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HVI Publication 911© January 2014 CERTIFIED HOME VENTILATING PRODUCTS DIRECTORY Certified Ratings in Air Delivery, Sound and Energy for Accurate Specifications and Comparisons Uniform Construction Index Classification Assigned by the American Institute of Architects 11d Residential Equipment 88778 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE 3317 E. Bell Rd., Ste. 101122 Phoenix, AZ 85032 USA Phone: 855.HVI.VENT (855.484.8368) INDEX PRODUCT CATEGORIES BY SECTION SECTION 1 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Inline Fans Integrated Supply & Exhaust Ventilators Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods – Ducted & Convertible Other Room/Utility Room Exhaust Fans Powered Attic Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Soffit Vents Energy Recovery Ventilators Heat Recovery Ventilators SECTION 2 SECTION 3 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 1 Abreezo ............................................................................. 1-1 ACME ................................................................................ 1-1 Aero Pure........................................................................... 1-2 Aira (Canada) ..................................................................1-45 Airzone............................................................................. 1-42 Air King ............................................................................. 1-3 Air Specialty Canada Ltd. .............................................. 1-230 Allen + Roth .................................................................. 1-200 American Aldes ................................................................ 1-43 Apollo ............................................................................. 1-230 AUPU ............................................................................. 1-190 Best..................................................................................1-45 Broan ............................................................................... 1-49 Broan (Canada) .............................................................. 1-99 Broan-NuTone ............................................................... 1-127 Carnes Company ........................................................... 1-170 CFM .............................................................................. .1-170 Clever .................................................................1-172, 1-277 Cyclone Range Hoods ................................................... 1-204 Dayton ........................................................................... 1-183 Delta .............................................................................. 1-172 Economizer ........................................................................ 1-2 Elica ............................................................................... 1-175 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 1 (continued) Elicent ............................................................................ 1-201 Eurodesign..................................................................... 1-262 Fanam............................................................................ 1-201 Fantech ......................................................................... 1-248 GE Appliances ............................................................... 1-175 GE Industrial Systems ................................................... 1-182 GNN ............................................................................... 1-189 Greenheck ..................................................................... 1-183 Guardian Plus Air Systems ............................................ 1-126 Hampton Bay ................................................................. 1-260 Harbor Breeze ............................................................... 1-200 Homeaire ....................................................................... 1-244 Home NetWerks ............................................................ 1-197 Hoover ........................................................................... 1-197 Humidex........................................................................... 1-40 HumiFresh ....................................................................... 1-41 Infinitech ........................................................................ 1-197 Jetko .............................................................................. 1-199 K-Star............................................................................. 1-199 Kanaire .......................................................................... 1-261 Kenmore ........................................................................ 1-239 Kenmore (Canada) ........................................................ 1-240 King of Fans................................................................... 1-199 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 1 (continued) Lonon ............................................................................. 1-199 Mabe .............................................................................. 1-201 Marley ............................................................................ 1-201 Milano ............................................................................ 1-203 Monogram ...................................................................... 1-181 NuTone .......................................................................... 1-127 NuTone (Canada) .......................................................... 1-150 Nuvent ........................................................................... 1-270 Orbit Fans ...................................................................... 1-204 Ortech ............................................................................ 1-205 Ostberg .......................................................................... 1-206 Panasonic ...................................................................... 1-207 Prime ............................................................................. 1-222 Progress Lighting ........................................................... 1-222 Quantum .......................................................................... 1-42 RadonAway ................................................................... 1-244 Reversomatic ................................................................. 1-231 Rheem ...........................................................................1-235 Rona .............................................................................. 1-235 Softaire .......................................................................... 1-234 S&P................................................................................ 1-235 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 1 (continued) Spruce ........................................................................... 1-245 Stelpro ........................................................................... 1-247 Sterling........................................................................... 1-222 Systemair ....................................................................... 1-258 Tuscany ......................................................................... 1-199 Uberhaus Design ........................................................... 1-235 Utilitech .......................................................................... 1-200 Venmar .......................................................................... 1-263 Venmar Connaisseur ..................................................... 1-266 Venmar Jazz .................................................................. 1-269 Vents.............................................................................. 1-270 Wave Ventilation .............................................................. 1-42 Westinghouse ................................................................ 1-197 Whirlpool ........................................................................ 1-273 Win Air ........................................................................... 1-274 Windridge Fans .............................................................. 1-273 Zephyr............................................................................ 1-274 Zonex ............................................................................. 1-278 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 2 Quality Aluminum ............................................................... 2-1 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 3 Aeromatic......................................................................... 3-11 Air King .............................................................................. 3-1 Airflow ................................................................................ 3-2 Airtech-107 ........................................................................ 3-2 Alpine Pure ........................................................................ 3-4 American Aldes ................................................................ 3-12 American Standard .......................................................... 3-40 Asept-Air .......................................................................... 3-44 Broan ............................................................................... 3-17 Bryant .............................................................................. 3-78 Carrier .............................................................................. 3-20 Clean Comfort .................................................................. 3-24 Fantech ........................................................................... 3-65 Field Controls ................................................................... 3-23 General Aire ..................................................................... 3-23 Honeywell ........................................................................ 3-27 Imperial Air Technologies (Greentek) .............................. 3-30 Imperial Air Technologies (Imperial) ................................ 3-36 Kanaire ............................................................................ 3-72 Kenmore .......................................................................... 3-63 Lennox .............................................................................3-42 Lifebreath ........................................................................... 3-5 Napoleon ........................................................................... 3-9 INDEX BRAND NAMES BY SECTION BRAND PAGE SECTION 3 (continued) Nu-Air............................................................................... 3-45 Powermatic of Canada, Ltd. (Direct Air)........................... 3-49 RenewAire ....................................................................... 3-54 Reversomatic ...................................................................3-55 Rheem ............................................................................. 3-60 Ruud ................................................................................ 3-60 S&P.................................................................................. 3-61 Sears Indoor Clean Air Services ...................................... 3-63 Standex Air Distribution Products .................................... 3-64 Summeraire ..................................................................... 3-73 Titan ................................................................................. 3-10 Trane ...............................................................................3-41 vanEE .............................................................................. 3-80 Venmar ............................................................................ 3-88 Vents.............................................................................. 3-102 York ................................................................................. 3-42 Zehnder ......................................................................... 3-103 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Compliance Statement As of January 1, 2014 Section 1 of this directory has been approved by the California Energy Commission (Commission) for determining compliance with its Appliance Efficiency Regulations (Title 20, California Code of Regulations, Sections 1601‐1608) and its building standards (Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 6). UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE, any appliance* listed in Section 1 of this directory may be sold, offered for sale, or installed in new construction in California. For appliances manufactured by manufacturers participating in this directory, but who have not given authorization for data submittal to the Commission, this directory cannot be used for determining compliance. For information about such appliances, appliances that are beyond the scope of this directory, or appliances produced by manufacturers who do not participate in this directory, please contact the Commission's Building Standards Hotline at (916) 654‐5106, (800) 772‐3300 (in California only), or [email protected]. Manufacturers granting authorization for data submittal to the Commission as of the publication date of this directory include: American Aldes Ventilation Corporation Continental Fan Manufacturing Delta Products Fan Am, Inc. Hangzhou Aupu Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Homewerks Worldwide Milano Electronics LLC Orbit Industries Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Panasonic Home & Environment Co. Renewaire LLC Reversomatic Mfg. Ltd. Spruce Environmental Technologies Systemair Inc. Ventamatic Ltd. Windridge Fans Corporation Ltd. Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology *qualifying appliances are limited to the following product categories: Bathroom exhaust fans Other room/utility room exhaust fans Inline fans Kitchen range hoods Whole house comfort ventilators FOR MORE INFORMATION Detailed information on proper ventilation is available online at Product catalogs with model illustrations, descriptions, specifications and installation instructions are available from any of the manufacturers whose products are listed in this directory. LOOK FOR THESE HVI-CERTIFIED LABELS Every HVI-Certified product is required to have an HVI-Certified Label affixed. SECTION I HVI TESTED/CERTIFIED Direct Discharge Fans (Non-Ducted) @ 0.03 in. wg Ducted Fans @ 0.10 in. wg; 0.25 in. wg (optional) Inline Fans @ 0.20 in. wg; (additional static pressures optional) Static Pressures: Basic Fan Operating Speeds: BS HS LS WS = = = = BOOST SPEED HIGH SPEED LOW SPEED WORKING SPEED HVI Tested/Certified air delivery ratings are in Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). HVI Tested/Certified sound emission ratings are in Sones (S). HOME VENTILATING FANS • Bathroom Exhaust Fans • Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters • Inline Fans (all models) • Integrated Supply & Exhaust Ventilators • Kitchen Exhaust Fans • Kitchen Range Hoods – Ducted & Convertible • Other Room Exhaust Fans • Powered Attic Ventilators • Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators • Whole House Comfort Ventilators USE OF HVI LABEL Companies whose products have been certified by HVI are required to affix appropriate Labels to those products RATINGS FOR QUALITY, QUIETNESS VENTILATION GUIDELINES This directory offers a complete and uniform basis for comparison of rated performance for residential ventilating fans which bear the HVI Tested/Certified Label. For adequate ventilation, the Home Ventilating Institute recommends these guidelines for air changes with wall or ceiling exhaust fans: kitchen, 15 changes an hour; bathroom, 8; family, recreation or laundry room, 6. All HVI-Certified ratings are based on testing at independent laboratories approved by HVI. Each fan is tested under specific air resistance and other conditions related to actual application, as distinct from "free air" or other nonstandard conditions. Indoor fans (those typically installed within the living space) carry dual ratings, for quietness as well as ventilating performance. Simple validated numbers tell the air movement in CFM (cubic feet per minute) and the sound output in Sones. Exterior mounted ventilators, usually ducted to the kitchen, offer high capacity and quietness. Whether their tasks are removal of the odors, fumes, smoke, moisture and heat of indoor air pollution or automatic removal of summer heat and winter moisture from attics, fans with the HVI-Certified Label can be depended on to exhaust the amount of air for which they are rated. All are true ventilators, as distinguished from recirculating devices. HVI lists ratings in steps of 10 CFM and 0.5 Sones. Fans of multiple speeds must be rated for sound at maximum CFM ratings and may be rated also at lower CFM levels. Sone ratings permit easy and accurate comparisons of exhaust fans tested under identical laboratory standards and conditions. To calculate the CFM capacity of wall or ceiling fan which will deliver the needed air movement, multiply floor area by the appropriate factor as follows (assuming an 8-foot ceiling): kitchen, 2; bathroom, 1.07; family, recreation or laundry room, 0.8. A different basis for selection applies to range hood fans. Recommended minimums: 40 CFM per lineal foot of range hood for along-wall placement. Higher ratings than minimums often are desirable. The recommended minimum capacity for whole house fans is based on the HVI guideline, which requires one complete air change every two minutes within the occupied area. This may be determined by multiplying the gross square footage of the entire house (including non-occupied areas like closets) by 3. Be sure to include the "upstairs" area of multi-level homes. This formula assumes an 8' ceiling and offsets typical non-occupied areas. For powered attic ventilators, HVI guidelines call for a minimum of 0.7 CFM per square foot of attic floor space, plus 15% for dark roofs, and intake area of 1 square foot of free opening per 300 CFM of fan capacity. Ratings are based on testing of complete roof or gable units at 0.03" static pressure. A fan rated at 3 Sones makes half the sound of one of 6 Sones, just as 100 CFM is half the air movement of 200 CFM. WHAT IS A SONE? The sone is an internationally recognized unit of loudness, which simplifies reporting of sound output. The sones translate laboratory decibel readings into numbers that correspond to the way people sense loudness. Sones follow a “linear” scale, like inches. Double the sone is double the loudness. In contrast, decibels follow a “logarithmic” scale, which stands for a complete multiplying of numbers instead of simple adding. Sone readings offer easy, quick and accurate comparisons for both laymen and engineers. In technical terms, the sone is equal in loudness to a pure tone of 1,000 cycles per second at 40 decibels above the listener’s threshold of hearing. In everyday terms, one sone is equivalent to the sound of a quiet refrigerator in a quiet kitchen. Regarding Sound levels of Exterior Mounted and Inline Fans, and HRVs/ERVs: HVI, the Home Ventilating Institute, does not certify Sound Ratings for Exterior Mounted and Inline fans, nor Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilators. Remote mounted fans can be extremely quiet if installed properly. Although different fans produce different amounts of sound power, variations in installation yield significantly greater differences in perceived sound level for remote mounted fans. As is the case with furnaces, rating remote mounted fans for sound does therefore not make sense. For bathroom and other exhaust or supply air applications using remote mounted fans, HVI recommends using insulated flexible ducting (same as used for HVAC ducting). Insulated flexible ducting has very good noise attenuating properties and minimizes condensation. With eight feet of insulated flexible duct between the ceiling grille and the fan, almost no fan noise should be evident in the bathroom. Ensure that the ceiling grilles are large enough not to induce significant air noise. For bathroom applications, an automatic timer is a recommended in order to keep the fan from being left on inadvertently. For range hood exhaust, rigid metal duct shall always be used. Rigid ducting does not attenuate sound effectively. With the very powerful remote mounted fans often used for residential range hoods in “professional” style kitchens, a silencer designed for the purpose will significantly lower the sound level. HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 80 60 80 50 110 90 50 30 70 50 80 60 110 90 50 60 40 70 60 120 100 0.9 0.9 45.8 45.9 35.2 2.0 40.7 0.6 22.1 2.0 27.1 1.1 33.9 2.0 38.6 1.5 1.2 19.4 17.5 1.0 37.6 1.5 39.7 0.3 31.8 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo Abreezo DELUX80 DELUX80 DEUCE80110 DEUCE80110 DEUCE80110 DEUCE80110 LIGHT5070 LIGHT5070 LIGHT5070 LIGHT5070 LIGHT80110 LIGHT80110 LIGHT80110 LIGHT80110 PUFF55 PUFF60 PUFF60 SILENT70 SILENT70 VOLO120 VOLO120 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Acme VQ080ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Acme VQ080ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Acme VQ090ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Acme VQ090ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Acme VQ090ESM 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Acme VQ090ESM 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Acme VQ110ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Acme VQ110ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Acme VQ120ES 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Acme VQ120ES 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Acme VQ150ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Acme VQ150ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Acme VQ80ESL 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed LS LS HS HS LS LS HS HS LS LS HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes 1.1 28.6 Yes Page 1‐1 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. Acme VQ80ESL 4" Horizontal Active Ventilation Products Economizer EC200 8" Horizontal 0.1 200 49.6 Active Ventilation Products Economizer EC90 8" Horizontal 0.1 90 32.3 Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure AP100L1 AP100L2 AP100L2 AP100L2 AP100L2 AP110G1 AP110G1 AP110G2 AP110G2 AP110G3 AP110G3 AP110G4 AP110G4 AP110G5 AP110G5 AP110G6 AP110G6 AP110G6S AP110G6W AP50G2 AP50G2 AP50G3 AP50G3 AP50G4 AP50G4 AP50G5 AP50G5 AP50G6 AP50G6 AP50L1 AP70G1 AP70G1 AP70G2 AP70G2 AP70G3 AP70G3 AP70G4 AP70G4 AP70G5 AP70G5 AP70G6 AP70G6 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 100 70 50 100 90 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 110 50 38 50 38 50 38 50 38 50 38 50 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes 2.0 1.0 34.7 36.4 2.0 41.4 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 2.0 1.3 39.5 39.5 22.2 1.3 22.2 1.3 22.2 1.3 22.2 1.3 22.2 1.2 1.0 21.9 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐2 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 80 80 80 80 80 110 85 110 85 110 85 110 85 110 85 110 110 110 85 110 110 110 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 80 80 60 80 80 80 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.7 26.1 26.1 26.1 23.9 26.3 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 28.1 28.1 28.1 0.7 0.7 1.3 <0.3 28.1 28.1 29.4 22.9 <0.3 22.9 <0.3 22.9 <0.3 22.9 <0.3 22.9 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 23.4 23.4 22.9 <0.3 <0.3 0.4 23.4 23.4 23.7 ENERGY STAR * Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure LLC Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure Aero Pure AP80G1 AP80G6S AP80G6W AP80L1 AP80L2 SBF110G1 SBF110G1 SBF110G2 SBF110G2 SBF110G3 SBF110G3 SBF110G4 SBF110G4 SBF110G5 SBF110G5 SBF110G5S SBF110G5W SBF110G6 SBF110G6 SBF110G6S SBF110G6W SBF110L1 SBF80G1 SBF80G1 SBF80G2 SBF80G2 SBF80G3 SBF80G3 SBF80G4 SBF80G4 SBF80G5 SBF80G5 SBF80G5S SBF80G5W SBF80G6 SBF80G6 SBF80G6S SBF80G6W SBF80L1 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100D 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 0.5 26.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100D 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 1.5 29.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100D 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 86 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100H 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.5 29.9 Yes Page 1‐3 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 86 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100H 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100L 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 2.5 37.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100L1 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 2.5 37.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 100 1.0 26.6 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 78 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100LS6H 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK100LS6H 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 78 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110LS 90 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110LS 110 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110PN 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK110PN 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 86 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK1301 4" Horizontal 0.1 130 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK150LS 6" Horizontal 0.1 150 0.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK150LS 6" Horizontal 0.25 116 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK200LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 200 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK200LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 185 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK280LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 280 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK280LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 262 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK300LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 290 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK300LS 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 265 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK55L 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 5.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes 1.0 1.4 26.6 27.6 Yes Yes Yes 1.5 29.9 Yes Yes 34.6 Yes Yes 1.4 62.0 Yes Yes 2.5 72.8 Yes Yes 3.0 79.9 27.6 Yes Page 1‐4 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 63 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK801 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK801 4" Horizontal 0.25 70 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80H 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80H 4" Horizontal 0.25 68 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS 68 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS 80 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 57 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS1 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK80LS1 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK863L 0.1 100 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK864 0.1 100 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 78 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK901 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK901 4" Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK905 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 0.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90LS 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 65 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90R 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 1.5 28.9 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK90R 4" Horizontal 0.25 80 1.5 26.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK917 5" Horizontal 0.1 70 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK927 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 3.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.5 27.5 28.1 25.2 Yes Yes Yes 1.0 28.1 Yes Yes 29.9 Yes Yes 1.5 28.9 25.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐5 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 70 3.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 28.9 Yes Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK960 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AK965L 4" 0.1 70 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100 4" 0.1 100 2.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100 4" 0.25 84 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100D4 4" LS 0.1 50 0.5 25.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100D4 4" HS 0.1 100 2.0 28.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100D4 4" HS 0.25 81 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100H 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF100H 4" Horizontal 0.25 84 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF50 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF50 4" Horizontal 0.25 32 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF55 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 5.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF80H 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 1.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF80H 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF80LS 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKF80LS 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKLC701 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKLC702 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AKLC703 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ALI36BL 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ALI36SS 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ALI36WH 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Yes Yes 2.0 28.9 Yes Yes 0.5 26.8 Yes Yes 27.6 Yes Yes 1.0 27.6 Yes Yes 95.0 Page 1‐6 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 95.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1030W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1036W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Page 1‐7 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AP1836W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030 8" Round Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030 8" Round Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030300 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030500 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030500 12" Vertical HS 0.1 500 4.5 134 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030600 8" Vertical MS 0.1 370 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030600 8" Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030600 8" Vertical LS 0.25 140 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1030600 8" Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036 8" Round Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036 8" Round Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036300 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036500 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036500 12" Vertical HS 0.1 500 4.5 134 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 95.0 95.0 95.0 47.5 Yes Yes 48.3 47.5 Yes Yes Page 1‐8 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036600 8" Vertical MS 0.1 370 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036600 8" Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036600 8" Vertical LS 0.25 140 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1036600 8" Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830 8" Round Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830 8" Round Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830300 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830500 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830500 12" Vertical HS 0.1 500 4.5 134 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830600 8" Vertical MS 0.1 370 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830600 8" Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1830600 8" Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836 8" Round Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836 8" Round Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836300 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836500 12" Vertical LS 0.1 300 1.5 92.2 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836500 12" Vertical HS 0.1 500 4.5 134 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836600 8" Vertical MS 0.1 370 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836600 8" Vertical LS 0.1 180 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836600 8" Vertical LS 0.25 140 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King APF1836600 8" Vertical HS 0.1 500 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1303 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1304 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1305 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 48.3 47.5 Yes Yes 48.3 47.5 Yes Yes 48.3 Page 1‐9 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1306 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1308 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1363 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1364 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1365 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1366 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AR1368 7" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ARA36GL 6" 0.1 570 12.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS120 6" Horizontal 0.1 120 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS50 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS54 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS60 3" Horizontal 0.1 60 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS70 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King AS90 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASF120 4" Horizontal 0.1 120 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASF50 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASF70 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASF90 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASLC120 4" Horizontal 0.1 120 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASLC50 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASLC70 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ASLC90 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1213 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1213 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 40.5 Page 1‐10 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1214 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1214 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1215 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1215 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1216 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1216 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1218 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1218 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1243 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1243 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1244 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1244 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1245 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1245 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1246 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1246 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1248 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1248 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1303 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1303 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1304 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1304 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1305 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1305 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐11 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1306 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1306 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1308 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1308 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1363 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1363 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1364 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1364 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1365 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1365 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1366 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1366 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1368 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1368 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1423 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1423 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1424 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1424 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1425 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1425 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1426 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1426 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1428 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AV1428 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐12 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AX1303 Horizontal HS 0.1 160 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AX1303 Vertical HS 0.1 160 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AX1308 Horizontal HS 0.1 160 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King AX1308 Vertical HS 0.1 160 6.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ110 0.1 100 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ140 0.1 120 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ50 0.1 50 0.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ50 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ50W 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ50W 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ70 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ70 0.25 57 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ70W 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ70W 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ75 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ75 0.25 57 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ80 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ80 0.25 61 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQ90 0.1 90 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF50 4" 0.1 50 0.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF50 4" 0.25 31 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF70 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF70 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF75 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 70 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 28.1 Yes Yes 1.0 26.1 Yes Yes 1.5 28.7 Yes Yes 2.0 26.7 Yes Yes 1.5 28.7 Yes Yes 2.0 32.0 25.6 Yes Yes 2.0 27.5 Yes Yes 1.5 32.2 Page 1‐13 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 57 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 2.0 32.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF75 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF80 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King BFQF80 0.25 61 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King DRLC701 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King DRLC702 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King DRLC703 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King DRLC707 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King DRLC709 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1303 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1303 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1304 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1304 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1305 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1305 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1306 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1306 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1308 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1308 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1363 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1363 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1364 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1364 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1365 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1365 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐14 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.9 20.0 Yes 250 5.0 67.0 Yes 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 0.9 20.0 Yes EB30SS 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.0 67.0 Yes Air King EB30SS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30SS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30SS 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30SS 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 0.9 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.0 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30WH 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 0.9 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.0 67.0 Yes Duct Size Duct Shape Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1366 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1366 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1368 Horizontal HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King DS1368 Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 3" x 10" Vertical WS Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 3" x 10" Vertical Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 7" Round Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30BL 7" Round Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB30SS Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Kitchen Range Hoods * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐15 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36BL 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 0.9 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.0 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36SS 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 100 0.9 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.0 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.4 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 65.4 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 130 1.3 20.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King EB36WH 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.5 65.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES243ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 41.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES243ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES243ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES243ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES244ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES244ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES244ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES244ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 Page 1‐16 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 42.4 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES245ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES245ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES245ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES245ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES246ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES246ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES246ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES246ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES248ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES248ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES248ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES248ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES303ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES303ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES303ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES303ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES304ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES304ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES304ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES304ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES305ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES305ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES305ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES305ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) 41.0 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 42.4 Page 1‐17 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 41.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES306ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES306ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES306ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES306ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES308ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES308ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES308ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES308ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES363ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES363ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES363ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES363ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES364ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES364ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES364ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES364ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES365ADA Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES365ADA Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES365ADA Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES365ADA Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES366ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES366ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES366ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES366ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 42.4 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐18 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 41.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES368ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES368ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES368ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ES368ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP30ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP30ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP30ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP30ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP36ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP36ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP36ADA 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAP36ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1308 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1308 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1308 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1308 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1368 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1368 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1368 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ1368 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ30 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ30 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ30 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ30 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 42.7 42.4 42.7 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐19 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 41.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ36 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ36 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ36 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESAPDQ36 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130D 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DG 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DGH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Page 1‐20 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.4 30.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB130SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 112 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80D 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DG 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐21 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.6 34.6 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DGH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes <0.3 28.5 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes <0.3 28.5 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes <0.3 28.5 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Page 1‐22 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 28.5 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 49 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESB80SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 82 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1243 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1243 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1243 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1243 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1244 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1244 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1244 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1244 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1245 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1245 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1245 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1245 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1246 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1246 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1246 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1246 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1248 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1248 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1248 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1248 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 42.4 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐23 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 41.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1303 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1303 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1303 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1303 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1304 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1304 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1304 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1304 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1305 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1305 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1305 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1305 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1306 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1306 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1306 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1306 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1308 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1308 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1308 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1308 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1363 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1363 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1363 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1363 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 42.4 42.7 42.4 42.7 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐24 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 42.4 ENERGY STAR * Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1364 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1364 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1364 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1364 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1365 Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1365 Horizontal HS 0.1 270 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1365 Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1365 Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1366 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1366 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1366 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1366 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1368 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1368 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1368 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESDQ1368 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130D 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DG 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) 42.4 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐25 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.6 34.6 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DGH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 50 <0.3 25.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 0.4 30.0 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes 0.4 30.0 Yes Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Page 1‐26 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.4 30.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF130SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 114 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80D 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80D 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80D 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DG 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DGH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DH 6" Round Horizontal LS 0.1 30 <0.3 24.7 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80DH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80S 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SG 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 0.6 34.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes <0.3 28.5 Yes Page 1‐27 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.6 34.6 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SG 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SGH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SGH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 80 <0.3 28.5 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.1 110 0.6 34.6 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESF80SH 6" Round Horizontal BS 0.25 83 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2303 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2306 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐28 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2308 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2363 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2366 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESQZ2368 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV28 6" Round Vertical MS 0.1 200 2.5 65.6 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV28 6" Round Vertical LS 0.1 140 0.7 65.6 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV28 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 87.3 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV30 6" Round Vertical MS 0.1 200 2.5 65.6 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐29 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV30 6" Round Vertical LS 0.1 140 0.7 65.6 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESSEV30 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 87.3 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30BL 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 52.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30BL 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30SS 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30SS 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30WH 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL30WH 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36BL 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36BL 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36SS 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36SS 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36WH 6" Round Vertical WS 0.03 175 1.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESVAL36WH 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ303ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 Page 1‐30 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ306ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ308ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ363ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ366ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 110 1.2 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 6.0 69.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 68.0 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐31 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 7" Round Vertical WS 0.03 110 1.5 22.0 Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King ESZ368ADA 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.5 67.0 Yes Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King EWF180 0.1 180 6.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK100 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 1.5 29.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK100 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 86 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK100D 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 0.5 26.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK100D 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 1.5 29.9 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK100D 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 86 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK110 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK110 4" Horizontal 0.25 94 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK130 4" Horizontal 0.1 130 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK50 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 0.3 26.4 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK50 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 32 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK80 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 1.0 28.1 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK80 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK90 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Air King Ventilation Products Air King FRAK90 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 78 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King GRAN30SS 6" 0.1 600 14.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King GRAN36SS 0.1 600 14.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King GRAN48SS 0.1 600 14.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King IBIZ36GL 6" 0.1 570 12.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH30SS 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH30SS 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH30SS 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes Yes 2.0 34.0 Yes Yes 1.5 29.9 Yes Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Page 1‐32 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH30SS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH36SS 3" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH36SS 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH36SS 3" x 10" Vertical LS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King LH36SS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King MAL36SS 0.1 600 14.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P10301200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030600 MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030600 HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030W1200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1030W900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P10361200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W1200 0.1 1200 15.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 41.0 Yes Yes 41.3 Yes Yes 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Page 1‐33 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 95.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1036W900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P18361200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W1200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W300 LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W500 MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W500 LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1836W900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P18421200 0.1 1200 15.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge 12" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Page 1‐34 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 95.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W1200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1842W900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P18481200 0.1 1200 15.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W1200 0.1 1200 15.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Page 1‐35 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 95.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W300 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W500 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W500 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W600 12" MS 0.1 500 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W600 12" LS 0.1 300 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W600 12" HS 0.1 600 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King P1848W900 0.1 900 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2303 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2303 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2304 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2304 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2305 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2305 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2306 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2306 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2308 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2308 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2363 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2363 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2364 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2364 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2365 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2365 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2366 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 95.0 95.0 Page 1‐36 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2366 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2368 Horizontal HS 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King QZ2368 Vertical HS 0.1 260 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV24AB 6" Round Vertical MS 0.1 200 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV24AB 6" Round Vertical LS 0.1 140 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV24AB 6" Round Vertical HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV24SS 0.1 450 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV24SSAB 0.1 250 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King SEV30SS 0.1 450 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL30BL 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL30SS 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL30WH 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL36BL 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL36SS 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VAL36WH 0.1 500 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1303 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1303 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1303 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1303 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1304 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1304 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1304 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1304 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1305 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐37 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1305 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1305 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1305 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1306 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1306 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1306 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1306 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1308 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1308 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1308 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1308 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1363 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1363 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1363 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1363 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1364 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1364 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1364 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1364 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1365 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1365 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1365 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1365 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1366 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐38 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1366 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1366 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1366 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1368 Horizontal LS 0.1 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1368 Horizontal HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1368 Vertical LS 0.1 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Air King Ventilation Products Air King VH1368 Vertical HS 0.1 300 8.5 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex BV100102190 Crawl space. 30" (1 piece model) 0.1 180 4.0 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 0.03 240 7.0 0.1 180 4.0 0.03 240 7.0 0.03 180 4.0 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex BV100102250 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex BV10030190 Crawl space. 30" (1 piece model) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 6" HS Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex BV10030250 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex BV10051190 4' Basement. 51" (1 piece model) HS 0.03 240 7.0 6" HS Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex HCV96 6" 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex HDS103 6" Crawl space. 30" (1 piece model) HS 0.03 240 7.0 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex HDS105 6" 4' Basement. 51" (1 piece model) HS 0.03 240 7.0 6" 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) HS 0.1 240 7.0 0.03 180 4.0 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex HDS209 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex UNS103 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Crawl space. 30" (1 piece model) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐39 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex UNS105 Duct Size Duct Shape Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.03 180 4.0 0.03 180 4.0 HS 0.03 240 7.0 HS 0.03 240 7.0 41.2 HS 0.03 240 7.0 41.2 HS 0.03 240 7.0 41.2 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 120 350 180 240 270 110 87 110 88 50 27 50 28 70 46 70 47 90 67 90 68 110 87 110 87 1.0 21.0 162 84.0 85.0 84.0 26.2 1.0 26.0 <0.3 16.2 <0.3 16.1 0.3 20.0 0.3 20.0 0.8 24.0 0.8 24.0 0.6 35.8 0.6 35.8 Speed 4' Basement. 51" (1 piece model) Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex UNS209 Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Humidex WVSCBT 6" Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. HumiFresh HCVBSHUMI 6" Round Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Wave Ventilation HCVBSAVIR 6" Round Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Wave Ventilation HCVBSWAVE 6" Round Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. Airzone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone NBQ1254 NBQ3256 NBQCOMBI4 NBQCOMBI5 NBQCOMBI6 PA1100V PA1100V PA1100VLE PA1100VLE PA500V PA500V PA500VLE PA500VLE PA700V PA700V PA700VLE PA700VLE PA900V PA900V PA900VLE PA900VLE SE110 SE110 SE110H SE110H * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 8' Basement. 87.5" – 103" (2 piece Telescopic Unit) 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐40 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 110 87 120 100 120 100 90 68 90 68 90 68 90 68 90 68 110 79 110 79 0.6 35.8 1.2 36.6 1.2 36.6 0.7 33.3 0.7 33.3 0.7 33.3 0.7 33.3 0.7 33.3 0.6 11.9 0.6 11.9 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. AirZone Fans Inc. American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone Airzone SE110X SE110X SE120 SE120 SE120H SE120H SE80 SE80 SE90 SE90 SE90H SE90H SE90HS SE90HS SE90S SE90S SED110 SED110 SED110M SED110M 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" American Aldes A10 10" Horizontal HS 0.2 480 141 American Aldes A10 10" Horizontal HS 0.6 407 153 American Aldes A10 10" Horizontal HS 1.25 269 158 American Aldes A10HP 10" Horizontal HS 0.2 560 200 American Aldes A10HP 10" Horizontal HS 0.8 472 211 American Aldes A10HP 10" Horizontal HS 1.75 306 209 American Aldes A12 12" Horizontal HS 0.2 680 184 American Aldes A12 12" Horizontal HS 0.8 433 204 American Aldes A12 12" Horizontal HS 1.25 290 203 American Aldes A12HP 12" Horizontal HS 0.2 880 306 American Aldes A12HP 12" Horizontal HS 0.8 670 326 American Aldes A12HP 12" Horizontal HS 1.25 504 330 American Aldes A4 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 20.7 American Aldes A4 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐41 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Round Horizontal Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.6 55 19.0 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Duct Size American Aldes A4 4" American Aldes A4HP 4" 0.2 150 71.0 American Aldes A4HP 4" 0.4 134 70.0 American Aldes A4HP 4" 0.6 119 69.0 American Aldes A5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 130 20.4 American Aldes A5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 99 21.2 American Aldes A5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 66 20.3 American Aldes A5HP 5" Horizontal 0.2 190 73.0 American Aldes A5HP 5" Horizontal 0.4 160 72.0 American Aldes A5HP 5" Horizontal 0.8 112 68.0 American Aldes A6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 73.6 American Aldes A6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 232 75.3 American Aldes A6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 164 74.2 American Aldes A6HP 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 450 157 American Aldes A6HP 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 409 160 American Aldes A6HP 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 243 158 American Aldes A8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 410 121 American Aldes A8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 351 124 American Aldes A8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 243 128 American Aldes A8HP 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 470 145 American Aldes A8HP 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 388 156 American Aldes A8HP 8" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 266 159 American Aldes BVS120 6" 0.2 150 42.5 Yes American Aldes BVS200 6" 0.2 230 65.9 Yes NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐42 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 110 37.5 Yes 0.2 110 37.3 Yes 4" 0.2 80 21.2 Yes MPVS120 4" 0.2 120 37.6 Yes American Aldes MPVS150 6" LS 0.2 170 41.3 Yes American Aldes MPVS200 6" HS 0.2 250 62.5 Yes American Aldes VS4 4" 0.2 80 21.6 Yes American Aldes VS4MAX 4" 0.2 120 38.4 Yes American Aldes VS6 6" 0.2 170 40.1 Yes American Aldes VS6MAX 6" 0.2 260 63.2 Yes American Aldes XMVA4 7" 0.1 120 18.0 American Aldes XMVA4HP 0.1 180 92.0 American Aldes XMVA6 0.1 220 92.0 American Aldes XMVA6HP 6 1/4" x 14 1/4" Horizontal 0.1 360 149 Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape American Aldes DSVS100 6" 0.2 American Aldes FSVS100 4" American Aldes MPVS100 American Aldes Discharge Details Speed Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation American ALDES Ventilation Corporation Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Aira (Canada) HFRM 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Aira (Canada) HFRM 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Aira (Canada) Aira (Canada) Aira (Canada) Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best HFRM VSBP50M VSBP90M CC34IQSB CC34IQSB CC34ISB CC34ISB CP34I309SB CP34I309SB CP34I369SB CP34I369SB CP34I429SB CP34I429SB CP35I309SB CP35I309SB CP35I369SB 7" 3" 4" 8" 8" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 210 50 90 100 510 220 500 130 290 130 290 130 290 190 600 190 7.0 3.0 2.5 <0.3 8.0 3.0 8.5 3.0 11.5 3.0 11.5 3.0 11.5 2.0 12.0 2.0 Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. HS Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS 47.0 Page 1‐43 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.022 0.1 0.022 0.1 0.022 0.1 600 190 600 380 1200 210 600 210 600 210 600 370 1000 370 1000 410 1080 420 1110 420 1110 420 1110 480 1040 480 1040 480 1040 12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 13.5 1.1 8.5 1.1 8.5 1.1 8.5 1.5 12.0 1.5 12.0 1.5 10.5 1.5 10.5 1.5 10.5 1.5 10.5 3.0 11.5 3.0 11.5 3.0 11.5 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best CP35I369SB CP35I429SB CP35I429SB CP37I482SB CP37I482SB CP45I362SB CP45I362SB CP45I369SB CP45I369SB CP45I489SB CP45I489SB CP47I362SB CP47I362SB CP47I422SB CP47I422SB CP47I482SB CP47I482SB CP47I542SB CP47I542SB CP47I602SB CP47I602SB CP47I662SB CP47I662SB CPDI362SB CPDI362SB CPDI482SB CPDI482SB CPDI602SB CPDI602SB 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Best DD0130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 500 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Best DD0136SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 500 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Best DD0148SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB12 0.03 1230 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB12 0.1 1200 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB15 0.03 1530 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB15 0.1 1500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB6 0.03 640 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB6 0.1 600 Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐44 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Duct Size Duct Shape Brand Name Model Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB9 0.03 940 Broan‐NuTone LLC Best EB9 0.1 900 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best IBF4I36SB IBF4I36SB IC35I90B IC35I90B IC35I90W IC35I90W ILB11 ILB11 ILB3 ILB3 ILB6 ILB6 ILB9 ILB9 IM33I45SP IM33I45SP IS102SS IS170SS IS23BL IS23SS IS23WH IS4270X100SS IS4290X130CMSS IS502SS ISER222SS K27342SS K27390CMSS K3048SS K3090CMSS K313930BL K313930SS K313936BL K313936SS K313942SS K3490CMSS K350090CMSS K4130SS K4136SS K4236SS K4242SS K4248SS K4254SS K808730SS K808736SS 0.1 0.1 0.024 0.1 0.024 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.028 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 190 450 220 490 220 490 1100 1000 280 260 600 600 800 700 200 400 1000 450 500 500 500 1000 1000 450 1000 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 500 450 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 450 450 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round Round Round Round Round 8" 8" 6" 6" Round Round Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) LS HS WS HS WS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS WS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 2.5 8.5 2.5 7.0 2.5 7.0 3.0 7.0 12.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 11.5 11.5 8.5 10.0 9.5 9.5 8.5 8.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 9.5 9.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 Page 1‐45 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best KER22242SS KER22248SS KER22290CMSS P12 P12D P195ES52SB P195ES52SB P195ES70SB P195ES70SB P195P1M52SB P195P1M52SB P195P1M70SB P195P1M70SB P195P2M70SB P195P2M70SB P5 P5 P6 P8 P8 PK2229 PK2238 U10230BLI U10230SBI U10236BLI U10236SBI UP27I30SB UP27I30SB UP27I30SB UP27I30SB UP27I36SB UP27I36SB UP27I36SB UP27I36SB UP27I42SB UP27I42SB UP27I42SB UP27I42SB UP27I48SB UP27I48SB UP27I48SB UP27I48SB WBF4I30SB WBF4I30SB WBF4I36SB WBF4I36SB WC26I36CB WC26I36CB * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 10" 8" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 8" Round 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 14" 3" x 14" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 14" 3" x 14" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 14" 3" x 14" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 14" 3" x 14" 6" 6" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.015 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.016 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 120 290 130 370 190 530 200 550 310 800 500 460 600 900 850 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 650 550 700 600 650 550 700 600 650 550 700 600 650 550 700 600 190 450 190 450 130 480 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 0.5 5.0 0.3 5.0 1.1 8.5 1.0 8.0 2.0 12.0 10.0 10.5 8.5 10.0 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 1.0 9.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 43.8 282 43.1 282 Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐46 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Broan Broan WC26I36SB WC26I36SB WC26I42CB WC26I42CB WC26I42SB WC26I42SB WC26I48CB WC26I48CB WC26I48SB WC26I48SB WC33I90SB WC33I90SB WC34I90SB WC35I90SB WC43I80B WC43I80B WC43I80W WC43I80W WM33I40R WM33I40R WM34I80SB WM34I80SB WM43I80SB WM43I80SB WM45I80SB WM45I80SB WPD38I36SB WPD38I36SB WPD38I48SB WPD38I48SB WPD38I60SB WPD38I60SB WT32I302SB WT32I302SB WT32I362SB WT32I362SB WT32I422SB WT32I422SB WTT32I30SB WTT32I30SB WTT32I36SB WTT32I36SB WTT32I42SB WTT32I42SB WTT32I48SB WTT32I48SB 100HFL 100HFL * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 4" 4" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS HS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.028 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.015 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.1 0.25 130 480 130 480 130 480 130 480 130 480 220 490 450 450 220 490 220 490 200 400 220 490 220 490 210 460 430 1160 430 1160 430 1160 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 600 400 1200 100 85 1.0 9.5 1.0 9.5 1.0 9.5 1.0 9.5 1.0 9.5 2.0 7.5 9.0 9.0 3.0 7.5 3.0 7.5 3.0 7.0 2.0 7.5 2.0 7.5 2.5 8.5 2.0 11.0 2.0 11.0 2.0 11.0 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 2.0 12.0 2.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 70.2 66.0 Page 1‐47 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 100HL 100HL 103023 103023 12C 153001 153004 153023 153601 153604 153623 162 164 4" 4" Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 85 360 360 370 300 300 300 300 300 300 70 70 2.0 70.2 66.0 Horizontal Vertical HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 4" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal 273003 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Broan 273603 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 331H 0.03 640 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 331H 0.1 600 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 332H 0.03 940 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 332H 0.1 900 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 335 0.03 1230 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 335 0.1 1200 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 336 0.03 1530 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 336 0.1 1500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 349BR 35316with433Shutter 35316withHVILouver 353with433Shutter 353withHVILouver 355BK 355BR 356BK 356BR 358 402101 402101 402102 402102 402108 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1000 1600 1160 1020 760 1200 1200 1600 1600 1200 160 160 160 160 160 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 15" 15" 15" Horizontal 14" 14" 14" 14" 14" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS 4.5 5.0 8.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 ENERGY STAR * 60.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Page 1‐48 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 402108 402401 402401 402402 402402 402404 402404 402408 402408 403001 403001 403002 403002 403004 403004 403008 403008 403023 403023 403601 403601 403602 403602 403604 403604 403608 403608 403623 403623 404201 404201 404202 404202 404208 404208 422401 422401D 422402 422404 422408 423001 423001D 423002 423004 423008 423008D 423023 423601 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐49 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 423601D 423602 423604 423608 423608D 423623 424201 424201D 424202 424204 424208 433004 433004 433004 433011 433011 433011 433018 433018 433018 433022 433022 433022 433023 433023 433023 433604 433604 433604 433611 433611 433611 433618 433618 433618 433622 433622 433622 433623 433623 433623 462401 462401 462401 462404 462404 462404 462423 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 160 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐50 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 462423 462423 463001 463001 463001 463002 463002 463002 463004 463004 463004 463008 463008 463008 463011 463011 463011 463023 463023 463023 463601 463601 463601 463602 463602 463602 463604 463604 463604 463608 463608 463608 463623 463623 463623 464201 464201 464201 464202 464202 464202 464204 464204 464204 464208 464208 464208 502 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 7" Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.03 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 270 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐51 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Details Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 509S 509SMX 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 160 350 180 470 250 270 180 180 180 5.0 6.5 6.5 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 510 0.1 380 6.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 511 0.03 180 4.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 512 0.1 90 3.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan 512M 0.1 70 3.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 523001 523002 523008 523601 524201 576 613004 614804 637004 655 655MX 657 658 659 670 671 671MX 673 674 676 676MX 678 678 679 679L 680 683 683L 684 684 688 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 100 100 100 100 100 50 450 900 900 70 70 70 70 50 50 70 70 60 110 110 110 50 39 70 70 100 80 80 80 68 50 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 1.5 9.0 9.5 9.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 6.0 6.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) 8" 4" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 3.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 63.0 17.8 42.4 41.6 49.0 45.3 Page 1‐52 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 689 690 696 741SN 741WH 744 744 744FL 744FL 744LED 744LED 744SFL 744SFL 750 751 754RB 754SN 757SN 757SN 761BN 761RB 761WHA 764BN 764RB 764WH 766BN 766RB 770 770 771 778WH 778WH 784 784 791LED 791LED 883001 883001 883002 883002 883004 883004 883008 883008 883011 883011 883022 883022 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 60 60 100 70 70 70 55 70 55 70 55 70 55 100 100 70 70 80 67 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 50 35 70 80 68 80 65 100 88 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 5.5 3.0 4.5 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 Input Power (Watts) 34.4 32.3 34.4 32.3 34.4 34.4 32.3 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 29.0 27.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 17.8 Yes Yes 4.0 2.0 24.9 2.0 26.1 1.5 36.4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 Page 1‐53 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 883023 883023 883601 883601 883604 883604 883608 883608 883623 883623 883901 883901 883904 883904 884201 884201 884204 884204 884223 884223 884801 884801 884804 884804 884823 884823 893001 893001 893004 893004 893011 893011 893023 893023 893601 893601 893604 893604 893623 893623 893901 893901 893904 893904 894201 894201 894204 894204 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 350 360 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 440 460 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 6.0 5.5 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐54 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * HS HS HS HS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.023 0.1 0.02 0.1 440 460 440 460 440 460 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 200 440 200 440 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.7 7.0 0.9 7.0 70.1 160 70.2 162 Yes Yes Yes Yes Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan 894223 894223 894801 894801 894804 894804 AP130BL AP130BL AP130BL AP130BL AP130SS AP130SS AP130SS AP130SS AP130WW AP130WW AP130WW AP130WW AP136BL AP136BL AP136BL AP136BL AP136SS AP136SS AP136SS AP136SS AP136WW AP136WW AP136WW AP136WW APE130SS APE130SS APE130SS APE130SS 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 120 1.0 57.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 6.0 84.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.013 120 0.8 58.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 6.0 83.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan B3030SS B3030SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.014 0.1 120 270 0.8 6.0 58.0 82.4 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 120 1.0 57.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 6.0 84.3 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category Round Round Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Page 1‐55 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.013 120 0.8 58.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan B3036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 6.0 83.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan B3036SS B3036SS B5330SS B5330SS B5336SS B5336SS B5630SS B5630SS B5636SS B5636SS B5730SS B5730SS B5736SS B5736SS B5830SS B5830SS B5836SS B5836SS B5936SS B5936SS 7" 7" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 120 270 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 0.8 6.0 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 58.0 82.4 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD130BC CBD130BC 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD130BL CBD130BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐56 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD130SS CBD130SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD130WW CBD130WW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD330BL CBD330BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD330SS CBD330SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD330WW CBD330WW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐57 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD336BL CBD336BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBD336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CBD336WW CBD336WW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical LS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBX130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBX130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBX130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CBX130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan CBX130SS CBX130SS CJD130BL CJD130BL CJD130BL CJD130BL CJD130BL CJD130BL CJD130SS CJD130SS CJD130SS CJD130SS CJD130SS CJD130SS CJD130WW CJD130WW CJD130WW CJD130WW CJD130WW CJD130WW 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical LS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.039 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 150 250 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 2.0 4.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐58 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 320 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.013 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CJD330BL CJD330BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.015 0.1 100 300 0.8 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 320 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.013 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan CJD330SS CJD330SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.015 0.1 100 300 0.8 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 320 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.013 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan CJD336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan CJD336SS CJD336SS E5490SS E5490SS E6030SS E6030SS 7" 7" 10" 10" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS LS HS LS HS 0.015 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.003 0.1 100 300 230 480 150 600 0.8 5.0 3.0 9.5 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan E6036SS E6036SS 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal LS HS 0.003 0.1 150 600 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan E6042SS E6042SS 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal LS HS 0.003 0.1 150 600 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6042SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6042SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐59 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) WS HS WS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.003 0.1 350 1200 350 1200 150 600 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.5 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan E6042TSS E6042TSS E6042TSS E6042TSS E6048SS E6048SS 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6048SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan E6048SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan E6048TSS E6048TSS E6048TSS E6048TSS E6430SS E6430SS E6430SS E6430SS E6436SS E6436SS E6436SS E6436SS E6442SS E6442SS E6442SS E6442SS E6448SS E6448SS E6448SS E6448SS E6448TSS E6448TSS E6448TSS E6448TSS E66130BL E66130BL E66130BL E66130BL E66130BL E66130BL E66130SS E66130SS E66130SS E66130SS E66130SS E66130SS E66130WW E66130WW Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 350 1200 350 1200 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 350 1200 350 1200 130 310 600 120 290 550 130 310 600 120 290 550 130 310 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 18" 18" 18" 18" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐60 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan E66130WW E66130WW E66130WW E66130WW E66136BL E66136BL E66136BL E66136BL E66136BL E66136BL E66136SS E66136SS E66136SS E66136SS E66136SS E66136SS E66136WW E66136WW E66136WW E66136WW E66136WW E66136WW E66142SS E66142SS E66142SS E66142SS E66142SS E66142SS EI5936SS EI5936SS EPD6136SS EPD6136SS EPD6148SS EPD6148SS EW5630SS EW5630SS EW5636SS EW5636SS EW5830SS EW5830SS EW5836SS EW5836SS F402401 F402401 F402401 F402402 F402402 F402402 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 6" 6" 10" 10" 10" 10" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Round Round 7" Round 7" Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS LS HS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.015 0.1 0.015 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 600 120 290 550 130 310 600 120 290 550 130 310 600 120 290 550 130 310 600 120 290 550 130 310 600 120 290 550 200 500 430 1160 430 1160 200 500 200 500 200 500 200 500 160 160 190 160 160 190 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 <0.3 2.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 8.5 2.5 10.5 2.0 11.0 2.0 11.0 2.5 10.5 2.5 10.5 2.5 10.5 2.5 10.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐61 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan F402404 F402404 F402404 F402408 F402408 F402408 F402411 F402411 F402411 F402422 F402422 F402422 F402423 F402423 F402423 F403001 F403001 F403001 F403002 F403002 F403002 F403004 F403004 F403004 F403008 F403008 F403008 F403011 F403011 F403011 F403022 F403022 F403022 F403023 F403023 F403023 F403601 F403601 F403601 F403602 F403602 F403602 F403604 F403604 F403604 F403608 F403608 F403608 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐62 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan F403611 F403611 F403611 F403622 F403622 F403622 F403623 F403623 F403623 F404201 F404201 F404201 F404202 F404202 F404202 F404204 F404204 F404204 F404208 F404208 F404208 F404211 F404211 F404211 F404222 F404222 F404222 F404223 F404223 F404223 HD50 HD50 HD50=RDHwithHD50RDF HD50=RDHwithHD50RDF HD50L HD50L HD80 HD80 HD80L HD80L Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan HF3.1 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan HF3.1 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan HF3.1 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan HF3.1 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 4" 4" 4" 4" Round 4" 4" 4" 4" Discharge Details Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed HS HS Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 160 160 190 50 38 50 38 50 38 80 67 80 65 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 1.5 27.1 1.5 27.1 1.5 27.0 25.1 29.0 27.8 49.0 48.0 0.2 277 237 0.2 110 237 0.4 252 229 0.4 103 229 2.5 2.5 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐63 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.03 1100 1000 280 260 600 600 800 700 180 6.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan HLB11 HLB11 HLB3 HLB3 HLB6 HLB6 HLB9 HLB9 L509SM Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan L512M 6" Horizontal 0.1 70 3.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan L671M L673M L678M LP80 LP80 LP80 LP80 MP100 MP100 MP140 MP140 MP200 MP200 MP280 MP280 P5 P5 P8 P8 PM250 PM390 PM390S PM500SS PME300 PME300 3" Horizontal 3" 3" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 25.7 1.1 25.6 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS WS HS 70 60 50 70 55 80 60 110 98 150 141 210 200 290 265 500 460 900 850 250 390 390 500 120 290 6.0 4.5 2.5 1.3 6" 6" 6" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.015 0.1 10.0 10.5 10.0 10.5 8.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 0.5 5.0 43.8 282 Yes Yes Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QB130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.03 120 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QB130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 250 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QB130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.03 120 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QB130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 220 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QDE30BL QDE30BL QDE30BL QDE30BL 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 130 290 120 250 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 36.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8" 8" Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 7" 8" 8" Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. 36.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐64 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 36.2 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QDE30SS QDE30SS QDE30SS QDE30SS QDE30WW QDE30WW QDE30WW QDE30WW 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 130 290 120 250 130 290 120 250 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QL130BC QL130BC 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 230 2.0 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QL130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QL130WW QL130WW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 230 2.0 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QML30BL QML30BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QML30SS QML30SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 250 2.0 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 36.2 36.2 36.2 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐65 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QML30WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 200 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QML30WW QML30WW QP130BL QP130BL QP130BL QP130BL QP130BL QP130BL QP130SS QP130SS QP130SS QP130SS QP130SS QP130SS QP130WW QP130WW QP130WW QP130WW QP130WW QP130WW QP136BL QP136BL QP136BL QP136BL QP136BL QP136BL QP136SS QP136SS QP136SS QP136SS QP136SS QP136SS QP136WW QP136WW QP136WW QP136WW QP136WW QP136WW 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.039 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 150 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 2.0 4.5 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐66 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.012 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QP142BL QP142BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.014 0.1 90 260 0.8 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.012 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QP142SS QP142SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.014 0.1 90 260 0.8 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.01 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.012 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP142WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan QP142WW QP142WW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.014 0.1 90 260 0.8 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP230BC QP230BC QP230BC 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐67 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP230BL QP230BL QP230BL 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP230SS QP230SS QP230SS 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP230WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP230WW QP230WW QP230WW 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐68 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP236BC QP236BC QP236BC 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP236BL QP236BL QP236BL 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP236SS QP236SS QP236SS 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐69 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP236WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP236WW QP236WW QP236WW 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP242BC QP242BC QP242BC 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP242BL QP242BL QP242BL 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐70 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP242SS QP242SS QP242SS 7" 7" 7" Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.011 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.046 240 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 350 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.009 100 0.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.045 220 2.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP242WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan QP242WW QP242WW QP242WW 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.015 0.055 0.1 100 200 280 0.6 2.5 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP330BL QP330BL QP330BL QP330BL 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐71 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP330SS QP330SS QP330SS QP330SS 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP330WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP330WW QP330WW QP330WW QP330WW 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐72 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP336BL QP336BL QP336BL QP336BL 7" 7" 7" 7" Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP336SS QP336SS QP336SS QP336SS 7" 7" 7" 7" Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical BS WS MS HS 0.1 0.009 0.037 0.09 340 100 200 300 7.0 <0.3 2.0 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP336WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP336WW QP336WW QP336WW QP336WW 7" 7" 7" 7" Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical BS WS MS HS 0.1 0.009 0.037 0.09 340 100 200 300 7.0 <0.3 2.0 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐73 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP342BL QP342BL QP342BL QP342BL 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP342SS QP342SS QP342SS QP342SS 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.005 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal MS 0.025 230 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.06 360 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal BS 0.1 450 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.007 100 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical MS 0.028 210 2.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐74 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.066 320 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP342WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical BS 0.1 390 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP342WW QP342WW QP342WW QP342WW 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.009 0.037 0.09 0.1 100 200 300 340 <0.3 2.0 5.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal WS 0.006 150 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal MS 0.021 290 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal HS 0.053 470 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal BS 0.1 630 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical WS 0.008 160 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical MS 0.022 280 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical HS 0.055 430 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP430SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical BS 0.1 570 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP430SS QP430SS QP430SS QP430SS 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS BS 0.008 0.026 0.058 0.1 130 230 360 460 <0.3 1.5 4.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal WS 0.006 150 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal MS 0.021 290 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal HS 0.053 470 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal BS 0.1 630 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical WS 0.008 160 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical MS 0.022 280 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical HS 0.055 430 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP436SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical BS 0.1 570 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan QP436SS QP436SS QP436SS QP436SS 7" 7" 7" 7" Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical BS WS MS HS 0.1 0.008 0.026 0.058 460 130 230 360 7.0 <0.3 1.5 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐75 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal WS 0.006 150 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal MS 0.021 290 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal HS 0.053 470 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Horizontal BS 0.1 630 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical WS 0.008 160 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical MS 0.022 280 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical HS 0.055 430 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QP442SS 3 1/4" x 14" Vertical BS 0.1 570 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QP442SS QP442SS QP442SS QP442SS QS130AA QS130AA QS130AA QS130AA QS130AA QS130AA QS130BC QS130BC QS130BC QS130BC QS130BC QS130BC QS130BL QS130BL QS130BL QS130BL QS130BL QS130BL QS130SS QS130SS QS130SS QS130SS QS130SS QS130SS QS130SSMX QS130SSMX QS130SSMX QS130WW 7" 7" 7" 7" Round Round Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Round Round 7" Round Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal WS MS HS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS HS HS HS WS 0.008 0.026 0.058 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.021 130 230 360 460 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 220 200 200 110 <0.3 1.5 4.5 7.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 1.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐76 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS130WW QS130WW QS130WW QS130WW QS130WW QS136AA QS136AA QS136AA QS136AA QS136AA QS136AA QS136BC QS136BC QS136BC QS136BC QS136BC QS136BC QS136BL QS136BL QS136BL QS136BL QS136BL QS136BL QS136SS QS136SS QS136SS QS136SS QS136SS QS136SS QS136WW QS136WW QS136WW QS136WW QS136WW QS136WW QS142AA QS142AA QS142AA QS142AA QS142AA QS142AA QS142BC QS142BC QS142BC QS142BC QS142BC QS142BC QS142BL * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐77 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS142BL QS142BL QS142BL QS142BL QS142BL QS142SS QS142SS QS142SS QS142SS QS142SS QS142SS QS142WW QS142WW QS142WW QS142WW QS142WW QS142WW QS230AA QS230AA QS230AA QS230AA QS230AA QS230AA QS230BC QS230BC QS230BC QS230BC QS230BC QS230BC QS230BL QS230BL QS230BL QS230BL QS230BL QS230BL QS230SS QS230SS QS230SS QS230SS QS230SS QS230SS QS230WW QS230WW QS230WW QS230WW QS230WW QS230WW QS236AA * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐78 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS236AA QS236AA QS236AA QS236AA QS236AA QS236BC QS236BC QS236BC QS236BC QS236BC QS236BC QS236BL QS236BL QS236BL QS236BL QS236BL QS236BL QS236SS QS236SS QS236SS QS236SS QS236SS QS236SS QS236WW QS236WW QS236WW QS236WW QS236WW QS236WW QS242AA QS242AA QS242AA QS242AA QS242AA QS242AA QS242BC QS242BC QS242BC QS242BC QS242BC QS242BC QS242BL QS242BL QS242BL QS242BL QS242BL QS242BL QS242SS 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐79 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS242SS QS242SS QS242SS QS242SS QS242SS QS242WW QS242WW QS242WW QS242WW QS242WW QS242WW QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330AA QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BC QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330BL QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330SS QS330WW 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐80 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS330WW QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336AA QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BC QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336BL QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336SS QS336WW QS336WW QS336WW QS336WW 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐81 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS336WW QS336WW QS336WW QS336WW QS336WW QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342AA QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BC QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342BL QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342SS QS342WW QS342WW QS342WW QS342WW QS342WW QS342WW QS342WW 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐82 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QS342WW QS342WW QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130SS QSE130SS QSE130SS QSE130SS QSE130SS QSE130SS QSE130WW QSE130WW QSE130WW QSE130WW QSE130WW QSE130WW QT110E QT110E QT110LE QT110LE QT130E QT130E QT130E QT130E QT130LE QT130LE QT130LE QT130LE QT140E QT140E QT140E QT140E QT140LE QT140LE QT140LE QT140LE QT230AA QT230AA QT230AA QT230BC QT230BC QT230BC QT230BL QT230BL * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Details Speed HS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 110 CFM 110 CFM Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Round 7" Round 7" Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.027 0.1 0.046 0.1 0.042 0.1 0.027 0.1 0.046 0.1 0.042 0.1 0.027 0.1 0.046 0.1 0.042 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 270 350 110 210 130 210 140 220 110 210 130 210 140 220 110 210 130 210 140 220 110 90 110 90 130 116 130 114 130 116 130 114 130 116 140 123 130 112 140 122 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 5.5 8.0 1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 2.0 5.5 1.0 38.4 89.4 37.5 88.2 37.8 88.0 38.4 89.4 37.5 88.2 37.8 88.0 38.4 89.4 37.5 88.2 37.8 88.0 36.3 1.0 36.3 2.0 48.3 1.5 49.0 2.0 48.3 1.5 49.0 2.0 48.3 1.5 49.0 2.0 46.4 1.5 47.4 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Page 1‐83 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QT230BL QT230SS QT230SS QT230SS QT230SSMX QT230SSMX QT230SSMX QT230WW QT230WW QT230WW QT236AA QT236AA QT236AA QT236BC QT236BC QT236BC QT236BL QT236BL QT236BL QT236SS QT236SS QT236SS QT236WW QT236WW QT236WW QT242AA QT242AA QT242AA QT242BC QT242BC QT242BC QT242BL QT242BL QT242BL QT242SS QT242SS QT242SS QT242WW QT242WW QT242WW QT80E QT80E QT80L QT80L QT90E QT90E QT90L QT90L * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" 7" 7" 7" Round Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 170 220 200 170 170 180 200 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 220 200 170 80 55 80 55 90 72 90 72 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 0.8 28.4 0.8 1.0 1.5 28.4 28.1 36.3 1.5 36.3 36.2 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐84 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan QTR050F QTR050F QTR080 QTR080 QTR080L QTR080L QTR110 QTR110 QTR110L QTR110L QTR140 QTR140 QTR140L QTR140L QTRE080 QTRE080 QTRE080=QTXR000HFwithQTRE 080F QTRE080=QTXR000HFwithQTRE 080F QTRE080C2S QTRE080C2S QTRE080C2S QTRE080FLT QTRE080FLT QTRE080FLT=QTXR000HLwithQ TRE080FLFT QTRE080FLT=QTXR000HLwithQ TRE080FLFT QTRE080R QTRE080R QTRE100S QTRE100S QTRE100S=HQTS4withFQTRE10 0S QTRE100S=HQTS4withFQTRE10 0S QTRE110 QTRE110 QTRE110=QTXR000HFwithQTRE 110F QTRE110=QTXR000HFwithQTRE 110F QTRE110FLT QTRE110FLT QTRE110FLT=QTXR000HLwithQ TRE110FLFT * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 50 28 80 66 80 66 110 98 110 98 130 140 130 140 80 55 0.4 26.8 26.6 56.6 57.8 56.6 57.8 70.5 69.2 70.5 69.2 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 0.8 28.4 Yes Yes 0.8 28.4 Yes ENERGY STAR * 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 4" 6" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 4" Horizontal 0.25 55 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 40 80 56 80 55 <0.3 0.8 12.9 24.8 0.8 28.4 0.1 80 0.8 28.4 0.25 55 80 55 100 81 0.8 28.4 110 CFM 110 CFM 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 1.5 36.3 4" 110 CFM 0.1 100 1.5 36.3 4" 110 CFM 0.25 81 4" 4" 110 CFM 110 CFM 0.1 0.25 110 90 1.3 36.3 Yes Yes 4" 110 CFM 0.1 110 1.3 36.3 Yes 4" 110 CFM 0.25 90 0.1 0.25 110 90 1.3 36.3 Yes Yes 0.1 110 1.3 36.3 Yes 4" 4" 4" 4" LS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal 4" 4" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐85 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Shape 90 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 110 82 110 84 110 90 50 31 80 55 80 55 110 90 110 90 110 90 110 90 150 118 150 118 600 1200 270 270 270 270 270 270 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 450 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan QTRE110FLT=QTXR000HLwithQ TRE110FLFT QTX110HFLT QTX110HFLT QTX110HL QTX110HL QTX110SL QTX110SL QTXE050 QTXE050 QTXE080 QTXE080 QTXE080FLT QTXE080FLT QTXE110 QTXE110 QTXE110FLT QTXE110FLT QTXE110S QTXE110S QTXE110SFLT QTXE110SFLT QTXE150 QTXE150 QTXE150FLT QTXE150FLT RM325H RM326H RM503001 RM503004 RM503023 RM503601 RM503604 RM503623 RM519004 RM523004 RM523604 RM524204 RM533004 RM533604 RM534204 RM659004 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan RMDD3004 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan RMDD3604 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan RMDD4804 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed 0.25 Brand Name Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Model Duct Size HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.9 <0.3 42.8 41.7 42.8 41.7 33.5 33.0 19.6 0.3 23.3 0.3 23.3 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 0.7 1.4 33.5 33.0 51.3 1.4 51.3 0.9 0.9 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6.0 12.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 9.0 Page 1‐86 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan RME5030SS RME5030SS RMP17004 RP130BL RP130BL RP130BL RP130BL RP130SS RP130SS RP130SS RP130SS RP130WW RP130WW RP130WW RP130WW RP136BL RP136BL RP136BL RP136BL RP136SS RP136SS RP136SS RP136SS RP136WW RP136WW RP136WW RP136WW RP230BL RP230BL RP230BL RP230BL RP230SS RP230SS RP230SS RP230SS RP230WW RP230WW RP230WW RP230WW RP236BL RP236BL RP236BL RP236BL RP236SS RP236SS RP236SS RP236SS RP236WW * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 6" 6" 6" Duct Shape Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) WS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS 0.013 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 130 290 400 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 440 120 440 130 0.5 5.5 9.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 46.0 295 ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐87 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan Broan RP236WW RP236WW RP236WW SP100 SP100 SP140 SP140 SP200 SP200 SSQTXE080 SSQTXE080 SSQTXE110 SSQTXE110 XB110 XB110 XB110H XB110H XB110HL XB110HL XB110L XB110L XB50 XB50 XB50 XB50 XB50L XB50L XB50L XB50L XB80 XB80 XB80 XB80 XB80L XB80L XB80L XB80L 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Round Round Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 6" Round Horizontal ZB110 6" Round Horizontal ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS LS HS 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 440 120 440 110 97 150 133 210 195 80 55 110 90 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 50 50 50 49 50 50 50 48 80 80 80 79 80 80 80 80 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 Input Power (Watts) 0.3 23.3 0.7 33.5 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 8.7 <0.3 8.7 <0.3 5.1 <0.3 4.9 <0.3 5.3 <0.3 4.9 0.3 7.6 <0.3 5.8 0.3 7.3 <0.3 6.0 <0.3 6.4 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Page 1‐88 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Broan Broan Broan ZB110 ZB110 ZB110 6" 6" 6" Duct Shape Discharge Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Page 1‐89 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐90 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 7.7 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 50 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes Page 1‐91 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 40 <0.3 3.6 Yes 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes Page 1‐92 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 60 <0.3 4.6 Yes 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 0.25 110 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Duct Shape Discharge Round Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110L 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes Page 1‐93 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 80 <0.3 5.8 Yes 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Page 1‐94 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐95 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 8.7 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.25 47 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" 0.25 34 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐96 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 30 <0.3 3.9 Yes 0.25 22 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 80 0.25 80 Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐97 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 70 <0.3 6.7 Yes 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐98 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 50 <0.3 4.2 Yes 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐99 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 30 <0.3 3.9 Yes 0.25 22 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 80 0.25 80 Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐100 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 70 <0.3 6.7 Yes 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐101 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan ZB80ML 6" Round Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) 153001 153004 153023 162 164 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 50 <0.3 4.2 Yes 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 300 300 300 70 70 4" Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal 273003 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Broan (Canada) 273603 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 331H 0.03 640 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 331H 0.1 600 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 332H 0.03 940 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 332H 0.1 900 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 335 0.03 1230 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 335 0.1 1200 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 336 0.03 1530 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 336 0.1 1500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) 502 503 504 505 508 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 270 160 350 180 270 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 7" Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 8.0 5.0 6.5 6.5 6.0 60.0 108 Page 1‐102 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 180 6.5 0.1 380 6.5 0.1 180 4.5 0.1 90 3.5 450 450 900 80 70 70 70 55 70 70 80 80 200 440 200 440 9.0 9.0 9.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 2.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 0.7 7.0 0.9 7.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 509 7" Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 510 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 511 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) 512 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) 613004 619004 637004 683C 741SNC 741WHC 744C 744C 754RBC 754SNC 757SNC 765BNC APE130SS APE130SS APE130SS APE130SS 4" Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.023 0.1 0.02 0.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) BC2130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 130 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) BC2130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 290 9.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) BC4130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.005 130 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) BC4130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 500 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) BDF302SS BDF302SS BDF302WH BDF302WH BP124ALN BP124ALN BP124ALN BP124BLN BP124BLN BP124BLN BP124SSN BP124SSN BP124SSN BP124WHN BP124WHN BP124WHN BP130ALN 6" 6" 6" 6" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical LS HS LS BS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 320 500 320 500 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 4.5 9.0 4.5 9.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Details Speed 8" Round Round Round Round Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 34.4 32.3 70.1 160 70.2 162 Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐103 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) BP130ALN BP130ALN BP130BLN BP130BLN BP130BLN BP130SSN BP130SSN BP130SSN BP130WHN BP130WHN BP130WHN BP130WWN BP130WWN BP130WWN CM130WWN CM130WWN DX110 DX50L DX70L DX90 E1224SS E1224SS E1230SS E1230SS E5030SS E5030SS E5036SS E5036SS E6030SS E6030SS Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Duct Size Duct Shape Details Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 160 160 110 50 70 90 350 510 350 510 340 510 340 510 150 600 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 4.0 2.5 3.5 2.5 4.5 8.5 4.5 8.5 5.0 9.0 5.0 9.0 1.5 13.5 Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 10" 10" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.003 0.1 E6030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Broan (Canada) E6030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6030SSC E6030SSC 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal WS HS 0.003 0.1 150 600 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6030SSC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6030SSC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6036SS E6036SS 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal LS HS 0.003 0.1 150 600 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6036SSC E6036SSC 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal WS HS 0.003 0.1 150 600 1.5 13.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐104 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6036SSC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6036SSC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6036TSS E6036TSS E6036TSS E6036TSS E6036TSSC E6036TSSC E6036TSSC E6036TSSC E6042SS E6042SS 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.003 0.1 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 150 600 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6042SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6042SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6042TSS E6042TSS E6042TSS E6042TSS E6042TSSC E6042TSSC E6042TSSC E6042TSSC E6048SS E6048SS 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.003 0.1 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 150 600 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6048SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.003 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E6048SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 13.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6048TSS E6048TSS E6048TSS E6048TSS E6048TSSC E6048TSSC E6048TSSC E6048TSSC E6430SS E6430SS E6430SS E6430SS E6430SSC E6430SSC E6430SSC E6430SSC 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 350 1200 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐105 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) E6436SS E6436SS E6436SS E6436SS E6436SSC E6436SSC E6436SSC E6436SSC E6436TSS E6436TSS E6436TSS E6436TSS E6436TSSC E6436TSSC E6436TSSC E6436TSSC E6442SS E6442SS E6442SS E6442SS E6442SSC E6442SSC E6442SSC E6442SSC E6442TSS E6442TSS E6442TSS E6442TSS E6442TSSC E6442TSSC E6442TSSC E6442TSSC E6448SS E6448SS E6448SS E6448SS E6448SSC E6448SSC E6448SSC E6448SSC E6448TSS E6448TSS E6448TSS E6448TSS E6448TSSC E6448TSSC E6448TSSC E6448TSSC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 18" 18" 18" 18" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 18" 18" 18" 18" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 18" 18" 18" 18" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS WS HS 0.002 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 0.001 0.1 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 300 1100 300 1100 300 1100 300 1100 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 300 1100 300 1100 300 1100 300 1100 150 600 150 600 150 600 150 600 350 1200 350 1200 300 1100 300 1100 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 2.0 14.0 2.0 14.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐106 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130SSAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.016 110 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130SSAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130SSAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.016 110 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130SSAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 9.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130WHAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.016 110 1.1 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130WHAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130WHAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.016 110 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) E66130WHAGLS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 270 9.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) EC50 EC60KIT EC621306SS EC621306SS EC622301SS EC622301SS EC622309SS EC622309SS EC70 ESB1030BL ESB1030BL ESB1030BL ESB1030BL ESB1030SS ESB1030SS ESB1030SS ESB1030SS ESB1030SSD ESB1030SSD ESB1030SSD ESB1030SSD ESB1030WH ESB1030WH ESB1030WH ESB1030WH ESB1030WHD ESB1030WHD ESB1030WHD ESB1030WHD EZ80C EZ80C EZ80C 3" 8" 8" 10" 10" 8" 8" 3" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" 3" 4" Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.003 0.1 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.012 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 50 60 210 600 370 1000 470 900 70 130 290 120 250 130 290 120 250 130 290 120 250 130 290 120 250 130 290 120 250 70 55 80 3.0 3.0 1.1 8.5 1.5 12.0 4.5 14.5 4.5 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 1.3 25.7 1.1 25.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 36.2 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐107 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) EZ80C FQTR050C FQTRE050C GP124ALN GP124ALN GP124ALN GP124SSN GP124SSN GP124SSN GP124WHN GP124WHN GP124WHN GP124WWN GP124WWN GP124WWN GP130SSN GP130SSN GP130SSN GP130WHN GP130WHN GP130WHN GP130WWN GP130WWN GP130WWN HD50C HD50C HD50C=DXH600withFHD50C HD50C=DXH600withFHD50C HD80C P5 P5 P8 P8 QP130BLC QP130BLC QP130BLC QP130BLC QP130BLC QP130BLC QP130SSC QP130SSC QP130SSC QP130SSC QP130SSC QP130SSC QP130WWC QP130WWC QP130WWC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 4" 4" 4" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 60 50 50 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 50 38 50 38 80 500 460 900 850 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 290 120 250 120 300 120 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.4 0.4 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 1.5 27.1 1.5 27.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.5 10.0 10.5 10.0 10.5 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 Page 1‐108 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) QP130WWC QP130WWC QP130WWC QS130AAN QS130AAN QS130AAN QS130AAN QS130AAN QS130AAN QS130BLN QS130BLN QS130BLN QS130BLN QS130BLN QS130BLN QS130SSN QS130SSN QS130SSN QS130SSN QS130SSN QS130SSN QS130WWN QS130WWN QS130WWN QS130WWN QS130WWN QS130WWN QS230BLN QS230BLN QS230BLN QS230BLN QS230BLN QS230BLN QS230SSN QS230SSN QS230SSN QS230SSN QS230SSN QS230SSN QS230WWN QS230WWN QS230WWN QS230WWN QS230WWN QS230WWN QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330BLN * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 3" x 10" 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS LS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS BS 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 290 120 250 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 430 5.0 0.8 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐109 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330BLN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330SSN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS330WWN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336SSN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QS336WWN QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL QSE130BL * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.042 0.1 0.027 0.1 0.046 0.1 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 140 220 110 210 130 210 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 0.8 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 2.0 5.5 1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 37.9 88.4 38.6 89.7 38.0 89.3 ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐110 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.027 110 1.5 38.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 5.0 89.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.046 130 2.0 38.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 89.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) QSE130SS QSE130SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.042 0.1 140 220 2.0 5.5 37.9 88.4 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.027 110 1.5 38.6 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 5.0 89.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.046 130 2.0 38.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QSE130WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 89.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) QSE130WW QSE130WW QT230AAN QT230AAN QT230AAN QT230BLN QT230BLN QT230BLN QT230SSN QT230SSN QT230SSN QT230WWN QT230WWN QT230WWN QT236BLN QT236BLN QT236BLN QT236SSN QT236SSN QT236SSN QT236WWN QT236WWN QT236WWN QTR070C QTR070LC QTR090C QTR090C QTR090LC QTR090LC QTR110C 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal WS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.042 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 140 220 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 70 70 90 68 90 68 110 2.0 5.5 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 37.9 88.4 1.0 29.7 26.4 70.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 4" 4" Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 1.5 ENERGY STAR * 26.8 Page 1‐111 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) QTR110C QTR110LC QTR110LC QTR140C QTR140C QTRE050RF QTRE070C QTRE070C QTRE070C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE070C QTRE070C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE070C QTRE070FLC QTRE070FLC QTRE075C QTRE075C QTRE080C QTRE080C QTRE080C2S QTRE080C2S QTRE080C2S QTRE080C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE080C QTRE080C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE080C QTRE080H QTRE080H QTRE080RF QTRE080RF QTRE090C QTRE090C QTRE090C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE090C QTRE090C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE090C QTRE090FLC QTRE090FLC QTRE090RC QTRE090RC QTRE100H QTRE100H QTRE110C QTRE110C QTRE110C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE110C QTRE110C=HQTXR000CwithFQT RE110C QTRE110FLC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 99 110 99 130 140 50 70 48 4" 6" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 4" Horizontal 0.25 48 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 70 46 80 55 80 55 40 80 56 Input Power (Watts) 1.5 69.2 70.5 69.2 28.4 Yes Yes 0.8 28.4 Yes Yes 0.8 26.6 0.8 28.4 0.8 28.4 <0.3 0.8 12.9 24.8 0.8 28.4 Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 4" Horizontal 0.25 55 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 80 55 80 55 90 68 1.0 0.1 90 0.25 68 90 68 90 68 100 81 110 90 1.0 26.8 1.0 4" 4" 4" 4" 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 1.5 29.7 26.4 36.3 1.3 36.3 4" 0.1 110 1.3 36.3 4" 0.25 90 4" 0.1 110 Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * 2.5 2.0 0.4 0.8 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" LS HS HS Rated Sound (Sones) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.8 28.4 28.1 28.4 1.0 26.8 1.0 26.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.3 36.3 Yes Page 1‐112 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) QTRE110FLC QTRE110RF QTRE110RF QTRE2080WC QTRE2080WC QTRE2080WC QTXE050C QTXE050C QTXE080C QTXE080C QTXE090C QTXE090C QTXE090C=HQTXEwithFQTXE09 0C QTXE090C=HQTXEwithFQTXE09 0C QTXE110C QTXE110C QTXE110C=HQTXEwithFQTXE11 0C QTXE110C=HQTXEwithFQTXE11 0C QTXE110H QTXE110H QTXE150C QTXE150C RM503004 RM503604 RM523004 RM523604 RM533004 RM533604 RM659004 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) RMDD3004 3‐1/4" x 10" Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) RMDD3604 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Kitchen Range Hoods Duct Shape Details Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) 90 110 90 40 80 56 50 31 80 55 90 68 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.3 36.3 <0.3 0.8 12.9 24.8 <0.3 19.6 0.3 23.3 0.6 26.4 0.6 26.4 ENERGY STAR * 6" 6" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 68 6" 6" Round Round Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 110 90 0.7 33.5 Yes Yes 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 0.7 33.5 Yes 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 6" 6" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 110 90 150 118 270 270 370 370 370 370 450 Vertical 0.1 500 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 ROB1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Broan (Canada) ROB1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. LS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.7 33.5 1.4 51.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 9.0 Page 1‐113 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐114 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ROB3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) XB110C XB110C XB110HC XB110HC XB110LC XB110LC XB50C XB50C XB50C XB50C XB90C XB90C XB90C XB90C XB90HC XB90HC XB90HC XB90HC XB90LC XB90LC XB90LC XB90LC 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 110 110 110 110 110 110 50 50 50 49 90 89 90 90 90 89 90 90 90 90 90 93 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 8.7 <0.3 5.1 <0.3 4.9 0.5 9.5 <0.3 6.6 0.5 9.5 <0.3 6.6 0.5 9.5 <0.3 7.2 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 0.25 90 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Details Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐115 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 90 <0.3 6.4 Yes 0.1 80 <0.3 5.8 Yes 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐116 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 7.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 30 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Page 1‐117 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.25 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Broan (Canada) ZB110HC ZB110HC 6" 6" Discharge Speed Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Page 1‐118 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110LC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Page 1‐119 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MC Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 ZB110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 90 0.1 90 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Page 1‐120 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐121 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 7.3 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 89 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 47 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.25 34 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Horizontal 0.1 30 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Page 1‐122 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Page 1‐123 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 89 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Page 1‐124 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Page 1‐125 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 90 0.25 93 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 7.2 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Page 1‐126 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 90 0.25 89 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Page 1‐127 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Page 1‐128 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Page 1‐129 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan (Canada) ZB90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSEH3K * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 25 0.1 90 0.25 93 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.2 270 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 7.2 Yes Yes 0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 227 Page 1‐130 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Size Duct Shape Details 0.2 122 227 0.4 254 224 0.4 113 224 0.2 277 237 0.2 110 237 0.4 252 229 0.4 103 229 0.2 279 231 0.2 110 231 0.4 257 224 0.4 104 224 Brand Name Model Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSEH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSEH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSEH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSHH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSHH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSHH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSHH3K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSVH1K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSVH1K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSVH1K Broan‐NuTone LLC Guardian Plus Air Systems GSVH1K Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 331H 0.03 640 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 331H 0.1 600 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 332H 0.03 940 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 332H 0.1 900 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 335 13" 0.03 1230 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 335 13" 0.1 1200 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 336 14" 0.03 1530 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone 336 14" 0.1 1500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone 50NT 50NT 605RP 665RP 668RP 671R 671R 672R 690NT 695 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 35 70 70 70 90 78 110 60 70 Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Sound (Sones) 1.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 Input Power (Watts) 17.8 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 72.8 70.3 4.0 3.0 6.0 Page 1‐131 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone 696N 741SNNT 741WHNT 742RBNT 744FLNT 744FLNT 744LEDNT 744LEDNT 744NT 744NT 744SFLNT 744SFLNT 745BNNT 763RLN 763RLN 765HFL 765HFL 765HL 765HL 769RFT 769RFT 769RL 769RL 772RBNT 772RBNT 773BNNT 773BNNT 778WHNT 778WHNT 781WHNT 781WHNT 788CHNT 788CHNT 80NT 80NT 8210 8310 8663RP 8664RP 8814R 8832SA 8832SA 8832WH 8832WH 9093WH 9417DN 9427P 9905 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 70 70 70 70 55 70 55 70 55 70 55 70 50 40 100 85 100 85 70 63 70 63 80 68 80 68 80 68 100 88 100 88 80 65 210 160 100 100 110 80 69 80 69 70 70 70 70 4.0 3.5 3.5 2.0 1.5 34.4 1.5 34.4 1.5 34.4 32.3 34.4 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 42.1 41.0 70.2 66.0 70.2 66.0 57.3 56.4 57.3 56.4 24.9 2.0 24.9 2.0 24.9 1.5 36.4 1.5 36.4 2.0 26.1 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 6.5 5.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 60.8 59.0 60.8 59.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 Page 1‐132 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone 9965 ACS30BC ACS30BC ACS30BC ACS30BL ACS30BL ACS30BL ACS30SS ACS30SS ACS30SS ACS30WW ACS30WW ACS30WW HD50LNT HD50LNT HD50NT HD50NT HD50NT=RDAwithHD50RDB HD50NT=RDAwithHD50RDB HD80LNT HD80LNT HD80NT HD80NT ILF120 ILF130 ILF250 ILF360 ILF530 ILFK130 ILFK130 ILFK130 ILFK250 ILFK250 ILFK250 ILFK2502 ILFK2502 ILFK2502 ILRF LPN80 LPN80 LPN80 LPN80 NS130BL NS130BL NS130BL NS130BL NS130BL NS130BL * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 5" 5" 5" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 7" 7" Discharge Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS LS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 70 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 50 38 50 38 50 38 80 65 80 67 110 120 230 360 530 120 88 47 230 198 167 230 198 167 140 70 55 80 60 100 110 290 330 100 350 4.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 1.5 Input Power (Watts) 1.5 27.0 25.1 27.1 1.5 27.1 2.5 49.0 48.0 29.0 27.8 2.5 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes 18.0 71.0 118 Yes Yes Yes 18.3 18.6 17.5 72.5 73.0 73.5 72.5 73.0 73.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.3 25.7 1.1 25.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 Page 1‐133 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical LS LS HS HS LS HS LS LS HS HS LS HS LS LS HS HS LS HS LS LS HS HS LS HS LS LS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 110 290 330 100 350 100 110 290 330 100 350 100 110 290 330 100 350 100 110 290 330 100 350 100 110 290 330 100 350 190 350 190 350 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 0.5 0.5 8.0 7.5 0.9 8.0 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NS130SS NS130SS NS130SS NS130SS NS130SS NS130SS NS130WW NS130WW NS130WW NS130WW NS130WW NS130WW NS136BL NS136BL NS136BL NS136BL NS136BL NS136BL NS136SS NS136SS NS136SS NS136SS NS136SS NS136SS NS136WW NS136WW NS136WW NS136WW NS136WW NS136WW NS5430SS NS5430SS NS5830SS NS5830SS Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NS6530BC NS6530BC 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 230 2.0 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 6" 6" 6" 6" Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐134 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NS6530BL NS6530BL 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 230 2.0 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NS6530SS NS6530SS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.039 0.1 150 230 2.0 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.031 100 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 130 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NS6530WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 190 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NS6530WW NS6530WW NSP130SS NSP130SS NSP130SS NSP130SS NSPM250 NSPM390 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS LS HS LS HS HS HS 0.039 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 150 230 130 440 120 440 250 390 2.0 6.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 8.0 6.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone QT200 Horizontal 0.1 200 2.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone QT200 Vertical 0.1 200 2.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone QT300 Horizontal 0.1 300 4.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone QT300 Vertical 0.1 300 4.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone QT9093WH QTN110E QTN110E QTN110LE QTN110LE QTN130E QTN130E QTN130E 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 110 110 90 110 90 130 116 130 3.0 1.0 36.3 1.0 36.3 2.0 48.3 1.5 49.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐135 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone QTN130E QTN130LE QTN130LE QTN130LE QTN130LE QTN80E QTN80E QTN80L QTN80L QTNLEDA QTNLEDA QTNLEDA QTNLEDA QTNLEDB QTNLEDB QTNLEDB QTNLEDB QTREN080 QTREN080 QTREN080=QTXRN000HFwithQ TREN080F QTREN080=QTXRN000HFwithQ TREN080F QTREN080FLT QTREN080FLT QTREN080FLT=QTXRN000HLwit hQTREN080FLFT QTREN080FLT=QTXRN000HLwit hQTREN080FLFT QTREN110 QTREN110 QTREN110=QTXRN000HFwithQ TREN110F QTREN110=QTXRN000HFwithQ TREN110F QTREN110FLT QTREN110FLT QTREN110FLT=QTXRN000HLwit hQTREN110 QTREN110FLT=QTXRN000HLwit hQTREN110 QTRN050F QTRN050F QTRN080 QTRN080 QTRN080L QTRN080L QTRN110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 114 130 116 130 114 80 55 80 66 90 72 110 90 90 72 110 90 80 55 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 4" Horizontal 0.25 55 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 80 55 0.8 28.4 Yes Yes 0.1 80 0.8 28.4 Yes 0.25 55 4" 4" 0.1 0.25 110 90 1.3 36.3 Yes Yes 4" 0.1 110 1.3 36.3 Yes 4" 0.25 90 4" 4" 0.1 0.25 110 90 1.3 36.3 Yes Yes 0.1 110 1.3 36.3 Yes 0.25 90 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 50 28 80 66 80 66 110 Duct Size 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 2.0 48.3 1.5 49.0 0.8 28.4 0.8 0.9 59.3 60.8 34.5 0.7 34.9 0.9 34.5 0.7 34.9 0.8 28.4 0.8 28.4 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.5 26.8 26.6 56.6 57.8 56.6 57.8 70.5 Page 1‐136 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone QTRN110 QTRN110L QTRN110L QTXEN050 QTXEN050 QTXEN080 QTXEN080 QTXEN080FLT QTXEN080FLT QTXEN110 QTXEN110 QTXEN110FLT QTXEN110FLT QTXEN110S QTXEN110S QTXEN110SFLT QTXEN110SFLT QTXEN150 QTXEN150 QTXEN150FLT QTXEN150FLT QTXN110HFLT QTXN110HFLT QTXN110HL QTXN110HL QTXN110SL QTXN110SL WS130AA WS130AA WS130AA WS130AA WS130AA WS130AA WS130BC WS130BC WS130BC WS130BC WS130BC WS130BC WS130BL WS130BL WS130BL WS130BL WS130BL WS130BL WS130SS WS130SS WS130SS * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round Discharge Details Speed Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 98 110 98 50 31 80 55 80 55 110 90 110 90 110 90 110 90 150 118 150 118 110 84 110 84 110 90 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) <0.3 69.2 70.5 69.2 19.6 0.3 23.3 0.3 23.3 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 33.0 51.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 51.3 50.1 42.8 41.7 42.8 41.7 33.5 33.0 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 Page 1‐137 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone WS130SS WS130SS WS130SS WS130SSMX WS130SSMX WS130SSMX WS130WW WS130WW WS130WW WS130WW WS130WW WS130WW WS136AA WS136AA WS136AA WS136AA WS136AA WS136AA WS136BC WS136BC WS136BC WS136BC WS136BC WS136BC WS136BL WS136BL WS136BL WS136BL WS136BL WS136BL WS136SS WS136SS WS136SS WS136SS WS136SS WS136SS WS136WW WS136WW WS136WW WS136WW WS136WW WS136WW WS142AA WS142AA WS142AA WS142AA WS142AA WS142AA * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" 7" Round Round 7" Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS WS HS HS HS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 210 120 230 220 200 200 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 5.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐138 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS LS HS WS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.1 0.033 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 230 120 110 220 110 210 120 230 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 5.0 1.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone WS142BL WS142BL WS142BL WS142BL WS142BL WS142BL WS142SS WS142SS WS142SS WS142SS WS142SS WS142SS WS142WW WS142WW WS142WW WS142WW WS142WW WS142WW 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 6" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone WS1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone WS1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone WS1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.021 110 1.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone WS1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone WS1530SS WS1530SS WS230WW WS230WW WS230WW WS230WW WS230WW WS230WW WS236WW WS236WW WS236WW WS236WW WS236WW WS236WW WS242WW WS242WW WS242WW WS242WW WS242WW WS242WW WS330BL WS330BL 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.033 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.007 0.1 110 210 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 1.3 5.5 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.4 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐139 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone WS330BL WS330BL WS330BL WS330BL WS330BL WS330BL WS330BL WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330SS WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS330WW WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS336SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS WS342SS XN110 XN110 XN110H XN110H XN110HL 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 110 110 110 110 110 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 8.7 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐140 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone NuTone XN110HL XN110L XN110L XN50 XN50 XN50 XN50 XN50L XN50L XN50L XN50L XN80 XN80 XN80 XN80 XN80L XN80L XN80L XN80L 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Round Round Round Discharge Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 6" Round Horizontal ZN110 6" Round Horizontal NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 110 110 110 50 50 50 49 50 50 50 48 80 80 80 79 80 80 80 80 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) <0.3 8.7 <0.3 5.1 <0.3 4.9 <0.3 5.3 <0.3 4.9 0.3 7.6 <0.3 5.8 0.3 7.3 <0.3 6.0 <0.3 6.4 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Page 1‐141 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Page 1‐142 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110H 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 90 0.1 90 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Page 1‐143 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐144 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 7.3 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110HL 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 30 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Page 1‐145 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.25 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone NuTone ZN110L ZN110L 6" 6" Discharge Speed Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Page 1‐146 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110M 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Page 1‐147 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN110ML 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 80 0.1 80 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Page 1‐148 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes 0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Page 1‐149 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Page 1‐150 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80L 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 80 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Page 1‐151 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Page 1‐152 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80M 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Page 1‐153 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone ZN80ML 6" Round Horizontal Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 331H * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.03 640 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes Page 1‐154 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 331H 0.1 600 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 332H 0.03 940 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 332H 0.1 900 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 335 0.03 1230 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 335 0.1 1200 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 336 0.03 1530 Rated Sound (Sones) Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) 336 0.1 1500 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) 671SP 672SP 690UPGKIT 695C 696NC 742RBNTC 744NTC 744NTC 765BNNTC 769RL 769RL 788CHNTC 788CHNTC 8663RP 8664RP 8814R 8832SA 8832SA 8832WH 8832WH 9417DN 9425WHC 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 90 110 60 70 50 70 70 55 80 63 70 100 88 100 100 110 80 69 80 69 70 70 2.5 4.0 3.0 4.5 3.0 2.0 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 4" Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 34.4 32.3 2.5 3.0 1.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 56.4 57.3 36.4 Yes Yes 60.8 59.0 60.8 59.0 3.5 3.5 Page 1‐155 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN1730WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430BL 7" Vertical HS 0.1 210 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430SS 7" Vertical HS 0.1 210 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) HDN6430WW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) HDN6430WW ILF120 ILF130 ILF250 ILF360 ILF530 ILFK130 ILFK130 ILFK130 ILFK250 ILFK250 ILFK250 ILFK2502 ILFK2502 7" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" Vertical Horizontal HS 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 210 110 120 230 360 530 120 88 47 230 198 167 230 198 7.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Discharge Round Round Round Details HS Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 18.0 71.0 118 Yes Yes Yes 18.3 18.6 17.5 72.5 73.0 73.5 72.5 73.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐156 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 167 140 80 100 320 500 320 500 2.5 4.0 4.5 9.0 4.5 9.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 73.5 Yes 0.8 28.4 0.8 26.6 0.8 28.4 <0.3 0.8 12.9 24.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.0 1.0 28.4 28.1 26.8 1.0 26.8 1.5 36.3 1.3 36.3 1.3 36.3 <0.3 0.8 12.9 24.8 1.0 29.7 26.4 29.7 26.4 70.5 69.2 70.5 69.2 Brand Name Model Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) ILFK2502 ILRF NT080C NT100C NTM302SS NTM302SS NTM302WH NTM302WH Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) QT200 Horizontal 0.1 200 2.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) QT200 Vertical 0.1 200 2.0 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) QT300 Horizontal 0.1 300 4.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) QT300 Vertical 0.1 300 4.5 Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) QTREN070C QTREN070C QTREN070FLC QTREN070FLC QTREN080C QTREN080C QTREN080C2S QTREN080C2S QTREN080C2S QTREN080H QTREN080H QTREN090C QTREN090C QTREN090FLC QTREN090FLC QTREN100H QTREN100H QTREN110C QTREN110C QTREN110FLC QTREN110FLC QTREN2080WC QTREN2080WC QTREN2080WC QTRN090C QTRN090C QTRN090LC QTRN090LC QTRN110C QTRN110C QTRN110LC QTRN110LC Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 70 48 70 46 80 55 40 80 56 80 55 90 68 90 68 100 81 110 90 110 90 40 80 56 90 68 90 68 110 99 110 99 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) LS HS LS HS LS HS HS LS HS HS 1.0 1.5 1.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐157 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) QTXEN050C QTXEN050C QTXEN080C QTXEN080C QTXEN090C QTXEN090C QTXEN110C QTXEN110C QTXEN110H QTXEN110H QTXEN150C QTXEN150C RL6124FAL RL6124FAL RL6124FAL RL6124FWW RL6124FWW RL6124FWW RL6130FAL RL6130FAL RL6130FAL 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 50 31 80 55 90 68 110 90 110 90 150 118 180 210 180 180 210 180 180 210 180 <0.3 19.6 0.3 23.3 0.6 26.4 0.7 33.5 0.7 33.5 1.4 51.3 7" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 RL6130FSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 NuTone (Canada) RL6130FSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) RL6130FSS RL6130FWH RL6130FWH RL6130FWH RL6130FWW RL6130FWW RL6130FWW RL6130WWC RL6130WWC SM6530AL SM6530AL SM6530AL SM6530BL SM6530BL SM6530BL SM6530SS SM6530SS SM6530SS SM6530WH SM6530WH SM6530WH SM6530WW SM6530WW 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 210 180 210 180 180 210 180 160 160 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 190 220 190 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 Round 7" Round 7" Round Round Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 Page 1‐158 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) SM6530WW WA6530AA WA6530AA WA6530AA WA6530BL WA6530BL WA6530BL WA6530SS WA6530SS WA6530SS WA6530WW WA6530WW WA6530WW WS130AAC WS130AAC WS130AAC WS130AAC WS130AAC WS130AAC WS130BLC WS130BLC WS130BLC WS130BLC WS130BLC WS130BLC WS130SSC WS130SSC WS130SSC WS130SSC WS130SSC WS130SSC WS130WWC WS130WWC WS130WWC WS130WWC WS130WWC WS130WWC WS230BLC WS230BLC WS230BLC WS230BLC WS230BLC WS230BLC WS230SSC WS230SSC WS230SSC WS230SSC WS230SSC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" Round Round 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.021 0.1 0.033 0.1 0.038 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 190 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 210 210 180 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 110 220 110 210 120 230 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 110 280 110 8.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.5 1.5 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐159 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) WS230SSC WS230WWC WS230WWC WS230WWC WS230WWC WS230WWC WS230WWC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330BLC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330SSC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC WS330WWC XN110C XN110C XN110HC XN110HC XN110LC XN110LC XN50C XN50C XN50C XN50C XN90C XN90C XN90C XN90C 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 7" 7" 7" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS WS HS BS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.017 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 280 100 300 110 280 110 280 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 100 300 430 110 280 380 100 270 350 110 110 110 110 110 110 50 50 50 49 90 89 90 90 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.0 5.5 0.8 5.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 0.4 4.5 8.0 0.3 5.5 8.5 0.5 5.5 8.0 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 7.7 <0.3 8.7 <0.3 5.1 <0.3 4.9 0.5 9.5 <0.3 6.6 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐160 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) XN90HC XN90HC XN90HC XN90HC XN90LC XN90LC XN90LC XN90LC 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 5" 6" 6" Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 90 89 90 90 90 90 90 93 0.5 9.5 <0.3 6.6 0.5 <0.3 9.5 7.2 0.1 90 <0.3 6.4 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Page 1‐161 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.25 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) ZN110C ZN110C 6" 6" Discharge Speed Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Page 1‐162 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110HC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Page 1‐163 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110LC Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 ZN110LC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 90 0.1 90 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Page 1‐164 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes Page 1‐165 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 7.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 30 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Page 1‐166 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.25 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Round Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 89 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC ZN110MLC 6" 6" Discharge Speed Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN110MLC 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Page 1‐167 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Page 1‐168 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90C 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 0.25 89 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Page 1‐169 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90HC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Page 1‐170 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 90 0.25 93 0.1 80 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 7.2 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Page 1‐171 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90LC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 90 0.25 89 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Page 1‐172 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 6.6 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Page 1‐173 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.5 9.5 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Page 1‐174 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 4" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 90 0.25 93 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 7.2 Yes Yes 0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Page 1‐175 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Broan‐NuTone LLC NuTone (Canada) ZN90MLC 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Carnes Carnes Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Carnes Company Carnes Company VCDK005C VCDK009C 0.1 0.1 50 110 CFM AXC100A 0.2 90 CFM AXC100AES 0.2 130 43.3 CFM AXC100B 0.2 140 83.4 CFM AXC125AES 0.2 150 44.4 CFM AXC125B 0.2 160 85.4 CFM AXC150A 0.2 200 CFM AXC150AES 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 190 46.8 Yes CFM AXC150BES 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 260 89.2 Yes CFM AXC200A 0.2 350 CFM AXC200AES 0.2 300 84.5 Yes CFM AXC200BES 0.2 520 188 CFM AXC250ES 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 550 197 Yes CFM AXC300AES 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 700 206 Yes CFM AXC300BES 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 910 312 Yes CFM TBF120 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 34.8 Yes CFM TBF120 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 CFM TBF120 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 CFM TBF120 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 4" 4" 4" Discharge Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Inline Fans Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 HS HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 1.0 1.5 1.0 25.1 45.6 Yes Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes Page 1‐176 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model CFM TBF90 LS 0.1 50 0.9 21.1 CFM TBF90 HS 0.1 80 2.0 26.1 CFM TBFR120L LS 0.1 70 0.8 32.3 CFM TBFR120L HS 0.1 100 2.0 34.7 CFM TBFR90L LS 0.1 50 0.4 20.6 CFM TBFR90L HS 0.1 80 2.0 23.9 CFM TBFS120L LS 0.1 70 1.0 31.1 CFM TBFS120L HS 0.1 90 2.0 32.6 CFM TBFS90L LS 0.1 50 1.0 20.1 CFM TBFS90L LS 0.25 40 CFM TBFS90L HS 0.1 70 2.0 24.9 CFM TBFS90L HS 0.25 60 1.5 26.1 1.5 41.0 1.3 18.4 1.3 28.6 0.7 24.0 1.3 27.7 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever AQ070 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever AQ070 4" Horizontal 0.25 53 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever MQBF130 4" Horizontal 0.1 140 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever MQBF130 4" Horizontal 0.25 115 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF070 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF070 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 46 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF110 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF110 4" Horizontal 0.25 93 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF90 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBF90 4" Horizontal 0.25 75 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBFGU110 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBFGU110 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 91 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐177 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified New New Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.3 27.7 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.7 0.6 1.1 0.8 1.3 0.8 1.1 1.3 8.2 <0.3 1.2 <0.3 0.5 <0.3 0.3 <0.3 1.2 0.4 <0.3 <0.3 0.8 0.5 0.4 <0.3 0.5 <0.3 0.3 <0.3 1.2 <0.3 0.5 <0.3 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 12.6 11.6 13.9 11.9 3.8 5.2 4.5 5.8 10.5 12.5 11.0 13.6 11.6 11.1 10.5 8.2 12.7 15.6 8.2 10.8 5.0 9.0 12.7 15.6 12.7 8.5 5.1 15.2 10.7 9.0 8.2 10.8 5.0 9.0 12.7 15.6 8.5 10.7 5.1 9.0 12.7 15.2 12.7 15.2 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBFL110 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Cypress Air Technologies Ltd. Clever PQBFL110 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta GBR100 GBR100 GBR100L GBR100L GBR50 GBR50 GBR50L GBR50L GBR80 GBR80 GBR80L GBR80L GBR80LED GBR80LED RAD80L RAD80L SIG110 SIG110 SIG110D SIG110D SIG110D SIG110D SIG110D SIG110D SIG110DL SIG110DL SIG110DL SIG110DL SIG110DL SIG110DL SIG110H SIG110H SIG110H SIG110H SIG110H SIG110H SIG110HL SIG110HL SIG110HL SIG110HL SIG110HL SIG110HL SIG110L SIG110L 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 100 81 100 76 50 35 50 38 80 69 80 69 80 63 80 54 110 96 80 65 40 34 110 96 110 80 40 92 59 42 80 65 40 34 110 96 80 59 40 42 110 92 110 92 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details MS MS LS LS HS HS MS MS LS LS HS HS MS MS LS LS HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐178 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. 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Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS MS MS LS LS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS HS 90 CFM 90 CFM 70 CFM 70 CFM 50 CFM 50 CFM 130 CFM 130 CFM HS HS 90 CFM 90 CFM 70 CFM 70 CFM 150 CFM 150 CFM 110 CFM 110 CFM LS LS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 110 94 80 65 80 59 60 56 40 34 80 65 50 36 70 54 130 124 130 50 70 90 124 49 88 68 90 88 70 68 50 49 130 124 150 149 90 88 70 68 150 149 110 109 50 36 50 36 0.5 0.8 <0.3 0.5 <0.3 0.5 <0.3 0.4 <0.3 0.3 <0.3 0.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 1.0 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 1.0 <0.3 0.6 1.0 1.2 <0.3 1.0 13.1 15.3 8.2 10.8 8.5 10.7 6.2 10.8 5.0 9.0 8.2 10.8 6.5 6.4 13.1 11.5 11.6 20.0 11.6 5.6 6.9 8.0 20.0 10.7 14.0 12.0 8.0 14.0 6.9 12.0 5.6 10.7 11.6 20.0 16.9 23.7 8.0 14.0 6.9 12.0 16.9 23.7 9.8 16.9 6.4 6.3 4.0 5.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐179 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Delta Electronics Inc. Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica Elica VFB050C4L1 VFB050C4L1 VFB070B3A1 VFB070B3A1 VFB070B3X1 VFB070B3X1 VFB070B3X1 VFB070B3X1 VFB080C4A1 VFB080C4A1 VFB080C4L1 VFB080C4L1 VFB080D4H1 VFB080D4H1 VFB080D4LED1 VFB080D4LED1 VFB25AC VFB25AC VFB25ACH VFB25ACH VFB25ACL VFB25ACL VFB25ACLED VFB25ACLED VFB25AD VFB25AD VFB25ADH VFB25ADH VFB25ADL VFB25ADL VFB25AEH VFB25AEH VFB25AX VFB25AX VFB25AX VFB25AX VHB37AC EBL230ES EBL230ES EBL230ES EBL230ES EBL236ES EBL236ES EBL236ES EBL236ES EMZ230ES EMZ230ES EMZ230ES * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS MS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 38 70 54 50 36 70 54 80 66 80 66 80 56 80 58 80 56 80 56 80 49 80 58 110 81 110 81 110 89 130 107 80 53 110 89 80 150 290 150 270 150 290 150 270 120 200 290 <0.3 0.7 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.0 <0.3 0.6 0.5 1.0 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.1 1.4 1.3 4.3 5.7 13.1 11.5 6.4 6.3 13.1 11.5 7.9 9.3 8.5 9.5 7.2 9.2 9.0 11.3 7.2 9.3 7.2 9.3 9.6 10.1 9.0 11.3 14.2 15.0 14.2 15.0 15.5 17.3 19.1 18.8 7.7 8.7 16.0 18.1 12.3 18.1 134 18.1 133 18.1 134 18.1 133 35.0 70.0 170 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.3 7.0 0.3 7.0 0.3 7.0 0.3 7.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐180 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 120 200 290 1.0 3.0 5.0 35.0 70.0 170 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elicamex SA de CV Elica Elica Elica EMZ236ES EMZ236ES EMZ236ES Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances AV447F 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances AV447F 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances AV447F CV936MSS CV936MSS CV966TSS CV966TSS 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.004 0.1 0.004 0.1 200 160 590 160 590 6.0 0.4 7.5 0.4 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV247P 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV247P 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV247P 7" Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV248P 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV248P 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV248P 7" Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 160 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 160 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HBB 7" Vertical HS 0.1 170 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 160 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 160 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HCC 7" Vertical HS 0.1 170 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 160 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 160 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV338HWW 7" Vertical HS 0.1 170 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV347 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV347 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV347 7" Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV348L 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV348L 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV348L 7" Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐181 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV367 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV367 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 180 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV367 7" Vertical HS 0.1 200 6.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV394SBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 110 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV394SBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 320 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HBB JV535HBB 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HCC JV535HCC 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV535HWW JV535HWW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 7" Vertical HS 0.1 220 4.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐182 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 240 4.5 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV536HSS 7" Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HBB JV565HBB 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HCC 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HCC JV565HCC 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV565HWW JV565HWW 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV566HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV566HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV566HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 160 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV566HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 140 1.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV566HSS JV566HSS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 220 240 4.5 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐183 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HBB JV635HBB 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV635HWW JV635HWW 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV636HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV636HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV636HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV636HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV636HSS JV636HSS 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HBB JV665HBB 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV665HWW JV665HWW 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV666HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.1 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV666HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 380 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐184 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical WS 0.1 150 1.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV666HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV666HSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Round Vertical WS 0.1 160 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV666HSS JV666HSS 7" 7" Round Vertical Vertical HS HS 0.1 0.1 350 390 8.5 7.0 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV694SBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 110 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV694SBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 320 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV930SCBR 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 110 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV930SCBR 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 320 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV936DSS JV936DSS 7" 7" Vertical Vertical WS HS 0.1 0.1 160 590 0.4 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV960SCBR 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.1 110 <0.3 Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances JV960SCBR 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 320 4.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances JV966DSS JV966DSS JVE40DTBB JVE40DTBB JVE40DTBB JVE40DTBB JVE40DTWW JVE40DTWW JVE40DTWW JVE40DTWW JVE40STSS JVE40STSS JVE40STSS JVE40STSS 7" 7" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.023 0.1 0.028 0.1 0.023 0.1 0.028 0.1 0.023 0.1 0.028 0.1 160 590 120 240 110 210 120 240 110 210 120 240 110 210 0.4 7.5 1.2 5.5 1.3 6.0 1.2 5.5 1.3 6.0 1.2 5.5 1.3 6.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP989DNBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP989SNSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP989TNWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP990DENBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 390 6.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP990DENWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 390 6.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PGP990SENSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 390 6.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PP989DNBB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 31.4 82.2 31.3 81.0 31.4 82.2 31.3 81.0 31.4 82.2 31.3 81.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐185 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PP989SNSS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PP989TNWW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 330 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances PV970NSS PV970NSS PV976NSS PV976NSS PV977NSS PV977NSS 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 210 450 210 450 210 450 1.5 7.0 1.5 7.0 1.5 7.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB94DTBB 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB94DTBB 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB94STSS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB94STSS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB98DTBB 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB98DTBB 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB98STSS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances GE Appliances PVB98STSS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram ZV1050SFSS ZV1050SFSS ZV30HSRSS ZV30HSRSS ZV30RSFSS ZV30RSFSS ZV30SSFSS ZV30SSFSS ZV30TSFSS ZV30TSFSS ZV36RSFSS ZV36RSFSS ZV36SSFSS ZV36SSFSS ZV36TSFSS ZV36TSFSS ZV42ISHSS ZV42ISHSS ZV48RSFSS ZV48RSFSS ZV48SSFSS ZV48SSFSS 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 450 1040 240 530 240 620 240 620 240 620 240 620 240 620 240 620 430 1090 430 1090 430 1090 2.5 10.0 2.0 9.0 1.1 9.0 1.1 9.0 1.1 9.0 1.1 9.0 1.1 9.0 1.1 9.0 2.5 13.0 2.5 13.0 2.5 13.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐186 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS WS BS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 430 1090 430 1090 170 350 210 490 220 460 220 460 190 420 170 350 210 490 230 490 230 490 330 690 2.5 13.0 2.5 13.0 1.1 6.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 7.0 2.0 7.0 2.0 9.0 1.1 6.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 8.0 1.3 6.0 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram ZV48TSFSS ZV48TSFSS ZV54ISHSS ZV54ISHSS ZV750SPSS ZV750SPSS ZV755SPSS ZV755SPSS ZV800BJBB ZV800BJBB ZV800SJSS ZV800SJSS ZV830SMSS ZV830SMSS ZV850SPSS ZV850SPSS ZV855SPSS ZV855SPSS ZV900SLSS ZV900SLSS ZV925SLSS ZV925SLSS ZV950SDSS ZV950SDSS 10" 10" 10" 10" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 6" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances Monogram ZVB30STSS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances Monogram ZVB30STSS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances Monogram ZVB36STSS 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.015 140 2.5 87.0 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters GE Appliances Monogram ZVB36STSS 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 370 9.0 242 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Appliances GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram Monogram GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE ZVC30L3SS ZVC30L3SS ZVC36L3SS ZVC36L3SS ZVC42L3SS ZVC42L3SS ZVC48L3SS ZVC48L3SS BF100EM BF100S BF100UQ BF110S BF110UQ BF120EM BF125EM BF135UQ 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS WS HS WS HS 0.019 0.1 0.019 0.1 0.022 0.1 0.022 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 240 550 240 550 430 920 430 920 100 80 80 110 110 120 100 110 2.5 9.0 2.5 9.0 4.0 10.5 4.0 10.5 3.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.0 3.5 2.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Input Power (Watts) Product Category Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 24.2 25.3 Page 1‐187 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 120 120 210 210 50 50 38 50 70 70 80 68 80 70 70 100 100 100 100 50 50 70 80 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 28.1 Yes Yes 3.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 28.1 Yes Yes Yes 0.1 180 Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE Industrial Systems GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE BF145EM BF150 BF210UQ BF230UQ BF50 BF50EM BF50EM BF60CP BF70 BF75 BF80S BF80S BF80UQ BF85 BF85OK BFL100RNL BFL100UQ BFL125RNL BFL125UQ BFL50UQ BFL60UQ BFL70 BFL80UQ BFL80UQ BFL85 BFL85ADW BFL85DRB BFL85DRN BFL85DRS BFL85DRW BFL85RCB BFL85RCC BFL85SLN BFL85SLW BFL85SNS BFLH70L BFLH85L BH70DB BH70SB BH85DB BH85SB GE Industrial Systems GE WF180 Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRR9 HS 0.1 3300 Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRT0 HS 0.1 4740 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Horizontal Horizontal Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category 4" 4" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS HS 1.5 5.0 4.0 3.5 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 25.3 27.6 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 4.0 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 Page 1‐188 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Name Model Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRT1 HS 0.1 2620 Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRT2 HS 0.1 5250 Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRT3 HS 0.1 9200 Grainger Industrial Supply Dayton 5NRT4 HS 0.1 6550 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD 0.1 30 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Brand Owner Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.2 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Yes <0.3 3.6 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Page 1‐189 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD Airflow Rate Setting 30 0.25 30 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.1 110 SP110LVGQD Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 SP110LVGQD Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 90 0.25 90 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck Greenheck Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110LVGQD Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 90 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 8.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.4 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.1 Yes Page 1‐190 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Discharge Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 50 0.1 40 0.25 40 0.1 30 0.25 30 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 110 0.25 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP110VGQD 6" Horizontal Airflow Rate Setting 100 0.25 100 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.3 Yes Yes <0.3 7.7 Yes Yes <0.3 7.0 Yes Yes 0.3 7.3 Yes Yes <0.3 6.7 Yes Yes <0.3 5.7 Yes Page 1‐191 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 51 0.1 40 0.25 38 0.1 30 0.25 25 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 63 0.1 50 0.25 54 0.1 40 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes <0.3 6.0 Yes Yes <0.3 5.6 Yes Yes <0.3 4.7 Yes Yes <0.3 4.2 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Page 1‐192 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80LVGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 80 Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 39 0.1 30 0.25 26 0.1 80 0.25 80 0.1 70 0.25 70 0.1 60 0.25 60 0.1 50 0.25 47 0.1 40 0.25 34 0.1 30 0.25 22 0.1 80 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 0.3 7.6 Yes Yes <0.3 6.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.5 Yes Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.3 Yes Yes <0.3 3.9 Yes Yes <0.3 5.8 Yes Page 1‐193 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 79 0.1 70 0.25 71 0.1 60 0.25 61 0.1 50 0.25 49 0.1 40 0.25 36 0.1 30 0.25 23 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck SP80VGQD 6" Horizontal GNN BPT1202A 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 50 GNN BPT1202A 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 41 GNN BPT1202D1 4" 0.1 50 2.5 22.0 GNN BPT1214A 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 70 0.8 34.4 GNN BPT1214A 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 45 GNN BPT1514A1 4" WS 0.1 80 1.0 35.2 GNN BPT1514A1 4" WS 0.25 61 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Airflow Rate Setting 80 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 70 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 60 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 50 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 40 Airflow Rate Setting 30 Airflow Rate Setting 30 ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 5.1 Yes Yes <0.3 4.4 Yes Yes <0.3 4.0 Yes Yes <0.3 3.7 Yes Yes <0.3 3.4 Yes Yes 1.0 25.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐194 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Guangdong Genuin Electric Co., Ltd. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.5 28.8 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size GNN BPT1524A 6" Horizontal WS 0.1 110 GNN BPT1524A 6" Horizontal WS 0.25 69 GNN BPT1524A1 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 110 GNN BPT1524A1 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 95 GNN BPT1534A 6" Horizontal WS 0.1 160 GNN BPT1534A 6" Horizontal WS 0.25 120 GNN BPT1844A 6" Horizontal WS 0.1 180 GNN BPT1844A 6" Horizontal WS 0.25 153 GNN DPT12535D 5" 0.2 180 4" 0.1 50 1.2 21.9 1.3 22.6 2.5 28.2 1.3 22.2 Discharge Details Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF50L1 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1 LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1 HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1 HS 0.25 66 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G1LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2 LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2 HS 0.1 80 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Yes 1.5 45.6 Yes Yes 2.0 43.3 1.5 43.2 Yes Yes 110 Yes Yes 1.3 22.6 2.5 28.2 Page 1‐195 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 66 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G2LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3 LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3 HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3 HS 0.25 66 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G3LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4 LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4 HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4 HS 0.25 66 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G4LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5 LS 0.1 50 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.3 22.2 Yes Yes 1.3 22.6 2.5 28.2 1.3 22.2 Yes Yes 1.3 22.6 2.5 28.2 1.3 22.2 Yes Yes 1.3 22.6 Page 1‐196 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 2.5 28.2 1.3 22.2 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5 HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5 HS 0.25 66 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G5LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6 LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6 LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6 HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6 HS 0.25 66 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69G6LowSpeed 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 38 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L1 4" LS 0.1 50 0.4 20.6 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L1 4" HS 0.1 80 2.0 23.9 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L2 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 1.0 21.4 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L2 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 2.0 26.3 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L2 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 70 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 1.3 22.6 2.5 28.2 1.3 22.2 Yes Yes Page 1‐197 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L2 5" Horizontal LS 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L3 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L3 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 40 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L3 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF69L3 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G1 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G1 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G1 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G1 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G2 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G2 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G2 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G2 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G3 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G3 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G3 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.0 20.1 2.0 24.9 1.0 34.8 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Page 1‐198 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G3 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G4 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G4 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G4 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G4 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G5 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G5 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G5 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G5 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G6 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G6 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 56 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G6 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912G6 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L1 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L1 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L1 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes 1.0 34.8 Yes Yes 2.0 39.5 Yes Yes 1.0 34.1 2.0 37.8 Page 1‐199 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L1 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L2 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L2 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L2 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L2 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L3 4" Horizontal LS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L3 4" Horizontal LS 0.25 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L3 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AF912L3 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G1 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G1 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G2 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G2 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G3 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G3 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G4 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.1 36.4 2.5 41.4 1.4 35.2 2.5 38.6 0.7 28.1 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 0.7 28.1 Yes Yes 0.7 28.1 Yes Yes 0.7 28.1 Yes Page 1‐200 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G4 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G5 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G5 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G6 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110G6 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110L1 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS110L1 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G1 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G1 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G2 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G2 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G3 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G4 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G4 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G5 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.7 28.1 Yes Yes 0.7 28.1 Yes Yes 1.3 29.4 28.5 <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes <0.3 23.4 Yes Page 1‐201 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G5 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G6 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80G6 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80L1 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hangzhou AUPU Bathroom & Kitchen Technology Co. Ltd. Aupu AFS80L1 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Hardware Innovations LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Homewerks Worldwide LLC Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Home NetWerks Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech S50 S50L S70 SEZ70 SEZ70 SLX11013 SLX11013 SLX9007 SLX9007 SLXL11013 SLXL11013 SN100 713001BT 712301 712503 712503 712702 712702 712703 712703 712704 712704 712705 712705 712801 712801 712802 712802 IT050F1 IT050F1 IT050F2 IT050F2 IT050FG1 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS WS 4" 4" 3" 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 50 50 70 70 53 110 93 90 75 110 91 100 90 80 100 75 50 36 70 54 80 56 110 85 80 49 110 93 50 38 50 38 50 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes 0.4 23.7 23.0 4.0 2.0 4.5 1.5 94.3 55.0 62.8 26.1 1.3 28.6 0.7 24.0 1.3 27.7 2.0 1.5 3.0 1.2 65.8 32.2 12.3 30.3 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 <0.3 0.6 0.8 6.4 6.3 13.1 11.5 7.2 9.3 33.2 0.6 1.0 1.2 9.6 10.1 32.0 1.3 22.6 1.3 22.6 1.3 22.6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐202 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. 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Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 38 50 38 50 38 50 38 50 50 50 50 50 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 70 56 80 80 80 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 110 95 100 100 100 80 60 80 60 80 60 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.3 22.6 1.3 22.6 1.3 22.6 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 20.6 21.4 20.1 23.6 23.6 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 34.8 1.0 1.1 1.4 2.0 34.1 36.4 35.2 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 39.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 <0.3 37.8 41.1 38.6 23.4 <0.3 23.4 <0.3 23.4 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐203 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 110 85 110 85 110 85 110 85 110 90 110 85 110 85 110 87 90 68 <0.3 23.4 <0.3 23.4 <0.3 23.4 0.4 0.7 23.7 23.0 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 28.1 0.7 27.9 27.4 28.1 Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Infinitech Inc. Jetko Import & Export Inc. Jetko Import & Export Inc. Jetko Import & Export Inc. Jetko Import & Export Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. K‐STAR International Group Inc. King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Infinitech Jetko Jetko Jetko Jetko ITS080FG2 ITS080FG2 ITS080FG3 ITS080FG3 ITS080FG4 ITS080FG4 ITS080FL1 ITS080FL1 ITS110F1 ITS110F1 ITS110F2 ITS110F2 ITS110FG1 ITS110FG1 ITS110FG2 ITS110FG2 ITS110FG3 ITS110FG3 ITS110FG4 ITS110FG4 ITS110FL1 ITS110FL1 E110XB06 E110XB06 N090XB07 N090XB07 K‐Star KV110A 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 K‐Star KV110A 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 88 K‐Star KV110LA 0.1 110 K‐Star KV110LA 0.25 88 K‐Star KV110LB 0.1 110 K‐Star KV110LB 0.25 88 King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans 712202 712202 BF110 BF110 BF110L BF110L BF70 BF70 BF80 BF80 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 70 65 110 85 110 93 70 56 80 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 0.7 0.7 0.6 28.1 28.0 35.6 0.7 33.1 1.0 26.2 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.0 32.5 1.0 26.0 4.0 45.2 0.8 33.2 1.2 32.0 1.3 33.0 1.0 27.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐204 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lonon Industry Co. Ltd. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans King of Fans Tuscany Tuscany Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Lonon Allen + Roth Allen + Roth Allen + Roth Allen + Roth Allen + Roth Allen + Roth Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze BF80L BF80L BF90 BF90 6115000 6115001 QV110 QV110L QV130 QV130L QV150 QV150L QV50 QV50L QV80 QV80L QV90 QV90L V100 V100L V110 V110L V50 V50L V70 V70L V80 V80L V90 V90L V90Q 833 835 836 837 839 840 141666 158087 379396 379396 398999 56948 57823 710501L 710501L 710502L 710701L * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Round Round Round Round Round Round Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 80 50 100 75 70 70 110 110 130 130 150 150 50 50 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 50 50 70 70 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 70 70 70 54 80 110 90 100 75 70 110 1.0 27.1 1.2 30.3 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.9 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 0.8 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 3.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 33.1 33.1 33.0 33.1 35.4 35.7 39.5 39.1 16.2 17.0 20.1 21.1 23.0 23.6 31.2 30.8 34.2 35.5 19.0 15.8 18.6 19.1 23.6 24.7 39.8 44.0 29.6 28.9 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.7 29.1 28.8 33.1 13.1 11.5 12.3 33.3 30.2 30.3 2.0 0.8 33.1 33.2 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐205 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified New New New New Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Mabe Canada Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Magnavent Inc. Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Harbor Breeze Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Utilitech Mabe Mabe Mabe Mabe Mabe Mabe Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam Fanam 710701L 710801L 710801L 710802L 711103L 711103L 838 HTRREV02L 379192 379192 498842 498842 553457 553457 711104L 711104L 712302L 712302L 713101 713101 TV337NBB TV337NBB TV337NBB TV337NWW TV337NWW TV337NWW DQ210 DQ300 EDB409 EQC165Combo R100 R110 R125 R150 R200 R225 R250 R315 SQ140 SQ210 UQ100 UQ200 UQS130 UQS130 UQS150 UQS150 UQS185 UQS185 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" x 9" 3" x 9" 7" 3" x 9" 3" x 9" 7" Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical 6" Round Horizontal Round Details Speed HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 4" Horizontal 6" 8" Round Round Horizontal Horizontal 12" Round Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. LS HS LS HS LS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 85 110 93 110 70 54 100 80 80 56 80 54 70 54 70 54 80 54 80 56 140 160 170 140 160 170 170 200 280 170 120 160 240 320 400 620 660 810 130 200 100 200 20 130 20 130 50 180 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.2 32.0 Yes Yes Yes 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.1 3.0 <0.3 0.6 1.3 32.6 13.1 11.5 29.4 12.3 7.2 9.3 10.5 8.2 13.1 11.5 13.1 11.5 10.5 8.2 7.2 9.3 47.8 47.0 45.7 47.8 47.0 45.7 112 170 93.9 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.3 <0.3 0.6 7.5 6.0 6.0 7.5 6.0 6.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4.0 34.1 97.4 101 102 125 253 243 275 2.5 5.5 1.0 3.5 0.9 2.5 0.9 2.5 0.7 3.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes 27.2 72.4 27.2 72.4 30.8 85.2 Page 1‐206 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 240 130 140 150 160 190 260 300 520 550 700 910 100 100 100 460 280 80 6.5 119 43.3 83.4 44.4 85.4 46.8 89.2 84.5 188 197 206 312 Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Magnavent Inc. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Maico Italia S.p.A. Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Fanam Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Elicent Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley UQS225 AXC100AES AXC100B AXC125AES AXC125B AXC150AES AXC150BES AXC200AES AXC200BES AXC250ES AXC300AES AXC300BES 1001 1001BR 1001F 1047 1080 1100W Marley Engineered Products Marley 2438 0.1 3900 Marley Engineered Products Marley 3038R 0.1 5500 Marley Engineered Products Marley 3638R 0.1 7100 Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley 6060 6060L 6060RL 6080 6080L 6080RL 6100 6100RL 6100RLX2 6100X2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 60 60 60 80 80 80 110 110 110 110 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Marley Engineered Products Marley 610FRD 0.1 100 3.0 Marley Engineered Products Marley 650FRD 0.1 40 2.5 Marley Engineered Products Marley 680FRD 0.1 80 2.5 Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley 7100A 7100LA 7150 7150FL 7150L 760L 761 763 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 100 150 100 150 200 70 90 1.5 1.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 5.5 2.0 3.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category 4" 4" 4" 5" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS HS HS HS HS 8" Horizontal HS HS 4" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.0 5.5 4.0 69.3 69.3 69.3 69.3 68.4 68.4 Page 1‐207 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Whole House Comfort Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Powered Attic Ventilators Powered Attic Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Powered Attic Ventilators Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley 768IC 782W 8080ES 8080ES 8080FL 8080FL 8090 8090L 8140ES 8140ES 8140FL 8140FL 898L 899L Marley Engineered Products Marley A20DD 20" Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley Marley A647 A647B A664IC A728N AGV14 ASRV14 B560 B660W GV16 IF110 IF110 IF175 IF175 IF175 IF275 IF275 IF275 IF400 IF400 IF400 IF500 IF500 IF500 MM647 MM647B MM648 MM664IC MM667IC MM698 MM698F MM698WC MM728 3" 3" Horizontal Horizontal 4" Horizontal 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 3" 3" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge 4" Horizontal 4" 4" Vertical Vertical 4" 4" 4" Details Speed HS HS MS Horizontal Horizontal HS NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 90 60 80 72 80 73 90 90 140 111 140 107 200 200 3.0 4.5 1.0 32.1 0.1 2900 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 50 50 100 1040 1060 70 70 1520 100 68 170 144 87 230 176 89 450 353 220 500 420 275 50 50 60 50 60 70 70 70 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 31.6 26.8 46.3 48.6 46.6 7.0 7.0 4.5 4.5 3.5 4.0 5.5 4.0 19.4 19.6 74.7 74.4 71.0 140 148 148 133 144 151 4.5 4.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 Page 1‐208 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 100 70 70 100 74 100 74 50 14 50 27 50 14 80 60 90 67 80 60 80 56 6.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 36.8 1.0 36.8 <0.3 17.6 0.5 21.0 <0.3 17.6 0.7 30.0 1.0 30.0 0.7 30.0 1.0 25.2 Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Marley Engineered Products Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC Milano Electronics LLC North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. North American Range Hoods Inc. Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Marley Marley Marley Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano Milano MM728NL MM748 TC667 TY100A TY100A TY100B TY100B TY50A TY50A TY50AHD TY50AHD TY50B TY50B TY80A TY80A TY80AHD TY80AHD TY80B TY80B TY80S TY80S Cyclone Range Hoods BOX2000 WS 0.1 280 7.0 Cyclone Range Hoods BOX2000 LS 0.1 210 5.0 Cyclone Range Hoods BOX2000 HS 0.1 540 8.0 Cyclone Range Hoods CY1000 WS 0.1 280 7.0 Cyclone Range Hoods CY1000 LS 0.1 210 5.0 Cyclone Range Hoods CY1000 HS 0.1 540 8.0 Cyclone Range Hoods NA930 WS 0.1 280 7.0 Cyclone Range Hoods NA930 LS 0.1 210 5.0 Cyclone Range Hoods NA930 HS 0.1 540 8.0 Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans OD100 OD100 OD110 OD110 OD110L OD110L OD120 OD120 OD50 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 100 84 110 93 110 96 120 105 50 1.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Horizontal 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner 4" Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS HS 1.5 1.2 2.0 <0.3 29.3 27.3 30.6 28.5 33.7 31.9 32.1 30.8 31.7 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐209 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Modified Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Orbit Industries Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Orbit Fans Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech OD50 OD80 OD80 OD80L OD80L OD90 OD90 OD90L OD90L OE50 OE60 OE70 OE80 OEP110 OEP110 OEP110L OEP110L OEP50 OEP80 OEP80 OEP80L OEP80L OEP90 OEP90 OEP90L OEP90L OD1106 OD1106 OD1106HS OD1106HS OD1106LT OD1106LT OD12012 OD12012 OD12012HS OD12012HS OD12012HSLT OD12012HSLT OD12012LT OD12012LT OD12012MS OD12012MS OD15011 OD15011 OD8003 OD8003 OD8003LT OD8003LT * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Details Speed HS HS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 30 80 67 80 64 90 76 90 75 50 60 70 80 110 83 110 93 50 80 63 80 70 90 76 90 75 110 87 110 87 110 87 120 100 120 100 120 100 120 100 120 100 150 131 80 60 90 67 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.6 28.5 27.9 26.1 31.6 28.7 28.4 26.2 32.1 29.5 36.5 42.0 27.1 30.8 27.0 25.3 27.3 25.9 19.9 31.2 30.9 29.2 28.8 24.5 22.8 24.5 22.7 35.8 0.6 35.6 0.6 35.6 1.2 36.6 1.2 36.6 1.2 36.6 1.2 36.6 1.2 36.6 1.1 41.2 0.3 31.8 0.3 31.5 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.7 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.1 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐210 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 90 68 90 68 90 68 80 50 90 67 90 67 90 67 90 68 90 68 90 68 90 68 110 87 120 100 150 131 80 60 90 67 530 660 850 900 100 150 120 210 250 440 560 580 0.7 33.1 0.7 33.1 0.7 33.1 1.1 28.6 0.3 31.8 0.3 31.5 0.3 31.5 0.7 33.1 0.7 33.1 0.7 33.1 0.7 33.1 0.6 35.8 1.2 36.6 1.1 41.2 0.3 31.8 0.3 31.8 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ortech Industries Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ortech Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg OD8007 OD8007 OD8007HS OD8007HS OD8007LT OD8007LT OD8011 OD8011 OD9003 OD9003 OD9003HS OD9003HS OD9003LT OD9003LT OD9007 OD9007 OD9007HS OD9007HS OD9007HSLT OD9007HSLT OD9007LT OD9007LT ODS1106 ODS1106 ODS12012 ODS12012 ODS15011 ODS15011 ODS8003 ODS8003 ODS9003 ODS9003 CK10A CK10C CK12B CK12C CK4A CK4C CK5A CK5C CK6B CK6C CK8A CK8B 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 10" 10" 12" 12" 4" 4" 5" 5" 6" 6" 8" 8" Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV10A 10" 0.1 510 121 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV10C 10" 0.1 640 178 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Details Speed Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS HS NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes 124 186 203 250 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 78.4 76.8 134 133 186 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐211 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV12B 12" 0.1 830 205 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV12C 12" 0.1 880 254 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV4A 4" 0.1 120 50.5 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV4C 4" 0.1 190 79.4 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV5A 5" 0.1 160 49.2 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV5C 5" 0.1 240 79.1 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV6B 6" 0.1 280 76.2 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV6C 6" 0.1 470 117 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV8A 8" 0.1 560 127 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg KV8B 8" 0.1 590 177 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg Ostberg LPK4A LPK4B LPK5A LPK5B LPK6B LPK6D LPKB5A LPKB5B LPKB6B LPKB6C LPKB8A LPKB8B 4" 4" 5" 5" 6" 6" 5" 5" 6" 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 80 150 110 190 230 270 130 200 210 310 460 500 47.4 71.6 76.9 141 145 199 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg RS5A 5" 0.1 90 50.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg RS5C 5" 0.1 140 77.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg RS6A 6" 0.1 290 97.1 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg RS6C 6" 0.1 390 139 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC300A 5" 0.1 160 48.3 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC300B 5" 0.1 210 65.7 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC300C 5" 0.1 240 75.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC400A 7" 0.1 380 98.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 8" 8" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Details Speed Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS Round Horizontal HS NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐212 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC400B 7" 0.1 470 137 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKC400C 10" 0.1 540 192 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKK300A 5" 0.1 180 50.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKK300C 5" 0.1 270 75.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKK400A 7" 0.1 380 96.0 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKK400B 7" 0.1 490 131 Ostberg Americas Inc. Ostberg TKK400D 10" 0.1 750 214 Panasonic FV05VFL2 3" 0.1 50 Panasonic FV05VFL2 3" 0.25 35 Panasonic FV05VFL2 4" 0.1 50 Panasonic FV05VFL2 4" 0.25 35 Panasonic FV05VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 15.9 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.25 35 0.5 15.8 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 15.9 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 35 0.4 15.8 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 14.8 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.25 35 0.5 14.6 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL4 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 14.8 Yes Panasonic FV05VFL4 4" Horizontal 0.25 34 0.4 14.7 Yes Panasonic FV05VFM2 3" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 16.3 Yes Panasonic FV05VFM2 3" Horizontal 0.25 30 0.7 16.0 Yes Panasonic FV05VFM2 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 0.4 16.1 Yes Panasonic FV05VFM2 4" Horizontal 0.25 34 0.8 16.0 Yes Panasonic FV05VK3 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 4.3 Yes Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed <0.3 ENERGY STAR * 16.6 16.5 <0.3 16.6 16.5 Page 1‐213 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV05VK3 4" Horizontal 0.25 54 0.3 7.5 Yes Panasonic FV05VQ5 4" Horizontal 0.1 50 <0.3 11.1 Yes Panasonic FV05VQ5 4" Horizontal 0.25 36 0.4 11.7 Yes Panasonic FV05VS1 4" Oval 0.1 50 0.4 17.6 Yes Panasonic FV05VS1 4" Oval 0.25 38 1.0 17.3 Yes Panasonic FV05VS3 3" 0.1 60 0.6 16.1 Yes Panasonic FV05VS3 3" 0.25 53 1.3 16.5 Yes Panasonic FV05VS3 4" 0.1 60 0.4 15.9 Yes Panasonic FV05VS3 4" 0.25 53 1.0 16.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VF2 3" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.8 24.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VF2 3" Horizontal 0.25 60 1.0 24.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VF2 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 0.8 24.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VF2 4" Horizontal 0.25 53 1.1 24.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL2 3" 0.1 80 0.5 29.7 Panasonic FV08VFL2 3" 0.25 63 Panasonic FV08VFL2 4" 0.1 70 Panasonic FV08VFL2 4" 0.25 57 Panasonic FV08VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 0.5 28.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.25 60 0.8 28.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.5 28.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 67 0.8 28.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 0.6 28.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.25 60 0.8 28.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VFL4 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.5 28.4 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed 29.1 0.6 29.4 28.7 Page 1‐214 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VFL4 4" Horizontal 0.25 67 0.8 28.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VFM2 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 0.9 24.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VFM2 3" Horizontal 0.25 56 1.1 24.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VFM2 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.8 24.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VFM2 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 1.0 24.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VK3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 7.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VK3 4" Horizontal 0.25 79 0.4 11.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 7.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 79 0.6 12.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKL4 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 7.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKL4 4" Horizontal 0.25 79 0.6 12.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 10.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 81 0.7 16.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 71 0.7 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 7.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 60 0.6 11.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 6.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 50 0.5 10.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 5.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 40 0.5 9.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 4.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM2 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 32 0.5 8.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.0 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Page 1‐215 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.4 11.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 75 0.4 10.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 59 0.3 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 54 0.3 7.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 39 <0.3 6.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKM3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 32 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 86 0.7 13.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 73 0.5 11.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.4 9.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 54 0.4 8.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 44 0.4 7.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKME3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 39 0.4 6.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.2 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐216 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.6 12.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 78 0.6 11.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.5 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 52 0.5 7.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 42 0.5 6.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 35 0.5 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.6 12.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 78 0.6 11.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.5 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 52 0.5 7.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 42 0.5 6.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKML4 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 35 0.5 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 10.6 Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐217 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 80 CFM 0.25 82 0.7 16.2 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 8.6 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 70 CFM 0.25 71 0.7 14.0 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 7.0 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 60 CFM 0.25 60 0.6 11.8 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 6.1 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 50 CFM 0.25 50 0.5 10.2 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 5.6 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 40 CFM 0.25 41 0.5 9.2 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 4.7 Panasonic FV08VKS2 4" 30 CFM 0.25 32 Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.4 11.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 75 0.4 10.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 59 0.3 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 54 0.3 7.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 39 <0.3 6.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKS3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 32 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.5 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 8.2 Page 1‐218 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 86 0.7 13.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 73 0.5 11.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.4 9.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.3 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 54 0.4 8.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 44 0.4 7.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSE3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 39 0.4 6.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.6 12.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 78 0.6 11.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.5 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 52 0.5 7.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 42 0.5 6.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL3 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 35 0.5 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.1 80 <0.3 7.2 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐219 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 80 CFM 0.25 79 0.6 12.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 78 0.6 11.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.1 60 <0.3 5.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 60 CFM 0.25 61 0.5 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 52 0.5 7.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.1 40 <0.3 3.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 40 CFM 0.25 42 0.5 6.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.1 30 <0.3 3.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VKSL4 4" Horizontal 30 CFM 0.25 35 0.5 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VQ5 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 14.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VQ5 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 0.4 14.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VQC5 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 15.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VQC5 4" Horizontal 0.25 59 <0.3 15.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VQCL5 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 17.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VQCL5 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 0.4 17.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VQCL6 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 17.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VQCL6 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 0.4 17.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VQL5 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 15.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VQL5 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 0.4 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV08VQL6 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 <0.3 15.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VQL6 4" Horizontal 0.25 62 0.4 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV08VRL1 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.8 20.5 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐220 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.25 66 0.7 19.5 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV08VRL1 4" Panasonic FV08VS1 4" 0.1 80 1.3 27.4 Yes Panasonic FV08VS1 4" 0.25 71 1.5 27.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VS3 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 1.1 22.7 Yes Panasonic FV08VS3 3" Horizontal 0.25 63 1.5 23.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VS3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.0 21.2 Yes Panasonic FV08VS3 4" Horizontal 0.25 72 1.2 21.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL1 4" 0.1 80 1.3 24.4 Panasonic FV08VSL1 4" 0.25 67 1.5 24.9 Panasonic FV08VSL2 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.3 24.6 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL2 4" Horizontal 0.25 67 1.5 25.0 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL3 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 1.0 22.8 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL3 3" Horizontal 0.25 63 1.2 23.1 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.0 22.5 Yes Panasonic FV08VSL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 72 1.2 22.9 Yes Panasonic FV08WQ1 4" 0.03 70 1.1 18.0 Yes Panasonic FV10NLF1 4" 0.2 120 36.2 Yes Panasonic FV10NLF1 4" 0.3 105 35.0 Yes Panasonic FV10NLF1 4" 0.4 82 33.5 Yes Panasonic FV10VS1 4" 0.1 100 1.5 36.4 Yes Panasonic FV10VS1 4" 0.25 90 1.5 36.1 Yes Panasonic FV10VS3 3" 0.1 90 2.0 30.2 Yes Panasonic FV10VS3 3" 0.25 83 2.0 30.2 Yes Panasonic FV10VS3 4" 0.1 100 1.4 29.6 Yes Discharge Details Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Through‐the‐wall Direct Speed Page 1‐221 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV10VS3 4" 0.25 92 1.5 29.9 Panasonic FV10VSL1 4" 0.1 100 1.5 36.6 Panasonic FV10VSL1 4" 0.25 90 2.5 36.3 Panasonic FV10VSL2 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 1.5 36.6 Yes Panasonic FV10VSL2 4" Horizontal 0.25 90 2.5 36.3 Yes Panasonic FV10VSL3 3" Horizontal 0.1 90 2.0 30.3 Yes Panasonic FV10VSL3 3" Horizontal 0.25 82 2.0 30.3 Yes Panasonic FV10VSL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 1.4 30.9 Yes Panasonic FV10VSL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 91 1.5 31.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VF2 3" 0.1 90 1.5 33.8 Yes Panasonic FV11VF2 3" 0.25 78 2.0 33.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VF2 4" 0.1 110 1.5 33.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VF2 4" 0.25 94 1.5 33.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL2 3" 0.1 110 1.3 33.6 Panasonic FV11VFL2 3" 0.25 96 Panasonic FV11VFL2 4" 0.1 90 Panasonic FV11VFL2 4" 0.25 78 Panasonic FV11VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.1 90 1.5 33.8 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL3 3" Horizontal 0.25 78 2.0 33.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.3 33.0 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 96 1.5 32.6 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.1 90 1.5 32.1 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL4 3" Horizontal 0.25 78 1.5 31.6 Yes Panasonic FV11VFL4 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.3 32.6 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed 33.2 1.5 33.3 32.8 Page 1‐222 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.25 95 1.5 32.1 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV11VFL4 4" Panasonic FV11VH2 4" 0.1 110 0.6 30.7 Panasonic FV11VH2 4" 0.25 89 1.0 30.5 Panasonic FV11VHL2 4" 0.1 110 0.7 30.6 Panasonic FV11VHL2 4" 0.25 89 1.0 30.5 Panasonic FV11VK3 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.3 11.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VK3 4" Horizontal 0.25 112 0.8 16.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VKL3 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.7 12.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VKL3 4" Horizontal 0.25 108 1.1 18.0 Yes Panasonic FV11VKL4 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.7 12.5 Yes Panasonic FV11VKL4 4" Horizontal 0.25 108 1.1 18.0 Yes Panasonic FV11VQ5 4" 0.1 110 <0.3 21.1 Yes Panasonic FV11VQ5 4" 0.25 91 0.5 20.7 Yes Panasonic FV11VQC5 4" 0.1 110 0.3 24.3 Yes Panasonic FV11VQC5 4" 0.25 91 0.5 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VQCL5 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.7 25.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VQCL5 4" Horizontal 0.25 89 0.7 25.0 Yes Panasonic FV11VQCL6 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.7 26.0 Yes Panasonic FV11VQCL6 4" Horizontal 0.25 89 0.7 25.7 Yes Panasonic FV11VQL5 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.5 23.2 Yes Panasonic FV11VQL5 4" Horizontal 0.25 90 0.6 22.8 Yes Panasonic FV11VQL6 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 0.5 23.4 Yes Panasonic FV11VQL6 4" Horizontal 0.25 90 0.6 23.0 Yes Panasonic FV13VK3 6" 0.1 130 <0.3 11.6 Yes Discharge Horizontal Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Page 1‐223 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.25 135 0.7 21.1 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV13VK3 6" Panasonic FV13VKL3 6" Horizontal 0.1 130 0.8 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKL3 6" Horizontal 0.25 136 1.3 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 90 CFM 0.1 90 <0.3 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 90 CFM 0.25 93 0.6 12.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 70 CFM 0.25 71 0.4 9.6 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 2.4 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 50 CFM 0.25 53 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 130 CFM 0.1 130 <0.3 11.6 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 130 CFM 0.25 135 0.7 21.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 110 CFM 0.1 110 <0.3 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKM3 6" Round 110 CFM 0.25 111 0.6 15.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.1 90 0.3 7.8 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.25 91 1.1 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 69 0.9 10.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 57 0.8 8.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.1 130 0.8 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.25 136 1.3 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.1 110 0.6 10.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML3 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.25 115 1.2 19.4 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.1 90 0.3 7.8 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Page 1‐224 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.25 91 1.1 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 69 0.9 10.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 57 0.8 8.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.1 130 0.8 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.25 136 1.3 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.1 110 0.6 10.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKML4 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.25 115 1.2 19.4 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 90 CFM 0.1 90 <0.3 6.0 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 90 CFM 0.25 93 0.6 12.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 70 CFM 0.25 71 0.4 9.6 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 2.4 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 50 CFM 0.25 53 <0.3 5.8 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 130 CFM 0.1 130 <0.3 11.6 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 130 CFM 0.25 135 0.7 21.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 110 CFM 0.1 110 <0.3 8.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKS3 6" Round 110 CFM 0.25 111 0.6 15.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.1 90 0.3 7.8 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.25 91 1.1 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 69 0.9 10.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐225 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Duct Size Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 57 0.8 8.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.1 130 0.8 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.25 137 1.3 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.1 110 0.6 10.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL3 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.25 115 1.2 19.4 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.1 90 0.3 7.8 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 90 CFM 0.25 91 1.1 14.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.1 70 <0.3 5.9 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 70 CFM 0.25 69 0.9 10.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.1 50 <0.3 4.1 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 50 CFM 0.25 57 0.8 8.5 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.1 130 0.8 14.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 130 CFM 0.25 136 1.3 24.2 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.1 110 0.6 10.7 Yes Panasonic FV13VKSL4 6" Horizontal 110 CFM 0.25 115 1.2 19.4 Yes Panasonic FV15VQ4 6" 0.1 150 0.6 31.4 Panasonic FV15VQ4 6" 0.25 123 Panasonic FV15VQ5 6" Round 0.1 150 <0.3 28.4 Yes Panasonic FV15VQ5 6" Round 0.25 127 0.5 27.3 Yes Panasonic FV15VQL5 6" Horizontal 0.1 150 0.9 31.9 Yes Panasonic FV15VQL5 6" Horizontal 0.25 128 1.0 31.0 Yes Panasonic FV20NLF1 6" Round 0.2 240 55.5 Yes Panasonic FV20NLF1 6" Round 0.3 220 53.5 Yes Panasonic FV20NLF1 6" Round 0.4 200 51.1 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 30.2 Page 1‐226 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Panasonic Home and Environment Co. Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Prime Industrial Products Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Name Model Panasonic FV20VQ3 6" Round 0.1 190 0.8 43.7 Yes Panasonic FV20VQ3 6" Round 0.25 145 1.4 42.9 Yes Panasonic FV30NLF1 6" Round 0.2 340 95.2 Yes Panasonic FV30NLF1 6" Round 0.3 322 93.5 Yes Panasonic FV30NLF1 6" Round 0.4 302 91.5 Yes Panasonic FV30VQ3 6" Round 0.1 290 64.0 Yes Panasonic FV30VQ3 6" Round 0.25 257 62.0 Yes Panasonic FV40NLF1 8" Round 0.2 440 136 Yes Panasonic FV40NLF1 8" Round 0.3 421 132 Yes Panasonic FV40NLF1 8" Round 0.4 407 130 Yes Panasonic FV40VQ3 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 390 3.0 112 Panasonic FV40VQ3 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 359 3.0 110 Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting PIL150 PIL200 PIL250 PIL300 PIL550 PIL600 PIL850 PME110 PME110 PME130 PME130 PME50 PME50 PME70 PME70 PME90 PME90 PQ50 PQ50 PV00809STRWB PV00809STRWB PV00874STRWB PV00874STRWB PV02030 4" 5" 6" 6" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 120 180 240 210 470 590 720 110 97 130 115 50 33 70 52 90 75 50 41 70 56 70 56 80 10" 12" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS HS HS HS HS HS 2.0 1.3 80.4 105 101 91.7 238 232 210 35.1 34.5 40.8 40.5 24.8 23.2 24.5 23.2 28.4 27.5 27.7 27.3 33.0 1.3 33.0 1.0 27.1 1.1 1.5 <0.3 <0.3 0.8 0.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐227 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting Progress Lighting PV02030 PV02130WB PV02130WB 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS 0.25 0.1 0.25 60 80 50 1.0 27.2 Yes Yes Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E080XB03 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 0.3 31.8 Yes Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E080XB03 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E080XB08 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E080XB08 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E110XB07 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E110XB07 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E110XB07A 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling E110XB07A 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling N080XB10 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 0.7 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling N090XB30 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling N110XB15 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling N110XB40 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling S50 3" Horizontal HS 0.1 50 3.5 94.3 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling S70 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 70 3.5 62.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE100 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 0.6 35.8 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐228 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE100 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE100L 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE100L 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110H 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110H 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110L 6" 0.1 110 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110L 6" 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110LH 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110LH 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110S 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110S 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110X 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110X 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110XL 6" 0.1 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.7 30.6 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 Yes Yes 0.6 35.8 0.6 35.8 Page 1‐229 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 87 HS 0.1 120 Horizontal HS 0.25 100 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 SE120H 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Sterling SE120L 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120L 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 103 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120LH 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120LH 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 103 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120M 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120M 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120S 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120S 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140L 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE110XL 6" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE120H Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes 0.9 36.4 Yes Yes 0.9 36.4 Yes Yes 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes 1.2 36.6 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Page 1‐230 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140L 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140SC 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE140SC 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE150 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE150 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE150S 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE150S 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80H 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80H 4" Horizontal 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80L 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80L 4" Horizontal 0.25 68 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80Q 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Modified Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80Q 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80QL 6" Horizontal 0.1 90 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 0.7 33.3 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.3 31.5 Page 1‐231 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.25 67 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80QL 6" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80QS 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80QS 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80RVL 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80RVL 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80RVLH 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE80RVLH 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90H 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90H 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90HS 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90HS 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90L 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90L 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 72 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90LH 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 1.0 18.8 Yes Yes 1.0 18.8 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.7 30.6 Yes Yes 0.7 30.6 Yes Page 1‐232 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90LH 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 72 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90Q 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90Q 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QH 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QH 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QL 6" Horizontal 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QL 6" Horizontal 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QS 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QS 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QSC 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90QSC 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90S 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90S 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90SC 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SE90SC 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.3 31.8 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.3 31.8 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.7 33.3 Yes Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Page 1‐233 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 79 Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110 6" Round Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110H 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110H 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 79 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110L 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110L 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 82 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110M 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110M 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 79 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110MH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED110MH 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 79 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED120 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SED120 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 86 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN100 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN100L 4" Horizontal 0.1 100 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN110 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN110L 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN50 0.1 50 0.6 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Yes 0.7 11.8 Yes Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Yes 65.8 16.2 Page 1‐234 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) HS 0.1 50 2.0 55.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN50L 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN60 4" Horizontal 0.1 60 1.4 64.6 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN80 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 1.1 28.6 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN80 4" Horizontal 0.25 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN90 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 1.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Qingdao Xingbang Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd. Sterling SN90L 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 1.5 Air Specialty Canada 2000200 6" Horizontal 0.1 200 5.5 Air Specialty Canada 4000200 0.1 200 5.5 Air Specialty Canada SMP260 0.2 200 Air Specialty Canada SMP350 0.2 290 Apollo CF170BC 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Apollo CF170BC 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 122 Apollo EB100 4" 0.1 100 3.0 Apollo EB50 0.1 40 2.5 Apollo EB60 0.1 40 2.5 Apollo EB70 0.1 60 3.5 Apollo EB80 0.1 80 2.5 Apollo QB100 0.1 100 2.5 Apollo QB130 0.1 110 2.0 Apollo QB150 0.1 130 4.5 Apollo QB80 0.1 60 2.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 2.0 65.8 43.4 Yes 39.9 Yes 39.5 Page 1‐235 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 0.6 30.5 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Apollo QB80BC 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 60 Apollo QB80BC 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 40 Apollo QB80LT 4" Horizontal 0.1 60 0.6 Apollo QCF125 0.1 110 2.0 Apollo QCF125CO 0.1 110 2.0 Apollo QCF130BC 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 1.3 Apollo QCF130BC 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 103 Apollo QCF145 0.1 130 2.5 Apollo QCF170 0.1 140 2.5 Apollo QCF200 0.1 200 4.0 Apollo QCF300 0.1 280 4.0 Apollo QCF400 0.1 350 4.0 Apollo QCF500 0.1 500 4.0 Apollo QCF600 0.1 640 5.5 Apollo QCF800 0.1 690 6.0 Apollo QCF95 0.1 80 1.5 Apollo QK130BC 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 2.0 Apollo QK130BC 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 Apollo TLD200BC 5" Horizontal HS Reversomatic Discharge Details Yes 31.5 35.4 Yes 34.0 Yes 37.5 Yes 109 36.6 Yes 0.2 220 74.4 Yes 1000160 0.1 140 Reversomatic 1000160N 0.1 140 Reversomatic 1000200 0.1 200 8.0 Reversomatic 1000225 0.1 230 11.0 Reversomatic 2000200 0.1 160 6.0 7" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. 50.5 Page 1‐236 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.5 30.2 Yes 3.0 77.3 Yes 74.0 Yes 2.0 38.7 Yes 3.5 76.8 Yes 73.4 Yes 43.4 Yes 39.9 Yes 40.0 Yes Reversomatic 3000300 0.1 250 6.0 Reversomatic 4000200 0.1 200 5.5 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 230 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.25 183 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.024 120 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 Reversomatic 4000250ES2 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.25 166 Reversomatic B50P 0.1 40 2.5 Reversomatic CF100 LS 0.1 80 1.0 Reversomatic CF100 HS 0.1 160 4.5 Reversomatic CF130 0.1 110 2.0 Reversomatic CF170 0.1 140 2.5 Reversomatic CF170ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 2.0 Reversomatic CF170ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 122 Reversomatic DK260 0.2 230 Reversomatic EB100 0.1 100 3.0 Reversomatic EB45 0.1 40 2.5 Reversomatic EB50 0.1 40 2.5 Reversomatic EB55 0.1 60 3.5 Reversomatic LSF80 LS 0.1 50 0.7 Reversomatic LSF80 HS 0.1 90 1.0 Reversomatic QB100S 0.1 100 2.5 Reversomatic QB80 0.1 60 2.0 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Model Horizontal Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Name 4" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) HS Page 1‐237 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.25 43 0.1 100 1.0 1.2 Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Name Model Duct Size Reversomatic QB80 4" Reversomatic QCF110 Reversomatic QCF110ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Reversomatic QCF110ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 95 Reversomatic QCF125 0.1 110 2.0 Reversomatic QCF125ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 2.0 Reversomatic QCF125ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 90 Reversomatic QCF130ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 Reversomatic QCF130ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 103 Reversomatic QCF150 0.1 130 2.5 Reversomatic QCF200 0.1 200 4.0 Reversomatic QCF300 0.1 280 4.0 Reversomatic QCF400 0.1 350 4.0 Reversomatic QCF500 0.1 500 4.0 Reversomatic QCF600 0.1 640 5.5 Reversomatic QCF800 0.1 690 6.0 Reversomatic QCF80ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 0.3 Reversomatic QCF80ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 69 Reversomatic QCF80ESS 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Reversomatic QCF80ESS 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 88 Reversomatic QK100 0.1 130 4.5 Reversomatic QK130ES 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 2.0 Reversomatic QK130ES 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 109 Reversomatic QK150ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 130 Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Yes 1.3 0.9 1.0 33.2 Yes 30.4 Yes 36.0 Yes 35.1 Yes 35.4 Yes 34.0 Yes 22.8 Yes 22.3 Yes 27.3 Yes 27.2 Yes 37.5 Yes 36.6 Yes 38.4 Yes Page 1‐238 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) ENERGY STAR * 37.3 Yes 40.4 Yes 39.0 Yes 50.9 Yes 157 50.4 Yes 0.2 120 30.4 Yes 0.2 130 Model Reversomatic QK150ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 116 Reversomatic QK160ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Reversomatic QK160ES 5" Horizontal HS 0.25 132 Reversomatic QK180ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 180 Reversomatic QK180ES 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 Reversomatic RI100 4" Horizontal HS Reversomatic RI150 Reversomatic RI200 5" Reversomatic RI250 6" Reversomatic RI500 8" Reversomatic Discharge Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Duct Size 0.9 1.5 Horizontal HS 0.2 160 54.3 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.2 210 67.1 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.2 370 113 Yes RS100 0.1 100 2.5 Reversomatic RS85 0.1 80 2.5 Reversomatic RS90 0.1 90 2.5 Reversomatic RS95 0.1 80 1.5 Reversomatic SMP260 0.2 200 Reversomatic SMP350 0.2 290 Reversomatic TL240 0.2 210 Reversomatic TL240ES 5" Reversomatic TL340 6" Reversomatic 49.0 Horizontal HS 0.2 210 71.2 Yes Horizontal HS 0.2 330 106 Yes TLD200 0.2 180 Reversomatic TLD200BC 0.2 180 Reversomatic TLD200ES 0.2 220 74.4 Yes Reversomatic TLD300 0.2 270 Softaire SA150S 0.1 170 46.8 Yes 5" 6" Round Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS 1.5 Page 1‐239 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Name Model Softaire SA150S 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 152 Softaire SA200S 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 Softaire SA200S 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 181 Softaire SA50D 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 60 Softaire SA50D 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 39 Softaire SA70D 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Softaire SA70D 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 59 Softaire SA90S 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Softaire SA90S 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 90 Softaire SA90SL 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 Softaire SA90SL 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 79 Softaire SA90SM 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Softaire SA90SM 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA3 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA3 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA3 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA3 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA4 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA4 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA4 Rheem/Raypak Rheem 84HRVHEPA4 Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona BFQ115 BFQ70R BFQ70R BFQ75 BFQ75 RO300030SS Brand Owner Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Details Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow 4" 4" 4" 4" 7" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS Rated Sound (Sones) 3.0 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 45.6 Yes 72.2 Yes Yes <0.3 19.0 Yes Yes 0.3 21.8 Yes 21.0 Yes 27.4 Yes 26.5 Yes 23.7 Yes 22.9 Yes 27.4 Yes 90 26.5 Yes 0.2 277 237 0.2 110 237 0.4 252 229 0.4 103 229 0.2 270 227 0.2 122 227 0.4 254 224 0.4 113 224 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 100 70 57 70 57 400 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.5 28.7 1.5 32.2 12.0 Page 1‐240 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS WS MS HS WS HS WS HS 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 120 280 120 280 120 280 120 280 180 250 350 130 440 120 440 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.0 2.0 4.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.6 Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Rona Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design Uberhaus Design ROQP130SS ROQP130SS ROQP130SS ROQP130SS ROQP130WH ROQP130WH ROQP130WH ROQP130WH FSDB02 FSDB02 FSDB02 UBRP130SSC UBRP130SSC UBRP130SSC UBRP130SSC 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" 3" x 10" S&P PC110 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 S&P PC110 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 S&P PC150 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 S&P PC150 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 S&P PC50 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 50 0.6 16.2 S&P PC80 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 0.3 31.8 S&P PC80 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 S&P PCD110M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 110 S&P PCD110M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 79 S&P PV100 HS 0.2 100 S&P PV100 HS 0.4 88 S&P PV100 HS 0.6 78 S&P PV100X HS 0.2 130 S&P PV100X HS 0.4 115 S&P PV100X HS 0.6 101 S&P PV125 HS 0.2 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Round Round Round 5" Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) Product Category ENERGY STAR * 120 145 190 35.8 Yes Yes 1.1 41.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.6 11.9 Yes Yes Page 1‐241 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Brand Name Model S&P PV125 5" Horizontal HS 0.4 86 S&P PV125 5" Horizontal HS 0.6 69 S&P PV125X HS 0.2 170 S&P PV125X HS 0.4 144 S&P PV125X HS 0.6 116 S&P PV150 6" Horizontal HS 0.2 230 S&P PV150 6" Horizontal HS 0.4 200 S&P PV150 6" Horizontal HS 0.6 161 S&P PV150X 6" HS 0.2 350 S&P PV150X 6" HS 0.4 305 S&P PV150X 6" HS 0.6 260 S&P PV200 8" Horizontal HS 0.2 380 S&P PV200 8" Horizontal HS 0.4 325 S&P PV200 8" Horizontal HS 0.6 274 S&P PV200X HS 0.2 490 S&P PV200X HS 0.4 436 S&P PV200X HS 0.6 366 S&P PV250 10" Horizontal HS 0.2 510 S&P PV250 10" Horizontal HS 0.4 457 S&P PV250 10" Horizontal HS 0.6 410 S&P PV250X HS 0.2 570 S&P PV250X HS 0.4 525 S&P PV250X HS 0.6 478 S&P PV315 HS 0.2 620 12" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 125 175 200 Page 1‐242 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Duct Size S&P PV315 12" Horizontal HS 0.4 572 S&P PV315 12" Horizontal HS 0.6 525 S&P PVR100 4" HS 0.2 170 S&P SWF100 0.1 100 S&P SWF100 0.2 90 S&P SWF100X 0.1 160 S&P SWF100X 0.2 154 S&P SWF150 0.1 220 S&P SWF150 0.2 203 S&P SWF150X 0.1 330 S&P SWF150X 0.2 314 S&P SWF200 0.1 390 S&P SWF200 0.2 373 S&P TD100 4" LS 0.2 60 21.4 Yes S&P TD100 4" HS 0.2 70 23.5 Yes S&P TD100X 4" LS 0.2 60 18.8 Yes S&P TD100X 4" HS 0.2 100 27.0 Yes S&P TD100XS 4" Horizontal LS 0.2 60 19.8 Yes S&P TD100XS 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 100 34.5 Yes S&P TD100XS 5" Horizontal LS 0.2 80 20.0 Yes S&P TD100XS 5" Horizontal HS 0.2 150 35.4 Yes S&P TD125 5" Horizontal LS 0.2 110 27.1 Yes S&P TD125 5" Horizontal HS 0.2 180 42.9 Yes S&P TD150 6" Horizontal LS 0.2 170 51.6 Yes Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * 98.0 Page 1‐243 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC S&P USA Ventilation Systems, LLC Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 260 62.7 Yes 0.2 190 54.5 Yes HS 0.2 300 64.5 Yes Round LS 0.2 390 81.3 Yes 8" Round HS 0.2 470 98.6 Yes TD200S 8" Round LS 0.2 350 110 Yes S&P TD200S 8" Round HS 0.2 480 123 Yes S&P TD250 LS 0.2 430 160 S&P TD250 HS 0.2 690 240 S&P TD315 LS 0.2 600 207 S&P TD315 HS 0.2 950 315 Kenmore 31000 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 Kenmore 31000 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 Kenmore 31000 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 Kenmore 31000 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 Kenmore 31052 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 Kenmore 31052 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 Kenmore 31052 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 Kenmore 31052 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 Kenmore 31053 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 Kenmore 31053 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 Kenmore 31053 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 Kenmore 31053 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 Kenmore 31059 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge S&P TD150 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 S&P TD150S 6" Round Horizontal LS S&P TD150S 6" Round Horizontal S&P TD200 8" S&P TD200 S&P NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 36.2 Yes Yes 36.3 Yes Yes 36.2 Yes Yes 36.3 Yes Yes 36.2 Yes Yes 36.3 Yes Yes 36.2 Yes Page 1‐244 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Duct Size Kenmore 31059 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 Kenmore 31059 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 Kenmore 31059 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 Kenmore 55802 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.027 110 1.5 38.4 Yes Kenmore 55802 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 5.0 89.4 Yes Kenmore 55802 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.046 130 2.0 37.5 Yes Kenmore 55802 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 88.2 Yes Kenmore 55802 7" Round Vertical WS 0.042 140 2.0 37.8 Yes Kenmore 55802 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 88.0 Yes Kenmore 55803 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.027 110 1.5 38.4 Yes Kenmore 55803 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 5.0 89.4 Yes Kenmore 55803 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.046 130 2.0 37.5 Yes Kenmore 55803 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 88.2 Yes Kenmore 55803 7" Round Vertical WS 0.042 140 2.0 37.8 Yes Kenmore 55803 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 88.0 Yes Kenmore 55809 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.027 110 1.5 38.4 Yes Kenmore 55809 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 210 5.0 89.4 Yes Kenmore 55809 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.046 130 2.0 37.5 Yes Kenmore 55809 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 88.2 Yes Kenmore 55809 7" Round Vertical WS 0.042 140 2.0 37.8 Yes Kenmore 55809 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 220 5.5 88.0 Yes Kenmore (Canada) 31001 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31001 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31001 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 Discharge Round 7" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Yes 36.3 Yes Yes Page 1‐245 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) HS 0.1 210 7.0 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 HS 0.1 210 7.0 Vertical HS 0.1 180 7.5 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 7.0 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 HS 0.1 210 5.5 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.0 Horizontal HS 0.1 180 6.0 Brand Name Model Discharge Kenmore (Canada) 31020 Kenmore (Canada) 31020 Kenmore (Canada) 31020 Kenmore (Canada) 31022 Kenmore (Canada) 31022 Kenmore (Canada) 31022 Kenmore (Canada) 31090 Kenmore (Canada) 31090 Kenmore (Canada) 31090 Kenmore (Canada) 31093 Kenmore (Canada) 31093 Kenmore (Canada) 31093 Kenmore (Canada) 31098 Kenmore (Canada) 31098 Kenmore (Canada) 31098 Kenmore (Canada) 31099 Kenmore (Canada) 31099 Kenmore (Canada) 31099 Kenmore (Canada) 31193 Kenmore (Canada) 31193 Kenmore (Canada) 31193 Kenmore (Canada) 31600 Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31600 Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31600 Vertical WS 0.033 110 1.5 Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" Round 7" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐246 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Brand Name Model Discharge Kenmore (Canada) 31600 Kenmore (Canada) 31600 7" Round Vertical WS 0.038 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31600 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 Vertical WS 0.033 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 7" Round Vertical WS 0.038 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31602 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 Vertical WS 0.033 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 7" Round Vertical WS 0.038 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31604 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 Vertical WS 0.033 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 7" Round Vertical WS 0.038 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31605 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31608 Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31608 Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31608 Vertical WS 0.033 110 1.5 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐247 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Brand Owner Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Brand Name Model Discharge Kenmore (Canada) 31608 Kenmore (Canada) 31608 7" Round Vertical WS 0.038 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31608 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 0.9 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.019 110 1.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 7" Round Vertical WS 0.019 110 0.8 Kenmore (Canada) 31610 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 0.9 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.019 110 1.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 7" Round Vertical WS 0.019 110 0.8 Kenmore (Canada) 31612 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 0.9 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.019 110 1.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 7" Round Vertical WS 0.019 110 0.8 Kenmore (Canada) 31614 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31615 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.017 100 0.9 Kenmore (Canada) 31615 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 300 4.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31615 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.019 110 1.0 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐248 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Sears Brands Management Corporation Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.5 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 110 20.8 Yes 0.5 70 20.7 Yes Horizontal 0.2 150 71.2 4" Horizontal 0.5 126 69.1 ADC5 4" Horizontal 1.0 82 63.0 ADC6 6" 0.2 230 74.7 Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Kenmore (Canada) 31615 3" x 10" Kenmore (Canada) 31615 7" Round Vertical WS 0.019 110 0.8 Kenmore (Canada) 31615 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 280 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 3" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.021 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 3" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 220 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 3" x 10" Vertical WS 0.038 110 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 3" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 210 5.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 7" Round Vertical WS 0.033 120 1.5 Kenmore (Canada) 31624 7" Round Vertical HS 0.1 230 5.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31812 HS 0.1 220 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31812 Vertical HS 0.1 190 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31812 Horizontal HS 0.1 190 8.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31820 HS 0.1 220 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31820 Vertical HS 0.1 190 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31820 Horizontal HS 0.1 190 8.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31822 HS 0.1 220 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31822 Vertical HS 0.1 190 7.0 Kenmore (Canada) 31822 7" Horizontal HS 0.1 190 8.0 Homeaire ADC4 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 Homeaire ADC4 4" Horizontal HS Homeaire ADC5 4" Homeaire ADC5 Homeaire Homeaire Discharge Round 7" Round 7" Round Round Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details HS Yes Page 1‐249 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Modified Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 176 74.4 Yes 1.0 89 71.0 Yes Horizontal 0.2 110 20.8 4" Horizontal 0.5 70 20.7 RP145 4" Horizontal 0.2 150 71.2 RadonAway RP145 4" Horizontal 0.5 126 69.1 RadonAway RP145 4" Horizontal 1.0 82 63.0 RadonAway RP260 6" Horizontal HS 0.2 230 74.7 RadonAway RP260 6" Horizontal HS 0.5 176 74.4 RadonAway RP260 6" Horizontal HS 1.0 103 71.0 RadonAway RP265 6" Horizontal 0.2 300 128 RadonAway RP265 6" Horizontal 0.5 247 128 RadonAway RP265 6" Horizontal 1.0 176 127 RadonAway RP380 8" Horizontal 0.2 450 140 RadonAway RP380 8" Horizontal 0.5 353 148 RadonAway RP380 8" Horizontal 1.0 220 148 Spruce RB110 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 100 19.4 Yes Spruce RB110 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 68 19.1 Yes Spruce RB275 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 230 74.7 Yes Spruce RB275 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 176 74.4 Yes Spruce RB275 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 89 71.0 Yes Spruce RB300 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 86.3 Yes Spruce RB300 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 211 86.7 Yes Spruce RB300 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 135 84.5 Yes Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Homeaire ADC6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 Homeaire ADC6 6" Round Horizontal HS RadonAway RP140 4" RadonAway RP140 RadonAway NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐250 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Brand Owner Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Duct Size Spruce RB350 6" Horizontal 0.2 300 128 Spruce RB350 6" Horizontal 0.5 247 128 Spruce RB350 6" Horizontal 1.0 176 127 Spruce RB400 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 450 140 Yes Spruce RB400 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 353 148 Yes Spruce RB400 8" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 220 148 Yes Spruce RB500 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 500 133 Yes Spruce RB500 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 420 144 Yes Spruce RB500 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 275 151 Yes Spruce RL200 4" Horizontal 0.2 150 Spruce RL200 4" Horizontal 0.5 123 Spruce RL200 4" Horizontal 1.0 76 Spruce RL300 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 240 77.7 Yes Spruce RL300 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 179 78.9 Yes Spruce RL300 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 117 74.8 Yes Spruce RL350 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 280 84.2 Yes Spruce RL350 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 238 88.2 Yes Spruce RL350 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 164 89.0 Yes Spruce RL450 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 139 Yes Spruce RL450 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 371 150 Yes Spruce RL450 8" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 241 150 Yes Spruce RL500 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 500 133 Yes Spruce RL500 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 419 143 Yes Spruce RL500 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.0 275 153 Yes Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐251 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Brand Owner Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc. Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 610 199 Yes 0.5 511 206 Yes 1.0 332 215 Yes Horizontal 0.2 100 4" Horizontal 0.5 71 RV100 4" Horizontal 1.0 18 Spruce RV125 4" Horizontal 0.2 110 Spruce RV125 4" Horizontal 0.5 98 Spruce RV125 4" Horizontal 1.0 71 Spruce RV150 4" Horizontal 0.2 140 Spruce RV150 4" Horizontal 0.5 119 Spruce RV150 4" Horizontal 1.0 76 Spruce RV175 5" Horizontal 0.2 160 Spruce RV175 5" Horizontal 0.5 136 Spruce RV175 5" Horizontal 1.0 80 Spruce RV200 6" Horizontal 0.2 170 Spruce RV200 6" Horizontal 0.5 144 Spruce RV200 6" Horizontal 1.0 87 Spruce RV250 6" Horizontal 0.2 190 Spruce RV250 6" Horizontal 0.5 149 Spruce RV250 6" Horizontal 1.0 93 Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro BFN050 BFN070 BFN090 BFN130 BFQ050 BFQ050 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 50 70 90 130 50 42 Brand Name Model Duct Size Duct Shape Discharge Spruce RL600 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 Spruce RL600 12" Round Horizontal HS Spruce RL600 12" Round Horizontal HS Spruce RV100 4" Spruce RV100 Spruce NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 3.0 5.5 2.5 5.0 0.3 45.4 64.3 53.5 76.7 30.5 Yes Yes Page 1‐252 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Input Power (Watts) 80 70 100 85 50 30 80 50 110 90 50 30 110 95 150 120 180 150 50 50 50 70 70 70 90 90 90 120 70 70 50 70 55 60 46 90 75 110 93 140 115 160 140 110 91 1.2 32.5 2.0 34.3 0.3 26.5 0.6 28.8 1.2 34.6 0.3 27.4 1.1 34.9 1.1 39.2 1.5 51.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 5.0 3.0 0.6 1.5 42.0 54.6 54.6 56.5 73.1 73.1 38.0 38.0 38.0 42.4 45.9 56.5 25.5 26.1 1.3 18.4 0.7 24.0 1.3 28.6 1.5 41.0 2.5 54.0 1.3 27.7 175 Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro Stelpro BFQ080 BFQ080 BFQ100 BFQ100 BFSQ050 BFSQ050 BFSQ080 BFSQ080 BFSQ110 BFSQ110 BFSQ110050 BFSQ110050 BFSQ110050 BFSQ110050 BFSQ150L5 BFSQ150L5 BFSQ180L5 BFSQ180L5 SBF050 SBF050FR6 SBF050M06 SBF070 SBF070FR6 SBF070M06 SBF090 SBF090FR6 SBF090M06 SBF120 SBFHL070 SBFL070 SPBF050 SPBF070 SPBF070 SQBF070 SQBF070 SQBF090 SQBF090 SQBF110 SQBF110 SQBF140 SQBF140 SQBF160 SQBF160 SQBFL110 SQBFL110 4" 3" Horizontal 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 Kitchen Range Hoods Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro SRH200 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Brand Owner Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 5" 5" 5" 5" 3" Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) MS MS MS MS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS 3" NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HS HS ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7.5 Page 1‐253 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Shape Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Vertical HS 0.1 170 7.0 Vertical HS 0.1 210 8.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro SRH200 3‐1/4" x 10" Kitchen Range Hoods Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Whole House Comfort Ventilators Stelpro Design Inc Stelpro SRH200 7" Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS24BD HS 0.1 2620 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS24DD HS 0.1 3300 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS30BD HS 0.1 5250 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS30DD HS 0.1 4740 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS36BD HS 0.1 9200 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHS42BD HS 0.1 6550 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHV24 Horizontal HS 0.1 2620 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHV30 Horizontal HS 0.1 5250 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech 1WHV36 Horizontal HS 0.1 9200 Round Discharge Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech BFRK100 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 110 20.7 Yes New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech BFRK100 4" Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Yes New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech BFRK100 4" Horizontal HS 0.6 55 19.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS275A 0.2 220 92.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS275A 0.4 192 90.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS275A 0.6 171 90.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS300A 0.2 320 123 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS300A 0.4 283 123 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS300A 0.6 249 123 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS400A 0.2 380 156 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS400A 0.4 352 157 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech CVS400A 0.6 324 157 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF110 0.2 150 80.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Page 1‐254 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Duct Size Duct Shape Speed Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Brand Owner Brand Name Model Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF110 0.4 133 79.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF110 0.6 113 78.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XL 4" 0.2 150 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XL 4" 0.4 134 70.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XL 4" 0.6 119 69.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT 4" 0.2 150 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT 4" 0.4 134 70.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT 4" 0.6 119 69.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT705 4" 0.2 150 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT705 4" 0.4 134 70.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DBF4XLT705 4" 0.6 119 69.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DLX150L 6" Horizontal 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DLX150L 6" Horizontal 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech DLX150L 6" Horizontal 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 480 141 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 407 153 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 269 158 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10EC 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 89.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 560 200 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 472 211 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.75 306 209 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 680 184 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 433 204 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12 12" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 290 203 Yes NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Airflow (cfm) Product Category * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Page 1‐255 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 600 135 Yes 0.2 880 306 Yes HS 0.8 670 326 Yes Horizontal HS 1.25 504 330 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.2 750 164 Yes 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 20.7 Yes FG4 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Yes Fantech FG4 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 55 19.0 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG4XL 4" 0.2 150 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG4XL 4" 0.4 134 70.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG4XL 4" 0.6 119 69.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 130 20.4 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 99 21.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 66 20.3 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5XL 5" Horizontal 0.2 190 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5XL 5" Horizontal 0.4 160 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG5XL 5" Horizontal 0.8 113 68.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 73.6 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 232 75.3 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 164 74.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 370 122 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 317 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 224 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6MEC 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 75.3 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12EC 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12XL 12" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12XL 12" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12XL 12" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG12XLEC 12" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG4 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐256 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 200 69.1 Yes 0.4 152 69.8 Yes HS 0.6 121 68.1 Yes Horizontal HS 1.25 243 158 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.2 450 157 Yes 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 409 160 Yes FG8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 410 121 Yes Fantech FG8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 351 124 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 243 125 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG8EC 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 380 70.4 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG8XL 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 470 145 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG8XL 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 388 156 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG8XL 8" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 266 159 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 480 141 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 407 153 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 269 158 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10EC 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 89.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 560 200 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 472 211 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC10XL 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.75 306 209 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 680 184 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 433 204 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12 12" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 290 203 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12XL 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 880 306 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6S 6" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6S 6" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6XL 5" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6XL 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FG6XL Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐257 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 670 326 Yes 1.25 504 330 Yes HS 0.2 110 20.7 Yes Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.6 55 19.0 Yes 5" Round Horizontal LS 0.6 66 20.3 Yes FGC5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 130 20.4 Yes Fantech FGC5 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 99 21.2 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 73.6 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 232 75.3 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 164 74.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 370 122 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 317 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6M 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 224 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6MEC 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 79.1 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6MEC 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 75.3 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 200 69.1 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 152 69.8 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6S 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 121 68.1 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6XL 5" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 243 158 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6XL 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 450 154 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC6XL 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 409 160 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 410 121 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 351 124 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12XL 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC12XL 12" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC4 4" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC4 4" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC4 4" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC5 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐258 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 243 128 Yes 0.2 380 70.4 Yes HS 0.2 470 145 Yes Horizontal HS 0.6 388 156 Yes Horizontal HS 1.25 266 159 Yes Horizontal 0.1 110 28.1 Yes 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 28.0 Yes FQ110FL 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Fantech FQ110FL 4" Horizontal 0.25 85 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ80 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ80 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ80FL 4" Horizontal 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ80FL 4" Horizontal 0.25 60 23.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR080 4" Horizontal WS 0.2 80 20.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR080 4" Horizontal WS 0.4 54 19.3 New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR100 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 100 19.3 Yes New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR100 4" Horizontal HS 0.4 75 19.0 Yes New Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR100 4" Horizontal HS 0.6 51 18.6 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR110 0.2 150 80.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR110 0.4 133 79.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR110 0.6 113 78.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR125 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 120 18.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR125 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 87 18.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR125 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 47 17.0 Yes New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8EC 8" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8XL 8" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8XL 8" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FGC8XL 8" Round Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ110 4" Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FQ110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Bathroom Exhaust Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details 0.7 1.3 29.4 28.5 <0.3 23.4 Yes Yes 0.4 23.7 Page 1‐259 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 200 61.0 Yes 0.4 170 62.0 Yes HS 0.6 140 61.0 Yes Horizontal HS 0.2 230 72.5 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.4 198 73.0 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.6 167 73.5 Yes FR160 0.2 260 129 Fantech FR160 0.4 233 129 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR160 0.6 206 130 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR200 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 360 122 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR200 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 308 125 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR200 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 259 127 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR225 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 400 137 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR225 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 367 141 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR225 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 334 145 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR250 0.2 600 241 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR250 0.4 553 246 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR250 0.6 506 249 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech HP190 4" 0.2 140 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 20.7 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 55 19.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110F 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 22.9 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110F 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 80 22.7 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR140 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR140 6" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR140 6" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR150 6" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR150 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech FR150 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge Details Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Page 1‐260 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Discharge Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110F 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 54 21.5 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110FES 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 22.9 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110FES 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 80 22.7 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB110FES 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 54 21.5 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB190 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 200 69.1 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB190 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 152 69.8 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB190 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 121 68.1 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2302 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2302 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2302 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230F2 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230F2 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230F2 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230FV2 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230FV2 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230FV2 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230H2 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230H2 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230H2 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230HV2 0.2 230 71.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230HV2 0.4 198 72.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB230HV2 0.6 167 73.0 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 73.6 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 232 75.3 Yes * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐261 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 164 74.2 Yes 0.2 270 78.0 HS 0.4 233 79.7 Horizontal HS 0.6 196 80.2 Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 78.0 Yes 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 233 79.7 Yes PB270F2ES 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 196 80.2 Yes Fantech PB270FV2 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 78.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270FV2 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 233 79.7 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270FV2 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 196 80.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270FV2ES 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 270 78.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270FV2ES 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 233 79.7 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270FV2ES 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 196 80.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3602 0.2 360 122 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3602 0.4 308 125 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3602 0.6 259 127 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 370 122 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 317 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB3702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 224 124 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110 7" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 18.2 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110 7" Horizontal HS 0.2 112 18.6 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110 7" Horizontal HS 0.6 37 17.6 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110F 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 100 18.3 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110F 4" Horizontal HS 0.2 90 18.8 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB2702 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270F2 6" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270F2 6" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270F2 6" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270F2ES 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PB270F2ES Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐262 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified New New Product Category Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) HS 0.6 28 18.1 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Owner Brand Name Model Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110F 4" Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110H 7" 0.1 120 18.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110H 7" 0.2 112 19.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech PBW110H 7" 0.4 83 19.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RE54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 100 18.4 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RE54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 91 18.7 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RE54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 61 18.3 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech REC54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 100 18.4 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech REC54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 91 18.7 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech REC54 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 61 18.3 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4 7" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 18.2 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4 7" Horizontal HS 0.2 112 18.6 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4 7" Horizontal HS 0.6 37 17.6 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4XL 0.1 180 91.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4XL 0.4 154 91.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF4XL 0.6 136 90.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6 0.1 220 92.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6 0.4 177 91.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6 0.6 150 91.0 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6XL 0.1 360 149 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6XL 0.4 315 153 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF6XL 0.6 285 156 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF8XL 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 360 141 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF8XL 6" Horizontal HS 0.4 305 142 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐263 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Horizontal HS 0.6 266 143 Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 93.6 Yes 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 480 141 Yes K10EF 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 407 153 Yes Systemair K10EF 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 269 158 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K10XLEF 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 560 200 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K10XLEF 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 472 211 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K10XLEF 10" Round Horizontal HS 1.75 306 209 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12EC 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 600 142 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12EF 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 680 184 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12EF 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 433 204 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12EF 12" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 290 203 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12XLEC 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 750 164 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12XLEF 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 880 306 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12XLEF 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 670 326 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K12XLEF 12" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 504 330 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K200EC 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 380 70.4 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K250EC 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 89.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K300EC 12" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 600 135 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K4EF 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 110 20.7 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K4EF 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 83 20.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K4EF 4" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 55 19.0 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 130 20.4 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 99 21.2 Yes New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size New Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Fantech RVF8XL 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K10EC 10" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K10EF Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐264 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 66 20.3 Yes 0.2 270 73.6 Yes HS 0.4 232 75.3 Yes Horizontal HS 0.8 164 74.2 Yes Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 75.3 Yes 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 450 157 Yes K6XLEF 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 409 160 Yes Systemair K6XLEF 6" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 243 158 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8EC 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 380 70.4 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8EF 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 410 121 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8EF 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.4 351 124 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8EF 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.8 243 125 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8XLEF 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 470 145 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8XLEF 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 388 156 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K8XLEF 8" Round Horizontal HS 1.25 266 159 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC10EC 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 89.2 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC150MEC 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 75.3 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC200EC 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 380 70.4 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC250EC 10" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 460 89.2 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC6MEC 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 330 75.3 Yes Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair KC8EC 8" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 380 70.4 Yes Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair RVF4EF 7" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 18.2 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair RVF4EF 7" Horizontal HS 0.2 112 18.6 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair RVF4EF 7" Horizontal HS 0.6 37 17.6 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.6 Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K6EF 6" Round Horizontal HS Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K6EF 6" Round Horizontal Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K6EF 6" Round Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K6MEC 6" Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair K6XLEF Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair Inline Fans Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Inline Fans Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Page 1‐265 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Brand Name Model Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair TFER5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 100 18.4 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair TFER5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.2 91 18.7 Systemair Manufacturing Inc. Systemair TFER5EF 5" Round Horizontal HS 0.5 61 18.6 The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. The Home Depot USA Inc. Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay Hampton Bay 1000020862 1000020862 249872 249872 315888 315888 316183 316183 316622 316622 317768 317768 317898 317898 750751 750752 750752 985893 985893 986755 986755 986793 986793 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 3" 3" 6" 6" 4" 6" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 80 58 80 58 140 127 140 127 110 90 70 64 110 91 70 110 91 80 58 50 27 90 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire EQC165Combo HS 0.1 170 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire SQ140 HS 0.1 130 2.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire SQ210 HS 0.1 200 5.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQ100 HS 0.1 100 1.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQ200 HS 0.1 200 3.5 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE1106 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 0.6 35.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE1106 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 87 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE12012 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 120 1.2 36.6 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE12012 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 100 Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Remote Exterior Mounted Ventilators Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Discharge Speed Brand Owner Product Category Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details WS 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.9 9.0 11.3 9.0 11.3 41.0 1.1 40.0 0.7 31.6 4.0 50.0 0.8 31.0 4.0 0.8 49.0 31.0 0.5 1.0 <0.3 9.0 11.3 20.4 1.0 30.0 30.0 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐266 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 1.1 41.2 0.3 31.8 0.3 31.8 0.6 11.9 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE15011 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 150 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE15011 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 131 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE8003 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE8003 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 60 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE9003 6" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQE9003 6" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQEC80140 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQEC80140 6" Round Horizontal HS 0.25 79 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS130 LS 0.1 20 0.9 27.2 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS130 HS 0.1 130 2.5 72.4 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS150 LS 0.1 20 0.9 27.2 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS150 HS 0.1 130 2.5 72.4 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS185 LS 0.1 50 0.7 30.8 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS185 HS 0.1 180 3.5 85.2 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Thermal Technics (1982) Corp. Kanaire UQS225 HS 0.1 240 6.5 119 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐267 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐268 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED600E30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 490 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 490 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 490 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 490 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 10.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐269 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Eurodesign ED65036SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 490 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SBL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SBL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SBL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SBL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐270 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 0.2 279 231 0.2 110 231 0.4 257 224 0.4 104 224 0.2 277 237 0.2 110 237 0.4 252 229 0.4 103 229 0.2 270 227 0.2 122 227 0.4 254 224 0.4 113 224 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ESV1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA2000 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA2000 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA2000 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA2000 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA3100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA3100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA3100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA3100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA4100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA4100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA4100 Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar HEPA4100 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators Integrated Supply and Exhaust Ventilators * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Details Vertical Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow Gross Airflow‐ Recirculation Net Ventilation Airflow NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐271 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV1530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐272 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar ROV3530WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V1030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐273 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V3030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 510 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 140 1.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐274 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 510 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 140 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 510 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 140 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 150 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 510 7.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 140 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar V40E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 380 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C18030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.03 100 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C18030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 170 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C18030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.04 100 1.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C18030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 160 3.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 37.2 36.7 37.2 36.7 Page 1‐275 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.02 100 0.8 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 280 5.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.02 100 0.9 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 240 6.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 37.2 36.7 37.2 36.7 37.2 36.7 37.2 36.7 Page 1‐276 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030BLD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.007 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.008 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.01 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 390 8.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.008 100 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C37030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 310 8.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 120 0.7 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐277 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.003 120 0.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.01 120 0.7 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600E30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 250 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 240 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 250 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 240 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 250 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 240 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 250 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 240 4.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐278 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.1 250 3.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 670 10.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.03 240 4.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C600M30WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 470 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030GY 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030GY 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WGD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WGD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70030WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 600 11.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur C70036WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 450 11.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur CC32I30SS CC32I30SS CC32I36SS CC32I36SS 8" 8" 8" 8" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical LS HS LS HS 0.003 0.1 0.003 0.1 200 600 200 600 1.4 9.5 1.4 9.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I30BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐279 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I30GY 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I30WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I30WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I36BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I36GY 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I36WG 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur CC700I36WH 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 600 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur CIC700I16BL CIC700I16GY CIC700I16WG CIC700I16WH CIS700I36BL CIS700I36GY CIS700I36WG CIS700I36WH CP300030SS CPM1309SS CPM1309SS CPM1369SS CPM1369SS CPM1429SS CPM1429SS CPM2362SS CPM2362SS CPM2422SS CPM2422SS CPM2482SS CPM2482SS 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 7" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.003 0.1 540 540 540 540 600 600 600 600 500 210 600 210 600 190 600 370 1000 370 1000 410 1080 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 13.0 1.1 8.5 1.1 8.5 2.0 12.0 1.5 12.0 1.5 12.0 1.5 10.5 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030BL 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐280 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030SSD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030WH ESC27030WH ESC27030WH ESC27030WH Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical WS HS WS HS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 130 290 120 250 0.8 5.5 1.1 6.0 36.2 123 36.3 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal WS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical WS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Connaisseur ESC27030WHD 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz HDN62330SS HDN62330SS VJ10430SS VJ10430SS VJ10430WH VJ10430WH VJ504302SS VJ504302SS VJ50430SS VJ50430SS VJ51030SS VJ51030SS VJ51036SS VJ51036SS VJ603302SS VJ603302SS VJ60330SS VJ60330SS VJ604302SS VJ604302SS VJ60430SS VJ60430SS VJ61030SS VJ61030SS 6" 6" 7" 7" 7" 7" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical LS HS WS HS WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS 0.1 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.014 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 190 450 180 270 180 270 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 2.5 8.5 3.5 7.0 3.5 7.0 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 6" 6" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Page 1‐281 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Venmar Ventilation Inc. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventamatic Ltd. Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Venmar Jazz Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Nuvent Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents VJ70330SS VJ70330SS VJ70430SS VJ70430SS VJ70524SS VJ70524SS VJ70530SS VJ70530SS VJ70536SS VJ70536SS VJ70636SS VJ70636SS VJ71030SS VJ71030SS VJ71130SS VJ71130SS NX503 NX703 NXDHVL NXHVL NXMS70 NXMS70FL NXMS70L NXMS90 NXMS90L NXSH110 NXSH110FL NXSH110L NXSH130 NXSH130L NXSH50 NXSH80 NXSH80 NXSH80FL NXSH80L TT100 TT100 TT100PRO TT100PRO TT100PRO TT100PRO TT100PRO TT100PRO TT100Silent TT100Silent TT100Silent TT100Silent TT100Silent 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Discharge Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed WS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS LS HS WS HS LS HS LS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) 0.008 0.1 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.008 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 190 370 210 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 450 190 370 50 60 70 70 70 70 70 90 90 110 110 110 120 120 50 80 65 80 80 20 30 120 90 51 180 133 78 60 20 100 59 19 2.5 8.5 2.0 8.0 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 2.5 8.5 4.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.8 1.5 1.3 1.3 Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 50.1 60.8 66.6 66.6 49.4 49.4 49.4 55.5 55.5 46.6 46.6 46.6 44.9 44.9 30.3 42.3 38.1 31.2 31.2 30.0 36.0 38.4 32.7 30.1 47.8 40.2 35.0 21.6 21.0 28.0 26.0 25.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐282 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents TT125 TT125 TT125PRO TT125PRO TT125PRO TT125PRO TT125PRO TT125PRO TT125Silent TT125Silent TT125Silent TT125Silent TT125Silent TT150 TT150 TT150 TT150 TT150 TT150PRO TT150PRO TT150PRO TT150PRO TT150PRO TT150PRO TT150S TT150S TT150S TT150S TT150S TT150S TT150Silent TT150Silent TT150Silent TT150Silent TT150Silent TT150Silent TT200 TT200 TT200 TT200 TT315 TT315 TT315 TT315 VK100 VK100 VK100 VK125 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 12" 12" 12" 12" 4" 4" 4" 4" * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed LS HS LS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS LS HS HS HS LS LS HS HS LS LS HS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 20 90 190 144 72 250 207 98 70 11 160 95 32 70 34 210 89 59 270 233 193 350 323 294 210 97 63 290 252 93 190 133 85 290 258 218 290 155 430 348 770 633 990 902 150 140 132 210 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 31.0 41.0 47.8 39.9 31.9 61.6 58.2 46.0 22.8 21.4 35.3 31.4 30.5 27.8 27.0 54.8 48.0 46.7 75.3 74.4 71.7 80.9 82.5 82.7 63.1 57.9 56.3 96.3 95.2 84.5 52.7 50.5 44.8 66.7 67.0 65.9 70.0 70.0 111 111 236 236 353 353 106 106 106 114 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐283 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Ventilation Systems USA Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Vents Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool VK125 VK125 VK150 VK150 VK150 VK200 VK200 VK200 VK200 VK250 VK250 VK250 VK315 VK315 VK315 VK315 VKM125 VKM125 VKM125 VKM150 VKM150 VKM150 VKM200 VKM200 VKM200 VKM250 VKM250 VKM250 VKM305 VKM305 VKM305 VKP125 VKP125 VKP150 VKP150 VKP150 GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXB GXU7130DXQ GXU7130DXQ GXU7130DXQ GXU7130DXQ GXU7130DXQ GXU7130DXQ * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 12" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 5" 5" 6" 6" 6" Duct Shape Discharge Details Speed Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS Round Round Round Round Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal HS HS HS HS Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical WS MS HS WS MS HS WS MS HS WS MS HS NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.375 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.75 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.011 0.1 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.1 189 174 280 254 238 460 410 370 260 670 618 580 770 683 569 388 220 200 187 270 235 210 480 420 390 610 542 480 730 688 659 190 163 290 256 230 150 170 290 150 170 270 150 170 290 150 170 270 Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.3 1.5 7.0 0.3 2.0 7.0 0.3 1.5 7.0 0.3 2.0 7.0 114 114 113 113 114 140 145 149 152 293 297 301 269 277 284 285 112 112 112 110 110 110 196 199 201 232 234 235 244 250 254 86.0 86.0 170 170 170 18.1 38.7 134 18.1 38.8 133 18.1 38.7 134 18.1 38.8 133 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐284 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Kitchen Range Hoods Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Windridge Fans Corporation Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Whirlpool Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans Windridge Fans GXU7130DXS GXU7130DXS GXU7130DXS GXU7130DXS GXU7130DXS GXU7130DXS GXW7330DXS GXW7330DXS GXW7330DXS GXW7336DXS GXW7336DXS GXW7336DXS D100 D100 D110 D110 D110L D110L D120 D120 D50 D50 D80 D80 D80L D80L D90 D90 D90L D90L E50 E60 E70 E80 EP110 EP110 EP110L EP110L EP50 EP80 EP80 EP80L EP80L EP90 EP90 EP90L EP90L * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Size 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" Duct Shape Discharge Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed WS MS HS WS MS HS WS MS HS WS MS HS Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.011 0.1 0.1 0.013 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 150 170 290 150 170 270 150 210 310 150 210 310 100 84 110 93 110 96 120 105 50 30 80 67 80 64 90 76 90 75 50 60 70 80 110 83 110 93 50 80 63 80 70 90 76 90 75 0.3 1.5 7.0 0.3 2.0 7.0 1.2 3.5 6.0 1.2 3.5 6.0 1.2 18.1 38.7 134 18.1 38.8 133 32.5 69.6 169 32.5 69.6 169 29.3 27.3 30.6 28.5 33.7 31.9 32.1 30.8 31.7 28.5 27.8 26.1 31.6 28.7 28.3 26.1 32.1 29.5 36.5 42.0 27.1 30.8 27.0 25.3 27.3 25.9 19.9 31.2 30.9 29.2 28.8 24.5 22.8 24.5 22.7 1.5 1.2 2.0 <0.3 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.7 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.3 1.0 1.5 1.1 ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1‐285 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 130 0.8 36.2 0.1 290 5.5 123 LS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 ES1E30AS 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Zephyr ES1E30AS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.012 130 0.8 36.2 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AW 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS 0.1 290 5.5 123 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical LS 0.014 120 1.1 36.3 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AW 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical HS 0.1 250 6.0 121 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1213D 3" Horizontal 0.1 70 4.0 50.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1213D 3" Horizontal 0.25 64 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1213H 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 1.0 17.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1213H 4" Horizontal 0.25 52 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1402A 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1402A 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 27 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Duct Size Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Zephyr Corporation Zephyr DD1E30AS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Downdraft Kitchen Exhausters Zephyr Corporation Zephyr DD1E36AS 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical 0.1 500 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal LS 0.012 Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AB 3‐1/4" x 10" Horizontal HS Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AB 3‐1/4" x 10" Vertical Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AB 3‐1/4" x 10" Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr ES1E30AS Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Zephyr Kitchen Range Hoods Zephyr Corporation Kitchen Range Hoods * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes <0.3 16.2 Page 1‐286 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) <0.3 16.1 0.3 16.2 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1402ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 50 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1402ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 28 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1413A 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1413A 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 46 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1413ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 70 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1413ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 47 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1414A 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1414A 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1414ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1414ALW3 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 68 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424A 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424A 4" Horizontal 0.25 88 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424ALB3 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424ALB3 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 88 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424ALW3 4" Horizontal HS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1424ALW3 4" Horizontal HS 0.25 88 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details ENERGY STAR * Yes Yes 0.3 19.0 Yes Yes 0.8 23.1 Yes Yes 0.8 23.1 Yes Yes 1.0 26.2 Yes Yes 1.0 32.5 Yes Yes 1.0 25.9 Yes Yes Page 1‐287 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Speed Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.1 26.4 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1614B 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 80 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1614B 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 67 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1624B 4" Horizontal WS 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1624B 4" Horizontal WS 0.25 97 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834A1 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834A1 4" Horizontal 0.25 89 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834A2 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834A2 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 91 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834ALE1 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834ALE1 4" Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834ALE2 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 110 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1834ALE2 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 90 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854A 4" Horizontal 0.1 140 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854A 4" Horizontal 0.25 122 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854A1 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 140 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854A1 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 127 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Yes 1.5 37.8 Yes Yes 1.0 34.7 Yes Yes 0.8 31.0 Yes Yes 1.2 33.0 Yes Yes 0.7 31.6 Yes Yes 1.5 45.1 Yes Yes 0.9 41.0 Yes Yes Page 1‐288 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) ENERGY STAR * 1.5 50.0 Yes Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854AL 4" Horizontal 0.1 140 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854AL 4" Horizontal 0.25 124 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854AL1 6" Round Horizontal 0.1 140 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Airzone Ventilated Technology Co., Ltd. Win Air BPT1854AL1 6" Round Horizontal 0.25 127 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME050 3" 0.1 50 1.5 45.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME070 3" 0.1 70 3.0 60.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME080 0.1 80 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME090 0.1 90 2.5 38.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME100 0.1 100 3.0 38.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME110 0.1 110 3.5 40.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever ME120 0.1 120 4.0 50.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MEHL75 4" 0.1 70 4.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MEL75 4" 0.1 70 3.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MEQ50 0.1 50 0.6 26.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MEQ70 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 1.5 28.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBF070 4" Horizontal 0.1 70 0.3 20.0 * For reference only. Visit for current listings. Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed Yes 1.1 40.0 Yes Yes Page 1‐289 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section I ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Rated Airflow (cfm) Rated Sound (Sones) Input Power (Watts) 0.1 90 0.7 25.0 0.1 110 1.3 30.0 Product Category Brand Owner Brand Name Model Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBF090 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBF110 4" Horizontal Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBF140 4" Horizontal 0.1 140 1.5 50.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBF160 4" Horizontal 0.1 160 2.5 55.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBFL090 4" Horizontal 0.1 90 0.8 25.0 Bathroom Exhaust Fans Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever MQBFL110 4" Horizontal 0.1 110 1.3 30.0 Kitchen Range Hoods Zhongshan Guida Hardware & Electrical Appliance Co. Ltd. Clever SR600 0.1 400 9.0 Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex DBF150 GI100x2 GI70X2 GM120 GM120FR GM120P 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 160 250 190 110 110 110 4.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 Zonex Ventilation Zonex GM130 0.1 120 1.0 Zonex Ventilation Zonex GM180 0.1 200 2.5 Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Zonex GM220 GM230 0.1 0.1 220 230 5.0 5.0 Zonex Ventilation Zonex GM280 0.1 260 4.5 Zonex Ventilation Zonex GM400 0.1 360 2.0 Zonex Ventilation Zonex GM500 0.1 450 3.5 Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Ventilation Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex Zonex GM60 GM90 IL130 IL180 IL280 IL290 IL400 IL500 IL700 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 60 90 130 180 260 290 330 470 610 0.9 1.0 Inline Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Other Room/Utility Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Bathroom Exhaust Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans Inline Fans * For reference only. Visit for current listings. 5" Duct Shape Static Pressure (inches w.g.) Duct Size Discharge Horizontal 5" 6" Horizontal NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Details Speed HS HS ENERGY STAR * 58.0 36.4 77.9 27.3 Page 1‐290 SECTION II HVI TESTED/CERTIFIED STATIC PRODUCTS ("NET FREE AREA") PRODUCT CATEGORY Soffit Ventilators USE OF HVI LABEL Companies whose products have been certified by HVI shall affix appropriate Labels to those products HOW ATTIC VENTILATION WORKS The principle of attic ventilation is simple: placing air vents as near the roof peak as possible to allow warm air to escape — and intake vents in the soffit or undereaves to allow air to enter the attic area. Various forms of exhaust vents are available — powered fans, ridge vents, roof vents, turbines, and gable end vents. The intake vents that balance the system are cornice vents and soffit or undereave vents. The important consideration is that both intake and exhaust vents must be in the system to promote air movement, and they must be in balance. HVI recommends that 60% of the net free area of the required ventilation be placed at the undereave location and 40% at the roof or gable location. HVI guidelines recommend one square foot of ventilator net free area for each 300 square feet of attic floor space. If no vapor barrier is used, the net free area of ventilation should be doubled. To determine your static ventilator needs, first multiply attic length by attic width to find square feet, then divide that number by 300 to find required net free area. Because most vents are marked in square inches of net free area, multiply the above number by 144. The total of static vents you install should equal that number in total square inches. If no vapor barrier is used, multiply the total square inches by 2. TO CALCULATE NET FREE AREA For ease in calculating required static ventilation, request a “HOME VENTILATION & INDOOR AIR QUALITY” guide from the Home Ventilating Institute. HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section II ‐ January 2014 HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© New or Modified Product Category Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Soffit Vents Brand Owner Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Quality Aluminum Products, Inc. Brand Name Model Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum Quality Aluminum LVP10 LVP12 CVPT4 LVPT4 CVPQ4 LVPQ4 8VTL Description Double 5” Lanced V-Panel Soffit Double 6” Lanced V-Panel Soffit Triple 4” Center Lanced V-Panel Soffit Triple 4” Full Lanced V-Panel Soffit Quad 4” Center Lanced V-Panel Soffit Quad 4” Full Lanced V-Panel Soffit 8” Vertical Lanced Soffit NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. Net Free Area (Sq In) 9.6 11.4 4.9 14.8 6.2 10.2 10.5 Page 2‐1 SECTION III HVI TESTED/CERTIFIED HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATORS AND ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATORS (HRV/ERV) (DUCTED HEAT AND ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATORS) NOTICE: HVI Certification of these products is based on CAN/CSA C439, Standard Laboratory Methods of Test for Rating the Performance of Heat/Energy-Recovery Ventilators, as its test standard for measuring product performance for certification. Testing for these products has been conducted by an HVI-designated laboratory. HVI-Certified product performance ratings for HRV/ERVs are available online at or from the manufacturer. Companies whose products have been certified by HVI are required to affix appropriate HVI-Certified Labels to those products. The equipment tested to achieve Certification was supplied by the manufacturer and is representative of the designated model offered for sale. HVI-Certified products are subject to regular, random verification testing confirming the performance of production equipment. ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (SI Edition) was used for conversion factors to convert cubic feet per minute to liters per second and inches water gage to Pascals. This Certified data is intended for the ventilation designer, contractor and purchaser of HRV/ERV equipment. Government and utility programs may also refer to these Certified ratings with confidence. HVI-Certified equipment can be expected to provide indicated ventilation capacity and energy performance under specific indoor and outdoor air temperature and humidity conditions. CONSULT THE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER FOR PERFORMANCE AT CONDITIONS OTHER THAN THOSE DESCRIBED. USE OF HVI LABEL Companies whose products have been certified by HVI shall affix appropriate Labels to those products. INTRODUCTION Heat or energy recovery ventilators are mechanical ventilation systems used to provide substantially balanced ventilation by providing two separate air paths. It is the combination of an exhaust system and a supply system in a single packaged solution. The exhaust system removes air from the building and the supply system adds outdoor air into the building. All products in Section III of the HVI Certified Products Directory transfer heat (in the case of HRVs) or heat and humidity (in the case of ERVs) reclaiming energy otherwise wasted in an exhaust air stream and minimizing the cost associated with ventilation. The HRV/ERV products listed in the HVI Certified Products Directory have been evaluated for airflow performance as well as their effectiveness of transferring heat or energy. VENTILATION PERFORMANCE TERMS External Static Pressure: The total static pressure loss of the exhaust or supply system in the ductwork. In the case of the exhaust system, the total static pressure differential is the static pressure measured at point 4 minus the static pressure measured at point 3. The supply system total static pressure differential is the static pressure measured at point 2 minus the static pressure measured at point 1. Gross Airflow: The measured airflow rate at points 2 and 3, which may contain cross-leakage between the supply and exhaust airstreams. These values are used for duct design. Exhaust Air Transfer (EAT): The percent of exhaust air found in the supply airstream at the specified external total static pressure. Gross Airflow x (1-(EAT/100)) = Net Airflow. Net Supply Airflow: The gross supply airflow reduced by measured cross-leakage (EAT). This is the actual amount of outdoor air delivered by the supply system of the unit and is used for sizing the equipment for the required ventilation rate. Very Low Temperature Ventilation Reduction (VLTVR): The percent reduction in airflow rate of the supply and exhaust systems at the end of the 72-hour test compared with operation under non-frosting conditions. The final airflow rate is taken as the average of the last 12 hours of the test. This reduction in airflow results from frost and ice buildup in the exchanger and variation in mechanical ventilation during defrosting. Very Low Temperature Airflow Imbalance (VLTAI): The percent of airflow imbalance of the Supply System Airflow compared to Exhaust System Airflow over the last 12 hours of the 72-hour test. Latent Recovery/Moisture Transfer (LRMT): Moisture recovered divided by moisture exhausted and corrected for the effects of cross-leakage. LRMT = 0 indicates that moisture was not transferred (net of cross-leakage) from the exhaust airstream to the supply airstream. LRMT = 1 would indicate complete transfer of moisture. LRMT is provided for the Heating Season Performance and the Very Low Temperature Test as an indication of moisture handling characteristics, and may be used to evaluate the moisture transfer ability of the equipment in order to assess the humidification or dehumidification performance of the product at the specified test condition. ENERGY PERFORMANCE TERMS Values for energy performance are listed for various outdoor air temperature and humidity conditions at a specific net airflow selected by the manufacturer. It is important to recognize that for comparison of equipment, only values at equivalent outdoor air conditions and net airflow should be used. Heating Season Performance: This is a mandatory test for HVI Certification at 0°C (+32°F) and 75% relative humidity for the outdoor air and at 22°C (71.6°F) and 40% relative humidity for the indoor air. This test represents the typical steady-state energy performance of the HRV/ERV. Performance is more comparable using this Heating Season Performance data due to the absence of frost formation. Very Low Temperature Test: This is an optional test for HVI Certification. The Very Low Temperature Test is typically conducted at -25°C (-13°F) and at 22°C (71.6°F) and 40% relative humidity for the indoor air, although the manufacturer may chose to conduct this test at any outdoor temperature below freezing. The test duration is 72 hours. The Net Supply Airflow and all other energy performance values are calculated by using the averages of the last 12 hours of the test. Cooling Season Performance: This is an optional test for HVI Certification. Outdoor air conditions are 35°C (95°F) at 50% relative humidity, indoor air conditions are 24°C (75°F) at 50% relative humidity. Total Recovery Efficiency (see below) is reported in place of Sensible Recovery Efficiency (see below) as the latter value is less relevant for cooling load applications. Watts: The average power consumed during the specific test. DO NOT USE THIS VALUE TO DETERMINE REQUIRED ELECTRIC SERVICE. REFER TO THE ELECTRICAL RATING INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER. Apparent Sensible Effectiveness (ASEF): The measured temperature rise of the supply airstream divided by the difference between the outdoor temperature (point 1) and entering exhaust system air temperature (point 3), then multiplied by the ratio of mass flow rate of the supply airflow divided by the mass flow rate of the lower of the supply or exhaust system airflows. Apparent Sensible Effectiveness is useful to predict final delivered air temperature at a given flow rate and should be used for energy modeling when wattage for air movement is separately accounted for in the energy model. Sensible Recovery Efficiency (SRE): The net sensible energy recovered by the supply airstream as adjusted by electric consumption, case heat loss or heat gain, air leakage, airflow mass imbalance between the two airstreams and the energy used for defrost (when running the Very Low Temperature Test), as a percent of the potential sensible energy that could be recovered plus the exhaust fan energy. This value is used to predict and compare Heating Season Performance of the HRV/ERV unit. Total Recovery Efficiency (TRE): The net total energy (sensible plus latent, also called enthalpy) recovered by the supply airstream adjusted by electric consumption, case heat loss or heat gain, air leakage and airflow mass imbalance between the two airstreams, as a percent of the potential total energy that could be recovered plus the exhaust fan energy. This value is used to predict and compare Cooling Season Performance for the HRV/ERV unit. HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section III ‐ January 2014 ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV SRE (%) ASEF (%) HEATING 0 32 30 63 70 69 81 0.5 147 HEATING 0 32 45 96 94 67 76 0.42 67 142 HEATING 0 32 55 117 108 65 73 0.38 129 61 130 COOLING 35 95 30 65 68 52 111 54 116 98 48 102 48 101 38 81 40 84 41 87 0.8 28 60 30 63 29 61 25 0.1 85 180 89 189 90 191 HEATING 0 32 31 66 68 72 81 0.48 4.6 50 0.2 80 169 83 176 84 179 HEATING 0 32 55 116 97 69 76 0.61 4.1 4.6 75 0.3 74 157 77 164 79 167 COOLING 35 95 30 65 64 47 1.4 4.1 4.6 100 0.4 69 146 72 152 71 150 COOLING 35 95 55 117 98 50 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 125 0.5 62 132 65 138 63 134 AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 150 0.6 56 118 58 123 56 119 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 175 0.7 48 101 50 105 48 102 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 200 0.8 39 82 41 86 42 89 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 225 0.9 22 47 24 50 32 68 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 25 0.1 74 156 70 160 67 153 HEATING 0 32 31 66 74 61 74 0.01 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 50 0.2 69 146 71 150 69 146 HEATING 0 32 40 85 86 61 73 0.01 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 75 0.3 63 134 65 137 60 128 HEATING 0 32 55 117 140 56 69 0.01 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 100 0.4 59 124 61 127 60 122 HEATING ‐25 ‐13 36 76 96 63 78 0.04 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 125 0.5 54 115 56 117 54 114 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 150 0.6 49 104 51 106 49 102 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 175 0.7 45 95 47 98 45 94 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 200 0.8 40 85 41 87 40 77 Air King AKHRV149 120 1.2 3.0 2.2 225 0.9 33 69 34 71 33 68 Air King AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 25 0.1 97 207 100 214 108 230 31 66 81 64 74 0.06 (L/s) (cfm) (L/s) (cfm) (L/s) (cfm) 1.4 4.0 4.0 25 0.1 71 151 74 157 73 154 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 50 0.2 67 141 69 146 69 AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 75 0.3 62 132 65 137 Air King AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 100 0.4 59 124 61 Air King AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 125 0.5 50 107 Air King AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 150 0.6 46 Air King AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 175 0.7 Air King AKERV150 120 1.4 4.0 4.0 200 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 4.6 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 4.1 Air King AKERV200 120 1.4 Air King AKERV200 120 Air King AKERV200 Air King Air King AKERV150 120 Air King AKERV150 Air King NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. HEATING 0 NET AIR FLOW MODE GROSS AIRFLOW EXHAUST (in. wg) 32 VERY LOW TEMPERATURE AIRFLOW IMBALANCE (Watts) (Pa) Volts Amps TOTAL RECOVERY EFFICIENCY (cfm) EAT @ 50Pa (%) Model VERY LOW TEMPERATURE VENTILATION REDUCTION LATENT RECOVERY / MOISTURE TRANSFER (L/s) EAT @ 100Pa (%) Brand Name TEMPERATURE °F GROSS AIR FLOW SUPPLY APPARENT SENSIBLE EFFECTIVENESS ERV Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products NET SUPPLY AIR FLOW SENSIBLE RECOVERY EFFICIENCY ERV Brand Owner EXT. STATIC PRESSURE POWER CONSUMED Product Category ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS °C OPTIONS INSTALLED New or Modified EXHAUST AIR TRANSFER HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© VLTVR Supply (%) VLTVR Exhaust (%) VLTAI (%) 3.1 6.6 92 47 Page 3‐1 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section III ‐ January 2014 ASEF (%) HEATING 0 32 45 96 99 63 71 0.06 207 HEATING 0 32 55 117 113 61 69 0.06 96 203 HEATING ‐25 ‐13 51 109 119 62 73 0.06 161 88 187 66 140 82 174 116 60 129 67 143 40 86 46 98 56 118 (L/s) (cfm) (L/s) (cfm) 1.4 4.0 3.0 50 0.2 94 200 97 206 103 218 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 75 0.3 87 184 90 191 97 AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 100 0.4 80 171 84 179 Air King AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 125 0.5 71 152 76 Air King AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 150 0.6 61 130 Air King AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 175 0.7 55 Air King AKHRV200 120 1.4 4.0 3.0 200 0.8 Air King AKHRV200 120 Air King AKHRV200 Air King NET AIR FLOW MODE GROSS AIRFLOW EXHAUST (cfm) HRV ERV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airtech‐107 H140 120 0.9 0.1 1.0 25 0.1 57 122 58 123 56 120 HEATING 0 32 31 66 52 71 80 0.6 ERV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airtech‐107 H140 120 0.9 0.1 1.0 50 0.2 52 110 52 111 49 105 HEATING 0 32 41 88 68 67 76 0.55 ERV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airtech‐107 H140 120 0.9 0.1 1.0 75 0.3 46 99 47 100 44 93 HEATING 0 32 48 103 90 65 73 0.53 ERV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airtech‐107 H140 120 0.9 0.1 1.0 100 0.4 41 87 41 87 36 76 COOLING 35 95 30 64 52 ERV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airtech‐107 H140 120 0.9 0.1 1.0 125 0.5 34 73 34 73 31 65 ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV Air Tech Equipment Ltd. Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airtech‐107 Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow H140 450D 450D 450D 450D 450D 450D 450D 450D 450D AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120ERV AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F AIR120F 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.1 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 150 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 26 110 100 95 86 77 68 58 43 36 56 53 51 49 46 44 42 39 37 34 72 67 62 58 54 50 46 43 39 54 232 212 202 183 163 144 123 92 76 119 113 108 103 98 93 88 83 77 72 152 141 131 122 114 106 98 91 84 26 117 107 102 92 82 72 62 46 38 59 56 53 51 49 46 44 41 38 36 72 67 62 58 54 50 47 43 40 55 247 226 215 195 174 153 131 98 81 125 119 113 108 103 98 93 87 81 75 153 142 132 123 115 107 99 92 84 21 123 117 112 105 95 88 79 68 55 63 60 57 55 52 50 47 44 41 37 72 68 65 62 59 55 52 49 46 44 261 248 238 222 202 187 166 144 117 134 128 122 116 110 105 99 93 87 79 152 145 138 131 124 117 110 104 97 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 55 66 96 62 117 140 203 132 118 132 207 125 79 77 74 70 90 88 85 88 0.14 0.05 0.04 0.04 HEATING HEATING HEATING COOLING COOLING 0 0 0 35 35 32 32 32 95 95 25 30 46 24 31 54 64 97 51 66 74 76 106 60 74 63 62 59 77 74 70 0.5 0.47 0.37 HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 0 0 32 32 32 25 30 45 53 63 95 56 72 88 60 57 57 HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. VERY LOW TEMPERATURE AIRFLOW IMBALANCE SRE (%) (L/s) VERY LOW TEMPERATURE VENTILATION REDUCTION (Watts) (in. wg) TOTAL RECOVERY EFFICIENCY (cfm) (Pa) Volts Amps LATENT RECOVERY / MOISTURE TRANSFER (L/s) EAT @ 50Pa (%) Model TEMPERATURE °F GROSS AIR FLOW SUPPLY APPARENT SENSIBLE EFFECTIVENESS NET SUPPLY AIR FLOW EXT. STATIC PRESSURE EXHAUST AIR TRANSFER °C EAT @ 100Pa (%) Brand Name Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products Air King Ventilation Products HRV New New New New New New New New New Brand Owner SENSIBLE RECOVERY EFFICIENCY Product Category POWER CONSUMED New or Modified ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OPTIONS INSTALLED HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© VLTVR Supply (%) VLTVR Exhaust (%) VLTAI (%) 2 11 103 4.3 2.5 90 55 38 35 71 68 66 0.02 0.02 0.02 Page 3‐2 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section III ‐ January 2014 Modified Brand Name Model HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow 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125 114 102 89 76 60 45 187 179 181 176 171 158 149 154 147 142 130 116 101 87 61 156 147 132 123 111 94 84 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. °C ASEF (%) VERY LOW TEMPERATURE AIRFLOW IMBALANCE SRE (%) VERY LOW TEMPERATURE VENTILATION REDUCTION (Watts) TOTAL RECOVERY EFFICIENCY (cfm) NET AIR FLOW °F LATENT RECOVERY / MOISTURE TRANSFER (L/s) TEMPERATURE MODE GROSS AIRFLOW EXHAUST GROSS AIR FLOW SUPPLY NET SUPPLY AIR FLOW EXT. STATIC PRESSURE EXHAUST AIR TRANSFER EAT @ 100Pa (%) APPARENT SENSIBLE EFFECTIVENESS Brand Owner SENSIBLE RECOVERY EFFICIENCY Product Category POWER CONSUMED New or Modified ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OPTIONS INSTALLED HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© VLTVR Supply (%) VLTVR Exhaust (%) VLTAI (%) HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 29 31 45 33 61 65 95 70 48 48 64 66 65 65 63 65 75 74 71 77 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 8.5 10 97 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 30 46 55 33 64 97 117 69 60 76 92 61 66 65 63 56 75 73 70 79 0.02 ‐0.03 ‐0.02 0 11.2 0 78 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 31 40 55 36 66 85 117 76 74 86 140 96 61 61 56 63 74 73 69 78 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 3.1 6.6 92 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING COOLING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 35 95 32 44 56 32 31 67 94 118 68 66 78 95 110 82 74 66 64 60 60 76 72 68 78 ‐0.01 ‐0.01 ‐0.01 ‐0.01 2 0 HEATING HEATING HEATING COOLING COOLING 0 0 0 35 35 32 32 32 95 95 30 45 55 30 55 63 96 117 65 117 70 94 108 68 106 69 67 65 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING COOLING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 35 95 31 33 54 36 31 66 71 114 76 65 69 70 106 77 68 69 70 66 57 0.9 6.7 20 81 76 73 0.5 0.42 0.38 47 37 80 80 76 75 0.57 0.56 0.48 0.54 101 49 Page 3‐3 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section III ‐ January 2014 Modified New New New New New Brand Name Model ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Airflow Alpine Pure Alpine Pure Alpine Pure Alpine Pure Alpine Pure Alpine Pure Alpine Pure AIR150ERVD AIR155R AIR155R AIR155R AIR155R AIR155R AIR155R AIR155R AIR200D AIR200D AIR200D AIR200D AIR200D AIR200D AIR200D AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200ERV AIR200R AIR200R AIR200R 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77 72 65 58 49 40 23 100 97 90 84 76 66 60 46 106 99 93 86 79 72 65 57 49 40 36 34 33 31 29 89 83 77 72 65 58 49 54 188 166 149 134 117 94 61 216 208 197 186 172 157 138 189 176 164 152 138 123 105 86 50 214 206 191 179 161 140 129 98 225 211 196 182 167 152 137 120 103 85 76 73 70 66 60 189 176 164 152 138 123 105 29 113 107 100 91 81 71 60 97 93 88 82 75 67 54 90 84 78 70 63 56 48 42 32 108 103 97 96 88 82 67 56 105 98 91 84 77 70 63 56 48 41 41 40 39 37 36 90 84 78 70 63 56 48 61 239 228 212 193 172 150 126 206 197 186 174 159 142 114 191 179 167 150 134 119 102 89 68 230 218 207 203 187 174 143 118 223 209 194 179 164 149 134 118 103 87 87 84 82 79 76 191 179 167 150 134 119 102 NOTE: RED FONT INDICATES NEW ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. GREEN FONT INDICATES RECENT REVISIONS TO THE DIRECTORY LISTINGS. °C ASEF (%) VERY LOW TEMPERATURE AIRFLOW IMBALANCE SRE (%) VERY LOW TEMPERATURE VENTILATION REDUCTION (Watts) TOTAL RECOVERY EFFICIENCY (cfm) NET AIR FLOW °F LATENT RECOVERY / MOISTURE TRANSFER (L/s) TEMPERATURE MODE GROSS AIRFLOW EXHAUST GROSS AIR FLOW SUPPLY NET SUPPLY AIR FLOW EXT. STATIC PRESSURE EXHAUST AIR TRANSFER EAT @ 100Pa (%) APPARENT SENSIBLE EFFECTIVENESS Brand Owner SENSIBLE RECOVERY EFFICIENCY Product Category POWER CONSUMED New or Modified ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OPTIONS INSTALLED HVI Publication 911: Certified Home Ventilating Products Directory© VLTVR Supply (%) VLTVR Exhaust (%) VLTAI (%) HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 28 30 56 30 59 64 118 64 66 67 118 94 75 75 70 72 84 84 78 86 0 0.01 ‐0.01 ‐0.01 1 4.5 107 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 ‐25 ‐13 56 63 68 55 60 119 133 144 117 127 100 109 114 67 66 66 100 60 58 59 60 59 69 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 97 HEATING HEATING COOLING COOLING 0 0 35 35 32 32 95 95 31 55 30 55 66 116 65 117 68 97 64 98 72 69 81 76 0.48 0.46 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 31 45 55 51 66 96 117 109 81 99 113 119 64 63 61 62 74 71 69 73 2 11 103 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 31 47 55 48 65 100 116 102 64 80 96 100 69 68 66 68 79 77 75 81 9.9 15.9 103 HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING 0 32 0 32 0 32 ‐25 ‐13 28 33 42 29 60 71 89 61 59 58 89 76 75 73 73 68 88 86 84 86 ‐0.1 0.03 0.04 0.02 14.5 22.1 100 HEATING HEATING COOLING COOLING 0 0 35 35 31 55 30 55 66 116 65 117 68 97 64 98 72 69 81 76 0.48 0.46 32 32 95 95 50 47 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 50 47 Page 3‐4 HOME VENTILATING INSTITUTE Section III ‐ January 2014 Modified Modified Brand Name Model ERV ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV HRV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV ERV HRV HRV HRV HRV Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia Brands Airia 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93 88 83 77 72 151 141 132 124 107 98 81 60 142 139 127 121 105 87 67 53 161 143 128 114 40 23 102 98 93 88 81 74 65 117 107 102 92 82 72 62 46 38 78 69 62 55 48 38 59 56 53 51 49 46 44 41 38 36 74 69 65 61 52 48 40 30 69 68 62 59 51 42 33 26 78 69 62 55 86 50 216 208 197 186 172 157 138 247 226 215 195 174 153 131 98 81 166 147 132 117 101 80 125 119 113 108 103 98 93 87 81 75 157 146 137 129 111 102 84 63 147 143 131 125 109 90 69 54 166 147 132 117
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