Implementation of multiple solar heating systems into existing heat
Implementation of multiple solar heating systems into existing heat
RAPPORT Implementation of multiple solar heating systems into existing heat distribution networks FVF 01 12 33 December 2001 Implementation of multiple solar heating systems into existing heat distribution networks L. ERIKSSON July 2001 ZW Energiteknik 1 Preface Development and utilisation of solar energy systems have been an ongoing process since more than 40 years back. The technical knowledge of solar collector systems of today is very good, and a number of manufactures in Europe have reached some kind of common sense regarding the design and technology used for various types of systems. Still, there is much to learn about the implementation of solar systems to an existing heat distribution network. Solar heating is expected to become a more usual source for producing heat in heat distribution systems in the future. In a number of other projects, for instance “Solar Procurement” and “Solar heating in Central and Northern Europe”, the experience shows that the interest for solar heating has increased rapidly among district heating and housing companies. Of course, this presumes that solar heat production becomes economically compatible to other forms of heating. The interest for use of renewable energy technologies increases, and hopefully solar energy will live on its own merits when a way of thinking is accepted that takes into account the external costs of different energy forms, a thinking that must be applied to obtain a sustainable society. When it comes to solar heating, there are only a very small number of actors in the energy business who have the means and are willing to take the economic risk of investing in a large thermal solar heating plant. However, a discussion with several energy companies in Sweden revealed an interest in solar energy, if the conditions were right. A question raised was the possibility to implement a number of distributed roof-mounted solar collector systems to the heat distribution network over a longer period of time, this way spreading the investment costs over a greater time-span. Thus, such a system would first start up with a very low overall solar fraction, until when it is finalised - having a solar fraction of 70-100% of the summer load. Depending also on other production units - in a still longer view - we can also see solar district heating systems covering more than 50% of the annual load by means of seasonal storages. This report investigates the possibilities of integrating successively a number of small and medium sized, roof-mounted solar collector systems, each 500-5000 m² large, to a heat distribution network, with the aim of covering an important part of the summer load. Acknowledgement This work has been performed as a master thesis for Thermal Engineering at the University of Dalarna, Solar Energy Research Center, Borlänge, Sweden. The study was carried out at the consultant company ZW Energiteknik AB in Nyköping, Sweden. This project has been ordered and financed by the Council of Swedish Building Research (BFR) in co-operation with the Swedish District Heating Association (Svenska Fjärrvärmeföreningen FVF), Birka Energi and the District Heating Utility of Enköping. 2 It is a great pleasure for me to acknowledge gratefully the guidance and assistance of my supervisor, Dr. Heimo Zinko, ZW Energiteknik AB, who contributed with his long experience on large solar collector systems to the project. Heimo Zinko contributed also the chapters about solar costs and the solar market to the report. Furthermore, I will express my gratitude to Mr. Björn Johansson who contributed with all necessary information about the investigated area of Romberga, Enköping. Finally I also would like gratefully to acknowledge the participation of the a reference group who followed the work with large engagement and who contributed with a lot of detailed information about solar and district heating systems, respectively. The following persons were member of the reference group: Maryam Hagh Panah, Birka Energi Göte Ekström, FVF Mikael Gustafsson, FVF Björn Johansson, AB Enköpings Värmeverk 3 Sammanfattning Denna rapport behandlar användning av takmonterade/takintegrerade solfångarsystem i utspridda geografiska områden inom ett befintligt fjärrvärmenät. Solfångarsystemen ska producera energi i olika delar av fjärrvärmesystem som i första hand är anslutna till befintliga eller nya servisledningar. En del av värmen kan användas av närbelägna fjärrvärmecentraler. En större del levereras emellertid som överskottsvärme till stamnätet och till en eventuell ackumulatortank. En analys av ett typiskt fjärrvärmesystem har gjorts i en dynamisk systemmodell. Modellen är baserad på det fjärrvärmesystem som finns i staden Enköping med en nominell storlek av ca 100 MW och som årligen levererar 250 GWh till anslutna konsumenter. En detaljstudie har genomförts på området Romberga med en representativ blandning av flerfamiljs-, enfamiljs- och industribyggnader anslutna till fjärrvärme. Totalt är omkring 50 flerfamiljshus, 13 industribyggnader, 3 skolbyggnader och 80 enfamiljshus anslutna. Sommarlasten är ca 1 MW eller ca 25 MWh/dag. Nätets längd är ca 5 km. De flesta stora byggnaderna är lämpligt belägna och representerar en takyta på 26 000 m2, (enfamiljshus ej medräknade), av vilka 70% skulle kunna utnyttjas för solfångare. Den största begränsningen är servisledningarnas dimension: De existerande servisledningarnas totala kapacitet kan precis klara 100% sommarsollast med 15 fjärrvärmecentraler anslutna till ca 7 200 m2 solfångare (alternativ B). Det visade sig emellertid lönande att reducera antalet anläggningar och öka servisledningarnas dimension vid några utvalda byggnader, vilket reducerade antalet solvärmeproducerande anläggningar till endast 3 (alternativ A). Nätet analyserades med två simuleringsmodeller: TRNSYS för solvärmeproduktion och LICHHEAT för dynamisk beräkning av tryckfall och av värmeleveransen från de utspridda solvärmeanläggningarna till de olika kunderna. Den lämpligaste utgångspunkten för konstruktion av solvärmesystemet visade sig vara i form av en produktionsanläggning, dvs inkoppling mellan retur- och ingångsledning. Solfångarna arbetar under större delen av dagen på fjärrvärmetemperatur, alltså 80 °C fram- och 50 °C returtemperatur. Som ett resultat av simuleringarna finner man att det inte är något problem att ansluta ett större antal produktionsenheter till nätet så länge enheterna är anslutna mellan retur- och framledning. Med omkring 2200 m2 solfångare installerade kan ca 30% av den dagliga sommarproduktionen alstras utan värmelagring. Vid större yta måste lagring ske, eftersom möjligheten till värmelagring i returledningen är begränsad och motsvarar ytterligare ca 10% av den dagliga sommarlasten. 7200 m2 plana solfångare kan producera ca 100% sommarlasten. I många fjärrvärmenät finns redan värmelager (i Enköping på 7 000 m3, motsvarande Rombergaandel blir då 700 m3), alltså är förutsättningarna för solenergi idealiska. Eftersom kostnaderna för solfångarsystem vanligtvis minskar med systemets storlek är det lönande att reducera antalet solvärmeanläggningar och i stället använda så stora solfångarsystem som möjligt. För Romberga uppnåddes detta genom installation av nya servisledningar för två system. Därigenom kunde antalet produktionssystem reduceras från 15 till 3, vilket reducerade totalkostnaden med ca 20 % till en specifik investering av 6-8 SEK/kWh,år (Alternativ A). Detta motsvarar energikostnader på ca 4 50 - 65 öre/kWh (20 år, 5%). I dessa kostnader är inga värmelagerkostnader inkluderade. Ett nytt värmelager skulle fördyra systemet med omkring 5 – 10%. Slutligen utvecklades en installationsstrategi för introduktion av solfjärrvärme i Romberga. Strategin innebär installation av ett komplett system inom en period av 6 år, vilket ger tid till utvärderingsprocesser år 3 och år 5. I princip finns det naturligtvis inget hinder för att påskynda eller senarelägga enstaka installationer. Fördelen med ett större antal utspridda system (jmft med centrala system) är att dessa kan installeras när den ekonomiska situationen, husrenoveringsplaner eller den lokala stadsplaneringen är gynnsamma för investeringsbesluten. I princip kan solvärmesystem av vilken storlek som helst anslutas till befintliga fjärrvärmesystem om bara tak- eller markytor finns tillgängliga. Det bedöms emellertid att att utbyggnaden den närmaste tiden av ekonomiska orsaker endast kommer att ske undantagsvis. Anledningen är att solvärme kommer i konflikt med sommarvärme från främst sopförbränningsanläggningar och värmepumpar, vilka mycket ofta levererar värme till lägre kostnader. Å andra sidan förväntas det också att solvärme, särskilt i mindre fjärrvärmesystem, helt kan ersätta förbränningsanläggningar sommartid. I detta fall bör tillsatsvärme komma från andra källor, främst elvärme. Analysen kan summeras med följande sammanfattande slutsatser: • Takplacerade, utspridda solvärmeanläggningar, lämpligt placerade i systemets olika grenar, kan komplettera befintliga fjärrvärmesystem. • En lämplig och enkel anslutning är som produktionssystem mellan retur- och ingångsledning. • För mindre solfångarytor kan solvärmesystem anslutas via befintliga servisledningar. • Om stora takytor, t ex på industribyggnader, finns tillgängliga för solfångare, är det lämpligt att konstruera en ny servisledning med större dimension. • Omkring en tredjedel av den dagliga sommarlasten kan levereras utan värmelager; vid högre solandelar måste värmelager användas. Vid 100% solandel en solig sommardag borde lagervolymen vara omkring 0,1 m3 per m2 solfångare. • 100% sommarlast motsvarar i Sverige 5 – 10% årlig last beroende på lastprofilen och fjärrvärmesystemets storlek. Vanligtvis kan en högre årlig solandel uppnås i mindre system än i större. • En tumregel är att för varje nominell MWth i fjärrvärmesystemet (beräknad vinterlast) kommer det att bli 0,1 - 0,2 MWth sommarlast motsvarande 2,5 - 5,0 MWh daglig solvärmeproduktion, vilket tillåter installation av omkring 500 – 1000 m2 solfångare, beroende på systemstorlek och lastdistribution. • Investeringskostnader för ett solvärmesystem som täcker 100% av en varm sommardag är 6 - 8 SEK/kWh,år exklusive lagringskostnader. Lägre kostnader gäller för större anläggningar. Vid en utvecklad marknad (dvs minst 100 000 m² årlig försäljning) förväntas kostnaderna kunna minska med ca 20% och vid en fullt utvecklad europeisk marknad ytterligare något. • Potentialen för solfjärrvärmesystem uppskattas till ca 1 TWh solvärme per år, motsvarande 2,5 miljoner m² solfångare. Vid ersättning av fossilt bränsle skulle detta resultera i en minskning av CO2-utsläppen med ca 500 000 ton/år. 5 Summary This report concerns the implementation of distributed roof mounted/roof integrated solar heating systems in different geographical locations of an existing heat distribution network. The solar heating systems are to produce energy in different parts of the heat distribution network connected to existing or new service pipes. Part of the heat might be used by the nearby consumer station(s), a large part, however, is delivered as excess heat to the main network and, if existing, to the accumulatortank. An analysis of a typical heat distribution system has been made to create a dynamic system model. The model is based on the real district heating system of the village Enköping with a nominal size of about 100 MW, supplying 250 GWh to the connected consumers. A detailed study has been made for a local area called Romberga with a representative mixture of multifamily, single family and industrial buildings connected to district heating. Totally about 50 multifamily buildings, 13 industrial buildings, 3 school buildings and 80 detached houses were connected to the area. The summer load was about 1 MW or ca. 25 MWh/day. The length of the network was about 5 km. Most of the large buildings are suitably oriented, representing a roof area of 26 000 m², (single family houses excluded), of which 70% were selectable for hosting solar heating installations. The strongest restriction were on the service pipe dimension: The existing service pipe capacity could just match 100% solar load with 15 consumer stations connected to 7200 m² solar collectors (Alternative B). However, it turned out to be economically worthwhile to reduce the number of solar plants and increase the service pipe dimension of some selected buildings, that way reducing the number of solar heating plants to only 3 (Alternative A). The network was modelled with two systems: TRNSYS for solar heat production and LICHHEAT for the dynamic calculation of pressure drop and heat production from the distributed solar plants and heat distribution to the different customers. The most suitable basic design feature for the solar heating system was found to be that of a production plant, i.e. collectors connected between the return- and the supply pipe. The collectors are most of the day operating at district heating temperature, i.e. 80 C supply and 50 C return temperature. As a result of the simulations it was found that there is no problem to connect an increasing number of production units to the network, as long as the units are connected between return and supply. With about 2200 m² solar collectors installed, 30% of the daily summer production can be produced without heat storage. At larger areas, storage must be used. The possibility of heat storage in the return pipe is limited and corresponds to another 10% of the load, at most. Totally, 7200 m² collectors correspond to 100% summer load. In many district heating networks, a heat storage is already available, (in Enköping it is 7000 m³, the corresponding Romberga part is 700 m³), hence the prerequisites for solar energy are ideal. As the cost of solar collector systems usually are decreasing with system size, it is worthwhile to reduce the number of solar plants and instead use as large collector systems as possible. For Romberga this was achieved by installing new service pipes for two systems. By this measure, the number of production systems could be reduced from 15 to 3, reducing the total costs by about 20% to ca. 6-8 SEK/kWh,yr (Alter- 6 native A). This corresponds to energy costs of about 50 - 65 öre/kWh. In these costs, no storage costs are included. A new storage construction would increase these costs by about 5 to 10%. Finally, an implementation strategy was developed. The strategy foresees to install the complete system within a period of 6 years, giving time for an evaluation process after some operational phases (year 3 and year 5). In principle, of course there is no hinder to accelerate or decelerate the solar implementation process. The advantage of the distributed systems is that they can be installed whenever the economic situation, the house renovation plans or the local city planning facilitate the economic decisions. In principle, solar heating systems of any size can be connected to existing district heating systems, whenever roof or ground area is available. However, it is judged that in the next time this will be the case only in some exceptional cases, for economical reasons. The reason is that solar heat is conflicting with summer heat from waste icineration plants and heat pumps, a. o., which very often can deliver heat at lower costs. On the other hand, it is also expected that especially in smaller district heating systems, solar heat can completely replace combustion plants in summer time. In this case, auxiliary heat will be provided from other sources, f. i. electrical heaters. The analysis can be summarised with the following concluding remarks: • Roof-located distributed solar heating plants, suitably localised in different branches of the net, can complete existing district heating systems. • A suitable and straightforward connection is as a production system between return and supply pipe. • For smaller solar collector areas, the solar heating system can be connected via the existing service pipes. • If large roof areas for solar collectors, f. i. from industrial buildings, are available, a new service pipe with increased dimension is worth to be constructed. • About one third of the daily summer load can be supplied without heat storage; at higher solar fractions, heat storage must be applied. The storage size is depending on the solar fraction. For 100% solar summer load, the storage volume should be about 0,1 m³ per m² solar collector • 100% summer load corresponds in Sweden to 5 - 10% annual load depending on the load profile and size of district heating systems. Usually in smaller systems, a higher annual solar fraction can be achieved compared to larger systems. • A rule of thumb is that for each nominal MWth of the district heating system (winter design load) there will be 0,1 – 0,2 MWth summer load corresponding to 2,5 – 5,0 MWh daily energy supply, enabling the installation of about 500 – 1000 m² solar collectors, depending on system size and load distribution. • A solar heating system for diurnal storage will cost about 6 – 8 SEK per kWh annually produced solar heat, storage costs not included. The lower costs hold for larger plants. When the market further develops, it is expected that costs will decrease by about 20%. • The solar district heating potential in Sweden is estimated to be 1 TWh/yr, corresponding to ca. 2,5 millions m² solar collectors. When replacing fossil fuels, this amount would reduce the C02 emission by 500 000 tons/yr. 7 Contents PREFACE .......................................................................................................... 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................... 2 SAMMANFATTNING ............................................................................................ 4 SUMMARY......................................................................................................... 6 CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... 8 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................10 1.1 Background...................................................................................................10 1.2 Project suggestion ..........................................................................................10 1.3 Project evaluation ..........................................................................................11 2 HEAT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS .......................................................13 2.1 Enköping heat distribution network ...................................................................13 2.2 Boundary conditions .......................................................................................15 2.3 The Romberga network selection ......................................................................15 2.3.1 Network analysis .........................................................................................16 3 ANALYSIS OF SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS .......................................................19 3.1 Solar collector control strategies and system design .............................................19 3.1.1 Supply-pipe connection ................................................................................20 3.1.2 Return-pipe connection ................................................................................21 3.1.3 Constant and variable flow alternatives ...........................................................22 3.2 Solar potential and different boundary conditions.................................................23 3.2.1 Basic dimensioning guide-lines ......................................................................23 3.2.2 Roof limitations...........................................................................................24 3.2.3 Service pipe limitations ................................................................................25 3.2.4 Romberga real-case application .....................................................................26 4 4.1 SYSTEM SIMULATIONS ................................................................................32 TRNSYS ........................................................................................................32 4.2 Dynamic pressure distribution system model.......................................................32 4.2.1 Basic model preparations..............................................................................32 4.2.2 Dynamic calculations ...................................................................................34 8 5 CONTROL OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WITH APPRECIABLE SOLAR FRACTION .....................................................................................................................37 5.1 Heat distribution network ................................................................................37 5.2 Accumulator options and demands ....................................................................39 5.3 Heat distribution network without accumulator ....................................................40 6 6.1 7 RESULTS ...................................................................................................43 Selected network - Romberga ..........................................................................43 ECONOMICS FOR SOLAR DISTRICT HEATING .................................................45 7.1 Size depending solar costs ...............................................................................45 7.2 Cost of solar heating systems ...........................................................................47 7.3 Solar costs in Romberga ..................................................................................49 7.4 Additional costs..............................................................................................50 8 8.1 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES ....................................................................54 Heat distribution ............................................................................................54 8.2 Solar heating system ......................................................................................54 8.2.1 System with low solar fraction .......................................................................55 8.2.2 Successive transition to higher solar fraction....................................................55 8.2.3 System with high solar fraction......................................................................55 8.3 Heat storage .................................................................................................56 8.3.1 Centralised or decentralised storage ...............................................................56 8.3.2 Comments on storage corrosion problems .......................................................57 8.4 The market potential.......................................................................................58 8.5 Access to roofs ..............................................................................................59 8.6 Environmental aspects ....................................................................................61 8.7 Recommendations and conclusions....................................................................62 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................65 APPENDIX A - DH NETWORK SCHEME FOR ROMBERGA .........................................67 APPENDIX B: ..................................................................................................68 9 1 Introduction 1.1 Background As an alternative to conventional heat distribution during the summer period (oil, wood-pellet etc), it is of interest to examine the possibility of connecting solar heating systems to the existing heat distribution network. For solar heat generation into a local heat distribution network a large solar collector field connected to an accumulator tank is often the best solution. In Sweden, this has been done in a number of plants such as Falkenberg, Figure 1, Nykvarn and Kungälv. This technique is well known and has been successfully used for the last 20 years. However, this type of collector fields has a few drawbacks. One of them is a large area demand, making it somewhat difficult to find a suitable location close to the heat distribution network. The land area close to populated areas might also be too expensive for solar applications of this kind. Building a large solar collector system also demands an equally large investment. Figure 1: 1.2 Solar collector field in Falkenberg with 5.500-m²-collector area built in 1989 (Schroeder/Isakson 1994). Project suggestion Aside from one large solar collector field, there are some other alternatives. A possible solution is to use several medium and small roof-mounted solar collector systems (500 ∼ 3000 m² collector area) placed in different critical areas of the heat distribution net, Figure 2. This alternative offers a possibility to include both architecture and functionality with solar collectors in today’s city scenery. Solar systems of this kind may be placed in branches, or in other suitable points of the heat distribution net, where the additional solar energy can be distributed. They do not have any demand for available land-area as they are to be placed on existing buildings. However, the operation control might be more difficult to be achieved due to temperature and pressure variations in the heat distribution net. For every heat distribution source added into the net, controlling the system will become more complex. This will be addressed in Chapter 3 and 4. 10 One large solar system will of course be economically superior to several small solar systems, but one large solar system also demands a large investment cost at a given time. With small systems, the energy-company has the possibility of gradually adding solar systems to the heat distribution net over a period of time, evaluate them and decide if, or when, it is economically reasonable to further move the project forward. The solar system implementation can also be combined with planned roof renovations, this way allowing it to be introduced in a less investment-intense way according to the intentions of the building owners. 1 2 N 3 1. Solar system on school, 2. Solar system on multi-family dwelling, 3. Solar system on industry Figure 2: Possible layout for several roof-mounted solar collector systems connected to an existing heat distribution net. As a rough approximation we can state that the multiple small solar systems will increase the total solar costs by at least 10-20% compared to the traditional largescale solar collector field of the same size. This is due to the use of a larger number of smaller components and piping compared to a single collector plant. A dialogue with energy companies shows that there is an interest in this type of thermal solar energy solutions, and that some of the companies would prefer to invest in a number of smaller roof-mounted solar systems feeding the close-by district heating net compared with a single large ground mounted solar collector field, despite the estimated higher overall costs. In the light of this, the project has a goal to determine the technical and economical possibility to implement a disparate number of roof mounted solar collector systems as separate heat producing units to an existing heat distribution network. 1.3 Project evaluation In this project report there will be two different implementation methods investigated: 1. Prime heat – solar heat produced and delivered to the supply pipe of the heat distribution network at a temperature required for the summer period (usually 7080 °C). 2. Pre-heating of main return flow – solar heat produced and delivered to the heat distribution network return pipe. 11 Later it will be shown that the supply pipe solar implementation strategy in many ways is to recommend. Also, the majority of energy companies do not want a solution that increases the temperature in the return pipe, as this may interfere with future implementation strategies for other heat production plants. 12 2 Heat distribution system analysis An absolute demand for future solar heat distribution systems to have a good efficiency is that the temperatures in the heat distribution net can be reduced from today’s values. The overall annual mean return temperature for the Swedish heat distribution nets was in 1999 about 49.5 °C. During the summer period when the solar system is operative, the return heat distribution temperature should never exceed 50 °C, but preferably always stay below 45 °C. This is possible to achieve in almost all heat distribution networks, but it demands that the energy companies use a more active and systematic control of networks and consumer substations. In Skogås/Trångsund, a smaller heat distribution system south of Stockholm, the yearly mean return temperature for 1999 was 39.8 °C. Figure 3 illustrates temperature values for 57 Swedish heat distribution systems (Fjärrvärmebyrån, 1999). An analysis of the reference heat distribution system used in this report, Romberga (Enköping), is made in Chapter 2.3. °C 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Skogås / Trångsund 30 Known heat distribution technique 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Figure 3: 2.1 Temperature values for 57 Swedish heat distribution systems (Fjärrvärmebyrån, 1999). Enköping heat distribution network AB Enköpings Värmeverk / ENA Kraft AB is producing approximately 250 GWh heat/year for district heating purposes. Aside from this, they also produce about 64 GWh electricity/year. The production mix is based on an 80 MW wood chip-fueled boiler for combined power and heat generation (run time V.37-V.20), which is also equipped with a stack gas condenser of 10 MW. The main option for the summer period is a 25 MW pulverised wood-fired boiler. They are also equipped with a 36 MW electrical boiler, a 25 MW oil-fueled boiler for peakloads, a 50 MW oil/gas boiler and two oil boilers of 10 and 20 MW for backup purpose, see Figure 4. From May -97 to June -98 the degree-hours were 530 000 °C⋅h1), 1 )This degree-hour value is a measure of the relative heat loss of the distribution system, i. e. mean pipe temperature (supply and return) minus mean air temperature. Values below 500 000 C h are considered to be good net conditions. 13 corresponding to a mean T of 60,5 C. For solar energy applications, it is important to decrease that value as much as possible in order to keep the collector mean temperatures low and hence achieving a higher solar efficiency, (see also Figure 9). 100 90 Oil 80 Power [MW] 70 60 P ulverized wood 50 40 Woodchips 30 20 FGC 10 0 0 Figure 4: 8760 Time [h] Heat production units used and available power during a production year, from left showing peak load (-20 °C) to right showing minimum load (summer +20 °C). In 1997-98, the mean temperature was 83.7 °C in the supply pipe and 49.3 °C in the return pipe of the heat distribution network. Studies indicate a potential for lower temperatures in the net. The heat distribution network temperature level is illustrated in Figure 5. Tf °C Tr °C dT °C 120 110 100 90 T dh [°C] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 T amb [°C] 15 20 25 30 Figure 5: Forward (Tf), return (Tr) and difference temperature (∆T) as a function of the ambient temperature (Ta). 14 2.2 Boundary conditions As the full-scale heat distribution network of Enköping would be very complex and time demanding to simulate, see Figure 6, this report will focus on a selected representative part of the network, in the following called Romberga. This section of the network is roughly a factor ten smaller than the total Enköping net, and should have a reasonable mix of single- and multifamily houses, industries and schools etc. Within this Romberga-project, the effort and possibilities to perform multiple advanced dynamic simulations of all the different heat distribution network solutions is also narrowed down to only include a one main scenario, simply illustrated in Figure 2. The section selected will be analysed regarding heat delivery, temperatures, pressure and pipe dimensions. The network will also be simulated in a dynamic system model for analysing the flow behaviour under the varying solar conditions during the day. Figure 6: 2.3 Overview of the heat distribution network in the city of Enköping The Romberga network selection When analysing the heat distribution network in Enköping one part of the city is especially interesting and might be suitable for further evaluation. North of the city, a distribution feed pipe supplies an area known as Romberga with energy. Romberga is a populated area with about 10% of the total heat demand of the city. 15 The heat distribution network in this area is built as a typical 2-pipe system, i.e. one supply pipe and one return pipe that are buried parallel to each other in a common pipe trench. In addition, this area has a very representative mix of single- and multifamily houses, small and medium sized industries and a school. These factors together qualify the area as a good reference system. Figure 7: Selected part of heat distribution network in Enköping to be analysed 2.3.1 Network analysis In order to develop a good reference system for the heat distribution network and later dynamic simulations, the entire pipe dimensions, pipe lengths and pipe connections must be determined. The total design power needed for heat distribution in Enköping at a dimensioning outdoor temperature (DOT) of -18 °C is 130 MW. The subscribed power for the Romberga reference area is ~12 MW. The subscribed power, type of dwelling and possible available roof area for each consumer station is illustrated in Table 1. However, collected values from 1998 show that the real power PMAX used for the heat distribution network of Enköping at –18 °C is only 80 MW, and for the reference area Romberga only about 6 MW. In Figure 8 the heat distribution network is illustrated in more details, showing geographical locations of the consumer stations, nominal diameters, pipe length of each section and possible roof area for solar collector installations. The length of the pipe system is about 5 km, i.e. the nominal (winter) line density is about 1,2 kW/m. 16 Table 1: Subscribed power and available roof area for each consumer station Map Area No. Subscribed power [kW] Available roof area [m²] *) Type 3:1, 3:2 719 1800 Multifamily dwelling (secondary system) 3:3 70 352 Small industry 3:5, 3:6 1150 2696 Industry 4:1 351 792 Industry 5:1-7:7 318 - Single family houses 8:1-8:3, 9:1-9:5, 10:4 4778 4800 Multifamily dwelling (secondary system) 10:3 485 1104 Multifamily dwelling 10:5 405 976 Multifamily dwelling 11:4 988 5760 Industry 11:5 94 510 Small industry 12:1-14:6 165 - Single family houses 15:1-15:9, 15:11:16:11 657 - Single family houses 15:10 444 896 School 17:1-18:7 309 - Single family houses 19:2 69 560 Small industry 19:4 210 384 Industry 19:5 205 648 Industry 19:7 206 608 Industry 19:8 387 712 Industry 19:9 81 792 Small industry 20:1 143 448 Small industry 27:1 318 1320 Industry *) Refers to half the total roof area, which also usually is the maximum possible solar collector area on the roof 17 ∅15 0 K14 mfhs(sn) 4778kW ν 17 0 4800m² 18 ∅d i a m e t e r ν l eenn g t hh o f t r a c k ν costumer typ of costumer max power ∅ 65 42 6c Zw eig 6 K15 mfhs 405kW main pipes ν 976m² 13 0 K23 efhs 318kW pipes, which are connected to costumer K13 ind 94kW nodes half of 17 the roof area 6d ∅ K16 mfhs 485kW ν 10 7 510m² ν 145 65 65 K27 mfhs(sn) 719kW 6b 16 ∅ 30 ν ∅1 5 1104m² 0 1800m² ∅6 5 ν K19 zfh 115kW 19 0 896m² ν 3e ν 30 24 ν 34 29 ∅ 2b 50 5 0 28 ν 2a 34 ν 72 K26 ind 70kW 32 ∅ 23 ∅ ν K29 ind 351kW 27 ∅5 0 2c ν 96 K18 efhs 165kW K20 efh 110kW 3d K19 efhs 161kW ν 28 Zweig ν 158 ∅8 0 ν 56 ν 120 2 3c K17 efhs 309kW 21 ν 54 3h K25 efhs 161kW ∅3 2 ∅2 5 0 ∅5 0 ν 19 (∅ 1 0 0 ν ν 87 384m² ν 20 ν 8 40 K5 ind 205kW ν 64 648m² ν4 4b ∅1 c K6 ind 387kW 14 10 ν 64 ν ∅1 d 2 25 0 ν 60 ∅2 5 0 ν 1 3 8 58 ν 10 0 11 K7 ind 206kW ∅ 12 K11 foom 1250kW K10 ind 69kW 5b 608m² ∅3 2 ν 4 0 560m² 712m² K4 ind 81kW 14 0 ν 792m² 1b ∅8 0 2 1a ∅80ν 1 Feed point Figure 8: ν 50 Zw ei 7 g 4 8 ν 132 3 26 ∅2 5 0 9 20/4/20) ∅2 5 0 4a K3 ind 210kW 1000 5 4 ν 48 3a 20 ν ∅ 4465 ν 168 5760m² 20 0 ν 13 6 22 6 1 Zw ei g ∅1 0 0 ν 6 0 ∅ 55 32 48 ν ν ν 32 ∅ ∅8 0 ∅1 0 0 3b ∅ Zw eig 3 352m² 28 8040 ν 26 K12 ind 988kW 6 aa 15 K21 efh 110kW 25 K28 ind 318kW 792m² 13 0 K22 sk(sn) 444kW 3g ν 20 1320m² ν 80 8 026 3f 30 ν 10 ∅ν 10 13 ν 196 5a Zweig 5 6 52 4 52 K1 ind 575kW 896m² ∅ν K2 ind 575kW K8 ind 143kW ∅1 0 0 ν 146 K9 foom 750kW 1800m² 448m² Analyse of the nominal pipe diameters, pipe lengths and nominal building power use at DOT [-18°C]. (See Appendix A for an enlarged diagram of this map). 18 3 Analysis of solar heating systems In this chapter the solar heating system will be discussed, regarding solar collector load, solar collector control, solar collector system design, optimum solar collector area for the heat distribution network in Romberga, optimum geographical localisation of the solar collector systems and possible implementation methods. Some values have been assigned regarding data for the heat distribution network, i.e. temperature and pressure strictly valid only in a given system. In practice, these parameters are never constant in time and vary depending on the type of heat distribution network, geographical locations, consumption and condition of the consumer substations. 3.1 Solar collector control strategies and system design With a directly connected solar system, the system is delivering heat to the primary heat distribution net. There are two different technical alternatives in this study, in which a flat-plate (FP) selective solar collector module is assumed. Comparisons with a vacuum collector (ETC) regarding produced energy will also be made, see Figure 9. Annual solar heat production kWh/m²,yr Flat - HT Evacuated 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Operation temperature / °C Figure 9: Comparison of produced energy in flat plate (TeknoTerm DT) and vacuum collectors as a function of the mean collector temperature. From this Figure it can be seen that the collector mean temperature and hence the mean temperature of the DH-system is very important, as the following example illustrates. If the DH supply temperature and return temperature are 80 and 50 C, respectively, the mean temperature is 65 C, and the resulting T = 58 C with Ta = 7 C as the mean ambient temperature. Using a heat exchanger in the collector loop will increase the mean temperature of the collector by about 5 C, thus the mean collector temperature will in this case be 63 C. As can be seen from Figure 9, a 19 change of the mean collector temperature by 5 C (60 – 65 C) for FP results in a reduction of the produced energy by ca. 7%. ETC collectors are less sensitive to heat losses and therefore the energy reduction in the same temperature range is only 3,5 %, or half of that of the FP. Although ETCs are performing 30% better at DH temperatures than FP collectors, the collector costs are so far too high for allowing the choice of evacuated collectors on an economical basis. 3.1.1 Supply-pipe connection This system solution is suitable for existing buildings connected to district heating, allowing for the most economic installation. The solar system will work as a heat production unit in the heat distribution network, Figure 10. The system is mainly designed for the summer period, where there is a low load and a high insolation. Water from the service return pipe will be heated by solar energy and then delivered to the service supply pipe (much like an ordinary production unit). Any excess heat not used by the customers connected to the service pipe will be distributed to the main heat distribution pipe. For this purpose, the distribution pump must be designed to lift the pressure difference between forward and return pipe. T stagnation Solar collector Consumer Station HX Solar control T solar.out TDH2 Psolar.1 TDH1 HX-solar Energy measuring Psolar.2 Service pipe 50°C Main district heating pipes 100°C Figure 10: System drawing for roof-mounted solar collector with heat delivery to service supply pipe. A short system example may illustrate the working conditions for such a system. The supply pipe pressure Psupp is 6 bar and the return pipe pressure Pret is 3 bar. A pump will operate a field of 300 m² with a power of 1.5 kW with 1400 hours per year operating time. This will need 2100 kWh electricity. The assumed temperatures in the heat distribution network (summertime) are Ts=75 °C and Tr=50 °C. The solar circuit 20 operates at Tsolar out = 80 °C and Tsolar in 55 C resulting in an energy production of 370 kWh/m²,yr or 111 MWh per year for 300 m² FP collector. For a vacuum collector the resulting energy production would be 550 kWh/m²,yr or 165 MWh. 3.1.2 Return-pipe connection A solar collector circuit preheats the return flow from the customer substation before entering the main return pipe. No greater pressure difference is expected in this case, resulting in a smaller pump with less energy consumption. If there is no load in the substation, the solar system will use water from the main return pipe. For this solution, a third pipe is needed to avoid recirculation of preheated return water, see Figure 11. This solution may only be of interest if district heating and solar heating is to be installed at the same time or if very large solar collector fields are to be connected, otherwise the cost for connecting a third pipe in buildings with already existing district heating will be too high. One of the design-demands for this type of solution is that the solar mass flow never exceeds the heat distribution network mass flow, thereby avoiding re-circulation of solar heated water. This is, however, difficult to control, as the heat delivery is set by the present heat-load, which usually is quit low during daytime. Unfortunately, this is when the solar heat production is at its peak. T stagnation Solar collector Consumer Station HX Solar control T solar .out TDH2 T solar .in P solar .1 T DH1 HX-solar Energy measuring P solar .2 Ser vic e pip e 50°C Main district heating pipes 100°C Figure 11: System drawing for roof-mounted solar collector with heat delivery to service return pipe. For this case, assumed temperatures in the DH-network are Tf=100-75°C and Tr (from main) =50° C. A typical high flow solution in the solar collector circuit will give collector temperatures of Tinlet=53 °C, Toutlet=63 °C, or Tmean=58 °C, resulting in a yearly mean energy production of 400 kWh/m². For an evacuated solar collector, the resulting energy production is 575 kWh/m², year. That means that the return-pipe solution could produce about 8% more energy for FP collectors but only about 5% more energy for ETC collectors compared to the supply pipe-connection. 21 For the two cases described, estimations are used for temperatures and pressures in the heat distribution network. During a year the temperatures will of course vary due to the energy consumption in the buildings and also depending on the choice of system solution, thereby resulting in a yearly mean energy production of 350-420 kWh/m² for the selective flat plate solar collector. For the evacuated solar collector, the resulting energy production will be 540-600 kWh/m², year. The energy production of solar collectors is calculated for the climate in Stockholm region. Anti-reflective glazing has been assumed for the flat-plate selective solar collector, as this has proven to give an increase of total heat yield for low additional costs. 3.1.3 Constant and variable flow alternatives There are two different options of how to control the output parameters from the solar collector facilities, constant or variable flow. With a constant flow, the control system will be simple and less expensive, and the output temperature will depend on the insolation from the sun. A variable flow, however, will allow us to control the output temperature, although within certain boundary conditions. When constructing a solar collector system there is usually a hot water store (accumulator tank) dimensioned for storing the hot water produced. If the collectors work against a stratified store, there is no need for a temperature control. The temperature will instead stratify in the store and the total delivered energy will pretty much be the same at the end of the day, see Figure 12. GT 40-90°C 65°C 55°C 55°C Solar circuit 45°C Hot water circuit 35°C Constant flow Figure 12: 30°C 15°C Simplified illustration of solar system with stratification in hot water store. However, when the collectors produce energy to deliver directly to the primary heat distribution network, there is often a specific supply temperature required. It is therefore in this application of interest to obtain a set temperature from the solar system that matches the heat distribution network temperature, especially during the summer period. Especially in the supply-pipe connection, it will therefore be worthwhile to use temperature controlled collector flow rates, adjusting the solar collector outlet temperature to the demanded DH supply temperature. 22 V· Tdemand H . Figure 13: 3.2 Volume flow V control for solar heating circuit as a function of solar irradiation H according to different DH-demand temperatures Tdemand. Solar potential and different boundary conditions For solar heating systems, parameters such as available roof area and the quality and dimensioning of the existing heat distribution network determine the possible solar potential and implementation ratio. It is of importance that an on-site study is made for each heat distribution network to evaluate if a desired solar-/district heating solution is possible. 3.2.1 Basic dimensioning guide-lines To know the possible energy transportation in different pipes, data from the Lögstör catalogue has been used. Table 2 shows the relation between nominal pipe diameter, mass flow, power and maximum solar collector area (calculated for net output of 500 W/m² solar collector). This knowledge combined with an inventory of suitable roofs for solar collector use often gives a god preliminary understanding of the system (see Table 3 for Romberga values). 23 Table 2: DN ∅ mm Mass flow, power and maximum solar collector area for different service pipediameters Mass kg/s flow. max, Powersolar (∆T30°C), kW Areamax, 500 W/m²) 150 21.70 2732 5464 125 13.42 1690 3380 110 8.78 1106 2212 100 7.49 942 1884 80 4.41 555 1110 65 2.89 364 728 50 1.47 185 370 40 0.79 99 198 32 0.53 67 134 25 0.23 30 59 3.2.2 m² (calc. for Roof limitations For an existing roof to be suitable for solar collector implementation, it must fulfil certain requirements. The ideal slope of the roof is approximately 30° (this depends on the location). If sloped, the roof area should also have a direction to south, ± some deviation angle, at the most 45 . Flat roof-areas allow for optional placement (usually directly south-orientated solar collectors with a mutual distance twice the collector height), but here a support-frame must be built as well. Finally, the roof must be constructed so that it is mechanically strong enough for solar collector placement the next 20-30 years. These criterias help to create a first knowledge of the available roof area. At a closer inspection, many of the first suitable roofs show various problems such as chimneys, ventilation exhaust pipes or other roof constructions not shown in the technical drawings. Examples of this can be electronic equipment later installed such as radio- and television receivers, parabolic antennas and maintenance equipment in form of ladders and walkways on the roof, Figure 14. Figure 14: Study of a problematic roof with parabolic antenna, walkway and chimneys. 24 When inspecting the roof of interest it is also of importance to observe the surrounFigure 14 shown). Partially shading by trees (or other objects) will decrease the efficiency of solar collectors. With South as the angle 0° it is common to accept an angular displacement of ± East of South are negative and West of South are positive. This is commonly known as the γ , shown in Figure . Zenith Sun N N W S Figure 15: E W E S Sun Solar azimuth angle γs With an angular displacement, the total collected energy will be less than that of a solar collector placed directly to the South. For countries in the Northern Hemisphere a collector placed in Southeast direction will collect more energy during morning hours, and a collector placed in Southwest direction will collect more energy during evening hours. For the heat distribution network purpose a combination of South, Southwest and Southeast collectors might from one point of view be useful, as the total delivered energy will be distributed more evenly during the day, although somewhat lower. However, with increasing azimuth angle the solar collector performance will decrease, see Figure 16 2). Regarding mechanically strength, roof constructions in Sweden must be dimensioned to hold for snow loads. In South Sweden this means 50 kg/m². A typical solar collector installation on the roof has an average weight of 15 – 25 kg/m². The most critical load condition is that of solar collectors to be mounted on large horizontal roofs. Very often concrete or steel beams are used as foundations for support structures, which has to be fixed on the roof truss. Such constructions and its load impact must be judged in each individual case. For tilted roofs, roof mounting or roof integration of collectors do in general not impose a serious weight problem. 3.2.3 Service pipe limitations Limiting problems can also occur due to limited capacity of service pipes. In that case the roof area would be large enough for a larger collector field, but the dimension of the service pipe is limiting the collector area that can be connected, as can be seen in 2 ) The diagram was developed by Bengt Perers, Vattenfall Utveckling, see Zinko (1999). Table 3. Here one must consider and compare the two options available in this case: 1.00 0.90 0.80 1.00 0.70 Correction factor K 90 0.90 75 0.80 60 45 Collector-Slope 0.70 30 towards Horizontal [°] 0.60 0 45 Deviation from South 15 90 (azimuth angle) [°] Figure 16: Reduction factor k for solar output from collectors with different orientations. 1. Use only the collector size allowed by the service pipe connection. One then has to find additional roofs to implement the total numbers of collector area wanted, with an additional higher implementation cost. This means more production units, with more control systems and a greater maintenance cost. 2. Open the trench and connect a larger service pipe to allow for a full-scale implementation on the suitable roof. The additional cost for a new pipe should be added to the total cost of the planned implementation and then compared with the total cost of implementation if the same collector area must be built somewhere else. If the solar collector area to be added by using a new, larger service pipe is large enough and the trench-length is reasonable, this can probably be a better solution due to lower overall costs and a favourable system control situation. 3.2.4 Romberga real-case application Roof area evaluation An on-site study in Romberga shows that approximately 15 000 m² of the total 25 000 m² roof-area is not suitable for solar collector use. This is mainly due to nonsuitable roof construction, orientation or slope. In some cases, the buildings are also part of a larger secondary network, which makes the heat delivery to the main network more complicated. The geographic orientations of roofs for solar system implementation are shown in Figure 17. 26 Figure : Solar system implementation with When single-family houses and other small buildings in Romberga are not included, the total available roof area (50 % of brut area) is 25 158 m². Out of these, 5950 m² orientation. Of the 17 928 m² remaining (70 %), 7273 m², spread among 15 different buildings, are most suitable to be used. The most common limitation is that the If the total available area is divided by the number of roofs, this gives an average solar collector system area. For Romberga the average area is 480 m². The total solar collector system area, and will decrease with increasing average area. Therefore, it is of interest to minimise the number of roofs and thus maximise the average area. 7 300 m² solar collectors. If the existing service pipes to the three largest buildings in Romberga were replaced with bigger ones, this would result in an available area of 620 m², or an average solar collector system area of 2540 m². The locations for these systems are shown in 18. area of 1795 m². 27 Figure 18: Solar system implementation for Romberga based on connections with increased service pipe dimensions. Solar collector efficiency The solar collector performance or “collection efficiency” (ηc) can simply be defined as the ratio of the useful gain over a specific time-period to the incident solar energy over the same time period: ηc = ∫Qu dt/(Ac∫GT dt) (equ. 1) Where: GT is the total solar irradiance on the collector surface [W/m²] Qu is the useful energy output from the collector to the net [Wh] Ac is the collector area [m²]. The total irradiance, the useful energy output and the collector efficiency for a flatplate collector positioned south with a collector slope of 30° is shown in Figure 19. The weather data used for these calculations are from Stockholm 1986, which correlates well with the geographic location and weather in Romberga (Enköping). Solar fractions and collected energy In Romberga solar fractions from 0-100% have been simulated to evaluate the number of solar collectors needed for different implementation stages. This is also of great importance for later dynamic calculations, Chapter 4.3, as pressure, mass flow and in some extent, temperatures will change with rate of implementation. In Figure 20 three different solar fractions (for a sunny summer day) are illustrated together with the average 24-hour summer load in Romberga. With 2100 m² of solar collectors (3), the solar fraction is close to 30%, which in the Romberga case is also the maximum theoretical solar fraction if no accumulator tank would be available. 28 Table 3: Roof area criteria for Romberga Map Area No. DN ∅ mm Roof area Type [m²]* building of Comments 3:1, 3:2 65 1800 3:3 32 352 3:5, 3:6 80 2696 Industry 4:1 50 792 Industry 8:1-8:3, 9:1-9:5 150 4800 Multifamily dwelling 10:3 65 1104 10:5 65 976 Multifamily dwelling Multifamily dwelling 11:4 100 5760 Large Industry 11:5 32 510 Small industry 15:10 50 896 School 19:2 32 560 Small industry 19:4 50 384 Industry 19:5 65 648 Industry 19:7 50 608 Industry 19:8 40 712 Industry 19:9 40 792 Small industry 20:1 32 448 Small industry 27:1 50 1320 Industry Multifamily dwelling Small industry Maximum collector area [m²] Not suitable due to secondary system None and also no large roof areas available Pipe DN too small for first hand 134 choice, only 134-m² solar collector possible. Suitable roof, but service pipe 1110 dimension only allows 1110 m² of solar collectors. Flat roof in two stages, but ok for 370 solar collectors. Service pipe dimension only allows for 370 m² of collector surface. Not suitable for big solar collector 650 system due to secondary system. Possible to use two roofs, with 650m² collector surface. Only 325 m² area available due to 325 orientation of the buildings. 650 m² area available. Service pipe 650 dimension allows 728 m² of collector surface. Very big flat roof. Very good for solar 1880 applications. Service pipe dimension 5400 ** only allows for 1880 m² of collector surface. Using larger service pipe (DN 150) will allow for 5400 m². Pipe DN too small for first hand 134 choice, only 134-m² solar collector possible. Not possible to use due to unsuitable None roof constructions. Pipe DN too small for first hand 134 choice, only 134-m² solar collector possible. Not suitable. Gas station with “open” None construction. Flat roof with “closed yard” in middle 620 of building, roof construction allows for 620 m² of solar collectors. Flat roof, but service pipe only allows 370 for 370 m² of solar collectors, and building layout is not favourable. Two connected buildings, service pipe 198 only allows for 198 m² of solar collectors. Square building, service pipe only 198 allows for 198 m² of solar collectors. 728 ** Using larger service pipe (DN 65) will allow for 728 m². Pipe DN too small for first hand 134 choice, only 134-m² solar collector possible. Also, two connected buildings. Big flat roof suitable for solar 370 collectors. Service pipe dimension 1110 ** only allows for 370 m² of collector surface. Using larger service pipe (DN 80) will allow for 1110 m². *Half the total roof area, which also usually is the effective solar collector area ** Available area if larger service pipe is installed 29 5100 m² of collectors and a 250-m³ hot water accumulator tank (2) would result in a solar fraction of 70% and 7300 m² of collectors and 470 m³ accumulator tank (1) would result in a solar fraction of 100%. 1000 ηc 50% 40% Ac∫GT 600 30% 400 20% ∫Qu 200 Solar Efficiency [%] Insolation and Gain [W/m²] 800 10% 0 0% 0 Figure 19: 5 10 15 Time during day [h] 20 25 Total insolation, delivered power and efficiency for a flat-plate solar collector facing South with a slope of 30° during a sunny summer day. 3500 1. 3000 2. Effekt[kW] [kW] Power 2500 2000 3. 1500 1000 500 Total summer load 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Tid [h/dygn] Time [h/day] Figure 20: Heat delivery during a sunny day for a solar fraction of: 1. 100 %, 2. 70 %, 3. 30 % (collectors facing South). However, these accumulator tank volumes are based on the excess heat from the solar collectors and the assumption that the load of other production units in the heat distribution network can be controlled within the range 0-100%, which is usually not the case in reality. The start-up and stop time for a medium-sized wood-fired boiler is at least a couple of hours, making it both a time demanding and costly affair. Boilers also have a design-value at which point it is not economically reasonable to use a 30 lower set-load. For this reason, most installations with wood-fired boiler plants are using accumulators for load management. So is also the case in Enköping, where a 7000 m³ storage tank is installed. Therefore, in a real application this storage can easily take up all the energy from the solar collectors (the storage would even suit the energy from 100 000 m² collectors). Indeed the real problem is to operate this large storage in summer time without too much degrading the temperature of the hot water charge. If we take the case of Romberga, about 750 m³ would be adequate for load case 1 (100% solar fraction) and only the upper most 5 m or 10% of the storage will be active. During the summer period, when the load is low and we have a long period of sun, the most suitable operating mode would be from the solar collector systems, the storage and the electrical boiler. However, to operate large storages at very low loads demands some more experience, which for the moment is lacking. Care must be taken that the hot water strata at the top of the storage is not mixed into the remaining water volume. 31 4 4.1 System simulations TRNSYS A solar system model has been created and simulated in TRNSYS, a solar simulation program. With TRNSYS, it is possible to simulate detailed system layouts for the solar heating systems and to analyse the function of the solar circuit for different parameter set-ups with time varying conditions. Although the solar system circuit is well documented, the simulations based on TRNSYS do not include any dynamic pressure calculations. Therefore, pressure gradients and their influence on the flow distribution are calculated separately by means of the network-planning program LICHHEAT, see Chapter 4.2. The solar system model in TRNSYS, Figure 21, was designed mainly to evaluate the amount of energy available from the collectors during a sunny day, by calculating energy production, heat losses, mass flows and temperatures in solar and heat distribution networks. The model was also used to simulate the possibilities to store energy in the heat distribution return pipes and how this would affect the solar collector efficiency and the heat distribution network. This will be described in Chapt. 5.3. The heat distribution network is simulated for 3 different solar fractions, 30, 70 and 100%, respectively. The locations of the collector systems are shown as light-blue triangles in the network model of Figure 22.The results from the TRNSYS simulations are summarised in Excel calculations as the amount of solar collectors needed in each system, Figure 23. These calculations are based on hourly values showing delivered solar energy, total energy needed and mass-flows for the given set of parameters. These hourly values are essential for the dynamic pressure simulation of the heat distribution network. 4.2 Dynamic pressure distribution system model For consumer stations (or substations) in the network, it is important for their control function that the differential pressure between supply and return pipe never drops below one bar (100 kPa). For a heat distribution network with one production unit, the main distribution network pump controls this by maintaining a constant differential pressure at the point in the network that has the lowest differential pressure. If the heat distribution network includes more than one production unit, the differential pressure will depend on the amount of heat and mass flow distributed from the different units. 4.2.1 Basic model preparations For the dynamic calculation, a simplified network model of Romberga was created, Figure 22. The instantaneous summer load for the network is 1000 kW and the total length of the simplified network is 3000 meters. 32 33 Pcoll Tin 21: Return pipe Supply pipe Tin min Tout min Tsup Tset Data reader Reg Time dep. forc.function TDHset Tbot Reg Ttop Tamb GT TRNSYS system model including: Solar system. consumer station, accumulator tank and heat distribution network for Romberga min Radiation processor Weather data reader Tret Pcoll Tin min Radiation processor Tin min Tout min Data reader Tset 15150 ∑load = 1000 kW ∑pipe = 3050 m 15100 400kW 15050 1 = NodNumber A21/ A22 = Supplypipe/Return pipe 15000 85kW = subscribed power 17 Ø100 = pipe diameter 14950 200m = pipe lenght Ø150 430m 9 14900 A11/ A12 130kW 14850 16 14800 Y [m ] 80kW 7 Ø80 14750 A17/ Ø1 40 00 0m A18 200m 30kW 14700 Solar.1 14650 6 5 15 15 0m Ø100 250m 8 A15/ A16 4 170m 14550 2 Acc.tank 14450 1 A8 A7/ 10 Ø65 120m A2 7/ A2 8 14 Ø150 90kW 12 A23/ A24 11 A14 A13/ 3 Ø100 260m A5/ A6 Ø1 12 50 0m A4 A3/ Ø80 Ø1 190m 50 10 0m A1/ A2 75kW A30 A9/ A10 Ø1 50 140m Ø150 14600 14500 80m A29/ A21/ A22 Ø50 60m A19/ A20 Solar.3 Ø100 Ø8 35 0 0m A25/ A26 40kW Solar.2 13 85kW 14400 Prod-facility 70kW 14350 44400 44450 44500 44550 44600 44650 44700 44750 44800 44850 44900 44950 45000 45050 45100 45150 45200 45250 45300 45350 X [m] Figure 22: Simplified heat distribution network in Romberga. DH: Tf= Tr= Cp= P.DUT= DH: Tf= Tr= Cp= P.DUT= DH: Tf= Tr= Cp= P.DUT= 80 50 4,12 14562 °C °C kJ/kg.K kW 80 50 4,12 14562 °C °C kJ/kg.K kW 80 50 4,12 14562 °C °C kJ/kg.K kW SOLAR: S1: As= 500 Ts.f= 85 Ts.r= 55 Cp.s= 3,76 SOLAR: S1: As= 1165 Ts.f= 85 Ts.r= 55 Cp.s= 3,76 SOLAR: S1: As= 1665 Ts.f= 85 Ts.r= 55 Cp.s= 3,76 S2: 670 85 55 3,76 S2: 1570 85 55 3,76 S2: 2245 85 55 3,76 S3: 1000 85 55 3,76 S3: 2330 85 55 3,76 S3: 3330 85 55 3,76 Stot 2170 m² °C °C kJ/kg.K Stot 5065 m² °C °C kJ/kg.K Stot 7240 m² °C °C kJ/kg.K EFF: 1 Ps= 1,7 Pn= 5,5 eta.s= 30,0% 2 2,2 7,4 29,9% 3 3,3 11,0 30,0% tot 7 MWh 24 MWh 30,0% % EFF: 2 5,2 7,4 70,0% 3 7,7 11,0 70,0% tot 17 MWh 24 MWh 70,0% % 1 Ps= 3,9 Pn= 5,5 eta.s= 70,0% EFF: 1 2 3 tot Ps= 5,5 7,4 11,0 24 MWh Pn= 5,5 7,4 11,0 24 MWh eta.s= 100,0% 100,1% 100,0% 100,1% % Figure 23: Basic data from Excel that describes the amount of solar collectors needed for the three simulated solar systems according to Figure 22. 4.2.2 Dynamic calculations The dynamic simulations3) show that pressure differences in the heat distribution network due to variation in solar energy output are very small, and can therefore be neglected. The reason is that the net is dimensioned for much larger flow rates corresponding to the winter load. The main heat distribution pump therefore controls the pressure difference in the lowest point of the net, allowing the solar systems to have a simple control function. Figure 24 illustrates the resulting flow rates in the heat distribution network for a solar fraction of 100% during a day with high insolation. 3 ) The Lichheat calculations were performed by Gunnar Larsson, Chalmers Energiteknik. 34 Negative flow rates show that the flow direction in the network has changed. Excess heat will be stored in the accumulator tank. 10 1 5 2 flowrate [m³/h] 0 3 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 time [h/day] Figure 24: Dynamic simulation results for flow rates at 100% solar fraction in: 1. Node 1-2 (main production unit), 2. Node 8-12 and 3. Node 4-5. Negative flow rates indicate flows towards the accumulator. solar collector area m² K14 mfhs(sn) 4778kW 18 customer typ of customer max power at DUT e6 Lin Main production K15 mfhs 405kW Solar production nodes K13 ind 94kW K23 efhs 318kW 17 16 K16 mfhs 485kW K27 mfhs(sn) 719kW K22 sk(sn) 444kW 26 K19 zfh 115kW Solar.1 A=500 m² K28 ind 318kW K12 ind 988kW 15 25 24 K18 efhs 165kW K20 efh 110kW 29 K26 ind 70kW Solar.3 A=1000 m² K21 efh 110kW K19 efhs 161kW 23 3 Line 28 K17 efhs 309kW 21 22 20 9 K29 ind 351kW 27 10 19 K25 efhs 161kW Lin e2 5 6 11 Line 4 4 1 K3 ind 210kW K5 ind 205kW 7 K11 foom 1250kW 14 K7 ind 206kW K6 ind 387kW K10 ind 69kW 12 8 Line K4 ind 81kW 3 13 2 1 Feed point Figure 25: Line 5 K2 ind 1150kW K1 ind K8 ind 143kW Solar.2 A=670 m² K9 foom 750kW Flow chart at 12.00 a.m. for a day with high insolation. 2170 m² of solar collectors, approximate solar fraction 30% - case 3, no accumulator tank. 35 From Figure 24 and Figure 25 it becomes clear that the system dynamic with several parallel and dispersed production units becomes more complex. The reason is that the excess heat from local solar heating plants will be transported either to other loads, were it can be consumed, or to the accumulator. Because heat is delivered from the solar circuit-supply pumps towards the main supply pipe and the production pumps are flow controlled, the flow direction will point towards points of lowest pressure, which is at the accumulator or at local heavy loads. Therefore, the flow will automatically reverse under such conditions. Even if there is no accumulator (at solar fractions below 30%) the flow can reverse in some branches with excess heat generation and be directed towards other nearby loads. Flow conversion can therefore arise at several pipe sections and for parts of the day, depending on load and solar conditions. In certain nets, this can cause some extra problems. It has been observed that reversed flow can detach pipe sediments which otherwise would be settled in the pipes. If the flow is reversed, filters will not prevent the transport of sediments to sensitive components such as meters, valves and heat exchangers. However, after a couple of hours, the flow will be redirected and suspended material can reach the filters again the normal way. In any case, it is recommended to control filters and other components in the beginning of the solar operation more often in order to see, if flow reversion has some impact on sediment transport in a given net. 36 5 Control of heat distribution system with appreciable solar fraction One of the most important factors is the control of the heat distribution network, which in some cases can be a very complex task, especially as the solar fraction increases. 5.1 Heat distribution network A basic heat distribution network usually controls the amount of heat-delivery during the seasonal changes by changing the supply temperature as a function of the outdoor temperature. At outdoor temperatures above “break-point” (usually -3 to +10°C), the supply temperature is constant; in the Enköping case the break point is about 10 °C and the supply temperature is 78 °C (see Figure 5). In summertime, at outdoor temperatures above 17 °C, there is no need for space heating and the heat demand in the network can be considered “constant” with some exception for morning and evening variations. Variations in the heat distribution network with one production unit are controlled by the main distribution network pump maintaining a constant differential pressure at the point in the network that has the lowest differential pressure. If the heat distribution network holds more than one production unit, the differential pressure will depend on the amount of heat produced from the different units. Figure 26 illustrates a typically heat distribution network configuration with pressure difference control. In district heating solar systems, the heat production is automatically controlled by the available irradiation, and not by the heat demand of the consumers, which is the normal case for production units. This means that the solar heat distribution pump (6.) continuously will adjust the flow-rate to maintain the set supply temperature, and thus deliver a mass flow that varies depending on insolation. Hence the solar production unit will not be controlled by the lowest differential pressure. However, with the main distribution pump (4.) already using this type of control, there is no need for additional control systems. If the solar heat production to the heat distribution network increases, this will automatically lead to a decreased mass flow and therefore heat delivery (the temperature is separately controlled) from the main production unit according to the set pressure difference. 37 tf = konst 6. 1. 5. solar collectors tsf = konst Return pipe Pmin = konst Supply pipe tvv = konst consumer ta trf 4. tf TT3 TT2 Accumulator TT1 steam pillow 3. Pmin = konst 2. ta Figure 26: Concept of controlling the heat distribution network. A supply pipe temperature sensor in the heat distribution network (1.) controls the heat delivery from production unit (2.). Pressure in the return pipe before distribution pump is held constant by the accumulator tank (3.). Pressure difference in the end-point of the heat distribution network controlled by the distribution pump (4.). Variable flow in the solar loop (5.) control solar output temperature and variable flow of primary solar pump (6.) control output temperature to heat distribution network supply pipe. 38 5.2 Accumulator options and demands As the solar fraction in the heat distribution network increases, so does the need to accumulate excess heat. If the main heat production is based on renewable energy such as pellets or other wood products, the plant is often somewhat “slow” to adapt to heat demand changes in the network. It is therefore very likely that these plants are equipped with some hot water accumulator, which allows for a more calm operation of the production unit and also better economic and environmental criteria. If however, heat storage does not exist, it should be built and integrated to the heat distribution network whenever the daily solar fraction exceeds ca. 30%. Steam pillow TT1 Accumulator Productionunit Supply pipe TT2 Return pipe TT3 Figure 27: Simplified concept of accumulator connection to the heat distribution network. Enköping heat distribution network has an accumulator tank with a volume of 7000 m³. When it is fully charged it can supply the heat delivery for approximately 3 days. Usually a heat distribution network based on renewable energy such as biomass has this kind of arrangement. As Romberga is considered a small reference system to Enköping, the equivalent accumulator size would here be 700 m³. For a solar fraction of 100%, the storage volume must be at least 460 m³ to store excess solar heat. This leaves 240 m³ or more (at not so sunny days) of accumulator volume for load management of the main production unit. A rule of thumb is that the accumulator should have enough volume to store solar heat but still also be able to work with the main production unit. 39 5.3 Heat distribution network without accumulator If the heat distribution network does not have an accumulator tank available, the expectations for the solar system efficiency is likely to decrease with increasing solar fraction. Without an accumulator, there is no possibility to store excess heat other than increasing the supply temperature or to use the distribution network return pipes as hot water storage. However, too much excess heat will lead to an increased return temperature and therefore increased solar collector supply temperature and reduced solar system efficiency. For a daily solar fraction of less than 30%, the lack of hot water storage should not be a problem as the maximum solar power only reaches the maximum consumption in the heat distribution network, Figure 20. No, or very little, excess heat will be produced. As the solar fraction increases, so do the excess heat and thus the need to store this excess heat. It is therefore of interest to evaluate the amount of possible energy storage in the return pipes, and the time-span available before this has an influence on solar collector performance. Total length and volume of network for these calculations are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Total length and volume for Romberga network DN ∅ [mm] Length [m] supply + return Volume [m³] supply + return 250 1368 67.16 200 272 8.54 150 876 15.48 100 1212 9.52 80 1180 5.94 65 924 3.06 50 2292 4.50 40 538 0.68 32 636 0.52 25 148 0.08 Total 9446 m 115.5 m³ Knowing length and volume of network, TRNSYS simulation according Figure 20 to will show that the possibilities to store solar heat in the return pipe are very limited. Equation 2 shows the average diameter in the heat distribution network of Romberga and equation 3 the volume flow. DNaverage = √(4Vr/πLr) = 124,8 [mm] (equ. 2) Where: Vr is the total volume in the return pipe [m³] Lr is the total length of the return pipe [m]. The average volume flow for some given loads is illustrated in Figure 28, but can also be expressed as V& = (πd2v)/4 = (πDN2average · v)/4 [m³/s] Where: v is the velocity [m/s] at a given load. 40 (equ. 3) Figure 29 shows the amount of excess flow that is re-circulated into the return pipe during the day if no accumulator tank is available. For re-circulation to occur, the heat distribution network must also be equipped with some short circuit connections. These are usually placed at consumers in distant points or with low consumption otherwise the net might have a problem to stay at the required temperature. The total time to load the heat distribution return pipe with excess heat as a function of different solar fractions is shown in Table 5. The time-factor to load the return pipe is calculated for an average hourly insolation and volume-flow during solar collector operation of a sunny day. Table 5: Average time to load the return pipe in the heat distribution network Solar fraction Collector (Daily load) area [m2] [%] Solar load Average . power [kWh/day] [kW] Accumulator need [m³] Time to load return pipe [min] 30% 2170 7200 600 6 - 40% 2900 9600 800 54 - 50% 3615 12000 1000 115 176 70% 5065 16800 1400 245 154 100% 7240 24000 2000 460 101 4000 140 100% 3500 120 3000 power [kW] 2500 80 50% 2000 60 1500 30% flow [m³/h] 100 70% 40 1000 20 500 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 time [h/day] Figure 28: Delivered power and flow rate from solar collector systems for solar fractions 30-100%. 41 90 flow [m³/h] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 time [h/day] Figure 29: Amount of re-circulation flow in heat distribution network return-pipe if no accumulator is used, for solar fractions 30, 50 70 and 100%, respectively. = 80°C Treturn.main = 75°C Heat distribution network HX Solar collector system Tsupply.main = 80°C = 100°C Temperature scenario when network return pipe is used as accumulator Figure 30: When the distribution network return pipe is completely loaded with solar heat, the entire network will hold a temperature level of let’s say Tf = 80 °C and Tr = 75 °C (Figure 30). The temperature increase in the main return pipe will cause a similar increase in average solar collector outlet temperature due to a limit of the maximum speed of the solar circulation pump. Thus, the average solar collector temperature will increase and the collector efficiency will in this case decrease as can be seen from Figure 31. Collector heat production Ta = 20°C, H = 800 W/m² 700 Q (W/m2) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Ta (°C) Figure 31: Collector heating power as a function of mean collector temperature, the same collector as in Figure 9. 42 6 Results 6.1 Selected network - Romberga In the district heating area of Romberga, a solar implementation of 100% based on existing service pipes is technically possible. The possible collector area is according to Table 3 7273 m² distributed among 15 different buildings. Simulation according to Figure 23 indicates 7240 m² of needed collector area for full solar fraction. However, to build 15 solar systems out of which 13 have an area less than 650 m² on 15 different buildings will not be the best technically or economically acceptable solution. Instead, it can be worthwhile to just concentrate on some larger buildings and invest into some new service pipes. If the service pipe connections at 2 of the 3 best suitable buildings are replaced with larger pipes, Table 6, available roof area for these 3 buildings will be 9800 m² and possible collector area 7600 m². Table 6: Map Area Selection of most suitable roofs in Romberga mm Roof area Type [m²]* building 3:6 80 2696 Industry 11:4 100 5760 Large Industry 27:1 50 1320 Industry No. DN ∅ of Comments Collector [m²] area Suitable horizontal roof, but service 1110 pipe dimension only allows 1110 m² of solar collectors. Very big horizontal roof. Very good for (1880) solar applications. Service pipe 5400 dimension only allows for 1880 m² of collector surface. Using larger service pipe (DN 150) will allow for 5400 m². Big horizontal roof suitable for solar (370) collectors. Service pipe dimension 1110 only allows for 370 m² of collector surface. Using larger service pipe (DN 80) will allow for 1110 m². *Half the total roof area, which also usually is the effective solar collector area Based on the selection table above, the implementation of solar collector systems in Romberga can be performed in different stages. Below is an example of a possible implementation scenario for a period of six years based on roof selections according to Table 6: Year 1: An 1100 m² solar system is built on building 3:6. Existing service pipe DN80 can be used. The solar fraction will be 15%. The supplied energy will be absorbed directly by the load. This installation can be built very fast and costeffective on the flat roof of the building. Year 2: Another solar plant 1100 m² solar system is built on building 27:1. The solar fraction will increase to 30%. The existing DN50 service pipe must be replaced with a DN80. The produced solar energy is still absorbed by the load without storage. Year 3: Operation and system evaluation. Now we have two distributed systems in operation and a year of operation and evaluation is recommended in order to study the dynamic behaviour of the system. 43 Year 4: A third solar heating system with 2700 m² collectors is built on building 11:4, including preparation for another 2700 m² at a later stage. This will add about 35% of solar fraction and hence the total solar fraction will be 65%. The existing DN100 service pipe must be replaced with a DN150. During a day with high insolation approximately 220 m³ of excess solar heat must be stored in the accumulator tank. Year 5: Operation and system evaluation. The 5th year should be used again for system evaluation and operating experience for three parallel solar heating plants. Year 6: Finally, the solar heating system on the large industry building 11:4 should be completed with another 2700 m². This will result in 100% solar covering of the daily summer load. 500m³ storage volume has to be used to balance the daily energy need. If Romberga would be a separate distribution net, an accumulator tank of 500 m³ for covering the excess energy production from the solar collectors during the day would be needed, see Figure 32. However, for co-operation with other production units as well, as an ideal size for an accumulator tank at least 700-800 m³ is recommended. In this case, the basic heat production units would not be so vulnerable to variations in solar heat production. 4000 60 1 3500 40 20 Power [kW] 4 2 2500 0 2000 -20 1500 -40 3 1000 DH-flow [m³/h] 3000 1 Total flow 2 Flow from DH-pump 3 DH-load 4 Solarproduction -60 500 -80 0 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time during day [h] Figure 32: Delivered power from the 3 solar systems at 100% solar fraction, and also the resulting flow in the heat distribution network. 44 7 Economics for solar district heating 7.1 Size depending solar costs In Sweden a 25 years long history exists for large solar collector systems and also their costs. It is connected with the Swedish effort of building large solar district heating systems. The price development is illustrated in Figure 33 (for more details see Zinko/Dalenbäck, 1996). SEK/kWh per year Solar costs 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ground placed Roof integrated Total solar costs 75 85 95 year Figure 33: Price development for large solar collector systems (price level 94 for all plants except the most recent ones). From this Figure it gets evident that solar collector systems followed a learning curve. The price of large collector fields decreased roughly by a factor 3 during the last 20 years, i.e 6% per year. Today the costs for a ground installed collector field of 10 000 m² is roughly 1400 SEK/m² or 3,5 SEK/kWh,yr (Kungälv). The costs for roofintegrated systems are of the same order of magnitude although the field size is much smaller, 500 – 1000m² (the value for the 1999 plant is for only 200m² roof integrated collector in a new-construction). The system costs including short-term storage piping, circulation equipment and control system usually add an important cost to the collector cost, from about 100% for smaller systems to 50% for larger ones. Contrarily, medium sized systems (several 100 m²) to be installed at existing buildings can cost a lot more. The reasons are costs for projecting, piping, roof adjustments, security devices and so on. Especially in high buildings, these costs can become an important part of the solar costs. Similar holds for systems for new buildings that are not planned in an integrated way as could be done in the course of an early planning, but which are designed as separate systems. However, in Gothenburg a series of projects have been built were integrated solar collectors exhibit the low costs shown in Figure 33. In the solar heating R&D program carried by STEM and Vattenfall 1996-1999 (Helgesson et al., 2000) a series of projects have been built with costs between 10 45 and 15 SEK/kWh,yr. Furthermore a series of projects have been investigated in predesign studies showing (not yet verified) costs just below 10 SEK/kWh,yr. Hence in this last designs, solar collector costs (mounted on roofs) are usually around 2000 SEK/m² and the remaining costs are roughly between 1000 and 2000 SEK/m², depending on the type of building, roof and system size. In general, it can be stated that the solar collector costs (per m²) as well the costs of the circulation system and the storage decrease with the size of the system. Studies giving some basic relations for size depending costs have been performed by Dalenbäck/Åsblad (1994) and by Mangold (1995). Such costs as a function of the collector field from both reports are summarised in Figure 34. SEK/m2 Cost of solar fields 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 100 Sweden Denmark Germany 1000 10000 m² Figure 34: Solar collector costs as function of collector area. Costs for Sweden from Dalenbäck/Åsblad (1994) and for Germany and Denmark from Mangold (1995). The costs for the three countries are not completely comparable as they are from different years. The conversion rate for DEM to SEK was taken to be 1:4. However, the trend is quite clear, the specific costs per m² collector area decrease with the size of the total field. This holds for as well ground-installed as roof-mounted collectors, but not necessarily equally strong for roof-integrated collectors (roof-integrated collectors are roofs where the collector is part of the roofs tightening function. In such systems, the collector is part of a roof section and less dependent on collector field size). As to Romberga, we have according to Table 3 a spectrum of possible collector fields between 132 and 5400m², which means a variation of the collector costs by a factor 2 (taking the Swedish cost curve from Figure 34). A study of collector and system costs for different type of buildings has been made by Zinko, Eriksson and Brost (1998). The costs for both collectors and main system components were based on budget offers and therefore can be taken as being representative (though slightly optimistic). We will use these costs together with cost functions from Figure 34 for establishing cost relations for solar collector systems for roof mounted collectors in Romberga. 46 7.2 Cost of solar heating systems Comparison of the total solar cost for large systems such as Kungälv (Dalenbäck, 2001) for 10 000 m² and from Zinko, Eriksson, Brost (1998) for 300 m² and 100 m², respectively, indicates also a cost variation by a factor 2 (see Figure 33). The costs of two typical systems, of which the larger one has been built in Hammarby Sjöstad, are summarised in Tabell 7. Tabell 7: Costs of solar heating systems designed for Hammarby Sjöstad System 1 175 CPC-reflector SEK/m² 1780 SEK/m² 794 kWh/m²,yr 214 SEK/kWh,yr 12 Collector surface Type Coll. costs mounted on roof Circulation system Spec. production Specific investment m² System 2 370 Flat plate 2100 711 342 8,2 Hence, for the purpose of this study we will establish a cost function shown in Figure 36. But it should be noted, that usually systems larger than 1000 m² are mounted on ground or on a flat roof and smaller systems are mounted on a tilted roof. Collectors on horizontal planes have to be supported by support structures, and collectors on tilted roofs will be mounted on the roof with work to be done for connections and feedthrough to the roof. This work will cost more the smaller a system is. Costs (SEK/m²) Solar costs 4000 Collectors 3000 Mounting 2000 Circulation 1000 Total 0 10 100 1000 10000 Area (m²) Figure 35: Cost function for total solar costs 2000. Roof respectively ground mounted solar collectors. Because we mostly deal with established district heating areas, possible roof-integrated collectors or collector roofs suitable for new development areas are treated separately. Figure 36 shows the specific investment costs in SEK per annual produced kWh per m² for both technologies: Solar collectors mounted on flat or tilted roofs and 47 solar roofs, respectively (calculated as marginal costs for the collectors integrated in the roof trusses). Observe that heat storage costs are not included in these cost functions ! SEK/kWh,year Solar costs 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 Existing buildings Solar roofs 0 500 1000 Area (m²) Figure 36: Solar investment costs for collectors mounted on roof surfaces and solar roofs, respectively (based on an annual energy production of 350 kWh/m²). It gets evident that the solar heating systems in new construction areas can achieve very attractive energy costs. Figure 37 to Figure 39 show typical illustrations of roof mounted solar collectors and solar roofs, respectively. Figure 37: 800 m² roof mounted solar collectors on a school in Orust. Manufacturer: Solid, Austria. 48 Figure 38: 210 m2 solar collectors mounted on a horizontal roof in Markbacken, Örebro. (Manufacturer: Arnes Plåtslageri AB). Figure 39: 200 m² solar roof on a garage building in Onsala. Manufacturer: Derome AB. 7.3 Solar costs in Romberga By means of the established solar costs function we can now calculate the system costs for Romberga. In these system costs, we include the solar costs and eventually also the costs for the service pipes. The heat exchanger substation costs for transferring the heat from the collector to the district heating system are included in the 49 circulation system, since practically all solar collector systems in Sweden use antifreeze and therefore have to use heat exchangers for the connection to the consumer. For the cost study we investigate two alternative cases with either only three systems or with 15 solar systems connected to the district heating network. In both cases, the solar heating systems will deliver 100% of the load on a sunny summer day. The costs for hot water storages are not included since an accumulator is already available. Table 8 compares costs for the two alternatives. For Alternative A, only three suitable large systems have been connected, adding up to 7620 m² collectors thus producing about 105% load. The total investment costs for this alternative are 16,6 MSEK. The new service pipes (assumed to be 20 m long) for connecting the collectors to the district heating net cost only 132 kSEK and represent only a small fraction of the total cost. If instead, as shown in Alternative B, all 15 systems are connected without altering service pipe size, the total investment cost would be 19,8 MSEK, thus the system would be 20% more expensive and produce just 100% of the load. Hence a pre-design investigation with the aim of long-term planning pointing out the most suitable locations for solar collector systems is highly recommended when a successive exploration of solar district heating is to be undertaken. Table 8: Map Area No. System costs for solar district heating for Romberga for two exploration alternatives Service pipe DN Alternative A: Large systems Collector system mm Collector area [m²] 3:3 32 3:5, 3:6 80 4:1 8:1-8:3, 9:1-9:5 10:3 Spec costs SEK/kWh,yr Alternative B New service pipe System costs kSEK Collector system DN Costs * Total costs mm kSEK kSEK Collector area [m²] Spec costs SEK/kWh,yr System costs kSEK 134 10 469 1110 7,1 2758 50 370 8,4 1088 150 650 8 1820 65 325 8,5 967 10:5 65 650 8 1820 11:4 100 1880 6,6 4343 11:5 32 134 10 469 19:2 32 134 10 469 19:5 65 620 8 1736 19:7 50 370 8,4 1088 19:8 40 198 9,3 644 19:9 40 198 9,3 644 20:1 32 27:1 50 Total costs 1110 5400 7,1 5,8 2758 10962 1110 7,1 2758 7620 6,2 16479 2758 150 80 76 11038 134 10 469 56 2814 370 8,4 1088 132 16611 7277 7,8 19872 7.4 Additional costs Some additional costs are to be added to the system costs shown above. These are related with the planning and the operation of the systems as well as with eventual costs for storage, ground and/or roof placement of the collectors. 50 Planning costs Planning costs should be seen as single costs for the total system. The overall system should be carefully planned, optimised and designed. The purchase of systems should be made through standardised request of offer. If the basic planning of the overall system and of the principle solar circuit design is done, the planning of individual systems can be reduced to making adjustments according to the local conditions. An estimate for Romberga would be to add 300 000 SEK for planning costs to the total system investment, and about 25 000 to 50 000 SEK/per system for the individual design of systems. Hence, for Romberga this would mean about 450 000 SEK for system Alternative A and 600 000 SEK for the total of systems according to Alternative B. Hot water storage Costs of hot water storage are not included in the system price of Chpt. 7.3. As mentioned in Chapter 8.3, most of the existing district heating systems will already have storage tanks. If this is not the case, costs for hot water storage have to be added. The costs for such storages are dependent on size and quality. The necessary storage size depends on the desired solar fraction. With a successive integration of solar collector systems into the district heating network, no storage is needed in the beginning. At a certain stage of the implementation process, however, storage will be required. At this point, perhaps instead of building a large storage, a storage with limited size will be built, serving the extension process for a certain period. After that, another storage with an additional capacity can be built on another location of the network. Sizing the storage has to be done in each individual application. Specific storage costs Costs SEK/m³ 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 10 100 1000 10000 Volume (m³) Figure 40: Solar storage costs. Standard designs and standard costs for storages do not exist yet. However, rough estimates can be made from storages reported from different projects with different designs. From these, a cost relationship shown in Figure 40 can be found. If a new storage in Romberga would be necessary, the costs for it (750 m³) would be roughly 1 MSEK, i.e. 5% of the solar system costs. 51 Operating costs Operating costs are mostly due for internal electricity consumption for pumps and other auxiliary systems such as control systems. As the latter ones are practically small compared to the pump electricity, we can concentrate on the pumps. In the Romberga type of systems, two types of pumps are of interest: The circulation pump for the solar collector circuit and the production pump feeding the solar heat to the net. Most power is used for the latter, operating against the total pressure difference between return and supply pressure of the net. The pumping power for individual systems is depending on the size of the pumps, i. e. on the volume flow and size of the collector fields. From Figure 41 the pumping power as a function of system size for both types of pump applications can be seen. Pumping power Power (kW) 25 20 15 Pcirc 10 Pprod 5 0 0 5000 10000 Collector field area (m²) Figure 41: Typical pumping power as a function of collector fields - circulation and production pump, respectively. The pumping power for each collector system is in the order of 1 – 10 kW per system. The operation time is approximately 1500 hours and hence typical operating energy for Romberga will be about 50 MWh/year. With an electricity price of 300 SEK/MWh the annual operating costs would be about 15 000 SEK. Maintenance costs Maintenance costs are reported to be relatively low for well operating (=planned) systems. The most important maintenance is checking and completing antifreeze in the solar collector circuit. Other controls are for checking measurement- and control systems. The collectors need usually no maintenance during the economical lifetime, but some exceptional repairs (glass, leaking absorbers, leaking joints) should be taken into account. Also the function of heat exchangers should be controlled regularly for avoiding too high collector temperatures. Additionally, some refill procedures for the case of blow-down due to power failure must be accounted for. In all, good functioning plants report maintenance costs being less than 5% of the annuity, i.e. less than 80 000 SEK in the case for Romberga. Probably the system Alternative B based on many small systems will exhibit higher maintenance costs than the system for Alternative A with three larger systems. 52 Costs for collector allocation Costs for allocation of ground and roofs are difficult to determine in this stage. They are depending on the local presumptions and type of contracts and maybe even political measures. Ground close to cities can be very valuable and practically not available for solar collectors. Roof placement on the other hand calls for legislative or administrative regulations if no co-operating building owners are found. Examples from Germany and Austria show that negotiations between utilities and building owners can lead to a fruitful co-operation and to gratuitous use of roof surfaces for solar collector implementation. In any case, the repair and restoration of roofs in the case of demounting of collectors must be regulated and will need some amount to be reserved for this purpose (se also Chpt. 8.4). 53 8 Implementation strategies For implementation of solar systems into a heat distribution network there are no simple truths or guidelines that will easily apply without at first evaluating the existing system boundaries. 8.1 Heat distribution It is of great importance that a thorough study of the heat distribution network is done before considering this kind of solar system implementation. The study should include the production capacity and production mix, but also pipe lengths and dimensions, geography, standard of the existing distribution pipes and temperatures in the heat distribution network during the year. A value to reflect upon is the degree hours. The lower the value of the degree hours, the more efficient the solar systems will prove to be. The production mix is also of importance, as the solar systems themselves will be production units. Some of the questions to answer are: • How will the existing main production unit for the summer period function together with the solar systems? • What other production mix might be considered? • How does these alternatives look on an economical basis? • How does this affect the company policies, such as future investments, energy planning, environmental issues, etc? • Is there an accumulator tank already available in the heat distribution network that can be used for solar applications? • Are decentralised solar systems favourable when regarding the geographical conditions of the networks? 8.2 Solar heating system The technical aspect of the solar system is not of a major concern here, though important. The solar technology itself has been used for more than 30 years, and the different systems used today have all pretty much been standardised. Important for this kind of use, however, is the control of the heat delivery from the solar system to the heat distribution network. Preferably the distribution pump for the solar system should be frequency controlled, so as to maintain a “set temperature” of heat delivery to the heat distribution network. A review of certified solar collectors is available at SP Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut (Swedish Test- and Research Institute). The web page address is shown below: 54 Other important issues to reflect upon regarding solar implementation strategies are the heat distribution network planning, the possible solar heat production, existing production units and approximate costs for implementation. Depending on heat distribution network size the implementation ratio from 0-100% will vary in time. For each specific network a project plan based on system parameters and economic calculations must be made. In short, this project plan can be simplified into three different implementation stages, system with low solar fraction, successive transition to higher solar fraction and system with high solar fraction. 1. P > 30% Figure 42: 3. 2. P 30-70% P < 70% Implementation scenarios. 1. System with low solar fraction, 2. Successive transition to higher solar fraction, 3. System with high solar fraction. 8.2.1 System with low solar fraction First stage solar implementation usually does not affect the already existing production units in the heat distribution network at any greater range. If an accumulator tank is available in the system, it can be used to obtain calmer operation criteria. This must of course be evaluated for each specific heat distribution network. The best-case scenario at this point is to use the largest available roof areas to build 1-3 solar collector systems, obtaining a solar fraction of 10-30%. Larger solar system will decrease investment costs and allow for a god evaluation of the solar system operation in the heat distribution network. 8.2.2 Successive transition to higher solar fraction The transition to higher solar fraction is likely the stage to have most negative impact on existing production units. Increasing the solar fraction from 30% to 70% will force the other production unit(s) to work on part-load, thus decreasing its efficiency with increasing costs. It is likely that the main production unit for the summer period here must be replaced with a smaller production unit. The solar implementation ratio at this stage is therefore very much dependent on the kind of production units available in the district-heating network to match the solar production. As heat delivery from solar systems during transition to higher solar fraction during daytime will increase to exceed the heat demand, an accumulator tank must be available to store excess heat. 8.2.3 System with high solar fraction When solar fraction reaches more than 70% the main summer production unit in most cases must be replaced with smaller units. In this stage, the solar systems should cover all or most of the heat demand. 55 The accumulator tank must for the ‘high solar fraction’ scenario be big enough to store all excess heat during daytime. The small conventional production units are to work ‘more or less’ as backup systems only. As the solar systems now have become the ‘main production unit’, the heat distribution network is here most vulnerable for solar system failure, either technical problems or due to lack of insolation. Because of this solar dependence, conventional production units must still be available as backup systems. Access time of these units is dependent of heat demand and accumulator size. 8.3 Heat storage 8.3.1 Centralised or decentralised storage The basic concept of the solar district heating system proposed in this paper is the direct supply pipe connection of the solar heating system via the service pipe of a building. Roughly 30% of the daily summer load can be supplied without heat storages, at larger solar fractions, heat storage must be used. Depending on the size of the building roof and the purpose of the building (industry, dwelling, a.o.) an existing service pipe is used or an additional solar service pipe has to be built. In most cases, the summer load is hot water and heat losses. Excess solar heat from an individual solar collector system is fed out to the net to other users and to the storage. In the evening, the heat is supplied by the central storage or by the auxiliary system. An alternative way would be to have one or several local storages at the solar production units. This could reduce the dimensions of service pipe connections. We can look at the two alternatives for Romberga and see if such a design is worthwhile. In Alternative A, we have three systems, one producing roughly 70% and the other 15% each of the total load. The internal hot water consumption at the load (industry) of the 70% system is assumed small compared to the total load. Through the existing service pipe about 40% of the produced energy can be supplied to the net, the remaining part should be stored in a new storage at the site. The necessary storage size would be about 300 m³ to be constructed at a cost of roughly 500 000 SEK. The remaining size of the central storage would then be 450m³ to be built at a cost of 650 000 SEK. Hence the sum of both storages is 150 000 SEK higher than the cost of a single central storage. This difference has to be compared with the costs of a new service pipe to be estimated to 76 000 SEK for a length of 20 m. Hence there is no economical reason for building decentralised storages (in Romberga the question is hypothetical because a central storage already exists). A similar reasoning can be done for the smaller system at 15%. In this case about 50% of the daily energy production have to be stored in a 50 m³ storage at a cost of 140 000 SEK. The remaining costs of a central storage (700 m³) would be ca. 900 000 SEK. The extra costs of the service pipes were given to 56 000 SEK and since the central storage with 750 m³ was estimated to ca 1 MSEK, both measures are economically about equal, if no storage is available. For Alternative B, the arguments are different since there are no costs for service pipes. Instead, we have 15 systems with different loads, the largest being that of an industry building with a service pipe connection of DN 100. Most of the industrial loads 56 of energy will be consumed during daytime and hence no large storage for own use will be necessary. This is different for multifamily buildings, where large DHW consumptions are expected in the morning and evening hours were no solar heat is available. Because detailed load figures are not available, we make an estimate on average basis. Splitting up the total storage volume of 750 m³ on 15 local storages of 50 m³ will result in costs of 140 000 per storage or ca 2,1 MSEK totally, i.e. twice the costs of a single large storage. Hence, the only reason for building local storages is to satisfy wishes from the building owner and his customers for prioritised use of the solar energy produced on their own building. Although such desires can be judged to be irrational it should be taken seriously and result in information meetings with owners and customers were the different system aspects and involved costs should be discussed. It is of great importance that all partners are involved in the process of solar heating implementation and that the applied technology is widely accepted. Otherwise, solar energy systems will fail break-through due to other drawbacks such as disparity and nonregularity. 8.3.2 Comments on storage corrosion problems In the past, a number of unpressurised hot water storages have been built for solar heating systems (Zinko. 1996). The operation of such storages differ from that from the common hot water storages usually used in district heating plants for the reason that the charging temperature in solar heating systems very often is lower, i.e. around 60 to 80 C. That means that the common anti-corrosion method of applying a sustained protecting steam cushion on the top of the accumulator water for avoiding its contact with air oxygen by means of an electrical steam generator consumes a lot of energy at these low temperatures. In former projects, f.i. in Nykvarn and Falkenberg, corrosion occurred because the vapour generator was underdimensioned for this application (Nilsson/Schroeder, 1996, Nilsson/Schroeder, 1998) at lower temperatures. In these installations, the problem was tried to be solved by using a specially designed water-siphon airlock, which, however, was not functioning properly. Therefore, the steam cushion was replaced by a nitrogen cushion. The nitrogen can be generated from air by semi-permeable membranes or by air liquefaction systems. In both systems electrical work must be applied. The amount of energy used depends on the amount of nitrogen that has to be added to the storage (thermal expansion of the water and in- and outtake of water implies varying water levels during the day). Nowadays, the storages at Falkenberg and Nykvarn are reported to work satisfyingly. For smaller storages, another method for anticorrosion is used. Thermally resistant oil is put on the top of the water preventing air contact. In this case it is very important that this water- and oil levels remain undisturbed in order to avoid that the oil is mixed into the water. This protection has been working successfully in several smaller storages (Dahm, 1994; Zinko/Hahn, 1994), but eventually problems with cooking occurred in Särö, the protecting layer was destroyed, leading to corrosion problems. In the case of Romberga and other district heating applications, these problems must be observed, because the storage combines both district heating and solar heating functions. Possible ways are protection of the storage by a combined system, steam and nitrogen cushion4, which probably has higher investment and lower operating 4 ) Steam cushion in winter operation at higher district heating temperatures and nitrogen during summer operation 57 costs, or by means of a nitrogen cushion solely, which probably, has higher operating costs. The best solutions to this problem need to be investigated in further detailed studies. 8.4 The market potential The market potential for solar heating in Sweden was investigated in number of studies. Two recent studies were parts of international studies within EU projects (Sun in Action (Rodititi, 1996) and APAS (Zinko, Bjärklev, Margen, 1996) and another one was performed for Stockholm Energi (nowadays Birka Energi) (Zinko, 1998). In the APAS study, the Swedish market for district heating and block heating systems were investigated separately from the remaining market for multifamily buildings and single family houses. Table 9 shows a table for solar collectors for different applications and a possible market growth for Sweden (from Zinko, 1998). Table 9: Solar heating market in Sweden – Trends m² collectors Year Single family Multifamily houses houses Block heating and Pools district heating systems with diurnal storages Accumulated 1997 130 000 15 000 22 000 20 000 Sales/Yr 1998 4 000 1 500 1 000 1 000 -”- 2000 5 500 -”- 2005 * -”Accumulated 2 200 1 400 1 000 14 500 5 500 3 600 1 500 2010 * 35 500 13 500 9 000 2 000 2010 * 320 000 85 000 70 000 45 000 *) Prognoses The market potential for block heating and district heating in Sweden has been analysed in the APAS-study, judged to be interesting only for such applications where oil or other expensive summer fuel is used. Totally the solar heating potential was found to be roughly 8 TWh/year technically and 0,6 TWh for practical limiting reasons, including roof access. According to the selection criteria applied in this study, we do not feel that roof access is a real limitation except in large city centres; therefore, we dare to increase the practical potential to be around 1TWh/year. Although this figure represents only a small fraction of the total supplied heat for district heating and block centrals, the potential corresponds to ca. 2,5 millions m² solar collectors or 10 times the total collector volume in Sweden 1997. On the other hand, according to Table 9, the economic market for solar district heating and block heating systems is expected to grow only slowly, for various reasons. One reason is economic, solar heat has to compete with heat from biomass heating plants and co-generation systems. In the future – with an increasing international energy market and reduced nuclear capacity it will be of interest to produce electricity in biomass fuelled co-generation plants delivering heat at marginal costs. The costs of 58 biomass-based heat are only a fraction of that of solar heating (see Chapt. 7). It is therefore difficult to see that solar energy will be an important energy source for district heating in the next decade. Another reason is system technical, i.e. that solar heating with diurnal storage only can deliver 5 – 10% of the annual energy of a given system. This is not a disadvantage in itself, but the problem is that solar energy with diurnal storage cannot deliver primary energy and therefore always needs to be back-upped even in summer time. However, there are two possibilities for giving solar energy a more important role within the energy system: a) Combine solar energy with biomass heating plants and an auxiliary (bio-)oil or electrical heater b) construct solar heating plants with seasonal storage – this will convert secondary heat to primary heat. In the case a) solar heating can take over the heating during the summer period, let's say June until August, with a solar fraction of about 70 – 80% for this period. Hence, the annual contribution of electricity or oil will be relatively low. In the case b) solar heating will be converted into primary energy by means of a seasonal storage. Sweden was during the 1980-ies the principal country for R&D in seasonal energy storage, demonstrating the technical feasibility of it. But it became clear that seasonal storages add another economical burden on the costs for delivered energy, increasing the costs for delivered solar heat by 50 to 100%, depending on plant size and storage technology. However, in a longer perspective it can be expected that more complex local and regional energy systems will be built, storing heat from waste heat, biomass, cogeneration and solar heating plants into a common energy storage for both diurnal and seasonal load management, taking away the burden of storage heat from the solar heating system by letting it be part of a total energy system. 8.5 Access to roofs The concept of distributed solar heating plants feeding a common district heating net is based on the idea that buildings are the most common and widely available carriers of solar collector systems. In the tradition of the northern countries, large-scale solar heating plants have so far mostly been used for ground installation of solar collectors. This might be a possibility at low solar development in rural areas and close to small Northern cities. However, on the European continent ground placement of collectors was never an option and so it will neither be in well-developed solar areas in Northern countries. The reason is that available ground is getting rare where people are living, whereas roofs are well available in living areas. Hence roof - and to some extent - wall surfaces should be considered as the primary support surfaces for solar collector systems in built environment. Because most of the buildings are existing we have to find ways of making roofs available for solar collector structures. In future new constructions, we are expecting that roofs will be built as 59 solar roofs, using the energy production for internal use or delivering energy to a common district heating or local net. In the APAS study (Zinko, Bjärklev, Margen, 1996) it was found that enough roof surfaces are available in Sweden and most of the other countries for supplying the needed energy even taking into account non-suitable surfaces, shading and other obstacles (such as monumental protection of buildings). However, placing solar collectors on roofs usually means some kind of interference on the existing protective roof structure and hence private house owners are not very keen to place their roofs at disposal for solar collectors to a third party. Besides fear for damages or leakages, also the problem of future restoration has to be considered. Therefore, some administrative and/or legislative ways have to be found regulating the conditions for which roofs can be used for solar collector placement. From experiences in Germany and Austria, it gets evident that participation of house owners and tenants in the process of planning and operating solar collector plants was the best way of getting acceptance for solar collector installations. People are getting familiar with the techniques and the operation of solar plants and very soon are converting scepticism towards a positive engagement. In general, the following possibilities for solar collector allocation to solar district heating with decentralised systems exist: a) The district heating company rents (contracts) the roofs of suitable buildings. In this case, the building owner and the tenants are making an agreement with the utility about the use of the roof for a limited time. The house owner and tenants may receive some kind of benefit such as a green label, a price guaranty or a solar discount for their involvement. Responsibility for interference and restoration are at the utility. b) The district heating company organises an open solar district heating project for voluntary participation. In this case the utility stands for technical information, design principles, model contracts, purchase support, etc. and guaranties a certain purchase rate for the delivered energy. The house owners can connect to the system whenever they want and in any size. In this latter case the house owner takes all responsibility for interference and restoration. c) The district heating company together with a group of interest, an association, etc., constructs a new local solar heating net. This case deals with a limited number of partners interested in a common, often well-defined project. In this case, there should not be a conflict of interest and all partners can sign an agreement contract sharing elements from a) and b) above. Future development In the future - with a strongly expanding solar market – solar district heating will be common and there will be a need for regulated and controlled roof contracting. Of course, one prerequisite is that solar energy can be an economic option in competition with other energy supply. In this case, we are expecting two trends: a) New buildings will be obliged by the building code to have solar roofs (factory made roofs built as solar collectors) and in certain cases even solar facades. 60 Such systems must not necessarily be used for district heating purposes; instead, the energy can be used in internal heating systems. b) In existing areas, suitable roofs can be reclaimed by law. Such a law will also regulate the question of compensation and of responsibility for eventual damages caused when installing or replacing solar collector systems. Generally, it is expected that house owners will see the possibility of making energy business out of available roof surfaces. 8.6 Environmental aspects There is no doubt that solar energy systems represent an important environmental potential, not only for the greenhouse problem but also generally in the respect of the use of limited natural resource such as fossil fuels. Solar energy should be principally used for replacing either electricity (which in Sweden is the case because domestic hot water is very often produced with electricity in summertime) or fossil fuels (which often is the case in block heating and sometimes in district heating nets). CO2- reduction By replacing other forms of energy, the produced solar heat is directly decreasing the corresponding amount of non-used energy, at the same time reducing the generation of a corresponding amount of CO2. From Table 10, the amount of CO2 for different energy replacements is shown. Table 10: Reduction of CO2 production by solar energy replacing other energy forms. 1 MWh solar energy reduces the following amount of CO2 emissions: Type kg CO2 Oil 280 Natural gas 200 Coal 330 Electricity (European condensation) coal 1000 In Sweden, oil is very often used in summer operation of block centrals and small district heating nets and hence solar energy can there make an important environmental contribution. On the other hand, Swedish electricity production in summer time is mostly based on hydropower and since water storage capacity is limited, the domestic environmental aspect of electricity replacement is not very important. However, in a number of years it is expected that the total European market is deregulated and that Swedish electricity is used on export for replacing continental coal condensation power. In this case each replaced MWh can be used on export and therefore save about 1000 kg CO2 emission. Hence, in this aspect, solar energy will play a very important role for reducing the climate problem of fossil fuels. Furthermore, CO2 emissions have also an economical aspect (the external costs of CO2 emissions for coal fired electricity are judged to be at least 50 SEK/MWh and some times up to 2000 SEK/MWh according to different studies Carlson (1999)). Therefore, it should be mentioned that these costs have to be added to the respective energy 61 costs when compared with the costs of solar energy. In this aspect, solar energy can already today be found economically competitive in many applications. The only problem is that these costs are not paid by the consumers of fuels or electricity, but by the society as a whole in form of taxes, costs of damages, insurances and costs for building and ground restoration. It is expected that the 21st Century will see a change of the economical assessment of environmental and social impacts and of the uses of limited natural resources. Internal energy use Some times, the argument is used that solar energy needs a lot of energy for its production, part of it in the production of system components and part of it by collecting the dispersed energy. None of it is true. In several studies, (a.o. Hohemeyer (1990)), the internal energy use of solar energy has been investigated. It was found that solar thermal energy production in collector systems has an energy payback time of 0,5 to maximal 1 year. Hence, with a demonstrated lifetime of 20 years and anticipated lifetime of at least 30 years for well-developed systems, the useful energy output of a collector is reduced by only a few percents. However, pumping energy must be used. As for solar district heating systems, this energy was found to depend on the system size. Smaller systems use higher pumping power (per produced kWh) than larger systems. However, the energy consumption for the heat production/distribution system is not a peculiar solar problem but holds for all distribution (except that smaller solar pumps need more power than large central distribution pumps). In a rough estimate we can assign half of the solar distribution energy and the whole energy of the solar circulation pump (from the solar circuit) to the solar heating system. For Romberga the total electricity consumption was estimated to be about 50 MWh/year, taking into account only 50% of the solar distribution energy will result totally in about 30 MWh/yr operating energy attributable to a system producing about 3 000 MWh/yr solar energy. Hence, the internal energy use for solar energy production is practically negligible. 8.7 Recommendations and conclusions Heat distribution systems are a product of the geographical location, existing infrastructure and heat demand, and although they are all ‘distribution systems’, they cannot easily be categorised. They have all different means of producing and distributing energy. Each heat distribution system must be evaluated separately to obtain optimal function. As they have one common factor, to supply their customers with heat, some rules of thumb can be declared concerning implementation of decentralised solar systems into the existing heat distribution network. 62 A thorough system analysis must be performed on the heat distribution network. This should cover the system: • • • • • • • • • network status network dynamics geography production units production strategies accumulator tanks heat demand temperatures flow rates As these above specified parameters are known, a possible solar implementation can be addressed concerning: • • • • • • • available roof area technical data of suitable solar collectors geographical solar insolation solar collector system maximum achievable solar fraction solar implementation strategy economical calculations These parameters are all essential for a solar system implementation to take place, however, a less-thorough study might prove sufficient enough to evaluate the possibility of this kind of project. One must also take into consideration that this type of project, with an implementation task from 0-100% of the summer loads might have a project time of approximately 10-20 years. During this time energy strategies, economy and techniques of solar heating can drastically change. However, we believe that this change will be rather to the advantage of solar heating systems. 63 By summarising, we can notice the following general facts about distributed solar district heating systems: • Distributed solar heating plants suitably localised in different branches of the net can complete existing district heating systems. • A suitable and straightforward connection is as a production system between return and supply pipe. • Collector systems can be placed on suitable horizontal or inclined roofs. • For smaller solar collector areas, the solar heating system can be connected via the existing service pipes. • If large roof areas for solar collectors, f. i. from industrial buildings, are available, a new service pipe with increased dimension is worth to be constructed. • If a central storage exists, smaller decentralised storages are normally not economic to construct. • If no central storage exists, the construction of one or two storages is more economic than the construction of a larger number of smaller building-located storages. • In the summer months, a large amount of the load is distribution of heat losses levelling out the domestic hot water peaks. • Roughly one third of the daily summer load can be supplied without storages. • In the case without storage, roughly another 10% of the load can be stored in the return pipe, but depending on the location of the solar heating systems and loads, the risk exists that solar heated water returns to the solar heating plants, decreasing their efficiency considerably. At right design of the solar collector circuit, no other operational risk exists in this case. • At higher solar fractions, storage must be used. • 100% summer load corresponds in Sweden to 5 - 10% annual load depending on the load profile and size of district heating systems. Usually in smaller systems, a higher annual solar fraction can be achieved compared to larger systems. • Larger solar fractions can be achieved with partial seasonal storages, however, these storages must be considerably larger than those discussed in this paper. • A rule of thumb is that for each nominal MWth of the district heating system (winter design load) there will be 0,1 – 0,2 MWth summer load corresponding to 2,5 – 5,0 MWh daily energy supply. • Therefore, 1 design-MWth allows the installation of about 500 – 1000 m² solar collectors, depending on system size and load distribution. • A solar heating system for diurnal storage will cost about 6 – 8 SEK per kWh annually produced solar heat, storage costs not included. • The size of the storage is depending on the solar fraction, i.e. on the state of implementation. For 100% solar summer load, the storage volume should be about 0,1 m³ per m² solar collector. 64 References Carlsson, A. (1999). 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Mätcentralen, Chalmers University. Roditi, D. (1996). Sun in Action. The solar thermal market. A strategic plan for action in Europe. European Solar Industry Federation. Schroeder, K. and P. Isakson. (1994). Central Solar Heating Plant with diurnal Storage in Falkenberg. BFR, R23:1993. Zinko, H. and T. Hahn. (1994). The high Temperature (95°) Water Pit Storage of Malung. ZW-94/03. Zinko, H. and J-O Dalenbäck. (1996). Solvärmeteknik – Underlag för Byggforskningsrådets forskningsprogram 1997-99. (Solar Heating Technique - Basis for the research Programme of the Swedish Council for Building Research). BFR, G11:1996. Zinko, H. (1996). Säsongssvärmelager i Sverige. (Seasonal heat storages in Sweden). ZW Energiteknik, ZW-96/05. Zinko, H. (1996). Solvärmeanläggning i Henån – Fördjupad förstudie. (Solar Heating Plant in Henån – Deeper pre-design study). ZW Energiteknik, ZW-96/11. 65 Zinko, H., J. Bjärklev and P Margen. (1996). The Market Potential for Solar Heating Plants in some European Countries. APAS. ZW Energiteknik, ZW 96/16. Zinko, H. (1997). CEC-Thermie B: The Solar Heating Market. ZW Energiteknik, ZW-97/07. Zinko, H. (1998). Solvärmemarknaden i Sverige – En studie för Stockholm Energi AB. (The Solar Heating Market in Sweden – A study for Stockholm Energi AB). ZW Energiteknik, ZW-98/07. Zinko, H., L. Eriksson and V. Brost. (1998). Hammarby Sjöstad, Sickla Udde - Förprojektering (Pre-design study). ZW Energiteknik, ZW-98/09. Zinko, H. (1999). CEC-Thermie B: Solar Heating in Nothern and Central Europe. Final report. ZW Energiteknik, ZW-99/12. 66 1800m² K27 mfhs(sn) 719kW half of the roof area nodes pipes, which are connected to costumer main pipes costumer typ of costumer max power ν length of track 67 K29 ind 351kW 0 ∅5 8 2 ν 9 6 2c ν ∅ 50 1320m² ∅ 29 28 27 2a ∅ ∅1 32 K26 ind 70kW ν 1 58 ig 2 352m² Zwe 72 00 ν 2b 1 ν 48 ∅ 250 0ν 52 Feed point ∅8 1a 23 ν 3e 25 ∅ 250 ν 120 K1 ind 575kW 0 ν 196 ∅ 80 ν 168 K20 efh 110kW 896m² K22 sk(sn) 444kW K21 efh 110kW ν 28 3d 26 896m² ∅8 4 24 3f ν 1 0 1800m² K3 ind 210kW 32 3a ∅ ν 55 4800m² 5 6 4a ν 2 0 7 8 K4 ind 81kW 792m² 648m² K5 ind 205kW 132 ∅250 ν K17 efhs 309kW K18 efhs 165kW ∅50 ν 1000 (∅100 ν 20/4/20) 20 ν 50 19 21 ν 87 3h ∅32 384m² K2 ind 575kW K25 efhs 161kW 54 ∅ 80 ν 22 K19 efhs 161kW 3b ν 44 ∅65 ν 8 2 0 ν 3 4b 3 1b ν 20 3g 26 ig 3 792m² 0 K28 ind 318kW K19 zfh 115kW K23 efhs 318kW ∅80 ν 30 ∅ diameter 19 4 ν 3 ∅ 80 ν Zwe ν 40 65 4 ν 3 Zweig 4 ν 18 976m² 712m² 9 K15 mfhs 405kW K6 ind 387kW 0 Zwe ig 1 7 48 10 26 3c ν 64 1104m² K16 mfhs 485kW 6d ν 10 5 ∅6 0 3 16 608m² K7 ind 206kW 1d ν ν 56 ∅3 2 ν ∅ 50 ν 4 5 ∅6 17 ν 60 11 448m² K8 ind 143kW 12 15 ν 58 17 ∅ 100 ν 5 ∅6 2 4 ν 0 ν 140 6c 3 ν 1 ∅2 0 0 ν 1 3 6 5a 0 6 50 0 14 13 5760m² K12 ind 988kW 510m² K13 ind 94kW ∅ 250 ν 138 ∅1 ν 1 46 ig 5 00 Zwe 560m² K10 ind 69kW ∅ 100 ν 60 ∅ 32 ν 40 5b ν 145 6a 6b ∅65 Zw eig ∅1 3 ν 1 ν2 4 ∅ 15 K14 mfhs(sn) 4778kW K9 foom 750kW K11 foom 1250kW Appendix A - DH Network scheme for Romberga ν 22 ∅4 0 ν 6 4 1c Appendix B: Scheme for connection of solar heating plants to district heating networks (return-supply connection). I ett ekologiskt och ekonomiskt uthålligt samhälle är det naturligt att fjärrvärme och kraftvärme utgör dominerande delar av den energiförsörjning som kunderna efterfrågar Svenska Fjärrvärmeföreningen • 101 53 Stockholm • Telefon: 08-677 25 50 • Fax: 08-677 25 55 Besöksadress: Olof Palmes gata 31, 6 tr • E-post: [email protected] •