Spin it Old School Spin Mix (51 minutes),Love the Heat Spin Mix (58


Spin it Old School Spin Mix (51 minutes),Love the Heat Spin Mix (58
Spin it Old School Spin Mix
(51 minutes)
Hi! My name is Nancy MacLellan from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Two years ago I started taking Cynthia’s classes as a regular
participant. Everyday at 1:00 pm you will find me in the spin
room at my gym like a piece of furniture. I was so inspired
to become a spin instructor after taking several of Cynthia’s
classes. I didn’t have much of a fitness background until I
met her. I signed up to take the training through my local
gym. That was the easiest part. It’s time to apply what I just
I was so nervous to teach the first warm up track
with Cynthia. I was like a deer in head lights. Cynthia made
me feel comfortable and encourage me to do it! Here I am! I
have been teaching Free Style Cycling for over a year with
five regular classes on the schedule.
I knew I wanted to teach more classes. I
couldn’t get enough!!! MY gym was bought
by another chain of gyms and I knew
everything was going to change. Since then
I enrolled in Schwinn Cycling training to
learn more. Still I couldn’t get enough.
I wanted to know everything about cycling
so I enrolled in the RPM training through
Les Mills.
After three months of some
serious training I heard back from Fitness
Assessment and they replied back congratulating their newest
Les Mills RPM Instructor. On top of that I enrolled in the
Body Pump training as well. I am waiting to hear back from
Les Mills for my Body Pump Certification.
Thank you, Thank you Cynthia.
You are my inspiration!!
My classes consist of the Bill Board’s top hits but I like to
spin it old school at times. Check out some of the songs your
participants will learn to love.
Now You’re Gone – Basshunter (3:32): Mixed Terrain
Pick up your shoulders and roll them up back and down.
Start off with a standing climb (feels like mud) increase
intensity around :30 seconds.
:58 seconds increase resistance, hold tension until sprint and
dial back slightly.
1:15 seated sprint for 60 seconds. There is no recovery.
2:12 you’re back on your feet with heavy resistance to finish
the hill climb. (78 seconds) Add two increases to increase
Sandstorm – Darude (3:46): 2 – 60 Second Sprints
Overhead stretch,
:29 seconds (1 minute sprint seated or standing or 30 seconds
alternating positions).
1:29 recover – posture break, water (30 seconds recovery).
2:00 seated climb to keep heart rate up.
2:28 (1 minute sprint seated or standing or 30 seconds
alternating positions).
Good Vibrations – Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch (4:29):
Seated Rolling Hills x5
In the saddle recovery, water break.
:32 1st sprint down the hill to start the work.
:49 gear up, saddle climb, hips back, dig in.
1:12 2nd sprint.
1:28 increase gears, sit back and climb, choose your intensity
according to your fitness level.
1:52 3rd sprint.
2:06 quick drink then add a load, back to your climbing legs.
2:46 4th sprint.
3:03 longer climb ahead (48 seconds).
3:50 last sprint to the end (40 seconds).
Staying Alive (Dance Traxx Remix) – Bee Gees (3:52):
Alternating Standing and Seated Climbs
Increase resistance every 30 seconds and alternate positions.
Encourage participants to keep the same pace as the hill
Feel the Beat – Darude (4:17):
60 seconds sprints X2- I
usually play this one after a heavy hill climb to give the
additional recovery before the 1st sprint.
:58 sprint for 60 seconds (seated or standing).
1:58 recover and grab some water (posture breaks).
3:16 sprint to the end.
Jump that Rock (Whatever You Want) – Scooter Vs Status Quo
(3:26): Attacks & Racing
Recovery for 30 seconds, big turn of resistance for attack.
:33 standing attack.
:45 seated racing (maintain resistance).
1:00 seated climb.
1:27 standing attack.
1:40 seated racing.
1:53 seated climb.
2:18 increase of resistance, stay in saddle.
2:45 standing attack.
2:58 seated racing.
3:11 recovery.
I Like to Move it Techno Mix – DDR Dance Dance Revolution
(3:47): Mixed Terrain
When music starts take it Standing Tall, stretching through
the hip flexors, lifted chest.
:14 hinge forward to standing climb with the tempo (increasing
resistance to support body weight).
:30 get low, hips over the saddle (maintain tension) tuck chin
in, belly button in.
:45 increase intensity – standing climb.
1:17 get low.
1:48 mix it up to a seated climb.
2:19 standing climb.
2:50 get low (hover).
3:07 seated to the end.
U Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer (4:17): Rolling Hills
Shoulder Roll, posture break.
:15 standing climb (support weight).
:44 increase intensity remain standing.
1:12 increase intensity remain standing.
1:40 1st sprint downhill seated.
1:55 standing hill climb.
2:24 2nd sprint.
2:38 climb.
3:08 3rd sprint.
3:21 climb.
3:51 4th sprint until 4:06.
No Limits – 2 Unlimited (3:45): Team Sprinting
I usually wing this one with the tempo.
Split the class into
two groups.
1st team sprints for 20 seconds, 2nd team after first 20
seconds, alternate until the end.
5 sets of 20 seconds.
It’s a Long Way to the Top – AC/DC (5:15): Standing Climb with
a 60 second sprint to finish.
Standing climb Increasing intensity every 30 seconds.
4:12 seated sprint for 1 minute, decreased slightly after 30
seconds staying close to the working resistance.
How Far We’ve Come – Matchbox Twenty (3:29): Attacks & Racing
Start with a Seated climb.
:45 standing attack (hips come forward, no contact with the
saddle, lean slightly forward).
:56 racing (maintain resistance and slid your hips back in the
saddle, dig in).
1:08 seated climb.
1:30 standing attack.
1:42 racing.
1:54 back to climb, increase intensity.
2:31 attack.
2:42 racing.
2:54 attack.
3:06 racing to the end.
Beds are Burning – Nova Space (3:23): 3 sprints
:44 1st sprint, seated sprint or standing (30 seconds).
1:20 short recovery.
1:36 2nd sprint.
2:00 recovery.
2:19 3rd sprint to the end (over 1 minute).
Somewhere Only We Know – Keane (3:49): Cool Down
flush out the legs, slow down to the tempo, recover.
Thanks Nancy! I was so touched that I’ve provided inspiration
to you, and I love that you’ve run with it and are doing far
more than me! (By the way folks, you should see Nancy these
days – she is looking very buff.)
In the “I knew it” department, a
recent Syracuse University study
reported in Canada’s Globe and
Mail demonstrated that women
burn fewer calories than men
doing the very same exercise.
Men and women ran, then walked
1600 metres at the same speed.
When running, men burned 124
calories to women’s 105.
walking, men burned 88 calories to women’s 74 calories.
Nothing to be done about it except to hit the gym a little
longer and eat less.
Well folks, Nancy was our last guest poster of the summer and
I’m on my last week of maternity leave. I go back to work
after the Labour Day weekend, and my husband will be home with
Kate. I am looking forward to going back to work, especially
since I’ll still have a day or two a week to spend with Kate.
I want to send out a huge thank you to all the spin
instructors who volunteered their time and expertise over the
summer to keep the blog fresh and full of great tunes and
playlists for everyone. Thank you Denise, Judy, April, Tim,
Beth Ann, Darcy, Selma, Lisa, Adrienne, Bob, Paul, Amy,
Gabriela, Jenn, and Nancy.
I am so grateful!
Love the Heat Spin Mix (58
This is Jenn from Move Me with
Music. It’s almost the end of
the summer, and I’ve been loving
the heat! I’m now 6 months
pregnant and though Spinning is
getting much more challenging
and uncomfortable, I see the
benefits physically and
Here is a nice mix of soft rock, hard rock, pop, indie, with a
little 80′s
and new age thrown in. I hope you enjoy. :)
Viva La Vida – Coldplay (4:01):
Warm up, rhythmic releases 8
Forca – Nelly Furtado (3:40):
Verse – seated flat – 85-95 RPM
Chorus – Standing Flat
Bridge – Running with Resistance (RWR)
After last chorus, finish with Jumps – 3rd to 2nd 8 count
Voodoo – Godsmack (4:39): Verse – Seated Climb, Chorus –
Seated Climb – double cadence
Phonography – Britney Spears (3:33):
Verse – Seated Flat
Pre-Chorus – Increase resistance – Jumps 1st to 2nd 4 count
Chorus – RWR
Instrumental – Jumps 2nd to 1st 8 count
Bridge – Seated Climb
Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer (4:42): Verse – Seated
Flat, Chorus – Double Cadence
One Thing – Finger Eleven (4:39): Verse – Seated Climb –
HARD!, Chorus – Standing Climb
Lisztomania – Phoenix (4:01): Verse – Standing Flat – light &
rhythmic, Chorus – Seated Flat – 90-100 RPM
Heart of Glass – Blondie (4:11): Verse – Challenging Flat –
keep resistance & focus on breathing in and out of the nose
Disturbia – Rihanna (3:58): Verse – Seated Climb – HARD!,
Chorus – Standing Climb
Blurry – Puddle of Mudd (5:04):
Verse 1 – Seated flat
Verse 2 – Increase resistance slightly – put some sand
underneath your tires
Chorus – Increase resistance more – Sprint in 3rd
Trouble is a Friend – Lenka (3:35):
Verse – Standing Flat
Chorus -Jumps – 3rd to 2nd – 1 set at 8 count, 2 sets at 4
Bridge – Seated climb
Vanilla Twilight – Owl City (3:52):
Verse – Seated Flat
With beats – increase resistance to sand under tires, keep
Chorus – Seated Climb – moderate
Breathe Me – Sia (4:36):
Seated Flat – Cool Down.
eventually come to a stop
Begin to slow your legs and
May It Be – Enya (3:45): Stretch
Thanks Jenn!
I loved Forca and it’s great to showcase a
Canadian artist like Nelly Furtado.
Looking to lose some weight? Add water. A recent Virginia
Tech study showed that people who drank two glasses of water
before each meal lost an extra 4.5 lbs over the 12 weeks of
the study, versus those who did not start their meals with
water. Chug-a-lug!
We’re down to the last guest poster of the summer. My former
grasshopper Nancy is posting a ride – look for it on August
Happy spinning, everyone.
She Wants to Move Spin Mix
(75 minutes)
Hi everyone, I’m Gabriela a.k.a. Aeon and I hail from the good
ol’ USA (Oklahoma City) but have made Toronto my home. I love
A little bit about me: I suffered from severe
asthma as a child and because of it I wasn’t
able to have a very active childhood. If I ever
tried to do any sort of physical activity my
asthma would flare up and it would feel like I
was trying to breathe through a plastic bag. I
still remember trying to run a mile in PE in
grade 6 – I felt like I was drowning 5 minutes
into my run. I was always one of the last kids
to finish and I really hated that because I
have a very competitive streak. In 1997 I hired a personal
trainer and part of my training included a lot of cardio.
Since my PT taught spinning, it was just natural that I would
give it a try. I was a little intimidated – the music, the
bikes, the sweat … but I knew that I could do it – I love a
challenge and by this time, my asthma wasn’t so severe … I was
hooked and never looked back! Several years later and thanks
to encouragement from friends, I became a certified cycling
and group fitness instructor. Taking this step changed my life
dramatically and allowed me to not only push myself but to
believe that having asthma was not going to hold me back from
being the active person I was meant to be. Maybe this is why I
have a really soft spot for new riders. I always try to ensure
a fun and non-intimidating experience for first time riders.
After all, I was in their shoes at one time and look at me
now! :)
For my indoor cycling classes, I have one rule: If we can’t do
it on an outdoor ride, we are not doing it inside. Therefore,
all of my rides focus on proper technique and challenging
drills that move along with the beat of the music. I am a huge
music fan and find that if I can move to the beat, I push
myself a lot more and work harder so, this is how I teach. I
play all genres of music and try to include a little bit of
everything so that riders will at least find one song they
like. I find that hip-hop with the heavy bass beats works
fabulously in a cycling class, dance music, remixes and mash-
ups also make for an amazing ride. I like to sneak the odd
industrial or indie song, maybe an obscure 80’s tune … this is
what makes indoor cycling fun! Anything goes when it comes to
the music and as long as it flows and the energy is high,
everyone is bound to have a great workout.
A note about the tension – I ask my riders to add resistance
until their cadence begins to match the beat of the music. I
find that it’s easier to coach in this manner than to use
percentages and/or numbers. People get confused but they can
easily understand the concept of slowing or speeding up their
pace to match a beat. The challenge is maintaining the pace as
we increase the resistance.
Here’s my ride profile for this week:
Stop! (Vince Clarke Sync 82 Remix) – Erasure (6:06): Time to
get this started! Add enough tension to feel yourself pedaling
against the wind and lets go for a light run to warm up those
legs! After 2 minutes and some light stretching, come out of
the saddle for a standing run. Make sure you have enough
tension while standing to always be in control of the pedals.
So Many Girls – Usher (4:36): The wind is picking up so load
it up until your legs move in tune with the beat. Have a seat
during the bridge and pound on those pedals to keep your pace
moving to the beat, increase the tension and come out of the
saddle on the chorus.
Rose Colored Glasses – Kelly Rowland (4:01): Now we’re really
hitting a hill! We need to load it up to match the slow pace
of this song. Hit the saddle and increase after each chorus –
this should feel like we’re pedaling through thick mud. Come
out of the saddle to take it to the top.
Dominos – The Big Pink (3:46): So what’s at the top? More mud!
Let’s lower the tension just a little to reflect our new flat
muddy road and continue plowing through. Put all your power
and strength into your quads and try to double time your pace
on the chorus. Visualize
muddiest sections to get
There are three 20 second
feel like jello at the end
yourself speeding up through the
out of them as fast as possible!
sets in this song – your legs will
but that’s why we do this!
Chica Bomb (Extended Version) – Dan Balan (4:21): Whew! That
was rough! Let’s come back to the non-muddy flats and release
some tension. We are going for a light run with uphill
sprints. Let’s maintain a 75% effort for the run and as the
chorus begins, load it up into a high gear, explode out of the
saddle and give me a standing sprint. Then bring it back to a
lower gear and come back to your seated run. There are 3 sets
in this song.
Acapella – Kelis (4:08): It’s time to recover after that
madness! Let’s load it up to pace to the music and go for all
endurance on this song. Really try to keep the same pace all
the way through and be sure to drink water as needed.
Memories 2010 – David Guetta (3:31): Come out of the saddle
and continue to run. We’ll switch between second and third
position for our standing run, keep your shoulders relaxed and
elbows soft. All your weight is on your legs and you’re
focusing on your pace. This time we’re just going to hit the
saddle and add a little more effort on the chorus without
touching the tension. Your legs should move faster but you
should always feel like you’re in control of the pedals. If it
feels like the pedals are moving you, turn up the tension.
Dancing On My Own – Robyn (4:46): Let’s load it up and ride
this slight incline – increase the tension after each minute
and to keep it challenging have a seat during the bridge. This
makes the ride a little tougher without you having to touch
the tension again.
Boardmeeting (DJ Mixstar) – Timbaland (2:29): Now it’s getting
steep! Continue to increase the tension to match the slow
beat. You should crank it up enough to need to stand for the
last minute.
She Wants To Move (Jason Nevins Remix) – N.E.R.D. (3:47):
(Make sure you get the Jason Nevins Remix of this song.) It is
time for some Tabata pain people! Let’s lighten up the load
and go at about 80% for the first minute. Then we are going to
sprint hard for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds three times
in a row after which we will recover for 45 seconds and finish
up with another sent of three 20/10’s. Remember to put maximum
effort into those 20 seconds!
Name Of The Game – The Crystal Method (4:15): Yikes! Let’s
slow it down with a heavy uphill climb. You know the drill,
match your leg speed to the music and INCREASE to mimic the
increasing level of difficulty.
Candy Bottom Girls – Q-Unit (3:38): Oh no! Another muddy flat
at the top! Lower the tension a teeny bit and settle into the
climb. Double time those legs when you hear Queen kick in on
the song.
Zero – Yeah Yeah Yeahs (4:26): Continue to move through the
mud for the first minute of this song, then decrease the
tension and get ready for a long downhill run – all the way to
the end people! We are almost done so you have to dig deep and
keep those legs moving!
Renegades Of Funk – Rage Against The Machine (4:34): Take the
first 30 seconds to recover and drink some water. If this song
does not make you MOVE then you have no pulse … load it up a
little to mimic the windy flat we are on and settle in for one
fast ride! Once you find the pace that keeps YOU challenged
hang on to it! Ride it all the way to the last note!
Sandstorm – Darude (7:26): We’ve come all this way to this
last challenging drill. We’re going back to Tabata … take some
water, dig deep and get ready! We have two sets of 20/10’s
with a one minute recovery followed by THREE more sets of
20/10’s. I know we’re tired but this is the part we will
remember when we finish class! On the third 20/10 it’s
competition time – imagine that competitive friend you have
(we all have one!) riding at your heels! They are gunning for
the finish line and they want it as much as you do – you have
to MOVE THOSE LEGS! All the hard work you’ve done, all the
training and motivation comes down to these last 20 seconds
and it’s up to you to hit that finish line before your
competitive foe does … DO IT!
Khaleegi Stomp – Transglobal Underground (3:53): Victory lap
time! Your heart is pumping, your vision is blurry, you might
be hallucinating but no – that was just you hitting the finish
line and winning! Let’s take the next couple of minutes to
slow down the heart rate and the legs – rehydrate and high
fives all around.
Indra – Thievery Corporation (5:25): This part is just as
important as all the training we just did, please stay and
stretch! The five minutes we get is not enough so be sure to
incorporate stretching into your daily routine. It helps
prevent injuries and keeps you flexible!
Thanks Cynthia for having me as a guest on your wonderful
blog. I am not the best at updating my blog but I can be found
at http://www.fightfitness.ca/spindj. I post streaming play
lists and talk fitness when I can find the time. Thanks again
and cheers everyone!
What a
I love this
ride – I am
going to
use it with
my class on
Couldn’t find a couple of the songs on
iTunes (She Wants to Move and Candy
Bottom Girls). I substituted Rock Star
by N.E.R.D. for She Wants to Move.
Folks, Gabriela uses pop-out playlists so
you can listen to songs right from her
blog. She’s included the code for her
guest post, so to hear the songs, just
click on Pop Out Playlist. Cool stuff.
I am
My mat
leave is
over in two
weeks. How
the time
has flown.
Here’s a
pic of Kate
taken last week while we were on vacation
on Prince Edward Island. She’s rocking
her sunglasses and bikini, I think. I’ve
posted another pic – the view from our
cottage porch at dawn. PEI is a very
special place. Only got one ride in
while we were there – a short 26km ride
from St. Peters to Mount Stewart along
the Confederation Trail. While on the
ride, my friend’s Blackberry went off –
it was one of my dear friends calling to
tell us he’d just been appointed to the
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia! Wonderful
The guest posts aren’t over yet – there
are two to go. Look for Jenn’s post on
August 22. She blogs over at Move Me
with Music – check it out.
spinning, everyone.
Summer 2010 Hot Hits Spin Mix
(60 minutes) Plus More!
I am Spindarella (aka Amy) from Cohasset, Massachusetts. I
started spinning while we were living in Melbourne Australia
back in 1999. I have always been a workout fanatic – hitting
the gym since I was in my early teens, playing sports in high
school and college, etc. However, I was never a “class girl.”
In my opinion, there are 2 types of gym goers. There are
people who take the classes and then there are people who do
their own thing. I had always been the latter. Until I forced
myself into a spin class mostly because I had moved to the
other side of the world with my husband 2 months after getting
married. I didn’t know anyone but him & he was always at work.
So there I was, bored and lonely in search of a little social
interaction. I didn’t think I would like it. At all. For I was
not a “class girl.” Well, look who’s not a “class girl”
now? So for 2 years, I spun in Australia. Then I had a baby.
And then 15 months later…another baby. When my second child
was about 1, I was done with all the bad bad spin music. I
decided to get certified to teach. I have been teaching since
Spinning to me is all about the music.
It always has been. I am totally music
obsessed. I love music. LOUD music. I
also love when my class loves my
music. So I try and play things that
have either a very strong motivating
beat or something that they know and
can sing along to. I have a massive
library of awesome remixes as well as current top 40 and lots
of world beats. This summer has had some really great top 40
anthems that are hard not to love. So I have decided to share
2 playlists both tend to motivate the masses – but they are
very different from one another. This may be hard to follow
because I teach solely based on the music. I don’t have any
plan or notes. I let the music guide the workout. If you are
musically inclined, I would suggest doing an interval class
where you sprint the chorus & then recover during the verses.
I usually go from the saddle to a run & out to position 3
mixing it up & keeping the sprint going for the bridge, but
changing position (if that makes any sense to anyone!?).
I don’t have a blog, but you can follow me on
Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spindarellas-Spin/1275
Summer 2010 Hot Hits
Calabria 2007 Club Mix – Enur (6:30): Warm up in the saddle.
15, 30, 45, 60 sec. intervals with 15 sec recovery adding
resistance after every one. Then add resistance and pop out to
position 3 and finish the song with 30 second intervals. 30
on, 30 off.
Morning After Dark ~ Timbaland feat. Nelly (3:53): Quick legs.
In the saddle at a base resistance. Add a little resistance
before the first chorus & then break away for the chorus,
adding resistance after every verse.
Dynamite ~ Taio Cruz (3:24): Stand and run the chorus.
Increase resistance after every verse.
Not Afraid ~ Eminem (4:08): Hill. Add resistance every 30
seconds or so. I sort of wing it.
Club Can’t Handle Me ~ Flo Rida feat. David Guetta (3:52):
start out in position 3, then sit and sprint the chorus.
LOVING this song. thanks to National Dance Day!
Say Hey (I Love You) ~ Michael Franti & Spearhead (3:56): Just
a happy song. Standing to run the
chorus, then back in the saddle to recover, then out to
position 3 for the bridge.
September ~ Earth, Wind & Fire (3:36): People beg for this
song. It’s pretty funny. I sort of love to hate it or hate to
love it. I just start out in position 3 and see where the
music takes us.
California Gurlz ~ Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dog (3:56): Start in
the saddle. Sprint the chorus & recover in a run. Add
resistance after every verse.
If I Were a Boy ~ Beyonce (4:11):Heavy hill, alternating
between position 3 and dropping it in the saddle. Add
resistance intermittently & never back off. The resistance
should be a 10 on a scale from 1-10 by the end.
Don’t Stop Believin’ (Radio Edit) ~ George Lamond (3:42):
Quick hill. Everyone loves this song. Cracks me up.
Mercy ~ Duffy feat. The Game (3:48): Start in the saddle.
Stand and sprint the chorus, adding resistance after every
OMG ~ Usher feat. will.i.am (4:29): This song happens in 3
segments. Start out in position 3 with resistance at the base
of the hill for the chorus… the “baby let me love you down”
then pop up to a run and add resistance for the “oh oh oh”
segment. Then sit and sprint for the verse “I fell in love
with shoty..” then add resistance & back out for the chorus
“baby let me love you down” then up to a run for the “oh. oh.
ohoh” and then back in the saddle for the verse “fell so hot
for honey…” and so on.
Love the Way you Lie ~ Eminem feat. Rihanna (4:23): Add
resistance – Start in a hill climb while she sings, then when
he cuts in, sit & sprint. Add more resistance for the chorus
and go back out to a hill climb. then back in the saddle to
sprint for him, only adding resistance, never take any away.
Your Love is my Drug ~ Ke$ha (3:07): Sprint the chorus & stand
up in a run to recover. Increase resist before the first
chorus & after every chorus.
The House that Built Me ~ Miranda Lambert (3:57): Cool down –
This is the song that I am currently learning on acoustic
guitar. Adding in a little country to spice it up.
A note from Cynthia – Amy included TWO
playlists in her post. Here’s the second one…
Coldplay, DMB, KOL, U2, etc…..
Clocks (Dance Remix) – Coldplay 6:18 ~ This is a warm up.
Starting at a base resistance, intervals of 30 seconds on, 30
second recovery. Increasing resistance a little every minute.
Crash (Remix) ~ Dave Matthews Band with Incubus 4:43 ~
Continuing the warm up. One leg drills. Ride on a flat road
with both legs pushing for 1 min. then do 1 minute all on the
right leg, one minute all on the left leg then a 1 minute
breakaway with no break all in the saddle. After the 1 minute
breakaway, pop out to position 3 and end the song on a hill
One ~ U2 and Mary J Blige 4:20 ~ Hill. Increase resistance
every 30 seconds. Start in the saddle. Pop out to position 3
for a standing climb & then sit back in the saddle for the
last segment of the song.
Viva La Vida (Thin White Duke Remix) ~ Coldplay 7:24 ~
Intervals. 1 minute sprint. 15 sec recovery. 45 sec sprint. 15
sec recovery. 30 sec. sprint. 15 sec recovery. 15 sec sprint.
15 sec recovery, and then reverse & build back up.
Manhattan ~ Kings of Leon 3:24 ~ Hill.
Go! ~ Jupiter Rising 3:26 ~ Breakaways on the flat to the
So Lonely ~ the Police 4:48 ~ Breakaways to the chorus, on the
flat & in a run.
Smooth (Dance Edit) ~ Santana & Rob Thomas 3:52 ~ Quick legs
hill out of the saddle playing with speed based on the music.
Sex on Fire ~ Kings of Leon 3:23 ~ Slow hill.
Vertigo ~ U2 3:11 ~ Start the song in a run & sit and spin the
Starry Eyed Surprise ~ Paul Oakenfold 3:45 ~ Increase
resistance every 30 seconds. Keep the leg speed constant.
Two Step ~ Dave Matthews Band 4:56 ~ Alternate between a run
and hill climb based on the music.
Fix You ~ Coldplay 4:56 ~ Finale. Close your eyes and ride at
your own pace. Let the music take you wherever you want to go.
Stuck in a Moment ~ U2 4:34 ~ Cool down.
Thanks, Amy for both playlists. I’ll comment on them next
week when I’m home. I’m on Prince Edward Island with my honey
and Kate for a week of summer vacation, and we’re staying at a
cottage with no phone, cell service, or internet. I’m at an
Internet cafe in town to post this but Kate’s got to go down
for her nap very soon. Happy riding everyone!~ Back from PEI
and can’t resist adding that I’m loving Dynamite, Club Can’t
Handle Me, Say Hey (so cute) and the Dance Remix of Clocks.
Great stuff. And Mercy, If I Were a Boy, and Viva la Vida are
three of my all-time favourites.
Next up is Gabriela, who blogs over at Spin DJ – check it
out. Look for her post on August 15.

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