Jan - Website


Jan - Website
Monthly Meetings
3rd Thursday
6:00 pm eat
7:00 pm meeting
Golden Corral
3360 Green Mount
Crossing, Shiloh
“Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge”
January 2015
Chapter “O” Staff
Chapter Directors
Welcome to 2015! A new year to enjoy with a
few dozen intimate friends we call Chapter O.
Sometimes we feel blessed to call all these
people our friends, other times we feel even more
blessed to view some as our extended family. As
with all families, extended or intimate, there are
always trials and tribulations. There will be
discussions, some heated and some simple,
there will be discord and unhappiness. Through
it all, for the past many years, we have been privileged to maintain the
friendship and mutual respect of many friends. We hope to have many
more years of the same friendship and good times.
Let's talk a little about the new year. We had planned to have our
Polar Bear Ride on January 4th but Mother Nature reminded us she is
not always our “best” friend. She gave us a dose of cold air that made
riding hazardous and it is not our intention to place any member in
harms way. We thought it best to reschedule the event for January
11th. Once again, Mother Nature had other intentions. We postponed
the ride until January 18th, then had major regrets for doing so when
we arose Sunday the 11th to dry roads and moderate temperatures. We
were concerned some may have not gotten the message about the
postponement, so we went to Powhatan to see if anyone would be there.
We took the truck, just to be safe, and had breakfast while we awaited
any uninformed participants. There were none. And that's okay!
When we left Pocahontas a little after noon we didn't get a mile out of
town and we had a rain and sleet mixture on the windshield. Alas,
decision vindicated! We had chosen properly in postponing the ride!
The sleet quickly subsided but the drizzle and light rain persisted all
day. Indeed, the right decision had been made. January 18th and the
ride finally materialized. We had a fantastic outpouring of support
with 21 individuals riding their bikes and trikes and another 6 guests
that had driven their cars. We thank all for attending.
Continue on page 2
Visit our website @ www.gwrrail-o.org
Dan & Martha Ribbing
[email protected]
Assistant Director
Treasurer & COY
Mike & Karen Morgan
[email protected]
Member Enhancement
Carol Evans
[email protected]
Roy Miller
[email protected]
MAD Coordinator
Larrie Wiggand
Individual Of the Year
Bernie Lavezza
Webmaster & Newsletter
Roy & Cheryl Miller
[email protected]
Chapter Host
Carol & Dan Evans
Inside this issue:
Officer’s Articles
Member Articles
Member’s Corner
National, Region & District
For Sale & Sponsors
Continue from page 1
Our Chapter Educator is working on the agendas for the training seminars to be held
February 15th, March 15th, and April 19th. These are all the third Sunday of the respective
months and the seminars will be held at Union United Methodist Church located at 721 East
Main Street in Belleville just as last year. We have four participants that attended the GWRRA
University Trainer seminars in Tremont on January 10 th and we trust all will be officially
certified when they present their seminars at Winter Warm-Up. After they receive their official
certification, our Rider Educator will schedule each to present seminars to the Chapter. This
will accomplish multiple goals. First, they will each get a little practice doing the presentation,
second, it will give the chapter a chance to experience their abilities, third, and most importantly to
some, you won't have to sit and listen to me for four hours! We'll have light refreshments
available at the seminars and we plan on visiting our sponsors for dinner in conjunction with
the event. As always, if you can't make the seminars you are still more than welcome to join us
for dinner. Just check the calendar to see where we will be on which Sunday.
Keep polishing! Spring is just around the corner!
Dan & Martha
Where : Union United Methodist Church, 721 East Main Street Belleville, IL
When: Sunday February 15th 1:00 till 4:00 pm
Presentation 1: Helmet Myths - Presenter : Roy Miller
Presentation 2: Share the Road - Larrie Wiggand
Presentation 3: How Can I Participate in GWRRA - Presenter : Jean Potwora
Presentation 4: Write Stuff –Presenter: Dan Ribbing
Sponsor dinner at Ravanelli's in O'Fallon – 5:00 pm
When: Sunday March 15th 1:00 till 4:00pm
Presentation 1: What is the Rider Ed Program - Presenter : Dan Ribbing LTP
Presentation 2: Member Benefits- Presenter : Jean Potwora MEC
Presentation 3: Think Motorcycles - Presenter : Kimi Wiggand
Presentation 4: Motorcycling for Mature Riders - Presenter : Roy Miller
Dinner at Texas Roadhouse in O'Fallon – 5:00 pm
When: Sunday April 19th 1:00 till 4:00pm
Presentation 1: Riding in the Heat - Presenter : Larrie Wiggand
Presentation 2: Team Riding - Presenter : Roy Miller
Presentation 3: Conflict Management- Presenter : Jean Potwora
Presentation 4: Co-Rider–Presenter: Kimi Wiggand
Sponsor dinner at Lotawata Creek 311 Salem Place Fairview Heights, IL – 5:00 pm
Rider Education Article
Happy New Years for 2015. If you didn’t attend the
Chapter Christmas party chances are you didn’t hear that I have
volunteered and was appointed as the Chapter Educator for Chapter “O”.
I just wanted to pass on a little about us, we have only been riding a motorcycle since March of
2007, and joined GWRRA in March as well. Cheryl and I joined Chapter “O” after our first
Niehaus Customer Days in 2007 as well. I retired from the US Air Force in 1996 and have
worked as a Contractor on Scott AFB since, I didn’t retire, I just removed the uniform for a
shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Cheryl is working as a Cashier for the TRIAD School District.
We both look forward to working with the other Chapter Officers and Chapter Members. We
will strive to provide meaningful training. Look for dates on the Web calendar and emails.
I have already sent out an email requesting everyone’s beginning mileage. If you don’t have
access to email please call me at 667-7132. If you don’t participate in the “High Mileage”
program I’ll make sure it gets applied to your Level’s Program and safe miles.
As a fellow Chapter Educator from Chapter Q from Wisconsin stated, if you are like me, I’m
beginning to feel PMS, Parked Motorcycle Syndrome. While our mighty steeds are parked
away in the garage, make sure you have a battery tender, connected; I would recommend
keeping the bike covered so the work you did to get it cleaned up stays that way.
Stay current on articles from Wing World and other magazines and books about keeping our
mighty steeds ready for another great riding season. The riding season is only three months
Roy Miller
Rider Educator
Horizons Program Feb 27-28th
Holy Spirit Fellowship Hall, Carterville
Friday 6 - 9 pm and Saturday 8:30 - 4 pm
Contact: Sandy Schlager @ [email protected]
TRC Riding Course Apr 17th & 18th
ARC Riding Course Apr 18th
Location: Vandalia Elementary School, Vandalia
(see flyer on page 17)
Several brave people weathered the temperatures to be part of the ride on
January 1 2015. Traditions might have played into people making that extra
effort to bundle up and jump on their bikes or it could have been the
excitement that it was a new year and everyone was looking forward to starting it off with a bang.
Bob Moore, Ray and Mary Ruder, and Dan and Carol
Evans were those brave individuals. Jean Potwora
arrived in her car to document the starting of the new
2015 riding season.
After a short discussion, it was decided by all that
because of the temperatures it would be best to stay on
two lane roads instead of going on the inter-state.
Bob Moore led the group with his polar bear friend
riding in his trailer. Ray and Mary followed with Dan
and Carol at the end.
People turned, stared, and smiled as the bikes went by.
The first reaction on some of their faces was
astonishment that adults would be out on bikes when the weather was only 32 degrees. After the initial shock was over,
the smiles came. Bob’s polar bear was positioned so that
it appeared to be waving at all the people. They
responded with waves and thumbs up.
We ended the ride arriving at Uncle Linny’s Restaurant
for something to warm us up. We were joined by Walt
and Jean, Ed and Sue and Bernie and Julie.
It was heart warming to be able to get together with
friends. It didn’t matter the mode of transportation we
used to get to our destination. It only mattered that we
were there.
Everyone’s wish for the upcoming year was to be
more active and enjoy their friends.
Time passed quickly and before we knew it we
were getting ready to leave for home. As we left
we soon discovered that we were not the only
ones with a tradition and some ran into a group of
100 or more bikes leaving the corner at Pontoon
Road and Highway 111.
Carol Evans
Motorist Awareness
By Larrie Wiggand
As we begin another new year and are looking forward to
another riding season, we need to prepare ourselves as well as
our bikes. One of the main issues that we all have to deal with is
other riders as well as drivers, especially those who are distracted. It has become more and more it seems a way of life that drivers spend more time doing other things
besides driving. Not only are those who drink and drive a real hazard on the road, not only to themselves but
also to their passengers as well as other motorists, but it is also those who are distracted for whatever reason.
The list for this seems endless at times, eating, shaving, applying makeup, reading ,attending to a restless
child, etc. etc… Then we add the use of cell phones as well as other electronic devices, whether radios or
GPS or something else. All of this adds up to some serious issues on the road.
So the question becomes, what can I as a rider/driver do to help alleviate the issue and not become part of
the greater problem? First of all we have to recognize that there is actually a problem. Anyone who has dealt
with any kind of program such as AA knows that is the first step. Until we recognize that it is a major issue
and problem, then no will step up and do something about it. We can’t do anything about the other drivers, but
we can for ourselves. So the first item we have to address is that we will resolve not to be a part of the problem.
What does that mean? For starters, put the phone down! Remember, it can wait. If there is someone else in
the car with you, let them deal with it. If not, then do so when it is safe to do so. If necessary, pull over and
take care of it, then proceed. Second, we can learn to slow down a little. It seems that everyone is always in
such a hurry to get nowhere. How many times have you been passed by someone, only then a short time later
pull up next to them at the next light. Did them a lot of good didn’t it? The few seconds that we think that we
are gaining doesn’t really make much of a difference. How often have you seen it happen, I did today. Someone
was at a light to make a right hand turn following someone, thinking that they were going to proceed and looking
the other way, knew they could merge into traffic. Only trouble was, the other car didn’t and they rear ended
them. Now if only they had taken an extra moment to verify the car in front had actually proceeded into traffic,
they wouldn’t have had that problem. Third item that we can do, we need to be aware of our surroundings. Of
course I am talking about being in traffic, and also for weather conditions. If traffic is very busy, allow
yourself a little extra time and space with the other vehicles. If weather is wet or slick, slow down and give
yourself a little more time and space between vehicles. These may all seem logical and repetitive, but it doesn’t
hurt to refresh our memories. Yes we may have been driving a long time, but as we get older our reflexes
aren’t as quick and there are a lot of drivers who don’t pay very
close attention. We want to have an enjoyable riding experience for
the coming season, so let’s get ourselves into some good driving
habits and make a safe one!
Larrie Wiggand
MAD Coordinator
By: Jean Potwora
Everyone says that the third time is the charm, and
that is what happened with Chapter O’s Annual Polar
Bear Ride. Chapter O had a very successful Polar Bear Ride to Powhatan Restaurant in
Pocahontas on January 18, 2015. Noon was the time to meet, but by that time there was
already a full table of Chapter O members present. Some members are always ready to
eat. Some members had already ordered and some were waiting for late arrivals. We had
twelve beautiful Honda Gold Wings on the parking lot, what a fantastic showing.
We had some members present that we hadn’t seen in a while and it was great visiting with
them. The attendees were Dan Ribbing, (Martha was working a Bridal Fair), Dan & Carol
Evans, Ray & Mary Ruder, EJ & Jean Sporleder, Henry & Sharon Ludwig. Robin Campbell,
Ed & Sue Roberts, Trey & Tammy Stroup, Ken & JoAnn Beers, Mike & Karen Morgan, Roy &
Cheryl Miller, Frankie Eckert, Ruth Adamson, Bob & Vicki DePew, Steve Brungard and Walter
& Jean Potwora. Unfortunately six members were in four wheeled vehicles, everyone else was
enjoying the very brisk weather. I heard that when the sun was shining it was a nice ride, but
when we left the restaurant, it was a little cool, but many of the riders had heated gear.
One individual had a dessert, which was shared by the masses. I didn’t know that a piece of pie
could feed so many. If you missed this event, you missed a lot of laughs, and some great food.
Continue from page 6
Chapter E Polar Bear Ride
Submitted by: Sue Roberts
Saturday, January 17th was Chapter E’s Polar Bear Ride. Maedge’s Restaurant
in Alhambra, Illinois was invaded by 28 hungry and chilled riders. Thirteen
bikes and two cars filled the parking lot.
Chapter O supported the ride strongly with seven members present. We were
also pleasantly surprised to see one of Chapter E’s past directors, the Duffs.
Thanks to all who came.
Fine Food!
Fine Folks!
Fine Ride!
Submitted by: Kimi Wiggand
On January 18, 2015 we gathered at LotaWata Creek Restaurant. We were 25 members
strong. We feasted on great food, had great conversation and loads of fun. The owners
of LotaWata Creek Restaurant are Ken and Rod Archer. Larrie Wiggand introduced
our new Chapter Director, Dan Ribbing, to Ken. Ken was impressed with our group.
Larrie spoke to Ken about sponsoring our GWRRA Chapter for 2015. Ken happily
agreed and gave Dan six gift cards for a donation. It was a great evening and a great
chance to gain LotaWata Creek as a sponsor again for 2015.
February 28th
Jim & Jean Stout
28th - Trey Stroup
30th - Jean Stout
9th - Nancy Christen
27th - Kimi Wiggand
Dinner at Fire N Smoke 5:00pm 914 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm- Collinsville, Culver's 100 United Dr., Collinsville
Training - Union United Methodist Church, 721 East Main Street Belleville, IL
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm- Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd Pontoon Beach
Sponsor Dinner Uncle Linny's 5:00pm 4112 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach
Missouri District Spring Fling Inn at Grand Glaize Lake of the Ozarks
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon Culver's 1702 E U.S. 50, O'Fallon
Training - Union United Methodist Church, 721 East Main Street Belleville, IL
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Glen Carbon, DQ 3905 Rte 159, Glen Carbon
Roxana Bike Blessing Rain Date the 29th
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Sponsor Dinner Ravanelli's Collinsville 5:00pm 26 Collinsport Dr, Collinsville
Training - Union United Methodist Church, 721 East Main Street Belleville, IL
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, Culver's 6724 Old Troy Rd, Edwardsville
MAD Windshield Wash I- 55 south bound Homestead rest area meet 9:25 Hamel Shell
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, DQ 400 S Buchanan St, Edwardsville
Niehaus Days
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Chapter Ride to Chester
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach
Missouri District Rally - Branson, Mo
Chapter Ride to CHAPTER U POKER RUN starting in Vandalia on west side
of McDonalds
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Highland, DQ 12613 IL-143, Highland
Ride to Patti's 1880's Settlement, 1793 J H O'Bryan Avenue, Grand Rivers, KY
Reno Rendezvous @ Grand Sierra Resort Reno, Nevada www.renorendezvous.com
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Sponsor Dinner 5:00 pm Lotawata Creek 311 Salem Place, Fairview Heights
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Freeburg, DQ 804 N State St, Freeburg
Chapter O Picnic 12:00pm Conoco Phillips Park, Kendall Hill, Woodriver.
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Glen Carbon, DQ 3905 S IL-159, Glen Carbon
Dinner at Fire N Smoke 5:00pm 914 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL
Chapter Ride Kimmswick & Mastadon State Park
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon
Illinois District Summer Rally Days Inn Rock Falls, IL
Chapter Ride - Mel's Riverdock & River Road
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Chapter Ride Mt Vernon Airport Museum & Lunch Meet at McDonald's 721
N. Jefferson St, Mascoutah at 10:00 am
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Highland, DQ 12613 IL-143, Highland
Region E Rally Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd,
Sponsor Dinner Ravanelli's O'Fallon 5:00pm 1214 Central Park Dr, O'Fallon, IL
St Louis Ride for Kids
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Chapter Ride to Casey Popcorn Festival
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 E U.S. 50, O'Fallon
Wing Ding 37 Rocket City Road Trip - Huntsville, Alabama
Chapter Ride to Kaskaskia Church Tour Kaskaskia Island
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Glen Carbon, DQ 3905 Rte 159, Glen Carbon
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Southern Illinois Ride-In DuQuion,Fair Grounds
Chapter Ride - Creole House Tour Praire Du Rocher
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Bethalto, DQ
Sponsor Dinner Uncle Linny's 5:00pm 4112 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Highland, DQ 12613 IL-143 Highland
444 W Bethalto Dr, Bethalto
Chapter Ride to Daniel Boone Home
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd Pontoon Beach
Sponsor Dinner 5:00 pm Lotawata Creek 311 Salem Place, Fairview Heights
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Chapter Ride to Chapter U 30th Anniversary & Chili Dump
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Fall Overnight Ride to Eureka Springs, AR
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, DQ 400 S Buchanan St, Edwardsville
Dinner at Fire N Smoke 5:00pm 914 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Collinsville, Culver's 100 United Dr, Collinsville
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 E U.S. 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269, USA
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Collinsville, Culver's 100 United Dr, Collinsville
Christmas Party 4pm - 8pm Conoco Phillips Park, Kendall Hill, Woodriver.
St Charles Christmas Walk 12:00pm Dinner at Lewis & Clark Restaurant 4:30pm St Charles,
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, Culver's 6724 Old Troy Rd, Edwardsville
Check the Chapter website at www.gwrrail-o.org for last minute schedule changes & updates
3rd - Ride to Springfield after windshield wash
31st - Chester, IL
2nd - MT Vernon Airport Museum & lunch
30th - Casey, Popcorn Festival
7th - Chapter U Poker Run
6th - Kaskaskia Church Tour Kaskaskia Island
13th - Overnight to Patty’s Settlement, KY
20th - Creole House Tour Prairie Du Rocher
12th - Kimmswick & Mastadon State Park
4th - Daniel Boone Home, Defiance, Mo
26th - River Road to Kampsville
18th - Chapter U Chili Dump
23rd-25th Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Check the message board for impromptu rides & updates
National, Region & District Information
1st place 2014
Dash for Cash - Other Chapter Meetings
Eat 6 pm Meeting 7 pm
Let’s do it again!
Feb 2nd - Mo–Z Ponderosa 3601 Jeffco Blvd Arnold, Mo
Feb 3rd -”F” - Ryan’s Steak House, 4615 Broadway, Mt Vernon
Feb 4th - “Q” Bandana’s BBQ 309 E Main St, Carbondale
Feb 12th - “E” Miners Family Rest. 304 S Macoupin St., Gillespie
Feb 16th - “U” Ponderosa, 2727 Veternas Pkwy, Vandalia, IL
Mark your calendars
June 18th - 20th
Rally Registration forms
on Chapter Calendar
& website under
Event Flyers
September 3 - 6, 2015
Huntsville, Alabama
Missouri Spring Fling
March 7, 2015
Minnesota Rally
Iowa District Rally
July 10th - 11th
Sep 25th - 26th
Osage Beach, Mo
Grand Rapids, MN
Reinig Center
Illinois District Rally
Toledo, Iowa
Nebraska Cabin Fever
Feb 20th-21st
Norfolk, Nebraska
Missouri District Rally
June 4th – 6th
Branson , Mo
July 23rd - 24th
Days Inn
Rock Falls, IL
Region E Rally
Aug 6th - 8th
Radisson Hotel & Convention CN
Green Bay, WI
Article from GWRRA National E-Newsletter
President's Article
submitted by:
Abel Gallardo
President, GWRRA
National Officers
Ray & Sandi Garris
[email protected]
Directors of
Rider Education
Tony Van Schaick
Leadership Training
Joe Price
Member Enhancement
Bob & Karla Greer
Wing World Editor
Kevin Whipps
Global Affairs
Dan Sanderovich
With a new year upon us, I firstly want to thank each and
every one of you for being a part of making this such a great
Association. And because of that we feel the need to
constantly look for ways to improve, as well as look for new
items to make sure your experience in GWRRA is made
better all the time.
One item that we have been reviewing lately was the monthly
e-newsletter, Wingin' It. We've enjoyed putting it together
each and every month for you and hope you have enjoyed it
as much as we have. We take a lot of pride in making sure the
stories and information being sent will be of benefit and
enjoyment to all who read it. Which is why the time has come
to take a step back and begin the process of making it even
better. So for the next few months, we will be holding off on
producing the Wingin' It newsletter in order to work on the
items we feel we can improve on. We are excited for the
changes and hope that you will be too.
To a great New Year!
Deputy Directors
Central (Regions B & E)
Bruce & Barb Beeman
Article from Region E Newsletter
A Little “BS” … That’s Bruce’s Sidecar
Bruce Watkins
[email protected]
Assistant Directors
Bob & Nicki Fowkes
Assistant Directors
Lance & Diane Brozek
Assistant Directors
Lonnie & Diane Borseth
Rider Educator
Jerry & Sue Allhands
[email protected]
Membership Enhancement
Steve & Diane Gottschalk
[email protected]
Leadership Trainers
Bill & Nancy James
Medic First Aid
Mike & Jan Buzick
Glenn & Carol White
Don & Cheri Walloch
[email protected]
[email protected]
Motorist Awareness Division
Michael Olson
Patch Shop
Wally & Jan Wallace
[email protected]
Event Coordinator
Jan Bacon
Vendor Coordinators
Happy New Year to my Gold Wing Family!
I hope all of you were blessed with numerous
opportunities to enjoy family and friends and
share some of the great food the holidays offer.
Often, as we begin a New Year, we find that it
comes with changes. Some of these changes can be
challenging and might occur in your personal life,
your work environment or even your social/recreational choices. As an
example, many Chapter members will be experiencing a change of
Directors as the New Year begins. This can be a big challenge when
someone new begins to lead an established Chapter. There will be
excitement about the changes the new Director will introduce and yet
there can also be concern surrounding any deviation from the way it has
always been done. Keep in mind that as that new Director steps up to
serve you, they also face the same concerns and challenges you have.
He/She has the best interest of the Chapter at heart and they are
concerned about the members’ support for change. They are also
concerned about their own ability to lead the Chapter effectively.
So, as the New Year begins, please accept this leadership change with
an open mind and get behind your new Director and support them.
Even if it's a bit different at first the end results will be worth it. When
all members work together a successful Chapter is assured!
Region Directors are also facing changes as the New Year begins. For
me that change is the possibility of Chapter closures. We have all heard
some of the common reasons that a Chapter closes: members have aged
and many have sold their bikes, no one wants to be the Director, etc.,
etc. When the members of a struggling Chapter cannot accept and adapt
to these changes the Chapter is in danger of closing and, if that
happens, everyone loses.
Preventing Chapter closures will be a daunting challenge, but the Region
Team is working to develop successful ideas that will help a struggling
Chapter survive and even grow. If you have an idea you would like to
share, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. We all
want every GWRRA member to continue to enjoy their Chapter family
and, just like a successful Chapter, if we work together success is assured!
“It’s the journey …. not the destination.”
Bruce S. Watkins
Region E Director
Mike & Jane Hultine
NEWS from Illinois District
Welcome to the New Year and a fresh start
for your Rider Education Program in Illinois.
Hasn’t the winter been great so far? I know
the bikes have been on the roads up here in
the northern part of the state, which is very
unusual for this time of the year.
District Director
Mary Adams
hondagirl711@ yahoo.com
Are you planning to attend Winter Warm Up?
I sure hope so; we have a lot of great things
planned for all three days.
Asst. District Director
Steve & Diane Gottschalk
[email protected]
We have rider education seminars planned for
all to attend. Joey Watson will be returning
again this year. We have set aside two hours
for his “Summit” Seminar. You won’t want to
miss it. It is outstanding and you will really
enjoy it.
Leadership Trainers
Sandy & Steve Schlager
Rider Educator
Dan & Linda Davis
MAD Coordinator
Dale & Donna Andrews
MFA Coordinator
Mike & Jan Buzick
District Treasurer
Sue Allhands
Couple of the Year
Wayne & Shirley Schmidt
Individual of the Year
Nancy Hutchings
Newsletter Editor
Dennis & Jean Bose
Roy & Cheryl Miller
Lorie & Ron Heffelfinger
Jean & Walter Potwora
Our Mission
To Save Lives Through
World Class Education.
Our Slogan
“Safety Is For Life
I have just returned for the Illinois Department of
Transportation’s annual winter conference. The
state of Illinois has determined that the new slingshot will require a Class “D” license to operate it. The class “D”
license will also be required for the thoroughbred (stallion). If you are
planning on installing a Tow Pac or Voyager package on your motorcycle and don’t have a Class “M” endorsement you will be limited to
your Class “D” license. This means that if you do not have an “M”
endorsement and test with the Tow Pac or Voyager installed you will
be limited to operating that motorcycle only with the two extra
wheels installed.
Want to spend one dollar and maybe win a flat screen TV? Come to
the Winter Warm Up and Buy some raffle tickets from rider education.
Every penny you spend buying tickets goes right back to the
membership for the rider education program. This keeps the cost of
our rider courses and seminar training program at a very low cost to
you the membership. So, please stop by our tables and help your rider
education program.
I will be holding four rider courses in Illinois this year. Two will be in
Vandalia and two in Sterling. Vandalia’s courses will be April 17th
and 18th while Sterling’s courses will be the 2nd and 3rd of May. I
will have registration forms at the rider education tables during Winter
Warm Up. These courses are going to fill up fast so sign up early.
Until next month, ATGATT
April 17th & 18th
Saturday April 18, 2015
1998 Honda Aspen Trike & Trailer
2007 DFT Conversion Trike
2002 Goldwing
2008 Thoroughbred Motorsport Stallion
New Airhawk large Cruiser Seat
For more info visit the website