Tele mafua`aga ua fa`aletonu ai tupe maua a le malo…
Tele mafua`aga ua fa`aletonu ai tupe maua a le malo…
SECTION B Tuesday, March 24, 2015 C M Y K Tele mafua’aga ua fa’aletonu ai tupe maua a le malo… tusia Ausage Fausia E tele naua mafua’aga eseese na taua e le afioga i le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga i se feiloaiga ma le Samoa News i le taeao ananafi, ua mafua ai ona tula’i mai fa’aletonu i tupe maua a le malo, ma ua maitauina ai tulaga vaivai o tupe o lo o ao mai i totonu. Saunoa Lolo e fa’apea, e silia i le 50% o tupe sa fuafua le malo e mafai ona maua mai i le kuata muamua ma le lua o le tausaga tupe lenei, ua le mafai ona maua mai. Ona o ia tulaga vaivai ma le fa’aletonu i tupe maua a le malo, ua fuafua ai loa le faigmalo e saili se isi auala e fa’aitiitia ai tupe fa’aalu, e aofia ai le fa’aitiitia o itula faigaluega a tagata faigaluega uma a le malo. O ni isi o ia mafua’aga e pei ona saunoa le tofa i le to’oto’o, o le fa’aletonu o lo o tula’i mai i le itu i Sisifo (West Coast), lea ua a’afia atu ai ma va’a oloa o lo o aga’i mai i le teritori; fa’aletonu o lafoga totogi a pisinisi, aemaise ai o le tuai lea ona maua mai o tupe e tatau ona toe fa’atumu mai e le feterale mo le malo. I le tulaga i va’a oloa o lo o tuai le aga’i mai i le atunu’u, na saunoa le ali’i kovana e fa’apea, o le isi lea fa’aletonu ua mafua ai ona fa’aletonu tupe sa fuafua le malo e tatau ona maua i le Kuata muamua ma le Kuata lua o le tausaga tupe lenei 2015. Mo se ta’ita’iga e pei ona saunoa Lolo, so o se taimi lava e ulufale mai ai se va’a oloa i le teritori, e le gata e maua ai tupe o lafoga mo oloa a pisinisi, ae maua ai fo’i tupe mo le malo, aua, soo se taimi e ulufale mai ai se va’a oloa e totogi ai lava tupe mo le uafu. I tulaga i tupe e tatau ona toe fa’atumu mai e le malo feterale i le malo a Amerika Samoa, o le isi lea mafua’aga na taua e Lolo ua ala ai ona vaivai tupe maua i le amataga o le tausaga tupe lenei. (Faaauau itulau B4) Tele pili tupe fuafua malo fa’aulu i le Fono Faitulafono tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K E tele naua isi pili tupe ua fuafua le faigamalo a Lolo ma Lemanu e fa’aulu i luma o le Fono Faitulafono i le vaiaso nei, e fesoasoani ai i tupe maua mo le malo ma ana galuega fa’atino. O ni isi o pili tupe ua mae’a ona tu’uina atu i luma o le Fono Faitulafono i le vaiaso na te’a nei, ae o isi pili tupe ua fuafua e tu’uina atu i se taimi o le vaiaso nei, pe afai e mae’a ona iloilo e se Komiti Fa’apitoa (Tast Force) ua mae’a ona tofia e le ali’i kovana e gafa ma le iloiloina o nei tulafono tau tupe. O le tulafono tupe e tasi sa tu’uina atu i luma o le Fono Faitulafono i le vaiaso na te’a nei, o le tulafono lea e fa’avaeina ai se lafoga mo i latou e nonofo i faletalimalo, lea fo’i ua sauni komiti a maota e lua e fa’atulaga i ai a latou iloilogaa i le vaiaso nei. I le fa’atomuga o lenei tulafono o lo o taua ai e fa’apea, “e manuia le malo o Amerika Samoa pe a faia se lafoga o potu o faletalimalo i totonu o le teritori”. “O tupe maua mai lenei lafoga o le a fa’aaoga e lagolago ma fa’aleleia ai gluega a le Vaega o le Malaevaalele fa’avaomalo, ma o lea fuafuaga o le a manuia ai tagata lautele o le atunu’u”. O le aso 1 Ianuari 2016 e pei ona taua i le tulafono taufa’aofi lenei, o le a tu’uina atu ai e le Teutupe a le malo le silia i le 75% o tupe nei i le Pulega o le Taulaga, mo le fa’aleleia o auaunaga i le Malae Va’alele. O le fa’aupuga o le ‘faletalimalo’, e aofia ai fale e nonofo ai turisi, po o fale e nonofo ai tagata, momoe ma teu ai fo’i a latou meatotino, e aofia ai ma falenofo o lo o pulea e aoga, kolisi ma ekalesia. O le lafoga lenei, e le aofia ai tagata faigaluega a le faletalimalo o lo o nonofo i totonu o le faletalimalo, se’i vagana ai tagata o lo o nonofo tumau i le potu mo soo se umi. O lenei tulafono o le a taualoa i totonu o le 60 aso, talu mai le aso na pasia ai e le Fono Faitulafono ma sainia e le ali’i kovana. (Faaauau itulau B4) Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions FALEPUIPUI MO LE 14 TAUSAGA LE FAIAOGA LE ALOFA Ua faasalaina i le 14 tausaga i le toese le alii sa aoaoina le gagana e faaaoga ai lima (sign language) mo le fanau e i ai o latou manaoga faapitoa i le aoga o le SENESE, ina ua faamaonia e le Faamasinoga Maualuga ona moliaga o le faia o ni uiga mataga faafeusuaiga i ni teineiti sa aooga ai i lea aoga faapitoa. O le alii o Vaiaoga Leatuvao sa molia i moliaga e fitu o le faia o uiga mataga faafeusuaiga i se teineititi e i lalo o le 16 tausaga, o moliaga e tolu o le faia o uiga mataga faafeusuaiga i se teineititi e i lalo o le 18 tausaga ma moliaga e fa o le faaoolima mataga. O teineiti na aafia sa aooga ia Leatuvao i le aoga a le fanau e i ai manaoga faapitoa o le SENESE i Lalovaea ia Ianuari ma Setema o le 2012. Ina ua alia’e lea mataupu, ua sola atu Leatuvao i Amerika ma alala ai o ia. Peitai, sa faagasolo fesootaiga a le Matagaluega o Leoleo ma le Ofisa o le Amepasa o Amerika i Samoa mo le toe faafoi maia o lea alii, ma o le masina o Aukuso o le 2013 na maua ai e leoleo i Amerika o ia ina ua uma le aoga o le visa na malaga ai i Amerika, ma ua nofo faasolitulafono ai o ia i lea atunuu. O le masina o Iulai o le tausaga na te’a nei na toe faafoi mai ai lea alii i Samoa. (Faaauau itulau B6) Hop Over to the Whitesands Casino for a 3 nights accommodation, Friday / Saturday & Sunday Airfare for 2 People Pago/Apia/Pago 3 night stay for 2 adults USD $408 + 15% Tax based on 2 adults sharing a room, excluding air fares. eople FiaFiafor2pheCasinofor t h ig n y a d ri t • F ightbuffetin • Saturdayn 2people naibrunchfor2people rt a po • SundayTo erstoandfromtheair on sf rs n e • Freetra ettingvoucherperp • WST$10b narrival s& • CocktailoessonsonGamingTable l g • Gamin enter Slots –WST$50to t n e m a rn u • SlotTo (optional) rnament ou • Fungolft massagefor2 te u • 30min asterClass nday • CocktailMtainmentSaturday&Su • Liveenter ay • DJSaturd Call in or email us your reservations Today! Mobile +6857227917|+68572253546 Samoa [email protected] Page B2 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 tusia Ausage Fausia •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TULAFONO AVEESE AI FA’ATAPULA’A TAUSAGA FA’AMASINO LAGOLAGO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ua i luma o le maota maualuga a le Senate se tulafono taufa’aofi, e aveese ai le fa’atapula’aina o tausaga mo fa’amasino Lagolago e soloa’i atu i le Faamasinoga Maualuga a Amerika Samoa. I le tulafono o lo o i ai nei, e fa’amalolo se tasi mai lona nofoia o le nofoa mo fa’amasino le tumau i le matua o le soifua e 70 tausaga, peita’i o le tulafono taufa’aofi lea ua i luma nei o le maota maualuga, ua aveesea ai le fa’atapula’a o ia tausaga. O afioga i ali’i senatoa sa fa’aulufaleina lenei tulafono e aofia ai Soliai T. Fuimaono, Afoa L. Su’esu’e, Mauga Tasi Asuega, Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao ma Uti Petelo. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O se va’aiga i le ‘au fili a le West All Stars Varsity Pasiketi a Tama lea sa fetaui ma le au a le East All Stars e saili le siamupini o lenei tausaga i le Pasiketipolo a le ASHSAA ma sa latou malolo i le ‘ai lava e tasi: 55-56 a le East All Stars. Malo le ta’aalo fa’atausala! Ta’aloga sa faia i le Gymnasium [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] i le Lotoa a Malisi Tuai i Malaeloa i le afiafi o le aso Tofi na te’a nei. TALA ESEESE I TA’ALOGA tusia: Leua Aiono Frost TA’AMILOSAGA VOLIPOLO MO LE FU’A O lo o fa’agasolo i le tarmi nei ta’aloga volipolo mo ta’amilosaga o le fu’a o lenei tausaga, lea fo’i na fa’atautaia i le aso Tofi o le vaiaso na te’a nei, ma maitauina ai le maoa’e o le ta’alo a le ali’i o Tusi Ma’ae, o ia fo’i lea sa ia maua le fa’ailoga o le tama taalo o lea afiafi. Peita’i, i le latou ta’aloga ma tama mai sasa’e, e le’i maua se latou malo, na lua seti soso’o a Loco Motion. Soso’o mai le ta’aloga i le va o Mizuno Boys ma le Island Divas lea o lo’o Kapeteni ai Marro Fuimaono, na manumalo ai le Mizuno Boys ia latou ta’aloga e lua. Fetaui le au malosi a le Side Out ma le Ghost Town Boys mai Futiga. ma sa toe faia’ina fo’i Futiga i ana ta’aloga e lua ma le Side Out. Soso’o atu i lea afiafi le ta’aloga a Ali’i mai Nuuuli ma le ‘au a le Island Divas, malo uma le Divas i a latou ta’aloga e lua. O le ta’aloga na soso’o ai ma le fetauiga a le Fiafia ma le au a le All Sports, lea fo’i na malo ai le Fiafia Boys i a latou ta’aloga e lua. Ona toe soso’o lea ma le ta’aloga mulimuli na mafaia ona fa’atautaia i lea afiafi, o le fetauiga lea a le Side Out ma le Saumalu, ua fa’ailoa mai na malo uma ai le Side Out i a latou ta’aloga ia. E ui ina sa fa’atulaga le isi ta’aloga mulimuli e fitu i ai ta’aloga sa tatau ona faia, peita’i, ua le lava le taimi ma ua tolopoina lea ta’aloga mo le aso Lua i ta’aloga fo’i e faia lava i lea faleta’alo a le (Faaauau itulau B3) FA’ATAUA LE SOIFUA O TAGATA I LE FALELIMA I SASA’E •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O le agaga autu o le i’ugafono lea ua taoto i luma o le maota o sui, e talosagaina ai le fausia o se taligalu e amata atu i Alao e oo i Tula, o le taumafai lava ina ia puipuia le soifua saogalemu o le mamalu o le atunu’u o lo o alala i le Falelima i Sasa’e. O lea i’ugafono sa fa’aulufaleina e afioga i ali’i faipule ia Fatulegae’e Palepoi Mauga ma Talaimatai Elisara Su’a, ma ua taoto atu i le komiti o Galuega Lautele a le malo e fa’atulaga i ai se iloiloga. I le agaga o lenei i’ugafono, o lo o talosagaina ai le afioga i le ali’i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, ina ia fa’atonu le Ofisa o Galuega Lautele, mo le fa’atulagaina lea o se su’esu’ega i se auala talafeagai e fausia ai se taligalu e puipuia ai le gataifale o afioaga e pei ona taua. O lo o taua i se vaega o le i’ugafono e fa’apea, o se vaega tele o le auala e feoa’i ai ta’avale i le itu i Sasa’e, o lo o maitauina pea le aga’i ina tafea i le sami, ona o lo o fa’aauau pea ona tu’i e galu le eleele, ma, e faigata tele ona vave oo atu auaunaga i taimi o fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i i taimi e tutupu ai ni fa’alavelave i nofoaga mamao fa’apea i le atunu’u. O le Falelima i Sasa’e, o le vaega lona lua lea i le atunu’u o lo o tele vave le fa’atupulaia o le faitau aofa’i, o le tele fo’i o vaega o le alatele, e na o vaega e i ai pi’oga o lo o fausia ai pa u’amea e puipuia ai ta’avale mai le oso i lalo o le sami, peitai, ua maitauina le tele o tagata ua manunu’a ma maliliu ona o fa’alavelave tau ta’avale e tutupu fa’afuase’i. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FESILIGIA TULAFONO FA’ASA AI U LAULA TAPA’A NOFOAGA FAITELE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O le taeao ananafi na tula’i ai le afioga i le ali’i faipule ia Puleleiite Li’amatua Tufele Jr i luma o le maota o sui, ma ia fesiligia le tulaga ua i ai le fa’amalosiga e le malo o le tulafono sa pasia e le Fono Faitulafono i ni tausaga ua mavae, e fa’asa ai le ulaula tapa’a i nofoaga faitele, aemaise ai nofoaga e nofoia e le lautele o le atunu’u. Saunoa Puleleiite e fa’apea, i le mae’a ai o ni feutanaiga sa faia ma ni isi o Faalapotopotoga Tuamaoti i le atunu’u, ua atagia mai ai i le latou molimau, e le o lelei le faamalosia o lea tulafono. “O se tulafono taua e manaomia le fa’amalosia e le malo, aemaise lava i le Ofisa o Leoleo, ina ia mautinoa e malupuipuia ma saogalemu ai le atunu’u atoa”, o le saunoaga lea a Puleleiite. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FA’ATAUA FAIPULE IUGAFONO A LE SENATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O se va’aiga i le to’a lima lea sa taumafaia le fetauiga mo le sailiga o le Siamupini i le Pasiketipolo i lenei tausaga a le ASHSAA All Stars - manumalo ai le East All Stars Team. Ua fa’atasi i latou ma le latou Coach lea fo’i sa ia mauaina le fa’ailoga o le Coach of the Tournament Alvin Mamea. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Malo le ta’a’alo fa’atausala! Na taua e le afioga i le ali’i faipule mai Swains ia Su’a Alexander E. Jennings le tatau lea i le maota o sui ona fa’ataua le iugafono taua lea ua pasia e le maota maualuga, e talosagaina ai le Fono Fa’afoe o Faiga Faiva a le Pasefika, ina ia fa’atumauina pea le mamao e 50 maila mo ogasami puipuia i fagotaga mo Amerika Samoa. Saunoa le ali’i faipule e faapea, o le taua o lenei mataupu, e atagia mai ai le tutu fa’atasi o le Fono Faitulafono e lagolago taumafaiga a ta’ita’i o le malo, ina ia finauina lenei mataupu taua mo Amerika Samoa. O le taeao nei lea ua fa’amoemoe le maota o sui e tu’uina atu ai le i’ugafono ua pasia e le Senate mo lona faitauina fa’atolu. Na tele saunoaga a afioga i senatoa i le mataupu e faatatau i le fa’aiuga lea ua faia e le Fono Fa’afoe o Faiga Faiva a le Pasefika, e fa’aitiitia ai i le 12 maila ogasami fa’asao mo fagota i le teritori. Saunoa afioga i senatoa e fa’apea, o lenei faiga ua faia e le Fono Faafoe, ua atagia mai ai lo latou fai fa’amalosi o fa’aiuga e a’afia ai atumotu o le Pasefika e aofia ai ma Amerika Samoa, e aunoa ma le fesiligia o ni o latou finagalo. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B3 “Live Cancer Foundation” _ Fa’amlolo lou kanesa, agaga tusia: Leua Aiono Frost Ua fa’aopoopo mai fo’i lenei fa’alapotopotoga i le taumafaiga a le atunu’u e soloia gasea o le ma’i faigata o le Kanesa, lea ua matele ina maliliu ai nisi o tatou tagata, peita’i, o lea fa’apotopotoga, e ese teisi lava lona fa’avae mai isi taumafaiga uma, ona ua i ai le tamau o loo ola fa’atuatua ma fa’alagolago e te toe ola i lou fa’atuatua. “O le aso ou te mata’u ai, ou te fa’atuatua ai ia te Oe!” O le tagi lea a Tavita i lona Atua, peita’i, ua avea lea mau ma mea e aga i ai togafitiga, vaifofo ma le fa’amalosi’au a le Live Cancer Foundation. Ua fesiligia, pe mata na malolo nisi sa latou taumafai i ai, o le tali ua fa’ailoa mai, “Ioe.” O le tama’ita’i o Seira Live, ua fa’ailoa mai e ia, “O a’u na to’ai taunu’u mai i ai se fa’aaliga fa’apitoa a le Tina Pa’ia o Maria, i le afiafi tonu na gasetoto ai le masina i le tausaga ua te’a, Aperila 14, 2014. Na fa’ailo mai ai Maria i lena po ma sa maua i le ata na pu’eina e la’u fanau i telefoni.” Ua fa’ailoa mai fo’i e Seira, “O a’u ua mae’a ona fa’ailoa mai lo’u igoa e fa’auia atu ai talosaga ma mana’oga fa’apitoa mo Tina Maria! O lo’u igoa o Merciful Esther Anamaria Tasila’ula ’aaeafeo’utalatogiiutatogiitaifaio’utalaaemama’iai.” O lana fa’amatalaga, “Ua na’o o a’u o se tasi ua filifilia e avatu le fe’au, ma taumafai e fofo gasegase ua tigaina ai tagata ma avatu le vaifofo fa’aletino fa’apea ae maise le fa’aleagaga.” O Seira o se tasi e malosi i lona fa’atuatuaga ma le fe’au o lo’o molita’i mai e le Ekalesia Katoliko, ma e aga fo’i fe’au uma i le fe’au fa’apitoa mai ia Tina Maria. Ua tulata i le isi gasetoto o le masina ia Aperila fo’i, “ua ou sauni fo’i mo le isi fe’au fou, e fa’aauau mai ai le vaega o le fe’au ua mae’a fa’ailoa mai.” I le latou Fa’apotopotoga Fesoasoani mo i latou e mama’i Kanesa, ua ia fa’ailoa mai, e na’o le to’alima lava aiga ua aofia i lenei fa’amoemoe lelei. O le aiga o Seira Live le tasi, sa sili atu i le to’a 10 aiga sa amatalia mai o aofia ai, ae le gafatia e i latou ona tausia tulafono tamau o lou avea ma aiga i totonu o lea fa’apotopotoga. “O Tulafono maoti lava, e fa’asa le ulaula, fa’asa le inu i avamalolosi ma ava ma ‘aua lava ne’i a’afia lou tagata ma lou aiga i le lotoleaga.” Ua aga atu nei i la’ua, Seira Live ma le faletua o Jessie Lualemaga e fa’ao’o lea fe’au taua i Samoa, ma sa tu’ua e i la’ua le teritori mo Samoa tutoatasi. O lo’o fealua’i fo’i Seira ma tau’ave le ata sa ia fa’ailoa mai, sa pu’eina i le ata o le telefoni i le po o le gasetoto o le masina ia Aperila 14, 2014. O le fa’amautuga lea o le valoaga ua latalata le toe afio mai o Maria le tina pa’ia. ➧ TALA ESEESE I TA’ALOGA… Mai itulau B2 Malisi i Malaeloa. Sa faia fo’i ta’aloga i le aso To’ona’i na te’a nei i le liki a tama’ita’i ma ali’i, ae o le a soso’o i le aso Lulu ma le aso Tofi fo’i o lenei vaiaso i Malaeloa lava! SIAMUPINI EAST TAAMILOSAGA ALL STARS PASEKETIPOLO ALI’I O le afiafi o le aso Tofi na fa’atautaia ai le ta’aloga a le All Stars i le Pasiketipolo Varsity Ali’i a le ASHSAA ma sa fa’ai’u ane i le manumalo o le East i ‘ai e 56-55 a le West. O le West All Stars sa aofia ai tama ta’a’alo mai Tafuna, Leone High ma le Malisi High, ae o le ‘au a Fagaitua, Samoana ma Nuuuli Voctech lea sa tu’ufa’atasia mai ai le East lea ua manumalo i lea fo’i sailiga siamupini. O le ali’i ta’alo o Danny mai le Nuuuli Voctech na mauaina le ta’alo lelei o le ta’aloga ma le ali’i faia’oga lelei o le Sailiga Siamupini ua maua lea e le ali’i faia’oga o le East Basketball Team: Alvin Mamea. Na tofusia fo’i le au ta’a’alo a le East ma le pine e fa’amau fa’ailoga ai lo latou manumalo i lenei tausaga, ma sa iloga mai e na’o le to’alima lava le vaega sa ta’a’alo o lea ‘au mai le amataga se’ia o’o mai i lona fa’ai’uga, ma sa leai se sipea mo i latou e tau malolo mai i ai! Peita’i, e le’i fa’avaivai fo’i le sofa’i mai a le West All Stars ma toe vavalalata ai ‘ai sa i le 44-33 i le fa’ai’uga o le Kuata lona tolu. Matagofie le fa’ai’uga o lea vaega o ta’aloga Pasiketipolo a tama, ae o lo’o fa’agasolo pea toega o le ta’amilosaga pasiketi a tama’ita’i a’oga, ma o le a fa’ai’uina i le vaiaso a sau i lona sailiga siamupini lea ua fa’atulaga mo le aso Faraile. O se va’aiga i sui iloga o le “Live Cancer Foundation” o le a malaga i Samoa e molita’i i ai le la’ua misiona, vaifofo o le Kanesa ma le Fe’au fa’apitoa a Tina Maria! Faletua o Jessie Lualemaga [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] ma Seira Live. AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs EMPLOYMENTO PPORTUNITY Position Title: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Employment Status: Full Time 12 months (Career Service) General Description: The Administrative Assistant provides professional administrative services for Institutional Effectiveness (IE) and other duties as required. The incumbent performs routine clerical and administrative functions such as drafting correspondence, scheduling appointments, organizing paper and electronic files, or providing information to callers. The successful candidate should be proficient in the use of Excel to input data, verify data, store and retrieve data, possess computer knowledge and skills in designing and formatting data report templates; work well with faculty, staff and administration in survey distribution and collection; possess strong writing and reporting skills, maintain data security; and follow ethical guidelines for record keeping and reporting. Other qualifications are knowledge of logging incoming and outgoing data, and the ability to work efficiently with utmost regard to quality and accuracy. The incumbent will manage the archiving of all institutional data and storage, coordinate paperwork and tracking for all purchase requisitions (quotes & orders), manages office inventory and supplies, coordinate service calls and schedule facility maintenance and equipment repairs with vendors. Responsibilities and Duties: • Coordinate and provides all administrative housekeeping; • Establishes and maintains variety of files and records, including appropriation of records; • Reviews and prepares documents relative to personnel, procurement and/or fiscal transactions, and provides appropriate follow-up services; • Compiles reports for update status or specific tasks as requested; • Prepares and processes travel authorizations and documents, and makes other appropriate arrangements; • Acts as liaison for the Divisional Head with operating personnel of the office or organization on scheduling meetings, deadlines and administrative matters; • Maintains adequate level of office and other supplies, and maintains inventory records; • Receives, records and directs accordingly incoming and outgoing correspondences; • Maintains data security and follows ethical guidelines for record keeping and reporting; • Demonstrates professionalism, commitment and is able to manage other tasks as defined by the Director of IE relevant to its mission. Minimum Qualifications: ÿ Some College or Associate’s Degree and at least one year of direct related experience. Must be able to speak both English and Samoan. Salary: GS 11/1-5 $11,869.00 - $14,469.00. Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Applications are available from American Samoa Community College, Human Resources Office at 699-9155 Ext. 477/335/403 or email Lipena Samuelu at mailto:[email protected] . “An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer And A Drug-Free Workplace” Page B4 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 ➧ Tele mafua’aga ua fa’aletonu Mai itulau B1 “E tele naua polokiki a le feterale ua mafua ai ona tuai le toe fa’atumuina mai o tupe a le malo, lea ua maitauina le o o atu i le $5 miliona le aofa’i o tupe o lo o tuai ona toe totogiina mai”, o se vaega lea o le saunoaga a Lolo. I le tulaga i lafoga a pisinisi, o le isi lea mafua’aga autu na taua e Lolo o lo o fesoasoani i le vaivai o tupe maua a le malo. “O lafoga sa fuafua le malo e tatau ona maua i le Kuata muamua ma le Kuata lua, ua le maua mai i le taimi sa fuafuaina, o le isi lena mafua’aga ua atili ai ona vaivai tupe maua a le malo, ae afai loa e amata ona aga’i mai tagata ma pisinisi e totogi a latou lafoga, ona toe tulaga lelei fo’i lea o tupe ao a le malo i masina ma kuata ta’itasi”, o le isi lea saunoaga a Lolo. “O le tula’i mai o fa’aletonu eseese e pei ona ou taua, ua fesoasoani ai i tulaga fa’aletonu ma le vaivai o tupe o lo o ao mai e le malo, ae ui i ia fa’aletonu laiti, o lea lava ua amata ona toe aga’i mai i luga tupe ao a le malo i le taimi nei, fuafua atu i le Kuata muamua sa malosi ai lea fa’aletonu”, o le isi lea saunoaga a le ali’i kovana. O fa’aletonu o lo o tula’i mai i le itu tau tupe, aemaise ai o taumafaiga ina ia fa’aitiitia tupe fa’aalu a le malo o ni tulaga uma nei “e le lelei mo le malo”, e pei ona saunoa le ali’i kovana ia Lolo. “O le mea moni lava, e umi se taimi e mana’omia e le malo e tau toe fa’aleleia ai tulaga fa’aletonu i ana tupe maua, aemaise ai o le taumafai ina ia toe ao mai uma vaega tupe sa tatau ona maua i le kuata muamua ma le lua ae ua le maua, o le agaga atoa i le faigamalo, ia aua lava ne’i tula’i mai se mea e ono fa’aletonu ai le malo atoa, ma taumafai pea e fa’atumau le tautua a le malo i le atunu’u”, o le isi lea saunoaga a le ali’i kovana. O le lu’itau muamua e pei ona silasila toto’a i ai le ali’i kovana ma le ‘Task Force’ fa’apitoa lea ua mae’a ona ia tofia, o le va’ava’ai lea i auala e fa’aitiitia ai tupe fa’aalu a le malo, aemaise lava i tulaga o tagata faigaluega. “E ui i le maualuga o tupe fa’aalu a le malo, ae o se tulaga fiafia ia te a’u le to’atele o tagata faigaluega a le malo ua i ai i le taimi nei, ua mafai ai fo’i ona fa’atumauina tulaga malosi i pisinisi eseese i le atunu’u, e ala i le fa’aalu lea e tagata faigaluega o tupe o lo o maua mai a latou totogi e fa’atau ai oloa mai pisinisi ma fa’atupu ai le tamaoaiga i pisinisi”, o le isi lea saunoaga mai le ali’i kovana. E talitonu Lolo, ana leai tagata faigaluega a le malo ma tupe o lo o latou maua i le ta’i lua vaiaso, ua leva ona le toe vaaia le tele o pisinisi i le atunu’u. O le fuafua la lea ua vaavaai i ai le faigamalo e pei ona taua e le ali’i kovana, o le fa’aitiitia lea o itula faigaluega ta’itasi a tagata faigaluega a le malo mo le aso e tasi, peita’i o lea fuafuaga, o le la’asaga mulimuli lava lea e la’a i ai le faigamalo, pe afai e tulaga fa’aletonu lava le itu tau tupe. “Ou te le o manatu e tupu le tulaga lea i le fa’aitiitia o itula faigaluega a le malo, ae i lo’u talitonuga, afai e tupu lea tulaga, e sili atu lea nai lo le fa’amalolo o tagata faigaluega a le malo, e le o se tulaga lena e tatau ona fai”, o le saunoaga fa’aiu lea a le ali’i kovana. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] ➧ Tele pili tupe fuafua malo… Mai itulau B1 I luma o le maota maualuga, o le itula e 8:30 i le taeao o le aso Lulu o le vaiaso nei lea ua fuafua le Komiti o le Paketi a le Senate, e faia ai se iloiloga mo le talanoaina o lenei tulafono, i lalo o le ta’ita’iga a le afioga i le ali’i senatoa ia Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao o le ta’ita’i komiti. O molimau o le a fesiligia ai i le tulafono lenei e aofia ai le Teutupe a le malo ia Uesligitone Tonumaipe’a, o ia fo’i lea o lo o ta’ita’ia le ‘Task Force’ na tofia e le kovana e iloiloina tulafono tupe e tuuina atu i le Fono Faitulafono, e pei ona fa’amaonia mai e le tofa a Lolo Matalasi Moliga i se feiloaiga ma le Samoa News i le taeao ananafi. Saunoa Laolagi i luma o le maota maualuga i le taeao ananafi e fa’apea, e i ai ni isi o sui o tagata fai pisinisi faletalimalo, ua manatu e fia fa’asoa atu i luma o le komiti a latou finagalo e tusa ai o lenei tulafono taufa’aofi, ma ua ia manatu ai, o se itu taua fo’i lea mo le maota maualuga e fa’afofoga ai molimau a i latou nei, “ina ia mautinoa e leai se ma’a e le fulia i le iloiloina e le maota maualuga o lenei tulafono”. E le i fa’ailoaina po o ai sui o faletalimalo o le a auai atu i le iloiloga. Ae i luma o le maota o sui, o le itula e 11:00 i le taeao fo’i o le aso Lulu o le a nofoia ai le Komiti o Fa’agaioiga a le malo, mo le fa’ataunu’uina o le latou iloiloga e tusa ai o lenei mataupu, i lalo o le ta’ita’iga a le afioga i le ali’i faipule ia Fatulegae’e Palepoi Mauga o le ta’ita’i komiti. O molimau o lea iloiloga e aofia ai le Loia Sili o le malo ia Talauega Eleasalo Ale, o Tonumaipe’a, ma le Fa’atonusili o le Matagaluega o Alamanuia ma Fefa’atauaiga ia Keniseli Lafaele. O isi pili tupe ua fuafua le faigamalo e fa’aulu i se taimi o le vaiaso nei i luma o le Fono Faitulafono, e aofia ai pili tupe e fa’atula’i ai le lafoga i le malae va’alele mo tagata e malaga ese atu ma Amerika Samoa (Departure Tax); o le pili e toe fa’atulaga ai le totogi o laisene pisinisi, fa’apea ai le pili tupe e fa’ae’e ai totogi mo tautua a le malo o lo o ofoina atu mo pisinisi tua. (Silasila i le lomiga o le aso Lulu i le Le Lali, o le a tu’uina atu ai le atoaga o isi pili tupe ua fuafua le malo e fa’aulu i le Fono Faitulafono). Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] TAUASO LE ALOFA [E toe fa’atalofa atu i paaga masani a le tatou polokalame i lenei vaiaso, malo le soifua manuia, ae o le toe soso’oina atu lea o le tatou polokalame fa’asolo, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea ua mae’a ai ona logo Koso ma ana uo i uta, o lea ua saili le aiga o Keli e fasi ia te ia.] “ ..sole Koso, e le nonofo lelei le aiga o Keli i le taimi lenei, o lea na vili mai Pusa fai mai o lo o tumu tumu uma le aiga i o i le falema’i, o taulele’a, tamaloloa ma fafine, e leai ma se isi o totoe iinei i le nu’u, e oo fo’i i isi aiga o Keli o lo o nonofo i le taulaga, ua o atu uma e tapua’i le togafitiga a le Keli lea ua faia ..” o le fa’amatalaga lea a le au ali’i na o e ta’u le feau ia Koso ma ana uo, a’o le tama o Koso i le taimi lea, ua leai ma se gagana, ua na o le nofo lava ma punou, ua pei lava o se tagata o lo o i ai se mea o lo o mamafa tu i lona mafaufau. “A o fea Silia?”, o le fesili lea a Koso, ae na oso atu le isi ali’i, “Fai mai o le la e nofonofo ai lava i tafatafa o le moega o Keli ma tagi ai. Fai mai ua fiu le fafige o Kalameli e tuli ese ae ua atili ai ona tagi ma nofo nofo ai lava i tafatafa o le moega o Keli.” Ua le vaaia foliga le mautonu o Koso i le taimi lea, ua popole fo’i le tamaititi i lona saogalemu atoa ai ma le saogalemu o lona aiga, o lea na ia faia ai loa le tonu, o le a sola e saili se isi mea e nofo ma lafi ai, ae o le a toe fo’i ana uo i tai i le aai, aua e le o i latou lea o lo o saili e le aiga o Keli, o ia. “Ua lelei ali’i Koso, sau ina e alu, aua e te toe fo’i mai i le tatou nu’u ma le aiga, se’i vagana ua e fa’alogo ua toe sologa lelei mea uma ma ua toe saili Keli ia te oe, ona e toe fo’i mai loa lea i le aiga ma le nu’u”, o le fautuaga lea a uo a Koso na tu’u atu i le ali’i, ona latou fa’amavae ai loa lea, ma tula’i ai loa le ali’i ma sola ese ae ua toe fo’i atu nei ana uo i le aai ma toe fo’i atu ai loa le tagata i lona aiga. Sei o tatou liliu atu lava i le aiga o Keli o lo o i ai i le falema’i i le aso lea. Ua fa’apotopoto uma le aiga ma ua sauni e alu le laotu osofaiga i le nu’u, se’i saili Koso poo fea o i ai. O upu o le ita atoa ai ma folafolaga o le loto tiga, o mea uma ia ua fa’alogoina i le aso lea, ma ua le toe i ai fo’i se loto fa’amagalo i taulele’a ma tamaloloa o le aiga, pau le mea ua oo ane i o latou loto o le fia taui ma sui lea ia Koso, ona o manu’a ua a’afia ai Keli. “Vaai oukou si a’u fagau aemaise ai lo’u aiga, aua kou ke vavevave i se fa’aiuga e fai, ogosa’i mai kakou kakalo ma kapua’i fa’akasi, o lea ua alo aku si a’u kama o Keli i loga kaokoga gei, vaai alofa fo’i i maka o si keigikiki o Silia le la e gofo gofo mai kafakafa o Keli ..” o le talosaga atu lea a le tina o Keli i lona aiga, peita’i sa finau atu pea taulele’a o le aiga i le olomatua, e le toe i ai lava se isi taimi e toe tu’u i ai le sailiina o Koso, o le taimi lava lea ua tatau ai ona saili Koso ia maua, se’i fa’atino i ai manu’a tuga ia ua safa ma pagatia ai Keli. “Aga mogi le alofa o Koso ia Keli, ga ke le faia se mea fa’apea”. OLAGA POLOGA [E toe fa’atalofa atu i uo ma paaga masani a le tatou polokalame i le amataga o lenei vaiaso, malo le onosa’i i faiva ma tiute, ae alo ma loa, o le toe soso’oina lenei o le tatou polokalame fa’asolo o le Olaga Pologa, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea na sa’i ai le fafine o Sei i lona to’alua, i lona tu tu a’o fasi ia e le fanau al ona tuafafine.] Na ona uma lava o upu ia a le fafine o Sei i lona to’alua o Semisi, tu loa i luga o le a savali i totonu o le fale, ae na te’i ina ua toe aapa atu lima o le fanau teine a le tuafafine o Semisi ma toe futi mai i lalo lona lauulu, ona toe fasi fo’i lea, ma toe vaaia ai fo’i le toe avau o fusuaga, ae ua atili ai le tumu tumu atu o tagata fai tatala o le nu’u i le fia iloa o le au o le paipa. O nisi o le nu’u e misi alofa i le fasiga o le fafine nofotane o Sei, ae o isi ua fiafia ma fa’apea a latou tala, “make ai lava Sei, se’i oga lagogaiga fo’i le leaga o le mea o le saua ia Lami, lea la ua vaai i ai, e i ai fo’i aiga o Lami lakou ia”. Na fa’ateia uma tagata o le nu’u sa i ai aemaise ai le tamaloa o Semisi ma lona aiga, ina ua fa’afuase’i ona latou vaaia le tamo’e atu i le atoa o le tamaititi o Lami ma fao i luga o le fafine o Sei, ma alaga atu i le fanau o le uso o lona tina e alolofa, taofi le fasiga o Sei. “Faamolemole, ua lava lena, aua le toe fasia lo’u tina o Sei, fa’amolemole, fa’amolemole ..” e tagi lava Lami ma tago atu ua fusi mai le fafine i ona lima, ma ua avea ai lea vaaiga o se vaaiga fa’amomoi loto i lea afiafi i tagata uma sa i ai, ina ua alolofa uma tagata i le tamaititi, i lona loto fa’amagalo ia Sei, e ui i mea leaga e tele sa faia e le fafine ia te ia. “Fa’amolemole Semisi lo’u tama, ua lava lea, aua ne’i toe pa’i se isi i lo’u tina, ua lava lea ...” Na vaaia le maligi o loimata o le tamaloa o Semisi i le taimi lea, ona ia punou ifo lea i lalo ma fa’atu i luga le tamaititi o Lami ma fai i ai e savali i totonu o le fale, ona ia tago atu fo’i lea ua fa’atu i luga lona to’alua ma fai i ai e savavali i totonu o le fale, o lea ua tumu tumu mai le nu’u i le vavao atu o le latou aiga. O le tamaloa o Semisi, o se tasi o matai faiupu i totonu o le nu’u o Amouta, o le mafua’aga lea na manatu ai le tamaloa, e tatau ona fai sana tala i le nu’u lea ua tumu tumu atu, ina ne’i maitau mai e le o mamafa i lona loto i le mataga o le mea sa tupu. “.. Kakou guu, ou ke fa’amalulu aku oga o le kulaga e pei oga kula’i mai i le makou aiga legei afiafi, ou ke iloa lava ua le kalafeagai le vevesi ma kaimi o faiga loku a le kakou afioaga gei, ae fa’amalulu aku i le paia o le kakou gu’u oga o lea fa’alekogu ..” Na tali mai fo’i nisi o matai o le nu’u i le tamaloa o Semisi e tusa ai o le mataupu e pei ona talanoa atu ai, ma latou taua ai e fa’apea, e leai lava se aiga o le nu’u e tutupu ai ni fa’aletonu fa’apea, ae pau le talosaga, ia fai fa’alelei le tamaitiiti o Lami, aua le fa’apologaina. O se afiafi ese lea i le aiga o Semisi ma Sei, ae maise ai fo’i o le tamaititi o Lami, ina ua iloa e le ulugali’i, e leai se isi o le nu’u e le o iloaina le faiga fa’apologa a le fafine o Sei o lo o fai i le tamaititi o Lami. Tala i Vavau o Samoa TALA I LE AU USO O TO’OUTA MA TO’OTAI O se tasi lenei o auala e talitonu A’ana na maua ai nisi i igoa o nuu i le atunu A’ana, fai mai le talitonuga, o tama nei o Tutuila ma Ape, o la igoa muamua lava na iloa ai o Toouta ma Tootai, o le fanau lea e toalua a le ulugalii o Tapuola ma Fasi, fai mai le tala, a’o alu le faiva mafa fe’e a le tamaloa o Tapuola i le isi po, fai mai sa faigata le faiva, ua too i uta le vaa toe too i tai i le sou o le po, ae te’i ina ua alu atu le avea’i e toe fo’i atu i uta ua fanau lona to’alua, o le masaga tama lana fanau, ona fai atu lea o Tapuola i lona toalua o Fasi, “ua lelei, o le mea sili ua e ola ma ua malolosi lau fanau, ae o le a faaigoa tama nei ia Toouta ma Tootai, e faamanatu ai le taimi na too ai i tua ma toe too ai i tai lo’u vaa a’o alu lo’u faiva,” ona malie lea i ai o le fafine i le tonu a lona toalua, faatasi ai ma lana talosaga, o le a faamuamua lona igoa o Fasi i le pito i luma o igoa o lana fanau, ona maua ai loa lea o igoa o tama o Fasito’outa ma Fasito’otai. O tama la ia o Tutuila ma Ape fai mai le tala, na o sii le la faletautu ia Tuia’ana Vaema, ae aioi ane i ai Tuia’ana Vaema, e musu e alu leaga o lo o papala ona vae, ae lelei le nonofo se’i pe papala o ona vae. O Vaema na mafua ona papala ona vae, sa leaga i le taimi na ta ai lana pe’a, peitai sa finau atu pea tama ia Vaema, aua le popole ae latou o pea e asi le taupou, ona o loa lea o tama ma Vaema e asi le taupou, peitai o le mea ua tupu, ua musu le taupou o Vaetamasoali’i ina ua vaai atu e papala uma vae o Vaema. Ua faaauau le malaga a Tutuila ma Ape poo Toouta ma Tootai i Savaii i le taimi na tufa ai le feti’i a Salemuliaga i Amoa, peitai o le mea ua tupu e le’i maua ai se inati a tama, ona fo’i lea o tama ma tomumu fano i le ala ina ua le maua so laua inati, ae fetaui le oo atu o tama i Faga o lo o sasa mai ai le ‘afa a le toeaina o Leululei’ite, sa lagona uma e le toeaina tomumu a le au uso lea, ona fesili lea o le toeaina i tama, pe aisea lava ua la tomumu fano ai i luga o le ala, ae tali le au uso, “e le’i maua se ma inati i le tufaina o le feti’i a Salemuliata,” ae fai atu i ai Leululei’ite, “ete lua iloa le mea ua tupu, ua mafua ona le maua sa oulua inati, leaga e leai se alii na oulua o ma ave, ae o mai ina o i Safotulafai o lo o i ai le tama o Selaginato, o e ave e sii ai le lua faletautu e saili ai so oulua ali’i.” Fai mai le tala, ua usita’i tama o Toouta ma Tootai, ona la o lea i Safotulafai ma ave le tama o Selaginato i Safata i le tamaitai o Vaetamasoalii, ona ma’itaga ai loa lea o le tamaitai. samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B5 Fa’ai’u i le falepuipui se fusuaga na mafua mai i ta’ifau tusia Ausage Fausia O le vevesi lea na tula’i mai i le fa’aiuga o le vaiaso na te’a nei i Malaeimi, ina ua osofa’i e taifau a se aiga ni ali’i se to’alua na o e saili mai le to’alua o le isi ali’i na a’afia, na fa’ai’u i le taofia ai e leoleo le ulugali’i e ana ta’ifau fa’atasi ai ma le isi ali’i e to’atasi na a’afia, e mafua mai ina ua osofa’i e ta’ifau ali’i na a’afia ma tula’i mai ai loa se fusuaga i lo latou va’a. O le taeao ananafi na tutula’i uma ai i latou e to’atolu na a’afia, e aofia ai le ulugali’i ua molia nei o Sionesipa Faoliu ma lona to’alua Tuasivi Faoliu, ona o tuuaiga i lo la fa’ao’olima lea i ali’i na a’afia, ma le isi ali’i na a’afia o Sanele Tavea ua toe tatala i tua ina ua leai ni moliaga e faila fa’asaga ia te ia. Na teena e le ulugali’i ua molia moliaga mama o le fa’atupu vevesi i nofoaga faitele i le taeao ananafi, ma ua toe taofia nei i le toese e fa’atali ai suesuega o lo o fa’aauau a le malo. E tusa ai ma fa’amaumauga a le fa’amasinoga o lo o taua ai e fa’apea, o le vaveao o le aso 22 Mati na te’a nei, na logo ai e ni molimau le ofisa o leoleo mo se fesoasoani, e fa’atatau i ni alii se to’alua na maitauina o lo o manunu’a, e mafua mai ina ua fa’ao’olima i ai le ulugali’i ua taofia nei e leoleo. Na taunu’u leoleo ma iloa ai alii e to’alua o lo o manunu’a, o le isi o lo o manu’a mitimiti ona foliga, ae o le isi ali’i o lo o i ai se manu’a tuga i lona ulu, ma auina atu ai loa i laua i le falemai mo togafitiga, mulimuli ane toe auina atu i le ofisa o leoleo e fa’atalatalanoa atili ai le mataupu. Na taua e le isi ali’i na a’afia i leoleo e fa’apea, o laua na o ma lana uo i le fale o le ulugali’i ua molia, e aami lona to’alua o lo o taalo pele ai, peita’i na fa’ateia i laua ina ua osofa’i laua e ta’ifau a le ulugali’i. Na avea le le fiafia o le au ali’i na a’afia ma itu na la taunu’u atu ai loa i totonu o le fale o le ulugali’i, fa’a pa ai loa ma le la le fiafia i ai, pe aisea na le oso atu ai se isi o i laua e taofi a la ta’ifau. Na avea le fesiligia e i laua na a’afia o le ulugali’i ma itu na ita ai le tamaloa, ma sau ai loa i fafo ma fai a laua fa’afinauga ma le isi o le to’alua na a’afia, soso’o ai loa ma lona tu’uiina o le ali’i lea, ma avau ai loa la fusuaga, ae fa’ateia ai loa le alii na a’afia ina ua tui e le tamaloa o Faoliu lona ulu i se naifi ma manu’a tigaina ai. Ae na taua e le isi ali’i e to’alua i ai ali’i na a’afia i leoleo e fa’apea, ina ua fufusu le tamaloa ua molia ma lana uo sa la to’alua, sa oso atu loa e vaovao le la fusuaga, peita’i na fa’ateia o ia ina ua ta e le fafine lona ulu i se fagu pia ma manu’a ai ona foliga. Na mae’a lea, ona oso atu lea o le fafine ua fela’u lona papatua, peita’i ao taumafai e oso ese, na oso atu le to’alua o le fafine ma tui lona tauau i le naifi ma manu’a ai. Ina ua fesiligia e leoleo le ulugalii ua molia nei i le taimi muamua, sa laua teena tu’uaiga fa’asaga ia te ia, e aofia ai le la teena lea o le fa’aaogaina o se tama’i naifi e faaoo ai manu’a i alii na a’afia, peita’i ina ua saili e leoleo le la fale, sa maua i ai se tama’i naifi fai meaai o lo o pisia uma i le toto. O manua sa aafia ai i laua e to’alua na manunu’a i lenei fa’alavelave, na manaomia ai filo e 3 e tapuni ai le manu’a sa a’afia ai le ulu o le isi alii’, ae o le isi ali’i se mana’omia fo’i filo e tolu e tapuni ai le manu’a sa a’afia ai lona tauau, ma o ia fo’i manu’a e pei ona taua i le ripoti a leoleo, e le o ni manu’a e ono lamatia ai se soifua o se isi o i laua. O lo o taofia pea le ulugali’i o lo o tu’uaia i le falepuipui i Tafuna e aunoa ma se tupe ua fa’atulaga e tatala ai i laua i tua, e fa’atali ai su’esu’ega o lo o fa’aauaua fa’asaga i lenei mataupu, ma iloa ai pe i ai ni moliaga faaopoopo e ono faila fa’asaga ia te i laua. Na taua e le loia a le malo, o moliaga fa’aopoopo o lo o va’ava’ai i ai le malo e aofia ai le moliaga o le fa’ao’olima, e mafua mai i le fa’aaogaina o a’upega e fa’ao’o ai manu’a i ali’i e to’alua sa a’afia, e pei ona taua i fa’amaumauga a leoleo. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] O se va’aiga lea i lea fo’i tomai ua a’oa’oina ai le fanau i le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi ina ia atamamai e tui vulu o fala tui. O se maimoaga lea i le ata ua tui i lea fala e Fesuia’i Muagututi’a, o le Agiagia [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] a Amerika Samoa. American Samoa Government OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB-034-2015 Issuance Date: March 20, 2015 Closing Date: March 30, 2015 No later than 2:00 p.m. (local time) 1. INVITATION Sealed bids are invited from qualified contractors to provide the “MainH ighway Roadside Landscaping, Cleaning and Tree Trimming”. 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 2:00 p.m. (local time), Monday, March 30, 2015 at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 2. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting/Site Visit will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Office of Procurement Conference Room. Bids will not be accepted from bidders who are not present at the pre-bid conference. 4. CONTRACTD OCUMENTS Contract documents, including Scope of Work may be examined at the Office of Procurement or obtained there from during regular business hours. 5. The American Samoa Government reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any bid. 6. The American Samoa Government reserves the right to waive any informalities in bidding as may be in the best interest of American Samoa Government. “Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action” SAPIA’I M. ENA Acting Chief Procurement Officer Page B6 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Clinton: US needs real ‘solutions’ to income inequality O le tina o Lupi Gilreath ua ia fa’amatala ma fa’ailoa atu le gaosiga o le Taga Solo vae e fa’aaoga ai fasi ieie totoe o su’isu’iga, i le fanau a’oga sa maimoaina lana galuega alofilima sa fa’alauiloa i le aso Samoa Studies a le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi i le vaiaso na te’a nei. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] ➧ TALA MAI SAMOA… Mai itulau B1 FAATALANOAGA O LE UAEA O FESOOTAIGA FOU O le faamoemoe mo le tosoina o se uaea o fesootaiga fou aua le faaleleia atili o fesootaiga i luga o upega tafailagi mo lo tatou atunuu ma so o se atunuu o le lalolagi, o le autu lea o se feiloaiga na faatautaia i le taeao o le aso Gafua i le motu tele i Salafai. O le pulega ma sui o le Matagaluega o Fesootaiga ma Faamatalaga Faatekonolosi, sa gafa ma le faatautaia o lenei faatalatalanoaga i le Kolisi o Tuasivi. Ua valaaulia e le matagaluega sui mai afioaga o Tuasivi, Fogapoa ma Faga, ia o lo o tau lalata ane i lea nofoaga, e aofia ai ma sui o le malo e auai i lenei faatalatalanoaga aua le faamalamalamaina o tulaga uma e faatatau i lea vaega o le faatinoga o fesootaiga lea ua i ai le fuafuaga e faataunuu i se taimi e le o toe mamao i le tausaga nei lava. O lenei uaea o fesootaiga ua faamoemoe e tosoina i le alititai i le va o Savaii agai mai ai i le afioaga o Fagalii i le itumalo o le Vaimauga. O lo o i ai le faamoemoe e faataunuuina foi se faatalanoaga faapea i le aso Lulu mo le motu o Upolu nei, i Fagalii pea maea le motu tele i Salafai. AMATA FAUSIA LE MALAE VAALELE I ALEIPATA Ua amata faagasolo galuega mo le faatinoina o se tasi o fuafuaga a le malo ina ia fausia se malae vaalele fou i le itumalo Aleipata aua faigamalaga i le va o Samoa ma Amerika Samoa. O lea malae vaalele fou e pe a ma le 800 mita le umi ae 50 mita le lautele, i fanua o afioaga o Satitoa ma Malaela. O le vaega e tulaueleele ai vaalele o lo o fuafua e oo atu i le 700 mita le umi ae 18 mita le lautele. O le nofoaga o lo o i ai lenei malae vaalele fou e pe a ma le 26 i le 32 futu le maualuga mai le sami, ma e pe a ma le fitu maila mai le aualatele a le malo o lo o sosoo ma le gataifale, ae pe a ma le lua maila mai le aualatele fou ua fausia i uta. O le 75 pasene o lo o fausia ai le malae vaalele o fanua faaleaganuu, ae 25 pasene o fanua pulea saoloto ma e pulea se vaega e le Ekalesia Katoliko. O lo o faagasolo i le taimi nei ia faatalanoaga ma i latou e ona ia fanua mo le faatagaga e fausia ai le malae vaalele, faapea le faatinoina o suesuega i ni aafiaga o le siosiomaga ma le soifuaga lautele i lea fuafuaga a le malo. I se pepa o faamatalaga mai le malo na taua ai le faamoemoe ina ia faaleleia faigamalaga i le va o Samoa ma Amerika Samoa i lea vaega o le atunuu ina ia manuia ai le atinae tau turisi ma atili faaleleia ai le tamaoaiga o le atunuu. FAATAU E LE BLUE SKY PEPA MATAMATA O le aso Gafua na faalauiloa aloaia ai e le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa le tuuina atu aloaia o le faatauina o pepa matamata o le taaloga faitaulia a le Manu Samoa ma le Olopeleki a Niu Sila i le aso 8 o Iulai o le tausaga nei, i le kamupani telefoni o le Blue Sky Samoa. Na faailoa e le alii ofisa sili le tumau o le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa, le susuga Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai e faapea, o le taimi nei o lo o ua ave uma le atoatoa a le Iuni lakapi a Samoa ma ana paaga ina ia taunuu ma le manuia le taligamalo a le atunuu i lea uluai taaloga a le Manu Samoa ma le Olopeleki. Ua faamautu mai o le falematamata ogatotonu e tai $500 tala Samoa le tau o pepa matamata, ao fale matamata i le itu Saute ma Matu e tai $300 tala Samoa ma le vaega lautele e amata mai i le tai $40 tala Samoa. O le a amata atu i le aso 6 o le masina fou ona faatau atu pepa matamata i so o se lala o le kamupani telefoni a le Blue Sky Samoa. TOFIA PETANA MA KOMESINA O SAMOA I AUSETALIA Ua tofia nei e le malo le tamaitai o Hinauri Petana e avea ma komesina maualuga fou o Samoa i Ausetalia mo le isi tolu tausaga. Ua sui tulaga nei o ia i le afioga Lemalu Tate Simi lea ua tuumalo. O Petana ua silia i le 30 tausaga o lana tautua i le malo Samoa ma sa avea o ia ma ofisa sili o pulega o le Matagaluega o Tupe a le malo mai le 1999 seia oo i le 2009, i le maea ai ona ia tauaveina le tele o tofiga sinia i totonu o le matagaluega talu mai le 1979. O lo o umia e Petana le faailoga tikeri o le Bachelor of Arfts i Mataupu Tau Upufai o Malo (Political Science) mai le Iunivesete o le Pasefika i Saute i Fiti. WASHINGTON (AP) — Approaching a likely presidential campaign announcement next month, Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that income inequality and wage stagnation are problems that go hand-in-hand and the nation needs creative solutions to bolster job opportunities and living conditions in the cities. Clinton, at a discussion about urban areas, cited the benefits of partnerships between the private and public sectors and updated policies to improve social mobility. The policy event offered a preview of economic themes she is likely to address in a campaign. “We need to think hard about what we’re going to do now that people are moving back into and staying in cities to make sure that our cities are not just places of economic prosperity and job creation on average,” Clinton said. “But do it in a way that lifts everybody up to deal with the overriding issues of inequality and lack of mobility.” Her appearance at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank founded by allies of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, offered no new clues on the timing of her announcement, but plenty of presidential atmospherics. Clinton was joined by Housing Secretary Julian Castro, considered a potential running mate for Clinton by some Democrats, and the heads of a public workers union and teachers union, two of Clinton’s most ardent labor allies. Neera Tanden, a former Hillary Clinton policy adviser, is president of the center and moderated the discussion while the think tank’s founder, John Podesta, sat in the front row. Podesta, a former Bill Clinton chief of staff, is expected to take a senior position in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Clinton later met with President Barack Obama at the White House, where the two discussed “a range of topics,” the White House said. Many Democrats support boosting wages and household income and argue that many families have yet to benefit from an improving job market. Liberals, led most visibly by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, say the party has become too intertwined with Wall Street and needs bold strategies to address inequality. Republicans say Clinton’s message will ring hollow after she spent months earning six-figure fees for speaking engagements and stumbled during last year’s book tour, when she said her family was “dead broke” when it left the White House. “What voter out there struggling to make ends meet can relate to someone who spends millions flying around on private jets and thinks leaving the White House with a multi-million dollar book deal counts as being ‘dead broke?’” said Michael Short, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. Clinton said economic problems have been acutely felt by young people, with more than 5 million people between the ages of 16 and 24 not in school or employed and in need of job skills and training. She urged leaders to get out of their “ideological bunkers” and said they could learn from the work of one panelist, Mayor Aja Brown of Compton, Calif., on curbing gang violence. “Don’t be surprised if you get a call to come and maybe we’ll start not too far from here in a beautiful domed building,” Clinton said to laughter, referring to the U.S. Capitol. “Get everybody in the same room and start that conversation that could lead to collaboration and better results for our cities and our country.” Joined at the event by Lee Saunders of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers, Clinton made no mention of a trade proposal backed by Obama called the TransPacific Partnership. Some labor unions worry she might support the initiative, which they see as undermining jobs, environmental standards and worker rights. They call it “NAFTA on steroids” in a reference to the North American trade pact Clinton’s husband piloted with Canada and Mexico in the 1990s. Clinton ended the day at an awards ceremony honoring the legacy of Robin Toner, the first woman to serve as national political correspondent for The New York Times. Toner, who died in December 2008, covered Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign and the Clinton White House. Hillary Clinton joked that her relationship with the press “has been at times, shall we say, complicated.” She quipped that she was all about “new beginnings,” including a new grandchild, “another new hairstyle” and a “new email account.” She did not take questions from reporters at the event. It was the final event on her public schedule for the rest of March. samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B7 S.P.I.C.C. SCHOOL in Fatumafuti EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TEACHERS & TEACHER AIDES Qualifications to apply: • Love the Lord & His Word • Love children • Love to teach • At least 2 years experience • Copies of degree(s) • Fluent in English Apply at SPICC School in Fatumafuti; ph#6 33-2020/2907 Employment Opportunity In this photo taken March 10, 2015, Kahuna Lapaëau (Master Healer) Ikaika Dombrigues poses for a portrait with native plants in Hilo, Hawaii. Dombrigues will offer his expertise to Big Isle residents seeking traditional Hawaiian health care services for the mind, body and spirit in a (AP Photo/Hawaii Tribune Herald, Hollyn Johnson) series of upcoming workshops. Traditional healer aims to bridge spiritual divide in patient’s care by COLIN M. STEWART, Hawaii Tribune-Herald HILO, Hawaii (AP) — From the time he was a boy, Kahuna Lapaau (Master Healer) Ikaika Dombrigues knew that he would spend his life serving the people of Hawaii. “My kupuna said I was chosen from a young age. From there, going through life was like a destiny,” he said. “Not like I went out and advertised or solicited myself. Word from them is, all you have to do is sit there and they (the people) will find you. . It is God’s work. Everything comes from a spiritual point of view. If he selects you to be the one to do the work, you just have to be ready for it.” Everything he does comes from a place of deep faith, he said, and his goals are simple, yet epic in scope. “I want to heal our people, I want to heal Hawaii. And the world,” he said. Dombrigues, a resident of the Pahoa area, serves as Poo Kela, or mayor, of the kupuna council for Hui Malama Ola Na Hui Malama Ola Na Oiwi, Hawaii Island’s branch of the Hawaiian Health Care System. As such, he helps to refer clients to traditional healers, and offers his own expertise to Big Island residents seeking traditional Hawaiian health care services for the mind, body and spirit, the Hawaii Tribune-Herald reported. He is unequivocal in his discussion of Hawaiian health traditions as they relate to the modern world: “We are not ‘alternative medicine.’ We’ve been doing this for hundreds of years. Western medicine is the alternative medicine.” However, he said, most traditional healers are willing to work in conjunction with Western physicians. Because of insurance and legal concerns, traditional healing services are provided purely on an informational basis, leaving treatment up to individuals, explained Michelle Hiraishi, executive director at Hui Malama. “When Uncle Ikaika does one-to-one services, it is educational services, it is not treatment,” she said. “Traditional healers cannot be certified, and if they cannot be certified, malpractice insurance cannot cover them, and if malpractice insurance can’t cover them, then no insurance is going to cover them. “So always, Uncle Ikaika will say, ‘In the past, Hawaiians used this plant for this type of thing. Now you do with it what you want.’ . He will always tell, ‘Go to your doctor, too. Let it be complementary.’” Dombrigues said he has butted heads with doctors at times, but he believes the two philosophies can work together to make people feel better. “Why can’t we bridge?” he asked. “The doctors, their job is to monitor the patient. If the patient wants to use herbs, between Western medicines, he’ll use the herbs. “Then, he goes back to the doctor, and the doctor’s job, because they have all the technology, all the facilities, the machines, to say ‘Oh, by using these herbs, you’re getting better.’ Then they come back to me and they say, ‘Whatever you’re using is helping. Stay on it.’” As for his own efficacy as a healer, Dombrigues said that he has a gift bestowed upon him by his ancestor, the god Lono, which allows him to counsel and heal people. But, that gift can only help if a patient has faith. “I would say 95 or 90 percent (of illnesses are) spiritual,” he said. “If (treatment isn’t) working, it’s because you’re not believing. You do not have faith. Herbs can heal you. Herbs can kill you. “In our tradition in healing, once you have doubt, it will never work. You have to be willing and faithful that the herbs is going to help. If you have any doubt in any way, it ain’t going to work at all. . Faith is the core of the healing process.” Unfortunately, he said, modern Hawaii residents have largely turned away from traditional Hawaiian methods and ways of living, which has made our culture, bodies, spirits and minds sick. In an effort to spread the word about traditional methods, Dombrigues will hold five free workshops around the island to give people an overview of the subject. In the workshops, he will touch upon the four major areas of traditional healing, including Hooponopono, or problem resolving; Laau Lapaau, or healing with native Hawaiian herbs; Lomi Lomi Ha Ha, or spiritual massage; and Laau Kahea, or spiritual healing. T-Signs Samoa in Lepuapua is looking for a SEWING MACHINE TECHNICIAN with at least 3-5 years experience. Please send resume to PO Box 1567. Employment Opportunity Paramount Builders in Malaeimi is seeking a HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR with at least 5 years experience and is Bilingual (English & Samoan). Please call 699-7111. URGENT We need experienced SECURITY GUARDS, WAITRESSES and BARTENDERS. Please call us at 699-6231 or 699-5245. We are located along Tafuna Airport Road across Island Pizza BUSINESS FOR SALE • ARCADE MACHINES • GAME PLUS Please call 699-0409 or 733-0457 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY F&D Sewing Shop in Amanave is looking for a SEAMSTRESS. Please call 256-7301. Keep Island Beautiful! AS-EPAOurSAYS: Do Not Litter. Please put trash in the proper place. Litter hurts. . Do the right thing Page B8 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 C M Y K C M Y K samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B9 visit samoa news online @ Classifieds, Cartoons & More ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ C M Y K Following a hard fought game against the Samoana Sharks on Saturday, March 21, the Fa’asao Marist Crusaders smile for the Samoa News camera. The Crusaders were down in the opening inning, but pulled ahead later to win 6-2. With the win, the Crusaders retook their lead in the standings, and have proven themselves fighters, but the local ASHSAA baseball championship is still anyone’s prize. Yesterday’s game (Marist vs Leone) will determine who finishes first in the regular season. [photo: tlh] BYU donates baseball, softball equipment to ASBA By Jeff Hayner, Samoa News Reporter The American Samoa Baseball Association (ASBA) recently received four pallets of donated baseball and softball equipment from Brigham Young University (BYU) for the overall improvement of our local boys and girls baseball and softball programs. The donation was spearheaded by BYU Assistant Athletic Director Brian Santiago, BYU Baseball Head Coach Mike Littlewood, Baseball Assistant Coach and Recruiting Coordinator Brent Haring and BYU Softball Head Coach Gordon Eakin. The donation was gratefully accepted by ASBA and American Samoa National Olympic Committee President J. Victor Langkilde. With the support and assistance from volunteers in the American Samoa and Utah communities along with Mike and Rene (Tago) Felise and Native American Samoans residing in Utah, the equipment was packed, shipped and delivered to ASBA last week, he was told. C M Y K According to Langkilde, in December of 2014, the American Samoa-Utah group came together to consolidate, pack and move the equipment. He stated that the Paul Soliai Foundation generously assisted the inland transport of the donated equipment from Provo, Utah to the West coast. “Much appreciation is extended to BYU Assistant Baseball Coach/Recruiting Coordinator Brent Haring, who initiated the effort and has supported American Samoa’s baseball programs over the past five years,” said Langkilde. He added that he wanted to give a special thank you to BYU Softball Head Coach Gordon Eakin and BYU Baseball Head Coach Mike Littlewood for providing American Samoa with loads of game equipment, and extra thanks to BYU Athletics for the generous donation of game t-shirts. “The equipment sent to American Samoa will help continue the progress of building the baseball and softball programs along with developing baseball and softball athletes,” he said. The specific equipment received in the donation were baseballs, softballs, fielding gloves, batters gloves, catcher’s gear, equipment bags, bats, helmets, game shirts and cleats. This coming August, BYU plans to visit American Samoa and work with the ASNOC to conduct baseball, softball and basketball clinics and camps for the local youth. The public will be invited to the camps and will be informed with more specific details regarding the visit as the time approaches. “American Samoa thanks BYU for their love and support for our athletes and its programs — especially with the lack of resources we have to conduct training and development. here. May God Bless BYU and all of the people who made all this generous support possible,” said Langkilde. Reach the reporter at [email protected] The American Samoa Baseball Association (ASBA) recently received four pallets of donated baseball and softball equipment from Brigham Young University for the overall improvement of our local boys and girls baseball and softball programs. On hand to receive the equipment were: L-R: Ethan Langkilde (American Samoa U-14 player), Ikaika Mahuka (Am. Sam. U-18 player), Damien McKenzie (Neil’s ACE Home Center IT Manager), Teni Ma’ae (Neil’s ACE Home Center Floor Manager), [photo: ASBA] J. Victor Langkilde (ASNOC/ASBA President) and Savaliga Java Fatu (Am. Samoa U-18 player). Page B10 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Former NFL safety Darren Sharper, center, with his attorneys, Lisa Wayne, left, and Leonard Levine, right, appear in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday, March 23, 2015. Sharper was sentenced to nine years in federal prison Monday immediately after he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman in Arizona, marking the first change of plea of the day for the former safety accused of drugging and assaulting women in four states. (AP Photo/Nick Ut, Pool) Proposal to owners: order unstable players off field PHOENIX (AP) — Millions of viewers and thousands of fans saw a wobbly Julian Edelman remain in the Super Bowl. After looking at video of that situation and several similar ones, the NFL’s powerful competition committee is proposing a change. NFL owners are considering a proposal to stop games when a medical adviser sees a player displaying obvious signs of disorientation. The suggestion was a late addition by the committee at the owners’ meetings that began Monday. It would allow a medical spotter upstairs to communicate with the officiating crew when a player appears unstable. The game would be halted to remove the player, who then would undergo sideline examination at the very least. “We got the (medical) spotters, they’ve got a really good vantage point, they’ve got technology in their booth, they’re communicating pretty well with our trainers and doctors and we’ve got a pretty good rhythm going there,” Rich McKay, co-chairman of the committee and president of the Atlanta Falcons, said. “Why would we miss a play where a player should have come out of the game?” The player’s team would be allowed to substitute for him, and the opposite team also would be given a chance to change personnel. That is one of two dozen proposals and rules changes being considered by the owners in a busy agenda. Other suggested changes include using instant replay for reviewing all penalties called by game officials, yes, pass interference and holding calls, too; all personal fouls; penalties against defenseless players; any foul that results in an automatic first down; and clock issues. New England even proposed that everything except scoring plays or turnovers be challengeable, and Washington suggested increasing a coach’s number of challenges from two to three, regardless of whether he is successful on an early challenge. Owners will vote on some of the proposals in the next two days, with several likely being tabled until the next major meetings in May. Rams coach Jeff Fisher explained why the competition committee does not endorse using replay for penalties. “The committee’s position for years has been to oppose involving fouls in replay for a lot of different reasons,” he said. “We’ve looked at a lot of tape this offseason, we looked at the fouls particularly relating to hits on defenseless players. We had 27 of them this year, we looked at them as a group. We could not agree on a number of them. “That’s just the nature of the standard in replay.” Fisher added that the league’s officiating department will review fouls on a Monday and can take “20-30 minutes, maybe an hour, to determine whether it was in fact a foul. So you can see the issues that we’re going to have if we involve those things in replay.” One alteration not coming is to change the catch-no catch parameters. That has been a particularly hot topic since the NFC playoff game in which Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant had a catch near the Green Bay goal line late in the fourth quarter reversed to an incompletion. Vice president of officiating Dean Blandino explained that the language within the rule is being tweaked for clarification. But the process required for a catch is not being changed. “For years the requirements for a catch — the way it was communicated in the rule book — is control, both feet (in bounds) and then, after that, the receiver had to have the ball long enough to perform an act common to the game,” Blandino said. “That was defined as being able to pitch it, pass it, clearly advance the ball as a runner.” That created confusion, which Blandino believes will be eliminated by changing the wording. “So in order to complete a catch, the receiver has to have control, both feet on the ground and he has to have it after that long enough to clearly establish himself as a runner,” he said. Also Monday: —The league eliminated local TV blackouts of games for next season. There were no blackouts last season, because the minimum number of tickets, by NFL sellout standards, was sold for every game, and the league had only two blackouts in 2013. Still, the experiment is a huge step for the NFL, whose blackout policy dates back decades. Some teams — Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Oakland, St. Louis and San Diego — have struggled to avoid blackouts, and the league is taking a bit of a gamble for 2015. —The Oct. 25 game in London between Buffalo and Jacksonville will be streamed live internationally. The experiment, which will start at 9:30 a.m. ET, means the game won’t be shown on television outside of the local teams’ markets. —Foreign sites are being considered for the Pro Bowl. Next year’s game will be played in Honolulu. Beyond that, just about anywhere seems to be in play, including Brazil. “For 2017 and beyond, we are studying the future of the Pro Bowl. “Brazil, an area with a growing number of NFL fans, as a possible host is one of the ideas that seems to hold a lot of appeal for additional analysis,” NFL spokesman Michael Signora said. SPORTS SHORTS fifa pres. Blatter slams politicians calling for World Cup boycotts VIENNA (AP) — FIFA President Sepp Blatter hit out at unnamed lawmakers for wanting boycotts of the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the 2022 event in Qatar. “Football should be united, sport should be united when it comes to boycotts,” Blatter said at the UEFA congress on Tuesday. “Boycotts have never had any results.” Ukraine President Petro Proshenko last week urged allies to boycott football’s marquee event in Russia, and other politicians have also questioned the Qatar event amid allegations of corruption and poor labor conditions. Blatter was stung when he last faced UEFA at a pre-World Cup meeting in June in Sao Paulo, but this time he was greeted with a respectful applause by delegates from the 54 member states. Blatter didn’t spend a single word on the FIFA presidential election in May, when he stands for re-election for a fifth term. Blatter turned down UEFA’s invitation to make a campaign speech alongside his rivals, which include FIFA vice president Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan, Portugal great Luis Figo, and Dutch football federation president Michael van Praag. The trio was scheduled to present their plans for FIFA’s future later Tuesday. Blatter praised IOC President Thomas Bach and the president of the German football federation, Wolfgang Niersbach, for voicing their outspoken rejection of any calls for World Cup boycotts. Blatter also called for further action against the “evils of football,” like doping and match-fixing. Man sentenced in killing of former pro baseball player LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man convicted of killing former professional baseball player Rodney Craig when both men were homeless in downtown Los Angeles has been sentenced to 16 years to life in state prison. Billy Morales was sentenced Monday in the August 2013 killing at a homeless encampment. Prosecutors say Craig was living on the street and trying to stay at the encampment when other transients kicked him out. As Craig left, he reportedly tried to kick a dog. Authorities say Morales chased Craig and stabbed him once in the chest. Craig, an outfielder, played in four big-league seasons between 1979 and 1986 with the Seattle Mariners, Cleveland Indians and Chicago White Sox. Mo’ne Davis: Reinstate baseball player after offensive tweet NEW YORK (AP) — Mo’ne Davis believes in second chances, even for the college baseball player kicked off his team after sending an offensive tweet about the Little League World Series phenom. Davis told ESPN on Monday she emailed Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania to request it reinstate first baseman Joey Casselberry. He called her a crude name while criticizing the Disney Channel for making a movie about her. Davis says “everyone makes mistakes” and adds: “It hurt on my part, but I know he’s hurt even more. If it was me, I would want to take that back. I know how hard he’s worked. Why not give him a second chance?” Bloomsburg University says it “stands firm” on the decision while appreciating her “level of maturity.” At 13, Davis was the first girl to earn a win and pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series last summer. UNC players leave bench early during celebration CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — Some North Carolina players ran onto the court before the final horn sounded of their buzzerbeating 86-84 victory over Ohio State on Monday night in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. The Tar Heels won it on a jumper by Jamie Cherry with 0.6 seconds remaining. After her 18-footer swished through, a handful of Tar Heels ran from the bench onto the court in celebration as the Buckeyes inbounded the ball but didn’t get a final shot off before the buzzer. According to Rule 10, Sect. 4, Article 7 of the NCAA rulebook, such a delay in a game shall be ignored “when the delay does not interfere with play.”After the horn, the 3 officials huddled at midcourt then went to the table and said there wasn’t any interference. “The rule was enforced correctly,” said June Courteau, who is the NCAA women’s basketball national coordinator of officiating. Sweden gives man 10 years for killing rival in soccer fight STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish court has sentenced a 29-year-old soccer fan to 10 years in prison for causing the death of a supporter of a rival club during a fight before a league game last year. The Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal found the Helsingborg supporter guilty of “assault and involuntary manslaughter” on Monday after studying audio and video recordings of a brawl in the club’s home town on March 30, 2014. The game between Helsingborg and Djurgarden was called off in the 41st minute with the score 1-1 after word spread that a fan injured in the fighting had died. Hooligan clashes are common in Sweden, but it was the first fatal fan violence since 2002, when a 26-year-old man was killed in Stockholm during fighting. (Continued on page B11) ➧ SPORTS SHORTS… samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B11 Continued from page B10 3 Iowa wrestlers suspended after arrest IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Three University of Iowa wrestlers have been suspended indefinitely after being arrested last week in eastern Iowa. Marion police lieutenant Scott Elam on Monday said an officer stopped freshmen Seth Gross, Ross Lembeck and Logan Ryan on March 18 after the car Lembeck was driving matched the description of one suspected to be connected to a theft in the area. Lembeck was charged with drunken driving. Gross was given a citation for open container and for interference with official acts. All three were charged with possession of alcohol underage. Coach Tom Brands says he will use the university’s student code of conduct as a guide to address the matter. Efforts to reach the wrestlers were unsuccessful. It wasn’t clear if they have hired attorneys. NFL considers foreign sites for Pro Bowl PHOENIX (AP) — The NFL is considering foreign sites for the Pro Bowl. Next year’s game will be played in Honolulu, the frequent site for the all-star matchup, and will be held Jan. 31, the Sunday before the Super Bowl. Beyond that, just about anywhere seems to be in play. “The 2016 Pro Bowl will be played in Hawaii ... and we are very excited about that,” NFL spokesman Michael Signora said Monday. “For 2017 and beyond, we are studying the future of the Pro Bowl. “Brazil, an area with a growing number of NFL fans, as a possible host is one of the ideas that seems to hold a lot of appeal for additional analysis.” Brazilian interest in the sport has ramped up in recent years, particularly in television viewership. The story was initially reported by Fox Pats owner believes LA will have 2 teams within next year PHOENIX (AP) — New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft says he believes the NFL will have two teams in the Los Angeles area within the next year. “I don’t think it’s good that we’ve let a generation of fans, young kids, grow up without a team. It’s not good for the NFL,” Kraft said at the NFL owners’ meetings in Phoenix. “I really believe within the next year we’ll have two teams in this market. ... We have some real good options.” He didn’t say which teams might wind up there, although speculation is the Rams, Chargers and Raiders are prime candidates. St. Louis owner Stan Kroenke has designed a Los Angeles-area stadium for two clubs — with two home locker rooms, identical sets of office space and two owners’ suites. Kroenke doesn’t need to partner with a second team to finance the $1.86 billion venue in Inglewood, but the league considers Los Angeles a two-team market and wants a stadium that could accommodate both, the Los Angeles Times reported. His plan competes with one by the Chargers and Raiders, who have announced plans for a $1.7 billion stadium in suburban Carson if they don’t get new stadiums in their current hometowns. Teen charged in Australian’s death asks for juvenile status DUNCAN, Okla. (AP) — Attorneys for a 17-year-old charged as an adult in the shooting death of an Australian baseball player are asking the court to reconsider a decision that he be tried as an adult. Chancey Luna is charged with first-degree murder in the August 2013 shooting death of 22-year-old Christopher Lane. The Duncan Banner reports that Luna’s attorneys said in court documents filed Friday that a potential sentence of life in prison either with or without the possibility of parole would be unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment. A gag order prohibits attorneys from commenting publicly on the case. Lane, of Melbourne, Australia, was a member of the East Central University baseball team in Ada when he was gunned down while jogging during a trip to visit his girlfriend’s parents in Duncan. South African judge convicts retired tennis champion of rape JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A judge in South Africa on Monday convicted Bob Hewitt, a former Grand Slam tennis champion, of raping and sexually assaulting three girls whom he had been coaching. The assaults occurred decades ago, according to the victims who are now grown women. Judge Bert Bam granted bail of about $840, which Hewitt’s wife, Delaille, paid. The judge did not say why the bail amount was so low. A sentencing hearing was scheduled in a Pretoria court for April 17. Until then he must mostly remain in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province, where he lives, the judge ruled. Hewitt can also visit his daughter, who lives in Johannesburg. Police will confiscate Hewitt’s passport from his home on Wednesday. The charges stemmed from events in the 1980s and 1990s, prosecutors said. Hewitt, who is 75 years old, had denied the charges. The judge rejected an application by Hewitt’s attorney, Terry Price, to postpone sentencing so the defense can prepare a psychologist’s report that it plans to use in its argument for leniency at the sentencing hearing. South African courts have in the past handed down life sentences for, said Velekhaya Mgobhozi, spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority. There is no statute of limitations for these crimes, he said. (Continued on page BPB) Ireland’s players celebrate with the trophy after winning the Six Nations rugby union international tournament at Murrayfield stadium, Edinburgh, Scotland, Saturday, March 21, 2015. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell) Top-ranked Kentucky’s toughest foe just might be... Kentucky… LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Good teams have tried various ways to beat Kentucky. The game plans have included getting physical with them, trying to force the unbeaten Wildcats to take jump shots, double-teaming post players, playing up-tempo so Kentucky can’t set its defense, pressing them. These tactics and others have worked to some extent in box scores, just not on the scoreboard. No matter who Kentucky plays or how well they play, the consensus seems to be if the Wildcats play to their potential, they won’t lose. That makes Kentucky’s toughest opponent, well, Kentucky. Fifth-seeded West Virginia might be Kentucky’s stiffest challenge so far, with the Mountaineers expected to try and use their defensive pressure and physicality to derail the Wildcats (36-0) in Thursday night’s NCAA Tournament regional semifinal in Cleveland. One of the burning questions in college basketball this season is how to beat Kentucky. The answer seems to rest with the Wildcats. For Kentucky to lose with its length, depth and experience, it feels like each player in John Calipari’s nine-deep rotation needs to have an off night. It’s possible, just seems unlikely it’ll happen in the same game. “The good news is there’s enough guys that, if two or three aren’t playing well, we can still survive,” the Kentucky coach said after watching his team shoot just 37 percent and get outrebounded 45-38 by Cincinnati, and still advance to the Sweet 16 with a 64-51 win on Saturday. Calipari isn’t just spewing coach speak, the stats back up his observation. Eight of the nine players in the rotation are averaging between 5.8 and 11.1 points per game. Eight different players have been Kentucky’s leading scorer this season. Even when a team has some in-game success against Kentucky, Calipari has enough talent to mix and match lineups until he finds a combination that works. Having “reinforcements,” as the coach calls them, has also succeeded in wearing down opponents. “Every team always plays us with different strategies,” 6-11 freshman Karl-Anthony Towns said. “Everyone has different stuff they do. We don’t get much time to scout and we just have to get into the groove while the game is going on. You just feel them out. That’s how it always is.” Cincinnati tried to take the physical route, but the Wildcats’ height and length makes beating them up a difficult proposition. The approach did help the Bearcats beat the Wildcats on the offensive glass. Florida also played Kentucky tough in two regular-season meetings, forcing the Wildcats to fight through several bodies on the way to the basket. The teams exposed an area of vulnerability for the Wildcats — defensive rebounding. But with five frontcourt players 6-foot-9 or taller on the roster, Kentucky’s size allows them to overcome the deficiency. Against Cincinnati the Wildcats had nine blocks including six in the second half, several 50-50 situations and a lot of contested shots as the Bearcats shot 32 percent and committed 14 turnovers. Teams have also tried to show they’re not intimidated with a lot of chatter when the game starts, something very noticeable against Cincinnati and Arkansas. “A lot of teams want to do that,” said junior 7-footer Willie Cauley-Stein, whose two-handed slam dunk over Cincinnati’s Quadri Moore late in the first half was the turning point for Kentucky. “But with our guys and the way we play and the way we are all for each other, there is kind of a barrier around us. You just kind of laugh at it. I would do the same thing. . I mean, you’ve got to do something. You got to try something.” The Wildcats have enough guard play to break through full-court presses. Kentucky point guards Andrew Harrison and Tyler Ulis combined for 12 assists and just two turnovers in the championship game of the Southeastern Conference Tournament. West Virginia (25-9) likes to use its disruptive defense to create turnovers. The Mountaineers succeeded in forcing 23 turnovers with 15 steals in Sunday night’s 69-59 win over Maryland. Kentucky also has used its athleticism and size to turn the table on opponents. “If you turn the ball over against them, they are great at finishing because they’ve got eight or nine guys that are pro prospects,” Cincinnati associate head coach Larry Davis said, “and they’re going to go finish it on you if you turn it over and get it in open court.” None of that fazes Mountaineers coach Bob Huggins, who acknowledged the tall challenge but offered no hints of how his team will try to meet it. “I can tell you that we’re not going to be scared,” said Huggins, who’s 8-2 against Calipari. Not many teams have been “scared” of Kentucky — though all have been overmatched in the end. “You’re going to have to be the better team for 40 minutes,” Hampton coach Edward Joyner Jr. said after his team’s 79-56 opening-round loss to Kentucky. “You don’t have to go in being the best team, you have to be the best team for that night. But it’s going to take a great 40 minutes to beat those guys.” Translation: If anyone beats Kentucky, they’ll need a major assist from the Wildcats. Page B12 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: 684-633-5599 • Email [email protected] • Fax 684-633-4864 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE BRAND NEW 10,000 WATT GENERATOR with electric starter & EPA approved. $1,500. Please call 7331196. [04/07] 2010 ARMADA; AC, Automatic. Negotiable. Call 731-4393. [03/24] 0.080 ACRE OF LAND; w/ 2 bdrm house, behind Iliili golf course, include hot water, AC. $110,000. Contact 258-9871/25801094 or email [email protected]. 1990 FORD BRONCO One of a kind. Hardly driven. Must see to appreciate. 54,460 miles. Runs great. $11,000. OBO. 733-8599 or 252-5486. [04/02] NETA’S HOME BARGAINS; New Arrivals! Boys & Girls shorts, thirst, tops, men & women plus sizes, skirts, bedsheets, pillow cases & blankets. Special $1 clothing from the above items. Call Neta 6991867. [03/26] TOYOTA PICK-UP; Double Cab; In good condition; $7,500. 256-0033. CHEST DEEP FREEZER $299; Portable Crib $120; Baby Car Seat $59; Hiker Back Pack $75; Food Processor $40; Computer Speaker $50; Portable Microphone $60. Call 2544874 [03/25] $100K 1/4 ACRE with 2 homes in Ogevai located behind TSM Store in Tafuna. Any interested, pls call 907-947-2286 or email jirehsalima@ [03/26] LAUNDROMAT & ICE BUSINESS. Call 733-1573. [03/24] FOR RENT HELP/JOBS COOK & WAITRESS w/ at least 3-5 years experience. Apply in person at DDW. Must bring copies of all required working documents. [04/07] TWO (2) SEAMSTRESSES with years of experience needed for a new sewing shop opening in Petesa/Tafuna area. Please contact 254-7735 or 254-4655. [03/24] HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC and Welder/Fabricator. Must have at least 5 years’ experience and basic tools. Apply in person to Samoa Maritime. Bring valid ID, social security card and work permit. [04/07] LIVE-IN COUPLE to help elderly mother take care of her land in Leone. Must have driver’s license. Will have house to stay for free but will pay for own debit meter. Must be honest and not afraid of hard work. Call 688-7284. [03/26] SEAMSTRESS with experience, hardworking and we pay you 50/50. Call 256-6860. [03/31] 3 GRASS CUTTERS/LANDSCAPERS; must have experience. Call Yardbirds (Leone) 731-0910 or 6887387. [03/28] GRAPHIC ARTIST, experience with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Applications may be picked up at Island Business Center at the Nu’uuli Place. Please submit references with application. For more info, contact Kennedy Nofoagatoto’a at 254-4541. [03/27] 2 APARTMENTS in Ottoville next to Fatuoaiga. Both 2 bdrm-2bathrm, unfurnished duplex (upstairs/downstairs). Includes stove, refrigerator, microwave, washer & dryer, hot water, AC, debit meter. Water included in rent. Secure area. First month and deposit required. COMMERCIAL BLDG comes w/ 2 bdrm unit and a kitchen and spaces for restaurant or office, in Tafuna. Also a 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully furnished with a view in Utulei. More info, call 699-5022 or 733-3269. 2 BDRMS & 2 BATH in Tafeta including downstairs enclosed but can be used for a small business or office $675 A MONTH “FIXER UPPER” Malaeimi house, 3 bedrooms up, 2 baths, 3 carport, private, quiet, spacious, new screens; paint; mini fridge; two burner gas stove; near highway; church; college; ACE store.; dsfanene@; David 733-0593. [03/25] WANTED WANTED LOOKING TO SHARE RENT? Preferred single lady. Have your own big bedroom w/ bathroom and shower. Low cost. Mana’omia seize e faasoa se fale rent? Potu moe lapo’a mo oe ma lou lava faletaele. E maualalo lona tau. 770-5511 NEED IMMEDIATELY!! HOME/ APARTMENT for a new contract worker, single older male, office in Pago Pago. Please reply by email to [email protected]. Missing your weekend SAMOA NEWS? AM SAMOA DEMOCRATIC PARTY General Meeting, 5:00pm, Tuesday Mar 31st at Toa’s Bar & Grill. Inviting all Democrats and interested public. For more info pls contact Andrew @ andrew. [email protected]. [03/31] SAMOAN SAINTS ORGANIZATION Roadside Clean Up on the 21th and 29th of this month until the end of the year. All are welcomed. Meet infront of Lupelele Elementary School, 5:30pm, rain or shine. Do it for our beautiful island. Contact Jay @ 2540651 for more info. CELEBRATE RECOVERY a 12-step recovery program for any type of addiction or compulsive behavior (drugs, alcohol, anger, etc. Also for victims of past physical or sexual abuse) Every Sat. at Alliance office, Nuuuli 10am. FREE Info Mona 256-1459. URGENT HOMES NEEDED FOR ADULT DOGS being trapped at Lyons Park!! Majority of adult dogs trapped are healthy &very friendly but will be humanly euthanized if no one claims them after 48 hours of being held. PLEASE HELP! Call Mona at 2566002 or 699-9445. FEASDAT Families for Effective Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness & Treatment (addressing behavioral & autistic disorders) Join our monthly social encounters & learn ways to help your loved one. (Samoan) 252-9278 (English)731-3959 (Filipino) 633-1222 ext 526 SAMOANA HS BOOSTER CLUB Meeting every THURSDAY evening at the SHS gym to discuss matters on game day. TAFUNA HS BOOSTER CLUB Weekly Meeting every Tuesday @ 5:30pm in Coach’s room at the school. GROUP SUPPORT HANNAH to rebuild strength, to restore wisdom & understanding & working together side by side to overcome any obstacle, please call and join us. Pua 770-6938 or 633-2855 SURVIVORS TAKING ACTION THROUGH SHARING Meeting every Saturday. Open Fellowship, everyone welcome @ Lion’s office by Showers of Blessing. Elizabeth 770-2504 or 699-0272 (Victiims of Violence) ASOA General Meetings. Will be held each month on the 3rd Friday at 10am at ASOA Center in Tafuna on Tasi St. All seniors welcome. Questions, call 699-1131 YANA If you are feeling lonely & need someone to talk to, we are here for you. Please contact us at 252-YANA(9262) 24/7 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Have you been diagnosed with cancer & need someone to talk to? Call Stella 258-5106. WHEELCHAIRS Old, Battered or Banged up. Pls donate, in any condition to ASOA so we may be able to help someone in need. COLLINS TRAVEL & RENTAL AGENCY For all your travel needs... Lumana’i Building, Fagatogo Phone: (684)633-2652/2653 Fax: (684) 633-2654 VISIT US ON THE WEB: especially on the weekends when you miss us the most cess We also pro s Travel VISA email us: [email protected] [email protected] P.O. Box 6070, Pago Pago, AS 96799 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B13 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: 684-633-5599 • Email [email protected] • Fax 684-633-4864 Go t WIC? To qualify for the WIC Program, you must be a resident; you do not need an immigration ID; must be low income, have a nutritional risk; be either pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum mother; an infant or child up to 5 years of age. Please call the WIC office at 633-2610 for more information or visit us on our Facebook page DHSSWIC CLASSIFIED ADS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: AND READ WORLD WIDE! Talofa Video “KOREAN, FILIPINO, MEXICAN DRAMA SERIES NOW FOR RENT” NEW ARRIVALS 1. HOBBIT:BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES • 2.INTO THE WOODS 3.UNBROKEN • 4.LONESONE DOVE CHURCH Pavaiai 699-7206 • Nuuuli 699-1888 • Fagatogo 633-2239 ISLAND RENTALS OPEN 24 HOURS Located in Nu’uuli (Island Funeral) 699-2384 • 733-3201 Tents, Tables, Chairs IIsland sland FFuneral uner al Services S e rv i c e s Emelio’s in Nu’uuli FOR ALL YOUR FUNERAL NEEDS!!! 24 Hour Services Office: 699-2384 Fax: 699-2108 Mobile: 733-3201 Home: 699-6803 3250 Airport Road Pago Pago AS 96799 DAILY RATES WEEKLY RATES MONTHLY RATES CALL NOW! Enjoy our delicious food and baked goods all prepared daily with fresh ingredients! MON THRU SAT 7AM-2PM FOR TAKE OUT CALL 633-0773 Hollister General Services, Inc. 258-2525/699-2524 VAITOGI ROAD, PAGO PAGO AMERICAN SAMOA 96799 24 HOURS TOWING SERVICES “Lean on Us in Your Time of Need” samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B14 Universal Crossword Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Edited by Timothy E. Parker March 24, 2015 ACROSS 1 More than simmers 6 Old map abbr. 10 Stinging comment 14 Breathing problem 15 Humble request 16 Wheeling’s river 17 Cowboy store offerings 20 “___ as directed” 21 Eject, as lava 22 Black furs 23 Slow traveler 25 Pea places 26 Astronaut’s insignia, often 28 Not far from 32 Cremona artisan 34 One of Kelsey’s co-stars 35 Undergrad degs. 38 Soundly defeat 42 Paintings, e.g. 43 Avoid a collision 44 Famous cinematic falcon’s home 45 “Just married” car decorations 48 One of the deadly sins 49 “Beetle Bailey” creator Walker 3/24 51 Sahara stop, hopefully 53 Lion handlers, in a circus 55 ___ cap (mushroom) 56 Common beverage 59 Indicate immediacy 62 “___ and the King of Siam” 63 29-Down solo 64 Body trunks 65 Cause of a game delay 66 One may be checkered 67 Popular landscaping plant DOWN 1 Hindu Mr. 2 Magnum chaser? 3 Nonstop 4 100 qintars 5 Taco condiment 6 Persuade a customer to buy more 7 Deli side 8 D.C. employee, briefly 9 Physics units 10 Yogi’s cartoon sidekick 11 “Get ___ of yourself!” 12 Marriage and 19-Down 13 Office bigwig 18 “Roots,” for one 19 Ceremonial immersion 24 Alliance formed in 1949 26 Valley of vines 27 Gulf VIP (Var.) 29 “Aida” or “Carmen” 30 Caribbean, e.g. 31 “To ___ is human ...” 33 Fertilization type 35 Staircase railings 36 ___ of the Apostles 37 Threehanded card game 39 Late-October suffix 40 Dry, as wine 41 Indonesian island 45 Mine shaft borer 46 Like skim milk 47 Pseudonym of H.H. Munro 49 Miraculous food, in the Bible 50 Mideasterner 52 Moog-made machine, briefly 53 Alexandra’s husband was one 54 ___, Crackle and Pop 55 Wife of Osiris 57 Before now, before now 58 China setting? 60 Big Band, for one 61 Sentimentality, to some PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER 3/23 © 2015 Universal Uclick TIME TO CLOSE By Henry Quarters Happy Birthday: Take a serious look at your work situation and consider how you can use your attributes to bring in more cash. Sticking to a budget while you put your plans in motion will be the best way to ensure your success. Use your ingenuity and persuasive tactics and someone with clout will offer assistance. Your numbers are 3, 10, 18, 24, 29, 37, 43. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Look over your financial situation and you’ll find a way to cut corners or earn more. Contracts can be negotiated and deals put into place if you are persistent. Business functions will help you connect with someone who can influence your future. ✸✸✸ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Make love, not war. Use your intuition, charm and compassion to find the right way to deal with anyone or any situation you face. Keep your response simple and mindful. Once you establish a solution, take action. ✸✸✸ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You will be determined to complete what you start, but be realistic or you’ll face disappointment. You can make changes, but don’t sacrifice when it comes to hard work and precision. Emotions will be hard to control. ✸✸✸ CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don’t make an impulsive offer that you will end up regretting. Spend your time doing things that make you happy or that will enhance your skills and lead to greater earning power. Romance can improve your day and your personal life. ✸✸✸ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Get involved in activities that will allow you to show off your talents and leadership ability. Make professional changes that will encourage you to use your social skills. Learn from experience and be persistent, and you will reach your goal. ✸✸✸✸ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take time to do something you enjoy. Shopping for something that will make you feel or look good will encourage you to be more social. Romance is in the stars and will lead to personal improvements with someone you think is special. ✸✸ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You’ll have lots of options to choose from. Partnerships will take a turn, but if handled properly, will put you in a much better position. Size up whatever situation you face at home and make adjustments that will bring you peace of mind. ✸✸✸✸✸ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don’t be tempted by a deal someone offers. Joint ventures will be costly and will require insight, but if you choose to proceed alone, you will find the road to victory. Love is in the stars. Put time aside for romance. ✸✸✸ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your ability to get things done will put you in a good position. Don’t let anyone slow you down or mislead you. A lack of honesty can be expected when dealing with others. Don’t share personal information. ✸✸✸ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Take one step at a time. Refuse to let anyone push you into something that makes you feel uncertain. Stick close to home and nurture your relationships with the people in your life who count. Make special plans for two. ✸✸✸✸✸ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Consider what brings you the most happiness. Focus on reviving an old skill or looking for a position that allows you the freedom to do what you enjoy most. Don’t let anyone discourage you from following your dreams. ✸✸ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Get together with someone you haven’t seen in a long time. The more you get to share your thoughts with someone with whom you have a history, the closer you will come to finding the perfect solution to help you advance. ✸✸✸✸ Birthday Baby: You are unique, inventive and dedicated. You are sensitive and empathetic. Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren MOM WITH BREAST CANCER DOES NOT NEED SHIELDING FROM LIFE DEAR ABBY: My wife has stage 4 breast cancer. She is only 51, and our most optimistic prognosis is three to four more years. Our children, 15 and 16, understand her disease, but don’t really have a sense of how much longer we all have together. Recently we went out to dinner, and the kids started talking about my retirement plans and their college plans. Later that night, my wife told me how sad it was hearing the kids talk about things she knows she will never see. I have been debating whether I should have a talk with the kids and perhaps suggest they avoid subjects that make their mother sad. What do you think? -- NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE DEAR NOT TALKING: Before talking to your children, I think you should talk to your wife. Although your instinct is to protect her, I don’t think you can. Sadness in her situation is normal. I’m sure if you were to ask her if she’d prefer the kids censor their remarks in front of her, she would tell you she wants to hear everything she can about what they are thinking. When people have a terminal illness, they have a right to be sad when contemplating the things they will be missing -- in your wife’s case it will be seeing her children get married, her grandchildren and more. Let your children express themselves fully with their mother, and if she’s having a bad/sad day, listen and let her unburden herself. A joy shared is twice a joy, and a burden shared is half a burden. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEAR ABBY: As a gift, my boyfriend, “Seth,” gave me a Chihuahua puppy. I like dogs, but have never expressed a desire to have one. In fact, I have repeatedly mentioned my dislike for small dogs and that I wouldn’t have a dog due to my travel schedule for work. I’d have to pay for food, veterinary care, toys, boarding, etc., and the dog would be alone in my apartment all day while I’m at the office. Seth still chose to give me one. When I refused his gift, he yelled and left. My friends think I was rude, and that Seth was sweet for buying me a puppy. I tried explaining to them, but they were sarcastic and mean about my decision not to accept the dog. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened with Seth. For my birthday he bought me a smartphone, signed me up for a two-year contract and expected me to pay the monthly bill. I refused that, too. Am I wrong? -- SIMPLE GIRL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DEAR SIMPLE GIRL: You and Seth appear to have a serious disconnect when it comes to communication. Is this the only area of your relationship in which he is tone-deaf? Your boyfriend seems to be the master of the “grand gesture,” with no thought about the responsibilities his generous gifts will impose on the recipient. Because you told him clearly that you dislike small dogs, he should not have forced one on you. In fact, he shouldn’t have given you any living, breathing dependent creature without first having made sure it would be welcomed. You did the right thing -- the humane thing -- in not accepting the animal. samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page B15 Page B16 samoa news, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Warriors smother Wizards in 3rd Qtr for 107-76 win OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Stephen Curry had 24 points, and the Golden State Warriors used a smothering defensive effort in the third quarter to pound the Washington Wizards 107-76 on Monday night. The Warriors held the Wizards without a field goal for nearly 11 minutes after halftime, with Washington missing its first 15 shots. Golden State outscored the Wizards 29-8 in the quarter to take a 24-point lead. Curry also had six assists and five rebounds as the NBAleading Warriors (57-13) moved closer to securing the league’s top playoff seed. Golden State has a huge lead over Memphis (50-21) in the Western Conference and is pulling away from East-leading Atlanta (53-17) as well. It was a season low in points for Washington, which has lost three in a row. Bradley Beal scored 12 points, and John Wall finished Rockets’ James Harden (13) goes to the basket against Pacers’ with 11 points, five assists and C.J. Miles (0) during the first half of an NBA basketball game five rebounds for the Wizards, Monday, March 23, 2015, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings) who shot 33.3 percent. CELTICS 110, NETS 91 BOSTON (AP) — Evan Turner had 19 points, 12 assists and 10 rebounds, and the Celtics snapped a three-game losing streak that had dropped them out of playoff position. Avery Bradley scored 20 points for Boston, which moved a half-game ahead of Charlotte for the final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. The Hornets lost 98-86 at Chicago. Tyler Zeller and Kelly Olynyk each had 18 points for Boston, which bounced back from a 105-97 overtime loss to Detroit at home on Sunday. Coach Brad Stevens said he felt his players tightened up in that game, but they had a mostly stress-free second half Monday after quickly pulling away in the third quarter. Brook Lopez scored 31 points for the Nets, who had won two in a row to give themselves renewed playoff hopes. But they endured bad nights all over the roster, from Joe Johnson (3 for 11) to Jarrett Jack (1 for 9) to Alan Anderson (2 for 9). BULLS 98, HORNETS 86 CHICAGO (AP) — Nikola Mirotic scored 14 of his 28 points in the fourth quarter, and the Bulls clinched a playoff spot. Pau Gasol had 27 points and 12 rebounds as Chicago moved into a tie with Toronto for third in the Eastern Conference. Jimmy Butler added 19 in his return to the lineup after missing 11 games with a sprained left elbow. The Bulls played without center Joakim Noah, who was scratched because of general soreness, but managed to bounce back from an ugly 107-91 loss at Detroit on Saturday. Kemba Walker had 29 points and Mo Williams scored 15 for the Hornets, who were without Cody Zeller (right shoulder) and shot just 34.6 percent from the field. ROCKETS 110, PACERS 100 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — James Harden scored 19 of his 44 points in the fourth quarter, and the Rockets handed the Pacers their sixth straight loss. Josh Smith added 18 points for the Rockets (47-23), who have won four of five. Indiana’s sinking playoff hopes took another big hit despite 23 points from C.J. Watson. George Hill had 20 points for the Pacers (30-40). Harden, one of the favorites for the NBA MVP award, was 10 of 21 from the field and 21 for 22 from free-throw line. He also had seven assists and four rebounds. GRIZZLIES 103, KNICKS 82 Zach Randolph scored 23 points, Marc Gasol had 21 and Memphis Grizzlies secured a playoff spot with the road win. The Grizzlies (50-21) shot 52 percent from the field in their third consecutive victory. Vince Carter added 14 points, Jeff Green scored 12 and Kosta Koufos had 10. New York (1457) has dropped four in a row and 11 of 13. Langston Galloway scored 19 points, Andrea Bargnani had 18 and reserve Jason Smith finished with 16. The Knicks grabbed their first lead of the game on Galloway’s 3-pointer with 10:31 left in the third, but the Grizzlies closed the period with an 18-5 run. Randolph’s driving layup gave Memphis a 74-61 lead heading into the fourth period. TIMBERWOLVES 106, JAZZ 104 SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Rookie guard Zach LaVine scored 27 points, including two 3-pointers to force overtime, and Minnesota rallied past Utah. LaVine’s clutch shots in the fourth quarter set up a 6-1 Minnesota run to start overtime that the Jazz couldn’t overcome. The game featured many young stars. No. 1 overall draft pick Andrew Wiggins scored 22 points and fellow rookie Sean Kilpatrick added 13 off the bench for Minnesota. Chase Budinger had 15 points, including an overtime 3 that gave the Timberwolves a 102-97 lead. Center Rudy Gobert had 18 points, 17 rebounds and six blocks for the Jazz. Rookie forward Joe Ingles scored a career-high 18, and Derrick Favors added 19 points. C M Y K C M Y K
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