The Micro Bluebook Used Computer Guide Vol 3 1984
The Micro Bluebook Used Computer Guide Vol 3 1984
Copyrigh t© 1~ by The Hansen Publishin g O:m~y All rights reserva:I. Yearly subscript ion (four issues) for $50.00 $_14 a single issue~ Print:OO in the Unit:OO States of Anerica U.S A Order No. IS'3N 0742-fff§) Published by The Hansen Publishin g ~y FD fux 1194, t-Ercer Island, Washington <JDlO Table of Contents Introduction ••• 2 PurJx>se of Qdde ••• 3 Periodicals ••• 4 1re Electronic ~brketplace ••• 8 Hicroc:aiplt:er Brd<ers ••• 12 Software Brokers ••• 16 Hicro Prices ••• Section 1 -Evaluation Fornula ••• 19 Section 2 -IbN to Use ••• X) Section 3 - Price list ••• 21 Finns ••• 64 Service Organizations •• , 79 Buyers of OOOolete Fqui{IreOt ••• 00 Hrrket Trends ••• 81 01aritable Contribution ••• ~ Filltors Note, •• He rope ~ 1lllaSSlllling style of this guide is not taken as a nmsure of effort for content. If you want to IBY for fancy varnished covers, graJirics, typesetting and color printing you will have an opportt.mity in future is.crues, At this tine these steps, camnn to any Jllblishing venture \\Ollld prove a delay in bringing truly current prices ih a narketplace with such rapid fluctuation. 'I"re lEE ffi1fUIER ClJ1:1E accepts no advertising and has no relationship with rmnu.factures. The largest benefit associated with installing used equiprent is tre initial savings in purchase price. &Jt nany \\Ollld resitate to coos:ider ~ equiprent for foor of buying tre oboolete. This is a veiwpoint one inherits by placing undue ~ oo harch-.are. By all accoonts oofo..are lags far behind hardware \\hlch nmns &liE of tre older roodels having an abundant software library can do applications tre "new stuff" can't do, \..brei processing, tre single nnst important applicatioo for the mi.c:roc:<Jlplter is an example of a task done by old generation every bit as good as tre current new generation micros. Few JDicrocatliXlters, if any, can be coosidered oboolete. The prices simply deflate, a process that takes nmy yoors before any degree of real obooletioo takes place. Perhaps tre single nnst. useful yardstick for llB3Sl.U"ing canputer cap:ibilities is Apple 1s ~bcintosh. This recent introduction to tre micro r.mketplace, (aloog with tre assunption that will becaie abtmdant for the tC'lfim OOsed r.och:ine), \-lith a bottan configuration costing ooly $25JJ, has to &liE extent, effected tre prices of alnnst. all used microcanputers. lhllar for dollar Apple's new entry offers as nu:h or JJDre car-ability than any micro nade. The degree of i.rlqB:t will be very significant oo uood prices lv.ith the introdutioo of a suitable software library. The prardse of a vast selection for tl~ USA has not IIBterialized, He will be wtching tre Hrintosh cl~y. 1 Introduction SOOuld you plan to buy or sell a used canputer, \..e trust t:re following :infonmtion will nnre than canpensate you for t:re purchase of this guide. To srne the canprelalsive list of microcanputers alone will be of groot interest. He have attanpted to list all t:re popular micros with the exception of srne single board s~ized canputers. A microcanputer is defined as a canputer oo a board. tvhltiple boards are generally beyond tre scope of our listings. The rooder is cautioned, that while \..e attanpt to be error proof, \..e can take no responsiblity for the use or accuracy of the follo.ving :infornrition. \.Je have used a variety of sources that are considered reliable, but available data can leod to different interpretatioo and what this guide constitutes is offered as our opinion. The used canputer store is a business \.hose idoo is just now arriving. A carm::n scenario is for a canputer ONDer Mh:l recently purchased hardware to try for w=eks unsuccessfully to sell even with dra!mtic price reductions. Thousands of o.vners Mh:l wu1d like to sell their current systan find t:re task canplicated by an irmature used smll canputer nmi<etplace causing unsure pricing of equip1a1t and nade nure difficult by t:re large variety of choices as \..ell as tie constant introduction of new systars. Fortunately the used brokerage business gives signs of being tie single fastest grO\ ~t of a tru1y explosive industry. l·Jhat follo...s illustrates to tie reader reveral nmns of finding potential buyers and sellers of canputer systars including a directory of price :infonmtion for alnnst every typical Smll · canputer systan ever nade. \·Je invite all business interests to let us kncr.-1 in \vhat way they Jmticir.ate in the used nnrketplace and to share their viavs with us. There is no charge to have your finn listed in this guide. 2 Purpose of GUIDE The purpose of this guide is to give to the reader a level of tmderstanding about the used narket and thereby increase his chance for a productive transaction in used equiJllB1t. It should be of special interest for anyone wm sells or buys on a professional level, or sareone considering Jllitici~ting in a used equiJllB1t business. To date \•Je have fOtmd no single not:e..orthy oource of infonmtion concerning the used nmket. In this a.<>pect \lie ooy be the first. This (lJ]])E is not a c.aiJ{.Erison shopper • There are plenty of good publications on h<M to IJBke a purchase decision, which would first sh<M h<M to evaluate the buyer's needs before considering a possible hardware selection. \...e do ~er, wish to bring attention to infornation that is indicative of general nmket trends. This t:i.rrely infonmtion gives insight into future price trends and helps clarify purchase decisions. For the careful and educated shopper, there is ~ possiblity of sore stunning 1m-gains. If, on the other hand you have fallen out of love with your current systan, \lie offer advice on h<M to sell your equi)liffit and h<M nuch to ask for it. Yoo can't detenrrine the exact value of used equiJI!ffit wiilixlt entering the nmketplace to seek bids. If Hr. X will Il'lY $2aXl for your printer it 1s 'WOrth $:;nx). If yoo find OOIEOI1e willing to Il'lY a larger Sliii then the value is now greater. The nnst useful infonmtion this guide contains is prone nunbers. There are a lot of these. Yoo can likely find the 8118\.ers to nnst any question concerning the used r.arketplace by using the · telephore. 3 Periodicals Selling used canputer equipren.t is like selling anything else. You nust advertise your product in a rranner that will attract an adequate nunber of interest:OO Imties. A simple and convenient nethod is to run ads in your local newsp1per. If hov.ever you have a limited nunrer of potential buyers in your local area, then you sOOuld consider national advertising in a IIBgazine or news}Xlper that features classified or display ads for canputer equiprent. \Vhat follavs are the best options available to advertise in national publications that have a s£Xri-fic section for used canputer equiprent. Inforuntion concerning subcriptions stx>uld be confirned by the publication office as they are subject to change ldtmut notice. Canputer C1 assifieds ro Box 15478 Paramus, NJ 07652-1547 and 201-%7-9713 A oorri-m:m.thly classified ad publication designed for canputer users so they can carm..micate \dth eoch other in a tincly econanical nanner. Subcription rates are $22 for 2A nmths ( 48 issues) or $12 for 12 nmths (24). Your first ad has a per issue mimmm of $5 (at 25 cents per ~rd). Additional ads IIBY then be placed (at 25 cents per ~rd) ldth no minurun per ad. 'Each ad rrust appear in at least t\\0 issues, for a total mininlm of $10 per order. Paynent due \dth order. Canputer Ilotline fux 1373 Fort Ikxige, Io.-.a the aD--247-2Cro fuvot:OO for coverage of the larger canputer systans, this publication is one of the IIDSt established in industry. l'licroline l':Bgazine was once a section of this periodical. ~1 Canputer SOOpper FO fux F Titusville, FL 32700 1-XlS-269-3211 ~ Canputer Shopper is a nmthl y publication of used, new, and surplus equiprent. For the nost {art it centers around micros but occasionally saie larger systans as well. Classified 4 ads cost 17 cents a \\Ord if you are a subscrib er and aoout 34 centS ot:rerwis e. .t\s. of the first quarter of 1~ their total subscrip tions (direct and news..stand) are approxir mtely 75,00) and growing rapidly. Lrrgest of tlris ldnd it offers sure of the rroot effectiv e advertis ing for the used JIErket. At this t:ine subscrip tions are $15 ra- year. BY'IE/t·teraw-llill Free unclassi fied ads. Should send in double-sroced on plain \rute ra~' 75 Ilancoc:k, NH 03449 \\Drd~ or less and include canplete nane and address. Your confinra tion that they mve accepted the freebie is the ads appearance in Byte. If lucky it "--Uld take about three nnnths before appearin g. 1rey are not orientat ed tcMards used canputer s but the smll section on used hardware is potentia lly rroching at 440,cm subscrib ers. ro Pox 372 Canputer Advertis er Pox 3218 Canputer Adveriser Poise, Idaho 83700 a:D-551-7978 ro A variety of canputer related articles can be in the includin g a classifi ed ad section. A free smll ad is included with the $9 subcript ion price. 1re April issue \\85 32 p:tges. Canputer Trader ~bgazine 17CA Sam Drive Birmingham, AL 35235 205-854-0271 Like the Shopra- it is a nnnthly publicat ion with national distribution. \Vith each subscrip tion you have the opportun ity to place t\\D free ads. And if that doesn't sell the equiJllff lt, they will again place your ad free of charge, for another t:\-.9 nnnths. ~might consider the publicat ion for this reason alone but for a $15 subscrip tion you can expect to recieve editoria ls a:ined at the rmder \.Jho \\rults to get rrore fran his smll canputer systan. llam radio enthusia sts will also benefit as a portion of the !lBgazine is devoted to radio electron ics and how they interfac e with the nricrocanputer. 1re readersh ip now nunbers in the low t:l:nisands and crm be expected to increase dra!lBti cally in the caning nnnths. ~ Electron ic Exchange Box 4ffi Forest lake, t·N 5m5 ro 5 subscrip tion - $12.00 (12 issues). At this t:ine pr:inBrily consists of classifi ed ads. 12 pgs. (he year Nicroline Ilot Line, Inc. Box 1373 Fort Ihlge, ~~1 ffi)....247-200J in lO\va aD-363-2172 January 184 issue was .]) rages. First class subscriptio n is $25 per year. 'Ire classified section is growing rapidly as Hicroline prarotes this section to rrret the grO\ needs for used canputer ads. NEI\..ork A IIDI1thly publication . Introdoctor y 2320 Kansas Ave, Suite 1107 offer $19.95 for 12 issues. You can To~, KAnsas 66611 get with this current offer 3 free 1-aD-233-2322 classified ads in every IIDI1thly issue for 12 nooths. For canputer users to buy, sell or trade your portable canputer harch..are, software, peripterals and infonmtion . Software Shopper FO Box ?£f) Fraser, HI 4ro2.6 in 313-n6-0540 A 11E."w'Sll1gazine devoted and geared to.vards owners and users of Ccmrrxlore Vic-20, Pet, and G-64 canputers. First edition due out April of 1934. Sofnvare Supenmrke t FO fux 4fJ:A Sidney, QI 45365 He haven't used this one before but they cJaim to have a canprehens ive buyers guide and an extensive classified ads 513-4~2111 section to buy, sell, or sw:tp hardware or software. A one year subscriptio n is $15.CO for 12 issues. Classified want ads are figured by the \..ord, not by the inch. All \..ords are 35 cents (at this writing). 'Ire nain thrust is on software which is unusual. The Processor FO fux 518 \Jebster City, %9.'H)518 Put out by Peed Publishing this is a good place to advertise larger systans. A f5JJ-24 7-'RHJ favorite for brd<ers and (in IO\Ya call 1-aD-722-3961) dmlers to see win has what. 'Ire subscriptio o price for one year is $27 .co. '!ley have no classified sections. Chl.y display ads. Part of the gro...rth in personal canputers can be seen by the increasing number of "canputer clubs", and IIBI1Y have a club newsletter that offers a free source for nanbers to advertise. With 6 about .'n> I!Bgazi.nes related to tie cqnputer field, you lillY be able to select one or mre that deals sJXrifically with tie sellers canputer. local llE!WSJBJE"S of course have been effective for years but for hariThare without tie benefit of 1lCIIlE recognition it nay be mre productive to select one of the above "trade JBpers" • large syst:rnl3 are saret:i.nEs advertized in the Wall Street Journal. In tie last rart of lc:E3 v.e recieved a nedia ldt indicating a one JB&e ad in tie International Issue was over $70,0CO! 7 The Electronic Marketplace \'-'e have all hfm"d of tre prroicted change canputers will have on our everyday living. Not surprisingly it is this arraz:ing tool itself that to have a significant :imJ:oct on narketing used equiprent. Infornation exchange fran one point of tre globe to anotrer at tre s{mi of light, has effectively placed much of our \..orld at our door step. Chl.y with tre aid of tre canputer can ~ organize and display tlese billions of pieces of infornation. As nankind struggles to innovate our envirornent, tlese changes erne full circle and nw, perhaps IIDre than any previous milestone, it is our environnent that pran:ises to change nan. OJrrent nOOels of canputers frequently contain a nndan and can be CXJ£Cted as standard equiJl!CI1t in future generations. Clle obvious area of :imJ:oct, seen in our everyday lives, will be tre result of canpetition with tre \..rritten \..ord. An "electronic ad" for example is faster, less expensive, and easier to search for. After the najority of lures have a cauptlter, it SCEm3 likely . that in sore fonns tre ''hard copy" will be 110 IIDre. lfo..l creap is creap? Hith current technology it is about 1200 tines less expensive to use canputer disks in storing nat:erials like books and nagaz:i.nes. '100 total sun of nank:i.nds knowledge can nw be stored within the roans of a library. And in that incredibly vcist sea of data your little microcanputer can search and find exactly what you \\ellt wiili:>ut you having to IIDve fran the keyboard. If you find yourself with canputer equiprent to sell and a m:xlan, then you nny have at your disposal tre means sports it to sell equiprent, or aliiDst anything else for that natter. \.Je could talk on and on about what teleccmmicati on is but that is a book in itself. For our purposes ~ will list spEcial rnBS or dataixlses that have l1BIDing for the used caJifAlter smpper. Barter \-lorldwide, Inc. 6275 Breen Valley Circle, Suite 112 Culver City, CA <))B) 1-213-{}41-1axl Parter \ has a flea nmket called Tradenet. You can JnY an annual fee of $1~ 8 or ~y a camri.ssion on roch trade you nuke. You llBY wish to trade your eqiuflTEilt \.Jith canrmnes or individuals . Tradenet recieves a lOlo cash cannission on the retail. value of any trade ••• or, at their discretion, could receive goods or services equal to 1.5% retail value of the trade, The Conputer Exchange This service charges a service fee that nust be pre~d before the canputer related harm..are is placed oo their rffi. For example, for $2C01 to $'UD, cost is a fee of $75. !my type of canputer is fine. The listing stays active with Conputer Exchange tmtil your equiflTEilt is sold or you cancel the listing. They att:anpt to locate a buyer as soon as possible. FD fux f:i£34 Seattle, HA ~1ffi 1-20)...246-2851 Canputer Exchange' 2702 Hancock Dr. Austin, 1X 78731 voice 512-4.54-7486 data 512-451-2065 roc. Consigmmt and cash OO.sis. fuys old TI equiflTEilt. Has 100J ft. of floor s~ce for display of a large variety of used. At this nnst of the custarers are leasing clients. Ihlphi 's llita <h-line Exchange ~lphi claims to have nnre than 1W brokers & vendors Riverside, CA 925)3 nationwide and 100J's of others offic 714-3.54-2020 that have subscrital to their on-line canputer exchange. They have a central canputer that has a data 00se conta.:ining "virtually every ldnd of canputer and peripteral oo the rmrket". ~lini 1s, Hicros and H:rinfrnres, Big and smll, new and used. To join you call ~lphi-llita and give your name, address, VISA/t,bsterCard mmber and tlx=y will sign you up. Nonmll y the Hardware and Software Exchanges are each $34/yr but during a current subscriptio n drive you get both for $31-l/yr. They also have a ''C~y Profile" and you can find out all ldnds of interesting things, like lnv long they 1ve been in business, lnv lffiilY anployees, etc, After ~ying a subscriptio n fee there is no further charge to access the systen. 3425 ~~dawview Dr. Digital Equip!EI1t Corp. tHI ~brrirrac, data1~24 9 Called Dlll1ART, this finn sells factory refurbished canputer equifi!H1t. Like rust bulletin boards it is rrenu operated. Info listed with the iten includes {rut mrnber, refurbished cost, technical description, installation charge if any, and \~1ffi available for delivery. You can either order or leave a rressage for a sales representativ e to contact you. All equiprent ~with docrnentation and a <))day \oJaiTanty. lb./ does tre written \lOrd COll{m'e with the electronic? Very favorably at this tine. 1he vast najority of .Airerica has yet to discover the electronic narketplace. lb~ver current subscribers to data lases are enrolling by tre hundreds every day of the \o.eek. It see1s likely that tre advantages of canputerization will bring dranatic dl8Ilges within the earring IIDilths. ere example can be illustrated by a ne\v CaiJIXUlY t n.B.C. Trading .Co. t with their current effort to enlist advertisers on treir new electonic BBS. ~ form.ila of these entre~s, is to let people access a data OOnk at oo expense. ~y claim 25 million canputer users are ready, willing, and able to access treir net\\Ork and therefore it is tre JIDSt cost effective solution avilable to reach potential sub..<oi.bers. ~J:it:OOut a doubt the o..,rners a.1J.Sion great potential and it is their view tlnt tre tinE is right for electronic advertising to stand on its 0\·Jil IIErit. For nnre infOillBtion on B.n.c, Trading Co., call or write: .Airerica' s Infornntion Net\\Ork 1818 So. State College Blvd. Ste.#215 AnaLeim, California 92.8)) 1-m-691-9169 Serious electronic shopping can be done at Canp-lg)tore \vhid1 is a branch of Canpu-U-Card of Anerica. Since 1973 this firm has sought quotes fran dozens of nanufacturers , retailers, and wmlesalers. The result is an impressive list of brand Il£lllE products totaling over :D,<XD. Traditionally trese products have teen ordered by phone but what better way to access a canputerrized list tlnn \vith tre canputer?! Avalable 24 tx>urs a day, for a $25 yearly dnrge, you can \<.ffilder thru a \dde range of categories including nusical, sporting, electronic, canEra and nany nnre. 10 Frequently this efficient nethod of shopping gives price benefits and srne itars IIBY be rrarked down S(Jlo fran tre retail cost. H:mbers recieve a 1ID11thly newsletter at no cost and IDY no hook-up tine 'vhen online. For canplete details contact: O:inpu-thstore l....ff.0-243-<Xm 100ugh the thrust of Canpu-U-Store is for ne1., products, the sane principle is at \'.Ork with used itans. Thu large camercic'll dataroses offer nmns to advertise your used equi~t. A subsidiary of IW this 1972 finn has J:erhaps tre largest microcqnputer following in the 1-ffi)...848...8 States and offers a ldde range of features including the nmns to advertise your used hanh..are. It is also one of the least ex{alSive camercial dataroses available. ConpuServe ~ Arlington Center lbulevard, Columbus, arlo 432X> Source Telecanputing Corp. l....ff.0-336-TIX) Using several Prine IIBinfrarres the Source has a nmu operated bulletin lxm'd called FQ)f that contains dozens of categories including hardl..are and ooftv.are sales. A detailed explanation of mw CanpuServe and the Source \\'Ork is beyond the scope of this guide. \Je suggest for a very thorough mderstanding of OO.V to {mtici(Ete as a novice in the electronic l!BIY.etplace 'The O::mplete Handlxxk of Persoilc'll Oluputer Camunications" by Alfred Glossbrermer, St. H:rrtin 's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, Ne~.,r York, N.Y. 10010. 11 Microcomputer Brokers While ~ nunber of U.S. mini and I!Binfrane used canputer brd<ers is aboot six hundred, there are, by canJmi.son, mly. a handfull of brokers involved in micro canputers. Hmy of tlnu are selling ~ micro as just ooe nnre product fran a large and · will. known IIBilllfacturer. A mi.crocailputer sale offers less r~ to a brd<er or dealer yet still damnds the sane level of expertise and support that a larger and nnre canplex sale wul.d require. lvany used equipoont brd<ers think~ sml.l sale is mre difficult because you have to doo1 with~ uninitiated. In other w:>rds, a data processing IIBMger or purchasing agent of a large firm will frequently 1<naoJ exactly \oA'lat ~Y want and that's not true for the average individual microcanputer lx.lyer. This is not to say that mre sopri.stication in the sm1.l canputer ·used nmi<etplace w:>Uld oot be appre.dated. The tEED ill1RJJ.'ER <IJIIE is itself an attanpt to illun:inate ~ used narketplace and bring attention to saJE new, and JE'haJB better, nethods of condocting a used equiJliEilt sale. fuspite ~activity in electronic sropping for used equiJllBlt, ~ mjority of sroppers 'v.i.ll want to examine equiJllBlt first hand. All of ~ following have canputers on display. &::me can also roast electronic lcl.letin 1:mrds to keep custrners up to date on rurrent listings. Not surprising!y, equiJllBlt can be purchased at ~ "going rate" 1 fran ooe of the following brd<e:rS but to sell your used hanh..are nmns dis::ounting tJ1e price. &d<ers offer a valuable convience that is Jlrld for by this .dis::ounting. MS 849 Hobinson lBne Boulder City I NV a<X05 Altos, Televidoo used. l-702-293-'!ff)7 12 Anc.lx>r Canputer Syst:aiS 323 1st S. Seattle, HA 'U1e first retailer of rooderate size to join the used canputer nnrket. \ three CCJII(liDY 01-med stores they present one of the nnst important ~21-9?JJ7 options for a Nort.h\-est starving. for used equiprent da:llers. President Alan Conlin, says the damnd is growing faster than the supply. Condn acinits to giving trade in val!.X:! less than what could ~tines be recieved in a private sale but ~ people don't \\allt to go to the trouble, Aurora Canputer Peripherals !JJl Aurora Ave. Suite E Aurora, Illinois ro.'n5 l-312-859-24Xl Takes trade-ins m Apple, Franklin, Can(x:tq, Coltmbia, Fagle (They refurbish and service the used equip!Blt before resale.) Canputer & Office Epuiprent Brokers 1020 Post Rd. llirien, cr (X)SX) l-203-655-7CX>l Canputer Ramrt 115 Mv Glisan Portland, CR 972fJ) .w-227-3710 Canputer Reruns 2337 ~1. Stadilill Arbor, Hichigan 48lffi 313-994-4%9 Canputer Station, Inc. #1 D.ianpnd lilk.e Rd. Hinneapolis, t-N 55419 612-ff>l-5529 Canputer Surplus Pox 4246 Ttm.ater, \VA <l3:D1 1-n>-352-1348 13 1l=als with IIDSt DJJde1.s of rnicrocanputer, Buys, sales and leases. OL\ .nenber. This finn has a store front where they display your equiJIIBlt m a consignnent hlsis. All types of ·canputers 1but a preference for micros. Handles all micros. Consigmmt and cash offers. Sells through their Ann store front. Offers ?fJ day warranty and service center. a wide variety of har<:h..are, specializing in TI, TIM, and equiprent priced under $10,00). ffO ft. of store for display. In muse data !:me. \Vi.ll pay cash in sare cases. Pays cash for a variety of old generation equiprent including Altair, Imsai, CIS, Cr<lillOCo, or ~msur6!Eilt Syst:arB S-100 cards. Aloo Persci, Tandon, Pamisks, VB3, Fpson Printers, aa., and other letter quality or mtrix printers. G1e of ~ bigger outfits that deals in micro equiJliE!lt in ~ nation. Concept-11 Retail <lltlets This finn could be of special interest to ~ mid-south and pr~ to be a large force in used canputer reailing. 'Irey offer a full range of support for the buyer including WUTill1ties and i.n--hoqse or nail-in reiffir service. Brokerage, rentals, leasing, and cash offers for used equiJliE!lt all play a (m"t of Concept-11 's ~on plans. .Arrqngenents for a branch ~y, such as ~ one ·listed bel<M, are available to sincere entrepreneurs that qualify. 1822 E. Abram St. Arlingtion, TX 7W10 817-861-2222 Concept-11 P.etail <lltlets ro P.ox 913 (Branch outlet for aoove head office) Henderson, KY 7W10 ':IJ2-ill.7-25JJ Interstate Canputer funk Pays cash for Apples, CSbourne, Kaypro, TIN, Xexox 820, DOC, Eagles. (And other popular canputers) Fotmded in M:rrch, 83' ~y purchase nuch of their equiJliE!lt fran corporations and retailers to sell in ~ store and by nail order. The fi.nls owners claim ~y intentional selected a site where 14 canputer stores are witlrin 12 blocks of each other. Average purchase price is about ~ percent of nmi<et value and 103 sells tlan at a 20 to 40 percent narkup. This price can be effected by the arrnmt of rep:rir \\Ork done on then before resale. 'Ire owners have ramrked that nost of ~ equiJliE!lt is sold within t.\\0 \\eeks of purchase. 'Ih::! largest seller at this tine is the Apple lie. ICB offers a CX>-day warranty for (m"tS and labor as \..cll as an extended warranty at a cost of 14 percent of the canputer 1s purchase price. 381 First St. P.ox 5193 loo Altos, G\ 94022 1-415-949-2558 ~1icro1:md Exd~ange 12 Elkland Rd. H~ville, NY 11747 516-491-llal fuys and sells Apple, IJ:Ivl FC, Chnpaqs, CSoomes, NEIS, Se:i.kos, Franklins, Altos, Northstar, Texas Inst.r\J!alts, Tele Video, Tandy, 14 Hyperions, ~bc.intosh, Victor, E(a.>n, Colunbia, Eagle, Disk Drives, M:xlenB, Printers. · · Nelson Canputers 233 \v. 42nd St. New York, NY 10036 m1 R:, 'ffiS.-00, 03bourne, Apple and sells the S<JTE. 1-212-595-0)28 National lhl:imited Bt!s. SystenB Inc. 1-914-ffA--2828 fuys cash for: t-rn, Vector, NEC, Astra, Apple, CamnJore (Printers): Centronix, Diablo, Ckidata, Epson Scientific Canputer SystenB Inc. lhulder, Colorado President; f~\o.Brd O...ens. 1981 Sells on consignnent. Scientific Canputer ropes to becrne the first nationwide chaln of used canputer stores. Typically charges l<ffo to 31% of asking price. Sout:ffi..est Canputer Exchange 9931 Haruin #110 Hmdles all micros, printers, nndenB, disk drives, and other Houston, Te'<88 77a!Jj canputer related equip!B'lt qt a 713-952..{)286 consigment rosis. Offers a full range of support for the buyer including \\mTIIIlties and nnintenance contracts. leasing arrangarents also available. The owners are planning on gro.ving into a major force in used computer retailing. · Used Canputer Exchange Buys all microcanputers, tmticularly Apples, Till, Kaypro, CIN and ~S IXB 1-202-337-l:m machines. fuys nationally over the telephone, receiving the canputers UfS cro. Pays shipping costs in nnst cases. fuys cash for 11'0.'3t canputers, but will accept on consignrrent those they uJn' t buy. Hill buy larger quantities, and canputers in need of repair. Sells rmstly locally, but will occasionally ship outside imrediate aroo. 4540 ~kArther Blvd. - Suite \Vashington OC, '2JJJJ7 15 n \·Jestern Pacific llita Systans 7373-E Engineer Rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Texas Inst:ruient Buy/Sell micro or mini 1-619-292-7~ If you neei1 to sell used equiprent without having tie advantage of camonly traded and popular nnkes, then one of tie above dealers nay l:e t:re only realistic rrrnns to sell. \Vhy? Because its ouch easier to narket d1e "off t:re \£ill" equi{llEilt by live damnstations. The average {:el'SOil will mt purchase used equiprent by nail tmless he or she is alrrody quite familiar with tie prodoct. Even if you don't have an IIN FC you prooobly know quite abit by being banOOrded \vith advertising. That is mt true for tie vast najority of microcanputers for sale. Houldn't it be nice to have srne Hay of knowing tre approxinBte cost of any given systan? Fnter tre tEED CUlfUIER aJIDE. ·•···- * * * * * Software Brokers A.l.nnst all soft\..are is quite legal to resale tie original copies lllt it depends entirely on tre conditions of tre sale. At this time t:re true used sofn..are brd<er is a rarity. \k expect tie practice to gr<M but nnst oofa..are is mt sold independant of tie equiprent. Should sara::>ne wish to l:egin t:re business of resaling used microcanputer oofa..are it \<.Ould l:e advisable to consider only t:re nnst popular programs. What follo.-JS are reputed to l:e srne of tie best selling progranE in early 1984. Top Applications Soft\..are (Nicro) 1. 1-2-3 2. FSF:Graph 3. dfuse-11 4. PSF:File 5. Ceneral Accounting 6. VisiTrend/Plot Lotus Development Software Publishing Ashton-Tate Sofa-ru-e Publishing PPI Systans VisiCorp 16 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. VisiChl.c Nultipla n ffif:Graph hbrdstar Peachtre e Accounting Sofnm-e VisiCorp Hicroso ft Sofb..are Publishi ng HicroPro Internat ional Prnchtre e It \>.Ollld be \\ell advised for oofom-e brokers to handle ooly the rrnre Jnpular programs. Top Utility Sofom-e 1. ffif:file 2. Hicroso ft Pasic 3. Visi en Sofb..are Publishi ng Hicroso ft VisiCorp Top SystEm:; Control 1. HS/IXE 2. CP/H 3. Apple IXE 4. Concurrent CP/H-86 Gennaro Coote 2522 Holland Ave &onx, NY 10467 1-212-7%-'Eh4 (Hicro) (Hicro) Nicroso ft Digital Research Apple Ccmputer Digital Research Apple Public furain Software at $12 per disk includin g telecam unicatio ns, ganES, chanistry, utilitie s, astronan y and rrnre. Softrade rs Internat ional 1610 Sharuker Dr. ~1urphysboro, IL 6'29:h 618-687-47Cf) ~btches urers w:mting to exchange originc'll disks and dOCUI1Eiltation. They offer tmlimite d trading opJX)rtunities thru \o.Orldwide net\\ork with quarterl y director ies and l!Dnthly up:!ates. Send systan descript ion, titles of prograns you have and want plus return JX)Stage. Su~nmrket Pox~ Software ID Sidney, 17 m 45365 See ~cxlicals. At this~ only ~S-IX£ software is bought and sold. Pays about :?LVo of retail list price and sells for 10i~ to 15% nmkup. Popular progr<m3 at this tine. Also will trade for original disks and docliiiEJ1tation. Trade Broder, Inc. ro PDx 1194 ~cer Island, WA <JD40 l-2IX:r-232-77(J) United Canputer 1-Ff'f)JfJ2-7m . u.s. 1-ffi).-992-8888 CA 1-aD-823-MOO L.A. They have advertised interest in buying dealer inventory at reduced prices. They are \\Orth rentioning because of their novel approoch of renting sofb..are. Video Replay l<.Xl E. 23rd St Arllington Station, NY 11746 fh:lne 1-515-673-7237 Video Replay buys and sells old gane cartridges. Coleco, Intellivision are included~ They buy at about Wo retail value. \.Je hope to add to this smll list as the possibilities becaoo clear to entrepreneurs. Software brokerage is a new concept. 18 Micro Prices Section 1 - Evaluatioo Fornula ••• A large JX>rtion of tie pricing is taken fran examples within our own network of used equiprent infonrntion. Publistffi ads in local and national nagazines as \\ell as contact with tie third narket were useful in price detenrrination. This is not to say that \..e did not resort to an "estinated" used value if he deternrined tie statistical 00se to srnll or appeared exaggerated. . How did \..e arrive at a value wla1 sane IJIXIels hold a minor role in tie narketplace? Tie first step \IRS to detenrrine tie perfonrnnce cap:1bilities. Dr. Roger t'ii:!len, 'vho 1-elped found Crrnaoco, has suggested tie follo.ving l-ridely used fornula: c R D H=- x-- x-1((1( 2Cro 64K R equals RAN caplcity, D equals disk caplcity, and C equals display ch:rracters. By taking tle value of H and relating it · to tie price, useful caflplrism of tie hardware cap:1bilities can be nade. The higher H is, tle nnre cap:1ble tle equiprent. Considerations that next follo...ed in accordance with our on :importance are: CRJ characteristics, operating systen, software availability, narket trends, features and quality of IIBI1ufacture. If tie product has narre recognition, it is IIDre valuable •. Chl.y a handful of nanufacturers can cla:im this bonus. vie~.,rs By far tte najority are actual sale prices advertised in tle narketplace :ilnrediately proceeding tle publication of tle ClJIDE. Should· you desire canplete infonrntion on any of tle nndels that follow, \..e \oJOUld be happy to do sane free detailed research for subcribers of tle CIJIDE. As a rule of thunb a nndel that is no longer IIBI1ufactured sells for 25 to 45% of tle orginal purchase price. If tley are still a current nndel tte average price will approxinately be fran 45 to 65% of tle current list price. Sore exceptions of very JX>pular nukes sell for as III.ICh as SO% of list price. 19 Section 2 - Ihr to use ••• 11~ 'list Price' is not the lista:l ret.cill price but is tre l01..est available quote \..e have seen published by any qualified sales organizatio n. If you {m"cMse at full list price,you are protably r-aying a pranium. (Saret:ines this is a good idea to gain needed services and support). 1 #4/82' saret:ines found after the H::xlel, this is an example tm first systan \ installed. of tffi date 'ffi' shCJ\.Js available Operating Systans for that m:xlel. one is included with the price. •au• Wy is the Central Processer that carre with that npdel. 'RAN' slnJS first lv.v nu:h namry with the specified m:xlel, and if a second figure is present, what car-aclty for that m:xlel. 'Storage' indicates what cares specificall y \v.ith that price. 'Ports 1 -were include to help configurati on. For each nndel listed tffire are nurerous configurati ons. If a different configurati on is in qrestioo you lv.ill have to use your judgment on row nu:h to add or subtract fran our used price. Typically a systan will include a rron:i.tor, keyboard, one or t.w:> disk drives, and tffi au. If the seller has accurulated a large sofnare library it will of course add to the price. Section 3 - Price list ••• 20 <· <· ·=· § ·> § < < ·=· § ·=· <• ·=· Micro Price Directory <• : Access Matrix Corp. l'1xlel: Attache (portable) CB: CP/M 2.2 CRJ: 'Zf5JA Storage: Che 5.25' 1 floppy Acorn Canputer l'1xlel: Acorn CB:CP/M CRJ: Two 6502 > <· <* List: 2500 Used: 1195 t1:nnry: 64 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/1 par List: 995 Used: 856 t1:nnry: 32 Action Computer Enterprises l'1xlel: Discovery 500 #12/82 List: 6500 Used:329) CB: CP/M, .tvhlti-User IIC/CB, Netwrk IIC/NEf CRJ: 'Zf5JA t1:nnry: 64/1CXX) Storage: Che 5.25" 64a<b Ports: 2/2 ser, 1/1 Che 5.25 1CMb Hard Disk > The systan is designed around the IEEE 696/S-100 bus with a multiprocesso r archetecture, Chly one ~d is required for each user. Supports up to 7 users, can use ff:Efl/ea37 as processor. Actrix Computer Corporation M:x:lel: Actrix #5/83 List: 2200 Used: 1005 CB: CP/N CRJ: 'Zf5JA t1:nnry: 64 Storage: Tho 5,25" 18:1(b each Ports: 2 ser.,1 par.,1 IEE'A88 w/printer, rn:xlan, keyboard, and CRT l'1xlel: Actrix I13 List: 259) Used: 1575 w/ Two 5.25" JffKb (optional F5.B8 co-processor w/256K) Advanced Computer Design t1xlel: List: 4:DJ Used: 2350 CB: U:SD Pascal Version 3.A and Advanced Pascal CRJ: \vestern Digital 16--bit furory: RAM 64 Storage: Two 8" lNb Ports: 1 RS-232 21 Advanced Electroni cs llisign Model: Freeport ffi: Proprieta ry (Multi-User 7) CRJ: lSI 11/23 Storage: Che 5.25" floppy List: 1sa:D Used: 5600 t-'erory: 256 Ports: 1 ser, 1/8 par Advanced Micro Digital fvbdel: Super Systan List: 2675 Used: IW5 Operation Systan: CP/M, CP/NET, MP/M, TurbolXB cru: zoo (4MHz) M:m:>ry: 64 Storage: 1 DO floppy and 1 Winchester Ports: Al F.Jectronics CoqX?ration Model: AOC-24 ffi: lXBKEr, CP/M, MP/M, OCSD CRJ: n/a Storage: two 5.25" 32CKb Model: AOC-26 Storage: two 8" 1.1:Mb List: n/a Used: n/a M:m:>ry: n/a Ports: 2 ser. , 1par. , 1 IEEE-488 List: n/a Used: n/a Model: ai-M16 Systan List: n/a OP: M:>-JXB, .GENIX CRJ: En36 M3mry: 512 Storage: one 8" LIMb and Ports: one 5" Winchester Hard Disk (7 .i:Mb) Used: n/a ~Micro Model: ~1000 FF #6/82 OP: CP/M, Multi-User AMl:l/L CPU: ~100 (8 MHz) Model:~1000 Model:~1000 Model:~10Xl 58.':D M3mry: 128/348 VvJ (10Mb hard disk) WF VWF List:8750 Model: ~1010 03: CP/M, Multi-User AMl:l/L CPU: WXD (8 t-IIz) Storage: one 5,2511 384Kb floppy one 5. 25" Hard Disk •i:Mb Used: 2350 Used:3410 Used:3470" Used:3625 List: 10, 250 Used: 3025 ~ry: 128/348 16 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 parallel 22 M:xlel: M-1ax> EMV list: 15,ax> Used:40~ M:xlel: M-1ax> EVF (has printer) list:16,166 Used:43~ M:xlel: M-1031 list:18,500 Used:3375 > The At-1-lcmE family's nerory can expand to 5121<. Inbusiness since Mrrch of 1977, the COJllliDY offers integrated SJBll business canputer systans, the M-1axJE being the latest series. Als{Xl Canputer Inc. M:xlel: ACI-1/SS CE:CP/M CFU: 'ZPJ)A Storage: Che 5.25" Altos M:xlel: A03 anJ-2 CE:CP/M CFU: 'ZPJ)A Storage: oo 811 (~each) M:xlel: A03 anJ-15. CE:CP/M CFU: 'ZPJJA Storage: oo 8" (1Mb total) M:xlel: A03 anJ-10 CE: CP/M, Multi-User NP/M CFU: 'ZPJJA Storage: Che 8" (SOCKb) Che 8" (l<Jv1b) list: 2CU) Used: 1005 M.:m>ry:64 Ports: 1/3 ser, 1/1 {Xlr list: 36~ Used: 1700 M.:m>ry:64 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 {Xlrallel list: 4fiJJ Used: 1670 M.:m>ry 64/2!J3 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 {Xlrallel list: 5CXD Used: 2820 M.:m>ry:208 Ports: 6 RS-232, 1 {Xlrallel list: 7(U) Used: 3360 M:xlel: A03 anJ-12 CE: CP/M, Multi-User MP/M M.:m>ry: 208 CFU: 'ZPJJA Ports: 6 RS-232, 1 Jmallel Storage: Cbe 8" ( 50CKb) Che 8'' Hard Disks ( 2<Jv1b) M:xlel: l'bdel: M:xlel: M:xlel: 23 A03 anJ-14 500-10 (16-bit) 586-40 (16-bit) MIU-4 list: sffXl Used: 4110 List: 4ffi) Used: 2220 list: sax> Used: 3995 List: 2400 Used: 1370 > All of the 8.XX) family are ZOOA tnsed canputers with six RS232-C serial ports and one 8-bit parallel port. Current sales munber about 25,CXXllillk:ing than relatively popular. Tile systaJE will support fran one to four people. Apollo Canputer Inc. MJdel: rn xo CD: AEGIS ffiJ: Vl.SI Storage: Che 8" floppy List: lm'D Used: 6585 fuoory:512/lW Ports: l/2 ser Apple Canputer Inc. The importance of this microcomputer in the used narketplace is second to none. Over 1, 100,())) Apples sold in different versions make this the king of used microcomputers. Apple 11e is an enhanced version of the Apple 11 and is compatible with nearly all software and hardware for the Apple 11 (Plus) that ,it replaces. The Apple Story ••• Hard to believe that Hewlett-Packard, when presented with the design plan by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, turned it down. They were on the staff of Atair and Hewlett-Packard in Cupertino, California and in their spare tine they constructed the crude prototype of the Apple micro. As nanbers of a group of computer enthusiasts called the Harebrew Computer Club they were able to build about 100 units (in the celebrated Wozniak's parents garage), which they sold to the club nanbers at a profit. After obtaining funding and narketing via the firm of A.C. M:rrkkula, the Apple 11 was born. Apple is now a billion dollar plus per year company. 24 Model: lle #1/83 ffi: Prop CRJ: 6.':02 Storage: One 5.25 Model: Apple 11 Plus ffi: OCD 3.3 CFU:6.':02 Storage: One 5.25" (14a<b) Model: APPLE 111 #00' ffi: S1) CFU: 6.':02 Storage: One 5.25" (14a<b) list: 1400 Used: 810 M3mry: 64/128 Ports: 0/1 ser, 0/1 par list: n/a Used: 7(J} M3mry: 32/48 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 parallel list: 2W Used: 1495 M3mry: 128/256 Ports: 1 RS-232 Model: USA #7/83 list: @5 Used: 4120 ffi: USA CFU: ffiXD M3mry: 1024/2<W3 Storage: '00 5.2511 (OOl<b each) Ports: 2 RS-232, .1 parallel Che 5. 2511 Hard Disk ( .'Ml) MJnitor: 720x:.!ffJ Includes rrouse. The cost of the Usa 1s six-pact of integrated software applications is about a additional $1200. Model: USA 2 list: 3495 Used: ffi: USA (claim M3--IXE will be available soon) CRJ: ffiXD M3mry: 512K/1MB Storage: One 3.25" floppy 3310 Model: USA 2/5 (external .'Ml HD) list: Model: USA 2/10 (internal 1CMb fiD) list: 5495 Used: 5410 Model: Mlcintosh #1/84 ffi: au: ffiXD 1 8 M-Iz Storage: One 4(X]( floppy list: 2495 Used: 2435 t1:rrory: 128K/256K in 1985 w/mv 9" MJnitor and rrouse > A IIBXimum of 512K might exist when 256K RAM chips are available. In the advanced factory of Apple's, a t1lcintosh is built 25 . every 27 seconds. Much of Apple's future is invested in the success or failure of the M:lcintosh. Apple claims that they have produced a canputer that is so simple to l!Bintain and use that it \v:ill not require the traditional repair work identified \v:ith rrnst canputers. Applied Digital Iata SystEmS M:xie1: Multivision 3 List: 12825 Used: 3815 CD: Ml.lli CRJ: IU35 Storage: Che 5.25" Applied Technology Ventures M:xiel: 1 1'1mlry: 256 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/2 par List: 640) CD: CP/M Used: 2820 CRJ: ZOOA 1'1mlry: 64 Storage: Che floppy and one lCMb liD Archives M:xiel: 1 List: 6500 Used: 2200 ffi:CP/M CRJ: ZOOA M.=nory: 64 Storage: oo 386Kb floppies Atari Inc. M:xiel: lflJ CD: Proprietary CRJ: 6'3J2 list: 300 1'1mlry: 16 Used: 85 10 M:xiel: 8J) M:xiel: 1200 XL List: 670 List: 9X) Athena O:mputer and Electronics M:xiel: Athena 1 List: 32'3J Used: 2170 ffi: CM/M CRJ: NSC ffi) (oo) Storage: Che 5.25" Portable Used: 120 Used: 220 l"Erory: 196/1CXX) IU1 12 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/1 par 26 Avera M::xJel: CS-1220 CB: CP/M-&) CFU: n/a List: 57UD Used: 1CXID !'1:m:>ry: 256 Storage: Cbe 512Kb floppy and one 1CMb HD &sis M::xJel: fusis-100 list: 2Cffi Used: 1450 CB:CP/M CFU: ZOO, 6502 Billings M::xJel: IC-12FD CB: IDS CFU: ZOOA list: :llX) list: 1005 !'1:m:>ry: RAM 56K PRCM 8K Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 Parallel Storage: Tho 5.25" 315Kb M::xJel: 100 Computer System M:xlel: W System 11 M::xJel: ffiJ) System 11 Model: 6000 System Xll list: list: list: list: Blackhawk Computer Systems M::xJel: Blackhawk 111 list: 4W CB:CP/M CFU: ZOO :llX) 3375 SJXX) 7CXXl Used: Used: Used: Used: 865 1100 2150 3100 Used: 2W !'1:m:>ry: 64 Storage: 1\..Q 312Kb floppies M::xJel: Blackhawk 1V list: 8W Used: 3945 OC Canputer M::xJel: 00/20 list: 2COO Used: 1315 M::xJel: 20A M::xJel : 20B CB: CP/M (Digital Research), MP/M CFU: ZOOA list: n/a Used: n/a List: 6450 Used: 2420 !'1:m:>ry: 128 Storage: TWJ 5.25" 4al<b floppies w/intergal printer and color IIDnitor. (~nichrare on mxiel A) 27 Burroughs t1:xlel: t1:xlel: M.xlel: M.xlel: M.xlel: B21-11S 1321-3 821-4 B21-5 B22 (without HD) list: list: list: list: list: 3XO 10000 14CU> 1920) 11070 Business Operating Systems M.xlel: M-2 t1:xlel: M-10 M.xlel: M-28 M.xlel: M-44 t1:xlel: M-46 list: list: List: list: list: 4620 Used: 2465 7<XD Used: 43.'n 8ffD Used: 4320 ucm Used: 5940 9120 Used: 4520 Bytronix M.xlel: Series Jvbdel: Series M.xlel: Series M.xlel: Series M.xlel: Series List: list: list: List: list: 4675 .'nX> 3995 64."n 79.'n W 5.'n 1ax>A 400) .'nX> Cado Systans M:xlel: C.A.T. 111 CB: Multi-User CAOO CRJ: 0035 Storage: one 8" 2.Ll1b t.wD 5.25" furd Disks M.xlel: C.A.T. 1 w/2 floppies M:xlel: Systan 20/24 M:xlel: Systan 20/28 (3 CIR) California Canputer Systems M.xlel: Calstar CB: Proprietary CRJ: f'M1) Storage: Two 811 Callan futa Systems M.xlel: Unistar 20) Used: Used: Used: Used: Used: 17'.!fJ 5140 7120 .<XD5 6620 Used: Used: Used: Used: Used: 1720 17(:() 1370 1ffi5 2810 List:15,cro Used: 2ffX) tvarory: 64/% 4K Ports: 2 RS-232 (1~) List: 93<Xl Used: 48.'j) list: 239.'n Used: 7435 List: 392<Xl Used: 14230 List: 27':/J Used: 1(R) Marory: 126/256 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/1 par list: 13W Used: 8l.'n 28 03: UNIX 111 CHJ: ffiXD M:nory: 512/lCXX> 64 Storage: Che 5.25" & one Hard Disk Ports: 4 par 82~ Used: 37~ M:xlel: Unistar 100 List: Canon lliA --M:xlel: A&-laM List: L,CXX> Used: 1775 ffi: CP/M-86 CHJ: Bl38 Storage: oo 5.25" 1.2&1b M:nory: RAM 128/512 Ports: 4 RS-232, 1 Parallel M:xlel: CX:-1 List: .'UD Used: 6~ Casio M.xlel: FX-9XXJP List: lOX) Used: W a;: CA-BASIC CHJ: ZFJJA cai!jEtible Century Canputer M.xlel: 8200 03: CP/M-816, t1llti-User MP/M CHJ: al35 Storage: oo 8" ( LMb) M:nory: 12/24 List: L,CXX> Used: 3100 M:nory: RAM 128/1024 Ports: 4 RS-232, 1 Parallel M.xlel: Vanguard a:xD List: .'UD User: Storage: Che 8" (1Mb) and one 5.25" Hard Disk (~) 37~ Centurion List:l2,3~ Used:37~ M:xiel: Microplus ffi: MICIDUJS, Multi-User COOURICN (3) CHJ:Prinary 6 M:nory: RAM 128/512 Storage: one 811 Hard Disk (3J1b) Ports: 8 RS-232 List: 18100 Used: 44CJJ M.xlel: 5200 03: CENIURICN, t1llti-User COOURICN CHJ: CRJ.-{) M:nory: 128/512 Storage: Che 8" (1.2 Mb) Ports: 1 RS-232 Che 8" Hard Disk (24Mb) 29 Olarles River Lata Systems 1'1xle1: fusic Universe fB/27 List: 15200 Used: 8730 03: lm (UNIX can) M2rrory: '&/2fJ:JJ Storage: <he Mb floppy & 16Mb HD Ports: 2 ser, 1 {XIT M:xle1: fusic Universe fB/47 List: 21500 Used: 10335 Orran:1tic s M:xlel: a; Series list: S<XDt Used: 3420t a;: CP/M, IDRIS CRJ: HllJJ CIE Systems Inc. M:xlel: 600/10 List: Lj8X) Used: 3440 03:UNIX 1ll,RB1JU JS CRJ: 6aXD M:m:>ry: 128 Storage: Che 5.25 mini-flop py Ports: 3 ser, 1 {XIT Che 1CMB Wincheste r Hard Disk M:xlel: 600/2D 03: Multi~ser RffiJUJS CFU: 6aXD Storage: Che 5.25" (.':D]{b) Che 5.25'' (H.Nb) M:xlel: 600/30 03: Multi~ser REUJI.lJS List: 10400 Used: 4WJ M:m:>ry: '&/512 Ports: 4 RS-232, 4 RS-422 list: llCXXl Used: 5120 CFU: 68CXD Mm:>ry: '&/768 PRCM 2 Storage: Che 5.25" (.':D]{b) Ports: 4 RS-232, 1 {XIral1el Che 5.25" Hard Disk (1CNb) 1'1xle1: 600/40 Codata Systems M:xlel: 3XO 03: UNIX CRJ: 6aXD Storage: Che 5.25" & one liD Coleco Industrie s Inc. Model: Adam List: 12<XD Used: 5950 list: 7f5JJ Used: 3'XD Mm:>ry: 32D/1500 Ports: 1/10 ser List: ffi) Used: 515 30 a;: Coleco-pr oprietary C'FU: ~ry: Storage: tape drive w/ Colonial llita Products Inc SB-ffi 03: CP/M, Multi-User MP/M CRJ: 'ZEIJA Storage: 1\vo 8" (1.2Mb total) ~bdel : ~el: SB-ffi/4-34D (four user) Ill< Pr, Ky List: 2795 Used: 1680 ~ry: RAM 64 Ports: 2 RS-232, 2 prrallel List: 159)) Used: 4820 Cohnnbia llita Products ~el: MFC 1Ei.D-VP 03: CP/M-86, EIHERNEf CRJ: a:m Storage: 1\vo 5.25" (320Kb each) ~el: MFC 1Ei.D-1 03:CP/M,EIHERNEf CRJ: a:m List: 2650 Used: 2250 ~ry: RAM 128/256 Ports: 1 RS-232, 1 prrallel List: 34CO Used: 2220 ~ry: Storage: 1\vo 5.25" (320Kb each) 128/1024 IIDf 12 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 prrallel t--bdel: MFC 1(:(D...4 List: :axJ Used: 24<.X) Q3: CP/M-86, EUIERNET CRJ: a:m ~ry: 128/1024 PRCM 12 Storage: Ole 5.25" (32CKb) Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 prrallel ilie 5.25" Hard Disk (l::Nb) O:mrodore ~el: VIC 20 03: .t--bdel : PEr 4032 ~el: MAX ~el: 64 ~el: 0032 ~el: Canrodore Executive 64 31 List: 00 Used: 50 List: List: List: List: List: n/a n/a n/a 995 Used: Used: Used: Used: Used: 320 48 394 695 Carqxlc Microelectronics Inc. List: lOCCD Used: 1(1)45 M:x!el: CH:IDXB systan 03: UNIX M=m:>ry: 512Kb CFU: Zilog 200)1 Storage: Cbe floppy and one 2CMb Winchester (basic systan) Canpal Canputer Systans M:xlel: 8200 03:CP/M au: zro Storage: Cbe 5.25" C'.mpuPro G:xlbout M:xlel: 8l6A 03: CP/M-00, CP/H-86 CFU: ro35 8-bit and EUl8 16--bit Storage: Two 8" 1.2Hb floppies M:xlel: 816B List: WXD Used: 3LIOO M=m:>ry: 56/256 2 Ports: 1/1 ser List: 38j) Used: 2675 t1:lrory: l28Kb List: 5100 Used: 3465. 03:CP~~,CP~,~~ CFU: a:BS, 8135 Storage: 1\..o 8" 1.2Mb floppies M:xlel: 81EC 03: ~/M-86 (upto 16 users) CFU: ,. a:BB, a:B5 Storage: Two 8" 1.2Mb floppies M:xlel: 816D M=m:>ry: 192 List: 7frrJ . Used: 4715 M=m:>ry: 320 Ports: 9 ser, 9 par List: 101j) Used: 7410 CanpuSource Inc. M:x:lel: Abacus (Apple canp. port.) List: 2295 Used: 193) · 03: CP/M ( $299 option for CP/M) Mamry: 00 CFU: 6j)2 Storage: 1\..o 5.25" 145Kb floppies Canputer Distributors of Hawaii List: 8<X) Used: 555 M:x:lel: PC-8JR 03: CP/1'1 Mamry: 64 CFU: ZillA ( 4 M-Iz) available) wo/IIDnitor llBll)ry (bubble tape cassette Storage: 32 Canputhink List: 15670 Used: 10195 H:xiel: The Ha~ 32 CE: UNIX Marory: 128 CRJ: ffiXD Storage: Che mini-floppy and two 5.25" Winchester drives Convergent Technologies List: 18<XD Used: <xXl5 l'1xiel: Cf-2200 TI'16 Workstation a;: CIQ3 (Multi-User) Namry: 256 CRJ: OCB6 Storage: Che SOOKb floppy and one &1b Winchester Gorona l'1xiel: Goronal R: a;: 113--IX:B CRJ: I:U38 Storage: oo Used: 1920 M3mry: 128 5. 25" floppies Corvus SystEnB l'1xiel: 61 CE: USCD Pascal, CP/t1 Einulator CRJ: ffiXX) Storage: Che 8" floppy Crcm:m::o H::xlel: C10 Personal Canputer CE:CP/t1 CRJ: 'Zf5JA Storage: Che 5.25" 39JKb floppy l'1xiel: CS-1 l'1xiel: CS-2 fvbdel: CS-3 Custcxn Canputer Systans H:xlel: Exec Jr/80 03: single user CRJ: 'Zf5JA ( ~1-lz) Storage: Two 8" EiX](b floppies 33 List: 240) List: 6150 Used: 5195 Marory: 256/512 List: 1820 Used: 1410 Marory: 64 List: 3200 Used: 2405 List: 3750 Used: 2575 List: '::fill Used: 389) List: 2895 Used: 1595 Marory: 64/192 Ports: 4 ser futa General list: 7195 Used: 2<W tvbdel: Fnterpeise lCID ffi: au: micrcH>VA microprocessor .t1:m:>ry: Storage: '1\o mini-floppies (716Kb) futanac Canputer Systens M:xiel: 1200 ffi:(l>/M au: ZOOA Storage: Two mini-floppies M:xlel: 1265 M:xiel: till futanedia M:xiel: 932 ffi: PIO< list: 2fB) Used: 1LlD .t1:m:>ry: 64 Ports: 2 ser list: 4520 Used: 3340 list: 2fill Used: lllD list: 16740 Used: s<X>5 au: ffiXD .t1:m:>ry: 128 Storage: Cbe floppy and one 12.7Mb Winchester futapoint M:xiel: 1561 list: 57'3iJ Used: 2579 ffi: QJ/H, Hulti-User IXE.H, ARCNET au: ZOOA (Pr:inary) .t1:m:>ry: RAH 128 Storage: one 8" (1Mb) Ports: 5 RS-232 M:xiel: 1562 list: 57'3iJ . Used: 28<X> futa Tedmo1ogy Industries fvbdel: Associate ffi: (l>/M 3.0 list: 2495 Used: 1375 au: ZOOA Storage: '1\o 5.25" .3ffl< fvbdel: Assistant CPe .t1:m:>ry: 128/256 w/ 12" IIDnitor list: 1795 Used: 1525 ffi:CP/M au: ZOOA and ·6'3iJ3 Storage: '1\o 5.25 floppies .t1:m:>ry:64 w/62~y kb, 12" M:>nitor · 34 futa Tenninals & Cannunication Hodel: DIC Micro 210A a;: Proprietary au: Two tm5 Storage: Two 5.25" Digicanp Research M:xiel: DElHII 100 a;: TeleSoft-Ada, CP/M 2. 2 au: 6aXD ( prinEry) Storage: Che 8" floppy and 4CMb List: 89X) Used: 3120 tvemry: 64 2 Ports: 1/4 ser List: 13240 Used: 6935 tvemry: 256/1ENb Digilog Business SystEmS M:xiel: 1 (System 1a:D) List: 6900 Used: 3175 ffi: 'IUROOIX13 (Multi-User 15) CRJ: Zf5JA Maoory: 128 2 Storage: Che 820Kb floppy and one 5Mb Wenchester Digital Equipment M:xiel: DEC Rainbow 100 List: 2675 Used: 1595 a;: CP/M-a), CP/H-&J CT-U: coprocessors m38 and zro M::mJry: 64/256 Storage: Che mimi-floppies of 4aleb each Mbdel: Decrnate 11 List: 2675 ffi:CP/M au: 6120 (enhanced version of the PDP-8) Storage: Che 400Kb floppy Mbdel: Professional 325 ffi: P/ffi au: prop. (sanE as PDP-11/24 Storage: Two floppies Used: 1570 List: 3375 Used: 1810 tvemry: 256/512 M:xiel: Professional 350 List: 4375 Used: 229) ffi: P/ffi, CP/M au: prop. tvemry: 256/512 Storage Two floppies (400Kb each) ':' The Professional's are the newest series of systans and supports an existing software base. The 350 is the 325 with rrore 35 expansion slots. Digital Microsystans M:xlel: U£-4 List: 8995 Used: 4395 ffi: CJ>/t-1 (Hi-Net Local Area Network) CFU: ZOOA t1:m:>ry: 64 Storage: (he 8" ~ floppy and 10.7Mb Hard Disk Docutel/O livetti Gorp M:xlel: M20 ffi: Proprieta ry CFU: za:Dl Storage: Cbe 5.25" fual Systans Control M:xlel: 83/00 ffi: UNIX CFU: 6aXD Storage: '00 8" 1Mb floppies M:xiel: 83/20 (2CNb HD) M:xlel: 83/40 ( tw 2CNb HD) Durango Systans M:xiel: Poppy ffi: MS-lXB (Multi-User 12) CFU: 00186 Storage: 1\.Q 5.25" List: 2m Used: ~7 t1:m:>ry: 128/512 Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 par List: 4395 Used: 3175 t1:m:>ry: 512 Ports: 2 ser List: 100Xl Used: 10300 List: 25Cffi Used: 12700 List: 4400 Used: 3120 Memory: 128/1000 Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 par Dynabyte Inc. M:xiel: MJnarch fH1J List: 11000 Used: 5875 ffi: CJ>/M-00, MP/M 11 (Multi-User 16) CFU: tm6 and 'ZEJJA Memory: 256/1000 4 Storage: Cbe 8" and one Hard Disk Ports: 1/9 ser, 1/1 par Dynalogic Info-Tech M:xiel: Hyperion (portable ) ffi: ~S-lXB CFU: 3138 Storage: Tho 5.25" (320Kb each) List: 2WJ Used: 2450 M:nory:2 56 Ports: 36 Fagle t1:xlel: t1:xlel: t1:xlel: t1:xlel: t1:xlel: t1:x:lel: t1:xlel: List: List: List: List: List: List: List: 11 E-1 11 E--2 1620 16:{) FC--1 FC--2 FC--XL 1300 Used: 1055 1575 Used: 1205 3XD Used: 22ffi 4700 Used: 339) 2320 Used: 1200 2700 Used: 1555 34~ Used: 2795 Elite ~bdei: Elite Consultant (1): ~1003 (Tradenark of List: 11210 Used: 8705 Ebnek, Inc. ) 1'1:!mry: 256/1000 CRJ: 1ED32 of ffiXD Storage: Cbe floppy & one 1CMb HD Ports: 2 ser, 1 par Epic Canputer Products Inc. t1:x:lel: Episode ~bdel 2296 ffi: CP/M 2.2 CRJ: 'ZE!JA Storage: T'-'D 5.25" List: 2~ Used: 1140 1'1:!mry: 64 Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 par ~Arrerica tvbdel: HX-20 portable ffi:1P/M CRJ: t'-'D 6:{)1 H:xlel: QX-20 List: 790 Used: 455 1'1:!mry: 16/32 portable ffi:CP/M CRJ: 'ZE!JA ( 4l'1lz) List: n/a Storage: 'I\vo 5.25" 320Kb 1'13mry: 128/256 Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 par Exo Systans Corporation Avalanche 200 List: 1300 Used: 790 ~bdel: ffi: CP/N, CP/NEr CRJ: 'ZE!JA Storage: Cbe 5.25" ( •.':Mb) t1:x:lel: t1:x:lel: tvbdel: t1:x:lel: 37 Avalanche 300 Avalanche W Avalanche 700 Nobus--8 SS/DD 1'1:!mry: 64/64 PRCM 8 Ports: 1 RS-232 & 422,1 par. List: 18)) Used: 12ffi List: 6000 Used: 3375 List: 8))0 Used: 3720 List: 3400 Used: 189) Facit, Inc. tvbdel: DIC ffi: IX.E, CP/M, MP/M CRJ: 8-bit List: LiXD Used: 1015 RAM: 64 Financial Business O:xnputers. Inc. tvbdel: FOC Systems list: 12(XX) Used: 3650 ffi: CP/M, MP/M (2/16 users) au:~ RAM:64n~ Storage: Che floppy and one lCMb Fifth Generating Technologies tvbdel: SystEm 2001/20 a;: PR0-1V-PWS, REI1JI1JS CRJ: n/a Storage: n/a list: fflJJ Used: 4650 RAM: 2'XJ/2CA8 Fortune Systems tvbdel: 32:16 #August 82' list: 4CJ95 Used: 411)) ffi: Enhanced UNIX (rn:xlified version 7) CRJ: 68Til RAM: 128/l(XX) Storage: Che floppy Display: 12' rrnnochrrne >t1:>st of Fortune's custarers that v.e have talked to have p:rid at least $8500 for their system. Franklin Canputer tvbdel: Ace l(XX) ffi: MS-IX£ CRJ: 6502 Storage: 1 5.25" (143Kb) tvbdel : Ace 1200 (with rrnnitor and n..o drives) Fujitsu Microelectron ics Inc. M:xlel: Micro 16s ffi:CP/M CRJ: ~A, 8748 Storage: '00 5.25" list: l((X) Used: 875 RAM: 64/Z'XJ PRCM 12 Ports: 1 RS-232, 1 pli'. list: 3300 Used: 1700 List: 3CJ95 Used: 2475 RAM: 128/HXD 10 Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 par 38 Gimix, Inc. M:xiel : fRJJ) 03: UNIFLEX, 039-1, 039-2, 039-3 CHJ: 68f:f) Disk: CXle floppy w/ 4CMb HD Gifford Computer System M:xiel: 220 ffi: CP/1'1, CP?M-ffi, HP/M--86 List: 1CXXX) Used: 2010 RAfvl: 64/ H:XD ( 256) Ports: 3 RS-232 List: 12<XD Used: 5915 List: 1CXXX) Used: 613£) M:xiel: System 321 03: HP/1'1, CP/1'1 Plus, Concurrent CP/1'1 RAfvl: 384/10CD CHJ: Gould - -Se1 - List: 2CXXX) Used: 12320 M:xiel: FS 3XD (w/% HD) M:xiel: FS 1CXD List: sa:D Used: 389) Grid System~ M:xiel: llOl portable (fomllily Canpass) List:6795 Used: 5265 03: n/a RAfvl: 256/Bubble 358 CHJ: 0036 and fn37 w/built in :ill/1200-baud rrx:xlem M:xiel: M:xiel: nm nm (no rrx:xlem) rrx:xlem and 512K Hewlett Packard Vk:Xlel: H-89 03:CP/l'1 CHJ: ZEJJA List: 5915 Used: 5140 List: 7995 Used: 6620 List: 140) Used: ffJ) Storage: CXle 5.25" (64a\b) RAt-1: 48/64 Ports: 3 RS:232 ~bdel: Lists: 1795 Used: 595 HP-86 03: liP CHJ: HP Custan Processor Storage: 39 RAfvl: 64/576 Ports: 1 RS-232, 1 IEEE:488 M:xiel: HP-7~ (portable) CB: Proprietary CRJ: Proprietary Storage: None available M:xiel: HP-85 CB: Proprietary CRJ: tMl) Storage: 5. 2511 are available list: 9X) Used: 385 RAM: 16/24 48 Ports: 1/1 ser, 0/1 par list: 2750 Used: 585 RAN: 16/32 32 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/1 M:xiel: HP-16 Model: HP-26 M:xiel: HP-36 list: 3700 Used: 22(JJ list: gn) Used: 4800 list: 12100 Used: 6%5 ~bdel: HP-120 #9/82 CB: CP/M-8) CRJ: Irnl ZOOA Storage: oo floppies (248K each) List: 3190 Used: 1935 Mxlel: HP-125 #8/81 list: 3190 Used: 1900 RAM: 64 > The HP-125 is canpletely canpatible with the HP-120 but is IIDre canpact due to the smller IIDnitor. Mxlel: HP-150 #10/83 List: 3995 Used: 2870 Q3: l'£-IXE 2. 0 CRJ: EUl8 RAM: 256 Storage: TWD 3.5'' floppies w/264K each with :Mb Hard Disk... list: 5850 Used: 3810 ..!::!!.8!:!. Technologies Inc. Mxlel: M:tyflower 11 (portable) CB:CP/M CRJ: ZOOA Storage: oo 5. 25" Hitachi Sales Cbrp. of Arrerica Mxlel: NBE 1&:.m 03: l'£-IXE, CP/M CFU: EUl8 Storage: Che 5.25" list: 3750 Used: 1470 . RAM: 128/512 2 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/2 par list: nx:l Used: 1005 . IW1: 128/384 ·Ports: 1/1 ser, 1/1 por 40' Honeywell Inc. list: 39:15 Used: 1775 Mxlel: micmSystan 6/10 #6/f53 a;: Proprietary, or MS-OCD and CP/M-86 RAM: 128/512 CPU: 8085A or 8086 Ports: 1/2 ser Storage: Che 5.25" > Honeywell is the first vendor to support the full instruction set of its large canputers on its micro 1s. In fact it is basically a scaled-down version of Honeywell's DPS 6 mini. Honeywell ITEU1ufactures their own lSI and Ml3 canponents. IBC/Integrated Business Computers lists: 7W Used: 2940 Middi Cadet C£: CP/M, Multi-User OASIS RAM: 256/512 PROM 12 CPU: zroA Ports: 10 RS-232, 1 Parallel Storage: Che 5.25" (1 Mb) Che 5. 25" ( 20 Mb) Hard llisk ~bdel: ~bdel: Ensign C£: OASIS-16 CPU: lH'1 Mxlel: IBM PC #10/81 a;: fvS.--OCD CPU: 8088 Storage: Che 5.25" (32CKb) list: 10000 Used: 3110 RAM: 512/lllX) list: 2540 Used: 2010 RAM: fl+/256 PRCM 40 Port:;: 2 RS-232, 1 Parallel > So v.€ll recieved the lH'1 PC has becare the de facto standard arroung micro's. l'bst used microcanputer dealers recieved oore requests for the PC than any other canputer. To date trading is limited because the supply far exceeds the danand. Mxlel: PC Xf #6/83 a;: H3-1Xl3, p-SYSI'EM CPU: 8088 Storage: Che 5.25" (32acb) Che 5.25" (10 Mb) 41 list: 5240 Used: 46'3) RAM: 128/640 Ports: 3 RS--232 Model: IBM PCjr #1/84 03: FC-fffi 2.1 au: ln38 c4. 77MHz) list: 670 Used: 615 Model: II:N PCjr "enhanced" 03: FC-fffi 2.1 au: I:IB8 (4. 7M1z) Storage: Cbe 5.25" (3fa<b) ·list: 1270 Used: 1025 RAM: 64/128 RAM: 128 Keys: 62 ':' So far in 1984 the sales for the PCjr are far less than IIDSt predicted. Apple 11e is now expected to outsell by 2-to-1. Model: 5120 Model: Systan/23 futanaster list: 5700 Used: 1725 list: 9700 Used: 1485 Model: 3270-PC 11 03: FC-lXE 2,0, Control Program list: 4W Used: 4155 au: RAM: 256/640 Storage: one floppy Model: 3270-PC 4 Model: 3270-fC 6 list: 5320 Used: 5100 list: 7100 Used: 6925 Model: XT/370 list: m:> Used: 8745 > Eesically this m:xiel is an IBM PC with three extra plug-in boards, Cbe board a processor card that anulates the 370 instruction set, another that is an input/output controller allowing connection to a System 370 mainframe via a remote 3274 control unit and a third with 512K of namry. IMS International Model: SCXX'SX Used: 23fiJ 03: CP/M, Multi-User M3-IX13 au: 'lf1JA RAM: 64/100) PRCM 4 Tho 5.25" (an<b) Ports: 2 RS-232 Model: 5XDIS CB: CP/M, Multi-User 113-fffi, au: 'lf1JA list: 3100 Used: 2159 'IUROOIXl) RAM: 64/100) PRCM 4 42 M:xiel: IUXEX List: 4W Used: 2270 CD: CP/t1, Hul ti-User t£-IXE, 'IUROOIXl3 CRJ: 'ZffJA RAM: 64/1CXXJ>ID1 4 Storage: Tho 8" (2.4 Mb) Ports: 2 RS-232 M:xiel: lUXE List: 53&J Used: 2830 CD: cp/m, Multi-User t£-llis, 'IUROOIXE CRJ: 'ZffJA RAH: 64/lOCO m:M 4 Storage: Two 8" (2.4 Mb) Ports: 2 RS:232 Indepentant Business SystffiB M:xiel: IBA2-2F CD: IBS/tx:SD-P List: 5250 Used: 3735 Innovative Electronics Technology M:xiel: Proteus CD: CP/H...a:x:D, BJ1U) List: 48ffJ Used: 2625 cru: cru: RAH: 128/256 Instrumentation Laboratory M:xiel: 1CD AP Systan w/40'1b HD Intell:irrac t'bdel: JN/70CO Series CD: RCB, MSX CRJ: n/a List: 14550 Used: 4840 List: 2WXl Used: 97CD RAM: 768/1WXl Interactive Systans M:xiel IS'T-86 List: l:nl) Used: 3.565 CD: HP/H-86 (Multi-User) cru: OCf3fJ (prirrery), E039 & 0051 RAM: 256/10CD Storage: Ole 5.25" Hard Disk (13.6 Mb) Ports: 6 RS-232 International Systems t1irketing IM3 portable (Xl pounds) CD: F{; IXl3 IIN-cartp1tible ~bdel: cru: ffi38 Storage: TM::> 5.25" floppies w/1CMb Hard Disk 43 List: 2795 Used: 2210 RAM: 2.56 w/ 38l<:b each List: 3995 w/1CMb Hard Disk and color rronitor List: 4495 Intertec Data Systems 10 ~bdel: List: 2CID Used: 920 RAM: 64 mM 2 ffi: C'P/M Ports: 2 RS-232 Storage: List: :nx:l Used: 1115 fvbdel: 20 ffi:CP/M Storage: <be 5.25" (350 Kb) RAM: 64 PRCM 2 Ports: 2 RS-232 t1:xlel: ?0 Lists: 3500 Used: 1135 CFU: ZIDPS ffi:CP/M CFU: ZIDPS Storage: oo 5.25" (350 Kb each) RAM: 64 PRCM 2 Ports: 2 RS-232 List: 4(XX) Used: 1200 M:xlel: LD ffi:CP/M Storage: Tw 5.25" (75(](b each) RAM: 64 PRCM2 Ports: 2 RS-232 Jr. ~bdel 1CXOperating Systan: CP/M Storage: Tw 5.25" (total 32Cl<b) Lists: 18ED Used: 1100 RAM: 64 PRCM 2 Ports: 2 RS-232 CFU: 'ZEJJPS ~bdel: fvbdel: QD--M:xlel List: 2300 Used: 1750 ffi:CP/M CFU: 'ZEJJPS Storage: oo 5.25" (total 700Kb) fvbdel: SD M:xlel RAM: 64 PRCM 2 Ports: 2 RS-232 List: 2ff1J Used: lCBS ffi:CP/M CFU: ZIDPS Storage: Tw 5.25" (750 Kb each) Ithaca Intersystems fvbdel: 525 ffi: CP/M, MP/M 11 CFU: 'ZEJJB 6'11z RAM: 64 PRCM 2 Ports: 2 RS: 232 List: · 48a) Used: 2640 RAM: 64/1024 Storage: Tw 32CKb mini-floppies 44 ~ Hicrocanputer Corp. M:xlel: n:n list: 2995 Used: N/A M:xiel: :lD2 list: 3995 Used: N/A >!<Shiprent of this TIM camp. to start in ear1y to mid-8th Kaypro Corporation (orignally NonU.near Systans, Inc) M:xiel: Kaypro 11 portable #6/82 list: 1295 Used: 1005 ffi:CP/M ffiJ: ZED RAM: 64 Storage: '00 5.25 (195Kb each) Ports: 1 ser, 1 par M:xlel: Kaypro 4 #6/ffi list: 1.540 Used: 13(:(} M:xlel: Kaypro 4 (overhauled version) ls::D Used: 1495 > Kapro overhauled the 4 and r¢-sed the list price about $200. The newer version has twice the disk storage capacity. Upgrade kits are not available for the older models from Kay Computers. ffiJ is Z8DA instead of ZOO. Has other :improvarents. M:xlel: Kaypro 10 #7 /f53 list: 2795 Used: 2395 M:xiel: Kaypro xr 16bit, 25aCb list: ? M:xlel: Robie (now being introduced) list: 2295 Logical Business Jvach:ines M:xlel: llivid list: 4950 Used: 2280 ffi: n/a (language referred to as English) ffiJ: n/a RAM: 64 per station Storage One 1.2Mb floppy M8del: Tina Jvk:xiel: Adam list: 8ffi) Used: 2790 list: 17CXXJ.t.Used: 35EO Logical Microcomputer Canpany M8del: Jvegamicrocomputer list: lSCCD Used: 11980 > This systan is the first we know based on the NS 1E032 having a IEEE-796 Multibus which lTffii1S it is plug compatible with any peripheral devices. The systan provides lfMb for each of its 32 users and can crank out 161,000 64-bit multiplicat ions per second. 45 LNW H:xlel: LNW 11 CJ>/M CFU: ZOO Storage: oo 5.25" or 8" Ust: Used: 465 ffi: RAM: 112 Ports: 1 ser, 1 par. M/A--0:1'1 Office Systans H:xlel: Keynnte C-100 ffi: 65--D CFU: 6502 Storage: Che al<b mini-floppy Ust: 27':JJ Used: 425 MJdel: 220E Ust: 629) Used: 1220 RAM: 48 fvagic Canputer O:xqxmy ~bdel : ~l:lgic ffi:CP/M CFU: ZOO and 6':JJ2 Storage: Tho 5.25" (320Kb each) M:gadata f'bdel: 8174-1 ffi: M13, UNI Plus CFU: n/a MJde1: 8174-4 CRJ: n/a ~rcator Business SystEmS fvbdel : 2CXD ffi: OASIS-16, CP/M-86 andjMP/H-86 CFU: n/a MJdel: 3CD) MJdel : 4CDJ MJdel : 5XD Ust: 3CD) Used: 1410 RAM: 64 Ports: 1 ser, 1 par Ust: 1CXXXJ Used:38SO RAM: 768/16CXD Ust: n/a Used: n/a RAI'1: 896/16CXD Ust: 6540 Used: 37<.X) RAH: 64/2% Ust: lEaD+- Used: 81 <ntUst: 172COt Used: 8820t Ust: 28<XD+ Used: 9900 Micro Craft Cbrp. MJdel : Dirrension 6&lD Ust: 62':JJ · ffi: CP/M, Il:N FC, Apple canp:ttable U~: 4'XfJ 46 Storage: Tho floppies ( 5.2511 ) Micro Five --t1:xiel: lax:l CB: STARIX13/NJSINESS BASIC Storage: 1\vo 1Nb floppies list: 49J) Used: 3170 RAM: 128/512 t1:xiel: 3CXD List: 264:i:> Used: 8CB5 Storage: Che 1.2Mb floppy, 34Mb Hard Disk w/17Mb tape cart. Micramti on t1:xiel: MiSystan List: 7ax:l Used: 3795 CB: CP/M, MP/M, m::B, TurboiD3 CRJ: 'ZfJJA ( rraster) RAN: 64 Storage: CNe 5.25" 256Kb floppy and a 1CMb Wincheste r H.D. Mxlel: Mrriner Systan (ex. 4 user) List: 204:i:> Used: 9JJ5 Storage: Che 1Mb floppy, 21 Mb Wincheste r w/2D Mb tape Micro Source MJdel: .fvfiXDP portable List: 39J) Used: 22<}) CB: CP/H CRJ: 'Zf5J (can upgrade to ffiXD) RAM: 64 Storage: 'IWo 5. 25" 386Kb floppies Ports: 1 ser, 1 par Microstan dard Technology Unlimited MJdel : t1IU-1~ list: 44:i:> Used : 1995 CB: CD-ID3, U:SD, MP/M, CP/M CRJ: 6:i:>2 (optional ffiXX>) RAM: 48/256 Storage: Che 1MB floppy Ports: 1 ser, 2 par t-blecular MJdel: Supernricro 8 CB: Hulti-Use r CP/M (upto 8) CRJ: 'ZfJJA ( prirmry) , slaves 'ZfJJA Storage: Che 8" (512Kb) Che 5.25" Hard Disk (lCMb) .fvbrentum Canputer Systans t1:xiel: Hawk 32/E CB: lNJ3 47 List: 46:i:> Used: 3820 RAI"l: 64 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 rarallel List: l79:i:> Used: ff.J70 .' RAt1: .'ill/HXD CRJ: n/a t-brrow IRsigns Hodel: Nicro Ikision 1 CB: MJ3 cru: zro Storage: oo 2CU<b floppies list: 1545 Used: 870 RAt1: 64 Ports: 2 ser t1:>del: Decision ND-1 a;: MJ3 (Nicronix) cru: zro (4MHz) Storage: Che 5.25" 4()](b floppy List: 2395 Used: 975 t1:>del: ND-2 t1:>del: ND-3 list: 24()) Used: 113) list: 53(X) Used: 1915 (w/10 Mb liD) RAt1: 64 Multitech Electronics t1:>del: NPF-11 CPU: 6502 (Apple compatible) list: 4(X) RAt1: 64 Used': 165 t1:>del: MPF-11-C list: Used: 245 Multi-Tech SystEmS t1:>del: t1f-W C6:CP/M CPU: 'ZillA Storage: Che 5.25" (nl<b) Nabu Manufacturing fvbdel: ll(X) C6:CP/M CRJ: ZillA (:M-lz) Storage: oo 8" (1Mb each) t1:>del: 1ffi) C6: M3-J:XE, Multi-User XENIX CRJ: ffi36 ( 4. <.Miz) Storage: Che 5.25" (BXl(b) Nelna lhta Coqnration tvbdel: Persona fa) list: 43(X) Used : 173) RAt1: 64Kb Ports: 1 RS-232 list: n/a RAt1: 64 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 parallel list: n/a RAtvl: 256/512 ID1 8 Ports: 4 RS-232 List: 22()) Used: 1120 48 ffi:CP/H CRJ: ZillA Storage: Tv.o 5.25" (lBl<b each) RAM: 64 Ports: 1 serial, 1 parallel NBI fuiel: System one/ThS List: 12500 Used: 5400 ffi: CRJ: RAM: 512/1<XX> l'(R fuiel: Tower 1632 List: n/a ffi:UNIXlll CRJ: Used: n/a RAM: 2:XJ/2<XX> fuiel : w.:l-100 List: 73)) Used: 3275 ffi:CP/H CRJ: ffl38 RAM: 64/512 i'hiel: w.:l-200 List: 9XO Used: 5275 fuiel: Ikision M:ite V #3/83 List: 5140 Used: 3875 a;: CP/H and l'S-OCB or CP/M-86 CRJ: D.Jal 'ZJJJA and ffl38 t1:mlry: 64/512 Storage: CtJe 5.25 1 floppy, 32(]( fomatted Cbe 5.25 1 Hard Disk, 1CMb fomatted with two floppies. .. List: 3440 Used: 2695 NIL Infomatio n Systems fuiel: JC-aXX) List: 3200 Used: 9SO ffi: CRJ: NEL Is copy of a Zilog Storage: 1\..o 5. 25" zro RAM: 32/64 Ports: 0/1 ser, 1/1 par tvbdel: fC-.8001A fuiel: FC-8831A List: 950 List: 870 Model: APC-H01 #7/82 List: 2090 a;: CP/M-86, l'S-OCB, U:::SD p System au: Used: 715 Used: 670 Used: 1910 16-bit PIBHS (like the ffffi) RAM: 128/512 Storage: CtJe 1Mb floppy w/m::>nochrU$ oonitor 49 M:xiel: Model: Hodel: Model: AFG-H02 (Two Jlvlb floppies) List: 25lJO Used: AFG-H03 List: .?D:D Used: AFC-WPS 2 List: 3448 Used: AKrl.JPD 4 List: 5625 Used: 1625 1945 3645 379) > List prices above national advertised and are below current list. We have never talked to any owner that didn't think NEI:; an exceptional value. CXte owner said he was sorry for friends that had IIN Fe's. NEC is a subsidiary of Nippon Electric O::m(xmy, Ltd., of Tokyo Established in 1899 NEC narkets about 16,CXX) products worldwide. 1he AfC m:xlels are SClJE of the elite of micro's. Ja~. North Star Canputers M:xiel: Advantage 1\bdel: Advantage w/~ M:xiel: Advantage w/1~ Olivetti M:xiel: M20 ffi: IU1) (nruch like CP/H) cru: zam (Optional ro36 card) Storage: CXte 5.25" (320Kb) List: 21W Used: 1295 List: 3345 Used: 2570 List: 4315 Used: 3100 List: :n:D Used: 1975 RAM: 128/512 orts: 1 ser, 1 par Chtel 1\bdel : 1:D5 List: n/a Used : 1955 ffi: HI:ffi/00, Hro)/00, CP/N cru:aBS RAM:~ Storage: 'IWo 5.25" ffaCb mini-floppies ~ Systans Inc. Model: Sundance 11 ffi:CP/N,MP/N List: 8W 1\bdel: CW1/t'1J 1\bdel: QU)1/t1J 1\bdel: CW2A List: 7f5.JJ Used: 3975 List: 9W Used: 5430 List: 10XD Used: 6195 1\bdel: 186 Series nav Used: 4120 List: 4485+ Used: 413) 50 ffi: Concurrent CF/H-86,0ASIS, Nlll)/BB3 ~: 00186 ruM:~ Storage: Che 1Mb floppy ~bdel: Systan :rrD List: 67'3J Used: 4340 ffi: NPM-86, OASIS ffiJ: aB8 RAN: 64/~ Storage: ere 5.25" & one liard Disk Ports: 1/4 ser, 1/1 JEr H:xlel: Stmdance 16 List: l:nl) Used: 6285 CSoome Cauputers ~bdel: 1 t--bdel: Executive List: 72fJ List: 8lJO Used: 300 Used: 1£5 > In 1CE3 the C:Soome \o.eS within the top ten for popular microcanputers. In 1~ the popularity has severely decreased. ffi1 Canputer Corporation M:xlel: Zeus 2 List: l:nl) Used: ffi: t--lliE ffiJ: ZOOA !WI: 64 Storage: '00 £1' floppies and one E&lb \Vinchester 38.':£) List: am Used: 3115 Storage: Che 5.25" lEaCh and Che &1b \Vinchester t--bdel: Zeus 3 Otrona t--bde1: Attache Canpact Canputer ffi: CF/N au: ZOOA Storage: '00 :t£l<b 5.25" floppies Panasonic Co. fuiel: HIC/link (portable) ffi: Proprietary CRJ: 6'3)2 Storage: None available t--bdel: JR-m.J 51 List: 4COJ Used: 2005 ruM: 64 List: w Used: 820 ruM: 4/16 Ports: 0/1 ser List: liJJ Used: 75 a;: Proprietary au: 6002 Storage: None available RAM: 32 16 Ports: 0/1 ser, 1/1 {BI' Personal Microcanputers ~bdel: List: 1200 Used: f/)5 H-C-101 CE:CP/M au: RAN: 128 4 Ports: 1/2 ser, 1/3 JXlr ZIDA Storage: Cbe 5.25" Pertec Canputer Corporation Systa:n 3205 C£: CP/M, Proprietary au: 6anl Storage: oo 5.25" ~bdel: Ust: ~ Used: 3935 RAM: 256/1CXD Ports: 1/3 ser, 0/8 Pied Pi -~ ~bdel: Canntmicator 1 portable List: 965 Plexus ~ters Inc. ~h:lel: P35Canputer Systa:n Ust: 13.:ill Used: 7915 CE: UNIX 111 au: Eam Storage: Cartridge and Hard Disk ~bdel: P/25 Plessey Peripheral Systa:ns 6100 Series C£: Proprietary au: I.SI 11/23 Storage: oo 8" ~el: ~el: 6200 Series C£: Proprietary au: LSI 11/23 Storage: oo 8" Polyt=brphic Systa:ns 8813 RAM: 512/2Cffi 48 Ports: 1/8 ser, 1/1 par List: 11m Used: au: zam ~bdel: Used: 500 Ust: 53)) 7400 Used: 41:D RAM: 64 Ports: 1/1 ser Ust: fffiJ Used: 4740 RAM: 256 Ports: 1/5 ser ~ List: (D)) Used: Used: 449 52 ffi: CF/N 2.2 RAM: 320/1cm CFU: IAPX00186, 'ZKJA Storage: Three· 5.2511 Ports: Product Associa tes Inc. thlel: ZDISK-1 List: ffi:NP;M Storage: '&> J:U.'b mini-fl oppies M:xlel: ZDISK-2 Storage: (be floppy and one ~1b 1/4 ser, XO) 4 1/2 JEr Used: 1240 RAN: 64 Ports: 2 ser, 1 JEr List: 4<XD Used: 2240 llird Disk List: S<XD Used: 2fflJ M:xiel: ZDISK-3 Disk Hard lQ•Ib one Storage: Cbe floppy and Pronto Canputers Inc. M:xiel: Series 16 CB: 1'£-IXB CFU: 00186 Storage: Ole 5.25" 53 List: xro Used: lffi5 RAM: 128/lcm Ports: l/1 ser, 1/1 JEr Texas Instrurrnt tbdel: TI CJ)T4i\ f'bdel: TI Professional Canputer CD: ~S-1Xl3, CP/H-86 a-u: Elm Storage: 1.\Q 5.25" (32ClJl each) To...<>hioo Arrerica Inc. f'bdel: UD a;: l'£-1Xl3 O"tl: 16 bit Storage: dual disk drive Used: 25 List: 3145 Used: 2510 RAH: fA/2% Ports: 1 Jlll". List: 3)X) Used: 2545 RAH: 192K/512K TIM-Fujitsu Co. List: nr:JJ Used: 4600 f'ix:lel: Aff:inity 16 ffi: Affenity 16 a; RAH: 124 O"tl: 16-bit Storage: 1.\Q 32(]( floppies w/CIR :nX> char. ,kb Unidata Systans, Inc. f'bdel: The Graduate ffi: CP/t-1, MP/M, UNIDATA a-u: 7Hl3 ( j;fJz) Storage: United Technologies Hxlel: 1P8100 ffi:SPECIAL a-u: 'lHJA ( 4t-Hz) Universal rata, Inc. UDI-100 (JX>rtable) ffi: Ql/H, HP/M, Progmn Generator ~bdel: O"tl: 1ffil, 1002 Storage: not at this list Universal Resan-ch t'bdel: Portabrain (JX>rtable) CD: CF/t-1, HP/N O"tl: zoo Storage: List: 34':JJ Used: 1%5 RAH: fA/ Ports: 4 ser 1 2 Jm" List: 1.'nl) Used: 48?D RAN: 2% List: 1520 Used: 315 RAH: 8/276 Ports: 1 ser, 1 List: n/a {m", 1 Uni Used: n/a P..Af\1: 64 Ports: 2 ser, 1 Jlll" 54 .9!f. Canputer Systans l'bdel: ql>-100 ffi:CP/M Ol.J: ZOOB Storage: '1\.Q 8" List: 4715 Used: 2470 RAN: 128/512 2 Ports: 1/4 ser, 1/2 JXlr l'bdel: (JJP-rD M.Ilti-User List: 6195 Used: 4785 ffi: CP/M, l'lP/H Oll: ZOOB (tti-Iz) RAN: '&/7ff3 Storage: '1\.Q 8" for total of 2.4"1b and 5.25" W:incherster-12.4t-1b > The above price is for the nulti-user version. l'bdel: (JP--40) List: 8295 Used: 7295 a;: TurbolXB CRJ: ZOOB (n..o to five) RAH: 128/640 Storage: Cbe 8" floppy and one 5.2511 Winchester 16.2--lb. > A Irulti-user, Irulti-processor, nen..orked canputer systan. Fach of 5 users is supplied with treir own slave ZOOB. Qx'1Sar Ihta Products l'bdel: ql>-100 ffi:CP/N Oll: ZOOA (~·liz) Storage: '1\.Q 8" 1. 2--lb floppies l'bdel: q:F-lCUI (lQ.Ib Hard Disk) 55 List: 4ffJ5 Used:21Xl IW1: 64 Ports: 2 ser, 2 }XU" List: Ph95 Used: 2740 ~ ~hlel: ~ ffi: ern: CP/N, NP/1'111 zaJA Storage: 11o 8" 1.:a--lb floppies M:xlel: 9Xl Storage: Ole 2CU'b floppy List: 4WJ Used: 1770 RAH: 64 Ports: 1 ser, 1 rm- list: 2295 Used: 955 ~Electronics fvhlel: Venture systan ffi: VENIURE 1Xl3 rn1:1002 (exJmda ble to OCBB) Radio Shack fvhlel:- 1-(n.o drive nndel) fvbdel: 2 t,hlel: 4 ( 0.0 drive nndel) M:xlel: 4P ffi: CJ>/N Storage: 11o 184K floppies List: 195 RAH: U!Bi: 65 4 list: n/a U!Bi: 110 list: n/a U1Bl: 1200 List: 1500 Used: 1340 list: 1a:D Used: 1340 RAH: 64 fvbdel: 12 2 drives List: 2WJ Used: I(:(() M:xlel: 'lRS-00 Color Canputer fvC-20 List: 120 U!Bi: 75 Rair Microcanputer .9?!:2. The Rair Business Canputer List: 9750 Used: 7005 > L\Jal OCBB's and an 8-bit ED35 w/2"XJt.. RAH to lfvlb, and 1% Winches ter Hard Disk. ~hlel: Rexon fusiness fvtrlrines ~ fvbdel: RX 100 M:rrathon A-1 List: 11350 Used: 9670 128K RAM, l<l1b 5.2511 Hmi Disk, .25n tape cartridg e, OCB8 Intel fvbdel: RX 400 Hrrathon List: 18200 Used: 14650 Sage Canputer Tedmolo gy IV w/16 Mb Hard Disks w/12 ~lb Hard Disk List: 24X> U!Bl: 2170 List: 5400 U1Bl: 5005 List: 6140 Used: 5435 ~hlel: 56 w/18 Mb liard Disk list: 6XO Used: 5540 Sanyo &lsiness Systars t-bdel: MIC-5~ CB: list: 7(!) ~E-IXB CfU: a::m Used: 6~ RAH: 128 Storage: Ole 5.25" (lffl<:b) Ports: f·bdel: HOC-1o:D H:xlel: HOC-12.':D t-bdel: t-1EC-40CG list: 1530 Used: 1295 list: 2MO Used: 1@ list: 2700 Used: 2145 Scienti£i c Ihta Syst:ars MJdel: SdS 4X)A list: a:ro Used: 389 Seattle Canputer MJdel: Glzelle list: a:ro Used: 61X) CB: t-S-IXB rnJ: ffB6 (8-Hz) RAH: 128/100) Price includes printer, terminal and min:itu.m software. Seegua ilinputer ~ Mxlel: Garelron (portable ) CB: List: 1995 Used: 1470 ~S-IXB CfU: n/a RAH: 128 Storage: CJle. floppy MJde1: Cllancleon Plus w/11o floppies and 256K list: 2895 Used: 2475 t-bdel: Seequa XT (lCNb !.lard Disk) list: 3995 Used: 3320 w/Gle floppy and one 1Qvlb Hard Disk Sharedata MJdel: Gmi Integrated Office Systan CB: UNIX-like ~ MJdel: Systan 100 t-bdel: Systan 2ill ~bdel: 57 YX-32ill (8-bit) (8-bit) Used: n/a list: 3400 Used: 1620 list: scm Used: 21:n list: ~ Used: 1715 SKS Catp!ters, Inc. l'kxlel: SKS lCID ffi: CP/M~ W /M, Q\SIS cru: zro list: 3D) Used; RAM: 64/100) Storage: '1\o disks (SOO<b each) Solaris Canput:er .9!:E:_ t·bdel: level 1 list: 2400 Used; 1s<X) ffi: ClM-86, NP/M-a), t£.-JX£, XENIX CRJ: flffl .(.'1-llz) RAH: 12B/512 Storage: Q1e disk with standard softw:rre. Solid State Teclmology, Inc. l'blel: 8100 Sony Corp of Ailerica list: M:xlel: S>U-70 list: 2700 Used: 1325 ffi: cru: a>/M, n/a ~1P/H zaJA Storage: Q1e 2Bl<b floppy RAM: 64 Sun:i.can H:xlel: Systan 3.3J ffi:r£-Iffi,CPJM.-a} rnJ: fn38 Storage: '1\o 5.25" (fffl<b each) M:xlel: Systan 8D Surgeonics, .Qg l'hlel: f:nergy Saver Systans ffi: Exective CRJ: 8-bit list: 3400 Used: 2m RAH: 12B/272 Ports: 1 Par, list: liiD Used; 2170 List: 3.ID) Used: 2l,OO RAM: 256 Systans~ n/a l'kxlel: Systan 2!!2.4 ffi: W/M, l'hlti-User Q\SIS list: M:xlel: Systan 29ff.l l'biel: Systan 'l!X)2 ~Wel: Systan W.. List: 8270 Used: 6220 List: 89({) Used: 6435 List: 1100) Used: 8185 58 MJdel: Systan 2!Xi) axle!: Systan 2%8 ~bdel: Systan 2fx-E Tab Products Systan 1(U) ffi: Ql/H-86, MP/H-86 CRJ: ro38 ~1: Systan 16~ ~el: Tarbell Electronics Rebel 2 ffi: CRJ: zal3 (6 Mlz) Storage: Tho 5.25" ~bdel: list: 12Em Used: 88<J) list: 12CID Used: 8315 137~ Used: 89)5 list: 7700 Used: 5185 RAH: 1'2B/7fi3 List: 0070 Used: 64:-r> list: 2400 Used: 18<X) RAM: 64 ~bdel: Rebel 5 w/.'ilb It=rrd Disk w/1(}Jb Hard Disk w/lf:Mb lard Disk list: :rro Used: 23liO List: 3140 Used: 2385 list: 3270 Used: 24llJ ~: Tarbell Bnpire list: 3775 Used: 2700 ffi: Storage: '1\.Q 811 (ID) Tava Corporatioo Tava;;JC ffi: !Xl), CPM-86 au: n/a ~el: Televideo SystaiS 'IS-aJ2 MJdel: 'JS.-003 ~: 'fS-fr6/20 ~ ~: 'IS-816/40 ~ MJdel: 'IS- 1(ffi 1995 Used: 1710 RAM: ~el: List: 2525 Used: 1825 List: 1~ Used: 1210 List: 4859 Used: 28<X) List: fJ275 Used: 5120 List: 21~ UsOO: 1020 ~: TS-1(ffi ffi: ~E/IXl), CPJM.-a> CRJ: ro38 Storage: Tho 5.2511 (~lb each) List: 59 :rro Used: 2145 RAM: 1'2B/256 Ports: 2 ser, 1 rer Vector Gra!irl.c f1xlel: 4/'XJ List: 400) Used: 3275 ffi: a>Jr.t, Multi-User f'E-IXE, VEC.llE..OC (RJ: 7im (pr:inmy Victor fusiness Prodocts t·bdel: ~ w/HD Visual CanJX!ter Inc M:xlel: Canruter ffi: ~f)....Iffi List: 2800 Used: 16'XJ List: 485) Used; :I>15 List: 23f£) Used: 233) oo: am RAM: 128/512 Storage: 1\..n 3fiiCb floppies Voyager Systans, Inc. Voyager 400) Series ffi: CP/M, MP/H, Iffi au: aa>, am (3.07 r-t-rz) Storage: 1\..n 5.25" (l.:M> each) ~hlel: List: 2za:MVP ffi: BASIC-2 and MP/M CRJ: \oJ~ Used: 3195 RAM: 64/I<m Ports: 1 RS-232, 4 JEt" ~laboratories ~bdel: .ID) List: u,cm Used: 21~ (12 Users) RAH: 32/512 Ports: 1 RS-232 Storage: Ole 5.25" (32(}() Ole 5.25" Hard Disk (1G1b) ~: W:mg J.C.a:M List: 3(:00 Used: 13D ffi: M3--0CE 2.2, CP/M-00, 1ISD p-systan CRJ: aB> (B-Hz) . P.AM: 128/fHJ Storage: <Ale 5.25" (3fiiCb) Ports: 1 RS-232, 1 JBiallel ~= 2nEVP ~= JC.(X)3B ~bdel: IC-005A List: 14400 Used: .5<.m List: 3700f. Used: 2135 List: 6lillt Used: 34~ Western Digital M:xlel: SBlffXl single boord canputer List: 21m Used: 4'XJ tb:lel: SB1673 (2 I.~lb floppies) List: 7(ll) Used: 2625 60 \ Systans H:xlel: lSGJS CB: ~hlti-User a::s, llst: 94:n Used: 3820 also UNIX 111 Qtl; 6ffiX) (prinary) RAM: 256/1536 ffi.N 64K Storage: Che 5.25" (6:n<:) Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 p:mlllel . Che 5.2511 liard Disk (lCNb) M:xlel: lff:W3 List: 15£0J Used: saxJ ~bdel: 14Cl£ llst: 7951J Used: 5870 Operatiog Systan: ~C:> CRJ: 6ffiX) RAN: 512 Storage Che 616Kb floppy and one lCNb Winchester \.Jinsource, Inc. M:xlel: 10, :n or 100 List: ff:U) Used: (f.HJ CB: CP/H, HP/l'-1, CP/H-86, NP/M-86, N-STAR CRJ: a£6, 'lf5JA Storage: cne floppy and Hl1b l-ID \vorld Infonration Systans, Inc. M:xlel: TI£/16 CB: Nulti-User, l!llltiprogramning CRJ: 8-bit RAM: 64/lOCO Ports: 8 RS-232 List: WID Used: 21XD RA!vl: 256 Xerox ivh:lel: &D-11 #7/82 CB: CP/H-00 cro: ZBJA (LK'-tiz) Storage: 1\..o 5.2511 (total 322K) ~bdel: 16/8 new CB: CP/N-ffi, CP/M-86, ~S-ra:; CRJ: Z8JA' En36 Storage: 1\..o 5.2511 floppies ~h:lel: laD portable /lne..J CB: n/a 00: Ns:R:D (8-bit 2.5 Hlz) ~bdel 61 laD w/ 18:n "Flat-Pack" List: 2995 Used: 1275 RAt·1: 64/64 Pint 4K furts: 2RS-232, 2~el List: :Di-5 Used: 2C05 RAN: 64 and 128/256 List: 1595t Used: 1340 RA"'1: 64 ID1 32 List: 4075 Used: 3400 ffi: CP/H-00, 0'/H-ffi, H)-Iffi ZOOA am tro:m RAM: 128/512 Storage: 1\o 5.25" :rrK floppies w/ :I0/120) m:xlan, 4.5" printer which has 4 color graphics, a real titre clock, cru: am, Xycarp, ~ Hodel: Xycanp list: 82alH- Used: 62:n> ffi: UNIX au: 6f:lro RAH: 832/ Storage: CAle foppy (INb) & 7G1b HD Ports: 12 RS-232 Zax~ H:xlel: ~Pox Ust: 5995 Used: 4125 ffi: <:P/H, MP/H, a>h-1-ffi, NP/1'1-ffi, XENIX au: ffffi, zros a·tJz RAM: 64/Hm Storage: Ports: 4 RS-232, 2 JBI", 1 Cal. Zeda Crnp.rt:ers International, L1D. H:xlel: 520 ffi: Single User List: 2® Used: 620 au: -n/a MJdel: .500A ffi: Single User CRJ: n/a J.W.f: 64 Ust: nD Used: 7'3J RAM: 64/128 Zaldex~ t-b1el: 925 ffi: MP/1'1, 0'/1'1 cru: a:Es Storage: N/A Hxlel: 938 Storage: 1\«> floppies (.:rrl<b ea) Zenith Iata Systans H:xlel: Z-89 ffi: CPh-1, MP/M, JI....IXE <RJ: ZOOA Storage: one 5.25" (64a<b) list: 8fill Used: 37'3J RAM: 64 Ports: N/A list: 17100 Used: 49'3J one 1G1b fixed am list: am Used: 7'3J RAH: 48/ffi, Pran 2Kb Ports: 3 RS-232 H:xlel: ZF-100 Series 62 ffi: Z-L'ffi, CPft~, NP/l'~, H-Iffi CRJ: a:E5 or OCffi RAM: l92/7ffi Storage: 'J\..o floppies Ports: 2/8 ser, 5 ~bdel: {Er, ~bdel: ZF-1:n-22 ZF-1X}-32 List: 2870 Used: 14~ List: 42fi) Used: 2340 ~bdel: Z-<J) List: 2500 Used: 1020 1 Cen, ffi: CP/N, MP/t-1, H-L'ffi CRJ: zro, am RAH: 64 Storage: G1e floppy > Zenith expects to ship new (16-bit illi COI1JBtible) personal canputers by 5/f!A.. Anytine new mxlels becare available it usually la-.ers tre value of existing mxlels. 'Ire new nndels are: ~bdel: Z-1~ M:xlel: Z-1W (JX>rtable) Zero <be Chnputer ~ Zero Cl1e Systan ffi: CP/M, NP/M, ThrboL'ffi CRJ: ZffiA ( 4H lz) Storage: n/a ~bdel: Zitel Corp •. R:X-86 Systan ffi: CP/M, NP/M ~bdel: CRJ: List: under $3ffi) List: under $3ffi) List: 1(£Xl) Used: 5200 RAM: 64 Ports: 2 RS-232, 1 Cent. Used: n/a RAH: 128/12ID Zobex ~bdel: S-11 CRJ: n/a Storage: n/a 63 List: 4CJJJ Used: 3425 RAH: 64/512 Ports: IEEE-696 Mini I Mainframe In the event you rmy buy or sell rore larger ff!.trl.prent the following rmy re of interest to you. This list includes SCilE of the biggest third rmrket firms in the U.S. l}]e to the sra::ialized l<:n<JI..tledge required when dealing in the'Cli!E env:ir()J'll'B1t it is alnnst 11Blld.:1tory that ooe depend on the ~rtise of dealers, handle ~ large equiprent brokers or leasing invest:nents. wm -Bt\SIC FUJRAleta Enterprises, Inc. 16 Southsand Irvine, CA 92714 714-7f!h-3559 Flexible ilirqmter Products 14446 Hidway Rood Iallas, 1X 752% UIPS 6333 Pacific Ave Stockton, CA 95XJ7 200-473-4156 I Lffi-971-8118 Unique Lata SystaJB 124 <£tty Ave Clifton, NJ 07011 XJ1-772-4256 214-<.XD-1001 rtiBta,Inc. ffJ5J F Unity Drive Norcross, Ga mn ~11 312-279-1100 Retrofit T:i.nnthy lawlor 392 Pleasant Street Brockton, NA 02401 619-292-7XJ5 Spencer SystaJB ~lission, 913-263-5244 Ihttan Ure Industries 7027 Eton Ave Canoga Park, CA 91313 213-7iO-Om n.x ffflJ70 Asgx_. 6303 Acuff Shawnee Universa1 Financial Products, Corp. · 375 \.Jest First Street Elmhurst, IL 00126 . KS 66216 Norcarex/Canputech 7501 Keele St. , Ste 4ro Concord, rn, Canada IAK1Y2 41(H)71-37% 1LX: fb..J:£h766 64 -DATAFDINI'Fox Canpter Sales , Inc. 195 Alpha Drive Cleve land, Ori.o 44143 Canputer Clear ing lbuse Inc. 200 City View Drive Roche ster, NY 14625 21&-449-SalS 716-381-1252 General lata Proc:essiDg TIX> H:rin St. Houst on, 1X 71002 Crozi er 711-523-6454 Grega Optic al 13515 N. Stamons Ihl1a s' 1X 75234 214-241-4141 Save Syst:aJE, Inc 57 E. \mun gton Olagr in Falls , ai 4LI122 216-247-20X> Unique lata Systa ns 124 Getty Ave Clift on, NJ 07011 9421 Winnetka Ave CA 91311 ffD.-243-0)92 or 818-349-5844 Chats~.orth, llitaw are Systa ns Lease ?D fuy St. S. I. NY lffil1 212-447-4911 Telex 429394 aloo ffD.-221-6318 Digit al Canputer Exchange, Inc. 2305 Sunte r .Lnke Dr. tv~etta, GA :lni2 !iYr-971-1005 ITC Corpo ration all-7 12-4' & 12 t·ercer Rood Natic k, NA 017ffJ -IE- ffD.-222-H-C2 Telex:94ffl15 Brockvale Assoc iates 40 Orvil le Drive &:nm ia, New York 11716 1-ffi)...645-1167 NY S16-'X17-7m Bycal Fnter prise s, Inc. 35 R:rrk Drive, Suite 1 Boston, !viA 617-5:1Xi.J59 103 723 !'~rial 11\vy B:isrurck, ND SB:JJl 701-258-1~ Hi-Tech Canputer Syst:elS 56 Fores ter Ave, NY llffJJ 914-<X3f>-22:;D Interc on ro 111 65 Brain tree, tiA 02184 617--f!J£--%56 Interfaces Limited .':D1 Valleybrook P-ood Pittsburgh, PA 15317 412-~1-1Ero ~CA ro fux ~ Scherers 6145 Scherers Place IA.tblin, Chio 4~17 614-re9-0010 Trinarchi and Associates, Inc. ro fux 5fi) Parker, CD 00134 3:n-841-ro38 State Ulllege, PA 6001 814-234-5659 1re r1oore Canputer Exchange \.Jestec Associates 521 Valley Drive Hmhattan Iarl, CA W2fh 213-376--7235 HD7 116th Ave NE, Suite 1CB Bellevue, \.JA <.nD4 20:>-454-29)1 New York Canputer Exchange, Inc 1~ Gazza Blvd Farnringdale, NY 11735 Ero-645-9100 or 516--752-8(X)6 -HBVI.EIT PACXARD- Nortl-&est Mini Canputer 337 Bostoo P.cad Billerica, HI\ 01821 617-ffi3-25.'1) fm-.34~ Omi-Systans Associates fux 632 Cal~ll, NJ 07007 201-335-6919 Smqx>, Inc 11 Stewart Averrue Huntingtioo, NY 11743 516--549-69:D Telex: %13(f) Sevco s. St. Hopldnton, HA 01748 84 617-435-6938 telex 710-3477577 llitagate Systans Inc. 2287 Rio~ Ave San Jose, CA 95131 4CB--946-6222 Encore 1ro'l 14th St Santa ~bnica, CA 213-452-9117 ~ Fl.lrcxlata Inc. 1673 Qrrling Ave, Suite 110 Ott:c'lYa, Canada K2A 1C4 613-725-9485/felex 053-3125 CSU Industries, Inc. 135 Rockaway Turnpike lawrence, New York 115.59 516--239-4310 ~:SI Hicrotek 165~ Cc.unerce Ct.· Cleveland, ai 441:D 216--234-ro'lO 66 Canputer Service, Inc. 231+3 South Hanley St. louis, I'D 63144 314-644-3323 Stearns Canputer Service Inc. 218 Pond St liOI:kinton, MA 01748 617-435-9481 lR) fh H)fltvale Ave. Stoneham, NA 02100 617-4'3B-4?f'JJ Anmn 520J \..est 73rd Street f·tirmropolis, l'f~ 55435 612-835-4737 Airerada t1rrketing 13771 N. Central Expressway, Suite 615. Ihllas, 'IX 752A3 214-235-3114 American Business Chmum:ications 2670 N. Cobb Parkway Kennisaw, GA. :ll144 LlYr-422-0112 Annex ilinputers :ll2D East CanclOOck Rood, Suite 20J Fhoenix, Kl 85016 (i.)2-9'::fr..85f!h -TINAccord Canputer Corp FO Ibx 268 311 Springfield Avenue SUllliit, NJ 07<X>1 2D1-277-6401 ~ Equiprent Corp. 29311 I-45 North, #2{}) Spring, 'IX 77?B1 713-363-9126 Arbour M:rrketing Corporation 19 Killdeer Drive Hackettstown, NJ 078AO 2D1-852-7152 Bankers leasing Assl:x.. of Alanta 2481 Hogan Rood East Poi:1t, GA :D344 40+-766-4416 Alrha Financial Group furrett Capital & Leasing Corp. 707 \'!estchester Avenue Mute Plains, NY 1<XD4 731 Front Street, N.W. 914-ffi2-1~ Grand Rapids, !'[ 49':/Y+ 616-458-3235 Arnbico Investnmts ill:: 1701 River Rim, Suite :D'I. Fort \·Jorth, 'IX 76107 817-332-7002 67 Bedford Canputer Hrrketing 4141A Greenbriar Stafford, TX 77477 713-491-6757 Berlent Industries Inc 1975 Hempstead Turnpike Fast ~trow, NY 11554 516-794-9722 Century Canputer Sales 15910 Ventural Blvd Encino, CA 91436 818-936--2054 Brixton Internation al As&;x. 1461 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY ll5:U 516-248-02.'n Charter .Arrer:i.can Inc. 4161 Blackland Drive H:rri.etta, GA LlYr-955-7483 ?JJ:fj7 Bruce &um Asooc.iates 523 4th Street San Pillael, CA 94<;01 415-459-2279 Rare, GA :U161 404-291-4124 CanelOOck Canputer Investors 6621 North Scottsale Rood Scott:OOale, 1\l 85253 Classic O::mputer Corporation 1007 Trowbridge Cove · Atlanta, \A m38 E02-<ffl-2ff0 404-395-((00 Cap Industries Inc 2231 Holl~ Ihllevard (}1! Iloll~, Troy, ~1I 4ffPA. FL 33J20 315-925-1002 Corporation 755 \.J. Big P.mver Rd,, Suite 1<XO 31>-632-1Cffi CDl3 Financial Inc 0035 E R L Thornton Frwv. IW.las, 1X 7522B 214-324-3491 Clerokee C'nrq:n.tter Corporation ro Eox <n3 Suite :D2 CllA-Net H:rrt:in ~Erietta 6JJ3 Ivy lane 7th Floor Greenbelt, HO '2JJ770 :U1-S62-6916 Centron/J:R, Canpany 7400 \\fest 78th Street Hi.nneapolis, t>N 55435 612-834-3366 Q<ILS 3212 Chicrester lane Fairfax, VA 22031 703-~ Coostal Canputer tbrketing 15335 t•brrisrn St., Suite 170 ShenT1311 iliks, CA 91403 . 213-~ O:nrli.<n> Inc. 640) Sh:'l.fer Court R()."81l)nt, IL (:(()18 312-H.:S-:n:D 68 U::mtErce Canputer Corporation 22.'J) High\-ey 78, Suite 5 ID fux 400 Snellville, GA ~278 40#-972-9232 Canputer ~Brketing Inc. 77rY+ SEminole Avenue Itriladelphia, PA 19126 CamErcial Canputer Sls. ~29 Stanford Ave Ihl. Rey, CA CJJ292 213-n:roll3 ~irina 215-782-1010 Camnm.ellth Canputer Advisors 707 East f'-'Wn St., Suite 1650 Richrond, VA 23219 WHJ43-4XD Canpu-Act Co Inc. 200 State Rood 52, Suite Port Ricrey, FL 33568 ilinputer International Corp. 6~ Colonial Park Drive, Suite 200 ~11, GA ?IJJ75 40A-587-a:JJ2 ~ Canputer & Office Fqui.JliEilt 102D Post Rood Im-ien,cr 2D3-655-7C61 Canputer ~tions, Inc. 16({) South Highway 100 Hinneapolis, ~N 55416 l--ffi)..328-5718 813-aU-2461 ilinputer Arrangarents ID fux 470221 Ihllas, 'IX 75247 214-438-4245 Canputer Clearing lbuse 200 City View Dr Rochester, NY 14625 214-826-32.9) Canputer Affiliates Co 412 Hmor Rood Staten Island, NY 10314 212-273-{0}4 Canputer J):clers & li~rs Aset:x... 1212 Potamc St. ~M \obshington, OC '2ffJJ7 2D2-333-0102 69 Canputer Resale Exchange Inc 1m New Hampshire Ave., ~M Washington, oc 2al36 2D2-737-1401 Canputer Research Tech. Inc. 2Dl Allen Rood, Suite 4ili Atlanta, GA n328 40A-252-CJJJ7 Canputer Sales International Inc 222 South Central Avenue, Suite 7(12 st. wuis, m 63105 314-727-7010 Canputer Savings Corporation 3~ E. SOO:l illvd., Suite 101 Fhoenix, Kl ~ W2-97l-383) Canputer Services International SED Sylvan Avenue Fngle..ood Cliffs, NJ 07632 201-.569-6123 D P Enterprises Inc. 1310 Hard Street Seattle, \VA ll3100 2.(i)...()22-7'YA . Canputer Systars/Graphics Inc. 1o;ID Granada I.ane, Suite 1CX> Overland Park, KS E6211 913-649-21<)} Ialey t·brketing Cbrporation 1700 Adcm3 Avenue, Suite 207 Cbsta ~hsa, 0\ 92626 Canputer Traders Inc. 1ffX) Hater Place, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA :lJ339 lata Exchange Inc 2314 \Jisconsi.n Avenue Ibwners Grove, 1L 00515 4<XI-955-{)3(f) 714-fh2-0755 312-963-4424 Cbncord Systans Inc. 6n:> N. River Rood, Suite .'ll3 Rosaront, 1L 60018 lata Sales Cb. of California 7373 Skyline Blvd. ilik1an.d, CA 9'l611 312-Bn-S(B) 415-339--S<.X)1 Cbntinental Canputer lresing Cbrp. 125 Fheciront Rtm, PA 18940 215-9ffi..ff0) lata 3 O:mputer Cbrp~ ncm Prairie lake Dr., Suite ffi) Eden Prairie, ~N 55344 Cbntinental lata Cbrp 29~ Atlanta Street ~. GA 3Xffi lataserv FquiJliEllt Inc. '3E Second Ave. South Hopldns, f'lN 55343 4fY.t-4?h-:fh3 612-933-2575 Cbugar O:mputer Cbrporation 26W Euclid Office Plaza, Euclid, GI 44132 latatronics, Inc. 13326 ''B" Street Qmha, Nebraska 68144 216-261-3W 4l12-?ill-3292 au Sales & I.resing, Inc. 612-941-9495 ?A77 M·J Yeon Avenue Portland, ffi 97210 Di.trensional futa Inc. 7fS!fJ Lawrence Avenue Norridge, 1L fJ:B:h ~222-2226 312-297-7210 70 Distinctive llita Processing 2Ef:iJ \hll.ut Hill lane, Suite 101 214--357-7391 Frontier Canputer Corp. 4575 s. \.estnnre:l.aM lhl.las, TX 75237 214--TI).-7243 IF Enterprises, Inc. 1310 \kd Street Seattle, HA <J3100 Future O:Jnputer Systan 1462 Erie Blvd. Schenectady, NY 12n5 X0-622-7%4 518-382-53:D fuane \mtlo.v & Co. 1131 P-ockinghan Dr. , Suite 125 Richardson, 'IX 7'::i.ID 214--~2 Ceny Corp. ll62 Rockbridge Rood Stone t· buntain, GA :JJ137 4fY.r-925-l/fif Fast/\vest Canpters Inc. 2 l-B:Igero.v Spring llouse, PA 19477 ilinini O:Jnputer Corp. 14229 Proton Rood IBllas, TX 75234 215-62.8--40i0 214-934--9151 Faston Canputer Co. Inc. C£neral SystaiE Corp. 2328 l ivernois Troy, ~rr /..ffJ?A 313-{)89.-6XO Ihllas,TX U.S. 1 & Black Horse lane ~bnrouth Junction, NJ Cffi52 201-82l-533J Econanic Catlputer Sales 845 Crosoover lane t·Bnphis, 1N 38117 Glotru Canputer Corporation 174m lhl.las Park\<ay, Suite 100 IBllas, 1X 75248 214--931-n33 Econan:Lc futa Corp. 6:D looth 01erry St. , Suite % Ialver' m 00222 G:llden~t Canputer Mn-keting Inc. '3ffi-3g:j.H:h NeV{X>rt 4341 Birch St. Suite X0 P.each, CA 92fi:l) 714--957-3327 :E'JF General ll1 North Palm Avenue ro Pax 4014 Indialantic, FL 3m3 ?JJ5-727-2052 71 Greyhound O:tnputer Corporation 111 \\est Clarendon, 14th Floor Fnoenix' Kl 8'3J77 f:f12.-248-2700 El Car~i"' :·. <>'•r·~es LID qf327 Sepulveda, Suite 110 Shenmn <hks, Q\ 91403 213-<J%.-2411 Express leas:ing Inc. 11858 Pernardo Plaza Court San Diego, CA 92128 GIEX Inc. 1131 Rockingham Drive, Suite 215 Richardson, 1X 7'31ID 214-783-1212 619-489-73X> Hartford Canputer Group 515 ,Fast Golf Pond Rood Arlington Heights, IL (fJ:J]j 312-364-0:D5 Federal Canputer Hrrketing, Inc. 14C01 Goldnmk Drive, Suite 237 Ihllas, 1X 75240 214--fro-.5187 Hellars As::uiates Inc. 836 Ritchie Highway Severna Park, t'ID 21146 Federated Financial Inc. 6740 Clough Pike C:iocinnati, Ul 45W 513-231...()2<X) First Alliance Corp. 16100 cresterfiel d Village H<y, Olesterfiel d, t{) fill17 314-532-57~ First Nort:rem Canputer, Inc. 11995 Singletree Lane, Suite 145 Eden Prairie, fvN 553ll4 612-~ Forsytre/t-k: Arthur As&x. Inc. 919 North Nichigan Avenue Chicago, IL fi))ll 312-<}'13-3770 Frank Orlando Jr $ Co. , Inc. Xl12 Hiliro Drive ArUngton Heights, IL fJID5 312-364-9220 Xl1-261-1944 Inter-Ar!J::rican Ibta, Inc. 578 Old Norcross Rood Lawrenceville, GA :n245 l!Yr492-9XfJ Internation al H:rrketing & Finance 185 North Redwood Drive, Suite 100 San Pafael, CA <)'1903 415-492-9:n> IOA futa Corp. 383 Wayette Street Ne.r York, NY 10CD3 212-673-9XfJ m; Canputer H:rrketing Corp M:lck Centre 111 140 E. Ridgewood Avenue Paranus, NJ 07652 201-262J)':JJJ Irving Canputer Group Inc. ll':JJJ Stemnns, Suite 182 fullas, 1X 75229 214-620-S300 72 ~h jor JH3 Chnputer Associates 7 lills\..ell Street Alfllaretta, GA ::ll201 404-475-1CXX) Qmputer Inc. 10237 Yellow Circle Drive Ni..rmetonka, H'J' 55343 612-933-(:ffi) Kermsco Inc. 10432 lligm..ey 152 ~hple Grove, ~f./ 55%9 612-424-4im H:rrketex ilinputer Cnrp. 1W1 Civic center Drive, Suite 203 Santa Clara, CA 9505D /.ffi-241-?iJ77 I.a Salle O::mputer Cnrp 10 South Riverside Plaza, Suite Oricago, l i fi:f:I1J 312-332-3220 ~hrshall 15~ le.vis & Ass:x., Inc. 1921 E. Carnegie Ave. Bldg. II Santa Ana, CA 92705 an-illl-lSED Calif: 714-fA1-03fi) ~htrix "Lacy Cbosetree Inc. 11500 St:alm:lns Freev.ay, Suite 162 Ihllas' 1X 7521!) 214-LI84-1054 Qmputer Funding Cnrp. 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 210 Hidvale, Uf 84fJ.J.7 001-566-9201 I.angco, Inc. PDx 5511 Fort ~yne, lN 4flf)5 t·CI Qmputer Corporation ro 21~ 9?iJ Ie.Jing Ave., Suite H Lafayette, CA 94549 415-284-2(()5 lmsing ·Dynamics Inc. ~~troplex O::mputer Caqxmy, 1717 E. 9th St. Cleveland, Grio 44114 216--687-0100 320 Ikker Drive, Suite 100 Irving, TX 7r:J1J2 214-258-2005 Leas{XII< International Inc. 1244 South Ridge Court, Suite 100 Hurst, 1X 7ffJ53 817-2ffi-(fJ23 Hichael Vargo Carqxmies 40045 Van Dyke Avenue Utica, HI 4FH37 313-254-2ll'Xl ~~1 Ll:fJ l·btmtain Capital Corp. 2'& North Sake Parlavay, Suite Tucker, GA m34 f£1+-9?1)-7200 llita Products, Inc. thin Street l'~tudal, lU ffi340 201-4<)+-2610 73 Inc. · ?fJ2 N V C Canputer Sc'lles Inc. 2 lhl.a Plc'lZB, Suite W Ihla Cynwyd, PA 1~1556 215-667-93liJ Pacific Canput:er Corp. 556 \,'eddell Drive, #8 Sumyvale, CA ')i(:ffi 400-734--3735 Nati<n:!-1 Canputer FquiJIIffit Corp. 27557 Har{n" Avenue St, Claire 9nres, MI taBl Pacific Cqnputer Corp. 2003 thple Valley llighway . ro Ihx 1186 P..entoo, \vA CfdJ57 2a>-271-:iiD 313-774--7/ill Nelco, L'ID. 400 F. Southlake mvd. Ricffipnd, VA 23236 ffYr-794-rJE Parkhurst Canputer Sales & IaJs. 240 N. Rock Rood, Suite 233 . \·lichita KS 672f.'h . 316-687-3541 . ' Neu-('.qnp Co, 11 N~ Arl:i.ngtqt Hts. Rood Arl:i.ngtoo llts.' n. ~ 312-.392~720 . Pear1 FquiiJieOt Canpmy, Inc. 4717 Centennial mvd. ro fux 24026 Nashville, 1N 37XJl. NF Cqnputer Sales & Corp. 9~ York Rood (Hinsdale) O:lkbrook, IL 00521 312-920-8181 214--385-0354 Nexus llita Corporation Neo-.ork 110 North High St., Suite 100 Qilianna, ai 4323) 614-475-28:£ Oliver-Allen Corp. 3) El. Portal, Suite Sausalito, CA94%5 2f12 415-332-6262 Pacific Crest Cc:mp.tter Inc. 65 Gate Five Rood SausaHto, CA 94%5 Pioneer Canputer t1rri< Corp. 4835 liD Freeway, Suite 600 Ihllas, TX 75234 P<J~o.erS Canputer Products, Inc, 841 Audubon Drive St. Louis, ~D 63105 314--721--BB.rn Pr:i.ncetoo Canputer Asocc. Inc. 205 l iv:i.ngstoo Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 009)1 201-846-ZUl Procan & MmagEJTalt (hrp. 212-279-1717 415-332-6262 74 R. Associates Inc. 7B-973-1W Soutrem Ibta Systens 6616 Highway 100 Nashville, 1N 37205 615-352-6565 P-andolph Conputer Corporation 537 Steamboat Read Greenwich, Cf <ffl:n Soutll\..est Canputer Exchange, Inc, 9931 Harwin, Suite 110 · Houston, Texas 77fPi:J 1423 Upland Houston, 1X n043 :;m....(i}1-4:nl 713-952-0286 Regional Conputer Sales Corp. 005 Cl:lh'\XXXi Drive, Suite 200 P.ochester, t-IT 4ffll3 313-656-1t;U) Reliable Conputer Corp 105 S. Roselle Schaunburg, IL W193 312-894--7272 P\Qbertson ~trrketing Inc. Spectrun Leasing Corp. 11781 Lee Jaclan1 Highway, Suite Wl Fairfax, VA 22ffi3 703-821-WlO Stamford Canputer Group Inc. aD Bread Street Stamford, Cf (lf.X)l ::ffi-324-9495 Om-lotte, OC 2B111 Star Canputer 13826 Lynn\I.UOCI 1are Sugar Umd, 1X n478 70'1-3fb-1814 713-491-2440 Roi Canputer (h. 2737 nth SE · ~~cer Island, \vA <;6}40 Star Lata Systens, Inc. SO) NE Loop 410, Suite 6J) San Antonio, 1X 7fS2fE ZCD-232-ffm 512-822-ffiS2 Roselius Canputer Corp. 3421 \.Jynn Drive llimnd, CK 7?if!A Star\I.UOCl Corp. 1527 N. Glengarry Read B:irmingham, HI 40010 313-<i42-966 um~Jandering \\by 405-'3448--WJJ Sarerset Investncnt Services 251 P..iverside Avenue Westport, ())88J m-226-127 9 cr 75 Sun llita, Inc 61ED Atlantic Poolevard ro Pox 5250 Norcross, GA 3CDJ1 40'!-449-6116 Syscanp Thams Nationwide Cqnputer 31W ~tlhllen fuoth Rood O.eanvater, Fl 33519 813-799-4310 <!lc lhmtington <Padrangle thlville, NY 11747 ' Systat5 Configuration Services 31 Kathy Place, Suite 3A 'I':i..nE Brcl<ers of ~ England Staten Island, NY la314 516--567-11~ 516-752-10Xl 45 <:entral Street No:rwuod, HA 02a)2 617-7ff)..4(ffl Syst:ars JvBr-keting, Inc. 3ffl3 North 7th Avenue Fhoenix' Kl iml3 fm-264-'3iiJJ Til:: Investnents, Inc. illt:irmte Cqnputer Service St. funville, NJ 07834 :r> Brood 201-625-8700 184ffi Prospect Rd, Suite 10 Saratoga, Q\ 95)70 l.ffi.446-%19 Unican Canputer Corp. 2829 Bridgevay Blvd. Sausalito, CA 94%5 Termecan ~hrketing 210 Srnce Park North Goodlettsville, 1N 37072 615-859--3872 lhllease Canputer Corp, 1345 Averrue Of ~ Anericas New York, NY 10105 . Tetra Industries Inc. 4631 Carncl. Valley Rood Charlotte, OC 28211 Un:irrmk Inc. 7<Xr-542-3<.m 415-332-2585 212-265-1()!i() 8400 H. 110th Street, Suite Overland Park, KS 6J210 . 913-649-2ll24 Texas Governrental & Industrial Unit Ra::ord Service Co. Inc. Ole Galleria Tower 6J Jvbntvale Avenue 13355 Noel Rd., Suite 1345 . Stonehan, HA 02100 Ihllas, 1X 75240 617-4?Rr4XJJ 214-901...cxm Texcan M:magarent Services, Inc 4203 G:rrdendale, Suite 100 San Antonio, 1X 7fS129 512-6<.X)-<J>26 Upgrade Systans, Inc. 112 N. \Vash:ingtion St, P.O. Box 272 Bastrop, lA 71220 318-281-'lf:fh 76 an Hanv.ick Lata Systans, Inc. 19:rl Greenv.ucxi lake Thrnpike Hav.itt, NJ 07421 a:n-72B-7fill 1he ~ bdan Exchange 2327 Park Avenue Cincinnati, a-1 45n> Hestingffiuse Credit Corp. ~ Oxford Centre Xl1 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15129 412-255-4100 513-%1-0776 tro-543-7636 r.K:S 270 Ila}"''m"d Ave Rocle>ter, NY 148}) \Vi.lliam ~brian CanJxmy, Inc. ro Pox rJ) Hackensack, NJ 07ffJ2 lliA 716-32S-:D37 Canada 416-784-1494 201-343-4554 Hor1d lmsing Corporation 124 Pros~t Street Ridge...ood, NJ 07450 Poynton fusiness Systans 146 Rt. 2ffi tbntgarery, NY 12549 201-4LI4-3222 914-457-9221 Canputer Services I.andnark Corp. 4825 N. Scott, Suite 111 1400 I-35 #100 Carrollton, TX 7'3:rij 214--242-5217 Schiller Park, ll. ffJ176 7l~:t' I1an.ood &. ASsociates -MiamATA- 01attanooga, 1N 37415 2 Northgate Park 615-370-5W Genesis Canputer Corp. 45 Lo.cll St. Nashua, NH ffiX>2 fD3...ffi9-5722 Nicrotek Service, Inc. 38<X> N. Free..ay lIouston, TX 77022 713-{i&)...&)92 Smith Anderson Corp. 71-800 Jligh\..ay ll1 Rancho Nirage, CA 92270 619-:340--Etffi Vandegrift & Assxs Inc. FO fux 427 Goddettsv ille, 1N 37072 61S-859-ffi )J 77 React Corp. 1240 IBrrilton Ct. H:m1o Park, 0\ 9IIJl5 415-326-4587 -PPJN!m PARIS'The Printer \bi<s I%1 Alpine \·ey lfa}'l..ard, CA 94~5 Norcarex/Canpum:h . 7~1 Keele St. , Ste, l{J) Concord, Canada I.AK1Y2 416-671-3736 or 416-738-0m rn, Hest Coost Office Products ll.DJ Folsan Blvd. Rc"lll.Cl'D C'.ordova, 0\ 95670 916-635-93lt0/n-1X 910-367-3707 -QJAtmL- 415-887-6116 Reliable Canputer Syst:em3, Inc, 27'3:13 Scmolcraft -'IEXAS INSI'RlNENIS- livonia, I-II 481.50 Coofidental lata Services 3)3..232-00>2 lata Systals 124 Getty Ave Clifton, NJ 07011 Diversified Canputer Services 66:!> &sch Ihtlevard ColtmbJS, ai 43219 :!>1-m-4256 614-431-00)6 Syntel 1407 JhwntCMI Blvd Raleigh, f'C 27fi:A 919-832-3479 \.Jestern Pacific lata Systems 7372~ Engineer Rood San Diego, 0\ 92111 619-292-7'XJS Unique -UNIVACSave Systall3, Inc. 57 E. \ilsh:ington . Cllagrin Falls, (]f 44f1l2 216-247-200) . Iten, Inc. 7620 Little River 1in. H<. Annandale, VA 22CID 703-941-1ml WAN; -ZEBRA- E.L.I, Systems 139 llamphire Street f{S Cambridge, l'1A 02139 270 Hayward Ave a:n-m2-9W Rochester, NY 14f/E USA 716-325-n37 Canada 416-784-1494 617-~7-4:JJS 78 Service ~ <XllljX.lter itself is reaching a )X)int of S)X)rting very long life eJqECtancy and is currently devalued not for \..roT and tear so nuch as for technical advances in the narketplace. CA1e advantage offered by tre purchase of a new canputer nny It is only a benefit if your canputer brffilr..s do...n during the lifet::ine of the \..arranty. Otherwise it contributes to the purchase price and not to the canputer systan itself. 'I"re actual cost of the warranty for a typical $3XX) systan is about $25D to $:ll). be the \..mT'dilty. A used canputer purchase, on the micro level, alnnst always cares witrout a warranty. 'I"re reason is that I!DSt transactions are not dealer originated but are privately sold. Increasing!y, used equiprEilt dealers offer w:uranties, with a camon duration of 30 to ~ days. Alvin Ch=eks, o,.mer of ilincept 11 Conputer Cl!tlets, put it this way: " Hith:rut going through a reputable used dealer you put up your I!Dney and take your chances, 11 It might be \o.Orth a m.::rrent to rrention what could go wrong with your ''taby". \Vitrout a doubt it is the rrechanical jXlrts that give problrnE. 'I"re printer is prooobly the I!DSt likely to brffik do.Yfl at the \Kong t.ine. (It 1s al\..ays the wrong t:ilre). Next in order are the disk drives. The I!DSt carm::lil failure is a a dirty head. Jvbre or less, disk drives rove a 5 yoor life eJqECtancy with rn:xlerate to heavy use. It's prooobly a ':JJ/5J chance that a systan failure \v:ill result due to the mri.tor, keylx>a.rd or systan board itself. Personally, the t\o.O problaiE I have had \>ere a mri.tor and loose narory chip on the systan board. \Vhen inspecting a used systan nnke sure all the keys \o.Ork, and the printer prcxluces unifonn printing without strange (even if nusical) sounds. Their is oo easy way to determine the \..roT and tear a drive has sustained except asking questions of the orginal o...rer. Has he had any equip;1ent failures? hlhere and mw long ago did he purchase the systan? Above all you nust take the 79 systan for a 'test drive'. We've been told by canputer re~ that using a graphic oriented sofo11are program, such as a canplex gare, is camnn with technicians for JX>St-relffi.r checkout. \\hal ("Chasing mini and DBinfrane equiprent with their higher price tags it becqres .Y£!:I. important if that equiprent has been re-furbished and is eligible for a IIBintenance agreenait. For t1n9e \\00 have a srnewhat larger itan that can't be sold, or doesn't wrk, \..e have included oore firms \\00 plrChase obsolete canputers. Sale are looking pr:i.nmily for older m:xie1s {pre-1970) that have a tmlthy anptDlt of precioos ~tal content. You need rot even have a canplete systan as canponents, switches, l:a:kplanes, coonectors, circuit cards all have value. California Ori.o New York Carservc ••• California D.C.E. Inc ••• Electronics Recycling Corp ••• Ne'l York 1oo Angeles fkco ~~tals ••• Ori.o R-1R,Inc ••• North llikota Residm.lf'bterials, Inc, H ~bntana Rore Bros. t·~tals,., \-Jashingtion Hestec Associates. , • mue \-hter Canputer ••• c.& P. r~tals ••• 619-294-4012 419-529-9X>1 212-532-3ID 213-3.:0..12lt0 516-r:h7-2737 213-264--1615 216-.585-493) 701-746-9381 816-77f>-.6CU) 2a>-454-2<n1 80 Market Trends It wuld be difficult for a new finn to subsist by trading microcanputers exclusively . This can be exyg:ted to change in the caning nnnths as the microcanputer continues to play a bigger role. lla-e are in fact, a fa.,r exnmples of exclusively used equiiJ!E11t brd<ers orerating in the "black" the first JErt of 84 1 • General H:rrket Forecast Any forecast for tle used microcanputer take into considerati on the saturation point sales. We predict that by 1989-IX), at least will canprise used smll canputer sales. By narket is very innature ~ nnrketplace IIllSt for "new" canputer half of the narket canpsrision todays According to an analysis of the DATA 9l.JOCES data lase, fran April '83 to January '84, the microcanputer aroo of the narket grav at a 26.9 percent rate, and the specialized syst:aiS segnent advanced 45.6 percent. In contrast, the supercanputer and nainfranE rra.rket sho...ed a tmdest 5.5 percent exp:msion and the <:anJercial systais aroo lost 2.2 percent of its products. DATA sa.JOC:ES, a Ziff-llivis guide to products, \\Glt on to say: ''Ever decroosing harch.are costs and tl1e increasing cap3bilitie s of high-end minicanputers have slc:Mly eroded nuch of the nainfranE 's traditional nnrket". By all indications , the used nnrketplace can expect 1984 to be a very good yoor indeed. According to researcher, Iebra Hurd, tlere will be approxinnte ly 5 million personal canputers purchased in 1984 as canpared to an expected birth rate of 3.8 million children. ~ conclusion is that canputers are oore popular than children. 81 The current J:Opular Tilt R: 'rith 64(l(b storage, 8XKb RAN, color nnnitor, and a dot r.ntrL'< printer \rll1 prooobly be oorth (tcx:k•y's dollar), in 1<.00, about $1a:D used. Just as 16-bit rrac.hines are devaluing tre 8-bit, oo \rll1 tre 32-bit replace tooays generatioo. ~~~ b~;.€~~0ST POPULAR USED MICRO The Apple rera:ins tre single rrost iln}X)rtant traded micro. but ill'! R: recieved nnre requests. The supply for TIM rerrains very limited. fumnd for new is still higher than productioo levels. The J:Opular repl.acarent canputer in 1CJX) for tre above TIM FC \rlll, or oo \..e believe, care , 1Mb P-#1, ID1b storage, 4'3J cps printer, color nnnitor, and have built in standard telecamun:ica-tion/multi-user c.aiXlbility, and cost three to four thousand dollars. 8-bits will be largely extinct. 82 Current trading reflects a hrovy interest in tre t£.-IXE personal canputers (lUi and tre canratibles). The supply is not available to rrret this dmand. Apple canputers, having excellent flaliE recognition are still nuch in damnd but with a slight drop in interest. Q_)/{11 will gradually becCJIE unpopular and continue to yield for !ID11ths the largest source of used canputers in circulation. Printers •• .; The $3,CXD dollar laser printer is e>..lJOCted out by the end of 1S64. It \\On 't re long before laser type printers darrinate the business and professional printer narket. Apple is hinting at a laser printer for the nev Lisa and M3cintosh systaiB in the $5,())) range. These oo called "super printers" will never be able to canpete with tie lw end of conventional ~t printers in price. All of tie· faster, high priced :inqoct printers fo...ever, will becCJIE in ca~n sl<, noiser, and offer reoolution and inferior graphics. It \o.ould sean that certain classes of printers are nnre prone to speedy devaluation than IIDSt canputers tlaiselves. Like printers, disc drives suffer fran unavoidable \..ear and therefore have a sal8vhat fixed lifetine due to their . nature. Optical disks are expected to be nnre reliable and available in the first half of 1985 for a cost of about $1000. These disi<S could oosily provide up to .W Hbytes on 5.25" size disl<. It nny take SCJIE tine before this ne..,r technology \rill be cost effective for replacing current rragnetic nalia which is also improving. Printers... New or Used? All in all tie decision to purchase a printer is easier than tie canputer itself. It still, !VHever, takes careful consideration as potentially over 1000 nrxiels lobby for your printer purchase trough only a snnll number of these are found with regularity in tie used nnrketplace. The Disposable Printer? 83 If your reqtrlrarents are in camoo with the average buyer yoo vr.ill purchase a ~ $W dollar dot natrix or letter quality printer. He have reen recent additions to the :im(:act natrix family for reportedly near "letter quality" printers with speeds of 100 characters ~ second and selling for suggested retail prices as law as $D:l. Soch lo." prices will effectively ob..colete nany older nrxlels and encourage a decline of prices on nany used printers, Sore have coined tha~ lighhveight printers "disposable", Actually, a very reliable printer can be purchased at this price and can be ~ted to give long and troublefree ~ornance. At the other end of the natrix printers in both price and perfonmnce are dot natri.'C printers with speeds of several ht.mdred CPS, costing upto 5 or 6 tOOusand dollars, and can easily l..eigh 70 or 00 pounds which represents, in {Et, the additional steel and plastic to supply the required strength for fast nnving print heads. A few trivia questions ••• Q: \·Jhat is the nnst expensive printer oo the rrarl::et? A: To date the Xerox 9700 Electronic Printing System. $392,QX) Q: hhat is the fastest printer? A: He have ''heard of a 26,CXD UH printer but the fastest \ve have been able to nail dCM!l is the IatagraphiX 9an. At 21 ,em lines ~ minute this laser printer could produce "Gone With The \fuxl" in flawless copy before you could read the first Jl:l8e• Price = $377,895. tbrltors ••• If the quality of the rronitor is JXX>r you \\OOld protably relate that to the sophisticatioo of the canputer itself. 'Ire npnitor is the single nnst visible canponent of a canputer systan and p.L"lys a critical {llrt in row \ve percieve the canputer and has frequently of inferior resolution. With a recent growth in high resolution and l01a:- cost !!Dnitors the nmi<et is becarring increasingly canpetitive and forcing prices to drop. Light JalS, nnuses, dedicated display nemry and other accessories are ap~ on the narket. 84 No segrrent of ti-e microcanputer industry is exJXIflding as fast as color graphics causing the prices for high resolution Irn rronitors to sell in 1<;6!. for under $S.':D. Tile S8IIE rronitor 'IIK)U}.d of cost over $1a:D in 1982. Leading Edge Gorilla nunichrrne is an example of under $100 dollar with very acceptable quality. Liquid crystal or light--anitting diode displays will increase in popularity but so far are of overall minor importance. \.Jhat 's the nnnitor of ti-e future? Perhaps gas plasm IIDn:itors considering ti-e incredible resolution without ti-e glare and flicker associated \<1ith rnr screens. '!hey are also flat for another improvaJEilt and prarrise to becrne cost effective as graphics requiralEilts exceed ti-e CRT's ca{llblity. H:xritors do Wffir out. Screen cootings fade and occasionally the electronics fail. There is little incentive for buying used IIDnochrooe IIDnitors as they£!!!. be purchased~ for little. We're taxing our crystal tall, but~ feel that the psycmlogy for purchasing used canputer equiprent is changing dranatically not only because of increasing canputers sales, but also as a result of buyer sophistication. In the rrean~, \..e expect to see nav finns, IIDSt of t.OCm very smll, becaning · involved in selling used equiprent. 85 Olari.table Contriootion? ~tiDy canputer treir systan, just or no salesronsh:ip take your hardv..m-e <Mlers IIBY lalefit by not even trying to sell give it awy for a tax consideration. Little is required to find appropriate Jmties to at no cost. You !!BY deduct charitable contributions on Schedule A (Fonn 1040). To figure lv.v nuch you rrny deduct for equiprent that you contribute you nust have an idea of its fair nnrket value. This publication can be used to help establish canpetent evidence of nmket value. A charitable deduction IIBY be taken only in the tax ymr that the contribution is actually nade. t-bst canidates for accepting your canputer equiprent are engaged in charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary pui1X)seS. <be of the best bets is giving your equiprent to one of the nonprofit educational organ:i7ations in your area. Any organ:i7ation can tell you if it qualifies. tvbke sure you keep a receipt or oore fonn of proof of your deduction, Have a description of the equiprent in enough detail to identify it and its physical CQndition at the ~ of the contribu-tion. To determine if this is a viable option you slnlld ask you QJA or local IRS office. You can order federal tax publication 526 and 561 for an explanation on determ:in:ing the value of donated property and charitable contriootibns in general, • HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU WONDERED!? What's it worth today? ~ HOW DO I SELL OR BUY USED WHO PAYS CASH FOR USED HARDWARE? Introducing the USED COMPUTER GUIDE By tar the most comprehensive price guide available. Use this goldmine at information tor your own benefit. Mizar, Action, Facit. Zorbex. Wicat, Altos. IBM, Apple and hundreds more' Includes informative articles on periodicals: placing electronic ads. and an extensrve Whds Who in the computer world. 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