stllt~) WESTERN 18 MARYI.AND COLLEGE BULI.ETIN Tennis 10Ulnl,en plnyiug of its spring tell West!}I'11Marvland defeutcd Gctt.ys!JIll"g6 to 3. . Baseball couuid 'l'uesd~.\', May I-Clltawba-home n uew With rm-oguh.inu JieW onnllilt.hc to of again jOl' S]J(lI't 011 The tho :Ig"ninprO!lliscsto fOl'cgrollllu thll the balnnce IJe pluved galll~ in College's luter-eclteeompet.i tiou. of gi,de athletic The as u mao ItI[tional a ptoea of ill as the ]!)J~ schedule follows: to Buturdny, l\r!1~'12-,':>1.. Wedllcsun.\·, May .Iohn's-c-away l(i-Gett..l's1)ul·g'- home lila)': .'i-Dickinson-awuy is felt. t.h"t. while it is not one ill any SCIl~c it will shott' "nc! if the it a gl'ent "...tlsiderable will II fni) !)-Un"ybnu-nway l:!-I1fl. fC::Il.J\L(\"y's-"wfly ~3-aetlysburg-home ~G-Di(:kilison-hoille Tueedny, Ftidnj-, May ~lay 2~-St.. :1(1 ~\ll. f:it. :'lnr.l"~-hoille June: ~-Alumlli_hplll(l r.I'uits. "F,'an]," ably, :~nd old rcliublc "Bill" fShcpherd, one (UIIII, Tn of I he best is tlofcnding the jnClI tho ill :I hot Qutneltl, Oliff wuus tuve uccu pill~h ecruer. Oil lh~ John's-home 25-Loyo!a-home. --+-- 19 Intra the Men .Tll(lgiHg hom I,y The student. spor-ts the ~Mural flrst Hlnek galliC nud of. the Sports second WIIito rouuu la~t intcn'st Inn.nife~to<l in the intrn-muru l the .\'cal·'~ progl'illll one Illay nssume college lit'c has this Lhat nt last, !ou,·"anwllts Imvc A round robin COIllC ilL' 10;180\\'11. et udcnt s hnve II"hi!!h:lreopCII Iirst p:LI"t of the not been complef.ed. tournament nas bee II Muahbnll T..cuguc, S],o:.WIl t.hei,· au- Women from etm-t to the Bachelors bnsket.bnlt team the Gnllll1Ja Bela Chi huaketeers 17-1G for the iuter-fmternity ('h'\Hll'ionship . .<'111he pnl"ti(·ipfl"ts in the Intm-mur:iI bull tll,'" ill any olh<)I" Sl'Ol"t:. Both l\l,'" aud women rurned out. for urcee galllcs and gnve thcm quit.e n bit. of eotcr. A great interest was shown whc.1l tanms courpcsed or ten<)her~ clashed. 'l'he race among the frutt'l"Ility tenme ntt.mcted much attenl.lou :1190. 'rho Bacbelcrs and GalllllHl. Bet.n Hl·st teams tied for lil'st place while the Bachelors led ill t.he second 1.00('''' <;1111 '!_ClIgIlC, league. of COJlJpOSOO ~Ier, Plymouth, In the the Pittsburgh, teame, Amerl- 'l'h~ lho I'lLd oj' 01' IILo ,"""'" ]0:14 will llWl"lt n ve,·" SUi:(1foHSful ~P(\I"t8 Co· Ells. 111 ('("ii\ljl:lri- the Wcatmin. second ('OilIest, hO\I·I;I\,cr, ~IIC Co-eds def,·ntNI the Noll' Wludsur High Schoo l t cum h.l· n score oj' ~il-H). 'l'h~se two gnlll(lN o/li,·iall.\' "lo.~efl 111l~ h:l~kdb"ll and Hump' - Ply- the months (Ryscnvuge, Merge, Marks, :Me Nally, F'ergusuu, and Romito) proved powerful. The sn.ooun.eee ball nn with WIIS run Lhu men which off who rc.· or- Ping·pClllg tournaments nnve opened ill the Blue Book of inlra-l1111I·nl Tht; illt.crest in these ga)l1e~ pl·oved BO gl·eal. that temporal·Y ol"n"h_ ~I·S were ereete(1 ill the clnbl·ooill to lnkceal"eoft.liespe"t:ltors. 17, marked tho offici:!.1 illtm-mural J\[ullhbnll 'I'he lJpening dny saw four IlittMngaillst each ot.her~ Gnllllllil tlut.n Chi, the Black Hnil Whito Club, Delta Pi Alphll, and the Buche' IOJ"~. 'I'wo series of contests have b~oll played on the intl"a·mll,·!!.1 diamonds. In tOIlI·,L1),IICIIt. '['\\'0 g:"lIrs 11"»1·1)p(;I,I"cd with ont.~idc trlllllS. JIII.I'Cti'·H1. j.lie}.10t· CI,,1) oC B'lltilnol·e a pickett -r-.ral·y!and tea ill, 23·1(;. 111 the iug cuI', :llLd is hlOkilig fOl"ward 10 ChaliCe to Ulaintlliu possessio II ot' it. 20 Spring Ind"tllc,,! ;llid I,',,:ll,hel' ii,dd ~p,.i!lg J'()'ril'd the I)OyH nOW :lre willi ol,u sdwilui('." h:II"\ rouudatrcu 110(> ~('I"'~S, Football hnk ed toof.hnl! ,1 IL;LI'(! fo:..l' ,,11 100-"'-1'''1..1' of the In III" h,ll.\kfie\(\ intcrim i.• f"\llId at, all ,'1)- ~II'{}JLgc~t ill W~Ht,~I'l' M:H,\'I:ond hlsturv, COACH HARLOW TO COACHING "Bud" f(H>tl",ll la~, ral]. \',-Il.~ ill (\1: Evervouc Ihf' 1"'(1(11. I":III\,H Ilh·~e ill IN TEACH SCHOOL Shilling, --+------ (·al"'H.~ linr, 111:,1. "kl ,\.~ IhI' rd;l"ll"e~ "I' Hlllid"I'ily 01' the prcgr-ou a,wlllllu\atc, \\'I·\\'illfiuil;J(l(lit,ioll(tlt'eeog. nlhletic ),oy~ ....." 1934 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ";Iiotl -oudilious. 1']'(1,11 the .1:0, .Iu,,~~, iJP"1l gun,'d lak~1L I,) ('Q"",,.fUl'd and with H~JLd"",so" I'it:ll C(lIHl",fre- Hel"j:"" heen (~O"IIl(\se Iof~ld conef of pdnre· IOIl,tJ.polIl.I"1I11l.jO'·lllldefe'lletl'llldUJl· Schedule: 1;0'<1 ,oil han' SII'C'llgthCll Shugrur-, 'J'h(' III0I'e<l ~bl'ks, ntner gnp.". from Kaudy a MIlWI! list fur .;nd, ,,,,d Ii -Villn N()va :,t Vi11:1 Nova, ami this 1:1-AI!,";ght "t Reading, ~n, Boston COllege pualt ron. :!7-~1. at ""d 1':1 Westel'll HobCl"ts, ~"tl of M~I'_d~ll(l gl'cnt 11", f'ormer eud, whose in,provclllcnthnslJ,>cnonctJft.hefl':" rurea or the prfll:tire. will II 111-~~:~:~ g,':':tt:I"~::~10 Unh'crHity nf I' \\':IHliil'g ~i')Iler of 1;1'(·t, t1.,. 'I'(':l(;I,,-'rH :,( I:~l~ L~lI'i~. will go and Shepherd. H::~~ i"tU' will :Jt!lleti,' «r Big 1"'1<'10Aturcttc t.iol1;l<lId;r. 'I'~IL Coufel'- I\Jlltilli~tl"I' thu hurg l:\liilSllnl.lI, 1:I~t end, i~ 11 new face, nnd cOllsiuel'"hi{\ l,ill1e ls beillg ~I)elll.011«_Bob" Shaner of WcstmiuHter, nud "Reds' \\':Hle, port 'rooacec boy, nloug with Lathrop, Cumberland, Mel'. ::JlI ~",::ll:"':l'~ 1~".<·lI 1'III,.~. "(llllllli~giOlLcr ('''h" at li ell ' :.I;~:::~,I,"I'::::t'~::;-"\lt';I::)l~~"~~;;:~:::I'?'"'' 01'- Pu. I~o~;'~~:'letB 1~:'(:~~:~:1 L ;~'I~hOlie Hl1in:rsit.r 17-RIl~klleli 011'11 Ibl'l()\\'-I'Hlr "Dick" Bnlttmora '1'lto"':1~ at Berautn», :01 tlOIl'(l"d,·oa,·j,nt "j);~k" 1'n, N"'Y"I"lo~,': "A"gie" the ,·ouch 01' attlocUlli j;>a,·II13i1 .•ket- 'J'1';LIlIt.~~il'illg-· Mt. St, Mary'H at WestmilL~el' l-Geol'getown of l'c:<elle'! Decentbe r : :tt B.'l.itimore by square 21 ,\Iumn; Penn State Schedules Terrors in Football n'jo,{,C ,,"01 in II,,· ."('01 'I'll"," g" II,,' ,I"d' Inn,'p ~"r \\' i II \','ill i,' ,,11,1,,1 {iII,] State Collegr ou ~'Ol' Ihillg" Oct.OLH'I' ill tllakc~ '1'1;"1"'01"1:1"I wit.h Liens th .. the II" ~"h"'HI' II", IIII' to will t haL "tI11,'I;,· l,~ pln,l'(o(l gam!' of They tile j 11~l'i I'; IIg. 1';;,:1"" :illllO\IJl(,NI A and 12, HO 19;1:' were 011 rue lop worth erose" it. wlwt t he -I':a~tel'n J uter-callu- ri'" whilu to t he old ,,It,,,,,,; ~dl"ol all(j ;1 to "~t".I' to 1'l}11(;1I' i~ <1o;lIg. '111,1 \\"'1:11"]',,"111"''.1'1111111'" hO.l'swil1 thei,' hi~tlHy 'I'his has game beeu with "Diilk'.~" sought for ii, pnrt, 11,,-. ru"kiug" 011 I hiH ',f .1" "Ihlrti,' plan CLEAN SWEEP No college in the affords Western Maryla.nd more friendly competition than does Bucknell trntversrty. A victory over a BucknelJ team Is alwaYA cherished dearly. What Westen} Marylander is uct proud of the year's record in the Bucknell 1933-34 contests! Football-Western Marylalld 14Bucknell 13. Easketball-Westem Maryland 35BUCknell 24. Bucknell 1. goeccr.c-westeru Maryland 7Bucknell 2. maier ill!H:l the eight, the effort '!'wigg. l<'lemillg, and to helped will Hugo lIlake be the offl'iellrll.\' Boston 'recn, Yale fell' a x«. yeurs ngo. Soccer Tit,· 1~I'gH IIlli\'el·~jljl'~ Im\"<1 lHII(·h h.l· ill h:ll'elo lhe 10A~ of six S('II- ]>1'11' Plnlo>r will the Lall, Ile\'~rlh('I(·~~ her I""k"" upi'('Ilt i~ tlre 1'.1' western dilf"I'hl('C 1"<;11 t huusnutl f"f'L ill Iha!' "" a 10 t nek fif- huild- of I""inilliu tho tooters. 'l'~I'I"OI' tuuem. lil:iI."I'j"lt() 11m.\' of Pittsburgh- November. Ihf' thll Odo_ J\lnry!"",] ntf.r-uduuce nt hn vo 1i'111" uf i1. Hh"uhl Le Be, OJ' not, il ",,<1 "":11'(1 tcutuuve 'I'hr i~ :lR f"llowR: ~("h('illll" O.-tohn JO-Nal',v "I AUn"polis. O"lol,t'I' O,.[oLcl· ~(\-Blwkllrll :11, L.ewisbul·g. :!4-Jo'I·:.nldili IIlId W ..-sfminat J"ILII:1. -!~""dl"1 I'" 1!l:l~ I' "!lllt~I' 11,,·,·n I .."",. loait'k",k .Y(·" I'S, \\"ill Other ""d "!L pt.:1 i" I'()gu- N"\"'III!;eI" 1\b\l"~IUl!1 :11 er, ~~~t:ll.,) NOI'"",1 :il. '\\',·st· III mater. Nnvemher G~(lpllyshul'g- "I Wrst.mi,,- ~I."I·. N,w"1"loc-o- l+-P""I~,"" C"II,',l:o :11. :f:aHt OJ':lIlgr. N'<lI'l'lIlllfll' "-~ - ~1-:\1·11I.1' Novr-mbcr ~8~8t.~hl Arcuud I.his ~lUa!l nucleus, Couch December ~1. West Normul 5~OeU.ysb\lt"g Polut :,1. .. '1'011'- utGetty~burg. makes one dress :IlIiI another by 1'01'111, experi~lIee hlockiug in 8€I"'ing, Thc sopbomoro foods class tl'l'tnillillg with n s"l'ic~ of :11Li! therebv g:';niug Home Economics "l1e~ Ecollomics Depa rtment in HI:'.l I_,y ~li~s J, CornOW the. wife. of Dean Seho lirst in the sub- Homo field, 'I'he Depurtment nll pueses 111:1ungement, puq)OS(l of is the equipped wOI'k, the clothing luburntorv, 'l'he to foods lu\}()rntol'Y, nouse in II'l,() hn ve tukon nctil'ep:lI't ill Btn re lHccti'"g work, 'Today hOlM' je(otll'eregrante(lin t cncb gl'Oupf'i-Ollltt.C n nil the I,he 1110 S1.Ild(,ut rue c"lioll Ilefll'h:. fol' those urrullged eounti,,\o lucrenae its tue lIutrition cqucs pract.icnl Dcp"rtillenl'~ Home l1111-C "I'the tlLc 1),111;,,1 ,'\8806,1- 'I'he H), 11:111 Lounge. bll~ino:'~s "'e'dill!,: :!lIi! After n a murniug Illncheon iH the II,e 'IH~oeiatioll progl'alll by depnrt.ments or 'l \\'Oliid scope wide Ecoucrulus Home On Of tiL!! LAURIE BROWN of interested in Edufor ill this find ill nre anticil"'lio,, in (!rsHihrr! a the Bulletin, wus O\'CI 011 PCIJl'lllll',Y .l~, '1'100 looking to f(JI'w:I!'i! Ilieil' st.n,l' with there', :;-,.,Idllnlcs ll('tiil'ing it, 8ill~e HClliol',~ with liull ;lUll studl'nt teaching liou:il sch(loi h,i\'e b"ell tiolL;i1 the cooks, work. Oil ct;~~ to lI'ill, oft.he courae ill tllngh!. cu:\lul '1"1,(, 'llPII.t)('I'S or 1.I11'HOlllC E~onoillics Dep''''tIIlI.'111 will he hostesses 10 rue i\lnl',ylulld tion Honsr, tenrhing Clul)s. el11"ol1~d in nre hostesses, work in """""',"""'"'''' class. <'111,] ill SIlHII1]iHl't ]:~~(::~t~:I:~'lel;:~:I~!e rOl' girls 'rt.e Depurturent hopes 80011 lIurSCI'_rs~hool in conneetinn rhild development tinlO,)I'etofil'lllsofintr'rcHtlll'cplnnned wilell St.urlunt; the ill now tens ,'"I Ih() ~I","~I"~' N'OlinlUi"s :I 'l'uu "onlies, In nddlt.lon t'OUII(\ in the laborntories,tl'e hn~ n I'll tied nud of hooks llint nre Ylliunbio :tidM in this wode Ptetd trips into Bnl- of sevcutv "Ilclids is munagera. I~I' The a pntte-n, It dross ill a vocu' Voen· Econonlie~ The cont.act, belll'cen tile local Homo 8conolllics ('Illb nnd the Student Club Divisioll of ti,e ~Inl'yllilid ITome 1:conOll,ies AHsocialiol1 offen flll'ther op' 1'01' developn,cnt. In uadi· to nnili~tiou with Ihis Associa t,]oelocnl cluhlliso has beclI con\I'ith I,he AUloric"n Home E~()- ~;'1I~~,:"~SrS;:~:;:~Otlilol~:'h~~r' on~~~~l ;':ll~in: und Assistant Professor of Home Economics Miss Brown is frOID Texas, She received the B, S, degree froID the Univers.lty 0 f Texas in 1927 and the M, A, degree fl'Olll Teacllers' 001leg-e, Columbia Uni- versity in 1930, Miss Brown taug11t in her home ~tate for sev.ara.l yearS; was assistant in llousehold arts, Teachers' College, Columbia. University, for three summers; and came to the Hill in 1930, For the past two years, as head of the home ecollomics department, sbe hall repreSf!nted W'estern Maryland College on the 'ca.llinet of the M.aTYland Home EClJllomics AssociatiOll, 2~ RUTH SHERMAN JONES MAUDE GESNER Assistant ProfesfIOI of Music Miss Gesner was born in Oregon. She studied piano Mid uarmcny with Edgar Cowsen, a graduate of tllo Leipsic Conservatory, and with Carl Stasny, a Lisat. pupil, a.t the New Engla.nd ccuservetcrv of MusI'!: ill Boston. Her fourth year in Boston was one of graduate study. The following fall, ill 1917, Mia!) Gesner became a member of the fa~ulty of Western Maryland. After three years at the College, she spent one year in New York studying with Elizabeth Quaile, Angola Diller, alld Harold Baller, returning to the Hill where she has remained as head of the music department. SHIPLEY Professor of Music Instructor Miss Jones studied at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltf more from 1923 to 1926, receiving in botl1 piano and voice. Sillce that time, she has done ad, vanced study ill voice at tll{) Pea_ body under Charles Bochan and Frank Bibb. She is soloist witll the Peabody Conservl\tory Orchestra, and with the Harmonic and Arion Siuging Societies. Miss Jones came to Western Maryland in 1928, after having a-cted as supervisor of music in the Montgomery CO'U\~y high schools. Besides too.<:llingvoice, she directs tliC vested choir, the glee club, and the oratorio chorus. in Music Mrs. Sllipley received her musical training at the Peabody ccuscrvatcry of Music in Baltimore, a.t columhia University, through fonr years study of piano under private instructors including Marion WOOd_ ford, Ba.ltimorc, and throo yoars voice study under private teachers including Frederick Foster Snow, of Mil.a.n conservatory. Mrs. Shipley had charge of the music department in Ercstburg State Normal School for tell years and act, ed as supervisor of public scncot music in Carroll C-ounty rcr seven years. In 1925 ljhe came to the College as teacher of public school Music "Among the gifts that God hatli eeut.-. Oue of the most magnificent." Pipe o"gnll HOII' u.c pluuc 01" lir- ~~lto\!l lI,usi" Il,psl'l(lCIlI.Il':ty illg yeur voice '111'." be studied Studenfu I1wjor 11"'.1" tuko a pub· F'ielilz , \ViiI. ..hoi,' no l.ecnuea uf of The t.'onoge lIity Iltus rc.ioi~es ,dl"ol"clod rC"cil'C 1'!lI"lIl;tc t.o ~iIIg '1'''6;<) ot' I rili lIil'l! Great :Hh'i',H'C lunt lhe IWT h ,,"(1 f{!!" Po,' tCIl years slurlcl,ls thv~c has in hecn 10 ~tudeTll8 \\'ho fl'ajo,· \I'itltin 'I'ltr rCl"lioll or " ~l"d""t~ ;11 IIlIl~ic it uIIly as J!I::!4, :o1)le tl)\\":mI 11I:,"ri 1'0" ~.·I"'vl ,ullsic, li()'1 ha~ d~\'I'ccd Ihllt nl\,~j" ""')" Iw ono .... f 1\\'0 l"c'Iuil"{,d IlIU,iorauiJj()d~,alHl sillcOJ 11",1 l.i1]10thil"iy Cl"cdil~ "re ,dlowul.Jlc ton-ani II Thi~ hllH ]lIl,do Jlos~i ble I he of 1Il()"C illlCllsi 1'0 ~llld)' of theory, Jl]ll~ic ('PIJ"cd"UOIl, I,nd nlll!)il: history. Sillce the jl]~lituUOIl of a piano lila jor and a voice nl:tjO", tho g]·'lriU:d.C of the deparlll,ent IIns Hluch tHoro opportulIity I,u g~ill a (incr ll1u~io::.iaJ\~hip tllilJl fOrtllerlYlI"aspossiblo. \\'0,'1 insl"lldillli to nlld h. Ol"llhcstm, under (he diYhilip "Iso ,,IT(lrris '1I11~k,,1 to]HlllJ'y lI'itU ""13 lllll,joring ill 1I1l1~i(', :IS During ~ixtccll crudit~ II'cm alluwn deg"ce, hut duo lu thode_ w~ll I'rCIJ:tred tc:tcltcrs ,)f Ihe Ht.aLc 1:\0nl"(1 ()f l~dllca- 10 111:1")" af.utleuts m]lsic,,1 \\"clll'stU"J:1I1,\'witOI1l·cnu(,. a ~ul· lill"l,llIsset. 1], lnck the opportu- in 1lI0all~ of 11,0 HlusiecOI!l'HCS, s]lcci:tli~illg dc~iring 11IHde long- «puce. r\·cil.:tl~ Royer, a. native of Westmin.ster, has had charge of the orchestral clasaes at the COllege since 1930. He has studiod violin with H. A. Essers, Frank Gittleson of the Peabody Conservatory of Mu_ sIc and Theodore Hembcrgc:r of Bal_ timore. Aside from his work at tIle College, Mr. Royer is orchestral conductor alld music supervisor ill the Carroll County high schools alld the director of a local capella. clwir. Mr. ;111(1 j,y :L"O] gil'l'lI II yCII", II nUlllher or llIUH;c gil"(m iJy ()utllianding Il'·. uf Lhe n'I,si(l BludclltS. r"di"idunl lJy 1111 gl"l,tlulltc~ ill 1Ii"lIu "lid Ihe arc I i~t~, l;y lI,cn,IH"'8 Hhod whilo <·r"'~cd II 811';11, H:dl, It t.he back i::ileillll'ny i\1~1Jl!llicl H:dl College gm"d Km,!Jc pililiO gn'll(l r_uullge, se,'clI pi:1I10 pur· fOI for 11'01'0 II]!' rightp;"llOSlllldIlHlllyfiIHlrocordsfo,' (l~O iu lhe prcci'"tiot\ lIIusic hiBI.ury arccrcatiOll. CI~88CS, 'l(lVillltagcs in <Iud music lip. tu ofl"e!"all wishiug In nUlkOllll1sicaprofcssioll,llUd in the CllCOUragclIIont of the USIl of 'llusic Il~ possiblo its to aim thoso WBS'rEltN 24 lIfAH,YlJAND COLLEGJ~ BULLETIN ~""h Economics f'urvcx :d~\J I \J 1':1 ,·t ;culn L" :HO studied ill incachpart;clI 1J\1.~iIICS~OS. ul1dllutionlll Il,orclhc Ihorough ~lIl!lInol 11,,1 del'liI ""d "xl'reH"ioll \\'0 r 111whilo j~ tll~,t ''':111 writtcu 11011;"0 hy I"'{'ad 'I'hc I1lu~1 :::~~I,~;c~1 I:i~,i~'~,.:I,'I~::~C";;'.~Y":"I~'~.W~~ll,;; ;:I ;il""c. ind;"idll:d I""·,, the :d,il il:~ n.e aroed. '1'loc;d)ilit.l'\1! drcpclI illg [r{'HiLcll To he :ohle life. J":I!"IfH.\' a nurl I,' ulao «ouductcd 11'1,,01. is 1""ll{'ti ~1~~, t g~'~l': o,~:~(~o~~.: ":·.~·ur~~'n~(11:':':'~ 1\ ::: :.:' Pennsylvania. institution con. rerred upon him the Ph. D. degree ill 1933. Dr. Schempp became a memo ber of the faculty at Western Mary. mild in 1932. see l"lI~hilig Ilnll in ;1 helch I ";Jill lli~ --.__ Wllich nre II>la been to- ;tn(ito 01" ecnle the ~;:)~,t::'i\;:rc ~~ ~t:~e~~':':ll:~i~'",~,11 History Conference ::::;,C:;':,:,:0;~i{~!~{:~:liT::\~?J:::!; ~:::~. ,~:.:~t;~:~U~r~~~~. ~:t~rd~:,,~oO~.~::',~tl~~,r ~:~~~~ therefor. The ('OIlI'HQ~ ill .EIcHlCllt:Il·~' ~,';~ ~~~:~t;",',,,: 1':\"\)1101'" "1:~~,:lnMio" 1\)"I~I:'~1 J ::~~:::r;,r~l~ Cij~{'~~~~:::i~::~ c ':,~~::,:;~:j~: :,:::l~~~ l ::j,,~ i 11.~t it\ltivlI~, t I,e :Ind ,'1I1Ir<:lI, t he School, the t I,,: nemc, g~':j:;~:: ::,:~~~::~:~~~~"Gllll,:::~i:,~~:~'C::::~:; ,:,~ economic jorecs ..~ :u; Ih'y 'J'he been Scienco IllUCllillc 0plIl'illo to- ljjO~t \L:oS withdrnwnl Loai(] Departmcnt Scl~lIec. noticeable the in of fOflllilig History political tho uud 25 i t., '''I(I !Ill" I' THEODORE MARSHALL English WHIT· \"ell ,,~ t'(,r FI'I,'~h'm'" FIELD lnno Professor of Hi~tory and c. 11<' 'l'Ioo ,':11\J (l 1010 n H III oil'11~ "0,,1 0111', work ""IUIlICiIIi ship ~11l(kllt.'~ ~"J'\'C a 'Horc 1·:lIgli.~h !""'!'(fs<J ,,~cflll I.h'lJl in what will, ro" illJilily I" hi~ j SOl'hU]HOI'C \\'01'1(, "I~u sludcms, gi"l'~ alit! ing, huvc ("or 11", "~lIr~c dl'lIl 1,,'01'1'"Q "" (,I,e I hri r It"e~ I.h(','· :,,«1 ,,11""'wis(' I Ili~ II,,, nf "H!l'n Wills are Irom of I'rUSCllC<J :,(I(lilio,,,,1 uf 11'l1n,I)Qr~, a wider :JII,'O tho ~ltl(lc"t I\'ido l,);jijO 1'0,. uther I,:I,,(] tl,o hi~ grOllp of ~tlldellt~ vic\\' poi nt~ ~ Ild of jlfO\'ocat,ivo ~<l and whot illdi\'iduali~IIl, or kH0\\"Iedgo materi(d, meul needs the whieh arc :Jml will ~llId,\'i (il' prc~crl'o "lid prCMOIIUO with bia~es will Oil tho Iheir no """ght·.t;,,;,,, U the larger ~cvoml doubt his OWIJ writing, dc" to of own ill"slnl' i~ b.y Ihoso to of of and granted ruts by Ci1.l:01ina 1898 was Master of Ulliver~ity. Mr. Wills western M.a.ry!alld from 1898 to 1900, from 1001 to 1904, and rt)turned in 1922 as head of the Eng. lish department, He lu\s been au extensive contributor of book reo views, bibhographtes, btographiea taught wrilillA', coploua d:18S, degree Harvard at and ~\"or.l' .J-'n·shll]a", 1111- guiilnllUC, ,,,nolllll /",(1 his the received artiele~ of literary IUld historical nature, ""'iLing, illstl'uI\Lor cs~"rs 'l'llc 1.>0 fit PNSOII therefore, "PI,ly wilh whole which ill studcut, I'ri""il'los lho i1lslrn('lorlo dCI'abl() papers, instruct.or '1'lie to tlte Besides iHsllr- fo,'ly tho of 1;(.1]8 before i~ the to by ~onf<.'"I'('IICCS, lnslcad a g:,;" tliir\,y ~ritici1.Q(l ,il bOM! CM'Olin."1" lie University Noftll -,"cur, WM 11'0 of Mn..~te[" Philosophy from uie ;lILa who 'li:"gli~11 degree of ill ill 10 curur North uie th<.'" Ih,·, II xtudcuf "IIered i~ l'I'~l'iI"cd Mr. of lbal S', 10 Lhnm 1\ <"",101. work ""lli'>:'c !llndent. 10 clllo(il!"~ In 1896 dllrill}!' I iiI.' :111\'""", olll'iclll]IOI\L Iho In wrttee, ~I II 011"11 courses coun-ituuu 10 111i).\' lI,e"" .touc h,,~ !lllIilelit I ho his «dvnnccd 1'"1"j'l.!S(, i~ tv ('I'""~('~ iullivniiuu it'HI tl.cir t ""llgllls Bitch The lil",·"III'·U, 01' (""""~", "d ill i~. ,1'0.'"'' I II~ l'I'lidill::; I ,] I'III'~II" that it II'I'itOl'ij t;lIgli~l, 10 "ollli,",C ",' ;olld II"hH-t 1~lIdi"g i~ iul elided I" wrlt- cmotions <I"t! t 11I·,\lIghUllj, <II"ilidl "II (.of ill :IS t 110 rcvcut, i011 01' litemturc 11]11(10.; uiviliznliuu WOJ'k~ ill "C'llIi"ed klluwletlgo cr or t.hc oxpcrlcucea Slavery", Ecououuc I.hc prncf.iec f""lh~,. Iouudntlcn :t upprocl»t "\· ...·0\11'1 '/'lio 11('(" "'ell IIlIdtl,u"lJiiit.rtl)l'l'"d The meututet.mdurde ovatonuou. CX\"'~~" i lit" ""'1"" COIII·~C~. IUJ~ C"H. tbrec-f'old OJ II'illkill)! tho ~,.!; l,iI(, ,\c,·~rdi,,!!"I.r, ~11'inJ~ cITe!:1 i I'ely al'rncticall,II1'lI After g r a d uataug at the University of R.ichmond, Dr, Whitfield received uis Ph, D, degree from Johns Hopkins in 1929, He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and the Americ.a.n HistorIcal Society, He was awarded the Baruch prize of a thOU~lld dollars for his publication of "Slavery Agitation in Virginia", He also is the author of -aoumeru Methodism he of high "opr()s""j; of OUt.St:llIllilig lil'o or Ip'"lle :Irl.icles Oil i1ucs "(luding or I.o]iic~ cOII~i· a cullc\:tcu l"Ugil~iIlC~, 1110 CIII'I'Cllt :lntil(JI'~ oe lli(J an,} tillY, i<; a member Language Association He the AmeIican tlle Modern AmeIiea, of Association Professors, the sociation of America, College Fraternity, Kappa. sity of of Univer- Sh.a.kespeare the and Sigma Plli AsNli Beta WES'l'EHN 1\l.ARYTJi~NDCorjT,EGE BU[lLETIN 26 Work Glorified j" more the world like JI seemed to "'0 that "Wl'l! or eunsist.ed of' but tho one "Lntc 0116 September en'uillg 1 stood :,1 lowor 01'" lit.t!c hill iu"ilf.ountAu lI,l.,'8S;I· of i.~ 1101 tho iill~wer WOI'!i,-'lgllOI':lIIt'ct' ')'he intlucnc lege ill the e " uf wodil Uln-ietIan Ihis of cdue"tioll Colext,"lIds fn,·hc:,·ondthnt.excl·tfdupolltliccu,", rnUllity and "'US a poured. the AI, my sluiues nnd ether suirc '\s I CI"plal npcu golilru (·(Junt,·,v, feel were whoso Lsiourilil!u'uin iOIl, r usked ,,11(\ works t" those shall reverte 11I.I·~elr the l'()sitioll~ nud 111\(1 in "lid eou qupslioll, ~;:~lt~::'bli" to of ll,a"r "(oIlegeH ItHall1111lliurein rOllie. uec grows, bodies. he found cloa;rS'i! Y"le, veraltiea it llves and nud student which ;o1,,,,,,,i 1\111'".1"1;111(10"8 ;11 the Lhe sepulchres of Loug rcllow ;IIIIIIOI't:l18, tho gl'Il"l'atioIlH i" 011 its western j\l~t io:,d BUll i,l the I,hi~ Coun! rv. f;I('lllticslludi't j·eSI)(.III~ibiliL.\' cdll~a!ional other ill the aystclllM pri\"nte ;1\ tllllll.V Tho College is lntins who of its reproacn- HI'6 their best il~: to so wo';,~~~\' i;;le~:;~rl':~~:{ ~J:'~lu~:',I~~s Tilo into the eitiea ;llId oyer the 27 28 WEs'rERN llIARYLAND COLLEGE BULLETIN HUGH LATIMER ELDERDICE '82 with it puree 1I1Id with a bound VOlll1l10 of letters of upprcciatlcn fro III his old aturicm s wllO are now minisf era in North CUI·olillil. In tho Jnnum-y issue of tho :hl.eUJOdi~t Proteatuut dlcru.ld 01' honors while still compe· not to rest but to serve in the . III classroom and in pul· p~tJ HI\10ng hooks find ill the bushes ,.,r l"s gurdeu, aa,... citizen nnd in counsel, men hrlVC looked upon him and that life IIIny be a fine thing. WESTERN FRANKLIN WEBB GRU'FITH, I\IAHYLAND COIJTJEGE D,·. Grifflth is one of Western '02 BUTJTJE'I'IN Mary- 29 Alumni Organization Activities THE as PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 'fhe A luumi A~~o",intion luis mnde grcut sfridcs in tho o"lP"izatioli of Alumni CIUOB. \V(). hnvu not :lcl,ievc(l of Alullllli Glub in every enll.usias· IHIUltLl'.ltion of 0111' orgnnixut.lou dlll'ing thc cotnlug yc.n'. plans Tn " different. field 11:1.'>this young served with lIistillction. Follow. nnlll ], i~ gl':~~~~'~~~~~i~.:~IL:, Ltll~I~:hO~~:ttc undel'llicdi"cct,ioll lm of the was train~u III Col. with if.a )lubli~:lt;on is to be congr-uc, Iuted. n,,[limorc. 'IS a atnff wriler nn<1 pil· ot fur a newspapcrvaud ua nu 1l1';ol I photog,'ilpher, has viewed the CllllL[liiS nud L1I:lll.\, of Western 1:1110:1'8g:lIne~ fr011i 11" unusual pniut. h:l~ visf tcd us "on times i" hiHsen'iccintlw 110 I\'ill COIHC «dowu" to see I1S morc often ;nliLcfuture. Thc Aluuuu Proderick, in Cumbcrtnnd, 1\'nshington, Salishul'Y nud Bultimnro nttcnded and successful in :I und clubs, I believe til... Banquet,ILereto. for known ns the 1\riu-willter Banquet or the cntlre Aasoeiutiou, might well be held some Suf.urdny evening ill tile fait one of our major football gnlne~ the Stndium. The double nt., f.rnction Should uasure a rcpreaentnttvz, turn·out of AlulUni from ali pnrts of th~ State and ad.ioilliu!;" sectiolls. l~;\'c)'.v County ill }J''''ylnnd should 1'1' active Aluum' Club by 'rh:lJlk.~'['I,," multiplkfltion of these Ciuhs will inevitably insure gren!.. CI' iutcreat :llld thu proper geographical i\l'cnucsforthcworknblecxCtllt.ionof an Alutnni program cquat to that of nny of ecnuucusunue size ill tile 111I\'C gi,"ing-lfI.3.j. CRAS. E. MOYLAN, Preeident , WBS')'ERN ilIARYLAND COLLEGE BULLE'l'lN 30 Alumni MID-WINTER ALUMNI BANQUET Tho qucr ileld ill ma-wuuc. Bnn- Aesoclnrlon was u.c 0[' ]~lIJCI"~OIl Huret 1he tjru uusplccs 2n<1, under Aluuml of Organization Activities (Colltilllled) Prcsidclit-iILrs. Bnlt.imorc Mr, ,j:HlICS )1. 'rI'CnSu!·cr-'!I11'.B.l,coH BI!l!CC, '30. Dean A. )[r;;. f\. N :lnrl:11l1·R . .J who "beautiful Hichnrds w,,~ aA the .1:wl'80I1, Harlow, Thc or 111lri the of the Ville' L. Amcric(lll \Vnrd. muaic for III by b:lnquot the oeeualon Hoke's was fur- Melodeera. committee .101111}'L was eOlnposcd Jr., '21, Chnil'nHlll, F. Murray BOll- I'lULADElrI'HlA '[lie all "u'dc tutcemmnddrcsacs. E. Il ou . .JunIO~ Dr. The guuats, 01' C1HII'Iea tonst.mnater, Ck,irm:JlI nished MI'. spcclnl EASTERN SHORE BANQUET H:II'1'i~Oll, President "lid voice. AI. l1eesc,of were seHIOI ].foylml, '17, spe:tkcrs ovcniug wore: HOIl. Hownrd W . Muyor of Bnltimorc, "Diek" M:lrthn uctcd of tenor Bell' nett, 8e~l'et:li'y-1I1iss J.luricl Bishop, '32. ])1'.111)(1 WilD Cissel, Llownrd 1111111 Aude"solt 1'.".1]2, 011 1'0I)l'U.11'), tho Club. ]\:ntu '15. Vi('('-P,'o$idcnls-)lrs. lJnllquet Clull was CLUB BANQUET held ure Western 011 Jallu- of rcport(.'(l to 11 "grand Laura RUI,\I'k were :Mrs. Adkins, Elderdiee, '01; Mrs. 'll, :Mrll, Kate Spring, :~~~'-~~:~~'~S:I~,I,,;~,\~~.I·~l:~~,~:!h~~,~~~:~ ton, '10, Mr. Willinlll 1\11'. Brall(;llC H. Hlld A. Sheppard, Phillips, '30. '06, WBs'rERN 1'Ifl\RYLAND BULLETIN CQLTJEGE Alumni Organization Activities Carroll County Banquet the ramntc Club ..undo word pm+rncnt. Follo\\'ing tho muaicnl jJrognlln, the students of the c]"sses between 1871 'Illd .WOO the "Golden Age" of western un(irc1.ivedillcOg, I:ume instunces from tho social, nthletia :111(\ college life of the Nineteenth.COIl' tury. Dr. rr. L. Eldardice, presIdent Eu;eritns of tbc Seminary, presided or the clitcrtailllllcnt; Mourer, wearing a bustle rcad an 0" """iVomflll'S •Fohu delhcrod were Mrs. femulu wus n pel"l'edty tnoec da.l'~ nnd we hal'C A.Norllt.1n blfcta, and to good ad- ("hnrming lege \\"onwn. furnishod wives for two of its Presidents :l1Id one Vice-Presldent. I pause to puy tribute to Mary Wnrd Lewis of tho Ulnss of '71, who as of the first President, and wife of sceond,g:H'cthe best pert of her lire, ;n her quiet way, to the building of this collegc. She lives today, not only in but in the hearts and minds of of UH.\1l (lnd women Wl1080 lives Chu-a 1I,·s. black (H·OpC. L:~::' The J\liss most S~:V:l';C~I~]~':~~I~~'~ !~ rcrH!C'r fOI' this episode. lUIS shetollChcd. The meat. ~olorful career I WllS able to be the indoor tolillearth WI)StiLnt or Sadle Kueller Mil· tor, Class of '85-lIlrs. OIwrles ~IillerJ\'aunic Fallnic wh0)8e Lrnvel taken all over ~uits of perioel-Iong ~k1fts, ,\merion nnd the far of Lhe blouses with high necks and laced dOW~1 world, attracted n of attention and were wielcly copied, both in Ameri1;a ~Il~:s f;:~ll:~rg~~'I~:~ :~tesp~~;.et ~I~a:'~l:~]t~. andllbroad. Clemson in the football snit por years she was on tho staff of Leelie's Weekly. 8110was the only woman ~:a:::e H" rtcw. C~l~~~,cl;,~~d o~ri:o~~l: ill (Cofltifll/ed) gl·t!( of the "ge were W,I]'d ill these words: hy ~l,·s. 1'110 Collego l1\g 31 ALUMNI TRAVEL SERVICE Wherever yOIl llIay be; wherover you may he traveling; wherever may be dc~tjnaj;jol\,-if you tnke a t.his sulltmer, particularly abroad, if usc American Express COID. just say to yOUI" travoJ "I am a mumbnr of Western Alull1l1i A9sociution-giv~ cl'cdit for this", and the College will receive a cheek for the "Student them Loan Fund." IIIAHYLru,D 'Y.l!JSTETI,N Alumni The of the tors as publication alun'ni changes ments, or of alumni themselves. personal items of address, election It about to new office, News news depends is hoped themselves business COL"LEGE BUL"LE'rIN that the much other or professional publications, upon alumni or marriages. 11011MC cooperation to the edi- Marylanders-such connections, binhs, ng(}, was employed Custom the will send Western appoint- etc. fit the in 13nllirnor~. United Slates Rulh Glctchmnu, '30, who teaches Lntut 'It ,\lL Snvugc nigh School, nnd Amanda K. Bell, '30, who tenehes English and Hlatory nt tho Smithsburg nigh Seboct, recently vialred Evelyn 1I1:1.1her,'30, at her home in Westmiustcr, Sterling Kathrj'n Hatton, Conquest, is living xre. '25, now 1.1r3. ~nrl at 'j'empcrauccvtlle, Dn.rrreo, '25, is living young son and tobc>WcsternMarylanilers we understund. xro. no Under the dlrcctlou of Ollve P. SimpSOli, '11, the first conference of l!iecant· blned Hi-Y Clubs o.E Allegnny Cou.nty wns reccntly held in the Allcgnn,Y lligh School, Cumburlund, sre. WESTEl~N ~fARYLAND COLLEGE BUf,'LE'['TN Alumni News 35 36 Strap and Luby He who laughs-Juab. '.vhl;'n right t"f«'t temptation. ""." to thQ