to - The Rossford Record Journal
to - The Rossford Record Journal
YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER HollandSpringfield Established 2003 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 28 –JULY 12, 2016 ©WELCH PUBLISHING CO. HOLLAND, LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO Please Recycle This Newspaper $25.00 per year Holland Pickleball Club collects items for Victory Center On July 6, members of the Holland Pickleball Club hosted the second annual paper products drive to benefit the Victory Center. The group loaded picnic tables at Strawberry Acres Park in Holland with paper towels, toilet paper, plastic drink cups, trash bags, copier paper, tissues and other items. The mission of the Victory Center, 5532 West Central Avenue, Toledo, is to provide hope and support to cancer patients, survivors and families. The 320 plus club members wanted to provide items to meet the center’s everyday needs so that it could concentrate on wellness needs of patients. Pickleball members meet at the park every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. where they enjoy a friendly competition. Holland Mayor Mike Yunker, an avid pickleball player, said people come from all over to play at the six public courts. “Last week we had a group from Minnesota who were passing through the area and stayed for several days to play on the courts,” he said, adding, We’ve had people from Arizona and Florida who come to the courts and play when they are here.” The mayor said the courts are popular with players, many of whom are seniors, in part because they are situated under large shade trees unlike most fields of play. He encourages area residents to visit the park, noting that in addition to pickleball, the park offers bocce ball courts, and Holland residents can borrow game equipment from the village office. Gypsy moths back in Holland David Moore appointed battalion chief By Jane Maiolo Springfield Township has appointed a battalion chief. At the July 5 meeting, the trustees accepted Fire Chief Barry Cousino’s recommendation to appoint 21-year veteran David Moore as battalion chief of fire prevention and operations. “We are happy to accept the promotion recommendation effective July 1, said Trustee Bob Bethel. Chief Cousino said battalion chief was created after re- Red Cross issues call to blood donors The American Red Cross has issued an emergency call for blood and platelets, urging all eligible donors to give now to replenish an extremely low summer blood supply. Blood donations have fallen short of hospital needs for the past few months, resulting in about 39,000 fewer donations than what’s needed, as well as a significant draw down of the overall Red Cross blood supply. In addition, the Independence Day holiday may have caused many regular donors to postpone donations due to vacation plans. Donors with all blood types are needed. To schedule an appointment to donate, use the free Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-733-2767. Gypsy moths are back at Strawberry Acres Park in Holland prompting Mayor Mike Yunker to take action. The mayor met recently with Amy Stone, director of OSU Extension-Lucas County Agriculture and Natural Resources. “Last week Amy met me in the park to verify the presence of gypsy moths. The caterpillars were observed as they were falling all over the pickleball courts, creating a mess,” he said, adding that most of the park trees show evidence of the Journal readers are everywhere See GYPSY page 2Á Fire Chief Barry Cousino, left, congratulates David Moore, who was appointed battalion chief. viewing the department’s structure. The position replaces that of fire prevention captain and is a retitle, he explained. Battalion Chief Moore will receive a salary of $28.84 per hour. Cellular Tower Zoning inspector Jacob Barnes provided the trustees with an update on a proposed cell phone tower at 2100 South Holland-Sylvania Road. Mr. Barnes said he has not heard from Verizon, but residents continue to call, expressing their concern about the tower’s proposed location. “Since our letter to Verizon enacting the Ohio Revised Code regarding the process for the cell tower, we have not heard anything from them,” added administrator Leslie Kohli. “They have not attempted to get a permit from the township nor the county and do not appear to be trying to build it without a permit.” Several months ago the trustees sent Verizon a certified letter advising the company that they may not have been in compliance with statutory obligations under the Ohio Revised Code. Other Business In other business, the trustees: •Set a public hearing for 7 p.m., Monday, August 1 on a zoning change request for 1403 Kieswetter Road. Owners Robert and Antoinette Trumbull are seeking to rezone their lot from M1/M3 industrial to RA3 large lot residential. A single family home sits on the acreage, and the land use plan calls for residential in that area, explained Mr. Barnes. •Reviewed the zoning permit summary for June. The department issued 27 permits and collected fees of $1,460. Included in the permits were five for new dwellings. “That’s good to see,” Mr. Barnes said. The report also included approval of a preliminary site plan for a new Dollar General at 9128 Airport Highway. •Discussed the recent fireworks display. Mr. Glenn noted that the display went off without a hitch, but said he would like to see the display go back to being held on the last Saturday before July 4, which is when they were held the previous year. See MOORE page 2Á From there to here, from here to there, Journal readers are everywhere. The staff invites readers to submit photos of themselves or others reading the paper wherever they may travel, whether it is Tennessee or Turkey. Michael and Sandi Grohnke of Toledo traveled to Alaska for 10 days in June. “We went on a three-day land tour starting in Fairbanks and ending with a five-hour train ride to Whittier,” Mr. Grohnke said. From Whittier, the couple boarded the Island Princess for a seven-day glacier cruise, that ended in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Above, the couple stand at the entrance of Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge in Denali National Park. In the background is Denali, formerly Mt. McKinley, the tallest mountain peak in North America, Denali’s summit is 20,310 feet above sea level. Readers and advertisers are encouraged to submit photos of themselves reading the paper. Try to include a familiar background. For example, the Phantom Ship makes an interesting backdrop for a reader at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. Photos may be submitted by email to [email protected] or by mail to The Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. If photos are sent by mail and need to be returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Please note the name of the person(s) in the photo and their hometown/business as well as any other details you may want to add about the trip. PUBLIC RECORD Page 2 — July 12, 2016 — HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL It’s on the Marriage Licenses The following area individuals applied for Marriage licenses with the Lucas County Probate Court June 1 to 30, 2016. Justin S. Walker, Maumee; Kierstyn O. Lather, Holland. Harold L. Concannon and Marina D. Shannon, both of Toledo. Michael J. Uhler and Sarah E. Ruffer, both of Holland. Reid A. Parsons and Tiffani A. Arnold, both of Toledo. Carlos M. C. Suarez, Spanaway, Washington; Kara M. Weller, Holland. Scott A. Lewis and Alyssa M. Magnacca, both of Holland. Clay S. Nordhaus and Madeline J. DeRaedt, both of Toledo. Dominic A. Petro and Bridget L. Landon, both of Toledo. Derek B. Galla and Sarah L. McMasters, both of Holland. Kristoffer B. Krupitzer, Maumee; Kimberly Jean Maunz, Toledo. Eric R. Gullikson and Hannah G. Hendricks, both of Toledo. William J. Cooper and Amanda J. Huffman, both of Holland. Alexander R. Geisel, Perrysburg; Brianna L. Parton, Holland. Thomas L. Tabb and Shawna M. Mays, both of Toledo. Lavern J. Bellair, Holland; Darlene K. Merki, Toledo. Paul E Miles and Sarah E. Escobar, both of Holland. India L. Holley and Sabrina E. Haskin, both of Toledo. Charles A. Belcher and Elif K. Erturk, both of Toledo. Scott J. Bayer and Danielle L. Fortner, both of Toledo. Anthony E. L. Pepper, Swanton; Chelsey A. Bublick, Toledo. Antonio J. Lee, Holland; Ashley M. Lewis, Southfield, Michigan. Larry L. Symington and Estrella A. Rios, both of Toledo. Aaron D. Fall and Patricia A. Zachel, both of Toledo. Cody S. Deleon and Mallory C. Haefner, both of Toledo. The following cases were heard in Sylvania Municipal Court June 27 to July 1, 2016. Court costs are $98 unless otherwise noted. Justice R. Folczynski, Sylvania; attempted possession of drugs; fines, $750; court costs, $99; 180 days jail, 100 suspended; attempted drug paraphernalia; fines, $500; court costs, $123; 90 days jail, 87 suspended. James H. Anderson II, Sylvania; (4) attempted possession of drugs; fines, $2,000; court costs, $795.25; 330 days jail, 282 suspended; (2) attempted petty theft; fines, $1,000; court costs, $306; 180 days jail, 156 suspended; pay $515 restitution; petty theft; fines, $500; court costs, $143; 180 days jail, 168 suspended; (2) DUS non FRA; fines, $700; court costs, $212; 82 days jail, 70 suspended. Cody P. O’Connor, Maumee; attempted hit skip; fines, $750; court costs, $119; 180 days jail, 140 suspended; two year license suspension. Deladem E. King, Sylvania; aggravated menacing; fines, $400; court costs, $164; no contact with victim; 180 days jail, 140 suspended; pay $299.12 restitution; (2) attempted possession of drugs; fines, $800; court costs, $236; 270 days jail, 228 suspended; petty theft; fines, $400; court costs, $143; 92 days jail, 90 suspended; pay $69.67 restitution. Jami Hollerbach, Sylvania; petty theft; fines, $500; court costs, $143; 180 days jail, 170 suspended. Definitions OVI–operating a vehicle under the influence. DUS–driving under suspension. FRA–financial responsibility act June 30 to July 4, 2016 age, 3400 block Silica Road. Saturday, July 2 Theft and criminal damage, 5900 block Red Oak Drive. Monday, July 4 Theft, 5700 block West Central Avenue. Sylvania Municipal Court Report Sylvania Twp. Police Report Thursday, June 30 Burglary, 6200 block Blossman; theft, 2700 block Centennial Road. Friday, July 1 Theft and criminal dam- GYPSY Continued from page 1 gypsy moth caterpillars eating the leaves off the canopies. “One of our maintenance employees last week said it was so bad that while he was working in the park he could actually hear the mass eating of leaves by the caterpillars and watching the leaf particles fall like it was snowing,” Mayor Yunker continued. After touring other parts of the village and observing gypsy moth infestation, he consulted with Ms. Stone regarding treatment. “The best treatment would be an aerial spray of the entire village and maybe Subscribe today! Call 419-874-4491 Springfield Township as well if this infestation is present there,” he explained. Mayor Yunker will seek council’s approval for the spraying at the July 12 meeting. Open to the public, the meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in council chambers, 1245 Clarion Avenue, Holland. In the meantime, he urges residents to contact the village if they notice on their properties oak trees with leaves partially eaten, tree limbs that are dead or brown droppings discoloring the sidewalks. “If you see evidence of the gypsy moth on your property call us at 419-8657104 so we may document this for the application we file with the state,” he said. The mayor concluded, “I'd really like to eliminate this gypsy moth problem before it destroys our park trees.” MOORE Continued from page 1 The cost to put on the display is $20,000, and donations are being accepted at the administration building to defray the cost. •Paid bills from June 17 to July 5, totalling, $66,479 and electronic payments from June 16 to 29 of $183,459, which includes the biweekly payroll of $169,210. •Heard from fiscal officer Barb Dietze that the biennial audit is beginning and should be complete by the end of September. The next trustees meeting will be at 7 p.m., Monday, July 18, at the township meeting hall, 7617 Angola Road, and is open to the public. Send your news item to: EDITOR@ HOLLANDSFJ.US HollandSpringfield PUBLISHED WEEKLY Mailing Address: P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 Office: 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg Phone 419-874-4491 E-mail: [email protected] WELCH PUBLISHING CO. Matthew H. Welch, Publisher Jane Welch-Maiolo, Editor Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager All news items MUST INCLUDE NAME AND TELEPHONE NUMBER should further information be needed News Deadline: Thursday, at 10:00 a.m. Advertising Deadline: Thursday, at 10:00 a.m. Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by the HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or omission occurred. The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. Other than as stated above. The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves the right to reject or cancel any submission at any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to the Editor which are published in The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect the opinion or philosophy of The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL. Join Us In Worship Obituary IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE 7001 Angola Road - Holland, Ohio Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Pastor David L. Carpenter, Jr. 419-491-8417 Non-denominational NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Corner of Garden and Holloway Roads Holland, Ohio 43528 Sunday School: 9 a.m. Worship: 10 a.m. (419) 867-1535 LIVING FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1240 Columbus Ave. Holland, OH 43528 419-865-3943 Pastor: Jared Groose SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning Worship Service WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. - Potluck. Come, join us! We are just like you. Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds. Attend the Church of Your Choice “corner of Angola & Albon” 8201 Angola Road 419-867-7794 Join us Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Classes for the kids. PROVIDENCE LUTHERAN CHURCH 8131 Airport Highway (corner Albon and Airport) Holland, Ohio 43528 (419) 865-4548 SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. - Contemporary Worship SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m. - Praise Service with Faith Trek for the kids 10:00-10:30 a.m. - Coffee, cookies and fellowship for all! Communion Every Sunday. PAYNE MEMORIAL AME CHURCH “Come Grow With Us” 209 S. King Rd (between Angola and Hill Avenue) Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Pastor: Regena J. Mangrum Resurrection Lutheran to host VBS July 25-29 Resurrection Lutheran Church will host a Vacation Bible School program July 25 to 29. The program, for children ages 4 to 12, will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. each day. There is no cost to attend. The theme is “Barnyard Roundup–Jesus Gathers Us Together.” Participants will learn five basic Bible truths, while enjoying crafts, singing and games. Registration is available online at resurrection For more information, call 419-867-7352. The church is located at 2250 South Holland-Sylvania Road, Maumee. Sylvania United Church of Christ to host VBS program in July Sylvania United Church of Christ will host “Journey to Colombia” Vacation Bible School July 20-21 and 25-26. The free program, for children age 3 by July 1 through those entering sixth grade, will include dinner at 5:30 p.m., followed by the program from 6 to 8 p.m. Parents and/or caregivers are welcome to come for dinner and stay for the activities as they learn and play with their children. Journey to Colombia has been designed to introduce the South American country and its traditions through a fun, educational experience. Adults and children will sing, create crafts, play games, eat, and reflect on biblical passages. The daily themes taken from the Bible include: “I was a Stranger,” “I was Hungry and Thirsty,” “I Needed Clothes,” and “I Was Sick.” Participants will help others by making comfort quilts for children and decorating muslin bags for Rahab’s Heart. Rahab’s Heart, located in north Toledo, is a resource for adult women trapped in trafficking. “While participants will learn much about how Colombian culture differs from our culture during this experience, they will also come to realize how much alike the human family is,” said Sharon McCord, Sylvania United Church of Christ’s coordinator of children’s ministries. “We are all God’s people, and we are interrelated despite differences in faith traditions, culture, skin colors, and geography.” The registration form, due by July 13, is available online at For more information, call Ms. McCord at 419-8820048. Sylvania United Church of Christ is located at 7240 Erie Street in Sylvania. •MICHELLE AMLIN In loving memory... Michelle Amlin, 49, passed away peacefully in her sleep, Saturday, July 2, 2016, after a courageous battle against cancer. Michelle was born on August 26, 1966, to David and Sharon Green of Toledo. She graduated from Start High School in 1984. She became a realtor. Michelle met her husband of 24 years, Jack, at Auction School. They have two boys, Greg and Nick. Michelle was long-time resident of Springfield Township. Along with their company, Amlin Auctions, she was involved with many charities and loved giving back to her community but her greatest passion was taking care of her boys. Heaven gained a beautiful angel, and she will be deeply missed by her family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing her. A celebration of life will be held for our sweet Michelle on Thursday, July 14, from 2 to 8 p.m., and Friday, July 15, with a service at 11 a.m. Both services will be at Providence Lutheran Church on Airport Highway, near Albon Road. Prayer for the Nation event set for July 16 A Prayer for the Nation event will be held Saturday, July 16, at 10 a.m., at CedarCreek Church, 2600 West Sylvania Avenue, Toledo. The community is invited to attend this non-denominational program. The free gathering will be hosted by Associate Pastor Josh Brossia of CedarCreek Church. The purpose of the gathering is to stir the hearts of the community to unite and draw closer to God. There will be a time of prayer for the nation, state, leaders, homes and more. The event is not political in nature and will not be used to promote any candidate. For more information, send an email to Sandy Stewart at sanndy.stewart@gmail .com Check us out on the web: HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL — July 12, 2016 — Page 3 Holland American Legion commander honored in Strawberry Festival Parade The Strawberry Festival Parade honored Ron Berlincourt, Holland American Legion #646 commander of the Burial Corps and Color Guard member. Also honored was Fire Chief Cousino and the police chief. Mr. Berlincourt served in the Marine Corps in Korea, receiving two Purple Hearts. The American Legion Color Guard started the parade with a 21-gun salute, followed by the Springfield High School Band playing “The Star Spangled Banner.” Participants also included the zoo, churches and area businesses. There was a queen, along with mini-queens and little majorettes in costumes. Right: Ron Berlincourt in the parade with Fire Chief Cousino. Below: Members of the Holland American Legion Color Guard. Caregiver classes available “Caring for the Caregiver,” a free, workshop designed to help those who are caring for the needs of a friend or family member find personal meaning in the experience, is being offered at Hospice of Northwest Ohio. The following sessions will be offered: •July 21 and 28, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Hospice of Northwest Ohio, 30000 East River Road, Perrysburg. Participants must register by July 15. •August 23 and 30, from 2 to 4 p.m., at Hospice of Northwest Ohio, 800 South Detroit Avenue, Toledo. Participants must register by August 17. •September 22 and 29, from 2 to 4 p.m., at Hospice of Northwest Ohio, 30000 East River Road, Perrysburg. Participants must register by September 16. The program is open to the public. Participants will learn: •Simple things they can do to cope with the stressors and losses of caregiving. •How to care for themselves so that they can better care for their loved one. •Resources available to them. •Information that will simplify the caregiving process •How to have difficult conversations •To talk about end-of-life care and make important decisions •To maintain a positive, healthy and hope-filled outlook. The workshop is held in partnership with the Area Office on Aging. For more information or to register, call Julie Tucholski at 419-931-5534. To request caregiving classes for a group, call Hospice of Northwest Ohio at 419-661-4001. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 419-874-2528 FREE ‘WELCOME TO MEDICARE’ SEMINAR Wednesday, July 20th, at 6:00 p.m. Stautzenberger College in Arrowhead Park, Rm. 126 1796 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, OH 43537 Hello, my name is James Poling and I host this Medicare Educational Seminar every month for anyone that will soon be eligible for Medicare and has questions. It is critical that you understand your options!! We will discuss Medicare Part A&B, when and how to enroll, and the basics of Medicare Supplement plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Part D Plans. This is an Educational Event NOT a Sales Event. No specific carrier or plan materials will be presented or sold. There is no cost to attend. There is no obligation in attending. Walk-ins are welcome. RSVP is optional. Individual appointments are available if you prefer. Call 419-872-0204 with any questions. (Not affiliated with Medicare or any government agency.) Citizen Advisory Group 770 Commerce Drive • Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-872-0204 877-883-1224 Page 4 — July 12, 2015 — HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL Springfield Schools Foundation to host golf outing on August 8 The Springfield Schools Foundation will hold a Tee It Up for Classroom Technology golf outing on Monday, August 8. The event will be held at Stone Oak Country Club. The event kicks off with registration and lunch at 11:30 a.m. There will be a shot gun start at 1 p.m. Cock- tails, heavy hors d’oeuvres and awards will follow. The cost for entry is $600 per team for the four-person scramble event. Sponsorships are available. For more information about sponsorships or registration, visit the website at SpringfieldSchoolsFounda #GetToKnowHollandBranch 419.259.5240 Following is the program schedule at the Holland Branch Library, 1032 South McCord Road. Library hours are Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 419-259-5240 or visit the website at www.toledo Summer Reading Challenge On Your Mark, Get Set...READ! The Summer Reading Challenge began June 1. Earn points for reading or listening to books, completing learning challenges, attending programs, finding secret codes and more. Stop in or call for more information. Babytime Babytime for children ages 6 to 24 months, with an adult, is offered on Mondays, at 10 a.m., through August 1. Have fun with stories, rhymes and music while discovering ways to develop early literacy skills in your young child. Join us for a book program designed just for the littlest learners. Please register and include the name and age of each child in the “notes” area. Toddlertime Have fun at this interactive storytime for children 2 to 3 years old and their favorite grown-up on Wednesdays, through August 3, at 9:30 a.m. Talk, sing, read, write and play together as we share books, songs, rhymes and movement. Please register and include the name and age of each child in the “notes” area. Preschool Storytime Have fun at this special Preschool Storytime program designed for children ages 2 ADOPT YOUR PET FROM THE TOLEDO ANIMAL SHELTER Toledo Areas oldest nokill facility - over 80 years All animals are spayed/neutered, tested and have received all necessary shots before they leave the shelter Free Lost & Found Pet Directory on the Shelter’s Web site: 640 Wyman St., Toledo (near Byrne & Airport) Phone: 419-382-1130 Hours: Sat. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Sun. 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. M-T-Th-F 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Closed Wednesdays and Holidays to 5 with their favorite adult, Wednesdays, through August 3, at 10:30 a.m. Storytime helps prepare your child for kindergarten. Talking, singing, reading, writing and playing are the five essential early literacy practices. Please register and write the name and age of each child in the “notes” area. Zap the Wonder Chap Zap urges you to Get Ready, Set and Read in a show filled with great stories, funny props, and puppets. Join us on Thursday, July 14, from 7 to 7:45 p.m., and don’t be surprised to find magic mixed with good health, fun ways to exercise, and a lot of sports trivia. Registration is suggested. Body Art By Jen Henna is a plant used for centuries to create intricate temporary body art. Get your own henna design on Wednesday, July 13, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., and learn from the artist about henna’s fascinating history, how it really works, and how to avoid dangerous chemical imposters. This program is for teens in grades 6 to 12. Morningstar and Value Line Training Do you want to learn more about your investments or about investing in general? A librarian from the Main Library’s Business Technology Department will be on hand on Saturday, July 16, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., to provide an in-depth look at two of the library’s outstanding investing databases–Morningstar and Value Line. Registration is suggested. Homework Helper Watch for the return of our Homework Helper in the fall, just in time for another great school year. Book Discussion Join us on Wednesday, July 20, at 1 p.m., for a lively and enlightening discussion of the book “Under the Wide and Starry Sky,” by Nancy Horan. Copies of the book are now available at the Holland Branch Library. New members are always welcome. GED and Adult Basic Literacy Education Classes Penta Career Center is offering GED and Adult Basic Literacy Education classes at the Holland Branch Library on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information or to register, call Penta at 419-6616184. Gas cap testing, replacement program offered by TMACOG The City of Toledo and Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) are protecting air quality and saving gas for drivers with the Gas Cap Testing and Replacement program. Motorists are invited to drive cars and light trucks in to scheduled locations for a quick compression test on their gas cap. If the gas cap is found to be leaking, the cap will be replaced on the spot, at no charge. The program will be held in Holland on Thursday, July 28, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Circle K, 8154 Airport Highway. There also will be a live radio remote broadcast during the event. Gasoline vapors contribute to air pollution including ground level ozone. A leaky cap can cost a motorist up to two tanks of gas per year. St. Luke’s Aux. to hold Trash to Treasure sale St. Luke’s Hospital Auxiliary Team 6 is hosting a “Trash to Treasure” sale on Thursday, July 21, and Friday, July 22, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the hospital’s auditorium. Items for sale include household items, home décor, seasonal/holiday items, linens, books, videos, CD’s, toys, games, puzzles, baby items, accessories, collectibles and antiques. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to the St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation to purchase hospital equipment, to fund expansion projects and to enhance patient care services. Use the classifieds! Call 419-874-4491 Lucas County Children Services holding school supply drive Lucas County Children Services (LCCS) is asking members of the community to help provide supplies for children in need. Many of the families working with LCCS lack the resources to send their children to the first day of school with all the supplies they need. LCCS is collecting donations that will be distributed to the growing number of children in need of supplies. The following supplies are needed: •New backpacks/book bags •Spiral notebooks, pocket folders, binders and binder paper •No. 2 pencils, pens (blue or black), colored pencils •Erasers, pencil pouches •Yellow highlighters, 24 pack crayons •Dry erase markers, washable markers •Rulers, scissors, white glue and glues sticks •Tissues, disinfectant wipes Donations can be dropped off at Lucas County Children Services, 705 Adams Street, between Erie and Ontario streets, in downtown Toledo. HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL — July 12, 2016 — Page 5 Holland Springfield Community Calendar To include your organization’s activities in this calendar, drop off the details in the Journal’s drop box at the Holland Branch Library, or mail them to the Journal, 117 East Second Street, PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location to [email protected]. The deadline for the weekly calendar is Thursday at noon. Wednesday, July 13 7:30 a.m. Penta Career Center Board of Education in the board meeting room, 9301 Buck Road. 11:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers strength and balance classes for seniors 65 and older at Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Parkway. Call Karen at 419-870-2318 for more information. Zumba Gold classes at 1 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Compass Club at the Black Pearl, 4630 Heatherdowns Boulevard. New members welcome, new program every week. Call 419-865-5795 or 419841-8889 or visit 5:00 p.m. Springfield Local Schools Board of Education study session at the Administration Building, 6900 Hall Street. 7:00 p.m. Springfield Township Park Advisory Board at the township hall, 7617 Angola Road. Thursday, July 14 11:30 a.m. Boomers Resource Network at Uncle John’s Restaurant, 3131 Secor Road. See for details or call 419-865-8503. 5:30 p.m. CedarCreek’s South Toledo Campus hosts the Community Care Free Medical Clinic at 2150 South Byrne Road, Toledo, until 8 p.m. Call 419482-8127 for information. Your Retirement ement Journey J Begins B Here He H e 770 Commerce Drive Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-872-0204 Investment Advisory Services are offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Alphastar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities. Friday, July 15 11:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers strength and balance classes for seniors 65 and older at Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Parkway. Call Karen at 419-870-2318 for more information. Zumba Gold classes at 1 p.m. 12:00 p.m. Holland-Springfield Rotary at Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek, 2001 Perrysburg-Holland Road. 5:00 p.m. All-you-care-to-eat fish dinner and more at Conn-Weissenberger American Legion, 2020 West Alexis Road, until 7 p.m. Monday, July 18 11:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers Zumba strength and balance classes for seniors 65 and older at Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Parkway. Call Karen at 419-8702318 for more information. 7:00 p.m. Springfield Township Trustees at the township hall, 7617 Angola Road. Tuesday, July 19 10:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers chair Zumba for seniors 65 and older at Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Parkway. Call Karen at 419-870-2318 for more information. 11:00 a.m. Lucas County Commissioners at the Lucas County Office Building, One Government Center, Toledo. 5:30 p.m. Citizen Advisory Group’s complimentary “Welcome to Medicare Educational Seminar” at Sylvania Senior Center, art studio room, 7140 Sylvania Avenue. For more information, call 419-872-0204 or visit 6:30 p.m. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) at the Dwelling Place Church, 8201 Angola Road, Holland. Childcare provided. Call 419-867-7794 for information. 7:00 p.m. Brent Valley/Heritage Green Block Watch at Christian Fellowship Church, Pilliod Road. Free and open to the public. Nathaniel Mackie receives degree from Kent State Nathaniel Mackie, of Holland, has graduated from Kent State University with a bachelor of science degree in digital sciences. Commencement exercises were held May 14, in the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center on the Kent Campus. W We e partner with nursing homes xpert support. tto o pr provide ovide e expert tay in the plac e So he can sstay place w calls home he no now home.. ©2015 Hospice of Northwest Ohio ou. S tarting right W We e can help y you. Starting now. 419.661.4001. 19.661.4001. no w. Call 4 dad’s in a nursing home. Notre Dame Academy posts second semester honor roll The following Holland residents were named to the honor roll at Notre Dame Academy for Semester Two of the 2015-16 school year. First Honors 4.0 GPA or Higher Freshmen: Suneina Badoni, Kathryn Brennan, Christine Shikwana. Sophomores: Dana Kaminski, Grace Lewis. Juniors: Kasey Fitzpatrick, Mikayla Grajczyk, Lauren Huffman, Paige Krajicek. Seniors: Zahra Amin, Lindsey Brady, Abigail Hankish, Nicole Vellequette. Second Honors 3.5-3.99 GPA Freshmen: Sophie Brady, Julianne Padden. Sophomores: Haley Augustynia, Samantha Grohowski, Madison Humbles, Morgan Zickes. Juniors: Erin Fankhauser, Alyssa Radabaugh, Brianna Schoepf. Seniors: Madalyn Konczal. Third Honors 3.0-3.49 GPA Freshmen: Kailah Johnson, Mariah Mattison. Sophomores: Morgan Cunningham, Averi Kowalski. We never stop moving! 419.475.8383 4349 Talmadge Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43623 Haynes Real Estate, Inc. Devils’ depth chart taking shape in summer contests Page 6 — July 12, 2016 — HOLLLAND–SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL By Sean Maiolo In the midst of a rather sweltering summer to date, it might come as a mild surprise that the high school football season kicks off in less than eight weeks. Head Coach Pat Gucciardo’s squad, however, are anything but caught off guard as they are in the midst of what he and his staff hope to be a third consecutive offseason of undefeated seven-on-seven competitions against a host of neighboring programs. Through the team’s first three scrimmages, they’ve tallied 76 touchdowns while surrendering only about a quarter of that on the defensive side. The defense has surrendered completions on only 42 percent of pass attempts against them and has intercepted 19 throws. Those gaudy numbers come despite Gucciardo breaking in better than half a dozen new starters at the skill positions on offense and throughout the secondary. Of course, breaking in new receivers on offense is something which the head coach is quite comfortable doing. “We’re real familiar with rebuilding that group and preparing them the previous year and getting them ready for Friday nights,” said Gucciardo. “The good thing that I’m really excited about is the kids that have stepped to the front right now are juniors. So they’re potentially going to be two-year starters which would be the first time I’ve ever had three receivers return as starters.” Departing from last year’s group most notably is D’Andre Hicks who spent the better part of 2015 shattering just about every school receiving record. Behind him last year was now-senior Lamar Witcher, who showed promise when allotted his opportunities. However, Witcher also started at corner last year and is the only returning starter in the secondary. His stout play on that side of the ball–and Gucciardo’s preference to have 11 different starters on both offense and defense– has opened things up for the junior class of wideouts thus far. Those juniors–LaKeith Jackson, Chris Pasker and Adam Beale–have the staff feeling confident once again in Pizza Palooza to be held July 22, 23 at Centennial Terrace The Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce will host the sixth annual Pizza Palooza on Friday, July 22 and Saturday, July 23 at Centennial Terrace, 5773 Centennial Road, Sylvania. Pizza Palooza hours are Friday, 5 to 11:30 p.m., and Saturday, 4 to 11:30 p.m. Presented by Bobby Jorgensen’s Kistler Ford, Pizza Palooza will feature 10 restaurants vying for the best pizza title in northwest Ohio. Participating are Amie’s Pizza, Bambino’s Pizza, Charlie’s Pizza, J-Cups Pizza, Jet’s Pizza, Jo-Jo’s Pizzeria, Mama Mary’s, Pizza Papalis of Toledo, PizzAroma and Vito’s Pizza. About 12,000 visitors are expected to attend and will vote for their favorite restaurant. Awards will be presented in two categories–people’s choice and judge’s choice. For the second year, voting will be done using a voting app created by chamber member Don Miller of GroundSpeed. Attendees can vote via the app which can be downloaded to their mobile device by searching Sylvania Chamber in the app store or through a polling station on the premises. In addition to pizza, there will be a caricature artist to create portraits for visitors plus musical entertainment. The schedule of performers is: •Friday–5 to 7 p.m., Arctic Clam; 7 to 9 p.m., Grape Smugglers, and 9 to 11 p.m., Last Born Sons. •Saturday–5 to 7 p.m., Boffo; 7 to 9 p.m., Eight Fifteens and 9 to 11 p.m., Fuji featuring the Booyah! Children’s activities, sponsored by Over the Rainbow Early Learning Center, will take place each day from 5 to 9 p.m. and will feature Imagination Station, Soccer Shots, Sylvania YMCA/JCC, Salon Institute TIGI Creative School, Bouncy Thing and Over the Rainbow Learning Center. Admission is adults, $6; children 5 to 12, $4, and children 4 and under, free. Vendors will sell pizza for $1.50 to $2 per slice with the option to purchase a whole pie. Advance tickets are available at Metamora State Bank and the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce office. Blue Lakes Charters & Tours Escape to Branson • Oct. 31 - Nov. 5 6 shows: Showboat Branson, Shoji Tabuchi, Brett Family, The Haywood’s, Daniel O’Donnell, & “All Hands on Deck” starring Perrysburg’s Trevor Dorner and Jody Madaras from Pemberville. Call us for tour information & reservations! Call: 419-874-4225 or 1-800-282-4287 #5 WWW.BLUELAKES.COM their pass catching unit. “If these three continue to progress the way they are,” Gucciardo said, “they’re going to be outstanding this year and next year which, for chemistry, that’s a great thing to have of course.” But the biggest void to fill comes from the quarterback position, one manned the last three years by the record-setting Scott Seymour. Not only did Seymour leave his indelible mark in Springfield’s football annals, he also provided three years of stability at the most important position on the field, a rarity in high school football. Stepping up in his place is sophomore A.J. Gucciardo. He saw mop-up duty in a handful of games last year as a freshman and while putting in a very strong season leading the junior varsity team on Saturday. The coach has been pleased with what his son has shown on the field early in the summer. “He does a very good job of reading coverages,” said the elder Gucciardo. “For a young quarterback, he understands all the different things about how defensive rotations are going, how to read corner presses and things like that. And he does a good job of finding his checkdown receiver.” It’s also helped that, with his dad’s and grandfather’s combined coaching experience, A.J. has lived football for much of his young life. “He’s extremely intelligent in the classroom and on the field,” the coach added. “He makes good decisions, and that’s something that he’s kind of grown up with in that position and he’s known our offense for such a long time. I’ve been fortunate to start three sophomore [quarterbacks] in my days at Start and with Scottie here and we’ve been very productive with those athletes.” The offense is not entirely full of new faces, though, with the Blue Devils returning allOhio tailback Bryant Koback. Gucciardo and running backs coach John Willis have used the summer workouts to add some new wrinkles for their most lethal weapon to employ come fall. “We’ve actually put a package in for him at receiver as well, just to see how people respond to it out on the field in seven-on-sevens,” Gucciardo said. “We’re really excited about the different things we can do with him just to get him in space another way other than at tailback. The quick passing game and even the vertical passing game, that’s exciting for us to experiment with things like that because he’s so versatile.” Defensively, positions also are taking shape with the aforementioned Witcher moving to safety. Gucciardo said at least one corner spot is showing much promise despite the only returning starter switching positions. “[Senior] Bryant Jackson at corner, he’s really doing a nice job,” he said. “If I remember right, [defensive coordinator] Jim [Eberly] said he’s only had one pass completed on his side the entire three scrimmages. Probably on average you’re looking at 70-75 defensive snaps and to only have given up one catch, that’s pretty good. “So I’m really happy with Bryant Jackson, and that secondary is really coming together.” The final starting roster is still of course many weeks from being set, but as the skill scrimmages continue, things will piece together more and more as the Blue Devils look to repeat their historic on-field success of last season. “People stand out [in seven-on-sevens] whether it’s at receiver or at defensive back,” said Gucciardo. “You weren’t aware maybe that that kid could make that play. Or you’re looking forward to a kid that we’re really excited about and then he doesn’t do what you expected. “You might not necessarily win and lose jobs, but you can move around on the depth chart daily.” Holland chamber plans 26th annual golf outing The Holland Springfield Chamber of Commerce will host its 26th annual golf outing on August 15, at Stone Oak Country Club, 100 Stone Oak Boulevard, Holland. Approximately 100 golfers will come together this year for a four-person scramble. All participants will receive a complimentary goodie bag and also will be given the opportunity to win prizes throughout the day. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., followed by tee off at 9 a.m. The outing will feature hole-in-one, closest to the pin, longest drive and putting green contests. And by popular demand, Fantasy Golf will be offered again this year. After the outing, golfers are invited to attend the awards luncheon. To register to golf, call Abbey Hall at 419-865-2100 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Businesses interested in becoming a sponsor or donating items for the goodie bags also are asked to contact Ms. Hall. HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL — July 12, 2016 — Page 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $9.50 per column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly. DEADLINE IS EACH THURSDAY BY 10:00 A.M. THE HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL, P.O. Box 267, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552-0267, or visit our website at CALL 419-874-2528 or visit FIRST TIME ADVERTISERS, WITHOUT A CREDIT HISTORY, MUST PAY FOR ADVERTISING WHEN SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. BUSINESS SERVICES Call today to get your trees and your yard in shape for summer!! • Tree Trimming/Removal Lake Erie • Tree Shaping SPORTFISHING CHARTERS • Stump Grinding Excursions for up to 12 persons • Mulching (419) 666-5952 • Yard(Day) Clean Up Fully Insured! Free Estimates! (419) 297-2356 (Night) Senior Discounts! 419-514-0284 WWW.RUIZTREE.COM Deal direct with owner on every job! Lake Erie SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Excursions for up to 10 persons (419) 666-5952 (Day) (419) 297-2356 (Night) NORTH WESTERN Tree Service, LLC Lake Erie Free Estimates SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Seniorfor &up Military Discounts Excursions to 12 persons PETS House Cleaning Honest, thorough, reliable. Great references. Lake Erie Call Tina, SPORTFISHING 419-764-0596 CHARTERS PET OF THE WEEK 419-450-7202 Hurst Lawn & Snow Offering Hedge Trimming Licensed & Insured 419-944-0102 [email protected] A-1 GUTTER Cleaning. Eaves cleaned/flushed. Debris taken away. Insured. 419-8651941. www.a-1guttercleaning. com CLEANING, HAULING. Special prices for seniors. Call 419-215-4194. HOUSE CLEANING. Honest, thorough, reliable, great references. Call Tina, 419-7640596. Fully Insured • 419-206-0989 MOVING/ESTATE Estate Sale ROOFING – SIDING – GUTTERS – INSTALLATION 419-466-2131 Licensed – Insured – Locally Owned – Free Estimates D &Lake T Painting Erie SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Residential/Commercial Excursions for up to 12 persons Brush 666-5952 • Roll • Spray (419) (Day) Interior/Exterior (419) 297-2356 (Night) Decks, Stain, Aerial Work, Pressure Wash 36 Years Experience • Free Estimates Call 419-822-3240 Delta, OH METZGER PAINTING & Wallpapering •Powerwashing •Decks •Plaster/Drywall Repair 419-874-2251 Senior Discount Terry Koder J & G Tree Service Tree removal, topping, shaping, trimming, and pruning available. BBB Accredited Free estimates—fully insured 419-377-0367 Lake Erie Low-Cost Spay/Neuter SPORTFISHING forCHARTERS Dogs and Cats! Special prices for for up stray cats. Excursions Excursions for up 12 personsorganization. We are atonon-profit to 12 persons Al’s Fence (419) 666-5952 (419) 666-5952 and Deck (Day) (Day) 419-266-5607 • (419) 297-2356 Repair/Install (419) 297-2356 (Night) Split rail, privacy, chain (Night) link, vinyl and metal. Toledo Area Humane Society’s 25 years experience. (419) 666-5952 •Tree Removal •Tree(Day) Trimming (419) Trees 297-2356 (Night) •Shaping •Stump Removal •Landscaping & Full Clean Up Call and and we’ll Call us us today be the we’llatbeyour at yourhome home the nextday day to provide a next with a free free estimate! estimate! Humane Ohio High End Sylvania 4820 Countrywalk Lane Sylvania, OH 43560 Sat., July 16 9am-4pm Sun., July 17 9am-3pm Ph: 419-214-0331 MOE Moe is a handsome, 9-year-old black lab mix. He came to the Toledo Area Humane Society on May 2, through the cruelty department. He was underweight and had some dental problems. Moe has recovered nicely and is ready to get on with his life in the loving home he deserves. This sweet guy loves daily walks with the Humane LakehisErie Society volunteers. He has an active personality and would SPORTFISHING love to go to a niceCHARTERS home where he can be loved and love his new family. Even thoughfor he’sup 9, he Excursions tostill has a good life ahead of him—he 12 justpersons needs the right family to share it with. Stop by and(419) meet Moe today! 666-5952 For more information, visit the Toledo Area Humane Society, (Day) 827 Illinois Avenue, or call 419-891-0705. (419) Maumee 297-2356 All adoptable animals(Night) can be viewed by visiting the website HELP WANTED NOW HIRING! SPRINGFIELD LOCAL SCHOOLS STUDENT AIDES Looking for compassionate individuals who are committed to student success! No formal experience required. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Permanent (roughly 30 hours/week, $9.53/hour) Substitute (on-call, hours vary, $8.63/hour) Apply online at or call 419-254-2837 for more information and immediate consideration! EOE LOOKING FOR reliable workers. Work outdoors, customer service, handy is a 2 col. bywork 1.5”environment OTTAWA HILLS Memorial plus. Great ALL GARAGE SALE AD1 col. by 2” = $37.80/week foris all$28.50/week 4,andafter PPBA around boats water. P.O. Park. 4 burial plots for sale in Cost VERTISING MUST BE Box 5184, Toledo, Ohio 43611. discount section “Garden of GethPREPAID, BY Residential/Commercial CASH, We could run this July 12, 19block and 26 in the semane” Call 419-509-5326. CREDIT CARD OR Assistant Manager Journal Holland-Springfield Brush • Roll • Spray CHECK, To run: BY 10 A.M. * * * NOTICE * * * Storage Facility WEDNESDAY BEFORE Investigate before you invest. HSJissue dated 7/12/16 Interior/Exterior Located at 8959 Airport PUBLICATION OR THE Call the Ohio Division of SePSJissue AD WILL NOTdated RUN. 7/12/16 Decks, Stain, Aerial Work, Pressure Washcurities BEFORE purchasing Hwy., Holland, Ohio, (be- GARAGE SALE D & T Painting tween Crissey & Estimates Albon). PMJ-7/13/16 36 Years Experience • Free Must be able to work 15-20 RRJ7/14/16 WANTED TO BUY per week, plus two Call hrs. 419-822-3240 WANTED GUNS, Delta, any age, OH any condition. Also WWII and earlier military items. Indian artifacts. Rob, 419-3405808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. BUYING MOST items from garages. Vehicles, motorcycles, tools, mowers, etc. 419870-0163. Saturdays per month. Terry comKoder $10/hr. Must have puter skills, good communication skills and be a people person. Email resume with references to Dawn at willow_development FOR SALE an investment. Call the Division’s Investor Protection Hotline at 800-788-1194 to learn if the investment is properly registered and if the seller is properly licensed. Please be advised that many work at home advertisements do not yield what is promised. It is best to investigate the company before applying for any work at home position. (This notice is a public service of the Welch Publishing Co.) Glass City Burger Battle community event July 15 and 16 at Centennial Terrace The Home Builders Association of Greater Toledo is proud to present the Glass City Burger Battle, a community event being held July 15 and 16, at Centennial Terrace, Sylvania. The event, sponsored by the HBA, 13abc and Aspen Dental, is open to the public and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Fisher House Foundation, a program that provides a “home away from home” at no cost for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. The event will feature five local restaurants serving up their specialty burgers and sides, live music all weekend long, a kids’ zone and more. Restaurants participating in the event are Barr’s Public House, Berger’s Bar and Grill, Chubby’s American Grill, Sidelines Sports Eatery and Pub, and Smokehouse Bistro. One restaurant will be crowned Glass City Burger Champ by a panel of judges and the People’s Choice Award by attendees. Bands will include the Bradberries (Friday night), the Twenty-Fives (Saturday afternoon), and featured performers, Air Margaritaville on Saturday night. Bring the whole family— there’s something for everyone. Enjoy fun and educational activities all weekend long in the kids’ zone with Hero’s the Party Experience, Learning Express, strolling magic and balloons by Eli, summer science activities with Imagination Station, painting and cookies with Wine and Canvas, face painting by Ms. Jackie and much more. Children’s activities are sponsored by the Toledo Home Pros and will be available Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday, 3 to 7 p.m. Event hours are Friday, 5 to 11 p.m. and Saturday 3 to 11 p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults, $4 children 5-12, age 4 and under are free. Tickets Saturday after 7 p.m. are $10 for adults, $6 children 5 through 12. Tickets are available online at www.GlassCityBurger or at the gate the days of the event. The Glass City Burger Battle event honors veterans, retired and active military personnel with free admission. For more information, visit www.GlassCityBurgerBattle. com. Page 8 — July 12, 2015 — HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL Highway Patrol reports 12 fatalities during holiday The Ohio State Highway Patrol is reporting that 12 people lost their lives in a total of 11 traffic crashes during the July Fourth holiday weekend. The reporting period began Friday, July 1 and ended Monday, July 4. Impairment was proven to be a factor in four of those crashes. Troopers made 673 arrests for impaired driving and 325 for drug-related charges. The Patrol responded to 655 crashes and made more than 45,000 traffic contacts in total, which included assisting more than 3,900 motorists. “When someone chooses to drive after a night of drinking, the consequences can be deadly,” said Colonel Paul A. Pride, Patrol superintendent. “That’s why troopers make OVI enforcement a priority, whether they’re patrolling during a long holiday weekend or any other night. Motorists should be smart and always plan a sober way home.” During last year’s Fourth of July reporting period from July 2 to 5, a total of eight Registration is under way for the Safety Town summer children’s program, sponsored by the Springfield Township Fire Department and Holland Police Department. The program is designed only for children entering kindergarten in the fall. It will be offered from July 18 to 29, at Holloway Elementary, 6611 Pilliod Road. Class times are 9 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. Safety Town is a free program consisting of nine twohour sessions, meeting Monday through Friday. The program teaches safety practices that children can use, especially when they are away from home or alone. Fire department personnel will focus on safety rules through hands-on activities, such as crafts. Elementary teachers will reinforce safety rules through songs and books. Holland police personnel also will teach students safety rules using props and the miniature Safety Town and sidewalks. Township and village residents will be placed in the program on a firstcome, first-served basis. Children are permitted to attend the program only once. Applications are available at the local elementary schools, fire stations, township hall and village police department or online at www.holland Pre-registration is required, and there is no first-day enrollment. For more information, contact the Holland Police Department at 419-865-7105 or Springfield Township Fire Department at 419-865-3959. fatal crashes killed 10 people. This includes three OVI-related fatal crashes that killed three people. Troopers encourage the public to continue reporting impaired drivers or drug activity with #677. Brent Valley/Heritage Green block watch to meet July 19 The Brent Valley/Heritage Green Block Watch meeting will be held Tuesday, July 19, at the Christian Fellowship Church on Pilliod Road at 7 p.m. Residents may share this information with neighbors and encourage them to attend to promote an active block watch community. Contact Janet Kimble at 419-297-8423 for further information and questions. Safety Town registration under way Tell Them You Saw It In The Journal ApplyToday! Success Fall classes begin August 22. • Maintenance free & historically accurate Call today for a FREE Visit us at: design consultation CALL (419) 931-6970 Dawn Delvalle Owens Nursing Student
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