April newsletter - Berean Baptist Church
April newsletter - Berean Baptist Church
*** SPECIAL MOMS’ NIGHT OUT *** Our next Moms’ meeting is a curriculum share on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:00 P.M. . Be thinking about what your favorite curriculum is that you would like to bring and share, or come just to learn and fellowship. There is so much curricula out there now, and it's always fun to learn from others. Our mom's nights are such a great time of fellowship and snacks to share. Hope you'll make plans to come! Please let me know if you will need childcare. --Lana Dwire-- DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that many businesses offer monthly Homeschool Days that are heavily discounted? These dates often continue well into the summer and following school year. Some of the locations below do not require homeschool identification, but it is always a good idea to call ahead and ask. SKY ZONE TRAMPOLINE PARK-SUWANEE, GA-APRIL 4TH AND MAY 2 ONLY, $7/1HOUR, $11/2HOUR—$2 SKY ZONE SOCKS REQUIRED 1:00-3:00 P.M. SPARKLES ROLLER SKATING RINK-LAWRENCEVILLE, GA-$5 ADMISSION AND SKATE RENTAL, FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH—1:00-4:00 LASER QUEST-DULUTH, GA-2 GAMES $10, EVERY THIRD FRIDAY, 1:00 P.M., GLOW IN THE DARK EASTER EGG HUNT APRIL 18TH 1:00-3:00 P.M. SIX FLAGS OVER GEORGIA-MAY 9TH, 10:00-5:00, $24.37 ENTER PROMO CODE *HOMESCHOOL* ON THEIR WEBSITE SKATE COUNTRY ROLLER SKATING RINK-BUFORD, GA-APRIL 22, 1:004:00PM. ADMISSION AND SKATE RENTAL $5 ICE FORUM “ICE SKATING” RINK-DULUTH, GA—APRIL 11 & 15, MAY 9 & 20, ADMISSION AND SKATE RENTAL $6, 10:00-12:00 P.M. OASIS BOWLING-LOGANVILLE AND BUFORD LOCATIONS-BOTH NORMALLY HAVE ONE FREE GAME PER STUDENT ALL SUMMER, AND DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR THEY HAVE A HOMESCHOOL BOWLING DAY WITH $1-2 GAMES. BUY YOUR SHOES ON EBAY AND SAVE THE RENTAL FEE. April Dates to remember >>> 2014 April 15—Moms’ Night Out April 22-24—K5-12th IOWA Testing April 25—Airport Tour & Plane Simulator May 3—BHG Family Picnic Berean Homeschool Group is a ministry of Berean Baptist Church, Lilburn, GA. Senior Pastor: Pastor Dan Sweatt Administrative Pastor: Pastor Randy Hurst BHG Director: Lana Dwire Berean Homeschool Group ——-——— www.berean-baptist.org —-———— The Gwinnett County Science Fair is a good place to learn, have a competitive spirit, and interact with judges. There are four main activities. First, you participate in some workshops to learn about science and engineering. Second, you get judged where you can practice being interviewed. Third the lunch hour, where we learn of other people's experiences or practice engineering with a challenge that they give you. Then more judging followed by one or two more workshops. Finally, you go home to return later that day for the awards ceremony where (if you're elementary) you get a medal - no matter what! It's a time to be a good sport, and congratulate your friends. Overall, the Gwinnett County Science Fair is meant to teach the next generation about science and working hard. ~Bethany Beauchamp~ Page 2 Page 3 The Price of Freedom guided tour is an investigational study of Atlanta during the American Civil War. Participants will interact with history via reenactment and questioning while seeing through the eyes of soldiers, slave-holders, and civilians. The BHG trip was followed by lunch, a walk around the Smith Family Farm, and an informative tour of the Swan House, retirement home of prominent Atlanta businessman Edward Inman. ~ By Timothy Beauchamp ~ Standardized Testing April 22-24 The dates we have reserved for the testing are April 22-24. Usually we only need 2 days, but in case something comes up we do have that extra day. =) We will be administering the Iowa tests for K5-12th grade. The tests will need to be ordered by March 11, so please let me know soon if you are interested. Children must take a nationally standardized achievement test every three years beginning at the end of the third grade. The test must be administered in consultation with a person trained in the administration and interpretation of norm reference tests. Since science and social studies are required subjects and the testing is required to evaluate the student’s “educational progress,” HSLDA is of the opinion that the complete battery form of the standardized test should be used. Test scores must be retained but are not required to be submitted to public school authorities. Ga. Code Ann. §20-2-690(c)(7). We are opening up the testing to non-BHG members, as well, so if you know of someone who is interested, please have them contact me, Julie Hull, at [email protected] or 678-234-5604