100-152 - Tauranga City Council
100-152 - Tauranga City Council
227 Submission Number: /ir>o ^<Dt::i G ' y Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aCJty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We wdll then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) Yes ] ~ \ I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No {Tn If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May • Tuesday 8 May • Day • Evening Wednesday 9 May • n Day Thursdaf^OT •' ' '?-3 J T ^ f E " n n n r ~ , , — • • '¥y Evening APR 20r7 Contact Details (piease print clearly) '^yc^y^^ikz^S^i^myu y «CUNCILJ *Name: (who Is the submission from?) *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) "Postal Addres A *Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emai Signature: -.-'. I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary' Document for infonnation that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an'ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any en-ors in personal details contained in your submission, tfyou do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 228 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: /CXD Office Use Only ^/^^Uy/^<-^LjZ^ .Jy/:^-7^^y:y- y^y^yyyrulyj^x ^ y^ y^y^^y oM ..--:ruay^yy^O/y::^ ^ ^ ^ Zy-Q . c^^^v^ .y-^yyyyl vC '^yyyTy: yyy^yyz3^ ^..yy-^^y^ ~7^^ y^^yj^yy^c^ ^ y ^ y : y y ^ :7.'^ yCyziyt^ ^ ^^-y^^-^'^j2 y ^ ,^<^yyT^ ^ yi^yy^ i^^ ^ 7 ^ ^y y /yy\ -yy^yu.^^'^fyji Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 229 fOf Submission Number: Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aOty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes | | No I y \ If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May - Tuesday 8 May Day Day Wednesday 9 May Evening Day Thursday 10 May Evening Day Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who Is the submission from?) ...3.C.ih\ch.C<y\..S.C.ho.cl. *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) ...'tiQ!fY2{O....M!'.Cy\Q.}..S... *Postal Address: Lil€EO¥EP ....(?.(<?.....C(?.r.tVv(.C..ha.e.l.....Cd. £>c^:)k.kt.ry\ .5..APR..2.ai2:' " Postcode: 2"i:i"(|2^''''R^^"GACirr COUNCIL .•rr i- ^•"''"•' -••^..•.^^^^^c.^^-,.^,.,.,..^..., „M1 _ lone: Evening Teleph *Daytime Telephone: .LQ..i..J....D../..v?...7r..i.<?^.f?. Email Address: ....vS.afadr:an.Q..bd:fakhemsc.bQ0i....ac.:..O.X. (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: .AjTy.C/.Lc/y^. I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: | J MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summaiy Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more tfian welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 230 /O/ Submission regarding t h e Mobile Library Service Our submission is in support of keeping the iVIobile Library Service and it being run as is the current practice. Bethlehem School has had the Mobile Library Van visit on a fortnightly basis for quite a number of years. It is something we would like to see continued but unfortunately schools always run on very tight budgets and there is no way Bethlehem School could pay to have the service continued. At Bethlehem School we have a very strong literacy programme as we believe literacy underpins all the children's learning across all areas of the curriculum and is a foundation skill for children to become productive members of society. Of course we have a very good school library where children can enjoy reading and can borrow books to take home. The Mobile Library van complements our library and our literacy programme as children are encouraged to read for pleasure as well as reading to learn new things in all curriculum areas. We hope that by giving the children the opportunity to visit libraries on a regular basis that we are fostering their interest in books and reading as well as borrowing books from the library becoming a familiar and regular habit which we hope they will continue doing as they grow up. We also see that the Mobile Library service is an extremely valuable service to the community and probably to older members of the community in particular,for whom access to the city libraries may be more difficult. We strongly support the Mobile Library Sen/ice continuing. 231 iO'Si. Submission Number: ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No ET If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Tuesday 8 May Monday 7 May • • Day Day • Evening Wednesday 9 May • Thursday 10 May • Day Evening 4^ Contact Details u •<i/ M iS (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) 5 APR 2012 S-..L.^7?...TJVJD,..J.. TAURANGA CITY COUNCI *Contact P e r s o n : (if ttie name above is an organisation) 'Postal A d d r e s s : Postcode: "Daytime T e l e p h o n e : .- E v e n i n g Telep' Email A d d r e s s : (If you would like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: | \y\ M Y S U B M I S S I O N IS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an-ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s} on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available, t f y o u would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when y o u send in your submission. You have the right to correct any en-ors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 232 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading : 'oa. Office Use Only; nacioi^e iTbYQ S \ \j'\jc\k\c) V\x>-\-Q mi4Di\e l^Wovu, ^ conyrvse^^ bg>G3J^> • -fey tao>,\\\gs \h2 vy^ye^ . ^^yy\ ^^fyo\^ aA\l6^t3n, rV\^ v;Ovu -\i^Ae 1 ^ c^-VKo/ \rvi(^AV^be^ r^^^Np - j H ? , vs e t^ ^devAtV c-)^(i a\\ vAhlh-^; c^ ^ VV^^vevie cV IS ^vrvApoA^AV iO •^ ^A-W^iS p-y^rlAGs>-5^ r€(y^^^Q.. yixyvj u(~i>or\ f^i^pp> Ore \r>diAai -te) oe^ y y c d ^ -r px|-)i-.ore -W^" \f^jn\\^y\ v\x>xj> - \'oe. Vvearc) AV^oT -^r^ fVM- \i\s-,'K A^ITAW f^oWx^ls • ^ - Y V ^ ^j^/whiyy \\xyA\d 'AOT -lOte^tei/ c.W\ld^-er\ "to Wg- iiWoA^i v^^>eir. Hjg \P ive Mu i s VAjovtirn c-jg-l^^de-VVP J ^ dAA\dreYA CQA 6 h i1" M-PA-^Pg^lu-p'^ M^xiol • ^ ^ O I A G Y ^ , -^reachevs c o ^ O 1 p ^ ^V^ij<^c^.c-?f^ "^" ^ , A^U-^,^\sD re-f^^oe cv\V.QWpq 'boolc^ - ^ c ^ vntp ho,^ier -(\n3V peY-K\|95 u^ulci od^ ^ryy^ycxyy o^^^'m^^Ve rectdim il\iVevraca- Sjv-t:lo. i(r-nhis .^ie<ViCo u-v-^^4k^ y^mavT^.di, ^•oe X- n"^\~e \crxic3 be\n&-^ a v o \ a b \ ^ y\-\yo c-av^^-ALinr J&5 yvDOD^iOo mijOCL S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 233 UU X q ^ 2 Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e^g.iheiibps^ies.^ You are welcome to speai< to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about;the-issues-yoLLh^j'^\|aJ^(|^ yoij written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us l<now if you wish to doiso and the day that would suit yc best. We will then contact you with a time. i ~ C •',:?.!? 2012 (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes miiiOUNCIL If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening I Wed 9 May • Day D Evening T h u r s l O M a y D Day U2) ^ : : > Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) M.t- *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) y\- l^ *Postal Address: *Daytime Telephone: Email Address: (if you Signature: )yyz. I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: JZL M y s u b m i s s i o n is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Pps on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need t o inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose 5 J idayj Apri! 2012 234 _-, Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with a topic heading. (yy\^^9-y^ j / h ^ y VXL^^T'^A/^ ^^tu Office use only 2Vi. -^^^ V V A A ^ - > S\ ^ VisLtsi C ^-^^.^^0^^^-^) e':k\ ^^-v^. :2eA, ^-\v^ o ^ — y ^V^rr- ^ c x, ^ '±y ^ ^ g ^ : ^ s A ^ v > > . ^ - ^ V . - \A/lKAAe.>K\ /AfisA-t:>c A_Lii^^ ^,(i_rv-W^. o-^QPc>/V- r^^ C^ OKV^CX g^oci)^. ^ i:^^^?^^^^ ^ \^/\s>^ V ^ o OoCCX •^-\:W> CD ^ <^y^<\ r-cM^ t/c/lo A <^--<^ -^ A^> '^'^^ ^ V^ ^cj^r>r-.^^z ^g^^v^C/^ _N.> AV v>oc:\. 0)\^ vV ^ ^ - \ LvA A^j^^ipJ -s:u:>Ad is^-_^:=^, -0>vAi^ ^ \ i ^ C.K O^ ''^rx:!^ r : v v ^ o l ollv^ VjsJ) Q^- C-NO'-T -y _v :^^:<^' VVAI CKAMD 5 . C lAA>r^ Sybmissions ciose 5.00 poi Friday, 2 0 April 2012 235 •^ihso^, Submission number /QCp TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL'S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. / (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes [ Y No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day ; Tues 8 May D Day Q Evening Wed 9 May • Day Q E v e n i n g Contact Details (please print cleariy) -. *Hame: (who is the submission from?) •^Contact Person: (ff fhe name above/s an organ/sat/on) ^Y\ U J j Thurs 10 May D Day ^ ' ' ' ^ . 1 ^ ^LP I & , [I W J M ^5) f .^ s; A Q Q nnt^, 1 j,:^min. iUU y ~ i i r ? i .AA »/ir» <i> r i TA i T , ,,.,,. a L i d > ~ y y y K i w\ \int^^i^yi^yd^i3M^-(:^,'^Q^j^^^^ *Postal Address: ^ -p^ CH\C? *Daytime Telephonej Email Address: (tfyou v Signature: j ; ^ ^ ^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: ^ IVIy s u b m i s s i o n i s : Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Pps on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made avaiiable to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an'ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need t o inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. 5.00 pm Friday^ SO April 2012 236 . . . Piease start e a c h of the different topics you are writing about with a t o p i c heading. Office use only Dixcki AO "<^ I Q^u^roLvvQov S .e-©i-^-:^ -fe^ g O'CTcu t<\ed- JJoi't-g.t^'l^gAT Ic^ Ov.. -pei-o Q'T jrojeci. via^r'a^jy ^ iC\7L. J2.K^X/ t o(«a , CooTefe-r-vc? e- 'fKt^ 'P^ i4^iel. <S(DcC-| uJocilrJ ippfeLr>c| V/(si1"e-^S ^ a s k jAiecd^ioT^ ^ g>p't/g)/i propg^^ed ei3T:> -^^ /fke d^piv^g,. fa k^c9^' ^ b i T hr>o^rc qbotlf" pCo^^ct, ^^(\3e^nJT -^^^ V^tisetttn . ^^st Qy} Or\ Lj{'ti\ T^^, T p b hyPc^C- }^ cfl<Z WoP3S/—J?sjJijLyu 'per/y (? .....:.. /CotR^ 1>^L L T7r.{D. -hf ., ..ii~ rhOfeM-v-jy uxrk neprig < ^ a r ^ T ^ (// / iKc';aQ''Kr Q3 l ^ r k t n o i n "flg^ fi'lciuTt 1^ P-reDy 3caggS^ A"t •iTm^t-. - C-kci/Jiy'ick: 1\& 3ryU.\\^s A qr>^ 'ifiigg (^Kip Se^l Gpti Grv I S u b m i s s i o n s c i o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 A p r i ! 2 0 1 2 •^.r" '•"•^1 -1 237 P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e Vv/riting a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . Office use only €fc gh^cul uji/1i x>: Iikt_SOS/ p f o p c s e d ci-a_CO<BS\ (^ UiHf h^ciue^ ' \ o (^^a^qiyc, 0,f- -f^f 0,0 ujitk t^v^ -^Ic^gv' fSv€Af;g /A Oroga -5p,a c e s -€?«</ l^ibiZA i ^ y. n,:e- : oot^cu i (jjUi & t ^ € j £ : i ^ O t\ m Wl^tT Kt&aRC ^ j3i_-_ivJ/J___£e^ jyt^^yMiU toe. X ^ i i ^ t ^ L^_ iY fcxrac/ Le^t/ei Spc?f1g ac<.wg_ ^^ akea(i unt/x rf< sK ^ t^hAm^ a"^ 3efc//cg_ g ^e^.^ .f n ^o f^ la ^^ut^^ -Ve((c/.3 /s kacMy used.. ^ i r jjie- ^if^uncLt s a^. ^6Cfa pTKi p amrJjQQynitfe. ausf ^ d i l bd^qcE^ ^ ' t/t^- e-ftp Qv^ jy^cylpc\yi^\ but * "T>c?Kt kav^^^ " p i ^ S y 9 u k t i \ e O ^ ^.:^^^ L i n e . ^Cn i t t k ^ b r ^ c ^ jTi CI •"t^^<£ I I n ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ /<^,osT g brt" ^nr>cre, /oud" f/^yf€^ l o i l ) b e _ A//?, ^ c y f ) ^ s . g b o ^ kctrb(:?uLf p o l a t i c>i^ f UACijcaJ-O ^ f (include extra pages if you wish) Subrnissloris ciose 5.00 p m Friday^ 2 0 April 2012 238 ^LrDC^-SI Submission number JQS T A U R A N G A CITY COUNCIL'S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b t n i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: 0 Yes D No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May H D a y Contact Details ()D/easeprinfc/eariy) D Evening '^JJ-^AM, *Name: (who is the submission from?) H-C.S •fo^; Wed 9 May D Day Cj\ D Evening ThurslOMay D Day o.>iV- Q=>i^i-^^:>_\'^l:i_.„.<^^j L t . CvM *Contact Person: (if the name atiove is an organisation) *Postal Address: 1 3.S_,\S^<^\Ai^t-\.„^„9r:>^^?^ ^JlO ^2. ( ^ - ~ y Postcode: *DaytimeTelephone: 'y\yy\'^J^^}Jys-> 3.S-."7.Z ^^yny. Evening Telephone: (^ -, ^—[O n ^ ' ^ -7 ^ -^c/xmiiQssastatK. '.i^u3«>iuuc»a Email Address: (ifyouivouW//teanema/tedresponsej r o W . p . p Signature: ^ \\p cj K y ^ ^ ' —S-^PR-2D12 I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: D " My submission is: " t J ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ r ' a T T COUNCIL Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose 5. Friday, 20 Aprii 2012 239 , ^ ^ /OS Please start each of the different topics you are writing about \with a topic heading. IrO PWCN" C^A^ 0(^T\ON^ Of^ O(^ Gapv^<iv,r:> a^^GO >PtL.o- Bpis Office use only Q ^ i iptJ ' ^ . •'.A' \ ^ XA'T, if Q,/ (^\v_oT ^ P » ^ * ^ T^l.v'^'c. T l^VSi^— >^J 6- \'^v; c<i\'-i'-AAi_'S, .. jV_y • ^missions close 5= Friday^ 20 April 2012 ' 240 J l l ^ < ^ ^ ^ /Z(S(=.^^ T A U R A N G A CITY Submission number COUNCIL'S /oG? _^_. D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. •. . . (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes • No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day Contact Details (please print clearly) , ) *Name: (who is the submission from?) E] Evening Wed 9 May n Day D Evening i Thurs 10 May D Day _. . -4zi>^<Cj-j AJ f r j *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) i ; ''Postal Address: ; *DaytimeTelephOi.^. i - ,- , ., . . _,v,. ..T.....ir.. .„ • Email Address: (if you would like ap emailed response) Signature: ^,.--''^^^^-t,^-V^^5«:2^--£:::---^:---^='^^^^ I I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Q ^ ' Pt/ly s u b m i s s i o n - i s : . ..•, Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. .• Privacy Act infonrtation . •, ••'• The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly avaiiabie. if you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. -^ 241 Please start e a c h of the different topics you are writing about w i t h a topic heading. ^ 4yrrS-y. ^ /> ^ 7 A:^ 3 T^ECIT : yy^f,s,<^ ^^-^st^,r ^ ^ ^yC^r-c^^4-tZ^ cAy.r <^^id^t^<^,.^<y - ;*^>e OOzyZc^. ^-^'O'^/'ry cs;-/^ /"-e ^ ' ^ ^ ^ Ti_ir^ i-^ t: c ^ - ' - c ; ^c.^*-n^-^ ^<h^<y / = t > • x^>:b»s " ^ <B- ' S ^ /^/y<-</.gl ^v^^<s^^.t^ >^^i-^ '^'^ y=^C^^ Aoi^f ytt^^cT' C^^'Q t-i^^^^^/l-yrC^y / ^ ^ ^/^y^y>r Si '•-Ai/o'.c^..^ '^t- C^/i^e-^^r^ ^^^ ^ ' j y ' ^ i ^ o /^^xy-Tt^ ^ ^ ^ T'^-f^S /7v^ r 2>£i i y i ^ £ _ £ ^ ^ < - e ^ . J, .X.^ j ^ f - , , . ^ , ^ ^ ^ M-^y/l^e^yi-^^^^.^ c> ci_/' A^'Ci'~\^ '*f<^;r7d*- C^^^r^^ ^"^(S^^ <^t^^^r-fi-ir?^^ /v':j^ ^y-t'.'i^ ^ . s ^ < ^ ^ ^ y i - r ' ^ h i ^ / - T f ^ t ^ *-\-r ^'7* ^^-^•f^W' Q^^f^^fiyr,-^^^ /ij?<^ ^ - < f/Tyrayr ''VV S^>qi^?rS^£^^O^yJ>r Sv£-c^A Ar^y«*T^<;,^ Azst^ ^"^-^ "^^23 o ^ . C . v / , dJ./^ //!/ .^^.-.gA^p '"^-v^C <^v^.V7/^Air - 0'i?vr/£Av^/-^'V7.:L/v r yf-CiJ-cy^^i-^ y ^ ^ s - o ^ ^ c S.^Jr^i^ ^\y^*<»-;-7ea>Jw^=V^O'W T /4'7-'%/er7+.rry ; : ' . ^ C'2^ Office use only «^^-f^,^,^ ^i^*^i=p^ ^ /^c^^V^i ^^e'7~>^< // S C ^ eg; *H^t^-^g^ ly/f^t<k, C^f-xAyy^-^ ityyy-t cy:>^^-rr^ft~) ,^^9^ (y&V<Zy ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ T O ' ^ yC&t!^^^^^ ^ ^ /y^ /r^r ^X-^B^ ^•z^^. •^-^r*7 /^»4^-v^ "v'C>^iVi4-/.i=_^ & t-^^*^ £.._J^ y ^tyc^sy^.-r:.^^ ^^C^eC^^y^r^^ ^HyiS. €§-e Qi^c^y^^ '77y«-^y<^i^>fe>,<<t^ Yt'l^^i^^^:r^^C^ A>,<^.Ay. Q'r'i/^=~r^ ^^^-^'<^^Q<^ T/ZJCE -T'JVC: c^ir:>^^J> ^g_^ 7 - ^ ^ 4 - r - - r o - ^ . ^t^/'s^ K/Q,^ '^^^^^^^ <^>^-oz-^gosei yL^j^ ^^V<Dc>4c>^ S > ^ y $ ^ ^ cJ s; •7'c < ^ -'^J^ ,r-^^ <ty^7^^i^y^ ;^-e^ ^^^^^^%Op<:a-<. Sybmissioris close 5.00 poi' Friday, 2 0 April 2012 242 laG p l e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r s w r i t i n g a b o u t w^ith a t o p i c h e a d i n g . T^m^^i^ ^ - ^ ^ ^^'^^^^ £^r^.v ^ i i ^ - A ^ •Pr^ ~ -^^-'€;^»&-^«v — / ^-yy^ ^/4^.^/"^ t:^»^^"^<3;^'^^.^ Office use only ^^^^'^< ^^^^'"t^ci^^^a-rT^ CX*v /^4-^~7g/ "i^t»>-^<^ci>^ ^^^^^^ ^sv^/"~?'o-^ X^i>-eny 3 /'^>'^>4^^ * ^ ^CG^G^^SC^ /i/^^^i^^a^ -4^ V^er-^i^ ,A; ^asc*^^ A^^TT-*-^^. / y e - ^ ^ s ^ <o>^ S ^ ' ^ ^ >g^Pc>ii_Xl^ ^c/fi-t^/:^/^ ..- A/'<g<9,.^^A^P (JX^SS^^ CLV=- 77 c-«p>i>^e^/::i . " ^ ^ ^^v!^ / ^ S ^ ,t ; ^^^^H^y ^^t: «^ /-^ S '^^as? t^-^t-t f\CC^,t, ^\£>:^ tC^Hi^C-^- ~^ r. - ' i k i u •• „, ^<v (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions ciose 5,00 p m Friday, 2 0 ^.pr^ 2012 ^ ^ ^ 244 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about w i t h a topic heading. Office use only CL> ly^f-y,' cLcc^y^^ y dcyn^ /-6- . ^ ^ -t c/LJ^^I^AA- / / - go I, y / / -^ / V V ^ :y? /y^ /^T( / / ^ rZ''K< iyf,-- yayi-Ly^uyy/x.c I'xj^t^J I'xJ-zLJ ^v-i:?yic-^/aZ ^^i<^i^ 7 ^ y ^etty --^c-^^g^tl . c^S' y?' / yJ^P^ yin.^^^ y:^ cl C-- •y y^LLyf'-cji^i^ C_,^^xr~t^-^ 7^ t /lyA upjC^ ts->^ yll^i^ /^^-tf/g. ^ fy '^ ^A y' ~r/ £c'y> y y y ^ ^'-c^ ^ /^ve-^y yT^-T/t.^ TLTC^^ y>rc^/^^-^y^/c.> iyy\ C:^.^ -•/ ^^^^^ J:-^^ { y @. P ; / ^ y^a^ <V /gfc^^>-yt-<?^ r^/xy ys A'^\- Vtl? P ^ ^ ? ^ y^.rryyt- Z^'>, ^- /i^ci ••^^y? ^yy-^.^y^..^ ry> . f ^r^^-^^-e^g^ O '^i^'T-x'^ /3-er^/s ^ /^^-n^ >g^ r/ -zZy- y y i . ^^a-T^-e^. A-^xz^ <r^'7i^'-^^ 'r^i^-TAycS, k. dwr^ / ) .5/g'^-g-i::-^,^ /y.^y'/'AjL {^,y-z:.i^^^.c.y^ /^ y^i Sf^^-i^^tfy y^A/cyu-v^ .^r^•'<>l.-^yln./^-^Lys . r g7. /4^ Ty ^oyf/^:^>^ / / y ^ ^ubimissions Qiose ^oi Friday, 2 0 A p r i l 2 0 1 2 245 Utuxq^"^ Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T u u r c i n ^ a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes No If yes, my prefemed day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day ^ Tues 8 May D Day D Evening \ Wed 9 May D Day D Evening i Thurs 10 May D Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) j5e^ l/J^ hr-Jre^T *Contact Person: (if the name atxive is an organisation) Tostal Address: ^^^^^ A U \ ^ T Q r \c^ (I J H o C D r^ Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: O Q-"7 S L ^ ^ A ^ ^ G O Email Address: frfyou wou((J/;te an ema//p6^sponsej Signature: ' Z ? I I (r> I Evening Telephone: ' ^ ^ ' ^ i R o u r^C:^a^,^ ^ Q 1 y O % 0 < ^ I ^ (C^vV^>-/ ( 2 - V t ( ^ ^ • C O • l \ l "P* y - y ^ ^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: • M y s u b m i s s i o n is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to amange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose lay, / e^<g 246 P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . Office use only ~/L / e H r / f y ( s - oy P( i d /6ay h c u n ^ Hauncy^ nc^ I ^JTA/ o r y ^ r 4 o r -ihe I h a s l & / 1 a u / C L ^ a hoursiHo!u C i i ^ j © / ^Thuyfyncjq ^ cm u J ^ \ a Q^A-i}Nue^ -/o ' jpey CL d e ^ - i i r y g - f / o ^ y^oy Cr^i^^ liNe^z.'G Hhe^C A7(f<^-s T^Q h e Moae^ enply^^^f^ (O'^ " / / ^ iJelc-o^e cirxyo -fl^^ cjui'^e 11 yjc/z.^ -fyxreije/l R-\e u g ^ M ^" p p / i f Pr(D/y /^]udyc:khc\ o y^^ U6 n -JcD Gr^^K l^jr^ ^ V ^ ^ -g>o H^'cA MO^C /"S ^ r ) o ^ y p pro^icD/~e H^yg S e s i i r\fy)i)o^^. f^i/o-l I 1^ ^ e a u i t - p j l tyot.\^ O / d ^Ou/y/^ h ^ ^ n h c ^ n c ^ c / e •^ec-f/uc^ J i c j / d ) y j . ^^y2<.o^ ^ /M^/. d r e c ^ cxre ^y, -f- hn(Zny<r/ AO /[ t)^nAM7 y ^ JrsyiljAyyo. u//^cy> Ouy or^ -fKc i n o // -^I -- 77 ^Qre -ik e o f s i . - y t Z i ^ i ^ hhyi^yyeiy uc7y:yr^ My-iyH^^^ dh^jL .:iXl^-.-:^/<fe ^ 1 H h f~ 1 lucJ^ I liL'cJy u c j ^ II \Kjar\ HOa^ 1^ IIr j Innffee CX)r j\\P^cJy j\\y)yyjy 'ex y e n . HccLoa; yV oo t~^e n e yJt yyonf^ hho/^^i \io^re(?)^ ^ ^cLOt^reo^^ ^^ ^-f^/^g \ f ^ iyhiVy^_ iybn(y ne Bieswg® - 5 APR 2012 JrAURANGAIIITY CaUNCJL (include extra pages if you wish) S y b m i s s i o i i s c i o s e S.OO p m F r i d a y , SO A p r i i 2 0 1 2 247 ^^S® ^ °* ^ From: alison ceilings Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2012 2:50 p.m. To: Ten Year Plan Submissions Subject: submission Good afternoon, this is my submission. I beleive that as far as addressing water shortages and water saving, it should be mandatory for all dwellings that have any land attached, be fitted with a rain water tank system and required filters, why are most households not saving water this way every times it pours down? I beleive that an answer to down town traffic congestion and parking problems the entire Tauranga CBD be turned into a motor traffic free zone and human powered rickshaw taxis be available at modest cost to transport those who do not want to walk or avail themselves of a citycycle. New industries could take the place of old in respect to transport in built up areas. These are the main things I want to mention. If you want to check out my website and see what I am about go to www.littlebangfairv.com all the best with your plans and I would love to hear back firom you, sustainability is my motto and spreading the word about it to the new generation, cheers AUson CoUings, Waihi This e-mail message has been swept for viruses and none was found. Content was not checked Email disclaimer: This email and any attaclnments are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, do not copy, disclose or use the contents in any way. If you receive this message in error, please let us know by return email and then destroy the message. Bay of Plenty Regional Council is not responsible for any changes made to this message and/or any attachments after sending. This e-mail has been checked for viruses and none were detected. This email has been filtered by SMX. For more information visit smxemail.com 10/04/2012 248 ' ((g6SC( Ph07'576 9926 em bobbet(^xtra.co.nz 05/04/2012 llO RW Scott, 41A Cherrywood Drive, Otumoetai, TAURANGA 3110. To the Mayor and Councillors, Tauranga City Council, Private Bagl 2022, TAURANGA. 3lJt-3. Dear Mayor and Councillors, Thanks for giving me the opportunity to add my submissions for you to consider. Rates;Capital value rates will always be a concem as they are one of the highest annual charges the average property owner has to pay. The amount levied by City and Regional Councils for rates needs to be considered as those who pay do not enjoy the ability to obtain an increase in income to help meet the increasing amounts charged. I believe some or a part of the non essential services provided should be placed in the care of those who use them. The intention of Council to assist private enterprise provide a service that would not be available otherwise is a preferred move especially if ratepayers are protected from the total cost should the venture need support. Commercial rates;Is a concem as they are higher than residential and give less for the amount charged? Main Street rates in Greerton seem to be used for a manager's salary and office administration with little surplus to provide a gain for those who pay. Durnham Street re Tertiary Campus;This project will increase pressure on parking over the present level and may be better sited where it creates less congestion and a better return on the property targeted and a gain for the City. Tauranga Water Front;The budget for projects proposed up to 2021 are OK but there is a cost for replacing the car parks lost that is additional and they will take time to be made freehold. Water Charges;The fixed charge should meet up to 50% of the annual cost for maintaining and replacing facilities for the supply of water. Plus an upward stepped charge to discourage wastage to meet the total annual cost. This may encourage the use of tanks to collect rain water for high users that may affect the long term outcome planned for the future city's needs. Cash Injection into TCVL This is a business taken over by Council to assist the City compete for the benefit of the users ( Tauranga people and visitors). There are other facilities like the public baths, camping grounds that may require ratepayer support if there is a downtum in there use. To assist cope with these borderline ventures that the commercial sector has not so far shown an interest in, a joint involvement may have appeal and possibly add know how, and funds. There is a risk this facility may be an ongoing cost for ratepayers that offers status as its main reward. 249 ID (2) I Property Review;Property at present not being used and has no foreseeable use in the draft ten year plan should be leased or sold. It will at least then earn rates and provide some cash to obtain a suitable site elsewhere if required. I ^' Levels of Service; Option one is the choice I prefer and at least provides a dust free surface. Intersections can be done in Hot Mix when use and funds dictate. I ?. Cemetery fees;Should be self funded. ^ •~ . Pilot Bay Grassed Area;Option one and three would give walkers, swimmers and picnickers use of this much used area. Charging (1) (2) (3) " % ' I Greerton Library; A public/private venture could be the answer for this project and reduce some of the demand for ratepayer funding. The impact of e-books should be assessed prior to commitment as this could affect the outcome. Council have indicated they intend to do this. p' ^ ^• for Events in Open Spaces;Option 'A' Charges for the use can give relief if approved Option 'A' ' C and 'D' is a fair guide. Option 'B' is preferred and fair. • Sports Fields;There is a need to satisfy the public demand but assistance from the codes that require special facilities and are costly to maintain should be encouraged to make some contribution. Sport generates a lot of money and has value for a community where the facilities are established. Street Lights;Option 'one' is my choice as it reduces replacement and maintenance costs and a similar style of light in all sectors will look better than a number of different types. The Tauranga City Council's Draft Ten Year Plan Summary 2012-2022, gives ratepayers an inside view to some the business conducted. I am impressed with the effort made to inform and seek our opinion. Yours Faithfully, Bob Scott. 250 CfM Z a O Submission Number: ^ W Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aCity All submissions will be acknowledged in waiting. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form Is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) YesD I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: If yes, my prefenred day/s would be: Monday 7 May Tuesday 8 May • n • • Day Day Evening Wednesday 9 May • Day Thursday 10 May • Evening Contact Details (please print clearly) Name: (who is the submission from?) M^sf^i^KM^. y'..*. W..h.ltUS..|.|. *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) . •Postal Address: .(^.tkofcR ^(tt.^, _, %0.....Qi(>:ikL.^, .^..0..,...&^y> (?.Q.3.Q.^....B.R.<b.0KS.i.U$- . .aur.gKxxQ.o,.'. ^ S/L4 ^ ....k)k-:i:my^Q..-. Postcode: 3^4^jS *Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone: !O.p..^..0..^.^j.. Email Address: (If you would like an emailed response) Signature: '^^•..:0...,...I^I^KM^..r. I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please Indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission fonm. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an'ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do nol supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TOO Ref: 4800017 ••.*"Wi''7^"'"F • 251 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: ill Office Use Drily -1 . Ciixrv^.w;t:(?ij C^-'^ . J i ^ ^ ^ - i ^ ' ^ D ^ 13^ ^ 1^} r^ ^ \ ( ^ :c^d<o: £ifi /^"K€X\:i 1^ fii^\^-^^Si -^Q^VvNu^iuo ,/>jQ2iic^' M y Z £ £ d % dA .J?\AC' Or\ , [.{ir ^ ^ n ^ ' o l ^ y ^ g^C/Tc^-XG 0-4;-:. tCu ML<^ W ~(pi\ V y^^^-A ^ ^f -jyixSti"^^. > OIOXA-N^ .<<^y^^^^i^^r\\ y^. /t^L-^~y^y^ Z^JQ1.^.^D .y-!^^!miDrf\, l^> pj^isS^^^y^syJjdy^^j^^ ^y. . . : ' ^^>j-i<a3^ ~y?mX-^r^ «... ' ' (\ . C\ 6 ^"Tsgy^j^ J I . (i. ^ A ^ r. Q^ I^r^VvJQAafv-Q{, M K - jj-p^.^.A A^^^^u:fe>- ^.......^ff^^::^ ^^^SX,..,y:CJL±=i<>^yS^. ' ^ J X ^ T ^ J^^kkxLsiM-. A'T'^-LQ^^ 5tiQ 4^'/-o-fc4-t/.^ayd--/-g-tJ^^-<^ ^-)>Q /:^!A/:^NLcQA^Q E=3l:C: fi.^ajtot' -=£t^>^ ^ ^ • ^ j d i£4—/K^AA.vi^ ..^^,^—^i.-uiyi;^^yji<o(Koy . .-^>0-Q <L d a ^ y t ^ - S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 p m Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 r a g e 1 Ui J LJ U U l l l i a a H J l l File ^^•3c:c=S. From: Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2012 9:13 a.m. To: .submissions ai©ii U5 - H APR 2Q12 TAURANGACITYCQUNCII Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission 1^ T a u r a n g a Oty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mrs Organisation: Surname: Smythe First name: Sarah Postal Address: Postcode: 3110 Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Re; Solid Waste - Recycling Comments 1: Background 6 of the largest 8 councils in New Zealand (Dunedin, Christchurch, Palmerston North, HastingsNapier, Wellington, Auckland) have adopted best practice recycling procedures and collect all plastics resin codes 1-7. I believe Tauranga City Council's (TCC) Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 page 175, 'Additional Delivery in the Next Three Years' should incorporate a strategy of commitment to recycling plastics code 3-7. This commitment should also be adopted in the WBOPDC & TCC Waste Minimisation and Management Plan. Benefit 1 - Reduced overall cost to ratepayers Currently, there are a range of service providers in Tauranga offering rubbish and recycling services. 4/04/2012 ouuiniibiuii r'o.i'cz.vLJ 253 One company charges $6.75 a week for rubbish & recycle collection = $351 annually. I know a family on this plan who think they have a good deal. In Dunedin, council charges $68 annually for recycle collection (taking the bulky 3-7 numbers reduces actual rubbish). If you then include 1 rubbish bag @$2.10 per week = $177.20 annually. For rubbish and recycling: Hastings $145.20 and the cheapest is Palmerston North with an annual total collection fee of $144. A Tauranga based family not recycling could use 3 rubbish bags a week at $2.70 each costs $421.20. Even 2 bags cost $280.80 over a year. If, like most families, they change to a big recycle bin and 1 rubbish bag a week it will cost $205.90 over the year This is still more expensive than other council regions. Benefit 2 - Reduction in waste stream Before Taupo Council adopted kerbside rate funded recycling in 2002, the recycling participation rates of households were at 35%. They are now at 95% participation with user pays. Taupo council have estimated the effect of recycling number 3-7 plastics in addition to 1-2 plastics. They estimate this would remove 3 million plastic containers from the waste stream - a significant decline in landfill (and more expensive to ratepayers) rubbish. Taupo has 100,000 less residents than Tauranga. Benefit 3 - Bring Tauranga in line with New Zealand best practice Hamilton is the only other 'big city' not recycling 3-7 and they, like all the other 'top 8' (except Weiiington) include recycling charges in rates. Hamilton are considering moving to recycling 3-7 plastics. Challenge - change in policy Council currently has a policy that "No rates-funded inorganic waste collections [are] to be undertaken." Council should be able to communicate the benefits of change to rate payers, and move to a rubbish collection where costs are transparently included on the rates notice. This will enable them to consolidate contractors and divert a lot more waste from landfill than currently estimated. It makes financial and environmental sense to ratepayers Additional recommendations For maximum return to Council, provide glass crates in addition to recycle bins (picked up fortnightly, glass one week, paper and plastics the other). Glass colour can be sorted kerbside and sold to Ol in Auckland at a premium pnce. The best pace for paper is obtained when separated from glass as no glass shards. Case study: Dunedin: Dunedin sells No. 's 3-7 in China through brokers in Hong Kong. By going through a broker Council aims to achieve a positive end of actual product recycling rather than product being merely dumped or burned. Envirowaste do collection. OPR FullCircle process and package. Council, OPR and FullCircle share in profits. At this stage Dunedin are selling at market price and taking some risk. Dunedin Council is making money on project (even though Council initially quoted at a higher tonnage). Contacts in Dunedin: Catherine Irvine, Waste Strategy Officer, Dunedin City Council OPR Tane Royce welcomes visitors to discuss their operation Implementation This project can potentially be completed at a low or no net cost (allowing for $300,000pa from the waste levy for funding for progress actions to assist initial implementations). The evidence from Dunedin points to a positive financial outcome for Tauranga City Council. Yours Sincerely Sarah Smythe TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: 4/04/2012 iia OUUiillSSlUll RIe rage i oi z. 254 -z^s^^S From: Sent: Tuesday, 3 April 2012 7:49 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission iS SiOWi© - h APR 20)2 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL ijjisttesaafeiMa ItiJlH. T a u r a n g a Gty SUBMISSION Yes, I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission on Wednesday 9th May (Eve). CONTACT DETAILS Title: Organisation: Surname: Hart First name: Richard Postal Address. Postcode: 3116 Phone(day) Phone(eve Email' I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Strand cyeve/opmenf Comments 1: Support watertront project as a key destination for Tauranga. Priorities and timing looks odd to me. - Invest in the watertront itself (first 10-20m from the water) - Too much time and money has already gone to the Strand and road crossings. These are functional and are not a required part of the waterfront upgrade. Upgrading the intersection crossing does not make Tauranga a better place to live, work or play. - Invest first and foremost in the watertront & lengthening the access/ cycle/walkway, includes harbourside rail underpass, rail bridge walkway, Dive Cres link, on onto foreshore towards Memorial Park. 4/04/2012 ouuimaMuii r a g e Z OI z 255 TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Sydenham Botanic Park Comments 2: - support ongoing maintenance ($20kpa ten years) or whatever need to maintain Sydenham Botanical Park - support funding trust and advisory group. Not on either but happy to help when asked if my skills wanted. TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Pilot Bay Comments 3: - Support upgrade of walkway, - Preference for timber boardwalk, but concrete would work if you must cut costs. - Should be built to high quality because top premier park - link to Mauao base track and Adams Ave footpath. Pedestrians should have first priority along harbour edge. Boat parking against toilets near campground. - Should also front harbour edge at Salisbury whart end with link onto whart separate from vehicles (parking further back towards road. Extend boardwalk length of Marine Parade. Grass is wearing thin, and no footpath on beachside verge - even concrete if that's all we can afford. Topic 4: Park sales, Regional Parks, and Tauranga Tomorrow - Parks matter because 4/04/2012 ' ' O 256 2 n 1-35 Submission number TAUFiANGA CITY COUNCIL'S Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City Jl submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor nd Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. ^lease note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. Is such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libranes. bu are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your i/ritten submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you )est. We will then contact you with a time. °lease tick ine the roiiowing following ooxes boxes mar that apply) ^lease IICK appiyj wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes / ^ No f yes, my prefen-ed day/s would be: i^on 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening I Wed 9 May D Day D Evening Contact Details (please print cleariy) Name: (who is the submission from?) \ OJCp ^tE€ttl¥feEr lvJO]P P I C Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) 1 0 APR 2012 Postal Address: 1—. Daytime Telephone: •• • ThurslOMay D Day bvenmg leiepnone: 1 TAURANGACITY COUNinii .. .—•.• ,—^.:^::.^.::.:.:z...^„J ^ y ^ Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: f / % ) ' ^ / > (:' •" y wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: l i f --^ • Viy submsssion i s : •iint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document or information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) ^lease indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest /ou. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Prtvacy A c t information - The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and infonn you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). . ' ' ''' Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to infonn you of the outcome. Submissioris ciose im Friday, 20 April 2012 257 P i e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h esadihg ading Office use only tVw^fi^n c ^ ^^AJ-Mi. ]i/M^^^2^4-% "^t \^^^ ^ " ^ Qf^ "fe^*^ ^ ^ M-iV.-[]MQ. 1 % w ^ CKUIA^ Y^{J_ ^orrtA yA\6^ h/A^lo c^/iYarf-f^x-i^^ C^V i ^ Uowpy \\!nM'0\, M ^ U A ' \ ( M H \ fbfuv^/7t, f )6(j{^^ - ^ i ^ L|Ml ^v^-f -- ^^ fe^ 4^5 '^ •^ 1 CM\r\\,yol' \Ay\ipA^-\^v4 "H^y 4T> ^ P ^ cl^f/upmv\h ^j ']r^ii frj'AinArQj - t ^ f ^C^ - ^ l o ' u / to);t>7t£/) T^y.o4^M^ C^^ ^:;(^(^ (3lf/fW im^ i^ - ^ l i ^ l^kfaiio-^- f' I k /vitfA ]\m)€hJ1^M^^k£e. t?^ 14^^ - •% i' q^^pirb j ^ -MiLjid- M ^U -Kc^/ MAP W U I -U)fh-(T\^JL ' ^ diMmMi^v^^f f)mi-k ^^i^ IU6^ heir h t c M ^ ^ ^ ^%l ^rAMy(?my^ i \ W CmJl lAlA-fef-fajA/f \6 f^conJ 'T^i^y L^yfj lA/jU uyv\h\A\A9^. y. W. % ^\A\1^ Wyb 'oy) ")\o^' (kl^tU^ m^M^- (b^l^-fe close t p m Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2012 258 P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t \A/ith a t o p i c h e a d i n g . I I y ^ Office use only ]Kij i ^ Om fr-(^ W-^ u ^ :H~ --^ix . y,l y^^^O-k-^M^ •JfcT -> /. pi-^^L ^VU. > - / I , . . >L Jl/« • 1 ^ ^'l.yx. .,.lll, A/I/I -Wv^ ,u/|fi 1I J /(V 9 ^ /> . - . - / ) c^r-e^A. I ^ ljjM£z_.j:aA:ii-/H>v/AA ^^ f W jv?^fc^ ^^ ivi T ; ?•-: (include extra pages if you wish) S u b m i s s i o n s c l o s e S.OO p m Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2 0 1 2 259 >2^ Submissio. TAURANGACITY COUNGIL'S , «iSiii|i¥ D r a f t T e n Year F^fari 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) A I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: • a No Yes i I If yes, my preferred day/s would be: i Mon 7 May • Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May n Day Contact Details (please print clearty) n Evening : ; *Name: (who is the submission from?) i \ U i V^K / \ \Y\ ' Thurs 10 May D Day •: ^&Y^ I *ContaGtJferson: ^fthe name atiove is an organisation) i i *Postal Address: ^ J '" j r- i I- i •"Daytime Telephone j-Bl©L^[¥[lIE>j ' Email Address: (ifyo Signature: ' I fe ^ ^ g jL, •j Uwish my address and phone details to remain confidential: H " ^ " 1 10 APR 2012 1 . T7\URANGA CliyjOUNCiL^J My submission is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) 'j Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose S.OO p m Friday, 2 0 April 2012 260 ns start e a c h cf the different topics you a r e writing about with a topic heading. Office use only Levels Seyyye u r i h y Seal on all roads.. I Xcxaly ^^i^g W'th (Option "I (,v(-).c|i suove^t^ fKL^'^9 weed -to be jf(Li^s\dyd Hy irm^^^ \\\y\yya area has ^-gcenvl^y got hgu/ _cbi]?_S^_,. I t /i^i bevh veKj/' YouCjh bucc -f.n^lU -5eni-led dowh. The\^ )srv olpjtscyohs wWh rts [ou^y -fli^li^ii "flhce. I /;/i^u/ ^'i^ihfic^inT COSJ prrpnrianC£, ticMy.r£K I_.£b_i2ifLjtakA__/:e~££^^ Cy\lrHed on apPivpreap Tiivihj . ^s -/Ag sea/lny yy^S^^yt dm?ayd and -SpQin^a 'tv he npea of ..rt-5ecilyiyi , . .X__^iSSti/ilii diat te-Seallncj Uia5 cyttleci D(\ J^?t.__k^.wi£ r t cafyifL t?- '^yiJ'-frA- ie-seallncj U-jy .lysi H.,yLdL5^^.^i2^ouiiyd.. l}}^^^IjoyyyL \ l" ^ siiadd i '. i^^mi. dicld^d , assess 7^ rondtticn o j I. , I ' J mch . i bj/ only ;HS e)(f>^ote4 l,U sfyin. i.yy^yy^^yy>^^ju^.^A-±^.^..i.s(^^ l_j^j2tLli._.Sa^„Ji^_5aiki£jl^^ Xl2^lM:£k3 IVrhAvz-e tx) l\Ja>h^. R^ ) Tkjgr€ w^vc So \^cy\i ti^^es r^-Satlin^i t - d'4 'not t m i ilteL__^2ru ^^.tiii in \cy^ thp \TjCKk vi-ee^kti 'tn:v\y"e".--5'^^Me4, r£' sea\y^ wJJ__j:femi^-~r:ast...^s.M(L. 3. SiibiTiissloris close 15,OO p m Frida}^ 2 0 April ^ 0 1 2 :l€ ^Miat. H 261 2.U.-?'LJS Submission number y\h- T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissbns will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. \ Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libranes. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) 1 vyish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes D No • • t If y'es, my prefen'ed day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day D Evening Thurs 10 May D Day i Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Hame: (who is the submission from?) / J / l ^ ^ y p > ^\firfY\^^ ^2. A \ J C *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) j*Postal Address: / ^ / V j A l l t y ) 0 0 T> fyAC<^ . A l j l ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ l Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: < V ^ 4 ^ 2 / ^ ^ f 3/'G Evening Telephone: ;>V ' ^ y ' ^ ^ f Email Address: (ff you would like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: D My submission is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document • *^ > for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. S u b m i s s i o n s c l o s e S.OO p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 262 l/fo P i e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e Awriting a b o u t \A/ith a t o p i c h e a d i n g . Office use only /A6.K o'k ••<D(y.£T% (yf/^ar^^D>A yf\^&XA^/<Lj'--^ ^ n j ^^fTj!-^ ^yPLs- yZsL^y^Cid.^}-,^ yy-f-^^-^^^-j^yj^ ^-t~^i_^^^i^~Q,A yip-yt^<>yc^ ^^^.^Hyo ^yp^^ j&'U^uCay^yi^ LiA--rk,yC0ut^' \ d^ d- ^.^ r^ d m yiX^-^e^yCd ,-^y^^^(^ y A ^ ^ yy\s2-j>-^• U g^s^yo j3J-£L>\y^.^r> fyy^ P-->yCc:> Xl^yyi-^-yt^ OPh^Hi/f^.^^ /\JIMJL^-<~^^^-^ ^^enn^J-^dr-Tc^ ^^uu^ (XH>p-^ ~o. yf^^-'^^ y / ^ y j l e ^ - r ^ j ^ ,^»...-w_^ J/ jOy-^t-^yCddc^ ^ ji^t^ty-t^ yLp&M>^=^-A .^ytiji- ^.^?<y.4.^^ ^ - > ^ ^ I^WM I^p5^/^^ c^j^t-J^ ry-y^i AJi'^^K.,-<:.i2^'<^ (yC'-r^.^ ,lO^-<^i-^ /M^yi^ -:fo^Ft>^y2^J^^.J^ y € ^ ^ ^ < ^ ^ yyj ^ 1 — . —7 ;f^SI^ yd^dy^j^ •'^yCw y A ^ ^ y<}. Jl^ •0y.J^ fiji-^-^^f^-^ o<s-c:>^—^^..yyM lU^ -^/^y^f^ yh~t5^-<^-<^y>(je- ,,yf^^j2-^ m^y^& U APR 2012 TAimj^GACrrr COUNCIL Submissions close 5.00 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 263 Submission Number: aofi3^ 1/^ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part o f a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No [ ^ If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Tuesday 8 May Monday 7 May Day Day Contact Details (please Wednesday 9 May Evening Day print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) Thursday 10 May Day Evening yy n /IAS. CnrpACii^ f l . /bcf^CKcofLi^ • ^mmwmm *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) ' a APR 2012 ^Postal Address: \NGACrrV COUNCIL ). Evening Telephone: *Daytime Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like a n e m a i l e d response) Signature: lIEhleudrndl..... I wish my address and phone details to n MY SUBMISSION IS: nb(h\LE nfidential: ^ LllZRRRi. Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summaiy Document for information that 'will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than w e i c o m e to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an'ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidentiai you need to inform us when y o u send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission, t f y o u do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TOO Ref: 4800017 264 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: / / ~ T Office Use-Onlyij hb/fhiLE i i r h m m ^ /7/^tjf U^ED y n e HofhiLE LinsaaR^'fopi &^/axrs ftf^iy y 'VLE.np lyiTH y. i/ou "nIr)T ^ b i^i^ocyvntoczk it. r s u 6 , a e s r CHfifiGinj/i f\ %M^LL re.p F 6 R ei^cH :BmK I i^Ki^nJ oirr T bjou^o a e Q a n F . tyi^LinjCn TO Pr^^ V\f> To ^ ( l5fltH 0?OC>i< l l (J. I'bAnJ^.uL^d^L S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 Submission File 265 '^«aa Page 1 of 2 _r^g0g[l^gp:., From: Sent: Friday, 6 April 2012 2:41 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Pian 2012-2022 Submission 'a City ^ SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACTDETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Disney First name: Peter Postal Address: ^ Postcodi Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Mobile Library Comments 1: / wish to make a submission regarding the proposal to discontinue the Mobile Library service from July 2012. Nearly half of the visits to the Mobile are made by primary school children, some of whom come from low decile schools. The service promotes reading and ongoing literacy levels to all children who use it, but is of special benefit to those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. The regular visits to these schools by the Mobile are often the only access these children have to a public library service, it is able to provide^beth recreational and reference reading material for these children. The low decile schools will be the first to admit that there is no surplus in their funding to provide an improved and increased service in their own school libraries. Literacy is paramount for alt children in our community. 7 pnmary schools will be adversely affected by a Mobile Library closure. 10/04/2012 US Subinission 266 Page 2 of 2 il^ Our aging population appears to be the other target here.For some of these people, the removal of the Mobile service would equate to the removal of their reading choices and to a degree their independence. Reading can be a lifeline for some older people and sometimes all they can enjoy as their health deteriorates.(Just remember:we are all going to be in this percentage of the population at some point in the future). Cherrywood currently has a very well utilised weekly stop whilst the other Mobile stops are fortnightly. 5 retirement homes and many retirees will be adversely affected by this decision. The Mobile Library has over 3,500 items to choose from, has over 22,000 visits per annum, visits 36 locations around Tauranga city, and will provide a paltry net saving of $70,000 per annum to the Council should the service be discontinued. To believe that the service can be funded from user fees and/or public/private partnership in this current economic climate is unrealistic-as all the elected members well know. As a long standing Tauranga ratepayer, I am appalled that the elected members have chosen to target the Mobile Library service in the Ten Year Draft Plan. I have no issue whatsoever with continuing to fund such an invaluable and amazing service to our community. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: 10/04/2012 267 Submission File IR Ao_Q^3E^ From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2012 12:00 p.m. To: .submissions ! 0 APR 2012 Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission TAURANGACITYCQUNCII T a u r a n g a Gty ' "-^-liiSSl'ii-ii^.iiZt-*^/"jnii'ia-;i?itv:ffl>>.'i:'ir^ayjiBir-.afii\--5r--..;i^ SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: residential ratepayer Surname: Lewis First name: Max Postal Address: 232c Oceanbeach Rd Postcode: 3116 Phone(day): 575 3107 Phone(eve): 575 3107 Email: [email protected] I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: PILOT BAY GRASSED AREA Comments 1 : Referring to the OPTIONS on the "Pilot Bay Grassed Area" proposal I prefer Option 1. Turt enhancement through installing a "grow through" product. My reasons are, the grassed area along Pilot Bay is (relatively) narrow when compared to the grassed area at Main Beach which has a generously wide board walk. Building a similar board walk at Pilot Bay will severely restrict the grassed area available for picnickers and sun bathers when the wind is strong along Main Beach. A grassed harder surtace is desirable for walkers and strollers along Pilot Bay which will be compatible for the picnickers and sun bathers group. Also, the cost of Optionl. is more inline with Council's straightened finances and has a life of 15 years which by ttiat time Council can re-evaluate the options again. 10/04/2012 Submission 268 File ^ o f M - : L < ^ i©ll¥i®- From: ^^ Sent: Monday, 9 April 2012 5:57 p.m. To: .submissions 1 0 APR 2012 TAURANGA ClPt'COUNCIL Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission -^itr-*^ T a u r a n g a Gty :Sf ssaaeww*'**'*? SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS TiUeiMr Organisation: Surname: Cooper First name: Hugh Postal Address: Postcod ^ Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: ^-===f^^^ -^^= ^^—^"^-^^^^-^^^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1 : Gordon Carmichael Reserve Comments 1: In the plan, Councii proposes to sell the land at 37 Graham Place, described as the main Bellevue entry to the Reserve. In my understanding, the Reserve access is adjacent to 37 Graham Place, between No 37 and a right of way serving several properties. If I am correct, then I have no objections to the Council's proposal. If however, access to the Reserve from Graham Place is to be blocked, then I object strongly to this sale. Hopefully, Council's wording in the Plan is poorly written, and access from Bellevue/Otumoetai to the Reserve will continue, regardless of the sale of No 37 Graham Place. H.G.Cooper Graham Place resident TOPIC 2 Ao 269 2.3o§fS U\ f i ! ''•'le No. i / f^ritannr^o j ' Pile Coptiimcci 1 Janlne Hanrls 24 Pahoia Road RD2 Tauranga 3172 02.04.12 BOP j Received ilD: Name penion?!' '••VsL;ncil 0 5 APR 2012 *' y y y s ' " ' ^ -4- -— —! —~ — I agree to 3II of your 10 year plan considering the economic times. However, I would like to mal<e a few recommendations; -Rural Transport Katikati - Tauranga CBD Between Wainui South Road to Whakamarama Road, school aged children need to be dropped off in Omokoroa for pick up by bus. Pick Up Suggestions 1. Wainui South Road gravel pit (where Apata Hall used to be) 2. Pahoia School 3. Gull service station SH2. This way bus service would be utilized more. OR just add the extra bus stops only in school holidays (be sure to advertise) Memorial Park Please more seating and a few barbeque tables would be a pleasure to have, (retired grandparents on blankets- not so enjoyable). And a unisex toilet right by the playground for parents with pre-schoolers would make the park more enjoyable for all. Tauranga Rose Gardens We often stop here for a break from the CBD while out shopping. Unfortunately over the years, it jias become difficult to get a park even just to use the toilet, As people who work in the CBD park there all day. Consider restricting the car park to 30 minutes. Much better for tourism too. Toil Bridge Touchy subject this was, for many over the years. But bringing this back would be good financial revenue for Tauranga. Suggestion- bring back the toll stations and to meet everyone halfway. Only use the toll stations from October - March. That way holiday makers and tourists during the Summer seasons (and people that don't pay rates) still enjoy all that Tauranga has to offer, and help pay too. Which could ease some of Tauranga Councils debt. Yours sincerely, Janine Harris biubmission File Page 1 of2 270 ^ <-t 3 O H 3 iKDltlfl© From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 11:24 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission 1 0 APR 2012 I TAURANGA CITY CQUHOIL, .S SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Liz van Welie Swi School Surname: Cummings First name: Greg Postal Address: 25 Cypress Street, Judea Postcode: 3110 Phone(day): 928 8822 Phone(eve): 576 6477 Email: [email protected] -::-.- ; - . . —-, - r ; - - - ^ - - .— -^-=—--1.; .^"--- •- • - I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Draft Aquatic Strategy Comments 1: Thank you for the opportunity to submit to the Tauranga City Council Draft Aquatic Strategy 2012 - 2022. Tauranga as a city is aquatic based in that it surrounds an expansive harbour and encompasses one of New Zealand's most iconic beaches in Mount Maunganui. Liz van Welie Swim School (LVWSS)is a strong supporter of an aquatic strategy, community access to safe, clean water and most importantly learning to swim. LVWSS supports TCC's provision of an aquatic network enabling public access to its' swimming pools. The TCC aquatic network supports an aquatic pathway from learning to swim through to competitive swimming and other competitive aquatic based sports. 10/04/2012 12^ Subinission _ Fage 2 ot 2 Having read the draft strategy we are able to offer the following feedback: 1. The document reflects only the Tauranga City Council (TCAL) Aquatic Network therefore the title should reflect this and not that it is an actual aquatic strategy. A more suitable name could be "Tauranga City Council / TCAL Draft Aquatic Network Strategy" 2. The opportunity to conduct an aquatic sector review (Swimming pool provisionjand the subsequent development of an aquatic strategy would appear a valuable exercise similar to TCC's Demand Analysis of sports fields within Tauranga. There is an extensive aquatic network within the greater Tauranga City boundaries and the near boundaries of the Western Bay District Council providing a wide range of access and support. A demand analysis ofcument use and predicted future use of aquatic provision, including the harbour. Pilot Bay, Omokoroa, Te Puke, schools, learn to swim businesses, private providers e.g. Oropi Hotpools, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Fernland Spa amongst others must be considered in an aquatic strategy. ''•. 3. The suggestion of offering the Otumoetai Pool to Otumoetai Swimming Club is not supported by Liz van Welie Swim School. Swimming Clubs' core business is to foster grow and promote competitive swimming - not own and manage the operations of a swimming pool. l: I 4. LVWSS strongly supports the potential of partnerships with non-council owed pools. This limits risk and investment for TCC while extending the provision of 'flat water' space. I • ' - 5. LVWSS supports a feasibility study to investigate the potential development and use of an additional 25m or extension to 50m pool at Baywave. With Tauranga's growing population and developing tertiary sector there should be consideration of future provision. 6. Consider the historical attractiveness of Memorial Pool as an open air pool. Many members of the public and schools prefer Memorial Pool because it is fully outdoors, free of chlorine burn off that occurs within an enclosed facility. LVWSS would support investing in a retractable roof system i'i r I v 7. LVWSS supports the investigation of developing a water play area at Memorial pool. Supporting existing infrastructure and the natural fit of Memorial Park support extending water play for 0-5's • ' U' Z,^. In summary, LVWSS supports a review of the current TCC / TCAL Aquatic Network but would encourage a wider aquatic strategy developed. Regards Greg Cummings Liz van Welie Swim School • -- TOPIC 2 ^ - - ^ i.'r Heading 2: r i; " Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: 10/04/2012 - - Submission Page 1 of2 272 File ^ • S ^ I - ^ 5 From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 9:45 a.m. To: .submissions 1 0 APR 2012 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission .^^A>1^>^ T a u r a n g a Gty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Holiday Parks Association of NZ Surname: Brown First name: Fergus Postal Address: PO Box 394, Paraparaumu Postcode: 5254 Phone(day): 04 2983283 Phone(eve): 0210535087 Email: [email protected]^;i^--- - - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ — I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Sale of reserve land at 9 Mayfair Street Tauranga Comments 1: We support the retention of the reserve land operated as Tauranga Tourist Park. This holiday park provides valuable visitor infrastaructure at minimal cost to council and ratepayers. Visitors using the park provide economic benefits to a wide range of businesses in the community. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: 10/04/2012 273 \^u- Submission Number: U M 3 o ^-M- Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made avaiiabie to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are weicome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) - I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No Yes • If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May Tuesday 8 May Day Day Contact Details Wednesday 9 May •Q Evening Thursday 10 May • Day Day Evening (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) L^..^. ."2:;>.^..y.A.(wrN. *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) "Postal A d d r e s s : .:^.. *Daytime T e l e p h o n e : / I Evening Telephone: Email A d d r e s s : (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: " ] > • MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that-mil help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an ejfective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission fonm. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to tie made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • fo anrange a Heahng date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(sj on your submission (s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If y o u would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential y o u need to inform us when y o u send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 274 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: (2.1+ Office Use Only tt 33 £si< .\ •^ c-^y-^I-n ^ ^ ^=^ -^Se-s Vs^3 £ ^ j^^HM^^ L^?^-^ L-^^/o O i \ CJ? -± jg-V" , c ^ Vc.—f-v -^ '— .. jir=> . - •«^^s^^^ ^ ' f- IE v^^..^3pV 1 - Z.:^ ^^-> t ^ c^^ ^ _k->JjL:S?_.U^ tcT rH '•^i-^ n -vi yyyyy-^Jt A^_ _CSC.Crcew?g»lv_j:r^ n ^.e^~j< J^j-~W-- _iZ_ . £ ^ ^-^^J^ 'iX^-^', T\y:zy 5 \ / Xj^ dZd^^ X_^ dr 1^7 (W N ^ 'L^nciUgL- .^=r<=> -O^. --gi4.g..jU -^cJU^iJ 2 = J L -:J ^ UL^-^ '---V--V4. t .^I^iAz^ t v / i ^ - g , iQc'i-^TrA ^ 3 ^:^i==^ UCL r-e. ^ fjTe—^Q <gi^x nDTvl IgJ^>w^ tl-n A U Z J ^ ,^i:l ^ W>^*V.'^ ^x~^ \ Ti^'^^^ -Vs^^ iui!l e^pp^y^^^ ^~ 5 =c>- LH> L^^L-./ -e3'P> . ^g^:; S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 p m Friday, 20 April 2012 TOG Ref: 4800017 275 123 Submission Number: 55?^Hgj6 Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aCity All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No E ] If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May Tuesday 8 May • Day Day Contact Details • Wednesday 9 May • Evening • Day Thursday 10 May Evening • Day (please print clearly) *Name: (who Is the submission from?) L.Q!Q.CiJ....l.lflCXL. ' C o n t a c t P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) ...ivJ..l.\.\....^.V! .'rX.f?.Vf>^7?7^ 1-4-APRai2 "Postal A d d r e s s : *Daytime T e l e p h o Email A d d r e s s : .A. (If you would like an emailed resptirise) Signature: .^^bt'fk'k^fHhM^i.. u I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: \y^ MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for infonnation that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals In the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission f o n n . Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept c o n f i d e n t i a l you need to inform us when y o u send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Counci! will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 .x?JS»«isJs»^4^*4j,iJi«*;5(g,::Vi^^;,:^ : r i . : f ^ i ^ • 'Xi:<'r^y^i&ii''ii'^"^'''. i«.^':?^':!«r'J?*'jt«"'h>'. ' ^ '>>^-Ri'. TCC Ref: 4800017 276 2:5 Charging for events in open spaces Number 1. Who to charge? Option A Charging all event organisers - commercial, not-for-profit and charitable Option B Charging commercial organisers only (agree) Option C Charging commercial and not-for-profit organizers Number 2. How much to charge? Option A Commercial Organisers Scheduled Rate (Status Quo): Scheduled rate $190 + GST per day when ticket entry cost is less than $50 each Scheduled rate $2,500 + GST one-off fee for any period when ticket entry cost is more than $50 each Option B Commercial Organisers - Scheduled Rate plus 5% (or other) o f revenue: (agree) Scheduled Rate $190 + GST per day when ticket entry cost is less than $50 each Scheduled rate $2,500 + GST one off fee for any period when ticket entry cost is more than $50 each Option C Non-Profit: a percentage of Scheduled Rate Option D Charitable : a percentage of Scheduled Rate Number 3. Period to charge Option A Every day of occupation (Our preferred option) Option B Allow two 'free' days for set up/pack down, all other days are charged (disagree) Option C Charge for trading days only 277 /15 Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) in the Tauranga City Centre Strategy 2007, the Tourism, Entertainment and Events objectives included to promote the City Centre as a tourist destination, and to attract visitors to the city centre. Since 2009 Fancy That have contributed to these objectives by transporting cruise ship passengers Into the CBD free of charge. In the 2010/2011 cruise ship season alone, in excess of 20,000 passengers were bought into the CBD. However during the 2011/2012 season due to the lack of support from Tourism Bay of Plenty and the Tauranga City Council these services were unable to continue. This eventuated in a 25% economic loss to the CBD. We would like Council to seriously consider the role of Tourism Bay of Plenty and its commercial activities. We feel that Tourism Bay of Plenty as a ratepayer funded organisation, is actively competing commercially with private enterprise and tsecause of this, will not support private enterprise and their activities. We do not support an organisation which is ratepayer funded but also competes commercially with those ratepayers. Their role is to promote the Bay of Plenty as a destination therefore increasing the economy of the area not draining it from local businesses. 'I '^ We also struggle with Mainstreet and Priority One, who appear to be an extension of Council and also appear to be of no use to the businesses of the CBD. You have to ask "what tangible results have they achieved in the last 5 years?' They are very good at writing reports but for the amount of funding received from ratepayers, no positive results are seen, only the ongoing decline in custom in the CBD, as the decrease in parking income will prove. How many years are these organisations going to use the "Proposed Hotel" to fill their reports? It was a Key Achievement in Tauranga City Centre Strategy 2007 and we know for a fact that it was used for many years previous to this. ^ I We would request that when Council and Councillors are involved with issues concerning the CBD that they ensure they consult directly with the business owners/managers as the organisations used to date rarely relay the facts. One suggestion for saving money would be to let the Council staff do the tasks these organisations are funded to do. 278 Tauranga Waterfront Project We would like it noted that we do not support any development on the waterfront because it will not be economically viable while the railway line is in its present position. With the increased foot traffic in the area the chances of someone being killed or drowned increases dramatically. This would negate any positives for the CBD. Tauranga has numerous parks, playgrounds, beaches and other recreational areas without developing another. The safest and most viable use for this area is a car park. If the Council insists on proceeding with this white elephant and against the consensus of opinion we absolutely disagree with any commercial activities on the waterfront. In these economic times there is only a certain amount of money available for spending. Business in the CBD is difficult enough without creating any more competition. In the 4 years we have been in our present business in Tauranga we have proved that although events may bring more people to an area they only come for the event itself not to shop. And the restrictions surrounding events such as road closures etc deter shoppers. If these events are to be as successful as anticipated, the loss of parking in the waterfront will put pressure on parking in the CBD, which will also dissuade shoppers to do business in the CBD on those days. Think of how much ratepayers money can be saved if this project does not eventuate! 279 lis City Partner Program We feel the time has come to end this nonsense. This program so reeks of cronyism that it stifles the competitiveness required by us the ratepayers. You may say it is not an issue but from our point of view it leaves yourselves and our employees open to corruption charges because of the types of business's involved in the partnership scheme. It has been proved that if you can control the media you can control everything and from our experience this is happening regularly with the two publications in Tauranga who are both involved in the partnership program. 280 IIS CBD Car Parking "Those contributing to the need for this activity indude all vehicles parking legally or illegally on Tauranga's roads or in Tauranga's carpario." As business people in the CBD, the above statement does not ring true. The present parking charges are totally inequitable from our point of view. The ultimate in faimess would be to have free monitored three hour parking in the streets of the CBD. From our point of view we have a steady stream of complaints about the parking charges from our customers. These customers acknowledge they only come to the CBD occasionally but would come more often if there were no charges. If you read the daily papers you will note that this is the most common complaint about the CBD. It is also interesting to note that" Lack of free, short term parking that is clear and accessible for shoppers'" was a feature most disliked about the City Centre in the Tauranga City Centre Strategy 2007. Obviously these issues are still not being addressed. A properly worded survey would prove this argument as conrect and we would like to request that this be done. This strategy would be the cheapest form of promotion for the CBD when taking into account the funding spent by organisations like Priority One, Mainstreet, Tourism Bay of Plenty and other organizations involved in the promotion of the CBD. The second option is to introduce parking charges to all other suburban public shopping centers in Tauranga. This would create a level playing field for all concemed. This option would also bring in extra income for the Council, some of which could be returned to the CBD for a much need refurbishment. Why is the CBD the only retail area in the city to have partying charges? Please do not answer the question with it is because of the parking buildings. These should have been paid off many years ago but haven't been due to past Council mismanagement of which the current businesses and customers of the CBD should not have to pay for. 281 Submission Number: uh-^u \dL(^ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We vAW then contact you with a time. (Please tick the folio-wing boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission No 0 If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Tuesday Ma uesday 8 o May Monday? May • • Day Day Contact Details • Evening Wednesday 9 May • Day • Thursday 10 May Day Evening (please print clearly) *Name: (who Is the submission from?) . \ j i \ r ^ ) l^ftT!r>.Lv.inr.. tieiwi©- IMIWU. *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation)......;..-.. ! I APR 201^ *Postal A d d r e s s : fAURAWgA- CITY" UOUNCIL" *Daytime Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed respeS^sej iddti^M^ Signature: .f:K wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If y o u would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidentiai you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TOG Ref: 4800017 282 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading :I2^ Office Use Only; P\UQT fifiY G-ft^SSEQ P^ft£Pt '• J ^ i 'D(zfe^ £)pfi'nn ^ lOku g CQir^rj'p.\e. ioa{^^ Lft- nai- Ann Kavirt>LJ ^ ' - 1 - 4^e}€^ Some, ck\U<en'S \daucitvunc\ ^UJ-p/to^Af /Vrr G(=\t-LB-£y fUNDlfOG- si X>^ni\Q.llu^ Its \\v\^ \Ajl!ti\ \ r\(Ha4\'on , S u b m i s s i o n s ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 Aprii 2012 TOO Ref: 4800017 283 Submission Number: 2 . if X ' ^ 05? IX^ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a Gty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We \M\\ then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) I wish to speakto the Elected Members about my submission: Yes | | No U . ^ T ' If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May Tuesday 8 May Day Day Wednesday 9 May Evening Day Thursday 10 May Evening Day Contact Details (please orint clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?). P\ L/3> iz R - r U/ J L/. i A ^ *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) B c i Ps^hf '. ^Postal Address: ...|s).f^.|r?i^|^.n.n^.f^.rp?^..] ,1 LtAPR.lQU i 3 k ! 3 ^ CITY COUNCIL *Daytime Telephone: Email Address: (If you would like an e m a i l e d response) Signature: .-r ^^ wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: MYSUBMISSIONIS: M 0 S I 1-/1 t/^ L i 5A^^ R y Hint -We strongly recommend you read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read'Tips on making an effective submission'before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherivise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than w e l c o m e to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an'ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission (s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept c o n f i d e n t i a l you need to inform us when y o u send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TOO Ref: 4300017 284 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: ' <--T Office Use Only; / T ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ H M ^ ^^^o^^'^.-AAiy^ S <^fv/up-e- yoAj?. yh'\y(/b<yCdd O^'^yy/y^ y \ . j ? . jd-A^Aj"^-^'' / y (y^'w\^ ^ ^ to ^ y<>'A.^e^ y ^ ^ - ^ - ^' t ^ ' v w ^^ . ,/t-vi^ yn.^^-trv y r \ j 2 . . ^ ^ ^ p ^ a...^v>i_^<^ yL/<-•v^^^'S^t^j>^ T -'t-'t^ /'^>\^Y'' A.^^^ a ^ Cx(A^g>-tr--;%^<r ./^-^^ ^Ax^-a^^-JL^^-n^ . i Z . ^ i - e A . y ^ / L e ^ ^ / - o i g c'Lyi ^ A ^ ' t Ley\.y!:i -''^.^•^fe^^tA., yW-^^ V, Ay<^-<rt,'.j£^^ f^yt^ l A tr''''*!!^ J To ^s>A-e^^»v\^ /^^^i^y^.U^, ^ l^\..^UyV^^LA' d-~ <P\.^''\-S'' y y \ ^ -^-^-^l-^^-vl-^ ',7-^ y ,A^'^ t /"UyLA^i'^^^yi.d^ c^Z I '^^^\#''*^— ^-f- ^ ? y ^ JLyQ-er-C-^ C? o dp^o v d^t^Ce^ yU-^ dT^K, ^^yt.^'ic^^j^ .^&;rt=z^ -^• . . . i ^ ,<drC^ndddddc Tyddddh. dZ>-&--crd<y^ y^w--7^ ...^^-z^A.^ S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 Submission File Page 1 of2 285 J5g_ Jrl3J^y(a- From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 2:43 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission -^,^^^~ Gty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. 1 0 APR 2012 CONTACT DETAILS TAURANGACITY COUNCi'. Title: Ms Organisation: None - this is a personal submission Surname: Underwood First name: Ruth Postal Address: Postcode: Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: — I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Water Charges Comments 1: / support the proposal to increase the UAC by about $26 and the volumetic charge by about 10 cents/litre. Having a basic charge that comes some way to meeting the meter reading cost seems fair. The proposed option seems the best mix of changes to UAC and colume charges, still providing an incentive to contain individual consumption volumes. I prefer that the water account deficit is near zero. TOPIC 2 10/04/2012 Submission 286 Page 2 of 2 Heading 2: Levels of Service - Road Sealing and Street lighting renewals 1^2 Comments 2: / support the proposal to use chip seal except where engineering advice indicates hotmix is merited. The 'replace like with like' policy just isn't a fair use of constrained funds. Given the large cost difference between the two surface types it doesn't seem to be an acceptable unfairness to replace like with like. Similarly for the street lights - spending double on decorative lights just doesn't seem a good use of constrained funds nor an acceptable level of 'unfairness'. I support replacing decorative lights with standard ones as proposed. TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Mobile Library Comments 3: Don't drop the mobile library if it is still being well used. We have a fabulous vehicle for it and it is a service probably most used by those not readily able to access other libraries. Also, I doubt dropping it would save the amount indicated as it includes a share of the library overheads. Libraries in general are a community hub and meeting point so it seems odd to look at dropping one at all, especially the one used by those less able to access the others. Keep tweaking routes/locations but if the mobile library is still being used then I think it should be retained, and rates funded. 10/04/2012 Submission File oprr 2cG^-LV / ^ ^ From: Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 5:36 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission ';yTauran^a Gty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACTDETAILS 1 0 APR 2012 ( TAURANGA CiTY nniifviQi! Title: Mrs Organisation: Surname: Hacker First name: Leanne Postal Address: Postcode: Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Aquatic Strategy Comments 1: a) That the Otumoetai Swimming pool should be vested to Otumoetai Swimming Club so that they can continue to provide Aquatic services to the community that are not council run and provide an alternative to those currently available at the Greerton or Baywave pools. or if this is not possible b) That the Otumoetai Swimming Club's contract should be renewed so that they can continue to provide Aquatic services - again offering an alternative to the council run services and also providing coaching at an elite level to competitive swimmers. 11/04/2012 i [ Submission File 288 l3o .XQk^2^ From: automated-message(gtauranga.govt.nz Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 5:38 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission ^ T a u r a n g a Gty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: 1 0 APR 2012 TAURANGA CITY GQiJWCfi Surname: Hacker First name: Alan Postal Address: Postcode Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Aquatic Strategy Comments 1: a) That the Otumoetai Swimming pool should be vested to Otumoetai Swimming Club so that they can continue to provide Aquatic services to the community that are not council run and provide an alternative to those currently available at the Greerton or Baywave pools. or if this is not possible b) That the Otumoetai Swimming Club's contract should be renewed so that they can continue to provide Aquatic services - again offering an alternative to the council run services and also providing coaching at an elite level to competitive swimmers. 11/04/2012 Submission File 289 mi ^OG>/l^ From: sdougherty(gxtra.co.nz Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 5:49 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission • dftti' _ T a u r a n g a Gty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: ^ 0 APR 2012 i^yRANGA^IT^^CpUNC/L Surname: Dougherty First name: Steve Postal Address: 34 Graham Place, Tauranga Postcode: Phone(day): 0275703381 Phone(eve): Email: [email protected] I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Property Review Comments 1: / strongly oppose the sale of the land adjoining the Gordon Carmichael Reserve located at 37 Graham Place, Bellevue. T6PIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: 11/04/2012 Submission File 290 ?>-^3^i^ [32. From: Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 7:29 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission " ' ' ^Tauratt^aGty SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS 1 0 m 2012 Title: Mrs i^iiSANGAClTY COUNCIL Organisation: Surname: Hodges First name: Barbara Postal Address: Postcode Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: ^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Property Re we w Comments 1: / don't want the council to sell the land adjoining Gordon Carmichael Reserve located at 37 Graham Place, Tauranga. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: 11/04/2012 Submission File 291 Z^Oa-^L^ From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 9:32 p.m. To: .submissions [33- Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACTDETAILS Title: Mrs / "uL^C^/e/jf^/g^) j ^ 0 APR 2012 I I Organisation: ^---^^^^^5d!^2dCnYCOL/WC/t Surname: Ellis First name: Geraldine Postal Address: Postcode: 3116 Phone(day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes MYSUBMISSIONIS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Aquatic Plan Comments 1: Having read the draft aquatic plan I think it needs to be more ambitious in its commitment to be increase flat water space at peak times in Tauranga. There is one suggestion of expanding Baywave to have more 25m space - how about a 50m facility? It would be an amazing asset for Tauranga and BOP and one that would truly reflect its community we produce national and international competitive swimmers, waterpolo players and surt athletes. Events associated with those sports could be a huge benefit to the community. TOPIC 2 11/04/2012 I ' Submission File 292 Page 1 of2 JL^_3r^4a- From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2012 9:36 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Submission m*fi%. ^ SUBMISSION No, I do not wish to be speak in support of this submission. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Organisation: Surname: Arlidge First name: Donna Postal Address: 135 Landing Drive, Pyes Pa Postcode: Phone(day): 5771535 Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No MY SUBMISSION IS TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Rates increase Comments 1: / live in the Lakes and aready pay extra in my rates for the gardens which are NOT keep nice and looking good. I do not want to pay more for something that is not done. The rates are all ready high enough with a 30 % increase occuring in the last year. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Bus transport Comments 2: / moved with my family to the lakes becouse of the bus transport and ease to get into 11/04/2012 Submission pqo Page 2 of 2 school for my children. The bus has been taken away with no warning and has left me with NO transport as my children now take my car to get them to and from school. TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Toll Road Comments 3: When I had access to a car before the bus was taken away I often used the toll road as it is faster and more convient than Cameron Road. The toll went up, now even with the cost of fuel it is more coat effective in time and convience to use Cameron Road. Many other people I have talked to also have stopped using the toll road. When the toil was said to increase it was stated that a month with NO toll would be put in place to see how what a difference no toll would make. This has not happened. 11/04/2012 \ ^ | ~ 294 Submission number TAURANGACITY IBS COUNCIL'S Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 S u b m i s s i o n Fornn T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day j Tues 8 May D Day D Evening i Wed 9 May D Day D E\ en|t® Contact Details (please print clearty) *Name: (who is the submission from?) ^l/lfV + \+^^\XA/\ X v i ^ TAUgANGAUirV ygUiVUi. 'Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) *Postal Address: *Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential IViy s u b m f s s i o n i s : Hint - We strongly recommendyou read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read "Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. IS c l o s e •r^i* 'FP^'^ 295 \^xS Please start e a c h of the different topics y o u are writing about w i t h a topic heading. Office use only \AI(A^ iZcJir^ yx/l w<i^\ci iriA|9pza4- ^n IQ^A;-rg^ •d- \y(Oj\-^^/V WlcyH^ ^ A M Q • — \\) l/hr\^€ArvC\X\<^y^ CATV A^i ^^^C^\JL ^"^AM'-AI ^(y'^^'C{y\Ljp.. , , P-^ 11/1^17J { p \ >VV . f -jAA i ^ A ^ t X C . / ^ ^^t VA^IM- Vv<^^>^-<- frx-^d^v^^^^ (H/v\£KAy,y^ f V i a ^ ( W M / V cA/1^*^ A / - e ^ . l o c • . , . .^L 6(fV)\i(6UA/^>VK"^^/^ O \ ^ u W i ^ U j u\/^A>fA/ t ^ ^ M t- k f ^A/K/j {AS^ •JV ^ ^ J c W r^'^^o D? -fW y y ^ U L Kyy^Jl ^ i L A ^ c t o yyjy^ Ig6^iv\G| We bf (/Dac4/?. Wyl/N.v/'C |wM/-t JU^N/) I d k^ Wiv^t VA^'IX sA/'iA^'^ OWA-CAAO^ y^^v^Ho j - t^diCA/S\AJl l/\v6 ^v^ tvug, C/CTViA-^ cr4 O^^^^vy: fA^ol b^U/i-gyf. - { V \ ^ -^ tx) LAI ^ P> C^:VV\ ^ y\0\Ajt^3\r^^y^ ^''^t yv\'iy V v l .^o\VL-^ '^ A/f^. tvM'x tW.^A/-6 <i^iy^ \6Viy\ A(7\/\^\^1 rtlo-l ^ tA/1 (^/VU 6V^g^> te^yiA oVv,M/^ iWoi' i^Oyoj wo^(4 vHdy\/\Lt l^A^yj lAuObAAg< U /-^Uo \W;:AA N^-fgU ^^ U^vt^ 6 u / : ^ \ l f <r 1/lytf, I/IIJVN »u. o V G ^ t M I^Vvn^/j-^t ( V i W l b6vuC/t^^4xr/-;^ / V ^ ^ Supp^yv 0|?(^o>,/ bog4>/M t A / ^ i t oprs^^v^. ^ - o O ^ ^ ^ A y U L ^ c l u X 0'\y^lu. Sybmissions c i o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 296 P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e \writing a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . | 5 ^ Office use only i^a(^Wix(/\ / u^cxAH^ 0\^-oo4^ X Ku^ovAi ^V^ '\/\oT V3^ (A\MA/h^=-\/\(? £/( id V^~l /)^0v^ ;u y\pyy(y(M^ a i ^ p ^ nvvc/l^^^tA/v^V) \y.c^cA ^ (AAC/V^-^CL ^ f V v t ^ t M ^ i / \ ^ f O-j- v/(At^l/^''^U. ^0\/€^^ OUi 0^d/\AfO->\\^^^ N^h -f^xj^jg, PfAAa/^/9J /7iu?e H- '^t.'i pv>Q 6(A/t UP C^ (^CA>| 64^vLc^ - i - I vAj^^^N/iAA -6\/\li^ Vi4 i^ tV\.^ -foiit^AV. UuJ^ ^4>^(>Aytc/<:iy^ -fgqvWoi- (^006^ (^>^ j v ^ <A/\L/iv^wwe/vi:• /AAjyvw-i-^c^iy^ ^ ' 6 \ f ' ^r\Af\\(y\^Ay\cKA. ^ ^ O V r AA^\/iv/aAtAA^AA.t7ai (y^od. Ay<r>r^ \o^'CAAjysTKj^-^v^j^ \VA^]p A >( ^ (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions close 5.00 pro Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2012 297 Subn iio. T A U R A N G A QITY COUNCIL'S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Forin T a i i r a n ^ a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: • , CvNo Yes If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day ; Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day D Evening i Thurs 10 May D Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) I v^ '^UvA t ^ *Contact Person: (if the name atxive is an organisation) tSTHSlUWIl 3 iii.' m APR 2012 *Postal Address: _<^_^f:t''^b^-\C^LN"^'^^^ ^ ^^^Hfi^M^^At^iTf-COUNCIL _ J - '^ Postcode: 1 *Daytime Telephone: y^ ^'^^sir^'. Evening Teleph •/kmailed response) Email Address: (if you woyiid like a 1 wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: n FVly s u b m i s s i o n i s : Hint - We strongly recommendyou read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. ^r?-!^ ^LiibiTyssions d o ^O pm Friday, 20 April 201; a^ 298 ^ ^art e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g Office use only rnvNt\VNV)ecA S^ v^^ K ^ ^S-C-'M C <^.rsf\\k<:\^i £. Ov% r,o(Wc^'o^ ^v- ^ : 1 i^ <c^:»^T\epir^i e ^ ^ cW( le- jp /:;// / 1&.., J ^ / ^ // £=. t i ' ^ - ^ ^ '^'"'^JO «STMV-^J^gL /_c CLnK|al^e,v-C V CjJF^^A^^C^J2>)e. > U^y-ojdfjy^^ dyvej^^ L ^ - ^ ^ C S ^ ''Z Submissions close 5.00 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2012 I f ^ ^ HIH " ^ i " 299 \~?h P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e wrriting a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . Office use only j-^v-yp/YXoiUi^ lay^ j:y\(x\r^ -2. O-^ Z T ^ ^ ^ e ; v ^ L.^ -+l.<sVo V e l k ' . ^ . ^ (^-^^ «2_ , / ^ t ^ ^ V ^ Q ci =axi ^ ^ J i±^; o - C e l l^ ^ c JTI^IC' (include extra pages if you wish) Subrnissions ciose J3. y 300 Submission number T A U R A N G A CI TY C O U N C I L ' S Draft Ten Year P l a n ^ i y i 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form.is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: • Yes >. [ M NO If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day QEvening T h u r s l O M a y D Day Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) / ^ r . —>-<• j MATSJKSU/^ *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) *Postal Address: 'Daytime TelephoriB; 7 evening lerepnone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) ^^"^^ I©" '^^S(( ^" H^rsht^ _ 1 APR 2012 Wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: [ M Wly s u b m i s s i o n i s : llAURANGAJ^V iint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document or information that will help you in making your submission. lemember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) 'lease indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest ou. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this ubmission form. Privaicy A c t information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made avaiiabie to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) ' so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). V'our name and address will be publicly available, if you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any srrors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally eceive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose S.O' Mi I ''^t prn P i e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s yc3.01 e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c heac c^ -rc A ^ hu.y) n^ <L ^u-Jc ^y, K^pj-bc>au'-sl(M^ j}v^ e ^ ^< - ( z ^ ^ i f sk_ r—g>^ £= ^^^^"^Ar-^g<l Oz-V- _a£ bc^'e- cfe^ :x •^65 nse.:. uy o<r>ky^•C-i^'v f J t^^^^jg < ^ „X-L i^rS^^ ^^ -^tK ^fc^jg t^^c^^^ cfc^ ^ -Cjng_g^^^ £^;£f cjl^ <0-vs. cj~o <;$ ^ ^ ^ ^ C y y ^ UJgv^As€r- f <to - U i ^Ji=3 <AjF~c?r^., Office use only ^5"<gQ^ O o o L^-f^tJ-ejr-po^eiS Ck^ 4d^-yf-o^)-i UJhvc^ ^ r ^ ^ t e ^ ^ i ^ O .-"^ tjuJJjv c^.y^i^T^^^ cAr- 4f^ s\~^uX'L ^P-^^a..:^ Co /^/^e.c^o,^^,• 4-)x^ ropo J C - S - ^ ^ ODtQ^^ ^ S Q^:L-e-g,-^ ^ ^ v Submissions oiose 5»00 p m Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2 0 1 2 302 OLlLfH^ol Submission number I T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S D r a f t T e n Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D . Yes 0 No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening ; Wed 9 May D Day D Evening | Thurs 10 May D Day | Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) yrs.fi. ^ i/irAi' APR 2012 *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) r I -iy TAURAt4GA-GITY GOUNGlL.- i*Postal Address: *Daytime Telepho Email Address: (if yd •c^.m Signature: ^I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: lV5y s u b m i s s i o n i s : Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in meiking your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close S.OO Friday, 20 Aprii 2012 303 1 ^ ^ Please start e a c h o f the different topics you a r e writing about with a topic heading. A / / Office use only -7 S CfFn oy^y^/i 'ludyi //? //l/y/c<^/r7 € ,0<^y c <^ni//?i^yJ IMJL h */d^4/ ^h/Q (9 7vt/-/o (^ (tn . y^< /y4/r> r ^ c a r f ry y0y^, ^ / e ^~v//)y c'/y y7y(/?/}//9^ (^^?s-/f r ^ ^ a / / ^ ^^aMfyg/i yc^rTlr ^re ,c?/f^/ji^f\ y/^f rrP/>7A'>^^./y/n^ r^<7riY^/)l/<:r ^ fy-rri-^ //KY . y s e t djdmf/lO' ryi / ^ P ^ c ^ Y / / ^ tf^tyy ^ d a ^ i Mryy^ ^ ^ y r x r e r '/_£. yr?/nrj^.,^</^(?/} .J- Yy<:ytr^np;7^ y^^^i^/yj- /y(firy^ M n _ u / ^ /fy^y /^y s<>fS/y?d'^: /yy(?c^, ^ic^Y d^(y'^y^(u/ c/?y^sy/f^y^' y L^ (y yt?r^h/}.a (yy-f^ycaryie jr:£. ^^yyf- ydlt^^^/7 Y.y (TT / pr c^cj^rx/^^vv^a 'ypf-'fyy yyy/y-^/A/Iil yy d/e 7 & (j> /7?r?/(rr ^pcr/r/aj< v o /rrr "^vy y fyn drdj^/r ' y & i y 7/ y7j7/ -/ / r^9 y y c / r ^ ^^ ^ <yy* *^^f /'^r?rX//7<^ r-^/ - - -^ ^ e ^ ' y i ^ i A y^ai^/]_ / / .///I ^^r <.ka/vyyf K?/7 /J \.tL..f.^ t-'^C yjt ' ^' ^ / /f/^^/. tr^€Y7yr * ^ ^ ' '' (7r /dw y^r^irr.r^ A^dd^-cyy^/p^ a/^/ ^ (^•C'T i / d ' dy€' .v?/^/^ J d f i - / ^i? Ci^ yf^¥ A/1 C<^/W^f7/>^'f -V^A- ^:>^ ^ ^ f y / f /ad^f ^ ^ t^^cp^y^y^/fa^y^cf/ /r?c</7i/a/dr7M.T ^/?ii<rry/'J7rc/ ^ / ^ yyt'.rr^f/-^i^ f .^ '/y S ^ d/f ^/?i^/^^-i-j- />- Ad/Td</r?(ddf(7 A c / C^Ar'fj/jrr' a/i/nr '<fr/.f/yrf r:?p Cdf i ^ ^ / t c ^ i - /r^<r/"/ y y d V r y ^ / ^ ^ ^ ^^^ r/? A/<^yc^y^-,^ ^ a y o/yl y^^f'. 7—7 y^/(>? c / f <r ^ t?r yy ^.Ts^y^k/ y^A? ^ ^ / ' ^/ni/ a. yr(f/i^r/(/. ^•</r?c^YfW ydyiyAyayrri^T u/9<:/€y / / / /4^/./7/f/ "yd^^'^^ydj^^. d_ r'i^mn/t^.yc'c/ S y b m i s s i o n s c i o s e 5. Friday, 20 April 2012 304 Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Piease let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the foilowing boxes that apply) 1 wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes IM No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: : Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day D Evening ThurslOMay • Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) Lor v^CX- *Name: (who is the submission from?) *Contact Person: (if the name atxive is an organisation) I L M 20iL *Postal Address J^m!)^§^yirx c o u m r ' - h " *Daytime Telephone: - • tvening leiepnone: <N Email Address: (if you wpuid like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: ^ 2 ^ M y s u b m i s s i o n is: '' . . Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. S u b m i s s i o n s c i o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2 0 1 2 305 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with a topic C l Ce j^j-^A-a .r^ \UMS //•STO l-^\ I P r r x r ^ CCJO^V \ K P c^VjcV? vf^QA/ ^Uc^^S "^Uov^y 0 g u\ -Por "^ -U^ \x:> vA./^ '4Q W , 5oiA V1.(L0. _diL<? U.\r-gj2yv-Vc^^ r-gjgyy^ ^ A ^ 6 \ ^^^ 4-Q i^ kail (^ V Y-> c o f L c v j J / f-^ L.yrr^ C o v-^ 'S V c. ^.-V U v » l i l-_ii \^0/QvA,i.A 4^.>c. V-P v-N.d jikEbXfti- g j ^ ^ ^ - V/>VvV\^ jgLiia_0-^ rr -X-,^ \ 2 .. o \/^o > I 'TO rvfl,oA,/o $1 -^^^U^. J2^ v><\ rny OTnce^!ise only ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^' ^-^ ^"^ £-yVe^ry^\c=>.^ heading. r(r^-\rc^>n^.^~i h-jL VQwy WfvJL C\f-e u ^ . (^ /? /? r Q p r N C-N-T'-P. , X O^i tXO- t:r -^Ur^£^ e.vJ € X iyy oV YX-^ r (t ^s S g r 0 \ (NL cwcA ,. £.^ 3^ru; o^ -(X A<. * ^ 0 t^ v-'^ _i__^ SUl \y^ K}y^.y -^ n\o,r-^ A_s_ f^.,-.V^lsc ^ e f v ^ 4=£- iJ^ (^\pdh -^4.=^— ^\pi. ^a— b o Q v^^-^ ojyjL.A.. _^EC_ A or S /^ c. r .^, . liV-l o > - ^ ^ \ U C\ t_^l i ig-^ r£k 4^^ i o^ ^ D \r^ r/^ ^.^fvi^ ( i l \ t O ^ Ji-i ij-^o S W A iACLvJLci klJ 1:^' fi-f. VHOy^i^ k -^ c ^^=t.-vi -a iiCL \—V \r> y a S v \ V > . \ > 0 LAA-tgvtS & a 1^. rV Ji-.jL Xs. U . l ^ 1.-.^'. to r cvi ^-\ S u b m i s s i o n s c l o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 306 139 Please start each of the different topics y-ou srs vvfrsting about vysth a topic heaoling _ \ l l DfcxV-tL Office use only L-xNofCU'^X ilML_ vie^\j?^ l—v ^ r u ,r.. "Pf r V ^ JCA_ -('o r - • c L o / v 1.-^ r V v i V Ve..^L A j ^ A u.\rv.cLaA.^ :v^ \ (3LVCV-W A v^r( zJy-s. .Se^ii-fL—._^-'i .--Cvv^cL i^v.Gvslri^ ^vvUv::^ _l:l_---i:.\0'C>-v-^'^-o^vO_„ ( Ci^^c. ^ - ^ ^ ^ J ^'JSSJL^->A^) cWLcLu._^ ^WjQ__Aili:iuAjdL V j «L N ^ ygL- ckXcU^:u^__Lii ^xc::^-^—^' -\A^ 0 vJ-^X ..^.^^V(U., ^-U_ Ws L-^iik -<^^y^ tv_^ i ^ ^j^cL-'- t—iX ^ ^ vi C4 xj^od^pXu. y. ^ .G^cJt:c-4_.Jt:^^A^—X^-> ('^^-^ '^i^ ^ ^ ^ ._£XLQJ^^ f\ A-<3i , \ J._.>*_» I I v^v-N. —' t,'\_-y—*-"*-iTii^ l t \ ^ j ^ x d \A^s:^.j^ds:^ OLVV I i - t - ^ - - tCZSJr^VX.^^^-. Sj'itv-ii. V U U L A . ^ s \ JL A .y)d^oy>y\ \ ^ i_ .vy,.... f >.r^\—j_*i—A—N^— V—\^v—vt-,_\. J—v>A—A.-A , 1 V •y^-.^efz l / kx(xzl_ ^T=«.r=^v\_-ij-'—s_-._!—i-«.-=:—_—v^K^Ji^—^-v-i-i-*-^--^ •- wish) (include extVa pages if you W ybmissioiis ciose S.OO p m Friday, ^© April -^-^ t 4 i , ' ^ )Q-^SGSl Submission number B A N G A GITY GO U. D r a f t T e n Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s ^ ^ h Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D , Yes 0 No I If yes, my preferred day/s would be: , Mon 7 May D Day j Tues 8 May Q Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day D Evening ; Thurs 10 May D Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) l ) 4 1 / / i^ /^ /^ P A J y ^ *Contact Person: (if the name atxive is an organisation) *Postal Address: O-,'} ,/)., I, ' .z) / ^.AOJ.. ._dAyy/Lrgyiy _ ^lo/yj y[^r.'^.'''.9.a'i.u^c-.-j--^- L_JAIJRANGA CITY C Postcode: —- *Daytime Telephone: 3 ZS'y Evening Telephone: ^ ~, ^ J f Q Ty ^ Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: ^ , C-Ac-^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: • M y s u b m i s s i o n Is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg. 4) Please indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act anformatson The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and infonn you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. SybiTiissioris close 5.QO pm Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2012 »Ms] Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with a t o p i c heading i l / o T n/f^^l^ UQ-f h ^ ! 0-^£iSieJ T:> i~^^Jk. A^~-^^ .-.^y Office use only • 'i>f rr>^ Cf.^^'i': . h M Oni<:;;>y/i rrT' i^yrrn-rl i^/ ^yryr^>- 1 ^ ^ ^ . ! ^ . ^ ( y ../rif.t-Si J ^ . . . y i i y a t y r y f n J l ^ .. • ' -'' .' /r J n-M-n^-^ oi.-oiJf-^ ,-,^r^ty<..^A ;>.•/»,'( r ^ ^ y '•'.-.-fiL i n ( / f r ^ ^ y r i ^ ^<^ (^.j-3<?/t,a' ,-'.yri ivwn-^ ^7^ 1^ in^ci^yf. r?^ Qt.-f'v-^n h:i.4 uJy y<^o "^ J L/,^u ..; r'y.'^^^ ,^r.^^ ^0 C-e^ ri^rn.yf..,'f.'^^-^ (^/~0c^ Cc><^[y Q^.^ V,iL ^ tJ^h) aO-O'^c ty-y lOd.-€>-/ fe Ck'hi y-d-r^ cc ' r t . & . y ' ^ 9'cr^( yo'^'\. (f-^/djA^.^-^.^ c^-'Ur.-^ ^Ki 7/1 ^ ^ h-^'> //.^ \ J " ^ /?,nAJ--*~ . 77^.i^ Xc/ • / /W-'^-^ ^ •'•^H;^. a '"~^' ^ ^ M tTiryj i/\j!J 1 liyDiTiissiOiis close piir Friday, 2 0 Aprii 2012 309 Lu'^nfy'^ Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) 1 wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes \ Q ' No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: 1 Mon 7 May D Day j | Tues 8 May D Day 1 D Evening | Wed 9 May D Day • , D Evening ismmwrmy Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) -J ff-£.-^ A/ ThurslOMay D Day ' £oj^^ T l APR 2012' *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) *Postal Address - ^ f f l ^ _ ^ > ' ' l ' ' V C_OUN£jL.....i *Daytime Telepl lui itj; Telephc Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: M y submission is: . ,--- ':•, „ . . -\ Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act Information ..:...•. /. ,JA '\ •: \. The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly avaiiable. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5. Friday, 12 310 ^ aacdi ii nngg. P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e dr^^ Office use only My? j y f ^ ^tAyy€y^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ //h^f AyQuyyiyy^ j^y>j eUPJA^-I^'^^y^-r^ lyJZ^e^ /^W^ ^iAi^^my^__ (^^ (AJT'-^e^ dl LA Uy^%AyfZ^ IA^^.^^ ^ (/-^yf^^-^z/ h^^^-Uyyui^ IA^^^M^ ^H^{jL- iAy4 kjy<s^^^l. ^ Gyl'^-^^ lr^dLf^^r' jrr:!Ljf:-y^ C o r P^ rycy)'€^ r^/yi ^ *^s&iL~ /v^yuXt^^^ Ij2jy^^2- dx^ jy C^Puy^^ 4M^ ffi - r(=^ ^^^4Aj^yjz_ ^^yi i^tx/e jly.f c^u^ , h^py^^^^^ . A ^ l.^U'-n^^^ ^^A^iSL^ t^rf/y^ JMU^ ^ CAeJ.^n^ , t/s • r o i^L^ ^ M i_ •E^^^yy^L. ^r^\j=> w X d^ j-->-~^ 72A-y A^-^' (7) cU/ Uyf'L./utyAoyr'^ l^ycP&\^ rHji^y^Jd^ Loy^- c^hyt-^^d/ -^ ..^Og?H^-6^^a-^-^ • }ejJ^ Sy^-J K^^y^ i^ r?<|^ l^d^- /A^/ [rgj^ JIAJ^' Jd^M}^ ' 'y^^-y^ ^ ^(.-o^ (y-^J-z - ^/{^ : 'f^ ^ ^ (f/Ve^Mi / V ^ l^iAyyy yTi^y ^- . i^/- i.^l-...Q,A^ji.^ ( A . U ^ C J ^ , >^S /U ./Ui'i^ | i 2 ^ /^^-^ LQ^k^yi^t y^ )euJ)diyc%n \s^ f- ^ A ^ '-7>^ Q^^'i^p^ fs ^ (^H-- Sybmissions ciose 5-00 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 Y^r- 311 aciihi P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e \A/riting a b o u t v^fith a t o p i c h e a d! Office use only J(Z^ 'J. j/1,-^ L^^ (P\d ^ ; S f r ^ " Id'^^ OhJL^ f/cjIJ^ 6^ <xJJ rii^T~ey^' / y % - /' yl-e^y^ cAej^yo^ [ioy^syyy yyyi^ jo LUL AJlU ddtcr p^irt'-^ dy<^f^' 4 (7 .iy-^^yiyylyy:;!-.. //Lp/ M- WL y ^ ••fao e^(^Q,J fd^ d \ tyy-^^^^j^ /'Oci^^ dy.yc4yX^ A O / ^ A-^A^4/ ,^^i^_ y e ^ ^ ^ tey^yy^-^ oly^<^ / ^ / /^-^.^^v-o^ fZ-NKSL^Tv dih^y^f^ 4^— >V/^- -rfyy^ ^4 • " ^ - ^ ^ ^ J"^ ,ffi^_^yvr jfA, K ,—^—^ _4=^ C{TU'^'-62y id\ yty2j9iQ^ i' O^: 4-d- i-eg.^^ (4^ A-^- i/\r^[)a^(d^ -•^jr^-f'^ i- do ^^^^-^-ftj^ ^ C^ f^^^-e- U^^^ /v^yir-^h!:^. /yy)rr / Q.^^^^yji^^ ^4^iQ- H p<d^f ~cy[kyi\ti . U ^ g^N pxc^yi,^ /^^ cy. ^jy^-M /^ /my //"^^ jy^iC^fi^^ a ^ --^ Srr^yy^ ci (include extra pages if you wish) S u b »rnis rnissions ciose 5 u^h'y^^y\' dd€^- H^-\y^-\ /^ ^k^-yyiy,^ y ^ <^e^ y^- ^ i>^-ye^yk 312 / Q y . :t_ I , " ^ Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY C O U N C I L ' S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) 1 wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Q Yes / [ 3 No 1 If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day \ Tues 8 May D Day D Evening ! Wed 9 May D Day D Evening ThurslOMay D Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) C\r((il5 gfU)tiC^ -Kl@Mi¥ *Contact Person: (if the name atx)ve is an organisation) APR 2012 *Postal Address: TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Sigjiatur^^^ .^/y^JJ]y-^A^J_ i_yvLshmy_address and phone details to remain confidential iai:- 0- M y s u b m i s s i o n is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including emaii address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will fonnally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 T'"- • •"•'^•y^ 313 L ^ Please start each of the different topics you are \A/rltlng about with a topic hel 1 du^iiv^^ \ y i anreo ik<s ICiKl srr^ ST /^eJ' o^ Terjic^ .S(^e_ kcuy^ / ^ c^A reiTif^^y 0<^&x>iiy^h (Cc^V^tt^ faulii-uy IUL. hfcxxj^ I/' is r^OAcUcL bos^sh drcuy) ^ r^st Ih- ecoA.o^H^ oh^e/) of- U A I ^ ^ l - u s ^ ^ hcu^^'i, 1 \iLCix,<i^. cLruo'«>>JM c[ LOcukaJv i.s o-wdd \cAd Office use only CA^^LAJ^, 1- /^ ] • l-v i^e^H^rJeci uAx-uav^j('/v • . '--'.^ nahc'-iiuLf ink^d'ici/icJl^. 1 .CT>tt3?r ucutiiz-xfO- ytir^iyoaU' 1 r r i/:>iir 'T)'2 4 /LQ/t^iT'vp l^o^c-viT \ry X U'^'r fo^ ui^c tki^tpLncyi^-yy^T fioucy /le^/^uy77-fc-r/^ rncfcyzjl^ ^f TT-Tlf JA>'^^/J'^<9 ^vy/T/^^ JWcu^ r-rt^HDj ;i i^'CAoUc/ ej\C(j-<y<i<i& \ prxrk'i fi>r^ ; i '1 ic-i^--^' {SfOn^n 1 o-^- ' ^ coi.^(-ii ro c '-'•^'c^ .-^u^^ .i/ko./^ boo.,-^ J ^'cli. yci/^AXji^L- fi^ii eue^n x/^ c/^e^^ X/'/^:^ 1 yei) cii/) flirt ft-I ..euG^r^ /ju7 A>or /T)'^C ai>f^rY EOC^JO ^1 f! yiLCT bAf GAi^dX) -'^-eo^— , _ i;l —-' il k^t&P SVftnm du.0 \o>.\rQ oioicy (ofnoA; sj CQPUU^ l ) 41-- '1 1 '.I • : ! i Cjcnem.y f-ee-j t i \CHt^yt M6i^c- - /eo-^a- Lof^-dVif^JO- ts^^/o i^i^oL^c^ /3c ujir^ f'^^ri , \ •i • ; i subrn:issions c i o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 April ^0\2L 314 2 5'^33:1- Submission number TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL'S D r a f t T e n Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Pian. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes I ~ •" ' " """ " W No • " """ I If yes, my preferred day/s would be: ! Mon 7 May • Day Tues 8 May D Day n Evening Wed 9 May [H Day Dr&pning h Contact Details (please print cleariy) *lla.n\e:(whoisthesubmissioid.from?) k j O d i T)ii^rs10May D^Day /i//Q A//^ v/ * .1- *Contact Person: (if#)e narne above is an organisation) TAUH/ *Postal Address: ^ ^ ^ P f ) P / ^ m f ) B y S c H R a ^ . ^ ^ P / 9 j ^ B M - ^ T y ^ u M y = ) N & f ^ - .^ -. --. .. - Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: CX / O £7 ^ / O 3 I / ' ^ Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) 34 mm©APR 2012 Signature: i wish my address and plrone detailsfto remalrTconfidehtiainZ] .lAUBAl^MaiYjOUtCiE M y s u b m i s s i o n is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can vJriXe and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. imissions ciose : -TT-^-^^rpaf? - 315 .. _ Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with a topic heading. 14 R 1 A y \AP)^ln/^y id}i')er\ ] £Z4JA/ -flo?e a yO'i^^^uOP vo 9^r(.lL P r U i P Ot^iceuseomy ^A^. O^./O.P. \-ijpe. h n J 4 ^ ^ A f I f \/y!Ayj]Ji )A/^ -^^ \y^4Jy^_ ^ry G^iJoUiiP ^ n f K / ^ / p i f^hu'lij y ^ ^ y ^ l i f i n ChWii-^^y^ W^L^M b ^ ^ < ^ | 0 i l \ / ^ - k 4 h/j 9?yyrr\ h p Cy^r-ne- y n \ ^ € i I ^V|0^^~f | V IAJ/OM)^ /?4^ ^ ^ f ( p ^ r M p ^ "Pyrjlr^r) h i A /:\f n i / f k Sxx A y} \yr\^.jJ^yndyLiMi p i ^ r ^ p f ^ ^ i a L j^i j f /jOf M \)n^ rrp^-) b^ } ^ d ^ l < \ r \.^r^f i-r;^r'uM/^^ -iv^i^uMv^^ f.\>^^gJ -^22 i22 ^ ^ S ^ ^. I r^^ c^\/^7l\/iv->a. S y b m i s s i o n s c i o s e 5 . 0 0 p m Friday, 2 0 April 2 0 1 2 316 h3 P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . Pi(.nT fo/^^' /^PAS^EO QAF_^ Office use only ) "H^iK^U 4V^^^ V^/O/i i^ Ji ^AH 1 ic <o/^ H^^^ /0/V.4A ^ i ^ i ^ r;^ 4V>^. H/^'^^t f"^ ^x^:^ l<^or ^KAA I \^|€^\^ V^A U^ppu? V<^ ^^^^ y^y^y^ y.ny^cu\^yxr\y>A o ^ ' ' ^P^,\ri\ B d u . 6^3 Cpf\"fOn ' i v\f^j A W /riii ^/^fe^i<i^. y \y > • 4[ x; '•'.'. * « • ^- •• '-• • •' '•''•" ' - • • •'. . ' i " ! : " : • - r : - ' - .: V • • y * •••'-.,•*'' 4 .-:1.' (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions ciose 5»00 p m hriday, 2 0 Aprii 2 0 1 2 317 Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY COUNCIL'S Draft Ten Year Plan 20112-2022 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a t i ^ a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' abOuLthe.issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish 1 D (JcD^^^T^^SI^ijj^^y^ScSStei i i i t you best. We will then contact you with a time. -'"^ ' - ^ - ^ -^== ~ -'' ' ' (Please tick the following boxes that apply) y I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes 1 1 APR 2012 Q^'^No If yes, my prefemed day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May D Day D Evening : Thurs 10 May D Day Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who) is i the submission from?) J ^ j (_^ 'Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) \/-A \l l \ ryj^syK^^ ^ ( " J ^ -^J ( p z ' ^ 'Postal Address: ^ ^ ( O c J ^ H U ^ ^ AC l-f P^O^l> .._. Mr IAMdQ(\tdUi _ ;_ -^(d^OdyiSJCcf^ *Daytime Telephone: (O/ Postcode: "7 " y ydy)"'^ ^ \ \ Cp , Evening Telephone: '^'Jlh'^pC?'7^ Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) JrMrhl<l 'i OJ ' ' i/\ 2 _ r l ) ' K (J.(3 " "J ^ ' -^ '" C P? /V 21 ' ^" Signature: J 6 Z < ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ Hwishmy address and phone details-to remain confidential: Q M y subs-nission is: ' H/A7t - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tps on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions t o be made available t o the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions iday, 20 Aprii 2012 318 lC4-<o^ Please start each of the different topics you are \A/ritlng about with a topic heading.^ Office use only 17.. / / -06 ... / I . ,—>fl. / ../i^ x d ^ -Ml i i. y /1.1.^ 1 i.v\^ -yy^LnyuW^ dr^ -tiL^A chu^Xmonu^. fy-^y^^ •JA/ryty^i^ .4^(iyU<rriL^ \ '£yy (ddptuM-^ r3 "^^/^L^ uK.^ Td^ti4h^ k^'C^ C^Y^SL/C^ f i u y dyydC j^rf^ z/y^r^xu^cu^ ;t Cr^it'^.^yt LA f^/>^iX.^tlycldLyi£^ d^C^ .^^g^/h^' f - / / ^ G ; ^ ^ ^ fU- (/tu^uLytUi CL .^^.Cuu/J^.'Y^ (ih^ J.'. i b . " /. n J A y r -y . " ddd /y rid^^£ULy.^ j l z ^ I ^ Q . / ^ Vi4^dtoLd^ J^a-r- ^ l u - d - '•^^ i\' - y ^ flyc^j-frilyf \]o. I { Q f l ^ B> ^OfX't^}r,3 ± B '(. dy> p^yd^ / y L ^ U h i Utc'y-^ ^y ^ l^-yuddi. K T jM^i-^ fdUs ^ /^yc^yt Ml jyy / ) ^ c6^<tif-u^UyL -JYT yn'bay^i^H^tA.e^ /y^u^ < Uj* _/^/>AJ^ l^f^Zrt l^/iM A A < L ^ \ ^ L (U^A^'r ^QlyOrK^^ dy^y/uytlUi ^ ryfuL cA^cyy^^dvi^4yci if^jyiy ^'hyyrL. d IHJ dy? sj/iyf-^ i -ly^i •CT ' x ^•r^cH^y.a.^ (^c^yy n-pf-^^y'D i>r\^ 4l^yiL^.^^ PrMxiJy.^ . m f t fMyj. Up^.. - i ^ fkhyy- \HJ^tl:^.y^ Submissions ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 319 ,^H- P l e a s e s t a r t e a c h of t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g .lyky. L^ fdj'LULyXcyn-^ i/odddr T C ' ^ / - : c ^ ^ ^yt^my^ "y^y^^tt^y %'y^i'Us^^-^ ^b^^^/uy tir /^,. jyr ] j v i ^ ^ jLe^ 3 nddL y>^^ (p-''^-^ kxt>, Office use only -f PiT9f-^^\ fyL^(yuu^r ; ydjij^p $^^e^^^ ^ddJ, '-yg-tL .yu,^-yrjy^ "^ dLt4,'~td<i S<^ -C-^ yj IMk cpT^d ^)b<u^^t^(iLQy^ c^ArH-t^L^-yt T -LOS^ S^t^'-t- y^ uL&^r^-^j /rH-Criny j-tyyjy^ li^d^ yiidyy. . A^<-HO '0 ^€t- l^y>c<youj ^^ytdit^y. J(dlyndMd^'''pde^ 7 7 T ; l^jl^^y^ ~jyydydddd ylzfj^^cLJiyHy^ (jH •O-- -d^^^SIZIl^fi^^^r^y^ (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions ciose 5. s.pril 2 0 1 2 320 ^ Ot4«^S-H' TAURANGA CITY Submission number COUNCIL'S D r a f t T e n Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City vll submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor .nd Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Vease note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. Is such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. ttie libraries. bu are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues vou have raised in your /ritten submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and 1 n e f ^ | ^ ! R t e c I ^ i i S n J S 7 ^ r ~ l est. We will then contact you with a time. , ( "^^^^^i^'t'SyiSillJ) \ •V ^lease tick the following boxes that apply) (Wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: 1 APR 2012 No ZI52^ES!ircouNa!L yes, my preferred day/s would be: Ion 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day D Evening Wed 9 May Q Day D Evening Thurs 10 May D Day ontact Details (please print cleariy) Jame: (who is the submission from?) v^ ,\ Y Ci C Cv C (^ ^ x'' Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) 'ostal Address: iol I , L^M 0^^"^<^ H Cut - C. \ OA... vA- <" (Lv^ tAO^v aytime Telephone: Q -^ ' D ~ 1 b *^ I I O Postcode: El\^ Evening Telephone: { y ~ \ H D " ) ic? % U 3 lail Address: (if you would like an emailed response) jnature: uSZSnori-ysc ish my address and phone details to remain confidential: D y submission is: If - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document information that will help you in making your submission. •nember to read T p s on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) ase indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest I. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this imission form. rivacy A c t Information e Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (it you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). ur name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email dress) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to con-ect any ors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally eive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions cJose 5.00 prn Friday, 20 April 2012 321 /^S Please start each o f t h e different topics y o u arewriting about with a t o p i c heading. Office use only <• V L c o n Q. \ cfe <s^ ^^t. \t' L \\Qrcvri. 1 mpp^ ^ r c ^ t I VC" ^KV^-^%^\oa r K cxf l^e i ^ o^/-^b-jeo) u ' ^ Q r n ^ ^ ^^ ^dS-o'y^ fo<- rW 1:. TvV CL - r ^JO-<iij^ V. v ^ . ^ Q p uJ_ oa I O 'N A-n. \W • ^ ^ r H-- iLl O - iAyu-L^C) . ^ • rv^ pc^rV ^^-v%)r i n i g A,\^U (^;. ^ c L uv.o\ \t.\ CLV^, \ ci f -g >-^ \ K CL. v-e I'o Ctec^s^'- t-cO g'^-^^ ^2J19^^K> •I L'va ^ ^ ^ R c^ 4 L\\oro' d- -iOO- 1J:L .O V o x - vv^i Q. Cx-v^ Cbt^v cvl O b -Q_ o.-l-x ov.-A(A f^^ff Q-OPl-^ Cv. \ Wc UJVVC? UU Kg - r ^ a - v A t \ . C. ewv '~i ^\ Kj^^y^ iy^cdMx^. t o ci-/ ) vjf be-ivA^i L OL. '^F^orr^ ^ n t^a vt f J^^-rxoUQ/ts UOQ K ^ ' CL-vad ^ L ^ ^ - ^ ^ ; pLc>^4UU VAU 2L .xyxjy^ L. C^..^^^'^ n p op o. ci C 4.^^-00 f "'This rT>. e .a ^ L C- <^v n i Cx^nrV g Ltn^ M ^ to bo5^ £ : 2 L ^Q^rdic-p g o-v\ V^.P" i' o g vn c- ^-JLJlj ^ Ovbl-^ '-v^ch^<u^V .cv-^ * ^ ^^_.^::.X^i^«^.a£v^-g 4^^ nrr o b i U ^ , &.. I Submissfons close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 322 3 ^ 1 / // Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY COUNCIL'S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a City Bubmissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor I Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. ase note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process, such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. I are weicome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your .•ten submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you it. We will then contact you with a time. iase tick the following boxes that apply) sh to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes a^No es, my preferred day/s would be: <f\ 7 May • Day • ' Tues 8 Evening ntact Details 03/easeprinf c/eany; _ ^ ^ 2 ^ / ^ (^^^ ime: (who is the submission from?) //g ^/i^ ^ Wed 9 May D Day D Evening—Tliur&IOMay ^^ ^ ^ j3^-ti>/V^ 4 jntact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) jstal Address: Jy T ^ ^ l&^_LA^^)d xxwtim ^Al'^'-^^M' \ Postcode: aytime Telephone: B Day '^"jQ'OfX/ TAURANGA CITY CQU_NGlL ^ / ^ - ^ Evening Telephone: y^^-n^- tail Address: (if you would like an emailed response) jnature: *X— C^^.^^i'LK^y ishTny addfes/and phone details to remain confidentiatrQy submission is: It - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document • information that will help you in making your submission. member to read 'Tps on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) jase indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest u. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this Dmission form. 'rivacy A c t Information he Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). our name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email ddress) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any n-ors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally jceive your submission, but will not be able to infonn you of the outcome. SLibmissioos ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 Aprii 2012 • ? - ' M J m t ^ ' S ' ' - •••'• 323 1/ ^/ <d^i-t4^f^^''rs, y / — ^ ^ \ i \yjL^y^iL4^ /«-'»V.AiCV —i -J. J. ^ /H'i^^ -f^Aa-y^ ^'^.^•OLi^,.KM-^ i:y M^yy^K^yy^' ^ii.,r*^Auyi / AfltsV/ -'-•-'^/-C^osl' w' A^i^^^yy Aii.--v .A~i.i-A.i^ii.^^.u-c V ^VL-C , A ^ ^ Aj-i^^ ^y-fifi.ACu /uyxLiC y y n y t ^ f ^ C ^ y/(jLM^ ^>VvvXo^^Kiy JC-d / y t : ^ C ^ ^ txrrK, ^i^j^t^ ^.^^y^, ^^u- y y ^ Cxi ij- ic'j^yA 'Oy^i^vC . ^ /Sy<UL.iCy./^y ' ^ /ju.^xy ZAJC '^vi/K-/v4 (^\y<^...ij^fs.jf^iK/ dd/i, ^d\A.^idt y^AAK-1^-'S^\X ddsJL , ^ .aJd --y^- y ^ , i ^ ^./dyU^ ,/\j^'vjy.'Ky-~.C / yXj^i y^. dir\4.-J<^/^-a.jdy', .^y /^^'^-•'^^^'^ji-^M.r'^Mjc i'^^ccAiyy ,c\J^t6 r ^ c U y d A-J^-dX Y^'Orr-s, / / ^ ,-^y y^r^^-iy^Aj) , / , / ty-<t\/\^r^ ^-*.C^ie<f . /^yM/i^n^i^Ajd z j - u i y<. /./^^I^CAJ yy£^<'\jJdd-c*^(iyddj'i^ ^'Ax, yj ^ ^ y ^ ^ A J J C ^ J ^ y^ .-^a^'^ ^ /<-^<''L-<vC <^ '^d/n.^th r O y ^ A.^w'v.^-^ \/cdjic\^ y<;ydfyt.<yyL /\xid p ^^-//r <yi -Jv^A-i^^wtL^/-^ ^ K ^ /C.aL.*y^<u^( y4x,Lyyyj y^yC y^^^^^^^^Ajid A J ^ _ iJ^_^^.i_ A^ /(yAjL^ _ ^Wy -yddi, .q~/yd^iyf'<yr 224 Y^-<^ ''^yo^yy^f /^^c-a-i^iAy^ cyd/ -^ yf^dCu /^'WA.A^ /tkiv^d y^ /K-<hyu-L^JUyi^ y/:'\A - ^ t / A ^ Y ^ ' e^r. yH X^^X^ y^j-^-^^ .y^^cAQ\\^<LJL . . . yV^ ) L yf^^JyUdj^ y44'i-0^tJL- ^v<e^ c^ / ^ y>yd M^'&K^x y Z, d(/>dcdudd&-Kj>U. S, -^ .. y\IL4-iy<^(y^^^y^ dtO^r^-y^cA^i A t d y ^ \ i ) /H^yUJ-^n-UuM I /tAJ^KM y S ^ y ^ ^a^<^-yyy~J.y^ /^ikyJC /i'.yr^Xi/ . \y/^yKAy^<.yCy^ dd^ A d ^ X x y A C ^ y^iudd , . ' *50 y^y^^dydu /OLyG.yw\i ,y<iyr-^yyym^i .yA^'^ y*^-Ldd(y'<.-'^ c-^y^iXi^-f^ ycy</'^t y^y\ye^-KA.^*^Qft .-ov /M^d^yy^yfiyLX. />\.A/^ ^^ /^^laKAj^yf'^L v^«^yv^ 4,^^ X<;cW(/' fy^y^ - — / /^^^^VA/'S^-^WC- ^ddAyLj LAjiKr>>-~^C < y 7gyt-yAjy] ^-V^^M^TAX^ M C^M..r\y<y\jC / //.^^y^fuVi A^yiy^uy^KXy z ^ . y<yyv^ d/dn y6<t/i^t/-*-^^ ^ H yt^dd^tydXf jCdii^ y^rK^'^^eyy^^-XAdy-yd / y ^ ^ y \ / j d j /'. jc^(^ I L <^^~A.y^dX yt^yv Xdsy/jt M-^-^x^tdd r o / A / ^ ^ y y ^ ^ ^ d d ^ d t ^ /^AJ(!xy/y.j& . / • )/, A, 325 ^6 ^ x d ^ydy<^^y/dyL/zi <^Ai.^yL XAJL /\-dJ?A^«Axy ._ - (Xysyy- 0?<S^''^£^^-C^ .(^ ,A./y^.yXd4-f^^y4Q J. Ur^M.^ - X \ / j - \My ^oX^ X d .yd'^ dc cA^yy^ ^d\y\iUU.y^^ yytfyfPf<^i.Xl . > / ^ / K y y u M { ^ Xc^t^ '^^ yd^C-^^J^i^AL'/-^ ^-^V -^ACU. y d A y ^ ^/^4-rXl U^ y^-<lyf'\JiXd(i^/^ /d-sjiX Xt^tu_^/ ayCAT^cX A/,\j>JLA C{t^<y^C^ Xtyfi '<XAz^ayer^ A&Xdy-iyKjA^C . ' ^ \ y X ^ dX./^s.,i^ y.y^ /'VJ-^'-W' A^X^ XXA^yM^^ y<^XAX. xJ^J (J,dAjU ^'<M.c/v(^y Z^A^ ,S^K/-/UU<1 yiJ^cy^XjLyt^ /iKM / i , ' \ ^ u ^ v d t y ^ ^0«L^ y/ XO-y XdLc-X. dcy{i.aX ydb^^y y d yAy^ TX-'VCyW y^^y^-JL. 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" ^ ^ y^^Aj^A4vX^ Cc^^y^C\y<l / C y < ^ X h \ A AXyyjdi.yy^jdXu\^X<X^ ./ttX A\ty^^.jUC yii yi-^y^cy^^ "do (\./My^Y c-Qi^c^ ^ (^''\y>\-4^ I L \ . y ^ ^^A^^y^i^-^KjUKy^XU , ^ArA-'^fXfi r"- ^^^yi/*^^" i_326 ^^^J j^io ^^ CKyl\yd M^Q-iy \ d Xd/uiAAC r6iu yfJU^cljLAXXi yAdyOXAXd yd^ X^d^'w/»^^(D ^< X d xt-ttte^ XdU. '^^AX} X 4y-<X^ y^^-fiyLytJy^x • '^^^JL AyyM^ 'jcC X^' XIKAX yXjdo y^ty(l-<],,Ay^^ AJQ-^SIAA.^ y A ^ ' U ^ - ^ ^^^^^ ^ yd'^tyCy/^\y ^V •yCrKy^'^ty%-jdj uddd /LXUJS, yt\,, y ^ y ^ j d c yAjJ-i^ yU(/y\y X X ' . A X J A/v^xXyuuXi. ^ . ^ , /^ '^//sy'^yJc^ . yi yl dd-t-ij y^y.j'y^XC yA^^^ /\^^^oyjicjd A-iXd^'L/^^ fy^''C/^ y^Ac U t t - ^ x J dyi'-Q^AA <.d(L , ycA .XXji^ X-ydiyi yxX yosy^iKy (v(T^'/Xt/\.^^ K ^ / d p - y y ^ ^ ^ i ^ J d^xl,yiK.yf^KXA /Wyv^C-i^^ I'd^ //'\AV\A_/ LA^Ar<C^4 XyXlyydAr^i ^•^ yC^y.--j<tyiyXydy JvXXcyf-jL^ — tXy-X y<XddX'^ /^'^C-i^Ayi'i M^i— X^y^Xi X^f'^ / K ^ X r ^ ^J^XtL / C ^ C x « W y « 4 ^ ^ /-»VA/'wv.^^^ / y(d A A ^ X doA-if^y^-'A/J -KJ^UK/V^^ . Ay^.-<M^ A^Xd y^^-^^y^y^'^^i-'^^ -^t'f/^ \dd yiXd'<'^<^-'^<ldj /U<J\yp>.CytXd ddii ynXdryy^-r^ ^/CdXA XXL yMcA^X^'^'^'X. ^^'^•i^'^'^~v y ^ y ^ ^ y ^ y X<^ Xt^/^f^JL-X^^ /tdXXLy\Xd ri<y.A^^dL/r-^Cly\ y J/ry..yiyA^^-i djdy-iKAyJA ^ ^ d ^' yW "6^ Xy/yJixs^ nydysXy y.'jJJX H Mjyi y<y'>\A oXd^^^X^ dUu'dC- C^^yy^yX y ^ Q ^ ^ X /(yc^xA^dd'/ •'^'^' '"'^-v^v/ X ^ ^ ^ a X d y / y y\i\y\A.y<f</^,j\yi yt/V dlAAA yKytXXd^ . CO KyUyX^ £ V ^ / .IM. y(y^{ Xf AUJZ- \y(yqt4\,Cy^f OAU- /&-M^ XXj\,o X^y^jJC Ay^y^y y^tXZc^r^ y<y^^^\X(_, X-^ XXs- y t d ^ ' XXZ_ CKy^C (UCd /^JUXsJ XM A^^2^ A X yH^iX\t txX. /^«s-/vsuiL, / ^ ^ ' ^ . X^tc4yy^<ULA, .ydy fu\A . \ JLH^y<^ yddc^y^^d, A'M. Xe^\jL. A^-Kydud C^A A XX/.CJ AIXA/x^'^^^^-uyydd^y^ • X y ^ M X X '^ <V^X^XUCAV" dd^y^,.^Lyiy:>y^^.J~AAk ( AA-^e -^<> / ^ ' 327 dfx. ^ l<A ^ ySy-.iXf Pjyxy^ At-kyci^y^ d-uZ^iky^ 'AKUA^ -J. xCUCV .'^C^XAC AX X'<. /tJc-yA..cjXU, .JLI x^'Xd/ A/^y^y^-'^^y^ AX~ Vvvz?^ /^X\^ X^Qy^-Xjyy^A- /\doM'C / d^jXA ^^-dUrr\AhY-^-i^ X^h^ A ^ yCM_.Vt^/^ XX/MUJUyd ' AMy^KLy V ^td^Xyi '' ^ y/ 7 ^ S / y W X-A-y^uH^XCXa ^/ Tdxd d c M / - ^ j d y^'-^^'^^^^ yi-OvA^uu^-C- . XCL "^ .^^^^^-wv )AuZy -d^yiyUd ' jA A^y-iyjUAXdA AA-<iX<lyQ U ^ iL/^ 328 /Q4 Submission Number: Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauratt^aChy All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes | | No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May Tuesday 8 May Wednesday 9 May • UD • • Day Day Day Evening Thursday 10 May • • Evening Day Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who Is the submission from?) /^^..^-Ji^^^^rTrr }M.AyL..,U.L .VdC(^b>d.C^.C^, "Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) I |..|...Ap[2..2nf?' TAURANGACiTV CQi/^i *Postal Address: code: •Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone:. Email Address: (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: ..A I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: |\/ | MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) P l e a s e Indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission f o r m . Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to Inform us when y o u send in your submission. You have the right to correct any en-ors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but wiii not be able to inform you of the outcome. S u b m i s s i o n s close 5JOO p m Friday, 20 A p r i l 2012 TCC Ref 4800017 :'.TT^»yy^f. ^,-;s • 329 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: 'H T Office Use Only; "^D^XX^^ IXl^^L -TO -^XhsXdX -A']-XdKr T H ^ dX\0'^]ije M1s^,A:Y^y \ 3 -^Q -fnO^ •ATxiQ : Q ^ < ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ K 'P^^t^ 5"^..>^^>»^^ \5S 10)^S_ A ^ ^ P( y ' ^ i A X yxpAyp^H^^ ^'S?^>^c -v-f^ 'B>^- " C / > ^ f ^ ^ % ^ y y f y > ^ < A \^e^-Sf^ yAr ^ T > ^ ^ ^ ^ C > £ f?-^^^-'^ ; ^ f '^K-AAfyx^A S'^^NJlc^e^ L M A 0\Jii^\^<50 \.-^H\C\rV H t ^ ^ s " T O e ^ ^ )r / H r ^ f:::^-^-!. A<HAV^AA-^ /\M— ^QO^^grry ,^^v^s> C^^l-n-Z^^r^^S fiicv^ /A?-^p__ r ^ c v r "So g ^ \ r i A . c > ^ h-~^<pyoKS^ TKtf^-__C5BJ,^^rCT'\Ve- ^ C ^ y ^ M S - i ^ ^ r f ^ y y o v ^ l 4J2^^-<UA.^^ t^^^^UsnrHOPS S t = ^ Otz l X ^ y \ r ^ c j ^ f i ^//-^'Airycy' ^ \ p ^ ^ ^ v u cx<=y^ y (/x^ c ^ ^^v^^^^f M C ^ y C V^U-iT.??^^??^^^ ^^Vi^e, " r ^ ^ ^ M i ^ ^ - ^ V :^^f^OLY^vr(rp^^7^,g(S^.-rei^ ^^.T—1/^ /I , ' ^ l t 0 - - r - l 0 JCV-I-I /^..^ \ /i t <^.;^^-(.c ^ )SF^/PA^S' Q-P - T U ^ f^^t-iiP:? y^~y-~^ r \ / - ^ \ r ' MOfe I / \ T \J'^\<:A..){AQ /\yX:> ^ ^ ^ f)—nr^j^^bS-TiM^r. jU:^-4^;gyr T - K ^ A ^ a ^ e i L ^ C c ^ ^ ^ - osp Ti-Te. i ^x^a^i_^ CAS-C£^3^.-ys^.^^B^—yy-yx}y y f A ^ ti:^.^.:w^^j__i-.dS^^.&£.v/__^Q_^Ti^i^ l^^^^yjJXyy-O^d Ty ^ ( g ^ \A~^Ai^A\yiAp> - ^ Q T i : -Ufc-J <:?lA<:Ayy>]^^\y- ' ^ ' v < - ^ \ ^ H T O ^ O f l ^ - i g : : ^ i [ ^ ^ ^ T l ^ ^j^^tK^ G— -Tf^ter ^ ^ i c ^ i^^fc t - i " ^ t p N ^ Y , A^^^sp^ L^yyAjy 4t^ Ayy-\S ^£^:&^S^a^-yxyi^ C^Sx—l^-^J^^isr i.^4-i-^T=-:^^^-'S-Qf-G04g.it:.-j:^^ ..^^\;^GS^c^-^-4=^ _4^4-^S._. i;^ :^___da4tSJ^jC.^;e5|^i::: y<£ALjyA2 •XHiLS_\.:c><s^ ,__r^rU^^rr^S>spx^.>ciaS--jn-^[^,-Jc1-f(„^lL.CS-SL-.-Q£:_--a:^vItO^S- S u b m i s s i o n s c l o s e 5.00 p m Friday, 20 A p r i l 2012 TCC Ref; 4800017 330 Submission Number: IM? 2qS6n] Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aGty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part o f a public consultation process. A s s u c h these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are weicome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No [ ^ i If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Tuesday 8 May Monday 7 May • • Day Day Contact Details Wednesday 9 May • Evening Day • Thursday 10 May Evening (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?) dXdf.f.y/y. Ayr^XlJ:l.'...d}.f.... *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) 1 I APR 20.t2... ' TAU'RAN(3 A ciT V" 'COUi^y *Postal Address: Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: ^L.tdr?....,. Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an e m a i l e d n Signature: wish my address and ph MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on maldng an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the l<ey projects and proposals in the draft T e n Year Pian and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to ttie public. Your contact details are collected: • to an-ange a hiearing date and time for you to speak (tfyou choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If y o u would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to Inform us when y o u send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 T C C Ref: 4800017 331 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: l-iM"^^/ y^ f—K^^y * f / AS' A^-- ' A ~f j y A i u gyu'^tj' y f ^ A A x y i . / Acs X t yt^Lci^^^fX ' H ^ OfTice Use Only; 0yy auidfyA/ry^ AAL yy^iAi yh ~kmdi/X^C^iial y. iddyZ'ICiy ^ Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 332 Submission Number: )o^SS^ l^"^ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a Gty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We wnll then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) Yes I I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: I No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 7 May • Day Tuesday 8 May n • Day Evening Wednesday 9 May • • Day Thursday 10 May Evening Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who is the submission from?j....^J^.-)<k^cn^:T:vi^ s ; ^ ! ;D¥[ y \ APR2012 frr^i: T^C^CS. cXd:.. TAURANGA CITY COUNtiL *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) *Postal Address: Postcode: *Daytime Telephor Evening Telephone: Email Address: (if you would like an emailed Signature: I wish my a d d r e s ^ a n d phone details to remain confidential: ^ MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission ' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to tfie public. Your contact details are collected: • to anange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (tfyou choose to) • so the Council can wnte and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidentiai you need to Inform us when y o u send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 333 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: ^T^ Office Use Only Hr .^C-.-U . £- g a / ^ c::?> -^V^Q_ i\ Ayy. ^ i\. J ri cC^xr S ^ J L I L ^ 45S^ - ^ Ow^ -r^^^. kb. O V.V5 C>-o=\ -^^-^Co-^ ^^fg.^Y^v'i g - c ^Q£, >kv. -^S- x>P -fW>'. .giibvo-'i" ^AW'.^ opGnr-KAOtH-^ .^ ^4lkx.a_. ) I D> OTV^>.g t a J ^ k y — C X ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^13rp•,r-^.r"lC c tv_, 7 ^ 4^.y<->.J V-'<r> T^-r^^r-Y^g:^. 1 '^KO "jM^.^^^ \'-e^^-—^ S \.JTV-% ^jK^ ^0|^^«^•'f?'^ •i-^Kv-L-^-^ :gfc=g-. S*?- .rC4? :E:: Vt2.„/>-f vr? A ^ - ^ ^ ><rL, <~^'^ r-^T-^^'. '~)v\= <=V Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref; 4800017 334 Submission Number: ^ 2.t-A KC\ ^ ISO Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form Tauran^aCity All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are weicome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) Yes • I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: No I d A If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Tuesday 8 May Monday 7 May • Day Day • Evening Wednesday 9 May • Day IZl Thursday 10 May Evening f .^.^ C lhlir,.-i-^-i Contact Details (please print clearly) *Name: (who isthe submission from?) *Contact Person: (If the name above is an organisation) U,.J;^iiM!^l£^iZLL££yfClL Tostal Address: •Daytime Telephone Email Address: :: Evening Telephone: ....<rT=?.T-. (if you would like an emailed response) Signature: ,,XA.c5Q....,y^.,cc'ricrn wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the l<ey projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Pian and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacv Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to tiie public. Your contact details are collected: • to an-ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to Inform us when you send In your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but wiii not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 335 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: I S O Office Use Only C^^YdX^ — ~A y^ y y y^ddx. •<rAcs O- ^TA <yxw-^^ CAKys..As.Uy, ^ ^^yd^y^Xa •»x^y O^J^d^<i-^i^ ^ •3y>^ A/^jy <vJ-^< 'X^Xd-i.6.J\M ff^£^^^vt^^j£j^,<^^ A!)<y-' (o/y^^/tJd-J^ <A^A^/C~ k[y>n/tic ,yX..44.y>^,ty\ju<yyo_ ' ^ X ( » ^ ^ g - ^ n ^ C-^,^Kt,/V< OLA^ ^^f--^ ip •^ZL d^-T A Z L y<3-&-crXiy^ ^ -<^ ^ " S ^ ^ r y / CU-? JQ^l^^ ^-y-t^ fc>^~ cXx.y^y-^.J-^ M. .^yi.zX X y ..UyO c V ir>y^ yO^ 0'<-^<r>/ - c / ' ' - ^ e ^ ^ y d A U : > dr-^w*/; 1^^^^ < ^ ^ ^ - ^ 6 " — ^ g ^ ^ .A.yi6-\y^ e.e^L^^Lyty<-yi~e ^-M?-g.C £ J ^ ,<yyy-l. yXXyi. ,/^. i ? 2 i £ ^ y i U ^ .y^~S^<.^^, ( A -y^^jzr X^y.uO^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ ^,J^eiy> —• X A d h ^ J ^ y ^ JOAi-yr^^^^y^ ^y^^Ao -g^<? >X. Q ^ . <y-<^X'^ ^/tt-C-cr/ i>Ciy-\ y ^ ^ L S - y hr i^UJ . / - ^ K y L S i / / < . > ^ c ? < ^ .yC^^^t^/Xo^ / - y ^ ^ f ~^h^S^^_Qi:i^SAA:^ r- ^^"ixiSL_J^^C^^ o Ax/j3^er Ix I / yy\an ^ y-^ddrdAf-^dX^^ aXy>n e-^- Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 336 Submission Number: M^2^ /s/ Tauranga City Council Draft Ten Year Plan 2012 - 2022 Submission Form T a u r a n g a City All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. A s such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We w\\\ then contact you with a time. (Please tick the follo'wing boxes that apply) Yes I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: • No X If yes, my preferred day/s would be; n • Tuesday 8 May Monday 7 May Day Day Evening Wednesday 9 May • • Day Thursday 10 May Evening Day Contact Details (please print clearly) ?) ...lddo.U.<^.:^..r\ *Name: (who is the submission from?) iC>.C>.(^.!..f.O Q i . . *Contact P e r s o n : (if the name above is an organisation) TAURANGA riTY OmiNnil Jr.. *Postal A d d r e s s : ostcode: ^Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone: Email A d d r e s s : .. (if you would like an emailed response) .-ri^^^r^^VA^fXPj. Signature: wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: 1 J MYSUBMISSIONIS: Hint -We strongly recommendyou read the draft Ten Year Plan 2012- 2022 Major Focus section or Summaiy Document f o r infonnation that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects a n d proposals in the draft T e n Year Plan and those that interest y o u . Y o u are m o r e than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission f o n n . Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to anrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (tfyou choose to) » so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidentiai y o u need to inform us when y o u send In your submission. You have the right to correct any emors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref: 4800017 337 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: /"S / Office Use Only: ^ ^^-fron^/y <-J j ^ o c : ^ : r ^ < ^ ^ XAc^yX Q r-f> (T czu r^ y ^ . ^ / / / n <o^Vr / ^ O hjf-^y -/•Ajp^ C = Z J A v ^ o r . JCK^ " _ ^ r c y fC^szl. •r^ .^ V-Ao^,^ Jrxr^ry / ^ r ^ O k M^L S 1- £^ Tt-z^rJ era o -f"<D> <r^^r^ -^v ^ ^ Sa / - P r d CZii K ^ ¥r / . c - > / - o < ; > ^ ta./IS' >-ro<^ y ^. 1 2 ^ d2_L. -h^y jCZr\L A I la i lA>c.dor) / s X- " 0 r: ,LiQ / X (7. ^z:)CO>rr\ - o i^s??<nO c::»^/vg. ^^S e . ^/scy.loi/h^'y. .^-_a 'Thc^y A£2<::3JZ. ¥ q ( "^cAaol CJsi l e d ^ ^ f~^ I K///X nK>- J-ih^c^yzJ-^ t^. (^P&'Ofpi-ey h//7d y- iCl?\ / ^ io-Li^e. _C2 /c>CG^X .i:iSSO__k^^ < = > r \ ^ 'F^ yc^ytUTM^n IA x -7^^/'^ f y- t (pC^^PTJ ?o >~h<:dr- - ^ U t r L onc;::^/^ HRf-^X-^^ ' ^ g3 Ai/LC2kL ^ QLd- £_ r tr^r- r-e. ^ 3 A/7r ir\ -^c-^r <=^Ab > ^ Q > - - / d _ ^ r ^ ^ k ^ M / i l y fS/^ H CCDtyr^c:, i I / h ) ^ I'S O Cc : : > m m i y , n I ^ ^•eo^/'eK/A^ p<r:^A ' S ^ f^U I C &- . -grsL-j-y^ V p- U L V " ^ y ^ < ^"<>/--n PY\ Jr r y O O l r r - V. LZ:: Thc-i " ^ ddarf.1:^^ ^ d L Wi^y ^0-4^^0 -MJS Cin(y\.r)ryl ^ U-Q - e . / ^ tZA >/n^r.w/f~^/ir-y^S C:i' rr>Qt,4.r>-f-r-, i 2 i _ -XT-^or^ ^Qi f::> rs. d i o . . L <c. / L^2 ^ J Q _ J C _ C > >L C i j f i i . iAAA._AdL£:i.iAyr:s L£l.tsy^ QJ2:PC^_ JozZZX c:>{.r\<Z3t d LdbQA\ S , - h ^ < ^i - ^ sAuA n 5> --£S5_>:L /) . d ^ _ .Ol.. :S..-/!iCis^ 7^ AY ^XrjOLCiyLrxjd- hLi -Ssj^^s. rt^nniisJziiA^L.. _c:2s_ _t rz .../1_SL>Q:-:£S2 ^ -P- rrJf=^r<^r\4- ^ r S ' ^ ,:.^ / - v ^ t u - c a X ii S ^ C - -/-Au?y lOr) A k . i^^prAr^y V- - ^ \r~<CDr\ .h_ .AXL y- /4o4-pyf ^ f l . L s 2 j O i "^ J:^___,__rl-Qi2l -A -hc^.-kA^ j C X J y U - J Z L y C h/lAMZ3.-i: ksNZ^. ^^csjyL £^'^±cLLrL£s£..^ <An\Qiy.-J M A t v C . -pL/Ng^ ty\.j:^.h>lj^ QZ I hroy-jy1^ALS-X Af- r r \ ' ^ C \ C2. I 'y, jCAirAhLyuAJI__.__S2_:^ fzc^s:^:!^Sd. iLey/ \r, ir\/ k ^ , r \ A , Q mty^r k A c:d^ i:c2. r^LAjrrs -h^Q.•^r\ ±i/.-Ca^^A:SL^.. _C2. JO p>y:?i r\ c x X A s J c . p - I<Z3LJ=S -y^J2l W a u l r i DQ. ^ J y ^ s-pX^-lY-~-^C3^ LPol AXZA./.-^ <^ ^ -f: k 2 L± .hlL r-c:>/->-I ^ , J^L- iAs 'QALdjAA. fkf^y Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref; 4800017 338 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading: / ^ ( Office Use Only: -f r:> Cjjy^K <Vo4 / n-^x? -fcv j-AO C> r^" /MON ^i^l... hi /A 1 ^X I h lA. -<„ i-_Q_ /A-<?,'/- lik-P, <3- I r \ r - j M y^yf^rd „ *^ £> Oirn -g^ -^TiDly ^^j^A(^r\ S A O /^ / . - / Xd^Xl S frrcrS--^ kVA'S?.^ f y <Diy\.d i r\<Zi J >k GIA (cX c^ot/sg^ -Por c^// -/-gx^-g. rr> {y[ r^ t (^ dh c^ r\(7^ r 4 / ^ h p . T i ^ovf-> -P^: ^y\cz?ir^ r^ r <=>lyi n c i I t X. ± r- -hkf^ y• \. ^' ^yy '' ^ ^^ •^'C>c:>A y ^ 'SPJi-^CT II r\CM y CJ< / A d C ^. do CTcreS "^ JDolaX^ £r orr> ex hdj^ QIALLS^ 1/ cX^ TL d ^ (' y y^ ^~^- y r> .o <i/t y- ^ CD m <^n " g c?i v\/ cz^.j. tl g ^ i-^O•/ r> r^ OM:/JOO>^ hx^oQ^fA^ - ^ J - c A o M ' ^ ' - P - c:>c:>i-^r\r4 <r> f~^. rr^o.,^ C^jy^y ^ y>L/ArU h o d t y j tS»Mr A ^ A ih>rci> trr. t t / A / r^Q (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions close 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 TCC Ref; 4800017 339 1 -5 to-^^ao Submission number T A U R A N G A CITY COUNCIJ_'S D r a f t Ten Year Plan 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 2 2 S u b m i s s i o n Form T a u r a n g a Crty All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Ten Year Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new issues). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: D Yes HZ'^No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Mon 7 May D Day Tues 8 May D Day QEvening I Wed 9 May D Day D Evening i Thurs 10 May D Day Contact Details (please print cleariy) *Name: (who is the submission from?) / ^ / S / ^ A ' I (2>/Q/LO/ * ^ i t 7 ^ yiAnim ^^t^^s^^txyydm^d *Contact Person: (if the name above is an organisation) •PostalAddress: (cX7 /t^n^yQAf) <:^e%.<yA^T i Postcode: *Daytime Telephone: O ^ A ^ ^ 7 1 ^ 0 / "2. ^ ^ / / Y Evening Telephone: i Email Address: (7fyouwouW///ce an ema/Yedresponse^( Z ^ C ^ / s J Q / Q — / ^ . ^ I Signature: / ^ A S 7 2 . C? 7 Z . ^ C A ^ C J ^ ' ' ^ ' i ^ ' ^ - T ^ A-^ ^ \ wish my address arra phone details to remain confidential: • M y submission is: Hint - We strongly recommend you read the Draft Ten Year Plan 2012-2022 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tps on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the draft Ten Year Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach it to this submission form. Privacy A c t Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions ciose 5.00 pm Fi ipnl 340 P l e a s e s t a r t eacin o f t h e d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s y o u a r e w r i t i n g a b o u t w i t h a t o p i c h e a d i n g . r / L o T ^yi'i (S/Ai^s^^ crPTfyry /^-j /?Le:Xfey^A:> yp^ , ^ a i s/^g7c ^f~l/^ /A.<)ri^/ty}i_ cz^^^r^^TAjyfCyT JQ^-A'^ / t t y f r y f ^ ' ' 6 J <^ ^^^XfMtLA^ /S <:^^e: ry&^^-'L<L<ir^^ /AAT <CyLiy/s>^ sXi/y L,^yif^ y^ ore /%^>/gi^U£" yj-h^r /s PC^>U ^ A I A ^ XT y^^^j^ yy?u^-to /l^a<Jiyi!Ty A^X / ? d ^ ; ^rb yf -^M^r^'r^^ yy P/CLyJt^f^ / a ^I^AA /<>-^0 /AOiAf ^/ / O PA^ ^y££>^'o?i^'C^ /^'^y.^sr^C£A^<^ Z-e^/c i£^^i/?/i^i^j^&Ar /-^/^^UfpyC L-^yT c ^ /CXsi-^y- (ZrATPy?py o P T r o r A <d^ / - A yAJ/s. '7/-^^ i ^ p ^ y f 'TJ-^dAy /^ ^/L^ry?c.u^^ A^ArSUyt^a , Office use only yjNAA)' s^^z? /rA^ A^ y^ Ar..^yr:Pf-^ij<L r^y^A yyfApSl yqAyipy) ^yi^yns: / £ , A) Cffl^tT^^ <i/OEr <fa, ^^X^ ^(l^<Af ^y_AyyL£L /V^cVdg- ^f-^B^ jy)<rtSAl ^ A-y^fj/O A>7?=k?^/y -m-d^ i^fkr G T A . PyN^:zrL C /y/C/z/vS U^AT/i^ Xz-^^y^y f y q /=K A<^7<fyzi ^f^y^ ^S>^A^-^ TAd^ /iiA?Lyfyi /hyjp^ ^ooo A/Cyn~^U S:XA^S^..^XyX^ r\>.yjrLfA<}y XiS> / ^ / ^ r c v c^ /S X^usr . ^ ^ A /vb<:T /tf^AJA^uJrQU^. A ^ A ^ I T ' ^ ^Acp-^yyi. -To SjQf^AA-y^-r r A ^ yitfAr^^cA SAt^-AS. AAIS: ^^-O^/V? is g/^/<?c£r. /CasP fS yViy [yJ^i-Ll ^ ^-froY^s Cy^^ETtn l<.^. d d / Q ^ A c^i^o A'X^ yi-A-^A) i A ^ y s .yjOyS— <:•-<• At£ 6^=7\xS<:y'ito A r »^K- ^^.A^T, S ^ < A yQ<> ^ e r cy?,^ cyfS.t-r ^ ^ t X ) . ^ : , : ^ /&^irr^Ai S i A S ^ J H a A ^ ^ Submissioiis ciose 5.00 pm Friday, 20 April 2012 341 sa Please start each of the djfferent topics you are writing about with a topic heading. Office use only CyjyyrsXd^cMQXd^^ d L f C.^fVtrJC4U ATlyC ^f-312^ /S QurALAA tAAF /<. Se£^/<:^S /r-xyUnO^/cA, TNs: To AXpy,, y A f o J _ _ f-i,<^(/^ y^y^ _dkA /XfOJy^ A^^ .di^/-A. UoULyfr^yrTtJ^C yje^^r ff^K:>/X/f<PiyK)L. Ky^^Al /04,^=aT ^^uCt^^rA^ /'JsnyS,i£r7-^S\yC?S Cf£^ y^r^J /^y^<'7Ui: ^AtA^ _ - A'AJAEL -f^ <^A/^^^gr ^-//-^ m/cA ^DcSTiA^^ ^ ^ T IP t - ^ r l f a A : :Afj4t3y 7 ) ^ ^ .r<ipp.^r-^^'/i^^A: /€.-<?$/•<- At^/^er^y/z X ^ - A T ^ ^A^ej'L^, "To- ^ t A A ^ ^ ^ r ^ e : FgiK (Q.-yO '^AAAM Wg::co /yj^-^ A^<.rz> ^f-J*^ /vfA-/ fAy-i£, <JAi'/^yi.yt'ry=, P^L. Cyh^ T y t C f<L> Q X (include extra pages if you wish) Submissions ciose 5.00 pm Frida^. 2012