ICWSR VIENNA 2015 August 25-28, 2015 VIENNA, AUSTRIA SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Prof. Dr. Numan ARUÇ, Macedonia Science and Art Academy, MACEDONIA Prof. Dr. Peter HAIDER, Vienna Universal Peace Federation, AUSTRIA Prof. Dr. Thomas DREW BEAR, Lyon University, FRANCE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fuat BOYACIOĞLU, Selcuk University, European Center Research and Application Center, TURKEY Selçuk ÖZTÜRK, Chair of Konya Chamber of Commerce, TURKEY Mevlüt BULUT, Yunus Emre Institute, Manager of Vienna Branch, AUSTRIA COMMITTEES CHAIRMAN OF ICWSR’2015 Prof. Dr. Ramazan YELKEN, Selcuk University, TURKEY GENERAL COORDINATOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necmi UYANIK, Selcuk University, TURKEY COORDINATOR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Deniz AŞCI, Selcuk University, TURKEY CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT Inst. Yusuf DEMİR, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Inst. Menşure AŞCI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Inst. Güngör TOPLU, Selcuk University, TURKEY Res. Assist. Süleyman UZKUÇ, Selcuk University, TURKEY Res. Assist. Fatih Numan KÜÇÜKBALLI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Res. Assist. Rıza ÖZBÖLÜK, Selcuk University, TURKEY VICE-COORDINATOR OF ICWSR’2015 Inst. Mustafa ZENGİNBAŞ, Selcuk University, TURKEY ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Adnan KADRİÇ, Sarajevo University Oriental Institute, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Prof. Dr. Anisoara POPA, Danubius University, ROMANIA Prof. Dr. Benjamin FORTNA, London University, ENGLAND Prof. Dr. Bilal KUŞPINAR, Necmettin Erbakan University, International Rumi Center for the Study of Civilizations, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Hayati DEVELİ, President of Yunus Emre Institute, TURKEY Prof. Dr. İsa BLUMİ, Georgia State University, USA Prof. Dr. Mustafa GENCER, Abant İzzet Baysal University, TURKEY TECHNICAL STAFF Musa Selman KUNDURACI, Selcuk University, TURKEY 1 HONORARY COMMITTEE alphabetical order) (The lists are written Prof. Dr. A. Kazım ÜRÜN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Alaaddin AKÖZ, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Alikram ABDULLAYEV, The Academy of Public Administration, AZERBAIJAN Prof. Dr. Âlim GÜR, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Alymjan ZAKİROV, International Atatürk Alatoo University, KYRGYZSTAN Prof. Dr. Anisoara POPA, Danubius University, ROMANIA Prof. Dr. Anvarbek MOKEEV, KYRGYZSTAN Prof. Dr. Ayşe ÇAĞLAR Vienna University, AUSTRIA. Prof. Dr. Aytekin CAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Azmi ÖZCAN, Bilecik University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Azmi SÜSLÜ, Ankara University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Babahan Muhammed ŞERİF, Taşkent University, UZBEKISTAN Prof. Dr. Benjamin FORTNA, SOAS, London University, ENGLAND Prof. Dr. Bilal KUŞPINAR, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Birol AKGÜN, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Bülent ÇUKUROVA, Çukurova University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Charles WILKINS, Wake Forest University, USA Prof. Dr. Claus SCHÖNİG, Freie University Berlin, GERMANY Prof. Dr. Derya ÖRS, Yıldırım Beyazit University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Dritan EGRO, ALBANIA History Institute, Center of Albanology Studies, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Dorhan KHIDIRALİ, Turkish Academy, KAZAKHSTAN Prof. Dr. Edmond DRAGOTİ, Tiran University, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Eun, Kyung OH, Dongduk Women’s University, SOUTH KOREA Prof. Dr. Evangelia BALTA, National Helleearnic Resch Foundation, GREECE in Prof. Dr. Abdüsselam ULUÇAM, Rector of Batman University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andy PUSCA, Rector of Danubius University, ROMANIA Prof. Dr. Azmi ÖZCAN, Rector of Bilecik University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Hakkı GÖKBEL, Rector of Selcuk University, TURKEY Muammer EROL, Governer of Konya, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ŞEKER, Rector of Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Selçuk ÖZTÜRK, Chair of Konya Chamber of Commerce, TURKEY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (The lists are written in alphabetical order) Prof. Dr. Abdılcan AKMATALİYEV, Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, KYRGYZSTAN Prof. Dr. Abdüsselam ULUÇAM, Batman University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Abid HALİM, Jamia Millia İslamia University, INDIA Prof. Dr. Adem ÖĞÜT, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Adnan KADRİÇ, Sarajevo University, Oriental Institute, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Prof. Dr. Adnan VELAGIĆ, Mostar Dzemal Bijedic University, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÇAYCI, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Ahmet KALENDER, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Ahmet YAMAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY 2 Prof. Dr. M. Akif ÇUKURÇAYIR, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. M. Akif ERDOĞRU, Ege University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Mahir HOTİ, İşkodra University, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Mehmet Engin DENİZ, Düzce University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Mehmet KIRBIYIK, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZDEN, Hacettepe University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Mevlüt ÇELEBİ, Ege University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Miaser DİBRA, Arnavut University, Art Institute, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Michel BALİVET, Province University, FRANCE Prof. Dr. Mijat JOCOVIC, Podgorica Ekonomi Faculty, MONTENEGRO Prof. Dr. Milivoje RADOVIC, Podgorica Ekonomi Faculty, MONTENEGRO Prof. Dr. Muhabbet KURBANOVA, Mirza Uluğbek University, UZBEKISTAN Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad KAW, Kashmir University, INDIA Prof. Dr. Mustafa DEMİRCİ , Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Mustafa YILMAZ, Hacettepe University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Nazmi MALİÇİ, Fon University, MACEDONIA Prof. Dr. Necdet HAYTA, Gazi University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Nergiz ALIYEVA, Azerbaijan Academy of National Sciences, AZERBAIJAN Prof. Dr. Nikos P. TERZİS, Aristotle University, GREECE Prof. Dr. Numan ARUÇ, Macedonia Science ve Art Academy, MACEDONIA Prof. Dr. Parviz ABOLGASSEMİ, Province University, FRANCE Prof. Dr. Raif PARLAKKAYA, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Recep DUYMAZ, Trakya University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Ferhad TURANLI, Kiev Mohila Academy, UKRAINE Prof. Dr. Ferid MUHİÇ, Üslüp Kiril ve Metot University, MACEDONIA Prof. Dr. Ferit DUKA, Tiran Avrupa University, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Furkan AHMED, Jamia Millia İslamia University, INDIA Prof. Dr. GP SHARMA, Jamia Millia İslamia University, INDIA Prof. Dr. Gheorghe ONİSORU, Stefan Cel Mare University, Romania Prof. Dr. Géza DAVİD, Elte Török Tanszék Budapest Múzeum, HUNGARY Prof. Dr. Gëzim TUSHİ, Tiran University, ALBANIA Prof. Dr. Hajime TAKAMIZAWA, Josai International University, JAPAN Prof. Dr. Hale ŞIVGIN, Gazi University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Haluk Hadi SÜMER, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Hans Walter SCHMUHL, Bielefeld University, GERMANY Prof. Dr. Hasan BAHAR, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI, METU University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ, George Mason University, USA Prof. Dr. Iordan Gheorghe BARBULESCU, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania Prof. Dr. İbrahim S. CANBOLAT, Uludağ University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. İsa BLUMİ, Georgia States University, USA Prof. Dr. Jennifer D. KEENE, One University Drive Orange, USA Prof. Dr. John T. OPLINGER, Maine University, USA Prof. Dr. Judith SPENCER, Alberta University, CANADA Prof. Dr. Kerima FİLAN, Sarajevo University, BOSNIAHERZEGOVINA Prof. Dr. Köksal ALVER, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Kübra ALIYEVA, AZERBAİJAN Academy of National Sciences, AZERBAIJAN 3 Prof. Dr. Rizwan QUAİSER, Jamia Millia İslamia University, INDIA Prof. Dr. S. Esin DAYI , Atatürk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. S. Waleck DALPOUR, Maine University, USA Prof. Dr. Serbo RASTODER, Montenogra University, MONTENEGRO Prof. Dr. Shaislam AKMOLOV, UZBEKISTAN Prof. Dr. Şahin AKINCI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Temuçin Faik ERTAN, Ankara University, TURKEY Prof. Dr. Thomas DREW BEAR, Lyon University, FRANCE Prof. Dr. Władysław WITALISZ, Jagiellonian University, POLONIA Prof. Dr. Zeyniddin KURMANOV, Kyrgyz Republic Foreign Ministry Academy of Diplomacy, KYRGYZSTAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman ÖZKAN, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agim BAÇİ, Elbasan Aleksandër Xhuvani University, ALBANIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet CUMA, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DALKIRAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ŞİMŞEK, Sakarya University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali BÜYÜKASLAN , Marmara University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali TEMİZEL, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berdi SARIYEV, Ankara University, TURKMENISTAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birol GÜLNAR, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bünyamin AYHAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caner ARABACI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dijana HADŽIZUKIĆ, Mostar Dzemal Bijedic University, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitris MAVROSKOUFİS, Aristotle University, GREECE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elçin EHMEDOV, The Academy of Public Administration, AZERBAIJAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvira ĆEMALOVIĆ-DILBEROVIĆ, Mostar Dzemal Bijedic , BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enderhan KARAKOÇ, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan KUNANİŞBAYEV, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, KAZAKHSTAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertan ÖZENSEL, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferudun ATA, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina MISKINIENE, Vilnius University, LITHUANIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gasan ALİYEV, Abılahan International Relations and World Languages University, KAZAKHSTAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huziie HIROAKİ, Osaka University, JAPAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin MUŞMAL, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hysamedin FERRAJ, Tiran University, ALBANIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim BOZKURT, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim ŞİRİN, Kocaeli University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal ÖZCAN, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Ali HACIGÖKMEN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet TEKOCAK, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin AKSOY, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mimoza PRİKU, İşkodra University, ALBANIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat ÇEMREK, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa TOKER, Selcuk University, TURKEY 4 Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Sabiroviç NİYAZOV, St. Petersburg State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION Assoc. Prof. Dr. Naile HACIZADE, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necmi UYANIK, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuriye BİLİG, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman KUNDURACI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇAKIR, Karatekin University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahman ADEMİ, Yunus Emre Institute, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Renetta GOFAROVA, Ardahan University, CRIMEA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabri Tevfik HAMMAM, Sohag University, EGYPT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyit YÖRE , Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan GÖNEN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susran Erkan EROĞLU, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şener BİLALİ, Uluslararası Balkan University, MACEDONIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Deniz AŞCI, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zekeriya MIZIRAK, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zubaida Shadkam, El-Farabi University, KAZAKHSTAN Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah ŞİMŞEK, Kopenhag University, DENMARK Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sami ELAYDY , Ain Şams University, EGYPT Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ATALAY, Artvin Çoruh University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali BAYKAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Arif Behiç ÖZCAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Ece SARIGÜL, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. İbrahim KUNT, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih BERK , Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ARIKAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÇETİNASLAN, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZTÜRK, Akdeniz University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Yaşar ERDEMİR, Selcuk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Zekeriya ŞİMŞİR, Necmettin Erbakan University, TURKEY Dr. Ayda ERBAL, New York University, USA Dr. Dinera MURZAEVA, Manas University, KYRGYZSTAN Dr. Enise ABİBULLA, Crimea Engineering and Pedagogy University, CRIMEA Dr. Fatima HOCİN , Aya Kiril and Metody University, MACEDONIA Dr . Hatem CABBARLI, Azerbaijan National Assembly Analytic Institute, AZERBAIJAN Dr. İlmira GÜL, UZBEKISTAN Dr. Lisa BYDANOVA, Universityof Burgundy, France Centre international d’études pédagogiques, CIEP, FRANCE Dr. Oleksandr SREDA, Kiev Mohila Academy, UKRAINE Dr. Tatiana STORA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION KEYNOTE SPEAKERS PROF. DR. BİLAL UNIVERSITY, TURKEY 5 KUŞPINAR, NECMETTİN ERBAKAN PROF. DR. İLHAN ÇAĞIRGAN, AKDENİZ UNIVERSITY , TURKEY PROF. DR. ROMANIA ANISOARA POPA, DANUBIUS UNIVERSITY, A slide projector and a computer will be available in the presentation rooms. Each presenter will have 10 minutes for his/her presentation and 5 minutes for discussions. Conference Information Conference Date The ICWSR’2015 – Vienna conference is held between August 2528, 2015. Poster Presentations Poster should be prepared according to the poster template (80 cm width and 120 cm height). The poster presenters are kindly requested to stand in front of their own posters during the Conference Venue The Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront Hotel Convention Center in Vienna, Austria. poster sessions to answer arising questions. The posters should be hanged/withdrawn by the presenters. Language The official language of the conference is English. Conference Web site Further information and updates about the conference can be found at Contact: [email protected] [email protected] About Presentations : The content and language used in the abstracts are under the responsibility of respective authors. If not necessary, no changes have been made on the abstracts due to ethical considerations. Oral Presentations 6 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 7 ORAL PRESENTATIONS WILL BE HELD BETWEEN AUGUST 25 – 28, 2015 PARALLEL TO POSTER SESSIONS ORAL PRESENTATIONS PROGRAMME 8 TUESDAY AUGUST 25, 2015 Start End 08:30 11:00 OPENING CEREMONY 11:00 18:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 9 Presentation Languages: ENG (ENGLISH), TUR (TURKISH), GER (GERMAN) HALL 5 AUGUST 25 Session Chair Start End Fuat BOYACIOĞLU Abstract No Authors 11:00 11:15 ENG 124 Fuat BOYACIOĞLU 11:15 11:30 TUR 418 Zahide ŞAHİN 11:30 11:45 ENG 127 Münevver AK 11:45 12:00 ENG 132 Refika ATALAY 12:00 12:15 ENG 181 Sertaç ARI 12:15 13:15 Title Contribution of Imperial Galatasaray High School/Mekteb-i Sultani (1868-1923) to Turkish-French Relations General Features And Place Of Kayseri Burma In Kayseri Folk Culture Assessment of the Challenges and Opportunities for Female Entrepreneurs in Turkey The Effect of Turkey's Energy Importation on the Current Deficit and Recommendations for Reducing the Energy Importation The Comparisons of Perceptions and Resistances of the Administrators About Management Information Systems at the Universities FREE TIME 10 AUGUST 25 HALL 4 HALL 5 Session Chair Aylin BARAN Mustafa ARSLAN Start End Abstract No Authors 13:15 13:30 TUR 261 Ali CİN 13:30 13:45 TUR 237 Ayşe ÇELEBİOĞLU 13:45 14:00 TUR 241 Melike GÖKCAN 14:00 14:15 TUR 371 Aylin BARAN, Nefise BULGU 14:15 14:30 TUR 332 Sanem BERKUN 14:30 15:00 Title From Old Turkish To Present The -La And -Lan Suffix At Eastern Origin Words In Turkish Classification of the Stories in Esrârnâme (The Book Of Mysteries) in Terms Of Themes Debates in Classical Turkish Literature And the Mesnevi of “Sword and the Pen” Assessment Of Productions Of Woman Directors And Producers In Turkey From Popular Culture Perspective How Much Does The Public Know About The E-State Services Of The Municipalities: The Case Of Bursa, Municipality Of Yildirim COFFEE BREAK 11 Abstract No Authors Title ENG 255 Mustafa ARSLAN Importance of Chemistry in Archaeological Studies ENG 323 Şükrü GÜVEN The Impact Of Social Medıa On Public Relations ENG 262 Çetin TOPUZ Competition Strategies Of Tour Operators: Horizontal And Vertical Integration ENG 168 Barış EMLEK, Ahmet Oğuz AKTÜRK A Study on the Question of Safe Internet Use Among University Students and Academics ENG 211 Erkan AKGÖZ Diversifying Touristic Products in Sustainable Tourism Destinations AUGUST 25 HALL 6 HALL 7 Session Chair Birol GÜLNAR Selda BULUT Start End Abstract No Authors Title Legal and Administrative Problems In National Park Areas “The Case of Küre Mountains National Park” Communication Styles In Loneliness And Social Networks 13:00 13:15 ENG 242 Sevgi ÖZTÜRK, Hakan ŞEVİK, Mehmet ÇETİN 13:15 13:30 ENG 324 Vedat ÇAKIR, Vesile ÇAKIR, Birol GÜLNAR 13:30 13:45 ENG 325 Vesile ÇAKIR, Vedat ÇAKIR 13:45 14:00 ENG 340 Ruhi GÜL, Birol GÜLNAR 14:00 14:15 ENG 246 Birol GÜLNAR, Mete KAZAZ, Vedat ÇAKIR 14:15 14:30 14:30 15:00 ENG 330 Metin ALLAHVERDİ The Role Of Self-Esteem And Self Image Congruity With The Ad Spokespersons In Ad Attitude Protection Of Culture Heritage And Effect Of Documentary Film In The Formation Of Social Consciousness: “Time In Safranbolu” Documentary Example Islamophobic News Framing on Turkish and World Televisons: The Cases of “Charlie Hebdo” and “Three Muslim Youths Murdered in The USA” The Place Of Agricultural Accounting In Accounting Education: A Turkey Sample COFFEE BREAK 12 Abstract No TUR 467 TUR 468 TUR 101 Authors Selda BULUT Emel YİĞİTTÜRK EKİYOR Hülya ÇAKIR Title A Research On ECommerce And Protecting Of Consumer’s Privacy An Indicative In The Presentation Of The Social Life: Protocol Rules In Turks In Our Recent History Written Press Image of Woman: “Life Magazine Case” The Context of Capitalist Producton Relations of Urbanization in Turkey an Alternative Reading Experience TUR 103 Tuğba METİN TUR 419 Ergün AKGÜN, Metin DEMİR Predicting Success; Artificial Neural Networks TUR 304 Avni Barış BARAZ, Emre EREN Corporate Reputation Paradigm: A Study On The Related Concepts AUGUST 25 HALL 4 HALL 5 Session Chair Start End Muhsine BÖREKÇİ Şebnem ASLAN 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:15 16:30 16:30 17:00 Abstract No TUR 306 TUR 170 Authors Title Muhsine BÖREKÇİ Reflection Of Syntax Problems On Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language Mustafa TOKER Abstract No Some Phonetic and Morphologic Characteristics Encountered in the Interlinear Translation of the Holy Qur'an Which is in Manisa Provincial Public Library with Registry Number 931 Sinan GÖNEN Relationship Between Turkish Proverbs With the Concept of Universal Justice TUR 339 Fatma YÜCEL The Effects Of The Literarily Texts Selection And Communicative Method On German Language Teaching TUR 104 Gülay APA KURTİŞOĞLU Entrance Doors in the Traditional Houses of Kirklareli ENG 466 İlyas Ferhat DEMİRBAŞ The EU In The World ENG 157 Authors Title ENG 438 Şebnem ASLAN, Demet AKARÇAY The Correlation Between Perceived Co-Worker And Supervisor Social Support On Organizational Socialization And Business Results ENG 429 Şerife DOĞAN, Sema ÖZ ENG 430 ENG 437 Mustafa GÜLER, Ömer URE ENG 214 Deniz Derya GEZER ENG 253 FREE TIME 13 Şerife DOĞAN Yalçın KAYA Traditional Bundle Culture In Konya Embroidered Prayer Rugs On Baise Clothes In Konya Evaluation Of Orientation Directive Applications In Primary Education According To The Views Of School Counselors Christianity of Khazars A Test Example for Measuring Efficiency Levels of Techniques Applied in Wrestlers AUGUST 25 HALL 6 HALL 7 Session Chair Start End Betül ASLAN Nurhan AYDIN Abstract No Authors 15:00 15:15 TUR 275 Betül ASLAN 15:15 15:30 ENG 183 Nuriye BAHÇE 15:30 15:45 ENG 440 Fatih VAROL, Ali ULVİ, Özlem TEKİN 15:45 16:00 ENG 441 Ali ULVI, Fatih VAROL 16:00 16:15 TUR 123 Huseyin İLERİ, Yasemin SOYLU, Yusuf Yalçın İLERİ 16:15 16:30 16:30 17:00 ENG 201 Arif Behiç ÖZCAN Title Abstract No Importance Of History Teaching In Developing International Understanding And Revision Of History Coursebooks The Contribution of Archaeozoology to the Science of Ancient History Using Alternative Methods For Conservation Of Tangible Cultural Heritage: An Application Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles In Astra Ancient City Using Laser Scanning Technique Towards The Protection Of Historical Sites In The Context Of Sustainable Tourism: Kizkalesi Case The Perspective of Accounting Professionals on the Factors Which Effect the Development of Professional Ethics Authors Title TUR 108 Nurhan AYDIN Sarikamiş Campaign: The Key Point of Caucus Front in The World War I TUR 140 Zekiye TUNÇ The Turkish Portrait of Woman According to Our Eposes and Epigrams TUR 182 Yeşim DİLEK The Contribution of Archeobotany to the Science of Ancient History TUR 389 Gökhan ALGAN Composer Of Yesâri Âsim Arsoy TUR 388 Gökhan ALGAN Life And Works Of Tanbûri Cemil Bey How Can Public Diplomacy Influence the Future of Turkish Foreign Policy? FREE TIME 14 AUGUST 25 HALL 4 HALL 5 Session Chair Start End Nuray KARACA Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN Abstract No Authors Title Abstract No A New Consumption Temple In An Eastern City: “Mall” 17:00 17:15 TUR 346 Sevil DEMİRAL 17:15 17:30 TUR 319 Nuray KARACA 17:30 17:45 TUR 312 Gülhan ATNUR 17:45 18:00 TUR 350 Funda KARA ENG 448 Different Woman Identities Articulated To Modernity Within Social Movements: Turkey Sample ‘Uncle’ (Mother’s Brother) In Turkish Culture The Importance Of Suprasegmental Voice Units In Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language 18:00 ENG 452 ENG 453 ENG 447 PROGRAMME ENDS 15 Authors Mustafa VURAL, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN, Adem CİVAN, Murat ERDOĞDU Adem CİVAN, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN, İbrahim BOZKURT, Danyal CANBOLAT Ramazan TOPUZ, Mehmet SEZEN, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN Title The Research Of Decision Making And Thinking Styles Of Sports Managers Working In The Central And Provincial Organizations Examination Of DecisionMaking Styles Of Sportsman And Sedentary High School Students Examination Of Self-Esteem Levels Of Sportsman And Sedentary High School Students The Study Of The Factors Which Affect The Passion Of Physical Education Teacher’s Teaching AUGUST 25 HALL 6 HALL 7 Session Chair Start End Mustafa AY Yasemin KILINÇARSLAN 17:00 17:15 Abstract No Authors ENG 449 Mustafa AY Ferhat ÜSTÜN, İ. Fatih YENEL 17:15 17:30 ENG 454 17:30 17:45 ENG 455 Elif ÜSTÜN, Atilla PULUR 17:45 18:00 ENG 451 Yusuf BARSBUĞA, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN Title Image Of Accounting Profession Among Vocational School Students Examination Of Organizational Silence Living Levels Of Administrators In Higher Education Institutions Giving Sports Education Mobbing Perception Levels Of Instructors In Higher Education Institutions Giving Sports Education Evaluation Of Performance Failure In Cadet And Junior Fencers 18:00 Abstract No Authors Title ENG 287 Yasemin KILINÇARSLAN Influences Of Animated Films On Child Psyche And Solicitation The Expectations Concerning Sales Assistants of Customers Shopping at Ready-To-Wear Shops TUR 227 TUR 348 Hüsna KOTAN The Importance Of Euphony In Teaching Turkish To The Strangers TUR 475 Mustafa ZENGİNBAŞ A Prehistoric Settlement in Konya: Sızma Mound PROGRAMME ENDS 16 Saliha AĞAÇ, Mücella BAYLAVLI, Hacer ÖLÇER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26, 2015 Start End 09:00 12:30 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 12:30 13:00 FREE TIME 13:00 18:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 17 AUGUST 26 Session Chair Start End 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 HALL 4 HALL 5 Gürsoy ŞAHİN Kadircan ÖZKAN Abstract No Authors Title TUR 125 Ahmet ALTINTAŞ Activities of the Ottoman Red Crescent Society in Hungary in the World War I ENG 152 ENG 153 ENG 129 TUR 109 TUR 184 TUR 110 TUR 300 Jale SÜMENGEN Comparing the English Language and the Turkish Language Ayşe ÇELİK The Impacts of the Cultural Differences on Turkish Students While Learning English Tuba İSHAKOĞLU Why Are We Suffering from Burnout as English Instructors? Feyza KURNAZ ŞAHİN Functions of The Ottoman Red Crescent Society Vienna Branch During The First World War and Its Effects on Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Communities Mehmet Fatih ASLAN Gürsoy ŞAHİN Gülsüm KIRBAŞ Rules of Conduct and the Change of Everyday-Life from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic Some Findings Regarding Balkanism: European Perspective To Balkan Nations In The Late Ottoman Period Derivational Suffixes Have A Zero Effect On The Meaning İn Nehcu’l-Feradis 18 Abstract No Authors Title ENG 187 Kadircan ÖZKAN Animal Characters (Metaphors) of Rumi’s Masnawi ENG 173 ENG 185 Emine ESİRGENLER Handmade Quilts of Konya Province in the Turkish Culture Gülay TEMİZ, Banu AKBAŞ The Examination of Empathy Levels of the Mothers Having Children of Ages 5-6 Who Continue the Preschool Education in Terms of Certain Variables The Relationship Between Globalisation And Sovereignty ENG 289 Selcen ERDAL TUR 158 Arda KARADAVUT The Usage of the Verb (Throw) in Turkish as Auxiliary Fatih Numan KÜÇÜKBALLI On the Morphological Structures Used in the Gazipaşa (ANTALYA) Dialect Nihan ÖZ The Similarities and Differences of the Historians Herodotus, Thucydides, Polibius, Ksenofon Funda SÖNMEZ Turkish Literature Of Gentrification: A Comparative And Critical Consideration Of Conceptual And Theoretical Presuppositions TUR 176 TUR 247 TUR 271 AUGUST 26 HALL 2 HALL 3 Session Chair Start End Kemal ÖZCAN Mustafa DEMIRCI 11:00 11:15 Abstract No ENG 102 Authors Title Kemal ÖZCAN The Laws on departation in The USSR after deportation of Crimean Tatars Abstract No 11:15 11:30 ENG 197 Ayşe YAŞAR UMUTLU The Contemporary Relevance of Herbert Spencer’s Understanding of Altruism 11:30 11:45 ENG 393 İbrahim KUNT ‘Hayru’l-Kelam’, Work Of Walad Chalabi 11:45 12:00 GER 401 Ali BAYKAN 12:00 12:15 ENG 380 Yılmaz İlker YORULMAZ, Hilal BİLGİN 12:15 12:30 ENG 180 Mehmet KONUK, Emine Nihan CICI KARABOĞA 12:30 13:00 Literary And Cultural Resources Of Turkish-Austria Relations The Views Of Pre-Service Teachers Participating In Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program Concerning To Critical Pedagogy An Empirical Research on Determining the Levels of Customer Satisfaction and the Levels of Re-preferability Towards Cargo Companies ENG 301 Anat Ben-PORAT Title Burnout Among Trauma Workers: What Makes The Difference? A Christian Woman In Seljuk Court And Capital Of Konya: Georgian Khatun (Gürcü Hatun) ENG 420 Mustafa DEMIRCI ENG 296 Fatma ATAKAN Art In The Early Republican Period: Cinema Sample ENG 310 Şefika ÖZMEN Mosul Subject Between 19221926 ENG 215 Ahmet ATALAY Danube Sea Trade Route and its Prominence For Austria FREE TIME 19 Authors AUGUST 26 HALL 4 HALL 5 Session Chair Start End Aytekin CAN Seyit YÖRE 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:15 11:30 11:45 Abstract No Authors ENG 297 Aytekin CAN, Faruk UĞURLU, Murat AYTAÇ TUR 363 Sedat BOSTAN, Esma YEŞİLÖZ, Taşkın KILIÇ, Fatma ÇİFTÇİ Title Abstract No Re-Reading The Communication Technologies In The Frame Of Determinist And Symptomatic Comprehension Conflict Management: A Sample Of The Health Sector EN NG 381 Nihat Murat BARTAN, Beraat AKPINAR Evaluation And Analysis Of Drug Addiction In Konya Example Lighting In Documentary Film: Example Project “Ninda, Bread Of Anatolia” Pear-Shaped Designs In Islamic Calligraphy Art 11:45 12:00 ENG 341 Kadir YALÇIN, Aytekin CAN 12:00 12:15 ENG 337 Fatih ÖZKAFA 12:15 13:00 Authors Title TUR 343 Seyit YÖRE The European Innovations In Ottoman Music Culture In The Context Of Musical Composition ENG 415 Mustafa ÇETİNASLAN Baba Sultan Complex And Its Graveyard TUR 412 Ahmet ŞİMŞEK, Ayşe TAŞKIN ENG 462 Habip Mehmet SEVGİ TUR 338 Esra ÖZKAFA FREE TIME 20 “Antique Anatolian Civilizations” At History Textbooks In High Schools: A Comparative Study Of Early Republic Period And Modern Day Determining The Difficulties Faced By Students And Their Opinions On Dividend Accounts Architectural Reusing Of Anatolian Seljuk Khans In Konya AUGUST 26 HALL 3 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Musa ÖZATA Nasir Khalil JALAL 13:15 13:30 13:30 13:45 Abstract No Authors ENG 326 Musa ÖZATA ENG 369 Mehmet YORULMAZ, Mustafa DEMİRKIRAN, Mehmet KOÇ, Necati BÜKECİK 13:45 14:00 ENG 260 H. Pinar KAYA 14:00 14:15 ENG 263 Gülbahar ÜÇLER ENG 331 Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Ramazan KIRAÇ 14:15 14:30 14:30 15:00 Title Evaluation Of SocioDemographic Features And Poverty Levels Of Families That Take Social And Financial Support Comparison Of 2014-2015 Patient Satisfaction Points: The Case Of Konya Training Research Hospital A Research For Identifying The Occupational Diseases Of Professional Accountants Does Military Expenditure Crow-Out Private Investment? The Case Of Turkey Abstract No ENG 218 ENG 279 Title Tengku Intan SUZILA T.S., K. S. TEO Preliminary Comprehension of Batek Hep Reduplication Process of Malay Loanwords Kübra SÜMER HAYDARARSLAN, Neşe DİKMEN Investigation On The Effect Of Curtain Wall Angle On Thermal Performance Of Buildings ENG 398 Nasir Khalil JALAL ENG 155 Cemzade KADER Approaches Of Prehospital Emergency Medical Services’ GER 144 Employees To Forensic Cases They Experince COFFEE BREAK 21 Authors Bora KÜÇÜK The Future Of Democracy In Iraq Under The Current Constitution: A Critical Analyses Study Justice: The Main Social Problem in Aristoteles’s Philosophy Adaptation Process of Euro Turks from the Status of Foreign Workers to European Citizenship AUGUST 26 HALL 5 Session Chair Start End Bülent GÜNSOY Abstract No Authors 13:00 13:15 TUR 280 Cemal EKİN 13:15 13:30 TUR 309 Mustafa KOCAOĞLU 13:30 13:45 TUR 366 Seda MÜFTÜOĞLU, Serra ORKAN 13:45 14:00 TUR 367 Serra ORKAN, Seda MÜFTÜOĞLU 14:00 14:15 TUR 213 Güler GÜNSOY, Seda TEKELI 14:15 14:30 TUR 238 Bülent GÜNSOY 14:30 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 22 Title Turkish House Or Muslim Turkish House? Or What Does Housing Of Epitaphs In Karamanlidika ( Turkish Written In Greek Letters ) Tell About? Applied Research On Change In Local Governments Based On Restructuring Of Public Administration And Factors Entailing Change: Konya Metropolitan Municipality Product Placement In Cinema And An Example From Turkish Cinema: “Kocan Kadar Konus” The Departure Of Time And Space In The Modern Era And The New Shape Of “Trust” Concept Reflections of Socio-Economic Structure on Life Satisfaction: An Application of TR-41 Sub-Bursa (Including Bursa-BilecikEskişehir) Vocational Qualifications System and Life-Long Learning Relation: Cases From Turkey AUGUST 26 HALL 3 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Hakan KARAKEHYA Orhan GÖKCE 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:15 15:30 15:45 Abstract No TUR 390 TUR 396 TUR 403 Authors Süleyman Numan ÖZCAN Mehmet Sadık ÇAPA Zehra LALE 15:45 16:00 TUR 434 Ayşe Tülin YÜRÜK 16:00 16:15 TUR 421 Hakan KARAKEHYA 16:15 16:30 TUR 248 Emine TUĞCU 16:30 16:45 Title Abstract No Bid Rigging Crime The Transfer Of A Commercial Enterprise In Turkish Law Effects Of Globalisation On Turkish Higher Education What Is Clinical Legal Education? The Principal Of Adversarial Procedure In Criminal Proceedings ENG 204 ENG 191 Title Mohamed Albdry Mohamed NABIH Geography of Change in Egypt in the Last Decade Gülise GÖKCE From Government to Governance: Functions of the Local Authorities in Strengthening the Public-Ngo Relationship Orhan GÖKCE State – Society Relationship: Perception of Citizens on Local Authorities ENG 193 Orhan GÖKCE, Erhan ÖRSELLİ Trust in Judiciary as the Indicator of Democratic Trust in Turkey ENG 174 Ali Rıza SOYUCAK ENG 190 The “Anti-Jannisary” Representations in Ahmet Mithat Efendi’s Yeniçeriler FREE TIME 23 Authors From Statist to Bandits: Hadim Karındaşı Celali Hasan AUGUST 26 HALL 5 Session Chair Start End Sedat ŞİMŞEK Abstract No Authors 15:00 15:15 ENG 291 Sedat ŞİMŞEK 15:15 15:30 ENG 293 Ümit Süleyman ÜSTÜN, Gülden KARAKOÇ Liza Marziana Mohammad NOH 15:30 15:45 ENG 233 15:45 16:00 ENG 219 16:00 16:15 ENG 461 16:15 16:45 Tengku Intan Suzila T. S., Mohd Yusri M. N., K. S. TEO F. Füsun UYSAL, Müjgan YILMAZ, Esra TINMAZ KÖSE FREE TIME 24 Title Fear Appeal In Advertisements: An Emprical Study On The Advertisements Aired On Turkish TV Channels The Relatıonshıp Between The Democracy And The Development Of Tax Law The Study of the Meaning of The Malay Cultural Symbols in Paintings Through Erwin Panosky’s Theoretical Approach Batek Hep Field Report: Metaphorical Presentations In Lexemes Factors Affecting On Profession Choice And Profession Expectations Of Environmental Engineering Students AUGUST 26 HALL 3 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Dursun GÖK Chukwuemeka Ojione OJIEH 16:45 17:00 17:00 17:15 17:15 17:30 17:30 17:45 17:45 18:00 Abstract No Authors Title ENG 186 Dursun GÖK The Second Grand National Assembly in the Establishment of the Republic of Turkey ENG 352 Aşina GÜLERARSLAN, Burçe BOYRAZ, Merve GENÇYÜREK ERDOĞAN Digital Opinion Leaders In Movie Watching Decision ENG 230 ENG 359 ENG 116 Hafiz Ghufran Ali KHAN Abdullah MERT Sayed Gaber Mohamed ATTALA Information And Communication Technologies (Ict) and Ethical Decision Making Orientalism And Cinema: Orientalist Images In The Movie Taken 2 The Infiltration of the Egyptian Deities in and Near Ancient Austria During the Roman Period 18:00 Abstract No Authors Title ENG 272 Chukwuemeka Ojione OJIEH Elements Of Public Opinion In Nigeria’s Africa-Centered Foreign Policy 1960 To 1979 ENG 427 Müjgan YILMAZ, F. Füsun UYSAL ENG 327 Selman Selim AKYUZ, Enderhan KARAKOÇ ENG 334 Enderhan KARAKOÇ, Mehmet Sefa DOĞRU ENG 382 Mehmet Sefa DOĞRU, Enderhan KARAKOÇ, Aytekin CAN PROGRAMME ENDS 25 Academician’s Views Related To Social Media Usage In Educational Processes Thematic Religious Television Broadcasting In Turkey A Chronotopic Reading Of The Movie “Once Upon A Time In Anatolia” By Nuri Bilge Ceylan Study On The Cinematographic Language Of The Film “Dreams” By Akira Kurosava THURSDAY AUGUST 27, 2015 Start End 09:00 12:15 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 12:15 13:15 FREE TIME 13:15 15:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 26 August 27 HALL 2 HALL 3 Session Chair Start End Nazli TYFEKCI Ceren GİDERLER Abstract No Authors 09:00 09:15 ENG 224 Karnrawee CHOMCHOEI 09:15 09:30 ENG 370 Ahmet Emre DEMIRCI 09:30 09:45 10:00 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:15 10:30 10:30 11:00 ENG 385 ENG 118 ENG 119 ENG 360 Hirokatsu KAWASHIMA Meral SERVI Muhammet SERVI Nazli TYFEKCI Title Abstract No A Case Study of The Museum Siam and The Jim Tompson House Cognitive Inertia Toward Change: A Fundamental Building Block For Organizational Culture Understanding Relationships Between Musical Aptitude And Language Learning: A Pilot Investigation Based Upon EFL Learners’ SelfEvaluation And Actual Language Performance Attitudes of Language instructors on Learner Autonomy as an Outcome of European Language Portfolio (ELP) A Reflection on the Teaching of Turkish as a Foreign Language and CEFR Metacognitive Strategy Instruction In ESP Learners At The Tertiary Level In Kosovo ENG 320 Ceren GİDERLER, Alperen DEMIRTAŞ ENG 231 Sibel ÇELİK, Özer BAKAR ENG 222 Kunyanuth KULARBPHETTONG, Pattarapan ROONRAKWIT ENG 235 ENG 244 ENG 223 COFFEE BREAK 27 Authors Jaruwan CHUTRTONG Siriporn POOLSUWAN, Naphaphat OMEE Łukasz PERLIKOWSKI Title The Glass Ceiling Syndrome In Business Life: A Research From An International Business in Turkey Analysis of Portfolio Performance of Turkish Individual Pension Funds An Automatic Chat System for Students’ Major Selection Based on Mining Educational Data To Study the Behavior of Consumers on Yogurt Tablet Image of Senior Undergraduates at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Pluralism and Deliberation in the Context of Rationality August 27 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Mahmut GÜLER Abstract No Authors Faruk LEVENT 09:00 09:15 TUR 294 09:15 09:30 TUR 267 09:30 09:45 TUR 234 Mehmet KASIM KOYUNCU, İlyas YAVUZ 09:45 10:00 TUR 236 Şahide Güliz KOLBURAN 10:00 10:15 TUR 378 Nazmiye ÖZENBAŞ 10:15 10:30 TUR 200 Mahmut GÜLER 10:30 11:00 Süleyman AVCI Title An Investigation Of The Readiness Of Teachers For Change Based Upon Various Variables A Validity and Reliability Study of Teachers’ Stereotypes in Education Scale A Comparison of The Finnish and Turkish Secondary School Mathematics Programs Analysis of a Movie About Juvenile Delinquency Offences Of Abortion In Turkish Criminal Law Responsibilities of the Municipalities in Turkey for Urban Transportation COFFEE BREAK 28 August 27 HALL 2 HALL 3 Session Chair Start End Şebnem TOSUNOGLU Güçlü TULUVELİ 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:00 12:15 12:15 13:00 Abstract No TUR 405 TUR 406 TUR 354 TUR 375 Authors Title Abstract No Şerife Seher EROL ÇALIŞKAN Tradition Of Nicknaming In Turkish Folklore: Bartin Case Berna FİLDİŞ Reading Braudel In The Context Of Historical Sociology Elif Feyza ULU Şebnem TOSUNOGLU An Up And Coming Experimental Printmaking Technique: Vitreography The Future Of Turkey's National Innovation System: How Realistic Are 2023 Targets? ENG 286 Sumolnit KERDNOONWONG ENG 439 Güçlü TULUVELİ ENG 139 Mariana SUELDO ENG 142 ENG 210 FREE TIME 29 Authors Mariana SUELDO Zsolt DANOS Title Development Of Adult Education Project To Enhance Lifelong Learning In Urban Community Islamic Commercial Partnerships In Early Modern Ottoman Economy: The Case Of Mudaraba Partnerships The Impact of Integrated Organizational Communication on Organizational Sustainability Organizational Rituals as Tools of Organizational Culture Creation. A Communicational Approach The Changes of the Interpretation of the Regional Role in the Strategies of Three Hungarian Universities After the Accession to EU August 27 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Halil EKŞI Abstract No Authors Title The Effect of Cultural Structure On the Attitude of Family-Owned Companies to Institutionalization: Edirne Sample 11:00 11:15 TUR 240 Seyhan BILIR GÜLER 11:15 11:30 TUR 270 Uğur KURTARAN Trade-Related Provisions In Ottoman-Austrian Treaties Of Xviiith Century 11:30 11:45 TUR 269 Taner GÜNEY 11:45 12:00 TUR 336 Halil EKŞI, Erdem SEVIM Economic Freedom, Tax Evasion And Social Welfare An Analysis On Prediction Levels Of Teaching And Learning Conceptions And Cognitive Flexibilities Of Class Teachers Relating To Their Self-Efficacy Perceptions Of Inclusion 12:00 13:00 FREE TIME 30 August 27 HALL 2 Session Chair Faik ARDAHAN Start End Abstract No Authors 13:15 13:30 TUR 257 Zeliha DEMIREL GÖKALP TUR 282 Abdullah BALCIOĞULLARI TUR 333 İsmail Hakkı KURTULUŞ 13:30 13:45 13:45 14:00 14:00 14:15 TUR 276 Faik ARDAHAN 14:15 14:30 TUR 314 Faik ARDAHAN 14:30 15:00 HALL 3 Aysun YARALI AKKAYA Title Amorium: A Byzantine City in Anatolia The Cities Of Andalusia In 10th To 13th Centuries Through The Arab Geographers Views On Iconography Of Still Life Painting Portrayal On Table In 17 Th Century Holland Art Comparisons Of The Individuals Going To COFFEEe Stalls By Using Different Type Of COFFEEe Stalls And Some Different Psychosocial Dimensions Abstract No Authors TUR 274 Hüseyin EŞ, Sibel Işık MERCAN TUR 399 Sabry Tawfeek HAMMAM TUR 373 Aysun YARALI AKKAYA TUR 205 Developing and doing Validity and Reliability of the Motivational Factors Scale for being Volunteer in AKUT COFFEE BREAK 31 Yurdanur ASA Title Life With Nuclear : The New Socio-Scientific Dispute For Turkey The Conflicts Of Women In Literature, Customs, Traditions And Relationships: A Comparative Reading Of “Woman At Point Zero” By Nawal El-Saadawi And “A Strange Woman” By Leyla Erbil. " Otherization" In Language; Description Of Disabled In Turkish Proverbs And Idioms Citizen Satisfaction Survey in the Civil Registration Office Service in the City: Turkish Case August 27 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Hakan ER Abstract No Authors Title 13:15 13:30 ENG 416 Sadegh BAKHTIARI 13:30 13:45 ENG 313 Ibolekwu Benedict CHIKA 13:45 14:00 ENG 311 Adamu BUBA, Halilu BABAJI 14:00 14:15 ENG 464 Hakan ER, İbrahim PEKER 14:15 14:30 ENG 361 Saadet SÜNDÜS, Harun ŞİMŞEK 14:30 15:00 Risk, Resilience And Economics In The Changing World In Quest of Change in Global Politics: The Nigerian Perspective Nigeria’s Unprecedented Trail off in Governance- a Major Dysfunctional Characteristics of a Failed State The Relationship Between The Hedging Effectiveness And The Failure Of Futures Contracts: An Analysis Of The Istanbul Stock Exchange 100 Index Futures The Importance Of Syllabus In Teaching Translation For Elt Students COFFEE BREAK 32 FRIDAY AUGUST 28, 2015 Start End 09:00 12:30 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 12:30 13:30 FREE TIME 13:00 16:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 33 August 28 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Abdullah ÖZTÜRK Abstract No Authors Title 09:00 09:15 ENG 383 Abdullah ÖZTÜRK The Communication System In Bees 09:15 09:30 ENG 395 D. Melek ÖZTÜRK 09:30 09:45 ENG 121 Gürcan Şevket AVCIOĞLU The Role And Place Of French In The Beginning Of The Turkish Republic Social Harmony Against Sociopathy and Parents’ Educational Role 09:45 10:00 ENG 122 Gamze Gizem AVCIOĞLU 10:00 10:15 ENG 131 Osman SÖNMEZ Activities of Schools Of Nation in Konya in Ataturk's Era Suna KOCA The Comparison Of “Storytelling” Practice In Foreign Language Teaching With The Help Of Folk Tales In “Masnawi” Stories Between “Turkey” And “Lithuania” Where English Is A Foreign Language 10:15 10:30 10:30 11:00 ENG 281 Iran and Orientalism in the 19th Century COFFEE BREAK 34 August 28 HALL 2 Session Chair Start End Hasan BAHAR Abstract No Authors Title 11:00 11:15 ENG 192 Hasan BAHAR Importance of Archaeometry in Ancient History Studies 11:15 11:30 ENG 199 Bayram ÜREKLİ Archive of Konya Mevlânâ Museum and Its Importance for Mevleviyeh History ENG 164 İhsan ULUKAPI, Hasan KIZILKAYA, Ahsen Ela KIZILKAYA, Fatih DELEN Provus’s Discrepancy Evaluation Model TUR 160 Fatih DELEN, Şerif DURMUŞ, İhsan ULUKAPI, Hasan KIZILKAYA 11:30 11:45 12:00 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:15 12:30 12:30 13:30 Hasan KIZILKAYA, Ahsen Ela KIZILKAYA, İhsan ULUKAPI, Şerif DURMUŞ Şerif DURMUŞ, Fatih DELEN, İhsan ULUKAPI ENG 163 TUR 161 FREE TIME 35 Vocational Education Issues in Our Country Affective Attitudes of Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Students Towards English and English Course Intergenerational Gaps, Technological Perception of X and Y Generations August 28 HALL 3 HALL 4 Session Chair Start End Nihal YILDIRIM MIZRAK Şenay KAYGIN 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:15 11:30 11:45 Abstract No ENG 254 ENG 189 ENG 196 Authors Mehmet SOLMAZ Bünyamin AKSOY Ali SATI 11:45 12:00 ENG 232 Nihal YILDIRIM MIZRAK 12:00 12:15 ENG 317 Nida GÜRBÜZ 12:15 13:30 Title Abstract No Using Dialogues To Teach the Four Skills in English The Comparison of the Characters of Two Stories of Love: Eastern Leyla and Mecnun vs Western Heatcliff and Catherine Making Use of Authentic Materials as a Determinant of Efficiency in Reading The Role of The Service Economy and, Particularly Electronic Commerce as Engine of Sustainable Economic Growth in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis Authors Title GER 243 Şenay KAYGIN Interpretation of the Morality Phenomenon In Michael Kohlmeier's Novel ''Die Abenteuer Des Joel Spazierer'' in The Context of Narrative Attitudes GER 207 Mirella TOLIC, Zlatko MILIŠA Media as the Carriers of Symbolic Messages: Scientific- pedagogical Results: Analysis and Perspectives GER 212 Irına-Marıa MANEA Constructing Masculinity: Gods, Barbarians and Metal Music GER 171 Şenol ŞAHİN A Research on the Job Satisfaction of Industrial Enterprise Workers and Its Impact on the Business Success How To Use Drama To Enhance Learner Autonomy In Language Teaching FREE TIME 36 HALL 3 August 28 Session Chair Start End Selda ÇAĞLAR Abstract No Authors Title Development Level Of Forensic Accounting Under Financial Fraud Control In Digital Environment In Turkey A Research On The Effect Of E-Service Quality And The Quality Of E-Recovery Service On E-Customer Satisfaction The Effect Of Reading From Screen And Paper On Comprehending The Text, Reading Speed And Attitudes Toward Text At Fourth Grade Level On the Short-term Results of Domestic Law Precautions Related with the Long Periods of Trials and Detentions in Turkey 13:30 13:45 TUR 409 Niyazi KURNAZ, Akif DINDAROĞLU, İbrahim KÖKSAL 13:45 14:00 TUR 410 Ercan TAŞKIN, Mustafa KAYIK 14:00 14:15 TUR 414 Hikmet DEGEÇ 14:15 14:30 TUR 206 Selda ÇAĞLAR 14:30 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 37 August 28 HALL 2 HALL 3 Session Chair Start End Ufuk Deniz AŞCI Necmi UYANIK 15:00 15:15 Abstract No ENG 471 Authors Ufuk Deniz AŞCI 15:15 15:30 TUR 469 Necmi UYANIK 15:30 15:45 ENG 473 Menşure AŞCI 15:45 16:00 TUR 265 Ayşe ÜNAL Title Abstract No Differences Between Language Features in Akhmat Baytursunov’s Book Named “Kazakh Alphabet” and Contemporary Kazakh Language Khutbahs As A Kind Of Intervention In Religious Area In Coup D’etat Process: May 27th Process And Religious Affairs The Gerunds Used in “Muinü’l-Mürîd” The Necessity Of Using Smart Boards In Teaching Turkish To Foreigners With Regard To Developing Technology 16:00 TUR 470 Necmi UYANIK ENG 472 Ufuk Deniz AŞCI ENG 463 Yaşar SEMİZ, Güngör TOPLU ENG 474 Menşure AŞCI PROGRAMME ENDS 38 Authors Title Some Determinations On Non-Governmental Organizations In Konya A Comparison Between The Çüy Dialects of The Kyrgyz Language and Standard Kazakh Language 1949 Industry Exhibition Word Formation in Kutb’s Book Named “Hüsrev ü Şîrîn” HALL 4 August 28 Session Chair Start Yusuf DEMİR End Abstract No Authors 15:00 15:15 ENG 476 Yusuf DEMİR 15:15 15:30 ENG 442 Ece SARIGÜL, Yusuf DEMİR 15:30 15:45 ENG 458 Galip KARTAL ENG 460 Galip KARTAL, Ece SARIGÜL 15:45 16:00 16:00 Title Video-viewing Of Authentic Classrooms As An Experiential Tool In Pre-service English Teacher Education A Multi-Dimensional Analysis Of The 9th-12th Grades English Curriculum In Turkey A Corpus-Based Analysis Of The Most Frequent Adjectives In Academic Texts The Relationship Between Frequency And Second Language Acquisition: Some Implications For Teaching English As A Foreign Language PROGRAMME ENDS 39 POSTER PRESENTATIONS PROGRAMME AUGUST 25 TABLE 3 AUGUST 25 Start End Abstract No TABLE 4 Authors Title The Appellative of “Garip” and the Phenomenon of “Garip” in the Poems of Ashik Hasan Hüseyin Erden 11:00 11:30 177 Betül DEMIRELMA 11:30 12:00 303 Cahit ASLAN Tertiary Relations And Conscience 40 Abstract No Authors 431 Ozge ISBECER 433 Fatma OZKAN Title Following The Footsteps Of Intertextuality By Listening The Sound Of Fishsteps (Balik Izlerinin Sesi) By Buket Uzuner Intertextuality In The Novel Of "Kardesimin Hikayesi" By Zulfu Livaneli THE PURSUIT OF HISTORY International Periodical for History and Social Research UNIVERSITY