Silverlab Kiosk Admin Handbuch_Kunden_v1.2_ENGLISH


Silverlab Kiosk Admin Handbuch_Kunden_v1.2_ENGLISH
Silverlab Kiosk Admin
User Manual
Christoph Bildl
Version 1.0
Table of contents:
Part 1 Admin settings
1.0 Required software
1.1 Configuration overview
1.2 System
1.2.1. General
1.2.1 Initial parameters
1.2.2 Digital signage
1.2.3 Operators
1.2.4 Import data
1.2.5 Export data
1.2.6 Imports from Diland1
1.2.7 Hot folders
1.2.8 Centralized configurations
1.2.9 Passwords
1.2.10 Orders
1.2.11 Stats
1.3 Products
1.3.1. Output profiles
1.3.2 Products
1.3.3 Prices
1.3.4 Categories
1.3.5 Index print
1.3.6 Receipt
1.3.7 Frames
1.3.8 Update local kiosks
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1.4 Diagnostics
1.4.1. Printer status
1.4.2 Orders in process
1.4.3 Update license
1.4.4 Export logs
1.4.5 Check for updates
1.4.6 Teamviewer
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Part 2 Installation Admin / Importing backups
2.1 New installation with backups
2.2 Importing backups by Silverlab/content of backups
2.3 How do I create a product from scratch? (Adding in products)
2.3.1 Defining output profiles
Content>Variables of the folder structure
2.3.2 Choosing a product or defining a new one
Content> Print
Content> Greeting cards /frames
Content> Collages /posters
Content> Canvas
Content> Calendars
Content> Gifts
2.3.3 Transfering prices
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2.3.4 Assigning products to a category
Teil 3 FAQ
2.1 Important things to refer to
2.2 Importing backups by Silverlab /Content of backups
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Part 1 – Admin settings
1.0 – Required software
Required software
Following software versions are required:
a) Licencedongle of the Silverlab Kiosk Admin software
b) Operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8.1, Windows 10 will be officially supported in the near
futuire (Currently executable on Win10, but not finally released)
How do I get to the settings menu?
In the Admin you see a complette overview of the setings under the „Configuration“ tab:
What is the Admins’s purpose?
The Admin is the central unit of the network. It does:
a) Provides the products, prices, categories, screensavers, frames, greetings cards, lab products
and so on for the kiosks in your shop.
b) Collects the order and transfers them to the lab
c) Accepts order by SilverX and Silverlab Pass Studio
d) Simple update of prices and products by clicking „update local kiosks“
1.1 Configuration overview
Here is an overview about the different settings possible:
Thes are subdivided into
1.2 System
Here you see:
Initial parameters
Digital signage
Importieren data
Export data
Imports from Diland1
Hot folders
Centralized configurations
1.2.1 Initial parameters
Set the language in which the Admin should appear.
Selects the design (Silverlab, Ringfoto, Optimalfoto)
Last order envelope number:
Shows the last order number given out by the system. When using several kiosks you should alter
the order numbers according to the kiosk (that is kiosk1 = number range 10000, kiosk2 = number
range 20000 and so on)
Number of days before order elimination:
Sets after how many days old orders will be finally deleted.
Image quality verification:
As with the kiosk you can let display the quality of the photos in relation to the product ordered.
Standard is „Medium“.
End user name is required:
As you can also create order with the admin, you can determine wether you would have to enter a
customer name for the order.
External working directory:
Here you can set up an external working directory..
Centralized configuration code:
Kiosk code for the Intouch 24/7 Service:
Irrelevant as we do not provide a 24/7 service.
1.2.2. Digital signage
In the software you can create your very own screensaver.
Sources include:
Webpage in single file (MHT)
Web pages
Random images
When using the admin’s function „update local kiosks“the
screensaver will be transfered as well.
1.2.3 Operators
Currently without function -> will be included in future updates
1.2.4 Import data
Imports previously created backups/settings.
1.2.5 Export data
Backs aup all settings (products, prices, frames, layouts...)
1.2.6 Imports data from Diland1
Irrelevenant as we do not use the Diland1 software.
1.2.7 Hot folders
Here we can integrate the Silverlab Pass Studio and SilverX softwares. How to use the hot folders functionality is explained in the
manuals “SPS to Admin”or “SilverX to Admin”.
1.2.8 Centralized settings
1.2.9 Passwords
Sets special passwords for:
Administrator password
Confirm administrator password
Operator can setup product prices (yes/no)
1.2.10 Orders
In the „orders“ section you find all already produced
orders incl. order number, products ordered and
images contained in the order.
From here you can reprint entire orders are specific
images from the order.
There are also following possibilities:
-“process”-> reprint the complete order
- “ Export photos”-> Photos will be saved to a new
folder (original images)
- “Expport order ”-> Photos will be saved to a
folder as they were ordered, incl. cropping, editing and so forth
- “Reprint receipt”->
Receipt for the order will
be printed anew
- “Delete”-> Order is deleted
1.2.11 Stats
Displays statistical information about the kiosk orders.
1.3 Products
1.3.1 Output profiles
Sets the output profiles for printers, minilab, poster output and so on. Only Silverlab has access.
Following Minilabs or printers can be set up by our support. If the printers have not been purchased from Silverlab we will
impose an installation service fee for the output on that device. Installation will be free of charge when the printer is purchased
from Silverlab..
Following output devices are possible:
DNP -> DNP or Citizen SDK for Annex 500/2000
Windows Printer -> printing with printer driver
Konica -> Konica QD21, R1, R2
Noritsu -> Noritsu QSSxx, Drylabs using CT2, EZ Controller
DKS -> DKS Kis, System 8x
Surelab Order Controller -> Epson Surelab 3000 using Surelab Order Controller
Order Manager -> necessary for AGFA Minilab
Folder -> Puts image files to a hot folder, e.g. for posters or unsupported devices
Epson D700 -> can be set up for 159 € net per printer
Fuji Frontier-S DX100 -> when connected to the Admin
HP Designjet ->HP Z3200 using its SDK
Silverlab Wholesale Lab -> Whole sale lab (like Litto, CEWE,...)
1.3.2 Products
Displays the products and their respective output device. Allows for adding new products or deleting them..
1.3.3 Prices
Sets the prices and price breaks for the kiosks. Activates/deactivates products.
To the left you see the categories in which the products have been created. There is a position for each product in the list in
which you can set the price breaks and total prices, a fixed fee and the order fee. The product name also contains the fulfillment
type in parantheses so that you can easily identify where the product will go to.
Example: We have a a charitiy event at which every print shall cost 3,50 € kostet. So we enter a fixed fee of 3.34€ as the product
itself already costs 0,15 €, so now each photo will be calculated as 3.50€.
Service fee is the genereal fee per ordert hat you can set.
To the right you can activate/deactivate products and copy & paste prices.
1.3.4 Categories
Here you can arrange your products into different categories.
Taking DPLab as an example you can see how the products are categorized.
Online Products is the first button you see in the kiosk menu (if it is a terminal that only sends orderst o a lab). Below that you
see the folder for picture products, canvas&co, beneath that the sub-categories for posters, canvas, canvas (öko-Tex).
Underneath those folders you than have the different products. You can move entire folders to different categories or only move
single products.
To the right you see every product produced by DPLab. You can move these products to several categories, so that you can
build your own display concept..
Lab-products and lab-workflow cannot be altered as these are checked against the server settings online.
1.3.5 Index print
Sets up the index print.
Enable index print:
Activates index print as a product (yes/no)
Fix Fee:
Sets a fixed fee for the index print.
How many rows should the index have?
How many columns should the index have?
Text that shuld appear at the tp of the index print.
The logo on the index print.
Label on images:
There are different possbilities of labeling the images:
a) No label so only the image
b) Incremental number
c) File name (standard)
Min number of photos:
Determines how many photos have to be ordered in the first place to sho the index product at all.
Example: Setting = 20
When ordering less than 20 photos, the index will not be orffered as a product, when ordering more than 20 the index product
will appear.
Max size (in mm of the channels to include:
Defines up to which size an index print is feasible. E.g. for posters it does not make sense to print a poster sized index. Here:
max. 20x30 print.
1.3.6 Receipt
Sets the values for the receipt print.
Receipt printer:
Selects the receipt printer from the printers installed
Prints the receipt for the customer:
Wether the customer gets a receipt (yes/no)
Prints the receipt for the shop:
Wether a receipt is printed for the shop (yes/no))
Language used for the receipt:
Select language to be used for the receipt print
Shop name
Line 1:
line 2:
Addresse and phone number
Bottom line of the receipt
Save a receipt file for each order in this directory:
Allows saving the receipt as a file in the folder specified.
1.3.7 Frames
Lets you integrate new frames into the system. They will be displayed in the editing screen of the kiosk in „graphics“. Please
note that:
They have to be PNG-files conatining transparencent placeholders for the customers photo
They have to frames fitting to the pages aspect ratio. E.g. frames intended for the 10x15 aspect ratio will not work with
13x18 products and therefore will not be displayed.
Our backups already contain some frames and will add them automatically to the program when imported.
1.3.8 Update local kiosks
This button is the most important one and will send the settings to the kiosks.
From the Admin all settings regarding products, categories, output profiles, frames, prices, lab products, and screensavers and
so on will be transmitted to the kiosks. The only settings you have to do on the kiosks themselves are the VAT and the specifics
for your workflow.
What you have to do on the kiosks:
Set specific values (VAT, initial parameters)
A connection to the Admin
Kiosks then will be filled with the products.
1.4 Diagnostics
1.4.1 printer status
Displays the printer status for directly connected printers. E.g. for annex with DNP, Citizen or Fuji DX100 /Epson D700 printers.
Also shows what size of material is in the printers, errors and available print count..
1.4.2 Orders in process
Here you can look at faulty orders and their error message. You can also delte these faulty orders here.
1.4.3 Lizenzupdate
Unnecessary as this is a full licence.
1.4.4 Export logs
Exports the logs from the last few days for maintenance purposes.
1.4.5 Check for updates
Manually chekcs for updates, downloads and installs them.
1.4.6 Teamviewer
Starts Teamviewer for support purposes.
Part 2: Installation Admin / Importing backups
2.1 New installation with backups
When starting up the software for the first time an installation wizard will be shown. You can still alter
the settings afterwards.
Following paramters have to entered:
a) Langeuage of the Admin-software
2.2 Import backups from Silverlab / Content backup
We already prepared backups for different product types. These are improved upon an a current basis
and expanded.
Following backups currently exist and contain these products:
Backups for Posters, canvas and gifts:
A selection of gift articles like mousepads, t-shirts, puzzles and so on
b) Silverlab_Leinwä
Numerous canvas sizes from 20x30 to 50x75 cm
Usable for large format printers up to 60 cm width (24“)
c) Silverlab_Leinwä
Numerous canvas sizes from 60x60 to 90x180 cm
Usable for large format printers up to 111 cm width (42“ or wider)
Numerous poster sizes from 20x30 to 60x90 cm
Usable for large format printers up to 60 cm width (24“)
Numerous poster sizes from 70x100 to 105x140 cm
Usable for large format printers up to 111 cm width (42“ or wider)
Backups for Silverlab Kiosk Admin (Minilab):
Print sizes for Annex with CX/DS40/DS80 up to 20x30
Greeting cards CX/DNP up to 20x30
Collages CX/DNP up to 20x30
Calendars CX/DNP up to 20x30
Greeting cards / frames, selectable in the editing screen
Retro-photos CX/DNP (like a Polaroid)
Passport photos CX/DNP (3 Layouts)
Print sizes for Annex with FujiDX100 up to 20x30
Greeting cards Fuji DX100 up to 20x30
Collages Fuji DX100 up to 20x30
Calendars Fuji DX100 up to 20x30
Greeting cards/frames, selectable in the editing screen
Retro-photos Fuji DX100 (like a Polaroid)
Passport photos Fuji DX100 (3 Layouts)
Print sizes für Noritsu up to 20x30
Greeting cards Noritsu up to 20x30
Collages Noritsu up to 20x30
Calendars Noritsu up to 20x30
Greeting cards/frames, selectable form the editing screen
Retro-photos Noritsu (like a Polaroid)
Passport photos Noritsu (3 Layouts)
Print sizes for Surelab up to 20x30
Greeting cards Surelab up to 20x30
Collages Surelab up to 20x30
calendars Surelab up to 20x30
Greeting cards / frames, selectable in the editing screen
Retro-photos Surelab (lika a Polaroid)
Passport photos Surelab (3 Layouts)
Print sizes for Fuji up to 20x30
Greeting cards Fuji up to 20x30
Collages Fuji up to 20x30
Calendars Fuji up to 20x30
Greeting cards / frames, selectable in the editing screen
Retro-photos Fuji (like a Polaroid)
Passport photos Fuji (3 Layouts)
Print sizeses for DKS up to 20x30
Greeting cards DKS up to 20x30
Collages DKS up to 20x30
Calendars DKS up to 20x30
Greeting cards / frames, selectable in the editing screen
Retro-photos DKS (like a Polaroid)
Passport photos DKS (3 Layouts)
Sequence how to correctly load backups
We recommend following this sequence on how to ideally load the backups and not overwrite or
replacing your own settings:
Minilab (with instant print):
Depending on your minilab, e.g.
(with instant print directly at the terminals:
Silverlab_Leinwä (up to 60 cm width) (up to 60 cm width) (if you produce gift articles on you own)
Silverlab_Leinwä (when using LFP >60 cm width) (when using LFP >60 cm width)
Activate external fulfiller labs using the SHOP-ID
Update local kiosks
Important information concerning importing backups:
Backups normally will not replace products, except they use the same output profile. Backups
will add products to your existing product range, that is if you import the same backup two
times you will end up with doubled products. Before you import a backup two times remove the
old backup or old categories first.
2.3 How do I create products from scratch?
Example: Creating a new Fuji DX100 product
Leave the resolution on 300x300 and confirm with „OK“.
In this example we use the output profile for the Fuji DX100.
Now we can choose the profile and which paper surface are displayed in the kiosk. Please deactivate
the surface “matte” generally” for DX100 as this profile is outdated. Currently there are no matte
consumables available. Fine art matte (different paper type) has its very own button .
For posters, canvas and giftsuse the „Folder“ output profile. It is important to set the output folder
where the photo is saved to. It is common practice to use hierarchies on which the photos are saved.
2.3.2 Choosing a product or defining a new one
Product creation is very much the same for each product type. Simply click on „new“ and choose
from the list.
>Content Print
„Print“creates prints, posters and greeting cards. Prints and posters are created identically. Both
require a product name and a size.
To define a standard size just click on „Channel”. A new window appears which lets you choose from
the output profile and sizes.
>Content Greeting cards/ frames
Almost the same procedure applies to greeting cards except that they require you to add layouts using
the function “frames”. Click on “frames”, then click on new, a window appears asking you wether
you want to add a coloured border or frame from .png file.
Click on „frame from .png file“and select the frame. You created. Please note that the frame has to be
made transparent. If you want to you can also enter a name for the frame. Confirm with “ok”.
Greeting cards can be sorted in categories.
>Content Collages / Posters
Collages should not be created using the „collages“ function“ but using „posters“ instead“, the
settings are the same as with other print products, please not that you have to add the orientation.
>Content Canvas
With the „canvas“function you can set rows and columns and the width of the border. Additionally
you can set wether the border should be printed on (so that a part of the photo is reverted) or be left
To create separated canvas, e.g. a three times split canvas, you can set in the product how many rows
and columns the product shall have. The plotting will be done automatically in the kiosk software.
>Content Calendars
In the calendar setting you have the following possibilities:
a. How many months per page?
b. Orientation vertically or horizontally
c. Includes cover yes or no
d. All available languages or just one language
e. Holidays from all available countries or just from a single country
>Content Gifts
In the gifts setting you can add additional sizes e.g. for t-shirts or different colours for mugs:
Simply click on sizes in the product window and in the next window auf „new“, enter a name and an
image for the icon.
Then confirm with „ok“the new size is now doislayed under the sizes.
The same applies to colours when you click on „colors“instead of „sizes“.
For each product there is a button „box“with which you can edit the button displayed in the kiosk.
2.3.3 Prices
Prices and price breaks can be set very easily. Simply go to “Prices”and enter the price. The same
applies to price breaks..
Price breaks can be obtained by klicking on „add“beneath the price. A new line appears asking you
for the amount and the reduced price. to delete a price break click on the line and hit the „remove“
Service fee represents the order fee and has to be entered for each product individually. To deactivate
a product uncheck the box next to „visible“.
Fix fee: the fee entered there will be added to the products price.
2.3.4 Assigning product to a product category
The boxes menu can be designed freely. For that you only
have to create categories and assign prodcts to them. You
can create as many sub-categories as you wish.
To create a category click on „New category“, then enter
the name, background colour, font and add in the icon.
After adding in the categories the products have to be
added to the categories. First select the category, then
drag & drop the product to the target-category. The
products can be found on the right. The products can
sorted with the arrow-buttons. It is also possible to add
the same product to several categories at once.
Part 3 – FAQ
3.1. What do I have to set up in Silverlab Kiosk Admin generally?
You have to set the following in the Admin::
Prices in General (Instant print, Minilab, Lab fulfiller, Service fees and shipping fees)
Own screensavers that are supposed run on the kiosks, for example: offers, specials…
Aktivate products, that shall appear on the kiosks
Chanign categories, e.g. how the product buttons shall be arranged and how the workflow
shall be for the end-customer.
After you have completed your settings you have to click on “Update local kiosks”to automatically
send the new settings to the kiosks. The update procedure starts when the screensaver is activate on
the kiosk.
3.2. I made new layouts (frames, greeting cards...) that don’t appear on the
a) Please note that the aspect ratio of the frames and greeting cards must be the same as the
product they are intended for. Otherwise they layout or greeting card will not be displayed.
b) You did not update the kiosk
For questions regarding this product:
[email protected]
Trademarks and names used in this document are properties of their respective owners. Microsoft, Windows
and the Windows-Logo are brands or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the USA and / or
other countries. DNP, DNP DS 40, DNP DS 80 are brands or trademarks of DNP, Citizen CX is a brand or
registered trademark of Citizen.
Silverlab Solutions GmbH cannot be held liable for the correctness of the information in this document. The
information contained herein may contain technical uncertainties or errors. Changes and corrections are made
routinely and are contained in future editions. Silverlab Solutions GmbH cam change or improve the software
without prior notice. Silverlab Solutions GmbH can gather information about the user in any suitable form
without liability against the user.
© Copyright 2015 Silverlab Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved.
All contents of this document including ist layout, graphics and texts are protected by copyright. Any part
of this document may be saved or be copied by any form or any means – may they be electronically,
mechanically, by photocopying, scanning or other ways.