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Buyer’s Guide Product Picks EDITOR’S PICKS NATE DESCHENES SENIOR EDITOR Burton Malavita $289.95(EST) $259.95 Malavita sounds like some sort of exotic cocktail I should having 30 of before I get incarcerated, but I think it has something to do with organized crime. Either way, this is a no frills, comfortable binding that has just the right response to tweak conversion rate. Home Base: June Lake, CA Likes: Going fast, mild to moderate sketchiness, roosting friends, backcountry isolation, dependable equipment. Photos Tim Peare TOP PICKS Burton Driver X $369.95 I’ve had foot issues forever. Not issues like webbing or fungal concerns, but like orthopedic trauma. These boots are the most supportive, powerful I’ve found. Slash Straight 163 $449.00 Gigi may have won the “Ultra Natural” on this Dakine Heli Pro DLX 20L $105.00 Heli and Pro. Two words get me through my own contest, the “Semi Contrived”, a super exclusive event held inside my head every time I try to snowboard. Coal MTT Neck Warming Apparatus $24.00 Some people believe they draw power from the racoon tan and brag how they never use sunscreen. This is an early indicator of lizard grill and/or severe skin disease. This neck sock helps prevent this disorder. Dakine Summit Sock $20.00 On some days the right sock is more important than the right board. At about 95% less cost-wise, I invest wholeheartedly. Dakine Baron Mitt $85.00 Nothing’s worse than pulling your gloves off frozen in an offensive gang sign, especially with so many thugs on the hill these days. These mitts prevent frostbite-induced beatdowns. Electric Knoxville XL $120.00 A nice pair of oversized shades is the only way to go on winter hikes. Coal Bushwack Beanie $22.00 I used to have a lucky beanie I wore almost every day with the belief it gave me exceptional focus. Turns out I was just stupid. Today I wear what keeps me warm. Dragon APXs $220.00 Being able to change lenses quickly and effectively is amazing when riding powder, sometimes not so much to match the changing light conditions, but as a means of saving time trying to clean those fuckers after a good fall. Dakine Pulse Hoodie $185.00 It’s taken a long time to game. Now that I have, I basically win every day. This down hoodie plays a big part in my victories. Remind Cush Insoles $29.95 I have this one foot that looks like a pickled shrimp. The closest remedy I have found are these orthopedic insoles from Remind. I wear them not only in my boots but in every pair of shoes I own, which is one… but still. Remind The Solution $149.95 Come mid-February I slip these after market liners in my boots and recharge my scene. They are pretty much the perfect call to extend the life of your boots another season. Homeschool Universe Jacket $399.95 Homeschool Karpis Pant $349.95 20k waterproof/30k breathable = 50k radical. Tear-proof, water-proof, swamp-proof, matched with a timeless style, Homeschool is straight future-proof. 56 September 2013 Volume 10 Issue 1 SB-Mag-56-59-EditorsPicks.indd 56 8/5/13 1:06 PM Buyer’s Guide Products, Places, Personalities MFG. PRODUCT brand and make more and more different product. I get that from a business standpoint, but the bottom line is that we are a company that represents the the brand? put our outerwear through the ringer up here, so our product is 100 percent that to be true. Explain the technology that makes this possible? From a tech standpoint I really wanted to bring something to the table. I didn’t to snowboarding. You can feel it – this is no gimmick. Who is this outerwear for? Homeschool Words Nate Deschenes Photo Chris Owen one of the world’s largest outerwear suppliers and noticed something odd, if not disturbing. Most of his fellow designers were not actual users of the product they were making. I thought if I took a chance I might be able to make something that real Founded on the basis of putting back that energy and authenticity that’s clearly missing from snowboarding, Homeschool outerwear focuses on a more wanted to just make some styles that were clean. Some of us want superior gear, but don’t want to look like mountaineers. At the same time, we don’t want to look like a bag of jelly beans either! I REMEMBER BACK IN THE 90’S WHEN IT MEANT SOMETHING TO BE A SNOWBOARDER… What’s something we can all do to help small brands like Homeschool? substantially more breathable fabric, which runs up to 30k in much of their more and more of this magic material as the industry catches on. But know that that’s where the connection begins. I remember back in the 90’s when it meant something to be a snowboarder, now it’s just kind of become another sport. If SB MAG: Why do small brands like yours matter? to be diluted until it just doesn’t mean anything anymore. And that ultimately undermines the foundation of our sport. can’t. Part of what makes snowboarding great is the rebelliousness of it, and recently a lot of that energy has faded. As companies become bigger and 24 I think it’s supporting your core shops. The Internet has been great and there are tons of options there, but for snowboarding it comes down to walking into the local shop and checking stuff out. The staff there can actually educate you on the differences between products and help you make the right choice, like September 2013 Volume 10 Issue 1 SB-Mag-1-33-Opening.indd 24 8/5/13 12:51 PM