live origina~ piano solos
live origina~ piano solos
erroll garner live origina~ piano solos bounce with high octane young Iove from c to c babette me CRITERION MUSIC CORP. It is strange how a young p~ano player.ach~eves r~cogn[tlon in the iazz field. There are so many good piano players that some unusual talent must stand out to make people label one indlvldual, great. Erroll Garner bas achleved that distlnction. This wrlter has been favored wlth many opportunities to heat Garner play at hls best-at infimate galherings. Some of these come to mind-like the time a party of twe[ve had heen told of h~s prowess at the piano and were anxious to heat hlm. It was a Tuesday night, and ofter being seoted comfortably in the club, we found out that it was Garner’s night off. As a sponsor of the group, whlch included Jo Stafford, Paul Weston, Johnny Mercer and others, it was qulte embarrass~ng. Luckily, Garner, on h~s nlght off, was across the street "digging" Billie Holiday. He graclous[y consented to sít in. There was a nolsy audlence and it was feared that th~s wou~d upset the mood. However, music soothes the beast, a few bars by Garner and every drunk in the place was hypnotlzed. It was a memorable concert, wh~ch made those present Garner fans, from then on. At other gather~ngs in Hollywood, music~ans ~ike Axel Stordahl, Paul Weston, Gordon Jenklns and Skltch Henderson were amazed at hls techn[que and ide~s. Many people hove trled to label Garner wlth names ~ike "The Debussy of Jazz", and surely that is a compliment. Garner’s background serves to throw some light on his co[orful style whlch could not stem from only a íazz upbringing. Erroll did hot have múch forma~ muskal educatlon and had to rely upon hls ear for instructlon. If you listen to his playlng, you wil[ heat some of bis tutors. Outstanding, is Fats Waaier. Also not[ceable is the fact that he li~tened to many classlcal recordings, wh~ch has influenced his s~y~e. Erro[I was born in Pittsburgh in 1921, He came from a musical famiIy whlch induded his brother L~nton, one of the better accompanlsts. He served a short tlme wlth some orchestras, but was definlte~y slated tobe a sololst. Garner’s greatest successes are achieved at intimate gatherlngs. Some 6f hls blggest trlumphs have been attalned at oncerts throughout the nafion. This book contalns various examples of the Garner style, some of whlch have never been reco~ded~ commerclally. Garner’s musical knack of ~mprovlsing is best exemplified by "Babette" whlch he composed comp[ete[y at one "take" at a prlvate recordlng session. "Young Love" ís one of h~s toost beautiful works. There are also fine examples of hls rhythmic style in "Bounce With Me", "From C to C" and "High Octane". These solos were transcrlbed by Morr~s Fe[dman, on outstandlng man in the field. Garner heard these played by Feldman and was amazed at their accuracy. This book wi~l rema~n a wrltten record of Garner’s greatness and wil~ he~p .other plonisls learn the color which he, and only he, has contributed to piano playlng. erroll garner live original piano solos transcribed by morris feldman contents page babette 2 bounce with me 10 t-ro, m c to c 15 high octane 6 young Iove 20 Copyright MCMI. MICHAEI. H. GOLDSEN, INC. 2 BABETTE ERROLL GARNER a tempo 6 HIGH 0CTANE ERROLL GARNER Piano 10 BOUNCE WITH ME ERROLL GARNER Medium Bounce Tempo Piano )~- "--~’" ~~----~ ~" ’ ’ I "~ .... ^A 11 12 lS FROM C TO C ERROLL GARNER Moderately Bright Piano © Copyright 1950. MICHAEL H. GOLDSEN, INC. AII Ri~hts Reserved Mede in U.S.A. International Copyright Secured 116 il-’ bJ F bJ.-l I:~ I ~ I 18 20 YOUNG LOVE ERROLL GARNER Moderately Slow I$ . ~ ~ ff’~---’Ï i loco © Copyright 1950, M]CHAEL H. GOLDSEN, INC. Made In U,S.A. International Copyright Secured 21 24 -1 loco CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION PUBLICATIONS BOOKS ORCHESTRATIONS UNDERDCORE by F.r~nk arranged and recorded for a motion picture, w[th timing sheets, orchestra .sketches and orchêstratlofls. JAZZ CAVAL¢AOE The inslde stoO’.of )~zz pritten by one of .~~edca’s f~~emost auth.o[fffes. "NEY~ HOT BISCO~NAPHY by Charle~ Del=tmW ]~e stan~ard d[rectory of re~ord~d Jazz. TIt]es, persorrnel, Oates and number= of 2G~~O0 records. SKETCH-ORKS DesI~ned for’small i(roL~S. Contelns melody an~ counter rnelod)" for Eb end Bb [ns[r~maMs ~b~ c~ords anti ~h~hr~, ARRANGING BOOKS" ,,~.~’THE PROFESSIONAL AANANGER COMPOSER By RusS Garc[a "Te~i book useO b~’ leading schools. Basis for coui’se for’Bracffca] A/ranglng & Compos]ng in t~e commercial fielcL For the aclvanced and professiönal erranger. WITH SYMPffONY D]O . . . WALE~R’ DHOES . , . ORN[T~OLOGY.,, $CRAPPLE EROM THE APPLE,.. DEWEY CHORAL ARRANGEMENTS GNAPIBG FORCE$ IN MBSlG b)’ Er~st Toch An ino~lry into harmony, me]ody, counterpolnt & |orm. by many leading co]leges as their text boc~ THE BE-BOP ST:~.E by Van A[exanOer A ne~t method wlth studles and so]qs for phno, tram. pet~ tenor sax, barltone s~x and clar~net. BAND ARRANGEMENTS MA$~¢HINO NAEAM ¯ G A GOOD DAY SACRED MUSIC YOKONAMA FEBRYOOAT [ CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION PUBLICATIONS PIANO UKULELE ORGAN PIANO SOLOS Standard EditJons AUTUMR CONCEDTO LUSR WALTZ MONTEV[OEO MOORLiGHT IN VERMONT FOLIOS SOUTH SEA FOLIOS TOP TV, RADIO & RECORD UIFO For Hammond Chord Organ with words & music Ier Dream, Moonlight in Vermont--plus 2[ more hits. Book #1--SOUTHSEASONGS trom Hawaii, TahiU and Samba UFF SHORE ROBBIH~S NEST RUNAWAY DO~K[RGBOBSB WALK TO TOE OULL B]RG CRITERION ORGAN HITS For the Pre-set and Spinet model Hammond Organs, ~9 hit songs arranged by Mark Laub. Book #2--SONGS OF POLYNESIA from Hawaii, Tahiti & Maon Book #3--]SLAND BONGO from Hawaii and Tahiti Boer #4--MAORI MELODIES from the ~olynesians of New Zealand MODERN PIANO SOLOS BEBOP BOOGIE By Benny Carter CONFIBMATION hy Charfie Parker FANTASY IN BOP by Erroll Garner FLIP FLOP by BiDy ButterHeld IN TH[ LAND OF O0-BLA-DEE Oy Mar7LouWi!!iams LITTLE OD 9EROP by Erroll Darner MOOSE TOE MOOCRE by Ohariie Parker ORRITHOLOGY by Oharlie Parker ROBBIN’S REST by Irlinois Jacquet RUGOLO MEETS SUEADINO By Pete Ruoolo YARDBIOD SUITE by Charl[e Parker PIANO FOLIOS CRITERION ORGAN DITO For all Wurlilzer OrRans. ]9 ~it sonOS arranged by Mark Laub. Book #5--SONGS OF PARAB]SE from Hawaii, Tah[ti & MaorJ EABL ORANT’S FAVÔRITES For the Bammond Ohord Organ. Words & music [o B7 ~op ~ongs rocorded by Ear[ Orant. BooB #B--SONGS FROM TOE PACIFIC ISLES from Hawad and Tahiti Ccntains words an~ music for voice and a]l single noteinstruments--ukulele, guita~ etc. ORGAN SOLO "gUIET VILLAOE" for Hammond OrBan, For al! modbls with perc~~ssion effect, NOVELTY AND COMEDY SONGS FOR UKE D~EAMY SONGS FOR UKE For voiee and all single note instruments, Ukulele, Guita~ etc, EDROLL GARNER FOLlO--Book I ERROLL GARRER FOLlO--Oook~l SAXOPHONE TENOR SAXOPHONE STYLES By Sam Donahue. Solos by Don Oyas, Lector Young, etc. Les Baxter’s "LA FEMME" Suite Piano Solos. Harry Revel’s "MUSIC OUT OF THE MOON" Arranged & recorded by Los Baxter. CHARLIB PARKER’S BEBOP ALTO SAX FOLIO Recorded hit bop alto so~os. TENOR SAX FOLIO Becorded hit tenor solos. CRARLIE VENTURA TENOR SAX FOLIO 4 original recorded tenor solos. ILLINOIS JACQUE~ PIAHO HANOBOOK ON BOOGIE WOOOIE, BAROELHOUSE & BLUES By Lawrence "Piano Rob" Cook, JOB SULLIVRN PLAYS BOOGIE WOOGIE ANO THE BLUES. TRUMPET HAL SCHAEFER IN TOE JAZZ WORKSHOP Piano solos transcribed from RCA Album. G~EAT TRUMPET STYLES 8y OilJy Butterfield. Solos by Louis Armstrong, Harry James & Dizzy Gillesp]e. TOP TV H]T TUNRS SATCHMO’S SOLOS Louis Armstrong’s trumpet so]os from famous recordings, with piano accompaniment "THE EXOTIC SOUNDS OF MARTIN DENNY"-- DRUMS AMERICA’S GREATEST DRUM STYLISTS "MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED SONGS ARD GAMES POR By Oeorge WettBng. CHILOREN"--FOe P[AHO~ Featurino styles of 22 top-noteB drummers. KING COLE TRIO ARRANGEMENTS OSCAR MOOBE GUITAR SOLOS. NAT "KIND" COLE P~ANO SOLOS. JOHNNY MILLEB BASS BOOK. Sold in separate bookscontaining the following numbers: PROFESSIONAL DRUM STUD[ES Oy Brad Spinney. For Radio, Stace& Sereen. CLARINET GREAT CLA~INET SYYLES Sçlos by Artie SBaw, 9enny Goodman, Ouddy de F;a~co, etc. JAZZ CONCERTO FOR C~ARINET By Buddy de Franco, GUlTAR GUITAR TUTOR by Laurindo Almeida A Complete Concert Dui[ar Method in 3 Courses-For Oeginners--lntermediates--AnB Advanced Students--lncludes Solos transcribed from Almeida’s Capitol OecorOings. LAURINDO ALMEIDA GUITAR SOLOS AII sol~s transcribed as recorded by Eaurindo Afme[~~ on CapJtol Records. ...AMOR FLAMENCO,.. TEHUACAN BALLEBIAS Y CANC~OH La~rindo Almeida’s Concert Guitar Folio "FROM THE BOMANT[C ERA" Transcribed Solos from his Capitol album. Musico~ Beethoven, ScBumann, Chopin, Massenet and Greig. COUNTRY O~[TAR Hits frum the Country Field. FOLKSY SONGS FOR DUITAR (Simple to Advanced) "MTA’, "Philadelphia Lawyer’~ etc. 20 RREAT TUNER FOR GUITAO (Pico Style) 39 Great Arrangements by Dan Fox, featuring "Moonlight In Vermont’. OSCAR MOORE GUITAR SOLO$ ACCORD!ON TOP TY, RADIO & RECORD HITS FoUo Arrauged for Accordion by Pietro Deiro, .Ir. ACCORD[ON SOLOS gO[ET V]LLAGE. DEMPRE AMORE, I CRITERION MUSIC CORPORATION