TriVu VW Case Study
TriVu VW Case Study
® Case Study 2014 VW Super Bowl Commercial: Wings The Opportunity To generate verifiable YouTube views at scale and create social media buzz in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl XLVII. The campaign targeted sports, entertainment and viral videos with a message that focused on Volkswagen's engineering core strengths. What Worked The program produced needed scale and also uncovered a better buy strategy that greatly reduced cost-per-view. Premium placements on music videos on the official Bruno Mars YouTube channel was effective in drawing an audience. His existing popularity, in addition to his appearance on the Super Bowl halftime show, earned a great number of views for the campaign. Gaming (as a lean-forward content area) was a top-performing segment. When paired with secondary interest targeting, it appears that users who watched this content were directly aligned with VW’s core messaging and demographic targeting. What We Learned The immediacy of the Super Bowl drew viewers away from content related to the upcoming Olympic Games. As a result, “Winter Sports” did not perform as well as “Red Zone”. Viral videos were reliable in terms of having a high view-through rate, but available trending video inventory is limited. Performance Snapshot: BRAND: Volkswagen date: 1/21/14 - 2/5/14 Impressions contracted: 9,485,620 Impressions Delivered: 9,486,843 +/- vs. Target: Above TArget Clicks: 402,533 Click Through Rate (CTR): 0.08% Video-Level Reporting & Insights: Areas to Explore “Lean forward” videos, typified by “how to topic” videos performed exceptionally well. Addressing the underlying instructional or tutorial messages within these videos and applying them to other interests and topics will likely yield success in generating efficient views. [email protected] [email protected] ~~ New York | Paris | Los Angeles | Kansas City | Detroit | Fort MYERS | San Francisco | London | Toronto | Munich | Sao Paulo | Shanghai | Singapore ® Here’s the Challenge: Online video ad revenues are projected to grow from $4 billion in 2013 to over $9 billion by 2017. More advertisers are diverting TV budgets toward the skyrocketing digital video format. As they look to buy online video, there are challenges: will their branded videos appear next to objectionable content? What video channels work best? Is it scalable? TriVu Media solves those issues for advertisers. Digital Ad Spending = Billions U.S. Dollars $2 $3 $4 $6 $7 $8 $9 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 What We Do: TriVu Media provides a smarter way to buy ads on YouTube, ensuring your digital video ad buying experience will be easy, transparent and brand safe. Because we segment YouTube content into TV-like “channels,” clients can view precisely where their ads will run pre-bid. TriVu will optimize your message in the YouTube universe without sacrificing brand security. Experience Unmatched Brand Safety and Transparency that Guarantees the Quality of Your Ad Placement, Thanks to TriVu Media’s Segmentation of YouTube Content. See actual videos, pre-bid, to ensure content suitability Take advantage of privileged access to select, respected YouTube publishers Know the scale and reach of targeted videos before you even bid Enjoy an Optimized YouTube Buying Experience Determine your own thresholds and pricing parameters Utilize our proprietary pre-bid database for unique actionable exchange insights Scale campaigns on top-performing videos in real-time Capture Audiences with a Tailored User Experience Scan & tag your content before it enters an exchange to ensure relevance for the targeted user Diversify your campaigns with both in-banner and in-player ads Use pre-bid knowledge of adjacent content to better contextualize your ad Target Just Like TV—but Better Segment videos into “channels” that allow you to target audiences nearly identically to traditional TV Leverage our insights to capitalize on these traditional channel segments in real-time Avoid sluggish TV buying schedules, and repeat successful campaigns immediately Leave TV in the rearview with targeting based on demographics, time of day, viewing device, and countless other factors TriVu Media: an Adknowledge Company From its offices on four continents, Adknowledge also specializes in native video, social media marketing through Facebook and Twitter, as well as apps and mobile. We use our expertise and proprietary, smart technology to unlock your digital audience. Adknowledge World Headquarters 4600 Madison Ave., 10th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64112 Call us today. 816.931.1771 ~~ New York | Paris | Los Angeles | Kansas City | Detroit | Fort MYERS | San Francisco | London | Toronto | Munich | Sao Paulo | Shanghai | Singapore
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