Table of Contents - Basement
Table of Contents - Basement
SYSTEM MANUALS o fBASEMENT System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich System Manuals of BASEMENT CREDITS VERSION 1.6 October, 2009 Project Team Prof. Dr. R. Boes Steering Committee Member Project “Integrales Flussgebietsmanagement”, Director VAW Dr. R. Fäh, Dipl. Ing. ETH Committee Member of Project “Integrales Flussgebietsmanagement”, Scientific Supervisor R. Müller, Dipl. Ing. EPFL, Software Development, Scientific Associate P. Rousselot, Dipl. Rech. Wiss. ETH, Software Development, Scientific Associate Dr. R. Veprek, Dipl. Rech. Wiss. ETH, Software Development, Scientific Associate C. Volz, Dipl. Ing., Software Development, Scientific Associate D. Vetsch, Dipl. Ing. ETH, Project Supervisor, Scientific Associate Dr.-Ing. D. Farshi, M. Sc., External Advisor and Tester Art Design and Layout W. Thürig, D. Vetsch Former Project Members em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-E. Minor, Member of the steering committee of Rhone-Thur Project 2002-2007 Director of VAW 1998-2008 Dr.-Ing. D. Farshi, M. Sc., Software Development, Scientific Associate, 2002-2007 Commissioned and co-financed by Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) Contact [email protected] © ETH Zurich, VAW, Faeh R., Mueller R., Rousselot P., Veprek R., Vetsch D., Volz C., Farshi D., 2006 – 2009 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/29/2009 System Manuals of BASEMENT CREDITS Citation Advice For System Manuals: Faeh, R, Mueller, R, Rousselot, P, Veprek R., Vetsch, D, Volz, C, Farshi, D 2009. System Manuals of BASEMENT, Version 1.6. Laboratory of Hydraulics, Glaciology and Hydrology (VAW). ETH Zurich. Available from <>. [date of access]. For Website: BASEMENT – Basic Simulation Environment for Computation of Environmental Flow and Natural Hazard Simulation, 2009. For Software: BASEMENT – Basic Simulation Environment for Computation of Environmental Flow and Natural Hazard Simulation. Version 1.6. © VAW, ETH Zurich, Faeh, R., Mueller, R., Rousselot, P., Veprek R., Vetsch, D., Volz, C., Farshi, D., 2006-2009. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/29/2009 System Manuals of BASEMENT PREFACE Preface to Versions 1.0 – 1.3 The development of computer programs for solving demanding hydraulic or hydrological problems has an almost thirty-year tradition at VAW. Many projects have been carried out with the application of “home-made” numerical codes and were successfully finished. The according software development and its applications were primarily promoted by the individual initiative of scientific associates of VAW and financed by federal instances or the private sector. Most often, the programs were tailored for a specific application and adapted to fulfil costumer needs. Consequently, the software grew in functionality but with little documentation. Due to limited temporal and personal resources to absolve an according project, a single point of knowledge concerning the details of the software was inevitable in most of the cases. In 2002, the applied numerics group of VAW was invited by the Swiss federal office for water and geology (BWG, nowadays Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN) to offer for participation in the trans-disciplinary “Rhone-Thur” project. With the idea to build up a new software tool based on the knowledge gained by former numerical codes - while eliminating their shortcomings and expanding their functionality - a proposal was submitted. The bidding being successful a partnership in terms of co-financing was established. By the end of 2002, a newly formed team took up the work to build the so-called “BASic EnvironMENT for simulation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulation – BASEMENT”. From the beginning, the objectives for the new project were ambitious: developing a software system from scratch, containing all the experience of many years as well as stateof-the-art numerics with general applicability and providing the ability to simulate sediment transport. Additionally, professional documentation is a must. As to meet all these demands, a part wise reengineering of existing codes (Floris, 2dmb) has been carried out, while merging it with modern and new numerical approaches. From a software-technical point of view, an object-oriented approach has been chosen, with the aim to provide reusability, reliability, robustness, extensibility and maintainability of the software to be developed. After four years of designing, implementing and testing, the software system BASEMENT has reached a state to go public. The documentation at hand confirms the invested diligence to create a transparent software system of high quality. The software, in terms of an executable computer program, and its documentation are available free of charge. It can be used by anyone who wants to run numerical simulations of rivers and sediment transport – either for training or for commercial purposes. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/1/2008 System Manuals of BASEMENT PREFACE The further development of the software tends to new approaches for sediment transport simulation, carried out within the scope of scientific studies on one hand side. On the other hand, effectiveness and composite modelling are the goals. On either side, a reliable software system BASEMENT will have to meet expectations of the practical engineer and the scientist at the same time. em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-E. Minor Member of the steering committee of Rhone-Thur Project 2002-2007 Director of VAW, 1998-2008 October, 2006 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/1/2008 System Manuals of BASEMENT PREFACE Preface to Version 1.4 The work since the first release of the software in October 2006 was exciting and challenging. To go public is paired with interests and demands of users – although user support for the software never was intended. But interchange with users is definitely one of the most crucial factors of successful software development. Feedback from academic or professional users conveys a different point of view and enables the development team to achieve costumer proximity as well as to consolidate experience. Accordingly, the project team tried to meet the demands as effectively as possible. In version 1.3 of BASEMENT, which was released in April 2007, there were some errors fixed, a few new features added and the documentation was completed. Since then, many things have changed: on the personnel, on the project as well as on the software technical level. In summer 2007 one of our main software developers, Dr. Davood Farshi, left VAW and changed to an international hydraulic consultant. Dr. Farshi supported our team from 2002 to 2007 as a profound numeric specialist and was mainly involved in the development of BASEplane. At his own request, he is still engaged in the development of BASEMENT as external advisor and tester. Dr. Farshi’s position in the project team was reoccupied by Christian Volz, an environmental engineer from southern Germany. Mr. Volz has broad experience in numerical modelling as well as object-oriented programming. On the project level the framework slightly changed. The initial scope within BASEMENT was developed, the “Rhone-Thur” project, has been finalized by the end of 2007. The sequel is called “Integrales Flussgebietsmanagement”. It has the same co-financer as its predecessor, namely the Swiss federal office for the environment (FOEN), and basically the same participating institutions (EAWAG, WSL, LCH(EPFL) and VAW(ETHZ)). The funding runs until the end of 2011. Due to the retirement of Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-E. Minor in summer 2008, our laboratory is solely represented in the project committee by Dr. R. Fäh at the moment. The emphases of the new proposal for the further development of BASEMENT are advanced topics of hydraulics and sediment transport, such as secondary currents and lateral erosion. Furthermore, the efficiency of the software should be increased by the implementation of appropriate parallelisation and coupling approaches. Since the last minor release a long time passed, which was mainly consumed by a general revision of the software. After five years of development a diligent consolidation was expedient. In addition, the coincidence of a new team member offered an unbiased reflection of the source code. All in all it was very worthwhile. Last but not least, there are numerous bugs fixed and some new features in the current version. Mainly the efficiency of the software has been improved. The first stage of parallelisation is completed. The current implementation of the code includes the OpenMP interface which allows for parallel execution of the basic computation loops. In other words, the software is now able to exploit the power of current multi-core processors with a VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/1/2008 System Manuals of BASEMENT PREFACE convincing speedup. Furthermore, the revision of some data structures and output routines as well as the application of an optimised compiler led to a reduction in execution time. Concerning sediment transport, the one-dimensional model BASEchain now supports the modelling of fine material, either as suspended or bed load. Also the advanced models for boundary conditions are worth mentioning. On the one hand, it is now possible to model domain boundaries with momentum and on the other hand, special boundary conditions inside the computational region, such as a weir or a gate, are implemented. The fact, that the version 1.4 of BASEMENT is also available for the Linux operating system the first time, rounds off the new additions and features of the software package at hand. Summarised one may say that the release 1.4 of BASEMENT is a major release due to all the different kinds of changes, but it’s still a minor release concerning the new features – let’s call it a “major minor” release. We are looking forward to Version 2.0 of BASEMENT, which is planned for next year. D. Vetsch Project Supervisor October, 2008 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/1/2008 System Manuals of BASEMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT SOFTWARE LICENSE between ETH Zurich Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich Represented by Prof. Dr. Robert Boes VAW (Licensor) and Licensee 1. Definition of the Software The Software system BASEMENT is composed of the executable (binary) file BASEMENT and its documentation files (System Manuals), together herein after referred to as “Software”. Not included is the source code. Its purpose is the simulation of water flow, sediment and pollutant transport and according interaction in consideration of movable boundaries and morphological changes. 2. License of ETH Zurich ETH Zurich hereby grants a single, non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free license to use Software to the licensee subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. The scope of the license a. Use The licensee may use the Software: - according to the intended purpose of the Software as defined in provision 1 - by the licensee and his employees - for commercial and non-commercial purposes The generation of essential temporary backups is allowed. b. Reproduction / Modification Neither reproduction (other than plain backup copies) nor modification is permitted with the following exceptions: Decoding according to article 21 URG [Bundesgesetz über das Urheberrecht, SR 231.1) If the licensee intends to access the program with other interoperative programs according to article 21 URG, he is to contact licensor explaining his requirement. If the licensor neither provides according support for the interoperative programs nor makes the necessary source code available within 30 days, licensee is entitled, after reminding the licensor once, to obtain the information for the above mentioned intentions by source code generation through decompilation. c. Adaptation On his own risk, the licensee has the right to parameterize the Software or to access the Software with interoperable programs within the aforementioned scope of the licence. d. Distribution of Software to sub licensees Licensee may transfer this Software in its original form to sub licensees. Sub licensees have to agree to all terms and conditions of this Agreement. It is prohibited to impose any further restrictions on the sub licensees’ exercise of the rights granted herein. No fees may be charged for use, reproduction, modification or distribution of this Software, neither in unmodified nor incorporated forms, with the exception of a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy or for an additional warranty protection. 4. Obligations of licensee a. Copyright Notice Software as well as interactively generated output must conspicuously and appropriately quote the following copyright notices: Copyright by ETH Zurich, VAW, Faeh R., Mueller R., Rousselot P., Veprek R., Vetsch D., Volz C., Farshi D., 20062009 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 System Manuals of BASEMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT 5. Intellectual property and other rights The licensee obtains all rights granted in this Agreement and retains all rights to results from the use of the Software. Ownership, intellectual property rights and all other rights in and to the Software shall remain with ETH Zurich (licensor). 6. Installation, maintenance, support, upgrades or new releases a. Installation The licensee may download the Software from the web page or access it from the distributed CD. b. Maintenance, support, upgrades or new releases ETH Zurich doesn’t have any obligation of maintenance, support, upgrades or new releases, and disclaims all costs associated with service, repair or correction. 7. Warranty ETH Zurich does not make any warranty concerning the: - warranty of merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose - warranty of accuracy of results, of the quality and performance of the Software; - warranty of noninfringement of intellectual property rights of third parties. 8. Liability ETH Zurich disclaims all liabilities. ETH Zurich shall not have any liability for any direct or indirect damage except for the provisions of the applicable law (article 100 OR [Schweizerisches Obligationenrecht]). 9. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by ETH Zurich at any time, in case of a fundamental breach of the provisions of this Agreement by the licensee. 10. No transfer of rights and duties Rights and duties derived from this Agreement shall not be transferred to third parties without the written acceptance of the licensor. In particular, the Software cannot be sold, licensed or rented out to third parties by the licensee. 11. No implied grant of rights The parties shall not infer from this Agreement any other rights, including licenses, than those that are explicitly stated herein. 12. Severability If any provisions of this Agreement will become invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or enforceability shall not affect the other provisions of Agreement. These shall remain in full force and effect, provided that the basic intent of the parties is preserved. The parties will in good faith negotiate substitute provisions to replace invalid or unenforceable provisions which reflect the original intentions of the parties as closely as possible and maintain the economic balance between the parties. 13. Applicable law This Agreement as well as any and all matters arising out of it shall exclusively be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, excluding its principles of conflict of laws. 14. Jurisdiction If any dispute, controversy or difference arises between the Parties in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall first attempt to settle it amicably. Should settlement not be achieved, the Courts of Zurich-City shall have exclusive jurisdiction. This provision shall only apply to licenses between ETH Zurich and foreign licensees By using this software you indicate your acceptance. (license version: 10/27/2009) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 System Manuals of BASEMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT NOTICES The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Copyright (c) 1993-2008 Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither name of Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, or Bill Lorensen nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. CVM Class Library Copyright (c) 1992-2009 Sergei Nikolaev VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Table of Contents 1 Governing Flow Equations 1.1 Saint-Venant Equations .................................................................................... 1.1-1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1.1-1 1.1.1 Conservative Form of SVE............................................................................ 1.1-1 1.1.2 Mass Conservation................................................................................ 1.1-1 Momentum Conservation ..................................................................... 1.1-2 Source Terms ............................................................................................... 1.1-6 1.1.3 Closure Conditions ....................................................................................... 1.1-6 1.1.4 Determination of Friction Slope ............................................................ 1.1-6 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................... 1.1-9 1.1.5 Shallow Water Equations ................................................................................. 1.2-1 1.2 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1.2-1 1.2.1 Closure Conditions ....................................................................................... 1.2-6 1.2.2 Turbulence ............................................................................................. 1.2-6 Bed Shear Stress................................................................................... 1.2-6 Momentum Dispersion ......................................................................... 1.2-6 Conservative Form of SWE .......................................................................... 1.2-7 1.2.3 Source Terms ............................................................................................... 1.2-8 1.2.4 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................. 1.2-10 1.2.5 Closed Boundary ................................................................................. 1.2-10 Open Boundary ................................................................................... 1.2-11 2 Sediment and Pollutant Transport 2.1 Fundamentals of Sediment Motion ................................................................. 2.1-1 Threshold Condition for Sediment Transport ............................................... 2.1-1 2.1.1 Determination of the Critical Shear Stress ............................................ 2.1-1 Influence of Local Slope on Incipient Motion ........................................ 2.1-2 Influence of Bed Forms on Bottom Shear Stress ........................................ 2.1-3 2.1.2 Bed Armouring ............................................................................................. 2.1-4 2.1.3 Settling Velocities of Particles ...................................................................... 2.1-5 2.1.4 Bed load Propagation Velocity ...................................................................... 2.1-6 2.1.5 Suspended Sediment and Pollutant Transport .............................................. 2.2-1 2.2 One Dimensional Advection-Diffusion-Equation .......................................... 2.2-1 2.2.1 Two Dimensional Advection-Diffusion-Equation .......................................... 2.2-1 2.2.2 Source Terms ............................................................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.3 Bed Load Transport ........................................................................................... 2.3-1 2.3 One Dimensional Bed Load Transport ......................................................... 2.3-1 2.3.1 Component of the Bed Load Flux ......................................................... 2.3-1 Evaluation of Bed Load Transport due to Stream Forces ..................... 2.3-1 Bed Material Sorting.............................................................................. 2.3-1 Global Mass Conservation .................................................................... 2.3-1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RI-i Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS 2.3.2 Two Dimensional Bed Load Transport ......................................................... 2.3-2 Components of the Bed Load Flux ....................................................... 2.3-2 Evaluation of Equilibrium Bed Load Transport ...................................... 2.3-2 Contribution due to Lateral Transport ................................................... 2.3-2 Bed Material Sorting.............................................................................. 2.3-2 Global Mass Conservation .................................................................... 2.3-4 Sublayer Source Term .................................................................................. 2.3-4 2.3.3 Closures for Bed Load Transport .................................................................. 2.3-4 2.3.4 Meyer-Peter and Müller (MPM) ............................................................ 2.3-4 Parker .................................................................................................... 2.3-5 Hunziker (MPM-H) ................................................................................. 2.3-6 Günter’s two grains model .................................................................... 2.3-7 Smart-Jäggi ........................................................................................... 2.3-7 Rickenmann ........................................................................................... 2.3-8 Wu Wang and Jia .................................................................................. 2.3-8 Power Law ............................................................................................ 2.3-9 List of Figures Fig. 1: Definition Sketch .............................................................................................................. 1.1-1 Fig. 2: Computational Domain and Boundaries ....................................................................... 1.2-10 Fig. 3: Determination of critical shear stress for a given grain diameter ................................... 2.1-1 Fig. 4: Definition sketch of overall control volume of bed material sorting equation (red) ........ 2.3-3 List of Tables Tab. 1: Number of needed boundary conditions .......................................................................... 1.1-9 Tab. 2: The Correct Number of Boundary Conditions in SWE .................................................. 1.2-11 R I - ii VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS MATHEMATICAL MODELS I 1 Governing Flow Equations 1.1 Saint-Venant Equations 1.1.1 Introduction The BASEchain module is based on the Saint Venant Equations (SVE) for unsteady one dimensional flow. The validity of these equations implies the following conditions and assumptions: - Hydrostatic distribution of pressure: this is fulfilled if the streamline curvatures are small and the vertical accelerations are negligible. - Uniform velocity over the cross section and horizontal water surface across the section. - Small slope of the channel bottom, so that the cosine of the angle of the bottom with the horizontal can be assumed to be 1. - Steady-state resistance laws are applicable for unsteady flow. The flow conditions at a channel cross section can be defined by two flow variables. Therefore, two of the three conservation laws are needed to analyze a flow situation. If the flow variables are not continuous, these must be the mass and the momentum conservation laws (Cunge, Holly et al. 1980). 1.1.2 Conservative Form of SVE Mass Conservation Fig. 1: Definition Sketch VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS For the control volume illustrated in Fig. 1, assuming the mass density be written: ρ is constant, it can d x2 0 (RI-1.1) Adx + Qout − Qin − ql ( x2 − x1 ) = dt ∫x1 where: [m2] [m3/s] [m2/s] [m3] [m] [s] A Q ql V x t wetted cross section area discharge lateral discharge per meter of length volume distance time Applying Leibnitz’s rule and the mean value theorem: d x2 Adx = dt ∫x1 x2 ∂A dx ∫= ∂t x1 and then dividing by ∂A ( x2 − x1 ) , ∂t ( x2 − x1 ) and Qout − Qin ∂Q , = ( x 2 − x1 ) ∂x the divergent form of the continuity equation is obtained: ∂A ∂Q + − ql = 0 ∂t ∂x Momentum Conservation With the momentum dM = m= a dt where: (RI-1.2) M m u a F p = mu and according to Newton’s second law of motion ∑F [kg m/s] [kg] [m/s] [m/s2] [N] momentum mass velocity acceleration force Making use of the Reynolds transport theorem (Chaudhry 1993) and referring to the control volume in Fig. 1 x dM d 2 F = = ∑ dt ∫ u ρ Adx + u2 ρ A2u2 − u1ρ A1u1 − ux ρ ql ( x2 − x1 ) dt x1 is obtained, where: [m/s] ux [kg/m3] ρ R I - 1.1-2 (RI-1.3) velocity in x direction (direction of flow) of lateral source mass density VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Further simplification is achieved by applying Leibnitz’s rule and writing Q / A = u resulting in: ∂Q Q2 ∑ F= ∫ ρ ∂t dx + ρ A x1 x2 out Q2 −ρ A − u x ρ ql ( x2 − x1 ) Application of the mean value theorem: Q2 A − out Q2 A (RI-1.4) in x2 and division by Q = Au and ∂Q dx ∫ ρ= ∂t x1 ρ ( x2 − x1 ) and with ∂Q ( x2 − x1 ) ρ ∂t ∂ Q2 1 = ( x2 − x1 ) ∂x A in leads to: ∑F ∂Q ∂ Q 2 =+ −qu ρ ( x2 − x1 ) ∂t ∂x A l x For the determination of considered: (RI-1.5) ∑ F the following forces acting on the control volume have to be - pressure force upstream and downstream: = F1 - weight of water in x-direction: ρ= gA1h1 and F2 ρ gA2 h2 x2 F3 = ρ g ∫ AS B dx x1 x2 frictional force: - F4 = ρ g ∫ AS f dx , where S f = x1 SB Sf K g kst R [-] [-] [m3/s] [m/s2] [m1/3/s] [m] bottom slope friction slope conveyance factor gravity Strickler factor hydraulic radius K = k st AR QQ K2 2 3 Introducing the sum of these forces in equation (RI-1.5) and applying the mean value theorem: x2 ∫ A(S B − S f )dx = A( S B − S f )( x2 − x1 ) x1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS the momentum equation in the conservation form is obtained: ∂Q ∂ Q 2 ∂ + −g ( Ah ) + gA( S B − S f ) − ql u x = ∂t ∂x A ∂x (RI-1.6) As 1 2 ∆ (= Ah ) A ( h + ∆h ) − B ( ∆ ) − Ah 2 and furthermore neglecting higher order terms and letting ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂h ∂h . ∆h → 0, = Ah ) A and= (gAh ) g = ( Ah ) gA ( ∂h ∂x ∂h ∂x ∂x Equation (RI-1.6) becomes: ∂Q ∂ Q 2 ∂h + − gA( S B − S f ) − ql u x = 0 + gA ∂t ∂x A ∂x (RI-1.7) As h and S B are unknown for irregular cross sections, they are eliminated from equation (RI-1.7) by the following transformation: h = zS − z B and ∂h ∂zS ∂z B ∂zS = − = + SB ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x Insertion into equation (RI-1.7) results in: ∂zS ∂Q ∂ Q 2 + + gAS f − ql u x = 0 + gA ∂t ∂x A ∂x (RI-1.8) If only the cross sectional area where the water actually flows and therefore contributes to the momentum balance shall be used, and introducing a factor β accounting for the velocity distribution in the cross section (Cunge, Holly et al. 1980), equation (RI-1.9) is obtained: ∂zS ∂Q ∂ Q 2 + β + gAred S f − ql u x = 0 + gAred ∂t ∂x Ared ∂x where (RI-1.9) Ared [m2] is the reduced area, i.e. the part of the cross section area where water flows. R I - 1.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS If Strickler values are used to define the friction β= 2 A∑ kstr h 7/3bi i i i 5/3 ∑ kstri h bi i 2 (RI-1.10) If the equivalent roughness height is used β= A∑ ks2i hi2bi i 3/2 ∑ k si hi bi i VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 2 (RI-1.11) R I - 1.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.1.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Source Terms With the given formulation of the flow equation there are 4 source terms: For the continuity equation: The lateral in- or outflow ql For the momentum equation: The bed slope W = gA ∂zS ∂x (RI-1.12) The bottom friction: Fr = gAred S f (RI-1.13) The influence of lateral in- or outflow: (RI-1.14) ql u x However, in BASEchain, the influence of the lateral inflow on the momentum equation is neglected. 1.1.4 Closure Conditions Determination of Friction Slope The relation between the friction slope S f and the bottom shear stress is: τB = gRS f ρ As the unit of u* = τB ρ (RI-1.15) τB / ρ is the square of a velocity, a shear stress velocity can be defined as: . (RI-1.16) The velocity in the channel is proportional to the shear flow velocity and thus: u = c f gRS f where If (RI-1.17) c f is the Chézy coefficient. u is replaced by Q / A : Q = cf g R S f A (RI-1.18) results, with R I - 1.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT Sf = QQ . gA2 c 2f R (RI-1.19) Introducing the conveyance = K Sf = MATHEMATICAL MODELS K: Q = Ac f R g Sf (RI-1.20) QQ K2 (RI-1.21) The determination of the friction coefficient is based either on the approach by ManningStrickler k str or on the equivalent sand roughness k s of Nikuradse. Manning-Strickler To define the channel roughness, both notations, k str or n , can be used. For conversion a simple relation holds: kstr = 1 n The coefficient cf = kstr R 1 c f is calculated as follows: 6 (RI-1.22) g Equivalent Sand Roughness The following approaches are implemented to determine the coefficient cf : Chézy: 12 R c f = 5.75log ks (RI-1.23) Darcy-Weissbach: cf = 8 f VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 with f = 0.24 12 R log ks (RI-1.24) R I - 1.1-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS In the case of a defined soil, the determination of the friction coefficient can be determined by the grain size distribution of the river bed itself: kstr = factor 6 d 90 default value of factor = 21.1 (RI-1.25) factor = 3 (RI-1.26) and = ks factor ⋅ d90 default value of The default factors mentioned above correspond to a soil with various grain sizes and exposed coarse components. R I - 1.1-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.1.5 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Boundary Conditions At the upper and lower end of the channel it is necessary to know the influence of the region outside on the flow within the computational domain. The influenced area depends on the propagation velocity of a perturbation. The propagation velocity in standing water is c = gh (RI-1.27) If a one dimensional flow is considered this propagation takes place in two directions: upstream ( −c ) and downstream ( + c ). These velocities must then be added to the flow velocities in the channel, giving the upstream ( C− ) and downstream ( C+ ) characteristics: C−= dx = u −c dt (RI-1.28) C+= dx = u+c dt (RI-1.29) With these functions it is possible to determine which region is influenced by a perturbation and which region influences a given point after a given time. In particular it can be said that if c < u the information will not be able to spread in upstream direction, thus the condition in a point cannot influence any upstream point, and a point cannot receive any information from downstream. This is the case for a supercritical flow. In contrast, if c > u , which is the case for sub-critical flow, the information spreads in both directions, upstream and downstream. This fact substantiates the necessity and usefulness of information at the boundaries. As there are two equations to solve, two variables are needed for the solution. If the flow conditions are sub-critical, the flow is influenced from downstream. Thus at the inflow boundary one condition can be taken from the flow region itself and only one additional boundary condition is needed. At the outflow boundary, the flow is influenced from outside and so one boundary condition is needed. If the flow is supercritical, no information arrives from downstream. Therefore, two boundary conditions are needed at the inflow end. In contrast, as it cannot influence the flow within the computational domain, it is not useful to have a boundary condition at the downstream end. Flow type Sub critical flow ( Fr < 1 ) Supercritical flow ( Fr > 1 ) Number of boundary conditions Inflow Outflow 1 1 2 0 Tab. 1: Number of needed boundary conditions VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.1-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS At the inflow boundary the given value is usually Q . If the flow is supercritical the second variable A is determined by a flow resistance law (slope is needed!). At the outflow boundary there are several possibilities to provide the necessary information at the boundary: - determine an out flowing discharge by a weir or a gate; - set the water surface elevation as a function of time; - set the water surface elevation as a function of the discharge (rating curve). R I - 1.1-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Shallow Water Equations 1.2.1 Introduction Mathematical models of the so-called shallow water type govern a wide variety of physical phenomena. For reasons of simplicity, the shallow water equations will from here on be abbreviated as SWE. An important class of problems of practical interest involves water flows with a free surface under the influence of gravity. It includes: - Tides in oceans - Flood waves in rivers - Dam break waves The validity of the SWE implies the following conditions and assumptions: - Hydrostatic distribution of pressure: this is fulfilled if the vertical accelerations are negligible. - Small slope of the channel bottom, so that the cosine of the angle between the bottom and the horizontal can be assumed to be 1. - Steady-state resistance laws are applicable for unsteady flow. A key assumption made in derivation of the approximate shallow water theory concerns the first aspect, the hydrostatic pressure distribution. Supposing that the vertical velocity acceleration of water particles is negligible, a hydrostatic pressure distribution can be assumed. This eventually allows for integration over the flow depth, which results in a nonlinear initial value problem, namely the shallow water equations. They form a timedependent two-dimensional system of non-linear partial differential equations of hyperbolic type. There are two approaches for the derivation of shallow water equations: - Integrating the three-dimensional system of Navier-Stokes equations over the depth - Direct approach by considering a three-dimensional control volume element of fluid In the following the derivation of the depth integrated mass and momentum conservation equations from the Reynolds-averaged 3D Navier-Stokes equation is briefly presented. Following boundary conditions are imposed: 1) At the top of water surface: Kinetic boundary condition (this condition describes that no flow across the water surface can take place): ∂z ∂z ∂z dz wS = s + uS s + vS s = s ∂t ∂x ∂y dt VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 (RI-2.1) R I - 1.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Dynamic boundary condition: = τ ,τ ) and P (τ= Sx Sy (RI-2.2) Patm 2) At the bottom of water body: Kinetic boundary condition (this condition describes that no flow through the bed surface can take place): = wB uB ∂z B ∂z + vB B ∂x ∂y (RI-2.3) The derivation makes use of Leibniz’s integration rule, which is used here to remove the partial derivatives from the integral. It can be written generally as ∂z ∂z ∂f ( x, y, z ) ∂ S = d z f ( x, y, z )d z+ f ( x, y, z B ) B − f ( x, y, zS ) S ∫ ∫ ∂x ∂x zB ( x , y ) ∂x ∂x zB ( x , y ) ZS ( x, y ) Z ( x, y ) Derivation of mass conservation The 3D Reynolds-averaged mass conservation equation is integrated over the flow depth from the bed bottom z B to the water surface z S . ZS ∂u ∂w ∂v 0 ∫ ∂x + ∂y + ∂z dz = (RI-2.4) zB Applying Leibniz’s rule on the first term, the velocity gradient in x-direction, leads to ZS ∫ zB ∂z ∂z ∂u ∂ S dz= udz + uB B − vS S ∫ ∂x ∂x zB ∂x ∂x Z whereas u B , uS and vB , vS are the velocities at the bottom and at the surface in x- and ydirections respectively. The second term of eq. (RI-2.4) is treated analogous. The third term can be evaluated exactly by applying the fundamental theorem of calculus. It results in the difference of the vertical velocity at the surface and the bottom: ZS ∫ zB ∂w dz = wS − wB . ∂z Assembling these terms, one can identify and eliminate the kinematic boundary conditions as stated above. ∂ S ∂ udz + ∫ ∂x zB ∂y Z ZS ∂z ∂z ∂z B ∂z 0 + vB B − wB − uS S − vS S + wS = ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∫ vdz + u zB B = 0 R I - 1.2-2 = ∂zS ∂h = ∂t ∂t VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Evaluating the integrals over the depth as ZS ∫ udz = uh zB finally leads to the depth integrated formulation of mass conservation: ∂h ∂ ( uh ) ∂ ( uh ) + + = 0 ∂t ∂x ∂y Derivation of momentum conservation The Reynolds-averaged 3D momentum equation in x-direction of the Navier-Stokes equation is integrated over the depth ZS 1 ∂p 1 ∂τ xx 1 ∂τ xy 1 ∂τ xz ∂u ∂u 2 ∂uv ∂uw + + + dz = ∫ ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z z∫ − ρ ∂x + ρ ∂x + ρ ∂y + ρ ∂y dz zB B ZS (RI-2.5) whereas the momentum equation in y-direction can be treated in an analogous manner. The first term, the time derivative of the x-velocity, is transformed with Leibniz’s rule and integrated over the depth. ZS ∫ zB ∂u ∂ dz = ∂t ∂t ZS ∫ udz + u zB B ∂z ∂z ∂z B ∂z ∂uh − uS S = + u B B − uS S ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t The Leibniz rule is also applied on the advective terms as follows: ZS ∫ zB ∂z ∂z ∂u 2 ∂ S 2 dz= u dz + uB2 B − uS2 S , ∫ ∂x ∂x zB ∂x ∂x Z ZS ∫ zB ∂uv ∂ dz = ∂y ∂y ZS ∫ uvdz + u v B B zB ∂z ∂z B − uS vS S . ∂y ∂y And the fundamental theorem of calculus allows the evaluation of the fourth term on the left hand side. ZS ∫ zB ∂uw = dz uS wS − uB wB ∂z All terms of the left hand side of eq. (RI-2.5) now can be assembled, and again, the kinematic boundary conditions are identified and can be eliminated. The left hand side is reduced to three remaining terms. ∂ S 2 ∂ uh + u dz + ∫ ∂x zB ∂y Z ZS ∫ uvdz + u zB B ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z B + uB B + vB B − wB − uS S uS S + vS S + wS ∂t ∂ ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂y x =0 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 =0 R I - 1.2-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS With the assumption of a hydrostatic pressure distribution, the pressure term on the right hand side can be evaluated. Furthermore, the water surface elevation is replaced by the bottom elevation and the depth. 1 ZS ∂p = dz ρ ∫ ∂x zB ∂zS ∂h ∂z gh = gh B + . ∂x ∂x ∂x The depth integration of the first two shear stresses of the right hand side yields the depth integrated viscous and turbulent stresses, which require additional closure conditions to be evaluated. 1 ZS ρ ∫ zB ∂τ xx 1 dz + ∂x ρ ZS ∫ zB ∂τ yx 1 ∂τ h 1 ∂τ xy h dz = xx + ∂y ρ ∂x ρ ∂y The third shear stress term can be integrated over the depth and introduces the bottom and surface shear stresses at the domain boundaries, which again need additional closure conditions. The surface shear stresses τ Bx , e.g. due to wind flow over the water surface, are neglected from here on. 1 ZS ρ ∫ zB ∂τ zx 1 (τ − τ ) = dz ∂z ρ Sx Bx Putting the terms together one obtains ∂uh ∂ S 2 ∂ + u dz + ∫ ∂t ∂x zB ∂y Z ZS ∂h ∂z B − gh ∫ uvdz + gh ∂x = ∂x zB − 1 ρ τ Bx + 1 ∂τ xx h 1 ∂τ xy h + ρ ∂x ρ ∂y The depth integrals of the advective terms still need to be solved. By dividing the velocities in a mean velocity u and a deviation from the mean u ′ , similar to the Reynolds averaging procedure, the advective terms can be evaluated as follows. The depth integration introduces new dispersion terms, which describe the effects of the non-uniformity of the velocity distribution. ∂ S 2 ∂u 2 h ∂u ′u ′h ∂u 2 h 1 ∂Dxx h = = + = + u u + u′ ⇒ u dz ∂x z∫B ∂x ∂x ∂x ρ ∂x Z In the end, after dividing the equations by the water depth, the depth integrated xmomentum equation of the SWE is obtained in the following formulation: ∂z 1 1 ∂ h (τ xx + Dxx ) 1 ∂ h (τ xy + Dyx ) ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂h τ Bx + +u +v +g = −g B − + ρh ρh dx dy ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x ρ h R I - 1.2-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Shallow Water Equations Conclusive, as shown before, the complete set of SWE is derived in the form: ∂h ∂ ( uh ) ∂ ( vh ) + + = 0 ∂t ∂x ∂y (RI-2.6) ∂z 1 1 ∂ h (τ xx + Dxx ) 1 ∂ h (τ xy + Dxy ) ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂h τ Bx + +u +v +g = −g B − + ρh ρh dx dy ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x ρ h (RI-2.7) ∂z 1 1 ∂ h (τ yx + Dyx ) 1 ∂ h (τ yy + Dyy ) ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂h τ By + +u +v +g = −g B − + ρh ρh dx dy ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y ρ h (RI-2.8) where: h g P u uS uB v vS vB wS wB wB zB zs τ S , x ,τ S , y τ B , x ,τ B , y τ xx ,τ xy ,τ yx ,τ yy Dxx , Dxy , Dyx , Dyy [m] [m/s2] [Pa] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m] [m] [m] [N/m2] [N/m2] [N/m2] [N/m2] water depth gravity acceleration pressure depth averaged velocity in x direction velocity in x direction at water surface; velocity in x direction at bottom (usually equal zero) depth averaged velocity in y direction velocity in y direction at water surface velocity in y direction at bottom (usually equal zero) velocity in z direction at water surface velocity in z direction at bottom (usually equal zero) velocity in z direction at bottom (usually equal zero) bottom elevation water surface elevation surface shear stress in x- and y direction (here neglected) bed shear stress in x- and y direction depth averaged viscous and turbulent stresses momentum dispersion terms For brevity, the over bars indicating depth averaged values will be dropped from here on. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.2-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Closure Conditions For the shallow water equations there are mainly three different types of closure conditions needed. Turbulence The turbulent and viscous shear stresses can be quantified in accordance with the Boussinesq eddy viscosity concept, which can be expressed as = τ xx 2 ρν ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v = , τ yy 2 ρν = , τ xy ρν + ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x (RI-2.9) If the flow is dominated by the friction forces, the total viscosity is the sum of the eddy viscosity (quantity due to turbulence modelling) and molecular viscosity (kinematic viscosity of the fluid): ν = ν t + ν m . Turbulent eddy viscosity may be dynamically calculated as ν t = κ u* h 6 with the friction velocity u* = τ B ρ . The molecular viscosity is a physical property of the fluid and is constant due to the assumption of an isothermal fluid. Bed Shear Stress The bed shear stresses are related to the depth–averaged velocities by the quadratic friction law uu uv = τ Bx ρ= , τ By ρ 2 2 cf cf (RI-2.10) in which = u u + v is the magnitude of the velocity vector. The friction coefficient can be determined by any friction law. 2 2 cf Momentum Dispersion The momentum dispersion terms account for the dispersion of momentum transport due to the vertical non-uniformity of flow velocities. At the moment the momentum dispersion terms are not explicitly modelled here. Usually, in straight channels, these dispersive effects can be accounted for by adapting the turbulent viscosity in the determination of the turbulent stresses (Wu 2007). R I - 1.2-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Conservative Form of SWE Various forms of SWE can be distinguished with their primitive variables. The proper choice of these variables and the corresponding set of equations plays an extremely important role in numerical modelling. It is well known that the conservative form is preferred over the non-conservative one if strong changes or discontinuities in a solution are to be expected. In flooding and dam break problems, this is usually the case. (Bechteler, Nujić et al. 1993) showed that the equation sets in conservative form, with (h, uh, vh) as independent and primitive variables produce best results. The conservative form can be derived by multiplying the continuity equation with u and v and adding to momentum equations in x and y direction respectively. This set of equations can be written in the following form: U t + ∇ ⋅ ( F, G ) + S = 0 (RI-2.11) where U , F (U ), G (U ) and S are the vectors of conserved variables, fluxes in the x and y directions and sources respectively, given by: h U = uh vh (RI-2.12) uh vh 1 2 ∂u ∂v 2 F = u h + gh −ν h ; G = uvh −ν h 2 ∂x ∂x 1 2 ∂u ∂v 2 uvh −ν h v h + 2 gh −ν h ∂y ∂y (RI-2.13) 0 S gh ( S fx − S Bx ) = gh ( S fy − S By ) (RI-2.14) where ν is the total viscosity. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.2-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2.4 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Source Terms Equation (RI-2.14) has two source terms: the bed shear stress ( τ B ρ = ghS f ) and the bed slope term ( ghS B ). The viscous stresses in the flux of equation (RI-2.15) are also treated as flux term. The bed shear stress is the most important physical parameter besides water depth and velocity field of a hydro- and morphodynamic model. It causes the turbulence and is responsible for sediment transport and has a non-linear effect of retarding the flow. When the effect of turbulence grows, the effect of molecular viscosity becomes relatively smaller, while viscous boundary layer near a solid boundary becomes thinner and may even appear not to exist. It means that the bed stress (friction) is equal to the bed turbulent stress. However, bed stress is usually estimated by using an empirical or semi-empirical formula since the vertical distribution of velocity cannot be readily obtained. In the one dimensional system of equations the term bed stress can be expressed as gRS f , where S f denotes the energy slope. Assuming that the frictional force in a two dimensional unsteady open flow can be estimated by referring to the formulas for one dimensional flows in open channel it can be written: Sf = uu g c 2f R (RI-2.16) where u = velocity; cf = friction coefficient; R = hydraulic radius. It can be easily seen that the above formula can be approximately generalized to the two dimensional system. In onedimensional flows it is not distinguished between bottom and lateral (side wall) friction, while in two dimensional flows it is often taken a unit width channel ( R = h ). For the two dimensional system the Equation (RI-2.16) has the following forms u u 2 + v2 v u 2 + v2 S fx = ; S fy = g c 2f R g c 2f R (RI-2.17) The coefficient c f can be calculated by different empirical approaches as in the one dimensional system, e.g. using the Manning or Strickler coefficients. See chapter 1.1.4 for further details on the determination of the friction coefficient c f . If the friction value is calculated from the bed composition, the d90 diameter of the mixture is determined. In case of single grain simulations the d90 diameter is estimated by d 90 = 3* d mean . The bed stress terms need additional closures equation (see chapter to be determined. Bed slope terms represent the gravity forces S B , x = − ∂z B ∂x ; S B , y = − ∂z B ∂y (RI-2.18) The viscous fluxes are treated as source terms (The superscript ‘d’ refers to the diffusion) Sd = ∂F d ∂G d + ∂x ∂y where the diffusive fluxes read R I - 1.2-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS 0 0 ∂u d ∂u d νh ,G = F = νh ∂x ∂y ∂v ∂v νh νh ∂x ∂y The total viscosity ν is the sum of the kinematic viscosity and turbulent eddy viscosity. The kinematic viscosity is a physical property of the fluid and is set to a constant value. The turbulent eddy viscosity can either be set to a constant value or calculated dynamically as Turbulent eddy viscosity may be dynamically calculated as ν t = κ u* h 6 with the friction velocity u* = τ B ρ . VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.2-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2.5 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Boundary Conditions SWE provide a model to describe dynamic fluid processes of various natural phenomena and find therefore widespread application in science and engineering. Solving SWE needs the appropriate boundary conditions like any other partial differential equations. In particular, the issue of which kind of boundary conditions are allowed is still not completely understood (Agoshkov, Quarteroni et al. 1994). However several sets of boundary conditions of physical interest that are admissible from the mathematical viewpoint will be discussed here. The physical boundaries can be divided into two sets: one closed ( Γ c ), the other open ( Γ o ) (Fig. 2). The former generally expresses that no mass can flow through the boundary. The latter is an imaginary fluid-fluid boundary and includes two different inflow and outflow types. Closed Boundary The following relations are often described on the closed boundary, say ∂u ∂n u ⋅ n 0; = 0 ρ= where n u [m] [m/s] Γc : (RI-2.19) the normal (directed outward) unit vector on velocity vector = (u , v) Γc Fig. 2: Computational Domain and Boundaries R I - 1.2-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Open Boundary The number of boundaries of a partial differential equations system depends on the type of the system. From the mathematical point of view, the SWE establish a quasi-linear hyperbolic differential equations system. If the temporal derivatives vanish, the system is elliptical for Fr ≤ 1.0 and hyperbolical for Fr ≥ 1.0 , where Fr is Froude number. On the open boundary (Γo ) the two types inflow and outflow can be respectively distinguished as follows: Γin= Γ out= ( x ∈ Γ0 ; u ⋅ n < 0 ) (RI-2.20) ( x ∈ Γ0 ; u ⋅ n > 0 ) (RI-2.21) Based on the behaviour of the system of equations, the theoretical number of open boundary conditions is listed in Tab. 2 (Agoshkov, Quarteroni et al. 1994) (Beffa 1994): Flow type Sub critical flow ( Fr < 1 ) Supercritical flow ( Fr > 1 ) Number of boundary conditions Inflow Outflow 2 1 3 0 Tab. 2: The Correct Number of Boundary Conditions in SWE However in practical application of boundary conditions, the number of the implemented conditions is often higher or lower than the theoretical criteria (Nujić 1998). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 1.2-11 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS This page has been intentionally left blank. R I - 1.2-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS 2 Sediment and Pollutant Transport 2.1 Fundamentals of Sediment Motion 2.1.1 Threshold Condition for Sediment Transport Determination of the Critical Shear Stress = τ Bcr θ cr ( ρ s − ρ ) gd g is the threshold for the initiation of motion The critical shear stress of the grain class g and is derived from the according Shields parameter θ cr , which is a * function of the shear Reynolds number Re see (Shields 1936). Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948) proposed a constant Shields parameter of 0.047 for the fully turbulent area * 3 * ( Re > 10 ). In the numerical models of BASEMENT, the Shields parameter θ cr = f D * is evaluated as function of the dimensionless grain diameter D according to van Rijn (1984) (see Fig. 3). ( ) Fig. 3: Determination of critical shear stress for a given grain diameter VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS The critical Shields parameter θ cr can be set to a constant value or can be determined in the numerical simulations using the following parameterization of the Shield’s curve. = θ cr = θ cr = θ cr = θ cr = θ cr 0.24( D* ) −1 0.14( D* ) −0.64 0.04( D* ) −0.1 0.013( D* )0.29 0.055 for 1 ≤ D* ≤ 4 for 4 < D* ≤ 10 for 10 < D* ≤ 20 for 20 < D* ≤ 150 for D* > 150 The dimensionless grain diameter (RI-2.22) D* thereby defines as 1 (ρ − ρ ) g 3 D = s d ρ υ 2 * (RI-2.23) Influence of Local Slope on Incipient Motion The investigations on incipient motion by Shields were made for almost horizontal beds. In cases of sloped beds with slopes in flow direction or transverse to it, the stability of grains can either be reduced or enlarged by the acting gravity forces. One approach to consider the effects of local slopes on the threshold for incipient motion is to correct the critical shear stresses for incipient motion. Here k β and kγ are correction factors for slopes in flow direction and in transversal direction and τ B cr , Shields is the critical shear stress for almost horizontal beds as derived by Shields. The corrected critical shear stress then is determined as τ B = kβ kγ τ B cr (RI-2.24) cr , Shields The correction factors are calculated as suggested by van Rijn (1989): sin(γ − β ) if sin γ kβ = sin(γ + β ) if sin γ slope<0 slope>0 (RI-2.25) tan 2 δ kγ cos δ 1 − = tan 2 γ where β is the angle between the horizontal and the bed in flow direction, δ is the slope angle transversal to the flow direction and γ is the angle of repose of the sediment material. R I - 2.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Influence of Bed Forms on Bottom Shear Stress In presence of bed forms, like ripples, sand dunes or gravel banks, additional friction losses can occur due to complex flow conditions around these bed forms and the formation of turbulent eddies. In such cases the dimensionless bottom shear stress θ determined from the present flow conditions can differ from the effective dimensionless bottom shear stress θ ′ , which is relevant for the transport of the sediment particles. It is usually assumed that the determination of the effective shear stress should be based upon the grain friction losses only and should exclude additional form losses, to prevent too large sediment transport rates. Therefore a reduction factor µ is introduced for the determination of the effective bottom shear stress θ ′ from the bottom shear stress θ as µ= τ B′ θ ′ = τB θ µ = 1.0 (no bed forms) with µ < 1.0 (bed forms) (RI-2.26) This reduction factor (also called “ripple factor”) can be given a constant value if the bed forms are distributed uniformly over the simulation domain. After Jäggi this factor should be ' set between 0.8 and 0.85. If there are no bed forms present one can consider that θ = θ , i.e. µ =1.0. Generally can be said, the larger the form resistance, the smaller becomes the reduction factor µ . Another approach is to calculate the reduction factor by introducing a reduced energy slope J ' , compared to the energy slope J , due to the presence of the bed forms as done by Meyer-Peter and Müller. This approach is in particular suitable if ripples are present at the river bed and finally leads to the following estimation of the reduction factor. k µ = str ′ k str 3/2 (RI-2.27) ′ corresponds to the definition of the Strickler coefficient for experiments with Here, k str Nikuradse-roughness (Jäggi 1995) and can be calculated from the grain sizes using the d90 diameter as detailed in section 1.1.4. k str is the calibrated Strickler coefficient used in the hydraulic calculations which includes the form friction effects. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Bed Armouring In morphological simulations with fractional sediment transport the forming or destroying of bed armouring layers can be simulated by modelling sorting effects without special features. But there are also some types of protection layers which need a special treatment, like e.g. grass layers or geotextiles. Furthermore, for single grain simulations the bed material sorting effects cannot be captured and therefore a special treatment is needed if effects of bed armouring shall be considered. The effects of such a protection layer can be considered using two methods: • A critical shear stress τ cr , start of the protection layer can be specified, which must be exceeded at least once before erosion of the substrate can take place. This method is suited for simulations with one or multiple grain classes. Start of erosion: τ B > τ cr , start • Another approach is to define the d90 grain diameter of the bed armouring layer. The dimensionless critical shear stress θ cr , armour of this bed armour is then estimated as θ cr ,armour d = θ cr 90 d 2/3 where d 90 is the specified d90 grain diameter of the bed armour and d and θ cr are the diameter and critical shear stress of the substrate. But be aware that in case the bed armour is eroded once, it cannot be built up again using this approach in single grain computations. If sediment has accumulated above the protection layer, the armouring condition is not applied until this sediment is totally eroded. R I - 2.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.4 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Settling Velocities of Particles The settling velocity w of sediment particles is an important parameter to determine which particles are transported as bed load or as suspended load. Many different empirical or semi-empirical relations for the determination of settling velocities in dependence of the grain diameter have been suggested in literature. Approach of van Rijn The sink rate can be determined against the grain diameter after van Rijn (1984). w= ( s − 1) gd 2 18ν 10ν 0.01( s − 1) gd 3 w= − 1 1+ d ν3 = w 1.1 ( s − 1) gd d is the diameter of the grain, density. ν for 0.001 < d ≤0.1 mm (RI-2.28) for 0.1 < d ≤1 mm (RI-2.29) for d ≥1mm (RI-2.30) is the kinematic viscosity and s s the specific Approach of Wu and Wang A newer approach for the computation of the sink velocity is the one of Wu and Wang (2006): Mν 1 4 N w= ( D* )3 + 2 Nd 4 3M 1/ n 1 − 2 n (RI-2.31) where: −0.65 S p M = 53.5e −2.5 S p N = 5.65e = n 0.7 + 0.9 S p S p is the Corey shape factor, with a value for natural sediments of about 0.7 (0.3 - 0.9). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.5 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Bed load Propagation Velocity The propagation velocity of sediment material is an important parameter to characterize the bed load transport in rivers. In some numerical approaches for morphological simulations this velocity is a useful input parameter. Several empirical investigations have been made to measure the velocity of bed load material in experimental flumes. One recent approach for the determination of the propagation velocity is the semi-empirical equation based on probability considerations by Zhilin Sun and John Donahue (Sun and Donahue 2000) as ( uB = 7.5 θ ′ − C0 θ cr ) ( s − 1) gd (RI-2.32) where θ ′ is the dimensionless effective bottom shear stress and θ cr is the critical Shields parameter for incipient motion for a grain of diameter d . Furthermore, C0 is a coefficient less than 1 and s is specific density of the bedload material. As can be seen, the propagation velocity will increase if the difference of the actual shear stress and the criticial shear stress enlarges as well as in the case of larger grain diameters. R I - 2.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Suspended Sediment and Pollutant Transport 2.2.1 One Dimensional Advection-Diffusion-Equation For a channel with irregular cross section area A (Fig.1) the following advection-diffusion equation for to the number of pollutant species or grain size classes ng holds: ∂ ( ACg ) ∂t + ∂ (QCg ) ∂x − ∂Cg ∂ − Slg 0 AΓ − Sg = ∂x ∂x Introducing the continuity equation A ∂Cg ∂t 2.2.2 +Q ∂Cg ∂x − = for g 1,..., ng (RI-2.33) ∂A δ Q + = 0 in equation (RI-2.33) one becomes: δt δ x ∂Cg ∂ − Slg 0 AΓ − Sg = ∂x ∂x = for g 1,..., ng (RI-2.34) Two Dimensional Advection-Diffusion-Equation According to the number of pollutant species or grain size classes, ng advection-diffusion equations for transport of the suspended material are provided as follows: ∂Cg ∂ ∂Cg ∂ ∂ 0 = Cg h + Cg q − hΓ for g 1,..., ng + Cg r − hΓ − S= g − Sl g ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y (RI-2.35) where 2.2.3 Cg is the concentration of each grain size class and Γ is the eddy diffusivity. Source Terms For both suspended sediment and pollutant transport there can be a local sediment or pollutant source: Slg given by a volume. For suspended sediment transport an additional source term S g representing the sediment exchange with the bed has to be considered. This term appears also in the bed load equations if they are applied in combination with suspended load. This term is calculated by the difference between the deposition rate suspension (entry) rate. qek S= qeg − qd g g qdk and the (RI-2.36) The deposition rate is expressed as convection flux of the sink rate: qd g = wg Cd g (RI-2.37) wg is the sink rate of grain class g and Cd g its concentration near the bed. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS According to a suggestion of Bennet und Nordin (1977) the suspension entry is formulated in line with the deposition rate employing empirical relations: qeg = wg β g Ceg (RI-2.38) The outcome of this is: ( = S g wg β g Ceg − Cd g ) (RI-2.39) The sink rate wg can be determined against the grain diameter after one of the relations given in chapter 0. The reference concentration for the suspension entry can be calculated as follows after Van Rijn (1984): Ceg = 0.015 d g Tg1.5 (RI-2.40) a ( D* )0.3 g where: Tg a Dg* is the dimensionless characteristic number for the bottom shear stress of grain class g. is the reference height above the mean bed bottom. is the dimensionless diameter of grain class g. Another approach is the one of Zyserman and Fredsøe (1994): 0.331(θ ′ − 0.045)1.75 Ceg = 1 + 0.72(θ ′ − 0.045)1.75 with the dimensionless effective bottom shear stress = θ ′ u*2 / ( s − 1) gd The reference concentration for the deposition rate is calculated after Lin (1984): wg = Cd g 3.25 + 0.55ln Cg u κ * (RI-2.41) where: Cg u* κ R I - 2.2-2 is the mean concentration over depth of suspended particles of grain class g, is the shear velocity, the Von Karmann constant. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Bed Load Transport 2.3.1 One Dimensional Bed Load Transport Component of the Bed Load Flux The bed load flux for the one-dimensional case consists of one single component for each grain size, namely the specific bed load flux in stream wise direction qB g Evaluation of Bed Load Transport due to Stream Forces In the one-dimensional case, the total specific bed load flux due to stream forces is evaluated as follows: qBg = β g qB (ξ g ) (RI-2.42) Details about the transport laws for evaluation of the hiding factor ξ g can be found in chapter 2.3.4. qB with or without the consideration of Bed Material Sorting For each fraction g a mass conservation equation can be written, the so called “bedmaterial sorting equation”: ∂ ∂t (1 − p ) ( β g ⋅ hm ) + ∂qB g ∂x slBg 0 + sg − sf g − = for g 1,..., ng = (RI-2.43) where p = porosity of bed material (assumed to be constant), qB = total bed load flux per g unit width, sf g = specific flux through the bottom of the active layer due to its movement and slB = source term per unit width to specify a local input or output of material (e.g. rock g fall, dredging). The term sg describes the exchange per unit width between the sediment and the suspended material (see chapter 2.2.3). Global Mass Conservation Finally, the global bed material conservation equation is obtained by adding up the masses of all sediment material layers between the bed surface and a reference level for all fractions (Exner-equation) directly resulting in the elevation change of the actual bed level: (1 − p ) ∂z B ng ∂qBg ∂qBg + ∑ + + sg − slBg ∂t g =1 ∂x ∂y VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 0 = (RI-2.44) R I - 2.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.3.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Two Dimensional Bed Load Transport Components of the Bed Load Flux The specific bed load flux in x direction is composed of three parts (an analogous relation exists in y direction): qBg , x = qBg , xx + qBg , xlateral + qBg , xgrav (RI-2.45) where (quantities per unit width) qB , xx = bed load transport due to flow in x direction, g qBg , xlateral = lateral transport in x-direction (due to bed load transport in y direction on sloped bed) and qB , xgrav = pure gravity induced transport (e.g. due to collapse of a side slope). g Evaluation of Equilibrium Bed Load Transport In the two-dimensional case, bed load transport is evaluated as follows qBg , xx = β g qB (ξ g ) ⋅ e x (RI-2.46) th The specific bed load discharge qB of the g grain class has to be evaluated by a suitable g transport law. Approaches for the bed load discharge qB (ξ g ) with or without the g consideration of a hiding factor ξ g are discussed in section 2.3.4. Contribution due to Lateral Transport The empirical bed load formulas were usually derived for situations where the bed gradient equals the flow direction. But in situations where a transverse bed slope exists, the direction of the moving sediment particle no longer exactly equals the flow direction. Therefore a correction term in form of a lateral transport component is needed. The gravitational induced lateral transport occurring on a transverse bed slope is determined according to the empirical approach of Ikeda (1982): τ Bcr ,g qBg ,lateral = 1.5 Stransverse qBg τ B′ (RI-2.47) where: Stransverse = bed slope in transverse direction to the flow, qB = bed load of fraction g g in flow direction and τ Bcr ,g = critical shear stress of the individual grain class. From this the lateral transport components qB ,lateral in x- and y-directions can be computed. g Bed Material Sorting The change of volume of a grain class g is balanced over the bed load control volume and the underneath layer volume Vsub , as it is illustrated in Fig. 4. Vg g R I - 2.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Fig. 4: Definition sketch of overall control volume of bed material sorting equation (red) Depending on the bedload in- and outflows, the composition of the grain fractions in the bedload control volume can change. Futhermore three source terms are distinguished: • • • External sediment sources or sinks can be specified ( Slg ). An exchange of sediment with the water column can take place ( S g ). The movement of the bedload control volume bottom z F can lead to changes of the grain compositions within the bedload control volume and the underneath soil layer ( Sf g ). (This is a special kind of source term, because it does not change the overall grain volume within the control volume indicated in Fig. 4. It is not related with a physical movement of particles.) For each grain class g a mass conservation equation can be written, the so called “bedmaterial sorting equation”, which is used to determine the grain fractions β g at the new time level ∂ ( β g ⋅ hm ) ∂ ( β sub , g ⋅ ( z F − zsub ) ) ∂qB g , x ∂qB g , y ∂V = + = − − − sg + slBg (1 − p ) ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂x ∂y change of grain volume in change of grain volume in layer 1 source terms fluxes over boundary = sf g bedload control volume Rearranging this sorting equation leads to following formulation which is used from here on ∂ ∂t (1 − p ) ( β g ⋅ hm ) + ∂qB g , x ∂x + ∂qB g , y ∂y + sg − sf= 0 g − slBg = for g 1,..., ng (RI-2.48) where hm = thickness of bedload control volume, p = porosity of bed material (assumed to be constant), qB g , x , qB g , y = components of total bed load flux per unit width, sf g = flux through the bottom of the bedload control volume due to its movement and slB = source g term to specify a local input or output of material (e.g. rock fall, dredging). ( VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 ) R I - 2.3-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Global Mass Conservation The global bed material conservation equation, which is often called Exner-equation, is obtained by adding up the masses of all sediment material layers between the bed surface and a reference level. This is done for all grain fractions and directly results in the elevation change of the actual bed level z B : (1 − p ) ∂z B ng ∂qBg , x ∂qBg , y + ∑ + + sg − slBg ∂t g =1 ∂x ∂y 2.3.3 Sublayer Source Term 0 = (RI-2.49) The bottom elevation of the bed load control volume z F is identical to the top level of the underneath layer. If z F moves up, sediment flows into this underneath layer and leads to changes in its grain compositions. The exchange of sediment particles between the bed load control volume and the underlying layer is expressed by the source term: sf g =−(1 − p ) 2.3.4 ∂ (( z F − zsub ) β subg ) ∂t (RI-2.50) Closures for Bed Load Transport Meyer-Peter and Müller (MPM) The (Meyer-Peter and Müller 1948) formula can be written as follows: qBg 3 τ B − τ Bcr ,g = 0.25 ρ 2 1 ( s − 1) g (RI-2.51) Herein, τ B is the effective shear stress induced by the flow and s = ρ s ρ the sediment density coefficient. In the dimensionless shape the formula can be written as qB = Φ B ( s − 1) gd m3/ 2 (RI-2.52) with Φ B= 8(θ ′ − θ cr ) 3 2 Meyer-Peter and Müller observed in their experiments that fist grains moved already for θ cr = 0.03 . But as their experiments took place with steady conditions they used a value for which already 50% of the grains where moving. They proposed the value of 0.047. However for very unsteady conditions one should use values for which the grains really start to move (Fäh 1997) like the values given by the shields diagram. R I - 2.3-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS The formula of Meyer-Peter and Müller is applicable in particular for coarse sand and gravel with grain diameters above 1 mm (Malcherek 2001). Parker (Parker 1990) has extended his empirical substrate-based bed load relation for gravel mixtures (Parker, Klingeman et al. 1982), which was developed solely with reference to field data and suitable for near equilibrium mobile bed conditions, into a surfaced-based relation. The new relation is proper for the non-equilibrium processes. Based on the fact that the rough equality of bed load and substrate size distribution is attained by means of selective transport of surface material and the surface material is the source for bed load, Parker has developed the new relation based on the surface material. An important assumption in deriving the new relation is suspension cut-off size. Parker supposes that during flow conditions at which significant amounts of gravel are moved, it is commonly (but not universally) found that the sand moves essentially in suspension (1 to 6 mm). There for Parker has excluded sand from his analysis. In his free access Excel file, he has explicitly emphasised that the formula is valid only for the size larger than 2 mm. Regarding to the Oak Creek data, the original relation predicted 13% of the bed load as sand. For consistency it has to be corrected for the exclusion of sand and finer material. Wsi* = 0.00218 G ξ sωφsg 0 ; Wsi* = Rgqbi (RI-2.53) 3/2 (τ B ρ ) Fi where d ξs = i d g −0.0951 ; φ50 = τ sg* * τ rsg 0 ; τ sg* = τB ρ Rgd g ; * τ rsg 0 = 0.0386 ln ( di d g ) σ ω0 (φsg 0 ) − 1 ; σ = ∑ Fi ω= 1+ σ 0 (φsg 0 ) ln ( 2 ) 2 ; d g = e∑ Fi ln ( di ) ξs is a “reduced” hiding function and differs from the one of Einstein. The Einstein hiding factor adjusts the mobility of each grain di in a mixture relative to the value that would be realized if the bed were covered with uniform material of size di. The new function adjusts the mobility of each grain di relative to the d50 or dg , where dg denotes the surface geometric mean size. Although the above formulation does not contain a critical shields stress, the reference * Schields stress τ rsg 0 makes up for it, in that transport rates are exceedingly small for * τ sg* < τ rsg 0 . Regarding to the fact that parker’s relation is based on field data and field data are often in case of low flow rates, the relation calculates low bed load rates (Marti 2006). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Hunziker (MPM-H) To map transport processes of mixed sediments and to calculate according bed load discharge, corrections or special formulas for graded sediments have to be applied. Besides the ability to model grain sorting in the active layer, the exposure of bigger grains to the flow and the involved shielding of fine sediments, the so called hiding effect has to be considered. A special formula for the fractional transport of graded sediments was proposed by (Hunziker 1995): ' qBg = 5β g ξ g (θ dms − θ cdms ) ( 3 2 3 ( s − 1) gd ms (RI-2.54) ) The additional shear stress θ dms − θ cdms , regarding the mean grain size of the bed surface material, is corrected by a corresponding hiding factor. ' ( ) Due to the correction of the additional shear stress θ dms − θ cdms , the transport formula bases on the concept of “equal mobility”, i.e. all grain classes start to move at the same flow conditions. The critical Shields value is calculated with the mean grain diameters and is given by θ cdms d = θ ce mo d ms ' 0.33 (RI-2.55) where θ ce = critical shear stress for incipient motion for uniform bed material. Hunziker’s formula distinguishes thereby between two sediment layers, the upper layer which is in interaction with the flow and an underneath sublayer. Here d ms is the mean diameter of the upper layer and d mo is mean diameter of subsurface bed material. The hiding factor is determined as d ξg = g d ms −α (RI-2.56) where α is an empirical parameter which depends on the dimensionless shear stress of the mixture (see also (Hunziker and Jaeggi 2002)). The parameter α is determined as ′−1.5 − 0.3 = α 0.011θ dms (RI-2.57) ′ this parameter can tend to negative infinity In case of very small bed shear stresses θ dms which can lead to numerical instabilities of the simulation. Therefore a limitation to a minimum value α min is implemented to prevent non-physical values. α limited = min(α min , α ) R I - 2.3-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Günter’s two grains model (Günter 1971) suggested a two grains model, in order to be able to consider the armoured layer forming in case of the simulation with one grain size. Based on his formulation, the upper limit of the discharge of the armoured layer (QD) can be calculated, for which the armoured layer resists it. If the discharge is smaller than QD, then no material will be eroded from the bed, but the input bed load from the upstream can be transported into the downstream. Using the formulation of Günter one obtains d > θ cr 90 ( s − 1) d m dm RS f 0.67 (RI-2.58) Where R denotes hydraulic radius, Sf is energy slope, dm is grain size, d90 is armoured layer grain size and θ cr denotes the critical Shield’s parameter for the grain size (dm). (Hunziker and Jaeggi 1988) analysed Günter’s relation and concluded that it should not be always used. If there are aggradations on an armoured layer, then it should be possible to transport the material. In this case, the elevation of the armoured layer has to be saved and compared with the new bed elevation. Smart-Jäggi Experiments for bed load transport in gravel beds were performed at VAW ETH Zurich for bed slopes of 0.0004-0.023 by Meyer-Peter and Müller [1948] and for bed slopes of 0.03-0.2 by Smart and Jäggi [1983] and by Rickenmann [1990]. Smart and Jäggi developed a bed load formula for steep channels using their own results and the ones of Meyer-Peter and Müller. 4 d90 = qB s − 1 d30 0.2 J 0.6 Ru ( J − J cr ) (RI-2.59) J is the slope, s = ρ s / ρ the sediment density coefficient, R the hydraulic radius and u the velocity. = J cr θ cr ( s − 1)d m R θ cr the dimensionless shear stress at the beginning of bed load transport and grain size. (RI-2.60) d m the mean (This formula is only implemented for 1D simulations at the moment). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Rickenmann Experiments for bed load transport in gravel beds were performed at VAW ETH Zurich for bed slopes of 0.0004-0.023 by Meyer-Peter and Müller [1948] and for bed slopes of 0.03-0.2 by Smart and Jäggi [1983] and by Rickenmann [1990]. Rickenmann [1991] developed the following formula for the entire slope range using 252 of these experiments. 0.2 d −0.5 = Φ B 3.1 90 θ ′0.5 (θ ′ − θ cr ) Fr1.1 ( s − 1) d30 qB = Φ B ( ( s − 1) gd m3 ) (RI-2.61) 0.5 (RI-2.62) θ ′ is the dimensionless shear stress, θ cr the dimensionless shear stress at the beginning of bed load transport, s = ρ s / ρ the sediment density coefficient, Fr the Froude number and d m the mean grain size. Wu Wang and Jia Weiming Wu, Sam S.Y. Wang and Yafei Jia (2000) developed a transport formula for graded bed materials based on a new approach for the hiding and exposure mechanism of nonuniform transport. The hiding and exposure factor is assumed to be a function of the hidden and exposed probabilities, which are stochastically related to the size and gradation of bed materials. Based on this concept, formulas to calculate the critical shear stress of incipient motion and the fractional bed-load transport have been established. Different laboratory and field data sets were used for these derivations. d g hidden and exposed by grains di is obtained from ng dg di = phid g ∑ = βi , pexp g ∑ βi d g + di d g + di =i 1 = i 1 The probabilities of grains ng (RI-2.63) The critical dimensionless shields parameter for each grain class g can be calculated with the hiding and exposure factor η g and the shields parameter of the mean grain size θ crm as m θ cr g pexp g = θ crm phid g (RI-2.64) ηg The transport capacity now can be determined with Wu’s formula in dimensionless form as 2.2 θ′ = Φ Bg 0.0053 − 1 . θ crg R I - 2.3-8 (RI-2.65) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Finally the bed load transport rates calculates for each grain fraction as qbg = β g ( s − 1) gd g3 Φ Bg . As results of their data analysis the authors recommend to set m = −0.6 and to obtain best results. (This formula is only implemented for 2D simulations at the moment). θ cr = 0.03 m Power Law A very simple approach for the determination of bed load transport is the power law formula. No critical shear stress is regarded in this approach and the transport only depends on the flow velocity. Therefore it should usually not be applied in practical situations. qb = au b The factors (RI-2.66) a and b can used as calibration parameters. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - 2.3-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS This page has been intentionally left blank. R I - 2.3-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS References Agoshkov, V. I., A. Quarteroni, et al. (1994). "Recent Developments in the NumericalSimulation of Shallow-Water Equations .1. Boundary-Conditions." Applied Numerical Mathematics 15(2): 175-200. Bechteler, W., M. Nujić, et al. (1993). Program Package “FLOODSIM“ and ist Application. Beffa, C. J. (1994). Praktische Lösung der tiefengemittelten Flchwassergleichungen. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Bennett, J.P. and Nordin C.F. (1977). Simulation of Sediment Transport and Armoring, Hydrological Sciences Bulletin, XXII, Vol 4; No 12, 555-569. Chaudhry, M. H. (1993). Open-Channel Flow. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. Cunge, J. A., F. M. J. Holly, et al. (1980). Practical aspects of computational river hydraulics. London, Pitman. Fäh, R. (1997) Numerische Simulation der Strömung in offenen Gerinnen mit beweglicher Sohle. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie(VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Günter, A. (1971). Die kritische mittlere Sohlenschubspannung bei Geschiebemischung unter Berücksichtigung der Deckscichtbildung und der turbulenzbedingten Sohlenschubspannungsschwankungen. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Hunziker, R. P. (1995). Fraktionsweiser Geschiebetransport. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Hunziker, R. P. and M. N. R. Jaeggi (1988). Numerische Simulation des Geschiebehaushalts der Emme. Interprävent, Graz. Hunziker, R. P. and M. N. R. Jaeggi (2002). "Grain sorting processes." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce 128(12): 1060-1068. Ikeda, S. (1982). "Lateral Bed-Load Transport on Side Slopes." Journal of the Hydraulics Division-Asce 108(11): 1369-1373. Jäggi, M. (1995) Vorlesung: Flussbau. ETH Abt. II, VIII, und XC. Zürich, ETH Zürich. Marti, C. (2006). Morphologie von verzweigten Gerinnen Ansätze zur Abfluss-, Geschiebetransport und Kolktiefenberechnung. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Lin B. (1984) Current Study of Unsteady Transport of Sediment in China, Proceedings of Japan-China Biateral Seminar on River Hydraulics and Engineering Experiences, Tokyo-Kyoto –Sapporo. Malcherek A. (2001). "Sedimenttransport und Morphodynamik", Vorlesungsskript der Universität der Bundeswehr München, München. Meyer-Peter, E. and R. Müller (1948). Formulas for Bed-Load Transport. 2nd Meeting IAHR, Stockholm, Sweden, IAHR. Nujić, M. (1998). Praktischer Einsatz eines hochgenauen Verfahrens für die Berechnung von tiefengemittelten Strömungen. Institut für Wasserwesen. München, Universität der Bundeswehr München. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R I - References Reference Manual BASEMENT MATHEMATICAL MODELS Parker, G. (1990). "Surface-based bedload transport relation for gravel rivers." Journal of Hydraulic Reasearch 28(4): 417-436. Parker, G., P. C. Klingeman, et al. (1982). "Bedlaod and size distribution in paved gravel-bed streams." Journal of Hydraulic Division, ASCE(108): 544-571. Prandtl, L. (1942). "Comments on the theory of free turbulence." Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik 22: 241-243. Rickenmann, D. (1990). BedLoad capacity of slurry flows at steep slopes. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Rickenmann, D. (1991). Hyperconcentrated flow and sediment transport at steep slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 117(11):1419-1439. Shields, A. (1936). Anwendungen der Ähnlichkeitsmechanik und der Turbulenzforschung auf die Geschiebebewegungen. Preussische Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Schiffbau. Berlin, Deutschland. Smart, G.M., and M.N.R.Jaeggi, (1983). Sediment transport on steep slopes. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW). Zürich, ETH Zürich. Sun, Z. L., and Donahue, J. (2000). "Statistically derived bedload formula for any fraction of nonuniform sediment." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 126(2), 105-111. Thuc, T. (1991). "Two-dimensional morphological computations near hydraulic structures." Dissertation, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Van Rijn, L. C. (1984). "Sediment Transport, Part II: Suspended Load Transport." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 110(11). Van Rijn, L. C. (1987). "Mathematical modelling of morphological processes in the case of suspended sediment transport." Delft Hydraulics Communication No. 382., Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands. Van Rijn, L. C. (1989). "Handbook: sediment transport by current and waves". Report H 461, Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands. Wu, W., Wang, S. and Y.Jia, (2000). "Nonuniform sediment transport in alluvial rivers". Journal of Hydraulic Research, 38(6), 427-434. Wu, W. (2007). "Computational River Dynamics". Taylor & Francis, London, UK. R I - References VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Table of contents 1 General View ....................................................................................... 1-1 2 Methods for Solving the Flow Equations 2.1 Fundamentals..................................................................................................... 2.1-1 2.1.1 Finite Volume Method .................................................................................. 2.1-1 2.1.2 The Riemann Problem .................................................................................. 2.1-3 2.1.3 Exact Riemann Solvers ................................................................................. 2.1-4 2.1.4 Approximate Riemann Solvers ..................................................................... 2.1-6 HLL – Riemann Solver ........................................................................... 2.1-6 HLLC – Riemann Solver ........................................................................ 2.1-7 2.2 Saint-Venant Equations .................................................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.1 Spatial Discretisation .................................................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.2 Discrete Form of Equations .......................................................................... 2.2-1 Continuity Equation ............................................................................... 2.2-1 Momentum Equation ............................................................................ 2.2-2 2.2.3 Discretisation of Source Terms .................................................................... 2.2-2 Bed Slope Source Term ........................................................................ 2.2-2 Friction Source Term ............................................................................. 2.2-3 Hydraulic Radius .................................................................................... 2.2-3 2.2.4 Discretisation of Boundary conditions .......................................................... 2.2-7 Inlet Boundary ....................................................................................... 2.2-7 Outlet Boundary .................................................................................... 2.2-7 Moving Boundaries ............................................................................... 2.2-8 2.2.5 Solution Procedure ....................................................................................... 2.2-9 2.3 Shallow Water Equations ................................................................................. 2.3-1 2.3.1 Discrete Form of Equations .......................................................................... 2.3-1 Flux Estimation ...................................................................................... 2.3-2 Flux Correction ...................................................................................... 2.3-3 2.3.2 Discretisation of Source Terms .................................................................... 2.3-4 Friction Source Term ............................................................................. 2.3-4 Source Term for viscous and turbulent Stresses .................................. 2.3-6 Bed Slope Source Term and Bed Slope Calculation ............................. 2.3-8 2.3.3 Conservative property (C-Property) ............................................................ 2.3-13 2.3.4 Discretisation of Boundary Conditions ....................................................... 2.3-15 Inlet Boundary ..................................................................................... 2.3-15 Outlet Boundary .................................................................................. 2.3-16 Inner Boundaries ................................................................................. 2.3-19 Moving Boundaries ............................................................................. 2.3-21 2.3.5 Solution Procedure ..................................................................................... 2.3-25 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - i Reference Manual BASEMENT 3 NUMERICS KERNEL Solution of Sediment Transport Equations 3.1 General Vertical Partition ................................................................................. 3.1-1 3.1.1 Vertical Discretisation ................................................................................... 3.1-1 3.1.2 Determination of Layer Thickness ................................................................ 3.1-2 3.2 One Dimensional Sediment Transport ............................................................ 3.2-1 3.2.1 Spatial Discretisation .................................................................................... 3.2-1 Soil Segments ....................................................................................... 3.2-1 3.2.2 Discrete Form of Equations .......................................................................... 3.2-2 Advection-Diffusion Equation ................................................................ 3.2-2 Computation of Diffusive Flux ............................................................... 3.2-3 Computation of Advective Flux ............................................................. 3.2-3 Global Bed Material Conservation Equation ........................................ 3.2-10 Bed material sorting equation ............................................................. 3.2-11 Interpolation ........................................................................................ 3.2-12 3.2.3 Discretisation of Source Terms .................................................................. 3.2-13 External Sediment Sources and Sinks ................................................ 3.2-13 Sediment Flux through Bottom of Bed Load Control Volume ............ 3.2-13 Source Term for Sediment Exchange between Water and Bottom ... 3.2-13 Splitting of Bed Load and Suspended Load Transport ........................ 3.2-14 3.2.4 Solution Procedure ..................................................................................... 3.2-15 3.3 Two Dimensional Sediment Transport ........................................................... 3.3-1 3.3.1 Spatial Discretisation .................................................................................... 3.3-1 3.3.2 Discrete Form of Equations .......................................................................... 3.3-3 Global Bed material Conservation Equation – Exner Equation .............. 3.3-3 Computation of Bed Load Fluxes .......................................................... 3.3-3 Flux Correction ...................................................................................... 3.3-5 Bed Material Sorting Equation .............................................................. 3.3-5 3.3.3 Discretisation of Source Terms .................................................................... 3.3-6 External Sediment Sources and Sinks .................................................. 3.3-6 Sediment Flux through Bottom of Bed Load Control Volume .............. 3.3-6 Sediment Exchange between Water and Bottom ................................ 3.3-7 3.3.4 Management of Soil Layers.......................................................................... 3.3-8 3.3.5 Solution Procedure ....................................................................................... 3.3-9 4 Time Discretisation and Stability Issues 4.1 Explicit Schemes ................................................................................................ 4.1-1 4.1.1 Euler First Order ........................................................................................... 4.1-1 4.2 Determination of Time Step Size ..................................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.1 Hydrodynamic ............................................................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.2 Sediment Transport ...................................................................................... 4.2-1 4.3 Implicit Scheme ................................................................................................. 4.3-1 4.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 4.3-1 4.3.2 Time Discretisation ....................................................................................... 4.3-1 R II - ii VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Continuity Equation ............................................................................... 4.3-2 Momentum Equation ............................................................................ 4.3-2 4.3.3 Solution ......................................................................................................... 4.3-2 4.3.4 Integral Terms .............................................................................................. 4.3-4 Continuity Equation ............................................................................... 4.3-4 Momentum Equation ............................................................................ 4.3-4 4.3.5 General Description of the Derivatives for the Matrix A .............................. 4.3-5 Derivatives of the Continuity Equation .................................................. 4.3-5 Derivatives of the Momentum Equation ............................................... 4.3-6 4.3.6 Determination of the Derivatives with Upwind Flux Determination ............ 4.3-7 Derivatives of the Continuity Equation .................................................. 4.3-7 Derivatives of the Momentum Equation ............................................... 4.3-8 4.3.7 Determination of the Derivatives with Roe Flux Determination .................. 4.3-9 Derivatives of the Continuity Equation: ............................................... 4.3-10 Derivatives of the Momentum Equation ............................................. 4.3-11 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - iii Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL List of Figures Fig. 1: Triangular Finite Elements of a Two-Dimensional Domain .............................................. 2.1-1 Fig. 2: Two-Dimensional Finite Volume Mesh: (a) Cell Centered mesh (b) Cell Vertex mesh ..... 2.1-2 Fig. 3: Initial Data for Riemann Problem...................................................................................... 2.1-3 Fig. 4: Possible Wave Patterns in the Solution of Riemann Problem ............................................ 2.1-4 Fig. 5: Piecewise constant data of Godunov upwind method ........................................................ 2.1-5 Fig. 6: Principle of the HLL Riemann Solver. The analytical solution (left) is replaced by an approximate one with a constant state U* separated by waves with estimated wave speeds (right) 2.1-6 Fig. 7: Definition sketch................................................................................................................. 2.2-1 Fig. 8: Simple cross section ........................................................................................................... 2.2-4 Fig. 9: Conveyance computation of a channel with a flat zone ..................................................... 2.2-4 Fig. 10: Cross section with flood plains and main channel ............................................................. 2.2-5 Fig. 11: Cross section with definition of a bed ................................................................................ 2.2-5 Fig. 12: Cross section with flood plains and definition of a bed bottom ......................................... 2.2-6 Fig. 13: Geometry of a Computational Cell Ωi in FV ................................................................... 2.3-2 Fig. 14: Wetted perimeter of a boundary element with wall friction ............................................... 2.3-5 Fig. 15: A Triangular Cell ............................................................................................................... 2.3-9 Fig. 16: Water volume over a cell.................................................................................................. 2.3-10 Fig. 17: Partially wet cell .............................................................................................................. 2.3-10 Fig. 18: Quadrilateral element and its division into four triangles ( ∆ 12C , ∆ 23C , ∆ 34C , ∆ 41C ) ... 2.3-11 Fig. 19: Edge with linearly varying water depth ........................................................................... 2.3-13 Fig. 20: Flow over a weir .............................................................................................................. 2.3-17 Fig. 21: Outlet cross section with a weir ....................................................................................... 2.3-17 Fig. 22: Reduction factor σ uv for an incomplete flow over the weir. h u is the downstream water depth over the weir crest and h denotes the upstream flow depth over the weir crest. ................ 2.3-20 Fig. 23: Schematic representation of a mesh with dry, partial wet and wet elements ................... 2.3-21 Fig. 24: Wetting process of a element ............................................................................................ 2.3-22 Fig. 25: Definition of effective length at partially wetted edge...................................................... 2.3-23 Fig. 26: Different cases for flux computations over an edge at wet-dry interfaces ....................... 2.3-24 Fig. 27: The logical flow of data through BASEplane ................................................................... 2.3-26 Fig. 28: Data flow through the hydrodynamic routine .................................................................. 2.3-27 R II - iv VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 29: Data flow through the morphodynamic routine ............................................................... 2.3-28 Fig. 30: Vertical Discretisation of a computational cell.................................................................. 3.1-1 Fig. 31: Soil Discretisation in a cross section ................................................................................. 3.2-1 Fig. 32: Effect of bed load on cross section geometry ..................................................................... 3.2-2 Fig. 33: Invariance of C along the characteristic line y .................................................................. 3.2-7 Fig. 34: Function C in ( x) ................................................................................................................ 3.2-8 Fig. 35: Distribution of sediment area change over the cross section ........................................... 3.2-11 Fig. 36: Schematic illustration of problems related to the update of bed elevations ....................... 3.3-1 Fig. 37: Dual mesh approach with separate meshes for hydrodynamics (black) and sediment transport (green). Sediment cells have the bed elevations defined in their cell centers. .................. 3.3-2 Fig. 38: Cross sectional view of dual mesh approach. Changes in sediment volume ∆V do not affect the neighboring cells’ sediment volumes. ......................................................................................... 3.3-2 Fig. 39: Determination of bed load flux over the sediment cell edges i,j ......................................... 3.3-4 Fig. 40: Definition of mixed composition β gmix for the eroded volume (red) .................................. 3.3-7 Fig. 41: Uncoupled asynchronous solution procedure consisting of sequential steps................... 3.3-10 Fig. 42: Composition of the given overall calculation time step VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 ∆tseq ......................................... 3.3-10 R II - v Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL This page has been intentionally left blank. R II - vi VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT II NUMERICS KERNEL NUMERICS KERNEL 1 General View There is great improvement in the development of numerical models for free surface flows and sediment movement in the last decade. The presented number of publications about these subjects proves this clearly. The SWE and the sediment flow equation are a nonlinear, coupled partial differential equations system. A unique analytical solution is only possible for idealised and simple conditions. For practical cases, it is required to implement the numerical methods. A numerical solution arises from the discretisation of the equations. There are different methods to discretize the equations such as: - Finite difference………….(FD) - Finite volume…………….(FV) - Finite element…………….(FE) - Characteristic Method……(CM) It is normally distinguished between temporal and spatial discretisation of continuum equations. The latter can be undertaken on different forms of grids such as Cartesian, nonorthogonal, structured and unstructured, while the former is usually done by a FD scheme in time direction, which can be explicit or implicit. The explicit method is usually used for strong unsteady flows. In FD methods the partial derivations of equations are approximated by using Taylor series. This method is particularly appropriate for an equidistant Cartesian mesh. In FV methods; the partial derivations of equations are not directly approximated like in FD methods. Instead of that, the equations are integrated over a volume, which is defined by nodes of grids on the mesh. The volume integral terms will be replaced by surface integrals using the Gauss formula. These surface integrals define the convective and diffusive fluxes through the surfaces. Due to the integration over the volume, the method is fully conservative. This is an important property of FV methods. It is known that in order to simulate discontinuous transition phenomena such as flood propagation, one must use conservative numerical methods. In fact, 40 years ago Lax and Wendroff proved mathematically that conservative numerical methods, if convergent, do converge to the correct solution of the equations. More recently, Hou and LeFloch proved a complementary theorem, which says that if a non-conservative method is used, then the wrong solution will be computed, if this contains a discontinuity such as a shock wave (Toro 2001). The FE methods originated from the structural analysis field as a result of many years of research, mainly between 1940 and 1960. In this method the problem domain is ideally subdivided into a collection of small regions, of finite dimensions, called finite elements. The elements have either a triangular or a quadrilateral form (Fig. 1) and can be rectilinear or VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL curved. After subdivision of the domain, the solution of discrete problem is assumed to have a prescribed form. This representation of the solution is strongly linked to the geometric division of sub domains and characterized by the prescribed nodal values of the mesh. These prescribed nodal values must be determined in such way that the partial differential equations are satisfied. The errors of the assumed prescribed solution are computed over each element and then the error must be minimised over the whole system. One way to do this is to multiply the error with some weighting function ω ( x, y ) , integrate over the region and require that this weighted-average error is zero. The finite volume method has been used in this study; therefore it is explained in more detailed. In this chapter it will be reviewed how the governing equations comprising the SWE and the bed-updating equation, can be numerically approximated with accuracy. The first section studies the fundamentals of the applied methods, namely the finite volume method and subsequently the hydro- and morphodynamic models are discussed. In section on the hydrodynamic model, the numerical approximate formulation of the SWE, the flux estimation based on the Riemann problem and solver and related problems such as boundary conditions will be analyzed. In the section on morphodynamics, the numerical determination of the bed shear stress and the numerical treatment of bed slope stability will be discussed as well as numerical approximation of the bed-updating equation. R II - 1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 2 Methods for Solving the Flow Equations 2.1 2.1.1 Fundamentals Finite Volume Method The basic laws of fluid dynamics and sediment flow are conservation equations; they are statements that express the conservation of mass, momentum and energy in a volume enclosed by a surface. Conversion of these laws into partial differential equations requires sufficient regularity of the solutions. Fig. 1: Triangular Finite Elements of a Two-Dimensional Domain This condition of regularity cannot always undoubtedly be guaranteed. The case of occurring of discontinuities is a situation where an accurate representation of the conservation laws is important in a numerical method. In other words, it is extremely important that these conservation equations are accurately represented in their integral form. The most natural method to achieve this is obviously to discretize the integral form of the equations and not the differential form. This is the basis of the finite volume (FV) method. Actually the finite volume method is in fact in the classification of the weighted residual method (FE) and hence it is conceptually different from the finite difference method. The weighted function is chosen equal unity in the finite volume method. In this method, the flow field or domain is subdivided, as in the finite element method, into a set of non-overlapping cells that cover the whole domain on which the equations are applied. On each cell the conservation laws are applied to determine the flow variables in some discrete points of the cells, called nodes, which are at typical locations of the cells such as cell centres (cell centred mesh) or cell-vertices (cell vertex mesh) (Fig. 2). Obviously, there is basically considerable freedom in the choice of the cell shapes. They can be triangular, quadrilateral etc. and generate a structured or an unstructured mesh. Due to this unstructured form ability, very complex geometries can be handled with ease. This is clearly an important advantage of the method. Additionally the solution on the cell is not VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL strongly linked to the geometric representation of the domain. This is another important advantage of the finite volume method in contrast to the finite element method. Fig. 2: Two-Dimensional Finite Volume Mesh: (a) Cell Centered mesh (b) Cell Vertex mesh R II - 2.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.2 NUMERICS KERNEL The Riemann Problem Formally, the Riemann problem is defined as an initial-value problem (IVP): U t + Fx ( U ) = 0 U L ∀ x < 0 U ( x, 0 ) = U R ∀ x > 0 (RII-2.1) Here equations (RI-1.34) and (RI-1.35) are considered for the x-split of SWE. The initial states U L , U R at the left or right side of an triangle edge hR hL U L = uL hL ; U R = uR hR v h v h R R L L are constant vectors and present conditions to the left of axes respectively (Fig. 3). x = 0 and to the right x = 0 , U UL UR Fig. 3: Initial Data for Riemann Problem There are four possible wave patterns that may occur in the solution of the Riemann problem. These are depicted in Fig. 4. In general, the left and right waves are shocks and rarefactions, while the middle wave is always a shear wave. A shock is a discontinuity that travels with Rankine-Hugoniot shock speed. A rarefaction is a smoothly varying solution ∂F ( U ) / ∂U which is a function of the variable x/t only and exists if the eigenvalues of J = are all real and the eigenvectors are complete. The water depth and the normal velocity are both constant across the shear wave, while the tangential velocity component changes discontinuously. (See Toro (1997) for details about Riemann problem) By solving the IVP of Riemann (RII-2.1), the desired outward flux origin of local axes x = 0 and the time t = 0 can be obtained. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 F ( U ) which is at the R II - 2.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Shear Wave Rarefaction Shock Fig. 4: Possible Wave Patterns in the Solution of Riemann Problem 2.1.3 Exact Riemann Solvers An algorithm, which solves the Riemann initial-value problem is called Riemann solver. The idea of Riemann solver application in numerical methods was used for the first time by Godunov (1959). He presented a shock-capturing method, which has the ability to resolve strong wave interaction and flows including steep gradients such as bores and shear waves. The so called Godunov type upwind methods originate from the work of Godunov. These methods have become a mature technology in the aerospace industry and in scientific disciplines, such as astrophysics. The Riemann solver application to SWE is more recent. It was first attempted by Glaister (1988) as a pioneering attack on shallow water flow problems in 1d cases. In the algorithm pioneered by Godunov, the initial data in each cell on either side of an interface is presented by piecewise constant states with a discontinuity at the cell interface (Fig. 5). At the interface the Riemann problem is solved exactly. The exact solution in each cell is then replaced by new piecewise constant approximation. Godunov’s method is conservative and satisfies an entropy condition (Delis et al. 2000). The solution of Godunov is an exact solution of Riemann problem; however, the exact solution is related to a simplified problem since the initial data is approximated in each cell. R II - 2.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 5: Piecewise constant data of Godunov upwind method To compute numerical solutions by Godunov type methods, the exact Riemann solver or approximate Riemann solver can be used. The choice between the exact and approximate Riemann Solvers depends on: - Computational cost - Simplicity and applicability - Correctness Correctness seems to be the overriding criterion; however the applicability can be also very important. Toro argued that for the shallow water equations, the argument of computational cost is not as strong as for the Euler equations. For the SWE approximate Riemann solvers may lead to savings in computation time of the order of 20%, with respect to the exact Riemann solvers (Toro 2001). However, due to the iterative approach of the exact Riemann solver on SWE, its implementation of this will be more complicated if some extra equations, such as dispersion and turbulence equations, are solved together with SWE. Since for these new equations new Riemann solvers are needed, which include new iterative approaches, complications seem to be inevitable. Therefore, an approximate solution which retains the relevant features of the exact solution is desirable. This led to the implementation of approximate Riemann solvers which are non-iterative and therefore, in general, more efficient than the exact solvers. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.4 NUMERICS KERNEL Approximate Riemann Solvers Several researchers in aerodynamics have developed approximate Riemann solvers for the Euler equations, such as Flux Difference Splitting (FDS) by Roe (1981), Flux Vector Splitting (FVS) by Vanleer (1982) and approximate Riemann Solver by Harten et al. (1983); Osher and Solomon (1982). The first two approximate Riemann solvers have been frequently used in aerodynamics as well as in hydrodynamics. In addition to the exact Riemann solver, the HLL and HLLC approximate Riemann solvers have been implemented in the code. HLL – Riemann Solver The HLL (Harten, Lax and van Leer) approximate Riemann solver devised by Harten et al. (1983) is used widely in shallow water models. It is a Godunov-type scheme based on the two-wave assumption. This approach assumes estimates for the wave speeds of the left and right waves. The solution of the Riemann problem between the two waves is thereby approximated by a constant state as indicated in Fig. 6. This two-wave assumption is only strictly valid for the one dimensional case. When applied to two dimensional cases, the intermediate waves are neglected in this approach. The HLL solver is very efficient and robust for many inviscid applications such as SWE. Fig. 6: Principle of the HLL Riemann Solver. The analytical solution (left) is replaced by an approximate one with a constant state U* separated by waves with estimated wave speeds (right) By applying the integral form of the conservation laws in appropriate control volumes the HLL-flux is derived. The numerical flux over an edge is sampled between three different cases separated by the left and right waves. The indices L and R stand for the left and right states of the local Riemann problem. R II - 2.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL FL hll S R FL − S L FR + S R S L (U R − U L ) Fi +1/2 = F= SR − SL FR if S L ≤ 0 ≤ S R if 0 ≥ S R if 0 ≤ SL (RII-2.2) Furthermore, the left and right wave speed velocities are estimated using a two-rarefaction solution. Additionally, possible occurrence of dry-bed conditions must be regarded. uR − 2 ghR SL = min(uL − ghL ; uR − ghR ) if hL = 0 if hL ≥ 0 (RII-2.3) uL + 2 ghL SR = max(uR + ghR ; uL + ghL ) 0 if hR = if hR ≥ 0 HLLC – Riemann Solver A modification and improvement of the HLL approximate solver was proposed by Toro et al. (1994). This so called HLLC approximate Riemann solver also accounts for the impact of intermediate waves, such as shear waves and contact discontinuities, in two dimensional problems. In addition to the estimates of left and right wave speeds, the HLLC solver also requires an estimate for the speed of the middle wave. This middle wave than divides the region between the left and right waves into two constant states. The numerical flux over an edge is sampled regarding four different cases as Fi +1/2 FL F = F + S (U − U ) L L *L L = *L S = + ( − F F U U R R *R R) *R FR 0 ≤ SL if S L ≤ 0 ≤ S* if S* ≤ 0 ≤ S R if 0 ≥ S R if U * L , U * R are obtained, as proposed by Toro(1997), from the relations 1 1 S L − uL S R − uR U * L = hL S* ; U * R = hR S* ; S L − S* v S R − S* v L R (RII-2.4) The states VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 (RII-2.5) R II - 2.1-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL The needed solutions for the water depth and velocity in the star region are derived from solutions of a simplified Riemann problem based on the depth-positivity-condition. Here, aL and aR are the according wave speeds gh of the left and right initial states. h* = 1 1 (ur − uL )(hL + hR ) (hL + hR ) − 2 4 ( aL + aR ) (RII-2.6) (h − h )(a + aR ) 1 u* = (uL + uR ) − R L L hL + hR 2 S L , S* and S R are the estimated wave speeds for the left, middle and right waves. The left and right wave speeds are approximated with the use of a two-rarefaction solution, whereby the dry-bed problem must be considered separately. uR − 2 ghR SL = min(uL − ghL ; u* − gh* ) if hL = 0 if hL ≥ 0 (RII-2.7) uL + 2 ghL SR = max(uR + ghR ; u* + gh* ) The middle wave speed dry-bed problems as S* = S* is calculated as proposed by Toro(1997) in a suitable way for S L hR (uR − S R ) − S R hL (uL − S L ) hR (uR − S R ) − hL (u L − S L ) R II - 2.1-8 0 if hR = if hR ≥ 0 (RII-2.8) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.2 NUMERICS KERNEL Saint-Venant Equations 2.2.1 Spatial Discretisation The time Discretisation is based on the explicit Euler schema, where the new values are calculated considering only values from the precedent time step. The spatial Discretisation of the Saint Venant equations is carried out by the finite volume method, where the differential equations are integrated over the single elements. Fig. 7: Definition sketch It is assumed that values, which are known at the cross section location, are constant within the element. Throughout this section it therefore can be stated that: xiR ∫ f ( x)dx ≈ f ( xi )( xiR − xiL ) =fi ∆xi (RII-2.9) xL where xiR and xiL are the positions of the edges at the east and the west side of element i, as illustrated in Fig. 7. 2.2.2 Discrete Form of Equations Continuity Equation Equation 2 is integrated over the element: xiR ∂A ∂Q 0 ∫ ∂t + ∂x − q dx = l (RII-2.10) xL The different parts of the equation are discretized as follows: ∂Ai ∂Ai Ait +1 − Ait ∫ ∂t dx ≈ ∂t ∆xi ≈ ∆t ∆xi xiL (RII-2.11) ∂Qi dx = Q( xiR ) − Q( xiL ) = Φ c ,iR − Φ c ,iL ∂x xiL (RII-2.12) xiR xiR ∫ VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT xiR ∫ q dx ≈ q l iR NUMERICS KERNEL ( xiR − xi ) + qiL ( xi − xiL ) (RII-2.13) xiL Φ c ,iR and Φ c ,iL are the continuity fluxes calculated by the Riemann solver and qiR and qiL the lateral sources in the corresponding river segments. For the explicit time Discretisation the new value of 1 Ait += Ait − A will be: ∆t ∆t (Φ c ,iR − Φ c ,iL ) − (qiR ( xi − xiR ) + qiL ( xiL − xi )) ∆xi ∆xi (RII-2.14) Momentum Equation Assuming that the lateral in and outflows do not contribute to the momentum balance, thus neglecting the last term of equation (RI-1.9), and integrating over the element, the momentum equation becomes: ∂Q ∂ Q 2 0 ∫x ∂t + ∂x β Ared + ∑ Sources dx = iL xiR (RII-2.15) The different parts of the equation are discretized as follows: ∂Qi ∂Qi Qit +1 − Qit dx ≈ ∆ x ≈ ∆xi i ∫x ∂t ∂ t ∆ t iL (RII-2.16) ∂Qi Q2 ∫ ∂x dx = β Ared xiL (RII-2.17) xiR xiR xiR Q2 −β Ared = Φ m ,iR − Φ m ,iL xiL Φ m ,ir and Φ m ,il are the momentum fluxes calculated by the Riemann solver. For the explicit time Discretisation the new value of 1 Qit += Qit − 2.2.3 ∆t ( Φ m,iR − Φ m,iL ) + ∑ Sources ∆xi Q will be: (RII-2.18) Discretisation of Source Terms Bed Slope Source Term The bed slope source term: W = gA ∂zS ∂x (RII-2.19) is discretized as follows: R II - 2.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT xiR ∫ gAred xL ∂zS ∂z dx ≈ gAredi S ∂x ∂x NUMERICS KERNEL xi −z z ∆xi ≈ gAredi S ,i +1 S ,i −1 ∆xi xi +1 − xi −1 (RII-2.20) With the subtraction of the bed slope source term, equation (RII-2.18) becomes: −z z ∆t Φ m ,ir − Φ m ,il ) − ∆tgAredi S ,i +1 S ,i −1 ( ∆xi xi +1 − xi −1 1 Qit += Qit − (RII-2.21) Friction Source Term The friction source term: Fr = gAred S f is simply calculated with the local values: xiR ∫ gA red S fi dx ≈ gAredi S fi ∆xi (RII-2.22) xL and S fi = Qit Qit ( Kit ) (RII-2.23) 2 This computation form however leads to problems if the element was dry in the precedent time step, because in this case A , and thus K , become very small, and Sf i very large. This leads to numerical instabilities. For this reason a semi-implicit approach has been applied, which considers the discharge of the present time step: S fi = Qit +1 Qit ( Kit ) (RII-2.24) 2 Consequently instead of simply subtracting the source term from equation (RII-2.21), the following operation is executed on the new Q : Qit +1 = Qit +1 1+ ∆t Qit gAit (RII-2.25) (K ) t 2 i In this way for a very small conveyance the discharge tends to 0. Hydraulic Radius The hydraulic radius and the conveyance of a cross section are calculated by different ways for different types of cross sections, depending on the geometry which is specified by the VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL user. The cross section can be simple or composed by a main channel and flood plains. Additionally it can have a bed bottom. Simple cross section without definition of bed (Fig. 8) For the simple cross section the hydraulic radius is calculated by the sum of the hydraulic radius of all slices. The conveyance is then calculated for the whole cross section. Fig. 8: Simple cross section Ri = Ai Pi (RII-2.26) R = ∑ Ri (RII-2.27) A = ∑ Ai (RII-2.28) K = c f gR A (RII-2.29) If there are slices with nearly horizontal ground however, this computation mode can lead to jumps in the water level-conveyance graph. This is dangerous if we store the conveyance in a table, from which values will be read by interpolation. If the conveyance is calculated by adding the conveyances of the single slides the jump is avoided, but this method leads to an underestimation of the conveyance for the heights higher than the step. The problem is illustrated by the dimensionless example in Fig. 9. calculated w ith the total hydraulic radius sum of the conveyances of all slices 250 conveyance 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 water surface elevation Fig. 9: Conveyance computation of a channel with a flat zone R II - 2.2-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Such flat zones in practice occur especially for cross sections composed by a main channel and flood plains. For this reason this type of cross section can be specified and will be treated differently. Such a cross section is illustrated in Fig. 10. Fig. 10: Cross section with flood plains and main channel In this case the conveyance and the discharge are calculated separately for each part of the cross section. The total discharge results by summation. Cross section with definition of bed (Fig. 11) Additionally to the distinction of flood plains and main channel, a bed bottom can be specified for both simple and composed cross sections. In this case for the computation of the hydraulic radius of the main channel are considered the distinct influence areas of bottom, walls and, if existing, interfaces to the flood plains. In Fig. 11 is illustrated the case without flood plains or a water level below them. Fig. 11: Cross section with definition of a bed The conveyance in this case is calculated by the following steps: Ab = Rb Pb (RII-2.30) Atot = Awl + Awr + Ab (RII-2.31) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT Rb = k 3/ 2 stb Pwl 3/ 2 kStWl NUMERICS KERNEL Atot P P + 3/b 2 + 3/wr2 kStb kStWr (RII-2.32) K b = cf gRb Ab (RII-2.33) Kb Ab (RII-2.34) U mb = S Qb = U mb Ab (RII-2.35) A = Qw U mb tot − Rb Pb 1.05 (RII-2.36) Q = Qb + Qw (RII-2.37) K =Q/ S (RII-2.38) K = Kb + K w = A Qb Qw K b K A + = Rb Pb + b tot − Rb Pb = K b + K b tot − 1 Ab 1.05 S S Ab 1.05 Ab (RII-2.39) Fig. 12 shows the case of a water level higher than the flood plains. Fig. 12: Cross section with flood plains and definition of a bed bottom R II - 2.2-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL In this case two more partial areas are distinguished for the computation of the hydraulic radius of the bed and: Rb = Atot . Pwl Pb Pwr Pir 3/ 2 Pil kStb 3/ 2 + 3/ 2 + 3/ 2 + 3/ 2 + 3/ 2 kStil kStwl kStb kStwr kStir 2.2.4 (RII-2.40) Discretisation of Boundary conditions While normally the edges are placed in the middle between two cross sections, which are related to the elements, at the boundaries the left edge of the first upstream element and the right edge of the last downstream element are situated at the same place as the cross sections themselves. Thus there is no distance between the edge and the cross section. Inlet Boundary The boundary condition is applied to the left edge of the first element, where it serves to determine the fluxes over the element side. If there is no water coming in, these fluxes are simply set to 0. If there is an inlet flux it must be given as a hydrograph. The given discharge is directly used as the continuity flux, whereas for the computation of the momentum flux, Ared and β are determined in the first cross section (which has the same location). Φ c ,1R = Qbound (RII-2.41) ( Qbound ) Φ m ,1R = β1 (RII-2.42) Ared 1 For the computation of the bed source term in the first cell, the values in the cell are used instead of the lacking upstream values: z −z W1 = Ared 1 S ,2 S ,1 x2 − x1 • (RII-2.43) Outlet Boundary weir and gate: n −1 The wetted area AN of the last cross section at the previous time step is used to determine the water surface elevation z S , N . With z S , N , the wetted area of the weir or gate and finally the out flowing discharge Q are calculated, which are used for the computation of the flux over the outflow edge: Φ c , NL = Qweir VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 (RII-2.44) R II - 2.2-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT Φ m , NL • (Q ) =weir NUMERICS KERNEL 2 (RII-2.45) Aweir z(t) and z(Q): If the given boundary condition is a time evolution of the water surface elevation or a rating curve, the discharge Q is taken from the last cell and time step. In the case of a rating curve it is used to determine the water surface elevation zS . The given elevation is used to calculate A and β in the last cross section: Φ c , NL = QNt −1 Φ m , NL = βbound • (RII-2.46) (Q ) t −1 2 N Abound (RII-2.47) In/out: With the boundary condition in/out the flux over the outflow edge is just equal to the inflow flux of the last cell: Φ c , Ll = Φ c , NR (RII-2.48) Φ m , NL = Φ m , NR (RII-2.49) For the computation of the bed source term in the last cell, the values in the cell are used instead of the lacking downstream values: z − zS , N −1 WN = AredN S , N xN − xN −1 (RII-2.50) Moving Boundaries Boundaries are always considered to be on an edge. A moving boundary appears if one of the cells, limited by the edge, is dry. In this case some changes have to be considered for the computations: • Flux over an internal edge: If in one of the cells the water depth at the lowest point of the cross section is lower than the dry depth hmin , the energy level in the other cell is computed. If this is lower than the water surface elevation in the dry cell the flow over the edge is 0. Otherwise it is calculated normally. R II - 2.2-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT • NUMERICS KERNEL Bed source: For the computation of the bed source term in the case of the upstream or downstream cell being dry, the local values are used as in the following example with an upstream dry cell: −z z Wi = Ared ,i S ,i +1 S ,i xi +1 − xi 2.2.5 (RII-2.51) Solution Procedure a) General solution procedure of BASEchain in detail Read problem setup file Set default friction Read topography file Set bottoms Define hydraulic boundaries Define hydraulic initial conditions Define hydraulic parameters Define initial conditions Define outputs Define hydraulic sources Make computational grid Set limits of main channel If: calculation mode = “table” Yes No For: each cross section -/- Generate tables VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL If: sediment transport is active ( bed load or suspended load ) Yes No Define general sediment parameters -/- Define grain classes -/- Define mixtures -/- Define soils If: bedload is active Yes No Set bedload specific parameters Set default transport type factors Define bed load boundaries Set bed load fluxes Set transport capacities If: suspended load is active Yes No Initialize suspended load Define suspended load boundaries Set advection-diffusion fluxes If sediment exchange with soil is active: Yes No Crate exchange source term Print topography output Print initial conditions to output files R II - 2.2-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Generate the needed sources If: boundary time series exist Yes Calculate new values for boundary time series No -/- Calculate time step Time Loop If: there are monitoring points Yes Print monitoring point files No -/- Print restart file VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-11 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL b) time loop while: total computational time <= final simulation time: If: suspended transport or bedload transport is active: Yes No Compute morphological time step If: suspended transport is active: Yes No Solve advection-diffusion equations If: bedload transport is active: Yes No Solve morphodynamic equations If: suspended transport or sediment transport is active: Yes No Calculate sediment exchange with sub layer (source Sfk) Solve hydrodynamic equations If: bedload transport or suspended load with sediment exchange with the bottom is active: Yes No Update tables If: monitoring points exist: Yes No Update monitoring points Increment current computational time Print time dependent outputs R II - 2.2-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL c) hydrodynamic equations For: each edge Calculate flux For: each element Balance fluxes Add hydrodynamic sources For: each element Substitute old values with new values VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-13 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL d) morphodynamic equations For: each element Calculate transport width of cross section Reset transport capacities For: each edge Calculate sediment fluxes For: each element Calculate local sources Balance global material conservation Add local sources Determine bed level change for cross section For: each slice Update layer positions For: each grain class Balance material sorting equation Add local sources Calculate sediment exchange with sub layer ( source Sf) Add exchange with sub layer For: each slice Correct all R II - 2.2-14 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL e) suspended load equations For: each element Calculate wetted width of cross section For: each edge Calculate advection and diffusion fluxes For: each element Calculate exchange sources (Sk)) Calculate local sources (Slk) Calculate new concentrations Solve Exner equation Solve grain sorting equation Update cross section geometry Advance all values VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.2-15 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL This page has been intentionally left blank. R II - 2.2-16 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 2.3 Shallow Water Equations 2.3.1 Discrete Form of Equations It has been seen that for the transformation of the differential and the integral equations into discrete algebraic equations numerical methods are used. Based on the mentioned reasons, the FV method has been used in the present work for the Discretisation of SWE. Equation (RI-1.34) can be rewritten in the following integral form: ∫ U dΩ + ∫ ∇ ⋅ ( F, G ) dΩ + ∫ SdΩ = 0 t Ω Ω (RII-2.52) Ω in which Ω equals the area of the calculation cell (Fig. 1) Using the Gauss’ relation equation (RII-2.52) becomes: ∫ U dΩ + ∫ ( F, G ) ⋅ n dl + ∫ SdΩ = 0 t s Ω ∂Ω Assuming written: Ut + (RII-2.53) Ω U t and S are constant over the domain for first order accuracy, it can be 1 ∫ ( F, G ) ⋅ ns dl + S =0 Ω ∂Ω (RII-2.54) Equation (RII-2.53) can be discretized by a two-phase scheme namely predictor – corrector scheme as follows: = U in +1 U in - ∆t 3 n ( F, G )i , j × n j l j - ∆t Si ∑ Ω j =1 (RII-2.55) where m = number of cell or element sides ( F, G )i , j = numerical flux through the side of cell ns ,i = unit vector of cell side The advantage of two-phase scheme is the second order accuracy in time marching. In the FV method, the key problem is to estimate the normal flux through each side of the domain, namely ( ( F, G ) ⋅ n s ). There are several algorithms to estimate this flux. The set of SWE is hyperbolic and, therefore, it has an inherent directional property of propagation. For instance, in 1d unsteady flow, information comes from both, upstream and downstream, in sub critical cases, while information only comes from upstream in supercritical cases. Algorithms to estimate the flux should appropriately handle this property. The Riemann solver, which is based on characteristics theory, is such an algorithm. It is the solution of Riemann Problem. The Riemann solver under the FV method formulation is especially suitable for capturing discontinuities in sub critical or supercritical flow, e.g. a dam break wave or flood propagation in a river. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Flux Estimation Considering the integral term of flux in equation (RII-2.54), it can be written: ) ⋅ n dl ∫ ( F ( U ) cos θ + G ( U ) sin θ ) dl ∫ ( F ( U ) , G ( U )= (RII-2.56) s ∂Ω ∂Ω in which n s ≡ ( cos θ ,sin θ ) is the outward unit vector to the boundary of domain Ω i (see Fig. 13). Based on the rotational invariance property for F ( U ) and G ( U ) on the boundary of the domain, it can be written according to Toro (1997): ( F ( U ) , G ( U ) ) = T (θ ) F ( T (θ ) U ) −1 where θ is the angle between the vector the x-axis. (see Fig. 13) (RII-2.57) n s and x-axis, measured counter clockwise from Fig. 13: Geometry of a Computational Cell Ω i in FV The rotational transformation matrix 0 1 T (θ ) = 0 cos θ 0 − sin θ 0 sin θ cos θ (RII-2.58) T −1 (θ ) = inverse of T (θ ) R II - 2.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Using (RII-2.57), (RII-2.54) can be rewritten as: Ut + 1 0 T−1 (θ ) F ( T (θ ) U ) dl + S = ∫ Ω ∂Ω (RII-2.59) The quantity T (θ ) U is transformed of U , with velocity components in the normal and tangential direction. For each cell in the computational domain, the quantity U , thus T (θ ) U may have different values, which results in a discontinuity across the interface between cells. Therefore, the two-dimensional problem in (RII-2.52) or (RII-2.54) can be handled as a series of local Riemann problems in the normal direction to the cell interface ( x ) by the equation (RII-2.59). Applying the foregoing, the flux computations over the edges are preformed in three successive steps: • First, the vector of conserved variables U is transformed into the local coordinate system at the edge with the operation T (θ ) U . • A one-dimensional, local Riemann problem is formulated and solved in the normal direction of the edge. From this calculation results the new flux vector over the edge F T (θ ) U . • The flux vector, formulated in the local coordinate system at the edge, is −1 transformed back to Cartesian coordinates with T F T (θ ) U . The Sum of the fluxes of all edges of an element gives the total fluxes in x- and y directions. Flux Correction When the solution is advanced and the continuity and momentum equations are updated in each cell, there may be occurring situations in which more water is removed from an element than is actually stored in the element (overdraft). Such overdraft is mostly experienced in situations with strongly varying topography and low water depths, e.g. near wet-dry interfaces on irregular beds. To guarantee mass continuity and positive depths in all elements, a correction of the depths and volumetric fluxes is applied in such situations following the approach of Begnudelli and Sanders (2006). The overdraft element i having a negative water depth receives water from its surrounding element k if two conditions are fulfilled. The element k must previously have taken water from the overdraft element and it must have enough storage available. The corrections of the depths and volumetric fluxes of the neighbouring elements k are then calculated as hkcorr= hk + ωk hi Ai Ak (RII-2.60) A Flux = Fluxk + ωk hi i ∆t corr k VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL where hk is the water depth and Fluxk is the volumetric Flux of the neighbouring element. hi is the (negative) water depth of the overdraft element and ωk is a weighting factor which is obtained by weighting the volumetric fluxes of all corrected neighbouring elements k. ωk = Fluxk ∑ Fluxk (RII-2.61) k After the correction of the neighbouring elements, the water depth of the overdraft element is set to zero. 2.3.2 Discretisation of Source Terms In Eq. (RII-2.55) there are different possibilities for the evaluation of the source term S i . It can be evaluated either with the variables of the old time step as S i ( U i ) , which is often n +1/2 , referred to as unsplitted scheme, or it can be evaluated with the advanced values U i which already include changes due to the numerical fluxes computed during this time step n +1/2 as S i ( U i ) . The use of the advanced values for the source term calculation is chosen here because it gives better results (Toro 2001). Therefore Eq. (RII-2.55) is split in following way ∆t 3 n U in +1/2 = U in − ∑ ( F,G )i , j ⋅ n j dl j Ω j =1 (RII-2.62) = U in +1 U in +1/2 +∆t Si ( U in +1/2 ) But, as explained in the following, the friction source term treatment. Si , fr receives a special Friction Source Term When treating the friction source terms, a simple explicit Discretisation may cause numerical instabilities if the water depth is very small, because the water depth is in the denominator. Such problematic situations may occur in particular at drying-wetting interfaces. To circumvent the numerical instabilities, the frictions terms are treated in a semi-implicit way. Therefore the friction source term is calculated with the unknown value U in +1 at the new time level as n +1 U = U in +1/2 − ∆tSi , fr (U in +1 ) i Considering the generalized one obtains: U in +1/2 U in +1 = 1 + ∆t R II - 2.3-4 (u ) + ( v ) n 2 i n 2 i (RII-2.63) c f friction coefficient and after some algebraic manipulations, (RII-2.64) c 2fi Ri VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Hydraulic Radius The calculation of the friction source term requires a definition of the hydraulic radius Ri in the element i. The hydraulic radius is defined here as water depth in the element ( Ri = hi ). Wall friction In cases where an element is situated at a boundary wall of the domain, the influence of the additional wall friction on the flow can optionally be considered, as illustrated in Fig. 14. The friction slope is extended to include additional wall friction effects, based on the approach of Brufau and Garcia-Navarro (2000). In this implementation the friction values of the bed c f and the wall c fw can be chosen differently. Aw hw Ab lw boundary wall element Fig. 14: Wetted perimeter of a boundary element with wall friction The friction slope in x-direction is calculated as ns 1 1 u u 2 + v2 ( 2 ) Si , fr , x = +∑ 2 g cf R w =1 c fw Rw bed friction (RII-2.65) wall friction with Rw being the hydraulic radius of the wall friction at the boundary edge w . The first term in eq. (RII-2.65) defines the friction losses due to bed friction and the second term defines the additional friction losses due to the flow along the boundary wall. The friction slope in y-direction is derived in an analogous way. The hydraulic radius = Rw Rw at the wall boundary edge is calculated as Vwater Ab h Ab , = = Aw lw h lw (RII-2.66) where l w is the length of the element’s edge located at the wall boundary, Ab is bottom area of the element and Aw is the wetted area of the wall. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL For the determination of the bottom shear stress for sediment transport computations, this additional wall friction component is not taken into account. Source Term for viscous and turbulent Stresses The kinematic and turbulent stresses are treated as source term. For the derivatives, the divergence theorem from Gauss is used similarly to the ordinary fluxes. This approach allows a derivative to be calculated as a sum over averaged values on an edge. A potential division by zero cannot occur. In the following, a cantered scheme for diffusive fluxes on an unstructured grid based on the approach of Mohamadian (2004) is described. For the Finite Volume Method, the diffusive source terms are integrated over an element: d dΩ ∫∫ S= Ω ∂F d ∂G d ∫∫Ω ∂x + ∂y dΩ (RII-2.67) By using the divergence theorem, the diffusive flux integrals are becoming boundary integrals ∂F d ∂G d dΩ ∫∫Ω ∂x + ∂y= ∫ F d n + G d nds (RII-2.68) ∂Ω The boundary integral is discretized by a summation over the element edges (index e) ∫ F d n + G d nds= ∂Ω ∑ (F d e ) n e + G de n e dse (RII-2.69) e The diffusive fluxes ( ) Fed and G de on the element edges are calculated by a centred scheme ( 1 1 Fed = FRd + FLd , G de = G dR + G dL 2 2 ) (RII-2.70) where R and L stand for a value right and left of the edge. The diffusive fluxes on the edges read then as 0 1 ∂u ∂u d F= νh + νh e 2 ∂x R ∂x L ∂v ∂v νh + νh ∂x R ∂x L (RII-2.71) and R II - 2.3-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 0 1 ∂u ∂u d G= νh + νh e 2 ∂y R ∂y L ∂v ∂v νh ∂y + νh ∂y R L (RII-2.72) where ν = ν m + ν t is the sum of the molecular (kinematic) and turbulent eddy viscosity. For this approach, the velocity derivatives at the element canters are used as right and left approximation near the edge. The values for the water depth h right and left of an edge are reconstructed using the water surface elevation of the adjacent elements. The turbulent eddy viscosity ν t can be either set to a constant value or calculated dynamically for each element. Using the dynamic case, the values for ν t are taken from the right and left element of an edge. All that remains is to calculate the derivatives of the velocity components at the element centres. For Finite Volume Methods, this is an easy task using again the divergence theorem. The derivative of a general scalar variable ϕ on an arbitrary element is given by 1 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ = ∫ dΩ ≈ ∂x Elem Ω Ω ∂x ∂ϕ 1 ∂ϕ = ∫ dΩ ≈ ∂y Elem Ω Ω ∂y ∑ ϕ ∆y e e (RII-2.73) e Ω ∑ ϕ ∆x e e e Ω (RII-2.74) where Ω is the area of the element and e stands for an edge. ϕe is a value on the edge. As in finite volume methods, most variables are defined on an element, ϕe has to be calculated as average of the neighbouring elements: ϕ= e 1 ( ϕR + ϕL ) 2 (RII-2.75) The spatial differences ∆y e and ∆x e are the differences of the edge’s node-coordinates in x and y direction. For this method to work, it is important to have the same direction of integration along the elements edges – either clockwise or counter-clockwise. As a result, a viscous term from equation (RII-2.76) is computed as ∂u νh ≈ ν L h L ∂x L VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 ∑ u ∆y e e ΩL e (RII-2.77) R II - 2.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT with = ue NUMERICS KERNEL 0.5 ( u eL + u eR ) . The depth-averaged turbulent viscosity ν t can either be set to a constant value or it is calculated for every element using the formula κ ν t = u *h 6 Where = u* (RII-2.78) κ =0.4 is the von Karman constant and u * is the shear velocity which is defined as ( cf u 2 + v 2 ) (RII-2.79) Where cf is the bed friction coefficient derived from the same Manning- or Strickler-value as defined for bed friction. Bed Slope Source Term and Bed Slope Calculation The irregularity of the topography plays an important role in real world applications and often can have great impacts on the final accuracy of the results. A Discretisation scheme with the elevations defined in the nodes of a cell leads to an accurate representation of the topography. Special attention thereby is needed with regard to the C-property which is discussed in chapter 2.3.3. The numerical treatment of the bed slope source term here is formulated based on Komaei’s method (Komai and Bechteler 2004). Regarding eq. (RII-2.54), it is required to compute the integral of the bed slope source term over a element Ω i . 0 0 ∂z B ( x, y ) B dΩ dΩ g ∫∫ h − ∂x dΩ ∫∫Ω S= ∫∫Ω ghS Bx = Ω ghS By − ∂z B ( x, y ) ∂y (RII-2.80) Assuming that the bed slope values are constant over a cell (RII-2.80) can be simplified to: 0 0 g ∫∫ hdΩ = S gVolwater S Bx B dΩ ∫∫ S= Bx Ω Ω S S By By (RII-2.81) In order to evaluate the above integral, it is necessary to compute the bed slope of a cell and the volume of the water over a cell. Since the numerical model allows the use of triangular R II - 2.3-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL cells as well as quadrilateral cells in hybrid meshes, these both cases need to be distinguished. Triangular cells The bed slope of a triangular cell can be computed by using the finite element formulation as given by Hinton and Owen (1979). It is assumed that zb varies linearly over the cell ( Fig. 15): z B ( x, y ) =α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y in which α2 = (RII-2.82) ∂z B ∂z ; α3 = B ∂x ∂y Fig. 15: A Triangular Cell The constants α 1 , α 2 and α 3 can be determined by inserting the nodal coordinates and equating to the corresponding nodal values of z B . Solving for α 1 , α 2 and α 3 finally gives z B ( x,= y) 1 (a1 + b1 x + c1 y ) zb ,1 + (a2 + b2 x + c2 y ) zb ,2 + (a3 + b3 x + c3 y ) zb ,3 2Ω (RII-2.83) where = a1 x2 y3 − x3 y2 b= y2 − y3 1 c= x3 − x2 1 (RII-2.84) With the other coefficients given by cyclic permutation of the subscripts in the order 1,2,3. The area Ω of the triangular element is given by 1 x1 y1 2Ω = 1 x2 1 x3 y2 y3 (RII-2.85) One can compute the bed slopes in x- and y-direction in each cell as VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂z ( x, y ) 1 (b1 z B ,1 + b2 z B ,2 + b3 z B ,3 ) S Bx = − B = − 2Ω ∂x ∂z B ( x, y ) 1 (c1 z B ,1 + c2 z B ,2 + c3 z B ,3 ) S By = − = − 2Ω ∂y (RII-2.86) The water volume over a cell can also be computed by using the parametric coordinates of the Finite Element Method. h +h +h = Volwater 1 2 3 Ω 3 (RII-2.87) where h1 , h2 and h3 are the water depths at the nodes 1, 2 and 3 respectively (Fig. 16). Fig. 16: Water volume over a cell In the case of partially wet cells (Fig. 17) the location of the wet-dry line (a and b) has to be determined, where the water surface plane intersects the cell surface. Fig. 17: Partially wet cell R II - 2.3-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Using the coordinates of a and b, the water volume over the cell can be calculated as: Volwater = Ω a32 h2 + h3 h + Ω 2ba 2 3 3 (RII-2.88) In the computation of the fluxes through the edges (1-2) and (1-3), the modified lengths are used. The modified length is computed under the assumption that the water elevation is constant over a cell. Quadrilateral cells The numerical treatment of the bed source term calculation greatly increases in complexity if one has to deal with quadrilateral elements with four nodes. In the common case these nodes do not lie on a plane and therefore the slope of the element is not uniquely determined and not trivially computed. Even if the nodes initially lie on a plane, this situation can change if morphological simulations with mobile beds are performed. To prevent complex geometric algorithms and to avoid the problematic bed slope calculation, the quadrilateral element is divided up into four triangles. Then the calculations outlined before for triangular cells can be applied separately on each triangle. Fig. 18: Quadrilateral element and its division into four triangles ( ∆12C , ∆ 23C , ∆ 34C , ∆ 41C ) The four triangles are obtained by connecting each edge with the centroid C of the element. The required bed elevation of this centroid C is thereby estimated by a weighted distance averaging of the nodal elevations as proposed by Valiani et al. (2002): 4 zC = ∑z k =1 4 k ∑ k =1 ( xk − xC ) 2 + ( yk − yC ) 2 (RII-2.89) ( xk − xC ) + ( yk − yC ) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 2 2 R II - 2.3-11 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL where zC is the interpolated bed elevation of the centroid and k is the index of the four nodes of the quadrilateral element. Following this procedure the water volumes and bed slopes are calculated in the same way as outlined before for each of the triangles. Finally the bed slope term of the quadrilateral element is obtained as sum over the values of the corresponding four triangles. 0 4 g ∫∫ hdΩ = S g ∑ Volwater ,∆ k B dΩ ∫∫ S= Bx k =1 Ω Ω S By 0 S Bx ,k . S By ,k (RII-2.90) This calculation method circumvents the problematic bed slope determination for the quadrilateral element during the calculation of the bed source term. But for other purposes, like for morphological simulations with bed load transport, a defined bed slope within the quadrilateral element may be needed. For such situations the bed slope is determined by an area-weighting of the slopes of the k triangles. Replacing φ with the x- or y-coordinate, one obtains the bed slopes as follows: ∂z B ( x, y ) 1 ≈ AQuad ∂φ R II - 2.3-12 ∂z B ,k ( x, y ) A∆ ,k ∂φ k =1 4 ∑ (RII-2.91) ,φ = x, y . VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.3.3 NUMERICS KERNEL Conservative property (C-Property) The usually applied shock capturing schemes were originally designed for hyperbolic systems without source terms. Such schemes do not guarantee the C-property in the presence of source terms like the bed source term in the shallow water equations. At stagnant conditions, when simulating still water above an uneven bed, unphysical fluxes and oscillations may result from an unbalance between the flux gradients and the bed source terms. In order to guarantee the C-property following condition, the reduced momentum equation for stagnant conditions, must hold true: 1 = )n dl g ∫∫ hS ∫ ( 2 gh 2 x dΩ Bx dΩ |ζ =const Ω 1 2 = )n y dl g ∫∫ hSBy dΩ |ζ =const ∫ ( 2 gh Ω dΩ (RII-2.92) Therefore it is necessary to guarantee conservation by an appropriate treatment and discretisation of the flux gradients and the bed source terms. Recent studies provide several approaches for proper source term treatment, but are often either computationally complex or cannot be easily transferred to unstructured meshes. Following the approach of Komaei, 2 the left hand terms 0.5ghmod are calculated with a modified depth at the edges. This modified depth is calculated as integral over the linearly varying water depth at an edge. L hi2 + hi h j + h 2j 1 2 = h = h ( x)dx L ∫0 3 2 mod (RII-2.93) hi and h j are the water depths at the edge’s left and right nodes, as shown in Fig. 19. Fig. 19: Edge with linearly varying water depth It can be easily proved that using hmod in the determination of the flux gradients guarantees the C-property on unstructured grids, if the bed source terms are discretized as product of the water volume with the bed slope as shown before. This is exemplified here for a completely wetted triangle in x-direction: VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-13 Reference Manual BASEMENT g ∫∫ hSBx dΩ |ζ =const = gVolwater S= g Bx Ω NUMERICS KERNEL 1 1 ( h1 + h2 + h3 ) b1 zB ,1 + b2 zB ,2 + b3 zB ,3 3 2 g ( h1 + h2 + h3 ) [b1 (ζ − h1 ) + b2 (ζ − h2 ) + b3 (ζ − h3 )] 6 g b1 + b2 + b3 ) − b1h1 − b2 h2 − b3 h3 = ( h1 + h2 + h3 ) ζ ( 6 =0 g = − ( h1 + h2 + h3 ) [b1h1 + b2 h2 + b3h3 ] 6 = l 1 1 n − ∫ ( gh 2 )nx dl = − g ∑ ∫ h( x)dx 2 2 k =1 x =0 dΩ = −g = − 1 1 2 1 1 (h1 + h1h2 + h22 )b3 + (h22 + h2 h3 + h32 )b1 + (h32 + h3 h1 + h12 )b2 2 3 3 3 g ( h1 + h2 + h3 ) [b1h1 + b2 h2 + b3h3 ] 6 (RII-2.94) Both terms lead to the same result and therefore balance exactly for stagnant flow conditions. R II - 2.3-14 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.3.4 NUMERICS KERNEL Discretisation of Boundary Conditions The hydrodynamic model uses the essential boundary conditions, i.e. velocity and water surface elevation are to be specified along the computational domain. The theoretical background of the boundary condition has already been already discussed in book one “Physical Models”. In this part the numerical treatment of the two most important boundary types, namely inlet and outlet will be discussed separately. • Inlet Boundary Hydrograph: The hydrograph boundary condition is applied to a user defined inlet section which is defined by a list of boundary edges. The velocity vectors are assumed to be perpendicular to these boundary edges and the inlet section is assumed to be a straight line with uniform water elevation (1D treatment). If there is an incoming discharge it must be given as hydrograph. Both steady and unsteady discharges can be specified along the inlet section, where water surface elevation and the cross-sectional area are allowed to change with time. For an unsteady discharge, the hydrograph is digitized in a data set of the form: t1 Q1 … t n Qn … t end Q end n n where Q is the total discharge inflow at time t . The hydrograph specified in this way, can be arbitrary in shape. . The total discharge is interpolated, based on the corresponding time. The water elevation at the inlet section is determined by the values of the old time step at the adjacent elements. In case of dry conditions or supercritical flow at the inlet section, the water elevation is calculated according the known discharge. For these iterative h-Q calculations normal flow is assumed and an average bed slope, perpendicular to the inlet section, must be given. The calculated total inflow discharge is distributed over the inflow boundary edges and the according momentum component is calculated. Thereby only the edges below the water surface elevation receive a discharge. If some edges lie above the water elevation they are treated as walls. To distribute the inflow discharge over the wetted inflow boundary edges following approach is implemented. The discharge Qi for each edge i is calculated as fraction of the total discharge using a weighting factor Κ i as Qi = Κ i Qin . VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Qin (RII-2.95) R II - 2.3-15 Reference Manual BASEMENT This weighting factor NUMERICS KERNEL Κ i can be calculated based on its local conveyance as Ki = c fi Ri g Ai n ∑ (c j =1 (RII-2.96) R j g Aj ) fj where Κ i is the discharge at edge i and the index j ranges from the first to the last wetted edge of the inflow boundary edges. Ri , Ai and c fi are the hydraulic radius, the wetted area and the friction factor of the corresponding elements respectively. Alternatively, the weighting factor Κ i can be calculated based on the local wetted areas at the edge i, which finally results in equal inflow velocities over all edges. Ki = Ai ∑A j =1 • (RII-2.97) n j Outlet Boundary Free surface elevation boundary: As is mentioned in Tab.2 of the first part of this reference manual (RI: Mathematical Models), just one outlet boundary condition is necessary to be defined. This could be the flux, the water surface elevation or the water elevation-discharge curve at the outflow section. There is often no boundary known at the outlet. In this situation, the boundary should be modelled as a so-called free surface elevation boundary. A zero gradient assumption at the outlet could be a good choice. This could be expressed as follows: ∂ =0 ∂n (RII-2.98) Although this type of boundary condition has a reflection problem, numerical experiences have shown that this effect is limited just to five to ten grid nodes from the boundary. Therefore it has been suggested to slightly expand the calculation domain in the outlet region to use this type of outlet boundary (Nujić 1998). • Weir: In the other possibility of outlet boundary condition namely defining a weir (Fig. 20), the discharge at the outlet is computed based on the weir function (Chanson 1999) = q 3 2 C 2 g ( hup − hweir ) 3 where R II - 2.3-16 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT = C 0.611 + 0.08 NUMERICS KERNEL hup − hweir hweir ;= hup WSE − z B and h= zweir − z B weir Fig. 20: Flow over a weir The hydraulic and geometric parameters such as WSE , zB are the calculated variables on the adjacent elements of the outlet boundary. Here it is assumed that the water surface elevation is constant within the element. The weir elevation zweir is a time dependent parameter. Based on the weir elevation (Fig. 21) some edges of the outlet are considered as a weir and the others have free surface elevation boundary condition. In order to avoid instabilities due to the water surface fluctuations, the following condition are adopted in the program Fig. 21: Outlet cross section with a weir if ( hup ( t ) ≤ hweir ( t ) + k hdry ) ⇒ edge is a wall if ( hup ( t ) > hweir ( t ) + k hdry ) ⇒ edge acts as weir or a free surface elevation boundary k is a numerical factor and has been set to 3 in this version. Fig. 21 also shows the effective computational width of a weir in a natural cross section. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-17 Reference Manual BASEMENT • NUMERICS KERNEL Gate: The discharge over a gate boundary condition is computed according to q = µh gate 2gh up (RII-2.99) Within this formula, hup is the difference between the water surface elevation upstream of the gate and the gate level. hgate denotes the difference between gate level and soil elevation at the gate’s location. The factor µ has to be chosen by the user. Dependent on the actual gate geometry, the value of µ is usually around 0.6. The gate formula is only active if the water surface elevation in the element belonging to the boundary edge is higher than the gate elevation. Other possible states of the gate are wall (in case of gate elevation lower than the soil elevation) and zero-gradient (in all other cases). • h-Q-relation: A water elevation–discharge relation can be applied as outflow boundary condition. Several outflow boundary edges are therefore defined in a list. The outflow velocity vectors are assumed to be perpendicular to the outflow boundary edges and the outflow section is assumed to be a straight line with a uniform water elevation (1D treatment). A relation must be given between the outflow water surface elevation and the total outflow discharge. This h-Q relation is digitized in a data set of the form h1 Q1 … hn Q n n n where Q is the total outflow discharge for a given water surface elevation h . The hQ-relation specified in this way, can be arbitrary in shape. The total outflow discharge is interpolated, based on the corresponding water surface elevation. The water surface elevation at the outflow section is determined from the values of the elements adjacent to the boundary edges at the last time step. With this water elevation a total outflow discharge is interpolated using the given h-Q relation. Alternatively, if no h-Q-relation is given, the outflow discharge is calculated under the assumption of normal flow at the outflow section. In this case an average bed slope perpendicular to the outflow cross section must be given. The calculated total outflow discharge is then distributed over all wetted outflow boundary edges according to a weighting factor based on the local conveyance or the wetted area (see In contrast, cells which are not fully wetted are set to wall boundary. R II - 2.3-18 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT • NUMERICS KERNEL Z-Hydrograph: Another outflow boundary condition is to specify the time evolution of the water surface at the outflow location. This boundary conditions aims to control the water elevation at the outlet, e.g. at outflows to reservoirs with known water elevations. A time evolution of the water surface elevation must be given in the form t1 WSE1 … t n WSE n If the actual outlet water elevation lies below the desired reservoir elevation, than a wall boundary is set at the outflow. On the other hand, if the actual water elevation lies above the reservoir water elevation, a Riemann solver is applied. The Riemann problem is defined between the outflow edges and a ghost cell outside of the domain with the reservoir water level. (But be aware that the outlet water level is not guaranteed to be identical to the specified water elevation.) • Inner Boundaries Inner Weir: The inner weir uses a slightly other approach than the boundary weir. If the weir crest is higher than the water surface elevation in the neighbouring elements, the weir acts as a wall. If one or both of the neighbouring water surface elevations are above the weir crest, the weir formula for discharge = q 3 2 µσ uv 2 g ( hup − hweir ) 3 (RII-2.100) is used. This is the classical Poleni formula for a sharp crested weir with an additional factor σ uv which accounts for the reduction in discharge due to incomplete weir flow. If only one side of the weir has a water surface elevation above the weir crest, then a complete weir flow is given with σ uv = 1 . As soon as the water surface elevation tops the weir crest level on both sides of the weir, the incomplete case is active and the reduction factor σ uv is calculated according to the Diagram Fig. 22. As for the momentum, there is no momentum due to velocity accounted for in the downstream direction. This behaviour acts as if all kinetic energy is dissipated over a weir. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-19 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 1 0.8 0.6 s uv 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 h /h u Fig. 22: Reduction factor σ uv for an incomplete flow over the weir. h u is the downstream water depth over the weir crest and h denotes the upstream flow depth over the weir crest. • Inner Gate: Similar to the gate boundary condition, the inner gate has three modes. Either the gate level is equal or less than the soil elevation. The gate is then closed and acts as a wall. If the gate level is above the local soil elevation, the gate is considered as open. As long as the water surface elevations near the gate are below the gate level, the exact Riemann solver is used. The gate is active as soon as one of the neighbouring water surface elevations is above the gate level. For the calculation of the discharge, q = µh gate 2gh up (RII-2.101) is used with hgate as the difference between gate level and soil elevation at the edge and hup as the water depth upstream of the gate. The factor µ is usually between 0.5 and 0.6. This factor is set constant for the inner gate. Therefore, it acts always as if it were a complete flow through the gate – that means without backwater right downstream the gate. R II - 2.3-20 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL As for the momentum, the velocity through the gate is taken into account in both, downstream and upstream direction. Moving Boundaries Dry, partial wet and fully wet elements Natural rivers and streams are highly irregular in both plan form and topography. Their boundaries change with the time varying water level. The FV-based model with moving boundary treatment is capable of handling these complex and dynamic flow problems conveniently. The computational domain expands and contracts as the water elevation rises and falls. Obviously, the governing equations are solved only for wet cells in the computational domain. An important step of this method is to determine the water edge or the instantaneous computational boundary. A criterion, hmin , is used to classify the following two types of nodes: 1. A node is considered dry, if z s ≤ z B + hmin 2. A node is considered wet, if z s > z B + hmin The determination of hmin is tricky, which can vary between 10-6 m and 0.1 m. Based on the flow depth at the centre of the element we defined three different elemet categories (Fig. 23): 1) dry cells where the flow depth is below hmin , 2) partial wet cells where the flow depth above cell are under water and hmin but not all nodes of the 3) fully wet cells where all nodes included cell centre are under water. Fig. 23: Schematic representation of a mesh with dry, partial wet and wet elements VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-21 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL By comparing the water surface elevation of two adjacent elements (Fig. 24) and determining which cell is dry it was decided whether there were or not a flux through the edge. Fig. 24: Wetting process of a element Although the determination of hmin is tricky, as it mentioned above, it has been successfully used in the past, has in the range of 0.05 ~ 0.1 m for natural rivers. It can be adjusted to optimize the solution for particular flow and boundary conditions. It is suggested to consider it close to min(0.1h, 0.1) . Another problem related to partially wetted elements is the determination of the final velocities at the end of the time step from the vector of the conserved variables U . To calculate the velocities the conserved variables must be divided by the flow depth as indicated below. vx = vy = (v x h ) h (v y h ) (RII-2.102) h For an element situated at the wetting and drying interface, the outflow of water amounts may lead to very small water depths. Because the water depths are in the denominator, instabilities can arise when updating the new velocities. To prevent these instabilities it is checked if the water depth is smaller than the residual hmin . In such a case the velocities are set to zero, since the water will not move in such a practical situation. R II - 2.3-22 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Flux computations at dry-wet interfaces When solving the shallow water equations along dry-wet interfaces, special attention is needed and different situations must be distinguished. Some models solve the complete equations only for completely wetted elements, where all nodes are under water. Here, in contrast, the flux computations are also performed for partially wetted elements. This procedure is computationally more costly and has larger programming efforts, but it leads to more accurate results in some situations and it can reduce problems related to the wettingdrying process. The complete flux computation is performed over a partially wetted edge if two conditions are fulfilled: • At least one of the both elements adjacent to the edge must be wetted, i.e. its water depth must be above hmin . • At least at one side of the edge, the element’s water surface elevation must be above the average edge elevation. The flux computations over partially wetted edges need to take into account that the flux takes not place over the whole length of the edge (see Fig. 25). The actually over flown effective length Leff is calculated as follows assuming a constant water level. H − z B ,1 (RII-2.103) Leff = L z − z edge B ,2 B ,1 Here H is the water surface elevation in the partially wetted element and z B ,1 , z B ,2 are the nodal elevations of the edge. Fig. 25: Definition of effective length at partially wetted edge In Fig. 26 several possible configurations at dry-wet interfaces are illustrated which need to be treated appropriately. Attention must be paid to correctly reproduce the physics and to preserve the C-property for stagnant flow conditions. The first case a) shows a wetted left element adjacent to a dry right element, where the left water surface elevation H L is above the center elevation z B , R of the right element. Here, no special treatment is needed and a Riemann problem can be formulated. But the Riemann solver must be capable of treating dry bed conditions in an appropriate way. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-23 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Case b) corresponds to an adverse slope at the right, dry element, where the left water surface elevation H L is below the right bed elevation z B , R . This case has recently received attention in the literature, as e.g. by Brufau et. al (2002). It requires a special treatment because applying the Riemann solver in a situation with adverse slopes can produce incorrect results. Some authors suggest to treat the dry-wet interface as a wall or to set the velocities to zero. But these treatments are problematic because they do not always preserve the C-property. Here a simple method is adopted whereas no Riemann problem is formulated at the edge. But instead, only the pressure terms are evaluated which exactly balance the bed source terms, thus guaranteeing a correct behaviour for stagnant flow conditions. In case c) the water elevation H L at the left element is below the average edge elevation. In such a situation no Riemann problem is formulated as stated above. But again the pressure term is evaluated here to preserve the C-property. Fig. 26: Different cases for flux computations over an edge at wet-dry interfaces Finally, in cases d), e) and f) either both elements are dry or the edge is completely dry. In these cases neither mass fluxes nor momentum fluxes need to be evaluated. R II - 2.3-24 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.3.5 NUMERICS KERNEL Solution Procedure The logical flow of data through BASEplane from the entry of input data to the creating of output files and the major functions of the program is illustrated in Fig. 27, Fig. 28 and Fig. 29 shows the data flow through the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic routines respectively. Program main control data is read first, and then the mesh file, and then the sediment data file if there is one. Initialization of the parameters and computational values is made next. If the sediment movement computation is requested, the hydrodynamic routine will be started in cycle steps defined by user, otherwise the hydrodynamic routine is run. After the hydrodynamic routine, the morphodynamic routine is carried out next, if it is requested. Results can be printed at the end of every time steps or only at the end of selected time steps. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-25 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL a) general solution procedure of BASEplane Reading main control file Reading mesh files If: there is a sediment data file Yes No Reading the sediment data file Continue Initialization of parameters While: Total computational time <= Final simulation time If: there is the sediment data file “and” total time >= sediment routing start time Yes No If: Total computational cycles >= Hydrodynamic routine hydrodynamic cycles Yes No Hydrodynamic Continue routine Writing the output files for the hydrodynamic computation Advance the computational values (hydrodynamic) If: there is the sediment data file “and” total time >= sediment routing start time Yes No Morphodynamic routine Continue Writing the the output files for the morphodynamic computation Advance the computational values (morphodynamic) Computing the time step Stop Fig. 27: The logical flow of data through BASEplane R II - 2.3-26 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL b) hydrodynamic routine in detail Setting the boundary conditions Reconstruction For: All edges Computing the edge values Computing Fluxes For: All edges Computation of fluxes Time Evaluating For: All elements Balancing the fluxes Adding source terms Computing the conservative values Fig. 28: Data flow through the hydrodynamic routine VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 2.3-27 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL c) morphodynamic routine in detail Setting the boundary conditions Computing Fluxes For: all hydraulic elements Computation of transport capacities For: all sediment edges Computation of bedload fluxes Time Evaluating For: all elements Balancing the bedload fluxes Adding source terms Computing the new bed elevation Computing bedload control volume thickness For: all grains Adding source terms Computing new compositions Updating the nodal elevations and the element’s centre elevation Fig. 29: Data flow through the morphodynamic routine R II - 2.3-28 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 3 Solution of Sediment Transport Equations 3.1 3.1.1 General Vertical Partition Vertical Discretisation A two phase system (water and solids) in which the sediment mixture can be represented by an arbitrary number of different grain size classes is formulated. The continuous physical domain has to be horizontally and vertically divided into control volumes to numerically solve the governing equations for the unknown variables. Fig. 30 shows a single cell of the numerical model with vertical partition into the three main control volumes: the upper layer for momentum and suspended sediment transport, the active layer for bed load sediment transport as well as bed material sorting and sub layers for sediment supply and deposition. Fig. 30: Vertical Discretisation of a computational cell The primary unknown variables of the upper layer are the water depth h and the specific discharge q and r in directions of Cartesian coordinates x and y. In the active layer, qB , x g and qB , y are describing the specific bed load fluxes (index refers to the g -th grain size g class). A change of bed elevation z B can be gained by a combination of balance equations for water and sediment and corresponding exchange terms (source terms) between the vertical layers. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.1.2 NUMERICS KERNEL Determination of Layer Thickness The bed load control volume is the region where bed load transport occurs and it is assumed to have a uniform grain distribution over the depth. Its extension is well-defined by the bed surface at level z B and its thickness hm , which plays an important role for grain sorting processes during morphological simulations with multiple grain classes. Different methods are implemented for the determination of this thickness hm . It can be determined either dynamically during the calculations (at the moment only for 2D simulations) or it can be given a priori as a constant value for the whole simulation. Borah’s approach This approach is used by default, since it is able to consider the influences of the present erosion or deposition rates as well as effects of bed armouring. With this approach the thickness hm for degradation is different than that for aggradation. For global deposition, hm corresponds to the thickness of the current deposition stratum. In case of degradation it is proportional to the erosion rate with a limitation to account for the situation of an armoured bed (Borah et al. 1982). If the bed level increases ( ∆z B > 0 ): 1 hmn += hmn + ∆z B If the bed level decreases ( ∆z B hm = 20∆z B + (RII-3.1) < 0 ): dl ∑ β nm (1 − p) where d l is the smallest non mobile grain size and sediment fractions. (RII-3.2) ∑β nm is the sum of the not mobile Calculation from mean diameter Following this approach the new thickness hm is determined proportional to the mean diameter in the bed load control volume. The factor of proportionality can be chosen freely. hmn +1 = factor * d mean (RII-3.3) But this simple approach does not take into account influences of present bottom shear stresses or present erosion rates. R II - 3.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.2 NUMERICS KERNEL One Dimensional Sediment Transport 3.2.1 Spatial Discretisation Soil Segments For each cross section slice a different composition of the soil can be specified. The highest layer is the active layer. Beneath the active layer a variable number of sub layers can be defined. Fig. 31 illustrates by example a possible distribution of soil types in a cross section. Each colour represents for a different grain class mixture. Fig. 31: Soil Discretisation in a cross section The elevation changes generated by the bed load will modify the geometry of the cross section as it is illustrated in Fig. 32. This can lead to the elimination of layers or to the creation of new ones. The grain class mixture of depositions will be the same over the whole wetted width. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 32: Effect of bed load on cross section geometry 3.2.2 Discrete Form of Equations Advection-Diffusion Equation The one dimensional suspended sediment or pollutant transport in river channels is described by equation (RI-2.3). This equation has to be solved for each grain class g in the same manner. For this reason in this section g is omitted and the equation becomes: A ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ 0 +Q − AΓ −S = ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x (RII-3.4) C is the concentration of transported particles averaged over the cross-section. For the moment the sources, which vary for different types of transport, will be set to 0. Equation (RII-3.4) is integrated over the element (Fig. 7) ∫ xiR xiL ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ A ∂t + Q ∂x − ∂x AΓ ∂x 0 = (RII-3.5) and the different parts are calculated as follows: xiR ∫ xiL iR ∂Ci ∂C C n +1 − Cin ∂C dx Ai ∫ dx ≈ Ai i ∆xi ≈ Ai i ∆xi A= ∂t ∂t ∂t ∆t xiL x iR ∂C ∂C Q x = Q d dx = Qi ( C ( xiR ) − C ( xiL ) ) = (Φ a ,iR − Φ a ,iL ) i ∫ ∫x ∂x ∂ x x iL iL xiR R II - 3.2-2 (RII-3.6) x (RII-3.7) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT xiR ∂ ∂C NUMERICS KERNEL ∂C ∫ ∂x AΓ ∂x dx = AΓ ∂x xiL − AΓ X iR ∂C ∂x = Φ d ,iR − Φ d ,iL X iL (RII-3.8) The concentration at the new time is: 1 Cin += Cin − ∆t (Φ a ,iR − Φ a ,iL − Φ d ,iR + Φ d ,iL ) ∆xi Ai (RII-3.9) Computation of Diffusive Flux The diffusive flux is calculated by finite differences. Φ d ,iR = AiR Γ Ci +1 − Ci xi +1 − xi (RII-3.10) For the interpolation on the edge of the wetted area, known only in the cross sections, the geometric mean is used: AiR = Ai +1 Ai If Γ is not given by the user it is calculated as follows: Γ= σ (RII-3.11) ν Lν R σ (RII-3.12) is generally assumed to be 0.5 (Celik and Rodi 1984). The eddy viscosity averaged over the depth can be calculated by (Faeh 1997): ν = uhκ / 6 (RII-3.13) Computation of Advective Flux A general problem of the computation of the advective flux is that it leads to strong numerical diffusion. Several schemes can be used, four of them are implemented. The first possibility to compute he advective flux over the edge (element boundary) is to interpolate the concentration values from the neighbouring elements, considering the flow direction, and multiply it with the water discharge over the edge. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.2-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL a) QUICK-Scheme For a positive flow from left to right the quick scheme determines the concentration due to advection at the upstream edge of element i by: ( x − x )( x − x ) ( x − x )( x − x ) ( x − x )( x − x ) Ca ,iL = iL i −1 iL i − 2 Ci + iL i − 2 iL i Ci −1 + iR i −1 iR i Ci − 2 ( xi − xi −1 )( xi − xi − 2 ) ( xi −1 − xi − 2 )( xi −1 − xi ) ( xi − 2 − xi −1 )( xi − 2 − xi ) (RII-3.14) More in general the concentration is: C + g1 (Ci +1 − Ci ) + g 2 (Ci − Ci −1 ) → u > 0 Ca ,iL = i Ci +1 + g3 (Ci − Ci +1 ) + g 4 (Ci +1 − Ci + 2 ) → u < 0 Between the velocities determinant. (RII-3.15) ui and ui +1 the one with the larger absolute value is g1 = ( xiR − xi )( xiR − xi −1 ) ( xi +1 − xi )( xi +1 − xi −1 ) (RII-3.16) g2 = ( xiR − xi )( xi +1 − xiR ) ( xi − xi −1 )( xi +1 − xi −1 ) (RII-3.17) g3 = ( xiR − xi +1 )( xiR − xi + 2 ) ( xi − xi +1 )( xi − xi + 2 ) (RII-3.18) g4 = ( xiR − xi +1 )( xi − xiR ) ( xi +1 − xi + 2 )( xi − xi + 2 ) (RII-3.19) The QUICK scheme tends to get instable, especially for the pure advection-equation with explicit solution (Chen and Falconer 1992). For this reason the more stable QUICKEST scheme (Leonard 1979) is often used: b) QUICKEST-Scheme 1 1 CiR ,QUICKEST = CiR ,QUICK − CriR (Ci +1 − Ci ) + CriR (Ci +1 − 2Ci + Ci −1 ) 2 8 (RII-3.20) with CriR = R II - 3.2-4 ui +1 + ui ∆t ∆x 2 (RII-3.21) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL c) Holly-Preissmann The QUICKEST-scheme still leads to an important diffusion. For this reason the Holly–Preissmann scheme (Holly and Preissmann 1977), which gives better results, is also implemented. This scheme is based on the properties of characteristics and can not be applied directly for the present Discretisation. To find C ( xiR ) of equation (RII-3.7) the properties of characteristics or finite differences are used, placing the edges on a new grid so that C ( xiR ) becomes C j and C ( xiL ) = C j −1 . Considering only the advection part of the equation (RII-3.4) and dividing by the cross section area A: ∂C u∂C + = 0. ∂t ∂x (RII-3.22) and C j n +1 − C nj ∆t = −u C nj − C nj −1 (RII-3.23) x j − x j −1 Thus the new concentration is ∆t n ∆t C nj +1 = C nj −1 1 − u C j + u x x x x − − j j −1 j j −1 (RII-3.24) n +1 for a courant number = CFL u= (dt / dx) 1: C j = C j −1 . This means that the solute travels from one side of the cell to the other during the time step. n The Holly-Preissmann scheme calculates the values in function of upstream value. Y (Cr ) = ACr 3 + BCr 2 + DCr + E CFL and the (RII-3.25) Y (0) = C nj ; Y (1) = C nj−1 ∂C j −1 ∂C j ; Y (1) = . Y (0) = ∂x ∂x n C n +1 j = a1C n j −1 n + a2C + a3 = a1 Cr 2 (3 − 2Cr ) a2 = 1 − a1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 n j ∂C nj −1 ∂x + a4 ∂C nj ∂x (RII-3.26) (RII-3.27) (RII-3.28) R II - 3.2-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL a3= Cr 2 (1 − Cr )∆x (RII-3.29) a4 = −Cr (1 − Cr ) 2 (RII-3.30) and ∂C nj +1 ∂x = b1C n j −1 + b2C + b3 n j ∂C nj −1 ∂x + b4 ∂C nj ∂x = b1 6Cr (Cr − 1) / ∆x (RII-3.31) (RII-3.32) b2 = −b1 (RII-3.33) = b3 Cr (3Cr − 2) (RII-3.34) b4 = (Cr − 1)(3Cr − 1) . (RII-3.35) However this form is only valid for a constant velocity u . If u is not constant the velocities in the different cells and at different times have to be considered. n n n +1 The velocity u* is determined by interpolation of u j −1 , u j , u j . uj = un = 1 n u j + u nj +1 ) ( 2 ( u θ ) + (1 − θ ) u n j −1 (RII-3.36) n j +1 (RII-3.37) with ∆t x j −1 − x j (RII-3.38) 1 = u uj +un ) ( 2 (RII-3.39) θ = uin ∆t = Cr u= ∆x u nj +1 + u nj x − xj 2 j −1 − u nj −1 + u nj ∆t (RII-3.40) The Holly-Preissmann scheme gives good results for the pure advection-diffusion equation. But if a sediment exchange with the bed takes place, because of the shifted grid, it does not react to the influence of the source term. For the last 3 schemes the advective flux is computed multiplying the concentration on the edge with the discharge over the edge: Φ a ,iR = QiR CiR R II - 3.2-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL d) Modified Discontinuous Profile Method (MDPM) The MDPM method presented by Bradot-Nico et al. (2007) is like a transposing of the Holly-Preissmann scheme from a finite difference to a finite volume context and thus much more adapted for the use within BASEMENT. In this method the advective flux is calculated directly as a sediment discharge: t n+1 1 Φ iR = Ai ∫ n u (t )C ( xiR , t )dt t ∆t (RII-3.41) Fig. 33: Invariance of C along the characteristic line y Using the invariance property along a characterstic line (Fig. 33) this equation can be transformed to xiR 1 Φ iR = Ai ∫ C ( x, t n )dx xA ∆t n (RII-3.42) n The function Ci ( x ) is reconstructed from the mean concentration in the cell Ci n n and the concentration values on the edges CiL and CiR (Fig. 34) by satisfying mass conservation in the cell. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.2-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL n Fig. 34: Function C i ( x) U iLn if x ≤ xi − 1 + α i ∆xi 2 C ( x) = n U iR if x > xi − 1 2 + α i ∆xi n i (RII-3.43) with αi = and If Cin − CiRn CiLn − CiRn (RII-3.44) α i ∈ [ 0,1] . CiLn = CiRn or ( CiLn − Cin )( Cin − CiRn ) < 0 the following values are set: CiLn = Cin CiRn = Cin α i = ε ε is an arbitrary value between 0 and 1. If the velocity is the flux of suspended load per unity of depth and width can now be determined as follows: = hi CiLn max( xi + 1 − x − (1 − α i )∆xi , 0) + CiRn min( xi + 1 − x, (1 − α i )∆xi ) 2 R II - 3.2-8 (RII-3.45) 2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL If the velocity is negative respectively: gi = −CiLn min( x − xi + 1 , α i +1∆xi +1 ) − CiRn max( x − xi + 1 − α i +1∆xi +1 , 0) 2 (RII-3.46) 2 The abscissa of the foot of the characteristic is given by xA = xi + 1 − uin+ 1 (t )∆t . 2 2 Finally the advective flux is: Φi+ 1 2 1 n ∆t hi ( x A ) if u xi+ 12 > 0 = 1 g ( x ) if u n < 0 i +1 A xi + 1 2 ∆t (RII-3.47) Furthermore the new concentrations on the edges have to be prepared for the computations of the next time step: Cin++11 2 CiLn if u xn 1 (t ) > 0 and Crx ≥ 1 − α i i+ 2 n n CiR if u x (t ) > 0 and Crx < 1 − α i i+ 1 2 = n n Ci +1L if u xi+ 12 (t ) < 0 and Crx ≥ −α i n n Ci +1R if u xi+ 1 (t ) < 0 and Crx < −α i 2 (RII-3.48) The required Courant number is ∆t u x (t ) ∆x i Crx = u (t ) ∆t x ∆xi +1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 u x (t ) > 0 (RII-3.49) u x (t ) < 0 R II - 3.2-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Global Bed Material Conservation Equation As the y-direction is not considered, in the one dimensional case the mass conservation equation (Exner-equation) becomes: (1 − p ) ∂z B ng ∂qB +∑ + sg − slBg ∂t k =1 ∂x 0 = (RII-3.50) qB is the sediment flux per unit channel width. Integrating equation (RII-3.50) over the channel width, hence multiplying everything by the channel width, the following equation is obtained: (1 − p ) ∂ASed ng ∂QB +∑ + S g − SlBg ∂t k =1 ∂x 0 = (RII-3.51) The discretisation is effected exactly in the same way as for the hydraulic mass conservation. Equation (RII-3.51) is integrated over the element (Fig. 7): ∫ xiR xiL ∂ASed ng ∂QB (1 ) 0 p − +∑ + S g − SlBg dx = ∂t k =1 ∂x (RII-3.52) The parts of the equation (RII-3.52) are discretized as follows: xiR ∂ASed ,i xiL ∂t (1 − p ) ∫ n +1 n ASed ,i − ASed ,i dx = (1 − p ) ∆x ∆t (RII-3.53) ng ∫ xiR xiL ∑Q k =1 B ,i ∂x ng dx = ∑ Q ( x ) − ∑ QB ( xiL ) = Φ B ,iR − Φ B ,iL B iR = k 1= k 1 ng ∫ ∑ (S xiR ng xiL = k 1 ng g (RII-3.54) ng − SlBg )dx =∑ S g − ∑ SlBg (RII-3.55) = k 1= k 1 Φ B ,iL and Φ B ,iR are the bed load fluxes through the west and east side of the cell. Their determination will be discussed later ( The change of the sediment area is thus calculated by: n +1 n ∆A= − A= ASedi Sed Sedi ng ∆t ∆t ng Φ − Φ − − S ( B ,iR B ,iL ) ∑ g ∑ SlBg ∆xi ∆= xi k 1 =k 1 (RII-3.56) As the result of the sediment balance is an area, the deposition or erosion height ∆zb has yet to be determined. The erosion or deposition is distributed over the wetted part of the cross section. If a bed bottom is defined the deposition height is equal and constant for all wetted slices. Only in the exterior slices the bed level difference is 0 where the cross section becomes dry. The repartition of the soil level change is illustrated in Fig. 35. R II - 3.2-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 35: Distribution of sediment area change over the cross section The change of the bed level is calculated as follows: ∆ASed ∆z B = br bl + + ∑ bi 2 2 (RII-3.57) As the sediments transported by bed load can be deposed only on the bed bottom, whilst the sediments transported by suspended load can be deposed on the whole wetted section, two separate values of ∆ASed and ∆z B are calculated for the two processes by splitting equation (RII-3.56) in two parts. The change of bed level due to bed load is: ∆ASed= ,bl ∆t ∆t ng Φ B ,iR − Φ B ,iL ) − ( ∑ SlBg ∆xi ∆xi k =1 (RII-3.58) The change of bed level due to suspended load accordingly: ng ∆t ng ∆ASed , susp = − − S ∑ g ∑ Slg ∆= xi k 1 =k 1 (RII-3.59) Bed material sorting equation For the 1D computation the bed material sorting equation computation is: (1 − p ) ∂qBg ∂ ( β g hB ) + + sg − sf g − slBg = 0 ∂t ∂x (RII-3.60) Considering the whole width of the cross section and introducing an active layer area equation (RII-3.60) becomes: (1 − p ) ∂QBg ∂ ( β g AB ) + 0 + S g − Sf g − SlBg = ∂t ∂x AB , (RII-3.61) Equation (RII-3.61) is integrated over the length of the control volume: ∫ xiR xiL ∂QBg ∂ + S g − Sf g − SlBg (1 − p ) ( β g AB ) + ∂t ∂x VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 0 dx = (RII-3.62) R II - 3.2-11 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL The different parts are discretized as follows: (1 − p ) ∫ xiR xiL xiR ∂QBg xiL ∂x ∫ β gn +1 ABn +1 − β gn ABn ∂ ( β g AB )dx = (1 − p ) ∆x ∂t ∆t dx = QB ( xiR ) − QB ( xiL ) = Φ g ,iR − Φ g ,iL Then the new βg (RII-3.64) at time n + 1 can be calculated for every element 1 n n β gn += (1 − p ) β g AB − i (RII-3.63) i i i by: ∆t ∆t n +1 (Φ iRk − Φ iLk ) − S g − Sf g − SlBg / (1 − p ) ABi ) ∆xi ∆xi ( ) (RII-3.65) As for the global bed material conservation equation the bed material sorting equation is also solved twice: once for the bed load and once for the suspended load. n n 1 β gn +,= (1 − p ) β g AB − bl i i i ∆t ∆t n +1 (Φ iRk − Φ iLk ) − − Sf g − SlBg / (1 − p ) ABi ) ∆xi ∆xi (RII-3.66) n +1 / (1 − p ) ABi ) (RII-3.67) ( ) and 1 = (1 − p ) β gn An − ( − Sf g − Slg ) β gn +, susp i i Bi ∆t ∆xi Interpolation To solve the equations (RII-3.54) and (RII-3.64) the total bed load fluxes over the edges ( Φ B ,iL , Φ B ,iR ) and the fluxes for the single grain classes ( QB ,iL , QB ,iR ) are needed, but the g g data for the computation of bed load are available only in the cross sections. For this reason the values on the edges are interpolated from the values calculated for the cross sections, depending on a weight choice of the user ( θ ): Φ = (θ )QB ,i −1 + (1 − θ )QB ,i B ,iL (RII-3.68) If all values for the computation of QB by a bed load formula are taken from the cross section, the results of sediment transport tend to generate jags, as some effects of discretisation accumulate instead of being counterbalanced. For this reason it has been preferred not to take all values from the same location. The local discharge Q is substituted by a mean discharge for the edge, computed with the discharges in the upstream and downstream elements of the edge. This means that the bed load in a cross section will be calculated twice with different values of Q . R II - 3.2-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.2.3 NUMERICS KERNEL Discretisation of Source Terms External Sediment Sources and Sinks The discretisation of external sediment sources and sinks is analogous to BASEplane. Please see Sediment Flux through Bottom of Bed Load Control Volume The discretisation of the sediment flux through the bottom of the bed load control volume is analogous to BASEplane. Please see Source Term for Sediment Exchange between Water and Bottom The source term S g from equation (RI-2.7) is computed in different ways depending on the scheme used for the solution of the advection equation. a) With MDPM scheme The source term S g is calculated for the concentration value on the left and the concentration value on the right according to equation (RI-2.7): S g , L = f (CiLn ) S g , R = f (CiRn ) The volume exchanged with the bottom during ∆t is given by the sum of the exchange on the left and the exchange on the right: = EL1 α S g , L B∆x∆t (RII-3.69) = EL 2 α 2 S g , L B∆x∆t / 2 (RII-3.70) E= EL1 + EL 2 L (RII-3.71) = ER1 α 2 S g , R B∆x∆t / 2 (RII-3.72) ER 2 α 3 S g , R B∆x∆t = (RII-3.73) E= ER1 + ER 2 R Where α is defined like in equation (RII-3.44), = α2 α= 3 max(1 − α − Crx , 0) (RII-3.74) min(Crx ,1 − α ) and The final mean source term is then: Sg = ( EL + ER ) B∆t ∆x VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 (RII-3.75) R II - 3.2-13 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL The exchange values on the right and left side are used to adjust the concentration values on the edges. The new concentrations on the edges after deposition or erosion in the left and right part of the cell are calculated by: CiLn +1 = n +1 iR C = CiLn Aiα∆x + EL1 Aiα∆x (RII-3.76) C iRn Aiα 3 ∆x + ER 2 (RII-3.77) Aiα 3 ∆x b) With QUICK and QUICKEST scheme S g is calculated for each cross section according to equation (RI-2.7). c) With Holly-Preissmann scheme The Holly-Preissmann scheme should not be used with material erosion and deposition. Splitting of Bed Load and Suspended Load Transport The same size of particles can be transported by bed load as well as by suspended load. Van Rijn (1984) found a parameter which describes the relation between the two transport modes depending on the shear velocity u* and the sink velocity wk determined in equations (RI-2.8 – RI-2.10). ϕk 0 if u = ϕk 0.25 + 0.325ln * wk = ϕk 1 if 0.4 ≤ if u* wk u* wk < 0.4 ≤ 10 u* > 10 wk (RII-3.78) The computation of bed load flux and the computation of the exchange flux between suspended load and bed (RI-2.7) have to be modified as follows: QBg= (1 − ϕ g )QBg ( = S g wg ϕ g β g Ceg − Cd g R II - 3.2-14 (RII-3.79) ) (RII-3.80) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.2.4 NUMERICS KERNEL Solution Procedure The solution procedure for the one dimensional sediment transport is described in chapter 2.2.5 on page 2.2-9 of this manual. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.2-15 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL This page has been intentionally left blank. R II - 3.2-16 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3 NUMERICS KERNEL Two Dimensional Sediment Transport 3.3.1 Spatial Discretisation The finite volume method is applied to discretise the morphodynamic equations, slightly different from that of the hydrodynamic section. In the hydrodynamic Discretisation a cellcentered approach is applied (see Fig. 2). Thereby, the bed elevations are defined in the cell vertexes (nodes) of each cell. This arrangement, with bed elevations defined in the nodes, enables a more accurate representation of the topography compared to an approach with bed elevations defined in the cell centres. A further advantage of the chosen approach is that the slope within each cell is clearly defined by its nodal bed elevations. But applying the same Discretisation approach for the sediment transport leads to several problematic aspects, which can be summarized briefly as follows. • The change of a cell’s sediment volume ∆V would have to be distributed on all nodes of the cell, where the bed elevations are defined. But it is not obvious by which criteria the sediment volume must be divided upon these nodes (see left part of Fig. 36). • If a nodal elevation would be changed due to a sediment inflow into a cell, this change in bed elevation would not only affect the sediment volume of this cell, but also the sediment volumes of all neighbouring cells (see right part of Fig. 36). This situation is problematic regarding the conservation properties of the numerical scheme and it induces numerical fluxes into the neighbouring cells which cause undesired numerical diffusion. Fig. 36: Schematic illustration of problems related to the update of bed elevations To circumvent these problematic aspects and to ensure a fully conservative numerical scheme, a separate mesh is used for the spatial Discretisation for the sediment transport. Because the hydraulic and sediment simulations are performed on different meshes, this approach is called “dual mesh morphodynamics” (DMMD) from here on. Both meshes, with its cells and edges, are illustrated in Fig. 37 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 37: Dual mesh approach with separate meshes for hydrodynamics (black) and sediment transport (green). Sediment cells have the bed elevations defined in their cell centers. The cells of the sediment mesh are constructed around the nodes of the hydraulic mesh by connecting the midpoints of the edges and the centres of the hydraulic cells. This procedure results in the generation of median dual cells. Following this dual mesh approach all conservative variables of the sediment transport ( zb , β g , C g ) are defined within the centres of the sediment cells, thus forming a standard finite volume approach regarding the sediment transport. Changes in bed elevation of a node do not influence the neighbouring sediment elements, as it is illustrated in Fig. 38. Therefore this Discretisation approach is conservative and no diffusive fluxes into the neighbouring cells do occur. Fig. 38: Cross sectional view of dual mesh approach. Changes in sediment volume ∆V do not affect the neighboring cells’ sediment volumes. The sediment mesh is generated automatically during the program start from the hydraulic mesh without the need of any additional information. R II - 3.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3.2 NUMERICS KERNEL Discrete Form of Equations Global Bed material Conservation Equation – Exner Equation Considering the Exner equation (RI-2.4) and applying the FVM, it can be written in the following integral form ng ∂q ng ∂qBg , y ∂z B Bg , x dΩ+ ∫ ∑ d + = Ω ( slg − sBg )dΩ ∑ ∫ ∂x ∂ t ∂ y 1 1 = = g g Ω Ω Ω (1 − p ) ∫ (RII-3.81) In which Ω is the same computational area as defined in hydrodynamic model (Fig. 13). Using the Gauss’ theory and assuming ∂zb ∂t is constant over the element, one obtains z Bn +1 − z Bn 1 ng 1 ng + ∑ ∫ qBg , x nx + qBg , y n y dl = ∑ ( Slg − S Bg ) ∆t Ω g 1= Ωg1 = ∂Ω ( (1 − p ) Where nx and respectively. ) (RII-3.82) n y are components of the unit normal vector of the edge in x and y direction Computation of Bed Load Fluxes Direction of bed load flux The direction of the bed load flux equals the direction of the velocity in near bed region and is a 2D vector in a 2D simulation. It is assumed here that this direction equals the direction of the depth-averaged velocity, although this assumption may become invalid in particular in curved channels with significant secondary flow motions. A correction of this flux direction is performed on sloped bed surfaces due to the gravitational induced lateral bed load flux component. The lateral transport component is perpendicular to the direction of flow velocity and therefore the resulting bed load flux vector is determined as cos θ qBres = qB + qBlateral = qB + qBlateral sin θ where θ sin θ − cos θ (RII-3.83) is the angle between the velocity vector and the x-axis. Computation of bed load flux The bed load transport capacity qB and the lateral transport qBlateral are calculated using the transport formulas outlined in manual R I. Different empirical transport formulas can be used and also fractional transport for multiple grain classes can be considered. These formulas require the flow variables and the soil compositions as data input. As a consequence of the Discretisation of the sediment elements as median dual cells, each sediment edge lies completely within a hydraulic element (see Fig. 39, where sediment edges are indicated in green color). Therefore an obvious approach is to determine the bed load fluxes over a sediment edge with the flow variables and the bottom shear stress VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.3-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL defined in this hydraulic element. This eases the computations since no interpolations of hydraulic variables onto the sediment edges are necessary. Furthermore, it can be made use of the clearly defined bed slope within this hydraulic element, derived from its nodal elevations. Following this approach the transport capacity is calculated with the flow variables defined in the centre of the hydraulic element. But since the transport capacity calculations also depend on the bed materials and grain compositions, this computation is repeated for every sediment element which partially overlaps the hydraulic element. Thus, one obtains multiple transport rates within the hydraulic element, as illustrated in Fig. 39. (In case of single grain simulations, the bed material is the same over the hydraulic element and therefore the transport calculation must only be done once.) Fig. 39: Determination of bed load flux over the sediment cell edges i,j Finally, the flux over the sediment cell edge is determined from the calculated transport capacities to its left and right sediment elements as = qB ,edge (θup ) q B ,res , L + (1 − θup ) q B ,res , R nedge where θ up is the upwind factor and n edge is the normal vector of the edge. (RII-3.84) Treatment of partially wetted elements Per default no sediment transport is calculated within partially wetted hydraulic elements. This behaviour seems favourable in most situations. For example, in some cases it prevents upper parts of a river bank, which are not over flown, from automatically being eroded by sediment erosion which takes place only at the toe of the bank. But this default behaviour can be changed for special situations. R II - 3.3-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Flux Correction When bed load fluxes are summed up over an element k, there may occur situations in which more sediment mass leaves the element than is actually available. Such situations are observed for example when the bed level reaches a fixed bed elevation or bed armour where no further erosion can take place. To guarantee sediment mass conservation over the whole domain a correction of the bed load fluxes which leave the element is applied in such situations. All the outgoing computed bed load fluxes of such an overdraft element k are reduced proportionally by a factor ωk , g . This factor is determined in a way that limits the overall outflow to the available sediment mass Vsed , k , g . ng ∑ Fluxout , j , g − Vsed ,k , g j =1 ng Fluxout , j , g ωk , g = ∑ j =1 0 corr Fluxout ,k , g= (1 − ωk , g ) Fluxout ,k , g ng if Vsed ,k , g < ∑ Fluxout , j , g j =1 (RII-3.85) ng if Vsed ,k , g >= ∑ Fluxout , j , g j =1 Bed Material Sorting Equation The global bed material conservation equation (RII-3.82) has to be solved first, because its results are needed to solve the bed material sorting equation. The bed material sorting equation (RI-2.3) is also discretized using FVM. The discretized form is (1 − p ) (h β ) m g n +1 − ( hm β g ) ∆t n + ( 1 ∫ qBg , x nx + qBg , y ny Ω ∂Ω ) n dl + 1 1 0 (RII-3.86) S g − SlBng − sf g* = Ω Ω The bed load control volume thickness hm has to be determined before the new values of fractions are calculated through the Eq. (RII-3.86). The determination of hm is detailed in chapter 3.1.2. The solution of the bed material sorting equation finally yields the grain n +1 factions β g at the new time level. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3.3 NUMERICS KERNEL Discretisation of Source Terms External Sediment Sources and Sinks The source term SlB can be used, for example, to describe a local input of sediment g masses into a river, dredging of sediments or mass inflow due to slope failures. This source term can be added directly to the equations. It is specified as mass inflow with a defined grain mixture. Sediment Flux through Bottom of Bed Load Control Volume The source term sf g describes the change in volume of material of grain class g which enters or leaves the bed load control volume. The term sf g is a time dependent source term and a function of grain fractions and the bed load control volume thickness. Therefore it has been handled in a special form in order to consider the time variation of the parameters. A two step method is applied, where in the first step the fractions are updated without the sf g source term. Then, in the second step, this source term is computed with the advanced grain fractions values. The first step can be written as β gn +1/2= n ∆t 1 hm β g ) − q n +q n ( n +1 hm (1 − p ) Ω ∂Ω∫ Bg , x x Bg , y y ( ) n dl + ∆t SlBng (1 − p ) Ω (RII-3.87) is used for the calculation of the After this predictor step, the advanced value β g n +1/2 n +1 fractions of the new time level β g by adding the sf g ( β ) source term as n +1/ 2 = β gn +1 β gn +1/2 + n +1 m h ∆t sf g (1 − p ) (RII-3.88) And the sf g source term, which describes the material which enters or leaves the bedload control volume, is finally discretized as given below. sf g =−(1 − p) β gn +1/2 ( z Fn +1 − zsub ) − β gn ( z Fn − zsub ) ∆t In the calculation of this expression for the be considered separately. (RII-3.89) sf g term, cases of erosion and deposition must Erosion In case of erosion the bottom of the bed load control volume z F moves down and the fractions of the underneath layer enter the control volume. The fractions of this underneath n β g β= β gnsub+1/2 , and the source term therefore layer are constant over time, i.e.= g sub calculates as: sf g =−(1 − p) β g R II - 3.3-6 ( z Fn +1 − z Fn ) (erosion) ∆t (RII-3.90) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Implementing this source term it must be paid attention to situations where the eroded bed volume comprises more than the first underneath sub layer. In such a situation the n exchanged sediment does not exactly have the composition β g sub of this first underneath layer, but a mixture β gmix of the different compositions of all affected underneath sublayers (see Fig. 40). In this implementation the number of the affected layers nsub can be arbitrary. Fig. 40: Definition of mixed composition β gmix for the eroded volume (red) The mixed grain composition layer thicknesses as = β gmix βg mix is determined by weighting the grain fractions with the nsub 1 ∑ β g ( z j −1 − max( z j , zFn+1 ) z Fn − z Fn +1 j =1 j (RII-3.91) Deposition In case of deposition, the bottom of the bed load control volume z F moves up and material n +1/ 2 leaves the bed load control volume and enters the with the updated composition β g underneath layer. The source term therefore calculates as: n+ sf g =−(1 − p ) β g 1 2 ( z Fn +1 − z Fn ) (deposition) ∆t (RII-3.92) And a likewise term is used to update the grain compositions of the first underneath layer. Sediment Exchange between Water and Bottom The source term S g describes the exchange between the suspended load in the water column and the sediment surface. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3.4 NUMERICS KERNEL Management of Soil Layers In case of sediment erosion, the bottom of the bed load control volume can sink below the bottom of the underneath soil layer. In such a situation the soil layer is completely eroded and consequently the data structure is removed. If the eroded layer was the last soil layer, than fixed bed conditions are set. In case of sediment deposition, the uppermost soil layer grows in its thickness. And such an increase in layer thickness can continue up to large values during prolonged aggradation conditions. But very thick soil layers can be problematic, because the newly deposited sediments are completely mixed with the sediment materials over the whole layer thickness. Therefore a dynamic creation of new soil layers in multiple grain simulations should be enabled, which allows the formation of new soil layers. Finding suitable general criteria for the creation of new soil layers is a difficult task. Here, two main conditions are identified and implemented: • The thickness hsl of the existing soil layer must exceed a given maximum layer thickness hmax before a new layer is created. Generation of a new soil layer: hsl > hmax • The grain composition of the depositing material must be different from the present grain composition of the soil layer. It is assumed here in a simple approach that this condition is fulfilled if the mean diameters of the grain compositions differ more than a given percentage P . d m ,deposition − dlayer dlayer R II - 3.3-8 > P /100 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3.5 NUMERICS KERNEL Solution Procedure The manner - uncoupled, semi coupled or fully coupled - to solve equations (RI-1.34), (RI-2.3) and (RI-2.4) or appropriate derivatives with minor corrections has been often discussed over the last decade. A good overview is given by Kassem and Chaudhry (1998) or Cao et al. (2002). Uncoupled models are often blamed for their lacking of physical and numerical considerations. Vice versa coupled models are said to be very inefficient in computational effort and accordingly inapplicable for practical use. Kassem and Chaudhry (1998) showed that the difference of results calculated by coupled and semi coupled models is negligible. In addition Belleudy (2000) found that uncoupled solutions have nearly identical performance to coupled solutions even near critical flow conditions. Furthermore, the increasing difficulties and stability problems of coupled models that have to be expected when applying complicated sediment transport formulas or simulating multiple grain size classes are to be mentioned. According to the preliminary state of this project the model with uncoupled solution of the water and sediment conservation equations has been chosen. This requires the assumption that changes in bed elevation and grain size distributions at the bed surface during one computational time step have to be slow compared to changes of the fluid variables, which dictates an upper limit on the computational time step. Consequently, the asynchronous solution procedure as depicted in Fig. 41 and described in Fig. 27 is justified: flow and sediment transport equations are solved uncoupled throughout the entire simulation period, i.e. with calculation of the flow field at the beginning of a given time step based on current bed topography and ensuing multiple sediment transport calculations based on the same flow field until the end of the respective time step. Thus the given duration of a calculation cycle ∆t seq (overall time step) consists of one hydraulic time step ∆th and a resulting number of time steps ∆t s for sediment transport (see Fig. 42). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 3.3-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Fig. 41: Uncoupled asynchronous solution procedure consisting of sequential steps Fig. 42: Composition of the given overall calculation time step ∆t seq R II - 3.3-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL 4 Time Discretisation and Stability Issues 4.1 Explicit Schemes 4.1.1 Euler First Order The explicit time discretisation method implemented in BASEMENT is based on Euler first order method. According the method the full discretized equations are +1 U in= U in + RES ( U ) 1 z Bn += z Bn + RES ( U, d ) +1 β gn= β gn + RES ( U, d g , hm ) Where the 4.2 RES (..) is the summation of fluxes and source terms. Determination of Time Step Size 4.2.1 Hydrodynamic For explicit schemes, the hydraulic time step is determined according the restriction based on the Courant number. In case of the 2D model the Courant number is defined as follows: = CFL ( ) u 2 + v 2 + c ∆t L ≤1 (RII-4.1) L is the length of an edge with corresponding velocities of the element u , v and c = gh . In general, the CFL number has to be smaller than unity. Where 4.2.2 Sediment Transport For the sediment transport another condition c >> c3 holds true, which states that the wave speed of water c is much larger than the expansion velocity c3 of a bottom discontinuity (eg. DeVries (1966)). Since the value of c3 depends on multiple processes like bed load, lateral and gravity induced transport, its definitive determination is not obvious. Therefore the global time steps have been adopted based on the hydrodynamic condition. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 4.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL This page has been intentionally left blank. R II - 4.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.3 4.3.1 NUMERICS KERNEL Implicit Scheme Introduction In addition to the explicit scheme, BASEchain supports implicit calculations. To evaluate the evolution of the geometry of a channel as an effect of sediment transport, often long term computations are necessary. Additionally the calibration of a model with sediment transport is particularly laborious and needs many simulations. With the explicit solution of the hydraulics the needed simulation time becomes very large. This is because the explicit method uses a small time step, limited by the CFL-Number. The implicit method is needed to avoid this problem, allowing much larger time steps. This chapter describes the implicit solution of the hydrodynamics in detail. The system of equations to solve is formed by equations RI-1.3 and RI-1.9 applied to each cross section. 4.3.2 Time Discretisation For the time discretisation of the differential equation ∂u ∂t =f (u ) the θ -method is used: u n +1 − u n = θ f (u n +1 ) + (1 − θ ) f (u n ) ∆t with 0 ≤ θ ≤1. If θ = 0 the explicit Euler method results: the values at time n+1 are computed solely from the old values at time n with limitation of the time step by the CFL-number. For θ = 0.5 the scheme is second-order accuracy in time. On the contrary, if θ = 1 the solution is fully implicit. The equations are solved with the values at the new time n+1. As they are not known, initial values are assumed and the solution is approached to the exact solution by iteration. BASEchain uses the NewtonRaphson method, which has the quality to converge rapidly. However this is only the case if the initial values are sufficiently close to the exact solution. Here the values of the last time step are used as initial values for the iterations. This means that the more distant the new time from the old one and the bigger the change of the hydraulic state, the higher is the possibility that the solution cannot be found. For the present implementation, the recommended value of VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 θ is between 0.5 and 1. R II - 4.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL Continuity Equation The integration of the continuity equation ∫ xie xiw δ Asi δ Q + − q dx = Fi n + Fi Φ + Fi q = 0 δx δt gives the following integral terms. xie Fi n = ∫ xiw Fi Φ = ∫ xie xiw δ Asi dx δt δQ dx δx xie Fi q = − ∫ qdx xiw θ -method: = Fi + θ ( Fi Φ + Fi q ) + (1 − θ )( Fi Φ 0 + Fi q 0 ) Applying the Fi n +1 n (RII-4.2) Momentum Equation The integration of the momentum equation: δ Q δ Q2 δz ∫x δ t + δ x β Ared + gAred δ x + gAred S f iw xie n sz sf Φ dx = Gi + Gi + Gi + Gi = 0 leads to the following integral terms: δQ dx δt xx δ Q2 GiΦ = ∫ β dx δ x A red xx δz sz Gi = ∫ gAred dx δx xx xie ∫ G = n i iwie iw ie Gisf = iw ie ∫ gA red S f dx xiw θ -method: = G + θ (GiΦ + Gisz + Gisf ) + (1 − θ )(GiΦ 0 + Gisz 0 + Gisf 0 ) Applying the n +1 i G 4.3.3 n i (RII-4.3) Solution The equation system is F ( x) = 0 with F = ( F1 , G1 , F2 , G2 ,..., Fn −1 , Gn −1 , Fn , Gn ) and x = ( A1 , Q1 , A2 , Q2 ,..., An −1 , Qn −1 , An , Qn ) R II - 4.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL The system is solved by the Newton-Raphson method. Starting from an approximated k k +1 is determined by the linear equation solution x , the corresponding improved solution x system. 0 Ax k +1 − c = (RII-4.4) with = c Ax k − F and ∂F1 ∂A red ,1 ∂G1 ∂A red ,1 ∂F2 ∂Ared ,1 ∂G2 ∂Ared ,1 A= ∂F1 ∂F1 ∂F1 ∂Q1 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂G1 ∂G1 ∂G1 ∂Q1 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂F2 ∂F2 ∂F2 ∂F2 ∂F2 ∂Q1 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂Ared ,3 ∂Q3 ∂G2 ∂G2 ∂G2 ∂G2 ∂G2 ∂Q1 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂Ared ,3 ∂Q3 ∂F3 ∂F3 ∂F3 ∂F3 ∂F3 ∂F3 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂Ared ,3 ∂Q3 ∂Ared ,4 ∂Q4 ∂G3 ∂G3 ∂G3 ∂G3 ∂G3 ∂G3 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Q2 ∂Ared ,3 ∂Q3 ∂Ared ,4 ∂Q4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 . . . . . . ∂Fn − 2 ∂Fn − 2 ∂Fn − 2 ∂Fn − 2 ∂Fn − 2 ∂Fn − 2 ∂Ared , n − 3 ∂Qn − 3 ∂Ared , n − 2 ∂Qn − 2 ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Gn − 2 ∂Ared , n − 3 ∂Qn − 3 ∂Ared , n − 2 ∂Qn − 2 ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Fn −1 ∂Fn −1 ∂Fn −1 ∂Fn −1 ∂Fn −1 ∂Ared , n − 2 ∂Qn − 2 ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Ared , n ∂Gn −1 ∂Gn −1 ∂Gn −1 ∂Gn −1 ∂Gn −1 ∂Ared , n − 2 ∂Qn − 2 ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Ared , n ∂Fn ∂Fn ∂Fn ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Ared , n ∂Gn ∂Gn ∂Gn ∂Ared , n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Ared , n R II - 4.3-3 ∂Fn −1 ∂Qn ∂Gn −1 ∂Qn ∂Fn ∂Qn ∂Gn ∂Qn Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.3.4 NUMERICS KERNEL Integral Terms Continuity Equation The integral terms of the continuity equation are approximated as follows. For a general cross section i: Fi n +1 = Fi n + Fi Φ + Fi q Asi − Asi0 ∆xi ∆t c Fi Φ = Φ iec − Φ iw = Fi n − qi− ∆xi− − qi+ ∆xi+ Fi q = For the first cross section i = 1: A1 − A10 ∆x1 ∆t F1Φ =Φ1ce − Qin = F1n F1q = − q1+ ∆x1 For the last cross section i = N An − An0 = F ∆xn ∆t Φ c F= Qout − Φ iw n n n − qn− ∆xn Fnq = Momentum Equation The integral terms of the continuity equation are approximated as follows. For a general cross section i: Qi − Qi0 ∆xi ∆t m GiΦ = Φ iem − Φ iw z −z Gisz = gAred ,i i +1 i −1 2 = Gin = Gisf gAred ,i S fi ∆xi S fi = Qi Qi K i2 For the first cross section i = 1: = G1n Qin − Qin0 ∆x1 ∆t R II - 4.3-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT G1Φ =Φ1me − NUMERICS KERNEL β1Qin2 Ared ,in z −z G1sz = gAred ,1 2 1 2 = G1sf gAred ,1S f 1∆x1 Sf1 = Q1 Q1 K12 S fn = Qn Qn K n2 For the last cross section i = n 0 Qout − Qout ∆xn ∆t 2 β nQout = − Φ mnw GnΦ Ared ,out z −z Gnsz = gAn n n −1 2 = Gnn = Gnsf gAn S fn ∆xn 4.3.5 General Description of the Derivatives for the Matrix A Derivatives of the Continuity Equation For a general cross section i: c ∂Fi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = − ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 c ∂Fi ∆xi dAi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = + − ∂Aredi ∆t dAredi ∂Aredi ∂Aredi c ∂Fi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = − ∂Ared ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 c ∂Fi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = − ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi −1 c ∂Fi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = − ∂Qi ∂Qi ∂Qi c ∂Fi ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iw = − ∂Qi +1 ∂Qi +1 ∂Qi +1 For the first cross section i = 0: ∂Φ1ce ∂Qin ∂F1 ∆x1 dA1 = + − ∂Ared ,1 ∆t dAred ,1 ∂Ared ,1 δ Ared ,1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 4.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Φ1ce ∂Φ inc ∂F1 = − ∂Ared ,2 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Qin ∂F1 ∂Φ1ce = − ∂Q1= ∂Q1 in= ∂Q1 in ∂F1 ∂Φ1ce ∂Qin = − ∂Q2 ∂Q2 ∂Q2 For the last cross section i = n: ∂Fn ∂Qout ∂Φ cnw = − ∂Ared ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 ∂Fn ∆xn dAn ∂Qout ∂Φ cnw = + − ∂Ared ,n ∆t dAred ,n ∂Ared ,n ∂Ared ,n ∂Fn ∂Qout ∂Φ cnw = − ∂Qn −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Fn ∂Qout ∂Φ cnw = − ∂Q= ∂Qn out= ∂Qn out n Derivatives of the Momentum Equation For a general cross section i: m gA dzi −1 ∂Gi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw = − + red ,i 2 dAred ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 m A dK i ∂Gi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw g = − + ( zi +1 − zi −1 ) + g ∆xi S fi 1 − 2 red ,i K i dAi ∂Ared ,i ∂Ared ,i ∂Ared ,i 2 m A dzi +1 ∂Gi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw = − + g red ,i 2 dAred ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 m ∂Gi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw = − ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi −1 m ∂Gi ∆xi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw Sf = + − + 2 gAred ,i ∆xi i ∂Qi ∆t ∂Qi ∂Qi Qi m ∂Gi ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iw = − ∂Qi +1 ∂Qi +1 ∂Qi +1 For the first cross section i = 1: ∂Φ1me ∂Φ inm g ∂G1 A dK1 = − + ( z2 − z1 ) + g ∆x1S fi 1 − 2 1 ∂Ared ,1 ∂Ared ,1 ∂Ared ,1 2 K1 dAred ,1 R II - 4.3-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Φ1me ∂Φ inm ∂G1 A dz = − +g 1 2 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Ared ,2 2 dA2 ∂ β1Qin2 Sf1 Ared ,in ∂G1 ∆x1 ∂Φ1me = + − + 2 gAred 1∆x1 ∂Q1 ∆t ∂Qin ∂Qin Qin ∂G1 ∂Φ1me = − ∂Q2 ∂Q2 ∂ β1Qin 2 Ared ,in ∂Q2 For the last cross section i = n: m A ∂Gn ∂Φ out ∂Φ1mw dzn −1 = − + g red ,n 2 dAred ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 m ∂Gn ∂Φ out ∂Φ mnw g A dK n = − + ( zn − zn −1 ) + g ∆xn S fn 1 − 2 n K n dAredn ∂Aredn ∂Aredn ∂Aredn 2 m ∂Gn ∂Φ out ∂Φ mnw = − ∂Qn −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Qn −1 m ∂Gn ∆xn ∂Φ out ∂Φ mnw Sf = + − + 2 gAredn ∆xn n ∂Qn ∆t ∂Qn ∂Qn Qn 4.3.6 Determination of the Derivatives with Upwind Flux Determination With the upwind method the flux is defined as follows: f ( xie ) = Γiei fi + Γiei +1 fi +1 (RII-4.5) with 1 and Γiei+1 = Γiei = 0 if Qi + Qi +1 ≥ 0 ie ie 0 and Γi+1 = 1 if Qi + Qi +1 < 0 Γi = Derivatives of the Continuity Equation For a general cross section: ∂Fi =0 ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Fi ∆x dAi = i ∂Aredi ∆t dAredi ∂Fi =0 ∂Ared ,i +1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 4.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Fi =−θΓii −−10.5 ∂Qi −1 ∂Fi = θ (Γiw − Γie ) ∂Qi ∂Fi = θΓie+1 ∂Qi +1 ∂Fi = θΓie+1 ∂Qi +1 For cross section i =1: ∆x dAi ∂F1 = i ∂Ared 1 ∆t dAredi ∂F1 = θ (Γ1e − 1) ∂Q1 ∂F1 = θΓ e2 ∂Q2 For cross section i =n: ∂Fn ∆xn dAn = ∂An ∆t dAred ,n ∂Fn =−θΓ nw−1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Fn = θ (1 − Γ nw ) ∂Qn Derivatives of the Momentum Equation For a general cross section i: w Q2 1 Aredi dzi −1 ∂Gi 1 d βi −1 θ Γi −1 β = − − g 2 dAredi −1 ∂Aredi −1 Ared Aredi −1 βi −1 dAredi −1 Q2 1 ∂Gi Aredi dK i 1 d βi g z z g x S ( ) 1 2 = θ ( Γiw − Γie ) β − + − + ∆ − i +1 i −1 i fi K i dAredi ∂Aredi Ared i Aredi βi dAredi 2 Q2 1 A dzi +1 ∂Gi 1 d βi +1 = θ −Γie+1 β − + g redi 2 dAredi +1 ∂Aredi +1 Ared i +1 Aredi +1 βi +1 dAredi ∂Gi 1 Q2 =−2θΓiw−1 β Qi −1 Ared i −1 ∂Qi −1 R II - 4.3-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Gi ∆xi 1 = + 2θ ( Γie − Γiw ) Qi ∂Qi ∆t Q2 Sfi β + 2 gAredi ∆xi Qi Ared i ∂Gi 1 Q2 = 2θΓie+1 β Qi +1 Ared i +1 ∂Qi +1 For cross section i =1: dz1 Q2 1 1 d β1 g e 1 ) − Γ − β ( ) + ( z2 − z1 − Ared 1 i dAred 1 ∂G1 Ared 1 Ared 1 β1 dAred 1 2 =θ ∂Ared ,1 Ared 1 dK1 + g ∆x1S f 1 1 − 2 K dA red 1 1 Q2 1 A ∂G1 dz2 1 d β2 = θ −Γ e2 β − + g red 2 A ∂Ared 2 2 β A dA dA red red red red 2 2 ,2 2 2 2 ∂G1 ∆x1 Sf 1 Q = + 2θ ( Γ1e − 1) β + 2 gAred 1∆x1 1 Q1 Ared 1 Q1 ∂Q1 ∆t ∂G1 1 Q2 = 2θΓ e2 β Q2 Ared 2 ∂Q2 For cross section i =n: Q2 1 An dzn −1 ∂Gn 1 d βi −1 θ Γ nw−1 β = − − g 2 dAred ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 A n −1 An −1 β n −1 dAn −1 Q2 1 dz A dK n ∂Gn 1 d βn g = θ ( Γ nw − 1) β − + ( zn − zn −1 + An n ) + g ∆xn S fn 1 − 2 n dAn K n dAn ∂Ared ,n A n An β n dAn 2 ∂Gn 1 Q2 β =−2θΓ nw−1 Qn −1 A n −1 ∂Qn −1 ∂Gn ∆xn 1 = + 2θ (1 − Γiw ) Qn ∂Qn ∆t 4.3.7 Q2 Sf n gA x β + ∆ n n A Qn n Determination of the Derivatives with Roe Flux Determination Fluxes and derivatives of the fluxes of the continuity equation: c ) Q(ie Φ= = ie VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 1 (Qi + Qi +1 ) − RcA ( Ai +1 − Ai ) − RcQ (Qi +1 − Qi ) 2 (RII-4.6) R II - 4.3-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT ∂Φ iec = 0 ∂Ai −1 NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Φ iec ie = RcA ∂Ai ∂Φ iec ie = − RcA ∂Ai +1 ∂Φ iec ∂Φ iec ie = = 0 0.5 + RcQ ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi ∂Φ iec ie = 0.5 − RcQ ∂Qi +1 c Φ iw = Qiw = 0.5(Qi −1 + Qi ) − RcA ( Ai − Ai −1 ) − RcQ (Qi − Qi −1 ) (RII-4.7) c c c ∂Φ iw ∂Φ iw ∂Φ iw iw iw = RcA = − RcA = 0 ∂Ai −1 ∂Ai ∂Ai +1 c ∂Φ iw iw = 0.5 + RcQ ∂Qi −1 c ∂Φ iw iw = 0.5 − RcQ ∂Qi c ∂Φ iw = 0 ∂Qi +1 Fluxes and derivatives of the fluxes of the momentum equation: Qi2 Qi2+1 Q2 = Φ + βi +1 β = 0.5 βi − RmA ( Ai +1 − Ai ) − RmQ (Qi +1 − Qi ) A ie Ai +1 Ai ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iem Qi2 ∂Φ iem Qi2+1 ie ie = 0 = −0.5βi 2 + RmA = −0.5β i +1 2 − RmA ∂Ai −1 ∂Ai Ai ∂Ai +1 Ai +1 m ie Q ∂Φ iem ∂Φ iem ie = = 0 βi i + RmQ ∂Qi −1 ∂Qi Ai (RII-4.8) Q ∂Φ iem ie = βi +1 i +1 − RmQ ∂Qi +1 Ai +1 Qi2−1 Qi2 Q2 = Φ + βi β = 0.5 βi − RmA ( Ai − Ai −1 ) − RmQ (Qi − Qi −1 ) A iw Ai Ai − 1 m m ∂Φ iw Qi2−1 ∂Φ iw Qi2 ∂Φ iem iw iw = −0.5βi −1 2 + RmA = −0.5βi 2 − RmA = 0 ∂Ai −1 ∂Ai ∂Ai +1 Ai −1 Ai m iw m ∂Φ iw Q iw = βi −1 i −1 + RmQ ∂Qi −1 Ai −1 m ∂Φ iw Q iw = βi i − RmQ ∂Qi Ai (RII-4.9) ∂Φ iem = 0 ∂Qi +1 Derivatives of the Continuity Equation: For a general cross section i: ∂Fi ∂Ared ,i −1 ∂Fi = ∂Aredi ∂Fi ∂Ared ,i +1 iw = − RcA ∆xi dAi ie iw + RcA + RcA ∆t dAredi ie = − RcA R II - 4.3-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Fi 1 iw =− − RcQ ∂Qi −1 2 ∂Fi ie iw = RcQ − RcQ ∂Qi ∂Fi 1 ie = − RcQ ∂Qi +1 2 For the first cross section i=1: ∂Qin ∂F1 ∆x1 dA1 ie = + RcA − ∂Ared 1 ∆t dAred 1 ∂Ared 1 ∂F1 ie = − RcA ∂Ared ,2 ∂F1 ie = RcQ − 0.5 ∂Q1=in ∂F1 1 ie = − RcQ ∂Q2 2 For the last cross section i=n: ∂Fn iw = − RcA ∂An −1 ∂Fn ∆xn dAn ∂Q iw = + RcA + out ∂An ∆t dAredn ∂Aredn ∂Fn 1 iw =− − RcA 2 ∂Qn −1 ∂Fn iw = 0.5 + RcQ ∂Qn Derivatives of the Momentum Equation For a general cross section i: A ∂Gi dzi −1 1 iw βi −1U i2−1 − RmA = + g red ,i 2 dAred ,i −1 ∂Ared ,i −1 2 A dK i ∂Gi g 1 1 ie iw = − βiU i2 + RmA + βiU i2 + RmA + ( zi +1 − zi −1 ) + g ∆xi S fi 1 − 2 red ,i K i dAred ,i 2 2 2 ∂Ared ,i A ∂Gi dzi +1 1 ie = − βi +1U i2+1 − RmA + g red ,i 2 2 dAred ,i +1 ∂Ared ,i +1 ∂Gi iw βi −1U i −1 − RmQ = ∂Qi −1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 R II - 4.3-11 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL ∂Gi ∆xi Sf ie ie = + RmQ + RmQ + 2 gAred ,i ∆xi i ∂Qi ∆t Qi ∂Gi ie βi +1U i +1 − RmQ = ∂Qi +1 For the first cross section i=1: A ∂Φ inm g dK1 ∂G1 1 1e =− β1U12 + RmA − + ( z1+1 − z1 ) + g ∆x1S fi 1 − 2 red ,1 2 K1 dAred ,1 ∂Ared ,1 ∂Ared ,1 2 A ∂G1 dz 1 1e = − β 2U 22 − RmA + g red ,1 2 2 2 dA2 ∂Ared ,2 ∂Φ inm Sf ∆x1 ∂G1 1e = =+ β1U1 + RmQ − + 2 gA1∆x1 1 Q1 ∂Q1 ∆t ∂Q1=in ∂G1 1e β 2U 2 − RmQ = ∂Q2 For the last cross section i=n A ∂Gn dzn −1 1 nw β n −1U n2−1 − RmA = + g red ,n 2 dAred ,n −1 ∂Ared ,n −1 2 A dK n ∂Gn g 1 1 ne nw = − β nU n2 + RmA + β nU n2 + RmA + ( zn − zn −1 ) + g ∆xn S fn 1 − 2 red ,n K n dAred ,n 2 2 2 ∂Ared ,n ∂Gn nw β n −1U n −1 − RmQ = ∂Qn −1 ∂Gn ∆xn Sf ∆x Sf ne nw ne ne = + β nU n + RmQ − β nU n + RmQ + 2 gAn ∆xn n = n + RmQ + RmQ + 2 gAn ∆xn n ∂Qn ∆t Qn ∆t Qn R II - 4.3-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/27/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT NUMERICS KERNEL References Begnudelli, L., and Sanders, B.F (2006). "Unstructured Grid Finite-Volume Algorithm for Shallow-Water Flow and Scalar Transport with Wetting and Drying" Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 132(4), 371-384. Belleudy, P. (2000). "Numerical simulation of sediment mixture deposition part 1: analysis of a flume experiment." Journal of Hydraulic Research, 38(6), 417-425. Borah, D. K., Alonso, C. V., and Prasad, S. N. (1982). "Routing Graded Sediments in Streams - Formulations." Journal of the Hydraulics Division-Asce, 108(12), 1486-1503. Bradot-Nico F.,Brissaud F., Guinot V. (2007). A finite volume upwind scheme for the solution of the linear advection-diffusion equation with sharp gradients in multiple dimensions. Advances in Water Resources 30 (2007), 2002-2025. Brufau P., García-Navarro P. (2000). "Two-dimensional dam break flow simulation." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 33 (2000), 35-57. Brufau P, Vázquez-Cendón, M.E., and P. García-Navarro (2002). 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VAW ETH Zürich Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Table of Contents 1 Hydraulic 1.1 Common Test Cases .......................................................................................... 1.1-1 H_1 : Dam break in a closed channel ........................................................... 1.1-1 1.1.1 H_2 : One dimensional dam break on planar bed......................................... 1.1-3 1.1.2 H_3 : One dimensional dam break on sloped bed ....................................... 1.1-4 1.1.3 H_4 : Parallel execution ................................................................................ 1.1-5 1.1.4 BASEchain Specific Test Cases ........................................................................ 1.2-1 1.2 H_BC_1 : Fluid at rest in a closed channel with strongly varying geometry 1.2-1 1.2.1 H_BC_2: bed load simulation with implicit hydraulic solution ...................... 1.2-2 1.2.2 BASEplane Specific Test Cases ........................................................................ 1.3-1 1.3 H_BP_1 : Rest Water in a closed area with strongly varying bottom........... 1.3-1 1.3.1 H_BP_2 : Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements ............. 1.3-3 1.3.2 H_BP_3 : Dam break within strongly bended geometry .............................. 1.3-5 1.3.3 H_BP_4 : Malpasset dam break ................................................................... 1.3-7 1.3.4 H_BP_5: Circular dam break wave ............................................................... 1.3-8 1.3.5 2 Sediment Transport 2.1 Common Test Cases .......................................................................................... 2.1-1 ST_1 : Soni et al: Aggradation due to overloading ........................................ 2.1-1 2.1.1 ST_2 : Saiedi ................................................................................................. 2.1-3 2.1.2 ST_3 : Guenter .............................................................................................. 2.1-4 2.1.3 BASEchain Specific Test Cases ........................................................................ 2.2-1 2.2 ST_BC_1: Advection of suspended load ...................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.1 ST_BC_2: Advection-Diffusion ..................................................................... 2.2-3 2.2.2 ST_BC_3: Conservativity of sediment exchange with soil ........................... 2.2-5 2.2.3 3 Results of Hydraulic Test Cases 3.1 Common Test Cases .......................................................................................... 3.1-1 H_1: Dam break in a closed channel ............................................................ 3.1-1 3.1.1 H_2: One dimensional dambreak on planar bed........................................... 3.1-2 3.1.2 H_3: One dimensional dam break on sloped bed ........................................ 3.1-4 3.1.3 H_4 : Parallel execution ................................................................................ 3.1-7 3.1.4 BASEchain Specific Test Cases ........................................................................ 3.2-1 3.2 H_BC_1: Fluid at rest in a closed channel with strongly varying geometry . 3.2-1 3.2.1 H_BC_2: bed load simulation with implicit hydraulic solution ...................... 3.2-1 3.2.2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - i Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 3.3 BASEplane Specific Test Cases ........................................................................ 3.3-1 3.3.1 H_BP_1: Rest water in a closed area with strongly varying bottom ............ 3.3-1 H_BP_2: Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements .............. 3.3-1 3.3.2 H_BP_3: Dam break within strongly bended geometry ............................... 3.3-1 3.3.3 H_BP_4: Malpasset dam break .................................................................... 3.3-4 3.3.4 H_BP_5: Circular dam break ......................................................................... 3.3-6 3.3.5 4 Results of Sediment Transport Test Cases 4.1 Common Test Cases .......................................................................................... 4.1-1 ST_1: Soni ..................................................................................................... 4.1-1 4.1.1 ST_2: Saiedi .................................................................................................. 4.1-4 4.1.2 ST_3: Guenter ............................................................................................... 4.1-6 4.1.3 BASEchain specific Test Cases ......................................................................... 4.2-1 4.2 ST_BC_1: Advection of suspended load ...................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.1 ST_BC_2: Advection-Diffusion ..................................................................... 4.2-2 4.2.2 ST_BC_3: Conservation of sediment exchange of soil ................................ 4.2-3 4.2.3 R III - ii VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES List of Figures Fig. 1: H_1: Dam break in a closed channel ................................................................................. 1.1-2 Fig. 2: H_2: One dimensional dam break on planar bed .............................................................. 1.1-3 Fig. 3: H_3: One dimensional dam break on sloped bed .............................................................. 1.1-4 Fig. 4: H_BC_1: Top view: cross-sections .................................................................................... 1.2-1 Fig. 6: H_BP_1: Rest Water in a closed area with strong varying bottom level ........................... 1.3-2 Fig. 7: H_BP_2: Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements .................................... 1.3-3 Fig. 8: H_BP_2: Computational grid ............................................................................................ 1.3-4 Fig. 9: H_BP_3: Strongly bended channel (horizontal projection and cross-section) .................. 1.3-5 Fig. 10: H_BP_4: Computational area of the malpasset dam break ............................................... 1.3-7 Fig. 11: H_BP_5: Computational area (rectangular grid) of the circular dam break .................... 1.3-8 Fig. 12: ST_BC_1: Initial condition for case A ............................................................................... 2.2-1 Fig. 13: ST_BC_1: Initial condition for case B ............................................................................... 2.2-2 Fig. 14: ST_BC_2: Initial condition for case A ............................................................................... 2.2-3 Fig. 15: ST_BC_2: Initial condition for case B ............................................................................... 2.2-4 Fig. 16: ST_BC_3: Geometry of case A ........................................................................................... 2.2-5 Fig. 17: ST_BC_3: Geometry of case B ........................................................................................... 2.2-6 Fig. 18: H_1: Initial and final water surface elevation (BC & BP) ................................................ 3.1-1 Fig. 19: H_2: Water surface elevation after 20 s (BC) .................................................................... 3.1-2 Fig. 20: H_2: Distribution of discharge after 20 s (BC).................................................................. 3.1-2 Fig. 21: H_2: Flow depth 20 sec after dam break (BP) ................................................................... 3.1-3 Fig. 22: H_2: Discharge 20 sec after dam break (BP) .................................................................... 3.1-3 Fig. 23: H_3: Water surface elevation after 10 s (BC) .................................................................... 3.1-4 Fig. 24: H_3: Temporal behaviour of water depth at x = 70.1 m (BC) ........................................... 3.1-4 Fig. 25: H_3: Temporal behavior of water depth at x = 85.4 m (BC) ............................................. 3.1-5 Fig. 26: H_3: Cross sectional water level after 10 s simulation time (BP) ..................................... 3.1-5 Fig. 27: H_3: Chronological sequence of water depth at point x = 70.1 m (BP) ............................ 3.1-6 Fig. 28: H_3: Chronological sequence of water depth at point x = 85.4 m (BP) ............................ 3.1-6 Fig. 29: H_4 (BASEchain) – Parallel speedup for 1D test case ...................................................... 3.1-7 Fig. 30: H_4 (BASEplane) – Parallel speedup for 2D test case ...................................................... 3.1-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - iii Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 31: H_BP_3: Water level and velocity vectors 5 seconds after the dam break ........................ 3.3-2 Fig. 32: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G1 ............................................................................ 3.3-2 Fig. 33: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G3 ............................................................................ 3.3-3 Fig. 34: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G5 ............................................................................ 3.3-3 Fig. 35: H_BP_5: Comparison of the water level at point G5 for a coarse and a dense grid......... 3.3-4 Fig. 36: H_BP_4: Computed water depth and velocities 300 seconds after the dam break. ........... 3.3-5 Fig. 37: H_BP_4: Computed and observed water surface elevation at different control points ..... 3.3-5 Fig. 38: H_BP_5: Perspective view of the circular dam break wave patterns ................................ 3.3-7 Fig. 39: H_BP_5: Water surface and velocity profiles along y=20m ............................................. 3.3-8 Fig. 40: H_BP_5: Water surface and velocity profiles along y = 20m ........................................... 3.3-9 Fig. 41: ST_1: Soni Test with MPM-factor = 6.44 (BC) ................................................................ 4.1-1 Fig. 42: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 15 min (BP) ............................. 4.1-2 Fig. 43: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 30 min (BP) ............................. 4.1-3 Fig. 44: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 40 min (BP) ............................. 4.1-3 Fig. 45: ST_2: Saiedi Test, with MPM-factor = 13 (BC)................................................................. 4.1-4 Fig. 46: ST_2: Saiedi Test, propagation of sediment front (BP)...................................................... 4.1-5 Fig. 47: ST_3: Guenter Test: equilibrium bed level (BC) ................................................................ 4.1-6 Fig. 48: ST_3: Guenter Test: grain size distribution (BC) .............................................................. 4.1-7 Fig. 49: ST_3: Guenter Test: equilibrium bed level (BP) ................................................................ 4.1-8 Fig. 50: ST_3: Guenter Test: grain size distribution (BP)............................................................... 4.1-9 Fig. 51: ST_BC_1: case A, concentration after 9060 s................................................................... 4.2-1 Fig. 52: ST_BC_1: case B, concentration after 9772.5 s................................................................. 4.2-1 Fig. 53: ST_BC_2: case A, concentration after 605 s...................................................................... 4.2-2 Fig. 54: ST_BC_2: case B, concentration after 605 s...................................................................... 4.2-2 List of Tables Tab. 1: H_BC_2: Performance of implicit calculations ................................................................... 3.2-1 Tab. 2: ST_BC_3: Sediment balances .............................................................................................. 4.2-3 R III - iv VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES III TEST CASES The test catalogue is intended for the validation of the program. The catalogue consists of different test cases, their geometric and hydraulic fundamentals and the reference data for the comparison with the computed results. The test cases are built on each other going from easy to more and more complex problems. First, the hydraulic solver is validated against analytical and experimental solutions using the test cases in chapter 1. In a second part, the sediment transport module is tested against some simple experimental test cases described in chapter 2. Common test cases are suitable for both, 1D and 2D simulations. Specific test cases are intended for either 1D or 2D simulations. In chapter 3, the simulation results for all test cases are presented. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 1 Hydraulic 1.1 Common Test Cases 1.1.1 H_1 : Dam break in a closed channel Intention The simplest test case checks verifies the conservation property of the fluid phase and whether a stable condition can be reached for all control volumes after a finite time. Additionally, wet and dry problematic is tested. Description Consider a rectangular flume without sediment. The basin is initially filled in the half length with a certain water depth leaving the other side dry. After starting the simulation, the water flows in the other half of the system until it reaches a quiescent state (velocity = 0, half of initial water surface elevation (WSE) everywhere). Geometry and Initial Conditions Initial Condition: water at rest (all velocities zero), the water surface elevation is the same on the half of channel. This test uses a WSE of z S = 5.0 m. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 1: H_1: Dam break in a closed channel Boundary Conditions No inflow and outflow. All of the boundaries are considered as a wall. Friction: Manning’s factor n = 0.010 R III - 1.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.1.2 TEST CASES H_2 : One dimensional dam break on planar bed Intention This test case is similar to the previous one but this one compares the WSE a short time after release of the dam with an analytical solution for this frictionless problem. It is based on the verification of a 1-D transcritical flow model in channels by Tseng (1999). Description A planar, frictionless rectangular flume has initially a dam in the middle. On the one side, water level is h2 , on the other side, water level is at h1 . At the beginning, the dam is removed and a wave is propagating towards the shallow water. The shape of the wave depends on the fraction of water depths ( h2 / h1 ) and can be compared to an analytical, exact solution. Geometry and Initial Conditions Two cases are considered: - h2 h1 = 0.001 ; h1 = 10.0 m (this avoids problems with wet/dry areas) - h2 h1 = 0.000 ; h1 = 10.0 m (downstream is initially dry) The dam is exactly in the middle of channel. Since it is a one dimensional problem, it should not depend on the width of the model, which can be chosen arbitrary. Fig. 2: H_2: One dimensional dam break on planar bed Boundary Conditions All cases are frictionless, Manning factor n=0. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.1.3 TEST CASES H_3 : One dimensional dam break on sloped bed Intention Different from the previous cases, this problem uses a sloped bed with friction. The aim is to reproduce an accurate wave front in time. It is based on the verification of a 1-D transcritical flow model in channels by Tseng (1999). Description In the middle of a slightly sloped flume, an initial dam is removed at time zero (see Fig. 3). The wave propagates downwards. Comparison data comes from an experimental work. Friction is accounted for with a Manning roughness factor estimated from the experiment. Geometry and Initial Conditions Length of flume: Width of flume: Slope: Initial water level: 122 m 1.22 m 0.61 m / 122 m 0.035 m (at the dam location) Fig. 3: H_3: One dimensional dam break on sloped bed Boundary Conditions Manning friction factor: 0.009 No inflow/outflow. Boundaries are considered as walls. R III - 1.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.1.4 TEST CASES H_4 : Parallel execution Intention To test the parallel performance of hydraulic simulations on a multi-core shared memory computer a test case is set up. The aim is to demonstrate the increase in performance (the speedup) when running BASEMENT in parallel with an increasing number of cores. Description A hydraulic simulation is repeated with varying number of threads on a multi-core shared memory system. The simulation times are measured and compared to the sequential execution time in order to evaluate the speedups. Geometry, initial conditions and boundary conditions A simple rectangular channel with constant slope is considered. The channel is discretized with a large number of cross sections (2000) in BASEchain and a large number of elements (16000) in BASEplane. There is an inflow located at the upper boundary of the channel and an outflow at the lower boundary. The inflowing discharge is constant over the time and steady state conditions within the channel are reached. Large sized scenarios and evenly distributed work loads (steady state conditions) are set up in order to check for the full potential of the parallel implementation. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 1.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2 TEST CASES BASEchain Specific Test Cases 1.2.1 H_BC_1 : Fluid at rest in a closed channel with strongly varying geometry Intention This test case checks for the conservation of momentum. Numerical artefacts (mostly due to geometrical reasons) could generate impulse waves although there is no acting force. Description The computational area consists of a rectangular channel with varying bed topology and different cross-sections. The fluid is initially at rest with a constant water surface elevation and there is no acting force. There should be no changes of the WSE in time. Geometry and Initial Conditions The cross sections and bed topology were chosen as in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Notice the strong variations within the geometry. The water surface elevation is set to z s = 12 m. 30 20 y [m] 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 x [m] Fig. 4: H_BC_1: Top view: cross-sections 14 height [m] 12 bed level water surface elevation 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 x [m] Fig. 5: H_BC_1: Bed topography and water surface elevation Boundary Conditions All boundaries are considered as walls. There is no friction acting. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.2.2 TEST CASES H_BC_2: bed load simulation with implicit hydraulic solution Intention The aim of this test case is to verify if the use of the implicit computation mode leads to the expected gain of computational time for a long sediment transport simulation. Description The test case simulates a section of the river Thur near Altikon. At this place, there is located a widening of which the morphological evolution should be evaluated. Geometry and general data The model is composed by 55 irregular cross sections, the mean grain size is 2.5 cm and the length of the transport generating hydrograph is 338 hours. The given time steps for the implicit simulation are 60, 120 and 180 seconds. The Program is allowed to reduce the time step if necessary, but this leads to time loss. The precisions of the results for which the iteration is interrupted are 0.1 m2 for the wetted area and 0.1 m3/s for the discharge. R III - 1.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.3 TEST CASES BASEplane Specific Test Cases 1.3.1 H_BP_1 : Rest Water in a closed area with strongly varying bottom Intention This test in two dimensions checks for the conservation of momentum. Numerical artefacts (mostly due to geometrical reasons) could generate impulse waves although there is no acting force. Description The computational area consists of a rectangular channel with varying bottom topography. The fluid is initially at rest with a constant water surface elevation and there is no acting force. There should be no changes of the WSE in time. Geometry and Initial Conditions Initial Condition: totally rest water, the WSE is the same and constant over the domain. The WSE can be varied e.g. from zS (min) = 0.8 to zS (max) 3.0 m . VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 6: H_BP_1: Rest Water in a closed area with strong varying bottom level Boundary Conditions No inflow and outflow. All of the boundaries are considered as a wall. Friction: Manning’s factor n = 0.015 R III - 1.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.3.2 TEST CASES H_BP_2 : Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements Intention This test case checks the behaviour of partially wet control volumes. The wave front respectively the border wet/dry is always the weak point in a hydraulic computation. There should be no momentum due the partially wet elements. Description In a sloped, rectangular channel, the WSE is chosen to be small enough to allow for partially wet elements. The water is at rest and no acting force is present. Geometry and Initial Conditions Initial Condition: totally rest water, the WSE is the same and constant over the whole domain. The WSE is zS = 1.9 m . Fig. 7: H_BP_2: Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.3-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Boundary Conditions No inflow and outflow. All of the boundaries are considered as a wall. Friction: Manning’s factor n = 0.015. The mesh (grid) can be considered as following pictures. In this form, the partially wet cells (elements) can be handled. Fig. 8: H_BP_2: Computational grid R III - 1.3-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.3.3 TEST CASES H_BP_3 : Dam break within strongly bended geometry Intention This test case challenges the 2D code. The geometry permits a strongly two dimensional embossed flow. The results are compared against experimental measurements at certain control points. Description In a two-dimensional geometry with a jump in bed topology, a gate between reservoir and some outflow channel is removed at the beginning. The bended channel is initially dry and has a free outflow discharge as boundary condition at the downstream end. Geometry and Initial Conditions The geometry is described in Fig. 9. G1 to G6 are the measurement control points for the water elevation. Initial condition is a fluid at rest with a water surface elevation of 0.2 m above the channels ground. The channel itself is dry from water. At t =0, the gate between reservoir and gate is removed. Fig. 9: H_BP_3: Strongly bended channel (horizontal projection and cross-section) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Boundary Conditions No inflow. At the downstream end of the channel, a free outflow condition is employed. All other boundaries are considered as walls. The friction factor is set to 0.0095 (measured under stationary conditions) for the whole computational domain. R III - 1.3-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.3.4 TEST CASES H_BP_4 : Malpasset dam break Intention This final hydraulic test case is the well known real world data set from the Malpasset dam break in France. The complex geometry, high velocities, often and sudden wet-dry changes and the good documentation allow for a fundamental evaluation of the hydraulic code. Description The Malpasset dam was a doubly-curved equal angle arch type with variable radius. It breached on December 2nd, 1959 all of a sudden. The entire wall collapsed nearly completely what makes this event unique. The breach created a water flood wall 40 meters high and moving at 70 km/h. After 20 minutes, the flood reached the village Frejus and still had 3 m depth. The time of the breach and the flood wave can be exactly reconstructed, as the time is known, when the power of different stations switched off. Geometry and Initial Conditions Fig. 11 shows the computational grid used for the simulation. The points represent “measurement” stations. The initial water surface elevation in the storage lake is set to +100.0 m.a.s.l. and in the downstream lake to 0.0 m.a.s.l. The area downstream of the wall is initially dry. At t =0, the dam is removed. Fig. 10: H_BP_4: Computational area of the malpasset dam break Boundary Conditions The computational grid was constructed to be large enough for the water to stay within the bounds. Friction is accounted for by a Manning factor of 0.033. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 1.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT 1.3.5 TEST CASES H_BP_5: Circular dam break wave Intention The circular dam break problem is a demanding two-dimensional test case with some distinct features. It is used to evaluate the capability to correctly model complex interactions of shock and rarefaction waves. The results are qualitatively compared to results obtained by Toro (2001), and other numerical studies, for this idealized dam break scenario. Also the results of the exact and approximate Riemann solvers are compared to each other. Description A virtual circular dam is located in the center of a computational domain. At the beginning, at time t = 0.0s, the dam is removed. The evolution of subsequent wave patterns is examined until about t = 5s after the dam break. Geometry and Initial Conditions The computational domain has a width and height of 40m and is modelled with a uniform rectangular grid, which consists of 160000 quadratic elements of the size 0.1m x 0.1m. The grid is selected large enough to fully capture the outward propagating primary shock wave during the simulation time of about 5s. The small element sizes shall enable the modelling of the circular flow patterns with sufficient accuracy. The initial height of the water column is 2.5m, whereas the surrounding initial water surface level is set to 0.5m. The water column behind the circular dam has a radius of 2.5m. The time step is chosen according to a CFL number of 0.65. Fig. 11: H_BP_5: Computational area (rectangular grid) of circular dam break Boundary Conditions Friction is accounted for by a small Manning factor of 0.001. R III - 1.3-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 2 Sediment Transport 2.1 Common Test Cases 2.1.1 ST_1 : Soni et al: Aggradation due to overloading Intention This validation case is intended to reproduce equilibrium conditions for steady flow followed by simple aggradation due to sediment overloading at the upstream end. The test is suitable for 1D and 2D simulations and uses one single grain size. Description Soni et al. (1980) and Soni (1981) performed a series of experiments dealing with aggradations. With this particular test, they determined the coefficients a and b of the empirical power law for sediment transport. This test has been used by many researchers as validation for numerical techniques containing sediment transport phenomenas (see e.g. Kassem and Chaudhry (1998), Soulis (2002) and Vasquez et al.( 2005)). The experiments were realized within a rectangular laboratory flume. First, a uniform equilibrium flow is established as starting condition. Then the overloading with sediment starts, resulting in aggradations. Geometry and general data Length of flume Width of flume Median grain size Relative density Porosity lf wf dm s p 20 0.2 0.32 2.65 0.4 [m] [m] [mm] [] [] Equilibrium experiments Totally, a number of 24 experiments with different initial slopes S have been performed by Soni. Measured values are equilibrium water depth heq and the sediments equilibrium discharge qB ,eq . The flow velocity ueq has been computed manually by Soni. Concerning initial conditions for the equilibrium runs, “the flume was filled with sediment up to a depth of 0.15 m and then was given the desired slope”. The equilibrium is reached, when a uniform flow has established respectively “when the measured bed- and water surface profiles were parallel to each other.” In the average, the equilibrium needed about 4 to 6 hours to develop. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Boundary conditions: water flow: sediment: constant upstream flow discharge qin and a weir on level 0 at the downstream end. Alternatively, a ghost cell may be used downstream, where the total flux into the last cell leaves the computational domain. periodic boundary conditions are applied. The inflow qB ,in upstream equals the outflow qB ,out downstream. From now on, we refer to the Soni test case #1, as the entire data for all experiments would go beyond the scope of this section. Measured data for the equilibrium are qin S heq qB ,eq ueq [m3/(s*m)] x 10-3 -3 [-] x 10 3.56 [m] x 10-2 3 4.0 5.0 -6 [m /(s*m)] x 10 12.1 [m/s] 0.4 The establishment of the same equilibrium conditions is achieved by calibrating e.g. the hydraulic friction. As soon as the simulation data looks similar to the measured results, the aggradation can be started. Aggradation experiments After the equilibrium has been reached, the sediment feed was increased upstream by an overloading factor of qB qB ,eq . This factor is different for each experiment. For test case #1, it was set to 4.0. The flow discharge remains the same as in the equilibrium case. Due to the massive sediment overloading, aggradation starts quickly at the upstream end. Measured data is available for the bottom elevation at certain times. R III - 2.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.2 TEST CASES ST_2 : Saiedi Intention Similar to the Soni test case, this validation deals with aggradation due to sediment overloading. However, compared to Soni, the sediment input is considerably greater than the carriage capacity of the flow and an aggradation shock is forming. The test verifies whether the computational model can handle shocks within the sediment phase. Again, a single grain size is used. Description The experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume located at the Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. Geometric details and results are reported in Saiedi (1993 and1994b). Saiedi did two separate tests, one in a steady flow and one in a rapidly unsteady flow with varying sediment supply. Only the steady case is of our interest here. Geometry and general data The sediment used was of fairly uniform size with the median grain size d 50 = 2 mm, relative density s = 2.6 and porosity at bed p = 0.37. The test section was about 18 m long in a 0.61 m wide glass-sided flume with a slope of 0.1 %. The flow was fed with a sediment-supply of constant rate using a vibratory feeder. The sediment input rate was chosen to be greater than the transport capacity of the flow, therefore resulting in the formation of an aggradation shock sand-wave travelling downstream. The downstream water level was maintained constant by adjusting the downstream gate. Calibration Before starting the sediment feed, at first, the aim is a uniform flow which fulfils a measured flow discharge q and the corresponding water depth h . This can be achieved by adjusting e.g. the hydraulic friction coefficient from Manning n. From the experiments, Saiedi proposes a calibration estimate= of n 0.0136 + 0.0170 q . Note that there is no sediment layer at the calibration phase. As initial conditions, start with a fluid at rest and a uniform flow depth of h0 = 0.223 m on the sloped flume. The flow feed rate upstream is constant at qin = 0.098 m3/s. At the downstream boundary, the water level is kept constant at h = 0.223 m “by adjusting the downstream gate”. Aggradation As soon, as a uniform flow with constant water depth is established, the sediment feed upstream can be started. It remains constantly on qB = 3.81 kg/min. The results for the steady state computation are available at t = 30 min and t = 120 min. To avoid cluttering, the plots of the measured bed levels have been averaged. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.1.3 TEST CASES ST_3 : Guenter Intention The Günter test series deals with degradation in a laboratory flume. The experiments were conducted using a multiple grain size distribution. The reported results allow for a validation of the bed topography and the behaviour of heterogeneous sediment transport models. Description Günter performed some tests at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology at the ETH Zurich using sediment input with a multiple grain size distribution. His aim was to determine a critical median shear stress of such a grain composition. Günter was interested in the behaviour of different grain classes but also in the steady ultimate state of the bed layer, when a top layer has developed and no more degradation occurs with the given discharge. As initial state, a sediment bed with a higher slope than the slope in the steady case is used. There is no sediment feed but a constant water discharge. The bed then starts rotating around the downstream end resulting in a steady, uniform state with an armouring layer. The validation is based on the resulting bed topography and the measured grain size distribution of the armouring layer at the end of the simulation. Geometry and general data Guenter actually investigated several test cases with different grain compositions and boundary conditions. This test case corresponds to his experiment No.3 with the grain composition No. 1. The experiment was conducted in a straight, rectangular flume, 40 m long, 1 m width with vertical walls. At the downstream end, the flume opens out into a slurry tank with 8 m length, 1.1 m width and 0.8 m depth (relative to the main flume), where the transported sediment material is held back. The sediment bed has an initial slope of 0.25 % with an initial grain size distribution given by d g [cm] 0.0 – 0.102 0.102 – 0.2 0.2 – 0.31 0.31 – 0.41 0.41 - 0.52 0.52 – 0.6 Mass fraction [%] 35.9 20.8 11.9 17.5 6.7 7.2 Simulation procedure and boundary/initial conditions First of all, the domain gets filled slowly with fluid until the highest point is wet. The weir on the downstream end is set such that no outflow occurs. After the bed is completely under water, the inflow discharge upstream is increased successively during 10 minutes up to the R III - 2.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES constant discharge of 56.0 l/s. At the same time, the weir downstream is lowered down to a constant level until the water surface elevation remains constant in the outflow area. There is no sediment inflow during the whole test. Using this configuration, the bed layer should rotate around the downstream end of the soil. The experiment needed about 4 to 6 weeks until a stationary state was reached. The data to be compared with the experiment are final bed level and final grain size distribution. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 2.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.2 TEST CASES BASEchain Specific Test Cases 2.2.1 ST_BC_1: Advection of suspended load Intention This test is intended to verify the quality of the advection schemes. The aim is to minimize the numerical diffusion even over long distances. Description In a rectangular channel with steady flow conditions the advection of the suspended material is observed, once for a vertical front of concentration (case A) and once for a concentration with a Gaussian distribution (case B). The Quickest, Holly-Preissmann and MDPM-Scheme are tested. The diffusion is set to 0 and there is no sediment exchange with the soil. • • • Geometry and initial conditions The computational area is a rectangular channel with 10 km length, 30 m width and a slope of 0.5 ‰.The cell width ∆x is 40 m. The initial condition for the hydraulics is a steady discharge of 10 m3/s The initial conditions for the suspended load are the following: Case A: The concentration is 1 for the first 200 meters of the flume and 0 for the rest. 1.2 Concentration[-] 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Distance [m] Fig. 12: ST_BC_1: Initial condition for case A VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Case B: The concentration has a Gauss-distribution on the upstream part of the flume. Concentration [-] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Distance [m] Fig. 13: ST_BC_1: Initial condition for case B • • • • • Boundary conditions The friction expressed as kStr is 80. The hydraulic upper Boundary is a hydrograph with steady discharge of 10 m3/s. The hydraulic outflow boundary is h-q-relation directly computed with the slope. The upper boundary condition for suspended load is a constant inflow concentration of 1 for case A and 0 for case B. The lower boundary condition is an outflow concentration corresponding to the concentration in the last cell. R III - 2.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.2.2 TEST CASES ST_BC_2: Advection-Diffusion Intention This test is intended to verify the combination of advection and diffusion for suspended load for a given diffusion factor Γ (RII-3.9). Description In a rectangular channel with steady flow conditions the behaviour of the suspended material is observed, once for a vertical front of concentration (case A) and once for a concentration with a Gaussian distribution (case B). The Quickest, Holly-Preissmann and MDPM-Scheme are tested. There is no sediment exchange with the soil. • • • Geometry and initial conditions The computational area is a rectangular channel with 1000 length, 20 m width and a slope of 1 ‰. The friction expressed as kStr is 30. The cell width ∆x is 1 m. The initial condition for the hydraulics is a steady discharge of 50 m3/s. The initial conditions for the suspended load are: Case A: The concentration is 1 for the first 50 meters of the flume and 0 for the rest. Concentration [-] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Distance [m] Fig. 14: ST_BC_2: Initial condition for case A VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.2-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Case B: The concentration has a Gauss-distribution on the upstream part of the flume. Concentration [-] 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Distance [m] Fig. 15: ST_BC_2: Initial condition for case B • • • • • Boundary conditions The friction expressed as kStr is 30. The hydraulic upper Boundary is hydrograph with steady discharge of 50 m3/s. The hydraulic outflow boundary is h-q-relation directly computed with the slope. The upper boundary condition for suspended load is a constant inflow concentration of 1 for case A and 0 for case B. The lower boundary condition is an outflow concentration corresponding to the concentration in the last cell. R III - 2.2-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 2.2.3 TEST CASES ST_BC_3: Conservativity of sediment exchange with soil Intention This test is intended to verify that no sediment is created or lost by the computation in the simulation of suspended transport with sediment exchange with the soil. Description The most critical situation for errors in the conservation of sediment volume is the passage between cross sections with varying geometries and wetted areas. For this reason two examples have been chosen which have a strong variation of geometry. Geometry and initial conditions The computational area is formed by trapezoidal cross sections each 50 m. The total length of the channel is 4.95 km. • • The initial condition for the hydraulilcs is a steady discharge of 60 m3/s. The initial concentration of suspended material is 0 and the bed is fixed. The variation of the cross section width, at the top of the section, is shown in Fig. 16 for case A and Fig. 17 for case B. Cross section width Bed elevation [m] 200 202 200 160 140 198 120 100 196 80 194 60 40 Elevation [m] Cross section width [m] 180 192 20 0 190 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 Cross section number Fig. 16: ST_BC_3: Geometry of case A VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 2.2-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Bed elevation 70 201 60 200 199 50 198 40 197 30 196 20 Elevation [m]] Cross section width [m] cross section width 195 10 194 0 193 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 Cross section number Fig. 17: ST_BC_3: Geometry of case B • • • • • Boundary conditions The friction expressed as kStr is 30. The hydraulic upper Boundary is hydrograph with steady discharge of 60 m3/s. The hydraulic outflow boundary is h-q-relation, given in a file. The upper boundary condition for suspended load is a constant inflow concentration of 0.001. The lower boundary condition is an outflow concentration corresponding to the concentration in the last cell. R III - 2.2-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 3 Results of Hydraulic Test Cases 3.1 Common Test Cases 3.1.1 H_1: Dam break in a closed channel The conservation of mass is validated. After t = 1107 s, the discharges still have a magnitude of 10-6 m3/s with decreasing tendency. Both, BASEchain and BASEplane deliver similar results. 6 t = 1107 s 5 Watersurface elevation [m] t=0s 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance [m] Fig. 18: H_1: Initial and final water surface elevation (BC & BP) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.1.2 TEST CASES H_2: One dimensional dambreak on planar bed Results obtained by BASEchain A comparison of the 1D test case using h2 h1 = 0.000 with the analytical solution shows an accurate behaviour of the fluid phase in time. 12 analytical simulated Watersurface elevation [m] 10 initial condition 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Distance [m] Fig. 19: H_2: Water surface elevation after 20 s (BC) 35 analytcal simulated 30 Discharge[m3/s] 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Distance [m] Fig. 20: H_2: Distribution of discharge after 20 s (BC) R III - 3.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Results obtained by BASEplane In two dimension, the dam break test case was computed using h2 h1 = 0.0 and h1 = 10 m. The length of the channel was discretized using 1000 control volumes. The CFL number was set to 0.85. The results show a good agreement between simulation and analytical solution. 10 Depth (m) 8 Exact HLLC HLL 6 Initial Analytical 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Distance (m) Fig. 21: H_2: Flow depth 20 sec after dam break (BP) 30 25 q (m^2/sec) 20 Exact HLLC HLL 15 Analytical 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Distance (m) Fig. 22: H_2: Discharge 20 sec after dam break (BP) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.1.3 TEST CASES H_3: One dimensional dam break on sloped bed Results obtained by BASEchain The dam break in a sloped bed was compared against experimental results. The agreement is satisfying. 0.7 measured watersurface elevation [m] 0.6 bed 0.5 simulated 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance [m] Fig. 23: H_3: Water surface elevation after 10 s (BC) 0.12 simulated 0.1 measured waterdepth [m] 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time [s] Fig. 24: H_3: Temporal behaviour of water depth at x = 70.1 m (BC) R III - 3.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 0.1 simulated 0.09 0.08 measured waterdepth [s] 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time [s] Fig. 25: H_3: Temporal behavior of water depth at x = 85.4 m (BC) Results obtained by BASEplane For two dimensions, the numerical results show a good agreement with the experimental measurements. Although in certain areas, the water depth is underestimated, the error is just at 7 % and only for a limited time. The comparison is still successful. 10.1 10 9.9 WSE (m) 9.8 Bed Exact HLLC HLL 9.7 EXP 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance (m) Fig. 26: H_3: Cross sectional water level after 10 s simulation time (BP) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 Depth (m) 0.06 Exact HLLC 0.05 HLL EXP 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Tim e (sec) Fig. 27: H_3: Chronological sequence of water depth at point x = 70.1 m (BP) 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 Depth (m) 0.06 Exact HLLC HLL 0.05 EXP 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) Fig. 28: H_3: Chronological sequence of water depth at point x = 85.4 m (BP) R III - 3.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.1.4 TEST CASES H_4 : Parallel execution General Hydraulic simulations in a rectangular channel with steady state conditions are repeated multiple times and the execution times are measured. Thereby only the number of used threads is varied from one simulation to another. The selected model scenarios are suited well for parallel execution regarding size and load balancing in order to check the full potential of the parallel execution (in many practical model setups the observed speedups may be significantly lower). System configuration The simulations were performed an Intel multi-core shared memory system with 8 cores. The used operating system was WinXP 64. The simulation procedure is repeated with two different versions of BASEMENT. One version (blue) is compiled with the Intel C++ compiler (V 10.1), whereas the other version (green) is compiled with the Microsoft VC++ compiler (V14). Results obtained by BASEchain 8 linear speedup BASEchain (INTEL V10.1) BASEchain (VC++ V14) 7 Speedup ( - ) 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number Of Cores ( - ) Fig. 29: H_4 (BASEchain) – Parallel speedup for 1D test case The results indicate an excellent speedup and scalability. The speedup increases nearly linear with the number of used cores. The parallel speedups obtained by the Intel compiled binary are superior to those obtained by the VC++ compiled binary. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.1-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Results obtained by BASEplane 8 linear speedup BASEplane (Intel C++ V10.1) BASEplane (Microsoft VC++ V14) 7 Speedup (-) 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of cores (-) Fig. 30: H_4 (BASEplane) – Parallel speedup for 2D test case The results indicate a satisfactory speedup and scalability. The effect of increasing slope of the blue curve, when running this scenario with 8 cores, is probably due to caching effects. The parallel speedups obtained with the Intel compiled binary are superior to those obtained with the VC++ binary, if the number of cores exceeds 2. R III - 3.1-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.2 3.2.1 TEST CASES BASEchain Specific Test Cases H_BC_1: Fluid at rest in a closed channel with strongly varying geometry The test was successfully carried out. There was no movement at all – the water surface elevation remained constant over the whole area. No picture will be shown as there is nothing interesting to see. 3.2.2 H_BC_2: bed load simulation with implicit hydraulic solution The time steps and simulation times for the explicit and implicit computations are listed in the table below. The reduction of simulation time is satisfying. Time step (seconds) Explicit Implicit, base time step = 60 Implicit, base time step = 120 Implicit, base time step = 180 2-5 3-90 3-120 3-180 Simulation time (hours) 13.94 0.9 0.6 0.47 Speedup (times faster) 15 23 30 Tab. 1: H_BC_2: Performance of implicit calculations VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 3.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3 3.3.1 TEST CASES BASEplane Specific Test Cases H_BP_1: Rest water in a closed area with strongly varying bottom The test was successfully carried out. There was no movement at all – the water surface elevation remained constant over the whole area. No picture will be shown as there is nothing interesting to see. 3.3.2 H_BP_2: Rest Water in a closed area with partially wet elements The test was successfully carried out. There was no movement at all – the water surface elevation remained constant over the whole area. No picture will be shown as there is nothing interesting to see. 3.3.3 H_BP_3: Dam break within strongly bended geometry The computational area was discretized using a mesh with 1805 elements and 1039 vertices. The vertical jump in bed topography between the reservoir and the channel was modelled with a strongly inclined cell (a node can only have one elevation information). Fig. 12 shows the water level contours ant the velocity vectors. The following figures compare the time evolution of the measured water level with the simulated results at the control points G1, G3 and G5. The results are showing an accurate behaviour expect at the control point G5, where some bigger differences can be observed. They are caused by the use of a coarse mesh around that area. Using a higher mesh density, the water level in the critical area after the strong bend is better resolved and delivers more accurate results. Fig. 35 shows a comparison at point G5 for a coarse and a dense mesh. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.3-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 31: H_BP_3: Water level and velocity vectors 5 seconds after the dam break 0.2 0.175 0.15 WSE (m) 0.125 EXP Exact HLLC 0.1 HLL 0.075 0.05 0.025 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec) Fig. 32: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G1 R III - 3.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 0.2 WSE (m) 0.15 EXP Exact HLLC 0.1 HLL 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec) Fig. 33: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G3 0.2 WSE (m) 0.15 EXP Exact HLLC 0.1 HLL 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec) Fig. 34: H_BP_3: Water surface elevation at G5 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.3-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 0.2 0.175 0.15 WSE (m) 0.125 Exp fines Gitter grobes Gitter 0.1 0.075 0.05 0.025 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec) Fig. 35: H_BP_5: Comparison of the water level at point G5 for a coarse and a dense grid. 3.3.4 H_BP_4: Malpasset dam break The computational grid consists of 26000 triangulated control volumes and 13541 vertices. The time step was chosen according to a CFL number of 0.85. Fig. 36 shows the computed water depth and velocities 300 seconds after the dam break. Fig. 37 compares several computed with the observed data on water level elevation at different stations. BASEplane results show a good agreement with the observed values as also other simulation results. The differences between computed and measured data are maximally around 10%. R III - 3.3-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 36: H_BP_4: Computed water depth and velocities 300 seconds after the dam break. 100.00 90.00 80.00 Wasserspiegellage [m.ü.M] 70.00 60.00 field data BASEplane Yoon & Kang (2004) Valiani et al. (2002) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P15 P17 Messstelle Fig. 37: H_BP_4: Computed and observed water surface elevation at different control points VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.3-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 3.3.5 TEST CASES H_BP_5: Circular dam break The obtained results for the circular dam break test case are plotted in two different ways. A 3D perspective view of the depth is shown in Fig. 38 to illustrate the overall flow and wave patterns. Additional water surface and velocity profiles are plotted in Fig. 39 and Fig. 40 for distinct times. The following flow patterns of the 2D circular dam break are reported by Toro and other numerical studies and are also observed here. After the collapse of dam at t = 0.0s an outward propagating, primary shock wave is created. A sharp depth gradient develops behind this shock wave. Also, a rarefaction wave is generated which propagates inwards in the direction of the center of the dam break. The rarefaction wave finally reaches the center and generates a very distinct dip of the surface elevation at the center (t = 0.4 s) This dip travels outwards resulting in a rapid drop of the surface elevation at the center, which falls even below the initial outer water level (t = 1.4s) and finally nearly reaches the ground (t = 3.5s). A second shock wave develops which propagates inwards while the primary shock wave continues to propagate outwards with decreasing strength. This secondary shock wave converges to the center and finally implodes. This generates a sharp jump in the surface water elevation at the center (t = 4.7s). As a result it can be stated that BASEplane is able to reproduce these distinct features of the flow and wave patterns of the 2D circular dam break. Comparisons with the numerical results of Toro show qualitative agreement of the calculated water surface and velocities profiles. Generally, a more diffusive behaviour is observed compared to Toro’s results. This may be attributed to the use of first order Godunov methods and to the use of a lower CFL number in the simulations. Despite the use of a rectangular grid, the cylindrical symmetry of the wave propagations is maintained well. Only at the first moments of the dam break, some water surface modulations can be seen at the crest of the primary shock wave which diminish with proceeding time. The resulting water surface and velocity profiles of the approximate Riemann solvers match well the results of the exact Riemann solver. Both approximate Riemann solvers, HLL and HLLC, reproduce the flow and wave patterns. R III - 3.3-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES t = 0.0s t = 0.4s t = 0.7s t = 1.4s t = 3.5s t = 4.7s Fig. 38: H_BP_5: Perspective view of the circular dam break wave patterns VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.3-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Waterlevel (t = 0.0 s) Velocity (t = 0.0 s) 2.5 3 2 2 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 1 1.5 v - HLL 0 v - HLLC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 30 35 40 v - EXACT -1 0.5 -2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -3 x [m] x [m] t = 0s t = 0s Waterlevel (t = 0.4 s) Velocity (t = 0.4 s) 2.5 4 3 2 1 1.5 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 2 v - HLL v - HLLC 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 v - EXACT -1 -2 0.5 -3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -4 x [m ] x [m ] t = 0.4s t = 0.4s Velocity (t = 0.7 s) Waterlevel (t = 0.7 s) 4 2.5 3 2 1 1.5 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 2 v - HLL 0 v - HLLC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -1 -2 0.5 -3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 x [m ] t = 0.7s 30 35 40 -4 x [m ] t = 0.7s Fig. 39: H_BP_5: Water surface and velocity profiles along y= 20m R III - 3.3-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 40 v - EXACT Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Waterlevel (t = 1.4 s) Velocity (t = 1.4 s) 4 2.5 3 2 1 1.5 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 2 v - HLL 0 v - HLLC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 v - EXACT -1 -2 0.5 -3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -4 40 x [m ] x [m ] t = 1.4s t = 1.4s Velocity (t = 3.5 s) Waterlevel (t = 3.5 s) 4 2.5 3 2 2 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 1 1.5 0 v - HLLC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 v - EXACT -1 -2 0.5 -3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -4 40 x [m ] x [m ] t = 3.5s t = 3.5s Waterlevel (t = 4.7 s) Velocity (t = 4.7 s) 4 2.5 3 2 1 1.5 h - HLL h - HLLC h - EXACT 1 velocity [m/s] waterlevel [m] 2 v - HLL 0 v - HLLC 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -1 -2 0.5 -3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 x [m ] t = 4.7s 30 35 40 -4 x [m ] t = 4.7s Fig. 40: H_BP_5: Water surface and velocity profiles along y = 20m VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 3.3-9 v - EXACT Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 3.3-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 4 Results of Sediment Transport Test Cases 4.1 Common Test Cases 4.1.1 ST_1: Soni Results obtained by BASEchain The Soni test case has been simulated with the MPM approach like the one used for the next test case of Saiedi (see next chapter 4.1.2). As the equilibrium bed load of 2.42*10-7 m3/s is known, the MPM-factor has been calibrated to obtain a good agreement for the equilibrium state. This leads to a value of 6.44 for the prefactor in the MPM-formula. The results show a quite good agreement between experiment and simulation. Difference of bed level from initial state [m] 0.05 mesured 15 min. 0.04 mesured 30 min. mesured 45 min. 0.03 computed 15 min. computed 30 min. 0.02 computed 45 min. 0.01 0 -0.01 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Distance from upstream [m] Fig. 41: ST_1: Soni Test with MPM-factor = 6.44 (BC) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.1-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Results obtained by BASEplane The Soni test case was modelled as single grain computation on a mobile bed with the transport formula of Meyer-Peter & Müller (MPM). The grain diameter is chosen as the mean diameter of the grain mixture used by Soni. The simulations were performed on an unstructured mesh with 1202 triangular elements. In Soni’s experiments at first an equilibrium transport was established within the laboratory flume. The corresponding transport rate observed by Soni is known to be 2.42*10-7 m3/s. Then the sediment inflow was increased to 4 times the equilibrium transport. To be able to reproduce the experiments, the transport formula must be calibrated to achieve the same equilibrium transport rate. The calibration resulted in a reduction of the pre-factor of the MPM formula from 8 to about 3.3. The critical dimensionless shear stress for incipient motion in the MPM formula is not calibrated here and therefore, per default, determined from the Shields diagram. The numerical results for the bed aggradations and the water levels are compared with the measurements by Soni. The situations after 15min, 30min and 40min are plotted in the following figures. Generally the numerical results show an acceptable agreement with the measured values. Compared to the measurements, the toe of the aggradation front shows a less diffusive smearing behaviour. This may be attributed to the finer grain fractions within Soni’s grain mixtures, whose behaviour is not adequately modelled in single grain computation. Also the rather fine diameter of 0.32 mm can be seen as problematic concerning the applicability of the MPM formula, which is best suited for coarse sands and gravel. Fig. 42: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 15 min (BP) R III - 4.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 43: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 30 min (BP) Fig. 44: ST_1: Soni Test – Bed aggradation and water level after 40 min (BP) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.1-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.1.2 TEST CASES ST_2: Saiedi Results obtained by BASEchain The Saiedi test was simulated using the Meyer-Peter Müller approach for the sediment flux, which can also be formulated as: qB = factor (θ − θ cr )3/ 2 ( s − 1) gd m3/ 2 The factor is usually set around 8.0 and should be between 5 and 15 (Wiberg and Smith 1989). In this case it was calibrated to 13. Bed profile normalized by 0.223 m 0.5 measured 30 min. 0.4 measured 120 min calculated 30 min. 0.3 calculated 120 min. 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Distance from upstream normalized by 18 m Fig. 45: ST_2: Saiedi Test, with MPM-factor = 13 (BC) The results present a good fit. This example shows that, to reproduce this type of transport, the approach of MPM approach needs calibration. R III - 4.1-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Results obtained by BASEplane The Saiedi test case was simulated using a single grain approach on an unstructured mesh made of 768 triangles. The Meyer-Peter & Müller formula was used to determine the bedload transport. The simulation was performed on a fixed bed, where no erosion can take place. To obtain a reasonable fit between the measured values and the simulation results the prefactor of the transport formula again had to be reduced from 8 to about 5. Furthermore, the simulations show that the sediment is transported too rapidly out of the flume compared to the experiments. To compensate for this effect the critical Shields factor for incipient motion is increased to 0.055, instead of using the value from the Shields diagram. With these adjustments, the shape and the propagation speed of the sediment front are captured well and Saiedi’s results can be reproduced with good accuracy. The front of the sediment bore does not smear over the time but remains steep during the propagation. Fig. 46: ST_2: Saiedi Test, propagation of sediment front (BP) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.1-5 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.1.3 TEST CASES ST_3: Guenter Results obtained by BASEchain For mixed materials, the Guenter test case has been performed. The initial slope was chosen to be 0.25 % - this corresponds to the full experiment of Guenter. The eroded material is eliminated from the end basin by a sediment sink. The active layer height is 7 [cm] and the critical dimensionless shear stress (for beginning of sediment transport) is set to the default value of 0,047. After 200 hours, there are no more important changes recognizable. After the results of Guenter the slope at the final equilibrium state should be the same as the initial one. The results show a good agreement for the final slope between experiment and simulation. However, concerning the grain size distribution, the result shows a sorting process taking place: The finer material is obviously washed out too strongly. There are many parameters which influence this result, especially the choice of the critical shear stress and the height of the active layer. Again, this example shows, one has to use different approaches for sediment transport with different values for the free parameters. Quite often, a sensitivity analysis may give a better insight in the behaviour of certain formulas and their parameters. 10.1 10 9.9 Bed level [m] 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 initial state 9.4 computed 200 hours 9.3 9.2 9.1 9 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Distance from upstream [m] Fig. 47: ST_3: Guenter Test: equilibrium bed level (BC) R III - 4.1-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES 1 initial state 0.9 equilibrium state measured computed 200 hours 0.8 Sum of fractions 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Grain size [cm] Fig. 48: ST_3: Guenter Test: grain size distribution (BC) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.1-7 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Results obtained by BASEplane The Guenter test has been numerically modelled with 6 different grain classes. The sediment transport capacity has been determined with Hunziker’s formula for graded transport. The critical dimensionless shear stress for beginning of sediment transport is set to the default value of 0.047 in Hunziker’s formula. This bedload formula was not further adjusted for the simulations and used with its default values for the pre-factor (=1.0) and the exponent of the hiding exponent (=-1.5). The experimental flume has a mobile bed and is modelled with 312 rectangular elements. The channel parts in front and behind the experimental flume, are set to fixed bed elevations in this simulation. The sediment which leaves the mobile bed and enters the fixed bed section is removed using a sediment sink. The thickness of the bedload control volume is set to a constant value of 5 mm. The choice of the thickness of the bedload control volume shows large impacts on the simulation results. An increased thickness here results in larger erosion and a finer composition of the final bed armour. The mobile bed is eroded during the simulation until finally an armouring layer of coarser materials is formed which prevents further erosions. The final slope of the bed is nearly constant with a value of 0.23%, which is slightly smaller than the original slope of 0.25%. This result is in agreement with the observations made by Guenter. Also the rotation of the bed surface around the downstream end of the flume can be observed during the simulation. Fig. 49: ST_3: Guenter Test: equilibrium bed level (BP) R III - 4.1-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES Fig. 50 shows the measured and computed grain compositions, whereas the latter was taken from the upstream end of the flume. The simulated grain size distribution (red curve) shows a good qualitative agreement with the measured distribution by Guenter (blue dots). But a trend can be seen that the computed composition is slightly too fine. Finally, it can be said, that the numerical model seems capable of reproducing the sorting effects and seems able to simulate the formation of an armouring bed layer. Fig. 50: ST_3: Guenter Test: grain size distribution (BP) Beside the results obtained with the Hunziker’s transport formula, in Fig. 50 presents also the resulting grain distributions obtained with Wu’s transport formula (green curve). Here it can be seen that the finer fractions are eroded too strongly, but a qualitative agreement is obtained. For the simulations with the Wu formula the same critical shear stress of 0.047 was used, and the default settings of the bed load factor (=1.0) and the default exponent of the hiding-and exposure coefficient (=-0.6) were set. But to enable similar erosion volumes as obtained with the Hunziker’s formula, the thickness of the bed load control volume was increased to 2.5 cm. To check for the mass conservation properties a comparison was made between the initial sediment volumes in the flume and the final sediment volumes, under regard of all removed sediment volumes. Despite the long run time, the simulation proves to be conservative regarding the sediment transport. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.1-9 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 4.1-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.2 TEST CASES BASEchain specific Test Cases 4.2.1 ST_BC_1: Advection of suspended load The Advection Test has been executed for the QUICK, the QUICKEST, the Holly-Preissmann and the MDPM-scheme. The results of the QUICK-scheme are not illustrated as they are very instable. Case A: Fig. 51 shows the concentration front after 9060 s or after 8200 m of way. The results show that the big issue of the advection simulation, the numerical diffusion, is almost completely avoided by the MDPM scheme. 1.4 Analytical 1.2 Concentration [-] MDPM 1 QUICKEST 0.8 Holly-Preissmann 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 Distance [m] Fig. 51: ST_BC_1: case A, concentration after 9060 s Case B: Fig. 52 shows the concentration front after 9772.5 s or after 8843 m of way. For the MDPM scheme there are some local deviations from the analytical solution. These are due to the discretisation and do not increase with time and distance. The initial maximal concentration is conserved. 1.4 Concentration [-] 1.2 1 MDPM Analytical 0.8 Holly-Preissmann 0.6 QUICKEST 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 8000 8200 8400 8600 8800 9000 9200 9400 9600 9800 10000 Distance [m] Fig. 52: ST_BC_1: case B, concentration after 9772.5 s VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.2-1 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.2.2 TEST CASES ST_BC_2: Advection-Diffusion The Advection Test has been executed for the QUICKEST, and the MDPM-scheme. Fig. 53 and Fig. 54 show the concentration front of case A and the Gauss distribution for case B after 605 s or after 788 m of way. The diffusion factor is 0.04 for case A and 0.1 for case B. The result of the simulation with the internally computed diffusion is also illustrated, but there is no analytical solution to compare. 1.2 Analytical 1 MDPM simulated without diffusion factor MDPM simulated with diffusion factor 0.04 Concentration [-] 0.8 QUICKEST simulated without diffusion factor 0.6 QUICKEST simulated with diffusion factor 0.04 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 750 770 790 810 830 850 870 890 910 930 950 Distance [m] Fig. 53: ST_BC_2: case A, concentration after 605 s 0.025 Analytical diffusion factor 0.1 Concentration [-] 0.02 0.015 MDPM simulated with diffusion factor 0.1 MDPM simulated without diffusion factor QUICKEST simulated with diffusion factor 0.1 0.01 QUICKEST simulated without diffusion factor 0.005 0 -0.005 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Distance [m] Fig. 54: ST_BC_2: case B, concentration after 605 s The results are satisfying. The QUICKEST scheme gives here a result which is nearly as good as the one of the MDPM scheme, but this is due to the short simulation time. Its deviation from the exact solution due to numerical diffusion increases with the time like shown in test ST_BC_1. R III - 4.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT 4.2.3 TEST CASES ST_BC_3: Conservation of sediment exchange of soil The computations have been executed for the QUICKEST, and the MDPM-scheme. The sediment balances of the simulations are listed in Tab. 1. A B A B MDPM MDPM QUICKEST QUICKESTB Sediment Inflow [m3] 20736 20736 20736 20736 0 31 0 38 77 53 59 30 20662 20666 20686 20774 -3.45 -14.47 -8.71 -106.68 -0.01664189 -0.06981477 -0.04202272 -0.51449791 Sediment outflow [m3] Suspended sediments [m3] Deposited sediments [m3] Gain/Loss [m ] 3 Gain/Loss [%] Tab. 2: ST_BC_3: Sediment balances The conservation is satisfactory in all cases. With the MDPM-scheme the obtained results are better. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - 4.2-3 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - 4.2-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES References Kassem, A. A., and Chaudhry, M. H. (1998). "Comparison of coupled and semicoupled numerical models for alluvial channels." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 124(8), 794-802. Soni, J. P. (1981). "Laboratory Study of Aggradation in Alluvial Channels." Journal of Hydrology, 49(1-2), 87-106. Soni, J. P., Garde, R. J., and Raju, K. G. R. (1980). "Aggradation in Streams Due to Overloading." Journal of the Hydraulics Division-Asce, 106(1), 117-132. Soulis, J. V. (2002). "A fully coupled numerical technique for 2D bed morphology calculations." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 38(1), 71-98. Torro, F.T. (2001). "Shock-Capturing Methods for Free-Surface Shallow Flows". John Wiley & Sons Tseng, M. H. "Verification of 1-D Transcritical Flow Model in Channels." Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC(A), 654-664. Vasquez, J. A., Steffler, P. M., and Millar, R. G. "River2D Morphology, Part I: Straight alluvial channels." 17th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. Wiberg, P. L., and Smith, J. D. (1989). "Model for Calculating Bed-Load Transport of Sediment." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 115(1), 101-123. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 R III - References Reference Manual BASEMENT TEST CASES This page has been intentionally left blank. R III - References VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 COMMAND ANDI NPUTFI LES o fBASEMENT I V R System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Table of Contents Part 1: The Command File of BASEMENT 1 Main structure of the command file 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Syntax ................................................................................................................. 1.1-1 Super blocks ....................................................................................................... 1.2-1 Structure of Command File .............................................................................. 1.3-1 Block Description ............................................................................................... 1.4-1 Block List 2.1 PROJECT ............................................................................................................. 2.1-1 DOMAIN .............................................................................................................. 2.2-1 2.2 PARALLEL ........................................................................................................... 2.3-1 2.3 PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES ................................................................................... 2.4-1 2.4 BASECHAIN_1D: core block for one dimensional simulations ..................... 2.5-1 2.5 GEOMETRY .................................................................................................. 2.5-3 2.5.1 HYDRAULICS ............................................................................................... 2.5-4 2.5.2 PARAMETER ......................................................................................... 2.5-5 SECTION_COMPUTATION ............................................................ 2.5-8 FRICTION .............................................................................................. 2.5-9 BOUNDARY ........................................................................................ 2.5-10 INITIAL ................................................................................................ 2.5-14 SOURCE .............................................................................................. 2.5-15 EXTERNAL_SOURCE ................................................................... 2.5-16 MORPHOLOGY .......................................................................................... 2.5-18 2.5.3 PARAMETER ....................................................................................... 2.5-19 BEDMATERIAL ................................................................................... 2.5-21 GRAIN_CLASS ............................................................................. 2.5-22 MIXTURE ...................................................................................... 2.5-23 SOIL_DEF ..................................................................................... 2.5-24 SUBLAYER ................................................................................ 2.5-26 SOIL_ASSIGNMENT .................................................................... 2.5-27 BEDLOAD ........................................................................................... 2.5-28 PARAMETER ................................................................................ 2.5-29 BOUNDARY ................................................................................. 2.5-31 SOURCE ....................................................................................... 2.5-33 EXTERNAL_SOURCE ................................................................ 2.5-34 SUSPENDED_LOAD ........................................................................... 2.5-35 PARAMETER ................................................................................ 2.5-36 BOUNDARY ................................................................................. 2.5-37 INITIAL.......................................................................................... 2.5-39 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - i Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE ....................................................................................... 2.5-40 EXTERNAL_SOURCE ................................................................ 2.5-41 OUTPUT...................................................................................................... 2.5-42 2.5.4 SPECIAL_OUTPUT .............................................................................. 2.5-43 BASEPLANE_2D: core block for two dimensional simulations .................... 2.6-1 2.6 GEOMETRY .................................................................................................. 2.6-3 2.6.1 STRINGDEF ........................................................................................... 2.6-4 HYDRAULICS ............................................................................................... 2.6-5 2.6.2 PARAMETER ......................................................................................... 2.6-6 FRICTION .............................................................................................. 2.6-9 BOUNDARY ........................................................................................ 2.6-11 INNER_BOUNDARY ............................................................................ 2.6-14 TURBULENCE_MODEL ...................................................................... 2.6-16 INITIAL ................................................................................................ 2.6-18 SOURCE .............................................................................................. 2.6-20 EXTERNAL_SOURCE ................................................................... 2.6-21 MORPHOLOGY .......................................................................................... 2.6-22 2.6.3 PARAMETER ....................................................................................... 2.6-23 BEDMATERIAL ................................................................................... 2.6-25 GRAIN_CLASS ............................................................................. 2.6-26 MIXTURE ...................................................................................... 2.6-27 SOIL_DEF ..................................................................................... 2.6-28 LAYER ....................................................................................... 2.6-30 FIXED_BED .................................................................................. 2.6-31 SOIL_ASSIGNMENT .................................................................... 2.6-33 BEDLOAD ........................................................................................... 2.6-34 PARAMETER ................................................................................ 2.6-35 BOUNDARY ................................................................................. 2.6-39 SOURCE ....................................................................................... 2.6-41 EXTERNAL_SOURCE ................................................................ 2.6-42 OUTPUT...................................................................................................... 2.6-43 2.6.4 SPECIAL_OUTPUT .............................................................................. 2.6-45 3 Auxiliary input files 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3.1-1 Elements of an auxiliary input files ............................................................... 3.1-1 3.1.1 Syntax description ........................................................................................ 3.1-1 3.1.2 Type “BC” ........................................................................................................... 3.2-1 3.2 3.3 Type “Ini1D” ....................................................................................................... 3.3-1 Type “InitialConcentration1D” ......................................................................... 3.4-1 3.4 Type “Topo1D” .................................................................................................. 3.5-1 3.5 RIV - ii VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES IV COMMAND AND INPUT FILES The main purpose of the command file is to ensure a structured and logical definition of a simulation independent of the chosen solvers or model dimensions (1d/2d). The command file shall be of self explaining character and allow for a consistent integration of future developments. To not overload the command file, auxiliary files are necessary. One of the most often used auxiliary file is the one describing a time series of a quantity, e.g. a hydrograph used as boundary condition. If the command file is demanding for an auxiliary file, a reference to its type is given in the parameter description. Following auxiliary file types are documented in this part of the manual: - Type “BC” : file containing a boundary condition Type “Ini1D” : file containing a initial condition (only used by BASECHAIN_1D) Type “InitalConcentration1D” : file containing a initial condition for suspended sediment transport (only used by BASECHAIN_1D) Type “Topo1D” : topography file for BASECHAIN_1D The detailed description of these files can be found in part two of this section of the manual. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES IV COMMAND AND INPUT FILES Part 1: The Command File of BASEMENT 1 Main structure of the command file 1.1 Syntax Generally, the input file has an object-oriented approach. The main keywords are treated as classes and have keywords as members which can be kind of super classes again. Every such block is enclosed by two curly braces, e.g. BLOCKNAME { variable_name = … variable_name = … … BLOCKNAME { variable_name = … … variable_list = ( var1 var2 var3 ) // this is a comment } … } All information within the two brackets {} belongs to the superclass. A listing of variables is always embraced by two normal brackets, even if there is just one element in the list. Note that there must be a space between opening bracket and the first element as at the end of the list between last element and closing bracket. Between elements in the list, there is also at least one space required. Comments can be placed anywhere within the input file. They are indicated with two slashes followed by a space: // Every information after the two slashes and the space until the end of line will be ignored. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 1.1-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 1.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 1.2 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Super blocks On the first level, there are two super blocks: PROJECT and DOMAIN. The PROJECT-block contains all kind of meta-information as title, author, date, version, etc. The DOMAIN-block then includes all sub-blocks for a simulation, namely different regions for one or two dimensional simulations: BASECHAIN_1D and BASEPLANE_2D. These two superblocks contain the concrete input information for BASEMENT. Although the 1D and 2D solver differ in certain parts concerning the needed information, the rough topics are the same and will be treated as superblocks themselves: • • • • • • • Geometry Initial Conditions Boundary Conditions Friction Values General parameters Element specific parameters Output specifications For a graphical illustration of the structure of the command file, see chapter 1.3. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 1.2-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 1.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 1.3 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Structure of Command File PROJECT DOMAIN PARALLEL PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES BASECHAIN_1D GEOMETRY HYDRAULICS PARAMETER SECTION_COMPUTATION FRICTION BOUNDARY INITIAL SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE MORPHOLOGY PARAMETER BEDMATERIAL GRAIN_CLASS MIXTURE SOIL_DEF SUBLAYER SOIL_ASSIGNMENT BEDLOAD PARAMETER BOUNDARY SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE SUSPENDED_LOAD PARAMETER BOUNDARY INITIAL SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE OUTPUT SPECIAL_OUTPUT BASEPLANE_2D GEOMETRY STRINGDEF HYDRAULICS PARAMETER FRICTION BOUNDARY INNER_BOUNDARY TURBULENCE_MODEL INITIAL SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE MORPHOLOGY PARAMETER BEDMATERIAL GRAIN_CLASS MIXTURE SOIL_DEF LAYER FIXED_BED SOIL_ASSIGNMENT BEDLOAD PARAMETER BOUNDARY SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE OUTPUT SPECIAL_OUTPUT VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 1.3-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 1.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 1.4 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Block Description The next chapter contains a full description of all possible blocks and variables within the command file. The structure looks as following: BLOCKNAME compulsory repeatable Super Block […] Condition: - […] Possible super blocks are listed here Description: Gives a short description about the use of the block and its features Inner Blocks […] Possible sub blocks are listed here Variable type comp rep values condition example string Yes No - BLOCK 3 something integer No Yes 0, 1, 2 - desc Block names are always written in capital letters for a clear identification. Every Block (and also variables) may be compulsory and/or repeatable or not. Condition indicates the prerequisite of a super block. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 1.4-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 1.4-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES 2 Block List 2.1 PROJECT PROJECT compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Block - Description: Contains some meta information about the setup. This is the only block without further inner blocks. Variable type comp rep values condition title string No No One word - author string No No One word - date date No No - - desc Example: PROJECT { title = Alpenrhein // note: Alpenrhein Delta would not work // write Alpenrhein_Delta instead author = MeMyselfAndI date = 10.8.2006 } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.1-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 2.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.2 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES DOMAIN DOMAIN compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Block - Description: Defines the whole computational area and connects different specific areas. Multriregion is just the name for the overall area, e.g. Rhine river. Specific areas within the Rhine could be Rhinedelta (2D) and Alp-Rhine (1D). The Domain is primarily used to connect different computations and regions with each other. Inner Blocks PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES PARALLEL BASECHAIN_1D BASEPLANE_2D Variable type comp Rep values condition multiregion string Yes No One word - desc Example: PROJECT { […] } DOMAIN { multiregion = Rhein PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES { […] } PARALLEL { […] } BASECHAIN_1D { […] } BASEPLANE_2D { […] } BASECHAIN_1D { […] } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.2-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 2.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.3 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARALLEL PARALLEL compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Block DOMAIN Description: This block defines parameters concerning the parallel execution of BASEMENT. It has to be defined only for simulations on multi-core shared memory systems when multiple cores shall be used. Inner Blocks - Variable type comp Rep values number_threads int No No Default : 1 • condition desc number_threads The number of threads usually equals the number of used cores, although the final mapping of the threads on the cores is managed by the operating system. - If the number of threads is set to 1 (default), than the simulation is performed sequentially. - If the number of threads n > 1 than the simulation runs in parallel on n threads. - If the number of threads is set to zero or a negative value, it is automatically set to the number of available cores on the system. Example: PARALLEL { number_threads = 2 } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 // on dual core system RIV - 2.3-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 2.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.4 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Block DOMAIN Description: Some universally valid properties for all computational areas to follow are defined here. Inner Blocks - Variable type comp Rep values gravity real No No Per default: 9.81 condition desc Acceleration due to gravity [m/s2] viscosity real No No Per default: 0.0001 Kinematic viscosity [m2/s] rho_fluid string No No Per default: 1000 - Fluid density [kg/m3] rho_sediment string No No Per default: 2650 - Sediment density [kg/m3] Example: PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES { gravity = 9.81 viscosity = 0.0002 rho_fluid = 1000 rho_sediment = 2650 } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.4-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 2.4-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.5 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BASECHAIN_1D: core block for one dimensional simulations BASECHAIN_1D compulsory repeatable Condition: Super Block DOMAIN Description: This block includes all information for a 1D simulation Inner Blocks GEOMETRY - HYDRAULICS MORPHOLOGY OUTPUT Variable type comp rep values condition region_name string Yes No One word - desc The main block declaring a 1D simulation is called BASECHAIN_1D within the DOMAINblock. It contains all information about the precise simulation. To ensure a homogeneous input structure, the sub blocks for BASECHAIN_1D and BASEPLANE_2D are roughly the same. A first distinction is made for geometry, hydraulic and morphologic data as the user is not always interested in both results of fluvial and sedimentologic simulation. The geometry however is independent of the choice of calculation. Inside the two blocks (hydraulics and morphology), the structure covers the whole field of numerical and mathematical information that is required for every computation. These blocks deal with boundary conditions, initial conditions, sources and sinks, numerical parameters and settings and output-specifications. Be aware of a slightly different behaviour of the sub blocks dependent on the choice of 1D or 2D calculation. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: DOMAIN { multiregion = Rhein PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES { […] } BASECHAIN_1D { region_name = Alpenrhein GEOMETRY { […] } HYDRAULICS { […] } MORPHOLOGY { […] } OUTPUT { […] } } } RIV - 2.5-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.5.1 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES GEOMETRY GEOMETRY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines the problems topography using different input formats. Variable type comp rep values condition geometry_type enum Yes No {floris,hecras} - geofile string Yes No - desc Name of the topography file cross_section_order string list Yes No ( cs1 cs2 … BASECHAIN_1D … csx ) where csX are defined in the input file. bottom_file string No No BASECHAIN_1D Name of the file which contains the bottom information The cross section order is only used for 1D geometry. Within the input file, all crossstrings are defined. However, you might want to use only some of these cross strings or change their order. The active cross stings are then defined in the string cross section order. Attention: The first string in the list will be treated internally as upstream and the last string will be the downstream. This will be of further use with the boundary conditions. Example: BASECHAIN_1D { region_name = alpine_rhine GEOMETRY { geometry_type = floris geofile = RheinTopo.txt cross_section_order = ( QP84.000 QP84.200 QP84.400 QP84.600 QP85.800 ) } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-3 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.5.2 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES HYDRAULICS HYDRAULICS compulsory repeatable Super BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: Defines the hydraulic specifications for the simulation. This block contains only further sub blocks but no own variables. Inner Blocks BOUNDARY INITIAL FRICTION SOURCE PARAMETER Variable type comp rep - - - - values condition desc Example: HYDRAULICS { BOUNDARY { […] } INITIAL { […] } FRICTION { […] } SOURCE { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } RIV - 2.5-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block contains some few numerical variables for hydraulic simulations. Inner Blocks SECTION_COMPUTATION Variable type comp rep values condition desc initial_time_step real Yes no [s] HYDRAULICS Time step used for the determination of the computational time step. Must be clearly than the larger biggest computed time step minimum_water_depth real Yes no [m] HYDRAULICS CFL real Yes no 0.5 < CFL < Below this value, a cell is treated as dry. HYDRAULICS CFL (Courant-Friedrichs- Lewy) number. Influences 1.0 the stability of the computation (value 0.5-1). It should be as close as possible to 1, and diminished only in case of stability problems. This leads to an increase of numerical diffusion.. total_run_time real Yes No [s] HYDRAULICS Defines the duration of simulation_scheme string No No explicit( HYDRAULICS Defines if an implicit or the simulation. default) explicit implicit executed. computation computations is Implicit only for completely wet channels and not strongly unsteady conditions. theta real No No 0.5-1 implicit 1 is fully implicit, 0.5 accounts for one half the solution of the previous time step. Lower values of theta tend to generate instability, but if they do not, they can give faster convergence. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-5 Reference M anual BASEM ENT riemann_solver COM M AND AND INPUT FILES string roe The use of the roe (default), scheme is recommended. upwind truncation_interval_area real No No Default = implicit Indicates the precision of the values of the areas for 0.001 which the iterations are interrupted. truncation_interval_discharge real No No Default = implicit 0.001 Indicates the precision of the values of the discharges for which the iterations are interrupted. iteration_number int No No Default = implicit 10 Number of allowed iterations. If at this point the truncation interval is exceeded, a message is written in the implicit_log file and the time step can be reduced. try-limit int No No Default = implicit 0 This value determines how many time the time step can be reduced if the asked truncation intervals are not reached within the allowed number of iterations. time_step_reduction real No No default 0.5 = Inplicit, If try_limit is > 0, the time try_limi step is multiplied with this t>0 value. Examples: HYDRAULICS { […] PARAMETER { total_run_time = 10000.0 initial_time_step = 10.0 CFL = 0.7 minimum_water_depth = 0.0001 } […] } RIV - 2.5-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES HYDRAULICS { […] PARAMETER { total_run_time = 600 CFL = 0.98 simulation_scheme = implicit minimum_water_depth = 0.001 riemann_solver = roe theta = 1 truncation_interval_area = 0.01 truncation_interval_discharge = 0.01 initial_time_step = 600 iteration_number = 8 try_limit = 5 time_step_reduction = 0.2 } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-7 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SECTION_COMPUTATION SECTION_COMPUTATION compulsory repeatable Super Blocks PARAMETER < HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Description: Specifies the mode of section computation and the necessary parameters. Variable type comp rep values type string Yes No Iteration, Type table computation number_of_ int Condition: Yes No BASECHAIN_1D condition iteration desc of After this cross section maximum parameter number of iterations the determination of WSE iterations from A is interrupted if the precision has not been reached precision real Yes No 2 [m ] iteration The maximum difference between given and calculated A in iterative determination of WSE. table_name string Yes No table Name of the file in which the table is stored. minInterval real Yes No [m] table Minimum interval between WSE for table calculation. maxInterval real Yes No [m] table Maximum interval between WSE for table calculation. The type of cross section computation can also be defined in a “floris”-type topography file. Example: PARAMETER { … SECTION_COMPUTATION { type = table¨ table_name = RheinTable minInterval = 0.05 maxInterval = 0.2 } } RIV - 2.5-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES FRICTION FRICTION compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Description: The FRICTION block deals with all influences on the Source term in the equations concerning the friction Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition desc type string No No strickler, BASECHAIN_1D Friction law: chezy, strickler:Strickler darcy, with Strickler value. manning chezy: Chézy. darcy: Darcy- Weissbach manning: Manning default_friction Real Yes No grain_size_friction enum No No { on, off } BEDMATERIAL If this is “on” the friction value of the bottom will computed be as a function of the grain size. Default is “off”. strickler_factor real No No BEDMATERIAL Factor for the computation friction value of from grain diameter: k Str = factor / 6 d 90 Default value 21.1. Example: HYDRAULICS { […] FRICTION { default_friction = strickler default_friction = 30 grain_size_friction = off } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-9 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BOUNDARY BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines boundary conditions for hydraulics. If no boundary condition is specified for part of or the whole boundary, an infinite wall is assumed. For every different condition, a new block BOUNDARY has to be used. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition boundary_type string Yes No {weir, HYDRAULICS, hqrelation, wall, BASECHAIN_1D desc gate, zero_gradient, hydrograph, zhydrograph} boundary_string string Yes No {upstream, Upstream and downstream} downstream are defined by the first resp. last entry in the cross section order list for 1D geometry boundary_file string No No File type “BC” hydrograph, weir, *.txt file hqrelation, gate, zhydrograph precision real No No [m3/2] hydrograph For iterative determination of the wetted area corresponding to a discharge: accepted difference between given and calculated discharge. number_of_iterations integer No No hydrograph Maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative determination of the wetted area, before the computation is RIV - 2.5-10 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES interrupted. level real No No [m rel.] gate, weir For constant level of weir or the bottom part of gate width real No No [m abs.] gate, weir Width of the weir crest. embankement_slope real no No weir Slope of the weir embankments (the weir must be symmetric). poleni_factor real No No gate, weir Weir factor according to Poleni Default: 0.65 contraction_factor real No No gate Contraction factor reduction_factor real No No gate Reduction factor of the gate. for weir (if the water level is lower than the bottom line of the gate a weir computation is executed) gate_elevation real No No [m rel.] gate gate_file string No No File type “BC” gate For constant level of gate [m rel.] For timedependent behaviour of the gate_elevation level_file string No No File type “BC” gate,weir [m rel.] For timedependent behaviour of weir or lower part of the gate slope real No No [‰] hydrograph, Slope of the cross hqrelation section to which the boundary condition belongs. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-11 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Boundary types for 1D simulations: • hydrograph: This boundary conditions for the upstream is a hydrograph describing the total discharge in time over a cross-string. It requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding discharge. You don’t have to specify the discharge for each timestep – values will be interpolated between the defined times in the input file. However, you need at least 2 discharges in time – at the beginning and in the end. If the duration of the simulation is longer than the given hydrograph, the last given discharge will be kept for the rest of the simulation. If the discharge has to become 0, this must be indicated explicitly! The interpolation of the values is linear. If the slope of the cross section is not defined in the topography file, it must be defined here. • zero_gradient: This boundary condition is only used for downstream conditions. Basically, the main variables within the last computational cell remain are constant over the whole element. There are no further variables needed. • weir: This is another outflow boundary condition. It requires the definition of its width, embankement_slope, poleni_factor and its level. For a constant level use level, for changing level in time, use a level_file of type “BC” with two columns: time and corresponding level. Values are interpolated in time automatically. Data for the use of a weir as boundary condition: 2 Q = bµ 2 g H 2 / 3 3 Q : discharge; b : width of the weir; µ : contraction or weir factor; H : level difference between weir crest and upstream energy level. • wall: This is the default boundary condition for all nodes where no other boundary was specified. The wall is of infinite height – there is no flux across the element borders. There are no further variables needed. • gate1D: A gate is like an inverted weir – hanging from the top down into the water. It is used as a special downstream boundary condition in 1D simulations. Compulsory variables are width, contraction_factor, reduction_factor, poleni_factor, gate_elevation and level. Level indicates the level of the bottom floor, gate_elevation the level of the gate. For changing level and gate elevation in time, use the level_file and gate_file of type “BC” with two columns: time and corresponding level. Values are interpolated in time automatically. RIV - 2.5-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Following parameters are for the use of a hydraulic gate as lower boundary condition. The flux is computed with: = Q bµ a 2 g ( H − µ a ) Q : discharge; b : gate width; a : height of gate aperture; µ : contraction factor; H : upstream energy level. • hqrelation: Knowing the relation between water depth and discharge, this downstream boundary condition takes the discharge corresponding to the computed water depth. The relation between h and q can be manually defined in a boundary file of type “BC”. Values are interpolated. If no boundary file is specified, the hq-relation is computed internally due to the given topography. In this case, if the slope is not defined in the topography file it has to be defined here. • zhydrograph: Another downstream boundary condition is the behaviour of the Water Surface Elevation in time. Time and corresponding WSE have to be defined in the boundary_file of type “BC”. Example: HYDRAULICS { BOUNDARY { boundary_type = hydrograph boundary_string = upstream boundary_file = discharge_in_time.txt precision = 0.001 number_of_iterations = 50 } BOUNDARY { boundary_type = weir boundary_string = downstream level_file = weirlevel_in_time.txt // for constant level in time use e.g. level = 4.2 width = 13.5 embankement_slope = 0.04 poleni_factor = 1.0 } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-13 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES INITIAL INITIAL compulsory repeatable Super HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: Defines initial conditions for hydraulics. If no initial condition is specified for parts or the whole computational area, a dry condition is assumed. Variable type comp rep values initial_type enum Yes No {backwater, dry, fileinput} initial_file string No No Dependent on initial type 3 condition desc fileinput q_out real Yes No [m /s] backwater WSE_out real Yes no [m rel.] backwater - Initial conditions for 1D simulations: • • • dry: This is the most simple initial condition. The whole area is initially dry – no discharge and no WSE are needed. This is the default for every computational cell where no initial condition is specified. No further variables are needed for this choice of initial condition. fileinput: In 1D, for every cross-section, the WSE and discharge can be specified as initial condition. This choice needs an input file of type “Ini1D” with three columns: name of the cross-string (as specified in geometry), area A (corresponds to a certain WSE), discharge Q. This is also the restart option for 1Dsimulations as the default output file from previous simulations can directly be used for the import of initial conditions. backwater: This initial condition is only available for 1D simulations. By specifying the WSE and discharge at the downstream boundary, BASEMENT then computes the backwater (“Staukurve”) for all cross-strings. Choosing this initial condition requires the specification of WSE_out and q_out. Example: HYDRAULICS { […] INITIAL { initial_type = backwater q_out = 15.6 WSE_out = 1.78 } […] } RIV - 2.5-14 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The SOURCE block deals with all influences on the Source term in the equations like external sources. The EXTERNAL_SOURCE block is used for additional sources. In 1D, these terms represent inflow and outflow over the lateral sides of the channel. Inner Blocks EXTERNAL_SOURCE Variable type comp rep values condition desc Example: HYDRAULICS { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-15 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES EXTERNAL_SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOURCE < HYDRAULICS < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Specifies sources and sinks static or in time for parts or the whole area. The external source block is used for additional sources, mostly used for lateral inflow and outflow. Note, that external sources for hydraulics act between two cross-sections which have to be defined (contrary to morphologic external sources for 1D). If no source block is specified at all, the additional source is set to zero. Variable type comp rep values source_type enum Yes No [off_channel, condition desc qlateral] source_file string No No File type “BC” qlateral [m3/s] cross_sections string No No BASECHAIN_1D Cross section name must have been specified in the geometry input file enum side No No [left, right] BASECHAIN_1D Specifies side of from which the cross section (seen in flow direction) the source is acting. Source types for 1D simulations: • off_channel This is kind of a boundary condition which allows overflow over the lateral edges of the cross sections. This option is followed with the bounding cross_sections names. Additionally, the side token specifies whether this occurs at the left or right side. The behaviour of an off channel is like a lateral weir with the height of the extremal cross string points. No additional variable is needed. The off_channel flow acts between the two defined cross-sections. • qlateral This additional source simulates in- or outflows at the right or left side of the cross section. This option needs to be followed with the key token cross_sections with a list of the two successive cross-sections. Additionally, the side token specifies the location of the acting source (seen in flow direction). Finally, the source file includes the information about the temporal behaviour of the source’s discharge. The discharge will act between the defined two cross-sections. These cross-sections have to be defined in the geometry block successively. RIV - 2.5-16 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { source_type = qlateral¨ cross_sections = ( QP84.200 QP84.400 ) side = right source_file = lateral_discharge_in_time.txt } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { source_type = off_channel cross_sections = ( QP84.400 QP84.800 ) side = left } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-17 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.5.3 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES MORPHOLOGY MORPHOLOGY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines the morphologic specifications for the simulation. Contrary to hydraulics, this is not compulsory. If Morphology is not specified, sediment transport will be inactive. Contrary to the HYDRAULICS block, there is no INITIAL block within MORPHOLOGY. Therefore, all bed load is initially at rest by default. Inner Blocks BEDMATERIAL BEDLOAD SUSPENDED_LOAD PARAMETER Variable type comp rep values condition desc - - - - - - - Example: MORPHOLOGY { BEDMATERIAL { […] } BEDLOAD { […] } SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } RIV - 2.5-18 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeat Condition: - able Super Blocks MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Description: The PARAMETER block for morphology in 1D contains general settings dealing with sediment transport. It contains parameters concerning both bed load and suspended load. Variable density type real comp Yes rep values No 3 [kg/m ] condition desc MORPHOLOGY Density of sediment (recommended value 2650). max_dz_table real No No [m] MORPHOLOGY porosity real Yes No [0…100] % MORPHOLOGY Fraction of soil volume which is not occupied by the sediment. sediment_relocation string No No wetted, bottom, Defines where betweenwetted erosion or deposition takes place height_active_layer real No No MORPHOLOGY Height of the active layer. If this value is set to 0, the active layer height will be calculated at each time step and is thus variable. The values of the parameter sediment_relocation have the following meanings: • Wetted: erosion and deposition is limited to the wetted zones of the bottom. These can be more than one. • Bottom: erosion and deposition take place on the whole zone defined as bottom. • Betweenwetted: erosion or deposition take place in one zone belonging to the defined bottom and limited by the first and last wetted slice. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-19 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: MORPHOLOGY { […] PARAMETER { porosity = 0.37 height_active_layer = 0.05 density = 2650 […] } […] } RIV - 2.5-20 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BEDMATERIAL BEDMATERIAL compulsory repeatable Super Blocks MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines the characteristics of the bed material. The GRAIN_CLASS specifies the relevant diameters of the grain. The MIXTURE block allows producing different grain mixtures with the defined diameters. The SOIL_DEF block defines sub layers and the active layer. Finally, the SOIL_ASSIGNMENT block is used to assign the different soil definitions to their corresponding areas in the topography. Inner Blocks GRAIN_CLASS MIXTURE SOIL_DEF SOIL_ASSIGNMENT Variable type comp rep values condition desc - - - - - - - Example: MORPHOLOGY { BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { […] } MIXTURE { […] } MIXTURE { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_ASSIGNMENT { […] } } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-21 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES GRAIN_CLASS GRAIN_CLASS compulsory repeatable Super BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: This block defines the mean diameters of ALL possibly occurring grains of the bed material in millimetres. The number of diameters in the list automatically sets the number of grains. For “single grain simulations”, only one diameter must be defined. The grain sizes must be entered in ascending order from the smallest grains to the largest grains! Variable type comp rep values diameters list of reals yes no [mm] condition desc Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 5 grain sizes diameters = ( 5 21 46 70 150 ) } […] } BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 1 grain size diameters = ( 46 ) } […] } RIV - 2.5-22 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES MIXTURE MIXTURE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block allows the definition of different grain mixtures. According to the number of grain diameters from the GRAIN_CLASS, for each class, the percental fraction of volume has to be specified using a value between 0 and 100 %. The fractions must be written in the order corresponding to the grain class list. If a grain class is not present in a mixture, its fraction value has to be set to 0. The mixture_name is used later for easy-to-use assignments. As the MIXTURE block is repeatable, several mixtures can be defined. However, this makes only sense for multi grain size simulations. In case of a single grain simulation (only one mean diameter in GRAIN_CLASS), the MIXTURE block must be defined with ‘volume_fraction = ( 100 )’. Variable type comp rep mixture_name string Yes No volume_fraction list of reals Yes No values condition desc [0 to 100] % Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 3 grain sizes diameters = ( 5 21 46 ) } MIXTURE { mixture_name = mixture1 volume_fraction = ( 30 50 20 ) } MIXTURE { mixture_name = mixture2 volume_fraction = ( 30 40 30 ) } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-23 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOIL_DEF SOIL_DEF compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines the sub-structure of the soil. At the top is the active layer. Every further layer is defined within a SUBLAYER block. Every layer has an own mixture assigned. The definition of d90_armored_layer is only valid for single grain size simulations. If d90_armored_layer is set to 0 or undefined, no armoured layer is being used. Unlike in 2D simulations, for single grain size simulations, one SUBLAYER block is needed to define the fixed bed by its bottom elevation. If no SUBLAYER block is defined within a SOIL_DEF, a fixed bed without sub layer on top is assumed at this place. The SUBLAYER blocks have to be defined ordered by their relative distance to the surface! Inner Blocks SUBLAYER Variable type comp rep soil_name string yes no active_layer_height string yes no active_layer_mixture string yes no values condition desc [m] Mixture defined d90_armored_layer real no no [mm] no 2 Single grain simulation tau_erosion_start RIV - 2.5-24 real no [N/m ] VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { […] } MIXTURE { […] } MIXTURE { […] } SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil1 active_layer_height = 0.3 active_layer_mixture = mixture1 tau_erosion_start = 0.89 SUBLAYER { […] } SUBLAYER { […] } } SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil2 active_layer_height = 0.5 active_layer_mixture = mixture2 d90_armored_layer = 6.8 SUBLAYER { […] } SUBLAYER { […] } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-25 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SUBLAYER SUBLAYER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOIL_DEF < BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines a sub layer. For every sub layer, a new block has to be used. In 1D, the bottom elevation is relative to the surface topography defined in the geometry file. Therefore, a minus-sign has to be used. In 2D however, the bottom elevation is meant to be an absolute height! The SUBLAYER blocks have to be defined ordered by their relative height to the surface. In 1D the bottom of the lowest sub layer automatically defines the fixed bed. Unlike in 2D, there is no FIXED_BED block needed. In case of a single grain simulation (only one mean diameter in GRAIN_CLASS), only one SUBLAYER block is needed, which automatically defines the fixed bed. If no SUBLAYER block is defined within a SOIL_DEF block, a fixed bed without sub layer on top is assumed at this place. Variable type comp rep values bottom_elevation real Yes No [m] sublayer_mixture string No No condition desc Relative to surface Mixture defined Example: SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil1 active_layer_height = 0.3 active_layer_mixture = mixture1 tau_erosion_start = 0.89 SUBLAYER { bottom_elevation = -0.5 sublayer_mixture = mixture1 } SUBLAYER { bottom_elevation = -1.3 sublayer_mixture = mixture2 } SUBLAYER { […] } } RIV - 2.5-26 // first sub layer // second sub layer VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOIL_ASSIGNMENT SOIL_ASSIGNMENT compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block is finally used to assign the soil definitions to their corresponding areas in the topography. For this purpose, the index-technique is used. In the geometry input file, every cross-section (and also parts of a cross-section) can be labelled with an integer index number which is used here to attach a soil definition. For single grain size simulations, a soil assignment is still needed, although only one mixture exists. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition input_type string Yes No [index_table] index list of integers Yes No index_table soil list of reals Yes No index_table desc Example: BEDMATERIAL { […] SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_ASSIGNMENT { input_type = index_table index = ( 1 2 4 6 ) soil = ( soil1 soil2 soil3 } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 soil1 ) RIV - 2.5-27 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BEDLOAD BEDLOAD compulsory repeatable Super MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: Defines all needed data for bed load transport. If this block does not exist, then no bed load transport will be simulated. Inner Blocks BOUNDARY SOURCE PARAMETER Variable type comp rep values condition desc - - - - - - - Example: BEDLOAD { […] BOUNDARY { […] } BOUNDARY { […] } SOURCE { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } RIV - 2.5-28 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The PARAMETER block for bed load in 1D contains general settings dealing with bed load transport. Variable type comp rep values condition bedload_transport String Yes No {MPM, BEDLOAD desc MPMH, parker, powerlaw, rickenmann, smartjaeggi} factor1 real No No factor2 real No No d90 real if 1k MPM, powerlaw powerlaw [mm] Rickenmann, smartjaeggi d30 real if 1k upwind real Yes [mm] Rickenmann, smartjaeggi No [0.5 … 1] BEDLOAD Defines which part of the sediment flux on the edge is taken from the upstream cross-section. Recommended 0.5 - 1, depending on the stability of the computation! angle_of_repose real Yes No theta_critic real No No [degree] BEDLOAD Default value 30 MPM, This value is taken instead MPMH, of the critical shear stress rickenmann from the diagram of Shields. bed_forms real No No 0.8-0.85 MPM, Factor applied in case of MPMH, bed forms (RI 2.1). rickenmann Further descriptions: • factor1: used for MPM: factor of MPM formula (eq. UIII-3.5), usually set to 8 used for power law: α, a calibration value (eq. UIII-3.6) • factor2: used for power law: β, a calibration value (eq. UIII-3.6) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-29 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BEDLOAD { […] PARAMETER { bedload_transport = parker upwind = 0.8 critical_angle = 35 } } BEDLOAD { […] PARAMETER { bedload_transport = MPM factor1 = 8 upwind = 1 critical_angle = 30 } } RIV - 2.5-30 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BOUNDARY BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines boundary conditions for bed load. If no boundary condition is specified for part of or the whole boundary, an infinite wall is assumed. For every different condition, a new block BOUNDARY has to be used. It is distinguished between upstream and downstream boundary conditions. At the upstream, inflow conditions are valuable. They need a mixture assigned in any case of multi grain size or single grain size simulations. Downstream boundary conditions are for outflow – they don’t need any mixture assigned. Variable type comp rep values condition boundary_type enum Yes No {sediment_discharge, BEDLOAD boundary_string string Yes No desc IOUp, IODown, wall} {upstream, string name defined downstream} Upstream and downstream are defined by the first resp. last entry in the string order list for 1D geometry boundary_file string No No boundary_mixture string No No File type “BC” sediment_discharge upstream, mixture defined Boundary types for 1D simulations: • sediment_discharge This boundary condition is based on a sediment-“hydrograph” describing the bedload inflow at the upstream bound in time. The behaviour in time is specified in the boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding sediment discharge. The values are interpolated in time. Additionally, the boundary_mixture must be set to a predefined mixture name. • IOUp This upstream boundary condition grants a constant bed load inflow. Basically, the same amount of sediment leaving the first computational cell in flow direction enters the cell from the upstream bound. This is useful to determine the equilibrium flux. There is no boundary_mixture needed. Sediment inflow is determined by the flows transport capability. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-31 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES • IODown The only downstream boundary condition available for sediment transport corresponds to the definition of IOup. All sediment entering the last computational cell will leave the cell over the downstream boundary. There is no further information needed for this case. If you don’t specify any downstream boundary condition, no transport over the downstream bound will occur – a wall is assumed. • wall This boundary condition can be used for upstream and downstream boundaries. There is no sediment flow across these boundaries. This is the default setting if no BOUNDARY block is defined. Example: BEDLOAD { […] BOUNDARY { boundary_type = sediment_discharge boundary_string = upstream boundary_file = upstream_discharge.txt boundary_mixture = mixture2 } BOUNDARY { boundary_type = IODown boundary_string = downstream } […] } RIV - 2.5-32 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The SOURCE block for bed load in 1D contains only external sources for lateral bed load inflow. For each such external source, a new inner EXTERNAL_SOURCE block has to be defined. Inner Blocks EXTERNAL_SOURCE Variable type comp rep values - - - - - condition desc Example: BEDLOAD { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-33 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES EXTERNAL_SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOURCE < BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The external source block is used for additional lateral sources beneath the boundary conditions, e.g. unloading of bed load or lateral sediment inflow. Note, that a external sources for bed load acts exactly on one cross-section (contrary to hydraulic external sources for 1D). An input file for sediment discharge can be used for the definition of inflow and outflow (sink / negative discharge). The source_mixture has to be specified in any case – also if the source_file defines a pure sink. If no source block is specified at all, the additional source is set to zero. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values source_type enum Yes No sediment_discharge source_file String Yes No File type “BC” cross_section string Yes No source_mixture string Yes No condition desc Mixture defined Example: BEDLOAD { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { source_type = sediment_discharge source_file = source_in_time.txt cross_section = QP84.200 source_mixture = mixture2 } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { source_type = sediment_discharge source_file = another_source_in_time.txt cross_section = QP84.800 source_mixture = mixture1 } } […] } RIV - 2.5-34 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SUSPENDED_LOAD SUSPENDED_LOAD compulsory repeatable Super MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: MORPHOLOGY Blocks Description: Defines all needed data for suspended transport. If this block does not exist, then no suspended transport will be simulated. Inner Blocks BOUNDARY PARAMETER INITIAL SOURCE Variable type comp rep values condition desc - - - - - - - Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] INITIAL { […] } BOUNDARY { […] } BOUNDARY { […] } PARAMETER { […] } SOURCE { […] } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-35 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SUSPENDED_LOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The PARAMETER block for suspended load in 1D contains general settings dealing with suspended transport. Variable type comp scheme string Yes rep values condition desc {quick, PARAMETER The numerical scheme used quickest, for advection computation. mdpm, “mdpm” is recommended. HollyPreiss} diffusion_factor real No No PARAMETER The factor representing the eddy diffusivity Γ can be given here. If it’s not, it is computed by the program. sediment_exchange real Yes No {on, off} PARAMETE Defines if there is exchange of sediment with the river bed (deposition/entrainment) Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] PARAMETER { scheme = mdpm diffusion_factor = 0.1 sediment_exchange = on } […] } RIV - 2.5-36 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BOUNDARY BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SUSPENDED_LOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines boundary conditions for suspended load. If no boundary condition is specified for part of or the whole boundary, an infinite wall is assumed. For every different condition, a new block BOUNDARY has to be used. It is distinguished between upstream and downstream boundary conditions. At the upstream, inflow conditions are valuable. They need a mixture assigned in any case of multi grain size or single grain size simulations. Downstream boundary conditions are for outflow – they don’t need any mixture assigned. Variable type comp rep values condition desc boundary_type enum Yes No {suspension_discharge, SUSPENDED_LOAD boundary_string string Yes No out_down, wall} {upstream, string name defined downstream} Upstream and downstream are defined by the first resp. last entry in the string order list for 1D geometry boundary_file string No No boundary_mixture string No No File type “BC” sediment_discharge upstream, mixture defined Boundary types for 1D simulations: • suspension_discharge This boundary condition is based on a sediment-“hydrograph” describing the suspended inflow at the upstream boundary in time. The behaviour in time is specified in the boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding concentration. The values are interpolated in time. Additionally, the boundary_mixture must be set to a predefined mixture name. • out_down The concentration of sediment in the last cell is multiplied with the hydraulic outflow to determine the suspended sediment outflow. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-37 Reference M anual BASEM ENT • COM M AND AND INPUT FILES wall This boundary condition can be used for upstream and downstream boundaries. There is no sediment flow across these boundaries. This is the default setting if no BOUNDARY block is defined. Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] BOUNDARY { boundary_type = suspension_discharge boundary_file = cVar7.txt boundary_string = upstream boundary_mixture = unique } BOUNDARY { boundary_type = out_down boundary_string = downstream } […] } RIV - 2.5-38 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES INITIAL INITIAL compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SUSPENDED_LOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Unlike for bed load, for suspended load it is necessary to specify initial conditions. The initial concentrations have to be defined for each cross section. This is done in a separate file, similar to the initial condition file for hydraulics. Variable type comp rep initial_concentration_file string Yes No values condition desc fileinput Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] INITIAL { initial_concentration_file = initialC.txt } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-39 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SUSPENDED_LOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The SOURCE block for suspended load in 1D contains only external sources for lateral suspended load inflow. For each such external source, a new inner EXTERNAL_SOURCE block has to be defined. Inner Blocks EXTERNAL_SOURCE Variable type comp rep values - - - - - condition desc Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } } […] } RIV - 2.5-40 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES EXTERNAL_SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOURCE < SUSPENDED_LOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The external source block is used for additional lateral sources beneath the boundary conditions. Note, that an external sources for suspended load acts exactly on one crosssection (contrary to hydraulic external sources for 1D). An input file for sediment discharge can be used for the definition of inflow and outflow (sink / negative discharge). The source_mixture has to be specified in any case – also if the source_file defines a pure sink. If no source block is specified at all, the additional source is set to zero. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values source_type enum Yes No suspended_discharge source_file String Yes No File type “BC” cross_section string Yes No source_mixture string Yes No condition desc Mixture defined Example: SUSPENDED_LOAD { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { source_type = suspended_discharge source_file = source_in_time.txt cross_section = QP84.200 source_mixture = mixture2 } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-41 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.5.4 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES OUTPUT OUTPUT compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block specifies the desired output data. In 1D, a default output file contains all information about geometry and other variables along the flow direction. It is written according to the output time step setting and can be used for continuation simulations. For temporal outputs, one has to specify a SPECIAL_OUTPUT where several variables are listed versus the time for a chosen cross-section. Additionally, it is possible to extract minimal and maximal values or the sum of variables over the time. Inner Blocks SPECIAL_OUTPUT Variable type comp rep values output_time_step real Yes No [s] console_time_step real No No [s] condition desc If not specified, output time step is used. Example: BASECHAIN_1D { […] OUTPUT { output_time_step = 10.0 console_time_step = 1.0 SPECIAL_OUTPUT { […] } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { […] } } […] } RIV - 2.5-42 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SPECIAL_OUTPUT SPECIAL_OUTPUT compulsory repeatable Super Blocks OUTPUT < BASECHAIN_1D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Besides the default output, some extra output can be defined. Either one chooses the tecplot_all output type for an exhaustive output. However, this option could produce too much data. In this case, one may choose specifically what data for which cross-section shall be written to an output file. This may include minimum, maximum, summation and whole time series for the principal variables as the wetted area, discharge, sediment discharge, water surface elevation, velocities and concentration. Each such information for each cross-section will be written into an own file. For graphical output of the simulation results during run-time with the BASEviz visualization choose the BASEviz output type. Variable Type comp rep values type string Yes No {monitor, tecplot_all, condition desc tecplot_all_bin mixtures, delta_v_sed, delta_v_water, transport_diagram, delta_v_suspension, BASEviz } real Yes No cross_sections string list Yes No A string list No No {min max time} monitor Q string list No No {min max time sum} monitor Qb string list No No {min max sum} monitor WSE string list No No {min max time} monitor V string list No No {min max time} monitor C string list No No {min max time sum} monitor topology String list No No {min max time} monitor output_time_step monitor Writes the topology to a ascii Tecplot file. topology_bin String list No No {time} monitor Writes the topology to a binary Tecplot file. file_name string Yes No tecplot_all Output file name BASEviz: window_interact_time real No No Should be selected as BASEviz Time interval for large as possible to interaction/refresh of the avoid significant slow visualization window down of the simulation VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.5-43 Reference M anual BASEM ENT value string COM M AND AND INPUT FILES No No {depth, wse, velocity, BASEviz Output (plot) variable BASEviz Enable or disable gridline tau, bedload} gridlines string No No {on, off} plotting Example: BASECHAIN_1D { […] OUTPUT { output_time_step = 10.0 console_time_step = 1.0 SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = monitor output_time_step = 10.0 cross_sections = ( QP84.200 QP86.600 ) A = ( min max ) Q = ( sum time ) Qb = ( sum ) V = ( time ) topology_bin = ( time ) } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = monitor output_time_step = 35.0 cross_sections = ( QP82.100 ) A = ( time ) Q = ( sum time ) } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = tecplot_all output_time_step = 50.0 file_name = tecplot_output.dat } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = BASEviz output_time_step = 500.0 window_interact_time = 200.0 variable = depth gridlines = on } } […] } RIV - 2.5-44 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.6 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BASEPLANE_2D: core block for two dimensional simulations BASEPLANE_2D compulsory repeatable Condition: Super Block DOMAIN Description: This block includes all information for a 2D simulation Inner Blocks GEOMETRY - HYDRAULICS MORPHOLOGY OUTPUT Variable type comp rep values condition region_name string No No One word - desc The main block declaring a 2D simulation is called BASEPLANE_2D within the DOMAINblock. It contains all information about the precise simulation. To ensure a homogeneous input structure, the sub blocks for BASEPLANE_2D and BASECHAIN_1D are roughly the same. A first distinction is made for geometry, hydraulic and morphologic data as the user is not always interested in both results of fluvial and sedimentologic simulation. The geometry however is independent of the choice of calculation. Inside the two blocks (hydraulics and morphology), the structure covers the whole field of numerical and mathematical information that is required for every computation. These blocks deal with boundary conditions, initial conditions, friction, sources and sinks, numerical parameters and settings and output-specifications. Be aware of a slightly different behaviour of the sub blocks dependent on the choice of 2D or 1D calculation. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: DOMAIN { multiregion = Rhein PHYSICAL_PROPERTIES { […] } BASEPLANE_2D { region_name = RheinDelta GEOMETRY { […] } HYDRAULICS { […] } MORPHOLOGY { […] } OUTPUT { […] } } } RIV - 2.6-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.6.1 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES GEOMETRY GEOMETRY compulsory repeatable Super Block BASEPLAN_2D < DOMAIN Description: Condition: - Defines the problems topography using different input formats. The type of input format and the name of the geometry input file have to be specified. Inner STRINGDEF Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition type enum Yes No {sms} - file string Yes No - - desc The inner block STRINGDEF is used only for 2D simulations to define connected node strings, e.g. for cross-string or boundary definitions. These definitions are of various uses, mostly for the definition of boundary conditions. A way of defining element attributes in 2D is the use of a material index. When importing an SMS-geometry type mesh, every cell can be assigned such an index (an integer number). This index can be used to assign the following attributes: - friction factor n constant viscosity v initial condition WSE initial condition u initial condition v soil index rock elevation (fixed bed) The possible use of a material index is explained in the corresponding sections. Example: BASEPLANE_2D { region_name = RhineDelta GEOMETRY { type = sms file = mesh.2dm } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-3 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES STRINGDEF STRINGDEF compulsory repeatable Super Block GEOMETRY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: BASEPLANE_2D Description: Defines a successive string represented by an array of node indices from the 2D-input file. Can be used to assign node-specific stuff like boundary conditions or the definition of cross-strings for output observation. Be aware to use continuous strings! Variable type comp rep name string Yes No values condition Name for the String desc node_ids integer Yes No List of nodes within brackets. Must contain at least two nodes. file string No Yes Not implemented yet Examples: BASEPLANE_2D { region_name = RhineDelta GEOMETRY { type = sms file = mesh.2dm STRINGDEF { name = cross-section1 node_ids = ( 12 22 25 72 92 ) } STRINGDEF { name = boundary1 node_ids = ( 112 212 215 712 192 } STRINGDEF { name = boundary2 node_ids = ( 13 23 35 73 93 ) } } […] } RIV - 2.6-4 ) VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.6.2 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES HYDRAULICS HYDRAULICS compulsory repeatable Super BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: Defines the hydraulic specifications for the simulation. This block contains only further sub blocks but no own variables. Inner Blocks BOUNDARY INNER_BOUNDARY INITIAL SOURCE FRICTION PARAMETER Variable type comp rep - - - - values condition desc Example: HYDRAULICS { BOUNDARY { […] } INNER_BOUNDARY { […] } INITIAL { […] } SOURCE { […] } FRICTION { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-5 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The PARAMETER block for hydraulics is used to specify general numerical parameters for the simulation, as time step, total run time, CFL number, solver type etc. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition simulation_scheme enum Yes No { exp } HYDRAULICS riemann_solver enum Yes No { CFL real Yes No des c EXACT, HLL, HYDRAULICS HLLC} 0.5 < CFL < 1.0 HYDRAULICS initial_time_step real Yes No [s] HYDRAULICS miminum_time_step real Yes No [s] HYDRAULICS minimum_water_depth real Yes No [m] HYDRAULICS total_run_time real Yes No [s] HYDRAULICS riemann_tolerance real No No HYDRAULICS geo_min_area_ratio real No No HYDRAULICS geo_max_angle_quadrilateral real No No HYDRAULICS geo_min_aspect_ration real No No HYDRAULICS Explanation for parameters: • simulation_scheme The keyword exp indicates an explicit time integration scheme (Euler method). An implicit time integrator has not yet been implemented. • riemann_solver Different solvers for the Riemann problem are applicable. By default, EXACT is chosen if nothing else is specified. • CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number. This parameter is used to control the time step. The CFL-number is defined as the ratio between spatial resolution and time step. Values lie between 0.5 and 1. By default, it is set to 1. • initial_time_step This option only influences the time step at the beginning of a simulation. After a few iterations, it has no more effect. By default, it is set to 0.1 s. RIV - 2.6-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES • minimum_time_step This option throws a warning on the console during the simulation, if the actual time step is lower than the minimum time step defined here. It’s just some additional info. There is no possibility to influence the time step using this option. Use the CFL number if you want to in-/decrease the time step. By default, it is set to 0.001 s. • minimum_water_depth This parameter is a key element in shallow waters simulation. The definition of a minimal water depth avoids division by zero which would lead to numerical instabilities. Every cell with water depth below this value will be treated as dry. By default, it is set to 0.05 m. • total_run_time When this time value is reached, the simulation stops and writes all output. By default, this is set to 0 s. • riemann_tolerance The exact Riemann solver performs an iterative solution of an analytical equation for the depth. The tolerance determines the minimal deviation between two successive iterations. By default, it is set to 1.0e-6 and usually not has to be changed. Additional parameters for geometry checks: • geo_min_area_ratio Set the minimum area ratio (i.e. element’s area divided by the average element area) for which is checked during the geometry checks. By default, it is set to 0.05 (This should usually not be changed!). • geo_min_area_ratio Set the aspect ratio for which is checked during the geometry checks. By default, it is set to 0.06 (This should usually not be changed!). • geo_max_angle_quadrilateral Set the maximum angle for ambiguous quadrilateral elements (i.e. the angle between the normal vectors of the two triangles which result by splitting the quadrilateral along a break line) for which is checked during the geometry checks. By default, it is set to 45° (This should usually not be changed!). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-7 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: HYDRAULICS { […] PARAMETER { simulation_scheme = exp riemann_solver = EXACT CFL = 1.0 initial_time_step = 0.01 minimum_time_step = 0.0001 total_run_time = 3600.0 minimum_water_depth = 0.05 riemann_tolerance = 1E-6 } […] } RIV - 2.6-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES FRICTION FRICTION compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Different friction values can be assigned to the computational domain using the material index technique. Variable type comp rep values condition desc type enum Yes No {manning, Friction law: strickler, manning: manning with chezy, manning’s coefficient, darcy} strickler: Strickler with Strickler’s coefficient, chezy: Chézy darcy: Darcy-Weissbach default_value string Yes No Default friction coefficients for all elements input_type string Yes No index int_list Yes No friction real Yes No wall_friction enum No No index_table Friction coefficient {on, off} Enables or disables wall friction at boundary walls wall_friction_factor Real No No Friction coefficient of side wall friction (= bed friction if not specified) grain_size_friction enum No No { on, off } BEDMATERIAL If this is “on” the friction value of the bottom will be computed as a function of the grain size. Default is “off”. strickler_factor real No No BEDMATERIAL Factor computation for the of friction value from grain diameter: k Str = factor / 6 d 90 Default value 21.1. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-9 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: […] FRICTION { type = manning default_friction = 0.033 input_type = index_table index = ( 1 2 ) friction = ( 0.033 0.038 ) wall_friction = off } […] RIV - 2.6-10 // disables wall friction VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BOUNDARY BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Block HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Description: Condition: - Defines boundary conditions for hydraulics. Every boundary is assigned to the edges defined within the chosen STRINGDEF. If no boundary condition is specified for part of or the whole boundary, an infinite wall is assumed. For every different condition, a new block BOUNDARY has to be used. Variable type comp rep values condition type Enum Yes No { hydrograph, HYDRAULICS, weir, gate, wall, BASEPLANE_2D desc zero_gradient, hqrelation, zhydrograph } string_name String Yes No string name defined in STRINGDEF String file No No File type “BC” hydrograph, weir level, hqelation, zhydrograph my Real Yes No gate slope Real Yes No hydrograph, average slope at hqrelation the boundary cross section max_interval Real No No hydrograph max. interval for h-Q iterations weighting_type Enum No No { conveyance, hydrograph, Type of area } hqrelation weighting method for determination of Qi at edge i number_of_iterations Real No No hydrograph max. number of h-Q iterations precision Real No No hydrograph precision of h-Q iterations Boundary types for 2D simulations: • wall: This is the default boundary condition for all nodes where no other boundary was specified. The wall is of infinite height – there is no flux across the element borders. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-11 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Inflow boundaries • hydrograph: This boundary conditions is a hydrograph describing the total discharge in time over an inflow boundary-string. It requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding discharge. You don’t have to specify the discharge for each time step – values will be interpolated between the defined times in the input file. However, you need at least 2 discharges in time – at the beginning and in the end. If you use a constant discharge in time, at the beginning of the simulation, the discharge will be smoothly increased from zero to the constant value within a certain time. An average slope at the inflow cross section must be defined which is used for h-Q iterations at the inflow cross section. (If no momentum flow must be considered, alternatively, instead of this boundary type, an external source may be used). The inflow discharge can be weighted along the edges of the cross section according to the local conveyance (default behaviour) or according to the area. (Area weighting is recommended if bed load enters the inflow section, because this weighting type leads to constant velocities along the cross section.) Outflow boundaries • • • • • zero_gradient: This boundary condition is used for outflow out of the computational area. Basically, the flux entering the boundary element leaves the computational area with the flux over the boundary. Mathematically speaking, all gradients of the main variables waterdepth and velocities are zero in the boundary cell. weir: This is another outflow boundary condition. It requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding weir height. Values are interpolated in time automatically as described at the hydrograph. gate: This is an outflow boundary condition as a counterpart to the weir. It requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding gate elevation in meters above sea level. Values are interpolated in time automatically as described at the hydrograph. Additionally, the factor my has to be specified. It usually takes values around 0.6. h-Q relation: This boundary condition can be used for defining outflow out of the computational area. An h-Q relation can be specified, which is used to determine an outflow discharge Q for the present water elevations at the outflow section. The hQ relation must be given in a separate file with a left column for the water elevation and a right column for the corresponding discharge. This boundary can also be used without specifying an h-Q relation by defining an average slope at the outflow cross section, which is used to calculate the outflow discharge assuming normal flow. zhydrograph: This is an outflow boundary. A time evolution of the water elevation at the outlet must be specified in a file of type “BC”. The left column contains the time in seconds, the second column the corresponding water elevation in absolute values (meters). RIV - 2.6-12 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: HYDRAULICS { BOUNDARY { type = hydrograph string_name = boundary1 // as defined in STRINGDEF file = discharge_in_time.txt slope = 1 // per mill weighting_type = conveyance // default } BOUNDARY { type = weir string_name = other_bndry // as defined in STRINGDEF file = weirlevel_in_time.txt } BOUNDARY { type = zero_gradient string_name = third_bndry // as defined in STRINGDEF } BOUNDARY { type = hqrelation string_name = outflow_section file = hq_relation.txt // OR slope = 1.25 // per mill } BOUNDARY { type = gate string_name = yetanotherstring file = gate_elevation_in_time.txt my = 0.6 } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-13 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES INNER_BOUNDARY INNER_BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Block HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines inner boundary conditions as gate or weir for hydraulics only An inner Boundary needs two STRINGDEF assigned. This is because after a weir, the edge elevation does not necessarily have to be on the same Level as above the weir. Important: The correct order of the nodes within the STRINDEF is crucial.! Both STRINGDEF’s must contain the same number of nodes in the same order (direction)! For a gate, it is recommended to ensure that the two corresponding edges are on the same soil level. The inner boundaries act in both direction. For every different condition, a new block INNER_BOUNDARY has to be used. Variable type comp rep values condition type Enum Yes No {gate, weir} HYDRAULICS, string_name1 String Yes No desc BASEPLANE_2D string name defined in STRINGDEF string_name2 String Yes No String name defined in STRINGDEF String file Yes No File “txt” Real my Yes No type Weir level, gate level Gate, weir Linear factors for a weir (poleni) and a gate Inner Boundary types for 2D simulations: • weir: This requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding weir height. Values are interpolated in time automatically as described at the hydrograph. • gate: This requires a boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding gate level. Values are interpolated in time automatically as described at the hydrograph. For a gate, my is usually between 0.5 and 0.6. Note: At the current version v1.4, the inner boundaries have not been tested exhaustively. They have to be considered experimental as the computation of velocity momentum flux is not yet at its final stage. However, the discharge over this boundary condition behaves correct. RIV - 2.6-14 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: HYDRAULICS { INNER_BOUNDARY { type = weir my = 0.85 string_name1 = weir_in // as defined in STRINGDEF sting_name2 = weir_out file = weirLevel.txt } INNER_BOUNDARY { type = gate my = 0.7 string_name1 = gate_in // as defined in STRINGDEF string_name2 = gate_out file = gateLevel_in_time.txt } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-15 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES TURBULENCE_MODEL TURBULENCE_MODEL compulsory repeatable Super Block HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Variable type comp rep values condition turbulence_type Enum Yes No {algebraic} HYDRAULICS, kinematic_viscosity Real No No > 0 [m2/s] desc BASEPLANE_2D Default: 1.307*10-6 (water at 10 degrees Celsius) const_eddy_viscosity Real No No 2 > 0 [m /s] Usually between 0.1-1 turbulence_factor Real No No > 0 [] Default: 1 The algebraic turbulence model is the only type available at the moment. For this model, either a constant eddy viscosity or a dynamic eddy viscosity can be chosen. If const_eddy_viscosity > 0, then this value for turbulent viscosity is used throughout the whole domain. If const_eddy_viscosity < 0 or not defined within the command file, the dynamic eddy viscosity is set to active. Dynamic eddy viscosity depends on the local water depth and velocity and is therefore different for each element. To increase the effect of dynamic eddy viscosity, the dimensionless turbulence_factor can be set to any positive number. Usual values are around 1 to 5. RIV - 2.6-16 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: HYDRAULICS { TURBULENCE_MODEL { // for a constant eddy viscosity type = algebraic kinematic_viscosity = 0.000001307 const_eddy_viscosity = 0.1 } […] } HYDRAULICS { TURBULENCE_MODEL { // for a dynamic eddy viscosity type = algebraic kinematic_viscosity = 0.000001307 turbulence_factor = 5.0 } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 // m2/s // m2/s // m2/s RIV - 2.6-17 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES INITIAL INITIAL compulsory repeatable Super Block HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines initial conditions for hydraulics in 2D. If no initial condition is specified for parts or the whole domain, the initial conditions is set to dry. Initial conditions may be derived from earlier simulations where one wants to continue from an outputfile. This filename is always called “region_name_old.sim”, where “region_name” has been defined in the BASEPLANE_2D block. Otherwise, the initial conditions can be set using the material-index from the geometry input file. Variable type comp rep values type Enum Yes No {dry, continue, index_table} file String No No Dependent on initial type index Integer No No wse Real No No condition desc continue Index_table [m rel.] Index_table, h not used u real No No [m/s] Index_table v real No No [m/s] Index_table Initial types for 2D simulations: • dry This is the simplest initial condition. The whole area is initially dry – no discharge and no WSE is needed. This is the default for every cell in 2D where no initial condition is specified. • continue From earlier simulations, one can continue using the former output file as new initial conditions input file. This filename is always called “region_name_old.sim”, where “region_name” has been defined in the BASEPLANE_2D block. This option is only valid for pure hydraulic simulations without sediment transport. If you renamed the output file, a file name may be provided here. • index_table The initial conditions for WSE, u and v can be set manually using the material index technique. In the geometry file, every cell can be assigned an integer value which is called the “material index”. To every one of these indices, specific values for WSE, u and v can be assigned. All lists must have the same number of elements, which correspond to the element in the index-list. See the example for explanation. RIV - 2.6-18 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: HYDRAULICS { […] INITIAL { type = index_table index = ( 1 2 wse = ( 12.1 15.0 u = ( 0.0 -3.2 v = ( 0.0 0.0 } […] } 3 0.0 1.5 2.1 4 0.54 0.0 3.0 5 2.3 5.6 0.1 ) ) ) ) HYDRAULICS { […] INITIAL { type = continue file = beispiel_old.sim } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-19 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The SOURCE block deals with all influences on the source term in the equations to be solved. The EXTERNAL_SOURCE block is used for additional sources or sinks, sometimes used instead of flux boundary conditions. Inner Blocks EXTERNAL_SOURCE Variable type comp rep values condition desc Example: HYDRAULICS { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } } […] } RIV - 2.6-20 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES EXTERNAL_SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super SOURCE < HYDRAULICS < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: The external source block is used for additional sources, mostly used for sources and sinks. The only available source type is source_discharge which acts as a sink when delivered with negative values in the file. All external sources act on one or more computational cells which have to be listed in an element_ids list. The specified source will then be partitioned among the corresponding cells weighted with their volumes. For each different external source, a new block has to be created. The input format for the file is of file type “BC”: two columns with time and corresponding source discharge. Variable type comp rep values type enum Yes No [source_discharge] file string Yes No File type “.txt” element_ids integer list Yes No condition desc source_discharge Example: SOURCE { […] EXTERNAL_SOURCE { type = source_discharge element_ids = ( 45 ) // only one element also needs brackets file = discharge1_in_time.txt } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { type = source_discharge element_ids = ( 12 14 18 ) file = another_discharge.txt } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-21 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.6.3 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES MORPHOLOGY MORPHOLOGY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines the morphologic specifications for the simulation. Contrary to hydraulics, this is not compulsory. If MORPHOLOGY is not specified, all kind of sediment transport will be inactive. To activate bedload transport, the BEDLOAD block has to be specified. All information about the bed soil is defined within the BEDMATERIAL block. Inner Blocks BEDMATERIAL BEDLOAD PARAMETER Variable type comp rep values condition desc - - - - - - - Example: MORPHOLOGY { BEDMATERIAL { […] } BEDLOAD { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } RIV - 2.6-22 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The PARAMETER block for morphology in 2D contains general settings dealing with sediment properties. Variable type comp rep values condition desc porosity Real No No [%] density Real No No [kg/m3] bedload_cv_type String No No {constant, Default = borah, constant dmean} constant dmean bedload_cv_thickness real No No bedload_cv_factor real No No create_new_layers Enum No No { on, off } max_layer_thickness Real No No [m] Default = 0.1 Default = 3.0 Default = off create_ne w_layers Description of parameters: • porosity This is the general bed material porosity in [%]. By default, it is set to 37 %. • density The general density of the bed load has to be specified in [kg/m3]. By default, it is set to 2650. • bedload_cv_type (also called “active_layer”) This parameter defines the type of the bed load control volume, which is sometimes also called “active layer”. Available types are ‘constant’ for bed load control volumes with constant thickness, and ‘borah’ or ‘dmean’ for bed load control volumes with variable thicknesses (as explained in the reference manual). By default, the type ‘constant’ is set. • bedload_cv_thickness The thickness of the bed load control volume can be given in [m]. This value is only needed if the type of the bed load control volume is set to ‘constant’. The specified thickness is valid for all elements of the simulation. In multiple-grain simulations this can be an important calibration parameter! By default, it is set to 0.1 [m]. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-23 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES • bedload_cv_factor This parameter is only needed if the bedload_cv_type is ‘dmean’. In this case the bedload control volume thickness calculates as: factor * dmean. Per default, it is set to 3.0. • create_new_layers If this parameter is set to “on”, new soil layers can be generated during bed aggradation. If it is set to “off”, than no soil layers are generated dynamically. Per default this option is set to “off”. • max_layer_thickness This is the maximum thickness of newly created soil layers [m]. In case of deposition, if a layer increases in height, the maximum thickness defines when a new soil layer shall automatically be created. By default it is set to 0.3 m. This parameter is only used if create_new_layers is active. Example: MORPHOLOGY { […] PARAMETER { porosity = 0.37 density = 2650 bedload_cv_type = constant bedload_cv_thickness = 0.05 // [m] create_new_layers = off […] } […] } RIV - 2.6-24 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BEDMATERIAL BEDMATERIAL compulsory repeatable Super Blocks MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines the characteristics of the bed material. The GRAIN_CLASS specifies the relevant diameters of the grain. The MIXTURE block allows producing different grain mixtures using the mean diameters. The SOIL_DEF block defines all soil layers of a soil. Finally, the SOIL_ASSIGNMENT block is used to assign the different soil definitions to their corresponding areas within the topography. Inner Blocks GRAIN_CLASS MIXTURE SOIL_DEF FIXED_BED SOIL_ASSIGNMENT Variable type comp rep values condition desc Example: MORPHOLOGY { BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { […] } MIXTURE { […] } MIXTURE { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_ASSIGNMENT { […] } } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-25 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES GRAIN_CLASS GRAIN_CLASS compulsory repeatable Super BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: This block defines the mean diameters of the bed material in [mm]. The number of diameters in the list automatically sets the number of grains. For “single grain simulations”, only one diameter must be defined (see example). The grain sizes must be entered in ascending order from the smallest grains to the largest grains! Variable type comp rep values diameters real Yes No [mm] condition desc Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 5 grain sizes [mm] diameters = ( 0.5 2.1 4.6 7.0 15.0 ) } […] } BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 1 grain size [mm] diameters = ( 4.6 ) // don’t forget to put the brackets } […] } RIV - 2.6-26 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES MIXTURE MIXTURE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block allows the definition of different grain mixtures. According to the number of grain diameters from the GRAIN_CLASS, for each class, the volume percentage has to be specified. The fractions must be written in the order corresponding to the grain class list. If a grain class is not present in a mixture, its fraction value has to be set to 0. The mixture_name is used later for easy to use assignments. As the MIXTURE block is repeatable, several mixtures can be defined. In case of a single grain simulation (only one mean diameter in GRAIN_CLASS), one MIXTURE block has to be defined using ‘volume_fraction = ( 100 )’; Variable type comp rep mixture_name string Yes No volume_fraction list of reals Yes No values condition desc [%] Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { // simulation with 3 grain sizes diameters = ( 0.5 2.1 4.6 ) } MIXTURE { mixture_name = mixture1 volume_fraction = ( 0 100 0 ) } MIXTURE { mixture_name = mixture2 volume_fraction = ( 90.1 5.7 4.2 } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 ) RIV - 2.6-27 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOIL_DEF SOIL_DEF compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines the structure of the soil. The soil can be divided into vertical soil layers. Every layer is defined within a LAYER block. Every layer has an own mixture assigned. (In contrast to the former implementation, the mixture of the bed load control volume is now automatically set to the mixture of the uppermost layer!) The definition of the parameter d90_armored_layer or the parameter tau_erosion_start specifies the consideration of bed armour. It allows simulating the effects of a surface protection layer which must be eroded once to allow the erosion of the underlying substrate. Inner Blocks LAYER Variable type comp rep soil_name string yes no d90_armored_layer real no no values condition desc [mm] Single grain An armoured layer is set size at the initial elevation. simulation tau_erosion_start real no no [N/m2] An armoured layer is set at the initial elevation. Description of parameters: • soil_name This is the name of the soil. Each soil must have a unique name. The specification of a name is obligatory. • d90_armored_layer d90 of the armoured bed layer in [mm]. This armoured bed layer is set at the beginning. If it is eroded once in an element, it is destroyed in this element for the rest of the simulation. This parameter should only be used in single grain simulations to model effects of an armoured bed layer. • tau_erosion_start Critical bed shear stress needed to destroy the armoured bed layer in [N/m2]. This armoured bed layer is set at the beginning. If it is eroded once in an element, it is destroyed in this element for the rest of the simulation. This parameter can be helpful for example to define a grass protection layer. RIV - 2.6-28 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BEDMATERIAL { GRAIN_CLASS { […] } MIXTURE { […] } MIXTURE { […] } SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil1 d90_armored_layer = 0.1 LAYER { […] } LAYER { […] } } SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil2 LAYER { […] } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-29 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES LAYER LAYER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOIL_DEF < BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block defines a soil layer. For every soil layer, a new block has to be used. The bottom elevation of a layer is given relative to the surface topography defined in the geometry file. Therefore, a minus sign has to be used. The LAYER blocks have to be defined ordered by their distance to the surface, the uppermost layers first, the lowest layers last. The bottom of the lowest layer automatically defines the fixed bed, where no further erosion is possible. Therefore, in contrast to former implementations, usually no FIXED_BED block is needed. In case of a single grain simulation, only one LAYER block is needed, which automatically defines the fixed bed. If no LAYER block is defined within a SOIL_DEF block, a fixed bed is assumed at the bed surface. Variable type comp rep values bottom_elevation real Yes No [m] condition desc Distance relative to surface (must be negative!) mixture string No No Mixture Grain mixture of the soil layer defined Example: SOIL_DEF { soil_name = soil1 LAYER { bottom_elevation = -5 mixture = mixture1 } LAYER { bottom_elevation = -7 mixture = mixture2 } LAYER { […] } } RIV - 2.6-30 // [m], relative to surface // [m], relative to surface VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES FIXED_BED FIXED_BED compulsory repeatable Super BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: In order to control the erosion process, the user can define rock elevations (fixed bed) for the computational domain. No erosion can occur if there is no more sediment on top of the fixed bed. The FIXED_BED block is not obligatory, because the bottom of the lowest layer in the soil definition automatically defines the rock elevation. But a FIXED_BED block may be inserted optionally. There are two ways how to define fixed bed elevations here. An additional geometry file can be used to define rock elevations in more detail. In such a case, a fixed bed meshfile must be given, which must have the same structure as the simulation meshfile. Then the z-elevations of the nodes of this additional mesh file, define the fixed bed elevations. Or, alternatively, the FIXED_BED block can be used to define a list of node numbers with according fixed bed elevations. If the elevations are set to values <= -100 than the surface bed elevation is used as fixed bed. Variable type comp rep values condition type string Yes No { meshfile, file string Yes No meshfile node_ids integer Yes No nodes desc node_ids } List of nodes within brackets. (Nodes must not be adjacent) zb_fix Real Yes No [m.a.s.l, absolute] nodes List of zb_fix values within brackets. If zb_fix < -100, than bed elevation is used as zb_fix. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-31 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BEDMATERIAL { […] FIXED_BED { type = meshfile file = fixed_bed_mesh.2dm } […] } BEDMATERIAL { […] FIXED_BED { type = nodes node_ids = ( 12 22 25 72 92 ) zb_fix = ( 312.2 313 313.56 -100 -100 ) // the “-100” values set the fixed bed elevation // to the surface elevation } […] } RIV - 2.6-32 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOIL_ASSIGNMENT SOIL_ASSIGNMENT compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDMATERIAL < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: Description: This block is finally used to assign the soil definitions to their corresponding areas in the topography. For this purpose, the index-technique is used. In the geometry input file, every cross-section (and also parts of a cross-section) can be labelled with an integer index number which is used to attach a soil definition. For single grain size simulations, a soil assignment is still needed, although there is only one MIXTURE to assign. Inner Blocks Variable type comp rep values condition type string Yes No index_table index list of ints Yes No index_table soil list of reals Yes No index_table desc Example: BEDMATERIAL { […] SOIL_DEF { […] } SOIL_DEF { […] } […] SOIL_ASSIGNMENT { type = index_table index = ( 1 2 soil = ( soil1 soil2 } } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 4 soil3 6 soil1 ) ) RIV - 2.6-33 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BEDLOAD BEDLOAD compulsory repeatable Super MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Blocks Description: Defines all needed data for bed load transport. If this block does not exist, no bed load transport will be simulated. Inner Blocks BOUNDARY SOURCE PARAMETER Variable type comp rep values condition desc - Example: MORPHOLOGY { BEDMATERIAL { […] } BEDLOAD { SOURCE { […] } PARAMETER { […] } } } RIV - 2.6-34 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES PARAMETER PARAMETER compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The PARAMETER block for morphology in 2D contains general settings dealing with bedload transport. Variable type comp rep values bedload_transport enum Yes No {MPM, MPMH, c d PARKER, RICKENMANN, WU, POWER_LAW} bedload_routing_start real No No [s] hydro_step integer No No upwind real No No [-] bedload_factor real No No [-] theta_critic real No No MPM, MPMH, RICKENMANN, WU bed_forms real No No [-] <=1.0 . hiding_exponent real No No [-] MPMH, WU default: -1.5 (MPMH) default: -0.6(WU) angle_of_repose real No d90 real if d30 real power_law_a, real No single [degree] [mm] RICKENMANN [mm] RICKENMANN [-] POWER_LAW grain if single grain No No power_law_b local_slope Enum No No { on, off } lateral_transport Enum No No { on, off } wetted_factor real No No [-] VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-35 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Description of parameters: • bedload_transport These bedload relations are available at the moment: - MPM (Meyer-Peter & Müller) - MPMH (Meyer-Peter & Müller & Hunziker) - PARKER (Parker) - RICKENMANN (Rickenmann) - WU (Wu,Wang & Jia) - POWER_LAW • bedload_routing_start Indicates, at which time sediment routing is started during a simulation. The default value is set to 0.0, which means bed load transport from the beginning. • hydro_step Specifies the cycle steps for hydrodynamic routing. For example, a value of 5 forces the hydrodynamic routine to be computed after every 5 cycles of the sediment routine. The default value is set to 0. • upwind The upwind factor is implemented with a default value of 0.5. The upwind factor remains constant during the whole simulation. (It is not used for single grain transport). See (RII for more details. • bedload_factor (important calibration factor!) This factor is a key factor for the calibration of sediment transport. It is multiplied with the computed transport capacity of the empirical bedload formula. Per default is set to 1.0. • theta_critic (important calibration factor!) If this parameter is not specified, the critical shear stress is determined from the Shields diagram which is the default behaviour. If the parameter is specified, this value is taken as given by the user and set constant over the whole simulation. • hiding_exponent (important calibration factor!) Factor of the exponent of the hiding-and-exposure function in Hunziker’s or Wu’s fractional bed load formula. This factor should be set to a negative number. Per default is set to -1.5 in Hunziker’s formula or to -0.6 in Wu’s formula. Changing this exponent primarily has influences on the grain sorting processes. Large changes will probably result in instabilities. RIV - 2.6-36 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES • angle_of_repose Angle of repose of the sediment material. Per default set to 30 degrees. • bed_forms This factor is applied in case of bed forms to determine the effective bottom shear stress θ ' from the bottom shear stress θ . This factor must be set to a value <=1.0. If the factor is set to a positive number, then it is assumed constant over the whole domain and simulation time. If the factor is set to a negative number, then it is determined dynamically by the program. See chapter RI-2.2 for more information. Per default it is set to a value < 0.0, i.e. the factor is calculated by the program. • d90 / d30 Diameters d90 or d30 of the mixture. These factors are only of interest if the Rickenmann formula is used. In single grain simulations these factors are obligatory. In multiple grain simulations they can be optionally be given. If they are not given, then they are calculated from the mixtures in multi-grain simulations. • power_law_a, power_law_b Coefficients a and b for the power law formula. Per default a=1.0, b=1.0. • local_slope This flag determines if the gravitational influence of the local slope within the elements should be considered for bed load transport. If it is considered, the bedload is increased if there is a slope in flow direction, or the bedload is reduced if there is a counter slope. Per default the local_slope is active and set to ‘on’. • lateral_transport This flag determines if the lateral transport, caused by transversal slope in relation to the flow velocity, shall be taken into account. Per default, the lateral transport is active and set to ‘on’. • wetted_factor Usually, this parameter should not be changed! This parameter defines if on partially wetted cells bedload transport shall be calculated or not. If the parameter is set to 0.0 than no bedload transport is calculated on partially wetted cells. If it is, for example, set to 1.0 than bedload is also calculated in partially wetted cells if the water elevation in these cells is larger than 1.0 times the minimum water depth. Per default this factor is set to 0.0. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-37 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BEDLOAD { […] PARAMETER { bedload_transport = MPM // Meyer-Peter&Mueller formula bedload_routing_start = 0.0 upwind = 1 bedload_factor = 0.5 // reduces the bedload transport rate theta_critic = 0.055 } } RIV - 2.6-38 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES BOUNDARY BOUNDARY compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: Defines boundary conditions for the bed load transport. For every boundary condition, a new block BOUNDARY has to be defined. At the upstream boundaries a sediment inflow can be specified. This type of boundary needs a mixture assigned, in any case, even if single grain computations are performed. IOUp and IODown are special boundaries designed to facilitate the determination of the equilibrium bed load transport. Please note: Instead of using an inflow boundary, alternatively also an EXTERNAL_SOURCE can be used to specify an inflow of sediment material in the simulation domain! Variable type comp rep values condition desc type enum Yes No {sediment_discharge, Type IOUp, IODown} boundary of the condition string_name String Yes No string name defined in STRINGDEF string file No No File type “BC” sediment_discharge File with the sediment inflow in [m3/s]. The file needs 2 columns, time and inflow. string mixture No No sediment_discharge Mixture of the sediment inflow Boundary types for 2D simulations: Upstream • sediment_discharge This boundary condition is based on a sediment “hydrograph” describing the bed load inflow at an upstream boundary in time. The behaviour in time is specified in the boundary file with two columns: time and corresponding sediment discharge. The values are interpolated in time. Additionally, the mixture must be set to a predefined mixture name. The sediment input in [m3/s] is distributed over all given nodes. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-39 Reference M anual BASEM ENT • COM M AND AND INPUT FILES IOUp This upstream boundary condition grants a constant bed load inflow. Basically, the same amount of sediment leaving the first computational cell in flow direction enters the cell from the upstream bound. This is useful to determine the equilibrium flux. There is no boundary_mixture needed. Downstream • IODown It is the only downstream boundary condition available for sediment transport. It corresponds to the definition of IOup. All sediment entering the last computational cell will leave the cell over the downstream boundary. There is no further information needed for this case. If one does not specify any boundary condition, no transport over the boundary will occur – a wall is assumed. Example: BEDLOAD { […] BOUNDARY { type = sediment_discharge file = discharge.txt mixture = mixture2 } BOUNDARY { type = IODown string_name = downstream } […] } RIV - 2.6-40 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SOURCE SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The SOURCE block for morphology in 2D contains external sources or sinks which can be attached to any computational cell with its corresponding node_id. For each different external source, a new inner block EXTERNAL_SOURCE has to be defined. Inner Blocks EXTERNAL_SOURCE Variable type comp rep values - - - - - condition desc Example: BEDLOAD { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { […] } } […] } VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-41 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES EXTERNAL_SOURCE EXTERNAL_SOURCE compulsory repeatable Super Blocks SOURCE < BEDLOAD < MORPHOLOGY < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: The EXTERNAL_SOURCE block is used for additional sources or sinks. If no source block is specified, the additional source is set to zero and no sediment enters the computational domain as source. The specified source or sink in [m3/s] is distributed over all given nodes! Please note that also for single grain size simulations, the definition of mixture is still needed. Iin case of a sediment sink, the definition of the mixture must also be given. Inner Blocks AREA Variable type comp rep values type enum Yes No sediment_discharge node_ids list Yes No of condition desc Type of the external source Node ids of the nodes where the source or sink shall take integers place file string Yes No File type “BC” File with the source values listed over time. The file needs two columns, time and sediment inflow [m3/s]. mixture string Yes No Mixture Grain defined sediment source mixture of the Example: MORPHOLOGY { […] SOURCE { EXTERNAL_SOURCE { type = sediment_discharge file = source_in_time.txt node_ids = ( 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ) mixture = mixture2 } EXTERNAL_SOURCE { type = sediment_discharge file = another_source_in_time.txt node_ids = ( 256 ) // don’t forget the brackets mixture = mixture1 } } […] } RIV - 2.6-42 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 2.6.4 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES OUTPUT OUTPUT compulsory repeatable Super Blocks BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Condition: - Description: This block specifies the desired output data. In 2D, a default output file contains all information about geometry and other variables along the flow direction. It is written according to the output time step setting and can be used for continuation simulations. For temporal outputs, one has to specify a SPECIAL_OUTPUT block where time histories or grain information for selected mesh-elements can be chosen. For each different output desired, a new SPECIAL_OUTPUT block has to be used. Inner Blocks SPECIAL_OUTPUT Variable type comp rep output_time_step real Yes No console_time_step real no No result_location enum No No {node, center} AVS-UCD Enum No No {on, off} values condition desc [s] [s] Description of parameters: • output_time_step Specifies the time step for the default output files. • console_time_step Specifies the time step for console output. If no value is set, output_time_step will be used. • result_location This parameter sets the type of output location. To plot the results, all plotting programs need an underlying mesh. The mesh for 2D is defined by its nodes and can be used easily for plotting. However, the results of the computation are represented in the centre of an element. Choosing node forces the program to extrapolate the centre-results on the nodes. The original mesh can be used for plotting then. Choosing center prints the results as they have been computed for the cell centres. For a correct plotting, a mesh file will be needed, which is defined by the location of the cell centres. Default setting is node. • AVS-UCD This enables a time dependent Output File in the UCD Format which can be used by AVS-Express for post processing. The generated data file is quite large; therefore, this option is set to off by default. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-43 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Example: BASECHAIN_2D { […] OUTPUT { output_time_step = 10.0 console_time_step = 1.0 result_location = node AVS-UCD = off SPECIAL_OUTPUT { […] } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { […] } } […] } RIV - 2.6-44 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES SPECIAL_OUTPUT SPECIAL_OUTPUT compulsory repeatable Condition: - Super Blocks OUTPUT < BASEPLANE_2D < DOMAIN Description: Besides the default output, some extra output for selected elements can be defined. The choices for output type are time_history, BASEviz, tecplot_hydro and tecplot_hydro_bin, grain, sed_balance. Time history plots all important cell information versus the time. Grain delivers all sediment information for the selected elements. Each such information for each element-group will be written to an own file filename_tHNdGlb-[i]_thnd.out, where i is the element id. For graphical output of the simulation results during run-time with the BASEviz visualization choose the BASEviz output type. ASCII and binary files which can be interpreted by Tecplot can be generated using tecplot_hydro and tecplot_hydro_bin respectively. Special output for sediment transport is also possible by defining selected nodes. The output type here is grain. Then two type of files are generated which contain the grain compositions and the bed load fluxes at these nodes. Another special output for sediment transport is the sed_balance output. If this output type is activated, the program compares the initial sediment volume of the model with the sediment volume at the current runtime to check for errors in the sediment mass balance. Note: For each type of special output, only one block may be defined. Variable type comp rep values condition type enum Yes No { time_history, BASEviz, desc tecplot_hydro, tecplot_hydro_bin, grain, sed_balance } output_time_step real Yes [s] element_ids integer Yes no Maximum 30 ids time_history Yes No Maximum 30 ids grain list node_ids Integer list BASEviz: window_interact_time real No No Should be selected as BASEviz Time interval for large as possible to interactions/refresh of the avoid slow down of visualization window the simulation value string No No {depth, wse, velocity, BASEviz Output (plot) variable tau, bedload} VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 2.6-45 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES gridlines enum No No {on, off} BASEviz Enable or disable gridlines plotting vectors enum No No {on, off} BASEviz Enable or disable velocity vector plotting wse3D enum No No {on, off} BASEviz Enable or disable 3D WSE plotting (no vector plotting is supported here) vectors_scaling_factor real No No default = BASEviz Scale the length of the velocity vectors 1.0 Example: BASECHAIN_2D { [. . .] OUTPUT { output_time_step = 10.0 console_time_step = 1.0 result_location = node SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = time_history output_time_step = 10.0 element_ids = ( 1 3 25 94 ) } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = BASEviz output_time_step = 10.0 window_interact_time = 5.0 variable = depth gridlines = off vectors = on } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = tecplot_hydro_bin output_time_step = 10.0 } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = grain // only for sediment transport output_time_step = 5.0 node_ids = ( 23 45 98 486 ) } SPECIAL_OUTPUT { type = sed_balance // only for sediment transport output_time_step = 5.0 } } } RIV - 2.6-46 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES IV COMMAND AND INPUT FILES Part 2: Auxiliary Input Files 3 Auxiliary input files 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 Introduction Elements of an auxiliary input files Keyword The keywords must be at the beginning of the line without any space between margin and word. The first two letters have to be either both capitals or both lower case letters. DefType Format for connected parameters. // Comment, e.g. whole line or after a parameter. Syntax description General [par] Symbol for space optional parameter Units (U) e rel. e unit e relative to a chosen reference system (e.g. elevation). absolute value of unit e (e.g. distance). Parameter types (T) r real i integer c character s string decimal number (e.g. 52.37, 8.) integer (e.g. 103) single character character string (word) Default values (D) For some parameters a default value is assumed if it is not specified. Repeatability (R) Specifies if the command can be used more than once (yes or no). VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.1-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 3.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 3.2 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Type “BC” This file describes a typical boundary condition for the use within BASECHAIN_1D or BASEPLANE_2D. Definition Syntax: // this is a comment value1value2 Example: // T 0.000 50000 100000 Q 10 12 11 Summary: The first line contains information about the listed parameters. This line is not read by the program. The value table is terminated by the keyword “end”. Parameter Description: Parameter U T R Description value1 S r D y Value of the first parameter: e.g. time, water surface elevation,… r y Value of the second parameter: m rel. value2 m3 Discharge,… VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.2-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 3.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 3.3 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Type “Ini1D” For use within BASECHAIN_1D super block only. This file can be a restart file generated by a previous simulation, which has been saved as text file with the extension “.txt”. It describes the initial hydraulic state in the channel with the discharge and the wetted area for each cross section. time [CompactSerial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: startTime Example: time0 Summary: Defines the time of the described situation. Parameter Description: Parameter U T startTime s r VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 D R Description n Time at which the simulation begins (usually 0). RIV - 3.3-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES none [Table] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: crossSectionNameQA Example: cs1200150 Summary: Defines discharge and wetted area for each cross section. Parameter Description: Parameter U crossSectionName - T D R Description s y Name of the cross section. Q 3 m /s r y Initial discharge. A m2 r y Initial wetted area. RIV - 3.3-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 3.4 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Type “InitialConcentration1D” For use within BASECHAIN_1D super block only. This file describes the initial situation of suspended material in the channel with the concentration and the mixture type for each cross section. time [CompactSerial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: startTime Example: time0 Summary: Defines the time of the described situation. Parameter Description: Parameter U T startTime s r VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 D R Description n Time at which the simulation begins (usually 0). RIV - 3.4-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES none [Table] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: crossSectionNameCmixtureName Example: cs10.01mixture1 Summary: Defines concentration and mixture area for each cross section. Parameter Description: Parameter U T crossSectionName - C mixtureName RIV - 3.4-2 D R Description s y Name of the cross section. - r y Initial value of the total concentration. - s y Name of the mixture of the suspended load. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 3.5 COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Type “Topo1D” Topography File for BASECHAIN_1D. ZCalculation [Serial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: calculationType [filename] Example: zcalculation tabletableRhein Summary: Defines whether the hydraulic computation will be based on the iterative determination of z(A) and direct computation of all other values, or on the linear interpolation of the values from a previously computed table (faster for complex geometries). The option table can only be used if there is no sediment transport. Parameter Description: Parameter U T D R Description calculationType - s n “table” (only for pure hydraulic computations) or “iteration”. fileName - s n Name of the file in which the tables are stored. Read only for calculation type “table“. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.5-1 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES REsistance [Serial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: resistanceType Example: resistance strickler Summary: Defines the friction law. Parameter Description: Parameter U T resistanceType - s RIV - 3.5-2 D R Description n Friction law: • strickler: Stricker with Strickler value; • heightstr: Strickler with equivalent friction height; • chezy: Chézy; • darcy: Darcy-Weissbach; • manning: Manning. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES VAlues repeatable [Serial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: Par1Par2kMainChannelkForelandsbedSlopekBed Example: values 0.050.0166.66666.666,,66.666 Summary: Defines several values, which are valid for all the following cross-sections. It can be repeated to adopt new values for further cross-sections. Parameter Description: Parameter U T Par1 m r D R Description n If calcuation type = table: maximum difference of water surface abs. elevation between the calculated values in the table. /m2 If calculation type = iteration: maximum accepted difference between given A and calculated A for iterative z(A) calculation. Par2 m/- r/i n If calculation type = table: minimum interval of water surface elevation between the calculated values in the table. If calculation type = iteration: maximum number of iterations allowed for iterative z(A) calculation before the program is stopped. kMainChannel m1/3/s i n Friction value of the main channel, if not specified in the single cross sections or cross section slices. or mm kForelands m1/3/s i n Friction value of forelands, if not specified in the single cross sections or cross section slices. or mm bedSlope - i n Slope of the channel if not replaced by values in the single cross sections. kBed 1/3 m /s or i n Friction value of the bed, if not specified in the single cross sections or cross section slices. mm VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.5-3 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES 20 repeatable [CompactSerial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: crossSectionNamedistance[referenceHight][kMainChannel][kForelands][slop e][ soilCode ] … Example: 20'Qp2'0.05,,,,0.0361 Summary: General parameters for each cross section. Parameter Description: Parameter U T D R Description crossSectionName - s n Name of the cross section. distance km r n Distance from the upstream boundary in [km]! referenceHight m r n Height to which the other heights of the cross section are relative. kMainChannel - r n Friction value of the main channel, if not defined differently in the cross section slices; depending on the specified friction law this is a Strickler value or an equivalent friction height. kForelands - r n Friction value of the forelands, if not defined differently in the cross section slices; depending on the specified friction law this is a Strickler value or an equivalent friction height. slope - r n Slope of the cross section. soilCode - i n Code of a soil defined in the Command file. Valuable for the whole cross section. RIV - 3.5-4 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES 21 repeatable [CompactSerial] Keyword DefType Definition Syntax: yz[K][typeChange][flownThrough][significantPoint][soilCode] Examples: 210.00325.8/ 217.53316.760 , , , 15 / 2118.04317.230 , , , 16 / 2124.8326.160 , , , ,2 / Summary: Describes a point at the interface between cross section slices. For the start point only y and z can be specified. The other parameters are always referred to the slice on the left of the point. Parameter Description: Parameter U T y m D R Description r n Distance from left border. r n Elevation. r n Friction value of the previous cross section slice: depending on the rel. z m rel. K typeChange m1/3/s or specified friction law this is a Strickler value or an equivalent friction mm height. - i n Change of channel type: 12: has foreland on the left 13: has main channel on the left 2: beginning of the zone considered for the computation if it is not the first point (default). 32: end of the computational area with foreland on the left. 33: end of computational area with main channel on the left. flownThrough - i n Indicates if the water flows in the slice or not. 0: flown through (default) 1: not flown through. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.5-5 Reference M anual BASEM ENT significantPoint - i COM M AND AND INPUT FILES n 1: point will be used in the table. 2: defines the lowest point of the cross section. 3: defines the highest point of the cross section. 6: defines the point representing the left dam. 7: defines the point representing the right dam. 15: begin of the bed bottom. 16: end of the bed bottom. soilCode - i n Code of a soil defined in the Command file. If sediment transport is “on”, at least a soil code for the cross section must be specified. Here a soil code can be specified for a single slice. RIV - 3.5-6 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 Reference M anual BASEM ENT 99 [Serial] COM M AND AND INPUT FILES Keyword DefType Summary: Closes the description of a cross section. end [Serial] Keyword DefType Summary: Terminates the list of cross sections. VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 RIV - 3.5-7 Reference M anual BASEM ENT COM M AND AND INPUT FILES This page has been intentionally left blank. RIV - 3.5-8 VAW ETH Zürich Version 10/28/2009 System Manuals BASEMENT This page has been intentionally left blank. VAW ETH Zürich System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX Table of Contents A. Notation A.1. A.2. A.3. A.4. Super- and Subscripts ...................................................................................A.1-1 Differential Operators ....................................................................................A.2-1 English Symbols.............................................................................................A.3-1 Greek Symbols ...............................................................................................A.4-1 VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 i System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX This page has been intentionally left blank. ii VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX A. Notation A.1. Super- and Subscripts (.) B (.)cr (.)i , (.) j , (.)k (.) g (.) L (.)l (.)n (.) R (.) S (.) Sub (.) x , (.) y , (.) z (.) (.),(.) (.)(.)(.) ,(.) VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 Property of top most soil layer for bed load (active layer) Critical value Index corresponding to three dimensional Cartesian 3 coordinate system \ with coordinates ( x, y , z ) th Property corresponding to g grain size class Property on the left hand side Lateral property nth step of time integration Property on the right hand side Property at water surface Property of bed material storage layer (sub layer) Property corresponding to three dimensional Cartesian 3 coordinate system \ with coordinates ( x, y , z ) Dual property, i.e. QB , x = bed load discharge in x direction Triple property, i.e. QBg , x = bed load discharge of grain size class g in x direction A.1-1 System Manuals BASEMENT INDEX AND GLOSSAR This page has been intentionally left blank. A.1-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX A.2. Differential Operators d dx dn dx n ∂ ∂x ∂n ∂x n ∇ Differential operator for derivation with respect to variable Differential operator for derivation of order Version 4/23/2007 n w. r. to var. x Partial differential operator for derivation w. r. to variable Partial differential operator for derivation of order x n w. r. to var. x Nabla operator. In three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system T ⎛ ⎞ \3 with coordinates ( x, y , z ): ∇ = ⎜⎜ ∂∂x , ∂∂y , ∂∂z ⎟⎟ ⎝ VAW ETH Zürich x ⎠ A.2-1 System Manuals BASEMENT INDEX AND GLOSSAR This page has been intentionally left blank. A.2-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX A.3. English Symbols Symbol Unit Definition A a Ared c cf C cμ dg dm [m2] [m/s2] [m2] [m/s] [-] [-] [-] [m] [m] F (U) , G (U) F g h hB K k st ks m n [-] [N] [m/s2] [m] [m] [m3/s] [m1/3/s] [mm] [kg] [m/s] ng M P P p pB pSub Q QB qBg qBg , x , qBg , y qBg , xx , qBg , yy qBg , xy , qBg , yx ql R S (U) Sf SB Sg Sf g [-] [Ns] [N/m2] [m] [-] [-] [-] [m3/s] [m3/s] [m3/s/m] [m3/s/m] [m3/s/m] [m3/s/m] [m2/s] [m] [-] [-] [-] [m/s] [m/s] Wetted cross section area Acceleration Reduced area Wave speed Friction coefficient Concentration Dimensionless coefficient (used for turb. kin. viscosity) Mean grain size of the size class g Arithmetic mean grain size according to Meyer-Peter & Müller Flux vectors Force Gravity Water depth, flow depth Thickness of active layer 2 Conveyance factor K = k st AR 3 Strickler factor equivalent roughness height Mass Normal (directed outward) unit flow vector of a computational cell Total number of grain size classes Momentum Pressure Hydraulic Perimeter Porosity Porosity of bed material in active layer Porosity of bed material in sub layer Stream- or surface discharge total bed load flux for cross section total bed load flux of grain size class g per unit width Cartesian components of total bed load flux qBg Cartesian comp. of bed load flux due to stream forces Cartesian comp. of lateral bed load flux Specific lateral discharge (discharge per meter of length) Hydraulic radius Vector of source terms Friction slope Bed slope suspended load source per cell and grain size class active layer floor source per cell and grain size class VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 A.3-1 System Manuals BASEMENT Sl g t U u u* u , v, w u,v u B , vB , wB uS , vS , wS V x,y,z x, y , z zB zS zF A.3-2 [m/s] [s] [-] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m3] [-] [m] [m] [m] [m] INDEX AND GLOSSAR local sediment source per cell and grain size class Time Vector of conserved variables Flow velocity vector with Cartesian components ( u , v, w ) shear stress veleocity Cartesian components of flow velocity vector u Cartesian components of depth averaged flow velocity Cartesian components of flow velocity at bottom Cartesian components of flow velocity at water surface Volume Cartesian coordinate axes Distance in corresponding Cartesian direction Bottom elevation Water surface elevation Elevation of active layer floor VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 System Manuals BASEMENT APPENDIX AND INDEX A.4. Greek Symbols Symbol Unit Definition αB [-] Empirical parameter depending on the dimensionless Shear stress of the mixture volumetric fraction of grain size class g in active layer volumetric fraction of grain size class g in active layer Eddy diffusivity Kármán constant Computational time step Time step for hydraulic sequence Time step for sediment transport sequence Overall, sequential time step Grid spacing according to three dimensional Cartesian 3 Coordinate system \ with coordinates ( x, y , z ) Molecular viscosity Kinematic viscosity, μ ρ Isotropic eddy viscosity * Turbulent kinematic viscosity ν t = ν 0 + cμ u h Base kinematics eddy viscosity Mass density (fluid) Bed material density Cartesian components of bottom shear stress vector Vector of shear stress at bottom due to water flow Critical shear stress related to grain size d g Cartesian components of surface shear stress vector Vector of shear stress at water surface (e.g. due to wind) Area of an element Hiding factor βg β g , Sub Γ κ Δt Δth Δts Δt seq Δx , Δy , Δz η ν νε νt ν0 ρ ρs τ B , x ,τ B , y τB τ Bg ,crit τ S , x ,τ S , y τS Ω ξg VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007 [-] [-] [-] [-] [s] [s] [s] [s] [m] [kg/ms] [m2/s] [m2/s] [m2/s] [m2/s] [kg/m3] [kg/m3] [N/m2] [N/m2] [N/m2] [N/m2] [N/m2] [m2] [-] A.4-1 System Manuals BASEMENT INDEX AND GLOSSAR This page has been intentionally left blank. A.4-2 VAW ETH Zürich Version 4/23/2007