VISION:Builder® VISION:Two™ Release 13.8 Installation and Support Manual for OS/390® (MVS®) BUINM138.PDF/D92-010-009 © Copyright 2000 Sterling Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved Sterling Software Information Management Division 5900 Canoga Avenue P.O. Box 4237 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4237 Notice to U.S. Government Users Under Contracts Subject to DFARS Restricted Rights Legend Sterling Software, Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, with respect to VISION:Builder and VISION:Two, their merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, other than as expressly provided in the license agreement. This document and the software programs described herein are the proprietary and confidential information of Sterling Software, Inc. No use may be made of these software programs or this document without the express written consent of Sterling Software, Inc. or its authorized licensors. Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions stated in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFAR 252.227-7202.1, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause of 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Notice - Notwithstanding any other lease or license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the Government regarding its use, reproduction and disclosure are as set forth in the applicable Government Contract or Purchase Order. Trademarks Sterling Software, VISION:Builder, VISION:Inform, VISION:Inquiry, VISION:Results, VISION:Transact, VISION:Two, and VISION:Workbench are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sterling Software, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. IBM, DB2, Language Enviornment, MVS, and OS/390 are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. DATABASE 2 and IMS are trademarks of IBM Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Some of the other designations used in this document are trademarks of other companies not associated with Sterling Software, Inc. Such use of these trademarks is for information purposes only and is not intended to be generic in nature nor to imply that such trademarks are owned by or licensed to Sterling Software, Inc. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 Basic Information.......................................................................................................................................... 1 For VISION:Two Users ............................................................................................................................. 2 Description of the Installation Tape ....................................................................................................... 2 Installation Overview .................................................................................................................................. 3 System Tape Unload ............................................................................................................................... 3 System Preparation ................................................................................................................................. 4 System Setups........................................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2 System Tape Unload............................................................................................................ 5 Step 1 — Copy System Tape File 1 to a PDS........................................................................................ 6 Step 2 — Copy System Tape Files 2 through 9 to Disk Data Sets ................................................ 7 i Contents Chapter 3 System Preparation............................................................................................................. 8 Step 3 — Product Activation .................................................................................................................... 9 TSO CLIST.................................................................................................................................................... 9 Batch Job ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Output ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Producing Banner Page ...................................................................................................................... 10 IBM Language Environment ............................................................................................................. 10 Step 4 — Parameter Modules Modification..................................................................................... 11 Modifying the Modules ...................................................................................................................... 11 Storing the Modules ............................................................................................................................ 12 Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL................................................. 12 Using Slots to Access DB2 Tables .................................................................................................... 12 Controlling the Number of Statement Slots ............................................................................... 12 Assembling and Preparing MARKSQL........................................................................................... 13 Using the BIND Function.................................................................................................................... 15 Teradata Information........................................................................................................................... 17 Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation ......................................................................................... 17 Chapter 4 System Setups ................................................................................................................... 20 Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs)........................................................... 21 Step 8 — Install the PAL File Definitions and Requests................................................................ 22 Step 9 — Static Own Code Integration Relink ................................................................................ 23 Error Messages to Ignore ................................................................................................................... 23 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) ii Contents Step 10 — Setup for Use with the TSO Command Processor.................................................... OQL and BQL Parameter Module Modification ......................................................................... TSO Help Data Set................................................................................................................................. OLX Command Processors ................................................................................................................ Step 11 — Copy VISION:Builder Message Modules to LPA......................................................... Installing VISION:Workbench for DOS................................................................................................ VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements.......................................................................... Allocating VISION:Workbench for ISPF Run-Time Libraries................................................... Allocation Requirements.................................................................................................................... Using STEPLIB and System Link Library ........................................................................................ Using the LIBDEF Feature................................................................................................................... More about ISPFILE Allocations....................................................................................................... List Data Set and Internal Work Files.............................................................................................. Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF ................................................................................................. Adding an Option to a Standard ISPF Primary Menu .............................................................. Using the ISPSTART Command ........................................................................................................ Using Other VISION:Workbench for ISPF Subsections ............................................................ Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF.............................................................................. Preprocessing Your Panel Library.................................................................................................... Customizing Job Submission Skeletons....................................................................................... LMF SUPPORT......................................................................................................................................... Step 12 — Quick Start Utility Setup .................................................................................................... Step 13 — Merge Load Libraries .......................................................................................................... VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 33 33 34 35 38 39 42 43 45 45 48 49 50 50 iii Contents Chapter 5 System Support and Maintenance................................................................................... 52 Applying System Modifications............................................................................................................ 52 Problem Reporting and Processing .................................................................................................... 53 VISION:Builder and COMLIB Problem Reporting....................................................................... 53 VISION:Workbench for DOS Problem Reporting ....................................................................... 53 VISION:Workbench for ISPF Problem Reporting ....................................................................... 54 User Code ................................................................................................................................................ 55 Appendix A JCL ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules .............................................................................. 113 M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM ................................................................................................................ 114 M4SFPARM ................................................................................................................................................. 142 Defining Additional Data Validation Symbols.......................................................................... 143 Change Automatic Date Validation Format .............................................................................. 144 MARKLIBP ................................................................................................................................................... 148 MARKSQL.................................................................................................................................................... 153 Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM .................................................................................... 165 Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM................................................................................... 178 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) iv Contents Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST ............................................................................................. 192 Appendix D Invocation Panels ............................................................................................................ 195 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings................................................................................... 198 Contacting Sterling Software......................................................................................... 227 Index................................................................................................................................. 228 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) v Chapter 1 Introduction This manual describes how to install and activate VISION:Builder® and VISION:Two™. Any questions regarding the installation should be directed to Sterling Software® Technical Support. For more information, see Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227. Basic Information All releases of VISION:Builder and VISION:Two™ are delivered on 3480 tape cartridges or 9-track reel tapes as specified by the customer. A unique system activation key code for each installation number is included with each system tape. Other identifying information is on the external label of the tape. All output generated during the installation, along with the system tape, should be saved for future reference. VISION:Builder should be used on OS/390® (MVS®) System release 4.3 or higher. The basic installation process is identical for all users. The JCL needed to complete the installation is provided in the first file of the system tape. Once the first file is copied to a PDS, only minor tailoring of the provided JCL is needed to complete the installation. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Description of the Installation Tape When the unique system activation key code is installed, the system becomes operational and is set to the system model along with the features selected for the specific installation number. For VISION:Two Users If you are a VISION:Two user, whenever VISION:Builder is used in this manual, it refers to VISION:Two. There are notations within the installation instructions to indicate which steps are optional based on the features and capabilities selected and utilized at each customer site. Description of the Installation Tape The VISION:Builder System Tape supplied for the OS/390 (MVS) environment is a standard labeled 3480 cartridge containing nine files. The following table shows the order and content of the nine files on the tape. File Description File 1 VISION:Builder System WORKLIB PDS File 2 COMLIB Release 4.5 Load Library File 3 VISION:Workbench™ for ISPF Release 5.8 - CLIST Library File 4 VISION:Workbench for ISPF Release 5.8 - Panel Library File 5 VISION:Workbench for ISPF Release 5.8 - Message Library File 6 VISION:Workbench for ISPF Release 5.8 - Skeleton Library VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Installation Overview File Description File 7 VISION:Workbench for ISPF Release 5.8 - Load Library File 8 VISION:Builder Release 13.8 - Load Library File 9 VISION:Builder System and component RSMLIB PDS. Installation Overview The VISION:Builder installation is divided into three major sections: System Tape Unload ■ System Tape Unload ■ System Preparation ■ System Setups File 1 of the system tape contains all the JCL, source code, and control statements required during the installation process. The only JCL that needs to be prepared by the installer is the IEBCOPY JCL to copy the contents of file 1 to a PDS. This JCL is shown in Figure 1 on page 6 as part of the first step of the installation procedure. Appendix A JCL starting on page 56 contains an alphabetic list of all the JCL members referenced in the following installation procedures, with the complete detail of each member. Once the first file is copied to a PDS, all remaining installation JCL is available for tailoring and use. In Step 2, the remaining files from the system tape are copied to disk. At this point, you can save the system tape; you only need the disk data sets to complete the installation process. See Chapter 2 System Tape Unload starting on page 5 for more information. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 3 Chapter 1 Introduction System Preparation Installation Overview This portion of the installation process prepares VISION:Builder and its components for use. The system is activated for each customer (installation number) based on their system model and features. Also, some portions of the system and its components can be customized to the specific needs and requirements of your site. In the final portion of the preparation process, a simple job is run to demonstrate that the basic VISION:Builder System installation was successful. See Chapter 3 System Preparation starting on page 8 for more information. System Setups With a software system as diverse as VISION:Builder, there are several capabilities and facilities that need some additional setup to operate within each installation site environment. The setup steps that apply to each site vary depending on how the software system and components are utilized at each site. See Chapter 4 System Setups starting on page 20 for more information. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 4 Chapter 2 System Tape Unload In this portion of the VISION:Builder installation, you copy the elements and components from the system tape to disk data sets. The following two steps are performed to create a group of disk data sets that contain the entire host portion of the VISION:Builder software system and components: ■ Step 1 — Copy System Tape File 1 to a PDS on page 6 ■ Step 2 — Copy System Tape Files 2 through 9 to Disk Data Sets on page 7 Everything you need to prepare and set up the system is contained in the disk data sets. 5 Chapter 2 System Tape Unload Step 1 — Copy System Tape File 1 to a PDS Step 1 — Copy System Tape File 1 to a PDS The WORKLIB PDS data set that is created by this step is referenced throughout the remainder of the installation process. In step 1, you copy the contents of file 1 on the VISION:Builder system tape from the tape to a PDS. The PDS contains all the JCL, source code, and control statements needed to complete the installation. Figure 1 shows the JCL to transfer file 1 to a PDS. Prepare the IEBCOPY job as described in Figure 1. //* MEMBER BLCOPY1 //********************************************************************** //* THIS JOB COPIES FILE 1 //* FROM THE VISION:Builder SYSTEM TAPE TO DISK //* //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW JCL AND SPECIFY: //* //* THE INPUT TAPE VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER AND UNIT TYPE. //* THE OUTPUT DISK DATASET NAME, UNIT AND VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER. //* (THE DISK DATASET SPACE IS MINIMUM FOR A 3380 DASD DEVICE.) //* //* NOTE - THE DISK DATASET DCB MUST BE CODED AS SHOWN. //* SOME MEMBERS OF THE PDS ARE INPUT TO UTILITIES THAT //* HAVE "BLKSIZE" SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. //* //********************************************************************** //* //COPY1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=1024K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INPUT DD DSN=VISION.BUILDER.FILE1,DISP=OLD, // UNIT=TAPEC,LABEL=(1,SL,EXPDT=98000), // VOL=(PRIVATE,RETAIN,SER=(TAPVOL)) //OUTPUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=DSKVOL, // SPACE=(TRK,(30,5,15)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,15) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,15) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INPUT,OUTDD=OUTPUT /* Figure 1 Copy System Tape File 1 to a WORKLIB PDS VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 6 Chapter 2 System Tape Unload Step 2 — Copy System Tape Files 2 through 9 to Disk Data Sets Step 2 — Copy System Tape Files 2 through 9 to Disk Data Sets The disk data set names assigned to the unloaded system tape files, and shown in this table, are default names. For continuity purposes, the names shown here are used throughout the installation process instructions and in all the JCL examples. The BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB data set contains SAS-C Runtine Modules, Release 6.50. These modules are needed during executions of VISION:Builder. In step 2, you transfer all the remaining VISION:Builder system tape files to disk data sets. These disk data sets created in step 2, along with the WORKLIB PDS created in step 1, comprise the entire VISION:Builder software system and components. Using the JCL member BLCOPY2 in the WORKLIB PDS, run a job to copy files 2 through 9 from the system tape to disk. The following table shows the list of all the data sets that are created by the system tape unload steps 1 and 2. The characteristics are shown along with basic space requirements. See Appendix A JCL starting on page 56 for the BLCOPY2 (and BLCOPY1) JCL that contains the detail characteristics for each data set. Data Set Name DSORG RECFM BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB PO BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB LRECL BLKSIZE TRKS DIRBLKS U 0 32760 195 75 PO FB 80 3200 10 10 BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB PO FB 80 3200 30 15 BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB PO U 0 32760 50 10 BUILDER.WB058.CLIST PO FB 80 3200 20 10 BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB PO U 0 32760 60 40 BUILDER.WB058.MSGS PO FB 80 3200 15 40 BUILDER.WB058.PANELS PO FB 80 3200 150 300 BUILDER.WB058.SKELS PO FB 80 3200 5 5 After you perform step 2, the system tape unload is complete. Save the system tape as a backup. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 7 Chapter 3 System Preparation Chapter 2 System Tape Unload described how to install VISION:Builder and its components in disk data sets. This chapter contains information about the following steps and preparation activities that you need to perform to get the basic system operational. ■ Step 3 — Product Activation on page 9 ■ Step 4 — Parameter Modules Modification on page 11 ■ Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL on page 12 ■ Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation on page 17 Some of the steps are not required for every installation site, depending on your system model, system features, and the extent to which you use the system’s capabilities. 8 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 3 — Product Activation Step 3 — Product Activation This step must be performed to make the VISION:Builder system operational. TSO CLIST Each installation has a unique system activation key code and installation number that are included on the letter accompanying the system tape. The code unlocks the system and sets the model and features as designated for the installation. There are two methods that can be used to install the system activation key code: a TSO CLIST or a Batch Job. With either method, once the system activation key code is successfully installed, your system is operational. To activate the system using TSO, perform the following steps to execute the CLIST member ABUILDER from the WORKLIB PDS: 1 While in TSO, type: EXEC 'BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(ABUILDER)' 2 Press the Enter key to execute. If there is a problem, messages appear indicating the problem and the CLIST is terminated. Contact Sterling Software Technical Support if you have any problems with the installation of the system activation key code. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. 3 Enter your 5-character installation number. For example, type 01234 and press the Enter key. 4 Enter your system activation key code. The code is entered without quotation marks as one continuous string, dashes included. For example, type 1111-ABCD-3333-4E4F and press the Enter key. 5 Enter the name of the VISION:Builder load library in quotation marks. For example, type ‘BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ and press the Enter key. 6 The information entered now appears for review. If the information is correct, type Y and press the Enter key. A message appears indicating that the activation key code was successfully applied. If the information keyed is not correct, type N and press the Enter key. The CLIST is terminated and you just start over again. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 9 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 3 — Product Activation Batch Job To apply the system activation key code using a batch job, use the JCL member BLACTIV in the WORKLIB PDS. You supply the installation number and the system activation code as PARM information. The program APPLYACT is in the VISION:Builder load library and the activation code is applied to the same load library. Output The output directed to the SYSPRINT DD indicates the result of the run and tells you that the activation code has been successfully installed. If any errors are encountered, they are listed in the SYSPRINT output. Correct the problem and rerun the job. Producing Banner Page The banner page contains information about the software, your system model number, your system options, and the standard system parameter settings currently in the M4PARAMS and MARKLIBP modules. The banner page information is useful during the remainder of the installation process. To produce the banner page, use the JCL member BLBANR in the WORKLIB PDS. You need to supply the data set names of the VISION:Builder and COMLIB component load libraries. Save the banner page output that is directed to the M4LIST DD for reference. IBM Language Environment Beginning with Release 13.5, VISION:Builder began utilizing the IBM® Language Environment® (LE, formerly LE/370). The LE run-time library must be available when running VISION:Builder jobs. If the LE modules are not available at your facility, an RSM (Restricted System Modification) is available that, when installed in the VISION:Builder loadlib, causes VISION:Builder to bypass using any LE modules. See Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) on page 21 for information about applying RSMs to your system. For Release 13.8, use LE run-time library Release 2.6 or higher. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 10 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 4 — Parameter Modules Modification Step 4 — Parameter Modules Modification VISION:Builder and the COMLIB component contain parameters, options, and settings that can be tailored for each installation. The default values are contained in modules that can be modified, assembled, and link edited as needed at any time. If no modifications are required, skip this step. You can always perform this step at a later time. The four parameter modules are: ■ M4PARAMS VISION:Builder primary parameter module ■ M4SFPARM VISION:Builder special validation parameter module ■ M4LEPARM VISION:Builder Language Environment Parameter Module ■ MARKLIBP COMLIB Component parameter module These are listed in detail in Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules starting on page 113. The source code for the parameter modules is contained in the WORKLIB PDS. Modifying the Modules If you are using IBM LE services, you must have access to the LE run-time library using concatenation to your VISION:Builder load library or other method. To modify the modules 1 Create a backup copy of the original source code for future reference. 2 Once you have reviewed and modified the parameter modules as needed, use the JCL member BLASM1 in the WORKLIB PDS to assemble and link edit the M4PARAMS, M4LEPARM, and M4SFPARM modules into the VISION:Builder load library. 3 Use JCL member CLASM1 in the WORKLIB PDS to assemble and link edit the MARKLIBP module into the COMLIB load library. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 11 Chapter 3 System Preparation Storing the Modules Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL ■ You only need to run the job steps that correspond to the modules being changed. ■ For each step you choose to run, specify the WORKLIB PDS name, the source member name, and the load library name. The M4PARAMS, M4LEPARM, M4SFPARM, and MARKLIBP modules are independently loaded at run time and, therefore, can be stored in load libraries that are separate from VISION:Builder and COMLIB. If used, the separate load library needs to be concatenated before the VISION:Builder and COMLIB load libraries. In this way, you can tailor several different versions of these modules to satisfy varying requirements for separate user groups. Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL Only customers with the DB2® Interface system option and RS2 need to perform this step. Using Slots to Access DB2 Tables The MARKSQL module contains slots used to hold the SQL statements needed to access the tables of your DB2 databases during application processing runs. This module must go through the DB2 application program preparation process described in IBM's DATABASE 2™ Application Programming Guide manuals. The MARKSQL source code module supplied in the WORKLIB PDS is assembled to generate source statements. These source statements become the plan required by DB2 to run VISION:Builder applications that access DB2 tables. Controlling the Number of Statement Slots The number of statement slots in the generated MARKSQL plan modules limits the number of tables that can be accessed in an application run. In the MARKSQL module, the parameter &MAX controls the number of statement slots generated. The number of statements needed to access DB2 tables in an execution run varies according to which VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 12 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL processing options are used in the application. For example, if MOSAIC processing is not used, the number of tables that can be accessed is equal to the &MAX value. However, if MOSAIC processing is used to access a DB2 table, three statement slots within the MARKSQL plan module are used instead of one. This results in lowering the number of tables available in the run. Applications using the updating facility can also cause multiple statement slots to be used per table. The application source listing shows the total number of statements that are prepared for use during a particular processing run, as well as a description of each prepared statement. The MARKSQL source module supplied in the WORKLIB PDS allows for 50 statement slots. An application program can use up to 50 individual DB2 tables. You can change the parameter within the MARKSQL module to allow for access to more or less than 50 tables (statement slots). To change the parameter, change the value in the following statement that appears after the introductory comments of the MARKSQL module: &MAX SETA 50 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SQL STATEMENTS PER APPL. Assembling and Preparing MARKSQL Once the appropriate parameter value has been set or the default value accepted, the MARKSQL module must be assembled to generate the final source statements to be prepared for DB2. This assembly does not generate any object code but uses the assembler as a source code generator. The source code generated is precompiled (to produce a DBRM), assembled (to produce an object module), and link edited (to produce a load module). VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 13 Chapter 3 System Preparation During the link edit step, some linkage editors may issue warning messages and a condition code 4. These can be ignored. For example, message IEW2646W issued by the Binder Linkage Editor is a warning about RMODE Conflicts when the IBM Module DSNALI is included. The module MARKSQLC is correctly linked and the message can be ignored. Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL Use the JCL member BLDB2A in the WORKLIB PDS to assemble and prepare the MARKSQL modules. The MARKSQL module is prepared using the following attach facilities, to correspond with the three methods for attaching to DB2: ■ CALL ■ IMS™ ■ TSO The JCL member BLDB2A uses the standard IBM procedure DSNHASMH to accomplish the prepares and produce three separate modules named MARKSQLC, MARKSQLI, and MARKSQLT. Also, the MEM parameter is used to specify plan names. The module names and default plan names for each attach facility are as follows: Module Name Attach Facility Plan Name MARKSQLC CALL MARKDB2 MARKSQLI IMS MARKDLI MARKSQLT TSO MARKIV You might need to confer with your DB2 database administrator before proceeding with this process. You only need to prepare the MARKSQL modules that correspond to the attach facilities you will use. When executing your application under one of the attach facilities, the plan name must be provided to DB2. When using CALL Attach, supply the plan name in the Run Parameter (RP) DB2 statement within the application source code. When using IMS Attach, supply the plan name on the control statement input from the specified DDITV02 DD. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 14 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL When using TSO Attach, the terminal monitor program RUN control statement contains the plan name entry. Refer to the VISION:Builder Environment Manual for samples of the JCL needed to run your application using the three attach facilities. Using the BIND Function After the required MARKSQL modules are preprocessed, compiled, and link edited, the application plans generated by the DB2 preprocessor must undergo an additional process called binding. The BIND function can be invoked using either: ■ VISION:Builder does not require repeatable read isolation. Specify cursor stability isolation when binding the plans to allow greater concurrent access to your DB2 tables. DB2I (DB2 Interactive) under the TSO terminal monitor program with the appropriate control statements or ■ Batch JCL Refer to the IBM DATABASE2 Application Programming Guide for your environment for additional information on the bind process. You may need to confer with your DB2 database administrator before proceeding with the bind process. You only need to bind the plan names for the attach facilities that you will be using. You can choose either of the two methods to perform the BIND process for the prepared MARKSQL modules that will be used to Attach to DB2. Figure 2 shows the panels displayed when performing the BIND using the DB2I (DB2 Interactive) facility. Or, you can use the JCL member BLDB2B in the WORKLIB PDS to bind the plan names in a batch job. If at any time you make changes to the MARKSQL modules, you need to repeat the preparation and bind process. Be aware that you must use a BIND REPLACE action, not REBIND, when you perform a new BIND. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 15 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 5 — Install the DB2 Database Access Module, MARKSQL DB2I PRIMARY OPTION MENU COMMAND === 5 Member name MARKDB2 on the third display is for the CALL Attach. For the IMS Attach, change it to MARKDLI. For the TSO Attach, change it to MARKIV. Select one of the following DB2 functions and press ENTER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D X SPUFI DCLGEN PROGRAM PREPARATION PRECOMPILE BIND/REBIND/FREE RUN DB2 COMMANDS UTILITIES CATALOG VISIBILITY DB2I DEFAULTS EXIT PRESS: (Process SQL statements) (Generate SQL and source language declarations) (Prepare a DB2 application program to run) (Invoke DB2 precompiler) (BIND, REBIND, or FREE plans or packages) (RUN an SQL program) (Issue DB2 commands) (Invoke DB2 utilities) (Invoke catalog dialogs) (Set global parameters) (Leave DB2I) END to exit HELP for more information BIND/REBIND/FREE COMMAND === 1 Select one of the following and press ENTER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 BIND PLAN REBIND PLAN FREE PLAN BIND PACKAGE REBIND PACKAGE FREE PACKAGE PRESS: (Add or replace an application plan) (Rebind existing application plan or plans) (Erase application plan or plans) (Add or replace a package) (Rebind existing package or packages) (Erase a package or packages) ENTER to process END to exit BIND PLAN HELP for more information COMMAND === Enter DBRM data set name(s): 1 MEMBER ......... === MARKDB2 2 PASSWORD ....... === 3 LIBRARY ........ === DBRMLIB.DATA 4 ADDITIONAL DBRMS? ......... === NO (YES to include more DBRMs) Enter options as desired: 5 PLAN NAME ................. 6 CHANGE CURRENT DEFAULTS? .. 7 ENABLE/DISABLE CONNECTIONS? 8 INCLUDE PACKAGE LIST?...... 9 OWNER OF PLAN (AUTHID)..... 10 QUALIFIER ................. 11 CACHESIZE ................. 12 ACTION ON PLAN ............ 13 RETAIN EXECUTION AUTHORITY. 14 CURRENT SERVER ............ (Required to create a plan) (NO or YES) (NO or YES) (NO or YES) (Leave blank for your primaryID) (For tables, views, and aliases) (Blank, or value 0-4096) (REPLACE or ADD) (YES to retain user list) (Location name) PRESS: Figure 2 ENTER to process === === === === === === === === === === MARKDB2 NO NO NO REPLACE YES END to save and exit HELP for more information Using DB2I to Perform the BIND Function VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 16 Chapter 3 System Preparation Teradata Information Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation Customer sites using the Teradata Database System need to prepare their MARKSQL module as follows: 1 To install the MARKSQL module for use with Teradata databases, use the JCL member BLDB2T in the WORKLIB PDS to assemble and prepare the MARKSQL module. The result is the module named MARKSQLT. 2 Once the module is prepared, you can perform any Teradata tasks needed to get the module ready for run-time use (such as binding). This module name is the same as the TSO Attach module used for access to IBM DB2 tables. You may want to store the Teradata version of MARKSQLT in a separate load library, especially if your site uses both IBM and Teradata databases. 3 When running your VISION:Builder application, you must provide the appropriate DD statements needed by Teradata for profile and control information. Refer to your Teradata manuals for the proper coding of this information. 4 The Teradata run-time library must be included in the STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or link-list concatenation when running your applications. 5 The VISION:Builder application source code MUST NOT contain a Run Parameter (RP) DB2 statement because this causes VISION:Builder to attempt a Call Attach using the MARKSQLC module. The absence of an RP DB2 statement when running a standard (non-IMS) VISION:Builder processing step, causes an Attach using the MARKSQLT module. Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation At this point, the basic VISION:Builder System is installed. Chapter 4 System Setups starting on page 20 details additional setup steps for utilizing other VISION:Builder capabilities. The use of these other capabilities is dependent on the preferences at each installation site. To verify that the basic VISION:Builder system is installed and operational, a simple job stream is run. This job stream exercises several different functions of the system. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 17 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation Use the JCL member BLIVP in the WORKLIB PDS to perform the installation verification process. All that you need to supply is the JOBLIB DD data set names for the VISION:Builder and COMLIB component load libraries. No permanent data sets are created by this job stream. Note that VISION:Builder utilizes the IBM Language Environment (LE, formerly LE/370). The LE run-time library must be available when running VISION:Builder jobs. If the LE modules are not available at your facility, an RSM (Restricted System Modification) is available that, when installed in the VISION:Builder loadlib, causes VISION:Builder to bypass using any LE modules. See Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) on page 21 for information about applying RSMs to your system. The job stream contains the following steps. Each step will complete with a condition code zero (0000). If you are using IBM LE services, you must have access to the LE run-time library using concatenation to your VISION:Builder load library or other method. INIT A library utility run to allocate and initialize a common library (M4LIB). If you set Item Tracking in MARKLIBP to 1 or 3, then you must add an IT statement to the M4INPUT for this step. DEFRUN1 A definition run that catalogs a file and a table definition in the M4LIB. PROCRUN A single step processing run to read an instream data file and produce two reports. The cataloged file and table definitions are utilized from the M4LIB. The Advanced Syntax Language (ASL) translator is invoked. Your standard SORT program is called to sort the report data. The input file data is processed and two reports are produced. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 18 Chapter 3 System Preparation Step 6 — Verify Basic System Installation LIBRUN A library utility run to back up (dump), reinitialize, and restore the contents of the M4LIB. This is a process that condenses the M4LIB. DEFRUN2 A definition run to produce glossary listings of the file and table definitions. The basic installation is complete and verified. ■ You must define a new M4LIB before running VISION:Builder. Refer to the VISION:Builder Environment Manual for OS/390 (for OS/390 users) or the VISION:Builder Environment Manual for VSE (for VSE users) for more information about defining a new M4LIB. ■ See Chapter 4 System Setups starting on page 20 to determine which optional setup steps are needed for your site. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 19 Chapter 4 System Setups This chapter contains descriptions of system setups that you may need to perform, depending on which capabilities and facilities your installation site is using or plans to use. This chapter is divided into the following sections: ■ Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) on page 21 ■ Step 8 — Install the PAL File Definitions and Requests on page 22 ■ Step 9 — Static Own Code Integration Relink on page 23 ■ Step 10 — Setup for Use with the TSO Command Processor on page 24 ■ Step 11 — Copy VISION:Builder Message Modules to LPA on page 26 ■ Installing VISION:Workbench for DOS on page 27 ■ VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements on page 28 ■ Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF on page 38 ■ Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF on page 45 20 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) ■ Step 12 — Quick Start Utility Setup on page 50 ■ Step 13 — Merge Load Libraries on page 50 Step 7 — Install Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) Contact Sterling Software Technical Support if you have any questions regarding the use of RSMs for your site. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. An RSM is a customization to the system that satisfies unique site requirements. If the previous release of your VISION:Builder system had RSMs installed, you may need to install the current release of the RSMs. This should make your system functionally equivalent to that of your previous version. You can tell if your system has an RSM applied by looking at the banner page. Any system modification with a value less than 200 is an RSM and a candidate for a comparable upgrade RSM. All the RSMs for VISION:Builder, COMLIB, and VISION:Workbench for ISPF are contained as members in the RSMLIB PDS transferred to disk from the system tape. The JCL members BLZARK, CLZARK, and WBZARK in the WORKLIB PDS contain sample job steps to apply and remove SMs from the various components. Refer to the ANSRZARK Utility Manual for more information about RSMs and the use of ANSRZARK. The RSMs’ member names start with BL, CL, and WB, indicating the applicable component (VISION:Builder, COMLIB, and VISION:Workbench for ISPF, respectively). The number portion of the RSM member name is sequenced from 100 through 200. The numbers for the current component releases correspond to the same number in the previous release. The letter following the RSM number is an operating environment indicator. Each member name contains a suffix of XX or ZZ. The XX means the member contains the description and the purpose of the RSM. The ZZ means the member contains the input control statements for the ANSRZARK utility program. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 21 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 8 — Install the PAL File Definitions and Requests Step 8 — Install the PAL File Definitions and Requests If you will be using the Program AnaLyzer (PAL) facility, you need to perform this step. The VISION:Builder file definitions and application requests are cataloged into a common library (M4LIB) for use in the production of the various PAL Reports. For proper PAL support, three file definitions (IGCPALVB, IGCPALWK, and IGCPALRS) and a request group (IGCPAL) must be cataloged. The request group IGCPAL contains the following request names: IGCPALFT IGCPALDR IGCPAL2P IGCPAL4 IGCPAL5P IGCPALRS IGCPAL1 IGCPAL3 IGCPAL4P IGCPAL6 IGCPALEF IGCPAL2 IGCPAL3P IGCPAL5 IGCPAL7 To install the PAL file definitions and requests, you must initialize an M4LIB and catalog the file definitions, the individual requests, and the request group into the M4LIB. Use the JCL member BLPAL in the WORKLIB PDS to catalog the PAL items. The job catalogs the items into a BDAM format M4LIB. The INIT (initialize an M4LIB) and DEFRUN1 (definition run) steps should receive a condition code 0, indicating successful completion. The PROCRUN (processing scan only run) step receives a condition code 4, indicating successful completion of the scan only run. Review the source listing to insure that no type 3 or higher error messages were issued. VISION:Builder uses this M4LIB data set when the PAL facility is used to produce reports. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 22 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 9 — Static Own Code Integration Relink Step 9 — Static Own Code Integration Relink This step is only needed if you use the Static Integration Facility for your user-written M4OWN module. The purpose and use of this facility is described in the Environment Manual. This step can be skipped if static own code integration is not used. Use JCL member BLRLNK in the WORKLIB PDS to run a job that relinks the VISION:Builder main program module and includes your user-written version of the module M4OWN. You need to supply your M4OWN module as an object or a load module. See the JCL comments that indicate the data sets needed for the link edit job. Error Messages to Ignore During the link edit, various warning and error messages are issued. The following messages can be safely ignored: IEW0461 WARNING-SYMBOL PRINTED IS AN UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE, NCAL WAS SPECIFIED. IEW0161 WARNING-EXCLUSIVE CALL FROM SEGMENT NUMBER PRINTED TO SYMBOL PRINTED - XCAL WAS SPECIFIED. These messages cause a condition code 4, which can be safely ignored. Also, if you comment out the DLILIB DD (or the OBJLIB DD) statement in the link edit JCL, a condition code 8 occurs and the following message is issued and can be ignored: If you need to restore the original M4OWN module delivered with the system to turn off and remove Static Own Code, the WORKLIB PDS contains the original M4OWN object code. Point to the WORKLIB PDS on the OBJLIB DD statement and run the BLRLNK job. IEW0432 ERROR-LIBRARY NAME PRINTED CANNOT BE OPENED, DD STATEMENT MAY BE MISSING. Link edit storage requirements vary from installation to installation. However, the normal region size and default link edit size parameter values used at your installation for links to a loadlib should be suitable for this link edit step. If you have a problem, you can use a region size of 1024K and a link edit size parameter of (310K, 84K) as a guideline. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 23 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 10 — Setup for Use with the TSO Command Processor Step 10 — Setup for Use with the TSO Command Processor The following sections are for sites that use the OLX, OQL, OFI, BQL, and BFI features of VISION:Builder. If you do not use any of these facilities, proceed to Step 11 — Copy VISION:Builder Message Modules to LPA on page 26. These features continue to be delivered as part of the system for compatibility purposes and in support of legacy systems still using these features of the product. OQL and BQL Parameter Module Modification The Online Executive (OLX) facility uses modules containing parameters, options, and settings that can be tailored to each installation. The default values are contained in modules that can be modified, assembled, and link edited as needed at any time. If no modifications are required, you can skip this section. The two parameter modules are: OQLPARM Online Query Language (OQL, OLX, OFI) parameter module BQLPARM Batch Query Language (BQL, BFI) parameter module These are listed in detail in Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules starting on page 113. The source code for the parameter modules is contained in the WORKLIB PDS. If you are going to modify any of these modules, create a backup copy of the original source code. Once you have reviewed and modified the parameter modules as needed, you can use the JCL member BLASM2 in the WORKLIB PDS to assemble and link edit new versions of the modules into the VISION:Builder component load libraries. The JCL in member BLASM2 has examples for the assembly and link edit of both of the parameter modules. You only need to run the steps that correspond to the modules you change. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 24 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 10 — Setup for Use with the TSO Command Processor For each step you choose to run, specify the WORKLIB PDS name, the source member name, and the load library name. TSO Help Data Set If your site does not utilize the OLX, OFI, or OQL facility, this section can be skipped. The TSO help members for the OLX, OFI, or OQL facility must be made available to the general TSO help processor during terminal sessions. The TSO help members can be copied to a separate help data set that is concatenated with the other data sets specified on the SYSHELP DD statement in the TSO logon procedure. Another option is to copy the help members directly into one of the help data sets already specified on the SYSHELP DD statement in the TSO logon procedure. Use the JCL member BLCOPY3 in the WORKLIB PDS to copy the TSO help members to a help data set. The BLCOPY3 job allocates a new data set and copies the help members from the WORKLIB PDS to the new data set. If you are using an existing data set, skip the ALLOC step in the BLCOPY3 JCL. The COPY job replaces members of the same name in the existing data set. OLX Command Processors Users of the OLX facility may want to copy some of the command processing modules to the SYS1.LINKLIB (or concatenation thereof) so that TSO can find them. This allows users to specify the VISION:Builder load library as an operand of the M4EXEC command. Otherwise, the VISION:Builder load library must be part of the STEPLIB DD or allocated as a STEPLIB for the TSO session. This specification is optional. Use the JCL member BLCOPY4 in the WORKLIB PDS to copy some of the OLX Command Modules to a SYS1.LINKLIB or concatenation thereof. Specify the VISION:Builder load library and the SYS1.LINKLIB data set names. The COPY job replaces members of the same name in the copied to data set. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 25 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 11 — Copy VISION:Builder Message Modules to LPA Step 11 — Copy VISION:Builder Message Modules to LPA This optional step can be done if you want to copy the VISION:Builder message modules to your LPA libraries for shared access. The VISION:Builder messages are contained in modules within the VISION:Builder load library. These modules are loaded into memory (the region) as needed during the various execution runs. The message modules are marked as reentrant and could be placed in the LPA. They are then shared by all VISION:Builder runs, which reduces the amount of storage used in the region for each job. The size of each message module is 4K. An index and global message module are also used in the message handling mechanism. Use the JCL member BLCOPY5 in the WORKLIB PDS to copy the VISION:Builder message modules from the VISION:Builder load library to an LPA load library. Specify the VISION:Builder load library and the LPA load library data set names. The COPY job replaces members of the same name in the copied to data set. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 26 Chapter 4 System Setups Installing VISION:Workbench for DOS Installing VISION:Workbench for DOS One of the components of the VISION:Builder software system is VISION:Workbench™ for DOS. It is a PC-based application programming development tool. This component runs on a PC workstation under DOS. It can also be run in a DOS window under Windows 3.1®, Windows 95®, Windows 98®, and Windows NT®. This tool helps VISION:Builder users to prepare their definitions and applications. All coding is checked for errors and inconsistencies at the PC without the need to connect to the host. Once the application and definitions are ready, the users transfer the VISION:Builder source statements to the host for actual submission and processing. VISION:Workbench for DOS is delivered on compact disc. The CD should be distributed among all VISION:Builder users. The CD is NOT copy protected, you can make unlimited copies as needed. Contact Sterling Software Technical Support if you cannot locate the CD in your installation package or have other problems. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. Information about installing and using VISION:Workbench for DOS is contained in the VISION:Workbench for DOS User's Guide. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 27 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements This section contains the following sections: Allocating VISION:Workbench for ISPF Run-Time Libraries ■ Allocating VISION:Workbench for ISPF Run-Time Libraries on page 28 ■ Allocation Requirements on page 29 ■ Using STEPLIB and System Link Library on page 33 ■ Using the LIBDEF Feature on page 33 ■ More about ISPFILE Allocations on page 34 ■ List Data Set and Internal Work Files on page 35 VISION:Workbench for ISPF runs as an application under IBM’s ISPF/PDF Facility, which is an extension of TSO, and takes advantage of the many standard services available under ISPF. To integrate VISION:Workbench for ISPF into the ISPF environment, the VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries and the appropriate VISION:Builder, VISION:Transact™, VISION:Inform™, and COMLIB component load libraries must be made available to the ISPF facility. The primary methods for making the VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries known to ISPF are as follows: ■ Add the libraries to the TSO logon procedure or the ISPF “start-up” CLIST. ■ Use the ISPF LIBDEF service to dynamically modify your ISPF library concatenations. Check with the systems group at your facility to confirm which method you should use to get the VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries allocated for ISPF sessions. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 28 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements To allocate the necessary VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries 1 Determine how your existing ISPF libraries are being allocated. 2 Concatenate them to the existing ISPF library allocations. 3 Allocate the VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries in the front of each concatenation sequence. Allocation Requirements Note that the VISION:Workbench for ISPF CLIST library was delivered on the installation tape as a fixed blocked data set with a record length of 80 and a block size of 3200. If your installation prefers a variable blocked format, you may want to copy the contents of this library over to a different CLIST library of the proper format for your site. The following list shows the required ISPF ddnames and the VISION:Workbench for ISPF data sets that should be associated with them. All VISION:Workbench for ISPF data set names displayed are the suggested names shown earlier in this document. Change these names to reflect those names actually used during your installation process. ddname: SYSPROC Data set name: BUILDER.WB058.CLIST ddname: ISPLLIB Data set names: BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB (all sites) BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB (all sites) BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB (VISION:Builder sites) TRANSACT.TR075.GENLIB (VISION:Transact sites) INFORM31.LOADLIB (VISION:Inform sites) ISPLLIB functions as a task library. It is searched before the STEPLIB allocations, system link libraries, or the system link pack area. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 29 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements VISION:Workbench for ISPF Release 5.8 requires the specific releases of the associated software products and components, as shown in the following table. Software Product Release Number VISION:Builder Release 13.8 VISION:Transact Release 7.5 VISION:Inform Release 3.1 COMLIB Release 4.5 Additionally, with VISION:Builder Release 13.8 and VISION:Transact Release 7.5, the IBM Language Environment (LE, formerly LE/370) is utilized. The LE run-time library must be available when running the validation function of VISION:Workbench for ISPF. If the LE modules are not available at your facility, RSMs (Restricted System Modifications) are available that, when installed in the VISION:Builder and VISION:Transact loadlibs, causes VISION:Builder and VISION:Transact to bypass using any LE modules. Panel Library ddname: ISPPLIB Data set name: BUILDER.WB058.PANELS If you have chosen to preprocess your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panel library, concatenate the preprocessed panel library, rather than the panel source library, to this ddname. Preprocessing the panel library is an optional installation step discussed in Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF on page 45 of this document. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 30 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements Locate Text ddname: ISPMLIB Data set name: BUILDER.WB058.MSGS This ddname is used by ISPF to locate the text of all messages issued by ISPF applications like VISION:Workbench for ISPF. Locate Skeletons ddname: ISPSLIB Data set name: BUILDER.WB058.SKELS The ISPSLIB ddname is used to specify the location of ISPF file tailoring skeletons used by VISION:Workbench for ISPF. Generate Facility ddname: ISPFILE Data set name: This data set name should reference a file tailoring output library. Sites that use the VISION:Workbench for ISPF “Generate” facility must preallocate this file. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 31 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements IMPORT Option The IMPORT option of VISION:Workbench for ISPF requires a data set to save information entered during the IMPORT function dialogs. The entered information is then available from session to session. The data set should be preallocated and cataloged. The data set characteristics are as follows: ■ DSORG PO ■ RECFM FB ■ LRECL 80 ■ BLKSIZE multiple of 80 ■ SPACE (TRK,(5,2,2)) Start-up CLIST Once the data set has been defined, you need to add the data set to the ISPF start-up CLIST allocations. The free and allocation entries for the ddname DEFTLIB should be coded as follows: ■ FREE F(DEFTLIB) ■ ALLOC F(DEFTLIB) DA(‘’) SHR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 32 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements To allow for automatic dynamic allocation and cataloging of the data set for each unique user, you could insert the following sample CLIST statements into the startup ISPF CLIST: FREE F(DEFTLIB) IF &SYSDSN('BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..TLIB') = OK THEN + ALLOC F(DEFTLIB) DA('BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..TLIB') SHR ELSE + ALLOC F(DEFTLIB) DA('BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..TLIB') + NEW CATALOG UNIT(SYSDA) SPACE(5,2) DIR(2) + DSORG(PO) RECFM(F B) LRECL(80) BLKSIZE(3120) The &SYSUID element entry is replaced by the current user ID when the startup CLIST is activated. Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST starting on page 192 contains a sample ISPF start-up CLIST that shows how the VISION:Workbench for ISPF library allocations can be accomplished. Using STEPLIB and System Link Library Rather than allocating them to ISPLLIB, you can make your VISION:Workbench for ISPF load library and related load libraries available to ISPF using a STEPLIB allocation or system link library allocations. Alternatively, because VISION:Workbench for ISPF is reentrant, you can place its load modules in the system link pack area. VISION:Builder, VISION:Transact, and COMLIB are not reentrant and should not be run from the system link pack area. Using the LIBDEF Feature This feature allows you to dynamically modify your ISPF library concatenations based on the ISPF application you are running. Use the LIBDEF service to allocate your VISION:Workbench for ISPF CLIST, panel, message, and skeleton libraries. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 33 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements Do not use this feature to allocate load libraries or the file tailoring output data set for VISION:Builder application generation. VISION:Workbench for ISPF relies on OS/390 (MVS) services to find load modules and to obtain the data set name for file tailoring output. OS/390 (MVS) services do not recognize allocations done using the ISPF LIBDEF service. VISION:Workbench for ISPF does not function properly if LIBDEF is used for ISPLLIB or ISPFILE allocations. For more information on the LIBDEF service, refer to IBM's ISPF Dialogue Management Guide and Reference manual. More about ISPFILE Allocations The ISPFILE allocation is only applicable to VISION:Builder customers using VISION:Workbench for ISPF. If used, the ISPFILE allocation must not specify a concatenated sequence of data sets. During the VISION:Workbench for ISPF VISION:Builder job submission process, if you specify the “keep” or “keep/submit” processing option, the generated JCL or CLIST is written to the data set allocated to ISPFILE. This data set is often referred to as the file tailoring output data set. As mentioned earlier, VISION:Builder users must preallocate this file if they will be using the generate facility. This preallocation must not be done using the ISPF LIBDEF service (see Using the LIBDEF Feature on page 33). VISION:Transact sites do not need to preallocate ISPFILE. VISION:Workbench for ISPF dynamically allocates the file tailoring output data set as required and uses its own ddname (M9FTOUT) for this purpose. VISION:Workbench for ISPF does not deallocate any existing ISPFILE assignments. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 34 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements The file tailoring output data set must be a partitioned data set. Create this data set with the following recommended characteristics: ■ DSORG: PO ■ RECFM: FB ■ LRECL: 80 ■ BLKSIZE: any multiple of 80 Normally, each user wants to have a personal file tailoring output data set. This can be accomplished by using the user ID as one of the qualifiers when allocating the data set name. For example, the data set name could be BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID.FTOUTPUT. Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST starting on page 192 contains an example to show how a file tailoring output data set can be allocated in your ISPF start-up CLIST. For more information about allocating your file tailoring output data set, refer to IBM's ISPF Dialogue Management Guide and Reference manual. List Data Set and Internal Work Files The List Data Set VISION:Workbench for ISPF uses a list data set that works similarly to the ISPF list data set. You can preallocate this data set prior to invoking your VISION:Workbench for ISPF session, but preallocation is not required. If this data set has not been preallocated, it will dynamically allocate with a disposition of new when the data set is needed. If this data set is preallocated, it must have the following characteristics: ■ DDNAME: M9LIST VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 35 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements ■ DSORG: PS or SYSOUT ■ RECFM: FBA ■ LRECL: 133 ■ BLKSIZE: any multiple of 133 The list data set corresponds to the ISPF list data set in purpose and function. It is used to hold any output that you request while in VISION:Workbench for ISPF. For example, if you use the utilities to perform a source statement retrieval and you request a hard copy of the source, the source listing is written to this data set. If you preallocate this data set, no termination processing is attempted at the end of the VISION:Workbench for ISPF session. If VISION:Workbench for ISPF allocates this data set, a Process List Data Set panel appears during termination processing. This panel functions in the same manner as the ISPF Process List Data Set panel. You can set up default processing parameters for this data set using the VISION:Workbench for ISPF Parameters selection. If the list data set is dynamically allocated by VISION:Workbench for ISPF, the naming convention used is &SYSPREF.(&SYSUID.).M9TEMPn.LIST. The &SYSUID qualifier is only used if it differs from the &SYSPREF system prefix. Internal Work Files A VISION:Workbench for ISPF session can use up to five internal work files. These data sets are allocated as needed to the following ddnames: ■ M9LST1 ■ M9LST2 ■ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) M9LST3 ■ M9LST4 ■ M5LIST 36 Chapter 4 System Setups VISION:Workbench for ISPF Setup Requirements M9LST3 and M9LST4 are only required when a 3290 terminal is in use. M5LIST is only used by the VISION:Transact development facility. These data sets are allocated and deleted as necessary and cannot be preallocated. You can control some of the dynamic allocation parameters used by VISION:Workbench for ISPF when allocating these data sets by modifying the following two panels in your panel library: ■ M9DATPMI - This panel allows you to customize some of the allocation parameters used to allocate the M9LSTn data sets. ■ M9DATPMV - This panel allows you to customize some of the allocation parameters used to allocate the M5LIST data set. These panels allow you to specify unit and space allocations for the internal work files. Just prior to dynamically allocating any of these data sets, VISION:Workbench for ISPF retrieves and uses the allocation information from the appropriate panel variables. Remember that the units specified on these panels must be known to TSO and must be eligible to contain permanent data sets. The naming convention used by VISION:Workbench for ISPF is as follows Data Set Naming Convention M9LSTn &SYSPREF.(&SYSUID.).M9TEMPn.LSTn M5LIST &SYSPREF.(&SYSUID.).M9TEMPn.M5LIST In both cases, only use the &SYSUID qualifier if it differs from the &SYSPREF system prefix. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 37 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF VISION:Workbench for ISPF is designed to support VISION:Builder, VISION:Transact, and VISION:Inform, along with the shared COMLIB component. Although these three products and the shared component have a commonality of elements and specifications, there are also separate elements that are unique to each product. VISION:Workbench for ISPF has a common entry point that provides for the selection of a subsection appropriate for each specific product. Full functionality of each subsection of VISION:Workbench for ISPF is dependent upon the presence of the separate product software. At least one product, along with the COMLIB component, must be available for VISION:Workbench for ISPF to function. VISION:Workbench for ISPF runs under IBM’s ISPF/PDF facility, which you start in one of the following ways: ■ By executing an ISPF “start-up” CLIST once you are logged on to TSO. ■ From the TSO logon procedure. In either case, the appropriate ISPF data sets are allocated and a menu panel appears for the user to make a selection and activate the wanted services or dialogs. Use one of the following methods for invoking ISPF dialog applications: ■ Adding an Option to a Standard ISPF Primary Menu on page 39. You can add a selection option to the standard ISPF primary menu panel used at your facility. Users can then select the designated option to invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF. When invoked, a VISION:Workbench for ISPF entry menu appears and the user selects the appropriate option for entry to the wanted subsection application (VISION:Builder, VISION:Transact, and so on). VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 38 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF ■ Using the ISPSTART Command on page 42. You can create a CLIST that allocates the appropriate ISPF data sets and uses the ISPSTART command to directly invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF. This allows users to invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF without going through the standard ISPF primary menu. The standard IBM ISPF options would not be available for selection by the user when this method is used. There are variations of these basic methods that can be used to accomplish the same results. Your IS staff knows which method works best for your facility. Whichever method is used, the proper ISPF environment and appropriate ISPF data sets, along with the VISION:Workbench for ISPF and associated product data sets, must be established and allocated for everything to function properly. Adding an Option to a Standard ISPF Primary Menu In Appendix D Invocation Panels starting on page 195, the XSR@PRIM panel shows a sample of an ISPF primary menu panel specification. The arrows in the figure point to the specifications that can be added tocause VISION:Workbench for ISPF to be invoked. You only need to add the specifications that are appropriate for your facility. To add a selection option to the standard ISPF primary menu panel 1 Add an assignment to the INIT section of the panel, as shown in the following statement: &M9PRODCT = ‘Workbench’ This assignment sets an internal variable in VISION:Workbench for ISPF that is used in some of the panel displays. 2 To invoke the VISION:Workbench for ISPF Primary Selection Menu, add the WB specification to your primary menu. The specification adds an option code (WB) to the panel display (top portion) and an action (PROC) to be taken when the option is selected. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 39 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF 3 The system displays the following line: % WB +WORKBENCH -%VISION:Workbench Facility - Release 5.8 The % specifies to highlight the following text and the + specifies to use normal intensity for the following text. These are standard ISPF attribute indicators. The remaining text and characters are display-only and therefore can be almost anything you choose. 4 The following line causes ISPF to display the panel M9PRIM when the option WB is entered on the ISPF primary menu option line: WB,’PANEL(M9PRIM)’ /* Invokes VISION:Workbench Selection Menu */ The line must be keyed in uppercase. The /* ....*/ is just a comment and can be ignored or used as a reference. The ISPF WB action causes the M9PRIM panel to appear and a transfer control to the actions specified on that panel from subsequent user interaction. • • The M9PRIM panel is the primary selection menu for VISION:Workbench for ISPF. M9PRIM on page 196 shows the M9PRIM panel specifications. 5 From the VISION:Workbench for ISPF primary selection menu, enter the appropriate option to invoke the wanted subsection. You can choose to bypass the VISION:Workbench for ISPF primary selection menu and go directly to the desired subsection by adding some or all of the remaining specifications shown by the arrows in XSR@PRIM on page 195. 6 The system displays the following lines: % BL % TR % IN +Builder -%VISION:Builder 13.8 Workbench +Transact -%VISION:Transact 7.5 Workbench +Inform -%VISION:Inform 3.1 Workbench VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 40 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF The % specifies to highlight the following text and the + specifies to use normal intensity for the following text. These are standard ISPF attribute indicators. The remaining text and characters are display-only and therefore can be almost anything you choose. The purpose is to instruct the user to use the BL, TR, and IN characters as an option on the option line and cause the action specified in the PROC section of the panel coding. 7 The following PROC section lines cause ISPF to transfer control to the program M9BOOT when the option BL, TR, or IN is entered on the ISPF primary menu option line: BL,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(BDM4) NOCHECK’ TR,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(ODM5) NOCHECK’ IN,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(PMM4) NOCHECK’ The line must be keyed in uppercase. The PARM values are passed to the M9BOOT program and causes the appropriate subsection selection menu to appear. 8 You need to add one final specification to the PROC section of the panel, as shown in the following statement: &GVNXTSEL = .TRAIL This assignment sets an internal variable in VISION:Workbench for ISPF such that any trailing command options are available for processing. Only use the options and actions for the products that are appropriate for your facility. If you do not have all the companion product software, see Using Other VISION:Workbench for ISPF Subsections on page 43. There is information on how to use the other portions of VISION:Workbench for ISPF without actually having the companion product software. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 41 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF The above specifications for panels are standard coding as provided by IBM for their ISPF/PDF environment. Check with your systems people if you are not sure what is the best method for your facility. Using the ISPSTART Command VISION:Workbench for ISPF can be directly invoked from TSO using the ISPSTART command. You can write a CLIST that allocates all the ISPF data sets, along with the VISION:Workbench for ISPF data sets, and then executes the ISPSTART command to invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF directly. The CLIST is almost identical to the standard ISPF start-up CLIST. Use this method to bypass the standard ISPF primary menu. The options normally available to ISPF from the primary menu could not be accessed. Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST starting on page 192 shows a sample ISPF start-up CLIST. The ISPSTART command appears at the end of the CLIST and can be changed to invoke the VISION:Workbench for ISPF selection menu (M9PRIM) or the entry program (M9BOOT) directly. To invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF using the ISPSTART command 1 Invoke the VISION:Workbench for ISPF selection menu using the following statement: ISPSTART PANEL(M9PRIM) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 42 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF 2 Invoke a VISION:Workbench for ISPF subsection menu using the following statement: Only one subsection can be started per TSO session. ISPSTART PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(xxxx) where: xxxx identifies the product subsection, as follows: ■ BDM4 - VISION:Builder 13.8 Workbench ■ ODM5 - VISION:Transact 7.5 Workbench ■ PMM4 - VISION:Inform 3.1 Workbench These specifications for CLISTs are standard coding as provided by IBM for their TSO environment. Check with your systems people if you are not sure what is the best method for your facility. Using Other VISION:Workbench for ISPF Subsections VISION:Workbench for ISPF is designed to be fully-functional when the companion product software is also installed and available to ISPF. However, VISION:Workbench for ISPF can also be used when the companion product software is not installed. One of the software products must be available so that, as a minimum, the COMLIB component is present and available to VISION:Workbench for ISPF. If your facility already has all the companion product software, VISION:Builder, VISION:Transact, VISION:Inform, or if you are not interested in exploring the other portions of VISION:Workbench for ISPF, then you can skip this section. When the associated software product is not available, application validation does not function, but the data entry edits are still active. This gives users a chance to explore the other portions of VISION:Workbench for ISPF. Change the PARM(xxxx) in the following locations when the associated product software is not installed and available: VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 43 Chapter 4 System Setups Invoking VISION:Workbench for ISPF ■ Panel M9PRIM (described in Appendix D Invocation Panels starting on page 195) ■ The tailored ISPF primary menu panel ■ The ISPSTART command specifications The following table shows the before and after changes for the PARM entry. Before After Comment PARM(BDM4) PARM(BD ) replace the M4 with two blank spaces to indicate that VISION:Builder is not available PARM(ODM5) PARM(OD ) replace the M5 with two blank spaces to indicate that VISION:Transact is not available PARM(PMM4) PARM(PM ) replace the M4 with two blank spaces to indicate that VISION:Inform is notavailable After you have made these changes, pefrom tghe following steps to ensure that a product parameters module is available to make the other portions of VISION:Workbench for ISPF function: ■ Use the two default parameter modules in the VISION:Workbench for ISPF load library (BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB). ■ Rename these modules, depending on which other portion you want to be functional. • For VISION:Builder and VISION:Inform, rename the M4PRMMOD to M4PARAMS. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) • For VISION:Transact, rename the M5PRMMOD to FIVEPARM. 44 Chapter 4 System Setups Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF Once the appropriate specifications have been adjusted, VISION:Workbench for ISPF will function in the subsections even if the companion software product is not installed. Remember, the application validation will not function, but the data entry edits are still active. Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF Preprocessing Your Panel Library ISPF offers a panel preprocessing utility called ISPPREP. This utility can be used to convert your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panels into an encoded format that significantly improves panel display performance while using VISION:Workbench for ISPF. A preprocessed panel library also takes up to 20% less space than an unprocessed panel library. Once a panel has been preprocessed and is in an encoded display format, it cannot be modified. To change a preprocessed panel, you must modify the original panel source member and rerun ISPPREP for that panel. Not all panels can be preprocessed. There are restrictions that prevent ISPPREP from successfully converting certain panels. The following VISION:Workbench for ISPF panels are bypassed automatically when ISPPREP is run: ■ M9HCAPBR ■ M9HCAPDA ■ M9HCAPED ■ M9HCAPPF ■ M9HCAPSF ■ M9HCAPSS ■ M9SVAPBR ■ M9SVAPPM ■ M9TBAPTB ■ M9TBAPTP To preprocess your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panels ▼ Allocate a second panel library to hold the preprocessed panels. Leave your original panel source library unchanged. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 45 Chapter 4 System Setups If you do not want to preprocess your panel library, skip to Customizing Job Submission Skeletons on page 48. Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF To preprocess your panel library 1 Allocate an ISPF log data set Ensure that you have an ISPF log data set allocated. The preprocess utility writes information messages to this data set. 2 Allocate a new panel library Allocated this panel library with the same characteristics as your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panel source library. The space allocation can be reduced to 80 primary tracks. The directory blocks can be reduced to 70 tracks unless you set the Save Statistics option to Yes on the ISPPREP panel, in which case you must increase the directory blocks to 225. 3 Run the preprocess utility • Go into ISPF and select the Command option (option 6) from the primary menu. • Enter the command ISPPREP on the TSO command line. A preprocess utility • panel appears. In this panel, specify the source (unprocessed) data set and the target data set where the processed panels will be stored. Type in the appropriate information to convert all panels and press Enter. The time required to complete the panel conversion process varies from installation to installation. At the Sterling Software installation, ISPPREP takes about 8 minutes to complete. Informational messages appear during this time to tell you how many panels have been processed. Do not worry about the panels that cannot be preprocessed at this time. The ISPPREP utility will recognize that these panels cannot be encoded and will automatically skip them. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 46 Chapter 4 System Setups Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF • When this process is finished, view or print your ISPF log. You can view the log using ISPF option 7.5—Dialog Test, Log option. The log contains informational messages from the conversion process that pertain to the panels that could not be converted. 4 Copy the following unprocessed panels: ■ M9HCAPBR ■ M9HCAPDA ■ M9HCAPED ■ M9HCAPPF ■ M9HCAPSF ■ M9HCAPSS ■ M9SVAPBR ■ M9SVAPPM ■ M9TBAPTB ■ M9TBAPTP After the conversion process is complete, use the ISPF Copy utility (option 3.3) to copy the unprocessed panels listed above from your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panel source library to your new preprocessed panel library. 5 Allocate the new library to ISPPLIB The preprocessed panel library now contains all of your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panels. Allocate this library to the ISPF ddname ISPPLIB so that ISPF uses the encoded VISION:Workbench for ISPF panels rather than the source versions. You can remove your VISION:Workbench for ISPF panel source library from the ISPPLIB concatenation. 6 Modify Panels After Preprocessing If you change a VISION:Workbench for ISPF panel, you must edit it in its source format. Once the modification is complete, replace it in the preprocessed panel library by running the panel through the ISPPREP utility. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 47 Chapter 4 System Setups Customizing Job Submission Skeletons Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF There are four default file tailoring skeletons, accompanied by four default user panels (see Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings starting on page 198 for more information). These are used by the VISION:Workbench for ISPF “generate” subsystems for VISION:Builder and VISION:Transact. These skeletons and panels are as follows: Panel M9BGUPNL and Skeleton M9BGTS This panel/skeleton combination is used to submit VISION:Builder background jobs. Panel M9FGUPNL and Skeleton M9FGTS This panel/skeleton combination is used to execute VISION:Builder foreground jobs. Panel M9GCTPU2 and Skeleton M9GCTSBG This panel/skeleton combination is used to submit VISION:Transact background jobs. Panel M9GCTPU1 and Skeleton M9GCTSFG This panel/skeleton combination is used to execute VISION:Transact foreground jobs. To customize job submission skeletons 1 As a safety measure, create a backup before you begin to modify any of the panels or skeletons. 2 Before you actually start customizing your VISION:Workbench for ISPF file tailoring skeletons, run a few job submission tests using the default versions of the skeletons and user panels. When making these test runs, specify a processing option of “Keep” on the file tailoring option panel. This causes your submission JCL or CLIST to be written to the file tailoring output data set, but the job does not execute. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 48 Chapter 4 System Setups Optional Setup for VISION:Workbench for ISPF 3 Review the generated JCL and CLISTs to: • become better acquainted with how the file tailoring skeletons work. • see exactly where you need to make changes to conform to your installation standards. 4 If you are currently using VISION:Workbench for ISPF job submission skeletons from a previous release, you can continue to use them with this release. You may have to change data set names to reflect the new release library names, but no other modifications should be necessary. If you do not have working skeletons from a previous VISION:Workbench for ISPF release, use the skeletons in this release as a starting point and modify them so that they work properly for your site. 5 The sample file tailoring skeletons distributed with the system refer to variables from the corresponding sample user panels. To use a sample skeleton, you must specify during job generation which sample user panel should appear. Once it appears, you should complete all the entries. The use of user panels is not mandatory. This feature makes the system more flexible, but if you would rather bypass the user panel, you can. Instead, just hard code the user panel information in your job submission skeletons. For more information about file tailoring and file tailoring skeletons, refer to IBM's ISPF Dialogue Management Guide and Reference manual. LMF SUPPORT If your installation uses the Library Management Facility (LMF), a VISION:Workbench for ISPF restricted system modification (RSM) is available that places an LMF lock on any members being edited from an LMF-controlled library. The RSMs are in the RSMLIB PDS created by Step 2. For more information, contact Sterling Software Technical Support. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 49 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 12 — Quick Start Utility Setup Step 12 — Quick Start Utility Setup Refer to the VISION:Builder Getting Started manual for information about quick start utilities. The VISION:Builder System contains four utilities to quick start the user in developing file definitions. These utilities convert existing COBOL, DB2, VISION:Inquiry, and VISION:Results table and file definitions into a VISION:Builder file definition that is then tailored for use. The utility programs are delivered on the COMLIB load library unloaded from the system tape. The WORKLIB PDS (unloaded from the system tape in Step 1) contains JCL to help in the setup and execution of these utilities. The JCL members are: CLCOBQS, CLDB2QS, CLINQQS, and CLRESQS. If you plan to use the DB2 quick start utility, you must BIND the utility. Use the JCL member CLQSBND in the WORKLIB PDS to perform the BIND as a batch job. The DB2 quick start utility has already been preprocessed and prepared. The DBRM is delivered in the WORKLIB PDS. Once the BIND is completed, the utility is ready for use. The COBOL, VISION:Inquiry, and VISION:Results quick start utilities do not require any setup, but you can link edit interfaces with the utility for access to source code management libraries such as CA-Panvalet and CA-Librarian. Sample JCL is provided in the WORKLIB PDS. Step 13 — Merge Load Libraries You can remove any of the COPY control statements for a load library you do not want to be merged. As an optional choice, you can merge the VISION:Builder component load libraries into a single load library. When running VISION:Builder jobs, you always need the components of both the VISION:Builder and COMLIB load libraries available as a STEPLIB or JOBLIB, or in the link list. When using VISION:Workbench for ISPF, you need VISION:Workbench for ISPF, VISION:Builder and COMLIB load libraries available as a STEPLIB or JOBLIB, or in the link list. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 50 Chapter 4 System Setups Step 13 — Merge Load Libraries You can use the JCL member BLMRGLB in the WORKLIB PDS to run a job that merges the component load libraries into a single load library. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 51 Chapter 5 System Support and Maintenance During the life of the VISION:Builder software system release, System Modifications (SMs) are developed to enhance, maintain, and customize the product and components. Any problems that arise are fixed by SMs. General System Modifications (GSMs) are maintenance modifications and are numbered in sequence as they are developed for each release, beginning with 200. Restricted System Modifications (RSMs) are customizations to the product and do not apply to all sites. The user should always review the RSM description carefully before applying them to a system. Applying System Modifications All system modifications (SMs) are applied to the system and components by using the ANSRZARK utility. Refer to the ANSRZARK Utility Manual for details on using the utility. 52 Chapter 5 System Support and Maintenance Problem Reporting and Processing The members BLZARK, CLZARK, and WBZARK in the WORKLIB PDS created by Step 1 of the installation contain JCL examples for running the ANSRZARK utility for each of the system components. Contact Sterling Software Technical Support if you have any questions regarding ANSRZARK and SMs. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. There are several methods for obtaining the latest set of SMs to bring your system up-to-date. Contact Sterling Software Technical Support for more information. Problem Reporting and Processing When a problem is encountered, contact Sterling Software Technical Support to have a representative review your situation. You must provide details to the representative concerning what actions were being performed at the time the problem occurred. Any information on recreating the problem is very useful. Capture any messages or information displayed and communicate these messages to the support representative. VISION:Builder and COMLIB Problem Reporting For VISION:Builder and COMLIB problems, a Diagnostic Information Page may appear as part of the termination handling and message MK4S701 starts the display. Save the information on this display to send to your Sterling Software Technical Support Representative. In some cases, a complete SYSUDUMP taken at the time the problem occurred may be needed to help determine the reason for the error. VISION:Workbench for DOS Problem Reporting For VISION:Workbench for DOS problems, use the screen print feature to capture any messages displayed on the screen. In some cases, a copy on diskette of the application and/or the definitions being used at the time of the error may be needed to help determine the reason for the error. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 53 Chapter 5 System Support and Maintenance VISION:Workbench for ISPF Problem Reporting Problem Reporting and Processing For VISION:Workbench for ISPF problems, gather as much of the following information as possible: ■ The objective of your session. ■ The name, identification, or description of the last valid panel you saw before the problem. ■ Any error messages that were displayed. ■ Information from the unexpected error display, if applicable. ■ Any other information you feel would be useful in recreating the situation. Panel Identification The upper-left corner of every VISION:Workbench for ISPF data entry panel contains a panel identification name. This name is used to reference the panels in VISION:Workbench for ISPF documentation. This identification name is not the name of the panel member in your panel library. To view the actual member name of a panel, type PANELID on the ISPF command line. To turn this feature off and return to the panel identification name, type PANELID. The PANELID command toggles between on and off. Unexpected Error Panel If VISION:Workbench for ISPF abnormally terminates or detects a serious internal error, it displays an Unexpected Error panel. This panel contains information that is always useful when trying to track down the cause of the problem. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 54 Chapter 5 System Support and Maintenance Problem Reporting and Processing If you encounter this screen, obtain a screen print of the display before continuing. If you cannot obtain a screen print, record the following information: ■ Error messages on the display. ■ PSW value. ■ The contents of registers 12, 14, and 15. Use the Help Primary Command to display any message that might be pending. User Code The extensive error checking and data validation techniques built into the VISION:Builder system and components ensure processing integrity. However, these systems have no capacity for determining the integrity of user code incorporated into the application through the facilities of GDBI, GSI, or own-code. Consequently, an error in user code could cause system failure. Determining the true cause of errors within user code is not easy, can be time consuming, and can significantly increase the cost of maintaining these systems. As a courtesy, Sterling Software works with the customer to help discover where the problem might exist in the user code. Once the nature of the problem in the user code has been determined, it is up to the customer to make the corrections. In some cases, if it becomes apparent that the amount of effort needed from Sterling Software to resolve the user code problem will place an unreasonable burden on resources, written authorization may be needed to charge the customer at Sterling Software time and materials rates for the expense involved in analyzing the problem. This is handled on a case-by-case basis. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 55 Appendix A JCL This appendix contains an alphabetical list of all the JCL members referenced in the installation procedures, with the complete detail of each member. BLACTIV This member installs the VISION:Builder product activation key code. BLASM1 This member assembles and links the VISION:Builder system and component parameter modules M4PARAMS, M4SFPARM, and M4LEPARM. BLASM2 This member assembles and links the VISION:Builder system and component parameter modules OQLPARM and BQLPARM. BLBANR This member stream executes a null definition run to produce the VISION:Builder sign-on banner page. BLCOPY1 This member copies file 1 from the VISION:Builder system tape to disk. 56 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 This member is used to transfer files 2-9 from the VISION:Builder system tape to disk data sets. BLCOPY3 This member copies the online executive (OLX, OFI, OQL) TSO help members to a TSO online help data set. BLCOPY4 This member copies some online executive (OLX, OFI, OQL) command processing modules to the SYS1.LINKLIB. BLCOPY5 This member copies the Builder Messages modules to a LOADLIB that is used to load modules into the system LPA. BLDB2A This member assembles, prepares, and links the MARKSQL module three times for use when attaching to DB2 during application runs. BLDB2B This member does the DB2 binds for the three MARKSQL modules that are used for attaching to DB2 during application runs. BLDB2T This member assembles, prepares, and links the MARKSQL module for use with Teradata databases through the standard DB2 facility of VISION:Builder. BLIVP This member is used to demonstrate to the installer that the VISION:Builder installation was successful. BLMRGLB This member allocates a load library and copies all the individual VISION:Builder system component load libraries into a single VISION:Builder system load library. BLOVRLK This member links editor control statements for VISION:Builder relink. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 57 Appendix A JCL BLPAL This member allocates an M4LIB and catalogs the program analyzer (PAL) file definitions and application requests. BLRLNK This member relinks the VISION:Builder load library module named MARKIV. This module uses the overlay facility. BLZARK This JCL shows sample jobs to apply or remove system modifications from your VISION:Builder system loadlib. CLASM1 This member assembles and links the COMLIB component parameter module MARKLIBP. CLCOBLL This member link edits CA-Librarian interface modules with Cobol Quick Start. CLCOBPL This member link edits CA-Panvalet interface modules with Cobol Quick Start. CLCOBQS This member executes the Cobol Quick Start utility. CLDB2QS This member executes the DB2 Quick Start utility. CLINQQS This member is a utility to convert VISION:Inquiry® file definitions into VISION:Builder or VISION:Inform format file definitions. CLQSBND This member binds the DB2 plan for the DB2 Quick Start utility. CLRESLL This member links CA-Librarian interface modules with VISION:Results™ Quick Start. CLRESPL This member links CA-Panvalet interface modules with VISION:Results Quick Start. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 58 Appendix A JCL CLRESQS This member executes the VISION:Results Quick Start utility. CLZARK This JCL shows the sample jobs to apply or remove system modifications from your COMLIB LOADLIB. WBZARK This JCL shows the sample jobs to apply or remove system modifications from VISION:Workbench for ISPF. BLACTIV //* MEMBER BLACTIV 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB INSTALLS THE VISION:BUILDER PRODUCT ACTIVATION KEY CODE 00030000 //**********************************************************************00040000 //* 00050000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY: 00060000 //* 00070000 //* YOUR INSTALLATION NUMBER IDENTIFICATION - (IIIII) 00080000 //* YOUR PRODUCT ACTIVATION KEY CODE - (AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD) 00090001 //* YOUR BUILDER RELEASE 13.8 LOADLIB - (BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB) 00100003 //* 00110000 //ACTIVA EXEC PGM=APPLYACT,REGION=1024K, 00120000 // PARM=’IIIII AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD’ 00130000 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00140003 //ACTKLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00150003 //ACTKWRK DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)) 00160000 //ACTKPRN DD DUMMY 00170000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00180000 // 00190003 BLASM1 //* MEMBER BLASM1 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS PROCEDURE AND JOB STREAM ASSEMBLES AND LINKS THE 00030000 //* VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM AND COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULES 00040000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 59 Appendix A JCL BLASM1 (cont.) //* M4PARAMS, M4SFPARM AND M4LEPARM. 00050001 //* 00060000 //ASMBPRM PROC SRCLIB=, 00070000 // SRCMEM=, 00080000 // LOADLIB= 00090000 //ASM EXEC PGM=ASMA90,REGION=2M, 00100003 // PARM=’NODECK,OBJECT,LIST’ 00110003 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00120000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00130000 //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00140000 // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)) 00150000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00160000 //SYSIN DD DSN=&SRCLIB(&SRCMEM),DISP=SHR 00170000 //* 00180000 //LINK EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=2M, 00190001 // PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL’ 00200001 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00210000 //OBJECT DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00220000 //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00230000 //LOADLIB DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00240000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00250000 // PEND 00260000 //**********************************************************************00270000 //* THE FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THE JOBS TO ASSEMBLE 00280000 //* AND LINK THE BUILDER SYSTEM AND COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULES. 00290000 //* 00300000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY: 00310000 //* 00320000 //* SRCLIB - THE SOURCE PDS THAT CONTAINS THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00330000 //* SRCMEM - THE MEMBER NAME OF THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00340000 //* LOADLIB - THE LOAD LIBRARY TO CONTAIN THE LINK EDITED MODULE. 00350000 //* 00360000 //**********************************************************************00370000 //* M4PARAMS ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00380000 //**********************************************************************00390000 //* 00400000 //M4PARAM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00410001 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 60 Appendix A JCL BLASM1 (cont.) // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00420003 // SRCMEM=’M4PARAMS’, 00430000 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ 00440003 //* 00450000 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00460000 INCLUDE OBJECT 00470000 NAME M4PARAMS(R) 00480000 //* 00490003 //**********************************************************************00500000 //* M4SFPARM ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00510000 //**********************************************************************00520000 //* 00530000 //M4SFPRM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00540000 // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00550003 // SRCMEM=’M4SFPARM’, 00560000 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ 00570003 //* 00580000 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00590000 INCLUDE OBJECT 00600000 NAME M4SFPARM(R) 00610000 //* 00620003 //**********************************************************************00630001 //* M4LEPARM ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00640001 //**********************************************************************00650001 //* 00660001 //M4LEPRM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00670001 // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00680003 // SRCMEM=’M4LEPARM’, 00690001 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ 00700003 //* 00710001 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00720001 INCLUDE OBJECT 00730001 NAME M4LEPARM(R) 00740002 // 00750003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 61 Appendix A JCL BLASM2 //* MEMBER BLASM2 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS PROCEDURE AND JOB STREAM ASSEMBLES AND LINKS THE 00030000 //* VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM AND COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULES 00040000 //* OQLPARM AND BQLPARM. 00050000 //* 00060000 //ASMBPRM PROC SRCLIB=, 00070000 // SRCMEM=, 00080000 // LOADLIB= 00090000 //ASM EXEC PGM=ASMA90,REGION=2M, 00100003 // PARM=’NODECK,OBJECT,LIST’ 00110003 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00120000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00130000 //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00140000 // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)) 00150000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00160000 //SYSIN DD DSN=&SRCLIB(&SRCMEM),DISP=SHR 00170000 //* 00180000 //LINK EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=2M, 00190001 // PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL’ 00200001 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00210000 //OBJECT DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00220000 //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00230000 //LOADLIB DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00240000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00250000 // PEND 00260000 //**********************************************************************00270000 //* THE FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THE JOBS TO ASSEMBLE 00280000 //* AND LINK THE BUILDER SYSTEM AND COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULES. 00290000 //* 00300000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY: 00310000 //* 00320000 //* SRCLIB - THE SOURCE PDS THAT CONTAINS THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00330000 //* SRCMEM - THE MEMBER NAME OF THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00340000 //* LOADLIB - THE LOAD LIBRARY TO CONTAIN THE LINK EDITED MODULE. 00350000 //* 00360000 //**********************************************************************00370000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 62 Appendix A JCL BLASM2 (cont.) //* OQLPARM ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00380000 //**********************************************************************00390000 //* 00400000 //OQLPARM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00410000 // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00420003 // SRCMEM=’OQLPARM’, 00430000 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ 00440003 //* 00450000 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00460000 REPLACE OQLPARM 00470000 INCLUDE LOADLIB(OQL) 00480000 INCLUDE OBJECT 00490000 ENTRY QLMOQL 00500000 ALIAS QUERYIV 00510000 NAME OQL(R) 00520000 //* 00530003 //**********************************************************************00540000 //* BQLPARM ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00550000 //**********************************************************************00560000 //* 00570000 //BQLPARM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00580000 // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00590003 // SRCMEM=’BQLPARM’, 00600000 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ 00610003 //* 00620000 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00630000 REPLACE BQLPARM 00640000 INCLUDE LOADLIB(BQL) 00650000 INCLUDE OBJECT 00660000 ENTRY QLMBQL 00670000 NAME BQL(R) 00680000 // 00690003 BLBANR //* MEMBER BLBANR 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 63 Appendix A JCL BLBANR (cont.) //* THIS JOB STREAM EXECUTES A NULL DEFINITION RUN IN ORDER TO //* PRODUCE THE VISION:BUILDER SIGNON BANNER PAGE. //* //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: //* //* JOBLIB - THE BUILDER AND COMLIB LOAD LIBRARIES. //* //JOBLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //* //BANNER EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1524K //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4LIB DD DUMMY //M4INPUT DD * BANNER RC // 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100003 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180003 BLCOPY1 //* MEMBER BLCOPY1 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB COPIES FILE 1 00030000 //* FROM THE VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM TAPE TO DISK 00040000 //* 00050000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW JCL AND SPECIFY: 00060000 //* 00070000 //* THE INPUT TAPE VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER. 00080000 //* THE OUTPUT DISK DATASET NAME, UNIT AND VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER. 00090000 //* (THE DISK DATASET SPACE IS MINIMUM FOR A 3380 DASD DEVICE.) 00100003 //* 00110000 //* NOTE - THE DISK DATASET DCB MUST BE CODED AS SHOWN. 00120000 //* SOME MEMBERS OF THE PDS ARE INPUT TO UTILITIES THAT 00130000 //* HAVE "BLKSIZE" SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. 00140000 //* 00150000 //**********************************************************************00160000 //* 00170000 //COPY1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=1024K 00180000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 64 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY1 (cont.) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INPUT DD DSN=VISION.BUILDER.FILE1,DISP=OLD, // UNIT=TAPEC,LABEL=(1,SL,EXPDT=98000), // VOL=(PRIVATE,RETAIN,SER=(TAPVOL)) //OUTPUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=DSKVOL, // SPACE=(TRK,(25,5,15)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,15) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,15) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INPUT,OUTDD=OUTPUT // 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230003 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310003 BLCOPY2 //* MEMBER BLCOPY2 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* 00030000 //* THIS PROCEDURE AND JOB STREAM IS USED TO TRANSFER FILES 2 - 9 00040000 //* FROM THE VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM TAPE TO DISK DATASETS. 00050000 //* 00060000 //**********************************************************************00070000 //* 00080000 //COPY PROC DISKDSN=, 00090000 // DUNIT=, 00100000 // DVOLSER=, 00110000 // DTRKS=, 00120000 // DDCB=, 00130000 // TUNIT=, 00140000 // TVOLSER=, 00150000 // TFILENO= 00160000 //COPY EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=2M 00170002 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00180000 //IN DD DSN=VISION.BUILDER.FILE&TFILENO,DISP=OLD, 00190000 // UNIT=&TUNIT,LABEL=(&TFILENO,SL,EXPDT=98000), 00200000 // VOL=(PRIVATE,RETAIN,SER=(&TVOLSER)) 00210000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 65 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 (cont.) //OUT DD DSN=&DISKDSN,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), 00220000 // UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, 00230000 // SPACE=(TRK,&DTRKS), 00240000 // DCB=&DDCB 00250000 //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00260003 //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00270003 // PEND 00280003 //**********************************************************************00290000 //* THE FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THE JOB STEPS NEEDED TO 00300000 //* TRANSFER THE VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM TAPE FILES TO DISK DATASETS. 00310000 //* 00320000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY: 00330000 //* 00340000 //* DISKDSN - DISK DATASET NAME OF THE TRANSFERRED FILE. 00350000 //* DUNIT - UNIT TYPE FOR THE DASD. THE DEFAULT IS SYSDA. 00360000 //* DVOLSER - VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER OF THE DASD UNIT. 00370000 //* DTRKS - SPACE ALLOCATION FOR THE DASD DATASET. THE SAMPLES 00380000 //* SHOW MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR 3380 DEVICES. 00390000 //* DDCB - DASD DATASET DCB VALUES. THE BLKSIZE VALUES FOR 00400000 //* THE LOAD LIBRARIES CAN BE CHANGED IF NEEDED. 00410000 //* NOTE - THE DISK DATASETS ARE ALLOCATED HERE 00420000 //* WITH "DISP=(NEW,CATLG)". 00430000 //* 00440000 //* TUNIT - UNIT TYPE FOR THE TAPE DEVICE. THE DEFAULT IS TAPEC. 00450000 //* TVOLSER - VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER OF THE SYSTEM INSTALLATION TAPE. 00460000 //* SEE THE EXTERNAL LABEL OF TAPE FOR THE SERIAL NUMBER. 00470000 //* TFILENO - THE TAPE FILE NUMBER BEING TRANSFERRED. 00480000 //* 00490000 //**********************************************************************00500000 //* FILE2 - COPY THE COMLIB RELEASE 4.5 LOAD LIBRARY TO DISK 00510001 //**********************************************************************00520000 //FILE2 EXEC COPY, 00530000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, 00540000 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 00550000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 00560000 // DTRKS=’(50,5,10)’, 00570002 // DDCB=’(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=32760)’, 00580000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 66 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 (cont.) // TUNIT=TAPEC, 00590000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 00600000 // TFILENO=2 00610000 //SYSIN DD * 00620000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 00630000 //* 00640003 //* 00650000 //**********************************************************************00660000 //* FILE3 - COPY THE WORKBENCH FOR ISPF CLIST LIBRARY TO DISK 00670003 //**********************************************************************00680000 //FILE3 EXEC COPY, 00690000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.WB058.CLIST’, 00700003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 00710000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 00720000 // DTRKS=’(10,1,5)’, 00730002 // DDCB=’(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)’, 00740000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 00750000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 00760000 // TFILENO=3 00770000 //SYSIN DD * 00780000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 00790000 //* 00800003 //**********************************************************************00810000 //* FILE4 - COPY THE WORKBENCH FOR ISPF PANELS LIBRARY TO DISK 00820003 //**********************************************************************00830000 //FILE4 EXEC COPY, 00840000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.WB058.PANELS’, 00850003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 00860000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 00870000 // DTRKS=’(115,5,165)’, 00880002 // DDCB=’(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)’, 00890000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 00900000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 00910000 // TFILENO=4 00920000 //SYSIN DD * 00930000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 00940000 //* 00950003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 67 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 (cont.) //**********************************************************************00960000 //* FILE5 - COPY THE WORKBENCH FOR ISPF MESSAGE LIBRARY TO DISK 00970003 //**********************************************************************00980000 //FILE5 EXEC COPY, 00990000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.WB058.MSGS’, 01000003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 01010000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 01020000 // DTRKS=’(12,2,30)’, 01030000 // DDCB=’(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)’, 01040000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 01050000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 01060000 // TFILENO=5 01070000 //SYSIN DD * 01080000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 01090000 //* 01100003 //**********************************************************************01110000 //* FILE6 - COPY THE WORKBENCH FOR ISPF SKELETON LIBRARY TO DISK 01120003 //**********************************************************************01130000 //FILE6 EXEC COPY, 01140000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.WB058.SKELS’, 01150003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 01160000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 01170000 // DTRKS=’(4,1,3)’, 01180000 // DDCB=’(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)’, 01190000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 01200000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 01210000 // TFILENO=6 01220000 //SYSIN DD * 01230000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 01240000 //* 01250003 //**********************************************************************01260000 //* FILE7 - COPY THE WORKBENCH FOR ISPF LOAD LIBRARY TO DISK 01270003 //**********************************************************************01280000 //FILE7 EXEC COPY, 01290000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB’, 01300003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 01310000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 01320000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 68 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 (cont.) // DTRKS=’(50,5,30)’, 01330002 // DDCB=’(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=32760)’, 01340000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 01350000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 01360000 // TFILENO=7 01370000 //SYSIN DD * 01380000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 01390000 //* 01400003 //**********************************************************************01410000 //* FILE8 - COPY THE RELEASE 13.8 BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY TO DISK 01420003 //**********************************************************************01430000 //FILE8 EXEC COPY, 01440000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’, 01450003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 01460000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 01470000 // DTRKS=’(150,20,55)’, 01480003 // DDCB=’(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=32760)’, 01490000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 01500000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 01510000 // TFILENO=8 01520000 //SYSIN DD * 01530000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 01540000 //* 01550003 //**********************************************************************01560000 //* FILE9 - COPY THE RESTRICTED SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS TO DISK 01570000 //**********************************************************************01580000 //FILE9 EXEC COPY, 01590000 // DISKDSN=’BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB’, 01600003 // DUNIT=SYSDA, 01610000 // DVOLSER=DISKVOL, 01620000 // DTRKS=’(10,5,10)’, 01630000 // DDCB=’(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)’, 01640000 // TUNIT=TAPEC, 01650000 // TVOLSER=TAPEVOL, 01660000 // TFILENO=9 01670000 //SYSIN DD * 01680000 COPY INDD=IN,OUTDD=OUT 01690000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 69 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY2 (cont.) // 01700003 BLCOPY3 //* BLCOPY3 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB STREAM COPIES THE ONLINE EXECUTIVE (OLX, OFI, OQL) 00030000 //* TSO HELP MEMBERS TO A TSO ONLINE HELP DATASET. 00040000 //* 00050000 //* A HELP DATASET IS ALLOCATED AND THE HELP MEMBERS ARE COPIED. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: 00080000 //* 00090000 //* OUT - THE DSN FOR THE TSO HELP DATASET. 00100000 //* 00110000 //* IF YOU USE AN EXISTING DATASET, SKIP THE 00120000 //* ALLOC STEP. 00130000 //* 00140000 //* NOTE - THE COPY STEP WILL REPLACE EXISTING 00150000 //* MEMBERS OF THE SAME NAME. 00160000 //* 00170000 //* NOTE - THE OUT DATASET IS ALLOCATED TO A SYSDA UNIT AND THE 00180000 //* SPACE IS MINIMUM FOR 3380 DEVICES. 00190000 //* 00200000 //* BLHELP - THE DATASET CONTAINING THE BUILDER HELP MEMBERS. 00210000 //* 00220000 //* 00230000 //ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,REGION=256K 00240003 //OUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.OLXHELP,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), 00250003 // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,2,5)), 00260000 // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=8800) 00270003 //* 00280000 //COPY EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=2M 00290003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00300000 //OUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.OLXHELP,DISP=SHR 00310003 //BLHELPS DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB,DISP=SHR 00320003 //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00330003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 70 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY3 (cont.) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((BLHELPS,R)),OUTDD=OUT SELECT MEMBER=EDITIV SELECT MEMBER=END SELECT MEMBER=LIB SELECT MEMBER=M4EXEC SELECT MEMBER=OQL SELECT MEMBER=QUERYIV SELECT MEMBER=QUIT SELECT MEMBER=RUNIV SELECT MEMBER=SUBIV // 00340003 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460003 BLCOPY4 //* BLCOPY4 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB COPIES SOME ONLINE EXECUTIVE (OLX, OFI, OQL) 00030000 //* COMMAND PROCESSING MODULES TO THE "SYS1.LINKLIB". 00040000 //* 00050000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: 00060000 //* 00070000 //* LINKLIB - SYS1.LINKLIB. YOU CAN SPECIFY A DIFFERENT 00080000 //* LIBRARY INSTEAD OF SYS1.LINKLIB. 00090000 //* 00100000 //* NOTE - THE COPY STEP WILL REPLACE EXISTING 00110000 //* MEMBERS OF THE SAME NAME. 00120000 //* 00130000 //* BLLOAD - THE DATASET CONTAINING THE BUILDER COMMAND 00140000 //* PROCESSING MODULES. 00150000 //* 00160000 //COPY EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=2M 00170003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00180000 //LINKLIB DD DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR 00190000 //BLLOAD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00200003 //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00210003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 71 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY4 (cont.) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((BLLOAD,R)),OUTDD=LINKLIB SELECT MEMBER=M4EXEC SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECCE SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECCI SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECCP SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECCT SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECSE SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECVT SELECT MEMBER=M4EXECXR // 00220003 00230000 00240003 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330003 BLCOPY5 //* BLCOPY5 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB COPIES THE BUILDER MESSAGES MODULES TO A LOADLIB 00030000 //* THAT IS USED TO LOAD MODULES INTO THE SYSTEM LPA. 00040000 //* 00050000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: 00060000 //* 00070000 //* LPALIB - THE DATASET NAME OF LPA LOAD LIBRARY. 00080000 //* 00090000 //* NOTE - THE COPY STEP WILL REPLACE EXISTING 00100000 //* MEMBERS OF THE SAME NAME. 00110000 //* 00120000 //* BLLOAD - THE DATASET CONTAINING THE BUILDER MESSAGE MODULES 00130000 //* 00140000 //COPY EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=2M 00150003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00160000 //LPALIB DD DSN=SYS1.LPA.LIBRARY,DISP=SHR 00170000 //BLLOAD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00180003 //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00190003 //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,1) 00200003 //SYSIN DD * 00210000 COPY INDD=((BLLOAD,R)),OUTDD=LPALIB 00220003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 72 Appendix A JCL BLCOPY5 (cont.) SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT SELECT MEMBER=MARKM00 MEMBER=MARKM01 MEMBER=MARKM02 MEMBER=MARKM03 MEMBER=MARKM04 MEMBER=MARKM05 MEMBER=MARKM06 MEMBER=MARKM07 MEMBER=MARKM08 MEMBER=MARKM09 MEMBER=MARKM10 MEMBER=MARKM11 MEMBER=MARKM12 MEMBER=MARKM13 MEMBER=MARKM14 MEMBER=MARKM15 MEMBER=MARKM16 MEMBER=MARKM17 MEMBER=MARKM18 MEMBER=MARKM19 MEMBER=MARKM20 MEMBER=MARKM21 MEMBER=MARKM22 MEMBER=MARKM23 MEMBER=MARKM24 MEMBER=MARKM25 MEMBER=MARKM26 MEMBER=MARKM27 MEMBER=MARKM28 MEMBER=MARKM29 MEMBER=MARKM30 MEMBER=MARKM31 MEMBER=MARKM32 MEMBER=MARKDX MEMBER=MARKMIC // VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580003 73 Appendix A JCL BLDB2A //* MEMBER BLDB2A 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS FOLLOWING SAMPLE JOB STREAM ASSEMBLES, PREPARES AND LINKS 00030000 //* THE "MARKSQL" MODULE THREE TIMES FOR USE WHEN ATTACHING TO 00040000 //* DB2 DURING APPLICATION RUNS. THE FOLLOWING MODULES ARE PRODUCED. 00050000 //* 00060000 //* MODULE - ATTACH FACILITY 00070000 //* -------------------00080000 //* MARKSQLC - CALL ATTACH 00090000 //* MARKSQLI - IMS ATTACH 00100000 //* MARKSQLT - TSO ATTACH 00110000 //* 00120000 //* NOTE: THE STANDARD IBM PROCEDURE "DSNHASM" IS USED TO ACCOMPLISH 00130003 //* THE DB2 PREPARATION PROCESS. YOU MAY NEED TO CONFER WITH 00140000 //* YOUR DB2 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR BEFORE RUNNING THIS JOB. 00150000 //* 00160000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THESE JOBS, 00170000 //* REVIEW THE JCL STATEMENTS FLAGGED WITH "<<<<" AND SPECIFY: 00180000 //* 00190000 //* SYSIN - THE DATASET/MEMBER FOR THE "MARKSQL" SOURCE CODE. 00200000 //* SQLPREP - THE "MEM" ENTRY IS THE PLAN NAME FOR THE 00210000 //* DB2 RUN MODULE. THE DEFAULTS ARE SHOWN. 00220000 //* - THE "USER" ENTRY IS THE AUTHORIZED USERID. 00230000 //* THIS NAME IS USED BY THE IBM PROCEDURE "DSNHASM" 00240003 //* TO CONSTRUCT DEFAULT DATASET NAMES. 00250000 //* SYSLMOD - THE LOAD LIBRARY FOR THE LINKED DB2 RUN MODULES. 00260000 //* SYSLIB - THE IMS LOAD LIBRARY CONTAINING THE IMS INTERFACE 00270000 //* MODULE "DFSLI000" INCLUDED DURING LINK EDIT. 00280000 //* (NOTE THAT THE STEP WITH THE SYSLIB DD IS ONLY NEEDED 00281003 //* FOR THE IMS ATTACH. IF THE IMS ATTACH FACILITY IS 00282003 //* NOT NEEDED, REMOVE THE JCL FOR THIS STEP.) 00283003 //* 00290000 //**********************************************************************00300000 //* PREPARE THE DB2 CALL ATTACH RUN MODULE. 00310000 //**********************************************************************00320000 //* 00330000 //GENC EXEC PGM=ASMA90,PARM=’DECK,NOOBJECT’,REGION=2M 00340004 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 74 Appendix A JCL BLDB2A (cont.) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00350000 //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&&GENC,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00360000 // SPACE=(800,(300,300)), 00370000 // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3200) 00380000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(800,(300,300)) 00390000 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00400000 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(MARKSQL),DISP=SHR <<<< 00410004 //* 00420000 //SQLPREP EXEC DSNHASM,MEM=MARKDB2,USER=PUBLIC, <<<< 00430003 // PARM.PC=’HOST(ASM),STDSQL(86)’ 00440000 //PC.SYSIN DD DSN=&&GENC,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00450000 //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD <<<< 00460004 //LKED.SYSIN DD * 00470000 INCLUDE SYSLIB(DSNALI) 00480000 MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) 00490000 NAME MARKSQLC(R) 00500000 //* 00510004 //**********************************************************************00520000 //* PREPARE THE DB2 IMS ATTACH RUN MODULE. 00530000 //**********************************************************************00540000 //* 00550000 //GENI EXEC PGM=ASMA90,PARM=’DECK,NOOBJECT’,REGION=2M 00560004 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00570000 //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&&GENI,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00580000 // SPACE=(800,(300,300)), 00590000 // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3200) 00600000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(800,(300,300)) 00610000 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00620000 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(MARKSQL),DISP=SHR <<<< 00630004 //* 00640000 //SQLPREP EXEC DSNHASM,MEM=MARKDLI,USER=PUBLIC, <<<< 00650003 // PARM.PC=’HOST(ASM),STDSQL(86)’ 00660000 //PC.SYSIN DD DSN=&&GENI,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00670000 //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=IMSVS.RESLIB,DISP=SHR <<<< 00680000 //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD <<<< 00690004 //LKED.SYSIN DD * 00700000 INCLUDE SYSLIB(DFSLI000) 00710000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 75 Appendix A JCL BLDB2A (cont.) MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) 00720000 NAME MARKSQLI(R) 00730000 //* 00740004 //* 00750000 //**********************************************************************00760000 //* PREPARE THE DB2 TSO ATTACH RUN MODULE. 00770000 //**********************************************************************00780000 //* 00790000 //GENT EXEC PGM=ASMA90,PARM=’DECK,NOOBJECT’,REGION=2M 00800004 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00810000 //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&&GENT,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00820000 // SPACE=(800,(300,300)), 00830000 // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3200) 00840000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(800,(300,300)) 00850000 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00860000 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(MARKSQL),DISP=SHR <<<< 00870004 //* 00880000 //SQLPREP EXEC DSNHASM,MEM=MARKIV,USER=PUBLIC, <<<< 00890003 // PARM.PC=’HOST(ASM),STDSQL(86)’ 00900000 //PC.SYSIN DD DSN=&&GENT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00910000 //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD <<<< 00920004 //LKED.SYSIN DD * 00930000 INCLUDE SYSLIB(DSNELI) 00940000 MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) 00950000 NAME MARKSQLT(R) 00960000 // 00970004 BLDB2B //* MEMBER BLDB2B 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THE FOLLOWING SAMPLE JOB STREAM DOES THE DB2 BINDS FOR THE 00030000 //* THREE "MARKSQL" MODULES THAT ARE USED FOR ATTACHING TO DB2 00040000 //* DURING APPLICATION RUNS. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE DEFAULT 00050000 //* NAMES USED IN THE PREPARATION RUNS AND REFERENCED HERE. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* MODULE - PLAN NAME ATTACH FACILITY 00080000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 76 Appendix A JCL BLDB2B (cont.) //* ---------------------------00090000 //* MARKSQLC - MARKDB2 - CALL ATTACH 00100000 //* MARKSQLI - MARKDLI - IMS ATTACH 00110000 //* MARKSQLT - MARKIV - TSO ATTACH 00120000 //* 00130000 //* 00140000 //* BEFORE RUNNING THIS JOB, 00150000 //* CONFER WITH YOUR DB2 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR AND 00160001 //* REVIEW THE VALUES FOR THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES: 00170000 //* 00180000 //* SYSTEM - THE DB2 SUBSYSTEM NAME. 00190000 //* PLAN - THE PLAN NAME. THE DEFAULT IS SHOWN. 00200000 //* LIBRARY - THE DBRM LIBRARY NAME. 00210000 //* MEMBER - THE PLAN MEMBER NAME. THE SAME AS THE PLAN NAME. 00220000 //* 00230000 //**********************************************************************00240000 //* BIND THE DB2 CALL ATTACH PLAN 00250000 //**********************************************************************00260000 //* 00270000 //BINDC EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20,REGION=2M 00280002 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* 00290000 //SYSTSIN DD * 00300000 DSN SYSTEM(SUBSYSTM) 00310000 BIND PLAN (MARKDB2) 00320000 LIBRARY (’PUBLIC.DBRMLIB.DATA’) 00330000 MEMBER (MARKDB2) 00340000 ACTION (REPLACE) RETAIN 00350000 ISOLATION (CS) 00360000 END 00370000 /* 00380000 //* 00390000 //**********************************************************************00400000 //* BIND THE DB2 IMS ATTACH PLAN 00410000 //**********************************************************************00420000 //* 00430000 //BINDI EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20,REGION=2M 00440002 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* 00450000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 77 Appendix A JCL BLDB2B (cont.) //SYSTSIN DD * 00460000 DSN SYSTEM(SUBSYSTM) 00470000 BIND PLAN (MARKDLI) 00480000 LIBRARY (’PUBLIC.DBRMLIB.DATA’) 00490000 MEMBER (MARKDLI) 00500000 ACTION (REPLACE) RETAIN 00510000 ISOLATION (CS) 00520000 END 00530000 //* 00540002 //* 00550000 //**********************************************************************00560000 //* BIND THE DB2 TSO ATTACH PLAN 00570000 //**********************************************************************00580000 //* 00590000 //BINDT EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20,REGION=2M 00600002 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* 00610000 //SYSTSIN DD * 00620000 DSN SYSTEM(SUBSYSTM) 00630000 BIND PLAN (MARKIV) 00640000 LIBRARY (’PUBLIC.DBRMLIB.DATA’) 00650000 MEMBER (MARKIV) 00660000 ACTION (REPLACE) RETAIN 00670000 ISOLATION (CS) 00680000 END 00690000 // 00700002 BLDB2T //* MEMBER BLDB2T 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS FOLLOWING SAMPLE JOB STREAM ASSEMBLES, PREPARES AND LINKS 00030000 //* THE "MARKSQL" MODULE FOR USE WITH TERADATA DATABASES THROUGH THE 00040000 //* STANDARD DB2 FACILITY OF VISION:BUILDER. 00050000 //* 00060000 //* THE MODULE NAME GENERATED IS "MARKSQLT". SEE THE INSTALLATION 00070003 //* INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONSIDERATIONS WHEN GENERATING THIS MODULE. 00080000 //* 00090000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 78 Appendix A JCL BLDB2T (cont.) //* NOTE: THE STANDARD IBM PROCEDURE "DSNHASMH" IS USED TO ACCOMPLISH 00100000 //* THE DB2 PREPARATION PROCESS. YOU MAY NEED TO CONFER WITH 00110000 //* YOUR DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR BEFORE RUNNING THIS JOB. 00120000 //* 00130000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THESE JOBS, 00140000 //* REVIEW THE JCL STATEMENTS FLAGGED WITH "<<<<" AND SPECIFY: 00150000 //* 00160000 //* SYSIN - THE DATASET/MEMBER FOR THE "MARKSQL" SOURCE CODE. 00170000 //* SQLPREP - THE "MEM" ENTRY IS THE PLAN NAME FOR THE 00180000 //* DB2 RUN MODULE. THE DEFAULTS ARE SHOWN. 00190000 //* - THE "USER" ENTRY IS THE AUTHORIZED USERID. 00200000 //* THIS NAME IS USED BY THE IBM PROCEDURE "DSNHASMH" 00210000 //* TO CONSTRUCT DEFAULT DATASET NAMES. 00220000 //* SYSLIB - THE LOAD LIBRARY CONTAINING THE TERADATA MODULES. 00230000 //* SYSLMOD - THE LOAD LIBRARY FOR THE LINKED DB2 RUN MODULES. 00240000 //* 00250000 //**********************************************************************00260000 //* PREPARE THE TERADATA ATTACH RUN MODULE. 00270000 //**********************************************************************00280000 //* 00290000 //GENT EXEC PGM=ASMA90,PARM=’DECK,NOOBJECT’,REGION=2M 00300003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00310000 //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&&GENT,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00320000 // SPACE=(800,(300,300)), 00330000 // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3200) 00340000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(800,(300,300)) 00350000 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00360000 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(MARKSQL),DISP=SHR <<<< 00370003 //* 00380000 //SQLPREP EXEC DSNHASMH,MEM=MARKIV,USER=PUBLIC, <<<< 00390000 // PARM.PC=’HOST(ASM),STDSQL(86)’ 00400000 //PC.SYSIN DD DSN=&&GENT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00410000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 79 Appendix A JCL BLDB2T (cont.) //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=TERADATA.TSAPI.LIBRARY,DISP=OLD //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=BUILDER.R138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD //LKED.SYSIN DD * CHANGE DSNHLI2(DSNHLI) INCLUDE SYSLIB(DSNALI) MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) NAME MARKSQLT(R) // <<<< <<<< 00420000 00430003 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490003 BLIVP //* MEMBER BLIVP 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB STREAM IS USED TO DEMONSTRATE TO THE INSTALLER THAT 00030000 //* THE VISION:BUILDER INSTALLATION WAS SUCCESSFUL. SEVERAL 00040000 //* DIFFERENT JOB STEPS ARE RUN TO PERFORM A VARIETY OF 00050000 //* FUNCTIONS THAT MAKE SURE THAT THE PRODUCT IS OPERATIONAL. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY ON THE "JOBLIB" DD 00080000 //* 00090000 //* THE VISION:BUILDER AND COMLIB COMPONENT LOAD LIBRARIES. 00100000 //* 00110000 //**********************************************************************00120000 //* 00130000 //JOBLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00140003 // DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00150000 //* 00160000 //* INITIALIZE AN M4LIB 00170000 //* 00180000 //INIT EXEC PGM=MARKINIT,REGION=512K 00190000 //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* 00200000 //M4LIB DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB,DISP=(,PASS), 00210000 // SPACE=(TRK,2,,CONTIG),UNIT=SYSDA 00220000 //* 00230000 //* CATALOG TABLE AND FILE DEFINITIONS 00240000 //* 00250000 //DEFRUN1 EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1536K 00260000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 80 Appendix A JCL BLIVP (cont.) //M4LIB DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4INPUT DD * DEFRUN RC STATETABTBSR 2C 10C STATETABTE CA CALIFORNIA STATETABTE NY NEW YORK STATETABTE TX TEXAS STATETABTE GA GEORGIA MASTER FD RBF 80 MASTER LSSEGS10 10 MASTER L0CUSTNUM 101 1 6C1 MASTER L1CUSTNUM CUSTOMER MASTER L2CUSTNUM NUMBER MASTER L0CUSTNAME 101 7 20C MASTER L1CUSTNAME CUSTOMER MASTER L2CUSTNAME NAME MASTER L0CINDSTRE 101 27 15C MASTER L1CINDSTRE CUSTOMER MASTER L2CINDSTRE INDUSTRY MASTER L0CSTCODE 101 42 2C MASTER L1CSTCODE CUSTOMER MASTER L2CSTCODE STATE CODE //* //* //* PROCESSING - SINGLE STEP - LIST MASTER FILE DATA //* //PROCRUN EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1536K //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4REPO DD DISP=(NEW,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,2),RLSE) //M4SORT DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,1) //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTWK01 DD SPACE=(CYL,1,,CONTIG),UNIT=SYSDA //SORTWK02 DD SPACE=(CYL,1,,CONTIG),UNIT=SYSDA //SORTWK03 DD SPACE=(CYL,1,,CONTIG),UNIT=SYSDA //M4LIB DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB,DISP=(OLD,PASS) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500003 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 81 Appendix A JCL BLIVP (cont.) //M4INPUT DD * LISTFILERCMASTER S U S # R MAIN ERTODAY ##PROC STATE: FIELD C 10 HEADING ’STATE’ ’DESCRIPTION’ ; LET T.STATE = LOOKUP(STATETAB CSTCODE) ; CALL REPORT LIST1 CALL REPORT LIST2 ##PEND LIST1 ER S LIST1 E1 LIST1 R1 CUSTNUM LIST1 R1 CUSTNAME 1 LIST1 R1 CINDSTRE LIST1 R1 CSTCODE LIST1 R1 TSTATE LIST1 T1 LIST THE MASTER FILE DATA BY CUSTOMER NAME LIST2 ER S LIST2 E1 LIST2 R1 CUSTNUM LIST2 R1 CUSTNAME LIST2 R1 CINDSTRE LIST2 R1 CSTCODE 1 LIST2 R1 TSTATE LIST2 T1 LIST THE MASTER FILE DATA BY STATE CODE //* //M4OLD DD * 001000ABC INSURANCE CO INSURANCE GA 002000THE MONEY CO FINANCIAL NY 003000EVERYTHING GOES RECREATION CA 011000STERLING SOFTWARE SOFTWARE TX 022000FLOATATION INC. MANUFACTURING GA 033000ON THE GO CORP. TRANSPORTATION CA //* //* VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790000 00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860000 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910003 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970003 00980000 00990003 01000000 82 Appendix A JCL BLIVP (cont.) //* DUMP, INIT, RESTORE AN M4LIB //* //LIBRUN EXEC PGM=MARKUTIL,REGION=1536K //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //ABNLIGNR DD DUMMY //M4LIB DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //M4WORK DD DSN=&&M4WORK,DISP=(,PASS), // SPACE=(TRK,(5,1),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDA //M4INPUT DD * UCDUMP UCINIT UCREST //* //* //* LIST FILE AND TABLE DEFINITION GLOSSARIES //* //DEFRUN2 EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1536K //M4LIB DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4INPUT DD * LISTGLOSRC CTLFGMASTER CTLTGSTATETAB // 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100000 01110000 01120000 01130000 01140003 01150000 01160000 01170000 01180000 01190000 01200000 01210000 01220000 01230000 01240000 01250003 BLMRGLB //* BLMRGLB 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB STREAM ALLOCATES A LOAD LIBRARY AND COPIES ALL THE 00030000 //* INDIVIDUAL VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM COMPONENT LOAD LIBRARIES 00040000 //* INTO A SINGLE BUILDER SYSTEM LOAD LIBRARY. 00050000 //* 00060000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: 00070000 //* 00080000 //* OUT - THE DSN FOR THE SINGLE BUILDER SYSTEM LOADLIB. 00090000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 83 Appendix A JCL BLMRGLB (cont.) //* BUILDER - THE DSN FOR THE BUILDER COMPONENT LOADLIB. //* COMLIB - THE DSN FOR THE COMLIB COMPONENT LOADLIB. //* WBISPF - THE DSN FOR THE WORKBENCH COMPONENT LOADLIB. //* //* NOTE - THE OUT DATASET IS ALLOCATED TO A SYSDA UNIT AND THE //* SPACE IS MINIMUM FOR 3380 DEVICES. //* //ALLOC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,REGION=256K //OUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.SYSLOAD,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(210,20,85)), // DCB=(RECFM=U,LRECL=0,BLKSIZE=32760) //* //COPY EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=2M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //OUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.SYSLOAD,DISP=OLD //BUILDER DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //WBISPF DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,3) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,3) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=BUILDER,OUTDD=OUT COPY INDD=COMLIB,OUTDD=OUT COPY INDD=WBISPF,OUTDD=OUT // 00100003 00110003 00120003 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170003 00180003 00190003 00200000 00210000 00220003 00230000 00240003 00250003 00260000 00270003 00280003 00290003 00300000 00310003 00320003 00330003 00340003 BLOVRLK INCLUDE DLILIB(DFSLI000) INCLUDE OBJLIB(M4OWN) INCLUDE LOADLIB(MARKIV) ENTRY OSBOOT PAGE M4COM ORDER CPYRTSSI ORDER OSBOOT ORDER DLIADDR ORDER MARKGSI VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 84 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER ORDER BOTTLE DFSLI000 M4OWN NIOMONTR MARKNCOM DCUNLIKE FIEVER SORTER STOMPER NEWMESS REKEYTR FLOATER STERLIZR FORMATER FORMATHX NAMER DIFINDER FREEBLKR DELBLKR CATOGLER LISTHDR GETMAINR LOADER FILINITR DCBBLDER RESGETTR DISHER SQLUTIL SQLCALLR VALPATER EDITFLD EDITOUT STREDITR STREDOUT TBLOOKR TABLOCKR MARKCKIT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 85 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) ORDER MARKDLI ORDER FETCHER ORDER REPORTER ORDER GENRPROG ORDER NOPTION ORDER GENERATR ORDER M4COMZ ORDER SYNAD ORDER DDNMLIST ORDER INVOKER ORDER CNVRTER ORDER LISTGPR ORDER LISTGPR1 ORDER GETCARD ORDER LISTLINE ORDER TEMPCORE ORDER C3SERVER ORDER TRANPATR ORDER PALXREF ORDER PALTRACE ORDER QBPAL ORDER VSAMINIT ORDER M4COM ORDER VV16 OVERLAY A PAGE PARMER INSERT PARMER INSERT CNTRLYZR INSERT STAMMER INSERT PATCHES INSERT GREETER INSERT RUFER INSERT RETREVER INSERT MAPBUFFR INSERT MAPBLDR INSERT DEFBRKR INSERT SQLBRKR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520003 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700002 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790003 00800003 00810003 00820003 00830003 86 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT FMFSEG INSERT RENAMER INSERT ALIASER INSERT GSTRINGR INSERT PUZZLER INSERT ARRBLDR INSERT ARRGETR INSERT RUNCHER INSERT RUGER INSERT OWCHER INSERT CPCARDER INSERT RPCARDER INSERT RTCARDER INSERT SQLWHERE INSERT RACARDER INSERT ENVLISTR INSERT DATEBLDR INSERT RESALYZR INSERT RUMPER INSERT TRAMPER INSERT VAMPER INSERT GEDBASER INSERT PALSYN OVERLAY A PAGE CREADER INSERT CREADER INSERT SORCERER OVERLAY A PAGE CROUTER INSERT CROUTER INSERT CLOUTER INSERT CTREADR INSERT CPTBLDR INSERT SERVER INSERT FLAGGER INSERT FLAGGER2 INSERT LECKER VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00840003 00850003 00860003 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 00980000 00990000 01000000 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100003 01110000 01120000 01130000 01140000 01150000 01160000 01170000 01180000 01190000 01200000 87 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT RQSCANNR FORDEKER FENSTER AUTOCRAT SUBSETER TEMPER PRELDEKR PDVALID PREPEDIT PRETLUKR PRESPEKR PREDCALR PREFPEKR PREDBAKR PRETPEKR PRYPBAKR PRETPOKR PRETEXTR PIPEKR PRELSEGR ARROPDCD TABLDR SQLSUBR GRAFRNR GRAFBLDR JNXCODR KNXCODR JNDECODR KNDECODR GRAFLOCS GRAFLOCH GRAFLOCV GRAFUTLB FIEDBLDR VARBLDR TABLDR1 FLDBLDR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01210000 01220000 01230000 01240000 01250000 01260000 01270000 01280000 01290000 01300000 01310000 01320000 01330000 01340000 01350000 01360000 01370000 01380000 01390000 01400000 01410000 01420000 01430000 01440000 01450000 01460000 01470000 01480000 01490000 01500000 01510000 01520000 01530000 01540000 01550000 01560000 01570000 88 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT VALVARNR INSERT DOUBLDR INSERT CNTBLDR INSERT EDBLDR INSERT COLBLDR INSERT DOUDEKER INSERT DATDEKER INSERT BREKDEKR INSERT SUMDEKER INSERT SUBDEKER INSERT COLDEKER INSERT ENDEKER INSERT PAGER INSERT SMFLBLDR INSERT TABLDR2 INSERT TYDEKER INSERT FNELEMNT INSERT FKSECTNR INSERT FJPATERN OVERLAY A PAGE PIECER INSERT PIECER INSERT RESFORMR INSERT RESFORM2 INSERT RESFORM3 INSERT RESLSTER INSERT SQLFDCOD INSERT SQLPREPR INSERT SQLCOLAP INSERT PRYBLDR INSERT FREEBLDR INSERT KOOLAID INSERT BRACKER INSERT BITKICKR INSERT BAKSTABR INSERT BAKPACK INSERT MAPHOOKR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01580000 01590000 01600000 01610000 01620000 01630000 01640000 01650000 01660000 01670000 01680000 01690000 01700000 01710000 01720000 01730000 01740000 01750000 01760000 01770000 01780000 01790000 01800000 01810000 01820000 01830000 01840000 01850000 01860000 01870000 01880000 01890000 01900000 01910000 01920000 01930000 01940000 89 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT BAKTREKR INSERT RECHAINR INSERT RMGRCKR OVERLAY A PAGE CODER INSERT CODER INSERT IOGENER INSERT COLAPSER INSERT KOOLOOKR INSERT PCHAINR INSERT KEYTABR INSERT OPTIMIZR INSERT BINASRCH INSERT DUPER INSERT TOPPER INSERT POPPER INSERT BOPPER INSERT CORDCMPR INSERT KOPPER INSERT ARBOSS INSERT ARCOMPER INSERT ARTHER INSERT SEGGER INSERT C1MODULE INSERT C2MODULE INSERT C3MODULE INSERT C4MODULE INSERT C5MODULE INSERT ETPCOMPR INSERT DOUTCMPR INSERT TXTCOMPR INSERT GENEDIT INSERT RELGENR INSERT TRANGENR INSERT GENREL1 INSERT GENREL5 INSERT GENREL2 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01950000 01960000 01970000 01980000 01990000 02000000 02010000 02020000 02030000 02040000 02050000 02060000 02070000 02080000 02090000 02100000 02110000 02120000 02130000 02140000 02150000 02160000 02170000 02180000 02190000 02200000 02210000 02220000 02230000 02240000 02250000 02260000 02270000 02280000 02290000 02300000 02310000 90 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT GENREL3 INSERT GENREL4 INSERT REQGENR INSERT GULPER INSERT TREEGENR INSERT KRITTER INSERT REQGENPR INSERT REQGENRN OVERLAY A PAGE COMPILER INSERT COMPILER INSERT MOPILER INSERT EVALER INSERT GENRMAIN INSERT GENRBODY INSERT OUTFELDR INSERT BREAKER INSERT SUMMER INSERT VALER INSERT VFIELDER OVERLAY A PAGE IOPENR INSERT IOPENR INSERT ALLOCER INSERT TRANTABR INSERT UIOINITR INSERT ADJUSTR INSERT DLIINITR INSERT SQLINITR INSERT SQLINIT2 INSERT MAPINITR INSERT PIGPOKR INSERT MUCKRAKR INSERT ARRINITR OVERLAY A PAGE RLBOOT INSERT RLBOOT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02320000 02330000 02340000 02350000 02360000 02370000 02380000 02390000 02400000 02410000 02420000 02430000 02440000 02450000 02460000 02470000 02480000 02490000 02500000 02510000 02520000 02530000 02540000 02550000 02560000 02570000 02580000 02590000 02600000 02610000 02620000 02630000 02640000 02650000 02660000 02670000 02680000 91 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT DOMNR1 FLDEFINR TWEDLDEE TWEDLDUM DOMNR2 DOMNR3 DOMNR4 DOMNR5 TREEBLDR TRAPPER KEYER MINISUBS MINILBS MINIDATE MINIJUST MINIVAL TRAGANZR RECDATER SLITOR SHUFFLER RECLECTR RECESOR DOUTPTR LOOKUPER REASSOR BRANCHER SCUFFLER SEGFARMR KOOLDOER GASPASR INTRUPTR EDCODER EDITOR2 COMPUTER SUMFILER GRAFOCR GRAFGFSR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02690000 02700000 02710000 02720000 02730000 02740000 02750000 02760000 02770000 02780000 02790000 02800000 02810000 02820000 02830000 02840000 02850000 02860000 02870000 02880000 02890000 02900000 02910000 02920000 02930000 02940000 02950000 02960000 02970000 02980000 02990000 03000003 03010000 03020000 03030000 03040000 03050000 92 Appendix A JCL BLOVRLK (cont.) INSERT GRAFGFGR INSERT GRAFBAR INSERT GRAFSCTR INSERT GRAFCOMP INSERT RNGESRVR INSERT GRAFPTR INSERT GRAFRSR INSERT RNGEBRKR INSERT GRAFUTLA INSERT GRARUTLB INSERT EDITOR3 INSERT EDITOR5 INSERT EDITOR6 INSERT EDSUBS INSERT EDITOR INSERT EXERPROG INSERT MARKXREP INSERT SQLSTATS INSERT WRAPUP INSERT FILENDR ALIAS MARKGSI ALIAS MARKDLI ALIAS MARKDLI2 ALIAS MARKDLIX NAME MARKIV(R) 03060000 03070000 03080000 03090000 03100000 03110000 03120000 03130000 03140000 03150000 03160000 03170000 03180000 03190000 03200000 03210000 03220000 03230000 03240000 03250000 03260000 03270000 03280000 03290000 03300000 BLPAL //* MEMBER BLPAL 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JOB STREAM ALLOCATES AN M4LIB AND CATALOGS THE 00030000 //* PROGRAM ANALYZER (PAL) FILE DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATION REQUESTS. 00040000 //* 00050000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, REVIEW THE JCL AND SPECIFY: 00060000 //* 00070000 //* JOBLIB - THE BUILDER AND COMLIB LOAD LIBRARIES. 00080000 //* 00090000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 93 Appendix A JCL BLPAL (cont.) //* M4LIB - THE DSN FOR THE LIBRARY THAT WILL CONTAIN THE //* CATALOGED PAL FILE DEFINITIONS AND REQUESTS. //* //* THIS IS A BDAM TYPE LIBRARY WITH MINIMUM SPACE //* ON A SYSDA UNIT. //* //* M4INPUT - THE DATASET/MEMBER THAT CONTAINS THE PAL FILE //* DEFINITIONS AND REQUESTS. //* //JOBLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //* //INIT EXEC PGM=MARKINIT,REGION=512K //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4LIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.PALSLIB,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(TRK,2,,CONTIG),UNIT=SYSDA //* //DEFRUN EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1024K //M4LIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.PALSLIB,DISP=SHR //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4INPUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(PALFDS),DISP=SHR //* //PROCRUN EXEC PGM=MARKIV,REGION=1536K //M4LIST DD SYSOUT=* //M4LIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.PALSLIB,DISP=SHR //M4INPUT DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(PALREQS),DISP=SHR // VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190003 00200000 00210000 00220003 00230000 00240003 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280003 00290000 00300003 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340003 00350003 00360003 94 Appendix A JCL BLRLNK //* MEMBER BLRLNK 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THE FOLLOWING SAMPLE JOB RELINKS THE VISION:BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY 00030000 //* MODULE NAMED "MARKIV". THIS MODULE USES THE OVERLAY FACILITY. 00040000 //* 00050000 //* THIS JOB IS RUN FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 00060000 //* STATIC OWN CODE INTEGRATION IS REQUIRED. 00070000 //* A NEW IMS INTERFACE MODULE (DFSLI000) IS NEEDED. 00080000 //* A DIFFERENT LOAD LIBRARY BLKSIZE IS DESIRED 00090003 //* 00100000 //* BEFORE RUNNING THIS JOB, 00110000 //* REVIEW THE JCL STATEMENTS FLAGGED WITH "<<<<". 00120000 //* 00130000 //* SYSLMOD - THE LOAD LIBRARY TO CONTAIN THE RELINKED 00140000 //* MODULE "MARKIV". 00150000 //* LOADLIB - THE LOAD LIBRARY THAT CONTAINS THE LOAD 00160000 //* MODULE "MARKIV". 00170000 //* OBJLIB - AN OBJECT OR LOAD LIBRARY THAT CONTAINS THE 00180000 //* USER’S "M4OWN" MODULE FOR STATIC INTEGRATION. 00190000 //* 00200000 //* NOTE: IF STATIC INTEGRATION IS NOT IMPLEMENTED, 00210000 //* COMMENT THE "OBJLIB" DD STATEMENT. A CONDITION CODE 00220000 //* OF 8 WILL OCCUR WHEN THE DD STATEMENT IS NOT PRESENT. 00230000 //* 00240000 //* USE THE "BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB" DATASET WHICH CONTAINS 00250003 //* A DEFAULT "M4OWN" MODULE TO TURN OFF STATIC OWN CODE. 00260000 //* 00270000 //* DLILIB - THE IMS LIBRARY THAT CONTAINS THE INTERFACE 00280000 //* MODULE "DFSLI000". 00290000 //* 00300000 //* NOTE: IF IMS IS NOT USED AT YOUR INSTALLATION, 00310000 //* COMMENT THE "DLILIB" DD STATEMENT. A CONDITION CODE 00320000 //* OF 8 WILL OCCUR WHEN THE DD STATEMENT IS NOT PRESENT. 00330000 //* 00340000 //* SYSLIN - THE VISION:BUILDER RELEASE 13.8 SOURCE AND JCL 00350003 //* DATASET THAT CONTAINS THE LINK EDIT CONTROL 00360000 //* STATEMENT MEMBER. 00370000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 95 Appendix A JCL BLRLNK (cont.) //* 00380000 //* THIS JOB NORMALLY COMPLETES WITH A CONDITION CODE 4. 00390000 //* 00400000 //**********************************************************************00410000 //* RELINK THE BUILDER MODULE "MARKIV" 00420000 //**********************************************************************00430000 //RELINK EXEC PGM=HEWLKED,REGION=2M, 00440001 // PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL,OVLY,XCAL’ 00450001 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00460000 //SYSLMOD DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD <<<< 00470003 //LOADLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD <<<< 00480003 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(3,1)) 00490000 //OBJLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB,DISP=SHR <<<< 00500003 //DLILIB DD DSN=IMSVS.RESLIB,DISP=SHR <<<< 00510000 //SYSLIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB(BLOVRLK),DISP=SHR <<<< 00520003 // 00530003 BLZARK //* MEMBER BLZARK 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JCL SHOWS SAMPLE JOBS TO "APPLY" OR "REMOVE" 00030000 //* SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS FROM YOUR VISION:BUILDER SYSTEM LOADLIB 00040000 //* 00050000 //* SEE THE ANSRZARK UTILITY MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* THE SAMPLE SHOW RUNS TO APPLY AND REMOVE RSM’S USING THE RSM’S 00080000 //* CONTAINED IN THE DELIVERED RSMS PDS. 00090000 //**********************************************************************00100000 //* 00110000 //APPLY EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,MARKIV’ 00120003 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00130000 //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00140003 //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00150000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) 00160003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00170003 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(BL100AZZ),DISP=SHR 00180003 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 96 Appendix A JCL BLZARK (cont.) //CONFIG DD * CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV) SELECT LIST/QFAIL SELECT SM100/MARKIV/APPLYONLY //* //REMOVE EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,MARKIV’ //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(BL100AZZ),DISP=SHR //CONFIG DD * CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV) SELECT LIST/QFAIL SELECT SM100/MARKIV/APPLYONLY SELECT SM100/MARKIV/BACKOUT // 00190003 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240003 00250000 00260003 00270000 00280003 00290003 00300003 00310003 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360003 CLASM1 //* MEMBER CLASM1 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS PROCEDURE AND JOB STREAM ASSEMBLES AND LINKS THE 00030000 //* COMLIB COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULE 00040000 //* MARKLIBP. 00050000 //* 00060000 //ASMBPRM PROC SRCLIB=, 00070000 // SRCMEM=, 00080000 // LOADLIB= 00090000 //ASM EXEC PGM=ASMA90,REGION=1M, 00100001 // PARM=’NODECK,OBJECT,LIST’ 00110000 //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR 00120000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00130000 //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, 00140000 // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)) 00150000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00160000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 97 Appendix A JCL CLASM1 (cont.) //SYSIN DD DSN=&SRCLIB(&SRCMEM),DISP=SHR 00170000 //* 00180000 //LINK EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=1M, 00190001 // PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL’ 00200001 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) 00210000 //OBJECT DD DSN=&&OBJECT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) 00220000 //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00230000 //LOADLIB DD DSN=&LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00240000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00250000 // PEND 00260000 //**********************************************************************00270000 //* THE FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THE JOBS TO ASSEMBLE 00280000 //* AND LINK THE COMLIB COMPONENT PARAMETER MODULE. 00290000 //* 00300000 //* BEFORE YOU RUN THIS JOB, SPECIFY: 00310000 //* 00320000 //* SRCLIB - THE SOURCE PDS THAT CONTAINS THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00330000 //* SRCMEM - THE MEMBER NAME OF THE PARAMETER MODULE. 00340000 //* LOADLIB - THE LOAD LIBRARY TO CONTAIN THE LINK EDITED MODULE. 00350000 //* 00360000 //**********************************************************************00370000 //* MARKLIBP ASSEMBLY AND LINK 00380000 //**********************************************************************00390000 //* 00400000 //CLPARM EXEC ASMBPRM, 00410000 // SRCLIB=’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’, 00420000 // SRCMEM=’MARKLIBP’, 00430000 // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’ 00440000 //* 00450000 //LINK.SYSLIN DD * 00460000 INCLUDE OBJECT 00470000 NAME MARKLIBP(R) 00480000 /* 00490000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 98 Appendix A JCL CLCOBLL //* MEMBER CLCOBLL //******************************************************************** //* LINK EDIT LIBRARIAN INTERFACE MODULES WITH COBOL QUICK START. * //******************************************************************** //CLLIBLK PROC CLLOAD=, // LIBLOAD= //LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL,REGION=2M,PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL’ //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //LIBSYS DD DSN=&LIBLOAD,DISP=SHR //LLIB DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* CLLOAD - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* LIBLOAD - NAME OF YOUR LIBRARIAN SYSTEM LOAD LIBRARY. * //* * //******************************************************************** //LIBLINK EXEC CLLIBLK, // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // LIBLOAD=’LIBRARN.SYSTEM.LOADLIB’ //LINK.SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRCLS) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRERR) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRLOC) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRMOD) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRNTE) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIROPN) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010001 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070001 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00600002 00610002 00620002 00630002 00640002 00650002 00660002 99 Appendix A JCL CLCOBLL (cont.) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRPNT) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRREC) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRSCAN) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRSEC) INCLUDE LLIB(COMLIBL) ENTRY COMLIBL NAME COMLIBL(R) /* 00670002 00680002 00690002 00700002 00710002 00720002 00730002 00740002 CLCOBPL //* MEMBER CLCOBPL //******************************************************************** //* LINK EDIT PANVALET INTERFACE MODULES WITH COBOL QUICK START. * //******************************************************************** //CLPANLK PROC CLLOAD=, // PANLOAD= //LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL,REGION=2M,PARM=’LET,LIST,MAP,NCAL’ //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //LIBSYS DD DSN=&PANLOAD,DISP=SHR //LLIB DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* CLLOAD - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* PANLOAD - NAME OF YOUR PANVALET SYSTEM LOAD LIBRARY. * //* * //******************************************************************** //PANLINK EXEC CLPANLK, VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010001 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070001 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 100 Appendix A JCL CLCOBPL (cont.) // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // PANLOAD=’PANVALET.SYSTEM.LOADLIB’ //LINK.SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE LIBSYS(PAM) INCLUDE LLIB(COMLIBP) ENTRY COMLIBP NAME COMLIBP(R) /* 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 CLCOBQS //* MEMBER CLCOBQS //********************************************************************* //* EXECUTE THE COBOL QUICK START UTILITY. * //* ***** NOTE ***** * //* THE SYSCOPY DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR MVS COPYBOOK LIBRARIES. * //* THE PANDD1 DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR PANVALET COPYBOOK LIBRARIES. * //* THE MASTER DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR LIBRARIAN COPYBOOK LIBRARIES * //********************************************************************* //COBOLQS PROC CLLOAD=, // COPYLIB=, // DEFLIB=, // MEMBER= //COBOLQS EXEC PGM=COBOLQS,REGION=1024K //STEPLIB DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSCOPY DD DSN=©LIB,DISP=SHR //PANDD1 DD DSN=©LIB,DISP=SHR //MASTER DD DSN=©LIB,DISP=SHR //SYS004 DD DSN=&DEFLIB(&MEMBER),DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD DUMMY // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* CLLOAD - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230002 00240000 00250000 00260000 101 Appendix A JCL CLCOBQS (cont.) //* COPYLIB - NAME OF YOUR COBOL COPY LIBRARY. THIS IS AN * //* MVS, PANVALET, OR LIBRARIAN COPYBOOK LIBRARY. * //* DEFLIB - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB SOURCE DEFINITION LIBRARY. * //* THE GENERATED FILE DEFINITION IS WRITTEN TO * //* THIS LIBRARY. * //* MEMBER - MEMBER NAME FOR THE DEFINITION YOU ARE GENERATING. * //* * //* YOU MUST ALSO PROVIDE THE APPROPRIATE SYSIN DATA IN THE * //* COBOLQS.SYSIN DD OVERRIDE STMT. * //******************************************************************** //QS EXEC COBOLQS, // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // COPYLIB=’COBOL.COPYBOOK.LIBRARY’, // DEFLIB=’COMLIB.DEFLIB’, // MEMBER=’SAMPLEFD’ //COBOLQS.SYSIN DD * FILEGEN NAME=SAMPLEFD,TYPE=FIXED,RECSIZE=80 SEGMENT NAME=OFFICE,NUMBER=10,LEVEL=1 $COBOL 01 OFFICE-DATA. 02 OFFICE-CODE PIC S9(3). 02 OFFICE-ADDRESS. 03 OFFICE-STREET PIC X(20). 03 OFFICE-CITY PIC X(15). 03 OFFICE-STATE PIC X(2). 03 OFFICE-ZIP. 04 OFFICE-ZIP-FIRST-FIVE PIC X(5). 04 OFFICE-ZIP-LAST-FOUR PIC X(4). 02 OFFICE-PHONE PIC 9(7). 02 OFFICE-AREA-CODE PIC X(3). 02 SPEED-DIAL PIC X(3). 02 FILLER PIC X(18). $ECOBOL /* VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 102 Appendix A JCL CLDB2QS //* MEMBER CLDB2QS //******************************************************************** //* EXECUTE THE DB2 QUICK START UTILITY. * //******************************************************************** //DB2QS PROC CLLOAD=, // DB2LOAD=, // DEFLIB= //DB2QS EXEC PGM=DB2QS,REGION=1024K //STEPLIB DD DSN=&CLLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&DB2LOAD,DISP=SHR //SYSTERM DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*, // DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=1330) //SYS004 DD DSN=&DEFLIB,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD DUMMY // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* CLLOAD - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* DB2LOAD - NAME OF YOUR DB2 DSN.DSNLOAD LIBRARY. * //* DEFLIB - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB SOURCE DEFINITION LIBRARY. * //* THE GENERATED FILE DEFINITION IS WRITTEN TO * //* THIS LIBRARY. * //* * //* YOU MUST ALSO PROVIDE THE APPROPRIATE SYSIN DATA IN THE * //* DB2QS.SYSIN DD OVERRIDE STMT. * //******************************************************************** //* //QS EXEC DB2QS, // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // DB2LOAD=’DB2.SYSTEM.DSNLOAD’, // DEFLIB=’COMLIB.DEFLIB’ //* //DB2QS.SYSIN DD * DB2CNTL DB2PLAN=DB2QS,DB2SYS=DB2T VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180002 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 103 Appendix A JCL CLDB2QS (cont.) FILEGEN NAME=DB2FD,BUFFSIZE=1024K SEGMENT NAME=DEPT,NUMBER=10,LEVEL=1,TABLE=DEPT,CREATOR=DSN8230, PRINT=ALL NEWPAGE SEGMENT NAME=EMPLOYEE,NUMBER=20,LEVEL=2,TABLE=EMP,CREATOR=DSN8230, PRINT=ALL NEWPAGE SEGMENT NAME=PROJECT,NUMBER=30,LEVEL=2,TABLE=PROJ,CREATOR=DSN8230, PRINT=ALL /* 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 CLINQQS //* MEMBER CLINQQS //********************************************************************* //* UTILITY TO CONVERT VISION:INQUIRY FILE DEFINITIONS INTO * //* VISION:BUILDER OR VISION:INFORM FORMAT FILE DEFINITIONS. * //* THE VISION:INQUIRY FILE DEFINITIONS MUST COME FROM AN * //* VISION:INQUIRY UNLOADED SYSTEM DATABASE FILE. SEE YOUR * //* VISION:INQUIRY TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL FOR INFORMATION ON * //* HOW TO CREATE AN UNLOADED COPY OF THE SYSTEM DATABASE. * //* * //* THIS UTILITY MAY ALSO BE INVOKED UNDER TSO/ISPF USING THE * //* VISION:INFORM DEFINITION PROCESSOR IMPORT FUNCTION. * //********************************************************************* //INQRYQS PROC RGN=2M, // BLLOAD=, // CLLOAD=, // ULSYSDB=, // DEFLIB= //INQRYQS EXEC PGM=INQRYQS,REGION=&RGN //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&CLLOAD // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&BLLOAD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ULSYSDB //SYS004 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=&DEFLIB // PEND VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00141000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190001 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 104 Appendix A JCL CLINQQS (cont.) //********************************************************************* //* FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THIS PROCEDURE. BEFORE YOU * //* RUN THIS PROCEDURE, SPECIFY: * //* * //* RGN - THE REGION SIZE; DEFAULT IS 2M. * //* BLLOAD - THE BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY. * //* CLLOAD - THE COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* ULSYSDB - THE UNLOADED VISION:INQUIRY SYSTEM DATABASE FILE. * //* DEFLIB - THE VISION:INFORM DEFINITION LIBRARY. * //********************************************************************* //STEP01 EXEC INQRYQS,RGN=2M, // BLLOAD=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’, // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // ULSYSDB=’VISION.INQUIRY.UNLOADED.SYSDBASE’, // DEFLIB=’VISION.BUILDER.DEFLIB’ //SYSIN DD * FILEGEN NAME=VSHPLANT,FLDPREFX=PLT FILEGEN NAME=SALARIES,FLDPREFX=SAL 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00291000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00341000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 CLQSBND //* MEMBER CLQSBND //******************************************************************** //* BIND THE DB2 PLAN FOR THE DB2 QUICK START UTILITY. * //* * //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFIY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* - NAME OF YOUR DB2 SYSTEM DSNLOAD LIBRARY AS THE * //* STEPLIB DATA SET NAME. * //* * //* - APPROPRIATE VALUES FOR THE SYSTSIN DSN PARAMETERS: * //* * //* PARAMETER * //* --------* //* SYSTEM YOUR DB2 SUBSYSTEM ID. * //* PLAN NAME OF YOUR DB2 PLAN FOR THE DB2 QUICK * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 105 Appendix A JCL CLQSBND (cont.) //* START UTILITY. * //* LIBRARY NAME OF THE LIBRARY CONTAINING THE DB2 * //* QUICK START DATA BASE REQUEST MODULE (DBRM). * //* THE DB2 QUICK START DBRM IS DELIVERED IN THE * //* BUILDER WORKLIB PDS MEMBER DB2QDBRM. * //* MEMBER NAME OF THE DB2 QUICK START DBRM - DB2QDBRM * //* QUALIFIER NAME OF THE QUALIFIER FOR YOUR DB2 SYSTEM * //* CATALOG TABLE. THIS MUST BE THE QUALIFIER * //* FOR YOUR SYSCOLUMNS TABLE (E.G., SYSIBM). * //******************************************************************** //BINDPGM EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20,REGION=1024K //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DB2.SYSTEM.DSNLOAD //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * DSN SYSTEM(DB2T) BIND PLAN (DB2QS) LIBRARY (’BUILDER.BL138.WORKLIB’) MEMBER (DB2QDBRM) QUALIFIER (SYSIBM) ACTION (REPLACE ) RETAIN END /* 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200002 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 CLRESLL //* MEMBER CLRESLL //******************************************************************** //* LINK LIBRARIAN INTERFACE MODULES WITH RESULTS QUICK START. * //******************************************************************** //LBLNK PROC LOADLIB=, // LIBLOAD= //LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL,REGION=1M,PARM=’LIST,MAP,LET,NCAL’ //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //LIBSYS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LIBLOAD //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOADLIB VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 106 Appendix A JCL CLRESLL (cont.) // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* LOADLIB - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* LIBLOAD - NAME OF YOUR LIBRARIAN SYSTEM LOAD LIBRARY. * //******************************************************************** //LIBLINK EXEC LBLNK, // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // LIBLOAD=’LIBRARN.SYSTEM.LOADLIB’ //LINK.SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRCLS) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIROPN) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRREC) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRMOD) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRERR) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRLOC) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRNTE) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRPNT) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRSCAN) INCLUDE LIBSYS(FAIRSEC) INCLUDE SYSLMOD(DYL280LX) ENTRY DYL280L NAME DYL280L(R) 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 CLRESPL //* MEMBER CLRESPL //******************************************************************** //* LINK PANVALET INTERFACE MODULES WITH RESULTS QUICK START. * //******************************************************************** //PNLNK PROC LOADLIB=, // PANLOAD= //LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL,REGION=1M,PARM=’LIST,MAP,LET,NCAL’ //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 107 Appendix A JCL CLRESPL (cont.) //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //LIBSYS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&PANLOAD //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOADLIB // PEND //******************************************************************** //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JCL, YOU MUST SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING * //* INFORMATION: * //* * //* LOADLIB - NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* PANLOAD - NAME OF YOUR PANVALET SYSTEM LOAD LIBRARY. * //******************************************************************** //PANLINK EXEC PNLNK, // LOADLIB=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // PANLOAD=’PANVALET.SYSTEM.LOADLIB’ //LINK.SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE LIBSYS(PAM) INCLUDE SYSLMOD(DYL280PX) ENTRY DYL280P NAME DYL280P(R) 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 CLRESQS //* MEMBER CLRESQS //********************************************************************* //* EXECUTE THE RESULTS QUICK START UTILITY * //* ***** NOTE ***** * //* THE SYSCOPY DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR MVS COPYBOOK LIBRARIES. * //* THE PANDD1 DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR PANVALET COPYBOOK LIBRARIES. * //* THE MASTER DD STATEMENT IS USED FOR LIBRARIAN COPYBOOK LIBRARIES * //********************************************************************* //RESLTQS PROC RGN=2M, // CLLOAD=, // BLLOAD=, // DEFLIB=, // MEMBER=, // RSLTLIB=, // RSLTDEF= VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110002 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 108 Appendix A JCL CLRESQS (cont.) //CONVRT EXEC PGM=RESULTQS,REGION=&RGN //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&CLLOAD // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&BLLOAD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //*SYSCOPY DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.RESULTS.COPYLIB //*PANDD1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.PANVALET.LIBRARY //*MASTER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.LIBR.MASTER //SYS004 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=&DEFLIB(&MEMBER) //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&RSLTLIB(&RSLTDEF) // PEND //********************************************************************* //* FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE EXECUTION OF THIS PROCEDURE. BEFORE YOU * //* RUN THIS PROCEDURE, SPECIFY: * //* * //* RGN - THE REGION SIZE. DEFAULT IS 2M. * //* CLLOAD - THE NAME OF YOUR COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY. * //* BLLOAD - THE NAME OF YOUR BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY. * //* DEFLIB - THE LIBRARY(PDS) TO CONTAIN THE BUILDER DEFINITIONS. * //* MEMBER - THE PDS MEMBER NAME FOR THE CONVERTED VISION:BUILDER * //* FILE DEFINITION IN THE DEFINITION LIBRARY. * //* RSLTLIB - THE PDS CONTAINING THE VISION:RESULTS FILE * //* DEFINITION SOURCE STATEMENTS. * //* RSLTDEF - THE PDS MEMBER NAME OF THE INPUT VISION:RESULTS * //* FILE DEFINITION TO BE CONVERTED. * //* * //* *** N O T E *** * //* * //* THIS PROCEDURE ASSUMES INPUT FROM A PDS MEMBER. OPTIONALLY, IT * //* MAY ALSO COME FROM A RESULTS COPY (MVS PDS), COPYP (PANVALET), * //* OR COPYL (LIBRARIAN) STATEMENT. IF SO, YOU MUST UN-COMMENT THE * //* APPROPRIATE SYSCOPY (MVS PDS), PANDD1 (PANVALET), OR MASTER * //* (LIBRARIAN) DD STATEMENT IN THE PROCEDURE, SPECIFYING THE * //* PROPER DATA SET NAME FOR THE LIBRARY USED. PLEASE REFER TO THE * //* MANUAL FOR DETAILS IN SETTING UP COPY SUPPORT. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00160000 00170000 00180002 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320002 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 109 Appendix A JCL CLRESQS (cont.) //********************************************************************* //STEP01 EXEC RESLTQS,RGN=2M, // CLLOAD=’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’, // BLLOAD=’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’, // DEFLIB=’VISION.BUILDER.DEFLIB’, // MEMBER=FILENAME, // RSLTLIB=’VISION.RESULTS.FILEDEFS’, // RSLTDEF=FILENAME 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530003 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 CLZARK //* MEMBER CLZARK 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JCL SHOWS SAMPLE JOBS TO "APPLY" OR "REMOVE" 00030000 //* SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS FROM YOUR COMLIB LOADLIB 00040000 //* 00050000 //* SEE THE ANSRZARK UTILITY MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* THE SAMPLE SHOW RUNS TO APPLY AND REMOVE RSM’S USING THE RSM’S 00080000 //* CONTAINED IN THE DELIVERED RSMS PDS. 00090000 //**********************************************************************00100000 //* 00110000 //APPLY EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,COMLIB’ 00120000 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00130000 //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00140002 //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00150000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) 00160000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00170000 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(CL100AZZ),DISP=SHR 00180002 //CONFIG DD * 00190000 CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV) 00200000 SELECT LIST/QFAIL 00210000 SELECT SM100/COMLIB/APPLYONLY 00220000 /* 00230000 //* 00240000 //REMOVE EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,COMLIB’ 00250000 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00260000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 110 Appendix A JCL CLZARK (cont.) //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(CL100AZZ),DISP=SHR //CONFIG DD * CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV) SELECT LIST/QFAIL SELECT SM100/COMLIB/APPLYONLY SELECT SM100/COMLIB/BACKOUT /* 00270002 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310002 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 WBZARK //* MEMBER WBZARK 00010000 //**********************************************************************00020000 //* THIS JCL SHOWS SAMPLE JOBS TO "APPLY" OR "REMOVE" 00030000 //* SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS FROM YOUR VISION:WORKBENCH FOR ISPF 00040000 //* 00050000 //* SEE THE ANSRZARK UTILITY MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. 00060000 //* 00070000 //* THE SAMPLE SHOW RUNS TO APPLY AND REMOVE RSM’S USING THE RSM’S 00080000 //* CONTAINED IN THE DELIVERED RSMS PDS. 00090000 //**********************************************************************00100000 //* 00110000 //APPLY EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,MARKI’ 00120003 //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00130000 //MARKI DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00140003 //MARKIMSG DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.MSGS,DISP=SHR 00150003 //MARKIPNL DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.PANELS,DISP=SHR 00160003 //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00170003 //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR 00180000 //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) 00190003 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00200003 //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(WB100AZZ),DISP=SHR 00210003 //CONFIG DD * 00220003 CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV/MARKI) 00230000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 111 Appendix A JCL WBZARK (cont.) SELECT LIST/QFAIL SELECT SM100/MARKI/APPLYONLY //* //REMOVE EXEC PGM=ANSRZARK,REGION=1024K,PARM=’INSTALL,MARKI’ //STEPLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //MARKI DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //MARKIMSG DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.MSGS,DISP=SHR //MARKIPNL DD DSN=BUILDER.WB058.PANELS,DISP=SHR //MARKIV DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //COMLIB DD DSN=BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DSN=BUILDER.BL138.RSMLIB(WB100AZZ),DISP=SHR //CONFIG DD * CONFIG INSTALLED=(COMLIB/MARKIV/MARKI) SELECT LIST/QFAIL SELECT SM100/MARKI/APPLYONLY SELECT SM100/MARKI/BACKOUT // VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270003 00280000 00290003 00300003 00310003 00320003 00330000 00340003 00350003 00360003 00370003 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420003 112 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules VISION:Builder provides default values for many of the parameters. These values are usually determined by the operating environment in each installation. These parameters affect various functions of the system. Because these parameters are part of the installation process, VISION:Builder provides you with the capability of changing their default values. This appendix describes the following modules: ■ M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM on page 114 ■ M4SFPARM on page 142 ■ MARKLIBP on page 148 ■ MARKSQL on page 153 ■ Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM on page 165 ■ Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM on page 178 113 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM are used for changing default values. Both are supplied with VISION:Builder as Assembly Language source CSECTs and are well documented in their source form. A list of the CSECTs follows; the default is clearly indicated for each parameter. You can replace any of the parameters as wanted, but do not make any changes that would modify the relative location of any field. The CSECT is link edited as a load module after the installation of VISION:Builder. It can be changed at any time and the last version included in the system determines the installation standards. Multiple versions of M4PARAMS or M4LEPARM can be maintained in separate partitioned data sets. If this is done, the JOBLIB statement for M4PARAMS or M4LEPARM must precede the one for VISION:Builder (concatenation) when VISION:Builder is executed. This ensures that the alternate version is used. M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM are supplied with each new release of VISION:Builder and, as improvements and extensions are included in the system, they may change to reflect these modifications. Therefore, it is necessary to link edit the new version of M4PARAMS or M4LEPARM with each new release. Any changes to M4PARAMS or M4LEPARM are explained in the New Release Planning Guide that accompanies each new release of VISION:Builder. Refer any questions concerning M4PARAMS or M4LEPARM to Sterling Software Technical Support. See Contacting Sterling Software starting on page 227 for more information. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 114 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules The special symbols in this M4PARAMS table are for the PN print chain. Installations not using a PN chain must change the symbols accordingly. M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter Parameter Name User ID USERID Installation identification from Sterling Software. Delimiter DELIMITR # Page height HEIGHT 66 lines M4LIST width – Default width of page LSTWIDTH 132 print positions Default width of page LSTDFWOP 0 (M4LIST width) Automatic GRAND summaries are printed on a separate page at the end of each report AUTOGRND Automatic GRAND summaries are not generated. Report column heading border character HEADCHAR - (hyphen) Repeating (S-type) subtitles SUBTITLE S-type subtitles do not repeat on page overflow. Symbol for invalid field due to computation INVALID * Symbol for non-existent field NOTEXIST - (hyphen) Symbol for field that cannot be edited NOTEDIT + VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) VISION:Builder Standard 115 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter (cont.) Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard Percent sign PERCENT % Summary labels TOTAL, CUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG, RATIO, PCT, PAGE, GRAND TOTAL, CUM., COUNT, MAX., MIN., AVG., RATIO, PCT., PAGE, GRAND Left formatting delimiter for source listing LEFTMRK ( Right formatting delimiter for source listing RIGHTMRK ) Double delimiter (used when both left and right formatting delimiter fall in the same place) SINGSEP , Source card listing control SLCCTL ASA control character blank (single space) Message control PRINT,CONSOLE Messages print on printer. Occasional messages print on console but only if operator action is required. Each Summary and Page label can contain up to five characters. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 116 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter (cont.) Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard Block size for M4REPO REPOSIZ 4096 The default value for the subfile blocking factor for variable blocked records is: [M4REPO block size] The default value for the subfile blocking factor for undefined blocked records is: [M4REPO block size] – 8 Number of buffers for input files INPUT 2 Number of buffers for output files OUTPUT 1 One-step report storage REPTSIZE 8192 (8192 KB)– The amount of storage allocated to the report phase of a single-step no-sort processing run. One-step sort storage SORTSIZE 524288 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 117 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Parameter (cont.) M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard Characters in edit patterns: ■ Digit select character DIGCHAR 9 ■ Zero suppress character ZSPCHAR Z ■ Currency symbol character CURCHAR $ ■ Plus symbol character PLUCHAR + ■ Minus symbol character MINCHAR – ■ Check protection character CKPCHAR * ■ Decimal point character DECCHAR . ■ Grouping character GRPCHAR , VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 118 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Parameter (cont.) M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard GRAPHICS: ■ Primary plot character PRMCHAR X ■ Secondary plot character SCDCHAR * ■ Fit plot character FITCHAR . ■ Horizontal axis character HZACHAR _ (underscore) ■ Horizontal hash character HZHCHAR | (vertical bar) ■ Vertical axis character VTACHAR | (vertical bar) ■ Vertical hash character VTHCHAR - (hyphen) Time Processing in models 4260, 4360, and 4460: ■ First conversion factor MULTPLR1 60 – indicating minutes per hour. ■ Second conversion factor MULTPLR2 60 – indicating seconds per min. ■ Units delimiter TIMEDELM : (colon) JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC Months VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 119 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter (cont.) Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard DATE flag format DATE MMM DD, YYYY TODAY flag format M4TODAY MMDDYY DATE flag delimiters: ■ TODAY TODAYDLM / (that is, MM/DD/YY) ■ ISDATE ISDATDLM - (that is, YYYY-MM-DD) ■ JULIAN JULDLM . (that is, YY.DDD) Sort program SORTPGM 5740-SM1 Maximum working storage MAXGETMN 1024 (1024 KB) Minimum main storage released using FREEMAIN MINCORE 12 (12 KB) GRAPHICS: ■ Alternate M4LIST width ALTWIDTH 132 print positions ■ Alternate default width of page ALTDFWOP 0 (M4LIST1 width) A value of zero (0) in ALTDFWOP causes the system to use the alternate M4LIST width for this specification. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 120 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Parameter (cont.) M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM Parameter Name VISION:Builder Standard Suppress no-data-selected report SUPRSNDS N – The skeleton report is printed. Default codes to print the information and warning messages for run phases DECMSOPT Y – Yes PROMSOPT Y – Yes RPTMSOPT Y – Yes File processing AMODE(31) AMODE31 Y – Yes M4PAOUT maximum lines PALTRCMX 1024 lines of space High level ISAM index control COREINDX 0 (no indices in storage) Default condition codes CONDCOD1 0 – Normal CONDCOD2 4 – Error termination CONDCOD3 8 – No sorting (specified) CONDCOD4 16 – No sorting (invalid requests) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 121 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code MPOVS TITLE 'M4PARAMS - STERLING SOFTWARE, INC.' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** SPACE 3 MACRO C265 M4TODAY &FORMAT C265 LCLA &ACCUM C265 &ACCUM SETA 0 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’MMDDYY’).EQU C265 &ACCUM SETA 4 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’DDMMYY’).EQU C265 &ACCUM SETA 8 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’YYMMDD’).EQU C265 &ACCUM SETA 12 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’YYDDMM’).EQU C265 &ACCUM SETA 16 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’DDYYMM’).EQU C265 &ACCUM SETA 20 C265 AIF (’&FORMAT’ EQ ’MMYYDD’).EQU C265 MNOTE 8,’ILLEGAL TODAY FORMAT, MMDDYY ASSUMED’ C265 &ACCUM SETA 0 C265 .EQU ANOP C265 TODAY EQU &ACCUM C265 MEND C265 EJECT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 122 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) *********************************************************************** * USERS MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES BEFORE THIS PAGE C265 *********************************************************************** EJECT M4PARAMS CSECT *********************************************************************** * * * THIS ROUTINE CONTAINS ALL PARAMETERS WHICH MAY BE SET AS USER * * OPTIONS. * * 1. USERS MAY CHANGE ANY OF THE ITEMS WITHIN THE RANGES SPECIFIED. * * 2. USERS MUST NOT CHANGE THE LENGTH OF ANY ASSEMBLY ITEMS. * * 3. USERS MUST NOT CHANGE ITEMS THAT PRECEDE THE PAGE MARKED * * "* USERS MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES BEFORE THIS PAGE *." * * 4. USERS MUST NOT CHANGE ITEMS THAT FOLLOW THE PAGE MARKED * * "* USERS MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES FOLLOWING THIS PAGE *." * * * * THIS ROUTINE MAY BE ASSEMBLED AND LINK EDITED AFTER BUILDER * * INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. IF ALL OF THE DEFAULT PARAMETERS * * ARE SATISFACTORY, NO ACTION IS NEEDED. OTHERWISE, THE MODIFIED * * MODULE MUST BE ASSEMBLED AND LINK EDITED ACCORDING TO THE * * INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED IN THE INSTALLATION MANUAL. * * * *********************************************************************** EJECT * * USER ID - THIRTY-TWO CHARACTERS OF TEXT TO PRINT IN THE * SIGN ON. * USERID DC CL32’ ’ SPACE 5 * * SYSTEM - ANY VALID PRINTABLE OR UNPRINTABLE CHARACTER 11.0 * DELIMITER EXCEPT UNDERSCORE (X’6D’) AND TILDE (X’A1’). 11.0 * THIS CHARACTER IS RESERVED AND MAY NOT APPEAR 11.0 * IN ANY STATEMENTS EXCEPT FOR ITS USE * AS A DELIMITER. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 123 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) DELIMITR EQU SPACE * * PAGE * HEIGHT * * * * HEIGHT EQU SPACE * * M4LIST * WIDTH * * * LSTWIDTH EQU * * DEFAULT * WIDTH OF * PAGE * * * * * * LSTDFWOP EQU EJECT * * AUTOMATIC * GRAND * SUMMARIES * * * C’#’ 5 DEFAULT = POUND (NUMBER) SIGN - THE NUMBER OF PRINTABLE LINES ON A PAGE. THIS NUMBER MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO AND MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE DEFAULT PRINTER FORM AND SIZE SPECIFICATION FOR THE PRINTERS AT YOUR SITE. THE VALUE ASSUMES A SETTING OF 6 LINES PER INCH. 66 5 DEFAULT = 11 INCH PAGE AT 6 LPI - THE NUMBER OF PRINTABLE COLUMNS ON THE M4LIST OUTPUT DEVICE, NOT INCLUDING THE ASA CONTROL CHARACTER. THIS IS THE M4LIST RECORD LENGTH-1, AND MUST BE AT LEAST 132 COLUMNS. 132 DEFAULT = 132 COLUMNS - THE NUMBER OF PRINTABLE COLUMNS ON AN OUTPUT REPORT PAGE, NOT INCLUDING THE ASA CONTROL CHARACTER. THIS IS THE DEFAULT VALUE USED IF "WIDTH OF PAGE" ON THE EN/ER STATEMENT IS LEFT BLANK. THIS VALUE MUST NOT EXCEED THE M4LIST WIDTH (LSTWIDTH) SPECIFIED ABOVE. NOTE: A ZERO VALUE WILL CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO USE M4LIST WIDTH FOR THIS SPECIFICATION. 0 DEFAULT = M4LIST WIDTH - THE AUTOMATIC GRAND SUMMARIES FEATURE PROVIDES GRAND SUMMARIES FOR ALL FIELDS FOR WHICH A SUMMARY HAS BEEN REQUESTED ON A REPORT. THE FEATURE IS ACTIVATED BY ENTERING AN 8. THE FEATURE IS DEACTIVATED BY ENTERING A 0. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790000 00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860000 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 00980000 00990000 01000000 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100000 01110000 124 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) AUTOGRND EQU SPACE * * REPORT * COLUMN * HEADING * CHARACTER * * * * HEADCHAR EQU SPACE * * S-TYPE * SUBTITLE * CONTROL * * * SUBTITLE EQU EJECT * * SPECIAL * OUTPUT * CHARACTERS * * * * INVALID EQU NOTEXIST EQU NOTEDIT EQU SPACE * * PERCENT * CHARACTER 0 5 01120000 01130000 01140000 - ANY VALID PRINTABLE OR UNPRINTABLE CHARACTER. 01150000 THIS CHARACTER WILL BE USED TO FORM THE LINES 01160000 AROUND COLUMNS HEADINGS ON REPORTS. IF A BLANK 01170000 IS SPECIFIED, ONE BLANK LINE WILL BE PRINTED 01180000 BETWEEN THE COLUMN HEADINGS AND THE DETAIL LINES 01190000 FOR SINGLE-SPACED REPORTS, TWO FOR DOUBLE-SPACED 01200000 REPORTS, ETC. 01210000 01220000 C’-’ DEFAULT = DASH (HYPHEN) 01230000 5 01240000 01250000 - THE REPEATING SUBTITLE FEATURE PROVIDES FOR 01260000 THE PRINTING OF THE PREVIOUS S-TYPE SUBTITLE 01270000 UPON THE COMPLETION OF PAGE OVERFLOW. THE 01280000 FEATURE IS ACTIVATED BY ENTERING A 1. THE 01290000 FEATURE IS DEACTIVATED BY ENTERING A 0. 01300000 01310000 0 DEFAULT = NO REPEATED SUBTITLES 01320000 01330000 01340000 - THESE CHARACTERS ARE PRINTED WHEN SPECIAL 01350000 SITUATIONS OCCUR DURING REPORTING: 01360000 (1) FIELD IS INVALID 01370000 (2) FIELD DOES NOT EXIST 01380000 (3) FIELD CANNOT BE EDITED (EITHER WILL NOT 01390000 CONVERT OR IS TOO BIG FOR THE COLUMN) 01400000 01410000 C’*’ DEFAULT = STAR FOR INVALID 01420000 C’-’ DEFAULT = DASH FOR MISSING 01430000 C’+’ DEFAULT = PLUS FOR UNEDITABLE 01440000 5 01450000 01460000 - THIS CHARACTER IS PRINTED FOLLOWING A PERCENT 01470000 SUMMARY VALUE (E.G., 75.25%). J145 01480000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) DEFAULT - NO AUTO GRAND SUMS 125 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * PERCENT 01490000 01500000 01510000 * 01520000 * SUMMARY - THIS TABLE CONTAINS ONE FIVE-CHARACTER ENTRY 01530000 * LABEL FOR EACH TYPE OF SUMMARY, PLUS ENTRIES FOR 01540000 * TABLE PAGE AND GRAND. EACH ENTRY MUST BE EXACTLY 01550000 * FIVE CHARACTERS LONG. LEADING OR TRAILING 01560000 * BLANKS ARE ACCEPTABLE. 01570000 * 01580000 ORG M4PARAMS+105 ***** DO NOT CHANGE THIS STATEMENT SYSM 01590000 TOTAL DC CL5’TOTAL’ 01600000 CUM DC CL5’CUM. ’ 01610000 COUNT DC CL5’COUNT’ 01620000 MAX DC CL5’MAX. ’ 01630000 MIN DC CL5’MIN. ’ 01640000 AVG DC CL5’AVG. ’ 01650000 RATIO DC CL5’RATIO’ 01660000 PCT DC CL5’PCT. ’ 01670000 PAGE DC CL5’PAGE ’ 01680000 GRAND DC CL5’GRAND’ 01690000 EJECT 01700000 * 01710000 * LISTING - THESE CHARACTERS ARE USED AS SEPARATORS IN 01720000 * DELIMITER THE FORMATTED SOURCE STATEMENT LISTING. THE 01730000 * CHARACTERS SINGLE SEPARATOR IS USED WHEN A LEFT AND 01740000 * RIGHT SEPARATOR WOULD OTHERWISE OCCUPY THE 01750000 * SAME POSITION. 01760000 * 01770000 LEFTMRK EQU C’(’ DEFAULT = LEFT PARENTHESIS 01780000 RIGHTMRK EQU C’)’ DEFAULT = RIGHT PARENTHESIS 01790000 SINGSEP EQU C’,’ DEFAULT = COMMA 01800000 SPACE 5 01810000 * 01820000 * SOURCE - ASA CARRIAGE CONTROL CHARACTER FOR FORMATTED 01830000 * STATEMENT SOURCE STATEMENT LISTING. THIS CARRIAGE 01840000 * LISTING CONTROL CHARACTER IS USED ON ALL FORMATTED 01850000 EQU C’%’ SPACE 5 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) DEFAULT = PERCENT SIGN 126 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * VERTICAL * SPACING * * * * * SLCCTL EQU SPACE * * MESSAGE * CONTROL * * * * PRINT EQU CONSOLE EQU EJECT * * M4REPO * BLOCKSIZE * * * * * * * REPOSIZ EQU SPACE * * NUMBER * OF I/O * BUFFERS * INPUT EQU SOURCE LINES AND ON THE FIRST LINE OF ANY FORMATTED SOURCE STATEMENT COLUMN HEADINGS. ACCEPTABLE CARRIAGE CONTROL CHARACTERS ARE: BLANK = SINGLE SPACING 0 = DOUBLE SPACING = TRIPLE SPACING C’ ’ 5 DEFAULT = SINGLE SPACING - THE MESSAGE CONTROL FEATURE PROVIDES FOR SUPPRESSION OF MESSAGES OUTPUT TO M4LIST AND/OR THE CONSOLE TYPEWRITER. MESSAGES ARE INHIBITED BY ENTERING A 1. MESSAGES ARE NOT INHIBITED BY ENTERING A 0. 0 1 DEFAULT = PRINTER MESSAGES ON DEFAULT = CONSOLE MESSAGES OFF - THE BLOCKSIZE FOR REPORT FILES. THE SIZE MUST BE AT LEAST 264. NOTE THAT THIS BLOCKSIZE IS ALSO USED AS THE DEFAULT BLOCKSIZE FOR VARIABLE LENGTH SUBFILES AND PROGRAM ANALYZER (PAL) OUTPUT. ALSO, THIS BLOCKSIZE - 8 IS USED AS THE DEFAULT BLOCKSIZE FOR UNDEFINED LENGTH SUBFILES. 4096 5 J228 QN06 QN06 QN06 DEFAULT = 4096 BLOCKSIZE - NUMBER OF I/O BUFFERS TO BE ASSIGNED TO USER DATA FILES. 2 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) DEFAULT = 2 INPUT BUFFERS/FILE 01860000 01870000 01880000 01890000 01900000 01910000 01920000 01930000 01940000 01950000 01960000 01970000 01980000 01990000 02000000 02010000 02020000 02030000 02040000 02050000 02060000 02070000 02080000 02090005 02100000 02110000 02120000 02130000 02140000 02150000 02160000 02170000 02180000 02190000 02200000 02210000 02220000 127 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) OUTPUT EQU 1 SPACE 3 DEFAULT = 1 OUTPUT BUFFER/FILE RIP * RIP * ONE-STEP - THIS IS THE DEFAULT MAIN STORAGE ALLOCATION FOR RIP * REPORT THE REPORTER WHEN REPORT FILE OPTIMIZATION RIP * STORAGE IS USED IN A NO-SORT TYPE RUN. RIP * RIP * THIS VALUE MUST BE AT LEAST 1024 AND NO GREATER RIP * THAN 1048576. RIP REPTSIZE EQU 8192 DEFAULT = 8K RIP SPACE 3 SIP * SIP * ONE-STEP - THIS IS THE DEFAULT MAIN STORAGE ALLOCATION FOR SIP * SORT THE SORT PROGRAM WHEN REPORT FILE OPTIMIZATION SIP * STORAGE IS USED IN A RUN REQUIRING A SORT OF THE SIP * REPORT FILE. SIP * THIS VALUE MUST BE AT LEAST 1024 AND NO GREATER SIP * THAN 16777216. SIP * SIP SORTSIZE EQU 524288 DEFAULT = 512K SIP EJECT ****************************************************************** ULS * * ULS * C H A R A C T E R S U S E D I N E D I T P A T T E R N S * U026 * * ULS * THE FOLLOWING EIGHT M4PARAMS OPTIONS CONTROL THE FORMAT OF * ULS * FIELDS THAT ARE USING EXPLICIT EDIT PATTERNS. * U026 * * ULS * THE EIGHT PARAMETERS ARE: DIGIT SELECT CHARACTER. DIGCHAR* ULS * ZERO SUPPRESS CHARACTER. ZSPCHAR* ULS * CURRENCY SYMBOL CHARACTER. CURCHAR* ULS * PLUS SYMBOL CHARACTER. PLUCHAR* ULS * MINUS SYMBOL CHARACTER. MINCHAR* ULS * CHECK PROTECTION CHARACTER. CKPCHAR* ULS * DECIMAL POINT CHARACTER. DECCHAR* ULS * GROUPING CHARACTER. GRPCHAR* ULS * * ULS VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02230000 02240000 02250000 02260000 02270000 02280000 02290000 02300000 02310000 02320000 02330000 02340000 02350000 02360000 02370000 02380000 02390000 02400000 02410000 02420000 02430000 02440000 02450000 02460000 02470000 02480000 02490000 02500000 02510000 02520000 02530000 02540000 02550000 02560000 02570000 02580000 02590000 128 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * THE DECIMAL POINT AND GROUPING CHARACTERS ARE ALSO USED FOR * * OUTPUT REPORT EDITING OF NUMERIC FIELDS WHEN NO EXPLICIT * * PATTERN IS SPECIFIED AND ARE RECOGNIZED AS DECIMAL POINT * * AND GROUPING CHARACTERS RESPECTIVELY WHEN CONVERTING INPUT * * CHARACTER STRING DATA TO NUMERIC VALUES. * * * * * * VALID ENTRIES FOR THESE PARAMETERS INCLUDE ANY CHARACTER * * PRINTABLE OR UNPRINTABLE EXCEPT CHARACTERS IN THE RANGE * * OF HEXADECIMAL VALUES X’00’ THROUGH X’30’. IN ADDITION, * * EACH SYMBOL MUST BE UNIQUE AMONG ALL THE EIGHT EDITING * * SYMBOLS AND THE SYSTEM DELIMITER. THAT IS, NONE OF THE * * NINE PARAMETERS (EIGHT EDIT SYMBOLS AND ONE SYSTEM * * DELIMITER) MAY BE THE SAME CHARACTER. * * * * * * * ****************************************************************** SPACE 3 * * DIGIT - SPECIFIES A DIGIT POSITION IN NUMERIC EDITED * SELECT FIELDS. * CHARACTER * DIGCHAR EQU C’9’ DEFAULT = 9 SPACE 3 * * ZERO - SPECIFIES DIGIT POSITIONS IN NUMERIC EDITED * SUPPRESS FIELDS WHICH WILL BE BLANKED IF ZERO. * CHARACTER * ZSPCHAR EQU C’Z’ DEFAULT = Z SPACE 3 * * CURRENCY - SPECIFIES A LEADING/FLOATING CURRENCY SYMBOL * SYMBOL FOR NUMERIC EDITED FIELDS. * CHARACTER VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) ULS U026 ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS 02600000 02610000 02620000 02630000 02640000 02650000 02660000 02670000 02680000 02690000 02700000 02710000 02720000 02730000 02740000 02750000 02760000 02770000 02780000 02790000 02800000 02810000 02820000 02830000 02840000 02850000 02860000 02870000 02880000 02890000 02900000 02910000 02920000 02930000 02940000 02950000 02960000 129 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * CURCHAR EQU C’$’ SPACE 3 * * PLUS * SYMBOL * CHARACTER * PLUCHAR EQU SPACE * * MINUS * SYMBOL * CHARACTER * MINCHAR EQU SPACE * * CHECK * PROTECTION * CHARACTER * CKPCHAR EQU SPACE * * DECIMAL * POINT * CHARACTER * DECCHAR EQU SPACE * * GROUPING * CHARACTER * GRPCHAR EQU EJECT DEFAULT = $ - SPECIFIES A LEADING/FLOATING/TRAILING PLUS SYMBOL FOR NUMERIC EDITED FIELDS. C’+’ 3 DEFAULT = + - SPECIFIES A LEADING/FLOATING/TRAILING MINUS SYMBOL FOR NUMERIC EDITED FIELDS. C’-’ 3 DEFAULT = - - SPECIFIES A FILL CHARACTER FOR LEADING ZERO DIGITS IN NUMERIC EDITED FIELDS. C’*’ 3 DEFAULT = * - DECIMAL POINT CHARACTER FOR NUMERIC FIELDS. C’.’ 5 DEFAULT = . - GROUPING CHARACTER FOR NUMERIC FIELDS. C’,’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) DEFAULT = , ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS ULS 02970000 02980000 02990000 03000000 03010000 03020000 03030000 03040000 03050000 03060000 03070000 03080000 03090000 03100000 03110000 03120000 03130000 03140000 03150000 03160000 03170000 03180000 03190000 03200000 03210000 03220000 03230000 03240000 03250000 03260000 03270000 03280000 03290000 03300000 03310000 03320000 GRAF 03330000 130 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) ****************************************************************** * * * G R A P H R E P O R T G R A P H I N G C H A R A C T E R S * * * * THE FOLLOWING SEVEN M4PARAMS OPTIONS CONTROL THE CHARACTERS * * IN PLOTTING A GRAPH. * * * * THE SEVEN PARAMETERS ARE: PRIMARY PLOT CHARACTER * * SECONDARY PLOT CHARACTER * * FIT PLOT CHARACTER * * HORIZONTAL AXIS CHARACTER * * HORIZONTAL HASH CHARACTER * * VERTICAL AXIS CHARACTER * * VERTICAL HASH CHARACTER * * * * THE ONLY RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PLOT * * CHARACTERS WHICH CANNOT BE BLANK. * * * * * * * ****************************************************************** SPACE 3 * * PRIMARY - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING * PLOT SINGLE POINTS (SCATTER DIAGRAM) * CHARACTER BARS * PRMCHAR EQU C’X’ DEFAULT = X SPACE 3 * * SECONDARY - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING * PLOT OVERLAID POINTS (SCATTER DIAGRAM) * CHARACTER * SCDCHAR EQU C’*’ DEFAULT = * (ASTERISK) * SPACE 3 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF 03340000 03350000 03360000 03370000 03380000 03390000 03400000 03410000 03420000 03430000 03440000 03450000 03460000 03470000 03480000 03490000 03500000 03510000 03520000 03530000 03540000 03550000 03560000 03570000 03580000 03590000 03600000 03610000 03620000 03630000 03640000 03650000 03660000 03670000 03680000 03690000 03700000 131 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * * FIT * PLOT * CHARACTER * FITCHAR EQU SPACE * * HORIZONTAL * AXIS * CHARACTER * HZACHAR EQU SPACE * * HORIZONTAL * HASH * CHARACTER * HZHCHAR EQU SPACE * * VERTICAL * AXIS * CHARACTER * VTACHAR EQU SPACE * * VERTICAL * HASH * CHARACTER * VTHCHAR EQU EJECT * * UNIT GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF GRAF C’.’ DEFAULT = . (PERIOD) GRAF 3 GRAF GRAF - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING GRAF THE HORIZONTAL AXES. GRAF GRAF GRAF C’_’ DEFAULT = _ (UNDERSCORE) GRAF 3 GRAF GRAF - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING GRAF THE HORIZONTAL HASH CHARACTERS MARKING GRAF INTERVALS. GRAF GRAF C’|’ DEFAULT = | (VERTICAL BAR) GRAF 3 GRAF GRAF - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING GRAF THE VERTICAL AXES. GRAF GRAF GRAF C’|’ DEFAULT = | (VERTICAL BAR) GRAF 3 GRAF GRAF - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING GRAF THE VERTICAL HASH CHARACTERS MARKING INTERVALS. GRAF GRAF GRAF C’-’ DEFAULT = - (DASH) GRAF GRAF - SPECIFIES THE CHARACTER TO USE WHEN PLOTTING A LEAST SQUARES FIT LINE. - TIME PROCESSING CAPABILITY UNIT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03710000 03720000 03730000 03740000 03750000 03760000 03770000 03780000 03790000 03800000 03810000 03820000 03830000 03840000 03850000 03860000 03870000 03880000 03890000 03900000 03910000 03920000 03930000 03940000 03950000 03960000 03970000 03980000 03990000 04000000 04010000 04020000 04030000 04040000 04050000 04060000 04070000 132 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * CONVERSION CONVERSION MULTIPLIERS AND DELIMITER. * MULTIPLIERS THE MULTIPLIER VALUES MUST BE POSITIVE * AND DELIMITER INTEGERS LESS THAN 100. THE DEFAULT * VALUES ARE SET FOR HOURS/MINUTES/SECONDS. * MULTPLR1 EQU 60 DEFAULT = 60 MINUTES/HOUR MULTPLR2 EQU 60 DEFAULT = 60 SECONDS/MINUTE TIMEDELM EQU C’:’ DEFAULT = HH:MM:SS EJECT * * MONTH - THIS TABLE CONTAINS ONE THREE-CHARACTER ENTRY * TABLE FOR EACH MONTH OF THE YEAR. EACH ENTRY MUST BE * EXACTLY THREE CHARACTERS LONG. LEADING OR TRAILING * BLANKS ARE ACCEPTABLE. * ORG M4PARAMS+69 ***** DO NOT CHANGE THIS STATEMENT SYSM JAN DC CL3’JAN’ FEB DC CL3’FEB’ MAR DC CL3’MAR’ APR DC CL3’APR’ MAY DC CL3’MAY’ JUN DC CL3’JUN’ JUL DC CL3’JUL’ AUG DC CL3’AUG’ SEP DC CL3’SEP’ OCT DC CL3’OCT’ NOV DC CL3’NOV’ DEC DC CL3’DEC’ SPACE 5 * * DATE FLAG - SPECIFIES THE FORMAT OF THE DATE FLAG. THE FORMATS * FORMAT AVAILABLE AND THE VALUES ENTERED TO SELECT THEM ARE: * MMM DD, YYYY 0 * DD MMM YYYY 1 * YYYY MMM DD 2 * DATE EQU 0 DEFAULT = MMM DD, YYYY VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04080000 04090000 04100000 04110000 04120000 04130000 04140000 04150000 04160000 04170000 04180000 04190000 04200000 04210000 04220000 04230000 04240000 04250000 04260000 04270000 04280000 04290000 04300000 04310000 04320000 04330000 04340000 04350000 04360000 04370000 04380000 04390000 04400000 04410000 04420000 04430000 04440000 133 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) SPACE 5 * * TODAY FLAG - SPECIFIES THE FORMAT OF THE TODAY FLAG. THE FORMATS * FORMAT AVAILABLE AND THE VALUES ENTERED TO SELECT THEM ARE: * MMDDYY MMDDYY * DDMMYY DDMMYY * YYMMDD YYMMDD * MMYYDD MMYYDD * DDYYMM DDYYMM * YYDDMM YYDDMM * M4TODAY MMDDYY DEFAULT = MMDDYY EJECT * * TODAY FLAG - SPECIFIES THE DELIMITER USED TO FORMAT THE TODAY * DELIMITER FLAG WHEN USED AS A REPORT DATE OR FREE FORM DATE * FLAG. ALSO USED TO FORMAT A USER-SUPPLIED REPORT * DATE. * TODAYDLM EQU C’/’ DEFAULT = MM/DD/YY SPACE 5 * * ISDATE FLAG - SPECIFIES THE DELIMITER USED TO FORMAT THE ISDATE * DELIMITER FLAG WHEN USED AS A REPORT DATE OR FREE FORM DATE * FLAG. * ISDATDLM EQU C’-’ DEFAULT = YYYY-MM-DD SPACE 5 * * JULIAN FLAG - SPECIFIES THE DELIMITER USED TO FORMAT THE JULIAN * DELIMITER FLAG WHEN USED AS A REPORT DATE OR FREE FORM DATE * FLAG. * JULDLM EQU C’.’ DEFAULT = YY.DDD SPACE 5 * SORT - SPECIFIES THE SORT PROGRAM FOR WHICH SORT CONTROL * PROGRAM STATEMENTS ARE TO BE GENERATED. THE SORT PROGRAMS VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04450000 04460000 04470000 04480000 04490000 04500000 04510000 04520000 04530000 04540000 04550000 04560000 04570000 04580000 04590000 04600000 04610000 04620000 04630000 04640000 04650000 04660000 04670000 04680000 04690000 04700000 04710000 04720000 04730000 04740000 04750000 04760000 04770000 04780000 04790000 04800000 04810000 134 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * * * * * SORTPGM AND THE VALUES ENTERED TO SELECT THEM ARE: SM-023 0 5734-SM1 1 5740-SM1 2 EQU 2 EJECT * * MAXIMUM * WORKING * STORAGE * MAXGETMN EQU * * MINIMUM * STORAGE * RELEASED * TO SYSTEM * MINCORE EQU SPACE * ALTERNATE * M4LIST * WIDTH * * ALTWIDTH EQU * * ALTERNATE * DEFAULT * WIDTH OF * PAGE * * * * * DEFAULT = 5740-SM1 - SPECIFIES THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF STORAGE, IN K, TO ALLOCATE FOR WORKING STORAGE. THIS STORAGE DOES NOT INCLUDE FILE BUFFERS. 1024 DEFAULT = 1024K - SPECIFIES MINIMUM AMOUNT OF STORAGE, IN K, TO BE RELEASED TO THE SYSTEM AT THE START OF THE RUN VIA THE ’FREEMAIN’ MACRO. 12 DEFAULT = 12K 5 - THE NUMBER OF PRINTABLE COLUMNS ON THE ALTERNATE M4LIST OUTPUT DEVICE, NOT INCLUDING THE ASA CONTROL CHARACTER. THIS IS THE M4LIST1 RECORD LENGTH-1, AND MUST BE AT LEAST 24 COLUMNS. 132 ALT DEFAULT = 132 COLUMNS - THE NUMBER OF PRINTABLE COLUMNS ON AN ALTERNATE REPORT PAGE, NOT INCLUDING THE ASA CONTROL CHARACTER. THIS IS THE DEFAULT VALUE USED IF "WIDTH OF PAGE" ON THE EN/ER STATEMENT IS LEFT BLANK. THIS VALUE MUST NOT EXCEED THE M4LIST1 WIDTH (ALTWIDTH) SPECIFIED ABOVE. NOTE: A ZERO VALUE WILL CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO USE ALT M4LIST WIDTH FOR THIS SPECIFICATION. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04820000 I136 04830000 I136 04840000 04850000 04860000 04870000 04880000 Z021 04890004 Z021 04900004 Z021 04910004 Z021 04920004 Z021 04930004 Z021 04940004 04950000 SYSM 04960000 SYSM 04970000 04980000 04990000 05000000 SYSM 05010004 05020000 QN10 05030000 QN10 05040000 QN10 05050000 QN10 05060000 QN10 05070000 QN10 05080000 QN10 05090000 QN10 05100000 QN10 05110000 QN10 05120000 QN10 05130000 QN10 05140000 QN10 05150000 QN10 05160000 QN10 05170000 QN10 05180000 135 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) ALTDFWOP EQU SPACE * * SUPPRESS * NO-DATA* SELECTED * REPORT * * * SUPRSNDS EQU SPACE * SUPPRES * INFO AND * WARNING * MESSAGES * * * * * * * DECMSOPT EQU PROMSOPT EQU RPTMSOPT EQU SPACE * FILE * PROCESSING * PHASE * ADDRESS * MODE * * * * * 0 5 QN10 SNDS SNDS - WHEN NO DATA IS SELECTED FOR A REPORT A SKELETON SNDS REPORT IS PRODUCED INDICATING NO SELECTED DATA. SNDS THIS PARAMETER WILL ALLOW SUPPRESSION OF THAT SNDS SKELETON REPORT. ENTER ’N’ TO INDICATE PRINTING SNDS OF THE REPORT. ENTER ’Y’ TO INDICATE THAT THE SNDS REPORT SHOULD BE SUPPRESSED. SNDS SNDS C’N’ DEFAULT = NO SNDS 5 X054 - THE FOLLOWING 3 SPECIFICATIONS ALLOW INFORMATION X054 AND WARNING MESSAGES (MESSAGE TYPES 0 AND 1) TO X054 BE OPTIONALLY SUPPRESSED FOR ANY OF THE DECODE/ X054 COMPILATION, FILE PROCESSING OR REPORT GENERATION X054 PHASES OF VISION:BUILDER OPERATION. ENTER ’Y’ X054 TO ALLOW ALL INFORMATION AND WARNING MESSAGES X054 TO BE PRINTED FOR THE RESPECTIVE PHASE OF X054 OPERATION. ENTER ’N’ TO CAUSE THE INFORMATION X054 AND WARNING MESSAGES TO BE SUPPRESSED FOR THE X054 RESPECTIVE PHASE OF OPERATION X054 X054 C’Y’ DECODE/COMPILATION PHASE INFO MESSAGES = YES X054 C’Y’ FILE PROCESSING PHASE INFO MESSAGES = YES X054 C’Y’ REPORT GENERATION PHASE INFO MESSAGES = YES X054 5 Z007 - THIS OPTION SPECIFIES THE DEFAULT ADDRESSING Z007 MODE TO BE USED DURING THE FILE PROCESSING Z007 PHASE OF THE APPLICATION. ENTER ’Y’ TO INDICATE Z007 THAT 31-BIT ADDRESSING BE USED AND THAT FILE Z007 BUFFERS AND OTHER FILE PROCESSING STORAGE AREAS Z007 BE ALLOCATED ABOVE THE 16-MEG STORAGE LINE. Z007 ENTER ’N’ TO INDICATE THAT 24-BIT ADDRESSING BE Z007 USED AND THAT FILE BUFFERS AND OTHER FILE Z007 FILE PROCESSING STORAGE AREAS BE ALLOCATED BELOW Z007 THE 16-MEG LINE. Z007 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) ALT DEFAULT = M4LIST1 WIDTH 05190000 05200000 05210000 05220000 05230000 05240000 05250000 05260000 05270000 05280000 05290000 05300002 05310002 05320002 05330002 05340002 05350002 05360002 05370002 05380002 05390002 05400002 05410002 05420002 05430002 05440002 05450004 05460004 05470004 05480004 05490004 05500004 05510004 05520004 05530004 05540004 05550004 136 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) * AMODE31 EQU C’Y’ SPACE 5 FILE PROCESSING AMODE(31) = YES Z007 Z007 QN06 QN06 QN06 QN06 QN06 QN06 QN06 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 QN10 * * M4PAOUT - THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LINES TO BE * MAXIMUM PROVIDED FOR THE PROGRAM ANALYZER * LINES REQUEST EXECUTION TRACE. * PALTRCMX EQU 1024 DEFAULT = 1024 LINES EJECT * ---------------------------------------------------* * - S Y S T E M D E P E N D E N T V A L U E S * * ---------------------------------------------------SPACE 3 * * HIGH LEVEL - SPECIFIES WHETHER OR NOT THE HIGHEST LEVEL ISAM * ISAM INDEX INDICES FOR BISAM INPUT AND BISAM INPUT/OUTPUT * CONTROL FILES ARE TO RESIDE IN MAIN STORAGE FOR IMPROVED * EFFICIENCY. THE HIGHEST LEVEL INDICES MAY BE * TRACK, CYLINDER, OR (IF OPTCD=M WAS SPECIFIED * WHEN THE ISAM FILE WAS CREATED) MASTER INDICES. * THE HIGHEST LEVEL INDICES ARE MADE RESIDENT BY * ENTERING A 1. THE HIGHEST LEVEL INDICES REMAIN * NON-RESIDENT BY ENTERING A 0. * COREINDX EQU 0 DEFAULT = NO INDICES IN STORAGE SPACE 3 11.0 *********************************************************************** * FOLLOWING ARE THE DEFAULT CONDITION CODES * *********************************************************************** SPACE 1 11.0 CONDCOD1 EQU 0 NORMAL TERMINATION 11.0 CONDCOD2 EQU 4 ERROR TERMINATION 11.0 CONDCOD3 EQU 8 NO SORTING (RC SPECIFICATION) 11.0 CONDCOD4 EQU 16 NO SORTING (INVALID REQUESTS) 11.0 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 05560004 05570004 05580000 05590000 05600000 05610000 05620000 05630000 05640000 05650000 05660000 05670000 05680000 05690000 05700000 05710000 05720000 05730000 05740000 05750000 05760000 05770000 05780000 05790000 05800000 05810000 05820000 05830000 05840000 05850000 05860000 05870000 05880000 05890000 05900000 05910000 05920000 137 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) EJECT *********************************************************************** * USERS MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES FOLLOWING THIS PAGE * *********************************************************************** EJECT ORG M4PARAMS+L’USERID , QN06 M4RELNO DC CL4’13.8’ RELEASE NUMBER Y015 M4DELIM DC AL1(DELIMITR) SYSTEM DELIMITER M4HEIGHT DC AL1(HEIGHT) PAGE HEIGHT DC X’00’ ***** UNUSED ***** Z019 M4AUTOG DC AL1(AUTOGRND) AUTOMATIC GRAND SUMMARIES M4SING DC AL1(SINGSEP) LISTING DELIMITER CHARACTER M4HEADER DC AL1(HEADCHAR) REPORT COLUMN HEADING CHARACTER M4SUBTIT DC AL1(SUBTITLE) SUBTITLE CONTROL M4MESAND DC AL1(X’FF’-10*CONSOLE) MESSAGE CONTROL M4MESOR DC AL1(PRINT) MESSAGE CONTROL M4LFTMRK DC AL1(LEFTMRK) LISTING DELIMITER CHARACTER M4RHTMRK DC AL1(RIGHTMRK) LISTING DELIMITER CHARACTER M4INVFLD DC AL1(INVALID) SPECIAL OUTPUT CHARACTER M4NONEXT DC AL1(NOTEXIST) SPECIAL OUTPUT CHARACTER M4NOEDIT DC AL1(NOTEDIT) SPECIAL OUTPUT CHARACTER M4PERCNT DC AL1(PERCENT) PERCENT CHARACTER DC AL1(0) ** UNUSED-OLD M4LIB RESERVE QN15 M4REPO DC Y(REPOSIZ) M4REPO BLOCKSIZE M4INBUT DC AL1(INPUT) NUMBER OF I/O BUFFERS M4OTBUF DC AL1(OUTPUT) NUMBER OF I/O BUFFERS M4CYLOVL DC AL1(0) # OF TRACKS FOR ISAM CYL OFLO M4SLCTL DC AL1(SLCCTL) SOURCE STMNT LISTING VERT SP M4LIST DC AL1(0) M4LIST UNIT ASSIGNMENT M4INPUT DC AL1(0) M4INPUT UNIT ASSIGNMENT M4MINCOR DC Y(MINCORE) MINIMUM STORAGE RELEASE TO SYS M4SORTP DC AL1(SORTPGM) SORT PROGRAM M4DECPT DC AL1(DECCHAR) DECIMAL POINT CHARACTER M4COMMA DC AL1(GRPCHAR) GROUPING CHARACTER M4MULT1 DC AL1(MULTPLR1) UNIT CONVERSION MULTIPLIER M4MULT2 DC AL1(MULTPLR2) UNIT CONVERSION MULTIPLIER M4TIMDEL DC AL1(TIMEDELM) UNIT CONVERSION DELIMITER VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 05930000 05940000 05950000 05960000 05970000 05980000 05990005 06000000 06010000 06020004 06030000 06040000 06050000 06060000 06070000 06080000 06090000 06100000 06110000 06120000 06130000 06140000 06150000 06160000 06170000 06180000 06190000 06200000 06210000 06220000 06230000 06240000 06250000 06260000 06270000 06280000 06290000 138 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) M4DATFMT DC M4MONTH EQU ORG M4LABEL EQU ORG M4TDYFMT DC M4TDYDLM DC M4ISDDLM DC M4JULDLM DC M4VOLCNT DC DC M4CYLIDX DC M4LSTLBL DC M4AM31 DC M4INTR DC M4MODNO DC M4FLTPNT DC M49DCHAR DC M4ZDCHAR DC M4CPCHAR DC M4CUCHAR DC M4PLCHAR DC M4MICHAR DC M4REPTSZ DC M4SORTSZ DC M4PRCHAR DC M4SCCHAR DC M4FTCHAR DC M4HACHAR DC M4HHCHAR DC M4VACHAR DC M4VHCHAR DC M4PALTRM DC DC M4AWIDTH DC M4SUPNDS DC DS AL1(DATE) DATE FLAG FORMAT * MONTH TABLE *+3*12 ***** DO NOT CHANGE THIS STATEMENT ***** * SUMMARY LABEL TABLE *+5*10 ***** DO NOT CHANGE THIS STATEMENT ***** AL1(TODAY) TODAY FLAG FORMAT AL1(TODAYDLM) TODAY FLAG DELIMITER AL1(ISDATDLM) ISDATE FLAG DELIMITER AL1(JULDLM) JULIAN FLAG DELIMITER AL1(0) M4REPO VOLUME COUNT Y(0) ** UNUSED-OLD M4LIB BLKSIZE QN15 AL1(COREINDX) HIGH LEVEL ISAM INDEX CONTROL AL1(0) M4LIST TAPE LABELS AL1(AMODE31) 31-BIT ADDRESS MODE OPTION Z007 AL1(0) IMPRECISE INTERRUPT BIG1 AL1(1) 360/370 INSTRUCTION SET BIG1 AL1(1) FLOATING POINT HARDWARE BIG1 AL1(DIGCHAR) DIGIT SELECT ULS AL1(ZSPCHAR) ZERO SUPPRESS ULS AL1(CKPCHAR) CHECK PROTECTION ULS AL1(CURCHAR) CURRENCY SYMBOL ULS AL1(PLUCHAR) PLUS SIGN ULS AL1(MINCHAR) MINUS SIGN ULS AL4(REPTSIZE) REPORTER STORAGE RTP AL4(SORTSIZE) SORT STORAGE STP AL1(PRMCHAR) PRIMARY PLOT CHARACTER GRAF AL1(SCDCHAR) SECONDARY PLOT CHARACTER GRAF AL1(FITCHAR) FIT PLOT CHARACTER GRAF AL1(HZACHAR) HORIZONTAL AXIS CHARACTER GRAF AL1(HZHCHAR) HORIZONTAL HASH CHARACTER GRAF AL1(VTACHAR) VERTICAL AXIS CHARACTER GRAF AL1(VTHCHAR) VERTICAL HASH CHARACTER GRAF AL4(PALTRCMX) MAX PAL TRACE LINES QN06 X’00’ ***** UNUSED ***** Z019 AL2(ALTWIDTH) ALT M4LIST WIDTH (LRECL-1) Z019 AL1(SUPRSNDS) SUPPRESS NO-DATA-SEL RPT? SNDS 0H ALIGNMENT 11.0 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 06300000 06310000 06320000 06330000 06340000 06350000 06360000 06370000 06380000 06390000 06400000 06410000 06420000 06430004 06440000 06450000 06460000 06470000 06480000 06490000 06500000 06510000 06520000 06530000 06540000 06550000 06560000 06570000 06580000 06590000 06600000 06610000 06620000 06630004 06640004 06650000 06660000 139 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4PARAMS Source Code (cont.) M4CCODE1 M4CCODE2 M4CCODE3 M4CCODE4 M4MSDEC M4MSPRO M4MSRPT DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC M4WIDTH DC M4DEFWD DC M4ADEFWD DC M4MAXGMN DC DC M4PAREND EQU * END AL2(CONDCOD1) AL2(CONDCOD2) AL2(CONDCOD3) AL2(CONDCOD4) AL1(DECMSOPT) AL1(PROMSOPT) AL1(RPTMSOPT) X’00’ AL2(LSTWIDTH) AL2(LSTDFWOP) AL2(ALTDFWOP) AL4(MAXGETMN) XL8’00’ *-1 NORMAL CONDITION CODE ERROR CONDITION CODE NO SORT (SPECIFIED) NO SORT (INVALID REQUESTS) DECODE/COMPILE MSG OPTION PROCESSING MSG OPTION REPORTING MSG OPTION ***** UNUSED ***** M4LIST WIDTH (LRECL-1) DEFAULT MK4 WIDTH-OF-PAGE DEFAULT ALT WIDTH-OF-PAGE DEFAULT MAX GETMAIN ***** UNUSED ***** ### M4PARAMS END LOC ### 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 X054 X054 X054 Z019 Z019 Z019 Z019 Z021 Z019 QN10 Z019 06670000 06680000 06690000 06700000 06710002 06720002 06730002 06740004 06750004 06760004 06770004 06780004 06790004 06800000 06810004 06820000 TITLE 'VISION:Builder LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** * M4LEPARM CSECT *********************************************************************** 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 M4LEPARM Source Code VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 140 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4PARAMS and M4LEPARM M4LEPARM Source Code (cont.) * * * THIS ROUTINE CONTAINS THE PARAMETERS USED TO INITIATE THE * * LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT FOR VISION:BUILDER. * * * * THESE PARAMETERS MAY BE MODIFIED AS APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR * * INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. THE PARAMETERS MUST CONFORM TO THE * * THE PARAMETERS DEFINED IN THE LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMMING * * REFERENCE MANUAL FROM IBM. * * * * THIS ROUTINE MAY BE ASSEMBLED AND LINK EDITED AFTER BUILDER * * INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. IF ALL OF THE DEFAULT PARAMETERS * * ARE SATISFACTORY, NO ACTION IS NEEDED. OTHERWISE, THE MODIFIED * * MODULE MUST BE ASSEMBLED AND LINK EDITED ACCORDING TO THE * * INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED IN THE INSTALLATION MANUAL. * * * *********************************************************************** EJECT * * DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS. * DC A(M4LEPLEN) M4LEPLEN DC AL2(M4LEPEND-*-2) DC C’TRAP(OFF),’ * * CHANGES MAY BE MADE TO THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS AS APPROPRIATE. * REFER TO THE IBM LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMMING REFERENCE MANUAL * FOR INFORMATION REGARDING APPLICABLE PARAMETERS AND THEIR MEANING. * PARAMETERS MAY BE MODIFIED, REMOVED OR NEW PARAMETERS ADDED. * INSTALLATION DEFAULTS WILL BE USED FOR ANY LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT * PARAMETER NOT SPECIFIED BELOW. THE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF THE ’/’ * CHARACTER SIGNALS THE END OF THE LE PARAMETERS. TO TURN ON THE * LE REPORTING FEATURES, CHANGE THE ’/’ TO A ’,’ AT THE END OF THE * LINE BELOW DESIGNATED BY THE <----- INDICATOR. * DC C’STACK(016K,016K,BELOW,KEEP),’ DC C’LIBSTACK(04K,04K,FREE),’ DC C’HEAP(008K,032K,ANY,KEEP,04K,04K),’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500001 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 141 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4SFPARM M4LEPARM Source Code (cont.) DC DC DC DC DC C’ANYHEAP(016K,032K,ANY,KEEP),’ C’BELOWHEAP(04K,04K,FREE),’ C’THREADHEAP(04K,04K,ANY,KEEP),’ C’MSGFILE(M4LEOUT,FBA,121,0)/’ C’RPTOPTS(ON),RPTSTG(ON)/’ * * THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS MUST NOT BE CHANGED. * M4LEPEND EQU * * END <----- 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 M4SFPARM M4SFPARM is a special parameter module, similar to M4PARAMS, that is used to define parameters for VISION:Builder options such as additional data validation symbols and changing automatic date validation formats. The basic module is supplied with VISION:Builder. ■ Define parameters by adding statements to the source module, assembling the modified module, and link editing as with M4PARAMS. The original source for M4SFPARM is delivered with four (4) additional user-defined validation symbols. These symbols and their character sets are described in the M4SFPARM source module. See Example of M4SFPARM on page 145 for details. ■ Define or change additional symbols by inserting statements into the M4SFPARM source module. Create these symbols using macros that you design to simplify the parameter specification. Define all the required macros at the beginning of the source module. ■ Insert additional statements where indicated in the original source module. Insert them in any order within the limits that are defined. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 142 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Defining Additional Data Validation Symbols M4SFPARM Each user-defined validation category consists of a validation symbol followed by the validation set definition. Categories are transcribed in the following format Column Entry Description 10 – 14 M4SYM This is the name of the macro that is used to define additional validation sets. 15 blank 16 A 1-character entry to be used as a validation symbol. Each user-defined validation symbol must be unique; it cannot be one of the standard validation symbols or a previously-defined user validation symbol. It can be any character other than the minus sign (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), bar (|), slash (/), ampersand (&), comma (,), blank ( ), the numbers 0 through 8, and the VISION:Builder system delimiter set in M4PARAMS. 17 18– 71 comma Set definition, bounded by apostrophes. Any and all characters can be included in the set definition. However, if an apostrophe is to be an element of the set, it must appear in two consecutive columns (see Figure 3). The same requirement also applies to the ampersand. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 143 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4SFPARM M4SYM S,’,;:.”?!’’()ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ Validation Symbol Two consecutive apostrophes are required to define the apostrophe as one element of the set Signals the end of the set definition Signals beginning of set definition Figure 3 Change Automatic Date Validation Format Sample Validation Category Definition This capability is used to change the format of the date. The standard format is MMDDYY, six digits specifying month, day, and year. A non-standard date format is specified with a statement in the following format. If your standard date format is changed in M4PARAMS, it must also be changed here if the DV operator (date validation) is to validate a date according to your installation standards. Column Entry 10 – 14 M4DAT 15 blank Description VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 144 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Column 16 – 21 Entry M4SFPARM Description (cont.) These columns are used to specify the relative position of a date's components. The day position is represented by the two characters DD, month by MM, and the year by YY. The D, M, and Y characters must always appear in pairs, with each pair being specified exactly once. Following are the possible legal permutations of the date: MMDDYY MMYYDD DDMMYY DDYYMM YYDDMM YYMMDD Example of M4SFPARM The following sample code shows part of the contents of the M4SFPARM source module supplied on the installation tape. MF TITLE 'M4SFPARM - STERLING SOFTWARE, INC.' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 145 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4SFPARM Example of M4SFPARM (cont.) * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** MACRO M4SYM &SETNAME,&ELEMENT LCLA &INDEX LCLA &NE LCLC &SN LCLC &ER &ER SETC ’&&’(1,1) &INDEX SETA K’&ELEMENT &NE SETA K’&ELEMENT-2 &SN SETC ’&SETNAME’ DC CL6’SYMBOL’ AIF (K’&SETNAME EQ 1).SF10 MNOTE ’ILLEGAL VALIDATION SYMBOL LENGTH’ &SN SETC ’ ’ .SF10 ANOP DC CL1’&SN.’ AIF (&NE GT 0).SF20 MNOTE ’NO SET ELEMENTS DEFINED’ SPACE 3 MEXIT .SF20 ANOP AIF (&INDEX LT 3).SF40 &INDEX SETA &INDEX-1 AIF (’&ELEMENT’(&INDEX,1) EQ ’&ER’).SF30 AIF (’&ELEMENT’(&INDEX,1) NE ’’’’).SF20 .SF30 ANOP &NE SETA &NE-1 &INDEX SETA &INDEX-1 AGO .SF20 .SF40 ANOP DC FL1’&NE.’ DC CL&NE.&ELEMENT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 146 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules M4SFPARM Example of M4SFPARM (cont.) SPACE 3 00480000 MEND 00490000 MACRO 00500000 M4DAT &DATEFMT 00510000 LCLC &DFMT 00520000 &DFMT SETC ’&DATEFMT’ 00530000 AIF (K’&DATEFMT EQ 6).SF100 00540000 MNOTE ’ILLEGAL DATE FORMAT’ 00550000 SPACE 3 00560000 MEXIT 00570000 .SF100 ANOP 00580000 DC CL4’DATE’ 00590000 DC CL6’&DFMT.’ 00600000 SPACE 3 00610000 MEND 00620000 MACRO 00630000 M4END 00640000 DC CL12’END M4SFPARM’ 00650000 MEND 00660000 M4SFPARM START 00670000 * 00680000 * NOTE: OPERAND OF START INSTRUCTION MUST REMAIN BLANK 00690000 * 00700000 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00710000 * THE FOLLOWING USER-DEFINED SYMBOLS AND CHARACTER SETS ARE DEFINED 00720000 * HERE FOR USE IN PATTERN VALIDATION OPERATIONS. 00730000 * 00740000 * ’a’ - UPPER & LOWER CASE ALPHA (A-Z,a-z) OR BLANK 00750000 * ’x’ - UPPER & LOWER CASE ALPHA (A-Z,a-z), NUMERIC (0-9) OR BLANK 00760000 * ’y’ - UPPER & LOWER CASE ALPHA (A-Z,a-z) OR NUMERIC (0-9) 00770000 * ’z’ - UPPER & LOWER CASE ALPHA (A-Z,a-z) 00780000 * 00790000 M4SYM a,’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz X00800000 ’ 00810000 M4SYM x,’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0X00820000 123456789 ’ 00830000 M4SYM y,’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0X00840000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 147 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKLIBP Example of M4SFPARM (cont.) 123456789’ 00850000 M4SYM z,’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’ 00860000 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00870000 * 00880000 *********************************************************************** 00890000 * INSERT ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS AFTER THIS STATEMENT 00900000 * DO NOT INSERT STATEMENTS AFTER THIS STATEMENT 00910000 *********************************************************************** 00920000 M4END 00930000 END 00940000 Example of Additional Source Statements Figure 4 shows a list of additional source statements that define three new validation symbols and change the format of the date. M4SYM M4SYM M4SYM M4DAT Figure 4 T,’¢$.+-0123456789’ U,’+-*/=’ V,’AEFIJOP YYMMDD Sample Additional Statements MARKLIBP COMLIB provides standard default conditions for the library parameters usually determined by the operating environment in each installation. These parameters affect directory blocking, optional library tracking information, object compression, and reserve. Because these parameters are functions of the installation, COMLIB provides you with the capability of changing the default parameters. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 148 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKLIBP A special program module called MARKLIBP is used for this purpose and is supplied with COMLIB. It is made available to you and can be changed to suit your needs. Each condition supplied as the default standard is shown. The module itself is supplied as an assembly language source CSECT and is well documented in its source form. A listing of the CSECT for OS/390 (MVS) follows; the default is clearly indicated for each parameter. Parameter Library directory blocking factor Parameter Name DIRBLK Not applicable to VSAM COMLIB Default 0 - allows COMLIB to calculate the optimum directory blocking factor based on the device and size of the library. A larger value improves decode and library maintenance performance. The table shown indicates maximum values depending on device. Maximum Blocking factor Device 3330 3340 3350 3380 3390 COMLIB reserve flag for shared DASD RESERVE VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 372 243 561 733 800 0 149 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKLIBP Parameter Parameter Name COMLIB Default Item tracking flag ITEMTRAK 0 Minimum Compress Size MINCMPSZ 507 Compression Flag COMPRESS 0 MARKLIBP SOURCE PBLP4 TITLE 'MARKLIBP - STERLING SOFTWARE, INC.' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * * * * NOTE: U.S. GOVERNMENT DFARS CONTRACTS, RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: * * USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS * * STATED IN PARAGRAPH (C)(1)(II) OF THE RIGHTS IN TECHNICAL DATA * * AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLAUSE AT DFARS 252.227-7013. * * * *********************************************************************** MACRO DIRBLK &FACTOR DIRBLKSZ EQU &FACTOR*32 MEND VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 150 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKLIBP MARKLIBP SOURCE (cont.) * MARKLIBP CSECT * *DIRECTORY SPECIFIES THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES IN A LIBRARY DIRECTORY *BLOCKING BLOCK. LARGER VALUES DECREASE ACCESS TIME FOR LARGE *FACTOR LIBRARIES. THE FACTOR CANNOT EXCEED THE VALUES GIVEN * BELOW FOR THE DEVICE USED. A VALUE OF 0 ALLOWS COMLIB * TO CALCULATE THE OPTIMUM DIRECTORY BLOCKING FACTOR * BASED ON THE DEVICE AND SIZE OF THE LIBRARY. * NOT APPLICABLE TO VSAM LIBRARIES. * * 3330 372 * 3340 243 * 3350 561 * 3375 549 * 3380 733 * 3390 800 (ALSO APPLIES TO HITACHI DEVICE H6587) * 9345 692 * DIRBLK 0 * *DEVICE THE DEVICE RESERVE FLAG PROVIDES THE ABILITY TO ISSUE *RESERVE A DEVICE RESERVE RATHER THAN AN OPERATING SYSTEM ENQUE. *FLAG ENTER A ’1’ TO ACTIVATE THE RESERVE FEATURE FOR A * MAXIMUM OF ONE LIBRARY IN A GIVEN RUN. ENTER A 2 TO * ACTIVATE THE MULTILIB RESERVE FEATURE WHICH SUPPORTS * DEVICE RESERVATION FOR MORE THAN ONE LIBRARY IN A * GIVEN RUN. (NOT APPLICABLE TO DOS/VS(E)) * RESERVE EQU 0 * *ITEM THE ITEM TRACKING FLAG ENABLES OPTIONAL FEATURES OF THE *TRACKING ITEM TRACKING FACILITY. ENTER A ’1’ TO REQUIRE THE USE *FLAG OF IT STATEMENTS WITH UPDATER IDENTIFICATION FOR ALL * LIBRARY UPDATES. ENTER A ’2’ TO ENABLE THE DATE-OF-ITEM * USE FACILITY. ENTER A ’3’ TO ENABLE BOTH. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310002 00320002 00330002 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610002 151 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKLIBP MARKLIBP SOURCE (cont.) ITEMTRAK EQU 0 * C011 * C011 *******************************************************************C011 *******************************************************************C011 * THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES HAVE TO DO WITH THE OPTIONAL COMPRESSION *C011 * OF OBJECTS STORED IN THE LIBRARY. COMPRESSED OBJECTS MUST BE *C011 * DE-COMPRESSED WHEN THEY ARE RETRIEVED. THIS WILL ADD SOME *C011 * MINIMAL OVERHEAD IN EXCHANGE FOR REDUCED I/O COUNTS AND DISK *C011 * SPACE USAGE. COMPRESSION WILL BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS IF YOUR *C011 * LIBRARY OBJECTS TEND TO BE LARGE (MORE THAN 100 FIELDS IN A *C011 * FILE DEFINITION OR 200 ENTRIES IN A TABLE). IF COMPRESSED *C011 * OBJECTS HAVE BEEN STORED IN THE LIBRARY, THEY WILL STILL BE *C011 * RETRIEVED AND DE-COMPRESSED EVEN THOUGH LIBRARY COMPRESSION *C011 * WAS SUBSEQUENTLY DISABLED. A LIBRARY WITH COMPRESSED OBJECTS *C011 * MAY BE CONVERTED TO A LIBRARY WITHOUT ANY COMPRESSED OBJECTS *C011 * BY DUMPING THE LIBRARY AND THEN RESTORING IT WITH COMPRESSION *C011 * DISABLED. *C011 * *C011 * THE COMPRESSION SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED COURTESY OF *C011 * JEAN-LOUP GAILLY AND MARK ADLER. *C011 *******************************************************************C011 * C011 *MINIMUM THE MINIMUM COMPRESS SIZE SPECIFIES THE MINIMUM C011 *COMPRESS SIZE THAT A LIBRARY OBJECT MUST BE BEFORE IT WILL C011 *SIZE BE COMPRESSED WHENEVER COMPRESSION IS ENABLED. C011 * OBJECTS LARGER THAN THE SPECIFIED SIZE WILL BE C011 * COMPRESSED WHENEVER COMPRESSION IS ENABLED. C011 * OBJECTS WHOSE SIZE IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE C011 * SPECIFIED SIZE WILL NOT BE COMPRESSED REGARDLESS C011 * OF WHETHER COMPRESSION IS ENABLED OR NOT. C011 * THE SPECIFIED SIZE SHOULD NEVER BE SMALLER THAN C011 * 507 AND MAY BE SPECIFIED AS LARGE AS 65535. C011 * C011 MINCMPSZ EQU 507 C011 * C011 *COMPRESSION THE COMPRESSION FLAG ENABLES THE OPTIONAL LIBRARY C011 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00620000 00630002 00640002 00650002 00660002 00670002 00680002 00690002 00700002 00710002 00720002 00730002 00740002 00750002 00760002 00770002 00780002 00790002 00800002 00810002 00820002 00830002 00840002 00850002 00860002 00870002 00880002 00890002 00900002 00910002 00920002 00930002 00940002 00950002 00960002 00970002 00980002 152 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKLIBP SOURCE (cont.) *FLAG OBJECT COMPRESSION. ENTER A ’1’ TO ENABLE THE C011 * COMPRESSION OF LIBRARY OBJECTS WHOSE SIZE EXCEEDS C011 * THE ’MINIMUM COMPRESS SIZE’ SPECIFIED ABOVE. C011 * ENTER A ’0’ TO DISABLE LIBRARY OBJECT COMPRESSION. C011 * C011 COMPRESS EQU 0 C011 * C011 * ********************************************************************** * USERS MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES FOLLOWING THIS PAGE ********************************************************************** EJECT ORG LPRELNO DC CL4’C4.5’ LPDIRBLK DC Y(DIRBLKSZ) LPRESERV DC AL1(RESERVE) LPITKFLG DC AL1(ITEMTRAK) LPCMPSIZ DC AL2(MINCMPSZ) C011 LPCMPFLG DC AL1(COMPRESS) C011 * C011 END 00990002 01000002 01010002 01020002 01030002 01040002 01050002 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100000 01110000 01120001 01130000 01140000 01150000 01160002 01170002 01180002 01190000 MARKSQL MARKSQL SQL TITLE 'SQL STATEMENT GENERATOR FOR BUILDER-DB2 INTERFACE' *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 153 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** * * * THIS MODULE GENERATES THE DYNAMIC SQL STATEMENTS USED BY BUILDER * * TO INTERFACE WITH DB2. THE GLOBAL SET SYMBOL ’MAX’ DEFINED BELOW * * MUST BE SET TO THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DB2 TABLES WHICH WILL BE * * ACCESSED WITHIN ANY BUILDER APPLICATION. AFTER SETTING THE ’MAX’ * * VALUE APPROPRIATELY, THIS PROGRAM SHOULD BE ASSEMBLED TO GENERATE * * THE BUILDER-DB2 INTERFACE PROGRAM STATEMENTS. THIS GENERATED * * PROGRAM (THE PUNCH OUTPUT FROM THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY STEP) MUST THEN * * BE PROVIDED AS INPUT TO THE DB2 PRE-PROCESSOR PROGRAM FOR * * PREPARATION OF THE BUILDER APPLICATION PLAN TO BE USED TO ACCESS * * YOUR DB2 DATA BASES. SEE YOUR BUILDER INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR * * FURTHER EXPLANATION REGARDING THE FUNCTION OF THIS MODULE. * * * * FOLLOWING IS SOME SAMPLE JCL FOR THE ASSEMBLY AND PROGRAM * * PREPARATION STEPS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROGRAM FOR USE IN THE * * TSO/BATCH ENVIRONMENT. * * * * //JOBNAME JOB ... * * //* * * //GEN EXEC PGM=ASMA90,PARM=’DECK,NOOBJECT’,REGION=2M * * //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* * * //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&&GENOUT,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, * * // SPACE=(800,(200,200)), * * // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200) * * //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) * * //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR * * //SYSIN DD DSN=THIS.PROGRAM.SOURCE,DISP=SHR * * //* * * //SQLPREP EXEC DSNHASMH,MEM=MARKIV,USER=YOURID, * * // PARM.PC=’HOST(ASM),STDSQL(86)’ * * //PC.SYSIN DD DSN=&&GENOUT,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) * * //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=YOUR.MARKIV.LOADLIB,DISP=OLD * * //LKED.SYSIN DD * * * INCLUDE SYSLIB(DSNELI) * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160001 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340003 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 154 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) NAME MARKSQLT(R) // IF YOU WISH TO USE THE CALL ATTACHMENT FACILITY IN PLACE OF OR IN ADDITION TO THE TSO ATTACHMENT FACILITY (WHICH REQUIRES THE TSO TERMINAL MONITOR PROGRAM AND THE DSN COMMAND PROCESSOR), THE THE LINKAGE EDITOR SYSIN STATEMENTS IN THE ABOVE EXAMPLE SHOULD BE CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: INCLUDE SYSLIB(DSNALI) MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) NAME MARKSQLC(R) AND THE "MEM=" NAME SHOULD BE CHANGED TO MARKDB2. FOR THE IMS ENVIRONMENT, THE IMS ATTACHMENT FACILITY IS REQUIRED AND THE LINKAGE EDITOR SYSIN STATEMENTS IN THE ABOVE EXAMPLE MUST BE CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: INCLUDE SYSLIB(DFSLI000) MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) NAME MARKSQLI(R) AND THE "MEM=" NAME SHOULD BE CHANGED TO MARKDLI. NOTE THAT ALL THREE ATTACHMENT FACILITY INTERFACE PROGRAMS MAY BE PREPARED AND PLACED INTO THE BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY. BUILDER WILL SELECT THE APPROPRIATE PROGRAM BASED UPON THE EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT. ALSO NOTE THAT THE BUILDER-DB2 INTERFACE PROGRAM WILL BE ENTERED IN THE 31-BIT ADDRESSING MODE. THEREFORE, THIS PROGRAM MAY BE LINK EDITED WITH THE ’MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY)’ LINKAGE EDITOR CONTROL STATEMENT TO ALLOW THE PROGRAM TO BE LOADED INTO VIRTUAL STORAGE ABOVE THE 16MB LINE FOR MVS/XA OR MVS/ESA VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790000 00800000 00810000 00820000 00830003 00840000 00850000 155 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) * OPERATING SYSTEMS. * * * *********************************************************************** * GBLA &N,&MAX * *********************************************************************** * * &MAX SETA 50 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SQL STATEMENTS PER APPL. * * * *********************************************************************** * * * !!NOTE!! DO NOT CHANGE ANY STATEMENTS BEYOND THIS LINE. !!NOTE!! * * * *********************************************************************** EJECT PUNCH ’ SPACE 3’ PUNCH ’ MACRO’ PUNCH ’&&LABEL SQLENTER &&AREA’ PUNCH ’ AIF (’’&&LABEL’’ EQ ’’’’).NOLABEL’ PUNCH ’&&LABEL DS 0H’ PUNCH ’.NOLABEL ANOP’ PUNCH ’ USING *,9’ PUNCH ’ AIF (’’&&AREA’’ EQ ’’’’).NOAREA’ PUNCH ’ USING &&AREA,5’ PUNCH ’.NOAREA ANOP’ PUNCH ’ MEND’ PUNCH ’ SPACE 3’ SPACE 3 PUNCH ’ MACRO’ PUNCH ’&&LABEL SQLRET’ PUNCH ’ AIF (’’&&LABEL’’ EQ ’’’’).NOLABEL’ PUNCH ’&&LABEL DS 0H’ PUNCH ’.NOLABEL ANOP’ PUNCH ’ BR 8’ PUNCH ’ MEND’ PUNCH ’SQL TITLE ’’SQL STATEMENTS FOR BUILDER-DB2’’’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00860000 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 00980000 00990000 01000000 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100000 01110000 01120000 01130000 01140000 01150000 01160000 01170000 01180000 01190000 01200000 01210000 01220000 156 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N .OPENV &N EJECT PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE ’MARKSQL CSECT’ ’MARKSQL AMODE 31’ ’MARKSQL RMODE ANY’ ’ USING SQLCA,2’ ’ USING SQLDSECT,3’ ’ USING SQLCODEX,6’ SQL2 ’ USING STMT,4’ ’*’ ’ DC CL8’’MARKSQL1’’ EYE-CATCHER’ SQL2 ’*’ ’ DC A(SQLDLEN) SQLDSECT SIZE’ ’*’ ’* VECTORS TO LIST OF INDIVIDUAL STATEMENT VECTORS’ ’*’ ’ DC A(OPENLIST)’ ’ DC A(OPUDLIST)’ ’ DC A(CLOSLIST)’ ’ DC A(PREPLIST)’ ’ DC A(DESCLIST)’ ’ DC A(FTCHLIST)’ ’ DC A(EXECLIST)’ ’ DC A(XECILIST)’ ’ DC A(COMWLIST)’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL OPEN CURSOR STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’OPENLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((OPENEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(OPEN&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).OPENV ’OPENEND EQU *’ 3 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01230000 01240000 01250000 01260000 01270000 01280000 01290000 01300000 01310000 01320000 01330000 01340000 01350000 01360000 01370000 01380000 01390000 01400000 01410000 01420000 01430000 01440000 01450000 01460000 01470000 01480000 01490000 01500000 01510000 01520000 01530000 01540000 01550000 01560000 01570000 01580000 01590000 157 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N .OPUDV &N &N .CLOSV &N &N .PREPV &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH ’*’ ’* SQL OPEN CURSOR USING DESCRIPTOR STMT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’OPUDLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((OPUDEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(OPUD&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).OPUDV ’OPUDEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL CLOSE CURSOR STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’CLOSLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((CLOSEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(CLOSE&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).CLOSV ’CLOSEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL PREPARE STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’PREPLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((PREPEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(PREP&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).PREPV ’PREPEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01600000 01610000 01620000 01630000 01640000 01650000 01660000 01670000 01680000 01690000 01700000 01710000 01720000 01730000 01740000 01750000 01760000 01770000 01780000 01790000 01800000 01810000 01820000 01830000 01840000 01850000 01860000 01870000 01880000 01890000 01900000 01910000 01920000 01930000 01940000 01950000 01960000 158 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N .DESCV &N &N .FTCHV &N &N .EXECV &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH ’* SQL DESCRIBE STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’DESCLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((DESCEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(DESC&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).DESCV ’DESCEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL FETCH STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’FTCHLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((FTCHEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(FTCH&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).FTCHV ’FTCHEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL EXECUTE STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’EXECLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A((EXECEND-*)/4-1)’ 1 ’ DC A(EXEC&N)’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).EXECV ’EXECEND EQU *’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01970000 01980000 01990000 02000000 02010000 02020000 02030000 02040000 02050000 02060000 02070000 02080000 02090000 02100000 02110000 02120000 02130000 02140000 02150000 02160000 02170000 02180000 02190000 02200000 02210000 02220000 02230000 02240000 02250000 02260000 02270000 02280000 02290000 02300000 02310000 02320000 02330000 159 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH EJECT * &N .DECLS &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT * &N .OPENS &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ’*’ ’XECILIST EQU *’ ’ DC A(1)’ ’ DC A(EXECIMMD)’ 3 ’*’ ’* SQL COMMIT WORK STATEMENT VECTOR LIST’ ’*’ ’COMWLIST EQU *’ ’ DC A(1)’ ’ DC A(COMMIT)’ ’ EJECT’ 02340000 02350000 02360000 02370000 02380000 02390000 02400000 02410000 02420000 02430000 02440000 02450000 02460000 02470000 ’*’ 02480000 ’* DECLARE CURSOR STATEMENT’ 02490000 ’*’ 02500000 1 02510000 02520000 ’ EXEC SQL DECLARE CUR&N CURSOR WITH HOLD FOR STMT&N’ 02530002 ’*’ 02540000 &N+1 02550000 (&N LE &MAX).DECLS 02560000 ’ EJECT’ 02570000 02580000 02590000 ’*’ 02600000 ’* OPEN CURSOR STATEMENT’ 02610000 ’*’ 02620000 1 02630000 02640000 ’OPEN&N SQLENTER’ 02650000 ’ EXEC SQL OPEN CUR&N’ 02660000 ’ SQLRET’ 02670000 ’ LTORG’ 02680000 ’*’ 02690000 &N+1 02700000 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 160 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) AIF (&N LE &MAX).OPENS PUNCH ’ EJECT’ EJECT * &N .OPUDS &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT ’*’ ’* OPEN CURSOR USING DESCRIPTOR STATEMENT’ ’*’ 1 PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT ’*’ ’* CLOSE CURSOR STATEMENT’ ’*’ 1 ’OPUD&N SQLENTER SQLDA&N’ ’ EXEC SQL OPEN CUR&N USING DESCRIPTOR :SQLDA&N’ ’ SQLRET’ ’ LTORG’ ’*’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).OPUDS ’ EJECT’ * &N .CLOSS &N ’CLOSE&N SQLENTER’ ’ EXEC SQL CLOSE CUR&N’ ’ SQLRET’ ’ LTORG’ ’*’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).CLOSS ’ EJECT’ * PUNCH ’*’ PUNCH ’* PREPARE STATEMENT’ PUNCH ’*’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02710000 02720000 02730000 02740000 02750000 02760000 02770000 02780000 02790000 02800000 02810000 02820000 02830000 02840000 02850000 02860000 02870000 02880000 02890000 02900000 02910000 02920000 02930000 02940000 02950000 02960000 02970000 02980000 02990000 03000000 03010000 03020000 03030000 03040000 03050000 03060000 03070000 161 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N .PREPS &N SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT 1 PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT ’*’ ’* DESCRIBE ’*’ 1 PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH ’*’ ’* FETCH STATEMENT’ ’*’ 1 ’PREP&N SQLENTER’ ’ EXEC SQL PREPARE STMT&N FROM :STMT’ ’ SQLRET’ ’ LTORG’ ’*’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).PREPS ’ EJECT’ * &N .DESCS &N STATEMENT’ ’DESC&N SQLENTER SQLDA&N’ ’ EXEC SQL DESCRIBE STMT&N INTO :SQLDA&N’ ’ SQLRET’ ’ LTORG’ ’*’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).DESCS ’ EJECT’ * &N .FTCHS ’FTCH&N ’ EXEC ’ ’ ’*’ SQLENTER SQLDA&N’ SQL FETCH CUR&N USING DESCRIPTOR :SQLDA&N’ SQLRET’ LTORG’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03080000 03090000 03100000 03110000 03120000 03130000 03140000 03150000 03160000 03170000 03180000 03190000 03200000 03210000 03220000 03230000 03240000 03250000 03260000 03270000 03280000 03290000 03300000 03310000 03320000 03330000 03340000 03350000 03360000 03370000 03380000 03390000 03400000 03410000 03420000 03430000 03440000 162 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N SETA &N+1 AIF (&N LE &MAX).FTCHS PUNCH ’ EJECT’ EJECT * &N .EXECS &N PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SETA AIF PUNCH EJECT ’*’ ’* EXECUTE STATEMENT’ ’*’ 1 PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH ’*’ ’* EXEC IMMEDIATE STATEMENT’ ’*’ ’EXECIMMD SQLENTER’ ’ EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :STMT’ ’ SQLRET’ ’*’ ’ LTORG’ ’ EJECT’ 3 ’*’ ’* COMMIT WORK STATEMENT’ ’*’ ’COMMIT SQLENTER’ ’ EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK’ ’ SQLRET’ ’*’ ’EXEC&N SQLENTER SQLDA&N’ ’ EXEC SQL EXECUTE STMT&N USING DESCRIPTOR :SQLDA&N’ ’ SQLRET’ ’ LTORG’ ’*’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).EXECS ’ EJECT’ * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03450000 03460000 03470000 03480000 03490000 03500000 03510000 03520000 03530000 03540000 03550000 03560000 03570000 03580000 03590000 03600000 03610000 03620000 03630000 03640000 03650000 03660000 03670000 03680000 03690000 03700000 03710000 03720000 03730000 03740000 03750000 03760000 03770000 03780000 03790000 03800000 03810000 163 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules MARKSQL MARKSQL (cont.) &N .DA &N PUNCH PUNCH SETA ANOP PUNCH SETA AIF SPACE PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH ’ ’ 1 LTORG’ EJECT’ ’SQLDA&N DSECT’ &N+1 (&N LE &MAX).DA 3 ’MARKSQL CSECT’ ’ EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION’ ’*’ ’* EXEC INCLUDE SQLDA STATEMENT’ ’*’ ’ EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLDA’ ’ SPACE 3’ ’*’ ’* DATA AREAS USED BY SQL STATEMENTS’ ’*’ ’ SPACE 3’ ’STMTBUF DSECT’ ’STMT DS H,CL80’ ’*’ ’SQLCODEX DSECT’ ’SQLCODE DS F’ ’*’ ’DUMMY DSECT’ ’*’ ’ EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION’ ’*’ ’ END’ * END VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 SQL2 03820000 03830000 03840000 03850000 03860000 03870000 03880000 03890000 03900000 03910000 03920000 03930000 03940000 03950000 03960000 03970000 03980000 03990000 04000000 04010000 04020000 04030000 04040000 04050000 04060000 04070000 04080000 04090000 04100000 04110000 04120000 04130000 164 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM QPOLBQL TITLE 'BQLPARM - STERLING SOFTWARE, INC.' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** SPACE 3 BQLPARM CSECT **************************** QLPARM *********************************** * * THIS CSECT IS USED TO DEFINE QL INSTALLATION DEPENDENT PARAMETERS. * *********************************************************************** * DC CL8’BQLPARM’ * *********************************************************************** * * THIS TABLE GIVES THE VALUES FOR PAGE WIDTH, PAGE HEIGHT, * DATE TYPE, DATE POSITION, * COLUMN HEADING TYPE, PAGE NUMBER POSITION AND LABELS ON * SUMMARY LINES FOR EACH TERMINAL TYPE TO BE REFERENCED IN THE * ’PRINT CON’ COMMAND. A BLANK ENTRY FOR PAGE WIDTH OR PAGE * HEIGHT INDICATES THAT THE CORRESPONDING INSTALLATION DEFAULT * FOR WIDTH OR HEIGHT IS TO BE USED. * IN BATCH INSTALLATIONS THIS TABLE CAN BE USED TO DEFINE SPECIAL VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 165 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) * INSTALLATION DEFINED PAGE FORMATS. IF NO ENTRIES ARE PUT IN THIS * TABLE, THEN THE ’PRINT CON’ COMMAND SHOULD NOT BE USED. * * EACH ENTRY IN CONTAB IS 17 BYTES LONG AS SHOWN: * BYTES 1 TO 4-ALPHANUMERIC TERMINAL TYPE DESIGNATOR * BYTES 5 TO 7-PAGE WIDTH. BLANK,A TO E(LEFT JUSTIFIED) OR * 1 TO 132(RIGHT JUSTIFIED). * BYTES 8 TO 10-PAGE HEIGHT.SAME FORMAT AS PAGE WIDTH ENTRY. * SEE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR PAGE SIZES * CORRESPONDING TO LETTERS A THRU E. * BYTE 11 -COLUMN HEADING TYPE-BLANK,F OR X. * BYTES 12 TO 13-PAGE NUMBER POSITION-ONE OF BLANK,NP,LL,LR,MT,MB,UR. * BYTE 14 -LABELS ON SUMMARY LINES-BLANK,L OR X. * BYTES 15 TO 16-DATE POSN. ONE OF UL,UR,LL,LR,MT,MB,ND. * -USE ND IF NO DATE REQUIRED. * BYTE 17 -DATE TYPE: T FOR TODAY(DD/MM/YY,MM/DD/YY), * D FOR DATE(JAN 1,1974) OR * BLANK * *********************************************************************** * CONTABS DS 0F DC CL4’2741’ IBM 2741 DC CL3’132’ PAGE WIDTH DC CL3’ 66’ PAGE HEIGHT DC CL7’ UR UL ’ DC CL4’TTY ’ TELETYPE DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 66’ DC CL7’XNP ULD’ DC CL4’VCOM’ BELL VUCOM DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 16’ DC CL7’XNP ND ’ DC CL4’4013’ TETRONIX 4013 DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 35’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700000 00710000 00720000 166 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) DC C’XNP ND ’ EQU * MUST BE AT END OF TABLE EJECT *********************************************************************** * * MISCELLANEOUS QL PARAMETERS * *********************************************************************** * CONTC EQU C’?’ CHARACTER TO BE USED FOR LINE * CONTINUATION. ANY CHARACTER EXCEPT * ; MAY BE USED * ECHO EQU 1 SET TO 1 IF INPUT LINES ARE TO BE ECHO * PRINTED(OS/390 BATCH INSTALLATIONS. * SET TO 0 IF INPUT IS NOT TO BE ECHO * PRINTED(ONLINE VERSIONS). * TERM EQU 1 ERROR SEVERITY LEVEL THRESHOLD. * ALL ERROR MESSAGES * WITH MESSAGE SEVERITY LEVEL * GREATER THAN THIS NUMBER WILL BE * PRINTED AT THE TERMINAL. THE USER CAN * RESET THE DEFAULT VALUE GIVEN HERE BY * USING THE OPTIONS COMMAND. * THIS ITEM IS IGNORED IN THE * BATCH VERSIONS. * OPSYSD EQU C’BQL’ 3-CHARACTER OPERATING SYSTEM DESIGNATOR. * MUST BE ONE OF:CMS OQL BQL . * FDLN EQU 8 FILE DESIGNATOR LENGTH. SET AS FOLLOWS: * CMS-20 * BQL-8 * OQL-8 * TLU EQU 1 SET TO 1 IF TABLE LOOKUP CAPABILITY CONTABE VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790000 00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860000 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 00980000 00990000 01000000 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 167 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) * IS INSTALLED;0 OTHERWISE. * *********************************************************************** EJECT *********************************************************************** * * THIS AREA HOLDS THE DEFAULT VALUES FOR THE FILE DESIGNATORS USED * BY QL ITSELF AND FOR THOSE FILES WHICH MAY BE SPECIFIED BY THE * USE COMMAND. THE CONTENTS OF EACH ENTRY ARE DEPENDENT ON THE * OPERATING SYSTEM BEING USED AS FOLLOWS. * * FOR CP-67/CMS AND VM370/CMS * * BYTES 1 TO 8-BLANK EXCEPT FOR $$ILIST WHICH SHOULD HAVE BYTES 1-4 * EITHER ’ CON’ OR ’ PRT’ ACCORDINGLY AS PRINT CON * OR PRINT PRT IS TO BE ASSUMED AS THE DEFAULT * WHEN NO PRINT COMMAND IS ENTERED. BYTES 5-8 OF * $$ILIST SHOULD BE SET TO THE DEFAULT CONSOLE * TYPE TO BE USED WHEN ’PRINT CON’ WITH NO CONSOLE TYPE * IS ENTERED. THIS CONSOLE TYPE MUST MATCH AN ENTRY IN * THE CONTABS TABLE ABOVE. * * BYTES 9 TO 16-DEFAULT CMS FILETYPE NORMALLY THIS CORRESPONDS TO * THE STANDARD DDNAME FOR THE FILE * * BYTES 17 TO 20-FILE MODE FOLLOWED BY 2 BLANKS, NORMALLY * THIS WOULD BE ’P1 ’ FOR CP AND ’A1 ’FOR VM. * *********************************************************************** * * FOR VS1 AND VS2 BATCH AND TSO * * BYTES 1 TO 8-BLANK EXCEPT FOR $$ILIST WHICH SHOULD HAVE * BYTES 1-4 SET TO ’ PRT’ NOTE THAT THE * PRINT CON COMMAND WITH A CONSOLE TYPE MAY * BE USED TO OBTAIN INSTALLATION DEFINED * PAGE FORMATS SINCE CON IS CONSIDERED THE SAME VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01100000 01110000 01120000 01130000 01140000 01150000 01160000 01170000 01180001 01190000 01200000 01210000 01220000 01230000 01240000 01250000 01260000 01270000 01280000 01290000 01300000 01310000 01320000 01330000 01340000 01350000 01360000 01370000 01380000 01390000 01400000 01410000 01420000 01430000 01440000 01450000 01460000 168 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) * AS PRT FOR BATCH. IF ENTRIES HAVE BEEN PLACED IN * CONTAB, THEN BYTES 5 TO 8 OF $$ILIST * SHOULD BE SET TO THE DEFAULT PAGE FORMAT TO BE USED * WHEN ’PRINT CON’ WITH NO CONSOLE TYPE IS USED. THIS * CONSOLE TYPE MUST MATCH AN ENTRY IN CONTAB. IF NO * ENTRIES HAVE BEEN PUT IN CONTAB, THEN BYTES 5 TO 8 * SHOULD BE BLANK. * *********************************************************************** DS 0F $$IOLD DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$INEW DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ITRAN DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD1 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD2 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD3 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF1 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF2 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF3 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF4 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF5 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISLIB DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ILIB DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF0 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ILIST DC CL(FDLN)’ CON2741’ * END OF USER DEFINED FILE DESIGNATOR DEFAULTS EJECT *********************************************************************** * FILE DESIGNATORS FOR QL FILES. THE CONTENTS OF EACH DESIGNATOR * DEPEND ON THE OPERATING SYSTEM USED AS FOLLOWS. * * FOR VM/CMS * * BYTES 1 TO 8-ANY VALID CMS FILENAME * BYTES 9 TO 16-ANY VALID CMS FILETYPE * BYTES 17 TO 20-FILE MODE FOLLOWED BY 2 BLANKS. * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01470000 01480000 01490000 01500000 01510000 01520000 01530000 01540000 01550000 01560000 01570000 01580000 01590000 01600000 01610000 01620000 01630000 01640000 01650000 01660000 01670000 01680000 01690000 01700000 01710000 01720000 01730000 01740000 01750000 01760001 01770000 01780000 01790000 01800000 01810000 01820000 01830000 169 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) ********************************************************************** * FOR VS1 AND VS2 BATCH AND TSO * * BYTES 1 TO 8-MUST CONTAIN DDNAME OF FILE * ********************************************************************** SPACE * QUERY FILE. HOLDS SOURCE CODE GENERATED BY QL. $$QUERY DC CL(FDLN)’$QUERY’ SPACE * SRC FILE. HOLDS QL SOURCE CODE AFTER RETAIN OR TERMINATION. $$SRC DC CL(FDLN)’$SOURCE’ SPACE * TEMP FILE. SCRATCH FILE HOLDING $QUERY CARD IMAGES. $$TEMP DC CL(FDLN)’$TEMP’ SPACE * TEMPE FILE. SCRATCH FILE FOR QL SOURCE AFTER EDIT CALL. $$TEMPE DC CL(FDLN)’$TEMPE’ SPACE * FILE HOLDING AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE DEFINITION $$SVFD DC CL(FDLN)’$SAVEFD’ SPACE * MESSAGE FILE. HOLDS QL SIGNON MESSAGE. MESSAGE DC CL(FDLN)’$MESSAGE’ SPACE * DSN OF FILE CONTAINING MARKINIT MODULES. TSX ONLY M4CALL1 DC CL(FDLN)’SYS1.ASMK4.MARKIV.VERSION3(MARKINIT)’ SPACE * DSN OF FILE CONTAINING PROCESSING MODULES. TSX ONLY M4CALL2 DC CL(FDLN)’SYS1.ASMK4.MARKIV.VERSION3(MARKIV)’ SPACE * FILE CONTAINING GLOSSARY M4INPUT CARDS. GLOSSF DC CL(FDLN)’$GLOSS’ SPACE * FILE CONTAINING RC CARD FOR REPORT PHASE. CMS,TSX ONLY. REPRC DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ * END OF QL FILE DESIGNATORS VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01840000 01850000 01860000 01870000 01880000 01890000 01900000 01910000 01920000 01930000 01940000 01950000 01960000 01970000 01980000 01990000 02000000 02010000 02020000 02030000 02040000 02050000 02060000 02070000 02080000 02090000 02100000 02110000 02120000 02130000 02140000 02150000 02160000 02170000 02180000 02190000 02200000 170 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) EJECT *********************************************************************** * * QL MESSAGES * * THE WORDING, LENGTH OR LANGUAGE OF THESE MESSAGES MAY BE * MODIFIED TO SUIT A PARTICULAR INSTALLATION OR OPERATING SYSTEM. * THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF ANY MESSAGE IS 68 CHARACTERS. * THE WORDING OF THE FOLLOWING ERROR MESSAGES VARIES BETWEEN * OPERATING SYSTEMS: 9,12,19,26 AND 50. * ********************************************************************** * ERR1 DC C’SYNTAX ERROR’ ERR2 DC C’MORE THAN 30 FIELDS IN LIST OR SAVE ST’ ERR3 DC C’MORE THAN 1 SORT OR BREAK SUB-ST/LIST ST’ ERR4 DC C’FILE DEFINITION NAME (FNAME OR TFNAME CMD) NOT GIVEN’ ERR5 DC C’OLD,NEW OR TRAN FILE(USE CMD) NOT GIVEN’ ERR6 DC C’SFNAME SPECIFIED WITHOUT SLIB OR VICE VERSA’ ERR7 DC C’CORD FILE QUALIFIER USED AND CFNAME CMD NOT ENTERED’ ERR8 DC C’LIB FILE( USE ST) NOT GIVEN’ ERR9 DC C’PROGRAM CONTAINS SERIOUS ERRORS.RECOMPILE’ ERR10 DC C’NO PRECEDING LIST STATEMENT’ ERR11 DC C’UNDEFINED LABEL’ ERR12 DC C’NO DDCARD PROVIDED FOR RETAIN FILE’ ERR13 DC C’TYPE NO OR HIT CARRIAGE RETURN’ ERR14 DC C’LENGTH OF NAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS’ ERR15 DC C’WARNING.CONTROL BREAK OCCURS WITHOUT SORT.PRIOR LIST ST.’ ERR16 DC C’TOO MANY NESTED COPY STATEMENTS’ ERR17 DC C’DUPLICATE LABELS’ ERR18 DC C’ILLEGAL BACKWARD BRANCH’ ERR19 DC C’PROGRAM CONTAINS ERRORS’ ERR20 DC C’TOO MANY LABELED STATEMENTS’ ERR21 DC C’CFNAME ENTERED AND -USE CORDN- NOT GIVEN’ ERR22 DC C’TOO MANY PR OR TF CARDS GENERATED’ ERR23 DC C’TOO MANY R1 CARDS GENERATED’ ERR24 DC C’WARNING.PRINT CMD(IF USED) SHOULD PRECEDE ALL LIST ST.’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02210000 02220000 02230000 02240000 02250000 02260000 02270000 02280000 02290000 02300000 02310000 02320000 02330000 02340000 02350000 02360000 02370000 02380000 02390000 02400000 02410000 02420000 02430000 02440000 02450000 02460000 02470000 02480000 02490000 02500000 02510000 02520000 02530000 02540000 02550000 02560000 02570000 171 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) ERR25 ERR26 ERR27 ERR28 ERR29 ERR30 ERR31 ERR32 ERR33 ERR34 ERR35 ERR36 ERR37 ERR38 ERR39 ERR40 ERR41 ERR42 ERR43 ERR44 ERR45 ERR46 ERR47 ERR48 ERR49 ERR50 ERR51 ERR52 ERR53 ERR54 ERR55 ERR56 ERR57 ERR58 ERR59 ERR60 ERR61 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC C’EQUATE CMD(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL STMNTS’ C’NO DDCARD PROVIDED FOR COPY FILE’ C’LENGTH OF CHARACTER LITERAL >31’ C’COMMA SEPARATOR MAY ONLY FOLLOW EQ OR NE’ C’MORE THAN 9 SORT, BREAK, OR SUMMARY ITEMS GIVEN’ C’ITEM NO. 0 OR > NO. OF ITEMS IN LIST OR SAVE STATEMENT’ C’BREAK SUB-ST MUST PRECEDE NEWPAGE,SUBTITLE OR SUMMARIES’ C’AUTOCORD OR CFNAME CMDS(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL STMNTS’ C’SFORMAT CMD(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL SAVE/SAVEALL ST’ C’TITLE IS LONGER THAN 59 CHARS’ C’MORE THAN 3 TITLE LINES SPECIFIED’ C’EDIT STRING IN LAYOUT PH CONTAINS>15 CHARS’ C’WARNING. MORE ITEMS IN LAYOUT PH THAN LIST PH’ C’NO. OF SPACES SPECIFIED IN LAYOUT PH IS >99.’ C’PAGE WIDTH OR HEIGHT=0 OR > 132.ITEM IGNORED’ C’SP OR I VALUE=0 OR >9.ITEM IGNORED’ C’PAGEN OR MAXP VALUE=0 OR >9999.ITEM IGNORED’ C’MAXL VALUE=0 OR >99.ITEM IGNORED’ C’SUMMARY SPECIFIED ON CONTROL BREAK FIELD.PRIOR LIST ST.’ C’KEY SUB-ST AND NO SAVE ST. WITH SFNAME PHRASE GIVEN’ C’HEADING CONTAINS MORE THAN 14 CHARACTERS’ C’INITIAL VALUE CONTAINS >16 CHARACTERS’ C’DEFINE EDIT STRING CONTAINS >3 CHARACTERS’ C’TWO FILE DESIGNATORS GIVEN AND CFNAME NOT ENTERED’ C’WARNING. FILE DOES NOT EXIST. FN,FT,AND MODE ARE:’ C’EDIT NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS VERSION’ C’NO STATEMENTS ENTERED AND ONLY TRAN OR OLD GIVEN’ C’END COMMAND NOT ENTERED’ C’SYNONYM TABLE FULL’ C’LINE CONTAINS MORE THAN 64 CHARACTERS’ C’ONLY START,QUIT,EDIT,RETAIN,OR CLEAR ALLOWED AFTER END’ C’MORE THAN 1 WHERE SUB-ST PER LIST OR SAVE ST’ C’NOT ENOUGH CORE FOR MARK IV. MINIMUM OF 384K REQUIRED’ C’LET EXPRESSION TOO LONG’ C’MORE THAN 9 DEC PLACES SPECIFIED’ C’FIELD LENGTH=0 OR > MAXIMUM ALLOWED LENGTH’ C’INVALID CONSOLE DESIGNATOR. CMD IGNORED’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02580000 02590000 02600000 02610000 02620000 02630000 02640000 02650000 02660000 02670000 02680000 02690000 02700000 02710000 02720000 02730000 02740000 02750000 02760000 02770000 02780000 02790000 02800000 02810000 02820000 02830000 02840000 02850000 02860000 02870000 02880000 02890000 02900000 02910000 02920000 02930000 02940000 172 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) ERR62 ERR63 ERR64 ERR65 ERR66 ERR67 ERR68 ERR69 ERR70 ERR71 ERR72 ERR73 ERR74 ERR75 ERR76 ERR77 ERR78 ERR79 ERR80 ERR81 ERR82 ERR83 ERR84 ERR85 ERR86 ERR87 ERR88 ERR89 ERR90 ERRN DC C’TOO MANY CONTINUATION CARDS. JOB TERMINATED’ DC C’WARNING.NEXT LINE MUST NOT BE CONTINUED’ DC C’FILE DESIGNATOR TOO LONG’ DC C’PARTIAL FIELD START OR LENGTH=0 OR > 99’ DC C’SOURCE FILE DOES NOT EXIST. CMD IGNORED’ DC C’APOSTROPHE MISSING IN STRING’ DC C’WARNING.MORE THAN 1 REFERENCE TO SAME ITEM IN SUB-ST.’ DC C’CONTROL BREAK LEVEL=0 OR >9’ DC C’WARNING.BREAK(IF USED)MUST ASSIGN ALL CONTROL BRK LEVELS’ DC C’PARENTHESIS NESTED TO DEPTH > 9’ DC C’SAME NUMERATOR USED MORE THAN ONCE IN PERCENT/RATIO’ DC C’CHARACTER STRING SPLIT OVER 2 LINES’ DC C’CHARACTER STRING APPEARS IN ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION’ DC C’EDIT STRING GIVEN WITH C,V,OR E TYPE FIELDS’ DC C’DUPLICATE FILE ID IN SAVE STATEMENT’ DC C’MORE THAN 1 KEY SUB-ST. PER SAVE ST.’ DC C’TEMPORARY FIELD IS ALREADY DEFINED’ DC C’COPY OR EDIT COMMAND MUST BE LAST SENTENCE IN LINE’ DC C’INVALID DECIMAL NUMBER’ DC C’UNKNOWN KEYWORD. KEYWORD-VALUE PAIR IGNORED’ DC C’ILLEGAL VALUE FOR ITEM.KEYWORD-VALUE PAIR IGNORED’ DC C’BLOCKING FACTOR/BUFFER SIZE=0 OR > 9999’ DC C’ONLY 1 SAVE ST. PER SUBFILE MAY USE SFNAME’ DC C’MORE THAN 5 SUBFILE SELECTORS IN SAVEALL ST.’ DC C’NO PRECEDING LIST,SAVE OR SAVEALL ST.’ DC C’NO. OF SUBFILES SPECIFIED NE NO. OF FILE SELECTORS’ DC C’USE CMD NOT ENTERED FOR:’ DC C’TABLE LOOKUP FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED’ DC C’OVERRIDE OPERAND NOT SPECIFIED.’ OVER EQU * EJECT *********************************************************************** * **** D O N O T M A K E C H A N G E S B E Y O N D H E R E ****** * *********************************************************************** * PRINT OFF VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02950000 02960000 02970000 02980000 02990000 03000000 03010000 03020000 03030000 03040000 03050000 03060000 03070000 03080000 03090000 03100000 03110000 03120000 03130000 03140000 03150000 03160000 03170000 03180000 03190000 03200000 03210000 03220000 03230000 03240000 03250000 03260000 03270000 03280000 03290000 03300000 03310000 173 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) CONTAB * $IECHO ITERM CONTCH * QLMMSGA MSGADR1 DC A(CONTABS,17,CONTABE) DS DC DC DC 0F A(ECHO) A(TERM) AL1(CONTC) DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC A(MSGADR1-3,(MSGADRN-MSGADR1)/3) AL3(ERR1) AL3(ERR2) AL3(ERR3) AL3(ERR4) AL3(ERR5) AL3(ERR6) AL3(ERR7) AL3(ERR8) AL3(ERR9) AL3(ERR10) AL3(ERR11) AL3(ERR12) AL3(ERR13) AL3(ERR14) AL3(ERR15) AL3(ERR16) AL3(ERR17) AL3(ERR18) AL3(ERR19) AL3(ERR20) AL3(ERR21) AL3(ERR22) AL3(ERR23) AL3(ERR24) AL3(ERR25) AL3(ERR26) AL3(ERR27) AL3(ERR28) AL3(ERR29) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03320000 03330000 03340000 03350000 03360000 03370000 03380000 03390000 03400000 03410000 03420000 03430000 03440000 03450000 03460000 03470000 03480000 03490000 03500000 03510000 03520000 03530000 03540000 03550000 03560000 03570000 03580000 03590000 03600000 03610000 03620000 03630000 03640000 03650000 03660000 03670000 03680000 174 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC AL3(ERR30) AL3(ERR31) AL3(ERR32) AL3(ERR33) AL3(ERR34) AL3(ERR35) AL3(ERR36) AL3(ERR37) AL3(ERR38) AL3(ERR39) AL3(ERR40) AL3(ERR41) AL3(ERR42) AL3(ERR43) AL3(ERR44) AL3(ERR45) AL3(ERR46) AL3(ERR47) AL3(ERR48) AL3(ERR49) AL3(ERR50) AL3(ERR51) AL3(ERR52) AL3(ERR53) AL3(ERR54) AL3(ERR55) AL3(ERR56) AL3(ERR57) AL3(ERR58) AL3(ERR59) AL3(ERR60) AL3(ERR61) AL3(ERR62) AL3(ERR63) AL3(ERR64) AL3(ERR65) AL3(ERR66) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03690000 03700000 03710000 03720000 03730000 03740000 03750000 03760000 03770000 03780000 03790000 03800000 03810000 03820000 03830000 03840000 03850000 03860000 03870000 03880000 03890000 03900000 03910000 03920000 03930000 03940000 03950000 03960000 03970000 03980000 03990000 04000000 04010000 04020000 04030000 04040000 04050000 175 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) DC AL3(ERR67) DC AL3(ERR68) DC AL3(ERR69) DC AL3(ERR70) DC AL3(ERR71) DC AL3(ERR72) DC AL3(ERR73) DC AL3(ERR74) DC AL3(ERR75) DC AL3(ERR76) DC AL3(ERR77) DC AL3(ERR78) DC AL3(ERR79) DC AL3(ERR80) DC AL3(ERR81) DC AL3(ERR82) DC AL3(ERR83) DC AL3(ERR84) DC AL3(ERR85) DC AL3(ERR86) DC AL3(ERR87) DC AL3(ERR88) DC AL3(ERR89) DC AL3(ERR90) OVER MSGADRN DC AL3(ERRN) EJECT *********************************************************************** * FILE DESIGNATOR AREA. HOLDS CURRENT VALUE OF ALL THE FILE * DESIGNATORS WHICH CAN BE REFERENCED FROM QL. THE DEFAULT VALUES OF * THESE DESIGNATORS ARE GIVEN ABOVE. * THE LAYOUT OF EACH DESIGNATOR IS OPERATING SYSTEM DEPENDENT. * *********************************************************************** FDTAB DC A($$OLD,FDLN,LASTFD) USED TO COPY DEFAULTS FROM * AREA ABOVE. DONE BY REMOTE 4. $FDLEN DC A(FDLN) $$OLD DC (FDLN)C’ ’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04060000 04070000 04080000 04090000 04100000 04110000 04120000 04130000 04140000 04150000 04160000 04170000 04180000 04190000 04200000 04210000 04220000 04230000 04240000 04250000 04260000 04270000 04280000 04290000 04300000 04310000 04320000 04330000 04340000 04350001 04360000 04370000 04380000 04390000 04400000 04410000 04420000 176 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Query Language Parameters — BQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) $$NEW $$TRAN $$CORD1 $$CORD2 $$CORD3 $$SUBF1 $$SUBF2 $$SUBF3 $$SUBF4 $$SUBF5 $$SLIB $$LIB $$SUBF0 $$LIST LASTFD * END OF DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ DC (FDLN)C’ ’ EQU *-FDLN MUST FOLLOW LAST FILE DESIGNATOR FILE DESIGNATOR AREA EJECT *********************************************************************** * MISCELLANEOUS FLAGS. THE INITIAL VALUES OF $TERM AND * $ECHO ARE COPIED FROM ABOVE BY REMOTE 4. * FNAME,GLOSS,$PRORUN AND $RC ARE INITIALIZED DIRECTLY * BY REMOTE 4. * *********************************************************************** * $$FNAME DS CL8 FILENAME(FOR RC CARD). * USED FOR GLOSSARY RUN $$GLOSS DS CL4 1ST BYTE=A,B,OR 1.IS PUT ON FD * CARD WHEN PRODUCING A GLOSSARY $PRORUN DS F =1 IF THIS IS A PROCESSING RUN $RC DS F RETURN CODE * $ECHO DS F =1 IF SOURCE IS TO BE ECHO PRINTED $TERM DS F FOR ONLINE SYSTEMS,GIVES THE MINIMUM * MESSAGE SEVERITY LEVEL FOR MESSAGES * PRINTED AT THE TERMINAL OPSYS DC AL3(OPSYSD) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04430000 04440000 04450000 04460000 04470000 04480000 04490000 04500000 04510000 04520000 04530000 04540000 04550000 04560000 04570000 04580000 04590000 04600000 04610000 04620000 04630000 04640000 04650000 04660000 04670000 04680000 04690000 04700000 04710000 04720000 04730000 04740000 04750000 04760000 04770000 04780000 04790000 177 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM BQLPARM (cont.) * $MK4SPF DC ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY END A(TLU) TLU CAPABILITY FLAGS CONTAB,QLMMSGA,$IECHO,OPSYS,ITERM,CONTCH $$IOLD,$$INEW,$$ITRAN,$$ICRD1,$$ICRD2,$$ICRD3 $$ISBF0,$$ISBF1,$$ISBF2,$$ILIST,$$ILIB,$$ISLIB $$ISBF3,$$ISBF4,$$ISBF5 $$QUERY,$$SRC,$$TEMP,$$TEMPE,MESSAGE,$$SVFD $RC,$TERM,$PRORUN,$ECHO,$$FNAME,$$GLOSS $$CORD1,$$CORD2,$$CORD3,$$SUBF3,$$SUBF4,$$SUBF5 $$OLD,$$NEW,$$TRAN,$$SUBF0,$$SUBF1,$$SUBF2 $$LIST,$$LIB,$$SLIB,FDTAB,$FDLEN,REPRC,M4CALL1,M4CALL2 GLOSSF,$MK4SPF 04800000 04810000 04820000 04830000 04840000 04850000 04860000 04870000 04880000 04890000 04900000 04910000 04920000 Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM QPOLTSO TITLE 'OQLPARM - STERLING SOFTWARE, INC.' ISEQ 73,80 *********************************************************************** * * * PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF * * STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT * * * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE * * * * * * COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. * * AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * *********************************************************************** SPACE 3 OQLPARM CSECT **************************** QLPARM *********************************** * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00010000 00020000 00030000 00040000 00050000 00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000 00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 00180000 00190000 178 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) * THIS CSECT IS USED TO DEFINE QL INSTALLATION DEPENDENT PARAMETERS. * *********************************************************************** * DC CL8’OQLPARM’ * *********************************************************************** * * THIS TABLE GIVES THE VALUES FOR PAGE WIDTH, PAGE HEIGHT, * DATE TYPE, DATE POSITION, * COLUMN HEADING TYPE, PAGE NUMBER POSITION AND LABELS ON * SUMMARY LINES FOR EACH TERMINAL TYPE TO BE REFERENCED IN THE * ’PRINT CON’ COMMAND. A BLANK ENTRY FOR PAGE WIDTH OR PAGE * HEIGHT INDICATES THAT THE CORRESPONDING INSTALLATION DEFAULT * FOR WIDTH OR HEIGHT IS TO BE USED. * IN BATCH INSTALLATIONS THIS TABLE CAN BE USED TO DEFINE SPECIAL * INSTALLATION DEFINED PAGE FORMATS. IF NO ENTRIES ARE PUT IN THIS * TABLE, THEN THE ’PRINT CON’ COMMAND SHOULD NOT BE USED. * * EACH ENTRY IN CONTAB IS 17 BYTES LONG AS SHOWN: * BYTES 1 TO 4-ALPHANUMERIC TERMINAL TYPE DESIGNATOR * BYTES 5 TO 7-PAGE WIDTH. BLANK,A TO E(LEFT JUSTIFIED) OR * 1 TO 132(RIGHT JUSTIFIED). * BYTES 8 TO 10-PAGE HEIGHT.SAME FORMAT AS PAGE WIDTH ENTRY. * SEE REFERENCE MANUAL FOR PAGE SIZES * CORRESPONDING TO LETTERS A THRU E. * BYTE 11 -COLUMN HEADING TYPE-BLANK,F OR X. * BYTES 12 TO 13-PAGE NUMBER POSITION-ONE OF BLANK,NP,LL,LR,MT,MB. * BYTE 14 -LABELS ON SUMMARY LINES-BLANK,L OR X. * BYTES 15 TO 16-DATE POSN. ONE OF UL,UR,LL,LR,MT,MB,ND. * -USE ND IF NO DATE REQUIRED. * BYTE 17 -DATE TYPE: T FOR TODAY(DD/MM/YY,MM/DD/YY), * D FOR DATE(JAN 1,1974) OR * BLANK * *********************************************************************** * VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 00280000 00290000 00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 00380000 00390000 00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 00480000 00490000 00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 179 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) CONTABS DS 0F DC CL4’2741’ IBM 2741 DC CL3’120’ PAGE WIDTH DC CL3’ 32’ PAGE HEIGHT DC CL7’XNP ULD’ DC CL4’TTY ’ TELETYPE DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 66’ DC CL7’XNP ULD’ DC CL4’VCOM’ BELL VUCOM DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 16’ DC CL7’XNP ND ’ DC CL4’4013’ TETRONIX 4013 DC CL3’ 72’ DC CL3’ 35’ DC C’XNP ND ’ CONTABE EQU * MUST BE AT END OF TABLE EJECT *********************************************************************** * * MISCELLANEOUS QL PARAMETERS * *********************************************************************** * CONTC EQU C’?’ CHARACTER TO BE USED FOR LINE * CONTINUATION. ANY CHARACTER EXCEPT * ; MAY BE USED * ECHO EQU 0 SET TO 1 IF INPUT LINES ARE TO BE ECHO * PRINTED(OS/390 BATCH INSTALLATIONS. * SET TO 0 IF INPUT IS NOT TO BE ECHO * PRINTED(ONLINE VERSIONS). * TERM EQU 1 ERROR SEVERITY LEVEL THRESHOLD. * ALL ERROR MESSAGES * WITH MESSAGE SEVERITY LEVEL VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00570000 00580000 00590000 00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 00680000 00690000 00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 00780000 00790000 00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860001 00870000 00880000 00890000 00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 180 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) * GREATER THAN THIS NUMBER WILL BE * PRINTED AT THE TERMINAL. THE USER CAN * RESET THE DEFAULT VALUE GIVEN HERE BY * USING THE OPTIONS COMMAND. * THIS ITEM IS IGNORED IN THE * BATCH VERSIONS. * OPSYSD EQU C’OQL’ 3-CHARACTER OPERATING SYSTEM DESIGNATOR. * MUST BE ONE OF:CMS OQL BQL . * FDLN EQU 8 FILE DESIGNATOR LENGTH. SET AS FOLLOWS: * CMS-20 * BQL-8 * OQL-8 * TLU EQU 1 SET TO 1 IF TABLE LOOKUP CAPABILITY * IS INSTALLED;0 OTHERWISE. * *********************************************************************** EJECT *********************************************************************** * * THIS AREA HOLDS THE DEFAULT VALUES FOR THE FILE DESIGNATORS USED * BY QL ITSELF AND FOR THOSE FILES WHICH MAY BE SPECIFIED BY THE * USE COMMAND. THE CONTENTS OF EACH ENTRY ARE DEPENDENT ON THE * OPERATING SYSTEM BEING USED AS FOLLOWS. * * FOR CP-67/CMS AND VM370/CMS * * BYTES 1 TO 8-BLANK EXCEPT FOR $$ILIST WHICH SHOULD HAVE BYTES 1-4 * EITHER ’ CON’ OR ’ PRT’ ACCORDINGLY AS PRINT CON * OR PRINT PRT IS TO BE ASSUMED AS THE DEFAULT * WHEN NO PRINT COMMAND IS ENTERED. BYTES 5-8 OF * $$ILIST SHOULD BE SET TO THE DEFAULT CONSOLE * TYPE TO BE USED WHEN ’PRINT CON’ WITH NO CONSOLE TYPE * IS ENTERED. THIS CONSOLE TYPE MUST MATCH AN ENTRY IN * THE CONTABS TABLE ABOVE. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 00980000 00990000 01000000 01010000 01020000 01030000 01040000 01050000 01060000 01070000 01080000 01090000 01100000 01110000 01120000 01130000 01140000 01150000 01160000 01170000 01180001 01190000 01200000 01210000 01220000 01230000 01240000 01250000 01260000 01270000 01280000 01290000 01300000 181 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) * * BYTES 9 TO 16-DEFAULT CMS FILETYPE NORMALLY THIS CORRESPONDS TO * THE STANDARD DDNAME FOR THE FILE * * BYTES 17 TO 20-FILE MODE FOLLOWED BY 2 BLANKS, NORMALLY * THIS WOULD BE ’P1 ’ FOR CP AND ’A1 ’FOR VM. * *********************************************************************** * * FOR VS1 AND VS2 BATCH AND TSO * * BYTES 1 TO 8-BLANK EXCEPT FOR $$ILIST WHICH SHOULD HAVE * BYTES 1-4 SET TO ’ PRT’ NOTE THAT THE * PRINT CON COMMAND WITH A CONSOLE TYPE MAY * BE USED TO OBTAIN INSTALLATION DEFINED * PAGE FORMATS SINCE CON IS CONSIDERED THE SAME * AS PRT FOR BATCH. IF ENTRIES HAVE BEEN PLACED IN * CONTAB, THEN BYTES 5 TO 8 OF $$ILIST * SHOULD BE SET TO THE DEFAULT PAGE FORMAT TO BE USED * WHEN ’PRINT CON’ WITH NO CONSOLE TYPE IS USED. THIS * CONSOLE TYPE MUST MATCH AN ENTRY IN CONTAB. IF NO * ENTRIES HAVE BEEN PUT IN CONTAB, THEN BYTES 5 TO 8 * SHOULD BE BLANK. * *********************************************************************** DS 0F $$IOLD DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$INEW DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ITRAN DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD1 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD2 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ICRD3 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF1 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF2 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF3 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF4 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ $$ISBF5 DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01310000 01320000 01330000 01340000 01350000 01360000 01370000 01380000 01390000 01400000 01410000 01420000 01430000 01440000 01450000 01460000 01470000 01480000 01490000 01500000 01510000 01520000 01530000 01540000 01550000 01560000 01570000 01580000 01590000 01600000 01610000 01620000 01630000 01640000 01650000 01660000 01670000 182 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) $$ISLIB $$ILIB $$ISBF0 $$ILIST * END OF DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ DC CL(FDLN)’ CON2741’ USER DEFINED FILE DESIGNATOR DEFAULTS EJECT *********************************************************************** * FILE DESIGNATORS FOR QL FILES. THE CONTENTS OF EACH DESIGNATOR * DEPEND ON THE OPERATING SYSTEM USED AS FOLLOWS. * * FOR VM/CMS * * BYTES 1 TO 8-ANY VALID CMS FILENAME * BYTES 9 TO 16-ANY VALID CMS FILETYPE * BYTES 17 TO 20-FILE MODE FOLLOWED BY 2 BLANKS. * *********************************************************************** * FOR VS1 AND VS2 BATCH AND TSO * * BYTES 1 TO 8-MUST CONTAIN DDNAME OF FILE * *********************************************************************** SPACE * QUERY FILE. HOLDS SOURCE CODE GENERATED BY QL. $$QUERY DC CL(FDLN)’$QUERY’ SPACE * SRC FILE. HOLDS QL SOURCE CODE AFTER RETAIN OR TERMINATION. $$SRC DC CL(FDLN)’$SOURCE’ SPACE * TEMP FILE. SCRATCH FILE HOLDING $QUERY CARD IMAGES. $$TEMP DC CL(FDLN)’$TEMP’ SPACE * TEMPE FILE. SCRATCH FILE FOR QL SOURCE AFTER EDIT CALL. $$TEMPE DC CL(FDLN)’$TEMPE’ SPACE * FILE HOLDING AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE DEFINITION $$SVFD DC CL(FDLN)’$SAVEFD’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 01680000 01690000 01700000 01710000 01720000 01730000 01740000 01750000 01760001 01770000 01780000 01790000 01800000 01810000 01820000 01830000 01840000 01850000 01860000 01870000 01880000 01890000 01900000 01910000 01920000 01930000 01940000 01950000 01960000 01970000 01980000 01990000 02000000 02010000 02020000 02030000 02040000 183 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) SPACE * MESSAGE FILE. HOLDS QL SIGNON MESSAGE. MESSAGE DC CL(FDLN)’$MESSAGE’ SPACE * DSN OF FILE CONTAINING MARKINIT MODULES. TSX ONLY M4CALL1 DC CL(FDLN)’SYS1.ASMK4.MARKIV.VERSION3(MARKINIT)’ SPACE * DSN OF FILE CONTAINING PROCESSING MODULES. TSX ONLY M4CALL2 DC CL(FDLN)’SYS1.ASMK4.MARKIV.VERSION3(MARKIV)’ SPACE * FILE CONTAINING GLOSSARY M4INPUT CARDS. GLOSSF DC CL(FDLN)’$GLOSS’ SPACE * FILE CONTAINING RC CARD FOR REPORT PHASE. CMS,TSX ONLY. REPRC DC CL(FDLN)’ ’ * END OF QL FILE DESIGNATORS EJECT *********************************************************************** * * QL MESSAGES * * THE WORDING, LENGTH OR LANGUAGE OF THESE MESSAGES MAY BE * MODIFIED TO SUIT A PARTICULAR INSTALLATION OR OPERATING SYSTEM. * THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF ANY MESSAGE IS 68 CHARACTERS. * THE WORDING OF THE FOLLOWING ERROR MESSAGES VARIES BETWEEN * OPERATING SYSTEMS: 9,12,19,26 AND 50. * *********************************************************************** * ERR1 DC C’SYNTAX ERROR’ ERR2 DC C’MORE THAN 30 FIELDS IN LIST OR SAVE ST’ ERR3 DC C’MORE THAN 1 SORT OR BREAK SUB-ST/LIST ST’ ERR4 DC C’FILE DEFINITION NAME (FNAME OR TFNAME CMD) NOT GIVEN’ ERR5 DC C’OLD,NEW OR TRAN FILE(USE CMD) NOT GIVEN’ ERR6 DC C’SFNAME SPECIFIED WITHOUT SLIB OR VICE VERSA’ ERR7 DC C’CORD FILE QUALIFIER USED AND CFNAME CMD NOT ENTERED’ ERR8 DC C’LIB FILE( USE ST) NOT GIVEN’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02050000 02060000 02070000 02080000 02090000 02100000 02110000 02120000 02130000 02140000 02150000 02160000 02170000 02180000 02190000 02200000 02210000 02220000 02230000 02240000 02250000 02260000 02270000 02280000 02290000 02300000 02310000 02320000 02330000 02340000 02350000 02360000 02370000 02380000 02390000 02400000 02410000 184 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) ERR9 ERR10 ERR11 ERR12 ERR13 ERR14 ERR15 ERR16 ERR17 ERR18 ERR19 ERR20 ERR21 ERR22 ERR23 ERR24 ERR25 ERR26 ERR27 ERR28 ERR29 ERR30 ERR31 ERR32 ERR33 ERR34 ERR35 ERR36 ERR37 ERR38 ERR39 ERR40 ERR41 ERR42 ERR43 ERR44 ERR45 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC C’PROGRAM CONTAINS ERRORS.CORRECT USING EDIT’ C’NO PRECEDING LIST STATEMENT’ C’UNDEFINED LABEL’ C’NO DDCARD PROVIDED FOR RETAIN FILE’ C’TYPE NO OR HIT CARRIAGE RETURN’ C’LENGTH OF NAME EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS’ C’WARNING.CONTROL BREAK OCCURS WITHOUT SORT.PRIOR LIST ST.’ C’TOO MANY NESTED COPY STATEMENTS’ C’DUPLICATE LABELS’ C’ILLEGAL BACKWARD BRANCH’ C’PROGRAM CONTAINS ERRORS.CORRECT AND REENTER END’ C’TOO MANY LABELED STATEMENTS’ C’CFNAME ENTERED AND -USE CORDN- NOT GIVEN’ C’TOO MANY PR OR TF CARDS GENERATED’ C’TOO MANY R1 CARDS GENERATED’ C’WARNING.PRINT CMD(IF USED) SHOULD PRECEDE ALL LIST ST.’ C’EQUATE CMD(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL STMNTS’ C’NO DDCARD PROVIDED FOR COPY FILE’ C’LENGTH OF CHARACTER LITERAL >31’ C’COMMA SEPARATOR MAY ONLY FOLLOW EQ OR NE’ C’MORE THAN 9 SORT,BREAK OR SUMMARY ITEMS GIVEN’ C’ITEM NO. 0 OR > NO. OF ITEMS IN LIST OR SAVE STATEMENT’ C’BREAK SUB-ST MUST PRECEDE NEWPAGE,SUBTITLE,OR SUMMARIES’ C’AUTOCORD OR CFNAME CMDS(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL STMNTS’ C’SFORMAT CMD(IF USED) MUST PRECEDE ALL SAVE/SAVEALL ST’ C’TITLE IS LONGER THAN 59 CHARS’ C’MORE THAN 3 TITLE LINES SPECIFIED’ C’EDIT STRING IN LAYOUT PH CONTAINS>15 CHARS’ C’WARNING. MORE ITEMS IN LAYOUT PH THAN LIST PH’ C’NO. OF SPACES SPECIFIED IN LAYOUT PH IS >99.’ C’PAGE WIDTH OR HEIGHT=0 OR > 132.ITEM IGNORED’ C’SP OR I VALUE=0 OR >9.ITEM IGNORED’ C’PAGEN OR MAXP VALUE=0 OR >9999.ITEM IGNORED’ C’MAXL VALUE=0 OR >99.ITEM IGNORED’ C’SUMMARY SPECIFIED ON CONTROL BREAK FIELD.PRIOR LIST ST.’ C’KEY SUB-ST AND NO SAVE ST. WITH SFNAME PHRASE GIVEN’ C’HEADING CONTAINS MORE THAN 14 CHARACTERS’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02420000 02430000 02440000 02450000 02460000 02470000 02480000 02490000 02500000 02510000 02520000 02530000 02540000 02550000 02560000 02570000 02580000 02590000 02600000 02610000 02620000 02630000 02640000 02650000 02660000 02670000 02680000 02690000 02700000 02710000 02720000 02730000 02740000 02750000 02760000 02770000 02780000 185 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) ERR46 ERR47 ERR48 ERR49 ERR50 ERR51 ERR52 ERR53 ERR54 ERR55 ERR56 ERR57 ERR58 ERR59 ERR60 ERR61 ERR62 ERR63 ERR64 ERR65 ERR66 ERR67 ERR68 ERR69 ERR70 ERR71 ERR72 ERR73 ERR74 ERR75 ERR76 ERR77 ERR78 ERR79 ERR80 ERR81 ERR82 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC C’INITIAL VALUE CONTAINS >16 CHARACTERS’ C’DEFINE EDIT STRING CONTAINS >3 CHARACTERS’ C’TWO FILE DESIGNATORS GIVEN AND CFNAME NOT ENTERED’ C’WARNING. FILE DOES NOT EXIST. FN,FT,AND MODE ARE:’ C’EDIT NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS VERSION’ C’NO STATEMENTS ENTERED AND ONLY TRAN OR OLD GIVEN’ C’END COMMAND NOT ENTERED’ C’SYNONYM TABLE FULL’ C’LINE CONTAINS MORE THAN 64 CHARACTERS’ C’ONLY START,QUIT,EDIT,RETAIN,OR CLEAR ALLOWED AFTER END’ C’MORE THAN 1 WHERE SUB-ST PER LIST OR SAVE ST’ C’NOT ENOUGH CORE FOR MARK IV. MINIMUM OF 384K REQUIRED’ C’LET EXPRESSION TOO LONG’ C’MORE THAN 9 DEC PLACES SPECIFIED’ C’FIELD LENGTH=0 OR > MAXIMUM ALLOWED LENGTH’ C’INVALID CONSOLE DESIGNATOR. CMD IGNORED’ C’TOO MANY CONTINUATION CARDS. JOB TERMINATED’ C’WARNING.NEXT LINE MUST NOT BE CONTINUED’ C’FILE DESIGNATOR TOO LONG’ C’PARTIAL FIELD START OR LENGTH=0 OR > 99’ C’SOURCE FILE DOES NOT EXIST. CMD IGNORED’ C’APOSTROPHE MISSING IN STRING’ C’WARNING.MORE THAN 1 REFERENCE TO SAME ITEM IN SUB-ST.’ C’CONTROL BREAK LEVEL=0 OR >9’ C’WARNING.BREAK(IF USED)MUST ASSIGN ALL CONTROL BRK LEVELS’ C’PARENTHESIS NESTED TO DEPTH > 9’ C’SAME NUMERATOR USED MORE THAN ONCE IN PERCENT/RATIO’ C’CHARACTER STRING SPLIT OVER 2 LINES’ C’CHARACTER STRING APPEARS IN ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION’ C’EDIT STRING GIVEN WITH C,V,OR E TYPE FIELDS’ C’DUPLICATE FILE ID IN SAVE STATEMENT’ C’MORE THAN 1 KEY SUB-ST. PER SAVE ST.’ C’TEMPORARY FIELD IS ALREADY DEFINED’ C’COPY OR EDIT COMMAND MUST BE LAST SENTENCE IN LINE’ C’INVALID DECIMAL NUMBER’ C’UNKNOWN KEYWORD. KEYWORD-VALUE PAIR IGNORED’ C’ILLEGAL VALUE FOR ITEM.KEYWORD-VALUE PAIR IGNORED’ VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 02790000 02800000 02810000 02820000 02830000 02840000 02850000 02860000 02870000 02880000 02890000 02900000 02910000 02920000 02930000 02940000 02950000 02960000 02970000 02980000 02990000 03000000 03010000 03020000 03030000 03040000 03050000 03060000 03070000 03080000 03090000 03100000 03110000 03120000 03130000 03140000 03150000 186 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) ERR83 ERR84 ERR85 ERR86 ERR87 ERR88 ERR89 ERRN DC C’BLOCKING FACTOR/BUFFER SIZE=0 OR > 9999’ DC C’ONLY 1 SAVE ST. PER SUBFILE MAY USE SFNAME’ DC C’MORE THAN 5 SUBFILE SELECTORS IN SAVEALL ST.’ DC C’NO PRECEDING LIST,SAVE OR SAVEALL ST.’ DC C’NO. OF SUBFILES SPECIFIED NE NO. OF FILE SELECTORS’ DC C’USE CMD NOT ENTERED FOR:’ DC C’TABLE LOOKUP FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED’ EQU * EJECT *********************************************************************** * **** D O N O T M A K E C H A N G E S B E Y O N D H E R E ****** * *********************************************************************** * PRINT OFF CONTAB DC A(CONTABS,17,CONTABE) * DS 0F $IECHO DC A(ECHO) ITERM DC A(TERM) CONTCH DC AL1(CONTC) * QLMMSGA DC A(MSGADR1-3,(MSGADRN-MSGADR1)/3) MSGADR1 DC AL3(ERR1) DC AL3(ERR2) DC AL3(ERR3) DC AL3(ERR4) DC AL3(ERR5) DC AL3(ERR6) DC AL3(ERR7) DC AL3(ERR8) DC AL3(ERR9) DC AL3(ERR10) DC AL3(ERR11) DC AL3(ERR12) DC AL3(ERR13) DC AL3(ERR14) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03160000 03170000 03180000 03190000 03200000 03210000 03220000 03230000 03240000 03250000 03260000 03270000 03280000 03290000 03300000 03310000 03320000 03330000 03340000 03350000 03360000 03370000 03380000 03390000 03400000 03410000 03420000 03430000 03440000 03450000 03460000 03470000 03480000 03490000 03500000 03510000 03520000 187 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC AL3(ERR15) AL3(ERR16) AL3(ERR17) AL3(ERR18) AL3(ERR19) AL3(ERR20) AL3(ERR21) AL3(ERR22) AL3(ERR23) AL3(ERR24) AL3(ERR25) AL3(ERR26) AL3(ERR27) AL3(ERR28) AL3(ERR29) AL3(ERR30) AL3(ERR31) AL3(ERR32) AL3(ERR33) AL3(ERR34) AL3(ERR35) AL3(ERR36) AL3(ERR37) AL3(ERR38) AL3(ERR39) AL3(ERR40) AL3(ERR41) AL3(ERR42) AL3(ERR43) AL3(ERR44) AL3(ERR45) AL3(ERR46) AL3(ERR47) AL3(ERR48) AL3(ERR49) AL3(ERR50) AL3(ERR51) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03530000 03540000 03550000 03560000 03570000 03580000 03590000 03600000 03610000 03620000 03630000 03640000 03650000 03660000 03670000 03680000 03690000 03700000 03710000 03720000 03730000 03740000 03750000 03760000 03770000 03780000 03790000 03800000 03810000 03820000 03830000 03840000 03850000 03860000 03870000 03880000 03890000 188 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC AL3(ERR52) AL3(ERR53) AL3(ERR54) AL3(ERR55) AL3(ERR56) AL3(ERR57) AL3(ERR58) AL3(ERR59) AL3(ERR60) AL3(ERR61) AL3(ERR62) AL3(ERR63) AL3(ERR64) AL3(ERR65) AL3(ERR66) AL3(ERR67) AL3(ERR68) AL3(ERR69) AL3(ERR70) AL3(ERR71) AL3(ERR72) AL3(ERR73) AL3(ERR74) AL3(ERR75) AL3(ERR76) AL3(ERR77) AL3(ERR78) AL3(ERR79) AL3(ERR80) AL3(ERR81) AL3(ERR82) AL3(ERR83) AL3(ERR84) AL3(ERR85) AL3(ERR86) AL3(ERR87) AL3(ERR88) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 03900000 03910000 03920000 03930000 03940000 03950000 03960000 03970000 03980000 03990000 04000000 04010000 04020000 04030000 04040000 04050000 04060000 04070000 04080000 04090000 04100000 04110000 04120000 04130000 04140000 04150000 04160000 04170000 04180000 04190000 04200000 04210000 04220000 04230000 04240000 04250000 04260000 189 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) DC AL3(ERR89) DC AL3(ERRN) EJECT *********************************************************************** * FILE DESIGNATOR AREA. HOLDS CURRENT VALUE OF ALL THE FILE * DESIGNATORS WHICH CAN BE REFERENCED FROM QL. THE DEFAULT VALUES OF * THESE DESIGNATORS IS GIVEN ABOVE. * THE LAYOUT OF EACH DESIGNATOR IS OPERATING SYSTEM DEPENDENT. * *********************************************************************** FDTAB DC A($$OLD,FDLN,LASTFD) USED TO COPY DEFAULTS FROM * AREA ABOVE. DONE BY REMOTE 4. $FDLEN DC A(FDLN) $$OLD DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$NEW DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$TRAN DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$CORD1 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$CORD2 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$CORD3 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF1 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF2 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF3 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF4 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF5 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SLIB DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$LIB DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$SUBF0 DC (FDLN)C’ ’ $$LIST DC (FDLN)C’ ’ LASTFD EQU *-FDLN MUST FOLLOW LAST FILE DESIGNATOR * END OF FILE DESIGNATOR AREA EJECT *********************************************************************** * MISCELLANEOUS FLAGS. THE INITIAL VALUES OF $TERM AND * $ECHO ARE COPIED FROM ABOVE BY REMOTE 4. * FNAME,GLOSS,$PRORUN AND $RC ARE INITIALIZED DIRECTLY * BY REMOTE 4. * MSGADRN VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04270000 04280000 04290000 04300000 04310000 04320000 04330000 04340000 04350000 04360000 04370000 04380000 04390000 04400000 04410000 04420000 04430000 04440000 04450000 04460000 04470000 04480000 04490000 04500000 04510000 04520000 04530000 04540000 04550000 04560000 04570000 04580000 04590000 04600000 04610000 04620000 04630000 190 Appendix B VISION:Builder Parameter Modules Online Language Parameters — OQLPARM OQLPARM (cont.) *********************************************************************** * $$FNAME DS CL8 FILENAME(FOR RC CARD). * USED FOR GLOSSARY RUN $$GLOSS DS CL4 1ST BYTE=A,B OR 1.IS PUT ON FD * CARD WHEN PRODUCING A GLOSSARY $PRORUN DS F =1 IF THIS IS A PROCESSING RUN $RC DS F RETURN CODE * $ECHO DS F =1 IF SOURCE IS TO BE ECHO PRINTED $TERM DS F FOR ONLINE SYSTEMS,GIVES THE MINIMUM * MESSAGE SEVERITY LEVEL FOR MESSAGES * PRINTED AT THE TERMINAL OPSYS DC AL3(OPSYSD) * $MK4SPF DC A(TLU) TLU CAPABILITY FLAGS ENTRY CONTAB,QLMMSGA,$IECHO,OPSYS,ITERM,CONTCH ENTRY $$IOLD,$$INEW,$$ITRAN,$$ICRD1,$$ICRD2,$$ICRD3 ENTRY $$ISBF0,$$ISBF1,$$ISBF2,$$ILIST,$$ILIB,$$ISLIB ENTRY $$ISBF3,$$ISBF4,$$ISBF5 ENTRY $$QUERY,$$SRC,$$TEMP,$$TEMPE,MESSAGE,$$SVFD ENTRY $RC,$TERM,$PRORUN,$ECHO,$$FNAME,$$GLOSS ENTRY $$CORD1,$$CORD2,$$CORD3,$$SUBF3,$$SUBF4,$$SUBF5 ENTRY $$OLD,$$NEW,$$TRAN,$$SUBF0,$$SUBF1,$$SUBF2 ENTRY $$LIST,$$LIB,$$SLIB,FDTAB,$FDLEN,REPRC,M4CALL1,M4CALL2 ENTRY GLOSSF,$MK4SPF END VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 04640000 04650000 04660000 04670000 04680000 04690000 04700000 04710000 04720000 04730000 04740000 04750000 04760000 04770000 04780000 04790000 04800000 04810000 04820000 04830000 04840000 04850000 04860000 04870000 04880000 04890000 04900000 191 Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST This appendix contains a sample CLIST that shows how you can make your VISION:Workbench for ISPF libraries available to the ISPF environment. You can then invoke this CLIST from the TSO prompt to start ISPF with the VISION:Workbench for ISPF option. PROC 0 CONTROL LIST MSG FREE F(SYSPROC ISPLLIB ISPMLIB ISPPLIB ISPSLIB ISPTLIB ISPTABL ISPPROF M9LIST) + ALLOC F(SYSPROC) DA( ’SYS1.CMDPROC’ + ’ISR.ISPF.ISRCLIB’ + ’BUILDER.WB058.CLIST’ ) SHR /* /* /* /* NOTE THAT THE WORKBENCH CLIST LIBRARY HAS BEEN COPIED FROM THE ORIGINAL FIXED BLOCK LIBRARY THAT WAS SUPPLIED ON THE INSTALLATION TAPE, TO A VARIABLE BLOCKED LIBRARY THAT CONFORMS TO OUR SHOP STANDARDS FOR CLIST LIBRARIES. */ */ */ */ ALLOC F(ISPLLIB) DA( ’BUILDER.WB058.LOADLIB’ + ’BUILDER.CL045.LOADLIB’ + ’BUILDER.BL138.LOADLIB’ + ’INFORM31.LOADLIB’ + ’TRANSACT.TR075.GENLIB’ ) SHR 192 Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST PROC 0 ALLOC F(ISPMLIB) DA( ’BUILDER.WB058.MSGS’ ’ISR.ISPF.ISRMLIB’ ’ISP.ISPF.ISPMLIB’) SHR + + ALLOC F(ISPPLIB) DA( ’BUILDER.WB058.PANELS’ ’ISR.ISPF.ISRPLIB’ ’ISP.ISPF.ISPPLIB’) SHR + + ALLOC F(ISPSLIB) DA( ’BUILDER.WB058.SKELS’ ’ISR.ISPF.ISRSLIB’ ’ISP.ISPF.ISPSLIB’) SHR + + ALLOC F(ISPTLIB) DA( ’ISR.ISPF.ISRTLIB’ ’ISP.ISPF.ISPTLIB’) SHR + ALLOC F(ISPTABL) DA(’ISR.ISPF.ISRTLIB’) ALLOC F(ISPPROF) DA(’&SYSUID..ISPF.PROFILE’) /* /* /* /* NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ALLOCATE STATEMENT SHOWS HOW YOU CAN PRE-ALLOCATE YOUR WORKBENCH UTILITY LIST DATA SET. THIS IS OPTIONAL. IF THIS DATA SET IS NOT PRE-ALLOCATED, WORKBENCH WILL DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATE IT WHEN NEEDED. ALLOC F(M9LIST) DA(’MARKISPF.&SYSUID..M9LIST1’) /* /* */ */ */ */ OLD NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ALLOCATE STATEMENT SHOWS HOW WORKBENCH CUSTOMERS CAN ALLOCATE A FILE TAILORING OUTPUT DATA SET. */ */ FREE FI(ISPFILE) IF &SYSDSN(’BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..FTOUTPUT’) = OK THEN + ALLOC F(ISPFILE) DA(’BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..FTOUTPUT’) SHR ELSE + ALLOC F(ISPFILE) DA(’BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..FTOUTPUT’) + NEW CATALOG UNIT(SYSDA) + SPACE(10,5) DIR(10) + DSORG(PO) RECFM(F B) LRECL(80) BLKSIZE(3120) /* /* /* /* NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ALLOCATE STATEMENT SHOWS HOW WORKBENCH CUSTOMERS CAN ALLOCATE THE TABLE DATA SET USED BY THE IMPORT FACILITY. THE DATA SET MUST BE PREDEFINED AND CATALOGED. (THE "&SYSUID" ELEMENT IS REPLACED BY THE CURRENT USER ID.) */ */ */ */ ALLOC F(DEFTLIB) DA(’BUILDER.WB058.&SYSUID..TLIB’) SHR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 193 Appendix C Sample ISPF Startup CLIST PROC 0 /* NOW START ISPF USING THE ISPF PRIMARY MENU PANEL. */ ISPSTART PANEL(ISR@PRIM) EXIT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 194 Appendix D Invocation Panels The arrows on the following sample ISPF primary menu panel show how you can invoke VISION:Workbench for ISPF from your ISPF primary menu. XSR@PRIM -->> SAMPLE <<-- ISPF/PDF PRIMARY OPTION MENU VERSION n.n.n -----------------%OPTION ===>_ZCMD + % +USERID - &ZUSER % 0 +ISPF PARMS - Specify terminal and user parameters +PROC - &ZLOGON % 1 +BROWSE - Display source data or output listings +PF KEYS - &ZKEYS % 2 +EDIT - Create or change source data +TERMINAL - &ZTERM % 3 +UTILITIES - Perform utility functions +TIME - &ZTIME % 4 +FOREGROUND - Invoke language processors or script +JULIAN - &ZJDATE % 5 +BATCH - Submit job for language processing +DATE - &ZDATE % 6 +COMMAND - Enter TSO command or CLIST % 7 +DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing % 8 +LM UTILITIES- Perform library administrator utility functions % C +CHANGES - Display summary of changes for this release % F +FILE-AID - FILE-AID data handling utilities % M +LDCS - Local Data Center Services Panels % T +TUTORIAL - Display information about ISPF/PDF % WB +Workbench -%VISION:Workbench Facility - Release 5.8 % BL +Builder -%VISION:Builder 13.8 Workbench % TR +Transact -%Vision:Transact 7.5 Workbench % IN +Inform -%VISION:Inform 3.1 Workbench (Definition Processor) % X +EXIT - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults % 195 Appendix D Invocation Panels +Enter%END+command to terminate ISPF. % )INIT .HELP = ISR00003 &ZPRIM = YES /* ALWAYS A PRIMARY OPTION MENU &ZHTOP = ISR00003 /* TUTORIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS &ZHINDEX = ISR91000 /* TUTORIAL INDEX - 1ST PAGE VPUT (ZHTOP,ZHINDEX) PROFILE &M9PRODCT = ’Workbench’ )PROC &ZSEL = TRANS( TRUNC(&ZCMD,’.’) 0,’PANEL(ISPOPTA)’ 1,’PGM(ISRBRO) PARM(ISRBRO01)’ 2,’PGM(ISREDIT) PARM(P,ISREDM01)’ 3,’PANEL(ISRUTIL)’ 4,’PANEL(ISRFPA)’ 5,’PGM(ISRJB1) PARM(ISRJPA) NOCHECK’ 6,’PGM(ISRPTC)’ 7,’PGM(ISRYXDR) NOCHECK’ 8,’PANEL(ISRLPRIM)’ C,’PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(ISR00005)’ F,’PANEL(IFAMU01) NEWAPPL(FAXE)’ M,’PANEL(MICA)’ T,’PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(ISR00000)’ WB,’PANEL(M9PRIM)’ BL,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(BDM4) NOCHECK’ TR,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(ODM5) NOCHECK’ IN,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(PMM4) NOCHECK’ ’ ’,’ ’ X,’EXIT’ *,’?’ ) &ZTRAIL = .TRAIL &GVNXTSEL = .TRAIL )END */ */ */ M9PRIM This is the VISION:Workbench for ISPF selection menu panel. This is the primary menu panel for entry into VISION:Workbench for ISPF. )ATTR /* PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. */ /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE. */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ )BODY EXPAND(ºº) %SELMENU -º-º- VISION:Workbench for ISPF Selection Menu -º-º-------- VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 196 Appendix D Invocation Panels %OPTION ===>_ZCMD % % % VISION:Workbench Release 5.8+ % % 1 - BL+(M4) Workbench for%VISION:Builder 13.8 % % 2 - TR+(M5) Workbench for%VISION:Transact 7.5 % % 3 - IN+(DA) Workbench for%VISION:Inform 3.1 (Definition Processor) % % % T+- Introduction To VISION:Workbench for ISPF % % X+- Exit the VISION:Workbench % )INIT .HELP = M9PRIMH &ZPRIM = YES /* ALWAYS A PRIMARY OPTION MENU */ &M9PRODCT = ’Workbench’ )PROC &ZSEL = TRANS( TRUNC(&ZCMD,’.’) 1,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(BDM4) NOCHECK’ BL,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(BDM4) NOCHECK’ M4,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(BDM4) NOCHECK’ 2,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(ODM5) NOCHECK’ TR,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(ODM5) NOCHECK’ M5,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(ODM5) NOCHECK’ 3,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(PMM4) NOCHECK’ IN,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(PMM4) NOCHECK’ DA,’PGM(M9BOOT) PARM(PMM4) NOCHECK’ T,’PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(M9DVMTB1)’ ’ ’,’ ’ X,’EXIT’ *,’?’ ) &ZTRAIL = .TRAIL &GVNXTSEL = .TRAIL )END VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) + 197 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings This appendix contains the following skeleton and user panel listings: ■ M9BGUPNL — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission User Panel on page 199 ■ M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton on page 200 ■ M9FGUPNL — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution User Panel on page 205 ■ M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton on page 206 ■ M9GCTPU2 — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission User Panel on page 215 ■ M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton on page 216 ■ M9GCTPU1 — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution User Panel on page 221 ■ M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton on page 222 198 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGUPNL — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission User Panel )ATTR /* PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. */ /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE. */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) ^ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(NON) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) )BODY EXPAND(||) %BATUPANL - &TMPIN |-| %COMMAND ===>_ZCMD + +Enter%END+to process using the option selected on the BATCHOPT panel. +Enter%CANCEL+command to terminate processing this member. + %Enter the name of the%VISION:Builder+ and %COMLIB+program LOAD LIBRARIES +Builder LOADLIB %===>_M9BGLLIB + +COMLIB LOADLIB %===>_M9BGLL2 + + %Enter the%VISION:Builder+region size (example 1024K) +Builder REGION %===>_Z + + %Enter the name of the%SORT+program LOAD LIBRARY +SORT LOADLIB %===>_M9BGSRT + + +SORT SPACE %===>_Z + Number of SORTWORK CYLINDERS +SORT UNIT %===>_M9BGSUNT+ SORTWORK UNIT type (example SYSDA) + +JOB statement information: + %===>_JOBREC1 + %===>_JOBREC2 + %===>_JOBREC3 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 199 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGUPNL — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission User Panel (cont.) )INIT .ZVARS = ’(M9REGION M9BGSSP)’ &ZCMD = &Z .HELP = M9BOTPU1 )PROC VPUT (M9BGLLIB M9BGLL2 M9REGION M9BGSRT M9BGSSP M9BGSUNT) PROFILE VPUT (JOBREC1 JOBREC2 JOBREC3) PROFILE )END M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM THIS IS A SAMPLE ISPF FILE TAILORING SKELETON FOR USE WITH WORKBENCH RELEASE 5.8. IT WILL GENERATE MVS JCL FOR 1-STEP OR 3-STEP, SORT OR NOSORT BUILDER APPLICATION. THIS FILE TAILORING SKELETON IS INTENDED TO BE USED WITH THE SAMPLE USER PANEL ’M9BGUPNL’ THAT HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN YOUR WORKBENCH PANEL LIBRARY. THERE ARE 4 TYPES OF VARIABLES (WORDS PRECEDED BY AMPERSANDS) USED IN THIS SKELETON INCLUDING: - VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL M9BGUPNL YOU CAN CHANGE THESE - VARIABLES SET BY WORKBENCH YOU CANNOT CHANGE THESE - ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES - LOCAL VARIABLES THAT ARE SET AND USED DURING FILE TAILORING THE VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL INCLUDE: VARIABLE USAGE &JOBREC1,&JOBREC2,&JOBREC3 &M9BGLLIB &M9BGLL2 &M9REGION &M9BGSRT &M9BGSUNT &M9BGSSP VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) MVS JOB STATEMENT INFORMATION VISION:BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY NAME COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY NAME REGION SIZE SORT PROGRAM LOAD LIBRARY SORTWORK DATA SET UNIT TYPE SORTWORK DATA SET SPACE AMOUNT 200 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )CM )CM WORKBENCH RESERVED VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &M4DDNAM DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &M4DSN DATA SET NAME )CM &M4DISP DATA SET STATUS AND DISPOSITION )CM &M4VOL VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER )CM &M4UNIT UNIT TYPE )CM &M4DDOVER OVERRIDE DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &M4RUNTYP VISION:BUILDER RUN TYPE )CM &PRJ1 PDF LIBRARY PROJECT NAME )CM &LIB1 THRU LIB4 PDF LIBRARY GROUP NAMES )CM &TYP1 PDF LIBRARY TYPE NAME )CM &DSN ’OTHER’ PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL FILE )CM &MEMNAM MEMBER NAME )CM &TMPIN QUALIFIED DSN FOR ’OTHER’ DSN )CM )CM ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &ZLLIB PDF LIBRARY GROUP NUMBER (1-4) )CM &Z A VARIABLE WHOSE VALUE IS NULL )CM )CM &JOBREC1 &JOBREC2 &JOBREC3 //JOBLIB DD DSN=&M9BGLLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&M9BGLL2,DISP=SHR //* )SEL &M9REGION ^= &Z )SET M9REG = ,REGION=&M9REGION )ENDSEL //MK4 EXEC PGM=MARKIV&M9REG )CM )CM LOOP THROUGH THE ISPF TABLE OF DATA SET CHARACTERISTICS ENTERED VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 201 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )CM ON THE ’BATCHGEN’ PANEL GENERATING APPROPRIATE DD STATEMENTS )CM FOR EACH FILE TO BE USED IN THIS JOB. )CM )CM *********** BEGIN DD STATEMENT LOOP ******************* )DOT DDNAMTB )SEL &M4DDOVER ^= &Z )SET M4DDNAM = &M4DDOVER )ENDSEL )CM )CM SAVE M4LIST DSN AND UNIT SO PROPER DD STATEMENTS CAN BE GENERATED )CM IN LATER STEPS OF A 3STEP RUN. )CM )SEL &M4DDNAM = M4LIST )SET M4LSTDSN = &M4DSN )SET M4LSTUNT = &M4UNIT )ENDSEL )CM )CM GENERATE DD STATEMENTS FOR SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM )SEL &M4UNIT = SYSOUT //&M4DDNAM DD SYSOUT=(&M4DSN) )ENDSEL )CM )CM GENERATE DD STATEMENTS FOR NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM )SET M4DSN1 = &Z )SEL &M4DSN = &Z )SET M4DSN1 = DSN=NULLFILE )ENDSEL )SEL &M4DSN ^= &Z )SET M4DSN1 = DSN=&M4DSN )ENDSEL )SEL &M4UNIT ^= SYSOUT )SEL &M4DISP = NEW | &M4DISP = NEW,CATLG | &M4DISP = NEW,PASS )SET M4UNIT1 = &Z )SET M4VOL1 = &Z )SEL &M4UNIT ^= &Z VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 202 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )SET M4UNIT1 = ,UNIT=&M4UNIT )ENDSEL )SEL &M4VOL ^= &Z )SET M4VOL1 = ,VOL=SER=&M4VOL )ENDSEL //&M4DDNAM DD &M4DSN1,DISP=(&M4DISP), // SPACE=(TRK,(5,5))&M4UNIT1&M4VOL1 )ENDSEL )SEL &M4DISP ^= NEW && &M4DISP ^= NEW,CATLG && &M4DISP ^= NEW,PASS )SET M4DISP1 = &Z )SEL &M4DISP ^= &Z )SET M4DISP1 = ,DISP=(&M4DISP) )ENDSEL //&M4DDNAM DD &M4DSN1&M4DISP1 )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )ENDDOT )CM *********** END DD STATEMENT LOOP ******************* )CM )CM ALLOCATE M4INPUT: )CM FOR PHYSICAL SEQUENTIAL DATA SETS JUST ALLOCATE THE DSN )CM FOR PDF LIBRARIES (VARIABLE ZLLIB = 1-4) BUILD A DSN STRING )CM WHICH NAMES THE APPROPRIATE PDF LIB AND MEMBER )CM FOR ’OTHER’ PDS BUILD A DSN STRING WHICH NAMES THE LIB AND MEMBER )CM )SET M4INDSN = &Z )SEL &DSN = &Z )SEL &ZLLIB = 1 )SET M4INDSN = &PRJ1..&LIB1..&TYP1(&MEMNAM) )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 2 )SET M4INDSN = &PRJ1..&LIB2..&TYP1(&MEMNAM) )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 3 )SET M4INDSN = &PRJ1..&LIB3..&TYP1(&MEMNAM) )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 4 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 203 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )SET M4INDSN = &PRJ1..&LIB4..&TYP1(&MEMNAM) )ENDSEL //M4INPUT DD DSN=&M4INDSN,DISP=SHR )ENDSEL )SEL &DSN ^= &Z //M4INPUT DD DSN=&TMPIN,DISP=SHR )ENDSEL )CM )CM ADD SORT DD STATEMENTS IF THIS IS A 1-STEP RUN )CM )SEL &M4RUNTYP = 1STEP //SORTLIB DD DSN=&M9BGSRT,DISP=SHR //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTWK01 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) //SORTWK02 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) //SORTWK03 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) )ENDSEL //* )CM )CM ADD JCL FOR SORT AND REPORT STEPS IF THIS IS A 3-STEP RUN )CM )SEL &M4RUNTYP = 3STEP //SORT EXEC PGM=SORT //SORTLIB DD DSN=&M9BGSRT,DISP=SHR //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DSN=*.MK4.M4SORT,DISP=SHR //SORTIN DD DSN=*.MK4.M4REPO,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //SORTOUT DD DSN=&&&&REPI,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(10,10)), // DISP=(NEW,PASS) //SORTWK01 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) //SORTWK02 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) //SORTWK03 DD UNIT=&M9BGSUNT,SPACE=(CYL,&M9BGSSP,,CONTIG) //* )CM )CM ADD JCL FOR REPORT STEP )CM //REPT EXEC PGM=MARKIV&M9REG VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 204 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9BGTS — VISION:Builder Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )SEL &M4LSTUNT //M4LIST DD )ENDSEL )SEL &M4LSTUNT //M4LIST DD )ENDSEL //M4REPI DD //M4INPUT DD REPTRUN RC /* )ENDSEL // = SYSOUT SYSOUT=&M4LSTDSN ^= SYSOUT DSN=&M4LSTDSN,DISP=MOD DSN=*.SORT.SORTOUT,DISP=(OLD,PASS) * S M9FGUPNL — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution User Panel )ATTR /* PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. */ /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE. */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) ^ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(NON) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) )BODY EXPAND(||) %FORUPANL- &TMPIN |-| %COMMAND ===>_ZCMD + +Enter%END+to process using the option selected on the FOREOPTS panel. +Enter%CANCEL+command to terminate processing this member. + %Enter the name of the VISION:Builder LOAD LIBRARY +VISION:Builder LOADLIB %===>_M9FGLLIB + + %Enter the name of the SORT program LOAD LIBRARY +SORT LOADLIB %===>_M9FGSRT + VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 205 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGUPNL — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution User Panel (cont.) + + +SORT SPACE %===>_Z + Number of SORTWORK CYLINDERS +SORT UNIT %===>_M9FGSUNT+ SORTWORK UNIT type ( example%SYSDA+) + )INIT &ZCMD = &Z .ZVARS = ’(M9FGSSP)’ .HELP = M9FOTPU1 )PROC VPUT (M9FGLLIB M9FGSRT M9FGSSP M9FGSUNT) PROFILE )END M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM THIS IS A SAMPLE ISPF FILE TAILORING SKELETON FOR USE WITH WORKBENCH RELEASE 5.8. IT WILL GENERATE CLISTS FOR 1 STEP OR 3 STEP, SORT OR NOSORT, BUILDER APPLICATION. THIS FILE TAILORING SKELETON IS INTENDED TO BE USED WITH THE SAMPLE USER PANEL ’M9FGUPNL’ WHICH HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN YOUR WORKBENCH PANEL LIB. THERE ARE 4 TYPES OF VARIABLES (WORDS PRECEDED BY AMPERSANDS) USED IN THIS SKELETON INCLUDING: - VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL YOU CAN CHANGE THESE - VARIABLES SET BY WORKBENCH YOU CANNOT CHANGE THESE - ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES - LOCAL VARIABLES THAT ARE SET AND USED DURING FILE TAILORING THE VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL INCLUDE: VARIABLE USAGE &M9FGLLIB &M9FGSRT &M9FGSUNT VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) VISION:BUILDER LOAD LIBRARY NAME SORT PROGRAM LOAD LIBRARY SORTWORK DATA SET UNIT TYPE 206 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM &M9FGSSP SORTWORK DATA SET SPACE AMOUNT )CM )CM WORKBENCH RESERVED VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &M4DDNAM DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &M4DSN DATA SET NAME )CM &M4DISP DATA SET STATUS AND DISPOSITION )CM &M4VOL VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER )CM &M4UNIT UNIT TYPE )CM &M4DDOVER OVERRIDE DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &M4RUNTYP VISION:BUILDER RUN TYPE )CM &PRJ1 PDF LIBRARY PROJECT NAME )CM &LIB1 THRU LIB4 PDF LIBRARY GROUP NAMES )CM &TYP1 PDF LIBRARY TYPE NAME )CM &DSN ’OTHER’ PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL FILE )CM &MEMNAM MEMBER NAME )CM )CM ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &ZLLIB PDF LIBRARY GROUP NUMBER (1-4) )CM &Z A VARIABLE WHOSE VALUE IS NULL )CM PROC 0 CONTROL LIST MSG /* */ /* ALLOCATE VISION:BUILDER FILES */ /* */ )CM )CM LOOP THRU THE TABLE OF FILES TO BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION )CM AND ALLOCATE EACH FILE AS SPECIFIED )CM SET &&M4RC = 0 )DOT DDNAMTB )CM )CM SAVE M4REPO DSN SO IT CAN BE ALLOCATED AS SORTIN IN SORT STEP VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 207 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM OF A 3-STEP RUN. )CM )SEL &M4DDNAM = M4REPO )SET M4REPDSN = &M4DSN )ENDSEL )CM )CM SAVE M4LIST DSN SO IT CAN BE ALLOCATED AS SYSOUT IN SORT AND REP )CM STEPS OF A 3-STEP RUN. )CM )SEL &M4DDNAM = M4LIST )SET M4LSTDSN = &M4DSN )SET M4LSTUNT = &M4UNIT )ENDSEL )CM )CM SAVE M4SORT DSN SO IT CAN BE ALLOCATED AS SYSIN IN SORT STEP )CM OF A 3-STEP RUN. )CM )SEL &M4DDNAM = M4SORT )SET M4SRTDSN = &M4DSN )ENDSEL )CM )CM CHANGE THE DDNAME TO THE OVERRIDE DDNAME WHERE APPLICABLE )CM )SEL &M4DDOVER ^= &Z )SET M4DDNAM = &M4DDOVER )ENDSEL FREE FI(&M4DDNAM) )CM )CM ALLOCATE SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM )SEL &M4UNIT = SYSOUT )SEL &M4DSN ^= * ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) SYSOUT(&M4DSN) )ENDSEL )SEL &M4DSN = * ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) DA(&M4DSN) )ENDSEL VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 208 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS. )CM CREATE UNIT, DSN, AND VOLUME STRINGS. )CM )SEL &M4UNIT ^= SYSOUT )SET M4UNIT1 = &Z )SET M4DSN1 = &Z )SET M4VOL1 = &Z )CM )SEL &M4UNIT ^= &Z )SET M4UNIT1 = UNIT(&M4UNIT) )ENDSEL )CM )SEL &M4VOL ^= &Z )SET M4VOL1 = VOLUME(&M4VOL) )ENDSEL )CM )SEL &M4DSN ^= &Z )SET M4DSN1 = DA(&M4DSN) )ENDSEL )CM )SEL &M4DSN = &Z )SET M4DSN = DUMMY )SET M4UNIT1 = &Z )SET M4DSN1 = &Z )SET M4VOL1 = &Z )SET M4DISP = &Z )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE DUMMY DATA SETS. )CM )SEL &M4DSN = DUMMY ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) &M4DSN )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE NEW NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 209 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM )SEL &M4DSN ^= DUMMY )SEL &M4DISP = NEW | &M4DISP = NEW,CATALOG ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) &M4DSN1 &M4DISP &M4UNIT1 &M4VOL1 + SPACE(5 5) TRACK )ENDSEL )CM )SEL &M4DISP = NEW,DELETE ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) &M4DSN1 &M4DISP &M4UNIT1 &M4VOL1 + SPACE(5 5) TRACK )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE NON-NEW NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS. )CM )SEL &M4DISP ^= NEW && &M4DISP ^= NEW,CATALOG )SEL &M4DISP ^= NEW,DELETE ALLOC FI(&M4DDNAM) &M4DSN1 &M4DISP &M4UNIT1 &M4VOL1 )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )ENDDOT )CM )CM ALLOCATE M4INPUT: )CM FOR PHYSICAL SEQUENTIAL DATA SETS JUST ALLOCATE THE DSN )CM FOR PDF LIBRARIES (VARIABLE ZLLIB = 1-4) BUILD A DSN STRING )CM WHICH NAMES THE APPROPRIATE PDF LIB AND MEMBER )CM FOR ’OTHER’ PDS BUILD A DSN STRING WHICH NAMES THE LIB AND MEMBER )CM FOR PDS AND PDF LIBS QUALIFICATION, QUOTES MUST BE CONSIDERED )CM FREE FI(M4INPUT) )SET M4INDSN = &Z )SEL &ORGVAR = PS ALLOC FI(M4INPUT) DA(&DSN) SHR )ENDSEL )SEL &ORGVAR = PO )SEL &DSN = &Z VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 210 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )SEL &ZLLIB = 1 )SET M4INDSN = ’&PRJ1..&LIB1..&TYP1(&MEMNAM)’ )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 2 )SET M4INDSN = ’&PRJ1..&LIB2..&TYP1(&MEMNAM)’ )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 3 )SET M4INDSN = ’&PRJ1..&LIB3..&TYP1(&MEMNAM)’ )ENDSEL )SEL &ZLLIB = 4 )SET M4INDSN = ’&PRJ1..&LIB4..&TYP1(&MEMNAM)’ )ENDSEL ALLOC FI(M4INPUT) DA(&M4INDSN) SHR )ENDSEL )SEL &DSN ^= &Z SET &&DSN = &&STR(&DSN2) IF &&SUBSTR(1:1,&&DSN) = &&STR(’) THEN DO SET &&HLDDSN = &&SUBSTR(2:&&LENGTH(&&DSN)-1,&&DSN) SET &&HLDDSN = &&STR(’&&HLDDSN.(&MEMNAM)’) END ELSE DO SET &&HLDDSN = &&STR(&&DSN.(&MEMNAM)) END ALLOC FI(M4INPUT) DA(&&HLDDSN) SHR )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM CHECK TO SEE IF THIS IS A 1-STEP OR 3-STEP RUN AND IF SO )CM ADD JCL FOR SORT )CM /* /* ALLOCATE SORT FILES /* )SEL &M4RUNTYP = 1STEP | &M4RUNTYP = 3STEP FREE FI(SORTLIB SYSOUT SORTWK01 SORTWK02 SORTWK03) ALLOC FI(SORTLIB) DA(&M9FGSRT) SHR )CM VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) */ */ */ 211 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM ALLOCATE SYSOUT FOR SORT. IF M4LIST WAS A SYSOUT DATA SET, THEN )CM ALLOCATE SYSOUT THE SAME. IF M4LIST WAS NOT A SYSOUT DATA SET, )CM THEN ALLOCATE SYSOUT TO A NEW UNNAMED (AND THUS TEMPORARY) FILE )CM TO AVOID I/O ERRORS FROM DCB CONFLICTS. )CM )SEL &M4LSTUNT = SYSOUT )SEL &M4LSTDSN ^= * ALLOC FI(SYSOUT) SYSOUT(&M4LSTDSN) )ENDSEL )SEL &M4LSTDSN = * ALLOC FI(SYSOUT) DA(&M4LSTDSN) )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )SEL &M4LSTUNT ^= SYSOUT ALLOC FI(SYSOUT) NEW UNIT(SYSDA) )ENDSEL ALLOC FI(SORTWK01) UNIT(&M9FGSUNT) SPACE(&M9FGSSP) CYLINDERS ALLOC FI(SORTWK02) UNIT(&M9FGSUNT) SPACE(&M9FGSSP) CYLINDERS ALLOC FI(SORTWK03) UNIT(&M9FGSUNT) SPACE(&M9FGSSP) CYLINDERS )ENDSEL /* /* EXECUTE THE VISION:BUILDER PROCESS STEP /* SET &&M9FGLLIB = &&STR(&M9FGLLIB) IF &&SUBSTR(1:1,&&M9FGLLIB) = &&STR(’) THEN DO SET &&M9FGMPGM = &&SUBSTR(2:&&LENGTH(&&M9FGLLIB)-1,&&M9FGLLIB) SET &&M9FGMPGM = &&STR(’&&M9FGMPGM.(MARKIV)’) END ELSE DO SET &&M9FGMPGM = &&STR(&&M9FGLLIB.(MARKIV)) END CALL &&M9FGMPGM /* /* IF BUILDER PROCESS STEP FAILED SKIP THE SORT AND REPORT STEPS /* IF &&LASTCC ^= 0 THEN DO SET &&M4RC = 8 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) */ */ */ */ */ */ 212 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) GOTO EXIT END )SEL &M4RUNTYP = 3STEP /* /* EXECUTE THE SORT STEP FOR 3 STEP RUNS /* FREE FI(SORTIN SORTOUT SYSIN) )CM )CM ALLOCATE SORTIN TO THE M4REPO DSN CREATED IN PROCESS STEP )CM ALLOCATE SORTOUT TO A NEW DATA SET WHICH WILL BE DELETED LATER )CM ALLOCATE SYSIN (SORT CNTL STMTS) TO THE M4SORT DSN CREATED IN )CM THE PROCESSING STEP )CM ALLOC FI(SORTIN) DA(&M4REPDSN) SHR ALLOC FI(SORTOUT) DA(&ZUSER..REPI) NEW + UNIT(SYSDA) SPACE(5 5) TRACK ALLOC FI(SYSIN) DA(&M4SRTDSN) SHR SET &&M9FGSRT = &&STR(&M9FGSRT) IF &&SUBSTR(1:1,&&M9FGSRT) = &&STR(’) THEN DO SET &&M9FGSPGM = &&SUBSTR(2:&&LENGTH(&&M9FGSRT)-1,&&M9FGSRT) SET &&M9FGSPGM = &&STR(’&&M9FGSPGM.(SORT)’) END ELSE DO SET &&M9FGSPGM = &&STR(&&M9FGSRT.(SORT)) END CALL &&M9FGSPGM /* /* IF THE SORT STEP FAILED SKIP THE REPORT STEP /* IF &&LASTCC ^= 0 THEN DO SET &&M4RC = 8 GOTO EXIT END /* /* EXECUTE THE REPORT STEP /* )CM VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ 213 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM ALLOCATE M4REPI TO THE SORTOUT DSN CREATED IN SORT STEP )CM ALLOCATE M4INPUT TO A NEW TEMPORARY DATA SET )CM OPEN THE M4INPUT DSN, WRITE THE REPORT RUN RC STATEMENT AND THEN )CM CLOSE M4INPUT )CM FREE FI(M4REPI) ALLOC FI(M4REPI) DA(&ZUSER..REPI) SHR FREE FI(M4INPUT) ALLOC FI(M4INPUT) NEW UNIT(SYSDA) SPACE(1) TRACK OPENFILE M4INPUT OUTPUT SET &&M4INPUT = REPRTRUNRC S A PUTFILE M4INPUT CLOSFILE M4INPUT CALL &&M9FGMPGM IF &&LASTCC ^= 0 THEN DO SET &&M4RC = &&LASTCC END /* */ /* FREE FILES */ /* */ DEL &ZUSER..REPI NONVSAM FREE FI(SORTIN SORTOUT SYSIN M4REPI) )ENDSEL )CM )CM FREE ALLOCATIONS )CM EXIT:FREE FI(M4INPUT) )SEL &M4RUNTYP = 1STEP | &M4RUNTYP = 3STEP FREE FI(SORTLIB SYSOUT M4SORT) FREE FI(SORTWK01 SORTWK02 SORTWK03) )ENDSEL VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 214 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9FGTS — VISION:Builder Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )DOT DDNAMTB )SEL &M4DDOVER ^= &Z )SET M4DDNAM = M4DDOVER )ENDSEL FREE FI(&M4DDNAM) )ENDDOT EXIT CODE(&&M4RC) )CM END OF SKELETON M9GCTPU2 — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission User Panel )ATTR /* PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. */ /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE. */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) @ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(LOW) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) PADC(&PADVAR) } TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(ON) { TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(ON) )BODY EXPAND(||) %USRPANEL --- &GVITEMLM -|-| %COMMAND ===>_ZCMD + +ENTER%END+TO PROCESS USING THE OPTION PREVIOUSLY ENTERED. +ENTER%CANCEL+TO TERMINATE PROCESSING THIS MEMBER. + + %ENTER THE NAME OF THE VISION:TRANSACT GEN LIBRARY: +VISION:TRANSACT LOADLIB ===>_GCUSVL2 + + %ENTER THE NAME OF THE COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY: +COMLIB LOADLIB ===>_GCUSLL2 + + VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 215 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTPU2 — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission User Panel (cont.) %LINK OBJECT FILE? ===>_Z + (YES OR NO) + LINK TO ===>_GCUSLKL2 + INCLUDES FROM: + VISION:TRANSACT ===>_GCUSMKI2 + MONITOR ===>_GCUSMNI2 )INIT .HELP = M9GCTPH0 .ZVARS = ’(GCUSLNK)’ )PROC VPUT (GCUSVL2 GCUSLL2 GCUSLNK GCUSLKL2 GCUSMKI2 GCUSMNI2) PROFILE )END + + + M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM THIS IS A SAMPLE ISPF FILE TAILORING SKELETON FOR USE WITH WORKBENCH RELEASE 5.8. IT WILL GENERATE MVS JCL FOR A TRANSACT BATCH RUN (APPGEN, DEF RUN, OR SSR). THIS FILE TAILORING SKELETON IS INTENDED TO BE USED WITH THE SAMPLE USER PANEL ’M9GCTPU2’. THIS PANEL HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN YOUR WORKBENCH PANEL LIBRARY. THERE ARE 4 TYPES OF VARIABLES (WORDS PRECEDED BY AMPERSANDS) USED IN THIS SKELETON INCLUDING: - VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL YOU CAN CHANGE THESE - VARIABLES SET BY WORKBENCH YOU CANNOT CHANGE THESE - ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES - LOCAL VARIABLES THAT ARE SET AND USED DURING FILE TAILORING THE VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL INCLUDE: VARIABLE USAGE &GCUSVL2 &GCUSLL2 &GCUSLNK VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) VISION:TRANSACT GEN LIBRARY COMLIB LOAD LIBRARY IF THE OBJECT FILE SHOULD BE LINKED 216 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )CM &GCUSLKL2 LINK LIBRARY )CM &GCUSMKI2 VISION:TRANSACT INCLUDE LIBRARY )CM &GCUSMNI2 MONITOR INCLUDE LIBRARY )CM )CM WORKBENCH RESERVED VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &GSDDNAM DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &GSDSN DATA SET NAME )CM &GSDISP DATA SET STATUS AND DISPOSITION )CM &GSVOLSER VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER )CM &GSUNIT UNIT TYPE )CM &GSALLOC FILE ALLOCATION )CM )CM ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &Z A VARIABLE WHOSE VALUE IS NULL )CM )CM )SEL &GCBOJCL1 ^= &Z &GCBOJCL1 )ENDSEL )SEL &GCBOJCL2 ^= &Z &GCBOJCL2 )ENDSEL )SEL &GCBOJCL3 ^= &Z &GCBOJCL3 )ENDSEL )SEL &GCBOJCL4 ^= &Z &GCBOJCL4 )ENDSEL )CM )CM INCLUDE EXECUTE AND STEPLIB STATEMENTS )CM //MISPF EXEC PGM=MARKV,REGION=2M //STEPLIB DD DSN=&GCUSVL2,DISP=SHR VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 217 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) // DD DSN=&GCUSLL2,DISP=SHR )CM )CM LOOP THROUGH THE ISPF TABLE OF DATA SET CHARACTERISTICS ENTERED )CM ON THE ’BATCHGEN’ PANEL GENERATING APPROPRIATE DD STATEMENTS )CM FOR EACH FILE TO BE USED IN THIS JOB. )CM )CM *********** BEGIN DD STATEMENT LOOP ******************* )DOT M9GDFTB )CM )CM CHECK IF DD STATEMENT IS FOR M5LIST )CM )SEL &GSDDNAM = M5LIST )CM )CM SET DEFAULT FOR SYSPRINT DD IN LINK STEP )CM )SET M5SYSOUT = A )SEL &GSUNIT = SYSOUT )SET M5SYSOUT = &GSDSN )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM CHECK IF DD STATEMENT IS FOR M5PUNCH )CM )SEL &GSDDNAM = M5PUNCH )SET M5PUNCH = &GSDSN )ENDSEL )CM )CM CHECK IF DD STATEMENT IS FOR SYSOUT DATA SET )CM )SEL &GSUNIT = SYSOUT //&GSDDNAM DD SYSOUT=&GSDSN )ENDSEL )CM )CM GENERATE DD STATEMENTS FOR NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM )CM DEFAULT UNIT TO NULL, IF SPECIFIED, SET IT )CM VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 218 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )SEL &GSUNIT ^= SYSOUT )SET M5UNIT1 = &Z )SEL &GSUNIT ^= &Z )SET M5UNIT1 = UNIT=&GSUNIT )ENDSEL )CM )CM DEFAULT VOLSER TO NULL, IF SPECIFIED, SET IT )CM )SET M5VSER1 = &Z )SEL &GSVOLSER ^= &Z )SET M5VSER1 = VOL=SER=&GSVOLSER )ENDSEL )CM )CM DEFAULT ALLOCATION TO NULL, IF SPECIFIED, SET IT )CM )SET M5ALL1 = &Z )SEL &GSALLOC ^= &Z )SET M5ALL1 = SPACE=(&GSALLOC) )ENDSEL )CM )CM CHECK COMMA PLACEMENTS )CM )SET M5C1 = &Z )SET M5C2 = &Z )SEL M5VSER ^= &Z | M5UNIT ^= &Z )SET M5C1 = , )ENDSEL )SEL M5UNIT ^= &Z )SET M5C2 = , )ENDSEL )CM )CM USE THIS DD IF DD = DUMMY )CM )SEL &GSDSN = DUMMY //&GSDDNAM DD DUMMY )ENDSEL )CM VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 219 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) )CM USE THIS DD IF ALLOCATION, VOLSER, OR UNIT IS SPECIFIED )CM )SEL &GSDSN ^= DUMMY )SEL &M5ALL1 ^= &Z | &M5VSER1 ^= &Z | &M5UNIT ^= &Z //&GSDDNAM DD DSN=&GSDSN,DISP=(&GSDISP), )SEL &M5ALL1 ^= &Z // &M5ALL1&M5C1 )ENDSEL )SEL &M5VSER1 ^= &Z // &M5VSER1&M5C2 )ENDSEL )SEL &M5UNIT1 ^= &Z // &M5UNIT1 )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM USE THIS DD IF ALLOCATION, VOLSER, AND UNIT ARE NOT SPECIFIED )CM )SEL &GSDSN ^= DUMMY )SEL &M5ALL1 = &Z && &M5VSER1 = &Z && &M5UNIT = &Z //&GSDDNAM DD DSN=&GSDSN,DISP=(&GSDISP) )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM END LOOP ON NON-SYSOUT DATA SET )CM )ENDSEL )CM )CM END LOOP ON TABLE )CM )ENDDOT )CM )CM SEE IF LINK IS REQUIRED )CM )SEL &GCDDRTYP = A | &GCDDRTYP = G )SEL &GCUSLNK = Y | &GCUSLNK = YES VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 220 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSBG — VISION:Transact Batch Job Submission Skeleton (cont.) //* //LINK EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=2M, // PARM=’LET,LIST,XREF,RENT,REUS’ //SYSPRINT DD &M5SYSOUT //SYSLMOD DD DSN=&GCUSLKL2,DISP=SHR //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SYSLIB DD DSN=&GCUSMKI2,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&GCUSMNI2,DISP=SHR //IMSLIB DD DSN=&GCUSMNI2,DISP=SHR //SYSLIN DD DSN=&M5PUNCH,DISP=SHR )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM ADD EOJ STATEMENT )CM // M9GCTPU1 — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution User Panel )ATTR /* PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* USE RESTRICTED BY WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. */ /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE. */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) STERLING SOFTWARE, INC. */ /* AS AN UNPUBLISHED WORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(&SKIPVAR) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) @ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(LOW) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) PADC(&PADVAR) } TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENS(HIGH) SKIP(ON) { TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENS(LOW) SKIP(ON) )BODY EXPAND(||) %USRPANEL --- &GVITEMLM -|-| %COMMAND ===>_ZCMD + +ENTER%END+TO PROCESS USING THE OPTION PREVIOUSLY ENTERED. +ENTER%CANCEL+TO TERMINATE PROCESSING THIS MEMBER. VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 221 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTPU1 — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution User Panel (cont.) + + %ENTER THE NAME OF THE VISION:TRANSACT GEN LIBRARY: +VISION:TRANSACT LOADLIB ===>_GCUSVL1 + %LINK OBJECT FILE? ===>_Z + (YES OR NO) + LINK TO ===>_GCUSLKL1 + INCLUDES FROM: + VISION:TRANSACT ===>_GCUSMKI1 + MONITOR ===>_GCUSMNI1 )INIT .HELP = M9GCTPH0 .ZVARS = ’(GCUSLNK)’ )PROC VPUT (GCUSVL1 GCUSLNK GCUSLKL1 GCUSMKI1 GCUSMNI1) PROFILE )END + + + M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM )CM THIS IS A SAMPLE ISPF FILE TAILORING SKELETON FOR USE WITH WORKBENCH RELEASE 5.8. IT WILL GENERATE CLISTS FOR A TRANSACT FOREGROUND RUN (APPGEN, DEF RUN, OR SSR). THIS FILE TAILORING SKELETON IS INTENDED TO BE USED WITH THE SAMPLE USER PANEL ’M9GCTPU1’. THIS PANEL HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN YOUR WORKBENCH PANEL LIBRARY. THERE ARE 4 TYPES OF VARIABLES (WORDS PRECEDED BY AMPERSANDS) USED IN THIS SKELETON INCLUDING: - VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL YOU CAN CHANGE THESE - VARIABLES SET BY WORKBENCH YOU CANNOT CHANGE THESE - ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLES - LOCAL VARIABLES THAT ARE SET AND USED DURING FILE TAILORING THE VARIABLES FROM THE USER PANEL INCLUDE: VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 222 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &GCUSVL1 VISION:TRANSACT GEN LIBRARY )CM &GCUSLNK IF THE OBJECT FILE SHOULD BE LINKED )CM &GCUSLKL1 LINK LIBRARY )CM &GCUSMKI1 VISION:TRANSACT INCLUDE LIBRARY )CM &GCUSMNI1 MONITOR INCLUDE LIBRARY )CM )CM WORKBENCH RESERVED VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &GSDDNAM DATA DEFINITION NAME )CM &GSDSN DATA SET NAME )CM &GSDISP DATA SET STATUS AND DISPOSITION )CM &GSVOLSER VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER )CM &GSUNIT UNIT TYPE )CM &GSALLOC FILE ALLOCATION )CM )CM ISPF SYSTEM VARIABLE NAMES INCLUDE: )CM VARIABLE USAGE )CM )CM &Z A VARIABLE WHOSE VALUE IS NULL )CM )CM PROC 0 CONTROL LIST MSG /* */ /* ALLOCATE FILES */ /* */ )CM )CM LOOP THRU THE TABLE OF FILES TO BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION )CM AND ALLOCATE EACH FILE AS SPECIFIED )CM )DOT M9GDFTB )CM )CM SAVE M5LIST DSN SO IT CAN BE ALLOCATED AS SYSLST IN THE LINK STEP )CM VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 223 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )SEL &GSDDNAM = M5LIST )SET M5LIST = A )SEL &GSUNIT = SYSOUT )SET M5LIST = &GSDSN )ENDSEL )SEL &GSDSN = * )SET M5LIST = * )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM SAVE M5PUNCH DSN SO IT CAN BE ALLOCATED AS SYSLIN IN THE LINK STEP )CM )SEL &GSDDNAM = M5PUNCH )SET M5PUNCH = &GSDSN )ENDSEL FREE FI(&GSDDNAM) )CM )CM ALLOCATE SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM )SEL &GSUNIT = SYSOUT )SEL &GSDSN ^= * ALLOC FI(&GSDDNAM) SYSOUT(&GSDSN) )ENDSEL )SEL &GSDSN = * ALLOC FI(&GSDDNAM) DA(&GSDSN) )ENDSEL )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS. )CM CREATE UNIT, DSN, AND VOLUME STRINGS. )CM )SEL &GSUNIT ^= SYSOUT )SET M5UNIT1 = &Z )SET M5DSN1 = &Z )SET M5VOL1 = &Z )SEL &M5UNIT ^= &Z )SET M5UNIT1 = UNIT(&GSUNIT) VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 224 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )ENDSEL )SEL &GSDSN ^= &Z )SET M5DSN1 = DA(&GSDSN) )ENDSEL )SEL &M5VOL ^= &Z )SET M5VOL1 = VOLUME(&M5VOL) )ENDSEL )CM )CM ALLOCATE NON-SYSOUT DATA SETS )CM ALLOC FI(&GSDDNAM) &GSALLOC &GSDISP &M5UNIT1 &M5VOL1 + &M5DSN1 )ENDSEL )ENDDOT )CM )CM ALLOCATE STANDARD DATA SETS )CM /* /* EXECUTE VISION:TRANSACT /* SET &&M5 = &&STR(&GCUSVL1) IF &&SUBSTR(1:1,&&M5) = &&STR(’) THEN DO SET &&M5 = &&SUBSTR(2:&&LENGTH(&&M5)-1,&&M5) SET &&M5 = &&STR(’&&M5.(MARKV)’) END ELSE DO SET &&M5 = &&STR(&&M5.(MARKV)) END CALL &&M5 )CM )CM FREE DATA SETS )CM )DOT M9GDFTB FREE FI(&GSDDNAM) )ENDDOT )CM )CM CHECK FOR LINKEDIT STEP VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) */ */ */ 225 Appendix E Skeleton and User Panel Listings M9GCTSFG — VISION:Transact Foreground Job Execution Skeleton (cont.) )CM )SEL &GCDDRTYP = A && &GCUSLNK = YES /* /* LINKEDIT STEP /* IF &&LASTCC = 0 THEN FREE FI(SYSPRINT SYSLMOD SYSUT1 SYSLIB IMSLIB SYSLIN) )SEL &M5LIST = * ALLOC FI(SYSPRINT) DA(&M5LIST) )ENDSEL )SEL &M5LIST ^= * ALLOC FI(SYSPRINT) SYSOUT(&M5LIST) )ENDSEL ALLOC FI(SYSLMOD) DA(&GCUSLKL1) SHR ALLOC FI(SYSUT1) UNIT(SYSDA) SPACE(1 1) CYLINDERS ALLOC FI(SYSLIB) + DA(&GCUSMKI1 + &GCUSMNI1) SHR ALLOC FI(IMSLIB) DA(&GCUSMNI1) SHR ALLOC FI(SYSLIN) DA(&M5PUNCH) SHR CALL ’SYS1.LINKLIB(HEWL)’ ’LET,LIST,XREF,RENT,REUSE’ FREE FI(SYSPRINT SYSLMOD SYSUT1 SYSLIB IMSLIB SYSLIN) )ENDSEL END VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) */ */ */ 226 Contacting Sterling Software ■ For customers in the U.S. and Canada: Technical Support Phone: 800.328.7463 or 818.703.8599 FAX: 818.704.1102 E-mail: [email protected] Product Information Phone: 800.587.1002 or 818.716.1616 FAX: 818.716.5998 Web: Telephone support available from 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, with 24-hour emergency support provided seven days a week. ■ For customers outside the U.S. and Canada: Technical Support Phone: 44-1932-587-000 FAX: 44-1932-587-242 E-mail: [email protected] Product Information Phone: 44-1932-587-000 Web: ■ To contact Consulting Services and for Regional and Customized On-Location Training Courses, call 800.998.0550. ■ To receive information about the annual Sterling Software Worldwide Customer Conference, call 800.587.1003. 227 Index A BLBANR 10 activate system 9 BLCOPY1 7 activation key code 9 BLCOPY2 7 ANSRZARK 21, 52 BLCOPY3 25 APPLYACT 10 BLCOPY4 25 attach facilities 14 BLCOPY5 26 automatic date validation 144 BLIVP 18 B banner page 10 batch query language 24 BIND function 15 BLACTIV 10 BLASM1 12 BLRLNK 23 BLZARK 21 BQL install 24 BQLPARM 24, 165 C CALL attach 14 228 Index CLIST library 29 CLZARK 21 COBOL Quick Start 50 COMLIB parameters 148 D data set names 29 data validation symbols 143 DB2 installation 12 DB2 Quick Start 50 F file tailoring output 34 file tailoring skeletons 31, 48 G Generate facility 31 I IMPORT option 32 IMS attach 14 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) installation BQL 24 copy files 6 DB2 12 JCL 56 load libraries 50 M4PARAMS 113 MARKSQL 12 OLX 25 OQL 24 overview 3 own code 23 parameter modification 11 preparation 4, 8 product activation 9 program analyzer 22 quick start 50 RSM 21 setup 4, 20 system tape unload 5 tape unload 3 transfer files 7 TSO help 25 229 Index verify 17 VISION:Workbench for DOS 27 VISION:Workbench for ISPF 28 installation number 9 locate file tailoring skeletons 31 locate text 31 M installation tape 2 M4LEPARM 11, 140 ISPF 33 M4PARAMS 11, 113 ISPF LIBDEF 33 M4SFPARM 11, 142 ISPF/PDF facility 38 M9FTOUT 34 ISPFILE 31 maintenance 52 ISPFILE allocations 34 MARKDB2 14 ISPLLIB 29, 30 MARKDLI 14 ISPMLIB 31 MARKIV 14 ISPPREP 45 MARKLIBP 11, 148 ISPSLIB 31 MARKSQL 12, 153 MARKSQLC 14 L MARKSQLI 14 LIBDEF 33 MARKSQLT 14 Library Management Facility 49 modify parameter modules 11 library requirements 29 MOSAIC processing 13 LMF 49 load library 33, 50 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 230 Index O R OLX install 25 reentrant 33 Online Query Language 24 RSM install 21 Online Query Language parameters 178 OQL install 24 OQLPARM 24, 178 own code integration 23 P S setup installation 4, 20 startup CLIST 32 static integration facility 23 STEPLIB allocation 33 panel identification 54 support 52 panel library 30 SYSPROC 29 panel preprocessing 45 system link library allocations 33 parameters, modify 11 system modifications 52 prepare installation 4, 8 program analyzer install 22 Q T task library 29 Teradata Database System 17 query language parameters 165 transfer files 6–7 quick start 50 TSO command processor 24 TSO attach 14 TSO help 25 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 231 Index U unexpected error panel 54 unload installation tape 3 unload system tape 5 user code 55 user panels 48 V verify installation 17 VISION:Workbench for DOS 27 VISION:Workbench for ISPF 28 allocation requirements 29 invocation 195 W WBZARK 21 WORKLIB 6 VISION:Builder Installation and Support Manual for OS/390 (MVS) 232