Bureau of Statistics and Plans (FY2010)
Bureau of Statistics and Plans (FY2010)
00RIf,INAL BUREAU OF BADGET & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR FELD( P. CAMACHO Post Office Box 2950, Hagiffia Guam 96932 BERTHA DUENAS GOVERNOR DIRECTOR MICHAEL W. CRUZ, M.D. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR CERTIFICATION The Bureau ofBudget and ManagementResearch (BBMR) hereby certifies and approves the budget request herewith attached for the BT REAU OF STATISTIC AIID PLAIIS. BBMR further attests that all efforts were made in the review process to ensure the accuracy of the calculations and that the results indicated compliance with the budget ceilingestablished for thisgovernment entity from all fund sources. The justification of this budget request is the responsibility of the government entity listed above and any submission outside of this certified su-bmission is neither approved nor sanctioned by the Bureau of Budget and Management Research BERTHA M. Date: DUENAS l'tAR 132009 I Memofsfatrsfics MPlars TCALYEAR 01 iT RE Bureau of Statistics and Plans Organizational Chart Fiscal Year 2010 CR!fiiI\AL Developmental Disabllities Gouncil 100 % federal funded Erocutlve Dlrector Program Coordlnator lV Program Coordlnator I Business and Economic Statistics Program Statistician ll Administration Stat Toch ll Stat Tech I Admlnlstrative Asst Admlnlstratlve Asst 10(FA fed tunded Admlnlstratlve Asst 100% lsd funded Oata W.P. Secr€tary Statbticlan ll Statistlcian I turtrol Glerk ll Plannlng Tech I ll Socio-Economic Planning Program Planner lll Planner lll Planner lll 1(l0 % t€d. lunded Guam Coastal llanagernent Program Plannlng lnformation Program 100 % fedord tundod Planner lll Planner lll Planner lll Plannsr ll Program Coordlnator lll Planner lll Planner lll Planner lll Data Gontrol Clerk ll 100%ted tunded Keypunch Operator I 1(x'96 f€d funded Land Use Planning Program (Gls) 1- :! t :'f IBBMR AN.NII Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Narrative FUNCTION: AGENCY: Executive Direction Bureau of Statistics and Plans MISSION STATEMENT: Pubfic Law 20-1 47, asamended by Public Law 26-76, stipulates in statute that it is the Bureau's responsibility to undertake any planning activity that is not being carried out or that is not the function of another department. The Bureau has the legislative flexibility to appraise, coordinate, prepare and assist in the development of a wide range of plans, policies and studies that further economic social, land use, environmental and infrastructure goals, priorities and planning activities. This flexibility is reflected in the Bureau's mission statement. lt is further mandated to disseminate and make available economic, social, and physical data and information for researchers, policy makers and the public. The mission of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans is to ensure Guam's resources are effectively used for the benefit of present and future generations by ensuring consistency among various plans, policies and programs. In order to do this, the Bureau is committed to: Serve as a catalyst for planned and balanced economic, social, environmental and physical growth; Advise the Governor during the formulation of policies and on the interrelationships among laws, plans, policies and programs; Provide oversight during the formulation and integration of plans, policies and programs which further social, economic, environmental and physical development goals and priorities; Encourage private / public partnerships in the formulation and implementation of plans, policies and programs; Ensure the availability of information generated by the Government of Guam for policy and plan development; Provide technical and support to other Government of Guam entities in order that they can meet their missions; and Ensure the availability of timely and accurate statistical indices that are required to make sound decisions to improve Guam's economic viability. o o o o o o o l.-. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2O1O Goal: Have an up-to-date information system and data bank for the continual collection, storage and dissemination of public information needed or utilized in the development plan and policy formulation process. Objectives: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ensure the continued availability of an information system and data bank for the continual collection, storage, and dissemination of public information needed or utilized in the development plan process. Maintain an information system and data bank for the collection, storage and retrieval of social and economic planning information. Maintain an information system and data bank for the collection, storage and retrieval of land use planning information. Ensure the availability of annotated bibliographies on documents containing social, economic, physical and environmental planning information related to Guam. Establish an updated island-wide base map for the Geographic Information System. Continue updating the island wide base map for the GlS. Continue the input of lot and overlay data for immediate utilization in development review Assist in the development of information sharing systems with other government agencies Oversee the continued development and linkage of the Criminal Justice Area Wide Network System and the linkage of the network to national criminal justice networks. Coordinate with other Government of Guam agencies to ensure maximization of infrastructure etforts. Coordinate with other Government of Guam agencies to enable the development of a comprehensive Geographic Information System. Create and maintain a web page that contains State Data Center information related to the U.S. Census Bureau and other social and economic statistical information. Gontinue the inventory and use analysis for public properties. Provide technical assistance and training in data processing and analysis using statistical and GIS sottware applications to generate the required output for data users. Goal: Promote and foster the use and preservation of Guam's land and ocean resources and ensure consistency with the plans, policies, laws and programs to ensure that Guam's resources are used effectively. Objectives: . . . . . Ensure private and government development do not negatively impact upon the island's environment and socio-economic fiber. Review all development applications for human and environmental impact. Coordinate with other government agencies to insure maximization of benefits of infrastructure efforts. Review and monitor proposed use and or disposition of public properties to assure compliance to local policies, laws, executive orders, rules and regulations and government plans. Ensure proposed expansion of military activities do not negatively impact upon the island's environment and socio-economic fiber. Goal: Conduct, or cause to be conducted, investigations, studies, surveys, research and analysis relating to the physical, human, social and economic development of Guam and to publish the results thereof. Objectives: . . . . . . . Conduct studies and publish annual report on the lmpact of the Compact for Governo/s release to Congress by February 1st. ldentify, research, analyze and prepare studies and briefing papers on federal constraints. Conduct special tabulations analysis using the Census Public Use Micro data SamPle file. Conduct and publish statistical reports through the compilation and analysis of data resources to provide key demographic and socioeconomic information on Guam including lhe Atan I lslan Guam, visitor arrivals and labor force data. Conduct surueys, analyze the data, determine trends and publish the results of key economic indices: gross domestic product, economic growth, trade balances, imports, exports and consumer price index, with the consumer price index and gross domestic product being the highest priorities. Ensure 2000 census data and information relevant to Guam is readily accessible to the public. Collect information on the health of pelagic fisheries and other fisheries in Guam's Exclusive Economic Zone required to promote the development of Guam's fisheries economic sector. Goal: Prepare plan elements that are not the function of staff or line agencies. Objectives: . Ensure Violent Crime and Drug Control and Systems lmprovement ilR . . ' I GI Strategic Plan is responsive to changes in crime patterns and to system wide criminal justice improvements. Develop and recommend policies that foster and promote the improvement of the planning activity. Ensure that assessments of the anticipated impact of military build-up are conducted and ensure that they are responsive to Guam's social, cultural, economic development, environment needs Goal: Coordinate federal programs to ensure Guam's priorities and policies are met; while ensuring that they are consistent with federal directives. Objectives: . . . . . . . . Administer the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Grant Program and the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program, monitor Guam's strategic plan's implementation, oversee subgrantees' use of federal funds, ensure effective programs are implemented, and annually evaluate the etfectiveness of the strategy to meet Guam's goals. Administer the Residential Substance Abuse Program which provides residential d rug treatment services to inmates. Administer the Project Safe Neighborhood in close coordination with the Guam's U.S. Attorney and with Guam and federal law enforcement entities to stop gun violence. Administer the CoastalZone Management Grant Program which provides Guam with the ability to protect its environment and enables Guam to plan for and coordinate a wide range of community and natural resource development, conservation and management activities and issues. Assess federal grant{n-dd applications and state plans to determine impact and consistency with Guam's policies and provide recommendations to the Guam State Clearinghouse. Maintain familiarity with upcoming new grant programs and provide guidance on the assignment of new formula grant programs to the appropriate department. Advise departments on the availability of discretionary grant programs as notices are received by the Bureau of Statistics and Plans. Administer federal grants through the U.S. National Marine Services that pertain to pelagic fisheries. Goal: Advise the Governor during the formulation of policies and on the interrelationships among plans, policies and programs. Objectives: . Serve as advisory staff and coordinate Guam's participation in national, regional, international organizations, keep the Governor informed on NAL TRIGiNAL issues, and assist in the formulation of Guam's policies as they retate to these organizations: South Pacific Community Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Pacific Basin Development Council Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council Coral Reef Initiative Task Force Assist the Governor and his statf in the coordination of activities amongst various government agencies. Advise the Governor, as requested. Advise the Governor on the relationships among plans, policies and programs. . . . . . Goal: Ensure the Bureau of Statistics and Plans has the executive direction, administrative and financial support necessary for the implementation of its programs. Objectives: ' .' ' Pdrticipate and input into various committees and task forces. Initiate, direct and review the activities of all sections within the Bureau Continue to develop the capabilities of the Bureau's statf. Provide administrative and fiscal assistance to the Bureau's Planning Information Program, Land Use Planning program, coastalzone Management Program, Business and Economic Statistics Program and Socio-Economic Planning Program sections and the Guam Developmental Disabilities Council. ilRIGINAL [BBtrlR Decision Package FY 2010 Department: Bureeu ot Statlstlca end Plans Dlvlslon/Sectlon: Admlnistratlon Tltlc: Ilescrldion: Administration Section is responsible lor providing executive direction and for providing administrative and financial supporl n@essary tor the ettective of the Bureau's programs. While Administration has no pdrview over setting the executive direction of the Guarn Developmental Disabililies Council, Bureau is mandaled by Executive Order g4-(X) to provicb finareial administrative support to the Council. The Administration Seclion is also responsible for lhe achievemenl of the Bureau ol Statislic and Plan's Mission to ensure Guam's resources are effectively used for the benefit of present and tuture by ensudng consistencl among various plans, policiG and prcgrams and lor overseeing comprehensive dan development activities. As it is responsible executive direction, Administralion initiates, directs and reviews the activities of all the Bureau's Sections, lt is responsible for adviqing the Governor and assisting Govemor and his staft in the coordination of activilies amongst various govemment agencies. Lastly, it participates in vadous committees ard task force-s. 1. Ensure executive guiclance is pro/ided to all of th€ Bureau's pK,grams, Ensure all of the Bureau's Programs and the Guam Develgnental Disab{lilies Council are provided appropriat€ administrative and fiscal support. Keep the Govemor advised dudng the fomalion of policies and on the interrelationships among laws, plans, policies and programs. 1. To initiate, direcl and review the Bureau's work program and ensure that they ar€ consistent with the Govemo/s policies and priorities and the Bureau's legal Ensure Ensure Ensure Ensure . statt's capabilities are conlinuously upgraded. full comdiance wilh all of the Govemment of Guam's Personnel Rules and Regulations. tull compliance with all of the Govemment ot Guam's fiscal and financial policies, procedures, rules and regulations. full comdiance will all U.S. Otfice ol Management and Budget Grant Management Circulars. Ensure full compliance with all fiscal and program policies p€rtaining to the management ot federal funds promulgated by the U.S. Depa.tments ol Commerce, and Health and Human Services. Promole the coordination of activities amongst various govemment agencies. Serve as a Point ot Contac-t and coordinate Guam's participation in national, regional and intemational Workload Outnd Workldd Indlcrtor: Ff xn Lrwl of Accoflrpllrhrf|cnl iull comoliance with all federal fiscal qrant manaoement reouirements. 1fl196 =ull compliance with Govemment ol Guam tiscal manaoement reouirements. 100% quidance is otovided to all of the Bureau's oroorams. =xeculive Sovemor is advised during the formation of policios and on the interrelationships among )lans. oolicios and orooramsrovided to lhe Govemo/s Representatives on the Westem Pacific Fisheries Regional Vanagment Council. 1(n% F^txre Antlclprtld L.r,el r00% 1m% FY 2t'r0 Propoxd Raqucd 1oofh 100% 100% 10''|% 1Wc llffio 100% r00% 1Ni% 1WU. UKIbII\AL lBBirR DP-II Decision Package FY 2010 Itopattment Bursau of Statltficr and planr Dlviaion/Ssctlon: Plannlnqlnformatlonprooram Eureau of Stalrslics and Plan's Planning Intomation Program is responsibl€ tor facilitating the detiv€ry ot economic, sochl, ard physical to plann€rs, res€archets, ard individuals ryith information requirements for goremmsnt-wide planning and policy making purposes. Planning Intormation Program is responsible for determining tl€ impact caus€d by the Compacts of Free Assochtion ard publishing es relatgd to th€ migration of compact citzgns to Guam; supporting data dissemination activitbs rhrough the Guam state Data c6nter,s lion in the U.s. c€nsus Bureau's statE oata centor Program; and overseeing the federalty funded westem pacific lntormation (wPacFlN) program for the coll€c$on, processing, analysis, and management ot fisheries data us€d to develop, imptem€nt, ard lor Guam and th€ West€m 1. Prepare statisuall reports through th6 compilation and analysis of data resources that prolride k€y demographic and socio-€conomic inform . on Guam. The Bureau continu€s to preparg and submit an annual ass€ssment to tfi€ u.s. Congress on the lmpact ot the compact of Free Associafion on Guam. Additionally, th€ Bureau will updato and publish 'Guam's Facts & Frgures. rsport and the Guam Staustical yearbook containing summary of key demographic and socio€conomic informauon about Guam. Diss€minats and make availabl€ economic, social, and physical data and informatinn for researchers, policymakers, and th€ public tocally and worldwid€' Th€ Bur€au will updat€ the Guam Statistics Website in ordor to pro\rid€ quick access to socic€conom6 inlormation and oth€r relevant information. Conduct 8nd implemsnt surveys and produco results to €tfectively measur€ Guam's economic p€rformance and condition. with u|e assistance ot th€ office of Insular Atfahs, tho Bureau will coordinats with Governmont ot Guam ag€ncies and th€ private ssctot to compil€ and collgct sconomic information to develop the Gross Domestic product (GDp) €sdmat€ lor Guam. Addifional surveys including the Retail Trade Survey, Inv€stment Surv€y, Construction and Manutacturing Survoy, and the Gov€rnm€nt Revenues and E(penditurEs Surv€y, will be conduct€d as necessary to assist in this ettort. As the lead agency fot th€ Guam Stat€ Data Center, the Bureau disssminatas and makes available Census Bureau products and results as releas€d by th€ U.S' Consus Bureau. The Bur€au @nducts spechl tabulations and proc€ssing as request€d by daia us€rs. Additionally' the Buroau works with the 2o1o c€nsus IntEragency committe€ to address issues related to th€ 2o1o c€nsus ptannlng on Guam including qu€stionnaire content, geographic boundari6, and enumeration procedures. Serves as a cooperative partn€r with the S€cretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) to id€ntify and address technical assistanca, professional resoatch and planning ne€ds to ensur€ an improved quality ot life for Guam and the pacilic region. The Bureau collaborales with sPc in developing training programmes and workshops to strengthen statistical capacity building as well as strategtc program plans to promot€ Guam,s health and social well-being. Provide technical assistance and support to Crov€rnm€nt ot Guam ag€nciEs needlng assigtance in th€ compilation, analysis, and developm€nt of statislical reporting programs, including but not limit€d to, visitor anivals, labor torce proc€ssing, and emptoyment database listing to track former Guam r€sid€nts in anticipation of th€ military buildup to Guam. Collect, compil€ and report tisherigs data to the National Ma,ine Fisheries Seryic€ and tho Westorn pacitic Regional Fish€ry Management Council urdsrthe west€rn Paciflc Fisn"ty (wPacFlN) needed tor the developmenl of tishsrios manaoamenr Dtans. Infott. To conduct or causs to b€ conduct€d invostigations, studies, surv€ys, resea.ch and analysis relating to the human, social and economh d€velopm€nt ot Guam and to publish tho rssults thereot. To conduct or cause to b€ conducl€d data analysis and report writing cours€s to maximize the Ciov€rnment of Guam's efforts to ettectivety analyze and dlss€minato d€mographic, social and economic intormation on Guam. To onsu.e ths deltuery ol economic, social, and physical data and intormation to plann€rs, policy makors and individuals with public information rsquirsm€nb. To support tho evaluauon, d€velopment, and implementation of tisheries management plans tor Guam and th€ W€st€m pacific regton. To improve communication b€tw€en producers and users of data, d€vetop a mors coo.dinatod ttow of data and intormation b€twsen dlr€ct assistanc€ to rvith data n€eds. Workb.d h.llcator: bmp.cr lmp*t Anflt!! Rcport iuam't Factr and Fiour.. Brochurr iufir Strb Cbarlnqhou|a Granta trbwrbfi.? Guam Statlrdcal iuam Gulm Y€rrtoc{. Oocannial Planning Strt Oatr Cenlrr Ac{vitier iuam Populatlon ProFctlonr Wortlho9 Bt 2O1O F 200t favcl ot Accomplbhrncrn r1r.l F'2010 Propo..d R.qurd 1XV. 1W% 1oJ'x 1t gLY. 1&tr rw% 1Ut% 10i'?[ 1W% 1fJltri. 1Xt% l0tflc 1W lW7. rot'% ltKf/c 10|J'[ 1q'95 60% u% lWVo !m D.mographlc ProtlL Flvr-V..r Stntrglc lntegratod Hcalth & t{utrltlon ptrn turuu ot St dstlcr and Plen. W.balt :mployrn nt Ortlba.. Trrcklng to Addllrt llilltarv Bull, rbrlu.rdlctiond Fl|harbr Ac,t Saml.Arrnurl B.mrt Wtabm Pacific Flshrrba Intormltlon Scml-Annuel ReDr Tochnlcll A$iltanco, Tabuletlon., and Sta$3ficat proci FV 2009 Amlclp.lld 5V. 6(W Ou.rtorly UDdr!6r Ourrtlrly UDdator 1(xt% 35% Qusrtorly Updat6. 10870 1WlD l(xt% 1Ut% 1W% 1007c 10o.% l$t/c 1|J(17c 1WA 1W UKIIJII\AL BBMR TBBMR DP.U lhcision Package FY 2010 Ilepsrtmmt: Bureru ofStatiltlcs snd Plang DlviCon/Sec'tion: Sodo-Economlc Planning Prognm Tltlc: SocioEconomb Planning Program is dservbe delivery unit within th Eureau that has ttE fbxibility to apgraise, coordinar, prepare and asrist in tb develotrrnt ofa wide plans"pokbsadsfdbstb6tfrtherecoromk'socia|andinfasEuctrregoa|s.Fioritiesardpleoningactivities.lnrhiscapacity,rheProgramprovidesdirectp|annisufd :criminaljusticesystem.economkdevelopmnt'f.slrrbs&veloprrrntarrdmilitaryexpansionintegration.ThisProgamatsocoordin&testheGovernrrrnrofGuam'sbi' involvenrntinnationa|'internadonalarrdregiomlorganizations'srrchas$eWestemPacifcFisherbsRegio0alManagegEicoutEiltoen$EeGuamhasinztinronaod :nalpo|kbs.I.:st}y'thisProganeYaluaresapp|bationsforfederalgrantsforIntergovernrntaIRevbwandtheGuamsEtecharinghous€toensueth9ltheyafecoosisledwi laws and policbs. Mejor Objcdivc(s): l. Ensurc pbn 2. Ensure thc Govenror is advised during ekrrnts tltat arc not tlE fuEtiotr of stalff or dr lir agerrlx are ptepared formulation of policies ald advise tlre Covemor on the intenelatioo.ships among pbns, policiex ard programs. l.coordinateandprovidedirectplaonbgsupponbGusm.scrimioaljusticesystembypreparingasaaegicplauthennnitoringofthestdeg!inphurntation:andasss4f effectiverrss of the sfarcSr to rE€t goals. Coordinate aod provide direct planning supporl and technical assistarre for ecoromic developnrnt planniry. Coordinate fedcral programs to ensuE Guam's piorities and policies ar€ rrEt, whib ensuring they are consisted with federal directives. EnsueacoordiDatedappro8chtoGuam.sparticipationinnationa|.regional'intematiomlorganizatiom'srrchastheNationalGovernotAssociatio4PaciBahhvelont Secr€tariat of drc Pacific Community, and Westem Pacific Regional Fisheries ManagetrEnt Courril. Coordinale alld piovide direct planning support to the Civilian Military Task Force and its Subcommittees in order to ensure that Guam can nret the challenres of the U.S. of Defens€'s military expansion" Worklood Output Wo*lo.d ldtnloc 3murc the implementatioo of a Residential Suktarc€ Abuse TreanEil hogram at tlE Dept. of lorrections is consistem with federal emimnts lontinue to conduct an ImFct Evaluadon of tlE Supcrior Cout's Juvenih Drug Coun and providc €sults to the Court. Jpdai€ tbr€e year sfaregr for &ug contsol, violent crtrE rc&rction ard improvetrFnt of thc Criminal rustice System that covers Fiscal Years 20o7-20fl9. uFraE rytutu- r eu LnIM JurEe DIraI€grc r|an to moet cnangng cofilltlo$i alxl armually evalual€ :h€ stategy's effectiveE$. Prepare and submit for funding grau applbations uoder tho Residential Substarrce Abus€ TrEarfiEnt Grant ltograr4 Projcct Safe NeighbornooG Cranr kogranr. Edwad Bynr Menprial Justbe AssistarEe Grart Rogram ard Paul Cover&ll Foremic Scierce lrn rovenEnt Grant fuEam. londuct program managenEnt, monitoring and evaluation activities for the following federal grant togmttls: Edward Bynr Memorial State ard lrcd law Enforcenrm AssistarEe Crant Progrart -ocal l-av Enforcernent Block Grad, Re$idential Substare Abus€ TreatnEnt kograra hoject Safe t{eighborhoods. Bynr Jutice Assistarre Grant Program and Paul Coverdell Forensb Scbrre rY2mc FY 24(D FY 2010 Iavcl oaAffipffshDcil Adclptcdl.vd Prop6.d Rcqrra tw% rut% t00% too% o% o% {n% tut% o% lm% tut% rlm% lut% too% r0095 100% roo* tut* nunovenEnt Crrant. hovide technical suppon to tbe Civilian Milirary Task Force and ro tbe CMTF Subcomminee Chairs. Analyze issrs related to expansion of military activiri€s on Gualn; develop and prepare briefing papers, ;tudies ard plans relat€d to ttl3 militarv build-uo. F.valuale approximaael,! l(n gra^r aplications anmntly fm Guam Stat€ Cbarindtousc. wio-economh imprr and Fovide recomnEndation to tle ln coordination with the Chief Ecommist and tlle Guam Economk Developnrnt and Com,nrrce Authority analyze Guam'.s economic trerds ard develop a rrw Comprelrerxive Economb Develop,flEnr Strategy for FY 2008-20 10; annually update Guam'.s Comprehensive Ecorpmic Developrrnt plan for submission to the US Economb DeveloilrEnt Administration ard coordinat€ Guan's EDA rtivities. loordinate with the Office of thc Goverpr ard aroDriatc CovGuam entities Gsam's DarticiDation udonal, regioml, ard intematioDal orgatrizations srrh a tlre Nadonal Covernoni' Associatio[ PacifE 3asin Developrcnl Courril, Saretaiat of tfr Prifn Communiry rnd Westem pacifr Regioml :isberies Maruger€rf, CourEil. Briefing papero are tr€pared. infonna(ion to app.opriatc depanmnts s dir$minated ard recorffrEndaaions related to Guam's panicipatlon are given to ttr covemor for his :onsideration. 50% tfi% 100% tlm% rut% tu% tut* ru% tm% t00% tm% tw% fffi.1,ntA UKlr:ll\Ai_ IBBMR DP-rl Decision Package FY 2010 Deparfnent: Burcau of Statistics and Plans DivisionlSection: Buginess and Economic Statistics Proqram Activity Description: The Business and Economic Statistics Program, under the Economic Research Center, collects, compiles, develops, analyzes, disseminates and quality scientific indices and economic indicators, including but not limited to, economic growth, trade, balances, exports, imports, prices, and other information relating to economic conditions. Core datia generated by the division includes the Quarterly Consumer Price Index, the Quarterly Economic Review, and lmport and Export information. While some business and economic data continues to be by statistical technicians, the information must be evaluated and analyzed along with other economic and social faclors to provide a and accurate piclure of the island's economy. The Chief Economist is reponsible lo anatyze, evaluate, and report on economic policies extemal conditions affecting Guam's economy; develop and design the data indices need; and supervise and apply quality controls and adjustnents to validate the stratistical results. 1. To provide socio-economic statistical datra affecting the economy to the community of Guam. To ensure the availability of timely and accurate statistical indices that are required to made sound decisions to improve Guam's viability. vqlidate, and publish slatistical results of key economic indices, with the Consumer Price Index being the hishest prioritv. 1. To collect, compile, and publish the analysis of social and economic indicators, including but not limited to, economic growth, trade balances, imports, exports, the Consumer Price Index, and other information related to economic conditions on Guam. To enhance the coordination among all government agencies with regard to economic development and promoting Guam's position as a regional center for business, trade, and commerce. To provide coordination and assistance to federal and external agencies in the collection and compilatin of business and industrv information. Workload Output FY 2008 FY 2009 Level of Accomplllhmenl Antlclpated Level Quarterly Gongumer Price Inder Quarterly Economic Review 1000h 100% 10Oo/o OYo 0o/o 100o/o Guam lmoort Data Guam Erport Data 1OOYo IOOYI 10O"/o 1O0o/o 100% 100o/o Workload Indlcator: FY 20t0 Propoced Requert Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Program Budget Digest ilRIGINAL FBMRBD.TT Futrctio63 ExecuiivelXr€ctlon Agtocy: BuneruofPlrnrln3 Prognn3 SUMMARY FY ![O TolrlLS rC+I)+E) Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Digest Functl,on: ilRli3 INAL FBMRBD.' Execudvc Directi,on Agcncy: Burtrs ofSotbttcs rnd PlrE Pmgnm: Admioktntbn FY 2010 Orb.t Furd I/ OPENATTONg tn ?.n 0 ]OMRACTUAL SERVICES; 26 iUPPLIES & MATERIAIJ: o 250 IOUIPMENTT 0 ul )RUG-TESTING CHARGEST 0 2E0 ao ll t{ tl $r i{ 0 lcgn 233 tl 16"7U o lIrcELLANEOUS! (COMRIG[|T-2I, TOTALOPERATIONS U Spccify Fund Sourcc 0 l65m NA13 $r67fi i3rD4?l Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Digest 0Rl0lNAL TBBMRBD.,I lXrtctbt Funciion: Execudvc Agemy: Bureeu of Statlstlcs end Plrns Pmgrm: Phmi4 Informatbo Prog'rr FY A}TO Ottcr Frd U OPENAIIONS ?,tD |R.|VEL. O{t-lsbld/Iml MlL.lr Rcintrr!. tal 230 ]ONTMCTUAI. SEX,VICES; gt 21|i| }fIICE fo 2n iUPPLIES & MATERIAIII: ct 2.Ct IOUTPMENT: $0 271 DRUG-TESTING CHARGES: t{, 2t0 |T,JB.RECIPIENTISTJBGRANT: gt ln vIISCELLANEOUST $o SPACE RENTAL: TOTALOPERATIONS U SpecifyFundSourcc $0 3{ sl tl t{ s{ t{ f{ sl Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Digcst u R lG ii\A L FBMRBD.,I lIlectio! Functloo: Exccutlve Agency: Burceu of Strlbtlcs Pmgnm: Socb-Economlc Plranin3 ud Plrm FY Ano Oticr Fud U V SpccifyFundSourcc Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Digest Functlorl Executlve lXrtctloo Agency: Bureeu ofStrtisths ead Plrns Prognm: BusiB€ss rod Econonic 0RlGlNA'_ pBMRBD-rl St|tbfb Prognm FYz|IO Olh.r Fud l/ lPlillr,tA' "JnlUli,l r\rb IBBMR TA. Schedule A - Off-Island Travel DepartmenUAgency; Bureau of StatLstlcs aud Plaos Division: ItLrectorrs offl.ce Program: f,ot appllcable. No of Travelers: Total Cost Title of Traveler(s) l/ koride justification for multiple travelers attending Z the same conlerence I training I ets. Rates must be consistent with Title 5 GCA, Div.2,Ch.?3, g23rc4 and federal Joint Travel Regulations lj R i i; i l; ,{ ,-_ BBMRe6A Schedule B- Contractual Schedule C - Supplies & Materials Item Ouantitv Unit Totat kice Price Funded in FY 20(D? No Y€S s $ $ T $ Schedule D - Equipment Schedule E - Mscellaneous s Schedule Item Ouantity F- Capital Outlay Unit Total Price Price $ s $ I s $ rtol r-anitol flrrl 30.473.00 Funded in FY 2fiD? No Ies , i -f\, .,, 1 I i\f-r' I. Governnent ofGuam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafrtng Pattern L-NCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROPOSEI) AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICXi ANI) PLA,\S PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION lr,-ND: SSIUAEX Rrtb: 10096 CENENAL trUND ra) (B) (C) (D) {E} {F) , (C) | (ll) tBBMn SP-rI LJiiiOINAL TBBNIRSP.TI Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafling Pattern PROFOSED FILWCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTTVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BLIREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: PLANNING INFORMATION PROGRAM FUND: SIES4ABI R|tior 100% GENEML FUNI) {A} (B) (C) (D) (E} lF) (G) (H) (l} ( Compemal,Dtr/cts LthnR) ilRICINAL Government of Guam Fiscd Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafling Pattem PROPOSED FT]NCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLAT{S PROGRAM: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING PROGRAM FUNI} Rrtb: ST,]MMARY r(xt9t GENERAL FLiND {A} (B} CmpcEdodet& (q} (D) lE) (F) (G} - (H) ( TBBMRSP-rl 'JIi IGINAL Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafltng Pattern FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVEDIRECTION PROFOSEI} AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AI{D PLANS PROGRAM: BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS PROCRAM FTJNI} STJMMARY Retto: 100% GENEnAL {A) Ftilill (c} (B} CmpeMdodctc (D) !E)- {F} lG) (H) IBBMRSP-U \:11 ikli.'!l'.; .Jll\it-,r!\/ *,ill.-. FT]NCTIONAL AREA: DGCUTTVE DIRECTION Gover:nment of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafting Pattem AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATITITICS AND PLANS PROFOSHI PROGRAIIft INTERTLruSDICTIONAL IilSIIERIIES ACT GRANT PROGRAM (TOO% FEDERALLY FI']NDED) FIIND: S!!A44BI Rrlio: l00 Fcdcnlly hodcd (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) (F) (G) , {ll) ( TBBMRSP-rl \n r,1 ,trl,1 I iLJI\ltJllInL ti? -lt\t ai cort.rn tuNcllor{ LAIE : ElClltTVEDlIECT()f{ lrcENCI: TOTAAUOFSI IISTTC.SANDPLANS IIOGIAM: EDW ID BIINX MEMOtlll SlAtB rllND. ddcurn tBBl|nsP-U rbc.l Y.xr 2010 Aod$l ASnc, $dfbS p.n rr AND racAt PROTOSED LAW ENAOACEME$ fOAMULIGIANI (lO9 FEDETaLLIIUNDED) gl[4All lndbrlhFr@a llFaltDeFttn r (A) Fodtbr Nc Nuda t BYRNEMI , BYRNEOO3 tB) FoCtb! (c) Neof Tiih Plsffilll Ad[idnthcAsdtril (Dl M-t3 JdhRon J-10 (F) {G} (l) {H} (J Srhr t OvcniE Dra! v29mto 't7.695 v{r4 t/lfftol0 {N) lM) I ' Imi Gndd Srn hlrE lfllc|rnn U.N€dcdor (E) t litt 3nt Subfobl 3 $ 8:'n y:tu Rcdc (DIrl) R€lircred ( F+G+8+J ) lEr,{m!a) ( , K'26J!t ) tua 3 9,159 Sabl Surity t62%. K\ Eeelltr McdlqE ( J 3 l.,|ll*'K ) 76 LXc 174. E f 504 ( t74 {P} {o} M.dol Ptcmiu'E) lhdl ( 3,164 3 3"'16, r4rls 632t i ( Toul Ecallo 3gl 3t!t t t LrhroX r7.zfi K+S) T(yIAL ) 3 65Jeo t3Jr6 3 .tt.t7l 3 il4,r51 4 5 6 7 t l0 lt t3 l4 l! l6 t7 It m u 25 27 2t 3a) Gnrd Toa.l: tzt(R 3 3 tJ'l t $5(r t 2r9t7 s s lJtl t 7t0 fi.ffi ,J l? iil tNA t_ TBBMRSP-rl Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget FUNCTIONAL AREA': EXECUTWE DIRECTION Staffing Pattern PROPOSEI) AGENCf: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: GUAM COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FrrNrI sgla[ABg R|tbl IOOI5 TEDERALLY TUND lnlatglhFrtt a lqdbtDcFr|rtr. (A) P6idoq Nc 2 GCMPMI GCMpm2 3 GCMFMI ! {c) (Dl Nenc PodthN Eveqr[nCJt Lqim A6.{|It ld Plrmr r Coordiaetor 5 GCMRN' Pl.lglll 5 OCMFOU' nrmlll 9 GCMPOII R|moodv,C.C|m lll Aiictrt Ptrwll Admidrtrdvc Tbm! l.QEi!ilr Es6.rG.Tehrrr 3 t M-il M-14 VACANT 1-l 67946 5l.ot2 Ovcrtbc t t t $3t7.796 armrl !9m'l 9t$mfi y29mll t 3 t $0 t t t tnmto $ll I t Rctircil ( r+G+H+J ) lErADroal E23 Srbrool 3 t tvzMmro t 't9J64 34J14 5/fitmto 3 3 I &SU I 49J64 t D|t. Spcdal' 5l M-t5 M-lrl Tenrftr ltL Pcs Nvdtr lL Llmu Gnnd Toldl 'Nl8b P-t5 M-ll BctrcfitJ IEurci GEdd (o) rP) (l) (H) (G) {F) $hn TU. AdmidrErfn lll Phull d (E) (D} lal ffi 3lJ9l t t ( Kr2G$9t ncdn (DDll It tw 5l stJ/yt 3 t3,45! 3 13.45! s 49,# t2gra t u,544 I 4rJ{. 3 36JX2 t 33193t7 3 3 ( t l..g%'K ) lrr1 141 3 ll, t t2J9t 3 9232 $9rJ94 Mcden Smrity {6r% . K' I 5t 75!l $ t Socb! ) t0 stl 741 t 710 $ { I r74 3 174 3 3.164 t74 1r6l 3 13fl 3 t !fi| t t fi, t74 3 rJlt t 174 3 3 7t6 3 s{tt s 1164 3 2233 3 I t 3 3 Mcdici: lPftoiutE) ts.060 t74 t74 $l2lt strJst Prot! { K+S} !.fir (LrtrR) TOTAL 91596 4,g, 3 ru4f t Totd E t)Cltd aj'.e 174. E t E) 3t5 3t!t 3t!t Itat ,31 38t 231 s2.lt2 3 3 3 I 3 t 17916 69.0ot 15,4t1 &&7 t tLffi t t7.4X t rz 3l t9.00at srJ', o.m w 'a i-l j "1 tr , .1 i'diirii''.; ;*i ,JrilLJli\.'.... FI.iNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTM DIRECTION Ageucy StaffingPottem PROPOSED AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: LAND USE GIS PLAI{NING TBBMR SP-rl Govemment of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget PROCIAM FI,JND: STJMMARY Relio: 100% Fcdtrelty Suadcd undcr Cuc.l Zoil MrDScmla Adnidstnliol Gnil hdblruxet hdtrIhF(CC Nc , tA) (B) (c) (D) Focido. LUFOOI GISMU$r N.eol I|wbcd VidorToG Gndd Nubct hsilio! fio. LIJm|'z LU?OO:I GIS Flrwll Mrq*[ Tectdci[ Timahy Seorb VACANT Cntrd Totsl: (F) {E) s7w o-l 0 Orcrtim Sadl. 3 $ 2rJ[9 t lt4J|tto t (Q) (P) (lr) lmla sh t.l {G} Dd. rE Amd) 4A $nt2,Dlo Tr^talo Rlfnmla ( F+G+ll+J ) I 255 67!) Subrotd t s7,6!3 3 x,0s7 2r3A) 1r5.0?9 ( i t , K '26J3S ) 15,u5 91194 u,69 R.lt c Socid lDDl) t 3 I t dod Mcd6n Scorty (62% . ( K) 3 3 tv 523 4tt4 &tt s I tfi9 Dcild Mcdi.d WG (lM'D n4.e 1,45t6.K ) 3 174 I 3 17{ 3 1,7U' ( tn t 17135 3 r,A9 3 A16 174 szz ( lcEfrtt LatnR) Toad mlm.El t,040 K+S) TOTAL 3 75J5t t{l4a zst25 3 r5r/| iJRi$iNAL IBBMR SP-rl Goverament of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budpt Agency Stafmg Pattern PROPOSED FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTM DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: CORAI REEF INITIATIVE FUND: Sg!4gBI lfil$ Fdcnly Frudcd Retlc (A) uttdcr Cru (B) Gnil (C) (D) (E) lF) {Gt {P) (O) *RIGINAL IBBMRSP-rl Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Agency Stafting Pattern PROFOSEI} FIINCTIONAL AREA: EIIECUTMDIRECTION AGENCI: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AflD PLANS pRoGRAM: GUAM DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES COUNCIL (100% FEDERALLY TUNDED) ruNrx !g@8! Rrtb: tmls Fedenly Futdcd (At (B) (c) (D) (E) . (F) r {G) r {H) {I} Rctirotil ( K.26339t ) ilR IfiINAL Govcrnment of Guam l'rscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Stafiing Pattern As of: December 31.2fi)t FTiNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIYE DIRECTION .{GENCY: BLiR-EAU OF STATISTICS,\\D PLAI\S PROGRAM: ADIINISTRATION FIJND: $!l!Ptl!! R.rh. 100* GENEnAL FuNl, (B) (c) (Dl {E) (F) (G} {H) {I TBBMRSP-ll '; r-) i,-'rhl A' J'i"'itJtl\AL Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Stafling Pattern As of: December 31,2fi)8 FUNCTIONAL AREA: Effi CUTIVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLAIvS PROGRAM: PLANNING INFORMATION PROGRAM FIIND: S!44AB! Retio; lfilr6 G&\EML FU'|{D {A) Nkha (B) DficrdieUHrzrdorCwo.tert CmFEtlotr/atg (C) (D) {E) (F) (C) (llt (l) IBBMRSP-U 'JRIGINAL Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Staffing Pattern As of: December 31,2filt FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AGEI{CY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AIYD PLA}IS TBBMRSP-rI PROGRAM: SOCI()-ECONOMIC PLANNING PROGRAM ruNr} !!&4443X Retb: 100%GENERALFUND rAl (B) (Cl (D' {E) (F} (G) {H} {l) |M (Pmi@tE) Cmpeqtiodcts JiliGINAL Government of Guan Fiscal Year 2fi19 FUIICTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVEDIRECTION Budget Agency Current Staffmg Pattern As of: December 31,2fi)E AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AI\D PLANS PROGRAM: BUSII\ESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS PROGRAM FUNIL Sg@8I Retio: 1006 GENERAL FIIND A) (B' lC) {D) {E} lF) (l (G} -(H) Cmpc@tiDdlts TBBMRSP-II L,} It iG iNA L IBBMRSP.TI Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Curent Stalting Pattern As of: December 31,2fi)E FT,]NCTIONAL AREA: EJ{ECUTIVE DTRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: INTERIUruSDICTIONAL FISIIERMS ACT GRANT PROGRAM (1OO% TEDERALLY FTJNDED) FLIND: IIEA4ABX Reib: 100% Fcd.ntrt tA) Fudcil rB) (C) (D) (E) (F) (C) (H) (l) Mcdor R€tlrcw!a ( K'25-X|S ) ( l,{s%rK) Ihlad (PMf6'E) JRii:l i\JA L IBBMRSP.l] Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Stafling Pattern As of: December 31.2fi)t FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: EDWARI} BYRNE MEMORIAL STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FORMULA GRANT (TOO% FEDERALLY FUNDED) FUND: SUIA4ABX Ratio: {A} (B} lC) (D) (E} (F} lG} {H) (I) ( ComFBalorr&, LabnR) i-1 n i la i f. i ,JKIbII\AL" 4 Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Curent Stalling Pattern As of: December 31.2(X)E FTINCTIONAL AR.EA,: EXECUTTVE DIRECTION AGEIICY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLA|IS PR,OGRAM: GUAM COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FTJNTI R.tio3 W 100% FEDERALLY Fbl{Il D, {E) (F) (G} (H) (l} TBBMRSP-U *'i1 ii1,r\i.4 ,-r f1 lt;li\AL i FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIV'E DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: LA|ID USE GIS PLANNING PROGRAM FUND: SUMMARY Rlb; l{l0Fed.nny Fundcd (A) TBBMR SP-rl Government of Guom Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Stalfmg Pattern As of: December 31.200t rod.r Coast l Zon M.oc@c!a (8) Atioirtntbr (C) GEEI tD) (E) (F) (C) tH) Rctirecil |K.?s.J,)% | . NlSha DilledirUHrardo6/Worlcr's CmFBt odcls r LrhnR) {r /1 u R ifi,hi nt i Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Staffing Ptttem As of: Ilecpmber 31,200t FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: CORAL REEF INITIATIVE FUND: SUMMARY Rrtb. 100% Fe&nly Fudcd (A) . uadcr Cru Gnil (c) {a) Nlght DfrareotbylLrr{oE/Wortcy'r CmpcEliodclg (D) {E) (F} (C) llll (l TBBMRSP-U '; l-'; \ i d i i\i .J!\.i*; FT]NCTIONAL ARE* i ii L {_l IBBMRSP-II Government of Guam Fiscal Year 2fiD Budget Agency Current Stalling Pattern As of: Ilecember 31.2fi)E EXECI,]TTVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU Or STATISTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: GUAM DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITTES COUNCIL (100% FEDERALLY FUI\DED) FUNID SgUMAB! Retlo; lfll% Fed€E[y (Al F!!tr (B) {C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H} I ( RctireEci K.2520% D.!a.l ) ( PEniE t E) l\ BUREAU OF STATISTTCS AI{D PLANS {Bureau of Planntng} Covernroent ofGuam Felix P. Camacho Governor ofGuam P.O. Box 2950 HagSSa, Guam 96932 Tei: {671) 4?2-4?01ii l'{i*h*el W. Crsc, }1.S, Fax: Lieutenant Govemor i67ii 477-18i2 iul- $ 1 ffi$ The Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, frd.D. Speaker I Mina'Trsnta Na Lihestaturan Gudhan 155 l"'lesler $treet Hagitfta, Guam 96910 Dear $peaker Won Pat: Subject: REPORTING RHQUIRHMHNT pUR$UANT T0 pl Inl*lc LAw 29-113 I hereby transmit the rep Code Annotated Section Labor the impact of both economic growth, compared with the majority of the merllbers o website shortly. ' 13 of Title 2, Guam employ 1. r previor fF! Pfease contact me at 472-t Department of GUam'S 'the next year ansmittal by a 0sted on our 3S On f",*n-'t\* v (04"' ' ?ffi," t1,,,, .. // ---'-- Enclosure -'-r-- i<:*ic*o,nic lt;an:",:ir$l}tPiglaing-.bi.ormat'on t.lllii,sir.i!:s"s at-'d Sc,rn.;mio Sieri:iics Pt',:9ra:n Public Law 29.1{3, Chapter 13 of Title ?, Guam Qode Annotated Ssction 13109(aX2} Summary Report 2005 2004 2010 2008 2007 2006 FEDERAL CONTR1EUTlON $1,24S,430,173 Federal Expendiiurcsj $1 ,412,772,522 $1,380,351 ,038 $1 ,4f 8,W5J22 $1,567,194,760 $1,660,788,246 $356,531,477 $426,612,264 $423,264,817 $495,581,623 $412,664,157 DOD Federal Agency Traneaclions2 $432,49&,54s NA NA HCONOMIC IMPAC? Economic Growth Construction Pgrunits3 $100,925,000 57,310 Employmenta General Fund Revenuess $149,697,000 $408,972,598 $443,295,703 1,150,199 Tourism Arrivalso 57,71Q 1,210j47 NA NA $2'10,295,000 $195,431,000 $323,330,000 57,960 59,570 60,970 $432,525,481 $514,302,1 0B $513,190,329 $536,783,73S $sB$,537,460 1,217 ,111 1,223,290 1,179,246 1,061,321 1.114.387 11.6% s,8% 6,20/a 173,456 175,877 NA NA Avorage Annual Percent Change in 6.1Yo 166,090 Price Leveli Population Proiectiong 1.7Y0 168,5M 171,019 NA 178,287 Footnotes: ol Federat Expenditure Trends Release #2009'01, January 1 4, 2009) (FY 2008'09 are eslimated) ) Source: Departmont of Labor, Review Performed in Glam 2000-2008 Draft (FY2009 is estimated) 2; Source: 6uam €conomic Developnent Authority, Federat Transaclions for Work 3) $ource: Deparlment of Public Works 4) Source: Guam Department of Labor CY2004'08 $epiember Report 1 5)SourcelDepartmentofAdministration,FY2004-8{De|oitleToucheTohrnatsuaudited},FY200g(PL2$,113BudgetAclasadjusted Revenue Proiection updated June 26, 2009. 6) Source : Guarn Visitors Bureau FiScal Year Totals (tY2009-10 are estimated) 7) Source: Bureau of Staiislics and Plans 8) Source: Guam 2000 Census of Population and Housing Economic $ervice members '*iWn ,."Sul{*ry.Sppcial d/p*/s-v Berlha Duenas, Director '. " ,1 ,,t!',.., :...1::..a - , -"'j---^-''--- BBMR ,/ nate 1:::= -i / -,1 ;' If i ! Johh Camacho, Director DOA, acling Date r":l-2g l-*v-Date *jpel,pt -i Date NA 180,6S2 ECOI{OMIC OUTLOOK The revision in Rating Ou*ook to Positive from Positive frsrn Stable reflects GWA's subsranial progress to date in meeting regulatory requirements stemming frosr a stipulated order {rhe crd*r). The Outlook revision also reflects the progress managernent has rnade with regards to capital and finarrcial plarning, which provide a blueprint for continued success in retrrning tbe systern to rggulatary compliance and ensuring finarcial integrity. i* Secause of strategic location, U.S. military operations historically have been the maia econsmic engine of &e isiand, and over the next six to eight years the military's economic impact is expected to increass substantially fnore as the isiand undergoes a raassive buildup of railitary persontsl frtm relocation of troops torr' ci\er parts of th* globe arrd consoiidation of operations. Tbe ratings upgrades for tbe Goverament of Guam's and well as two of the larger autonomous agencies, Cuam Power Authority and Guam Waterworks Agency reflect increasing confidence in the fi-gancial management of these organiuations as well as tlie outlook for the econorny of Cuam. Federal Policy: The first non-constructicn buildup contrast in the amonat of $100 million was awarded OEtobEr 3, 2008 ro Pacific Prograrn-Desigr Management Sewices Joint Venture, of Pasadena, California, the Program Support Services contract for the Ouam military buildup. The company is a joint venture led by Parsons Corporation. The contract involves: Various projecis covered by the Defense Pclicy Review Initiative and other prcjects in the [Naval Facilities Engineering Commandl Pacific area of responsibility. The primary project locations for wark oa this ce*trast are in Cuarn, (8096), Hawaif {i07oi, and may irclude work in the Northern Mariana Islands, (7%), and locations anywhere in the Pacific ard Indiaa Oceans (NAVFAC Pacific's AOR) (3%), and is expected to be compisted by September 2013. The Consolidated Natural Resouxces Acr of 2008, in addition to the visa-waiver provision excludes Guam and CNMI from the numerical lirsitations on Nunimmigant workers during the transition period effective on the first day of the first full moath commencing I year a$er the date of enactment I Ju:re l, 2009 ] and ending December 31, 2014. This is oae of a number of steps to en$u{€ availability of the workforer nece$sary to complste the facility coflstruction for the Marines relocation to Cuam. Economic stimulus efforts in the coming year lhrough tax rebates, tax reductions, federally funded lnfrastructure or federal state and local bcnd financiag girarant€e$ could significantly affect Guam's economy depending on the timing and nafure of these pclicies. The FY 20t0 budget authorizations could inelude substantial fuirding related ts Marine relccatioa activities. If projects are csafi?cted early ir the fiscal year, &ey co*ld stiil have sig:dficant impact in FY 2010. Such fu*ding {:oul'C alss support confide*ce in Giram's economic fu:ure and suppcrt atlditiorr*i private s*sr*r {:naneir'g and prr:jecrs. Gary Hiles Chief Economisi Department of Labor lo gCOI{OMIC OUTLOOK [r*ployment: Employment treads have been generally showing slight growth'is both the nsmber of ernployees and rrage*, resulting in combined moderate growth in total payroli. Over tbe last few yesrs, cotutruction ernplayment irrreases have dominated and driven increases in toEai payroll. Payroil is importad a$ one of the largest rev€nue categories for iacome tax including withholdings. The increase in minimum wage schedule has aod will fur*rsr increase bourly eamings ir some occupations and industries. Tbe federal aad corresponding Guam minimum hourly wage iacreased &am $5.85 to $6.55 on July 24, 2008 and will increase again to $7.25 on July 24, 2009. The prevailing wage mtes for H-2 workers made stfective October 6, 2008 will increase the rates paid to constructior wcrkers over time. The new rates spply to Dsw and renewal employmeot which time varies by empioyee. The insreases wiil contbue io affect the avemge cons*actios pay levels ovsr the next year- Limited Goverrment of Guam increases have been or are in the process of being irnplemented but a general classificatioo and compensatio{ study has been authorized by Public Law {14 i,til 29-5?. 11.-:? :riit iIB t::t:; :l Tolrism related retail and hotel ernploymeilt is expected to dEcline samewhat to be consist€at with the first quarter's 15 percent reduction in arrivals; although the employment declines are expscted to be less than 15 perceat in totrist related businesses, they will not be inconsequeatial. New establishments with announced openings ir FY 2009 include Chili's in ?amuning, Payless Markets Mangilao, Hooters and Burger King Tumon Bay. This newly crealed employment should continue through to the FY 2010 employment totals. A ngw tower for the Outrigger hotel is underconsruction with scheduled completion for late 2010. Bond Issues: t i* li; Boad financing authorized in PL: 29-l 13 for payment of COLA and income tax returns could inject $92.0 million and $112"0 millioa respeciively, intp the economy. When the current financing lrrndlss, brought abour by rhe market deciine, stabilize the Oovcrnment is poised to approach ths rnarket a:rd the proceeds of these firads could shortly thereafter be distributed and available for residests' disposal. Other authorized and proposed bond funding would substautially iccrease the amount of construction activity and funds ia iirculatios. These include fi.nding for projects of: Guarn Memorial Hospital, Guam Public School System (JfK High Schocl), Gua$ Witerworks Auttrorigr, Port Authority of Guarn, 'Department of Land Managemlnl and the laadfdl construction under federal receivership. Tbe total amouil and tin:irtg of tlese flnanclng may occur within the upcoming montbs and will inject additional construction activifies and firnds into Guam's economy. Credit ratings are an importao{ factor in the availability of bond financing aud the cost of financing' Standard and Poors ts&p) raised thE Goyemment of Cuagt's existing general obligation bonds from 'B' to 'B+' with stable outloak in October ?008, citing an improved balance sh€€t that resulted from "greater potidcal cons€nsus lo enhance revenu€ and eontrol expendirure growth". The rating action "affecis abaut $236.7 millioa of outstanding general obligation debt as of September 30, 2007. Standard and Poors also noted th*t fiscal year 2BA7 fsr Guam marked the "fir$t ever fiaancial audit with ar unqualified opinio*, as weli as tbe third consecutive time the audit has been completed on a limely basis. In December 20S8' Standard & Po*rs raised the Guam Pcwer Auth*ity's axisting revesu€ bsnd* to an investmeoi gadle *{ 'BBB-* *orn 'BB*' with stabie ourloak. The rating ag€ncy cited sevesai factors in its upgrade, inciuding bener operationsi and financiai performance and cortinued support from *te Pubiic l"itilities Comrnissio*. Ifi 3a*tary 27,2009 in the course of routine surveillance, Fitch Ratings affrms the 'BB' rating and changecl the Rating Outlook to pcsitive on Guam Waterworks Authority's $99.3 million in osfstandi*g water and wastervatsr system revenue bonds, series 2005. Fitch press release noted: l5 ficof{oi\,ilc ouTLooK A 200? rgport by Global trrsighrs for the Guanr Visitor's Bureau fouad that travelers total eeonomic impact on Guam L"g*i from ?0 perceat to ov*r one-third sf the total islend economy' ln terms of employment, tourism is thJcatalyst for !!,1??,,jcb$; or'35,5e/o of the private {noa*govemmentai) employment base- As of the economy of Cuarn, arrival reductia*s rvill be measurable on the rourism is a sigrri{iiant "omponiai economic bottom line. ln forecasting the sho* ierm future of t+urism arrivals *om Japar I report &om Japan's Central Bank may be insightful. A Jaauary 23,28fl9 staternent reported in Bloomberg that: "japa?r's eeononric co*ditione have been <letencratiag sig:rificantlyo" the sentral b"nk said in a report in Tokyo today, using thc most pessimistio language to describe conditions since January in 1998, when they startld publishing tbe report. Tbe global stowdown has sPunsd f"ord declines the experts the centralbatrk aad scoulmy exports and faciory ouput in tbp world'slecond;largest gross slump to deepen.- Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and his policy board said they expect percent following the and two 3t year March ending percent in the domestic product to shrisk 1.8 year. Japan's exports plunged i5 p"r"eot is December, the most on record, tom 27 percent in November. Factory boput dropped 8.5% in November, th€ rnost in more rhan 50 years' Weakness in Japan's ecooo*y mair-es a quick rebound in tourism to Guarn inceasingly unlikely' In the longer terrn, rhe possibility of visa-fres entry for nonimmigmnt visitors from eligible countries to for Guam for business and ieisure travel could be expanded !o additional rnarkets by iacluding sucb entry to additional200,000 an could mean that indicatsd officialJhave persons from Russia and China- Tourism from visitors speadiug higher well as as years implementation of withir several ioo,ooo Chinese arrivals ofeoncem Russia who currently vacation in Saipan. Issues ofsecurify and Favelers overstaying are issues Russia. and ofChina rhat need to be addressed in an ongoing efforts to seek expanded visa-waiver inclusion Mry 8: 2008, extends (CNMI). Sectioa 142{b}, islands Mariana Northern of tbe U.S. immigraion laws to rhe Comsonwealtb Secricn 702(a) of the Consslidated Natural Resources Act af ?008, signed into la1 which is implemented by tbe interim final rnle, establishes a new Visa Waiver Program for Gnam and the CNMI which extends visi*ng time from 15 to 45 days. The program is scheduled for implementation June 1, 2009 subjecr to a provision iuthorizing requests for delay in implementation- The new visa waiver P1ogran:t and adds Hong Kong io the list of countriei authorized for the prognm. ?ravel iadustry leaders hoped China The to occur. that fol r€main st€ps Russia would have been included in the icterim final rule but additional existi:rg visa waiver prog1am implemented in October 198E included the United Kingdom as well as those wi& gritish Nationat OJerseas (-gNO) passporrs. On July l,1997, Hong Kong, under British rule for 156 years came under the control of China. As the passports of Hong Kong resideats with BNO passports lxpired, rhe number of persons eligible for travel to Guam uuder the cuff€Ilt visa-waiver prograff dwindled. Specific inclusion of Hong Kong-with a population estimatsd to exceed ssvEn million could reinvigomte Hoag Kong as a visitor *il*t foi Guam ir its' own right. Furthermore, it could facilitate reestablishment of akect nighrs *om Hong Koag as a gatev/^y for mainland Chinese travelers. ln 2ffi7, thE U'S' Embassy and cansulates in China isJuea +lz,i46 BUB2 visas ivisitors for b'usiness and pl*asura) tc the united statesConvesienr itirect flight schedules cor:ld supplement the Hong Kong tc Guarn $a*et with Cirirrese who already have vi*as foitravei ra the U.S, or who could obtain cn* ucder current regulaticns. ,,4 ICOI{OMIC OUTLOOK in addjtion to the appropriaticns funding specificaliy for Guam projects, a conuact lyas aw'arded as part of a $4 biitior Sustainmetit, Restcration and Maiatenance Acquisitior Task Order Co*tract tSAfOG) with the Air Force Civil Engiaeee Supporr Agency {AFCESA) as foliorvs: . efllien to Perini Corporation awariled Sep*mber 2?, 2008 for repairs to lhe South Fir Force Base, Cuam which includes removat and replacement of a* existing nroway as well as mnway and approach lights. Tbe project is expected to take $50.? Runway at Andersen approximately ons yesr, with an estimatsd compleliar date.of*{pril 1010: Major private and pubiic scheduled for FY ?OiS constru*ion include : Zol o l; f6 just over 71 million.il FY,2010 of the estimated total prcject cost of I60 million- Thie should translate into rougbly corresponding construction expenditures and activity . F Eurcrald Oceas View Park project construction is scheduled for FY ?009 - 10. The million dsllar project will include 260 condo units and 20 villa-sryle luxury homes. f-9 tl O $Iffi ii 2010. $60 million Real f,stste: il i ,# {j:4L The decline in real estate tpnsactions frorn $686.8 million in 2007 to about $350 million in ?008 as,well as the deelilre in building permitr wts exasperated by tbe nnoratoriurn imposed on developsrs by tbe Guam Waterworks Authority in May ?$08, due to sewsr system capacity constraists. While the moratorium is expected to bc lifted in April 2009, sarne of tbe sales a:rd construction previously planned has since been cancelled or is on iadefinite hold due to busiless and financing issues. Real estate buyers are taking a wait and see approach due to globai economic and finan*ial uncertaifiies. Weakaess irr sales rnay translate into reduced futwe eonstruclion. Tourisml :i:ji$ [i$ The number of tourist arrivals had been on an upward trend almost coritinuously since 2003 following the r€covery from the events of 9ll, and subsequent SARS and typhoon Pongsona. ln September 200& rhe levels f3l1 by around 20 percent in compariso* to prior years monthly figures. It appears that a trend is emerging indicating a significant reduction in tourism which could persist throughout 2009 and 2010 based on statsmenrs Fcm leadirig economists, which predicted that an economic recovery could take several years. Tcurism is related to Cro*s Domestic Product {CDP) and Japanese travelers have indicated in exit sunrsys tbat ecocomic concems are a factor in their decisisn tc embark on travel. As this trend is recent with approximately five months experience, it could exhibit some volatility as time goes on. Also some businesses sach as hctels, resfaurants and retail ts-ade may hsve held aff maLing bxiness and etr:plcyment dawnsizing decisions to $om6 extent unril aftcr rhe Christmas erd New Year holiday travel and shapping. Tlrerq hss beea recent anecdatal infarmation sn a nurnbsr cf employers who had reduced staf{ bours or o*er enzployment bene{it in recent months which has not yet been fully re{lected in the monthly or qua*eriy economic statistics, Additional reduetions are in tsurism related employment as b$iness contiaues to adjust to reduced tourist ieveis over time. 13 loll 2-ot L ECONOMIC OUTLOOK perceat increase over calendar year ccfftnrction co$g3cts for caleadar year 2008 was $506 million, a 14 Act authorizing $lE0 Authorizatior 200?. ThE House of Representatives passed the FY 2009 Defess€ follcws: as are listed projects million in military corstrtrcticn funding fsr Gua$a These o sn Naval Base Cuam; 962.4 million far consfiIcrioa af Bachelor Enlis:ed Quarters . $50.0 miliion for complerioa sf tbe Kilo Warf Extension; . ' . , $30.0 milfon for cocstruction cf a new central utility plant at the Naval tsase Guam; $?6.1 milliou for lipg-aries Eo the wsctewater ctlle*tia* sysierrt at Naval Basa Ouan-!: Force Base; and $j.4 million for the realigrment of Arc Boulevard oc Andersen Air maintesa.uce faciilty at Andersea $5,2 rnillion for con$ructioo of a combat colnmunications Force Base. Air in the industry follows Historical experience indicates construction actidty, ernployment and revenues Based on this high level of permits and changes in permit and contrtct levels with a tag of one to wo,yearl^ 2009 and 20t0. While the Depanment contracts construction activities should remaiistrong throughour -of Law No: 11041? for FY 2009 of $180 Defense decline io.oosu-oction fundirg authorizati|ns in Fublic , a 486/s drop, a nurnber of major ;iil h ;;;arisoo io Ss+s miuion ii rv zooa was sev6re, $ 165 mitiion FY 08 contracts will continue tbe frsm constructioq pmjects awardeci in FY 2008 are of such a scale that the tnrouglFY 2009 andFY 2010. These include: ' at N4val Base ouam to DCK $24, 588,71? Phass I of potable water system recapitalization ?010' Pacific, LLC, Honolulu, liawaii expeeted to be completed by A3ril . Warf at the Commarder liaval M0,000,000 Exiearion and necessary dredging to th! filo 20lO' May completed'ic negion Marianas Main Fase expected to be . Main Base, Agana, Cuam expected $52,58?,000 Helix Electric, lnc. Harden ElecEical System, to be coinplete ltily 20lo- . a fitness cester at Naval Base Cuam $33,i50,T2g DCK pacific, LLC design and construction of expecied to be completed by December 2010' .$15,3gg,603DCKPacificCuam,LLC,Repairld.alterationofexistingfacilitiesto at Nimitz Hili expected to be adminisuative officEs far rhe Joint Region Mariasas Headqaarters comPleted bY March 2010. | dredging lo ibe Kilo^warf at fhe $43,838,018 IBc/TCIA c*rp., extersion and n€cessary An additia*a! $43,S38,S18 e?i1l be Csern. Base, Mai* iiarianas Camsrander l,iavat negioa Appropriadcn Bitl, making the total funded upoa trr* p"**ug? of FY ?0S9 t{iiitary Consrruction arrrovnt$S:,g3S,btg. I-t is expected to be complet*d by.'Vg{'s! 20I$' 12 trCOiYOMIC OUTTOOK Tbe Fiscal Yeas ?010 economic autlook for Cuam, in the aggregate, appean reasanably likely to experience a teryorary $attening cf the growth curve established is recent years with accelerating growth in lars ?0i* expected cortingent oa conrmsoesnrent of schEduled Marise reiocstica consfirciion. Receut Srears have shown consistent annual growth in *re Sovernment of Guam General Fund revenues. Based on current trends and available planning infbrmation, economic acliyity may coutinue near the plateau level reachEd in 2008 tluough 2009 and ?010 Tbe previously agricipated grow& for Fiscal Year ?010 is sxpected to be negatively impacted by current economic *nd {inancial issues ir the U.S, Reduced tourism arrivals and asscciated employmeat ard revenue in recent rnonths appeffr likely to contiaue going forward and may be off-set in tbe economy as a whole by increased fedsral defen$e related and local govemment coastruction. la ii.*+ ifr il The outlook is somewhat tenuous as a uuslber of issues in the global economic, fi*ancial, miliiary', and political situations are cu:rently evolving rapidly and are in a fluid $tate. Horr these siruations evolve could considerably affect the outlook for FY 2010. These issues are not limited to the following but these are of special note; r r e the internaticnal finaacial situation including banking $ystems, interest rates a&d credit exchange rates recessions in the United States, Japan, a looning recession in South Korea, slashed gro'*th rates in r r r r r r r r China major restructuriag, bailout packages, possible bankniptcy in the U.S. automotive indusfiry continued foreclosures in the U.S. housing industry political situations whicb could disrupt the production or distributiou of oil changes in U.S. tax code ecoaomic stimulus programs in the U.S. and abroad leadership changes in the U.S. and Japan possible unforeseen natural disasters and health issues intemational military and political situations Extemal flows of funds ta Guam could cbange con$iderably through the forecast period due to volatility in tourisrn, investrnent and federal and local gov€ffimsnt expendihres. Key issues sn the table that could sigrrificantly alter &is path include: $ . r . r r Dump Closwe - Federal Consent Decree * construction and financing. The outcom€ arid timing of legislative authorieed and oiher proposed bond issuance Major changes in tourist arrivals or expenditure levels Federal budget aufhciizations for Cuam for FY 2010 iucluding thss€ related to Marine relocation consfruction Policy decisions and timing regarding construction for thE Marins relocation scheduled to commsnce in late FY ?010. - Csnrlraction: Building permits had beea on an upward nend ustil f008 wi:ea they declinod considerably. Total building Ferrnits for FY 20A7 were $320 miliion but declined 34 percenr for FY ?008 to $2lO million. DOD constructiqn contracts exceeding $5 millioa dollars reached a record high in 2008 at'$295 million for thE calesdar year and $252 miliion for the {iscal year. The tstal combined value of building permits and 1t ECOI{OMIC OUTLOOK S'Y 2010 - Updated June 30,2009 The FY 2010 Eeanomie Outlssk for Guam prepared in January-2009 as a crtmponent of the FY 2Sl0 Executive Budget request noted that it appears reasonably likely for there to be a iemporary, flattening of fhe grovl.th cwl'e established in recent years, with accelerating gro'r,rth irr late 2010 contiagent on commsncement of scheduled h{arine relocation construction. That assessment appears to continue to be an appropriate description of *re economic autlook for this time period, although a tempcrary dip could accur preceding &e buildup should tourisrn arrivals remain at current levels cr funher declines. issues for which there were decisions or actions pending which *auld affect the sconomy in FY 2010 and contributed uncertainty to the outlook have since been made or have rnoved forw-ard in the process. These include decisions or actions on the U.S. Budget for FY 2010, a federal economic stimulus package, bond financing issues, and issues rega:ding tinancing for the federal conssnt decree on closure of the Ordot dump and opening of a new sanitary- landtlli. A number of the The presidents' budget request for FY 2010 included an unprecedented level ofplanned expenditures fbr capital canstruction projects on Cuam beyond expectations of $787 million dollars. While it remains in the process of becoming law, recent history of such military" construction requests for Guam have been inciuded in the fiaal budget law. A schedule of the expected impact upon tax revenues from this expenditure be,v-ond the levels in recent years has been included as an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast of revenues and expenditrues. Delay in the process of appropriations, contract awards, and commencement of corstrtrctian could affeci ihe amount of construction activity that wiil occur in FY 2010 and in subsequent y'ears and, therefore, it's forecasted impact on the econofity. The American Recoveiy and ReinvEstment Act (ARRA) economic stimulus package signed into law February 18, 2009, contained balh income- tax and expenditure components that will have an impact on Guam's economy in FY 2S09 and FY 2S10. The stimulus package included a tax eredit of $400 for individuals and $800 for couples. The cost of the tax eredit is being reimbursed by the federal gcvemment to the Gor,ernment cf Guam. The effect on direct 1ax revenues will be neutral. There rvill be a small positive irnpact on the economy from this tax credit arangement as the reimbursement reflects additional federal expenditures and the tax credit leaves residents with greater disposable income. Economic stimulus firnding for Guam has been estimated to reach $140 million. Sxpenditure of these funds will commence in FY 2009 and continue through FY:0i0. ARR4 fi.:ndirig has alsc bee;r reeeived ior $epartffcnt cf Defbnse projects oa fiuam to the tune of S43 milli*n- An ass:ssme:tt cf the impact of those projects has been included as a$ economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast. Proposals and legislative authoyization fbr bond issuance existed in late ?008, but given {he uncertainqv in the financial markets it r*'as difficult to predict the timing or amount that band issua*ce would yield and the subsequent eiYect on the econ$my, H,ventually, two bond issues were closed un June 18, 2009, one for the dump closure and new landfril and one for the payment of cost of living and inconoe tax refunds and other purposes. The construction schedule associated w'ith the closure of Ordot dump and construction of a new sanitary land{ill was already eonsidered in the January ?009 oullook. The consequences of a February 13, ?009, r:rder from District Court Chief Judge TydingcoGatewood requiring weekly payments of nearly a miiiion dollars beginning March i, 2009, on the general fund and the likelihood ofother budgetary actions such as furloughs and the concurrent economic consequences was not kno*?. trtr'ith the issuance af the bond, this risk to the budget and economy has been elirninated. A schedule cf the forecasteC irnpact on tex revenues from the tax and cola disburseme$ts w'ere also included as an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Furtd tbrecast. Due to the bond issuance and expeditious disbursement of the proceeds in June 2009, it is now likely that a greater psrdon of the tax impact will occtr in FY 2S09 than in FY 20i0 as projected, Withholdings for income tax from the COLA paFnents totaled in excess of $?.8 million and should be retlected in the June 2009 'revenue statemeat. The Covernment of Guam's applicaticn with the U.S. Department of Agricalture to cover the cost of building a new landfill is still pending, hor*'evet, Mr. Joseph M. Diego, USDA Area Director said that Gcvernor Felix Carnacho rviil be notified of the result by June 2009. Approval of this request, of $1?0 to $125 million, would tree up bond financing for the landfill to be used tbr other purFoses. Marine relocation construction activities and the associated tax revenues for construction planned fbr commencement in late FY 2010 were viewed as too uncertain to include in the January 2009 outlook to be a basis for the revenue forecast but its' importance w-as note<l. Due to approval by the Japanese government and recent statenents by Department af Defense officials indicating that this will mcve forward, an estimate of the projected impact on tax collections associated lvith construction for Marine relocation has been an eccnomic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast' included Commencement of such construction is contingent on the record of decision tbllowing completion of an environmental irnpact statement and it is expected in January 2010. The projected revenues for FY 2010 from this will ba sensitive to the timing of the commencemeat of such construction, Delays in eonstruction could move some of the associated tax projected for FY ?010 forward to FY 201i. As a prediction on the side of caution only 25% of the military construction activity is factored into FY 20i0 in the Five*Year General Fund forecast. As the major tax benefit of such construction would be from an increase in personal income taxes paid to construction workers. Wage increases to Hanaii levels as apprsved by the House committee could also result in substantially higher marginal tax rates applied with existing graduated tax rstes and could result in substantiaily irigher incorne lex rcceipts than ariginaliy prerj*cted. in Tourism is orie of the tr,ta majer sourccs ol rsvenues for Guam alang with lbderai expenditwes. In January touist arrivals were do*'n about 10 percent from the prior year and an assumptios was made fbr ibrecasting purp';ses that arrivals would cantinue at a similar lelel through FY 2010. It rvas noted that the situation was somelvhat volatile and unpr*dir:rable due tei insiabilifv in the fina-ncial markets nntj the erconornics ol the United ".'I t of Japan's difficult financial and economic situation on F1u' A tourist departures for intemational destinations tvas worsened by fears of Swine Stares and Japan. The effect June 24,2009 report by Bloomberg noted that: growth Japaa's export slump deepened in lv{ay' casting dsubt on the nationls postlval recession: \'l'6lst its struggles to imerge from prospects u* fh. "rono*y 40.9 percent fram a yeal earlier. . '. A worldwide stock droppeO abraad bhip**.rt* rttll deepen. mart<et rally stalled this manth on concem that the global recessicR 'fhe World Health Organization. {WHO} declared the novel HlNt virus as a pandemic Japa*ese June 1.1, 2009. While ,ro .u**, have been identi{ied on Guam, it is a concem for is difficult plans. It travel of existing travelers and has caused a number of cancellations in the occur to recovery for a to predict the spread of the virus as rvell as the tirneframe iravei sector. to be Tourist arrivals to Guam held up remarkably well through April 2009 and appeared the 2009 and June May stable and predictable albeit at a level below the previous yeaf. In from percent anival nun b.r, began a rapid detedoration. May's numbers were down ?0 percent below the prior year. Visitor anivals as of June 22,2AAg'dropped to alevel 33 is increasingly visitor expenditures the prior year. This reduction in arrivals and total quarter ending Aprii atlecting the Oeneral Fund. In drafi revenue statements for the Znd estimates by 2009, Gioss Receipts Taxes as an indicatorof esonomic 4ctir*ity fell below 4%. And while for rhe same period gross receipts remain above the prior 'vear actual year's growth collections, if anivals continue to remain lou'or furrher deteriorateo the tax refunds could be fu*her impacted. The simulative etTects of bond disbursements for CAle puy*rnt* as rvell as ARfut proiects wi1lbe positive for the remai*der af iiscal yeari Z'OO9 anO 2010, the'net efl'ect of changes in tourist arrival trends and these months. disbursements will be befier documented and accessed in fhe ccming *J timelines In summar,v and in consideration of continuing tluctuatio*s of military buildup forecast f<rr FY 2010 is as r*ell as the volxility of visitor arrivals, the adjusted revenue However, cautious 2009' i* Jairuaryprojected estimatect atgyoaUove that originally military buildup solidify and optimis:u remains an imperaliu. *s we continue to monitor activities and their direct impact. BUREAA OF BUDGET & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH P"u orn::T:'. 3; $':"""?;H3lam e6e3 2 BERTHA M. DUENAS FELIX P. CAMACHO GOVERNOR MICHAEL W. CRUZ, M.D. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR June 30,2009 DIRECTOR V* -J Y Senator Vicente (Ben) C. Pangelinan V= Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation Banking, Insurance, and Land 324W. Soledad Avenue, Suite 100 Hagatna,Guam 96910 Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to your request in a letter dated June 16, 2009, enclosed is the updated economic outlook for FY 2010 as it relates to the increases in revenue projections discussed at the General Tax revenue hearing on June 8, 2009. Your usual attention is appreciated. BERTHA M. DUENAS Enclosure RFCEIYFD J&k' ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FY 2010 - Updated June 300 2009 The FY 2010 Economic Outlook for Guam prepared in January 2009 as a component of the FY 2010 Executive Budget request noted that it appears reasonably likely for there to be a temporary flattening of the growth curve established in recent years, with accelerating growth in late 2010 contingent on commencement of scheduled Marine relocation construction. That assessment appears to continue to be an appropriate description of the economic outlook for this time period, although a temporary dip could occur preceding the buildup should tourism arrivals remain at current levels or further declines. A number of the for which there were decisions or actions pending which would affect the economy in FY 2010 and contributed uncertainty to the outlook have since been made or have moved forward in the process. These include decisions or actions on the U.S. Budget for FY 2010, a federal economic stimulus package, bond financing issues, and issues regarding financing for the federal consent decree on closure of the Ordot dump and opening of a new sanitary landfill. issues The presidents' budget request for FY 2010 included an unprecedented level ofplanned expenditures for capital construction projects on Guam beyond expectations of $787 million dollars. While it remains in the process of becoming law, recent history of such military construction requests for Guam have been included in the final budget law. A schedule of the expected impact upon tax revenues from this expenditure beyond the levels in recent years has been included as an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast of revenues and expenditures. Delay in the process of appropriations, contract awards, and commencement of construction could affect the amount of construction activity that will occur in FY 2010 and in subsequent years and, therefore, it's forecasted impact on the economy. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) economic stimulus package signed into law February 18, 2009, contained both income tax and expenditure components that will have an impact on Guam's economy in FY 2009 and FY 2010. The stimulus package included a tax credit of $400 for individuals and $800 for couples. The cost of the tax credit is being reimbursed by the federal government to the Government of Guam. The effect on direct tax revenues will be neutral. There will be a small positive impact on the economy from this tax credit arrangement as the reimbursement reflects additional federal expenditures and the tax credit leaves residents with greater disposable income. Economic stimulus funding for Guam has been estimated to reach $140 million. Expenditure of these funds will commence in FY 2009 and continue through FY 2010. ARRA funding has also been received for Department of Defense projects on Guam to the tune of $43 million. An assessment of the impact of those projects has been included as an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast' Proposals and legislative authorization for bond issuance existed in late 2008, but given the uncertainty in the financial markets it was difficult to predict the timing or amount that bond issuance would yield and the subsequent effect on the economy. Eventually, two bond issues were closed on June 18,2009, one for the dump closure and new landfill and one for the payment of cost of living and income tax refunds and other purposes. The construction schedule associated with the closure of Ordot dump and construction of a new sanitary landfill was already considered in the January 2009 outlook. The consequences of a February 13,2009, order from District Court btri.f Judge TydingcoGatewood requiring weekly payments of nearly a million dollars beginning March l, 2009, on the general fund and the likelihood of other budgetary actions such as furloughs and the concurrent economic consequences was not known. With the issuance of the bond, this risk to the budget and economy has been eliminated. A schedule of the forecasted impact on tax revenues from the tax and cola disbursements were also included as an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast. Due to the bond issuance and expeditious disbursement of the proceeds in June 2009, it is now likely that a greater portion of the tax impact will occur in FY 2009 than in FY 2010 as projected. Withholdings for income tax from the COLA payments totaled in excess of $7.8 million and should be reflected in the June 2009 revenue statement. The Government of Guam's application with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to cover the cost of building a new landfill is still pending, however, Mr. Joseph M. Diego, usDA Area Director said that Governor Felix Camacho will be notified of the result by June 2009. Approval of this request, of $120 to $125 million, would free up bond financing for the landfill to be used for other purposes. Marine relocation construction activities and the associated tax revenues for construction planned for commencement in late FY 2010 were viewed as too uncertain to include in the January 2009 outlook to be a basis for the revenue forecast but its' importance was noted. Due to approval by the Japanese government and recent statements by Department of Defense officials indicating that this will move forward, an estimate of the projected impact on tax collections associated with construction for Marine relocation has been included in an economic adjustment to the Five-Year General Fund forecast. Commencement of such construction is contingent on the record of decision following completion of an environmental impact statement and it is expected in January 2010. The projected revenues for FY 2010 from this will be sensitive to the timing of the commencement of such construction. Delays in construction could move some of the associated tax projected for FY 2010 forward to FY 2011. As a prediction on the side of caution only 25%o of the military construction activity is factored into FY 2010 in the Five-Year General Fund forecast. As the major tax benefit of such construction would be from an increase in personal income taxes paid to construction workers. Wage increases to Hawaii levels as approved by the House committee could also result in substantially higher marginal tax rates applied with existing graduated tax rates and could result in substantially higher income tax receipts than originally projected. Tourism is one of the two major sources of revenues for Guam along with federal expenditures. In January tourist arrivals were down about l0 percent from the prior year and an assumption was made for forecasting purposes that arrivals would continue at a similar level through FY 2010.It was noted that the situation was somewhat volatile and unpredictable due to instability in the financial markets and the economics of the United States and Japan. The effect of Japan's difficult financial and economic situation on tourist departures for intemational destinations was worsened by fears of Swine Flu. A Jwrc24,2009 report by Bloomberg noted that: Japan's export slump deepened in May, casting doubt on the nation's growth prospects as the economy struggles to emerge from its worst postwar recession. Shipments abroad dropped 40.9 percent from a year earlier. ... A worldwide stock market rally stalled this month on concern that the global recession will deepen. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel HlNl virus as a pandemic June I1,2009. While no cases have been identified on Guam, it is a concern for Japanese travelers and has caused a number of cancellations of existing travel plans. It is difficult to predict the spread of the virus as well as the timeframe for a recovery to occur in the travel sector. Tourist arrivals to Guam held up remarkably well through April 2009 and appeared to be stable and predictable albeit at a level below the previous year. In May and June 2009 the arrival numbers began a rapid deterioration. May's numbers were down 20 percent from the prior year. Visitor arrivals as of June 22,2009, dropped to a level 33 percent below the prior year. This reduction in arrivals and total visitor expenditures is increasingly affecting the General Fund. In draft revenue statements for the 2no quarter ending April 2009,Gross Receipts Taxes as an indicator of economic activity fell below estimates by 4oh. Andwhile for the same period gross receipts remain above the prior year actual collections, if arrivals continue to remain low or further deteriorate, the year's growth could be further impacted. The simulative effects of bond disbursements for tax refunds and COLA payments as well as ARRA projects will be positive for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010, the net effect of changes in tourist arrival trends and these disbursements will be better documented and accessed in the coming months. In summary and in consideration of continuing fluctuations of military buildup timelines as well as the volatility of visitor arrivals, the adjusted revenue forecast for FY 2010 is estimated atgo/o above that originally projected in January 2009. However, cautious optimism remains an imperative as we continue to monitor and solidify military buildup activities and their direct impact. BUREAA OF BADGET & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH P"u orri::t:',. :ffi':"".U#3lam e6es 2 BERTHA M. DUENAS FELIX P. CAMACHO DIRECTOR COVERNOR MICHAEL W. CRUZ, M.D. LIEUTENANT COVERNOR JIIL 2 3 2OOg The Honorable Judith Won Pat Speaker I Mina' TrentaNa Liheslaturan Guehan Thirtieth Guam Legislature 155 Hesler Place HagAtnA Guam 96932 v Dear Speaker Won Pat: Pursuant to Public Law 29-113, Chapter VII, Section 2 (a), attached please find the financial report for the Bureau's FY 2009 3'd quarter expenditures ending June 30, 2009. This report will be posted shortly on our website. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. BERTHA M. DUENAS Attachment cc: Office of Public Accountability Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement, and Land All Senators Page I ofl For Appropriation/Expenditure Report pursuant to PL 29'113 Government of Guam (2009 3rd Qtr) Appropriation/Expenditure Report (Run Date July 14, 2009) BUREAU OF BUDGET & ilIANAGEIIENT RESEARCH CHARGES O3O M1SCETLANEOUL TELEPHoNE eexenetffiironts: **- O^OO *-9f9-4"4q t,3s$?en 1,14uo.cl- Lnl,etg.3l L6llgLlll 16'.19-4J-q, ..-...-. .s,?7.1€ ---191!J-q BUREAU OF BUDGET & MANAGETEI{T nEseancx ToTALS: 1,3s4,325.93 1,144,010.61 1,004,879.31 16,268.04 122,863.26 Appropriations GRAND TOTALS: httn://hrrclset. suam. 1,3sp7e93 so v nro'$n? t,ltu,olo.cl Expendituree I,U)1,879.3r ---999 rc,2cc..o1 l2:2,Ert.2l no3cas2 210'365.32 Oubtandlng Funds Unalloted Available Balance Encumbrances 16,2'8.01 12Z8Gt.2C :999 5 I satewav/retrievesovsuambudeet.do?deotcode:04 210,365.32 7t2212009 Solid Waste Management Division Estimated Results FY 2009 through FY 2011 (Excludes Depreciation) Expenditures/Revenue FY 2009 FY 2010 2077 FY Expenditures: Landfi lllCommercial Transfer Station 5 7,367,405 Residential Trash Collection s 7,837,379 HW/Community Transfer Stations Pilot Curbside Recycling Program 5- Administration 5 H 5 485,700 5 r,825,043 5 2,820,225 s s s s 2,452,306 5 2,77O,860 477,525 789,589 s s s 5 L74,9OO S s,343,379 - 743,850 Community Information / Public Education Reserve for Closure and Post Closure Care Reserve for Equipment Replacement Reserve for Future Cell Development Debt Service Section 30 Bonds Total Expenditures 55 5S S 3,690,484 S 5,066 Tipping Fee Revenue 5 3,198,847 5 9,928,064 5 r2,O99,O52 s sqaplq 5 7,972,006 s 4,808,314 733,349 s 8,645,354 -5 ss -s - Revenue: s 1,139,610 s 3,050,880 s 5,o4o,ooo 5 4,33?,45? 5 12,978844 5 l?,!$, Residential Revenue Total Revenue Surplus/(Deficit) Fund Balance s Residential Collection Fees Commercial Tipping Fees s Assumptions: 1..fh€ tuqdlatance tor FV2OO9 includes the esfimated fund balance for ry 2m8 esbmated bythe D€Fnment ofAdministratioc ta be S8e,:75. 2. Sedion 30backed bonds issued in June 3, Oebt seryicethrough 2mwith O$ember 1,2011 on the the firstdebtserdce due D€c€mber1,2m9. sedd 30 bonds h capitalired and paid from thecapitalized Interest Fund 4. Tippingfee rewnueincludes revenue from gov€rnment a8encies and other commelcial customers. 7'ksiden6alco||edonrevenUeinc|ud6e|f.hau|e6andassumes14,moresidentia|customer5withthen€wmonth'ate newtrash caft program is completed,. Page 1 of 1 (ilPl). 73, 18.16 s rzs.oo s 29.50 1s5.00 rrrrvermlent , :r : I , : ,J i". , i,; I i''" l;,i. Ol GUfm Federal pnogram Inventory FY 200!D (Current) / F.f 2010 (Estimateay Fxnding IBBMR I,.P-tl FtINCTION: EXECUTwE DRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATTSTICS A"trtD PLANS PROGRAM: TEDERAL GRANTS Federal Grnntor Agcncy / Fedcral hofect Tltlc Grrnt Perlod of Jrxtlce/Edwrd Statc and Local Lrw Enforrcmcnt Grrntr Substrnce Ahrsc Treehcnt for Strte klconcrr of Jurtlce/G uanr Rcsldentld Substancc Abusc Trcetmcnt Substanct Abusc Trcatmcnt for Strtc '.. l _1 'if<11.lt.lrl t.t Jl\11.,'il\r.f{1i.. ' t"f b0vermnent of Gulm Federal Program Inventory 2009 (Currrng / Fy 2010 (Estimated) Fundlng IBBMR F'P-ll FUNCTION: EXECUTI- DIRECTION AGENCY: NURDAU OF STATTSTICS AIYD PLANS PROGRAM: FEDERAL GRAI\TS Federal Grantor Agency / Fedcral Prorcct Tlth Grant Period of JusdcdEdwrd of Jnstk-r/kul Covcrdcll Sc{cnoe l0mlm8-0tD/JM)!D 09/0r^n-0vtl/ll rof,|Lt8.tz3u0!D lomtut6-09/3ryr0 -" Governrnent of Gnam ;.-'. i-+-; !,1i1,1 Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Equipment / Capital and Space Requirement Function: DepartmenUAgency: Pnryram: EOTIIPMENT/CAPITAI, LISTIhG: Descripdon CFE A'FFA'TEETT Quarrdty Commcnts Pc'rcentace of Use TNTITWEFf IITVETTORY LISTIXG TPACE REQI'IREMENT .for Pcrsonnel and EquipnenUCapltal) Ihscrlotlon Total Program Total Program Spacc Omnied (Sc. tr'L): Soace (Sq. FL): Souarc Feet Percent ofTotal Pmn Snqm Commentc u R iG lrrJA Burea,r of Statistics uoJ Pla,'s Of[i"" Furniture uoJ Equipment fnventoty fu "[ F"tt .ury 8, 2009 r BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURNITURE AilD EQUIPTENT SURVEY 2007 Bureau of Statietics end &arh h*ai:.: llanitar Dell Dell Pentium 4 Dell v, Dtl s tr lqtu Lrttvtl Kevboard Mnr IE'Q /rl :a v tygrFrt rflnler Telephone Ultra Sharp Flet 1702Fp D(08Gt524760529tqALH OptiPlex G)Q40 ,\,GIf IP+XHCI.XJOYT-XEA6RRO4Y P52 rH04N4t437t7127M80t7 1N0735HE31032277MJT HP Microsoft PS2 PRO 1100 LaserJet 5 Unity Centrex MeftIian 4759681 Dell s€|lrf,_Ltl)l -_-_-- ilaruson Ups Black Black Black Black Black i16802195 usKc110101 Beise Beige 7-Drawerdlock High Backwlarm [ooden Ghairdarm(4) (lh Chairc frhla End Table Lamn Blk/tsm Too Black Bronn Brown fVooden Brass w/ wttile shade ffi Nissan -,__ rlrqrr t qutril|(,ll'l YYaooIl Nissan 1998 HyundaiAccent OrEeO6- Hyundai I Brass PahFinder yfN#lN4A111W5C223772 vtir# 5N1AR I 8W46C61 601 Accent vrN#KMHVF24N3WU460983 Altima I Silver Maroon White ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM LRr 4089 LPJI 4503 rR[3755 The offi'€ tufl*tutr&rtoqgn $o!e ir6lr esqrted s'rrweFd, ,arrturbd, or t arr irm&r€e "sbd sqp€rabs b uE &6-r'lM any tunltup eo.!g( equip{n'nt {quire b b 6, h iri,e;i;;r;*; ileowre. srr,.,,d sttout(, tffiy tunh orati;n br ptqryrr actim aN m rTrffifr,f,;ffif#ffi ' "rrWtn an ptans a''o,t.ffiid' ;,-u*w any res or { '*"1".*l E Date 2007 equipment survey.doc gi *'7 4:".-.,", \- J--a 'i-*- " BUREAU OF STATTSTTCS At'tD PLANS OFFICE FURNITURE A}ID EQUIPTENT SURVEY Name: Terry L Cu-abo December 12,z0i07 [Esr Llanilar 'ljil0abr;,ri Dell Ultra Sham Ftat OptiPlex G)G20 oroTcDl &ZB-ABFr Black uJt(Dcot |KE-320[HWD60.7CR6I' Black Mouse ;N.oul,lg01 €71 72-768{2KS llFS /Rrttaru Fraal, lil-ocJ33$71 Black Black llPl I lllarrr I'lrn,^r Yf ttg, lr.5rY -r Dell - Kevboard IDQ ffi Cyber Power Batterv Cyber Power Baterv Dell Dell Dell /CT l|'r-.,| nFtv I tr .srv Y! yt ttgl Mouse Printer Oinra. - Tebphone QptiPlex GX670 BF6M431 cN{6W6 I &38E42-35S9P39 Black ADM 2OO3 ADM 2OO3 ADM 2OO3 Black ApM 2001 73 Black ADM 2OO3 ADM HP Q7822A Unity Centrex Color LaeerJet 2605dn /i''bd tbot'E 2004 2004 2004 2004 COMMERCE ADM 2OO3 Black Black Black HP lqg.lotebook VA|O tn afi.' tufud.qrimwtt -7eF-04)(z Beige (R47R4Z-fqn+361{rRK [,[endEn 7-Drauer 9N440240€9800-35F- 11 usKc110169 CNHC765lBC $I Gray LLEBG 2OO5 {75-9682 Elack ADM ledium HiSh Bad(wrarm worxmq labfts 4-Drawerw/lock ?25 4-DrawerUlock R335 sRS 700? trffPCG-OK2R 3002572 '' PSN PSN PSN PSN BHA2U1620968 8JA351600939 4D215 LaserJet 5 Flling Cabinet - 5E1 qu220 / 12F31620331 Cheir Lap Top I 61 BackUp 585 AVR BackUp 825 AVR Ultra Sham Flat Dell speakers 3N-OCC38&7 i l;li;i.l"flE1Atrl*8 Blk/Bm Too socto Black Gray Black Beige Black ADM COMMERCE ADM ADM ADM ir'l^. aetn€d b op Ftuerct/,,,",t. srwyae. sl",ufl ary tuttun grtu ao,lg{t*,,t rqui" b b ctot',outy*ktffi*,t ilffi: to.p(ryr",,tiot a(d ffir,SiffipTFi*,tuiti*,,iD;;;;;;#",,r,b).", rtdblal,|'Ea./ ot sal[ rr'ena ar''la anhp* nvrwi& s;tryvig,( @rrwes b zw d tp tilnium.r{l|4x'x,nt any lo{ie q ffirsffi* ---- \-."_ *"; *r"'1 E Date 2007 equipment survey cuabo.doc "-r"-- BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPTENT SURVEY December 12.2OO7 -&m ]vlon|Ior C9l | /tlard t\'i..^ Dell Ultra Sharp Flat CptiPlex G)(280 lN 0T6116 7t618 SSNAIIXS J8CCS71 CPSSS5AVR 516036S15 8NA201620908 {-DrawerUlock 4-DrawerMlock {OnaurcrWlock c749 Black Black Bfack Bfack Beioe Beise Beise w476 Putty Meridian 475-9677 tlell cN 0Ja62&7t 6t s,sac-ooDt Dell Cyber Power Batterv lIlQ /Ela*^-. esri,|\-L,lrl -. - \ysKert Frltnn flqhinal at l.lagh Back yv/arm [yping Chair Black Low Badr no arm typewnter Tabb IBM WheetWriter Brown ADM Metial Beige ADM Beioe Brown ADM GCMP 3lobql Receding Dravyers Unity Centrex Telenhonr" Desk c789 Black 7-Drawer unar Chair Tahlo Shelve ADM ADM ADM ADM COMMERCE ADM ADM LLEBG 2OO5 ADM ADM ADM Filino Cahinnt rFilina [rr rs l^ahi vsyl ,nErtnxs ':;'{!616sr,, Dell 1500 by Lexmark Wooden 4-Shelves Ths arfic€ ftnnih'r96quil'tr,nl {Elbd aDoi/E irA|a Essirrd sf,lwJ€d' r'aisfr'rod, crr erqtoFo scpE o" Blk/Bm Too 0783-11RN141 b tte aoolrflortbn€d stw ny fufitilun urrbr aquryIr'.tt rcqu a ro b *s tt, n" wfsl,Diiiffi ilenptoyae. nr*l,y* eron ,rlld/y€dalh socrbrr br ptrryra. *tin md ;ffiJ#rffifr,fr, f m,WW;ffi;;*"r sr"tr'dr"'nn ** ",,a'u,i, r,,,n,d,l,-'",p".,r0,o. ",y oo o,' "'-1-*' Emptoiee SigffiiuE 2007 equipment survey gogo.doc ti Date _j '-::.il' aJ*. -1-.-LF BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURNITURE Al{D EQUIPTENT SURVEY lempnvee Nrme: nvdr X. t-lelonae lsocuon: _ - ,. I lommrtntrn.au.rffi Monitor uru (]raru ulve) Keyboad Mouse Ulq (Eattery Back-Uo) Battery Back-Up re.|tsu|aung Macltlne ---_------ Tslephone It'.rrt,.l tlall ,._J ii.lfirll'rll ; Dell ;r ; l. 'ffi.$i$iElrl' &.' ,'9ob", rl'i?# Ultra Sham Flat ODtiPlo( GX620 Dell llall cN{5Y2&t-7161A{26€8P Black B67BG41 0N-0G0E42i1 6t F3C5{t 76 Black Black fi 23.191 8650 Black OP/N:0TO}|3 Maruson pRo-t{oo lrsa Qyber Power 585 AVR Canon Unity Cenfex MP21DX 2041973 M6ridian [7F9677 Boio€ Whita Beige 7-Drawer 1411 BlkfBm Too Chair Filing Cabinet Tvping Stand f1Xl Deccmber 12.2OOl 31740(p55 BHAzU1620986 MiGBad( H()N $Drau,arRe€dino [at. btatalw/wh€dg 127R Black GCMP 2004 GCMP 2004 GCMP 2004 GCMP 2004 GCMP 2006 ADM GCMP 2004 Blue GCMP ADM/Commerca ADM/Commerce Beise Beise GCMP ADM fhe oltu twnlhn€f4uiwrf/lll Isbd r!oy. irAlP s&{l||sd b oa |lo|tflo'|tbrod €rrFb}.ro. SDo.dd Nry lt ntfu,, an<rfu q!!,4rx',| ,qtlhe b b s',fqBd' t"sEd. or t et arltbvs t-n ur ati''o'wt'ma* ryatabs h s'tllfl{F tlrol]d ,ffiy r&*n sacdm fu ptryt .x'lrn aN ripodw tDo sttpbJoe tr rrynit6 o rpr o.a,nirramm sgafrdr'b-6areor" ,r,g Pb* M [Fo hnnxrahflf. 60r aay bss o' oql|€gps b arry dfic t rluxr,tq4rrErd&rim.rrdab adbr. 2007 equipment survey llarenas.doc BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIP]$ENT SURVEY Dato: Itrm Monitor CPU (Hard Drive) Keyboard llrLe ueil :lii.:i rl Ultra Sham Flat OptiPlex GX620 :NOCC2g9€.rl i. 80€48€llls 3C7P7B1 rJtill cN-oT6887-37'r ?2-8s-c.ot Dell F0100FY0 wt Black Black Black Black |'rre lpar.tgry ItacK-uD ) APC Line Gonditioner Smart Uos 700VA Tripplite Line Stabilizer sQS0225331490 Black LC-l800 9126APO1C368400015 Dell Ultra Sharp Flat OptiPlex GX260 White Black 1F8Cg21 Monitor C,PU (Hard Drive) r\stgwttI D,ell Mouse Line Conditioner Cahulating Maqhine I E tcrPt Dell tut tti I nODL[e Line Stabilizar uanon P-220-DH Unity Centrex Desk computer Table f vpewriter Stand tc-1800 Heevy Duty l2-Digit Meridian PYRNE BYRNE GCMP BYRNE 1999 25 Black t-.zF3r620363 9126APO1C368400029 P-220-DH Black White Gray Beige ADMIN BYRNE Black 1 71 -2Arr-E I 475-9678 BIUBm Toc PIP BlUBeise PIP Itoki 4-Drawerw/ lock 4-Drawerd lock R238 IBM WheelWriter 30 Series ll 11 db BYRNE BYRNE ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN GCMP 7-DrawerMlock High-BackWArm Ihree Shelf l^hoir Filing Cabinet Fifing Cabinet Tvnawrilar Jr--=___ l/tX4861 52-1760$3r SDS1 F IH44t{45+37 Dell Docembor 12.2007 Gray Gray Beioe 8590 -RM270Tao ;4280000494 Wooden Wwheels Gray Brouln PIP PIP ADMIN ADM/HEALTH PLANNING soc|o T'P lunlur€EqlixMtl /g€bd a,ovt ir&3 as4rrcd b tuwi''wrrio,y,d ot'flyr'-. srw,f aoy ftimitue an<t@ equigox'nl wquire to bo srr.E]€d, t €osferrid. or t €a drrby.. sqpr.a&s n*, n" arnu ,r*y adrr*? ccct m lor Nr'rr( fho e.p/ovD i"cpo;&6 b rwrt b rarmEaarn aN secuqnEreau 'pFdttg b-ildnb" rad -tt',. Arrr" at,o aln-tlb,r or.v o'vttrltteo' oar'gBs to ary ofab fnrft/r."gq&o,.r nnpdai iry*iw€ny bss furrn c&b tp ix*ffiffi il n6yn ,oin, 8L ffin o. Cj T \J EmptoyeiSna[E .'' :":"_ Date " 't' ,, BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPIIENT $URVEY Name: Vrcant Desk-- X;tuxG;6; December 12,2WT Itann h,.mtljl CPU (Harct Drive) Keyboard Mouse UPS (Battery Baqk-Up) Desk Dell Ultra Sham Flat lDo8cls2t76053t6D4R5 Dell Bleck Precision 340 48NY311 Dell Dell Black m025PGG371718c0749 PS2 Black Elack PgUEf Battery Fax Machine .rtgvt It tE Filinn f^qhinor f'lask Bhck Ap14 WorkCentre Plo 845 I2W471885 Patney Bowes Beige ADM 8700 DM100 0002644249 Gray Beiqe Chair l-Drarver BIUBm Too Low Back yy/arm Bhck ADM ADM ADM ADM BIUBm Too ADM Beige ADMlCommerce ADM/Health Planninq ADlt/UHealth Plannino # Wooden Feflowes % Filinn llahiaor vruqucr vaulflt;l Storage Gabinet Fan lMp Standino Fan Xerox Mqchine ruorrCentrefro f fr#Hf"* Ery,tatg. rrp.flU,o',fa, f ADM/Commerce GCMP Kerox Document 2-Drarver Q.lrroz{i^. Brouln Black 'OOVA ,vooden z-Drawer {igh Backdarm unatt Qlam^ vl-r ! !1, 1892A378 ADM ADM ADM ADM * sO I Shelf PowerShred PS70 )70 991110A R l(X @12S644 f -Dnwer S915 /Gorrt wlreceding Dnrr. Ta 4270000266 Putty l-[}nuor c615 Putty Z-Doors w/ lock ?-Doors W lock Z-Doors W lock 121 Beige Beige Beige White c51 048 Model F56:10 lMooetSB NWL-036660 Gray lpM ,,_ . ,- A,DM ADM ADM GCMP LEASE *E* b dn o0oF,rr€, bnod *W: !y .!y twritun aod/ot cquWn t rsquiE ,o be uB allf&/rc gn/d ;w f,d,ri/. * vwr fnIi* wro -,# Y!9 YW'*e frtr,tto,r- t-:' empoyee S[naG 2007 equipment survey xerox scanner.doc Date BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURI{ITURE AI.ID EQUIPTENT SURVEY l. ^- i, - ",, i ", *.rXUTL-TTffiiffi Printer Printer HP Binding lrlaclrine Binding Machine Binding MachiQe 37mdfrl 3800drl CNGDBO7673 0ray/bei(le ColorLrrorht LLEBG cNYCH70855 GBC GBC /sloblnd sytbm3 PRO TE66664E 0pge rrav/boioe €lectic electrie qn('frg Kt09669 1(A05148 beioe GBC GBC nla D€[dE tr{c lLl(.f 3{m-t K806738 beige n/a rva na Na n/a Filing Cabinet Filing Cabinet nla HON ry'a manual: 1999 LLEBG ? manual 1999 LLEBG ? 7-ft: FY2N2 RSAT 7-ft, Fr2W2 RSAT $-ft F(2002 RSAT 4-ft: FY2002 RSAT ldrruor, twEontd. pulFout FION Filing Gabinet Flling Cabinet nla Global rla n/a ruilg vlomet nla rva Filing Cabinet n/a n/a Fiting Cqbinet ila ila ry'a rua n/a Binding Machine r|gor|l, rrJ|(||llg tao|e Phstb Fotding Tatte Plastic FoHing Tabn Phstic Fotdtlg Tabt€ HP /olobind Svltrrn 3 PRO q/e.n hr.e. Lfor litd.tg qrC.nt n/a fhe orlb frmftn€,bq./*,Fot fsbd sDoro EAr! €ssipod &orpj€d' hasbtrd, or,dt o.ffbrec r+nrtbr 2000 Na Na *ttite n/a n/a *'hite 105E (l(ev Number) 107E fiev Numbert W505 (Key Number) Q?98 (](ey Number) C74,{ (}Gv Number) DSKA083 (Key Numberl DSKA245 (Kev Numbert 159 (Kev Number) rvhits rdtito beige beige beise beise beise beise berge beise Cobr trtcrirt; FY20(X PSN ldrerusr. horizontal, pulFout f-drrrtr. hortsontrl, put oul 4{rawer d{rawpr 4drawer ddrawor {-ehelf cablnet b lp ,txlv?trrl,rt xtd slru2yas, Stpg4 alty fi,zd,{a ret qriporr,tt ,quha b b il t oloy- grorli,,wl M, &1 bt ptryt 161,21r uut t!Ft'*o np trFv,, t rsnsor u Epott o g"re anttrltmrrrdtrir eitoeuleo- any tB x do, sr"db,;;'ir-3irutt" d..lf€gE! lo ary glhc n4dfr{e6q&tn3rf btitffi "dtrhbt ffirr, "ra ttu, n iliainffi BUREAU OF STATISTICS AI{D PLAI{S OFFICE FURNITURE AI{D EQUIPTENT SURVEY lEmpbveeNemo: Soc@,.m-commor.,"e-l File Gabirut ile uaonet nle File Cabinet rla da na c+rqg! n/a n/a da File Chair 9,hair Chair -_ ila behe l-drmor boioe l.drewcr belge 2-drarer. Uack. (Emie) n/a DSKA260 (Key Numberl DSKA149 (Kev Number) C746 Key Number) C682 (Key Number) Doxge rda nla n/a nla n/a ohcUsrey black/srey 2-Drarrer. b€is€. (Millie) Hish baclds wheeled chair nla n/a rVa black/qrey Hiqh bddS wfneM chair Hioh back/S wheeled chair Irt9 ofioe_,irn&{a6q$ncot &bd €0or€ berD .8s!trd b tp abwc.Ntw o{&*4/t'.. str,ud., aIry tu nhrc NId que,'l|,nt ,qufr b b affiyrc4.trb.rt"-lrb{at"toaidil-a! srrll*t nout dt*r &q tot pryr ,'d,iott anr rqurfrry. W:--tuI9d'n..t&r [p ttrpb]dt b Fport b rdn*rlitttbr s*oonaraeau risilsaaoa"t",i-1r, iirla na wi i*riddb a4nwr dy ia * 6lnau o any t !rr9 'E 'wo,fsbrt rrrd frf ,'//nc|dts& d*n '|nrUtltrqAS4n -"i '.'.-' I BUREAU OF STATISTICS AI{D PI.AI{S OFFGE FURTIIURE AilD EqUPIENT SURVEY t3.2007 I*. Mnnit^. cPu (Hard Orive) 4U )all Kevboard Mouse )ell .,hLtlc'i : il6irl6rii] ',.i ]l,t Occ2esg4rao€sp-t28t- 4231240,31 ;N 0TH7e&716?3.€6Fl 360 F o 1100 Lrne Coruitroner ltp Prantsr t8s€riot4 Plus HP - Router Swatch Tf)VI ltE Tn\' EggbrSwirch Zig Drivg feleohone torbl 2tr (?) flategaen r#7u212A2 No rorial # on soeekem Supador LaserJet 201Sdn Printer Printor Bled( Silver j:llr,ll,ff*IAR*B 815500,t23 ITYt?r rilpp.lit€ Prinlar Bladt ron |es tag 4wwNNtsl Blad( :x ofOeei-gzr zzaanozct Blad( 'I 1146APO1.C368400101 white t'18.1P34521 Grsy & SLck illHc76sl9F Boy & Eleck No sari8l Creem Otfca JUF(.;442665 -EsarJot 5 .,sl($r0170 4arDfr'v\lzogQzz100 r40o 24 PT D306?P\ t2K8D82940 Cleam Metal Metal C[ of Guem eggad * found BCMP funclod? SCllP tund€d? r6B&|642UT Merithn NT4 X 42 l{NTu59911249 3ebe rvith scroen 475.9663 5 draurar metrrl wlth Desk rrood simulabd None Desk Chair Filino Cabiner r.loN Fihno Cabinet Uttlrty Gart \lone and stplf {ono Fan tg" )firce Guest Ctreir -ine Stgbifizer & EJ(ecutive with am rests None 40'4 dramr bbrat KeY# 102R nt,- { ofemr|abfal Key* 129E Rolls Comoub. nask bmk;a Blk/Brn Tor top with lons scrstch F.Dric wiut actJustabte Sreen everE for lumbar suooort Boiqe 3eioe itstfl wtm lom|ga lop Cddtioi; I nppLlt€ =ct6m / LCa6E4 12040 Bhd( ol2sol c3Anr.rnrr Brorn 9ray )ranoe PorcrCord )ranos rhe oflkp tumituto/qupn'nl /rsled aoorp iyste assrgned-lo rfe a0ore-rnen son€16d, transbnad, or tr wr anr,rlytp Bym61989 -LEBG HII.A firy3fiww. *paarr";;r rr," DMil;tdffi"l ffi.Trffi#rffi#*,ffffifffifffiffi;; Blad( & MetEl Brown Leathor and Wooo sr,auL any fumiture ewu qurpn*nt requin to be ry-erfonyoog*H;Wacfrain $ctbn br Nqggt *tion aN orsariisirss'a,,a-nens i,,a u*r, sup6r,w r^*wo .-y,hos or \*_/ ;y lU13t2W7 2@7 equipment Eurvey miki.doc ---- li,' -":-" BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURNTN.|RE AI{D EQUIPTENT SURVEY &me: MTLDRED L SOCIO.ECONOMIC PIANNING Monitor (19") Dell Dell 05223&rl Speakers CPU (Had Drive) D€II Opliphx0(620 Keyboard Dell RT7D6O Mouse UPS (Battery Back-Up) Dell DP/N:OKD944 APC DLlOOOVNT 1C3684 cN{cc29964180€4E{H5S AS501 IEEE-1394 / Servlco Tag: 4C7P7B1 / Express Service Code Blac*l$ihler PSN 2004 Grant Prooram Blaclr/Grev PSN 2004 Grant Prosram Bhck/Groy PSN 2U)4 Grant Program 94456S637 Line Conditoner Tehphone Itptrl-ile Unlty Centix (Meridian) NT4L20AA"35 / RLS{.I APP 17-92 / CC 9216 cN{T6867€7172€3A{16Q $/ll: FOH03JBT Bhck Black/Siber PSN 2004 Grant Prooram J80633013783 9126AP0LC368400021 Number 475-9574 Black PSN Whito &\i'tVBhck Desk Chair Bodc Shelf N/A N/A Govt Tag: 4010000080 HON (Mid Back) NUA MA Got'tTag;37$1 MA N/A MA N/A PPlEL, LBL PN: RF621 ServheTq:2JBZZC1 402 Expese Servbe Code: % Kokuyo flglwriterDesk N/A End Tabb N/A Lspbp D6ll CEQRPCr/8O8BPN2T 2fiX 2flX Grant Prosram Grant Prooram Byme 1999 Grant Prooram PSN Beige 7 Draurer Desk Fahic/Green PSN 2004 Gnant Prooram Grey Metal/3 ShefveslGlase Door Panol Brown Brown BhcUGrcy SPG Rattan Leqs/Hard Wood Too PSN 2q)4 Grant Program 5517537697 MultHnedia Projec{or Ddl 34MMP GN-{rME5sl -S008 1 -7444588 Servioe Tag: {NH4C1 Express Servioe Code: 989541 6620 Blae*lGrey PSN 2m4 Grant Program ZIP Drive - Extemal omega Z2SOUSBPCMBP rGBS02500X Blue PSN 2004 Grant Program t?p ofica ,i0fftmbft{[t€'tl6bd ffir1j3g|' s0oE ir6,D,sccbmd brp arovoimsalurd m&ttr, slror!fi any ftnnhle ddlor txuinrra11 t;q1tt7 b b 8u,wyed, drrtr nffir llaffit ffit,o, p,w €ce,r sx, (qr,tt4 nB @,9ryg11i b rrpot6.or*,i.r'ao-s*d;dil,;'se&}i'ffi":ffi;ffi,ffi##Xfr*ffi#6j'T#r;r"'ffi "ffi €'4pbry b 'wrfs5,c [l{tq!rrbJqp,4!rf h. hllrrodbb,cibn- rrrr u', fii[fi December 13, 2007 BUREAU OF STATISTIG$ ATTID PIANS OFFICE FURMruRE AilD EQUIPIIEIIT SURVEY CPU (Hard Drivei- KeyboarO Mouse @ Printer --_ Tebphone Dell Dell rEtl Dell APC &nad-Upszoo HP Uni<Jen IJOSK uhair uomputer speaker lme Gondifioner Line Conditioner glglFtcamera Zip Drive: Externat - r/a lN{rT6t rs718J &562{"n\[,, Optiplex GX280 btk 7)ffGWl sK{115 b'lk iN{Lr.6zr&2161 6€SE.(PIB n/a S/l{:lilMi DLTOO tr,\ru/o as0z46zzo237 % MY6611121W Q72111 u00fin0199093 nla GovGuam 2575 57t 522; fm Dpd:0T00{3 +OtO0tfOOgI qKqRFC;7E0EEp: PO56A05963: PO56A05963 PO56A05963 PO56A05963 btk btk l9inch brk gray/silver rhotoc*nst 2575 AlFl*Onc rhite @mHz cordfess r*udbm toD 7-drawer green FriJi,|.tl' t2T cN{R923$a82ll.55s0r al fabric;midtack rc3684 htk 9146A f,fiito Sony UDU-Wl{,r0 95S0AY0LC6148000s9 545324 btk PO56A05963; sound bar FY2OOO LLEBG FY2OO6 LLEBG rvr I tE taat Zip ?50 silver Cybsrdrd; FY2002 RSAT 1GBRO2919H blue Dell Ttipp-.Lite - ffi /l /v/tq/-7 F L- ; v '-1 BUREAU OF STATISTICS AT{D PLANS OFFEE FURilM'RE AND EQUIPTENT SURVEV Monibr CPU (Hard Driw) Koyboard rrlruott rrrtp lcrrl|rrCtry llaGX-Upl r|l(tl tiatcutaU[g Machine I Irt{xt(,flg Desk Chair TYPE WRITER DEI.J. 1901FP cMSl?327161847DA752 DELL BLK AFCOglzDE NONE DELL RT7D50 DEtL NONE cNoJ4€A€7fi246,5p/,71 423145489 AFC HP/I.ASERJET 5P SI{ARP BLK BLK BLK xs-1000 NONE BEIGE c3t50A usF8319535 BRAY EL-2121 NONE BEIGE N()NE GRAY NONE rr I r. zF I nKqwN ToP wfTH 6 DRAWERS BROTHER re ofto fr7trt{Eaet&ncr{ f'!bd &r,E brvt ,"ritd b a,,-t'cd' tsr€feT 14 qra,r rnoblr qarrba th u- ffi "?r ffi*fffi tp ,&*ndft,,j€n9bri. $gd !r, finnfrn awt qry., tq,$. b b rr,t,m torn rwl ,d,,t*, &r, E ptryr wn eta ffiir -a mni *a'u* iffiaparyiror ary bcs d ffi't"l'6dd /;Z'/A-&aa, ! c I lr c U .s E C tr t !g o!l I d3 {3 3 4 3t .E IL (, IL o Lr a C ! C d o. o. 3 3 3 3 B u ! t t 6 a { .s tt(, lt.g(' o. 3 Eii .a) ',] ::, +( i .g ! g T .E d E E tr E #a o, : q T E ts o { C T = *2 I2 ! t I : ff o fi & E ut I d (, F! : IE I I E E :.: t .tE f; E fl d fl ? € a(! rt, (t{ o g) d g F aD o x6l rrt sz .lt (, * I f; il ? zt! t I I 3t E td .g ! rt o Gi N N e @ ct rat !o & 3 Icl t I I I c = : s 5 s2 2 z T! I o q u lI. a (T sz 5 tt c o s Ex € 5 5 s z d2 s2 5 5 zs o t! tc * oI ]t t ll (! (, E ta = o = E I o ol a 'e o fl il a o EgE Is ztl o |Ii] HE .{ .'' oa H = lt @ ro C) 2 g o ct ci .E a"i. Y ro (\| c (', d E o @ t t t o o ; I t!{ N u: t t t! { o (o I 7* e v d :F luu = q .t E E .g J{ ! I ! 6 E tr E fl I6 lt !n t c{ (\l v (r{ o ; t\ art rJt € E € l|l (o rO (t F E E il t (lt z r.' $ d lil c{ o c: E { N ! R c\' o N @ t? H o t 3F ?* ,' 9il 3 I I, { to c { to a Tul s s oEE =o =o =o o o- I o. e € E t z E E LI LJ € a g E I I t a E 6 g E E tI !I I 4't I oI o o 6 lt f g g ! ct N rt ! ! & F' a i 7I g oo o ro rO rO t g CE E n o = $;$g I g$Eg fo tr Ie ? 3 e o C t- o f L a ) *o I E t2 :g D o e g o ,t C o 't L f g c cL 9 I L "& o c t I I o 6 a a E I Io 6 o g E c' o Itg L o g g a ) tr n I I o o o c c 6 I D tt ) = 3 D t o e D 3 o I o I= = I ! ! [] I I J ) )l )l a D ll ) gsFg g o tr ,, g l'g I !l lr 'il Hg l$g cl oi ILI SgFF lg IN BUREAU OF STANSNCS AI{D PLAT{S OFFEE FURil|TIIRE AI{D EQU|PMEilT SURVEY Nrmc: Teltrno Monibr Dell 1901 FP CPU (Herd Ddve) ilack Dell AFCOSI2DE Black lGvboerd I)ell RTTDOO ilouse Dell UPS (Battery Back-Uo) APC Hinter Cahuh{ng tulachine fobphone HP Blsk 4240712W US liobd 42C2 E954fr1 | ELISOlP 03d) 1827106900 Fifing Cabinet 073 Scanner 2- 5 drau€rcebinob Bupoly catinatU 5 shrilves scan pafter 15C Laptop mixon MP-989M tbsk 103r98 la *-^r ar--fumitudequiprcnt tw L ^r-!-:^r--r!, - r',4 - A/brc ass*tDed to whb Blad( dfo drekwlrhcd rndrrm nrt It'" 9fu tumltuG/qu$nwil lised aboro Jttnihtalaa,riaa^-a Whlts Casi'c L Shepod rannncr'Alo tfVhite Blaok Sfian Desk Chair ic Bhk Bhck &690 beice bcise 1M tlr enfuw. S11ooE any furntture an&r q.fipn e -",rebj""-;i;;fr-M;il;#; afnrrrnenfrrrrd ;tr," ,t.ijrr befin Blac* ;-;'6; *"d1#';ffi;;;ffi;; ; ffi ffi';;, ffi ; osffi\ F \-J .; !i_' t' .. * 5l T I i el o gle (U = E +r Y J(, Y E (! E D 6 o g(, o o o o (D o @ 6 o o o o o 6 d 00 (\ cD ct g'b (u rf d 5 (o 5 F s$$ II rl qE E3 o2 o ol tt:t TI ol 6 ;E zl sl il1, gE oa E1 6H Ltr o= rq <tr (o (oi I I Hu 5E oE ...1 I I 4i t I o (L = '/# .E c f I tU# ffiff BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PTANS OFFIGE FUBNITURE AND EOUIPf EIIT SUBVEV Y"^,,", IPU (Hard prive) ----lD;ii s,-"r1$ir':riE, lNosY?3271 sr i0CX451 (qrvboard 'lall Mouse Dell JPF (Batrerv Back-UoJ ri -l6Tii Spesker Zlp Drive e*butetins-Mq€hin+ lelephone Desk Dhair ADA nell romeot ,lt ?50 USA -in€ Conditionot s9951003357 UHB r e9647 nitv {o eerlal nurnbor Hioh Beck Froorrtirra 5 draw ItiPP Lite Power Proiecti^' t-ine Black/G rey Baloe INO4Y'16348220449-OOTW Ietack/G,6v PoweieO- NB Filins qabinor Nlack jltoG0842-71 6t 6..1 1 H-6653-TBtack/cr." llack 416017'150 Ll CrSElocc Staoitizli/ConcGier tC lsoO 1or0000083 Yo Eorial numbor rlo serial nunber No rerlal number Blue/Blacl leioe Black/Brown Black Brey ffhlle fh. ofi&a twn ufitaqubnaat t4]taal aboya lsLtl o*noion!#i"::##:"::::##::_"Y:,,:lffX:::i:X:;i|:;,:#::i:.,f;:;;,:n:;: 'a.nptoyt m6-.c.,ro, ^, tclninblttlba ttctbnlaurttu ot aL.{llbt t"'l Pbaa a,'at nab tnnaatlrd- aup.rrkor anbta or at macaa to an!ot th,,,umltu,aLqutpmanr ,o. knm.att a. .o|bn. ry p '4 ''-::l t;.-^,.. BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURilIURE AI{D EQUIPTEI{T SURVEY Drte: lbnt #ffiw rcrt r\gtl,t telu Dell tlSR Mnl l.\all anaaL^ UPS (Battery Back-uo) i.ine Co!4itioner USB Zip Drive ffi File n:hinar l'E of,k6 :: Dell :litedlfuilt Dell 1901FP Optiplex G)Q70 Dell' sK-?..rne Dell u(,otiuo Dell \s500 \PC SmartUPS 200 )U'UUNE CN.05Y232-7 16 1 8.f 5E-ADS6 1ECX451 cN,0G0&{2-716 I I 41 H-5654 QS0225132160 9126APOLC36&400031 1C3584 lomega Zip250 r,, 418020239 elL-04Y463-4822&,448-0 1 LN I Z2g)USBPCMBC 1GHR12E29H (none) (none) t-ar-.E l*ntunqlooHl oa^fi'4 c t ao $F&v"" 3t-Dec{Z Black CN-05Y232-7 Black Black Black Black Beige Beise CN-0G0E42-7 I 01 1 -+ I H-5654 1 6I 8-f SE-ADS6 rith card reader cptacalrnouse 3N-04Y463-4E220-048-0 1 LN Blue 3rey with white too Bhck rith grey strip€ Grey Grey GovGuam 1-1050-2 & od abo6 aer-retnod b ab ,tu,6-ra.tdorxg e,rwyec,, slx,.lH aw fu,'r*uo anugr aqryrr,nr ,equi, to suy,r|'-, tdn ab oi*;,ryrh,.ri adrdr sed*r,, tuprwr tr',liot ux n,ootthrg. Ttb annl"y"' is 'loares Eu,,Nt,,. utv tN b srv at ftBna,wi,,ent d,";",ed;;fi;dr, ffiSH."*sdior8dl",,orerda;;"r&-;;trffi;ilfrb Date b t &',ry' h (*-j ..\J ;: U,, (-;-.. -_. BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLAN$ OFFICE FURilITURE AI{D EOU|PNENT SURVEY 31 Manlla' .Ilh tf,tr.$ Monitor Adaotor CFI I fl.lqnl hrn,o Kevboard MOUSe nAGL , A.^.^,^- r,,4j 'r ',:ri/i NEC MultlSrmc LCD 170oV lgE AC AdaDror D€ll ',',Colot _ct700v€K D(@269GA 42m34006596 LSE 9901 81970 Dell 0p$dex Oe70 5K€125 Dell hta$iMouss 1.2A 3C€1,1431 ]N{6Wqt q388.12-359{t 3298884-2 r509 lhair. exocutive wlarm Esr rnt otibc 64S :'i ., ,rj,t .'" REllAPxs Elad( Black Black Model DHM Elack Black cN-06w6 1 $.38E42-35S8U48 Bhck dlh brotirn top with orev shiDa Black rsdrh.d b ha *ttcti,/fu a@o, sty'I/ futn&ue at&t aqulrt*ot t!oi,,o b b rgn,,y,*, t ,rft6'led, 'bdqe6$*me*rrrdsbo€ tdr €'goloo ''ty sarelcc tqi itte thhin@€'r'r.r(' 0t !rpb,r!o siot*' r@ ffiiffit l'/ 4q,,t ffitt n't rry,tirg:. ft', u*ya o tryaaue o n5tut lo adf*tc{'tfb' sodbt'ct,E u ofgatlnbt aara drdodrimrraral, rparrt* av r8 gr d.,rrqasb aryar ua nftflpt"9"ti{rr*ntfu bnrno63,., odio., ",,d it'ltE ot Empbyoo sfnature PIP Researctr Desk Dats BUREAU OF STATISTICS AT*D PLAiIS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT SURVEY 3{ ttm ,:';:iililiffd }lo. Monitor CPU (Hard Ddve) MOUSe I IC,Q y. y ,c} tserwt, OybeMsion C70 EPS Technolooies ccDTs21447-1M lPS Jechnolooies RTl01+ ;'i;'.l il ,i, *lli#*lle.j"t?l+i $rirlji;, f,iiilli'l|l sw3568734 Baioe 119452 Beise Beise PCt4[rBR2 40/Jo711 BEIAFKS' uctqf-l.lg, r"s otibc lknnuc'bqqi- t tisbd abo!€ Er,tr. asqtaod b up &veowfi,,"d Yur€le4 trastbrod, c f fl .npaoylo cqp€.lbs n,w ffi Jfrrffi#,frffi;ffi,fffi ,,,wy'-. Lrw.d(! my tuatu. .,er o.*i'rar* tqwt, b M &"xn6ya ann ,r*y .g,tfir tor pr*,r &,o,t ufl i,irtilrffiUjiil"&,',,0 it p ',ctut t'frii&'afr,;"or.,,y o* a ",,0't int*i6#!ff C) Emptoyee PIP Library SffiEiIE Date T {rr ;,' t.: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURI{ITURE AI{D EQUIPf,ENT SURVEY 3l.oec{17 |lrm-I=-T Monitor Y : lD-Q /llq$^^ - rre..vrt _..i';_,;.: .r.1.. Sony Tdntron Cotor Disolsv MSI CPDE230 Acer 0511-TW urt|'f BK65OMC [P LaserJet 1200 c7044A trrffifffi*affi t *, t tli.) 2605616 I 1 66007X4 1 I 1 Vl 6030SfinOO 7il8210E APC BAck-UPS 6S0VA rtte o'ico fsbd abon,Ea,r-sslfnad s{rwyco, tearbrlra. 'i@&t'!6qt4xDord o. r .n .mbyoo sro.l|br ;.;i;;.gclbl lhit,,,,ot.l, 1590 Artec esslt|rP) :;.;: ,Gldor'"', Beise Beise [Vhite P80238113001 Baioe Bairro cNcv173254 Beise b rts a/x,w 9''0),x' ut,{,tli-. sty,,l, _**i&liiiffi]rrr,{|y* ,is"a.ait-",'o-ifir i;ii Custom built for PRISM Ihree button. serial any fi/'|}ihtta ari,rbt aqui,,rr,ot r9t,,ube tg bg ,ho|* nffiy M, &n tt p,wr /*/{'a .tf, twtw. o,ofr tnn;d,,b tu,nnviqr ufi i& or da,,cs.s a any a ",,a lr empoveeEdiffi PIP PRISM r .i':*'. : .r, BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURSIITURE AI.ID EqU|PilENT SURVEY Date: ! [e wulttEtt O.qfawgf Illl 'r'.'; sa[*,llo-ir, Gohn. +:l€'sl'.r{.aqet FrE cabanet, 3-drawer File cabinet, adrarver File cabin t, s-drawer FION Filg cabinet, S{rawer File cabinet, 5<ra,rvoJ r-'r'-.^^. Beise Beioe A}M21 File cabinet,4+iaurer fllarasttler, J_oraw€1 1261 4M331 Af\r425 AM31g AIrl315 AM417 lile cabinet, Strawei ;,*ffii* Beise Beise Beise c606 Lls- vsrriltE tr g_{|ralfler File cabinet, S{ntrei File cahinet c650 c722 c690 Kokuyo At!t4t)5 R520 R166 G384 3l0ec{7 i Grey GovGuam 210A445-14 (0779) Grey Grev Grey GovGuam 006352 Grev Grey Grey GovGuam 006348 Beioe Beioe Black 9liding drawgrs The office fumiture/equipnwntlisted a0ove ivare assrgned to the above-mentioned smptoyae. slrould any fumiturc and/or equipment require to u if an em&ywseparares ftom the Division/Depaftntent, ttr amptoyee shouil noty actminsecfron for proper action and roporting' The empbyee'ls rapons,nue io nprt to adminAi{ftttkn sction&ureau of stalrsfas and plans afu meir immediate supenisor any loss ordamages to any or tn" for imn*hte action. De surueyad' transbned' u^nur"tqii*n, Date PIP Fite Cabanets BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURI{ITURE AND EQUIPTENT SURVEY De!o: Ita{n ffi ffi w iffi _-__. yvy.\vgw, qta^l li^^L^L^E illionlor,;i: it-Ortt tyt g ^ vreer sr 4\!t|lflI. O-Sll€lVeS Stf1rtfrc nqhinar E ^L-r.-^- ( f#:tfr: Beioe with glass Belse 076 299 124 Beise Beioe rith glass rith olass rith ohss 1t5 0328 sepaiatas ttom Beiqe Beise Beis€ ;n;ffi#;r#ffitr;kffiffitrw, with slaes with glase with glacg SIEIARKS door door door door door door door . r, r,i:; Beise Beioe Beise to the afuu*mentianed employee. ghukt ne :,:rf rr.,:rtjri'ri,.ri:i:- 131 (none) (none) The otfice fumiturc/equipment fisfed a0ove igale assigned surueyed' fraasfened' or an emptoyee :,:il i,, 039 137 HON HON 3l-Dec.07 any fumiturc and/or eguipment raguirc ta be Division/Dapaftment, the'employae shou6 rwtity adminsec1bn for pnpr action and -"tt",,/Bursau orsralisrbsand ptans and their immadiate supruisorany ross or X % Date H: ,*."1;:;o PIP Bookcases t-'- BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFIGE FURITITURE AT{D EQUIPTENT SURVEY 31-Doc-07 :llrm rwrpr|lr||, rvtlQE, o-sJlelvgs rr ,r^u||r'tr, wocxl, 3$hglves uur p||tr|l, w(xr(|, c-snevgg ru^-rrs||, w(,(lq. c-snelves uootshetf, wgod, S_shelves Bookshetf, uoodJ-shelysg Bookshelf , wood. S-shelves Bookstrelf, vuooO, S-snelves Bookshelf, wood, 5lshelves eu.r^prrE||, rvfx)cl, c-$lelves ew^!flsil, :1rr. ' oqorsnen, wood, 5_shglves c_sneNes -wnorrgrr, wtrqu, o_gllglv€s uutJQtcl, uoorsnen, rcoO, S-snems uooxsner, wooo, s_snelw Eooksnef, wood, S-shelves DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW ,' lu l: slirLsq i';,!,{ii\iitll i (none) (none) (none) Wood Wood Wood (none) Wood Wood Wood Wood i,vood ,Vood fVood (none) (nonel (none) (none) (none) (none) (nonel (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood 1 oJ 24 DPW new shelves 2d124 DPW now shelves 3 at 24 DPW new shelves 24 DPW new ehelves 24 DPW new ghelvee 8 of 24 DPW new shelves 7 ot24 DPW new shelves B of 24 DPW new ghelves I ot 24 DPIA/ new shelves 10 of 24 DPW new shelves 11 of 24 DPW new shelves 12 of 24 DPW new shelvee 13 of 24 DPW new shelves 14 of 24 DPW new ehelves 15 of 24 DPW new ehelves 16 of 24 DPW nqr shelves 4 of 5 of The oftice fumtture/aquigrent,,sted above ivao assr$n to the abu*mentionad employaa. strou/d any fumiturc and/or equipmant ftrquirc to be surueyed' lransfettod' or if an amployea separafes trwr tna Division/Depaftment, the'emptoyee stlrlttdl notify adminsaction for prcpr action and rcpotting' Tha emplovae is mponsrbie to iput to a&ninistntion wtiont&naau of sfafisfics and plans and their imMiata supewiwr any toss or damages to any of d ttn tumitufuuipmentd, ir^"ailt" rctian. LDate PIP Bookshelf - part nl .":,; 1 BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PT.ANS OFFICE FURI{ITURE AIiID EQUIPUENT suRvEY qst3: - Srm ffi ffi l.l,Oobr.i,: wvncrrsrtr Wtrl!ru. D-SnelV€lS Bocl€helf, w@d. s€helves ffi vwnerrelr wrrtru, g-Sllglves trooKshelf, uood, S_shelves B#Tl:l'yog':'+1vd --''.-. DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW (none) (none) (none) {none} (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) (none) rvr.r w\..rt|, fl-llJllilVgs Flmlraha|r r..^^r ___,.Y.rer, ww[., Rmlrohalf r^6^i ___..-..vxr wwsr l{aw|kehalf rln^J F.mlrchalf 6 -L , g_tilfiilvgs a ^L^r--r.r\ilCilytts a -L-r---- rt'|vttD :::'r rr (|-|'ilt,tvgs fVood Wood Wood Wood Wood |,vmd 3t-Dec{t7 i j:r' : 1 r,.lli ri. irriiri': nEIARK8 ir,: i,r :: : : 17 of 24 DPW bookshelves 18 of 24 DPW bookshelves 19 ol 24 DPW bookshalves 2A at 24 DPW bookshelves 21 ot 24 DPW bookshslvee 22 of 24 DPW bookshelves Wood Wood White Wood 23 oi 24 DPW bookshelvas 24 oI24 DPW bookshelves Wood Wood Wood 4 orkrinal shelves 3 of 4 orisinal shelves 4 of 4 original shelves Black trim 1 of 4 original shelves 2 of The otftca fumtture/equiprrnnt ,,sted ar,(,vervale assrgnod to the abou*mentionad employee. slroutd any fumitun and/or equipment requirc to be lt. an amployee separafes trom tne Divisiott/wpaftnent, the'emfloyae shouil suleyad' tnansfened' u f#f;:: ;yrfffitrifrffi]ffii,?ffi###f;;*lnato,,n n"n notify admin sectbn for proper action and or srarsrics and ptans and their immediatasupervrsor any /oss or Date PIP Bookshelf - part 2 BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPIENT SURVEY 31-Dec{17 ffi ffi printer (us Printer System 2 System 3 Pro 0Bc GBC re.rr I ylrgltt |lcil tlri^r^% :i'inEllnKs GBC c200 Wheglwriter 10 Series tl HP Color LaserJet 4600 c9660A HP LaserJet 8m0N c4086A HP LaserJet 5P c3150A HP LaserJet 5 c3916A lntel Express 5107 BM oepGlcoi;GGi nP frb twnltwvbqbrp,tl lilbdl aDovi ,itAr! tssFed stttueE' harFfrnd' q don ottpbr€c t{E etur nwn QJ25158 ffi.white s145168E QJPO125 Off-white Black 11-0149654 Beioe JPDKC3SS4g Beise Beioe Beise Baise usGG000003 usF8319450 usKc0927s8 Grey b iit €Dorer bnsd €apbl€e tp Drvllo,,trriiiitit-fiiqt&ye shouLt , Not workins Tvoe 6783 cD0000234356 Intel Express 510T Switch w ftlz'ltue a,xrfu quiporort .equir. to be ffii *i.n tu pt*,' ffit aN n,-di,tg. dr,r,ra tradr ,tr;ffiffitr,i,ffi,od;*rctrldo',€odi*su'Ba.,i!iiiiiL-il"#;",,a a,.tirr&iaiiiilpi;i&qa*,o* aa,yu ,, ^-l*t Emptoyee PIP Equipment - part I SiIilE Date r l"- ', BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PI.ANS OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPTENT SURVEY 31-Dac{17 lj;,jitrrr',i|ffi;li thll Dl F Frnnl o"^lnall |.U ys. Er E I rvrrr -Yn ffi rtu|CrulQ|r F(elT|(lle Den Laptop AC Ad;;Gr uiliEiREEll oeu roppy o'ive o.t Roppy DellUSB Fhsrr u.IiF oriuGIffiGF- Standard CassseneEanscriber T',b oflb fttni,^row*"a'r {.bd ;l',::Gololfll, , Sony CyberShol DSC-WI00 D6ll 682630 Silver 3400MP DSSJTgl Silver D,ell rsER-tR01 60601967 Dell Silver D610 42VQ5B1 Dell Grey M036UOA Dsll F0T00t(As Black {DP.9OAH B MPF82E Dell Dell glr-0c802 34866 1 €sM-5 RD6 * IN.{Y6933-12591673{OJ8 Dell ranason|c 'aov. (none) RR-830 xE08A15510 Black Black Black Black Black ry[h battery chargsr CN4ME591 -S0081 €7R-0251 Remote control CN-0M71 El.48843€75-1 760 2-button with whael CN-0C802 3.4866 1 65M-5RD6 cN{Y6933-1 2591 €73-00J8 cN-0J271 1 -1 2E02€65-0W8H 512M8 Foot control and headset Wmxw" b6'-as4t,,€d b ap c,,w,nenbta ,,,,,tq*. sto,* $y tun,itua $rrrbr q,*',ro.t n,quke bb t "'"?--rr Emptoyee PIP Equipment - part 2 $EIIE DE- BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PTANS OFFICE FURITITURE AI{D EQUIPTIENT SURVEY 31-Dec{l ttrm W_ W iollillpOt,nq 'l: rmlils:lfiliii:tt rabte,mB'dmwer.ranan Em trno laDle, onedrari,er. rattian rcoKshetf, thr€e shelves. rattan Faper cutter t eFvr Paper cutter I wlrErtrtciu Fire extinouisher r/anrltm alaa^o- rdtlnq teble rith storage shelf no ghelf Brount Kokuyo Chitose l^hair Beige with brown top Brom Brown Brown Incento No.4 Boston 2067 vglfvl Baioe cR-1 Kidde KL10 TCZ-2 [!ppo Portable Hand Vac 999 (nona) (none) (none) (none) Beioe /Vhite Grev 371523 Brown Gold (nonel Ian (none) Bleck Kr311187 (none) 24jnch 1&inch l2inctr Blue stripe Red Multipurposs Drv Chemical Bhcknrhite Hoeo with 5 attiachments np dtB ltffttun@rytrwr .ta,rso toor. o.tan f,elbd '0ot6,iyb.9-arsiPlod ourv{oJ€o seocrabs rorrr r,e f,"ffi,"fr"ffi PIP Miscellaneous b,la a/{'reirrE,ll',),x' efir,'],,'-...StrJt4 w ftt,l'tur. {dlot qrpnr'.at t9gua to b &tNeN, odyd.rt;ffi i;';;Ftfr"Tffiiw rgrtta #*ll,to( arrlrr:lrnba arr(, arl:,W" rrr enp*lx eodrn'arno.rr; sr"d.,t";Tffi;'ti* rrrr,vl* ,s q d;nw,* b any ot.tp ",o*,,o-.ny -;r- BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND PLANS OFFICE FURNITURE AT{D EQUIPMENT SURVEY Docember 12.2WT lsection: Guam Coastl ltlm ,, i,|;ii1li,;$rdd,flo;;ilii::1;.t Dell rjltra Sharp Flat Dell DHM 367-8G41 Dell sK-3106 :N{G0842r Dell M.UVDELl .N835r1953 TdPro Power POW-550AS 0436040677 HP Unity Centrex c3916A usKco92760 Meridian NT4L20M-35 Z-Drawer, Wood qrain 475-9670 Desk Chair TIl€ ,.- | ',i.i. Monitor CPU (Hard Drive) Keyboard Mouse UPS (Batte Back-Up) Pnnter febphone {pni t90lFP ]N€0Y232-71 1 61 E-rl?66ATO 61 6€C7-7438 HiStlBack Ma,mrest ffi@ fimnu'E64ubtrtstt {sbd €lor3 b tE i:,::ri :, .: ; Black Black Black BlUSilver GCMP GCMP Black Beiqe Beioe 6CMP /Vood Grain GCMP GCMP GCMP GCMP GCMP GCMP BlUGrav my fimtua an tb. aqu@wta t|,{Jutue b b dptN ,&y dnt t bt prwr aN .wq,!, ,E q.rpfjt!,p rs rrpo,|s[ro b !pr9F rw.t b .at tr*trffin srolbl/Ar6a! d Sbfblbg aad Aars ad tr,ir tutlFdifu surywi,ot any ,oss oa @,naoe$ b y ol UE tutni'.nfuEnwtri. il.lx'r,lglo f('i:/l- f' *j l1rg nneto €sctned nun alx,veir,a'|fooad anr*|,4'-. w oniatAut&- w *Wy- xx*r *iq fa Dats 2007 equipment survey gumanotao.Cloc ...4'.1 :.* BUREAU OF STATTSTTCS AilD PLANS OFFICE FURNTTURE AND EQUIPIIENT SURVEY [q.m Monitor Speakers ti:,iiilllji.C6h!: DELL cN-05Y23271 61 645KAHMH DELL Black cN45Y232-7 1 6 1 8-45K-At{rr}.1 c N-04Y463.4822G448{0DP DS9238-12H BTL.A cNoGOE42-71 61 &41 H-l 799 Black Black DELL CPU (Hard Drive) r\Eyuucflu Mouse ffi DELL DELL UELL P/N:W0101 !I i,ro Fower UPS Svstem Iripp-Lite Line Conditioner Printer M.UVDEL 1 POW.ssOAS 1NA41778101 1800w a7-140V 0126APO1C368400012 Canon utxry [Normern le|e@m] 2-side drewer flend cabinet TX€20H 4060000500 None given 2-5 drauuer (gray): 2-f,drawer Abc!) & 1-3 drarrer(beioe) Tlp fu ftrnllnwuixraatiucbd 6fur€J,'d' raa56md, oDow lr,bra ,sc0.led ort&.nobvoe qperss m"Trffifrf,,mffm, E b tto slrrrt+-t rlrf:tr! e ,*ytr-, tu, tuirit*"rrffitii'"w Gray/blue Beioe Brown Black 12 diqiUsolar & batterv BLK,GR.BEIGE Shared w/in GCMP Wooden Hjsh.Pack _ aw tulr,ih/E qd/or qui'",nt n,qui' b be srEM nt)dly M1 &1n tu wr .*,ioa ad shoiE ffiL"fi,*,r"-r,'oa"^' Date Two Tone Berge Beige NT 4I2OAA€5 None given Bhck r/built in so€akers Built in soeakers Built in sp€akers Built in DVD. CD. Adrive Black Bfack/Grav Black 436040685 Hp Color Jet 5500dn 9alculating Machine Telephone :".t.'l:,i ad'tr,,i;,;t&';p.,a,anytwao- BUREAU OF STAilSNCS Ar{D PtAilS OFFICE FURTiIITURE AI{D EQUIPTEIiIT SURVEY Neme: lEmployoe ISCCUONr j;1yIOND V.C. GASERES GUAf, COASTAL IA}|AGEIEI{T PROGRAT jri;: Seo vDntot ;Ptl (Hed Orive) Qyboard [|ouso JPS (Bsttery Eack-Up) )rnter r.lcunllng MaChlnC Islephone '.3olar )ELL \s500 ]NO5Y2327161645EADSC BIACK DELI- DHM HC$(451 ELACK )Ett sK-3106 ;N€G0842-7 DELL irlUVDELl 1M346E25E1 rR|PRO POWER PLUS 550 POW 5s0AS I.IEWLETT PACIGRD vcvRA{101 MY28U1M3F4 ORAY N/A l{/A r{rA r{tA NORTHERN TELECOTi trr4L20AA-35 -I 1 61 S4 1 H-5655 CANNOT LOCATE A SERIAL NO. r{/A BEIGE lrvooDcRAr$ ERoWN unatr BTACK/GRAY dRM REST Filing Cabinq! rWOOD GRAII 2.DRAWER Cornguter gtand 'ipmet BTACK BI.ACK ueix rht ofiDt BTACK (WOODGRAI$BROWN fttf''T isstt*rasdalo'.rtlrrrlatndbsr.&*,r.r&|tad.np&,r. stu,,.'rtr''n!Itt,,w'.qlr''/r't,tt c'.rrj.N,M,o rt.ndop ' tqd &t ai6t rorp.rttf.4 $..dr.. dor& rl8.rflr &n tu w en rd n'dttg. rr..@r.. &,tpor.s5 !o ,wt b ffi.-,t ftt flau..u ot sl.|*ct*dPt rt||cdira'-rftdtef.viqtrybarddft{rabarydJrtnrlu*C/l,t {rbrimFnai@r. J'- :thyirlrlndil.e-tuarl E"rpb Dsc. 13.2007 rr*j i BUREAU OF STATISNCS AND PI.ANS OFFIGE FURilTruRE AND EQUIP}IENT SURVEY Name: Drvid Burdiclr LUP Fnudedwu{n NoAA Pgctfic tstexts Monlor Dell 1701FP MX{06HRlrl-4760$1 OR-Agl(Z Black CPU (l'lerd Ddvql NI WHL 1132V01 uwt LauuJq€ t-ap[op Cofirputor Black Assletsntshlp Prooram ln 2001 Doll PFOSL 3N-0G51 Gray Koybosrd Dell RTTDOO rH{25PGG371 tuichased bv GCMP ln 2004 Prorrlfid ttrough NOAA Fecmc |8brdg \sslstrnbhip Rogram ln 20Ol Dell WWDELl rhtAS{6E25at Black Maruson UPS Systems tRolloousA t16802213 Black -t. Gray Boigo Fto*rn, [anx-'t ood __ Mouse (Batsry eack-Up) 'rPS For,fitrd tttough NOAA 52-{864$42P{47E 71 - I 6M4557 Black Colorbssil€t Pdnt6r FIP Tobdtone {{i50N ,PPCGt5981 [orftom Toleoom qn{v Unknown DsEk Unkmwn Unkrown Unknorn Chair Un|(nown Unkrnwn Shelf Unknown u00|It8d( U*rpwn Urdrnown 250 GB ExtqmatHarddve Meidor Cne.buctl r$YP1r\r2E r-BxDf Shrer PX-?(l8trF D0600e07Eg4E Shrer DVD Bumer AsslEtiantshlp Prooram in 2001 Pffi lslandc rurchasod by C€tlPwi0t Doll ts0trtb spbp ln 2004 FrotldooEtrouoh N0AA Facmc |s&md8 Assbtentshb Prooram in 2fi)l PmvUed UrcWh NOAA P.cnc bbrds Asslstentship Prosnam In 2001 dbrown drtr€rs ldraworrpdel Brqvn seatw,Ua.* bass illiustado surivol chair B€iso 5quw. aLdnurn ch€lf Pmvkled thongh l,lOAA Pecific lslerdg lop, ofb fr'nl'BsquF lscl*rnbhlp no Prrogrerrr in 2001; this unit tc bmerfunc0onal I|,t !6otr 'tL etss tqr&Elarstrrd b nD &turr w!,rptortc. snol5 a,ry frlndltn rrrlo q#Nn rp1;,rya b b st.',yd, tJt'&4!d, q I ar upto't| rpeflf,;ra tr rlpdllb b rudr b ,/"d,,,r,",t, .gm**-"-3*,-ewnrd/t**rit*natptqI,rdittry6n& ,1TTff'ry'*JI", the fffi ffi 1,fi .ffi ;e;;-",,-effi-;ffi 'tr;F'#5ffiXffi 'rk' ' iJk-ii;',' ,'. COA.STAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GC.}IP SECTION Digital Multi hojector ccMP Prinrcr CCMP HP Color LaserJet 5: S# USKC092764 (Colored) SmartPrint GCMP SmanPrinr hinter Sharing Nehrork, S# 4516240 Printer GCMP HP LaserJet 5; C3'lblA; S# USK@2760 Frinrcr CCMP I-aserjet 4M (Plus); S# JPFR0062l I SmartPrint GCMP Smarthint hinter Sharing Network, Line Conditiorer GCMP Tripplite Line Corditiornr TV GCMP Sony 13" Trinitron color TV; Model KV-I3Ml0; S# 8093669 (With Miki) TV GCMP Toshiba; S# 86851914 (With CCMP) DVDIVCR Combo ccMP vcR CICMP JVC; S# Utg40l363 (with GCMP) vcR GCMP Royal Video Cassccc Player (Boa Sor) D\rR- 8650* Stereo Scope CARTO Stereo Scope Multi Media Projector GCMP Multi Media Projector 3Com Switch GCMP 2003 3Com Super Stacl8 Switch 440O Z4ptlKit; S1f: 0306 7PVV2K8DB29zCI 2005 2003 DeU 3400MP Mutti Digital hojector; S# CN OM859l 50081 75S 0510 V 47707129 1800W 87-140V, S# 9I26AFOLC368{[011 DVDIVCR Combo; Model#: PV-D4743S; S#: G31C35047 {02126tM) I,lf Kt/-l3MlO: Gov't Tagf 506{XI00061 (C'CMII Module:7LSV449463 Lap Top Notebook GCMP 2003 IBM Think Pad R40 Series Notebook IBM M/T Model: 2682-GLU; S# FXsl184 Lap Top AC Adapter GCMP 2003 IBM AC Adaprer; P/N:08K8204 Lap Top Battery GCMP 2003 TBM Battery; I I SO2K705?Z Lap Top CD-RW C'CMP 2003 IBM Thnk Pad CD-RWDVD-ROM: P$"t # 22P6991: S# 7876N5W Lap Top Disk Drive GCMP 2003 tBM USB Portable Diskette Drive: IBM Pan #: O5KV276; S# 23P9OGU Auto GCMP 1999 Nissan Pathfirder XE, R€d, Lic#299 3 (GCMP) Surveyed to GSA/DPW 3/07 CPU GCMP PIII32X Max; S# 8Q980618250288 Keyboard GCMP Microsoft; S# E0640lPS2 Storage Room 071205 Monitor GCMP SAMPO Alpha Scan 810; S# T27W750Fngn Mouse GCMP Microsoft; S# 05147692 UPS CCMP Smart UPS 600 S,t 595035767208 Speaker GCMP Nimble 280 Printer GCMP HP Desk Jet 5550: S#: MY28UIM3F4: Model #: C6487C Desk GCMP Brown WoodenlMetal work desk Chair GCMP Black, with arm-rest (high) Bookcase GCMP l Wooden Bookcase GCMP I Wooden - 4 level. 2 drawer lZ56B39XrcS VEHICLE - 4level jn (AN) Bookcase CCMP I Wooden - 2level Bookcare GCMP I wooden 3 level (double sided) w/ rollers (plp) Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Metal Filing Cabinet, S-Drawer @ I Filing Cabinet C€MP Beige Metal Filing Cabiner, 3-Drawer @ 2 Telephorn GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-%73) Monitor (New) GCMP 2004 cN4sY232-7 l6l845E-ADCH Keyboard (New) ccMP 2004 cN-0J0 178-7 Mouse (New) GCMP 2004 cN4D CPU (New) GCMP 2004 cc5-x45r Speaker (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers, 2, Beige Mely lleleon Monitor ccMP CPU GCMP 2003 UPS 2003 GCMP I6 164 I H4334 I 16 I -7 158 I 440-0CJC MultiSyrc, Model: LCDIT0OV-BK, S# ZX08Z79GA (Black) Product Key: GORPQ-2GKMK-XCV3W-VBDF62DBKM (Btack) Tri ho Power UPS System; M# POW-S5O AS; Keyboard GCMP 2003 KB-558 (Black) Mouse GCMP 2003 S# M00128516 (Black) Speaker GCMP 2003 S# U3604O750 SmartPrinr GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Network, S# 5gl796g SrnartPrint CCMP Smarthint Printer Sharing Nework" S# 4523597 Desk GCMP Wooden 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Black, with Arm Rest (high) Computer Table GCMP Brown, Wooden Courputer/CPU Side Table Filing Cabinet GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers Bookcase GCMP Wooden,4-l-evel Filing Cabiner GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 5-Drawer, Beige @ I Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawer, Filing Cabina GCMP Metaf Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawer, Br;ige @ Telephone CCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (.475-9669) UPS C'cMP APC Smart Ups 700VA, S# SQS0225331498 Line Corditioner GCMP Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-t4AV, S# 9126APOLC36S400009 UPS GCMP Tri Pro Power Mouse GCMP s# LxB9tTl 1616 UPS GCMP Smart UPS 60O; S# 595056289477 Speaker GCMP Juster 3D101 kige@ | | Esther A. Gumataotao Line Conditioner UPS Sysrem; M# POW-550 AS; S# Line SmbilizeriConditioner LC I 800; S# 91 043(olK7j 26APOL03684000 I 3 Woofer CCMP 3D Sub-Woofer; Juster Muki Media 3D-10 hinter GCMP HP LaserJe6; S# C396lA CD Writer CCMP HP CD-Writer 8200; Desk GCMP Wooden: 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Black w/ Arm Rest (high) Filing Cabinet CCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Bookcase C'cMP BookcaseWmden; 3-I-evel Filing Cabinet GCMP Meal Filing Cabiret, S-Drawer, Beige @ I Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, S-Drawer, Black @ I Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawer, I3rlige @ 2 Telephone CCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (a75-9665) Monitor (New) GCMP 2004 cN45Y232-7161845K-AHMH Keyboard (New) GCMP 2004 cN-0J0 I 78-7 161 64 I H- r 799 Mouse (New) GCMP 2004 CN-0T09434475344S4J MK CPU (New) GCMP 2004 8SLl35l Spealcer (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers, 2, Beige Monitor 2003 CPU 2003 GCMP tfuyboard 2003 Mouse 2003 GCMP .S# Speaker 2003 GCMP Creative/Black (2) UPS CCMP Tri Pro Power UPS Sysrem; [tl# POW-550 AS; UPS GCMP Smart UPS 600 APC; S# SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Network; S# 5823839 Desk GCMP Woode,n; 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown w/ Arm Rest (regular) Filing Cabinet GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Bookcase GCMP Wooden; Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Fifing Cabiner, S-Drawer, Grey @ 2 Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabiner, S-Drawer, Blaek @ 3 Telephorrc GCMP Meridian Phone, Bcige (475-9@-:) UPS CCMP Lirp Conditioner CCMP Tripp-Lirc Line Conditioner l8O0W 87-l4fV, S# 9t26AP€rl,C36g4f{JfJl2 Keyboard GCMP Microsoft: S# E@tOlPS2 Monitor CCMP SAMPO, Alpha Scan 8$: SfT27X)744D{fl56 M/ C4489A; S# SC,042TIJ5T Terry Perez ccMP ccMP MultiSyra, Model: rcDl7OOV-BK, S# 2X08280GA (Btack) Producr Key: R946F-8PPW4-J7XCF-X2CV2-RXXFt (Black) KB-55E (Black) 0207016167, CEt2W2 (Black) & Base SpeakersAnspire 2.1 Slim 2600 S# 043604068j 5941t*t74t7 4-I*vel ui{ Itrll\il Mouse ccMp Microsoft: S# 02637547 SmartPrint CCMP SmanPrint Printer Sharing Nerwork, S# 4811684 Speaker GCMP Nimble 280 Desk GCMP Woden; 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown, with arm-rest (high) @l Bookcase GCMP Wooden Boolshelve; S-I-evel Bookcase CJCMP Wooden - 4level Filing Cabino CCMP Metal Filing Cabinet; 3-Drawer; Beige Filing Cabirnt C'cMP Wooden Filing CabineU 2-Drawers Filing Cabhet GCMP Metal Filing Cabiret; Z-Dta,wen @ 2 Scanner socro Telephone GCMP Meridian PhoE, Beige (a75-967t) Monitor (New) GCMP 2004 cN-05Y232-7 Keyboard (New) ccMP 2004 cN-0J0178-7 16164 I H-5655 Mouse (New) ccMP 2004 cN-0D1 CPU (New) GCMP 2004 HC5-5X451 cPU (Otd) GCMP Nobilis Pentium ll32X Max;S# E0980618250288 (Mike Ham) Monitor (Old) ClcMP 13" EPS Technologies Model Mouse (Old) GCMP IBM, M#64550350 Speaker (Old) BYRNE Altec lansing 9Z,42rcW$1U210384 $IISSING, Burglary OltO2tO3) Speaker (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers, 2, Beige Monitor 2003 GCMP MultiSync, Model: LCD1700V-BK, S# 2X08285GA (Black) CPU 2003 GCMP Prodrct Key: J9X6H-3FWRR-2QX7W-4KPHH-DVVXQ (Black) Keyboard 2003 ccMP KB-558 (Black) Mouse 2003 ccMP Sif M00128511 (Black) Speaker 2003 ccMP Ctexive/Black(2) & UPS GCMP APC-700 (Sman-Ups) WS929006374 To SmanPrint C'cMP SmartPrint Priner Sharing Nenvork, S# 7708587 Desk GCMP Brown Wooden Work Desk Chair GCMP Black, with arm-rest (hrgh) @ I Cabinet CCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Telephora GCMP Meridian Phone, fuige @75-WO) cPU (Ord) CCMP Ernrgy CPU Hard Drive Monitor (Old) GCMP Magellan 70OA Hansol, Moniror 2003 GCMP MultiSync, Model: LCD1700V-BK, S# 2X08269GA (Black) HP Scan Jet; M# C2525B: S# 183335 #l Ray Cascrec 161 8-45E-ADSC l 6 l -7 I 58 I 44Q458E l4slEs CTX, A90417W745 Base Speaken/tnspire 2.1 Slim 2600 Dc Sunv eyd osIZm/I Mf E-I7AL, S#Bnzffil2n {iift$ih; i: CPU 2003 GCMP Keyboard 2003 Mouse 2003 GCMP Speaker 2003 Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, tJr;ige (475-9665) #2 SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Networlq S# 481 167l Desk GCMP Brown Wooden Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown, No Arm Rest Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9665) UPS C'cMP APC Smart Ups 700VA, S# SQS0225132 | 98 Desk GCMP Brown Wooden Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown, No Arm Res Monitor 2002 GCMP Dell by Logitech, S# KR-09t36747ffi2-28V-ACF2 Line Conditioner CCMP Tripp-Ute Line Conditiorer 1800W tr7-140v, S# 9l26Ap(llf36g4m0l0 Keyboard GCMP Dell; Blk; S# CN OW765E-37|72-6134424 Mouse GCMP Deff: CPU GCMP Dell Precision 670; 2LHXQ91 Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabinet; 3-Drawer; Beige Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabhet; Wooden; 2-Drawer: Brown hinter CCMP HP LaserJet 5 Line Stabilizer GCMP Tripplite; Beige; 72800000281; Model C-1800W Chair GCMP Chair; Metal: Black; no arms UPS Y2K APC Srnart UPS 900; S# 595025451973 Speaker Y2K Altec Lansing ACS340 8506P; S# 932l09CHW034tZt6 Computer Table GCMP Brown Cornputer Table w/ Rrllout Shelf Desk C'cMP Brown w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone with Screen, Br;ige (475-9672\ Chair GCMP Black High Back, Blk Arm, Blk Pedestal Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabinet; Beige; 3-Drawer Chair GCMP Chair; Black no-arm rest; Metal Filing Cabinet GCMP Black Filing Cabinet, Lateral Cabiner with Lift Covers, 4X4, @ | CPU 2OO2 GCMP Dell, Keyboard 20uz @MP Defl by Logirech, DsrN: TH{9J788-37|71-2AE-1996, S# MCT242OL997 Mouse 2002 ccMP Dell by Logitech, S# LZC23XJ2382 ccMP ccMP hoduct Key : FPYMY- RDc4 H-68GPB-B3KHC-V8F3G (Black) KB-558 (Black) S# M00l2E4l0 (Black) CreativelBlack Q:) & Base Speakers/Inspire 2.I Slim 2600 Planner (Vacant) LAND USE PLAITIIING Vangie LuJrn Blk S# HCJ A223l5l hinter; Beige; USKCW2743 S# FB8B32I Mouse CCMP Receiver 2002 CPU Y2K Dell Optiplex GXIP; Model-MMP; S# H6EZR Keyboard Y2K Microsoft 01V2307 Monitor Y2K Dell Trinitron; S# 2910385 Mouse Y2K Microsoft IntelliMouse t.2A PSl2 Compatible Shelf GCMP Brown Sbelf with Sliding Door Monitor .03 GCMP Dell Flat Parel, 19 irrh Color Monitor; S#: MY-09J367-47ffi3-373-A7Y6 CPU '03 ccMP Dell Precision 36O Desktop; S#: 320M831 Keyboard .03 GCMP Dell Precision USB Keyboard w/ Mouse .03 GCMP Dell Logircch tjSB Optical Mouse wl Scroll; S# CN-O4P608-44753-36K{F5Q Speaker .03 GCMP Altec Lansing ADA2!5 Multimedia Spealcer System; S# CN-RO2,CI69800-34J- ccMP USB Mouse F8E8I3-BLK-[iSB: S# e$000491 Cordless Mouse and Keyboard Receiver, Dell by Logitecb. S#L2823905387 Vktor Torres I hotkeys; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-E925 4744 CPU Y2K Dell Optiplex GXIP; Model-MMP; S# H6EZQ Keyboard Y2K Acer. M#65 1 l-TW, Monitor Y2K Dell Trinitron UltraScan PI110; S# 2910383 UPS Y2K APC Smart UPS l00O; S# WS995t007998 Speaker Y2K Altec Lasing ACS340 8506P; S# 931OCHW034l2l3 (I!flSSING, Burglary Oll02l03l) Desk GCMP Black w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers Chair GCMP Black Higb Back, Blk Arm, Blk Pedestal Shelf GOV'T Gray Metal Shelf w/ Glass, 2 kvels Shelf GCMP Brown Wooden, 3 shelves Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinet, S-Drawers Computer Table COMMERCE Brown Computer Table w/ ftrllout Shelf (PLG) Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9668) Lirp Conditioner GCMP Lite Line Cordfuioner 1800W 87-14oV, S# 9126APOLC368400108 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&Key, Beige S#LSW|6296J2 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Inclc&Key, Beige S#LSW|62960O Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, t oclc&Key, Beige S#1SW1629587 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&Key, Beige S#LSW1629595 Shelf ADM'05 Meral Storage Cabinet Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabina wl Sliding Glass Doors, l-ock&Key, Beige S#LSW|6Z9593 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, I-ock&Key, Beige S#LSWl629ffil Chair CCMP Brown w/ Arm Rest Chair GCMP Browl w/ Lighr Brown, no arm rest $f 9166007X419V16028S00000 wl Sliding Glass Doors. Ior,k&l{r,y, Beige S#LSW1629588 fimothy Semuda iJ i{ | {: i ;\,,j ;, Desk GCMP Black wl Brown Top, 7-Drawers Computer Table CCMP Brown Corrputer Table w/ Rrtlour Shelf Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawers Lamp CARTO Table Lamp, Gray Mouse GCMP A0pen M# M-542; S# l2B9l7l 16f,2 ald naus,e; s/n 0144213 new rnouse }gtZ4/A: Keyboard GCMP Monitor CCMP Likom Technology; M# L7035LD; S# 8CMLC000989I ro CPU rcMP PIII 450x 128-101899403 Line Conditiorer CCMP Tripplite Line Condirioner Telephorn C,cMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9666) D€sk GCMP Black Chair GCMP Brown Telephone GCMP Moridian Pbone, Beige (475-9665) #3 (James B.) Line Conditioner GCMP Tripplite Linc conditiorpr Prinrcr GCMP HP laserJet 5; S# USKCS0%2743 Printer GCMP HP DesignJet 650C; S# ESM60722E Printer GCMP LrxMark Optra Color 1200; Desk GCMP AuloCad Desk Mapping Machine GCMP DiaZit AF 101, Mapping Machine; Model6090; S# 180603 Xerox Machine LEASIE Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Beige, Gov't Tag# 4250O00359 Cabirrct GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Gray, C-rov't Tag# 4250000358 Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tag# l8-E-10?0 (10) Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov'r Cabiret GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizonral, Black, Gov'r Tagif lE-E-1070 (12) Cabirpt GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizonral, Black, Gov't Tag# l8-E-1070 (13) Cabinet CCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov'r Tagf l$-E-lWO (22) Cabinet CCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tagf l8-E-1070 Cabiret GCMP Map Cabinet, Hanging Cabinet CCMP Map Cabinet, Hanging TyW, Br;ige @2 Projector COMMERCE 3M Overhsad Projecor, Black, Model9000AJK, S# 626949 Visual System COMMERCE 3M Visual Systems, Black, ,Vodel 6100, S# 855 l4i3g Easel Pads COMMERCE Easef Pads, Easel Starrd COMMERCE Easel Stand, Boone. Aluminum TYPE PROGRAIII DF,SCRIPTION Notebook #2 GCMP'02 Delf Notebook, Gray; Model # PP05L; S# CN-OCSl SZ48&342L-2035 Bc S.rvcycd 0sp$, 1800W t7-140V, S# 9l26ApOLC3684m$0 l^andUse Pnograrn (SOQO) wl Brown Top, 7-Drawers d (James B.) Arm Rest (James B.) 1800w &7-l,mv, s# 9l26Alolc3684m3z (Jamts B.) S# 348011502 XEROX Document Centre 2655T; S# 3UF065377 I Typ, Gray @ Ta# l8-E-10?0 (l l) (2j) | Box of 4 Pads, (50 sheets per pad), 27'x34" White ilulntNt,i ! \ I rJ i {.,i ,.i \__/ Adapter ccMP'02 Dell Adapter 65W-AC; Mouse GCMP'02 Dell Mouse; S# CN-OT094344753-3BC"OL86 Floppy Drive Module ccMP'02 Dell Floppy Drive Module; S# PH-02R152-17601434-D02F Carry Case GCMP'02 Dell Nylon Carry Case; Black GCMP.O4 Dell Notebook, Gray; Model # PP05L; S# CN-OGSl52-48&3-42P4478 Adapter GCMP.O4 Dell Adapter 65W-AC; M# HP-OQ065883; S# CN-ON27654789041P-3030 Mouse GCMP.O4 Dell Mouse; S# LN-A34682520 Floppy Drive Module GCMP'04 Dell Floppy Drive Module; S# PH42RlS2-17ffi1434-D02F Carry Case GCMP'04 Dell Nylon Carry Case; Black Notebook #l Mf HP-OQ065883; S# CN-ON276547890-4IP-302530 ' i ' jrJ i /.: -t if,i 1 ,.-" INVENTORY LISTING FCIR ELEVEN (U) COMPUTERS LOANED TO DEFT. OF PI'BLIC WORKS . OI{E STOP CENTER FOR 2OO3 TIIE AUTOMATED BUILDING PENMITS PROJECT UIri'DER TIIE 2003 GCMP GRANT AUGUST 29, 2003 TYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPilON Monitor .03 GISIGCMP Dell UlaaSharp 1800FP Flat Panol; S#: MX{7R477-48323-37G-OJ74 CPU .03 GISIGCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27V| Small Minitower Base; Sf: 9G0W83t Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-F4A[ Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Lngitech USB Optical Mousc Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP Computer I of Computer 2 of ll d Scroll; S# CN€TO913-4753-3&-OC8T Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Mulrirncdia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J- wu ll Monitor '03 GIS/CCMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX47R47748323-38D-OOCT CPU '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OptiPlex GI(2TW Small Minitower Base; S#: FF0W83I Keyboard '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W6IO-38842-36A-F479 Mouse '03 GIS/CCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse Speaker 'o3 GISiCCMP Altec l-ansing ADA2I5 Muttimedia Spealcer System; S# CN-RO24O-69800-34Jo't39 Monitor 'o3 Gts/GcMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX{7R47748323-38D-002G CPU ,O3 Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: JY5WE31 Keyboard '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OptiPlex USB ltuyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-EP9A Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP DelI logitech USB Optical Mouse W Scroll; S# CN-OTO943-44753-3&-O8RZ Speaker '03 GIS/CCMP Altec Larsing ADA2I5 Multirnedia Speaker Systern; S# CN-RO2,10-6980G34J- d Scroll; S# CNOTO943-44753-3644412 Computer3ofll GISIGCMP 0734 Computer4ofll Monitor '03 cIs/GcMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flu Panel; 9f: MX47R477-48323-37G-OJ75 CPU .03 GISI,GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27OT Small Minitower Base; S#: lZSWS3l Keyboard .03 Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-F473 GIS/GCMP Mouse '03 Gts/GcMP Dell logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO9I3-44753-3&-O7MV Speaker .03 Altec Lansing ADAZ|S Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO2,CI-69800-34J- GISiGCMP 4745 Computer 5 of ll Monitor .03 GIS/GCMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX4?R47148323-38D-OOCF CPU .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex QX270T Small Minirower Base; Sf: F25W83l Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN46W6I0-38842-36A-FN9 Mouse '03 cIs/GcMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO943-4753-365-O3VM Speaker .03 Altec tansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240{9800-34J- GIS/GCMP 4746 Computer6ofll Monitor .03 GISIGCMP Dell UltraSharp I8OOFP Flat Panel: S#: MX{7R47748323-37G-OJ7A CPU .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPtex GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: 9ZSW83L tftyboard '03 cIs/ccMP Mouse .03 Speaker 'o3 cIs/GcMP GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN46W6l0-38842-36A-cX3t DeU Logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ $croll; S# CN-OTO943-44753-3&-A&ZW Altec t ansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Spealcer System; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J0?50 ComputerTofll Monitor .03 CPU .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX?7OT Small Miniower Base; S#: 6Z5W83l Keyboard .O3 DelI OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-ER05 Mouse 'o3 Gls/GcMP Spealcer 'o3 Gts/ccMP Compwer 8 of GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP Dell UltraSharp l8mFP Flat Panel; Sf: MX47R47748323-38D-OOCB Dell logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO94344753-3@-OIFR #ff *tg ADA2I5 Multirnedia Spealcer System; S# CN-RO24O-6980G34J- lt ,O3 Monitor GIS/GCMP Dell Ultrasharp l800FP FIat Panel; S#: MX47R477-48323-37G-OJ6K GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27V| Small Minitower Base; S#: lGOlV83l CPU .03 Keyboard '03 Gts/GcMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38E42-36A-FD37 Mouse .O3 Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse W Scroll; S# CN-O?O94344753:3&-OASO Speaker 'o3 Gts/ccMP GIS/GCMP Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J0752 Computer 9 of ll Monitor .03 GIS/GCMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flat Panel: S#: CPU '03 GISiCCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27V| Small Miniower Base; S#: BF0W83I Keyboard .03 GTSiGCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W6|O-38U2-36AF462 Mouse .03 GISiGCMP Dell Logitcch tlSB Optical Mouse wl Scroll; S# CN-OTO94344753-3@-rcCP .03 GIS/GCMP Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J- Speaker 0758 M X47R 47 7 - 48323 -37 G -AJ 6P 1,", f{ i I.: i ;rj j I Computer l0 of l1 Monitor CPU Keyboard Mouse Speaker '03 crs/GcMP Dell Ultrasharp 1800FP Flat Parpl; S#: MX{7R477-48323-38D-OOCX .03 Delt OptiPler GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: 3F0Wt3l GISIGCMP .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPler USB Keyboard: S# CN46W6I0-38842-36A-EI72 .03 GIS/GCMP Dell L.ogitech USB Opdcal Mouse wl Scroll; S# CN-OTO94344753-365-O5AX .03 GISIGCMP Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Multirnedia Speaker Sysrcm; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J0766 Computer ll of ll Monitor "03 cIs/ccMP De[ Ultrasharp l800FP Flat Panel; S#: MXO7R4?7-48323-38D-OO2Y CPU '03 clsle'cMP Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: 6GOWE3I Keyboard '03 cIs/GcMP Dell OptiPlex USB tftyboard; S# CN46W61G,38842-36A-EBA| Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CNOTO943-44753-373-OFXR Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Mulrimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO24G69800-34J- m87 ,j ii INVENTORY LISTING FOR ELEVEN (U} UPS LOAI\ED TO DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS. ONg STOP CENTER FOR THE 2003 ATTTOMATED BUILDING PERMITS PROIECT UNDER TIIE 2OO3 GCMP GRA.YT ,tIAncH 17,2W TYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPIION SMARTS UPS '03 ccMP QVS Sman Line lntemctive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00072 SMARTS UPS '03 c,cMP QVS Sman Lire lmeractive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00025 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line lnteractive UPS 650AT 03l:q- nAZ Cff77 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Sman Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00080 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Sman Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00015 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smarr Lira Interactive UPS 650AT O30/- nA20[4.14 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 6504T SMARTS UPS '03 ccMP QVS Sman Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 l2m 0ml3 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 6504T 0304 1202 0007E SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interacrive UPS 650AT 0304 t202 00413 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line lnteractive UPS 650AT O3M l2O2 00016 RECEIVED BY DFW PRINT NAME: SIGNATI.JRE: DATE: O30F- nOZ 00419 itjiij,,i iiPirjll..; ,,i