By: Gustavo Gonzalez


By: Gustavo Gonzalez
By: Gustavo Gonzalez
Remember those ancient days when the only video you could watch was
either at a movie theater or on a TV with a giant knob for changing the
channel? It seems like we talk about those ‘olden times as if they were
ages ago but we’re only 20 years past the days when a relatively small
group created video content and provided limited platforms for us to
consume them.
Things have changed and they’ve done so at a blinding and blistering
A serendipitous mix of developments over the last 5 years or so has lead
to an almost unfathomable growth in online video consumption. What do
you get when you couple rapid technological advancement, social
media’s birth and maturity with a democratization of content creating
products along with the renaissance we’re seeing in new companies
pushing the envelope through innovation? What you get is a paradigm
shift that creates drastically new consumer behaviors and expectations.
Iconic industries and brands have had to adapt to this new landscape or
risk becoming obsolete.
One of the industries affected most by the proliferation of online video
and content creation has been broadcast media. They’ve realized
(maybe even a little late) that technology has changed the game and
that today’s consumers expect media to come to them wherever they
are as opposed to the reverse.
“Innovative upstarts that make TV content available on digital
platforms, major media companies enabling their content online and on
mobile, and the rapid adoption of smartphones, tablets and other
connected devices by consumers, have given rise to a consumer that
values on-demand and on-the-go TV (video) consumption.” [ ]
The chief goal of this whitepaper is to thoroughly examine statistics and
trends related to the growth of video over the past few years. This will
hopefully demystify today’s new breed of consumer and arm you with
additional tools to satisfy and attract them with your own video content.
Never mind all the recent talk about Gen Y. We’ve officially entered the
“Dawn of the Video Era”, Generation V. Are you prepared?
The Growth of Video
The Growth of Video
State of the Union – Where We Are Today
Online video consumption continues to grow at rates so astronomical
that current usage statistics and future projections seem like they’ve
been made up. The reality is that consumers are viewing video content
online at levels that are challenging the traditional video viewing
1 Trillion
The number of video
views on YouTube in
2011. That’s almost 140
views for every person on
Earth [2]
Consider these astonishing statistics:
Over sixty hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
That’s nearly three days worth of video! [2]
Over three billion videos are viewed each day on YouTube globally
YouTube Mobile gets well over 400 million views a day
By the end of 2012, Internet video viewing will account for over
50% of consumer Internet traffic in the United States. [4]
What I particularly find instructive about the four statistics noted above
is that they perfectly summarize where we are today. When you see that
consumers upload about 86,400 hours of video each day to YouTube, you
realize they are heavily invested in the online video medium. Not only
have their behaviors indicated that they enjoy posting and sharing videos
they create, they are watching these videos by the boatload because
technology now allows them to watch anywhere and at anytime. So it’s
no wonder that internet video amounts to half of the traffic occurring on
the world wide web in our country. These numbers are mind boggling!
What’s also important to keep in mind is that the statistics above are
only from one of the many
websites that stream online video (although YouTube is far and away the
market leader). You’ve also got to take into account the enormous
amount of video views and growth that websites like Hulu, Funny or Die,
Vimeo, Vevo, Yahoo! Video, et al are currently enjoying.
The amount of Americans
watching video online has
increased by 43% since
2010 [17]
44 Billion
“If you compare the latest data from comScore Video Metrix with the
data from a year ago, then you’ll see there’s been a colossal increase in
video viewing at yahoo sites” [5]
The fact that Yahoo! Video has a 30.4% increase year over year in unique
viewers (as of February, 2012) reaffirms the fact that most all online
video portals are enjoying statistically significant gains in viewership. [5]
Video Adoption Over Time
It’s hard to appreciate where you are or where you’re going unless you
know where you’ve been and how you got there. Some maintain that
the precipitous spikes in online video viewership were natural
phenomena caused by the onslaught of new video sites and technologies
like Netflix Instant, Roku and Boxee. This may be partially true but that
doesn’t mean that a leveling off in video viewership will occur because
these platforms and websites have been in market for several years
A brief look at some data points gathered each May by Nielsen, clearly
demonstrates the steady rise in online video viewership. The table below
represents U.S. Nielsen data gathered for - May 2010-2012.
Overall Online Video Usage
About 180 million web
users in the United States
are watching about 44
billion videos each month
Source: The Nielsen Company [6, 7, 8]
Within a 2 year span, ‘Unique Viewers’ has gone up 20%, ‘Total Streams’
and ‘Streams per Viewer’ were up well over 100% and ‘Time per Viewer’
up 83%. Numbers ebb and flow slightly from month to month but they
remain constant for the most part.
Sensing that online video was on the precipice of taking off in a real
way, the Coldwell Banker brand made video an integral part of our
culture when we partnered with Google to launch Coldwell Banker On
Location® in 2009. Our internal analytics show that the growth in videos
uploaded and viewed on our YouTube channel mirror the growth industry
experts have noted for online video in general. Consider these few
The average amount of
time American online
video viewers consume
online videos has
increased 46% year-overyear [19]
A study released by Mashable last year indicated that “73% of
homeowners say they’re more likely to list with a realtor offering to do
video.” [9] Clearly, our internal analytics echo this sentiment that
consumers are actively looking for and consuming real estate related
videos. The growth in video views we’re seeing is in step with the
Did we mention that online video is booming?
In the aforementioned Mashable infographic, it was noted that only 12%
of the real estate industry have YouTube accounts. [9] The infographic
illuminated a lag between what the real estate consumer expects and
what most real estate brokerages and professionals offer. Fortunately,
the Coldwell Banker network has continued to champion video, as
evidenced by the continued rapid growth in the number of videos
uploaded to Coldwell Banker On Location. The graphic below illustrates
the percent change for the number of videos uploaded to our YouTube
channel in 2010 vs. 2012.
Only 12% of the real
estate industry have
YouTube accounts [9]
Video Viewing Trends
The Where and the What – Video Destinations and Content
There are well over 136 million unique monthly online video viewers in
the United States alone. [10] Which online destinations are attracting the
lion's share of viewers and what does that say about the kind of content
consumers crave?
As one would expect, Nielsen's Top U.S. Online Video Sites report
released in late June 2012 confirms YouTube is the dominant destination
for online video viewing. With more than 4 out of 5 viewers streaming
videos from their site monthly, any conversation about online video
starts and ends with YouTube. [10]
“Branded searches for
real estate agencies and
home builders on
YouTube grew 150% year
over year in the United
States.” [11]
The wide range of content available on YouTube is staggering. The video
mammoth reigns as the world's second most popular search engine
precisely because of the veritable gold mine of brand and usergenerated content that touches every possible subject, interest and
passion. With home being at the cornerstone of our lives, consumers
aren't just watching funny videos or sports highlights online anymore.
According to the Compete and Google House Hunter Study, "branded
searches for real estate agencies and home builders on YouTube grew
150% year over year in the United States." [11]
YouTube's dominance in the online video arena should come as no
surprise, so looking at the rest of the U.S. Top 10 Online Video
Destinations list (by Unique Viewers) is both interesting and fruitful in
giving us a clearer picture of the video landscape. Undoubtedly, with a
plethora of video websites and apps sprouting up daily, the Nielsen Wire
list that you will see represented on the following page via an
infographic, addresses several questions:
How dominant is YouTube’s position as the market leader? Are
there any upstarts nipping at their heels that content creators
should know about?
Are Social Networking sites fertile enough ground for video
viewing to challenge traditional video only websites?
Are consumers now flocking to video portals for long form
Are search engines (besides Google) joining the online video
Source: [10]
What Nielsen’s study reveals is that YouTube’s position as the market
leader is nowhere near in danger of being challenged. If you’re creating
real estate related content with the hopes of reaching the most
consumers, you still start and end with YouTube; everything else is
U.S. Consumers are
spending 45% more time
watching online video
than a year ago [12]
YouTube: We are
to cable, what
cable was to
broadcast [20]
There isn’t as clear cut an answer to the question regarding Social
Networks’ viability as true challengers to the traditional video only
website model. One would think that with the firepower pumped into
Google+ that they’d be a top destination for video, but as of yet they
are not. The fact is that Google+ and other social networks like Tumblr
haven’t reached that scale or that level of maturity as of yet. As
expected, Facebook is a key point of contact where consumers are
viewing videos. It must be noted that most of these video views on
Facebook are for content uploaded to YouTube. So be sure to share your
YouTube videos to your Facebook page.
With the ubiquity of high speed internet connectivity, original long form
content is certainly the hot topic of 2012. Google’s report shows that
U.S. consumers are spending 45% more time watching online video this
year compared to last and that they’re watching more original long form
programming. [12] TV and Cable Networks like ABC and HBO are opening
their content up to be viewed online. Platforms like Netflix and Hulu
continue to sign distribution deals with networks allowing for the
streaming of more popular and relevant titles like Breaking Bad and Mad
Men to Internet connected devices. Even video sites like YouTube
who’ve relied on user generated content are jumping into creating their
own original content to compete with Cable. With A list actors, writers
and directors signing on to work on original programming on YouTube,
we should undoubtedly see time spent on the video giant’s site grow
precipitously. What kind of medium to long form videos could you create
to benefit the real estate consumer and in turn drive your business?
With 40% of the most visited online video destinations being search
engines, it is more important than ever to ensure you use relevant video
titles, tags and descriptions. Consumers are searching for video content
on Bing and Yahoo on an ultra-local level. Will they find your videos?
When,Where and What
Weekday Viewing Habits – PC vs. Tablet
I don’t know about you but my weekdays start early and end pretty late.
We’re constantly on the go during the work week; getting the family
ready for school, rushing off to work and meetings, out to run errands
and then back home to get ready to do it all again tomorrow. For the
precise reason that most people bounce between work, home and
everywhere in between during the week, a look at video viewing habits
can be a helpful indicator as to when you should post certain types of
video content.
As one would expect, there’s a real ebb and flow between viewing
habits on the PC and the Tablet throughout the day. Think of it as a seesaw. When video traffic spikes on one platform, it dips on another and
vice-versa. An eConsultancy study looked at video consumption by
device (PC vs. Tablet) and correlated video viewing on those devices for
the weekday hours. The study found that:
iPad dominates tablet
viewing, accounting for
95% of time spent
watching videos on the
device [13]
Tablet viewing rises in the morning as consumers get ready for
work and commute. [13]
PC viewing rises greatly during the day while people are at work
Tablet viewing spikes once again in the evening
This seems to make all the sense in the world. Consumers are watching
videos on personal computers during the day because those devices are
still predominantly used for work. Most content consumed during these
hours are of the short form variety. As the workday comes to a close and
we unwind at home, tablets receive the bulk of time for watching online
video. Tech pundits were of the belief that tablets would cannibalize
traditional TV consumption drastically. What we’ve found is that there is
a slight impact but for the most part, consumers have opted for a coviewing experience at night. They are watching television and using
their tablets at the same time. This is a trend TV programmers have
already tapped into by creating synchronized online experiences that
accompany and enhance traditional television watching.
Around one-third of
tablet viewing takes
place between 7pm and
11pm [13]
When planning your own video content strategy, the rule of thumb is to
share or promote shorter videos during the day and your longer form
content during the early evening hours. For example, post your listing
videos early and your longer community or state of your local market
videos in the evening, when consumers are more open and able to view
longer and more entertaining content.
Weekend Viewing Habits – Connected TVs & Gaming Consoles
The days of gaming consoles being solely used to play awesome video
games are over; as are the days of TVs being solely used to watch
whatever was on TV or popped into your DVD player.
Xbox Live is the Largest
TV based Social Network
According to Microsoft Corporation, Xbox is now used more for
“entertainment” than for actual gaming. A preponderance of the
entertainment on Xbox and PS3 are consumers watching videos on apps
like Hulu, Netflix and YouTube. Conversely, more and more televisions
are “Smart TVs” that have the ability to connect to a suite of online
apps such as video content, social networks, news and weather. This
doesn’t even take into account the off the shelf products you can
purchase like Google TV, Roku and Boxee that connect to your TV via an
HDMI cable and offer you enough video apps to make you forget you
even have cable.
The moral of the story here is the video landscape has drastically shifted
over the past 3-4 years. You can watch online video anytime, anywhere.
Are your videos ready for primetime?
Due to the penetration and video consumption occurring on Smart TVs
and more notably, gaming consoles and devices like Google TV, it’s
useful to take a look at statistics that break down what part of the week
(weekend vs. weekday) and what time of day users are watching videos
on Smart TVs and gaming consoles.
The graphic below illustrates connected TVs and gaming console video
viewing combined and broken down weekend vs. weekday by time. [13]
Major video viewing on
TVs and Gaming Consoles
spikes in the evening [13]
The highlighted portion in pink illustrates that primetime viewing on
these devices skyrockets on the weekends when compared to the
weekend. According to this eConsultancy study, viewers watch nearly a
third more video on connected TV devices on Saturday from 4pm-11pm
than they do during the entire week. [13] If you plan on running any kind
of advertising to support your video efforts, it makes sense to do so
during those peak times when your target audience is most likely to be
using the devices you seek to reach them on.
Online Video on Mobile
Walk into any restaurant, café, or street corner and you’re liable to see
one common thing: a bunch of heads faced down staring at their
smartphone. I waxed poetic about the meteoric rise of mobile in a
whitepaper we released earlier this year so by now you should all be
well aware that mobile is the present and the future. In fact, one of the
largest drivers of online video’s success over the past few years has been
mobile. Is there a coincidence to the fact that online video and mobile
have begun to see dramatic increases in adoption/usage during roughly
the same period of time?
Technology pundits have prognosticated that by 2014, 66% of the world’s
mobile traffic will be video content. [14] Conservative estimates already
have mobile data being used by video at 50%. Here are a few other
handy notes about video consumption on mobile devices:
of adults in the United
States own a mobile
phone [21]
Android and iOS account
for 82% of the global
smartphone market [22]
There’s been a 34% increase in video being consumed via
smartphones over the last year in the United States [15]
Over half of videos being watched on smartphones are done so at
home [15]
Each week, over 29 million people watch video from their
smartphone [15]
The average person watches five hours of video from their
smartphone per week [15]
About 40% of video content consumed via smartphones are long
form [15]
Do you have to do anything differently to reach users who primarily
access online video from their smartphones? The short answer is no.
Thankfully, YouTube offers a seamless process for content creators since
they automatically make the videos you upload from your PC visible and
viewable on mobile. While there isn’t anything you inherently have to do
to get your videos mobile ready, the longer answer is that there are a
few things you should bear in mind:
If you’re adding hyper links to your website in your video
descriptions make sure your website is mobile friendly.
Add relevant local keywords in the “tags” field when uploading
your video to YouTube. Mobile search is exploding and most
mobile searches are for hyper-local keywords. You want to make
sure mobile searches pull up your videos.
What Do You Use to Watch Video?
That was the question posed by Nielsen Wire when they recently
conducted a global survey of multi-screen media usage. [16] Now that
we’ve taken a high level look at consumer video consumption across
multiple platforms, looking at how often consumers watch video on
these platforms should give us a clearer picture of where your videos are
being watched.
Watching video content
on computers has become
just as common as
watching video content
on television among
online consumers [16]
Source: [16]
There are a slew of takeaways we can glean from the data presented by
Nielsen Wire but what sticks out most is that watching videos on
computers is just as commonplace as watching content on the television.
The data shows us that viewing video on the computer has surpassed
video viewing on the TV in some instances. Nielsen characterizes this
behavioral shift well in their report:
“More than 80 percent of Internet respondents in 56 countries reported
watching video content at home on a computer (84%) or on a TV (83%) at
least once a month. By contrast, in 2010, more online consumers
reported watching video content on TV (90%) than on a computer (86%)
in a month-long period.” [16]
74% of global respondents
report watching video via
the Internet on any
device, up four points
since 2010 [16]
While TV and computers still get the majority of video viewing, you have
to take notice of the rise in mobile. When compared to video viewing on
TVs, mobile video viewing is:
Only 3 percentage points behind TV with respondents who watch
video more than once a day
Only 1 percentage point behind TV with respondents who report
watching video a few times a week
When compared to video viewing on the computer, mobile video viewing
Only 3 percentage points behind computers with respondents who
watch video once a day
Tied percentage points wise with respondents who watch video a
few times a week
What does the spreading of video consumption habits to multiple devices
mean for you? It means that more than any other time in history, you
have a chance to reach the masses for next to no investment at all.
Where consumers previously relied solely on televisions for video
content, they are now actively looking for your expertise elsewhere.
Consumers are more empowered than ever in this digital age. As
opposed to letting major broadcast companies dictate content to them,
they’re going out and finding help, advice and entertainment themselves
on sites like YouTube.
They’re inviting you into their living rooms, their laps and anywhere else
they look for video. What do you have to do to be there for the
consumer with the video content they want and need?
Real Estate
Make Great Videos
What Type of Video Are Real Estate Consumers Looking For?
Picture yourself rushing home from work on a Friday night in eager
anticipation of watching a blockbuster movie like "The Avengers" at a
local theater. You change into something more comfortable and either
drive, walk or take the train there. You head to the ticket counter and
purchase a few overpriced tickets and you’re feeling so good you even
splurge on a huge bucket of popcorn (extra butter) to snack on during
the film. The lights go out, triumphant music plays and the film starts.
You think you'd be happy but you're not, because for some odd reason
the "video” happens to be a bunch of still images sewn together with
music playing behind it. You didn't get what you expected.
The consensus
seems to be that videos
between 1-3 minutes
result in the highest
levels of engagement” [13]
The moral of this exaggerated story is that the number one type of video
real estate consumers are looking for are...well, videos. Nothing fancy,
just plain old fashioned video. No amount of beautiful photography
strung together will change the fact that consumers hitting the play
button expect to see full-motion video and not still photography.
While I encourage everyone to embrace their inner Martin Scorsese,
online videos for real estate shouldn’t have the same running time as the
Lord of the Rings. Research conducted by eConsultancy and a slew of
other reputable data firms have pinpointed the sweet spot in terms of
the length of online videos that engage and capture consumers’
attention the best. It varies based on the device being used to consume
the media, but the consensus seems to be that videos between 1-3
minutes result in the highest levels of engagement. [13]The graphic below
breaks out engagement by video length for Q1 2012 (% of viewers who
completed ¾ of a video) on PCs, mobile devices, televisions and tablets.
Whether your target market is first-time home buyers, investors, the
affluent or renters, the one thing your consumers have in common is
they are looking for information. Most of the time, they are looking for
an engaging way of becoming better informed on communities,
properties, market data as well as wanting to know whether they
should trust an agent or broker with their business. This is the crux of
what spurred us to create the video categories on Coldwell Banker On
Location. Our research indicates that you should focus your attention on
making the following videos:
1. Properties
2. Community (local)
3. Agent or Office (whichever applies to you)
Tips to Make you the Steven Spielberg of Real Estate Video
Consumers are looking for
full-motion video, not
picture slideshows
To give the real estate consumer what they want video wise, you should
make sure you upload a real video, not a slideshow of images. Second,
keep your videos to about 1-3 minutes. It’ll keep the consumer’s
attention, not to mention limiting the amount of time you’ll have to
spend editing everything together! Lastly, provide them with information
in an engaging way on topics they want to hear about. Only you know
what your local consumer wants, but our stats indicate they want videos
of homes, communities and your expertise.
Here are a few other tips to help you earn an Academy Award for Best
Real Estate Video (not a real award).
While DSLR cameras offer cinema like quality and start at about $500$600, you can make perfectly respectable and high quality videos with
an inexpensive ($150) HD cam or even your handy dandy iPhone. If you
want to kick your iPhone filming up a notch, invest anywhere from $20$100 on a filming tripod or steadycam to eliminate the bounce you get
from shaky hands.
Simple is Better
A video that gets the job done doesn’t have to be overly intricate or
have massive amounts of “cuts” or visual overlays.
Property Video - If you’re shooting a property video, simply walking
around the home while someone else films you as you point out the best
features of each room is more than enough! It comes off as authentic
and engaging and gives the consumer insights into the property that they
can’t get from text or pictures.
Most collegeaged kids have grown up
shooting home videos and
editing them since
grammar school, so why
not reach out to them to
do the work for you?”
Community Video – It can feel a bit overwhelming to think about
creating a video that tells someone about your community. After all,
there’s usually so much going on that it’s nearly impossible to cover it
all, especially in 1-3 minutes. The trick here is to pick one cool thing a
month to highlight your community. It’ll make it easier to film and
create a steady stream of content for you to push out on YouTube and
the other social networks.
An easy way to shoot these is to plan the places you’d like to film and
capture “B-Roll” of everyday life in these locations. Then you could
simply overlay your voice to edited visuals to give them a real life look
at your community.
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage agent Burt Fujishima put together
an engaging, yet simply produced community video that’s a great
example of what I’ve noted in the paragraphs above about neighborhood
videos. Check it out here.
Agent/Office Video – If you’re crazy about servicing and going the extra
mile for your clients, then why not create videos where your clients talk
about the superior service you provide? With sites like Trip Advisor and
Yelp, consumers lean on other consumers for advice on what products
and services to try. Nothing comes off better than having real people tell
real people how great of an agent or office you are!
Click here if you’d like to see an example of a great testimonial video
put together by The Matteson Group of Coldwell Banker Apex, Realtors.
Get Help (if you need it)
It’s relatively simple to edit clips together on free programs like
Windows Movie Maker and iMovie, but I realize that it can be a bit of a
frustrating process at times. If you’ve been hesitant to create videos
because of the actual filming or editing, then I suggest you get help to
do it. Most college kids have grown up shooting home videos and editing
them since grammar school so why not reach out to them to do the work
for you? They’ll probably work for a reasonable price due to the
simplicity required in the filming/editing of these videos.
Tags, Tags, Tags (and more Tags)
While a good number of our On Location video views come from
consumers actively searching the map gadget, many views also come
from someone typing a query into YouTube or even Google. Make sure to
enter as many relevant ultra-local “tags” in the tag field of the On
Location Upload Tool. Think about what you would type into a search
box if you were looking for real estate videos. That should give you most
of the tags you need.
Coldwell Banker On
Location® is the most
visited YouTube channel
for real estate
A Few Odds and Ends
Here are a few other ideas to make your videos shine!
Talking Points – Don’t memorize a script of what to say, because
chances are you know what you “script out” by heart anyway. Just
create some talking points to guide your talking. It’ll make you less
“Call Me, Maybe” – Although we provide a contact form right on the
video detail page for your videos uploaded to On Location, that form
is not shown when someone clicks on your video from the regular
YouTube search results. Be sure to include your phone number, email
and website at some point on your video…so the consumer can call
(or email) you if they want to reach out.
Eyes are the Window to the Soul – Look directly into the camera, not
the side of it.
Save Yourself the Extra Work – As you know, the nature of our
business is such that the price of a given listing doesn’t always stay
the same. So to save yourself the hassle of going in and re-editing
your property videos, we suggest you keep the listing price out of
them. When you upload videos to On Location, we handle all that
complicated stuff. We display the price already for you and change it
on YouTube whenever you update the price via the back-end system
you use.
Have Fun – More importantly than anything, relax and have fun!!
Don’t take yourself too seriously and remember the more fun you
have the more relaxed and natural you’ll be. You already know all
there is to know about your neighborhood and your listings so let that
shine through and I’m sure the leads will start pouring in!
Get Up, Get Out and Make Something
Listings with videos
generate 20% more leads
Of sellers rather list with
an agent who offers video
I majored in English in College, in part because of my lifelong disdain of
math class. With that said, I know that numbers never lie. It is my hope
that the barrage of statistics I’ve curated and included in this
whitepaper have driven home the point that today’s consumer is vastly
different than they were 10, or even 5 years ago.
The newly empowered consumer has drastically new media behaviors
and as such, is used to pulling together their own information and
research. Video is certainly one of the major tools they are using to do
so. If you provide consumers with the information they want, need and
are looking for, you will make more money. It might not happen
overnight, but your business will benefit positively.
In fact, internal analytics show us that listings with videos generate 20%
more leads on If getting listings is the name of the
game, then you’re not in the game at all if you’re not doing video. 73%
of sellers rather list with an agent who offers video. Not only would you
be able to tell your sellers you offer video, but you have an over 100
year old iconic brand standing behind you who supports you with our
partnership with YouTube and Google. No other brand in Real Estate can
tell your consumer that.
Now that you’ve seen (a ton of) numbers that substantiate the growth of
video and its potential quantifiable positive impact on your business,
it’s my hope that you’ve been inspired to go out there and be the Steven
Spielberg of real estate video.
If you haven’t done a video yet, my challenge to you is to take a few of
these tips and ideas and upload your first video to On Location. Be sure
to tweet the link to @coldwellbnkr and use the hashtag #myfirstcbvideo
so we can give you a shout out. Cheers!
If you’re ultra ready and motivated to make the best videos possible and upload them to On Location
asap, there are a few resources at your disposal that will provide you a lot more valuable tips, ideas and
resources. Here are a few of our favorites:
This website breaks down the video production process into 5 simple steps: Equipment, Prepping, Filming,
Editing and Marketing. They provide you with sample videos and TONS of tips and answers to your
frequently asked questions. It’s a must visit source if you’re going to start making your own videos.
This is the On Location Upload Tool on Coldwell Banker Works. This is where you upload your agent,
office, property or community videos. Once uploaded here, we’ll send it to YouTube and connect it to
your profile and listings on
More Info. on Coldwell Banker On Location
From upload tutorials to answers to your frequently asked questions, the On Location section in Coldwell
Banker Works is a great resource for any possible question you might have about how it all works.
Coldwell Banker On Location
With hundreds of thousands of user generated videos uploaded and millions upon millions of video views
and channel visits, Coldwell Banker On Location is the number one destination on YouTube (and the entire
web) for real estate videos. Come by and see examples of videos from other agents and brokers as well as
our Value of a Home commercials.
About the Author
Gustavo Gonzalez is a Consumer Engagement Specialist in the Marketing Department of Coldwell Banker
Real Estate LLC. In his role he works on all national TV and online advertising initiatives, manages the
Coldwell Banker iPad app platform, ongoing enhancement of On Location as well as a slew of other
projects. He’s held other roles within the Marketing Department ranging from Previews & Product
Development to the day to day management of the redesign. Besides being a
marketer, Gustavo is a musician, writer, film & TV buff, avid sports fan, cereal aficionado, traveler, video
gamer, Tumblr and Tweeter.
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