Inside Look - Berean Academy
Inside Look - Berean Academy
First Quarter 16-17 Spiritual Emphasis Week Inside Look Ruiz Esparza Letter, New Faces pg. 2 “Because the tomb is empty, our lives don’t have to be.” - Dustin Galyon During the last week of August, Dustin Galyon, head basketball coach at Hesston College and motivational speaker, was the keynote speaker during Spiritual Emphasis Week. Through the four sessions, Galyon was able to discuss students’ relationships with God, relationships with others, and how to practically share the Gospel. Using illustrations from coaching and interactions with family and friends, Galyon talked about practical applications to illustrate the work of God’s power in real life situations. A particularly poignant moment in one of the sessions was the challenge for students’ to identify the most significant deterrent from complete surrender to Christ. Galyon used the illustration of Peter jumping from the boat to swim toward Jesus after Christ’s resurrection. The students were challenged to consider what was holding them back from jumping out of the boat and committing wholeheartedly to Christ. Galyon followed that challenge with the quote, “Because the tomb is empty, our lives don’t have to be.” Another spiritually compelling session was provoked by the analogy put forth by Jesus concerning vines, branches, and fruit in John 15. Galyon pointed out that branches do not produce fruit, but that fruit is produced by the nutrients conveyed through the vine and the branch. Students were challenged with the reality that believers are part of the fruit production process, but they cannot produce spiritual fruit without being fed by the vine. Throughout the week, Galyon remained at school to visit with students individually and in small groups. God used Galyon to produce fruit during Spiritual Emphasis Week and we pray the fruit production continues throughout the school year as a result of the many challenges presented. Superintendent’s Desk, Alumni News pg. 3 pg. 3 New Board Members pg. 4 Icebreaker, JH Retreat pg. 4 Warrior Calendar OCTOBER 3 - Host JH Soccer & VB 6 - SH Vocal Honors - Host SH Soccer 7 - Fall Would-Be Games, 4pm 8 - Host JH Soccer Festival 9 - C.A. @ Presby 10-15 - SH Soccer, North Cup 13 - XC League Meet 14 - Elementary Carnival 17 - Host SH JV VB 22 - Regional XC - Sub-State VB 24-28 - Regional Soccer 25 - K-12 Picture Day 29 - State XC - State VB NOVEMBER 1,4,5 - State Soccer 7-13 - Buffer Week 8 - Host SH HOAL Instrumental - Dismissal @ 11:30am 11 - NO SCHOOL, In-Service 11-12 - Our Town, Senior Play 18 - SH Fall Concert 21-22 - ACSI Nexus Live 21-25 - No School, Thanksgiving 29 - Picture Retakes Message From the Head of School My family and I have been very humbled and blessed by the warm Berean welcome. The Ruiz Esparzas are excited to be here! I would like to introduce our theme for the 2016-2017 year: “To Make Him Known.” As Christian parents, we’ve had a very important question come to our minds: “Lord, how do I help my child put their trust in you?” As a school we ask ourselves the same question concerning the students entrusted to us. I believe Psalm 78:2-8 gives us some powerful insight and instruction to help us answer this question: “...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law of Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children...Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds...his commands.” It was from these verses that we chose our theme “To Make Him Known.” God was calling the nation of Israel to be intentional about their parenting so the next generation would know Him. These passages remind us to be intentional as parents in two ways. First, we must talk about the activity of God in our lives. We must discuss with our children the many ways in which God is working in our families. Our children need to hear about and see an active God at work. Second, we must teach our children the truths found in scripture. The enemy at work in this world is trying to convince us and our children of lies; we must be diligent in teaching our children God’s truth. We cannot rest in this area because the enemy never rests. The result: “Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds...his commands” (v. 8). That is what it means “To Make Him Known.” Can you see what happens when we talk about an active God and teach the truth of His Word? The Psalmist says the next generation will put their trust in God. Therein lies the answer to the question we have all asked as parents. When someone asks you, “How do I help my child to put their trust in the Lord?” point them to Psalm 78:2-8. If their child is not going to Berean Academy, let them know there is a place where the teachers, staff, and leadership are intentional about proclaiming the great things that God is doing and are serious about a biblically integrated education. Psalm 78:2-8 is our commitment with every single student who walks through the doors of Berean Academy because we have a passion “To Make Him Known.” Blessings, Mrs. Tami Entz Mrs. Sara Morris Mrs. Kris Claassen & Mrs. Tiffany Hall as of 8/31/16 n Given to Date: $162,069 ive Berean is pleased to employ two new teachers and one new food services member. Mrs. Tami Entz is the new Kindergarten teacher and comes to Berean with 18 years of primary teaching experience. The junior high and high school choral program is under new direction with the arrival of Mrs. Sara Morris. Mrs. Morris also serves as a band assistant for Mrs. Lister in addition to providing assistance in the Berean Learning Services Program. Mrs. Kris Claassen has taken leadership as the new Head of Food Services which also added Mrs. Tiffany (Veer) Hall (class of 2010) to the team. 65% G Emir A. Ruiz Esparza, Head of School New Faces in New Places FEG Family Education Grant Needed to Date: $87,931 Alumni News WEDDINGS: From the Superintendent’s Desk Dear Friends, Last year at this time, I wrote about “change” and how we are always amazed at the changes that take place over time. Most of us are able to embrace change, knowing that it is inevitable, especially if we view it as being positive and an indication of progress. Others struggle with change usually because they may not understand the factors leading up to the change or just don’t like change. This school year marks the 70th year of the ministry of Berean Academy. Needless to say, there have been many changes throughout the years. In 1946, the school began in the basement of Zion Church with fifteen senior high students and two staff members. Today, we are blessed to be housed in a very nice campus setting with 306 students, Pre-K-12, served by fifty plus staff members. During the first nineteen years of existence the school had eight superintendents, but in the last fifty years, we have had two. For the last five years, the Board and I have been discussing a plan for the transition of leadership when the time came. As you know, this is a year of leadership transition. It has been thrilling to see how God has guided this time of change. There are many evidences of God’s provision and timing for this transition period. The transition is going smoothly and we would ask that you continue to pray for all that’s involved in this kind of change. It has been my joy and privilege to serve the school in leadership for the past twenty-two years and to see how God has lead along the way. My primary role this year is to walk beside Mr. Esparza and help him learn the community and culture of Berean Academy. While you will see a new face, new ideas and a different leadership style, what you will not see is a change in commitment to the mission of Berean Academy which is to help students develop a Christian world- and life-view by providing a Christ-centered, biblically integrated education. I am confident the Lord has provided His man for the future of Berean Academy. To God be the glory! Bryan & Hilary (Wolfe, ‘09) Tapia, were joined together in marriage on April 23, 2016. Adrian & Christine (Silknitter, ‘13) Condit, exchanged vows of marriage on May 27, 2016. BIRTHS: Josiah (‘10) & Amanda Crandall, celebrated the birth of Ayla Lorraine, on May 5, 2016. Chad (‘05) & Rachel (Tippin, ‘08) Friesen, welcomed Asher Joseph to the family, on May 9, 2016. Jeff & Stephanie (Busenitz, ‘95) Hiss, celebrated the birth of Brooke Marcene & Paige Ann, on August 8, 2016. Terry Tilson, Superintendent Berean Academy - Elbing KS Mrs. Tiffany Hall Food Service Joe Bisterfeldt Senior Ellie Beverlin Grade 4 Keaton Leinbach Freshman Emma Neal Grade 8 Who was your favorite athlete in the Summer Olympics? Kerri Walsh-Jennings Gabbie Douglas Gabbie Douglas Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Mr. Emir Esparza emigrated from Panama at what age? Seven Seven 20 Seven Eight Who has been the most influential in making Christ known in your life? Grandpa Ted Veer My Parents My Uncle Owen Ryan Adams & Elias Martinez Pastor Loren Kurtz What is your favorite part about coming back to school? the social life learning new things seeing friends my friends the food or sports What is your favorite activity in the fall? Volleyball Soccer Jumping in Leaf Piles Soccer Basketball by Addy Weller (age 7) The high school students enjoyed a beautiful day of fellowship on Friday, September 2. Beginning the day with a pancake and sausage breakfast followed by bouts of tug-of-war, then to the chapel to absorb the final Spiritual Emphasis Week message. The students ended the day at Camp Hiawatha where they participated in zip-lining, a climbing wall, and other various group activities. Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID 2016 Icebreaker & JH Retreat Box 70 Elbing, Kansas 67041 Elbing, Kansas Permit No.1 Return Service Requested The junior high students traveled to East Lake where they participated in team building games under the direction of Mrs. Cheri Busenitz. Mrs. Kristen Wiebe delivered a devotional following a worship time facilitated by Mrs. Sara Morris. After lunch, the students continued to fellowship at the bowling alley in Newton. A beautiful day of fellowship and enjoyment was had by all. Four Elected to Berean Board at BCLA Meeting On August 27 in the Berean band room, the Berean Christian Laymen’s Association held the annual business meeting. The constituents elected four board members: Kevin Friesen, Joel McClenahan (class of 1999), Mark Meisinger (incumbent), and Bruce Penner (incumbent and class of 1978). The new board members bring biblically centered skills to provide leadership and vision for Berean’s future. Please pray for these men, the returning board members, Mr. Esparza, and the rest of the administration as they prayerfully pave the path for current and future ministry at Berean Academy. The Board elected officers at their September meeting—Mr. Joel Smith was elected President; Mr. Bruce Penner was elected Vice President; Mr. Ted Bender was elected Secretary; and Mr. Stephen Unruh was elected treasurer. The Warrior Path is published monthly by Berean Academy and distributed free as a service to those who are interested in its educational ministry. Correspondence is welcomed and should be addressed to: The Warrior Path, Editor; Berean Academy; Box 70; Elbing KS 67041 Email: [email protected] © Berean Academy 2016; Office Phone: 316-799-2211, Fax: 316-799-2601, Email: [email protected], Website: Berean Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national or ethnic origin in its hiring practices, educational/activity programs, admissions policies, or financial aid.