newsletter october 28 2015
newsletter october 28 2015
October 28, 2015 Central Presbyterian Church Central Life Daylight Saving Time ENDS On Sunday, November 1 Remember to set your clocks BACK ONE HOUR Before you go to bed on Saturday night. Central Life October 28, 2015 STORIES OF The stories of Central Church remind us of some of the amazing things that happen in this faith community. These tell of the ways that lives are changed, that burdens are shared, that open doors to our community, and tell the impact of our concern on our neighbors. These stories only touch the surface of what has happened at Central. This week you will receive a booklet called Stories of Grace and Gratitude. We hope that you will use this during the first three weeks of November, as we consider how we will support the ministry of Central of 2016. We have a threefold challenge this year in our time of Gratitude. We want to END WELL. Can you give an extra “Christmas gift” to the church to help us finish paying for the amazing renovations that took place this year? We want to BEGIN STRONG. We appreciate the gifts that are given. We want to challenge to congregation to consider giving $5 more a week for each member of your family. If you cannot do that, can you give a little more? We want to HAVE A FAITHFUL FUTURE. Have you included Central in your will, so that you leave a legacy as we go into the future? The gifts of those who have gone before have supported the continuing ministry. FINANCIAL INFORMATION MEETINGS We are totally transparent with our finances. We will have four meeting where we will do our best to honestly present our financial information, and answer any questions we can, or get answers. Monday, November 9 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the small Dining Room Sunday, November 15 10:00 am and 12:00 pm in the small Dining Room SUNDAY, November 22 Commitment cards will be in the mail the week before, and we ask that you prayerfully consider them, fill them out, and return them in worship or to the Church Office. The Finance Committee PAGE 2 Central Life October 28, 2015 Meetings Coming Up Session Retreat - Sunday, Nov. 1, 2-8 pm Men’s Group - Mondays, 7:00 am at Shoneys Nov 1 GOD WINS! Tale of Two Cities From Revelation ch 18-21 Nov 8 Stories of Grace and Gratitude Grace Nov 15 Stories of Grace and Gratitude Gratitude Nov 22 Commitment Sunday Bringing It Together UNITY SERVICE First Sunday in Advent, Nov 29 at 10:00 am, in the Sanctuary PW Coordinating Team - Tuesday, November 3, 10:00 am Committee Chairmen - Tuesday, November 3, 6:15 pm Church Committees - Tuesday, November 3, 7:00 pm Meals on Wheels - Thursday, Nov. 5 Finance Committee - Tuesday, November 10, 12:00 noon Note the upcoming dates for the “Central Life” newsletter: Nov. 4 (CL Lite) Dec. 30 (CL Lite) Nov. 18 Jan. 6 Dec. 2 Jan. 20 Dec. 16 APPLE Committee - Tuesday, Nov. 10, 6:00 pm Abingdon Presbytery Meeting at Green Springs PC - Thurs, Nov. 12 Session - Tuesday, Nov. 17, 7:00 pm Christmas Ornament The Christian Education Committee is selling Christmas ornaments as a fundraiser for the church budget. The ornament will be 3D, lightweight brass, and will feature the image of Central and will come in a box. This will make wonderful Christmas presents for children or those who have been a part of Central Presbyterian over the years. The cost for each ornament is $15. The ornaments will be ready for pickup after Thanksgiving. You can pre-order yours now by putting your name on the list on Ann Aichinger’s door, or on the list in the office, emailing [email protected], or calling the church office (276-669-3157). We have ordered 300, but they will go fast. So don’t miss out on this exclusive gift. The image with this article is the image for the ornament. If you have any questions, please ask Ann Aichinger. Add a beautiful memento to your tree this year. Order your ornament today!! PAGE 3 Central Life October 28, 2015 Churchwide Mission Workday Event and Presbyterian Women from Thais Sikora We had a great turnout for our October Sewing Event, but guess what? We are not finished. We have 84 little dresses in process, and need to complete, and would appreciate all who can to help us accomplish that as we come together again on Saturday, November 14, from 9:00 until 12:00. We will also be working on more stuffed animals, baby gowns, and baby blankets. We have partnered with a missionary going to Malawi and Kenya in December to orphanages for infants and children. We were able to send 15 pounds of children’s clothing with Dr. and Mrs. Sam Molind last Saturday, as they travelled to Jordan to work through the churches there to offer dental surgery to the refugees from Syria and Iraq. Our PW program last month was a most interesting presentation by Win and Mimi Hull, members of Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church in Abingdon, featuring their sister church in Malawi. They are applying for a grant from the Thank Offering of PW for the Bee Keeping industry of the women in Malawi, which supports their families. Each of the members present received a beautiful wooden cross made by Mr. Hull. Our study lesson for November 14 is “Absence of Water-Thirst and Longing”, taken from Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 42:1-2, 63:1 and John 19:28. Please read your lesson #3 before coming, as there are very interesting questions we will be discussing. This is also Thank Offering month. Please come prepared to support the projects which have been selected for funding this year as we will be celebrating them as our program of the day. PAGE 4 Wednesday Night schedule: Everyone is invited to be a part of Wednesday night fellowship. We gather at 5:30 for dinner and we share around tables in Central Hall. Then from 6-7 p.m. we have prayer and program for all ages. Children under 3 are welcomed in the nursery, children 3-5th grade will have a class for them, and the adults are invited to take part in Lifetree Café, which is a conversation about life and faith. October 28: A reason to Live: A Story from Rwanda Dinner: Chicken and Dumplings, peas and carrots, Salad bar, Cupcakes November 4: If Only...: Living with Regret Dinner: Meatballs and gravy, potatoes, green beans, salad bar and Chocolate Delight November 11: Financial Freedom: Practical Advice from a man who had it all and lost it Dinner: Potato Soup, Grilled ham and cheese, salad bar, carrot cake November 18: The Bible: Real? Relevant? Reliable? Dinner: Roast Pork Loin, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin Bread There is a requested donation of $5 for dinner. Central Life 55+ Forever Young Don’t forget our trip to Little Switzerland on Friday, November 6. There are still a few seats left on the bus. We leave the church at 9:30 am In December we will join together for lunch at Cootie Brown’s in Bristol! More details later. Don’t miss it! Randy, Phyllis, & Caroline October 28, 2015 Faithful Friends REMINDER: Faithful Friends will gather on Saturday, October 31, 10 a.m.-12 noon for study and lunch. We will be looking at chapter 2: Quit Lying. Bring a salad or dish to share. This group is open to all women and friends. There will be childcare at the church. There will be no November meeting. Next gathering is December 12, 10-12 noon. Park and Trick-orTreat, Saturday, October 31, 4-7 p.m. Can you use scissors? Everyone is invited to park in the church parking lot and wander the neighborhoods for treats. This year, we will have a table setup on the front sidewalk (Euclid Ave) full of goodies and bottles of water. Stop by (even in costume) and get some treats, and let’s visit with our neighbors. Can you push elastic through a tube? Thank you to everyone who has given candy and snacks for this event. PAGE 5 How about stuffing polyfil in cloth animal bodies? If so, we sure could use you to help at the Mission Workday on Saturday, November 14, 9 to 12 . It was a very enjoyable morning the last time we worked—sit and stuff or cut while we talk and visit with old friends or new acquaintances. Contact Janis Davis at 423-574-1202 for more info or to sign up to help. Central Life October 28, 2015 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1467810 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 28 29 30 - Nancy Kiser Verle Sutphin Tyler Wycoff Jackie Phillips Danny Clark Logan Williams Phyllis Morris Rob Blanton Joseph Fitsanakis Peter B. Buhls Connie Boger Terri Surber Joseph Timp Clayton Kiser Mackenzie Porter Mark McCord Avery Herold Rebecca Porter Terry Stone Jason Harris Nancy Arnold Crystal Stacy Andy Arnold Terri Davis Debbie Wagner Martha Milner Oceana Tadlock John Dodge Mary Catherine Morrell Vickie Clark Andrew Porter Kelly McBride The November calendar can be found online at PAGE 6 Central Life October 28, 2015 SESSION NOTES The Stated Session Meeting was on Tuesday, October 20. Hunter Meade was excused. Co-Pastors reported: We have secured housing for both Resurrection (January) in Pigeon Forge and for Youth Week 3 in Montreat (July). Also our Middle School group is coming together. Ann Aichinger has been asked to serve on the Family Promise board. Reading Buddies and Food Recovery are working very well at Highland View. Immigration Report on Lucas Coelho: Our application for a non-resident religious worker visa went in on March 6. “Normal” processing time is five months, and it has now been almost eight. We have made attempts to find out about the process. We received a letter this last week stating that it is “under adjudication” and they cannot give us a timeline for a decision. After our called pastors are selected, the Steering Team will meet to give a recommendation on how to move forward with filling the position of Director of Young Adult Ministry. The Session approved: Removing Rusty and Leigh Shepherd and Erin Harris from the rolls at their request; John Dodge as commissioner to Abingdon Presbytery on November 12; Hiring Ken Hale’s law firm – Hale, Lyle, and Russell -- to do incorporation paperwork for Central; 25% of Peacemaking Offering to Abuse Alternatives; Funds from Kroger Rebate program to Sri Lanka mission; Special Offering for SC on Oct 25 – to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; Presbyterian Home for the Highlands bookmark in pew Bibles; Picnic in the Park dates: June 5 and August 28; Letter of thanks to Joy Briggs for the Great Ends of the Church recital; Memorial Committee recommendation to pay for the welcome desk and the balance of cost for the children’s pictures in the hallway; Thanksgiving Offering for Presbyterian Home of the Highlands. Family Promise The Session had a presentation and video on the ministry of Family Promise. This is emergency housing for families. Churches share in hosting one or two families for a week, about twice a year. They are at the church only in the evening and nights, and are gone by 7:00 am. The church provides the dinners and light breakfasts as well as the volunteer hosts. The Session voted to become a part of the community ministry. We will not begin until Summer 2016. PAGE 7 Central Life YOUTH NEWS!! LAST CHANCE! Today the money is due for Barter Theater trip ($12.00 per ticket). We will be seeing Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol on November 29, 7 p.m. Sunday, November 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Packing Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in Central Hall. All youth are invited to be a part of this way of giving to someone who needs to know they are cared for. Janis Davis will be leading this, and any parents or other adults willing to help chaperone, please come and help. Sunday, November 15, 4-7:30 p.m. Movie and Popcorn We will be watching in the Theater room at the church. If you want additional snacks, feel free to bring them to share. We will be watching Blindside, which is about Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a homeless black teen who has drifted in and out of the school system for years. Then Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her husband, Sean (Tim McGraw), take him in. The Tuohys eventually become Michael's legal guardians, transforming both his life and theirs. This is based on the true story of Michael Oher, who went on to play in the NFL. Sunday, November 29, 7 p.m. Trip to Barter Theater We are going to see Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol. Meet at the church at 6 p.m. Eat dinner before you come. Mark your calendars now for Resurrection Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN January 22-24. We will leave after school on Friday and get back mid-afternoon Sunday. COST: $50 per person due by November 29. PAGE 8 October 28, 2015 Volunteers For Sunday, November 1: Coffee helper - Wes Ritchie Greeters 9:00 - Sierra Turner, David White 11:00 - TBA Children’s Time helper - Jane Morison Head Usher for November - John Barker After Church Visitors - Jim & Joan Keith For Sunday, November 8: Coffee helpers - David & Cathy White Greeters 9:00 - Larry & Lois Clarke 11:00 - Nancy Kiser, Casey McComish Children’s Time helper - Kelly McBride After Church Visitors - Daphne & Mark McCord Food Pantry helpers on Nov. 12 - Beth Parks and Juanita Large For Sunday, November 15: Coffee helpers - Ken & Cindy Hale Greeters 9:00 - Steve & Karen Smith 11:00 - Randy & Phyllis Morris Children’s Time helper - Laraine Williams After Church Visitors - Randy & Phyllis Morris For Sunday, November 22: Coffee helpers - Trish James, Lois Clarke Greeters 9:00 - Barbara & Harry Oakley 11:00 - Dave & Valerie Zochowski Children’s Time helper - TBA After Church Visitor - Judy Simcox Attendance: Sunday, October 18 - 158 in worship Sunday, October 25 - 177 in worship Central Life October 28, 2015 News for the Church family Prayer Requests… Johnny Van Dyke and Erinn Hollo Congratulations to these grandparents who have welcomed new babies into their families: Ruby Brown is great-grandmother to Rachel Joy Brown, daughter of Megan & James Holland Brown, born Oct. 14, 2015 in San Antonio, TX. Debra & Chris Brown are her grandparents. Kathy Story has a new grandson, Crispin Jogi, born Oct. 20, 2015 in Kansas City, KS to Cindy & Declan. He has two brothers, Eli & Alistair. Thank you so much for all the lovely cards, gifts and especially the gift of yard work for our house as a part of Pastor Appreciation. We were so surprised when we got home from the conference in Colorado to find the yard mowed, bushes trimmed, porch pressure washed, beds mulched, pansies planted, and ivy whacked down off the wall. Thank you to the staff for a lovely lunch as a part of our monthly Staff meeting. We enjoy serving with you here at Central, and have been so blessed by the relationships. Thank you again. Grace and peace, Frank & Ann Aichinger CENTRAL STAFF: Schedule of Services Ann Aichinger, Interim Co-Pastor [email protected] Frank Aichinger, Interim Co-Pastor [email protected] Robert Campbelle, Music Director [email protected] Joy Smith-Briggs, Organist [email protected] Rob Hollo, Contemporary Worship Leader [email protected] Patty Caldwell, Office Manager/Newsletter Editor [email protected] Mary Moffatt, Finance Director [email protected] Trish James, Food Service Director [email protected] Selena Jackson, Director of APPLE Academy [email protected] Donna Leonard, APPLE Administrative Assistant Thais Sikora, Volunteer Parish Nurse Barbara Mann, Volunteer Parish Nurse Sunday: Fellowship Times 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Office Hours: 9:00 to 4:30 Monday-Friday PAGE 9 Youth Groups: Varying schedules Music Rehearsals: Contemporary Worship Praise Team Sunday 7:45 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Sunday (warm-up) 10:30 a.m. Handchimes Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Handbells Wednesday 6:15 p.m. Central Brass Sunday 9:45 a.m.
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