Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch
Page 1 01'2 Michelle Branch From: SCOTT SIMPSON [[email protected] Sent: Thursday, March 19,20098:24 PM To: Joe Yarbrough; Drago. Patricia Cc: Smith. Margaret A. (SUPERINTENDENT) Subject: Re: South Halifax elementary school zone changes Pat: I have reviewed Joe's email and the Interlocal Agreement that was negotiated and executed in 2007. When the School District considers an amendment to a school's attendance boundary, there should also be consideration given as to whether there needs to be an amendment to the school's Concurrency Service Area. Section E of the Interlocal Agreement deals with the Concurrency Service Areas. The Agreement provides that initially the Concurrency Service Area for an elementary school shall be the same as the attendance boundary for the school. However the Agreement recognizes that they do not always have to be (he same and that the School District retained the exclusive right to amend school allendance boundaries. Section E provides a process for amending the Concurrency Service Area and a change to a Concurrency Service Area is not effective until approved by all Affected Local Governments. In summary, the School District can amend a school's attendance boundary without the local government's approval, but the Concurrency Service Area can only be changed with approval of the local government. It is not clear whether the School District is proposing a change only to school's attendance boundary in South Daytona or also the school's Concurrency Service Area. However it appears that the School District will not receive the City of South Daytona's approval to change the concurrency service area of its elementary school. Therefore, the School District is left only with amending the attendance boundary while leaving the concurrency service the same. My question is how will we determine the available capacity of a school when the concun'ency service area covers an area that is not the same as the school's attendance boundary. This will result in areas heing included in the Concurrency Service Area that do not actually attend the zone and children altending the school who do not live within the Concurrency Service Area. If we are going to have school attendance boundaries and school Concurrency Service Areas that are not the same we need to make sure we know how proposed residential development will be evaluated in the future. Scott E. Simpson 595 West Granada Blvd. Suite A Ormond Beach. FL 32174 Telephone 386-677-3431 Facsimile 386-673-0748 3/20/2009 Page 2 of 2 From: Joe Yarbrough <[email protected]> To: "Drago, Patricia" <[email protected]> Cc: "Smith, Margaret A. (SUPERINTENDENT)" <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 20094:25:51 PM Subject: South Halifax elementary school zone changes Pat, I have circulated your interoffice memorandum of February 18 with the City Council and staff for comments. The majority of City Council members are in opposition to the Scenario 3 that is recommended by the Superintendent for changes in the school zoning affecting South Daytona Elementary . As you may recall during the hearing at South Daytona Elementary on February 2, Mayor O'Neal, Councilwoman Long and I expressed the City's desire to include South Daytona residents in the zoning changes. At the time, you stated you felt Reed Canal Road was unsafe for children to cross, but at least two subdivisions presently zoned for South Daytona Elementary cross Reed Canal Road. Bryan Cave and Orchards are not zoned for South Daytona, however. The maps provided in the scenarios I received in the most recent communication are not legible. It is difficult to determine exactly which zoning changes are recommended for South Daytona and the other school zones that would impact South Daytona Elementary. More detail is needed to better understand the scenarios. My records indicate at the February 2 meeting, the only school zones to be affected would be South Daytona, Sugar Mill, Spruce Creek, Palm Terrace, Sweetwater and Horizon. I cannot find any reference to Turie T. Small. Finally, it is perceived that South Daytona Elementary is being utilized to strike socia-economic balances in the student attendance that other schools in the area are not subject. The City Council would like to know the existing socio-economic makeup of South Daytona Elementary as well as the socio-economic makeup with the proposed changes in scenario 3. The socio-economic makeup of the other school zones affected with these proposed changes is also of interest. Joseph W. Yarbrough City :o.lan<lgt'r City ()f Sfltlt h Lla\·tOl1d 167:! S. Ridge\\'o;lt! c\wnue South Daytona, Florida :~2119 386-:322-3 0 1<\ .I\\"\/mb pu·~·\!'F. ':-:OTE; Flnrida has n.'ry hroad puhlic records law. :\1(lSl wriu"n communication 10 or from City of South Paytoml oflicials and (,lIli'l<.yee~ regarding pUblic busint'ss are puhlic recor<i-; .(\·ailable to Ill':' publk and media UpOI1 request. )','Ui" c-mail COllllllllllicaliol1s llIay be subject to puhlic tlisdosure. The \ iew c:-prcsscd in this IllCSSal~l? Hla~ 110t necessarily reflect those of tht: City of South [);l)1oll;l. If:- ou hanR'cl'in-t\ this nwssagl' in error, pIcasI.' notify us immediately h:- I'l'plyitl~; tolhis mcs<;agl', alld please ddete it fron. your mmp\I\(>r. Thank you. 3120/2009 FACILITIES SERVICES 3750 Olson Drive, Daytona Beach, Florida 32124 PHONE: 386/947-8786 FAX: 386/947-5847 Dr. Margaret A. Smith Superintendent of Schools March 6, 2009 School Board of Volusla County Ms. Judy Conte, Chairman Mrs. Diane Smith, Vice-Chairman Dr. AI WIlliams Ms. Candace Lankford Mr. Stan Schmidt Mr. Joe Yarbrough, City Mgr. City of South Daytona 1672 South Ridgewood Avenue South Daytona, Fl 32119 RE: School Attendance Boundary Changes Dear Mr. Yarbrough: Please find enclosed the information presented to the School Board on February 24, 2009 as it relates to attendance boundary adjustments in your area. The Board accepted the staff recommendation to adjust the school boundaries for Horizon, Palm Terrace, South Daytona, Sweetwater, Spruce Creek, Sugar Mill and TT Small Elementary schools pursuant to Scenario 3. This boundary change will relieve Horizon Elementary and maximize the utilization at the area schools. The public hearing will be held on April 14, 2009 at 5:30 pm at the School District's Administrative Center located at 200 North Clara Avenue in Deland. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 386-947-8786 extension 50772 or Helen laValley, Planning Specialist at extension 50805. Sincerely, J~4C.1L< ~/i,\ .~ d--~~ Saralee L. Morrissey, AICP ~ Site Acquisition & Intergovernmental Coordination Director C: John Dillard. Community Development Director (via emaiVno end) Helen Wert. Asst. Director Community Services (via emaiVno encl) File End: Board Presentation Exhibit 15 Page 1 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: February 18,2009 TO: SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Margaret Smith, Superintendent FROM: Patricia Drago, Executive Director of Facilities Saralee L. Morrissey, AICP Director of Site Acquisition and Intergovernmental Coordination SUBJECT: South Halifax Elementary School Attendance Area Changes Horizon Elementary in Port Orange is significantly over its permanent capacity. The permanent capacity is 543 and its enrollment is approximately 933 students (20 day count). The Public School Facilities Element adopted by the local governments requires that Horizon Elementary be in compliance with the adopted level of service standard by July 1,2012. Other South Halifax elementary schools have available capacity and are not being fully utilized. Given the recent trends in school enrollments and capital revenues, a new elementary school is not scheduled for construction to relieve Horizon Elementary in the planning period. In addition to meeting the terms of the interlocal agreement and the Public School Facility Element, a goal of this attendance boundary change is to balance utilization of existing capacity at the area schools. Table 1 indicates the affected schools' 20 day enrollments, permanent capacity, level of service and associated available capacity or lack thereof. The three elementary schools that have the ability to absorb additional students are South Daytona, Spruce Creek and Sweetwater. Exhibit 15 Page 2 TABLE 1 SY08-09 ~O-Day Classroom Level of Service !Enrollment Seats ~ of Seats Available or Needed Cypress Creek 729 739 99% 10 ~orizon 933 543 172% (390) lPalm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 1P0rt Orange 382 344 111% (38) South Daytona 755 978 77% ~23 Spruce Creek 647 823 79% 176 Sugar Mill 699 623 112% (76) Sweetwater 541 725* 75%* 184 rr. T. Small 1484 1452 107% (32) * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition District staff initiated the process for adjusting elementary school attendance areas in the South Halifax area in January. Two scenarios developed by district staff were presented for public comment on January 6, 7 and 8, 2009. Meetings were held with the Horizon Elementary faculty and local government representatives. The three community meetings were held at Horizon, Spruce Creek and Sweetwater Elementary Schools. After the community meetings, district staff reviewed the comments and proceeded to develop Scenario 3, a proposal intended to address the district's objectives as well as expressed community concerns. Follow-up community meetings were held on January 29, February 2,3 and 4, 2009 to present Scenario 3 and receive comments. The comments received were mostly positive and modifications were made in response to prior input. Map depictions of each scenario are included in the attached Power Point. A summary of each scenario is as follows: Exhibit 15 Page 3 Scenario 1- Reassigns a portion of Horizon Elementary to Palm Terrace Elementary and Sweetwater Elementary; Reassigns portion of existing Sweetwater Elementary zone to Spruce Creek Elementary. TABLE 2 SCENARIO} ESTIMATES lO-Day Classroom Level of Enrollment Seats Service ~ of Seats Available ~ypress 1N0 change to 739 99% 10 Creek or Needed !Zone !Horizon 727 543 134% (184) Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 ~ortOrange No change to 344 iZone 1N0 change to 978 1Z0ne 1l1% (38) 77% ~23 South Daytona Spruce Creek 819 823 100% ~ Sugar Mill No change to 623 112% ,(76) 80%* 143 107% (32) ~one 725* Sweetwater 582 T. T. Small IN0 change to 452 !Zone * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition • • • • • • • Fails to increase student population at South Daytona Elementary. Does not achieve compliance with level of service standard at Horizon Elementary. Shows a possible increase in transportation costs. Allows a large number of seats to remain available at Sweetwater Elementary for future growth. Does not significantly change racial and socioeconomic diversity at any affected school. Moves many Sweetwater Elementary students in order to accommodate Horizon students and future growth. Concerns and objections expressed by Sweetwater families. Scenario 1 does not achieve the district's objectives. Exhibit 15 Page 4 Scenario 2 - Reassigns portions of the Horizon Elementary zone to Palm Terrace Elementary, South Daytona Elementary and Sweetwater Elementary; Reassigns a portion of the Sweetwater Elementary zone to Spruce Creek Elementary; Reassigns a portion of Turie T. Small Elementary to South Daytona Elementary; and Reassigns a portion of the Sugar Mill Elementary zone to Spruce Creek Elementary. TABLE 3 "# of Seats Available SCENARIO 2 IESTIMATES 20-Day Classroom Level of Service iEnrollment lSeats Cypress Creek 1N0 change to 739 1Z0ne ~9% 10 1H0rizon 520 543 96% 123 lPalm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 1P0rt Orange 1N0 change to 344 ~one 111% (38) South Daytona 974 978 100% ~ Spruce Creek 874 823 106% (51) Sugar Mill 607 1623 97% 16 Sweetwater 598 725* 82%* 127 If. T. Small 1472 1452 104% (20) or Needed * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition • • • • • • • • • • Increases student population at aU schools with available capacity. Achieves compliance with level of service standard at Horizon Elementary. Achieves a reduction in transportation costs. Expands walk zones to Spruce Creek Elementary but creates an undesirable crossing for students at Spruce Creek and Nova Roads. Retains a large number of seats at Sweetwater Elementary for future growth. Does not significantly change racial and socioeconomic diversity at any affected school. Moves many Sweetwater Elementary students in order to accommodate Horizon students and future growth. Concerns and objections expressed by Sweetwater families. Concerns expressed by Sugar Mill families regarding crossing at Spruce Creek and Nova Roads. Concerns and objections expressed by Horizon families being reassigned to South Daytona Elementary. Scenario 2 does achieve the district's objectives. Exhibit 15 Page 5 Scenario 3 - Reassigns portions of the Horizon Elementary zone to Palm Terrace Elementary, South Daytona Elementary, Spruce Creek Elementary and Sweetwater Elementary; Reassigns a small portion of the Sweetwater Elementary zone to Spruce Creek Elementary; Reassigns a portion of Turie T. Small Elementary to South Daytona Elementary; and Reassigns a small portion of the South Daytona Elementary zone to Sugar Mill Elementary. TABLE 4 SCENARIO 3 ESTIMATES ~O-Day Classroom Level of Enrollment Seats ~ervice # of Seats Available or Needed Cypress Creek !No change to 739 !Zone 99% 10 Horizon 595 543 110% 52) Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 Port Orange 1N0 change to 344 !Zone 111% (38) South Daytona 879 978 90% 99 Spruce Creek 724 823 88% 99 Sugar Mill 704 623 113% (81) Sweetwater 667 725* 92%* 58 if. T. Small f472 452 104% (20) 'Ie • • • • • • • • • Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition Maximizes utilization at all schools with available capacity. Achieves compliance with level of service standard at Horizon Elementary. Makes no significant change to transportation costs. Retains a large number of seats at Spruce Creek Elementary for future growth. Does not significantly change racial and socioeconomic diversity at any affected school. Addresses the concerns and objections expressed by Sweetwater families. Addresses the concerns expressed by Sugar Mill families regarding crossing at Spruce Creek and Nova Roads. Addresses the concerns and objections expressed by Horizon families residing in Port Orange. Concerns and objections expressed by Horizon families being reassigned to South Daytona and Spruce Creek Elementary. Scenario 3 does achieve the district's objectives. Exhibit 15 Page 6 OTHER COMMENTS: District staff conducted a total of seven community meetings on the proposed rezoning and presented twice to the Horizon faculty. In addition to comments received from the school communities, staff met twice with the affected local governments. A clear feeder pattern is not apparent within the South Halifax area affected by these scenarios. Comments were received that requested changes to the middle school boundaries in order to address a clear feeder pattern although it was made clear the exercise was focused on elementary boundaries only. Additionally, comments were received relative to available participation in the extended day program registration and kindergarten registration. These activities' registration is scheduled after final action by the Board in April. Additionally, staff is working with school staff and extended day facilitators to ensure parents are aware of new school assignments. In response to comments received, district staff is recommending tha~ the current fourth graders (next year's fifth graders) be allowed to remain at their assigned school if desired by the parent. Additionally, it is recommended that siblings ofthese students be allowed a one year variance to also remain at their current assigned school at which time the variance would expire. Student transportation is not recommended to be provided to these students. All other variances would be reviewed on a case by case basis. No scenario presented addresses all concerns and objections received; however, Scenario 3 is the preferred scenario in terms of meeting the district's objectives and responding to as many concerns as feasible. SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board authorize the advertising of new boundaries for Palm Terrace, Port Orange, Horizon, South Daytona, Spruce Creek, Sweetwater, Sugar Mill and Turie T. Small Elementary Schools pursuant to Scenario 3. School Attendance Area Change Horizon, Palm Terrace, Port Orange, Spruce Creek, Soutlt Daytona, Sugar Mill, Sweetwater and Turie T. Small Elementary Schools Artifact 1 - Transportation Analysis Artifact 2 - Demographic Data Artifact 3 - New Residential Development Data Artifact 4 - Existing Crossing Guard Locations Artifact 1 TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS SCENARIO 1 Routes total Bus Attendants Mileage per school year Cost Current data 44.5 buses 30 assigned Proposed Data 46 buses 30 Bus Attendants 278,348 miles 287,730 miles Difference 1.5 more buses oless Bus Attendants 9,382 more miles $1,066,170.00 $1,066,170.00 Cost $40,444.50 Number of buses indicated above may be able to service multiple schools thus bringing the cost of the service down a little more. We would try and not add any buses to get these students to their newly assigned schools. Based on our projected data, we show a possible increase in the cost for transportation for this plan as indicated above. TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS SCENARIO 2 Routes total Bus Attendants Mileage per school year Cost Current data 44.5 buses 30 assigned Proposed Data 42 buses 26 Bus Attendants 278,348 miles 262,710 miles Difference 2.5 less buses 4 less Bus Attendants 15,638 less miles $1,066,170.00 $1,051,974.00 Savings $77,645.00 Based on the geographical location of the students, student program and timing issues within STS, we can see a cost savings due to fewer buses, less bus attendant requirements and miles traveled. More students would be required to walk to their new school. TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS SCENARIO 3 Routes total Bus Attendants Mileage per school year Cost Current data 44.5 buses 30 assigned Proposed Data 44.5 buses 30 Bus Attendants 278,348 miles 278,348 miles Difference oless buses oless Bus Attendants oless miles $1,066,170.00 $1,066,170.00 Savings $0.00 Based on the geographical location of the students, student program and timing issues within STS, we do not see any change in the cost to STS operation. The same number of buses and personnel are required to get these students to school. • • • • Cost for bus run without Bus Attendant: $18,207.00 Cost for bus run with a Bus Attendant: $26,239.00 FY08 cost per student: $768.00 o FTE funds collected per student: $417.00 STS Average Ratio of bus routes with Bus Attendants: 59.8% Artifact 2 Scenario 1 Estimated Level of Service as affected by Scenario 1 Scenario 1 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Current Year - Actual 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity School Scenario 1 - Total in Zone 08/09 LOS Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity Scenario 1 - Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Scenario Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 08/09 LOS Enrollment Capacity Scenario 08/09 LOS Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) Cypress Creek 729 739 99% Horizon 933 543 172% Palm Terrace Port Orange 794 382 810 344 98% 111% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) South Daytona 755 978 77% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) Spruce Creek Sugar Mill 647 823 79% 699 623 112% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) Sweetwater Turie T Small 541 484 543 452 100% 107% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) 742 543 137% 960 810 119% 763 625 823 725 93% 86% 727 794 819 582 543 810 823 725 134% 98% 100% 80% Data represents percentage of students enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program Scenario 1 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Cypress Creek Horizon Palm Terrace Port Orange South Daytona Spruce Creek Sugar Mill Sweetwater Turie T Small Current Year 19% 40% 91% 54% 62% 42% 51% 18% 89% Scenario 1 Total in Zone Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 46% 85% 45% 91% Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 37% 35% Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 23% 22% Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 18, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 1 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Total in Zone Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 8 45 KG AI, AN 141 1 1 Black 124 123 2 Hispanic 47 120 3 Mixed 120 41 4 White 145 485 5 84 Total Student Count 742 Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 34 13 KG AI, AN 150 2 1 Black 165 535 2 Hispanic 45 142 3 Mixed 166 83 4 White 157 282 5 146 Total Student Count 960 Spruce Creek Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 10 13 KG AI, AN 124 3 1 Black 105 31 2 Hispanic 147 30 3 Mixed 119 24 4 White 133 662 5 125 Total Student Count 763 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 6 19 KG AI, AN 99 3 1 Black 108 39 2 Hispanic 21 98 3 Mixed 103 17 4 White 83 526 5 128 Total Student Count 625 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 1 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 6 43 KG AI, AN 132 1 1 Black 122 109 2 Hispanic 42 114 3 Mixed 119 36 4 White 139 496 5 95 Total Student Count 727 Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 16 11 KG AI, AN 128 2 1 Black 118 512 2 Hispanic 34 133 3 Mixed 135 72 4 White 140 163 5 124 Total Student Count 794 Spruce Creek Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 17 12 KG AI, AN 132 4 1 Black 115 33 2 Hispanic 149 36 3 Mixed 128 23 4 White 135 711 5 143 Total Student Count 819 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 0 15 KG AI, AN 90 2 1 Black 95 32 2 Hispanic 21 102 3 Mixed 97 15 4 White 76 497 5 122 Total Student Count 582 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 2 Estimated Level of Service as affected by Scenario 2 Scenario 2 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Current Year - Actual 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity School Scenario 2- Total in Zone 08/09 LOS Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity Scenario 2 - Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Scenario Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 08/09 LOS Enrollment Capacity Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) Cypress Creek 729 739 99% Horizon 933 543 172% 508 543 94% 520 Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 960 810 119% 794 Port Orange 382 344 111% South Daytona 755 978 77% 1103 978 850 581 823 623 644 319 Spruce Creek 647 823 79% Sugar Mill 699 623 112% Sweetwater 541 484 543 452 100% Turie T Small 107% Scenario 08/09 LOS 543 810 96% 98% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) 974 978 103% 874 93% 607 823 623 725 89% 598 452 71% 472 113% 725 452 100% 106% 97% 82% 104% Data represents percentage of students enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program Scenario 2 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Cypress Creek Horizon Palm Terrace Port Orange South Daytona Spruce Creek Sugar Mill Sweetwater Turie T Small Current Year 19% 40% 91% 54% 62% 42% 51% 18% 89% Scenario 2 Total in Zone Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 45% 85% 40% 90% Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 61% 38% 50% 22% 85% 59% 37% 52% 21% 87% Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 18, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 2 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Total in Zone South Daytona Elementary School Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 3 34 KG AI, AN 102 1 1 Black 72 88 2 Hispanic 33 86 3 Mixed 86 18 4 White 99 334 5 60 Total Student Count 508 Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 34 13 KG AI, AN 150 2 1 Black 165 535 2 Hispanic 45 142 3 Mixed 166 83 4 White 157 282 5 146 Total Student Count 960 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 17 20 KG AI, AN 196 3 1 Black 191 283 2 Hispanic 65 179 3 Mixed 193 81 4 White 175 651 5 152 Total Student Count 1103 Spruce Creek Elementary School Sugar Mill Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 14 7 KG AI, AN 89 2 1 Black 91 38 2 Hispanic 41 99 3 Mixed 86 29 4 White 99 464 5 103 Total Student Count 581 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 5 20 KG AI, AN 94 3 1 Black 111 37 2 Hispanic 18 101 3 Mixed 109 15 4 White 90 551 5 134 Total Student Count 644 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 11 13 KG AI, AN 153 3 1 Black 115 41 2 Hispanic 35 165 3 Mixed 132 32 4 White 137 726 5 137 Total Student Count 850 Turie T Small Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 11 5 KG AI, AN 60 1 1 Black 54 196 2 Hispanic 50 14 3 Mixed 55 28 4 White 52 75 5 37 Total Student Count 319 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 2 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers South Daytona Elementary School Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 7 33 KG AI, AN 98 1 1 Black 73 76 2 Hispanic 84 30 3 Mixed 90 16 4 White 98 364 5 70 Total Student Count 520 Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 16 11 KG AI, AN 128 2 1 Black 118 512 2 Hispanic 133 34 3 Mixed 135 72 4 White 140 163 5 124 Total Student Count 794 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 3 20 KG AI, AN 189 4 1 Black 163 223 2 Hispanic 164 62 3 Mixed 162 74 4 White 158 591 5 135 Total Student Count 974 Spruce Creek Elementary School Sugar Mill Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 34 8 KG AI, AN 103 2 1 Black 98 35 2 Hispanic 45 100 3 Mixed 89 37 4 White 93 480 5 90 Total Student Count 607 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 0 16 KG AI, AN 85 3 1 Black 98 30 2 Hispanic 18 102 3 Mixed 104 14 4 White 82 517 5 127 Total Student Count 598 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 17 10 KG AI, AN 154 3 1 Black 119 41 2 Hispanic 39 163 3 Mixed 135 28 4 White 139 753 5 147 Total Student Count 874 Turie T Small Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 0 2 KG AI, AN 90 0 1 Black 94 379 2 Hispanic 17 76 3 Mixed 80 22 4 White 72 52 5 60 Total Student Count 472 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 3 Estimated Level of Service as affected by Scenario 3 Scenario 3 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Current Year - Actual 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity School 08/09 LOS Scenario 3 - Total in Zone Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 Enrollment Capacity Scenario 3 - Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Scenario Scenario Scenario 08/09 08/09 08/09 LOS Enrollment Capacity Cypress Creek 729 739 99% Horizon 933 543 172% Palm Terrace 794 810 98% Port Orange 382 344 111% South Daytona 755 978 77% 998 978 102% 879 978 Spruce Creek 647 823 79% 724 699 623 112% 113% 704 823 623 Sweetwater 541 484 543 452 100% 823 623 725 80% Sugar Mill 661 701 100% 667 452 71% 472 Turie T Small 107% Scenario 08/09 LOS Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) 599 543 110% 595 960 810 119% 794 543 810 110% 98% Not Applicable - No changes to Zone (Enrollment and LOS default to Current Year) 727 319 725 452 90% 88% 113% 92% 104% Data represents percentage of students enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program Scenario 3 -- Figures representative of the 2008-09 20-Day Count Student Data Cypress Creek Horizon Palm Terrace Port Orange South Daytona Spruce Creek Sugar Mill Sweetwater Turie T Small Current Year 19% 40% 91% 54% 62% 42% 51% 18% 89% Scenario 3 Total in Zone Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 47% 85% 44% 91% Not Applicable - No Change to Zone (Percentage defaults to Current Year) 62% 43% 50% 21% 85% 60% 40% 51% 20% 89% Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 18, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 3 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Total in Zone Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 6 38 KG AI, AN 117 1 1 Black 91 107 2 Hispanic 38 98 3 Mixed 101 27 4 White 120 388 5 66 Total Student Count 599 Spruce Creek Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 9 6 KG AI, AN 112 2 1 Black 100 36 2 Hispanic 31 124 3 Mixed 101 23 4 White 108 563 5 107 Total Student Count 661 South Daytona Elementary School Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 34 13 KG AI, AN 150 2 1 Black 165 535 2 Hispanic 45 142 3 Mixed 166 83 4 White 157 282 5 146 Total Student Count 960 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 14 16 KG AI, AN 179 3 1 Black 168 264 2 Hispanic 60 163 3 Mixed 175 71 4 White 153 584 5 146 Total Student Count 998 Sugar Mill Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 14 8 KG AI, AN 115 2 1 Black 108 46 2 Hispanic 43 124 3 Mixed 108 36 4 White 111 566 5 121 Total Student Count 701 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 7 26 KG AI, AN 111 4 1 Black 113 34 2 Hispanic 20 121 3 Mixed 121 18 4 White 108 625 5 146 Total Student Count 727 Turie T Small Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 11 5 KG AI, AN 60 1 1 Black 54 196 2 Hispanic 14 50 3 Mixed 55 28 4 White 52 75 5 37 Total Student Count 319 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 2 Scenario 3 Estimated Student Grade and Race Distribution as affected by Scenario Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers Horizon Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 8 37 KG AI, AN 110 1 1 Black 91 91 2 Hispanic 93 34 3 Mixed 102 23 4 White 116 409 5 75 Total Student Count 595 Palm Terrace Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 16 11 KG AI, AN 128 2 1 Black 118 512 2 Hispanic 133 34 3 Mixed 135 72 4 White 140 163 5 124 Total Student Count 794 Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 2 16 KG AI, AN 172 4 1 Black 139 199 2 Hispanic 58 152 3 Mixed 145 64 4 White 138 538 5 131 Total Student Count 879 Spruce Creek Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 17 6 KG AI, AN 122 2 1 Black 105 38 2 Hispanic 129 37 3 Mixed 107 21 4 White 116 620 5 128 Total Student Count 724 Sugar Mill Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 34 8 KG AI, AN 126 2 1 Black 113 41 2 Hispanic 118 46 3 Mixed 108 42 4 White 103 565 5 102 Total Student Count 704 Sweetwater Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 0 21 KG AI, AN 100 4 1 Black 102 27 2 Hispanic 121 20 3 Mixed 115 17 4 White 95 578 5 134 Total Student Count 667 South Daytona Elementary School Turie T Small Elementary School Total Total Grade Count Race Count PK Asian 0 2 KG AI, AN 90 0 1 Black 94 379 2 Hispanic 17 76 3 Mixed 80 22 4 White 72 52 5 60 Total Student Count 472 Current Year (yellow column): Represents current year (2008-09 20-Day) student data with all boundaries intact and unchanged. Total in Zone (green column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent total number of students in newly drawn zones only (no transfers in or out). Enrolled in Zone Reflecting Transfers (orange column): Represents the boundaries as affected by the scenario, uses 08-09 student data, and counts represent students in the zone enrolled at the school and the transfers coming into the school. Created by Facilities Services February 13, 2009 Artifact 3 CURRENT SCHOOL BOUNDARIES New Residential Development Elementary Boundary Horizon Palm Terrace Port Orange South Daytona Potential Elementary Total Students Units Type Generated Project Name Andros Isles Bella Oaks Bethune Property Coquina Cove 1-3 Coquina Cove 4 Nautica Lakes Port Orange Landings, Ph II Port Orange Plantation 2-5 Royal Palm PUD 2-3 Sunset Cove 2-3 The Park PUD Villas of Key Largo Villas of Port Orange Plantation, I-II Villa Park PUD Walkers Green Walkers Green Totals 360 MF 134 SF 12 SF 452 SF 136 MF 476 MF 104 SF 314 SF 214 SF 114 SF 37 SF 86 SF 346 SF 552 MF 399 SF 243 MF 3979 25 24 2 81 9 33 19 56 38 20 7 15 62 38 71 17 517 957 Beach Street Condo Beach Street Condos Beach Street Skyline Daytona Live Gateway Village Madison Oaks PUD Pine Haven Shady Oaks Totals 209 MF 510 MF 372 MF 450 MF 312 MF 32 MF 58 SF 16 SF 1959 14 35 25 31 21 2 10 3 141 Portofino Townhomes Totals 8 SF Casablanca Diamond Reef PUD Halifax Center Mediterranean Villas Seabreeze Towers Totals 1 8 492 16 752 311 522 2093 MF SF MF MF MF 1 1 34 3 51 21 36 145 Artifact 3 CURRENT SCHOOL BOUNDARIES New Residential Development Elementary Boundary Spruce Creek Sugar Mill Sweetwater TT Small Potential Elementary Students Total Units Type Generated Project Name Parkside MHP replat 46 SF 8 Rojo Arabian 72 SF 13 118 Totals 21 Hammock Lake Estates Lotus Club Malaga Newport Northern Lights Nova Bella Piazza Nova Oaks Oak Cove Villas Riverwalk PO Spruce Creek Commons The Reserve at Port Orange The Palms The Palms Totals Central Park Reserve Cracker Creek Dalford Subdivision Totals The Courtyard Gateway Daytona Grand Isle Joslyn Subdivision Majestic Springs Marina Pt PUD Marina Point II The Reserve @ Crystal Lk The William Lofts Totals Grand Total 2 45 SF 369 MF 198 MF 240 MF 5 SF 20 MF 32 MF 16 SF 800 MF 109 SF 136 SF 288 MF 164 SF 2422 8 25 14 16 1 1 2 3 55 19 24 20 29 217 10 SF 5 SF 3 SF 2 1 1 18 4 12 MF 18 MF 18 SF 3 SF 102 MF 50 SF 72 MF 290 MF 38 MF 603 1 112001 1 1 3 1 7 9 5 20 3 50 1096 Proposed School Boundaries Scenario 1 New Residential Development denotes change Elementary Boundary Horizon Palm Terrace Port Orange South Daytona Spruce Creek Total Units Type Project Name Artifact 3 Potential Elementary Students Generated Bella Oaks 134 Nautica Lakes 476 Port Orange Landings, Ph2 104 Sunset Cove 2-3 114 The Park PUD 37 Villas of Key Largo 86 Villa Park PUD 552 Totals 1503 SF MF SF SF SF SF MF 24 33 19 20 7 15 38 156 957 Beach Street Condo 209 Andros Isles 360 Beach Street Condo 510 Beach Street Skyline Condo 372 Daytona Live 450 Gateway Village 312 Madison Oaks PUD 32 Pine Haven 58 Shady Oaks 16 Walker's Green 243 . Walker's Green 399 Totals 2961 MF MF MF MF MF MF MF SF SF MF SF 14 25 35 25 31 21 2 10 3 17 71 254 Portofino Townhomes Totals SF 1 1 MF SF MF MF MF 34 3 51 21 36 145 SF SF SF 8 13 2 23 8 8 Casablanca 492 Diamond Reef PUD 16 Halifax Center 752 Mediterranean Villas 311 Seabreeze Towers 522 Totals 2093 Parkside MHP replat Rojo Arabian Central Park Reserve Totals 3 46 72 10 128 Artifact 3 Proposed School Boundaries Scenario 1 New Residential Development denotes change Elementary Boundary Sugar Mill Sweetwater TT Small Total Units Type Project Name Hammock Lakes Estates 45 Lotus Club 369 Malaga 198 Newport 240 5 Northern Lights Nova Bella Piazza PUD 20 Nova Oaks 32 Oak Cove Villas 16 Riverwalk PO 800 Spruce Creek Commons 109 The Reserve @ PO 136 The Palms PUD 288 The Palms PUD 164 Totals 2422 SF MF MF MF SF MF MF SF MF SF SF MF SF Cracker Creek 5 Bethune Property 12 Coquina Cove, Ph 1-3 452 . Coquina Cove, Ph4 136 Dalford Subdivision 3 Port Orange Plantation 2-5 314 Royal Palm PUD2-3 214 Villas of PO Plantation I-II 346 Totals 1482 SF SF SF MF SF SF SF SF Gateway Daytona Grande Isle Joslyn Subdivision Majestic Springs Marina Pt PUD Marina Point II The Courtyard The Reserve @ Crystal Lake The William Lofts Totals 18 18 3 102 50 72 12 290 38 8 25 14 16 1 1 2 3 55 19 24 20 29 217 1 2 81 9 1 56 38 62 250 MF SF SF MF SF MF MF MF MF 603 Grand Totals 1 112001 4 Potential Elementary Students Generated 1 3 1 7 9 5 1 20 3 50 1096 Proposed School Boundaries Scenario 2 New Residential Development denotes change Elementary Boundary Horizon Palm Terrace Total Units Type Project Name Bella Oaks Nautica Lakes Port Orange Landings, P II Sunset Cove 2-3 The Park Villas of Key Largo PUD Totals 957 Beach Street Condo Andros Isles Beach Street Condos Beach Street Skyline Daytona Live Gateway Village Madison Oaks PUD Pine Haven Shady Oaks .. Walker'S Green· . Walker's Green Totals - Port Orange South Daytona Portofino Townhomes Totals 134 476 104 114 37 86 951 209 360 510 372 450 312 32 58 16 243 399 8 Potential Elementary Students Generated 24 33 19 20 7 15 118 MF MF MF MF MF MF MF SF SF MF SF 2961 14 25 35 25 31 21 2 10 3 17 71 254 SF 1 1 8 Casablanca 492 Diamond Reef 16 Halifax Center 752 Mediterranean Villas 311 The Reserve @ Crystal Lake 290 Seabreeze Towers 522 Villa Park PUD 552 Totals 2935 5 SF MF SF SF SF SF Artifact 3 MF SF MF MF MF MF MF 34 3 51 21 20 36 38 203 PROPOSED SCHOOL BOUNDARIES Scenario 3 New Residential Development denotes change Elementary Boundary Total Units Type Project Name . Bethune Property Coquina Cove 1-3 Coquina Cove 4 Parkside PUD replat Spruce Creek Port Orange Plantation 2-5 RojoArabian Royal Palm PUD 2-3 Villas of Port Orange Plantation, I-II Total Units Sugar Mill Sweetwater TT Small Hammock Lake Estates Lotus Club Malaga Newport Northern Lights Subdivision Nova Bella Piazza Nova Oaks Oak Cove Villas Riverwalk PO The Palms The Palms The Reserve at Port Orange Spruce Creek Commons Total Units Central Park Reserve Cracker Creek Dalford Subdivision Total Units Joslyn Subdivision Gateway Daytona Grand Isle Majestic Springs Marina Pt PUD Marina Point II The Courtyard The William Lofts Total Units 12 452 136 46 314 72 214 346 SF SF MF SF SF SF SF SF 1592 45 SF 369 MF 198 MF 240 MF 5 SF 20 MF 32 MF 16 SF 800 MF 288 MF 164 SF 136 SF 109 SF 2422 Potential Elementary Students Generated 2 81 9 8 56 13 38 62 269 8 25 14 16 1 1 2 3 55 20 29 24 19 217 10 SF 5 SF 3 SF 2 18 4 1 1 3 SF 18 MF 18 SF 102 MF 50 SF 72 MF 12 MF 38 MF 1 1 3 7 9 5 1 3 313 30 GRAND TOTALSI 112001 8 Artifact 3 1096 .0 South Halifax Area Elementary School Rezoning Request to Advertise School Board Meeting . February 24,2009 I ,I 1 Goals • To Balance Utilization at Area Schools ~Operate schools more efficiently by using existing permanent classroom spaces rather than portable classrooms • To Meet State Growth Management Rules ~ Elementary schools cannot exceed 1150/0 of their permanent capacity 2 TABLEt 20-Day Enrollment Classroom Seats Level of Service # of Seats Available Cypress Creek 729 739 99% 10 Horizon 933 543 172% (390) Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 Port Orange 382 344 111 % (38) South Daytona 755 978 77% 223 Spruce Creek 647 823 79% 176 Sugar Mill 699 623 112% (76) Sweetwater 541 725* 75%* 184 T. T. Small 484 452 107% (32) SY 08-09 or Needed 4 * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition Objectives • To reduce student population at Horizon Elementary • To increase student population at Sweetwater, South Daytona and Spruce Creek Elementaries • To redistribute the impact of new residential development on area schools • To maximize efficiencies with bus routing and student occupancy where possible 5 TABLE 2 # of Seats Available SCENARIO 1 ESTIMATES 20-Day Enrollment Classroom Level of Seats Service Cypress Creek No change to Zone 739 99% 10 Horizon 727 543 134% (184) Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 Port Orange No change to Zone 344 111% (38) South Daytona No change to Zone 978 77% 223 Spruce Creek 819 823 100% 4 Sugar Mill No change to Zone 623 112% (76) Sweetwater 582 725* 80%* 143 T. T. Small No change to Zone 452 107% (32) or Needed * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition 7 TABLE 3 SCENARIO 2 ESTIMATES 20-Day Enrollment Classroom Seats Level of Service # of Seats A vailable or Needed Cypress Creek No change to Zone 739 99% 10 Horizon 520 543 96% 23 Palm Terrace 794 810 98% 16 Port Orange No change to Zone 344 111% (38) South Daytona 974 978 100% 4 Spruce Creek 874 823 106% (51) Sugar Mill 607 623 97% 16 Sweetwater 598 725* 82% 127 T. T. Small 472 452 104% (20) * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition 9 Community Input • Scenarios 1 & 2 presented January 6, 7, 8 • Input received and considered • Scenario 3 seeks to address many of the comments received as well the district's objectives 10 TABLE 4 Level of Service # of Seats Available 99% 10 543 110% (52) 810 98% 16 No change to 344 Zone 111% (38) South Daytona 879 978 90% 99 Spruce Creek 724 823 88% 99 Sugar Mill 704 623 113% (81) Sweetwater 667 725* 92% 58 T. T. Small 472 452 104% (20) SCENARIO 3 ESTIMATES 20-Day Enrollment Classroom Seats Cypress Creek No change to 739 Zone Horizon 595 Palm Terrace 794 Port Orange or Needed * Based on completion and occupancy of 9 classroom addition 12 Other Issues • Feeder Patterns • Transportation • Extended Day Registration - April 27 - May 1 3:00 - 6:00 PM • Kindergarten Registration - April 20-24, 2009 • Grandfather (Student transportation not provided) - District staff recommendation current • Variances 4th grade (Student transportation not provided) - Honor existing rollover variances - Siblings of current 4th graders (one year/annual review) - All others case by case basis 13 School Board Action • Presentation and Request to Advertise Tuesday, February 24 • Public Hearing & Final Board Action Tuesday, April 14 14 Superintendent Recommendation The superintendent recommends that the School Board authorize the advertising of new boundaries for Palm Terrace, Port Orange, Horizon, South Daytona, Spruce Creek, Sweetwater, Sugar Mill and Turie T. Small Elementary Schools. 15