Minutes - City of Prince Albert
Minutes - City of Prince Albert
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES: NOVEMBER 19, 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee of The City of Prince Albert held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the above date at 5:45p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Councillor T. Zurakowski, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. PRESENT: Mayor Greg Dionne Councillors: Charlene Miller Rick Orr Lee Atkinson Don Cody Tim Scharkowski Martin Ring Mark D. Tweidt Ted Zurakowski -ANDCliff Skauge, City Clerk Robert Cotterill, City Manager Craig Guidinger, Planner 1 Ken Paskaruk, City Solicitor Colin Innes, Director of Public Works Joe Day, Director of Financial Services Colleen Gnyp, Communications Manager Chris Cvik, Director of Corporate Services Greg Zeeben, Director of Community Services Kevin Fines, Personal Computer Support Officer Les Karpluk, Director of Fire & Emergency Services Kim Johnson,_Acting Director of Economic Development and Planning 2. SUBMISSION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST FORMS: NOVEMBER 19, 2012 PAGE -1 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: 0329. Moved by Councillor C. Miller, AND RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held October 1, 2012, be taken as read and adopted. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: 0330. Moved by Councillor R. Orr, AND RESOLVED: That the Agenda for this meeting be approved, as presented, and, that the presentations, delegations and speakers listed on the Agenda be heard when called forward by the Chair. 5. PRESENTATIONS, DELEGATIONS & RELATED REPORTS: 6. COMMUNICATIONS/PETITIONS PACKAGE: 0331. Moved by Councillor M. Ring, That the Communications/Petitions Package Item Nos. 6.1 to 6.4 be received and forwarded to City Council for approval, as indicated. 6.1 Correspondence from Ca~lah Cassavant, Jonaya Barker, Kristen Duret, and Stephanie LeBlanc, 4 h Year Students, Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan, received October 17, 2012, requesting an opportunity to address Members of Council regarding Fire Hall Response Time. That the Correspondence from Caylah Cassavant, Jonaya Barker, Kristen Duret, and Stephanie LeBlanc, 4th Year Students, Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan, received October 17, 2012, requesting an opportunity to address Members of Council regarding Fire Hall Response Time be received as information and filed . NOVEMBER 19,2012 PAGE-2 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 6.2 Correspondence from Wanda Burnout, Debra Burnout, Lindsay Dennett, Robin Mourot, 4 1h Year: Students, Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan , received October 17, 2012, requesting an opportunity to address Members of Council regarding Strategies to make the City Safer for Pedestrians. That the Correspondence from Wanda Burnout, Debra Burnout, Lindsay Dennett, Robin Mourot, 4 th Year Students, Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan, received October 17, 2012, requesting an opportunity to address Members of Council regarding Strategies to make the City Safer for Pedestrians be received as information and filed . 6.3 Correspondence from Otto Boyko dated November 6, 2012, requesting 'that City Council's Property Tax Bylaw No. 10 of 2012 be amended to adjust the Vacant Land Minimum Tax. That the Correspondence from Otto Boyko dated November 6, 2012, requesting that City Council's Property Tax Bylaw No. 10 of 2012 be amended to adjust the Vacant Land Minimum Tax be received and referred to the Financial Services Department. 6.4 Media Release: a. Update on Diefenbaker Bridge Lane Closures dated November 9, 2012. That the Media Release with respect to Update on Diefenbaker Bridge Lane Closures dated November 9, 2012, be received as information and filed . 0332. Moved by Councillor M. Ring. AND RESOLVED: That the Communications/Petitions Package Item Nos. 6.1 to 6.4 be received and forwarded to City Council for approval, as indicated. NOVEMBER 19, 2012 PAGE-3 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 7. CONSENT AGENDA: 7.3 Report from Planner 1 dated November 1, 2012, with respect to Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 540 - 1st Avenue East - C1 - Downtown Commercial to IG- Institutional General Service/Contract Zone. (BYLAW NO. 31 OF 2012) (RPT#EDP-12-154) That the Report from Planner 1 dated November 1, 2012, with respect to Zoning Bylaw Amendment- 540- 1st Avenue East - C1 - Downtown Commercial to IG Institutional General Service/Contract Zone- Bylaw No. 31 of 2012 be received and referred to City Council for consideration at its November 26, 2012 meeting. 7.5 Report from Director of Community Services dated November 14, 2012, with respect to E.A. Rawlinson Centre Quarterly Report - July to September 2012. (RPT#COMM-12-43) That the Report from Director of Community Services dated November 14, 2012, with respect to E.A. Rawlinson Centre Quarterly Report - July to September 2012 be received as information and filed . 7.6 Report from Director of Financial Services dated October 25, 2012, with respect to Landfill Pass Program Update. (RPT#FIN-12-70) That the Report from Director of Financial Servi.ces dated October 25, 2012, with respect to Landfill Pass Program Update be received as information and filed. 7.7 Report from Director of Financial Services dated October 31, 2012, with respect to Monthly Financial Report - August, 2012. (RPT#FIN-12-73) That the Report from Director of Financial Services dated October 31, 2012, with respect to Monthly Financial Report- August, 2012 be received as information and filed . 7.8 Report from Director of Financial Services dated November 14, 2012, with respect to Monthly Financial Report- September, 2012. (RPT#FIN-1274) That the Report from Director of Financial Services dated November 14, 2012, with respect to Monthly Financial Report - September, 2012 be received as information and filed. PAGE-4 NOVEMBER 19, 2012 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 7.9 Report from Chief Clerk dated November 5, 2012, with respect to Account List No. 20 of 2012 in the amount of $3,014,653.44. (RPT#FIN-CC-12-21) That the Report from Chief Clerk dated November 5, 2012, with respect to Account List No. 20 of 2012 in the amount of $3,014,653.44 be received as information and filed. 0333. Moved by Mayor G. Dionne, AND RESOLVED: That the Consent Agenda Item Nos. 7.3, and 7.5 to 7.9 and the recommendations contained therein be received and forwarded to City Council for approval, as indicated. 8. REPORTS OF ADMINISTRATION & COMMITTEES: 7.1 0334. Report from Director of Corporate Services dated October 10, 2012, with respect to Landfill Pass Communication Plan. (RPT#CORP-CC-12-05) Moved by Councillor M. Tweidt. AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Director of Corporate Services dated October 10, 2012, with respect to Landfill Pass Communication Plan be received as information and filed. 7.2 0335. Report from Planner 1 dated October 22, 2012, with respect to 291h Street West Road Closure. (BYLAW NO. 33 OF 2012) (RPT#EDP-12-153) Moved by Councillor C. Miller, AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Planner 1 dated October 22, 2012, with respect to 29th Street West Road Closure- Bylaw No. 33 of 2012 be received and referred to City Council fo'r consideration at its November 26, 2012 meeting. PAGE-5 NOVEMBER 19,2012 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 7.4 Report from Planner 1 dated November 13, 2012, with respect to Zoning Bylaw Amendment- 31B: UE- Urban Expansion to 31C: UE- Urban Expansion District. (BYLAW NO. 32 OF 2012- 15 t Reading) (RPT#EDP12-157) Moved by Councillor L Atkinson . AND RESOLVED: 0336. That the Report from Planner 1 dated November 13, 2012, with respect to Zoning Bylaw Amendment- 31B: UEUrban Expansion to 31C: UE- Urban Expansion DistrictBylaw No. 32 of 2012 be received and referred to City Council for consideration at its November 26, 2012 meeting. 8.1 0337. Report from City Manager dated November 13, 2012, with respect to Request for Efficiency Audit. (RPT#CM-12-27) Moved by Mayor G. Dionne. AND RESOLVED: That the Report from City Manager dated November 13, 2012, with respect to Request for Efficiency Audit be received as information and filed. 8.2 0338. Report from City Clerk dated November 5, 2012, with respect to 2013 Executive Committee & City Council Meeting Schedule. (RPT#CORPCLK-12-18) Moved by Mayor G. Dionne, AND RESOLVED: That the Report from City Clerk dated November 5, 2012, with respect to 2013 Executive Committee & City Council Meeting Schedule be received ; and, that the following recommendations of the City Clerk, as contained therein, be approved: "1. That the 2013 Executive Committee and City Council Meeting Schedule, as outlined on the attached list, be approved; 2. That a departure from the regular meeting scheduled for the Executive meeting in February be approved to accommodate the attendance of members of Council at the Annual Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association Conference on February 3 - 6, 2013, in Saskatoon; PAGE-6 NOVEMBER 19,2012 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 8.3 0339. 3. That a departure from the regular meeting scheduled for the City Council meeting in February be approved to accommodate the Annual February School Break; 4. That a departure from the regula,r meetings scheduled for the month of April be approved to accommodate the Annual School Easter Break; 5. That a departure from the regular meeti'ng scheduled for the Executive meeting in June be approved to accommodate the attendance of members of Council at the Annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference on May 31 -June 3, 2013, in Vancouver; and, 6. That the July and August Executive Committee and City Council meetings be scheduled at 4:00p.m. , and if necessary the Committee of the Whole Council lncamera meetings be scheduled at 2:00 p.m. for the same period." Report from Manager of CapitaJ Projects dated November 14, 2012, with respect to Crescent Acres Stage 4 and 5. (RPT#PW-12-79) Moved by Councillor M. Ring, AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Manager of Capital Projects dated November 14, 2012, with respect to Crescent Acres Stage 4 and 5 be received ; and, that the following recommendations of the Manager of Capital Projects, as contained therein, be approved: "1. That the Proposal for Crescent Acres Stage 4 & 5 Design be awarded to AECOM of Saskatoon, in the estimated amount of $343,070, plus applicable Goods and Services Tax; 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Professional Service Agreement, on behalf of The City, once prepared; and , 3. That $343,070 of the funding in amount $1 ,677,400, already approved in the 2012 Land Fund Budget, for underground work for Phases 4a, 4b, and 5, be used NOVEMBER 19,2012 PAGE-7 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT for the cost of design and tender of the underground work." 8.4 0340. Report from Director of Financial Services dated October 29, 2012, with respect to John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Grant. (RPT#FIN-12-71) Moved by Councillor M. Ring. AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Director of Financial Services dated October 29, 2012, with respect to John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Grant be received; and, that the following recommendations of the Director of Financial Services, as contained therein, be approved: "1. 2. 8.5 0341. That pre-budget approval be authorized to: a. Increase the 2013 grant to the John M. Cuelenaere Public Library to $1 ,443,900; and, b. Reduce the 2013 grant to the Wapiti Regional Library Board to $21 0,000; and, That the funding increases requested for "Library Collections" and ''Building Operations'' be referred to the Budget Committee for consideration during the 2013 Budget deliberations." Report from Assistant Director of Financial Services dated November 8, 2012, with respect to Request for Proposals No. 105 of 2012 -Audit Services- City Financial Statements. (RPT#FIN-12-72) Moved by Councillor M. Tweidt. AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Assistant Director of Financial Services dated November 8, 2012, with respect to Request for Proposals No. 105 of 2012 - Audit Services - City Financial Statements be received; and, that the following recommendations of the Assistant Director of Financial Services, as contained therein, be approved: "1. That Request for Proposal No. 105 of 2012 - Audit Services - City Financial Statements be awarded to Deloitte & Touche, LLP for a five (5) y.ear term for the period for the audit of the year ended December 31 , NOVEMBER 19, 2012 PAGE-S CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 2012, and to expire with the audit of the year ended December 31 , 2016; and, 2. 8.6 0342. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary Agreement(s), on behalf of The City." Report from Golf Course Advisory Committee dated November 15, 2012, with respect to 2013 Cooke Municipal Golf Course Fees. Moved by Councillor M. Ring, AND RESOLVED: That the Report from Golf Course Advisory Committee dated November 15, 2012, with respect to 2013 Cooke Municipal Golf Course Fees be received ; and , that the following recommendations of the Golf Course Advisory Committee, as contained therein, be approved: 9. 0343. "1 . That the 2013 Cooke Municipal Golf Course Fee Schedule, as outlined in Attachment 'A', attached to the Report from Golf Course Advisory Committee dated November 15, 2012, be approved; and, 2. That Administration be directed to place any operating surpluses or deficits from the Cooke Municipal Golf Course Operations into the Golf Course Capital Reserve." UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Moved by Councillor M. Ring, AND RESOLVED: That the Executive Committee forward the above Agenda from its meeting of November 19, 2012, along with the recommendations and noted amendments, to City Council for consideration at its November 26, 2012 meeting. NOVEMBER 19, 201 2 PAGE-9 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT 10. ADJOURNMENT- 6:43 P. . 0344. o now adjourn. CITY CLERK MINUTES ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2012. NOVEMBER 19, 2012 PAGE -10 CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT
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Moved by Councillor R. Orr, Seconded by
Councillor M.D. ~weidt. AND RESOLVED: