The Hever Castle Competitor Guide 2016


The Hever Castle Competitor Guide 2016
GUIDE 2016
Local Partner:
Local Charity Partner:
w: t: +44 (0)1892 870 681
National Sponsors:
Pre-event preparation
The Castle Triathlon Series
is now the biggest series in the
country and it just keeps getting
better. It stands out from other
races because of its festival feel.
At other events you turn up, race
and leave, here you want to stay
and just soak it all in.
David Bishop
Loughborough Development Squad
Relay teams
Nutrition tips
On the day
Transition tips
Chip timing
The swim course
The cycle course
The run course
Junior Triathlon
After your race
asked questions
Important race
day information
More information
Event dates in 2016:
Lough Cutra Castle, Galway (Ireland)
Sunday 29th May 2016
Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire (UK)
Sunday 26th June 2016
The Bastion and Festival
of Endurance, Kent (UK)
Sunday 10th July 2016:
Full Iron Distance and other long
distance events at Hever Castle
Castle Howard, York (UK)
Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th July 2016
Chateau de Chantilly, Chantilly (France)
Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th August 2016
Hever Castle, Kent (UK)
Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th September 2016
Dear Competitors,
Congratulations on signing up for the 2016 Hever Castle
Triathlon, the triathlon finale of the season. Known for its
stunning course, iconic venue and festival atmosphere
we hope you have a special time accomplishing your
personal tri ambitions.
This is the eighth year of the Castle
Triathlon Series, involving six stunning
weekend triathlon festivals across the
UK, Ireland and France, which keep
rewarding more triathletes from young
to old, and elite to beginner. We now
offer eight distances including three
for juniors and a new Starter Sprint
for those dipping their toes in to the
Worlds fastest growing sport.
The Global media attention and
admiration for his courage and
determination resulted in him being
awarded the 2015 Sports Personality
of the Year Helen Rollason Award.
We welcome him to the Chateau du
Chantilly Triathlon this year, for his
fourth triathlon with us this season,
as we celebrate our ethos of making
triathlon accessible for all.
2015 was a special year as we
celebrated not only the 15,000
competitors experiences, £200k
plus raised for charities including our
National Charity partner, NSPCC and a
remarkable tri win for 8 year old Bailey
Matthews, who has cerebral Palsy, at
The Castle Howard triathlon.
This Competitor Guide aims to give
you a step-by-step overview of what
is involved in taking part in a triathlon,
and in particular one of our events, with
some key tips to help you enjoy the
experience, have a speedy transition
and to stay safe out on the various
Best wishes,
Brian Adcock
Race Director
Castle Triathlon Series
We hope to help you visualise the run-up
to your race by helping you prepare and
eliminate any stress or worry. On top of
this pre information we have a team of
staff and volunteers who are only too
happy to provide plenty of help before,
during and after race day. Please pick
up the phone if you at all worried or
A detailed briefing will be provided on
the day by myself but we appreciate the
adrenalin will be running high and as
much information beforehand is helpful!
Best of luck with your training and races
and look forward to seeing you this
Pre-event preparation
You have now signed up for your
race with no turning back!
SO what will you hear from us?
•Full race details uploaded on
the specific castle race information
page of our website.
•Individual wave times will be sent out
via email two weeks prior to the race.
•Water temp/wetsuit info via text
message (sent shortly before
your race).
•Ensure that you either have a wetsuit
or have a rental/purchase of one lined
up – please see our hiring page here.
Speedo are offering an exclusive
wetsuit hire service that gives you the
change to try out premium kit and
good value.
•Adults, road/hybrid bike is
recommended (however mountain or
cyclo-cross bikes can be used).
•8-15 year old races, we strongly
recommend mountain or cyclo-cross
alternative accommodation please
see here.
•There are specific directions on how
to get to the Castle on our website.
•If you choose to raise money for a
charity or good cause you may wish
to set up a Just Giving page.
•If you would like to fundraise and
looking for a charity to support,
we support a number of local and
national charities.
Race day information
We would always recommend
The latest race admin is uploaded 2
training in preparation for any event,
weeks before the event, visit this page but how much you do, and the style
for up to date info about your race.
you take is down to you.
Accommodation and travel
•Camping is available at all of the
venues (this can be booked through
the online shop).
•We have a comprehensive list of
You might find it helpful to sign up for
a triathlon training package with our
partner who provide
you with a bespoke plan and emails
answering any of your questions.
The key thing is to be comfortable
cycling on an open road and if
possible we would recommend a
practice swim in the open water with
your wetsuit on before the event.
Please look at our website for details
of training days at our castle venues.
Our Hever Castle training day is
taking part on the 10th July.
We’ve got
you covered
you’re training
or competing,
at home
or abroad.
10% discount
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Castle Triathlon
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time after injury
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Our staff at registration will provide
you with your race number and will
body mark you. Please have your
right hand ready.
You will then receive a race pack
(on the day) that contains;
•An individual race number that is worn
during the cycle and the run (you will
be given a Castle Triathlon Series race
belt courtesy of Speedo).
•Three numbered labels for your
•A coloured swim hat (the colour relates
to the wave that you are in).
•A timing chip device to be worn around
your left ankle - this must be worn
throughout all 3 disciplines and will
need to be handed in at the finish line.
•Children will get a wristband to be worn
during their race to help marshals direct
them accordingly on the cycle and run.
We usually advise
competitors to wear
wetsuits – however
they are only
compulsory if the
water is less than 15°C
Please ensure
that you arrive
at registration
at least an hour
before the start
of your race.
No family or
friends are
allowed in the
transition area.
Relay teams
can enter both
the adults or
children’s races
but unfortunately
not mixed
Relay teams
How does the relay work?
For each distance there is the option to enter as a relay team. Either in a group of 2 (1 of the
team will do two disciplines), or a group of 3 (where you do a discipline each).
These teams can be all male, all female or a mixed team. There are no specification on ages
(or course children/junior relay participants must be of an age that falls in line with their race
category) or abilities within the teams.
At registration, ideally the whole relay team arrives together for body marking and receiving
the race pack. If this is not possible, one team member can pick up the race pack for the
other (the relay team will be registered under the person who made the booking).
However the other relay members will still need to go via registration once they arrive.
Chip timing
The chip (attached to a strap) given out at registration, to be worn on the left ankle, acts
as a relay baton and must be passed between team members in transition, for the next
part of the race.
Race number
Within you race page, you will be given 2 separate numbers
– please use provided race belt to display 1 number on front
and 1 number on back.
Great fitting
quality wetsuits
and sun protection.
Support bereaved children and young people
Join the Jigsaw (South East) Tri Team
To join our team, email [email protected] or call 01342 313895
Registered Charity 1147696
Hever Triathlon official local charity partner
Nutrition Tips
The ultimate test of endurance calls for optimum levels of
energy. Whether you’re an elite athlete or an enthusiastic
amateur, this multiple-stage competition
is gruelling – but nothing matches
the sense of achievement as
Nutrition Guides
you cross the line. Check out
HIGH5 Advanced Nutrition Guides have
been designed to help you race faster and to
these top five tips:
finish a challenge feeling strong and with a
smile on your face. We work exceptionally hard
to ensure that you can perform at your best.
HIGH5 nutrition undergoes rigorous testing in
both the lab and with athletes in the real world.
It won’t let you down when it matters most.
step-by-step nutrition guide:
Have a plan
Have a race nutrition plan and stick with it. If you
want some inspiration for your race day plan then
check out the HIGH5 triathlon nutrition guide – see
bubble on the right. It’s always a good idea to
practise your race day nutrition plan in training at
least twice. Prepare your nutrition before race day so
there is less to go wrong in the morning.
Carb’s your #1 Fuel
Carbohydrate is our main source of energy during
a triathlon. The more you have available for fuel,
the faster and further you can go. If you’re racing
for more than 90 minutes, aim for 60-90g of
carbohydrate per hour. This can be from sports
drinks, energy gels and bars. For shorter distances,
take something when you can.
Caffeine Boost
Would you like to benefit from more focus,
increased concentration and improved endurance
performance? It’s well established that caffeine can
supercharge your race day performance. You should
aim for 3mg per kg bodyweight (that’s 180mg if you
weigh 60kg) but as little as 75mg caffeine has been
shown to give you an edge. Alternatively simply
follow the HIGH5 triathlon nutrition guide for a dose
of caffeine based on your bodyweight.
Don’t leave it too late
Start fuelling as soon as you get out of the
water. If you wait until you are hungry or your
energy drops, it’s normally too late. Little but
often is the best fuelling strategy. It will provide
you with a steady flow of energy.
Don’t forget hydration
Hydration shouldn’t be underestimated: dehydration is often associated
with a drop in performance. But we don't just lose water. Important
minerals (electrolytes) like sodium and potassium are lost through
sweating and should be replaced during exercise. Little but often is
the best strategy for drinking but try to aim for around 500ml per hour
– more when it’s hot! Sport drinks like HIGH5 EnergySource contain
sufficient electrolytes for UK weather conditions.
On the day
In the week before the race itself you will
receive (by email) your wave time and race day
information for your specific race.
(Please note we do not send anything out by post).
•Please ensure that you name your
•On the day at registration you will
need to arrive approximately 1.5 hours wetsuit and keep all your marked
belongings together – as all the
before your wave start time.
wetsuits look the same it’s very easy
to pick up the wrong one! You are
•You will be given a number that will be
welcome to bring a box/container
body-marked on you and then given
to keep all your things in for the
a race pack (please see page six for
duration of the race.
what is in the race pack).
•Once you have racked your bike,
•Numbered labels must be placed on
your bike and helmet before you enter you need to make your way to the
Swim start. Ensure you leave time
the transition area.
for the brief – 15 minutes before your
wave time by the Race Director. All
•When entering transition your helmet
members of the relay team need to
and bike brakes will be checked
attend the brief.
and then you will be shown to your
designated transition “spot”.
Race day check-list
Transition tips
Always have your
cycling helmet on
before you ride
out on your bike
After you have been through
registration, head for the athlete
prep zone, here you will be able
to drop a bag in our bag drop
facility, go to the toilet and change.
Afterwards, carry on to transition
where the team will guide you
to your transition spot (depending
on the number of competitors, this
will be arranged by wave or by
time of arrival)
Please ensure that your numbered
You will not be able to leave transition labels (in your race pack) are attached
with your equipment at any point
before entering the transition area.
unless the number on yourself and your
bike matches.
The transition team will check your bike
helmet, and your bike breaks before
you will be allowed to rack up.
Race bag or box
Space is limited in transition, it’s a good
idea to arrive with an adequate sized
container to keep all your belongings
dry and together in transition
Transition tips from Kitbrix Ambassadors
We asked our Ambassadors, Travis and
Laura, about their setup and any hints, tips A great way to save easy seconds and even
minutes of your time is in transition. Practice
they could provide!
jumping on and off your bike, mounting and
dismounting with your shoes already clipped in
1.Be organised
(very much an ITU style mount/dismount and
When setting up transition, only take the
probably for the more experienced). Good tip
essentials in with you. Anything you know
to use elastic bands to keep your shoes in a
you won’t need, leave with family & friends or
horizontal position to make this easy. Practice
at home. This will help you get in and out of
running up to your kit and how are you going
transition quicker with minimal fuss and stress! I
to put your sunglasses, helmet and shoes on
have a laminated checklist in the clear pouch in
quickly. What’s the best set up for you? For
the lid of my KitBrix.
example, my sunglasses go inside my helmet,
with the arms open so they can be put on
straight away and then my helmet over the top.
Transition can often be a busy and sometime
confusing place on race morning. Make sure
you know your swim exit, bike out & in and run 4.Walk through transition
Familiarise yourself with the path you will take
out to help gain those precious seconds!
from swim to bike and out, and then from bike
to run. Look out for something visual near here
you bike and kit is set up, so that it’s easy to
spot when you are running to your bike. For
example, is there a tree that stands out, or
count the number of fences, or is there an
advertising sign near by that you can easily
identify or a bright pink KitBrix!
5.Talcum Powder is a triathlete’s best friend
Use it sparingly in your bike & run shoes to help
slip your feet in easier & reduce the chance of
mid-race rubbing.
6.Setup your bike
Make sure your bike is set up in the right
gear to start your race. If you have a hill out
of Transition you probably want to start in an
easier gear, so not struggling in the first few
meters of the race when you try to pedal.
Photo courtesy of Sport Relief 2016
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Chip timing
Bike helmets
are compulsory
You will receive a chip-timing device
which will be the same as your race
number for the duration of the race.
This must be put on before you
start your swim. You must hand this
to a marshal at the finish line.
Please note that it is your responsibility If for any reason it is lost, or comes
to wear your timing device and we
off your ankle during your race cannot be held responsible for any
please let the timing company know.
In this case, we cannot ensure that
your times can be accessed but we
will endeavor to try.
Race bag or box
It’s a good idea to arrive with an
adequate sized container
to keep all your belongings dry and
together in transition.
The swim course
official swim partner
All of our events provide a stunning open water
swim opportunity in unique Castle lakes. A wetsuit will
be compulsory if the temperature of the lake is less
than 15 degrees. A wetsuit will not only keep you warm,
but it will help you swim faster as it provides you with
extra buoyancy.
For the dedicated triathlete, Speedo offer a stunning range which
you can see here. Swimmers will be electrically counted into and
out of the water for additional safety. If your little one fancies a
cool new animal print wetsuit, we love this range from Saltskin,
check them out here.
Either a short
sleeved or long
sleeved wetsuit
is fine for both
Adults and
Top Swimming Tips from Speedo
Swimming checklist
• Wetsuit
• Goggles
• Towel
• The Castle Tri team will provide
you with a swimming hat on
the day
We recommend
you try swimming
in a wetsuit
before your race
if you can
Speedo will have a
swim support team at
all of our events this
year helping with pre
swim advice, and a
smooth swim exit
your bilateral breathing so that you swim three
• The right gear
strokes then take a breath, swim one stroke and
Ensure you are prepared with the right kit for
take a breath and repeat.
your race, practice with these items and ensure
• Choose your environment
you are comfortable with everything. It may
Swim in safe and controlled environments such
seem obvious but don’t wait to try out any new See our Speedo Swim Tutorial page here
as warm shallow pools which are supervised by
for some great video tips on swimming
kit at the race itself!
lifeguards, or in supervised swims at your local
lake or swimming pond. Training with a friend
On the day
will also help to keep motivated through your
swim sessions.
• Confidence is key
If you’re not a confident swimmer or this is your
if you are dipping
• Make use of training aids
first triathlon it’s a good idea to start at the back
Using training aids is a great way to mix up your
your toe in the
of the pack for the swim start. This will allow
sessions, as well as to target specific areas of
triathlon water,
you to ease into your rhythm and avoid the
your swim. For example, if you need to work
you may prefer
mayhem of the swim start.
on your arm technique, try using a pull buoy to
to hire, see
isolate your legs so you can really concentrate
• Putting training into practice
hireawetsuit to
on getting your stroke right.
If you’ve done all the training and know you can
for more details
swim the distance, but something goes wrong
• Breathing right
including weekly
on the day, try swimming a bit of breaststroke
Before you go swimming, do some deep
and season
to help you catch your breath a bit, or increase
breathing – especially if you’ve had a particularly
Speedo wetsuit
stressful day. You work better in the water when
you’re more relaxed
The 2016 Triathlon Range is now available.
Available at:
The cycle course
The adult course goes out on to the open road, which
is heavily marshaled. For all the routes, we would
recommend either a road bike, or a hybrid. The junior
courses are within the Castle estate and would require
a mountain bike or a road bike with the thicker grippier
Cycle checklist
• Race belt (provided)
• Bike
• Cycle helmet
• Cycle repair kit
(know how to fix
a puncture!)
• Cycle shoes
(if necessary)
• Bottled drink
• Bike pump
• Trisuit/clothing
• Socks
• Sunglasses (if necessary)
• Gloves (if necessary)
• Visor/hat (if necessary)
•Please wear your race number (given Drafting is NOT allowed at any point
and will be enforced by both marshals
to you in registration) on your back for
this section of the race. This is easy to and the motorcycle referees out on
the cycle course.
do with a race belt, but if you choose
to use safety pins then please pin the
For latest course maps go to your
number to your back.
chosen venue on our website.
•All cyclists must wear a cycle helmet
(British/Irish Safety Standard) and will
Any littering on the bike
not be able to leave transition without
course will result in an
one properly affixed.
automatic 2 minute penalty
•There will be water provided on the
bike course, but we recommend you
take a drink with you also.
(taken in transition at the
end of your cycle route).
On your way out to the
cycle, please make sure
you secure your helmet
before you take your bike
off the rack. Similarly when
you return, please rack your
bike before you take your
helmet off-
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The run course
Both the adult and junior run courses
are within the Castle estate so are a
mixture of terrain. Although running
shoes are adequate, adults may want
to wear trail shoes as much of our run
routes are off road. (This can depend
on the venue so please also see our
website for more information).
Run checklist
• Race belt (provided)
• Running shoes
• Trisuit/clothing
• Socks
• Sunglasses (if necessary)
• Visor/hat (if necessary)
Please wear your race
number (given to you in
registration) on your front
for this section of the race.
This is easy to do with a
race belt, but if you choose
to use safety pins then
please pin the number to
your front.
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© 2016 NSPCC. Registered charity England and Wales 216401 and Scotland SC037717. J20151387
Beat your p
Junior Triathlon
Children in the
8-10 years race
are allowed
one adult in the
‘Transition’ area
with them to
help them at one
stage of the race
We offer races for 7* – 15 year olds at five
amazing castles in a unique setting where all ages
and levels can race together in a safe, friendly
environment with a festival atmosphere.
Currently there are very few events where kids, teens, and
adults are able to participate on the same day and over the
same terrain. The weekend events are perfect for children
and teens joining their parents or groups of friends (showing
their parents up!) and also for schools, sports groups and
junior triathlon clubs.
Safety notice
All children, as adults, will receive a thorough race briefing
ten minutes before they start their swim/wave time. Parents
can accompany the children to this briefing and we would
ask that it is kept as quiet as possible to allow everyone to
hear and children to ask any questions.
The swim will include boat safety as well as swimmers in
the water with big floats accompanying each wave. If at
any time the children wish to rest they will be able to with no
impact on their end race result.
Both the bike and run course are on the castle grounds
and will not be on open roads with traffic.
At all our events, the junior races are in the afternoon.
So that we don’t have too much congestion at registration,
we ask for only one adult per child to go through
registration with them and to go one hour before their
designated wave time.
Please visit our junior tri page.
*7 year old’s must be 8 by 31st December 2016
There are plenty
of opportunities
to cheer on your
around the
no fuss, just organised kit
After your race
Complete the circle
Our official photographers are sure
To personalise your medal, you can
to capture some great shots of you
order an insert with your name and
throughout the course. Re-live the
timings of the day. Login to order.
moment by visiting our Flickr page
which has a huge variety of both
professional and competitor photo’s
of the days events. Make sure you
race number is visible - thats how our
photographers gather all your shots
in action.
Podium position
Buy your race momento with our
official Castle Triathlon Series
Merchandise – visit the store onsite!
It’s now time to enjoy a well-earned
rest; entertainment in the event
village; a hearty meal and why not
have a sports massage from our
physio partner Six Physio?
It will be possible to get your split
timings from the results tent, located
in the event village.
We will also upload all timing the
night of the race and email you a
link to the official timing results the
day after your race.
At each event we have a Prize
Giving Ceremony where you could
be the lucky one to have your
moment on the podium.
Recognition is given to 1st, 2nd
& 3rd Adults Open, +40’s, +50’s
& +60’s. And of course to each age
group of the children’s category.
asked questions
(e.g just the cycle and run). Obviously
this will make you ineligible for prizes
but you are welcome to complete
your race like this.
Can I bring spectators to the
I can no longer compete;
can I get a refund for my race?
Yes, spectators are very welcome to
This depends on when you
each castle (please see our website
booked your race. See our T&C’s.
for details on spectator fees).
Please email the office on admin@
Can I change distance once I
have booked?
Yes, if you make your booking
and then decide to change your
race distance, you can contact
Are there toilets available for
the office to arrange this (admin@
If I bring spectators will there be Please
Yes, there are plenty of toilets
much for them to do while I’m
note: if you drop down to a shorter
available at each castle for spectators
distance, we cannot refund the
and competitors; these are normally
We pride ourselves on offering plenty
difference, and if you upgrade to a
situated by registration/transition.
of activities for spectators along
longer distance the difference will
with access to the Castle grounds.
need to be paid.
The event village offers a festival
atmosphere with plenty of places to
watch those racing.
Can I compete in the same wave
as friends/family?
Can I hire a bike or wetsuit?
Yes, there is an option to create a
Yes we do offer bike and wetsuit hire, ‘unique code’ that can be put in
please see our Equipment page here. How do I find out about the water
during the registration process. If you
have already registered and haven’t
temperature for race day?
done this, just contact the office with
The water temperature will be taken
those of you who would like to be
48hrs and 24hrs prior to the race.
together and we can add it on for
In the registration process we ask
for your mobile phone number so
Can I bring dogs into the Castle
we can text all participants this
information via our Bulk SMS text.
Yes as long as they are well behaved
This is a free service. This will also be
and on a lead (don’t forget your poop
available on the website on the race
info page.
If I am injured can I just complete
one or two of the disciplines
rather than the whole race?
Yes you are very welcome to do the
disciplines you are comfortable with
Important race
day information
Please read these instructions very carefully!
Your wave start time will be emailed out and uploaded on our website two weeks prior to the event.
Directions to Hever Castle Triathlon
By road - Hever Castle is located 30
miles from Central London. 3 miles SE
of Edenbridge, off the B2026, between
Sevenoaks and East Grinstead. Exit M25
junctions 5 or 6. 30 minutes from
Gatwick. 1 hour from Heathrow. 1.5 hours
from Folkestone and Dover.
By Rail - London Victoria/London Bridge
to Edenbridge Town (3 miles from castle
- taxis available at Edenbridge Cars on
01732 864009 or Relyon Cars on 01732
863800) or Hever Station (1 mile rural walk
from castle - no taxis).
Arrival Times and Car Parking
Parking for the triathlon is not in the
main Hever Castle Car Park. Yellow AA
style signage with the words “Hever Castle
Triathlon” will direct traffic on all approach
roads Please do not follow sat navs. The
Car Parks will be open at 6.45am Saturday
and 6.15am on Sunday. Due to high
demand for the event, we recommend that
you arrive at least 1.5 hours before swim
start time (see below predicted timings).
There is a 10-minute walk from the Car
Parks to the Event area. Competitors are
encouraged to travel in one car only if
being accompanied by their families due to
the restricted nature of the parking areas.
Please allow sufficient time for your
journey, as there is no flexibility on
start times due to police and highway
restrictions on the cycle routes.
Predicted Wave Times
We predict the following quantity and
timings of waves in 2016. NB- THESE
Saturday 24th September
‘Henry VIII’ Sprint Plus 3 waves every 20 minutes
The first wave will be a Competition
‘opt in’ wave
‘Anne Boleyn’ Super Sprint 10 waves every 15 minutes
The first three waves will be Competition
‘opt-in’ waves including a female only wave
Starter Sprint
1 wave at 11.30am
‘Elizabeth 1’ 8-10yrs 12 waves every 15 minutes 14.30-17.15
Sunday 25th September
‘The Gauntlet’ half iron distance 2 waves every 30 minutes
07.30-8.00 (both competition waves)
‘The Hever’ Olympic 10 waves every 15 minutes
The first three will be Competition
‘opt-in’ waves
‘Elizabeth 1’ 13-15yrs
4 waves every 15 minutes
‘Elizabeth 1’ 11-12yrs 6 waves every 15 minutes
Race briefing takes place 15 minutes (30
minutes for Gauntlets) prior to the start of
each race on the Loggia (all competitors,
including relay members must attend).
Due to time constraints, only competitors in
the “Opt in” waves will be eligible for prizes
on the day, see below for prize giving.
Relay teams go off in the last wave of their
chosen distance.
Registration Tent
Please follow the signs to ‘Registration’ to
collect your race pack and be numbered up.
Registration Opening Times: Please arrive
at least 1.5 hours before given start time.
Saturday: Adults 06.45 – 10.45.
Children 13.15 – 16.15.
Gauntlets pre race day
registration 17:00-18:00
Sunday: Adults 06.15 – 07.30
Children 1.15 – 15.45 (13-15 yrs)
Transition and Bike Racking
There is no overnight bike racking facility.
Help get the queue down, you will only be able
to enter transition with all labels attached and
your cycle helmet secured! Transition will be
kept secure until the completion of the race at
around 6pm. All adult competitors please
remove your bikes and equipment within
an hour of completion of your race, so that
we can make space for the children’s race.
Only competitors in possession of their race
number and with their bike bearing that same
number will be able to enter or leave the
transition area.
Important race
day information
The bike racking will be not be numbered
and competitors will be directed to their
racking locations by transition marshals.
One Bag/box, one bike please! Where
possible all other belonging should be
removed from transition and left with a
friend/ relative during the race. There will be
space alongside the fences of transition to
store such belongings but these belongings
will not be securely monitored in the same
manner as your bike on the rack.
Transition is a busy place with
limited space - please be mindful of
competitors racing to and from their
positions. In particular, parent helpers
of the 8-10 years age group – please
make your presence discrete and
whilst in transition stay in the vicinity of
your child’s racking position.
Listening Devices
The wearing of MP3 players, IPods or other
music devices is strictly prohibited due to
safety considerations.
How to set up your transition area:
Your bicycles will be racked alternately
which means you will have the opposing
end of your neighbours cycles facing you.
You should lay out your belongings with
your towel and trainers on one side of your
wheel and your box behind it. To help avoid
loss of property keep your belongings on
one side only. This allows you space
to remove your bike from the rack safely
without clashing with your own kit/another
athletes bike.
Returning kit during the race:
As you return to your space during
transitions, every effort should be made to
put your own kit back into your box and
not leave it around your racking space for
others to make a mistake of mixing your kit
with theirs and it becoming a trip hazard.
First Aid
Mobile First Aid facilities will be available at
all points around the swim, bike and run
course. Route marshals will have 2-way
radios and be able to call upon First Aid to
attend a location anywhere on the course
at short notice. Additionally, there will be
First Aid at the Finish and in the Event
Administration Area.
Water temperature will be taken on the
Friday prior to race day and will be posted
on the website. Due to the time of year
we predict that the water temperature
will be below 15C and therefore the
wearing of wetsuits will be mandatory
at this year’s event. After the race briefing
swimmers will be invited to enter the water
via the Loggia steps. The start line, which
is in standing depth water, will be some
20m off the steps. The swim will be started
by cannon. Saturday’s swim routes and
all children’s swim routes are an out and
back circuit that will be marked by 50m
and 100m swimming buoys! On Sunday
all adult competitors will swim a 1-lap
course that takes in the River Eden
section of the lake. The lead swimmers
will be led around the course by a canoeist.
Safety is being looked after by Tonbridge
Waterways who operate boats on the lake
through the season. Exit from the swim is via
a concrete (matting covered) boating ramp.
If at any point you find yourself in difficulty
please stop in the water and put your hand
up and you will be immediately rescued! As
an additional safety feature adult swimmers
(life saving qualified) with flotation devices will
swim alongside the children in the Elizabeth 1
races. Swimmers will be electrically counted
into and out of the water for additional safety.
Transition to the bike from the swim is a
100m run up a grassy path. Once you have
transferred onto your bike you will leave the
Transition Area via the Bike Out Gate at the
south east corner of the fenced area. You
will not be allowed to mount your bike until
you have passed the Bike Mount point.
This Mount/ Demount point will be strictly
marshalled. A line of cones down the centre
of the estate road will split the outgoing
and incoming cycle traffic. Once out on the
public road the course will be marked by a
combination of race marshals wearing high
visibility jackets and race signage. The 20K
and 45K cycle routes are posted on the Race
Admin Page of our website. There will be
KM markers all the way around these bike
courses. Those cyclists doing the Gauntlet,
Hever and the Henry VIII do 2 circuits of their
respective cycle routes and are not required
to re-enter the grounds of Hever Castle
after their first loop but are to stay on the
public road. On return to transition cyclists
will be required to dismount their bikes at
the demount speed ramp and then run to
the northwest end of transition to enter the
Transition Area through the Cycle In Gate.
All cyclists must wear a cycle helmet (British
Important race
day information
it will be because it is that it is not safe
for you to proceed. Wherever possible
(95%+) we will feed you smoothly
Gauntlet competitors will follows the existing around the circuit.
20K course for the first 3K and then re-join
it at 8K just outside Penshurst (37K in to the
45K loop). See Gauntlet Competitors Guide. Drafting is NOT allowed at any point
and will be enforced by both marshals
Children competing in the Elizabeth 1 races and the motorcycle referees out on the
cycle course. NO part of the course
will cycle around the adult 4k run route
will be subject to any closure notices
and as such will not leave the estate. Due
and the cycle course is wholly on the
to the off-road nature of the surfaces we
public highway. Cyclists must therefore
recommend the use of either a mountain
comply throughout with The Road
bike or a cycle-cross bike.
Traffic Act and Highway code.
Drafting is NOT allowed at any point and
will be enforced by both marshals and the
motorcycle referees out on the cycle course. On returning to the Transition Area cyclists
will need to re-rack their bikes at their
allotted number and then head off through
NO part of the course will be subject
the Run Out Gate onto the run course
to any closure notices and the cycle
course is wholly on the public highway. around the Hever Estate. The course will
be again marked by a combination of
Cyclists must therefore comply
marshals and race signage. There will be
throughout with The Road Traffic Act
and Highway Code. Race marshals will KM markers throughout the course. Those
not have any authority to stop or direct runners doing the Gauntlet, Hever and the
traffic at any time. Cyclists should listen Henry VIII course will run twice around the
to and obey all marshal commands and same loop. After the first lap there will be
no requirement for them to return into the
look out for race warning signage on
their way around the course. In addition Transition Area they will just be marshalled
back onto the same footpaths for their
to the large number of marshals we
employ a traffic management company second lap. The run routes are posted the
Race Admin page of our website.
to manage the key junctions on the
course. Operatives will wear distinctive
Juniors taking part in the 13-15yrs age
hi-visibility orange tops.
group race will do two laps of the 4K run
route and be given a wristband at the
They will endeavour to safely and
beginning of their second lap.
smoothly traffic manage every single
competitor through each junction they
Gauntlet competitors will complete 2 laps of
are covering with the use of Stop/Go
a 10.5K course (see Gauntlet Competitors
boards. This means that, if directed
Guide) that follows the existing 5K course
through, we have effectively overfor the first 1.3K and then re-join it at the
ridden the Give Way and cyclists can
same point (5.6K in to the 10.5K loop).
proceed without stopping. However, it
Water Points and Feed Stations
is imperative that every competitor is
Water and gels will be available at the 10K
aware that this cannot be guaranteed.
If our marshal asks you to slow or stop, point of the cycle course in the lay-by at
Safety Standard) and will not be able to
leave transition without one properly affixed.
Penshurst and also at the 2K point of the run
at the Eastern end of the lake. Competitors
are asked to throw their empties into the bins
provided further down the route. Water and
other refreshment will also be provided at the
For the Gauntlet competitors only, there will
be Feed Stations at the 18K point of the
cycle and the 4K point of the run, both if
which will be passed twice on their respective
courses. See the Gauntlet Competitors Guide
for the constituent parts of the feed station.
Competitors must not drop litter out on
the course. If caught littering a 2-minute
penalty will be instantly issued. Bins will
be provided on the course and in and
around transition.
Facilities, Entertainment and Spectators
There will be temporary toilets as well as
male and female changing tents situated near
registration. Please do not use the toilets as
a changing facility. There will be more toilets
in the ticket hut area behind the main stage,
on the way to the swim. There are also toilets
within the Guthrie Pavilion Restaurant and
more in the building beyond that. The Guthrie
Pavilion Restaurant and outdoor catering
facilities in the village area will be serving
breakfast and lunch and food throughout the
All competitors get free entry to the event
and castle grounds. This also applies to one
parent/guardian of a child competitor. There
is spectator fee of £7.50 for adults, £3 for
children (aged 5-15) and free for under 5’s.
The entry fee (heavily discounted on normal
castle entrance costs) will allow access to
all areas of the estate and award winning
gardens. (If you’d like to enter the castle itself,
there is an additional fee for that).
Important race
day information
As well as supporting their family and
friends, spectators can enjoy live music,
free archery and climbing wall, There
will also be a traditional fair ground and
inflatables as well as numerous retailers and
a choice of food outlets. The discounted
entry in to the stunning castle grounds
of Hever Castle, the childhood home of
Anne Boleyn, offers loads to do for all
the family including a yew maze, water
maze, adventure playground and stunning
All spectator money collected on the day is
being used to help improve the estate for
the benefit of the triathlons next year. It is
advisable to bring cash to the event.
Read more about Hever castle and gardens
Prize giving
The scheduled times for prize giving are:
Saturday: All Adult races - 12.30pm
Children 8-10yrs - 5.30pm
Olympic - Midday
Gauntlet - 2.30pm
Children 11-15yrs - 4.45pm
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st three
competitors (male and female) in each race
as well as prizes for +40’sVeterans, +50’s
Super Veterans and +60’ Ultra Veterans.
Additionally a relay prize will be awarded
to the fastest relay team in each race. The
overall Series prizes will be awarded at the
same time if the winner is present on the
Inter Schools Competition
All children who are competing will be
automatically entered for inter-schools
competition. The competition will run for
each of the three age groups and each age
group will be independent of the others.
To qualify for the prizes each school must
have at least three individual competitors
entered into the race. Relay teams do not
count towards the competition. The prizes
are not gender specific and the winning
team will be the one with the lowest
total number of points, where points are
awarded to correspond with overall finishing
place (e.g. 1st place = 1 point, 2nd place
= 2 points…….10th place = 10 points and
so on). If teams are tied on points then the
team with the highest placed finisher will be
the winners.
Campsite area for 2016!
Pre-booked camping is on offer again
in 2016 - book here. The campsite will
be open from 4.00pm on Friday 23rd
September. All campers are to make their
way to the campsite entrance (Off Hever
Road, postcode TN8 7NJ) and follow the
signage to the campsite when they get on
the estate. On arrival please register with
the Campsite Manager to pick up your
wristband to allow access to the grounds
as spectators on Saturday and Sunday
during the Event.
There will be showers, toilets and running
water available. Up to date camping
information can be found on the Race
Admin Page of our website. The entrance
has been widened and improved so
vehicles of all sizes (including large
campervans) will be able to access the
campsite from Hever Road. There is no
electrical hook up. The access gate between
the Camping Field and the Hever Estate will
open from 6.15am to 7.00pm.
The local pub, the Henry VIII, is a 5-minute
walk from the campsite. BBQs (that keep
their coals and ash off the ground) are
permitted but fires are prohibited. You will
be able to walk to walk to registration (15
minutes) from the campsite. Nearest shop
for provisions is 3 miles away in Edenbridge.
There are a number of families staying on site
so a strict no noise policy will be enforced
from 11.00pm each evening.
Our Charities
The Castle Triathlon Series is supporting, on
a national level NSPCC and locally through
the children’s races Jigsaw South East. Both
are hugely worthy charities and we would ask
you to support them with your fundraising if
at all possible. There will be bucket collectors
in the car park and around the event
administration area throughout the day.
Pre & Post race massage
Tri Screening
£10 for 15 mins
Sports Massage
Free for Gauntlet
T. 020 7036 0286
E. [email protected]
Sunday 29th May 2016
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th July 2016
Sunday 26th June 2016
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th August 2016
Sunday 10th July 2016
Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th September 2016
Triathlon festivals for all levels, from
first-timers and children to elite performers.
More information
We hope that this competitor guide has answered
any questions that you may have had, but please
don’t hesitate to contact the office if you have any
further questions.
+44 (0)1892 870 681
[email protected]
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our newsletter
Best of luck and look
forward to seeing you
at Hever Castle Tri!
Thanks to all
our sponsors
and charities
National Partners
©This publication is copyrighted by the Casle Triathlon Series 2016.