2008-05-17 Sat
2008-05-17 Sat
A Northern way of life ecial series explores summer prospects , ' 1 - > v . ' . -4. A6-7 HT idustrabon by Matt Smlin & Kurt Kcmu 75C Saturday, May 17, 2008 • Gayiord, MI News at the speed of life Jail time On newsstands next week Pike released from marsh Wiseley sentenced for embezzlement Linda Wiseley By Michael Jones Staff Writer G A Y L O R D — Linda Wiseley, f o r m e r executive director of a local b u i l d e r s and c o n t r a c t o r s association, will serve a m i n i m u m four-and-a-half months of a ninem o n t h sentence for the embezzlement of m o r e than $ 100,000 from the dissolved association. County incumbents facing challengers At Friday's sentencing, Circuit J u d g e Janet Allen sentenced the 56-year-old Indian River w o m a n to the m a x i m u m nine months, adding that after serving a minim u m of four-and-a-half months in the Otsego County Jail, the j u d g e S e e J u d g e , p. A8 Arts council moving to new 'arts center' i m n k dwkeat rfierig/tf t m ^ ' L « e n e Panhadl, G A C A By Michael Jones Staff Writer G A Y L O R D — It will be several months before renovations are completed but the Gayiord Area Council for the Arts ( G A C A ) will once again have a visible presence when it opens a permanent c o m m u n i t y arts center on Main Street. Executive director Lorene Parshall said the G A C A board of directors recently purchased the storefront building next to the City Barber S h o p at-125 E. Main St. s— QACA, p. A8 A8 TRASH TALK Volunteer wants it out of woods MT - CM«Engt« NORTHLAND SPORTSMEN'S CLUB volunteers and Dept. of Natural Resources fisheries staff remove the boards damming Hoxie Marsh Friday, allow/ing countless northern pike fry to pour into Otsego Lake. 'Frys'on way to Otsego Lake B BAGLEV AGLEY TOWNSHIP^ here's a b u m p e r c r o p of baby northern pike pouring into Otsego Lake this weekend. Northland Sportsmen's Club volunteers and Department of Natu ral Resources (DNR) fisheries staff w e r e at Hoxie Marsh at t h e n o r t h e n d of Otsego Lake Friday m o r n i n g t o pull the b o a r d s d a m m i n g t h e marsh. Once the b o a r d s w e r e T ki0m132adfmr VU. 133. No. B2 32 pagM. 4 Scctlora M4 Supplmwits rMttf MAM ^X^1 ' 1 buy you lunch! OlMge C«yn(y H M M Ttmw. kw. iustc^anew O m t K . Ml <t7>6 checking account ruMbanLcom/fredunch removed water flowed out, taking countless pike fry a l o n g with it. T h i s is t h e m o s t w e ' v e ever seen." said D N R f i sh e r i e s worker Harold Miller, w h o was m a k i n g an effort to count the 1 1/2-inch fish as they passed through the narrow channel leading to the lake. The tiny f i s h arc the offspring of several hundred adult pike which were transferred into the marsh in S — Club, p. A8 Cl 4FastFacts _ The annual ice cream benefit for Gayiord Little * League is coining up Wednesday (A3). ^ Police Memorial Thursday honors fallen officers •(A10). ^ Track regionals are today, while the Starker~ Mann duathlon will take place at 10 a.m. Sunday (B1). _ Author Robert Dale P^ker hosts program at * Otsego County Library provkSng a fascinating glinipse into the days wt>en the Michigan Tejrltw^ w a s the American fionti«f(C3). ^ A view from the 45th Parallel Inside Auto Classifieds Death No«ices Editorials. Entertainment Garden Lewiston DB DI-8 B6 A4-5 C3 C2 —85 Puzzles Sports TVWeather Weekend Zone Younger Generation C6 Bl-4 C7 >9 Cl C4 WWW. gaylordheraldtimes. com 50806"00101 Qaylord HaraM Tlmaa A-2 • Saturday, May 17, 2006 May 21 event Library offering help for those beginning to trace family tree G A Y L O R D — One of things on many people's to-do list is d o c u m e n t i n g their f a m ily's history. A c c o r d i n g to a poll c o n d u c t e d by t h e M a r i t z M a r k e t i n g R e s e a r c h I n c . , the percentage of people interested in family history has increased f r o m 45 percent in 1996 to 60 percent in 2000. Beginning to trace a family tree can seem like a daunting task, but with the help with the Gaylord Fact Finders G e n e a l o g i c a l Soci- ety and the O t s e g o County Library, participants will h a v e all the i n f o r m a t i o n n e e d e d to get started. A free beginning genealogy workshop will b e h e l d o n Wednesday, May 21 at the Otsego C o u n t y Library at 7 p.m. At this event, three speakers will present the n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n needed to begin searching f o r a family's history. Sue Giessel, president of the Gaylord Fact Finder Genealogical Society, has been work- ing on her own family history for m o r e than 20 years. She will share with participants her e x p e r t i s e as well as different genealogical f o r m s that will help the beginner d o c u m e n t his/her family's information. Dianne N e w m a n will discuss the importance of v e r i f y i n g the information found, as well as the importance of documenting where that information has c o m e from. Finally, Jackie Skinner, Public Services L i b r a r i a n , will give a t o u r o f t h e O t s e g o C o u n t y Libl-ary and share with e v e r y o n e the r e s o u r c e s available at the library that will aid t h e m in their research. Many other Gaylord Fact Finder members will be present to answer questions. No registration is required for this event, and refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Jackie Skinner at 732-5841. From an HT blogger: Media ) Media Archery I City Hall competition | slideshow • Check out vkleo of the St. Mary ardiwy team as it took part in a national competitkm In Louisville, Ky. ; ' o ^ r t h c Tee ByBoxennom48 Wednesday, May 14, 200811:46 AM EDT ' Online J - Shop Smart Madia < 'm • Coming Wednesday; a slideshow featuring the constructk)n of tile new Gaytord City Han. • Attentkm golfets and pro golf fans: Kevin Frisdi is for you to tee up your comments as he nnoderates On The Tee at MiSeasons.com. • Visit Mike's Garage to share opinions on the 2008 NASCAR Sprint Cup Seiies. Mike IMcCowt hosts the fomm on MiSeasons.com. It's time for me to actually make changes In how I live due to the prk» of gas. I will be walking to work a few days a week. I also will NOT gas up m Gaykird. Please join me In filling up elsewhere. Thank you. • Seeking some upnonh bargains? Log onto ShopSmart UpNofULCom for savings on dining, gifts, entertainment and FEELING lEFT OUT OF THE PICTUREP When you cairt hear life the way K really is, Hfs hardtobe a part of i t 'A view from the 45th parallel' IHERSLD TIMES Established 1875 Published by Otsego County Herald Times. Inc. j'ls Si ^ (USPS413-520) The Gaytord Herald Times IS published semi-weelcty on Wednesday and Saturday, Periodicals Postage paid at the Gaylord, Michigan Post Office under the Aa of Congress March 3, 1879 by Otsego County Herald Times, inc. Send address changes to Gaylord Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734. -man F i n d o u t w h a t c o u l d b e c a u s i n g y o u r h e a r i n g loss. PROBLEMS UNDERSTANDING YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY? ITT? Understand only half of what is said? Constantly asking others to repeat themselves} Do you hear, but not always understand? Do you turn the TV up too loudl innginn Video Otoscopic Exam I PuretMS Hearint Ei Speech & Audiometric Assessment Your answer to better hearing is just a piione call away...CALL TODAY! $$$ SAVE HUNDREDS $$$ Marilyn ICaaanowsl(i Gerteral Manager Chris Grosser Editor Cathy Landry News Editor ...Jeremy Speer Sports Editor ... .Frank Mkhels Design Editor Advertising Sales . Kim Ballard Manager Matt Smith Graphic Arts Manager FO/rCWML Michael Jones, Jil Schult Chris Engle Kurt Kolka . Bill Sen;eny Chief Photographer Writen Support ONUN£ MBDIA: Manager/Editor Peter Comings Assistant Manager .. 100% Ttue Olgltal Teehaologr 3-Bay Umlted-Tlme Oiscounts On All Styles; Ben Teeter, Beth Anderson Sales Associate: MI-ln-Tha-Ear In-The-Canal All-ln Tha-Canal $499 $599 $745 Discounts Discounts Discounts • A n t o a w t l c AdlastlDS VoluaM Coatrol • 16 AdlattaUa Fraqaaacy laad Gaatrals • i n % Ihw Mfllal Ufaal rraesMtai We Have a Satisfaction Guarantee with a 75 Day Exchange Privilege. WE ACCEPT ALL INSUflANCES NO ItfTEREST n N A N C I N O AVAILABLE TO Q U A U F I E D M T I E N T S Darren Hardy ADVEJmSMG: Classified Advertising Manager/ Asst Advertising Sales Marwger . Kathleen Murray Saies Sttff: Karen Gregor, . Adele Woskobojnik GKAPHK A/nS: Artists Todd Pfaff, Jami Stinnet Page Coordinator. Erica Wescoat-Large 8USmSS: Office suff Gina Deforge. Vicky Piummer, Linda Lyons Publisher Emeritus omsl Hours: 8 a.m. to S p.m. Monday through Friday 20S8 S. Ots«90 Avt. Mailing addrass: P.O. BOK SM. Gaytord, Ml 49734 Telaphone: (989) 732-1111 Toll f r M (877) 119^170 Fax (989) 732-3490 e-mail address: f>ijb9g*yfofdh^»ldtimes.com We will beat any competitive price in writing for the same tacttnology by Ijtast^OOpryc HEARINO A W a A T T E M E S ONLY SO CENTS EACH S1000 T1UU>e-IN ON YOUR OLD H C A M N O AIDS BAY MEDICAL HEARING AID SERVICES .888.432.7036^3911^ 2250 W. M-32, Gayldd, Ml 49735 (Just East of Kohl's O o p a r t m u t Web site iddress: www g4yk>rdheraldtimes.corn Term of SubKriptlon In Otsego, Crawford, Mofrtmorency, Charlevoi*. Antrim, Cheboygan ar>d Oscoda counties: 1 year $53/6 nwrths $33. Local Senior Citiz«r«: 1 year $S1/6 nnonths $32. Outside these counties: 1 year $72.00/6 months $43.2S. rikm-local Serwor Otixent; 1 year $70.0(V6 mortths $42.25. ($10.00 Cancallatior Fee) VMnnar e< 443 •vmt* imct 19Ul Including • WkwMT of 18 national praai awmds intnapmtsymn to tha Nation 2007 tbt. s^OOO-iaPOO) • MkMgan NavMpipor of tfw XMT 1W1-2001, 200J-MOS. 2007 • t u i l n i of Vmt • Iff*. I of Storo) BRING A FAMILIAR VOICE FOR SPEECH TESTING Walk-Ins Welcome • All Insurances Accepted « o O S a t u r d a y , M a y 17, 2 0 0 6 • A-S O a y l o r d H « r a k l Tlm«« Proceeds to go toward installing lights at 2 fields Michigan S t a t e Police Police Hen heist from game farm reported • Troopers received a complaint May 12 from James Avery, Elmira. who reported the larceny of around 200 hen pheasants from the Wild Wing Game Farm on Alba Road in Star Township, Antrim County. According to reports, the victim allegedly stated the larceny occurred between Apni 1 to April 15. Reports indicate Avery had felt something was amiss for some time and when he conducted a count of the hens in their pen, found he was short 200 birds. Avery indicated the pen was secure and did not believe the pheasants could have escaped or been taken by predators. The victim reportedly indicated the loss of the 200 game birds at $6,000. Ice cream sale to benefit Little League Blotter Johannesburg, was northbound on South Otsego Avenue at the northbound 1-75 exit ramp. May 7, around 10:45 a.m. when the tractor trailer of the 1998 Kenworth truck he was driving was reportedly struck by the front end of a 2003 Pontiac driven by Claude Marcus, 81, McBain. By Jll S c h u i t Staff Writer G A Y L O R D — For the past 10 y e a r s , the A l p i n e Chocolat Haus has been s c o o p i n g u p c o n e s to b e n e f i t G a y l o r d Little L e a g u e . Owner Bruce Brown played Little L e a g u e and has a passion for the game. According to reports. Marcus had exited the 1-75 ramp and failed to yield to Basinski's vehicle. Moderate damage was reported to Marcus' vehicle and minor damage to Basinski's vehicle. Neither driver was injured and there were no citations issued. Damage to vehicle, store door O t s e g o County Sheriff's Dept • Emilyann Henry, 16, Frederic, was driving a 2004 Dodge Motorcyciist Stratus in the parking lot of the injured in crash Waters IGA on Old 27 South in • Mattiew Matewicz, 39, Otsego Lake Township, WednesVanderbilt, was southbound on day. around 8:45 p.m. when Krvs Road, three-tenths of a mile reports indicate she accidentally hit the gas as she was pulling into north of South Dakota Trail in Bagiey Township, May 8, around a parking space. 7:55 p.m. when he reportedly According to reports, Henry's vehicle crashed through the entry lost control of the 2006 Kawasaki motorcycle he was driving. door of the store, causing damMatewicz reportedly ran off age to both the vehicle and the the roadway, struck some landbuilding. scaping timbers and was thrown Neither Henry nor her passenger, Mark Henry. 41, Goodrich, from his motorcycle. Extensive damage was were reportedly injured. reported to Matewicz's vehicle Henry received a citation for and he sought his own treatment expired license plates. for injuries. Car-deer crash " I t h i n k it's a g r e a t s p o r t for the kids " said Brown. A n d for the first year. B r o w n is a L i t t l e L e a g u e board member. HHRALDTI' T h i s y e a r ' s ice c r e a m b e n e f i t is W e d n e s d a y , M a y 2 1 , 11 a . m . - 9 p . m . Ice c r e a m c o n e s and root beer floats are available for a 50-cent donation. "This year we're trying to raise m o n e y to put lights on t w o fields," B r o w n said. "One boys' field and one girls.'" Last year's benefit raised $4,005.65, as volunteers and "celebrity" scoopers served up 4 , 5 2 4 cones and root beer floats. Pepsi donates the root beer and float cups, according to Brown. "One hundred percent o f the p r o c e e d s g o to Little League," said Brown. "We keep none." A g a i n this year the Ots e g o C o u n t y Fire D e p t . w i l l HT- Jil SchuK HERALD TIMES SPORTS EDITOR Jeremy Speer will be scooping ice cream at the Alpine Chocolat Haus again this year during the annual benefit for Gaylord Little League. The event will be held Wednesday, May 21 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. h a v e a f i r e t r u c k at t h e e v e n t . A n d s e a t i n g is a v a i l a b l e i n the back. B R O W N U R G E S those w h o h a v e n ' t b e e n to t h e b a l l field c o m p l e x to head d o w n a n d c h e c k it out. " W e ' v e got seven ball f i e l d s — all f e n c e d in — all h a v e i r r i g a t i o n " s a i d Moderate damage in rear-end crash • Kevin Gardner, 39, Vanderbilt, was southbound on Old 27, one-quarter mile south of Badgley Road in Conwith Township, Tuesday, around 9:30 p.m. when he reportedly struck a deer with the front end of the 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe he was driving. Gardner was not injured and minor damage was reported to his vehicle. • Rachael Drummond, 20, Gaylord, was stopped on northbound Krys Road at M-32 in Bagiey Township, Tuesday, around 12:55 p.m. when the rear end of the 1990 Chrysler she was driving was reportedly struck by a 2003 Toyota driven by Thomas Wellman, 37, Frederic. GAYLORD — It will be a throwback to a different eta, when life vras slower and the mail depended on messengers on horseback «fho galloped the desolate roads of a young nation. Though times are quite different, couriers on horseback virtll retum to Otsego County this summer as the Michigan Mounted Shertff's Assomnriiirts ltsj)iny Express — Compiled by Michael f i i i u i r t W i • « t h e 0 ^ » g o Caunty -"flalrBroun<lsJune14." - Afcprelude to the event which .-v WW l)»n«flt lO-year-oW Safflantha Driver hits tractor trailer • Jeffery Basinski, 32, Michigan Business Tax hearing set Monday at University Center GAYLORD T h e s t a t e T h e s u b c o m m i t t e e will t a k e S e n a t e M B T I m p a c t A s s e s s - t e s t i m o n y f r o m local e m p l o y m e n t S u b c o m m i t t e e will b e ers a n d taxpayers. holding a hearing Monday. Sen. Mark Jansen, RM a y 19 al the University C e n - G a i n e s T o w n s h i p , c h a i r o f t e r in G a y l o r d t o h e a r f r o m t h e M B T I m p a c t A s s e s s m e n t N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n b u s i n e s s S u b c o m m i t t e e , will b e at t h e o w n e r s about the impact o f hearing. the M i c h i g a n Business Tax The MBT replaced the ( M B T ) a n d s u g g e s t i o n s f o r S i n g l e B u s i n e s s T a x last year. its i m p r o v e m e n t . S i n c e t h e inception o f t h e n e w T h e h e a r i n g will b e g i n tax, the Senate Finance C o m a t 11 a . m . in R o o m U - 1 1 1 m i t t e e h a s h e a r d c o p i o u s t e s at t h e U n i v e r s i t y C e n t e r , 8 0 t i m o n y that t h e tax is u n d u l y h a r m i n g small businesses. Livingston Blvd. All w h o a r e i n t e r e s t e d in this topic and wish to m a k e t h e i r v o i c e s h e a r d a r e invited. B r o w n s a i d . " I f w e get l i g h t s we could possible have more tournaments." A c c o r d i n g to B r o w n , the c o m p l e x hosted the s t a t e t o u r n a m e n t s last y e a r — k e e p i n g p e o p l e in t o w n f o r t h r e e t o five days — spending m o n e y in t h e c o m m u n i t y . A m o n g the "celebrity" scoopers, Jeremy Speer. Gaylord Herald Times sports editor will be serving f r o m 3-5 p.m. — Contact Ml Schult at 748-4518 or jil@gaylord heraldtimes.com. " T h e goal of this b o a r d is t o c o n t i n u e t o u r n a m e n t s " 0 host Pony Express fundraiser Moderate damage was reported to both vehicles and there were no injuries. Gaylord City Police Brown. "It's a phenomenal complex," he added. they will relay their mail atong designated routes, finally delivenng them to the post office. The form explains to the recipient that "more than 200 mounted possemen have carried this and hundreds of other letters in relays along vanous routes across ourstate." Additionally, the June 14 event wnll feature a vanety of events for tfie horseman and the public. ^rriawMSand ter forni bears a H k e n e s S W a f u n j " ' " OnMay eunderthe Express rider, and wheirSte MMiA' som»i and members from across 27 coumtes" 1%^lloW converge on Otsego County In June, coupons for discounts at the "Sammy" Leete of Gaylord, who has spina bifida, the Otsego County Mounted Division will host a special event Sunday under the Pavilion on South Court From noon to 4 p.m.. members of the local division will accept "letters," whichwillbeavailableatthePavilion. For a donation, residents may have their communique delivered by Pony Express come that June Day. The let- Chodat Haus. For every coupon used before the actual Pony Express, the Chocolat Haus viiill donate $1 to the Pony Express. Raffle prizes will include a new saddle, elk homs and a framed picture of a horse, valued at about $250. AH the proceeds of the Pony Express wilt benefit little Sammy, who has spina bifada. At past fundrais)ich are rotated around the ;n $7,000 and $14,000 raised, according to Kathy Biema|ki, an officer with the local mounts diviskxi. Choose the unlimited plan that fits your family best. My Circle" c h o o s e a n y 5, 1 0 o r 2 0 n u m b e r s o n a n y t 'BlackBerry Poarl. ONLY 7 9 " after S100 mail-in rebate with 2-yr Smart Choice Pack service agreement • BlackBerry* Internet Services • Voice C o m m a n d and Dialing • Bluetooth* • Map3 and TeleNav GPS AvMlobte m («d and amettiyst TTie s u b c o m m i t t e e w i l l b e m a k i n g recommendations to t h e f u l l c o m m i t t e e in J u n e . 'i'blackewrycufva. Stylish and powerlul. This all-in-one device lets Dad do his best work wherever he goes Contact your local representative f w pricirtg details Siieriff's department expands GAYLORD Beginning M o n d a y the Otsego C o u n t y Sheriff's Dept. offices will be o p e n from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. M o n d a y through Friday. Sheriff Jim M c B r i d e said keeping the office open o n e h o u r later w i l l g i v e t h e p u b l i c m o r e time to c o n d u c t b u s i ness with his department. A c h a n g e in w o r k h o u r s for o f f i c e staff allowed M c B r i d e to e x p a n d the n u m ber of hours the d e p a r t m e n t w o u l d b e o p e n e a c h day. A c c e s s the Internet virtually anywt>ere. Get DSL speeds within the Alltel Natk>nwiOe EVDO data r>etwork. c o m e a n d g e t y o u r ie FREE Clltel HuewelEC32a W I r e l i w >nterf*e< Cent after $100 rnai-in rebate wtth 2-yr sarvtce • wireless C l a . s s i f i e d s o n l i n e & in p r i n t B D 732-1111 gaylordhcraldtimcs.com alhrt mtiit sufw • T>Me A m i Stom Now Ooen Sunday 23s|nm3m-0t*s • itsaw 8*»K u S Hwy I01I231IM3-48S2 |<231l7»-2»47 • 2160 A/>()*rson Rd. [(n»417-Cin ? m i ? 2 ? p e n M |l231)«2»-3nO G'l'>d Tftwrw I (2311 • W I B o o n M |l23l)«7e «?90 kimn|n3mi37-2mi KAtrt I (MM M-4t3T •a^awlAto W irBMsWow i*fe« Of., I w M K*»n mM4a-7ns fQwiprn*"* A pronooon*! o f f * t l (tiM« location* mtv j |23U54t S987 W PrMid SfMHor af: C Comm 11231) MWre Bonral W^raim | t23U HwMtown WireleM 11231) KO-snO •nwis-ecz w vhN eWMbwtwafcei m l l l i fl^i ii -ii-tt- 7 7 c MtfvNf. n f M a r y A a M e t a M t o e aetekaffa ^ la t l . l t *i<aie( * mUt UaNaraal lantea M r r a n t lataetratiptawTKmuTrliaptan m,dr^w!!»a^ah«ar^ aCaNfife;' ontoaa»»ltaa tarMf>a«en ka IPMM emwd «wa dwa «0 »o tlina. W hvmIms. eawraoe. o orr .paf»ctpai>g teca«o*« SB n e n - r a f w ila^ acHwiW a c l h n W toa <eaak pomHth l o i i H l i SOA® early i ollar auy ka N f w . CMaraflo. pawtpa^ (mmmmi • at any M M Mora or aMaLcoM Ml preset a a a r v t e a *fcaf**efwc*d ^ l i m a & CeaJWawatorCemKuMcaVena S ^ M avatfamoftca / aailawarta a Inana nl T f - n r t r Tha WM a a»actae«v faii»«<iea at raiatad warla. i*agaa a tywbota v 9 * yfcwara a w a w a r w \i ^ an maoaa ara > 1. * f ^ piiaSainn ilatiOofT> <a r a g i a t e r a d S t a U $ ^a»e« a Trademart tWtea a m n N aa»»*»#« n g t m n t m otfiar couMiaa S c r ^ magaa ara > tir'lim. UrM» la a c c « « A | » fiavloffl. '-iifn-0404 Premufs Sound | (MM S M i m • ! • • • — » " T g r ' T ^ T , l . l ' ; • -IK) -i i w t - I (KOI M 7743 lUlkMka Homatown WIraisii < n<weia«a»a»e^lwaa^>l»*iii<lllii,mwl4<mitw(ar«»^amara»ert^^a»eaittye> .... - MBrTal|(nM345-3KI Alyees v, aa«c Com*. I (231) •41-6830 ESeWtraieaa (231)ni-i»0 NeeahMi BMIC Conm Sksf at a p f U c t y r t m rattiUr Hotneiown i:;?33 Opnl I .Ike Nonham ligMs Vttfeo I ( M t 733-4116 hsIcComm | ( M l 733-76M Sownd* j (MB) 34I-7900 CMMM BOLP M« Rental a Aattil. I«K jlMBI 126-2298 |<331im-M77 H E ^ ^ U J ^ Q m e s •pinions Yours & Ours E d i t o r : Chris G r o s s e r • chrisOgaylordheraldtimes.com W I S a t u r d a y , M a y 17, 2 0 0 8 Gas price grief OTTRVIEW Illegal dumping R oscommon resident Chad Lytle doesn't take kindly to people dumping trash in Northern Michigan's woods. Lytle, who works in Gaylord, is a volunteer with Adopt-a-Forest where he and 1,700 others across the state have taken matters into their own hands by cleaning up these messes in our state forests. Lytle was part of a cleanup crew that took on trash in Roscommon County last year. He's looking for a similar effort to build in Otsego County. There are 10 illegal dump sites listed for Otsego County on the Adopt-a-Forest Web site (www.cleanforests.org), but Lytle believes that may just scratch the surface of the problem. Lytle said he is not aware of any volunteer groups in Otsego County working with Adopt-a-Forest, but he said he is more than happy to lend a hand in getting a group started. Keeping our woods as pristine as possible should be a priority as should taking up Lytle on his cleanup challenge n angry co-worker comes tly- "the five stages" can easily be transferred into gas prices. ing into the office, speaking in a panicked tone. First Stage — Denial "Gas is up to $4 a gallon," he A person walks into that same ofsays in a voice sure to create a ripple fice, voicing similar words. "I can't throughout the entire building. believe it," he says. "Gas is a $1.50 No response. Could they be stewper gallon (hey, it once was!)." ing — angrily pondering a defiant The same woman looks up from response? her keyboard. "What!" she says. "Not Finally, the silence Final is broken. "Oh," says a a chance. You're crazy. That wouldn't woman, barely looking happen in this great country of ours." Word up from her keyboard Second Stage — Anger to mouth an unimThe person walks into the office pressed response. and yells in a bellowing voice. "Gas The situation when is now up to $2.25 per gallon. I'm godiscussing gas prices ing to kill somebody! has changed drastiThe woman throws up her arms I cally in the past couple and stands up. "Those greedy oil years. Once a topic companies. They're sticking it to ' that would incite fire the little man. This is absolute price in the most timid of Jeremy gouging. We must take action. Let's souls now is talked 3peer call our congressman. As a matter of about in an almost fact, let's call President Bush. He's an passive sense. oil man. They're all greedy! Have we come to accept that our wallets will be forever burdened by Third Stage — Bargaining expensive fuel? I think we have — The man walks in. "Gas is now up having gone through the five stages to $3 a gallon. What gives?" of grief of gas prices. The woman has a concerned look Originally developed to help loved on her face. "Well, the gas is $3 here, ones deal with the grief of tragedy. A he Gaylord Area Council for the Arts has a new place to call home. GACA has purchased a storefront building in downtown Gaylord to open a permanent conmiunity arts center With the downturn in the economy, GACA could no longer afford the space it had previously occupied and had to move into a smaller office thus losing exhibit space. But with the decision to use endowment ftmds to purchase their new home outright, their presence should shine in the community for years to come. Bravo. The Gaylord Herald Times editorial board is made up of general manager Marilyn Kaczanowski, editor Chris Grosser, news editor Cathy Landry, and design editor Frank Michels. R e a c h i n g Us "A view from the 45th parallel" Share your views with us Write to: Letter t o t h e Editor B y mail: Gaylord Herald T i m e s PO Box 598, Gaylord, .Ml 49734 By e-mail editor@gaylordheraldtimes. com By phone: (989) 732-1111 By FAX: (989) 7 3 2 - 3 4 9 0 ^ but what is it in Peloskey? How about Grayling? Maybe if 1 drive down there and fill up, I can save some money." Fourth Stage — Depression The man walks in, head hanging in shame. "Gas is up to $3.50." The woman firowns and then speaks in a dejected tone. "It figures. This society is going straight down the drain. There goes that flat-screen television I wanted to buy — straight down my gas tank." Fifth Stage —Acceptance That same worker comes into the building. "Gas is up to $4." The woman's response; a barely audible "Oh." That is what it has come down to. We aren't left with much of an option than to just accept doling out big sums of money at the pump and figuring out how to conserve energy and spending every day in our lives. — Jeremy Speer is sports editor of the Gaylord Herald Times. Contact him at 748-4520 or jeremy@ gaylordheraldtimes. com. Letters to the Editor A new home T A4 Gaylord HaraM Times S m o k e f r e e air bill m a k e s sense To the Editor: I am a 17-year c a n c e r survivor and I care about the health of all of Michigan's citizens. HB4163 protects all Michigan workers, including bar and restaurant employees, from the deadly toxins of secondhand smoke. I urge Speaker of the House Andy Dillon to stop delaying and allow a concurrence vote on the Senate-passed version of HB 4163, a comprehensive bill to make all Michigan workplaces smokefree. On Tuesday, May 13, 1 joined other concerned volunteers f r o m Michigan, including Sandi B u m s from Gaylord, in Lansing. We talked to our lawmakers about the importance of supporting the Senate-passed smokefree bill. We hoped that the House would take action that day and they have continued to delay. There are health risks of s e c o n d h a n d smoke. Food service workers are 50 percent more likely to develop health issues related to their prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke. The Surgeon General has already indicated that there is no safe level of secondhand smoke. Reducing exposure to secondhand s m o k e can and will save lives. Smokefree air legislation makes sense for workers and communities. If Michigan was smokefree no one would have to choose between their j o b and their h e a l t h . All workers deserve to work in a smokefree environment. Why should waitresses be protected but not black jack dealers? know the effects of smoking. I know that we all deserve to breathe smokefree air. I believe that Michigan should join the 33 other states that have enacted smokefree l e g i s l a t i o n and p a s s HB 4163 NOW! I have called on Speaker Dillon and the Michigan Legislature to protect all Michigan workers and concur with the senate passed version of HB 4163. No more delays. Let's do something positive for Michigan lets make Michigan smokefree. W o u l d n ' t you be a p palled if you saw a pregnant woman smoking, but how many think about the health risks to that unborn child as a pregnant woman waits tables in a smoke-filled restaurant? Two-thirds of Michigan registered voters are in favor of smokefree workplace legislation that includes bars and restaurants. As a daughter who has lost one parent to the effects of smoking and is caregiving for another parent who is fighting for every breath, 1 Kam and myself j o i n e d a small group of residents who decided to not sit back and let things be. I watched first hand how he dealt with the public and I can tell you I have never known a person who treated everyone as fair and equal as he did. Kam is an honest person. When he sets his mind to getting something done, it gets done. I think he will make you a great sheriff. Tim M c N a m a r a Fremont IVleLissa Olson Livingston Township. Ensing will m a k e a g o o d sheriff To the Editor: I ran across an article in your paper about Kam Ensing running for sheriff. I knew Kam when he lived in Fremont in the late 1980s. Kam lived in the same township 1 did. We had a township supervisor who was running our township in ways one might consider a little "shady." Letters t o the Editor Write to: Editor, Gaylord Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734 or e-mail editor@gaylordherald times.com. Visit us online; www.gayiordheraidtime5.com Word on the Street ^ Online Polls By Frank Michels QUESTION: W h a t d o t h i n k a b o u t t h e h i g h p r i c e of g a s , n o w $4 locally, a n d h o w d o e s it a i f e c t y o n ? I 1 Recent o n l i n e poll results I W h o s h o u l d s t e p a s i d e in the bid for i the Democratic nomination? A. H i l l a r y C l i n t o n 37% B. B a r a c k O b a m a 20% C. D u k e it o u t till t h e b i t t e r e n d 43% N u m b e r of VOTES; 387 (this is n o t a scientific poll) NEW O N U N E QUESnnON ( s t a r t l i t x s«tm^y): What d o y o u plan o n d o i n g for We need to get rid of George Bush and his Iwddles and get someone in the White House who Is honest. Monti Bryant Johanmaturg I'm using a car rather High gas prices have than a truck. And campdefinitely stopped us ing trips this summer from going places will!» dose to home. quite a M. Our kids live Julie Hin downstate and we can't Gaykxtl afford to go see ttiem like we used to do. AhnaBryMit Mwmsburg My parents live In Newtierry and I live In Alma and I'm on my way there now. My trips are less frequent now. People are just going to do less and people are rethinking things. Tourism towns wHI be the hardest hit. Daran Johnson Alma I'm discouraged the Memorial Day w e e k e n d ? government has not A. S t i c k a r o u n d t h e h o u s e done anything. Jobs are leaving, gas prk»s are B. Kick b a c k a n d e n j o y G a y l o r d up. This will affect my C. T r a v e l t o v i s i t o u t - o f - t o w n r e l a t i v e s vacation plans. Around D. H o s t r e l a t i v e s a t y o u r h o m e town I'm doing just as much driving because I need to for business. T o TOTE O B U B C , g o t o : Jhn Sylvwtsr ie8.com ^ I I www.gaylordheraldtiine8.coin GaylortI Saturday, May 17, 2006 • A-5 Qaytord H«rakl TlmM Talking about death, taxes & health insurance SUPER SAVERS Give the gift of news. Call 989-732-1111 for subscription information. t o Enjoy the success of our TRIPLE "M" where every item is $1,000 or less! To pbce a classified ad: already overpaid executives List each item and its bargain more. Cox isn't buying it. price. The highest priced item He points to a 42-percent determines the cost of your ad. increase in pay and comPrices are for 20 words, 2 days. pensation for Blue Cross exItem Price ecutives between 2004 and $100 and under = Free 2(X)6. Not to mention the $101-$300 =$4 $493 million it spent to buy $301-$600 = $5.60 other FOR-PROFIT insur$601-$1,000 = $7.20 offth. ance companies since 2005. PUcc your »d in the MarkctPUc* (or in kklibofuf M. No( 4v«il«blc for itvaae uJa. pet* «nd conmerciil bu>ineu«(. Pncc o( Uem mutl be Here are some more Record Bucks Blues, MtverliM*!. zingers: Michigan residents like death with workplace health insurand taxes, HERALI^IMES ance policies paid $3,(X)0 are a sure 989-732-1111 a year more for them — a « thing, also. 33-p)ercent increase in four In fact, the years — while their wages Blues'bigstayed the same, according spending to a Robert Wood Johnson lobbyists Foundation study. are down in Jim Lansing right Workplace health care now trying to benefits cost an average Gneeo force more Michigan family $11,005 in down the throats of the state 2005, up almost $3,000 in Legislature and ultimately a four-year span. In 2006, Cox also wants Blue us Blue Cross victims. about I million MichiganCross to be more accountders had no health insurance able, from its multi-billion The good news is our — 11.7 percent of the popustate Legislature appears to dollar reserve fund to its lation. overpaid executives. be reaching across the parNorm Saari, Allen's chief The big fight centers on tisan aisle (unlike the previdetermining the best ways to of staff, walked me through ous budget process) in its the process in great detail expand individuals' access approach to the all-importhe other day by phone. I to singular policies, which tant issue of soaring health will say he's very knowlnow cover about 322,000 care insurance costs. But, edgeable about the issue. be forewarned, "The jury is Michiganders. Because of His philosophy: "We welthe economy, more people still out." are being forced to buy their come a robust debate on all Sen. Jason Allen, Rown policies due to job loss the issues." Traverse City, initially As a former employer introduced a bill that set up and employers discontinuing benefits at work. and big contributor to the JIM a high-risk pool for people sometimes extravagant ways "Charitable" and "bewho can't get affordable nevolent" Blue Cross wants of Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage because of seriI CHEVROIET changes because it says it is of Michigan, and now one ous health problems. His of those who holds a "singulosing money on the poliproposal was somewhat cies. No one can say for sure lar" policy, I hereby accept similar to several packages how much. The state's larg- Norm's invitation to debate proposed in the House. At because I've had this "roest health insurer wants to this point, I didn't like the operate more like for-profit bust" feeling for years that direction this high profile, someone needs to bring Big commercial carriers. Be very important issue was Bucks Blues under contro'l. charitable and operate for headed. profit at the same time. I get Meanwhile. Sen. Tom the picture. — Jim Ghsso is publisher George, R-Kalamazoo emeritus of the Gaylord In other words, Big (interestingly an M.D.), Herald Times. You may conBucks Blues wants to inproposed legislation that tact him at jim@gaylord crease its S2.4-billion rediffered significantly from heraldtimes. com serve slush fund and pay its Allen s and those in the B en Franklin once said: "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." That was before Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan came along. Consistent sky-high rate House. Serving together on the same committee, which George chaired, the "George-Allen" duo, as it is so affectionately dubbed, started to have a meeting of the minds. A new version of the bill was passed by the Senate and passed on to the House, where at last check, it rests. Over on the sidelines sits Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox who initially called the proposal by Allen "a Trojan horse for the House-passed Blue Cross bills that clearly put profits over people." He said it would allow the Blues to maintain their lax exemption, while abandoning their requirement to be the insurer of last resort. TIRJEi, inc. • TIRES • BRAKES • EXHAUST • ALIGNMENTS • MUFFLERS • SHOCKS ^ NOW FEATUBING STRUTS ASE CERTIFIED TUNE-UPS 8. COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS VALVOLINE OIL CHANGES 1641 South Otsego • Gaylord • (989) 732-9021 At Gaylord Tire Center. our tires really grab the road. Our prices will really grab you. • Besi Prices BuaranteeHI • Out the Uoor pricing^. • While you wait senrlcel Gaylord Tire Canter conveniently located at: — OLD 27 SOUTH, GAYLORD WERNIO JUST A SHORT DRIVE FROM 1-75! 989-732-5161 Majf special! Good through S/31/08. j k , nweran four from the table to UJ'i Make it for the whole weakMiri with less than Bishop can't escape crosshairs at you "W! what you get" pretty much applies in sports. Chuck it when it comes to politics, and the recent Senate vote to ban smok ing is exhibit A. Out of nowhere and after 10 years of bottling up the legislation Skubick's on behalf of Capitol the business community, suddenly nine Senate Republicans voted with enough Democrats to slap the ban on the unsuspecting and disgrunSkubick tled bars and eateries. vote. Bishop by his own admission had suffered through "one of the worse months" of his career. He was being whacked every which way by those who favored and those who opposed a Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance measure. Whatever he did, somebody didn't like it. On top of that the House sent him a monstrous Energy Reform Bill that was being pushed by other corporate biggies including Consumers Energy and DTE Energy and opposed by the largest senior citizens lobby and others. Bishop was in the crosshairs again. And even though Bishop opposed the legislation, he shocked this town by announcing his job was not to block legislation so he allowed a vote. This was what he did on the unpopular income tax last year. Had he not, who knows if someone would have sought to oust him from his post? 20x20 canopy (6) 8' tables 48 chairs $63.00 $57.60 $247.60 M a y Price $154.00 20x30 canopy (9) 8' tables 72 chairs Total $158.00 + $94.50 20x40 canopy (12) 8'tables $202.00 +$126.00 + $86.50 96 chairs + $115.20 $443.20 $338.90 M a y Price $210.00 M a y Price $277.00 Dettvery and setup is noi inctudecJ but is available 12 tables end 100 chairs or mors will qualify for a 10% discount We also offer a cixnpletfi hne of gnlls, pig roasters, soft-serve ice cream machines, helium and balloons Caterers also available ^ ™ You Need It - IVe Have It - So Just Rent It! SOURCE S o u t h , Gaylord, Ml 1 RENT/ALL 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 9 9 8 8 • 9 8 9 - ^ 2 ^ 8 2 2 •k' While some may call that courageous leadership, i.e. making an unpopular decision, the state GOP chairman was not one of them. Saul Anuzis reportedly came unglued by Bishop's behavior. This was yet another example of Anuzis sticking And on top of that. Bishop his big fjolitical nose into the legislative arena as he did on was involved in a dust up the tax vote. Bishop backers with Sen. Bruce Patterson over an annexation issue that were not amused with the "interference." And the two sides resulted in some "interesting" exchanges behind closed exchanged "pleasantries" during a meeting last week. Senate GOP Leader Mike doors. It is tough to lead with Bishop of Oakland County The affable Mr. Patterson one eye over your shoulder was at the center of a nasty also was privately coiKemed to avoid being stabbed in the internal power struggle. that Bishop was substitutback. So far Bishop has masing his judgment for that of The genesis for the hiscommittee chairs. For hme in terfully survived. As one su|>toric anti-smoking vote goes nwmoriam, committee chairs porter rationalized the smokback two years. Bishop was ing ban vote; "He wanted to ran their committees sans elected leader, the theory keep the family together." outside interference. Bishop goes, by one lousy vote. But some worider how Hence, he began his reign was viewed as encroaching long Daddy Bishop can reby the hair of his chinny chin on that. main head of the household? chin. With all this fermenting. Bishop was approached by Much as Bishop has tried — Tim Skubick is the hnto solidify his power base, he a handful of senators who gest-serving member of the has a rambunctious caucus to wanted to vote on the smokState Cc^ritoi Press Corps, solidify. He's been challenged ing ban. Keep in mind, every with 38 years of covering prior majority leader wielded and with each challenge, Michigan gorvemment aruJ his poMi/er to block the vote he had to calculate the right politics. His column appears as a sop to the saloons and moves to avoid a mutiny. in the Saturday Herald "Hmes. restaurwts. Prior to the smoking ban Sound off online at wtvw.gaylordberaldtimes.com or discuss it atforum.miseasons.com $127.00 hl^lV m and more! ptvvide <he lunch Tuesday, May 20 $• (0 h. 0) > c 3 <0 / • V 0 Wisdom of Our Ancestors id lecturi. u uave -i . v If your ancestors are from almost anywtiere In rwrthem / » Europe, you can consider youreeM of the "CeUte vvisdom herttage.' Join Profesaor Seamua Mulin NoTQaard on an interactive )oumey of storyletiktg, afeto imagery and mualc at he oxpioree the wtedom of our Celtic arKMtors. You wfll travel from Gaylord to xpertfnc^ t>eautlful Tara's Meadow on Beaver Wertd, MIcMgen't own Emerald tsle and mayt>e a ahort tour of kelend alor^g the way. Noon • 1:00 p.m. Cost is $10 incMing kjnch. Reservations required t)y May 19: caM 9d9-70&-377S. North Central E ^ B i ^ H l O A N COLLEQE Qaylord Harald Tlm«« A-6 • Saturday, May t 7 , 2006 Tourism dollars About 'Tourism' series CommunHy dollors Editor's note: Tburism is a way of life in Northern Michigan, and as another summer season approaches, the people who rely on tourism for their livelihood are a little nervous. Michigan's economy if far from healthy; gas prices were within a penny of $4 a gallon Friday, and folks aren't sure what the future holds. In this collaborative series by the Gaylord Herald Times and the Petoskey News-Review — in the heart of Northern Michigan's tourist country — we take a look at what's on the horizon for this bread-and-butter industry As always, we welcome your comments: editor^ gaylordheraUitimes.com Coming 'A Source Or. Don Hoieceh TOURISM DOLLARS Wed. $1 spent has a dollar and a quarter impact Gov. J e n n i f e r G r a n h o l m has signed a tourism package pledging millions more dollars to p r o m o t e tourism in t h e s t a t e . H o w d o N o r t h ern Michigan tourism leaders a n d business people w a n t t o s e e it s p e n t ? NORTHERN MlCHl CAN —Just how many times does a tourism dollar t u r n over in the c o m m u nity? A c c o r d i n g t o Dr. D o n Holecek, Michigan State University professor emeritus w h o studies the e c o n o m i c s of t o u r i s m , that d o l l a r d r o p p e d at t h e golf c o u r s e or latest attraction m a y t u r n over 20 times. But. h e said, t h a t ' s irrelevant. W h a t m a t t e r s is t h e multiplier, h e said. W h a t is t h e m u l t i p l i e r ? T h e m u l t i p l i e r gives the g r o s s i m p a c t of a d o l l a r s p e n t . In N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n , t h e m u l t i p l i e r is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.25. T h e s t a t e m u l t i p l i e r is a b o u t 1.5. It m e a n s . $ 1 s p e n t h a s a dollar a n d a quarter impact. "It m a y t u r n o v e r 10 times," said Holecek. "but h a s o n l y a q u a r t e r (25 cents) impact." T h e dollar decreases q u i c k l y e a c h t i m e it p a s s e s hands. A g r e a t f a c t o r in t h e m u l t i p l i e r is w h e r e t h e d o l - lar is s p e n t initially — t h e first t i m e it e n t e r s t h e c o m munity. A dollar spent on purc h a s i n g a local p r o d u c t , m a d e by a local resident has a greater impact on the c o m m u n i t y than a dollar s p e n t o n gasoline, he said. Tourism outlook uncertain By Ryan Bentley State promos could help P N R Staff Writer N; " o m a t t e r how^ m u c h families ike his couiterpart in Charlevoix. Gaytord enjoy a break Area Convention and Touhsm Bureau f r o m their norExecutive Director F^ui Beachnau can m a l s u r r o uf:n d i n g s , t r a v e l recall better times for his community's m a y fall b e h i n d o t h e r p r i o r tourism sector, ities w h e n b u d g e t s get light. 2003 ^ Dunng 2007, Gaylord-area hotels' nightly room rentals vrere down ^x)ut 3 percent overall 16346 13.717 H 2 M A n d if d e c i s i o n s t o c u t from the previous year^totals.Noting that the Petoskey back on vacations are widenumtjer of rooms available has fUjctiated from 24,223 20,S12 Wi**® spread, the stakes can be year to year—some 19 hotels have participated Wrtdemess high for communities that rn occupancy surveys as of late—Beachnau w , 2 » i m c said he dkjnl have figures avatiable that v ^ k j d e p e n d economically on Young illustrate a longer-term trend. t o u r i s m , like m a n y of t h o s e "C^tainly I can tell ^ travel and touhsm , in N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n . F i s h e r m a n ' s Island is not where we were five years ago when the economy was outstarxJing," Beachnau sakl. "As i Otsego U t e O n e Michigan State Michigan has kind of been in this recession, we've I ' University analysis shows defiritely felt it" a q u a r t e r of t h e e c o n o m i c But he sees reasons for optimisn in 2008. activity in E m m e f C o u n t y "For this season so far, we're off to a pretty being tourism-based. The good start... with the winter," Beachnau said. ! sector has considerable "The snow was just fabulous." t i m p o r t a n c e for the Gaylord And with various travel costs on the rise, he i area, too. According to believes Michigan residents may look more at | Otsego Counry Economic in-state destinations this year rather than taking GRAPHK RbNtHANWR/NLrtS H^VltW Alliance calculations, tourWXiKCt MllHI&ANDkP! Of NAIURAl RJSOURCbb longer tilps. ist-oriented enterprises Beachnau senses potential tor some of the a c c o u n t for 2 5 p e r c e n t of state's tourism promobon plans to benefit the north. A $15-miHion infusion in the promobonal employment income and budget is plarviedtt^ year, with million more | 4 0 p e r c e n t of j o b s in t h e to be Plotted in 2009. Plans are in the vMxVs for county. the first statevwde vwnter tourism campaign, and ! hmting and fishing promotions are planned as So, w i t h a u t o - i n d u s t r y well. d o w n s i z i n g a n d a s l o w real ^ sage of Northwest Michigan's put)iic hen locl<ing at campground usage olf has been one of Northem Michigar's ki Charievoix. McKown said lodging occue s t a t e m a r k e t t a k i n g finanI marinas has waxed and waned over the for five area state parts — Petoskey, popular summertime draws in recent pancy took a dip not long after the turn ot tt)e 21 st I past few years, too. Staff for the hartjors c i a l l o l l s o n m a n y M i c h i g a n Otsego I j k e , Wiklemess (Mackidecades. Wtite a few of the industry's century. Her bureau hasnt kept detailed statistics, in Boyne City and East Jordan shared residents, have the econaw City), Vtxmg (Boyne City) and recent indteatore stxjw signs of giOTrth, h. but she estimates occupancy has been averaging pen»ntage-based occupancy figures. The actual , n o m i c c h a l l e n g e s m e a n t Ftshemian's island (Chartevoix)—overthepast olfieis point to downward mowmenl about 40 percent over the course of each year number of days boats spent in transient marina ; five years, all fnre saw substantial declines in a s l o w d o w n in U p N o r t h Ttie "Golf Mecca" mat1<eling initiative, opersince. siips (boat da^) was diUjed by the total number ' t r a v e l ? Over the past few years, the picture has been ated ttYougti Gayton)^ touism bureau, serves to j total nigfrts spent by campers between 2003 and 2004. Michic^ Deiartment c* Natural Resources of boat days possible in a season to arrive at an promote 22 area golf courses. looking somewhat bri^Tter for lodging properties occnancy percentage. Overall, txjreau (frector Paul Beachnau ncted spokeswoman Ma^ DeHoff noted that 2003 in southern Emmet and eastern Charlewix courv To b e sure, s o m e w h o was an exceptionaliy busy year for the state part* Boyne C#y had three years 0* occupancy that ttese courses saw 2 percent more rounds tes which are afMated with the P^oskey-Hartnr p r o m o t e t o u r i s m locally system. statistics available, and saw transient occupancy played durtng 2007 than in the previous year, with Springs-Boyne Country Visitors' Bureau. Staff a r e s e n s i n g s l i p p a g e . At t h e Tlie decline for Petoskey State Park cortinued dnap from 38 percent in 2005 to 37 percerrt tfie greens fees and cart rental proceeds up slighlty, : at the bureau note they've been seeing gradual Charlevoix Area Conven' into 2005, with camp numbers fehouiding some- following year before dimbingto 42 percent for growth in the number of nights gueste have spent t x . But with the average piice of a golf round tion a n d Visitors' Bureau, : (topping slightly, the Golf Mecca's $15.5 million in what over the f o U o v ^ two years, file other area 2007. in rented nDoms. e x e c u t i v e director Vera m East Jortbn, transient booking rates parks have seen some fluctuation in campground ! tolal revenues for 2007 reflected a smal decline Occupancy at bureau-affiliated properties M c K o w n said her town's jumped from 25 percent in 2003 to 28 percent : occupancy since 2004. averaged 46 percent through the course Gf 2003. fromayeareartier. lodging occupancy rates ' in 2004, then jumped to 34 percent in 2005. So far in 2008, the state pert< system as a Boyne USA Resorts—one o( Nofthem It stood at 47 percent for 2004,2005 and 2006 d r o p p e d off w i t h t h e e c o Michigan^ mator golf operators with eight courses viitwie is seeing a 2-to 3-per(»nt drop in resenra- A dropoff to 32 percerrt was seen in 2006. Ocand 57 percent for 2007. n o m i c d o w n t u r n of 2 0 0 1 tions compared to last year, Oetloff saw. Tlie ONR cupancy dimbed to 45 percent for 2007, but this TTiese hotels, motels and rerrtal condo prop- i In Emmet and Chailevoi* counties—saw a 3reflects o r ^ half the normal number erf slips being a n d h a v e n ' t r e a l l y r e c o v e r e d erties saw about $33 niillon in re^nue for 2003. percent 1*00 m the numtjer of pouids played from believes a comblnaeon of factors—such as available because of low ^ t e r levels. ! since. "Horrendous" gas wornes over gas pdces and the stalels general $34 milion tor 2004, $36 miicn far 2005, $36.5 I 2005 to 2006. and another decline of 2 percent Petoskey and Harbor Springs mannas execonomic malaise—are at play. prices are a d d i n g to t h e from 200610 2007. miion far 2006 and $40 million for 2007. pressed their ocofiancy levels based on yearly i But the key factor in deciding whether to challenges, she added. "Go*roundsaround the state are down,' Peter Rtzsimons, efflcuBve dtector of the boat-day totals. Petoskey^ transient boat days camp continues to be weather, she added. j Boyne USA put*; relations manager Bin Ernst visitors' bureau in Petoskey, noted that parHcipej u r r ^ from 3,102 in 2006 to 3,199 in 2006 "If it's a cod,rainysummer, v « have more noted. tion in occupancy surveys is volunlary and can "We're always w o n d e r i n g before dropping to 2,956 in 2007. cancellatkxis," she said. "Our data sfiw« that if People having less vacation time — and vary from one year to the next and that addWonal w h a t ' s g o i n g to hit u s next," In Hartxy Springs, boat days climbed from It's a hot, dry summer... our regisliations go I * . " choosing to play closer to home—may be one rooms have become available l o c ^ In recenrt 4,686 in 2003 to 4,903 In 2004 belore droppvig to : M c K o w n s a i d . While ITS common to see graretwents ! facKir in the dedkw for coines i<e B o ^ ' s . she I years. 4,605 tor 2005. The yearlytotalshave since been ' spendkig time at state camp(*t)unds««i their added. By offering bmly-trlendhf vacation opGiven Boyne USA Resorts'large lodging At t h e s a m e t i m e , s o m e 4.749 boat days in 2006 and , portunWes—amenHiessuchasspasenicesand graidchikten, DetWf noted that camping doesnt on the reboifxl, volume and the seasonal nature of many of Its other tourism indicators 4,906 In 2007. seem to have as much appeal lor inuiger adults the Avalanche Bay indoor waleiinrV ate available attractions. RtzslmorB said ift occupancy figures h a v e s s h o w n stability or M l h fuel prices on therise,Harbor Springs these days , along with go!—Emsl said Boyne Is trying to are excluded fTDm the area taies In order to g r o w t h in t h e past f e w "Tlie good news Is that Michigan^ state pafl< titttMrmaster Mike Johnson said boaters tend avoid s k e v i ^ the resuRs^nd nol a l local lodging i oarteract the trend. to be stIcMng around favortte areas tor longer years. And with the past system remains one of the most popular m the Upcoming stale investments in toulsm piT>properties may be shBfino equally in the rBwiue periods rather then trav«lng frequerfly betMen county,'she said. winter being kind to snow1 motion h o p e U y w l help the goK industry as wen, g r o ^ . he added. Higher-end properties seem marinas. TI«b DNR is ei^ienmenting viMh altamallve , sports enthusiasts and the EmM said. Mth « » downalBle Oakland HMi Counto be reaping more new guests then budget-ori"Wiat we're seeing Is f w e r boats spendtog s t a t e s e t t o b o o s t its t o u r i try CU) hosting a PGA champlonetilp INS August, lodging options to expand the system's appeal. ented ones. Rtzaimons noted. more tlnrte here,* he SBM. OelWf added. and i r M catuns are being she added that more people may tale nonce of ism-promotion spending, •Yffwn they do go or vac^ions, theytendto Seasontf sips at the local marinas have coninstated at some parts, and lomier manager fMcNgan's golf attactione. at least o n e lodging-indusbe buying 19." he said, "mstoodoftourweeltend tlniAly been In hi(^ demand, wMh most or al of tesklencas are bsing conMttBd lor family and ! try r e p r e s e n t a t i v e sees reavocations a year, ttwy're dowff) to one or tMO. lYwy them spoken tor In recent years and iwMngias groio rentals. say. t I'm g ^ awey. t ^Asnttodo It son for hope. And starting this monlh. select campgrounds In place tor some of the harbors. . Rtzsimons said repeal ^Asltors seem to be are offering motortnms and Uailsr storage to helping NorthMQSt MfotigBn hold Its owffi In tour— Contact Petoskey News help ease campers'concerns a t n x gas prtcss, Ism. Thouc^ Ug-boK retalers have arrtMd In Review's Ryan Bentley ai she said. PMHitey. he noted that the comTHf«y riso has 231-439-9342 or rbentiey^ fT«nWr«d ite tadWonei core that seem petoskeynews.com toappreciate. Nights spent at L •Ohere^ ..adeepappredatentorhcM^we maintein our sense of olace.'he said. State Park Campsites Sluggish trend for golf Park usage falls Marina traffic from '03 levels bobs up & down G' W 1 Oaylord HarakJ Ttmaa A-7 • Saturday, May 17, 2006 18-34 28 23 35-49 39 40 50-64 17 12 6S+ 16 25 Tourists Who you are, where you come from By R y a n B e n t l e y PNR Staff Writer More often than not. the visitors w h o make Northern Michigan their destination c o m e f r o m within a day's drive of t h e region, various research shows. Travel Michigan, the slate's tourism agency, obtained 2004-2007 survey data ftt)m D.K. Shifflet & Associates. a travel-industry market research firm, which shows f r o m where trips to Northwest Michigan (Emmet a n d Charlevoix counties) and Otsego County originated. Places of origin were expressed in terms of "E>esignated Marketing Areas" (DMAs). T h e s e are regions defined by the broadcast m e dia that serve them. For b o t h Northwest Michigan and Otsego County, the research showed that the largest share of visitors c a m e from places within a couple o f h o u r s ' driving time. T h e Traverse City-Cadillac market a c c o u n t e d for m o r e than a third of visitors to each. The Detroit market generated the second-largest share of visitors to both Northern Michigan territories. Two o t h e r downstate Michigan markets — Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek a n d I-lint-SaginawBay City a n d Marquette — also ranked near the t o p as sources of Northwest Michigan a n d Otsego County visitors. In t e r m s of ages, the 35to 49-year-old bracket acc o u n t e d for the largest share of adult visitors to both areas, the D.K. Shifflet data showed. Research by the Petoskey-Harbor Springs-Boyne Country Visitors' Bureau also showed a majority of local lodging guests coming from within Michigan. Since the mid-1980s, bureau executive , director Peter Fitzsimons n o t e d that 70-75 percent of f)eople who've spent nights at local establishments consistently have c o m e from instate ZIP codes. Along with downstate Michigan, the Petoskey bureau also deploys s o m e promotional resources in places such as Fort Wayne, Ind., Chicago a n d In^anapolis, as well as in some national publications. If m o r e promotional dollars b e c o m e available. Fitzsimons would like to reach out to m o r e Midwestern markets including Columbus a n d Dayton, Ohio, a n d St. Louis, perhaps u n d e r t h e umbrella of Travel Michigan. With Michigan's domin a n t air carrier, Northwest, o n track to merge with Delta Airlines, the bureau director sees Atlanta — where Delta h a s a h u b at Hartsfield-lackson-Atlanta International Airport — as another potential place to seek Northern Michigan visitors if the fimding emerges. Currendy, the Gaylord Area Convention and Tourism Bureau invests about half its promotional resources instate and the other half elsewhere, according to is executive director. Paul Beachnau. Though Michigan is a "huge" state for tourism. Beachnau a d d e d that its e c o n o m y is lagging. If m o r e dollars should b e c o m e available for promotlons,1ie said he'd try to reach out m o r e extensively to states such as Illinois a n d Indiana, which have easy drives to Northern Michigan and stronger economies. — Contact Petoskey NewsReview's Ryan Bentley at 231 -439-9342 or rbentley^ petoskeynews. com HT - Jil Schutt DURING A REC0JT TRIP from his home in Grand Blanc to his summer home in East Jortan, Jim Ott stopped at the Speedway gas station in Gaytorti to fill up his tnjck at $3.99 per gallon. Ott, who said a round-trip costs approximately $110, said he would stay up north longer and not come as often. High gas prices may help Northern Michigan travel By Jtl S c h u l t Staff Writer NORFHERN MICHIGAN — egardless of which side you fall on in the debate of whether high gas prices hurt or help Northern Michigan tourism, no studies show the impact of the cost of gas at SI p(M' gallon — even adjusted for inflation. Dr. Don 1 lolecek. Michigan Stale Universitx' professor emeritus, has studied the effects of gas prices on tourism. "Basically what we find for Northern Michigan, there has been some marginal impact." he said. "If people planned a two-week trip, they're still going to take it." Holecek continued. "Weather has the biggest impact." R With the elevated prices, s o m e people stay closer to h o m e instead of vacationing out of state, h e n c e gas prices help local economy. Holecek suggested. "Weekenders v^^ still c o m e . They're not going to c h a n g e patterns." As far as tourists w h o travel north in campers, they m a y c o m e u p less often but stay a little longer. "They stay t h e s a m e amoiint of time." h e said, "just travel less. "There's a h u g e psychological thing that h a p p e n s w h e n we're talking $4-gas prices." stated Holecek. "They're going to do the m a t h — you're going to lose those people." However, the overall impact of tourism evens out w h e n t h e lay-off" and early retirement population is figured "They will travel as long as their i n c o m e stays." Holecek a d d e d . Research also s h o w s p e o p l e w h o really are c o n c e r n e d a b o u t the security of their j o b s a r e going to cut back o n e x p e n s e s , i n c l u d i n g travel to Northern Michigan. In s u m m a r y , g a s prices aren't going to help t o u r i s m , a c c o r d i n g to Holecek, b u t they're not going to h u r t a lot. "Good w e a t h e r will offset gas increases," h e p r e d i c t e d . "Our best g u e s s is, we'll see travel v o l u m e d o w n a c o u p l e percent f r o m last year a n d e x p e c t s p e n d i n g to b e flat." Holecek c o n c l u d e d . Contact Jil Schult at 748-4518 or jil@gaylordheraldtimes. com. From where do they come? A glance at t h e t o p areas t h a t g e n e r a t e county visitors Irivmt { i t y l jMUc ^qoftton nra Saqvuw by City qottkt e m mccc haflevotx HT - JWSchuR "lh(l H'V.. "{V UNOA SIMPSON, head housekeeper at Marsh Ridge in Gaykxd, cleans the sink in a room in the Bergen Lodge, one of five kjdging buiWings. Tourism at the resort has been her livelihood for six years. 'Survival of the Up North Retailer' workshop on tap in Charlevoix, OHARLEVOIX — Sunrival of tt>e Up Nortt) Retailer is a workshop created in 2006 by Qirts Wenciel. Regional Director of Michigan Small Business and Technotogy Development Center m Traverse City. "tt used to be you coukl buy a pfX)duct. double the price and have a good summer.' said Wendel. who worked in retail during the 1980s and 1990s. "I saw when the box stores canrte in and the retail pte was cut into more pieces.' he added. Sponsored by the Charlevoix Chamber of Commerce, the workshop is Tuesday. May 20. 2-4:30 p.m.. at the Chartewix PubNc Library. tt features ways for business owners to come up with ways to make money without customers walMng through door, said Wendel Utilizing the Internet, keeping in touch with costomers through e-mail and Web sites are methods to incrMse business, according to Wendel. 'Develop a product line nobody can du{^lcate,' he stated, citing a local company. Cherry Republic, which built a $6-miilion business, half from internet contact. This isn't your mom and pop store, agreed Wendel "They can't do things the way they used to.' Wendel said of retailers. "That was then; this Is now.' To preregister for the dass. call the Charlevoix Chamber of Commerce at 231-547-2101. Cost Is $20 for members and $40 for nonmembers. Worker: Gas prices biggest challenge l i n d a Simpson Age: 43 Business/occupatiGn a n d years of service: Simpson has been employed at Marsh Ridge Resort (golf course, hotel and restaurant) in (Ja^ord as h e a d hoiLsekeeper for six years. How d o c s t o u r i s m impact y o u r busine^? This business is greatly affected by tourism. People c o m e from all over to golf a n d the locals arenl staying in t h e rooms. What d o you t h i n k d r a w s people to N o r t h e r n Michigan? The beauty of t h e scenery. We have beautiful golf courses a n d plenty of family activities. N u m b e r o n e is the beauty of everything a r o u n d us. a lot here. Are you expecting to m a k e m o r e or less m o n e y this year? I will probably m a k e about the same. Gov. Granholm has signed a $60miilion package to bolster Michigan tourism. If $10-million were earmarked just for Northern Michigan, how would you Dke to see t h o s e dollars spent? 1 a want to see t h e m o n e y spent o n Where d o you t h i n k w e could find advertising to d r a w m o r e people to m o r e tourists for N o r t h e r n M k h i g a n ? Northern Michigan — in and out of the People f r o m all over t h e United state. States would b e attracted to what — lil Schuh Northern Michigan h a s to offer. There is What will b e t h e biggest challenge this s u m m e r for t o u r i s m - d e p e n d e n t businesses? The economy, especially gas prices. More online at: www.gaylordheraldtimes.com Qaylord Haraki Timaa Jump Page Two A-8 • Saturday, May 17, 2008 Candidates challenge Club, DNR project benefits lake county incumbents OTSEGO COUNTY Three county commissioners are being challenged for their seals in the Aug. 5 primary, as is Sheriff J a m e s McBride and county clerk Suzy DeFeyter. The deadline to file for the Aug. 5 primary passed Tuesday and DeFeyter reported that these candidates have tailed for county offices: • C o u n t y commissioners; • District 1, Incumbent Clark Bates (R) and challenger Wayne Brown (R); Jason Woodcox (R) has withdrawn; • District 11. incumbent Paul Beachnau (Ry and challenger Vic Ouellette (R); • District 111, incumbent Paul Liss (R); • District IV, challenger Robert Harkness (R), currently Chester Township supervisor, for seat currently held by Lee Olsen (R) who did not refile; • District V, incumbent Erma Backenstose (R); • District VI, incumbent Ken Glasser (R). who withdrew from the 105th District state representative race; challenger Richard Sumerix (R) has withdrawn; • District VU, incumbent Douglas Johnson (R); • District VIII. incum- bent Michael H y d e (R) and challenger A n g e l a McKnight (R); and • District IX, challenger Bruce Brown for seat currently held by Allan Bentz (R) w h o did not refile. • Sheriff: incumbent James M c B r i d e (R) and challengers K a m Ensing (R) and Michael A n t h o n y (D) • C o u n t y clerk/register of deeds: incumbent Suzy DeFeyter (R) and challenger Susan Skoglund (R) • C o u n t y prosecutor: incumbent Kyle Legel (R) • C o u n t y treasurer; incumbent Diann A x f o r d (R) • C o u n t y road commissioner; William Holewinsici Jr. (R); D o n a l d Huff (R) and Randy S a m k o w i a k (D) • County surveyor: Ronald Brand ( R ) Also on the county ballot is a library millage renewal. The proposal is for a renewal of a .4-mill operating levy for a period of six years to provide f u n d s for operating and maintaining the Otsego C o u n t y Library. Cont. from p. A1 m i d - A p r i l to s p a w n . It was difficult to estimate how m a n y f r y t h e r e were, but a quick dip with a net into the flowing w a t e r y i e l d e d d o z ens of minnow-size pike. The adult pike also will leave the marsh as it drains. D N R fisheries technician Brian H o x i e explained why the f i s h are released now rather than when they're larger " W h e n ihey reach this point the plankton they eat is not e n o u g h to satisfy them," Hoxie said, " s o they'll start eating each other." T h a t w a s p r o v e n Friday when Hoxie netted a pike fry with another, slightly smaller fry in its m o u t h . T h e o p e r a t i o n , is an o n going c o o p e r a t i v e effort between the sportsmen's club HT - Chns Er>g)e and the D N R to maintain the h a r o l d m i l l e r (foreground) skims plankton "seeds" from the surface of Hoxie Marsh Friday, p i k e p o p u l a t i o n in O t s e g o The DNR fisheries staff dries and stores these seeds and, next spring, will disperse them back Lake. into the marsh to provide food for the next generation of pike. All O t s e g o County offices are up f o r re-election this year, including the nine county c o m m i s s i o n e r s ' seats, county clerk Yegister of deeds, county sheriff, county treasurer and county prosecutor, as well as all elected township officials. Voters face township elections, issues • Treasurer: incumbent Township clerks have until Monday. May W.toregort their Wayne Tyler (R) •Trustee; incumbent Robert filings to SI ~ ~ Diesing {R) and challenger Danclerk Four of the nine townships iel Wagar(R) have provided information to T h e f o l l o w i n g townships DeFeyter will h a v e m i l l a g e p r o p o s als o n t h e p r i m a r y ballot; Bagle\ Township • Supervisor; incumbent Bill Giles (R) • Clerk; incumbent Jim Szymanski (R) •Treasurer incumbent Mary Yager (R) • Trustee; incumbents Richard Sumerix (R) and Fred Bums (R) and c h a l l e n g e r T h o m a s Roach (R) Dover Township • Supervisor; incumbent Thomas Murphy (R) • C l e r k ; i n u m b e n t Janet Kwapis (D) • Treasurer: incumbent Diane House (R) • Trustee: incumbent Rebecca House (D) HT - Micftaet Jooes GAYLORD AREA COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS (GACA| members (l-r) Pat Milidonis, Billye Thatcher, Lorene Parshall, Nina Gee and Alma htoCorwith Township rison, stand in front of what will become a new community arts center. GAGA recently purchased the East Main Street building and after • Vanderbilt Corwith Fire renovations will be open to the public. and Rescue Department millage renewal; the proposal will permit the township to levy up to 2 mills to provide funding for capital improvements and operational expenses for f ^ve years. 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 3 . If approved, the Parshall said GACA hopes other arts organizations. levy would raise an estimated Cent, from p. A1 than rentjng space. to have the building ready for "The experts told us this $140,277 in the first year. For several years GACA "1 think it's the right choice would be a good time to invest use by the end of the summer. had a Main Street arts center at the right time," Parshall Parshall said GACA is and by using our investment just east of the city pavilion, said of the board's decision fund to outright buy the build- looking for volunteers to but Parshall said with the to buy and renovate the F^st Elmira Township help assist with cleaning and ing it will free up flinds we Main Street building, which • Elmira-Warner Fire Au- downturn in the economy the had been using to pay rent for painting to ready the new arts will be used as an art gallery thority m i l l a g e renewal: the group could no longer afford center before opening to the oftlce space." Parshall said. and gift shop of local artist's proposal will permit a levy up to the rent and relocated to a public. The Northern Michigan 1 mill to provide funds for pur- small office on the third floor original work. To inquire about volunof the Phoenix Building last Artists Guild made a $500 When renovations are chasing equipment, operations teering to help call 732-3242 year. completed part of the building donation to GACA to help and m a i n t e n a n c e of fire and Hayes Township or 705-1965. will be used to hold small per- with renovations which inParshall said the GACA • S u p e r v i s o r : i n c u m b e n t rescue services for four years, — Contact Michael Jones clude a new ceiling, electrical formances, poetry and prose board used its endowment 2 0 0 8 2 0 1 1 . If approved, the Mary Sanders (R) at 748-4513 ormichael^ work and making the building readings, receptions and meetfund to purchase the building, • Clerk: incumbent Richard levy would raise an estimated gayiordheraldtimes. com. handicap accessible. ing space for workshops and opting to buy outright rather $92,325 in the first year RossO^) GACA buys Main Street building Judge orders restitution amounting to $100,000 Cont. from p. A1 might consider Wiseley as a candidate for the county work c a m p to serve the remainder of her sentence. Wiseley, who had pleaded guilty to one count of embezz l e m e n t of b e t w e e n $ 1 , 0 0 0 and $20,000, a five-year f e l o n y , w a s also s e n t e n c e d to f i v e y e a r s p r o b a t i o n and o r d e r e d to m a k e restitution of $100,000. In exchange for h e r g u i l t y plea, t w o c o u n t s of f o r g e r y and one count of e m b e z z l e m e n t over $20,000 w e r e d i s m i s s e d at s e n t e n c mg. B e f o r e sentencing. Wiseley's attorney, Elliot B l u m berg from Gaylord, told Allen at the time of the embezzlement his client's mother wds ill a n d a sister w a s h a v i n g financial problems. " S h e didn't do this for her personal use " Blumbei^ said. "But, it was an ill advised way to help her family members. Linda m a d e a bad series of judgments." C H U C K Klee, a f o r m e r p r e s i d e n t of the Northern Michigan C h a p t e r of Associated Builders and Contractors ( A B C ) addressed Judge Allen and refereed to the restitution a m o u n t . " ! would like m o r e the $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 that has been proved she took," Klee said. Klee expressed a concern the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could c o m e back to him or o t h e r f o r m e r A B C m e m bers seeking m o n e y for back taxes owed by ABC. According to Allen, Wiseley covered 7 apologized to a number of people because these are the faces I see everyday... I have never denied the charges. I have betrayed your trust and nothing can replace the pain I have inflicted on you. How can I ask for your forgiveness when I can't forgive myself?' t h e e m b e z z l e m e n t of f u n d s by not paying taxes on behalf of A B C f o r 10 years, f i l i n g false audit reports and using a c o m p a n y credit card for her own use. A f t e r a brief consultation with Otsego County prose- I g u e s s we'll have to accept t h e $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a m o u n t , " he stated to Allen. Prior to sentencing, a tearful Wiseley read a prepared statement in court, apologizing to Klee and several other i n d i v i d u a l s associated with ABC. lice investigators initially est i m a t e d Wiseley had stolen more than $150,000 from A B C , which closed its doors in 2006. A f t e r l i s t e n i n g to W i s e ley's tearful statement, Allen a d d r e s s e d the f o r m e r A B C d i r e c t o r ; "You c o v e r e d up m o n e y you s t o l e in m a n y different ways. You caused a c o m p a n y to dissolve and you will b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n y m o n e y owed to the IRS." Following sentencing Wiseley. w h o had served as director at A B C for about 10 "I apologized to a number of p e o p l e b e c a u s e these are the faces I see everyday," an e m o t i o n a l W i s e l e y told Allen. "I have never denied the charges. I have betrayed your Linda Wiseley trust and nothing can replace cutor Kyle Legel and assur- the pain I have inflicted on a n c e s as p a r i of s e n t e n c i n g you. H o w can i ask for your years, was r e m a n d e d to the that W i s e l e y w o u l d b e per- forgiveness when I can't for- c o u n t y jail to begin s e r v i n g her sentence.ws sonally fiable for any money give m y s e l f ? " — Contact Michael owed to the IRS, Klee agreed According to reports from Jones at 748-4513 or t o the $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 r e s t i t u t i o n the G a y l o r d City Police, the michael@gaylordherald amount. e m b e z z l e m e n t occurred betimes.com. "When all is said and done t w e e n 2004-2006. C i t y po- S ^ r d a y . May 17. 2006 • A-9 Qaylord H«rald Timef Sign upfordaily local weather forecast text messages to your phone at: gaylordheraldtlmes.com ^ G 3 r c l e n i n q SCrieS Eagle landing BOB MORTON of Elmira photographed this eagle as it landed in his yard. Your photo could appear here. Send a photo (brief description of photo subject), name of photographer and hometown (city, township, etc.). Include daytime telephone nunr>h«r. Send photos to: Herald Times, PC Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734, or e-mail a JPEG image to: frank@gaylordheraldtinr>es.com. Those who have their photographs published will receive a free classified ad in the Herald Times. G a y l o r d area weather QUICK FORECAST Sat. S Mon. BS Partty sunny KAREN BLEWETT GIVES TIPS on container gardening during the Otsego County Library's gardening series, which is being held from noon to 1 p.m. each Wednesday in May at the library. Gaylord Eagles Auxiliary elects officers Chance of showers Hi 50,Lo 37 Chance of showers Hi 51 Lo 37 breezy with wirxJ gusts up to 30 mph KT • MarUyn KJK:zartow8ki Wed. Sun. Chance of showers Hi 62. Lo 42 Hi 6 . Lo 38 Chance of showers Hi 62 Lo 39 G a y l o r d area weather in review Date Hi Low Predp. Snow Data Low pmdkk Snow May 16 MaylS May 14 63 53 71 38 0" 0" Mavl2 61 37 0" May 11 63 41 61 36 May 13 56 0" 0" May 10 Mays 58 35 Trace 0" 0" 0- 0" 00" 0" 38 49 37 .23" .1" 0" Last year^ totals This year's totals Total snowfall to date Snowfall this month Current snow depth 145,08" 0" 0" Total snowfall to date Precipitation this month Snow depth 185.r 1.75" 0" Source: U.S. Weather Service [ hen you biqf fMK life inauuKc CNini u i tfaiougli m ^ A i u o O w B c a J j l e InnaoccCoBifMiqr. jroull tecove special d i x o u n n on your home or mobiie home G A Y L O R D — Kay Sides R i c h i e , t r u s t e e ; Judi J o h n - as j u n i o r past m a d a m presiw i l l s e r v e a s p r e s i d e n t of son, c h a p l a i n ; and Virginia dent. t h e G a y l o r d E a g l e s A u x i l - Fisher, s e c r e t a r y . The auxiliary hosted a potiary. O u t g o i n g p r e s i d e n t is luck Mother's Day dinner with S i d e s and a slate of other Shirley Paul, w h o will serve entertainment on May 14. o f f i c e r s w e r e e l e c t e d at the group's May 7 election. O t h e r new o f f i c e r s are Linda Fitzek, vice president; Kay Smith, conductor; M a e O ' R o u r k e , Barbara Schneider, t r u s t e e s ; Jean W a t s o n , i n s i d e g u a r d ; and Lily Bell S i m p s o n , o u t s i d e guard. Re-elected were Sarah Kmn Cum money. As an Independent' J P H E A T I N G OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN, L L C great iniaest in you—as wdl as your home. Stop in our agency and ask us about it today! 732-6471 State Avg. $3,842* (60 cents higher than a year ago) Auto-Owners agent, we lake INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Sources; * AAA MIchigon weekly "Fuel Gouge" survey of 300 gas stations for unleoded reguior lost week * * Irniependent newspaper stoff reports for unleoded regular LOCATED IN GAYLORD 800-253-1190 insunnce. 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We'll buy you lunch! Just open a checking account It's a great time to switch to Northwestern Bank. Open any new checking account and you'll receive: • A certificate for lunch at a local restaurant Your first order of personal checks, f r e e CaD l o r a P I E l t a l a p l w coMWItatiini at I - 8 0 0 4 3 S - S M 7 . • Great ' I can do that!" service every d a y CARL C. SILVER n o SMrth T f e M t v M w a • Uptmm, M 41707 Gaylord Evangelical Free Church M a y 18. 2 0 0 8 Pastor Jim Mathis T h « Oood N * w s About Dying 8:30 a.m. Trmditionsf Smrvice 9:45 a.m. Minhtmring Communhft and Sunday Schoot 11:00 a.m. Cont0mf>or»ry Smrvie* 1649 M - 3 2 East. Gaylord www.gaytordcfree. org 989-732-2647 OoMd Cap0on forlfM Just bring in your current checkbook and we'll do the rest. Make the switch to Northwestern. If s easy-and lunch is on us! Northwestern Bank Qaylord Harald TImM a-10 • Saturday, May 17, 2006 Joel J a m e s plays taps during Thursday's Police Memorial Oay service. Police Memorial sJP „ .'.if me " smucwtnknwwlw Cjimamumofmiiv R«l L WRlinC JR m } i986 1 ' ' js • • • • 1 — ' » ! • k f . . , f e OFRCERS FROM THE Gaylord Michigan State post and Gaylord City Police salute the American flag during Thursday's ceremony Officers from the local state, city and county police and t h e Gaylord Department of Natural Resources fire a salute in memory of police officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. GAYLORD CITY POLICE officer Stefan Crane raises a crisp salute in front of memorial wreaths placed to honor fallen officers. Law enforcement officers paid tribute outside the county courthouse as part of Thursday's Police Memorial Oay service. The memorial day was part of National Police Week, May 11-17, which honored all law enforcement officers who gave their lives in the service of their communities. Photos by Bill Serveny Beginning May 8th) 2008 Michigan's Great Stove Change O i ^ Sante FE ! $1999 -$300' -$290' $1570 -$300' : -$290' n i s i H B I Q Supreme-XT : $1844 | ; S | | | | ^ B Mt Vernon $3199 -$300' -$290' -$290' Royals $2299 .$290' (N« oioiT K pknitd) 1 9d New unit mosi be mstdted by a licensed controctof lespermined Exisitng tyMvcertlfled untt must be destroy* •Only 1st 500 Michigan Greot Stov® Chonge CW rebc Pushm PuU m Drag Itl s t / u o m G'otAS-2007MODELS 1 0 % to 3 0 % oflF fkastvt^ai 2007 JACUZZI & DYNASTY SPAS BILLIARDS • SHUFFLEBOARD • GAME TABLES • HOT TUBS • FIREPLACES & MOREI -OUROfARANa ' M A I S ON iftomi; ) ITEMS. More Inside Sports GHS SOCCER STANDOUTS Blue Devils control play, but are buried by Cadillac's big shots taytonTi StiplMnto Rygwil M MMtoimmiMM'aniund liw CadWac goal during ttw t m n ' t g « M Ikwaday at the Story/photos page B2 Hr- waw^wiy Sports I Brandy WUHanw Q^lon) senior hadtourhHs, Induifnga Ulptoand double In the BtueDevlshugemeepof TnwaraeCRy CenM1>«t vaunedthem k*) the upper half of the BNC. H E R A L I I ^ ^ I M E S Sports Editor: Jeremy Speer jerem^gaylordheraldtimes.com B 1 Saturday, May 17, 2008 Devils reach goal after topping T.C. • — BHl Swver>y GAYLORD SENIOR THIRD BASEMAN Brandy Willliams shows perfect defensive position during Gaylord's doubieheader sweep of Traverse City Central Tuesday. By J e r e m y S p e e r Sports Editor G A Y L O R D — The Gaylord Softball team has completed one of its goals. Following Tuesday's 10-1 and 5-3 sweep of Traverse City Central, the Blue Devils finished in the upper half of the Big North Conference standings. With a 4-6 mark in a league where three of the six teams are ranked, Gaylord tied Cadillac and Traverse City West for third place. *The girls are really excited," said Gaylord coach Daron Shimel. "Our next goal is to get to 20 wins and the next is to win the district." The Blue Devils (16-9 overall) responded from a rough sixth inning to play a beautiful seventh in the second game. See Blue Devils, p. B4 KT — Jerwny Speer GIS dub gives kids a running start By J e r e m y S p e e r Spots Editor GAYLORD — Just the thought of running would send many into a sweat, whimper or downright fear. But not at the Gaylord Intermediate School. There, twice a week, more than 60 youngsters look forward to running, bouncing around in a crescendo that swells until they line up outside. Teachers Melissa Jorgenson and Nick Nowak take their first few steps, and they're off, smiling all the way until they return back at the school from their three-mile jaunt. In a society dominated by television and video games, the GIS running club is helping to teach youngsters ideals like fitness and hard work. "The trick is make them think they're having fun while they work out," said Jim Tolcr, who founded the prc^ram in 1995. This past fall, the Gaylord girls cross country team had the best season in school history, winning the Division II state championship and providing Michigan's Miss Cross Country, Sloan Secord. Although they all benefited ftx)m a strong high school program led by coach Jeff Kalember, these girls had a base of running experience before they even stepped foot in GHS. A lot can be credited to the GIS club, where each of the runners on the Blue Devil team got their start in Toler's program. "He has developed an interest in running with kids,'* Kalember said. "Incoming freshmen already have three years of running experience. Sports like football and basketball have no problem recruiting athletes. With cross country, we need the exposure and Jim has gave us this for many years." r f m Allison DeLuca B3 • G a y l o r d 5, In the next issue T.C. C e n t r a l 3 KEY STAT • GHS Blue D e v i l s finish in the u p p e r half of t h e Big N o r t h Conference standings QUOTABLE Starker-Mann Check out Gaylord's annual duathlon 10 a.m. Sunday at Otsego Club, and check Wednesday's Herald Times for results. • J-L Coach Daron Shimel: " T h e girls are really excited. O u r n e x t g o a l is to w i n 20." Golf Invitational Photos and results from Gaylord High's home golf InvitationaL coming Wednesday. What's online? O n T h e Tee ih« • SiK^ns honjm IllhUfflliriliU*!!*! IMn Moderator Kevin Frisch malces a case for addi^ a fifth major to golfs 'Big Four'.. Frisch Kevin Frisch: For years the playeR on the PGA Tour have looked at the Pbyets Qiampionship as their Major Otampionshii; but golfs govemirtg bodies and the meda have yet to recognize it as one. Wefl, its time they all change their tunes about that What is it that we look for in a ChampionsNp; a great goK course with identifiable hole^ tough majw championship condHions. the best field, and Mstny whidiihe PlayeR champiotKhip and the TPC Sawgtass bring to the table. T ed us what you think, as welt as comment on what Idnd of playoff format the Masters and o t t o M ^ should adopt at the 'On the Tee' fbnjm at www. foivm.miseasons.com. Among those whom Kalember See GHS. J-L, p. B4 Kubota RTV1100 In stock ^ at all three IfkcationsI 18 to 23 hp 4-ivheel drive f-q/linder diesel ON M-68 • ALANSON 231 S4a 227^ • • Vi4 4 6 6 J-L's • G a y l o r d 10, T.C. C e n t r a l 1 Kubota BX-50 Series IKubofa! r ^ n THE SCORE By J e r e m y S p e e r Sports Editor CADILLAC — Every moment from the track regular season leads to regionals. Every offseason workout, every I practice arul every meet are all in anticipation of today, when track teams from across the state compete . for a shot at glory. I For the G^lord High and JohanI nesburg-Lewiston girls, it means i a run at a potential team regional championship. For the others, it i means a chance to qualify for the state meet. j " 1 0 0 percent of the focus of this I season is on the regional m e e C said j GaylordcoachJeffKalember. "After I this meet, everything is secondary. , It's our day where we hope our athj letes shine the brightest." ! In the initial seeding of their { Division 2 regional meet in Cadillac, the Blue Devil girls are seeded i second, down 20 points to Chip; pewa Hills. It's a large deficit, but Gaylord is sure to send a number I of athletes to the state meet, June , 31 at Zeeland. ForToler, it all started v^en he was a sixth-grade teacher when he would go for a run each day af^er school. Then he figured, "Why not invite a couple students to tag along?" From there, the club was bom. Athletes in the GIS club not only run after school a couple times a week, but they also compete in 5K events across Northern Michigan. Toler has retired from teaching, but still coaches the Gaylord Middle School cross country team. He is also a regular at GIS running club practices, where Jorgenson and Nowak have carried on the torch. Both are using the club for their own good, as they plan to run in the upcoming Bayshore Marathon. The state championship may have been the brightest moment for Gaylord cross country, but spending just 15 minutes with the GIS running club i provw the future is in good hands. I Scholar Athlete FYI Athletes aim for states at today's track regionals THE GAYLORD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Running Club takes off during a practice last weel<. The club is a hit with GIS students and has helped develop Gaylord's cross country and track programs. JUwm liaacioii St Mary aanlorhada bigdaylna doubieheader against Canlral LakeThureday, cotnlngup with four hits, Indudkiga triple, double and three runs. SALES Inc. Now Available! All new design Premium Grand Cab 0% APR for 42 monSc on iMw tractors and RTVs Kubo^o.. nmnctnfl o f f f • n d i O N M 72 • W I L l l A W S B U R G tt' • " -j 4«'» : WWW.GiNOPSALES.COM O N M 3 ? • HILl M A N •V.'« I • - ' *•" I I - i u n k iiHIili/ /•<•/;/(/I'v , 7///.\/\ a.xoi's.\L/:s: Qaytord Harald TImaa ' B-2 • Saturday, May 17, 2008 GHS soccer team can't capitalize on opportunity By J « r * m y S p e e r Sports Editor GAYLORD — Like a pinball m a c h i n c . t h e b a l l k e p t f i n d i n g itself deep in Cadillac's zone Tuesday. A n d the C a d i l l a c s o c c e r defenders stood guard, shielding r e l e n t l e s s p r e s s u r e in a 3-1 victory against G a y l o r d w h e r e the score d i d n ' t even begin to tell the story of the game. "We had the ball in their zone probably 80 percent of the time " said Gaylord coach Aaron Riley. "Everyone could see that we w e r e t h e b e t t e r team, but they made the plays and that is the beauty of this game." Riley's frustration was * f o u n d e d as for m u c h of the ' game, including nearly the ' entire second half, t h e Blue ' Devils were m a n e u v e r i n g ' near the Cadillac goal. ^ However, a combination of ' the Vikings' staunch defense and Gaylord's ineffectiveness * of firing shots on goal led to ' a lot of traffic, but not a lot * of goals. "Their defense did a good * job," Riley said. " B u t we ' didn't do a good j o b of tak' ing good shots." A c o u p l e of b a n g - b a n g plays allowed Cadillac (9-5, ' 3-4 Big North C o n f e r e n c e ) to gain a cushion it would not ^ relinquish in the first h a l f * After Blue Devil goalkeeper Rose L e B l a n c c a m e out to m a k e a s t o p , t h e Vikings' Sam Pugh slipped past and fired an a n g l e d shot for the first goal, 15 minutes into the game. And t h e n a f t e r L e B l a n c made a couple o f big saves. Pugh struck gold again, taking a d v a n t a g e of a third chance to make it 2 - 0 with 12 minutes remaining. ' T h e girls want to succeed, I but is a question of whether or ! not they can show up for the big game," Riley said. The Blue Devils will look to r e g r o u p with t h r e e h o m e games next we e k — against S u t t o n s Bay, A l p e n a and Petoskey. JV t e a m wins anottier pair GAYLORD - The Gaylord j u n i o r varsity soccer team c o n t i n u e d its w i n n i n g ways, s t o p p i n g C a d i l l a c 2-1 at h o m e Tuesday. Kendal Agee scored the first goal for the Blue Devils, while Denae Klingler netted the second. Coach Dennis Keck credited N i c o l e H o l b r o o k a n d Rachel Bartow with playing excellent games. Keck said the b e st g a m e of the year to this point was Thursday's I-0 victory at Traverse City Central. Kelly Reszka was excellent The momentum was short- in net, stopping an onslaught lived, as G a y l o r d ' s offensive of Central shots. Gaylord was g a m b l i n g a l l o w e d C a d i l l a c able to pull o f f the victory, to s n e a k in a n d s c o r e with despite missing three starters less than a m i n u t e left on the because of injury. Karly Burke placed a beauclock. " O u r t e a m p l a y e d well," tiful ball on a cross directly to Riley said. " B u t h o p e f u l l y Agee's head, w h o buried the this serves as a w a k e - u p call. only goal. Keck added KayWe made three mistakes and leigh O ' C o n n o r p r o v i d e d a huge spark both offensively they got three goals." Gaylord then had another and defensively. "I a m s o p r o u d of t h e s e frustrating outcome, failing 40 to league-lead ing Traverse girls," Keck said. City Central o n the road. At that point, Gaylord (46, 3-5 BNC) s e e m e d to have a wake-up call, and began to increase its pressure. The frustration g r e w to a cresendo in the first 30 minutes of the s e c o n d half, when opportunity after opportunity went either wide, high, off the crossbar or in the hands of the Vikings keeper T h e Blue D e v i l s f i n a l l y broke free at t h e 8:42 mark, when junior N a t a l i e Reszka launched a perfect c o m e r kick that junior Katie Hall seized from a group in the front and punched in. Above: Junior Katie Hall battles a Cadillac defender for position during Gaylord's 3-1 loss Tuesday. Left Goalkeeper Rose LeBlanc comes out to make a play for the Blue Devils. HT — Bill Serveny Reprints Photos available online at... www.gaylordheralcltimes.com. Baseball Roundup Bats heat up as Snowbirds rally to top Trojans in game 2 By J e r e m y S p e e r Sports Editor ' G A Y L O R D - For o n c e , ' the St. M a r y b a s e b a l l t e a m ' was on the o t h e r s i d e of the ' fence. ^ After struggling with bad breaks and s o m e t i m e s strug^ gling baseball for m u c h o f ' the s e a s o n , t h e S n o w b i r d s ' extracted s o m e r e v e n g e in a 7-4 nightcap victory against • Central Lake T h u r s d a y . " T h e s a m e t h i n g that h a s b e e n h a p p e n i n g t o u s all ' season happened to them," s a i d St. M a r y c o a c h M a t t ' N o w i c k i . " A n d it's v e r y reCourtaey Photo • freshing." THE GAYLORD BASEBALL TEAM took second place at last weekend's Saginaw Nouvel ToumaThe Snowbirds, who ment. Team memtiers are (front row l-r): Jake Cuca, Andy Cope, Devin 0 Rourke, Mitch Hintz, lost the first g a m e 6 - 2 , did Photo cowrtMy of Rob WMtomw Coach Jeromey Cosby, Greg Prusakiewicz, Jake Vaporis. (Back row I-r): (^ach John Rakis, Tim ' a m u c h better j o b o f hitting t h a n in r e c e n t g a m e s , c o l - SOPHOMORE PETER SPYHALSKI SLIDES in under the tag of Schlaufman, Taylor Ciszewski, James Wagner, Kyle Hervela, Chad Samkowiak, Mark Dunacyzan, ' l e c t i n g big hits o f f C e n t r a l Ellsworth catcher Jarod Steenwyk Tuesday. Zach Vaporis, Tom Franckowiak, Coach Ted Arkfeld. "He was I very good pitcher," N o w i c k , said. " B u t we put g o o d s w i n g s on t h e ball and c a p i t a l i z e d o n their mistakes." St. M a r y ( 8 - 1 2 , 5 - 9 Ski ' V a l l e y C o n f e r e n c e ) did '• a g r e a t j o b o f t h a t in t h e ^ third and f o u r t h i n n i n g s , • w h e n they s c o r e d all seven ^ of their r u n s . Senior Joe DeFelice '• led o f f the t h i r d w i t h a hit ' and e v e n t u a l l y s c o r e d o n a to toss a c o m p l e t e g a m e . He allowed f i v e h i t s a n d e,ght walks, w h i l e striking out four. Senior Jared Davis pitched an e q u a l l y - s t r o n g g a m e in t h e o p e n e r , surviving an early T r o j a n b a r r a g e to throw a c o m p l e t e g a m e . The control artist allowed seven hits and no walks, while s t r i k i n g o u t five. T h e S n o w b i r d s could not back him u p o f f e n s i v e l y as M a r y t e a m b a t t l ^ to a f r u s t m t m g spl.t Tuesday a g a m s t Ellsworth. The Lancers won the first g a m e 7-6 b e f o r e the second g a m e went to the host S n o w b i r d s took the second 6-5. A f t e r Ellsworth took a 7 - 2 lead in t h e f i r s t g a m e , . Snowbird'rally came up just short hard hit ball by s e n i o r Seth they could only m a n a g e five • R e i c h a r d that was misplayed hits o f T o f C e n t r a l Lake ace ' by t h e s h o r t s t o p . R y a n C r a w l e y , o n e of t h e ' A f t e r s o p h o m o r e M a t , league's top hurlers. " C h u r c h e s was hit by a pitch, St. M a r y s c o r e d b o t h R e i c h a r d and p i n c h r u n n e r o f i t s r u n s in t h e s i x t h ' T r a v i s B e c k e r s c o r e d on w h e n R e i c h a r d s i n g l e d • a h o t s h o t b y s e n i o r M a t t a n d C h u r c h e s w a s hit b y ' Foster that w a s b o b b l e d by a p i t c h , b e f o r e s c o r i n g on ' the Central L a k e third b a s e - R B I s f r o m Fostet; and D a man. vis. R e i c h a r d h a d t w o hits St. M a r y c o n t i n u e d t o to lead t h e t e a m . take advantage of Central N o w i c k i w a s h a p p y with Lake m i s c u e s in t h e f o u r t h , how his t e a m played followw h e n P e t e r " J u i c e " S p y - ing an h o u r a n d a half t e a m h a l s k i led t h i n g s o f f w i t h m e e t i n g W e d n e s d a y . a single and was doubled "We are able to clear h o m e by D e F e l i c e . Will s o m e t h i n g s and I really T o m a s k i w a l k e d b e f o r e t h i n k it h e l p e d , " h e s a i d . Reichard singled DeFelice "The k i d s k n o w they have in. T o m a s k i a n d R e i c h a r d to play h a r d a n d t a k e things f i n a l l y w e r e c h a s e d in o n seriously.** a hit by C h u r c h c s that w a s The Snowbirds coma g a i n m i s p l a y e d b y t h e p e t e in t h e M o u n t Pleasant shortstop. Sacred Heart Tournament T h a t w a s all S p y h a l s k i Saturday b e f o r e traveling to n e e d e d , a s h e c a l m e d t h e B e l l a i r e M o n d a y in the Ski h a r d - h i t t i n g T r o j a n b a t s . Valley f i n a l e . Spyhalski b o u n c e d back f r o m a r o u g h f i r s t i n n i n g S t Mary 6 4 , w h e r e h e g a v e u p t w o r u n s EHaworth 7 - S ^ A Y L O R D — T h e St. o n two hits a n d t w o w a l k s . ' ' ' ^ J u n i o r Ty K n a p p a n d D o r e t ' i n n i n g t h e s e c o n d Kw w aa pp ii ss < e a c h had three hits I l - l . K The H o r n e t s then again c a m e f r o m b e h i n d to t a k e the s e c o n d g a m e 7 - 3 . "It's the s t o r y o f our seas o n " s a i d J - L c o a c h Rick G u i l d . - W e c a n ' t get o v e r that h u m p But we played very well and that first g a m e m o s t well- in t h e d o u b l e h e a d e r , w i t h K w a p i s c o l l e c t i n g a pair of RBIs. Smith a d d e d an RBI douhie in the s e c o n d g a m e . J-L ( 1 0 - 1 2 , 6 - 1 0 Ski Valley C o n f e r e n c e ) t r a v e l s to P o s e n in a n o n c o n f e r e n c e battle M o n d a y . J u n i o r Austin L a w n i c h a k p l a y e d h i g h s c h o o l g a m e s 117 m and s o p h o m o r e Phil Spyhal- I ' v e s e e n in a w h i l e . B o t h T.C. C e n t r a M 7 - l u , ski c o m b i n e d to pitch, with S p y h a l s k i t o s s i n g 1 2/3 inn i n g s o f h i t l e s s relief. Senior Jared Davjs went 2-for-3 with two RBIs for the S n o w b i r d s , w h i l e senior Seth R e i c h a r d w a s 2 - f o r - 3 with an RBI. Lawnichak and seniors Matt Foster and Alvin Sitkiewicz had doubles. Foster e a r n e d the w i n in teams were ma ing grea ""'l^^^^^B^^^ v^^coillie benior u r a a vani.o on the ' P _ ® He a l l o w e d j u s t o n e hit and one walk, before departing b e f o r e t h e f i f t h b e c a u s e of m i n o r a r m s o r e n e s s and an ankle he hurt on a sliding play. Senior Tyler S m i t h , w h o the n i g h t c a p , p i t c h i n g well had made three dazzling t h r o u g h a t h r e e - r u n f i r s t inp l a y s at s h o r t s t o p e a r l i e r , ning. e n t e r e d t h e g a m e in r e l i e f Sitkiewicz scored the and pitched well d e s p i t e the g a m e - w i n n i n g r u n on a hit Pellston rally in t h e sixth. by p i t c h , s a c r i f i c e by Peter J-L's only r u n c a m e S p y h a l s k i and t h r o w i n g erearly in t h e g a m e w h e n seror. nior M i t c h R e e d laid d o w n Lawnichak and Peter a perfect suicide squeeze S p y h a l s k i b o t h tripled. that s c o r e d f r e s h m a n J o h n Cook. P0llrton 2-7, G u i l d c r e d i t e d R e e d and J-L 1 - 3 senior Stan Kwapis with PELLSTON Tbe • Johannesburg-Lewiston ' b a s e b a l l t e a m h a s d r o p p e d plays in that g a m e . enouBh o n e - r u n Barnes t h i s Reed and Smith comt w s o n t o U s ? ^ iffetime b i n e d t o p i t c h in t h e s e c It h a p p e n e d a g a i n t o ' t h e o n d g a m e , w i t h t h e C a r d i C a r d i n a l s T h u r s d a y , a s a nals g i v i n g u p an^early 2-1 ^ Q . Y L O R D — Traverse City Central clinched the n i o Wnrth C o n f e r e n c e basebaH . 2 w U h a ^ „ thumoini! of Gaylord Tuesdav Tuesday^ T h e T r o j a n s (9-1 B N C ) rolled to a pair of mercy wins. Taylor C i s z e w s k i and C h a d S a m k o w i a k split the p i t c h i n g d u t i e s f o r the Blue Devils ( 8 - 1 9 , O-IO B N C ) in the f i r s t g a m e . Tom Franckowiak and Ciszewski had Gaylord's only hits. G r e g P r u s a k i e w i c z went t h e d i s t a n c e in t h e s e c o n d game for the Blue Devils, C i s z e w s k i d o u b l e d to account for the team's only hit. Gaylord 2 - 1 1 , Whlttamore-PrMCOtt 4-1 G A Y L O R D — The G a y l o r d b a s e b a l l t e a m split a doubleheader with Whittemore-Prescott Thurirfay The Blue Devils (9-20) Chad Samkowiak earned a complete-game victory m the n i g h t c a p , a l l o w m g j u s t three hits and two walks, w h i l e s t r i k i n g o u t two. Gaylord's offense exploded for four runs apiece n t h e s e c o n d a n d f o u r t h innings. Mitch Hintz, Bobby Kraj e w s k i and Taylor Ciszewski had RBI hits in t h e s e c o n d , while Kyle Hervela and A n d y C o p e had RBI hits in the f o u r t h Tom Franckowiak and Zach Vaporis added RBIs thp B Rli.e D ee vv ii ll ss .. ff on rr the lue D H e r v e l a led G a y l o r d with two hits, including a double. Whittemore-Prescott's t h r e e r u n s in t h e t o p o f the f i r s t i n n i n g f o r g e d a lead it would not relinquish. After that first, Francko w i a k s e t t l e d d o w n nicely, allowing eight hits and no walks, while striking out f i v e in s e v e n i n n i n g s of work. G a y l o r d a d d e d nine hits o f its o w n a s F r a n c k o w i a k led the w a y w i t h t h r e e hits, including a double. Tim S c h l a u f m a n a d d e d an R B I double while Jake Vaporis also doubled. T h e B l u e D e v i l s are back in action Monday, wheti they host K a l k a s k a . G a y l o r d also hosts Charlevoix on Thursday. ^ 1 Saturday, May 17, 2006 • B - 3 Qaylord H«r«ld T I m M T T GAYLORD © H E R A L D TIMES Track meet of champions Honor roll for May 27 meet at Gaylord High School • Top 8 in each category invited Gaylord's Blasius lands internships ons, Irish Rmkey 87-11; 3. M t t a t Hak k«nd UtasSS-Hc 4 W I I a i l n u l l I.HahylMWmtevIng BrkJgit Ftim R 844; 5. HeAer Montague. R 81 • 11 i li: I.Andy EnnK0iirtnmn.1S.-2. Brttrvy O o v M l G i y M 1)Jft I ¥ M w y Ftagnkt & SMby Oile, Sauk Ste. Mane 77-4; 7. MUM<; Otarlnw Biadw luzsyreki G i y M 11.30; I T m Johnstone. Sauk S K . M«ie 13J(t 4. M m KM. teying 1 l A 5. 7S-2; 8. SUr Secoid Gaytord 744 9. U i n Boylan. Ourtfwtt n.42:4. bytor Lews. PMostoy n.4S; 5. L«gha Mebtat H1149; & iad A M t v mhnrt I J b (kayioq 72-11; H). Kdy Keyv R 71-975. l e a i Jumy: 1. Johi U f n i w t Oieb^V" 20-7 A Simon Mn. PMston n i1; 6. Oiy dKkn Si MiiV 11.6a 13 JS; 7. Arnmti KekMne. G i y M 13. Tft 1. <Jtt G n - i j M f j M p ; 1. Krtso OIK Petoskey 16^ 1 Snnney 7. fb««v InM ufeh ni3; s. kylt Smodi, Si Ignaa 2.8adafl ^luyndo. (iayk)Kl20-I5i 1 Slew Bchw. mov 13«: 9. Kely Keyv R13.% XL Anne Oeerfiekl Gaytord i m 3. Kmen Albea Hwtor ft«Bkey20-1;4.TiavKJohfismOyrtewi]i2(H};S. 11.7a 9. Jrss« Bedci, Si tgnace ] 1.90:10. r n Lyite. MrtqKCaykng 13.99. Spnngs 14-11; 4. Sam Radedd. Si Ignace 14-425:5. Isuc Gnying 19-VI; 6. lav Mojci PnoslBy OKtMji^ai n.92. G A Y L O R D — T r o y BlaAngeto BemAi. Sauk Sie. Mane 14-4; & Megan Jadoon. TIKI mtrn flmk 1" iiiTi^ ItiFin "Tjlml r r ' 19-3;7. NaeUBbnct Owlewn l9-2;& Rdge Haha MOIIIklMllwkl KMcW4ud^Gqyinq22^S. sius' favorite football teams Pelten 14-2; 7. Alysu SrnKh. Charievoa 14-15; 8. Jam* Pelslon 190; 9. Hunter Johnstont CharteMb 18-11; 10. Haley MtMihon. Gnylng 27.76 3. Whewy Ftegrokl 1 Sa» Oonibioslo. Owtoy^v 23.10; 3. Simon Wta Hagemian. Graying 14-15; 9. Kara Ropatrick. Si Ignaa have always been the l>etroit SadlSK.kMe2&aO; 4.L(igha1MM«R2&19;S. OonSditachiGayloidlS-IO. Maon 23.30; 4. E«n Ewnoa Si Ignaa 23.70; S. Sie(#«ie f t t w R 2&42:6. Kaelyo Foitkv K 2&4S; 7 14-1; 10 laytor HKlea Gaytoid 144. Lions a n d the N o t r e D a m e Hahn. Mston 6-4; 1. bMC LM& 23.% 6. Bodan Tuuynsta. Gaytonj 24.0; Mgh Jump: I • OwilH NiMtn)i OuriMb 2&47;8. Amanda KeicMne 1 Amanda Head. R 5-1; 2. Mel Ubby. VbnNuck. Graying 6-4; 3. R»dy nscM Hatnr Spnngs 7. Ace£ddkj(. Otartmn 24.ia 8. Oay Si Mify Fighting Irish. (dyM2a5G( 9. BrtMnaNrti. Graying 28.9S; KL Cheboygan 5-(^ I Aly» Smith, ChailevoB 5-0; 2. Rachel 24J0; 9. Kyte Smock. Si Ignace 24J& 10. Sam Jones. 6-0; 4.0)ryStarkey,f>nBkeyS-10;4.JohnLJhneic, In a summer he won't soon Rebecca RoiK kibnd Lain 2&9B. MM. Graying Sft 5. Amanda CMyou, Si Ignace 4-11; Cheboygan S-K); 4. Anthony Lesei Si IgnaceS-10; 4. R 24.45. 5. Kreo Eli& ftudcy 4-11; 7. Jessca Schmidkn, Si Mary forget, Blasius will be working 400mcttr0itli 1 Dylan F<ni4PKKteyS2.S0; 2 Marti iosefih Stevenson, OwlnDa S-10; 4. Austin Si Louiv St lOOMitif Oite l.SawnnahHypftGiytoni liJIJOi 4-10; 8. Madeine JeaUe, ChartevoK 4-8; 8. Krinen Ol s en, 1. Artn Bart Swk Sie. I4a(le 1:01 iO; 3. tawv MIMm.PRCRkeyS3iO[ 3. Scon Ootnbfnta. CM)oy9iA Ignace S-ia 9. M*e Sutei, Ptttslvy S-8. for both. Si Igrwe 4-8; 8. Grace Whetlei; Si Ignace 4-8; 8. AprI S3.91;4. J«on Multet. Pftffikey S*SXt S. Grant MUsonn. M i M u i t 1. Ad«n Reea Cheboygan 13-6; 1. Cooper HaitorSpikigs 1:01.97; 4. Rebeaa Ronei kiland Utas Ph«pvGaytodV& The H o p e College senior ^ Osborn. Pnnkey 1 ^6; 3. Hunter Boss, Charlevcoi 13-ft 4. 1XI2i6; 5-Krtsd Bb, f^^Hkey HartmSpnnQsM.U 6.Bu(UySMs.P«fetonS4.1& and former St. Mary graduate 7. OrtB. Inland Uhn 54.3S; 8. Mam Reed. (M>oy9an Huen Remus, Oieboygan 12-8; 5. Oayon BetNte. Hartw Giaylng 1 l]3i]0; 7. Tia P H M I n«key 1fl3A & Becky M i V M t 1. Megan Bunker. Saull See. Mane ^ 2. S4 JS; 9. Ryan Coopef. (laying S4.90; 10. Josh Kurtz. Spnngs 11-6; 5. Dylan HeKOti Hartiot Sfinngs 11-6; 7. fkiCH; Mand likes 1.04J%9. KaMyn fotia R 1:0541; And Caroa Petoskey 9-0:3. Jamie Btonom, Si Ignace has landed sports m e d i c i n e 4. Cane Gammon. F^toksey 8-6; 4. Brtanna OhK 10. QiseSmoienyak.Oiarle«m 1:05.97. O n Jacksoa ChH)oy9an 10^ 8. PMI Meyers, Inland Owboy^an SSD3. internships in both as he will Inland liics ^ 4. Kai Jo Marshal. Si Ignace 7. aoOIMitv to: I.Tiey Graham. HaitorSpiings 2:0100; Ukes 10^ & Oan Boersema^ R KM); 10. Max BianiedK, l O D I M w • » : 1. Caidyn Rme^ Harbor Spnngs ShaunaSpendey.ChartnwMc 7. Aleandra Taylor. 2J6.00; 2. Moly Touran. F^tukey 227 JO: 3. Margaret travel b e t w e e n Detroit and Ourtewn 94( 10. Landon M m M Si tgnace M 2,Nid(Wn¥™fi;Chartewa2fll.60: S.DewkHennni PenskeyS^ 7.NkoleEknbtaaSilgnace&4. Liederbadi PeiDdcy 228X0; 4. Maria Kula GayM PitDstey KI2I10; 4. Slaee Hennin^ PVRHkey 2 ^ 0 ) ; 5. 11QM NyrdtaE 1. Iicy Cnngeyn Cheboygan 1 S.43; South B e n d t h r o u g h o u t the 10QM Hunlci 1. Seleru Mesec Sault Ste. Mane iason [kudgt Grayling 2{>4.31:6. Enc Butlay, Ouriewm I Justin Utswi; Pefeton 16.04; 3. Kyle NcmwK Harbor 2J2.10; S. Ta Penfcid, PtlDskey 232JC( 6. BrDOke 16.72; 2. Megan Bruniquel htarK) Ukes 17.04; 3. Jenna summer and early fall. Springs 16.46;4.NateGokwidvOuilevw 16.72; S.Ryan Amokl Gaytoid 232.90; 7. Mn Sari Sauk Sle. Mane 2aJ0; 7. Jaw) Goodnch. Pwjskey 2fl7.00; a Traw Zaborewski. Gaytoid 173(t 4. Cartye Schee^ Gaytord Howard. PelDskey 2.'07;00; 9, WHhelm, Reosiey 20.80; Gapinsiii. Gaytoid 16.90; 6. Shane Spm^ Si Igtuce 17 JO; 2:33J30; 8. NkuJe lijw, Harbor Springs 233iXI; 9. Pwton "It was a shot in the d a r k " 17.47; 5. RaiM Serafini. F^noskey 17 J l ; 6. Megan 10. (jiiin Hamlin. Gray4irtg2:10iX>. 7. Eiof Drake. Pnskey 17J0; 8. Carl Hansen. PeiDskey BiwTV Sauk Ste. Marie 234.00; i a Stoan SecDid. Ga)4oid Blasius said. "It is the best situKennedy, R 17i3;7.KayiaGustn. Si Ignace 17.90: a 2:37A 1753; & PM Meyers Inland Lakes 17.72; 10. Brad 1600 M M r I t o : I. Dmk Hennn^ Petosloy 4 J70}; I W ) MtMr MM: 1. Amber Kassuba. Gaytord 530.00; HaieyMcMahon.Grayirg 18.15; 9. Heather Beaudom. Si ation I could imagine." Murphy, Penskey 18.11. 2.1ecAdams.Ha(1)orSpnn9s4:28.00; 3.BbMH«v«n4 Ignacel823;10. KattlynFisheiR 1&41. Z Moly louraa F^noskey 535.40c 3. Samanitia Hun 300M H u r t K 1. Trey Cnngeyet Oteboygan 40i0; I P«DSkey4.34,IXI:4.tnc6od8y.OB(1«voc(4:34.10; 5, B l a s i u s is s c h e d u l e d to Gaytord 536iXI; 4. Stoan SeoKt Giytonj 537.00c 5. AMa 300M H w a u 1. SelenaMesei; SauK Ste. Mane 49.35; jBon Dnjdge. Grayling 43S.09; 6. Trey Goham, Harbor Oaytcm Bethke. Hartnr Springs 4323; 3. Justin Utznei graduate in D e c e m b e r from Murphy, HarborSprings 5:44.00; 6. Margaret Liedeitach, 2. Jenna ZaboroNMio, Gaytoid S 1.00; 3. Katelyn Fortin. J-l Spnn9s4:3S.OO;7-AJa&uday,OurievQa4:38.70; 8.Nick PeHston 43.44; 4. Nate Gotomti. Chartevw 43.60; S. Bkct Hope, where he finished eligiPetnkey5:46.70; 7. Jessica HaM, HartwSpilngs 5:49a:( 51.73; 4. Amy Biegannvski. Petoskey 51X); 5. Kenten D(^PKosk(y43J0; 6. Kyle NoweKHart)or Springs Mmmei, Chailewix 4:4S.60; 9. Nate tsmond. I^toskey 43.99; 7. Tims StCT, Gaylonj 44.70; 8. Calet) UCznei Si & Aina Ohaseleer, Ouriewix 5:51.09; 9. Mioeta KeHy. Si Gokee, Haibor Spmgs 5322:6. Nule Bmblad. St Ignace bility last season as a standout 4:55.00; 10 OmsCrongeyet Chebi^fgan 4:S9.X. 53.95; 7. Megan Kennedy, R 54J5; 8. Jamie lopfi Si Igiace 44.90; 9. Brad Murphy. F^toksey 46i3; 10. Shane lgnace553A)E iaAmyBieganmnklPEntlcy556.30. UOOMiterRun 1.]ecMams,Hart)orSprin959-i3.00; defensive back. 3200 ktetar I t o : 1. Ante Kassuba. Gaylord 12119; 2. Mary 55.40; 9. Kdtefyn Fishei J-4.5559; 10. Becca PetrlSpm4Sllgnace47.15. 2. Blaise Hennn^FMoskry 10122; 3.DerekHe(vwig, Samantha Huni Gaytord 12:11; 3. MolylDuian. Petoskey Buithart. Inland Lakes 55.99. He may not be playing in the FyttHkey 10:12; 4. Ma Buday. Chartewm 10:13; S. Dan 400M 1. Ourtevoo 46.10; 2. Cheboygan 46.36; 12:13; 4. Skian SeconL Gaytoid U14; 5. Jesska Hai H 400M (May: I Gaytord 52JO; 2. Graykng 54.10; 3. Sault NFL, but he'll be doing the next tor, FWoskey 10:17; 6, EncSoday, OiarlewB 10-^3; 7. 3. Petoskey 46.40; 4. Gaytoid 46J0; S Gra)4ng 46.50; 6. Harbor Sprii^ 1221; 6. Margaret Liedeibac}i.Pe(DSlry Ste. Marie 55.10; 4. H 55.16; 5. Si Ignace 5533; 6 Inland Jason Drudge. Graying 1026; 6. Nick Mmmer, Charlesnx Stlgrace46.S6:7.R47i35;8.PHIston47j5; 9.Hartior best thing, helping out with Li1226; 7. Kabe Hoftnan. Hartnr Springs 1234; 8. Aim 56.39; 7. Petoskey 56.62:8. Pelstsn 5647; 9. 10-J7; 9. AnJrew Oldv Gaytoid 10:42; 10. Jayden Hes- Spri^ 47.99; K). Inland Ljkes 48X)3. ons home games and even travMuiphy, Harbor Spring 12:43; 9. Rachad Bnshabet Harbor Springs S 7 ^ 10 Si Mary 58.30. sebnk. Gdyloid 10:56; 11. Brian Kenny. Petoskey 11 Dl; 1LSOOM i W ^ r 1. Owlewo 1:35.10; I Owtnygan Harbor Spnngs 13D5; 10 Amy Bwganowsld, PettkSiey aOOMIMifl.Gaytord 1:50.15; 2. Graykng 151.77. MichaH1bpp.SlMaryll:06. eling with them to a preseason 1:36.02; 3, Prtoskey 137.00; 3. Harbor Spnngs l:37.0(t 13fi7. 3.Rl:54.00;4.Ch«1ewixl54.16;5.Sau(tSte.Mane Shot Put 1. Trevor (jle. Owtewix 4S-11; 1. Ray FoJWt. S, R1:37.16; 6. PeHston 1J7 J8; 7, Si Ignace 1J8J3; game in Cincinnati. 1:56.00; 6. Inland likes 1:56.S2; 7. Si Ignace 1:57.70: Hart»rSpnn9s4S-S. 3. UanLett^Graying43-%4.1^ 8. Gaytonj 140,00; 9. Inland Lakes 1:40.60; 10. Grayling SIM Put 1. Mctorla Buhr. Cheboygan 38<l; I Coral "I'll b e working with the Gilfha Pribton 34^ 3. Keiby limm. F^toskey 334)5; 4. 8. Harbor Spnngs 1 a.00; 9. Petoskey 1:5823; 10 Si Stoppeigosh, ChdrievoB 42-0; 5. Kenny PrcMKt Petoskey 1.48.4S. players a n d c o a c h i n g staff, 41-8;6.ArTonSifloeMttSlMafy41-i5; 7.Demckfemv 160QM IMqr 1. Grayling 3:3457; 2. Cheboy9an 3 J6.90: Btaii Secord, Gaytoid 31-9; 5. Shelby Oak Sauit Stfc Marie Mary2fll57, ton Gay«r9l1S-1;&Ottai0tl^iodcy114OJ; 7.MKt Hansea Gaytod 1KKD; 8. Eilc Birfi, K iar-3; 9. l i M i (i«e Ouriewobi KF-IOiS; 10 J«nes Henvnt. CMwygin 107-0; 11. Nkk Nagufka. Hifter Sprtigi K5-7i. Cheboygan 40^ 8. Matt Hansen. Gayto(d4(M; 9. Woce D'Agostino 39-S; 10. Bill Foley, Chartewix 38-9.75. Otacui: 1. Ray Fosttr, Hartw Springs 130-10; 2. Kyte . Jones, Charlevoa 128-1; 3. Kenny ProwaPetoskey 126-9:4. Duain Sdwtl Graying 121-10; S. Maa Letts. 3. Hatter Spongs 338.00:4. Petoskpy 3:40i)0; 5. Si Ignace 3:4157; 6. Pension 3:45.99; 7. R 3:47.16; 8. Si Mary 355.53; 9. Gaytord 3592a 31-3:6.0irlsiieTherTtin.Sllgnace3M;7.CartyeSctKet, Gaytord 30-105; 8. Mca Ijfrtnefe, Cheboygan 30-45; 9. Owlsea Bosiey, Si Ignaa 30-35; 10 Kara P»tem. PelflDn29-iaS. leoOMWar 1.Petoskey4:15.90; 2. Harbor Spnngs 42100; 3. Sault Stfc Marie 423.00; 4. Gaytoid 427.00; 5. R4:34,75; 60»riewo(4:37.08;7,lntaidlifces4:38B7; 7. PelslDii 5:05i9; 8. Si Mary 509.76 DIkik 1. Coni Grftt. FHston 93-Ct 2. Kerby lamm To report your times, or to have your school in this event, doing taping and treatment." Blasius said. "It will be a lot of grunt work to start out. but I'm excited." Blasius was allowed the op- e-mailjeremyagaylordheraldtimes.com Troy Blasius portunity through a contact he met at Hope who works with the New England Patriots. He encouraged Blasius to apply to NFL teams and he send his application out to eight. The Lions called back and offered him a position. In addition, Blasius also sent out his resume to Notre Dame, who also offered him a position to work with their s u m m e r elite sports c a m p s , where high school athletes in multiple sports descend upon South Bend. "1 lo\'e sports and especially football." Blasius said. "TTiis is a great opportunity." B l a s i u s is t h e s o n of Larry and Patricia Blasius of Gaylord. Softball Roundup Snowbirds improve to take nightcap Thursday G A Y L O R D — T h e St. base, some girls struggled, but hits, while striking out seven. Collecting the only hits for Mary softball team split a dou- we'll work harder at practice bieheader Ski Valley Confer- and work through the rest of the Snowbirds was Grace Westerman, Daugherty and Wumence game with Central Lake the season." Westerman had three hits mel with Wummel scoring the losing the first game 8-6, and while Aimee Isaacson had two only run. winning the second 8-3. During the sixth and sev- hits with a double. O ' C o n n o r enth inning of the first game, added two hits while Jennifer Pellston 7-12. j-l6-2 the Snowbirds put together five Wummel had one hit. P E L L S T O N — T h e Jo— Kelly Chandler runs, but just couldn't get the hannesburg-Lewiston Softball bat going enough to defeat the team had one of the Ski Valley S t Mary 1-9. Trojans. Conference's top teams on the Freshman Carolyn Burzyn- Ellsworth 6-4 G A Y L O R D — Light hit- ropes Thursday, before a late ski started the game pitching three innings, taking the loss. ting cost the St. M a r y soft- Pellston rally allowed the HorKrista Ellison f i n i s h e d the ball team the first game of a nets to slip out with a win. Pellston defeated the CarTuesday doubleheader against game. Senior Airiiee Isaacson had Ellsworth, but the Snowbirds dinals 7-6 in game one, before taking a 12-2 decision in the a big game for the Snowbirds responded in game two. Lancer pitcher Kim Hoek- nightcap. (13-9, 8-6 SVC) with a triple, Five errors were the downsingle and t w o r u n s . Junior sema held the S n o w b i r d s to Caitlin O ' C o n n o r added three three hits in the 6-1 o p e n e r fall of the Cardinals in the first hits, while junior Sam Daugh- before St. Mary's offense woke g a m e a s s o p h o m o r e M a r y Schlicher continued to pitch erty had two hits and two runs. up in a 9-4 nightcap win. "Against the same pitcher, well. She gave up just six hits Mariah Beyer, Jennifer Wummel and G r a c e W e s t e r m a n our girls came fired up in the and t w o e a r n e d r u n s , while accounted for the Snowbirds' second game," said St. Mary striking out four. Pellston scored two runs in coach Abe Cruz. "I was very other hits. Coach Abe C r u z said his proud of the girls not giving the bottom of the seventh to win the game. team has been getting off to a up and playing hard." Junior Ashlie H o u s e was St. Mary scored three runs slow start, playing better in the apiece in the Tirst, third and 2-for-3 with two RBls to lead second game of late. the C a r d i n a l s , w h i l e senior "It's taking us a game to get fourth innings to win. Senior Aimee Isaacson and E m i l y Jo C o u r t e r i e r w a s 2going " Cruz said. " W e need to start getting the first game j u n i o r S a m D a u g h e r t y each for-4. Junior Nikki O r m s b e e had a double and single to pace added a hit and two RBls while victory." In the s e c o n d g a m e , the the offense, with Isaacson scor- j u n i o r Christina W i n k e l m a n S n o w b i r d s w e r e in t h e lead ing three times and Daugherty and Schlicher each added RBI hits. every inning with sophomore twice. Courterier took the loss in Jennifer W u m m e l , Mattie Krista Ellison pitching. Ellison had eight strike outs, giving up Forcier and Caitlin O ' C o n n o r the second game ,with Schlieach added two hits, while Kai- c h e r a n d H o u s e p i t c h i n g in six hits. St. Mary took t h e lead in tlyn Broz and Brittany Oehlers relief House was 2-for-3 with a r u n , while C o u r t e r i e r and the first inning 3-0 when Wes- each had one. Carolyn Burzynski started Schlicher had RB! hits. t er man, Mattie Forcier, and The Cardinals (8-14, 4-12 O ' C o n n o r e a c h scored. The and earned the victory, pitchTrojans were history after that, ing four innings and allowing SVC) are at Posen Monday. scoring only t w o r u n s in the just t w o hits. Krista Ellison bottom of the sixth inning and provided relief, going two in- Alba 20-17, nings, while allowing just one Van(tortim9-6 one in the top o f the seventh. VANDERBILT — Visiting "We really started hitting hit. Ellison also pitched the f u ^ Alba took two f r o m Vanderthe ball better and bunting," Cni2 said. "All the girls got on g a m e , and only allowed six biU Tuesday, beating the Yel- Photo Courtesy o1 Rot) DeForge • RD Spons Photo ST. MARY JUNIOR Jennifer Wummel stretches out to beat a throw to first during a split against Central Lake Thursday. lowjackets 20-9 a n d 17-6 in Northern Lakes C o n f e r e n c e Softball action. Senior Katie White pitched the first game for Vanderbilt (3-11, 3-5 N L C ) a n d struck out four. She also had a hit and scored three runs. Junior J a m i e Dudley and eighth-grader Lynsey Kassuba each had two hits for the Yellowjackets, while Seara CJreen had a two-run hit. White relieved Kristina Drayton in the n i g h t c a p and took the loss. Dudley was 2for-3 with a triple while Sam Jones had an RBI hit. HartNKUgtit 15-17, Vandert>»t4-1 P E T O S K E Y — The Vanderbilt softball t e a m started strong, but c o u l d n ' t keep up with a g o o d H a r b o r Light Christian t e a m T h u r s d a y at Waterfix)nt Park in Petoskey The Yellowjackets (3-13. 3-7 Northern L a k e s Conference) jumped ahead 3-0 in the first inning of the first game, but ended up falling 15-4. The Lady Swordsmen took a 17-1 victory in game two. Vanderbilt's Seara Green opened the first game with a walk and she was driven in on an RBI single by Jamie Dudley. Dudley was then drove home by Sam Jones, who later stole home. The g a m e was close until the fifth, when Harbor Light stormed for eight runs. Still, Vanderbilt coach Stuart Clark thought his team did well defensively. "We took care of our bugaboo of errors," Clark said. "We played at a beautiful field that was in beautiful condition and 1 think the giris really picked up their play." Katie White took the loss in the circle, striking out four. Kristina Drayton suffered the loss in the second game and was relieved by Dudley. Vanderbilt's only run came in the third when Jones singled, stole second and was driven home by Drayton. PB's abound for J-L boys track squad JOHANNESBURG - A number of personal-best times were achieved by the Johannesburg-Lewiston boys track team Monday at a home meet in Johannesburg. The J-L 400m relay (47.05) and 8(X)m relay (1:37.16) both took first, while the I600m re'lay placed second. On the individual side, senior Eric Bush had a personalbest in the discus, with a throw of 107-3. Bush added a fourthplace in the shot put. Senior Dan Boersema also had a personal best in the pole vault (10-0), which was good for fourth. Sam Jones took third in the 200m dash, while Curtis VanDoren was fifth in the 200m dash and Kyle Hauff fifth in the 800m run. JLMS track wins home invitational JOHANNESBURG — T h e Johannesburg-Lewiston middle school track and field team took first-place in its own invitational Tuesday, beating 10 other schools. Abby Schlicher's first-place pole vault of 6-3 set a school record. Taking second for the Cardinals was Nicole Bush (800m run) and M e r i d i t h D e L u c a (70m dash, 200m dash) while third-place finishes went to Allicia Rondo (high j u m p ) , the 400m relay of Mady H e ^ TJ. Gardner, Amanda Nickert and Miranda House and the 800m relay of Hannah Huff, Amanda Nickert, Shawna G a l e h o u s e and Tiffany Nickert. Gaylord Herald Times Scholar-Athlete of the Week Profiles of the area's young people wtw excel in .both academics and athletics. AMIton OaUica NAME: Allison DeLuca TIAM; J-L track OTHER SPORT: Volleytjall GRADE: Sophonnore GIVk: 3.97 MRENTS: Tad and Kay DeLuca MOVIE: Harry Potter MUSK GROUP; Daughtry WEBSITE: www.eurosport.com FOOD: Spaghetti ATHLETE: David Beckham HOBBIES: Horseback ridirtg, writir)g, reading PLANS AFHR GRADUATKM: Attend college to pursue career in jjeconv ing a veterrurian. COACH KEVM KETMEDY^ 'She Is just a great kid. She K quiet, but is a very hard worker. She is a great asset to our team and she is very good scholastically.' NOTABLE: DeLuca Is a member of the Cardinals' highly-successful 3200m and 1600m relays, whkh both have a chance at qualifying for the state firials. JBaSenoriia. Congratulations Athlete of the Week m e x i c a n - r e s t a u r a n t s 737 WMt Main • Gaylord • Michigan M M 1 9 8 9 ) - 7 3 2 - 1 - 7 7 1 Qaylord Herald Times B-4 • Saturday, May 17. 2006 Blue Devils sweep Trojans at home GHS, J-L girls eye big showing at Reglonals C o n t from B1 missing last week because o f Errors led to the T r o j a n s the chicken pox. Eight of the n i n e B l u e tying the game 3-3 in the sixth b e f o r e j u n i o r c e n t e r f i e l d e r Devil hitters r e c o r d e d b a s e Abi Brink threw out a runner hits, with the ninth. Powers, trying to score and sophomore w a l k i n g t h r e e t i m e s . B a u p i t c h e r Liz B a u m a n s t r u c k m a n h a d a d o u b l e t o g o along with two hits, while out the next batter. T h o s e e v e n t s s e e m e d to Williams added two singles. shit^ momentum back in favor Senior Gail Hildebrant a d d e d of the h o m e team, as seniors a double in the win. S h i m e l Brandy Williams a n d D a n i - credited senior Andrea Heuelle Powers led o f f t h e sev- m a n n with playing excellent enth with a single and walk, in right field. Things were much more respectively. W i l l i a m s t h e n stole third as Powers m o v e d breezy in the opening g a m e , up to third before junior Sarah as B a u m a n cruised to the vicSalyer hit a s a c r i f i c e fly to tory. S h e pitched a c o m p l e t e s c o r e W i l l i a m s a n d m o v e game, allowing four hits and P o w e r s over. O n t h e n e x t two walks, while striking out pitch, j u n i o r J e s s i c a G r e e n nine. W i l l i a m s had a b a n n e r smacked a ground ball to secgame, collecting a triple and ond, which scored Powers. "It was p e r f e c t ball," double, while Powers had Shimel said. "We had to do a d o u b l e , s i n g l e a n d t h r e e something to respond and we RBIs. Green also had an RBI double. did." " O u r whole lineup is hitBauman then m a d e quick work of Central in the sev- ting right now, top to bottom," enth, getting two s t r i k e o u t s Shimel said. "We need to keep as the Trojans went d o w n in it up." T h e Blue Devils will b e order. B a u m a n p i t c h e d a n o t h e r a m o n g a 12-team field Sature x c e l l e n t g a m e , a l l o w i n g day at the Tawas Invitational, six hits and no walks, while b e fo re hosting Kalkaska and striking out seven. It was her Charlevoix in a pair of tough first doubleheader back since doubleheaders next week. Other local teams will hope C o n t from B1 thinks have a good shot are to send individuals onto the resenior Sloan Secord (3200m gional. Gaylord junior Bradan r u n ) , s e n i o r M a r i a K u l k a Tuszynski is the only realistic { 8 0 0 m r u n ) , j u n i o r A m b e r contender for the boys, as he is looking for success in the I (X)ni Kassuba (1600m run), junior dash and the long jump. Samantha Hunt (3200m run), The J-L boys qualified both s o p h o m o r e Savannah H y p i o ( 2 0 0 m d a s h , 4 0 0 m d a s h ) , sprint relays last season, and sophomore Brittney Deerfield coachTony Fortin is hoping for (100m dash, long j u m p ) and the same kind of success. "We fmally have our team the 4 0 0 m , 800m and 3 2 0 0 m all together." Fortin said. "All 1 relays. J o h a n n e s b u r g - L e w i s t o n ask is that the boys go out and girls c o a c h Kevin K e n n e d y run their best." At St. Mary, who also comalso feels his team will be very successful at the Division 4 re- petes at Bellaire, coach Richard Goepp Is hoping for strong gional at Bellaire. Above: Junior " W e ' r e a very m u l t i - t a l - performances out of sprinter Clay Becker, distance runner Abi Brink takes e n t e d t e a m , " Kennedy said. Michael Topp, t h r o w e r Ara swing in Gay"We were very successful last ron Sitkiewicz, hurdler Jamie lord's victory. year and w e may have even Topp and high jumper Jessica more depth this year." Schmidlin. Lett: Senior Last year, the C a r d i n a l s Grayling, who competes at Danielle Powers qualified for the states-in f j v e rounds second events and Kennedy would like the Division 3 meet at Benzie base and Is to see even more make it to the Central, has had s o m e solid looking to make finals at Grand Rapids Forest sprinters this season with Isaac VanNuck, Hailey M c M a h o n it to third. Hills Eastern. and Rachel Ward eying state The Cardinals are a favorite HT - Bitl S«fveny final appearances. to win the team competition. Jason Drudge is alsi^ a war' i f we can throw down the personal bests we've been run- rior in the middle distances and ning, we'll be right there," Ken- could end up at the state meet at Comstock Park. nedy said. Sports Schedule [ j|.jpie jhreat boys basketball camp June 9-11 at GHS a w 117 7 Saturday, M May BASEBALL/SOFTBALL St. Mary at Mount Pleasant Sacred Heart Invrtational. TBA SOFTBALL Gaylord at Tawas invitational. 9 a.m. TRACK REGlOriALS Gaylord at Division 2 at Cadillac. 9 a.m. Grayling at Division 3 at Benzie Cental, 9 a.m. St. Mary/J-L at Division 4 at Bellaire, 9 a.m. YOUTH SOCCER {U-14gif1s) Gaykxd Storm vs. Petoskey Flames. 12:30 p.m. Gaylord Tsunami vs. Petoskey Rames, 2 p.m. Gaytord Storm vs. Hartxir Springs R^i^, 3:30 p.m. Gaytord Tsunami vs. Glen Lake. 3:30 p.m. I ' GAYLORD — The fourth-annual Triple Threat Individual skills basketball camp will take place June 9-11 at Gaylord High School for boys ages 10 to 15. The camp mns from 9 a.m.-noon each day and is led by GHS basketball coaches Pat Enders and J a s o n Wetss. Each camper will receive a ball and T-shin. Cost is $40. Students can pick up a registration form at Gaylord Intermediate School. Monday, May 19 BASEBALL/SOFTBALL VandertMit at Wolverine, 4 p.m. J-LatPosen, 4:30 p.m. St. Mary at Bellaire. 4:30 p.m. Grayling at Roscommon, 4:30 p.m. Kalkaska at Gaylord, 4:15 p.m. JV BASEBALL/SOFTBAU Roscommon at Grayling, 4:30 p.m. Gaykxd at Kalkaska. 4:15 p.m. SOCCER Grayling at Hartw Springs. 5 p.m. For more information, contact Enders at 732- Sports Briefs day. Tuition includes a T-Shirt and self Improvement follow-up program. For more information, contact KBIII Parker at 731-0969 (school) or 732-3434 (home). Information can also be attained at www.gaylordhighschool. org/athletics. Youth football registration GAYLORD — Gaylord will again be offering a flag football program this fall. The program is open to all children entering first through sixth-grade this fall. Basketball Skills Camp Players can register online at www.nflyouthfootball. GAYLORD — St. Mary varsity basketball coaches com. The cost for online registration is just $45 and it Chris McKenzle and Dale J a c o b will conduct a basincreases to $55 if registering In person. Registration ketball skills clinic for boys and girls in kindergarten forms are located at Catt Development (across from through 12tti-grade June 12-14 at St. Mary School. Secretary of State) Monday through Friday. For those The clinic will be divided into three different children new to the program, a copy of birth certifitimes — kindergarten through second-grade from cate is required. 8:30 a.m.-IO a.m., third through sixth-grade from Registration ends July 23 and anyone register10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and seventh through 12th-grade ing thereafter will be put on a waiting list with the from 1-3:30 p.m. fee increasing to $65. For more information, contact Cost is $25 per child, which includes a camp TBonnie Miller at 370-0452 or Kristle Taubltz at shlrt. 732-9722 ext. 8. Please send registration forni and check payable There also is a tackle football program new this to St. Mary Athletics to St. Mary Cathedral School, year, open to all students entering sixth grade. Stu321 N. Otsego Ave, Gaylord, Ml 49735. Deadline to dents who aren't familiar with football are highly-recregister is May 30 and please bring a water bottle ommended to sign up for flag football, however. and gym shoes to camp each day. This clinic is open 9455. to students of all schools. Tuesday. May 20 BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Horseshoe season begins Fairview at J-L, '4:30 p.m. GAYLORD — The sound of horseshoes hitting BASEBALL metal stakes will be heard at the Otsego County Alpena at Grayling, 4 p.m. JV BASEBALL Community Center starting Tuesday, May 20 at 6:30 St. Mary at Inland Lakes, 4:30 p.m. p.m. and Thursday, May 22 at 9:45 a.m. as league SOCCER play begins. Alpena at Gaytord. JV 5 p.m., Varsity There Is still room for regular pitchers in the 7 p.m. Burt Lake Northern Michigan Christian Thursday morning division. For further information, contact Frank JaslnskI at 732-4377. at Grayling. 5 p.m. TRACK Ski Valley Champkxishlps at J-L 4 OCHA Board Meeting Thursday p.m. Wednesday, May 21 TTW:K Big North Championships at Traverse City West. 3 p.m. Sports schedule also online at... www.heraldtimes.com Cost for the program is $60 and all participants are required to have a physical and provide copy of their birth certificate. Grayling Basketball Camp GRAYLING — The Grayling boys basketball camp will take place June 9-11 at Grayling High School for students in cun-ent grades two through seven. GAYLORD — The next meeting for the Otsego The camp, which runs from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. County Hockey Association (OCHA) board will take costs $30. Each camper will recieve a camp T-shirt, place at 6:45 p.m. Thursday at the Otsego County quality instruction, games and prizes. Sportsplex. Guest speakers will include college basketball players Mike Boylan (Lake Superior State), Pete Shot Doctor basketball camp GAYLORD — There will be a Shot Doctor Shooting VanOosten (Aquinas College) and Duslln Dibble Camp for all girls in grades four through 12 June 19- (Missouri-Kansas City). Contact camp director Rteh Mofftt at 344-3506 20 at Gaytord High School. for more information. Shot Doctor Basketball U.S.A. is a highly-respect- Tlnnday, May 22 GOLF Gaylord hosts Dtvlston II Regior^ at Otsego Club, TBA Grayling at DMsion 111flegkxialsat Benzie Central. TBA ed group dedicated to improving shooting among SOCCER Petoskey at Gaytord, JV 5 p.m.. Varsity young players. The camp will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. each 7 p.m. Traverse Ctty St. Francis at Grayling. 5p.m BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Members of Chaiievotx at Gaytord. 4:15 p.m. the Alpkie JV BASEBALL/SOFTBAU. Edge Rgure Gaytord at Charlevoix. 4:15 p.m. Friday. M>y 23 BASEBALL/SOFTBALL HMnan at St Mary, 4:30 p.m. JVBASCBAU. St. Mary at Omvway. 4:30 p.m. Registration will take place at the Otsego Memorial Hospital Professional Building May 28-29 at 5 p.m. and forms will also be availalbe at Catt Development. If rosters are not full, registration will be available at the Blue Chips Football Camp. Rosters will close if rosters are full with no exceptions. Skating Chib (front row l-r): S i n h Miller, Grace BMwp, Lauren 61b•on, Emma WINIamt, CartyWHllams, Gabby Blahop;(Back rowl-f): K*tle Amar-Fox, Alyaaa Jonea. will begin at Treetops Resort, running May 29 through Aug. 28. First tee times will be at 5:30 p.m. Each night, a golf professional will be onhand to provide rules, scoring, prizes and in some cases, a clinic. The league will be informal as you can pick your foursome each week while Treetops provides format of play Following play each week, there will be food and drink specials at the Tavern on the Hill (Jones pro shop) when we play one of the North courses and at the Broken Club Pub when we play the Jones Masterpiece. A $25 fee will be charged each night you participate in the league, which includes nine holes with cart, range balls, a drink ticket and prizes. A league fee of $40 per person will be charged prior to your first night in the league. In addition to the above, you will receive benefits for being a league member, including clothing discounts and discounted golf rates for children and guests. If you would like to sign up, please contact Jim McGuigan at [email protected] or at 7326711 ext. 2495. Treetops Memorial Day tournament GAYLORD — Treetops Resort will host the Memorial Day Weekend Celebration Golf Invitational honoring Harry Melling May 23-25. The tournament will feature two-person teams playing 18 holes each at the Fazio Premier and Jones Masterpiece courses. There will also be a Horserace on Threetops Friday evening. A fee of $240 per player includes two continental breakfasts, two lunches, cocktail reception following dinner Saturday and special room rates. Practice rounds at any of Treetops' courses will also be available to players at $25 per round. To signup contact Patrick Gallagher at 731 8479. GCC Tuesday Ladies League GAYLORD — The following are the results from the Gaytord Country Club's Tuesday Ladies League on May 13: Event: Throw out worst hole on front and back First H I g h t 1. Sue Richards, 2. Marilyn Keyes Second R i g h t 1. Sue Charon, 2. Judy Martensen Third Flight: 1. Joy Hanje, 2. Peari Palmer Fourth R i g h t 1. Carol Hill, 2. Pam Lynch Low Putts: JoAnn Stewart, Marilyn Keyes (30) CMp-lns: Joy Hanje (No. 6), Bart Otto (No. 16). Marilyn Keyes (No. 6), Jan Palmbos (No. 6). Birdies: Marilyn Keyes (No. 4), Jan Palmbos (No 6), Sue Charon (No. 6), Barb Otto (No. 16). Joy Hanje Treetops Ladies' League GAYLORD — A Thursday night ladies' golf league (No. 6). Alpine Edge members will skate at T.C. competition GAYLORD - Members of the Alpine Edge Figure S k a t i n g C l u b will c o m p e t e in the T B S C C h e r r y Classic Competition May 31 in Traverse City. Competing members of the newly-formed club are Katie Amar-Fox, Alyssa Jones, Gabrielle Bishop. Grace Bishop and L a u r e n G i b s o n . T h r e e other students — Sarah Miller, E m m e Williams and Carly Williams — have progressed through the basic skills program and are now competing in Freestyle Skate events. Head c o a c h of t h e group is Terri Seever, w h i l e Betsy Speer and K r i s t i n a Kunisch are also instructors. The club, which offers leam-to>skate l e s s o n s at the Otsego County Sportsplex, hopes to be f o r m a U y recogn i z e d by t h e U n i t e d States Figure S k a t i n g A s s o c i a t i o n by this summer. Saturday, May 17, 2006 • B-5 Lewiston Q«yk>rd Hel«ld T I m M Montmorency County Rustic Inn Primary races taking shape; millages on ballot MONTMORENCY C O U N T Y — Several county races have shaped up for the Aug. 5 primary. Tuesday was the d e a d l i n e for c a n d i d a t e s to f i l e for M o n t m o r e n c y C o u n t y seats. A c c o r d i n g to C h e r y l Nielson, county clerk, these c a n d i d a t e s will be s e e k i n g election: County Commissioners • D i s t r i c t I: Z a c h a r y Weaver-R; Albert L a F l e c h e D, incumbent; • D i s t r i c t 11: T h o m a s Young-R; Eldon C o m e t t - R ; • District III: Gary Ferguson-D; Daryl Peterson-R; • D i s t r i c t IV; M a r g a r e t Dagostino-R; • District V: Louis (Corky) H u b e r - R ; Billie B u r l i n g - D ; Paul W i n g a t e - R , i n c u m bent; • Sheriff: Donald Edwards-R; Douglas B a u m - R , incumbent; • Prosecutor: Terrie C a s e R, incumbent • Road Commissioner: Kenneth Werner-R; Duane Kidder-R; Linda Hicks-D, incumbent; • R e g i s t e r o f Deeds: T h e - resa Walker-R, i n c u m b e n t ; • Clerk: Cheryl N i e l s o n R, incumbent; • Drain C o m m i s s i o n e r ; James Zavislak-R, incumbent; and, • Treasurer: Wanda TeetsR. A l s o , the M o n t m o r e n c y C o u n t y Board approved t w o millages for the A u g u s t ballot. The Montmorency County Road Commission is s e e k i n g a l-mill levy f o r f i v e years for road repair. It would generate approximately $ 4 8 9 , 9 9 0 the first year. The Montmorency C o u n t y Library is a s k i n g f o r a renewal of .593-mill levy for f o u r years for o p e r a t i n g and support of public library services. If it passes, the levy would generate an e s t i m a t e d $285,231 the first year. T h e following c a n d i d a t e s their intents to seek j u d g e ships: • 88th District C o u r t : T h e o d o r e O. J o h n s o n , i n cumbent; and, • 26th Circuit Court: Dennis Grekowicz, David F u n k and Michael Mack. WStOli Dinner* include all you can eat salad bar. BUSINMSS D t t f K C T O R Y Open for dinner at 5 p.m. Frlday^SaturdaySundayM Doing business in or around Lewiston? To place your business card In this directory, call Kathleen at (989) 732-1111 fax ( « ) 7 3 2 - ^ 9 0 o r HpRAl ltfTlMPS Stop by our office at 2058 S. Otsego Ave. zz. mssm Bud Jones Insurance Agency BAmUNDJAM£S Our iModsfi wfll h o w yovt cor fooJdng ttrmw m no fiiml Call SaDy or Patsy for a quote. **The best is yet to be/ l-SOO-547-3245 or 989-786-2296 y 2947 M a n t / Slrect Lewiston. Ml 4 9 7 5 6 989-786-766.'^ 800-927-66>9 Twin Lakes Collision Lewiston Auto Sales 4422 SaOing Si. * Uwlston, Ml 49756 thestaif@bu(l-)ones-ln$urance-ageTKy.co^ V 3 mile* M a t k of Garland S 1 6 S N. R e d O a k R d . Lewictoa <9S9) 7S6-4790 . R«gu>n«1 OfTicc' 60(1 Easi From Slrect Travcrw Ciiy, Ml 2.n-''46-.?h5<J You first 1080 Co. R d . 6 1 2 • L e w i s t o n 989-786-4712 When you can't COOK LOAF one more meat The fastest way to find a restaurant or takeout is the PhoneGuide® yellow pages. Rely on the most complete, most used directory to solve life's little challenges. Filings for Albert Twp. offices Green-R; •Treasurer: John Righi-R, incumbent; • Clerk: Judy A t h a n - R , incumbent; Jessica D o w n ing-R; and, • Trustee: Brad AaronsA m o n g those seeking o f - R, incumbent; J o e T e n b u s c h R. fice: All s e a t s a r e f o u r - y e a r • Supervisor: Bert Abb o t t - R , i n c u m b e n t ; J u d y terms. ALBERTTOWNSHIP — Tuesday was the deadline to file candidacy for the A l b e r t Township Board for the A u g . 5 p r i m a r y election, a c c o r d ing to Judy Athan, t o w n s h i p clerk. PiiOncCMiCiiB R D I ^ 2 2 2 Lewiston Lions Club to hold pancake breakfast May 25 LEWISTON — The annual L e w i s t o n L i o n s C l u b p a n c a k e b r e a k f a s t is S u n day, M a y 2 5 , 8 : 3 0 a . m . - I p.m. at St. Francis of A s s i s i C h u r c h Hall. A c c o r d i n g to Jim Hilgendorf, Lewiston Lions Club president, the time has been e x t e n d e d t h i s y e a r to a c c o m m o d a t e c h u r c h e s letting out later. D e s p i t e h o l d i n g t h e ally o u - c a n eat b r e a k f a s t at a new l o c a t i o n last year, t h e pancake breakfast had a great turnout, Hilgendorf reported. C O M M U N I T Y TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ^ •l.v'". • . ' N , M .-rnun 311 © 2 0 0 8 Review D i r e c t o r i e s Inc. Petoskey. Michigan E . M i t c h e l l . P e t o s k e y • 2 3 1 3 4 7 . 8 6 0 6 • 8 8 8 , 8 6 0 8 6 0 6 • t h e p h o n e g u i d e COITI It Pays to Save the Environmient for a n o t h e r p r o j e c t , " R i g h i said. "At that t i m e w e o n l y had the White C a n e Sale and b a r b e c u e . " Righi suggested a flapj a c k breakfast. F o r m e r L i o n Tom May had a s u g a r b u s h at t h e t i m e , R i g h i r e m e m bers, and s u g g e s t e d f e a t u r ing h o m e m a d e m a p l e s y r u p d u r i n g the b r e a k f a s t . t - o n / y j & n t a J / y The first breakfast was c o - c h a i r e d by Righi a n d t h e late Dave Fox. Proceeds f r o m the b r e a k fast go to s u p p o r t c o m m u nity service p r o j e c t s and sight p r o g r a m s of L i o n s International, M i c h i g a n L i o n s and to s u p p o r t local v i s i o n needs. A c c o r d i n g to John Righi, Lewiston Lions Club treasurer and f o r m e r c h a i r m a n of t h e b r e a k f a s t , t h e c l u b The breakfast includes has b e e n s e r v i n g u p " s e c r e t p a n c a k e s w i t h m a p l e s y r u p recipe" flapjacks for m o r e or s u g a r - f r e e s y r u p , s a u than 30 years. s a g e , c o f f e e , lea, m i l k a n d W h e n he j o i n e d t h e c l u b o r a n g e j u i c e . C o s t is b y d o in 1973, " W e were l o o k i n g nation. We^ll pay you up to $50 to open a Green Checking Account.. You w i l l also get the a d d e d benefits of these great features: Visa* Check Card, Online Banking, Join u s for our..,_ Online Bill Pay and eStatements Sunday, May 2 5 , l p.m. " " c o m p l M a S a M B v W ftth lc»<l <l»tiiiy ^ O M t C a r v a r i Hi • e h e d Ham • W C k k k a t i • M li W f c t t ^ Call or stop by an office today! COMMUNITYFINANCIAL Thinking forward. Banking right. MoraanvvM. pc^uto, yagatiIMM, hoc rata, & #MC« M CM wwwicfcu.org (877) 9 5 7 - 2 5 2 8 toll f r e e SNEAKY PEAT Friday, May 23rd A Saturdov. May 24th f yovr appttit* b at $t9ek (or mafoodi, com*to(fct... nsowDOD SR&S noua: Sp>c«dli«iig Jfi mafood and (IMflrmt§g»d Mala A chop* Cmmt tl Ctmrn 4t9 ft 611. I i i h l i i GAYLORD HILLMAN LEWISTON 3 3 5 W C o m m e r c e Blvd. 27477 M-32 County Roads 612 & 491 0(l« 0« ommunir kcou™ uow Kmvr* oeeoil* #nd ebillytoreddWond b o f w w ^ liwuiide el 11004X10 snd b*d*d b v M to«h an fmuonti 12)0.000 by ucmt Shwi !«•«*««« Co»por*ton (ESI) CSI« « »ublidl«fy of Anwrtcjn SKM tfwurww* wmm wm W W Qaylord Herald TImaa B-6 • Saturday, May 17, 2008 Death Notices Capitol visit Hank Quirrenbach FOURTH-GRADERS FROM JOHANNESBURG SCHOOL visited the State Capitol last month, taking time to pose on the steps (at left). Below, Rep. Kevin Elsenheimer welcomed MelissaTallman's class before heading into session. Below left, Brandon Huff does a little writing on an old slate in the school house at the Michigan Hank Quirrenbach, age 78. of History Museum, one of the other sites the group visited. During this annual trip, 33 students and 15 chaperones also visited Gaylord, died Wednesday, May 14, 2008. Memorial services were held Impression 5 Science Center and Abrams Planetarium. on Friday, May 16 at the Nelson Funeral Honie. Memorial contributions may be made to the Otsego Ck}unty Animal Shelter, ttirough the Nelson Funeral Home, PO Box 1548, Gaylord, Ml 49734. Friends may share condolences online at www.nelsonsfunerai home.com Rick Gilpin Rick Gilpin, age 52, of Vanderbiit, died May 13,2008. Memorial services are today (Saturday. May 17), 1 p . m . a t V a n derbilt Community Church. Arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Home. Obituaries online daily @ c«,„«,pr«,c» Hear die Sprin; gaylordlicraldtimcs.com Oh yeah Call today so we can help you near better. Profettional Andiology Service • Hearing Aids • Hearing Testing • Hearing Aid Supplies & Repair Most Insurances Aaepted ^ Dr. Mkfaad W. Koskm. L L C Robin Reynolds, iNt/V Board Cntsfi/d AuJtohgifti 800-968-8080 854 North Center Gaylord (Across from Otsego Memorial Hospital Emcrgcncv Entrance) Save time and money ^ w l t h deep discounts f on coupons and 9 ' ^ certificates to local businesses. Student Driver Education Northern Driving School, LLC Food & Dining • Golf Entertainment • Home & Garden O u n r r s : Darrin H a u e ^ . Kevin Foster, & Michael Rcichard Health & Beauty • Automotive Segment I Classes Lodging • Gifts • Antiques Gaylord St. M a r y S c h o o l 9 : 0 0 - 1 1 : 0 0 a.m and more! (Class 1) June 9 - 2 6 (Class 2) July 7 - 2 4 (Class 9 August 4 - 21 Shop now. Shop smart! Fee: $275* Locally owned and c^^erated by experienced educators. S e g m e n t II C l a s s e s Please call tor more information. Gaylord St. Mary School 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. To register, call 989-732-2727 June 10,11,12 J i i y 14.15.16 August 11.12.13 Fee: $40* J •stiasak 1:00 p.m. Goylord mc^i A division of Northern Michigan Review. Inc. 231-347-2544 WEDNESDAY 12:00 p m Johonnesburfl Goylord. Vanderbiir THUR5PM 12:00 p.m Elmira, Gaylord. Vor>de»t>Ht FglBM 12:00 p.m Gaylord ^ This menu sportsored by: Grayling Nursing and 19 20 21 22 23 Pork chops, baked potato. Key West blend, opricots Crc4) cake, sweet potato cubes. Conbbeon btend. fresh o r a r ^ Cfob coke, sweet potato cubes. Caribbean biend. fresh ofonge Bratwurst. salod. Qfeen beor«. tropical fruit Egg solod. co<esk3w, pickled beets, fresh apple Cfc)sed for hoikSay ReMTvations Needed Kilhciayt • Joburg 18 Please call for reservations at 732-1122. TUESDAY 12:00 p.m Elmlro, Vondflmtn MONDAY 12:00 p.m Johonnesburg Goyiord syiiqay May 16 to May 23 ' 1^ ShopSmartUpNorth.com ^ Rehabilitation C o m m u n i t y Professional Care, Personal Caring 331 M e a d o w s Drive, G r a y l i n g (989) 348-2801 BtrthdOYS - Gaylord ^SENIOR CITIZENS Sertnce' & Viscoimt AJIH t a k M i$ $S a WMk (m you Viredoty Intormolion. to »how kxMl SmIot CWztm how y o « b u i l n t t i h o n o n lt)«m wHh d h c o u ^ Ckurckef EntertainmeKt OTSEOO I k friM pha t« f M l b Ifint WtiMtiai a i « • m u h •dMNK far IImm SS mi kdM. COUNtv •« free SPORTSPLEX COFFEEH e r a l e ^ I M E S C«II6»-73M111 tod^r for your MbeertpOon to the II nMMpipar In (ha mUoa. aon Sou» OtBe90 • Q^ftord, M 40794 G ^ c e lorSanler POOt ANO ICC AREMA PrimeTimes t i i i i i m m i l Health Care VUalCan rmtomfottts BAPTIST C H U R C H HKIDniB$™ FREE BAHERIES lor Bfe of hMrtni iM. ASK US HOW! Nurw • Aid* • Oxygan Horn Mtdkol E q u i p s 8151 Pir>evww Drive 210 Didwm W, GeyM - 99^731 xn-se»-6ieo 800-342-7711 1001 C o m k k Ave. Gaylord, M l 49735 (909) 732-1533 1-800-968-8080 M . MICHAa KOSICUS BOAKO aRTVKD AUOIOIOCIST SS4 N. C«nMr • ACTOM FMRN OMH { 1 FORENSIG FINALS AT EMU Weekend ZONE Competition tough for GHS trio Saturday, May 17,2008 I 1 t=> L _l ILLEGAL TRASH sites may contain it I • 1 i1 f WHO WILL dean up ttiis mess? CHILDREN'S toys and baby seats A quicl< drive througli state land Hayes Township large dominate one dump site. Haves Townshio revealed revealed a a lar quantity of illegally dumped trash. sites found on state land in Hayes household garbage, tires and even Just one of several illegal dump television sets. Township. against illegal forest dump sites HAYES TWR — aking a drive through several hundred acres of state forest land in Hayes Township a few miles from Gaylord can be a depressing experience for Chad Lytle. Depressing because of the massive quantity of illegally dumped trash found strewn along two-track roads, snowmobile trails and open fields. Car tires, carpeting, baby seats and toys, car parts, couches, chairs, a broken television set, To find out more the burnt remnants about becoming of a fiberglass bathtub, even a plastic an Adopt-aChristmas tree, can be Forest volunteer^ found piled alongside visit www, black plastic bags of cUanforests. household garbage. i^i^tors to Like most people the Web site can who live in Northe m Michigan, find ir^rmaLytle doesn't take too tion and locakindly to the kind of tions by county person who would of current carelessly spoil his sites in need of view of the north cleanup. woods by dumping trash in what he thinks of as "my woods." Lytle and 1,700 other Adopt-a-Fore St volunteers across the state have taken matters into their hands — literally and have been cleaning up the messes left by others. T . U g l y Bar and Grii, OM 27 North, *Vandeitilt, hosts Open Mk Mght Thuisdays, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., with host Chris Vbung: and karaoke Friday and Saturday nighls. Can 983-2279. . Ralside Bar and GriN, Qmita, win * h o s t Howlln' Rooster today (Saturday), 9:30 p.m.-l :30 am. Karaoke is Friitey; open pool Is every Sunday, 7 p.m.-dose. Can 546-3248. . S t a m p e d e Saknn, 3885 Ok) 27 South, (Saytord, has sporting events on three screens Sundays and Mondays; Ctassk; Car NiteTueslays: Bike Nite Wednesdays with live entertainment; and guBar jam sessfans Thursdays, 7 p.m. Also, Stampede Sakx)n will host Bad Intluence today (Saturday). Call 705-7100. . The Wtnte Wolt Inn, Vandeibilt, features free pool night Mondays; and karaoke Fridays and Saturdays. CaA 963-4568. _TheKegBar&Gr*e, Waters, features free pool Monday; pool tournament Tuesday nights; pool leagues Wednesday; Saturdays feature karaoke 9 p.m-1 am. Call 732-4378. . Gartand Reeoit In Lewlston presents Jell and Sue/CuK ol 2 Fridays and Saturdays, 9 p.m.-t a m . Cell 786-2211 a 877-4GARLAND. . A concert by the Gaykirtf Cham- ber Orchestra and the VMdi Chorus will begin at 7 tonight (Saturday) at Peace liitheran Church, South O l s ^ Avenue, GaylonJ. It Is part of Vhakffest, nnUng aU weekend. Music wN include "Spring" from "Tlie Four Seasons" and win feature a violin aok) by Joanna Bozin; Vivaldi's "Lute Concerto in D Major," performed by dassk3l guitarist Bob Prodcr; and endkig with ttie chonis singing the Vivaldi " G k i r t a ' T k ^ are $10 for adults and $5 for chMren, and are available at Saturn Booksellers m Gaylord or at the door. Can 731 -3307 tor infottnallon. "I'm tired of people trashing my woods. I hunt, fish, bike and hike here," Lytle said of his and others' motivation for rising to the challenge of removing the eyesore illegal dumping has caused. "I get sick and tired of people dumping their trash here." After collecting more than 200 cubic yards of trash and filling several Dumpstars, Lytle said the number of illegal trash sites in Roscommon County had been reduced to 59. "We recycle as much as we can and the rest goes to a landfill" Last month volunteers in Roscommon County/ collected enough trash to TknoOiy's Pub, Gaylonl. features karaote fttdays, 9:30 p.m.-1:30 am.; Satuday is dancing witti DJ, 9:30 p.m.-cl06e, call 732-9333. . Volunteers fight LYTLE, who works in Gaylord but lives in Roscommon, said last year he and a number of other Adopt-a-Forest volunteers set out to clean up Roscommon County, which at the time had the dubious distinction of having the most illegal trash sites — 90 — identified by the Michigan Coalition for Clean Forests. —Hadvmad SIsak Houn, Lewlslon. ~ w W host Mike Ridey today (Saturday). 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Call 786-4600. . T l i e Gaytanl VDuth Orcheska wW AOOPT-A-FOREST VOLUNTEER Chad Lytle surveys just one of a number of illegal trash sites which have been identified in Otsego County. Last year Lytte's crew of volunteers cleaned up more than 30 illegal trash sites in Roscommon County, fill a 30-yard Dumpster and Lytle said he would like to see people in Otsego County volunteer to help clean up the forests here. The 10 illegal dump sites identified in Otsego County on the Adopt-a-Forest Web site (n'ww.deanforests.org) are likely only the tip of the icebei^, Lytle suggested. He said he is not aware of any volunteer groups in the county who have signed on with the Adopt-a-Forest program, but would be more than happy to see that change. "We're the active hands and feet of the organization," Lytle said of volunteers who have filled Dumpsters with illegally dumped roofing shingles and pulled abandoned fiberglass boats out of the woods. "It's just silly, careless stuff and people who are too lazy to property dispose of their trash," Lytle said. "If people become aware that it's happening it might just stop." • p e r f c n n Gennan classical music f^um the Baroque era during a Sunday .xncert at Peace liitheran Church, Gaytord. Concert begins at 5 p.m.. and also win feature the Sctmars Boys Choir from St Mary School, perfonning a variety of folk, relgious, classical and popular songs. Conceit is pait or VWaUfesL Tickets are $5 for adults and free tor ctMdren, and are available at Salum Booksellers In Gaytord or at the door. Cal 731-3307 for infcrmanon. Story & photos by Michael Jones • Page design by Frank Michels Peanut butter cup big chill cool free wi m •V»# ••ii Qaytord HarakJ T i m a s Gardening C - 2 • Saturday. May 17. 20QB Dirty Kneee An ephemeral view M y friend's husb a n d pointed at the very old, iiarly, flowerloaded c r a b a p p l e tree. "I think I'll cut that d o w n next week. It's dying." he said. y M y j a w s m a c k e d the tops o f m y steel-toed boots. " D y ing? N o L o o k at t^e flowers! Listen to the bees!" 1 m a y h a v e been shrieking. "It is very old, but it is certainly not g o i n g to die any time soon." I had been noticing the tree all day. W h o could miss a cloud of cotton candy pink b l o s s o m s on twisty black limbs? With n o green s h o w ing at all, the w h o l e thing was in motion f r o m the thous a n d s o f bees gathering nec- tar. T h e i r h u m m i n g s e e m e d f^tting, since the day was perfect a n d they had nothing to ck) b u t e n j o y the beauty of that tree. I h u m m e d along. That ancient tree alone w a s a sight to see, but w a s m a d e even m o r e stunning by the carpet of Virginia AnnMaric bluebells Rowland growing underneath and all an:>und. In the foreground, the lawn is overrun with white violets, which were in bloc>m a s well. Struck by late a t i e m o o n sun, the whole picture had m e wishing that I coiild pamt like Monet. 1 s h o u l d have at least s n a p p e d a p i c t u r e so that you'd believe it, b u t I didn't. Trust m e . . . it gorgeous. T h e next day, after a h a r d rain, the bluebells w e r e b e a t e n d o w n a n d many petals h a d b e e n stripped from the tree, but still it was lovely. I t h o u g h t , " H o w wonderful it w o u l d be to have this at home.^' You know what? I can. T r u e e n o u g h , any c r a b a p p l e tree that I might plant is u n likely to reach the stature of that o n e , since the snowload h e r e in the north is apt to b r e a k s o m e o f the b r a n c h e s a l o n g the way. And I'd n e e d a lot o f Virginia bluebells t o create that carpet of blue. Yet, w i t h s o m e woric and patience, it is possible. T h e Virginia bluebell ( m e r t e n s i a virginica) is a native g a r d e n plant with blue-green leaves and bright flowers that start out pink, then turn to brightest blue a s they mature. T h e y like moist shade, d o n ' t want to b e f u s s e d over a n d bloom in M a r c h , late April and May. T h e y hold their flowere for a c o u p l e of weeks, too. A n n u a l or perennial? Perennial. A n d ephemeral, m e a n i n g that the foliage is d o r m a n t in the summer. T h e y ' r e hardy in zones 3 - 8 , and in the w a r m e r zones will b l o o m as early a s February. T h e t u b u l a r flowers are too narrow for b u m b l e b e e s to pollinate them, so they are a butterfly magnet. In a w o o d land garden, you couldn't ask for more. Transplanting can be d o n e any t i m e during the d o r m a n t period, but k e e p in m i n d that if y o u p u r c h a s e potted specim e n s , anything above the soil line will appear to be d e a d . B a r e root plants are widely available, too. T h e s e lovely e p h e m e r als a r e quick t o spread, but a r e n ' t invasive. Plant t h e m a l o n g s i d e ferns, snowdrops a n d may-apples. If the soil in y o u r shaded areas is acidic (pines, oaks) you m a y need a bit o f lime mixed in at planting, since they like a very neutral-to-slightly alkaline pH. . T h e s e glorious d a y s o f spring are as e p h e m e r a l (fleeting, short-lived. brieO a s Virginia bluebells. T h e wcKxls are full of m a r s h marigolds, trilliums, a n d j a c k in-the-pulpits. Before it all disappears, spend s o m e t i m e in the big wixKlland garden, a n d m a k e plans to get your k n e e s dirty by adding a carpet o f bluebells to your h o m e garden. AnnMarie Rowland is a Gaylord-area freelance writer and Master Gardener Her column appears Saturdays in the Herald Times. Write her at wxirowland (§i core.com or c/o Gayiord Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gayiord. Ml 49734. • Di4)iicate bridge. 7 p.m. Monday. • T.C. Singles dances, third Sixiday or vMw.wolvennekjmbetjackfestcom 731-1981 Sporbplex pass holders and seniors • "Singles for Oirisr of Zion Alten Zimmer. 120 Gr^xJview Blvd. • Northwestern Coin and Stamp • Gayloni Area Cound for the Arts of the month; opentosingles 21 and available; call 731-3546 Lutheran Church, Petoskey, invites all • Painting and crafts. 10 a.m. Club, fourth Monday. 7 p.m., Big Boy over 989-932-1300 hosts "m a Chord" sessior^, • Grayling Senior Center. 308 smgtes age 40 and over to dinner today • Sunday Restaurant ni Petoskey. US 131 and 31; Tuesday. Alten Zimmer. 120 Grandview first and thinj Tuesdays of (Saturday) at Giuseppe's Italian Grille, 757 Uwndale, Grayling, hosts free fitness Blvd. 231-487-0713 Singles, Sundays for the month, 7-9 p.m., F^toskey St. Charlevoix, at 7 p.m. Group dasses for seniors: Tone 'n' Tii)es. 10 • Bingo, 7 p.m. Mondays. St Mary • Northern Michigan Artists Guild, a dance. Ojattty Inn. will gotoCinema Hi in Chartevoixtosee a.m. Tuesdays axl Fndays; and Sit & Be GACA Arts Center. second Monday, 11 ;30 a.m.-2 p.m., St Pansh Hall, statewide Big Money Bingo Houghton Lake, 8 "Prince Caspian." Reduced ticket prices Fit 1 p.m Tuesdays, Call 348-7123 to Main Street;formusi(via satellite), 8 p.m.; lackpots grow I p.m., admission $7; Andrews Episcopal Owrch, Gayiord, bring cians of varying skill for increased attendaice. RSVP by calling register weekly and worth at least $5,000; open own lunch; and Guild meeting noonI Bemadette, 989levelstoperfomi Frieda. 347-3438 (church) or 347-5747 • MSU Extension, Gaykxd, Ptay to public, ages 18 and up; 732-5448 f 539-5406 12:30 p.m. with wort<shoptofollow, call (home). Group. Tuesday, 10-11 ;30 a.m., Otsego for each other and • Bingo (smoke-free), 6 p.m. TuesBiHye Thatcher, 983-4293 • Otsego discuss music as a ^ day. Atten Zimmer, 120 GrandMew Blvd. • The Otsego CycMng CM) meets County Community Center, for parents • Michigan Northern Ligtits Sweet W County Mounted * • Bingo, 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays. Mondays and Thursdays. 6 p.m.. at the withtotsages 0-3; no registration neces- performing art Bring Division, second Mon- Adelines International rehearsal, Tues- Knights of Colitfnbus Hall, Grayling sary; call 732-6867 or 731-0272 your own instnjment Pavion on Court downtown Gaytord. day, 6:30 p.m.. Trinity Lutheran Church; day. 7 p.m.. Muftimedia • Bingo (smoke-free). 6 p.m. • Museum Guild,forthose interested electric keytXKUd available: Familyridesae Mondays. Thursdays se 731-2844 a 732-2174 Room. J. Richard Yuill Alpine Wednesdays, 7910 Arthur St. VaidertHtt longer road rWes. Anyone with a bike Is in gaining knowledge of the collecttons vocalists, bring accompaniment Center Kathy. 732-3143 • Line Dancing. G a ^ Bowling • Bin^ (smoke-free), 7-11 p.m. no amplification necess^; 732-3242 welcome, though helmets are required. of the nmjseum and area history, third • Writer^ Bloc, first arKl third Thurs- Center, Tuesdays; beginners 6:30-7 p.m.; Thursdays, Knights of Columbus HaH. • BaNroom Dancing Club. Mondays For information emaH gaytordcycJing® Thursday of ever> month, 10a.m,-noon, regular dasses, 7 p.m.; 732-4878 Gaylonj yahoo.com or call 989-255-2270, at the Besser Museum. Johnson Street through April 28 at Kirtland Community days of the month, 6-8 p.m., Gaytord Area CouncHforthe Arts Arts Center. Suite • Alpine Singles, fli^ Tuesday of the • Bingo. 7 p.m. Wednesdays. HudCollege AudltDrium; two classes. 3-4 Alpena, call 989-356-2202. • Recycle! Otsego County. 3893 month. 7 p.m., BJ's Restairant dancing son Township Hall • White Wotf inn. Vandertilt euchre p.m. and 4-5 p.m.; two separate dances, 300 of the Phoenix Building, Gaytord; Old 27 South, Gaylort. Wednesdays. 5-7 aftenward at Timothy's Pud • Korean karate classes. 7-9 p.m. games Wednesdays. 7:15 p.m., $3; 983- participate in one or both; all welcome; 732-0996 p.m.. and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays, North Otic Elementary • The Northwoods Carving dub. instructors vwrted; call Melinda, 989• Fkst Congregationai Church, 218 • Easy Vbga. two six-week courses, 4568 School gymnasium; 731 -1555 second Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.. Masonic 701-0325 or 989-685-3571. W. Second St, Gaytord, community meal • The Noflhem Michigan Amateur Mondays, May 5-June 9,6-7:15 p.m, drti • Alpine Martial Arts. Mondays and Lodge on Old 27 Soutfi. Gayiord; 732Fridays, 5-7 p.m.; donations accepted; • Christian Writers' Group, third Thusdays, May 8-June >2.6-7:15 p.m. Radio Emergency Senrices OrganizaWednesdays. 6-7;:K) p.m.. 5420 C-42 3222 sponsored by Goodwill Industries of tton. thinl Wednesday of rrxxTth. 6 p.m., Tuesday. 10 am.-noon. Alpine Baptist (i)urse fee is $50, walk-ins welcome, Alba Road; 732-8750 • Harmonie Meisters. Gayiord Church. North Townlme Road. Gayiord; Northern Michigan; 9^858-0594 $10 per ctass. Presented by Jessica Ven- Qmira Township HaH. 2035 Ml Jack • Seniors Exercise Group. Stretch all-m^ bart)ershop choms. Mondays. 7 • Accidental Photographers, third Road, Eimra. e-mail Jim, [email protected] opentoanyone interested in learning dettj,caH 731-6400 or visit kww. p.m.. United Methodist Church; 732-9215 & Flex. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesday, 7 p.m.. 317 Schneesabout Christian writing; 939-7766 or geocf6esconVeasy_yoga_site • Alpine Ljeisure Ptkrts Society Fndays, Povi«fhouse Gym • Student Workout Program; Ijxhen, Gayiord; aH fonnals welcome; 732-4602 (ALPS), an AMA-charted, Gaylord-area • The Great Lakes Stamp & Coin • Aqua-Fit dasses at Otsego Ji^itsu; Sett-Defense For Women; • Nova Martial Arts Academy. Tae 370-0883 or e-mail bjphotographic® Club, second axl fourth Thursdays erf County Sportsplex. tor adults of any age. radio-controlled model airplane dub, secf^rsonal Protectian; Sports Cheer gmail.com for details Kwon Do classes. Mondays axl Fridays. ond Thursday of montfi, 7 p.m.. Otsego month. 6-7:30 p.m., Alten Zimmer. 120 shape or fitiess level. Tuesdays, 7-8 a.m, • Wofverine Liinbenack Commtt- TumbNng/Hoor Gym; Dance, Nautilus Grandview Blvd. and 5-6 p,m,: and Thursdays. 7-8 a.m. County (^munity Center. 315 S. Center 6:30-8 p.m.. Mount Hope Church. 1672 Fitness Systems, 1140GomickAve. (norlh M-32 East Gaytord; ages 9 and up; first tee, third Thursday of the month, 7:30 and 6-7 p.m, $5 for drop-in; punch cards Ave., dunng the off-season. Meetings of the Sportsplex); 732-5820 p.m., Wofverine Fire Dept, 231-525-9366 800-253-1190 S40-S80. and dscounts for at local flyingfieklin-seasor; Jim Quin. Community Activities NOTICE OF > Let u s help y o u with your wei details... after serving ^ ^ o w i u r f w ^ ' on ^ eatly- . 0 0 p.»n- Due to the Memorlol Day holiday, the deadline for the Wednesday, May 28 Herald Times will be Thursday, May 22 at 2:00 p.m. Thank you for your coopcrotion. __ • \isli' Hnnncrs • Bookmark}* • Cake .\roef-.'<ori»'s • Cako Knives Serv«Tb • Cake Tops • Caiulles • (".eremon\ Arcesfories • Decorations • Favor»< • Flower Girl Baskels • (iarters • Giflit for '^eddinp P a r t y • (classes & Toasting FhitcH • Gueifi Bookn & Penr< • Invitations & Propranih • Krepsakee • Malcheh & Scratch P a d s • Napkins • Place Cards • Rinp Bearer Pillows ScrolU Receive 1 5 % off your order! Service Cards o^r. HERALl|priMES 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 t riirci-l !<> nuiiruil jotir anmiunr«'aixJ pirk ii|> n fri-iRiiiih-. 2 0 5 8 S. O t s e g o A v e . , G a y i o r d . MI • ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 The Caylord High School Medical Occupations students would like to thank Caylord medical employers for helping them gain valuable skills by providing opportunities for real world experience through the High School Vocational Education Program. Students worked with these employers during the past school year: Alpine Animal Hospital Alpine Chiropractic Alpine Eye Care Dr. Arkfeld Dr. Becky Ashley Cousineau Chiropractic Dr. Michael Cusatis, Oral Surgeon Dialysis Services of Caylord A special i * Duski Dentristy Caylord Chiropractic Clinic Caylord Eye Care Clinic Caylord Family Dentistry Caylord Family Practice Caylord Veterinary Hospital Image North McReynolds Hall Medcare Walk-In Clinic M-Tech Center Sonography Nelson's Drug Store N'Orthopedics P.C Northsport Physical Therapy Oliver Chiropractic Otsego County EMS Otsego Haus OMH Internal Medicine Otsego Memorial Hospital OMH Physicians OMH Pediatrics Tendercare Nursing Home Vance's Rehabilitation Center thank you to the following individuals spending time in our classroom: Biz Baur - American Red Cross Karen Brawn - KhHand Community College Or. MfAael Cusatis - Oral Surgeon Andrew Lanway - OMH Radiology Wally Loney - Otsego County EMS for Jess Miller • Lake Superior State OMH Operating Room Staff Doug Paulus - Otsego County EMS Marilyn Record - OMH HR Jeanette Rokop - NMHICU Lisa Stier - OMH Infection Control Community Events Kirtland Community Collage. Roscommon, will host the Kirtland Wart>ler Festival Sunday. Events include nature presentations. live animals, a kids' fishing pond, live music and more. Cost is $5 for ages 15 and up. For details visit www.warbler.kirVand.edu. ^ A Ride of Silence will take ® place in Grayling Wednesday to honor cyclists killed on the roads. Riders will meet at city hall at 6:15 p.m., the ride starts at 7. Riders will travel by road to Hartwick Pines, then take the trail back. The ride will be done in silence (the only talking will be to warn others of a safety hazard). Refreshments afterward, ^ T h e Grayling Senior Center's Hot Dog Sale will be held May 23-24.10 a.m.-4 p.m., outside the Dollar General store in Grayling. Cost of a hot dog and drink is $1. Coney dogs and baked goods also available. Proceeds support the seniors of Crawford County. Saturday, May 17, 2006 • C - 3 Entertainment Qaylord Herald Times Literary mysteries? and youth and music ministries. Fof more Information call Frank, 786-7156. ^ The 19th annual Zoo-DeMackinac Bike Basil continues ttirough Sunday. The event features a 51 -mile bike ride from Boyne Highlands in Hart>or Springs to Mackinac Island, by way of US-119. Fnday features a party and live entertainment at Boyne Highlands. Participants return home at their leisure Sunday. For more information visit www. zoo-de-mack.com. Call 348-7123. ^ T h e third annual Petoskey Stone Festival will take place May 24 at Barnes Park on the shore of Grand Traverse Bay in Eastport. The day starts at 10 a.m. with a Petoskey stone hunt, with pnzes for kids and adults in several categories: followed by a children's stone-skipping contest; and demonstrations on Petoskey stone cutting, polishing and jewelry-making. Children can fish for trout at Bellaire Conservation Club's outdoor trout pond; watch a live demonstration of police dog work conducted by Antrim County Deputy Travis Chellis and Deputy Snyper; and be entertained by Tommy Tropic and Aldo the Clown. Festival is free to the public. More information is available at www. petoskeystone festival, com. ^ T h e Chetwygan Opera House. 403 N. Huron St., Cheboygan, will host "Musical Memories II and More Songs of Sinatra" today (Saturday). 7:30 p.m. Show features a selection of favorite show tunes and big band numbers and Jack Barber paying tribute to Frank Sinatra. Tickets are $8. ^ T h e Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the third annual city-vnde yard sale Saturday. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. A locator map of sale locations will be available at the Chamber/Arnold Like building on Central Avenue, and at the Depot office in Mackinaw Crossings. ^Bethlehem Lutheran Church, ® 3 8 0 5 County Road 612, Lewiston, will host its annual Gigantic Rummage Sale May 23-24. Sale times are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. May 23, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. May 24. Items include clothing, furniture, household items and all kinds of garage sale items. Proceeds benefit local charities and the church's vacation Bible school ^ Orchids by the Bay. hosted ^ by the Northwestem Michigan Orchid Society, is slated for May 24-25 at the Grand Traverse County Civic Center. 1213 W. Civic Center Drive, Traverse City. Times are noon-6 p.m. May 24, and 11 a.m.-4 p.m. May 25. Show features displays of exotic blooming orchid plants, as well as an educational exhibit, orchid art, arrangements, crafts and photography. Call 231-223-7994 or visit www. rtmorchid. org. ^ T h e Boyne City Police ^ D e p a r t m e n t ' s a n n u a l Drag Race fundraising event wilt take place May 25. noon-6 p.m., at the Boyne City Airport, 1048 E. Main St., Boyne City. Gates open for vehicle registration at 8:30 a.m. Races are side-by-side, 1/8-mile, with Full Tree or Pro Tree options. Grudge matches and time runs welcome; cars, trucks and motorcycles can be raced. For information call Chief Randy Howard, 231 -582-0352 or 231 -582-6611; or e-mail boynecitypd@yahoo. com ^ First Congregational Church, ® 218 W. Second St.. Gaylord. will have a soup/salad luncheon May 27,11:30 a.m.-l p.m. Cost is ^ per person and $4 for kids 8 and under, includes beverage and dessert. Call 732-5726 for group reservations. ^ T h e Grayling Rotary Club ^ will host Its annual Huge Gala Garage Sale May 31 -June 1, at the old Bear Archery building on M-72 West, GrayRng. Times are 9 a.m.-6 p.m. May 31. and 10 a.m5 p.m. June 1. Donations of items (other than clothing) are welcome, call 989-370-5757. All profits fund local and global Rotary projects, including an ongoing effort to eradicate polio worldwide. ^ Grass River Natural Area. * Bellaire, will host its second annual Flower Sale May 31,10 a.m.-l p.m., at the Elk topids Chamber of Commerce on US-31 South. This is the pick-up day for anyone who placed orders last winter. Native plants will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis and volunteers will offer instructions regarding the correct locations for planting and care of the various species. CaW 231 533-8314. Solve them at the library GAYLORD — u r i n g M i c h i g a n W e e k e a c h May. a c tivities t a k e p l a c e a c r o s s t h e s t a t e t o celebrate the rich heritage a n d u n i q u e features t h a t m a k e M i c h i g a n specisJ. T h e O t s e g o C o u n t y l i b r a r y is p a r t i c i p a t i n g t h i s y e a r in t h e M i c h i g a n N o t ^ l e B o o k s p r o g r a m t h a t shoviTcases t h e b e s t s t o r i e s s e t in M i c h i g a n o r written by a Michigan author. O n W e d n e s d a y , M a y 2 8 a t 6:30 p.m., M i c h i g a n n o t a b l e a u t h o r R o b e r t D a l e Paricer will m a k e a s t o p a t t h e O t s e g o C o u n t y Library t o p r o v i d e a f ^ i n a t i n g glimpse into the days w h e n the Michigan Territory v^^as t h e A m e r i c a n f r o n t i e r a n d Sault Ste. M a r i e served as t h e Ojibwe c e n t e r of lore, t r a d e a n d travel. H i s b o o k brings to the public for t h e first l i m e t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of t h e first A m e r i c a n I n d i a n writer, Jane Johnston Schoolcraft (her E n ^ s h n a m e ) or Bamewawagezhikaquay — W o m a n of t h e S o u n d t h e Stars M a k e R u s h i n g T h r o u g h t h e Sky. T h i s p r o g r a m is free t o t h e p u b l i c a n d r e f i ^ h m e n t s wUl b e served. Overshadowed by her husband, Henry Rowe S c h o o l c r a f t , w h o w a s t h e first I n d i a n a g e n t in M i c h i g a n , J a n e w a s t h e d a u g h t e r of t h e f u r - t r a d i n g s o n of a w e a l t h y S c o t s - I r i s h l a n d o w n e r in Ireland a n d Ozhaguscodaywayquay, the youngest d a u ^ t e r of a p o w e r f u l O j i b w e chief. T h e J o h n s t o n family p l a y e d a n i n f l u e n t i a l r o l e in t h e M ^ t i s ( F r e n c h for m i x e d ) c u l t u r e in early M i c h i g a n . In a t i m e w h e n f e w w o m e n received a n e d u c a t i o n , Jane w a s said t o b e c h a r m i n g , intelligent, well-read, a n d fluent in English, F r e n c h a n d O j i b w e . Parker, a n English p r o f e s s o r a t t h e University of Illinois in t h e A m e r i c a n I n d i a n S t u d i e s P r o g r a m , d i s c o v e r e d "lost" m a n u s c r i p t s in t h e a r c h i v e s of a n Illinois library a n d p i e c e d t o g e t h e r literary c l u e s t o m a k e t h e c a s e t h a t J a n e S c h o o l c r a f t collected a n d w r o t e m a n y of t h e s t o r i e s t h a t w e r e a d a p t e d a n d p u b l i s h e d by h e r h u s b a n d . T h e s e s t o r i e s w e r e D said to be the inspiration for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's p o p u l a r e p i c p o e m , " T h e S o n g of Hiawatha." "FEW of t h e p e o p l e w h o live t h e i r daily lives a m i d t h e t o w n s , lakes, rivers, c o u n t i e s , s c h o o l s a n d irmumerable businesses across Northern M i c h i g a n . . . that are n a m e d for — a n d often by — H e n r y S c h o o l c r a f t , o r f o r c h a r a c t e r s o r p l a c e s in T h e S o n g of Hiawatha," k n o w of J a n e S c h o o l c r a f t , a n d still f e w e r h a v e t h e slightest Idea h o w m u c h t h e w r i t i n g s o f . . . L o n g f e l l o w d e p e n d e d o n her," P a r k e r wrote. " W e a r e thrilled t o h o s t I s o m e o n e of s u c h h i g h I c a l i b e r in Gaylord," s a i d I library director M a u r e e n I Derenzy. "Robert Dale P a r k e r is t h e a u t h o r of s e v e r a l b o o k s o n t o p i c s in A m e r i c a n l i t e r a t u r e a n d is n a t i o n a l l y k n o w n for h i s research into early American I n d i a n writing." P a r k e r h o l d s a Ph.D. i n E n ^ s h f r o m Yale University. T h i s p r o g r a m , w h i c h will provide a fascinating glimpse i n t o t h e life of a r e m a r k a b l e w o m a n a n d o u r region d u r i n g t h e e a r l y 1800s, is p a r t of t h e M i c h i g a n N o t a b l e B o o k s Tour. T h e 2008 Michigan notable books are n o w o n display a n d a v a i l a b l e for l o a n a t t h e O t s e g o C o u n t y Library. T h e s e l e c t i o n s r a n g e f r o m b e s t s e l l i n g fiction a n d n o n f i c t i o n t o r e g i o n a l c o o k b o o k s , histories a n d c h i l d r e n ' s b o o k s r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e b e s t that M i c h i g a n h a s t o o f f e r t o its readers. T h e 2008 M i c h i g a n N o t a b l e b o o k s p r o g r a m a n d tour are m a d e possible t h r o u ^ generous s u p p o r t of Borders, C o o l e y L a w S c h o o l , P r o Q u e s t , Meijer, t h e Library of M i c h i g a n , t h e Library of M i c h i g a n F o u n d a t i o n , LaSalle B a n k / B a n k of America. Auto-Owners Insurance, Delta Dental, t h e M i c h i g a n C e n t e r f o r t h e Book, t h e M i c h i g a n H u m a n i t i e s Council, t h e N a t i o n a l E n d o w m e n t f o r t h e H u m a n i t i e s a n d S c h u l e r B o o k s & Music. For more information contact the Otseffj County Library at 732-5841 orbye-mailatocK^tseffy.org. GHS 'Pops Concert' set for May 22 GAYLORD — T h e G a y l o r d H i g h S c h o o l (GHS) c h o i r s will finish the school year with a P o p s C o n c e r t in t h e G o r n i c k Auditorium on Thursday. May 22 at 7 p . m . T h i s will b e Julie H a r m a n ' s l a s t c o n c e r t a s d i r e c t o r of choirs at GHS. She p l a n s to o b t a i n h e r master's in choral c o n d u c t i n g f r o m t h e University of A r i z o n a . C h a m b e r singers. Cantus F a m i n a a n d Bel C a n t o , a n d the Concert Choir, u n d e r the d i r e c t i o n of H a r m a n , will give t h e i r final c o n c e r t t h i s w e e k . T h e y will p e r f o r m m a n y s p i r i t e d s o n g s I n c l u d i n g "Boh e m i a n Rhapsody," "Bare N e c e s s i t i e s " a n d " S u g a r Pie, Honey Bunch." Each s o n g w a s selected by t h e s t u d e n t s , w h o will b e u s i n g t h e " d a n c e risers" t h a t w e r e m a d e specifically to allow t h e s i n g e r s t o m o v e freely. H a r man, along with students and p a r e n t v o l u n t e e r s , built a n d p a i n t e d t h e r i s e r s l a s t fall. This week at the movies tination leads Hannah to accept the SPEED RACER This Week at the Movies column brought to you by: engagement of a n c ^ r man and she Speed Racer was bom to race Legends en the HUl plans to move overseas. Hannah asks cars, and is driven to futfill a legacy CMudl and Fin« Dining • Dally Dinnpr and Drink Sp«cl«te Tom to serve as her "maid" of honor left by the death of his legendary Fpalunnfi a nrw Spring Menu and he ^ l y accepts—jumping at racing brother, Rex, behind the 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 4 7 1 1 • EjrteoitoD 2 4 7 3 his last opportunity to win her over www.treetops.com wheel of his Mach 5. After turning 3 9 6 2 Wllkljuoo ROM! • G*yl«rd. Ml 4 9 7 3 5 before its too late. down a tempting offer to drive for flsterfft?-73for sexual content Royalton Industries, he discovers jackpot playing with the other's quarter They're and language. a terrible secret that many races are fixed by both out to get their hands on the money, and the company to boost profite. Now Speed's out fall In love along the way. INDIANA JONES AND T>C KINGDOM OF THE to beat Royalton at its own dirty game, and has RatedPG-13iOT some sexual and crude CRYSTAL SKULL the support of his girtfriend. Trixie. and former content, and language, including a drug referIt's 1957 and. with the threat of nudear war rival. Racer X, as he enters the same race which ence. k)oming, Indy is out again to keep a precious killed his brother. artifact out erf the hands of evil — this time, a Rated PG for sequer^es of action, some vio- BABY MAMA mystical crystal skull. Starring Harrison Ford. Ray lence. language and brief smoking. Kate Holbrook (Tina Fey) has always put Winstone. Shia LaBeouf and Blanchett her career ahead of her personal Irfe. Now, at RatedPG-13ior adventure violence and scary IRON MAN age 37. she's ready tor a baby of her own but images. Note; this movte opens TTwrsday. May 22. Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) is a bilthe odds of her getting pregnant are a millk)n opens Sunday at the Jordan River Cloaked Tree Arts Center, lionaire and genius inventor who is kidnapped to one. She chooses Angie Ostrowiski (Amy Arts Center, 301 Main SI, East Jorskey, continues its ptictography THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASand forced to buikl a terrible weapw. Instead of Poehler) to be a surrogate mother who soon exhibit "Rolietl Kennedy; A Time It dari, featuring the art work of high PIAN helping his captors, he uses his skills to build a becomes pregnant. Kate soon starts reading The kings and queens of Namia retum to the Was." The gallery features the works school juniors and seriiors. Show high-tech suit of armor and escapes. With his childcare books and baby-proofing her apartfaraway realm only to discover more than 1.300 continues through June 6 and is new-found powers of the suit, he swears to pro- ment but. when Angie shows up at her front of Ufe Magazine photojoumalist open daily, 1-4 p.m., through June 6. tect the Earth as Iron Man, Gwyneth Paltrow and door with nowhere to live. Kate's left to moW her years have passed in Namlan time. The Golden Bat Eppridge, who was assigned to Age of Namia is kx>g-gone and the kingdom is Jeff Bridges also star. into a mother-to-be. Can 231-536-3385. the 1968 presidential campaign of now under the power of an evil ruler, while the RaM PG' 13 tor some intense sequences of . Huron Pkies, Grayling, is hostRated PG-13^or crude and sexual humor, Robert Kennedy. Continues through rightful heir to the throne, ^wng Prince Caspian, sci-fi action and violence, and brief suggestive language and a drug reference. ing an orienbtion session for July26.Also, CTAC is displaying the is In hMing. The prince must be seated in the content. its CoBenaUen Hrst Responder wori( of Japanese woodblock print throne to restore the magic and glory of the MADE OF HONOR maker, Mary Brodbeck A six-week program May 30 Volunteers with a land. Tom's best fnend. Hannah, takes a six-week strong background in wMHfe, torest WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS dass, "Bements of Creative Wilttrip to Scotland. While she's away, he reaNzes how /iatsd PGIor epic battle actkxi and vtoience Jack Fuller and Joy McNaily (Ashton Kutcher managefnent Invasive species. w»ing," taught by Marion B r i ^ mris empty his life is without her and decides hell proand (^meron Diaz) wake up married following ter quali^ and/a soil erosion control May 28-July 2.6:30-8:30 p m. Cost — Compiled bf Chris Ertgie a crazy night in Vegas, during which one won a pose upon her return. Unfortunately, his procrasare being sought for the program is $t 00 tor nnembeis and $135 for For rnformation contact Brad Jensen, nonmembeis Can 231 -347-4337 or 989-344-0753 eid 18, or e-mal visit www.cwokedlraeorg. Advertise in the _Tt)e Jorilan nver Arts Center^ [email protected]. Oiytord H«rakl TimM. annual ScholaisMp ExhUt 9S9-732.1U1 Shows & Workshops Be seen. Manistee Little River Casino 1 Day THp Friday, June 13,2008 C r o s s w o r d & S u d o k u s o l u t i o n s f r o m t o d a y ' s G a y l o r d H e r a l d T i m e s p a g e C-6. and save moneyl H o m e d e l i v e r y of t h e Herald T i m e s will s a v e you both! Subscribe todayl 989-732-1111 H E R / j ^ p 5 M E S Ride; t M per p O M i i ReoeMw CMtaw P a c k a g e : A > t J > e p a i t from G a y l o r d - W a l - M a r t a t 7 : 3 0 a . i n ? A K and Waters B a r a t SKW a . i i i . Reservations required/Limited seating (Deluxe Motor ( W d i Itansportation) - 8«»-39fr-9580 Campus KliHand RagloMi Police Aca<t«my ROSCOMMON — A Gaylord man was among the members o t ! the Kirtland Regional Police Acad-! emy's 26th graduating class. Steven Andrews graduated in April 25 ceremonies at the Kirtland Center tor the Performing Arts on Kirtland Community College's main campus. Gaylord City Police Chief Joseph FitzGerald. was the featured guest speaker. Along with Fitzgerald, KRPA director Jerry Boerema and Kirtland Community College president Or. Thomas Ouinn addressed the graduates. Cadet Christopher Graham ol Cheboygan has been elected as the class speaker. Whafs up? Qaylord H«rald T l m « » Younger Generation C - 4 • Saturday, May 17, 2006 Campus Forensks state finals Competition tough for trio; demo Monday E A S T L A N S I N G — " T h e r e is n o t h i n g e a s y a b o u t c o m p e t i n g at t h e state level for forensics, especially when you are in C l a s s A . " T h e s e w e r e the first words out of the mouth of Gaylord forensics coach Tim McPherson when questions about the team's s u c c e s s at t h e s t a t e f i n a l s M a y 2 - 3 at E a s t e r n M i c h i gan University. A m o n g the G H S team j m e m b e r s to c o m p e t e were ! R a c h a e l O s a n t o w s k i in O r a ' tory and the duo of Jenny L i b k e a n d DJ M u s g r a v e . A l l three m e m b e r s agreed the ; state w a s really tough, i "It was like, ' W o w ! ' ; They are really good," said Musgrave. Upcoming events Court«8y photo WMtarn Michigan Unhrertlty KALAMAZOO — Meghan Kelp, a 2005 graduate ot Johannesburg-Lewiston High School, has been recognized for acquiring a 4.0 grade point average for the spring semester at Western Michigan University (WMU). The junior from Johannesburg is studying pre-speech path/audiology. Additionally, Kelp was recently inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at WMU. Kelp is the daughter of Dan and Linda Jennings of Johannesburg and Terry and Nena Kelp ot Gaylord. Phi Kappa Phi Is the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline honor society. Men>bership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5 percent of juniors. The Society's mission is "To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the comI munity of scholars in service to . others " GAYLORD HIGH SCHOOL'S Jenny Lit)ke (1), DJ Musgrave (c) and Rachael Osantowski competed at the state forensics finals at Eastern Michigan University earlier this month. " P e o p l e a r e a lot m o r e s u p p o r t i v e , " Libke remarked. In her s e c o n d y e a r o f " W e got a medal j u s t c o m p e t i n g at s t a t e , O s a n • The Otsego County Sportfor s h o w i n g up," said M u s splex has tree style (figure) skating \ t o w s k i a d d e d t h a t s h e grave. today (Saturday), 8:30-10 a.m.; I thought competition was T h e trio vowed to m a k e learn to skate, 10-10:50 a.m.; " e v e n t o u g h e r t h a n it w a s it t o t h e f i n a l s a g a i n n e x t and open skate, 4-5:50 p.m. Open I l a s t y e a r . " skating continues Sunday, 4-5:50 year. Osantowski claimed S t i l l , m a k i n g it t o t h e t o p p.m. Open swim is today, 1:30-3:30 she w a s g o i n g to d e d i c a t e 18 in t h e s t a t e is a n a c c o m p.m., and Sunday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. h e r s e l f " t o m a k i n g it t o t h e and 4-6 p.m.; with the small pool 1 plishment, they said, notfinal round. open 12:35-1:30 p.m. today, and i n g it w a s d i f f e r e n t f r o m Libke said the key w o u l d noon-1:30 p.m. Sunday Call 731 a n y o t h e r c o m p e t i t i o n in 3546 or visit www.ocsportsplex. be "practice, practice, pracwhich they'd participated com. tice." this year. Northwestern University EVANSTON. III. — Sarah A. Smith of Gaylord, a student in the School ot Music at Northwestern University, has been named to the dean's list for the winter quarter of the 2007-08 academic year. Students on the dean's list What: GHS team Debate & Forensics Night have attained a grade point averWhen: Monday. 5:45 p.m. age of at least 3.75 on a scale of Where: Alan L. Gomick Auditorium at Gaylord High School 4.0 Admission: Open to community, free of charge; donations acSmith is the daughter of Bruce and Jacquelyn Smith of Gaylord. cepted Northwestern is a private reWhy: "ThisisachanceforthecommunrtytoseewhatwedoonaweeWy basis, I'd love to have as many people as possible," said Coach McPherson. search and teaching university with an enrollment ot approxi"The biggest complaint I get from forensics students is that they wish the^ mately 7.500 full-time undergradknown about it eaiiter. This will give parents and students the opportunity to uate and 7,000 full-time graduate see us in action so they can decide If ft Is right for them or their students." and professional students on campuses in Evanston and Chicago. Check out debate & forensics Meet some Terrific Kids m - RECENT KIWANIS Terrific Kids from South Maple Elementary include (front, l-r) Maryann Olsen, Dominque Arevalo, Brittany Miller, Trenton Buschbacher, Andrew Snider, Erik OldHERE ARE SOME Kiwanis Terrific Kids from North Ohio Elementary: (front, l-r) Kaylee Pyke, enburg; (back, l-r) Kiwanian Judi Doan, Trever Clink, Collin Kwapis, Samantha Matushak, Chance Maser, Cameron Freed, principai Dennis O'Brien, Whitney Fox, Evan Atkinson; Brad- Sydney Koehler, Levi Lancaster and Ashley (^addell. Not pictured: Haley Klay, Nathan ley Umbaugh; (back, l-r) Kiwanian Howard Cheney, Kalee Tackett, Ana Jones, Destiny Potter, Stauffer Heaven Potter, Ashley Kreitner, Alwxia Delicata, Robin Little, Kegan Rickner and Kiwanian Courtaiy pho(o« Jane Cheney smmjuMLwrnm Join U n i t e d V e t e r a n s of A m e r i c a M w n b o n h i p OeCaRs U.V.O A weteomes all Veterans, their family members & Allied Forces of the U.S. to join. We fiave worWvnde members. Annual dues $25. Certificate, 1.0. card, coffee mug & details on how you, a member, can earn your degree from home with U.V.O A University Lunch M Fbr O w v w e k o T M a y I S - M a y 2 3 ; 2 0 0 8 Transfer Station Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. G e n e r a l Public W e l c o m e GS 20 EXPRFSS IWDRKOUT. (989) 732-4243 JOIN N O W ! Try LltUe League Drive, Gaylord, M l $|Qoo • MONDAY Pf>f M o n t h Dues GAYLORD SctWOLS C Nautilus FITNESS s y s t e m Whrn WrM 'Jv Arc lmpoft.ini 989-732-5820 1140 Gornick Ave near the Sportspie* www.garystempten.com firaylins Family Dentistry C. Thomas Mesle, D.D.S. ST. MART'S SCHOOL K-5 Lunch: $1.50 6-12 Umcll: $2.25 Milk: 25( DENTAL IMPLANTS YOU CAN AFFORDI JoBum - D o y o u h a v e a p r o b l e m w i t h l o o s e dentures? U n a b l e t o chcrw b e c a u s e o f m i s s i n g teeth? LEWWTON SCHOOLS C . T h o m a s Riegle, D . D . S . , u t i l i z e s n e w m i n i d e n t a l implants that can stabilize dentures, partial dentures a n d also p r o v i d e s i n g l e o r m u l t i p l e t o o t h replacenf>ents o f t e n i n o n e o r t w o a p p o i n t m e n t s . C a l l G r a y l i n g F a m i l y D e n t i s t r y at (989) 3 4 8 - 4 3 0 0 for y o u r free implant consultation. (Any nectMsty K-r*y» addWonal co«« 1664 Hartwick Pir>es Rd., Craytmg (989) 348-4300 • VANOOSMT SCHOOL K-4 Umch: $} 00 S-12Unch: $2.25 Milk: 25« TUESDAY WHWCSDAY THURSDAY FMDAY Baked chicken sticks, Hambur^r on a bun, French toast sticks with symp, string cheesy potatoes, carrot sticks, chococheese, hashbrown, tuna noodle salad, late chip cookie, orange slices, milk fruit, milk fresh fnjit, milk . Sack lunch Pizza, garden salad, Chicken taco salad with meat & cheese. Teddy Grahams, pineapple upside fniit milk down cake, fruit milk Grilled cheese, Ham & cheese on a bagel, tator tots, tomato soup, cheese & crackers, fruit pineapple & cottage cheese Chili cheese fries, pasta salad, fresh veggies, apples Chicken nuggets, ttce & gravy, com, pear? Tacos with fixings, retried beans & cheese, grapes Chicken patty, baked fiies, pears, carrots Walking taco or burrlto, salad, oranges Cook's Choice Pizza, salad, pineapple, treat Baked macaroni & cheese Chicken sandwich & fries Grilled cheese & chips Hot dog or corn dog, fresh veggies, bananas Burgers & fries Saturday, May 1 7 , 2 0 0 6 • C - 8 Q a y l o r d Herald T i m M • CMt Air Patrol. Gaytord Squadron, Thufsday, 7 p.m.. Otsego County Airport terminal building: inqulriK welcome • GM Scouts of Mlttsn Bay. seeking new memt)ers; for meeting times and dates call Colleen Wojtkowlak. 231-584-3485 • Otwgo County Democratic Party, third Tuesday. 6 p.m., U n i t ^ Way Building, East Fifth Street, Gaylord • Guardian Gals, open to slxtti- through lOth-grade girls of Otsego County, Atjtjy, 732-3826 • American Legiofl Post 458, Gaylord, fourth Thursday of the month, 7:30 p.m.. VFW Hall, 408 W. Main, Gaylord; all vets welcome • Otsego Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, second Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m.. Hospital Classroom; Anita, 939-7466 • Mottiers ot Preschoolers (MOPS). Zion Lutheran Church. Petoskey, 9:15-11:15 a.m. Open to all mothers with one or more children in kindergarten or younger: childcare and registration free; meetings the second and fourth Fridays. Zk>n is next to Northern Michigan Hospital: call Susan. 231-622-3839. • Mottwrs ol Prssclwolan (MOPS), second and fourth Thursdays during school year, 8:45-11 a.m., Gaytord Evangelical Free Church: child care provided; 731 9926 • The Michigan Highlands Audubon SocMy, second Monday ot the month, 7-9 p.m., varying locations: Tim Weier, 731-2859 • The Unhrarslty of Michigan Ctub of Gaylord 'meet and eat,' first Tliursday of the month, LaSejiorita: special prizes for wearing maize and blue; public invited • Heart ot the Pines Quilt Guild, first Tuesday of the month, 7-9 p.m., Quilter's General Store, 132 W. Main St., Gaylord; 7327012 • North Country Riders Motorcycle Club,second Wednesday of the month, dinner at 6 p.m., meeting at 7, BJ's: 732-7713 • Alpine Master Gardeners • Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. 9 a.m,. Wednesdays and Thursdays, Room 104, CountyCity Building; 731-7576 • Otsego County Veterans Affairs office and VFW counselor. Room 213, County-City Building, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; 731-7575 Veterans Services • Diabetes Support Group meets Tuesday, 6 p.m.. at the Pastoral Center in Gaylord; call 731-2194 • Straits Area Ostomy Association meets Sunday, 2 p.m., in the private dining room at Mercy Hospital Grayling, Call 989-939-8807. • Cancer Support Group, noon-1 p.m. these dates: 5/30. 6/27. 7/18,8/22,9/19,10/31, 11 /28 and 12/26. Otsego Memorial Hospital (OMH) Professional Medical Building conference room, 829 N. Center Ave,, Gaylord; 731-7760 or 731-2193 • Stroi(e Support Group, 2 p.m.. these dates: 5/30,6/27. 7/25, 8/29. 9/26,10/31.11/28 and 12/26. OMH Professional Medical Building conference room. 829 N, Center Ave., Gaylord; 731 -2472 or 731 -2193 • "Living On" hospice grief support group, first Monday, noon, 1732 M-32 West, Suite B, Gaylord, 705-2663 • Bereavement Support Group, every Wednesday. 5-6:30 p.m., conference room at OMH Professional Building; 731-2193 Of 800-252-2065 • Mornings for Moms support group for mothers of newborns, Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m., OMH Professional Medical Building conference room, 829 N. Center Ave., Gaylord; topics include baby massage, safety, baby talk, returning to work, sleep and Infant feeding issues; Assoclatton, fourth Wednesday ot tfie month, 6:45 p.m., United Way Building • Gaytord Cyrene Masonic Lodge, first Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m. 3707 S.Otsego Ave.; 732-7819 • Dingo County Fair Board, second Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., fairgrounds office: ^ 732-3811 • Edelweiss Garden Club, member of MGC, Inc. and NGC, Inc., second Wednesday of the month, locatnn varies; Roseann Kujawa, 731-6242 • Knights of Columbus, second and fourth Wednesdays, 7:45 p.m.; Fourth-Degree Knights, first Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.; Knights of Columbus Hall • The Lewlston Area Historical Society, second Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., museum; 786-2451 • Zonta Cluk, second Tuesday, 5:30 p,m.. Sugar Bowl Restaurant • Alpha Delta Kappa, first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m.; 732-4887 tor locatkm • Gayloid Chapter No. 119 Royal Arch Masons. 7:30 p.m., third Wednesday ot the month, Gaylord Masonic Temple • Rotary, 12:10 p.m. Thursday, BJ's Restaurant • KiwanU, 6:15 p.m., ThursGaylord Area B l a day, BJ's Restaurant and Catering Lodge No. 2544, • Gayloid Lions, 5:30 p.m., • second and fourth Thurs- second a ^ fourth Tuesdays, Eadays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge, gles Club, South Wisconsin Avenue 1116 Grandvlew Blvd., Gaylord • American Business • Narttiiand Sportsmen's Women's Association (ABWA), Club, first Thursday, 7:30 p.m., third Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., BJ's clubhouse, 1542 Alba Road; 732Restaurant 6389 • Gaylord Fact Rnders Ge• Camo & Lace, group of out- nealogical Society, third Wednesdoorswomen, final Wednesday of day, (except July and December), the month, Northland Sportsmen's 7 p.m., 600 N. Elm Ave Club, 1542 Old Alba Rd., Gaylord, • Fraternal Order of Eagles, call Connie Ouellette, 731-1906 first Tuesday of the month, 8 p.m.. for more information Eagles Hall, South Wisconsin Av• Otsego County United Way, enue noon Tuesday; 732-8929 for location • Daughtara of Isabelia. first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., St Mary Parish Hall; 732^ 4375, 732-3595 • Hie Oliago Ilka Atsodstlon, I fourth Tuesday, I 7 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church Service & Fraternal Clubs • Gaylord VA CommunityBased Outpatient Clinic (CBOC). counselors, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., except holidays; Jane Dunaway, 732-7525 • American Legion Post 458, fourth Thursday. 7:30 p.m., VFW Hall at the health department office in Gaylord; no appointment necessary; cost, $15 and property tax ID number required; lowcost assistance available for high radon levels; 231-547-6523 • Hospice of Michigan Support Group; first Monday of month noon-1:30 p.m., 1723 M-32 W., Gaylord, 732-2151 • Dental appointments for children and adults; accepts Medicaid, Health Kids Dental, Ml Child, Northern Dental Plan; 877321-7070 • Parkinson's Support Group, workshops, fourth Thursday of month, 3-5 p.m.. University Center, Gaylord: 732-1122 • "Living With Cancer" Community Education Ciasses, • Compassionate Friends weekly broadcast. Thursdays. Safe Harbor Chapter, first Monnoon-1:15 p.m.. via REMEC day (except holidays), 7 p.m., Telehealth Network system; Kelly Gaylord Evangelical Free Church, Guswiler, 231 -935-6576,231 1649 M-32 E.. for those who 883-8080 have lost children of any age or • WIC appointments availcause; Sue Taylor. 731-1933; or able at Gaylord office of the Lori Mead, 732-3209 Northwest Michigan Community • Otsego County CaregivHealth Agency; WIC provides free ers Support Group, third Saturfood for eligible pregnant and day, 10 a.m., University Center, post-partum women, infants, and Livingston Blvd.. Gaylord; Nancy, children; 231-547-0295 or 800731-2258, Dona, 732-1122, Ot432-4121 for appointment sego Haus, 732-4121 or North• Immunization appointeastern Michigan Alzheimer's ments for infants and children, Association. 989-356-4087 Northwest Michigan Community • Radon test l(its available Darla, 731-2124 • Montmorency County Alzheimer's Support Group, first Tuesday. 11 a.m.. MediLodge. 631 Caring St.. Hlllman, Beth, 989-742-4581 • Organ Transplant Support Group of Northern Michigan. every other month, conference room of OMH Professional Building; call Bev, 983-4188 or e-mail [email protected] for dates and times • HPV vaccinations available for girls and women ages 11 -26 at health department offices in Otsego. Antrim, Charlevoix and Emmet and counties to protect against certain types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and genital warts. Also available: appointments providing no/lowcost birth control and STI testing in a confidential setting; 800432-4121 for an appointment P • Veterans of Foreign Wars, third Thursday, 7:30 p.m., VFW Hall • Military Order of the Purpie Heart, first Wednesday, 7 p.m, fire hall. Wisconsin Avenue; 732-2020 Health Agency office in Gaylord; accepts Medicaid, or private pay per visit; 800-432-4121 for an appointment Support SI H e a l t h Groups • Ladies Auxiliary No 1825. Fraternal Order of Eagles, first and third Wednesdays of the month, 7 p.m.. Eagles Hall • LadtosAuxWaryofVFW Post 1518, third Monday of the month (except Nov. and Dec., whk;h are second Monday), 7 p.m., VFW Hall • American Association of Unhrarslty Women, Gaylord branch, second Tuesday of month, 6:45 p.m.; 732-4981 for kxatton • Daughters ot ttw American Revolution, 11:30 a.m,, second Saturday, BJ's Restaurant • Beta sigma PN, second Monday of the month; Barb, 7325901 • Friends of the Otsego County Library, second Tuesday of month, 11 a.m., library; Linda, 231 -546-3205, or Maureen, 7325841 • Parent Advisory Council (PAC), third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.. Career Counseling Room, Gaylord High School Govt, meeting weigh-ins, 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays: meetings, noon Wednesdays • Women's Resource Center, support group, Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., 200 S. Court Ave., Gaylord; 731-0918 • Meditation Class, first and third Tuesdays of the month, 6 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, East Main St. & Hayes • CODA co-dependency, noon Wednesday, Gaylord Church of Christ: 731-1500 Gaylord High School Yellow Ribbon Club, (Chapter of Gaylord), meets quarterly: Carmen Crane, 731 0969 • Reformers Unanimous, Fridays, 7-9 p.m., Grace Baptist Church; 732-5676 AA/NA/AI-Anon • Gamblers Anonymous, Croups 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Bethle• Northern Michigan Area hem Lutheran Church, corner of Front and Garfield, Traverse City: Information Service for AlAnon, call for meeting times 732-8966 or 705-8565 and dates for Northern Michigan • Breast Cancer Support groups, 989-590-7289 Group: Ram Courtright, 231 • District 12 AAHoUlne, 546-3158 or 989-370-8317; or 866-366-9588, call lor meeting Mary Pagels, 939-8187 times and dates • Gronving Through Loss • AA Gaylord Group, daily, Grief Support, last Thursday of 8 p.m., 114 S. Center Ave., Suite the month, 7 p.m.. Nelson Fu107. Gaylord, neral Home: 732-1770 • Three Legacies AA, every • Take Off Pounds Sensibly day, 11 a.m., 2397 US-27 South, (TOPS), Thursday, St, Andrew's Gaylord; 705-8565 Episcopal Church: weigh-in 6 • NA 4Sth Parallel Study p.m., meeting 6:30 p.m.; Mary Group, Thursdays, 7 p.m., and Piper, 732-1190 Sundays, noon, 2397 US-27 • Talie Off Pounds SensiSouth, Gaylord: 705-8565 bly (TOPS No. 1566, Gaylord), • Ai-Anon Support Group, Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m., weighFridays, 7 p.m., 2397 S. Otsego in 8:30 a.m.. Church of the Ave. at Alano Club, Gaylord: 731 Nazarene on Wilkinson Road 6242 • Weight Watchers, United • AA Foxhall Group, MonMethodist Church, Gaylord, days, 7 p.m., Peace Lutheran meetings, 5:30 p,m. Thursdays; • Otsego County Planning Commission, Monday, 7 p.m., in the Multipurpose Room at the J. Richard Vliill Alpine Center Church, Old 27 South, Gaylord; literature-based open meetings: last Monday of the month, speaker meeting: 619-2754. • AA Gaylord New Beginnings, institijtional meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m., 200 Livingston Blvd., Gaylord; 705-7171 • AA, 8 p.m. Wednesday, 1492 Marlette Road, Waters; 732-1759 • Al-Anon 12 & 12 Study Group. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.. Peace Lutheran Church, Old 27 South, Gaylord, no meeting when Gaylord schools closed due to weather: call 989-275-5802 or 989-619-7244 • AA Gaylord 12 & 12 study group, 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Gathering Room of the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 611 W. North St. • Al-Anon, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Diocesan Pastoral Center, 611 W. North St., Gaylord, 731-6242 • AA Gratitude Group, daily, 6 a.m„ Habitat for Humanity Restore. 1384 W. Main St., Gaylord • AA Women's mseUng, Tuesdays, 6 p.m., Gaylord Alano Club, 2397 S. Otsego Ave., 989858-0594 • AA Women's Group. Thursdays, 7 p.m., Diocesan Pastoral Center, 611 W. North St., Gaylord • Adult Children of Alcoholics, 7 p.m., Thursdays, Alano Club on Old 27 South, Gaylord • AA Association of Recovering Motorcyclists (ARM), Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 302 E. Main St., Gaylord Don't Miss Our 2008 Tour! •CANS actualsi^ Salute your favorite graduate Wish your graduate the best with a special message in the Graduates' section in our Saturday, June 14th edition of the Gaylord Herald Times 8e 6 weeks online. ^ctua/ Size For just '26.00 we'll run a photo of your graduate, plus a congratulatory message. BOYNE CITY Friday. June 6 • 7:30pra • Boync Ciiy Performing Arts Center Tickcts: Boync City Chamber of Commerce (231 >582-6222 CHEBOYGAN Saturday. June 7 • 7:30pm • The Opera House Tickcts: Cheboygan Opera House • (231 )627-5841 HARBOR SPRINGS Sunday. June 8 • 7:30pm • Hartw Springs Performing Arts Center Tickcts: Young Americans Box Office at BOYNE HIGHlJ^NDS (231 >526-3152 BAY VIEW Saturday, June 14 • 7:30pm • Bay View Auditorium Tickcts; Young Americans Box Office BOYNE H I G H L A N D S (231)526-3152 \()\n \ m i n in<. \ is v \ \ l x s i i k( \ k i > : GRADUATES' PAGE Graduate's n a m e . Message Simply complete the form below, attach a photo* and bring it or mail it to our office. We'll take care of the rest "Ptwto optional Your riame _ Phone Mo._ Please Include your * 2 e . 0 0 pagnneiit and tlM photo* w«h Deadline is Thursday, June 5, 2008 Nail to: P.O. Box 598 Qaylord, Ml 49734 or v Bring to: 2058 S. Otsego Ave. Qaylord, Ml v q a y l o r d HERALI^IMES ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 Qaylord Haratd Tlm«s Puzzles C - 6 • S a t u r d a y , M a y 17, 2 0 0 6 Sudoku I Ioroscoim: Fill in the squares so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box contain the numbers 1 through 9. 4 Z 9 1 GEMINI - M a y 22yiun 21 Gemini, your mind is in overdrive this week. Wednesday proves a day of greatest revelation. You've just discovered your master plan for the rest of the year. i - 4 5 CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, family members and loved ones show their affections and vent their frustrations in strange ways. This week you're faced w i t h many challenges. 6 ^ *9 -2 3 1 TAURUS - A p r 2 1 / M « y 21 Look ahead and cheer up, Taurus. The bad luck you've been facing is bound t o take a turn for the better this week. Forgive t h e people w h o have treated you unkindly. 5 2 8 V 7 8 : 5 2 ARIES - M a r 21/Apr 20 Give in t o the demands of friends this week. Aries. Others may take up your time, but you enjoy it. Show off your talents t o a willing audience and you're sure t o shine. —^ 9 1 - A place for sleeping 4. O n e of the y . R u s s i a n s p a c e stalii>n 12. P a r t o f a t r a i n t r a c k 14. C a u s e to lose c o u r a g c 15. D e s i g n e r C h a n e l 16. U p a n d a b o u t 1 8. C o m m o n ahhr. for otolaryngologist 19. S p e a k 2 0 . C\')uch 22. 7lh planet 23. 61454 24. Ball clubs 2 5 . I ' c e l i n g n o dt>ubt 26. W c x x i w m d 27. Pouches 2 9 . I .airs .30. J o e h r i d a y T V s h o w c l u r : s 31. .32. .34. 35. 37. 38. 40. 41. 43. 4447. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. I t s c a p i t a l is M u s c a t Wings M e a l s k e w e r f o r r<.>asling Rub Not here Nothing IV 10 t o t h e 1 0 0 t h pt>wcr Situated on an axis Not good Indian statesman Jawaharhil Large chest muscles C o w ' s m a m m a r y ghiiid Doyen Large northern deer S w e d i s h wcxxlwt^rking sys tern 5 4 . A luicleic acid 5 V 3 V 6 1 7 i s 28. 29. 31, 33. .M. 36. 37. 39. 40. 42 44. 45. 46. D i c g o . I-'rancisco, o r A n s c h n o A nucleic acid D r a m a s set l o m u s i c Repeated Yiddish prank or clowning Not lower Largest W. Lrisian island USCC5 n a v i g a t i o n a l s y s t e m Adhesive, duct or \ i d c o R<">man m o i m g i x i d c s s W i n d s o r lx>cks airptirt cixic Rapid bustling m o v e m e n t Partridge 1-amily a c t r c s s Susan 49, W e W . Rural deliverv • 1 5 3 VIRGO - A u g 24/Sept 22 You may think that the others around you are clueless, but ask for their help and you may be pleasantly surprised, Virgo. Take some time for fun on Friday. 2 UBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Fear is a thing of the past and curiosity takes over this week, Libra. You find t h a t those you thought were enemies really turn out t o be friends. A new job is looming. 3 2 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, it may sound corny, but a smile makes all the difference w h e n dealing w i t h someone difficult this week. Try a friendly approach before you go on the defensive, 1 5 SAGITTARIUS - N o v 23/Dec 21 You've been feeling the pull of nostalgia lately, Sagittarius. Hook up w i t h o l d friends t o see how they are keeping busy these days. You may be surprised at what you learn. 1 3 [ d o w n 1. U n d c r g a r m e n L s 2 . '1 n p c x J 3. A g a i n a n d a g a i n 4 . L a r g e s i / e o f # l dt>wn 5. Circ>up t>f 7 s h e i k h d o m s ( a b b r . ) 6. C h i g n o n 7. S m a l l inscct 8. O b j e c t p r c M o u s l y m e n t i o n e d 9. Ctroaned 10. R a p t u s 11. I - i s h s p a w n s 13. T e s t p a p e r 15. L i f t i n g d e v i c c s 17. I m p o r t a n t N a v a l m a n 19. l Y c d i l c c t i i > n 2 1 . Abht>rred 22. U n w m d i n g (like film) 6 8 5 4 2 7 1 LEO - Jul 2 3 / A u g 23 Leo, show some warmth t o someone w h o is less fortunate. It's time t o be the hero rather than the villain. You'll get a confidence boost and help someone in the process. • 5 1 i CI.UJ-S A C R O S S 8 5 3 ^ 4 • .j 2 9 5 3 ! 9 : 7 i 8 4 % 8 5 -7 8 3 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 2 0 Live large this week, Capricorn. You should have no problem being the life of the party if you only let loose and enjoy yourself. Romance is a good possibility, A Q U A R I U S - J a n 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, your true path may be elusive t o many, but the right people are g e t t i n g the message. You have many followers this week who agree w i t h your mission. 9 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 A feeling of generosity washes over you this week, Pisces, and you share the wealth w i t h others. Treat someone t o lunch or buy a gift. See page C-3 for Crossword & Sudoku solutions. V\An$200 List Your Garage Sale With Us & Watch Your tlnwanted Items Sen! Call the Gaylord Herald Times at 732-1111 2 0 5 8 S. Otsego Ave. P.O. Box 5 9 8 Gaylord, MI 4 9 7 3 4 B I M GO St. Mary Big Money Bingo In t h e Parish Hall N o r t h O h i o St.. G a y l o r d E v e r y M o n d a y - 6:45 p . m . New Program Smoke-Free Bigger Payouts Big Money Bingo Hudson Twp. Aux. Jackpots startir>9 at $10,000. In the Hudson IWp. Hall Camp Ten Rd., Elmira Evary Wednesday • 7 p.m. Ucf A21491 Purpose • go to th* P. D. a Oth«r ChtrMts 231-S49-3616 or 231-S4»-27t9 Indian River Bingo Eact M - 6 8 ftKateri Ln., I n d i a n River Evary Friday - 6:30 p.m. All Pap«r G a m e s 3 cover all jackpots Michigan Prograaivt 231-238-7041 IWn fundiforyour durlty by praantlng your MNGO g u M htrttCjH 732-1111 tad«y( Save money, time and effoit, eveiy day, when you shop a t ShopSmartUpNorth.com! You'll find loads of deeply discounted gift certificates for local services and (xoducts including; dining, golf, health & fitness, gifts, home care, automotive, beauty, lodging, recreation, antiques and morel Gaylord Now is just what the tag line suggests, where to go and what to do in the Gaylord Area. It covers activities such as music, golf, festivals, and many other activities. A golf directory is another useful feature of Gaylord Now. All events are upcoming, not covered after the fact. If you want to know where to go and w h a t to do for fun, this is the publication for you. -^^^This And now you have a chance to win $200 in gift certikates just by registering! Register by May 30,2008 at ShopSmartUpNorthxom special publication is printed six times* in 2008 and distributed to stands in Otsego, Montmorency b and Crawford counties I and many of Michigan's ' welcome centers. •May, June, July, August n September, December ShopSmart UpNorth .com M u s t f v g K t c r b)p M i y 3 0 , 2 0 0 1 t o b e HlQlite to wtfi. U p N o r t h x o m . or at S i M p S m n t - 4 )K$'cvd w W ) the words "ShopSmartU^North.aim Prtoskey Mtwi Hwigw. 319 StM Si, ,M 49770. ~ H e r a l d T i m e s Phone (989)732-1111 2058 S. Otsego Awe. • Gaylord, Ml • f Saturday, May 17, 2008 • C-7 Weekly TV Key May 18 - May 2 4 , 2 0 0 8 Qaytofxl Herakj Times WEDNESDAY EVENING - M a y 21, 2008 8;00 I 8;30 l 9:00 I 9;30 10:00 lO:30 11:00 11:30 American Md SwiMd ju2 Nec Fortunt 9f Fnandi New* Place your ad on the ahd R»tM f R*6« Law Onset Seon9«_[spCN;|9» Get CcM Caaa Ftos JD. 6:00 9 : 3 0 10:00| 1 0 : 3 0 11:00 11:30 7:00 1 7:30 8:00 1 8:30 9:00 6:30 Paid Paid Hunters CarikHj ZoDoo Dra Wish Paid Mes Eb6rt Insider House Paxl Nation Hour Of Power Diocdse^aylrd Health Outdoor Paid Barclay Today Meet the 'ress Sesame Street Sigtwo Good Morning This Week Discov [Detox CBS News Surtday Morning ] House Sunday Mom. Sian-OtI Cont'd Sign-OW Paid Paid ;ln PaKJ Detox Coral Ridge Hour Journal Beltway Fox and Fnends Sunday Thomas ^ Wild Out PaKt Paid [Paid Wait St Fox News Sunday Paid Fox News Live CNN Sunday Morning invesbQations Reliat)ie Sources Late Edition S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - M a y 18, 2 0 0 8 1 2 : 0 0 | l 2 : 3 0 | 1:00 1 1:30 I 2:00 I 2:30 3:00 1 3:30 1 4:00 i 4:30 | 5:00 ] 5:30 To Be Announced O To Be Announced [Movie "Jackie Brown" a Nation^ Heads-Up Poker Championship a j OfIRe Group lEuro a Paid Jim 1 indyCai Racing 03 m ff) Paid Paid j To Be Announced |Week-FWitics BizKidS jMehi jSaJanc NBA [investigations Yixir Money [Michigan Mem Ispewal Prog. iKing-Hid [Simp Simp King-Hill FamGt^ Amer Office Office Office Paid OtfrM _ Nature Lawrerx:« Welk [Van _ O) News ,^mal j StarTrek I Between CSI Miami Paid ABC Extreme-Home Extreme-Home News CBS 60 Minutes The 43rd Annual Academy of Country Music Awards News [jwo Funnies! jpunntesl Idol Rewind Scait>$ [Comer Baseball Tonight [ Desperate Housewives iiCarty ;h?0 SportsCenler Medium Movie T h e Pacrfier' IZoey 101 Home Im "[Home Im [Lopez The First 48 |CoW Case Files T h e Parent Trap" , Movie: The IrKredibles" ' Man vs Wild MLB Baseball • Tigers Law & Order j Losi World: Land Wop 50 Law & Order Quest-Lost Ark l-JaneDoe Face' ! Stones j^Mind ^Law & Order Movie 'Striking Distance" [Lopez I Movie T h e incrediWes" Deadliest Catch ttie Giants Tigers [Fir«l Sport Science I Q9 Stones €D [Mind Law & Order Ax Men ' Movie "Millon Doflar Baby" "Patnot Games" Frank Sinatra 'Pa* j Big Medicine Big MedKane ^ JMOVW -S W.A T- ~ 1 Big Medicine fsig Medigne ~|BigMediane fFi Amencan Momna DAYTIME AFTERNOON 1 2 : 0 0 l l 2 : 3 0 | 1:00 1 1:30 Maury [Law Order Ci O Feud iPaid 1 Days of our Lives a Vaned Programs o Rachael Ray ^All My Children o ^ [Bold CE) News jvbung-F estless Happening Now [The Live Desk Vbur Worid Today [Newsroom Happening Now America's Newsroom 1 Fox arx3 Fnends 2:00 1 2:30 3:00 People's Court Makxim Martha Stewart Dr Phil 3:30 Lopez 4:00 Paid 4:30 Paid 5:00 Siinp Oprah Winfrey News 5:30 J^Fam Reading [Cyter Arthur Ktaya Fetch One Life to Ltve General Hospital Jim Jim Ellen Show As World Turns GuKlir>g Ught Judge J. HoRy News Amenca's Pulse Studio B-Srmffi Vbur World BodyE JSitBeFit jlmagm [News Electk>n HQ The Situation Room M O N D A Y EVENING - May 19. 2008 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 1 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Semtold Bones [House K^ig-HiM Semleid News TMZ [Tonight _ Dateline NBC Arrwncan Gladiators News Fortune Jeop NBC EngiM Enjvall Fam G u ^ F a m Guy j Name jNiame Fam Guy [pam Guy FnerxJs Ray Ray C Rose American Experience Antiques Rdsho •Lehrer BUS4 Design My Wife Nighthne D a n o r ^ Stars The Bachelorelte Friends [ABC Entertain insider Big [Mother News less Ray Two Scrubs Scrutw Home Videoe Home Videoe Funniest | Funniest Home Videos SporteCenter Baseball Tonight SportsCenter MLB Basebal Chtcaw Cube at Houston Astros ^l_ [will Reba TMovie "Murder on Pteaaant Qriye* ~[Reba Still Smd [suH Stnd VAAC Moriday Nlg^t Monk L m iOnJ«r SVU Law S i ^ o ^ s y u Law & Order SVU lapez Sponge "jDraKe Sponge [Sponge Drake "[zoey Freeh Pr ^Pi^sh Pr Cotd Case Fitee CSI Miami Intervent^ _ Home Videoe The 700 Club 8 Rulea [d Rutes Greek Greek wmwiaw Made jMade Dir^ Jobe Caah [Cash Deadlieei Catch Dirty Jobs Tradi ]~Final Hooters P Hooters Pageant Stone Mtn Toughest Cowtwy Sport Sctence L M & Order Law t On^r Law A Order y The Real Slory Underwork! Modem Marvele Star W v s Tech Murder. She Wrote M'A'S'H JWA'S'H Texas Ranger Texae R a n ^ [Movie "S^wado' Movie TTie Magnificent Seven' Movie "Patriot Games' Cont'd [Mov*e ^ne4 Encounter* Movie Ttobeon's Choov' _ There [There Goes the Groom' Movie "Stealing Harvard M ^ '13 Going on 30* ^ uma luwe [Jon K a t e J j o n K g ^ J o n K m iJon KajTfuMe Jjj W^NottoWear lut5e [LitBe TUESDAY EVENING - May 20. 2008 j 6:00 ^ 6:30 : 7:00 7:30 ! 8:00 ' 8:30 Grey's Anatomy Entertain ineidef Ugly Betty CSI Crinw Sen WKhouta Trace Big Mother Ray Two Movie -Rollertkair WGN News Home Vkleos NBA Baskelt>all Eastern Conf Final Game 2 NBA Shootaround •Whars Love Got to Do With IT Still Stnd Still Stnd Reba Reba U w & Order SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order CI Law & Order SVU Drake Home Im fHome Im Lopez Lopez Drake Sponge Zoey The First 48 Crime 360 CSI Miam The First 46 •Willy Wonka & Chocolate* Home Videos Grourv] Ground 911. The Bronx 911: The Bronx 911: The Bronx Ktede Made Firtal Tigers MLB Baseball Seattle Marir>ers at Detroit Tigers Law & Order Modern Marvels Texas Rar>ger Apes' Cont'd Movie T h e Big Sky* Cont'd Movie' 'Hollow Man* :k>nri3 What Not 10 Wesi Rides Ray Nevrs-Lehrer Friends UBC News Law 4 Order: SVU Freeh Pr..[Fresii Pr. IMy Wrte News Nigtitbne Late Scrubs Scnibe SportaCentw Will jWril Bum Notice Fresh Pr Freeh Pr. The First « the 700aub Made Made Best Damn SO Movie 'Whisper' Movie 'Heaf History-Proetn Tougher m Alaska The Universe Mega Disasters Murder, She Wrote Texas Ranger Movie: "Code 11-14* Movie "King Kor>g^ Movie 'Jurassic Park ISpieltierg 3n Spielberg Movie "Jews' T h e Butterfly EffecT Movie T h e Butterfly Effect" Amencan Chopper Overtaubn' 1 Amencan Chopper | Miami Ink CBS Ray Ray Ray Ray Movie: "The Wedding Planner* Busi Euro Wash NOW Time Entertar Insider Ray Funniest i Funniest Videos SportsCenter Reba Sponge Matkxk IMovie'SWAT' Cash Cash Accessones Lew & Order Barbanans II M'A'S'H TM'A'S'H Movie 'Plarwt ol the NCIS Man vs WW Law & Order Funmest Funniest SportsCenler Reba Reba Law Orde CI Sponge Sponge Cokj Case Files e Rules 6 Rules Fresh Pr [Fresh Pr DAYTIME MORNING 6:00 6:30 7:00'! 7:30 I 8:00 | 8:30 | 9:00 | 9:30 10:00|10:30 11:00 11:3C Paid Montel Wilhams Paid News [News Paid 1 AgDay O News Million News Confd Joday a Word Place Super [Dragon Rogerajuore SignOff I Sesame Street ^Cunous Jchfford o The View Tym Banks Show The 700 Club Morning ] Morning i Good Morning America o The Pnce Is Right Regis and Kelly ! The Earty Show News Cont'd CQ Fnends First MLB BaaebeM New >tMl( MMs el ASenta Brawe. I Baaeball Tonight {Retoa JMOVW -Her Only CNUT SW Sind J S M Stnd Rebe Movie^*Nattonal Treaau^* Lawq^:Cl__ Sponge |orake Home Im Home Im Onte CSI Mtam est: Miann CSi Mami C S Miwn ABC CBS Fnends News Law Order Ci ^Murder. She Wrote ["Perry Mason. Heartbroken Bnde' Movie T h e Mating Game" MovieThe Core" Cont'd SB My WHa Icomer Movie Terrrinator 3 Roe of the Machnes' Movie Trtdey N i ^ Lights' Movie 'Frxlay N»ghl U g ^ ' Confd What Not to Wear I Jon Kate I Jon Kate Jon Kale I j o n K a w T j o f & Kate. SWno j j o n Kate Jon Kate 1 Jon Kite I Jon Kate FnerxJs o o 03 (0 CD CD The First 48 [ The Sopranos Law & Order I Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Quest I Ax ^ Men jMurder. She Wrote JB_New Detectives jAnny Wives jThe First 48 Cold Case Files Man vs. Wild "~}Replay Movie "Stll Small Vo«es" Movie • "Cnes in the Dark' ! Movie The Fast ar>d the Funous" [iCarty {News MLB Baseball New Vbrk Mets at New York Yankees 'A Man Aparf Drake Movte "RoNertMr FRIDAY EVENING - M a y 23, 2008 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 1 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Seinfeld News Paid S.Park TMZ Movne "Oieaper by itw Dozen' O King-H<l Seinteld News Tonight News Fortune Jeop Am. Gladiators NBC Datelme NBC O News j'Trw School of__B^" _ Masterpiece [Home Videos m cb SB TM2 Law i Ord^ SVU Movie- The School oj Ro^_' • Austin Powers tn GokJmember' SportsCenief SI 6B Q) [Newsroom 9:30 10:00 10:30 l l : 0 0 | l l : 3 0 9:00 jOaieime NBC Home Videos CD (B CD an m O) O) S3 jstg Story [Newsroom News Healttiy [Wichi PGA Tour Gott AT&T Classic -- Final Round War Stofies-North To Be ArvKXifKOd NOW [Micfii [nBA Basketball Cont Sen* --Teams TBA | f o * Online SUNDAY EVENING - May 18, 2008 6:00 I 6:30 j 7:00 ! 7:30 8:00 8:30 {nbc Ray HonwVidim Law&Otder Law & Order Payne FamQuy|FemOuy IPa?* Secrete-De^ J o e p r e a « o r v ^ _ ^ » w Sfadowe Lo« _ Teoelor Legal POM IS ''<1^ ^ THURSDAY EVENING - M a y 22, 2008 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8 : 0 0 8:30 9:00 1 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 S. Park Semfeid So You Think Vou Can Oarwa News Paid TMZ O King-Hill Seir>feld 'lews Torwght Deal or No Deal [ Last Comic Standing Nws Fortune Jeop NBC O News -rierids {Fnerxle Movie*Diary of a Mad Black Woman' Sex ft Ray Ray Ray Friends o Mars IMiss»on Chartie Rose Oueet-irtvest OM House Hr. News-Lehrer 3usi Wikler o NHL Hockey Eastern Cool. FinaJ -- Flyers at Penguins [Religion Weekend Live Late EditKxi Ei««riain Law&Onler MOVM 'TJODZIHA' HomeVtdeoe T ^ 7 0 0 0ub RulflC Is Hut« Mede [Pvlade |sv>k)ng^rw jMythEkittm MythBuetere Made |Made C«ah _ l c ^ ^'S*™ ^ Beet-Sporls M by Man: Bouwei MLB Baeeball Seattta Mannert at O e t ^ Tigera. P r e g ^ ]n8A BaaketbaJi Weelem C ^ . Final Qeme 1 Law & Order Law & Order Law & Ordar Moneterbueet [AX Men JlMan-Matfime Modem Marvete Th« Wratn ot Qod Modem Marvel* Texas Movie 'Bndal Fever* _ _ I^rdec, SheWfo«a yi*jrder M'A'S'H [M'A'S'H Texas _ jMovte *rhe Urxteteeted* H?? ^ Katia EMer* Cont'd Movie *£! Dorado' *Hid« ^Movie "No Mora Ladies' kAovte. •Oceana Eleven' | Movie- "Serpeente T 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 a o o n Q) ABC CBS FunniMt FunoMt SporttCcmer 'j<iop R«y WHd jRetja White MLB Basetjali' Angels at White Sox College Softttall' NCAA Super RegkKial Still Stnd Still Stnd Ret>a NCIS Drake Zoey 6 Rules Te Rules Ground Made 1 Ret>a Sexft Group Basebal Torvght NCIS fJCIS Sponge Jsponge Sponge CSI: Miam CSI: Miami Summer Survival MLB Baseball Minnesota Twms at Detroit Tigers. MyWite Nightbne Neivs Late News Scrubs WiM House NCIS [Sponge Sexft Charlie Rose SportsCenter Movie. "Girl. Posibve 1 Movie: 'Charbe and the Chocolate Factory" Man vs. Wikj Made [ Sun,nvorman Lopez Lopez Home Im Home Im CSI: Miami The Sopranos Home VxJeos The 700 Club Man vs. WiW Made Tigers Fmal iMade Best-Sports [insde NBA Baskettjall Western Conf. Fmal Game 2 |AX Men Shocl(wav« BatOe 360 [ Murder. ^ i e Wrote Movie: 'Storw Cokf Law & On)er Law & Order Law & Order QD Dogfights Modem Marvels Modern Mantis CB QD M'A'S'H IM'A'S'H Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Movie 'Jurassc Park' Confd Movie T h e Karate KxT 6) @ SI Movie 'Suddenly. LaSt Summer' Movie. 'How to Murder 'Vtour Wife* Movie 'The Last Samurai' Confd Movie: *Kinadom of Heaven' What Not 10 Wear What Not to Wear Isay Yes-Dress Record 20/20 NUMB3RS Moonlight Ghost Whisperer CSI Miami Cash Grey's Anatomy Two i Sponge Cold Case Files tcash [Nei{^ I Movie. "Dracula 2000" [ Movie: T h e OutK>f-ToiNners' "Last SamuraT IWhat NottoWear S A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G - M a y 24, 2008 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 Pinata 1 Pinata CnaotK WHADD Mich Paid Saved O Paid Today Fishmg U.S Farm Report o Mama Ammaka J Dragon CP Sign-Off Confd Emperor Animal Good Mommg Paid Sign-Off Paid o The Early Show Cake Horse Paid Animal o Fox and Fnends Saturday gD Satur CNN Saturday Mommo ] House EE) Investioations hoi^earsMjunger Wtiat f4ot to Wear 9 : 3 0 10:00 1 0 : 3 0 11:00 11:30 Turtles Ono VuGi Wmx Jacob Dragon Fnend Pen Cunous Mictu Geta Replace Raven Raven Montana Suite Care Straw Sushi Dtno Bute Busi Fort)es Cashin ChaotK hk)use Newsroom FlyTymg Newsroom S A T U R D A Y A F T E R N O O N - M a y 24, 2008 1 2 : 0 0 12:30 1 : 0 0 1:30 2 : 0 0 ! 2 : 3 0 3 : 0 0 3 : 3 0 4 : 0 0 4 : 3 0 5 : 0 0 5 : 3 0 MLB BaseibaJi Regtonal Coverage Without a Trace Lopez Cold Case Pax) O Golf Senior PGA Chanvionship - Third Round. Equestrian Countd Paid Veggie Jane a Baking House Twdwrig [ Sews iHlh J^rfc Work [Home Garden Mo Tracks o jPaid The Medal Jim Rangers Rangers NBA o PatO [WNBA Basketball PGA Tour GoH Crowne Plaza Invitational • Third Round. To Be Announced Pakj Paid Paid CQ Paid Big Story Special Prog. War Stories-Nortf) Fox Online SB WeekerKt Live Newsroom Tvtoor Monev t^ewsroom Invwttoattons Newerooffi Newsroom SATURDAY E V E N I N G - M a y 24, 2008 6:00 I 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 i 8:30 I ^9;00 ! 9:30 ll0:00 10:30 l l ; 0 0 | l l : 3 0 S(ADtv Baictay Idol Rmrirx) Cops jC^^ps _ iMoet Wanted SNL [ Last Comte Standing To Be Announced Forturw I Jeop Movie Tltamc* Kir>g jKing Bin Moyers Journal [Austin City UmltB ]ned ]"f^ _ jGkjbeTryy Lawrence Welk Entertain EdltKm NBA |nbA Basketball: Eastern Conf Final Gan^ 3 CSI: Miami "two 48 Houn Mystery Mo^ *!*"'_ Accees Hollywood Scrub^ Reno WON N MLB BasebaU Chcsgo Cube at Pitttburgh Pirates Home Videoe SportaCenter Baseball T o n ^ t SportsCentar [coOege SoftbaM NCAA Super Regional College S c M ^ Grey's Anatorrty Movie l^/hite Oleender" "Long L ^ Son' Movie, "^torm CelP Law A Order: SVU Law Order Cl Law Order Cl Law Order CI Law 0 ( M Ct Law Order CI Home Im iHome Irr^ Lopez [Lopez Drake [orake D a ^ Drake ] Drake ic^__ /jnaked_ _ M ^ Under Siege' Movie *Llr>der S«9e' Movie T h e Last Boy Scoi^ MLB Baseball News I NBC SemteW [Seinteld Antiques Rdsho Paidi Iabc News_ >8 jcBS Movie >lBrry Ratter and tfie Prteorwr^ AAaben' "Robin Hood* "Charlie and tfie Chocolate Factory* Mean jMean | DeadHeet CaWi [vAenntnators MythBuaters MythBtMrs Alaska Exper Two Countnee MLB BasebaN Mmneeota Twns at DetroH T i ^ _ Tigers Ifigers •^eddkig Date' "Save Last One' Movie T h e Wedding Det^ JmovM *Bew)ttf>e(f I^UnderworM Quest tor the Loet Ark History of V>e Joke Modern Marvels Movie TIrvM Appfoech* Movte "Stom Cold* [ • p » a » W a h 4 The CradidownMovie •Death Wlsftr _ Movie "beeth Wish r breaker MoranT i •Red-Courage* Movie Too Lata the Her^ Confd Movte ^ ' t i e of Glory' XOays _ Movie T h e League o* Ertfordlnary Qertlemen' Movie Vm^dom of Hsysn* C < ^ d Flp iHouse {Houee [Trading Spacee jMovlng Up Property Ladder [Moving Up Television Netwvorks Key C h a r t e r C o m m i i n i c o t i o n s C.thle L i s t i n q s for G.iylortJ Aro.i 9 : 0 0 T 9 : 3 0 110:00 1 0 : 3 0 | l l : 0 0 | l l : 3 0 | 98 Headline News S.Pvk Kng-Hrii 3»nwld News hel^ktichan 99 Chailer Info Network Law t O f t i T SVU news |NBC Fonune imkommsa} 2 Local access [OfBce [ s ^ FamGuy FaiflGuy ^ Q u y [ F a t n ( ^ OWc» Fnends Iftay [Ray 3 WFQX - FOX 33 C f w g FofTOUT^ r s n t s Tninkng hcnt, Lehrer IBU» 4 WPBN - NBC 4 DancrioWHhtieSlsrs 5 TBS Fnentt ABC EniBrtan Oancffv Stars 6 WCMI. - PBS 66 CBS |Ray NCIS 7 TV Guide Channel Funniest jFunnecf 'HornsVideos MLB B a s a b M C f t i o g o C u t m t Houston Aslros 8 WGTU - ABC 29 SponsC«nler lf«A Lodery [NBA B f l s M b i l E M < f n Cont- FinsJ Qsme 9 QVC Movis *A Kidntpptng m t f F s f f i / smstm smsmd 10 W\fcTV-CBS 10 ii I L a » & O f d s r :eSuW LawiOdsr.SVU U w Oder. CI 11 Cable Marketplace L j w A OKtsr: SVU Frssh Pr H o f i f l m iHomsIm 12 WGN SpooQS ipfsto JSpo^ 13 Local Access Qm\t SbTvnons Ti«FM48 CddCassnss 14 C-SPAN The 700 .8m>s 18 mm 15 EI Entertainment 16 Disney Channel MibiBfDwn iMLBOssstslSsstltMsnnsfsHOstaKrqif*. 17 ESPN KwtOidy ^ AOrdsr 18 Lifttime 19 TBN Qwdwd Hodsm Msrvsls ModmMwcli VH-1 20 Muf«sr,9hsWro«s -L 21 Outdoor Life mo>^: " O M f t o ' C o n W 22 USA TtwMiWheahotLfcsrtyViiwc* ConfO 23 Nickelodeon M(M»:'Phon* B o o r M(wi»' 24 A A E iamm "oartiaue'conrd 4eHr£wKtsnM [ P i i s l n i M|<1 MysL Hr-E«idsnc« 25 TNN ivwitwi&wsf Tn<w onset m 26 Weather Channel 27 Comedy Central 28 Food Network 29 MTV 30 Family Chaiuiel 31 ESPN2 32 FOX News Channel 33 CNN 34 The Diacovery Channel 35 FOX Spofts Detroit 36 TNT 37 CNBC 38 History 41 Cartoon Network 42 PAX-TV 43 National Geographic 45 Game Show 46 Hallmwk 47 Golf 48 CwMtTV 50 AMC 5i TCM 52 FX 53 MSNBC 54 HGTV 55 Sci-Fi 56 TV Land 57 Clanic ESPN 58 Toon Disney 59 Animal Planet 60 CKfT 61 WB 62 EWTV 63 Local Access 64 Tech TV 65 Speed 66 WE 67 Bravo 68 Oxygen 69 Trvvel 70 Heahh 71 HSN 72 Soi|iaet 73 C-SPAN2 74 TLC 75 Inipintion Uaiied B * k SsUebo Ejqmmdtd ernie mtmh C - 6 • S a t u r d a y , M a y 17, 2 0 0 6 Qayford HarakJ TImas Having sold my auto repair shop, I will sell the following at public auction. From Gaylord, take 1-75 10 miles south to exit 270 (Waters), then west 1/4 mile to Old 27, then north 1/4 mile. M h O O i a-.iiK«. S a l u H t e i f e . W t e n a f t . ZIMiai 1 0 4 8 8 1 OMiaal'., w a t e i a i . . M i c h i B j a n i FORD TRACTOR, DUMP TRUCK, VAN, PONTOON, FISHER SNOWPIOWS; Ford NAA tractor w/loader & pallet fork aftachments^xj rubber (runs strong) • 3 Pt. rear back blade • 3pt. landscape rake • 1989 GMC 3500 series dump truck, 4 W.D.,auto. trans., only 27,000 miles • 1992 Dodge Caravan (runs good) • 1978 VW bus for salvage, has axles • 16' aluminum pontoon boat v//new bimini top, captain stand & swim ladder • Honda 15 h.p. outboard motor w/stand & gas tank (like new) • (3) like new Fisher snowplows, 9' & 7-1 / 2 ' RD & stainless X blades, many different truck mounts available (buyers choice) • Lots of misc. Western, Fisher, Blizzard & Curtis plow components to include frames, controls, lights & edges MECHANICS TOOLS & SHOP SUPPORT REIATED ITEMS (All very well maintained): Snap-On 7 drawer roll around tool box w / 4 drawer tool chest • Snap-On alternator/battery tester • Snap-On battery charger • Snap-On tap & die set (metric, SAE, USS) • Snap-On lug off set • Snap-On steering wheel puller • Snap-On 3 / 4 " air impact wrench • Snap-On 3 / r - a i r ratchets • OTC 1722 transverse engine support • OTC 10 ton porta power • OTC 25 ton arbor press w / open throat • OTC hub tamer • OTC Ford timing chain set • OTC fuel line disconnect set • 8 Ton engine crane • Transmission jack • Hi-Lift pallet jack • Lift Rite pallet jack • (4) Snap-On 5 ton H.D. jack stands • (2) 2-1/2 Ton floor jacks • Acetylene torch set, gauges, tips w/cart • Lincoln 180 amp welder • Machinist tool box w/carbide tools, mics, inside gauges, radius gauges,etc. • Vernier calipers • (3) Engine repair stands • 30 gal. gas caddy w / pump • 15 Gal. pressurized lube dispensers w/metered guns • Gear lube dispenser pump on wheels • Floor creepers/engine work platform • Kuboto 1000 watt generator (like new) • Honda 5 h.p. power washer • Johnson horizontal band saw • 3 / 4 " Drive socket set w/breaker & ratchet • Pitman arm puller • Slap hammers, 1 w/spindle socket • Gear pullers many sizes & styles • 660 amp jumper pac (12 volt) • Vacuum pump for A/C & R12 set • Fuel injection pressure tester set • Champion fuel injection cleaning set • Dorman fuel line repair set • Stant cooling system tester set • Numerous hand tools to include screw drivers, large wrenches, pipe extractors, cutters, assorted pliers, ratchets, sockets, nut drivers, etc. • Sandblaster w / hood & 15' hose • Cox auto hose reel • OTC & Snap-On spindle sockets • OTC air hydraulic pump (new in box) • Tie rod tools • Tubing benders • Flaring set • C-Clamps • Bearing vise • Exhaust pipe expanders • Ball joint press • Craftsman 1 h.p. air compressor • Craftsman 9" radial arm saw • Milwaukee sawzall • Milwaukee 3/8" & 1/2" drills • Milwaukee 4-1/2" grinder • Milwaukee 14 volt cordless set • Drill press • Craftsman 8" bench grinder (new in box) • Dayton 8" bench grinder • Mikita grinder • Branick air powered strut compressor • Lock out set w / key set picks • Air fuel ratio meter • Power probe (new in box) • Fluke #88 multi meter w / pressure transducer • Quantity of 2x4 shelving • V^ork benches & welding table • Steel parts cabinets (many different sizes) • Sparkplug cabinet w / Bosch platinum plugs O d r t s drawers filled w / electrical supplies, drain plugs, cotter roll pins, trim fasteners, etc. • Drill bit rack, full from 1/16 -1/2 (100 s pes.) Nut "BTKIt rack, 3 metric SAE, USS 1 / 4 " - 3 / 4 " • Quantity of pipe fittings • Fabricatioa steel • Motor manuals to include Chilton, Ford, IN, etc. • Many more shop related items JEEP PARTS, GUNS, COLLECTIBLES, OUTDOOR & MISC. AUTO. RELATED ITEMS: Jeep parts to include hood, fenders, T90 trans., Spicer 18 transfer case, 225 V6 engine, canvas top, light bars, seats, wheels • Blue Ox tow bar complete set-up for Jeep V/rangler • Assorted receiver hitches & tow bars • Trailer torsion bars & hitch heads GUNS TO INCLUDE V/hite Wonder 10 ga. single shot shotgun • Remington speedmaster 22 cal. semi-auto rifle • Marlin 22 cal. pump rifle • Stevens "Crackshof 32 cal. rifle • Russian SKS 7.62x39 m.m. rifle w / custom stock • Carcano 6.5 m.m. rifle • Dutch Humburg 1908 Army bolt action rifle • Stevens/Savage mod. 311A 20 ga. double barrel shotgun (nice) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS INCLUDE 3'x6' floor model safe • Antique steam engine/generator • Large wooden butcher block • Sinclair porcelain gas station sign • Other steel signs • Coleman nickel plate lanterns • Ammo, boxes • Jacobsen H.D. snowblower • Toro snowblower • 5 H.P rototiller • 125,000 BTU self contained furnace A / C unit • Sams Club Stainless 4 burner grill • Bubbas Barbecue stainless deep fryer w / baskets • Coolers & camping gear • Assorted garden tools • Hydraulic lift gate for pick-up truck • Warn M8000 winch (new w / cable) • (4) New Bridgestone Dueller tires, size 275/75R/16 • Many used tires & wheels • FORD 170 6 cyl. engine, complete (runs) • (4) Assorted floor model shop fans • New Noscor Goodwrench jacket • Many more auto related items • Jewelry wagons AUCTIONEER'S NOTE; Waters Garage will continue business as usual with the new owner. Bring your friends, trucks & trailers. All items ore clean and in reody-to-work condition, featuring many name brands such as Snap-On, OTC, Craftsman and Hondo to name a few. There is a forklift on site for loading. Sale held outdoors. Your attendance is appreciated! PREVIEW/INSPECTION: Friday, May 23, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. OR, for more sale info, phone Ron Schwarz at (989) 858-6010. TERMS OF SAl£: Cash or Ml check with proper I.D. Visa, Mastercard and Discover Cards accepted. All items to be settled in full before removal from premises. Not responsible for accidents before, during or after auction. Everything sells as is, where is. Auctioneers act as selling agents only and assume no guarantees or liabilities. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed matter THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING. For a complete listing with photos, visit johnpeckauctions.com. Lunch on grounds. Waters jGarage^S ' E ^ i p m e n t more sale information, call Ron Schwarz at (989) 858-6010 • 10483 Old 27, Waters Michigan lOHlf PECK AUCTIONS LLC - Auctions 8 Appraisals Gladwin, MI (989) 426-8061 • Log On johnpeckauctions.com Saturday, May 17,2008 t y oavl-cmo H e r a l i ^ ^ I M E S 1( • ! • ( • y t w d M i i f i w I • < •fltnfrMl77-ll9-6170 e-mail: [email protected] 2058 S. Otsego Ave. P.O. Box 598. Qaytord, Ml 49734 CoLDWELL BANKER l l>c Huliiv's k v h n o l o t i v In ailviiiKC \ o u r i.;iivci l iiul out h o w l>y liillins: u s at W ) SCHMIDT REALTORS 732-6777 l u o k l f i f l tor M i c h a y w * Property? i ww.mlatormlfitmym.ooni Lois Skinner 1 Call Fred Smith REALTOR ASSOCIATE 1989-939-7008 Cell: (969)614-1030 TOP AGENT 2007 A$SOCIAI{ RRClKR cmix.h 1 vi(» I Four bedroom buMer't hocm loor I p ^ , master suite wHh luxury both, ceramk] I step In shower, fullfinishedvvakout I basement with family room, office, y* bath, land 4*'bedroom. 2K car garage. Large I deck, central air, irrigation s y s ^ , super I inflated, energy efficient natural gas. 13.400 square f e ^ Reduced to $219,000 stuhqgonm^ wu£yvcws wu£yvcw9 bay front cathedrd ce*ng chalet looking r t o common • I ground. Located in Mchaywe at the end of a c i i - 1 de-sac. See the one today* ' S14&600. MLS»2560e2 i i opm faar pim o i n I twdwood toofs, [ I O*!**' ljTHaycondo.9to6ioonA^b«hi«id3 lmk.pmtocatonto tnjoSwSSm I GREAT VIEWS 20 wooaed. loing acfas. 4 bedtoorns, I 11/2 bats,formal{fcvig. I 3 garages, asphan dnve, newer fod, fi/nace ard hot gas. and firepiace n • oroom.Home warranty. GREAT UP-NORTH spot cr the late. &g, beajofJ. serene Bradford Over 200 acne lake. 1X * deep. GreattorftshriQ tFOut cr |ust IMLS«256ir7 j.ooa misiraso^ f Pnl L y n c h - G o c b c l Ro.iltof As.soci.ilr Bri<in G o e b c l L i c m s r d AsbiMaiit jjibb 11 www.iynch90cbci.com ^ 1(989) 731-0100 ALMOST3DOO" o< total iMng space. 3-5 beAoomsa Udosets! Large tvme r a wooded settrg. Home waranty&apptences. &1 >4.900. MLS<2S6(XC mmgrn www.BillMartella.com Search MLS listings at www.Gay1ordMlciiigan.coin View Visual Tours at www.Gay1ordMichigan.coni FOUR BEDROOMct^in Lalias o( tne Norm. Needs some TIC. Sb:.gOO MLS '256252 Connie Blotske, gklche Associate-Broker Offtoe: d 8 B - 7 3 2 - 4 0 4 7 Res. 989-732-S410 [email protected] great Pf«C£ adjustment! Tteei yomii to the Ueras r Ms m the up-ttKWt home onOtsagoUke 3beOarr» (ncUM 2 mear sutes). U tMths. 3 jMKirv mm, attnaM dKkng ard an CMrasHl gBragetoryof c n and to|S. guM kxaoori Alnsant•429,WO LARRY SCANLON C a n show you any h o m e i n 4 . 6 A C R E S WTTH A P O N D ! Ntce setting for I tins 3 bedroom, 2 bath horne witti master sute. open island kitcr>en ^ spM fkxr plan. Home is neat and clean Large pole b ^ witt) wood heat aid 20 amp service. Sold as 6 $ 8 8 , 0 0 0 . MLS 1 2 5 6 9 1 0 nur M L S 732/0555 FREE O F F E R l "Visual Tour" completed on homes listed with Larry. www.GaylordMlchlgan.coin OTSEGO L A K E FRONT OREAT C O M M E R C U U - B U L n N O on busy S. Otsego. Excellent retail kxabon. I Building has a 9 ^ reputation for businesses. I Price includes storage units. $250,000. MLS #252288 Find all northwest Michigan properties here! (969) 732-4661 Mike Heath Reeftor-Assodate t n ' > (989) 732-4106 a S c o t t Scheer (989)390-4444 lhomesingaylord.com I 989.619.0400 micham hcdtti^nnac com GREAT VALUES A View From Your Room! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 4 car gaage, Mcrkshop. gretf lot and neightwihood ^ X 5C 199k) honxr Kiiclwt anilBrvMS, deck, caipcrt, and shect^wr«^^ area Pids of Qwnenrt} nsde and ouH Siefooc, mls 'tb&dl $74,900. $144,900 CUSTOM BUKJFMNCH HOME vM(hUyfinshed«ahcu^ I besemenL BeaiMAy frohea {htcus^ioutftcmaLage cagnga.a«gre(l Luxury Condos on Michigan's only Fazio-designed course. Rental Mst helps cover cost of ownership. cindycl.irkrod 'I'chiirtcr.not SZTCjoSr MLS I2S close to town wtth wonderful vcws; Mow-r condteir. 3 bednxms. V5 b t f s . and U J basement partiaVy finehed. Man floor lauti^. Al on an , I acreotlandMaurstoronlySltTJOO. M t S t M i > 1 1 8 | FrinKTodd S o h m i d I m.mmu' 1 2 bedrooms 1.5 baths, 2liX sq. ft. 2 car garage, and | Mchaywe amenrtws. $ 1 6 8 . ^ . MLS t (989)732^211 # SALES ASSOCIATE for th« M o n t h of April 2 0 0 8 THIS HOME COIAD oe yor ye*- - _I GflEXr - _ LOOmON -.. . lor. ir« 5 Mnwr ar lOUTSTANOING PROPERTY near I GUEST HOME currentty shms electn-l3 BEDROOM CHALET sty<e Hon OftBCREAT START© or twiwier* home! I GREAT LOCATION on Otsego Lite's e Jpneofi R w Slate Forest Nee home. Bcal, well iseotc with another oroperTy. 1 3 5 acres Pn«Ieroadoffers great seclu-Hifl a J,5S?^I twme or yar twe( x-ricrtf. aetawayM 2- uatfi i w * mti Smiy room, 19de! These 3 onages st on SO' of ss' caRral ar. deck and 25 at«ds on o"8'*9eic«. w/Au- MlSB frec^-*^ - a la Boarage. pole barn, and pond or 14 acfssHfleooaessiOn, sow as « $89,000. MLSlson Sow as 15, repossession ItantageEac^ toiisge feat jbs 2 t Bewwd (Mr^. r s M i tnch 8 a New rOT7- Ftoct, sa" l o t pme forest This is a MUST S f f i l l 2 6 ^ BmlS#2SW16 I roorr^. T &aI^ and lave crs ; and targe QeOooms. Move r and e I a cianteU.and >0 wier heaer iou :« IOWT Exceleni !arMiy "Weai. I al the L a ^ c f me Ncrtli amerttes. t •$129,900. MLS 1256418 l&«Un).llLSt2S6417 j resQcrait srpcr and :luChouse, B tr I ensgy-eftoent finsce r 2005. M oi th I aOM grord poo and a fn p( b J «pansf« go* eoine ^ifcu »" I vioySl34^ML£ (258301 |$1dSaiailLSI2S6361 Tsegoura m L A R ^ W 1 - V H O M n T r t t t i e f M r ^ ^ OOWWTOWN FtfMgnCywQ l a n d B W 3 BEDROOM. 1 8ATH HOME inllARGE 36EDROOM. 2bath HUD sec-HOUTSTANDtNGHOMEonOtsegcL^ comfort you wH «v» need! the East s r t a w e e o m e & i ^ B p f W P W n . Over20,000sq.fLQ^ d beauWui Heart ijke frontH*.p Qraytng. 24 x 24 detached garage aodHtxral on over 4 acres. ExceUem vatoe.•Uwigmorn.diiwgrDorn and jSermas-Band i^^masdeairated, Bstor* frepUce adorns the great foornHr wrter & sjnmer 4 Bedrooms, 2.sl8t«d wrehouse space S two rytedMlnduded w» ^ ncejront deck Regouesson. sM) a s l ^ d e t a ^ Trex decx fireptm, Anderwn wndms.1 new 6 lanei doors, iryjudes dock and • wall, inany large vvmdows to take m the Ibetht, 1600 n . ft- of EXTRA QUMjfvlincome homes. ExceDerH location lor a B a 3C 140 machne shed and a 36 x 461 P U a i x r M ^ n H s h a d e d ' l 6 ' octagonal deck. d o d i M l (ssomx t246—2be 'r«y/annalbcm 'sost ho«l Oversi»d garageBv«ws and * bedroorrts and 2 baths.1 |C0I«TRUCT1W 2c*gafaQeandaddt-r the back 40 acres. What are vcu weitrgHdeck weitrg|deck cn the tMCh. 16x241 tMech. AdiMonal Adotx •w«n 1/2 Dfltr.yid 10'doors. QHisaloiu.Hall come togettw givra you the t»meHtnnal garege for the ton! A beoitAjil M to see i}« one loda/1600,00(1 • stcraoyarm al the !Ud. ' 1 y o u t i s v e a l ^ 4 « a r W d . S 2 M , m l n o r n e on Hurt Lale. (338,900. M 5 l >1253673 MLS W5M66 Imui:— THINKING OF SELLING? Iccrrmtcrta and wrfutjg. • torn master bedroor^ sute. reei "Ckoryl 0,00a MLS 125206 irecentiy remooeled 4 bedroom ^boaesmianftr^stmekelervqnnl^-l i loft. 3.s belh home f Mchnwe WxdHrtly for a moMM o p e r W MoMMd Ml-1 I lh«mal wridcwi. ceratk tia i hardmxxlhn tm dQ i («ed cin lumoue oeskw t tktefl , ICUSTOM B U U m HOME on 20| IGREAT COMMQICUL BUHOINC o n | 1 wooded acres Home <eetures over 2.30CIbu^ S Ouegc Ejueiiem retail loca-f |G«i ««ti% agidona* sox sqiml a s - l '^-1 Bu4dina ^ 1 graal repulAon <c4 • taipkjB-2C0! iecuttia%» Isq. tl on the mar floor pkjB'2C(ls()Ljaratoaipolet jr«sses Pnce includes storage u-"<ts.l " i 6.25% 6 ^ I KWBSI co.*3 I Mufti-lenl bvmg « i t i om. 4 b in 4J>% 56J2S% Mwtcet it eondHionnfBnf|i)win " Iflnrw fleerlaraty. lpiua«niried nwerinel NaaM b — ' I the 4tt onen and S«i Me of m ' |praacaira.&amoamuia Qaylonj Cddwell Bartor Sold Share i n O t s e g o C o u n t y In April 2 0 0 8 . www.cl>gr»1lali<ia r o m List With The Leader! _ . _ j d fia 2nd t t * erti iMairtaivLjta c o m a n UU«|we Owl I 2005. tt<« guiMy Garfekj ItMween the PlQaon and the 1 'vw ipplBKaa,! • rnen T«D-(tcry fralice. Austrai>an| turas 3 beOborrv ««i a matMr smte.l Icedir adiC hone 1tw» ut «n»»cal nge. •«tftand! 2 oaitwioine. Unehed bonua room &l I c m a a floortn^ * y v t t . iwmd arw fe ireew situoa i • airwcooitatfina LoMriMiQaaoon| | U Cianienl «lh ei^eas window i 3rd| I and utMy. pkji M rnaMr mtfi oAce < lb#i aia^aCiti Eme ndkjde' 1 Miem. 2 bts. lartdecm and at «ipt>I mtv catw. tto more beffooms n ; I coBaga. IHMOD. MIS n s i a n Isacunvi home ocmno wdl PEACf IQUKT«>yatfwr>« . I b u i by an anMaa tor na own home [ oftttefmm rwd. vtonmrmy deemed I s car ginge Some andl n e w v 3 bedoyn. 2 bmh tiome wvh • IhMiad Perfect tor hom &uaMe«.l m weiBui Maameni m aeta back of I C M m. mmf i^gndaa. and i c ( * - l XittciBRDed walcM^e ibundwca o l _ lancea «iduMd M M e (vgotiMa T •a khi «otf deck or 4n«*q nomb OC Mod , NW LOT. ioo«*rtBi: i * w r ( ««i. deaeV awmmtiia n * ZflnrtcarwcMi ^andouUoar«oodbkmngflfwce. I NMural gai aacuniy lyHani.l.... ... . _ (80 pM buridng and v adotnnil 101 j»eondKoi«io.«tii^)adackHa'>rngnloariocaaanil»dhrotQ^M " I w d many ertraa H o m e becka up toHSkrefeeptoe. «ta3od<t«]brkro»| H<(y$99.S0C a. mis 1253639 la 600 acre reeane. ht addMonal grxm p m i n g thnugtauL | « MiaUa tor $4000 aj uplenceaHgaa.atyMtir<aM ia(|«no fckmsnuaucm Iva ixAidad « th» must aome n h . KfcHan wan j a r i h r alflmmpodandtono^^ aiohncea exm Mihar Space torltlwliinkia - - — • — — Q etc Homer . homeibsixateareadaoanthmpd. 1 ^ r m {jpm leeaaa t>\ l i O M M O i m m n , lejcpnonm. hoik n a 201 i | « a L - M L T M-nWN H O m AHBOUHOUK |«owom vi mon h i n t tolfejoo lelar contw wt"be medaj^"^ I « • I M »»yw> IOC»-| r>ck«a« [Mm. Hone n« tm bed-|«ciomtomhwtoraeeandaandhe«twip.dacklmofaim .wmw^fwwimae. iickdnowc^.liiwil^^ mm. •dktt MidoM. dwmbhar i armlNai pm wi be shml cmd ce^rcbdedhmobluima md«rmiomri40da(i.t.c<^«mdlngi. mpia tmomitartng,m am. vmm nmnttaplaalmaaiiw«|maota,j^cebimvam t pen] I |l*e low qiwtor•• naharti gai- immandrmminal d<am««pap• di b—nnt leeda aona tic.1 tftopp—.wMaafcPw^ •|a»e»^pil'fvwe>v la^teto imtmm Im^M H Q i M bnce Speoei tome faojnd | •tWjlOaMLSWIW 2.2 acne landacapng • umatmbialdhdad Otaego Uka acceie w«^ fngttn, ponda and pemwi •oency ipplifcee. O a a i mn i HwOwoeda n •« bkk of (no we^ewfuiteemer*, B.MMa w i e liwffo minam «0f cool up«Vl0B,a(«itar1 COLOUiCtL BANKGR C ibj: uwecemwctwuaio* ttmad itobk s*ade Miy itma aaioaakan « I v m 4 M M (t O t f c i i on 41 olke.ttytlimswm« I- —TO « w u | • « • ! » Cty En*ani loembn itmtomi neaih aMsa i KMi 00ii«tBtorl a m Mwy • M a « to e t a a e ton a t * » • tii«9va«mtaallu«ai • I 0mm. m Qaytord Herald T i m — deaalflada 2 » Saturday, May 17, 2006 ClahsHud Index CLASSIFIED &l|iU.^TE h -j/naikitr'cfct cdim-73M111 •r»airaftt77-l1f-«170 AOVERTfSlNG DEADUNES - The deadbne to place a classified ad m the Wednesday hieraid Times is Monday at 10:00 a m. The d ^ l i n a fof the Saturday Herald Times & Marketplace a Wedr^esday at 5 p.m. 103 Free Otters RBHALS 104 Notes 010 Apartments For Rent 011 Busirteae Property For Rem 105 Loetorxl Found l06Penonais 012 Houses For Rent 107 CMd Care Services 013 Rooms For Rent 106 Sendees Available 014 Resort Property For Rerrt 108 Busmeas Opportunity 015 Wanted To Rent EMPLOYMENT 016 Miscettaneous For Rent 201 Admmistratrvtt/ Proteestonal 017 Roommates Wanted 202 ClutM/Restaursnts ANNOUNCEMENTS 203 C t M C»9 Help Wanted 101 Announcements 204 Help Wanted/Mtsceilaneous 102 Card of TharAs REAL ESTATE 000 Adv«rtisvtg StarvUrrH 001 Bu«nM8 Property 002 Fama/Larvj 004 HOU0M For Sate 005 Income Irwwtmint Property 006 007 008 009 Lott & Acretge MoWe/Modiiar Hous»>g Real Estate \Mnted ResortA/acation Property Advertising Standards Houses For Sale 000 ADVERTISING DEADLINES. The d e a d l i r w t o p l a c e a classified a d in t h e W e d n e s d a y Herald Times IS M o n d a y at 10:00am. The d e a d l i n e for t h e Saturday Herald Times is W e d n e s d a y at 5 p m . To p l a c e y o u r c l a s s i f i e d ad, c a l l u s at ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 . 004 Lots & Acreage Apartments For Rent Apartments For Rent 006 010 010 NEVVI 1 0 & 2 0 A c r e S l t B S Murner Road. 4 mries from Gaylord HorB«s. Hunting. HorriMito. Buy & Hold' ProTP $39,500. CaH Scott Che»ley now' (989)614-6100 aao 8Q. FT. W- Wtri 2 bedrooms, 15 bsths, newer carpet, well. s«ptK & wirvtg. t29,9M. mls 254157 Wt have h « i l Dm Rvn Goif Come • ScftiM Ratmrrgni Airpon' • Dtmond WSietIa QubnoMo. Poof A Tows Cowti" loin Houses For Sale 004 800-228-5673 www.iakesofthenorth.com —lAr ^ 888-664-7355 or visit us online at www.blakenrealtv.com 2 B E D R O O M c h a l e t and g a r a g e o n 10 acres o f h a r d w o o d s . Great l o c a t i o n for golf, s n o w m o b i l i n g a n d h u n t i n g . C o m e s as is. Fully furnished. C o m e s w i t h washer, dryer, 2 snowmobiles, lawn m o w e r a n d s n o w blower. A p praised at $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 . Will sell for $ 1 1 2 , 0 0 0 c a s h p a y o u t . Wayne. (248)770-9678.(07) 3 B E D R O O M h o m e o n Mic h a y w e ' s o n l y lit street. Too much to list. Please call (517)579-8745 or visit our W e b site at h t t p : / / w e b . m a c . c o m / r y anandolivia/Our .Home/Welcome.html NEWTODAYT H O M E F O R sale. T h u m b Lake R o a d n o r t h of Vanderbilt. 2 b e d r o o m s . G a r a g e . Partial basement. B r e e z e w a y . Large lot. C a n b e d i v i d e d . Will c o n s i d e r lar>d contract. $29,500. ( 9 8 9 ) 9 8 3 - 4 2 1 3 o r (989)732-5626. Contact Prudential Preferred Properties to get a free list of foreclosures and to learn the importance of being represented as a buyer. Suite, Radiant fi 6atem«<it tnfi Car Ga'aqt I dHJ 2 Car males this a mtAI la VM GUI NONI SAVE S$ ON G A S . . . Vou un walV to most everything from tun 3-4 BR. 1! h«T« with fenced bKkyan) ft detached 3 cai OU1NOW1 i9t.900 {ML$i;s;6(l2l (989) 732-9555 or Stop in at 715 South Wisconsin Ave., Gaylord 007 2 B E D R O O M . 1 bath mobile home. Kitchen appliances and s t o r a g e b u i l d i n g included. Very nice. Must see. $10,500, (989)858-3019.(07) NEWTOMYt BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom modular. 1,365 s q u a r e feet. 2 baths. Appliances. Storage building. Central a i r M e d i c a l reasons for selling. E n n Tcxld. M o b i l e H o m e Brokers. (989)619-1897.(17) OLDER 1 4 ' X 7 0 ' mobile home sitting o n large lot. L a n d c o n t r a c t possible. $36,500. (989)732-1497.(10t) GRI, ABR. ASP.ePftO, FSC 989-732*2804 • 989-858-1466 www.harmonygaylord.com "Expeneixe at your service " MICHAYWE.3 bedrooms. 2 baths. N e w c a b i n e t s , vanities, t o p s , c a r p e t , roof. M a k e offer. (989)493-9570,(07) Custom Built Ranch. 4 NEWTOBAYT Real Estate Wanted F O R S A L E b y o w n e r or rent. 3 b e d r o o m s . 1 - 1 / 2 b a t h s . 1985 trailer. F e n c e d in y a r d o n large c o r n e r lot. 2 car g a r a g e . $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 or $560/month plus utilities. (989)732-3337.(17) TMS CUSTOM BUILT SQ ft rarxh home r$ located at i636 Wmtefl^nd Drive m Four batons Ejtat« (just otf Murrw Road m Cayiord) 3 bedroorrc, 2 full baths, tuli/par Iially finished basement plumbed for future bath, too rnany extras to list inside & out' Yard IS beautifully larxlscaped. nofismoking home i r>o mdoor pets' T>iis home is a mifsi see' S219.000. Call for private showing at M»-731-611t or M»-3S6.«7W Lot for sale same subdivision S20.CIOQ for more mfcmatron on this home i lot for sale go to NEW TODAY! WWW.fiysaKbyowt*' (om biting 111044575 INVENTORY LIQUIDATION. Northcrest H o m e s , 1 1 9 8 O t s e g o Avenue. G a y l o r d . A c r o s s f r o m K m a r t . Friday, M a y 2 3 a n d Saturday. M a y 24, 1 2 n o o n t o 7 p m . 2 d a y s only. A B S O L U T E SALE MUST HAVE COMMITMENT LETTER F R O M B A N K or g o o n tine t o g m g l o a n s . n e t t o p r e - q u a l ify. For p r i v a t e s h o w i n g , call S a m at (231)258-4555.(17) 008 NEW TODAY? WE BUY FORESTED LAND. 40 plus acres. N o s w a p s , fields or houses. (989)348-3596.(17) Resort/Vacation Property 009 151' F R O N T A G E o n all s p o r t s lakes N e t t i e . B e a c h frontage, m a t u r e t r e e s , p a v e d road. Ott a w a Hills S u b d i v i s i o n . S l o p i n g topography. $99,900. 1 B E D R O O M upstairs a p a r t m e n t for rent. Private entrar^ce a n d driveway. Near downtown. $ 4 2 5 / m o n t h plus security d e p o s i t . I n c l u d e s water, sewer a n d gart^age p i c k u p . N o pets. Call (989)732-9880.(14t) 1 B E D R O O M . D o w n t o w n Gaylord. Newly remodeled, $410/nx>nth. No pets. (231)585-7660.(3t) 2 B E D R O O M S . $560. In t o w n . C a r p o r t . C o i n laundry, air L o t s o f s t o r a g e . 1 year lease. No pets, (989)732-3671.(05t) 2 B E D R O O M S . Washer a n d d r y e r A r t x i t u s B e a c h area. N o pets. R e f e r e n c e s a n d d e p o s i t required, $650/month. (989)732-2147. (05t) 3-4 BEDROOMS. $500/month plus utilities. In t o w n . N o pets. Referer>ces. (231)599-2895 or (231)675-1619,(12) A F F O R D A B L E H O U S I N G available. Gcislight Square A p a r t m e n t s h a s 1. 2 a n d 3 t ) e d r o o m s o n a w a i t i n g list. I n c o m e b a s e d rent provides an affordable, q u a l i t y livir>g e n v i r o n m e n t . A p p l y at Gaslight Square, l o c a t e d 1 b l o c k f r o m A s p e n Park g a t e at 1 2 3 1 Village Parkway, Gaylord, Office hours. Monday through Friday. 8am-4pm, (989)732-3019. EOE. TDD 1-800-830-7110.(08) A L L U T I L I T I E S . Clean In t o w n . 2 b e d r o o m d u p l e x . No pets. Call t o see. (989)858-1729.(14) D O W N T O W N . 1 b e d r o o m . Very clean. Laundry, a i r S n o w a n d g a r b a g e removal. $ 5 0 5 / m o n t h . Discount for nonsmoker (989)370-4592,(14) E F F I C I E N C Y R O O M S . All utilities i n c l u d e d . $ 8 5 / $ 1 0 0 weekly. Call Chris. (989)350-8005.(07) EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 1 and 2 b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t s a n d spacious 3 bedroom town homes. N o w a c c e p t i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s for immediate occupancy. Park M e a d o w Apartments. 1 block east of K - m a r t o n C o m m e r c e B o u l e v a r d . (989)-731-1159. TDD 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 6 0 - 1 9 9 7 . Call or s t o p by t o d a y . Evening a n d w e e k e n d a p p o i n t m e n t s available. O p e n until 7 p m o n Friday a n d 1 0 a m - 2 p m o n Saturday, i n c o m e restrictions apply. Equal h o u s i n g o p p o r t u nity.(26) IMMACULATELY CLEAN. 2 b e d r o o m s . (989)732-2270.(14) • 2 Car Garage • Full Basement • Great Room with Cathedral Ceiling • Excellent Location • Unique Floor Plan Sale Price $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 1 year lease, $900 month, plus deposit CalM989| 732-1164 I ! $169,700 M M M W> • lO^Mf Menpa* i • SMALL 2 $475/month plus (989)858-3733.(261) bedrooms. utilities. 3 BEDROOM HOME - on corner lot in Lewiston, 2 blocks from school. Nicely landscaped, 2-cars garage presently being used for home business. Michigan basement, large outbuilding. $99,000 2 BEDROOM MOBILE with 100 ft. frontage on Otsego Lake canal. Storage shed & deck. $88,000. WOODED LOT - Located 7 miles south of Gaylord. 103 feet x 230 feet. $6,950, Land contract possible. (DH) COUNTRY LIVING - 2 bedroom home with full-finished basement sitting on nice, quiet, blacktop road on 1 acre. Few neighbors. $110,000. Cell ( 9 8 9 ) 6 1 4 - 0 0 3 9 REDUCED f MLS 1254622 $79,900 M L S 1256432 $149,900 M L S 1249118 — • $442.82 S393.37 PER MONTH PER MONTH MLS 1253946 GOLF COURSE 'NEW LISTING m $89,900 M L S 1256847 $167,500 mlsi2s1065 YOU AND YOUR HOnSES wHI love ttme 10 aciw with frontage on Bradford Creek and access to Big Bradford Lake wW) other property owners. MLS KM746 MtCHAYW6 Enjoy al e< Mtehaywi's amenitw golf, pool, tennis, t lake accees with ttw Michayw^ kx on a quiet cJ-de-sac with common greijnd balwd t35IO.MLSI2SS271 s MLSI2S3EM $ 2 1 4 , 9 0 0 t S M A L L 2 b e d r o o m apartment. $ 4 7 5 / m o n t h p l u s utilities. Security d e p o s i t a n d references required. (989)858-3733,(1 Ot) S M A L L 1 b e d r o o m apartment. $400/month plus security. (989)732-1812.(14t) GUTHRIE L A K E | ; W | ! $99,000 BEDORE LAKE b , NEWTODATfl 1 BEDROOM apartment. In t o w n . $ 5 2 5 / m o n t h . Utilities included- Washer a n d dryer available, (989)370-4831.(17) REMODELED EFFICIENCY units o n O t s e g o Lake. Daily, weekly or $ 3 9 5 / m o n t h . Includes utilities, f u r n i s h i n g s a n d cable. N o pets, (989)732-9795.(30) •«.,>» 1..', MLS 124(938 t MOVE-IN SPECIAL. 3 bedr o o m s , 1 bath. All utilities included. Downtown Gaylord. $ 8 0 0 / m o n t h . (989)858-6376.(1 Ot) REDUCED MLSI2S4446 $ 5 7 , 0 0 0 UTHRIELAKE 7 M A Y S P E C I A L . N o d e p o s i t . References required, 2 b e d r o o m u p stairs. All utilites i n c l u d e d . Near hospital $600. (989)732-8138.(10t) NICE COTTAGE with 50' sandy beach frontage on Otsego Lake. New private well, septic field (big enough for a 3 bedroom house) and new dock. If you have dreamed of being on Otsego Lake, here's your chance. $194,500. '.it.-. $90,000 IN T O W N 2 bedroom apartment w i t h large loft. Washer, d r ^ r , water, snowpk>wing, g a r b a g e Inc l u d e d . N o pets. $ 7 1 0 p l u s s e c u rity deposit, (989)732-1275.(08t) 1 B E D R O O M a p a r t m e n t . Exceptionally nice. ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 5 1 1 8 . ( 0 2 0 1 tfnOlO) 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. Basem e n t . A t t a c h e d garage. K n o t t y , pine. Newer roof, electric, k i t c h e n , b a t h , s e p t i c , d r a i n field a n d well. $ 7 9 , 9 0 0 . O p e n h o u s e M a y 31, 1 0 a m - 4 p m . 4 2 7 0 M o n t morency Street, (989)584-6024.(14) $52,500 GAYLORD APARTMENT. 2 b e d r o o m s , 1 t>ath, $600/rTVDnth. $ 5 0 0 d e p o s i t . N o s m o k i n g . f>o pets. 303 South Elm. (989)732-0555.(14) (989) 732-2262 010 1 B E D R O O M apartment. 2 bedroom duplex. $450 and $ 5 5 0 / m o n t h . M a n y extras inc l u d e d . (989)390-1213.(03) L A N D C O N T R A C T . By o w n e r G a y l o r d . 1,700 s q u a r e f o o t h o m e with 30'x40 garage. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fireplace. A p p l i a n c e s included. Walkout basement. $ 1 1 9 , 0 0 0 . (231)420-7205.(14) L E W I S T O N . C O R N E R lot. N i c e MiCHAYWE. PROFESSIONALLY decorated executive home. 4 bednjoms. New w o o d f l o o r s a r x l stainless a p p l i a n c e s . Family r o o m h a s t o n g u e a n d g r o o v e c a t h e d r a l ceiling a n d wall of w i n d o w s overlooking deck. $ 1 3 4 , 9 0 0 . I n c l u d e s all s t a g i n g furniture. O p e n Sunday, M a y 18, l p m - 3 p m . 7 5 9 7 Bluejay. Call o w n e r at (810)733-7057.(10) w i t h 1-car attached garage, f u l l basement C o m p l e t e l y like oew condition, exceptionally clean! Cit)' water & w w e r . oak cabinets. new carpet. 1 bath, approximately 1.000 sq ft. o f space A l l lawn care & s n o w removal mclutled B e a u t i f u l l y landscaped w i t h great city parks out your f r o m door N O P E T S P L E A S E ! Located on Elk^'lew D n v e S l . r t i n » . 1 STWI ntr m o n t t l plus all utilities 1-year lease required Call 1-989-732-7852 or 1-989-737-4289 today for a showing. 3815 O l d 27 South, G a y l o r d Apartments For Rent 005 W E W A N T t o retire. 2 d u p l e x e s p l u s c o m m e r c i a l b u i l d i n g . All rented. G o o d i n c o m e , 4 plus acres. (989)348-8471.(10) Two Bedroom Duplex D O N ' S NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE ^810^53^^970^30^ Income/Investment Property The Gold St;»nd?rd 989-731-4221 Mobile/Modular Housing Sandi Cogswell, broker rw-tW Ol ^ lUcI FM* MNai 1^ • * Mrnr* "Vt <4 TK PrudvM I . • J,/ PERCH LAKE n.nilr A A". ^ 61 ACRES G a y l o r d . R o l l i n g hills, beautiful views, 5 0 % w o o d e d . Asking $4,400/acre. (989)345-7911.(09) G A Y L O R D . 5 w o o d e d acres o n p h v a t e r o a d just w e s t of t o w n . Ideal l o c a t i o n t o raise a family. Electric a n d t e l e p h o n e . $28,900, $500 down, $360/month, 11% lar>d contract. vtAvw.northemlandco.com. Northern Land ENJOY P A N O R A M I C VIEWS . . I tnit B«*uti<ul A Sp«cicus * BR. 3 Bath tt«nch on tOC o m p a n y , 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 6 8 - 3 1 1 8 . ( 1 6 t ) AOCS dOM 10 town Amer(t>Ml<litGr<«Room. M«tff LAND CONTRACT available. Contemporary 3 bedroom ranch. B r a n d r»ew interior includes h i c k o r y kitchen, e x o t i c m a p l e flooring, Kohler fixtures, slate tile. Full basement with finished works h o p . A t t a c h e d 2 - 1 / 2 car garage. Full a p a r t m e n t w i t h separate e n t r a n c e . $124,9(X). Call for s h o w ing. (989)619-0008.(10) 1 GO'S o f L i s t i n g s For more information contact us at 2 9 2 M O S T L Y w o o d e d acres by o w n e r B i g s u g a r m a p l e , pine. o l d fields, s p r i n g . N o buildings. A d j o i n s s t a t e l a n d o n Manistee River. V i e w for miles. Oil/gas rights. Year a r o u n d road, p o w e r a n d p h o n e . For m o r e information, svww.SellingOurLand.com. Joseph, (425)881-8017 after 10am.(03) Compen VUIow" • Priend* Mmk Concvti i o ^ Acfintia S Ewntt • SporUMon Commlate Hornet A LoU j w Sole • RecrMional Roirdt H O M E F O R sale in G a y l o r d ' s premier G l e n M e a d o w s n e i g h borhood. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. S i t u a t e d o n an o v e r s i z e d lot. A s s o c i a t i o n h a n d l e s all l a w n c a r e a n d s n o w removal. $150,000. (812)827-1437.(03) o p p o r t u n i t y . { 0 7 2 1 tfnOOO) Michigan Network r - > * - CHARMING FARM home on over 18 t>eautiful rolling acres. Breathtaking views. 3 t > ^ r o o m , 2 b a t h h o m e . A t t a c h e d 2 car g a rage w i t h b r e e z e w a y . Tastefully d e c o r a t e d w i t h o p e n floor plan, fireplace, large kitchen with stainless s t e e l a p p l i a n c e s . A w e s o m e barn with finished office s p a c e , w o r k s h o p . 4 large h o r s e stalls, h u g e loft. F e n c e d tures. 5 m i l e s n o r t h of G a y l o r d . For sale b y o w n e r . $282,500. Call ( 9 8 9 ) 9 8 3 - 4 4 1 5 for an a p p o i n t m e n t . (03) P U B L I S H E R ' S N O T I C E : All real estate a d v e r t i s i n g in this n e w s pap>er is s u b j e c t t o t h e Fair Housing Act w h i c h m a k e s rt illegal t o a d v e r t i s e " a n y preference, limitation or d i s c n m i n a t i o n b a s e d o n race, color, religion, sex. h a n d i c a p , familial s t a t u s or national ongin, o r an intention, t o rr>ake any s u c h preference, limitation or d i s c r i m i n a t i o n . " Familial status i n c l u d e s c h i l d r e n under the a g e of 18 living w i t h parents or legal c u s t o d i a n s , pregnant women and people secunng c u s t o d y of c h i l d r e n under 18. This n e w s p a p e r will not k n o w ingly a c c e p t a n y a d v e r t i s i n g for real estate w h i c h is in violation of the law. O u r r e a d e r s are hereby i n f o r m e d t h a t all d w e l l i n g s advert i s e d in this n e w s p a p e r are available o n an e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y basis. To c o m p l a i n of d i s c n m i n a tion. call HUD toll free at 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 9 - 9 7 7 7 . T h e toll free t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r for t h e heari n g Impaired is 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 2 7 - 9 2 7 5 . Equal housing 209 SeH Employmant • Opportunity 210 Medical/ProteasKind MERCHANDISE 301 Oothtfig 302 Produce & Plants 303 GaraQe/Yard Sates 304 HdatinQ/Air Corxlitioning Houses For Sale ASSUME MORTGAGE N O T I C E : A L L a d s are s u b j e c t t o approval before publication. We reserve the right t o edit, refuse, reject or c a n c e l any a d at any time. Errors m u s t l)e r e p o r t e d by 9 a m o n t h e first b u s i n e s s day after p u b l i c a t i o n . W e shall not b e liable for a n y loss or e x p e n s e that results f r o m t h e p u b l i c a t i o n (whether p u b l i s h e d correctly or not) or o m i s s i o n of an advertisement. 206 s m 601 H o r m & Riding StaUss 602 P«B & &4}piiM 603 UvKtock « TMd 900 Frae CtaMiltods AUTOMOTIVE MARKETPIACC (Separate Section) 701 Cars 702 Auto Parts/Accenonas 703 VMVSport Utility Vehicle 704 Trucks 705 Utility Traitea 305 Household Goods 306 Miscelaneoua For Sale 307 Muacai MerchandMe 306 Eiactronics 309 Wanted To Buy 3t0Mactvnery 311 AnOques & Auctvans RECREATIONAL 401 Sporting Goods 402 Recreationai Vehtdes 403 Boats/Snowniobilee LIVESTOCK a PETS 004 N E W H O M E . R a i s e d ranch. 4 bedrooms. 2 b a t h s . Garage. Treetops view f r o m b a c k p o r c h . Rolling 5 acres. 2 mites north o f Gaylord. B e a u t i f u l views. A d j o i n ing snowmobile/biking trails. Possible land contract terms. 0% down. $179,900. (989)732-1827.(07) ADVERTISING STANDARDS. Advertisir^g p u b l i s h e d in t h e G a y lord Herald T i m e s is a c c e p t e d o n the p r e m i s e t h a t t h e m e r c h a n dise a n d s e r v i c e s o f f e r e d are properly d e s c r i b e d a n d willingly sold t o c u s t o m e r s at t h e advertised price. Advertisers are aware o f t h e s e c o n d i t i o n s . A d vertising t h a t d o e s n o t c o n f o r m t o t h e s e s t a n d a r d s , or that is dec e p t i v e or m i s l e a d i n g , is never k r x j w i n g l y a c c e p t e d . If any Gaylord Herald T i m e s reader encounters non-compliance with these s t a n d a r d s , w e ask ttnat y o u i n f o r m the A d v e r t i s i n g Department of this newspaper, (989)732-1111. 205 OncftOartcal 206 Situabona Wanted 207 Trades^lndustnal MLS #248076 $249,900 Bi* Mm Mot • TOLL F R E E 8 6 6 - 5 1 6 - 3 8 6 6 • w w w . c e n t u r y 2 1 g a y l o r d . c o m 5 1 9 S. O t s e g o A v e . , G a y l o r d , Ml 4 9 7 3 5 MLS #256486 c x inder LOOKIMO TOR THAT PERFECT P»WERTY7 ThIslsltlFlallandwtltilotsofpine tnas & hartwoods! Over 16 acres with state land on two aides. Just a short dttva from I-7S. t64,M0 MLS 1256065 Sctuntey. May 17. 2006 • 3 Oaytord H e r a M T l m « i Apartments For Rent 010 Business Property For Rent Business Property For Rent 011 oil f f / n r Apartments ( ()NM.( I ION dale j. s m i t h Really (989) 733-2477 • 1-800 B??-?3S0 www.d.ih^isiuith.cnin email l.wy S. Otsotjo. Box ;«w. Gaylorcl. Ml 4973i> WEST PARK APARTMENTS Cathedral Ceilinss with Studio Loft. Washer/Dryer Hookup Carports Dishwasher Brick Extehor Other units also available Rents $500-$6&5| Call 732-1164 2 LOCATIONS: Houses For Rent 012 1 B E D R O O M . Living r o o m and dinir>g r o o m . Totally f u r n i s h e d w i t h gart>a9e p i c k u p aruj lake access. $ 5 0 0 p l u s utilities. 2 b e d r o o m s w i t h w o r k s h o p . Garbage pickup. Lake access. $425 plus utilities. T w o 2 b e d r o o m efficiencies. $ 4 0 0 / e a c h plus utilities. Lake access. (989)732-4318.(17t) 3300 aq. f t with 11 offices, conference room, kitchen, basement & h ^ h visitsiHty. 23,000 t q . f t with 17,000 sq. ft. prime Class-A offk:e$, elevator. One floor, 6,000 sq. ft. leased. PERFECT LOCATION SALE - LEASE - CAN DIVIDE 6,000 sq. f t with 2 offices, air compressor. 3 overhead doors. Fenced storage and parking with diesel plug ins. 3 B E D R O O M , 2-1/2 bath home o n 5 acres w i t h 3 d e c k s t o enjoy a t}eautiful view. C o m p l e t e w i t h a 2 - 1 / 2 car g a r a g e . $ 8 5 0 / m o n t h plus utilities. First m o n t h ' s rent plus security d e p o s i t t o m o v e in. References required. (989^05-7800.(07) 011 A P R I M E o f f i c e l o c a t i o n available for rent. (989)732-7551 .{0429tfn011) r 12,000 sq. f t , great service facility includes 1,400 sq. ft. of offices, overhead doors and floor hoist. 3 B E D R O O M S , 2 baths. Full basement. 2 c a r garage. N e w l y remodeled. $750/month plus utilities. No pets/smoking. (616)644-6432.(10t) dale j. smith Realty (989) 732-2477 • 1-800-822-2350 www.dalejsmith com e-mail • dale©daleisniith com 1349 S Otsego. Bo* 309. GaylOfd. Ml 49735 officespace For rent: 2,;00 square foot office building at a prime location on Soutli Otsego Avenue just south of McCoy Road. Spacious parking, pleasant setting. h e r a i i ^ ^ i m e s Call for more information. GORMCK Bt lLDING M32 * Gaviord N O W L E A S I N G 1 to 10 individual main floor offices! Single office leases from just $250/month. Prestigious high visibility location. Signage available. Call Scott ChMley (969) 732-5225 MIchlgen Nttwork • R M n o n CHALET/EXECUTIVE/MEDIC A L . M a i n Street. 1 , 1 0 0 s q u a r e feet. Extremely a f f o r d a b l e . A m ple parking. (989)732-2270.(23) C O M M E R C I A L B U I L D I N G . Two 12'x12' o v e r h e a d d o o r s . Office and r e s t r o o m p l u s v a c a n t lot. Lease required. 118 M e e c h e r Road. (989)731-5856.(07t) C O M M E R C I A L R E N T A L S available. Retail or o f f i c e s p a c e . Call (989)614-1004 or e-mail 8cott0dur*isonline.com.(0722tfn Oil) D O W N T O W N B U S I N E S S locations available. O f f i c e suites or storefronts. (989)732-5118.(0201tfn011) GAYLORD OFFICE buiiding. 3 , 4 4 0 feet. 7 years o l d . Beautiful. Floor hot w a t e r heat. Central air/air m a k e u p units. H a n d i c a p toilets. N N N net. 7.0 feet. 1122 G o m i c k . (616)293-1349.(10) PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL m e d i c a l o f f i c e s p a c e for lease o n S o u t h O t s e g o A v e n u e . Individual suites of 8 ^ a n d 1,200 square feet o r will c u s t o m i z e 2 , 0 0 0 . 1 office suite for lease. 5 5 0 s q u a r e feet. Call ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 2 6 0 0 for m o r e information. (0505tfn011) KOSKE REALTY Cd. 2192 South Otsego • Gaylord • South Of McCoy Road m RENT TO own. 4 bedrooms. 3 - 1 / 2 baths, fireplace, air, appliarwses. $1,095. 7 5 2 3 O n o l e Circle. (231)264-9474.(03) 3 B E D R O O M , 2 b a t h h o m e at front of M i c h a y w e w i t h d e c k a n d garage. $ 8 2 5 / m o n t h plus utilities. (989)448-7372.(23) R a n d o m Lane b y N o r t h O h i o 1 O F F I C E s u i t e for lease. 1.100 square feet. CaH ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 2 6 0 0 for m o r e information-(12) 2 B E D R O O M . 1 b a t h mobile. B a s e m e n t . 2 c a r a t t a c h e d garage. Expar>ded living r p o m . Newly remodeled. No pets. $ 6 2 5 / m o n t h . (989)858-1413.(17) 2 B E D R O O M , 1 bath home. Johannesburg area. $550/month. Security deposit, references. A v a i l a b l e J u n e 1. (989)732-4050 or (989)619-6134.(29) INDUSTRIAL /WAREHOUSE SALE • LEASE - CAN DIVIDE Call 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 0 1 2 SEWTODAYJ NEWTODAYT NEWTODAYt 2 B E D R O O M home. Close to Qayiord. N o p e t s . Security depo^ requir^. $435/month. (989)705-1918 after 6pm.(14t) 4 B E D R O O M S . G a s included. $ 7 5 0 / m o n t h . (989)350-8005.(07) HOSTMAN'S QUALITY rental h o m e s . T h e h o m e of a f f o r d a b l e rent. ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 0 5 9 9 . Pets a n d flexible s w e a t e q u i t y t e r m s are considered. P i c k u p a n a p p l i c a tion in t h e f r o n t d o o r steel box and v i e w a v a i l a b l e u n i t s at 136 North C o u r t Street or in t h e w e e k e n d e d i t i o n of t h e Herald Times. S e c t i o n Eight a c c e p t e d . 1616 G rovelan d 3 b e d r o o m 1 bath e x p a n d o m o b i l e $ 5 3 5 / 1590 Orange Grove 2 bedroom mobile $ 4 7 5 / U S B N o r t h Indiana 2 b e d r o o m d u p l e x $ 4 9 5 / 3 7 5 7 Van Tyle 2 b e d r o o m m o b i l e $ 3 9 5 / 2021 Mt. J a c k E l m i r a 2 b e d r o o m petite m o b i l e $ 3 2 5 / 2 3 7 1 Charles Elmira 2 b e d r o o m m o b i l e attached garage $635. 1676 Springwood 2 b e d r o o m mobile s h e d $ 4 7 5 / 4 1 5 8 Vail 2 b e d r o o m m o b i l e s h e d $ 4 4 5 / 3 3 9 Edelweiss 2 b e d r o o m m o b i l e w i t h addition $ ^ 5 . ( 1 4 t ) LARGE 3 b e d r o o m home outside of town. $850/month. (989)619-9479.(10) MICHAYWE. EXECUTIVE h o m e . 4 b e d r o o m s . Professionally decoratedPartially furnished. $ 9 5 0 / m o n t h . 7597 Bluejay View Sunday, May 18. 3 : 1 5 p m . (810)423-7884.(10) O T S E G O L A K E b e a c h front. 3 b e d r o o m s . 1 - 3 p e o p l e . Lease through f».4ay 31, 2009. $605/month. 1-1/2 m o n t h security. (248)760-0973.(051) R E N T T O o w n . 2 bedroorr^s, 2 baths. M a s t e r suite. clean. 5 1 2 8 Krys R o a d . $ 7 0 0 rent plus depoeit. Available June 1. (989)390-4444.(07) Rooms For Rent 013 NEWTODAYT S H A R E L A K E F R O N T h o m e . Pnvate b e d r o o m , s i t t i n g r o o m £u^d b a t h r o o m . S h a r e k i t c h e n , library, garage. $ 4 5 0 i n c l u d e s all utilities. DirecTV. (989)732-1979 leave m e s s a g e . (17) Resort Property For Rent 014 NEWTCWAYI FOR Y O U R s p r i n g a n d s u m m e r guests. (989)732-2602.(17) GAYLORD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Sinking F u n d - P h a s e 3 Gayiord, M i c h i g a n Project No. 0118-08 Invitation t o B i d TWO BEDROOM HOME ClesQ. T.ait* LouiM/JohuinMbiirg. PuU bsMinant, well insulated, oew carpet, and l.S car g&nge. $62&/moQtb plas security depoeit. 989-733-31 IS, 989786-3669 or 989-614-6878. SOO t o l ,200 sq. f t units at Parksicie Mini Mall. Great values! NEWTOOAYI 2 - 3 B E D R O O M house. Lake acceae. lake view. C o m p l e t e l y rem o d e l e d . Large g a r a g e . Rent t o own option. $700/month. (248)961-3023.(17) BEAUTIFUL M I C H A Y W E home o n 2 b t s for lease w i t h p u r c h a s e optk^n. 3 - 5 b e d r o o m s . 3 full l ^ h s . f i n i s h e d w a l k o u t , large kitchen. Large d e c k , p o n d w i t h waterfall, sprinklers, s e c u r i t y system, 2-1/2 car attached and 2 car d e t a c h e d g a r a g e . $ 1 , 2 0 0 nxMithly plus s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t a n d first m o n t h ' s rent. Reference required. P e t s will b e consKiered.(17) 2 B E D R O O M condominium on Black Bear golf c o u r s e . $750. (989)619-9479.(10) M u r n e r Rd. a n d Business Property For Rent M O B I L E H O M E a n d c a b i n at Lost Acree. 1 b e d r o o m c a b i n «2. $ 4 7 5 free utilittee. 2 b e d r o o m rTx>bile. $ 3 9 5 P L U S utilttiee. 1 1 0 0 6 - 1 1 0 1 0 N o r t h OkJ US-27. NO PETS. 1-877-227-6976. www.quatityhomerental8.r>et. (Northern M i c h i g a n Unit8).(10t) (989)732-5118.(0201tfn011) : Elementary School Houses For Rent 012 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for leaae. 3 5 0 s q u a r e feet u p t o 1,200 square feet. D o w n t o w n lo- PROFESSIONAL/MEDICAL OFFICES SALE - LEASE - CAN DIVIDE Houses For Rent COMPLETELY RE-OONE 2 BR home with large 9un porch and f i i bSBement. houses For Rent 012 PRIME RETAIL or office epac«. Malr> S t r « « t . d o w n t o w n . Plenty o f p r i v a t e p a r k lr>g. Rates startirig SS/square toot. (9e9)350-1669.(09) R i : iN ' l A l . LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS. 2 BR. carport, large storage room, private balcony. Near 1-75 exit. THE ANNEX. 1 room effkaerKy. $376/ n>onth; 1 BR efficiency. $475/month; 1 Bfl. $500/month; 2 BR $550/montt). Houses For Rent 012 G a y l o r d C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l s will r e c e i v e sealed p r o p o s a l s f r o m q u a l i f i e d b i d d e r s f o r the Sinking Fund - Phase 3 project, including R e m o d e l i n g of t h e B o a r d O f f i c e s , S h o w e r R e p a i r s at t h e I n t e r m e d i a t e S c h o o l , a n d R e p a v i n g of t h e M i d d l e S c h o o l P a r k i n g Lot. There will b e a M a n d a t o r y P r e - B i d M e e t i n g c o n d u c t e d by the Owner and Architect/ Engineer at 1:00 p . m . , o n T h u r s d a y , J u n e 5, 2 0 0 8 in t h e e x i s t i n g B o a r d O f f i c e B o ^ d R o o m l o c a t e d at 6 1 5 S o u t h E l m Street. G a y l o r d . M i c h i g a n . T h e P r e - B i d m e e t i n g will c o n s i s t o f an i n f o r m a t i o n a l m e e t i n g f o l l o w e d b y a w a l k t h r u a n d o p p o r t u n i t y for B i d d e r s t o e x a m i n e e a c h p r o j e c t site. A t t e n d a n c e b y i n t e r e s t e d G e n e r a l C o n t r a c t B i d d e r s is m a n d a t o r y . A t t e n d a n c e b y m a j o r t r a d e s u b c o n t r a c t o r s is strongly encouraged. P r o p o s a l s m a y b e m a i l e d o r d e l i v e r e d in pers o n t o J a c k i e W a r r e n , M a i n t e n a n c e Director, Gaylord C o m m u n i t y Schools, 615 South Elm Avenue, Gaylord. M l 49735. Proposals must b e r e c e i v e d ' p r i o r " t o 3 : 0 0 p . m . (local t i m e ) o n T h u r s d a y . J u n e 12, 2 0 0 8 . P r o p o s a l s will b e o p e n e d p u b l i c l y a n d r e a d a l o u d at t h e G a y l o r d Board Office Board Room immediately followi n g c l o s u r e o f t h e B i d d i n g Period. T h e B o a r d will n o t c o n s i d e r o r a c c e p t a b i d r e c e i v e d b y t h e B o a r d a f t e r t h e d a t e a n d t i m e s p e c i f i e d for b i d s u b m i s s i o n . All b i d s will b e e v a l u a t e d at a later d a t e . Gaylord C o m m u n i t y Schools intends A w a r d of C o n t r a c t t o a " G e n e r a l " C o n t r a c t o r for w o r k o f all t r a d e s . O v e r a l l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of t h e p r o j e c t will b e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of t h e ' G e n e r a l Contractor". P o s t - B i d I n t e r v i e w s are t e n t a t i v e l y s c h e d u l e d for Friday, J u n e 13, 2 0 0 8 in t h e B o a r d O f f i c e C o n f e r e n c e R o o m . Interview t i m e s wilt b e s c h e d u l e d w i t h s u c c e s s f u l b i d d e r s prior t o that d a t e . T h e O w n e r will a w a r d t h e p r o j e c t c o n t r a c t ( s ) o n or a b o u t J u n e 17. 2 0 0 8 . B i d d i n g d o c u m e n t s will b e available o n o r a b o u t M a y 19, 2 0 0 8 , a n d will b e o n file for i n s p e c t i o n at t h e at t h e f o l l o w i n g l o c a t i o n s : Gaylord Community Schools Maintenance Office C o n s t r u c t i o n N e w s S e r v i c e of M i c h i g a n B u i l d e r s E x c h a n g e , Traverse City, S a g i n a w , Grand Rapids, Lansing C o n s t r u c t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n of M i c h i g a n , B l o o m f t e l d Hills M c G r a w Hill, F.W. D o d g e , L a n s i n g A $150.00 refundable deposit fee and $10.00 n o n - r e f u n d a b l e mailing f e e per set must be received by A n t h o n y Esson, Architect, PO B o x 4 7 9 , G a y l o r d . M i c h i g a n 4 9 7 3 4 , prior t o i s s u a n c e of d o c u m e n t s . Submit separate c h a c k a for deooatt f e e a n d m a H l n a fee oavm a x i m u m o f three (3) s e t s a v a i l a b l e t o e a c h G e n e r a l C o n t r a c t o r a n d o n e (1) set available to each subcontractor/supplier. T h e B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t d e p o s i t s w i l l b e refundp r o v i d e d t h e y are of " g o o d a n d u s e a b l e " c o n d i t i o n , under t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s : 1. N o n - B i d d e r s w h o return c o m p l e t e s e t s prior t o t h e B i d date. 2. N o n - s u c c e s s f u l B i d d e r s a n d all S u b - B i d d e r s w h o r e t u r n c o m p l e t e , u n d a m a g e d set(s) qq later t h a n t e n (10) d a y s a f t e r t h e b i d o p e n ing. 3. T h e s u c c e s s f u l B i d d e r will b e i s s u e d a d d i t i o n a l s e t s for d i s t r i b u t i o n t o t h e i r S u b Contractors. 4. Failure t o return B i d D o c u m e n t s w i t h i n t h e s p e c i f i e d t e n (10) d a y s a n d / o r n o t in g o o d a n d usable condition shall forfeit deposit. B i d S e c u r i t y in t h e a m o u n t o f f i v e p>ercent (5%) of B a s e B i d shall a c c o m p a n y e a c h P r o p o s a l in t h e f o r m of a b i d b o n d , c a s h i e r s c h e c k or m o n e y order p a y a b l e t o G a y l o r d C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l s . A personal or c o m p a n y c h e c k does n o t c o n s t i t u t e a B i d Security. E a c h b i d d e r shall i n c l u d e w i t h its bid. a s w o r n and notarized statement disclosing a n y familial r e l a t i o n s h i p s t h a t e x i s t s b e t w e e n t h e o w n e r or any e m p l o y e e o f t h e b i d d e r a n d a n y m e m b e r of t h e B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n or t h e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of t h e S c h o o l D i s t r i c t , The B o a r d of E d u c a t i o n will r e j e c t a n y b i d w h i c h d o e s not i n c l u d e t h i s s w o r n a n d n o t a r i z e d disclosure statement. P r o p o s a l s shall b e s u b m i t t e d o n t h e P r o p o s a l F o r m s p r o v i d e d in t h e B i d d i n g D o c u m e n t s a n d s h a l l b e c o m p l e t e l y filled in a n d e x e c u t e d in accordance with the Contract Documents. T h e s u c c e s s f u l B i d d e r will t)e r e q u i r e d t o furn i s h s u r e t y b o n d s a s s t a t e d in t h e C o n t r a c t Documents. Performance Bond (100%) Lat)or a n d Material P a y m e n t B o n d (100%) T h e O w n e r reserves t h e right t o r e j e c t any of or all P r o p o s a l s , t o a c c e p t o t h e r t h a n a low b i d . a n d t o w a i v e i n f o r m a l i t i e s , irregularities, a n d / o r errors i n P r o p o s a l s , w h i c h t h e y feel is in t h e i r best interest. B i d s m a y n o t b e w i t h d r a w n f o r a p e n o d of t h i r t y (30) d a y s after t h e o p e n i n g o f t h e Bids. ; ^ MEMBER OF THE GAYLORO MULTHJST 5 K i..iTwr CHECK OUR WEB SrTEWWWJ<OSKEREALTY.COM WE HAVE BUYER'S AGENCY AVAILABLE REPRESBfTING THE BUYER 1. NEW LISTING-This clean, 3-bedroom home is Sited on 10 acres, beautifully wooded located across from state land arn] close to lake access. Gas baseboard heat, gas fireplace, wood heat system, two bathrooms, enclosed porch. 1-1/2 car attached garage and pole buiiding. All kinds of vtnkjiife. Appliances included, sidsisoo. 2. 80 ACRES AND RIVER FRONTAGE - Beautifulty wooded parcel with river njrming tfvough the p r Q Q i t t f t ^ f t c e n t to state land, plus a dean 2 bedroom cabin with l o f t f | | B R | R M . Excellent fishing and hunting area. Ideal parcel for developing. $360,000. 3. HOME ON 40 ACRES - Four bedrooms, den, large fvniiy room with wood stove, walkout basement, fireplace, 3-1/2 baths, two car attached garage. Sited on 40 acres nrcefy wooded with some open fieM ideal for horses or farming. $396,000. Call for more details. 4. OTSEGO LAKEFRONT. If you are l a ^ n g for a house on an aN-sports lake, see this clean. 2 - t ) e A n ^ ^ % j M m u m skied home with fireplace, carpeted ttvoughout. famiifKom. large deck, and nice view of tt>e lake. $179,000. 5. LAKEFRONT - Little Bass Lake frontage, cabin with fireplace, sauna, bath house, storage shed, and 2-car garage. Located across from state land. Ideal for huntirig, ftshing and srydwmobriing. $80,900. 6. LAKEFRONT - Very nice and c ^ a a ^ d r o o m cabin on Little Bass Lake witTi 130' of lake frontage. A O l n m , fireplace, garage, storage shed, nice deck, dock and floatm^^Located near state lartd, ideal vacation place. $121,000. 7. HOME ON 40 ACRES • Glean 3-bedroom, vinyl-sided home, moetty fumohed. carpeted throughout, two full bathrooms, gas heat, erx^kieed porch, borage shed and guest cabin. Has a beck-up generator in case of a power outage arxl an aiam system, located near thousartds of acres of state land arxl lakes. $ 1 7 7 , ^ . Cal for more details. 8. CLEAN, well-kept two bedroom mobile home. p(ui added exercise room and mud room, does t f t j f l y ^ j p o f ovsr for ineuiatk^n and anow protection. Two car g v a g A Q M I l openers, newer carpeting. applitf>cee included, w x i t a ^ g g fenced yard, natural gas forced ar heat arvl a r condWorwtg. $32300. < ; , ; 1 I ; SHARP AND CLEAN 3-bednx)m. 1-beth home with large laundry room. ^ cute wxJ tastefully Oecorated Kitchen hes nice appli gnce package. Great corrwr tot ctose to af the ameraties that Lakee of the North hes to offer. Property hes a 10x13 shed with shelves and reinforced walla. Front deck is iOxS and rear deck • 12x12. Home warranty offered by Mler|r,OOaMLSt2S6260 LAKES OF THE NORTH BUUCft^ PMVATl HOME wNh ar skm sNa eye for dstal «wde and ou. Ceramc Die batha. hKkory floors, quaMy txturea and iighttig throughout riciudhB al kNcneri appimcM. Qorgaoua Udalona fradace. Bun nW the rataxed Utaalyto of rnrtham Mk:Ngan In nind. U t t of foom lor the toya «*ti a 32x24 dnve-throu^ pott biASr^ Mual see tf7,0n, MLS 1253200 0. COMMERCIAL- Oean 3-bedroom home wHh storage space, plus 30x40 heated storage buikling 20x20 carport. Excellent kx:«tion with high visibiUty and exposure. Lpt sae 90x470. kleal place for your business. $110,900. 11. LAND CONTRACT TERMS - CommsrcM building In dowr^own Qaytord. hMn toor Is ideal for a ratal bualnaas. 2nd fkwr Is a « up for office suNea and 3rd f t o a la est up for apartments. Cxcalen« kxMort with htgh v M x i t y and expoatfe with ow«r 10,000 s a ft. of apace, pkja a ful baasment. $U9fiOO. immadWa poiiaialon. Cal for mors detals 13. COUNTRY K T T W M . If you ««looHng for a home cloae to town and itapptng, see thia clean 3-ba(*oofn ranch on 3 acrea wtth 1-1/2 balha. gas M h a ^ gaa Nrapiaca, 28x32 mached garage plua 30x40 pole LAKEFRONT LOT Forest Lake, ctose to town. ,000 WELL, SEPTIC AND POLE BARN already there. Nice tot. Only •QQSl 9U0QCT - QMATER VALUE. TNs car be joined wan the smaaar cabn you iNe 4 bedroom itaat'ont. Cowed porch to anioy the vMw Sandy beech and wooded tim. WtHhota tor en aMpons Ma wtih goinng ne«by ttoofioo. MLS t2S3161 (MEAT RBTTAL P H U H J n m Thia kxrpiei ndudaa 1, 2 and 3-bedroome. Qmt Dcabon on 1 acre parnafiy wooded acoea horn Otsego Lake. Unrta have garages and a Morale bijdffig. Lne ai one and rant 3 out. A ouerlurvty at |l7Q,00a MLS 1256113 $43,500 10. LAKE ACCESS - Wie t f t r * very HiiMseaed wNh thia dean, wei-kapt home on a I v g e A A M A r o o m s . carpeting, gas FA heat, fireplace, large deck, and mdudsd. IS7,000. 12. M M A C U L A T E C O N D m O N - J ^ « f t a n f o y l M n g i n t h i s d s a n . 3 - b a d room home w(th c a r p e t i n o J | | M M r gas heat, one bathroom, large deck and storage ahed. A l U p K o a s mdudsd. $71,900. BEAUTIFUL OPEN FLOOR PLAN. Newer kitchen ^ stone fireplace Doornails looking over deck »xj take. Oversized garage, lovely landscaped yan} with sprinkler system, plus 24x32 pole bam with concrete ' "1127,500 m MLS #253800 floor and separate dnveway. DUPLEX - COM^lfTELY m dohe fi 2007 these two l-bedroom units overtooti OtMgo Lake. ExceHent txtck construction Strong potenMi ncome. Pnced greet at $90,000 Can be purchesed with 4-piex. trot ac^oms ttw pioperty. Purcheee both and possible lenoi r T w « g a m e n t avaiiflbie. 190.000. MLS 1256105 Cal today for a fTM RMitot analysial ACREAGE & RIVER FRONTAGE. Only 2 miles from town Stoptektrom . startina at M M I gv iwira m) m 01IMV • Gourtnat aBd*»es UNa lo Room lor m M 989-732-2477 • 800-822-2350 • Visit us at www.dalejsmith.com • 1349 S. Otsego, Gaylord, Ml 49735 Q>ylord H^rakJ TimM u j a s s m e o s 4 • sturoay, may i /, Services Available Miscellaneous For Rent 01« R E N T O R p u r c h a s e n e w 24"x48" storage unit. Land contract t e r m s available. M a x i Storage, (969)731-0888.(07) 106 L A W N M O W I N G , brush hogging, s n o w p l o w i n g . c a b t n caretakir>g in t h e G a y l o r d area. (989)858-3933. Administrative Professional CNld Care Help Wanted KMp Wanted Miscellaneous Help Wanted Miscellaneous 201 203 204 204 Carol's Cakes] Roommate Wanted 017 R O O M M A T E W A N T E D . Large h o m e In t o w n . $ 4 0 0 / m o n t h utilities i n c l u d e d . (989)264-0666 (03) aim far I f y d r i oKMiw Masy di&Rit dupa i» (booM froa. ^ rjjtiui ly mt' 7SX-7$S$ Announcements 101 NEWTOOAYT NEWTODAY! S T A M P C O L L E C T O R interested in m e e t i n g other c o l l e c t o r s in the area to share our hobby. (989)348-2258. [email protected](17) G R E A T G R A D U A T I O N party favorite for rent. P o r t a b l e soft ice cream. Call for reservation, (407)927-7731 or (407)925-7349.(17) PHLEBOTOMY EDUCATION. Teaching the art of p r o f e s s i o n a l b l o o d collecting. St. I g n a c e even i n g classes. J u n e 16 t h r o u g h Jurw 2 0 and Gaylord, August 18-22. $995. (3.1^)382-3657.(02) PRO LAWN Care. Spring cleanup, weekly m o w i n g , sprinklers. John Koronka. (989)732-9226.(12) Lost And Found 105 NEWTOMYT LOST: S M A L L female golden mix. R e d collar, w h i t e flea collar. Near West O t s e g o Lake Drive and Blue Water (989)732-1124(17) P U R E P R E C I S I O N L a w n Care, LLC. Licensed and insured. Mowing, thatching, aeration, s h r u b t r i m m i n g a n d m o r e . SENIOR DISCOUNT. Please call (989)370-4257.(17) R E A L T O R S . I c a n d o virtual t o u r s of your listings. Call J i m Misner at (989)785-4310 or (989)819-4409 cell.(05t) Dutchman Home & Cottage Services Child Care Services 107 H A N G OUT, make friends and h a v e f u n this s u m m e r ! G e a r e d specifically for s c h o o l a g e children only. Age appropriate g a m e s , activities a n d field trips. L i c e n s e d , certified d a y c a r e provider. 12 years expenence. (989)731-4551.(07) LICENSED DAYCARE. Gay lord/Johanr>esburg area. H o u r s 6 a m - 6 p m . Call S t e p h a n i e for details, (989)705-2625.(14) LIL'RUGRATS DAYCARE now has openings Monday-Friday. O p e n 2 4 hours. FIA w e l c o m e . Home. (231)546-6538. cell 8-0331.(14) Repairs 989-732-2639 insurvd Garden Stnjctures S T E V E ' S L A W N Care. Spring cleanup a n d l a w n care. A f f o r d able. licensed and insured. (989)705-7585.(12) Administrative Professional 201 JiEWTOMYI COUNSELOR. KIRTLAND C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e is s e e k i n g qualified a p p l i c a n t s for a full-time licensed c o u n s e l o r t o provide 108 A & D L A N D S C A P E . L a w n s re- personal, career a n d a c a d e m i c paired. yard cleanups, l a w n counseling s e r v i c e s as well a s m a i n t a n a n c e . grave! d r i v e w a y s , job p l a c e m e n t s e r v i c e s for stuh y d r o s e e d i n g . retain wall and d e n t s a n d e m p l o y e e s o f t h e c o l lege. A l s o c o o r d i n a t e s t h e a d brick pavers, (989)370-3915.(12) ministration of t h e special p o p u lations program. M a s t e r s d e g r e e Anything in fences! in c o u n s e l i n g or social w o r k ^ d Residential state of M i c h i g a n L P C o r LSW liCCommercial cense are required: a l i m i t e d liCham Unk. cense will b e c o n s i d e r e d . For a Galvanized and complete position description, Vinyl Coated Vinyl and visit our W e b site at w w w . k i r t land-edu/hr/jobs/couselorhtm. Wood Fencing Phone (969) 732-5440 A p p l i c a t i o n d e a d l i n e Fnday, J u n e Farm Fence CeH-(969)350-5569 13, 2008. Equal o p p o r t u n i t y e m Free Estimates 6747 01(3 27 Souffi, ployer.(17) Gaylora. Ml Services Available ALPINE FENCE CO. LLC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR D J / K A R A O K E e n t e r t a i n m e n t for any o c c a s i o n , www.larryentertainrnem.-eom. Larry Roichert, (989)732-3933,(0201 t f n l 08) D R I V E W A Y S E A L c o a t t n g by Rick Eubank. Protect a n d beautify. 3 0 years experience. A l s o line striping. Reasonable. (989)732-6553,(1 Ot) GARDEN/FOOD PLOTS worked up. B o o k i n g up. D o n ' t wait. Call for estimate. (989)370-3074.(03) E x p e r i e n c e d in small b u s i n e s s development, entrepreneurship and finance. E x p e r i e n c e in non-profits a n d grant v/riting desired. T h e ideal c a n d i d a t e will have strong communication, analytical and organizational skills. Bachelors degree required. Please s e n d r e s u m e w i t h cover letter t o : NSLF. Inc.. 2 0 1 West Mitchell Street. P M B #183, Petoskey. Ml 4 9 7 7 0 o r inquire at [email protected] Gaylord Cwirtin'un'ity S c h o o l s E l e m e n t a r y Level T e a c h e r s AWARD-W1NNINQ TWICE-WEEKLY comrTHjnIty n e w s p a p e r seeks E d i t o r t o lead talented t e a m t o r>ext level. AbiUty t o m o t i v a t e , irispire a n d c o m m u r>4cate p a r a m o u n t , as are su perior editing and writing skills, a t t e n t i o n t o detail a n d accuracy arxj abil^ to multi-ta^ and adapt. H a n d s - o n p o s i t i o n requires some d e s ^ n . Must embrace c o m m t t m e n t t o print a n d multimedia efforts. Experience a r ^ d e g r e e preferred. Attractive benefKs p a c k a g e . S e n d resume, s a m p l e s t o : M a r i l y n K a c z a n o w s k I , G a y k } r d Hera l d T i m e s . P O B o x 598, M l 4 9 7 3 4 or m a r i l y n ® g a y l o r d h e r aldtimes.com. Applications are available at www.gaylordschools.com or at the above address. Accounting M a n a g e r Di C I S3 I I I I I needed at Boyne Mountain Resort, located in Boyne Falls, Ml. Applicant must have strong general accounting skills Including sales/receipt reconciliations, accounts receivable and more. Looking for a team player w i t h the ability t o multitask in a high paced setting and has excellent customer service skills. BOYNE offers competitive wages, excellent discounts on food, retail, merchandise, waterpark, lodging, golf and ski for all Michigan owned locations. Apply on-line at ww/w. boyne.com. For further information or details about the position email jobs® boyne.com or call (231) 439.4774. BuifeiMM* nly OA w for • scilimimhhiwulonacustorrcadto riMdi o( your cotrvtny. • orwi-hhmrrfcmtoflincantfytvcnil, sown and dantfy tha ban new h m • E-le*i*ig adutiona rdudlng softwart. tiuBheai sidls. pn}(«atantf (lav«k)p(nart and manurKtirrg-relaiad conaa. • HR aanicaa nckjding orina candUate prncnenng. tMrsMoral ntarmnv ski aasaaamant and more. Dnployaaa antoy iccaaa ». < Opporturtttaa r aiJuialiiBiva. ndustna and contact carttr saRngs. • OpOona ndudriQ shofl and long-term Experience with Adobe Indesign. Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Ptwtoshop required. Experience with A d ^ Flash is a plus. 40 hours per week. assigrYnents. temp-to-tw« and d n c t - ^ • Compattttva pay A comtnhanaivt b a n ^ nciudrg vacstKnlwictBy pay. trea crkne ski tranng and more. Y V OAVLORO HEBALI^riMES ARE Y O U home from college a n d lcK>king fro a s u m m e r job. Sklarczyk S e e d F a r m is k x j k i n g t o fill s u m m e r t i m e positkx>s in their greenhouse operatkjn. Please call (989)858-0141.(10) ///A 1349 S. Otsego, Gaytord 989-732-4884 Send [csume by May 22,2008 to: M a n p o w e r ' us manpower.com Matt Smith, Graphic Arts Managw Gaylord Herald Times P.O. Box 598, Gaylord, Ml <9734 S E E K I N G Q U A L I F I E D limited service hotel m a n a g e r for resimattOgaylordhwaldtiines.ccm d e n t or off-stte. C o m p e t i t i v e COOKING CLASS instructor. R e s p o n s i b l e for m e n u planning, preparation a n d i n s t r u c t k j n o f 1 - 3 classes per w e e k . M u s t b e creative ar>d e n j o y i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h p e o p l e . ClassicaJ trainir>g a plus b u t not n e c e s s a r y f o r right individual. S u b m i t letter o f interest i n c l u d i n g salary requirenrtents t o ; 118 N o r t h O t s e g o A v e n u e . Gaylord, M l 4 9 7 3 5 b y J u n e 2, 2008.(14) SCAPE&SWEEP LANDSCAPING SERVICE A S P E N R I D G E , a n a s s i s t e d living facility for seniors, ts currently s e e k i n g p a r t - t i m e direct care w o r k e r s . If y o u h a v e a d e sire a n d p a s s i o n t o w o r k w i t h t h e elderiy a n d t o truly w a n t t o m a k e a difference, t h e n w e w a n t you! For i m m e d i a t e c o n s i d e r a t i o n , a p ply in p e r s o n at 1 2 6 1 Village Parkway. Gaylord. M l 4 9 7 3 5 . N o t e l e p h o n e calls. please.(14) SUPPORTS COORDINATOR. Full-time p r o f e s s i o n a l p o s i t i o n b a s e d in G a y l o r d o f f i c e p r o v i d i n g w i d e range o f s e r v i c e s t o persons w i t h d e v e l o p m e n t a l d i s abilities. M u s t b e k n o w l e d g e a b l e a t x j u t rules a n d r e g u l a t i o n s g o v e r n i n g t h e rights, t r e a t m e n t a n d s u p p o r t of p e o p l e w i t h disabilities. Requires fiexible s c h e d u l e , including s o m e evening and w e e k e n d s . S t r o n g oral a n d writt e n c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills a n d c o m p u t e r literate. G o o d driving record and m i n i m u m of bachelors d e g r e e in h u m a n services. M i c h i g a n licensure a s a social w o r k e r a n d e x p e r i e n c e w i t h pers o n s w i t h disabilities Is preferred. Starting salary range $ 2 7 , 9 1 9 t o $ 3 1 , 9 6 5 . S e n d resume to; H u m a n Resources, North C o u n t r y C M H . Or>e M a c D o n a l d Drive, S u i t e A, Petoskey. Ml 49770. E-mail 202 Superintendent Cheryl Wojtas, do Personnel Office I Gaylord Community Schools, 615 S. Elm St., Gaylord, Ml 49735 APPLIANCE ASSEMBLY HIRING N O W W e n e e d 21 p e o p l e a s s o o n as p o s s i b l e t o help w i t h t h e s u m m e r n j s h i If y o u are k>okir>g for full-time h o u r s or nx>re p e r m a n e n t t e m p o r a r y hours. Flexible h o u r s Nice bonuses Quick a d v t f w e m e n t Earning potential o f $425-$72S/w»ek Call us i m m e d i a t e t y l W e n e e d help in all d e p a r t m e n t s ! (989)732-8439 NEUTODAYT I Send cover letter, resume, completed application, certificate, transcripts | ...wtth the markets meet thorough staffing solutions ar>d the area's best employment opportunities. Join m exciting and friendly Vrork environment H n Gayiord Herald Times l i Actively seeking a flexible Mvidual with a keen eye for pife layout and design. A degree In g r ^ i c design is preferred. $1,000 SIQN-ON BONUS L I M I T E D T E R M V o c a t i o n a l Rehabilitation c o u n s e l o r for t h e State o f M i c h i g a n in G a y l o r d . Provide v o c a t i o n a l g u i d a n c e a n d counseling to persons with disabilities t o o b t a i n a n d m a i n t a i n e m p l o y m e n t . M a s t e r s d e g r e e in c o u n s e l i n g field required. Salary m i n i m u m $ 3 8 , 3 1 6 - ^ 0 . 9 5 3 maxinrHjm. Qualified c a n d i d a t e s m a y submit cover letter, resume, OLEG a p p l i c a t i o n a n d official t r a n s c r i p t to; M D L E G / R S . Tina Fullerton. 27 North Rempert Road, Tawas City, M l 4 8 7 6 3 by M a y 30. 2008. D L E G a p p l i c a t i o n and additional i n f o r m a t i o n m a y be obtained at //vt/eb1mdcs,state.mi.us/vacancyvt/eb/vacancyinq.asp.(17) hr@r>orcocmh.org or (231)347-1241. EOE.(IO) RJU-TIME Graphic Artist 204 GIS PROFESSIONAL to develop and t e a c h a n i n t r o d u c t o r y G I S course. M u s t h a v e d e g r e e in GIS or related field. T e a c h i n g experie n c e preferred. S e n d r e s u m e a n d c o v e r letter t o : S a m a t h a M c U n . N C M C . 1515 Howard Street. Petoskey. M l 4 9 7 7 0 or t o [email protected].(23) In G a y l o r d Manpower Leadss t h e Way... i p H M w ? e n W l Tamil. Help Wanted Miscellaneous EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST to assist p e r s o n s w i t h m e n t a l illnesses a c h i e v e their v o c a t i o n a l goals. A p p l i c a n t is a t e a m m e m ber at t h e P e t o s k e y C l u b . A psychosocial rehabilitation clubhouse. Duties will b e t o d e v e l o p a n d facilitate t r a n s i t i o n a l a n d s u p p o r t e d e m p l o y m e n t activity. Bachelors degree preferred. Full-time p o s i t i o n . Salary range $ 2 7 , 9 1 9 t o $ 4 1 , 4 9 2 w i t h excellent benefits. S«r>d r e s u m e t o ; Human Resources. North Country C M H , O n e M a c D o n a l d Drive. Suite A. Petoskey. M l 4 9 7 7 0 . Fax (231)347-1241 or e-mail to h r @ n o r c o c m h . o r g . EOE.(07) g a y l o r d Communrty Schools is seeking t e a c h e r s at the low/er and u p - 1 I per elementary levels. Must have State of Michigan certification and | I be highly qualified to teach elementary education. I and 3 reference letters by 5/28/2008 to; W A N T E D : B A B Y S I T T E R in our h o m e for 2 v k I 5 year o l d . M u t t be high school graduate with own reliable trarwportotion. $3/chikJ per hour. Light houeewort< i n c l u d e d . Ability t o b o flexible In scheduling required. (989)448-0343.(17) Well-established, local landscape company is seeking a few great people to add to our team. w a g e s for experience. S e n d res u m e t o : B o x 151, c / o G a y l o r d Herald Times. P O ^ x 598. Gaylord. M l 49734.(14) M E R C H A N D I S E R T O s t o c k grocery s t o r e shelves a n d d i s p l a y s for established distributor. Full-time w i t h benefits a n d mileage. C h e b o y g a n a n d G a y l o r d area. Please mail r e s u m e to: Office Manager. 1923 O' Rourke Boulevard. G a y l o r d , M l 4 9 7 3 5 or fax (989)732-2959.(14) We are seeking: NEW TODAY! • Experienced irrigation/ landscape person • Certified applicator for turf H O M E HEALTH aides needed for h o m e care in Indian River for a 7 year o l d boy. F u l l - t i m e days, s o m e w e e k e n d s . M u s t h a v e drivers license. B a c k g r o u n d c h e c k will b e d o n e . $ 8 / h o u r . Call Dee, (989)732-6374 extension 6. E0E.(17) CaU or fax resume to NEWTCHMYI D R I V E R S N E E D E D . B a y City t>ased courier s e r v i c e h a s o p e n ings for drivers for d e d i c a t e d scheduled bank routes. Part-time positions available. Calls will be a c c e p t e d b e t w e e n 1 1 a m - 2 p m . M o n d a y - F r i d a y only at (989)894-1207.(17) (989) 732-7917 * it oavlono h p r a t : t ^ i m f . s To advertise, call (989) 732-1111. 2056 S. Otsego Ave., Qaytord, Michigan EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING help n e e d e d . Valid d r i v e r s lic e n s e a n d clean r e c o r d required. Please s e n d r e s u m e t o ; PO B o x 3066. Gaylord. M l 49734.(10) GENERAL f ; r o j n p h n < ; NOW HIRING Experienced hair stylists. Guaranteed houriy wage, bonuses a n d benefits. Call (989) 7 3 2 - 7 8 0 0 or www.grondins.com feeunglosn If you've found It, more than likely, someor>e.el8e has lost i t If you've lost it, more than likely, someone else has fourxJ i t Get reconr>ected an ad in the classifieds. Gaylord Community SGhools Business T e a c h e r Gaylord High School is seeking a Business Teacher for the 2008-1 09 school year. The successful applicant must meet Michigan cer-1 tification requirements for Business Services (VB) or meet State I of Michigan requirements to become vocationally certified for an I Annual Authorization. Additional highly qualified status in English | (BA) or Science (DX) preferred. Send cover letter, resume, completed application, certificate, tran-1 SCTipts & 3 reference letters by May 22.2008 to: Cheryl Wojtas, Superintendent, do Personnel Office Gaylord Community Schools. 615 S. Elm St., Gaylord, Ml 49735 1 Applications are available at www.gaylordschools.com or at the above a fax Ciubs/Restaurants NEW TODAY! EXPERIENCED BARTENDER. Excellent w a g e s a n d w o r k i n g conditions. Apply in p e r s o n , Sugart>owl R e s t a u r a n t , d o w n town Gaylord. See Mr. Doumas.(14) Live far away? G « t Gayiord-area news a n d community i r f o m i a f i o n w i t h our e-oditioo, a n electronic varsion of the complete newspaper. MM NEWTODAYI dekiyst • K«ep >ip wHh connwnily isiua • Eosytosubscribe and occss E X P E R I E N C E D K I T C H E N nr^anager for established local bar/restaurant. C o n t a c t M o e or Randy. ( 9 8 ^ 9 & 3 - 2 2 7 9 . { 1 7 ) SERVERS, B A R T E N D E R S . Apply at front d e s k . O t s e g o C l u b a n d Resort. 6 9 6 M - 3 2 East, G a y lord.(14) * Altfwnews, sporft & infennatart liom owpWadilonl M 3 WkS> • Availed tone day. no moH^ For m o r a i n f o n n a l i o n : 989-732-1111 Sign uf> for l h « * « d i t i o n : 8aylordheraldtimes.com T « » w , At T h « S p » « d Of SKILLED LINE cook wanted. A p p l y at front d e s k , O t s e g o C l u b arKj Resort. 6 9 6 East M - 3 2 . G a y lord,(14) Enjoy the success of our SUPER SAVERS Award-winning, twice-weekly community newspaper seel(s editor t o lead t a l e n t e d t e a m t o next level. Ability t o motivate. Inspire and communicate paramount, as are superior editing A w r i t i n g sl<ilis, a t t e n t i o n t o detail & accuracy and ability t o multi-task and adapt. Hands-on position requires some design. Must embrace c o m m i t m e n t t o print and m u l t i m e d i a efforts. ExperierKe and degree preferred. Attractive benefits package. Send resume, samples t o : Marilyn KaczanowskI, Gaylord Herald Times, PO Box 598, M l 49734 or m a r i l y n « gaylordheraldtimes.com. HlR^U^pIMES where every item is $1,000 or less! To place an ad: List each item and its bargain price. The highest priced item determines the cost of your ad. Prices are for 20 words, 2 days. Item Price $100 and under = Free $101-$300 = $ 4 $ 3 0 1 - $ 6 0 0 = $5.60 $601-$1,000 = $7.20 Saturday, May 17, 2006 • 5 Qaytord Herald Time* ClaMttl^ds Help Wanted Miscettaneous Tk'adea/lndustiial Medical/Professional 207 210 204 J E W TODAY! NEWTODAYr NEWTOSMXt EXCAVATION. N O W taking applications for e x c a v a t i o n a n d pipe iaying c r e w . P i p e laying or heavy e q u i p m e n t e x p e r i e n c e a n d a C O L is required. P r o j e c t s in and around Gayiord, Ch«1evoix. Petoskey areas. M u s t b e available for overtime. F u l l - t i m e p o s i t i o n s w i t h benefits. M u s t a p p l y in p e r s o n only. A p p J i c a t k x « a c c e p t e d at Team Elmer's. 325 Meecher. G a y k x d , M t e h i g a n a n d at 3600 Rer>nie S c h o o l R o a d . Traverse City. M i c h i g a n . N o telep h o n e calls, please. EOE.(14) NEED IMMEDIATELY $1.500-$3.000/wMk M u s t have a p i c k u p t r u c k Be «r>ergetk: a n d o u t g o i n g A n d willing t o t r a v e l NO experience necessary Start i m m e d i a t e l y ! Call M r Perry 1-877-267-7687 www.titancarMropponunlty.com SEWrODAYl S E E K I N G 2 p h y s i c a l l y m individuals t o help m e m o v e t o Traverse City. M u s t b e a b l e t o carry heavy loads. G u a r a n t e e d $ 1 0 0 a day per person o r $ 1 0 / h o u r , w/hichever greater. N e e d e d e n d of May/early June. (989)619-4628.(17) ON THE ROAD TO A BRIGHTER F U T U R E ! www. midwests, c o m M i d w e s t Truck D r i v i n g S c h o o l (906)789-6311 o r 1-800-377-5567 Financing Availeible Classes Start Every 4 W e e k s Major Credit C a r d s A c c e p t e d PT/PTA Dynamic Physical T h e r a p y w i t h six locations t h r o u g h o u t n o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n is g r o w i n g . W e are currently looking for e x p e r i e n c e d clinic t e a m leaders. PT's. PTA's a n d PT t e c h n i c i a n s . Excellent salary with full b e n e f i t s i n c l u d i n g hearth insurance, 4 0 1 (k). p a i d c o n t i n u e d e d u c a t i o n a n d profit sharing. Please s u b m i t r e s u m e s to dynamicptmike@chartenntern e t . c o m or call ( 2 3 1 ) 8 7 6 - 0 0 1 0 extension 4.(10) Sales 206 ADVERTISING SALES consultant. T h e G a y t o r d H e r a l d Times is s e e k i n g a n o u t s i d e advertising sales c o n s u l t a n t . T h e s u c c e s s f u l c a n d i d a t e will b e s e l f - m o t i v a t e d , g o a l oriented. o r g a n i z e d a n d p o s s e s s t i m e mar^agement skills. A c o l l e g e d e g r e e or sales e x p e rience is helpful. To b e a part o f this a w a r d w i n n i n g t e a m , s e n d your r e s u m e t o ; K i m Ballard, Advertising Mana g e r , FK) B o x 5 9 8 , G a y i o r d , M1 4 9 7 3 4 . k i m Q g a y l o r d h e r aldtimes.com. J O I N T H E b e s t c u s t o m e r service team in Gaytord! Full and p a r t - t i m e d y n a m k : sales help. Will w o r k a r o u n d c o l l e g e s c h e d ule. U n i f o r m s a n d d i s c o u n t . A p ply at Helen's Hallmark. Glen's Plaza, Gayiord,(26) Medical/Professional 210 Trades/Industrial 207 AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE/ TRANSMISSION technician. Must have e x p e r i e n c e in f r o n t and rear wheel drive t r a n s a x l e / t r a n s m i s s i o n overhaul. G M and Chrysler e x p e r i e n c e preferred. M u s t h a v e o w n t o o l s a n d Michigan S t a t e o r A S E certified. Excellent p a y a n d f r i n g e benefits t o t h e r i g h t qualified technician. Please call (989)348-5451 a n d a s k for D a v e Petrie to schedule an interview, (09t) DRIVER TRAINEES needed now. Drivers b e i n g hired a n d C D L trained for W e r n e r Enterpnses. $ 8 0 0 / w e e k . N o e x p e r i ence needed. 1 -800-882-7364,(03) CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS Cheboygan Memorial Hospital is seeking a dedicated Certified Nursing Assistant for a full-time position in our Long Term Care Unit. We offer a great benefits package and excellent woricing conditions with a team that prides themselves in quality of care and quality of life. a Ltfeame of gmrvf Please send your resume to: Cheboygan Memorial Hospital Human R«<xirce,s NEW TODAY! EXPERIENCED C A R P E N T E R S w a n t e d for p o l e b u i l d i n g w o r k a n d flat masonry. M u s t b e a m b i tious, p u n c t u a l a n d energetic. Bailey Sides G e n e r a l C o n s t r u c tion. (989)732-9291.(17) 74)isouiiimbmsiibil « Chebiiygan. Ml W T l l pbi»fl:2.ll-627^l)igy,. . . i Miscellaneous For Sale 3oe MEDICAL CODER NEWmWYT O R G A N I C M U L C H h « l p e retain water, prevent w e e d s , r e p e l ins e c t s ar>d c o n t r o l e r o s i o n . Pick u p or DELIVERY. N o r t h e r n Michigan Hardwoods, (231)347-4575. X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST. Immed i a t e o p p o r t u n i t y for a n X-ray techr>ologlst. P a r t - t i m e . 2 t o 3 shifts per week, n o w e e k e n d s , e v e n i n g s or holidays! Great wor1< e n v i r o n m e n t w i t h flexible h o u r s . Please s e n d r e s u m e t o : B a y Street O r t h o p e d i c s P O B o x 4 3 0 . Petoskey, Ml 49770.(10) W a n t e d To B u y 300 WANTED: COKE and Pepei m e m o r a b i l i a . Please caN o r f a x liat of Itenrw a n d p r i c e s t o (989)348-6171 M o n d a y t h r o u g h Frid^, 9am-5pm or fax (989)348-6181 a n y t l m e . ( I O t ) NEwroMm Exp>erienced m e d i c a l c o d e r t o assign a c c u r a t e C R T a n d I C D - 9 c o d e s t o cardiology p r o c e d u r M . M u s t have ability t o h a n d l e multipie tasks, w o r k effectively w i t h i n a t e a m setting, p o s s e s s 8tror>g c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills w i t h t h e ability t o m e e t d e a d l i n e s In a fast p a c e d e n v i r o n m e n t . Certifk:atk>n in medical Codir>g required. Please e - m a i l y o u r resume to resumeOMich iganHVS.com or fax resume to (231) 487-9803.(17) PART-TIME WITH contingent m e d i c a l assistant n e e d e d . Exp e r i e n c e in i m m u n i z a t i o n s , phleb o t o m y a n d c o m p u t e r s required. Please s e n d r e s u m e s t o : Family First Medicine. 101 Jenson Street. Gayiord, M l 49735.(14) M us i ca l M e r c h a n d i s e 307 PIANO. B A L D W I N console with b e r x ^ . In g o o d p h j » o o n d t t k x i . Asklr>g $850. Plecwe call (231)526-1670.(17) W a n t e d To B u y 300 NEwmhurt PALM TREE pattern couch, throw rug. pillows, dishes, glasses a n d a c c e s s o r i e s . M o n key l a m p s a n d t a b l e . M u s t see. Furnish your survoom. (989)786-1055.(17) C A S H P A I D for antk^ues, furniture. glass, art, jewelry, o k i g a rage a n d b a m s t u f f , deer, elk or m o o s e h o r n s , w i l d l i f e stuff, o l d skis, s n o w s h o e s and fishing items, etc. (989)731 - 0 5 5 7 . ( 0 3 0 3 t f n s 3 0 9 ) W A N T E D : U S E D but not abused vinyl siding. K i t c h e n o r b a t h cabinets arxi carpet. (989)732-0599.(29t) Gayiord Herald Times CLASSinEDS Tlwra^ always • roof to put ovar your haad in tha raal astala and iwital aactians. MOREL MUSHROOMS! TROY-BILT S N O W blower. 28'. 6 months old. Like new, $ 4 0 0 / b e s t . M o u n t a i n bike. Like new, $50/best. Rkjing lawn mower. Rar>ch King Pro. $ 2 0 0 / b e s t . M a n y m o r e items. Moving sale. All must go, (602)350-1364.(07) Wanted: Morel m u s h r o o m s $$ Plecise c o n t a c t ( 9 8 9 ^ 3 2 - 9 5 3 5 . M o n d a y t h r o u g h Friday after 5 p m a n d all d a y S a t u r d a y a n d SurKjay.(03) Q A Y L O R D H E R A L D T I M E S is t h e premier print m e d i u m in O t s e g o County. Call t o d a y a n d ask for a d v e r t i s i n g at (989) 7321111. P O . B o x 5 9 8 G a y i o r d , M l 49734 MOREL MUSHROOMS W A N T E D l We pickup. $10 per p o u r x j . ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 4 3 5 3 or (517)719-1100.(17) NEWJXmXt Call the Ga)dord Herald Times to place your ad here 989-732-1111 Produce & Plants 302 F O R S A L E . Twiriing tulips, d a n c i r ^ daisies, b o u n c i n g b e g o n i a s , e d i b l e carnations. For m o r e inf o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t Mr. G reen T h u m b . (14) Heating Air Conditioning 304 CAMPFIRE WOOD. Ash. $45/cord delivered. Contact R o b , (989)731-1206.(03) H A R D M A P L E f i r e w o o d . Split. delivered and d u m p e d . 5 face c o r d for $300. U n l i m i t e d supply. Energy drafts accepted. (231)420-5069.(05t) H A R D M A P L E . Dry. delivered. 16" or c u s t o m c u t / s p l i t . 1.5 f a c e c o r d , $100; or 4 - 1 0 c o r d l o a d s $ 6 0 / c o r d . $ 5 5 / c o r d for 2 4 " boiler wood, 1-800-485-1456.(03) Miscellaneous For Sale 306 D A R K R O O M E Q U I P M E N T . Bog e n enlarger w i t h 3 5 m m a n d m e d i u m f o r m a t n e g a t i v e earners. S a u n d e r s a d j u s t a b l e easel, safelight. film d e v e l o p i n g t a n k w i t h reel a n d t h e r m o m e t e r . 2 g a l l o n s t o r a g e tank, gram focuser, large developing tray, graduated beaker, enlarger timer, e x p o s u r e meter, t)ooks a n d m o r e ! Nearly everything to get started. $150 for all or best offer (989)350-1353 or (231)546-3846.(05) I r". Fax; 231-627-1262 E-mail: hr@chebe>yganh<,ispiial.org ADVEI^ISING SALES C O N S U L T A N T The Gayiord Herald Times is seeking an outside Advertising Sales Consultant. The successful candidate w i l l be self-motivated, goal-oriented, organized and possess time management skills, A college degree or sales experience is helpful. To be a part of this award-winning team, send your resume to: Kim Ballard, Advertising M a n a g e r Gayiord Herald Times P.O. Box 598, Gayiord, M l 49734 [email protected] Employment Opportunities at Otsego Memorial Hospital In Gayiord, our emphasis is on outdoor recreation and quality of life. We enjoy a healthful climate, which is ideal for year-round sporting activities including golf, camping, boating, tennis, cross-country and downhill skiing, hunting, fishing, and more. Gayiord boasts a strong business community and •winning schools. NEW TODAY! H A R D W O O D FLOORING SALE. Over 100,000 s q u a r e feet of w o o d flooring g r o w n a n d harv e s t e d in n o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n S t a r t i n g at $ . 8 9 / f o o t . Offer g o o d t h r o u g h M a y 31. Call N o r t h e r n Michigan Hardwoods. (231)347-4575.(17) ^jU'laUJA-ilahUfc ESTATE S A L E . 2 8 8 4 S o u t h Pyke S c h o o l R o a d , Gayiord. Off Parmeter R o a d . M a y 22, 4 p m - 8 p m . M a y 2 3 a n d 24, 9 a m - 7 p m . May 25. I 0 a m - 2 p m . Household items, furniture, tools, m u c h more.(17n) j i 1 ; | i I H U G E G A R A G E sale. 6641 ! C h e r w i n s k i R o a d , VandertMtt. Monday, May 19 t h r o u g h M o n day, May 26, 8 a m - 6 p m . C o m pressors, air t o o l s , M I G welder, p>ower saws, t o o l s , w o o d splitter, fishing e q u i p m e n t , clothing and m u c h more.(14n) ; I I I ' I j C R A F T S A L E . M a y 24 a n d 25. 9am-4pm. 7405 Hayes Tower Road, Gayiord. Pottery, stained glass, w o o d c r a f t , garden art, birdhouses, feeders, birdbaths. herb b a s k e t s . M u c h more.(17s) I • ! J FRIDAY A N D Saturday. May 23 and 24, 8 a m . 4 1 7 6 B u c k Road, Gayiord. Use Michigan Avenue off US 27 South.(17s) M A N Y , M A N Y D i c k e n s Village p i e c e s plus h o u s e h o l d items. M a y 24. 8am-4pm. 1625 Lakewood, Gayiord.(14s) Community Wide Goroge Sole In M i c h o y w e Saturday, 24, tOam • 4pm miftmtnmk mk:ihmf¥04 535 W E S T P i n e B r i a r , G a y lord. Friday and Saturday. May 2 3 and 24, 9 a m - 4 p m . Lots of kid's women's and men's clothing, jewelry, c l o c k s , bedding, dishes, loads and loads of miscellaneous.(21w) 7163 PARTRIDGE Place, G a y i o r d . M i c h a y w e Subdivision. May 24 and 25, 9 a m - 4 p m . Brand n a m e baby gear, infant c l o t h i n g , maternity wear, nursing wear. toys, women's clothing, men's clothing, d o l p h i n collectibles and m u c h more.(17w) ADULT, MATERNmr and baby/toddler clothing. Baby items. NordicTrack skier. Saturday, M a y 24, 8 a m - 3 p m . 1014 T i m b e r i i n e Trail, Gaytord.(17c) H U G E G A R A G E sale. 2 families joining. N a m e b r a n d kids' clothes, infant to 4T. Baby items, strollers. Lots of household items and s o m e antiques. Saturday and Sunday, M a y 17 a n d 18, 8 a m - 4 p m . 7 1 3 W e s t S t r e e t , Gayiord.(17c) H U G E M U L T I F A M I L Y garage sale. M a y 21, 22 a n d 23, 9 a m - 3 p m . 227 N o r t h M a p l e , G a y i o r d . Lots k i d / b a b y c l o t h i n g (size/gender separated), toys, tx)oks, furniture, p u p p e t e , hunting, fishing, exercise items, m u c h more!(10c) BIG M O V I N G sale. From s w i n g set t o tires. M a y 17 a n d 18. 9am-5pm? 7172 Parmater R o a d , E l m l r a . West o n M - 3 2 t o C a m p Ten.(17w) A N N U A L M U L T I F A M I L Y sale. Lots of great stuff. C o m e and see. Friday and Saturday, May 23 and 24. A s p e n Park S t o r a g e t>ehind the Post Office. Gaylord.(17) MAY 17 and 18, 1 0 a m - 7 p m . Kids' toys, clothes and more. 8385 M - 3 2 West, Eimlra. D o w n t o w n Elmira o n t o p of the hin.(14w) R U M M A G E S A L E . M a y 24. 8 a m - 6 p m . M a y 25, 8 a m - 4 p m , Lots of girls' c l o t h i n g , household items, s n o w blower, leaf blower, metal c h o p saw. Follow the signs. M - 3 2 West past Kohls, take left on Hayes Tower, right on Van Tyle, go 3 - 1 / 2 miles left t o 1 3 0 8 B e a c o n Square Lane, Gaylofd.(l7w) 2 S T R E E T wide s a l e . Fairgrieve and Douglas Lake Roads. J o hannesburg. May 23-26, 9am-6pm,(17e) MAY 23-26, 9am-6pm. Household, tools, lawn/garden, m u c h more. 10550 Fairgrieve, Johannesburg.(17e) Industrial Journeyman mEEfW lilcctrician Northern M i c h i g a n Vfanufact urine Plant looking a Electrician" / s u i i n e m ^olutlon^ FIELD TECHNICIAN We are looking for an experienced copier field technician. T h e position will consist of performing preventative maintenance and diagnostic repair on Savin copiers. Must have strong customer service skills, be reliable, have a good driving record and the ability to travel to customer sites. Please email your resume to: P e r f o r m s w o r k r e q u i r i n g a t h o r o u g h k n o w l e d g e of electrical theory, principles and the National Electrical Code (NEC). Maintains electrical s y s t e m s a n d e q u i p m e n t t o k e e p t h e m in o p t i m a l w o r k i n g o r d e r . M u s t b e a b l e t o read e l e c t r i c a l d r a w i n g , o w n b a s i c tools, and be w i l l i n g t o s e c u r e additional tools as needed. Proven history t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g electrical s y s t e m s with k n o w l e d g e of P L C ' s r e q u i r e d . M u s t p o s s e s s a M i c h i g a n J o u r n e y E l e c t r i c i a n L i c e n s e , or J o u r n e y m a n Card from a federally sponsored apprenticeship p r o g r a m . T h e p e r s o n a w a r d e d this p o s i t i o n must o b t a i n a S t a t e of M i c h i g a n J o u r n e y m a n L i c e n s e w i t h i n o n e y e a r of e m p l o y m e n t . S u b m i t r e s u m e to: E>ecorative P a n e l s International Attn: H u m a n Resources 4 1 6 Ford Avenue Alpena. Ml 4 9 7 0 7 EOE Scott D u n n at s c o t t ^ d u n n s o n l i n e . c o m or mail your resume to: Scott D u n n P.O. Box 2 4 8 , Gayiord, M I 4 9 7 3 4 qc: ShirleV. Jones<g f « com OMH offers an outstanding full-time benefit package including health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance: discount prescription; continuing education/tuition assistance; retirement and generous paid time off. Otsego Memorial Hosprtal, a growing provider of primary health care services in beautiful rKMthem Michigan, is seeking individuals to fill the following positions: Full-time • Physical Therapist • Phlebotomist • NP or PA, Family Medicine (Lewiston, Ml.) • Nurse Team Leader, McReynolds Hall RN preferred or experienced LPN • Director, Rehabilitation Services Part-time • Nurse Team Leader. McReynolds Hall RN preferred or experierKed LPN • RN, Med-Surg • RN, Perianesthesia Contingent • Speech/Language Pathologist • Accounting Intern-Unpaid • MA/LPN. Physician Sen/lces • Pharmacist Applications. poiHion details and additional caraar opportunMas can ba found on our wabsita at http://goodhaalthstarb>wn,coni mm: ^731-2413 • Fa*: »»-731-7792 ^ 0 l h e n you thinl^Su've found our IMPOSTOR the following: classifiea ad, do one off th • Cut It out and mail it in • Drop it off at the Herald Times Email [email protected] (Include HERALD TIMES etmtftv I f o u n d t h e IMPOSTOR A D OF THE WEEK! ( O f f w exptTM M « y 24. 2008) NAME: ADDRESS: OTSEGO MEMORIAL h o s p i t a l Tie, address, phone number & a copy of the ad available on our website) — PHONE NUMBER:. P l e e e * s e n d Ihte c o u p o n e n d FAKE A D t o ; O e y t o r d H e r a l d T l m e e . P.O. B o n 5 ® e . Q a y t o r d . M l 4 9 7 3 4 o f f 1 Q a y t o f d H f i d T i m — . 20Sa S . O f g o . Q w y t o r d . Qayiord H«rald Ttmaa Cias«tf1*da 6 • S a t u r d a y , M a y 17» 2 0 0 6 HERE'S 1¥1Y C A R D Auto Sales & Services RICK'S .PAINTLESO MUFFLER MAN OF ICHIGAN L.L.C STANDARD • RECEIVER CLASS l-IV FRONT MOUNT RECEIVERS fIFTH WHEEL • GOOSENECK TOW BARS • BIKE RACKS • WIRING Mufn«r«, BraKaa WATERS GARAGE VANCe MOREHOUSE MON-PRI 6-6 P M SAT 6 - 3 P M 1 RAPAIR TOWING S Y S T E M S O i l & Filter C h a n g e - $ 1 4 . 9 9 101 E a s t M a i n Oaylord, Ml 49735 (989) 7 3 2 - 6 2 3 9 / (969) 7 3 2 - 8 7 3 3 DCNT D O W N T O W N WATERS ' 1 f 1 1 Futty kmund Commercial -•KRVICCg Monoftff fet Temenewi 'uodt Financial Mana3cn>ent Throu3t> Forestry Timber Sales • Food Plots • Timber Tax Accounting 20 Years of Experience • Reslstered Foresters 1-888-732-7188 Shawn Thomas TREE SERVICE Loggiog/LumDeriog lot/Liwxl Clearing Brush Chipping Whole Tree Chipping Slump Grinding TreeRenxjval Tnmmtng FOREST RESOURCE 989-614-0303 • 989-732-0317 (989) 732-2124 1 a i M m i , (EOS. • Removal • TVimming • Stump Clearing ^ • Lot Clearing • Storm Work (989) 732-5230 Fax (989) 705-2050 300 Expressway Ct PO Bo*670 Gaykxd. Ml 49734 1 24 Hour Emergency service 989-548-6950 C e l l 989-745-1538 7891 HULBERT RD., FREDRICK. MI 49733 We Accept Excavating/Landscaping • l i i a c ^ ouipicoiffracifm • ovmnt M i M i i i i c t Call: MIKE B U N Z Y Owner/Operator 25 Years Expenence (989) 732-5248 ((Cell 989-350-5668 NEW HORIZON LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPBnRRIGATIOM CONTRACTORS 349ll«iMpliS(rtt( Gayford,in 49735 (999)7324307 15433 22(HliAv*mM M g R a p M t , M I 49307 (231) 7 9 6 4 9 2 5 UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION Miscellaneous Services fii»COUIffESY DRIVING S C H O O L www.courte8vdrivinqschool.com Guaranteed Lowest 800-256-9559 Price! IVe will beat anyone's advertised pace in Gaylord by $5 when \^u bang in their ad on registrBtion day! Honored for Segment I, II, and Road Test! $2991W Segment I with this ad registration day only! Expires 5/20/08 Classes Held: Qavtord t/n/versrtv Ceotec (880 Uvmgston Boulevard) ture. 6 Hour^ Onvmg SEQMEWT U: SSO.OO 6 Hour« Lecture Mensrve Twn CI ail w Start: 3 1 /2 Week Claues Dnvmg. Teer Classes Meei 3 Days May 19 MJ.W.TH 3:45-5.46 p.m. May 14. 16. 17 W.F, Sat 4 00 • 6:00 p m 6 00 • 8-00 p.Ti JunaS M,T,W,TH,F 4:00-6:00 p.m. Juna16,l8,19 10-00 • 12130 or Juna25 MJ.W.TH.f 8:00-10:00 a.m. Ju)y7, 9, 10 10.00- 10 00 a.r 14 MJ.W.TH 8:00-10:00 a.m. Aogust 4, 6. 7 10 00 - 12.00 pf Aygu»!4 M.T.W.TM 8:00-10:00 a.m. August 18. 20, 21 Call a t t o r n e y Todd Nye 9 e » 4 1 4 - 2 7 2 4 s t o p T o r e d o s u r e a n d garnishments! Fresh start! N y e & Associates, Grayling, M l CERTIFIED ROAD TESTS • GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE! t35 Auto Gaytord » Gayiofd Cmema (M-32 West) $25 Cycles P&K Law I ' i r m Court Expertise Counseling Excellence Paul Bunyan Plumbing & Heating Kevin Hesselink P l u m b i n g , H e a t i n g , Air C o n d i t i o n i n g , O u t s i d e W o o d B o i l e r s A t t o r n e y • Specializing in •CRIMINAL • FAMIi-Y • BUSINESS 1262 S. Otsego Ave. Gayord, Ml R o n Paul Master Plumber Fully Insured 989-732-5952 Gaylord 989-705-2332 Fax: 705-8233 CLEANER O N E TBonded and InsuredMAIDS Quality Housekeeping Services Carrie Denison General Manager 1113 Effie Boulevard Tel. 989-732-5066 Gaylord, Ml 49735 Celt 989-858-0782 KtiessellnkOpklawflrtn.com PrieelB00 JVrV Hair on m £ £ L S MOBILE HAIR SERVICE WttNn 20 ing b a n k r u p t c y . a deftt relief a g e n c y a n d assist p e o p l e w i t h fllir radius of Qaytord Karen Licensed Cosmetologist / Stylist Call 9 8 9 - 8 5 8 - 6 6 4 3 for an appointment. Performance, • Jdattrrcyelm • Watmf LLC. at&t • Srurmrmotnlm Kir u f L Authorized Grayling Cash Fast GIsn'a Mini Mall Parking Lot Retailer J«niff«r Garner 13 Years of E x c e l l e n c e in Repair a n d P e r f o r m a n c e Jason P r i c e Owner, Certified Mechanic 6416 Sringgay Rd. Gaylord, Ml 49735 989-889-0200 pricelesspeTfomiance@gmail. com UPS Shipping • Bill Paying Check Cashing a J Sales Agent Crawfonj & Otsego County Mobile: 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 4 0 0 2 Office: 9 8 9 - 3 4 8 - 9 1 0 0 cashjeniffer 9 a o i c o m Builders, Contractors & Home Improvement Services Asphalt Maintenance Gutters/Downspouts SnNf Out a Great Deal inilieClassn6il& Snopoers unth a nose for targains head straiflM tor the Herald Times classifieds In ttw classifieds, you can track down s on everything from cars to canine companions. It's easy to place an ad or find the items you want, and it's used by hundreds of area shoppers every day herau^^imes "Callfor the Best.. Forget the Restl" "Callfor the Best.. Forget the Rest! " WWW, gaylordh6raldtimes.com' 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 2058 S. Otsego • Gaylord. Ml 49735 FIX: 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 3 4 9 0 Saturday, May 17. 2008 • 7 Qayford H«rald Times ClMsifieds HERE'S M Y CARD Builders, Contractors & Home Improvement Services DCC PAINT C€, A • Custom Staining • Power Washing • Deck Refurbishing /?esiden(ia/ Commercial Cell: 989-619-9874 Office: 989-732-5200 Fully Insured Frank Bryant • Owner Rite-Way GREAT LAKES M A S O N R Y Custom Homes Permanent Wood Foundations arKi Basements Rough & Finish Carpentry • Masonry • Blockwork • Flatwork • Stonework • Commercial • Residential Jim PiotTowski, owner Bill Current (989)766-4595 • • • • The D o o r Specialists Lot CkMi inj' Foundation W o r k Rulido/er & Septk Syslomv PfnNBNWSHING DECKS, HOUSES lor LvlimaU'^ ('.ill or l a \ KJUSTUOUTMIYTIIING Piiatiai - Staiaini • SeiiiRf PH: ')89-7;j2-8346 CELL; 9«9-«58-0«W> FAX: 989-731-51 OH EXCAVATION SERVICES: 2 3 1 - 5 8 5 - 6 4 4 0 o. 1-866-685-6440 Scfxinji N o r t h f i n Miehi^:in % DECK ONE LlC'RN!>F.O 8t mSUKI-:r> • A d i l i l i o i i s • l)e<ks • Lisht Cominer< i<il • Ro-Ruofs • <..ira}»cs Russ Garlilz (Owner) Professional Wofic - Reasonable Rates Saarantaetf Work FREE E S T I f ^ T E S - SENIOR D I S C O L M S VV. ( hnllin 117*> Ch.irli*s Brink Kojd C.i>lord. M l 4S- i:. Work 989-732-7655 GoyioRs i' wn idow to thew^ I RICH Located In Gaylord For Over 20 Years CONSTRUCTION Ched( out ttie COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Sales • Service • Installation • News EMERGENCY SERVICE 2 4 HOURS (959) • Sports 408 SOUTH COURT GAYLORD. M I 49735 • Display Advertising 732-1879 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 5 7 - 1 8 7 9 Licensed Handyman 3 0 Years Experience Windows Lev T ^ r a l i a n Cabinets 1979 T o m a h a w k TV., Gaylord Carpentry Home: 989-939-7805 CeU; 989-614-6460 RESIDENTIAL ROOFING LOG CABINS W e b Site f o r your local; Full Line of Windows • Exterior Doors n o Fairview Road 30 YEARS • LICENSED &INSURID G a y l o r d H e r a l d Times GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS Lcxraled Next To The Fairyrounds Doors Decks Repairs • Weather Herau^imes • and much more! For informoien col now at |9«9) n2-mi or M l - ^ 1-«77-«19-«170 | r l)ll Log Home Restoration insured Licensed Builder 12476 E. M-32 Johannesburg, MI 49751 RANDY RICH • 989.731.1855 • 989.350.1327 CELL Gerta's Draperies • W "Everything Window Wi Make Half Lor Sidinv Logs replaced, caulked chinked, sandblasted and stained. Also build new structures. L(,IU1C». t r k m a n s h i p . L i c e n s e d Sc I n s u r e d Furnace. Replacement, Humidifiers, Air C e n t r a l Air Free Estimates. Senior Savings I ' New Homes ' Siding ' Garages • Remodeling • Cultured Stone KERRY CARSON UCENSED BUILDER KITCHEN CABINET REFAClNG CUSTOM CABINETRY DONT REPLACE, REFACE SAVE 50% OR MORE 989-8fi9-5111 C o n i r n c r c ial CarpofMon Ohtmen d UBC Floorcovaring Commercial • Reskjerrtial Bus. 989-732-5136 Fax 9e9-732-6309 • W«8 877-«»^206 » Old US-27 N • PO Box 306 • Gaylord OGDEN'S Enterprises Attention Builders & Contractors: Call J o d i B u r g e r . »Sldbig • SofM • Roofs • A d d H o m • Rwnodatna HfcV been providing building materials to northern Michigan contractors since 1915 • Fuda • Trim • n»pl>ciTi>nt Windows • D«du A niMnat Owb O g d M Q 3 1 ) 948-1147 M l (231) 42<M)137 Ray O g d w i (231) 238-9836 c a (231) 420-2314 > Gaylord Old 27 South PRESTON C2lFEATHER (989) 7 3 2 - 8 8 6 2 BUILDING CENTERS > Petoskey • Harbor Springs Helping Vou Build Hlth Confidence (989) 731-4560 Tim Lawes ^^aitmsrnamiKrio^ riORTHEKn D K Y W A I X & IINTERIORS WOLF BUILDERS INC. Q A I I A « a i * M L S BAMNS CUamjM WOOD M C K S Ncw coNsntucnoN vmyl 8t wood skmno MMoeais * ADomom (989) 745-3531 F r e d e r i c , IMI tiwiai m » W L woowNtt new construction / remodel vinyi / cedar tiding licensed / insured I ICC f S l i i n « i t c s uNnH}euiiDmQ CENTER 6-5:30 Monday-Friday • B-2 Saturday • Additions ' Roofing ' Pole Barns > Knotty Pine ' And Morel Licensed Builder Over 30 Years Experience Carpet Ceramic Hardwood Vinyl Laminate I n - H o i m Nteasuramants, E s t i m a t M & Insurance Quotes Professional Installation Available • UcMSttd A Insured Kosidcnllal Customer Service Since 1958 (989) 732-3340 2281 OLD 27 SOUTH • GAYLORD • • • • • • y>awl>w Gullsrs DAVID STUBU JR. (989) 731-9747 Excellent 1^^751 A T I.EAS i r W O Q U O T E S , M A K E S I R E O N E IS O U R S ! JOHN JOHNSON G A Y L O R D . MI 4 9 7 3 5 989-731-2972 DMS Construction, LLC in Treatments" • Free Estimates • In-Home Appointments phone 989 786 3265 cell 989 390 1844 email: deldjomas^oyager.nct •er H i ^ h E f f i c i e n t 231-625-9740 ) 732-0738 WESLEY CONSTRUCTION Free Estimates Interior & Exterior Power Washing & Decks Licensed & insured Licensed & Insured Your Energy Efficient Creator" Painting Service • • • • / Current Construction Professional Painting Log Mome /Restoration Sand Blasting Log Replacement FREE fctlmates Insured Uc. Bid. 66764 custom decks windows / doors free estimates MtKK W O L F (M9)-732^21 u c o o m Awo II m jwan com NOJ09TOOMAU. 1|llll|llll|llll|llll|illl|llli|llli|iili|iili|iili|liii|iiM|iii!|llli|iiii|iiii|in I t 1 « I • ' * S o M NORM C o n s t r u c t l o i i CONSTRUCTION Construction LICENSED & INSURED Homes • Garages • Additions • Decks • Roofirtg • SMIng Snowpkiwng Insurvd • Ucansad Randy Murphy. O w i w (988)731-6169 N«w Conslniclloo. R«noM. AddUons, Snwl Praise)*. COtCRCre Countsrtops tnd SWa Rstaranccs a PortMto AviiWiis nom(2>u6si-aooe tamuMMon Qaytofd H f a k t Tim«« C l a M l f M s a » Saturday, May 17, 2006 Antiques & Auctions Recreational Vehicles Boats/Snowmobiles Livestock & Feed SuperSavers SuperSavers 311 402 403 803 900 GOLF CLUBS. Man's left hand. WKti beg. Never used. $100. (231)546-3618.(17) 900 TAN SUEDE horseback ridir>g chaps. Size small. Cowboy hat. Size 6-7/8. TejU sequence show vest/matching belt All barely used, $80/ajl.(14) ANTIQUE A N D M O V I N G SALE Years of collecting' f a b u l o u s pieces fumilure and unique a n t i q u e s arc for sale at l o w and giveaway prices. G o i n g o u t of b u s i n e s s a n d e v e r y t h i n g m u s t go d u e t o personal hardship. Don't miss this sate! 2 days only! NEW TODAY! MiUTODAYT 2000 JAYCO fifth wheel. 33'. 2 slides. New twttery, carpet and furniture. Very coodrtkxi. Asking $17,000. (989)732-4709.(17) LIKE NEWI 14' Meyer's, wide, deep huM boat with trailer, 2005 Johnson 8 horsepower motor. Also includes MinnKota electric trolling motor and fish finder. $1,995. {989)745-6200 or (989)619-2948.(17) Friday, May 23, 2008 Saturday, May 24, 2008 9 to 5 IVIW TODAY! 2005 26' Puma travel trailer. $11.800/best. Sleeps 9. Bunks. Extra storage on t^ack. Used 4 times. Must see! (989)370-0084 or (989)732-9651 .(17) Al the Old Train LX^pol in C e d a r M i c h i g a n NEWTODAYT From Traverse take 72 West, turs right on 651 at light in Cedar turn naht. down one block Cash oru\' sales please! (231)883-8485 Recreational Vehicles 402 1967 27' Allegro Class A. 45,000 miles. Sleeps 6. Everything works. Generator with low hours. Cruise. New refrigerator runs on propane, electric and battery. Water heater, microwave, air, trailer hitch, full bath. $4,500 with generator $4,000 without. (989)786-4880.(07) 28' LAYTON Bunkhouse fifth wheel. Excellent condition. $10.500/best. (231)585-7629.(17) Boats/Snowmobiles 2 HONDA 70 scooters. Low miles. Electric start. Great condition. $1,200/both, (989)348-8096.(14) 2004 YAMAHA V-Star 650 Classic with windshield and saddlebags. 17.000 miles. $4200. (231)585-6163 Lany.(IO) TRAIL HORSES. Quarter horse. $1,500. Tennesse Walker. $2,000. Up to date. 2 horse bump>ef pull trailer. $1,400. (231)237-9724, (989)204-1888.(10) ' m ihillm film 0ili htm ti/mmllm Pets & Supplies Ellsworth Farmers Exchange 602 2000 SMOKER Craft 14' deep V. 25 horsepower. Trailer Many accessories, $4,700, (989)600-7876,(30) 989-731-6300 Hours: Monday - Phday 9 am - 5:30 pm Satu^Sam -3:00pni SuperSavers 900 1/2 HORSEPOWER deep well pump. Like new, $100. (989)786-2831.(14) COME AND get them. Dachshund puppies. They are the cutest. Great colors. Miniatures. $300/each. (989)983-4213.(17) GELDING. TRI-PAINT. 12 years old. 15.2 hands. Sound. Great 2006 24' fifth wheel. Hornet by trail horse. Shown at fair $1,800. Keystone. Full bath, slideout, full (989)705-1126. (989)732-2269. awning, rear hitch. Used very little. $16,000. (989)350-8287.(14) NEWTOMYf 2008 50CC moped. 6 month Livestock & Feed warranty. 120mpg. $1,350. 1997 STARCRAFT 22" Islander 4.3 liter V-6. lnboard/outt>oard. 603 (231)536-9000,(14) Low hours. Bunk trailer, tandem LOOKING FOR acreage to hay. wheels. 4 electric downhggers. Negotiable. Leave message if no NEWTCHHTfl fish finder, GPS and more. Ex- answer. (989)324-0550,(07) 1995 HARLEY Davidson Fat cellent condition, $12,500, Boy. 7,800 miles, $11,500. 1998 (231)529-7337.(17) KTM 380 ECX. Low hours. Gaylord Herald Times $2,500. Call for details, NEWTOMY! {231)347-7510 or (231) CLASSIREDS 675-2529.(17) BOAT MOTOR. 6 horsepower motor. Long shaft, $375. ShoreYou'll find someone to get YOUTH 4 wheelers. I I O c c . Full master boat hoist. 3,600 pounds warranty. Tons of options. $799. with those odd jobs done in the canopy. $1,400, (231)536-9000.(14) (231)536-7998.(17) services classifieds. 703 1992 FORD Econoline passenger van. Runs great. 240.000 miles. $1,350. (231)526-2981.(14) $89 DOWN on selected automobiles to qualified buyers. No credit, bad credit, no problem. Tailored Enterprises, Petoskey, 1-888-774-2264, vww.tailoredenterpnses. com. (3t) 1999 JEEP Wrangler 6 cylinder, 5 speed. 91.500 miles. Soft top and bikini top. $9,300. (989)786-7428.(14) 2006 CHEVROLET Uplander 4 door extended van. Dark blue. Great condition. 65,000 miles, $9,975. (989)858-0209. (989)732-0655 after6pm,(17) 2002 MERCURY Sable. 32,500 miles. Not driven in the winter. $8,500. (989)939-8167.(14) NEWTODAYI CHECK OUT this deal! 1998 Dodge Durango. 162,000 miles. Clean interior Runs great, $4,500/best. (231)582-9435 or (231)675-5276.(14) 2002 FORD Taurus. 4 door. Tan. Great condition. 26 plus mpg. 71,000 miles. Excellent performance. $5,900. (231)439-9998.(17) NEW TODAY! 989-732-0060 1M1 OMZT towth, Gay«or« M«trt to Jtw Wtornli Chevretet Mow.. W. • to 8 to 3 Auto Parts/Accessories I Trucks I I ' JEEP HARDTOP. Fits 1997-2006. Inckides hoist. $1,200. (989)786-7428.(14) 704 1994 FORD pk:kup. 56,000 miles. Has been sitting and will need some tender loving care. $2,300. (989)732-4467.(03) ELECTRIC KEYBOARD. CTK700. 100 song bank. 2 years old. Rarely used. $100/best. (989)939-7965.(14) ELECTRONIC CASIO keyboard, 100 song bank. 2 years old. Rarely used, $125. Water cooler 3 settings, $90, (989)939-7965.(14) FLOOR MATS. Husky. Part numbers 31301 and 61361, Took out of a 2005 Chevrolet Silverado extended cab pickup. $75. (989)619-6866.(17) GAYLORD NAUTILUS men-ibership, 12 months. $240. (989)731-1152.(14) SEEKING BIOS ON THE FOLLOWING JOBS 1996 FORD Ranger, Manual. V-6. AM/FM, CD, 4 speed, overdrive, Bed l i r w . g o o d tires. $1,800. {231)675-5412, (231)582-7845.(17) CHARLTON TOWNSHIP EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Chariton Township. Otsego County, Michigan, will hire a combination custodian/maintenance/waste station attendant person Position includes custodial/maintenance work at the township hall, office building and library as well working during and after wedding receptions at the hall. Also includes outdoor maintenance work (mowing, etc.) on township properties including two (2) cemeteries. The Tri-Townshtp Waste Statk>n Attendant works approximately 15 hours weekly. Work includes weekends. For more infomiatton, please contact Matt Nowak, Charlton Township Supervisor at (989)731-1920 Of at PO Box 367, Johannesburg, Ml 49751. Chartton Township will accept appiicatwns until June 2, 2008. M a i n , WASHBURN ELECTRIC guitar with Marshall amplifier 2 years old. Never used. Books and tuner also. $275/best. (989)939-7965.(14) WASHER AND dryer. Electnc, Good condition, $200. (989)370-2272 leave message. (17) WHIRLPOOL DRYER. Used 6 months. Clean and in great condition. $200/best (906)250-8138 or (989)731 -1904 ask for Joe.(14) WIDE CAR dolly. Used once. $400. (989)348-6661.(14) WOOD DOCK. Five 10" sections. $50. (989)786-5143.(17)- SCHWINN SPEEDSTER 20" boy's rrKJuntain bike. 7 speeds. Grip shifter Blue. $65. (989)731-1052 after 6pm.(03) SUNBEAM WATER cooler 3 years old. 3 settings, cooling fridge. $100/best. (989)939-7965.(14) 1 DOLLAR TO $1000 SUPER SAVERS AH ads run for 2 days in the Gaylord Herald Times and for an additional $4.00. 1 day in the Marketplace Maximum 20 words...Free. Items Priced Free for items $100 and under $4.00 for items $101 - $300 $5.60 for items $301 - $600 $7.20 for items $601 - $1000 Call us today! Gaylord Herald Times, (989)732-1111 Garage sales and pets not applicable. Not available for the use of commercial businesses. The highest priced item determines the cost of your ad Price of the item must be advertised. WHITE PLASTIC toddler bed $10. (989)732-3914,(17) herali^rimes 989-732-1111 www.gay lordhe raldti m es com DEVEREAUX MEMORIAL LIBRARY LAWN SPRINKLER/LANDSCAPE BIDS The Devereaux Memorial Library, located at 201 Plum Street. Grayling, Michigan is accepting bids for annual lawn, sprinkler and landscape maintenance. Licensed contractors must have liability insurance totaling one million dollars. Bids accepted until May 29, 2008. Job description available at the Library circulation desk. Gaylord, DEMOLITION ADVERTISEMENT TO BID CITY OF G A Y L O R D 503 N. CENTER AVENUE All concrete asphalt or patio block bases and/or all walkways are to be removed from the site as well as the existing cor>crete block building, which once housed laundry, restroom and maintenance equipment. /^I remain household interior and exterior items will also need to be removed trom the property The paved alleyway and city sidewalks shall remain intact and preserved. Once Items are removed the property should be filled wnth sand and leveled to adjacent p r o p ^ i e s A 1-1/2" of cap of top soil, raked, seeded and mulch put down to complete the project site. AH those interested to bid this project shoukJ submit bids to the city of Gaykxd, 305 East Main Street, Gaylord, Ml 49735 by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, All bids must be sealed and signed wfth the total price clearty marked. The envelope should clearly state: Demolition Bid Trailer Park 503 N, Center Avenue All bids must be valid for 90 days. Any questions may be directed to the City Claris or City Manager. The Crty of Gaytord offers a 5% bKJders incentive for all Otsego County contractors. The City reserves the right to accept or mject any and all bids at Its sole discretk>n. Rebecca A. Curtis, City Clerk (989) 7 0 5 - 8 2 8 4 W e s t WALL FURNACE. Natural gas, $150. Singer table top sewing machine, $50, (989)786-1055.(14) Ivan H, Maschek. Charlton Twp. Clerk ^ 236 TREATED WOOD swing set w(th slkle. 2 swings, tire swing, rings and trapeze bar $100. (989)731-5548.(17) The City of Gaylord will accept bids to demolish or remove from the site a total of (19) single-wide mobile homes currently situated on 503 N. Center Avenue. After each unit is removed, water and sanitary sewer lines will need to be removed to the property line and stubbed off at the right-of-way. All natural gas and electric to the site must also be removed and terminated at the property lines as well. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to contact and coordinate all utility dieconnections Renovate bathrooms, locker rooms, student lockers, fire ext door gym lighting, rubber membrane roofing, and roof drains. Install irrigation system, wire panel partitions, digital surveillance camera systems, air conditioning unit, and announcement/bell system. Refinish a gym floor "Invitation t o B i d " packets are availal>le in the Superintendents Office. 112 St. Johns Street Mancekx^a, Ml. For further information, contact Ed McCarty at (231) 587-9764 ext, 205, Pre-Bid Meeting scheduled for May 28, NEUTODAY! WANTED: DEAD or alive. Paying cash for cars ar>d trucks. Cash upon quick pickup. (969)786-3932- (07) CRAFTSMAN LAWN mower Hydrostatic. 15 horsepower. 42" cut. $500- Ford pickup t o p p e r Short box, step side. Fifcterglass, white. $375. (231)546-3516.(17) M A N C E L O N A PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1999 FORD F-350 Dually Super Cab. 7.3 diesei. 138,500 miles. Very good condition. $14,000. (989)614-6288.(03) MEYERS 7'6" angle okJer snow pk>w. Good conditkMi. EverytNng works. New hoses, new sotonoW. $500. (989)390-2488.(15t) COIN COLLECTION. Coins and books. $95- Lane cedar chest. $50. (989)705-7690.(14) TELEVISION. $60. Man's Arctic Cat coat. $50. Twin stroller. $25. Fake fireplace heater. $45. (989)786-2045,(17) TRI-TOWNSHIP AMBULANCE 1996 FORD F-150 XL 4x4 extended cab. Power wnndows/tocks, cruise, air Towing package. Bed liner. Truxedo bed cover. New brakes (906)478-3908 after 4pm.(07) 702 CHILD'S LITTLE Tikes slide/climber $15, Booster seat. $5. Picnic table. $5, Work bench, $8, (989)732-4768.(17) AMBULANCE FOR SALE Good working Ambulance for sale by sealed bid only through Tri-Township Ambulance. 1991 Ford E-350 type 3 model with only 85.000 miles. Still usable as an EMS/Rescue transport vehicle, or may be remodeled for other use. Contact Barry at (989)785-4841 for more information. The BOD has the right to accept or reject any offer. Deadline is June 2, 2008 for bids. NEW TODAY! 2001 JEEP Wrangler Sport. 30.000 miles. Tow bar Never driven in salt, $11,500. (231)547-9377 or (231)675-9666.(17) My, WMklyftMonthly R*t*» cal nch-UpftIMIvaW OWM^ ft AIR CONDITIONER. Large window unit. 8.000 Btu. $100, (989)732-2599,(14) GAYLORD HERALD TIMES is the premier print medium in Otsego County. With the variety of publications that are offered, there is sure to be one that will fit the needs of your business. Call today and ask for advertising at (989) 732-1111. P.O. Box 598 Gaylord. Ml 49734 2001 CHEVROLET Blazer 4x4. 156,000 miles. Many new parts. New tires, extra set of snow tires, $3,900. (231)632-3939,(17) autokestal. 5 FISHING poles with reels. $45/all. (989)732-4724.(14) 206B S. Otsego Av». Qsytord, MtcNgan Van/Sport Utility Vehicle MUST SELL as soon as possible. Moving! Refrigerator and upright freezer Excellent running condition. $100/each or t>est offer. (989)731-5481.(17) 30" MAGIC Chef. Natural gas range. Very good condition. $75. (989)786-4322,(14) (96^ 732-1111, e-moil: classifiedsOgaylordheralcMmes.cofn LOVESEAT. ABOUT 7 months old- Putts out t o twin bed. Large matching storage ottoman. Paid $1,000. /Vsking $450, (989)448-0330.(17) 2 PAIR lederhosen. sizes 30 and 28 with suspenders and ties. Good shape. $50/each. (989)786-5143,(14) 30" FREESTANDING propane oven. Very good condition. $50, (989)732-7748,(14) Advertise your business or service by calling LAWNMOWER. 21" MTD 5 horsepower. Very good condition. $75. (231)546-5123.(14) MIRROCRAFT 14' aluminum boat, $125. (989)732-5241.(14) 2005 TRUCK cap. Aluminum, 5'. op>entng windows. Fits Canyon or Colorado. Black. $200. (989)745-6200 or (989)619-2948.(17) NEW TODAY! LAWN MOWER. 4 horsepower New condition. Easy start. $95. (231)549-2500.(17) 1991 DODGE. 66,000 miles. $600. Cub cadet tractor $450. (989)705-7171.(14) 2 TIRES. BFGoodrich radial T/A, 225/70x16 mud and snow. $40. (231)549-3446.(14) NEWTOMYI AUTOMOTIVE KENMORE. REFRIGERATOR. Runs good, $25, (989)732-9357.(17) mmnrnman/sf 1681 S. Otsego, Gaylord !«:W TODAY! 1984 FOUR Winns Santara 205, 4 cylinder inboard. Good condition. Includes Heritage trailer, $4,000 or best, (231)547-7044.(17) Cars HUSKY FLOOR mats. Part numbers 31301 and 61361. Took out of a 2005 Chevrolet Silverado extended cab pickup, $75. (989)619-6866.(14) • svantgod NEWTOMYT 701 HUGE TANK for various animals, Heavy duty. 66'wx86''hx28''d. 2 glass slkJing doors. Homemade. Great for lizards, birds, etc, $90/best. (989)858-1997.(14) • n utoumm (itwrii 801 $30. HP DESKJET F300 AJI-in-One series printer/scar>r>er/copier. Used 4 months. $50. Schwinn Predator BMZ bike. Good coodition, $20. Joe, (906)250-8138, (989)731-1904.(14) UnmOMHB 1982 FOUR Winns. 15". 70 AKC COCKER spaniel puppies. horsepower Evinrude outboard Small and lovable. Black. $250 oil injected and power trim. 6 and up. Male and female. person. 2 five gallon gas reser- (231)546-3217.(17) voirs. New extra prop, boat cover Shoreland'r tilt trailer Approximately 300 hours. Excellent m w t o m r t condition, $3.200/t>est. A must see! (989)732-8436.(17) BEAUTIFUL THOROUGHBRED 1995 THOMPSON 18' center German shorthaired pointers. console with 1998 Mercury 90 Born March 13, 2008. Tails horsepower, $5,600. 1988 17' cropped, dew claws removed. Sea Nymph with side console, First shots and 6 week checkup. 40 horsepower Johnson. Live $300/each. (231)631-7529 or well, trolling motor, d o w n rig- 631-7530.(17) gers. graph. $38,000. (231)539-8034.(14) 2005 HONDA Gold Wing. $14,999. Make offer, 35,000 miles. Gently ridden. Accessohes. (231)526-9985.(14) wbwm'ksnd Horses & Riding Stables 403 18' LUND fishing boat with trailer. $4.500/best. Call for more information, (231 )237-9724, (989)204-1777.(10) 1993 FORD F-250, Loaded. With 2002 10-1/2' Sun Lite pickup camper. Loaded. (989)786-2357.(26) GRAY LOVESEAT. (989)939-8841.(14) M l o Mrili M tnr ^ (866) 3 9 3 - 8 2 8 4 w w w . M a i nSt r c e t G i i y l o r d . c o m